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This Day, April 6, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


April 6

1199: King Richard I of England dies from an infection following the removal of an arrow from his shoulder. Richard spent most of his reign fighting to protect his lands in France or on the Third Crusade. While he was in England, he did protect his Jewish subjects.  Jews did suffer during his Kingship.  Among other things, they were forced to contribute a disproportionate amount towards the ransom collected to free Richard from the clutches of an Austrian duke.  Richard’s death put King John on the throne.  John openly exploited Jewish subjects.  His tyranny brought on the Magna Charta which included a special section on treatment of the Jews.

1233: Pope Gregory IX, who was criticized by some for being too protective of the Jews wrote "Mandate, if facts are established, to the archbishops and bishops of France to induce the Christians in their dioceses to stop persecuting the Jews, who had complained to the pope that they were being maltreated and tortured by certain lords, imprisoned and left to die. The Jews are willing to forsake usury. They are to be set free and are not to be injured in person or in property."  A year later, in Decretals, he invested the doctrine of perpetua servitus iudaeorum – perpetual servitude of the Jews – with the force of canonical law. According to this, Jews would have to remain in a condition of political servitude and abject humiliation until Judgment Day. The doctrine then found its way into the doctrine of servitus camerae imperialis, or servitude immediately subject to the Emperor's authority, promulgated by Frederick II.

 The second-class status of Jews thereby established would last until well into the 19th century.

1397: Boniface IX issued a papal bull confirming the “grant of Roman citizenship on Manuele” a Jewish physician “and his son Angelo.

1443:  In a document from King John of Castile on economic conditions, he mentions Jews are prohibited from exercising certain high offices among Christians, and from being employed as judges, farmers, collectors, directors, or stewards of revenue (taxes).

1453: Mehmed II began his siege of Constantinople (Istanbul).  His ultimate conquest of the city would be a positive thing for the Jews since, among other things, he opened the city to their settlement

1490: Matthias Corvinus also known as Matthias I King of Hungary and Croatia who “created the office of Jewish prefect in Hungary” passed away today marking the start of an immediate downturn in the fortunes of the Jewish people which included the confiscation of their property, refusal by gentiles to pay their debts and the start of a “generalized period of persecution.”

1568:”Elvira del Campo, a young Marranon woman, was subjected to her first torture session by the Inquisition of Toledo, Spain.” (As reported by Abraham Bloch)

1667: The “Old Synagogue” is among the buildings damaged when an earthquake struck Dubrovnik today. The synagogue dates back to the 14th century and is reportedly the oldest Sephardic synagogue in use today.

1754(14thof Nisan, 5514: Parashat Tzav; Shabbat HaGadol; erev Pesach. 

1766: Birthdate of Israel B. Kursheedt, the native of Sing-hafen Germany who when he arrived in Boston in 1796 became the first rabbi to come to the city.

1720: Manuel San Vicente, a Spanish mercenary turned himself in to the Inquisitional Tribunal after living among the Spanish Jews in Constantinople and Salonica as a Jew for a month. He sought pardon for his sin, and/or to avoid being turned in by another party. While he was in the Ottoman Empire he was circumcised, and learned Jewish prayers.

1780(1stof Nisan, 5540): As the Jews of Charleston observed Rosh Chodesh, the besieging British Army tightened its noose around the beleaguered Continental Army.

1785: Joseph Hart Myers married Jane Diamantschleifer today

1790(22ndof Nisan, 5550): 8th day of Pesach

1790: According to some sources, birthdate of Rachel Luzzatto, the native of Trieste, who was “called ‘the Queen of the Hebrew Versifiers.”

1792(14thof Nisan, 5552): Ta’anit Bechorot; erev Pesach

1799: William Huskisson, the MP who supported full emancipation for the Jews married Emily Milkanke,

1808: John Jacob Astor incorporated the American Fur Company.

1809: Jews fled Pressburg (Bratislava) when Napoleon attacked the city

1810: German Jewish author Saul Ascher was arrested on Berlin.

1810: Birthdate of Philip Henry Gosse, the native of Worcester, UK who wrote The History of the Jews from the Christian Era to the Dawn of the Reformation

1812: Birthdate of Aaron David Bernsterin whose works included a “translation of the ‘Song of Songs’ published in 1834.

1814: Louis XVIII, during whose reign the emancipation the came about under the Revolution and Napoleon, was left unchanged much to many Bourbons, began his service as King of France.

1819: Birthdate of Elizabeth Magnus the daughter of Sarah Moses and Lazarus Magnus, who was born at Chatham, Kent, England.

1822(15th of Nisan, 5582): Pesach

1829: Emily Goodman, the daughter of David M. Goodman, was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1841(15th of Nisan, 5601): Pesach

1845: After a year and a half of meeting for worship services a group of Jews whose number grown to 33 voted to establish a congregation called Emanu-El which “then engaged Dr. Ludwig Merzbacher as rabbi and lecture and G.M. Cohn as reader” each of whom was paid $200 per year while Mr. Renau was hired “as secretary and sexton with an annual salary of $150” and a room was rented in house at the corner of Grand and Clinton Streets to be used as a synagogue. (The room was fitted so that the front seats for men and the front seats for women – a configuration that would change as Emanu-El became Temple Emanu-El, the leading Reform congregation in NYC.)

1848: "In every part of Germany excluding Bavaria, Jews were granted civil rights. As a result, Gabriel Riesser (a Jew, and an advocate for Jewish emancipation) was elected vice-president of the Frankfurt Parliament, and became a member of the National Assembly.” It must be noted that for the most part these freedoms existed only on paper and were not enforced."  This paper emancipation was part of the revolutionary ferment sweeping Europe at this time. The revolts failed in Germany.  The result was a migration of German liberals, including many Jews, to the United States.

1852(17th of Nisan, 5612): Third Day of Pesach; 2nd day of the Omer

1852(17th of Nisan, 5612): Sixty-three year old Rabbi Judah Bilbas,  known in his Gibraltar place of birth as Yehuda Aryeh Leon Bibas who become a friend of Sir Moses Montefiore while living in London and then led the Corfu Jewish community passed away today in Hebron.

1853: In Leipzig Rosalie Bettelheim and Dr. Adolf Jellinek, a leading Rabbi in the Austrian Empire gave birth to Emil Jellink who sat on the board of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft ('DMG') and was responsible for the naming of Mercedes in Mercedes-Benz.

1856:“After a background check” the Board of Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes (the Kane Street Synagogue)“decided by a 10–9 vote” that M. Gershon, its newly hired Cantor, “had never held the position of cantor in any other congregation, and was therefore not ‘sufficiently acquainted with the actual requirements to fill said office’, and was furthermore not ‘a competent reader enough to read the Sefer Torah’. As a result, services were led by laymen,[ except during the Jewish holidays, when a professional cantor would be brought in from Manhattan.”

1858(22ndof Nisan, 5618): Eighth and final day of Pesach

1861: According to the “Our Charleston Correspondence” column published today, Benjamin Mordecai was among those who lent the government of South Carolina funds it needed immediately after its declaration of secession.  Mordecai’s “free will offering” was in the amount of $10,000.  Another un-named “Hebrew gentlemen” from Charleston was pressured by his co-religionists into donating five hundred dollars to the cause.  He had just returned from New York where he had made $50,000 speculating as a “Bear” in the stock market.

1862: During the American Civil War, The Battle of Shiloh begins in Tennessee when Confederate forces under Albert Sidney Johnston attack forces under Union General Ulysses S. Grant.  The Confederate attack surprised the Union troops who literally ended the day with their backs to the river.  On the following day, the Union forces would go over to the attack and drive the Confederates back into Mississippi. The 16th Regiment from Iowa was one of the units engaged in the fight.  Among the “Hebrew Hawkeyes” engaged in the fight were Jacob Jacobs and Charles Weissman of Company B and Abraham Meyers and Jacob Lehman of Company D.  Both Jacobs and Meyers were wounded in the battle.

1862: First Lieutenant Charles A. Appel was promoted to the rank of Captain in Company F of the 99nd Regiment/Ninth Cavalry

1863(17thof Nisan, 5623): Third Day of Pesach

1864(29thof Adar II): Hebrew author Zebi Hirsch Mecklenberg, passed away at Konigsberg

1864: Leopold Schloss married Anna Horatia Montefiore today.

