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This Day, August 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 25

79: Pliny the Elder passed away.

1270: Louis IX passed away. To the Christian world he became known as St. Louis.  Louis “despised his Jews” and he treated his Jewish subjects accordingly during his 44 year reign.  Louis combined the usual greed of Medieval Monarchs with a religious zeal that gave a special zest to his ant-Semitism.  To him, “the only good Jew was a converted Jew.”  He is best remembered for putting the Talmud on trial, finding it guilty and then burning twenty-four cartloads of the precious text. Two years later, a couple of more copies of the text were found and Louis repeated the public burning.

1530:  Birthdate of Tsar Ivan IV, known to history as Ivan the Terrible.  In keeping with Russian policy, few Jews were permitted in Russia and those that came on trading missions from Poland were often treated roughly.  In 1563 Ivan conquered a Lithuanian city (Polotsk) and gave the Jews the choice of converting to Russian Orthodoxy or death.  In carrying out his threat, Ivan had holes drilled in the ice of the nearby river and shoved three hundred Jewish men, women and children to their death.  Yes, “The Terrible” is a fitting title.

1613(8thof Elul, 5373): David Gans the author of "Tzemach David" passed away in Prague

1718:  Founding of New Orleans, Louisiana. The first Jews came to New Orleans in the early 1700’s as Spanish and/or Portuguese traders.  It is not clear as to whether these early settlers were “Secret Jews” and how many of them were open practitioners of their faith.  There would be at least three major waves of Jewish migration to the Crescent City and the surrounding bayou communities.  Prior to Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans boasted a vibrant Jewish community with a population that totals approximately 13,000. In addition to the various community organizations including the highly informative on-line Crescent City Jewish News http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=1f78b71ba0df060842f69ae41&id=95efe5a743&e=ce59f79d80
Tulane University adds an extra dimension to Jewish life with its Jewish Studies Department  chaired by Brian Horowitz.

1744: Birthdate of Johann Gottfried von Herder the Lutheran minister, philosopher and poet whom according to F.M. Barnard believed that “Jews in Germany should enjoy the full rights and obligations of Germans, and that the non-Jews of the world owed a debt to Jews for centuries of abuse, and that this debt could be discharged only by actively assisting those Jews who wished to do so to regain political sovereignty in their ancient homeland of Israel.” This stands in stark contrast to the view of Andrew Hamilton who said Herder saw “no continuity between (for him, legitimate) Old Testament Judaism and the Pharisaic Judaism of Jesus’ time, which he regarded as degenerate in form…For thousands of years, since their emergence on the stage of history, the Jews were a parasitic growth on the stem of other nations, a race of cunning brokers all over the earth. They have caused great evil to many ill-organized states, by retarding the free and natural economic development of their indigenous population.” (Once again we see that the Holocaust was not some aberration or an event brought on by the Versailles Treaty as apologists would have us believe)

1786: Birthdate of King Ludwig I of Bavaria who in 1829 commissioned a portrait of Nanette Kaula, the daughter of his Jewish royal agent, to be hung in his “Beauty Gallery.”

1797: Birthdate of Danish poet and dramatist Henrik Hertz

1814: Birthdate of Jacques Judah Lyons. The chazzan, rabbi, and community leader was born in Surinam, Dutch Guiana.  His parents, Judah Eleazar and Mary Asser Lyons, had emigrated to Surinam from Philadelphia in the early 1800s.

1814: During the War of 1812 the British returned to their ships after a second day of trying to burn Washington was thwarted in part by one of those downpours that Washingtonians know so well that put out most of the fires and headed for what they thought would be their next easy victory at Baltimore’s Fort McHenry.  With no evidence to the contrary the “row of buildings…known as the Six Buildings” built by Isaac Polock, the first known Jewish resident of the District of Columbia survived to be used as office space for the Departments of State and Navy.

1825: Uruguay declares its independence. Unlike other parts of Latin America, the Inquisition did not have a strong influence in Uruguay.  Therefore, we find evidence of converso communities dating back to the 16thcentury and a true Jewish community in the last decades of the 18thcentury. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in the country since that time.  However, actual documentation of the current Jewish community dates only back to the second of the 19th century.

1830: Belgium revolts against the Netherlands. Belgium gained its independence as a neutral Catholic Constitutional Monarchy in 1831 at which time it “officially recognized Judaism immediately. Brussels, with a more French influenced Jewish community, had a higher rate of assimilation, while Antwerp, influenced by Yiddish and Flemish, retained traditional forms of Jewish life, a trend that remains today. Belgium's Jewish population grew significantly after 1880, when Eastern European Jews began fleeing hostile areas and settling in Belgium.”

