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This Day, March 12, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


March 12

515 BCE: On the secular calendar the construction of the Second Temple was completed. (Book of Ezra, 6:15 “And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king.”  Darius began his reign in 522 BCE.)

604: Pope Gregory I passed away. Born in 540, Gregory was Pope from 590 until 604. The great prelate was a vigorous foe of Judaism, a religion he believed was based on depravity.  In his eyes, “the Jewish understanding of scripture was perverse.” He sought to keep Jews and Christians apart.  He forbade Christians from using Jewish doctors and would not let the clergy employee Jews as clerks.  Jews were not to hold public office, build new synagogues, marry non-Jews or convert Christians to Judaism.  But Gregory was not an unmitigated anti-Semite.  On several occasions he protected the private property and synagogue of European Jews.  One of his writings summed up the view,

“Just as it is not befitting to permit Jews in their communities to go beyond the boundaries of what is permissible by law, so also the rights they already have should not be diminished.”

1088: Urban II began his papacy during which he initiated the First Crusade, which brought death and destruction to the Jews all the way from the Rhineland to Jerusalem.

1421: In Vienna, under the auspices of Archduke Albert of Austria, a combination of murder, libel and host-desecration charges brought about the destruction of the entire Jewish community. This was partly due to the revival of the crusader spirit of the Hussite Wars. Many Jews were forcibly baptized, others took their own lives. The rest were forced to leave. Later this became known as the Wiener Gezairah (The Vienna edict).

1496: Maximilian I expelled the Jews from Styria, Austria.

1604: Today, in Mexico, during the trial of Jorge de Almeida, by the Inquisition, the prosecuting attorney testified that “the accused was a native of the city of Almeida in the Kingdom of Portugal” and that just because “efforts to arrest him have failed” “it is proper and necessary that such grave crimes as those of which Jorge de Almeida is guilty should not remain unpunished” which means “that the present prosecution and trail of Jorge de Almeida should not be stopped but on the contrary be allowed to proceed in contumaciam.”

1664: New Jersey becomes a colony of England. A year later, New Jersey granted religious toleration to those living in the colony. While there were undoubtedly Jewish merchants operating in the colony in the 17thcentury, the honor of being the first Jews to live in the colony may go to “Aaron and Jacob Lozada, who owned a grocery and hardware store in Bound Brook as early as 1718.”

1619: Fifty-two-year-old Richard Burbage who played the starring role in “The Jew of Malta” each time it was performed by the Admiral’s Men passed away today.

1682:  Anti-Jewish riots beak out in Krakow.

1708: to De Blossiers Tovey, the “principal of New Inn Hall at Oxford” who devoted much of his time to studying the history of the Jews of medieval England and wrote Anglia Judaica (the History and Antiquities of the Jews in England) “matriculated from Queen’s College, Oxford” today.

1715: Elector Max Emanuel ordered the expulsion of the few Jews still living in Bavaria, Germany.

1734: After a ship of Slazburgers who did not speak English arrived in Savannah, Benjamin Sheftall, “speaking German fluently, took them in and treated them to a breakfast of good rice soup.”

1760: Birthdate of Heyum Hutzler, the son of Moses Hutzler.

1767(11thof Adar II, 5527): Fast of Esther observed because the 13th of Adar falls on Shabbat.

1776: In Chevening, UK, Charles Stanhope, 3rd Earl Stanhope and Lady Hester Pitt gave birth to Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope, the eccentric English noblewoman whose “archaeological expedition to Ashkelon in 1815 is considered the first modern excavation in the history of Holy Land archeology.”

1777: During the American Revolution, Captain Lewis Bush who had transferred from the Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion to Harley’s Additional Continental Regiment was promoted to the rank of Major.

1787: Birthdate of Ellerstadt, Germany native Eleanor Anschel, the wife of Abraham Wolf with whom she had eleven children.

1789: In Bonfeld, Germany, Schoenle Lazarus and Lazarus Ruben gave birth to Jendle Ottenheimer, the wife of Samuel Stiefel.

1792: In Tarrytown, NY, Jochabed Isaacks and Michael Marks gave birth to Abraham Marks.

1792: Wolf ben Meir was buried today at the “Alderney Road (Globe Rd) Jewish Cemetery.

1792: In Philadelphia, PA, Miriam Marks and Benjamin Abraham Nones gave birth to Bilha Nones, the husband of Abraham De Leon with whom she had nine children.

1797: Birthdate of Samuel Marum Mayer, the son of a Rabbi in Fruedental  a convert to Lutheran Christianity who marred a pastor’s daughter and became a lawyer and legal scholar.

1799: One day after he had passed away, Moshe ben Judah was buried today at the Lauriston Road Jewish Cemetery.

1800(15thof Adar, 5560): Shushan Purim was celebrated for the first time in the19th Century.

1804: Twenty-five-year-old Danish merchant Hartvig Philip Ree married “Thamar (Therese) today after which they had a number of children including Hertz Hartvig Rée, Anton Rée, Bernhard Philip Rée, Simon Philip Rée, Israel Philip Rée, Vilhelm Hartvig Rée and Frederikke Privche von Essen before Thamar passed away in 1850.

1811(16th of Adar): Judah Leib ben Ze’ev, the first Jewish grammarian of modern times passed away

1813: Joseph “Yosef” Friedlander, a native of Austria, was in Dresden when he was kidnapped by Russian troops who hired him as a translator when they discovered that he could speak Russian

1814: Birthdate of Louis Jean Königswarter the Amsterdam native who became a leading French economist

1817: Henry Davis married Ellen Lewis at the Western Synagogue.

1817: “Czar Alexander I of Russia declared the Blood Libel -- the infamous accusation that Jews murdered Christian children to use their blood in the baking of matzah for Passover, for which thousands of Jews were massacred through the centuries -- to be false.” (Editor’s Note – based on subsequent events, this was one time that Russians did not obey their Czar)

1822: L'esule di Granata (The exile of Granada) a melodrama (opera seria) in two acts by German Jewish composer Giacomo Meyerbeer, had its world premiere at the famed at La Scala Opera House in Milan, Italy.

1823(29th of Adar, 5583): Thirty-nine-year-old Anne Emilie Solar, the wife of Moise Solar and the daughter of Abraham Furtrado, the President of the Assemblee des Notables, passed aeway today.

1824: Birthdate of Darmstadt native Heinrich Blumenthal a successful manufacturer of farm equipment and the President of Jewish Community of Darmstadt for more than twenty years.

1827(13thof Adar, 5587): Ta’anit Esther; erev Purim.

1834: Joseph David married Julia Jacobs today.

1837: Mordecai ben David married Leah bat Nathan today at the Western Synagogue.

1842: In Canterbury, Mary Lazarus and David Nathan gave birth to Samuel Nathan

1844: In Steele, Prussia, Israel Stein and Rosetta Kappel gave birth to Philip Stein, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin where he earned a B.A. and M.A. a member of the Milwaukee bar and the husband of Emma Stein who was elected Judge in the Superior Court of Cook Country, Illinois in 1892 and appointed to the Appellate Court in 1903.


1845: Burnett Nathan married Marian Collins today at “29 Orchard Street, Marylebone, London.”

1846(14thof Adar, 5606): Purim

1847: In Prossnitz, Moravia, Oberrabiner Hirsch B. Fassel “who had been decorated by three emperors for his literary works” and Fannie Sternfeld gave birth journalist Rosa Sonneschein who came to the United States in 1869 and was the “publisher and editor of The American Jewess.”


1849: One day after she had passed away, “Yenta bat Hayim, the wife of Jacob ben Yehiel” was buried today at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1852: The New York Times publishes an evaluation of the British government headed by Lord Derby which included Benjamin Disraeli as Chancellor of the Exchequer.  Disraeli’s appointment to this particular post came as a surprise and, given what the Times reporter considered his lack of aptitude for the job “his triumph will astonish the public and lead to his greater glory.”

1856: In Aldgate, London, Morocco born Isaac Benoliel and Rosetta Belasco gave birth to their daughter Perla Isaac Benoliel.

1856: In Liszka, Hungary, Wolfe Feuerlicht and Leah Cohen gave birth to Jacob Feurlicht the husband of Rose Buxbaum, who came to the United States in 1882 and served as the rabbi at Moses Montefiore Congregation in Chicago, Gates of Prayer in Boston, Ansche Chesed in Scranton, PA and B’nai Israel in Augusta, Ga before becoming the Superintendent of the Jewish Hospital and Asylum in Baltimore and finally the Superintended of the Jewish Home for the Aged in Chicago.


