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This Day, July 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


July 14
1086: Toirdelbach Ua Briain passed away.  Born in 1009, he was the King of Munster and the High King of Ireland. During his reign, in 1079, Jews reportedly made their first appearance in the Emerald Isle. “The Annals of Inisfallen record ‘Five Jews came from over sea with gifts to Toirdelbach [king of Munster], and they were sent back again over sea’”.
1223:Philip II Augustus, King of France died. Like so many other anti-Semites, King Phillip based his animus towards the Jews on Christian teachings and then used this hate to despoil.  Shortly after his coronation, the King ordered the arrest of all the Jews on a Saturday, when they were easy pickings and then demanded a ransom for their release.  He canceled the loans Christians owed to the Jews, seized their property and then expelled them.  Years later he would readmit the Jews but only after they paid another ransom and submit to a confiscatory scheme of taxation.
1223:  Louis VIII becomes King of France upon the death of his father, Philip II of France.  After his coronation, Louis reversed the policy of his father and ordered his officials to stop recording the debts Christians owed to Jews.  This was part of the on-going struggle that Christians had over the question of usury – charging interest when lending money.  For Christians usury was a sin that led to excommunication.  Since Jews were not Christians they could not be excommunicated so some Christian leaders felt it was acceptable to borrow from them.  The Church frowned on this.  Louis’ ban was an attempt to reach a compromise.  Jew could lend.  Christians could borrow.  But Christians did not necessarily end up having to pay back.  At least one major French noble became a foe of Louis over this since he had taxed his Jews on the profits from their money-lending activities.   This was a fry cry from the days of Louis VI and Louis VII both of whom were protective of Jews to the extent that Jews were a significant part of the populace of Paris.
1349: Today “all the Jews living in Frankfurt were murdered and their houses burnt.”
1391:The jurados of Valencia reported today that Don Samuel Abravalla, “the richest Jew in Valenciea” had been baptized yesterday in the palace of En Gasto.  His Christian name is Alfonso Ferrandes de Villaneuva.”  (According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, this Samuel Abravalla should not be confused with
Don Samuel Abravanel, who was also forcefully baptized in 1391, but took the name Juan de Sevilla. Both men returned to Judaism as soon as they had the chance to recant their respective baptisms.
1555: Paul IV issued Cum nimis absurdum, a Papal Bull thatplaced religious and economic restrictions on Jews in the Papal States. The bull renewed anti-Jewish decrees. It forced Jews to wear special clothing, to live in a ghetto in Rome and forbade them to own real estate or practice medicine among Christians. Jews were forbidden to practice any trade except ragpicking, and were restricted to one synagogue per city. Since all property had to be sold, and was inevitably sold at below market value, the Bull, like most such ordinances was theft as well.”
1614: The Jews of Worms succeeded in repelling an attack on the Jewish quarter today.
1638: Following the trials of Sabbatarian believers who were accused of “Judaizing” that had begun on July 7, today Samuel Pechi was sentenced to prison where he died the following year in Transylvania.
1647: A Jew from the city of Alessandra “who had discovered a new process of refining gunpowder” told the city officials of the plans the Duke of Modena to take control of the city by bribing him to destroy the supply of gunpowder.
1656: In New York, the municipal authorities grand the Jews a lot “for a place of interment” which “was on New Bowery, near Olive Street” “which the Jewish community” later “augmented by the purchase of adjoining tracts in 1681, 1729, and 1755.”
1663(9thof Tammuz, 5423): According to Leopold Zunz, Nathan ben Moses Hannover the Jewish historian and Talmudist best known for writing Yeven Mezulah that described the Khmelnytsky Uprising in which an unprecedented number of Jews were murdered, passed away today.  “Some of them [the Jews] had their skins flayed off them and their flesh was flung to the dogs. The hands and feet of others were cut off and they [their bodies] were flung onto the roadway where carts ran over them and they were trodden underfoot by horse ... And many were buried alive. Children were slaughtered at their mother’s bosoms and many children were torn apart like fish. They ripped up the bellies of pregnant women, took out the unborn children, and flung them in their faces. They tore open the bellies of some of them and placed a living cat within the belly and they left them alive thus, first cutting off their hands so that they should not be able to take the living cat out of the belly ... and there was never an unnatural death in the world that they did not inflict upon them.”(From Yeven Mezulah, pp. 31-32)
1757: During a dispute surrounding titles used by members of the Bet Din in London, Isaac Nieto “was prohibited from exercising the functions of assessor.” The son of David Nieto, Isaac Nieto had served as spiritual leader of Bevis Marx and had started the first synagogue in Gibraltar.  He had returned to London in 1751 to serve as one of three judges in the city’s Rabbinical Court.  He passed away in 1774.
1785: Birthdate of Mordecai Manuel Noah, the native of Philadelphia, who “was an American playwright, diplomat, journalist, and utopian. Born in a family of Portuguese Sephardic ancestry, he was the most important Jewish lay leader in New York in the pre-Civil War period, and the first Jew born in the United States to reach national prominence.”
1789: This date marks the fall of the Bastille in France. Although Jews by and large were not allowed to participate in the election of the Estates-General, which became the Constituent National Assembly, they viewed the fall of the Bastille as a triumph. Many of them enlisted in the National Guard. At the same time more than 1000 Jews in Alsace were forced to flee during the Agrarian revolt there.
1790(3rdof Av, 5550):Uziel Barrah the English born butcher whose conviction led to his being sent as a convict toe Australia passed away there today.

1792: Coronation of Francis II who relied on Berhnard Eskeles for financial “advice.”
1796: As the sun rise over Frankfort, the Jews examined the extensive damage done to the Judengrasse by the French shelling.  The damage was so extensive that the Jews were allowed to disperse to other sections of the city leading to the de facto end of the “Jewish Quarter.:
1798: The Sedition Act, part of the four laws known as the Alien and Sedition Acts become law during the administration of President John Adams. Adams was the leader of the Federalist Party and the opponents of the Democrat Party led by Thomas Jefferson.  According to historian Howard M. Sachar, “the Federalist remained plainspoken opponents of political rights for non-Christians.” The Jews “sensed that the underlying animus” expressed against the French and other “foreigners” in this legislation was aimed at Jews (the quintessential foreigners) as much as anybody else.  This drove most Jews into the welcoming arms of the Democrat Party which a strange admixture of Southern aristocrats and Northern urban leaders as typified by Aaron Burr.
1800: In Verdun, France, Mayer Lippmann, the Alsace born “son of Raphaël Isaac Lippmann and Jutelé Lippmann” and his wife Madeleine Lippmann gave birth to Isaac Lippmann
1805(17thof Tammuz, 5565):Tzom Tammuz as Lewis and Clark made their way through what is now Montana.
1816(18th of Tammuz, 5576): Tzom Tammuz observed for the last time during the Presidency of James Madison, the husband of Dolly Madison
1827: Birthdate of Wilhelm Rapp, the German native who participated in the Revolutions of 1848 before moving to United States in 1852 where he became a newspaper whose anti-slavery views led to a meeting with President Abraham Lincoln.
1828: Today “Dora Wordsworth and her father William Wordsworth and their friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge…came upon a Jewish family while walking along the Rhine near St. Goar.”  Dora recorded the meeting in her journal, while her father, the poet, recorded his feelings in a poem entitled “A Jewish Family” that was published in 1835. According to Judith W. Page, “Dora attempted to humanize the family and to see them as individuals.  William…idealized and distanced his subjects, thus denying them their particular identities and historical grounding. What follows is Wordsworth description of the events that led to the creation of “A Jewish Family.”
Coleridge, my daughter, and I, in 1828, passed a fortnight upon the banks of the Rhine, principally under the hospitable roof of Mr. Aders of Gotesburg, but two days of the time we spent at St. Goar in rambles among the neighbouring valleys. It was at St. Goar that I saw the Jewish family here described. Though exceedingly poor, and in rags, they were not less beautiful than I have endeavoured to make them appear. We had taken a little dinner with us in a basket, and invited them to partake of it, which the mother refused to do, both for herself and children, saying it was with them a fast-day; adding diffidently, that whether such observances were right or wrong, she felt it her duty to keep them strictly. The Jews, who are numerous on this part of the Rhine, greatly surpass the German peasantry in the beauty of their features and in the intelligence of their countenances. But the lower classes of the German peasantry have, here at least, the air of people grieviously opprest. Nursing mothers, at the age of seven or eight and twenty often look haggard and far more decayed and withered than women of Cumberland and Westmoreland twice their age. This comes from being underfed and overworked in their vineyards in a hot and glaring sun.
“A Jewish Family”
GENIUS of Raphael! if thy wings
Might bear thee to this glen,
With faithful memory left of things
To pencil dear and pen,
Thou would'st forego the neighbouring Rhine,
And all his majesty--
A studious forehead to incline
O'er this poor family.

