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This Day, November 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


 November 18

1095: Pope Urban II opened the Council of Clermont. Summoned to plan the First Crusade, it was attended by over 200 bishops. Among its official policies, the Council decreed that a pilgrimage to Jerusalem made every other penance superfluous.  And so began one of the darkest periods in Jewish history.

1297: Today during the Papacy of Boniface VIII, “the inquisition issued a bull according to which an accuser or witness could remain unrevealed to the accused when the latter was a person of influence” and since “the Jews were classed among the powerful persons, a simple denunciation sufficed to condemn them.”

1302: Pope Boniface VIII issued the Papal bull Unam sanctam that proclaimed, "outside of the Church there is neither salvation nor the remission of sins” which was part of an on-going effort to isolate the Jews from the general community and make anti-Semitism a permanent part of European society. It’s declaration that those who resist the Roman Pontiff are resisting God's ordination was one more plank in a platform that would sour Jewish-Christian relations for centuries to come. This is the same Pope Boniface VIII who issued the bull Exhibita Nobis, ordaining that Jews could be denounced to the Inquisition without the name of the accuser being revealed, so as to protect Christians against Jewish reprisals.

1489: Joseph Günzenhäuser, Yom-Tov ben Perez and Solomon ben Perez published “Hobot ha-Lebabot” (Duties of the Heart) by Bayha ibn Pakuda in Italy. Bahya ben Joseph ibn Paquda was a Jewish philosopher and rabbi who lived at Zaragoza, Spain, in the first half of the eleventh century. The same trio had printed “Eben Bohan” by Kalonymus ben Meir ben Kalonymus in August of 1489. Kalonymus was an author and translator who lived in Provence “Eben Bohan” (The Touchstone) was a seminal work on morality for the Jews living in southern France.

1554: Philip “was invested with the Kingdom of Sicily and Jerusalem today by Pope Julius III.

1570: In Ferra, Italy, the town where Azarya ben Moses dei Rossi is living was struck by an earthquake, which “miraculously” spared the Jewish Community.   In the aftermath of the earthquake, Dei Rossi became aware of whole body of Jewish literature from the time of the Second Temple which was known to Christians but had been lost to the Jews because it was written in Greek.   In twenty days he translated "The Letter of Aristas," from Greek into Hebrew. "The Letter of Aristas,""is supposed to be the discourse a Greek king gave about the wisdom of the Jews [Some sources give 1571 as the date for the earthquake.]


1576: Birthdate of Philipp Ludwig II of Hanau-Münzenberg who in 1603 “invited many wealthy Jewish” to live in Hanuah and provided them with “a definite legal status” as well as permitting them to build a synagogue.

1648: Bogdan Chemielniki and his Cossacks began their attacks. Kamenets, in the western Ukraine is one of the first cities to be attacked, with thousands killed in the first few days. Chemielniki was leading a Ukrainian national uprising against their Roman Catholic Polish masters. The Russian Orthodox Ukrainians were bitter over the forced conversions to Catholicism led by the Jesuits and the unscrupulous taxes collected by some Jews for the nobles.  The Jews managed the Ukrainian estates of the absentee Polish landlords. This volatile mixture of nationalism, religion and economic exploitation set the stage for the Cossack uprising. During the reign of Vladislav IV, the Zaporozhin Cossacks lived in a semi-autonomous kingdom called Sitch. Led by their leader - or Hetman - Chemielniki, they decided to avenge the people's rights. Their victories over the Polish army encouraged the serfs to join them. The Jews were even more hated than the Poles and were massacred in almost every town. In the ten tumultuous years that followed, over seven hundred Jewish communities were destroyed and between one hundred and five hundred thousand Jews lost their lives.

1738: Abraham De Leon and his wife gave birth to Isaac De Leon

1759: Following a mass baptism of Sabbatians at Lvov, today Jacob Frank and his wife were baptized “under the patronage of the King of Poland” in the cathedral at Warsaw following which the Catholic Church rejected “the request of the Frankists  that they be allowed to continue to live separately from other Christians and that they be permitted to wear Jewish clothing, to keep their sidelocks, avoid pork, to rest on Saturday as well as Sunday to retain use of the Zohar and other works of the Kabbalah.

1766: In Philadelphia, Elizabeth Whitlock and Moses Mordecai gave birth to Joseph Mordecai, the husband of Esther Marache with whom he had seven children.

1777: Richea Hart and New York City native Abraham Mendes Seixas, the parents of Moses Mendes Seixas were married today in Charleston, SC.

1783: In Amsterdam, “Marianne Witzenhausen-Italianer” and Marcus Koster gave birth to Eva Marchu Koster the wife of Daniel Levie Woudhuijsen with whom she had three children.

1792(3rd of Kislev, 5553): Zipporah Phillips Noah, the daughter of Jonas and Rebecca Mendes “Machado” Phillips, and the wife of Manuel Noah with whom she had two children – Mordecai Manuel Noah and Judith Noah – passed away today after which she was buried Coming Street Cemetery in Charleston, SC.

1795; David Nathan married Sarah Isaacs at the Great Synagogue today.

1804(15th of Kislev, 5565): First observance Purim of Abraham Danzig which is also called Pulverpurim or Powder Purim. Memorial Day established for himself and his family by Abraham Danzig, to be annually observed by fasting on the 15th of Kislew and by feasting on the evening of the same day in commemoration of the explosion of a powder-magazine at Wilna in 1804. By this accident thirty-one lives were lost and many houses destroyed, among them the home of Abraham Danzig, whose family and Abraham himself were all severely wounded, but escaped death (see Danzig, Abraham ben Jehiel). Danzig decreed that on the evening following the 15th of Kislew a meal should be prepared by his family to which Talmudic scholars were to be invited, and alms should be given to the poor. During the feast certain psalms were to be read, and hymns were to be sung to the Almighty for the miraculous escape from death.

1817: Copper manufacturer Harmon Hendricks, the son of Uriah Henricks, one of the founders of Congregation Shearith Israel and his Frances Isaacs, the daughter of Joshua and Brandy Isaacs gave birth to Hannah Henricks.

1821(23rd of Cheshvan, 5582): Abram Myer, the co-owner of a ship’s chandlery who had returned to Norfolk after having spent the summer in Baltimore where he had gone to escape the Yellow Fever Epidemic, passed away after which “he was buried across the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River on land recently set aside for a Jewish cemetery.”

1823: Two day after he had passed away, “Issacher bar Yehuda” was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1829: In Liverpool, Harriet and Moses Samuel gave birth to Walter Samuel

1829: In London, Benjamin Barent Cohen, the son of Levi Barent Cohen and Lydia Barent-Cohen, and his wife Justina Sebag Cohen, gave birth to the Right Honorable Arthur Joseph Cohen.

1835: Alexander Davis married Anne Solomons at the Western Synagogue today.

1838: In Mainz, Lazarus and Eleonore Hallgarten gave birth to Charles Hallgarten, the husband of Elise Mainzer who followed in his father’s footsteps as an American banker at Hallgarten & Company.

1842: In Cincinnati, Ohio, Lamle ‘Lewis’ and Judith Einstein gave birth to Edwin Einstein who was the Congressman from New York’s 7th district from 1879 until 1881.


1844: Birthdate of Sir Benjamin Louis Cohen, Baronet, British businessman and Conservative politician.

1845: Sir George Grey, who hired Samuel Joseph, an Anglo-Jew from London as his interpreter” began serving today as the third Governor of New Zealand.

1846: In Exeter, Devon, Eliza and Isaac Lazarus gave birth to Julia Lazarus the wife of Louis Abelson.

1847: “After passing the exams of the U.S. Navy’s Medical Department,” 25 year old Phineas Jonathan Horowtiz, a graduate of the University of Maryland and the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, was appointed Assistant Surgeon today after which he was posted to the Gulf Squardron.

 1849: Birthdate of Ukrainian native Maximilian Bern, the son of a German physician and husband of Austrian actress Olga Wolbruck who starved to death in post-war Berlin because his novels and other writings did not provide enough money to support himself. (Some sources show November 11)

1849: Birthdate of French banker and horse breeder Maurice Ephrussi, the native of Odessa who was part of the “Euphrussi family” and the husband of Beatrice de Rothschild, the daughter of Alphonse de Rothschild

1851: Birthdate of Austrian critic and journalist Anton Bettelheim.

1851: Reverend Henry Giles delivered a lecture before the Mercantile Library Association entitled "The Greek Man: or the Man of Culture" in which he compared the ancient Greeks to the Jews. Among other things he said that "Among men of the higher races, the Hebrew man and the Greek man stand, perhaps, the most in contrast. The spirit of the Hebrew man went upward; the faculties of the Greek man went outward.  In one was the idea of the divine: in the other, the idea of the Human.  The Hebrew man abhorred all image of God; the Greek man had no Got but in an image...The worship of the Hebrew ascended to a single and supreme object; the worship of the Greek went diffusively abroad...The mere form of the Hebrew ritual was eminently ceremonial...the appeal was with a sublime and sacramental meaning of which that of the Greek had nothing...the Hebrew life was developed through faith  and governed by authority.  The Greek life was developed through imagination and was governed by art.

1852: At the Paris Observatory, Hermann Goldschmidt confirmed his observations of November 15 that had led to the discovery of Asteroid 21 Lutetia.

1853: “Alsey Harris” and Abraham Ellis gave birth to Jane Ellis.

1856: German born, Cincinnati, OH, businessman and civic leader Julius Frieberg and his wife Duffie Frieberg gave birth to their first child, Minnie Frieberg who became Minnie Ranshoff when she married Dr. Joseph Ransofhoff.

1856: In Lancaster, PA, Congregation Shaarai Shomayim was incorporated today with Jacob Herzog serving aas the first president.

1858: At New York’s Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, popularly known as the Greene Street Synagogue, Rabbi Morris Raphall preached a Thanksgiving Day Sermon following the afternoon service based on the words of the Psalmist, “Thank ye the Lord, for He is good; His mercy endureth forever.”  In his sermon, the Rabbi noted that the Governor’s Thanksgiving Proclamation had been written in such a manner that it did not offend the Jews making this a day that fulfilled the words of the Psalm, “How good, how beautiful it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

1858: A Thanksgiving Day service was held today at Congregation Shearith Israel on Crosby Street.  The service began at 11 a.m. and featured a sermon by Dr. Fischel based on the words of the Psalmist, “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman walketh but in vain.”

1859: Today, the Jewish Chronicle published an advertisement “for a German Lady to teach in her own language and to give instruction in Hebrew” from a “Ladies’ school” in Dover “where the number of pupils is small and where there are resident French and English Governesses.