1866(21stof Nisan, 5626): Seventh Day of Pesach

1866: The Grand Army of the Republic, an American patriotic organization composed of Union veterans of the American Civil War, was founded today.  Among other things, the GAR worked to establish appropriate burial sites for Union veterans. When the five Grand Army of the Republic posts in Seattle established a cemetery in 1895, Huldah and David Kaufman donated the land.  The Kaufmans were two of the first Jews to settle in Seattle having settled there in 1869.

1866: In New York Israel Ullman and Julia Bluemthal gave birth to Selina Greenbaum the wife of Samuel Greenbaum who was President of of the Young Women’s Hebrew Association and a member of the Board of Directors of the Council of Jewish Women.

1868: Rebecca Mocata was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1869(25thof Nisan, 5629): Seventy-nine year old Richmond, VA born Baltimore business man Jacob I. Cohen, Jr. who supported the “Jew Bill” that removed the religious requirement for holding public office in Maryland passed away today.

1870: The articles of incorporation for Temple Israel were “recorded in the Kings County clerk’s office” today

1871(15th of Nisan, 5631): Pesach

1871(15th of Nisan, 5631): In New York, on the first day of Passover, The Forty-fourth Street Synagogue, the Thirty-fourth Street Synagogue and the Clinton Street Synagogue are the only Jewish houses of worship where rabbis will preach sermons in English. All of the others, with the exception of the Sephardic congregations, will hear sermons preached in German including Temple Emanuel on Fifth Avenue.

1872: In Turin, Giacomo Serge and his wife gave birth to “General Roberto Segre who commanded artillery formations at the start of” World War I and was cited for bravery at the Battle of Gorizia” being promoted to chief of staff of the Fifth Army Corps before becoming  head of the Italian-Austrian Armistice Commission.

1873: Two days after he had passed away, 40 year old Silesia native Zacharias Goldstucker, the husband of Amsterdam native Marie B. Goldstucker, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1874: Four days after she had passed, 75 year old Susanna Durlacher, the daughter of Hannah Solomons and David Levy and the wife of Lewis Durlacher with whom she had had five children was buried today in the “Balls Pond Jewish Cemetery.”

1875(1st of Nisan, 5635): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

1875(1st of Nisan, 5635): Sixty-two year old Moses Hess the Bonn born son of David Hess and Hindel Flereshim who was an author, socialist and forerunner of the Zionist movement and whose book Rome and Jerusalempublished in 1862, expressed the belief that German anti-Semitism was based on race and nationhood and advised Jews to accept the fact and revive their own state in Eretz Israel passed away today.

1876(12th of Nisan, 5636):Ta'anit Bechorot

1878: Birthdate of Erich Mühsam. Mühsam was a German-Jewish anarchist, writer, poet, dramatist and cabaret performer.  The Nazis imprisoned him in a series of concentration camps following the Reichstag Fire.  After months of beatings and torture guards at the Orianberg Concentration camp murdered him in July of 1934.

1879: An article entitled “A Festival of Thankfulness” published today states rthat “To-morrow evening the Jewish feast of Peach, or the Passover, will commence, and will continue for seven days. This festival, which was instituted to celebrate the deliverance of the children of Israel from the land of Egypt and out of the house of bondage, is also called Hag Hamatzoth.”

1879: Future Dreyfusard Ludovic Trarieux was elected to the Chamber of Deputies

1881: “The administrators of the Tunis Railway have seized a case of cartridges sent to the Khoumis by Tunisian Jews.” (The Khoumis were a tribe living on the frontier who had rebelled against Mohammed Bey. So far, I have not been able to find a reason for the Jews to be sending them aid since Mohammed Bey had made amends for executing a Jew named Batto Sfoz on charges of blasphemy.)

1882: Birthdate of Rose Schneiderman, the labor organizer who taught Eleanor Roosevelt everything she "knew about trade unionism." Born in Russian Poland, her Orthodox Jewish family was close but exceedingly poor, despite both her parents' employment as tailors. Her mother insisted that Rachel (who would later change her name to Rose) attend school and enrolled her in a traditional Hebrew school and, when she turned six, in a Russian public school. The family immigrated to the United States in 1890 and made the Lower East Side of New York City their home. Two years later, Samuel Schneiderman died of meningitis, leaving his family in a dire economic condition. Deborah, his widow, took in borders and sewed for neighbors; despite her efforts, however, the family descended into poverty and was forced to rely on charity to help pay the rent and grocery bill. A thirteen-year-old Rose dropped out of school after the ninth grade to help support the family by working as a department store sales clerk. Three years later, despite her mother's objections, Rose left sales for a better paying (but more dangerous) job in the garment industry. By 1903, she organized her first union shop, the Jewish Socialist United Cloth Hat and Cap Makers' Union, where she quickly developed a reputation as an effective leader after she organized a successful strike opposing an open-shop policy. By 1907, Schneiderman devoted most of her time to the Women's Trade Union League, which she later called "the most important influence on my life." Within a year, she was elected vice-president of the New York chapter, and thanks to a stipend provided by a member, she was able to work full-time organizing for the WTUL. After the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, she helped established the International Ladies Garment Workers Union and led its 1913 strike. Determined to outlaw sweatshop labor, she told New Yorkers, "I would be a traitor to those poor burned bodies if I came here to talk good fellowship. . . . Every year thousands of us are maimed. The life of men and women is so cheap and property is so sacred." Although she was a committed trade unionist, Schneiderman grew increasingly frustrated trying to get male union members to address women's labor issues. By the late nineteen teens, the WTUL was her major focus. As president of both the New York and national WTUL, she concentrated her efforts to lobby for minimum wage and eight-hour-day legislation. In 1921, she helped organize the Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers. In 1922, Eleanor Roosevelt joined the WTUL and the two women began a lifelong friendship. Schneiderman tutored ER on the issues confronting women workers, the challenges facing the trade union movement, and the problems inherent in labor-management relations. ER responded to Schneiderman's tutorial by chairing the WTUL finance committee, donating the proceeds from her 1932-1933 radio broadcasts to the WTUL, and promoting WTUL in her columns and speeches. As Schneiderman recalled in her autobiography, ER overcame the trappings of privilege to become "a born trade unionist."President and Mrs. Roosevelt enjoyed Schneiderman's company and often invited her to their homes in New York City, Hyde Park, and, after FDR became governor, Albany. In 1933, FDR named Schneiderman to the advisory board of the National Recovery Administration, a position she held until the Supreme Court declared the NRA unconstitutional in 1935. For those two years, she represented labor's voice on the board, working to see that wage and hour provisions of the NRA codes treated workers fairly. In 1935, she returned to both the New York and the national WTULs, whose presidencies she held until the New York WTUL ceased operations in 1950 and the national WTUL disbanded in 1955. From 1937 to 1943, Schneiderman, balancing her WTUL work with state politics, served as secretary to the New York State Department of Labor. Ninety-year old Schneiderman died in New York in 1972 at the Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged.

1882(17th of Nisan, 5642): Third Day of Pesach

1882(17th of Nisan, 5642): Sixty-nine year old Austrian Rabbi Ephraim Israel Blucher passed away today in Budapest after having served “at Osviecin, Galicia, and Kosten, Moravia.”

1883: In Bloomington, Illinois, “at a meeting held today, Maik Livingston offered a donation of $100 toward the building of the temple, providing the congregation was named after Sir Moses Montefiore, the great English philanthropist.”

1885: In Archachon, France, Isaac Gaston Salzedo and Thérèse Judith Anna Salzedo-Silva gave birth to Charles Moïse Léon Salzedo who was born prematurely and gained fame as Carlos Salzedo, “French harpist, pianist, composer and conductor.”

1886: David Oppenheimer, “the fourth son of Salomon Oppenheimer” one of the two brothers who “opened the first wholesale grocery house in Vancouver in July, 1887, was among those who successfully petitioned for the incorporation of Vancouver which became a reality today.

