Channel: This Day ... In Jewish History
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This Day, March 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

March 14
388: A law prohibiting mixed marriages between Jews and non-Jews which is defined as adultery, is promulgated as part of the Theodosian Code.
1181: King Philip Augustus of France ordered the seizure of all Jews of Paris attending synagogue and had them detained for ransom
1473(14th of Adar): Marranos massacred in Cordova, Spain
1489: The Queen of Cyprus, Catherine Cornaro, sells her kingdom to Venice. Jews had been living on this Mediterranean island since Roman time.  At the time of the Venetian acquisition, a considerable number of Jews were leading merchants in the port of Famagusta. 
1492: Queen Isabella of Castile orders her 150,000 Jewish subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion.
1535: David dei Rossi a Jewish merchant from Italy, who set out for the Orient in 1534, writes his wife Sarah the following observation of life in Ottoman Palestine, "Hatred of the Jew is, in contrast to our homeland, unknown here, and the Turks hold the Jews in esteem. In this country and in Egypt, Jews are the chief officers and administrators of the customs.
1543: During the Counter Refromation, Paul III issued entitled “Injunctum nobis,” a papal bull  that affirmed certain Catholic teachings, including the authority of the Pope, in the face of Protestant challenges. This came a year after Paul III had launched an Inquisition that was designed to stamp the Protestant revolution begun by Luther.  “Judaizing” was one of the crimes that the Inquisition was empowered to investigated and punish. 
1630: In Przemysl, Poland, Moses the Braider, a Jewish merchant, was accused of conspiring to desecrate the host and was burned alive.
1647: Bavaria, Cologne, France and Sweden sign the Truce of Ulm during the Thirty Years War. The Thirty Years War coincided with the great Cossack Uprising.  Jewish refugees from these two calamities reversed the eastward migration of Jews.  A trickle that would eventual became a comparative “torrent” began moving Westward settling in Holland and England. 
1682: Jacob Isaackszoon van Ruisdael, the Dutch landscape painter whose works include “The Jewish Cemetery” passed away today.
1774(2nd of Nisan, 5534): The Jews of Basra, Persia celebrated a special Purim, Yom Ha Nes
1799: The French Army under Napoleon leaves Jaffa after conquering the city and “continued its march northwards towards its goal, Acre.”
1808(15th of Adar, 5568):Shushan Purim
1820: Birthdate of Victor Emmanuel II, the first King of a unified Italian state.  He reigned from 1861 until 1878.  How big a difference did the emergence of the modern Italian nation make to the Jewish people?  “Historian Howard Morley Sacher puts it this way: ‘In 1848 there had been no European country save Spain where the restrictions placed upon Jews were more galling and more humiliating than in Italy.  After 1860, there was no country on the continent of Europe where conditions were better for Jews.’”
1832: In Edinburgh, Helen and Sir Charles Fergusson gave birth to Sir James Fergusson who during a Parliamentary debate in 1890 “said that the British Charge d’Affiares at St. Petersburg had telegraphed the Foreign Office that no fresh measures were under consideration by the Government aiming to deprive the Jews of any of the privileges they now enjoy.”
1845:The state of Massachusetts granted a charter of incorporation to Congregation Ohabei Shalom (Lovers of Peace) giving form anal possession of land to the Jewish Community. Organized by German Jews living in Boston, this large Reform congregation is now located in Brookline, MA. It is the only Jewish congregation in the Bay State and the second oldest in New England.
1851: While traveling from London to Philadelphia, Rabbi Sabato Morais arrived in New York
1853: British Parliament debates a Jewish Disabilities Bill. Lord John Russell said that “his object was to complete the edifice of religious toleration by permitting the Jewish subjects of Britain the same rights and privileges of British subjects as were a presented enjoyed by Protestants, Dissenters and Roman Catholics.” He could see no danger to Christian institutions to allow “a small number of believers in a different faith and who were otherwise good citizens and not given to proselytizing” to hold civil office. Among the opponents, the famed Robert Peel claimed that “it was incompatible with the dignity of Christians to admit Jews into almost every office.” One member of the House called for a definition of Parliamentary Christianity because “he could not understand what doctrine of the Christian religion was involved in Parliamentary Christianity. While another opponent said that Jews were as bad as atheist, Mr. O’Connell came to the defense of the Jews.  As a Roman Catholic he had suffered discrimination and felt it was his duty to speak up on behalf of another group suffering the same fate.  The Bill would be defeated.  Victory would not come until 1848.
1854: Birthdate of Nobel Prize Winner and medical scientist, Paul Ehrlich. Ehrlich discovered a treatment for syphilis.  He died in 1915 at the age of 61. How does a Jew become a German scientist? - By winning the Nobel Prize.  Interestingly, the obituaries of both of these men (see Einstein below) identify them as Germans even though in the case of Einstein he was forced to flee by the Germans just before the Brown Shirts ransacked his home and office.
1860(20th of Adar, 5620): Lewis Charles Levin passed away.  Levin was the first Jew elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was the American Party candidate from Pennsylvania in 1844. He was born in Charleston South Carolina, on November 10, 1808. He graduated from South Carolina College (now the University of South Carolina) with a law degree. He was a founder of the Native American Party and published and edited the Philadelphia Daily Sun. Levin was reelected twice before being defeated in 1850. He then returned to the practice of law in Philadelphia.
1861: It was announced at today’s meeting of the Board of Charities and Corrections that the Hebrew Orphan and Half orphan Asylum was among the organizations that received a portion of the $645 dollars recently raised at benefit held to raise funds for the benefit of New York’s widows and orphans.

