Channel: This Day ... In Jewish History
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This Day, July 24, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


July 24 In History

1148:  Louis VII of France lays siege to Damascus during the Second Crusade. The Second Crusade gained nothing for the Christians.  The failure of the crusade may help explainthe long period of persecution that included French clergyman giving frequent anti-Semitic sermons. In some cities, such as Beziers, Jews were forced to pay a special tax every Palm Sunday. In Toulouse, Jewish representatives had to go to the cathedral on a weekly basis to have their ears boxed, as a reminder of their guilt. France’s first blood libel took place in Blois in 1171 and 31 Jews were burned on the stake.”

1298(14th of Av): During the Rindfleisch massacres, the Jewish community of Bischofsheim on the Tauber, Germany perished

1349(8thof Av): The Jews of Frankfort were killed in what would be called the Black Death Massacres

1518: Sefer ha-Harkavah, a Hebrew grammar written by Elijah Levita (Bahur) was published in Rome today.  249

1716: Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Posin

1825(9thof Av, 5585): Tish’a B’Av

1836: Birthdate of Jan Gotlib Blich the Polish banker who converted to Calvinism to avoid the disabilities the Czar placed on Jews but who remained sympathetic to the plight of his people and who was an eaerly supporter of the Zionist Movement.

1840: Birthdate of Abraham Goldfaden,a Russian-born Jewish poet, playwright, stage director and actor in the languages Yiddish and Hebrew, author of some 40 plays who is considered the father of the Jewish modern theatre

1848: The will of Mr. Isaac D ’Israeli was “proved” today by Benjamin D ’Israeli, his son and “sole executor.”

1855(9th of Av, 5615):  Tish'a B'Av

1858: In reporting on a case of alleged war profiteering in the boot business that took place at Weedon in England, the New York Times correspondent writes that “if the Jews are excluded from Parliament they are certainly compensated in some measure by the handsome share the Government allows them in the pretty pickings of such places as Weedon.”

1862: Martin Van Buren, 8th President of the United States passed away.  Martin Van Buren was the first President to order an American consul to intervene on behalf of Jews abroad. In 1840 he instructed the U.S. consul in Alexandria, Egypt to protect the Jews of Damascus who were under attack because of a false blood ritual accusation.”  Van Buren ordered his diplomats “to extend ‘the active sympathy and generous interposition of the Government of the United states’ on behalf of ‘an oppressed and persecuted race, among whose kindred are found some of the most worthy and patriotic of our citizens.’”

1864:Union General James A. Mulligan was mortally wounded as he led his troops Second Battle of Kernstown, near Winchester, Virginia. The last entry in his diary read, “The last thing in it, written that day, is: "Well, our cause is gloomy; we will conquer the South about the time the Jews all return to Jerusalem." (The general was not Jewish.  But his statement shows the depth of his despair and the universal symbolism that Jews had come to represent.)

1865: On this date, Baron Lionel de Rothschild signs his last will and testament.  The will is in his own handwriting.  Among the terms of the will is a request that “ ‘my good wife’ shall give 10,000 pounds to Jewish charities.”

1865(1st of Av, 5625): Rosh Chodesh Av

1865: In Vienna, Ignatz and Anna Rosenbaum Grossmann to Rudolph Grossman who would serve as associate Rabbi at Temple Beth El before becoming the spiritual leader of Rodef Sholom in New York City.

1874: Today’s “Foreign Notes” column reported that “Jaffa is to be dismantled.  The walls and turrets are advertised for sale and the old fortifications will soon be utterly razed.”

1877: Henry Ward Beecher, a friend of Joseph Seligman's, preached a sermon against anti-Semitism. Beecher was the father of Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.  He was an ardent abolitionist and a champion of what today we would call civil rights. Despite this appeal to reason, the policy of social discrimination soon became widespread. Though the Grand Union Hotel was not the first incident in the U.S., it received a great amount of publicity. Seligman was a renowned philanthropist and helped the Union cause during the Civil War. In recognition, President Grant offered him the post of Secretary of Treasury.

