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This Day, September 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. and Deb Levin


September 14

81: Domitian, the third of the Falvians, became Emperor of the Roman Empire upon the death of his brother Titus.  Like his father Vespasian and his brother Titus, Domitian took great deal of pride in the victory over Judea.  On the way back from Jerusalem after the war, Titus and Domitian celebrated the latter’s birthday with a slaughter of Jews at Caesarea. Domitian’s treatment of the Jews was actually harsher than that of his two predecessors.  “He strictly enforced the special taxes” imposed on the Jews “and the ban on conversion to Judaism in Rome.  According to the Roman historian Seutonius  “In Domitian’s days, the Jews’ tax was collected with the utmost rigor.  Thos who observed Jewish customs without admitting it, and those who concealed their Jewish origin in order to evade the tax imposed on their nation, were denounced to the imperial treasure.  I still remember…how the procurator, in the presence of a crowd of assistants, inspected an old man of ninety to see whether he was circumcised.”   According to “another Roman historian, in the year 95, Domitian ordered the execution of Flavius Clemens, a nobleman closely related to the imperial house, for Judaizing tendencies and banished his wife Dimitilla.

407: St. John Chrysostom, the Archbishop of Constantinople passed away today. Referred to in Catholic literature as "the man with the golden tongue" he was a virulent hater of Judaism, who disseminated his views through violent writings and preachings. He considered it meritorious to kill Jews

775: Byzantine Emperor Constantine V passed away.  During his reign Constantine V modified

a Byzantine law, dating from the tenth century that “demands that a Jew when swearing shall have a girdle of thorns around his loins, stand in water, and swear by "Barase Baraa" (Bereshit Bara), so that if he speaks untruth the earth may swallow him as it did Dathan and Abiram.”

786: Harun al-Rashid becomes the Abbasid caliph upon the death of his brother al-Hadi. During his Caliphate, al-Rashid honored Charlemagne’s request to send Jewish teachers to establish a Jewish Middle class in Europe. These came with Rabbi Machir who was given by Charlemagne a Princedom in Narbonne and was known as King of the Jews. In 807, al-Rashid forced Jews to wear yellow badges and Christians to wear blue badges.

1131: In what may to be a case of usurpation to those who believe in the David Kingship, the Crusaders make Count Fulk V of Anjou the Third King of Jerusalem.

1214: Albert Avogadro, Italian patriarch of Jerusalem passed away. While in this position, he wrote “a formula of life” for the Carmelites at their request.  The roots of the Carmelites “are traced to the 12th century (after the third crusade) when a group of hermits began practicing their Christianity on Mt. Carmel by following the ways of the Prophet Elijah. They lived in caves on Mt, Carmel for about a century, when they were forced to leave, in 1235, due to persecution by the Saracens. At the time they did not view anyone in particular as their founder but saw Elijah as one of the founders of monastic life.”  [Editor’s note – This is yet another example of how Judaism and Eretz Israel impacted those who lived in the land, even if they were not Jewish.]

1427(13th of Elul, 5187):Yaakov ben Moshe Levi Moelin, known as the Maharil (Our Teach, the Rabbi, Yaakov Levi) who was the son and pupil Moshe Levi Moelin the Rabbi of Mainz passed away today in Worms.

1560: Sixty-seven year old Anton Fugger, German merchant who hired Hans Dernschwam the German traveler who described the condition of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire including those “in Constantinople” where “the Jews were thick ‘as ants’” and “there were forty-two or more synagogues divided by nationality” serving a community that numbered “over Jewish men alone” passed away today.

1614: Mass murder of Jews in Salonica, killed while returning from the Dolia market.

1615: Today, Shabbtai Zvi became a Muslim when he was brought before the Sultan where took off his Jewish head dress, replacing it with Turkish turban. The repercussions of his conversion sent shock waves throughout the Jewish world and were to be felt for many years. Some of his followers claimed that it wasn't really him who converted; others professed that this was the proof that he was the Messiah by going to Islam to redeem them as well. The Sultan, aware that killing Shabbtai Zvi would have made him a martyr, had "convinced" Shabbtai that converting to Islam was in his best interest.

1666: After having considered the choice between death or converting, Shabbetai Zvi appeared before the Sultan and put on a Turkish turban; a sign of his acceptance of Islam.

1763: Birthdate of Moses ben Samuel Schreiber, the native of Frankfort also known as Moses Sofer. (Editor’s note – there seems to be some confusion about the birthdate.  We defer to the Jewish Encyclopedia)



1741: Handel began working on his three-act oratorio Samson, one of his many biblical-based works.

1752: The British Empire adopts the Gregorian calendar, skipping eleven days (the previous day was September 2). While this change may have been good science it creates a level of uncertainty when converting dates from the Jewish calendar to the secular calendar

1755(9thof Tishrei, 5516): Erev Yom Kippur

1755: The affair known as “The Battle of Balcony” began tonight at Congregation Shearith Israel in New York.


1762: Birthdate of Frankfort, Germany native Rabbi Moshe Sofer.


1776(1st of Tishrei, 5537): American Jews celebrate their first Rosh Hashanah (5537) as citizens of the United States following the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain.

1785(10thof Tishrei, 5546): Yom Kippur

1793(8thof Tishrei, 5554): Shabbat Shuva

1795(1stof Tishrei, 5556): Rosh Hashanah

1812: Birthdate of Samuel Bernheimer, the husband of Henrietta Cahn and the father of Marcus Bernheimer.

1812: As French grenadiers enter Moscow, “The 1812 Fire of Moscow” begins as soon as Russian troops leave the city. The fire was part of a scorched earth policy that left nothing for the conquering French armies.  A month later, the French would begin their long, disastrous retreat that would reduce the army from 400,000 to 40,000. Chasidic Jewry reacted differently to Napoleon’s invasion and subsequent retreat from Russia.  “During the French invasion of Russia, while many Polish Hasidic leaders supported Napoleon or remained quiet about their support, Rabbi Shneur Zalman openly and vigorously supported the Tsar. While fleeing from the advancing French army he wrote a letter explaining his opposition to Napoleon to a friend, Rabbi Moshe Meizeles: “Should Napoleon be victorious, wealth among the Jews will be abundant. . .but the hearts of Israel will be separated and distant from their father in heaven. But if our master Alexander will triumph, though poverty will be abundant. . . the heart of Israel will be bound and joined with their father in heaven. . . And for God's sake: Burn this letter. ” Some Polish Hasidic leaders supported Napoleon. Some argue that Rabbi Shneur Zalman's opposition stemmed from Napoleon's attempts to arouse a messianic view of himself in Jews, opening the gates of the ghettos and emancipating their residents as he conquered. He established an ersatz Sanhedrin, recruiting Jews to his ranks, and spreading rumors about his conquest of the Holy Land to make Jews subversive for his own ends.[10] Thus, his opposition was based on a practical fear of Jews turning to the false messianism of Napoleon as he saw it. It should be noted that Rabbi Yisroel Hopsztajn of Kozienice, another Hasidic leader, also considered Napoleon a menace to the Jewish people. However, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson identifies Rabbi Yisrael as the Chasidic leader who preferred that Napoleon defeat the Czar.

1814: Birthdate of Samuel Löw Brill the Hungarian Rabbi and Talmudic Scholar who was educated by his father, Azriel Brill.

1814: Birthdate Albert Cohn, the native of Hungary who found fame and fortune in France, where among other things he served as the tutor for three of children of Baron James de Rothschild.

1814: As the sun rose over the Baltimore harbor, the defenders of Ft. McHenry, including at least 30 Jewish soldiers and volunteers watched as a giant American flag was raised a sign of American victory to which the British responded by sailing down Chesapeake Bay for New Orleans and an even more decisive defeat in which Jews including Judah Touro and Barataria Pirates would play a role.

1825(2ndof Tishrei, 5586): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

1828(6th of Tishrei, 5589): Fifty-nine year old Israel Jacobson, the German businessman and philanthropist who is one of the founders of Reform Judaism, passed away today.


1829: The Ottoman Empire signs the Treaty of Adrianople with Russia, thus ending the Russo-Turkish War.  This was but one of a series of wars in which the European powers would nibble away at the power and territories of the Ottoman.  The last great nibble would be World War I, which when it ended, would find Palestine in the hands of the British, the authors of the Balfour Declaration.

1834: In New York City, Emanuel Martinez Henriques, the Jamaica born son of Sarah and Jacob Bueno Henriques and his wife Sarah Henriques gave birth to David Mendez Henriques

1835: In London, Maria and Hyman Cohen gave birth to Matilda Cohen.

1835: Birthdate of Posen native Abraham Slimmer who came to the United States at the age of 15 and became a successful Iowa businessman before passing away in Dubuque, Iowa, the birthplace of Deb Levin of blessed memory.



1836(3rdof Tishrei, 5596): Tzom Gedaliah was observed for the last time during the Presidency of Andrew Jackson.

1842(10thof Tishrei, 5603): Yom Kippur

1844(1stof Tishrei, 5605): Rosh Hashanah

1847: During the Mexican-American War, General Winfield Scott occupies Mexico City following the United States victory at The Battle of Chapultepec. During The Battle of Chapultepec, Dr. David Camden de Leon of South Carolina, known as the “fighting doctor” because of his willingness to put down his scalpel and pick up a sword when the need arose, led two cavalry charges against Mexican positions after the line officers in command of the unit had either been killed or wounded. “Special note was taken of his gallantry by the U.S. Congress.”  South Carolina’s famous fighting Jewish physician had fought against the Seminoles during the 1830’s and would become Surgeon General in the Confederate army.

1852(1st of Tishrei, 5613): Rosh Hashanah

1853: Mier Danziger married Catherine Jacobs at the Great Synagogue today.

