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This Day, September 24, In Jewish History by MItchell A. Levin

September 24

416: “Roman emperors Honorius and Theodosius II order that any Jews who have joined the Christian church to avoid punishments for crimes must be allowed to return to Judaism because, in the long run, Christianity will be better off without them.”

622: Prophet Muhammad completes his hijra from Mecca to Medina. According to at least one source, Muhammad had gone to Medina by some of the local clans who were looking for an outside arbiter to settle the conflicts between the Arabs and members of a Jewish tribe called the Banu Qurayza.

768: Pippin the Short, King of the Franks passed way. Pippin allowed the Jews of Narbonne in the territory of Septimania (modern day southern France) to enjoy a measure of freedom and prosperity in return for their help in fighting the Moors.

1038: Jews in Granada celebrate a special Purim commemoration after the capture of the Muslim leader Ibn Abbas who was brought to Granada, killed, and beheaded by a rival (and Jewish tolerant) Muslim faction.

1659: As part of an attempt by Anton Hulsisu to convert Jacob Abendana to Christianity, the two began a debate via correspondence over the meaning of a verse in the Book of Haggai: "The latter splendor of this house shall be greater than the former" (2:9), which Hulsius attempted to prove was a reference to the Church.” Unlike similar debates that had taken place in Spain and France, this exchange was amicable and posed no threat to the well-being of the Jewish community.

1664: The Dutch Republic surrenders New Amsterdam to England. The English re-name the city after the Duke of York and call it New York since there was already a York in England. If it had not been for the name change we would all be looking at New Amsterdam style delis.

1665: One of the two dates given for the death of Jacob Lumbrozo who was the first Jewish person to settle in Maryland, arriving in the colony controlled by the Calverts in 1656.

1683: The Jews were expelled from all French possessions in America. The Jews would return to Quebec in 1759 when the British were victorious in the French and Indian War.

1758: After yet another blood libel in Poland, the Jewish community sent Jacob Zelig to Rome to seek relief from the Pope. He convinced Pope Benedict XIV to start an investigation. Cardinal Ganganelli (Clement XVI) wrote an unequivocal condemnation of the libels and asked the Holy See to intervene in Poland to stop the accusations.

1761: Birthdate of Dutch journalist, translator and author Moses ben Zaddik Belifante

1768: Birthdate of historian Sharon Turner, the friend of Isaac D’Israeli who advised him to have his children, including Benjamin, baptized during the elder D’Isreali’s dispute with Bevis Marks Synagogue. 

1789: The office of U.S. Attorney General was established. Edward Levi, an appointee of Republican President Gerald Ford, was the first Jewish Attorney General. He served from 1975 to 1977. Judge Michael Mukasey has been nominated by George Bush for the position. If approved, he will be only the second Jew to be nation’s top lawyer.

1805(1stof Tishrei, 5566): Rosh Hashanah

1814(10thof Tishrei, 5575): As the British forces continue to their trip through the Atlantic Ocean headed to their historic date with destiny in New Orleans, Jews observe Yom Kippur

1832(29thof Elul, 5592): Erev Rosh Hashanah

1832:Jews living in Sydney, Australia, gathered in Mr. Rowell's shop on George Street which has been fitted out as a synagogue to begin the observance of Rosh Hashanah.

1841(9thof Tishrei, 5602): Kol Nidre

1841(9thof Tishrei, 5602): Forty-one year old poet and teacher Abraham Basch passed away today.

1855: Sir Charles Wilson received his first commission in the Royal Engineers. Wilson would put his engineering skills to good used when he would conduct the survey of Jerusalem in 1864 and 1865. He published his findings in Notes on the Ordinance Survey of Jerusalem

1862(29th of Elul, 5622): Erev Rosh Hashanah

1862: As Jews prepare to greet the New Year, fourteen governors declare their support for Lincoln’s recently issued Emancipation Proclamation proving that the New Year will be a time of new beginnings for those held in the bondage of slavery.

1866(15th of Tishrei, 5627): Sukkoth

1868: The Very Reverend Henry Hart Milman, an English historian and ecclesiastic, passed away. In 1829, Milman published History of the Jews, “which is memorable as the first by an English clergyman which treated the Jews as an Oriental tribe, recognized sheikhs and amirs in the Old Testament, sifted and classified documentary evidence, and evaded or minimized the miraculous.” It is not known how the Jews reacted to this work, but his fellow Christians were upset enough to slow his climb up the ecclesiastical ladder.

1869: Birthdate of Alexander Büchler, the son of Talmudist Phineas Büchler, who became a rabbi and teacher in the Hungarian Jewish community. He was murdered at Auschwitz in July of 1944.