1856: The New York Times reported that the Greene Street Synagogue has replaced Anselm Leo with a new leader from Germany who has musical skills which he has used to introduce a choir to the congregation.  No musical instruments are allowed, but a pitch pipe is used to set the tone for the choir.

1858: In Cincinnati, OH, Julius and Betha Ochs gave birth to Adolph Simon Ochs.. Ochs, publisher of the New York Times.  Ochs was the engine behind the Times rise to being the "paper of record" in the United States. Ochs is one of many American Jews who have been involved in the media giving rise to the anti-Semites' false claim that Jews control the media.  Ochs was the son of German Jews whom immigrated to the United States before the Civil War.  His life story is a classic example of that groups rise to prominence from the end of the Civil War through the start of World War II. It is obvious from reading Ochs' obituary in the New York Times that he was active in the Jewish community and quite proud of his heritage.  He was a Classical Reform Jew.  He was a trustee of Temple Emanu-El. He donated a building to the Temple in Chattanooga named for his parents.  And he raised $4,000,000 (quite a sum in 1926) for the Hebrew Union College, which had been founded by his father-in-law.  In responding to an inquiry about the keys to his success, Ochs wrote, in part, "My Jewish home life and religion gave me a spiritual uplift and a sense of responsibility to my subconscious better self --which I think is the God within me, the Unknowable and the Inexplicable.”

1859: In Middlesex, Caroline Benjamin and Isaiah Joshua Simmons gave birth to Ephraim Simmons.

1862: “The Line of the Mississippi” published today described the fortifications on both the North and South sides of the city of New Orleans.  According to travelers who have recently arrived in St. Louis from the Crescent City, the Jews are the only people in the city not “regularly enlisted” in its defense.

1862: Second Lieutenant Samuel S. Bloom of Company H resigned from the 111thRegiment today.

1862(10th of Adar II, 5622: The U.S. Congress allowed Rabbis to serve as army chaplains.

1864: Sgt. William P. Levi began his service with Company C. of the 54thRegiment.

1865(14th of Adar, 5625): Purim celebrated for the last time during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

1869: Four days after he had passed away, Benjamin Woolfe Franklin, the son of Eliezer Franklin, the husband of Maria Levy and the father of Louisa Franklin was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1873(13th of Adar, 5633): Fast of Esther

1873: “The Palestine Lodge of the I.O. of F.S.I. will host a masque ball at the Germania Assembly Rooms” tonight in New York as part of the celebration of Purim.

1873: A Purim masquerade will be held in Brooklyn tonight at the Assembly Rooms above the Post Office.

1874: Birthdate of Edmund Samuel Eysler, the son a Viennese merchant and husband of Polodi Allnoch who gave up a career as an engineer to become a musician, composer and Kapellmeister.

1876: The annual Purim reception held at the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews located at Lexington and 63rd Street began at 11 in the morning and lasted until seven in the evening.

1876(16thof Adar, 5636): Shushan Purim observed since Shabbat was on the 15thday of Adar.

1879: In Lübeck, Rabbi Salomon Carlebach and his wife gave birth to Ephraim Carlebach, who like four of his seven brothers became a rabbi and who moved to Palestine in 1935 the year before he passed away in Ramat Gan.

1881: Birthdate of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founding father of the modern secular state of Turkey who served as its first President. In 1923, during the early days of the newly created Turkish Republic Ataturk declared, “Our country has some elements who gave the proof of their fidelity to the motherland. Among them I have to quote the Jewish element; up to now the Jews have lived in happiness and from now they will rejoice and will be happy.” Ataturk came to the aid of the Jews in the early days of Hitler’s rise to power. “In 1933 Ataturk invited to Turkey many University Professors of Jewish origin that were threatened by Nazi cruelty. The list of names is long; approximately 600 distinguished scholars took refuge in Turkey.”

1882: Three days after he had passed away, Levi Alexander was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1883: Two days after he had passed away, Lewis Collins, the London born son Isaac Kollem and Maria Mozes and the husband of Julia Isaacs with whom he had had nine children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1884(15thof Adar, 5644): Shushan Purim

1887: Dr. Hugh L. Wintner, the rabbi at Temple Beth Elohim in Brooklyn delivered a eulogy in memory of the late Henry Ward Beecher “at the regular Saturday morning service” in which he said that Beecher “will be remembered by the Jewish people like Mordecai of old as being a great promoter of their good, advocating their welfare and speaking peace to all of them.”

1889: Birthdate of New York City native and Harvard trained attorney Jacob Kaplan, a special justice of the Dorchester Municipal Court, who for “nearly 50 years was a leader of the Greater Boston Jewish Community while raising three sons with his wife Anne.


1889: Birthdate of Philip Guedalla, the Anglo-Jewish barrister and author whose quips include this one that frightens all historians or would-be historians - "History repeats itself. Historians repeat each other."

1890: The Passover Relief Association held its 18th annual Purim Masquerade Ball this evening at the Lexington Avenue Opera House.

1891: Jesse Seligman received a draft for twelve million francs from Baron Hirsch today.

1891: Birthdate of Hungarian born American scientist turned philosopher, Michael Polanyi.

1892(13thof Adar, 5652) Parashat Tetzeveh; Shabbat Zachor and Erev Purim

1893: At the Stepney Synagogue on Jersey, David Lawton, “the youngest son of the late John and Jane Lawton” married Rebecca Michaels, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Michaels of Aldgate.

1893: Rabbi Adloph Radin of Shaari Tikvah was one of the speakers who addressed the crowd gathered at the hall of the Hebrew Institute where citizens were protesting the closing of the annex to Grammar School #7 on Hester Street.

1894(4thof Adar II, 5654): Ludwig August Ritter von Frankl-Hochwart passed away after leading a multi-faceted life.  Born in Boehmia in 1810, he studied Hebrew with Zecharias Frankel, earned an M.D. from the University of Pauda before moving to Vienna.  There he served as secretary and archivist of the Vienna Jewish congregation and became active in the Revolution of 1848.  He was a prolific author and philanthropist whose literary works include “Nach Jeruslem” which describe his travels to Asia, Greece and Jerusalem where he helped to found a school.  And this is only the tip of the iceberg. (As reported by Singer and Mannheimer)

1894: Coca-Cola is sold in bottles for the first time. Coca-Cola was actually first introduced in 1886 at Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta. Ga. Jacob’s Pharmacy was owned by Dr. Joe Jacobs who is buried in the same section of Atlanta’s Oakland Cemetery as other prominent Atlanta Jews including Morris Rich, founder of Rich’s Department Store. Coke was not certified as Kosher and Kosher for Passover until 1935 thanks to the efforts of an Atlanta orthodox rabbi named Tobias Geffen.

1895: Four days after he had passed away, 61 year old John Marsh was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1895: Dreyfus arrives in French Guyana.

1895: Three days after she had passed away, Maria Levy who had married John Goodman Levy after the death of her first husband, Jacob Myers. Was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1895: “The Rights of Clubmen” published today described the struggle between saloon owners and members of private clubs in New York.  Among the clubs that could be affected by a change in status would be the Adelphi Club, which is the leading private Jewish club in Albany.  Its members include “some of the wealthiest Jews” living in the state capital.

1896: Judge Charles P. Daly will deliver an address entitled “Songs and Song Writing” at tonight’s meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1896: Today’s special performance of “The Heart of Maryland” which was intended to raise funds for the Hebrew Infants’ Asylum has been postponed until the end of the month.

1896: It was reported today that “Charles Frohman has purchased a new melodrama” which he will not name but says will be produced in Boston before being brought to Broadway.

1897(8thof Adar II, 5657): Eighty-seven-year-old Daniel Sanders, who earned a doctorate in 1843 after studying at the universities of Berlin and Halle and who served as a school principle for ten years before pursuing a career as a German grammarian and lexicographer passed away today.

 1897: About 200 cloakmakers who are employed in the shops of contractors who work for Julius Stein & Co in Manhattan went out on strike today.

1897: The will of Elias Joseph which was filed with the Surrogate today left three bequests of $1,000 each to the Montefiore Home, Mount Sinai Hospital and the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1898: Sir George Henry Lewis, the well-known Jewish lawyer testified before a committee of the House of Commons that was investigating “the evils of money lending.”


