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This Day, November 11, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


November 11

603 BCE (7th of Kislev): King Jehoiakim burned the scroll which had been dictated by the prophet Jeremiah to Barcuh ben Heriah.

518 BCE: A delegation of Babylonian Jews arrived in Jerusalem to inquire from the prophet Zechariah whether the fast of Av should be discontinued (Zechariah 7:1)

1050: Birthdate of Henry IV, who as Holy Roman Emperor took steps to protect his Jewish subjects.  For example, Henry granted the request of Moses ben Guthiel, leader of the Jewish community of Speyer that Jews who had been forcibly converted by marauding Crusaders be allowed to renounce the vow and return to Judaism without penalty. This and other such protective measures set him at odds with various leaders of the Church.

1155: Birthdate of King Alfonso VIII of Castile who employed a number of Jews in position of importance including Joseph ben Solomon Ibn-Shoshan and Abraham Ibn-Alfachar who served as his ambassador to Morocco which was governed by the intolerant Almohades.

1215: The meeting of the Fourth Lateran Council during the the papacy of Pope Innocent III (1161-1215) marked the zenith of Papal power. Old anti-Jewish decrees were expanded and Jews were compelled to wear the Yellow Patch, the "Badge of Shame", to distinguish them from Christians. It was enforced in France, England, Germany and later in Hungary. The Pope also originated the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, in which the wafer (Host) and wine in the Eucharist are believed to become the blood and flesh of Jesus. This led to the infamous Host Desecration libels of the next few centuries.

1216: Today, following the death of King John, William Marshall who had “regarded King John’s policy towards the Jews…as harmful to the welfare of the state” “was named by the King’s council to serve as protector of the nine year old King Henry II and regent of the Kingdom.

1477: King John of Portugal who employed Abraham Zacuto, the Spanish born Rabbi who for the lunar crater Zagust was named, as his Royal Astronomer, began his first, short reign today.

1500: Louis XII of France and Ferdinand II of Aragon sign The Treaty of Granada in which they agree to divide the Kingdom of Naples between them. The treaty did not hold and Ferdinand would not gain control of Naples until 1510 at which time he would expel the Jews, following the same pattern he adopted in 1492.    

1651: The Cossacks are forced to accept a peace treaty dictated by John Caimir, the Polish King.  One of the terms of the treaty, was a guarantee that Jews could settle anywhere in the Ukraine and could hold property on lease.  Chmeilnicki, the leader of the Cossack uprising would soon break the treaty and the violence would resume again.

1711: Birthdate of Benjamin Mendez Pacheo a New York merchant, the uncle of Isaac M. Seixas and husband of Judith Seixas who “donated money for the erection of the first synagogue of Congregation Shearith Israel and for the steeple on Trinity Church

1711(29th of Cheshvan: Rabbi Moses Hefez (Gentili) author of Melekhet Mahashevet, passed away.

1736: The Will of Isaac Franks, the brother of Isaac and Aaron Franks, all three of whom were ”named as contributors two the fund for part of the new synagogue in New York in 1730” was probated in London today.


1761: In Tower Hill, England, Sarah Cohen and Henry Marks gave birth to Michael Marks, the husband of Massachusetts native Jochabed Isaacks with whom he had ten children.

1763: Dutch born Frances Hart and Savanah, GA born Mordecai Sheftall gave birth to Perla Shetall.

1766: In Philadelphia, PA, Moses Mordecai from Bonn, Germany and Elizabeth "Esther" [Whitlock] Mordecai from England gave birth to their third son Joseph Mordecai who moved to Virginia before finally settling in Charleston, SC.

1774: Birthdate of France “Fanny” Elizer, the daughter of Isaac Elizer.

1792: Birthdate of Mary Anne Evans, who gained fame as Mary Anne Disraeli, 1stVicountess Beaconsfield, the wife of Benjamin Disraeli.

1803(26th of Cheshvan, 5564) Eighty-one year old Raphael Cohen who served as Chief Rabbi of Alton-Hamburg-Wandsbek passed away today.

1807: In Charleston, SC, Rebecca Phillips married Josiah Moses this evening.

1807: Nathan ben Yedhuda and Sara bat Chaim were married today at the Great Synagogue.

1813: During the War of 1812, Mordecai Myers of Newport, Rhode Island, was wounded “while leading the Thirteenth Pennsylvania Infantry at the Battle of Chrysler’s Farm” which was fought on the Canadian side of the St. Lawrence River

1813: Mordecai Davis married Esther Bendahn at the Great Synagogue today.

1819(23rd of Cheshvan): Rabbi Joseph Raphael Hazzan, a native of Smyrna who came to Palestine in 1811 where served as a Rabbi at Hebron and then Jerusalem who was the father of four rabbis and the grandfather of two more – Hyyim Palaggi and Israel Moses Hazan, passed away today.

1820: Today, “Philadelphia educator and social activist Rebecca Gratz wrote to her sister-in-law Maria Gist Gratz in Kentucky” saying “One of the curses of slavery is the entire dependence the poor mistress is reduced to when she is rich enough to have all her wants supplied by numerous servants.”

1821: Birthdate of Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Dostoyevsky”s anti-Semitic views were revealed in The Diary of a Writer.

1822: Birthdate of Amsterdam native Lea Nabarro, the wife of David Zacharias Baruch and the mother of Gratia, Rebecca, Clara, Isaak and Abraham Baruch each of whom was born in Amsterdam.

1827: In London, Eleano Levy and Amsterdam native Simon Marcus gave birth to James Marcus.

1828: In Birmingham, England, Phoebe and Nathan Jacob Claisher gave birth to Julius Calisher, the husband of Dublin native Julia Calisher.

1830 (26th of Cheshvan): Rabbi Raphael Yekutiel Zalman author of Torat Yekutiel passed away

1835: One day after he had passed away, Henry Ezekiel, the son of Abraham and Sarah Ezekiel and the husband of the former Betsy Levy and father of Ellen Ezekiel was buried today at the Exert Jewish Cemetery.

1838: In New York City, Mary Ann Gomez and Joshua Lopez who were married in 1836 gave birth to Aaron Edwin Lopez.

1839: At, Lexington, founding of Virginia Military Institute (VMI), “the oldest state supported military college” in the United States. Moses Jacob Exekiel, who joined his fellow cadets at the Battle of New Market in 1864, was the first Jew to attend the academy.

1840: In New York, Esther Nathan, the daughter of Isaac and Sarah Nathan became Esther Lazarus when she married Moses Lazarus with whom she had several children the most famous of whom as the poet Emma Lazarus.

1842: Salomon Grätz and Henrietta Grätz gave birth to attorney Louis Alexander Gratz, the Mayor of North Knoxville, TN and a Major in the Union Army serving with the Army of the Cumberland and fighting at the Battle of Chickamauga with the 6th Kentucky Cavalry.

1848: In Moravia, Elijah Karpeles and his wife gave birth to historian and editor Gustav Karpeles.

1849: Birthdate of Kherson, Ukraine native Maximilian Bern the novelist whose first work was Auf Schwankem Grunde which seemed to open the road to success in Berlin but was actually the highpoint of a life that ended with suicide in the 1920’s that was driven, in part, by the hyperinflation of the time.

1851: Reverend Henry Giles delivered at lecture at the Mercantile Library Association entitled “The Hebrew Man, or the Man of Faith." Giles "gave a clear analysis of Hebrew laws, showing that the thought they seemed extremely sever, yet provisions was always made to mitigate or avert them. He contended that "The Hebrew man stands out among ancient men as the special recipient of religion -- among modern men as its special witness, and often as its special martyr.  As the man of Faith, the, he may be considered, first, as the man of theocracy; second as the man of tradition....His mere existence is evidence of vitality, and strength and honor." 

1851: In Dresden,39 year old painter Eduard Bendemann, the son of a banker, and his wife gave birth to German painter Rudolf Bendemann who died in 1884 “at Pegli, near Genoa, Italy”

1852: Rabbi Jonas Wiesner and Estra (Therese) Wiesner gave birth to Leopold Wiesener.

1852: Tonight a number of citizens of the Jewish persuasion, met at Constitution Hall, to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the "HEBRA HASED V. AMET," a society originally established, and still sustained, by Benevolent Israelites, for the purpose of aiding the sick of their faith who need aid, and to bury the dead according to the rites and ceremonies of the Jewish persuasion. George Henriques chaired the event.  He was assisted by Isaac Philips, the President of the Association.

1853: Birthdate of Posen native Marcus Feder Sr. who came to Titusville, PA when he was in seventeen and made money in the oil business before going broke in the tobacco business and who invention of the Sweet Caporals brand of cigarette earned him a fortune and the sobriquet of the “Father of the American Cigarette.”

1853: One day after he had passed away, Philip Magnus was buried today at the Lauriston Road Jewish Cemetery.

1853: The Jewish Chronicle reported that in Jersey, Alfred Alexander Jones of Quality Court, Chancery Lane was elected to represent the synagogue in London.

1855: Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard passed away.


1856: Cecilia Levy and Israel Cohen who were married in 1850 gave birth to Georgie Cohen

1857: In the UK, the will of John Abrahams, a member of Bevis who worked as manufacturer of jewelry, upholsters, cabinets and furniture was probated today.

1857: Rabbi Isaac Lesser officiated at the marriage of  Morris Rosenbach and Isabella Polock, the parents of collector and rare books expert Abraham Simon Wolf Rosenbach.

1860: First Jewish wedding takes place in Buenos Aires Argentina.

1862: During the Civil War, Jacob Miller, a Corporal serving with Company H of the 61st Regiment was discharged from the Army today because of the injuries he had sustained when wounded while fighting a Malvern Hill during McClellan’s ill-fated Peninsular Campaign.

1863: Mrs. Sarah Brydges Willyams who left her considerable estate to Benjamin Disraeli “in testimony of her affection for him and in approval and admiration of his efforts vindicate the race of Israel…”passed away today.

1864: Birthdate of Alfred Hermann Fried, Austrian born pacifist and winner of the 1911 Nobel Peace Prize.


1864: Birthdate of Ukraine native Yehousha Hankin who in 1882 moved to Rishon Le-Zion with his parents which led to becoming one of the major land purchasers for the Zionists and who was helped in his cause by his wife, the famous mid-wife “Olgad Belkind-Hankin



1864: During the Civil War Corporal Jacob Frank completed his six months of service with Company C of the 197thRegiment.

1865: In Baltimore, MD, Samuel and Julia Thanhouser gave birth to Edwin Thanhouser who went on to start the Thanhouser Film Coporation in New Rochelle, NY while raising his son Lloyd with his wife the former Gertrude Homan

1867: Birthdate of Kingston, Jamaica native Zillah Cohen D’azevedo, the wife of London born Joseph Ansell

1872(10th of Cheshvan, 5633): Thirty-one year old Annetta Luzzati Foa, the wife of Professor Giuseppe Foa, chief rabbi and Knight of the Crown of Italy, passed away today.

1873: Bertha Bamberger and Aaron Friedenwald who were married at Baltimore gave birth to Norman Friedenwald, the husband of Beatrice Shewbrook and the father of Norman Friedenwald, Jr.