1886:  Vancouver was incorporated as a Canadian City. Jewish people have been on the Vancouver scene since the city's earliest days. The first to take up residence was Polish born Louis Gold who arrived in 1872. His wife Emma was a businesswoman, and by 1882 she had established the West End Grocery and Royal City Boot and Shoe stores. David Oppenheimer, a German native, was undoubtedly the outstanding citizen in Vancouver's formative period. He promoted incorporation of the city. In June of 1886, Oppenheimer Bros.--today Vancouver's oldest business--built the first wholesale grocery in the city's first brick building, still extant in present-day Gastown. The Great Fire passed over its foundation, then under construction. Upon completion, the building was used as Vancouver's first "city hall." Both David and his brother Isaac were members of the 1887 city council, David being chairman of the finance committee. From 1888 to 1891 David served four terms as mayor, among the most constructive in Vancouver's history.

1886(1st of Nisan, 5646): Rosh Chodesh Nisan


1886(1st of Nisan, 5646): Rabbi Mordechai Aby Serour of Morocco, who was best known for his work as a geographer and explore passed away.

1889: Baltimore Hebrew Congregation which had been variously known as "Stadt-Schul" or "Fell's Point Hebrew Friendship Congregation" erected its new synagogue at Madison Avenue and Robert Street.

1890(16th of Nisan, 5650): Second Day of Pesach; first day of the Omer

1890: “Aid For Immigrants” published today described the finalization of “the plans for the fund which Baron de Hirsch…has established to the amelioration of the conditions” of Jews living in Russian, Romania “and those other countries in Europe where the Jew is persecuted to martyrdom” to find refuge in more civilized places.

1892: “Rabbi Browne on the ‘Talmud’” published today described the speech delivered on this topic at the Central Musical Hall.  The lecture entitled "Talmud - Its Ethics and Its Literary Beauties" including his assertion that "What the Congressional Record is to the loyal American citizen, the 'Talmud' is to the Jew - an embodiment of the laws and history of his race. And yet the books of the 'Talmud' so dear to every Hebrew heart have gone through a most trying ordeal. At times they have been banished and burned, plundered and torn, and yet their glory lives.”

1892: Birthdate of Orangevale, CA native and U. of California trained attorney Matt Wahrhaftig a law partner of Samuel Bell McKee and Arthur Tasheira who had officeds in The Oakland Bank of Savings Building.

1894: One day after he had pass away, Joseph Kaufman was buried today in the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1895: Three revenue collectors raided a basement at 119 Division Street where they found 200 gallons of wine that was supposed to be “Kosher.”  The illegal still is operated by a Russian Jew known as “Gordon” who was not on the premises when the raid was being made. 

1895: The Tidings, a weekly Jewish newspaper published in Rochester, NY has been merged with The American Hebrew published in New York City.

1896: The German anti-Semitic agitator Herman Ahlwardt was accompanied by A.M. Woeller, President of the Anti-Semitic Society and Jacob Hoefnagel, the society’s secretary as he made his way to deliver a speech at Germania Hall in Hoboken, NJ.

1897(4th of Nisan, 5657):

1897: Birthdate of Otto Marz who was transported from Uhersky Brod from Terezin in 1943 before being transported from Terezin in 1944 to Auschwitz where he was murdered.

1897: Rabbi Joseph Silverman of Temple Emanu El and Cantor William Sparger officiated at today’s funeral for the late Julius Ehrmann.

1897: President Lewis Parmer of the Hebrew School on Stone Avenue said that the Long Island Water Supply Company is refusing to continue to service because “the supply lines are worn out”

1897: Frances Danzig, the widow of Louis Danzig, a resident of New York City, passed away today while visiting Atlantic City, NJ.

1898(14th of Nisan, 5658): Ta’anit Bechorot; erev Pesach

1898(14th of Nisan, 5658): “The Feast of Passover” published today states that “The Jewish Passover, or the Feast of Unleavened Bread, will be ushered in at sundown to-day. It will be universally observed by orthodox Jews for eight days and by their reformed and Palestinian brethren for seven days. With the former, however, only the first and last two days are actual holidays, and with the latter only the first and last, the intervening days being only semi-festivals, on which all manner of work may be performed.”

1899: Mrs. Samuel Hirsch will sing at today’s musicale and tea sponsored by the Women’s Committee of the Hebrew Technical Institute being held at Sherry’s.

1899: Adolf von Sonnenthal received a standing ovation when he returned to the Irving Place Theatre as Nathan in Lessing’s “Nathan Der Weise.”

1899: In Newark, NJ, “Baer and Sarah (Gutkin) Hailperin gave birth NYU alum and JTS trained rabbi, Herman Hailperin who led Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh for over forty years, while teaching history at the University of Pittsburgh and Duquesne and marrying Cecilia Moss after the death of his first wife Harriet Silverman.

1899: In Paris, L’Figaro published “the evidence given by Examining Magistrate Bertulus before the Court of Cassation hearing the Dreyfus Case.

1903(9th of Nisan, 5663):  The Kishinev pogrom began. “The Kishinev pogrom was an anti-Jewish riot that took place in Kishinev, which was back then part of the Bessarabia province of Imperial Russia (currently Chişinău is the capital of independent Moldova).  It started on April 6 and lasted until April 7, 1903.The riot started after a Christian Russian boy, Michael Ribalenko, had been found murdered in the town of Dubossary, about 25 miles north of Kishinev. Although it was clear that the boy had been killed by a relative (who was later found), the government chose to call it a ritual murder plot by the Jews.The mobs were incited by Pavolachi Krushevan, the editor of the Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Bessarabetz", and the vice-governor Ustrugov. They used the ages-old blood libel against the Jews (that the boy had been killed to use his blood in preparation of matzo). Viacheslav Plehve, the Minister of Interior, supposedly gave orders not to stop the rioters. During three days of rioting, the Kishinev Pogrom against the Jews took place. Forty-seven (some put the figure as high as 49) Jews were killed, 92 severely wounded, 500 slightly wounded and over 700 houses looted and destroyed.This pogrom is considered the first state-inspired action against Jews of the 20th century. Despite a world outcry, only two men were sentenced to seven and five years and twenty-two were sentenced for one or two years. This pogrom was instrumental in convincing tens of thousands of Russian Jews to leave to the West and to Israel.”

1904(21st of Nisan, 5665): Seventh Day of Pesach

1904(21st of Nisan, 5664): Fifty three year old literary critic Elazar Atlas, the son of David Atlas passed away today in Bialystok.

1906: The Jewish Chronicle reported that Pope Pius X “cordially” received “Cav. Grassini, the Vice President of the Jewish Congregation of Venice.

1907: In Brooklyn, “Russian Jewish immigrants Ernestine (nee Miriamson) and Leopold Lewis who was an optometrist gave birth to movie producer Joseph H. Lewis.

1907(22nd of Nisan, 5667): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1907(22nd of Nisan, 5667): Seventy-six year old Hungarian native Adolf Neubauer who served “at the Austrian Consulate in Jerusalem and studied in Paris before moving to the United Kingdom where he “was sublibrarian at the Bodleian Library and reader in Rabbinic Hebrew at Oxford University” passed away today.

1908: In “Kirschseiffen, Germany, “Bernhard and Henriette (Jetta) Rothschild “gave birth to Albert Rothschild, the “husband of Ruth Rothschild” and father of Pierre Rothschild who died at Buchenwald in his 37thyear.

1909(15th of Nisan, 5669): Pesach

1909(15th of Nisan, 5669): Abraham Bengrihan, Chief Rabbi of Marrakech, Morocco, passed away.

1909: Birthdate of Estella Agsterribe, later Estella Blits- Agsterribe, the Dutch Olympic Gold Medal winner who would die at Auschwitz with her children and her husband.

1910: Commanding officers in Constantinople granted Jewish soldiers nine days off for Passover, even though official leave is stipulated only for the first two and last two days. 

1910: In Constantinople in response to a request from the Hambashi, the Minister of Justice, ordered all Jews in prison for trivial offenses be liberated in preparation for the celebration of Pesach.

1912: In Chicago,  more than 15,000 thousand Jews found out today that the Orthodox among them will not be able to participate in the primary election being held on Tuesday, April 9, the last day of Passover.  A plan to allow somebody to accompany Orthodox Jewish voters into the booth and mark the ballot for them was rejected “because of the chances of fraud.”

1912(19th of Nisan, 5672): Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach

1912(19th of Nisan, 5672): Sxity-three year old California educator William Lissner passed away today in San Francisco.

1913: Sons of Israel Synagogue founded in Lawrence, MA.

