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This Day, August 9, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


August 9

48 B.C.E.: Julius Caesar defeated Pompey at the battle of Parsalus. This victory helped to cement Caesar’s position and put an end to Pompey. Considering Pompey’s behavior towards the Jews, including his desecration of the Temple, Caesar’s victory was the preferred outcome.

378: Roman Emperor Valens who began his reign in 364, was killed by the Visigoths as he led his large to defeat at the Battle of Adrianople.   During his reign Valens followed the course of his predecessors and issued an edict strengthening the Patriarchate.  He issued an edict that exempted “officers of communities subject to the ‘illustrious Patriarch (Nasi)’ from service on municipal councils.  In 368 he issued an edict forbidding the billeting of troops in Synagogues.  Such minor sounding positive notes, makes him better than his imperial peers when it came to treatment of the Jewish people.

681: Founding of the first Bulgarian Empire. Archaeologists have found traces of Jewish communities in the area that pre-dated the formation of Bulgaria.  The first major movement of Jews into Bulgaria took place early in the 8th century when Jews fled persecution in the Byzantine Empire.

1471: The Papacy of Sixtus IV began.In Italy the reign of Sixtus IV marks a high point of tolerance. The pope used Jewish physicians, and perhaps employed Jews for the collection, copying, and translation of Hebrew works. He refused to canonize Simon of Trent, allegedly a victim of Jewish ritual murder. It is clear, however, that the pope's tolerance was offset, outside his own domains, by local hostility. A generous bull of 1479 concerning the Jews of Avignon was questioned and subsequently withdrawn. In November 1478 the pope issued a bull investing Ferdinand and Isabella with extraordinary powers to appoint inquisitors in all parts of Castile.” ( From the Jewish Virtual Library)  This was the first step in what would lead to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492.

1506: Prince Yaroslavitch established the community of Pinsk. At the same time, he reconfirmed the rights given to the Jews by King Alexander Jagello, King of Lithuania.

1732(18thof Av, 5492): Rabbi Yaakov Culi the Talmudist and Biblical commentator who was the grandson of Moses ibn Habib, passed away in Constantinople.

1773: Adoption of the "General-Juden-Reglement" which provided the rules used to govern the newly acquired Jewish subjects that Frederick the Great acquired from the partition of Poland.

1807(5th of Av): Rabbi Ze’ev Lesh, author of Kedushat Yisrael, passed away

1819: With the mobs crying “Hep, hep!” an anti-Semitic riot broke out in Frankfort.

1821: Birthdate of Austrian poet Heinrich Landesmann.

1826(6th of Av, 5586): Meir Ben Moses Kurnik, “the German rabbi and calendar maker from Glogau” passed away today at Hamburg.

1827: Birthdate of William Morris Stewart, the Senator from Nevada who defended the Jews of Romania from an attack by Senator Sprague.  Sprague said the Jews were to blame for their suffering because of the economic success. “Mr. Stewart said he hoped Mr. Sprague did not mean to imply that when a man gets rich he ought to be killed.” Senator Sprague gave a faint smile but made no reply.

1828: Birthdate of Joseph Eduard Konrad Bischoff who gained fame as Conrad von Bolanden the author of Judas Makkabaeus, a novella which appeared in Der Gefangene von Kuestrinin 1885

1850(1st of Elul, 5610): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1850(1st of Elul, 5610): Miss Rachel Myers Cohen of Philadelphia passed away at the age of 70.

1855:As further proof of the existence of a Jewish community from the earliest days of the Lone Star State, The San Antonio Texan reported today on the excitement that has gripped this city during its recent election. "In fact the excitement reached every class of our citizens, old and young, rich and poor, male and female, Protestant, Catholic and Jew..."

1855: Birthdate of author Dorothea Gerard, the native of New Monkland, Scotland near Glasgow whose works include Orthodox, One Year and The Austrian Officer.

1858: It was reported today that the in Great Britain, the House of Lords, has taken action on two of the pressing issues of the day related to religion. Based apparently on its view of Biblical law, the Lords has expressed its opposition to allowing a widower to marry the sister of his deceased spouse. The Lords has agreed to allow Jews to sit in the House of Commons if they are elected to that chamber.  The Lords has opposed this measure for decades, but as in so many other matters including the repeal of the Corn Laws and the Divorce Bill, the “upper house” has given way to the popular will.  This latest capitulation in the matter of the Jews is seen as further evidence of the erosion of the power of the Lords. [This issue of the Jews sitting in Parliament was, in some respects, part of a much larger battle that was fought throughout most of the 19th century, between the landed gentry and the rising trading, industrial and professional classes.]

1860: It wasreported today that Baron Alphonse De Rothschild has been appointed Consul-General of Prussia. He is the first Jew who has exercised such functions for that Kingdom.

1862: Birthdate of David Phillipson, the native of Wabash, Indiana who became one of the leading Reform Rabbis of the late 19th and 20th centuries.

1864: Birthdate of Roman Dmowski the Polish political leader who, during the inter-war years led a political party that was both anti-Semitic and anti- ethnic Germans.  Among other things, he believed the “wealth of the Jews and the Germans” should confiscated and given to Polish Catholics.

1868: In Chicago, a hospital on La Salle Avenue sponsored by the United Hebrew Relief Association opened its doors to patients for the first time.

1871: “France and Algeria” published today described the pitiful conditions of the Jews living in Algeria prior to its colonization by the French.  Among the Moslem “races…hatred of the Jew is a tradition and almost a religious duty.”  During the Moslem “rule in Algeria, the Jews suffered every kind of torment.  They could not walk in the streets after 6 o’clock at night without obtaining a special authorization from the police.  If the night was dark, instead of carrying a lantern, like the Turks and Moors, they had a lighted candle, which the wind blew out continually.  They were obliged to take off their shoes in passing before a Mosque and to kneel before the Kasba.   Jews could only address a” Moslem “ with deference and submission.”   The Jews “moved off the pavement to allow” the Moslems “ to pass and any infraction of these customs was punished with basonado and fines.”  The Jews “could not ride on horseback and could not event the town on a donkey.  Any insult toward a “Moslem” was punished by sudden death, inflicted arbitrarily, and often according to the offended Moor’s caprices…” [The idea that all the lands of Islam were hospitable to Jews until the creation of the state of Israel, is obviously not an accurate one.]

1874: It was reported today that the London School Board had appointed “Mr. Levy, a Jew…as head master of a school in Whitechapel, in a district where the majority of the inhabitants are Jews.”

1879: It was reported today that much  of Sarajevo, the multi-ethnic capital of the Turkish province of Bosnia has been consumed by fire.  Amongst those who have suffered great loss are those living in the Jewish district the home of many of those who dominate the commercial activities of the region.
1880:Samuel Untermyer married Minnie Carl, daughter of Mairelius Carl of New York City today. “They had three children, Alvin, who served in the 305th Field Artillery in France during the Great War; Irwin, a justice of the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court, and Irene, a philanthropist who married Louis Putnam Myers and, after his death, became the wife of Stanley Richter.”

1883: “Moritz Scharf, the boy who was the principal witness for the prosecution in the recent trial of a number of Jews at Nyireghyhaza, charged with murdering a girl in order to procure her blood for ritual purposes and who swore he saw the murder committed, has confessed…that his testimony was false.”

1885: In Detroit, Louis Grossman, the tenth person to serve as Rabbi at Temple Beth El organized the Emerson Circle, “a society for the promotion of general culture.”

1885: “Strolling Bands” published today described the various wandering musicians found on the Lower East Side and Coney Island.  Membership in the strolling string bands is confined to Polish and Italian Jews.

1886: “The New Books” column described Court Royal: A Story of Cross Currents, the latest novel by S. Baring Gould.  The novel which is “conspicuous” for its “exceeding bad taste, features Emanuel Lazarus, a Plymouth pawnbroker who is a Jew “of the most repulsive type” and misses no opportunity to ridicule the customs of the Jewish religion.

1886(8thof Av, 5646): Rabbi Mendes led the Tish’a B’Av services tonight at the 19thstreet Synagogue. The well attended services began with a reading of the 137thPsalm followed by the chanting of Lamentations.
1886: “Solomon At Long Branch” described various reactions to the large number of Jews who spend their summer at this popular New Jersey resort – ranging from the ugliest ant-Semitism to the most enlightened views of the 19thcentury.

1888: During today’s meeting of the House of Representative’s Committee on Immigration which was holding hearings in New York, Henry Zeltner described the manner in which many Polish Jews reach the United States.  There are several operatives on Canal Street who “sell steamship tickets to Poles in this country on the installment plan.”  “By paying $3 down, they can have a ticket to America sent to a relative in Poland.  “The relative then comes” to the United States and “works out the price of the ticket.”

1890: “City and Suburban News” published today listed upcoming events in the New York Metropolitan area including a lecture by Dr. Cyrus Adler at the Jewish Theological Seminary.

1890: As of today, the leaders of London’s Jewish community have not been able to “discover the exact truth about the…anti-Jewish crusade in Russia.”

1890: In Pittsburg, Mrs. William Schmidt, Mrs. Sarah Vabelinsky and their two children, all of whom are Polish Jews experienced convulsions and fainting spells which might have been caused by food poisoning.

1890: Mendel Feldstein told his landlord this morning at breakfast that he had seen two men hide a bag of jewels last night and that they had threatened him when they realized he was aware that he had seen them.

1890: A list of those charities receiving bequests of a thousand dollars from the late Alexander Bach was published today included: Mount Sinai Hospital, Montefiore Home for Incurables, Hebrew Benevolent and orphan Asylum Society, United Hebrew Charities, Temple Gates of Hope, Hebrew Free School Association, Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews and Temple Israel of Harlem.  The Deborah Nursery was on the list but only for $500.

1891: It was reported today that “Steve” Ryan of Atlanta, GA “has vowed vengeance upon the whole Jewish race” after he failed to pay the debts he owed to Schloss Brothers & Co according to the attorneys Horowitz and Hirschfield.
1892: “Extradition proceedings in the case of Harris Blank and Charles Roseneigh,” who have been accused of murdering a Jewish peddler, Jacob Marks came to a close today in Toronto, Canada.

1893: Following claims by Reverend Herman P. Faust of the Hebrew Christian Mission that the United Hebrew Charities “often refuses to give aid where it is plainly needed” as exemplified by the case of the late Joseph Korman whose family was left destitute by the Jewish agency, “a reporter for the New York Times found” the family “living in rooms that are neat.”  The United Hebrew Charities said that it had offered the family $5 in aid, “which was refused.”  It had not given more because the family had three children who were old enough to work and the agency offered, as was its practice, to find each of them jobs.

1896: “East Side Roof Garden” published today described  the recently opened facility atop the Hebrew Institute  as “one of the greates blessing that could been devised to give the overcrowded population on the east side a chance to breathe a little fresher air than they can get in the stifling streets and tenements.” Ice water is provided free of charge to the eight hundred people allowed on the roof which is also the scene of evening concerts three times a week.

1896(30th of Av, 5656): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1896(30th of Av, 5656): Aviation pioneer Otto Lilenthaldied when his glider crashed during a test flight.  Lienthal is referred to some as the Jewish “Wright Brothers” since he is credited by some with making one of the first flights with a heavier than air craft.

1896: Birthdate of Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget who was treated by Sabina Spiielrein, the Jewish pioneer psychoanalyst who served as his analyst for 8 months in 1921.

1896: Birthdate of Russian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky.

1896: Because of the “severe heat” all of the depots dispensing free milk sponsored by Nathan Straus will remain open all day today.

1896: “Free Milk For Sick Children” published today described the easing of restrictions by Nathan Straus to make free milk available to the children to New York as well as instructions for the best ways for children to drink it.
1899: Israel Zangwill will go to Southampton, Long Island, “as the guest of James Herne, who is “going to state “Children of the Ghetto.”

1902: Edward VII is crowned King of the United Kingdom(Great Britain, Scotlandand Ireland).  When he was Prince of Wales, Edward broke with conventional social notions by including numerous Jews in his “set.”  On ascending the throne, Edward earned a lasting position of endearment among the Jewish people.  He pressed the Russians to improve the treatment of their Jewish subjects.  When he went to Russia, he insisted on raising the issue with Czar Nicholas II even though his advisors pleaded with him not to.  Edward’s intervention did not improve the situation but he gets high mark for having made the effort.

1902(6th of Av, 5662):Sixty-six year old Moritz Szeps the editor-in-chief of the Vienna Morgenpost, passed away today.

1911: It was reported toda that Boston Rabbi Wolf Margolies has agreed to become the Rabbi for United Hebrew Communion also known as Adas Israel.  The congregation has 10,000 members and will reportedly the new rabbi an annual salary of five thousand dollars.

1912: Birthdate of Giora Yoseftal, the native of Nuremburg who made Aliyah in 1938 and became a leader of Mapai.

1918(1stof Elul, 5678): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1923: The JTA reported that it would not be publishing the Daily News Bulletin tomorrow in observance of the national day of mourning for the death of President Harding

1924:Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor refused to attend the notification ceremony for John W. Davis at Clarksburg, West Virginia. Davis was the compromise candidate for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President, having been chosen on the 103rd ballot.

1924: A statement from Samuel Gompers that he was "willing to forget and forgive acts of omission and commission resulting from differences of opinion during the war" is contained in a letter made public by Mr. Gompers today incidental to the meeting of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor at the Hotel Ambassador.

1925: A memorial tablet erected to one of its patients by his fellow patients was unveiled today in the MontefioreHospital for Chronic Diseases, at Gun Hill Roadand Bainbridge Avenue, the Bronx. Although tablets on hospital walls usually represent benefactions to the institution, this one is a tribute from the 600 patients, who were cheered in his lifetime by Max Messinger. Confined to his wheel chair for twelve years, Max Messinger was the good Samaritan of the hospital. His busy brain and fingers, the only parts of his body over which he had control, worked to create amusement for the other patients to whom he brought music, vaudeville, moving pictures, books, magazines and a social club, as well as a monthly paper, which he edited. By establishing contacts with performers and film companies, he was able to present a full performance each week to the hundreds who assembled on crutches and in wheel chairs for relaxation. He received literature which he distributed to the others, and traveled about the wards, especially among the children. With a portable victrola perched on his wheel chair he played the records that friends had sent. For ten years he was the editor of the monthly paper, The Montefiore Echo, in which he encouraged the others to write. On the walls, with memorials to such noted benefactors as Sir Moses Montefiore, Jacob H. Schiff, Professor Morris Loeb, has been placed a bronze plaque made possible by the small contributions of the patients, a simple expression of gratitude to Max Meninger.

1926: The Third International Conference of the Ort associations opened in Berlin at a building that formerly housed the Prussian House of Lords. (ORT is an organization that was founded in 1880 to provide assistance and educational opportunities for Russian Jews.  The scope has expanded and it currently offers programs for Jews in over a one hundred countries.)

1926: The extent of Jewish participation in the struggle for the independence of Poland, in the early days of the movement, unrecognized by the Great Powers and Polish public opinion at large, was impressed upon the public mind today when Josef Pilsudski, first Marshal of Poland and leader of the Legionaires, kissed publicly a Jewish invalid who fought in the Legion. A highly dramatic scene was enacted when the twelfth anniversary of the crossing by Pilsudski's Legion of the frontier of Congress Poland was celebrated at the Legionaire Congress, opened today in Kielce, the first Polish city to be occupied by the Polish Legion under Pilsudski's command in 1914. Many Jewish Legionaires were present at the celebration. Pilsudski publicly kissed a Jewish Legionaire who lost both his legs on the battlefield. (JTA)

1927: Birthdate of Marvin Minsky. Marvin Minsky has made many contributions to AI (Artificial Intelligence), cognitive psychology, mathematics, computational linguistics, robotics, and optics. In recent years he has worked chiefly on imparting to machines the human capacity for commonsense reasoning. Minsky is on the faculty of MIT and winner of the ACM Turing Award

1927The Maccabee soccer team of Palestine left New York today aboard the SS Sinaia.

1927:M. Henri Torres, counsel for Sholom Schwartzbard, has addressed a cablegram to Louis D. Brandeis, U. S. Supreme Court Justice, asking him to intervene in favor of Sacco and Vanzetti.

1928: Birthdate of Maximillian Grunfeld the native of Czechoslovakia who gained fame as a American master tailor Martin Greenfield owner of Martin Greenfield Clothiers.

1929: “Friend Sues To Free Sculptor As Sane” published today described the efforts De Hirsch Margules to gain the freedom of Alfred Dreyfus. The painter and sculptor has petitioned Chief Justice Alfred Frankenthaler on behalf of Alfred Dreyfuss, the sculptor and writer to overturn the order issued by Justice Lydon that has committed his friend to a sanitarium for the insane.  Margules contends that Drefyuss’ mother brought the suit after having been unduly influenced by her other son who is seeking to control the family’s financial affairs.

1930: Famed cartoon character “Betty Boop” made her debut in the animated film Dizzy Dishes.  Boop and the film were the creation of an Austrian born Jew named Max Fleischer. Fleischer was producing animated cartoons years before Disney’s Steamboat Willie appeared on the screen.

1933: In Vilna, Chamber of Commerce unanimously votes to proclaim a boycott against German goods in protest against the Nazi treatment of the Jews.

1933:Edgar Ansell Mowrer, president of the Foreign Correspondents Association in Berlin, resigned from his post in order to secure the release of Paul Goldman, 68-year-old Jewish correspondent of the Vienna Neue Freie Presse, who was charged with "high treason." 
1938:Today Senator Norris of Nebraska made a recommendation that President Roosevelt appoint Felix Frankfurter, Professor of Law at Harvard University and one of the original New Deal advisers, to the United States Supreme Court to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Justice Benjamin Cardozo.

1938: In article entitled “Children Go to Palestine,” the New York Timesreports on the migration of 167 Jewish children from Austria and Germany to Palestine.  The youngsters are part of the Third Aliyah and are being settled at Ain Harod and Kfar Jecheskiel.

1938: The situation in Palestine threatened to grow worse when Moslem ecclesiastical authorities issued a fatwa calling for Iraqi participation in the fighting in Palestine which was labeled a Jihad.  Thousands of young Iraqis responded by rushing to sign up at recruiting stations set up in Baghdad.
1938: Premiere of “Four Daughters,” a musical directed by Michael Curtiz, produced by Hal Wallis, co-starring John Garfield, with a script by Julius Epstein and music by Max Steiner based on a novel by Fannie Hurst.

1940(5th of Av, 5700): Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, author of Ahi’ezer passed away

1940: Birthdate of Carl Robert Zelnick, the New York native whose assignments for ABC news included a a two year stint as their correspondent in Israel during the 1980’s.

1941: According to reports at the time the Nazis killed 510 Jews Brest-Litovsk and 296 Jews killed in Bialystok

1942: Slovakian and Polish Jews were violently removed from the Rejowiec ghetto as the Nazis shut it down.

1942: Teresa Benedicta of the Cross died in Auschwitz.  Born Edith Stein, Sister Teresa and her sister converted long before World War II.  However, the Catholic Church allowed the Nazis to seize her and thousands of other Jews who had converted to Catholicism and ship them off to the death chambers.  According to Canon Law, Sister Teresa was a Catholic.  But apparently she was not a real Catholic since the Church let her go up in smoke facing the fate of a Jewess named Stein.

1942: In the first mass deportation to the gas chambers 10,000 Jews were sent from the Borislave ghetto to the Belsen death camp.

1942: Two hundred Jews escape into the forests of Mir. During that week, another 6,000 would die in Naliboki, Lubcz and Karelicze.

1942: Birthdate of director and comedian David Steinberg.

1943: Birthdate of French art historian Michel Melot author of The Impressionist Print.

1945: Birthdate of Avraham Poraz, the native of Bucharest who made Aliyah in 1950 and served in the Knesset and as Minister of the Interior.

1948: The first envoy from the USSR arrived in Israel today

1949: Birthdate of mystery writer Jonathan Kellerman. Kellerman is the author of the series featuring Dr. Delaware. He is also the husband of mystery writer Faye Kellerman.

1957: In New York, Jerry and Sally Solomon gave birth Deborah Solomon the New Rochelle raised “art critic, journalist and biographer.”

1960:The Religious Torah Front, an alliance of the Ultra-orthodox parties Agudat Yisrael and Poalei Agudat Yisrael that had been formed in 1955, split today with Poalei Agudat taking two of the Front’s six seats in the Knesset.

1960: Larry Sherry came in to relieve starter Johnny Podres and protect the team’s 3 to 2 victory over the Milwaukee Braves.

1961: Birthdate of John Phillip Key, the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand and leader of the New Zealand National Party.

1965:  Singapore seceded from Malaysia and gained independence.  The Jewish community in Singapore traces its origins back to the early 18th century. The famous Sassoon family established business operations in the middle of the century. David Marshall, a prominent leader of the Jewish community, was known as the “father of Singapore Independence” for his efforts to gain liberation from Great Britain.  Today, Singapore has a small but vibrant Jewish community that supports two venerated houses of worship Maghain Aboth and Chesed El Synagogues.

1967: Hafez Tahoub, a former Jordanian district judge, and Mussa el-Bitar, a insurance agent, were arrested today by Israeli authorities for instigating a general in east Jerusalem that was aimed at crippling the economy in the section of the city that had been occupied by the Jordanians from 1948 until June of 1967.

1969:  Sharon Tate, wife of director Roman Polanski and four others were murdered in Los Angeles.  It would turn out that they were victims of Charles Manson and his gang of killers.

1973:  At a lecture to the StaffCollege, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan told the officer “the overall balance of forces is in our favor and this is what decides the question and rules out the immediate renewal of the war.”  These reassuring words would come back to haunt the Israelis when Egypt and Syria would attack two months later in the Yom Kippur War, which almost had disastrous consequences for the survival of the Jewish state. 

1974: In the wake of the Watergate Scandal, Richard Nixon resigned as President of the United States. Nixon turned out to be “a mixed bag” for the Jewish people.  He began his career on the political right as a fellow-traveler the McCarthy Movement which made him an anathema to many Jews who tended to be moderates and liberals.  As President, he appointed the first Jew, Henry Kissinger to the position of Secretary of State.  During the Yom Kippur War, he pulled out all of the stops to aid Israel.  Yet the Watergate Tapes have him uttering some of the most vile anti-Semitic sentiments that one can imagine coming from the lips of U.S. President. 

1978: Morton Abramowitz began serving as U.S. Ambassador to Thailand.

1981(9th of Av, 5741):Tish'a B'Av

1981: At the All Star Baseball Game in Cleveland, Bob Verdi of the Chicago Tribune sits next to Jerome Holtzman, the popular Jewish baseball writer who wrote for the Sun-Times.  Holtzman indicated to Verdi that he was ready to move from the Sun Times to the Tribune.  Verdi contacted George Langford, the Trib’s sports editor, setting in motion Holtzman’s switch from Chicago’s #2 paper, to the WindyCity’s # 1 paper.

1983(30th of Av, 5743): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1985: Release date for “Pee-wee’s Big Adventure” starring Paul Reubens as Pee-wee Herman

1993: In Belgium, coronation of King Albert II during which Queen Paola wore a yellow coat that was designed by Olivier Strelli, who was born Nissim Israel at Kinshasa in 1946 and developed “a chain of male and female clothing and accessory boutiques in Belgium, Switzerland, France and China.”

1994:Edward P. Djererjian left his post as U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

1998: The New York Times features a review of Benjamin Disraeli Letters Volume 6: 1852-1856 Edited by M. G. Wiebe, Mary S. Millar and Ann P. Robson.  Disraeli is Britain’s most famous Jew who was not Jewish.

2001(20th of Av, 5761):  A suicide bomber struck a busy intersection in Jerusalem, blowing up a Sbarro Pizza Parlor, killing 15 7 of whom were children  and wounding 130. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack. The dead included Zvika Golombek, 26, from Karmiel; Shoshana Yehudit (Judy) Greenbaum, 31 (5 months pregnant), from Passaic, New Jersey, U.S.;Tehila Maoz, 18, from Jerusalem; Frieda Mendelsohn, 62, from Jerusalem; Michal Raziel, 16, from Jerusalem; Malka Chana (Malki) Roth, 15, from Jerusalem; Mordechai Schijveschuurder, 43, from Neria; Tzira Schijveschuurder, 41, from Neria; Ra'aya Schijveschuurder, 14, from Neria; Avraham Yitzhak Schijveschuurder, 4, from Neria; Hemda Schijveschuurder, 2, from Neria;] Lily Shimashvili, 33, from Jerusalem; Tamara Shimashvili, 8, from Jerusalem; Yocheved Shoshan, 10, from Jerusalem; and Giora Balash, 60, from Brazil
2005: Eric Edelman began serving as Under Secretary of Defense for Polic

2005:  The Jerusalem Post reported on The Dry Bones Project.  The project is the brainchild of Yaakov Kirschen, creator of the popular Dry Bones Cartoons.  The project is intended to use humor to fight anti-Semitism.  Kirschen plans to talk about his work at international conference of cartoon aficionados to be held later this month.  An example of the projects work is The Shmendrick Awards. Those awarded Shmendriks will be "honored" during a ceremony in this year's Animation, Comics and Caricature Festival in the Tel Aviv Cinematheque from August 27 to 30. “.This year, the winners (or rather, the "ineffectual losers") are the mayor of London, Ken Livingston, for his frequent remarks disparaging the Jewish state (in first place); the American Presbyterian Church for divesting from companies doing business in Israel (in second place); the Neturei Karta - a small group of ultra-Orthodox Jews who protest against Zionism and the State of Israel (in third place); and an honorable mention for Prince Harry, who appeared in a Nazi costume two weeks before the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. For more info on the project, go to http://www.drybonesproject.com.

2005:  Haaretz reported on the fourteenth meeting of World Jewish Congress of Jewish Studies held this week at the HebrewUniversityin Jerusalem.  One of the sessions featured a theoretical debate on the question of "Teaching Mysticism in Academia."  Discussion of this topic in an academic form highlights renewed interest among the mainstream Jewish community in the topic of mysticism within the framework of Judaism.

2005(4th of Av, 5765): Seventy-year old Judith Rossner, author of Looking for Mr. Goodbar passed away.

2006(15th of Av, 5766):  Eighty-three year old Melissa Hayden, one of the biggest starts in  American ballet passed away.(As reported by Anna Kisselgoff)

2006(15th of Av, 5766):  Fifteen members of the IDF have been  killed and another twenty-five wounded in the fight against Hezbollah.

2007: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Saudi Arabian government continues to bar Jews and Christians from bringing items such as Bibles, crucifixes and Stars of David into the country and is threatening to confiscate them on sight. "A number of items are not allowed to be brought into the kingdom due to religious reasons and local regulations," declares the Web site of Saudi Arabian Airlines, the country's national carrier.

2007:A 23-year-old Jewish woman was attacked in Noisy-le-Grand, near Paris, by two youths who beat her and shouted anti-Semitic slogans, said the French National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism. The attackers shouted "You dirty Jew" at the woman before stealing the mobile phone she was using and beating her violently about the head and body.

2008(8thof Av, 5768): Shabbat Chazon; Begin reading the Book of Devarim (Deuteronomy)

2008: Five of Israel's representatives will be competing in the first day of the Olympic Games today. Judoka Gal Yekutiel will be the first Israeli to take part in the Games, facing Athens 2004 bronze medalist Tsagaanbaatar Hashbaatar of Mongolia on Saturday afternoon in the first round of the under-60kg event at the University of Science and Technology Gymnasium. Gymnast Alex Shatilov will compete at the National Indoor Stadium, while Gal Nevo, Anya Gostomelsky and Tom Be'eri will swim for the first time at the NationalAquaticsCenter.

2008(8thof Av, 5768): Seventy-four year old Jack Landau “a founder of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press” passed away today.

2008(8thof Av, 5768): In the evening, Fast of Tisha B’Av begins; David Levin chants Chapter Five from the Book of Lamentations  - a sweet voice for a sad occasion.

2008: The Washington Post reportsthat nearly three months after a federal immigration raid uprooted almost 400 employees at a meatpacking plant in northeastern Iowa, dozens of Somali immigrants are slowly but steadily filling the depleted ranks left by the arrested workers.

2009: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Art of Harvey Kurtzman: The Mad Genius of Comics“Denis Kitchen and Paul Buhle’s insightful, entertaining and profusely illustrated biographical monograph, which chronicles almost everything Kurtzman accomplished…”

2009(19th of Av, 5769): Seventy year old Lester Glassner whose penchant for “kitsch” turned him into a major collector of pop culture artifacts, passed away. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2009: Gaza militants fired mortars at a crossing into Israel just as Palestinian patients were being transferred for treatment, a Palestinian official said. "It's a miracle nobody was hurt," Health Ministry official Dr. Moaiya Hassanain said. Two radical Palestinian groups, the Popular Front and the Democratic Front, said they fired 12 mortars at the Erez crossing. The Israel Defense Forces said about six shells exploded near the Erez crossing as the transfer was in progress. According to the procedure, the Palestinian patients are brought to the crossing in local ambulances and transferred to Israeli ambulances for their trips to hospitals. Earlier today, a Qassam rocket fired from the Gaza Strip struck an open area adjacent to one of the communities in the Sdot Negev area. No one was hurt and no damage was caused. This attack was the first such strike in almost a month. The last rocket to hit Israel also struck an open area in the Sdot Negev area. Last week, the organization Human Rights Watch released a report arguing that Hamas committed war crimes against Israel by besieging it with rockets during the three-week war in the Gaza Strip earlier this year. The 31-page report focusing on Operation Cast Lead, spotlights Hamas, after Human Rights Watch and similar groups have repeatedly accused Israel of committing war crimes. "Hamas forces violated the laws of war both by firing rockets deliberately and indiscriminately at Israeli cities and by launching them from populated areas and endangering Gaza civilians," HRW program director Iain Levine said.

2009:Fervently Orthodox Jews mobbed Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and threw stones at his car. The mayor’s car was damaged in this evening’s attack, which occurred as Barkat was leaving a personal meeting with a prominent Jerusalem rabbi in the Ezrat Torah neighborhood.  The attack comes as haredim continue to demonstrate every Saturday night against the opening of a Jerusalem parking lot on Shabbat.
2010: This is scheduled to be the final night of this year’s San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.