1862: During the Civil War, James Goldsmith who go from Corporal to Sergeant during his three year hitch, began his service to with Company H of the 163rdRegiment which was part of the Eighteenth Cavalry

1863:  King Christian IX of Denmark decided to sign the November constitution, which declared Schleswig as part of Denmark, what was seen by the German Confederation as a violation of the London Protocol and lead to the German–Danish war of 1864. If you look at history in the long haul, The Prussian war with the Danes was the first of a series of conflicts ultimately led to the creation of Modern Germany.  In other words, there is a line from war with the Danes, to war with the Austrians, to war with France in 1870, to World War I to World War II and the Holocaust.

1864(19th of Cheshvan, 5625): Jacob Weil the German educator and author from Frankfort-on-the-Main who was the father Professor Henri Weil passed away today.

1867(20th of Cheshvan, 5628): Leopold Dukas, the twelve day old son of Leopold and Magdalena Madel Dukas passed away today.

1869: In New York City, Rabbi James K. Gutheim delivered a Thanksgiving Day sermon at Temple Emanu-El based on Isaiah, XXXV, 17.

1869: A group of dissident members of “Congregations Beaith Israel and Beth Elhoim” in Brooklyn including Jacob Wechsler, S.L. Moses, Simon Sondheim and Abraham L. Bass, all of whom were “sympathetic to the Reform movement” met today and formed Temple Israel which initially held services in rooms rented from the YMCA on the corner of Gallatin Place and Fulton Street.

1870(24th of Cheshvan, 5631): Seventy-seven year old Rachel Jacobs, the Savanah born daughter of Abraham Jacobs and the wife of Samuel Barnet whom she married in 1822 passed away today in New York City.

1871: The British Medical Journal reported today that Henry Behrend was the first Chairman of the Jews’ Deaf and Dumb Home “founded in 1863 by Baroness Mayer de Rothschild as a schoolor where resident Jewish children could learn to speak” and William Van Praggh, “the grandfather of chemist Gordon Van Praggh” was the Director,

1873: “Give a Dog a Bad Name” by Anglo-English playwright Leopold Davis Lewis was published today.

1874: Rabbi De Sola Mendes delivered the first in a series of six lectures on Hebrew poetry at the Lyric Hall in Manhattan.

1875: The Cleveland (Ohio) Herald reported that an unnamed young woman living on the city’s west side has canceled her wedding.  The bride assumed that her future husband, a local doctor, was a Roman Catholic.  In fact, he is a Jew who regularly attends services at his synagogue.  The young woman sent word that she would not marry him unless he renounced his Judaism; something that he does not appear to be willing to do.

1878(22nd of Cheshvan, 5639): William Moultire Moses, the son of Columbia S.C. native Jacob Moses, the husband of Penina S. Moses whom he married in 1865 and was the father of Albert, William, Montefiore, Stanford and Lionel Moses passed away today.

1878: It was reported today that during the recent Congressional elections in Alabama Senator John Tyler Morgan delivered a speech opposing the candidacy of Colonel William Lowe in which he described Charles E. Mayer, the United States District Attorney and a Lowe supporter as being a “Jew dog.” The attack on Mayer resulted in many Jews who had opposed Lowe to support him in his bid for election.  Lowe, who was opposed by the Bourbon Machine, won the election. Morgan was a bigot who sought to pass legislation legalizing lynching an repealing the 15th Amendment. Mayer served as U.S. District Attorney from 1876 through 1870.

1879(3rd Kislev, 5640): Thirty-six year old William Moultrie Moses, the Georgia born son of Jacob Isaiah Moses and Rinah J. Ottolengui Moses and the husband of Penina Septima Moses Robison with whom he had three children – Albert William and Stanford – passed away today.

1879: Bernard Williams, a Jew born in Poland now living in New Orleans, was one of the witnesses who testified before the Senate Sub-Committee looking into allegations of irregularities regarding the elections held in the Crescent City’s Seventh War in 1876.  Allegations concerning voter fraud were a major issue in the South following the Civil War as the “Bourbons” sought to return to power by disenfranchising newly freed slaves and poor whites who would not support them.

1880(15th of Kislev, 5641): Arthur Lieberman, a Jew who had fled Russia to avoid arrest by the authorities took his own life today in Syracuse, NY.


1883: It was reported today that the Lord Mayor of London has received telegrams from Jews in the United States and Germany congratulating him on his decision to not let Herr Stoeckel, the anti-Semitic German religious leader speak at Mansion House.

1883: It was reported today that Herr Stoeckel, the anti-Semitic German minister, has had numerous offers to speak before sympathetic audiences in London.

1883: “Morris Ranger’s Career” published today traces the rise and fall of this native of Hesse-Cassel who joined the Liverpool Exchange and became the “Napoleon of the Cotton Speculators” before suffering financial reverses in the amount of £10,000,000.

1883: “Gossip of the Theatres” published today contained a clarification issued by Daniel Frohman, the Jewish American theatrical producer, expects “The Strangler” to run for another seven or eight weeks at the New Park Theatre.  This play is a collaborative effort of all three Frohman brothers - Daniel, Charles and Gustave.

1883: Birthdate of Chicago native Milton S. Yondorf “the president of the S. Yondorf and Company, real estate and mortgage bankers.

1884(30th of Cheshvan, 5645): Rosh Chodesh Kislev

1884: It was reported today that the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society for Children is providing lodging for “nearly 400 children who are homeless waifs.”

1884: The Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society for Children sponsored a fund raiser featuring theatrical and dramatic performances by the Thalia Theatre Company

1885: “A New Jewish Platform” published today lists the 8 points of what will become known as the Pittsburgh Platform of Reform Judaism – that group’s controlling document for decades to come.

1885: The Hebrew Asylum Ball was held tonight at the Academy of Music in Brooklyn, NY.

1886: Chester A. Arthur, 21st President of the United States passed away.  Elected as Vice President, Arthur became President after James Garfield was assassinated by a disappointed office seeker.  Arthur was one of the least distinguished personages to occupy the White House. In 1882, when the United States finally ratified the Red Cross treaty, President Arthur appointed Adolphus SimeonSolomons as one of three delegates to represent the country at the Geneva Congress, where he was elected vice-president. Solomons was a successful Washington businessman who played an active role in the secular and Jewish communities

1888: “Searching For Her Husband” published today tells the story of Mrs. Hirschbeck, a Jew from Warsaw who has arrived in Buffalo, NY, her latest stop on a five year quest to find her husband, who is now known as Nathan Cohen.  According to her, he was a dissipated man who deserted her and their five children.

1890: A conference of Protestant clergymen met today at the University of the City of New York where attendees spoke in favor of keeping religion out of the public schools because Roman Catholics and Jews “were partners in the public schools” and “their children were entitled to the benefit of them…without the liability of having” to change “their faith in the religion of their fathers.”  The ministers felt it was the responsibility of churches and homes to provide moral and religious training.

1890: Birthdate of architect Maurice Courland who was responsible for designing several Jewish buildings including Temple Beth El in Rockaway Park and the Flatbush Jewish Center and who was the husband of Rebecca Graff Courland and the father of Raphael and Nehama Courland https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1957/11/18/90854339.html?pageNumber=31

1891: Tonight, in New York, Carnegie Hall will be transformed into an Oriental Bazaar such as those found in Palestine where items will be sold in various “stalls” to raise funds for the Louis Down-Town Sabbath and Daily School.

1891(17th of Cheshvan, 5652): Eighty-three year old Amalia Bamberger passed away today after which she interred at the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Cemetery.

1892 (28th of Cheshvan, 5653)): Seventy-six year old Hebrew scholar Senior Sachs passed away in Paris.  Born in Russia he was trained in Talmud by his father Rabbi Tzemach Sachs.  After studying in Berlin during the 1840’s he arrived in the French capital in 1856 where he worked as a private librarian and produced several works including Kanfe Yonah

1893: As two more Spanish regiments arrive Mellila to deal with the Rif Berbers “numbers of Jews continue to leave” the Spanish city on the coast of Morocco.

1893: In Morocco, 12 Spanish Jews were each “sentenced to six years’ penal servitude” after a court martial found them guilty of keeping rifles intended for the Riffians in their houses.  (The Riffians were a group of Berbers who were rebelling against their European masters)

1894: In New York, Rabbi Joseph Silverman delivered a talk on “What Is The Attitude of Judaism to Christianity and Other Religions” which is “the first of a series of lectures on ‘Answers to Jewish and Christian Inquirers.”

1894: The Glasgow Herald published a theory propounded by one of its readers “that the Japanese are…descendants of the ten lost tribes” basing “his arguments on linguistic considerations point out that ‘Hiroshima’ has a very strong resemble to the Hebrew word for Jerusalem and that ‘Tokyo’ may be a corruption of ‘Tekoa.’”

1895: Birthdate of Galicia native Jacob Kalich, “the Yiddish theatrical producer, playwright and actor” who was the husband of Molly Picon.


1895: It was announced today that “Dr. Ahlwardt, the anti-Semitic leader of Berlin, Germany, is making arrangements to sail for the United States next month to deliver lectures”  at the invitation of “a committee of German Americans in Milwaukee.”  Given his nickname “Jew-baiter” there is little doubt as to the subject matter of the talks.

1896: Fannie and Irving Dittenhoefer married today in New York City.

1896: In Cleveland, Ohio, Micahelis Machol, the Rabbi at the Reform Temple on Scoville Avenue protested “against that portion of President Cleveland’s Thanksgiving proclamation of Christ as the mediator between man and God.”

1896: Following today discussion of the Report of the Committee on Motto and Badge and a report of the Committee on the New Constitution, the delegates at the National Council of Jewish Women changed the name of their organization to the Council of Jewish Woman after Mrs. Mendola de Sola of Canada protested “the use of the word national” following which the delegates then adopted “Faith and Humanity” as their motto.

1897: Auguste Scheurer-Kestner, “who has forced the government to reopen the Dreyfus case did not attend today’s meeting of the Senate so that he could meet with President Faure who told him that “I give you my word of honor that” the documents in the Dreyfus case that have been brought to my notice “contain irrefutable proofs of guilty” and “I beg you to cease this campaign by you are comprising the republic and yourself to no purpose.”

1897: In Little Rock, AR, “Emanuel V. Benjamin and Rachel Goldsmith” gave birth to the New Orleans educated (Isidore Newman School) Harvard graduate Edward Bernard Benjamin, WWI Army officer and husband of Blanche Sternberger, who was a successful businessman and generous philanthropist.

1897: In Albany, Chief Examiner Fowler of the State Civil Commission announced that candidates for the upcoming examination of interpreter for the First Judicial District must be able to interpret several languages including “Hebrew jargon.” (This may a reference to Yiddish)

1897: The Relief Committee of the Board of Guardians is scheduled to meet this afternoon in London.

