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This Day, October 27, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin



312:  Constantine the Great is said to have received his famous Vision of the Cross which will join the Sword of Constantine to the Cross of Christ in the governing of the Roman Empire, much to the detriment of the Jews for centuries to come.

710: Islamic forces, variously described as Saracens, Berbers or Moors, raided Sardinia which is under the nominal control of the Byzantine (Christian) Empire. This is just one more in a series of raids that began in the first decade of the eighth century.  Jews had been living on the island from the days of the Emperor Tiberius when 4,000 of them were banished from Rome.  While information about the Jews living on Sardinia during this period is sketchy there were numerous Jewish communities including one at Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia. Toward the end of the sixth century, a converted Jew named Peter placed images of saints in the synagogue in Cagliari on Easter Monday. The Jews lodged a complaint with Pope Gregory the Great, who ordered Bishop Januarius of Cagliari to have the images at once removed. We also know that the Jews must have survived whatever damage was done to the island by marauding Moors because there is a record of the synagogue in Cagliari having been destroyed by a fire at the end of the 8th century.

1156:Birthdate of Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse and Marquis of Provence.  He was considered to be so sympathetic to the Jews that Pope Innocent III caused him to take an oath "that he would deprive the Jews of their offices and that he would never appoint any Jews or in any way favor them. 

1275: Founding of the modern city of Amsterdam.  While there are reports of Jews living in the Low Countries an area that would have included the Netherlands, going back to Roman times, the Jewish community of Amsterdam dates from the 16th century when Marranos and Sephardim found there way to the Protestant city.

1430: Vytautas the Great, Grand Prince of Lithuania, passed away. According to some Jewish historians, the reign of Vytautas the Great was the golden age for Jews of Lithuania-Poland.

1466:  Birthdate of Dutch humanist and theologian Desiderius Erasmus.  While Erasmus may be revered by the world at large, he gets mixed notices from Jewish sources.  On the one hand he spoke up for Jews when he said, “If it is Christian to hate the Jews, all of us are only too good Christians.” At the same time he was above a little Jew-bashing when wrote, “Jews are very numerous in Italy; in Spainthere are hardly Christians.  I am aft raid that when the occasion arise, that pest formerly suppressed, will raise its head again.”

1495: Coronation of Manuel I, the king of Portugal who “at the outset of his reign released all of the Jews who had been made captive during the reign of John II” but who changed his policy towards the Jews and agreed to persecute and expel them as the price for being able to marry Infanta Isabella of Aragon the daughter of the Spanish monarchs who had expelled the Jews from their realm.

1682: Founding of the city of Philadelphia by William Penn.  The city’s name means “brotherly love.” Twenty-six years before William Penn, the Quaker leader who founded Philadelphia set foot in the New World in 1682, a few Jews were trading with the Native Americans along the South River, later known as the Delaware River. After the British took New York, merchants from the former Dutch city, included Jewish merchants, saw opportunity in Philadelphia.  One of them was the New York-born son of Moses Levy, established merchant, active in the Jewish community of New York. In 1737, Nathan Levy settled permanently in Philadelphiawhere he built a business of his own. He and his cousin, David Franks, formed the first important Jewish company there, Levy and Franks, importers and merchants. In the 1740’s Levy would be the leader of the group that formed MikvehIsraelCemetery.  MikvehIsraelCemeterywould lead to the formation of the first Jewish congregation in Philadelphia, Mikveh Israel. 

1708: The community of Metz entered into contract with Abraham ben Saul Broda for him to serve as the community’s rabbi.

1752: Isaac ben Issachar of Einhorn who had passed away on Shabbat was buried today at the “Alderney Road (Globe Rd) Jewish Cemetery.

1753(29thof Tishrei, 5514): Abraham Oppenheimer, who had been born in 1740, passed away today in Vienna.

1765: The last public Auto da Fe was held in Portugal.

1786: Birthdate of Frédéric Cerfberr, the native of Strasburg whom Napoleon appointed secretary of the imperial commissariat in the Ionian Islands and who served as the French consul during the post-Napoleonic period in several places including New York, New Orleans and Hatti.

1779: During the American Revolution, Solomon Bush, whose father Matthias had been one of the signers of the non-importation agreement in 1765, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel today.

1786: Birthdate of Frédéric Cerfberr, the native of Strasburg, the French diplomat who served as consul in New York, New Orleans and Haiti where his daughter was killed in an earthquake and he suffered what would prove to be fatal injuries.

1807:Ephriam Mosely, the father of Francis, Moses and Rosetta Mosely, was buried today in the UK.

1820: In Alsace, France, Charlotte Aron, the daughter of Asser Lion and Gitlé Loëw and Alexandre Aron gave birth to Henri Alexandre Aron.

1825(15thof Cheshvan, 5586): Sixty-six year old Jacob (Jehuda) Herz Beer, the son of Naphtali (Herz) Beer and Jente Enoch Beer, husband of Amalie Beer and the father of composer of Giacomo Meyerbeer passed away today in Berlin.

1827: Birthdate of Levi Goldenberger, the native of Germany who came to the United States where he became a successful lace importer.

1827: AtBučovice, near Brno, South Moravia Julia and Leopold "Löbl Jünger" Strakosch gave birth to Anna Strakosch

1839: Birthdate of Karolin native “Yitzchak Yaakov Reines (Isaac Jacob Reines) the Orthodox rabbi whose belief in Zionism led him to found the Mizrachi Religious Zionist Movement and who was the father of Jewish author Moses Reines, the native of Lida who pre-deceased his father.

1840, Sultan Abdulmecid issued his famous ferman concerning the "Blood Libel Accusation" saying: "... and for the love we bear to our subjects, we cannot permit the Jewish nation, whose innocence for the crime alleged against them is evident, to be worried and tormented as a consequence of accusations which have not the least foundation in truth...". (from Jews in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey)

1844: Ferdinand Eberstadt of Worms/Mannheim and his wife Sara Seligmann gave birth to Elizabeth Eberstadt, the sister of architect Rudolph Eberstadat and the second wife of Sir George Henry Lewis.

1848: Königsberg native, Johann Jacoby, a doctor by training who became active in the political upheavals of the 1840s called for ‘the rescue of the Viennese revolution” when the “counter-parliament convened in Berlin” today.

1858: RH Macy & Co opened its first store on Sixth Avenue in New York City. Gross receipts for the day totaled $1106.  The Straus family, which had been leasing space in Macy's to operate a chinaware department, the store's most profitable section, acquired the Macy’s in 1896 and turned it into one of the country’s leading department stores.  One sign of the change came in when they relocated the store to its Herald square location at 34th Street and Broadway in

1858: Birthdate of Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of the United States.  In 1903, Roosevelt moved boldly to confront the Czar over the massacre of the Jews at Kishinev.  Roosevelt’s intervention on behalf the Jews was unusual and won him and the Republican Party a great deal of support in years to come. Theodore Rooseveltwas the first President to appoint a Jew to a presidential cabinet. In 1906 he named Oscar S. Straus Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Theodore Roosevelt was also the first President to contribute his own funds to a Jewish cause. In 1919, when he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts while President to settle the Russo-Japanese War, Roosevelt donated some of his prize money to the National Jewish Welfare Board.

1859: Sir Saul Samuel begins serving the first of two terms as Treasurer of New South Wales.

1861: In Cincinnati, Ohio, Julius and Bertha Levy Ochs gave birth George Ochs who gained fame as George Washington Ochs-Oaks a member of the Ochs family of New York Times whose varied career included serving as newspaper reporter, a member of the New York National Guard during WW I and mayor of Chattanooga, TN who died one day before his seventieth birthday.

1862: Emanuel Moyer, who would reach the rank of Sergeant before being killed in fighting at White House, VA, began his services in Company H of the 155thRegiment.