2010:Oscilloscope Laboratories said today that it would appeal the rating by the Classification and Rating Administration for "A Film Unfinished," which explores a Nazi propaganda film taken in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942. With an R rating, viewers under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult. The rating board explained its decision, saying the movie contained “disturbing images of Holocaust atrocities, including graphic nudity.” “This is too important of a historical document to ban from classrooms,” Adam Yauch, an owner of Oscilloscope and a founding member of the Beastie Boys, said in a statement issued today. The film, which was first screened at the Sundance Film Festival this year, is set to open nationally later this month.

2010(29thof Av, 5770):  Eighty-eight year old New York real estate tycoon Paul Milstein passed away (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2010:A New Zealand judge has allowed the kosher slaughter of animals to resume until the lawsuit filed by the Jewish community against the government comes to trial. Justice Denis Clifford of the High Court in Wellington confirmed today that an agreement has been reached between the Jewish community and representatives of the Crown Law Office, which is representing Agriculture Minister David Carter. The trial pits the Jewish community against the Conservative government of John Key, whose mother, Ruth Lazar, was a Jewish refugee who escaped Austria on the eve of the Holocaust. Shechitah has been carried out in New Zealand since 1843

2010:The synagogue of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, luminary sage and father of modern religious Zionism, was reopened today in southern Tel Aviv 30 years after it closed its doors. The synagogue, Shaarei Torah, is located in the Neveh Shalom neighborhood just north of Yafo (Jaffa). Following the informal re-dedication today amid singing and dancing, the synagogue is now open for daily prayers.

2011(9th of Av, 5771): Fast of Tisha B’Av

2011:The British Jewish community has expressed its shock over the recent rioting which has shaken the UK over the last few days. The Board of Deputies of British Jews called for unity and said today that the community’s thoughts were with the victims. “The Jewish community, like all right minded people, will have been shocked and appalled at the wanton destruction and criminality witnessed on our streets over the last few days,” Jon Benjamin, chief executive of the Board of Deputies. “Attacks on businesses and property are also assaults on the lives and livelihoods of decent hardworking people, trying to get by in difficult times, and the perpetrators are beneath contempt.” Yesterday, the Board’s interfaith manager Philip Rosenberg spoke alongside Muslim and Christian representatives at a vigil in Tottenham, calling for unity and a concerted effort by communities to address the problems they face.

2011:Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, who is a member of the Trajtenberg Committee created to examine the demands of the social-movement protesters, visited the Rothschild Boulevard tent protest this evening where activists explained to him their discontent with the government, and particularly the minister's inefficiency.
2011(9th of Av, 5771): Eighty-seven year old David Lewis, the British entrepreneur who founded the Isrotel chain of hotels, which is the country’s large hotel chain, passed away today.

2011: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest including The Long Night: William L. Shirer and ‘The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' by Steve Wick

2012: Jerusalem’s Hazel Hill String Band is scheduled to perform tonight at Petah Tiqva

2012: Dr. Laibl Wolf is scheduled to deliver a lecture on"The 2012 Secret of Successful Relationships" - Intimacy, Commitment & Exploitation!” at the Chabad Center of Rechavia

2012:An American Jewish woman, Debra Ryder, is demanding NIS 50,000 in compensation from El Al Israel Airlines Ltd. (TASE: ELAL) for allegedly switching her seat on a flight from the US, because haredi (ultra-orthodox) men refused to sit next to her. She claims that the flight steward moved her to a seat in the back of the plane, which did not meet her medical needs.

2012:A Brooklyn hardware store clerk pleaded guilty today to charges he abducted and dismembered an 8-year-old boy who lost his way home. The guilty plea, to charges of second-degree murder and kidnapping, guarantees Levi Aron a sentence of 40 years to life in a case that traumatized the victim’s tight-knit Orthodox Jewish community.
2012:Al-Quds  reported that this morning, that Mossad had transferred a list of names to Egyptian Intelligence that contained nine names of terrorists connected to the attack in Rafah.

2012: David Kilimnick, Razorback by birth – Israeli by choice, is scheduled to perform The Aliyah Monologues: Tour of Funny through the Holy Land at the Off The Wall Comedy Club in Jerusalem.

2012: Janet Maslin reviewed two books that might be of special interest to Jewish readers--Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spiesby Ben Macintyre and Agent Garbo:The Brilliant, Eccentric Secret Agent Who Tricked Hitler and Saved D-Day by Stephen Talty

2012(21st of Av, 5772): Forty-seven year old “comic essayist” David Rakoff passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012(21st of Av, 5772): Seventy-seven year old Holocaust survivor turned New York political powerhouse Raymond B. Harding, passed away today. (As reported by Robert McFadden)

2013: “Blumenthal” and “Awake Zion” are scheduled to be shown at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.

2013: “Fill the Void,” a film that tells the story an Orthodox Chassidic family from Tel Aviv is scheduled to pen at Century 16 in Anchorage, Alaska, making it the second theatre in the state to show the film.

2013 “Former Military Intelligence chief Amos Yadlin warned today that the West's one dimensional perception of Iran's nuclear program, focusing solely on the uranium enrichment path to a nuclear weapon, could enable the Islamic Republic to build a plutonium bomb without detection.” (As reported by the Jerusalem Post)

2013:An Israeli Air Force drone reportedly struck a jihadist rocket launcher in the Sinai Peninsula near the Israeli-Egyptian border, killing four suspected terrorists who were planning to launch missiles at Israel, Egyptian security sources told Reuters today
2014: "Automonuments", a solo exhibition by New York based Israeli artist Niv Rozenberg is scheduled to come to an end today.

2014: In Coralville, Iowa, Augdas Achim I scheduled to show “The Big Dig,” a “comedy lampooning…the madness of everyday life in Israel.”

This Day, August 10, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 10

612 BCE: Sinsharishkun, King of the Assyrian Empire was killed and his capital city of Nineveh was destroyed.  This is the same Assyriathat destroyed the Northern Kingdom and laid siege to Jerusalem.  This is also the same Nineveh to which God had sent Jonah.

70: According to sources, this is the date on the secular calendar when the Second Temple was destroyed.

117: Start of the reign of Hadrian as Roman Emperor.   At first Hadrian seemed to be a friend of the Jews.  He executed the anti-Jewish governor of Judea and promised to rebuild Jerusalem as a Jewish city.  For some unknown reason, he turned against the Jews banning circumcision throughout the Empire and announcing the decision to build a major temple to Jupiter in Jerusalem.  The Jews responded with what has become known as Bar Kochba's Rebellion.  The fighting was intense on both sides and resulted in the complete desolation of the land by the Romans.  Hadrian banned Jews from Jerusalem and renamed the city Aelia Capitolina.  He even had a copy of the Torah burned on the Temple Mount.  Antonius Pius, Hadrian's successor repealed many of Hadrian's anti-Jewish decrees including the bans on Torah study and circumcision.  But it was too late to save the Jewish community of the Promised Land.

1267: Birthdate of King James II of Aragon.James would prove to show greater toleration towards his Jewish subjects than his grandfather James I had.  . He permitted Jewish refugees from France to settle in Barcelona. In recognition of Jewish financial support for his equipping his fleet, the King released many Jewish communities from paying their taxes for a period of several years.  James also protected the Jews from popular anti-Semitic uprisings. In Barcelona in 1285, Berenguer Oller, announced that he planned to kill the local nobles and the Jews following which he would plunder their homes.  The King intervened to prevent the violence.  Whether he was more concerned about the well-being of the nobility or the Jews is unknown.

1391: The anti-Semitic rioting came to an end with Barcelona with an untold number of Jews converting at the point of the proverbial sword.

1391: Massacre of the Jews in Gerona, Spain.

1397: Birthdate of Albert II, who as Holy Roman Emperor Agreed to accept 900 gulden from the city of Augsburg in return for allowing them to expel their Jews.

1492: A large group of Jews from Spain, thousands strong, arrived in the Port of Naples. Jews from Sardinia soon joined them. 

1675: The Portuguese-Jewish synagogue opens in Amsterdam.

1762: Birthdate of Joshua Montefiore, an English lawyer, soldier, and journalist who would eventually move to the United States where he “edited Men and Measures, a weekly political journal” before finally settling in St. Albans, Vt.

1778: Gotthold Lessing, while having trouble sleeping, comes up with the inspiration for his play, “Nathan the Wise.”

1794: Birthdate of Leopold Zunz  also known as Yom Tov Lipmann Tzuntz, "the German Reform rabbi and writer who was the founder of what has been termed the "Science of Judaism" (Wissenschaft des Judentums), the critical investigation of Jewish literature, hymnology and ritual.

1810: Birthdate of Count Camillo di Cavour, the Italian statesman who was part of the triumvirate that created the modern Italian state.  Cavour worked with Baron James de Rothschild who secretly provided the funds with which the Piedmont nobleman was able to fight the Austrian.  Cavour enjoyed good working relations with members of the Jewish community, including “Isaac Arton, his confidential secretary and ‘faithful lieutenant’.”

1815: In an attempt to attract non-Hispanic Europeans to Cuba and Puerto Rico, the Spanish government issued the Royal Decree of Graces which allowed non-Spaniards to own land on the islands.  While Jews did settle in the islands, the decree really did not work to their advantage since only Catholics were allowed to own land. 

1818: In Bavaria, Suesel Schloss and his wife gave birth to Moses Schloss who would move to New and become a successful dry goods merchant.

1819: Anti-Semitic riots continue for a second day in Frankfort.

1821: Missouri becomes the 24th state to join the Union.  Jewish immigrants, many from Germany, had settled in the area since its territorial days.  The first known Jew settled in St. Louis in 1807.  The first Jewish lawyer settled in St. Louis in 1817.

1824: Under Czar Alexander I, all foreign Jews were prohibited from settling in Russia. Alexander I, after an initial period of liberalism, reverted to the anti-Jewish proclamations of his predecessors. It began with forbidding Jews to have Christian servants. After that came the prohibition of settlement. The culmination of his policies came just before when all Jews were banished from the larger villages in the Mohilev and Vitbesk districts.

1843: Sixty-nine year old anti-Semite Jakob Friedrich Fries passed away. “ In 1816 he wrote Über die Gefährdung des Wohlstandes und des Charakters der Deutschen durch die Juden ("On the Danger Posed by the Jews to German Well-Being and Character"), advocating among other things a distinct sign on the dress of Jews to distinguish them from the general population, and encouraging their emigration from German lands. He blamed the Jews for the ascendant role of money in society and called for Judaism to be "extirpated root and branch" from German society.”

1845: Birthdate of German physician Mortiz Litten, the son-in-law of pathologist Ludwig Traube who was the son of a Jewish wine merchant

1851: Eighty-nine year old German theologian Heinrich Eberhard Gottlob Paulus, the anti-Semite who authored "The Jewish National Separation: Its Origin, Consequences, and the Means of its Correction" passed away today.

1854: The Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau opened today.

1858(30th of Av, 5618): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1859: The New York Times reported that “there has recently arrived in this City an eminent Jewish traveler, a Mr. Benjamin, the object of whose life hitherto has been to explore the interior of the Asiatic and African continents for the purpose of ascertaining the condition, occupations, hopes,  of his Hebrew brethren.”
1861: Fifty-nine year old Frederick Julius Stahl, the German lawyer and political leader who converted to Christianity when he was baptized as a Lutheran at the age of 17 passed away today.

1861: The New York Times reported that “The past week Mr. J.J. Benjamin, a Moldavian traveler and Jew, has been in this city from California. This gentleman's ruling passion appears to be to find out the "Ten Lost Tribes," to accomplish which purpose, he states that he has already traveled over a great portion of the civilized and the uncivilized world. He thinks he has discovered a clue to those missing tribes in Northern Africa and in Asia. Whether or not any such clue exists in this Great Basin, the world will, perhaps, be informed of in due time.”
[Editor’s Note: Mr. Benjamin and J.J. Benjamin are the same person.  J.J. Benjamin was a Rumanian born Jewish businessman who became historian.  Reportedly he modeled himself as modern day version of Benjamin of Tudela, the famous twelfth century Jewish traveler. He signed many of his writing as Benjamin II.]

1861: Joshua Pickering enlisted in the Cameron Dragoons a “largely Jewish regiment” that was “the first completed regiment of cavalry ever enlisted in the United States during” the Civil War.

1862: In a letter written to President Lincoln today, August Belmont persisted in his advocacy of a negotiated peace with the Confederates.

1868(22nd of Av, 5628): Approximately three months after her last performance, Adah Isaacs Menken passed away while living in Paris. The cause of death was most likely peritonitis, tuberculosis, or the combined ravages of both. She was buried in the Jewish section of the Montparnassecemetery in Paris.

1868: Birthdate of Paul M Warburg, the scion of a German banking family, who came to  New York and became a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company and an advocate of a “central bank” that took form as the Federal Reserve Board.

1873: A group of Jewish teachers met at #142 East 40th Street in New York today and formed a committee to develop an organizational plan for a Jewish Teacher’s Association.  The plan will be submitted at a future meeting the time of which has not been established.

1873:  It was reported today that Anshey Chesed has decided to hire Dr. Isaac M. Wise of Cincinnati to serve as it rabbi.  The congregation has just completed the building of sanctuary on the corner of Lexington and 63rd at cost of $250,000.

1874:  Herbert Hoover, future President of the United States, was born in West Branch, Iowa. Hoover is best remembered by Jews as the President who nominated Benjamin Cardozo to the Supreme Court in 1932.  In his memoirs, Hoovermakes only a brief reference to the appointment.  There is no mention about the fact that he was Jewish.  Hoover was concerned that there might be opposition because appointing Cardozo would mean that there would be two New Yorkers sitting on the High Court.  His Congressional supporters advised him that this would not be a problem.  So, thanks to a Quaker from Iowa, the Supreme Court found itself with two Jewish Justices (Frankfurter being the other) at a time when anti-Semitism was on the rise in the United Statesand Europe.

1874: Queen Victoria allowed Solomon Benedict de Worms to use his Austrian title of Baron in Great Britain.

1874: Sherrif Honscheidt of McClean County, Illinois, wrote a letter today addressed to George Walling, the Superintendent of the Police in New York City containing information about the murder Benjamin Nathan.  According to the Sherriff, a German Jew named Levy came to his house and confessed that he had killed Nathan.  He gave the address of the crime; described the murder weapon; and claimed that the motive was robbery.  Levy says he had an accomplice whose name he will only reveal once he is back in New York.  He claims that he has confessed because “he has had no rest nor peace of mind since he committed the crime.”  The Sheriff is not sure if Levy is telling the truth if he is just some “humbug” looking for a free trip to New York. (Nathan was a prominent Jewish member of the business community.  His shocking murder provided a great deal of scandal, but never produced a perpetrator)

1875(9th of Av, 5635): Tish'a B'Av

1875: The New York Times reported that “the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem will be celebrated throughout the world to-day by the conservative Jews, as a day of mourning.”

1877(1stof Elul, 5637): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1878: In Stettin master tailor Max Döblin and his wife Sophie gave birth to prolific author Bruno Alfred Döblin who would convert to Catholicism while living the life of a refugee in Los Angeles during WW II.

1879: According to reports published today, there were eight societies in Great Britain devoted to converting Jews to Christianity and a dozen more in continental Europe devoted to the same purpose.  Together, these organizations have a half million dollars to spend and employ 250 in this work.  The London Society for the Propagation of Christianity Among the Jews is the oldest and most prominent of these groups headquartered in London.  The society has 34 offices encompassing those cities in Europe, along the Mediterranean and in Abyssinia that have large Jewish populations. [These societies had little success.  Based on anecdotal evidence, most conversions took place in western Europe and Britain for purposes of social and economic progress.]

1879:  It was reported today that the Jews play an activity role in the philanthropic activities in London since the synagogues of that city have give $3,460 to the hospital fund which is supported by donations from all denominations, “except perhaps the Catholics.”

1879: As various hotels and resorts began excluding Jews one merchant published an ad today designed to further their inclusion. “Although the Jews have been excluded from Manhattan Beach, they are not probhibted on account of their religious principles from buying Humphrey’s Parisian Diamonds.  They are for sale only at Humphrey’s Jewelry Store…Price list sent free.”

1881: Over 2,500 people attended the corner-stone laying ceremony for the Home for the Aged and Infirmed in Yonkers.  Joseph E. Newberger gave the opening remarks on behalf of the B’Nai Brith and was followed by Norton Otis, the May of Yonkers.

1883: “The Outrages in Hungary” published today described the violent anti-Semitic reaction to the acquittal of Jews who have been standing trial at Nyireghyhaza on charges of ritual murder i.e. killing a young Christian girl.  Joseph Scharf, the father of Moritz Scharf, has been attacked several times because his son’s testimony during the trial.  There have been several outbreaks of arson aimed at the Jewish population of the town in which the dead girl lived.

1883: August Rholing, notorious slanderer of Jews and the Talmud brought charges of defamation against Rabbi Joseph Samuel Bloch of Vienna

1883: The escape by Theodore Hoffman, who was convicted of murdering Zife Marks, a Jewish peddler, was thwarted today.

1884: It was reported today that Jews in England are seeking to have their government intervene on behalf of their co-religionists in Romania who have been harmed by “the new hawking law.”

1884: It was reported today that Novoje Vremya, “the chief Jew-baiting organ in Russia” has received a warning from the authorities to cease its attacks on Jews.

1884 During today’s Earthquake in New York City, Jews living on Ludlow Street threw their furniture out of their windows and fearfully ran out of their houses carrying trunks, valises and mattresses.

1886(9thof Av, 5646): Tish’a B’Av

1886: “The Fast of AB” published today described “the fast of Ab or ‘black fast,’ as it is it is sometimes called among the Jews”  which “is one of the most solemn occasions in the Hebrew worship and scrupulously observed by orthodox Jews” because “it commemorates the destruction of the two temples of Judea.”

1887: Abe Furst and Dr. Charles H. Rosenthal both of Cincinnati, Ohio, each donated $10 to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

1887: The Sanitarium for Hebrew Children are providing another free excursion today for the poor children of the Lower East Side.

1888: The Immigration Committee chaired by Congressman Ford met today at the Westminster Hotel. While Ford and Congressman Guenther tried to paint a picture of an invasion of immigrant paupers, they were stymied by testimony of at least one Jewish witness.  When Ford asked, “Do all the immigrants have the means of subsistence when they reach here?” the response was “If they have not, they are cared for by relatives and friends here.  Certainly they do not become a charge upon the public.  The records of the state Board of Charities will not show that a single Jew has been cared for by public charity.” (This sounds painfully familiar to those who have been listening to the current debate about immigration in the United States)

1890; “Dr. Cyrus Adler” is scheduled  to  deliver a lecture sponsored by the Jewish Theological Seminary at Cooper Union entitled “The Bible and Modern Discoveries with Special Reference to the Geography of Egypt and Palestine”

1890: “Waiting for A,B,C” published today relied on information that first appeared in the Edinburgh to traces the history of written alphabets including a listing of ancient inscriptions, one of which is “the Hebrew text…known as the Siloam inscription” which  “is very clearly of the age of Hezekiah” approximately 700 BCE.

1890: Birthdate of Solomon Rosenthal, the native of Vilnius who became a chess master.

1890 It has been determined that the Polish Jews who fell ill yesterday were not victims of food poisoning.  They had all drank coffee deliberately poisoned by Mrs. Levy, the wife of a second-hand clothing proprietor.  No reason has been given for her action. As to the victims, Jacob Schmidt and Jacob Levenson will recover but two of the mothers and their daughters are still in danger. The mass poisoning was made possible by the fact these Jews cook and eat a communal meal at the Sabbath.

1891: “A Rabbi At Chautauqua” published today described the incredulity of some Christians that Rabbi Gustav Gottheil is scheduled to speak before this organization.

1891: “Caring For Jewish Immigrants” published today described plans that leaders of the Jewish Alliance of America  have to help their co-religionists arriving in this country including helping them to settle in several states, find work for those “who are skilled mechanics or laborers” and “to purchase cheap arable lands for those” who want to farm.

1892: The SS Kehrwider sailed from Hamburg today bound for New York carrying a significant number of passengers who were poor Jews fleeing Poland and Russia.

1893: James O’Mara and William Davison sole the pack of a Jewish peddler went he entered Patrick Devitt’s saloon in Brooklyn.  Two policemen arrived and arrested the thieves.

1893(28th of Av, 5653): Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin passed away today in Warsaw. Born in Mir, Russia, in 1816, he “was also known as Reb Hirsch Leib Berlin, and commonly known by the acronym Netziv.” Berlin “was…dean of the Volozhin Yeshiva and author of several works of rabbinic literature in Lithuania.”

1895: “A score of charitable” people from Brooklyn who are spending the summer at Tannnersville, NY, hosted a fund raiser for the benefit of the Hebrew Santitarium.

1895: Lucian Sanial spoke first tonight at the mass meeting in Union Square sponsored by several Jewish organizations held “express sympathy with the locked-out hat and cap makers.”

1895: During the mass meeting at Wlhalla Hall on Orchard Street, it was announced that the strike by the tailors, most of whom are Jewish has come to an end.

1896(1st of Elul, 5656): Rosh Chodesh Elul 

1896: “Education in Germany” published today provided a statistical analysis by religion of the Germans “attending the universities and other higher educational institutions.  For every 10,000 Protestants, 50 of them are students; for every 10,000 Roman Catholics, 32 are students: for every 10,000 Jews, 333 are students. “These figures testify to the extreme value set on a university education by Jews in Germany and explain how it is that young Hebrews are pressing into all the learned professions in far greater proportion than their ratio to the entire population of the country would warrant.” (While the Jews may have been elated about this, many Germans thought the progress of the Jews had to be part of some evil plot which, however irrationally, fueled the flames of anti-Semitism)

1897(12thof Av, 5657): Moses Schloss, a native of Bavaria who has been a successful merchant in New York for the past 50 years passed away today which was his 79thbirthday.

1898: In Wellington, Nevada, the sheriff is about to close down the Occidental Colony Company which was organized and operated by Jewish immigrants from Russia.

1902: Birthdate of Canadian Oscar winning actress Norma Shearer who converted to Judaism in 1927 when she married movie mogul Irving Thalberg.

1903: The New York Times features a review of a compendium of the writings of Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler entitled Studies in Jewish Literature.

1905:  The Russians and the Japanese begin peace talks at Portsmouthunder the watchful eye of President Theodore Roosevelt.  The talks would bring an end to the Russo-Japanese War.  The Russians were humiliated by the defeat.  The Czar did make some half-hearted attempts at democratic reform which was encouraging to the Jews in the emerging Russian middle class.  At the same time, the Slavophiles, extreme Russian nationalists also sought power; trying to convince Nicholas II that Russia would only find greatness when it had rid itself of all Western and foreign (i.e. Jewish) influences.  In the end, nothing changed for the better and the Communists would come to power thirteen years later. Russian anti-Semitism gave the Japanese an edge in fighting the war.  The Russian government had refused to take responsibility for pogrom. It had blocked American attempts to investigate the treatment of the Russian Jews. When war broke between the Russians and the Japanese, several American Jewish financiers were instrumental in insuring that Japanese war underwritten which meant that the Japanese would have money to fight the war. 

1907: At Cowes, Lord Rothschild is one of the notable guests aboard the famed yacht Margaritta one of only two vessels of interest at this fabled nautical event.

1900: Birthdate of Philip Levine, the Russian born American pioneer in the research “of serums and antibodies who discovered the Rh factor in human blood.” (As reported by Peter B. Flint)

1911: Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, headed a delegation of men interested in labor publications who appeared before the Congressional commission on second-class mail matter to protest against the raise in the rates.

1912: Pitcher Barney Pely “known as ‘the Yiddish Curver’” appeared in his last major league as a member of the Washington Senators of the American League.

1913: The Second Balkan War comes to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Bucharest. As a result of the war, the final boundaries for the modern Greek state were finally established.  This led to an end of the “protected status” many Balkan Jews had enjoyed under Ottoman rule as they became citizens of Greece.

1914: Samuel Prince, a former Assemblyman from the east side and a labor agitator passes away and includes a bequest of fifty dollars to Samuel Gompers for use in supporting strikers in Colorado.

1916: Chief Rabbi of Salonica received a telegram from the Minister of Interior stating the government has taken steps to ensure tranquility for the Jews on Corfu, after a blood libel accusation arose. 

1919(14th of Av, 5679):The Ukrainian National Army massacres 25 Jews in Podolia Ukrane

1920: The Turkish government renounced its sovereignty over Eretz Yisrael and recognized the British mandate.

1920:  Birthdate of Basketball coach William Red Holzman When he retired, Red Holzman was the second winingnest coach in NBA historywith 696 victories in regular season play, mostly with the New York Knickerbockers. His Knick teams won NBA championships in l970 and l973. Red was elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame as a coach in 1986. Incidentally, the only man ahead of Holzman on the all-time win list was another Jew, Red Auerbach of the Boston Celtics.

1920(26th of Av, 5680): Eighty-four year old pioneer physician Adam Politzer and a founder of otology passed away today.

1923:In Carslbad, Dr. Glickson, a delegate to the Thirteenth Zionist Congress denounced the policy of the British administration in Palestine toward the Jews of the country and toward the Zionist movement. He declared that "the Government hinders the upbuilding of the Jewish national home."

1923: The American delegation to the Thirteenth Zionist Congress cabled the newly installed U.S. President, Calvin Coolidge, “a message of greeting” including wishes for  a “successful administration.  The Zionists…recalled that the President has on various occasions expressed his admiration of the effort to re-establish Palestine as the Jewish homeland.

1923: JTA does not publish its daily news bulletin today because it is the National Day of Mourning in memory of President Warren G. Harding.

1925: More 30,000 members of the ILGWU held a rally today at Yankee Stadium.  The Union was dominated by Jewish members and leaders including Morris Sigman the president from 1923 to 1928 who battled communists and bosses to improve the lot the working men and women of America.

1926(30th of Av, 5686): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1928: Birthdate of Eddie Fisher.  Fisher’s early fame came as “crooner” and teen-age heartthrob in the 1950’s.  He gained a certain level of infamy when he dumped Debbie to marry Elizabeth Taylor.  Taylorlater dumped him after a pubic romp with Richard Burton.  Of such was the news in simpler times.

1930:The fourth world congress of the Zionist Revisionists opened in Prague today under the presidency of Vladimir Jabotinsky. The Revisionists constitute the Opposition in the World Zionist Organization.

1933: In Amsterdam, 225 German-Jewish children, chiefly from the Rhine region, arrived to stay with Dutch Jewish families.

1933: Der Ernes, the Yiddish language newspaper published in the Soviet Unon, reported that a farmer named Leiser Kabakoff, had been expelled from his collective in the Crimea for his efforts to get other farmers to refrain from working on the Sabbath.

1937: At the historic plenary session of the 20th Zionist Congress, held in Zurich under the chairmanship of Dr. Stephen Wise, a last desperate attempt was made by Menahem Ussishkin to prevent the adoption of a resolution that was tantamount to the Jewish acceptance of the Peel Report’s principle of Palestine’s partition. The acceptance of this proposal, said Ussishkin, means the end of our historic hope... it will mean that a great misfortune must befell us. Ussishkin criticized Moshe Shertok.

1937: The Weizmann policy on the partition of Palestinetook textual form today in the draft of a resolution submitted to the political resolutions committee of the World Zionist Congress here. This body, elected today, started what promises to be an all-night secret debate on this resolution, particularly on the last two and most crucial points.

1938: A group of Arabs carried out a daring day time robbery of the Barclays Bank at Nablus.  The proceeds of the action are thought to be a source of funding for the on-going wave of Arab terror and violence which claimed more Jewish victims today when a car filled with Jewish workers approaching an orange grove near Hadera struck a land mine and a Jewish cart driver was wounded by sniper fire as he drove along the road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

1938: Three Hebrew language dailies, including Davar, published editorials condemning violence that was traced back to the Revisionists wing of the Zionist movement.

1938: NurembergSynagogue is burnt down.

1940: The government of Rumaniapassed anti-Jewish racial laws.

1942: This was the first of thirteen days when over 40,000 Jews were shipped from Lvov to the death camp at Belzec.  By the end of the month, another 36,000 Jews from Lvovand its surrounding area would be shipped to Belzec where they would meet a similar fate.

1943(9th of Av, 5703): Tish'a B'Av

1943(9th of Av, 5703): Twenty-seven more Jews were found in the ‘Aryan' portion of the ghetto in Warsaw and were shot.

1948: In another example of how a Jew helped to create American pop culture, Allen Funt's "Candid Camera" TV debuted on ABC.  Long before “reality t.v.” hit it big, Funt showed the world how to laugh with ordinary people doing ordinary things while the whole world (which was much smaller then) watched.

1948: A concert was held in Tel Aviv attended by Ben Gurion, Golda Meir and Moshe Sharett.

1959:  Birthdate of actress Rosanna Arquette.

1962: President Kennedy's Secretary of State Dean Rusk criticized Daniel Schorr's actions in a diplomatic cable today for a checkbook journalism story in which, “Schorr involved himself in a matter which was far beyond his private or journalistic responsibilities and proceeded amateurishly in a matter filled with greatest danger for all concerned.” (This was neither the first time nor the last time that Schorr would draw the ire of a government official including those in Washington and Moscow. 

1965(12th of Av, 5725): Eighty-eight year old “specialist in criminal law and a founder of the doctrine of international criminal law” Emil Stanisław Rappaport passed away today.

1972(30th of Av, 5732): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1981(10th of Av, 5741): Seventy-five year old Yeruham Cohen, an Arabic-speaker of Yemeni origin who was “an early Israeli undercover soldier” passed away today. He was a top aide to the commander of Israel's underground forces during the country's war for independence in 1948 and also belonged to a unit whose members disguised themselves as Arabs to infiltrate enemy lines.  Mr. Cohen is most famous for his acquaintance with Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, whom he met in 1948 during the Israeli war for independence while Israeli forces encircled Egyptian troops the southern Negev. According to historical accounts, Mr. Cohen saw the future President while watching the Egyptians retreat, shouted and ran toward him, and they shook hands warmly.

1980(28th of Av, 5740): Seventy-four year old Karl Wolf, a native of Austria who was the husband of Margit Wolf passed away today in Haifa.