1898: William Sparger conducted the Sabbath eve service at Temple Emanu-El which was a prelude to a Thanksgiving Service and a celebration of Dr. Guastav Gottheil’s silver anniversary as the Rabbi of New York’s leading Reform congregation.

1898: It was reported today that in New Orleans, “Felix J. Dreyfous and several others were to draw up an ordinance calling for an election in the near future which would give the people an opportunity to vote on the two and one-half mill tax for sewerage and drainage” which led to the upgrade of the sewerage and water systems which was the crowning victory during his tenure as a New Orleans City Councilman.

1898: Following the meeting of Herzl and Kaiser Wilhelm II outside of Jerusalem, the London Daily Mail wrote today that: “An Eastern Surprise Important Result of the Kaiser’s Tour Sultan and Emperor Agreed in Palestine Benevolent Sanction Given to the Zionist Movement One of the most important results, if not the most important, of the Kaiser’s visit to Palestine is the immense impetus it has given to Zionism, the movement for the return of the Jews to Palestine. The gain to this cause is the greater since it is immediate, but perhaps more important still is the wide political influence which this Imperial action is like to have. It has not been generally reported that when the Kaiser visited Constantinople Dr. Herzl, the head of the Zionist movement, was there; again when the Kaiser entered Jerusalem he found Dr. Herzl there. These were no mere coincidences, but the visible signs of accomplished facts.” Reverend William Henry Hechler, an Anglican clergyman who supported the Jewish return to Palestine, was instrumental in arranging the meeting between the Zionist leader and the German monarch.

1899: Birthdate of Conductor Eugene Ormandy. Born in Budapest, Hungary, Ormandy was a child prodigy.  He began playing the violin at the age of 4 and entered the Royal Academy at the age of 5.  Ormandy’s father dreamed of his son becoming a great violinist.  So he was disappointed when Ormandy pursued a career that would lead him to become one of the world’s greatest conductors.  For most of his career, Ormandy was the conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra.  This was no small accomplishment since he was following in the footsteps of the world-renowned Arturo Toscanini.   He passed away in 1985.

1899: “Notes and News” published today described the decision of Harper & Brothers to published a second edition of The Jewish Question and the Mission of the Jews  which include “much additional material” including an article on Captain Dreyfus. Originally published anonymously, the second edition will include the name of the author, Dr. Charles Waldstein, Slade Professor of Fine Arts at Cambridge, an American born Jew who graduated from Columbia.

1900: It was reported today that “M. Warley Platzek,” who “was one of the first Directors of the Eductional Alliance and is a director of both the Montefiore Home and Director of the Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses” has been appointed to the Tammany Hall Anti-Vice Committee

1901: Approximately three hundred young, most of whom were members of the Hebrew Education Alliance attended a dinner tonight in Seminole Hall “in honor of Samuel Greenbaum, Judge-elect of the state Supreme Court.”

1901: Birthdate of leading musician Lillian Fuchs who often performed with brothers, violinist Joseph Fuchs and cellist Harry Fuchs.


1902: Birthdate of Manhattan native Abraham J. Gellinoff, Justice of New York Supreme Court and husband of Jeanne Lepler Gellinoff whom he married in 1927.

1903: Today, “the correspondent of The Times (of London) at Moscow says that such information as has been allowed to appear in the newspapers in regard to the Kishineff trial has been scanned by both the Jewish and Christian sections of the population” and that “since April nearly 200 officials have been uninterruptedly engaged in preparatory work in connection with the trial of the persons charged with participation in the massacre of Jews.”

1905: “A tract of eighteen acres” was purchased for new buildings at the Hebrew Union College.

1905: Cyrus L. Sulzberger, Secretary of the fund being raised by the National Relief Committee said this afternoon that “if the subscriptions now in the mail equal in volume those of the last few days we out by tomorrow night have $500,000 to apply to the relief of the sufferers from the massacres in Russia.”

1905: A letter published in Paris from a Frenchwoman in Odessa gave “a graphic description of the Jewish massacres” in which she estimated the dead at 8,000 and the wounded at 12,000.

1905: “Arnold Kohn, Vice President of the State Bank on Grand Street, near Norfolk Street announced” today” that the total amount of money received at the bank for the last six days for the aid of the sufferers from the Russian massacres was $13, 359.38.”

1905: Nineteen year old Isaac Gillman and his twenty year old sister Rebecca who came to the United States two years ago gave their bankbook which showed a balance of one hundred dollars to Arnold Kohn and “asked him to see that their mother and father who are in Odessa received the money so that they might come to America.

1905: As of today, a grand total of $369, 870.04 has been raised to for the relief of the Jews suffering from the massacres in Russia.

1905: “The Russian Jews” published today provides a review of The Russian Jew In The United States edited by Dr. Charles S. Bernheimer which “is a compilation by many hand that undertakes to show what the Russian Jews have been doing and are doing in America…”

1905: “25,000 Jew Murdered” published today described “a cablegram that Clarence I. De Sola, President of the Zionist movement in Canada has received from General President Wolssohn of Odessa” stating “that 25,000 Jews have been murdered and 100,000 wounded in the recent outrages in Russia.”

1906: Birthdate of German novelist Klaus Mann.  Klaus Mann was the son of Thomas Mann and Katia Pringsheimz.  Pringshmeimz was Jewish which according to Halachah means Kalus Mann was Jewish as well. He was also part of the unit known as “Ritchie Boys.”

1906: Birthdate of biologist George Wald, American biochemist who received (with Haldan K. Hartline of the U.S. and Ragnar Granit of Sweden) the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1967 for his work on the chemistry of vision

1906: In Brooklyn, Leopold Wintner, the Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beth Elohim and Canto Leon Kourick officiated at the funeral of Raphael Benjamin the Rabbi of Beth Elhoim who was the subject of the eulogy delivered by Rabbi Joseph Silverman of Temple Beth Emmanuel in Manhattan.

1907: Birthdate of Martin John Gilman, a relative of the Jewish pioneer who founded his native Gilman, CT and who played basketball for the University of Connecticut Huskies in the mid-1920’s.

1907: In Baltimore, at the Lloyd Street Synagouge, Rabbi Levinson is scheduled to officiate at funeral services for Aba Ascher Levin the father of eight sons and six daughters, after which he was buried at B’nai Israel Congregation Cemetery.

1907: A Memphis, The Tennessee Volunteers coached by Izzy Levene defeated the football team from the University of Arkansas.

1908: In Warsaw, Hebrew education and Zionist Yechiel Heilperin and his wife gave birth to Uriel Heilprin who went to Palestine in 1921 where he changed his last name to Shelah but was better known by his nom de plume Yonatan Ratosh under which name he was awarded the Prime Minister’s Prize for his literary accomplishments.

1909: “Bequests to five Hebrew institutions in New York, amounting in all to $40,000 were made in the will of retired banker Emanuel Einstein, which “was filed today in Surrogates Court.”

1910: It was reported today that Rabbi Stephen S. Wise had delivered a speech at the annual dinner of the Twilight Club where he was the guest honor during which “he predicted that New York would see a law passed for equal suffrage within a few years and that when it comes it will be followed immediately by great strides toward social justice for women which is now denied.”

1911(27th of Cheshvan, 5672): Parashat Chayei Sara

1911: “A dispatch to the Reich from Kiev sys that the Governor of the province has notified the police authorities that when ‘termless” passports are present by Jews they are to be taken from them” and the Jews are to be given “annual passports” which means “Jews will be treated as foreigners have no right to ‘termless’ passports.”

1912: In Baltimore, MD, Rabbi Charles A. Rubenstein officiated at the funeral of Felix Graetz, who had been a patient at the Jewish Home for the Consumptive and was “the son of the late Professor Heinrich Graetz,” the author of the multi-volume History of the Jews and the brother of Professor Leo Graetz.

1913: It was reported today that a mass meeting will be held on November 19 “in the auditorium of the Educational Alliance under the auspices of the Young Israel” which will mark the start of year in which 25 lectures are to be given by “prominent Jewish citizens.”

1914: In Far Rockaway, NY Rabbi Stephen S. Wise addressed a group of orthodox and reform Jews at meeting at Temple Israel where $3,000 was raised to provide “relief for the Jews of Palestine.”

1914: The Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering Through the War announced today that as of today it had raised $19,463.

1915: “Turkey Is Offering Advantages To Jews” published today quotes the offer being extended to Jews which will give them “the advantages and exemptions” that “during the last century the Ottoman Government has accorded to Mohammedan immigrants come to Turkey from Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia and Bosnia including “the acquisition of Ottoman nationality” as well as “immunity for a certain period of time, from payment of taxes and military.”

1915: Forty-four year old Abraham Ber Goldenson, the Lithuanian born St. Louis Rabbi “became a naturalized United States citizen” today.

1915: In his address about the World War entitled “Democracy vs. Sovereignty” Darwin P. Kingsley note that in this war nationalism has overridden all other considerations so that “Christians are fights Christians; Jews are killing Jews; Moslems are against Moslems; whites are murdering whites; men of color are fighting their own kind.”

1916: The Battle of the Somme, an exercise in futility and stupidity that was a hallmark of the British General Staff which is brilliantly described in The Somme: Heroism and Horror in the First World War by Sir Martin Gilbert, came to an end today.

1916: Today, Jewish leaders in New York City took a great deal of interest in “a dispatch to the New York Timesfrom its Berlin correspondent describing the promise of freedom in religion and in civil life to the Jews of Poland and telling of the enthusiasm with which Polish Jews had received this news.”

1916: Dr. S.M. Melamed, the editor of The American Jewish Chronicle announced today plans for a national loan for the Jews of Europe that differed from that proposed by Rabbi Judah L. Magnes because among other things it would charge interest – a fact that Melamed said “would create a sense of self-interest and responsibility that would be an uplift in the work of reconstruction in Russia and Poland.”

1917: At a time when Reform Judaism is trying to observe Shabbat on Sunday, Dr. Emil G. Hirsch is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Philanthropy and Religion” at Sinai Temple in Chicago.

1917: In Cincinnati, OH, twenty-four year old Dr. John Reis Stark, the son of Sigmar and Lily (Reis) Stark and member of the Plum Street Temple married Louise Johnson while serving as an instructor of gynecology at the University of Cincinnati.

1917: Rabbi Joseph Stolz is scheduled to conduct services this morning “with the co-operation of the Isaiah Junior Congregation and Religious School where he will deliver a sermon on “And the Elder Shall Serve the Younger.”

1917: In Chicago the “Zion Congregation and the Woman’s Society” are scheduled to “give a reception and entertainment in honor of their new members” this evening that will feature a performance of “The Burden” by the Sinai Center Players.