1862: In a report published today the New York Times special correspondent covering the Army of the Potomac described troop movements in and around Culpepper and Warrenton, VA as well as the disposition of Rebel troops in Richmond.  The report is based on an interview that he had with a man whom he described as “a Jew” who has resided in the South for several years, “so that his statement are not considered the most reliable.”  This Jew claimed that the reason he had taken refuge within the lines of the Union Army was to escape the rebellion.

1864: Philadelphian Theodore Jacobs began serving as Assistant Surgeon with the 187thRegiment in the Union Army.

1865: Four days after he had passed away, Edward Crawcour, the son of “Isaac and Simha” Crawcour and the husband of the former Margaret Buchanan with whom he had two children – John and Helen – was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1866: Sir George Jessel, Solicitor-General and Master of the Rolls and Amelia Moses gave birth to Herbert Jessel, British soldier and Member of Parliament.

1872: “A Startling Novelty” published today traces the history of embalming.  Based on Genesis, “And Joseph commanded his servants, the physicians to embalm his father; and the physicians embalmed Israel” and “So Joseph died, and being an hundred and ten years old; and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.”  While the Israelites learned about embalming from the Egyptians, the latter used a much more elaborate process and “the embalmers were regarded as…sacred persons.”

1875: “Hebrews of New York” published today praised the record “which Jacob Hess has made for himself in one session of the Assembly” as “one of which any patriot may be proud.”

1878: It was reported today that the Hebrew Benevolent Society is among those organizations in New Orleans that is continuing to provide aid to those suffering during the region’s Yellow Fever Epidemic.

1878: Birthdate of Murray Seasongood, future Mayor of Cincinnati and Harvard law school professor.

1879: “Bull-Dozing In Mississippi” published today described a political meeting held at Bolivar Landing, in Bolivar Country, MS, where a resolution was allegedly passed denouncing Edward Storm as “a dishonest Jew, the servile tool of the slave-owner before the war, and the convenient and abandoned ally of the corrupt carpet bagger” since the end of the Civil War. (Since no record can be found of a Jew by this name, one has to wonder if labeling him as a “Jew” was an attempt to smear him by his political opponents who had already identified him with the aristocracy, carpetbaggers and Republicans)

1880: Henry Abbey and Louis de Bebian were among those who greeted the famous Jewish actress Sara Bernhardt when she arrived off the coast of the United States aboard the SS Amerique.

1880:“Jewish Longevity” published today reported that the Jews “have become the admired and beloved of the life insurance companies…The reason is that the Christians, after paying one or two premiums, has an unpleasant way of dying…The insured Jew…pays his premium year after year and thus becomes a constant source of income.”  There is a great deal of speculation as to why this is true. According to the author, it may be tied to the business practices of Jews which tend to be less speculative than those of Christians.  This enables the Jew to sleep soundly at night while his Christian counterpart tosses and turns. Diet is another reason.  Jews eat and drink in moderation as compared to their Christian counterparts and do not eat pork. Finally, Jews marry other Jews which preserves “the purity of their blood.”

1881: A woman who claimed to be  Mrs. Amelia Goldberg, an English Jew and her 11 year old child were found wandering the streets of New York dressed in rags today which led to them being taken into custody and “being committed to the care of the Commissioners of Charities and Correction.

1882: Julian Adolf Cannot, the infant son of Kitie (Rebecca) and Emile Henri Cannot was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1882: “Mordecai Lyons” published today reviewed Edward Harrigan’s new play which features “a Jew who, when he finds that his daughter has been betrayed” tries to avenge her. While the reviewer found the play disappointing he felt that Mr. Harrigan “was artistically effective as the Jew, Mordecai, though rather uncertain at the important situations.

1884: “A service was held at Ramsgate to-day in honor of Sir Moses Montefiore. Chief Rabbi Adler read a special prayer. Sir Moses insisted upon standing through the entire service, at the conclusion of which he said in a very strong voice: "I cannot tell a thousandth or a ten thousandth part of what I feel when by the blessing of the almighty I have arrived at so full an age.” A reception followed the service.  On this day alone, Montefiore received more than 800 letters and 600 telegrams from a whole host of well-wishers, Jew and Gentile alike.

1884: “A Life Spent In Charity” published today described the various services held to honor Sir Moses Montefiore on his 100th birthday. Henry Ward Beecher, the leading Protestant minister of his time, described him as being “the distinguished citizen of the world” who “by his long life and by his splendid services in the way of humanity, has become himself a text that involves in it the truths both of the Old and the New Testament.”

1885: It was reported today “Miss Rebecca Rosenthal, a Baxter Street Blond” joined hands with Patrick Divver, the candidate for Ward 6 Alderman, to lead the opening march at the Patrick Divver Hebrew Association’s annual ball.  Jewish political leader Coroner Levy addressed the attendees and urged them to vote for Divver.

1886: Reports published today described the view of S.S. (Samuel Sullivan) Cox, the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, on the condition of Jewish communities overseas including the fact that “he had been as favorably impressed by the Hebrews of Turkey as by those of Western Europe and America.”

1886: Three days after she had passed away, Rebecca (nee Mocatta) Montefiore, the daughter of Daniel Mocatta and the former Nancy Goldsmid and the husband of Joseph Barrow Montefiore with whom she had thirteen children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1888: Heinrich Graetz, the author of the multi-volume History of the Jews“was appointed an honorary member of the Spanish Academy, to which, as a token of his gratitude, he dedicated the third edition of the eighth volume of his history.”

1889: “A Patriarchal Scribe” published today described the work of an aged Hebrew working in the corner of a grocery store on Division Street in New York’s lower east side.  For a small fee he wrote letters in Hebrew to be sent back to families in Europe while demonstrating the skill to complete the information on the envelope so that the epistle would arrive at its proper destination.

1889: It was reported today that while on their way back from raiding the offices of the Louisiana Lotter, police in Boston had arrested “Barnett Gompertz, the little English Jew eyeglass peddler who has had a stand at the head of Williams Court, otherwise known as Pie Alley, for over twenty years.”

1889: “Christians Made Jewess” published today described the process by which a young English woman converted to Judaism before she was married at the West London Synagogue on Upper Berkeley Street.

1889: In Vienna, Josef Schoenstein, the son of Moritz Schoenstein married Perla Pauline Mose, the daughter of Josef Mose.

1891: Birthdate of Paul Grüninger the police commander in Canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland who saved 3,601 from the Nazis following the Anschluss in 1938.

1891: It was reported today that the government of Turkey has prohibited the immigration of Jewish families of any nationality meaning that they cannot settle in Palestine. But individual Jews are allowed to pass through the empire.

1893: Riga born Socialist Party leader Julius Gerber “applied for and was granted USA citizenship on today in Kings County, Brooklyn, New York.”

1893: Alice Emily Henriques, the daughter of Philip Joseph Gutteres Henriques and the former Beatrice Rachel Faudel-Phillips was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1894: At Temple Emanu-El in New York, Rabbi Joseph Silverman delivered a sermon related to the upcoming election in which he used the life of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes to deliver an apolitical lesson on civic responsibility.

1895:Austrian Prime Minister Badeni revives the "Presse", forerunner and now out-lived rival of the "Neue Freie Press." Herzl is offered the editorship of the "Presse". After some days of negotiations with Moritz Benedikt, Herzl refuses the offer.

1896(20thof Cheshvan, 5657): Less than a month before his 62nd birthday, Isaac Bamberger, the rabbi at the reform congregation in Königsberg passed away today.

1896: Birthdate of Cardiff native Isaac E. Feinstein, who in 1903 came to the United States where he graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia and who as “president of both the local and state nursing convalescent homes” promised in 1953 full cooperating “in preventing overcrowding and fire hazards” in these facilities.