1981: Pitcher Bob Tufts made his major league debut with the San Francisco Giants.

1983(1stof Elul, 5743): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1989: Birthdate of Ben Sahar, Israeli born football (soccer) star.

1990: Eighty-two year old Martha Dodd Stern, the daughter of William Dodd, FDR’s first ambassador to Hitler’s Germany, who became an anti-Nazi, passed away today.  (As reported by Glenn Fowler)

1993: Ruth Bader Ginsburg was sworn as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme court. Thus she became the second woman, and the first Jewish woman, to serve on the Supreme Court.
1997: The New York Times book section featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Secret Channels: The Inside Story of Arab-Israeli Peace Negotiationsby Mohamed Heikal and Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America by Elliott Abrams

1997(7th of Av, 5757): Sixty-three year old Professor George Zames “known for his fundamental contributions to the theory of robust control” and who was one of the Jews saved by Japanese Consul Senpo Sugihara passed away today.

2000:At the U.S.Olympic swimming trials in Indianapolis, Indiana, Dara Torres swam the 100-meter butterfly in a time of 57.86. Torres's time was good enough to qualify her for the Olympics in Sydney. It would be her fourth Olympic Games.
2003: The Sunday New York Times book section includes reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including  When the Chickens Went on Strike: A Rosh Hashanah Tale,Erica Silverman’s adaption of a story by Sholom Aleichem illustrated by Matthew Trueman,  Lay Back the Darkness, a collection of poems by Edward Hirscha Midwestern man with a Jewishheritage and  Ronit Matalon's novel Bliss translated by Jessica Cohen that “focuses on Israel's two pains: the kind it suffers and the kind it inflicts”

2006(16th of Av, 5766):IDF Staff Sergeant Kobi Idan, 26, from Eilat was killed and at least 16 other soldiers were wounded, nine of them seriously, in the clashes with Hezbollah.

2006: During the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, Israeli authors, David Grossman, Amos Oz and A.B. Yehoshua spoke at a press conference calling upon the government to agree to a ceasefire as a basis for talks toward a negotiated solution, describing further military action as "dangerous and counterproductive" and expressing particular concern for the Lebanese government. [Editor’s note - Two days later, Grossman’s 20-year-old son Uri, a staff sergeant in an armoured unit, was killed by an anti-tank missile during an IDF operation in southern Lebanon shortly before the ceasefire.]

2007: The Indianapolis Colts placed tight end Mike Seidman on the injured reserve list

2007: Colonel Giora "Hawkeye" Epstein “was the primary subject of the "Desert Aces" episode of The History Channel series Dogfights that aired for the first time tonight.”

2007 (26th of Av): On the secular calendar commemoration of  Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s, the third Rebbe of the Chabad dynasty, popularly known as the "Tzemach Tzedek," departure from Petersburg after having successfully prevented the government's disruption of traditional Jewish life.
2008(9th of Av, 5768): Tish'a B'Av

2008:The New York Times book section featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or about topics of Jewish interest includingThe Challenge:Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and the Fight Over Presidential Power by Jonathan Mahler, My Sister, My Love by Joyce Carol Oates,American Priestess: The Extraordinary Story of Anna Spafford and the American Colony in Jerusalemby Jane Fletcher Geniesse and Kingmakers:The Invention of the Modern Middle Eastby Karl E. Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac.

2008: TheJerusalem Post reported that the Jewish Agency has released a statement that some 200 Jews living near the town Gori, on the South Ossetia border, were advised to evacuate to the Georgian capital after the outbreak of hostilities with Russia two days ago.

2008(9th of Av, 5768): Howard G. Minsky, a former Hollywood talent agent and the producer of the movie “Love Story,” passed away today at the age of 94. Mr. Minsky began his career during the silent-film era and sold reels of film door to door before breaking into the Hollywood scene. He worked as an executive for 20th Century Fox and Paramount Pictures and as a talent agent for the William Morris Agency. In the 1960s he left the agency to produce the romantic drama “Love Story,” written by one of his clients, Erich Segal. Released in 1970, it became a blockbuster, winning five Golden Globes, including best picture, and an Academy Award for music.

2009:The exhibit, Bagels & Barbeque: The Jewish Experience in Tennessee which documents the history of Jewish immigration to Tennessee opened at Chattanooga State, the College on the River.

2009: Opening of the Tzfat [Safed] Klezmer Festival

2009 (20th of Av): On the Jewish calendar, Yahrzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, father of the seventh and last Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. A brave and educated soul, he after being imprisoned by the Soviets for thwarting the Communists attempts to wipe out Jewish civilization.

2009: Israeli aircraft bombed tunnels early today along the Gaza Strip border with Egypt, Hamas officials and witnesses said.

2010(30th of Av, 5770): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2010(30th of Av, 5770): Eighty-two year old David L. Wolper, who changed America’s view of race and slavery with “Roots”, passed away today. (As reported by Richard Severo)

2010: The first public screening of “A Film Unfinished” is scheduled to take place at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City.

2010: While testifying before the Turkel Committee today, Defense Minister Ehud Barak “placed the blame” for the botched flotilla raid “on the IDF, which he said was responsible for warning the government if ‘the mission cannot be carried out.’ In the case of the flotilla the IDF did not warn, Barak said.

2011: The International Master Course for Violinists which has been taking place amid the scenic mountains of the western Galilee at Kibbutz Eilon is scheduled to come to an end today.

2011: The DC Premiere “Maya” is scheduled to take place at this evening’s WJFF (Washington Jewish Film Festival) Friend-raiser Screener and Party

2011: Philip Levine was named tody as the new poet laureate of the United States. Levine has an MFA through the University of Iowa Writer's Workshop. His works include a "continuous examination of his Jewish immigrant inheritance.

2011:The International Master Course for Violinists which is taking place at Kibbutz Eilon is scheduled to come to an end.

2012: Rookie right tackle Mitchell Schwartz is scheduled to start in the Detroit Lions’ first exhibition pro-football game.

2012: The Russian Olympic basketball team coached by Israeli-American David Blatt is scheduled to play Spain today in the semifinals.

2012: Victor Lieberman is scheduled to lead Shabbat eve services at B’nai Israel in Grand Forks, ND

2012: Ben Sarasin will help lead Shabbat eve services at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, as part of his “Bar Mitzvah Weekend.”

2012: Shai Wosner is scheduled to perform at Lincoln Center

2012:New Zealand Jewish sailor Jo Aleh and her partner Polly Powrie won the gold medal in the women’s 470 regatta. Aleh, 26, whose parents are dual Israeli-New Zealand citizens, skippered the pair into the lead from the start of the gold medal race today at the London Olympic Games

2012: Israeli rhythmic gymnast Neta Rivkin leapt to the finals after her ribbon routine in the individual qualifiers today at the London Games.

2012: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have “almost finally” decided on an Israeli strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities this fall, and a final decision will be taken “soon,” Israel’s main TV news broadcast reported this evening.

2013: “Dancing in Jaffa” and “Gideon’s Army” are scheduled to be shown at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Kol HaOt is scheduled to sponsor “The Sounds of Elul” featuring Yehuda Katz.

2013: An al-Qaeda-linked group active in the Sinai Peninsula said today that its fighters were the target of a reported Israeli drone strike into Egyptian territory, a rare operation that could indicate increased Egyptian-Israeli security cooperation against militants in the lawless border zone. (As reported by Maamoun Youssef)

2013: “Israeli tennis star Shahar Pe'er won her first tournament in four years today, defeating unseeded Zheng Saisai 6:2, 2:6, 6:3 in the final of the Suzhou Ladies Open in Suzhou China.”

2014:  The New York Times featured books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Lena Finkle’s Magic Barrel written and illustrated by Anya Ulinich, Becoming Freud: The Making of a Psychoanalyst by Adam Phillips, Lucky Us by Amy Bloom and Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Charles Marsh.

2014: Congregation HarTzeon – Agudath Achim is scheduled to host a trip to NYC see the off-Broadway musical “Atomic” about the Manhattan Project.

2014:The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to host a “conversation with Holocaust survivor  Steen Metz.”

2014: "For King and Country? a major new exhibition exploring the Jewish experience of the First World War" is scheduled to come to a close today at the Jewish Museum in London.


This Day, August 11, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


August 11

1492: Alexander VI is elected Pope.  Alexander was one of the Borgia popes.  He had reputation for “moral depravity” and was more politician than prelate.  He defied Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain by allowing large numbers of Marranos who were fleeing the Inquisition to take refuge in Rome.  He did reduce the size of the badge worn by the Jews under his rule but raised their taxes by five per cent.  He also lengthened the course that the Jews of Rome were forced to run each year so that he could view it from the comfort of his castle.  The Jews were forced to run naked much to the amusement of the Christian population of Rome– the home of Catholicism.  Everything is relative and for all of his shortcomings, Alexander VI’s treatment of the Jews was a lot better than that of the other Catholic strongman of the day, The Grand Inquisitor – Torquemada.

1634: Seventeen arrests were made by the Inquisition after a man turned another man in for being "unwilling to make a sale on Saturday," and for not wanting to eat bacon.

1667(21stof Av, 5427):Jonah Abravanel, a Dutch Jewish poet and author, passed away today at Amsterdam.   “He was the son of the physician Joseph Abravanel, and a nephew of Manasseh ben Israel.”

1772: Following the partition of Poland which gave the Russians a large, unwanted population, Catherine II whom the Boyars call “Great,” issued an order that read, “Jewish communities residing in the towns, cities and territories now incorporated in the Russian Empire shall be left in the enjoyment of all those liberties with regard to their religion and property which they at present possess.” 

1786: Captain Francis Light establishes the British colony of Penang in Malaysia. The Penang Jewish Cemetery, established in 1805, is believed to be the oldest single Jewish cemetery in Malaysia.  According to legend, the first Jews may have actually come to Malaysia as far back as the 11thcentury.

1804: Francis II assumed the title of first Emperor of Austria. When it came to his Jewish subjects, Francis and his chief minister, Metternich followed in the footsteps Maria Theresa and not the more liberal Joseph II.  During his reign ghettos were set up in Austria.  Jews were not allowed to settle in the province of Tyrol.  Stringent restrictions were placed on where Jews could live in Bohemia and Moravia. In Vienna, a special tax was placed on all Jews who entered the capital.   While the Emperor “ennobled a few Jews” he “humiliated” the remainder of the population. Jewish marriages were restricted to the eldest son or those who had enough money to pay large bribes to the appropriate officials.

1827: Birthdate of Jesse Seligman, the German born American banker and philanthropist whose career began in Alabama and ended in San Francisco, CA.

1828: Birthdate of Edward Salomon a native of Saxony who served as Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin from 1860 to 1862 at which time he became the state’s 8thGovernor when Louis P Harvey drowned in the Tennessee River.

1830(22nd of Av, 5590): Dr. Philip Moses Russell, a native of England who began serving as a medical officer for various units in the Revolutionary War starting in 1775 passed away today.  In addition to his medical work for which he was commended by George Washington, Russell and six other Jews “volunteered as guides to lead the American forces through the woods and swamps in a surprise attempt to recapture British-held Savannah, GA.”

1833: Birthdate of Robert G. Ingersoll, Civil war soldier, orator and defender of agnosticism.  He was the author of “Some Mistakes Moses Made” which begins “For many years I have regarded the Pentateuch simply as a record of a barbarous people, in which are found a great number of the ceremonies of savagery, many absurd and unjust laws, and thousands of ideas inconsistent with known and demonstrated facts. To me it seemed almost a crime to teach that this record was written by inspired men; that slavery, polygamy, wars of conquest and extermination were right, and that there was a time when men could win the approbation of infinite Intelligence, Justice, and Mercy, by violating maidens and by butchering babes.” Ingersoll was not an anti-Semite.  He had a “low opinion” of other religions as well.

1840: Lord Palmerston the British Foreign Secretary wrote a letter to the ambassador in Constantinople that said, “There exists…among the Jews…a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine…. I instruct you… to strongly recommend that the Turkish Government … encourage the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine.”  Palmerston was not philo-Semite or a proto-Zionist.  Rather he was an English statesmen looking to bring what he considered Western civilization to the Orient.

1844: Just days before his death, Rabbi Aron Chorin sent an address to the conference of Hungarian rabbis meeting at Páks.

1848: Establishment of The United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia to which Amy Totenberg would be appointed in 2011 making her the first Jewish woman to serve in such a capacity.

1853: It was reported today that an unnamed Jew owns a house at Table Rock adjacent to the Great Horse Shoe Falls where visitors can buy brandy and cigars and seek protection from the spray of the cataract.

1856:  Isle Dernière (Last Island), a barrier island southwest of New Orleans which has served as a resort was destroyed today by the Last Island Hurricane whose victims included more than one unnamed Jewish resident.

1857: During a debate on India, Benjamin Disraeli reiterated his conviction that the mutiny in India was more than just a military matter and that the government was not taking the correct measures in the matter. He also repudiated the government's faith in European alliances declaring that could not be depended upon.

1858(1st of Elul, 5618): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1860:The Jewish Messenger cautions “the public against an impostor, who calls himself Nelton and Abramowitsch, according to circumstances,” who writes his name with Hebrew letters “which may mean saint or sinner, as far as the knowledge of the common crowd goes. He dresses in priestly attire, so the Messenger says, with a white cravat and black cassock. While asking the Editor for charity, he appropriated an article of silver-ware from the mantelpiece”.

1862: In a letter written today addressed to the Adjutant General of the United States Army, General William Tecumseh Sherman warned that "the country will swarm with dishonest Jews" if continued trade in cotton is encouraged. (In a letter written in 1858, Sherman had described Jews as "…without pity, soul, heart, or bowels of compassion…"  During the Civil War Sherman had numerous Jews serving in the various armies under his command with no whiff of anti-Semitism attached to his decisions.  This included the 82nd Illinois Regiment that included a large contingent of Chicago Jews and was commanded by Edward S. Salomon.  The regiment fought under his command during Sherman’s brilliant Atlanta Campaign and rose to the rank of General as Sherman’s forces bravely marched north from Savannah to help trap the remaining Confederate forces.

1862: Sarah Bernhardt made her acting debut at the Comédie Française in the title role of Racine's Iphigénie.

1864(9thof Av,5624): Tish’a B’Av (Did the Jewish soldiers fighting in the Union’s multi-prong offensive against the Rebels fast as they made their way across Northern Virginia and Georgia.

1867:  Birthdate of Joseph Weber, one half of the vaudeville comedy act of Weber and Fields. Playing Jews was not a key to show biz success when this team started out.  Some of their early success came playing Dutch (German characters) and Irishmen, something their audiences really enjoyed.

1879: It was reported today that there are parts of Coney Island, New York’s popular resort, where  “Jews are not tolerated.”

1879: The New York Times featured a review of Somebody’s Ned by Mrs. A.M. Freeman. This is a work of romantic fiction combined with a murder mystery.  In this case the star crossed lovers are a French Catholic named Danton Roland and French Jewess named Rachel Rosenthal as well David Dudley and Jessica-Rachel.  The plot thickens when Solomon Rosenthal is found dead. To find “who done it” go to

1879: In White Plains, New York, Justice C.W. Cochrane heard a case in which the Osmond C Lyon had filed a complaint against a Jewish merchant – Adolph D. Pollack – for selling cigars and neckties on Sunday in violation of the “blue laws.” The defendant responded that he had not violated the law because he had not “exposed” his goods “for sale” and had only sold them quietly when requested. He also said that as a Jew, he observed the Sabbath on Saturday and the enforcement of the law in this manner was a violation of the New York Constitution which prohibits interference with his religious views.

1879: “A Cool Day At Coney Island” published today shows that prejudice against Jews is now becoming prevalent at the popular resort. “For Coney Island is miniature New York and has its German quarter, its American quarter and its quarter where Jews are not tolerated.”

1881: It was reported today that the new Home for the Aged and InfirmedHebrews being built in Yonkers will cost more than $60,000.

1881: During a period of on-going Pogroms,” a dozen of the wealthiest Jews in Tsarist Russi filed into the palatial St. Petersburg home of Baron Horace de Gunzberg”  to discuss their concern that a mass exodus of Jews from Russia would convince the authorities to continue their program of violence as a way of dealing with “the Jewish problem.”

1882: Mr. Lazarus Silverman, a Chicago banker, appeared at the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court with 12 Russians Jews who had arrived in the Windy City with their families.  After following all of the legal requirements, the men took the oath and became citizens of the United States.  Since their knowledge of English was limited, they signed the documents in Hebrew.

1883: Police fired on a mob that had resumed its attacks on the home of Joseph Scharf one of the defendants who had been acquitted of charges of having killed a Christian girl as part of a Jewish ritual murder.

1883: “The Demands on Charity” published today described a change in the assistance that will be rendered to the needy by New York’s charitable organizations. In the future, they will provide assistance to the needy who are trying to establish themselves in gainful occupations and trades. The United Hebrew Charities will help Jewish immigrants establish themselves in almost any occupation with the exception of street peddler, a calling that is now considered to be a public nuisance.

1884: “Persecuted By His Family” published today described the plight of Walter Gerson a young Jew born in 1858 at Bradford England who moved to London, Ontario and then to Chicago  where he converted to Christianity and married a non-Jewish woman, a fact which his family first accepted but now seems to be determined to undue.

1884(20thof Av, 5644): Israel Blatchky, a young Jew who has been working in Des Moines, Iowa for the past three years passed away today. 

1888: Oliver Hazard Peary married Josephine Diebitsch who would join Angelo Heilprin , the Hungarian born Jewish explorer on the expedition to Greenland in 1891

1888: “Something More About European Pauper Labor” published today included a summary of the testimony of the Director of the Jewish Emigration Protective Society before the Immigration Committee holding hearings at the Westminster Hotel in which he explained the reason for the impoverishment for Jewish workers coming to American and the tendency of them to settle among their co-religionists who provide them with support.

1889: “The Russian Emancipation” published today described the freeing of the serfs, which took place a quarter of a century ago, as a total failure.  The peasants are in perpetual debt due to their inability to re-pay the government for their land and the failed agricultural system.  This forces them to borrow money from the Jews who seize the land when they are unable to repay the loan.  (Yet another reason for treating the Jews badly – they are the moneylenders despoiling the noble serfs)

1890: “Geographical Palestine” published today provides a detailed review of Palestine by Major C.R. Conder.  Claude Reignier Conder served in the Corps of Royal Engineers and served two tours with the Palestine Exploration Fund providing him with invaluable first-hand knowledge of the future Jewish homeland.

1890: “Against Jews In Russia” published today provided a summary of the repressive edicts that the Czar has imposed on four million of his subjects which has led to their impoverishment and are intended to force them to leave the country and/or give up being Jewish.

1890: Sixty-four year old philanthropist and social reformer Charles Loring Brace passed away today In his book The Unknown God Or Inspiration Among Pre-Christian Races Brace points out that there is little “evidence of Egyptian found in the Hebrew faith.”  According to him “the thinkers and teachers of the Jews were visted by those higher and purer inspirations which have made them the greatest benefactors of mankind in ancient history…The Jews of modern days ought to be forever honored for such progentiors; a race which could such men deserves the lasting respect of mankind.”

1891: “The seventh free excursion” sponsored by “the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children” takes place today with the boat leaving from the foot of East Third Street at nine o’clock this morning.

1892:  Birthdate of publishing giant Alfred Knopf.

1892: The Third Marquess of Salisbury, Lord Robert Cecil, who as Prime Minister has reassured the House of Lords that regardless of the Czar’s policies “there were no grounds for dreading a wholesale invasion of Great Britain by pauper Jews from Russia” left office today and became the leader of “the loyal opposition.”

1893: In Brooklyn, Justice Walsh sentence William Davison to ten days in jail for his part in robbing a Jewish peddler named Burns.

1895: Five Jews were arrested by the police from the Elizabeth Street Station for violating the Sunday Closing Laws.  One of those arrested, Morris Cohn “pleaded that he was a strict observer of the Hebrew Sabbath” and he was released by the Magistrate.

1895: “Sympathy For Hat And Cap Makers” published today described a mass meeting held at Union Square by several Jewish organizations in support of the workers who have been locked out by the manufacturers.

1895: Based on instructions provided by Meyer Schoenfeld and Herman Robinson the striking tailors, most of whom were Jewish and  who were returning to work were not worried that they were being locked out today by the contractors since it was Sunday and the bosses observed the Sunday closing laws. 

1895: During July, it was reported today, the United Hebrew Charities “responded to the applications for relief from 3,304” people on behalf of 11,013 individuals.

1898: “Nevada Colonists Despoiled” published today described how a group of Russian Jews who had been building a new life in Lyon County, Nevada, were swindled by two of their co-religionists Daniel Schwartz who mortgaged the groups crop to get $1,500 from a bank in Carson City and then ran off with money.  The penniless Jews are now faced with the prospect of losing their newly built homes.

1898:  L’Anti-Juif,“a weekly organ of the Anti-Semitic League” was published today for the first time in Paris.

1899: “Joseph Haworth’s New Role” published today described Jacob Litt’s decision to cast Joseph Haworth in the role of Raphael, the leading character in Israel Zangwill’s “The Ghetto.”

1899: The officers presiding over the court marital of Captain Dreyfus announced that the next four sittings of the court would be held behind closed doors.

1899: The great Jewish actor Jacob Adler fell and seriously injured himself today while riding his bicycle at Long Branch, NJ.

1900: Mass meeting of the English Zionist Federation was held in East End.

1903: Herzl meets Jews from all circles in St. Petersburg and a banquet is arranged by the Russian Zionists.

1905: Birthdate of Erwin Chargaff, the Austrian born American biochemist who discovered two rules that led to the discovery of double helical structure of DNA.  He passed away in June of 2002.

1905: The British Aliens Act, which reflected anti-Jewish bias, became a law. The anti-Jewish bias was aimed at the Jews fleeing Rumaniaand Russiawho were seeking a safe haven in England.  This was manifestation of lingering anti-Jewish sentiment in an English society that was increasingly accepting of its Jewish population.

1909: The Chief Rabbi of Adrianople was forced to resign by Jews of Demotica for failing to take action and not protesting against the change in market day at Demotica, from Thursday to Saturday.

1911: Birthdate of Giorgio Cavagliere, an American Jewish architect who fled Mussolini’s Italy and became a leader of the urban preservation movement.

1911: Jews suffer the impoverishing effect of fires in Russian communities including Tulishkoff, Mlava and Konskavola.

1911: As the Turks recover from the effects of the fires at Constantinople, the Chief Rabbi forms a Relief Committee and Grand Vizier Hakki Bey sent a telegram to the 10th Zionist Congress meeting at Basle, Switzerlandthanking the Jewish organization for the contributins to relieve the suffering of fire victims.

1911: In Copenhagen, Denmark, attacks are made on Shechitah at the Animal Protection Congress.

1914: Jews are expelled from Mitchenick, Poland

1917: Turkish representative at The Hague, Netherlands denies that negotiations took place between Turkey and former United States ambassador, Henry Morgenthau regarding the sale of Palestine to the Jews

1917: Birthdate of Algerian born, French-Israeli writer Andre Chouraqui, known for his French-language translation of the Bible and his work for the government in Israel. A poet, Chouraqui was best known for translating religious texts, including La Bible hebraique et le Nouveau Testament (The Hebrew Bible and New Testament), published in 26 volumes between 1974 and 1977. Chouraqui studied law in Paris. During World War II, he joined the French Resistance and hid out in the Haute-Loire region of central France. After moving to Israelin 1958, he became an adviser to Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, from 1959 to 1963. He also served as deputy mayor of Jerusalem. He passed away at the age of 89 at his home in Jerusalemin 2007.

1919: The Weimar Republic's first Reichspräsident ("Reich President"), Friedrich Ebert of the SPD, signed the new German constitution into law. The Weimar Republic marked Germany’s first experience with a truly democratic government.  It failed for lack of popular support and would give way to Hitler’s Third Reich.  One of the excuses offered for German support the Holocaust was that Jews were associated with the founding of the Weimar Republic and the Weimar Republic was viewed as a humiliation saddled on the Germans by the Allies at the end of World War I.  The logic is tortured, but it is neither the first time that people would rationalize and justify their anti-Semitism.

1920: Samuel Gompers is one of several labor leaders who attend a dinner honoring T.J. Healy before he departs for Europe where he will represent the American Federation of Labor at an international labor conference.

1923: At a session of the World Zionist Congress meeting in in Carslbad, Czechoslovakia, that continued until 2 o'clockthis morning, Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Nabum Sokolow, heads of the World Zionist Organization, defended their administration from the attacks to which it has been subjected during the last few days.

1926(1st of Elul, 5686): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1927: Birthdate of Stuart Rosenberg, director of Cool Hand Luke.

1929: The Jewish Agency was created at the 16th Zionist Congress in Zurich. It was intended  to include non-Zionists such as Louis Marshall, Leon Blum and Felix Warburg to take a leading role among those working to create a Jewish state. 1929: Florence Wolfson Howlett turned 14 and made her first entry in the diary she received as a birthday present.  The diary would provide the basis for The Red Leather Diary by Lily Koppel

1930: At the second session of the fourth world congress of the Zionist Revisionist, Dr. Robert Lichtheim delivered a speech in which he said that the organization “would conduct its own political activities, particularly in pleading the Zionist cause before governments and statesmen, independently of the Zionist executive and the Jewish agency.

1930: In New York City, an announcement was made at the headquarters of the Allied Jewish Campaign that more than $1,214,000 was spent in the development of the economic  and cultural program of the Jewish Agency in Palestine during the half year” that ended on May 1.

1932: Birthdate of American architect Peter Eisenman

1932: Birthdate of Israel Harold “Izzy” Asper, Canadian tax attorney and media magnate. A native of Manitoba, Asper “was the founder of CanWest Global Communications Corp and father to Leonard, Gail and David Asper, each of whom served as officers of CanWest.

1933: The Supreme Representative Committee of German Jews established a farm near Rathenow, in Prussia, to train unemployed Jews as agricultural workers.

1933: Nineteen year old actress Heddy Lamar, the daughter of Viennese Jewish parents married Austrian arms dealer and fascist Friedrich Mandl.

1933: In response to what is described as an “epidemic of suicides among German Jews of the Rhineland,” the Jewish community of Cologne has issued an appeal signed by the lay leaders and the Rabbinate, urging Jews not to despair.

1933: The Hamburg Federation of Grain Merchants, which had a large Jewish membership, was dissolved. Its funds and property were turned over to the "Aryanized" All-German Federation of Commerce.

1933:In Warsaw, an edict was issued forbidding Jewish bakers, who observe the Sabbath, to bake bread on Sundays. The edict affected over 50,000 Jewish bakers.

1933: In Cracow, Thirty-one of the forty-two arrested persons, charged with organizing riots against Jews in a nearby town received sentences of imprisonment of from four months to three years.

1935(12th of Av, 5695): Sixty-five year old portrait artist Leo Mielziner passed away today.

1936:Condemning British proposals to partition Palestine as "outrageous," Senator Royal S. Copeland (Dem., NY) introduced in the Senate today a resolution asking the Senate's "forthright indication of unwillingness to accept modification in the mandate without Senate consent." Senator Copeland declared that the territory allotted the Jews in the proposed partition was insufficient to maintain even a small number of Jews and that establishment of a small Jewish state might result in a war between the Jews and the Arabs.  The Jews are having a "terrible time" in Germany, Poland and Rumania.... At the same time he noted a "distinct animosity" on the part of American consuls abroad in granting visas to Jews, which, he said, showed discrimination. (As reported by JTA)

1936: Rabbi M.L. Perlsweig, head of the World Zionist Organization's political information department, addressed the World Jewish Congress which was meeting in Geneva. During his speech tonight, he accused the British authorities in Palestine of "political ineptitude so gross as to be almost unbelievable."

1937: By a vote of 304 to 158, the 20th Zionist Congress, held in Zurich, endorsed Chaim Weizmann¹s proposal and empowered the Zionist Executive to negotiate with the British government the terms of the Royal (Peel) Report, according to which the partition of Palestinewould be implemented and the Jewish state was to be established. Dr. Weizmann¹s proposal was denounced by Dr. Stephen Wise, on behalf of American Jewry and many other delegates, including Menachem Ussishkin. A revised version of the partition plan was also supported by David Ben-Gurion.

1937: In Zurichroving bands of Nazis assaulted and molested a number of Zionist delegates.

1939: Laurence Steinhardt begins serving as U.S. Ambassador to the U.S.S.R.

1941: Birthdate of Brooklyn political figure, Elizabeth Holtzman.  A graduate of HarvardLawSchool, Holtzman began serving in Congress in 1973 just in time to be part of the Watergate investigation.  After leaving the House, she held various political positions but missed out on her biggest prize, a seat in the U.S. Senate. 

1941: Het Parool, “an Amersterdam-based daily newspaper” was published for the first time “as a resistance paper during the Nazi occupation” by a staff that included Jaap Nunes Vaz who would be sent to Sobibor in 1942.

1942(28th of Av, 5702): The Nazis murdered 13,000 Jews at Rostov-On-Don, a deadly total that would be added to a few days later when another two to five thousand Jews were murdered.

1944: Joop Westerweel, Dutch poet and educator was executed by the Nazis, for helping Jews escape. In late February 1944 Joop Westerweel traveled to the foot of the Pyrenees to say farewell to the group about to cross into Spain, which included Joseph Heinrich and thirteen other young people Joop and his underground group had helped to escape from Holland. His memorable speech was later vividly recalled by many who were present. He wished them well and that they should build Palestineinto a place where there would be no war, only food and work for everyone. As the young pioneers left for Spain, Joop turned back to Holland. On March 11, he was arrested by border police while helping two young Jewish girls cross illegally from Hollandto France. Five months later he was executed in prison in Vught Concentration Camp. The sacrifice of Joop Westerweel and those like him must never be forgotten.  The challenge for the living is to be worthy of the proof of such virtue.

1945: A ‘small pogrom’ took place in Krakow, Poland, three months after the end of World War II in Europe.

1945: Collier’s magazine published “Terror in Palestine” by Frank Gervasi which provides a contemporary look at events following the death of Lord Moyne.

1948(8th of Av, 5708):Elaine Hammerstein, the daughter of opera producer Arthur Hammerstein, who gained fame as an American silent film and stage actress, passed away.