1917: In the hope of ensuring that the Ottoman army had little time to regroup or construct defenses which, given more time, might prove impregnable, while Allenby was at the British XXI Corps headquarters at El Kastine,  the decision was made to closely follow the Ottoman Seventh Army into the Judean Hills.

1917: Saul J. Cohn is scheduled to speak on “What the recent British Declaration Means to the Jews” before the Harlem Forum at Wadleigh High School this morning.

1917: “Denouncing a false report in the European and American newspapers that Jews were leading and support the Bolshevik movement in Russia, Herman Bernstein, in an address before the Institutional Synagogue…declared” today “that the attempt to associate the Jews with the Bolsheviki was merely another expression of anti-Semitic propaganda.”

1917: Yale University Professor William Lyon Phelps is scheduled to speak on “The Drama of Today” at this morning’s service at the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall.

1917: This evening, Henri La Fotanine is scheduled to speak on “The Case for Belgium” at the Sunday Evening Forum of the Free Synagogue.

1917: This evening, “three orphan boys who are wards of the Hebrew National Orphan House” are scheduled to the guests of honor “at a dinner arranged by the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the House at Beethoven Hall.”

1917: The 75th Division with the Australian and Yeomanry Mounted Divisions began their entry into the Judean Hills with the objective of capturing and securing the heights on either side of the main Jaffa to Jerusalem Road at Amwas, so the 75th Division could advance up the road and into the Judean Hills

1917: The American Jewish Congress” which is to work “for the attainment of full rights for the Jewish people in all lands where such rights are denied them and which is to work for the economic reconstruction of the Jewish communities in the war zones after the war is over” which was originally supposed to meet on September 2 is scheduled to open today in Washington, D.C.

1917: Eleven young men in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, founded Sigma Alpha Rho(ΣAP)  the oldest, continuously run, independent Jewish High School Fraternity.

1918: It was reported today that Charles Urban, the English photography pioneer, who has just arrived in New York aboard the White Star liner Magnetic said that his films of the World War included “some fine pictures of “General Allenby’s advance across the plains of Esdraelon and by the Sea of Galilee to Damascus.”

1918: It was reported today that Major Solomon Lowenstein described the need for “large reconstructing work in Palestine” where “large sections of Jews in the Holy Land were utterly helpless.”

1918: “British Work in Holy Land” published today described the how the “troops were cleaning up Jerusalem” and bringing water “to the Holy City from the springs fifteen miles away, whence the Romans under Governor Pontius Pilate conveyed it in stone aqueducts nearly 2,000 years ago to Jerusalem.”

1918: It was reported that the appeal of Dr. Nathan Krass of Central Synagogue has collected over $7,000 for the United War Work Campaign.

1919(25th of Cheshvan, 5680): Sixty year old German mathematician Adolf Hurwitz, the husband of Ida Samuel who helped develop the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion (which I do not pretend to understand) passed away today in Zurich

1919: Birthdate of Polish born dental student Bronek Jakubowicz, better known as Benjamin Jacobs who survived Auschwitz thanks to his skill with dental tools that he carried in “a bright red box” which he called “his passport to survival and who described his experiences during the Holocaust including the bombing by the British of his prison ship in 1995 memoir The Dentist of Auschwitz


1920: In Louisville, KY, The Young Men’s Hebrew three day fund raising driving which has a goal of $50,000 is scheduled to come to an end today.

1921: “President Warren Harding gave Rabbi Simon Glazer of Kansas City, Kansas, executive permission to adopt five children who are now in Romania.” Glazer already has five children of his own.  The orphans lost their mother in one of the Ukrainian massacres last year and their father died in the United States.  If it had not been for President Harding’s intervention, current immigration restrictions would have kept the rabbi from bringing the youngsters to the United States.

1921(17th of Cheshvan): Fifty-six year old journalist and author Micha Josef Berdyczewski passed away in Berlin.  Born in Russia, the son of a Rabbi, he wrote in Hebrew, Yiddish and German. Sdot Micha, the moshav founded in 1955, was named in his honor

1922:  Fifty-one year old Marcel Proust passed away. “Marcel Proust was the son of a Christian father and a Jewish mother. He himself was baptized (on August 5, 1871, at the church of Saint-Louis d'Antin) and later confirmed as a Catholic, but he never practiced that faith and as an adult could best be described as a mystical atheist, someone imbued with spirituality who nonetheless did not believe in a personal God, much less in a savior. Although Jews trace their religion through their mothers, Proust never considered himself Jewish and even became vexed when a newspaper article listed him as a Jewish author. His father once warned him not to stay in a certain hotel since there were "too many" Jewish guests there, and, to be sure, in Remembrance of Things Past there are unflattering caricatures of the members of one Jewish family, the Blochs. Jews were still considered exotic, even "oriental," in France; in 1872 there were only eighty-six thousand Jews in the whole country. In a typically offensive passage Proust writes that in a French drawing room "a Jew making his entry as though he were emerging from the desert, his body crouching like a hyena's, his neck thrust forward, offering profound `salaams,' completely satisfies a certain taste for the oriental." Proust never refers to his Jewish origins in his fiction, although in the youthful novel he abandoned, Jean Santeuil (first published only in 1952, thirty years after his death), there is a very striking, if buried, reference to Judaism. The autobiographical hero has quarreled with his parents and in his rage deliberately smashed a piece of delicate Venetian glass his mother had given him. When he and his mother are reconciled, he tells her what he has done: "He expected that she would scold him, and so revive in his mind the memory of their quarrel. But there was no cloud upon her tenderness. She gave him a kiss, and whispered in his ear: `It shall be, as in the Temple, the symbol of an indestructible union.'" This reference to the rite of smashing a glass during the Orthodox Jewish wedding ceremony, in this case sealing the marriage of mother to son, is not only spontaneous but chilling. In an essay about his mother he referred, with characteristic ambiguity, to "the beautiful lines of her Jewish face, completely marked with Christian sweetness and Jansenist resignation, turning her into Esther herself"--a reference, significantly, to the heroine of the Old Testament (and of Racine's play), who concealed her Jewish identity until she had become the wife of King Ahasuerus and was in a position to save her people. The apparently gentile Proust, who had campaigned for Dreyfus and had been baptized Catholic, was a sort of modern Esther. Despite Proust's silences and lapses on the subject of his mother's religion, it would be unfair, especially in light of the rampant anti-Semitism of turn-of-the-century France, to say that he was unique or even extreme in his prejudice against Jews. And yet his anti-Semitism is more than curious, given his love for his mother and given, after her death, something very much like a religious cult that he developed around her. His mother, out of respect for her parents, had remained faithful to their religion, and Proust revered her and her relatives; after her death he regretted that he was too ill to visit her grave and the graves of her parents and uncle in the Jewish cemetery and to mark each visit with a stone. More important, although he had many friends among the aristocracy whom he had assiduously cultivated, nevertheless when he was forced to take sides during the Dreyfus Affair, which had begun in 1894 and erupted in 1898, he chose to sign a petition prominently printed in a newspaper calling for a retrial. The Dreyfus Affair is worth a short detour, since it split French society for many years and it became a major topic in proust's life--and in Remembrance of Things Past. Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935) was a Jew and a captain in the French army. In December 1894 he was condemned by a military court for having sold military secrets to the Germans and was sent for life to Devil's Island. The accusation was based on the evidence of a memorandum stolen from the German embassy in Paris (despite the fact that the writing did not resemble Dreyfus's) and of a dossier (which was kept classified and secret) handed over to the military court by the minister of war. In 1896 another French soldier, Major Georges Picquart, proved that the memorandum had been written not by Dreyfus but by a certain Major Marie Charles Esterhazy. Yet Esterhazy was acquitted and Picquart was imprisoned. Instantly a large part of the population called for a retrial of Dreyfus. On January 13, 1898, the writer Emile Zola published an open letter, "J'accuse," directed against the army's general staff; Zola was tried and found guilty of besmirching the reputation of the army. He was forced to flee to England. Then in September 1898 it was proved that the only piece of evidence against Dreyfus in the secret military dossier had been faked by Joseph Henry, who confessed his misdeed and committed suicide. At last the government ordered a retrial of Dreyfus. Public opinion was bitterly divided between the leftist Dreyfusards, who demanded "justice and truth," and the anti-Dreyfusards, who led an anti-Semitic campaign, defended the honor of the army, and rejected the call for a retrial. The conflict led to a virtual civil war. In 1899 Dreyfus was found guilty again, although this time under extenuating circumstances--and the president pardoned him. Only in 1906 was Dreyfus fully rehabilitated, named an officer once again, and decorated with the Legion of Honor. Interestingly, Theodor Herzl, the Paris correspondent for a Viennese newspaper, was so overwhelmed by the virulent anti-Semitism of the Dreyfus Affair that he was inspired by the prophetic idea of a Jewish state. In defending Dreyfus, Proust not only angered conservative, Catholic, pro-army aristocrats, but he also alienated his own father. In writing about the 1890s in Remembrance of Things Past, Proust remarks that "the Dreyfus case was shortly to relegate the Jews to the lowest rung of the social ladder." Typically, the ultraconservative Gustave Schlumberger, a great Byzantine scholar, could give in his posthumous memoirs as offensive a description of his old friend Charles Haas (a model for Proust's character Swann) as this: "The delightful Charles Haas, the most likeable and glittering socialite, the best of friends, had nothing Jewish about him except his origins and was not afflicted, as far as I know, with any of the faults of his race, which makes him an exception virtually unique." It would be misleading to suggest that Proust took his controversial, pro-Dreyfus stand simply because he was half-Jewish. No, he was only obeying the dictates of his conscience, even though he lost many highborn Catholic friends by doing so and exposed himself to the snide anti-Semitic accusation of merely automatically siding with his co-religionists.”



1922: Die Zaubernacht (The Magic Night), a children’s pantomime by Kurt Weil premiered at the Theater am Kurfürstendamm;

1926: In Cleveland, Barnett Brickner, the Rabbi at Anshe Chesed and Rebecca Ena Aaronson gave birth to Arthur James Balfour Brickner who gained fame as Rabbi Balfour Brickner the founder of Washington, D.C. Temple Sinai, one of the city’s leading Reform congregation whose members included Dr. Jack and Ada Levine and their three children – Judy, Dale and Nancy.”