The Mother--her thou must have seen,
In spirit, ere she came
To dwell these rifted rocks between,
Or found on earth a name;
An image, too, of that sweet Boy,
Thy inspirations give--
Of playfulness, and love, and joy,
Predestined here to live.

Downcast, or shooting glances far,
How beautiful his eyes,
That blend the nature of the star
With that of summer skies!
I speak as if of sense beguiled;
Uncounted months are gone,
Yet am I with the Jewish Child,
That exquisite Saint John.

I see the dark-brown curls, the brow,
The smooth transparent skin,
Refined, as with intent to show
The holiness within;
The grace of parting Infancy
By blushes yet untamed;
Age faithful to the mother's knee,
Nor of her arms ashamed.

Two lovely Sisters, still and sweet
As flowers, stand side by side;
Their soul-subduing looks might cheat
The Christian of his pride:
Such beauty hath the Eternal poured
Upon them not forlorn,
Though of a lineage once abhorred,
Nor yet redeemed from scorn.

Mysterious safeguard, that, in spite
Of poverty and wrong,
Doth here preserve a living light,
From Hebrew fountains sprung;
That gives this ragged group to cast
Around the dell a gleam
Of Palestine, of glory past,
And proud Jerusalem!
1835(17thof Tammuz, 5595):Tzom Tammuz was observed on the same day “the universal Catholic Apostolic Church was organized in the United Kingdom making for one of the most ironic of Calendar Coincidences.
1850: Following a major fire in Philadelphia, the Hebrew ladies of Philadelphia met this morning and afternoon, and made up a large quantity of garments to supply immediate necessities for those who had suffered losses as a result of the blaze.
1850: Sixty-one year old German theologian and historian Johann August Wilhelm Neander who had been born David Mendel, the son of Jewish peddler Emmanuel Mendel, passed away today.
1854: The New York Times published a letter from James Finn, the English Consul at Jerusalem that was critical of an U.S. citizen named Jones who was allegedly selling relics to visitors for 60 pounds sterling.  Finn was a philanthropist as well as diplomat who established a farm for training Jewish agriculture workers and employed Jewish workers to build the first house at Kerem Avraham, a piece of land he had purchased that was outside the walls of the Old City.
1858: In Chicago Gertrude and Herman Benjamin Felsenthal, “a school board member in Chicago” gave birth to University of Chicago trained lawyer Eli Benjamin Felsenthal who was a “charter member of the board of trustees of the University of Chicago” and the husband of Nettie Felsenthal.
1858: "The First Mormon Settlement--Its Temple" published today described the Mormon settlement in Ohio including a school that has a classroom for the teaching of Hebrew which is overseen by a Jew named Sexias whom the Reverend Stewart also consults on matters relating to "Hebrew authority."
1861: Birthdate of New York City native Sigmund Saxe, the husband of Constance Saxe, the father of Alexander Saxe and Marguerite S. Cohen, the businessman who “discovered new leather tanning techniques.”
1862: Jeweler Isaac Sommers, the son of Lawrence and Rebecca Somers was buried today in the West Ham Jewish Cemetery.
1863: Jews of Holstein, Germany were granted equality.
1866: Mary and Jacob Isaac Nesson gave birth to Israel Nesson who was the father of Julius, Dorothy and Samuel Nesson who has the same name as a passenger who died aboard the Titanic.
1867: Birthdate of Georg Stern, the native of Konigsberg who pursued a career as an engineer with AEG until he retired in 1930 to devote himself to his musical compositions.
1870: After five Ashkenazi shuls in London - The Great, The Hambro, The New, Central and Bayswater – had decided they were stronger together and formed the United Synagogue, today the United Synagogue was brought into official existence when the United Synagogue Act received Royal Assent creating an institution that still guides Anglo-Jewish thinking to this day.
1870: In Shreveport, LA Arthur Lee Kahn and Julia Sour gave birth to playwright Arthur Lee Kahn.
1871: In Kensington, London, “Leopold (Lippmann) Seligman, the son of Fanny and David Isaac Seligman and Julia Seligman gave birth to Herbert Spencer Seligman
1871: Birthdate of New York “metallurgical chemist” Sigmund Cohn, who began his business career “by partnering with David Belais with whom he formed the company of Belais and Cohn.
1872: In Nashville, TN, “David and Rachel (Lederhandler) Simon gave birth University of Cincinnati graduate and HUV trained Reform Rabbi, Abram Simon, the husband of Carrie Obendorfer, and father of California, Sacramento, Leo and David who “served as Red Cross searcher near Verdun during WW I” and was chairman of the Synagogue Council  of America.
1874: The newly formed Union of American Hebrew Congregations is scheduled to have its second annual meeting today.

1874: At Cleveland, Ohio, Moritz Loth of Cincinnati was elected President of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.
1875: In Williamsport, PA, Baruch and Pauline Fleishman gave birth to Estelle A. May Affedler, the wife of Louis J. Affelder, the Pittsburgh civil engineer and civic leader with whom she had three children Mrs. Emanuel, Mrs. S. Lewis Merritt and Paul B. Affelder, the music critic for the Brooklyn Eagle.

