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This Day, May 6, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


May 6 

1313 BCE (1 Iyar 2448): According to tradition, this was the date of the first population survey of the Israelite people taken by Moses.

124 CE: A Roman centurion named Valens stationed in the military camp which bordered the date palm groves in En Gedi by the Dead Sea made an emergency short-term loan to a Jew named Judah at an interest rate of twelve per cent per annum.

973: “Henry II, Duke of Bavaria and his wife Gisela of Burgundy gave birth to Henry II, the Holy Roman Emperor whose expulsion of the Jews from Mayence was lamented in dirges composed by the poet Simon ben Isaac and of which Gershom ben Yehuda said, “Thou hast made those who despise They Law to have dominion over Thy people…”

1255: The Vatican orders all copies of the Talmud to be destroyed by fire. Despite this edict, King Jaime (King James of Aragon) ordered that the Spanish Jews should remain unmolested. Unfortunately, the political pressure over successive years would prove to be too great, and on August 29, 1263 he announced Jews had three weeks to remove all blasphemy from their books.

1501: Birthdate of Pope Marcellus II who expelled the Jews from Rome.

1527: The Spanish-German army of Charles IV entered Rome marking the start of a three week long period of pillage and butchery.  Among the victims was the library of Elijah ben Asher Levita the volumes of which were used as fuels by the invaders.

1556: Seventy-eight year old “German Protestant theologian” and Hebraist Konrad Pellikan who translated a “vast amount” of rabbinical and Talmudic texts including “Ben Asher’s commentary on the Torah” passed away today,

1574: Birthdate Pope Innocent X, whom Graetz described as the first of the reactionary popes.  Among other things he opposed the Peace of Westphalia which recognized the independence of the Netherlands, the nation which provided a haven for Jews fleeing the Inquisition.

1649: The Massachusetts General Court ruled today that Solomon Franco was to be expelled from the colony and granted him "six shillings per week out of the Treasury for ten weeks, for sustenance, till he can get his passage to Holland.  Franco, a Sephard, is “the second Jew known to have lived in North America. He settle in Boston where he was an “agent for Immanuel Perada, a Dutch merchant.” After Franco had delivered supplies from Perada “to Edward Gibbons, a major general in the Massachusetts militia” a dispute arose over who should pay the Jew for the merchandize – Gibbons or Parada. The solution of the court was to expel Franco.

1691: In Palma, Majorca, after one hundred and fifty years of freedom from the Inquisition, an investigation led to the conviction of two hundred and nineteen people. All agreed to be reconciled with the church. Thirty-seven were burned to death when they tried to flee the island since it was considered a relapse to heresy.

1747(5507): Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato (RAMCHA"L), Kabbalist, poet, and author of Mesilat Yesharim passed away. Born in Padua, Italy, in 1707, R. Moshe Chaim had a thorough education in both religious and secular studies.  His interest in the Kabbalah and his influence on the youth of the community led to accusations that he was a Sabbatean.  In its day, this was as harsh an accusation as you could make against a person.  Luzzato left Italy and settled in Amsterdam. At the age of 33 he published Mesillat Yesharim (The Path of the Upright), a book about ethics that describes how Jews can climb the ladder of purification to reach a level of holiness.  In 1743, he moved to Eretz Israel where he died during a plague in 1746.  He is buried at Tiberias.  Throughout his life, Luzzato struggled between his desire to study the Talmud and his need to the Kabbalah.  He is considered one of the fathers of Modern Hebrew literature, with his greatest impact being in Hebrew poetry.  His teachings earned the admiration leaders from a variety of Jewish groups ranging the Vilna Gaon of Vilna to the Maggid of Mezeritch. 

1754(14thof Iyar, 5514): Pesach Sheni as a British forces under George Washington are on their way to fight a group of Canadiens in what will become the opening battle of the French and Indian War.

 1758: In Nice, which at that time was part of the Kingdom of Sardinia “shopkeeper Jules Masséna (Giulio Massena) and Marguerite Fabre” gave birth to André Masséna who according to Andrew J. Schoenfeld, MD was “a scion of the Italian Jewish community,” “an early volunteer in the French Revolutionary Army,” “the general of the 32nddivision personally responsible liberating the Jewish communities of Northern Italy” and after the Battle of Mantua, “the commander of the Roman territories and Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Army.”

1758:  Birthdate of future French Revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre.  During the Reign of Terror in 1793 and 1794, Robespierre did close synagogues and allow Jewish religious property to be vandalized.  However, this was not because he was an anti-Semite.  Robespierre sought to stamp out all religions and the churches were subjected to the same treatment as the shuls.  In the early days of the revolution Robespierre spoke eloquently on behalf of equal rights for the Jews.  If Jews behaved “badly” it was the fault of Christianity and the Christians who had treated them in a based manner for centuries.  The salvation of the Jews (as opposed to Judaism) lay in granting them the full rights of citizenship.

1771: Birthdate of Fanny Judah, the daughter of Samuel Judah.

1786: At Frankfurt am Main, Jakob Baruch and his wife gave birth to German author and “rebel” Karl Ludwig Börne who would be immortalized by a group of German revolutionaries who named their new home in the Texas Hill Country “Borne” in his honor

1787: At Prostějov, Moravia, Rabbi Moses Sofer married Sarah, the daughter of the deceased rabbi of Prostějov, Rabbi Moses Jerwitz who had passed away in 1785. Sofer joined the Chevra Kadisha and served as head of the town’s yeshiva. 

1789: Levi Sheftall, leader of the Hebrew Congregation of Savannah, Georgia wrote to the newly elected President of the United States, George Washington expressing the fact that the members of the congregation were grateful for his “unexampled liberality and extensive philanthropy which have expelled that cloud of bigotry and superstition what has long, as a veil shaded religion.”  Furthermore the nation’s new constitution “enfranchised American Jewry with all the privileges and immunities of free citizens and initiated us into the grand mass of legislative mechanism.”  While many know of the famous letter to the Jews of Newport, the Savannah congregation was actually the first to write to Washington following his election to the Presidency.

1792(14thof Iyar, 5552): Pesach Sheni is observed on the same day that President George Washington wrote to Thomas Paine thanking the author for sending him fifty copies of the “Rights of Man.”

1803: In Darmstadt, Schiele and David Kahn Germany gave birth to Bina Kahn who became Bina Oppenheimer after marrying Lob Oppenheimer.

1804: In The Hague, Branca Brendel Bernisse married Hirschel Kann.

1806(18thof Iyar, 5566): Lag B’Omer

1806: Angel Jones married Nancy Michel today at the Great Synagogue

1811: In Poland, Pinkus Landau, the Silesian born son of Wolf and Estera Landau, and his wife Rozla Landau gave birth to Icek Landau.

1818: In Posen, Talmudic scholar Aaron Jacob Kaempf and his was wife gave birth to Saul Isaac Kaempf the philologist who served as the rabbi at the Temple Congregation in Prague from 1846 to 1890.

1818: Mordecai Manuel Noah sent a copy of the Consecration Address he had delivered at Shearith Israel and a letter in which he described the impact of his having been removed from a diplomatic post because of his religion. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/loc/noah.html

1824: One day after he had passed away, 62 year old Moses Polack was today buried at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1825(18th of Iyar, 5585): Lag B'Omer

1830: Birthdate of Abraham Jacobi “a pioneer of pediatrics” who opened “the first children's clinic in the United States and was the first foreign born president of the American Medical Association.

1831: Birthdate of Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky the Lithuanian born Jew who would eventually become the Anglican Bishop of Shanghai.

1835(7thof Iyar, 5595): Italian born Rabbi, Moses Shabbethai Beer, a native of Pesaro passed away in Rome.

1835: James Gordon Bennett, Sr. published the first edition of the New York Herald which became the New York Herald Tribune in 1924. Ruth Gruber who dedicated herself to saving Jews from the Holocaust began her journalism career as a reporter with the Herald-Tribune in 1932. Two days before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Herald Tribune warned of the dangers of the Nazis, stating “the Jews are merely the first to suffer under Hitlerism.”

1838(11thof Iyar, 5598): Rabbi Samuel Judah Leib ben David Kauder, author of Olat Shmuel passed away today in Prague.


1841: Birthdate of Enoch Heinrich Kisch, the native of Prague who became and M.D. in 1862 and an assistant professor at the Prague University in 1884.

1842(26thof Iyar, 5602): Isaac Spitz who was the son-in-law of Eleazar Fleckeles and grandfather of the poet Moritz Hartmann and had been the rabbi at Jung-Bunzlau since 1824 passed away today.

1848: Birthdate of German Protestant theologian Herman L. Strack who “was the foremost Christian authority in Germany on Talmudic and rabbinic literature who was a leading champion of the Jews when the modern anti-Semitism began in Germany during the second half of the 19th century.

1852: After a personal plea from Pope Pius IX, Grand Duke of Tuscany Leopold II abolishes his own statute of 1848 eliminating all discrimination against the Jews. At the beginning of his papacy, Pius had shown a positive disposition towards the Jews.  He abolished laws that forbade Jews to practice certain professions and that required Jews to listen to sermons of conversion four times a year. All of that changed following the Revolutions of 1848 when he became frightened by the rising tide of democracy, nationalism and secularism.

1853: In an article published today, The New York Times correspondent in London, wonders if the members of the House of Lords will be affected by the recent passage of the bill removing Jewish disabilities that was passed by the House of Commons. The correspondent thinks that when the bill comes before the Lords for “the dozenth time,” they will not be “converted” to “popular view as to the propriety of admitting Jews to the Legislature.”