1898: “Boston Announcements” published today included a description of a book of Yiddish poetry with an English translation written by Maurice Rosenfeld which will be published Messrs. Copeland & Day.  The translation is being prepared by Professor Wiener of Harvard.  Jewish author Israel Zangwill and Abraham Cahan, editor of the Forwards have expressed their approval of the work.

1898: "Anti-Juif Bourguignon,” appeared today for the first time at Dijon.

1899(1st of Nisan, 5659): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

1899(1st of Nisan, 5659): Sir Julius Vogel, the first Jewish Premier of New Zealand passed away.

1899: Seventy-five-year-old Hannah Jacobs, a native of Poland who was the wife of Nathan Jacobs was buried today at the Bath Jewish Burial Ground.

1900: In Logansport, Indiana, founding of Congregation Beth El which held its services in the Universalist Church and whose members, over time, included Rabbi Joseph Leiser  of Layfayette, Jorden Hecht, Ben Fisher, Henry Wiler and Henry L. Bregstone.

1902: Sophia Karp, Jacob Fischel and Joseph Lateiner foundedf the Grand Theatre in New York which was the first theatre in New York built to serve as venue for performing Yiddish theatricals.

1903: Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf arrived at his home in Philadelphia “to-day from Cincinnati and announced that he had accepted the Director Generalship of the Isaac M. Wise Endowment Fund Committee of the Hebrew Union College, which office was tendered him during a meeting of rabbis at Cincinnati.”

1904: Herzl authorizes Dr.Leopold Kahn to enter into negotiations with the Ottoman Empire for renting the administrative revenues of the Sanjak of Acre and for a loan to be obtained for the Imperial treasury.

1905: Birthdate of Myles S. Friedman the center on the Syracuse University football team from 1924-1926 and President of Benjamin and Johnes, the manufacturer of foundation garments who co-founded Camp Robin Hood for boys and raised a daughter, Judy with his wife Leona.

1906: “Startling reports of the condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews were made” today “in Berlin to the annual meeting of the Central Jewish Relief League by Germany by Dr. Paul Nathan…who has returned from an extensive trip through Russia as the special emissary of Jewish philanthropists in England, America and Germany to arrange for distribution of the relief fund of $1,500,000 raised after the massacres last Autumn.”

1906: Solomon Schechter and Louis Marshall are among the speakers scheduled to speak at this evening’s dinner “for the faculty, students, directors and officers of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America on 123rd Street and Broadway.

1907: Abraham Goldsmith purchased the building at 99 Fifth Avenue toda.

1908: Birthdate of David Saul Marshall. Born in Singapore to an Orthodox family that had come from Iraq, Marshall was trained as a lawyer.  After World War II he became leader of the Labour Front political party and in 1955 became the first Chief Minister of Singapore.

1909: In Sophia, Bulgaria, The Medical Congress decided to print brochures in Ladino. The decision was in response to a request from a Christian Delegate who asked that this be done for the benefit of Jews unfamiliar with the Bulgarian language.

1910: At the first meeting of the sub-committee on laws of the Civic Federation’s Committee on Compensation for Industrial Accidents “letters were received from Louis Brandeis of Boston giving suggestions the establishment of an accident insurance system” designed to provide relief for workers injured on the job.

1911: Vera Cheberiak, leader of a group of thieves in Kiev, makes plans to have Andrei Yustschinski murdered.  His murder will touch off the infamous Mendel Bellis Case.

1912: “The application of Jewish citizens of New York City, who are engaged in organizing a battalion to become affiliated with the National Guard, was received by Adjt. Gen. Verbeck to-day.”

1913: The Annual Conference on Child Labor, which Leon Schwarz of Mobile, AL attended as a delegate appointed by the Governor opened today in Jacksonville, FL.

1914(14thof Adar, 5674): Last Purim before the outbreak of WW I.

1914: Birthdate of Irwin “King Kong” Klein, the Younkers native who was an All American football player at New York University and who led the NYU basketball team to a 16-0 as a sophomore in 1934 and then to a 19 and 1 record the following season which led “to the Helms National Championship.”

1914(14thof Adar, 5674: Pauline Blumenthal the daughter of architect and engineer Maurice Blumenthal, the Brooklyn born son of Jacob Hersh Blumenthal and Dinah Judith Hyman Blumenthal, and his wife Miriam Blumenthal passed away two days after her birth.

1915: General Sir John Grenfell Maxwell met with a delegation headed by Jabotinsky to discuss the formation of a “Jewish fighting unit” in the British Army. “The General said he was unable, under the Army Act, to enlist foreign nationals as fighting troops, but that he could form them into a volunteer transport Mule Corps.”

1915: As of today, the fund of the American Jewish Relief Committee for Suffers from the War has collected $555, 3119.19

1916: According to a report tonight by H.E. Adelman, the Secretary of the Hebrew Free Burial Association at the annual meeting at the Uptown Talmud Torah, “in the last year 1,253 people were buried by the association” including “353 buried from their homes, 218 from Bellevue Hospital and the morgue, 651 from other institutions, 28 from outside” of New York City and 3 disinterments from Jewish cemeteries.

1916: The National Union for Jewish Rights held its first meeting this afternoon in London. The Anglo-Jewish community formed the organization to secure the rights of the Jews at the end of the World War. Lucien Wolf and Israel Zangwill addressed the group.  Zangwill said that “if England got Palestine” he “hoped a Jewish governor would be appointed.

1916: Pianist Vera Kaplun-Aronson and soprano Mrs. George Halperin are scheduled to perform this afternoon at “the 19th regular Sunday afternoon concert…at the Chicago Hebrew Institute.

1916: Rabbi Wolf Gold of the Third Street Synagogue opened the convention today in Sonia Hall where “more than 400 delegates from Jewish societies in Brooklyn” met “to consider plans for the proposed Jewish Congress and to elect delegates to the preliminary conference” to be held later this month in Philadelphia.

1916: This afternoon Rabbi Max Reichler and Cantor Morris Schrager officiated at the dedication ceremonies of “the new Temple of the Sinai Congregation of the Bronx a Stebbins Avenue and East 163rd Street” which “were attended by nearly 1,000 including the 125 members of the temple.”

1916: Today The Day, the Jewish daily newspaper edited by Herman Bernstein published the following cablegram from a special correspondent in Berne.  “I have learned from an absolutely reliable source that the Pope has prepared an important document of great interest to the Jewish people.  It is understood that this document will prove of the same importance and significance as the bull issued by Pope Innocent IV denouncing the ritual murder accusations against the Jews as false and based upon a cruel legend. The present statement by the Pope, who has interested himself so deeply in peace is devoted to the sorrows of the Jews in the belligerent lands and contains a plea for justice and fairness to the Jews.” [The article referred to Pope Benedict XV.]

1917: During the Russian Revolution, the Duma elected a “provisional committee” which was effectively a new executive branch for the Russian government that would replace the Czar.  The apparent triumph of these social democrats offered hope (ultimately false hope) for the Jews of Russia that revolution would lead to liberation.

1917: At 11:00 a.m. Dr. Enelow is scheduled to speak on “The Jewish Messiah Idea and Jesus” followed by the daily noon service.

1918: Following the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, today Erzurm returned to Turkish control which may have given the Ottomans hope that they would regain control of the rest of their Empire including Palestine.

1919: Louis Marshal, President of the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Committee and Dr. Cyrus Adler, the chairman of the committee left today aboard Caronia as they began their voyage to the Peace Conference at Paris.

1920: Birthdate of Roland Lorent a member of the anti-Nazi Ehrenfeld Group who was hanged in 1944.

1921: The Histadrut (General Federation of Labor) passed a resolution to establish the Haganah.  Haganah, (literally "defense") was established for the purpose stated in its name.  It was organized to protect the Jewish settlements from Arab attacks - something the British could not or would not do.

1921: Birthdate of Harry Hamilton Pollak, the Passaic, NJ native, graduate of Rutgers and the University of Chicago and husband of the former Suzette L. Aldon who was serving as “labor advisor to Secretary of State Edmund Muskie” at the time of his death in 1980.

1921: The Cairo Conference began during which Winston Churchill sought to examine the workings of the British Mandates for governing Iraq and Palestine.

1921: In New York City, Iphigene (née Ochs) and Arthur Hays Sulzberger, “the publisher of the NYTimes from 1935 to 1961” gave birth the second of their four children Ruth Sulzberger Holmberg whose exciting life included working as a Red Cross Volunteer in Europe during WW II, to a career in journalism and the benefactor of wide variety of charities and institutions.