1896: Birthdate of New York native Herbert Raubenheimer, the first basketball coach and athletic director at Long Island Univeristy.

1897(1stof Cheshvan, 5658): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1897: In Cheshire, Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Breslauer gave birth to a son.

1898: In Tangier, Rachel Hélène Cazès gave birth to Rachel Hélène Cazès who gained fame as Hélène Cazès-Benatar, “Morocco’s first woman lawyer” organizer of relief efforts for North African Jews during WW II who “after the war helped Jewish refugees move to Israel.”

1898: Philip S. Golderman served his last day as Color Sergeant of the 203rdNew York Infantry.

1902:Herzl arrives in Viennahaving finished his trip to London.

1903: Herzl travels to Edlach, Austria.

1904: Rabbi Rubin officiated at the marriage of Joseph Baron and Annie Pinosky in South Carolina today.

1904: At seven this evening the general public began riding the first subway in what has become “the largest transit system of its kind” and includes the A Train which travels through the Jewish neighborhoods in Washington Heights, the Village and Crown Heights and “the 1, which passes through Riverdale, Washington Heights and the “one true shtetl” of the Upper West Side. (As reported by Jonathan Paul Katz)

1905: William T. Jerome, who was running for re-election as New York County District Attorney addressed a crowd of about 3,000 Jews in Beethoven Hall this evening where he made a reference to one of his opponents eating hogs, which some considered prejudicial concerning the dietary laws.

1906: Mutilated bodies of Jewish women were found in the streets of Arzila, Tangier.

1908: Two days after she had passed away, “Esther Goldstein, the widow of Abraham Goldstein” was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery in London.”

1908: In Brooklyn, NY, “Russian Jewish immigrants “Chane (nee Weiss) and Joseph Krasner gave birth to Lena Krassner who gained fame as abstract expression painter Lenore “Lee” Krasner, the wife and helpmate in the truest sense of that word, of Jackson Pollock.

1909(12thof Cheshvan, 5670): Theresa Otterbourg, the older daughter of Raphael Isaac Cohen, the sister of Bertha Lewis, the sister-in-law of David Lewis and wife of Dr. Jonas Salomon Otterbourg who “directed a very successful girls’ school at Marine House in Dover” passed away today.

1911: Samuel Morris was elected a member of the Town Council in Doncaster, England.

1911: In Manchester, the Beth Din adopted a resolution “protesting against an amendment proposed by the Board of Deputies to Animals Slaughter Bill.”

1911: An article datelined Yuzivka, Russia, entitled “More Jews to be Expelled: Will Cuase Much Hardship,” reports that the Governor has signed a proclamation stating that  all Jews in the Province of Ekaterinoslaff are subject to expulsion, with some limited exceptions.

1912: Erna Reiss and Alfred Döblin, the German born physician and author gave birth to their first son Peter “who was baptized a Protestant.

1912: In Denver, Colorado, dedication of the “Schoenberg Memorial Hospital Building of National Jewish Hospital Jewish Hospital for Consumptives.

1912: In New York City Leopold "Leo" Sulzberger and Beatrice Sulzberger gave birth to Cyrus L. Sulzberger, the “husband of Mariana Tatiana Sulzberger” and the New York Times Pulitzer prize winning correspondent and author, the nephew of NYT publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberg, who was known by his initials as C.L. Sulzberger

1913: In Brooklyn, “pharmacist Louis Silverman” and “homemaker Gussie (Zuckerblatt) Silverman” gave birth to Pearl Silverman who gained fame as Patricia Schiller, the pioneering attorney and wife of fellow attorney Irving Schiller. (As reported by Neil Genzlinger)

1913: During the first Balkan war, practically the entire Jewish community of Itchip numbering 710 people fled to Salonica to avoid having to face the conquering Bulgarian army. Only 6 men and 2 youths stayed behind. Two of the old men were killed; all the Jewish homes were plundered and demolished. Synagogues were desecrated and burned, as were 24 Jewish stores and homes. 

1914: Twenty-four year old Louis Weinstein “a British subject from Cape Town, described the events that took him from the coast of South Africa to Brazil and eventually to New York where he “is in the care of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society.”

1914: As Americans respond to the needs for funds to relieve the suffering of war torn Europe, Jacob Schiff, the Treasurer of the New York branch of the American Red Cross “announced additional subscriptions amounting to $2, 841.”

1915: In Manchester, England, Neville Jonas Laski and the former “Phina Emily, the eldest daughter of Moses Gaster” gave birth to English author Marghanita Laski, the niece of Harold Laski.”

1915: Dr. Anthony Maliauskis, a Lithuanian priest who arrived in New York today on the Norwegian steamer Frederik VIII said that the plight of refugees fleeing the fighting on the Russian front which included at least 200,000 Jews “appears to be far worse than anything of the kind that afflicted the people of Belgium.

1915: Birthdate of Quebec native Herschel Saltzman, who gained famed as Harry Saltzman, the co-producer of the James Bond film series.

1916: After having been arrested for distributing information about birth control and spending the night in jail Fania Mindell and her two colleagues were released on bail today

1916: It was reported today that the Adjutant General of the New York National Guard has offered assurances that if the changes recommended by the Governor to the recruiting regulation do not end discrimination against Jews in the recruiting process others “with teeth” will be inserted in the Military Regulations” while the Committee for the Protection of the Good Name of Immigrant Peoples “proposes to see to it that no offending officer shall escape punishment…”

1916: In his erev Shabbat sermon at Temple Israel in Brooklyn, Rabbi Nathan Kress condemned the resolution adopted by the Episcopal General Convention at St. Louis “urging the conversion of Jews to Chrsitianity.”

1917: Based on reports from the Petrograd correspondent of the Jewish Daily Forward, it was reported today that “the Central Committee of the All Russian Councils” wants to immediately “organize anti-Pogrom Committees throughout the provinces to combat and suppress the counter revolutionary and anti-Semitic agitation.”

1917: In London, the Jewish Chroniclepublished a report from its Petrograd correspondent in London describing the mistreatment of the Jews by the Germans in Russia in which he said the German “commandant of a village order the Jews to remove from here streets because he had to pass through those streets on the way to his office and objected to meeting so many Jews”

1917: Colonel Harry Cutler, of Providence, RI, the Chairman of the Jewish Welfare Board discussed the drive to raise one million dollars which would enable the Board to provide Jewish soldiers with “the same facilities for recreation and religious observance provided for soldiers of other faiths” which was necessitated by the fact that forty percent of the men at Camp Upton were Jews, 16 percent of the men at Camp Meade were Jews and seven percent of the men at Camp Dix were Jews.

1918: The Citizen’s Union’s analysis of judicial and legislative included the following: “Justice Nathan Ottinger, a Republican, has demonstrated clearly during the period that he has sat on the bench by appointment that he possesses high judicial qualifications which justify his election.”

1918: German General Erich Ludendorff, the second in command of the German Army who was the brains behind the figurehead Hindenburg, a declared anti-Semite, one of the architects of the “stabbed-in-the-bag” canard and a partner with Hitler in the 1923 attempted putsch, was forced to resign his position today just a couple of weeks before the end of WW I.

1918: Fifty-one year old Alexander Protopopov who as Russian Minister of the Interior said in 1916 that he believed “in equal rights for Jews” and that this would be part of the move to abolish “everything that hinders further progress” in Russia was executed by the Cheka (Soviet secret police) today.

1922(5thof Cheshvan, 5683): Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor winner who received the commendation at the Battle of Franklin (TN) passed away today.

1922: “Marie Antoinette, the Love of a King” “a silent historical drama film directed, produced and written by Rudolf Meinert was released in the Weimar Republic (Germany) today.