1854: In San Francisco, CA, Dr. Julius Eckmann officiated at the dedication of Congregation Emanu-El’s new synagogue.  Eckmann was the congregation’s first Rabbi.  The building cost $35,000.

1856: Dr. Sternberger officiated at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fauerbach who had come to Germany as children and who would serve as Superintendent and Matron of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Orphan Asylum for 17 years.

1859: Three days after he had passed away, Frankfurt born English merchant Sigismund Stiebel, the son of Isaac Daniel Stiebel and the former Vogel Heinemann, and the husband of the former Eliza Jacob Mocatta with whom he had four children was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1860: Birthdate of Jules Guérin, the French journalist who founded The Antisemitic League of France (Ligue antisémitique de France) which played an active role in whipping up anti-Jewish sentiment during the Dreyfus Affair.

1861(10th of Tishrei, 5622):  During the first year of the Civil War, Jews in the North and South observe Yom Kippur.

1862(19th of Elul, 5622): During the Civil War, Philadelphian Jacob Miller was killed at the Battle of South Mountain while serving with company A of the 45th Regiment.

1863: In Piemonte, Italy, Giuseppe and Annetta Luzzati gave birth to Ida Dolce Foa Ghiron

1863(1st of Tishrei, 5624): Rosh Hashanah

1863: “Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish New Year’s Day” published today reported that

“In Leviticus xxiii, 23, 24 and 25, is found the following command:

‘23. And the Lord spake unto Moses saying,

24. Speak unto the children of Israel, saying. In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.

25. Ye shall do no servile work therein: but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord.’ Such is the ancient authority, direct from God, enjoining the commemoration of the great Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah, which commenced last evening.

The occasion is regarded by all good Israelites throughout the world as one of the most solemn and important character, and will be celebrated by the Jews of this community with all the services and ceremonies of the olden time. In order to throw some light upon the peculiar situation of this holiday in reference to the division of the Christian year, it may be well to recall the fact that the Jews, although like ourselves making it consist of twelve months, gave them twenty-nine and thirty days alternately. In their leap year, an entire month intervened between the sixth and seventh months, and consequently in the brief period of nineteen years they found no less than seven leap years, to wit, the third, sixth, eighth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth and nineteenth. By these periods of nineteen years and seven leap years, they counted, the latter number being greatly venerated by their race. The beginning of the year, or New-Year's Day, was set for the first new moon after the recurrence of the Autumnal Equinox, or in the month which, as its name designates, was also the seventh mouth of the year under the old Latin arrangement -- the Tishri of the Jews. The day itself is made the commencement of the year, as it is reputed to be the anniversary of Adam's birth, and the first occupancy of our planet by man. With these majestic attributes is, also, united the characteristic that it is the Jom Haddin, or day of God's judgment upon the sins committed during the the past year, which it not absolutely atoned for are carried onward to the great account. It may, therefore, be imagined with what interest the return of this great day which marks so decisive an epoch in his individual destiny, and in the history of his race is regarded by every orthodox Israelite. In this City preparations have been in progress for a week past, and the various synagogues (some twenty in number) have all been purified and decorated for the festival. They were, yesterday evening, thrown open for the preliminary services, Rabbi Raphall officiating in the Green-street, and the Rabbi J.J. Lyons in the Nineteenth-street edifice.

In Numbers, xxix, 1, the offerings of the "Feast of Trumpets" -- the other name of New-Year's Day -- are prescribed:

"1. And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, ye shall have a holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work: it is a day of blowing the trumpets unto you.

2. And ye shall offer a burnt-offering for a sweet savor unto the Lord, one young bullock, one ram and seven lambs of the first year, without blemish.

3. And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil, three-tenth deals for a bullock and two-tenth deals for a ram.

4. And one-tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the seven lambs.

5. And one kid of the goats for a sin offering to make an atonement for you."

These sacrifices are to be independent of the ordinary ones for the day and the month.

The present anniversary is, according to the Jewish calendar, the five thousand six hundred and twenty-fourth since the creation of the world, and owing to the rapid changes going on in Jewish society, and the many removals and deaths occasioned among them in this country, by the existing war, will be observed with peculiar formality and impressiveness. The services of last evening were noteworthy chiefly for the solemn manner in which the Rabbin alluded to the waning orthodoxy of many worldly members of their synagogues, and reminded their hearers that, if the season should pass unimproved, the Angel of Death, preventing the enjoyment of another, may bear away with him to the dread record a list of sins beyond atonement. To-day and to-morrow, all but absolutely indispensable labor will cease in every good family of Israelites, and at noon upon each day the great Shofar or trumpet, will be blown in the synagogues amid the reverence of thousands of the Faithful.  On Wednesday, the 23d inst., or tenth day of the seventh month, will occur the Yom Kippur or "Day of Atonement" the most solemn and important of all the Jewish fasts. Upon the approach of that impressive period we may have occasion to allude to it at greater length. No more curious and instructive spectacle lies within the observation of our readers, than the solemnizing in our midst, and according to the ancient ritual, of these hoary anniversaries by the ancient people.”

1864: In Paris, France, banker Alphonse James de Rothschild and Leonora de Rothschild daughter of Lionel de Rothschild gave birth to their daughter Charlotte known as Beatrice who became Béatrice Ephrussi de Rothschild when she “married the Russian-born banker Maurice Ephrussi.

1864: One day after she had passed away, Isabelle Woolf, “the daughter of Annie and Israel Edward Woolf” was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1864: Today in Philadelphia, 27 year old silk merchant William Bower Hackenberg, the son of Judah Lazarus Hacekbenberg and Maria (Allen) Hackenberg, the founder of W.B. Hackenburg and Company who “is a supporter of almost every Jewish charity in Philadelphia” married “Adeline Schoneman, the daughter of Joseph and Clara Schoneman.”

1866(5th of Tishrei, 5627): Sixty-three year old French novelist and playwright Léon Gozlan passed away in Paris.

1868: In San Francisco, CA, Leopold Rosenbaum and Sabine Dreschfeld gave birth to University of Virginia Law School graduate Oscar H. Rosenbaum the vice-president of the Pittsburgh Industrial Removal Office, the director of the Pittsburg United Hebrew Charities and the president of District No. 3 of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith.

1871: In Altdorf, Germany, Jonas Weil and his wife gave birth to Benjamin J. Weil the Columbia Law School graduate who went into the real estate business with his father and his brother, L. Victor Weil with whom he formed B.J. & L.V. Weil Company, served as “trustee of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies and President of Congregation Zichron Ephraim” and who was the husband of “the former Juliana Pollock”

1872: The New York Tribune, the paper controlled by presidential candidate Horace Greeley published a column entitled the “Christian Spirit of Liberalism.”  The column was an attempt to offset disparaging comments that Greely had made about Jews.

1874(3rd of Tishrei, 5635): Tzom Gedaliah

1874: In London, Clara and Marcus Landau gave birth to Isaac Landau.

1876: Rabbi Dr. Henry W. Schneeberger delivered his first sermon as rabbi of Chizuk Amuno – ushering in what was to be a forty year association with this shul!

1876: It was reported today the B.F. Peixoto, the United States Consul at Bucharest and a prominent leader of the Jewish community will address the upcoming meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1877: In Lithuania, Harris and Anne Mandelbaum gave birth to Annie Mandelbaum who became Annie Lillian Friedlander when she married Samson Friedlander.

1878: In New York, The Chamber of Commerce Relief Committee sent funds to a variety of organizations that will alleviate the suffering from the Yellow Fever Epidemic including $1,000 for the Hebrew Benevolent Society in New Orleans.

1878(2ndof Tishrei, 5548): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

1878: As the Yellow Fever Epidemic continues to hold New Orleans in its deadly grip, it was reported today that Marx Moses who had served as the Rabbi of the Jackson Street Hebrew Congregation has lost most of his family including his wife, a son named Samuel and a daughter named Matilda.  One child is convalescing after suffering a bout of the fever. 

1879: “The Roumanian Hebrews” published today denied that Jews are being persecuted in Romania because of their religion.  Rather, the new government is failing to honor its treaty obligations and failing to make the Jews citizens for economic reasons. (Anti-Semites always do find a way)

1879: It was reported today that there are 21 clergyman among the new members of the Austrian Parliament one of whom is a rabbi.

1879: It was reported today that the Jews of Cooktown, Austrialia, presented an address welcoming the Anglican Bishop of North Queensland who was both “surprised and gratified” by this turn of events.

1879: In New York City, Philip and Rebecca Davidson gave birth to Maurice P. Davidson, the NYU trained attorney who was the “founder of the City Fusion Party” which played a key role in the election of Mayor La Guardia and the husband of “the former Blanche Reinheimer and father of Robert, John, Alfred, Harold and Frank Davidson/

1880(9thof Tishrei, 5641): In the evening Kol Nidre

1880: Birthdate of Latvia native Isaac Feinstein, the husband of Jennie Avent Feinstein

1880: It was reported today that “Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonment,…commences at sundown this evening.  During this period, orthodox Jews observe a strict fast, neither food nor drink being permitted to pass their lips for 24 hours.”

1881: A meeting is to be held at the Young Men’s Hebrew Association on 42ndStreet where a number of prominent New York Jewish leaders including Coroner Moritz Ellinger, Julie Bien and Adolph Sanger will make further plans for the Russian Jewish immigrants arriving in the city.  Those “who are suited to farm work” will be settled on land, primarily in Texas and Tennessee, purchased by these men who will also provide them with funds for farm impliments.

1882(1st of Tishrei, 5643): Rosh Hashanah – The following poem by Emma Lazarus entitled “Rosh Hashanah 1882” captured her feelings about the day:

"The New Year"

Rosh Hashanah, 5643

Now while the snow-shroud round

dead earth is rolled,

And naked branches point to frozen skies, --

When orchards burn their lamps of fiery gold,

The grape glows like a jewel, and the corn

A sea of beauty and abundance lies,

Then the New Year is born.