1844(10th of Elul, 5604): Áron Chorin a Hungarian rabbi and pioneer of religious reform passed away.

1846: A wagon train owned and commanded by a Prussian Jew named Albert Speyer arrived in Penol, Mexico where all 25 wagons were seized by authorities and Speyer and his party were jailed by the Mexicans.  For the next six weeks, Speyer would petition the Mexican government to release him, his men and his wagons. The government finally agreed to the release provided that Speyer would replace his American drivers with Mexicans.  Considering the fact that an American army had invaded Mexico, this did not seem like an unreasonable request.

1854: The New York Times reported that the people of Jamaica have collected $2,000 for the relief of the suffering Jews of Jerusalem.  The funds have been sent to Sir Moses Montefiore who is acting as treasurer for the British based organization seeking to aid the Jews.

1857: The "News from Europe" column reported that Lord Russell would not bring forward his bill to change the oath so that Jews could sit in Parliament because it was too late in the session.  He said he would introduce such a measure in the following session of Parliament.

1858: In Somerset, England, Edwin De Leon, U.S. Agent and Consul General for Egypt and Dependencies married Ellen Mary Nowlan, the youngest daughter of the late James Nowlan.

1860: Birthdate of Rabbi Joseph Silver who would be the first American rabbi to hold a pulpit in New York City

1863: During the Sherman’s campaign to take Atlanta, the 79th Indiana under the command of Colonel Frederick Knefler began to take part in the movement to outflank the Confederates by moving toward Jonesboro.

1865: Four months after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, Frederick (Friedrich) C. Salomon was mustered out of the Union Army.  Salomon had begun the war as a Captain.  By the end of hostilities, he had risen to the rank of Major Genera (Brevet) a tribute to his skill, bravery and tenacity.

1867(24th of Av, 5627): Fifty-nine year old Levi Bodenheim who served as a rabbi at Hildesheim and Krefeld passed away there today.

1872: It was reported today that of the fifty-three delegates who had attended a B’nai Brith convention in Atlanta, GA, forty-five said they would vote for Grant in the upcoming Presidential election and eight said they would vote for Horace Greely.  [This might come as a surprise to those who have tried to depict Grant as an anti-Semite.]

1874: Today’s “Foreign Miscellany” column, offered a summary of the life of the recently deceased Baron Anselm de Rothschild and his simple burial in Frankfurt.

1878: Today’s list of contributions to help those in the South caught in the grip of the Yellow Fever Epidemic included a $1,000 donation from Jews living in New York.

1878: In New York City, Hattie Collenberger and Lyman Bloomingdale gave birth to Irving Ingersol Bloomingdale.

1879: The Grand Lodge of the Southern District of Kesher Shel Barzel held a second day of meetings in Baltimore Maryland.  The district includes 33 lodges in Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana and the District of Columbia.  As is the case with all such fraternal organizations, the activities are secret.

1881(30thof Av, 5641): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1881: The Young Men’s Hebrew Union will host a garden concert at Washington Park this evening.

1881: “Anti-Jewish Agitation” published today described conditions in Germany where the Emperor has expressed his disapproval of “the anti-Jewish agitation.”  At the same time there is reportedly a great deal of “apprehension” among the Junkers concerning a governmental “inquiry into the persecution of the Jews in Pomerania and West Prussia.”  (The  Junkers were the ultra-conservative landed gentry of Prussia who would have opposed the emancipation of German Jews)

1882: The body of 20 year old Elisa Blumer was found floating in the North River today.  A native of Baden, the young Jewess came to the United States and move in with her step-brother David Wertheimer  and his wife. The brother owns a successful butcher shop on Spring and MacDougal.

1883: In the last of three articles published in the Athenaeum concerning a scroll of the Book of Deuteronomy discovered by Moses Shapira, Biblical scholar David Ginsburg wrote “I have designedly abstained from making any remark or calling attention to any anomalies in the Hebrew text, as my report, which is to appear next week, will contain a full account of all the peculiarities of the manuscript and the conclusion I have arrived at about its genuiness

1884: Fifty-five year old Odo William Leopold Russell, 1st Baron Ampthill, the British diplomat who worked tirelessly to try and gain the freedom of Edgardo Mortara from the Catholic Church and have him returned to his Jewish parents passed away today.

1885(14th of Elul, 5645): Fifty-seven year old Marcus Kalisch, a native of Pomerania who served as a secretary to the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire and was tutor to the Rothschild  family as well as the author of commentaries on Exodus, Genesis and Leviticus, passed away today.

1889: According to some, Ohaveth Shalom (Lovers of Peace) the first Jewish congregation in Seattle was established today.