1923: On the upper West Side of Manhattan realtor Milton Lichtenstein and Beatrice Werner Lichtenstein gave birth to Roy Lichtenstein who “did cartoon inspired paintings that helped launch the Pop Art movement. “

1924: Grigorii Zinoviev, the Jewish born head of the Comintern issued a denial that he authored the so called Zinoviev Letter that stated in part "The letter of 15th September, 1924, which has been attributed to me, is from the first to the last word, a forgery. Let us take the heading. The organization of which I am the president never describes itself officially as the "Executive Committee of the Third Communist International"; the official name is "Executive Committee of the Communist International." Equally incorrect is the signature, "The Chairman of the Presidium." The forger has shown himself to be very stupid in his choice of the date. On the 15th of September, 1924, I was taking a holiday in Kislovodsk, and, therefore, could not have signed any official letter...”  The denial was finally published in the December 1924 issue of The Communist Review, the monthly theoretical magazine of the CPGB, well after the MacDonald government had fallen. Decades later, independent academic research proved that the letter was a forgery.

1924(29th of Tishrei, 5685): Fifty-six year old Chicago attorney and Sears, Robebuck and Co. executive Albert Henry Loeb “died of a heart attack today less than two months after his son was sentence to life plus ninety-years” for murdering 14 year old Bobby Franks.

1924: Premiere of “The Story Without A Name,” a silent film melodrama produced by Adolph Zukor and Jesse Lasky.

1926(19th of Cheshvan, 5687): Seventy-eight year old Harry Bresslau, the father-in-law of Albert Schewitzer and German historian who “believed in the possibility of a complete assimilation of German Jewry through an open affirmation of the ideal of German nationhood” and who played a key role in the founding of the Historical Commission for the History of the Jews in Germany by the Union of German-Jewish Congregations passed away today.

1927: The USS Scorpion (PY-3) which had been commanded by Adolph Marx the first Jewish graduate of the United States Naval Academy during the Spanish-American War was decommissioned for the last time today.

1929(23rd of Tishrei, 5690): Simchat Torah

1929: “Albert Steinfeld, Tucson's Merchant Prince, Arrived Here 57 Years Ago, When City Had Only 1200 Population” published today described the career of one of the leading early citizens of southeast Arizona.

1933: Arabs protesting Jewish immigration to Palestine clashed with police today resulting in at least twenty deaths and injuries to another 130 of the demonstrators.  Among the dead and wounded were Arabs who had attacked a police station in Haifa where a policeman was stabbed in the back.

1933(7th of Cheshvan, 5694): Forty-six year old Rabbi Meir Shapiro who made “the proposal of the study of Daf Yomi in 1923 passed away today.

1935: One hundred and fifty Zionists honored Morris Rothenberg President of the Zionist Organization of America with banquet at New York’s Hotel Astor.  After being introduced by Louis P. Rocker, Rothberg described the progress he had seen on his recent visit to the Palestine but said that “a concerted drive to unite all American Jews in support of the” development of Palestine was necessary for ultimate success.

1936: Today, the National Conference of Jews and Christians announced “that six honorary vice presidents of the Freethinkers Association had their names to be removed from the roster of the organization because of an appeals to Jews by Joseph Lewis, its president to renounced their ‘antiquated creed’

1936: “Seven Jewish students were severely injured today by Nationalist in the Warsaw College where a virtual battle was fought between the police and the rioters” who ignored the appeal from the Minister of Education “against the persecution of Jews in the colleges.”

1936: “The National Conference of Jews and Christians announced” today “ that six honorary vice presidents of the Freethinkers Association had” had “their names removed from the roster of that organization because an appeal to Jews by Joseph Lewis, its president to renounce their ‘antiquated creed.’”

1936: Due to “a heavy rain” the only demonstration that greeted the 537 Jewish refugees who arrived at Cape Town today aboard the Stuttgart  “consisted of subdued booing from a small knot of Gray Shirts” “a local anti-Semitic organization.

1937: The Palestine Post reported that in DanzigJewish shops and houses were pillaged and windows smashed. This outbreak of violence against the Jews took place almost two years before the outbreak of World War II.  The Nazis did not invent anti-Semitism.  They exploited it and made it as efficient as an assembly line for automobiles.

1937: As the Arab violence against the Jews continued The Palestine Post reported that a Jew and an Arab constable were killed when some 15 Arab terrorists ambushed a six-truck convoy carrying 21 Jewish laborers from the Palestine Potash concession on the Dead Sea back to Jerusalem. A number of policemen were injured in various shooting incidents, reported throughout the country, and in particular in Safed where the Jewish community was almost under siege.

1938: Ernst Lubitsch, the German-American movie director and his wife, British actress Vivian Gaye gave birth to their daughter Nicola who survived a 1939 U-Boat attack on the SS Athenia which was taking her to Montreal.

1938(2nd of Cheshvan, 5699): Fifty four year old Soprano Alma Gluck passed away today in New York

1938: German authorities began arresting Jews of Polish citizenship living in the Reich and transporting them to the Polish border. Responding to a Polish decree that all passports of Polish residents abroad would be rescinded by the end of October unless a special permit for reentry to Poland was received, the Germans preempted the Polish government by forcibly deporting thousands of Jews across the border into Poland.

1938: Hitler expelled 18,000 Jews from Germany who were born in the former Polish provinces. The Jews were abused and tortured as they made their way to the border.  The Poles did not want to admit the Jews and for a while many were left to languish on the border.  This was a prelude to the statelessness that would help ensure the death of millions of Jews.

1938: The Germans began arresting Jews with Polish citizenship who had been living in Germany and began deporting them to Poland. The Polish authorities placed the Jews in the border town of Zbaszyn and forbade them from leaving in the hope that the large number of Jews near the border would pressure the Germans into beginning negotiations to allow them back into Germany. The negotiations ended in January 1939- some Jews had already been taken in by friends and family in Poland, while other deportees were permitted to return to Germany to wind up their affairs, and then return to Poland.  For a photographic record see:

1938: Sendel Grynszpan described the deportation of the Jews to Poland, “Then they took us in police trucks, in prisoners’ lorries, about 20 men in each truck, and they took us to the railway station. The streets were full of people shouting: "Juden raus! Aus nach Palästina!" ("Out with the Jews! Off to Palestine!")  The Grynszpans and thousands of other Jews were stranded at the border because the Poles refused to admit them.

1938(2nd of Cheshvan, 5699): Following the massacre of Jews by Arabs in Tiberias on October 2, “Tiberian Arabs murdered the Jewish mayor Isaac Zaki Alahdif” today.

1939(14th of Cheshvan, 5700): Eighty-one year old the attorney from Erie, PA who was one of the founders of B’nai B’rith and an original member of the American Jewish Committee passed away today.

1940:  Ritual slaughter is banned in Belgium.  Were the conquering Germans animal lovers or did they realize the importance of the dietary laws in maintaining Jewish identity.

1941: Jews of Sluzk, 60 miles south of Minsk, Belorussia, are annihilated by Einsatzkommandotroops, half of whom are German, half Lithuanian.

1941: In the Polish town of Kalisz a large black truck drove up and took on a passenger load of Jews. Escorted by two Gestapo cars, the truck drove away. Its passengers were never heard from again. This was the first of the gas-wagons.  This method of extermination was not efficient and would give way to that ultimate in German efficiency – the gas chamber.

1941 “A cryptic message from SOE said that it had ‘been decided that the progress” Isidore Newman “has made justifies his selection for work of a very responsible nature abroad” so “kindly take the necessary action and get him post to us” as of the first of November.