1877: Leopold Ullstein, a Bavrian Jew, purchased the Neue Berliner Tageblatt newspaper, a subsidiary of the liberal Berliner Tageblatt published by Rudolf Mosse who was a leader of the Berlin Jewish community.
1878: While meeting in Milwaukee, the Jewish Council “formally approved the union of all Hebrew congregations under one organization.  The goals of the organization include the creation of institutions “for instruction in Hebrew literature and theology,” the establishment of relations “with other Jewish organizations in different parts of the world” dedicated to improving the conditions of oppressed Jews and the promotion of religious instruction for young people include young Jewish ladies.
1880: A free aquatic excursion for poor Jewish children six years of age and under is scheduled to begin at nine o’clock this morning.
1881: In Brooklyn, “Samuel and Minnie (Celler) Lederman gave birth to Jeannette Lederman, the sister of Captain Jerome A. Lederman who, after her first husband Mark Salomon passed away, married Abraham H. Arons and as Jeanette Arons became a leader of several social action programs and the National Council of Jewish Women.
1881:”The secretary of the Manchester Congregation of British Jews” Isaac Asher Isaacs, the “son of Asher and Esther Isaacs” and Hannah “Annie” Isaacs gave birth to Edward Maurice Isaacs today.
1881: In Chicago, Illinois the 8th annual meeting of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations came to an end.  Moritz Loth of Cincinnati has served as President and Lipman Levy has servered as the Secretary of the Union.
1882: Birthdate of Latvian native musicologist and cantor Abraham Zevi Idelsohn, the husband of Tzilla Idelsohn who established a music school in Palestine in 1905 and who served as a music professor at Hebrew Union College before finally settling in South Africa where he was a support of “South African Progressive Judaism,” which was the name for the Reform movement in that part of the world.
1882: It was reported today that Patrick Auglen has charged a group of Polish Jews living in the same rooming house where he was staying had dragged him into their apartment and beaten him brutally.  The Jews did not deny having fought with him but claimed they were acting in self-defense since Auglen had begun the disturbance by kicking down their door.  The fight was part of the violence that was surrounding the current Freight Handlers Strike.
1882: “Help For The Russian Jews” published today the Executive Board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations had agreed to issue an appeal to all of its member congregations to solicit aid for Russian refugees and to require every Jewish male over the age of 13 to contribute one dollar to a fund for aiding the poor.
1882: Nearly 300 Russian Jewish refugees arrived in Philadelphia aboard the SS Pennsylvania.  They came from Odessa and Kiev and have left for settlement in the West.
1882: In Baltimore, MD, Jennie R. Saks and Andrew Saks whose “daughter, Leila Saks Meyer…survived the sinking of the Titanic when she was returning from his funeral” gave birth to Horace A. Saks, who along with Bernard Gimbel created Saks Fifth Avenue
 1883: It was reported today that “several Jews have been tortured and murdered” in the Russian town of Ostrog.
1884(21st of Tammuz, 5644): Rabbi George Jacobs of Beth El-Emeth in Philadelphia, passed away today in Germantown, PA after an extended illness. A native of Kingston Jamaica, he came to the United States at the age of two and went into business in Richmond Va.  In 1857, he joined the rabbinate in that Southern city and served there until 1869 when he moved to Philadelphia.  Jacobs was the author of numerous works including “Sketches of Abarbanel’s Commentaries” and “Specimens of Hebrew Literature, from the Redaction of the Mishnah to 1800.”
1884: Birthdate of Abraham Zevi Idelsohn, the Latvian born South African cantor who is one of the earlies students of the history of Jewish music.
1884: It was reported today that the courts have ruled that the French artist Gustave Jean Jacquet may not display his portrait showing Alexander Dumas as a Jew of Baghdad. The son of the great novelist apparently felt to be portrayed as member of this ethnic group was an insult.  The whole matter was moot, since 18 months ago, the son-in-law of Dumas had struck the head in the painting with his cane thus destroying the offending visage. [Another example of the uneven French view of Jews]
1885: The Union of Hebrew Charities met in St. Louis, MO, this morning and voted unanimously to change the name to the Associated Hebrew Charities of the United States.  Delegates from Louisville, Nashville, Baltimore, St. Paul, MN, New Orleans, Wilmington, Delaware and Montgomery, Alabama promised to immediately join the newly re-named organization.
1885: It was reported today that Marcus Bernheimer has been elected of a yet unnamed national union of Hebrew charities.  J.L. Isaacs of New York has been elected Vice President and Albert Arstein of St. Louis has been elected to serve as Secretary.
1885: “A Weakness for Pictures” published today reported that Dr. Felton proposed that $500 be appropriated by the Georgia Legislature to buy pictures of Reverend Mercer and Bishop Pierce in what some saw was an attempt to gain votes in his upcoming run for the governorship. Representative Arnheim drew laughter from the attendees when he moved that an additional $25 be appropriated to buy “a cheap picture of Moses.  [Note - Louis Arnheim was Jewish and represented Dougherty County in the state legislature. Dr. Felton is a candidate for Governor]
1886: Birthdate of Henry Hurwitz, the native of Lithuania whose family immigrated to Massachusetts in 1891 where he earned a B.A. and M.A. from Harvard and went on “to establish the Intercollegiate Menorah Association (IMA) which expanded the objectives of the Harvard Menorah Society to a national scale.”
1886: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi David Levy officiated at the wedding of Isaac P. Rosenthal and Hannah Kosminsky.
1886: This evening, in Charleston, SC, Rabbi David Levy officiated at the wedding of Emanuel Iseman of Darlington, SC, to Hulda Lewith “the eldest daughter of E.J. Lewith” at the home of the bride’s parents.
1887: Birthdate of New York native Milton Montague Adler, the graduate of Adelphi College and Newark, NJ, merchant who served as an officer of the New Jersey Jewish War Relief and was “active in B’nai B’rith.
1887: It was reported at Pittsburg, PA, the Committee on Civil Rights recommended that the Board of Delegates should take notice of the recent outbreak of prejudice aimed at the Jews of Louisiana and urged the Jewish delegated to work for legislations that would protect them throughout the United States.
1889: It was reported today from Round Lake, NY, that this season’s Round Lake Assembly will feature a new attraction – a replica of the Tabernacle used by the Israelites in the Wilderness.  Built to one third the scale of the original, it will include a replica of the ark and all of the sacrificial accoutrements used by the priests and Levites. W.H. Groat of Rupert, VT, who furnished the designs and oversaw the actual construction, will deliver lectures about the Tabernacle using the model as a teaching tool.
1890: Birthdate of Russian born sculptor Ossip Zadkine.
1891: Birthdate of Trondheim native Marie Dvoretsky, the homemaker who was deported Auschwitz in 1942 where she was murdered in 1943.
1891; Joseph Thoron, the President of the French Hospital Board and the French Benevolent Society prepared the program which is being distributed at today’s celebration of Bastille Day and the centennial of the political emancipation of the Jews of France. The pamphlet includes “a sketch of the emancipation of the Jews of France and an outline of the life of Coroner Ferdinand Levy.” Coroner Levy delivered an address on behalf of the Jews.
1891: The weekly excursion for sponsored by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children for underprivileged Jewish children and their mothers is scheduled to take place today.
1892: Birthdate of St. Joseph, MO native Doris R. Gordon Kangisser.
1892: Agent Rheinherz of the United Hebrew Charities presented Superintendent of Immigration Weber with “a fine crayon port of himself by the Hebrew, German, Irish, Polish and Italian Societies.”
1892: Alexander Berkman, the anarchist who would attempt to assassinate Clay Frick, arrived in Pittsburgh today.
1893: Russian Jews made up the majority of the 800 refugees aboard the Red Sea, a tramp steamship that arrived today at Ellis Island.  The immigrants were not allowed to land due to concern about their financial situation.
1893(1st of Av, 5653): Rosh Chodesh Av
1893(1st of Ave, 5653): While sailing from New York to Liverpool aboard the Cunard Line steamship Umbria, New York realtor Ascher Weinstein who was connected with several Jewish charitable institutions fell overboard today in a tragic accident.
1894: Fifteen hundred members of the United Hebrew Trades Unions led by the International Cloakmakers Union marched up with Bowery behind an array of Red Flags on their way to mass meeting at Union Square where supporters of the Pullman strikers were gathered.
