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This Day, November 13, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


November 13

354:  Birthdate of St. Augustine of Hippo.  While St. Augustine may be held in high regard by the Roman Catholic Church, he held the Jews in especially low regard. In his famous work The City of God, Augustine reports that the Jews were exiled because of their rejection of Jesus. The dispersal of the Jews to so many different places is way of reminding Christians that their belief in Jesus as Messiah is correct.  The exile came about because the Jews were enemies of the Church, but the Jews must not be slain so that they can finally see the error of their ways and repent.  The sword of Constantine and the cross of Augustine would soon draw together to make a bitter brew for Jews for centuries to come.

361: Emperor Constantius II who continued the anti-Semitic policies of his father and who, among other things, “decreed that a person who was proven to have converted from Christianity to Judaism would have all of his property confiscated by the state” passed away today. (Those who contend that Christianity grew because of spiritual superiority might want to rethink this in light of this entry)

1093: Normans loyal to King William Rufus who had “managed to prevent the massacre of Jews in England like those that had taken place in Rouen and the Rhineland that had preceded the First Crusade” were victorious at the “Battle of Alnwick”

1160:  Marriage of Louis VII of France with Adele of Champagne. Unfortunately, this marriage produced King Phillip II who exploited the Jews and then expelled them from his kingdom. 

1312: At Windsor Castle, King Edward II and Isabella of France gave birth to King Edward III who borrowed 140,000 florins “on the eve of the Hundred Years’ War” from a consortium led by Vivelin of Strasbourg, “an Alsatian Jewish financier” who was thought to be “one of the richest people living in the Holy Roman Empire.”

1460: Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal passed away at the age of 66.  A devout Catholic who was a master of the Knights Templar, Henry was dedicated to bring glory to Portugal through maritime endeavors.  To that end he was only too willing to employ Jewish mathematicians, astronomers and cartographers despite his strong Crusading temperament.

1549: Paul Fagius, who learned Hebrew from Elia Levita with whom he founded a printing business that published Shemot Devarim, an Old Yiddish-Hebrew-Latin-German dictionary, in 1542 and who served as Hebrew lecturer at the University of Cambridge before being replaced by convert Immanuel Tremellius passed away today.

1685: King James II of England ordered the Attorney General to stop any proceedings against the Jews because “they should not be troubled upon his (the King’s) account but they should quietly enjoy the free exercise of their religion whilst they behaved dutifully and obediently to his government.”

1742: Founding of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters to which Ludwig Lewin Jacobson in 1809 announced rediscovery of and researches concerning a hitherto unknown absorptive organ in the human nose (later named after him "the Jacobsonian organ").

1757: The Talmud was publicly burned in Kamenets-Podolski (Poland). Jacob Frank, a follower of the false Messiah Shabbetai Zevi had begun his own movement which emphasized the Kabbalah and denigrated the Talmud. His practices (some of which were of sexual nature) were condemned by the local Rabbinate. In revenge, he arranged a dispute in Lvov between himself and the local Jewish leaders. Bishop Nicholas Dembowski who presided over the disputation ruled in favor of Frank and ordered all copies of the Talmud found to be dragged through the streets and burned. Around 1000 copies of the Talmud were destroyed. Within a few years, many of the Frankists converted to Christianity.

1761(19th of Cheshvan, 5522): Nathan Nata Spira, the son of Selig Spira and grandson of Nathan Nata Spira passed away at at Eibenschütz, in Moravia, where he had been serving as rabbi for the past year.

1769: Sarah Cohen and Henry Marks gave birth to Miriam Marks was living in Philadelphia when she passed away in 1784.

1773(o.s.): In Liozna, Sterna Segal and Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi gave birth to Dovber Schneuri the second Rebbe of  the Chabad Lubavitch Chasidic movement also known as the “Mitteler Rebbe” or Middle Reebe since he was the second in the chain of the first three leaders of Chabad.

1779: Birthdate of German native Solomon Samuel Massenbacher, the husband of Lisette Arnold and father of Isabella, Caroline, Miriam, Hester and Jeanette Massenbacher.

1785:Hirsch Janow, known as “Hirsch Harfi” (Hirsch the acute)  who had succeeded his father-in-law Raphael Kohn as the rabbi of Posen in 1776 before becoming chief rabbi at Furth passed away today in Bavaria.

1787: In Essingen, Germany, “Bunle Babetter Isaac” and Emanuale Nathan Scharff gave birth to Abraham Scharff, the husband of Nanette Dreyfus and father of Sara, Heinrich, Regine, Isaac, Esther and Babette Scharff.

1791: King Louis XVI signed the resolution of emancipation guaranteeing all French Jews full rights of citizenship.

1796: In Offenbach-on-the Main, Wolf Breidenbach and his wife gave birth to Moritz Breidenbach, who earned an LL.D. from the University of Heidelberg in 1817 “whose principal literary work was his commentary on the Hessian legal code” of which he had been the “principal author.”

1797: In Buchau, Germany, Sarah Binswanger and David Wolf Bernheim gave birth to Jakob Bernheim, the husband of Katharina Heilbronner and father of David, Benedic “Isak,” and Emanuel Bernheim.

1798: In Heidenheim, Germany, Barbara Adelsdorfer and Moses Hausman gave birth to “Jeutle (Judith) Hausman,” the wife of Isaak Baer and mother of Bernard, Babette, Mary, David, Samuel, Moses and Fanny Baer.

1799: Henry Harris married Fyla Frances at the Great Synagogue today.

1799: Moses Levy married Sarah Phillips at the Great Synagogue today.

1806: Jewish merchants of Gibraltar wrote Aaron Nunez Cardozo a prominent merchant serving as a liaison between the British government and the Muslim Barbary States seeking his help in getting them an exemption from the Moroccan dress code for dhimmis. As the following entry shows, dhimmi status was part of the “peculiar relationship” that the Muslims imposed on the Jews.  “The Muslim attitude toward Jews is reflected in various verses throughout the Koran, the holy book of the Islamic faith. "They [the Children of Israel] were consigned to humiliation and wretchedness. They brought the wrath of God upon themselves, and this because they used to deny God's signs and kill His Prophets unjustly and because they disobeyed and were transgressors" (Sura 2:61). According to the Koran, the Jews try to introduce corruption (5:64), have always been disobedient (5:78), and are enemies of Allah, the Prophet and the angels (2:97­98). Still, as "People of the Book," Jews (and Christians) are protected under Islamic law. The traditional concept of the "dhimma"("writ of protection") was extended by Muslim conquerors to Christians and Jews in exchange for their subordination to the Muslims. Peoples subjected to Muslim rule usually had a choice between death and conversion, but Jews and Christians, who adhered to the Scriptures, were allowed as dhimmis (protected persons) to practice their faith. This "protection" did little, however, to insure that Jews and Christians were treated well by the Muslims. On the contrary, an integral aspect of the dhimma was that, being an infidel, he had to openly acknowledge the superiority of the true believer--the Muslim. In the early years of the Islamic conquest, the "tribute" (or jizya), paid as a yearly poll tax, symbolized the subordination of the dhimmi. Later, the inferior status of Jews and Christians was reinforced through a series of regulations that governed the behavior of the dhimmi. Dhimmis, on pain of death, were forbidden to mock or criticize the Koran, Islam or Muhammad, to proselytize among Muslims or to touch a Muslim woman (though a Muslim man could take a non-­Muslim as a wife). Dhimmis were excluded from public office and armed service, and were forbidden to bear arms. They were not allowed to ride horses or camels, to build synagogues or churches taller than mosques, to construct houses higher than those of Muslims or to drink wine in public. They were not allowed to pray or mourn in loud voices-as that might offend the Muslims. The dhimmi had to show public deference toward Muslims-always yielding them the center of the road. The dhimmi was not allowed to give evidence in court against a Muslim, and his oath was unacceptable in an Islamic court. To defend himself, the dhimmi would have to purchase Muslim witnesses at great expense. This left the dhimmi with little legal recourse when harmed by a Muslim. Dhimmis were also forced to wear distinctive clothing. In the ninth century, for example, Baghdad's Caliph al-Mutawakkil designated a yellow badge for Jews, setting a precedent that would be followed centuries later in Nazi Germany. The Moslem view of the Jew as permanent second class citizen would help to explain the hostility towards the state of Israel.  Under the concept of dhimmi Moslems could not accept living in a state where Jews had equal rights and they certainly could not accept living in a state that had been created by a victory of Jewish soldiers over soldiers of Islam.

1809: Birthdate of Kingston, Jamaica native Moses Joseph Henriques, the husband of Sarah Henriques and the father of Elizabeth Henriques.

1811(26thof Cheshvan, 5572): Abigail Sarzedas, the daughter of Abraham Zaradas and the wife of Myer Polock passed away today in Savannah after having lived in New York City and Newport, RI.

1817: In London, Isabel and Isaac Lyon Goldsmid gave birth to Caroline Goldsmid.

1827: Birthdate of Philadelphia lawyer Leonard Myers, the native of Attleborough, PA who “was elected as Republican from the 3rdDistrict of Pennsylvania to the 38th, 39th, 40th, 41st, 42nd and 43rd Congresses.”

1830: Joseph Mérilhou, the Minister of Public Education under Louis Phillippe, offered a motion placing Judaism on an equal footing with the Christian religions, paying Synagogues and rabbis from the public treasury in the same manner as was done for Churches and their ministers.  In presenting his motion, "which was adopted by a large majority" Merilhou spoke approvingly of how well Jews had performed as citizens of the republice since they had been granted citizenship during the French Revolution.