1890: Chief of Police Jerry Lordan telegraphed from San Francisco that Dennis Collonge, the man who falsely accused Galveston Jewish businessmen Sampson and Isaac Heidensheimer of arson has been arrested and that he will bring him back to Galveston, TX  as soon as the extradition process has been completed.

1890: Today, the managers of the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children will provide a free excursion for 592 children and teachers from the Ladies’ Deborah Nursery, the Industrial School of the United Hebrew Charities, the Downtown Religious and Sewing School of the 19th Street Synagogue and the Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood. 

1890: Thomas Abbot, who had been charged with assaulting Paul Ohlenhausen, “an aged Hebrew was discharged at the Tombs” today on grounds that he was insane at the same time.

1890: “Debarred Russian Hebrews” published today descried the efforts to overturn the decision by the Acting Superintendent of Immigration to bar ten Russian Jews from entering the United States among whom are 21 year old Moses Wolf, a jeweler from Odessa whose brother Alfred is a naturalized citizen working in Philadelphia and Jacob Cohen who speaks English fluently and whose cousin Isodor Burros who has operated a grocery store for eleven years in New York has a job for him.

1891: It was reported today that in Baltimore, “a large number of Hebrews are greatly opposed” to the “influx” of Jews from Russia.  “Elias Rohf agent of the Baron Hirsch Fund has promised…that no more Russian Hebrew immigrants when bonded out will be allowed to say remain” in Baltimore “but will be sent” elsewhere.

1891: Birthdate of Israeli poet and author David Shimoni 

1891: “The Pall Mall Gazette” said today “that the Prince of Wales is Taking great interest in the matter of the persecution of the Jews in Russia and in the condition” of Jewish immigrants “who are coming to England.” (Must to the consternation of his mother, the future King Edward numbered several Jews among his “circle’)

1892: As French authorities wrestle with an outbreak of Cholera, the steamer Galicia from Hamburg which arrived at Havre with immigrants aboard, some of whom were thought to be Russian Jews, was placed in quarantine.

1892: As of today,  “nothing has been heard at the U.S. Treasury Department about the proposed departure from Harve for Boston of a number of Jews from Odessa who originally intended to go to New York, but whose journey was interrupted at Lyons because of the refusal of the steamship lines to take them to New York.”

1892: Birthdate of Sam Toubin, a Texas merchant who would marry Rosa Levin Toubin who wrote History of B'nai Abraham Synagogue.

1895: The list published today of the recipients of donations from the sons of the late Simon Wormser includes $2,500 to - Mt. Sinai Hospital, Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Montefiore Home; $1,000 to Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews and United Hebrew Charities.

1895: Among the speakers at the dinner given tonight in honor of the English socialist J.K. Hardie, were Daniel De Leon whose topic was “Labor Movements in General and In America Especially” and A. Shapiro whose topic was “The Hebrew Labor Movement.”

1895: Among those Russian Jewish immigrants who are scheduled to be shipped back to Europe tomorrow because there is a fear that they will become “public charges” are 21 year old Moses Wolf, a professional jeweler who was met by his brother Alfred Wolf a naturalized American citizen who is employed by a company in Philadelphia and Jacob Cohen, who speaks English fluently and whose cousin Isidor Burros had already rented him an apartment and was ready to help him find a job.

1897: Herzl arrives in Basel prior to the start of the First Zionist Congress.

1897(25thof Av. 5657): Forty-five year old Albert Tobias, who owned a hotel at Far Rockaway, passed away today in New York City.  A native of German, he came to the United States and leaves behind a widow and 2 sons.

1898: A bank conference takes place three days before the opening of the Second Zionist Congress.

1899: Jules Guerin and some of his followers caused a stir when they tried to pass out circulars denouncing the Jews from the windows of the office buildings where they had taken refuge from police.

1899: This evening a reporter from the anti-Semitic weekly Anti-Juif was prevented by police from sneaking food into the Paris offices were Jules Guerin and his associates were holding out against arrest by authorities.

1899: Rowland Strong, an English newspaper man testified today that “Count Esterhazy confessed to him that he wrote the famous bordeau.”

1899: Today, at the court martial of Captain Dreyfus, Albert Gobert the handrwriting expert from the Bank of France “reported on examinaning the documents in the case that Esterhazy and not Dreyfus wrote the bordeau” (Gobert is credited by some to have “the honor of being the first man to have declared in favor of Dreyfus” since he had identified the true author of the incriminating documents, a fact which the French military chose to ignore)

1899: The funeral, Aaron J Wechsler, the eldest son of the late Joseph Wechsler, who was a partner in Wechsler & Abraham and was a member of several Jewish organizations including Temple Israel, will be held at his home on 8thAvenue in Brooklyn.