1926: In Manchester, UK, Nelly Ades and Abraham Sciama, both of whose families “traced their roots back to the ancient Jewish community of Aleppo, gave girth to physicist Dennis William Siahous Sciama

1927: Birthdate of Chicagoan Paul Silverberg, the son of teacher and writer Viola Spolin who gained fame as Paul Sills the “founding director of The Second City. (As reported by Campbell Robertson_

1927: In Breslau, Germany, Hans Hubert Pinkus, the son of Max and Hedwig Pinkus and Charlotte Pinkus gave birth to Freda Maria (Freddie) Pinkus and Johanna Hedwig (Jonnie) Pinkus

1927: Humphrey Bogart divorced his first wife, the Jewish actress Helen Menken.  (Bogart’s fourth and final wife would also be Jewish)

1928: WABC is scheduled to broadcast the thirty minute “Jewish Program” at 9:30 p.m.

1928: In his sermon this morning at the Motefiore Congregation in the Bronx, Rabbi Jacob Katz declared that “America is the first country to give the Jews an opportunity to change their religion for the better” which stood in stark contrast to past times when “persecution led the Jew to submit to death rather than to transgress his faith.”

1929: Featherweight Harry Blitman fought his 51st bout today, suffering only his third loss at the Arena in Philadelphia, PA.

1929: According to the report of the Palestine Committee presented at today’s meeting of Hadassah held in Atlantic City, NJ, “the outstanding event in Palestine heal work this year has been the completion an formal opening of the Nathan and Lina Straus health center in Jerusalem.”

1933(29th of Cheshvan, 5694): Parashat Tolodot

1933: Led by team captain Sid Gillman Ohio State defeated the University of Wisconsin today.

1933: “Roberta,” a musical with a score by Jerome Kern opened at the New Amsterdam Theatre for the first of 295 performances.

1933: This evening, “a week before Thanksgiving, the SPHAS, the South Philadelphia Hebrew Association basketball team took the floor at their home court, the Broadwood Hotel at the corner of Broad and Wood Streets in Philadelphia” in what “was the first game for the 1933-34 season of the American Basketball League, the premier professional league of that era.”

1934: In one of those steps that would eventually lead to the Shoah, the Nazis won the elections in what was then the “Free City of Danzig.”

1935: In what would turn out to be one of the many steps that led to WW II and the Shoah, “the League of Nations sanctions against Italy,” which would have no effect on fascist aggression went into effect today

1936: It was reported today that the police did not intervene when Jewish students were attacked by anti-Semitic and fascist mobs after they refused to leave their classes at the University of Budapest.

1936: Two weeks after meeting with Hitler, Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber, the archbishop of Munich, “met with leading members of the German hierarchy of cardinals to ask them to warn their parishioners against the errors of communism.”

1937: Establishment of military courts in Palestine to try civilians. 

1937: The Palestine Post reported that a Jewish farmer, Yehuda Shpanov, was shot in Afula and died four hours later in the local hospital, where his wife was awaiting the birth of their child. An official amendment held that "no judgment over the proceedings of the Military Court shall be called in question or challenged in any manner whatever by or before any other Court."

1937:  The Palestine Post reported that in Hamburg a baptized Jew, Dr. Theodor Wohlfahrt, was sentenced to 10 years penal servitude for having married a gentile and claiming in a German court that it was his right to do so.

1938: Hitler recalls Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff, German ambassador to the United States, after President Franklin Roosevelt recalled the U.S. ambassador to Germany as part of America’s protest against Kristallnacht.

1938: The American Virgin Islands Assembly offers the islands as a haven for Jewish refugees. The American government does not explore this possibility.

1939: Hans Frank, the governor-general of Occupied Poland, reiterates Reinhard Heydrich's order of September 21 regarding the establishment of Judenräte in Jewish ghettos.

1939: The Nazis ordered the Jews of Cracow to wear a Star of David.

1939: In Lodz, German-occupied Poland today, the German administrator issued a decree stating that “any Jew leaving his home without a special permit between 5 P.M. and 8 A.M. may be punished by death” and “also made punishable by death the failure of any Jew, irrespective of age or sex to wear a yellow armband. In case of extenuating circumstance, a money fine of unlimited sixe or imprisonment or both may be adjudged.”

1939: At Michie Stadium at West Point, NY Penn State led by their Team Captain Spike Alter defeated the team of the United States Military Academy.

1939(6th of Kislev, 5700): Sixty-seven year old Dr. Jacob Itzhak Niemirower a supporter of Zionism and the first Chief Rabbi of Romanian Jewry passed away today in Bucharest.



1940: Samuel Field, the President of the Hebrew National Orphan Home In Yonkers announced that “twenty-five refugee children will become wards of the home and that “arrangements for their ‘adoption’ had been completed with the United States Committee for the Care of European Children.”

1941: J.D. Salinger “wrote to a young woman in Toronto,” Marjorie Sheard, “to look for a new piece of his in a coming issue of The New Yorker” which he described as “the first Holden story.” (As reported by Dave Itzkoff

1941: Friedrich Jeckeln, the SS General who developed the 8 point Jecklin System for murdering Jews was searching for the right place to slaughter of the Jews of Riga when he saw Rumbula for the first time.

1942:  Birthdate of pianist Jeffrey Siegel.

1942(9th of Kislev, 5703): Seventy-six year old Miltron Kraus, a native of Kokomo, Indiana who organized a company of volunteers for the Spanish-American War and served in the 65th, 66th and 67th Congresses passed away today in Wabash, Indiana after which he was buried in Peru, Indiana.

1942: As part of the Holocaust German SS carry out a selection of Jewish ghetto in Lviv in the western Ukraine arresting 5.000 "unproductive Jews". All get deported to Belzec death camp.

1943: In an attempt to hide the Holocaust from the westward moving Soviet Army, 300 Jews at Borki were told that they were to dig up the trenches of 30,000 dead humans in Borki and then burn them all. One thousand bodies were placed on each pyre. The bones were ground to dust and taken away. The graves were emptied, disinfected, filled with earth and grass was planted over them.

1943: During the Holocaust, as part of Aktion Emtefest, the Nazis liquidate Janowska concentration camp in Lviv, western Ukraine, murdering at least 6.000 surviving Jews. The German SS leader Fritz Katzman declares Lviv (Lemberg) to be Judenfrei (free from the Jews).

1944(2nd of Kislev, 5705): Thirty nine year old  Enzo Serini, Havivah Reik, Raffi Reiss and Zvi Ben Ya'acov who were all Jews from Palestine who had parachuted behind German lines were murdered today at Dachau.

1944(2nd of Kislev, 5705): Alfred B. Nietzel died valiantly today during the Battle of Hurtgen Forest providing covering fire for his comrades “during an enemy advance threatening to overrun his position” – an action that would earn him the Distinguished Service Cross and the Medal of Honor.


1945: “The premiere performance of Nathaniel Shilkret’s “Genesis Suite” took place today at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles.

1945:At Zionist Organization of America meeting, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver is elected to succeed Dr. Israel Goldstein as president. A proposal is made to allow the Jewish National Fund of America to buy 500,000 acres of land in Palestine in defiance of British land transfer regulations. A budget is approved for immigration and settlement.

1945: In the wake of the latest British statements about Palestine it was reported today that “It was apparent that some sort of compromise will have to be forthcoming from outside Palestine as there is little possibility of the Arabs and Jews getting together on anything so far proposed.” (Editor’s Note – what was written in 1945 sounds as if it could have been written in 2012)

1945: Twenty eight year old basketball player Jule Rivlin, the future coach of Marshall University, married Esther Komesar, a union that lasted until his death in 2002 and produced “5 children, 1 son, Jerry and 4 daughters, Randy, Sherryl, Susan and Felicia.”

1945: Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of Jewish Agency and World Zionist Organization, says British foreign minister Ernest Bevin cannot divide Zionists and other Jewish People.

1946: Police and Jewish citizens clashed in Tel Aviv

1946(24th of Cheshvan, 5707): Lithuanian born Harry Lazarus, the son of Basheva Pearlman Lazarus and the husband of Maggie Oppert Lazarus passed away today in Valdosta, GA after which he was buried in the Sunset Hill Cemetery in Valdosta.

1946: “A Flag is Born” opened at the Broadway Theatre.

1947: Today, Hitler’s closest confidante Albert Speer wrote down the following recollection in his Spandau prison diary which today sounds so eerily prophetic:

I recall how [Hitler] would have films shown in the Reich Chancellory about London burning, about the sea of fire over Warsaw, about exploding convoys, and the kind of ravenous joy that would then seize him every time. But I never saw him so beside himself as when, in a delirium, he pictured New York going down in flames. He described how the skyscrapers would be transformed into gigantic burning torches, how they would collapse in confusion, how the bursting city’s reflection would stand against the dark sky...

1947: “Stern Gang Hints at Truce” published today examined the possibility of “a respite from violence in Palestine” should among other things Lehi make good on its announcement to the press that it was “ready to resume its truce pledge.”

1947: Birthdate of Peter Shurman, the native of Ontario who went from being a radio talk show host to a career in politics as member of the Progressive Conservative Party.

1947: Birthdate of Michel-Jean Hamburger, a very successful French singer and songwriter of Jewish origin.

1947: “Lewis Neikrug, the director general for Europe of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society” who “was among the 400 passengers who sailed from Pier 88, North River, for Europe on the French liner De Grasse” said that “the projected partitioning of Palestine can ease considerably the problem of displaced persons of Europe.”

1947: British editor James Caunt was reported today to have expressed his belief that the accusations of seditious libel that had been filed after his assertions that anti-British propaganda “was financed by American Jews and “that if British Jews were really concerned by the shooting of British boys in Palestine they should ‘disgorge their ill-gotten wealth in try to dissuade their brothers in the United States from pour out dollars to facilitate the entrance into Palestine of European Jewish scum’” were politically motivated by those who believe that “anyone who criticizes the Jews must be a Fascist.”

1948:British state minister Hector McNeil offers the Political Committee a resolution calling for permanent settlement based on Bernadotte plan. Israel proposes compromise: it will withdraw all troops who arrived in Israel after October 14; troops who arrived before October 14 will stay to ensure that area does not fall to Egypt. Israel announces it is ready to begin armistice with Arabs.

1949: “Adams Rib,” a comedy directed by George Cukor, produced by Lawrence Weingarten and featuring Judy Holliday was released in the United States today.

1949:UN Economic Survey Mission for the Middle East proposes after a three-month study that the General Assembly set up program of relief and public works in various Arab countries for 652,000 Arab refugees from Palestine. No comparable fund would be suggested for providing aid to Israel when Jewish populations of Arab and Moslem countries were forced to flee from their homes.

1950: The CCNY football team played its last game today at Lewisohn Stadium name for “financier and philanthropist Adolph Lewisohn” who “donated the money for the combination athletic facility and amphitheater which opened in 1915 and fell victim to the wrecking ball in 1973.

1950: After 742 performances at the Morosco Theater, the curtain came down on the original Broadway production of Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman.”