1833: Birthdate of Edwin Booth, a member of the famous 19thcentury acting family of whom critics said that “there is no other actor who can realize so well as he all the meaning of the character of Shylock, the bitter hatred, the firmness of purpose, the deep passion, the unswerving faith and the tenderness of his undemonstrative affection for his child” which sets apart from all his contemporaries including Lawrence Barrett.

1834: Birthdate of Benjamin Franklin Peixotto a New York born lawyer who was the son of Dr. Daniel Levy Maduro Peixotto and the grandson of Rabbi Moses L. M. Peixotto. After attending school in New York he went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he studied law under Stephen A. Douglas and wrote for the Cleveland Plaindealer. In 1867 he removed to San Francisco, where he continued his practice as a lawyer. In 1870-'5 he was United States consul in Bucharest, Romania, where his influence was marked in securing civil and religious liberty. In 1876 he returned to the United States and took part in the presidential canvass in favor of Rutherford B. Hayes. In 1877 he declined the appointment of consul-general at St. Petersburg. He was subsequently made United States consul at Lyons, France, a post which he held until 1885, when he returned to New York and resumed the practice of law. Peixotto was active in various Jewish educational and charitable movements throughout the United States.  A well-known lecturer, he was the editor of the Menorah, a publication established in 1886 which highlighted the activities of the B’nai Brith as well as the Jewish religion and literature.

1837: In Texas, Abraham Lewis who had served as “a member of Captain James C. Winn’s Company” during the fight for independence “was issued Bounty Certificate No. 278 for 640 acres” today for having served in the army

1839: In Darmstadt, Germany, Lob and Bina Oppenheimer gave birth to Rosa Oppenheimer who became Rosa Bloom when she married her second husband Isidor Bloom.

1839: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi Gustavus Poznanski officiated at the wedding of John J. Cohen of Augusta, GA and Miss Cornelia Anne Jacobs, the daughter of Colonel Jacobs.

1834: In New York, o Dr. Daniel Moses Levy Maduro Peixotto and Rachel Lopes Mendes Peixotto gave birth to “lawyer, diplomate and Jewish communal leader Benjamin Franklin Peixotto, the husband of Hannah Peixotto who while working as a “clothing merchant in Cleveland” wrote editorials for the Cleveland Plain Dealer” was “a founder of the Sunday School at Congregation Tifereth Israel” before returning to New York to practice law.

1841: Following an investigation by magistrates the Bahamian Attorney-General went on board the brig Creole which nineteen slaves had seized from the slave traders marking the beginning of an international incident that would result in litigation in which Judah P. Benjamin “represented insurance companies being sued.”

1844(3rd of Kislev): Purim Amtchislav (Mstislavl, Belorussia) was annually observed by that community in a commemoration of a happy event that took place on that day

1844: Czar Nicholas I of Russia issued a decree calling for the establishment of a school for Jewish students and a seminary to train rabbis and teachers.  This was not nearly as benign as it sounded and most Jews avoided the siren call of enrolling their young in schools run by the government of Czarist Russia.  The Czar had a secret plan to gradually close the old Jewish schools and thus leave Jewish education in the hands of a government committed to the extinction of the Jewish people in Russia.

1845: In Germany, Zadek and Esther Machol gave birth to Michaelis Machol, the graduate of the Theological Seminary of Breslau and served as rabbi at Kehillath Anshe Maariv in Chicago before beginning his long-term service as a Rabbi at Temple Anshe Chesed in Cleveland, Ohio.

1849: The Hebrew Benevolent and German Hebrew Benevolent Society are scheduled to hold its anniversary in New York City.

1852: Birthdate of Jacob Voorsanger, the native of Amsterdam who came to the United States in the early 1870’s where he served as the rabbi at several congregations including Emanu-El in San Francisco while also serving as a professor of Semitic Languages at the University of California and a chaplain at Stanford.

1853: Birthdate of Moses Alexander, the Mayor of Boise and Governor of Idaho who was the husband of Helena Kaestner Alexander and the father of Leha Alexander Spiro.



1855: Rabbi Isidor Kalisch’s translation of a Phoenician inscription that had been found in Sidon, Asia was read before the Syro-Egyptian Society of London,

1856: Birthdate of Louis Brandeis.  Southern born, Harvard educated; Brandeis pursued a successful legal career as a champion of the underdog.  He was an ally and confidant of President Woodrow Wilson.  Wilson appointed Brandeis to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1916.  This was a milestone in American history and Jewish history.  Brandeis was the first Jew named to the high court.  He was also the first of whole group of minorities who would eventually take their place on the court including African-American and women.  The Brandeis nomination was contested by anti-Semites and the American business community.  Brandeis served on the bench until 1939.  Brandeis was also a committed Zionist and a leader of the movement in the United States.  He passed away in 1941.  Words from Brandeis: “The greatest menace to freedom is an inert people.”  “Every American Jew who aids in advancing the Jewish settlement in Palestine, though he feels that neither he nor his descendants will ever live there, will be a better man and a better American for doing so.” 



1856: In New York, the Hebrew Benevolent Society celebrated the 35thanniversary of its founding with a lavish banquet held in the City Assembly Rooms.

1857: One day after he had passed away, 61 year old Lewis Abrahams, the husband of Julia Abrahams and the father of Charles Abrahams was buried today at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1858:  The New York Times reported that "the Jews of New Orleans have contributed $150 for the New Orleans sick."

1860: Four days after he passed away, Reuben Salomons, the son of Barent and Rose Salomons and the husband of the former Sarah Hurwitz was buried today at the Balls Pond Jewish Cemetery.

1863: Sixty-four year old Alexander McCaul, the Anglo-Irish author who spent over a decade trying to convert Jews in Poland, who “wrote vigorously against the blood libel” and who “became professor of Hebrew and rabbinical literature at King’s College, London” passed away today.

1866: In Louisville, KY, Moritz and Esther Flexner gave birth to Dr. Abraham Flexner, the husband of the former Anne Crawford with whom he had two daughters Jean and Eleanor


1868: In Philadelphia, “Seligman Bernheimer and Betty Loeb” gave birth to Dr. Charles S. Bernheimer, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, the President of the Young Men’s Hebrew Union and a member of the Jewish Chautauqua Society who was the “compiler and editor” of “The Russian Jew in the United States.”

1871: In Orangeburg, SC, Philip and Jennie Rich were wed today.          

1872: It was reported today that, based on information that had first appeared in The Times of London that the suffering of the Romanian Jews has given rise to a demand for concerted action by their co-religionists to protest and improve their condition.  A conference to be held in Brussels for this purpose is attracting delegates who are prominent leaders from several places including Paris, London and Berlin.

1872: Birthdate of Savannah, GA native Charles Garfunkel, the husband of Lina Adler Garfunkel with whom he had two sons – Benjamin and Sylvan

1873: One day after she had passed away, Edith Russell was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1875: Birthdate of Gershon Lichetenstein, the native of Babimost who would be murdered by the Nazis in Lodz at the age of 65.

1877: In Salt Lake City, UT, Ichel and Auguste (Graupe) Watters gave birth to University of Utah trained chemist Leon Laizer Watters, the holder of Ph.D from Columbia where he later taught and the “President of the Hospital Supply Company and The Watters Laboratories who was the Vice President of the Hebrew Technical Institute for Boys, Treasurer of Temple Emanu-El in NYC and the author of “The Earliest Jews of Utah.”

1878: Birthdate of German born American mathematician Max Wilhelm Dehn, who look so many others gave up his career in his homeland with the rise of the Nazis, but unlike others, was able to find refuge in the United States.

1880: Todays dispatch to the London Standard from Berlin stated “A petition has been presented to Prince Bismarck to restrict the civil rights of the Jews and repeal the absolute equality enjoyed by them with German citizens.” (Prince Bismarck is Otto Von Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor who really ran Germany)

1881: Seventy-four year old Harris Michaels, the husband of the former Elizabeth Daniel and the father of Priscilla Michaels, was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1882: It was reported today that “the Mount Sinai Hospital…is one of the leading hospitals” in New York City.  It treats patients of all creeds and its “list of free patients is as large as any other institution of its kind in the country.”

1882(2ndof Kislev, 5643): Ephraim Alex the Anglo-Jewish philanthropist who served as overseer of the Great Synagogue and founded the Jewish Board of Guardians passed away today in London.

1882: In Russia, Dora and Joseph Meir Haberman gave birth to George Washington University trained physician Samuel Hoberman a specialist in chest diseases and Republican Party activist

1883: It was reported today that when the Lord Mayor of London refused to allow the Dr. Stocker, the anti-Semitic Chaplain to the Court of Germany to lecture at Mansion House, he said “he could not disregard the feelings of the Jewish community of London by giving prominence…to a man who has excited hostility against the Jews.”

1884: Rosa Schuminchler, a Polish Jewess who had previously been deported, and her seven children were among those who arrived in the United States today aboard the SS Queen

1884: Samuel A. Lewis, Tammany political leader, former President of the Board of Alderman and the editor of a Jewish newspaper was arrested as a result of civil suit brought by his sister, Harriet L. Lewis.

1884: “Mgr. Capel on Patriotism” published today described the speech by Monsignor Thomas John Capel to the Young Men’s Hebrew Association” in which he calls for quality public education where the teachers are “appointed upon their merits and goodness” and not “because they are friends of the mayor.” In describing the role of women, he reminds his listeners that “husbands are breadwinners” but women “are formers of character.” (Why Capel, a Catholic priest who stood accused of a variety of “improprieties” during his lifetime, was chosen to lecture to a Jewish organization is something for which I have not found an explanation.)

1884: English thespians Henry Irving and Ellen Terry will perform “The Merchant of Venice” this evening.  She will play the Jewess Portia and he will play Shylock, the Jew – one of his signature dramatic roles.  (Based on newspaper accounts at the time, this particular Shakespearian drama was extremely popular in the post-Civil War United States.)