1871: It was reported today that violence had broken out in El-Kesar, a Moroccan town with 9,000 inhabitants, a sizable number of whom are Jewish. The clash was between members of the Shereef family that had come from Fez to celebrate a wedding and people living in the surrounding mountains who decided to “join” in the festivities. After presenting their wedding gifts, this band of 2,000 mostly young men attacked and robbed the custom house and the local market. Then they went to the Jewish Quarter, beat the inhabitants, fired their rifles into their homes wounding many of the inhabitants and then took as plunder whatever they wished. They then left for their mountain homes.

1872(21st of Elul, 5632): Hannah Leo, the wife of Henry Leo, who was President of the Auxiliary Society of the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, passed away

1876: Based on information that first appeared in the London Jewish Herald, it was reported today that for the past four or five years Jews have been returning to Palestine in unprecedented numbers. The Jewish population of Jerusalem has doubled in the past ten years. Most of the immigrants have come from Russia.

1876: The Jews of Austin, Texas met at the Odd Fellows Hall and organized Congregation Beth Israel.

1876: The Austin Daily Statesman noted that all other Texas cities of similar size had synagogues so “we can see no reason why Austin should not keep company with them.”

1878: As the Yellow Fever Epidemic continues to grip the Deep South, it was reported today that the children of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of New York “have received a touching letter from Isaacson & Sims of New Orleans acknowledging the receipt of $10.84” which the Jewish orphans had raised in small sums to provide relief for the 200 infants living at St. Vincent’s. Disease does not recognize religious differences and neither does extending a helping hand.

1879: It was reported today that the Romanian legislators have rejected a motion that would have the government ignore the provisions of the Treaty of Berlin that called for the emancipation of the Jews. The legislators also rejected that the emancipation process be applied only to individual Jews. This clears the way for the government to introduce a measure that will provide full citizenship for the Jews living in Romania.
1881(1st of Tishrei, 5642): Rosh Hashanah
1881: In New York City, Louis and Mary Strauss Frankenthaler gave birth to State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthaler.
1881: It was reported today that a special meeting of the Board of Deputies has been called to prepare a condolence message for the widow of the late President Garfield.  The Board of Deputies is the major organization representing the Jewish community in the United Kingdom

1882: “Judicial Torture In Hungary” published today described events surrounding the disappearance of Christian girl at Tisza Eszlar and the arrest of  a married couple named Schart following claims that the Jews had killed her and “disposed of her remains.” The couple’s attorney has addressed a petition to the Minister President “revealing a state of things in Hungary worthy only of the Middle Ages.”

1882: It was reported today that 17,693,643 Catholics living in Austria make up 92% of the population.  There are 1,005,394 Jews living in the country

1882: “Il Giudeo” published today recounts the life of Il Giudeo, the 16thcentury Jewish renegade, from Smyrna who made his fortune sailing the Mediterranean
1883: The “New Books Received” list published today included The Laws of Marriage, “containing the Hebrew and Roman law concerning the impediments to marriage and the dissolution of the marriage bond” by John Fuller and Hannah: One of the Strong Women by Julia McNair Wright.
1883 “Caring For Poor Hebrew Children" published toay reported today that the Hebrews Sheltering and Guardian Society has cared for 418 children between the ages of 2 and 15 since it was opened.  Currently the society is taking care of 175 children, an increase of 55 since last year. Besides providing programs for poor children that include several summer excursions, the society has provided 8, 392 meals to poor Jewish citizens.
1884: “Hebrew Society Startled” published today described the refusal of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Scheuer to comment on events surrounding the elopement their daughter Sarah.  Sarah Scheur the 19 year old Jewish heiress left New York to run away with Henry C. Friedman, a stock broker who is ten years her senior and “well known as a society man.”
1885(15th of Tishrei, 5646 Sukkoth is observed for the first time during the Presidency of Grover Cleveland.

1886: In New Haven, CN, Father John Maloney of St. Johns Roman Catholic Church officiated at the marriage of one his parishioners,Kittie Cannon and David Bretzfelder, a 28 year old Jewish letter carrier

1887:In New York, Judge White is scheduled to render in a child custody case which pits an African American couple named Lee and a Jewish couple named Brodcki against each other over a 9 year old girl each claim is theirs.
1889: “Man and Money Captured” described events leading up to the arrest of Simon Baruch in Hoboken, New Jersey. When originally confronted by the police, he denied being the Austrian swindler since he only had one dollar in his pockets.  However, when he took authorities to his hotel room, they found a safe filled with “a large amount securities and cash” which gave credence to the charges leveled against him.
1890(10thof Tishrei, 5651): Yom Kippur
1890: Johann Most is scheduled to deliver a speech this afternoon at two in which he will denounce Yom Kippur and Judaism; a speech the police have been ordered to prevent even if it means arresting the anarchist
1890: In New York, “the public schools presented the appearance of partial desertion” because all of the Jewish children “were their parent in the synagogues.
1890: Joseph Fredlander, the rabbi at the orthodox synagogue on 57th street will lead Yom Kippur services at Lambden’s Hall in New Rochelle.
1891: It was reported today, that 7,000 Jews left Berdichef today bound for Argentina which would seem to be impossible because there are no railroad facilities there than could handle such a large number of people.
1892: “Pandemonium” broke out between two and three this morning at Camp Low in Sandy Hook, NJ when Polish Jewish immigrants became ill after gorging themselves following the New Year’s observance during which they did not eat.
1892: During the Cholera outbreak in New York a young Jew named Samuel Machinsky “was allowed to lied on the sidewalk at the corner of Bowery and Houston Streets for two hours” tonight “before an ambulance” came to take him to the hospital.