1855(18thof Iyar, 5615): Lag B’Omer

1856(1stof Iyar, 5616): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1856: Birthdate of Dr. Sigmund Freud, father of psycho-analysis. Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud in Freiberg, in what is now part of the Czech Republic. He abbreviated his name from Sigismund Schlomo Freud to Sigmund Freud in1877.  Little is known about Freud's early life since he reportedly twice destroyed his personal papers.  This brief summary is no place to discuss his treatment of the mentally or the development of psychoanalysis.  In 1938 following the Anschluss of Austria, Freud escaped with his family to England where he died a year later. Freud was a smoker of Churchill-style cigars for most of his life; even after having his cancerous jaw removed, he continued to smoke until his death. It is said that he would smoke an entire box of cigars daily.


1858: According to published reports, the property of the late Rachel Felix, the Jewish actress and mistress of Alexandre Joseph Count Colonna-Walewski, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, has been put up for public sale.  The Count and Mademoiselle had a son whom the count publicly legitimatized which means that there is “Jewish blood” in the House of Bonaparte. 

1860(14thof Iyar, 5620): Pesach Sheni

1860: Society for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Jews, an organization dedicated to converting Jews held its annual meeting at a Dutch Reform Church in New York City during which the group reported that it had visited 1,382 (presumably Jewish) families.

1860: The New York Times reported today that a “a brisk argument has sprung up over the questions of whether Pious IX is or is not the descendant of a Jew.” The pope is a member of the Mastia family which got its title of nobility from a lady of “high rank” named Ferretti who had married a “baptized Jew named Mastai.  Supposedly “the Marquis Consolina published a genealogical pamphlet proving this” twenty four years ago.  The pamphlet was burned but the claims have never been refuted.

1861: Colonel Ripley, the U.S. Army Chief of Ordinance, forwarded Major Mordecai's letter of resignation to Adjutant General.

 1861: Dr.David Camden De Leon known as the "Fighting Doctor," was appointed as first surgeon general of the Confederate Army.  Born in South Carolina in 1822, De Leon received his medical training at the University of Pennsylvania.  Following graduation, he joined the United States Army where he served with distinction during the Mexican War.  In 1861, he resigned his commission and joined the Confederates.  After the war, he moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico where he practiced medicine until his death in 1872. His Union counterpart was Dr. Jonathan Horowitz. 

1863: The Battle of Chancellorsville comes to an end.  During the battle, Lt. Col. Edward Solomon led the forces of the 82nd Illinois which contained an all Jewish company from Chicago.  Solomon would become one of the highest ranking Jewish officers to serve with Union Army, ultimately rising to the rank of General. Sergeant Henry Hiller fought with such distinction during the battle that earned the Congressional Medal of Honr.  Jacob Ezekiel Hyneman and Captain Joseph B. Greenhut, who almost lost his arm as a result of wounds sustained at Fort Donelson, were among the Jewish soldiers who fought with distinction on that Virginia battlefield where the bravery of the Union troops was not matched by the brains of the Union generals.

1863: At the Battle of Chancellorsville, the 59thNew York Volunteer Regiment which had recruited by Philip J. Joachimsen who served as a Lt. Colonel, supported General Sedgwick’s line at Mayre’s Hieghts.

1863: Bernhard Henry Gotthelf, the rabbi of Adath Israel Congregation of Louisville, received his appointment as a chaplain.

1864: During the Battle of the Wilderness, Sergeant-Major Abraham Cohn rallied and formed, under heavy fire, disorganized and fleeing troops of different regiments” thus enabling the Union Army to continue its advance.  This was one of the two heroic deeds which would win him the Congressional Medal of Honor.

1864: Leopold Karpeles Karpeles, a flag-bearer serving in the U.S. Army rallied retreating Union troops, inducing them to check the enemy's advance while under heavy during the Battle of the Wilderness. Born in Prague in 1838, Karpeles moved to Texas. When war broke out and Texas seceded, the young Jewish immigrant did not identify with the slave-holding Southerners and he joined the Union Army.  He received a Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery during the Battle of the Wilderness, which was the first battle in an eleven month campaign which would result in the demise of the Confederacy.

1866: Birthdate of Wilna native David Blaustein, the Prussian trained rabbi who in 1866 came to the United States where he first opened a private school in Boston and then went on to aiding immigrant Jews as a leader of the Educational Alliance in New York City.


1868(14thof Iyar, 5628): Pesach Sheni observed for the last time during the Presidency of Andrew Johnson.

1870: It was reported today that the rumors about the possibility of Pope Pius IX being of Jewish descent have resurfaced. According to the report “many early Christians were themselves Jews and we should hardly supposed that His Holiness would be particularly annoyed if it were proved that he was of the same race as the Founder of Christianity.” A pamphlet published 24 years ago by the Marquis Consolini claims that Matasi family of which the Pope is a member gained its rank through marriage to a baptized Jew of that name.  The pamphlet was burned but it was never refuted.

1871: German born conductor Leopold Damrosch began his career in the United States with an appearance at Steinway Hall where he was both a featured violinist and orchestra conductor.

1874: Birthdate of Chaim Fishel Epstein, the native of Lithuania who served as Chief Rabbi, St. Louis, Missouri for the Vaad Hoeir of the United Orthodox Community for 12 years, from 1930 to 1942.


1874: Philadelphia native Myer Asch, a Colonel of United States Volunteers during the Civil War, became a member of the Loyal Legion of the United States today.

1875: In a ceremony that some would say was as much a merger as it was a marriage, Jacob Schiff married There Loeb, daughter of Solomon Loeb.  Ten years later, in 1885, Schiff became head of Kuhn, Loeb & Company.

1878: In Hohokus Township, NJ. Anglo-Jewish author Benjamin Farejon and his wife Margaret gave birth to British composer Harry Farjeon

1878: Birthdate of Henry G. Schackno, the native of the Bronx who became a successful lawyer and served as a New York state senator and judge.

1878: “The Jews of Roumania” published today described the plight of the Jews of that country based on information provided by the correspondent for the Pall Mall Gazette. Juries in Roumania “have acquitted the rioters who wrecked Jewish houses, who beats Jews and insulted their wives and daughters.  They have found a Rabbi and other innocent men guilty of stealing a pyx.” (Note – A pyx is a vessel that contains the Eucharist.  In other words, this has to do with charges related to Host Desecration.)  ‘ “The pyx was really stolen by” a man named “Silver, a converted Jew” who was a deserter from the Russian Army.  Silber provided three different versions of the theft.  First he claimed the Jewish tailor he worked for was his accomplice.  Then he claimed the “President of the Jewish Congregation” was his accomplice.  Finally, he exonerated the Jews and claimed that he had done it on his own.  The acquittal of the rioters is sure to provide encouragement to those who would repeat this behavior at the upcoming Passover and Easter seasons, which “have always been dangerous for the Jews in the uncivilized parts of Christendom.”

1884: Seventy year old Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne, a Jew who became a Jesuit missionary and worked to convert to Jews passed away in Jerusalem.


1884(11thof Iyar, 5644): Seventy-two year old Judah P. Benjamin passed away today.


1886: Sir Marcus Samuel, the Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of London and Justice of the Peace for Kent and his wife Fanny Elizabeth Samuel, the oldest daughter of Benjamin gave birth to their the third child and second son “Gerald George Samuel” who attended Eton.

1888: In Brooklyn, Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler gave birth to Representative Emmanuel "Manny" Celler.  In an era when Jews are elected to both houses of Congress from both parties from all over the country, it is hard to remember that there was a time when Jewish Congressmen were a rare breed and a U.S. Senator could refer to one as "a Kike" on the floor of the Senate.  Born in Brooklyn, Celler was an orphan by the time he finished high school and began attending Columbia.  He worked his way through school and graduated from Columbia Law with honors in 1912. A large part of his early legal career was spent dealing with immigration issues, a topic which would become a life-long passion.  He was elected to the House of Representatives where he served for 49 years and ten months, the second longest record of service in history.  Cellar became Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee where he championed equitable immigration laws and the cause of Civil Rights.  He passed away in 1981.


1887: Birthday of New York City native and NYU trained attorney David L. Cohn who should not be confused with the Mississippi author of the same name before in 1894.


1889(5thof Iyar, 5649): Seventy-four year Chaim Zebi Lerner, the native of Dubno whose “reputation among Hebrew grammarians was founded on his More ha-Lashon” first published in 1859 passed away today.

1890: Birthdate of Fritz Anselm Arnheim who was transported from Terezin to Auschwitz where he was murdered.

1890: It was reported today that the Marquis de Mores, the rabid anti-Semite who blamed his business failures on a Jewish Plot, was one of the few colorful figures to surface in the current round of French elections.

1890(16th of Iyar, 5650): Sixty-nine year old Isidor Binswanger passed away.  A native of Bavaria, he moved to the United States where he enjoyed commercial success in the dry goods business.  He lived in several towns and cities in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, including Richmond.  But he is most frequently identified with Philadelphia, where he played a leading role in developing Jewish educational, charitable and cultural institutions.

1892: In Goldsboro, NC, Rabbi Julius Lewis Mayerberg and Rachel Mayerberg gave birth to Rabbi Samuel S. Mayerberg who battled corruption in Kansas City, MO, and led Temple B’nai Jehudah “for 32 years.

1894: For the fiscal year ending today, the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews had “a clear balance on hand of $22, 675.79 which it is using to care for 163 residents who have an average age of 72.

1894: The Young Men’s Hebrew Association will hold its annual election between 2 and 4 pm at 721 Lexington Avenue.

1894: “Jews and Christians” published today provides a review of A Fair Jewessby B. L. Farjeon

1894: “The Obituary Record” published today described the life of the late Leopold Sacher-Masoch who, among other things was the author of several works including Jews and Russians. “He faithfully described the manners of the Polish Jews, but he feared that his affection for them might the impression that he was an Israelite…”

1895: It was reported today that “Russia’s tender regard for those principles on which rests the concert of civilized nations and her agonized fear lest Japan by violating them should imperil the progress of civilization in the East, almost make one forget …her more recent treatment of the Jews.”