1885: William Sharon, the former Senator from Nevada, who would bequeath $5,000 to the Hebrew Orphan Asylum at San Francisco passed away today.

1886: It was reported today that plans are being made for a concert at the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews.

1887: In Estonia, “Yoel and Hannah Rothenberg” gave birth to American sculptor Minna Harkavy, a founding member of both the Sculptors Guild and the New York Society of Women Artists who was the wife of pharmacist and Yiddish author Louis Harkavy.

1888: One day after she had passed away, Henrietta Salamon, the daughter of Solomon and Harriet Prager Levien and the wife of Edward Salamon with whom she had eight children was buried today at the “Rookwood Cemetery in Rookwood, NSW Australia.”

1889: A delegation of Jews went to New York political leader Coroner Levy to protest the failure of authorities to bury Abraham Bergman, a child who died two weeks ago.

1891: Birthdate of NYC native and Harvard graduate Herbert Jacob Seligman, a supporter of the NAACP, director of public relations of the American Joint Distribution Committee, who upon returning from a fact finding trip to Germany in 1936 said “Terror, insecurity and pauperization are the lot of millions of Jews in Central Europe and the author of  Race Against Man.

1892: “Israel in the Wilderness” a cantata by Dr. Alfred R. Gaul which opens with “a Hebrew chorale” was performed for the first time in New York City.

1892: Founding of the Perth Hebrew Congregation “the oldest of three synagogues serving the Jewish community of Perth, Australia”

1892: The Trustees of Temple Emanu-El met today and decided to hold a memorial service in honor of the late Seligman Adler the New York businessman who was a trustee of the Temple for 22 years.

1893: In Romania, birthdate of Rubin Zelicovici, who gained fame as Israeli painter Reuven Rubin whose works included an oil canvas painted in 1922 entitled “Self Portrait with a Flower” which is on display in the Rubin Museum. http://www.flickr.com/photos/32357038@N08/6152510301/


For more of his paintings see http://www.imj.org.il/artcenter/galleryE.asp?artist=277535&list=

1894: In Vienna, Jewish philosopher Nathan Birnbaum and Rosa Korngut gave birth to Austrian artist Uriel Birnbaum.

1894: Three days after she had passed away, Kettchen May, the daughter of Isaak Simon Landauer and Sprinz Salomon Michel and wife of Ferdinand May was buried today at the West Ham Jewish Cemetery on Buckingham Road.

1894: Following their debut at London in July pianists Rose Laura Sutro and Ottilie Sutro played a Bach concerto during their American debut which took place in Brooklyn today.

1895: According to a summary of the United Hebrew Charities’ monthly report, during October the society processed 2,507 applications which provided assistance for a total of 8, 356 people.

1895: Work of United Hebrew Charities” published today described the successful operations of this New York organization which collected $14, 413. 50 this past month of which it spent over $10,000 to provide services ranging from the support of an industrial school for girls to providing transportation for immigrants to settle in other parts of the country.

1895: After the Emperor had refused to ratify the election of “Dr. Karl Luger, the anti-Semitic leader in the Reichsrath” as Burgomaster of Vienna, the Municipal Council elected him to the position again today which led to an imperial decree dissolving the council.

1895: The New York Times reported on an instructive and most entertaining lecture on the subject of “Ghosts” given in the West End Synagogue by Rabbi F. de Sola Mendes to an audience composed almost entirely of women and young girls.

1896: “Dowers For Orphan Girls” published today described the work of the newly formed Greater New York German Orphan Society which was modeled on a program started several years ago by Mr. Morgenthau for Jewish girls that will provide dowries to German girls, regardless of their religious denomination which will enable these worthy but impoverished maidens a chance to enjoy the benefits of marriage.

1897: Birthdate of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Friedman, the founder and former spiritual leader of the Garment Center Synagogue in Manhattan. Born in Jerusalem, Rabbi Friedman came to the United States with his mother and brother in 1918 to escape famine in his homeland. His father had arrived a year earlier. Trained as a scribe, Rabbi Friedman began his rabbinical studies in 1919. He was a rabbinical graduate of Yeshiva University's Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He was ordained in 1921. After his ordination, he was appointed rabbi of Congregation Ezrath Israel in Ellenville, N.Y., a position he held for four years before moving to Brooklyn. In 1931, after serving at several synagogues in New York City, Rabbi Friedman founded the Garment Center Synagogue. In the mid-1950's, he was named rabbi emeritus. He passed away in 1993 at the age of 95.


1897(18th of Cheshvan, 5658): Mrs. Marion Levy, the widow of A.S. Levy, who was born in New York in 1857 and who later moved to Brooklyn passed away in her adopted home town.


1897(18th of Cheshvan, 5658): Sixty-four year old Dutch banker and philanthropist A.C. (Abraham Carel) Wertheim who was the husband of Rosalie Marie Wertheim with whom he had eight children passed away today.

1897(18th of Cheshvan, 5658): Sixty-seven year old James Picciotto passed away today at his mother-in-law’s residence in London.


1897: In Vienna police were called to quell the fighting that broke out today between German and Jewish university students

1897: “The Rev. Sabato Morais” published today eulogized the life of the recently deceased Rabbi whom the secular press said devoted his life “to the promotion of the liberty and advancement of the human race, the defense of the conservatism of the Jewish religion and the leadership and uplifting of the Jewish People.”

1898: Plans were published today describing the upcoming course of Monday talks to be given at the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1899: In Chicago, Julia (née Cohen) and Paul Caspary gave birth to American “lady of letters” Vera Louise Caspary who wrote the novel Laura, which was turned into one of the finest films-noire


1900: Herzl meets the French millionaire Reitlinger and discusses the idea of redeeming the Turkish debt.

1901(2NDof Kislev, 5662): Sixty-three year old Edward Micholls Henriques, the Bloomsburg born son of Rebecca and David Quixano Henriques and the husband of Rose Emily Henriques passed away today in Manchester, England.

1902: Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany who would blame the Jews for the loss in WW I visited Great Britain ruled by King Edward VII who counted the Rothschilds and Sasoons as friends.

1903(22nd of Cheshvan, 5664): French impressionist painter Camille Pissarro passed away at the age of 73. Born Jacob-Abraham-Camille Pissarro he was the son of a Sephardic Jew living in the Virgin Islands where owned by Denmark. “None of Pissarro's paintings refer to the Bible or Jewish rituals or include Hebrew inscriptions. However, the art historian Stephanie Rachum has pointed out references to Judaism in three pen and ink drawings that Pissarro created in 1890 for his nieces. In "Capitol," Pissarro drew a smartly-dressed man with a hooked nose amidst throngs of needy people. In a letter to his nieces, Pissarro identified the ‘vulgar and ugly’ figure as a portrait of a rich Jew, ‘of an Oppenheim, of a Rothschild, of a Gould, whatever.’ The hooked noses appear in two other illustrations in the series, which also depict the Golden Calf. Although some might consider Pissarro a self-hating Jew for drawing these pictures, it is significant that they were not intended for publication. They reflect the complicated way in which his anarchist political views confronted his Jewish identity; to Pissarro, a rich Jew seemed to have been primarily a rich man and coincidentally Jewish. Joachim Pissarro, an art scholar and Camille's great-grandson, suggests that Camille's complicated relationship with Judaism impacted his work. The artist's religious struggles helped him develop, according to Joachim, "a critical stance which he could apply to the system of taste and to the conventions that governed art teaching at the time of his arrival in France in 1855."


1904: In Hamburg, Louise (née Löwenthal) and John Biermann gave birth to Dagobert Biermann the Jewish resistance fighter who was murdered by the Nazis at Auschwitz.

1905: “Jacob H. Schiff told an audience at the headquarters of the Educational Alliance” tonight “of the outrages” suffered by the Jews of Russia which is causing their “exodus…to the United States” where they “would make… the greatest Jew of all the ages.”

1905: As of tonight, approximately $40,000 “has been collected by the various Jewish organizations” in Philadelphia, PA for the relief of the Jewish “survivors of the massacre in Russia.”

1905: “At the meeting of the Executive Committee” today ‘in the United Hebrew Charities Building word was received from the banking houses of Rothschild in London and Paris that London’s fund, of which Baron Rothschild is Treasurer, has reached £53,000 and the Paris fund is 625,000 francs which is about half the London fund.”

1905: According to Mr. Spring-Rice, the Attaché of the British Legation, today, “the house of every Jew in St. Petersburg was marked with chalk as a preliminary to a general campaign against the Jewish race”

1905: As a sign that the concern for the plight of the Jews of Russia is not limited to a single “creed or faith” a meeting is scheduled to be held this afternoon at the Baptist Church of the Epiphany at Madison and 64thStreet “to protest against the massacres and to take steps to aid in the relief work.”

1905: The Free Sons of Israel sent a “communication” today to Jacob Schiff declaring that the Order “was now actively engaged in the collection in the collection of money for the alleviation of the sufferings of the Russian Hebrews” along with its first contribution of $1,000.

1905: In Odessa, “the dismissal of Prefect D.B. Neidhartd” who is considered to be responsible for many of the recent anti-Semitic attacks “was announced this evening” which brought “rejoicing to the Jewish population.”

1906: In spite of her efforts to conceal the fact, Eleanora Leigh, the actress appearing in “Pippa Passes” at the Majestic Theatre finally conceded that she is really “Alice Lewisohn, the daughter of the late Leonard Lewisohn and the sister of Jesse Lewisohn.

1906: Birthdate of Eva Zeisel, American industrial designer. Born in Hungary, Zeisel is another refugee from Hitler’s Europe who enriched American culture; in her case in the world of ceramics and pottery.