1877: The New York Times published a letter from Edgar M. Johnson, a prominent Jewish lawyer from Cincinnati, Ohio.  He stated that he did not like to engage in a “newspaper controversy…especially one on such a disagreeable topic as the Seligman-Hilton imbroglio.”  However, he took issue with the false statements that he had tried to hide his religion when making reservations to stay at the Grand Union or that Judge Hilton’s employees did not know he was Jewish when they offered to let him stay at the hotel. He included the text of the communication in his letter and ended by saying that hotel owners in Saratoga Springs  had not had any problem accepting his “Jew money” when he had stayed there in the past.  But they need not concern themselves with the matter, since he had no intention of ever visiting again.

1880: Birthdate of Swiss-born American composer Ernest Bloch.

1880:  The Rochester (NY) Union reported that Rabbi Max Moll has officiated at the conversion ceremony of Mrs. Morse. Her husband is a member of Aitz Raanon.  The ceremony included a detailed examination on Jewish customs and laws which the young woman promised to obey.  The ceremony ended with the appropriate benedictions and the announcement that her name was now Sarah.

1881: “Notes of Foreign Life” reported that funds have been collected in Brussels to aid the persecuted Jews of Russia.

1882: Professor Felix Adler sent a check for one hundred dollars to the striking freight handler’s.

1883: “Burdened With an Insane Wife” published today described the attempts of David Holtz, a young Jewish immigrant to annul his marriage to Pauline Moses on grounds that he was misled as to the nature of the ceremony, that he has had to have her committed to an asylum and that he family concealed her history of mental illness from him prior to the marriage.

1883: It was reported today Jews dominated a recent chess tournament.  Six of the fourteen players were Jewish and the Jews won first, second and fifth place.  This was should come as no surprise because since “the times of the Talmud, Jews have been pre-eminent at games similar to chess, while in modern time” Jews have been some of the best players for several generations.

1884: “A Queen Among Thieves” described the career and capture of Mrs. Fredericka Mandelbaum, a German born Jewess who is one of the most important and famous receiver of stolen goods.  Her reputation and criminal activities which have been going on for 25 years, are national in scope. The Pinkerton detectives have been tracking her for years and said that some of her confederates include her husband,, her brother-in-law Hirsh, “Mose” Erich and “Jew” Harris.  Don’t be deceived by the names; she dealt with crooks of a variety of ethnic origins.

1888: Mrs. Solomons, one of the Jews who had been on an excursion to Raritan Beach, went to the police to complain about a scheme by one of the organizers to force the patrons to buy beer and other drinks to slake their thirst.

1890: In Kippenheim, Germany, Dr. Julius and Emilie (Durlacher) Stern gave birth to historian and archivist Selma Stern-Taeubler.

1891: W.D. Owens, the Superintendent of Immigration arrived from Washington, DC and met for several hours with the Acting Superintendent of Immigration at the Barge Office to discuss policies related to the detention of Jewish immigrants from Russia and Poland.

1891: In New York, Coroner Ferdinand Levy succeeded in finding bondsman who would post $1,000 for the six Jewish families Russia being held at the Barge Office so that they could enter the United States.

1892: “Berkmann An Anarchist” published today provided a profile of Alexander Berkman, the Lithuanian born Jewish anarchist who attempted to assassinate  Henry Clay Frick whom he held responsible for the murder of nine striking steelworkers during the infamous Homestead Steel Strike.

1892: In commenting on the shooting of Henry Clay Frick by Alexander Berkman, one “workingman was heard to say, “Served him right to be shot by a Russian Jew!  He was a Pole and” Frick “has brought thousands of pauper Polish laborers in this country.” (Frick was one of the many industrialists who used the contract labor system to bring in workers from eastern and southern Europe with a view to driving down the pay for workers.)

1893(11thof Av, 5653): Sixty-one year old Priscilla J. Joachimsen, the widow of Judge Joachimsen passed away today.  Born in Plymouth, England, she married the Judge when she was eighteen. The marriage last forty seven years during which they founded the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and were active in the Hebrew Lying-In Asylum, the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews and the Deborah Nursery.

1893: Simon Bernheimer, the senior partner of Bernheimer and Schmidt, is among those mourning the passing Isaac Burnheimer, the founder of the real estate and property management firm.

1894: “Meeting In Clarendon Hall” described the lecture delivered by Charles Wilfred Mowbray, “the English labor agitator and anarchist” to an audience that included a contingent of Jewish anarchists as can be seen by the fact that literature printed in Hebrew was distributed to throng.