1895: Birthdate of Philadelphia native and Wharton graduate Charles Kamsler who served with the military in World War I.

1898(14thof Iyar, 5658): Pesach Sheni

1898(14thof Iyar, 5658): Eighty-year old Swedish businessman and patron of the arts August Abrahamson passed away today.

1898: In Kiev Marie Ettinger and Abraham Horenstein gave birth to conductor Jascha Horenstein who conducted symphony orchestras in Vienna and Berlin before being forced to flee to the United States where he was able to continue his career.


1899: A children’s service is scheduled to be held this afternoon at the Hebrew Institute in memory of the late Baroness Hirsch.

1899: “Oliver Cromwell” is “the subject of” this morning’s sermon by Dr. M.H. Harris this morning at Temple Israel in Harlem.

1899: It was reported today that Dr. Felix Adler will be delivering a talk entitled “More Light” at the Music Hall tomorrow.

1899: It was reported that Rabbi Samuel Schulman will be delivering a sermon on “Youth” at the next and final Sunday morning service be held at Temple Beth-El.

1899: “Notes and News” published today described plans by F. Tennyson Neely to publish Justice to the Jews: The Story of What He Has Done for the Worldby Reverend Madison C. Peters which “is said to be the first instance in modern times that a Christian author has treated the subject in such an elaborate and comprehensive way.”

1899: “Church Notes” published today described plans for the Bloomingdale Church on Broadway to host a series of “three lectures on ‘What Christendom Owes to the Jew.’”

1899: “Plans to Better Jewish Conditions in Tenement Districts” published today described the work of the New York Jewish Union which was formed a year ago by “some influential Jewish people…for the permanent improvement of the Jewish population west of Eighth Avenue and between Thirtieth and Fiftieth Stress, and east of the Bower, below Ninth Street.

1900: Birthdate of Russian native and NYU trained cardiologist Harry Halprin, who in 1910 came to the U.S. where he graduated from CCNY and Columbia.

1901: “Young Men’s Hebrew Society” published today describe the meeting of The Young Men’s Hebrew Association where the following new Directors were elected: Meyer Auberbach, Lawrence W. Mack, Levi Hirschfield, Percival S. Menken, Isidor Kahn, Dr. Louis Rosenthal and Falk Younker.

1902: Lionel Walter Rothschild, Member of Parliament, and eldest son of Lord Rothschild is reported to suffering from a serious bout of pneumonia.

1902: “In the shtetl Mikulintsy, Ukraine, then part of Austria-Hungary,” Leib Goldhirsch and his wife gave birth to Herschel Goldhirsch, the ex-con who gained fame as journalist and humor writer Harry Golden, the publisher of The Carolina Israelite and the author of two best sellers, 2¢ Plain and Only in America.1902: Birthdate of writer and director Max Ophüls.  Born Max Oppenheimer, he changed his last name when he went from being a journalist to a life as an actor and director.  He did not want to embarrass his father with his choice of professions.  Letters From an Unknown Woman” is one of his better known efforts.

1903: According to today’s report from the St. Petersburg correspondent of The Times, the chief responsibility for the anit-Semitic outbreak at Kishineff rests with the local newspaper, the Bessarabyetz, although it partly falls on the Novoe Vremya and other newspapers which have so much to promote anti-Semitism among a people which naturally the most tolerant in the world.”

1903: “Anti-Semitism In Russia” published today described how “the Russian law imposing all kinds of restrictions on the Jews…makes people regard them as pariahs, almost outlaws, and therefore have some influence in causing such outbreaks.

1904: In Boston, MA,Sarah (née Klayman), who was born in Russia, and Charles Einstein, a pawnbroker from Austria gave birth to comedian Harry Einstein who was the father to two other comedians – Albert Brooks and Bob Einstein.

1904: In Wandsworth, London, Marguerite (née Duvivier) and Frederick Mallowan gave birth to archeologist Max Mallowan who worked several sites in Mesopotamia including Ur, reputed to be the Biblical home of Abraham.

1904: Birthdate of the multi-talented Moshe Feldenkrais, founder of the Feldenkrais method. He was an Israeli physicist and judo practitioner of Eastern European descent. Among his many published books was “Awareness Through Movement where he presented a view that good health is a matter of positive functioning. Although many don't consider this a radical idea, it is in opposition to the standard medical definition of health that states good health is an absence of illness. Feldenkrais asserted his method of bodywork exploration resulted in better functioning bodies and minds and created healthier people. He was more interested in the goal of holistic functioning rather than merely physical treatmentThe Feldenkrais Method is an educational system intended to give individuals a greater functional awareness of the self. The method uses body movement as the primary vehicle for learning in the human organism. It is perhaps due to this focus on body movements that the Feldenkrais Method is often classified as a complementary and alternative medicine. People interested in the Feldenkrais Method are predominantly individuals who either want to improve their movement repertoire (as dancers, musicians, artists), individuals who want to reduce their pain or limitations in movement, or individuals who want to use the method as a way to improve their well-being and personal development. Advocates claim the Feldenkrais Method is a very successful approach in cases of movement related pain (e.g. pain in backs, knees, hips, shoulders), and learning better functioning in cases of stroke or cerebral palsy. A central tenet of the method is that improving ability to move can improve one's overall well-being; and practitioners of the Method generally refrain from referring to conceptions of illness, diagnosis or therapy.”

1904: Herzl writes to David Wolffsohn. His letter ends with the words: "Don't do anything foolish while I am dead" - "Machet keine Dummheiten, während ich tot bin.""Die Welt" informs the public that Herzl has to take a longer holiday for health reasons.

1905(1st of Iyar, 5665): Parashat Kedoshim; Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1905: Birthdate of New York restaurateur and saloon-keeper to the stars, Bernard “Toots” Shor.


1905: “The May New Era” published today reported that in The New Era Magazine for  May, Max writes on “Schiller and the Jews,” H.P Mendes writes on “The Sesquicentennial of the Jews of New York,” Max J. Kohler write about “Lorenzo da Pointe,” Dr. A.S. Isaacs writes about “The Rip van Winkle of the Talmud” and George A. Kohut writes on “Jefferson and the Jews.”

1905: Birthdate of French auto racer Rene Dreyfus.


1906: Birthdate of Romanian-born French film producer Émile Natan, “the brother of Bernard Natan, the head of Pathé-Natan.”

1906: In Paris, Salomea “Selma” Reinherz and Dr. Bernard Bernhard Weil gave birth to mathematician André Abraham Weil.


1907: In Pisa, Italy, Umberto and Linda Cassuto Abenaim gave birth to Wanda Abenaim, the wife of Rabbi Riccardo Reuven Pacifici who would be murdered at Auschwitz in December of 1943.

1908: Madeline Phillips Rubenstein gave birth to Janice Rubenstein Sachese, the wife of L.S.U. trained attorney Victor Alphones Saches, the mother attorney and Korean War Veteran Victor Alphonse Sachse III and the sister of Doris Rubenstein Kantrow.

1909: Three days after he had passed away, 97 year old David Woolf Marks, the son of merchant Woolf Marks and Polly Isaacs, the husband of Cecilia Sarah Wolf with whom he had had 12 children and longtime rabbi of the West London Synagogue which was considered to be the first “liberal” or “reform” congregation in the UK was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1910: Birthdate of Jeremy Noah Morris “a British epidemiologist whose comparison of heart-attack rates among double-decker bus drivers and conductors in London in the late 1940s and early ’50s laid the scientific groundwork for the modern aerobics movement.” He was born in Liverpool into a family of Jewish immigrants who had fled pogroms in eastern Poland. His father, Nathan, was a Hebrew scholar. After arriving in England, the family took the last name of the captain of the ship that had brought them to Liverpool. Jeremy was born within weeks of the arrival. The family then moved to Glasgow.Jeremy began to exercise early in childhood. His father would take him on four-mile walks, then reward him with ice cream.”

1910: George V becomes King of the United Kingdom upon the death of his father, Edward VII. English Jews were probably very sad to hear of the death of Edward since he had made numerous Jewish friends when he was Prince of Wales, including Nathaniel Rothschild.  He maintained these friendships once he came to the throne. King George was the reigning monarch when Lord Balfour sent his famous letter known as the Balfour Declaration. King George Street רחוב המלך ג'ורג) is a street in central Jerusalem, Israel was named for King George V.  The naming was done to mark the anniversary of the issuing of the Balfour Declaration.

1911(8th of Iyar, 5761): Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim

1911: Nineteen Esther Friedman, a braidworker whose father was killed three months by a trolley car and whose “mother has been dead for eight months” said she was “tired of trying live” as can be seen from today’s two failed at attempts at suicide – first by trying to be run over by a streetcar and second by swallowing “three tablets of bio chloride of mercury.

1912: The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Lord Roberts, Lord Cromer and Arthur James Balfour, the Speaker of the House of Commons were among the “prominent statesmen, clergymen and scientists” who signed a protest against an attempt being made in Kiev to turn the death of Andrei Yushchinsky into a case of ritual murder.

1913: Samuel Gompers and Henry Moskowitz were among the delegates attending today’s Convention of International Association of Factory Inspectors in Chicago, Illinois.

1913: Abram Elkus was appointed to serve as a delegate to the convention of the International Association of Factory Inspectors to be held in Chicago, Illinois.

1913: Following his appoint by the governor, New Yorker Alexander Rosenthal attended the convention of the International Association of Factory Inspectors meeting today in Chicago, Illinois.

1914: In Cleveland, OH, “Harry Fleishman Affelder and Rhoda Affelder” gave birth to Lewis Jacob Affelder, the husband of “Ruth Steinbach Affelder.”