1865:The fourth annual masquerade ball of the Purim Association took place this evening at the Academy of Music. The society is composed exclusively of Jews, and the proceeds are to be devoted to charitable purposes.
1862: Aaron Katz, a native of Philadelphia, PA who had been working as a clerk in Mecklenburg County, NC, enlisted in the Confederate Army today
1865: “The Hebrew Purim Ball” one of the highlights of the New York social season was held this evening at the Academy of Music.
1866: Seventy-six year old American historian and former President of Harvard Jared Sparks who had taken an interest in the life of Haym Solomon passed away. When others were attempting to denigrate Solomon’s role, Professor Sparks “wrote to the effect that Solomon’s association with Robert Morris ‘were very close and intimate and that a great part of the success that Mr. Morris attained in his financial schemes was due to skill and ability of Hyam Solomon.”
1871: In a lecture delivered tonight at Rutgers Female College entitled “The Bible in the Rocks,” Professor Egleston said that the Bible was written for “Hebrew bondsman, so all of the illustrations are of a simple nature and can be comprehended by the most unenlightened.  Yet these illustrations are perfectly consisten with the latest discoveries of modern science.”
1873(15th of Adar, 5633): Shushan Purim
1874: “The History of Hats” published today traces the men’s headgear from ancient Tibet to modern day France.  According to the author, Jews have not made any contribution to what he calls “hatology” claiming that he cannot find a Hebrew word hat and that Jews have “entirely discarded that useful article of dress.”
1876: A full dress reception sponsored by the Purim Association will be held at Delmonico’s this evening in New York City. This event marks the fifth and final day of receptions, suppers and other festivities marking the celebration of Purim.
1879: Birthdate of Nobel Prize Winner Albert Einstein.  Forced to flee Germany during the Nazi era, Einstein continued his career at Princetonwhere he died in 1955.  He published four scientific papers in his spare time while he worked as an examiner in the Swiss Patents Office. Each one had revolutionary implications for the field of physics. Among them was his special theory of relativity. Einstein said, "If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y plus Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut." It was Einstein who warned Rooseveltof the dangers of Nazi Germany building the Atomic Bomb - a warning headed by the United States.  Einstein's views on religion were not exactly Jewish, but he was Jewish enough to be offered the Presidency of the infant state of Israel - a position he reluctantly declined.
1881: According to Mrs. Berthold Riese, she was married to Berthold Riese, a Jewish clairvoyant on this date.  During a trial in 1887, in which he faced charges of having abandoned his wife, Riese would deny the validity of the document which said the he, a Jew, was married to Catholic by a Lutheran minister.
1883: Karl Marx passed away.
1884: Birthdate of Maxwell Zwerbach the American gangster known as Max "Kid Twist" Zwerbach who led the Eastman Gang.
1892: Police Recorder dismissed the charges that had been lodged against two Jewish grocers who had been arrested last week for doing business on Sunday.
1893: Two members of a gang in Kansas City, MO that uses a Jewish fence named Morantz were captured this morning.
1894: Among the charities that received money from the Mayor’s Committee of Five which was distributing funds that had been raised for the to aid those who have lost their jobs during the current economic distribution was the United Hebrew Charities which was given $2,700.
1896: The Hovevei Zion in Vienna decides to call on Herzl to work for the fulfillment of the program of a Jewish state.
1896: The Jewish children whose families live on the upper east side of New York City gave a ball and carnival tonight at the Central Opera House.
1897: “The Old Dutch Records” published today described the impact of “the city of New York” to publish “the records of its municipal ancestor, Nieuw Amsterdam. Included in the documents is a report of the arrival of 23 Jews in 1654 who “were ordered to depart March 1, 1655.  The Patroons of the West India Company decide, however that as the Jews owned most of the stock in that organization, they would be let alone.”
1897: In Brooklyn, Father Sylvester Malone of the Church Saint Peter and Saint Paul spoke in praise of “Mrs. Nannette Marks, a Jewish lady who has become famous throughout Brooklyn for her benevolent acts” irrespective of the creed of those in need.
1897: Emma Frohman was in charge of the entertainment presented by the Hebrew Institute on East Broadway this evening.
1897: A service was held in memory of Morris Goodhart, the late President of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society who passed away in February.
1897: Seventieth anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Philip J. Joachimsen, the native of Bristol, who founded the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.
1898: Felix Adler addresses the Mother’s Congress this afternoon.
1899: In Albany, Edward Lauterbach appeared before the state Senate Cities Committee to voice his opposition to a bill that would establish St. Nicholas Park because the park would encompass grounds on Amsterdam Avenue that had been previously granted to the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.
1899: “Certain Phases of Zionism” published today described the view of Professor Thomas Davidson that the Jewish return to Palestine because of selection by “a Supreme Being” is “illogical and unfair.”  “Jew must cast off the swaddling clothes of supernatural and superstition” for “the new Zion of religious freedom.”
1899: Émile Erckmann, co-author of the 1869 play “Le Jeuf Polonais” (The Polish Jew) passed away today.