1893: “New York Honors Heine” published today described the fountain that the Arion Society will erect in honor of the poet whom Germany would not honor because, even though he had converted, he was too Jewish for the Germans.

1895: “A report was received at the Department of State from Minister Clifton R. Breckinridge” containing “a copy of the laws and regulations bearing upon the admission of foreign Jews into Russia.  The information was requested” because “of the refusal of the Russian Consul at New York to issue passports to American citizens” who are Jewish.

1895: As of today, the Cossack riding in Will Bill’s Parade in Paterson, NJ who began beating a Jewish spectator who called out to him, has not been apprehended.

1896: “Santa Maria,” a comic opera “invented, written and composed by Oscar Hammerstein” opened tonight at the Olympia Theatre.

1896: Birthdate of novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald’s most famous novel was The Great Gatsby. In one memorable scene, Gatsby and Nick lunch with Meyer Wolfshiem, a Jewish gambler who "fixed the 1919 World Series." Apparently Gatsby owes his financial good fortune to the shadowy Jewish gangster. Wolfshiem is a thinly veiled reference to Arnold Rothstein the man who supposedly fixed the 1919 World Series. Popular American culture blamed the sinister Jew for corrupting the national pastime. Fitzgerald portrayed Wolfshiem as the corrupting influence on the eager but pure WASP, Jay Gatsby.

1898: Herzl addresses a letter to the Prince of Eulenberg, a German diplomat, pleading for an audience with Kaiser Wilhelm II before he leaves for Palestine.

1899: At the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, in response to a request, Dr. Howard Agnew Johnson preached “a sermon on the existing prejudice against the Jew.”

1899: In New York, American Zionist welcomed the delegates returning from the 3rdZionist Congress at Basel with a public reception at Cooper Union

1899: “Zionist Success Predicted” published today described the creation of the Jewish Colonial Trust of London which “has a capital of $10,000,000 with 2,000,000 shares  more than 100,000 of which have been purchased.”

1899: “The annual pilgrimage to the National Farm School” near Doyelstown, PA, took place today.  The school, the only one of its kind is “sustained and controlled by Jews from all over the country, it is open to boys of all creeds and nationalities.”

1899: In Chicago, a mass meeting co-sponsored by the Grand Lodge of the Western Star is scheduled to take place at the Central Music Hall where attendees can express their displeasure with the Dreyfus verdict.

1900(1st of Tishrei, 5661): Rosh Hashanah

1900: Toward the end of Rosh Hashanah services at Temple Beth El, Dr. Kaufmann Kohler, Rabbi Emeritus of the congregation, announced that he wished all members of the congregation who desired their deceased family member’s names be mentioned in the upcoming memorial services on the Day of Atonement should send a list of such names to him. After he sat down, Rabbi Samuel Schulman rose from his seat, walked to the front of the pulpit and “said that he was the one who would read the memorial services, and that the names of the deceased to be announced should sent to him at his residence…There was much whispering among the congregation, many of whom remained after the service and discussed the affair in small groups.”

1904(15th of Tishrei, 5665): Sukkoth

1905: Plans are announced for the marriage of Miss Racie Friedenwald to Dr. Cyrus Adler, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, President of the Jewish Theological Seminary and one of the editors of the Jewish Encyclopedia. The wedding is scheduled to take place in Philadelphia, PA at Mikvah Israel with Rabbi Leon H. Elmaleh officiating.

1908: Birthdate of composer and arranger Gertrude Rittman who fled Nazi German and created a career in the United Sates that began with composing the score for “Palestine at War” made by the Palestine Labor Commission before pursuing a career that produced such hits as “Brigadoon” and “South Pacific.”

1909(9thof Tishrei, 5670): Erev Yom Kippur – for the first time Kol Nidre is chanted during the Presidency of William H. Taft

1911: Birthdate of Austrian born American architect Henry P. Glass whose work includes “The Henry P. Glass House…the first passive solar house in America”

1914: “Russian Treaty Now A Possibility” published today described hopes that the Czar’s government will be able to negotiated a new trade agreement with the United States which will replace the one that “became inoperative” in 1913 “because it was interpreted by Russia as permitting the exclusion of American Jews from her dominions.”

1914: According to a wireless sent by the government in Berlin, “the Russians have brutalized the Jewish inhabitants in all places which they have occupied in Galicia.” The Russians incite the Ruthenian peasants and “hand over the Jewish property” to them.  “This contrasts…with the Czars manifesto to ‘his beloved Jews.’”