1874: The Times of London reported approvingly on the judicial performance of Sir George Jessel who disdained the “proverbial slowness” of others serving in the judiciary.  Jessel cleared cases quicker and with more accuracy than his colleagues.

1874: “A Rabbi’s Scientific Expedition,” published today traces the life of Mardochée abi Serour the son of a poor Moroccan Jewish family whose travels took him to Palestine where his studies earned him the title of Rabbi.  He traveled to Timbuktu where he established the first Jewish counting-house which he ran successfully for ten years until his caravans were attacked leaving him penniless. Mardochée eventually made his way to Paris where he convinced the French government to provide financial support for an expedition to Timbuktu that will combine commerce with scientific inquiry.

1878:  It was reported today that Dr. E. M. Snow’s Annual Vital Statistics Report shows that only two Jews were married in Providence, Rhode Island.  This ranks them at the bottom of the list along with the members of the Mormons.

1882: It was reported today that following riots in the suburbs of Vienna, the police tore down posters from the lampposts reading “Down with the Jews.”

1883: It was reported today that the district attorney in Troy, NY, will prosecute an unnamed Jewish merchant for bigamy if he goes ahead with his planned marriage.  The Polish Jewish merchant said he plans on marrying a Jewess from New York City because he has received a bill of divorce from a religious tribunal.  The DA does not recognize their authority in this matter.

1883: “By Direction of the Grand Lodge No. 1, of the Independent Order of the Free Sons of Israel, Julius Harburger, the District Grand Master, will send Sir Moses Montefiore a letter congratulating on him on the celebration of his 99th birthday.”

1883: Birthdate of Rumanian native Dr. Arthur S. Calman, the Columbia trained gynecologist.

1883: Birthdate of Judge William F. Bleakly, who during his unsuccessful bid to defeat Governor Lehman in 1936 smeared David Dubinsky as a “Red” the sobriquet for being a Communist at a time when the anti-Semites were making the unwarranted connection between Communism and Judaism.

1884: It was reported today that Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC is planning a reception to introduce its recently completed wards.

1884: “Mr. Irving” published today highlights the month-long appearance of Henry Irving and Ellen Terry who bring an added dimension to their respective portrayals of Shylock and his daughter Portia in “The Merchant of Venice.”  Irving, a noted English actor portrays Shylock in a manner that is “delightful” for its “completeness, beauty” and “scholarship.” 

1884: Counselor John H. Bird is scheduled to play the role of Shylock, the Jew in the Mimosa Dramatic Society’s performance of “The Merchant of Venice.”

1885: The funeral of Albert Cardozo, attorney, jurist, leader of the Sephardic Jewish community and father of future Supreme Court Justice, was scheduled to take place at 10:30 this morning in NYC.

1885: Birthdate of General George Patton, Jr. Regardless of how you may about the career of Old Blood and Guts” and allegations that he was an anti-Semite, many Jews will always remember Patton as the leader of the troops that liberated Ohrdruf, a sub-camp of Buchenwald, the first concentration camp liberated by American troops. (There is a note of irony that the Warrior General was born on the date that would become synonymous with “Peace In Europe.”

1885: It was reported today that Referee hearing the suit for divorce filed by Mrs. Clara Bronner Waterman against her husband B. Frank Waterman.  The Watermans were married in a synagogue in Syracuse but she moved back to New York City after he suffered financials reversals and stopped supporting her and their children.

1886: It was reported today that all of the students escaped unharmed when a night school for Jewish children caught fire in New York City.  It was determined that the fire was started by a kerosene stove in the basement of the building occupied by Joseph Bluestone, his wife and child all of whom escaped from the flames.

1887: Albert Parsons, the husband of Lucy Parsons who addressed the Jewish dominated the Jewish dominated Chicago Tailor’s Union on the danger of overly powerful capitalists, was hung today for his alleged role in the Haymarket Riot.

1888: Birthdate of Stefan Lux the Jewish Czech journalist, who committed suicide in the general assembly room of the League of Nations during its session to alert the world on the perils of German anti-Semitism.

1888: Two days after he had passed away, four month old George Ernest Leverson, the son of Ernest Leverson and the former Ada Esther Beddington, was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1888: It was reported today that Acting Grand Master Julius Harburger addressed the 400 people who attended the 20th anniversary celebration of the Free Sons of Israel.

1888: It was reported today that the benefit council held for the Hebrew Sheltering and Guardian Society was well-attended and raised “a neat sum.”

1889: It was reported that new wards have been added to the Home For Aged and Infirm Hebrews to meet the needs for the “exceedingly old and infirm patients.” This latest addition to the building and improvement to the grounds cost $24,000 and was brought to fruiting under the leadership of Simon Borg and the Building Committee.

1889 The Young Men’s Hebrew Association is scheduled to host its “first informal entertainment of the season” tonight at the Vienna Hall in New York City.

1889: Washington joins the Union as the 41st state. Isadore Friedlander, a trader in Washington during its territorial days, gained fame and notoriety when he married an Indian princess named Sken-What-Ux who was also known as Elizabeth.  According to one source, “in her later days she became affectionately known as ‘Grandmother Elizabeth’ Friedlander.” Edward S. Salomon, a decorated hero of the Civil War and one of the famed Salomon cousins all of whom became generals in the Union Army, served as governor of Washington territory for two years.  Bailey Gatzert served as mayor of Seattle during the 1870’s. Gatzert had married Babette Schawbacher. Her three brothers had settled in Walla Walla, Washington where they prospered as merchants becoming leaders of the communities in Walla Walla and Seattle.  Babette is described as the first woman (not just the first Jewish woman) to establish a home on the northwestern frontier.  The ups and downs of the Schawbacher clan, which played an active role in Washington’s secular and Jewish communities until the 1970’s, is a saga worthy of a made for television movie or HBO special.

1890: Today Rabbi Samuel Schulman married Emma Wienberg with whom he “had four children: Mitchell Simon, Aubry Aaron, Walter Harris and Dorothy.

1890: In what became the Czech Republic, Hermann Ullman, the son of Rabbi Benjamin Ullmann and Theresia Ullman, and his wife Bertha Ullmann gave birth to Ernst Ullman

1891(10th of Cheshvan, 5652): “Hungarian oculist” Ignaz Hirschler, “who was made a life member of the Hungarian House of Magnates by the Emperor Franz Joseph and who “was the intellectual leader of the Jewish community in Hungary” passed away today.

1891: Birthdate of Lilya Yuryevna Brik, the Moscow born Jewess who was married to Osip Brik, the Jewish-Russian author.

1893: Birthdate of Clarence D. Chamberlain who flew Charles Albert Levine to Europe in what would make the Jewish businessman, the first “passenger” to fly the Atlantic.

1893: By special request the band from the Hebrew Orphan Asylum is scheduled to play this evening at Mr. McCrow’s Flower Show, a major New York City social event.

1894: Birthdate of Aaron Avshalomov who fled pogroms and revolutions in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century, went to China where he entered the world of Shanghai's academia and trained a number of young Chinese musicians in classical music, who in turn became leading musicians in contemporary China. He moved to Portland Oregon and was the father of composer Jacob Avshalomov, conductor of the Portland Junior Symphony (now called the Portland Youth Philharmonic Orchestra) from 1953-1994.

1894: The London Daily News reported that the total number of Jews leaving Russia in 1894 will total 250,000 by the end of the year.

1894: A “fire was discovered at 11:10 o’clock” tonight on the first floor of a tenement at 80 Henry Street which is occupied by 20 families most of whom are Jewish.

1894: Professor Felix Adler delivered the first in a series of lecture on “the religion of humanity” at the Society of Ethical Culture entitled “It’s Dawn In Palestine.”

1894: A fund raiser was held tonight at the Lenox Lyceum for the benefit of Beth Israel Hospital, “the poorest of the three Jewish hospitals in New York.”

1895: Birthdate of Gertrude Wald Kaphan, the sister of Nobel Prize winning Professor Dr. George Wald and the wife of Dr. Ludwig Kaphan who “was a founder and former president of the Women’s International ORT (Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training” and “a consultant on problems facing Jewish youth in Africa, Europe and Israel.”

1896: While still working in his family tobacco business twenty-four year old Staten Island born George Louis Beer the Columbia trained historian married Edith Hellman, “the niece of E.R.A. Seligman” “one of his early mentors at Columbia who was also his brother-in-law.

1897: The Education Committee of Jews’ College met this evening in the office of the Chief Rabbi

1897: Today, in New York City, Miss Julia Richman, the Principal of Grammar School 77 will celebrate “the 25thanniversary of her first appointment as a teacher in the public schools.  In addition to her work as a public school educator, Miss Richman is a champion of improving the quality of Jewish education as can be seen in her works as the Director of the Hebrew Free School Association, Vice President of the Jewish Religious School Union and “Chairman of the National Committee on Sabbath School Work of the Council of Jewish Women.

1897: According to reports published today during the past year the United Hebrew Charities of New York raised $135, 348.93 and spent $133,680.97 providing aid and assistance.  The society spent $38, 210.24 in relief work while expending additional sums for 16,420 free burials and working to obtain employment for almost 6,600 people.

1897(16th of Cheshvan, 5658): Rabbi Sabato Morais passed away. Rabbi Sabato Morais was the spiritual leader of Philadelphia's Spanish and Portuguese Congregation Mikveh Israel from 1851 until his death in 1897. To many in his community, the Italian-born Morais epitomized the idealized traits of a sage: piety, humility, and wisdom.


1898: Today, Mr. Stern of the firm of Stern and Jackson which had purchased the property on Clinton Street that had been home Ohab Zedek for fifty years following a mortgage foreclosure,  proposed to sell the property back to the congregation for $66,000 which the congregants said would be impossible that the “sanctuary would have to go.

1899: In Paris, the police raided the offices of the La Croix the daily newspaper published by the Assumptionist priests which was “the principal vehicle for the transmission of the Catholic Church’s anti-Semitism during the late 19th century.”

1899: A list of the editors of compiling “The Jewish Encyclopedia” which is to be published by Funk & Wagnalls showed Dr. Isidiore Singer of New York City “who is the author of several books on the Jewish question” as being the managing editor.

1899: In New York, Ida Japhe and advertising executive Samuel Knopf gave birth to Edwin H. Knopf who pursued a career in film after working for his brother’s publishing house – Alfred Knopf.

1899: “Florodora,” a musical with lyrics and music by Paul Rubens opened in London at the Lyric Theatre.

1900: In Lithuania, Hannah Rivkin and Abraham Saks gave birth to Emil Solomon (Solly) Sachs who gained fame as English labor leader Emil Solomon Sachs.


1900: Birthdate of Nat Holman’s younger brother Aron Holman who played forward on the 1920 NYU championship basketball team.

1900: In Minneapolis, MN, Jacob and Clara Halpern gave birth to University of Minnesota trained attorney Saul Ernest Halpern who was buried at Adath Yeshurun Cemetery in Edina, MN after he passed away in 1961.

1901: The Charles Frohman production “Quality Street,” a comedy in four acts written by the same author who created Peter Pan opened today at the Knickerbocker Theatre in New York.