1914: Birthdate of Irving J. Shulman, the Russian Jewish immigrant “who founded the Daffy’s clothing store chain and brought discount fashion to Fifth Avenue through quirky marketing and a promise of “clothing bargains for millionaires..” (As reported by Christine Hauser)

1915: In Dorchester, MA, attorney David White and his wife gave birth to Theodore White who attended Harvard where he discovered the language and culture of China.  This led to an exciting stint as the Time-Life correspondent in China during World War II.  White lost his job because Henry Luce, the publisher supported the Nationalist forces and White insisted on reporting the facts i.e. the strength of the Communists and the corruption of the Nationalists.  He also risked his life to photograph the famine that racked China – a horror that nobody wanted to come to grips with. White became a best-selling author with the publication of the Pulitzer Prize winning political science tome, Making of the President.   The book provided a unique, behind the scenes look at the Presidential campaign of 1960.  It was the first in a series of these books that White wrote every four years.  It also established a whole new genre of political writing.  "Teddy" White, as he was known, passed away in May 1986

1915: At a dinner honoring Robert F. Wagner, the New York state senate minority leader, Abraham Elkus said “that it was a high compliment that such a demonstration should be made so long after Wagner had begun his services in the Senate’ since “usually dinners had to be given soon after the honored one’s election.

1915: H.A. Alexander, Leo Frank’s attorney came to the courthouse in Atlanta today to “obtain the record of the extraordinary motion for a new trial for Frank” indicating “that some of the evidence introduced at the hearing might be used before the prison commission.”

1915: During the Gallipoli Campaign, French, British, Australian and New Zealander troops began their assault at Helles where the Zion Mule Corps had landed the week before.

1916: John Wallace Riddle, who reportedly had been named Ambassador to Russia by President Roosevelt because “of his skillful handling of the presentation of the petition of the Jews of the United States to the Russian Foreign Office in regard to the” pogrom at Kishinev was married today.

1916: In Sheffield, UK, Harry and Gertrude Blake gave birth to Leonard Blake, the husband of Gabrielle Blake.

1916: At the request of local authorities a meeting to mark the one year anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitania whose victims included Edgar Gorer and Charles Frohman was called off today.

1917: Pope Benedict XV met with Nahum Soklov “who had come to Rome to gain support for the plan of a Jewish state in Palestine” for 45 minutes which was an unusually lengthy Papal audience.

1917: “A quarter of a million dollars was raised for Jewish war sufferers” tonight “at the Hippodrome where Josef Rosenblatt, the Russian cantor gave his first concert in New York under the auspices of the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering the War.”

1917: In St. Louis, a mass meeting attended by 20,000 people honoring the visiting members of France’s War Mission, come to a “dramatic climax when Rabbi Bernstein of St. Joseph declared in his speech: ‘I am thankful that the time has come when I and my brothers as Jews may enter this war, even as an ally of Russia.’”

1917: In New York City, the Jewish Morning Journal received a cable from Viscount James Bryce, the former British Ambassador to the United States” announcing “himself as being strongly in favor of the establishment of a Jewish nation in Palestine.”

1918: It was announced today that Felix Warburg had resigned as a member of the Advisory Board of the United States Junior Naval Reserve, an organization which advertises itself as an organization dedicated to the training of American boys for sea service.

1919: In Roswell, NM, “Solomon Tarlow” and “Audra Gertrude Canatsey Brown” gave birth to Mildred Elizabeth Tarlow who became Mildred Wooldridge when she married Walter Olan Woolridge.

1919: In Chicago, the Temple Judea Woman’s Club is scheduled to meet this afternoon at the Community Center.

1919: The 10th annual exhibition of the Athletic Department of the Chicago Hebrew Institute which showcased the skills of “over 100 boys” who have returned from military service, continued for second day

1920(18thof Iyar, 5680): Lag B’Omer observed for the last time during the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson.

1921: In Palestine, riots that began on May 1 come to an end according to official reports. Outbreaks of Arab riots had taken place in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, and various Jewish settlements. Writer Yosef Chaim Brenner was among the victims in Jaffa. A total of 47 Jews (45 alone in a hostel for new immigrants in Jaffa) and 48 Arabs were killed in the disturbances. The wounded numbered 146 Jews and 73 Arabs. The government appointed a commission of inquiry, headed by Chief Justice of Palestine Sir W. Haycraft to investigate the causes of the riots.

1922(8thof Iyar, 5682): Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim

1922: Rabbi Joseph Stoltz conducted Shabbat morning services to at Isaiah Temple in Chicago.

1923: In New Canaan, CT, clothing store owner Morris Yudain and the former Berta Jaffa gave birth to Sidney Lawrence Yudain, “who created what he called a community newspaper — Roll Call— for what he called “the most important community in the world, probably” — Congress.” (As reported Bruce Weber)

1926: Birthdate of Heinrich Theodor Hirsch, the native of Berlin who escaped to England in 1938 with the Kindertansport where he developed the talent that made him the actor David Hurst.

1926: Birthdate of Martin Terry Fuss, the native of Cleveland, Ohio, who gained fame as “matinee idol” and movie producer Ross Hunter whose film credits included “Pillow Talk,” “Magnificent Obsession” and “Back Street.”

1927: In Los Angeles, first screening of “7th Heaven” a silent film with a screenplay by Irish born Jew Benjamin Glazer and produced by William Fox.

1928: Birthdate of Montreal native Moses “Moe” Laufer “a pioneer of adolescent psychoanalysis and the founder of one of the long-standing institutions for young people in England, the Brent Centre for Young People, in north-west London.”


1928: The 92nd Street Y.M.H.A. soccer team defeated the Hebrew Americans 4 to 1 in the final game of the third division of the Empire State League at Starlight Park.

1930: Birthdate of Mordechai "Motta" Gur the Jerusalem native who rose to the rank of Lt. General in the IDF and became the 10th Chief of Staff of the IDF

1932: This morning, Dr. Jonah B. Wise, the rabbi at Central Synagogue in Manhattan is scheduled to officiate at the funeral service for sixty-five year old Lee Kamioner, the native of Germany, Colorado silver miner and Denver clothing merchant and Democratic Alderman who at the age of thirty came to New York where he founded the Hub Clothing Company, became a real estate owner and a philanthropist supporting the Convalescent Homer for Hebrew Children.

1934: Under the leadership of executive secretary Dave White “the Maccabi organization in New York city” is scheduled to host a track and field meet today.

1935: Twelve year old Yehudit Ya’avetz, who had left Germany for Palestine 18 months ago wrote a letter to the British Monarch, King George V.

1936(14thof Iyar, 5696): Pesach Sheni

1936: In Frankfort, Germany, “a young Jewish salesman was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for having accosted an ‘Aryan’ woman” even though “the court held that although no intimate relations had occurred, the Jew had ‘insulted’ the German nation by his aggressive attitude in attempting to make the woman’s acquaintance.”

1936: In France, the second of two rounds of elections produced a solid triumph for the Populist Front which meant that Leon Blum would become France’s first “authentically Socialist prime minister” and the first Jewish Prime Minister as well.  This would lead to the fusing of “anti-Semitism with paramilitary fascism” which would see its final fruits in the quick fall of France to the Germans and the rise of Vichy.

1936: Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, the High Commissioner, left for a three day visit to the Sinai which he cut short so that he could return to Jerusalem to deal with the on-going Arab rebellion.

1937(25th of Iyyar, 5697): Mrs. Effie Wise Ochs, widow of Adolph S. Ochs, late publisher of The New York Times, died shortly after 9 o'clock this morning at her home, "Hillandale," on North Street, White Plains. Her death followed a heart attack.

1938: The Palestine Postreported that the British Army started a widespread search for Arab terrorists, their arms and ammunition in the so-called "Triangle of the Arab Terror," including Kalkilya, Taibe, Tulkarm, Azzun, Umm el Fahm and Jenin.

1938: Birthdate of Abraham David Sofaer, the native of Bombay, India, the New York University graduate whose distinguished career included serving for six years “a federal judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

1938: The Palestine Postreported that in Jerusalem a bomb was thrown at a Jewish bus near Lifta and there was an exchange of fire at Beit Hakerem.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that A wide prominence was given to the proposed alterations in the original Palestine Partition plan, as suggested and accompanied by extensive explanations by James A. Macdonald, British member of the Parliament.

1938: The Palestine Postreported that Charles Weiss, an anti-Nazi journalist, was badly beaten and injured by Nazis in his New York office.

1939: “Confessions of a Nazi Spy” a movie whose title describes the plot line, directed by Anatole Litvak, produced by Hal Wallis and Jack L. Warner, starring Edward G. Robinson and Francis Ledere with music by Max Steiner, was released in the United States today.

1940: Birthdate of Murray Sidlin, the Baltimore, Maryland native who was the conductor the National Symphony Orchestra from 1973 to 1977.

1940: Birthdate of Harvey Jerome Goldschmid, the Bronx native and Columbia Law School Graduate who was named to the Security and Exchange Commission by George Bush.


 1940: Today, Private Charles Abelson of Montreal enlisted in the Canadian Army where he served in the “Dental Corps.

1941: "Armed Iraqi rioters attacked one of the main Jewish hospitals in Baghdad, the Meir Elias Hospital.  The building was looted; the pharmacist shot dead, the hospital accountant gravely wounded and the doctors and administrative staff taken to prison.  After the President of the Jewish community, Chief Rabbi Sasson Khedouri, intervened, the Inspector-General of Police ordered the Jews released and the rioters arrested." (In Ishmael's House by Martin Gilbert)

1942: Lieutenant General Jonathan Wainwright surrendered forces under his command at Corregidor in the Philippines. Among those who surrendered was Second Lieutenant Samuel Abraham Goldblith, the MIT graduate who survived the cruelty of Japanese imprisonment and went on to became a famous food scientist.

1942: In Buenos Aires, “Adolf Dorfman, who was born in Odessa (then Russian Empire) to a well-to-do Jewish family, and became a prominent Argentine professor of economics and the author of Historia de la Industria Argentina, and Fanny Zelicovich Dorfman, who was born in Kishinev of Bessarabian to author and human rights activist Ariel Dorman


1942: Six hundred delegates from 18 countries met today at the New York Biltmore Hotel for the opening session of the Biltmore Conference, one of the pivotal meetings in the history Zionism which would produce the Biltmore Program.