1914: The Austro-Hungarian Consulate General in New York made public the a communique from the “Israelitische Alliance of Vienna” to the American Jewish Committee of New York asking that money be sent through the embassy to aid the Jews who have fled Austrian territories seized by the Russians and expressing their belief that American Jews would support Austria in its war “to obtain human rights for” the oppressed Russian Jews.

1918: The 4thCavalry Division and the Australian Mounted Division completed their four day long round up of the “demoralized and disorganized Turkish troops in the Jezreel Valley”

1921: Birthdate of sportscaster Jim McKay, who is not Jewish. McKay was covering the 1972 Olympics for ABC. He provided moving coverage of the seizure of the Israeli Olympic Team by Palestinian terrorists.

1922(2nd of Tishrei, 5683): Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

1926(16thof Tishrei, 5687): Second day of Sukkoth

1926: In Cincinnati, Ohio, Rabbi James Heller is scheduled to conduct the funeral services of Rabbi Louis Grossman whose body is supposed to arrive this morning from Detroit where he passed away.

1928 (10th of Tishrei, 5689): Yom Kippur is observed for the last time during the Presidency of Calvin Coolidge.

1928: On Yom Kippur the Jerusalem police interfered with the worshipers who resisted the removal of a screen separating the men and women. Jews at their Yom Kippur prayers at the Western Wall placed chairs and customary screens between the men and women present. Jerusalem commissioner Edward Keith-Roach, while visiting the Muslim religious court overlooking the prayer area, pointed out the screen, precipitating emotional protests and demands from the assembled sheiks that it be removed. Unless it was taken down, they said, they would not be responsible for what happened. This was described as violating the Ottoman status quo that forbade Jews from making any construction in the Western Wall area, though such screens had been put up from time to time. The British issued an ultimatum for its removal. When police officers in riot gear were then sent in, a scuffle took place with worshippers and the screen in question was destroyed. The intervention drew censure later from senior officials who judged that excessive force had been exercised without good reason. Haj Amin al Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem exploited the incident by distributing leaflets to Arabs in Palestine and throughout the Arab world which claimed that the Jews were planning to take over the al-Aqsa Mosque. One consequence was that Jewish worshippers frequently were subjected to beatings and stoning

1928: On the Day of Atonement, the local rabbi of Massena, New York was called to police headquarters to answer charges of ritual murder after a four-year-old girl disappeared. This is part of the event known as the Massena Blood Libel.

1930(2ndof Tishrei, 5691): 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah

1930: “Once in a Lifetime” the first of 8 plays on which Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman collaborated opened at the Music Box Theatre in New York City.

1932; Birthdate of Joanne Greenberg, author of 12 novels and four collections of short stories, including the bestselling I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

1933(4th of Tishrei, 5694): Tzom Gedaliah

1933: Dr. Ferdinand Blumenthal, a leading German oncologist, was forced to retire which forced him to move Vienna so he could continue his research.  (The doctor would have to move again when the Nazi’s annexed Austria which is why he was in Riga when died in 1941)

1934(15thof Tishrei, 5695): Sukkoth

1936: More than 120,000 Jews from all parts of Palestine paid a last tribute to Meier Dizengoff, Mayor of Tel-Aviv, as his funeral procession passed through the principal streets of the city this morning from the Tel-Aviv Museum where his body had lying in state, to the cemetery. Pall bearers included Tel Aviv’s vice mayors I. Rokach and Dov Hos. In honor of Dizengoff’s wishes there were no eulogies and children, whom he considered “flower of Palestinian Jewry,” escorted his remains to the grave. He was buried between the grave of his late wife and those of Max Nordau and Achad Haam.

1937: “The ‘120 greatest living Jews’ were named today to a Jewish Hall of Fame selected in a world-wide poll by The Ivrim, the honor society of Chicago Jewish students. Their purpose was to hold up ‘living ideals’ to Jewish youth, and they required only that nominees must have been alive on Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) of 5697 (Sept. 28, 1936). Albert Einstein, actor Paul Muni, Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau and Supreme Court Justices Brandeis and Cardozo won election to the group.” Seven nominees had passed away including Adolph Ochs publisher of the New York Times, businessman Percy Selden Straus, pianist Ossip Ga-Crilowitsch, journalist Jacob de Haas, composer George Gershwin, psychiatrist Dr. Alfred Adler and the Mayor of Tel Aviv, Meier Dizengoff.

1937: The Palestine Post reported that the Sixth Political Committee of the League of Nations concluded the Palestine debate with a statement by Lord Cranborne who assured the delegates, representing all interested countries, that their views would receive full consideration of the British government. He added that his government was open-minded and quite willing to carry out all suitable recommendations. The next step, it was agreed unanimously, was to wait for the report of a new British commission, a special body which was be sent to Palestine in order to recommend ways and means of implementing the country's partition. The Post published the full texts of Mr. Philly's and Lord Samuel's testimonies made for the benefit of the Royal (Peel) Commission on Palestine.