1900:  German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche passed away.  Nietzsche was not an anti-Semite and did not condone anti-Semitism. His biggest problem with Judaism was that it gave birth to Christianity, a religion he reportedly detested.  In Human, All Too Human Nietzsche derided the attempt to blame the Jews for all of society’s ills.  There were Jews with many disagreeable traits and habits, but then this was true of all groups. He canceled at least one magazine subscription because of its anti-Semitic tone.  He was extremely upset when his sister married a rabid anti-Semite with whom he declared that he had nothing in common.  Unfortunately for Nietzsche, the Nazis misappropriated some of his ideas.  They were aided in this corruption by Nietzsche’s sister who received a state funeral by order of Adolph Hitler himself.

1900:Maurice Arnold de Forest, the adopted son of  millionaire Baroness Clara de Hirsch, née Bischoffsheim, wife of Jewish banker and philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch de Gereuth who was rumored to be the illegitimate son of the Baron was “commissioned in the militia as Second Lieutenant in the Prince of Wales’s Own Norfolk Artillery.

1903(2nd of Elul, 5663): Jacques Nissim Pasha the son of a physician who became a Turkish army surgeon serving as director of the Central Hospital of Salonica and Medical Inspector of the Third Army Corps passed away today in his hometown of Salonica.

1910 Birthdate of Ethel Stark the Montreal native who “founded the Montreal Women’s Symphony Orchestra in 1940” and which she conducted until 1960.

1910:  The Yellow Cab Company is co-founded by an Austrian born Jew named John D. Hertz. Hertz will sell his cab company to another Jew, Morris Markin the owner of the Checker Cab Company.  Hertz will go on to find the leading car rental agency in the United States.  The yellow in the Hertz Rent-A-Car logo is a reminder of the yellow in the Yellow Cab Company.

1911(1stof Elul, 5671): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1911: Hilfsverein der Deuteshcne Juden sent a second donation of thirty thousand marks to provide relief for the Jews who have suffered losses in the fires at Constantinople.

1911: In Great Britain, Sir Phillip Magnus, M.P., resigned his presidency of the Berkeley Street Synagogue.

1911: In Montreal, the Hebrew National Society is formed to thwart attempts to convert Jews to Christianity.

1911: In the Polish section of the Russian Empire the Jews of Siedlce are attacked by anti-Semitic mobs.

1911: Six hundred Jewish families lose their homes in fires that break out in Aden while the Jews of Salonica suffer losses when fire breaks out at the library in Epoca.

1911: Ritual murder charges were revived today in Galicia and Romania

1911: In Vienna, the Rothschilds donate fifty thousand Austrian crowns for relief of the families suffering from floods at Bukovina.

1912: “Tax Board Completes Hearings” published today described the meeting of the Camden (NJ) Board of Taxation where it heard requests for exemptions including one from the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society for the property taxes on 1139-41 Baring Street which was granted.

1913: In an orgy of anti-Semitism, Leo Frank was convicted of murdering Mary Phagan and sentenced to death. Though there was no real evidence against, Tom Watson, the editor of the Jeffersonian, used the fact that Frank was a Jew to convict him before the public. In this charged atmosphere, all appeals failed. In 1915, Georgia Governor John Slater, knowing that the trial had been unfair, commuted the sentence to life imprisonment. On August, 17, 1915, "an armed mob took Frank from his prison cell and lynched him.  Years later a convict confessed and implicated the primary witness against Frank.  The outburst of anti-Semitism that accompanied the Frank case was one of the prime reasons that the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith was formed in 1913.

1914: Following a series of defeats at the hands of the advancing German Army which contained an unknown number of Jews, the Allies began a fighting retreat from the Mons in which Jews fought in both the French and Jewish armies.  To those on the line, this looked like the start of a debacle that would end much as things had at the climax of the Franco-Prussian War.

1916: The Italian government develops a plan for administration of the Jewish community in Tripoli.

1917: Representatives of the Government and the American Federation of Labor under the leadership of Samuel Gompers entered into an agreement today for the adjustment of labor disputes in shipyards which, they believe, will hasten the settlement of the strike in New York, where more than 12,000 workers have walked off the job.

1918: In Lawrence, MA, Jennie (née Resnick) and Samuel Joseph Bernstein, a hair-dressing supplies wholesaler originating from Rovno gave birth to Louis Bernstein who gained famed American conductor, composer and pianist Leonard Bernstein.

1918: Samuel Gompers, the Chairman of the Committee on Labor of the Council of National Defense, has recommended to Secretary of Labor Wilson that medical examination of workers be made one of the functions of the Government's labor recruiting agencies.