1943(1st of Iyar, 5703): Seventy-eight year old Chaim Zhitlowsk, author, socialist, Jewish nationalist and advocate for Yiddish & Yiddish culture, passed away.


1943:  Ayn Rand’s novel The Fountainhead was published.


1943: Hajj Amin al-Husseini, grand mufti of Jerusalem, suggested to the Bulgarian foreign minister that Bulgarian-Jewish children should be sent to Poland rather than to Palestine. The Grand Mufti spent much of World War II in Berlin as a guest of the Nazis.

1944: “The Adventures of Mark Twain” a biopic directed by Irving Rapper, produced by Jesse L. Lasky and with music by Max Steiner was released today in the United States.

1945: A death march from Schwarzheide, Germany, to Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia, that began on April 18 halts at Leitmeritz, Czechoslovakia.


1945: Nazi leader and Hitler's second-in-command, Hermann Göring, surrendered to Carl Andrew Spaatz who was the commander of the operational United States Air Forces in Europe, along with his wife and daughter at the Germany-Austria border

1945: General Hermann Niehoff, the commandant of Breslau, a 'fortress' city surrounded and besieged for months, surrendered to the Soviets

1945: At the newly liberated Dachau Concentration Camp “several hundred Greek, Serbian and Russian prisoners” celebrated Pascha, Orthodox Easter, as free people.

1946: In his speech tonight at a dinner of the Committee on Unity for Palestine of the Zionist Organization of America, Nathan Straus III “expressed confidence that Arab obstacles could be overcome through the continued improvement of education and living standards that Jewish immigration will bring.”

1947: David Ben-Gurion completes a five week round of meeting with dozens of Jewish military commanders which will later be described as a “systematic investigation” of the Yishuv’s ability to withstand the military onslaught it could expect from the surrounding Arab nations if the British decided to leave.

1947: David Ben Gurion meets with Professor Yochana Ratner of the Technion in an attempt to further evaluate the readiness of the Haganah and the Palmach to fight a conventional war against invading Arab armies.

1947: In New York City Betty Warren and George Craven gave birth to philosopher Martha Nussbaum. Martha Nussbaum is the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics. She received her B.A. (1969) from NYU and her M.A. (1971) and Ph.D. (1975) from Harvard. She has taught at Harvard, Brown, and Oxford Universities.

1947: Sixteen year old Alexander Rubowitz, a member of Lehi was arrested by members of the British counter-terrorism unit while he was in the process of distributing Lehi flyers in Jerusalem's Rehavia neighborhood. Roy Farran, a member of the British unit, reportedly beat the Jewish youth to death with a rock as he was being driven towards Jericho. Farran was court-martialed but acquitted and always denied killing the boy.

1948: An emergency meeting was convened to deal with reports of a typhoid epidemic in Acre

1948: The 12th Battalion of the Golani Brigade captured the village of Shajara.

1948: Modi Alon left Sde Dov, the airport that was home to the fledgling IAF, for Czechoslovakia where he learned to fly the Avia, a Czech version of the ME-109, the pride of the Luftwaffe. 

1948: The main Palmach assault to secure the town of Safed began. The Arab Liberation Army responded by bringing up artillery pieces (the Jews had none) with which they shelled the ancient Jewish quarter of the town.  The British offered to negotiate a truce that would have allowed the Jewish women and children to leave and effectively paved the way for Arab victory.  The Jews rejected the offer and the fighting would begin again in four days.

1949: “The Rothschild Hospital and the Arzberg school, the only available Jewish center in Vienna were filled to overflowing” today, because of the arrival of two thousand Jews who had “fled from Hungary and Czechoslovakia…”

1952: Abba Khoushy, Mayor of Haifa was greeted at New York’s Idlewild Airport by New York City official Grover Whalen.  Khoushy is beginning a five-week long speaking tour designed to raise $500,000,000 in Bonds for Israel. 

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported that the Treasury introduced a new system of granting eighty per cent export premiums for some industries.

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported that the U.S. President Eisenhower's Administration announced that while $194m. were earmarked for the economic help to the Middle East, the aid depended on the peace in the area. Israel was promised "off the record" to receive a fair share of this allocation.

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported that the North African Immigrants' Association accused the Jewish Agency of preventing over one million and a half of North African Jews from reaching Israel.

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported that Israel and Argentina had raised their missions to the rank of Embassies and exchanged Ambassadors.

1953: At today’s meeting HUAC, Lionel Stander "pretended that he was going to cooperate, but mocked the witch hunters instead."

1954: Birthdate of Russian volleyball player and Olympic medalist Natalia Kushnir

1954: “Executive Suite” a must see movie for anybody who wants to understand some of the driving forces behind Corporate America in the middle of the 20th century or who wants a deeper understanding of how to lead, and not lead, people” with a brilliant script by Ernest Lehman and featuring Shelly Winters as “Eva Bardeman” was released today in the United States by MGM.

1955: President Eisenhower attends the dedication of the Washington Hebrew Congregation.  (Ike was late for the ceremony.)

1956(25th of Iyar, 5716): Fifty-nine year old New York native and NYU Law School Nathan S. Sachs, the president of the retail furniture chain Sachs Quality Stores and Jewish philanthropist who was active in the Jewish Conciliation Board of America and the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies passed away today.


1955: “The Prodigal” written by Maurice Zimm, featuring Joseph Wiseman as “Carmish and filmed by cinematographer Joseph Ruttenberg was released today in the United States.

1956(25th of Iyar, 5716): Fifty-nine year old New York born and NYU trained attorney, Nathan S. Sachs who followed in his father’s footsteps to become “president of Sachs Quality Stores, Inc.” while being an active member of the Jewish community as could be seen by his work with “the Jewish Conciliation Board” and “distribution committee of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies” while raising four children – Charles, Martin, Sylvia and Rosalie” with his wife Lillian, passed away today.


1962(2nd of Iyar, 5722): Twenty-three year old Lieutenant Yakir Naveh went missing when the plane he was flying “broke up over the sea of Galilee.”  Although progress has been made, his body has never been recovered. (As reported by Tova Dvorin)

1962(2nd of Iyar, 5722): Two days before Yom HaZikaron IAF cadet Oded Koton died when the plane in which he was flying “broke up over the Sea of Galilee.”


1962(2nd of Iyar, 5722): Margalit Sharon, the wife of Ariel Sharon is killed in a highway accident when driving from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.

1963: The Pulitzer Prize was awarded to Barbara Tuchman for The Guns of August, a history of the event surrounding the summer of 1914 and the start of World War I.  Briskly written and well-researched, Ms. Tuchman provided an insight into how Europe stumbled into catastrophe.  At the height of the Cold War, President Kennedy insisted that his advisors read this volume.  He saw it as a cautionary tale whose lessons could help America from stumbling into World War III.  Tuchman was born in New York in 1912.  She was the granddaughter of Henry Morgenthau, Sr., Woodrow Wilson's Ambassador to Turkey.  Educated at Radcliffe College, Tuchman began writing as a magazine correspondent for the Nation, a publication owned by her father.  Tuchman's skills as a historian led her to a second Pulitzer Prize when she wrote about General Stillwell and the American Experience in China. 

1964: Birthdate of David Nirenberg Deborah R. and Edgar D. Jannotta Distinguished Service Professor of Medieval History and Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago and author of Anti-Judaism: The Western Tradition




1965: The Homestead Independent reported that Jewish “financier Arthur Courshon had joined hands with Juanita Castro, Fidel Castro's sister, in the formation of the Marta Abreu Foundation, designed to aid Cuban refugees and particularly Cuban refugee children. Courshon, chairman of the Board of the Washington Federal Savings and Loan Association, will be a director of the Foundation.” Courson is better known as the Jewish developer who conceived the concept of condominium apartments in Florida.

1968(8th of Iyar, 5728): Seventy-nine-year-old Austrian born Charles Katz who in 1907 came to the United States where he joined A. Hollander and Son, the fur process firm for which he became the manager of the Persian lamb division while raising three children – Stanley, Leonard and Dorothy – with is wife the “former Therese Reif” passed away today “in a nursing home in Livingston, N.J.

1968: In Paris, the march of the national student union marked the start of a series of protests during which Bernard Kouchner “ran the medical faculty strike committee at the Sorbonne.”

1969(18thof Iyar, 5729): Lag B’Omer was observed for the first time of the Presidency of Richard Nixon.

1972(22ndof Iyar, 5732): Thirty-nine year old Donald Pritzker, a scion of the Pritker family, the husband of ‘Sue Sandal and the father of Penny, Anthony and Jay Robert Pritzker died of a heart attack “while playing tennis at a Hyatt Hotel (a Pritzker property) in Honolulu.

1975(25thof Iyar, 5735): Ninety-one old Sefton Louis Cullen the son Rebecca and George Judah Cohen and the husband of Nancy Cullen, passed away today in his native New South Wales, Australia.

1975: “Larry Blyden the production of ‘Absurd Person Singular’ after he was hired to host a new game show” just three weeks before he was in an automobile accident that would eventually result in his death.

1976(6th of Iyar, 5736): Seventy-seven-seven- year-old Ukrainian born Rabbi Bernard Heller who was educated at Columbia, Hebrew Union College, the University of Michigan and the Jewish Theological Seminary and who combined leading congregations in places as varied as Scranton, PA and Bombay, India while also serving as a Hillel leader passed away today.


1977(18thof Iyar, 5737): Lag B’Omer

1977(18thof Iyar, 5737): Sixty-three New York native Walter Zand, the son of Morris and Bessie Zand and the husband of Estelle Zand who served on the faculty of the University of Miami and was active in the B’nai B’rith and the American Jewish committee passed away today in Miami.