Look where the mother of the months uplifts

In the green clearness of the unsunned West,

Her ivory horn of plenty, dropping gifts,

Cool, harvest-feeding dews,

fine-winnowed light;

Tired labor with fruition, joy and rest

Profusely to requite.

Blow, Israel, the sacred coronet! Call

Back to thy courts whatever faint heart throb

With thine ancestral blood, thy need craves all.

The red, dark year is dead, the year just born

Leads on from anguish wrought

by priest and mob,

To what undreamed-of morn?

For never yet, since on the holy height,

The Temple's marble walls of white and green

Carved like the sea-waves, fell, and the world's light

Went out in darkness, -- never was the year

Greater with potent and with promise seen,

Than this eve now and here.

Even as the Prophet promised, so your tent

Hath been enlarged unto earth's farthest rim.

To snow-capped Sierras from vast steppes ye went,

Through fire and blood and

tempest-tossing wave,

Mighty to slay and save.


High above flood and fire ye held the scroll,

Out of the depths ye published still the Word.

No bodily pang had power to swerve your soul:

Ye, in a cynic age of crumbling faiths,

Lived to bear witness to the living Lord,

Or died a thousand deaths.

In two divided streams the exiles part,

One rolling homeward to its ancient source,

One rushing sunward with fresh will, new heart.

By each truth is spread, the law unfurled,

Each separate soul contains the nation's force,

And both embrace the world.

Kindle the silver candle's seven rays,

Offer the first fruits of the

clustered bowers,

The garnered spoil of bees. With prayer and praise

Rejoice that once more tried, once more we prove

How strength of supreme suffering still is ours.

For Truth and Law and Love.

1882(1st of Tishrei, 5643): Henry (Hayyim Gershon) Vidaver passed away today in San Francisco, CA. Born in Warsaw in 1833, he was a prominent rabbi, publisher, Hebraist, and orator in America. “In 1859, Vidaver immigrated to the United States, and became the rabbi of Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia. In 1861 he resigned his position and moved to Germany then returned to the U.S. in 1865 to become rabbi of United Hebrew Congregation in St. Louis, Missouri where he withdrew his support for the Confederacy and wrote in praise of Abraham Lincoln. In 1867, he assumed the pulpit of the B'nai Jeshurun in New York and from 1874 until his death in 1882 served as rabbi of Congregation Sherith Israel in San Francisco. Vidaver and Jacob Levinski co-authored the first abridged Hebrew Bible, which was published in 1869. He also commonly published poems in Hebrew about Jerusalem and other Jewish issues in Hebrew newspapers, such as Havatzelet.

1882: Rabbi Henry Pereira Mendes and lay-reader D. H. Nieto led Rosh Hashanah services today at Shearith Israel in New York. “Their pronunciation of Hebrews is according to the Spanish method.” (This is a reference to the fact that they used Sephardic instead of Ashkenazi pronunciation that was common among the Polish, German and Russian Jews.)

1882: In Bloomington, Illinois, the Moses Montefiore Congregation, a newly formed Reform congregation, held its first Rosh Hashanah service

1883: The Hebrew Charities found out that if they do not provided assistance to Louise Bremer, a widow who arrived aboard the SS Canada from France, she will be sent back to Europe.

1884: “Biblical Geography” published today provides a detailed review of Kadesh-Barnes: Its Importance and Probable Site With the Story of A Hunt For It by H. Clay Trumbull which includes “studies of the route of the Exodus” and a search for the Southern boundary of the Holy Land.

1885: Eight year old Abraham Schmidt who attends a Hebrew School at 127 Pitt Street was taken to the hospital after he was diagnosed as having smallpox.

1885: Birthdate of Marie Abelesová who was transported from Prague to Terezin where she was murdered in 1943 at the age of 57.

1885: It was reported today that from 1847 until January of 1885, 85,000 Russian Jews and 11,000 Polish Jews had come to the United States.  In the last 8 months, an additional 9,000 had arrived in America.  Currently, there are 69,000 foreign born Jews living in the United States.

1886: After a four year engagement, Sigmund Freud married Martha Bernays in the same year during which he opened his practice.

1886: The will of “Commission Agent” Joseph Aarons, the “son of John Aarons” and husband of “Julia Aarons” was probated today in the UK.

1888: The Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society contributed $10.00 to the Mayor of New York’s Yellow Fever Fund.

1890(29th of Elul, 5650): On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, Ray Frank became the first Jewish woman to preach formally from a synagogue pulpit in the United States. Frank worked as a correspondent for several Californian newspapers, and this work brought her to Spokane, Washington, on the eve of the High Holy Days. Frank was shocked to find that no synagogue services were scheduled, since many affluent Jews lived in the area. A prominent member of the community who knew of Frank's reputation for Jewish learning offered to arrange Rosh Hashanah services if Frank would give a sermon. Frank agreed, and word of the event spread; Jews and Christians alike came to hear her speak, filling the city's opera house. Frank's sermon entreated her audience to overcome the differences between Reform and Orthodox ritual that had divided Spokane's Jewish community and to form a permanent congregation. Frank so impressed her audience that they invited her to remain through the High Holidays, and she delivered a sermon on the eve of Yom Kippur as well. After these sermons, Frank was much in demand as a speaker throughout the 1890s across the country. The press speculated about Frank's rabbinic aspirations, and many headlines referred to her, incorrectly, as the first woman rabbi (America's first female rabbi was not ordained until 1972). Although Frank expressed no interest in becoming a rabbi, her actions forced American Jewry for the first time to consider seriously the possibility of women rabbis.

1890(29thof Elul, 5650): Rabbi Alexander Kohurt conducted services this evening at Temple Ahawath Chesed where the choir sang “By Thee, Oh God Inspired, Be True Devotion Shown” and “Though Ages Come and Go.”

1890(29thof Elul, 5650): Rabbi de Sola Mendes proved over services at Shaaray Tephilla which ended with the singing of “Yigdal.

1890(29thof Elul, 5650): At six o’clock services began at Temple Emnu-El where Rabbi Silverman delivered a sermon entitled “The Day of Reconciliation.”

1890: “Jews in Russian Service” published today described the surprise, first expressed in the Spectator that the Czar has forced thousands of Jews to join the army saying that “there is something strange in arming a body of men habitually oppressed by the state..

1890: As of today it is reported that there are 125,000 Jews in the Russian Army with another 50,000 scheduled to be drafted next year.

1890: Rachel Green and her two children arrived today aboard the SS Sorento where they were met by her two son Charles and Simon who had landed at Castle Garden three years ago.

1891(11thof Elul, 5651): Rabbi Zeev Wolf Landau, the son  of Rabbi Abraham "The Ciechanówer" Landa and Itta Landau passed away today.

1891: “Jews Made To Wait” published today described the arrest of 42 Polish and Russians who were arrested and later fined $2 each for failing to clear the sidewalk at the corner of Delancey and Ridge Streets fast enough to suit the local police – a failure brought on by the fact that the Jews did not understand what they were being told to do.

1892: In New York City, “Joseph and Bessie (Furman) Brickner gave birth to Columbia educated Barnett Robert Brickner the socially active and Zionist Reform Rabbi who lead Holy Blossom Congregation in Toronto before beginning thirty three years of service at Anshe Chesed


1892: In Kingston, NY, Rabbi Gustav Gotheil preached the sermon at the dedication of Temple Emanuel located on Abeel Street.  “Henry Abbey read a poem entitled ‘Emanuel’” as part of the ceremony.

1892: Flora Weinberg, who is suing her Jewish husband Abraham Weinberg for divorce, made an application for alimony in Superior Court today.

1893(4thof Tishrei, 5654): Joseph Goldstein, a young Jewish tailor shot his girlfriend  Rebecca Feinberg and then took his own life at Garfunkel’s ice cream parlor when his matrimonial plans appeared to be frustrated.

1894: The will of Dr. Bernard Grunhut was filed for probate in Kings County Surrogates office today “by the executors, Abraham Stern and William Gregory Ketcham.

1895: In New Jersey, there is no sign that the fire threatening the Jewish farm colony at Reega will abate and the Russian immigrants may lose “the haven” financed by Baron Hirsch.

1895(25thof Elul, 5655): Fifty-two year old Moritz Brasch, the chief editor of the Brockhaus Konversations-Lexikon. Passed away today in Leipzig.

1895: In Baltimore, MD, found of Congregation Zichron Jacobs which holds services daily in the morning and evening and on Shabbat holidays and whose members including William Marks, H.S. Hartogensis and Israel Goodman

1896: L'Eclairpublished "The Traitor," a retrospective article “which pretended to bring to light the real motives for the judgment” in Dreyfus case in 1894.

1897: Writing from Paris Rowland Strong described events at the recently concluded Oriental Congress where Monsieur Halevy delivered a paper about investigations that he had personally conducted in Abyssinia where he found a group of Essenes who “in every respect are similar to those existing in the time of Jesus Christ” and who “kept the Sabbath with extreme rigor…”

1898: Birthdate of movie producer Hal Wallis who is best known for his most famous work, The Maltese Falconstarring Humphrey Bogart. The producer did not explain how when he had changed from Walinsky, his birth name, to Wallis.

1899(10th of Tishrei, 5660): The final Yom Kippur of the 19th century.

1899: Jews in London’s East End carrying a banner that read “Dreyfus, the Martyr.  All the Civilized World Demands His Instant Release” marched through Spitalfields.

1899: At 6 a.m. services began at the Great Synagogue in London where Dr. N.M. Adler, the congregation’s Rabbi delivered a sermon on the injustice of the Dreyfus verdict in which he said this was as great a defeat for France as Waterloo or Sedan.