1920:  During the Polish-Soviet War the Battle of Warsaw which started on August 13 came to an end with the defeat of the Soviet Army.  This victory insured that there would be an independent non-Communist Poland with all that that would mean for the Polish Jewish community. 

1921: Samuel Gompers delivered an address to the Kiwanis Club of Atlantic City, NJ.

1922(1st of Elul, 5682): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1925: Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, begins his tenure as British High Commissioner in Palestine.   

1929: A large Arab crowd made what the official British report described as ‘a most ferocious attack’ on the Jewish Quarter.  Within five hours, more than sixty Jews had been killed including many women and children.

1929: Fifty British troops arrived from Egypt to help restore order in Jerusalem.  They arrived too late for the 31 Jews who had been killed, the 100 who had been wounded and the four thousand who had been forced from their homes.

1931: Birthdate of L.A. television news anchor Hal Fishman.

1933: In Czernowitz, military authorities suspended publication of the Jewish paper, Der Tag, because it criticized the Government for not finding it possible to protect the Maccabee World Union's sport team.

1933: The Maccabiade, the international Jewish sports festival, opened in Prague. The participating teams of Jewish athletes come from fourteen different countries.

1933: In an interview, Czech President Masaryk, declared that the Jewish situation in Germany is not a purely internal question and will be discussed by the League of Nations.

1933: Testimony given in the magistrate's court at Jaffa. Palestine, alleges that Revisionist extremists had contemplated recourse to murder

1933: In Nazi Germany, the official government gazette, Reichsanzeiger, included German-Jewish novelist and playwright Lion Feuchtwanger's name on the first list of those whose German citizenship was revoked because of "disloyalty to the German Reich and the German people

1933: The Haavara (Transfer) agreement between the German Ministry of the Economy and the Zionist Organization facilitates a large-scale emigration of Jews from Germany to Palestine.

1935: The agreement with the Nazi Government of Germany for the exportation to Palestine of seized Jewish capital in the form of German machinery was denounced today in the Eighteenth World Zionist Congress by Meer Grossman, leader of the Democratic Revisionists, a faction of the right wing extremists

1936(7th of Elul, 5696): Sixty-seven year old Dr. Julius Tandler, the Moravian native who was a leading Social Democrat in Vienna passed away today in Moscow.

1937: A Christian Arab, Butrus Aranki, head of the Bir Zeit Local Council, was shot dead by an Arab assailant.

1938: The British authorities declared a twenty-two hour daily curfew in Jenin following yesterday’s murder of W. S. Moffatt, Assistant District Commissioner by Arab terrorists.

1939: After being freed from a Nazi prison and stripped of all his possession innovate Jewish businessman Arnold Bernstein and his wife Lilli boarded the SS Neiuw Amsterdam at Southampton, UK as they made their way to the United States.

1940: In Chicago, the 17th Annual Convention of Junior Hadassah, the Young Women's Zionist Organization of America, comes to an end.

1940: This date marked the first British air raids on Berlin.  The raids were a blow to Goering who had promised Hitler that the German Air Force would never allow such a thing to happen. According to some, the raids were in response to the German air assault known as the Battle of Britain. One can only wonder how Jews hiding in Berlin felt when the bombs came thudding down through the night sky.   It would be another three years before the German capital would feel the full brunt of Allied airpower when the Americans began attacking by day the British by night.

1941: Birthdate of Academy Award winning screenwriter Arthur Brickman, the Rio de Janeiro native who joined Eric Weissberg for banjo duets during the 1960’s.

1941: This date marked a turning point in the fate of approximately 14,000 displaced Hungary Jews (forced laborers), now living in Kamenets Podolsk, U.S.S.R. In July, Kamenets-Podolsk was occupied by the Hungarian forces that fought alongside Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union. Beginning in mid-July, some 14,000 Jews, residents but not citizens of Hungary, were deported to Korosmezo near the Polish border. From there, they were sent to Kolomija near Kamenets-Podolsk, and turned over to the SS. By August 10, at least 14,000 Jews had been handed over in this fashion. Today the fate of these Jews was sealed in a meeting at the headquarters of the commander of the Wehrmacht logistics division at Vinnitsa. At this meeting, SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Friedrich Jeckeln promised to finish murdering the Jews whom the Hungarians had turned over by September, 

1941: German military and civilian authorities meet at Vinnitsa, Ukraine, to discuss the fate of about 20,000 Hungarian Jews impressed into forced labor and interned at Kamenets-Podolski, Ukraine. Lt. General Friedrich Jeckeln announces that all 20,000 will be liquidated by September 1st.

1941(2nd of Elul, 5701): Fifteen hundred Jews are murdered at Tykocin, Poland.