1949: Birthdate of David Rubenstein, the son of a Baltimore postal worker who co-founded the Carlyle Group and whose philanthropies included serving as Chairman of both Kennedy Center and the Duke University board of Trustees.

1951(9th of Av): Yiddish playwright and journalist David Pinsky passed away.

1951(9th of Av, 5711):Rebekah Bettelheim Kohut passed away

1952: The ailing Talal¹s son, Hussein II, was proclaimed the King of Jordan, but a Regency Council was appointed to rule the country, since he was a minor. In 1952 three Middle Eastern monarchs ­ Hussein II of Jordan, Ahmed Fuad of Egypt and Faisal of Iraq ­ were minors. King Hussein had seen his grandfather assassinated by an Arab fanatic who thought he was too friendly with the Jews.  Hussein’s goal was to stay alive and remain king.  He wisely did not take part in the Sinai Campaign of 1956.  He foolishly attacked Israel in 1967 and lost the West Bank and east Jerusalem.  In the end, he signed a peace treaty with Israel but without gaining any territory west of the Jordan River.  Fuad would be ousted by a revolt masterminded by Colonel Nasser, the Pan-Arabist who had a secular version of Osama’s vision.  Faisal would die in a revolt in 1958 that would eventually bring Hussein (the dictator not the king) to power in Iraq.

1955: Leonard Bernstein led premiere of Symphonic Suite from "On the Waterfront", BSO, Tanglewood

1961: Birthdate of columnist David Brooks

1964(3rd of Elul, 5724): Sixty-four year old Leopold Mannes, the creator of Kodachrome, passed away today.

1970(9th of Av, 5730): Tish’a B’Av

1972(1st of Elul, 5732): Rose Schneiderman passed away.  Born in Poland in 1884, Miss Schneiderman was brought to the United States by her father who worked as a tailor on the lower East Side.  She gained first-hand experience on life in the garment industry when she went to work as a cap maker. She earned eight dollars a week.  But she had to buy her own sewing machine with a cash $25 cash down payment and an additional $45 paid in installments.  In addition to this, she had to pay for power and thread.  Miss Schneiderman helped to organize the Women’s Trade Union League, an organization that she served as President for several terms.  In 1909 she took part in a strike of waistmakers that began the unionization of the garment industry. In New York, she served as Secretary of the State Labor Department from 1937 to 1944.  During the Great Depression, she served as an official of the National Recovery Administration and was considered to be a member of F.D.R.’s “brain trust.”

1977: West Bank mayors and notables submitted separate views to US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. The mayors acknowledged that the PLO was the ³sole² representative of the Palestine Arabs and claimed that no settlement was possible without PLO participation. But other West Banknotables had different ideas. They advocated an immediate mutual recognition of the national rights of Palestinians and Israelis in the area. They claimed that their two homelands must be mutually exclusive and advocated the establishment of a ³peace-promoting force² acceptable to both nations. These West Bank notables advocated the holding of a plebiscite during the interim period so that Palestinians could decide freely whether to join Jordanor establish an independent, democratic state. Unfortunately, these talks led to the same place as those that had come before and after – nowhere.

1977: Jordanand Egyptinformed the USthat they were prepared to sign formal peace treaties with Israel, but at the conclusion of the Arab-Israeli peace negotiations.

1983: Today,Joseph Hochstein wrote an Op-Ed titled "Not goodbye, but l'hitraot," in which he said, "I love newspapering, and I have a special love for this paper,  since I helped start it in 1965 with my father. ... What happens each week at The Jewish Week is achieved with greater difficulty than the work done in the newsrooms of great metropolitan dailies, and it is more profoundly needed. Knowing that I played a central role in making this happen helps offset the regret of leaving, as does the joy of realizing a long-held dream of living in Israel." He wrote this just before making Aliyah.
1984(13th of Av, 5744): Ninety-one year old American published Alfred Abraham Knopf, Sr. founder of Alfred A Knopf, Inc passed away today. (As reported by Herbert Mitgang)http://www.nytimes.com/1984/08/12/obituaries/alfred-a-knopf-91-is-dead-founder-of-publishing-house.html?module=Search&mabReward=relbias%3Ar%2C%7B%222%22%3A%22RI%3A13%22%7D&pagewanted=all
1987:  Alan Greenspan becomes Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve. Another Jewish economist hits the top spot.

1988: Meir Kahane renounced his US citizenship to stay in the Israeli Parliament.  Kahane and his virulent anti-Arab views have been rejected by the Israeli mainstream.  Kahane himself was gunned down by Arab terrorists.

1991:In an article entitled The Felix Warburg Mansion; A Window to the Past in the Present,” Christopher Gray describes the past, present and future of the building that was home to one of New York’s most influential and famous Jewish families. http://www.nytimes.com/1991/08/11/realestate/streetscapes-the-felix-warburg-mansion-a-window-to-the-past-in-the-present.html?pagewanted=print&src=pm

1991(1st of Elul, 5751): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1997: Baltimore born Washington lawyer Alfred H. Moses completed his service as U.S. Ambassador to Romania. Five years later the President of Romania awarded him the Marc Cruce Medal.

1997(8thof Av, 5757): Erev Tish’a B’Av

1997(8thof Av, 5757): Forty-nine year old Eli Adourian of Kfar Adumim died of the wounds he sustained when a Hamas suicide bomber struck at the Mahane Yehuda Market on July 30th where the death toll would reach sixteen with an additional 178 injured.

1999:Sheila Finestone began serving as Senator for Montarville, Quebec.

1999: Max Kampelman was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

1999: Janet Jagan, the Chicago born Jewess completed her service as President of Guyana when Bharrat Jagdeo was sworn as President

2002: The Sunday New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including 'F E G: Ridiculous Poems for Intelligent Children by Robin Hirsch Fireweed: A Political Autobiographyby Gerda Lerner, the Austrian born Jewish American political activist.

2005:  While the front pages of the paper carried news of Sharon’s attempts to bring peace to the Middle Eastwith the withdrawal from Gaza, the back pages of Haaretz carried a reminder of Sharon’s warrior past.  According to a story in Haaretz,The bloodstained bandage that wrapped Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's head after he was injured in fighting during the 1973 Yom Kippur War has been offered for sale on e-Bay with the bidding starting at $10,000.”  Sharon sustained the head wound when he was leading Israeli forces across the Suez Canal. 

2006: First day of the New York International Fringe Festival which will include a performance of “The Cheerleader and the Rabbi” featuring Sandy Wolshin.  “A former cheerleader for the Oakland Raiders shelater immersed herself in a mikveh as part of an orthodox conversion.”

2006:  The Jerusalem Post reported that Maj. Nimrod Hallel, 42, from Rosh Ha'ayin, was killed in the town of Lebonehin the western sector of southern Lebanon when an anti-tank missile was fired at his vehicle.

2006:  A reported 120 rockets rained down on northern Israelstriking Haifa, Safed and Kiryat Shimona.

2006: Conflicting reports abound concerning the terms of a proposed cease fire intended to stop the fighting in Lebanon.  Some of the major points of contention include the robustness of the mandate of the international force and the willingness of the Lebanese army to confront and disarm Hezbollah fighters.

2007: On the “Jewish Jock Front,” The San Diego Union-Tribunereported that San Diego ChargerIgor Olshanskymay not get to play in an upcoming exhibition game with the Seattle SeaHawks whileJohn Grabow of the Pittsburgh Pirates won a game on just 13 pitches, which was all he needed to complete a one inning relief stint against the San Francisco Giants.

2008: YuliTamir announced plans to remove Ze'ev Jabotinsky's work from the national education curriculum

2008Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Finance Minister Ronnie Bar-On decidedto implement all of the recommendations of the State Commission of Inquiry into the government's handling of Holocaust survivors.One of the key recommendations was to increase the monthly stipend of about 43,000 survivors to the level of 75 percent of the stipend given by the German government to recipients of its restitution payments.

2008:Palestinian terrorists in Gaza violated a truce agreement with Israel, firing a Kassam rocket at the western Negev town of Sderot.  The incident continues a pattern of sporadic cross-border shelling and rocket launches since the cease-fire was declared.

2008:Iowa native,James Hoyt passed away at the age of 83. As one of the first four American soldiers to discover the Buchenwald labor camp in 1945, James Hoyt rarely slept well. “He’s finally getting the rest he’s never had all these years,” his daughter, Theresa Stewart, 51, of Oxford said. When he closed his eyes, he’d see images of the Nazi concentration camp, which he thought was a mannequin factory when he first saw it before its liberation April 11, 1945, Stewart said. His daughters remembered him as a reserved man who put others first and loved reading, rebuilding cars and solving crossword puzzles.“He had time to listen to anyone and would hear everybody’s story,” Stewart said. For years, Hoyt did not share his own story. He later learned from doctors at the VeteransAffairsMedicalCenter in Iowa City that he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Hoyt of Oxford, Iowa graduated from high school in 1943 and became a private first class after he was drafted in early 1944 to serve in World War II. He was a member of the 6th Armored Division’s 9th Infantry Battalion and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. On April 11, 1945, Hoyt was the radio operator and driver for a four-man reconnaissance team when two Buchenwald escapees flagged them down. The team went to the camp, which was hidden in a forested area. “When the people saw our vehicle with the American markings on it, they really went wild. They tore a part of the fence down. They threw us up in the air,” Hoyt told The Gazette 10 years ago. “It was a very sorry sight all the way. They were skin and bones, the living ones. Of course, there were all kinds of dead ones there.” In all, about 238,500 prisoners were held at the camp. As the years passed, Hoyt became more willing to talk about his experience, helping him to heal, his daughter, Pat Hatcher, said. “We didn’t know what he was fighting,” Hatcher said of the emotional memories. “It helps us understand him better.” After the war in 1949, Hoyt married Doris Hipp. He worked with his brothers in construction before joining the United States Postal Service in Oxford, where he served more than 30 years.

2009(21stof Av, 5769):Robert William LeVine passed away to at the age of 71.(As reported by Emma Stickgold)

2009: Three books about Bernie Madoff – Too Good to Be True: The Rise and Fall of Bernie Madoff, Madoff with the Money, Betrayal: The Life and Lies of Bernie Madoff– all hit the bookstores today.

2009: The National Jewish Retreat opens at Greenwich, Connecticut.  Featured presenters and performers for this event that ends on August 16 include Rabbi Manis Friedman, Rabbi Immanuel Schochet, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, Professor Jonathan Sarna, Mrs. Rivka Slonim and recording star Arvram Fried.

2009: Barnes & Noble announces that Rashi by Elie Weisel and Blindman’s Bluff by Faye Kellerman are available at their stores and on-line.

2009: Releases of “Saints & Tzadiks” a CD on which Irish chanteuse Susan McKeown and Lexatics bandleader Lorin Skalmerg sing Yiddish, Irish and blends of Yiddish and Irish songs that highlight “the traditions and similarities as well as the different ways each tradition tells a musical tale.”

2010(1st of Elul, 5770): Rosh Chodesh Elul:

2010: Anat Hoffman leader of the Women of the Wall Prayer group is scheduled to blow the shofar on behalf of the group as she has done for the past 21 years.

2010:US envoy George Mitchell met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss advancing direct talks with the Palestinians. “

2010:IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi told the Turkel Committee today that the IDF made a crucial mistake when it did not resort to accurate fire against those blocking entry to the Mavi Marmara Turkish aid ship as IDF Shayetet 13 commandos rappelled onto the ship from helicopters.  "The central mistake, including mine, was that we thought there were about 10-15 people on the ship, we will throw flash grenades, they will move away, and then we will be able to drop 15 soldiers in one minute," explained Ashkenazi. "Here was the real error. We should have managed conditions to accumulate power in the quickest way. There was need to fire with accurate weapons and neutralize those who prevented the rappelling down of soldiers, something that would have decreased the the risk of harm to them. That is the central lesson for the next operation." Ashkenazi told the committee that he was responsible for all IDF operations and that as the representative of the entire military there was no reason to summon additional officers or soldiers to testify before the committee.

2011: Another session of “Hebrew Literacy: Aleph, Bet, and Beyond” is scheduled to take place at Sixth & I Historic Synagogue.

2011: The Eleventh Memorial for Yiddish Poets is scheduled to take place tonight at the amphitheatre in Tekoa.  The event memorializes “the victims of the ‘Night of the Murdered Poets’ who were thirteen prominent Jewish figures in the USSR who were secretly executed at Stalin's order on the night between August 12th and August 13th 1952. These were the most outstanding and renowned Jewish writers, intellectuals, poets, musicians and actors of their time.”

2011: At the Off the Wall Comedy Club, Jerusalem funny man David Kilimnick whose funny bone was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, is scheduled to performTu BAv Comedy Special 'Jewish Singles' from The ‘Find Me A Wife’ Show.

2011: Israel's interior minister gave final authorization to build 1,600 apartments in disputed east Jerusalem and will approve 2,700 more in days, officials said today.

2011: Eighty-two year old Juergen Corleis passed away

2011:Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) said today during a meeting with that the “time is ripe for an upheaval in the coalition” in order to solve the ongoing social crisis that has rocked the country over the past month.

2011(11thof Av, 5771):Noach Flug,a Holocaust survivor who dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of other survivors is remembered as "a towering figure" passed away today in Jerusalem at the age of 86.

2012: Ben Sarsin in scheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2012: “Avenue Q,” the musical creation of Jeff Marx is scheduled to have its final performance at the Barter Theatre.

2012: The International Arts and Crafts Fair also known as Hutzot Hayozer is scheduled to open one after the end of Shabbat in Jerusalem.

2012:A fire broke out near the town of Kiryat Tivon, near Haifa, this morning, a few days after firefighters battled repeated blazes in the area believed to have been set by arsonists. Eight firefighting crews supported by two aircraft brought the fire under control. No injuries were reported.

2012: Israeli rhythmic gymnast Neta Rivkin performed well in all four routines at the London Games today, to secure a best-ever Israeli finish in the event. Rivkin, 21, finished seventh overall, making her the most successful rhythmic gymnast in Israeli Olympic history. Evgenia Kanaeva of Russia won the gold.

2013: “The Last White Knight” Paul Saltzman's documentary about his personal encounter with Mississippi Racism is scheduled to be shown at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.

2013: The San Diego Jewish Film Festival, PJ Library, Shalom Baby, and Jewish Family Service are scheduled to sponsor “Learn About the Jewish New Year with Elmo” an event designed to prepare youngsters for the upcoming holidays.

2013: “Passages through the Fire: Jews and the Civil War,” an exhibit co-presented by the American Historical Society and Yeshiva University is scheduled to come to an end today.

2013: Harriet Rochlin, the leading expert on Western Jewish History recommends that those who can attend this evening’s opening of "American Jerusalem: Jews and the Making of San Francisco” a film that tells the epic story of pioneer Jews in San Francisco, a number of whom played a significant role in the transformation of a tiny village to California’s first metropolis.

2013: In Cedar Rapids, friends and family are scheduled to celebrate the graduation from Nursing School and Pinning of Rebbitzin Sabrina Thalblum.

2013: Just three days before Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are set to resume in Jerusalem. “Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) announced today that 793 new apartments would be built in Jerusalem, and 394 in large settlement blocs in the West Bank.” (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2013:Finance Minister Yair Lapid lashed out today at the decision to build more than one thousand new homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, calling it "a double mistake." (As reported by JPost Staff)

2014:Marvin Hamlisch, What He Did for Love” and “The Jewish Cardinal” are scheduled to be shown at the Berkshire Jewish Film Festival.
2014: Israel will send its team of negotiators back to Cairo today if Hamas honors the 72-hour cease-fire that went into effect at midnight, diplomatic officials said yesterday evening. (As reported by Herb Keinon)
2014(15thof Av, 5774): Celebration of Tu B’Av, a day devoted to love with no particular ritual but with a long tradition dating back, according to some, to the days when Shiloh was the site of religious observance for the 12 tribes



This Day, August 12, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 12

30 BCE: Cleopatra committed suicide.  According to Josephus, the Egyptian tried to convince her lover and co-ruler, Marc Antony, to give her control over lands to the east including Syria and Palestine.  Herod was so afraid of her that he reportedly built the fortress at Masada as place of refuge should she attack. While Antony did not give into all of her demands, he did give her control over Jericho and several towns surrounding the ancient city.

1099: During the First Crusade, the Crusaders defeated the Saracens at the Battle of Ascalon.  This led to the creation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem under Godfrey of Bouillon.  The Crusader victory led to a period of persecution of the small Jewish population living in Palestine.  The Crusaders attempted to ban the Jews from living in Jerusalem.  Apparently it did not occur to them that such a ban would have meant that Jesus could not live in the Christian kingdom.

1121: At the Battle of Didgori the Georgian army under King David the Builder won a decisive victory over the famous Seljuk commander Ilghazi.Georgian-speaking Jewry is one of the oldest surviving Diaspora Jewish communities. The origin of Georgian Jews, also known as Gurjim or Ebraeli, is debated, but some claim they are descendants of the ten tribes exiled by Shalmaneser. Others say the first Jews made their way to southern Georgia after Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalemin 586 B.C.E. after first fleeing to Babylonia. The first Jews in Western Georgia arrived in the 6th century when the region was ruled by the Byzantine Empire. Approximately 3,000 of these Jews then fled to Eastern Georgia, controlled by the Persians, to escape severe persecution by the Byzantines. The existence of the Jews in these regions during this period is supported by archaeological evidence showing that Jews lived in Mtzheta, the ancient capital of the East Georgian state of Kartli. The Ebraeli spoke Georgian and Jewish traders developed a dialect called Qivruli, or Judeo-Georgian, which included a number of Hebrew words. In the second half of the 7th century, the Muslim Empire conquered extensive Georgian territory, which became an Arab caliph province. Arab emirs ruled the majority of the region until 1122. Under the Arabs, in the late 9th century, Abu-Imran Musa al-Za'farani (later known as Abu-Imran al-Tiflisi) founded a Jewish sect called the Tiflis Sect which lasted for more than 300 years. The sect deviated from halakhah in its marriage and kashrutcustoms. (As reported by Jewish Virtual Library)

1281: The fleet of Qubilai Khan, the Chinese emperor who celebrated the festivals of the Muslims, Christians and Jews, indicating that there  really were a significant number of Jews living in China during his reign, is destroyed by a typhoon while approaching Japan.

1317: John XXII, the second of the Avignon Popes, issued “Ex  Parte Vestra” a Bull that dealt with converts who relapse i.e. Jewish converts who wanted to return to the “faith of their Fathers and Mothers.”

1381(14th of Av, 5141): In the Balearic Islands, Sayd ben David was burned at the stake after being charged with “incontinence with a nun”

1452: Birthdate of Abraham Zacuto “a Sephardi Jewish astronomer, astrologer, mathematician and historian who served as Royal Astronomer in the 15th century to King John II of Portugal. The crater Zagut on the Moon is named after him.” The creator of new type of astrolabe that could be used at sea, he was one of the few Jews who was able to flee Portugal despite the edicts of King Manuel I.  He either passed away in Jerusalem in 1515 or Damascus in 1520.

1484: The Papacy of Sixtus IV came to an end.

1530: A charter was granted to the Jews of Germany despite the protests of Martin Luther. Josel of Rosheim, the famous "shtadlan" (interceder) was instrumental in its passing.

1819:  Anti-Semitic riots broke out in Darmstadt and Bayreuth, Germany

1828: In Schubin, Prussia, Rabbi Benjamin Mielziner and his wife gave birth Moses Mielziner who would become a leading rabbi in the Reform Movement.

1829(13th of Av, 5589):Mordecai ben Abraham Benet, who was born in 1753 and became the chief rabbi of Moravia passed away.

1833: Founding of Chicago. Jews were present in Chicagofrom its earliest days. The first Jews in the city were German and Ashkenazim. By 1847, there were enough Jews in Chicagoto establish Kehilath Anshe Maariv — Congregation of the Men of the West — on an upper floor of a commercial building. The congregation was popularly referred to as KAM and found its home in Hyde Parkamong the South Side German Jewish community. German Jews generally were accepted into mainstream society. In Chicago, they were already being elected to political office in the 1850s. Among the enterprises established by Chicago's German Jews were Florsheim Shoe Co., Hart Schaffner & Marx clothiers, the Brunswick billiard-table empire, Spiegel mail-order Company and Mandel Brothers department store, long a fixture on State Street. The Jews of Chicago: From Shtetl to Suburb by Irving Cutler provides a readable, popular history of the Jews of the Windy City.

1843: Birthdate of American playwright Bartely Campbell, the son of Irish immigrants who wrote “Siberia” a play about the persecution of the Jews in Russia.

1844: Birthdate of Edward Lauterbach, successful defense attorney, leader of the Republican Party and trustee of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1847(30thof Av, 5607): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1848(13thof Av, 5608): Avraham Ullmann, who had been born in 1791 and was the son Shalom Charif Ullman, the chief rabbi of Lackenbach, passed away.

1851: Luis Schlesinger, a Hungarian born Jew who had fled to the United States after the failed revolutions of 1848 was captured by the Spanish at Pinar del Rio when he led an unsuccessful raid on Cuba under the auspices of Cuban General Narciso Lopez. (As reported by Ben G.Frank)

1853: A German Jew, who has used a variety of aliases including J. Meyer, was arrested at the Irving House.  While being taken to court he tried to get rid of a package containing pledge  tickets for a large quantity of valuable goods recently pawned at the shops of Bernstein, Levy, Silver, Smith and Murdock. The items left at the pawn shop were all stolen.

1854:The Moral and Religious column described a new sect that has started in England called The Disciples. They believe that Christ will appear in 1864; that the Russians will triumph over the Turks and the Jews over the Russians-- the latter event to happen in ten years' time when the Jews will become a nation in the Holy Land. Christ is to be their King, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the rest of the righteous Jews of old, with a few elect among Christians, will rise from the dead and live forever in Palestine; but the heathen and the wicked Jews and Christians will sleep eternally.

1862: In Springfield, Illinois, “Samuel Rosenwald and his wife Augusta Hammerslough Rosenwald, a Jewish immigrant couple from Germany” gave birth to Julius Rosenwald who turned Sears, Roebuck and Company into a retailing behemoth while using much of his fortune to support education for African-Americans when this was one of the least important social concerns in the United States.

1862:Construction was completed on the first synagogue built on Long Island which came to be known as the Boerum Schule because it was located in Boerum Hill.

1862:In the part of Germany that included the cities of Moisling and Lubeck, The Oath More Judaico or Jewish Oath was modified.  It would remain in force until 1879, when the Germans adopted laws regulating civil procedure which abolished the oath.

1870:A few days into the inquest being held to determine the facts surrounding the death of Benjamin Nathan, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle protested the disparity in treatment being shown to his son’s Washington and Frederick, and the Irish Catholic servants of the Nathan family who had suddenly become the prime suspects.

1877(3rd of Elul, 5637): Rabbi Jaques Judah Lyons passed away today in New York. Judah and Mary Lyons; gave birth to him at Surinam, Dutch Guiana in 1814. “He was educated in Surinam, and was minister of the Spanish & Portuguese congregation there, Neveh Shalom, for five years. He left Surinam in 1837 and went to Richmond, Va., where for two years he was minister of the Congregation Beth Schalom. In 1839 he was elected minister of the Spanish and Portuguese congregation Shearith Israel, New York city, in succession to Isaac Seixas, and served the congregation thirty-eight years, successfully combating every movement to change the form of worship in his congregation. Lyons was among those who founded The Jews' (now Mount Sinai) Hospital; he was actively concerned in founding the Jewish Board of Delegates and Hebrew Free Schools and was superintendent of the Polonies Talmud Torah School…For many years he was president of the Hebra Hased ve-Emet and of the Sampson Simpson Theological Fund. Lyons was an ardent student and collected a library that is now in possession of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.” In 1857, he joined with Dr. Abraham de Sola of Montreal, in preparing and publishing a Hebrew calendar covering fifty years, together with an essay on the Jewish calendar system

1878:Jewish representatives from the United States, Holland, Germany, England, Belgium, Romania, Palestine, Turkey, Italy Spain, France Austria and Russia met in Paris today to celebrate the anniversary of the Alliance Israelite Universelle of France. During the meeting, the attendees provided reports on the conditions of Jews in various countries and possible ways to improve their conditions.  It was suggested that a medal “commemorating the emancipation of the Jews in the East” should be presented to each member of the Berlin Congress on behalf “of the Jews of the world.”

1878: It was reported today that details have been released regarding the will of the late Michael Reese. His generosity included $650,000 for the State University of California and $25,000 to the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1879:It was reported today that Romania might agree “to accept the principle of equal rights for the Jews” if some consideration would be given to how it is applied.  Germany might be willing to agree to such an arrangement.

1879: “A Theory of Noses” published today provides an example of the outlandish 19thcentury that physical characteristics determined people’s behavior, intellect and social standing.  The fact “that the Jewish nation has for ages maintained a high level of civilization and that nevertheless the Jewish nose is not straight but curved” presents a problem for this theory.

1881:  In Ashfield, MA, Henry and Matilda Beatrice DeMille gave birth to movie mogul Cecil B. DeMille.  His father was Episcopalian and his mother was Jewish. Regardless of how you view his religious background, he will forever be connected with Moses and the Jewish people through “The Ten Commandments.”

1881: It was reported today that anti-Semitism is so prevalent Pomerania and West Russia that recent government actions to protect the Jews living there will be totally ineffective.

1882: Today’s Congressional Record contained “a speech by the Honorable S.S. Cox on the persecution of the Jews in Russia.”  It was “an elaborate paper illustrated with poetical extracts, two pages of tables and a neatly engraved map.”

1882: “Russian Jews” published today described the plan of Chicago banker Lazarus Silverman to settle several Jewish immigrant families totaling 150 men, women in children on 300 acres that owns on 300 acres of land on Carp Lake in Michigan. The group includes one tailor, one wagon-maker, one blacksmith, one cooper, one paper-hanger, two tinsmiths, three coppersmiths and most important of all, 3 farmers.

1883(9thof Av, 5643): Tish’a B’Av

1883: “Bread Making” published today which describes the baking of bread in the British Isles begins by declaring that “since the time of the early Jews there has been very little change in the process.”

1883:”Ancient Manuscripts” published today described how Moses Shapira acquired an ancient copy of the Book of Deuteronomy in Palestine and sent it on to London where it can be preserved and studied. It is claimed this codex is 2,700 years old and provides evidence that the ancient Israelites were writing “consecutive narrative” at a time that corresponds to the Greeks Homer and Hesiod.

1884: It was reported today that a note had been found on the body of Israel Blatchky, a young Jew who had been living in Des Moines for three years.  According to the note he was despondent over a failed love affair and bought poison six months ago.

1884: In Telšiai, Lithuania, Isaac Noyk and Esther Chana Ravid gave birth to Michael Noyk who became a solicitor and Irish republican political leader.

1884: Leading Chicago businessman Morris L. Cohn was arraigned today and held for trial in lieu of $10,000 bond on numerous charges of forgery that included his issuance of $15,000 in bogus notes.

1885: Americans living Haifa write today that their “colony” in that city “is well known as an industrious, intelligent and law abiding community and the members of it are justly entitled to the full protection of their government…The time has come when it is absolutely necessary for the United States government to take a firm stand against the aggressive and illegal policy of the Turkish authorities.”  (As reported by Ruth Kark and Seth Frantzman)

1887: Congregation Keneseth Israel of Philadelphia, PA made a payment of $152 to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

1887: Seymour Bottigheimer the son of Ellis Bottigheimer of Richmond, VA turned celebrated his sixteenth birthday today while waiting to find out if he had been admitted to Hebrew Union College.

1888: It was reported today that the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children will be providing another free excursion for sick children under the age of six later this month.

1890: The Lord Mayor of London announced that “inquiries into the persecution of the Jews of Russia give reason to believe that the Government’s edicts will not be enforced.” (He was wrong)

1890: Birthdate of Al Goodman. Born inNikopolRussia, he was the orchestra leader for the NBC Comedy Hour, a show that dominated Sunday nights during the early 1950’s.

1892: In Canada, Judge Dugas ordered the extradition of two Jews - Harris Blank and Charles Rosenweigh - who are accused of murdering a Jewish peddler named Jacob Marks in Towanda, PA.

1892: Davis Rubenstein, a Russian Jew who lives at 183 Clinton Street lodged a complaint against Berman’s butcher shop at 9 Suffolk Street for the sale of “impure food.”

1894(10thof Av, 5654): The 9th of Av fell on Shabbat so Tish’a B’Av is observed today

1895: Felix Fader who was found selling calico from a pushcart on Mulberry Street, Nathan Rablowitz who was caught selling dry goods at his store on Grand Street, Abraham Wolf who was arrested for selling three hats on Bowery and Max Rothman who was arrested for selling underwear from a wheelbarrow on Catherine Street went to court and pleaded that they observed the Jewish Sabbath which meant they should not have been arrested for violating the Sunday Closing Laws.  The court “overruled their plea that they worked on the Christian Sunday they must do so quietly.” This downturn was consistent with the downturn for all immigrant groups.

1897: At Temple Emanuel, Rabbi Gustav Gottheil will officiate at the funeral of the late Moses Schloss the life-long Republican businessman who had served as the Congregation’s Vice President as well as President of the Hebrew Theological Institute.  He was predeceased by his wife of 56 years, Amalia Water, the daughter of I.D. Walter.  He is survived by his bother Philip and his son Israel,

1897: A summary of immigration statistics published today showed that 22,750 Russian Jews had arrived in the United States as of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897.  This compared with 45,137 Russian Jews who had arrived in the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1896.