1901: Birthdate of Helen Faith Kahn, the daughter of Jewish immigrants from Poland, who would gain famed as Helen Reichert, the graduate of Cornell University who founded The Round Table of Fashion Executives.

1901: In Galicia, “Regina and Simon Spiegel, a tobacco wholesaler” gave birth to Samuel P. Spiegel the successful movie producer who left Europe after the rise of Hitler and came to the United States where he was responsible for cinematic classics as  “On the Waterfront” and “Bridge Over The River Kwai.”

1901: Birthdate of Bensison Gotlob, the native of Pologne, France who was on board Convoy 25 that left Drancy for Auschwitz in August of 1942.

1902: In St. Louis, German immigrant Carl M. Loeb “who made a fortune after gaining control of the American Metal Company” and Adeline Moses gave birth to Harvard graduate John Langeloth Loeb, Sr. the grandson of Alabama banker Alfred Huger Moses and husband of Frances Lehman who was president of Loeb, Rhoades and Company and “a financial supporter of Israel where he funded the building of the Jewish Community Center in East Jerusalem.”

1903: Herzl writes the "Letter to the Jewish People".

1904: Edward Turnour, 6th Earl Winterton “who was head of the British delegation to the conference on refugees at Evian, France” and delivered a speech in Parliament in 1938 calling on the Germans to cooperate in dealing with the problem of “minorities forced to leave the country of their birth” and praised “the moderation, good sense and common sense of the many representatives of Jewish organizations with whom he had discussed the Refugee Problem, began serving  as a Member of Parliament for Horsham.

1904: Mrs. Grover Cleveland laid the cornerstone today of the new building of the Hebrew Technical School for Girls in New York during exercises overseen by former President Grover Cleveland.

1905: On New York’s Lower East Side a meeting at Capitol Hall tonight raised $2,000 for the Relief Fund Committee which had been formed to aid those suffering from the massacre of Jews in Russia.

1906: Eighty-one prominent Jewish Americans met at the Hotel Savoy in New York and established the American Jewish Committee.



1906: Birthdate of “Theodore Gottlieb, who as Brother Theodore performed apocalyptic one-man shows about life, death and broccoli in Greenwich Village nightclubs to dazzling and disturbing effect.” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1907: Yesterday, “a strike of the Hebrew bakers in Harlem was declared after the Hebrew Boss Bakers’ Association held a meeting and decided to increase the price of long rye loaves from 7 to 8 cents each” which is expected to lead to a “general strike in New York today” resulting in  “a bread famine” “among the users of kosher bread.”

1909: The meeting of the Central Conference of American Rabbis is scheduled to continue for a third day in New York.

1910: Birthdate of Israel Scheib who gained fame as Israel Elad, leader of Lehi. He described his activities from 1938 in The First Tithe which was finally published in English by the Jabotinsky Institute in 2008. He passed away at his home in Jerusalem in January of 1996.

1910: A Jew, Zeki Effendi Hayon, was appointed Inspector of Finance for the Ottoman Empire.

1911: Jewish colony of Petach-Tikvah in Palestine passes a resolution to contribute 1,000 Francs to the Ottoman military towards defense of the [Turkish] country.

1911: It was reported that in Camden, NJ the Sons of Israel has chosen Samuel Albert as the President of the Board of Education governing the congregation’s Hebrew school.

1912(1st of Kislev, 5673): Rosh Chodesh Kislev

1912(1st of Kislev, 5673): Seventy year old Lithuanian native Hinde Margolis, the daughter of  David Aryeh Leib Zirilstein and Kaila Bernstein and the wife of Isaac Margolis passed away today in the Bronx.

1912: The Jewish Consumptives’ Relief Society headquartered in Denver continued their 8th annual meeting for a second day in New York City.

1912: Birthdate of Cleveland, OH native and Western Reserve University alumnus Morris Abrams the president of Curtis Industries, “a founder of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Technion” and an advocate for a strengthened United Nations.


1913(11th of Cheshvan, 5674): “Cotton planter” Philip Feld, the “president of the Board of Trade” passed a way today in Vicksburg, MS.

1914: In New York, “Ida (née Miller), a British Jewish immigrant, and  Barney Fast,a Ukrainian Jewish immigrant whose name was shortened from Fastovsky upon his arrival in America” gave birth to author Howard Fast who is known to many as the author of Spartacus, the historical novel that provided the inspiration for a movie and television series.



1914: Birthdate of Jacob C. Hurewitz, “Columbia University professor whose voluminous research, belief in the importance of local histories and evenhanded scholarship contributed depth and complexity to the emerging field of Middle Eastern studies starting in 1950.” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1914: “Sell Stamps to Aid Jews” published today described a plan of the Central Committee for the relief of Jews” to issue “self-taxation stamps to storekeepers and others who will then sell them to their customers and use them on their business letters.”

1914: It was reported today that according to Dr. Alexander von Nuber de Pereked, the Austro-Hungarian Consul General…there were more than 400,000 Jewish refugees from Galicia, Poland and other parts of the war zone in Vienna and Budapest nearly of” who “were in need of immediate relief.”

1915: In the Bronx,” Hillel Jacobson and the former Pauline Shainmark, Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe” gave birth to Anna Jacobson who would gain fame as “Anna J. Schwartz, a research economist who wrote monumental works on American financial history in collaboration with the Nobel laureate Milton Friedman..” (As reported by Robert D. Hershey, Jr)

1915: In a case of Jew versus Jew “German Jews Indignant” published today described the anger of the German members of the Alliance Israelite Universille over a circular sent by its French Secretary General which has led to the decision to “dissolve relations with the International Society until full satisfaction is given.”

1915: While in a hospital in England, Corporal Zalman Cogan wrote today about the impact Second Lieutenant Alex Grodsky’s death had on the members of the Zion Mule Corps including its commander Colonel Patterson. ‘He had been an officer and at the same time best friend of all the soldiers. Owing to his knowledge of English he was the intermediary between us and the Colonel … I never heard from him one complaint … an honest and just man …we have lost one of the best men of the Corps …promoted in the field to Lieutenant.’ (Jewish Virtual Library)

1916: “Ralph Horween (born Ralph Horwitz) kicked a 35-yard field goal to lead Harvard over previously unbeaten Princeton

1916: Herman Bernstein, the editor of the American Hebrew said “that Poland will again become an independent nation after the present European war, whether or not the Central Powers make good their recent promise to grant her independence” and “that the position of the many of Jews in Poland might be very precarious under the new regime unless steps were taken immediately to insure them equal rights with other citizens of the new country.”

1916: It was announced today that “a campaign to raise $10,000,000 for the relief of Jews in the war zones of Europe” under the auspices of the Joint Distribution Committee for the Relief of Jewish War Suffers will officially begin on December 21 with a meeting in Carnegie Hall.

1916: The triennial convention of the national council of Young Men’s Hebrew and Kindred Associations continued to meet for a second day in New York City.

1917: Louis Marshall presided over “the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the American Jewish Committee at the Hotel Astor in New York City.”

1917: Birthdate of Eliezer Henkin the son of a rabbi and Talmudic scholar who gained fame as “Louis Henkin, a legal scholar often credited with creating the field of human rights law and the author of classic works on constitutional law and the legal aspects of foreign policy…”

1918: The Western Allies and the Germans signed an Armistice that signified the official end of World War I with an Allied victory. Out of the estimated 1,506,000 Jewish soldiers in all the armies approximately 170,000 were killed and over 100,000 cited for valor. In Germany alone over 100,000 Jews fought for the Fatherland with 12,000 killed. According to Winston Churchill some 60,000 Jews had fought in the Armed Forces of the British Empire.  Of these 2,324 gave their lives for the cause and 6,350 were wounded.  Five Jewish soldiers won the Victoria Cross, Britain’s highest decoration and another 1,533 won other awards for bravery.  Considering the small size of the Jewish population, Churchill described the Jewish participation as disproportionately high for such a small number of people.

1918: Among those who breathed a sigh of relief that the war was over was Saul Adler, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants who was born in Pittsburgh, PA and who proudly kept the marksman’s medal he earned as a Marine long after the war was over.

1918(7th of Kislev, 5679): At 10:45 am, 15 minutes before the Armistice on the Western Front was to go into effect, Battery D, 2nd Battalion, 129th Field Artillery of the American Expeditionary fired its last barrage.  The unit was commanded by Captain Harry S. Truman, the man who consider himself as a modern day Cyrus for the role he played 30 years later during the creation of the state of Israel and included in its ranks his friend Eddie Jacobson who would boldly plead for President Truman’s support of the Jewish state 

1918: Rabbi Hyman Gerson Enelow “submitted a report to the Jewish Welfare Board and the people of Temple Emanu-El today” which “set forth in details his activities” starting with July 18, 1918 which was when he arrived in France.

1918:  Birthdate of Stubby Kaye. The chubby, cherubic Kaye played in a wide variety of hits including “Guys & Dolls,” “Lil' Abner” and “Cat Ballou.”

1918: Józef Piłsudski comes to Warsaw and assumes supreme military power in Poland. Poland regains its independence. “As one of his first acts as chief of state, he assured a delegation of Jewish leaders of his full-heated commitment to their people’s security.” But the Poles did not share Pilsudski’s enlightened views.  As a wave of xenophobia in general, and anti-Semitism in particular, swept the re-born nation of Poland, Pilsudski gave into to pressure to diminish the role of the Jewish people.  Pilsudski would become disgusted with Polish political life and return to serving as chief of the Army.  In the mid-twenties he was brought back to political power in a bid to bring peace to the nation.  At the time of his return, conditions improved for the Jews.  However, with the advent of the Great Depression, anti-Semitism returned in full force.

1918:  In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, William L. Shirer, who was in an officer training unit watched the Armistice celebrations with a sense of disappointment because he would not be able to respond to Wilson’s call to fight in the “War to end all Wars.”  Shirer would see the face of war as covered the rise of Adolph Hitler and the opening years of WW II for CBS News and write two classics on the subject - Berlin Diary and The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.


1918: As WW I comes to an end, “at least thirty nine Utah Jews” had joined the armed forces.

1919: “The first Armistice Day in Jerusalem” was celebrated today on a cloudless, sunny day by an outdoor party hosted by Lady Watson and Mrs. Popham which brought “together for the first time in the history of Jerusalem representatives of all races and religions” in a public event.

1919: Following a banquet last night hosted by King George V in honor of the President of French Republic, “the first official Armistice Day was held this morning on the grounds of Buckingham Palace.

1920: Birthdate of Chaike Belchatowska Spiegel, the Warsaw native who would become a fighter during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.  Spiegel was one of the few who survived the fighting and settled in Montreal after the war.

1920: The Triennial Convention of the Council of Jewish Women continued to meet in Denver at the Brown Hotel.

1920: The seventh annual convention of the Mizrachi Organization of the United States and Canada came to a close in Baltimore, MD.

1921: Vladimir Jabotinsky, organizer of the Jewish Legion, which served under General Allenby in Palestine, arrives in New York on the SS Olympic with a delegation of European Zionists headed by Nahum Sokolow.