1922(12thof Adar, 5682): Samuel Hirsch Margulies passed away.  Born at Berezhany in 1858, he held several rabbinic posts before being appointed chief rabbi of Florence, Italy in 1890 where he also became head of the Collegio Rabbinco when it was transferred from Rome to Florce



1922(12th of Adar, 5682): Eighty year old Minnie Dessau Louis passed away.


1922: According to reports published today Samuel Untermeyer and his son Irwin are among the members of a New York committee that has pledged to raise $100,000 for the Woodrow Wilson Foundation fund. 

1922: In Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, CA, Max and Jennie Gold gave birth to Sydney Gold who gained famed body-builder Joe Gold, founder of Gold’s Gym – one of the most ubiquitous fitness centers found in most major and not so major cities in the United States.

1923: It was reported today that Samuel Gompers, the President of the American Federation, who is being treated by Dr. G.G. Fish at Lenox Hill Hospital is “making good progress” in his fight with Pneumonia and should be able to go Florida at the end of the week so he can fully recuperate.

1924: In front of 1,000 men and women who were attending a reception in his honor in the grand ballroom of the Hotel Astor, Dr. Joseph Silverman, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Emanu-El, for many years a non-Zionist, who has just returned from a six month trip that included spending time in Palestine declared in an address tonight that he intended to devote the remainder of his life to the cause of Palestine.

1925: “Decorated from stem to stern with flags of the international code and bearing the six-pointed star -- the shield of David -- on her funnels, the steamship President Arthur of the American-Palestine Line sailed today for the Holy Land with 400 passengers, beginning a new steamship service and linking Palestine directly with New York.”

1926: It was reported today that of the 32,000 Jews who left Poland in 1925, 15,000 went to Palestine, 8,616 went to Argentina and 3,840 went to the United States.

1926: It was reported today that Henry Ittlelson had been commissioned by William Fox “to solicit contributions for the United Jewish Campaign of New York from Jewish citizens of New York” who are in Europe.

1927: Paul and Fay Parnes gave birth today to William Irwin Parnes.

1927: Offices of Hias-Ica-Emig-directed, the organization formed by Hias “in cooperation with the Jewish Colonization Association and the United Jewish Immigration Committee” designed to help Jewish immigrants move to “Southern American countries eager for Jewish immigrants” “began to function today” in “the principal ports” so provide help immigrants learn the native language and places them “with some trade.”

1928: Birthdate of Mordechai Eliyahu, the Jerusalem native who would become a prominent rabbi, posek and who would serve as the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1983 to 1993.

1929: One of the first “talkie Hollywood Biblical epics, “Noah’s Ark,” the Warner Brothers film written by Darryl Zanuck premiered to critical and popular acclaim in New York City.

1930: Birthdate of Los Angeles native Eugene Bleecher Selznick gold medal winning volleyball player and coach

1932: U.S. premiere of “The Lost Squadron” -- first RKO production to carry the screen credit "Executive Producer, David O. Selznick" with music by Max Steiner and additional dialogue written by Herman J. Mankiewicz.

1932: Supreme Court Benjamin Cardozo was among the judges for the National Oratorical Contest which announced its winners tonight.

1933: CBS broadcast the first episode of “Lazy Dan, The Minstrel Man” starring Irving Kaufman.

1933: During the Great Depression, newly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his first “fire-side” chat today.

1935:  After opening in New York in January, “The Good Fairy” a movie version of the Broadway play, directed by William Wyler and Carl Laemmle, Jr. opened today in Los Angeles.

1936: Warsaw’s Chief Rabbi, Moses Schorr, who is also a Senator, told that body about “a veritable pogrom in Prztyk, in central Poland” and then “appealed to the Interior Minister to put an end to the anti-Semitic rioting occurring all over the country.”


1936: Count Rostworowski, “a member of the government party…requested the government to combat the growing anti-Semitic movement, which he said was aimed at the government” adding that anti-Semitism “was the Nationalists’ strongest weapon with which to weaken the government and win over the population.

1936: In Chicago, Edward Reba and Suzanne Greenberg gave birth to Daniel Edward Reba who gained fame as children’s book author Daniel Cohen, who fought for justice for the families of the victims of Pan Am Flight 103 one of whose passenger was he daughter Theodora. (As reported by Richard Sandomir.)


1937: The Palestine Post reported that the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Ormsby-Gore, told the House of Commons that from 1922 to 1935 the population of Jerusalem rose from 63,000 to 110,000; of Tel Aviv from 15,000 to 110,000; of Jaffa from 33,000 to 74,000 and of Haifa from 25,000 to 85,000. He added that a committee had been set up by the High Commissioner in 1932 to consider compulsory health insurance, but it had decided that the introduction of such system in Palestine was premature, especially for the Arab section of the population.

1938: Hitler entered Austria to the greetings of the Church and Cardinal Innitzer. Seys-Inquert, who later achieved infamy as a mass murderer of Jews, was appointed Chancellor. The following day, Austria was annexed to Germany. Just a month before Hitler’s arrival, J.D. Salinger left Vienna to return to the United States.  He had been in the country since 1937 where he was learning about the meat-importing business.

1938: During the Spanish Civil War, the Botwin Company named after Jewish Polish radical Naftali Botwin were one of the units that went into action today when fighting began at Belchite.

1938: As part of its drive to raise $4,500,000, The United Palestine Appeal issued a report today focusing on the growth in Palestine over the last twenty years.  Among highlights of the report are figures showing that from 1931 to 1936, exports increased from eight million dollars to eighteen million dollars. At the same time, bank deposits more than doubled in the last five years and the numbers of factories and workshops more than doubled in period starting in 1921 and ending in 1937.

1939: Pope Pius XII was crowned Pope in Vatican ceremonies. While the Catholic Church may be considering Pious XII for canonization, the Jewish view of him is one who is “impious.”

1939: Mrs. Tehilla Lichtenstein is scheduled to deliver an address on “A Time to Be Silent and a Time to Speak” this morning at the Jewish Science Society.

1939: Rabbi Hyman Judah Schactel is scheduled to deliver an address on “Palestine Today” at the West End Synagogue.

1939: Rabbi Israel Goldstein is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The Religion of the Unintelligent” at Temple B’nai Jeshurun.

1939: Rabbi Nathan A Perlman is scheduled to deliver a sermon this morning at Temple Emanu-El.

1939: Rabbi Stephen S. Wise is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The London-Palestine Conference and Arab Appeasement” at the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall.

1940: It was announced today at UJA headquarters in New York City that “Edward M.M. Warburg, son of the late Felix M. Warburg, has accepted the chairmanship for the New York metropolitan area of the 1940 campaign of the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Overseas Need.”

1940: Tova Haber, a homemaker and Yehuda Haber, who worked for the local chamber of commerce, and was a supporter of the right-wing Herut movement, led by Menachem Begin gave birth to Eitan Haber, the trusted confidant of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who announced to the nation Mr. Rabin’s shocking death. (As reported by Isabel Kershner)


1941: Churchill met with Weizmann and reiterated his support for the eventual establishment of Jewish military units and a Jewish state in Palestine.

1941: A sentry shot and killed a 13-year-old in the Lodz ghetto.

1942(23rd of Adar): David Raziel was killed while serving for the British in Iraq

1942: The Nazis ordered 8,000 Jews from southern Polish town of Mielec to be at the train station. The next morning, as they gathered, 2,000 children and elderly were shot dead at the train station.

1943: In Chicago, Illinois, Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Finkel and his wife, Sara Rosenblum gave birth to Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the Haredi Rabbi who became Rosh Yeshiva of the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem

1943: Aaron Copland's ''Fanfare for the Common Man'' was performed for the first time, by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.

1943(5thof Adar II, 5703): Ninety-two-year-old Mary Jane Phillips Greenawalt, the widow of Abraham Greenawalt passed away today

1943(5thof Adar II, 5703): Forty-eight-year-old Jiří (Georgo) Mordechai Langer passed away in Tel Avi.


1943: Tonight, is the night when Oskar Schindler changed his life, the life of his workers and history. Addressing his workers, he told them not to go home tonight. The Krakow ghetto, he said, would be liquidated the next day. Schindler had witnessed the killings and decided he must protect his laborers. He would build his own concentration camp as a satellite to Kraków-Plaszów, and his staff would compile the now famous list of workers he wanted transferred to his camp.

1944: “In a half hour lecture on Hebrew contributions to civilization, Mayor La Guardia tonight told 700 persons at a dinner meeting of the National Council of Fraternal and Landsmanshaften Organizations for the Yeshiva and Yeshiva College, that "a people that have such a tradition that has given so much has a lasting permanent place in this world, and nothing can destroy it."