1898: An armistice took effect ending the Spanish-American War. “In the Spanish-American War, Jews once again demonstrated that they are willing and ready to fight and serve in defense of our country. When the battleship Main was sunk on February 15, 1898, there were 15 Jewish sailors who went down with the ship. The executive officer of the Maine, and later a vice admiral in the United States Navy, was Adolph Marix, a Jew. Marix was the chairman of a board of inquiry to investigate the mysterious sinking of the Maine. It is interesting to note that his father was an interpreter in the Lincoln Administration and that Abraham Lincoln appointed Adolph Marix to the United StatesNavalAcademy. When the United Statesdeclared war against Spainon April 21, 1898, the first volunteer was Colonel Joseph M. Heller, who left a thriving medical practice to become an acting assistant surgeon in the Army. About 5,000 Jews served in this war. When the Jewish High Holy Days were approaching in 1898, there were 4,000 requests for furloughs to attend services. There were indeed 30 Jewish Army officers and 20 more in the Navy in the Spanish-American War. Jewish casualties ran high for the percentage of Jews in the service. Twenty-nine were killed, 47 wounded, and 28 died from disease - for a total of 104. Corporal Ben Prager received the Silver Star Medal for his bravery in the Philippines in 19 skirmishes and engagements. The official citation describes his accomplishments: "When the engagement was fully opened up, Corporal Benjamin Prager and seven other soldiers from Companies A and L, 19th United States Infantry, moved out and charged the enemy ... and after twice charging in the face of heavy fire, succeeded in dislodging the enemy and putting the entire force to rout. With true soldierly spirit, the success was followed up and the enemy was driven out of the city across the river and mountains." Colonel Teddy Roosevelt commanded the Rough Riders, which included a large number of Jews. The first Rough Rider killed was a 16-year-old Jewish boy, Jacob Wilbusky. Colonel Roosevelt promoted five men in his command for their bravery in the field without knowledge of their religion. One of them was a Jew. Sergeant Maurice Joost of the First California Volunteers, a regiment that had more than 100 Jewish soldiers, was the first man to fall in the attack on Manila. There were 280,000 American soldiers in this war, which was four-tenths of I percent of the population. Jewish soldiers were one-half of I percent of the American Jewish population; therefore, Jews served in greater proportion than did the remainder of the nation's citizens.”

1898: Birthdate of actor Oscar Homolka

1899: In Rennes, France, the President of the Court returned Dreyfus’ salute for the first time marking a shift in the tone of the Court Martial which indicates the Jewish Captain will be acquitted.

1899: “Third Zionist Congress” published today identified the “two chief questions” that will be discussed at the upcoming meeting in Basel, Switzerland which relate to the settlement in Palestine and the “financing of trust company” which will further that endeavor.

1899: Five thousand “enthusiastic” Jews gather in London this evening to express their sympathy with Captain Dreyfus.

1899:Herzl travels to Darmstadt and is received by the Grossherzog of Hessen, brother-in-law of the Czar. Herzl asks him to recommend the "Chartered Company" to the Czar.

1899: “Dreyfusites Ask Full Publicity” published today described the demand of Dreyfus’ supporters that that the secret dossier which was used to convict him should be made public so that everybody can see the obvious forgeries and understand that he was framed by the military.

1899: Jacob Adler performed the role of King Lear at the People’s Theatre, a Jewish playhouse located in the Bowery.

1900:A Garden Party was held in Regent's Park during Herzl’s visit to Great Britain.

1900(17th of Av, 5660): The Father of Modern Chess, Wilhelm Steinitz, passed away.  Born in the Jewish Ghetto inPrague, in 1836, Steinitz began his professional career as a journalist.  He won his first major chess tournament in Viennain 1861.  This marked the beginning of his domination of the game that would continue almost up to the time of his death.

1902(9th of Av, 5662): Tisha’ B’Av

1910: Jews in Serres, Salonica protested against the use of the 200-year-old Jewish cemetery site for the construction of a new hospital. The plan was later abandoned. 

1911(18th of Av, 5671): Eighty-seven year old Dutch painter Jozef Israëls whose works included “David Singing Before Saul” and “Jewish Wedding” painted in 1903  passed away today

1912:Yankee Guy Zinn sets a record by stealing home twice in the same game.

1912: Birthdate of Max I Dimont, the native of Helsinki who moved to Cleveland as a teenager and wrote Jews, God and History while spending 35 years working for Edison Brothers.

1912: Birthdate of Whitney Harris, one of the prosecutors who brought high-ranking Nazi war criminals to justice at the Nuremberg trials and who, a half-century later, was a significant voice in the creation of the International Criminal Court.

1913(9th of Av, 5673): Tish’A B’Av

1914: As Europe stumbles its way into what will become World War I with all of its negative consequences for Jews Britain (and therefore the British Empire) declares war on Austria-Hungary.

1914:  “Jewish historian Gustav Mayer…found his father bewailing the collapse of business as his drapery shop in Berlin’s Zehlendorf.  (As reported by Max Hastings)

1918: Birthdate of Sanford Daniel Garelik, the Bronx native whom became the first Jew to serve as Chief Inspector in the New York Police Department (As reported by Matt Flegenheimer)

1918: Birthdate of Sidney “Sid” Bernstein the “impresario whose long career included bringing the Beatles to Carnegie Hall in 1964 and Shea Stadium in 1965.” (As reported by Allan Kozinin)

1918: General John Monash was knighted as a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath on the battlefield by King George V following the successful Battle of Amiens. (Monash was Jewish; King George wasn’t)

1918(4th of Elul, 5678): Anna Held Polish-born, American actress and singer, passed away.  Held is variously described as the mistress and/or common-in-law wife of Flo Ziegfeld.  Reportedly, she collaborated with Ziegfeld on the creation of his famed Follies review. She was 46 when she died of cancer. 

1922: Birthdate of Holocaust survivor and Polish journalist, Leopold Unger.

1924: Moshav Magdi'el (now part of Hod Hasharon) was founded. A Moshav is a form of collective settlement.  Unlike the Kibbutz, the Moshav allowed for more private ownership.  Hod Hashron has grown into a modern city in the Central District of Israel.

1927: Birthdate of cellist Mstislav Rostropovich winner of theJewish National Fund 1987 Man of the Year and the Humanitarian Award from the United Jewish Appeal Federation

1930:  Birthdate of millionaire businessman George Soros.  Soros has had a minimal involvement with Jews and Jewish causes.  In a 1993 speech he essentially blamed Jews for anti-Semitism.  He said that the rise in European anti-Semitism was just the result of Israel’s policies.  He refers to the country as Palestine.  The head of the Anti-Defamation League described his views as obscene.

1931: In Highland Park, Illinois, Marion (née Weil) and Maurice Clarence Goldman gave birth to author William Goldman, whose works included Marathon Man and Princess Bride.

1931:Louis Lipsky, former president of the Zionist Organization of America, returned today aboard the White Star liner Homeric from Europewhere he had attended the World Zionist Congress, held recently at Basle, Switzerland,

1936: In Vienna, Ernest and Mimi Hausner gave birth to Evelyn Hausner, the Austrian born refugee who gained fame as Evelyn Lauder, the wife of Leonard Lauder,

1937: The British Colonial Secretary, Mr. W.G.A. Ormsby-Gore, declared in Geneva, during the deliberations of the League of Nations Permanent Mandates Commission, that he was told by Dr. Chaim Weizmann that the political resolution adopted by the 20th Zionist Congress opened the door to negotiations for giving effect to the Peel Commission¹s proposals for the partition of Palestine and that talks on this subject would start at the conclusion of the September sessions of the League of Nations Council. Reports from Damascus indicated that Syria had become the center of activity for the training of armed men, the future leaders of the PalestineArab uprising. The recent attack on Kfar Menahem was a trial measure perpetrated by such roving terrorist bands. The Arab Higher Committee denied that foreign money donations were used to carry out such military and sabotage training, carried out in preparations for future disturbances. 

1937:A proposal to settle 200,000 Jews in Palestine within the next three years, involving an investment of about $175,000,000, was laid before the World Zionist Congress today. The proposal was made by Elieser Kaplal, treasurer of the Zionist executive committee, who said American Jewry was expected to contribute $2,000,000 to the Zionist movement and Palestine fund in the current fiscal year.

1940(8th of Av, 5700): Erev Tish'a B'Av

1941: In Vire, France, Abraham Drucker and his wife gave birth to television executive Jean Drucker, the brother television host Michel Rucker and Professor of Medicine Jacques Drucker and the father of journalist Marie Drucker.

1941(19th of Av, 5701): Nazis began the systematic murder of the Jews of Dvinsk, Latvia.

1941: The House of Representative votes to extend the first peace time conscription bill.  Proponents of the bill prevailed by one vote.  This one-vote victory was one of Sam Rayburn’s proudest legislative accomplishments.  If the bill had not passed, the United Stateswould have been in the process of disbanding its newly created military force just at the moment when the Japanese were attacking Pearl Harbor.  One can only imagine of how much longer World War II would have lasted and how many more than six million Jews would have perished in a prolonged Holocaust.

1942(29th of Av, 5702): Fifty-six year old pioneering psychoanalyst Sabin Spielrein was murdered by the Nazis at Rostov-on-Don.

1944: Members of the 16th SS-Panzergrenadier Division “Reichsfuehrer SS,” killed more than 500 civilians in the Tuscan Village of Sant’Anna di Stazzema (As reported by David Rising)

1944: Birthdate  of American actor Bruce Solomon who appropriately played Rabbi David Small in the television series “Lanigan’s Rabbi.”

1944(23rd of Av, 5704): Berl Katznelson “one the intellectual founders of Labor Zionism, instrumental to the establishment of the modern State of Israel, and the editor of Davar, the first daily newspaper of the workers' movement,” passed away today. “He was born in Bobruysk, Russia in 1887, and dreamed of settling in the Jewish homeland from an early age. In Russia, he was a librarian in a Hebrew-Yiddish library and taught Hebrew literature and Jewish history. He made aliyah to Ottoman Palestine in 1909, where he worked in agriculture and took an active role in organizing workers' federations based on the idea of "common work, life and aspirations." With Meir Rothberg, Katznelson founded the consumer co-operative known as Hamashbir Latzarhan. He helped to establish the Kupat Holim Clalit sick fund, a major fixture in Israel's network of socialized medicine. He was the editor of the newspaper, Davar, as well as the founder and first editor-in-chief of the Am Oved publishing house.” Katznelson was buried in the cemetery on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

1945: From Halkis, Greece it was reported, "The one man capable of teaching Hebrew and Judaism, Rabbi Davidson Matsa and his wife and 6 children have recently left for Janina, where he hopes to function as rabbi. He originally came from Janina. Individual Jews are trying to fill his place by carrying on religious activities in the Synagogue." 

1946: President Harry Truman sends a telegram rejecting the ”Morris-Grady” plan because it would turn the Jewish zone in Palestine into “a ghetto” and “a betrayal” of promises made to the Jews and Jewish aspirations for a homeland.

1948: The first diplomatic envoy of the United States arrived in Israel

1948: The Czech government ordered a halt to arms shipment to Israel.  The new Communist Czech government’s policy was conforming to the increasing anti-Israel policy of their Soviet masters.  

1948(7th of Av, 5708): Three Jewish soldiers, Moshe Eliash, Alfred Rabinowitz and Pinah Solevetchik, were killed when Arab Legion shells fell on Mount Zion.

1948: “Arab Legion forces blew up the Latrun water pumping station” forcing Jewish Jerusalem to rely on private cisterns for its water supply.

1949: In Glasgow, Scotland Erwin Knopfler a Jewish refugee Hungary and Louisa Mary gave birth to rock musician Mark Freuder Knopfler

1949(17th of Av, 5709): Eighty-one year old Al Shean the German born Jewish comedian who was the “Shean” in the vaudeville team of Gallagher and Shean passed away.  (Editor’s note – is comedy genetic; Shean was the brother of Minnie Marx meaning he was the uncle of the Marx brothers)

1950: Riots broke out at Kikar HaShabbat (Sabbath Square) in Jerusalem when members of the Haredi community clashed with youth from Hashomer Hatzair who were upset by the problems they were having delivering milk from their farms.

1951(10th of Av, 5711):  Since the 9thof Av fell on Shabbat, observance of Tish'a B'Av

1951: Joseph B. Levin was designated Assistant Director of Office of Opinion Writing at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

1952: The government withdrew from the Knesset the bill granting the World Zionist Organization a special status, as “the representative of the Jewish people.” The government felt that there were many Jews and Jewish organizations in the world which were not a part of the Zionist movement and who had no intention of joining it, and yet they were interested and working for Israel. The government did not wish to do anything to lessen their goodwill or to interfere with their direct connection with the State. It was, however, prepared to support a corrected version of the WZO status. A new, blue Israeli passport was shown to the press for the first time.

1952(21st of Av, 5712): In what was part of a wave of post-war anti-Semitism, 24 of the foremost Yiddish writers of Russia were executed by the Soviet Government. Among the victims were Peretz Markish, David Bergelson, Itzik Fefer, Leib Kwitko, David Hofstein,Benjamin Zuskin, Solomon Lozovsky and Boris Shimeliovich

1956: William Shatner married Gloria Rand

1961: Dr. Arthur G. King wrote to Dr. Jacob R. Marcus discussing “the origin of the Jewish cemetery located in the Cincinnati, Ohio suburb of Clifton.

1962: Birthdate of David Horovitz, the London born Israeli journalist who made Aliyah in 1983 and founded the newly created The Times of Israel.

1971:  Birthdate of actor Michael Ian Black

1972(2nd of Elul, 5732): Sixty-two year old Richard “Dick” Fishel who played halfback for Syracuse in the 1930’s and then turned pro as a linebacker with the Brooklyn Dodgers football team passed away today.

1979(19th of Av, 5739): Ernst Boris Chain German-born biochemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1945 passed away.

1990: IraqPresident Saddam Hussein says he is ready to resolve the Gulf crisis if Israelwithdraws from occupied territories.  Of course, invading Kuwaithad nothing to do with Israel, but Israelis always a good smoke screen when Arab dictators are up to devious deeds.

1991(2nd of Elul, 5751):Yeruham Cohen, an early Israeli undercover soldier, died on today, at the age of  75 years. “Mr. Cohen, an Arabic-speaker of Yemeni origin, died of an unspecified illness. He was a top aide to the commander of Israel's underground forces during the country's war for independence in 1948 and also belonged to a unit whose members disguised themselves as Arabs to infiltrate enemy lines.  Mr. Cohen is most famous for his acquaintance with Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, whom he met in 1948 during the Israeli war for independence while Israeli forces encircled Egyptian troops the southern Negev. According to historical accounts, Mr. Cohen saw the future President while watching the Egyptians retreat, shouted and ran toward him, and they shook hands warmly.

1997(9th of Av, 5757): Tish’a B’Av

1999(30th of Av, 5759): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2001: The New York Timesbook section featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Houdini’s Box: The Art of Escapeby Adam Phillips, a children’s book entitled Sigmund Freud Pioneer of the Mindby Catherine Reef and two books about Nixon’s Jewish born Secretary of State: The Trial of Henry Kissingerby Christopher Hitchens andNo Peace No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger, and Betrayal in Vietnamby Larry Berman.

2001: Palestinian Islamic Jihad took credit for today’s bombing at Kiryat Motzkin that injured 21 people.

2003(14th of Av, 5763): Hamas claimed responsibility for the bombing at the Ariel bus station that claimed two lives.

2003(14th of Av, 5763): A terrorist bombing claimed one life at Rosh HaAyin.

2004(25th of Av, 5764): Thirty year old Capt. Michael Y. Tarlavsky was killed today when his unit was attacked in Najaf, Iraq.(As reported by Maia Efrem)

2005:  A report in the Jerusalem Post concerning absenteeism among workers may come as a surprise to some Americans.  For the first seven months of 2005, the rate of absenteeism was higher among men than women.  There was no explanation for this reverse in the statistical model from past years.  The report also revealed that absenteeism rates rise when economic conditions improve.  During economic slowdowns workers are loathe to be away from work for fear of being replaced. 

2005:  It was announced at TexasTechUniversity that an article about co-option for which Michael Levin was the lead author was accepted for inclusion to the American Marketing Association's Winter Educators Conference which is the top conference for strategists.

2005: Reuben Greenberg resigned as Chief of Police in Charleston, SC.

2006(18th of Av, 5766):Staff Sgt. Uri Grossman, 20, the son of renowned novelist and peace activist David Grossman was killed in Lebanon, just days after his father made a public call for the government to halt its military operation and enter negotiations.

2007: The Sunday New York Times book section features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including How American Grew From Sea to Shining by Jewish Pulitzer Prize winning author Richard Kluger and The Man In The White Sharkskin Suit by Lucette Lagnado in which she “chronicles her Jewish family’s flight from the rise of Nasser.”

2007: The Chicago Sun Timesbook section featured a Q&A with Gail Carson Levine author of Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand and a review of What Goes Up by Eric J. Weiner.

2007: In a story entitled, “A Museum to Get Lost In, And How Israel Is Fixing It” the New York Times describes “an $80 million expansion and renovation that will transform the way a visitor navigates and experiences” the Israel Museum, “

2007(28th of Av, 5767): Dr, Ralph Asher Alpher, author of the Big Bang Theory, passed away.

2007: The City of Toronto “granted a closure of Bloor Street between Bathurst and Markham Streets to accommodate a celebration in honor of Ed Mirvish” the late Canadian “businessman, philanthropist and theatrical impresario.”

2008: In Little Rock, AR at the Chabad House, second session of From Ruins to Glory, a course of study based on a virtual tour of the Temple

2008:Rabbi David Loksen and Rabbi Shmulie Hecht, of the Brooklyn, New York-based Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Community Enrichment Program who are volunteers with Chabad Hawaii, leave Guam.  They have been working with the island’s small Jewish community since July 22, 2008

2008:Two Israeli physicians were dispatched to Georgia to treat Yedioth Aharonot journalist Zadok Yehezkeli, who was seriously wounded in Gori when shrapnel from an artillery shell, reportedly fired by the Russians, hit him.

2008: General Norton A. Schwartz became the 19th Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force and the first Jew to hold that position.

2008: Janet Jagan was lected as editor of the PPP newspaper, Thundertoday.

2009:Tzfat [Safed] Klezmer Festival comes to a close.

2009:Two Israelis were lightly wounded in a shooting attack in the northern West Bank tonight, according to the IDF.

2009:The youth movement Habonim Dror, a driving force behind the popular campaign for Gilad Schalit's return, organized a global prayer for the captured IDF soldier's safe return the focus of which was a communal service held at the Western Wall tonight at time that coincided with the soldier's 23rd birthday according to the Hebrew calendar. Aviva and Noam Schalit, Gilad's parents, as well as hundreds of others, were present at the Jerusalem gathering.  

2010:YAD Detroit Book Club Cluster is scheduled to discuss The Piano Teacher by Janice Y. K. Lee at the Barnes & Noble Book Store in West Bloomfield, Michigan.

2011:A special performance by Makela, DC’s co-ed Jewish a cappella group, is scheduled to take place at the Sixth &I Historic Synagogue.

2011:Tel Aviv municipal inspectors distributed an eviction notice today to a tent dweller who erected a structure that served as a kitchen and storage room at the Nordau Boulevard tent city in north Tel Aviv.

2011: A hearing to discuss political redistricting in the Baltimore area began this evening at 6:30 p.m.  The hearing was originally scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. but was changed to the earlier time to accommodate Jewish citizens who need to be at home or in their synagogues to mark the start of Shabbat.  Like all other citizens, Jews can e-mail in their testimony.

2011: The New York Daily News published the first interview that Levi Aron, the man charged with killing 8 year old Leib Kletzky, has given to the media.

2012: The New York Times features reviews of books written by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Patagonian Hare: A Memoir by Claude Lanzmann and the recently released paperback editions of The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and Heddy’s Folly:The Life and Breakthrough Inventions of Hedy Lamarr, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World by Richard Rhodes.

2012: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to sponsor a contra-indicated (by the weather) fundraiser – Community Eat-for-Heat featuring a pancake feast and water play.

2012: The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is scheduled to present a special screening of “Granito:  How to Nail a Dictator”

2012(24th of Av, 5772): Eighty-five year old comic book artist Joe Kubert passed away today. (As reported Margalit Fox)

2012: The Summer Learning Institute at Hebrew Union College is scheduled to come to an end.      

2012: “Word Games (Mischakei Milim)” is scheduled to be shown at the Abingdon Theatre in NYC

2012: An off-duty female soldier was forced to disembark from a bus before she had completed her journey in order to avoid a verbal assault by ultra-Orthodox passengers who complained about her attire and point of boarding onto the vehicle, Israel Radio reported today

2012: Luiza Nahari, a Yemenite Jew whose husband, Moshe, was murdered in their hometown of Raydah in December 2008, immigrated to Israel this morning with four of her children.Nahari was reunited with her five other children, who had moved to Israel following her husband’s murder.

2012: “More than 1,000 people gathered at Rostov-on-Don, which 70 years ago witnessed the worst Holocaust atrocity in Russia.  Wearing arm bands marked with a Star of David, the crowd today marched to the mass grave of approximately 27,000 people executed by German soldiers near the city in 1942. Most of the victims were Jewish, according to the Russian Jewish Congress. Leading the procession was Rabbi Meir Lau, a Holocaust survivor and former chief rabbi of Israel. “The unprecedented turnout shows the memory of the Jewish genocide in Rostov is shared and preserved by Jews and non-Jews,” Russian Jewish Congress President Yury Kanner said.(As reported by Haaretz)

2013: “The A Word” which tells the story of the Rotenberg clan who live in the Arava desert is scheduled to shown at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Lisa Levine of the Wharton Business School is scheduled to present “Negotiate with Israelis – Like a Pro!” at Talpiyot Jerusalem.

2013: MK Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) today called for implementing the death penalty for terrorists. She said the measure was necessary to ensure that terrorist murderers are "never released." (As reported by David Lev and Ari Soffer)

2013:  The recently deployed Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted a least one of the rockets that was fired towards Eilat tonight. (As reported by Elad Benari)

2013: The Israel Prisons Service published “the list of the first 26 convicted terrorists who will be released as part of Israel’s confidence-building measures to help the restart of peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.The list included 17 names of prisoners who had murdered Israelis, including Abu-Musa Salam Ali Atia of Fatah, who murdered Holocaust survivor Isaac Rotenberg in a Petah Tikvah construction site in 1994.” (As reported by Haviv Rettig Gur and Aaron Kalman)

2014: In New Orleans Bruce Spizer is scheduled to deliver a lecture at the Uptown JCC on the cause of Beatlemania were the attendees will be able to enjoy a catered kosher lunch.

2014: Tova Birnbaum, Director of the North America Region of the World Zionist Organization, is scheduled to speak on Is Zionism Still Relevant for the Next Generation? with Hadassah’s Lauren Katz.

2014: New York Governor Mario “Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate co-leaders Dean Skelos and Jeff Klein are scheduled to travel to Israel” today for a two-day visit as a “demonstration of solidarity” with that country in the conflict in Gaza. (As reported by David Klepper)

This Day, August 13, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 13

236: The body of Hippolytus, the author of Contra Judaeous, which blamed the harsh conditions of the Jews on their rejection of Jesus was buried in a cemetery on the Via Tiburtina
339: The Roman Emperor “issued a decree forbidding intermarriage between Jews and Christians with transgressors to be punished by death.” (As reported by Austin Cline)
339: The Roman Emperor “issued a decree imposing the death penalty on Jews who circumcise non-Jewish slaves.” (As reported by Austin Cline)
339: The Roman Emperor issued a decree imposing the death penalty on any Jews who hired women weavers that had been “in imperial service.” (As reported by Austin Cline)
1099: Following a ceremonial that had been instituted by Emperor Otto III, the Jews of Rome “were obliged to attend the entry into” Rome of Paschal II whose papacy began today “singing laudatory hymns.
1311: Birthdate of King Alfonso XI of Castile. During his reign, in 1348, Alfonso issued decrees prohibiting Jews from charging interest when lending money and prohibiting them from collecting unpaid debts.  (The same rules applied to Moslems, but not Christians.) At the same time, Jews were still allowed to own land during his reign.
1315: Louis X of France marries Clemence d'Anjou.In 1315, Louis X also overturned the decree of his predecessor that allowed the Jews to return to France, and accorded them a charter "in answer to the demands of the people."
1391: In Spain, anti-Semitic mobs attacked the Jews of Lerida, reportedly killing 75. Other Jews were forcibly baptized and were forced to see their synagogue turned into a church. 
1453: Seventeen Jews were burned at the stake in Silesia.
1516: The Treaty of Noyon between France and Spain is signed. Francis recognized Charles's claim to Naples, and Charles recognized Francis's claim to Milan. Twice, Charles would issue edicts expelling the Jews from Naples.  The second one, issued in 1533, would take effect despite Jewish attempts to dissuade him. 
1551: Jews of "Great Poland" were granted limited self-government.
1599: In Basel, “Protestant Christian Hebraist” Johannes Buxtorf and his wife gave birth to their son “Johannes Buxtorf the Younger” who completed and edited several of his father’s works on Hebrew or related to Judaism as well as creating works of his own including a Latin translation of the writings of Maimonides.  
1620(4th of Av): Rabbi Menachem Azariah da Fano (Rama), author of Alfasi Zuta, passed away
1624: In France Cardinal Richelieu was named first chief minister of finance by King Louis XIII.  The Cardinal gave new meaning and depth to the term “power behind the throne.”  Many historians contend that any decree issued by King Louis XIII was really the work of Richelieu. This would include a decree issued in 1632 after the French had taken the fortress city of Metz that allowed the Jews to remain in the city.  The decree was necessitated by the fact that the King had issued a decree in 1615 banning all Jews from living in France.  This decree is an oddity in its in own right since when it was issued Jews were supposedly not living in the Gallic realm to start with.
1713: Birthdate of David Franco Mendes, the native of Amsterdam, a successful businessman who used his leisure time to write poetry, study Talmud and play a prominent role in the Spanish-Portuguese community.
1804: Birthdate of Israel Franklin Moses the native of Charleston, South Carolina who became known as Franklin J. Moses, Sr. – prominent planter, politician and jurist.
1816: Birthdate of German jurist and office holder Rudolf von Geneist who courageously helped to found the Association for the Defense against Anti-Semitism “a non-Jewish organization” also known as The Union for Combating Anti-Semitism,
1823: Birthdate of British born historian Goldwin Smith, “a pathological anti-Semite” who spent his last years in Canada.
1831: Birthdate of composer and pianist Salomon Jadassohn whose musical accomplishments are overshadowed by the fact that unlike other German Jews he did not convert even though his being Jewish kept him from many “church jobs such as directors or organists” which went to Christians instead.
1837: Birthdate of Aryeh Löb ben Joseph Katzenellenbogen: who followed in the footsteps of his grandfather and father by serving as a rabbi at Brest-Litovsk a city that would become infamous in the 20th century as the site of the humiliating peace treaty that the Germans forced on the Russians during WW I.
1846: Birthdate of Sir Otto Jaffe, the Hamburg native who became a successful British businessman and Lord May of Belfast.

1847(30th of Av, 5634): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1851: Birthdate of Felix Adler. Born in Germany, Adler’s family moved to the United States when he was five.  His father, Rabbi Samuel Adler, was head of Temple Emanu-el, the leading Reform Congregation in New York City.  In 1873, Adler became professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature at CornellUniversity.  In that same year he delivered a major address at his father’s congregation entitled “the Judaism of the Future.”  He proposed ridding Judaism of its superstitious traditions in order to better focus on the ethics that he felt were central to any human community.  The congregation was receptive to his emphasis on ethics but was loathe to cast aside 3000 years of religious tradition.  Adler soon found himself beyond the pale.  In 1876, he founded the New York Ethical Cultural Society.  He remained a champion of the Ethical Cultural Movement until his death in 1933.
1860:In response to a public call, signed by a number of influential citizens, a meeting was held at the Tract-Society House today afternoon, to consider the subject of the Christian massacre in Syria, and to adopt measures for rendering assistance to the sufferers. About twenty persons were present, among them some of our most prominent clergymen.  During the meeting it was noted that meetings for the same purpose were being held in England and France by Jews as well as Christians.
1861: Birthdate of Dr. Marcus Jastrow, Jr., the Warsaw native who moved to Philadelphia with his father, the famed Talmudist Marcus Jastrow and became a noted Orientalist.


1867: Birthdate of Arthur Eichengrün, the German-Jewish chemist who holds 47 patents but is best known for his claim to really have been the inventor of Aspirin.
1867: Birthdate of Dr. Lee K. Frankel, the Philadelphia native who gained fame for his work with various Jewish philanthropies.
1867: Birthdate of Dr. Charles Foster Kent, the American Biblical scholar who dozens of works on ancient Israel including Outlines Of Hebrew History, A History of the Hebrew People (2 volumes) and A History of the Jewish People during the Babylonian, Persian and Greek Periods.
1871:The Grand Lodge of the Ancient Jewish Order of Kesher Shel Barzel  held their annual banquet this evening at the corner of Seventh Avenue and 14th Street in New York City. The lodge has 4,000 members. The dinner was attended by 110 members including thirty delegates from  various parts of the United States.
1871: In Chicago, Rabbi Elkan Herzman was physically forced to leave his synagogue on Fifth Avenue. Some of the congregants had complained because Herzman had violated Jewish law by eating ice cream on a day when he should have been fasting.  When Herzman arrived at the synagogue he found another rabbi in his usual place.  Following the altercation, Herzman complained to the police who said that there was nothing they could do about.  Herzman has threatened further political action.  (I have not been able to find any further reference to this Rabbi or a synagogue on fifth avenue, so if you have, please let me know.)
1872: Birthdate of German born chemist, Richard Willstätter.  Willstatter won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1915 for his study of the structure of chlorophyll and other plant pigments.  He resigned his position on the faculty at a university in Munichover the issue of anti-Semitism. After Hitler’s rise to power, he fled to Switzerlandwhere he died in 1942. 
1872: Birthdate of Jacob de Haas, an English journalist who was one of Herzl’s earliest supporters. After Herzl’s death, de Haas became a lead of the Zionist movement in Israel.
1874(30thof Av, 5634): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1874: It was reported today that George Walling, the Superintendent of the New York Police Department had written to Henry Honscheidt, the Sheriff of McLean County, Illinois, telling him that in his opinion the man who had confessed to the Sheriff that he had killed wealthy businessman  Benjamin Nathan was “either  insane or an imposter.” (The murder is still unsolved to this day)
1875: Birthdate of Arthur Yitzhak Biram, Israeli philosopher, philologist, and educator, who died on the first day of the Six Days War.
1877: Midhat Pasha, the head of the “Young Turkey” Party is in Vienna where he hopes to negotiate a treaty with Austria and England that will protect the Ottoman Empire and avoid a Holy War. Pasha is the son of a Bulgarian Jew who converted to Islam to enhance his commercial opportunities in the lands of the Sultan.
1876: The Anglo-Jewish Association’s description of a Jewish community living in India was published today. According to the reported the community is known as the Beni-Israel (Children of Israel) and has  been in existence for a thousand years.  They dress like Hindus and speak the Hindu language.   While they know little Hebrew, they follow the Levitical Code and strictly observe the Sabbath. They are separate from other Jewish communities in the subcontinent.
1881: It was reported today that the government is taking “strong measures” to suppress the anti-Semitic riots in Pomerania including the arrest of 21 rioters at Koslin.