1921: “Violets” a silent melodrama co-starring Eugen Berg was released in Germany today.

1922 (20th of Cheshvan): Composer Abraham Baer Birnbaum passed away.

1922: The Executive Committee of the American Jewish Committee met for the sixth time this year.

1922: After having won the British Middleweight title in June Ted “Kid” Lewis won the European Middleweight title.

1923: Today at the Klaw Theatre, “the Lenox Quartet gave the first performance of Ernest Bloch's Piano Quintet No. 1.”

1923: Today, “the Maccabean Hall (also known as the Jewish War Memorial) in Darlinghurst Rod, Darlinghurst in Sydney was officially opened by Sir John Monash.”

1924: The Martin Beck Theatre which will be renamed the Al Hirschfeld Theatre in 2003 opened in New York City.

1925: “The Gentleman Without a Residence” a silent comedy film starring Paul Otto who will commit suicide in 1943 when his Jewish origins were discovered was released in Germany today.

1926: Birthdate of Yitzhak Arad “a Lithuanian-born Israeli historian and retired IDF brigadier general. A veteran of the Nazi-era Jewish resistance movement in ghetto; partisan, he has researched, lectured, and published extensively on the Holocaust.”


1926: “Chaste Susanne” a silent comedy film starring Otto Wallburg was released in Germany today.

1927: GUS magnate Sir Isaac Wolfson, 1st Baronet and his wife gave birth to Sir Leonard Gordon Wolfson who would become 2nd Baronet in 1991.


1927: “Turkish Delight” a silent comedy co-starring Rudolph Schildkraut was released in the United States today.

1928: In Omaha, Nebraska, Russian-Jewish immigrants “Sonia (née Feldman) and Hymie Zorinsky” gave birth to U. of Nebraska graduate Edward Zorinsky, the Mayor of Omaha and when elected Senator , “the first Jew to be elected to a statewide office.


1928: In Vienna, at the Vienna University, “groups of Christian students who favored the return of the monarchy attacked Jewish students, including the girls, throwing them downstairs, beating them with sticks while shouting “Down with the Jews! Down with the Jewish Republic.”

1928: In Jerusalem, “memorial services were held “today” at the British military cemetery” and “wreaths were laid on the graves of soldiers who fell on the Palestine front” as part of the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the Armistice ending the World War.

1928: In the Bronx, “Adolfo Socolovsky, an Argentine who had trained as a classical violinist, and the former Sarah Mindich” gave birth to Saint Socolow, who under the name Sandy Socolow became a leading executive of CBS news during its “golden years.”



1930: In Brooklyn, Polish Jewish immigrants “Ethel (Teichtheil) and Meyer Spiewak” gave birth to Mildred Spiewak who gained fame as MIT professor Mildred Dresselhaus, “the recipient of numerous awards including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the National Medal of Science, the Enrico Fermi Award and the Vannevar Bush Award.”


1930: Patent number US1781541 was awarded to Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd for their invention, the Einstein refrigerator.

1931: In Atlantic City, NJ, Hadassah held the final session of its convention during which Mrs. Edward Jacobs was re-elected national President and Mrs. Robert Szold was elected first vice president.

1932: Birthdate of American photographer Herb Snitzer.


1933(22nd of Cheshvan, 5694): Parashat Chyei Sara

1933(22nd of Cheshvan, 5694): Ohio State University, led by team captain Sid Gillman, defeated the University of Pennsylvania.

1933: In Cleveland, Ohio, Helen Rosenfeld and Joseph Lewis, who co-founded the Progressive Mutual Insurance Company, gave birth to Peter Benjamin Lewis the insurance mogul who was also a noted philanthropist.


1934: Following today’s meeting of the executive board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations “200 leaders of Reform Jewry” attended a memorial service at Temple Emanu-El for the late Ludwig Vogelstein, the industrialist and philanthropist who chairman of the board of the executive board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations at the time of his death.

1934: The landscape of the modern town of Tiberias “was shaped by today’s great flood.”

1934: The emergency campaign of the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies the goal of which is to raise $2, 071,000 to wipe out its deficit and balance its budget “officially gets under way today.”

1934: Judge Irving Lehman, A. Leo Weil, Joseph M. Proskauer and Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson are scheduled to speak at the memorial service for Ludwig Vogelstein which are being held at Temple Emanu-El in Manhattan.

1934: Father Coughlin, the anti-Semitic pro-fascist Detroit priest announces the formation of the National Union for Social Justice.

1935(15th of Cheshvan, 5696): Sixty-three year old Albert Osterman, the Dutch born son of “Bonna and Albertje Osterman passed away today in Cicero, Illinois after which he was buried at Forest Park in Cook County.

1935: In Baghdad, Joseph Rejwan, a tailor and importer and his wife Victoria (Abada) Rejwan gave birth to Eviline Rejwan better known Ruth Pearl the mother of Daniel Pearl who was murdered by terrorists because he was a Jew and journalist.


1936: In Brooklyn, “dance band musician Mal Keller and his wife Reva” gave birth to James Walter Keller who gained fame as “composer, songwriter and record producer” Jack Keller whose musical partners included Howard Greenfield.

1936: The officers and board members of the Jewish Education Association tonight attended a testimonial dinner at the Savoy-Plaza hosted by Harry H. Liebovitz in honor of Mark Eisner, chairman of the Board of Higher Education of the City of New York.

1936: In Los Angeles, Lupita Tovar a Roman Catholic Mexican born actress and Paul Kohner  a Czech Jewish movie producer from Bohemia gave birth to Gold Globe award winning actress Susanna “Susan”Kohner.

1936: In Belgrade, Yugoslavian, “Prince Paul, the Regent, gave an audience to Dr. Nachum Goldman, the president of the Jewish World Congress” during which he “expressed a strong interest in Zionism and grief over the present maltreatment of Jews in Central Europe” said that “my dynasty has always regarded Jews as loyal and trustworthy citizens.”

1936: Armistice Day exercises held this evening at Temple Rodeph Sholom under the auspices of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, the Metropolitan Conference of B’nai B’rith and the Men’s Association of Temple Rodeph Sholom were opened with an invocation by Rabbi Wendell A. Phillips and included a speech by former Supreme Court Justice Joseph M. Proskauer who reviewed the commendable  record of Jews during the World War and assailed the anti-Semites who smear Jews with the claim that all Jews are Communists.

1936: The Maccabee champion soccer team which had been playing exhibition matches in the United States since September 14th, departed for home on the French liner Normandie.

1936: The Peel Commission was sent to Palestine to investigate the Arab riots. Though Peel judged Arab claims to be baseless, he encouraged partition into three separate Arab and Jewish states. This, he claimed, would silence Arab objections to a Jewish state.

1936:  The members of the Peel Commission arrived in Jerusalem and since it was Armistice Day, they attended the memorial services at the British Military Cemetery on Mt. Scopus. 

1937:  In Washington, DC, Rosemary Wolf who “converted to Judaism” and “actor and comedian Jack Wolf gave birth to sportscaster Warner Wolf

1937: Birthdate of Brooklyn native Rudolph A LaRusso the Dartmouth basketball player who went to play in the NBA for the Lakers and the Warriors.


1937: Today, during the Civil War, Soviet agent Walter Krivitsky (Samuel Goldberg) had a meeting with Elsa Poretsky during which he warned that she and her children were “in grave danger”

1938: Jews are killed and injured during an anti-Semitic pogrom at Bratislava, Slovakia.

1938: After having escaped from Vienna in March, seventeen year old Leo Bretholz  finally found a safe haven in Antwerp where he spent the next 18 months learning to become an electrician.

1938(17th of Cheshvan, 5699):Fifty-year old Jesse Sampter an influential Zionist educator, a poet, and a Zionist pioneer passed away at Kibbutz Givat Brenner. Born into a highly assimilated home in New York City, Sampter was influenced by Henrietta Szold, Josephine Lazarus, Mary Antin, Mordecai Kaplan and others to become an ardent advocate of Judaism and Zionism. Assuming the role of Hadassah's leading educator, she produced manuals and textbooks and organized lectures and classes. She led Hadassah's School of Zionism, training speakers and leaders for both Hadassah and other Zionist organizations. She also wrote poems and short stories throughout her life that emphasized her primary concerns: pacifism, Zionism, and social justice. Having contracted polio at age thirteen she remained in poor health throughout her life. This did not prevent her from settling in Palestine in 1919 where she helped organize the country's first Jewish Scout camp. Sampter developed a strong commitment to assisting Yemenite Jews, founding classes and clubs especially for Yemenite girls and women who often received no education. At the time of her death, she had established a vegetarian convalescent home at Kibbutz Givat Brenner. Henrietta Szold presided at her funeral.

1938: Erich Kreutzberger and Anna Blumenfeld Neufeld, the parents of Mario Luis Kreutzberger Blumenfeld also known as television personality Don Francisco, escaped to Chile.

1938:The Italian council of ministers announces a series of new anti-Semitic laws:all Jews will get a special notation in their civil records, they are excluded from the military, they are not allowed to employ "Aryan" servants, marriages between Jews and "Aryans" are forbidden, any such marriages that currently exist are annulled, and Jews are forbidden from owning large tracts of land.”

1938: Following Kristallnacht, Heydrich reported to Goering that 815 shops, 29 department stores, and 171 dwellings of Jews had been burned or otherwise destroyed, and that 267 synagogues had been set ablaze or completely demolished (in fact, this was only a fraction of the synagogues destroyed). The selfsame report refers to 36 Jews killed and the same number severely injured, but it was later officially stated that the number killed was 91. In addition, hundreds perished in the concentration camps.

1939(29th of Cheshvan, 5700): Parashat Toldot

1939: At Franklin Field in Philadelphia, Penn State led by their Team Captain Spike Alter defeated the University of Pennsylvania.

1939: Six hundred Jews are murdered by German troops at Ostrow Mazowiecki, Poland.

1939: Two Jews are among six men and three boys taken from Zielonka, Poland, to be shot in nearby woods.

1939(29th of Cheshvan, 5700): Thirty-eight year old wilderness advocate Robert Marshall, the son of lawyer and Jewish communal leader Louis Marshall who had served as chief of forestry in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, from 1933 to 1937, and head of recreation management in the Forest Service, from 1937 to 1939” passed away unexpectedly today.


1939:Under threat of military action from the Nazis, António de Oliveira Salazar issued orders today that consuls were not to issue Portuguese visas to "foreigners of indefinite or contested nationality; the stateless; or Jews expelled from their countries of origin". This order was followed only six months later by one stating that "under no circumstances" were visas to be issued without prior case-by-case approval from Lisbon.

1940: Fifty-five non-Jewish Polish intellectuals are murdered at Dachau, Germany.

1940: German authorities in Poland officially declare the existence of the Warsaw (Poland) Ghetto.

1940:  Birthdate of Barbara Boxer, U.S. Senator from California since 1993.  Born Barbara Levy, Boxer worked her way through the system like any other politician serving a stint in the Marin County Government and the House of Representative before being elected to the Senate.