1979(8thof Iyar, 5739): Eighty-five year old composer Milton Anger passed away today in California.


1980(20thof Iyar, 5740: Seventy nine year old Arthur Levitt, passed away. He was the New York State comptroller from 1955 to 1978, whose nonpartisan dedication, thrift with public funds and relentless criticism of fiscal chicanery endeared him to voters, who returned him to office five times with huge majorities; in New York City. A Brooklyn lawyer and nominal Democrat, Levitt served under four Governors, tightening the state's auditing procedures, including "performance audits" of state agencies, and eventually giving his office prestige and power virtually beyond politics. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,924120,00.html#ixzz2SNp5SgKm

1981(2ndof Iyar, 5741): Yom HaZikaron

1982: ABC broadcast the final episode of the fourth season of “Taxi” starring Judd Hirsch.

1983: Pitcher Bob Tufts, who had originally been drafted by the San Francisco Giants, played his last major league baseball game as a member of the Kansas Royals. He converted to Judaism while playing baseball.

1983: The Hitler diaries are revealed as a hoax after examination by experts.

1983: “The Sandglass,” based on the story ''The Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass,'' opened at the Thalia in New York City.

1984(4thof Iyar, 5744): Yom HaZikaron

1984: In describing Chablis, France, “the land beyond the label,” Frank Lewis and Paul Prial remind us the Jewish connection with this part of France and the making of fine wines. “The well-preserved medieval wine merchants' houses on the Rue des Juifs, just before the towers of the Porte No"el, show how widely spread the Jewish community was in those days. And the 11th-century Talmudic scholar Rashi lived only 20 miles away at Troyes.”

1986(27th of Nisan, 5746): Yom HaShoah

1987: In “Jerusalem Journal: A Reverent Monument or a Monumental Error,” Thomas Friedman described the controversy surrounding a Holocaust memorial that has been built on top of a yeshiva next to the Wailing Wall under the direction of former Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren.

1988: “Shakedown” an action film directed and written by James Glickenhaus, the son of financier Seth Glickenhaus who founded Glickenhaus & Co was released today in the United States.

1988: Sophie Masloff completed her service as the President of the Pittsburgh City Council.

1988: Sophie Masloff began serving as the 56th Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA.

1988(19thof Iyar, 5748): Eighty-four year old Viennese born American pathologist and hepatologist Hans Popper passed away today.


1990(11thof Iyar, 5750): Ninety-three year old photographer Johanna Alexandra “Lotte” Jacobi passed away in Deering, New Hampshire.



1990: “Once on This Island a one-act musical with a book and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens opened today at Off-Broadway's Playwrights Horizon.

1992: NBC broadcast the final episode of season three of “Seinfeld.”1993(15thof Iyar, 5753): Eighty-four year old socialist, Zionist and long time member of the House of Commons passed away today.




1994(25thof Iyar, 5754): Sixty-seven year old Brooklyn born actor Frederick Edward “Fred” Sadoff passed away today.


1994(25thof Iyar, 5754): Eighty-six year old English painter and “director of the Beaux Arts Gallery in London” passed away today.



1994(25th of Iyar, 5754): Eighty-one year Rabbi Moshe David Rosen Romania's chief rabbi who became a rabbi in 1939 and was named Chief Rabbi in 1948 passed away today. He served in the Romanian Parliament and was the undisputed leader of the Jewish community.  He worked diligently to enable the Jews of Romania to immigrate to Israel while also making considerable effort to improve their lot under the Communist government.  It should be remember, that Romania was the only Eastern Bloc country that did not break relations with Israel after the Six Day War

1999: NBC broadcast the final episode for season two of “Veronica’s Closes” a sitcom created by Marta Kauffman, featuring Ron Silver “as Alec Bilson, Veronica’s business partner and rival.”

2000(1stof Iyar, 5760): Parashat Kedoshm; Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2000: It was reported today that “Representatives of Swiss commercial banks and Holocaust survivors are expected to present the final details of a $1.25 billion restitution settlement to a federal judge next week after two of the largest banks agreed to give the survivors' lawyers access to databases containing information on 2.1 million Nazi-era accounts, the lead lawyer for the survivors said”.

2001: Bruce Fleisher won the Home Depot Invitational for the second time in two years.

2001: The Santorini set sail from northern Beirut carrying weapons for terrorists in Gaza.

2001: Dr. Robert Levy calls D.C. police from his home in Modesto, California, to report that his daughter Chandra has not been heard from in five days.

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Staying Tuned: A Life in Journalism by Daniel Schorr and Displaced Persons: Growing Up American After the Holocaust by Joseph Berger.

2002: “Yiddish, once on the verge of oblivion, is passing a 21st-century milestone today” when “as a result of a four-year digitization project and print-on-demand technology, a literature that thrived from 1864 to 1939 will suddenly become proportionally the most in-print literature on the planet” mean that “readers will be able to go to a Web site (www.yiddishbooks.org) and order any of 12,000 titles in Yiddish.

2003(4thof Iyar, 5763): Yom HaZikaron

2003: US soldiers from the Army’s Mobile Exploration Team Alpha, along with members of the Iraqi National Congress (INC), descended into the flooded basement of the bombed-out Department of General Intelligence in Baghdad. Although the team’s job was to search for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, that day the soldiers were acting on a tip provided to the INC by a former Iraqi intelligence official that an old Jewish Talmud lay deep within the building. The Americans decided that finding such a valuable cultural artifact merited diverting the army team from its normal task. Although they did not find the Talmud, they did discover something else: a Torah scroll along with thousands of manuscripts, documents and books dealing with Iraq’s Jewish community. What they had found were the archives of two offices within the General Intelligence Department: the Israel-Palestine and Jewish Sections.The waterlogged documents consisted largely of items that were confiscated from synagogues and libraries after the mass exodus of the Iraqi Jewish community in the 1950s. With the permission of the interim Iraqi Ministry of Culture, the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) had the damaged documents frozen and shipped to Texas, whereupon they were freeze-dried and sent to the National Archives in College Park, Maryland for restoration and preservation. Archivists originally estimated that it would cost between $1,525,000 and $3,000,000 to restore the materials.[16] As they were not official government documents, the National Archives solicited private funds to aid in the process. Donors were hesitant to commit, however, because of the uncertain future of the manuscripts. The future of these religious artifacts thus remains in limbo. Doris Hamburg, the National Archives official who was overseeing their restoration, stated in late 2007 that the American government had taken the documents with “the expectation of the return of the materials to Iraq,” but final arrangements for their repatriation have yet to be made. However legitimate WOJI’s campaign may be, making a public claim to Jewish communal assets is certain to stir up considerable opposition in Iraq. The fact that Israelis play a major role in WOJI will only add fuel to that fire. In fact, the prospect of Jewish property compensation and Jews buying up land in Iraq already has engendered a hostile reaction. Rumors of “foreign Jews” (presumably former Iraqi citizens) seeking to buy land were rife in Iraq in mid-2003. Sunni Muslim clerics in Mosul issued a fatwa in July 2003 forbidding the sale of real estate to non-Iraqis for fear it might end up in Jewish hands.[18] Exiled Shi‘i cleric Ayatollah Kazim al-Husayni al-Ha’iri issued a fatwa in June 2003 from Qom, Iran demanding death for any Jew seeking to buy land in Iraq.[19] And in late 2003 and early 2004, the Iraqi Turkmen Front claimed that Kurdish Jews in Israel were repurchasing their former properties with the help of the Kurdish Credit Bank.[20] The veracity of these reports aside, they indicate the depth of hostility to Jews seeking the restitution of properties abandoned long ago. http://www.merip.org/mer/mer248/fischbach.html

2004: The body of twenty-year old Marine Corporal Dustin Schrage was found today after the soldier disappeared with his team May 3 while swimming across the Euphrates River in the Al Anbar province. (As reported by Jane Eisner)

2004(15th of Iyar, 5764): Barney Kessel, be-bop guitarist passed away at the age of 60.

2004: “Malpopita” a Walter Goehr opera that was supposed to have been broadcast in the 1930’s was performed today for the first time in Berlin.

2004: After ten seasons, NBC broadcast the final episode of “Friends” the sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman and starring Lisa Kudrow and David Schwimmer.

2004: Lea Fastow a former Enron assistant treasurer and the wife of Andy Fastow, “pled guilty to a misdemeanor tax charge and was sentenced to one year in a federal prison in Houston, and an additional year of supervised release.”

2004: In entitled “Meanwhile: The Jewish Ghosts of Salonika” published today Ari L. Goldman examines modern Greek attitudes towards Jews and Israel against a backdrop of this once thriving Jewish community that disappeared in the Holocaust.