1899: “Topics of the Times” published today described the career of Dr. Isaac Mayer Wise, “the oldest American rabbi now in active service and generally and cordially recognized as the most eminent of them” who will be honored at the upcoming session of the Central of American Rabbis.  According to the article he was born on March 14 while other sources show his birthdate as March 29, 1819.
1899: The member of the Central Conference of American Rabbis presented Dr. Isaac M. Wise with an ivory gavel mounted in gold as part of the celebrations honoring his 80th birthday which included a dinner at the Phoenix Club in Cincinnati, Ohio.
1900: Morris and Rose Gershwin gave birth to future stock broker and composer Arthur Gershwin
1903: Birthdate of American painter Adolph Gottlieb an original member of “The Ten” a group of mostly expressionist and mostly Jewish avant garde artists.  Gottlieb abandoned figuration for a new style, “abstract expressionism.” Among is work is “Man Look at Woman” an oil painted in 1949 hanging MoM
1905: Birthdate of Raymond-Claude-Ferdinand Aron, “a French philosopher, sociologist and political scientist, well known for his lifelong, often critical friendship with Jean-Paul Sartre, and for his skepticism of the post-war vogue in France for ideologies that largely took their inspiration from a Marxist tradition.” The son of a Jewish lawyer who witnessed Nazi book burnings, he passed away in 1983.
1906: Flora Krichefski the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Krichefski of Jersey married Hyman Appleberg, the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Appleberg at the Great Synagogue.
1909: In an article published today entitled “Rabbi Lyons Urges Reform Judaism,” Rabbi Alexander Lyons of Temple Beth Elohim in State Street, Brooklyn expressed his opposition to the formation of a Jewish federation in New York City. His opposition is based, in part, on his strongly held belief that Reformed Judaism is “the religion of the Jewish future” and that Orthodox Judaism is doomed. Furthermore he believes that such a federation would be futile attempt to paper over the social, economic and ideological differences in the Jewish community and that such an organization would separate the Jewish people from their fellow Americans.
1911(14th of Adar, 5671): Purim
1915: A benefit performance sponsored by the Krakauer Chairty and Aid Society is scheduled to take place tonight at the Lyric Theatre. The money raised by this event will used to buy Matzoth which will be distributed among the city’s poor Jews for their use during the upcoming celebration of Passover.  The famous singer and actress, Lillian Russell has volunteered to serve as the announcer for the event. [The Krakauer Chairty and Aid Society was one of the many organizations established by Jews from Cracow, Poland.  No reason is given for Lillian Russell’s having volunteered her services for the event.  However, she was married to Edward Solomon, the English composer whose family was Jewish.]
1917: Fifty-six year old Fernand-Gustave-Gaston Labori, French attorney who defended Émile Zola in 1898 in the Dreyfus trial and Captain Alfred Dreyfus at the court martial in Rennes in 1899 passed away today.
1919: Birthdate of writer Max Shulman.  Shulman is probably best known for his writings about Dobie Gillis which were later turned into a television sit-com of the same name.
1920: Hayyah and Zevi Kempner gave birth to Vitka Kempner the Jewish resistance fighter who married famed poet Abba Kovner.
1921: In New York, Leah Rosenthal Landman and Dr. Michael Louis Landman gave birth to Ada Louise Landman who as “Ada Louise Huxtable, pioneered modern architectural criticism in the pages of The New York Times, celebrating buildings that respected human dignity and civic history — and memorably scalding those that did not…” (As reported by David Dunlap)
1922(14th of Adar, 5682): Purim
1923: Birthdate of photographer Diane Arbus.
1923: Birthdate of Meyer Zarodinsky the Bessarabian native who made Aliyah in 1925 and gained fame Meir “Zarro” Zorea an IDF general and member of the Knesset
1930(14th of Adar, 5690): First Purim of the Great Depression
1932(6th of Adar II, 5692): Benjamin N. Cardozo joins his fellow Jew Louis Brandeis as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
1935: Birthdate of “Jack Keil Wolf, an engineer and computer theorist whose mathematical reasoning about how best to transmit and store information helped shape the digital innards of computers and other devices that power modern society.” (As reported by Douglas Martin)