1906: Miss Alice Lewisohn, the daughter of the late Leonard Lewisohn and the sister of Jesse Lewisohn explained that she was performing in “Pippa Passes” under the name of “Eleanora Leigh” because while she enjoyed the theatre she did not want to be known as a professional actress.

1907: In West Park, Ohio, Wilbur and May Nichols gave birth to Kenneth David “Nick” Nichols, a Major General who played a key role in the Manhattan project and who was one of the driving forces behind removing the security clearance of J. Robert Oppenheimer whom he said was a community “in every sense except that he did not carry a party card.”

1908: Birthdate of New York City native Robert Garvey Cohn, the CCNY trained writer.

1909(29th of Cheshvan, 5670): Parashat Toldot

1909(29th of Cheshvan, 5670): Elje Schafirstein passed away today.

1909: Rabbis attending this week’s meeting of the Central Conference of American Rabbis are scheduled to speak at congregations throughout Greater New York today.

1909: A special dinner is scheduled to be held tonight at the Hotel Savoy for those attending this week’s meeting of the Central of American Rabbis.

1909: The University of Michigan led by halfback Joseph “Joe” Magidsohn, “the first Jewish athlete to win a varsity ‘M’” who was the “first athlete known to have refused to compete on the Jewish High Holy Days” defeated the University of Pennsylvania today.

1909: The Tennessee Volunteers coached by George Levene lost to the University of Alabama today.

1910: It was reported today, that Jacob H. Schiff, Felix M. Warburg, and Mrs. Esther Herrman were among the guests of honor at a dinner given by the Young Men's Hebrew Association celebrating the tenth anniversary of the opening of the association's present building at Lexington Avenue and Ninety-Second Street.

1911(22nd of Cheshvan, 5672): Forty-year old architect Charles Henry Israels, the New York born “son of Lehman Hartog Israels and Florence Zilla Israels and husband of Belle Linder “whom she met at the Alliance where he had been a volunteer club leader” passed away today from the effects of “heart disease.”

1911: The Vaad or Council of Rabbis of the Jewish community of Safed voted 20,000 Francs toward the [Turkish] war fund.

1913(13th of Cheshvan, 5674): Thirty-eight year old theatrical manager Daniel S. Fishell, the Louisiana born son of Ferdinand and Lizzie Fischell passed away in St. Louis.

1913: Birthdate of Karl Jay Shapiro, the Baltimore native who “was appointed the fifth Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1946.

1914(24th of Cheshvan, 5675): Seventy year old “Hebraic scholar” Moses Neumann, the son of Wolf Neumann of Austrian Galicia who came to the United States seventeen years ago passed away today in New York

1914: In Sydney, the Hebrew Standard of Australasia reported that thirty-four year old Louis Sefton Cullen joined the Royal Fusiliers.

1915: The “glories of great master craftsmen of the Hebrews are revived in the exhibition of the Bezalel School, Jerusalem, which has opened at 233 Fifth Avenue, near Twenty-seventh Street” where “exquisite examples of filigree work, copper inlay, carving in ivory and in wood, which are here displayed, bear witness to the fact that the skill of the race has lost nothing since the days of Bezale

1916: Herman Bernstein, the editor of The American Hebrew said today that “the economic boycotts against the Polish Jews of which he had spoken about previously had taken place in Russian Poland and not in the part” of Poland occupied by the German forces.

1916(17th of Cheshvan, 5677): Private Philip Samuels, the native of West Kensington, London and son of Charles and Rebecca Samuel was killed today during the Battle of the Somme while serving with the 7thBattalion of the Royal Fusiliers.

1916: Julius Rosenwald, Chicago merchant and philanthropist contributed $500,000 toward the endowment fund for the proposed medical department of the University of Chicago

1917: During the “October Revolution” the Bolsheviks used artillery to gain control of Moscow but Alexander Kerensky, the moderate Socialist who was Chairman of the deposed Russian Provisional Government continued to enjoy support outside of the Russian capital.

1917: Private Abraham Balustein and the rest of the 165th which had just arrived in France from the United States remained in Brest for a second day.

1917: As Egyptian Expeditionary Force continued its advance after the battles at Beersheba and Gaza, Allenby’s forces drove back the Ottoman forces from their strong defensive positions in what was known as the Battle of Mughar Ridge, but was, in a typical case of English understatement as the Action of El Mughar in official dispatches.

1918: A group of prominent Jewish leaders including Samuel Untermeyer, Nathan Straus, Abram I. Elkus, Louis Marshal, Adolph Lewisohn Samuel C. Pamport, Louis Lipsky, Judge Otto A. Rasalsky, Dr. Samuel Schlman, Israel Unterberg and Franklin Simon host a dinner in New York for a delegation of visiting Zionists led by Vladimir Jabotinksy that includes Professor Otto Warburg and Alexander Goldstein.

1918: Jeanne Levy, the Paris born daughter “Alfred Dreyfus and Lucie Eugénie Hadamard” and her husband Pierre-Paul Louis Lévy gave birth to Madeleine Lévy who was murdered at Auschwitz.

1919: In Los Angeles attorney Joseph Max Wapner and the former Fannie Friedman gave birth to decorated WW II Army veteran Joseph Albert Wapner a real judge and the “judge on televisions The Peoples Court who was the husband of Mildred Nebenzahl and the father of Sarah, Frederick and David Miron-Wapner.

1919: Birthdate of Isadore “Izzy” Spector who lead the Grand Junction High School to the state championship in Colorado before playing three years at the University of Utah where he earned honorable mention on the Grantland Rice All-America team in 1940.

1920(2nd of Kislev, 5681): Parashat Tolodot

1920: Dr. R. H. Melamed is scheduled to deliver a sermon on the portion of the week at Petach Tikvah in Brooklyn.

1920: Rabbi E.L. Solomon is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The Doctrine of Immortality” at Kehilath Jeshurun.

1920: Rabbi David Davidson is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Jacob and Esau: A Character Study for Simple Folks and Superwise Critics” at Atereth Israel’

1920: Birthdate of Eugene Ferkauf “the founder of the E. J. Korvette chain of discount department stores, whose 1950s strategy of low prices, quick turnover and high volume helped shape today’s retail landscape…” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1921: Over 2,000 men, women and children gathered today to commemorate “the completion of thirty-nine years by Edward Lauterbach as a trustee of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1921(12th of Cheshvan, 5682) Fifty-one year old Ignác (Yitzhaq Yehuda) Goldziher passed away.  Born in 1850, this Hungarian Jew is considered with of the three founders of modern Islamic studies in Europe.


1921: Dr. Joseph Silverman, rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanu-El, surprised almost 1,200 guests at a dinner at the Hotel Astor tonight by declaring himself in favor of the upbuilding of Palestine and the establishment there of a republic patterned after the democracy of the United States. “Rabbi Silverman has always been known as a non-Zionist, and while his beliefs do not quite coincide with those of the ardent Zionist, they were accepted by the large attendance as a practical endorsement of the Zionist movement.”

1921: In Camden, NJ Rabbi Mortimer J. Cohen of Philadelphia’s Beth Sholom and Rabbi Max Klein took part in the services dedicated the building which would serve as the temporary home for Congregation Beth El

1922: The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Samuel Bashlow had delivered a eulogy entitled “Facts of the Unknown” at the service in Camden, NJ honoring the five members of the Y.M.H.A. who had lost their lives in the World War which was followed by Rabbi Harry S. Davidowitz’s speech and closing prayer offered by Rabbi Solomon Grayzel.

1923: In Boyle Heights, Morton and Fanny Greenstone gave birth to Leonard Greenstone, “a Los Angeles businessman and developer who helped create innovative training and rehabilitation programs for California prison inmates during 50 years of volunteer service to the prison system…” (As reported by Rebecca Trounson)


1923: In Edmonton, Alberta, Harry Hiller the owner of a secondhand musical instrument store and the former Rose Garfin gave birth to director Arthur Hiller whose most famous picture was the schmaltzy,  tear-jerker “Love Story.” (As reported by Dave Kehr)


1924: “Waxworks,” a silent horror film directed Paul Leni and Leo Birinsky who was also the producer was released in Germany today.

1925: Frances (Fanny) Wolff Lewis, the daughter of Louis Napoleon Levy and Lillian Hendricks Levy and her husband Harold Lewis gave birth Harley Alma Lewis who became Harley Alma Cohn when she married Richard James Cohn.

1926: In his 11th bout, Seymour “Cy” Schindel suffered his second loss at the Walker Athletic Club in New York.

1927: In New York, Louis and Mary (Halkin) Wiener, gave birth to Dr. Naomi W. Cohen, the Columbia University trained history professor and author who was the wife of Gerson D. Cohen, the Jewish historian and chancellor of JTS.




1927: This evening, Albert Weisbord is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “Ten Years of Working-Class Government” at a “Mass Celebration” marking the “Tenth Anniversary of Soviet Russian” hosted by the Workmens Circle Temple. 

1928: During a dinner “arranged by the Union of Orthodox Congregations of America in’ honor of the fifty years of religious and public service of Dr. H. Pereira Mendes which was broadcast by WJZ, Rabbi Mendes called for the “convocation of the Jewish World Sanhedrin, the religious parliament which has not met since the Roman era, to deal with problems of orthodox Judaism raised by recent social and economic changes” in the modern world.

1930: Birthdate of New York native left-wing Princeton Professor Richard A. Falk who was able to provide a rationalization for the terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon.


1931: In Budapest Klara nee Fejer and grain merchant Alexander Steiner gave birth to Agnes Steiner who survived the Holocaust and made a new life for herself as Leach Barcela in Israel

1933: The film version of “The Invisible Man” produced by Carl Laemmle, Jr. was released in the United States today.