1941: Sixty-one year old Charles Huntziger, the French general who “was one of the signatories of the anti-Semitic Statute on Jews” which “excluded Jews from the army, press, commercial and industrial activities, and the civil service and were quickly followed by other anti-Semitic laws that ingratiated him with the victorious Nazis died today in a plane crash.

1942(2ndof Kislev, 5703): Seventy-four year old who had been sent to Drancy was murdered today at Auschwitz.

1942: Norwegian Protestant bishops in Oslo publicly protest deportations of Norwegian Jews. They state in a letter to Norwegian Prime Minister Vidkun Quisling: "God does not differentiate between people."

1942: Seven hundred forty-five French Jews were shipped to Auschwitz.

1942: As German troops “invaded the Southern Zone and occupied all of France” Leon “Blum could see the troops moving south” which caused him to be concerned about his own well-being as well as that of his future wife Janot.

1942: After the Nazis took over “unoccupied France” today, the Vichy government transferred Jewish resistance fighter Georges Mandel to the Gestapo.

1942: Jews living in the Free Zone of France were ordered to start wearing the Yellow Star.

1942: Until today, following the German occupation of all of France, employees of HICEM which was “an acronym HIAS, ICA and Emigdirect” – the three sponsoring organizations – were at work in all of the French internment camps, including Gurs, which were little more than way-stations on the road to the East and the death camps.

1942: In Newark, Henry and Ruth Wolkstein gave birth to Diane Wolkstein, “a children’s author and folklorist who once served as New York City’s official storyteller.”  (As reported by Paul Vitello)

1942: Varlık Vergisi ("wealth tax" or "capital tax") was levied on the non-Muslims citizens of Turkey including the Jews which was intended to pay for the national defense if the country should enter the war – something which did not happen.

1942: HICEM which was “an acronym HIAS, ICA and Emigdirect” – the three sponsoring organizations --

1943 “The Battle of Russia” the fifth film in the “Why We Fight” series written by Julius and Phillip Epstein was released in the United States today.

1943: Birthdate of Nashville, TN native Benjamin Morris “Ben” Achtberg, the holder of a BA from Harvard and MA from the University of Pennsylvania whose documentary “Code Gray: Ethical Delimas in Nursing” was nominated for an Academy Award in 1985 and who has had one son with his wife Emily Jo Paradies.

1943: Following in the centuries old custom of an individual community creating its own special Purim when it is delivered from great calamity, the Jews of Casablanca celebrated Hitler Purim (1 Kislev) when the city was saved from falling into German hands.  “A Hitler Scroll was written, paraphrasing the traditional Megillah, including the words ‘cursed be Hitler, cursed be Mussolini,’ and naming many of the other Nazi and Fascist leaders.”

1943: On the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice in the forest of Compiegne, German officials take revenge by assembling all 47,000 Jews not yet deported from Theresienstadt ghetto to Birkenau in a large square for an ill-organized “census.” At 4:00 AM the torture began by rousing them all and making them stand in the cold in the city square. As night fell, the Jews stood in a drizzle made more miserable by falling temperatures. The Germans held them until 10 pm at which time the survivors were allowed to seek shelter inside. Drizzle came, the dark of night, and the temperatures lowered.

1943: “What’s Up?” the musical created by Frederick Lowe and Alan Jay Lerner opened on Broadway at the National Theatre.

1943: “Sahara,” a films that deals with desert warfare and was directed Zoltan Korda premiered today at the Capitol Theatre in New York.

1944: The leadership of Histadrut condemned the killing of Lord Moyne and condemned the Stern Gang and Irgun as fascist. 

1945: Senator Ralph O. Brewster (Maine) says British-Russian disputes in Middle East may presage another war and urges creation of a Jewish commonwealth in Palestine.

1945(6th of Kislev, 5706): Broadway and cinematic composer, Jerome David Kern passed away.  Kern was born in 1885 to a first generation Jewish family from Germany.  Kern wanted to follow a career in music.  His father wanted him to enter the family business.   In one of his first deals, Kern was sent to buy two pianos.  However, he mistakenly signed an order for two hundred pianos.  When the pianos were delivered, Kern’s father gave in.  Young Jerome pursued his musical education and then followed with a successful career as composer for Broadway and the movies.


1945(6th of Kislev, 5706): Yehoushua Hankin passed away. Born in the Ukraine in 1864, Hankin made Aliyah in 1882 when he moved with his family to Rish Litzion. He was active in making purchasing land on behalf of the World Zionist Organization.  Among his first purchases was the land that would be occupied by Rehovoth.


1946: Nikolai V. Novikov, Soviet ambassador to Washington, suggested that Palestine be given independence from Britain and the area be placed under UN trusteeship.

1947: Vaad Leumi (Jewish National Council) votes to raise money for defense fund against Arab and Jewish terrorists.

1947: Release date for “Gentlemen's Agreement,” the cinema version of Laura Hobson’s novel that dealt with the issue of anti-Semitism with a script by Moss Hart and Elia Kazan and co-starring John Garfield. Daryl Zanuck, who was mistakenly thought to be Jewish produced the movie despite objections from Jewish movie moguls who were afraid of how audiences would react to a movie on this topic.

1948: “Long Is the Road,” “the first German-made film to directly portray the Holocaust” which it examines from the perspective of a Polish Jewish family and a young man who is able to escape while being transported to a Concentration Camp” was released today in the United States.

1948:”Recently ousted Haganah Chief of Staff Yisrael Galili briefed members of the Mapam Political Committee” about reports concerning “the killing of civilians during Operations Yoav and Hiram.”

1949: In “The Jews in Iraq” published today, Moshe Keren, the Counsel of the Embassy Israel in Washington D.C. called for “a neutral investigation by disinterred observers of the position of the Jews in Iraq.”

1951: “An American in Paris” an Oscar winning musical “inspired by George Gershwin’s 1928 orchestral composition,” produced by Arthur Freed, with a script by Alan Jay Lerner and co-starring Oscar Levant was released today in the United States.

1952: In Marleybone, Greater London, David Charles Samuel Montague, the son of the 3rd Baron of Swaythling and Mary Violet Elliot-Blake and his wife Francoise Christiane Montague gave birth to Fiona Yvonne Leave

1953(4th of Kislev, 5714): Seventy-nine year old Rabbi Louis Ginzberg, a prominent Talmudist and leading figure in the Conservative Movement of Judaism passed away in New York City.




 Born at Kovno in 1873 into a religious family that traced its lineage back to the legendary Gaon of Vilna, Ginzberg emulated the Vilna Gaon’s intermingling of ‘academic knowledge’ in Torah studies under the label ‘historical Judaism’. In his book "Students, Scholars and Saints", Ginzberg quotes the Vilna Gaon instructing, “Do not regard the views of the Shulchan Aruch as binding if you think that they are not in agreement with those of the Talmud.” He writes in his memoirs that he felt saddened that he had grieved his father. Ginzberg recognized that his pious father was disappointed that his son had chosen a more liberal path with regards to Jewish law opposed to following the path of his forefathers. Ginzberg first arrived in America in 1899, unsure where he belonged or what he should pursue. Almost immediately, he accepted a position at Hebrew Union College and subsequently wrote articles for the Jewish Encyclopedia. Still, he had not found his niche. In 1903, he began teaching at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York City, where he taught until his death. Throughout his life, all of his works were infused with the belief that Judaism and Jewish history could not be understood properly without a firm grasp of Halakhah. Instead of just studying Halakha, Louis Ginzberg wrote responsa, formal responses to questions of Jewish law. Many of Ginzberg's Orthodox Jewish peers had deep reservations about his choice to work at JTS. JTS explicitly encouraged its faculty and students to study rabbinical literature within its social and historical context; this was sometimes known as Wissenschaft, or the "scientific study of Judaism". As a result of this, most Orthodox Jews viewed his work as unacceptable and virtually none refer to, much less rely on them, today. On account of his impressive scholarship in Jewish studies, Ginzberg was one of sixty scholars honored with a doctorate by Harvard University in celebration of its tercentenary. Ginzberg’s knowledge warranted him the expert to defend Judaism both in national and international affairs. In 1906, he defended the Jewish community against anti-Semitic accusations that Jews ritually slaughtered gentiles. In 1913, Louis Marshall requested that Ginzberg refute a blood libel charge in Kiev based on Jewish sources.  Ginzberg began teaching Talmud at the Jewish Theological Seminary from its reorganization in 1902 until his death in 1953. For fifty years he trained two generations of future Conservative rabbis. During his era, Ginzberg influences almost every rabbi of the Conservative Movement in a personal way. For some, Louis Ginzberg serves as a role model even today. Today’s leading Conservative posek in Israel, Rabbi David Golinkin, has written profusely on his mentor Louis Ginzberg. Golinkin has recently published a collection of responsa containing 93 questions answered by Ginzberg. In the opening address, Ginzberg spoke of the need to keep Conservative Jewry under the rubric of Halakhah. The conception that in religious matters anyone, however ignorant, can judge for himself, is the direct denial of the old Jewish maxim, ‘The ignorant cannot be pious’ (Avot 2:5)… The majority vote of a Board of Directors of a synagogue is, after all, a negligible quantity when it is in opposition to the vote of historical Judaism with its myriad of Saints and thousands of Sages…The sorting, distributing, selecting, harmonizing and completing can only be done by experienced hands. Ginzberg’s initiative to base halakhic decisions on law committees and not laymen is the method the Conservative movement describes as its present one till this today In 1918, at the Sixth Annual Convention, Ginzberg, as the acting president, declared that United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism stood for ‘historical Judaism’ and thus elaborates: “Now let us understand the exact meaning of the expression historical Judaism…Looking at Judaism from a historical point of view, we become convinced that there is no one aspect deep enough to exhaust the content of such a complex phenomenon as Judaism…Accordingly, Torah-less Judaism… would be an entirely new thing and not the continuation of something given…One of his responsa concerns the use of wine in the Jewish community during the Prohibition era.  Ginzberg was the author of a number of scholarly Jewish works, including a commentary on Talmud Yerushalmi (the Jerusalem Talmud) and his six-volume (plus a one-volume index) The Legends of the Jews, which combined hundreds of legends and parables from a lifetime of midrash research. Legends of the Jews is an original synthesis of a vast amount of aggadah from all of classical rabbinic literature, as well as apocryphal, pseudopigraphical and even early Christian literature, with legends ranging from the creation of the world and the fall of Adam, through a huge collection of legends on Moses, and ending with the story of Esther and the Jews in Persia. Ginzberg had an encyclopedic knowledge of all rabbinic literature, and his masterwork included a massive array of aggadot. However he did not create an anthology which showed these aggadot distinctly. Rather, he paraphrased them and rewrote them into one continuous narrative that covered four volumes, followed by two volumes of footnotes that give specific sources. See Jewish folklore and Aggadah Apart from Legends of the Jews, perhaps his best known scholarly work was his Geonica (1909), an account of the Babylonian Geonim containing lengthy extracts from their responsa, as discovered in the form of fragments in the Cairo Genizah. This work was continued by him in the similar collection entitled Ginze Schechter (1929) Professor Ginzberg wrote 406 articles and several monograph-length entries for the Jewish Encyclopedia (Levy 2002), some later collected in his Legend and Lore. He was an important halakhic authority of the Conservative movement in North America; for a period of ten years (1917–1927), he was virtually The halakhic authority of this movement. He was also founder and president of the American Academy of Jewish Research Many of his halakhic responsa are collected in The Responsa of Professor Louis Ginzberg, ed. David Golinkin, NY: JTS, 1996.