1895: The attendees at the annual Central Conference of American Rabbis including begin leaving Rochester, NY for the homes in Cincinnati, Louisville, and New York City to name but a few of the cities from which the delegates came.
1895: “The Brightside Day Nursery” published today described the function of this institution which, for the payment of 5 cents a day, provides care for children under the age of six whose mother must work during the day.  The organization is led by its President, Mrs. S.R. Guggenheim and a Board of Managers that includes Rabbi Gustav Gottheil, Rabbi Joseph Silverman, Jacob Schiff and Solomon Guggenheim.
1897:“After an interval of seven years, T. Macon, a printer, undertook the publication of a third "Anti-Juif," which” first appeared today “in Algiers as the "organ of the Anti-Semitic League
1899: According to Andrew Sarris, In New York City Victor and Helen Cukor, immigrant Jews from Hungary gave birth to director George Dewey Cukor
1899: Birthdate of Léonide Maguilevsky, the native of St. Petersburg, Russia who gained as French moviemaker Léonide Moguy
1899: “Knights of Zion Incorporated” published today described the function of the new Jewish organization that was “formed to promote good fellowship and social intercourse…as well as to inculcate a love for the Jewish faith in the hearts and minds of Jewish children. Directors include Samuel W. Greenbaum, Nathan Greenbaum, Jacob Hamburger and Herman Schapp.” (This should not be confused with the Knights of Zion, a Zionist organization formed in Chicago in 1895)
1899(7th of Av, 5659): Forty six year old pioneer German social worker Jeanette Schwerin passed away.
1899: During proceedings at the County Court House in which Reverend Herman Faust was contesting the judgment obtained by the Sun Printing and Publishing against him, Faust claimed that he was a converted Jew and this litigation was a manifestation of the persecution he was suffering at the hands of Orthodox Jews.  He offered no evidence to support his contention.
1900(17th of Tammuz, 5660): Parashat Balak observed on the same day that Allied forces captured Tientsin during the Boxer Rebellion
1901 In London, John Abraham (Jack) Finzi (of Italian Jewish descent) and Eliza Emma (Lizzie) Leverson (daughter of Montague Leverson, of German Jewish descent) gave birth to British composer Gerald Raphael Finzi.
1901: Birthdate of George Tobias, one of those marvelous “character actors” whose name you don’t know but whose visage in quickly recognized as when he played “Pusher” in “Sergeant York” or Abner Kravitz, the husband of the busybody neighbor Alice Kravitz on the television sitcom “Bewitched.”
1902(9th of Tammuz, 5662): Russian sculptor Mark Antokolsky passed away. In an unusual turn of events, this Litvak (Lithuanian Jew) ended ups studying at the Imperial Academy of Art where his impoverished circumstances forced him to do some of his initial work in wood instead of marble. Some of his early works - "Jewish Tailor", "Nathan The Wise", "Inquisition's Attack against Jews", "The Talmudic Debate"– were based on Jewish on themes
1903: Birthdate of author Irving Stone. Born Irving Tenenbaum in San Francisco, one of Stone’s most famous works was Lust For Life, a fictionalized biography of Vincent Van Gogh. The film version provided employment for another Jew, Kirk Douglas who played the starring role.
1904: Birthdate of Yiddish novelist, Isaac Bashevis Singer. Singer, author of many volumes including Enemies and Yentel won the Nobel Prize in 1978. He passed away in 1991.
1904: Birthdate of Rudolf Julius Arnheim, the Berlin native, “a distinguished psychologist, philosopher and critic whose work explored the cognitive basis of art — how we interpret it and, by extension, the world.” (As reported by Margalit Fox)
1905: The Ninth Summer Assembly of the Jewish Chautauqua Society continued for a 7th day in Atlantic City, NJ.
1906(21stof Tammuz, 5666): Parashat Pinchas
1906: A.H. Fromenson chaired “a large mass meeting in Cooper Union” tonight “in honor of Theodore Herzl who died two years ago where attendees also heard a speech by J.L. Magnes, the new rabbi at Temple Emanu-El.
1907: In Berlin, Georg Joseph Stern and Bertha Elisabeth Stern gave birth to Maria Solveg-Matray the German actress who fled the Nazis, eventually finding refuge in the United States before returning to Germany after WW II.
1908: It was reported today that AFL led by Samuel Gompers will be support William Jennings Bryant and the Democrats in the elections this fall after the Republicans turned down the labor union’s for a positive “political declaration” while the Democrats met the demand “fairly and  squarely.”
1909: In New York City, Hart, Schaffner and Marx summer suits were on sale for fifteen dollars.
1909: Dorothy Levitt attended Major General Sir Alfred Turner's "Salon reception" at the Piccadilly Hotel today,
1910: “Fast Train Derailed” published today described a Pennsylvania Railroad train derailment at East Palestine, OH, one of the many towns in the United States that deliberately chose its name from the Old Testament.
1911: In Mannheim, Germany Otto and Nell Scharff gave birth to Gertrude Scharff the renowned physicist who fled Germany after she earned her Ph.D in 1935 and eventually came to the United States where married Maurice Goldhaber and became famous as Gertrude Scharff-Goldhaber.
1911(18thof Tammuz, 5671): Seventy-one year old German banker, the son of Adolph Meyer and the grandson of Simon Meyer who was a leader of the Hanover Jewish community passed away today
1911(18thof Tammuz, 5671): Fifty-nine year old Alfred Chalom passed away in Cairo, Egypt.
1912: The Advisory Council the Jewish Community of New York City endorsed a resolution adopted by the Board of Alderman calling for consideration of the “building of structures for pushcart peddlers and adopted another resolution “asking authorities to permit pushcart peddlers to use vacant property belonging to the city.”
1912: “Julius Tannenbaum, a captain in the New York State National Guard” sued the “management of the Mononotto Inn,” at Fisher’s Island, NY “which had requested him to leave the hotel” because he was Jewish.
1912:  Birthdate of Woody Guthrie, famed American folk singer who gave a musical voice to downtrodden masses suffering during the Great Depression and the fight against fascism as can be heard in the famed tune describing the sinking of the Rubin James.  Guthrie was not Jewish but his Brooklyn born mother-in-law, with whom he collaborated was.  For more about Woody’s Jewish connection see http://www.woodyguthrie.org/merchandise/klezmatics.htm.
1913: In Omaha, Nebraska, “Dorothy Ayer Gardner and Leslie Lynch King Sr.” gave birth to Leslie Lynch King Jr. who as Gerald Ford would on the day after he became the 38th President of the United States invited his “friend” Prime Minister to come to Washington and who spoke out against the U.N.’s resolution equating Zionism with racsism.
1914: Leon Zalatkoff, editor of The Jew Daily News is scheduled to preside over a memorial service marking the 10 anniversary of the death of Theodore Herzl being held in the Bronx at the London Casino.  Rabbi Bernard Wolf will lead a religious service after which Dr. Schmarja Levin of Berlin who was a member of the first Russian Duma will deliver an address.  His remarks will include a response to Jacob Schiff’s criticism of Levin’s role in the debate over the use of Hebrew or German at the Technion in Haifa.
1914: Today, in Chicago, “Bernice Mabel Lieberman, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Lieberman married Leonard D. Lewis of Champagne, Illinois.”
1914: Two days after she had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held in Chicago for Mrs. Henrietta Cohn, the 84 year old mother of Mark G. Cohn.
1914: Louis Lipsky, Chairman of The American Federation of Zionists is scheduled to preside over a memorial service marking the 10 anniversary of the death of Theodore Herzl being held at the National Theatre on Houston Street in New York City. Rabbi Joseph Rosenblatt will lead a religious service after which Dr. Schmarja Levin of Berlin who was a member of the first Russian Duma will deliver an address.  His remarks will include a response to Jacob Schiff’s criticism of Levin’s role in the debate over the use of Hebrew or German at the Technion in Haifa. Bernard Rosenblatt, the Secretary of the American Federation of Zionists will also speak at the memorial service.
1915: During World War I, the New York Timespublished reports from “the semi-official Wolff Telegraph Bureau” that the French had been the first to used gas in February of 1915 two months before the Germans used at the Second Battle of Yypres. (In one of those many ironies of German history, the Wolff Telegraphy Bureau, which was seen as a spokesman for the Kaiser was the creation of Bernhard Wolff, a German-Jewish businessman.)
1915: In Cleveland, Ohio, Sarah and Samuel Schwartz gave birth to Jerome Lawrence Schwartz who gained fame as Jerome Lawrence the co-author of “Inherit the Wind.”