1933: In contrast to how the Jews were being treated in Germany, the Baden Interior Minister “sent the following directive to police headquarters” today: "Forceful measures against Catholic clergymen outside the framework of the general laws are not permitted in the future."

1933: “A rally of German Christians was held at the Berlin Sportpalast, where — before a packed hall — banners proclaimed the unity of National Socialism and Christianity, interspersed with the omnipresent swastikas and series of speakers addressed the crowd's pro-Nazi sentiments with ideas such as:

the removal of all pastors unsympathetic with National Socialism

the expulsion of members of Jewish descent, who might be arrogated to a separate church

the implementation of the Aryan Paragraph church-wide

the removal of the Old Testament from the Bible

the removal of "non-German" elements from religious services

the adoption of a more "heroic" and "positive" interpretation of Jesus, who in pro-Aryan fashion should be portrayed to be battling mightily against corrupt Jewish influences.

1934: “J. W. Mack to Remain As Head of Reform Union Body Till’35” published today described the decision to have “Jacob W. Mack, newly elected chairman of the executive board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, serve in that capacity at least until the Union’s thirty-fourth annual council in Washington in March, 1935.” (As reported by JTA)

1934”Egon Kisch jumped from the Strathaird onto Melbourne's concrete dock, breaking his leg. Kisch held the mistaken belief that he would be arrested and detained on Australian soil if he set foot in the country. Instead, authorities carried him back onto the ship as it sailed for Sydney.”

1936: Winston Churchill wrote to his son Randolph that the initial basis for the creation of the Anti-Nazi League was Jewish resentment at their abominable persecution, the base had grown to include all those who are prepared to support genuine military action to resist tyranny or aggression.

1936: Four meetings sponsored by the Brooklyn council of the American Jewish Congress scheduled to be held this evening in honor of Justice Louis D. Brandeis who is celebrating his 80th birthday today include a discussion of the jurist’s life led by Zionist leader Abraham Goldberg “at an open forum in the Flatbush Congress House.

1936: Those sending cables and telegrams to Justice Brandies on his 80thbirthday included Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization; David Ben Gurion on behalf of the 100,000 members of the Federation of Jewish Workers in Palestine; Dr. Israel Goldstein on behalf of the Jewish National Fund of America; Menachem M. Ussishkin, Henrietta Szold and Isaac Ben Zvi on behalf of “Palestine Jewry.”

1936: The executive board of Hadassah, which had announced “that the out-patient department of the medical center now under construction in Jerusalem would be named for Justice Brandies and that a Brandeis for would be established in his honor in Palestine,” today “sent a birthday message to Justice Brandeis on half of its 52,000 members.”

1936: In Washington, DC, at Adas Israel, Rabbi Solomon Metz is scheduled to deliver a Friday night sermon “Brandeis, a Modern Sage” which will be followed by “an open forum with a talk on ‘Brandeis, the Champion of the People.

1937: In Konigsberg, Germany, “Rabbi Josef Hirsch Dunner” and “Yitta (Ida) Dunner” gave birth to “Abraham (Aba) Moshe Dunner.”

1937(9th of Kislev, 5698): Parashat Vayetzei

1937(9th of Kislev, 5698): Eighty-three year old “Samuel H. Trounstine, retired clothing manufacturer, former president of the United Jewish Charities and a member of the Cincinnati Club” who was the brother of Emma Trounstine” passed away today after suffering a heart attack.

1938: “The twenty-seventh annual convention of the New Jersey Federation of the Y.M.H.A. and Y.W.H.A continued to meet at the Morristown Jewish Center.

1938: The Nazi government orders the Jews to cease all trading and business activities by end of the year.

1938: Today, mathematician Ernest David Hellinger, “the Silesian born son of Emil and Julie Hellinger” “was arrested, taken to Festhalle and then put into Dachau” from which he was later rescued and eventually found his to the faculty of Northwestern University.



1938: “Pastors at many congregations protested in sermons from their pulpits” today “against the renewed persecution of the Jews in Germany” and “the congregation of the Community Church approved” sending “a message to the German Ambassador in Washington asking him to inform his government of American reaction.”

1939: “Divisional meetings of members of the Women’s League for Palestine were held…at the homes of members in all part of” New York “ to discuss plans for a campaign to raise $100,000 for a new league center in Jerusalem similar to those already established in Haifa and Tel Aviv.”

1939: SS troops in Poland arrest and execute 53 Jewish men who happen to reside at the same address as a Jewish man who has shot and killed a Polish policeman.

1940: In Bay Shore, New York, Dorothy K. Kripke and Myer S. Kripke would serve as rabbi at Beth El Synagogue in Omaha, Nebraska gave birth to their first child, “philosopher and logician” Saul Kripke

1941: Warsaw diarist Chaim Kaplan writes that his wife has been stricken with typhus.

1941: Francie Rabiner, the Ft. Dodge, Iowa, native who was the daughter of Samuel and Daisy Lumelsky Rabiner became Francie Cohen when she married Samuel Cohen today in Cedar Rapids, IA.

1942: The members of a Kibbutz originally called Sha’ar HaNegev “moved to the Finger of the Galilee, where they established a new kibbutz called Kfar Szold.”

1942: The American (Jewish) Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) report on the situation of Jews in North Africa including the fact that the occupation by Spanish military forces at Tangiers had led to the introduction of anti-Jewish laws being put into effect.

1943(15th of Cheshvan, 5704): Parashat Vayera

1943(15th of Cheshvan, 5704): Today, after a year in hiding the Urman family was betrayed and when the German police came to arrest them eleven and half year old Jerzy Feliks Urman took his own life, telling his mother with his dying breath “Mummy, I took the cyanide.”

1943: Frizt Lustig tried to escape from Birkenau. He was caught and shot ten days later.

1944: Due to “constantly rising costs, irreplaceable personnel losses, curtailed business due to war conditions and mounting losses,” today, after 57 years, “The Jewish Daily Courier, one of the oldest Jewish newspapers in the United States, suspended publication.” (JTA)

1944: In Newcastle upon Tyne Labour Party political leader Bennie Abrahams and his wife gave birth to David Martin Abrahams, the British real estate developer and Labour Party activist.

1945: American soprano Edis de Philippe landed in Israel and within a short time created the Israel National Opera.  De Philippe's company performed night after night all over the country. The company was so successful, that it attracted young and rising international opera stars to spend some time in Israel.

1945: Prime Minister Clement Attlee suggests formation of a joint Anglo-American committee to investigate the problem of Jewish refugees and devise a solution to it.  This apparently benign suggestion was an attempt to smooth Truman’s ruffled feathers over the British government’s refusal to accept Truman’s request that 100,000 Jews be admitted immediately to Palestine.

1945: British Foreign Minister Bevin gives a speech attacking Zionism and the Jewish people.

1945: President Truman and British foreign minister Ernest Bevin announce U.S.-British agreement on creating joint committee of inquiry to examine problem of European Jews and Palestine. Bevin suggests that Palestine become a trustee state of UN and later have self-government.

1945: Foreign Minister Bevin refuses the entry of 100,000 Jews into Palestine and declares a quota of 1,500 immigrants a month, subject to Arab acquiescence.

1945: Senator Kenneth McKellar (Tennessee) charges that British are distributing arms to Arabs and denounces UK Foreign Minister Bevin.

1945. Senator Warren G. Magnuson of Washington State, Representative Bertrand W. Gearhart of California’s 9th Congressional District and Guy W. Gillette, the former Senator from Iowa appeared on radio show tonight to discuss the situation in Palestine.  During the broadcast, Senator Gillette charged “that the present restrictions on Jews in Palestine were comparable with the anti-Jewish Nuremberg laws of Nazi Germany.”  Senator Magnuson “discounted the idea that transfer of large numbers of Jews to Palestine would cause any trouble with the Arabs.”  Representative Gearhart, a conservative Republican said, “Every Hebrew who declares his desire to go to Palestine should be declared a citizen of that land, ipso fact, and should immediately be repatriated”

1945: Congressman Emanuel Celler (New York) denounced the British.

1946: As part of growing wave of terror caused by Britain’s failure to honor its war time promise to allow Jewish immigration to Eretz Israel and increasing repressive measure aimed at the Jews of the Yishuv, two British policemen were killed while patrolling the Jerusalem-Jaffa rail line.

1946(19thof Cheshvan, 5707): Seventy year old investment banker Robert C. Schaffner, “the chairman of the board of A.G. Becker and Co. who had one daughter, Katherine, with his wife Frances and who a supporter of Chicago’s Art Institute passed a way today in Michael Reese Hospital.


1947: U.S. premiere of “Out of the Past” starring Kirk Douglas

1947: Today, “the Synagogue Council of America appealed to the American rabbinate to give special attention to the collection of books and religious articles for Europe’s needy Jews” because as important as it is to send clothing, food and medical supplies, it also important to send those things that will “help in the cultural rebirth of the remnant of European Jewry.

1948: The newly created Israeli government announced that it will launch shortly a full-scale development plan for the Negev desert area of southern Palestine, centered on Beersheba as an Israeli town, it was learned today.

1948: President Truman feels that direct Arab-Jewish negotiations might work. He advocates a full recognition of Israel and aid for 500,000 Arab refugees in Middle East.


1948:UN Security Council listens to plan by UN mediator Ralph Bunche. Israel would withdraw to October 14 lines. Egypt would stay where it had retreated in Negev fighting. A large part of Negev would be demilitarized pending UN negotiations for peace. Israel rejects part of plan in which Beersheba would be under Arab administration. Plan is endorsed by Council's special committee on Negev and Bunche orders Egypt and Israel to carry out plan.