1913: The Independent Order of Free Sons of Judah whose members including Sam Goldstein, Louis Cohn and Jacob Weisman, held its 23rd annual convention today in New York City

1913: The Alliance of Jewish Women was founded in Washington, D.C. today.

1913: In Philadelphia, as part of the second day of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Jewish Publication Judge Simon W. Rosendale of Albany who “presided over the Convention at which the Publication Society was organized” is scheduled to preside over the afternoon session.

1914:A committee met at the hotel Astor tonight to make final arrangements for the Passover celebration for the Jewish soldiers and sailors whose release on furlough was obtained a few days ago.

1915: In discussing the United States reaction to losses at the hands of German submarines the Frankfurter Zeitung, denigrated the possibility of a U.S. military response saying that “if now a war should break out the hosts of Russian Jews and their children…would increase the obstacle which would be met by a people that goes to war only half-heartedly.” (Editor’s note – two years later, the Germans would find out how badly they had misunderstood the patriotism of the vast number of American Jews.)

1915: Birthdate of Joseph “Joe” Goldberg who played guard for Iowa State University in 1936, 1937 and 1938 when they surprised everybody by defeating the University of Nebraska and making it to the conference title game against the University of Oklahoma.

1916: Albert Lucas, Chairman of the Central Jewish Relief Committee of New York City address a meeting at Memorial Hall in Dayton, Ohio where “$6,700 was raised for the relief of Jews in the war-stricken countries of Europe.”

1917(14th of Nisan, 5677): Erev Pesach - As Jews sat down to their Seders tonight, they had no idea how much their world was about to change!

1917: “The celebration of Passover which began” this evening “was made especially notable by the rejoicing of the new freedom of the Jews in Russia.

1917: “At Temple Emanu-El a public announcement was made to the effect that a Russian decree had emancipated the Jews of that country” based on a message that Jacob H. Schiff had sent to Louis Marshall who was at the Temple.

1917: “Special services” marking the celebration of Passover were held at the Hebrew National Orphan Home followed by a dinner for 200 orphan boys and girls who were accompanied by “forty well-known men and women who took the part of foster parents.”

1917: "The United States declared war on Germany. Approximately 250,000 Jewish soldiers (20% of whom were volunteers) served in the U.S. army - roughly 5.7% of the servicemen, while 7of Eastern and Central Europe.  The aftermath, Communism and Fascism, would prove to be even worse.  For American Jews, the aftermath of the war included immigration restrictions and the Red Scare.

1917: German soldiers and a military band marched through the streets of Jerusalem which was controlled by their Turkish ally, apparently unaware of the fact that the United States was preparing to declare war on the Kaiser’s kingdom.

1917: “A movement was started” today “by a group of Austro-Hungarian Jews to enlist citizens of foreign birth who are loyal to the American flag in the in the army and navy.”

1917: One of the British Undersecretaries for Middle Eastern Affairs, Mark Sykes informed his French counterpart Georges-Picot that Britain’s military efforts in Palestine would have to be “taken into account” at the peace conference.  This was a polite way of saying that new realities had changed the British view of the Sykes-Picot Agreement and that the British would be pushing for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

1918: A “a choir of boys from various synagogues sang ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ Governor Charles addressed the annual convention of the Rumanian Jews of America tonight at the Hebrew Technical School for Girls.

1918: The Jewish Administration Commission for Palestine arrives at Tel Aviv.  “Dr. Chaim Weizmann, head of the commission, evokes great enthusiasm when he replied in Hebrew to the address of welcome.  The British Military Governor of Jaffa, who participated in the reception, expresses his sympathy with the Zionist aims.”

1919: In Moscow, Miron Kovarsky, a piano student at the St. Petersburg conservatory and the former Zinaida Eisenstadt gave birth to New Yorker cartoonist and artist Anatoly Mironovich Kovarsky.

1919: In Cincinnati, Ohio, former president William Howard Taft delivered an address on “A League of Nations” at the 30th convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis

1919: Ernst Toller began servings as President of the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic.

1920(18thof Nisan, 5680): Fourth Day of Pesach

1919: Sol Witkewitz, the Instructor at the Art School of Chicago Hebrew Institute is scheduled to take his classes to the Chicago Artists Exhibition at the Art Institute this afternoon.

1920: Despite the declaration of martial law, Arab attacks continue on the Jews of Jerusalem for a third day.

1920:  Birthdate of Dr. Edmond H. Fischer. The son of a Jewish father, Fischer shared in the 1992 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.

1923: Birthdate of Shoshana Shenburg who moved to Eretz Israel a year later where she would marry Professor Elisha Netanyahu and gain fame as attorney and jurist Shoshana Netanyahu who served as a justice on the Supreme Court of Israel.

1925: Birthdate of Helga Deen, a young Jewish girl who kept a diary that “described her stay in the Dutch prison camp “Kamp Vught” which was only recently discovered.

1925: During his triumphal tour of Palestine, Lord Balfour, of Balfour Declaration fame, spent tonight at the hotel on top of the historic Mount Carmel, from which he had a superb view of Haifa, on the northeastern slope, and of the bay below.

1926(22ndof Nisan, 5686) Eighth Day of Pesach

1926: At Temple B’nai Jershurun, Rabbi Israel Goldstein paid tribute during the Pesach Services to the late Jacob P. Adler, the Jewish actor who “he characterized…as the Nestor of the Yiddish drama who never chapeaned his origin or discarded his people during his long stage career.”

1927: Birthdate of Jules Hirsch, the physician who was a pioneer in the scientific study of obesity.

1927: In Hudson County, New Jersey, District Court Judge Myron C. Ernst said today that if the date proposed for voting on constitutional amendments is not changed from September 27, the date on which Rosh Hashanah is observed “every Jewish voter in this State will be disenfranchised.”

1929: In Berlin, Charlotte (née Epstein) and Jack Previn, who was a lawyer, judge, and music teacher gave birth to pianist and conductor Andre Previn

1930: Today, “during an exhibition baseball game against the Little Rock Travelers,” Moe Berg’s “spikes caught in the soil as he tried to change directions and he a knee ligament.

1930: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that according to a report submitted by the Zionist Education Council to the Action Committee, “there are 21,031 pupils in the schools maintained in Palestine by the Zionist Organization. The annual budget for the schools is $637,250 which includes…a $37,975 subsidy from the Palestine Colonization Association and $60,000 from the municipality of Tel Aviv.

1930: René Dreyfus won the 1930 Monaco Grand Prix today in a privateer Bugatti..

1930: In an interview on this date “Ittamar Benavi, one of Palestine’s leading journalists” reiterates his support for the creation of a series of Cantons along the Swiss model as a way to govern Palestine.

1931: The first episode of “Little Orphan Annie” Radio Show aired today with a ten-year-old Jewish girl named Shirley Bell playing the lead role.

1931: Birthdate of Deborah Meier “an American educator often considered the founder of the modern small schools movement.”

1933: Today, “the Nazi German Student Association's Main Office for Press and Propaganda proclaimed a nationwide “Action against the Un-German Spirit,” to climax in a literary purge or “cleansing” (Säuberung) by fire or bookburning.

1934: In Brooklyn, Henry and Shirley Guttenplan gave birth to Howard Herman Guttenplan, “who took what began as an antipoverty program on the Lower East Side of Manhattan and transformed it into a leading workshop and showcase for experimental filmmakers.”

1935: It was reported today that Actions Committee of the Supreme Council of the World Zionist Organization has adopted a budget of £329,000 for the coming year at its meeting in Jeruslaem.

1936(14th of Nisan, 5696):Ta'anit Bechorot, Erev Pesach

1936(14thof Nisan, 5869): Ninety-year old historian Alfred Stern, a professor at the Zurich Technical Institute since 1887, a contributor to the Journal of the History of Jews in Germany  and the author of A History of the English Revolution, A History of Switzerland and History of Europe, 1815-1871 passed away today. (As reported by JTA)

1936: In Germany, “Gestapo agents…stood guard within synagogues to listen to the sermons…”

1936: The Passover “service at the Hebrew Association for the Deaf…was conducted entirely in sign language under the leadership of Mrs. Tanya Nash, director of the association.”

1936: Today, “the United Palestine Appeal…released messages from public leaders” including Frank D. Fitzgerald of Michigan, Hill McAlister of Tennessee and Harry Nice of Maryland “hailing a Zionist ideal.”