1895:While on vacation, Sigmund Freud carries out his first lengthy dream analysis”

1897: The Special Board of Inquiry approved the entry of Adolf Bernstrom a Polish Jew who had arrived aboard the SS Lahn after his son, an east side tailor, had given “the necessary assurance that” he “would become a charge on the community.”

1897: It was reported today that the dispensary of the Brooklyn Hebrew Hospital, under the direction of Dr. Solo, which is open from 3 to 5 in the afternoon, provides free treatment to 40 or 50 patients each day.

1898: Following his funeral today, Benjamin Marks, who is survived by his widow Esther Cohen Marks and six children, will be buried in Cypress Hills Cemetery.

1898: In Atlantic City, NJ, the second Summer Assembly of the Jewish Chautauqua Society is scheduled to come to an end.

1899: According to a summary of the annual report of the Bureau of Immigration for the fiscal year ending last June, most of the 29,000 immigrants from Poland and the 2,000 immigrants from Russia were Jewish.

1899: “Mistakes Made in Philippines” published today described the challenges facing the Americans in this Pacific Island change including the fact that the many of the military units are composed of unqualified recruits including “a low class of Romanian, Russian and Polish Jews.”

1902: “Simon Sterne Fountain” published today included a description of Sterne’s affection for horses and his support for the Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Anmials.”

1909: On the Saturday before his 60th birthday The New York Times reviews an anniversary volume of essays and speeches by the Zionist leader Max Nodeau. In the chapter on Zionism, the Hungarian born leader writes “Zionism is but a new name for a very old cause, in as much as it merely expresses the longing of the Jewish race toward Zion.”

 1911: Fire in Balata district of Constantinople destroys Boys' and Girls' Schools of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, four synagogues, and 1,000 houses, about 600, which belonged to Jews.  

1914: Birthdate of Jan Kozielewski, who as Jan Karski, risked his life to infiltrate the Warsaw Ghetto and then escaped to the West bringing a first-hand account of the Holocaust.

1914: In Colonial Beach, Virginia, David and Anna Mirvish gave birth to Yehuda Mirvish, who gained fame as Canadian businessman and philanthropist Edwin “Honest Ed” Mirvish.

1918:On Mt. Scopus in Jerusalem, Dr. Chaim Weizmann laid the cornerstone for Hebrew University. It would be several more years before construction began and the university would actually become a reality.

1919: Birthdate of Peter Zinner, Austrian born American Oscar winning film editor.  He passed away at the age of 88 in 2007.

1920: Birthdate of Bella Abzug. Born Bella Savitzky in the Bronx, she was the second daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants. Her father Emanuel Zavtizky was a butcher who ran the Live and Let Live Meat Market. Abzug became a lawyer and a politician. She was a feminist and anti-Viet Nam War Activist. While in Congress, she was a strident critic of the war and an unabashed supporter of liberal causes. She passed away in 1998 at the age of 77.

1921(18th of Tammuz, 5681): Since the 17th of Tammuz fell on Shabbat, observance of Tzom Tammuz

1922: The League of Nations confirmed Britain’s mandate over Palestine.

1923: In Switzerland, The Treaty of Lausanne was signed today officially ending the state of war between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies with the exception of the United States. The treaty marked the end of the Ottoman Empire, the reverberations of which are being felt in the 21st century. Albert Karasu covered the negotiations leading up to the signing of the treaty for the French-language Istanbul newspaper Le Journal d’Orient he founded in 1918. Born at Salonika in 1885, he passed away in 1982, five years after the newspaper closed down.

1923: Birthdate of Gerard Irwin Nierenberg, the Queens born lawyer who authored The Art of Negotiating and How To Read a Person Like a Book.

1924: Birthdate of Max Palevsky, a pioneer in the computer industry and a founder of the computer-chip giant Intel who used his fortune to back Democratic presidential candidates and to amass an important collection of American Arts and Crafts furniture.

1924: In London, Sir Herbert Samuel, High Commissioner of Palestine, told the Actions Committee of the World Zionist Organization that substantial progress in the building up of Palestine has been made in the past four years,

1924: The World Chess Federation FIDE is founded in Paris.  Approximately 47% of the world’s chess champions have been Jewish.)