1951: In Tel Aviv, second generation architect Yaakov Rechter and his first wife, Sara Safir gave birth to Israeli musical artist Yoni Rechtet, the stepson of Israeli actress Hanna Meron.

1951: Birthdate of David “Dudu” Fisher, the native of Petah Tivka who pursued a decade’s long career as a cantor before appearing as “Jean Valjean in the musical Les Miserables.”

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported that observers noted Arab protests over the German-Israeli Reparation Agreement were meant only to extort more trade and imports from their countries to Germany.

1952(30th of Cheshvan, 5713): Seventy-seven year old John Parker an English Jew who was the “editor of reference works” passed away today.

1953: As he eight years as New York City comptroller were coming to an end, Lazarus Joseph was quoted by the New York Times as warning the citizenry “"that it is easy to borrow, but the reckoning always must be met in the expense budget, and by the taxpayer” – words that seemed to be prophetic when the city went bankrupt in the 1970’s.

1954: Terence William Leighton MacDermot began serving as Canada’s Ambassador to Israel.

1954: “The Last Time I Saw Paris” a romantic company directed by Richard Brooks who wrote the screenplay along with Julius and Philip Epstein, filmed by cinematographer Joseph Rutten with a theme song by composer Jerome Kern and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II was released in the United States today by MGM,

1955(3rd of Kislev, 5716): Sixty-five year old chess master Solomon Rosenthal passed away today.

1956: After finally winning their second game of the season last Sunday, Sid Gillman’s Los Angeles Rams returned to their losing ways by dropping a game to the Chicago Bears.

1956: In case of “Jew on Jew,” Alfred Kazin reviews Saul Bellow’s most recent book, Seize the Day.

1958: The Assistant United States Attorney that the $4,790.44 that Charles A. Levine still owed the government as part of a $5,000 fine levied after he was convicted of smuggling in 1937 was not collectible.

1958: “I Want to Live!” a dark film that raises questions about capital punishment co-starring Theodore Bikel and with a theme-song by Johnny Mandel was released today in the United States.

1958: Jerusalem's new reservoir was opened ending a long history of water problems that made Jerusalem more vulnerable to siege.  Water for Jerusalem had been a challenge going all the way back to Biblical times.  Remember the story of how David took the city in the first place.  Fear of siege was not paranoia for the Israelis.  The Jews had nearly lost the city ten years earlier when the Jordanian Army (the Arab Legion) laid siege to it during the War for Independence.

1959(17th of Cheshvan, 5720): Sixty-one year old Arkady Shaiket, who like Robert Capa and Joe Rosenthal was another Jewish photojournalist who provided iconic WW II photographs


1959: “A Summer Place” a movie version of the novel with the same name contains “a memorable instrumental theme composed by Max Steiner, which spent nine weeks at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in 1960” was released the United States today.

1959: William Wyler’s film Ben-Hur premieres at Loew's Theater in New York City. William Wyler was Jewish.  Judah Ben Hur was also Jewish.

1959: Opening of the Sephardic Bibliographical Exhibition in Madrid, Spain.  The Exhibition was in conjunction with the World Sephardi Federation, Arias Montano Institute, the faculty of Philosophy of the Madrid University as well as the Royal Academy of Spanish Language. The Exhibition demonstrated rare Sephardic documents, books, maps and material showing the life of Jews in Spain up to 1492.

1961: “The Gay Life,” a musical based on the plays of Arthur Schnitzler “with a book by Fay and Michael Kanin,” “music by Arthur Schwartz,” directed by Gerald Freeman and featuring Jules Munshin opened today on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre.

1961: In New York City, Irving and Marcia Dawn (Papier) Stolberg gave birth to University of Virginia graduate and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sheryl Stolberg, the Congressional Correspondent for the New York Times who is kind enough and patient enough to respond to an inquiry from one of her many readers.

1962: Niels Henrik David Bohr passed away. “Bohr was a Danish physicist, born in Copenhagen, who was the first to apply the quantum theory, which restricts the energy of a system to certain discrete values, to the problem of atomic and molecular structure. For this work he received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922. He developed the so-called Bohr Theory of the atom and liquid model of the nucleus. Bohr was of Jewish origin and when the Nazis occupied Denmark, he escaped in 1943 to Sweden on a fishing boat. From there he was flown to England where he began to work on the project to make a nuclear fission bomb. After a few months he went with the British research team to Los Alamos in the USA where they continued work on the project.”

1962: “Some 1, 000 persons attended a special service at Temple Emanuel here today, marking the 30th year in the rabbinate of Dr. Nathan A. Perilman, rabbi of the temple, the largest house of Jewish worship in the world. The service observed the 30th year of Dr. Perilman’s affiliation with the Temple.”

1963(2nd of Kislev, 5724): Sixty-two year old Lean Zion Alper, the wife of Abraham Joseph Alper and the mother of Ben and Frances Alper passed away today after which she was buried in the B’nai Zion Cemetery in Chattanooga, TN.

1964: In London, UK, Neil Simon’s “Little Me” opened at the Cambridge Theatre.

1964: NBC broadcast “The Hanged Man” directed by Don Siegel, co-starring Norman Fell and featuring Stan Getz who also wrote the music for the first time.

1966: Sandy Koufax announces his retirement, due to an arthritic left elbow

1968(27th of Cheshvan, 5729): Seventy-four year old movie producer Walter Wagner who was responsible for the 1963 big screen epic “Cleopatra” based away today.



1968(27th of Cheshvan, 5729): Eighty-six year old Vienna native Arnold Gottlieb who at the age of 19 came to the United States, went into the construction business, forming in 1912 Gotham Construction Corporation which built such “edifices as Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, the Federal Courthouse and the General Post office in Bronx and married “the former Beatrice M. Schiff,” with whom he had a daughter, Hilda, passed away today.

1969: “The Arrangement” the movie version of the novel with the same name starring Kirk Douglas and featuring Harold Gould with a score by David Amram was released in the United States today by Warner Bros.

1971(30th of Cheshvan, 5732): Rosh Chodesh Kislev

1971: ITV broadcast the “The Best Laid Plans, the last episode of “The Lovers” a British sitcom created by Jack Rosenthal who also served as the writer and director.

1973: “David Ben-Gurion suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and was taken to Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer, Ramat Gan.”

1973: Sixty year old Sir Gerald David Nunes Nabarro, the scion of a prominent of Sephardi family who converted to Christianity passed away today.

1973(23rd of Cheshvan, 5734: Eighty year old Phillip A. Vogelman, the Polish born “president and chairman of the Onondaga Silk Company and active member of the ADL, UJA and Federation of Jewish Philanthropies passed away today.


1973: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis delivered a speech today at Madison Square Garden that led to the formation of “Hineni,” “one of the first Ba’al Teshuva movements.

1974: An analytical report compiled by refuseniks M. Agursky, A.  Luntz, V. Davidov, V. Rubin, D. Beilin, A. Voronel, A. Sharansky, V. Slepak, A. Lerner was transferred to the West. The report was submitted to the administration of President Ford on the eve of the summit between Ford and Brezhnev in Vladivostok.

1975: “Alexander Silnitsky, a 23 year old student from Krasnodar, was sentenced to three years imprisonment on charges of draft evasion.”

1976(25th of Cheshvan, 5737): Sixty-six year old “Louis G. Cowan the former President of CBS” and his wife 63 year old Pauline Cowan were killed today when “a fire swept through their apartment in the Westbury Hotel.”


 1976(25th of Cheshvan, 5737): Eighty-six year old American born artist Man Ray passed away in Paris.


1976: Refuseniks held a sit-in demonstration at the Supreme Court demanding an answer to a letter filed by them a month earlier. In the evening, participants were detained, taken into the woods and released.

1977: Seventy-nine year old Kurt Schuschnigg the Austrian chancellor who opposed Hitler’s annexation of his country and spent the war in two different concentration camps passed away today.

1977: Longtime feminist activist and U.S. Representative Bella Abzug presided over the first federally funded National Women's Conference.

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that 60 Egyptians and 2,000 journalists arrived in order to prepare the historic visit of the Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to Israel. Chaim Herzog, the Israeli Ambassador to the UN, suggested that the General Assembly suspend the "acrimonious and counterproductive" debate on Palestine in order to be able to consider this historic event. It was also reported that Sadat¹s visit was partly prompted by a question that the Post¹s US correspondent, Wolf Blitzer, had asked Sadat in Washington last April.

1978(18th of Cheshvan, 5739): Judge Leo Frederick Rayfiel passed away.  Born in 1888 to immigrant parents in Brooklyn, he was a graduate of New York University Law School.  He was a member of the New York State Assembly and served two terms as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives before being appointed to the federal bench by President Harry S. Truman in 1947. Rayfiel was a voracious reader and die-hard Dodgers fan until the team left Brooklyn.

1981(21st of Cheshvan, 5742): Seventy-eight year old Oklahoma nativeEleanor (Klein) Lapowski,  the wife of Errold Baum Lapowski and the mother of Jean and Louise Lapowski passed away today in El Paso, TX.

1983(12th of Kislev, 5744): Eight-three actor Marcel Dalio passed away today.


1983(12th of Kislev, 5744): Ninety-one year old publisher, George B. Eisler passed away today.


1986: “An extended version of” Billy Joel’s “Big Man on Mulberry Street was used today on an episode of Moonlighting”

1988: In Tel Aviv, Orly Silbersatz and Yuval Banay gave birth to singer and guitarist Elisha Banai, older brother of Amalia and Sophie Banai and the grandson of another Israeli performer Yossi Banai.

1988: In New York City, Wendy Wasserstein’s “The Heidi Chronicles” premiered at the Playwrights Horizon.

1990(1st of Kislev, 5751): Rosh Chodesh Kislev

1990: The third Broadway revival of Fiddler on the Roof opened today at the Gershwin Theater. It ran for 241 performances at the George Gershwin Theatre. Topol starred as Tevye, and Marcia Lewis was Golde. Robbins' production was reproduced by Ruth Mitchell and choreographer Sammy Dallas Bayes. The production won the Tony Award for Best Revival.

1991(11th of Kislev, 5752): Eighty-three year old French Marxist Claude Cahen who has been described as “the  doyen of Islamic social history and one of the most influential Islamic historians of [his] century” and who “neither self-identified as Jewish nor supported the State of Israel” passed away today.

1992: Birthdate of Israeli Olympic sailor and Gan Hashomoron native Dan Froyliche.

1993(4th of Kislev, 5754): Ninety-three year old German born American character Fritz Feld passed away today.


1999: The 1999 Trophée Lalique, a figure skating competition held in Paris, in which Galit Chait and Sergei Sakhnovski represented Israel in the ice dancing competition opened today.