1942: The Nazis sent 3,000 Jews from Opoczno, Polandto Treblinka.  At the start of the war almost half the town of Opocznowas Jewish.  Jews had lived there since the 14th century.  The Jews had lived there continually since the start of the 18th century.At the time of the mass deportation in October 1942, scores of Jews fled to the forests and organized partisan units there. The best known unit, "Lions", under the command of Julian Ajzenman- Kaniewski, conducted a number of successful guerilla actions against Nazi forces and the Opoczno-Konskie railway line. After the war, the Jewish Community of Opoczno was not reconstituted.

1942: Max Basseches, David Becker, Nils Beck, Adolf Berkowitz, Richard Bernstein, Samuel Bernstein, Seiki Bernstein, Sigmund Bernstein, Herman Bild, Leopold Bild, Philip Moses Bild, Hillel Blatt, Benjamin Bodd, Bernhard Bodd, Isak Bodd, Leiser Bodd, Salomon Bodd, Salomon Bogomolno, Paul Borinsky, Abraham Borochstein, Harry Braude, Isak Braude, Rubin Claes, Fritz Cohn and Franz Daus were among the Norwegian Jews arrested today prior to being sent to Auschwitz.

1942: Seven thousand Kraków, Poland, Jews are deported to Belzec while another 600 are killed in Kraków.

1943: Germany announced that any Pole helping Jews to escape should be dealt with “without the necessary delay of court hearings.” The penalty for assisting Jews was death.

1944: In the parts of Warsaw still under German control the Nazis still search for hidden Jews. Seven would be found and shot.  For those who doubt that the War Against the Jews was of primary consideration for the Germans, remember that they were busy tracking down Jews while the Soviet Army was breathing down their necks. 

1944(10th of Cheshvan, 5705): Thirty-nine year old Judith Auer, the daughter of writer Erich Vallentin, the wife of Erich Auer and a genuine resistance fighter was hanged at Plötzensee Prison in Berlin for her role in the fight against Hitler.

1946: In Komárno, Czechoslovakia (now in Slovakia), Klara and Ladislav "Leslie" Reitman who were respectively a survivor of Auschwitz and a member of the underground in WW II, gave birth  to Canadian producer-director Ivan Reitman whose most famous cinematic effort was the hit comedy “Animal House.”

1947: At Petah Tikva a house belonging to a member of Haganah was blown up, reportedly by members of the Irgun.  Haganah leaders said they will not back down despite warnings by Irgun of a looming civil war between the two Jewish organizations. 

1947: The quiz show "You Bet Your Life", with Groucho Marx, premiered on ABCradio.  The show would later move to television where a whole new generation would discover the rapier wit, the bushy eyebrows and the smoldering cigar of what some consider a comic genius.

1948: During Operation Yoav, Israeli forces capture the Egyptian held fort at Bet Guvrin.  The Egyptians had taken the fort when the invaded Israel in May of 1948.

1948 Israelrecaptured Nizzanim in the Negev. Nizzanim is in southern Israel on the,Mediterranean.  In 1990, the same people who high jacked the Achille Loro planned a terrorist attack on the beaches of Nizzanim.  The attack was foiled.

1948(24th of Tishrei, 5709): Seventy one year old Rabbi Judah Leon Magnes passed away.

1950:  Birthdate of Fran Lebowitz, “a Jewish-American author. She is known for her sardonic social commentary on American life as filtered through her New York sensibilities. She has been compared to Dorothy Parker. She was born and raised in Morristown, New Jersey by an observant family. After being expelled from high school, Lebowitz was hired by Andy Warhol as a columnist for Interview. This was followed by a stint at Mademoiselle. Her first book was a collection of essays titled Metropolitan Life, released in 1978, followed by Social Studies in 1981, both of which were collected into The Fran Lebowitz Reader.”

1952: The Jerusalem Post commented in an editorial that a number of ugly incidents in Nazareth and the arrest of an Arab underground group, undergoing military training in the Majdal Krum area, drew less public attention than it deserved. There were obvious severe shortcomings in the management of the affairs of Arabs living in Israel. The government undertook to build 50,000 concrete dwellings within the next three years in order to accommodate the almost 80,000 families still living in ma’abarot.

1953: Birthdate of New York native Michael M. Kaiser the Brandeis and MIT graduate who served “as president of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts from 2001 to 2014.

1954:Associate Justice of the Supreme Court William O. Douglas and Congressman Emanuel Celler spoke to 500 people attending a dinner sponsored by the American Mogen Dovid for Israel where “Morris Morgenstern and S. Ralph Lazrus were honored at the dinner for donating an ambulance to the Red Mogen David, the equivalent of the Red Cross in Israel.” (As reported by JTA)

1955: A paratroop regiment which “is on a mission to capture the Kuntila Fortress in Sinai, deep in Egyptian territory…kills ten Egyptian soldiers and captures twenty nine” while suffering casualties that included two dead and two wounded.”

1955: “Rebel Without A Cause” the cult adolescent rebellion film with a screenplay by Stewart Stern and Irving Shulman and music by Leonard Rosenman was released today by Warner Brothers.

1957(2nd of Cheshvan, 5718): Galicia native and Yiddish author Fishl Verber, the Zionist who made Aliya in 1934 passed away today “in Ramatayim, Israel.”


1957: Psychologist Dr. Joyce Brothers put her boxing trivia to the test and came away with $64,000.  Dr. Brothers, who was appearing on the game show The $64,000 Challenge, took the top prize, competing against a team of seven boxers on boxing lore. This was her second time winning the program's top prize — two years earlier she had claimed her first victory (when the show was called The $64,000 Question), also on the subject of boxing. Brothers' appearance on The $64,000 Question not only garnered her a substantial prize, but also sparked her career as a talk-show psychologist. After her appearance on Challenge, Brothers was picked to co-host WATV's show, Sports Showcase. In 1958, NBC offered Brothers her own talk show, The Dr. Joyce Brothers Show. The show, which counseled viewers on childrearing, marriage, and sex, was an instant success and soon became syndicated nationally. In 1963, Brothers began writing a monthly column for Good Housekeeping, which remains a feature of the magazine today. She also writes a daily column that is published in more than 350 newspapers, and has written several books, including What Every Woman Should know About Men(1982) and How to Get Whatever You Want Out of Life (1978). Her most personal and popular work was Widow (1990), which described Brothers' emotional journey after the death of her husband in 1989 after thirty-nine years of marriage.

1958(13thof Cheshvan, 5719): Eighty-four Lithuanian born “professor of Hebrew Literature” and “chief redactor of the Encyclopedia Hebraica” Joseph Gedaliah Klausner, “the great uncle of Amos Oz” whose seminal works were Jesus of Nazareth and From Jesus to Paul passed away today in Jersulaem.



1959: NBC broadcast “The Secret World of Kids” featuring Ed Wynn in Episode 4 of the Startime television anthology series.

1964: U.S. premiere of “The Americanization of Emily” a great film that must be seen by everybody directed by Arthur Hiller, with a screenplay by Paddy Chayefsky, co-starring Melvyn Douglas and featuring Steve Franken was released in the United States today.

1964(21stof Cheshvan, 5725): Sixty-six year old director and producer Rudolph Maté, born Rudolf Mayer in Krakow who began his career as a cinematographer passed away today.


1964: “Ben Franklin in Paris” a musical with songs by Jerry Herman opened at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre,

1964: Linda and Malcolm Glazer gave birth to Bryan Glazer, a graduate of American University and Whittier Law School became an executive vice president of the NFL Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

1966(13thof Cheshvan, 5727):A civilian was wounded by an explosive charge on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem.”

1967(23rdof Tishrei, 5728): Jews celebrate Simchat Torah in a united Jerusalem

1967: In London, Susan Davis and David Wolfson, Baron Wolfson of Sunningdale, gave birth to Simon Adam Wolfson, Guise the chief executive of the clothing retailer Next and a Conservative life peer who is the founder of the £250,000 Wolfson Economics Prize.