1924: Matteo Mathieu Maurice Alfassa became (acting) Governors-general of French Equatorial Africa at Brazzaville. The community had a population of 4,500,000. Alfassa served till 16 Oct 1924. Today the country is called Republic of the Congo.

1926: Birthdate of Zvi Dinstein, the Tel Aviv native who served as member of the Knesset from 1965 to 1974.

1932:Hope for improvement in the serious water situation in Jerusalem is seen in an announcement by the High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Wauchope, that the concession previously held by a British firm had been terminated and immediate steps were being taken to float a loan to meet the cost of a new water supply which will be undertaken by the government. The project will take at least year to complete which means water rationing will be enforced to deal with any shortage. 

1933: Birthdate of George Martin Rosenkoff the native of  West Philadelphia, who as George M. Ross, became a Goldman Sachs executive and a philanthropist and the driving force behind the establishment a major museum of Jewish history in Philadelphia for which he raised  $154 million.

1933: Sir Harry Lawson Webster Levy-Lawson, 1st Viscount Burnham was buried today at Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire.

1934 (12th of Av, 5694): Hans Hahn “an Austrian mathematician who made contributions to functional analysis, topology, set theory, the calculus of variations, real analysis, and order theory” passed away.

1936: The Palestine Postreported that Arab terrorists threw a bomb at a small religious school (Talmud Torah) in the Yemenite Quarter of Tel Aviv. Nine children were injured. One of the terrorists was later caught by a British constable and arrested. The British government had officially declared that there would be no change of policy in regard to the issue of Jewish immigration into Palestine until the Royal Commission was able to visit the country, study the subject and publish its findings. Britain expected that all Arab terrorist activities would stop before the commission's arrival in the country.

1937: Alabama drops rape charges against the so-called "Scottsboro Boys." This turn of affairs was a result of two Jewish lawyers from New York with connection to the Communist Party, Samuel Leibowitz and Joseph Brodsky.

1938: Artie Shaw recorded ‘Begin the Beguine,’ the song that helped to make him a household name.

1938: Near Athlit, Arab snipers fired on a large party of American tourists who were returning to the liner Roma docked at Haifa. The fifteen shots did not claim victims. 

1938: At Acre, a Jew was wounded when a sniper opened fire on a Jewish owned bus.

1941(29th of Tamuz, 5701): The entire Jewish male population of Grodz, Lithuania was killed by the Nazis.

1941 A ghetto is established in Kishinev, Ukraine.

1941: An Einsatzgruppe report stated that 4,435 Jews were liquidated in the town of Lachowicze.

1942: Opening of Treblinka II, which is a mile from Treblinka I.  The opening is part of Operation Reinhard, the Nazis’ plan for wiping out Polish Jewry.  

1942(10th of Av, 5702): Three thousand Jews were killed in the Dereczyn action

1942: Martin Luther, undersecretary of state at the German Foreign Ministry, alerts Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop to the fact that the Italian authorities are resistant to the German plan to deport Jews from Italian-held regions of Croatia.

1943: The Spanish government saved 367 Sephardic Jews by diverting them in transport from the death camp of Birkenau to the camp at Bergen-Belsen. Six months later they were released back to Spain.

1943: During World War II, Operation Gomorrah begins. British and Canadian airplanes bomb Hamburg by night, those of the Americans by day. I do not know who was responsible for naming this round-the-clock bombing campaign. But it must have been somebody who had read the Book of Bereshit or Genesis. The name Gomorrah as in Sodom and Gomorrah conjures up the image of fiery destruction that the Allies sought to inflict on the Nazis.

1943: Twenty-one young Jewish partisans in Vilna, Lithuania, join forces with Soviet partisans fighting behind German lines. North of Vilna, nine Jews were killed in an ambush at the Mickun Bridge. Three days later, 32 relatives of the nine dead partisans are seized by the Gestapo at Vilna, taken to nearby gravel pits at Ponary, and executed. Bruno Kittel, head of the Gestapo in Vilna, announces that the entire family of any Jew who escapes the ghetto to the forest will be executed. If an escapee has no family or roommates, all residents of his building will be executed. Further, if any ten-man Jewish labor gang comes back short, the remaining gang laborers will be executed.

1944: The Russian army liberated the concentration camp at Lublin.