1899: Between three and four thousand people attended services today at Tammany Hall which lasted from seven until seven that were sponsored by the Odessa Musical and Benevolent Association

1899: At Temple Israel, Dr. Maurice Harris delivered a sermon in which he declared “There is one man in everyone’s thoughts today – Captain Alfred Dreyfus” who “once vilified, has now the sympathy and admiration of the whole world.”

1899: “Panic In The Thalia Theatre” published today described the chaos that broke out during Kol Nidre services when “a fight took place between some youths who crowded the upper gallery” and somebody shouted “fire”

1899: Ohio native George W. Moses was promoted to the rank of 1st Lt. with the 4th Cavalry in the United States Army.

1901(1st of Tishrei, 5662): Rosh Hashanah (See the item below – gives a whole new meaning to the term New Year)

1901: Theodore Roosevelt becomes President of the United States following the assassination of William McKinley. Theodore Roosevelt was the last Republican to receive significant Jewish support; his fierce independence and support of specific Jewish concerns made him a hero to many within this community. Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to appoint a Jew to a presidential cabinet. In 1906 he named Oscar S. Straus Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Theodore Roosevelt was also the first President to contribute his own funds to a Jewish cause. In 1919, when he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts while President to settle the Russo-Japanese War, Roosevelt donated some of his prize money to the National Jewish Welfare Board. And then there is the fact that he took office on Rosh Hashanah.

1903(22nd of Elul, 5663): Jews of Homel, Russia, were massacred.

1903: Feibisch Jolles who passed away two days ago at the age of 71 was buried in Vienna today.

1906: In Chicago’s “Maxwell Street neighborhood, Morris and Grace Gertz gave birth to University of Chicago trained attorney whose clients included Nathan Leopold, Arthur Miller and Jack Ruby. (As reported by Eric Pace)


1908: The first Jewish self-defense organization in Eretz Yisrael was founded. This is probably a reference to Ha-Shomer (in English "The Watchman") which other sources say was founded in 1909.  Made up of about forty members, Ha-Shomer was founded to protect the early kibbutzim and Jewish towns from attacks by marauding Arab robbers and others.  The early settlers were determined not to rely on others for their defense.  This mounted force that could blend in with the local population because they dressed liked Arabs and spoke Arabic had as its motto," By blood and fire Judea fell; by blood and fire Judea shall rise."

1909: At the request of the Hahambashi, authorities take important steps to suppress the White Slave Trade. Both Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews did have involvement with this, but when Chief Rabbi Nahum provided the Turks with lists of names for investigations, they did nothing with them.

1912: Harry Horowitz and “Lefty Louis” Rosenberg were arrested in Queen today on charges of having participated in the murder of gambler Herman Rosenthal.

1912(3rdof Tishrei, 5673): Shabbat Shuva

1912(3rdof Tishrei, 5673): Mrs. Sara Simsohn passed away.

1913: Birthdate of historian Mary Plug Handlin the wife and colleague of Professor Oscar Handlin passed away today



1914: Having failed to defeat the French and the British in a quick summer time offensive, the Kaiser replaced Helmuth von Moltke (the Younger) with Erich von Falkenhayn as German Chief of Staff.  (Editor’s note – this was the first of many German attempts to blame somebody for their failure to win, a blame game that would end with the infamous “stabbed in the back” canard that would be used to justify the rise of Hitler)

1914(23rd of Elul, 5674): Lt. Ronald Lucas Quixano Henriques of the Queen’s Regiment, a member of a long-established Sephardi family who attended Harrow and Sandhurst (the British West Point) was killed today making him the first Anglo-Jewish officer to die during WW I.

1915: Dr. Felix Kornfeld and Paula Mandl gave birth to their second child, Ulrich Kornfeld the husband of Lorie Granitsch.

1915: It was reported today that “Turks admit that the Armenian persecution is the first step in a plan to get rid of” several groups and “that the Jews also are marked for slaughter and expulsion.”

1915: Albert Lucas, Secretary of the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews suffering through the war announced today the organization of a new committee in Paterson, NJ.”

1916: Samuel Goldwyn resigned as Chairman of the Board of the Famous Players-Lasky after a series of dispute with Jesse Lasky, leading to a partnership with Edgar and Archibald Selwyn that would become known as Goldwyn Pictures with its distinctive “Leo the Lion” (the roaring lion)  trademark.

1916: “Instructions to arrange for transportation of sixty-five American women and children out of Palestine on the cruiser Des Moines were called by the State Department today to the American Constantinople.”

1916: It was reported today the motion made by Joseph Barondess and seconded by Leo Arnstein to allow Jewish teachers and clerks to be excused from work on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur which had been objected to by Arthur S. Somers, Dr. Ira S. Wiles and Thomas W. Churchill even after the motion was changed to make it leave without pay was referred to the Committee on By-Laws

1917: At Petrograd, the ringleaders of “Holy Russia” a secret society that published a newspaper Groza “that contained attacks on the Jews and the Allies, urged an immediate peace and declared that the Jews were responsible for the continuance of the war.”

1917: Yeshivas in Kovno, Vilna, Radin and Grodno received assistance from a committed founded “for that purposed by Orthodox Jews in Berlin.”

1917: In Jerusalem, the Hebrew daily Ha-Herut suspended publication.

1917: Three days after he had passed away, 17 year old Myer Ganz, the son of “Joseph and Jane Ganz” was buried today at the Plashet Jewish Cemetery.

1917: In Warsaw, the order of German authorities expelling all students who were not natives of the city from the colleges and universities led to a disproportionate number of Jews having to end their studies.

1917: It was reported today that Chairman Harry Cutler of the Jewish Board of Welfare Work in the Army and Navy has announced “hospitality at services on the high holy days would be extended to all men in military service who obtain a leave of absence” as permitted by the Secretary of the Navy or the Adjutant General who have ordered that furloughs be granted so long as granting them “does not interfered with public service.”

1918(8thof Tishrei, 5679): Shabbat Shuva

1918: By order of the War Department and the Secretary of the Navy, Jewish soldiers and sailors have been granted furloughs effective today so they observed their holy days.

1918: On the Western Front, Abraham Blaustein of the 165th regiment (formerly the fabled 69th regiment) was among the troops who entered St. Benoit where the Allies established[ML1]  their front line.

1918: “The Zionist Organization of America announced” tonight “that information had been received from Austria showing the existence there and in West Germany of a well-developed agitation to provoke the Christian population against their fellow-countrymen of the Jewish faith, which had grown to such a dangerous stage as to call for a public protest by the council of the Jewish Community of Vienna to which more than 400 communities in Austria have signified their approval.” (Editor’s note – this may explain why the Anschluss with its Anti-Semitism went so smoothly a mere 30 years later.)

1919(19thof Elul, 5679): Sixty-eight year old Polish born French chess master Jean Taubenhaus passed away

1919: Today, “The 22nd Annual Convention of the Zionist Organization of America…opened at the Auditorium Theatre” in Chicago.

1920(2nd of Tishrei, 5681): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

1920: Rabbi Jacob Katz is scheduled to lead services this morning at B’nai Israel in Brooklym

1920: Rabbi Nathan Blechman  is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “God’s Way with Man” this morning at Montefiore Congregation in the Bronx.

1920: Rabbi David Davidson is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The Survival of the Morally Fit” this mornings.

1920: Birthdate of economist and Nobel Prize Winner, Lawrence Klein.

1920: Best wishes for the New Year were extended to “members, patrons, donors and friends of Jewish Maternity Hospital on East Broadway of which Sam Finkelstein is the President.

1920: Prices of poultry were expected to be reduced from to 5 to 8 cents per pound for the New Year because the Health commissioner of New York’s decision “to issue a large number of licenses to prepare meats for the High Holy days in order to produce independent competition with the so-called kosher poultry trust.”

1921: It was reported today that over the past weekend, Dr. Rudolph Coffee has been installed as the Rabbi of Temple Sinai is Oakland CA.

1922: “The Earl of Essex” a silent film about the English noble starring Eva May was released today in Germany.

1923: Three days after he had passed away, Siegmund Lubin, the Philadelphia ophthalmologist and movie producer was buried today following his funeral in New Jersey.

1923: Miguel Primo de Rivera becomes dictator of Spain. “The government of Miguel Primo de Rivera decreed that every Sephardi could claim Spanish citizenship. This right was used by some refugees during the Second World War, including the Hungarian Jews saved by Ángel Sanz Briz and Giorgio Perlasca. This decree was again put to use to receive some Jews from Sarajevo during the Bosnian War.”

1924: Birthdate of Willem Polak whose parents were murdered during the Holocaust and who served as Mayor of Amsterdam for six years.

1925(25th of Elul, 5685): Sixty-year old Max Pam who “read law in the offices of Adolph Moses” before gaining admission to the bar and whose clients included such blue chip companies as U.S. Steel and International which provided him with the wherewithal to serve as the benefactor of Hebrew Union College and Notre Dame where funded the School of Journalism passed away today.


1927(17th of Elul, 5687): Forty-six year old Mrs. Abraham Joseph Hyman (Esther Levy) the wife a Manchester, UK, grocery store who survived the sinking of the Titanic and with whom she had two children – Jonas and Rachel – passed away today.

1928: On New York’s Lower East Side, Mammie and Morris Shanker, Jewish immigrants from Poland gave birth to labor leader Albert Shanker, the President of the militant American Federation of Teachers which challenged the dominant teachers' organization, the NEA.



1928: “Sinner’s Parade” one of what have been the last “silent crime films” produced by Harry Cohn with a “story by David Lewis” was released today in the United States.

1929: In Manhattan, Mary Gutfreund and Manuel Gutfreudn, a butcher who became a meat wholesaler and distributor gave birth to financier John Gutfreund. (As reported by Jonathan Kandell)


1930: “German voters elect 107 Nazis to the Reichstag, elevating Hitler’s organization to major party status.

1930: When the Nazi Party polled six million votes during today’s election, the Catholic hierarchy called on its people to examine their consciences.