1936: In a note to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, released today “Secretary of State Cordell Hull said: ‘The existence of a Jewish national home in Palestine has been a source of encouragement and comfort to many Jews who in these difficult times have found it necessary to seek refuge and new homes.  All will agree that the support and extension of the benevolent work of providing shelter in the Holy Land for homeless Jews is a highly unselfish and commendable task.  I sincerely hope that your efforts in this laudable undertaking will meet with success.’”

1936: In case that “involves a State law to prevent ‘frauds on religious institutions’ through sales for profit of tickets to purported religious services” “the Supreme Court continued in effect an interlocutory injuncted obtained by Sara Wachs” “in the New York ‘mushroom synagogue’ controversy.”

1936: In Lodz, Poland, “twenty-four young nationalist were sentenced today to terms of imprisonment ranging from one to four years after they had been convicted of having formed a secret society with the object of committing acts of terrorism against Jews and destroying Jewish property.”

1936: Today, “the scholarship department of the Yeshiva Endowment Foundation announced…a $10,000 bequest from the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herskovits in memory of the parents.”

1936: Rabbis Samuel H. Goldenson and B. Benedict Glazer conducted Passover eve services at Temple Emanu-El on 65th Street.

1936: “The American Jewish Congress called upon American Jews to ‘united for the collective security of the Jewish people to combat progressive deterioration of their equal rights in their native lands’ and to organize for the ‘self-defense of the Jewish people through a world Jewish congress.’”


1936: Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, Carl J. Austrian and Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein participated in a radio broadcast sponsored by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee “which is conducting a $3,500,000 drive” to “aid their oppressed brethren in Germany, Poland and other Eastern European Countries.”

1937: At is annual conference today, the “Jewish Marachi…adopted a resolution strongly opposing any attempt at partition of Palestine and declaring that the whole country must be open to Jews to the extent of its historic boundaries.”

1937: In Jerusalem Moshe Baram and his wife Grazia who was born in Aleppo, gave birth to MK and cabinet minister Uzi Baram.

1938: Today, “Julius Streicher, Germany’s No. anti-Semited issued his ‘First Reader’ which he said was intended to instruct Germans on the Jewish questions by pictures and stories” so that “the German people” can be protected in the future from the dangers in which the Jew has tumbled.”

1939: In Chicago, delicatessen owners Paul and Gertrude Krause gave birth to Jerome “Jerry” Krause the general manager who turned the Chicago Bulls into an NBA dynasty.

1940(27thof Adar II, 5700): As Jews observe in Shabbat HaChodesh they can contemplate the call this week by Reverend Harry Emerson Fosdick for “closer cooperation among Catholics, Jews and Protestants.”

1941: German forces, in alliance with Hungarians and Bulgarians, invaded Yugoslavia (75,000 Jews) and Greece (77,000 Jews).  The invasion was caused by the Italian Army's failure against the Greeks.  For the Jews, this meant that the Balkans would come under Nazi domination which later resulted in the destruction of some of the most ancient Jewish communities in the world.  According to some, this "diversion" delayed the invasion of the Soviet Union which resulted in the Nazi forces becoming trapped in the Russian Winter.  This in turn was a contributing factor to the final defeat of the Nazis.

1941: In New York City, 23 year old Sylvia Lubow Rindskopf married Ensign Maurice H. Rhindskopf – a marriage that would last nearly 69 years during which she played the perfect Naval wife to Rear Admiral Mike Rindskopf.

1941: The Nazis established two ghettos in Radom, Poland.  Radom's Jewish community dated back to the Middle Ages.  Nine tenths of the Jewish population of 25,000 perished in the Holocaust.  According to some reports, the remaining Jews did not return because of the anti-Semitic riots that took place in Poland after the war.

1941: “Flame of New Orleans” a comedy produced by Joe Pasternak, co-starring Mischa Auer and featuring Shemp Howard was released in the United States today.

1942: Staff Sgt. Frank Glassman, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants Peter and Sadie Glassman enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps today which was the first step in a “career” that would lead him to serve as a belly gunner aboard the “Green Hornet” which would crash in the Pacific Ocean

1942: In Baltimore, MD Violet "Vi" (née Krichinsky) and Irvin Levinson, who worked in the furniture and appliance business gave birth to Academy Award winning director Barry Levinson whose works included one the greatest movies ever – “Avalon.”

1943: “Tahiti Honey,” a musical comedy starring Simone Simon “the daughter of Henri Louis Firmin Champmoynat, a French Jewish engineer, airplane pilot in World War II, who died in a concentration camp” was released in the United States today.

1944: The Jewish nursery at Izieu-Ain France was overrun by Nazi's 1945: The 14th Armored Division liberated the Serbian hospital at Camp Hammelburg whose patients included Captain Abraham Baum who had been shot in the groin while trying to rescue General Patton’s son-in-law John K. Waters who was also in the hospital recovering from his wounds.

1945: After the USS Bush, an American destroyer was struck by a Japanese suicide bomber today, Raphael J. “Ray” Moses was among those who were rescued from the East China Sea.

1946: The British consulate General in Madagascar reported in confidence to the foreign Office in London that while Madagascar might be suitable for 200 colonists of the peasant class, stress should be laid by Britain on providing the right type of colonist in the first instance and not city-bred Jews who were worn and emaciated through long confinement in concentration camps.

1947: As it begins its American tour, The Hapoel soccer team is scheduled to board a plane a Tel Aviv today as it makes its way to New York City.

1947: The first Tony Awards are presented for theatrical achievement.

1948: The Irgun raided the British Army camp at Pardes Hanna killing seven British soldiers and stealing a large quantity of weapons

1948: Operation Nachshon was launched this evening in an attempt to open the road to Jerusalem.  At the same time, a convoy left the coast and after a ten hour trip arrived in the beleaguered city.  It was the first the first convoy to reach the city in two weeks.  They found a city that was under constant bombardment from Arab Legion (Jordanian Army) artillery situated on the high round north of the Damascus Gate.  For the next three weeks, the Arabs would use their military might to try and re-gain control of the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Road. 

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel Air Force planes bombed Syrian entrenchments in the demilitarized zone near El Hamma where seven Israeli policemen were killed and one wounded. The government lodged a complaint with the UN Security Council listing all recent Syrian border violations.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that for the first time since the establishment of the state, Britain announced that it was ready to sell small arms to Israel, on the same terms as had been enjoyed by Egypt.

1952: A Broadway revival of Clifford Odets’ “Golden Boy” starring John Garfield as “Joe” as after 55 performances at the ANTA Playhouse.

1954: The body of Baron Edmond de Rothschild was re-interred in Zichron Yaakov, the wine-producing village which had been established with his help.

1954: Today, during the Rudolf Kastner trial Dr. Rueben Hecht, who worked as an Irgun representative in Zurich was interrogated as the seventeenth witness by advocate Tamir who questioned him about his relationship with Dr. Jean-Marie Musy, the former president of the Swiss Confederation and “long term friend” of Heinrich Himmler.

1954(3rd of Nisan): Yiddish poet Aaron Leib Baron passed away

1955: David Saul Marshal, a descendant of Indian Baghdadi Jews, began serving as Chief Minister of Singapore.

 1957: First oil tanker in Eilat arrived filled with Persian Gulf oil.

1957: In Brooklyn, “Thomas Sapolsky, an architect who renovated the restaurants Lüchow's and Lundy's and his wife gave birth to Harvard graduate Robert Morris Sapolsky, the neuroendocrinologist and the John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Professor at Stanford University, holding joint appointments in several departments, including Biological Sciences, Neurology & Neurological Sciences, and Neurosurgery.

1958(16th of Nisan, 5718): Second Day of Pesach; First day of the Omer

1959: “The Sound and the Fury” the movie version of the novel by the same name directed by Martin Ritt, with a script co-authored by Irving Ravetch was released in the United States today.

1959(27thof Adar II, 5719): Sixty-four year old Leo Aryeh Mayer, who worked jointly with Eleazar Sukenik, in connection with the excavations of the "Third Wall" of Jerusalem, built by in 41-44 CE, Agrippa, king of Judea, in 41-44 CE and served as rector of Hebrew University, passed away.

1959: Joseph B. Levin represented the Securities and Exchange Commission before the Fifth Circuit United States Court of Appeals in Columbia General Investment Corporation v. the SEC.