1944: The deportations continued from Sarvar, Hungary, despite the fact that the German Army was retreating. One thousand, five hundred were sent to Birkenau. The fact that a retreating army would take time and resources for this is just one more reminder that the War Against the Jews was an intrical part of the German military plan.  Contrary to what the Holocaust Deniers and their fellow-traveling Revisionist Historians say, the destruction of the Jews was a critical part of the Nazi program and not just a mere after-thought.

1944: Soviet forces entered Majdanek. For the first time, Allied soldiers saw the gas chambers, crematoria and the remains of thousands of charred human remains.

1944: The Nazis seize 258 Jewish orphans from Paris and the surrounding areas.  By now the Anglo-American armies have landed at Normandy, broken out of the hedgerow country and are sweeping across France.  If the war had only been about defeating the Allies, all German efforts would have been focused on stopping this advance.  This minor episode serves as a vivid reminder that the German war effort was indeed about wiping out the Jewish people. 

1944: At Bourges, France, Gestapo agents and militiamen massacre 28 Jewish men and eight Jewish women active in the Resistance. Some victims are thrown alive into a well.

1944: The German Army adopts the Nazi salute, abandoning the standard military salute.

1944: Time magazine reported that Louis “Waldman believes that the strength of Communism in the U.S. is now reaching a new peak in the C.I.O.'s Political Action Committee ‘the catch-all for the political activities of unions dominated by Communists, militant Socialists and others willing to cooperate with them… Unless the New Deal casts out the seeds of left-wing totalitarianism, which it fosters today, it may either lead to an American variety of Communism, or, what is more likely, provoke an American expression of unadorned fascism.’"

1948: During War of Independence, Israeli forces launched an assault as part of Operation Shorter on an area south of Haifa called the "Little Triangle." With “six 65 mm Napoleonchik cannons…stationed about 3 km to the west of the village and mortars placed to the southeast, a Golani company left a farm near Mazar (north of Jaba') to attack the Arab positions. “They encountered an ambush and retreated after 6–9 soldiers were injured.”

1948: At a Mapai Center meeting held today during the War of Independence, Prime Minister Ben-Gurion accused Mapam of hypocrisy regarding its treatment of Arabs in the combat zone.

1950: The first World Congress for the Promotion of the Hebrew Language and Culture met in Jerusalem

1951:The Jerusalem Post reported that thousands of mourners led the black-draped gun carriage carrying the coffin of King Abdullah of Jordan to the royal cemetery in Amman. The Jordanian police rounded over 70 suspects in connection with the king's assassination, including two relatives of the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini. There were clashes in the Jordanian-occupied Old City of Jerusalem between Arab Legion Bedouins and the local Arabs. The first immigrant from Russia, 73-year-old Tova Lerner from Soviet Bessarabia, arrived together with 993 newcomers from Romania. The committee appointed to study the cost-of-living index found that it was not a true judge of Israeli living standards.

1956 At New York City’s Copacabana Club, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis perform their last comedy show together.

1967: Zvi Dinstein was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance.

1976: As conditions between Uganda and Kenya continue to worsen President Idi Amin cut off supplies to its African neighbor.  The core of the dispute is based on reports that Israeli planes that had conducted the raid on Entebbe had refueled in Nairobi.

1979(29th of Tammuz, 5739): Eighty-three year old Dr. Jacob Furth a pioneering pathologist passed away today. (As reported by George Goodman, Jr.)

1984: Radio Luxembourg reported that Ya'acov Nimrodi, an intimate of leaders across the Israeli political spectrum, had met in Zurich with the deputy defense minister and the top intelligence officer of Iran and with Rif'at al-Assad, the brother of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad. Swiss government sources said that the meeting resulted in a deal to ship 40 truckloads of weapons a day from Israel to Iran, via Syria and Turkey.

1986(17th of Tammuz, 5746): Tzom Tammuz

1986(17th of Tammuz, 5746): Fritz Albert Lipmann, American biochemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine passed away.

1991(12th of Av, 5751: Author Isaac Bashevis Singer passed away. Singer was born near Warsaw.  His father was a rabbi and his mother came from a family of rabbis.  He moved to the United States in 1935.  Singer’s genre of choice was the short story.  His language of choice was Yiddish.  Many of his works first appeared in the “Forwards,” the popular Yiddish language daily. Singer received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1978.  He was the first Yiddish writer to win the prestigious award

1992(23rd of Tammuz, 5752): Seventy-one year old Gavril Abramovich Ilizarov (a Soviet physician, known for inventing the Ilizarov apparatus for lengthening limb bones and for his eponymous surgery” passed away today.