1916: In Palermo, Sicily, “Giuseppe Levi, a renowned Italian histologist, was born into a Jewish Italian family and Lidia Tanzi, who was Catholic” gave birth to Natlie Levi who gained fame as novelist, essayist, translator and playwright Natalia Ginzburg. During the 1930’s her parent’s home was bastion of anti-Mussolini sentiment. She married Leon Ginzburg, a brilliant intellectual of that time. The Ginzburgs endured exile and house arrest for their anti-fascist views. During the war Leon Ginzburg was arrested and murdered for his anti-fascism. Ginzburg returned to Rome after the war where she resumed her career. She died in 1991.
1916: On Manhattan’s Lower East Side, David Hoffzimer, a manufacturer of children’s books and the former Rebecca Gross gave birth to Irving Hoffzimer who gained fame as furniture designer Irving Harper. (As reported by Sam Roberts)
1916: Samuel Gompers, the President of the American Federation of Labor came to New York from Washington in what proved to be a futile effort to “prevent the settlement of the eleven week long strike by the cloakmakers.”
1917: It was reported today that the Joint Distribution Committee has appropriated $150,000 for Jews living in Poland and Lithuania under German occupation and $100,000 for Jews living in Poland under Austrian occupation as well as $50,000 for feeding and clothing the children in Hebrew schools in Warsa and $40,000 for the Jews of Romania.
1917: It was reported today that during the month of June, Michael Reese Hospital treated 669 free patients, 247 private ward patients and 275 private room patients.
1917: Birthdate of Arthur Laurents, “the playwright, screenwriter and director who wrote and ultimately transformed two of Broadway’s landmark shows, “Gypsy” and “West Side Story,” and created one of Hollywood’s most well-known romances, “The Way We Were.”
1918: In Shanghai, E.S. Kadoorie gave twenty five thousand francs ($5000) for the purchase of ambulances for the French Army today.
1918: At the London Opera House, “The importance of the work for civilization which the Jewish State in Palestine could perform was the keynote of the speeches” at this afternoon’s welcoming ceremony for the American Zionist Medical Unit where Sir Alfred Mond “spoke of wha Jews had already done in the war, saying that now they were determined that Palestine should never again be returned to the devastating hands of the Turks.”
1918: At Chalons, American troops including Sergeant Abraham Blaustein of the 165thRegiment who would eventually receive the Croix de Guerre, drove back the “Boche” who counter-attacked five times in a battle that would prove to be a turning point in the war on the Western Front.
1919: In New York, Archbishop Platon, “who is the senior surviving Bishop of the Russian Church” delivered a speech today in which he said “I warn the Jews, woe will be their future in Russia when a stable” i.e. non-Bolshevik “government is restored.”
1919: Funeral services are scheduled to be held today in Chicago for twelve year old Oscar Birk, the “brother of Tena Birk.”
1919: Eight days after she had passed away in San Francisco, funeral services are scheduled to be held today in Chicago for Rose Rosenthal, the wife of Samuel Rosenthal.
1919: It was reported today that New York District Attorney Edward Swann “has appointed Rose Rothenberg to “serve as a deputy assistant to his staff” making her the first woman to fill this post, which in her cased “will have special charge of the cases involving girls and women in the local criminal courts.
1920: In Halifax, Nova Scotia, the cornerstone was laid for the Robie Street Shul.
1920: As matters deteriorate in the Middle East with the French and British asserting their colonial plans, in Syria, French General “Gouraud gave Faisal an ultimatum demanding he submit to French authority and disband his ‘Arab Army.’”
1921: Birthdate of John Gordon Miller the son of London tobacconist and cousin of violinist Yehudi Menuhin who served in RAF during WW II and went on to become “a co-presenter of ‘How,’ Southern Television’s popular science show for children.
1921: Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted in Dedham Mass, of killing their shoe company's paymaster.  The case of the two Italian immigrants would become a cause célèbre among civil libertarians and their reactionary opponents.  Felix Frankfurter, who would become the third Jewish member of the Supreme Court, was part of the legal team that sought, unsuccessfully, to save their lives.
1921: In NYC, Manhattan dentist “Howard N. Hyman and his wife Marie Ziegler gave birth to Joan Hyman the University of Michigan graduate who became Joan Tisch when she married Preston Robert “Bob” Tisch in 1948 with she had three children – Steve, Jonathan and Laurie Tisch.
1922: “The White Desert,” a silent German adventure movie filmed by cinematographer Mutz Greenbaum.
1923: At Inwood Country Club, which was “a so-called Jewish club” Bobby Jones led a field of golfers as they teed off for the second day of the 1923 U.S. Open.
1928: In, Timisoara, Transylvania Judah Loeb Fleisher and his wife gave birth to Ezra Fleischer the Romanian born Israeli Hebrew-language poet and philologist who served as the director of the Geniza Research Institute for Hebrew Poetry of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
1929: “Chaplain Praises Near East Schools” published today quoted Reverend Raymond C. Knox, the chaplain of Columbia University, who had just returned from tour that included Cairo, Constantinople and Palestine as saying   that “Jews and Moslems are also seeking a wholesome spirit of unity in Palestine” and that “the American colony, a group of sixty people, is doing splendid work in congested Jerusalem among Jews, Armenians, Orthodox Greeks and Moslems.”
1929: “German Ant-Semites Easy” published today described the case of Albert Bruchan who has begun serving a 15 month prison sentence for fraud after having gotten several prominent Germans to invest in an electric death rays machine which he told them would be placed in airplane and then used to attack Jews in a Berlin synagogue.