1881: “Comical German Names” published today includes a commentary on the names used by German Jews who were “not more than a century ago, forlorn of family names.”  “He was either known by a ‘front name,’ supplemented by that of his father as in ‘Aaron ben David’ or ‘Solomon ben Israel’ or by some nickname owing its origin to the nature of his occupation or perhaps to a conspicuous physical peculiarity.” Apparently this method of nomenclature made it difficult for the taxman to make his collections so a law was passed requiring Jews to choose a surname, use for the entire lifetime and “transmit it by legal act of registration to his children.”

1882: “Mr. Jenkins’s New Book” published today provides a review of A Paladin of Finance by Edward Jenkins in which the Member of Parliament creates a work of fiction based on the financial crash in France in which “he insists., the Jews rule the finances of the world and there wield all the power.”

1883: The New York Times published a letter to the editor from Raphael Lewin in which the author disputes the account of the Damascus Libel of 1840 published in the Times on August 6 describing it as being slanted and anti-Jewish.
1884: The Board of Governors of the Hebrew Union College re-elected Bernhard Bettmann as President.  Rabbi Henry Berkowitz of Mobile, Alabama and Rabbi Max Landsberg of Rochester, NY, were chosen to serve as new members on the board.
1884: It was reported today that Russian Jew on his way to his brother’s wedding in Paris was detained for 4 days by authorities because he did not understand French and could not answer their questions.  While in custody, a rope was kept around his neck; he was handcuffed and knocked about by those holding him.  When the mayor heard of the incident he called for an investigation
1884: It was reported today that Mrs. Morris Cohn, the daughter of Michael Englemann (the Salt King of Manistee, Michigan) has gone left her husband and returned after his arrest on charges of numerous counts of forgery.  Cohn, a prominent Jewish businessman had spent the $50.000 wedding gift from Englemann and turned to criminal activity to support their lifestyle.
1886: It was reported today that numerous homes of Jews living in Kiev have been destroyed during anti-Jewish riots in the Russian province.
1887: It was reported today that Israel Lipski’s solicitor has new facts that will prove that he did kill Miriam Angel, the woman he was convicted of killing.  Lipski’s lawyer has met privately with Judge Stephen convinced him of his client’s innocence.
1887: Henry Mathews, the Home Secretary has refused to interfere in the case of Israel Lipski who has been sentenced to hang for murdering Miriam Angel.
1889: It was reported today that Theodore Cohn, the young man who stole $610 from A.H. & King is in the Tombs awaiting trial on a charge of grand larceny.
1890: The expenses of today’s excursion sponsored by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children will be paid in full by an anonymous female donor who has been paying for one such excursion for each of the last seven years.
1890: In London, “the meeting at the Mansion House to protest against” Russian persecution has been postponed following reassurance by the Lord Mayor offers reassurances that there is no reason to believe that the Czar’s government will enforce the edicts of 1882.
1890: Godfrey Taubenaus was selected to serve as Rabbi of Mount Sinai Temple on East 72nd Street.
1891: The Russian government prohibited the collection of funds or the publication of appeals for financial assistance to Jewish immigrants today
1892: “A Chicken Too Much for the Police” published today described the uproar at police stations throughout New York caused by Davis Rubenstein bringing a decayed chicken  to each police station in his attempt to have action taken against Berman’s Butcher Shop which is “selling impure food.” The foul fowl was turned over the Sanitary Bureau to use in its investigation.
1893(1st of Elul, 5653): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1893: “Parties in Austria” published today described the political divisions in the polyglot central European kingdom that include “anti-Semites, who conscientiously hold that hell is not hot enough for the Jews, whose torments ought, in strict justice, to begin in this life and be continued in the next.”

1893: Birthdate of Monnet Bain Davis who served as U.S. Ambassador to Israel from 1951 through 1953.
1895: According to Charles Bernstein, the settlement committee of the striking tailors, most of whom were Jewish, will meet for the last time tonight.
1896: Herzl meets with the Turkish ambassador, Mahmud Nedim Bey, in Vienna.
1896:  Since American commanders did not know that an armistice had been signed yesterday they proceeded to capture the Philippine city of Manila, the climactic moment in the Battle of Manila.  Sergeant Maurice Justh of the First California Volunteers, a regiment with 100 Jewish members, was the first soldier “to fall in the attack on Manilla.”
1898: “Hebrew Charities Building” published today described “the new Hebrew Charities Building, just now rising above the ground level on the corner of Second Avenue and Twenty-first Street” next to the Post Graduate Hospital.
1898: An entry in a Swiss hotel log showed that Freud stayed at the hostelry possibly with “a woman who was not his wife” and may have been his sister-in-law Minna Bernays.
1899: As tensions rise in France during the re-trial of Captain Dreyfus, Paul Deroulede, the poet who is also a member of the Chamber of Deputies and 23 of his allies were arrested today.  (The Dreyfus affair was symptomatic of deep divisions in French society that pitted Republican secularists against Royalist Roman Catholics.)
1899: Three duels are scheduled to be fought by journalists cover the court martial of Captain Dreyfus and Rennes, France.
1899: In Paris, demonstrations took place this evening outside of the offices of the Anti-Semite League where the President of the League and Max Regis, “the former Jew-baiting Mayor of Algiers” are hiding.
1899: “London Sympathy With Dreyfus” published today described a rally where a resolution was adopted calling for “a meeting of rejoicing” “in the event of the acquittal of Dreyfus.”
1899: “‘King Lear’ In Hebrew” published today described the emotional response to Jacob Adler’s portrayal of King Lear at the People’s Theatre in Brooklyn.  The Shakespearian drama has been updated to fit the taste of its predominately immigrant Jewish population so it is set in modern day Vilna and the women “dress in the latest New York Fashions.”
1899: It was reported today that the recent rapprochement between France and Germany has led to renewed mistrust and mistreatment of Germans in Russia as well the decision of the government to order German and Polish Jews who have been living in St. Petersburg for years to leave the capital by the end of the month.
1900:The Fourth Zionist Congress convened in London with five hundred delegates in attendance. Max Nordeau gave the opening in address which included an account of the appalling conditions faced by the Jews of Romania and a tribute to the Kaiser for his treatment of the Jews of Pomerania and East Prussia.
1900: In London, an open air meeting for the evangelizing of Jews was held near Queen’s Hall where the Zionists were holding their congress.
1903: In Salt Lake City, Utah President Joseph F. Smith of the LDS (Mormon) Church gave the dedicatory address at the cornerstone laying for Congregation Montefiore.
1907: The first American taxicabs appear on the streets of New York City.  At least two Jews played a major role in the introduction of this type of conveyance in the United States. In 1915, John Hertz, a Hungarian born Jew started the Yellow Cab Company in Chicago, Il. In 1922, a Russian born Jew named Morris Markin formed the Checker Cab Company and in 1929 he bought the Yellow Cab Company from Hertz
1910: Birthdate of Shlomo-Yisrael Rosenberg; the native of Warsaw who moved to the United States where he became a lawyer and a rabbi before making in Aliyah where as Shlomo-Yisrael Ben-Meir he became an MK who held several ministerial porfolios.
1911: At Basel, Switzerland, the 10thZionist Congress, adopted a resolution to establish a Zionist immigration office in Berlin
1912: Franz Kafka met Felice Bauer in Berlin.  The relationship between these two had a profound effect on Kafka’s literary output as well as his personal life.  One critic recently wrote that Kafka’s correspondence with Bauer “is the most useful key to Kafka’s thoughts and actions during the decisive years of his emergence as a writer.”
1912:  Birthdate of Italian born biologist Salvador Luria. In 1969 he and Max Delbruck shared the Nobel Prize in medicine for the “Luria-Delbruck experiment” which “demonstrates that in bacteria, beneficial mutations arise in the absence of selection, rather than being a response to selection. This reinforces the Darwinian notion of evolution by natural selection acting on random mutations.”
1916: Birthdate of Connie Polan who became Connie Wald when she married Jerry Wald.
1917: The Turkish military leader Djemal Pasha announces the Turkish government has become convinced that the Jewish colonies inside Palestine must be destroyed, so they won't present a danger to the integrity of Turkey.
1918: Birthdate of Judith Iris Martin, the Newark native who created the long-lived children’s theater group, the Paper Bag Players which would become a New York City institution (As reported by Douglas Martin)
1922: Birthdate of Ruby Burman, the native of Columbus, Ohio, who as Ruby Cohn became “a theater scholar who espied the genius of Samuel Beckett early on in Paris and became a leading authority on his work as well as his friend…” (As reported by Bruce Weber

1922:Samuel Untermeyer, President of the Palestine Foundation Fund made public a letter from Dr. Arthur Ruppin describing the future establishment of Jewish suburbs at Jerusalem and other sites in Palestine which show the likelihood of the development of major municipalities throughout the area.
1925: In the “Free City of Danzig” Eliezer and Dina Sterenberg gave birth to Meir Shamgar who served as President of the Israeli Supreme Court from 1983 until 1995
1926: Birthdate of Arthur Ortenburg, the native of Newark who teamed with his wife Liz Claiborne and Leonard Boxer to create fashion line Liz Claiborne, Inc (As reported by Douglas Martin)
1928: Birthdate of Yehuda "Nimrod" Lapidot “an Israeli historian and former professor of biochemistry. Lapidot was a member of the Irgun and an officer in the Israel Defense Forces. In 1980 he was appointed head of Lishkat Hakesher by former Irgun commander and then Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Lapidot received a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Hebrew University in 1960 and later became a professor.”
1928: At the casino in Deauville, Charles A. Levine punched the editor of The Boulevardier after the latter admitted that he was the one who had been taking “dirty cracks” at Levine.  The two were separated and Miss Mabel Boll, who was reportedly Levine’s mistress, took him away.  Levine, a non-observant Jew, claimed to be the first passenger to fly the Atlantic in 1927.
1929: New York State Supreme Court Justice Frankenthaler is scheduled to hear arguments regarding a petition to have the question of the sanity of Alfred Dreyfus be determined by a jury.
1929: Jewish financier Felix Warburg and Lord Melchett, the famous British nobleman whose picture appeared on the cover of Time Magazine on October 29, 1928, each donated five hundred thousand dollars today to start a financial concern aimed at helping development in Palestine.
1933:The Jewish Telegraphic Agency published an article that estimated that there were about 660,000 non-Aryans living in Germany of which 500,000 are "official" Jews and 160,000 of Jewish descent.
1933: Premiere of “So This Is Harris!” – “a short comedy directed by Mark Sandrich

1934: The comic strip “Li’l Abner,” created by Al Capp, made its debut. Born Alfred Gerald Caplan in New Haven, in 1909, Capp was a successful syndicated cartoonist by the age of 19.  He created Li’l Abner and all of his Hillbilly friends during the depths of the Great Depression.  One of the most famous characters in the strip were the Schmoos.  These characters could jump into your pot or skillet and “cook up” to taste like any food you wished for.  To Jewish kids, the Schmoos sounded an awful like the manna in the Bible.

1936:Felix M. Warburg, New Yorkbanker and philanthropist, today was named chairman of the American division of the executive committee of the Council for German Jewry.

1937:A proposal to settle 200,000 Jews in Palestinewithin the next three years, involving an investment of about $175,000,000, was laid before the World Zionist Congress today. The proposal was made by Elieser Kaplal, treasurer of the Zionist executive committee, who said American Jewry was expected to contribute $2,000,000 to the Zionist movement and Palestine fund in the current fiscal year.

1938(16th of Av, 5698): As they bicycled from Ramatayim to Petah Tikva Benjamin Babayoff and his wife were shot and killed by gunmen firing from an orange grove and their seven year old daughter who was riding on the handlebars was severely wounded.

1939:  In Brooklyn Julius and Anee Cohen Steinberg gave birth to Saul Phillip Steinberg the Wharton graduate who founded “Leasco” which provided him with the financial bases to acquire 150 year old Reliance Insurance Company.

1940(9th of Av, 5700): Tish'a B'Av

1940: During World War II, the Battle of Britain begins as the Luftwaffe attacks British airfields.  Field Marshall Goering told Hitler that the Luftwaffe could bomb the British into submission making an invasion unnecessary. On the other hand, by destroying the RAF, the Germans would be able to invade the British Isles with complete control of the skies insuring a Nazi victory.  If the British had lost the Battle of Britain, the Final Solution would have been that much closer to being truly “final.”  For more about the role of Jews in actually fighting the Battle of Britain see http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/ww2/sugar4.html.   Failure to win the Battle of Britain soured Hitler on the capabilities of the Luftwaffe and caused him to turn his face eastward towards the Soviet Union.  The invasion of the Soviet Union would result in the millions of Jews coming under the sway of the Final Solution.

1942(30thof Av, 5702): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1942: The Jewish communities at Mir, Belorussia, and Gorodok, Ukraine, are liquidated.

1942: Switzerlandforces Jews (mostly French) already safe in Switzerland back across the border. The Swiss government will turn back 10,000 Jews to their deaths during the remainder of the war on the grounds that only political refugees can be admitted into Switzerland, not "racial refugees." The Swiss government does, however, welcome the gold that the Germans extract from the mouths and fingers of the dead Jews.  

1942: For the next fourteen days, 53,750 Jews from Warsawwill be deported to the Treblinka death camp.
1942: United States State Department officials and the British Foreign Office decide that the Riegner Cable outlining details of the Holocaust be kept secret.
1943: Y. Ben Ami wrote a letter to Peter H. Bergson proposing “the creation of a ‘Free Palestine League’ to influence United States policy on the Middle East and to wage a publicity campaign to create public support for an independent Palestine.” (Ben Ami would have a son, Jeremy who became the excutive director of “J Street.”)

1944: Following today’s arrest of an SOE agent and a French officer by the Gestapo, Krystyna Skarbek with the SS officer in charge, and using a combination of threats and bribery obtained the release of her comrades.

1945: Thirty-five Jews sacrifice their lives to blow up Nazi rubber plant in Silesia

1946: British authorities open detention camps on the island of Cyprus to hold Jewish refugees who have been prevented from entering Palestine due to British restrictions on immigration.

1946: In Brooklyn Anna Blumenthal and Dr. Julius Yellen gave birth to Janet Louise Yellen the American economist who has a career as an academic and public service including chairing the Council of Economic Advisers and holding senior positions with the Federal Reserve.

1948(8th of Av, 5708): Silent screen star Elaine Hammerstein, daughter of Arthur Hammerstein and granddaughter of Oscar Hammerstein, died in an automobile accident.

1951: “A Nahal group from the Ezra movement” Sha’alvim, “a religious Kibbutz in central Israel…affiliated with Agudat Israel.

1952: In New York Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt welcomed the 50,000th visitor to the Bond Drive’s Israeli Industrial Exhibition. The Hebrew lettering on a gleaming, Kaiser-Frazer car, assembled in Israel, made a great impression.

1953(2nd of Elul, 5713): Seventy-three year old history Eugen Täubler who began his career teaching  ath the Higher Institute for Jewish in Berlin and finished it teaching at HUC in Cincinnati, Ohio, passed away today.

1955: Two years after the death of Joseph Stalin, old-line Bolshevik Semyon Dimanstein was rehabilitated by the Communists running the Soviet Union.  Born in 1886, Dimanstein reportedly became a Rabbi after studying at a Chabad Yeshiva before becoming a Russian revolutionary.  He was widely identified with Jewish issues inside the Soviet Union including the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in the Far East and Yidn in FSSR (Jews in the Soviet Union). He was a victim of Stalin’s murderous purges in 1938. Rehabilitation is sort of like the Communist version of Resurrection.

1957: Birthdate of David Craine, the Philadelphia native who helped to create one television’s most popular sitcoms – “Friends” which will live on forever in re-runs.

1959(9th of Av, 5719):Tish'a B'Av

1961(1st of Elul, 5721): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1961: Ernst and Karola Bloch were on a lecture tour in the Federal Republic of German when the Berlin Wall “went up” today forcing them to forsake their home Leipzig (East Germany) and settle in Tubingen (West Germany)

1961(1st of Elul, 5721): Seventy-nine year old Sir Ellice Victor Sassoon,  who became a Baron on the death of his father Edward Elias Sassoon and who made much of his fortune in the orient passed away today. 

1973(15th of Av, 5733):Maurice Bisgyer, retired executive vice president of B'nai B'rith, the Jewish service organization, died today at the age of 75.

1973:The body of Sir Moses Montefiore, father of modern Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel, will be returned to Jerusalem a century after his death, the Israeli Government said today. The body will be moved from Ramsgate to Israel in 1975.

1977: President Carter’s administration rejected the Israeli request for the co-production rights of the F-16 fighter-bomber and announced that Israelwould not be able to purchase the 250 planes as requested. This number had been reduced to 50 or 75 on grounds that the Israel Air Force no longer needed to maintain its air superiority over the Arabs.

1978(1st of Av, 5738): Rosh Chodesh Av

1991:The publisher Robert Maxwell said today that he had reached a private agreement with the publisher and other shareholders of Israel's Ma'ariv-Modin Group to acquire the majority of shares in the company, which owns the Israeli daily Ma'ariv. Ma'ariv is published in Hebrew in Tel Aviv. Financial details were not given. A statement said Mr. Maxwell would be the chairman and publisher and hold more than 70 percent of the shares. Dov Judkowski, who with Mr. Maxwell controls more than 75 percent of the shares, will be editor in chief and deputy chairman. "I shall put at the disposal of Ma'ariv-Modin all the funds necessary for the swift development of the paper, for the benefit of both the group and its staff," said Mr. Maxwell, who recently acquired The Daily News in New York.

1995: Aharon Barak succeeded Meir Shamgar as President of the Supreme Court of Israel.

1999(1st of Elul, 5759): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2000: The New York Times book section featured a review of Half-Jew: A Daughter's Search for Her Family's Buried Pastby Susan Jacoby and Rodinsky’s Room a mystery about David Rodinsky coauthored by Iain Sinclair and Rachel Lichtenstein, granddaughter of Polish Jewish refugee Gedaliah Lichtenstein.

2001: In the fight against West Nile Virus, pesticides are applied at Baron Hirsch Cemetery In New York

2003: “The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously rules to refuse to reconsider a three-judge panel ruling that a Ten Commandments plaque from 1920 can remain on the Chester County courthouse in Pennsylvania. The appeals court was overruling a decision that the plaque with the commandments “violated the separate of church and state.” (As reported by Austin Cline)

2005:The 20th annual Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education (CAJE) opens at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst

2006: A Woman in Jerusalem by A. B. Yehoshua (translated from the Hebrew by Hillel Halkin) was reviewed in the Book Section of the New York Times. A human resources manager is described as “the nameless main character” of this latest acclaimed novel.  Finally a novel features a Jewish human resources manager – how can one not be excited at the prospect of reading this? 

2006: The Book Section of the Washington Post featured a review of  Peter Hartcher’s Bubble Man: Alan Greenspan and the Missing 7 Trillion Dollars which the reviewer describes as a “flawed jeremiad” that attempts to blame Greenspan for the collapse of the dot com bubble and the losses that may or may not have taken place.

2006(19th of Av, 5766): Mahadi Hiyat, 83, was killed when a rocket crashed directly into his house near the town of Shlomi. Hiyat was the sole Egyptian resident of the northern Jewish community of Ya'arah.

2007: A copy of Faye Kellerman’s latest novel, The Burnt House is contributed to the Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, thus insuring that its library will have a complete collection of her detective mysteries. With The Burnt House, Kellerman returns to her literary roots with Rina and Peter Decker, the Jewish couple that solves murders.  Besides the fact they are slick yarns, where else can you be on the trail of multiple murderers while one of the characters talks about “hashgacha pratite” and another reassures his spouse that they could enjoy a visit to Santa Fe since “they have a Chabad there.”

2007: Some 75 people from the Jewish community of Rochester, New York, attended a dedication ceremony today to honor a rediscovered burial plot, long unknown to the community, where over 100 Jews from the 19th century were buried. The first Jewish graveyard in the city, and a special graveyard section for "Poor Jews" were recently rediscovered during a "Mitzvah Day" cleanup organized by a local synagogue.

2008: Forty Reform Jews land in Israelfor a first-of-its-kind trip to meet the Israeli Reform movement. The 10-day trip is titled "Reform Family Experience: Move Beyond the Tour Bus," and may be a sign of the times in seeking to connect Reform Jews more powerfully than in the past to an Israel that is more complex and diverse than that seen by most tourists.

2008: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez met with Jewish leaders today, pledging to work together against anti-Semitism and open up channels of communication despite differences on Middle East politics. Both Chavez and leaders of the World Jewish Congress called the meeting a success.
2009: Funeral services for Robert William Levine, the businessman and philanthropist who worked to aid Russian immigrants are scheduled to take place at Temple Emanuel in Newton, MA followed by burial at Memorial Park in Sharon, MA.

2009: In Jerusalem, the Yiddishpiel Theatre helps prepare people for the High Holidays by presenting a “unique musical event which combines stories about the great cantors and Jewish and cantorial soul songs.

2009: In Jerusalem, Beit Avi Chai,A cultural center that explores concepts of Jewish and Israeli identity and creativity presents a workshop led by Dr. Meir Buzaglo, Department of Philosophy, at Hebrew University entitled Rambam in the 21st Century that asks the questions, “How does the Rambam’s thinking relate to the basic questions of the modern age?”

2009:The Israel Defense Forces said today that they were investigating reports of a kidnapped soldier. A previously unknown Palestinian group calling itself the "Al-Quds Army" claimed that it had kidnapped an Israeli soldier the Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported.
2009: Rai Ephraim Simon, co-director of Friends of Lubavitch and a father of nine donated one of his kidneys to Samar Chasid living in Williamsburg who is the father of ten.

2009 Patriot’s rookie Julian Edelman scored his first professional points on today in a pre-season game with the Philadelphia Eagles returning a punt 75 yards for a touchdown

2010(3rd of Elul, 5770):  On the Hebrew calendar today marks the 75th anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook. He passed away on the 3rd of Elul, 5695. During the British Mandate, “Rabbi Kook was the first Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of the Jewish population in the Land of Israel in modern times, and had great love and respect for the secular Zionist movement…”

2010: Temple Judah is scheduled to celebrate the 88th birthday of Marianne Bern at the Oneg following Friday night services.

2010: The man who killed Meir Kahane in 1990 claims he did not carry out the shooting alone, as previously thought, but was part of a three-man terrorist cell with links to al-Qaida. Its original target was future prime minister Ariel Sharon, according to a newly-leaked US government document.
2010:The reopening of Shaarei Torah,the synagogue of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, luminary sage and father of modern religious Zionism, coincided with the 75th anniversary of Rabbi Kook's death.

2011: The Gaga Summer Intensive that included Ohad Naharin's Repertoire is scheduled to come to a close today. Ohad Naharin “is an Israeli contemporary dancer, choreographer, artistic director, and musician.”

2011(13th of Av, 5771): Shabbat Nachamu

2011: The Summer Israeli Folk Dance Mostly Couples Marathon is scheduled to take place at Buttenwieser Hall in New York City.

2011: Social protests took place throughout Israel today, with demonstrators turning out en masse in Haifa, Be’er Sheva and Afula.

2011:Gunmen abducted Warren Weinstein an American Jew after breaking into his house in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore today in an unusually brazen raid that illustrated the threat to foreigners in this militancy-wracked, US-allied country.
2012: Five short films created by Israeli directors - Occupy Rothschild, Wall to Wall, Busted, Word Games, A Wonderful Day – are scheduled to be shown in NYC

2012:Israel may need to destroy parts of Lebanon and Gaza if Hezbollah and Hamas rain missiles upon the country in response to an Israeli attack on Iran, former Mossad head Danny Yatom said today
2012:The Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry announced today that the price of a price-controlled loaf of bread will rise by 6.53 percent tomorrow.

2013: “Israel: A Home Movie” is scheduled to be shown at the Morris Cafritz Center for the Arts as part of the Year-Round Washington Jewish Film Festival.

2013: “The High Court of Justice today rejected a petition by the families of terror victims to block the release of 26 Palestinian prisoners who were convicted of terrorism, ruling that it is not for the court to involve itself in what is a diplomatic rather than a legal process.” (As reported by Stuart Winer)

2013: The Israel Defense Forces gained 125 new recruits today as over 300 immigrants from North America landed in Israel, part of a charter flight organized by the Nefesh B’Nefesh organization. (As reported by Joshua Davidovich)

2013: Amir Levy is scheduled to appear in “Bellimi and the Sultan” at the Robert Moss Theatre

2014: The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is scheduled to unveil two plaques honoring rescuers from Italy and Poland at the Ferro Fountain of the Righteous

2014: Dr. Mark W. Weisstuch is scheduled to deliver the second in his series of lectures on “The Merchant of Venice: A study of despair and humanity” at the Skirball Center for Jewish Life and Learning.

This Day, August 14, In Jewish Histroy by Mitchell A. Levin

August 14

1385: In what might be called the “Battle of the Johns” The Portuguese forces commanded by King João I (King John I) defeat the Castilian army of King Juan I(King John I) at the Battle of Aljubarrota, leaving King Juan as ruler of Portugal. The victory of King João I guaranteed the existence of an independent Portugal which would provide a haven for Jews fleeing Christian persecution in Spain at the end of the 14th and start of the 15th centuries.

1433: John I (King João I) of Portugal passed away.  As the following entry shows, King John I provided a haven for at least one Jew seeking to escape persecution in Spain.


In 1391, an anti-Jewish riot inspired and provoked by the church occured in Seville and spread rapidly throughout Spain. Jews were being beaten and killed by religious fanatics and many others who were just taking advantage of the rioting to rob the Jews. The streets were flowing with Jewish blood; synagogues, homes and businesses are being destroyed; Jewish property is being stolen. The rioters were yelling; "Convert or Die!" The church promised peace and safety to the Jews who convert. Don Samuel Abarbanel, an observant Jew and his family were forced to convert. At that time the Abarbanels was one of the most distinguished families in Spain.  Its patriarch is Don Samuel Abarbanel, Treasurer of the State, Courtier, and friend to three kings of Spain. But even somebody as powerful as Don Samuel was not immune from the violence. He  took the Christian name of Juan Sanchez de Seville and continued to serve King Henry III as his treasurer. He and his family attended church and mass on Sunday, but at great risk they were secret Jews, trying to eat kosher, observe the Sabbath and holidays and pray to Hashem. It was not an easy thing for them to do but they did so for about six years when it became increasingly more difficult. By 1397 Juan Sanchez de Seville and his family were able to escape to Portugal where they threw off their Christian customs and names and resumed their practice of Judaism.

Don Samuel Abarbanel's reputation as a brilliant financier and statesman preceded him. King John I had his agents approach Don Samuel to ask him to be an advisor to the king. Don Samuel readily agreed, and a long personal friendship and relationship began. The relationship was not only between the king and Don Samuel, it was between their two families, their children, and their grandchildren. Samuel's son Judah followed in his father's footsteps. Don Judah was highly respected by King John I who frequently sought his advice. King John I was called "King John the Great." The title was well justified. During John I's reign Portugal prospered. Portugal was entering the age of exploration and acquiring new territories and becoming rich. Don Judah Abarbanel's advice to the king was invaluable in pursuing this course of action. One of King John's sons was Prince Henry the Navigator who ran a school of navigation and encouraged its Navy to explore, discover and settle new territories and to bring greater wealth and prestige to Portugal.

1447: Following a fire in Posen (Poland) where the original charter granting the Jews "privileges" was written, (by Casimir the Great), Casimir IV renewed all of their rights, making his charter one of the most liberal in Europe. This charter lasted less than a decade before it was revoked.

1688: Birthdate of Frederick William I of Prussia whom Veitel-Heine Ephraim served as court jeweler and mint master.

1716:  Italian Rabbi Isaiah Bassani wrote a poem in honor of Zebulon Conegliano passing his examination in medicine today in Padua.

1779: In Prague, Selig Trebitsch, ḥazzan at the Old New Synagogue and his wife gave birth to Rabbi Menahem Nahum Trebitsch whose writings included “Shelom Yerushalayim"

1787(30th of Av, 5547): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1787(30th of Av, 5547):Isaac de Pinto “a Dutch Jew of Portuguese origin, a scholar and one of the main investors in the Dutch East India Company” passed away. He had been born in 1717 in Amsterdam. In1748, Pinto helped stadholder William IV of Orange, sending or lending him money to defeat the French at Bergen op Zoom. In return he asked for uplifting measures against Jewish merchants forbidding them to sell clothes, gherkins or fish on the street. He proposed to send the poorest Jews to Surinam. Pinto was a man of broad learning, but did not begin to write until nearly fifty, when he acquired a reputation by defending his co-religionists against Voltaire. In 1762 he published his Essai sur le Luxe at Amsterdam. In the same year appeared his Apologie pour la Nation Juive, ou Réflexions Critiques. The author sent a manuscript copy of this work to Voltaire, who thanked him. Antoine Guenée reproduced the Apologie at the head of his Lettres de Quelques Juifs Portugais, Allemands et Polonais, à M. de Voltaire. In 1763 De Pinto became bankrupt as a result of speculation; he had to sell his house on Nieuwe Herengracht with five famous fixed wall-paintings by Jan Weenix. De Pinto moved to another fine mansion in The Hague; he and his family were invited to the palace when Mozart and his sister played. In 1768, Pinto sent a letter to Diderot on Du Jeu de Cartes. His Traité de la Circulation et du Crédit appeared in Amsterdam in 1771, and was twice reprinted, besides being translated into English and German. His Précis des Arguments Contre les Matérialistes was published at The Hague in 1774. In 1777 Pinto's works were published in French at Amsterdam and  in German at Leipzig,.