1937: Pope Pious XI issued an encyclical condemning racism. This was one of the few times the Vatican made a public statement against the Nazi regime. The next pope, Pious XII, did even less.
1937: The Palestine Post reported that Shlomo Gafni, 28, and Hanoch Metz, 24, of Kfar Hahoresh were stabbed to death and their flock of 320 sheep and 70 goats stolen by Arab murderers. A bomb was thrown in Tiberias and there were various shooting incidents in Galilee. In Safed, a self-constituted Arab "National Committee" confined Jews to their quarter, subject to a rigid boycott. "We are like prisoners over whom hangs an indeterminate sentence," one Safed Jew complained. In Londonthe Royal (Peel) Commission on Palestineheard further evidence from Sir Winston Churchill and other important British personalities.
1938: Time published “GERMANY: Vivid Satisfaction!”
1939: Sara Adler’s fifty years of work on the stage were celebrated in a gala event at the National Theater during which she performed the third act of Tolstoy's Resurrection.
1939: German troops fully occupy the Czechoslovak provinces of Bohemia and Moravia. This was a gross violation of the Munich Agreement that Chamberlain had negotiated.  This was the last step on the road to war in Europe and the Final Solution.
1939: As the Nazis advance on Prague, Martha and Waitstill Sharp decided to remain in the Czech capital and continue their work of rescuing refugees from Hitler’s murder machine.
1941: The Nazi occupiers of Holland forbade Jewish owned companies.
1943:  In Krakowthe deportation of Jews continued. Children younger than three years were flung into baskets and emptied like trash into ditches. They were buried alive. One child, Shachne Hiller, who survived due to the efforts of a Polish couple, was taken by them to a Polish pries for baptism. The Priest refused, thinking that it would be unfair to the wishes of the child's parents. The child survived. The Priest went on to become Pope John Paul II.
1943: Aaron Copeland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" was played for the first time in New York City with George Szell conducting
1944: Hanna Szenes ,Yoel Palgi and Peretz Goldstein were parachuted into Yugoslavia and joined a partisan group.
1945: Winston Churchill wrote to Laura Wingate, widow of Orde Wingate the British officer who had helped trained Jewish fighters during the 1930’s telling of her plans to build a memorial to her late husband on the grounds of HebrewUniversity.  Wingate had been killed while fighting the Japanese in Burmaduring the war.  At a time when the British officer corps ranged from pro Arab to anti-Semitic Wingate stood out as a “chever” (friend) to the Jewish people in the truest sense of the term.
1945: Special services were held in many American synagogues today as Jews here and abroad marked the end of a week-long period of mourning for the millions of Jews who had been murdered by Hitler and his cohorts. 
1945: Palestine’s 600,000 Jews ended their week of mourning for the millions of their co-religionist who have been murdered in what would come to be known as the Holocaust or the Shoah by observing a solemn day of fasting where they abstaine from normal commercial and social activities.  Among other things, “factories, workshops, schools, restaurants and places of entertainment were closed for hours beginning at 9 o’clock this morning.”
1946: “As part of the illegal immigration to Eretz Israel ("Aliya Bet"), the “Wingate” sailed from Italy with 238 maapilim ("illegal immigrants") on board, mostly from Eastern Europe.”
1947: Birthdate of Judith Plaskow, “the first Jewish feminist to identify herself as a theologian.”
1947:  Birthdate of comedian and movie star Billy Crystal.
1947: According to reports received in Jerusalem, today’s attacks on oil pipelines at Haifa were the work of the Stern Gang and not the Irgun. 
1947: In an interview today that expressed frustration with both terrorism and the British government, Moshe Shertok, a leader of the Jewish Agency said that “terrorist groups and White Paper government are vying with each other in ruining the Yishuv.”
1949:The IAF flight school graduated its first class. Among the graduates was Mordechai "Mottie" Hod, the commander of Israel’s Air Force during the Six Day War.
1950: It was announced today that “Dr. Walter Clay Lowdermilk, American expert on soil erosion and pioneer of the Tennessee Valley Authority,” has been appointed serve as an adviser to the Israeli government.
1950: The burial of Dr. Mordecai Eliash, who was serving as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom when he passed away, is scheduled to take place today in Jerusalem.