1930: Forty-eight year old Bet A. Polsky, the son of Abram and Mollie Bloch Polsky “opened his store in downtown Akron, Ohio today.”

1930: First baseman Hank Greenberg made his major league debut with the Detroit Tigers.

1930: Birthdate of Allan Bloom, the native of Indianapolis best known for championing an intellectual approach to education and literacy encapsulated in The Closing of the American Mind.


1931: Birthdate “Czech novelist and playwright Ivan Kilma.”


1932: Minnie and Max Koeppel gave birth to real estate developer Alfred J. Koeppel who followed in the footsteps of his grandfather Abraham Koeppel the founder of Koeppel and Koeppel.



1933: Mrs. Zackheim, the widow of a German-Jewish author attracted considerable attention as she sat behind the wheel of her taxicab in Tel Aviv.  Mrs. Zackheim appears to have been the first female cab driver in Palestine but she will not be the last if reports that “a cooperative group of women drivers, most of them refugees from Germany” is in its formative organizational stages prove to be correct.

1935(16thof Elul, 5695): Parashat Ki Tavo

1935: “Special Agent” a gangster movie produced by Samuel Bischoff was released in the United States by Warner Bros.

1935: A day before the Nuremberg laws were introduced “by the Reichstag at a special meeting convened at the annual Nuremberg Rally of the Nazi Party,” and while a debated was raging about boycotting the 1936 Olympics because of German racial policies, it was reported that “General Charles H. Sherrill, an American member of the International Olympic Committee had left Nuremberg” on September 13 after having been the personal guest of Hitler…

1935: Re-release of “Thirteen Women” produced by David O. Selznick, with a screenplay by Samuel Ornitz and music by Max Steiner.

1936: Left fielder Morrie Arnovich made his major league debut with the Philadelphia Phillies of the National League.

1936(27th of Elul, 5696: Ossip Gabrilowitsch, who has been rated as one of the half dozen greatest pianists of his generation and is the Director of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, passed away.  His wife Clara, the daughter of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and their daughter Nina were with him.


1936(27th of Elul, 5696):  Thirty-seven year old Irving Grant Thalberg, known was the “Boy Wonder” of filmdom  who was the creative force at MGM and the husband of actress Norma Shearer who converted to Judaism so she could marry him passed away today.



1936: The Maccabees of Tel Aviv, soccer champions of Palestine, arrived in New York City today for a tour of North America.

1936: Mrs. Amy G. Wyle is scheduled to preside over the testimonial luncheon honoring Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman “the proceeds” of which “will be added to the donations received by the Greater New York Campaign which is seeking to raise $1,500,000 for reconstruction work on behalf of Jews in Germany, Poland and Eastern Europe.”

1936: Two German Jews are among the thirty foreign aviators quartered at Cuatro Vientos Airport in Madrid where they have joined the fight against Franco and his fascists.

1936: At testimonial luncheon given today in her honor at the Hotel Commodore sponsored by the Women’s Division of the Greater New York Campaign of the Joint Distribution Committee that is raising $1,500,000 for the aid of Jews in Germany, Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe, Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman described “the destitute condition of the oppressed groups in Europe, particularly the Jewish people of German” and made a please for supporting the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

1936: Outfielder Morrie Arnovich made his major league debut with the Philadelphia Phillies.

1937(9thof Tishrei, 5698): Erev Yom Kippur, Kol Nidre

1937: WHN is scheduled to broadcast Yom Kippur services from Temple Emanu-El from 8 to 9:30 P.M.

1937: WABC Network is scheduled to broadcast a program arranged by the National Federation of Sisterhoods starting at 4:30 P.M. that will included the “singing of Kol Nidre by a choir under the direction of Ruth Best” and readings from the Union Prayer Book by Rabbi George Zepin, the Secretary of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations..

1937: Outfielder Goody Rosen made his major league debut with the Brooklyn Dodgers.

1937: Today, “a group of 30 men announced the formation of the Rochester Professional Football Team, Inc. to continue operation of the Rochester Tigers” which were coached by former All-American quarterback Harry Newman.

1938:  Birthdate of actor and comedian Leonard Frey.

1938: During the crisis over the Sudetenland, French diplomat Georges Bonnet displayed the attitude of Western Weakness that would lead to WW II when today he told Sir Eric Phipps that “we cannot sacrifice ten million men in to prevent three and half million Sudetens joining the Reich.”

1938(18th of Elul, 5698): While escorting a laborer’s cart, Alfred Asher, a Jewish policeman, was shot dead on the road between Rehovoth and Givat Brenner.

1938(18th of Elul, 5698): Three Jews were killed when a land mine exploded under their car while they traveled on the road between Afuleh and Kirat Zion.

1938(18th of Elul, 5698): “Late in the afternoon Dr. Abraham Rosenthal, a well-known heart specialist in Jerusalem was shot dead at Ramleh while driving from Tel Aviv.

1939(1st of Tishrei, 5700): Rosh Hashanah 5700

1939(1st of Tishrei, 5700): On the first day of the Jewish New Year, 43 Jews were taken, forced to do labor and then shot to death at Przemsysl, Poland. Asscheer Gitter was among the dead.

1939: Order No.7 of German Civilian Administration transferred all Jewish industrial and commercial enterprises in Poland to "Aryan' hands.  This was part of the ongoing economic war that the Nazis conducted against the Jews wherever they went.  Killing Jews was the Final Solution.  But the first goal was to steal everything the Jews owned (so much for the nobility of the Aryans).

1939: “The German Army entered” Wloclawek, Poland “and aided by local sympathizers, began looting Jewish property, shooting Jews, and burning synagogues.” (Yad Vashem)

1939: For the second time in three days, the Luftwaffe bombed Warsaw which the Wehrmacht crossed the Bug River forcing the government of Poland which had left its capital to leave Luck and keep moving southwards.

1939: Eric Colcraft, a photographer with the English newspaper Planet News took a picture today of a Jewish orphanage in Warsaw, Poland, after the Germans had bombed the city


1940: Isaac Siegel began serving as Justice of the Domestic Relations Court in New York City – a position he held until his death.

1940(11thof Elul, 5700): Parashat Ki Teitzei

1940(11thof Elul, 5700): Sixty-one year old Prague native Ernst August Pribram, the son of Dr. Otto Primbram and Fanny Primbram, the Austrian Army, serologist and bacteriologist who settled in Chicago where he taught at Loyola University, passed away.

1941(22nd of Elul, 5701): Nine thousand Jews were killed by the Nazis in Slonim, Russia

1941: Dedication of Temple Emanu-El in Dothan, Alabama. Jews have lived in the Dothan area for over one hundred years.  The congregation was charted in 1929.

1942(3rd of Tishrei, 5703): Tzom Gedaliah

1942(3rd of Tishrei, 5703): Wellesley College graduate Sylvia Goulston Dreyfus, “a trustee of the New England Conservatory of Music” and “chairman of the Boston Committee of the Palestine Orchestra Fund” who was married to Carl Dreyfus with whom she had three children passed away today in Boston.


1942: Pitcher Harry Shuman made his major league debut with the Pittsburgh Pirates.

1942: Having shot down one bomber and one fighter yesterday over Stalingrad, according to authors, Lydia Litvyak shot down her second Messerschmitt, the fighter that was the pride of the Luftwaffe

1943: Jacob Gens, head of the Jewish Council of the Vilna Ghetto was summoned to Gestapo headquarters. He never returned.  Earlier in the Summer Gens had played a less than stellar role regarding armed resistance to the Nazis in Vilna.  A Jewish shoemaker named Itzik Vitenberg was the leader of resistance group that planned on fighting the Nazis in the ghetto.   Vitenberg was turned over to the Nazis by Jewish police chief in the Ghetto.  After he was rescued by his comrades, the Gestapo demanded that the Jews surrender him or suffer the consequences.  Gens urged the people to give him up; to not sacrifice the common good for one person.  The Vilna Jews felt that they had enjoyed a year and half of "peace" thanks to Gens working with the Nazis and ultimately Vitenberg was forced to give himself up. He was brutally murdered by the Nazis.

1944(26thof Elul, 5704): Wilhelm Haas, the husband of Eleasah (Elise) Haas, who is the granddaughter of Bella Baer the daughter of Rabbi Samuel Marx, the uncle of Karl Marx, died today at Theresienstadt.

1945: “Asserting that 5,000,000 Jews in Europe had lost their lives and that those surviving were in a pitiable condition, William O’Dwyer, Democratic and American Labor party candidate of Mayor declared that the human wreckage left by the Nazis at the end of the war needed immediate salvaging.”

1945: On the Friday before the Day of Atonement, WABC broadcast a Yom Kippur Service from 5 to 5:15 led by Chaplain Jacob P. Rudin, Cantor David Putterman and Chaplain Luther D. Miller.

1945: At 5:30 in the evening WQXR broadcast a services from Temple Emanu-El

1945: At 8:00 pm WEVD broadcast “News in Yiddish” followed fifteen minutes later by the “Jewish Philosopher.”

1945: According to reports published in the New York Times, Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, has sent $1,112,000 during the past four months to the Youth Aliyah (immigration) Bureau of the Jewish for the purpose of caring for young Jews who have survived the Nazi camps.

1946: Hank Greenberg drives in 7 Tiger Runs with 2 home runs and a double as Detroit defeats the Yankees in their final game of the season.

1947: Seventy-three year old soldier/statesman General Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope the High Commissioner and Commander-in-Chief for Palestine and Trans-Jordan from 1931 until his retirement in 1938 – a period that was marked by “a three-fold increase in the Jewish population” and an “economic boom of sorts for Jewish commercial activities but was also marred by the Arab uprising passed away today.

1948: “Johnny Belinda,” a film version of the Broadway play produced by Jerry Wald and with music by Max Steiner was released today in the United States.