1992(23rd of Tammuz, 5752):  Samuel “Sam” Berger passed away.  Berger was a driving force behind the Canadian Football League.  At different times he owed the Ottawa Rough Riders and the Montreal Alouettes. In 1986 he was made a Member of the Order of Canada, Canada's highest civilian honor, for "his commitments to the sport and to the City of Montreal".  In 1993 he was inducted into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame.

1993(6thof Av, 57530: On Shabbat Chazon, ninety-four year old “Dr. Abram Leon Sachar, a historian who led the Hillel Foundation for 22 years and was the founding president of Brandeis University” passed away. Sachar was a descendant of Gedaliah ibn Yahya ben Joseph the 16th century Italian Talmudist whose ‘chief work was the Sefer Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah, called also Sefer Yaḥya, on which he labored for more than forty years.’
 (As reported by Richard D. Lyons)

1997: 15thMaccabiah comes to a close.

2000: Negotiations that had begun on July 11 at Camp David between Barak and Arafat under the auspices President Clinton came to end with a final announcement to be made tomorrow.

2001: Jewish American real estate mogul Larry A. Silverstein signs a $3.2 billion, 99-year lease on the entire World Trade Center complex, 7 weeks before the September 11, 2001 attacks .

2002: Hadassah’s 88th annual national convention comes to a close

2002(15th of Av, 5762):Aaron Albert “Al” Silvera, a journeyman outfielder who played for two seasons with the Cincinnati Reds in the mid-1950’s passed away. This meant he was a teammate of such talented players as Johnny Temple, Roy McMillan and Slugger Ted Kluszewski. He was also the nephew of former Major League pitcher "Subway Sam" Nahem.

2003: At the Lincoln Center Festival, Israel’s Gesher Theatre gives its opening performance of of its adaptation of “Shosha.” The troupe has been invited to mark the Centennial of Nobel Laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer's birth by performing two plays, including “Shosaha” which are based on his novels at the prestigious festival. Founded in 1991 in Jaffa, Gesher is one of the only bi-lingual theaters in the world performing with the same cast in Hebrew and in Russian alternately.

2004: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Spinning the Globe: The Rise, Fall, and Return to Greatness of the Harlem Globetrotters by Ben Green.

2005: In “Giving Hitler Hell,” Matthew Brzezinski recounted the travels of Arnold H. Weiss from youthful refugee from Nazi Germany to his return as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Army to his ultimate triumph as a successful businessman and philanthropist.

2005(17th of Tammuz, 5765): Shiva Asar Be-Tammuz (Fast of the Seventeenth of Tammuz).

2005: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Bernard Goldberg’s 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America which lists Jewish comedian Al Frankin as number 37.

2006: It was reported today that Randy Lerner, the son of the late Al Lerner intended to purchase Premier League club Aston Villa.

2006: During the 2006 Lebanon War, the IDF begins its attack on Bint Jbeil   

2006:"Army chief of staff Dan Halutz has given the order to the air force to destroy 10 multi-storey buildings in the Haret Hreik ("Dahiya") district (of Beirut) in response to every rocket fired on Haifa," a senior air force officer told army radio today.

2006:”The Association for Civil Rights in Israel appealed to Defense Minister Amir Peretz after IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz apparently said that “for every Katyusha barrage on Haifa, 10 more buildings in the Dahiya neighborhood of south Beirut will be bombed.” “The group also condemned the "grave and illegal" attacks carried out on the Israeli civilian population by Hezbollah” (As reported by Aviram Zino)

2006: The following were among a total of 43 Israeli civilians (including four who died of heart attacks during rocket barrages) and 116 IDF soldiers were killed in the Israel-Hizbullah war:St.-Sgt. Koby Smileg, 20, of Rehovot; Col. Zvi Luft, 42, of Hogla; Sec.-Lt. Lotan Slavin, 21, of Hatzeva; Lt. Tom Farkash, 23, of Caesarea.

2007(9th of Av, 5767): Tish'a B'Av

2007(9thof Av, 5767):Psychoanalyst Albert Ellis “a founder of the now widely practiced cognitive behavioral therapy” whose “blunt advice to patients included “forget god-awful pasts, face fears and change actions”  passed away at the age of 93.