1962: Leonard Bernstein causes controversy with his remarks from the podium during a New York Philharmonic concert featuring Glenn Gould performing Brahms' First Piano Concerto.

1967: Birthdate of Brooklyn native Glenn Thrush who became the White House correspondent for the NY Times in 2017.

1967: Avraham Lanir “scored his first aerial kill in a major skirmish along the Syrian border which ended with the downing of six Syrian jets. Lanir, flying Mirage 60, downed a SAF MiG-21 with cannon fire after closing in to a distance of 200 meters. The MiG exploded and Lanir flew right through the fireball, covering his aircraft with soot. Initially blinded, enough soot was eventually blown off his canopy to afford Lanir a safe landing at Ramat David. The scorched aircraft earned the nickname ‘Black Mirage’".

1968: Romanian Jewish playwright Israil Bercovici adapted a collection of Itzik Manger's poems into a two-act stage piece, Mangheriada, which premiered today at the Romanian State Jewish Theater in Bucharest

1969: In Passaic, NJ, two Anglo-Jewish immigrants, Michael Rudd, “an historical guide and former vice president of TWA” and his wife Gloria, a sales manager at a television station gave birth to actor Paul Rudd

1969: Birthdate of actress Ari Meyers best known for her role as "Emma Jane McArdle" in the television series, “Kate & Allie.”

1969:  Gold Meir spoke to 3,000 teenagers in Jerusalem, expressing her absolute faith that peace would come.

1971: Jews must have felt mixed emotions today when Igor Stravnisky passed away today.  On the one hand he was a giant in the world of music and yet he was also an anti-Semite.

1973: In the aftermath of the Munich Olympic Massacre, Basil al-Kubaissi, a law professor who provided arms and logistic support for Black September was shot to death while returning home from dinner in Paris.

1974(14th of Nisan, 5734): Shabbat Hagadol; Erev Pesach

1974(14th of Nisan, 5734): Canadian born poet Rochelle Mass and her family celebrate their first Pesach in Israel at a kibbutz where she had picked oranges during the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

1975: Birthdate of actor Zach Braff

1975: Sandy Helberg the American actor who is the son of 2 Holocaust survivors married Harriet Birnbaum.

1975(25th of Nisan, 5735): Seventy-one year old Ernst David Bergman, “the father of Israel’s nuclear program” passed a way today.

1976(6th of Nisan, 5736):Sidney Franklin passed away.  A Brooklyn born Jew whose name was originally Sidney Frumkin, Franklin was the U.S.’s first successful bullfighter.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that France sold to Egypt Mirage F-1 interceptors, the most advanced French combat aircraft. It is pointless for Israelis, or for Israel friends abroad, to shadow box with PLO, Defense Minister Shimon Peres told the International Conference on Palestinians and the Middle East, since the PLO aspires to liquidate the Jewish State. He added that the PLO had maintained its rigid extremism, and had lined up the entire Arab world behind this position.

1977: CBS broadcast, “Something for Joey” a sports film featuring Steve Guttenburg and with music by David Shire for this time today.

1977:The Jerusalem Post reported that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat called upon US President Jimmy Carter to establish "a political entity where the Palestinians can, at long last, be a community of citizens, not a group of refugees." The Israel Press Council decided to form a team to check local papers’ observance of their ban on publication of criminal suspects’ names before they are remanded. Israeli artillery shelled terrorist concentrations in Lebanon. Israeli meat producers obtained a US permit to export kosher meat to America.

1978: The annual meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee continued for a second

day in Madrid, Spain.


1979: “Israeli agents sabotaged the Osirak reactor awaiting shipment to Iraq at La Seyne-sur-Mer in France.”

1979: Thirteen people were injured by a bomb set off at a bus stop in Jerusalem.

1980: After six weeks, the curtain came down today on an Off-Broadway production of “Biography” written by S.N. Behrman.

1981: “Fools, a comic fable by Neil Simon” “premiered on Broadway at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre” today.

1982: “Police searched the home of Nehemiah Rozengauz, 37, a Tashkent computer scientist” and “confiscated all materials connected to Hebrew studies.”

 1982:Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir, speaking at the funeral of an Israeli diplomat slain two days ago in Paris, said today that Israeli forces would strike ''without reservation, without end'' at bases and headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon and elsewhere.

1982: “Katya Umanskaya of Moscow, was warned to stop her Jewish cultural activities.”

1982: “Sverdlovsk refuseniks Lev Shefer and Vladimir Yelchin were sentenced to five years’ imprisonment on charges of anti-Soviet propaganda.”

1984: “Hard to Hold,” a musical directed by Larry Peerce, the son tenor and form cantor Jan Peerce, was released in the United States today.

1985(15th of Pesach, 5747): Pesach

1986(26th of Adar II, 5746): Eighty nine year old Pesach Burstein, a Yiddish actor whose singing, dancing and whistling delighted audiences here and abroad for more than 70 years, died today at Lenox Hill Hospital after suffering a heart attack last Monday. http://articles.latimes.com/1986-04-13/local/me-4493_1_abraham-goldfaden

1990: In recognition of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s “vital efforts, the Congress, by House Joint Resolution 173, has designated today, as "Education Day, U.S.A.

1990: U.S. premiere of “Tall Story” with a script co-authored by Julius Epstein and Howard Nemerov who wrote the novel on which the film was based.

1992: The keel was laid down today for “MY Sam Simon, fourth vessel of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society fleet, named after American television producer and writer Sam Simon, who donated the money to purchase the vessel.”

1992(3rd of Nisan, 5752): Molly Picon passed away at the age of 94..Born in 1898, the petite Molly Picon was a star of both the Yiddish theatre and a variety of American entertainment mediums.  Her career included 19 years of radio broadcasts and roles on Broadway and film.  She performed for American troops during World War II.  She was one of the first entertainers to go to Europe after the war to perform for Jewish refugees.

1992(3rd of Nisan, 5752): Isaac Assimov died at the age of 72. Born in Russia in 1920, Asimov was raised in Brooklyn which he always considered his home.  He was known as a science fiction writer but also wrote about the Bible as well.  A confirmed atheist, Assimov attributed this interest to his devoutly Jewish father.

1992: Ninety-six year old Herman F. Mark an Austrian-American chemist who fled Europe for America because he was the son of Dr. Herman Carl Mark, a Jew who converted to Lutheranism passed away today.

1993(15th of Nisan, 5753): Pesach observed for the first time in the Presidency of Bill Clinton1994(25th of Nisan, 5754): A Palestinian suicide bomber killed 7 Israelis and himself.1994(25thof Nisan, 5754): Eighty-one year old Goodwin George “Goody” Rosen, the son of “Samuel and Rebecca, two Russian Jewish immigrant who played centerfield for two National League teams that no longer exist – the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants – passed away today in his native Toronto.

1994(25th of Nisan, 5754): Eight people were killed in a Hamas terrorist car-bomb attack on a bus in the center of Afula. This was the first documented car bombing in Israel. The dead included: “Asher Attia, 48, of Afula, bus driver; Vered Mordechai, 13, of Afula; Maya Elharar, 17, of Afula; Ilana Schreiber, 45, a teacher from Kibbutz Nir David; Meirav Ben-Moshe, 16, of Afula; Ayala Vahaba, 40, a teacher from Afula; and Fadiya Shalabi, 25, of Iksal were killed in a car-bomb attack on a bus in the center of Afula. Ahuva Cohen Onalla, 37, wounded in the attack, died of her wounds on April 25.”

1995(6th of Nisan, 5755): Six Israelis were killed in two suicide bombings at Kfar Darom.

1996: “Hava Naquila, “a happy hardcore version of the classic folk song "Hava Nagila" set in a gabber beat” was released today.

1997: Andrea Mitchell “married her second husband, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan” today

1997: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Memories of Summer: When Baseball Was an Art
and Writing About It a Game
by Roger Kahn.

1998: In “Lasar Segall’s Happy Life Didn’t Make for Great Art” Hilton Kramer examined the life and work of the Lithuanian born, Brazilian artist.

1999(20th Nisan, 5759): 6thday of Pesach

1999(20th of Nisan, 5759): Eighty-three year old British cellist William Pleeth, the son of Jewish immigrants from Warsaw, Poland passed away today.