1948: David Ben-Gurion met with all 64 Palmach commanding officers.  He explained to them why he was abolishing the Palmach National Command which had acted as an army within an army since the establishment of the IDF.  Ben-Gurion was determined to see to it that there was only national military force in Israel and that it was under the control of the government.  Neither the Irgun on the right nor the Palmach on the left would be allowed to undermine this goal.

.1948: With the sound of shellfire from Arab artillery in the background, Dr. Felix Rosenblueth, the Ministers of Justice swore in the first five justices to serve on Israel’s newly created Supreme Court.  Chief Justice Moshe Smoira and Justices Rabbi Simcha Assaf, Itzhak Olshan, Moshe Dunkelblum and Schneur Zalman Cheshin covered their heads and recited the oath “to maintain fidelity to the State of Israel and its laws and not to swerve from justice but to judge people properly.” This is the first Jewish court to sit in a Jewish state since the Sanhedrin met in the days of the Second Commonwealth


 1948: Milton Berle started his TV career on Texaco Star Theater.  "Uncle Miltie" would become the first national television entertainment celebrity.  In the early fifties, this Jewish semi-successful vaudeville comic would dominant Tuesday nights in a way not since again until the creation of Monday Night Football.

1950: As tensions rise over the Israeli occupation of an area at Naharayim along the confluence of the Yarmuk and Jordan River, “Maj. Gen. William E. Riley, United Nations chief truce supervisor, said that, from an interpretation of a map, Israel undoubtedly was right in her claim to land disputed by Jordan, but that he had legal reservations arising from the fact that the land had belonged to Transjordan before the” fighting in 1948. The area in question is the site of the Israeli owned Rutenberg Hydroelectric Plant which had “been the most important source of electric power for Palestine “but had fallen into disuse due to the dispute with Jordan.  As night fell, Major General Yigal Yadin, the Israeli Army Chief of Staff expressed Israel’s determination to defend all of its land even if meant a renewed outbreak of hostilities.

1950: In New York, “Pamela (née Wolkowitz) and Murray Deutch, a music executive and publisher” gave birth to director Howard Deutch whose body of work includes “The Replacement” a comedy that will warm the heart of any Washington, DC football fan.

1953:”Always a Bride” a comedy with a musical score by Benjamin Frankel was released today in the United Kingdom.

1955: Birthdate of Yosef Yitzhak Paritzky, the Israeli lawyer whose political career has included serving as an MK and Minister of National Infrastructure.

1955: Birthdate of Pulitzer Prize winning author Geraldine Brooks whose works included People of the Book, a novel featuring the Sarajevo Haggadah.

1956(9thof Tishrei, 5717): Erev Yom Kippur; Kol Nidre

1956: The American Hebrew appeared for the last time before merging withthe Examiner to become The American Examiner.

1957: CBS broadcast the first episode of “Have Gun – Will Travel” that included an opening theme composed by Bernard Herrmann and over its six year history included episodes written by Bruce Geller and Irving Wallace as well as appearances by Martin Balsam, Sydney Pollack, Norma Crane, Suzanne Pleshette, Werner Klemperer and Dyan Cannon

1957: In Halifax, Beth El Congregation completed its new sanctuary located on the corner of Oxford Street and Coburg Road

1957: Birthdate of Pittsburgh born and educated hedge-fund manager David Alan Tepper who gave up his share of the Pittsburgh Steelers so that he could become owner of the Carolina Panthers.


1958(29thof Elul, 5718): Erev Rosh Hashanah

1958(29thof Elul, 5718): Eighty-two year old Frieda Fanny Warburg, the daughter of Jacob and Therese Schiff and wife of Felix Moritz Warburg passed away at White Plains, NY.



1959(11th of Elul, 5719): Seventy-two year, Scottish chemist Sir Ian Heilbron (born Isidor Morris) passed away today.


1959(11thof Elul, 5719): Fifty-five year old London born Dr. Joshua Trachtenberg, the holder of degrees from CCNY, Columbia and Hebrew Union College, a leading Rabbi in the Reform movement who sought to “further liberal Judaism in Israel” who was the husband of Edna Suer Trachtenberg with whom he had one child passed away today.


1960: The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is founded.

1962: “Jungle Fighters” produced by Michael Balcon, with a screenplay by Wolf Mankowitz, music by Stanley Black and starring Laurence Harvey was released today in the United States.

1964(8thof Tishrei, 5725): Fifty-eight year old Vasily Grossman, the Soviet journalist who provided first-hand accounts of the battles at Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk and Berlin as well as riveting descriptions of the death camp at Treblinka, passed away today.


1965: Pope Paul VI opened the fourth and final session of Vatican II which approved Nostra Aetate which said that “all Jews today are no more responsible for the death of Christ than Christians.”

1966(29th of Elul, 5726): Erev Rosh Hashanah

1966(29th of Elul, 5726): Actress Gertrude Edelstein Berg passed away.  Born in 1894, Berg gained fame as the Jewish housewife Molly Goldberg.  She began the role on radio in 1929.  She sharpened it in the 1948 Broadway hit Molly and Me.  She reached her apex of celebrity when The Goldbergs was a television hit from 1949 through 1955.  Berg was a victim of Senator McCarthy's Red Hunt and the show was taken off the air.

1969(2ndof Tishrei, 5730): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

1969(2ndof Tishrei, 5730): As traditional Jews observe the second day of Rosh Hashanah the miracle Mets who survived Art Shamsky’s decision not to play on the Jewish New Year continue their drive for the National League Pennant.

1969: “Sinai Tour Routes Avoid Suez Routes” published today described “one of the unexpected results of the six-day war of 1967” is a boom in tourism in the Sinai Peninsula


1972: The building on West Franklin Street that had been home to Beth Ahabah (Hebrew: House of Love) a Reform synagogue in Richmond, Virginia that was founded in 1789, was designated as part of the U.S. Historic District.

1972(6thof Tishrei, 5733): Eighty-four year old French playwright Jean-Jacques Bernard who was interned at Compiegne at the start of the Nazi occupation but who avoided deportation to one of the death camps passed away today in Paris.

1972: In the wake of the Munich Massacre it was reported today that the official Chinese government newspaper Jenmin-Jih Pao said that “the Israeli aggressors claimed to have bombed Syria and Lebanon in self-defense” but what they had committed was inexcusable aggression designed “to undermine the unity between the Arab nations and the Palestinian people.”

1973: Israel shot down 13 Syrian MIG-21s.  It was victories like this that bred the sense of over-confidence that some critics would later led to the successful sneak attack that started the Yom Kippur War (October, 1973).

1973: “Stateline Motel,” the movie version of the novel, starring Eli Wallach was released in Italy today.

1974: Broadcast of the first episode of “Friends & Lovers” a sitcom created by James L. Brooks and Allan Burns and starring Jack Gilford and Steve Landesberg.

1974: Birthdate of Evanston, Illinois native Lindsey Durlacher the All-American wrestler at the University of Illinois who the bronze medal in Men’s Greco-Roman Wrestling while representing the United States at the World Championships in 2006.


1975(9thof Tishrei, 5736: Erev Yom Kippur

1976: CBS broadcast “Rescue At Entebbe: How They Saved The Hostages” a “news special about the planning and execution of the recent Israeli commando raid in Uganda to free airline hostages.”

1976: “Bar Mitzvah Boy,” a British television play, written by Jack Rosenthal, was broadcast today.

1976: “Hard Line and Hijackings” published today reported that in the wake of the hijacking of a “New York-to-Chicago airliner” “the dominant view among aviation at the moment is that there is nothing wrong in governments adopting a “policy of toughness in dealing with hijackers” as exemplified by “the Israeli commando raid that freed hostages at Uganda’s Entebbe Airport earlier this year.”

1976: “Checking Out,” a Broadway play directed by Jerry Adler and starring Joan Copeland, Hy Anzell and Mason Adams opened at the Longacre Theatre tonight.

1977(2ndof Tishrei, 5738): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

1978: The Democratic Movement for Change splintered with the different components dividing themselves between three other parties.

1979: Sofia Cosma a native of the Smorgon, a shtetl on the border between Latvia and Lithuanian took his final turn at the podium when he conducted Concerto No.1 by Tchaikovsky today


1981: Nigel Lawson began serving as Secretary of State for Energy.

1983: Birthdate of Amy Winehouse

1983: Ninety-three year old Ernst Moritz Hess who was Hitler’s commanding officer during WW I and lost his job as Judge after the passage of the Nazi Nuremberg race law because even though his father was Protestant and he had been baptized, he was classified as a Jew, passed away today.


1984: Gary Rosenblatt, the editor of the Baltimore Jewish Times, “published ‘The Simon Wiesenthal Center: State-of-the-art Activism or Hollywood Hype?’ analyzing whether Wiesenthal Center officials were truthful in marketing their Holocaust museum as a non-sectarian, humanitarian institution in order to receive funding from the state of California. This article was one of two finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in the category of Special Reporting in 1985. The honor marked the first time an article in a Jewish publication was cited in the Pulitzer competition.”

1984(17th of Elul, 5744): Ninety-two year old Memphis, TN, philanthropist Abe Plough the native of Tupelo, MS who created a company that eventually became Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals of which he was chairman


1985: Premier episode of the Golden Girls. The show was the creation of Jewish television executive Brandon Tartikoff.  Two of the four lead characters in this long running television hit were Jewish – Beatrice Arthur and Estelle Getty.

1985(28th of Elul, 5745): Julian Beck, whose Living Theater expanded the frontiers of theatrical innovation for nearly 40 years, died of cancer today at the age of 60. (As reported by Samuel Freedman)


1989: The first Broadway revival of Stephen Sondheim’s “Sweeny Todd” opened at the Circle in the Square Theatre.