A century ago this beautiful port city on the Aegean Sea was bristling with Jewish life. There were synagogues, Jewish social clubs, a vibrant Hebrew language press and institutions of Jewish learning. The city was a world center of Sephardic Jewry. Half the city was Jewish and for many years the port was even closed to commerce on Saturdays in observance of the Jewish Sabbath. But that rich Jewish life came to an abrupt end when Nazi Germany rolled into Salonika in 1943 and carried 50,000 Jews away to death camps. Ninety-seven percent were killed. Barely a word of protest was heard from fellow Greek citizens.I thought of the ghosts of that decimated community while visiting Greece on a lecture tour. I came to talk about the subjects I know best — religion and journalism — but the subject of Jews kept coming up. As an American Jewish academic traveling in Europe, I expected that I would get angry questions about U.S. foreign policy, especially the war in Iraq and President George W. Bush's support for the Israeli government of Ariel Sharon. But I didn't expect the anger would be directed toward Jews. "Don't you think that American Jews have too much power?" one well-dressed man challenged me at a university-sponsored dinner in Athens. "They control everything. They control Bush. They control America. It's got to be stopped." The next night I spoke at the University of Athens. One professor grilled me on what he called the "strange" alliance between Jews and Evangelical Christians in support of Israel. The following day here in Salonika, another professor called the Christian Zionists hypocrites for their support of Israeli policies. "How can they profess a religion of love and at the same time support 'targeted killings' of Palestinians?" he asked. "There is also Jewish love," I told the professor. "But this isn't about love or hate, it's about survival." The Jewish Museum of Salonika tells the story of a community that did not survive. It is a small but impressive place. On the first floor there are the remnants of the Jewish cemetery, complete with headstones with Hebrew writing and photographs of Jewish women visiting the graves. On the second level a timeline shows that the community's roots goes back to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492. Jews found refuge in this city by the sea. Over the next 400 years they thrived here. Most of the museum is dedicated to the glory that was Jewish Salonika. There are photographs and religious artifacts. The humiliation and destruction of the Jews is limited to one room, which includes documents of expulsion, the uniform of the death camp inmates and objects of everyday life taken from the dead: shoes, combs and glasses. At the museum entrance there is an armed guard, a steel gate and a buzzer system. The museum director said the museum gets few visitors these days, especially after the bomb attacks on two synagogues in Istanbul in 2003 in which 20 people were killed. "People are afraid," she said.What a pity. After all the hatred I've heard from European academics, I would love to bring a few here to Salonika to show them what Jews without political power look like.


2005(27th of Nisan, 5765): Yom Hashoah

2005: Ruth Laredo gave “her last ‘Concert with Commentary’” today.

2005: Malcolm Rifkind began serving as the Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensins.

2006:The body of 20 year old Cpl. Dustin H. Schrage’s was found today.  He had disappeared three days earlier while swimming across the Euphrates River in Iraq’s Al Anbar Province. “Dustin Schrage was so funny, he could have been a standup comic, his mother told The Associated Press. Schrage, a native of Indian Harbour Beach, Fla., loved to play video games and listen to punk rock music, and was always making everyone laugh. “He was the comedian of the family. He was a ham. He was very well respected and well liked,” Nina Schrage said, describing her son. “Dustin always seems to be able to squeeze laugh out of his teachers and his parents,” Rabbi Zvi Konikov told AP reporters. “His laughter and confidence made him a leader.” Schrage joined the Marines after graduating from Satellite High School, a step toward his ultimate career goal of becoming a police SWAT member. (As reported in Forward)

2006: Israeli pilots and planes participate in The Volcanex 2006 exercise which is held in cooperation with the European Air Group as part of the Italian Air Force exercise Spring Flag begins in Decimomannu, Italy. The EAG was established to further develop the collaboration between British and French air forces in the first Gulf War. It now has seven member nations.  Sweden had withdrawn from the event to protest the participation of the Israelis.

2007 (18th of Iyar, 5767): Lag B’Omer2007: At the Jewish Museum of Maryland in Baltimore, Maryland an exhibition styled The Mikvah Project opens. The Mikvah Project documents the resurgence and expanded practice of the ancient and private Jewish ritual bath. This haunting exhibition creates a multi-faceted picture of contemporary mikvah practice as told by the women themselves. The Mikvah Project is a traveling exhibition created by photographer Janice Rubin and writer Leah Lax. According to the Houston Chronicle,” The clarity of the water, the delicate toning of the photographs, and the crisp (but unrevealing) definition of the feminine bodies conspire to soothe the eye. This show is not to be missed."

2007: “Howard Katz” Patrick Marber’s “tense new drama” about a failed secular Jewish showbiz agent closes its run at the Laura Pels Theatre in New York.

2007: The Sunday Washington Post book section featured a review of The Americanist, a memoir by Harvard professor Daniel Aaron.

2007: The New York Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry From Muslim and Christian Spain, 950-1492 translated, edited and introduced by Peter Cole and the recently released paperback edition of Everyman by Philip Roth.

2007:  Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, sponsors the annual Big Dinner, a major fund raising and gastronomic event for the entire community.

2007: Liilian “Wald, the so-called “Jewish Florence Nightingale,” will be inducted into the Jewish-American Hall of Fame today on the kickoff of National Nurses Week.

2007 (18th of Iyyar, 5767): Theodore Maiman, the physicist who built the first working laser in the United States passed away at the age of 79.

2008(1st of Iyar, 5768: Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2008: In Washington, D.C., Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Tony Horwitz discusses and signs his new book, A Voyage Long and Strange: Rediscovering the New World.

2008: The Lauder School of Government at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya hosts a special roundtable entitled "The Energy Challenges of the 21st Century." The panel, which will convene on the IDCHerzliya campus, consists of top energy experts from Israel and the United States. The roundtable is followed by a signing ceremony establishing a joint cooperation agreement between the Lauder School of Government and the US Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory.

2008: Prior to Israel's 60th Independence Day, the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, in cooperation with the Remembering Organization, will conduct a symposium on the subject of "Bereavement, Terrorism and Decision Making in Israel."

2008: Israel pauses tonight to mourn its fallen soldiers, as the nation marks Remembrance Day and honors the memory of those who have lost their lives in defense of the state. 

2008:The Saul Steinberg: Illuminations travelling exhibition, which displays original Steinberg works at various museum and galleries around the world opens today at the Foundation Cartier-Bresson in Paris. Steinberg was a Romanian born cartoonists best known for his work in the New Yorker magazine.

2009:Heshey Friedman, the president of Montreal-based Polystar Plastics, Daniel Hirsch and Mitch Kirschner incorporated SHF, apparently for the sole purpose of buying Agrprocessors.

2009: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Hadassah Book Club meets to discuss “People of the Book” by Geraldine Brooks.

2009:The second annual Richard and Elizabeth Dubin Lecture, presented by the Joseph B. and Alma Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies features David Ignatius, journalist and Washington Postcolumnist in a discussion with Philip Merrill of the University of Maryland’s School Of Journalism entitled "The Middle East: Is Peace Imaginable?"

2009:Ayalet Waldman, author of the novel Daughter's Keeper as well as the “Mommy-Track mystery series,” discusses and signs her new memoir, Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities, and Occasional Moments of Grace at Politics and Prose in Washington, D.C.

2009:Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov said today thatThe Tourism Ministry will begin marketing the grave site of Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai as a tourist attraction to the haredi community.

2009(12 of Iyar, 5769): Seventy-nine year old talent broker Sam Cohn passed away today (As reported by Bruce Weber)


2010: Frank Zacharias “Zach” Robin Goldsmith began serving as a Member of Parliament for Richmond Park following the General Election held today.

2010: Rabbi Ben Mintz is scheduled to teach a course entitled “Women in the Apocrypha” featuring an Esther much different than the Esther we know from the Book of Esther; Hannah, mother of the seven martyred sons; Judith, seducer and slayer of Holofernes, enemy of the Jewish people; and Susanna, object of the gaze of the Elders at the Historic 6th& I Synagogue in Washington, D.C.

2010:Israeli singers, Pini Hadad & Nati Levi, are scheduled to perform at Club Passion in Brooklyn.

2010:Israel Police Inspector-General David Cohen and FBI Director Robert Mueller met today in Jerusalem

2011:Hazon's 2nd Annual California Bike Ride which raises money for cutting-edge Jewish environmental projects in the U.S. and Israel is scheduled to begin at 2 pm today at Westminster Woods in California.

2011: The Jewish Historical Society is schedule to present “Historic Eastern Market of Detroit with a Jewish Twist” where attendees will learn about the Market’s Jewish past, listen to stories about the Purple Gang and sample some of the foods unique to this Detroit institution.

2011: It was announced today that Filmmaker Ethan Coen, who with his brother Joel is responsible for the films "No Country for Old Men,""Fargo" and "The Big Lebowski," among others, will publish a book of poetry next year with Crown.

2011: In keeping with Broadway tradition, the lights of the theatres on Broadway were dimmed for one minute tonight in memory of Arthur Laurents who passed away yesterday. The Tony Award winner’s body of work includes “West Side Story,” “Gypsy,” La Cage aux Folles” and “Hallelujah, Baby!”

2011: It was not clear when a fuel crisis that has disrupted flights at Ben-Gurion International Airport would end, the airport's chief official said today, adding, however, that takeoffs and landings are resuming thanks to an emergency supply of fuel.

2012: The Omri Mor Trio featuring Jerusalem-based jazz pianist Omri Mor is scheduled to perform at the Guggenheim Museum in NYC.

2012: Guitarist, singer and songwriter Bob Rank is scheduled to perform a solo concert exploringcontributions of Jewish performers and songwriters who have influenced the great American musical traditions of blues, folk and rock at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in Beachwood, Ohio.

2012: Tulane Graduate and Brandies University Professor, Dr. Stephen Whitfield is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “Coming to America: The Jewish Impact & The Jewish Response” at the Jewish Museum of Florida.

2012: Dr. Sidney Katz, known for his work with the Index of Independence of Activities for Daily was buried today in his native Cleveland.


2012: In Olney, Maryland, Shaare Tefilla Congregation is scheduled to sponsor “Plant the Seeds of Song: A Community-Wide Erev Shira in Celebration of Yom Ha’Atzmout.”

2012: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to sponsor a Walking Tour of the Jewish Sites in Arlington National Cemetery that will include visits to memorial by or for Jews and headstones on prominent Jewish leaders buried at the oldest cemetery of its kind in the United States.

2012; Ron Arons is scheduled to address The Genealogy of Society of Greater Washington at Congregation Har Shalom in Potomac, MD

2012: The New York Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnsonby Robert Caro and Memoir of a Debulked Woman: Enduring Ovarian Cancerby Susan Gubar who is part of the Robert A. and Sandra S. Borns Jewish Studies Program at Indiana University.

2013: The American Jewish Historical Society and Yeshiva University Museum are scheduled to present “Jewish Women and the Civil War”

2013: “Defiant Requiem” is scheduled to be shown at the Washington DCJCC.