1950: Dr. Serge Koussevitzky, the 75 year old conduct emeritus conduct of the Boston Symphony who is currently on a sixteen concert tour in Israel has donated “his entire music library to Hebrew University.”

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported from the US that President Harry Truman¹s $7,000m. Mutual Security Program listed $196m for the Middle East, $76m.for Jewish refugees in Israel and $65m for Palestinerefugees. .
1953(27th of Adar): Essayist and journalist Chaim Greenberg passed away
1960: Walter Mathau appeared in the role of James Hyland and Jacob Ben-Ami appeared in the role of Dr. Jacobson in tonight’s Play of the Week – “The Rope Dances” – produced by David Susskind.
1960: Israel's Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and West Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adenauer met to discuss mutual problems. Adenauer was trying to build a "new Germany" and his work to establish a positive relationship with the state of Israel was part of an attempt to remove the Nazi Stain.  Ben-Gurion, ever the realist, saw West Germany as a source of financial support (war reparations and other aid) as well as political support in a world in which the new Jewish state had few friends.  Ben-Gurion was criticized by many Jews both in and out of Israel for his work with West German and Adenauer.
1961(26th of Adar, 5721): Akiba Rubinstein world famous chess player passed away at the age of 78.
1964: A jury in Dallas, Texas finds Jack Ruby guilty of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, assassin of John F. Kennedy.  The man who shot JFK was not Jewish.  The man who shot the man who shot JFK was Jewish.
1968(14th of Adar, 5728): Last Purim celebration during the administration of Lyndon Johnson, a true friend of Israel and a supporter of Civil Rights.

1969(24th of Adar, 5729): Painter Ben Shahn passed away at the age of 70.

1971: Barbra Streisand appears on "The Burt Bacharach Special" on CBS TV

1972: A small New Yorkstudy group using the name "Ezrat Nashim", founded in 1971 to study the status of women in Judaism, presented Conservative rabbis with a manifesto for change at the Rabbinical Assembly convention.