1944: “Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, who was born on St. Patrick's Day seventy years ago, was guest of honor at a dinner given tonight by the Jewish Institute of Religion in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, opening a week's ceremonies in celebration of his birthday and the completion of more than fifty years of activity in American life”

1945(27th of Adar, 5705): Bernard Drachman, who served as rabbi at the Park East Synagogue for 55 years starting in 1890, passed away today.

1945: According to some sources, this is the day Anne Frank died at Bergen Belsen two months before the liberation by British forces.

1946: While appearing today as a witness for Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg Trials, “Field Marshal Gen. Albert Kesselring, who ordered the bombing of Warsaw, Rotterdam and Coventry, appeared today before the International Military Tribunal and attempted to justify his acts.”

1946: Dr. Judah L. Magnes, the president of the Hebrew University is prepared to speak in favor of the “compromise proposal that Palestine be constituted a bi-national state with eventual numerical equality of Jews and Arabs which was presented to the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry today.”

1947: In the U.K. premiere of “Nicholas Nickleby” a screen adaption of the novel by the same name produced by Michael Bolton, the son of Jewish immigrants

1947: Speaking as leader of the Loyal Opposition, Churchill attacks the Labor Party’s policy in Palestine attacking what he called “a senseless, squalid war with the Jews, in order to give Palestine to the Arab or God knows who.”

1947: A British corvette warned British troops that a large number of Jewish refugees on board the SS Susanna, were attempting to land on the southern coast of Palestine.  British troops assisted by the local Arab population worked to intercept and arrest the refugees.  The British reported that they had captured almost 900 people but 240 may have been Jewish citizens of Palestine.

1947: The Truman Doctrine was proclaimed today.  It was a policy set forth by U.S. President Harry S Truman stating that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere.  Greece was in the throes of a civil war where one side was supported by the Soviets.  In February of 1947, the British government informed Washington, that it was too broke to continue its traditional role of protecting Greece which had been part of its “sphere of influence.”  While Britain did not have the money to halt Soviet imperial expansion, she apparently had enough funds to patrol the Mediterranean to stop Jews from getting to Palestine. And she had enough money to support what had become an army of occupation aimed at thwarting the creation of a Jewish homeland.  It should be remembered that when President Truman was being pressured to deal with the problems of the displaced Jews of Europe and the issue of Palestine, he was also dealing with an explosion of other problems including the Soviet drive to control Europe.  His decisions vis a vis the Jews must also be viewed against the backdrop of a much larger world stage which the United States was only reluctantly entering on to.

1947: During a session of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine, Auni Bey Abdulhadi described the “wartime associations of the Mufti of Jerusalem…with Hitler and Mussolini.”

1948(1stof Adar II, 5708): Rosh Chodesh Adar II

1948: Orville Prescott provided a complete review of A Mask For Privilege: Anti-Semitism in America by Carey McWilliams.


1948: “The representatives of the United States, the Soviet Union, China and France heard leaders of the Jewish Agency for Palestine present a nine-point plan for implementation by the Security Council of the United Nations General Assembly for a partition of” Palestine.

1949: The raising of a hand-drawn flag, known as the “Ink Flag over the police station at Umm Rashrash, the future site of the city of Eilat, at 16:00 “is considered to mark the end of the War of Independence.


1949(11thof Adar): At the conclusion of Operation Uvada, the commander sent the following telegram “"On Hagana day, the 11th of Adar, the Palmach Negev brigade and the Golani brigade present the Gulf of Eilat to the State of Israel".

1949: Birthdate of producer, director and writer Rob Cohen. It may not be fair to include Cohen on this page given his view of being Jewish.  When asked about his feelings about being Jewish Cohen has said, “I'm totally in reaction to it. I've never been comfortable with the Jewish identity. It's been one of those crosses to bear that I had the surname 'Cohen' which is a label. You can't hide even if you wanted to, so I don't practice. It's not anything of interest to me. I don't want to rediscover it. I'm not interested.”

1950: The Foreign Ministry of Israel is scheduled to host a reception for members of the Istanbul Fenerache soccer team who played their first game in Tel Aviv yesterday.  The reception is in response to the fact that Turkey announced its decision earlier this week to recognize the state of Israel.

1950(23rdof Nisan, 5710): Eighty-three-year-old Dr. Armand Ahron Noach Kaminka, the son of Wolf and Sura Beile Kaminka and husband of Klara Kaminka, “the renowned rabbi, Hebrew scholar and secretary of Alliance Israelite Universelle in Vienna” who was arrested by the Nazis in 1938, passed away today.


1950(23rdof Nisan, 5710): Louis I. Jaffe who had been editor of The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot for thirty years” and who “was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for an editorial” opposing lynching passed away today.


1950: As a reminder of the fact that the Jewish state is surrounded by enemies committed to its destruction “the Israeli Defense Ministry today ordered the registration for the Army Reserve of all physicians between the ages of 29 and 49.”  Reportedly the government will soon require all civilians between the ages of 18 and 49 who have not served in the military to register with the Ministry of Defense.

1950: The New York Times reported that the Israel Ministry of Education and Culture has appointed Mr. Frank Pelleg to serve as head of its music department.

1951(4thof Adar II, 5711: Sixty-five-year-old Samuel Plaut, the President of the Metropolitan Slaughters Association passed away today at Woodmere, Long Island.


1951: In Hartford, CT, Jacob (Jack) Isserman and the former Flora Huffman gave birth to Maurice Isserman, a “long-time Professsor of History at Hamilton College” and the award winning biographer of Michael Harrington.

1951(4thof Adar II, 5711): Seventy-seven-year-old London born, internationally acclaimed concert pianist Harold Bauer who performed for the first time in the United States in 1900 and “gave his last formal concert in 1939” passed away today having been pre-deceased by his wife Marie Knapp who had passed away in 1940.


1951: As of this date the Iraqis allowed planes filled with Jewish refugees to fly straight to Israel instead of having to go to Cyprus first.

1951: Eighty-five-year-old Alfred Hugenberg, the German “industrialist and monarchist” whose right wing party was jettisoned by Hitler after he had reached power passed away today.


1952(15thof Adar, 5712): Shushan Purim

1952:The Jerusalem Postreported that Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett met Sir Anthony Eden, the British foreign secretary, in London and told him that Israel was eager to reach a settlement with its neighbors and to stop to "perpetuate its loneliness" in the area.

1953: Birthdate of Ron Jeremy, pornographic film actor

1954:The first performance of Arnold Schönberg's "Moses und Aaron.” This was not the only Jewish themed work by this great Jewish composer.


1954: Birthdate of British sculptor Anish Kapoor who was born in Bombay (Mumbai) to Jewish mother whose family emigrated from Baghdad and whose grandfather was the cantor in the Synagogue in Pune. Kapoor lived on a Kibbutz and after discovering that Engineering was not his forte decided to gain the skills that have made him a famous artist.

1954: Birthdate of Chicago native Larry Rothschild who was the first manager of the newly minted Tampa Bay Devil Rays as well as a successful pitching coach for numerous teams including the New York Yankees.

1955: Opening of the 2nd Pan American Games during which Eugene Selznick’s led U.S. Volleyball team won a gold medal.

1955: Birthdate of Druze Israeli political leader and MK Ayoob Kara.

1956: The 1956 NCAA Basketball Tournament in which Temple coached by Harold “Chief” Litwak defeated Holy Cross, Connecticut and Temple in the East Region began today.

1957: Birthdate of actor Jerry Levine.

1958: “Desire Under the Elms” a cinema version of the novel by the same name with a script by Irwin Shaw (Irwin Gilbert Shamforoff) and music by Elmer Bernstein was released in the United States today.

1960(13thof Adar, 5720): Parashat Tetzaveh; Shabbat Zachor; Erev Purim

1960: “Taffy Pergament won the Novice Ladies singles title at the Middle Atlantic Figure Skating Championships in Iceland.” (As reported by Bob Wechsler.)


1963: Bob Dylan cancels "Ed Sullivan Show" television appearance.

1964: After premiering in London in January, “Summer Holiday” a musical with a score by Stanley Black was released in the rest of the United States today.

1964: S[amuel] N[athaniel] Behrman's "But for Whom Charlie" premieres in New York.

1965: Birthdate of American sports journalist, Steve Levy.