2013: The Canadian Friends of Hebrew University are scheduled to present the Key of Knowledge to actor Morgan Freemen “for his dedication to combating racism and ‘promoting knowledge and education worldwide.’”

2013: The Israel Defense Forces scaled back a drill in the north and the Northern Command head calmed fears today that the weekend airstrikes against Syria have brought the country to the brink of war.

2013: “Jew Bashing: The New Anti-Semitism,” a new, investigative documentary premieres tonight on Canadian television.

2013:Two rockets fired from Syrian territory exploded on the Golan Heights today, without causing casualties or damage, an IDF spokesperson said

2014: (6th of Iyar) Yom HaAtzma’ut (Israeli Independence Day)

2014:Rav Aharon Lichtenstein “was awarded the Israel Prize for Jewish Literature on Israeli Independence Day”

2014: “Next Year in Jerusalem” is scheduled to be shown at the 16thannual Lenore Marwil Jewish Film Festival

 2014: Publication of All the Light We Cannot See the Pulitzer Prize winning novel “set in occupied France during WW II that centers on a blind French girl and a German boy.”


2014: “The Outrageous Sophie Tucker” is scheduled to premiere at the 22nd Toronto Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “The Wonders” is scheduled to be shown at The National Center for Jewish Film’s 17th annual film festival

2014: “The Life of the Jews in Palestine: 1913/Operation Sunflower” is scheduled to be shown at The Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival

2014: “Cupcakes” directed by Israeli Eytan Fox is scheduled to be shown at the UK Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “Chasing Death Camp Guards With New Tools,” published today described renewed efforts by German prosecutors to bring Nazi concentration camp workers to justice.


2014: “Millions of Israelis crowded parks, nature sites, museums and army bases to celebrate the country’s 66th Independence Day today, forcing authorities to turn visitors away as some sites exceeded capacity.


2014: “Israel’s political and military leaders gathered in Jerusalem today morning to toast outstanding soldiers for Israel’s 66th Independence Day, with President Shimon Peres telling troops they will face challenges further afield than generations before them.

2014: Cornelius Gurlitt, “the German recluse who captured the art world’s attention last fall after it was revealed that he had kept hidden for decades a collection of 19th- and 20th-century European masterworks amassed by his father, Hildebrand Gurlitt, under the Nazis in his Munich apartment, died today.


2014: “Etian Amos, a Jewish teenager from Canada was this year’s winner of the International Bible Quiz which was held today as in every year at the Jerusalem Theatre on Israel’s Independence Day.


2015: Joshua Muravchik is scheduled to discuss his most recent book Making David Into Goliath at the Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center.

2015: Or Asraf, the Israeli backpacker who was killed in an earthquake in Nepal last month, is scheduled to be buried today “at the cemetery in his hometown of Lehavim.”

2015: “Forbidden Films” is scheduled to be shown at the 18th annual film festival sponsored by the National Center for Jewish Films.

2015: Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to converge on the village of Meron on the slopes of a Galilee mountain this evening where the tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is located and light bonfires “to mark the death of the second century rabbi” as part of the celebration of Lag B’Omer which begins tonight.

2015: Rabbi Lance J. Sussman is scheduled to present “Second Thoughts: American Jews and the Separation of Church and State Since 1976” at the National Museum of American Jewish History.

2015: In Washington, DC Theatre J is scheduled to host the opening night production of “The Call.”

2015: Funeral services for Susan “Suki” Cell, the widow of Dr. Donald Cell of Cornell College, are scheduled to be held this morning at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2016: A production of Wendy Kesselman’s adaptation of The Diary of Anne Franks directed by Mary Sullivan is scheduled to open tonight at The Giving Tree Theatre in Marion, Iowa

2016: “Using Walls, Floors, and Ceilings: Beatriz Milhazes” is scheduled to open at the Jewish Museum.


2016: An exhibition featuring the works of Roberto Burle Marx is scheduled to open at the Jewish Museum.


2017(10thof Iyar, 5777): Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim; Chapter 3 of Pirke Avot for more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2017: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host “Sabba Saturday” which is “filled traditional and non-traditional music, creative prayer, art, movement and more” as a way of providing a meaningful Shbbat experience for the whole family.

2017: As America prepares for today’s Kentucky Derby they are reminded of the 1936 Kentucky Derby which was a Jewish affair since the winner Bold Venture was owned by Morton Schwartz, trained by Max Hirsch and ridden by Ira Hanford.

2018: “The Legend of King Solomon” and “Assumed Identity” are scheduled to be shown at the Washington Jewish Film Festival.

2018: “Shalom Bollywood: The Untold Story of Indian Cinema” is scheduled to be shown at the Toronto Jewish Film Festival

2018: In Iowa, the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines is scheduled to host a screening of “Remember Baghdad” in which “Iraq’s last Jews tell the story of their country.”

2018: The New York Times included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Something Wonderful: Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Broadway Revolutionby Todd S. Purdum and The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Voteby Elaine Weiss

2018: In New Orleans, Temple Sinai is scheduled to host its annual Blood Drive.

2018: In Washington, DC, 20 minutes of MOE BERG: ALL-STAR ESPIONAGE? a work-in-progress film is scheduled to be shown, followed by a discussion with director Aviva Kempner, intelligence analyst Richard Willing, and Henry "Hank" Thomas, biographer of Walter Johnson (and his grandson).

2019: The Chabad Jewish Center in Metairie, LA is scheduled to host the Rosh Chodesh Society, “a monthly night out where “women of all walks of life” can “enjoy an evening of camaraderie.””

2019: The “UJA-Federation of New York and The Jewish Week with Natan, and Park Avenue Synagogue” are scheduled to host an evening with Matti Friedman, “author of the award winning book Spies of No Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel, Journalist, and contributor to The New York Times op-ed section and Dr. Mijal Bitton, a Fellow in Residence at the Shalom Hartman Institute and the Rosh Kehilla of the Downtown Minyan.”

2019” The Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center is scheduled to host Rabbi David Wolpe as he speaks on “Punishment and Death Penalty” offering insights into the issue “from Jewish sages, Jewish text and Jewish history.”

2019: In Walnut Creek, CA, Congregation B’nai Tikvah is scheduled to present “Prosecuting Evil,” “a documentary about the youngest prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials” followed by a discussion led by “law professor Amos Guiora.

2019: Today, former Trump attorney and fixer Michael Cohen began serving his three year prison term today.


2019: In New York, Ali Kourani, a “sleeper agent” for Hezbollah, the organization responsible for “the 1983 truck bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beiruit,” the “torture and murder of Beirut CIA station chief William Buckley, the deaths of “19 U.S. Air Force personnel during the Kohbar Towers bombing” and the killing of several hundred Israelis” among other things, is scheduled to go on trial today.


2019(1stof Iyar, 5779): Rosh Chodesh Iyar; for more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2019: As Jews mark Rosh Chodesh Iyar, we, and all decent people, mourn those killed this weekend by terrorist rockets fired from Gaza – Pinchas Menachem Prezuazman, 21 from Ashdod; Moshe Feder, 68, from Kfar Saba; Moshe Agadi, 58, from Ashkelon and Ziad Alhamamda.

2020: Via Zoom, from Pepper Pike, OH, B’nai Jeshurun is scheduled to present “Mishnah: The New Scripture” during which Rabbi Alan Lettofsky offers new insights into this “core text of our Jewish foundations.

2020: As Israelis arise this morning they will be confronted with the reality that at least 238 patients have died from coronavirus even as the country continues to “open up.”

2020: Live on Zoom, The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present “Historians of the Jews and the Making of Plague Memory.”

2020: The Vilna Shul, Boston’s Center for Jewish Culture is scheduled to a host a virtual presentation of Jewish Meditation and Movement

2020: The Hadassah Brandeis Institute is scheduled to host a virtual conversation with Rachel Barenbaum author of A Bend in the Stars.

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to present on-line Rabbi Joseph Skloot as he lectures on “Alienation and Connection-Turning to Martin Buber at a Time of Crisis,” a novel that follows an ambitious young doctor and her scientist brother in a race against Einstein to solve one of the greatest mysteries of the universe while the forces of antisemitism close in around them.”

2020: “At 7 PM eastern, Jewish Currents is scheduled to host a livestreamed discussion of the recent efforts at unionization in Amazon warehouses and the implications for the wider labor movement in the Covid-19 era, moderated by contributing writer Rachel Cohen.”


2021: A host of Jewish organizations, including the New Israel Fund and The Kitchen S.F., are scheduled to present a program on the power of art in social change, with photojournalist Oren Ziv, musician and DJ Ellyott Ben Ezer and Jerusalem-based DJ Ramzi.

2021: The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston is scheduled to present, online,

“COVID’s Impact on Under-Resourced Communities in Israel” with Times of Israelcorrespondent Nathan Jeffay/

2021Shalom Bayit, a Jewish domestic violence prevention/awareness organization, is scheduled to present a virtual gala with Rep. Jackie Speier and Ms. founding editor Letty Cottin Pogrebin,

2021: In a sign of the slow process to return to more normal times, in Columbus, OH, today is the last day to sign up for Shabbat morning services to be held in-person on May 8 at Tifereth Israel.

2021: In Iowa, the Jewish Federation of the Corridor is scheduled to host “a panel discussion about Israel and peace with the Palestinians and Arab nations in a changing world.”

2021: The Ninth International Writers Festival in Jerusalem is scheduled to come to an end today.

2021: As “part of Rewind, a series on Jewish women filmmakers from the Stanford Taube Center for Jewish Studies, Adam Nayman, the author of It Doesn’t Suck: Showgirls is scheduled to reappraise “flops” by acclaimed filmmakers Elaine May (“Ishtar”) and Nora Ephron (“This Is My Life”). Part of Rewind, a series on Jewish women filmmakers from Stanford Taube Center for Jewish Studies.



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