2000:The United States Postal Service issued five stamps depicting the work of Jewish sculptor Louise Nevelson.

2000: Habib Bourguiba, President of Tunisia, passed away.  Bourguiba came to power when Tunisia gained its independence from France in 1956.  By then the Jewish population had shrunk from its 1948 high of approximately 100,000.  The Tunisian government enacted a series of anti-Jewish decrees. In 1958, Tunisia's Jewish Community Council was abolished by the government and ancient synagogues, cemeteries and Jewish quarters were destroyed for "urban renewal."

The increasingly unstable situation caused more than 40,000 Tunisian Jews to immigrate to Israel. By 1967, the country's Jewish population had shrunk to 20,000. During the Six-Day War, Jews were attacked by rioting Arab mobs, and synagogues and shops were burned. The government denounced the violence, and President Habib Bourguiba apologized to the Chief Rabbi. This apology certainly marked Bourgiba as unique among Arab leaders. His government appealed to the Jewish population to stay, but did not bar them from leaving. Subsequently, 7,000 Jews immigrated to France. Today about 1,000 Jews live in Tunisia.

2001: In Out of the Jewish Ghetto and Into the Mainstream,” published today Grace Gluek traces the life and times of one of the earliest of Jewish artists, Moritz Daniel.

2002: During Operation Defensive Shield the terrorist leader responsible for trying to turn Jenin into a massive booby-trip (including the homes of the civilians) and two of his comrades were killed by Israeli troops as they cautiously made their way through the camp in an attempt to minimize civilian casulaities.

2002(24thof Nisan, 5762): Twenty-six year old Staff Sergeant Nisan Avraham from Lod was killed today and five of his comrades were wounded when Islamic Jihad terrorists attacked them at the entrance of Rafiah Yam.

2003: The New York Times included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including ''The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror'' by Bernard Lewis.

2003(4th of Nisan, 5763): Leon Levy, the co-founder of Oppenheimer & Co who was praised as an “investment genius and prolific philanthropist” passed away.

2004(15thof Nisan, 5764): Pesach

2004(15thof Nisan, 5764): Ninety year old Alexander Lerner the Russian trained mathematician and leading refusenik passed away today in Israel where he had lived since 1988.

2005:  The New York Times featured a review of “In Satmar Custody.” This documentary written in English, Hebrew, Yemenite and Yiddish describes the fate of Yeminite Jews living in Israel who were brought to the United States to live in the Satmar community in Monsey, N.Y.  The Times describes the fate of such Jews as a “nightmare for a Jewish family from Yemen.

2005(26th of Adar II, 5765): Specialist Daniel J. Freeman aged 20, who “had been in Afghanistan for about two months was killed today in a helicopter crash “along with 15 other soldiers. He had not been scheduled to be on board the supply flight to Kandahar, but had volunteered for a friend. “Daniel Freeman was always the boy with the Israeli accent, a remnant of his life on a kibbutz, where he lived until he was 9 years old. Growing up in Cincinnati, he loved playing soccer and rock climbing, and was part of the local fire department’s explorer club, excited to dress up and train like a firefighter. As an older teenager, “Daniel developed a keen sense of right and wrong and would get very upset if he thought something was unfair,” said Shmuel Birkan, Freeman’s stepfather. In high school, Freeman took an enthusiastic interest in military history, a subject he studied in addition to Hebrew. He decided he wanted to enlist in the Army, “because he truly believed it was the right thing to do,” Birkan said. A participant in the Army’s early induction program, Freeman went on to complete his basic and advanced training in Fort Benning, Ga. “Daniel was never particularly in favor of [America’s] reason for being in Iraq and Afghanistan. He just knew that his mission was to keep himself and his friends safe,” Birkan said. (As reported by Maia Efrem)

2006:  The Jewish Reconstructionist Federation (JRF) of Metropolitan New York/New Jersey recognizes their Vatikim: Those Who Inspire Us with a Lifetime of Contributionwith a festive evening of celebration featuring the unique Sephardic spirit and sounds of Gerard Edery and the Bnai Keshet a Cappella Singers

2006: “The industry group MarHedge awarded Matador Fund Ltd. and Manchester Trading, two funds managed by Victor Niederhoffer, the prize for best performance by a commodity trading advisor (CTA) in the two years 2004 and 2005.

2006: David Bromberg is featured in a Washington Post article entitled “In Fine Fiddle” by Paul Schwartzman.

2006: In “A Homecoming, in Los Angeles, for Five Klimts Looted by Nazis,” Sharon Waxman describes Maria Altmann’s fight to regain her family’s art.

2007: As reported in Haaretz, during the Intermediate Days of Passover, Israelis visit tourist sites throughout the country, with a wide variety of festivals and activities on hand. More than 13,000 visitors came to the southern sites of Masada, Ein Gedi and Mamshit, with the total number of visitors in the Negev up from last year, according to Gilad Gabai, deputy director of the Israel Nature and Parks Protection Authority (INPPA) southern district. Roads to the Western Galilee were busy as visitors traveled to vacation spots and festivals in the region. Among the attractions is an extreme sports area at Kibbutz Yehiam, a festival at the Montfort Castle in Ma'alot-Tarshiha, the "cotton road" at Kibbutz Afeq and a monologue theater festival at Acre. Meanwhile, Haifa also hosted its 17th annual children's theater festival.

2007: “Spots of Light: To Be a Woman in the Holocaust” opens at Yad Sachem’s Exhibitions Pavilion:

2007: “A Jew Grows in Brooklyn” Jake Ehrenrich’s one-man show is playing Off-Broadway at 37 Arts.

2007: U.S. premiere of “The T.V.Set” directed, produced and written by Jake Kasdan.

2007(18th of Nisan, 5767): Fourth day of Pesach

2007(18th of Nisan, 5767): Seventy-two year old award winning screen writer Stan Daniels passed away today.

2008: David Blatt, the head coach of the the Istanbul-based Turkish Basketball League team Efes Pilsen, “parted ways with the team.”

2008: In Washington, D.C., Jewish authorJonathan Rieder discusses and signs The Word of the Lord Is Upon Me: The Righteous Performance of Martin Luther King, Jr. at Politics and Prose Bookstore.

2008(1st of Nisan, 5768): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

2008: The Boston Globe published “House of Cards” which investigated claims that Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six MIT Students Who Took Vegas for Millions by Ben Mezrich is largely fictional and questioning its designation as “non-fiction.”

2008: The Sunday New York Times book section featured reviews of two books by Jewish authors - Fidelity by Grace Paley and Please Don’t Remain Calm by Michael Kinsley.

2008(1st of Nisan, 5768: Thirty-six year old Major Stuart Wolfer was killed today when his unit was attacked by insurgents in Baghdad. (As reported by Maia Efrem)
Read more:

2009: Lubavitch Chabad of Northbrook and CJE Senior Life present the “Yiddish Club.”

2009:Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer, professor of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University delivers an address entitled "Iran, Israel and the US: Dissecting the Triangular Relationship’ at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

2009: Mary Altaffer of AP photographed Ruth Madoff being “escorted by private security as she left the Metropolitan Correctional Center after visiting her husband” Bernard Madooff

2009:J. Ezra Merkin, a prominent New York financier whose private clients lost more than $2 billion in the collapse of Bernard L. Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, has been accused of fraud and deception in a civil lawsuit filed today by the New York attorney general, Andrew M. Cuomo.

2009:A list of 801 Jews saved during the Holocaust by German businessman Oskar Schindler has been recovered from a Sydney library, News Agencies reported today. 2010(22ndNisan, 5770): Yizkor is recited on the Eighth Day of Pesach.

2010: The Home Minister of Maharashtra State, which includes Mumbai, informed the Assembly that the bodies of the nine Pakistani gunmen from the 2008 attack on Mumbai who had murdered 8 people at Nariman House were buried in a secret location in January 2010.

2010: “Date Night,” a comedy directed and co-produced by Shawn Levy premiered in New York City.

2010:  Model and actress Lisa S. (Lisa Slesner) married David Wu today.

2010:Israeli Author Savyon Liebrecht is scheduled to speak at Yale’s Slifka Center for Jewish life.

2010: David Remnick's biography of President Barack Obama, The Bridge, was released today.

2011: Michael Applebaum began serving as Chair of the Montreal Executive committee.