1967: Naqi Jahan, the daughter of the first Miss India, Esther Victoria Abraham, was chosen Miss India. (As reported by Dr. Navara Jaat Aafreedi)

1968: Mauritius achieves independence from Great Britain. Mauritius is located in the Indian Ocean. In 1940, the British created a prison there to hold Jews who had escaped from Hitler’s Europe and were trying to enter Palestine.  The Jewish cemetery on the island attests to the cost of the British policy.  Since gaining its independence, Mauritius has sent many of its citizens to Israel for professional training in several fields of study including that of agronomy.

1969; In New York City, Theodore S. “Ted” Tapper, “the president of South Philadelphia Pediatrics and associate clinical professor of pediatrics at Jefferson Medical College” the former Helen Anne Palmatier gave birth to CNN newsman Jake Tapper who was raised in Philadelphia and “graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude with an A.B. in History, modified by Visual Studies, in 1991.”

1969: Four months after premiering in the UK, “Where Eagles Dare” a WW II espionage film produced by Elliot Kastner was released in the United States today.

1969: Linda Eastman married Beatle Paul McCartney (A marriage that fits with Purim motif)


1972(26thof Adar, 5732): Eighty-four-year-old Louis Joel Mordell, the American born British mathematician “for pioneering research in number theory” passed away today.


1972: “The Rabbinical Council of America” an Orthodox organization “appealed for Congressional legislation that would ‘grant tax deductions to parents who pay for their children in the all-day Jewish schools’ arguing that the hundreds of day schools ‘educate a substantial portion of the American children’ and that ‘our public schools are ill-equipped to absorb the youngsters who are currently in these schools.’”

1975: Birthdate of Dan Greenbaum, the native of Torrance, CA who played on the 1992 U.S. Olympic 

Volleyball team that won a bronze medal.

1976(10thof Adar II, 5736): Seventy-three-year-old Charley Phil Rosenberg, who was World Bantamweight Champion from 1925 to 1927 passed away today.

1977(22ndof Adar, 5737): Parashat Ki Tisa; Shabbat Parah

1977(22ndof Adar, 5737” Eighty-year-old NYU trained attorney Bernard Trencher, “the former chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the Bronx County Bar Association and husband of “the former Bessie Gelula” with whom he had two daughters, Lenore and Phyllis, passed away today.

1977: Egypt's Anwar Sadat pledged to regain Arab territory from Israel.  Sadat would reach his goal, but with the pen of the peace treaty not the sword of war.

1979(13thof Adar, 5739): Ta’anit Esther; erev Purim

1980: “A Small Circle of Friends” directed by Rob Cohen was released in the United States today.

1985(19th of Adar, 5745):  Eugene Ormandy, Hungarian born conductor, passed away.  Born in 1899, he came to United States in 1921.  He was the permanent conductor and music director for the Philadelphia Orchestra from 1938 until 1980.

1987: CBS broadcast the last episode of “The Wizard” starring David Stephen Rappaport.

1990(15thof Adar, 5750: Sixty-nine year old businessman and sport’s team owner, Gene Klein passed away today.


1990 (15th of Adar, 5750): Rabbi Stuart E. Rosenberg, a spiritual leader of Canada's Jews and an author, died of cancer today in West Palm Beach, Fla., where he had a winter home. He was 67 years old and also lived in Toronto.  For nine years, until he retired last August, Rabbi Rosenberg led the Beth Torah synagogue in Toronto. Earlier, he was senior rabbi for 17 years at BethTzedec in Toronto, the largest Conservative congregation in Canada. Rabbi Rosenberg was one of the first Western religious leaders to focus on the plight of Soviet Jews, traveling to Moscow in 1961 and writing a series of newspaper articles on their problems. He was also a pioneer in Christian-Jewish dialogue in Canada. He wrote 20 books, including ''Christians and Jews: The Eternal Bond,'' published in 1985, and a two-volume study, ''The Jewish Community in Canada'' (1971). His last book, ''Secrets of the Jews,'' is scheduled to appear in the fall. He also worked as an editor for the Encyclopedia Judaica with responsibility for Canadian matters. Born in Manhattan, Rabbi Rosenberg was a graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary and received a Ph.D. from Columbia University.

1993(19thof Adar, 5753): Eighty-three-year-old Michael Kanin passed away. The brother of Garson Kanin, he co-authored the Oscar winning script for “Woman of the Year” and shared an Oscar nomination with his wife Kay Mitchell for the script of “Teacher’s Pet.”

1993(19th of Adar, 5753): Yehoshua Freidberg, a 24-year-old immigrant from Canada was shot dead on the Tel Aviv to Jerusalem highway.

1997(3rdof Adar II, 5757): Eighty-four-year-old Philadelphia born, University of Pennsylvania graduate Bertram M. Gross, the English and philosophy student turned advocated for full employment who was a driving force behind the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act passed away today.


1998(14thof Adar, 5758): Purim

1998: Pope John Paul II wrote to Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy:

On numerous occasions during my Pontificate I have recalled with a sense of deep sorrow the sufferings of the Jewish people during the Second World War. The crime which has become known as the Shoah remains an indelible stain on the history of the century that is coming to a close.

As we prepare for the beginning of the Third Millennium of Christianity, the Church is aware that the joy of a Jubilee is above all the joy that is based on the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God and neighbour. Therefore she encourages her sons and daughters to purify their hearts, through repentance of past errors and infidelities. She calls them to place themselves humbly before the Lord and examine themselves on the responsibility which they too have for the evils of our time.

It is my fervent hope that the document: We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah, which the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews has prepared under your direction, will indeed help to heal the wounds of past misunderstandings and injustices. May it enable memory to play its necessary part in the process of shaping a future in which the unspeakable iniquity of the Shoah will never again be possible. May the Lord of history guide the efforts of Catholics and Jews and all men and women of good will as they work together for a world of true respect for the life and dignity of every human being, for all have been created in the image and likeness of God.


1999: The Times of London features a review of From Catastrophe to Power: Holocaust survivors and the emergence of Israel by Idith Zertal. 

1999(24th of Adar, 5759): Sir Yehudi Menuhin famed violinist passed away at the age of 82.  Born in New York in 1916, Menuhin was raised in San Francisco.   He was a child prodigy who debuted at the age of eight.

2000: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or special interest to Jewish readers including In America by Susan Sontag, How We Got Here. The 70's: The Decade That Brought You Modern Life (For Better or Worse)by David Frum and The Nazis by Piotr Uklanski.

2000: Pope John Paul II asked God's forgiveness for the sins of Roman Catholics through the ages, including wrongs inflicted on Jews, women and minorities. What a difference in the events from 61 years before on this date.

2001: The Israeli Army today sealed off Ramallah, the unofficial seat of government of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, blocking roads with trenches, mounds of earth and checkpoints backed by tanks and armored troop carriers.

2002: “The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, told Israel today that ''you must end the illegal occupation'' of Palestinian lands, as Israeli ground forces and helicopter gunships killed 31 Palestinians in their fiercest assault on the areas since Israel conquered them in 1967.”

2003: At the Library of Congress opening of an exhibition entitled Herblock’s Gift: Selections from the Herb Block Foundation Collection

2003: In an article entitled “A New Glasnost on War’s Looted Art,” Sophia Kishkovsky describes the efforts of Russia’s Ministry of Culture to return thousands of paintings, archives and rare books looted by Soviet forces in Germany and Eastern Europe during and after World War II and taken to Russia as so-called trophy art. Hitler's forces had previously pillaged many of the works from Jewish owners and other Nazi victims

2003(8th of Adar II, 5763):  Howard Fast passed away.  Born in 1914, some of the controversial authors more famous works include Spartacus, Citizen Tom Paine and The CrossingThe Crossing was adapted for a PBS mini-series depicting the battles surrounding Washington’s Crossing the Delaware which were critical to the colonists ultimate victory over the British.



2004: After having premiered in Bangkok, “Spartan” directed and written by David Mamet, co-produced by David Bergstein and featuring Moshe Igvy was released today in the United States.

2005:  “Roman Allegories” a solo exhibition of the works of Eleanor Antin came to a close at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts in New York, NY

2005: “Love Counts,” an opera in two acts by Michael Nyman “premiered today at the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Germany.”

2006: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Lipshitz Six or Two Angry by T Cooper and the recently released paperback edition of Rebels on the Backlot: Six Maverick Directors and How They Conquered the Hollywood Studio System by Sharon Waxman

2006: A two-hour event - "Jewish Unity Live 2006" - is held at a hotel in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

2007: The Jerusalem Post reported that “the first Israeli Druse physician to become a professor is Dr. Jamal Zidan, head of the oncology department at Ziv Medical Center in Safed. He received his title from the Medical Faculty of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, and he has worked at Ziv since 1979, when he was an intern.”