1968(5th of Cheshvan, 5729): Lise Meitner, a physicist who played a key role in the discovery of Nuclear Fission passed away at the age of 89.

1968: In Mexico City, the Summer Olympics, during which the Soviet Union’s Volleyball Team led by Georgy Mondzolevski, came to a close.

1969(15th of Cheshvan, 5730): Sixty-eight year old British entertainer and broadcaster Albert Eric Maschwitz passed away today.

1970: ITV broadcast the first episode of “The Lovers” a British sitcom created by Jack Rosenthal who also served as the writer and director.

1970(27thof Tishrei, 5731): Seventy-two year old Henrietta L. Pitler, the wife of Jacob Albert Pitler, a coach on the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers World Series champions passed away today after which she was buried at “Temple Israel Riverside Cemetery.”

1973(1stof Cheshvan 5734): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan and Parashat Noach

1973: The first season of “Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids” with Lou Scheimer doing the voice of “Dumb Donald” came to an end.

1973: Cable service which provided telex and telecommunication between Syria and the outside world including Egypt was restored after having been knocked by Israeli frogman on October 18.

1975: Eight people, including two Israelis, were injured “by a car bomb detonated in front of a hotel in Jerusalem.

1977(15thof Cheshvan, 5738): Seventy-eight year old Hungarian football (soccer) player and coach who was a member of Hakoah in the 1920’s passed away today.

1978: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin were named winners of the Nobel Peace Prize.

1979(6thof Cheshvan, 5740): Parashat Noach

1979(6thof Cheshvan, 5740): Eight-one year old Sir Louis Gluckstein, the son of “Joseph Gluckstein, whose brothers Isidore and Montague had founded J. Lyons and Co., a British coffee house and catering empire” and brother of painter Hannah Gluck who served in both World Wars and served as a Conservative MP passed away today.

1981: “SOS Children's Village Arad (known as Kfar Neradim) which was built in the southern outskirts of Arad was inaugurated” today.

1983:Four days after the attack on the Marine Barracks the White House team that visited Beirut, led by Vice President of the United States, George H. W. Bush, asked Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff to write a report on the attack and its aftermath

1986: In the UK, “the sudden deregulation of financial markets” known as the “Big Bang” which Nigel Lawson, Margaret Thatcher’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, played a key role began today.

1986: “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” “a one-act chamber opera by Michael Nyman…adapted from the case study of the same name by Oliver Sacks” “was first performed today at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London.’

1986: “Meatballs III” co-starring Al Waxman and featuring Maury Chaykin was released in Canada today.

1986: In an article published today. Time magazine correspondent provides background on the life of Elie Wiesel as describes the Nobel Laureate’s work on behalf of mankind and the Jewish people including his efforts on behalf of Cambodian refugees, the Miskito Indians in Nicaragua and starving children in Africa. “Last week he exhorted Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev to allow five Soviet Jews, as well as Dissident Physicist Andrei Sakharov, to emigrate, and this week he is traveling to Moscow to help organize a conference on non-Jewish victims of Nazism.”

1987: Actor Dustin Hoffman and Lisa Gottsegen Hoffman give birth to Alexandra Lydia.

1988: NBC broadcast the first episode “Cheers” a sitcom created by James Burrows and co-starring Rhea Perlman and Bebe Neuwirth.

1988(16th of Cheshvan, 5749) Just days before her 93rd birthday, Hadassah and ZOA leader Judith G. Epstein passed away. (As reported by Susan Fox)

1989: “Worth Winning” a comedy featuring David Brenner and filmed by cinematographer Adam Greenberg was released in the United States today by 20thCentury Fox.

1992(30th of Tishrei, 5753): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

1992(30th of Tishrei, 5753): David Bohm, American-born physicist, philosopher, and neuropsychologist passed away.

1994: Judith R. Shapiro, a widely respected cultural anthropologist who has done pioneering research on gender differences, was inaugurated as president of BarnardCollege.

1995: Prime Minister Rabin took the courageous step of agreeing “that when the time came for Palestinian elections, election posters could be placed anywhere in East Jerusalem and that the voting in the city would be supervised by the Palestinian Central Election Commission.

1995: “Leaving Las Vegas” co-starring Richard Lewis was released in the United States today.

1995: “Mighty Aphrodite” a comedy directed, written and starring Woody Allen, produced by Letty Aronson and featuring Michael Rapaport and Clair Bloom

1996: The first episode of Season eight of the “The Simpsons” a cartoon sitcom developed by James L. Brooks and Sam Simon was broadcast tonight.

1996(15th of Cheshvan, 5757): Seventy-four year old comedian Morey Amsterdam passed away (As reported by David Stout)

1997: “Losses resulting from Victor Niederhoffer’s investment in Thai banks stocks combined with a 554-point (7.2%) single day decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (the eighth largest point decline to date in index history), forced Niederhoffer Investments to close its doors.

1997: “Fair Tale: A True Story” produced by Wendy Finerman and co-starring Harvey Keitel was released today in the United States today.

1998(7th of Cheshvan, 5759): Eighty year old Morris R. “Moe” Becker the Guard for he Duquesne University Dukes passed away today. (According to Wikipedia he passed away in 1998.  At this point I have not been able to resolve the descrepency)

1999: “Esther Williams Is All Wet” published today provides a defense of the late Jeff Chandler from accusations that appeared in her autobiography.

2000: U.S. premiere of “Requiem for a Dream” directed by Darren Aronofsky featuring Ben Shenkma

2002:The New York Times book section features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or on topics of special Jewish interest including Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds by Harold Bloom.

2002(3rd of Cheshvan, 5775): Three  Israelis  – 41 year old Tamir Masad, 22 year old Lieutenant Matan Zagron and 32 year old Sgt.Maj. Amihud Hasid -- were killed, and 20 bystanders were wounded in a suicide bombing at a gas station near the settlement of Ariel. The two officers and soldier were killed while trying to prevent the terrorist from detonating the bomb. Hamas and the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

2004:  The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel's Knesset approved a plan for disengagement from Gaza.  Those citing the Bible for opposing this decision should re-read the text.  From David to David - from King David to David Ben Gurion- Jewish leaders have avoided taking control of Gaza.  Furthermore, the wise King Solomon is reported in the Book of Kings to have given up 23 towns in Israelto Hiram.  And I do not remember any Rabbi threatening to assassinate King Solomon over the issue.

2004:  Under the executive leadership of Theo Epstein, the Red Sox win the World Championship for the first time since 1918.

2004: CBS broadcast the first episode of Season Eight of “The King of Queens” a sitcom cost starring Jerry Stiller.

2005: Citizens of Hadera, a city of 82,000, thirty miles north of Tel Aviv, were still dealing with the effects of yesterday’s terrorist bombing which twisted corrugated tin roofs and shattered windows of grocery stores across the street from Falafel Barzalai, a restaurant popular with Arabs who work in the central market and left the sidewalk carpeted in leaves and branches.

2006: The Anti-Defamation League posthumously presented to Hiram "Harry" Bingham IV its "Courage to Care" award at the ADL’s national conference in Atlanta. As Vice Consul in Marseille, he helped to save 2,500 Jews from the Nazis as they swept through France at the start of WW II.

2006: The Jewish Daily Forward reported “that in a startling move, Primo Levi’s 1975 book The Periodic Table, was named ‘best science book ever written’ by the Royal Institution of Great Britain. The book — which unfolds in 21 autobiographical stories, each tied to an element of the periodic table — edged out works by DNA pioneer James Watson and even The Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin. Tim Radford, onetime science editor of the Guardian newspaper, served as the book’s champion in the contest. ‘The science book is the ultimate in nonfiction,” he said. “This book pinions my awareness to the solidity of the world around me.’” A chemist by training, Levi survived the death camps and fought as a partisan.  He passed away in 1987.