2000(3rd of Kislev, 5762):St.-Sgt. Baruch (Snir) Flum, 21, of Tel-Aviv was shot and killed by a senior Palestinian Preventive Security Service officer who infiltrated the Kfar Darom greenhouses in the Gaza Strip.

St.-Sgt. Sharon Shitoubi, 21, of Ramle, wounded in the Palestinan shooting attack in Kfar Darom, died of his wounds on Nov 20.

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish interest including The Complete Works of Isaac Babel:  Edited by Nathalie Babel, Translated by Peter Constantine. Introduction by Cynthia Ozick, Somewhere For Me:
A Biography of Richard Rodgers
by Meryle Secrest, Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions by Martha C. Nussbaum, Interrogations: The Nazi Elite in Allied Hands, 1945by Richard Overy and I’m Not Bobby by Jules Feiffer.

2002(13th of Kislev, 5763) Esther Galia, 48, of Kochav Hashahar, was killed in a shooting attack near Rimonim, on the Allon Road, some 15 kilometers northeast of Ramallah

2002: During the investigation of Jack Abramoff’s business activities in Guam a grand jury issued a subpoena demanding that the administrator of the Guam Superior Court release all records relating to the contract.

2002: “U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson of Montgomery, Alabama, orders the removal of Roy Moore's Ten Commandments monument, finding that it violated the constitution's ban on government establishment of religion.”

2003(23rd of Cheshvan, 5764: Fifty-five year old Grammy award winning musician Michael Kamen passes away. While studying the oboe, he formed a rock classical fusion band called New York Rock & Roll Ensemble, which was on the first of Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts with the New York Philharmonic.



2003(23rd of Cheshvan, 5764): Two IDF soldiers, Sgt.-Maj. Shlomi Belsky, 23, of Haifa, and St.-Sgt. Shaul Lahav, 20, of Kibbutz Shomrat, were killed by a Palestinian terrorist who opened fire with an AK-47 assault rifle, hidden in a prayer rug, at a checkpoint on the tunnel bypass road, linking Jerusalem and the Gush Etzion bloc. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

2004(5th of Kislev, 5765): Cy Coleman, American composer, songwriter, and jazz pianist passed away.  Born Seymour Kaufman, to Jewish immigrant parents, Coleman won or was nominated for 15 Tony Awards, 3 Emmy Awards and 2 Grammy Awards. (As reported by Robert Berkvist)


2005(15th of Cheshvan, 5766): Harold J. Stone passed away. Born Harold Hochstein to a Jewish acting family in 1913, Stone practiced his craft on Broadway, in film and finally in television where he gained respect and a form of fame as “a character actor.” 


2005: The Jerusalem Post reported that Pope Benedict XVI responded positively to an invitation extended to him by President Moshe Katsav when the two met at the Vatican. 

2006: Some eight thousand people gathered near Germany's biggest World War II soldiers’ cemetery to protest against far-right extremism.

2006(27th of Cheshvan, 5767: Jack Werber passed away at the age of 92.  He was a Holocaust survivor who helped save more than 700 children at Buchenwald slave labor camp.  He gained economic success in the mid-fifties by manufacturing coonskin caps during the Davey Crockett craze.

2007: The SundayWashington Post book section featured a review of The Conscience of a Liberal by Jewish economist Paul Krugman

2007: The Sunday New York Timesbook section featured reviews of three books about or by comedian Woody Allen including, Conversations with Woody Allen: His Films, the Movies, and Moviemaking by Eric Lax, Mere Anarchy by Woody Allen and The Insanity Defense: The Complete Proseby Woody Allen.

2007: The Chicago Tribune business section reported on the growth of Chicago based Levy Restaurants. Since its founding in 1978 by brothers Larry and Mark Levy, Levy Restaurants has grown from a single delicatessen in Chicago to a specialized, industry-leading food organization with a network of internationally acclaimed restaurants; the leading market share of premium foodservice operations at sports and entertainment facilities; as well as a full-service consulting and advisory services group.

2008: In Israel, members of the National Religious Party “voted to disband the party in order to join the new Jewish Home Party

2008: French and Israeli police discovered 43 of timepieces that had been stolen from the L.A. Mayer Institute for Islamic art in two French bank safes.

2008: Ethan Berkowitz himself conceded defeat in the race to fill the seat of U.S. Representative for Alaska's At-large congressional district, after counting of absentee and provisional ballots had mostly been completed and his Republican opponent Don Young had a clearly insurmountable lead.

2008: At Tifereth Israel Synagogue in Des Moines, Iowa AIPAC Midwest Political Director Jonathan Greenberg speaks on “Changes in the White House and on Capitol Hill:  How It Impacts The Pro-Israel Agenda.”  Of course, the presentation is based on the premise that AIPAC’s agenda and the “Pro-Israel Agenda” are one and the same.

2008: The Ninth Annual Rutgers New Jersey Jewish Film Festival presents: “The Counterfeiters”  “One Day You’ll Understand,” adaptation of Jerome Clement’s autobiographical novel, Plus Tard, Tu Comprendras and “Two Ladies” a hopeful drama that offers a sensitive portrayal of the unlikely friendship two French women – Esther, who is Jewish, and Halima, who is Muslim – which defies the prejudice and hostility that surround them.

2008:As part of the "Jewish Encounters" series at the D.C. Jewish Community Center,writer and poet Adam Kirsch discusses and signs Benjamin Disraeli, his new biography of the British prime minister in which takes an in-depth look at the first—and only—Jewish Prime Minister of England.

2008: Michael Rosen was presented with the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Knight of the Order of Arts and Literature) by the Government of France at the French Ambassador's residence in London

2009 (1st of Kislev, 5770): Rosh Chodesh Kislev

2009: Moshe Holtzberg, son of Barvriel and Rivka Holztberg of blessed memory who were murdered by the terrorists in Mumbain in 2008, celebrated his third birthday according to the Jewish calendar. A party was held at Kfar Chabad which was attended by 2,000 people who stayed for a memorial dinner for his parents.

2009: In Fairfax, VA, Congregation Olam Tikvah hosts “Sacred Scripture: How do you understand your own? Can I try?” as part of its interfaith program.

2009: At the UK Jewish Film Festival, a screening of an episode from the groundbreaking TV drama "Good Intentions", which centers around two female chefs, one Palestinian and one Israeli, co-hosting a cookery show despite intense opposition from their respective communities.

2009(1st of Kislev, 5770):Seventy-five year old “Ari Kiev, a psychiatrist whose early work on depression and suicide prevention led to a career helping athletes and Wall Street traders achieve peak performance, passed away today in Manhattan. (As reported by William Grimes)


2009(1st of Kislev, 5770):James F. Berg, who as the chief negotiator for most of the major landlords in New York City was given large credit for an era of labor peace in their buildings because of the trust he inspired on both sides of the bargaining table, died today in Manhattan. He was 65 (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2010: “Precious Life” is scheduled to be shown at the Other Israel Film Festival today at the JCC in Manhattan.

2010: In New York, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to present The Fall Concert which is part of The Sidney Krum Young Artists Concert Series at YIVO:

2010: In response to a call by Chief Ashkenazi RabbiYona Metzger and Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo for the public to pray for rain during this draught-like period, today is scheduled to be a special day of fasting and prayer to atone for the sins that are likely preventing the direly missing rainfall.

2010:"Army of Islam," a group linked to Al Qaida, released today for the first time a statement in Hebrew threatening to avenge the killing of two senior members of the organization in the Gaza Strip yesterday


2010: Jacob Lew began serving as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.


2011: “Romeo and Juliet in Yiddish” is scheduled to be shown this evening at Jewish Eye World Jewish Film Festival.


2011: An opening reception is scheduled to take place at the Derek Eller Gallery marking the opening of “Rona Yefman: Marath a Bouke, project #4” in which Rona Yefman will present an installation about Martha Bouke, an 80-year-old grandfather and Holocaust survivor living in Tel Aviv who assumes a feminine persona…”


2011: It was reported today that Henry Kissinger in 1972 called Jews "self-serving" because of pleas from the community for the Nixon administration to increase the pressure on the Soviet Union to allow its Jews to leave. "Is there a more self-serving group of people than the Jewish community?" Kissinger, who is Jewish, asks Leonard Garment, also Jewish, in transcripts of a 1972 exchange released this week by the State Department and reported by The Associated Press.


2011:Israel sent housing assistance for up to 1,000 people in Turkey affected by two earthquakes that hit the country in October.

2012: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Marvel Comics: The Untold Story by Sean Howe which “begins with Marvel’s best-known employees:” – Stan Lee (Stanley Martin Lieber) and Jack Kirby (Jacob Kurtzburg) and the recently released paperback edition of A Train In Winter: An Extraordinary Story of Women Friendship and Resistance in Occupied Franceby Caroline Moorehead which traces the fate of 230 women shipped to Auschwitz in January, 1943.

2012: The UK Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to come to an end.

2012: The American Society for Jewish Music and American Jewish Historical Society are scheduled to present The Hugo Weisgall Centennial Concert

2012(4th of Kislev, 5773): Eighty-six year old academic and diplomat Helmut Sonnenfeldt passed away today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)


2012: Adas Israel Cantor Arianne Brown and the Charm City Klezmer are among those scheduled to perform at the Jewish Folk Arts Festival hosted at B’nai Israel in Rockville, MD.

2012: Global Day of Jewish Learning


2012: As published today in the Cedar Rapids Gazette

For weeks Arabs have been firing rockets into southern Israel.  Israeli schools have been closed for days at a time.  Citizens of several towns including Beersheba have had to stay within seconds of a “safe room” because that is all the warning that exists between the launching from Gaza and landing in Israel.  In one sense, there is nothing new about this.  The Arabs in Gaza did this in November of 2011, 2010, etc. The reason for the attacks is simple.  Hamas is committed to the destruction of the state of Israel.  When Israel left Gaza without any pre-conditions, the Arabs had a choice.  They could start working on building a state or they could enhance their war of destruction aimed at Israel.  Unfortunately, they chose the latter.  Today, the Israelis had enough. They responded to these incessant attacks by killing one of the leaders responsible for these rocket terror attacks and unleashed a series of limited attacks on launch sites and the logistics net that supported it.  Unfortunately, the American media chose not to cover the attacks of the last three weeks so all we have in the news tonight is the mean old Israelis attacking the poor Palestinians.  http://thegazette.com/2012/11/17/weeks-of-arab-attacks-preceded-israeli-attack/

2012: After a few hours of relative quiet, a rocket fired from Gaza this evening hit a house near Kiryat Malachi. (As reported by the Jerusalem Post)

2013: The Center For Jewish History and the YIVO Institute For Jewish Research are scheduled to present a concert and lecture “Charles-Valentin Alkan: His Life and Music” as part of the Circles of Justice Program.