2007(22ndof Adar, 5767): Eleven days after turning eighty-three Arnold Druckman who gained fame as Arnold Drake “an American comic book writer and screenwriter best known for co-creating the DC Comics characters Deadman and the Doom Patrol, and the Marvel Comics characters the Guardians of the Galaxy, among others” who was the brother of songwriters Ervin and Milton Drake passed away today.



2007: In “Some Things You Never Forget” published today Theresa Vargas remembers the “1977 siege by Hanafi Muslims” that gripped Washington, DC thirty years ago.




2008: In Washington, D.C.,Joseph Horowitz, a former New York Timesmusic critic and executive director of the Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra, discusses and signs Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts.

2008: The New Republic featured reviews of The Jewish King Lear: A Comedy in America by Jacob Gordin, translated by Ruth Gay and Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia by Christopher Clark in which the author attributes the rise of Prussia during the 17thcentury to the “legendary religious tolerance of the Hohenzollerns” which enabled them to strengthen the state’s economy by opening its borders to Jews. The same magazine also profiled the Jews of Sefwi Wiawso a community of about 150 Ghanaians who claim to be descendants of the lost tribes of Israel  

2008: “Masada, a musical group led by American saxophonist and composer John Zorn” performed at Yoshi's San Francisco jazz club

2008: The Australian parliament commemorated Israel's 60 years of independence as its leaders pledged their commitment to the country's security and stated their "respect for the Israeli cause," Australia's The Age reported. The motion was put forward by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and seconded by Opposition leader Brendan Nelson.

2008: Israel's Holocaust memorial posthumously recognized a prominent Spanish diplomat, who was the grandfather of the Oscar-nominated actress Helena Bonham Carter, for his role in saving hundreds of Jews during World War II.  Yad Vashem named Eduardo Propper de Callejon a "Righteous Among the Nations," the highest honor granted to non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust.

2009: New York University’s Taub Center of Isreal Studies presents “Negotiating Peace With Syria,” a public dialogue subtitled “Lessons from the Past, Promises from the Future,” featuring Martin Indyk, former US Ambassador to Israel, and Itamar Rabinovich, former Israeli Ambassador to the US.

2009: The Westchester Film Festival opens with a screening of “The Gift of Stalin,” the moving tale of a Jewish boy’s exile to the hinterlands of Kazakhstan in 1949 who is raised by the gruff Kasym, a Muslim, and Verka, a Christian.

2009:The disgraced financier Bernard L. Madoff was immediately handcuffed and led off to jail today after a hearing in which he pleaded guilty to running a vast Ponzi scheme that bilked investors out of billions of dollars.

2009: The National Book Critics Circle awarded the autobiography prize to Ariel Sabar's "My Father's Paradise," which traces the author's Jewish roots in Kurdish Iraq. Sabar, who spoke of being an immigrant's son in 1980s Los Angeles, remembered growing up with a father who "looked funny,""talked funny" and "couldn't get his clothes to match." But Sabar became deeply curious about his family's history and was struck by Iraq's long history of people of different faiths "who pretty much got along."

2009(16thof Adar. 5769): Ninety-one-year-old Lenore Cohn “Lee” Annenberg, the widow Walter Annenberg, passed away.  (As reported by Robert McFadden)


2010: The Adas Israel Scholar-In-Residence Weekend is scheduled to begin with a Friday night service, dinner and a presentation by Professor David Kraemer on "Sacrificial Judaism, Vegetarianism, and the “Theology” of Food and Kashrut"

2010:The former mayor of Amsterdam, 62-year-old Marius Job Cohen became the new head of the Dutch Labor party today after Wouter Bos, his predecessor, resigned. Cohen reportedly could become Prime Minister after elections are held this June.

2011: Eighty-nine-year-old Tawfix Toubi, the last surviving member of the First Knesset (1949) passed away today in Haifa.  An Arab Christian, he was a member of the Communist Party who served in the Knesset until he retired in 1990.

2011: In Fairfax Station, VA, Jewish Rock Artists Rick Recht and Sheldon Low are scheduled to perform at a special concert celebrating Temple B’nai Shalom’s 25th anniversary.

2011: “Zion and his Brother” and “There Were Nights” are scheduled to be shown at the 15th New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival.

2011: “Ajami,” an Israeli film that had been nominated for an Oscar is scheduled to be shown at Columbia Jewish Congregation’s (CJC) 2011 - Nineteenth Season of Movies

2011(6thof Adar II): According to tradition today marks the anniversary of Moses completion of the book of Deuteronomy, which took place on 6 Adar, 1273.


2011(6thof Adar II): Ninety-five-year-old Yiddish actress Shira Lerer passed away today in New York City. (As reported by Joseph Berger)


2011: Defense Minister Ehud Barak vowed today that Israel would use every means possible to track down those behind the fatal stabbing of a family of five in the West Bank settlement of Itamar .

 2011: In “A Local Life: Al Ungerleider, 89; old soldier recalled nightmare mission,” published today, Lauren Wiseman recounts the exploits of the Jewish general who as a young lieutenant fought his from Normandy across Europe where he saw the horror of Nordhausen.


2012: The East Bay International Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to open in Oakland, CA

2012: The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington, The American Jewish Committee, and The American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists are scheduled to sponsor a “brown bag lunch” featuring Art Spitzer, Legal Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of the National Capital Area who will provide a look at some of the civil liberties cases on the Supreme Court Docket.

2012(18thof Adar, 5772): Eighty-five year old “Mike Silverstein, a founder of Nina Footwear” passed away today. (As reported by Daniel Slotnik)


2012(18thof Adar, 5772): On the Hebrew calendar, the 211th anniversary of David Emanuel being sworn in as Governor of the state of Georgia, making him the first Jew to serve as the chief executive of any state government in the United States.

2012: Offensive tackle Geoff Schwartz signed a one-year contract with the Minnesota Vikings.

2012: Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired more than 40 rockets at Israel today, as the heavy cross-border barrage continued into its fourth day.

 2012: Journalist turned politician Yair Lapid blamed the Palestinians for the failure to reach a breakthrough in the peace process in a speech on Monday at Tel Aviv University.

2013: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present “Private Films, Public Identities: Jewish Self-Representations in Hungarian and Polish Interwar Home Movies”

2013: ”The Other Son” is scheduled to be shown at the Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Sameh "SAZ" Zakout a native of Ramle is one of the Israeli musicians scheduled to perform today at SXSW 2013

2013: In an op-ed column entitled “An Endelible Stain on FDR’s Legacy” Richard Cohen wrote “FDR supported programs that did. . . save 100,000 Jewish lives” while “condemning President Roosevelt for not doing more to help Europe’s Jews escape Hitler.”

2013(1stof Nissan, 5773): Rosh Chodesh Nissan

2014: “A month after canceling a trip to Israel because of floods at home, British Prime Minister David Cameron is expected to address the Knesset today.” (As reported by Spence Ho)

2014: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host the Phoenix Chamber Ensemble in a performance of Schubert’s Sonatina in D Major, Brahms’ Sonata No 2 in A Major and Prokofiev's Violin Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Op 80,

2014: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present “Light and Shadows: The Story of Iranian Jews.”

2014: In Washington, DC, as part of “Voices of the Vigil, graphic designer Avrum Ashery will showcase his unique role in creating posters, buttons, and cards of protest for the movement.

2014: The Washington Wizards basketball team is scheduled to host Jewish Heritage Night & a Pre-Purim Celebration.

2014: In Washington, the Jewish Study Center is scheduled to host the “Latke-Hamentashen Debate.”

2014: Ruth Goodman and Yossi Almani are scheduled to lead “Israeli Dancing” at the 92ndStreet Y.

2014: In Metairie, LA, Rabbi Mendel Ceitin is scheduled to begin teaching at six week course “To Be a Jew in the Free World: Jewish Identity Through the Lens of Modern History.”

2014: Islamic Jihad took credit for the barrage of rockets fired into Israel today.  The terrorist claim they fired 90 missiles but the IDF puts the number at 60. (As reported by Adiv Sterman)


2014: IDF jets hit 29 targets this evening in Gaza in response to to the most massive rocket barrage since 2012.  In addition, IDF tanks fired into Gaza eliminating at least two “terror targets.”(As reported by Marissa Newman and Tova Dvorin)

2014(10th of Adar II, 5774): Ninety-one year old David Sive, “founder of environmental law” passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/20/nyregion/david-sive-a-father-of-environmental-law-dies-at-91.html?hpw&rref=obituaries

2014: Geoff “Schwartz signed a four-year, $16.8 million deal with $6.2 million guaranteed with the New York Giants, after confirming the deal on Twitter.”