1930: Outfielder Harry Rosenberg made his major league debut with the New York Giants.
1930: In Knoxville, TN, Lucy (née Lawhorn) and William Hugh Burgin gave birth to Nellie Paulina Burgin who gained fame as actress Polly Bergen who converted to Judaism when she married Freddie Fields in 1957.
1930: Birthdate of Transylvania native Shoney Alex Braun, the violinist who as a youngster “would steal into the woods to hear Gypsies play until at the age of 13 he “was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp” and after the war which he and his wife Shari survived wrote a “Symphony of the Holocaust.”
1931:In Basle, Switzerland, Nahum Sokolow was elected president of the World Zionist Organization today by a vote of 118 to 48, succeeding Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who had been president for ten years.
1933: In Germany, all political parties were outlawed except for the Nazi Party.
1933: Hitler’s cabinet formally approved the Concordat between the Vatican and Germany. The Concordat was one of the earliest expression of “approval” of the new Nazi regime.
1933: In Poland, “Dr. Jacob Wigodsky wrote in a Vilna newspaper: ‘We must continue to fight against the Hitler pogroms…We are fighting for the equal rights of all, everywhere in the world, but first and foremost, equal rights for us.’”
1933: Germany adopts The Law Regarding Revocation of Naturalization and the Annulment of German Citizenship that stripped German citizenship from Eastern European Jews. This will eventually lead to the forced repatriation of Polish Jews living in German – an act of great misery since the Poles did not want to admit the Jews.
1933:It was reported today that Czechoslovak and German Governments have reached agreement under which Czech citizens residing in Germany, who wish to return to Czechoslovakia, will be permitted to take with them all their possessions. The reports do not say if this includes Czech Jews who have been living in Germany.
1933: It was reported today that “The Arische Rundschau, a Nazi weekly established but a few months ago, has been discontinued.” (As reported by JTA)
1934(2ndof Av, 5694): Parashat Matot-Masei
1934: “Forty-nine year old Valerian Dovgalevsky, the Ukrainian born “son of Zaiwel Dovgalevsky and Berta Dovgalevsky, an “intimate of Lenin” and a participant in the October Revolution died of a heart attack today in Paris where he has been serving the Soviet Ambassador to France since 1927.
1934: A Jewish delegation from Adrianople spoke with the Turkish government in an attempt to ensure that police would continue to present to prevent looting.
1934: Birthdate of Lee Friedlander, one of those Jews who used a Leica 35 mm camera and rolls of black and white film to create unforgettable art.
1935: Birthdate of New York City native Paul Zweig, “the chairman of the department of comparative of literature at Queens College” and the poet and critic who wrote the “highly acclaimed” Walt Whitman: The Making of a Poet.
1936: In New York Pearl (née Zisez) and Alexander Turner gave birth to Gloria Rose Turner who gained fame as screenwriter and actress Barbara Turner, the wife of actor Vic Morrow and the mother of actress Jennifer Jason Leigh.
1937(6thof Av, 5697): Sixty-two year old Julius L. Meir, the Portland, OR born son of Abraham and Jeannette Hirsch Meier and University of Oregon trained lawyer who served as the 20th Governor of Oregon and President of Congregation Beth Elohim while raising three children with the former Grace R. Mayer passed away today after which he was interred at Beth Israel Cemetery in Portland.
1937: “They Won’t Forget” a film based on fictionalized version of the Leo Frank case directed by Mervyn LeRoy, who produced it along with Jack L. Warner with a script by Robert Rossen was released by Warner Bros. Pictures in the United States today.
1938(15thof Tammuz, 5698):Isaac Goldberg passed away. Born in 1887, he was an American journalist, author, critic, translator, editor, publisher, and lecturer. Born in Boston he studied at Harvard University and received a BA degree in 1910, a MA degree in 1911 and a PhD in 1912. While he actively covered European culture for the Boston Evening Transcript during World War I, Goldberg never actually traveled abroad. In fact, he turned down a 1932 Guggenheim Fellowship awarded to Goldberg for travel to South America. He wrote biographies of H. L. Mencken, Havelock Ellis, W. S. Gilbert, Arthur Sullivan, and George Gershwin, books on theatrical and musical appreciation, and contributed articles for many magazines. He also founded, published, and edited a monthly news magazine called Panorama. He was fluent in Yiddish, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese and translated a variety of literary works into English. He received a fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation in 1932 to write a history of Spanish and Portuguese literature in America. He was also a lecturer on Hispanic literature at Harvard University from 1931 to 1932.
1938:  Recognizing the intent of the Evian Conference nations in regard to the Jews, a Nazi newspaper headlines: "JEWS FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN PRICE--WHO WANTS THEM? NO ONE."
1938: Birthdate of self-proclaimed political activist Jerry Rubin who passed away in 1994
1938: Birthdate of Moshe Safdie the native of Haifa whose parents moved to Canada in 1953 where he became a leading architect, designing “Habitat 67” as well as fathering playwright Oren Safdie.
1938: A week after their civil marriage in Amsterdam, Ruth and Max Nussbaum were photographed “descending the steps of a Berlin synagogue” after they had been “married under a chupah by Rabbi Baeck.
1939: On Bastille Day, the 17,000 internees at Gurs Concentration Camp of Spanish origin arranged themselves in military formation in the sports field and sang La Marseillaise, followed by sports presentations and choral and instrumental concerts.
1940: “The fourth and last meeting of the National Executive Council of the Jewish War Veterans is scheduled to take place this afternoon at the Belmont Plaza in New York.
1941(19th of Tammuz, 5701): Six thousand Lithuanian Jews were killed.
1942: Fifty-five year old Kamila Adelova was transported today from Terezin to the Maly Trostinec death camp where she was murdered.
1942: Thousands of Dutch Jews were arrested in Amsterdam and deported to Auschwitz, where many are gassed.

1942: “The Pride of the Yankees” produced by Samuel Goldwyn, with a screenplay by Jo Swerling and Herman J. Mankiewicz and filmed by cinematographer Rudolph Maté was released by RKO Radio Pictures in the United States today.

1942: The Przemysl, Poland, ghetto is sealed by the Nazis.

1943: During WW II, on Sicily, as of today Samuel Fuller and the rest of the 16thRegiment had fought their way through Pietraperzia, Enna, and Villarosa as they head toward the high ground west of the Cerami River.

1944(23rd of Tammuz, 5704): Hungarian Jews held at the Reval, Estonia, slave-labor camp are shot in a nearby forest.

1944(23rd of Tammuz, 5704): Germans murder hundreds of POWs and Jewish partisans at Vercors, France.
1944(23rd of Tammuz, 5704): Forty-two Jews laboring in workshops at the Pawiak prison in Warsaw are executed by Germans anticipating a Red Army assault.

1944: Approximately 200 Jews were alive today in Grodno when it was liberated by Soviet troops.

1945: A train left Los Alamos carrying several "bomb units" for Little Boy (the major non-nuclear parts of a gun-type bomb) together with a single completed uranium projectile; the uranium target was still incomplete.”  Little Boy was the name given to the first atomic boy which was developed by the Manhattan Project under the command of Robert Oppenheimer.

1945: “As a result of Military Government Law No. 52, all Reich-owned film assets of UFI Holding” a German film company co-founded by Hermann Frenkel that the Nazis took control of” were seized today.

1945: "Lest We Forget," an exhibition of death-camp photography organized by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Washington Evening Star comes to an end. By the end of the tour nearly 90,000 Americans have viewed this testament to the Holocaust.

1945: “The Cheaters,” a Christmas comedy starring Joseph Schildkraut was released in the United States today.
1946: Birthdate of Brooklyn native and C.I.T. and M.I.T graduate Ira Herskowitz geneticist who headed his own lab at the University of California in San Francisco.