1941: In Yugoslavia, 8000 Jewish residents of Belgrade are transported to Topovske Supe, where they are murdered.

1942(12th of Elul, 5702): Jews are locked in a church at Lask, Poland, and killed. Among the victims are a mother and her baby, who is born inside the church.

1942(12th of Elul, 5702): At Zdunska Wola, Poland, 1100 Jews are herded to the local Jewish cemetery, where all but about 100 are shot and beaten to death. Survivors are forced to bury the victims.

1942(12th of Elul, 5702): At the Treblinka death camp, a deranged, young Jewish woman is discovered hiding a small child beneath the bed sheet she wears. Camp guards shoot and kill both the woman and the child.

1942:  Over the next four days Ten thousand Jews from Nowy Sacz, Poland, are deported to the Belzec extermination camp.

1942: “Rose Laub married Lewis A. Coser, a fellow refugee who shared her commitment to socialism and who later became an eminent sociologist. The couple had two children, Ellen Coser Perrin, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and Steven Coser, a computer scientist.” (As reported by by Suzanne Vromen)

1943: At the Janowska camp, the Germans selected 24 of the prettiest Jewish girls, had a night of entertainment with them, and then sent all but one to their death the next day. The one was shot while trying to escape from the transport.

1943: Birthdate of Norman Geras, the native of what was then Rhodesia who became a Professor at the University of Manchester and was “one of the principle authors of the Euston Manifesto.” He is the husband of Adele Geras, the Jerusalem born author and the father of poet and author Sophie Hannah.

1944:  Birthdate of Philip Anthony Mari Heald, the actor known as Anthony Heald who converted to Judaism when he married his wife Robin.

1944: Adolf Eichmann and his staff leave Hungary, effectively ending Nazi deportations of Hungarian Jews.

1944: Paris was liberated by the allied armies after four years of Nazi occupation. For the Jews left in Paris, the Holocaust was over.

1944: Jewish resistance fighters joined the battles against the Germans in their quest for liberation of Lyon.

1944:  German troops massacred 124 of Maille’s (France) 500 residents and then razed the town in what would be the second worst German atrocity in occupied France.

1945: Jewish immigrants were permitted to leave Mauritius for Palestine.

1949:  Birthdate of Israeli-born rock star Gene Simmons.

1949: “Ma'agan Michael was founded today by a group consisting of 154 members and 44 children who had joined together in 1942, most of whom were members of the Hebrew Scouts. It was named Ma'agan (anchorage) due to the intent of its first settlers of using the land to make a living from the sea, and Michael in honor of Michael Polak, who donated money to the Palestine Immigrant Colonization Association (PICA).”

1952: The Knesset voted down the Mapam and Communist proposal designed to bar foreign companies from oil prospecting in Israel.

1954: Publication of Motivation and Personality by Abraham Maslow.

1960: The Zionist Organization of America opens its sixty-third annual convention and hears an address by Senator John F. Kennedy, the Democratic nominee for President.

1967: Forty-nine year old. George Lincoln Rockwell, the Commander of the American Nazi Party was gunned down while leaving a Laundromat in Arlington, VA/

1967(19th of Av, 5727: Actor Paul Muni passed away. Born Meshilem Meier Weisenfreund in Galicia (a Polish province in the Austro-Hungarian Empire) in 1895, Muni immigrated to the United States with his parents who were well-known performers in the Yiddish Theatre.  After getting his start in the Yiddish Theatre Muni moved on to the Broadway Stage and Hollywood.  Muni was one of those stars who submerged himself in the role so the viewer focused on the character being portrayed and not the star.  This enabled him to play the leads in films as varied as Scarface,I Am Fugitive from a Chain Gang, The Life of Emile Zola and The Storey of Louis Pasteur.  Muni was nominated for several best actor Oscars winning one in 1937.  He later returned to the stage where he earned a Tony nomination for his portrayal of Henry Drummond in the stage hit Inherit the Wind.   

1967: Johen Patler, a former neo-Nazi shot and killed George Lincoln Rockwell the head of the American Nazi Party while he was leaving a laundromat in Arlington, VA.

1969(11th of Elul, 5729): Two Jews were publicly hanged in Iraq after being accused of spying for Israel. The public rejoiced at the execution.

1977: The Palestine Liberation Organization’s Central Council declared that it had no plans to discuss UN Resolution 242 or Israel’s right to exist.

1977: Three people including two children were injured today when a bomb went off in a trash can in Netanya.

1977:  During his visit to Romania, Prime Minister Menachem Begin vigorously defended attacks on his government and clashed with his hosts by claiming that the Six Day War had been a war of defense and that the PLO wanted to annihilate the Jewish state. Romania was the only Communist-Bloc state not to break relations with Israel after the Six Day War.