1989: Seven members of ACT UP, an organization co-founded by Larry Krammer “infiltrated the New York Stock Exchange and chained themselves to the VIP balcony to protest the high price of the only approved AIDS drug, AZT”

1990: “Death Warrant” an action movie written by David S. Goyer was released in the United States today by MGM.

1992: Today, the New Yorker published Ann Goldstein’s first translation, an essay by the Italian writer Aldo Buzzi.

1993: Yithak Rabin replaced Aryeh Deri as Minister of Internal Affairs.

1993: “A Bronx Tale,” a crime film produced by Jane Rosenthal premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival.

1994(9th of Tishrei, 5755): Erev Yom Kippur

1994: Acting Commissioner Bud Selig announced the cancellation of the rest of the baseball season on the 34th day of a strike by players. Selig is one of a number of Jews who have found success as executives in the world of professional athletics.

1994: “Quiz Show” a movie based on Richard Goodwin’s Remembering America: A Voice From the Sixties co-starring Rob Morrow and featuring Barry Levinson that describes the Quiz Show Scandals and centers around Herb Stempel was released today by Buena Vista Pictures.

1996(1st of Tishrei, 5757): Rosh Hashanah

1997: About 90 headstones at a Jewish cemetery on Staten Island were found overturned today and swastikas had been spray-painted on 5, the police said. Visitors to the Baron Hirsch Cemetery at 1126 Richmond Avenue in the Graniteville section alerted officers to the vandalism with a 911 call about 4:30 P.M., Officer Valerie St. Rose, a police spokeswoman, said the vandalism is being investigated as a bias crime.

1997: The New York Times book section featured reviews by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish interest including Alice Hoffman’s 12th novel, Here On Earth and Watching My

Language: Adventures in the Word Trade by William Safire.

2000: A general strike began in Nazareth protesting what they described as "police incompetence in handling violence and crime" after the murder of a local resident,52 year old  Nabieh Nussier,

2000: U.S. premiere of “Dancing at the Blue Iguana” directed by Michael Radford who co-authored the script.

2002(8thof Tishrei, 5763): Shabbat Shuva

2002: A memorial services was held for Louise Rosenfield Noun, the Grinnell College graduate and social activist “at the Iowa State Historical Building in Des Moines.”


2003: Pitcher John Grabow made his major league debut with the Pittsburgh Pirates.

2003:The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish interest including Law, Pragmatism and Democracy by Richard A. Posner and Mad Art: A Visual Celebration of the Art of MAD Magazine and the Idiots Who Create It by Mark Evanier.

2004: “A suicide bomber riding on a bicycle blew himself up at an agricultural gate” south of Kalanda injuring two.

2005: Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon shook hands in an apparent chance encounter in the corridors of the United Nations summit Wednesday. The handshake followed a landmark meeting between the foreign ministers of Pakistan and Israel last week, the first formal high-level contact between the Islamic and Jewish states.  Pakistan is the world’s second largest Muslim country.  Israel has sought to improve relations with non-Arab Muslim countries.

2005: “The Israeli cabinet approved, by a 9-1 majority, plans to compensate settlers who left the Gaza Strip, with only the NRP's Zevulun Orlev opposing. The government's plan for compensation uses a formula that bases actual amounts on location, house size, and number of family members among other factors. Most families should receive between U.S.$200,000 and 300,000.”

2005: Days after the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza the Palestinian Religious Scholars Society issued a fatwa (Islamic religious decree) forbidding normalization with Israel. The fatwa came in response to a surprise ruling earlier this week by Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, head of Egypt's al-Azhar Mosque University, in favor of normalization with Israel.

2005: An opera titled Seven Attempted Escapes From Silence for which Jonathan Safran Foer wrote the libretto premiered at the Berlin State Opera today.

2006(1stof Tishrei, 5757): Rosh Hashanah

2006:Germany took a richly symbolic step in its long journey of historical reconciliation as three men became the first rabbis ordained in this country since the Holocaust. 2006: Aharon Barak completes his service as President of the Supreme Court of Israel.

2006: “T-Slam” an Israeli rock band founded in 1980 “played a one-off reunion show with Rami Fortis and Berry Sakharof in Jerusalem.”

2006: Dorit Beinish was appointed the 9th President of the Supreme Court of Israel making her the first woman to hold this position.

2007(2ndof Tishrei, 5768): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

2007: “Toots” a film about America’s most famous saloon keeper during the 1940’s and 1950’s which was directed by his granddaughter Kristi Jacobson opens in New York at the Quad City Cinema on the afternoon of the Second Day of Rosh Hashanah. Ms. Jacobson will be at the Friday night showing of the film.

2007: In “Saggy pants reveal more than underwear” a column by Jill Fields in which she discusses current fashion among adolescent males, she writes, “Several decades ago, my teenage sister wore ‘hot pants’ to Friday night services at Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, California.  A congregant complained.  Rabbi Harold Schulweis later told us he had replied, ‘You should look into her eyes, not what she’s wearing.’”

2008(14th of Elul, 5768): Eight-five year old Hyman Goldman who along with his brother-in-law Leonard Marsh and Arnold Greenberg founded Snapple, the beverage company, passed away today.


2008: In Washington, D.C., The Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival opens with "Laughing for God's Sake: Humor in Jewish Literature," featuring interpretive readings by local actors (directed by Ian Armstrong) of work by the likes of Shalom Auslander, Faye Moskowitz and Nathan Englander. This event will feature the 10 finalists of the festival's writing contest

2008: On the occasion of the publication of the full translation of The History of the Yiddish Language the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research presents a symposium where panelists including Neil G. Jacobs, Ohio State University; Robert D. King, University of Texas; and Kalman Weiser, York University discuss this work by Max Weinreich.

2008: In Vienna, the first festival devoted to Jewish and Israeli music ever held in Austria comes to a close.

2008: The Washington Post book section includes a review of Philip Roth’s latest novel, Indignation.

2008: The Sunday New York Times book section featured books by Jewish authors and/or on topics of Jewish interest including Little Brother by Cory Doctorow, Is There a Right to Remain Silent? Coercive Interrogation and the Fifth Amendment After 9/11 by Alan M. Dershowitz and

The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremismby Ron Suskind

2009: A special exhibit featuring the work of Will Ronis at this summer’s Rencontres d’Arles photography festival on view in Southern France comes to an end.

2009: Robert J. Samuelson, a columnist for both The Washington Post and Newsweek, discusses and signs The Great Inflation and Its Aftermath: The Past and Future of American Affluence at the Bethesda Library, Bethesda, Md.

2009: Israel Air Force pilot Captain Asaf Ramon was laid to rest next to his father Ilan Ramon today, a day after he was killed in a training accident while flying an Israel Air Force jet. "You've trapped me," said Asaf's mother, Rona, standing over the graves of her husband and son. "It should have been me. You were supposed to bury me, old and happy, surrounded by millions of grandchildren. "Oh, what a God," she continued, her voice breaking. "Dad, Grandpa and Grandma, all your loved ones, will watch over you now, my child... My Asaf, take care of Dad. I know Dad will take care of you, and hug you now." The funeral began at 4 P.M. at Kibbutz Nahalal and was closed to the media, as requested by Rona Ramon. Hundreds of Ramon's relatives and friends, as well as a number of dignataries, accompanied the procession. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Israel Defense Forces Chief Gabi Ashkenazi were also in attendance. Netanyahu postponed a scheduled afternoon meeting with Barack Obama's Mideast envoy, George Mitchell, who also attended the funeral. "The State of Israel is lowering its flag, as a whole nation mourns the death of our fallen son," Peres said in eulogy of Ramon. "All of our hearts are broken today, because the personal child of the Ramon family was a child of all of us.""The words that accompanied Asaf and his friends as they received their wings at graduation still echo in my ears - 'every plane that has flown in the sky, every star that lights up the eyes, reminds me of you' - those words, that touched the hearts of everybody at the parade grounds, have been crushed now before our eyes.""Rona was already a hero, she was and will remain a hero. There is no other Rona. There is no other hero," Peres said. "... These words can never fill the void." Ramon, 21, died when the F-16A Falcon jet he was flying crashed during a routine training flight near the southern Hebron Hills. His father was Israel's first astronaut, who perished onboard the space shuttle Columbia in 2003. Like his son, Colonel Ramon was an F-16 pilot. Prime Minister Netanyahu called the fatal crash that took Ramon's life a "double loss", almost on the level of "a biblical tragedy.""A father and son followed their hearts and soared to the heavens in chariots of steel, crashing to the Earth in chariots of fire," Netanyahu said. The prime minister also said the crash raises questions about whether or not children of mothers who had lost their husbands should be allowed to serve in combat units. "The dilemma here is very difficult, and the inclination is to say no [to combat service for children of bereaved parents]," Netanyahu said. Netanyahu added that in his time, his parents did not know that he was serving in the Israel Defense Forces' elite Sayeret Matkal reconnaissance unit in which his brother Yonatan also served until he was killed in Operation Entebbe in 1976. "My two brothers and I were together in the same unit. My parents didn't know where I served or any of the risks we took." The main focus of the investigation into Sunday's crash is on human factors, and there is a high probability that some physiological problem may have led to the crash. Barak told Israel Radio on Monday that news of Ramon's crash "hit me like a punch to the stomach." Barak also addressed the issue of allowing the children of bereaved parents to serve in combat units, saying "it rends the heart when things like this happen. These are not children - these are young men who were educated with values. They want to serve in the most demanding places. You can't take this right away from them." Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar directed schools to devote a lesson this week to the family of Ilan and Asaf Ramon. In a letter to school principals, Sa'ar called the Ramon family a "prime example of volunteerism, excellence, self-sacrifice." Sa'ar noted that the items astronaut Ilan Ramon took with him into space (a Torah scroll and an Israeli flag) reflected Ramon's ties to his Jewish and Israeli roots.