1947: Birthdate of Cy Young Award winning pitcher and sportscaster Steve Stone. “He was one of the best Jewish pitchers in major league history, 3rd career-wise in wins (107) and strikeout (1,065), behind Ken Holtzman and Sandy Koufax, and 9th in games (320).“

1948: During Operation Dekiel, the Irgun occupied the Arab village of Malha after a fierce battle. Several hours later, the Arabs launched a counterattack, but Israeli reinforcements arrived, and the village was retaken at a cost of 17 dead.

1948:  After failing to capture the northern Negev town of Negba, the Egyptians attacked the settlement of Gal-On.  Gal-On was 15 miles east of Negba and another impediment to the Egyptian advance towards Tel Aviv.  The defenders beat off the Egyptian attackers forcing them to seek another route to the Jewish metropolis.

1948: The Israelis launched their third attack on the Arab fortress of Latrun.  Latrun was held by the crack Arab Legion and blocked the normal road to Jerusalem.  The Arabs, who had modern armored vehicles, beat off the attacking Israelis who had not anti-tank weapons. 

1948:  As part of “Operation Dekel,” an offensive designed to take the city of Nazareth, Israeli forces move southeast from the coast and take the town of Shefaram.

1948: Forces of the Arab Liberation Army which had been staying in the village began their retreat from Ein Kerem.

1948: The Irgun lost 17 men in the battle for the village of Mahla.
1948: Israeli planes bombed the airport at Cairo.
1949(17thof Tammuz, 5709): Tzom Tammuz
1949: “Follow Me Quietly” a film noire directed by Richard Fleischer premiered in Los Angeles today.
1950: Today, Erev of Shabbat, Moscow radio broadcast charges that “Israel ‘openly sided with the American aggressors’ in approving United Nations intervention in Korea.”  The broadcast repeated published charges “that Prime Minister David Ben Gurion’s speech before the Israeli Parliament was a repetition of recent statements by President Truman and Secretary of State Dean Acheson.
1951: After 102 performances the curtain came down on “Make a Wish” a musical at the Winter Garden Theatre with a book co-authored by Abe Burrows.
1956(6thof Av, 5716): Fifty-three year old Siegfried Ferdinand Stephan Nada, the son of a Galician lawyer and recipient of a Doctorate in Musicology from the University of Vienna who served as an officer with the British Army during WW II and was a Professor of Anthropology at the ANU and Dean of the School of Pacific Studies at the time of his death on this date.
1956(6th of Av, 5716):Isaac Rosenfeld passed away. Born in Chicago in 1918, he was a Jewish-American writer who became a prominent member of the New York literary elite. Rosenfeld wrote one novel Passage from Home which, according to literary critic Marck Shechner, "helped fashion a uniquely American voice by marrying the incisiveness of Mark Twain to the Russian melancholy of Dostoevsky," and many articles for The Nation, Partisan Review, and The New Republic. Some of those articles were posthumously published in a volume titled An Age of Enormity, and his short stories were later published as Alpha and Omega.
1958: In Iraq, Arab nationalists overthrew the monarchy which had been installed by the British, in a violent, gruesome revolt that included the murder of Faisal II. As with so much turmoil in the Middle East, this had nothing to do with Israel. The revolt was anti-Western. As the Arab leader Nasser said, the Arabs were not anti-Western because of Israel. They were anti-Israel because Israel was Western.
1958: Birthdate of producer Scott Rudin who is “one of the few people who have an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony”
1960(19thof Tammuz, 5720): Eighty-eight year old Mrs. Louise Liebowitz Frankel, the wife of “fur jobber Abraham Frankel and mother of Anna Stark and Sidney H. Frankel who “was a founder in 1935 of the Brooklyn Women’s Division of the American Jewish Congress” and an active member of Hadassah passed away today at Doctors Hospital.
1960: Congress authorized a one-time Chaplain’s Medal for Heroism today.  The medal was created to honor The Four Dorchester Chaplains and had to be created because of the strict definition of heroism under fire used for awarding the Congressional Medal of Honor. Rabbi Alexander Goode, of blessed memory, was one of the four recipients of the medal.
1960: Two days after he had passed away, funeral services conducted by Rabbi Max Nussbaum were held today for movie executive Buddy Adler at Temple Israel which were attended by “more than 600 people including George Jessel who delivered the eulogy and his widow Anita Louise, the actress.
1962: “That Touch of Mink,” a light-hearted comedy co-produced by Stanley Shapiro who also co-authored the screenplay was released today in the United States.
1963: Today, in Youngstown, OH, while “addressing a meeting of Slovak American of the Roman Catholic faith,” “Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy drew attention to the fact that anti-Jewish discrimination still exists in the United States and must be combatted.” (JTA)
1963: Edward Cassidy, Paul Joachin and John Corrigan who “were accused by the policy of being members of Nazi groups were arrested in The Bronx this morning” and “were charged with having a truckload of arms and ammunition.”
1963: In “Keeping the Peace” published today Dana Adams Schmidt reviews Between Arab and Israeli by Lt. Gen. E.L.M. Burns
1966:  “Torn Curtain” a Cold War thriller starring Paul Newman and David Opatoshu was released by Universal Pictures today in the United States.
1966: Birthdate of Brian Selznick the New Jersey native and distant blood relation of producer David O. Sleznick who “won the 2008 Caldecott Medal for The Invention of Hugo Cabret, “an American historical fiction book” which he both wrote and illustrated.
1967: Chile voted against the reunification of Jerusalem after the *Six-Day War
1967: As artillery exchanges and aerial duels erupt near the Suez Canal. Israeli forces shot down 7 Egyptian fighter aircraft.
1969: As they worked for “finding a workable method for reaching a lasting accord” between Israel and her Arab neighbors, “Assistant Secretary of State of Joseph J. Sisco met for two and a half hours today with Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko” in Moscow.
1973(14thof Tammuz, 5733): Parashat Balak
1973(14thof Tammuz, 5733): Seventy-four year old Rabbi William S. Maley who had been the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Yeshurun, “the largest congregation in the Southwest” since 1946 died “suddenly today after suffering a heart attack.”
1975: Following a “similar announcement in the Soviet weekly Nedelya, Intourist announced that ‘tourist-Zionists’ will be regarded as ‘interfering in Russia’s internal affairs.’”
1976: After 4 days of debate, the Security Council of the United Nations failed to adopt a resolution supported by most African states condemning Israel’s raid on Entebbe as violation of Uganda’s sovereignty.  At the same time, a majority could not be mustered to support the Anglo-American resolution condemning the hijacking of airplanes and calling on “all governments to prevent and punish all such terrorist acts.” (Note – Is today’s news nothing more than a recycling of yesterday’s events?) As reported by Kathleen Teltsch
1976: In light of Mexico’s denunciation of the raid on Entebbe, Zionist in the United States are calling on American Jews to boycott Mexican goods and to avoid travel to Mexico.
1977:“I Never Promised You a Rose Garden,”  “film based on the Joanne Greenberg novel of the same name was released today in the United States.
1978: Anatoly Sharansky was “found guilty of espionage and treason and sentenced to 3 years in prison plus 10 years in a forced labor camp.”
1978: “The Swarm,” the movie version of Arthur Herzog’s novel of the same name directed and produced by Irwin Allen was released today in the United States.
1978:“Moscow dissident Alexandr Ginzburg was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment in a forced labor camp for anti-Soviet activities and propaganda and Viktor Petkus, chairman of the Lithuanian Helsinki Group – to 10 years imprisonment, as “an agent of foreign intelligence”.
1979(19thof Tammuz, 5739): Parashat Pinchas
1980(1st of Av, 5740): Rosh Chodesh Av
1981(12thof Tammuz, 5741): One soldier was killed and five others were injured by a terrorist’s bomb in southern Gaza.
1982: After premiering at Cannes, “Pink Floyd – The Wall” with music by Michael Kamen was released by Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer today in the United States.
1985: Today, the New York Times described David Cantor’s performance of “Che” in the musical “Evita” as “marvelous…never lapsing into excessive snideness, singing gorgeously and, at times, sailing into the stratosphere with his crystalline 'high-flying, adored' pianissimi."
1989: An Israeli F-16 shot down a Syrian MIG-21. This marks the first time that an Israeli piloted F-16 has shot down an enemy aircraft.
1992: Shimon Peres begins serving as Israel’s Foreign Minister.
1992: Yitzhak Rabin, Israel’s new Prime Minister awaited a response to his offer made the day before to travel to the capitals of any Arab country to further the cause of peace in the Middle East.
1995:  “The Indian in the Cupboard” directed by Frank Oz with music by Randy Edelman was released in the United States today.
1997: The opening of the 15th Maccabiah Games in Tel Aviv was marred by disaster.  As the Australian team walked across a bridge, the bridge collapsed plunging the team into the Yarkon River.  Greg Small Elizabeth Sawicki, Yetty Bennett and Warren Zines lost their lives and 60 others were injured.
1998(20thof Tammuz, 5768): Ninety year old Janice Rubenstein Sachse, the daughter of Madeleine Phillips Rubenstein and the wife of Victor Alphonse Sachse passed away today after which she was buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Baton Rouge, LA.
2000: Israeli and Palestinian leaders continued their secret negotiations at Camp David for a third day today.
2001(23rdof Tammuz, 5761): Twenty eight year old David Cohen of Betar Illit “died today of injuries sustained in a drive-by shooting on July 12.
2002: In an article entitled “The Shadow of Circumstance,” Daphne Merkin describes her visit to Israel with her daughter to attend a nephew’s wedding; a visit of unbelievable normality except for the fact it was bracketed by two bombings and included a “red alert” in Jerusalem.
2002: A three-week workshop on Jewish History and Culture opens at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.
2002(5thof Av, 5762): Eighty-eight year David Asseo who was the Hakham Bashi (or Chief Rabbi) of the Republic of Turkey from 1960 until his death in 2002 on this date.
2003: Today, in an act that right wingers would have called treasonous, political commentator Robert Novak’s column publicly divulged he CIA identity of Valery Plame.
2003: Jerry Springer filed papers to run for the U.S. Senate from Ohio.
2004: After having premiered in February at the Berlin Film Festival, “Avanim,” “Raphael Nadjari’s fourth feature film was screened today at the Jerusalem Film Festival.
2005:As the police sealed off streets and scoured homes for clues about the London bombing attacks today, untold thousands of people” in the U.K. “and across Europe stood in silence for two long, quiet minutes today in memory of those who died in the attacks just a week earlier” while “Mayor Ken Livingstone said the commemoration drew in "young Londoners, old Londoners, Muslim, Christian and Jew, every faith, every nationality" sending a message to the bombers "you will not succeed."
2005: Israelis continued to mourn for, Rachel Ben Abu and Nofar Horowitz, two 16-year-old Israeli girls who were best friends and who were killed in two days ago in a terrorist bombing, and who were buried in a joint funeral at cemetery outside of Tel Aviv.
2006: Stéphane Frédéric Hessel “was made Grand Officier de la Légion d'honneur, having already been given the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit in 1999.”
2006: George R. Blumenthal, the Milwaukee, WI born son of Lillian and Marcel Blumenthal and hold of a Ph.D. in phsyics began serving as the tenth Chancellor of the University of California, Santa Cruz.
2006:  While Jews across the world offer recite the lines Sim Shalom at the conclusion with a renewed fervor they also offer up prayers for the safety of the IDF and the citizens of Israel as they deal with attacks from terrorists operating from Gaza and Lebanon.
2006: This morning, “one of the branch heads of naval intelligence, Lieutenant-Colonel Y. briefed the head of naval intelligence, Colonel Ram Rothberg, telling him that "ships enforcing Israel's naval blockade on Hezbollah should take into account the possibility of a C-802 missile being fired on them." The assessment, however, did not result in a warning.”
2006: The INS Hanit, Sa'ar 5-class corvette, was damaged today when it was struck by a C-802 anti-ship missile fired by Hezbollah.
2006: The following were among a total of 43 Israeli civilians (including four who died of heart attacks during rocket barrages) and 116 IDF soldiers were killed in the Israel-Hizbullah war:St.-Sgt. Tal Amgar, 21, of Ashdod; Cpl. Shai Atias, 19, of Rishon Lezion; Sgt. Yaniv Hershkovitz, 21, of Haifa; and St.-Sgt. Dov Shtierenshos, 37, of Karmiel. Yehudit Itzkovich, 58, of Meron, and her grandson Omer Pesahov, seven, of Nahariya.
2007: In Jerusalem, Off the Wall Comedy Empire presents "The Jerusalem Comedy Show," starring David Kilimnick, Boris Melamed and Anat Hoffman, a comedy show about life in Jerusalem.
2007:  The Cedars Rapids Gazette featured an article entitled “N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg’s Jewish faith a non-issue” describes Bloomberg’s upbringing as a Conservative Jew in Medford, Mass. and his philanthropic support of Jewish institutions. The article states that “there’s no evidence Jews will support Bloomberg because of their shared faith.” But the article says nothing about how non-Jews would respond to a serious Jewish candidate for President.
2007: PLO Ambassador Afif Sieh, a supporter of Fatahn and Ali Abunimah, a support of Hamas appeared on Worldview, a daily global affairs program produced by Chicago Public Radio station WBEZ (91.5),
2008: Eli Aflalo succeeded Yaakov Edri was Minister of Immigrant Absorption.  Edri continued to serve as Minister of Negev and Galilee Development.
2008: In Washington, D.C. Ethan Caninreads from and signs his new novel, America America, at Politics and Prose Bookstore.
2008: Barring any rebellion before votes are tallied,Randi Weingarten is expected to be elected to the top position of the 1.4 million-member American Federation of Teachers at its Chicago convention.
2009: Arthur Laurents “Broadway’s Last Ferocious Man” celebrates his 92ndbirthday.
2009: Adam Stern was selected to be a starting right fielder for the Southern League North Division All Star team, which was played today in Birmingham, Alabama/
2009: At the 18th Maccabiah Games the following basketball games are played: Germany v Canada, Greece v Brazil, Russia v Argentina and Mexico v the United States.
2009:Israel accused Lebanon of violating United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 today after a Hezbollah arms cache hidden inside a southern Lebanese town accidentally exploded.
2009:The softball tournament at the Maccabiah Games was brought to an abrupt close this afternoon when police stormed the field at the Baptist Village without any prior warning. Evidently, the police were enforcing a stoppage order issued by the Petah Tikva Municipality after the decision to deny the application for a business license for the Baptist Village was reached late Monday.
2009:In a new signal to Iran, two Sa'ar 5-class Israeli Navy ships crossed through the Suez Canal from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea today to beef up Israel's naval presence near Eilat.
2000: Today’s MLB All Star Game could feature play by four Jewish players -- "Ryan Braun, Kevin Youkilis, and Ian Kinsler and pitcher Jason Marquis who had the most wins in his league through June 30.” (As reported by Josh Levitt)
2009:In a move that threatens to strain diplomatic ties, Britain has blocked the sale of spare parts for Israel’s fleet of missile gunships because they were used in the recent campaign in Gaza.
2010:Tovah Feldshuh, star of stage and big and small screen, is scheduled to make a special appearance at the screening of the indie comedy hit Goyband today where she will receive the Jersey Shore Film Festival Award for Artistic Achievement
2010:The Knesset voted today, in a preliminary reading, in favor of a bill that would prevent the transfer of funds to the Palestinian Authority if it continues to encourage and enforce a boycott of goods manufactured in Jewish communities.
2011: “Daphni Leef inspired the Occupy Israel” movement.
2011: Nirvana, a dance show from Korea, which is based on ancient ritual Buddhist dances, is scheduled to appear at TAPAC in Tel Aviv.
2011:Violinist Vadim Gluzman is scheduled to return to Israel to perform Shostakovich’s Violin Concerto No. 1 with the Jerusalem Symphony under the baton of Dmitry Sitkovetsky at the Jerusalem Theater.