1977: The U.S. Justice Department begins charges seeking to revoke former Nazi Concentration Camp Guard John Demjanjuk's citizenship and deport him.

1982: Murray Wiedenbaum finished his term as Chairperson of the Council of Economic Advisors – a position that would be filled next by Martin Feldstein

1983: Today was Leonard Bernstein Day in Lawrence, Mass

1984(27th of Av, 5744): Eighty-nine year old Henry Lynn, the Polish born American known for producing, directing and writing for the Yiddish cinema.

1988:  Leonard Bernstein’s 3 day 70th Birthday Celebration began with an international telecast from Tanglewood.

1993(8thof Elul, 5753): Ninety four year old Lawrence Kadoorie, Baron Kadoorie, a member of the famed clan of Jews from Baghdad and Bombay who gained fame and fortune as businessmen and philanthropist in the Orient.


1999: Rabbi Murray Erzing is scheduled to officiate at the funeral of 99 year old Sidney Levin at Temple Israel in Charlotte, NC followed by interment at Hebrew Cemetery.

1999(13th of Elul, 5759): Seventy-three year old Oscar nominated screenwriter Norman Wexler passed away today.

2001: “Fosse,” a musical review that included songs that Richard Adler and Jerry Ross had originally written for “Damn Yankees” and “The Pajama Game” which had opened in 1999 had its final performance.

2001: Squirtle Squirt, a thoroughbred horse for which David Lanzman had paid $25,000 at the Barretts Auction in 2000 won the Grade I King's Bishop Stakes

2002: The Sunday New York Times book section features reviews Blood of Victoryby Jewish author Alan Furst,The Judges by Elie Weisel and Defying Hitler: A Memoirby Sebastian Haffner who was not Jewish but whose future wife was and whose life demonstrates that Germans had a choice

2005: The Red Sea Jazz Festival comes to an end.

2005: Matan Vilnai begins serving as Science and Technology Minister.

2005: Effi Eitam was quoted as explaining that the reason there was no violence during the withdrawal from Gaza was as a result of self-restraint on the part of the Jewish settlers and not because of any fear of the forces that surrounded them.

2005:  Israeli newspapers reported that an Arab attacker wielding a large kitchen knife stabbed a British yeshiva student to death and seriously wounded an American classmate in Jerusalem's Old City.  Authorities were searching for the attacker whose actions were described as being those of a terrorist.  No organization had taken credit for the attack.

2006(1st of Elul, 5766): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2006: The London Stock Exchange announced that Randolph David Lerner had become the majority stockholder for the Aston Villa Football Club giving the Jewish businessman an interest in both the English and American versions of “football.”

2006(1st of Elul, 5766): Dr. Gail Greenberg Shapiro passed away at the age of 59 in Seattle.  She was a pediatric allergist who helped develop widely used standards for managing childhood asthma.

2006:  It was reported today that in an effort to upgrade Israel's preparedness for a possible confrontation with Iran, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz has appointed Israel Air Force Commander Major General Elyezer Shkedy as the IDF's "campaign manager" against countries that do not border on Israel - primarily Iran.

2007: Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, hosts its annual Congregational Picnic and “Havdalah Under the Stars Ceremony.” 

2008(24thof Menachem Av, 5678): Ninety-eight year old Israeli composer Josef Tal passed away today in Jerusalem.


2008: In an article entitled “Not So Funny,” appearing in Time magazine, Joel Stein described Democrat Al Franken’s campaign for the seat of Norm Coleman, the U.S. Senator from Minnesota.  Stein, who has written about the impact of his Jewish grandmother on the upcoming Presidential elections, was able to write this two page article without mentioning the fact that both candidates are Jewish, a fact that is doubly unusual given the small size of the Jewish community in the state.

2008: Palestinian Authority terrorists launched two rockets at Jewish communities in the western Negev today.

2008: Ayelet Waldman, a supporter of Barak Obama, was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention which opened today.

2008: Close to 200 terrorists, including two who had murdered Jews, were freed today in another "goodwill gesture" to the PA by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Relatives and friends of Jews who are imprisoned in Israeli prisons held a protest Monday morning to demonstrate their disgust at the government’s decision to keep their loved ones in jail while freeing Arab terrorists.

2008(24 Menachem Av 5768): Upshernish (inaugural hair-cutting ceremony) of Yosef “Yossi” Ciment, son Rabbi Pinchas and Mrs. Estie Ciment, a couple that epitomizes the term “Lamplighters.”