1953(4th of Kislev, 5714): Krakow native and Yiddish author Gershom Bader, the son of Izaak Moyzesz Bader and Helene Bader passed away in New York City.


 1954: Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt is scheduled to deliver an address on “Is American Facing World Leadership this evening in San Diego, CA at event sponsored by the Jewish Community Center which is a fund raiser for the organization.


1954: Shearith Israel, the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, the oldest Jewish congregation In New York City celebrated Six its 300th anniversary today.


195415th of Cheshvan, 5715): Eighty-four year old Russian native and Philadelphia resident Samuel Bayuk, the founder along with his brothers Meyer and Max what became “Bayuk Cigars, Inc., the manufacturer of ‘Phillies’” and the husband of Sadye Bayuk with whom he had five children passed away today.



1954(15th of Cheshvan, 5715): Sixty-eight year old German actor and director Reinhold Schünzel who spent WW II in the United States passed away today in Munich.

1955: At Touro Infirmary in New Orleans, Alan Smason gets a sister with the arrival in the world of Arlene Smason Weider.

1955(26th of Cheshvan, 5716): Jerry Ross an American lyricist and composer whose works with Richard Adler for the musical theater include The Pajama Game and Damn Yankees, winners of Tony Awards in 1955 and 1956 respectively in both the "Best Musical" and "Best Composer and Lyricist" passed away.


1956:”Samuel Adelman, the Rabbi of Adath Jeshurun Synagogue of Newport News,” who “spent four weeks in Russia this summer as a member of the Rabbinical Council of America Mission to the Soviet Union” is scheduled to “be the guest speaker at a special Jewish Community Center Jewish War Veterans” event today where he will deliver an address entitled “An Eye Witness Account of Conditions Behind the Iron Curtain.”

1956: Sid Gillman’s Los Angeles Rams ended a five game losing streak by defeating the San Francisco 49ers for their second win of the NFL season

1957: The New York Times reported from Jerusalem that “digging in Israel supports the Bible’s accuracy as a historical document.” The contention is based on the recent discovery of a “massive gate” that was “unearthed in Hazor” which “appears to have been built by Solomon.” Further evidence of the Bible's accuracy as a historical document has been uncovered by Israeli archaeologists in their diggings at the site of ancient Hazor

1957(17th of Cheshvan, 5718): Sixty-eight year old Russian native Samuel Kappel, “the last survivor of the three founders of Howard Stores Corporation” and the husband of Minnie Kappel with whom he had four daughters who was “a member of the American Committee for the Weitzman Institute of Industry and Science” and “a fellow Brandeis University.”


1963: Brian Epstein and Ed Sullivan sign a 3 show contract for the Beatles

1964: Murray Schisgal's "Luv," directed by Mike Nichols and co-starring Alan Arkin, Eli Wallach, Gene Wilder and Larry Blyden premieres in New York City.

1965: Birthdate of Chicago native Jason Nidorf “Max” Mutchnik the television producer and writer who has received both an Emmy and a People’s Choice Award.

1966:” Father of Biophilosophy” published today described the plans that Jonas Salk has for the Salk Institute in La Jolla, CA.

1969(1st of Kislev, 5730): Rosh Chodesh Kislev

1969: Sam Melville the son of Dorothy and William Grossman who had named his Samuel Joseph Grossman, was connected to today’s bombings at the Chase Manhattan Bank headquarters offices and General Motors building

1971: Neil Simon’s “Prisoner of Second Avenue” premiered in New York City.

1973: The Egyptians and Israelis began negations for the disengagement of forces along the Suez Canal.  When the fighting had stopped, Israeli forces were on the West Bank of the Suez Canal.  They had reached kilometer 101 on the Suez-Cairo Road. The Israelis offered to cross the Canal and to a position 10 kilometers to the east.  Egypt wanted a much deeper withdrawal with Israeli forces taking up positions on a line east of the passes in the Sinai that were key to controlling the entire Peninsula.

1974(26th of Cheshvan, 5736): Seventy-seven year old Jane Ace (born Jane Epstein) the wife of Goodman Ace with whom she created the American radio hit show “Easy Aces” and who made America life with her “Jane-isms” passed away today.


1975: Today, after ignoring the political solution recommended by Professor Zelman Cowen Governor-General Sir John Kerr sacked the Prime Minister.

1975: Seventy-five year olds “Soviet documentary filmmaker, Elizaveta Svilova…the wife and collaborator of acclaimed Soviet film pioneer Dziga Vertov” and Director of the “Nuremberg Trials” passed away today.





1979(21st of Cheshvan, 5740): Ukrainian born American composer Dimitri Tiomkin passed away. Tiomkin wrote the scores for countless film classics including Lost Horizon, It’s A Wonderful Life, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and High Noon.  He also wrote themes for popular television westerns including Rawhide and Wild Wild West.


1980: The first phase of the Conference on monitoring the implementation of CSCE or Helsinki agreements opened today in Madrid with Ambassador Max Kampelman heading the U.S. delegation.

1980: “Shogun Assassin,” with a script co-authored by David Weisman who also served as producer was released today in the United States.

1981(14th of Cheshvan, 5742): Eighty-three year old Soviet economist Evsei Grigorievich Liberman whose “wife, Regina Horowitz, pianist and pedagogue, was a sister of the famed pianist Vladimir Horowitz” passed away today.


1982: A gas explosion at an Israeli army headquarters results in 60 deaths.

1984(16th of Cheshvan, 5745): Fifty six year old Ritz Charmetz Davidson the Yale Law School graduate and wife of David Sternheimer Davidson who became “the first woman to serve on the Maryland Court of Appeals.


1985: Funeral services were held today for eighty year old New York City native Benjamin Hanft, a “prominent public relations executive for a number of national Jewish organizations” and the husband of Esther Haft, with whom he had three children including actress Helen Haft.

1985(27th of Cheshvan, 5746): Ninety-four year old Austrian born, Columbia trained attorney Emil N. Baar, the former justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York and chairman of the board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations passed away today.


1987: “Siesta” a film version of the novel of the same name starring Ellen Barkin was released in the United States today.

1988: U.S. premiere of “Iron Eagle II” a film based on Operation Opera, the Israeli bombing of an Iraqi nuclear reactor, co-starring Stuart Margolin and Maury Chaykin.

1991: “Black and White” for which John Landis would help develop the music video was released today.

1992: "The Liberators," a film that portrayed the neglected history of the 761st Battalion, putting considerable stress on the involvement of some of its members at the liberations of two of the most notorious camps in Germany, Dachau and Buchenwald was viewed today. (The film became controversial because of the lack of evidence concerning the liberation of these camps by this unit)

1998: Israel's Cabinet narrowly ratified a land-for-peace agreement with the Palestinians.  Six years later, the world is waiting for the Peace.

1998: ABC broadcast the final episode of “The Secret Lives of Men” a sit-com created by Susan Harris.

1999(2nd of Kislev, 5760): Rosh Chodesh Kislev

1999(2nd of Kislev, 5760): Jacobo Timmerman passed away.  Born in 1923, Timmerman published a newspaper in Argentina that publicized human rights violations by the Argentinean government, in particular calling attention to the disappearances of people during that government's "Dirty War". As a result, he was arrested, and during interrogations he was subjected to electric shock treatments, beatings, and solitary confinement. He chronicled his experiences in his 1981 book, Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number. After his release, he immigrated to Israel.

1999: After almost 21 years of service, David Herbert Samuel ceased to be a member of the British House of Lords.

2000(13th of Cheshvan, 5761): Sgt. 1st Class Avner Shalom, 28, of Eilat, was killed in a shooting attack at the Gush Katif junction in the Gaza Strip.

2001(25th of Cheshvan, 5762): Aharon Ussishkin, 50, head of security at Moshav Kfar Hess, east of Netanya, was shot and killed at the entrance to the moshav on Sunday evening, after being summoned to investigate a suspicious person.

2002: Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades, a militant offshoot of Yasir Arafat's mainstream Fatah movement, claimed responsibility for yesterday’s attack on Kibbutz Metzer in northern Israel where five people were killed.

2003: The helipad at the Ted Arison Medical Center in Tel Aviv is used by the Israeli Air Force for the first time.

2003: Today, “in an interview with The Washington Post, Soros said that removing President George W. Bush from office was the "central focus of my life" and "a matter of life and death".

2003: Museum of Jewish Museum in New York presents an exhibition styled “Ours to Fight For: American Jews During the Second World War” The inaugural exhibition for the Robert M. Morgenthau wing, “Ours To Fight For: American Jews in the Second World War” was named the grand-prize winner of the Excellence in Exhibition Competition at the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Citing the exhibition's use of the first-person narrative, the judges felt this approach engaged museum visitors and allowed them to make connections with the experiences of soldiers 60 years ago and troops serving today. The exhibition companion volume, Ours To Fight For: American Jewish Voices from the Second World War, chronicles the experience of American Jewish men and women who came together with other Americans to heed their nation's call to arms.

2004: The reunion episode of Israeli sit-com “Krovim Krovim” named "Hamatzav Tzav" was filmed today in the studios of the Israeli Educational Television

2004: Theatre Or presents Voices from the Holy Land-A Festival of Staged Readings of Cutting Edge Plays at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, N.C. Local co-sponsors North Carolina Hillel, the Freeman Center for Jewish Life, Judea Reform Congregation, and Beth Meyer Synagogue. The purpose of the festival is to present the community with unique artistic works from a foreign culture that pose questions of universal urgency, help us reflect about our values in new ways and promote cross-cultural dialogue. All plays are by Israeli artists. The dramatic presentations include:

Hard Love by Motti Lerner:Two young ultra-orthodox newlyweds are forced to divorce when the husband turns his back on religion. Twenty years later, their children fall in love, and the two meet to discuss their children's budding relationship. Can they also rekindle their own? (Director - Joseph Megel)

 Women's Minyan by Naomi Ragen: Chana flees her orthodox home in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, leaving behind her 12 children, and carrying with her a terrible secret. Two years later, armed with a secular order, she returns to see her children who have now been hidden. She convenes a secular minyan, a trial of 10 women, to judge her fitness to see them. (Director - Joseph Megel)

 The Fist by Misha Shulman: Shauli, a highly-decorated officer, refuses to serve his military duty in the occupied territories, spurring a three generational family debate about what it means to serve and protect. Is conscientious objection justifiable? (Director - Jerome Davis)

The Demonstration by Elisheva Greenbaum: Ambulance sirens interrupt two Israeli sisters, who are arguing the merits of attending a peace rally. When the radio announces that the terrorists have struck a bus, the sisters wait anxiously to learn the fate of one of their daughters.   