2011: Season three of Top Chef Masters premiered with Chef Ruth Reichl as a judge.

2011: AlexanderMashkevitch announced his intention to found a Jewish version of Al-Jazeera that will "represent Israel on an international level, with real information

2011:Former Israeli Supreme Court Justice Dalia Dorner is scheduled to speak today at an event marking the formal launch of The Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israeli Law, Economy and Society at the University of California Law School.

2011:Ruth Messinger, President of the American World Jewish Service is scheduled to speak today during the New CAJE Lehrhaus webinar series. For registration and further information see http://newcajelehrhausonline.org/page.aspx?id=239947

2011(2ndof Nisan): On the Jewish calendar, Yahrzeit of The fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneersohn ("Rashab") who passed away in 1920.

2011(2ndof Nisan): Eighty two year old Igor Yakovlevich Birman, the Russian born American economist who predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union passed away today.

2011:Tel Aviv has been ranked No. 34 out of 40 cities in the annual Knight Frank global cities index, which was released today, one place lower than last year and three below Cairo. The Global Cities Survey, which was created by multinational real-estate and property-services firm Knight Frank in 2008 to monitor city-level power shifts, measures 40 major cities in terms of their provision of investment opportunities and influence on global business leaders and the political elite. New York, London and Paris maintained their positions as the top three cities..

2012: Alexander “Mashkevitch announced his intention to found a Jewish version of Al-Jazeera that will "represent Israel on an international level, with real information”

2012(14th of Nisan, 5772): Fast of the First Born

2012(14th of Nisan, 5772): Fifty-nine year old Elan Steinberg who was head of the World Jewish Congress passed away today.  As reported by Douglas Martin)

2012: Rabbi Greg Wall is scheduled to lead the Seder at The Sixth Street Community Synagogue; an event that will “swing between tradition and utter hipness.”

Chag Kasher v'Sameach!

2012: At Kherson, in one of a series of acts of vandalism where “graves have been repeatedly covered with trash and tombstones destroyed and desecrated” a fire was set at the Jewish cemetery which “spread over an area of about 700 square meters and caused severe damage to the graves and tombstones.”

2013: Tom Arnold who converted to Judaism when he married Roseanne Barr and continues to be a practicing Jew and his fourth wife Ashley Groussman gave birth to their first child Jax Copeland Arnold.

2013: “A Bottle In The Gaza Sea” is scheduled to be shown at the Hartford Jewish Film Festival.

2013: “Joe Papp In Five Acts” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2013: US Secretary of State John Kerry is headed to the Middle East today on his third trip there in just two weeks in a fresh bid to unlock long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

2014: The New York Times reviewed books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including three written especially for children and young readers about the Holocaust: Hidden: A Child’s Story of the Holocaust by Loic Dauvillier; Hidden Like Anne Frank: Fourteen True Stories of Survival by Marcel Prins and Peter Henk Steenhuis; The Whispering Town by Jennifer Elvgren

2014: The Jerusalem Post is scheduled to hold its annual conference in New York City.

2014: “Prior to MIPTV’s official launch tomorrow, “a session titled ‘Business Opportunities in Israel’ is scheduled to be held today.

2014: A special performance of “The Last Act of Lilka Kadison” for the benefit of Yiddishkayt and in memory of NPR radio producer Johanna Cooper is scheduled to take place in Burbank, CA.

2014: In Springfield, VA, Congregation Ada Reyim is scheduled to host a Sisterhood Community Women’s Seder using a special Haggadah honoring “the role of women in Passover tradition.”

2014:An Arab-Israeli microbiologist Dr. Nof Atamna-Ismaeel, a 33-year-old mother of three, was crowned the winner of Israel’s most-watched television show, Master Chef tonight.

2014: Elections are scheduled to be held in Hungary amid charges by the “leadership of Hungarian Jewry that Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government is pandering to nationalist voters who do not wish to be reminded of the role Hungary played in the murder of its Jewish citizens

2015: The Israeli Folk Dance group is scheduled to meet in Metairie, LA.

2015: “More than 75,000 people gathered at the Western Wall for the Priestly Blessing ceremony called Birkat Kohanim in Hebrew, during the second intermediate day of Passover.” (As reported by JTA)

2015: “Clearly unsatisfied with assurances from President Obama about the provisions of the Iran nuclear deal, Israel” today “listed specific requirements that it declared were necessary in any final agreement.”

2015(17th of Nisan, 5775): Third Day of Pesach; in the evening count Omer 3

2015(17th of Nisan): According to tradition, date on which “Noah’s Ark came to rest on Mt. Ararat.”

2015(17th of Nisan, 5775): “Bernice S. Tannenbaum, the 101 year old “former president of Hadassah”who fought against the U.N. resolutions “equating Zionism with racism” passed away today.

2016(27th of Adar II, 5776): Sixty-eight year old economist Joel Kurtzman passed away today.(As reported by Sam Roberts)

2016: “Last Musik is scheduled to present a benefit concert to protect and preserve the music composed in concentration camps, featuring Ute Lemper, renowned vocalist.”

2016: “The Kind Words” is scheduled to be shown at the Hartford Jewish Film Festival.

2016: “The Experimenter” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Film Festival.

2016: In New York, the Consul General of Israel is scheduled to speak at the Amal Israel Entrepreneurship Event.

2016: As a sign of the vitality of Yiddishkeit in places where you might not expect to find it, the Hadassah Book Club is scheduled to discuss the book Paradise Park: A Novel by Allegra Goodman this evening.
2017(10th of Nisan, 5777): The 10th of Nisan is the date on which the Israelites under Joshua crossed the Jordan into Eretz Israel

2017(10th of Nisan, 5777): The 10thof Nisan is the official day of national celebration in which Jewish immigration to Israel is honored and noteworthy immigrants are recognized for their contributions to the nation. (As reported by Debra Kamin)

2017(10th of Nisan, 5777): Seventy-one year old accountant and business manager to the starts Joseph Rascoff passed away today. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)

2017(10th of Nisan, 5777): Ninety year old comedian Donald Jay “Don” Rickles passed away today.

2017: In “The Great Genius of Jewish Literature” published today, Robert Alter reivews the works of S.Y. Agnon.

2017: “J.B. Pritzker announced that he was running for the Democratic nomination for Governor of Illinois.

2017: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “When Do We Eat, “a Pesach themed film

2017: The Maimonides Friendship Award Ceremony is scheduled to be the highlight of the final night of the 20th New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival.

2017: In NYC, The Streicker Center is scheduled to host a presentation by Alessio Assonitis, Franesco Benelli and Lorenzo Vigotti on “Reconstructing the Ghetto in Florence.”

2018(21st of Nisan, 5778: Seventh Day of Pesach; for Reform and in Israel, last day of the holiday.

2018: An exhibition of “the Urban Impressionism of Lawrence Kushner,” is scheduled to open today in the Isaacs Gallery at the Osher Marin JCC in San Rafael.

2018: During today’s “violent protest in the Gaza Strip” which the Defense Minister described as “a terrorist march, a man, who it was later claimed was a Palestinian photo-journalist was killed today while flying a drone above Israeli soldiers.

2018: Today “an additional four women who formerly worked at Richard Meier’s architecture firm came forward with allegations” of improper sexual behavior on his part which would eventually lead to his permanent resignation from the firm.

2018: “Itzkak,” a feature film that “captures the life, work and heritage to violinists Itzhak Perlman” is scheduled to open at several U.S. theatres today including The Opera Plaza in San Francisco, the Midtown Art in Atlanta, GA and the Lagoon in Minneapolis, MN.

2018: The Reuter Center at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Asheville, NC is scheduled to host a screening of “Rosenwald” this evening.

2018: In Memphis, TN, Temple Israel is scheduled to host a special “Tot Shabbat Passover Experience,” this evening.

2018: The New Israel Fund said today that it has seen a major boost in donations after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s accusations that the left-wing NGO pressured Rwanda to refuse to resettle African migrants whom the Israeli government wants to deport.

2019: In London, Phoenix Cinema is scheduled to host a screening of “The Keeper.”

2019: In Washington, D.C., the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host a lecture by Felicia Farbert, author of Abe vs. Adolf: The True Story of Holocaust Survivor Abe Peck

2019(1st of Nisan, 5779): Rosh Chodesh Nisan; Shabbat HaChodesh; for more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

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