1977: The New York Times reported that Ezrat Nashim (part of the Conservative movement) was about to publish a booklet entitled "Blessing the Birth of a Daughter: Jewish Naming Ceremonies for Girls."
1977:The Jerusalem Post reported that upon his return from the US, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin declared that President Jimmy Carter said nothing to indicate a reversal of his pre-election stand, which said that Israel ought not withdraw from Jerusalemor Golan Heights. Israel made it clear to the US that it would never return to the 1967 lines and was sufficiently strong to accept Carter¹s opinion, or to disagree with him on this issue.
1978:  The Israeli Defense Force, in retaliation for a terrorist attack three days earlier, invades and occupies southern Lebanon, under codename Operation Litani, resulting in the evacuation of at least 100,000 Lebanese, approximately 2,000 deaths, as well as the creation of United Nations Interim Forces In Lebanon (UNIFIL)
1979: Birthdate of actor Chris Klein
1980(26th of Adar, 5740):  Politician Allard Lowenstein passed away at the age of 51.  He was the Democratic Congressman from New York’s Fifth District.
1991(28th of Adar, 5751): Lyricist Howard Ashman passed away.  Born Howard Elliot German in 1950 in Baltimore, Maryland, Ashman teamed with Alan Menken on several scores for Disney movies including Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin.  He won two Grammies, and two Oscars for Best Song.
1996(23rd of Adar, 5756): Seventy-seven year old philanthropist and successful businessman Alfred P. Slaner passed away today. (As reported by Robert Thomas, Jr.)

1997(5th of Adar II, 5757): Fred Zinnemann, Austrian-born director, passed away

1997: A decision was reached by the Israelis to begin work on a building project at Har Homa in southern Jerusalem.

1999: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or special interest to Jewish readers including Aaron Copland: The Life and Work of an Uncommon Man by Howard Pollack and Sex and Social Justice by Martha Nussbaum.

2000: “Israel deployed the first battery of Arrow missiles.”

2001: President George Bush issued an Executive Order adding the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade to the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organization.

2002: Avigdor Lieberman completed his service as National Infrastructure Minister

2003(10th of Adar II, 5763): Jack Goldstein passed away at the age of 57. Born in 1945, he was one of the first graduates of the California School of Fine Arts; Jack Goldstein was known for his experiments in film, sound and performance art. In 1974, he moved to New Yorkwhere he had his first show in 1981. He often made use of commercial production techniques or isolated bits of Hollywood films such as creating a continuous loop of the roaring MGMlion. In the late 1970s, he focused on painting and did works ranging from images of lightning storms, volcano eruptions and World War II battles to abstractions based on astronomy.

2004: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of interest to Jewish readers including A Sportswriter’s Life:From the Desk of a New York Times Reporter by Gerald Eskenazi.

2005: During the Cedar Revolution hundreds of thousands of Lebanese went into the streets of Beirut to demonstrate against the Syrian military presence in Lebanon and against the government. This entry serves as a reminder that there is a lot of violence in the Middle East that has nothing to do with Israel.  It also serves as a reminder that the late President Assad wanted to create “Greater Syria” which included territory now known as Lebanon, Jordan and much of Israel.

2006: 14th of Adar 5766 – Purim

2006:  National Public Radio profiled Allan Sherman on “All Things Considered.”

2006: “People & Politics” published today described the switch of Mark Leibovich from the Washington Post to the New York Times.

2006: Eric Lichtblau was a co-winner of the Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting for coverage of the Bush administration’s domestic eavesdropping program.

2006:  Haaretzreported that Rome's chief rabbi paid a landmark visit to the capital's mosque yesterday, calling for greater dialogue between Jews and Muslims to promote peace. Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni's visit to the sprawling mosque on Rome's outskirts, one of the largest in Europe, was the first by a chief rabbi of Romesince it opened in 1995.

2007(24th of Adar, 5767): Lucie Samuel (Bernard) Aubrac, French history teacher and member of the French Resistance passed away. In 1939, Lucie Bernard married a French Jew named Raymond Samuel. After WW II began, Samuel changed the family name to Aubrac in response to the anti-Semitism so prevalent at the time.  Lucie and Raymond were both active in the Free French Resistance and kept the name Aubrac even after hostilities came to an end in 1945.

2007: The Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) ended its annual meeting which was held in Atlanta, Georgia.

2007: Israel Singer, one of the heads of the World Jewish Congress and a leading figure in the Jewish world for the past 30 years, was dismissed in an unexpected move from all his posts in the WJC. The decision to fire Singer was announced by WJC President Edgar Bronfman and approved by the WJC steering committee.

2007: An exhibition styled “Notes from the Underground, Subway Portraits by Joseph Solman” opened at the Danforth Museum in Framingham, MA. Joseph Solman was, with Mark Rothko, a co-founder of The Ten, a group of expressionist painters who worked in New York Cityin the 1930s.