1938: Hank Greenberg hits his 55th and 56th home runs of the year. In the remeaing 9 games of the season, Greenberg needs to hit 4 four-baggers to tie Ruth and 5 round trippers to supass Ruth’s record.

1938(21st of Elul, 5698): Russian born mathematician Lev Schnirelmann passed away

1939(11thof Tishrei, 5700): Seventy-two year old pioneer movie mogul Carl Laemmle who helped to found Universal Studios and who worked to save Jews from Nazi Germany, passed away today.

1940: Director Veit Harlan's anti-Semitic film Jud Süss premieres in Berlin.

1941(3rd of Tishrei, 5702):Tzom Gedaliah

1941: In Scarsdale, NY “Leopold Vail Epstein (the son of Jewish immigrants who had changed his name to Lee Eastman) and Louise Lindner Eastman (daughter of the founder of the Lindner Company clothing store)” gave birth to Linda Eastman who married Paul McCartney in 1969.

1941: Two thousand women and children were taken from the Wolkowysk Ghetto and murdered. Wolkowysk was located in southeastern Lithuania.

1942: At the urging of von Ribbentrop, Martin Luther, of the German Foreign Ministry began plans to set up negotiations between the governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Denmark with the object of starting the evacuation of the Jews of these countries. The evacuations meant trips to the death camps for the Jews. The fate of the Jewish communities in each of these countries is an interesting story in and of itself. Bulgarian Jews would enjoy the intervention of the Papal Nuncio who would later be a Pope. Raoul Wallenberg intervened in an attempt to save the Jews of Hungary. The Jews of Denmark were saved by the gutsy intervention of the crews of the Danish fishing fleet.

1942: British Home Secretary and Minister of Home Security Herbert Morrison opposes any further admission of Jewish immigrants into Britain. He fears this would encourage the French Vichy government to "dump" Jewish children into Britain.

1943: Himmler secretly ordered the Gestapo chief in Rome to arrest all of the Jews in the city.

1944: The 45thInfantry Division, a unit that includes Raul Hilberg, took the French town of Epinal.

1944: Having murdered 400,000 Jews over the summer at Birkenau, the gassings slowed down. A comparative few 200 Sonderkommando prisoners were to be gassed. Only 661 Sonderkommando were left at the camp to be party to the continuation of the German dirty work.

1945: Five months after the Nazis had surrendered a pogrom took play at Topoľčany, Czechoslovakia, known as the Topoľčany Pogrom in which at least 48 Jewswere “injured.” “There were about 3,200 Jews living in Topoľčany before World War II, of which 550 survived the Holocaust and returned to the town after the war ended. Anti-Semitism was widespread at that time due to both Slovak state official policy and also the strong economic position of Jews, which contrasted with a lack of basic commodities among the majority population. According to the protocol of county police boss Zidor, rumors began to spread in the town two days before the pogrom that Jews are about to overtake a local church school. The school was run by Catholic nuns at that time. Also, there were rumors that Jews had already created a separate classroom for Jewish children, in which they desecrated a crucifix. Further, according to rumors, the Jews were said to had overtaken a school in the nearby village of Bojná, run by Catholic monks. Local women wanted to protest against the rumored actions, but local authorities refused them. A pack of people, mostly women, then entered the school. Coincidentally, a Jewish doctor was at the time vaccinating children against smallpox in one of the school's classrooms. Some of the vaccinated children cried, which gave base for a new rumor to spread among the angry crowd: a Jewish doctor poisons Slovak children! People then attacked and beat the doctor. As new rumors spread to the streets, many more Jews were beaten both in the streets and in their homes. Jewish property was plundered in the process.” [Jews who sought to return to their home towns after the war suffered similar greetings. The non-Jews who had moved into the homes of the Jews or taken over their businesses during the Holocaust did not want to give up their new found wealth.]

1945: A private funeral service is scheduled to be held today for Judge Irving Lehman, the brother of former Governor Herman Lehman. Dr. Nathan A. Perilman, associate rabbi of Congregation Emanu-El will officiate with burial in the family plot in Cypress Hills Cemetery.

1947(10thof Tishrei, 5708): Yom Kippur

1947: Today, the House Un-American Committee (HUAC) grilled Hanns Eisler the Jewish composer who had fled Nazi Europe before World War II.

1948: Operation Velvetta, a secret mission designed to deliver Supermarine Spitfires purchased from Czechoslovakia to Israel began today with a flight of 60 aircraft from Czechoslovakia to an abandoned Luftwaffe airbase at Nikšić , Yugolsavia.

1949(1st of Tishrei, 5710): Rosh Hashanah

1949: Israelis celebrate their first Rosh Hashanah in “peace” i.e. after the truce agreements had been signed with the Arab states that had attempted to destroy the Jewish state.