1949: The biennial convention of the American Jewish Congress came to an end

1952: In Chicago, Illinois, Shirley (née Horwitz) Garland. a director of volunteer services at Chicago's Council for Jewish Elderly and Cyril Garland, the head of Garland Advertising gave birth to Judge Merrick Garland, the Supreme Court Nominee whom the Republican refused to consider because they claimed lame duck President were not supposed to fill openings on the High Court, a position that set them at odds with Presidents going back to George Washington who as a lame duck President during an election year (1796) filled two positions on the court.

1952(25th of Cheshvan, 5713): New York born and Harvard trained attorney Abraham Howard Feller who taught at his alma mater before providing legal services to the Office of Lend-Lease Administration and the Office of War Information before serving as general counsel to the newly formed United Nations, reportedly jumped to his death today.

1954: Larry Blyden completed an eleventh month run as “Grant Cobble” in the Broadway production of “Oh, Men! Oh, Women!”

1955: Two Jewish refugees who met and married while living in China during WW II gave birth Eliezer “Eli” Marom, the native Moshav Sde Eliezer who served as the Commander of the Israeli Navy” from 2007 to 2011.


1956: The first Israeli train arrived in Gaza, after Israeli troops drove out the occupying Egyptian army and cleaned out the terrorist bases.  Israeli troops would leave Gaza in 1957 under pressure from the U.N. and the Eisenhower Administration.  Ten years later, the U.N. would fail to honor the guarantees made to Israel concerning protecting the Jewish state from the Arabs.  The result would the Six Day War in 1976.

1956: In London, Sylvia (née Packman) Cesarini and Henry Cesarini, a hairdresser, gave birth to Jewish historian David Cesarani.


1958: It was reported today that “Carl Foreman, who produces for Columbia in England under the banner of Highroad Productions plans” to make a movie version of the novel The League of Gentlemen.

1958: It was reported today that “Luther Adler has been signed” to play “Dr. Max Vogel” in the film adaptation The Last Angry Man and Paul Muni has been signed to play “Dr. Sam Abelman.”

1960: “North to Alaska” a cold weather westerner co-produced by Charles Feldman with a script co-authored by Ben Hecht and music by Lionel Newman was released in the United States today.

1960:  Sammy Davis, Jr. married Swedish actress May Britt.  Davis was probably one of the most famous if not the most famous convert to Judaism in the middle of the 20th century.  His marriage to Britt caused a furor because it was inter-racial.  Others, with a more parochial view, were upset that he had married a non-Jew.

1962: “Mr. and Mrs. Goodman A. Sarachan of Rochester, N.Y., announced here the engagement of their daughter, Miss Donna Ellen Sarachan, to Martin L. Lawrence.”

1963: Abdelkader Benjelloun completed his served as “Minister Delegate for Employment and Social Affairs” in Morocco.

1963: U.S. premiere of “Take her, She’s Mine,” produced and directed by Harry Koster based on a play by Henry and Phoebe Ephron with music by Jerry Goldsmith.

1964: Birthdate of actress Tzufit Grant, the native of Petah Tikvah who hosted the television show “Milkshake” and who has had two children with her husband Avram Grant.

1966(30th of Cheshvan, 5727): Rosh Chodesh Kislev

1966(30th of Cheshvan, 5727): Seventy four lyric tenor Mario Chamlee, the Los Angeles born son of Samuel Ricket Chamlee and Clarissa Elizabeth Chamlee, the husband of Ruth Miller Chamless and the father of Archer Mario Chamlee, who sang “the style of the Great Caruso” passed away today after which he was buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, CA.


1966(30th of Cheshvan, 5727): Eighty-six year old New York born, NYU trained attorney Nathan Raymond Leavitt, the founder of Central Home Trust Company passed away tonight at his home in Elizabeth, NJ after suffering a heart attack.

1967(10th of Cheshvan, 5728): Seventy-two year old Lemberg, Austria, native, Harry Salpeter, “an art deal and critic” and the husband of Betty Berkowitz passed away today.



1968(22nd of Cheshvan, 5729): Eighty-two year old University of Wisconsin trained economist Dr. David J. Saposs, the Kiev born son of peddler Isaac Saposnik and Shima Erevsky Saposnik, who held several government post, wrote both Left Wing Unionism and Communism in American Politicswhile raising two daughters with his wife Bertha Tigay Saposs passed away today.


1967(10th of Cheshvan, 5728):  Seventy-one year old world class pianist Harriet Cohen passed away. Born in London in 1895, she studied at the London Conservatory before going on to fame and fortune.  Such was her skill, that she was honored as a CBE (Most Excellent order of the British Empire) in 1938. 

1970: Birthdate of Ariel Atias, the Tel Aviv native who has served as an MK and cabinet minister.

1971: “The Go-Between” a movie version of the novel by the same name with a script by Harold Pinter was released in the United States today.

1972(7th of Kislev, 5733): Forty-one year old M(arshall) Glenn Koenig, the New York born son of Stella and the Cornell University trained physician who “became the director of the Division of Infectious Diseases  in the Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt University” passed away today.


1973: Maj.-Gen. Shmuel (“Gorodish”) Gonen wrote to IDF Chief of Staff Maj.-Gen. David “Dado” Elazar that as the cease-fire appeared to be stable, “the timing is right to ask that you investigate the conduct of General Sharon and if my claims are proven, that he stand trial” adding “that failure to do so “after what happened, will cause demoralization and damage the character of the army.”

1974(29th of Cheshvan, 5735): Sixty-four year old Philadelphia native and University of Pennsylvania trained electrical engineer Saul Nathan Lev passed away today

1975: In Jerusalem an explosive charge went off near cafe Naveh, on Jaffa Road near the pedestrian mall. Seven people were killed and 45 injured.

1976: In Houston, TX, attorney J. Kent Friedman, the Tulane University baseball player and his wife gave birth to Andrew Friedman who followed in his father’s footsteps by playing baseball at Tulane who went from being a financial analyst to a career in baseball management that led him to becoming the President of Baseball Operations of the Los Angeles Dodgers”



1977: Palestinian terrorists detonated bombs in 2 separate attacks in Jerusalem during which two of the bombers were killed and four bystanders were injured.

1977: The comic strip ''Li'l Abner'' by Jewish cartoonist Al Capp appeared in newspapers for the last time.

1979: Birthdate of Ya'akov "Kobi" Shimoni known by his stage name Subliminal an Israeli hip hop artist and music producer.

1980: “Victor Brailovsky, the editor of the samizdat journal “Jews in the USSR” and organizer of the unofficial scientific symposia”, was arrested today

1982: Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff, the former military chaplain who “worked to create the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC…delivered the closing prayer” today at its official dedication.

1984: David Levy finds his 1st comet.

1984: “The West Point Jewish Chapel was built at the academy beginning in 1982” opened today.

1987: “Cross My Heart” a comedy produced by Lawrence Kasdan and featuring Paul Reiser was released in the United States today.

1988: ABC broadcast the first episode of “War and Remembrance,” “an American miniseries based on the novel of the same name written by Herman Wouk”

1990: Comptroller Liz Holtzman greeted the Committee for Responsive Democracy when it began its hearings in New York City by “saying that ‘many don’t see themselves as being represented.’”

1991: World Premiere of Beauty and the Beast, a 1991 American animated musical romantic fantasy film, with music by Alan Menken.

1995: “Israeli Security Neglected a Tip Of a Rabin Plot” published today revealed failures that led to the assassination of the Prime Minister by Yigal Amir including a reliable tip received last June about the killer’s intention on which there was no follow up.

1995: The Henry and Lucy Moses Fund, freely admitting that it was reviving the charitable practices of a bygone era, announced that it would give a total of $2 million to four leading New York City hospitals to help pay for care for uninsured patients as government cutbacks are made in Medicare and Medicaid. Most foundation executives see payments for direct aid as largely fruitless since the problems the money is being spent for will remain long after the money is spent. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, for example, already spends more than $25 million a year on free care out of its annual hospital budget of $600 million. Mount Sinai, Montefiore and Columbia-Presbyterian, the other three hospitals that received gifts yesterday, also absorb large amounts on unreimbursed care and see these needs growing as Medicare and Medicaid are reduced. Those executives have focused on giving to programs they think will offer solutions to broader problems. But to Henry Schneider, president of the Henry and Lucy Moses Fund, the needs of the sick poor, and the nonprofit hospitals that deal with them, are so distressing that he felt a need to make a gesture to highlight the problem and to try to spur others to make similar contributions. Dr. John Mendelsohn, chairman of the department of medicine at Sloan-Kettering, recalled the days before government assumed responsibility for larger amounts of medical care, when private philanthropy accounted for a larger share of their support. "Now it is round-robin, back to the citizens of the country who will have to take responsibility for at least some of it," he said.

1996: Eighty-five year old June Gale, the second wife of Oscar Levant passed away today.

1997(13thof Cheshvan, 5758): Ruth Fischman, the sister of Jacob H. Fischman and the aunt of Mark B. Fischman, Elaine Zekind, Lois Halpern and Barbara Klibanoff passed away today.

1998: “Lord Levene of Portsoken became the eighth Jewish Lord Mayor of London. An Ashkenazi by birth, Lord Levene's first public act was to walk, with a retinue, from his official residence (Mansion House) to Bevis Marks Synagogue, for the Sabbath Eve service.”

1998: U.S. premiere of “Meet Joe Black” directed and produced by Martin Brest, with a script by Bo Goldman, music by Thomas Newman and filmed by cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki.

2000(15th of Cheshvan, 5761): Gabi Zaghouri, 36, of Netivot was killed by gunfire directed at the truck he was driving near the Kissufim junction in the southern part of the Gaza Strip

2000(15th of Cheshvan, 5761): Sarah Leisha, 42, of Neveh Tzuf was killed by gunfire from a passing car while travelling near Ofra, north of Ramallah.