2008: At the Newberry Library in Chicago, NextBook presents "A Gateway to Jewish Literature, Culture, and Ideas" featuring author Sara Paretsky.  Sara Paretsky published her first story in The American Girl at the age of 11, but didn't turn to detective fiction until her 30s. Troubled by the way women were traditionally portrayed in that genre, Paretsky created V. I. Warshawski, a tough, independent female private eye, now one of the best-known characters in crime fiction. Growing up in a small eastern Kansas town, where she and her brothers were the only Jewish kids in school, Paretsky discusses how her Jewish upbringing has informed her life and her writing. Sara Paretsky's papers are in the collections of the Newberry Library. Chicago Illinois.

2008 The Paris book fair, one of the major events on the European literary calendar opens with Israel as the ‘guest of honor.”Several Arab countries are boycotting the prestigious annual fair, because it honors Israeli writers. Each year the international fair puts the spotlight on one country. This year it is inviting 39 writers from Israel, including David Grossman, Amos Oz, A.B. Yehoshua and Aharon Appelfeld. A similar controversy is brewing about the May book fair in Turin, which is also highlighting Israeli works."It's sad and a shame," said Martine Heissler, who was helping to run a stand at the fair for Tribune Juive, a monthly for the French Jewish community. "We're not talking about Kalashnikovs here. Ironically, the 39 Israeli writers being honored were mainly from the political left and supported Palestinian statehood.

2008: Austriahonors the work of the kinder transport and those who helped with the rescue mission that took place in the months leading to the outbreak of World War II, with a special ceremony on at the Westbahnhoff, Vienna railway station. Austrian Minister of Transport Werner Faymann will unveil a statue to commemorate the kinder transport and a plaque to honor Britain, which took in nearly 10,000 Jewish children from Europe. The commemoration honors the different rescuers, including Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld, a British rabbi who personally rescued thousands of Jews, and the role of the Quakers and the Christadelphians. The statue is the work of Flor Kent, a Jewish Venezuelan artist living in London. Following the unveiling ceremony and speeches, a kosher celebratory meal will be served on the station platform.

2008: The commemoration of the kinder transport and those who helped with the rescue mission continues at the Vienna Synagogue with special Friday evening services led by Austrian Chief Rabbi Chaim Eisenberg. The Vienna Synagogue was built in 1824 and was the only synagogue to survive the Nazis,

2009: Shabbat Parah

2009: In Little Rock, AR, a special Kiddush is given by Rabbi Pinchus and Estie Ciment in honor of the most recent addition to the family of these august Lamplighters who joined the Ciment Clan in the evening between Purim and Shushan Purim.

2009: Opening night of the Hartford Jewish Film Festival featuring the Connecticut premiere of “The Little Traitor, the beautiful story of an implausible 1947 friendship between amiable British Sergeant Dunlop and spirited 12 year old Proffy Liebowitz, starring Alfred Molina, IdoPort and Theodore Bikel.

2010:Congregation Adat Reyim is scheduled to host a Community Women’s Seder (age 13+) using a Haggadah honoring the role of women in the Passover tradition while giving the participants a chance to lead a reading, join in the singing and discussion and share favorite recipes at a pot-luck dairy dinner of Passover foods.

2010:Magen David Sephardic Congregation is scheduled to host special afternoon of Israeli Art & Culture featuring the works of Ilan Hasson and Avi Biran.

2010:More than 70 years after its synagogue was destroyed by Nazi rioters, the German town of Herford dedicated a new Jewish house of worship. In a ceremony today, local and national Jewish leaders and clergy joined to unveil the new structure, which will serve the 106-member community -- 90 percent are immigrants from the former Soviet Union.
2010: The LA Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Pulitzer: A Life in Politics, Print, and Power “by James McGrath Morris.

2011: Fallen Heroes – Remembering the Jewish casualties of Iraq and Afghanistan published today.  
2011: Zemer Chai (Living Song), “The Jewish Community of Chorus” is scheduled to perform at the National Theatre as part of the Washington Sings: Festival of Song.

2011:The Commonwealth Club's Middle Eastern Forum and JIMENA are scheduled to present “Last Jews of Yemen” with linguist, journalist and blogger, Josh Berer.

2011: Next Year in Bombay, a documentary about the Bene Israel, is one of the films scheduled to be shown today at the 15thNew York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival.