1950: A series of meetings focused on the economy which the Israeli government had begun on September 1 came to an end without any official announcements or public policy changes. The meeting had focused on the failure of the program imposed in August that centered around rationing clothes and shoes. The three smaller parties making up the four-party coalition government were highly critical of Supply Minister Bernard Joseph who had overseen what they see as they failed rationing program. The Mapai Party, the largest member of the coalition seemed to clinging to it socialist policies and pedigree. No decision was made on proposals to move a little more towards a free-market economy; proposals that “included relaxation of controls for imports and trade in foreign exchange.”

1950: During "Operation Magic Carpet", most of the Jews living in Yemen are transported to Israel

1951: While the Israeli government said that it was studying the newly circulated peace proposals from the United Nations Palestine conciliation Commission, an Arab spokesman representing the views of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan rejected the proposal as “unneeded,” unwanted” or “old stories” or that they covered matters beyond the scope of the Commission’s area of responsibility.

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported that Barbara Propper, 22, a member of Sde Boker, was shot and killed while tending a herd of goats some 300 meters from the kibbutz. Infiltrators from Jordan fired at Jerusalem Corridor settlers in an attempt to steal irrigation pipes and cattle.

1952: The Post reported that the Austrian government expressed its willingness to negotiate a global restitution settlement with the Jewish people, calculated in proportion to the reparation agreement agreed upon with West Germany. After World War II, Austrians liked to portray themselves as the first victims of Nazi aggression. The open arms with which the Austrians welcomed the Nazis belied that claim as does this attempt to make financial restitution.

1957: The Brooklyn Dodgers defeat the Pittsburgh Pirates in their last game in Ebbets Field. The Dodgers would move to LA for the 1958 season. With Brooklyn’s large Jewish population, the Beloved Bums enjoyed a disproportionately large amount of support from Jewish fans. In New York, the split among Jews was not Ashkenazim versus Sephardim or Orthodox versus Reform; the real split was between Jews who rooted for the Yankees and the Jews who rooted for the Dodgers when they would face each other in those Subway Series.

1957: President Dwight D. Eisenhower sends United States National Guard troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce the rulings of the federal court system which banned school segregation. When the segregationist forces led by Orville Faubus would attempt to close the Little Rock school system to maintain racial segregation, Harry Ehrenberg, Sr., a leading member of the Jewish community would seek signatures for petitions to keep the schools open. Harry Ehrenberg, Jr. has carried on the family tradition of active participation in the Jewish community and supporting the causes of “the widow, the orphan and the stranger in your midst.

1958(10thof Tishrei, 5719): Yom Kippur

1961: Birthdate of Christopher L. Eisgruber, the President of Princeton University, who “while helping his son with a school project…discovered his Berlin-born mother, who had arrived in New York as an eight-year-old refugee, was Jewish”, leading him to identify “as a nontheist Jews” and claim a reward from the Holocaust claims tribunal.

1966(10thof Tishrei, 5726): Yom Kippur

1966(10thof Tishrei, 5726): Eighty-five year old Vera Weizmann, the widow of the great Zionist leader Chiam Weizmann passed away.

1968(2ndof Tishrei, 5729): Second day of Rosh Hashanah

1968: The first “60 Minutes” was broadcast. Don Hewitt and Robert Chandler, two Jews, played a key role in creating America’s first and most successful television newsmagazine.

1976(29thof Elul, 5736): Erev Rosh Hashanah

1976(29thof Elul, 5736): Ninety-five year old  Sophie Lazarsfield an “Austrian-American therapist and writer” who was the wife of Robert Lazarsfeld, the mother of Paul Lazarsfeld and a student of Alfred Adler passed away today in New York City.

1977: President Carter sent a letter to Prime Minister Begin strongly expressing his displeasure over the fact that Israeli forces had crossed into Lebanon to help Christian militias repel new attacks by PLO units under Yasser Arafat’s command. In that unique form of Carter even-handedness, no such expression of displeasure was sent to Arafat.

1987(1stof Tishrei, 5748): Rosh Hashanah

1987: The fourth season of “The Cosby Show” co-created by Ed Weinberger begins to air on NBC tonight.

1989: The sixth season of “The Cosby Show” co-created by Ed Weinberger begins to air on NBC tonight.

1993(9thof Tishrei, 5754): Erev Yom Kippur

1993(9thof Tishrei, 5754):Yigal Vaknin was stabbed to death by terrorists in an orchard near the trailer home where he lived near the village of Basra. A squad of the Hamas' Iz a-Din al Kassam claimed responsibility for the attack.

1994: Fifty-seven year old Muhammed Wattad an Arab Israeli who served in the Knesset between 1981 and 1988 passed away today.

1994: Robert Badinter began serving as French Senator from Hauts-de-Seine.

1995: Israel and the PLO agreed to sign a pact at the White House ending nearly three decades of Israeli occupation of West Bank cities.