2006: “The Last Virgin”, “a bluntly satirical comedy about Jews and Muslims in the Middle East” is performed for the last time in Frankfurt, Germany.  The play was written by Tuvia Tenenbom and Maria Lowry.  Tenenbom is an Israeli and founder the Jewish Theatre in New York.

2007:New York’s Erez Safar celebrates the launch of his new website called Shemspeed (www.shemspeed.com) with a gala event in London.

2007: The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra performs Broadway show music from Evita, Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, Cats, Cabaret and more at the Performing Arts Center in Jerusalem


2007: An exhibition entitled “The Sculpture of Louise Nevelson: Constructing a Legend” opens at the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco.

2007(15th of Cheshvan, 5768): Eighty year Leslies Eleazer Orgel” the Salk Institute theoretical chemist who was the father of the RNA world theory of the origin of life and the author of Orgel's Second Rule: "Evolution is cleverer than you are" passed away today.

2007: The lawyers representing Mariane Pearl, the widow of slain journalist Daniel Pearl, dropped “the lawsuit seeking damages against al-Qaida, a dozen reputed terrorists, and Pakistan's largest bank” citing personal reasons that “should have no bearing on the merits of the lawsuit.”

2008: In Washington, D.C., opening of the Ethics and War Reading and Discussion Series, an interfaith reading series co-sponsored by Theatre J that deals with questions concerning “ethical behavior” when a nation is at war.

2008: The winter session of the Knesset opens with President Shimon Peres calling for early elections since Kadima leader Livini cannot form a government.

2008: Time magazine includes a review of “All My Sons” by Jewish playwright Arthur Miller which is “now getting a starry revival on Broadway.”

2008: “During a guest appearance on The Daily Show, journalist Campbell Brown and the wife of Daniel Samuel Senor, announced her second pregnancy.”

2009: At The Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival Dara Horn reads from and discusses her novel "All Other Nights" (Jewish spies in the Civil War)

2009: At Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, a screening of Paper Clips in the Rathskeller. Paper Clips is the moving and inspiring documentary that captures how students from Whitwell, Tenn. responded to lessons about the Holocaust—with a promise to honor every lost soul by collecting one paper clip for each individual exterminated by the Nazis. The amazing result: a memorial railcar filled with 11 million paper clips.

2009:Iran-backed Hezbollah based in southern Lebanon fired a Katyusha rocket into Israel today.  \

2009:Today, a right-wing comedian was fined 10,000 euros by a French court for "public anti-Semitic insults" after he invited Robert Faurisson, an academic and Holocaust denier, on stage during a comedy show to receive an "award" from an actor dressed as a Jewish deportee. The Paris court told Dieudonne M'bala M'bala, a 43-year-old French stand-up comic, to pay a further 10,000 in damages and legal fees to organizations that sued him, French news agency AFP reported.

2009:Government prosecutors tried to use witness testimony today to prove a former kosher slaughterhouse manager knew he was employing illegal immigrants at his plant. The testimony was intended to show that the manager, Sholom Rubashkin, lied to a lender bank about his compliance with the law.

2010:Award winning authorRebecca Newberger Goldstein, a recipient of the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, is scheduled to deliver  The Gerald L. Bernstein Memorial Lecture  entitled “36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction” on the closing night of the Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival 


2010:Comedian Jon Stewart is the most influential man of 2010, according to a poll released today by AskMen.com, an American online magazine.

2010:The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid (IsraAID) announced on today that it will send a team to Haiti, despite the current cholera outbreak.

2011: Robert Lipsyte and John Bloom are scheduled to take part in “Telling It Like It Is; Jews, Sports and Writing,” a panel discussion that is part of The Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival.

2011: The New York Review of Books published part one of Saul Bellow’s “A Jewish Writer in America.”

2011:Dr. Hasia Diner the Paul and Sylvia Steinberg Professor of American Jewish History at New York University, and founder and Director of the Goldstein-Goren Center for American Jewish History is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “Between History and Memory: Rethinking the American Jewish Past” in Washington, D.C.

2011: Marvin Kalb and his daughter Deborah Kalb “participated in a webcast of the book Haunting Legacy: Vietnam and the American Presidency from Ford to Obama at the Pritzker Military Library today.

2011:Ilan Grapel, an American-Israeli citizen jailed in Cairo on suspicion of espionage for over four months, met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel today after he was released (As reported by Barak Ravid and Natasha Mozgovaya)

2011 The Israel Air Force targeted three centers of terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip and a weapons storage site in the South early this morning, IDF Spokesman's Office said in a statement. The attacks hit their precise targets and all planes returned safely to base.  The activity came in retaliation to one Grad rocket that was fired from the Gaza Strip at Ashdod and Bnei Aish areas shortly before midnight

2011:As the death toll in the deadly earthquake in eastern Turkey rose today, an Israeli cargo plane landed in Ankara, carrying humanitarian aid that Turkish officials at first had declined to accept. The Israeli plane carried seven prefabricated houses and other supplies, NTV television reported said. The plane was redirected to Ankara because the airport near Van, the hardest-hit area, was too small.

2011(29th of Tishrei, 5772): Eighty-five year old Allen Mandelbaum, the award winning translator of Dante’s “Divine Comedy” passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)

2012: “Youth movements and social NGOs are scheduled to gather in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square  for an alternative ceremony to honor the anniversary of former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination” this evening. (As reported by Lahav Harkov

2012: Israeli cellist Elad Kabilio is scheduled to perform at the Joyce Theatre in NYC.

2012: The Edent-Tamir Music Center is scheduled to present “Musica Antiqua” featuring Zohar Shefi on the harpsichord and Drora Bruck on the recorder.

2012: Andras Schiff is scheduled to play Book 1 of “Well-Tempered Clavier” at the 92nd Street Y

2012(11th of Cheshvan): On the Hebrew calendar, the Yahrzeit of Rachel which is normally observed by pilgrimages to her tomb.  Since the event fell on Shabbat, the observant made their pilgrimages on the 25th.

2012(11th of Cheshvan, 5773): Ninety-six year old Joseph Hazan whose family traced their roots to the Jewish community of Salonica passed away today.

2012: Seventeen year-old Naomi Cohen won gold today at the 2012 RS:X Youth World Windsurfing Championships in Taiwan. Several other Israeli participated in today’s competition, with Shahar Tibi finishing fifth, Ofri Givati 10th, Noga Geller 12th and Adi Cohen in 18th place, according to Ynet. (As reported by Yoel Goldman)

2012: “Israeli immigrant’s joyful art products designed to be worn, used” published today highlights the life and artistic creations of Giora Neta an Israeli living in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

2012: An American monitoring group said today that satellite images of the aftermath of the explosion on October 24th at a Sudanese weapons factory suggested the site was hit by an airstrike.

2012: An estimated 20,000 Israelis gathered tonight in Tel Aviv to commemorate the 17th anniversary of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination at the square where he was killed in 1995, and which was subsequently renamed in his honor.

2013: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality by Edward Frenkel as well as interviews with J.J. Abrams http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/27/books/review/j-j-abrams-by-the-book.html?ref=booksand Jill Abramson’s “Kennedy, the Elusive President.”

2013: Dr. Elliot Lefkovitz is scheduled to moderate a panel discussion among several survivors of the Kindertransport at the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center.

2013: Chicago Premiere of “Signs of Life” a musical which is “based on the true story of Terezin” comes to an end.

2013: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host its Guardain-Benefactor Luncheon featuring Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff who will speak on the commemoration of the 30thanniversary of the Bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut.