2011: Albert Einstein will go digital in the coming months, as the Hebrew University of Jerusalem begins a project to digitize the German-Jewish physicist's archives. The digitization is expected to take around one year and then the over 80,000 documents will be available on the Albert Einstein Archives website. News of the initiative, which will be made possible by a $500,000 grant from the Polonsky Foundation of London, was announced today; the 131st anniversary of Einstein's birth in the town of Ulm in what is today Southern Germany.
2011:The Jewish New Media Innovation Fund announced over half a million dollars in grants today for nine digital media projects intended to engage people between the ages of 18 and 40 with Jewish life.

2011: Sixty-nine year old Neil Diamond was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tonight during a ceremony at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria.  The Jewish Diamond was introduced by another Jewish musical icon – Paul Simon.  Two other Jews were among the evening’s honorees –Art Rupe founder of Specialty Records and Jac Holtzman, founder of Elektra Records, the label that recorded numerous LP’s by Theodore Bikel.

2011(8th of Adar II): Seventy-six year old Canadian Larry Zolf, who was a popular CBC journalist, passed away. Zolf was a self-described product of the Jewish ghetto of North Winnipeg. He is the father of famous poet Rachel Zolf.

2012: In Washington, DC, Theatre J is scheduled to a Backstage Discussion entitled “A Spinozian Sense of Justice: Crime and Punishment in a World According to Spinoza.”

2012: “The Pioneer Jewish Film Festival” which is held in Amherst and Springfield, MA is scheduled to open today.

2012(20th of Adar, 5772): On the Hebrew calendar, Yahrzeit of Yoel Sirkes Rabbi of Krakow and author of the Bayit Chadash ("Bach"), a commentary on the great Halachic work, the Arba'ah Turim. (As reported by Chabad Lubavitch)

2012(20th of Adar, 5772): Ninety-five year old Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager, the leader of the Viznitz Hasidim pass away today.(As reported by Joseph Berger)

2012: TIP's Alan Elsner is scheduled to host Dr. Emily Landau who will be speaking about "Iran's Nuclear Challenge and Israel's Possible Responses.”

2012: Marbin, an improvised music duo consisting of Israeli-American guitarist Dani Rabin and Israeli saxophonist Danny Markovitch.  is scheduled to perform at the Newton Theatre at Newton, NJ.

2012: Azerbaijan authorities have arrested 22 people suspected of plotting to attack the Israeli and American embassies in the capital Baku, AFP reported today.

2012: A Jerusalem Court acquitted an antiquities collector on most counts of forgery today eleven years after the case was first opened.

2013: The Wiener Library is scheduled to present “I'll Never See You Again: A Story of Survival and Reconciliation” featuring 92 year old Holocaust survivor Margot Barnard.

2013: “Melting Away, “ an Israeli film that “follows the story of a Tel Aviv family drawn into crisis after the parents discover their son is secretly a cross-dresser and expel him from home” is scheduled to have its Minnesota Premiere at the Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival..

2013: LABAlive is scheduled to present “Drunk,” an evening of learning, art and perfromances on the heavens and hells of intoxication in ancient Jewish tradition.

2013: Alast-minute glitch delayed final completion of coalition negotiations today, with the prime minister’s wife reportedly at its center. Still, most insiders remained confident that a deal would be done, and the new government sworn-in next Monday. According to Army Radio, Sara Netanyahu demanded that Jewish Home leader Naftali Bennett — with whom she reportedly fell out when he served as her husband’s chief of staff from 2006-08 — not be given the largely symbolic title of deputy prime minister in the new government, and that the same title also therefore be denied to fellow putative coalition partner Yair Lapid of Yesh Atid. (As reported by Times of Israel)

2013:  The white smoke had barely dispersed from over the Vatican this morning when President Shimon Peres invited the new pope for a visit to Israel, asking him to contribute to peace as a spiritual, rather than a political, leader.

2013:Today the Israel-based Shem Olam Holocaust and Faith Institute showcased items that may have been used for Passover rituals at the Chelmno death camp in western Poland. The items were discovered during excavations of the site in pits containing prisoners’ belongings

2014: Rebecca Kushner is scheduled to lead Musical Shabbat at Augdas Achim in Coralville, Iowa.

2014: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host a Purim themed Shabbat Dinner complete with costumes.

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