2014: “After years of heated public debate and political wrangling, Israel’s Parliament on today approved landmark legislation that will eventually eliminate exemptions from compulsory military service for many of the ultra-Orthodox students enrolled in seminaries.” (As reported by Isabel Kershner)


2015: The Tulane University Jewish Studies Department under the leadership of Dr. Brian Horowitz is scheduled to present “A Read and Discussion of ‘I Pity the Poor Immigrant’” with Zachary Lazar.

2015: The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to honor Renée and Lester Crown at the 2015 Humanitarian Awards Dinner in Chicago.

2015: “Zaytoun” directed by Eran Riklis is scheduled to be shown at the Jewish Community of Northern Viriginia.

2015: The Canadian Haggadah Canadienne is scheduled to go on sale today at Montreal.

2015: In Atlanta, the 2015 Molly Blank Jewish Concert Series is scheduled to present “Kurt Weill: Berlin to Broadway.”

2015: Unless the labor court in Jerusalem intervenes, Histadrut is scheduled to begin a general strike that will hit cities and towns from Ashdod to Eilat.

2015: The American Sepharidi Federation’s Film Festival is scheduled to open today.

2015: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library is scheduled to present “Voices of the Generations: Stories from the Holocaust” with Julie Kohner, whose mother Hanna was Holocaust survivor.

2015: “Former president and Prime Minister Shimon Peres today threw his support behind the Zionist Union’s Isaac Herzog for prime minister in the upcoming March 17 elections.” (As reported by Marissa Newman)

2016(2ndAdar II, 5776): Shabbat Pekuday; final Torah portion of Exodus

2016(2ndof Adar II, 5776): Eighty-nine-year-old Elliot Gant, one of the creators of that ultimate in preppy-wear, the Gant buttoned-down shirt with the loop in the back passed away today.


2016: The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra is scheduled to celebrate its 78thseason by beginning a new tour under conductor Dmitry Yablonsky.

2016: In Texas, “Remember” and “Serial Bad Weddings” are scheduled to shown at the Houston Jewish Film Festival.

2016: In North Carolina, “Once in a Lifetime” is scheduled to be shown at the Charlotte Jewish Film Festival.

2016: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host a third visit by the Richmond Ballet II.

2016: After Palestinian terrorists fired rockets from Gaza yesterday, Israeli aircraft “struck at Hamas military bases in the Gaza Strip.”

2016: Philadelphia is scheduled to hold the opening event for the 20thAnnual Israeli Film Festival. 

2017: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality of Hitler’s Secret Police by Frank McDonough, Insomniac City: New York, Oliver, and Me by Bill Hayes and the recently released paperback edition of The Photographer’s Wifeby Susanne Joinson

2017: “Keep Quiet” a film that tells the story of vocal anti-Semite Holocaust denier Csanád Szegedi who discovers that he is Jewish and his grandmother survived Auschwitz is scheduled to be shown in Glasgow under the sponsorship of UKJF.

 2017(14th of Adar, 5777): Purim

2017: In responding to Congressman Steve King’s statement that “restoring Western civilization could not be done with somebody else’s babies, Chelsea Clinton, whose husband is Jewish said “Clearly the Congressman does not view all our children as, well, all our children which is something particularly ironic and painful to say on Purim.

2018: This evening in Memphis, TN, Temple Israel is scheduled “to host the third installment of MLK Moral Monday, the three-part clergy led servings and gatherings featuring distinguished speakers on the pressing social just issue of our times” that will music led by Abbie Strauss and readings by Rabbi Feivel Strauss

2018: Today, Goldman Sachs “announced that Harvey Schwartz, the company's co-chief operating officer and president would be resigning, leaving David Solomon as the second-in-command.”

2018: Publication of Joel Meyerowtiz: Where I Find Myself: A Lifetime Retrospective by Joel Meyerowitz.


2018: UCLA issued a statement today saying that Gabriel PIterberg who had been accused of sexual assault in 2013 “will no longer be teaching at the school.”

2018: “Brave Miss World” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival.

2019: Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to host an evening, Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the United Nations and former Governor of South Carolina who is often mentioned as a future candidate of the Presidency of the United States.

2019: A-WA, a trio of Yeminite sisters Tagel, Liron and Tal Hayim is scheduled to “perform a pre-Purim Yemenite Hafla concert in Tel Aviv today.

2019: The Center for Jewish History, the Leo Baeck Institute and the Oxford University Press are scheduled to host “First Person: Matti Friedman in Conversation with Lucette Lagnado” where the author Spies of No Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel discusses his book with the author of The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit.”

2019: HIAS, the JCRC and ADL are scheduled to co-host “Seeking Asylum at Our Borders,” a discussion of “what legal rights and protections are afforded asylum seekers under US and international law, and what action steps you can take to ensure we continue to grant asylum” at the Edlavitch Jewish Community Center of Washington D.C

2019: In the wake of reports that President Trump said “he’d win 98% of vote if he ran in Israeli elections”, his congressional ally Senator Lindsay Graham, after visiting the Golan is committed to having the United States officially “recognize” this territory “as belonging to Israel.”

2020: The nature of Things, an artist book by Keren Anavy & Tal Frank that celebrate eight years of artistic collaboration, will be displayed today on Times Square Billboards, on the corner of 41st Street and 7thAvenue.

2020: In San Francisco, “Zohar Studios, the Lost Years” an “exhibit of 30 images depicting Jewish life and the times by 19th-century Jewish immigrant photographer Shimmel Zohar, whose studio was on the Lower East Side” is scheduled to open at Contemporary Jewish Museum.

2020: The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Center for Jewish History, American Jewish Historical Society, and the American Sephardi Federation are scheduled to host a discussion on “Midwives, Musicians, Soldiers, Rabbis:Whose Stories Will We Tell?” which celebrates the release of “Hunting Elephants.”

The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Volume 6: Confronting Modernity, 1750-1880, edited by Elisheva Carlebach.

2020: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host “Take Me Out,” the society’s contribution to “the Jewish dating scene at Oxford.”

2020: The East Bay International Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of

2020: In Oakland, CA, A Great Good Place for Books is scheduled to host Antoinette Constable as she talks about her new book, Natalie in the Shadow of the Swastika.

2021: Starting this evening,  Kerem Shalom of Concord and Congregation Beth David of Saratoga, California, are scheduled to host a special weekend of online Shabbat rituals as they mark the one-year anniversary of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021: The Riverway Project is scheduled to present online a “Virtual Riverway Shabbat” complete with singing, quiet, moments for gratitude, healing and remembrance.

2021: In Columbus, OH, Tifereth Israel is scheduled to host “welcoming Shabbat mindful practice’ where attendees “explore and experience two new meditation techniques form a Jewish perspective.

2021: Pianist Orli Shaham is scheduled to “join the Grand Rapids Symphony for a live-streamed performance of Poulenc’s "Aubade." The “choreographed concerto” for piano and 18 instruments is a masterwork that was conceived in the exciting musical whirlwind of late 1920s Paris. Photo credit: Aleks Karjaka.

2021: Starting today, the Sonoma County JCC is scheduled to present five new Israeli films on demand over a 22-day period: “Asia” (drama), “Forgiveness” (comedy), “Kiss Me Kosher” (comedy), “Here We Are” (drama) and “Mrs. G” (documentary in a streaming mode that will last until April 22.

2021: Chapter Two Films is scheduled to host “a special virtual Q and A with Daniel Libeskind to celebrate the opening of Emmy Award winning director Slawomir Grunberg’s new documentary “Still Life in Lodz.”

2021: Congregation Shomrei Torah, Santa Rosa is scheduled to present Rachel Havrelock, author of “River Jordan: The Mythology of a Dividing Line,” as she addresses the water situation in Israel, its history, Israeli technologies and environmental peacebuilding through watershed restoration.

2021: Based on statements made yesterday by Health Ministry Director General Prof. Hezi Levi as of today Israel will be leaving in place its mask mandate in public spaces for the foreseeable future despite the success of the country's COVID-19 vaccination campaign and the consequent fall in coronavirus morbidity. (As reported by Nina Fuchs)


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