2011: A memorial service for Suzanne Rosenbaum Katz, wife of Bert Katz and a longtime member of Hadassah, Temple Judah and its Sisterhood, is scheduled to be held at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 

2011:Israeli Air Force planes bombed two smuggling tunnels in southern Gaza in retaliation for rocket attacks on southern Israeli communities.
2012: French filmmaker Claude Lanzman received the French Legion of Honor.
2011: The mayor of San Antonio, Texas, Julián Castro, signed agreements with Israel to share knowledge and economic cooperation today as he was wrapping up a five-day trip to Israel focused on economic cooperation.
2012: Jerusalem’s Vertigo Dance Company is scheduled to perform for the last time at the Durham Performing Arts Center in North Carolina.
2012: A man set himself on fire on Tel Aviv’s Kaplan Street during a social justice rally tonight, police said. The Haifa man identified as Moshe Silman, 46 years old, came out of an apartment building, poured flammable material over his clothes and body and lit himself with a burning object (As reported by Yaakov Lappin, Michael Omer-Man and Gil Shefler)
2012:Rabbi Brous is scheduled to lead a discussion about “The IKAR Phenomenon” as part of the Bnai David Judea Nosh and Drosh Summer Series. At a time when affiliation rates at synagogues and temples is waning, are non-affiliated movements like IKAR part of the answer for the future of the Jewish community?
2012: Israeli organizers expect tens of thousands to take part in nationwide demonstrations tonight to mark the first anniversary of last summer’s social justice protests
2012(24th of Tammuz): Yarhrzeit for the Jews of Jerusalem who were murdered by the crusaders on this date in 1099 (5772)
2012(24th of Tammuz, 5772): Sixty five year old “Gustin L. Reichbach who went from the carefree fraternity life to leading student protests at Columbia University in 1968 and then to a career as a fiercely independent lawyer and judge” passed away today. (As reported by Jim Dwyer)
2013: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. by Adelle Waldman.
2013: Final day of the 30th annual Jerusalem Film Festival.
2013:  Pianist Sagy Segal and Vocalist Gal Klein are scheduled to perform at a special Bastille Day Concert at the Eden-Tamir Music Center.
2013: Observance of Bastille Day which provides an excellent opportunity to consider the uneven history of the Jews of France which, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia dates to the first decades of the common era when Jews were found at Vienna and Lyon.
2013: The police reported that another haredi attack on a religious soldier took place this afternoon in the ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Yisrael, close to Mea Shearim. According to police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby, two haredi men attacked a uniformed soldier with a knitted yarmulke who was passing by on Sha’arei Shamayim Street. (As rerpoted by Jeremy Sharon)
2013: Today “Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and said he hoped the two sides could resume peace talks, stalled for three years, Israeli officials said.
2014: On Bastille Day, “celebrations in Paris turned violent” when “anti-Israel rioters attacked the Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue on Rue de la Roquette, and its congregants fought back.” (As reported by Stephanie Butnick)
2014: In New Orleans, final shivah minyan for Dietician, artist Bettie Florence Stovall Rosenbaum who passed away at the age of 87 is scheduled to take place at the home of Linda and Scott Hart in Lakeview. (As reported by the Crescent City Jewish News)
2014: “The Places You’ll Go” by Israeli playwright Hila Ben Gera, a graduate of Yoram Lowenstein’s Performing Arts Studio in Tel Avi is scheduled to open at @Dixon Place in New York.
2014: “Sukkah City USA” and “Under the Same Sun” are scheduled to be shown at the Berkshire Jewish Film Festival.
2014: “A delegation from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations is scheduled to arrive today, and meet government and military officials and tour areas susceptible to rocket fire by Hamas.” (As reported by JTA)
2014: Following a day in which the IAf shot down a drone for the first time over Tel Aviv, 2 rockets hit the city of Eilat at Israel’s southernmost tip tonight, lightly injuring five people in the first attack on the city from Gaza since the campaign began.
2014: Yaakov Amidror, a former national security adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today that Hamas still has almost 90 percent of their rockets as the government prepares to consider Egypt’s proposal for a cease fire.
2014: The Israeli government accepted a cease-fire that was backed by Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas but would prove worthless since he could not control Hamas.
2015(27th of Tammuz, 5775): Eighty-four year old pioneering news broadcaster Marlene Sanders, the wife of television producer Jerome Toobin and the mother of CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin passed away today.
2015: “Paper Planes” and “Songs my Brothers Taught Me” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Film Festival.
2015: “Wet Hot American Summer” is scheduled to be shown at the Washington Jewish Film Festival.
2015: The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives is scheduled to host Benjamin Steiner's seminar, "The Lieberman Clause Revisited: Panacea or Polemic?"
2015: In what some may consider a case of carrying coals to New Castle, the OU Israel Center is scheduled to host a “Challah Baking Workshop” in Jerusalem.
2015: At its convention in Philadelphia, the NAACP hosted the showing of “Rosenwald” a documentary about Julius Rosenwald whose philanthropy created educational opportunities for African-Americans in the Jim Crow 1930’s.
2016: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to host a special commemorative event in memory of Elie Weisel who passed away last Saturday
2016(8th of Tammuz, 5776): Eighty-six year old New Orleans advertising Peter Arno Mayer passed away today.
2016: In Des Moines, Iowa AIPAC is scheduled to host its annual event, “Iowa Celebrates Israel”
2016: The UKJF is scheduled to host a showing of “Labyrinth of Lies,” a “drama about an idealistic young prosecutor who begins a campaign against Nazis who seemingly faded away at the end of World War II” at Cineworld Manchester.
2016: In Jerusalem, “The High Rabbinical Court” sentenced a man to five years “in prison for refusing to give his wife a divorce.
2016: In what may be a sign of changing diplomatic dynamics “Foreign Ministry Director-General Dore Gold met Chad President Idriss Déby today at his presidential palace in the city of Fada,
2016: “My Friend Yaniv” and “To Take a Wife” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Film Festival.
2017: Today on “a day of prayer for Moslems and the eve of the Jewish Sabbath two policeman, Hail Satawin and Kamil Shnaan, were brutally gunned down and a third was lightly wounded “in a terror attack this morning when three terrorists opened fire at Border Police forces at the Lions' Gate in Jerusalem's Old City.”  (As reported by Isabel Kershner)
2017(20th of Tammuz, 5777): “An infant girl was among three people injured in a firebomb attack in Jerusalem today hours after two Israeli police were killed in an attack by three Israeli-Arab terrorists on the Temple Mount.”
2017: "Majesty and Humility: The Life, Leadership, and Legacy of Joseph B. Soloveitchik" led by Professor Jacob J. Schacter is scheduled to come to an end.
2017: “Letters from Baghdad” is scheduled to open at Houston, Portland, OR, Detroit, Dearborn, MI and Eugene, OR.
2017: The master’s hockey teams are scheduled to compete for the gold at today’s Maccabiah games in Jerusalem.
2017: As part of the events surrounding the Maccabiah Games, “a Kabbalat Shabbat and lunch are scheduled to take place at Jerusalem’s Cinema City.
2018: Inbal Segev and Juho Pohjonen are scheduled “to open their program at the Tannery in New Lebanon with two works by Beethoven.”
2018(2nd of Av, 5778): Ninety-four year old Hazel Block who along with her husband, Dr. Walter Block, z"l were former long-time members of Temple Judah passed away today in Minneapolis.

2018(2nd of Av): On the Jewish calendar Yahrtzeit or “Talmudic scholar and author of Mate Aharon” Rabbi Aaron ben Moses Teomim of Worms.
2018(2nd of Av, 5778): Parashat Matot – Masay marks the end of the reading of the Book of Numbers
2019 In an interview with Argentine journalist Marcelo Longobardi scheduled to be aired today on the CNN en Español channel, “President Mauricio Macri of Argentina says his country is “moving forward” to declare the armed Lebanese group Hezbollah a terrorist organization.”
2019: In Saratoga, CA, Congregation Beth David is scheduled to host “Run, Hide, Fight!”, a presentation hosted by the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s “on what to do when confronted with an active shooter.”
2019: The Jewish Federation of Edmonton, Ontario, is scheduled to host its “Bagel Loop Annual, Run, Roll,” an event open to the entire community.
2019: The New York Times published reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Thirty-Year Genocide: Turkey’s Destruction of Its Christian Minorities, 1894-1924 by Benny Morris and Dror Ze’evi, Serious Eater: A Food Lover’s Perilous Quest for Pizza and Redemption by “knish-loving journalist” Ed Levine, Vasily Grossman and the Soviet Century by Alexandra Popoff and A Good American Family: The Red Scare and My Father by David Maraniss.
2020: As Israelis begin the day they will wonder how much higher the total number of cases will be since some 20,251 active cases of the coronavirus were reported in Israel as of yesterday afternoon, the highest such tally since the onset of the epidemic in the country, bringing the total number of cases since the beginning of the outbreak to 39,871. (YNET)
2020: ASF IJE Travels in Jewish History... from home and the Sephardic Heritage Alliance (SHAI) is scheduled to present “Passport to Persia,” “an online pilgrimage to Iranian Jewish Sites and Stories,  powered by Diarna Geo-Museum Tours”
2020: The Jewish Museum of Maryland is scheduled to host “Become a Wondernaut,” a hands-on celebration of the 51stanniversary of the moon landing.
2020: Live on Zoom, the Leo Baeck Institute Book Club is scheduled to host a discussion of “Her First Americanby Lore Segal.”
2020: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education is scheduled to host “U.S. Army Colonel (Ret.) Krewasky A. Salter, Executive Director of First Division Museum at Cantigny, as he chronicles the 1st Infantry Division’s legendary military involvement from the Battle of the Bulge to the occupation of Germany.”
2020: The JWA is scheduled to co-host “Poetry in Times of Peril: Four Women’s Vocies,” featuring Alondra Bobadilla, Marilyn Nelson, Alicia Ostriker, and Alicia Jo Rabins
2020: The Riverway Project is scheduled to present online “Riverway Café: Moses’ Wilderness Survival Skills.”
2020: The Addison-Penzak JCC is scheduled to host “Jewish Comedy and Jewish Satire,” a virtual multimedia talk by former “Mork and Mindy” story editor and writer David Misch on Jews and comedy, suffering and stereotypes.”
2020: Today the United Synagogue is scheduled to celebrate its 150th anniversary for which the Chief Rabbi issued a special message that reminds us that “the importance of the number 150 in Jewish tradition is rooted in the fact that there are 150 chapters in the Book of Psalms.”

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