Masked Faces by Ilan Hatzor: The play describes the dilemma of three Arab brothers during the Intifada as they wrestle with conflicts between duty, family, survival and principles. The play is a brave attempt by an Israeli playwright to depict the point of view of the "other" side. (Director - John Feltch)

2005: The topsy-turvy world of Israeli politics becomes even more confused. Shimon Peres has been defeated by Amir Peretz in the race to head the Labor Party.  This could bring down the government led by Likud’s Ariel Sharon forcing new national elections.  Since Sharon well might lose the chair of the Likud Party, the elections might include a coaltion party led by Peres and Sharon, two national leaders who cannot control their own political parties. 

2005: “The Constant Gardner” a movie version of the novel by the same name starring Rachel Weisz was released today in the United Kingdom

2005: Right-wing British historian David Irving, who claimed that Adolf Hitler knew nothing about the systematic slaughter of six million Jews, has been arrested in Austria on a warrant accusing him of denying the Holocaust.  Under an Austrian law Holocaust denial is a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

2005: “Zathura” a sci-fi fantasy adventure film directed by Jon Favreau was released in the United States today.

2005: “The Bee Season,” the movie version of Myla Goldberg’s novel of the same name was released in the United States today.

2005: The Princeton University Board of Trustees approved the endowment for S. Daniel Abraham Visiting Professor in Middle East Policy Studies in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Daniel C. Kurtzer, former U.S. ambassador to Israel and Egypt was the first one appointed to fill this endowed chair

2006: Members of Congregation Beth-El, gathered, in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, to celebrate their heritage and the many people who have enriched and defended it

2006: Initial screening of Yoav Segal’s “Battle of Cable Street” in selected London cinema houses.

2006: As America honors its veterans on Armistice Day, the Jewish community of Cedar Rapids takes special note of the following who served in uniform:  Harold Becker, Arnold Bucksbaum, Maurice Estes, Bill Gasway, Herman Ginsberg, Bert Katz, Sol Maikon, Oscar Siegel and Ed Spector

2006: The United States vetoed a U.N. Security Council draft resolution today that sought to condemn an Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip and demand Israeli troops pull out the territory. U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said the Arab-backed draft resolution was "biased against Israel and politically motivated."

2006(19th of Cheshvan, 5767): Esther Lederberg, pioneering microbial geneticist and wife of Nobel Prize winner Joshua Lederberg passed away at the age of 83. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2006/dec/13/obituaries.guardianobituaries

2007:In Tampa, FL, as part of Jewish Book Day, the JCC, features an afternoon with nationally acclaimed writer Gloria Goldreich, author of Leah's Journey, Dinner with Anna Kareninaand other award-winning books for adults and children.

 2007: At the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington 38th annual Book Festival, Brad Meltzer discusses his latest novel, The Book of Fate.

2007: The Sunday New York Times and the Washington Post book sections each feature a review of Otto Preminger: The Man Who Would Be King by Foster Hirsch.

2007: On Veteran’s Day, The Cedar Rapids Gazette features an article about the World War II military exploits of Bert Katz the 85 year old businessman, philanthropist and pillar of the Jewish Community.

2007(1st of Kislev, 5768): Rosh Chodesh Kislev – It’s beginning to look a lot like Latke Time.

2008: 90th anniversary of the Armistice that needed the War to End All Wars. The impact of that war is with us to this day in places like Jerusalem, Baghdad and any home in the United States where families mourn the loss of a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan.

2008: Idina “Menzel released ‘Hope’ benefitting Stand Up To Cancer.”

2008: Wagner College and the Center for Jewish History present “The Pulpit and the "Bully Pulpit":Religion in the 2008 Presidential Campaign in which a panel including Rev. James M. Dunn, PhD, Divinity School, Wake Forest University, Rabbi James Rudin, Senior Advisor on Inter-religious Affairs of the American Jewish Committee, Peter Steinfels, PhD, New York Times columnist, Co-Director, Fordham Center on Religion & Culture, Seymour P. Lachman, PhD, Hugh L. Carey Center for Government Reform, Wagner College, co-author One Nation Under God: Religion in Contemporary American Science, Moderator discussed “How religion affected the 2008 presidential election and voting patterns.”

2008:U.S. Jewish organizational leaders are meeting today with Bahraini King Hamad ibn Issa al-Khalifa, who has introduced democratic reforms in his Persian Gulf island nations; he recently named Houda Nonoo, a Jewish woman, as ambassador to Washington. The meeting is taking place in New York week during an interfaith dialogue held under the auspices of the United Nations and Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, who has pressed in recent years for greater interreligious understanding despite resistance from his kingdom’s Islamist clerics.

2008:Uri Lupolianski completed his service as Mayor of Jerusalem.

2008: Lyricsby Paul Simon appears on bookstore shelves.  Lyrics spans his entire career from Simon & Garfunkel’s 1964 debut album through this year’s unrealeased songs ‘Rewrite’ and ‘Hard Times.’”

2008:Over 35 percent of eligible voters cast their ballot in the Jerusalem mayoral race by 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, an indication that opposition leader Nir Barkat and MK Meir Porush of the United Torah Judaism Party will be in for close finish. Incumbent mayors of Afula and Beit Shean had reportedly won re-election as Israelis went to the polls to vote in mayoral elections across the country.

2009:Stephen P. Cohen, the president of the Institute for Middle East Peace and Development, discusses and signs his new book, "Beyond America's Grasp: A Century of Failed Diplomacy in the Middle East," at Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C.

2009(24thof Cheshvan, 5770): Seventy-four year old Emanuel Zisman, a former MK and the 2006 recipient of the Yakir Yerushalayim award passed away today.

2009(24thof Cheshvan, 5770): Seventy-eight year old movie and television producer Mavin Minoff, the husband of actress Bonnie Franklin passed away today.


2009:David Makovsky, author of Myths, Illusions, & Peace: Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East“offers a groundbreaking explanation of how we have repeatedly fallen prey to dangerous myths about the Middle East highlighting those with roots that reach back decades and still persist today” during a session of the 40th Annual Book Festival sponsored by the JCCGW.

2010: Americans observed Veterans Day.  This holiday was originally known as Armistice Day.  It was celebrated on November 11th because on the 11thday of the 11th month at the 11th hour the guns fell silent on the Western Front marking the end of what was then called the Great War.  One person who opposed the Armistice was General John J. Pershing, the commander of the American Expeditionary Force. He wanted the Allies to push forward with great assault on the German Army.  He said that if the war end now, the German Army would march back into Germany as an intact force and the people would never accept the fact that they had been defeated; a fact that was fraught with all sorts of unforeseen consequences. Apparently Pershing knew what he was talking about, because no sooner had the war ended then the myth that the German Army had not been defeated but had been stabbed in the back began to gain wide currency.  This myth, which features the Jews as prominent backstabbers, would become a staple of right wing politicians including Hitler and his supporters.

2010:In New York City, The National Yiddish Theatre – Folksbiene is scheduled to present the noted Israeli actor Rafael Goldwaser in “New Worlds: A Celebration of I.L. Peretz,” an evening of multi-media one-acts based on the writing of the great Yiddish writer I.L. Peretz.

2010:A 1600 for 1600 rally was held on the mall in Washington, DC this evening. The goal was to attract at least 1600 people to protest against the abduction and continuing imprisonment of Gilad Shalit, who has spent 1600 days in captivity.

2010: “Roy Lichtenstein painting fetches $42.6m at auction” published today described the record setting sale of the Jewish artists work.


2010:Today Egyptian security forces arrested 25 members of a terror cell who allegedly intended to carry out attacks on Israeli tourists in Sinai. The terrorists were residents of the Egyptian cities of El-Arish, Sheikh Zuwaid and Rafah, according to the report. Earlier on today, Time magazine reported that Egyptian intelligence operatives gave Israel information that led to last week's Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) assassination of an al-Qaida-affiliated terrorist outside Hamas security headquarters in Gaza City.

2010: Mohammed Namnam, 27, a top operative with the Army of Islam, was killed by a missile shot at his car from an Israeli helicopter. Egyptian intelligence reportedly discovered that Namnam was preparing an attack on US forces in the Sinai Desert from other Army of Islam members captured in the Sinai. An Egyptian security source told Time that this is an unprecedented level of cooperation between Egyptian and Israeli intelligence. Time posited that the shared intelligence was a result of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's anger after 49 Hizbullah operatives were reportedly found plotting against Egypt in Sinai. Shin Bet confirmed the assassination shortly after it occurred, adding that Namnam had been involved in the 2006 abduction of Gilad Schalit.

2010:The remains of IAF pilot Maj. Amihai Itkis, 28, and navigator Maj. Emmanuel Levi, 30, whose F16I jet crashed at the Ramon Crater last night, were found this afternoon. IAF commander Major General Ido Nehushtan notified the pilot and navigator's families of their loss. Nehushtan arrived earlier to the scene of the crash so that he could oversee the search for the missing bodies. Army rabbis also arrived to help with the searches of the two servicemen who were feared dead. The IAF found the black box of the jet just a few hours after the discovery of the remains, IAF Brig.-Gen Nimrod Shefer said. The Air Force expressed hope that the black box will help them understand what occurred in the final minutes before the crash.

2010:Today, the Anti-Defamation League criticized as “completely inappropriate and offensive” remarks by Glenn Beck on his radio and television programs, in which he drew a link between the behavior of US Jewish billionaire investor George Soros as a young boy and the actions of others in sending Jews to death camps during the Holocaust. 

2011: “Jewish Political Behavior in Europe, Israel, and the United States,” a two-day symposium at the University of Michigan is scheduled to come to an end.

2011: Agudas Achim Congregation is scheduled to host its annual New Member Shabbat Dinner

2011: Charlene Bry, Ellie S. Grossman, Jon Harris and Ari Axelbaum are scheduled to take part in “Missouri’s Own Program” at the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival.

2011: The Miami Marlins owned by Jeffery Loria and led by President David Samson announced their re-branding campaign today.

2011:  The UN Security Council met today in New York behind closed doors to review a report presented on whether the Palestinians meet the criteria for admission to the UN, but did not raise a vote on the issue, nor is it clear when or if such a vote would be brought to the body.

2011:The Dead Sea was not among the winners in the New 7 Wonders of Nature contest despite a high profile campaign on the part of the government, according to a list of provisional results released at about 9:30 p.m. Israel time today.

2012: Yiddish Vinkl’s 20th Anniversary concert with Cantor Michael Smolash is scheduled to take place at the Sabes Jewish Community Center in Minneapolis, MN.

2012:The largest annual Jewish philanthropic conference in the country - The Jewish Federations of North America’s General Assembly – is scheduled to open in Baltimore, MD.

2012: At the UK Jewish Film Festival, premiere showing of “The Other Son,” a film about a Jewish and Muslim baby who are switched at birth.

2012: “For his Chromatic Silence show,” Wissam Jubran, a resident of Nazareth, “will take the stage with only oud for company.

2012: The 4th Annual International Bazaar sponsored by the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Educational Center is scheduled to come to an end.