2000: The New York Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish interest including The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon, The Moral Obligation to be Intelligent: Selected Essays by Lionel Trilling; edited by Leon Wieseltier and Only Yesterday by S. Y. Agnon; translated by Barbara Harshav.

2001: In a column in today’s edition of the New Yorker, following 9/11, Susan Sontag criticized U.S. public officials and media commentators for trying to convince the American public that "everything is O.K."

2003: Norman Finkelstein “calls Professor Alan Dershowitz’s new book on Israel a ‘hoax’”

2004(9th of Tishrei, 5765): Erev Yom Kippur

2004: At sunset, as Yom Kippur begins traditional services will be held in Cedar Rapids, IA. Traditional High Holiday services have been held for more than a century in “The City of Five Seasons.” The services began at Beth Jacob, the Orthodox Synagogue founded in 1906 and have continued as the "downstairs minyan" at Temple Judah. It is a tribute to the resiliency and the cooperative nature of the Jewish Community in Cedar Rapids and at Temple Judah that this service has continued for over a century.

2005: Haaretz reported that Raphael Izraelov, a 28-year-old Israeli, is being hailed as a hero for his work with victims of Hurricane Katrina. With Texas bracing for Hurricane Rita, the Red Cross has put Izraelov in charge of survivors with "special needs" - hundreds of people with various kinds of disabilities and mental illnesses, and solitary elderly people. Izraelov never imagined when he took a first aid course in the Israel Defense Forces - the only training he has in this area - that he would receive such a responsibility. Karen Dewitt, a volunteer from a local law firm, describes Izraelov as a local hero. "I feel he brought his experience from the Israeli army here," she said.

2005: Lewis Black recorded “The Carnegie Hall Performance” which won the Grammy for Best Comedy Album.

2006: 2nd of Tishrei, 5767): Second day of Rosh Hashanah

2006: In one of the ironies of the world of calendars the first day of Ramadan falls on the second day of Rosh Hashanah.

2006. The Sunday New York Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including How Bush Rules; Chronicles of a radical regimeby Sidney Blumenthal, Creationist: Selected Essays, 1993-2006 by E.L. Doctorow, Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became Americas Hidden Power Brokers by Gus Russo and The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million by Daniel Mendelssohn.

2006:The Washington Post featured a review of The Greatest Story Ever Told by Frank Rich.

2006: The Chicago Tribune featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Creationist: Selected Essays, 1993-2006 by E.L. Doctorow, Friendship: An Expose, the latest work by Joseph Epstein, social commentator, author and Northwestern University emeritus professor of English and Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became Americas Hidden Power Brokers by Gus Russo. Russo’s book offers a detailed picture of the role played by Chicago based Jews in the growth of the underworld. Two of the more interesting revelations concern the role that the Supermob played in the building of the Pritzker’s family fortune (Hyatt Hotels) and the growth of Music Corporation of America (MCA) the giant talent agency headed by Jules Stein and Lew Wasserman.

2007: The face of Alan Greenspan graces the cover of Newsweek magazine as the former chairman of the Federal Reserve Board provides the source for the magazine’s cover story, “The World According to Greenspan.” Greenspan, like his successor, is Jewish.

2007: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a Holocaust denier who has called for the destruction of Israel, is slated to speak at Columbia University in New York City. Michael Bloomberg, the Jewish mayor of New York City, will be responsible for providing security protection for the visit.

2007: Swastikas were discovered this evening at the tops of exterior staircases at two synagogues in Brooklyn Heights, and the police are actively investigating the vandalism as a possible bias crime. The two synagogues are Congregation B’Nai Avraham, an Orthodox synagogue at 117 Remsen Street, and the Brooklyn Heights Synagogue a Reform synagogue at 131 Remsen Street.
2008: In Washington, The Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival comes to a close.

2009: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present a lecture by Jan-Pieter Barbian, Director of the Duisburg Municipal Library entitled “After the Book Burning: Publishing in Hitler's Germany.”

2009: As part of its Fall Colloquium and Film Series Tulane University's Jewish Studies department is scheduled to present Hanna Wise Heiting's lecture on "Rite de Sortie"

2009 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly.

2009: Mark A. Grey, Michele Devlin and Aaron Goldsmith are scheduled to discuss their new book “Postville, U.S.A.” at Barnes and Noble in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2009: Former MK Avraham Hirschson appealed his conviction to the Supreme Court of Israel. Hirschson had been found guilty of charges that he had embezzled millions of shekels from the National Workers Labor Federation while serving as its chairman. He was sentenced to a prison term of five years and fined 450,000 shekels.

2009(6th of Tishrei, 5770): Eighty-nine year old Joseph Gurwin, the Lithuanian born American businessman and philanthropist who was duped by Bernard Madoff, passed away today (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2009: Leonard Cohen completed his concert tour by appearing at Rat Gan Stadium in Tel Aviv where “at the end of the show he blessed the crowd with the Priestly Benediction.”