2001(15th of Cheshvan, 5761): Cpl. Elad Wallenstein, 18, of Ashkelon, and Cpl. Amit Zanna, 19, of Netanya were killed by gunfire from a car passing the military bus carrying them near Ofra.

2002(3rd of Kislev, 5763): Irving D. Rubin chairman of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) from 1985 to 2002 died in jail awaiting trial on charges of conspiracy to bomb private and government property.

2003: In a reiteration of the American commitment to the separation of church and state, the Alabama Court of the Judiciary (COJ), issued a unanimous opinion ruling that "Chief Justice Moore has violated the Alabama Canons of Judicial Ethics” and that he was being removed from office because it was obvious from his past behavior and statements that he would not comply with any orders regarding the removal of his “Ten Commandments Monument”

2004: Opening of the 2004 Inaugural Festival of New Jewish Liturgical Music

2005: Today, during an interview on “60 Minutes,” Jim Cramer discussed “his violent temper and what finally led him to come to his senses and ‘calm down’.”

2005: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or on topics of special Jewish interest including A Time to Run by Barbara Boxer

2006: Haaretz reported that an initiative to refurbish the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp has sparked a storm among Holocaust survivors in Israel. The initiative was announced last month by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum's new director, who claimed that the current exhibits were outdated and insufficiently attractive to visitors. A detailed refurbishing plan has yet to be drawn up, but participants at a recent meeting of Holocaust survivors' organizations warned against moves to "beautify" the site, as has been done with other Nazi concentration camps. "Dachau and Sachsenhausen have already become well-kept gardens; we won't allow the same to happen to Auschwitz," they said.

2007(3rdof Kislev, 5768): Eighty year old Peter Zinner, the Oscar and Emmy award winning film editor passed away today.


2007:Wagner College and the Center for Jewish History present “Immigration to New York City:100 Years of Transformation” in whicha distinguished panel explores the changing face of New York City through the framework of three diverse ethnic and religious communities--Irish, Italian, and Jewish--and address the implications of these transformations on current and future generations.

2007: While visiting Israel, Ukrainian President Viktor Yuschenko promised followers of Reb Nachman that he would protect the gravesite from sale or commercial exploitation.

2007: Joe Roth, the former chairman of 20th Century Fox and Walt Disney Studios “was introduced as the majority owner of the Seattle Sounders, the Major League Soccer team that began playing in 2009.

2008: The Jewish Reconstructionist (JRF) Biennial Convention opens in Boston, Mass.

2008: In New York, the 23rd annual Israel Film Festival comes to an end.

2008: Opening of The 32nd annual Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show will be held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. This premier show and sale of contemporary craft features 23 artists from Israel among the 195 artists who will be showing and selling their wares.

2008: Opening of Congregation Beth Judea’s Family Education Weekend featuring Mordechai Rosenstein as its Artist in Residence in Long Grove, Il.  “The Hebrew alphabet is the essence of the art of Mordechai Rosenstein.”

2008: In Iowa City, Award winning authorAmy Bloom attends a reception at the University of Iowa Hillel and then participates in a reading at Prairie Lights Book Store.

2008: Hassan Diab, 54, a dual Lebanese-Canadian citizen who teaches at the University of Ottawa, was arrested at his home in Gatineau, Quebec today by Royal Canadian Mounted Police acting on a French request for extradition. Diab is suspected in the October 3, 1980 bombing of a Paris synagogue that killed four people, including an Israeli woman, and wounded dozens.

2008: Today, the day after municipal elections, secular Jerusalem mayor-elect Nir Barkat attempted to assuage the fears of the city's haredi community, whose candidate Meir Porush failed in his bid to replace Mayor Uri Lupolianski, saying he would gladly welcome the ultra-Orthodox parties into his coalition if they agree to his basic party line.

2008: US President-elect Barack Obama's White House chief of staff apologized to the Arab-American community today for remarks his Israeli-born father made to Ma'ariv.

2009(29th of Cheshvan, 5770): Hannah Block, one of the Tar-Heel State’s leading civic leaders and trailblazing feminists passed away at the age of 96 in Wilmington, North Carolina.


2009: At 8 PM this evening Lt Col (Ret) Bruce Lichtman will lead a Veteran’s Day Service at Ft. Belvoir in Virginia. Services will be preceded by a deli dinner at the Fort Belvoir Chapel Social Hall. Rabbi Chaplain Gary Davidson is the featured speaker for the evening.

2009: Friday the 13th– The idea that Friday the 13this inherently unlucky is a belief whose origin has been lost.  According to some, it is tied to the story of Jesus i.e. there were thirteen people at the Last Supper which provided the impetus for Good Friday.  Others claim that the Egyptian First Born died on Friday the 13th.  The idea that 13 is unlucky for Jews would certainly come as a heck of a shock to the legion of Bar Mitzvah Boys whose right of religious passage is tied to their 13th birthday.

2009: An 18-year-old Arab terrorist attempted to attack a group of IDF soldiers near the Mughrabi Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem today. Shouting "Allahu Akbar!" (Allah is Great), the cry of the Muslim jihad (holy war), the young man unsheathed a knife and tried to stab a Border Patrol officer.

2009: Jeffrey Pollack announced on his Twitter feed that he was resigning as Commissioner of the World Series of Poker.

2010: On Shabbat,Rahm Emanuel formally kicked off his campaign for Chicago mayor at large public gathering.

2010: Today, 94 year old Eli “Wallach received an Academy Honorary Award for his contribution to the film industry from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.”

2010: Bernard Kouchner, the French physician who co-founded Doctors Without Borders completed his term as Minister of Foreign and European Affairs

2010: Chavruta, the first ever county wide Night of Jewish Learning and Celebration complete with a Chinese/Sushi Bar sponsored by the Westchester Board of Rabbis and The Westchester Jewish Council is scheduled to be held tonight at the Temple Israel Center of White Plains in White Plains, NY.

2010:Hollywood's Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is scheduled to award an honorary Oscar to French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard, "a notorious vocal...anti-Semite."

2011: Funeral services will be held at noon today at Temple Beth Emunah, for “Irving H. Franklin …co-founder of Franklin Sports and innovator of the baseball batting glove.”

2011: The 8th Jewish Eye Festival, the World Jewish Film Festival held each year in Ashkelon is scheduled to open today.

2011: Erin Bode is scheduled to appear with St. Louis Symphony Musicians in a concert featuring the works of Rogers and Hammerstein at the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival.

2011: Dr. Stephen P. Morse is scheduled to present a lecture entitled “Getting Ready for the 1940 Census” sponsored by the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington.

2011: The 3rd Annual International Holiday Bazaar sponsored by the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is scheduled to come to an end in Skokie, Illinois.

2011:The Global Day of Jewish Learning is scheduled to take place in over 200 Communities in 40 different countries.


2011:A popular German radio host is slated to return to his program today, after being temporarily pulled from his post for writing an email denying the Holocaust and spreading conspiracy theories against the US to a listener earlier this month. Ken Jebsen, who is a host at the publicly funded “Jugendwelle” music program aired by Radio Fritz, wrote, “I know who invented the Holocaust as PR.”

2011:Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat today urged District Police Commander Niso Shaham to put a stop to the exclusion of women's images from billboards across the city, and to the defacing of advertisements on which women do appear, both trends initiated of late by the local ultra-Orthodox sector. out of advertising in the capital.

2011:Egyptian security forces have arrested 16 suspects in connection with recurrent attacks on a pipeline for the supply of gas to Israel and Jordan, a security source said today. The head of security in North Sinai, Saleh al-Masri, told DPA that the search for suspects began yesterday with police and the army deployed in Sinai.

2011: In “Sisters Unto Death” Caroline Weber reviewed A Train in Winter by Caroline Moorehead.




2012: The Hebrew language film “The Matchmaker” is scheduled to be shown at the UK Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Ilan Elia, whose songs “have always combined local Jewish and Israeli traditions with ancient ones from the mountains of Kurdistan,” is scheduled to perform at the Jerusalem International Oud Festival.

2012: Israeli artist Domy Reiter-Soffer is scheduled to lecture at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

2012: In Baltimore, MD, the largest annual Jewish philanthropic conference in the country - The Jewish Federations of North America’s General Assembly - is scheduled to come to an end today.

2012: The Free Library of Philadelphia hosted authors Franklin Foer and Marc Tracy for a discussion of their book Jewish Jocks: An Unorthodox Hall of Fame followed by a discussion that featured contributors David Plotz and Mark Leibovich.

2012: Israel faces threats on two fronts with Syria firing into the Golan and terrorists firing more rockets from Gaza.

2012: Two rockets fired by Gaza terrorists slammed into a greenhouse in the Hof Ashkelon region this afternoon, breaking a brief lull in hostilities after four days of cross border fire.

2012: Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak during a visit to the Gaza border said the current episode of rocket fire from the coastal strip is not over. Today Barak held a security analysis with the Israel Defense Forces chiefs in the area.

2012:Elie Wiesel and President Obama are not writing a book together, as reported by an Israeli newspaper. The subscription-only Publisher's Lunch, citing a source close to Obama, reported that there is no book and no book deal, the Forward reported today.


2013: In California, the Center for Jewish Culture is scheduled to present “Pacific Jews: Exploring 19th Century Jewish In California” in which Dr. Joellyn Zollman “will look at the many reasons American Jews settled in the Golden State.”


2013: Israeli born glass artist, Ilanit Shalev is scheduled to lead a “fused glass workshop at the LFJCC.


2013: The History Channel is scheduled to broadcast “Lost in Translation,” the first in a series entitled “Bible Secrets Revealed” part of which “was shot in Tel Zekah” where U of I Professor Robert Cargill is “participating in an excavation of a sit on the border of the Biblical kingdoms of Judah and the Philistines.”