2009: Publication date for Madoff’s Other Secret: Love Money, Bernie and Me by Sheryl Weinstein former chief financial officer at Hadassah who claims in the book that she had an affair with Bernard Madoff. Weinstein served on the Hadassah committee that decided to invest with Madoff, but a spokesperson for the organization said she was one of many members on the committee. According to a spokesperson for Hadassah, the organization did not know of the alleged affair during Weinstein’s tenure at the organization, and her departure was unrelated to Madoff.

2009: In an a unique attempt to help people prepare for the High Holidays and raise funds Fairfax, VA’s Congregation Olam Tikvah hosts the first day of its annual Women's Hat Sale.

2009: Gaza militants fired two mortar shells at the western Negev, which landed near an Israel Defense Forces base.

2009:Elbit Systems Ltd. is an Israel-based international defense electronics company reached traded at $70.69 per share on the NASDAQ, quite a gain from its initial price of $7.75.

2010: At Congregation Beth Ahm in West Bloomfield, Michigan,Nancy Kaplan, Ritual Assistant to Rabbi Steven Rubenstein is scheduled to facilitate a discussion as part of "Jewish Intellectual History, 16th to 20th Century," a 24-part lecture series by Prof. David B. Ruderman, presented on DVD.

2010:Today, the state charged Moshe Rips, the former director-general of Keren Or – The Jerusalem Center for Blind Children with Multiple Disabilities, with stealing close to NIS 4 million over a period of 20 years.

2010: One week after Martin Dannenberg's death, The Huntington Library donated “an original four-page copy of the Nuremberg Laws signed by Adolf Hitler in September 1935”to the United States National Archives, which plans to put it on display in Washington, D.C. in advance of the 75th anniversary of the enactment of the Nuremberg Laws

2010: A week after the death of Martin Dannenberg, the Huntington Library in San Marino donated the document signed by Adolf Hitler that proclaimed the Nuremberg Laws to the National Archives.  Dannenberg had discovered the documents after World War II.

2011:Keren Yairi is scheduled to teach another session of “Hebrew Literacy: Aleph, Bet, and Beyond” at the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue.

2011: In a case of what might be called Jocks for Judaism, in New York, the 2011 B’nai Jeshurun Softball season which began on April 28 is scheduled to come to an end

2011:The Jerusalem Theatre’s fifth annual End of the Summer Celebration is scheduled to come to an end tonight.

2011:A renewed barrage of rockets hit Israel's south overnight, prompting Israel Defense Forces planes to carry out strikes on the Gaza Strip this morning, killing eight and wounding about 20, according to Palestinian reports. Five grad rockets fell in open areas last night, one near Ofakim, one south of Ashkelon and three in Be'er Sheva.

2011:China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement today that Wu Sike, its special envoy on the Middle East, told Palestinian leaders in a meeting in Ramallah that Beijing and the Chinese people have always supported the Palestinian cause.

2011:  Hours after Palestinian sources reported that the IAF killed two Islamic Jihad operatives in the Gaza Strip, the terrorist group vowed to extend the range of their rocket capabilities, sending projectiles deeper into Israeli territory, Israel Radio reported today.

2012: Comedian Michael Aronin is scheduled to perform at fundraiser for the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia Special Needs Program.

2012: In Tel Aviv, the 10th annual Oud Festival comes to an end.

2012(7thof Elul, 5772): Eighty seven year old Robert Kotlowitz – novelist, editor and public television executive – passed away today. (As reported by Paul Vitello)

2012: The Alexandria Kleztet is scheduled to perform at the Lorton Workhouse Arts Center

 2013: “Whose Blood is Redder” a discussion on medical ethics is scheduled to take place at South Head Synagogue, Rose Bay.

2013: Professor Dan MIchman is scheduled to give a lecture entitled “The Amazing History of Yad Vashem” at the University of Sydney.

2013: In London the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide is scheduled to host “Family History Day.”

2013: The International Summer Course of the Academy for Strings, Voice and Chamber Music is scheduled to open today.

2013: “A typing error caused the value of one of Israel’s largest companies to instantly drop over 99% in value today, dragging the Tel Aviv stock exchange down several points before the mistake was discovered and fixed. (As reported by Stuart Winer)

2013: The 16thannual Hungarian Jewish Festival opens in Budapest. (As reported by Renee Ghert Zand)

2014: In Little Rock, AR Upshernish for Moshe Ciment, the son of Rabbi and Mrs. Pinchas Ciment who have brought the light of Yiddishkeit to a “dark corner” of the world.
2014:Steve Wozniak one of the co-founders of Apple who arrived in Israel over the weekend will attend Eduaction, a conference on all things educational sponsored by Mifal HaPayis (the Israel Lottery) that is scheduled to open today in Holon, South of  Tel Aviv. (As reported by David Shamah)

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