2013: “The Lesson” and “Mom, Dad, I’m A Muslim” are scheduled to be shown at The Other Israel Film Festival.


2013: The Embassy of the Czech Republic, Embassy of Israel and LCPA-Hebrew Language Table are scheduled to present “The Story of the Shipwrecked from the Patria.”


2013: French President Francois Hollande continued his official visit today, touring the Old City in Jerusalem, meeting with senior Palestinian Authority officials in Ramallah and then visiting the Knesset, where he listened to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly call on PA President Mahmoud Abbas to break the diplomatic freeze and come address the Israeli parliament. (As reported by Moran Azulay)


2013: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-mmon walked through the “Arbeit Macht Frei” gate as he began his to Auschwitz where he paid tribute to those murdered by the Nazis and their allies.


2013: “Former chief rabbi Yona Metzger was arrested today at the culmination of a long investigation into a litany of financial crimes involving millions of shekels.” (As reported by Stuart Winer)


2014: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present “Stravinsky, Ravel, Prokofiev: Composing in War Time.”


2014: In Melbourne “Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes of Sholom Aleichem” and “King of the Jews” are scheduled to be shown at the Jewish International Film Festival.


2014: “Swim Little Fish” and “This Is Where I Leave You” are scheduled to be shown at the 18th annual UK Jewish Film Festival.


2014(25th of Cheshvan): Rabbi Moshe Twersky, 59; Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 68, a British-born father of six; Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky, 43; and Rabbi Kalman Levine, 55 were murdered by Arab terrorists this morning and “at least 8 others were injured” while praying at a synagogue in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood.






The Phoenix Chamber Ensemble performing Stravinsky’s Suite de L'histoire du soldat for violin clarinet and piano, Prokofiev’s Sonata in D Major for violin and piano and Ravel’s Piano Trio.The Phoenix Chamber Ensemble performing Stravinsky’s Suite de L'histoire du soldat for violin clarinet and piano, Prokofiev’s Sonata in D Major for violin and piano and Ravel’s Piano Trio.

2014: Chaim Rothman, the husband of a friend of Renee Ghert-Zand, was attacked by “Palestinian assailants” who “axed him in the head as he prayed in a Jerusalem synagogue this morning.” (As reported by Renee Ghert-Zand)

2014: Thousands attend funerals of Aryeh Kupinsky, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, Rabbi Kalman Levine, and Rabbi Moshe Twersky, killed at prayer in Jerusalem this morning.

2014: New York City increased its police presence at synagogues and other locations in the wake of an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue that left four dead

2014: In the United Kingdom, the Community Security Trust issued the warning today in a security bulletin that contained nine instructions to Jewish institutions, including a call to “ensure visible external security patrols take place to deter and detect hostile activity” and immediate reporting to police of any suspicious behavior.

2014:Zidan Saif, a police officer who was seriously injured in the Tuesday-morning terror attack at a synagogue in Jerusalem, succumbed to his wounds.Saif, 30, was shot in the head during a gunfight with the two terrorists. According to eyewitnesses, he was hit by a bullet when attempting to protect a fellow police officer.He is the fifth victim of the attack.Druze community leaders and residents of Saif’s village of Yanuh-Jat in the Galilee describe him as a hero, NRG reports. (As reported by Lazar Berman and Adiv Sterman)

2015: “A Jewish teacher in the French city of Marseille was stabbed by a man wearing an Islamic State T-shirt who shouted anti-Semitic profanities at him with two other men.”

2015: At Oxford, Hindy Najman, the new Oriel and Laing professor for the interpretation of holy scripture who is the first Jew and the first woman to have the role is scheduled to talk about new perspectives on how prophecy continues in ancient Judaism from her paper titled: "The Beginning of Judaism: New Perspectives”

2015, the Friedrichstadt-Palast in Berlin inaugurated a memorial at Friedrichstraße 107 dedicated to the theatre's founders, Max Reinhardt, Hans Poelzig and Erik Charell, two of whom were Jewish.

2015: “The Physician” and “The Voice of Peace” are scheduled to be shown at Melbourne at the Jewish International Film Festival.

2015: Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman won the National Book Award for Young People’s Literature today.

2015: “The Kozalchik Affair,” a documentary about Yakov Kozalchik a Jewish Kapo in Auschwitz known as “The Warden of the Death Block” is scheduled to be shown in Los Angeles as the 29thIsrael Film Festival.

2016: In “Amos Oz on His Novel ‘Judas,’ Which Challenges Views of a Traitor” published today Gal Beckerman examined the Israeli author’s latest work.



2016: “Two Nazi symbols and the words ‘Go Trump’” were discovered today “on a piece of playground equipment” at “a New York park dedicated to the memory of the late Beastie Boy member Adam Yauch” during a year in which “anti-Semitic imagery has proliferated on social media, Jewish journalist” have been targeted “and longstanding anti-Jewish conspiracy theories” have gotten “a fresh airing.”

2016: “Dark Diamond” and “Aida’s Secrets” are scheduled to be shown in Australia as part of the Jewish International Film Festival.

2016: “Women: New Portraits of Annie Leibovitz” is scheduled to open in New York.

2017(29th of Cheshvan, 5778): Parashat Toldot

2017(29th of Cheshvan, 5778): Ninety-eight year old Benjamin Scheinkopf, who survived the Holocaust along with his brother Josef, because of his hair-cutting skill and who went to a lifetime of barbering in Chicago passed away today.




2017: Seventy-five year old Ken Shapero, “the former child actor and creator of ‘The Groove Tube,’” passed away today. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)


2017: “The Cakemaker” and “The Heir” are scheduled to be shown in London at the 21st UK International Jewish Film Festival.

2017: Jewish Book Month, an annual event that provides us with a chance to contemplate Jewish books and the lives of authors such as Joseph Telushkin whose wide variety of works included Jewish Literacy, Jewish Humorand A Code of Jewish Ethics continues today

2018: “Parallel Lines,” a week-long jewelry exhibition “featuring the work of Israeli artists Naama Bergman, Tamar Navama, Ruta Reifen, Dana Hakim, Noga Harel, Vered Kaminski, and Einat Leader” is scheduled to come an end today.

2018: The YIVO Institute is scheduled to present David Biale delivering a lecture on “The Afterlives of Shabbati Zvi.”

2018: The Gershman Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to come to an end today.

2018: “The Cleveland Jewish News” is scheduled to present the 4th annual “18 Difference Awards Ceremony” at Landerhaven in Mayfield Heights, OH.

2018 AJEX (The Jewish Military Association”) is scheduled to sponsors its “84th Annual Remembrance Ceremony and Parade” where attendees can show their support and honor “the Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women who have served the United Kingdom in the Armed Forces since the 1750s as well as all the victims of the Holocaust.”

2018: As part of Inter Faith Week, the Jewish Museum is scheduled to host a free open house where attendees can take part in such activities as making challah for a local homeless shelter and decorating a Tzedakah box.

2018: The American Society for Jewish Music is scheduled to present “Soundscapes of Modernity: Jews and Music in Polish Cities,” a concert presenting “choral pieces from 19th-century progressive congregations, compositions associated with Jewish music societies, and avant-garde works by Jewish composers.”

2018: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the audiobooks The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris and read by Richard Armitage, Parker: Selected Stories by Dorothy Parker and read by Elaine Stritch, The Feral Detective, a novel by Jonathan Lethem, A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism by Jeffrey D. Sachs, The Jungle Grows Back: America and Our Imperiled World by Robert Kagan, the son of Donald Kagan and in “American Jews Face a Choice: Create Meaning or Fade Away,” brief looks at The Chosen Wars: How Judaism Became an American Religionby Steven R. Weisman, The New American Judaism: How Jews Practice Their Religion Today by Jack Wertheimer, The Jewish American Paradox: Embracing Choice in a Changing World by Robert Mnookin, God is in the Crowd: Twenty-First Century Judaism by Tal Keinan and Dear Zealots: Letters From a Divided Land by Amos Oz.


2019: As the day begins in Israel, it would seem that the two biggest issues facing the country are the on-going rocket attacks from Gaza and the need to avoid a third round of elections by forming a new government.

2019: “The Israel Defense Forces’ Arabic-language spokesman,” Avichai Adraee “said today that posts he make last week alleging that an Israeli airstrike on a home in the Gaza Strip, which killed a Palestinian family of eight, had targeted a terrorist may have been ‘imprecise.’” (As reported by Adam Rasgon)

2019: The American Sephardi Federation and the Embassy of Kosvo are scheduled to present two screenings of “The Righteous Gypgsy” which “tells the story of Hajrija Imeri-Mihaljić, the only Gypsy woman honored by Yad VaShem as a Righteous Among the Nations.”

2019: “A Skirball Academy Special Class,” “Jewish Mysticism: The Spark of the Soul” with Rabbi David Wolpe is scheduled to meet for the first time.

2020: Via ZOOM, The Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County is scheduled to present historian Marty Schneit lecturing on “Ethel Merman, an American Icon.”

2019: In London, the UK Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host screenings of “Echo,” “Ms Stern” and “Henri Dauman: Looking Up.”

2019: In Berkley, CA, the Aquarian Minyan is scheduled to host “The Grateful and Speaking Dead,” a “lecture examining the Jewish tradition of communicating with the dead through Jewish text and ritual.”

2020: The Israeli Office of Cultural Affairs in New York is scheduled to host a discussion of “Making The Garden Left Behind.”

2020: The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience is scheduled to present Professor Jane S. Gerber as she discusses her new book Cities of Splendour in the Shaping of Sephardi History, part of The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization

2020: The Gershman Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host streaming screenings of “Thou Shalt Not Hate” and “Jewish International Shorts.”

2020: Live on Zoom, The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to host “New Works Wednesdays – Cities of Splendor in the Shaping of Sephardi History.”

2020: Live on Zoom, the YIVO Institute is scheduled to host “Fermenting and Foraging: Resourcefulness in the Historical and Contemporary Kitchen.”

2020: The Maine Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host the final screeing of “Last Stop Coney Island” and the first screening of “Good Thoughts, Good Words.”

2020: Live on Zoom, the Leo Baeck Institute and Straus Historical Society are scheduled to host “The Great Families and Their Temple: The Strauses, the Lehmans and Temple Emanu-El.”

2021: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to present “At Lunch with Jean Hanff Korelitz” live on Zoom during which Julie Salamon (Wall Street Journal and NY Times) will sit down with New York Times bestselling novelist, playwright, and founder of BOOKTHEWRITER, Jean Hanff Korelitz. 

2021: The Boston Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to come to a close with a screening of “Persian Lessons.”

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