2013(10th of Kislev, 5774): Eighteen year old Eden Atias, an Israeli soldier was stabbed to death by a sixteen year old Palestinian terrorist from Jenin as he slept on a bus in Afula.  Atias was still in basic training and was returning to his base from his home in Nazareth Illit. The murderous attack comes a day after Prime Minister Netanyahu had called a halt to further construction In Jerusalem in compliance with Secretary of State Kerry’s demand which he said, if unmet, could lead to a third Intifada.  There has been no comment from the Secretary on this latest act of violence


2013(10th of Kislev, 5774): Ninety-eight year old Marjory Raskin, the Polish born daughter of Rachel and Morris Kurtzman and the wife of Morris Raskin passed away today in “West Bloomfield Township, Michigan.”

2013: Jerry Levin received the Hall of Fame Award at the National Shoe Retail Leadership Conference today in Boston, MA.

2013: Benjamin Weiser described the government’s response to charges of ant-Semitism in New York’s Pine Bush Central School District first reported in the New York Times on November 8.


2014: Lewis Black is scheduled to perform at the Mahalia Jackson Theatre of the Performing Arts in New Orleans, LA.

2014: Barbara Winton, the daughter of Nicholas Winton is scheduled to share the “story of her father’s rescue of Czech Jewish children on the eve of the Holocaust” at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center.

2014: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host a panel discussion – “Giving Women their Place in Holocaust History.”

2014(20thof Cheshvan, 5775): Eighty-six year old German born French mathematician Alexander Grothendieck who won the Fields Medal in 1966 passed away today.


2014: “Next Year Jerusalem” is scheduled to be shown at the 18th UK Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “The US government condemned the scheduled demolition of homes belonging to Palestinians who carried out terror attacks in Israel, with State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki contending that such a move amounted to collective punishment and would only heighten tensions in the region.”

2014: "Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and George Venizelos, the assistant director of the New York field office of the FBI, announced the indictments” of “more than a dozen members of a prominent Satmar Hasidic family in New York who were charged with lying to obtain $20 million in mortgages while also receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in public benefits.” (As reported by JTA)

2014: “Rising anti-Semitism in Europe threatens not only Jews but overall European values, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, said at a conference on anti-Semitism in Berlin” that ended today.

2014: “The trilateral meeting in Amman between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Jordan’s King Abdullah II and US Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss the recent surge of violence in Jerusalem ended this evening, with Kerry issuing a statement praising the sides for their commitment to reduce tensions surrounding the Temple Mount.”

2014: “Closer to the Moon” a “dark comedy” based on the Ioanid Gang screened at the Romanian Film Festival in London


TO THE SCRIPTURES” by Tony Kushner is scheduled to open at Theatre J in Washington, DC.

2015(1stof Kislev, 5776): Rosh Chodesh Kislev

2015: The Eden-Tamir Music Center is scheduled to host the winners of the Kol Hamusica Young Artists Competition.

2015: “Under the Wings of the Sultan: The Rise of Jewish Communities in the Ottoman Empire" is scheduled to be delivered as the opening lecture in “The Rise and Fall of Ladino-Speaking Jews” at the Yiddish Book Center.

2015: “Indecent,” “a play by Paula Vogel” that “recounts the controversy surrounding the play God of Vengeance by Sholem Asch, which was produced on Broadway in 1923, for which the cast of the original production was arrested on the grounds of obscenity” opened today at the La Jolla Playhouse.

2016: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish writers and or of special interest to Jewish readers including Bridge of Words: Esperanto and the Dream of a Universal Languageby Esther Schor and Algren :A Life, Mary Wisniewski’s biography of Nelson Ahlgren Abraham whom the world knew as author Nelson Algren.

2016: The recently renamed Ben Katz Post No. 580 of the Jewish War Veterans of America is scheduled to host a prayer service and a special program in honor of Jewish war veterans and servicemen and servicewomen at Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation where Major Carol Berman will speak on “A Jewish Soldier in a Hostile War Zone” and Post Commander Judge Sol Gothard, who will deliver a talk on “Jewish Defenders of Freedom Throughout the Ages.” (As reported by the Crescent City Jewish News)

2016: The Jewish Community Day School (JCDS) is scheduled to celebrate 21 “fabulous” years in a Las Vegas style gala fundraising affair at Congregation Gates of Prayer synagogue in Metairie, LA this evening.

2016: The 11th Annual Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema is scheduled to come to an end with a screening of “Mr. Gaga.”

2016: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to host a reading and discussion of Sarit Yishai-Levi’s award winning novel The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem

2016: Last chance to see “Odessa: The Soul of a City” an exhibition that provides a picture of this city that played such a critical role in the development of Jewish culture including “literature, art and politics” at the Yeshiva University Museum.”

2016: One-hundred sixtieth birthday of Louis D. Brandeis, the ground-breaking lawyer, distinguished Jurist and ardent Zionist who 100 years ago, in 1916 became the first Jew to sit on the Supreme Court.


2017: Dr. Diane M. Sharon is scheduled to continue lecturing on “Demagogues, Madmen and Cowards” The Failure in the Book of Judges at the Streicker Center.

2017: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to host a presentation on “Imagining I.N. Steinsberg’s Jewish in the Kimberly” which examines “I. N. Steinberg’s plans for a Jewish refugee settlement in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.”

2017: “Mr. Emmanuel” and “The Women’s Balcony” are scheduled to be shown at the 21stUK International Jewish Film Festival.

2017: Today “the United Nations authorized Israel to expand its technological support for its peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic and help improve security in the country.”

2017: The Jewish National Fund’s National Conference is scheduled to end today.

2017: Jewish Book Month, an annual event that provides us with a chance to contemplate the lives of Jewish authors such as mystery writer Faye Kellerman whose sleuths combine crime solving with observing Kashrut and Shabbat and Jewish books for the next thirty days is scheduled to continue for a second day.

2018: The 30th Kosherfest is scheduled to begin at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, NJ.


2018: After suffering through a night filled with a barrage of “over 300 rockets and mortar shells” “school was cancelled today for all students in Ashkelon Kiryat Malachi and Kiryat Gat.” (As reported by Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun, Ilana Curiel and Elior Levy)


2018: In Ann Arbor, Michigan, Eddie Portnoy of the YIVO Institute is scheduled to “discuss the seamy underbelly of pre-World War II New York and Warsaw, the two major centers of Yiddish culture in the late- 19th and early-20th centuries” during his lecture entitled “The Bizarre Tales of Yiddishland: What the Yiddish Press Reveals about the Jews.”

2018: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host the second in a series of lectures on “New York Jewish History” in which Dr. David E Kaufman explores the “Jerusalem of America.”

2018: In Brooklyn, The Community Bookstore is scheduled to host a discussion of Muckwith its author Dror Burstein and Joshua Cohen, author of Book of Numbers


2019: In suburban New Orleans, Gates of Prayer is scheduled to host its second Women's Mega Challahbake!!

2019: As part of the UK Jewish Film Festival, The Glasgow Film Theatre is scheduled to host a screening of “The Birdcatcher” and Cineworld Disbury in Manchester is scheduled to host a screening of “Murer: An Anatomy of a Trial.”

2019: The Rutgers University Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host screenings of “Those Who Remain” and “Latter Day Jew.”

2019: At Oxford, today, the JSoc is scheduled to host “a welfare coffee-meetup” that will include advice for students coping with the stressing of “5thweek.”

2019: In San Francisco, Congregation Emanu-El is scheduled to host “three members of the law nonprofit Integrity First for America who will speak about their legal actions against white supremacists, in a conversation with Rabbi Jason Rodich

2019: Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to host “Jewish-Christian Relations in the Modern World” taught by Rabbi Joseph Skloot.

2019: As the day begins, the question on the minds of Israelis and all those concerned with the Middle East, is will Islamic Jihad continue its rocket attacks on Israel and what role will Iran play in its client’s muscle flexing which will have an indirect impact on the upheaval going on in Syria.

2020: In Columbus, OH, Tefereth Israel is scheduled to host via ZOOM a discussion of How to Read the Jewish Bible by March Brettler.

2020: Kan Kol Hamusika is scheduled to broadcast, live “A Poet’s Love – Songs Cycle and Duets” with Oded Reich – baritone, Reut Ventorero - mezzo-soprano and pianist Dror Semmel.

2020: The South University Law Center is scheduled to host a screening of “Rosenwald.”

2020: Silicon Valley and Nob Hill Moishe House are scheduled to team up for a learning and celebratory event during Mizrachi Heritage Month.

2020: In another session examining UC Berkeley’s Magnes Collection, curators Francesco Spagnolo and Shir Kochavi are scheduled to talk about an emerging Israeli sculptor and her Leaning Towers series.

2020: The City Club of Cleveland is scheduled to “host an in-depth analysis of the American Jewish Committee’s State of Anti-Semitism in America Report’s findings and what they mean for efforts to combat anti-Semitism in the United States with speakers Dan Elbaum, Chief Advocacy Officer at American Jewish Committee, and Holly Huffnagle, U.S. Director of Combating Antisemitism at American Jewish Committee.

2020: The UK Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Black Mercedes.”

2021: The Boston Jewish Film is scheduled to present online a screening of “Who Will Remain” (Ver Vet Blaybn), a documentary in which Israeli actress Hadas Kalderon examines the life of her grandfather, Yiddish poet Avrom Sutkever.

2021: The Eden-Tamir Center is scheduled to present “Flute Sounds in Ein Kerem” with Noam Buchman and Friends.

2021(9thof Kislev, 5781): Parashat Vayetzei; for more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/


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