2008: The three day Karmiel Dance festival comes to an end. www.karmeilfestival.co.il in English

2008: Begin reading the Ezekiel as part of the “Daf Yomi Program” on DownHomeDavar

2009 (3rd of Av, 5769): One hundred twenty-eight anniversary of the arrival of “the first shipload of Russian Jewish immigrants who arrived in New York City” on 3rd of Av, 1881. “This began the mass immigration of eastern European Jews to America, and in the next half-century over 2 million Jews would flee Russian pogroms for the safety of the U.S. This influx indelibly altered the demographics of American Jewry; according to the U.S. census of 1940, 1.75 million Jews spoke Yiddish at home.”

2009(3rd of Av, 5769:Ninety year old George Weissman, the businessman and patron of the arts, who revamped Philip Morris, passed away today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2009: The Junior Philharmonic gives its annual Jerusalem performance at the YMCA with a program that includes Beethoven’s Symphony #6 – Pastoral, Ravel’s Bolero and Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet.

2009: Amid another round of political scandals, New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine named state Sen. Loretta Weinberg (D-Teaneck), a self-described “Jewish grandmother from Bergen County” ashis new pick for lieutenant governor.

2010: In Cedar Rapids, Jacob Sarasin, son Amanda Colehour and Dr. Dan Sarasin (President of Temple Judah) is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah.

2010: Opening night of the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.

2010:Palestinian Authority terrorists in Gaza launched a number of rocket attacks on southern Israel today.

2011: Bruce Sundlin, the second Jew to serve as Governor of Rhode Island “was buried at Sons of David and Israel Cemetery (Temple Beth El Cemetery) in Providence, Rhode Island”

2011: The Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation is scheduled to host an Ice Cream Social For New and Prospective Members

2011: The Ritchie Boys Exhibit which will give visitors a chance to “witness how a small group of misfit intellectual Jewish boys formed a US Army intelligence unit and waged warfare against the Nazis during World War II” is scheduled to take place at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills, Michigan Guy Stern, one of those "Ritchie Boys” is scheduled to attend the event.

2011: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including An Anatomy of Addiction: Sigmund Freud, William Halsted, and the Miracle Drug Cocaine b y Howard Markel and the recently released paperback edition of Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg: The Letters, edited by Bill Morgan and David Stanford

2011:A group of university students interrupted a Knesset Finance Committee meeting in Ramat Gan today, as part of the current protests against housing prices.

2011: At the International Math Olympiad that came to an end today, “Israeli whiz kids walk away from competition with 1 gold, 4 bronze medals, as Israel reaches 23rd spot out of 101 teams.”

2012(5th of Av, 5772): Eighty-eight year old Irvin Faust, the high school guidance counselor who found time to write novels and short stories that critics likened to the magic realist fiction of South America” passed away today (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2012: “God’s Fiddler,” a documentary about Jascha Heifitz and “The Moon is Jewish” are scheduled to have their west coast premieres at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Marbin which first started in 2007 as an improvised music duo consisting of Israeli-American guitarist Dani Rabin and Israeli saxophonist Danny Markovitch, is scheduled to perform at the Bowery Electric in New York

2012: Today, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said any attempt by Hezbollah to attain non-conventional weapons from Syria would prompt Israeli military intervention (As reported by Raphael Ahren)

2012: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today that the government will have to raise taxes by August 1. He said the move was necessary to head off economic crisis. His plan includes a hike in VAT, which is sure to cause friction with protesters already concerned at economic inequalities in Israel. (As reported by Michal Shmulovich)

2013: The Oregon Jewish Museum is scheduled to host a screening of “REFUSENIK,” the first retrospective documentary to chronicle the thirty-year movement to free Soviet Jews

2013: “Broadway Babes,” a musical revue that “is a tribute to the female voice on Broadway” is scheduled to open at 9 pm in Modi’in.

2013:The exquisite dancers of L-E-V, including Sharon Eyal herself, are scheduled to perform the provocative work HOUSE in its U.S. debut

2013(17th of Av): Yarhrzeit of Isidor Bush, publisher of Israel’s Herald, a German language publication that was the first Jewish weekly published in the United States.

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