Sa'ar suggested the class discussion could refer to historical events such as the 1981 Israeli bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor, in which Ilan Ramon took part, and the fatal 2003 crash of the space shuttle Columbia.

2009: Israel commemorated the Munich Massacre of 1972 today in a state ceremony attended by politicians, athletes and relatives of the fallen.

2009: “Ex-Mayor of Memphis Starts Bid for Congress, Invoking Race in Campaign” published today reported that “The black candidate, former Mayor Willie W. Herenton of Memphis, has argued that Tennessee needs a black voice in its currently all-white delegation. He is running a blistering campaign against Representative Steve Cohen, a fellow Democrat who is Jewish with a precarious hold on the majority black district.” Herenton has attacked Cohen by saying “that he does not really think very much of African Americans.”  Sidney Chism, a black county commissioner and Herenton’s campaign manager said that “this seat was set aside for people who look me. (As reported by Robbie Brown)

2010(8th of Tishrei, 5771): Ysrael Seinuk, a structural engineer who made it possible for many of New York City’s tallest new buildings to withstand wind, gravity and even earthquakes passed away today at the age of 78. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)


2010: Eric “Schneiderman was the Democratic Party nominee for New York Attorney General, defeating four other candidates in the Democratic Primary” today.

2010:Fireflies (Gachliliyot), a film tied to the Yom Kippur War is scheduled to be shown at The JCC in Manhattan.

2010: Mira Awad, who represented Israel in the Eurovision song contest 2009 alongside Noa with the song "There must be another way" from their duet album carrying the same name, is scheduled to appear at the Winery in New York City.

2010:  Ahmed Jaabari, leader of Hamas' military wing, issued a rare statement today threatening a wave of violence intended to derail the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

2010: The leaders of Israel and the Palestinian Authority held more than two hours of face-to-face peace talks in this Red Sea resort today, delving into several of the core issues that divide the two sides but not breaking an impasse over Jewish settlements.

2010: A royal box built at the upper level of King Herod's private theater at Herodium has been fully unveiled in recent excavations at the archaeological site, providing a further indication of the luxurious lifestyle favored by the well-known Jewish monarch, the Hebrew University announced in a statement released today.

2011: Israeli violinist Guy Braunstein and Frank Braley are scheduled to perform Hanns Eisler’s Eisler Duo for Violin & Cello, op. 7 at the 14thJerusalem International Chamber Music Festival.

2011: Galeet Dardashti is scheduled to perform at The JCC in Manhattan.

2011: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman ordered the early evacuation of Israel's embassy in Jordan today, over fears of violent anti-Israel protests similar to those which erupted in Cairo last week

2011: British Prime Minister David Cameron decided that the UK would not take part in the UN-sponsored Durban III anti-racism conference on September 22 because he did not want the UK to engage in an event with anti-Semitic association, the Jewish Chronicle reported today.

2012: Izhar Patkin’s “The Messiah’s Glass” is scheduled to go on displace at the Jewish Museum.

2012: A revival of Stephen Schwartz’s Tony-Award winning musical Pippin opened at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre today.

2012: Tom Rothman, “the chairman and executive officer of Fox Filmed Entertainment” resigned today.

2012: U.S. President wished the world's Jews a happy new year today, issuing a video in which he called for reconciliation and peace.

2012: As the High Holidays begin, an argument between Shas and Meretz that has become an annual tradition rears its head yet again: When should daylight saving time end? MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz) slammed Interior Minister Eli Yishai today, saying the minister promised to pass a law to extend DST by 11 days, but buried it in the Shas-controlled Knesset Interior Committee.

2012: Jerusalem police clashed with hundreds of Muslim youth today after they left prayers atop the Temple Mount in the direction of the Damascus Gate. Police said the rioters were on their way to the US consulate, presumably to protest against a film denigrating the Prophet Mohammad, which has already sparked mass protests in Libya, Egypt and Yemen.

2013(10th of Tishrei, 5774): Yom Kippur

2013: While being held captive by ISIS, Steven Sotloff, who would eventually be beheaded secretly “fasted on Yom Kippur, by feigning illness.”

2013: Due the cataclysmic flooding that has hit parts of Colorado including Boulder, home of the University of Colorado, Yom Kippur services will not be held in the Chabad synagogue according to Rabbi Yisroel Wilhelm

2013(10th of Tishrei): In Cedar Rapids, Iowa Ilan Caplan keeps alive an unbroken streak dating back to the 19th century and the founding of Beth Jacob by leading traditional Yom Kippur Services.

2013: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's office had no comment tonight on the new US-Russian agreement on destroying Syria's chemical weapons stores, as Israel awaits the arrival of US Secretary of State John Kerry on tomorrow (As reported by Herb Keinon)

2013: “A four-year-old girl accidently drowned in a mikveh in Bnei Barak today, on what was otherwise a relatively quiet Yom Kippur in terms of medical emergencies.”

2014: The Congregation Olam Tikvah Sisterhood and Men's Club are scheduled to host a talk by MERCAZ USA's Executive Director Rabbi Golub on "Promoting Jewish Pluralism in a Changing Israeli Society"

2014: “The Good and the True,” a Holocaust based play is scheduled to have its final performance at the DR2 Theatre in Manhattan.

2014: The Jewish Women’s Archives is scheduled to celebrate its 18thanniversary by honoring Gail Twersky Reimer, the founding executive director.

2014: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host a walking tour of Jewish Old Town Alexandria tracing the start of a community that dates back to the 1850’s.

2014: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Thirteen Days In September: Carter, Begin, and Sadat at Camp David by Lawrence Wright, World Order by Henry Kissinger and The Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah as well as an interview with Sara Paretsky, the author of the V.I. Warshawski novels.

2014: Today is the European Day of Jewish Culture.


2014: “The oldest book of Jewish liturgy, dating back to the ninth century, was en route to Israel today, and will be on display at the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem until late October.”

2014:”The IDF will hand down a “sharp and clear punishment” to members of Unit 8200 who are refusing to serve in West Bank missions, IDF spokesman Moti Almoz said today.” (As reported by Spencer Ho)

2014: Following his surpise appearance at Lady Gaga’s Tel Aviv concert last night, Tony Bennett performed on his own in Tel Aviv

2015(1stof Tishrei, 5776) Rosh Hashanah

2015(1stof Tishrei, 5776): Sixty-four year old Alexander Levlovitz died in the early hours this morning “after he lost control of the car he was driving came under attack from rock-throwing attackers in East Talpiot, Jerusalem.

2015: British Labour MP Lucian Berger began serving as the Shadow Minister for Mental Health today.

2015: Based on previous statements made by Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, he will lobby Congress to reject the Iran deal, but today, “when he stands before his congregation to welcome the New Year, he will not mention Congress, Iran or nuclear weapons.”

2015(1stof Tishrei, 5776):  Seventieth anniversary of the first celebration of the Jewish New Year in Vienna since the Anschluss in 1938 at the Statdt Temple.  Before the war Vienna had been home to almost 200,000 Jews who supported almost 100 Jewish houses of worship.  The Stadt was the only building to survive and the city’s Jewish population had been reduced to approximately 3,500.

2015: An unidentified “young Israeli man was lightly wounded by rock-throwers in Jerusalem” in what was assumed to be another attack by Palestinian Arabs.

2015: “Two people – a policeman and a young Jewish man – were hurt this morning as clashes resumed at the Temple Mount for the second consecutive day during which nine people were arrested.”

2016: Benjamin Goodman, Philip Solomonick, and Tomer Gewirtzman, Piano Yuval Herz and Barak Shossberger, Violin, Shmuel Katz, Viola and Oded Hadar, Cello are scheduled to perform at Carnegie Hall as part of the Young Israeli Artists in NYC series.

2016: In the early hours of the day (Israeli time), Shimon Peres’s office said he was in serious but stable condition” after having suffered a stroke yesterday.

2017: Shir Chadash, the only Conservative Congregation in the Greater New Orleans area is scheduled to host” Zemer Atik: Ancient Meoldies.”

2017: Members of the family of Shimon Peres, “world leaders and state and business leaders attended this morning’s ceremony at Mount Herzl Cemetery” marking the one year anniversary of the Jewish leader.

2017: In Jerusalem, Night Stroll 2017 is scheduled to include “Vincent’s Travels in the Holy Land.”

2017: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host the final screening of ”Bogdan’s Journey, a heartbreaking account of the pogrom that took place in the town of Kielce, Poland in July 1946 is scheduled to premiere in Manchester, UK

2017: The Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines is scheduled to host a screening of “Menahse.”


2018: The Bezalel Art Fair is scheduled to take place between 10 am and 4 pm today in Jerusalem.

2018: As Hurricane Florence strikes along the Carolinas, Ariela Davis,the Director of Judaics at Addlestone Hebrew Academy and the Rebbetzin of Brith Sholom Beth Israel, the historic shul of downtown Charleston, South Carolina is scheduled to ride out the storm in South Carolina coastal city.

2018: “The Columbus Dispatch reported today that Les Wexner had renounced his affiliation with the Republican Party due to changes in its nature.”

2019(14thof Elul, 5779): Parashat Ki Taytzay; for more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2019: At Vanderbilt University, the Jewish Studies Program is scheduled to co-sponsor “A Short History of Anger – the Destruction of Smyrna.


2019: In Jerusalem, the International Convention Center is scheduled to host “The Dire Straits Experience.”

2019: Beitar Jerusalem is scheduled to play Hapoel Haifa at Teddy Stadium in Jerusalem.

2019: In Columbus, OH, this afternoon following services, Congregation Tifereth Israel is scheduled to host the “Israel Discussion Group.”

2019: As Jews chew on their Cholent, they can look back on a week that included a tragic synagogue fire in Duluth, the announcement by Prime Minister Netanyahu, just days before the election, that he will annex significant parts of the so-called West Bank and reports that Israel was behind the placement of “spyware” near the White House…and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

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