2012: Armistice Day – Today marks the 94th anniversary of the end of WW I.  On the 11th day, of the 11thmonth at the 11th hour, the guns fell silent on the Western Front marking the conclusion of what was called “The War To End All Wars.”  For the Jews of Eastern Europe, this would be a farce as tens of thousands more would die in the many wars and revolutions that plagued the old Russian Empire into the 1920’s.  On the other hand, Zionists were heartened by the end of the hostilities which made it possible for Jews who had been expelled from Palestine by the Turks to return to their homes and opened the way for the implementation of the Balfour Declaration.

2012: Veteran’s Day – As the following article points out. Jews have been serving in the military since colonial times


2012:Three people were wounded by rocket fire in Sderot during a barrage fired to coincide with the daily commute to work. One man was moderately injured by shrapnel and flying glass in his car, while a couple heading to work was lightly hurt by shrapnel outside. A fourth person sustained injuries while racing for cover at a bomb shelter during the rocket siren.

2012:The IDF fired a warning shot, in the form of a guided missile, at the Syrian military on today after a Syrian shell exploded in the Golan Heights for the second time in recent days. Israel has not fired at Syria since the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

2013: Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff  a decorated retired military chaplain and Rear Admiral Herman Shelanski are scheduled to speak at the “53rdAnnual Meeting: Fait and the Foxhole” at Adas Israel in Washington, DC


2013: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to sponsor a discussion of The Short, Strange Life of Herschel Grynszpan led by the father and son literary duo – Jonathan and Adam Kirsch.


2013: 95thanniversary of the end of “The War to End All Wars


2013: Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Religious Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett and Deputy Religious Affairs Minister Eli Ben-Dahan proposed a bill today that would create one chief rabbi replacing the dual system that leaves the state with the Ashkenazi and Sephardic chief rabbis. (As reported by Lahav Harkov)


2013:Yisrael Beytenu Avigdor Liberman is now Foreign Minister, after he was sworn in to the position in the Knesset today, less than a week after his acquittal from fraud and breach of trust charges.” (As reported by Lahav Harkov)

2013: Today, “during the First Creative Economy Forum between Korea and Israel held in Tel Aviv, which featured the exposure of the Korea-Israel Hi-Tech Network - a project aimed to increase industrial collaborations in various hi-tech fields,” “Korean Ambassador in Israel Kim Il-soo announced that Israel and South Korea could become an economic powerhouse, referring to hi-tech cooperation between the countries.”

2013: Today one of Jack,”Keller's arrangements, Stephen Foster's Beautiful Dreamer, appeared on the Beatles' album On Air – Live at the BBC Volume 2.”

2014:Professor Emma Maayan Fanar  a visiting Art Historian from the University of Haifa spending the academic year at UConn.is scheduled to deliver a lecture on Photographic Expeditions to the Holy Land in the 19th & Early-20th Century

2014: In Virginia, George Mason University Hillel is scheduled to host its second annual “Expression of the Holocaust” that will include “Uniform,” a one act play by Aaron Sulkin.


2014: As Americans observed Veterans Day, Jews can take pride in their military service which dates back to 1654 when Asher Levy insisted he be allowed to serve as a guard in New Amsterdam and refused to pay a fee that would have excused his service.

2014: The “whole House of Israel” and decent people everywhere mourn the passing of 20 year old Almog Shiloni an IDF soldier who was murdered yesterday by a terrorist at a Tel Aviv train station.

2014: The “whole House of Israel” and decent people everywhere mourn the passing of 26 year old Dalia Lemkus who was stabbed to death yesterday as she waited at a bus stop.

2014: Fifty-nine year old Gilad Goldman is reported to be recovering from the wounds he suffered yesterday when he tried to thwart a terrorist attack yesterday in Tel Aiv.

2014: “Thanks to a curious library volunteer, Canadians learned of the discovery of a rare comic book honoring Jewish World War II heroes in time for the country’s Remembrance Day” which is celebrated today.

2014: “The IDF today deployed an Iron Dome missile defense battery in northern Israel as a precaution against possible rocket fire from Lebanon or Syria.” (As reported by Stuart Winer)

2014: Former New York Times printer Carl Tobias Schlesinger was scheduled to be laid to rest today.

2014: “Jews in the American Military,” an exhibit that conveys the role of American Jews in defending their country, from Asser Levy’s being granted the right to bear arms in 1657 to help protect Manhattan, to the 55 Jewish men and women killed in this era in Iraq and Afghanistan” opened at at the National Museum of American Jewish Military History. (As reported by Hillel Kutler)


2015: In Los Angeles, “Paris On The Water” is scheduled to be shown at the 29thIsrael Film Festival.

2015: Veterans Day – a good time to remember the work of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA who use this week to raise funds for the valuable work.


2016: On Veterans Day, which was originally called Armistice Day to mark the day when the guns fell silent on the Western Front, we are reminded that more than 200,000 Jews served in the U.S. Army which meant that Jews, who made up only three per cent of the U.S. population made up four per cent of the American fighting force.

2016: “Disturbing the Peace” is scheduled to be shown for the first time in New York City.

2016: In honor of Veterans Day, no films are scheduled to be shown at the Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema.

2016: The BBC rebroadcast portion of a 2007 interview with Leon Cohen in which he spoke about his view about religion in which he said that while he “investigates other spiritual systems,” he feels “very much part of” the Jewish tradition” which he practices and which his children practice.

2016: In the Crescent City friends and family of Arlene Smason Weider, the Advertising & Marketing Director of the Crescent City Jews, the leading voice for  all things Jewish in the “City that Care Forget” prepare to celebrate her natal day.

2016: The Shabbos Project is scheduled to begin this evening.


2017(22ndof Cheshvan, 5778): Parashat Chayei Sarah;

2017: In the United States, Veterans Day – While Jews have served in the American military since the Revolutionary War and many of them have served with such distinction that have won the Medal of Honor or reached the rank of General, the Jewish  military man who has had the greatest impact on the nation’s defense was one who never fired a shot in anger – Admiral Hyman Rickover, the “father of the nuclear navy” which was the most leg of the “triad” during the Cold War and which provides the U.S. with an edge against a myriad of threats in the 21st century.  (Editor’s note – at a time when nativism seems to be popular political stance of the day, one might ask where we would have been if a Polish Jew named Chaim Godalia had been kept out of the United States)

2017: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to host the first day of its “Holiday Boutique Weekend.”

2017: In New Orleans the JCC is scheduled to host an evening affair celebrating the successful completion of its Capital Expansion Project.

2017: The JNF’s National Conference is scheduled to continue for a second day in Hollywood, FL.

2017: “Master of York” and “The Outer Circle” are scheduled to be shown this evening in Manchester as part of the 21st UK International Jewish Film Festival.

2017: In New Orleans, Armistice Day takes on an added festive note as the friends and family of Arlene Smason Weider of the Crescent City Jewish News are scheduled to gather to celebrate her natal day.

2018: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jews including The Novel of Ferrara by Giorgio Bassani

2018: The Yoav Eshed Trio Millionaires with Yoav Eshed on guitar, Oren Hardy on Bass and Eviator Slivnik on Drums is scheduled to perform at the Blue Note Jazz Club in New York City.

2018: “Who Will Write Our History?” and “An Israeli Love Story” are scheduled to be shown on the final day of the Rutgers Jewish Film Festival.

2018: While the rest of the world is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the end of the War to End all Wars, the friends and family of Arlene Smason Wieder, the sister of Alan Smason are scheduled to gather to celebrate her natal day.

2018: The Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines is scheduled to host “A Global Day of Learning.”

2018: In Kansas City, MO, “For Liberty: American Jewish Experience in WW I” an exhibition hosted by The National WWI Museum and Memorial is scheduled to come to an end today.



2018: The Center of Jewish History is scheduled to host a panel discussion that covers material found in World War I and the Jews: Conflict and Transformation in Europe, the Middle East, and America by Volker Berghahn.

2018: One hundredth anniversary of the Armistice when on the 11th day, of the 11th month at the 11th hour the guns fell silent on the Western Front.





2019: In Atlanta, The Temple is scheduled to host a screening of “In the Presence of Their Absence.”

2019: The Rutgers University Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of Aviva Kempner’s “The Spy Behind Home Plate.”

2019: Friends and family of New Orleans native Arlene Smason Wieder, the sister of Alan Smason, the driving forces behind the Crescent City Jewish News, are scheduled to celebrate her natal day.

2019: In London, “Last Stop Coney Island: The Life and Photography of Harold Feinstein” and “The Birdcatcher” are scheduled to be shown during the UK Jewish Film Festival.

2019: In the United States observance of Veterans Day which began as Armistice Day which marked the end of WW I on the Western Front on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour.

2019: In Australia, observance of Remembrance Day, the Aussie version of what was known as Armistice Day.

2020: The St. Louis Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “The Spy Behind Home Plate.”

2020: “Union for Reform Judaism’s 2020 Civic Engagement Campaign is scheduled to present a celebration for mobilizing at least 500,000 votes, with discussions about important issues and ongoing/future efforts.

2020: The screening window for “Crescendo” hosted by the Columbus (Ohio) Jewish Film festival is scheduled to “open” this evening.

2020: Ben Gelber, the NBC4 Emmy award-winning meteorologist and founder and keyboardist of the Klezmer band, Friday Night Live, is scheduled to speak during Jewish Family Services of Columbus’ Zoom senior speaker series.

2020: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center is scheduled to host Dr. Oded Borowski is Professor Emeritus of Biblical Archaeology and Hebrew at Emory University lecturing on “For Everything There Is A Season: Daily Life In Biblical Times.”

2020: The Jewish Museum of London is scheduled to host “Service and Sacrifices: Stories from the Jewish Military Museum.”

2020: The National Museum of American Jewish History is scheduled to host virtual book talk “featuring Warren Hoffman, author of The Great White Way: Race the Broadway Musical.

2020: The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience is scheduled to present Stanley Mirvis as he discusses his new book, The Jews of Eighteenth-Century Jamaica: A Testamentary History of a Diaspora in Transition,  “an in-depth look at the Portuguese Jews of Jamaica and their connections to broader European and Atlantic trade networks.”
2020: Veterans Day which was originally known as Armistice Day because the guns fell silent on the Western Front on the 11th hours, of the 11thday of the 11th month



2021: The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host a virtual docent-led experience of our newest thematic tour by veteran Museum guides Miki Jona Schreiber and Laurie Hasten as we explore the ways Jewish people maintained their humanity and dignity by using their spirituality to lift themselves above the dehumanization of the Holocaust.

2021: The UK Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host the final special 50thanniversary screening of “The Policeman.”


2021: The Boston Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to partner with the Museum of Science for an exciting in-person screening of “Space Torah”, followed by a conversation with director Rob Cooper and NASA astronaut Dr. Jeff Hoffman, moderated by Paula S. Apsell, former senior executive producer for the PBS NOVA science series.

2021: Emory University’s Tam Institute for Jewish Studies is scheduled to present its 13th Annual Rabbi Jacob M. Rothschild Memorial Lecture, entitled “The Demand for Justice: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the Jewish Tradition.”

2021: Veterans Day which as Armistice Day originally commemorated the end of World War I during which approximately a quarter of a million Jews served in the armed forces of the United States.





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