2013: In New Orleans, Beth Israel, the Orthodox Synagogue that survived Hurricane Katrina, is scheduled to host its annual fundraiser.

2013: For the first time in history two Jewish brothers squared off against each in an NFL game today at Arrowhead Stadium when offensive tackle Mitchell Schwartz of the Cleveland Browns played against offensive guard Geoff Schwartz of the Kansas City Chiefs.

2013: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet today unanimously approved the appointment of Karnit Flug as the first female governor of the Bank of Israel (As reported by Moti Bossok)

2013(23rd of Cheshvan, 5774): Eighty-one year old Dr. Leonard Herzenberg who “created a device that can pick out individual cells from a mass of trillions of them and then capture, sort and count them so they can be analyzed and used to fight disease” passed away today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2013(23rd of Cheshvan, 5774): Seventy-one year old rock and roll innovator and icon Lou Reed passed away today.

2013: Daylight Saving Time will switch to Standard Time in the early hours of Sunday morning marking Israel's transition to the winter clock.

2013: Two mortar shells were fired from Gaza into the Eshkol region in the western Negev.

2014: The American Sephardi Federation and the Center for Jewish History are scheduled to honor the legacy of Daniel Pearl with a special concert “Building Bridges: From Bene Beraq to Baghdad.

2014: At the Gerard Behar Theatre the all-male religious dancers of the Ka’et Ensemble are scheduled to perform at the Heaven and Earth Festival starting today.

2014: “The Garden of Eden” and “Life Sentences” are scheduled to be shown at the Israeli Film Festival hosted by the Tulane University Jewish Studies Department chaired by Dr. Brian Horowitz.

2014: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host Rabbi Deborah Prinz speaking about “Jews on the Chocolate Trail.”

2014: Mathew Klickstein, author of Slimed: An Oral History of Nickelodeon’s Golden Age is the feature at the Hyman S & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival.

2014: PuppetCinema which “began in 2009 as an experiment in Israel” is scheduled to open with Zvi Sahar in New York.

2014: Hundred atteneded the funeral this morning for 22 year old Karen Yemima Muscara who was killed “in last week;s terrorist a ttack on a Jerusalem light rail station.”

2014: “Putting perceived security concerns before conscience, US intelligence and law enforcement agencies likely employed over 1,000 Nazis as spies during the Cold War, sometimes ignoring or concealing their war crimes and helping them immigrate to the United States, the author of a soon-to be released book wrote in an article published today.” (As reported by Spencer Ho)

2014: Indirect talks between Hamas and Israel which were scheduled to resume today will not take place because Egypt has closed its border to the Hamas delegation following a deadly terror attack in Sinai for which the Egyptians hold Hamas responsible. (As reported by Elhanan Miller)

2015(14th of Cheshvan, 5776): Seventy-six year old Richard Larkin, an American educator who had moved to Israel and became an advocate for coexistence between Jews and Muslims succumbed to the wounds he had suffered when a terrorist bombed the bus he was riding in Jerusalem two weeks ago.

2015: “Apples from the Desert” an Israeli film is scheduled to be shown at the Jewish Arts & Film Festival of Fairfield County.

2015: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and the JDC Archives are scheduled to present a lecture by Mish Itsel on “The Great Terror in the USSR (1937-1938) and the Destruction of the Agro-Joint Program.”

2015: The David D. and Betty Cooper Wallerstein Fund for Judaic Studies, the GW Law School, the Program in Judaic Studies and the Department of History are scheduled to sponsor “Reckoning with the Ghosts of Leo Frank” a “public conversation among journalist Steve Oney, lawyer David Kendall and GWU Law Dean Blake Morant, that commemorates the centennial of Leo Frank's lynching, a national cause célèbre that exposed the racial, religious, ethnic and sectional divides in 20th century America, revitalizing the Ku Klux Klan on the one hand and galvanizing the Anti-Defamation League on the other.”

2015:Rabbi Asher Lopatin, the President of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, is scheduled to lecture on "Does God Care” at the Skirball Center

2015: “The Garden of Eden” and “Life Sentences” are scheduled to be shown at the Israeli Film Festival at Tulane University.

2016: Ari Shavit, a prominent Haaretz columnist and author of the bestselling My Promised Land  “accused of unwanted groping and sexual advances during an interview with American Jewish reporter apologized to her today ‘from the bottom of my heart’ but insisted the incident was ultimately the result of a ‘misunderstanding.’”

2016: “At a conference today, archaeologists Assaf Avraham and Perez Reuven presented an ancient Muslim inscription that refers to the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount as "Bait al-Maqdess," an Arabicized version of the Hebrew words for the Temple, Beit Hamikdash.”

2016: Today “the Syrian government complained about alleged Israeli archaeological excavations at Bir Ajam on the Syrian Golan Heights, drawing an irate response from Israel’s ambassador to UNESCO.”

2016: “Israeli archaeologists today presented new details of what they said were the first tiny artifacts, unearthed in situ on the Temple Mount, ever conclusively dated to the time of the First Temple over 2,600 years ago.”

2016: “Yaad, Biran, a Ph.D. candidate in the Yiddish program of the Hebrew University is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “Yiddish Writers Do The Holy Land” where he examines the lives of three writers who moved to Palestine from New York – “Yehoash, a Poaley Tsionist and the story of his failed immigration in 1914; Tsivyon, a Bundist who criticized the Zionist project in his 1921 visit; and Yosef Opatoshu, a socialist writer who turned his experience in 1934 into a novella, offering an unusual understanding of old and new Palestine.”

2016: The Skirball Center is scheduled to host “an evening with Jeffrey Goldberg” the new editor of the Atlantic magazine.

2016: At Tulane University, Hillel is scheduled to host its Hebrew Café as alumnae come to campus for pre-homecoming events.

2016: Today, “workers removed the top marble layer of the tomb said to Jesus, in the Church of Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.”

2016: Jess Olson is scheduled to conduct “a gallery talk and tour of Yeshiva University Museum’s exhibition exploring the vital creative character and dramatic social context of pre- and post-revolutionary Odessa, Ukraine (formerly Russia) through the work of two of the city’s most important artists - the writer Isaac Babel and the painter Yefim Ladyzhensky.”

2017(7th of Cheshvan, 5778): Yom HaAliyah

2017: “At least 15 firefighting crews and four planes were still battling the forest fire in the Sataf area west of Jerusalem this morning, almost 24 hours after it began.”

2017(7th of Cheshvan, 5778): Eighty-year old Joe Taub, the co-founder of ADP and “part owner of the NBA New Jersey Nets” passed away today. (Richard Sandomir)

2017: Publication of Jewish Anzacs: Jewish in the Australian Military by Mark Dapin.

2017: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by dinner, a Q&A with Rabbi Michael Rosenfeld-Schuler and a tisch.

2017: ShabbatUK which Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said is “one of the most inspiring events of the ear bringing together Jewish children united in their enthusiasm for Shabbat and Judaism” is scheduled to begin today.

2018(18th of Cheshvan, 5779): Parashat Va-yayra – for more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2018: In Jerusalem, the Nocturno Café is scheduled to host  “A Spiritual Stand Up with Mrs. Rabia”

2018: The Eden-Tamir Music Center is scheduled to host “The Best of Chamber Music with Cellist Simcha Heled and Friends.”

2018: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a full day of services along with a Shabbat Lunch and Seudah Shlishit as part of the Oxford 3rd Week Bring a Friend Shabbat.

2018: The Jerusalem Theatre Piano Festival is scheduled to host its closing concert, “Hebrew Love” featuring Einav Jackson Cohen and Daniel Shoham.

2018: The 14th Street Y is scheduled to host the final performance of “Theo’s Dream,” “a radical, hallucinogenic trip through the fever dream of Theodore Herzl.”



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