1793: Birthdate of Baruch Auerbach, the “educator and philanthropist” who founded he Jewish Orphan Asylum in Berlin.

1815: Birthdate Rabbi Maier Zipser “one of the leaders of the Conservative (Neolog) movement of the Hungarian Jewry.”

1822: In New York, Thomas Strong and his wife gave birth to Dr. James Strong a student of the Hebrew language whose pamphlet on the subject was published before the Civil War.  Strong was a member of the Palestine Exploration Committee and traveled there in 1884. (Strong was part of a group of 19th century Christians whose interest in Palestine laid the groundwork for the archaeological activities that became “Israel’s National Pastime.”)

1829: Birthdate of Jules Moch a graduate of Saint-Cyr who fought served in the Crimean War and was captured at the Battle of Sedan during the Franco-Prussian War.

1840: Birthdate of New York native Manuel Augustus Kursheedt

1840: The U.S. government sent instruction to Mr. Glidon, the American Consul expressing President Van Buren’s concern over the treatment of the Jews of Damascus and his wish that United States work in concert with the governments of Europe to relieve their suffering.

1855(30th of Av, 5615): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1862: Jacob Ezekiel Hyneman, a native of Richmond, VA who had moved to Philadelphia with is father in 1850 enlisted in the U.S. Army during the Civil War.  Unlike some other native Virginians, Hyneman was able to choose fighting for the Union as opposed to defending slavery.

1863:"Affairs at Vicksburg” published today describes conditions a month after the fall of the Confederate Citadel including the following, "When the news reached the North that Vicksburg had fallen, a few thousand Hebrew patriots immediately made an exodus in this direction, with a view of opening a few hundred clothing stores at once. Greatly to their disgust Gen. Grant refused to allow any trade whatever, and much to their pecuniary grief they found that they had brought their shoddy to the wrong market. Something, however, must be done, and so fifty or sixty opened shops for the repair of watches, an equal number opened establishments for taking pictures, another quantity went to work gathering up the immense amount of old rags left everywhere by the rebels, while the balance stood disconsolately for a time around corners cursing Grant in every dialect originating at Babel, and then returned up the river. Those who went into the rag business had a good thing, for rags are high and the quantity left by Confederates in this place was enormous."

1865: Today's Foreign Items column reports that The Chief of Police in Warsaw has forbidden the Jews to wear their ancient dress and coiffure, (two curls sticking out from a velvet cap.

1865: Officer Thomas Ward who was murdered by a gang of felons in the line of duty, died at the Jew's Hospital. (Jew’s Hospital would later be known as Mt. Sinai.  The hospital took on the role of treating New Yorker’s regardless of religion during the Civil War when it treated large numbers of Union soldiers wounded during McClellan’s ill-fated Peninsula Campaign.)

1872: A letter published today signed simply “A Jew” took issue with the New York Tribune’s characterization of President Grant’s views on, and relationships with,  the Jewish people.  The writer denied the Tribune’s claim that Grant had apologized for General Oder No. 11 by saying “that his chief of staff had issued and that he (Grant) had countermanded it.  When questioned on the subject in 1868, Grant said that “he issued that order under misapprehension, and regretted his action.  He took the responsibility and did not claim credit for countermanding it.”  The Tribune, whose publisher Horace Greely, was running against Grant for the Presidency, was making the same claims against Grant that had failed to dissuade Jews from voting for the Civil War hero in 1868.  The writer concludes by stating that The Tribune does not understand Jews.  Jews think for themselves.  Some will vote Democrat.  Some will vote Republican.  But none of them will be swayed by the Tribune’s re-hash of the claims left over from the 1868 Presidential Campaign.

1873: According to Chief of Police John Malloy, the man who was murdered in Albany is a Brooklynite named John D. Weston.  He was allegedly murdered by Emil Lowenstein, a German-Jewish barber who had been enlisted by Mrs. Weston with enticements of sharing in the decedent’s property and enjoying her company.

1874(1st of Elul, 5634): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1874: It was reported today that the police superintendent of New York had received a telegram from the Sheriff of McLean Country, Illinois, stating that the ”German Jew named Levy” had confessed to murdering New York businessman Benjamin Nathan.  The sheriff doubts that truth of the confession and thinks the man is “a humbug” looking for a free trip back to New York.

1878: It was reported today that the government is doing nothing to alleviate the suffering from the effects of the famine in southern Morocco.  The Jews of the region are receiving some assistance from co-religionists

1879:  Harris Levy, a 28 year old Polish Jew was shot in the arm on Forsyth Street in New York.  Levy was as a night watchman for Louis Solomans, a manufacturing tailor whose businesses occupied three rooms on the building’s 6th floor.

1881: “Bleichroder and Thiers” published today described one Frenchman’s reaction to Barthelemy St. Hilaire recommending that the President of the Republic name Gerson von Bleichröder the German Jewish banker with close ties to Chancellor Bismarck be named a Knight of the Legion of Honor.
1881: It was reported today that donations to help defray the cost of the next excursion sponsored by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children can be sent to the offices of the Jewish Messenger on Walker Street.
1881: In Kiev, Abraham and Dvora Wellcher gave birth to Laibel Welcher gained fame as aviation pioneer Arthur L. Wlesh who was a flight instructor and friend of the Wright Brothers.

1881: A concert sponsored by several prominent Jews is scheduled to be held today to raise funds for a cemetery at the popular resort town of Long Branch, NJ. The cemetery, “The Strangers’ Cemetery, will be open to all – rich or poor, Jew or Gentile

1882: It was reported today that there are forty Jews living in Hoboken, NJ.

1882: It was reported today that yesterday’s account in the Congressional Record of speech given by S.S. Cox in defense of the Jews of Russia could not have happened since Congress had already adjourned. This was an example of the time-honored technique of entering things into the Congressional Record that were not actually said on the floor of the House and/or Senate.

1882: It was reported that a barrel of gunpowder had accidentally exploded at a shop in Grodeno, Russia killing an untold number of Jewish children attending a nearby school

1882:“Old Time Business Ways” reviewed The Growth of English Industry and Commerceby William Cunningham which included a description of how the reality of Jewish money lending in Medieval England.  While it appeared that the Jews had a monopoly on money lending, “the King had indirectly a monopoly on money-lending” because the Jews “were mere chattels of the King” which meant that “all that they had was his.”

1884: It was reported today that Rabbi Henry Zindorf of Detroit’s Temple Beth El has been chosen as Professor of History and Hebrew Literature at Hebrew Union College.

1886: On the Lower East Side, Louis and Mary Strauss Frankenthaler gave birth to George Frankenthaler who served as the State Supreme Court Justice and New York County Surrogate.

1887: The members of the jury that convicted Israel Lipski of murder are scheduled to meet with the condemned man’s solicitor today.

1887: It was reported today that that Israel Lipski’s solicitor has “sent a telegram to the Queen” asking her to stay the execution because “he is in possession of facts which will enable him to establish” Lipski’s innocence.

1887: “Old World News By Cable” published today included a description of the excitement gripping London over the upcoming hanging of Israel Lipski, a Polish Jew who was found guilty of murdering Miriam Angel.
1888: An excursion for sick children under the age of six sponsored by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children will take place this morning at nine.

1889: The seventh free excursion of the summer sponsored by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children is scheduled to leave from the Fifth Street pier of the East River.  Only children without contagious diseases and six years of age or younger will be allowed on the boat.

1889: One hundred twenty Jewish families arrived in Buenos Aires giving birth to the modern Argentinean Jewish community. In 1889, 824 Russian Jews arrived in Argentina on the S.S. Weser from Podolia in western Russia. Many of them became gauchos (Argentine cowboys). The gauchos bought land and established a colony, which they named Moiseville. Due to lack of funding, the gauchos appealed to Baron Maurice de Hirsch for funds and the Baron subsequently founded the Jewish Colonization Association. During its heyday, the Association owned more than 600,000 hectares of land, populated by more than 200,000 Jews. While many of these cooperative ranches are now owned by non-Jews, Jews continue to run some of the properties.

1890: It was reported today that donations to help defray the costs of the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children can be sent to  Nathan Lewis, President; Dr. H. Gomez, Vice President; Hezekiah Kohn, Treasurer: and Joseph Davis, honorary Secretary.

1891(10thof Av, 5651): Sixty-four year old Emile Frank, the widow of Joseph Frank and passed away at Huguenot, NY. The funeral will be delayed because the body has to be taken back to New York City and tomorrow is Shabbat.

1891:Mr. Rosenbluth, of the Sanitary Aid Society who works with the Trustees of the Baron Hirsch Fund gave one of the Russian Jewish refugees living at Highstown, NJ $5,000 and sent him out to purchase farm lands in an attempt to replicate the success that Jewish refugees have enjoyed farming in Connecticut.

1892: Rabbis Aaron Wise and David Cahn officiated at the wedding of Lottie Naomi Swartwood and Leopold Kahn known as “Admiral Dot.” Kahn and Swartwood were both dwarfs.  He had begun performing with P.T.Barnum until he formed the American Lilliputian Company in 1877 where both of them were stars.

1892: “Decline of the Hat Industry in the Oranges” published today offered numerous reasons for the decline of millinery business in New Jersey including the fact that Polish Jews in Newark and Orange are finishing hats for eight and three quarters of a cent per dozen.  “American workmen have always been paid 25 cents per dozen.”  (In reality, the problem was the tariff)

1893: When representatives of the Board of Health, the Street Cleaning Department, the Fire Department and the Police swept through Hester Street and Mulberry Bend in an attempt to clear out the pushcarts and street vendors, they were forced to deal with “an old Jew” selling pears who had padlocked his cart in place and a Jew selling calico wrappers who claimed he could not move his cart because the wheel was broken.

1893: Birthdate of Samuel Simon Leibowitz, American attorney and jurist who would gain fame as the lawyer who defended the Scottsboro Boys.

1893: Jack O”Mara, the bartender at Patrick Devitt’s saloon in Brooklyn, is scheduled to go before the judge on charges that he handcuffed a Jewish paddled named Bruns and then stole his pack.

1896: Heinrich von Gossler was appointed Prussian Minister of War. During his tenure in office he would defend Jewish manufacturers of rifles of  when they were attacked by anti-Semites in the Reichstag. 

1897: In Chicago, Samuel Marlow, a German Jew and his son were arrested today when “officers raided a little frame house on 26thPlace” where they found a still that could produce 52 gallons of moonshine a day.

1898: As the staff at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum works to deal with an epidemic of dysentery “a well-known physician said that there forty to fifty cases in apartments in the same neighborhood which he attributed to polluted water.

1898: “The Arrival of the Immigrant” published today described the arrival of Italians at Ellis Island and the Barge Office who have replaced the wave of Jews “from the Ghettoes, the Judenstrasses and the village streets of Russia, Russian Poland and all of Jewish Western Europe” that filled these offices through-out the 1880’s.

1899: A New York Times reporter went to 3,815 Park Avenue which Abraham Reinold, a patient at Georgetown University in Washington, DC gave as his address.  The address given by this mysterious Jews was a vacant lot and no one in the neighborhood knew who he was.

1899: Birthdate of Evelyn Kozak the native New Yorker whose parents had left “Russia to escape anti-Semitic attacks” who would be described as the world’s oldest living Jew when passed away at the age of 113.

1899: In Paris, the police have surrounded the office of the Anti-Semite League where M.M. Guerin , the president of the league and Max Regis, the “noted –Jew baiter” and former Mayor of Algiers have barricaded themselves in attempt to avoid arrest “for political crimes that are punishable with penal servitude.”  A mob of their supporters shouting “Vive l’armee” and Mort aux Juifs’ has gathered outside the building.

1899: “Dreyfus Fight Thickens” published today described the split in French society that centers “around the shadowy and emaciated red-haired Jew, whose uniform of an artillery Captain so ill fits and befits his figure physiognomy.” 
1903: Birthdate of Hezl Rosenblum, the native of Kaunas who was “a signatory of the Israeli declaration of independence, he worked as editor of Yedioth Ahronothfor more than 35 years.”

1904: Rabbi Meir Berlin and his wife gave birth to Judith Lieberman the wife of Rabbi Saul Lieberman.

1904: Lillie Solomon, the daughter of Anna and I.E. Solomon, who was born in Solomonville, Arizona Territory in 1879, married Jewish merchant Max Lantin of Globe.

1905(13th of Av, 5665): English painter Simeon Solomon passed away. For examples of his art and a whole lot more see

1910(9th of Av, 5670): Tish’a B’Av
1910:Birthdate of French-Jewish photographer Willy Ronis

1910: Birthdate of Natan Alterman the Warsaw native who gained fame as an Israeli poet, playwright, journalist, and translator.

1910: Birthdate of Herta Herzog, the author of “The Jews as 'Others': On Communicative Aspects of Anti-Semitism” and the wife of Paul Felix Lazarsfeld.

1910(9th of Av, 5670): Moses Frankfurt who had been born in 1828 and was married to Babette Frankfurt passed away today in Norfolk, VA.

1911: In Richmond, Indiana, a meeting of the Society of Friends adopts a resolution protesting the treatment of the Jews of Russia.

1917: In the Bronx, Harry and Molly Glickmann give birth to Martin “Martry” Glickman. A graduate of Syracuse University, where he played football, Glickman was best known for his skills in track & field. In 1936, Glickman was one of two Jews on the U.S. 400 yard relay team at the 1936 Olympics.  The two were replaced just before the event.  According to Glickman, this was in response to pressure Avery Brundage, an anti-Semite and supporter of the Nazi regime. Glickman went on to a very successful career as a sports broadcaster. Glickman’s parents came from Jassy where the Germans and their Romanian allies slaughtered over twenty thousand Jews during the summer of 1941. 

 1920: Birthdate of actor Nehemiah Persoff.  Born in Jerusalem, Persoff came to the United Statesin 1929.  He was trained as an electrician, but developed an interest in acting which led to a very successfully career in theatre and film.

1926: Birthdate of Martin Broszat “a prominent West German historian and a specialist on Nazi crimes against the Jews.” (As reported by Eric Pace)

1928: The original production of “The Front Page,” directed by George S. Kaufman, opened at the Times Square Theatre

1929: The Jewish Agency for Palestine was founded.  The Jewish Agency “became the main organization through which Palestinian Jewry maintained its contacts with world Jewry and with the Mandatory authorities and foreign governments.  It was, in fact, the de facto government of the Jews in the Jewish homeland.

1931: In Chicago, Irene Rose (née Mauser) and Cedric Michael Raphael gave birth to Oscar winning screenwriter Frederick Michael Raphael.

1933:While speaking in Prague, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, honorary president of the American Jewish Congress, approves of the boycott against German goods and services.

1933:The Government prohibits the circulation in Germany of all Jewish newspapers printed in foreign countries, irrespective of language, and commands Jewish libraries to remove such periodicals from their quarters.

1934: After buying “the defunct synagogue building formerly run by Rabbi Meyer Isserman,”Rabbi Yaakov Ben Zion HaCohen Mendelsohn opened the Bergen Street Shul today – a “ceremony attended by hundreds of locals along with rabbis from Passaic, West New York, the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Philadelphia.”

1936:Arnold Spencer Leese was put on trial in London on charges of seditious libel against British Jews. In 1935, Leese who was a licensed veterinarian had proposed using gas chambers to murder Jews.  This led to an indictment “on six counts relating to two articles published in the July issue of The Fascist (the IFL newspaper) entitled "Jewish Ritual Murder," which later appeared as a pamphlet.” He would be convicted and served 6 months in prison.  The experience did not chasten him since he would help members of the Wafften SS escape Justice which would lead to another prison term in 1947.  Leese was so extreme that he attacked fellow fascist Oswald Mosley for being soft on the Jews.

1937: In his closing statement to the 20th Zionist Congress, held in Zurich, David Ben-Gurion said that the subject of a passionate debate regarding the proposed Jewish state was not the integrity of Palestine, which no Zionist can forgo, but the methods for securing the quicker achievement of the common aim. He welcomed the decision of the two-thirds majority of the Executive to negotiate the precise contents of the scheme, while this did not imply any assent to the principle of Partition.

1937: Nazis continued to harass the Zionist delegates in Zurich.

1937: While the League of Nationsdebated the recommendations of the Peel Report, Arab attacks against Jews in Palestine continued. Shots were fired at Motza and other Jewish settlements in a significant number of increased terrorist attacks all over the country.

1938:Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, announced today that the Jewish children who were among the Austrian exiles expelled from Burgenland by Nazis and set drift on the Danube four months ago will be cared for by the Youth Aliyah (immigration) of movement and sent to Palestine before Sept. 30.

1938: Arab terrorists conducted a series of early morning attacks including one by 200 armed Arabs at “the tiny Jewish colony of Shimroon” and another at Kfar Yabetz where Arabs “burned an orange pakcing house and uprooted four hundred trees on the grounds of the Kibbutz.”

1939:A resolution expressing "deep regret" that the executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine did not resign immediately upon publication of the terms of the recent British White Paper was adopted today by the World Mizrachi. Mizrachi announced plans to fight the White Paper and calls on World Zionists to refuse to cooperate with the British in Palestine.

1939:Birthdate of Eric Weissberg the American banjo player, best known for the theme from the movie Deliverance.

 1941: All residents of the Jewish community of Lesko, Poland, are transported to Zaslaw, Poland, and executed.

1941: In Hungary, The Union of the Jewish Communities obtained “the liberation of the rabbis, leaders of communities, and teachers employed in Jewish schools, who had been arrested after the outbreak of war with the U.S.S.R., from the Targu-Jiu concentration camp. (Jewish Virtual Library)

1942(1stof Elul, 5702): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1942(1stof Elul, 5702): The Germans killed 1,850 Jews from the Lenin ghetto including the parents, sisters and younger brother of Fay Shulman

1942:Esther "Etty" Hillesum returned to Amsterdam from Westerbork

1942: The Archbishop of Lvov provided hiding places for Jewish children and Sifrei Torah.

1942: The entire Jewish community from Gorlice, Poland, is deported to the Belzec extermination camp.

1942: A woman named Rivka Yosselevska is one of just four Jews to survive a bloody burial-pit massacre outside Zagrodski, Poland, near Pinsk.

1943: Premiere of wartime musical comedy “This Is the Army” directed by Michael Curtiz, produced by Hal Wallis and Jack Warner, featuring 19 songs by Irving Berlin, co-starring George Tobias.

1945: From Larissa, Greece it was reported: "One synagogue is completely destroyed, not even the foundation exists, so thorough has been the German destruction. The other synagogue has been almost-completely destroyed, also- It cannot be used in its present condition

1945: Japan surrendered unconditionally to end WW II.  It took two atomic bombs and the invasion of Manchuria by the Soviet Army to finally convince the Japanese that all was lost.  The official surrender ceremony would not take place until September, 1945 on the decks of U.S.S. Missouri which would be anchored in TokyoBay.  While there is general agreement as to what the official start dates were for World War II, we have seen that the end dates both the war in Europe and in the Pacific get a little fuzzy. 

1947:  India granted independence within British Commonwealth.  According to some historians, the end of British rule in Indiahad an impact on British policy in Palestine.  The reason the British had wanted to control Palestine, according to them, was to protect the Suez Canal which was part of the route connecting Britainand India.  Once India was independent, the imperative for holding on to Palestinewas no longer there and the British were no longer quite so keen to spend blood and bullets on rocks and sands of Palestine.  There other imperial holdings including Transjordan, et al were enough to meet English commercial and political needs.

1947: “The Buchenwald Trial or United States of America vs. Josias Prince of Waldeck et al in which 31 people answered charges of war crimes “related to the Buchenwald concentration camp and its satellite camps” came to an

1948(9th of Av, 5708): Since it is Shabbat, the fast will begin in the evening and be observed on Sunday.  There is an irony in this since it is the first time the this day of mourning will be observed in an independent Jewish state.

1948(9thof Av, 5708): Tish’a B’av

1948: Habib Vidal, "the owner of a printing shop and the custoidan of the synagogue at Helwan" was one of the Jews arrested in Egypt.  Vidal was sentenced to 15 months at the Huckstep Prison despite the fact that he had not been formally charged or tried in a court of law.  (In Ishmael's House by Martin Gilbert)

1948: The Pan York, a ship filled with Jewish DPs as well as American volunteers for the Israeli army, arrived in Haifa.

1948: Birthdate of Kathi Kamen Goldmark who “had made a lot of friends in the literary world by shepherding authors on book tours when one day inspiration struck: what the very best authors yearn to be, she realized, are rock stars.” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1951:The Jerusalem Postreported that Jerusalem was assured of a regular supply of ice for domestic purposes from outside of the city and that the government granted a subsidy, due to the cost of the transport of ice from the coast. The Jerusalem Program for Zionism, replacing the Basel Program drawn up at the First Zionist Congress in 1897, was drawn up for the 23rd Zionist Congress to be held in Jerusalem on August 14.

1952(23rd of Av, 5712): David Zvi Pinkas passed away.  At the time of his death at the age of 57, Pinkas was Minister of Communication in the Israeli government.

1952:Shlomo-Yisrael Ben-Meir became on MK “as a replacement for the late David Pinkas.”

1952: Israeland the representatives of the World Jewry announced that they reserved the right to demand restitution payment for the undeclared and heirless property in Austria.

1952: At this time, life in Israel was very difficult.  The Jewish settlers were pioneers in the truest sense of that term. For example, The Medical Advisory Council told the government that a large section of the Israeli population, mainly those who depended solely on the government’s rationing scheme, did not receive sufficient nutrition.

1969(30th of Av, 5729): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1969(30th of Av, 5729): Eighty-eight year old author and publisher Leonard Woolf, the husband of Virginia Woolf passed away today.

1972(4th of Elul, 5732):  Actor, composer and musician Oscar Levant passed away.

1973(16th of Av, 5733): Seventy-eight year old Lady Eva Violet Mond Isaacs, née Melchett, Marchioness of Reading passed away today.

1977: The new Likud cabinet had announced a policy of equalization of services for the inhabitants of the West Bankand Gaza. Officials claimed that this did not mean annexation or a change in the legal status of these areas, an opinion which was disputed by Arabs, foreign observers and the press.

1977: The American Jewish leadership asked US President Jimmy Carter to clarify his position on his possible recognition of the PLO.

1977: According to Time MagazineIsrael provided Lebanese Christians with $30 million to $35million in direct aid.

1979(21st of Av, 5739): Sixty-seven year old Yehoshua Rabinovitz, who had served a Minster of Housing and Minister of Finance, passed away today.

1980: Jimmy Carter, the man who brokered the Camp David Peace Accords, was nominated by the Democrats for a second term.

1980: Bruce Sundlun who become Rhode Island’s second Jewish Governor was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention which came to an end today.

1982: Birthdate of Benjamin Cohen who became known for his dot.com enterprises as a teenager and for a dispute with Apple computers over the domain itunes.co.uk. In 2006, he became technology correspondent for Channel 4 News in the UK

1983: Elvira and Mark Kunis gave birth Mila Kunis who plays “Jackie” on the television hit, That 70’s Show.

1986(9th of Av, 5746): Tish'a B'Av

1987: Premiere of “No Way Out” co-produced by Laura Ziskin

1987(19th of Av, 5747): In Little Rock, Arkansas, Sheldon Luber, son of Elaine and Harvey Luber passed away.  He left us too soon, but he will always be remembered.

1989(13thof Av, 5749): Ninety-two year old Rosa Levin Toubin, the daughter of Joe Levin and wife of Sam H. Toubin passed away.  A native of Brenham, TX, this graduate of Rice University demonstrated her skill as a Jewish Texan historian with the publication of  History B’nai Abraham Synagouge.

1989(13th of Av, 5749): Sir Dove-Myer Robinson passed away. Born in 1901, he “was Mayor of Auckland City from 1959 to 1965 and from 1968 to 1980, the longest tenure of any holder of the office. He was a colorful character and became affectionately known across New Zealand as "Robbie". He was one of several Jewish mayors of Auckland, although he rejected Judaism as a teenager and became a lifelong atheist. He has been described as a "slight, bespectacled man whose tiny stature was offset by a booming voice and massive ego.”

1990: Leonard Bernstein conducted Copland's Symphony No. 3, BMCO

1991:Comedian Jackie Mason marries his manager Jyll Rosenfeld.

1993: According to Argentinian prosecutor Alberto Nisman the authorization for the Argentinian prosecutor Alberto Nisman, the authorization for the bombing of the AMIA (Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) was given at today’s meeting of Iran’s National Security Council (As reported by Adiv Sterman)

1994: The fifth congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies opened today in Copenhagen.

1994: Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, the terrorist known as "Carlos the Jackal", is captured. Carlos involvement with Arab Terrorists, specifically the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) began in 1970.By July 1970 Ramirez was at a training camp in Jordanand after a meeting with Abu-Sharif the PFLP's recruiting officer he became known as Carlos the Jackal. The PFLP gained strength and started to form alliances with other terrorist groups such as the Baader-Meinhof gang and the Italian Red Brigade. Carlos' reputation within the organization grew after "Black September" where he fought against the Jordanian army trying to purge their country of terrorists. In 1972, the PFLP ordered Carlos to kill a respected member of the Jewish community in London, Edward Sieff the president of Marks & Spencer. In December 1973 Carlos went to Sieffs house and shot him, luckily not fatally. Carlos had preceded this by a hand grenade attack on the London headquarters of an Israeli bank and a car bomb in Parisin 1972, which injured 63 people. His international reputation was born. In 1976 he was involved in a skyjacking of an Air France jet to Uganda that lead to the famous raid on Entebbeby Israeli Special Forces

1994(7th of Elul, 5754):  Hamas took credit for the murder of 18 year old Ron Saval today in an ambush near the Kissufim Junction.

1994(7th of Elul, 5754):  Eighty-nine year old Elias Canetti, a novelist, playwright and cultural historian who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1981, passed away today (As reported by William Grimes)

1996(29th of Av, 5756): Eighty-eight  year old Albert Neuberger, the German born physician who was a Professor of Chemical Pathology and a Fellow of the Royal Society, passed away.

1999(2nd of Elul, 5759):  Phillip Klutznick, U.S. Secretary of Commerce under President Carter, passed away

2002: “In an….interview with American Journalist Amy Goodman,Shulamit Aloni described how she believes the charge of antisemitism is used to suppress criticism of Israel.”

2003(16th of Av, 5763): Moshe Carmel “an Israeli soldier and politician who served as Minister of Transportation for eight years” passed away today.

2005(9th of Av, 5765): Tish'a B'Av: 

2005:Members of the Ukrainian Conservative party demanded that Jews be prevented from teaching the Tanya in Jewish schools and synagogues. While Ukrainian officials denied any anti-Semitic intentions, others saw a link between this policy and those being...

2005:  The Jerusalem Post reported that “members of the Ukrainian Conservative Party and several far right-wing editors demanded that Jews be prevented from teaching the Tanya in Jewish schools and synagogues.”  While Ukrainian officials at the embassy in Tel Aviv offered assurances that their government was opposed to any anti-Semitic behaviors, others saw a similarity between these demands and those being made in other republics of the former Soviet Union.

2005:  The Cedar Rapids Gazette reported that the Library of American will publish an eight volume collection Phillip Roth’s novels and stories beginning later this summer.  Roth joins Saul Bellow and Eudora Welty as the only American to have their complete works preserved by the Library of America during their lifetimes. 

2005: The Sunday New York Times book section included a review of The Last Expedition: Stanley’s Mad Journey Through the Congoby Daniel Liebowitz and Charles Pearsonwhich describesthe quest to find Emin Pasha who was a Silesian born Jew named Isaak Eduard Schnitzer

2006: A U.N. sponsored cease fire takes place along the border between Israel and Lebanon marking an end to five weeks of fighting.

2006:Kohenet’s first Hebrew Priestess Training Institute began today, at the Elat Chayyim Retreat Center in Accord, NY

2006: A Polish humanitarian organization is working to provide humanitarian assistance to hard-hit residents of northern Israel.
2006: Cease fire goes into effect intended to end the “war” between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

2007: Haaretz reported that fifty-nine years after they were killed in the War of Independence near the Arab village of Tel Arish, the Israel Defense Forces has identified the bodies of five fighters. The men were soldiers in Battalion 52 of the Givati Brigade, and have been identified as First Lieutenant Yehiel Rosenfeld, Private David Kohavi, Private Itzhak Hamami, Private Yehoshua Lustig and a fifth soldier. The remains of the soldiers, who up until now were considered missing, were identified in unmarked graves in the Nahalat Itzhak cemetery. Their families have been notified.  The five soldiers fell during a battle over "Pillbox Hill"  near Holon. The battle was fought to gain free access between Jerusalemand Jaffa. The remains of Corporal Amos Danieli and Private Itzhak Kandler, also of Batallion 52, are still missing. The remains of a total of 109 fallen soldiers are currently missing, and the fates of ten soldiers are unknown.

2007: Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5767

2008: In Becket, MA, Gallim Dance appears at the Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival. “Prior to founding Gallim Dance, artistic director Andrea Miller danced with master choreographer Ohad Naharin’s Batsheva, in Tel Aviv. Now, Miller presents her own explosive movement vocabulary, which hangs somewhere between elegance and insanity, in this smart, powerful program.”

2008(13th of Av, 5768):Marvin Pomerantz, 78, a friend and adviser of Republican governors and presidents for four decades who twice served as president of the Iowa Board of Regents, passed away today in Iowa City.


2009: In New York, opening performance of “Peace Warrior” by IsraeliProfessor Doron Ben-Atar of Fordham University. a historian of the early American republic and a playwright.

2009: In New York, Rooftop Films presents a screening of “Bloomfield or a Childhood Memory" by Eran Barak.