2010: The New York Film festival is scheduled to open with a showing “The Social Network,” a biting tale of the Silicon Valley giant Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg.

2010: “Ahead of Time” is scheduled to open in Los Angeles at the Laemmle Theaters

2010(16th of Tishrei, 5771): Second Day of Sukkoth.

2010: The New York Times reviews books by Jewish authors including Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Futureby Robert B. Reich.

2010: Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook and America’s youngest billionaire, announced his biggest expenditure to date: a $100 million grant aimed at improving public education in Newark, in partnership with Cory A. Booker, the city’s mayor, and Chris Christie, New Jersey’s governor.

2010: Yossi Alfi will deliver a talk today entitled “The ten basic principles of the storyteller in the community” at an international conference which is part of the International Storytelling Festival in Givatayim.

2010: The New York Film festival is scheduled to open with a showing “The Social Network,” a biting tale of the Silicon Valley giant Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg.

2010: Students from all three Bexley (Ohio) elementary schools spent this morning dropping eggs from the third floor of the Cassingham Complex. The egg-dropping exercise was part of the school district's STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) initiative. Jacob Levin's egg carrier worked fine when dropped from the first floor. The carrier had a door that opened when students dropped it from the third floor for a trial run. "When we dropped it from the third floor it opened and the egg bounced out," he said.His egg carrier was constructed of cardboard, plastic bags, toilet paper rolls, paper towels, and masking tape. He also had an issue with size. The first egg carrier had to be redesigned.

2011: Chief Chazzan Chaim Adler is scheduled to officiate at Selchot at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue accompanied by The Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir conducted by Elli Jaffe. Israel's Chief Rabbi, the Rishon L'Zion, Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar is scheduled to deliver the Davar Torah

2011: The Selichot observance at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids will include the Changing of the Torah Covers and a study session led by Rabbi Todd Talblum on the story of Hannah from the Haftarah for Rosh Hashanah as well as the penitential prayers for the evening.

2011(25thof Elul, 5771): Ninety-six year old Anglo-Jewish poet Emanuel Litvinoff  known for his memoir Journey Through A Small Village and his poetry that exposed the anti-Semitism of T.S. Eliot, passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012: Davey and Peter Rothbart are scheduled to appear at the Historic Sixth & I Synagogue where they will discuss Davey’s latest book, My Heart is an Idiot and Peter’s new album, “You Are What You Dream.”

2012: “A family spokesman announced that Bonnie Franklin had pancreatic cancer and was undergoing treatment.”

2012:"I Survived the Holocaust: Anna Brands's personal account of life between 1939-1945" by Mark Bernat is scheduled to be presented at the University of Iowa.

2012: It was reported today that “an obscure militant group based in Egypt’s North Sinai region claimed responsibility over the weekend for a cross-border attack that killed an Israeli soldier last week. The claim called fresh attention to the uphill struggle the newly formed Egyptian government is facing to control the restive Sinai region.”

2012: Defense Minister Ehud Barak called for a unilateral pullout from much of the West Bank in published comments today, saying Israel must take “practical steps” if peace efforts with the Palestinians remain stalled.

2013: Yityish Aynaw, 21, the first Ethiopian-born woman to win the Israeli beauty pageant is scheduled to deliver a message about Jewish diversity at the JCC of Northern Virginia in Fairfax, VA

2013: Mike Ross, the son of Holocaust survivor Stephen Ross, who first visited Israel at the age of 17, is one of the candidates running in today’s Mayoral Primary where the Democrats will choose their candidate of the upcoming Boston general election in November.

2013: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host a panel discussion based on “the newly published Totally Unofficial: The Autobiography of Raphael Lemkin by Dona-Lee Frieze.

2013: The San Diego Center for Jewish Culture is scheduled to sponsor an all-day event “Sukkot at the Ranch including Rabbi Gabi Arad’s examination of kabbalistic rites related to the festival.

2013: Friends and family of Arnold Bucksbaum, a pillar of the Cedar Rapids Jewish Community, prepare to celebrate his 88th birthday.

2013: According to a criminal complaint filed today, William E. Rapfogel the leader of the Metropolitan New York Council on Jewish Poverty and two accomplices stole over $5 million during the last twenty years.

2013: Jerusalem police closed the Temple Mount to non-Muslim visitors this morning, citing security concerns — a surprise announcement that caused many holiday pilgrims and tourists to be turned away at the site. (Gavriel Fiske)

2014: In Grand Forks, ND, B’nai Israel erev Rosh Hashanah services will be followed by a congregational oneg.

2014: Friends and family of Arnold Bucksbaum, a pillar of the Cedar Rapids Jewish Community, prepare to celebrate his 89th birthday.

2014(29thof Elul): Erev Rosh Hashanah

שנה טובה, כתיבה וחתימה טובה.

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