2009: Willy Ronis celebrates his 99th birthday. “The sole survivor of a generation of famous French photographers that included Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Doisneau, Ronis has become a media darling. Yet, this son of a Ukrainian-Jewish portrait photographer father and a Lithuanian-Jewish pianist mother, both of whom fled pogroms to settle in Paris, still remains a belatedly recognized outsider. Ronis’s religious mother made sure her son had a Jewish education (Willy was bar mitzvahed at Paris’s venerable Grande Synagogue on the Rue de la Victoire, familiarly known as the Rothschild-Schule). Ronis, however, remained an nonbeliever like his agnostic father, reserving his real devotion for the labor movement. Outraged to see his father working himself to an early death, the young Willy, despite years of studying to be a violinist and composer (the latter studies were with the noted French-Jewish musician André Bloch), became his ailing father’s assistant. An unrelenting diet of tediously static identity photos and posed marriage snapshots spurred Ronis to redefine photography for himself as something essentially dynamic, capturing movement on the spur of the moment with crackling energy. Soon after his father’s death in 1936, Ronis created some of his most celebrated images, like “Front Populaire, 14 Juillet 1936” (“The Popular Front,” July 14, 1936), which immortalized the revelry of humble Parisians after the election of Léon Blum, the first Socialist — and first Jewish — premier of France. A moderate left-winger, Blum resolved to augment workers’ rights, and despite many attacks, such as one by a right-wing National Assembly deputy who termed Blum a “cunning Talmudist,” the newly elected Socialist was widely seen widely as a symbol of hope (short-lived, as it turned out). Ronis’s immediate empathy with workers was translated into photos marked with seemingly unplanned architectural symmetry (which Ronis himself has likened to Bach’s counterpoint), especially when compared to the relatively cold formalism of Cartier-Bresson, or the sometimes sentimental, staged images of Doisneau. Armed with a secondhand Rolleiflex, Ronis captured vivid, strikingly natural-seeming images like “Rose Zehner, Grève aux Usines Javel-Citroën, 1938” (“Rose Zehner, Strike at the Javel-Citroën Factory, 1938”), showing a powerful female labor organizer haranguing fellow workers with theatrical zest. Depicting hefty French laborers as moving with the grace of professional dancers became a Ronis specialty. His subject, Rose Zehner, soon became a Resistance fighter. Zehner would be reunited with Ronis decades later in a 1982 feature-length documentary film, “Un Voyage de Rose” (“Rose’s Voyage”), in which both photographer and subject reminisced about their left-wing friends of long ago. These included French-Jewish cinematographer and union activist Henri Alekan and popular singer Francis Lemarque (born Nathan Korb of Lithuanian-Polish Jewish origin). More pertinent to Ronis’s growing aesthetic mastery was his collegial friendships with fellow photographers like Izis (born Israëlis Bidermanas in Lithuania), David “Chim” Seymour (born David Szymin in Warsaw) and Robert Capa (born Endre Ernö Friedmann in Budapest). The steady rise of European fascism made Ronis feel especially close to these émigré friends and colleagues. Already feeling excluded as a boy, due to schoolyard antisemitic jokes, Ronis was not inclined to try to live under the German occupation overoptimistically, as many French Jews did at first. As Ronis recently told a Radio France Internationale interviewer with typical lapidary concision, “I didn’t want to wear a yellow star.” So he fled to the South of France with false papers (his mother, who refused to leave Paris, managed to survive the occupation, shielded by friends and neighbors). After the war, when Ronis returned to Paris with the woman who would become his wife, he quickly realized that many of his Jewish relatives, friends and neighbors had not been as fortunate. An atypically tragic aura invades some of Ronis’s postwar photos, like those taken at a 1949 commemoration held at Oradour-sur-Glane in west central France, the site of a Nazi massacre where almost an entire village, including women and children, was burned alive. Ronis’s images taken during the commemoration ceremony show visitors (especially children) reacting to the site with somber reverence. As if in a subliminal search for other survivors, Ronis soon became a visual poet of Belleville, then, as now, a lower-class Parisian neighborhood with a historic population of Jewish residents. As Karen Adler’s perceptive “Jews and Gender in Liberation France” (Cambridge University Press, 2006) notes, Ronis “humanized Belleville’s poverty and architectural decline” after World War II. Essential to his capturing of these lines and forms is that for a while after the war, cars were still very scarce, until eventually they returned in force to Paris, suffocating the city. Away from Paris the same year, Ronis took what remains his most loved photo, “Le Nu Provençal: Gordes, 1949” (“Nude in Provence, Gordes, 1949”), a celebration of sensuality that shows his wife at a wash basin in a village bedroom in Southern France. Despite such exultant imagery, to some observers Ronis retains a sense of dislocation and apartness that is integral to his artistry. His friend and fellow photographer Brassaï dedicated his volume of “Conversations With Picasso” “to Willy Ronis, the distant one.” Amid all the merited hoopla, it is worth recalling that this photographer’s sheer survival has an element of the escape artist to it, a sleight of hand that perhaps can never be fully analyzed or understood. Having retired from photography almost a decade ago because of arthritis, and having survived his wife as well as their son, Vincent, Ronis now lives in a humble two-room flat in Belleville. He emerges for public appearances and patiently receives visitors eager to interview and photograph him, sometimes with frankly odd results. Despite what seems like friendly forbearing toward young shutterbugs, Ronis recently confessed to the French daily Le Monde: “I have little esteem for machine-gun [photographers]. It may be a severe notion of my trade, but I believe an image must be deserved before it can be taken.” Ronis has deserved, and taken, some of the memorable images of his century.”

2009(24th of Av, 5769): Erev Shabbat, Leonard Arik Karp, 59, was accosted and murdered by a gang of youths while walking with his wife and daughter along the Tel Aviv beachfront tonight.

2010: The 35th Hutzot Hayotzer International Craft Fair is scheduled to come to an end.

2010(4th of Elul, 5770): Eighty-eight year old Moshe “Misha” Lewin, Polish born Holocaust surviror and noted Russian history professor passed away today.



2010: The Daily Mail rates Issac Rosenberg as one of the ten greatest British poets.

2011: The headstone unveiling for Rose Becker is scheduled to take place today at Eben Israel Cemetery

2011: The 31st IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy is scheduled to open today in Washington hosted by the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington.

2011:  The JCC Maccabi Games are scheduled to open in Philadelphia, PA and Springfield, Mass.

2011: The New York Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including My Faraway One: Selected Letters of Georgia O’Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz: Volume I, 1915-1933 edited by Sarah Greenough and recently released paperback editions of Dreyfus: Politics, Emotion, and the Scandal of the Century, by Ruth Harris, Where I Live: New and Selected Poems 1990-2010 by Maxine Kumin and The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman.

2011:Twenty high-school teachers brought to Israel by the UK-based Holocaust Education Trust will complete a 10-day education training seminar at the International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem. (As reported by Jerusalem Post)

2011:Israeli NBA star Omri Casspi is returning to Maccabi Tel Aviv, David Federman, one of the club's owners said in an interview with Army Radio today. According to Federman, the majority of Casspi's contract has been negotiated and he will be joining Maccabi for the upcoming season, granted the NBA labor dispute continues and the 2011-2012 NBA season is delayed or canceled all together as many suspect. (As reported by Jerusalem Post)

2011: Egypt, in coordination with Israel, has deployed its military in the northern Sinai Peninsula in order to gain control over the anarchy that has taken hold of the region, a senior Israeli defense official said on today. Egyptian troops escorted by tanks entered the Sinai Peninsula region in an attempt to put an end to the anarchy that has erupted there since the fall of the Mubarak regime.

2011(14th of Av, 5771): Seventy-seven year old transplant expert Dr. Fritz Bach passed away. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2012: The Eyal Vilner Big Band, led by Tel Aviv native Eyal Vilner, is scheduled to perform at the Garage Restaurant in NYC.

2012:Sacramento city leaders are scheduled to vote on a resolution making Ashkelon its 10th sister city (As reported by Ari Ben Goldberg)

2012: The price of a price-controlled loaf of will bread is scheduled to rise by 6.53% today. “The price of standard 750-gram loafs of dark or white bread will rise to NIS 5.24; a 500-gram challah will increase to NIS 5.72; a 750-gram loaf of sliced and packaged dark bread will cost NIS 7.87; and a 500-gram loaf of sliced and packaged white bread will cost NIS 6.99.”(As reported by Jerusalem Post)

2012:European rabbis said today that they were lobbying Apple Inc. to pull a mobile app version of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a notorious anti-Semitic forgery

2012: Some 350 new immigrants from North America — including five sets of twins and two sets of triplets — were welcomed personally by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Ben Gurion Airport this morning. “I’m proud of you,” the prime minister told the group. “We’re all proud of you. Friends of Israel, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, are all proud of you.”

2013: Noam Kat, the Minister for Public Diplomacy at the Embassy of Israel is scheduled to provide a briefing on The Middle East Process.

2013: Israeli jazz guitarist Assaf Kehati and his trio are scheduled to perform at the Bar Next Door in New York City.

2013:The IDF launched an airstrike on Gaza early this morning in response to rockets fired into southern Israel from the territory, the army said in a statement.

2013: Twenty six convicted Palestinian terrorists were freed by Israel, and welcomed home to the West Bank and Gaza, as part of the US-brokered deal that enabled the resumption of peace talks. (As reported by Asher Zeiger and Michal Shmulovich)

2014: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host “Jewish Italy: Food Culture and Travel” during which attendees can “discover Italy’s cucina ebraica (“Hebrew kitchen”) and desserts like sour cherry cheesecake from Rome’s famed Forno del Ghetto.”

2014: “The owners of 21 grocery store branches and kiosks” are scheduled to attend court session in Tel Aviv this morning “where they are expected to be ordered to close on Saturday.” (As reported by Niv Elis)

This Day, August 15, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


August 15

423: Honorious Flavius, the Western Roman Emperor who confiscated gold and silver which had been collected by the synagogues to be sent to Jerusalem and “defined Judaism as an unworthy superstition  passed away today.

1096: The armies of the First Crusade set out from Europe to deliver Jerusalem from the occupying forces of Islamic Turks. Championed by Peter the Hermit in 1093, Pope Urban II had sanctioned the crusade at the Council of Clermont in 1095.

1286: As what the original and 21st tenants of the city might find as an act of usurpation, during the era of the Crusaders, Henry II was name King of Jerusalem succeeding his brother John I whose death he was rumored to have hastened with the use of poison.

1309: Knights of St. John, complete their conquest of Rhodes. Apparently the Knights treatment of the Jewish population was comparatively benign since many Sicilian conversos would move to the island because “they remembered the Knights’’ liberal policy towards the Jews or Rhodes.”

1461: Trapezunt surrenders to the forces of Sultan Mehmet II marking the real end of the Byzantine Empire. The experience of the Jews of Anatolia had been uneven in the days of the Byzantine (Christian) Empire.  The Jews of Constantinople remained in place after the Islamic forces came to power under Mehmet II.

1534: Ignatius of Loyola and six classmates took initial vows that would lead to the creation of the Society of Jesus in September of 1540. In its early days, the Jesuits accepted Jewish converts and their descendants who were known as New Christians were admitted to the order.  After the death of Loyola, the Jesuits adopted the Spanish attitudes and refused to accept New Christians or their descendants as members.

1769: Birthdate of Napoleon Bonaparte.  Napoleon had profound effect on the Jews of Europe.  But if one asks “Was Napoleon good for the Jews” the best answer might be, “It depends.” 

1776(30thof Av, 5536): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1784: In Gorizia, Rabbi Abraham Vita and his wife gave birth to Isaac Samuel Reggio an Austro-Italian scholar and rabbi.

1796: In what may have been the first attempt for a governmental entity to protect Kashrut in the United States, the Common Coincil suppressed the butcher license of Nicholas Smart, a non-Jew, for affixing Jewish seals to non-kosher meats. 

1806: Rabbi Joseph David Sinzheim delivered a sermon in the synagogue of Paris in honor of the emperor's birthday that strengthened Napoleon's favorable opinion of the Jews, who received the imperial promise that their rights as French citizens would not be withdrawn.

1815 (9th of Av): Rabbi Joseph Isaac Horowitz, author of Divrei Emet, passed away.

1819: Birthdate of Joseph Jacob Goldmark, the Hungarian physician who came to the United States after the failed revolution of 1848 where he discovered red phosphorous and became the father-in-law of Louis Brandeis and Felix Adler.

1830: Birthdate of Henry Aaron Isaacs who became sheriff of London and was knighted in 1887 and was elected Lord Mayor of London two years later.

1838(24thof Av, 5598): German businessman Moses Moser whose business associates included Moses Friedländer and Moritz Robert and who was a close personal friend of Heinrich Heine passed away today in Berlin.

1842: Charles Henry Churchill, the British Consul in Damascus whose area of responsibility included Palestine, delivered his formal proposal to Sir Moses Montefiore concerning the role of Jews in the Middle East.  A Zionist before Zionism existed, Churchill proposed ”that the Jews of England conjointly with their brethren on the Continent of Europe should make an application to the British Government through the Earl of Aberdeen to accredit and send out a fit and proper person to reside in Syria for the sole and express purpose of superintending and watching over the interests of the Jews residing in that country.” Charles Churchill was the grandfather of Sir Winston Churchill.

1854: M.H. Bresslau began serving as editor of "The Jewish Chronicle (New Series) and Working Man's Friend" an Anglo-Jewish newspaper which he renamed  "The Jewish Chronicle and Hebrew Observer."

1855(1st of Elul, 5615): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1857: Birthdate of Albert Ballin, the German-born businessman who served a general manager of the Hamburg America (Shipping) Line.

1861: Ralph Disraeli, the brother of Benjamin Disraeli, and Katherine Trevor were married today in Middlesex, England.

1865:The New York Times reported that "A letter in the Journal de Posen alleges that the official journals, not daring to support the accusations launched by the Moscow Gazette against the Polish nobility, imputing to them the recent fires in Lithuania, and, on the other hand, feeling it necessary to throw the blame upon somebody, represent the Jews as the authors of these disasters. According to the official journals, the Jews, having first insured their houses for a sum superior to their real value, themselves set fire to the buildings to pocket the difference. If this criminal calculation has been made in certain cases, the supposition of its existence cannot give an explanation of all the disasters of this nature that have lately taken place; for, although insurance against fire is much practiced in Lithuania and Ruthenia, it is to be seen only in the more important towns, while a great number of fires have broken out even in the smallest towns."

1868: S.A. Bierfield was lynched by the K.K.K. in Franklin Tenn. This was the first such incident involving a Jew. “a masked mob of Ku Klux Klansmen broke into the dry goods store of S. A. Bierfield, a Russian Jew, in Franklin, Tennessee, and fatally shot both Bierfield and his Black clerk, Lawrence Bowman. The reason given by the lynchers was a false charge of Bierfield's implication in a murder a few days earlier. But as the New York Times reported about a week later, the real reason for the lynching was that Bierfield was "an intelligent advocate of the present reconstruction policy of Congress and a friend to the freedmen of his neighborhood, among whom--he being a merchant--he commanded quite a trade, and perhaps found it expedient to keep one from among their number in his employ." A Nashville newspaper account stated that Bierfield was "an active and prominent Republican, having considerable influence with the colored people. . . . Our informant says that was his only crime"


1871: Jacob Levi a German Jew swindled Alois Grieshaber out of $545 today using a form of the “pigeon drop.”  Grieshaber eventually discovered the swindle and went to the police.  Levi, who had become wealthy as a swindler, was tried, convicted and sent to Sing Sing Prison in 1872.


1873: John J. Malloy, Chief of the Brooklyn Police, notified police in several “Western cities” to be on the lookout for Emil Lowenstein, a German Jewish barber who sometimes uses the alias of Livingston.  Lowenstein is wanted in connection with his part in the murder of John Weston.  The governor of New York has offered a $500 reward for his capture.  Police believe that Mrs. Weston was a confederate in the plan and that she planned to run off with Lowenstein once they had murdered Mr. Weston and taken his money.

1873: “England’s New Master of the Rolls,” an article published today reports on the announcement that Sir George Jessel will soon be serving as the new Master of the Rolls. The Master of the Rolls dates back to the 13th century and “is the second most senior judge in England and Wales, after the Lord Chief Justice”. When he assumes the office later this month, Jessel will be the first Jew to serve in this capacity. The Jewish Chronicle noted the irony of Jessel’s appointment.  At one time the Master of the Rolls was officially known as “the Guardian of the Converted Jews” but thanks to a changed in the Judicature Act such is no longer the case. Jessel was the son of a coral merchant named Zadok Aaron who graduated from the University College London because his religion kept him from attending either Oxford or Cambridge.

1877: The funeral of Rabbi J.J. Lyon took place at the 19th Street Synagogue today. Albert Cardozo, father of future Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo was one of the pallbearers.


1878(1st of Elul, 5547): Rosh Chodesh Elul


1879: In Belarus, Zvi Mileikowsky and Liba Gitl Milikovsky gave birth to Rabbi Nathan Mileikowsky the father of historian Benzion Netanyahu and the grandfather of Yonatan Netanyahu of blessed memory (the Hero of Entebbe) and Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu.


1879: According to reports published today police still do not feel like they have the true story surrounding the shooting of Harris Levy, a 28 Polish Jew who worked as a night watchman for a workshop owned by Louis Soloman, a manufacturing tailor.  Levy claims he was shot by an unknown assailant.  The police think the wound was self-inflicted.  However, they cannot find any evidence that it was suicide and Soloman believes the story about the burglar since his workshop was robbed 5 or 6 weeks ago.

1879: Justice C.W. Chocrane found Adolph D. Pollack, a Jew from White Plains, NY, guilty of having sold merchandize on Sunday, in violation of the law.  Chochrane suspended the sentence because it was Pollack’s first offense, but warned the defendant not to open his store again on Sunday.

1879: It was reported today that Lord Salisbury, British Foreign Minister, feels that it is time for Romania to fulfill to honor its commitments to improve the situation of its Jews since the autonomy the country enjoys was conditional on these promises.

1880: It was reported today that Silesia has a population of 3,800,000 of which 47,000 are Jewish.

1881: It was reported today that M.J. Butler, the proprietor of the Manson House donated the use of the hotel’s dining room for the concert that had been held to raise funds for a cemetery in Long Branch, NJ, that will be open to all regardless of faith or financial status.


1881: “Jews in Germany” published today described the pervasive anti-Semitism in that country that stands in stark contrast to the theme of the “Nathan the Wise” which is a popular German theatrical production.

1882(30th of Av, 5642): Rosh Chodesh Elul


1882: “Mr. Cox’s Wild Eloquence” published today provided a summary of speech by Representative Samuel S. Cox that he delivered during the last session of Congress in which he “eloquently” reviewed “the atrocities perpetrated on the Jews of Russia” and concluded “with an appeal for help and sympathy from America” to help the Jews overcome their plight.

1883: An unnamed British Jew representing a London business firm was expelled from Russia today even though he was carrying a British Passport.


1883: Among those receiving funds from the Board of Estimate and Apportionment was the  Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society which got $1,896.85.


1884: “Doom of the Ghetto at Rome” published today described the crumbling condition of the former Jewish quarter.  Paul IV was the first Pope to move the Jews across the river into “somber Tower of Marcellus.  He was the same Pope who used to force the Jews to listen to annual sermons on Holy Cross Day in hopes that they would convert.


1886: Based on information that first appeared in the Hebrew Standard it was reported today that a young Jewish lady “refused to play at a game of kissing forfeits, giving as her reason the quotation ‘Let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves’ (Hosea, XII, 2)”


1887: It was reported today that Israel Lipski has been granted a reprieve from the hangman’s rope.


1887(25th of Av, 5647): Sixty-seven year old Danish author Meïr Aron Goldschmidt whose works included A Jew, “the first novel to provide an” an insider’s “description of the Copenhagen Jewish milieu” passed away today.

1887:  Birthdate of novelist Edna Ferber.  Born in Michigan, Ferber wrote sweeping epics many of which became equally famous films.  Included in these are Showboat, Cimarron and Giant.   Ferber won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1925 for the novel So Big.  She passed away in 1968.

1888: Congressman Ford’s Immigration Committee heard testimony today in New York from Daniel Harris a journeyman cigar maker who testified on the impact of foreigners on his business.  In the past two decades foreigners have gone from being 10 per cent of the cigar makers to being 90 percent.  Wages have gone from fifty dollars a week to twelve dollars a week.  He blames part of this one the arrival of thousands of Russian and Polish Jews many of whom have their tickets to the United States by charitable organizations.

1888:Birthdate of Girsh Yankelovich Brilliant who as Grigori Yakovlovich Sokolnikov became a leading Bolshevik who would be murdered by Stalin during the purges of the 1930’s.

1888: In Vienna Leopold Leopoldi (whose name was Kohn before he changed it) and his wife gave birth to Herman Leopoldi the Austrian composer and performer who survived Buchenwald.

1890: Jacob Levy was delivered to the City of London lunatic asylum, Stone, in Kent, as an insane person. Born in 1856, at Aldgate to Joseph and Caroline Levy, he was a butcher who was a suspect in the Jack the Ripper Cases.

1890: The Jewish Messenger reported that Mr. Lippman Levy has left New York and returned to Cincinnati, Ohio.

1890: It was reported today that Mount Sinai Temple has elected Godfrey Taubenhaus as rabbi.

1891: Congregants at the House of Miriam in Long Branch, NJ, donated approximately $165 in response to today’s appeal made by Rabbi William H. Karuskopf.

1891: In London, the lead article in the Daily News deals with “the question of the Jews of Russia.”

1891: “Russian Refugees” published today described the difficulties faced by the Jewish immigrants from Russia who had been sent to Hightstown, NJ by the Baron Hirsch Fund.  Wallach & Sons of New York opened a shirt factory there and agreed to hire them as workers.  However, none of them have any experience and do not like the work.  They have complained to Jesse Seligman about conditions, but Seligman has expressed the feeling that those who are complaining are a few malcontents who do not want to work.

1892: “Orthodox or Reform?” published today described main issue that will be dealt with when a “conclave of Rabbis gathers in New York in October.  The Reform have clashed with the Orthodox by adopting a resolution making performance of “the Abrahamic rite” (circumcision) optional for those wanting to convert to Judaism.  The change championed by the Reform movement grew out of the fact that the daughter of Rabbi Wise, their leader, had married her physician, Dr. Maloney, who was Catholic.  Maloney said he would convert but he would not submit to circumcision.  According to the Orthodox, it was at that point that Rabbi Wise decided that the “Abrahamic rite” was optional.

1892: Meyer Reinherz of the of the United Hebrew Charities appeared in the Essex Market Police Court as the complainant in the case again Edward Pollock, an Austro-Hungarian reporter who had written several articles about Ellis Island and the Jewish boarding houses.

1892: “A Wedding of Midgets” published today described the courtship and marriage of Leopold Kahn and Lottie Naomi Swartwood.  The 48 inch tall Jewish comedian met the 49 inch tall love of his life in Philadelphia where he was performing with the American Lilliputian Company. They overcame the obstacle of religion when she agreed to convert before they married and took the name Naomi which she incorporated into her secular name.

1892: “Will Not Object to Crosses” published today described the decision of Russian Jews who are the members of the Erie Street Congregation in Cleveland, Ohio to rent a hall from the Young Men’s Christian Association for use during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  It was agreed that “inasmuch as the crosses were more than twenty feet above the hall…and there were no crosses in the decoration in the room itself” there was no reason not to rent the room which will provide the needed space for the upcoming High Holiday services.

1893: The police promise to keep Hester and Mulberry Streets clear of all peddlers and vendors, many of whom are Jewish, after having conducting a successful operation to remove all such obstacles.

1895: While stopping at the Union Square Hotel Senor Segundo Alvarez, the Mayor of Havana blamed the troubles in Cuba on American adventures including Carlos Roloff, “a Polish Jew” who has gotten funding from “the cigar-makers of Key West” whom some “say has landed in Cuba with a thousand men, guns and ammunition and dynamite.

1896: In Prague, Martha and Otto Radnitz, the manager of a sugar refinery, gave birth to “Dr. Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori was the first American woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology, in 1947, which was shared with her husband, Dr. Carl F. Cori, and Dr. B.A. Houssay of Argentina.” (As reported by Jewish Virtual Library)

1897: The New York Times published a lengthy favorable article about the Zionist cause led by Herzl and the upcoming congress to be held in Basel, Switzerland.

1897: It was reported today that Joseph Barondess has started a new labor organization in opposition to the Hebrew Trades and the Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance.

1897: “The Jewish State Idea” published today described the history of Jewish settlement in Palestine and the challenges facing the Zionists as they meet at Basle.

1897: “The Adaptiveness of the Jew” published today summarizes an article by Professor A.S. Isaacs that first appeared in the August issue of the North American Review in which he said that “critic of Judaism…must familiarize himself with the history of the Jew in every land” in which he has lived.  And then “he must account for that marvelous vitality…which has made the Jew at home whether” on the banks of the Vistula, the Thames or the Eurpahtes or “amid the orange groves of Sicily or the plains of Arabia.

1898: “Bad Water Kills Orphans” published today described the efforts to care for those at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum who have become ill during the latest outbreak of dysentery in the neighborhood which has been attributed to polluted city water.

1899: In Washington, DC, the Treasurer of the Dewey Home Fund received a letter and a contribution of ten dollars from Mrs. Lizzie A. Cohen, Treasurer of the Woman’s Democratic Club of Salt Lake City which did not surprise him since the Jews have “contributed liberally” to this cause from the beginning.

1898: The fifteenth and final codicil for the will of Clara, Baroness von Hirsch, formerly Bischoffsheim, the widow of Baron Moritz von Hirsch which declares that her estate should be administered in Vienna under the terms of Austrian law is filed and attested to.

1899: As passions flare in France during the second court martial of Captain Dreyfus Bonapartists and Oreleanists held rallies and dinners during which they challenged the very existence of the French Republic. (These divisions are meaningless today.  In a nutshell, these were two right wing groups seeking to bring down the republican government and replace it with a monarch.  Of course, each group wanted their own candidate to fill the job.  The important thing to remember is that while Jews focus on the anti-Semitic aspect of the Dreyfus Affair, it really was part of a larger conflict between republicans and reactionaries.  The last act of this dreadful conflict would be played out at Vichy and Drancy four decades later)

1899:The Third Zionist Congress begins meeting in Basel.

1899: The American delegation at today’s Third Zionist Congress includes Professor Richard Gottheil of Columbia University and his wife, Miss Eva Leon, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Rabbi Marcus Jastrow of Philadelphia, Henrietta Szold of Baltimore and William Schurr of Chicago.

1899:”Would-Be Suicide Shaming” published today described the condition of Abraham Reinold who has been a patient at Georgetown Hospital ever since he tried to shoot himself while visiting Washington, DC. 

1902:Birthdate of Iris Margaret Origo, an Anglo-Irish writer who helped to save Jewish children through the kindertransport including the painter Frank Helmut Auerbach.

1907(5th of Elul, 5667): Seventy-six year old violinist and composer Joseph Joachim passed away.

1911: B’Nai Brith contributes $3,382 to Jews who have suffered during the fires that raged through Constantinople.

1911: The 10thZionist Congress elects Professor Otto Warburg, Dr. Hantke, Dr. Shmaryahu Levin, Hahum Sokolow and Victor Jacobsohn as successors to David Wolffsohn

1914:  The Panama Canal opened to traffic.  The territory that made up the nation of Panama had been amputated from Columbia in a revolution supported, if not created, by the United States so that a canal could be built.  Panama has a very old Jewish community.  When the Canal opened there were about six hundred Jews, mostly Sephardic, living in Panama.  Panama is the only country, with the exception of Israel, to have elected two Jews as President.

1915(5th of Elul, 5675): Albert Bettelhein, journalist and author, convicted by a Georgia jury of murder, was lynched by an anti-Semitic mob.

1915: Robert Moses married “Mary Louise Sims, of Dodgeville, Wisconsin, the granddaughter of the Reverend George Sims, a Methodist circuit rider.

1917: The New York Times reports that Samuel Gompers is “denounced at a workingmen’s council.”

1918: Birthdate of Sanford Daniel Garelik, the first Jewish chief inspector of the New York Police Department.  Garelik graduated from the Police Academy in 1940 along with Gertrude Schimmel who became the first female and the first Jewish female deputy chief of police.

1919: Birthdate of Stanley Frazen, “a longtime film and television editor who was a member of the Army Air Forces' First Motion Picture Unit during World War II.”

1921: Birthdate of August Marian Kowalczyk, the Polish actor and director who “was the last survivor of a breakout from Auschwitz on June 10, 1942.”

1922: Birthdate of sculptor and printmaker Leonard Baskin.


1924: In Brooklyn, Dr Henry and Celia Kresky gave birth to Edward Mordecai Kresky  “an investment banker who was an architect of the debit refinancing plan that saved New York City from bankruptcy in the 1970’s” (As reported by Paul Vitello.


1925: Charlie Chaplin in "The Gold Rush" opens with a gala performance at midnight.


1926: The Chevra Kadisha, at its last meeting here, decided to contribute a sum of 5,000 pesos to the Palestine campaign. At the same time, it decided to contribute a sum of 500 pesos to the Jewish Colonization work in Russia. (As reported by JTA)


1928: In Rochester, NY Abraham and Hannah Glazer gave birth to their fifth child Malcolm Irving Glazer the CEO of First Allied Corporation who owned two football teams – Manchester United (soccer) and Tampa Bay Buccaneers (NFL)


1929(9th of Av, 5689): Tish'a B'Av


1929:Several hundred members of Joseph Klausner's Committee for the Western Wall, among them members of Vladimir Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionism movement Betar youth organisation, under the leadership of Jeremiah Halpern, assembled at the Western Wall. They raised the Jewish national flag and sang the Hatikvah. The authorities had been notified of the march in advance and provided a heavy police escort in a bid to prevent any incidents.


1933: In Prague, the Conference of the Women's International Zionist Organization (Wizo), attended by 103 delegates from 19 countries, came to a close after hearing that its membership is now 50,000; adopts budget of £47,000, and approves resolutions encouraging immigration into Palestine of German-Jewish youth, especially those of the middle classes, urging more certificates for girl immigrants, and equal rights for women.


1933: In New York City Romanian born Adele (née Israel), and Hungarian-born baker, Samuel Milgram gave birth to social psychologist Stanley Milgram.


1933: In Bucharest.—M. Pandrei, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Education, in an interview with the press, denies that the Government intends to establish a “numerus clauses” in the universities of Romania, and announces that owing to a lack of laboratory facilities, a general limitation of students is contemplated.


1934: Premiere of “Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back,” a comedic murder mystery with a script co-authored by Henry Lehman and music by Alfred Newman.


1935:  Humorist Will Rogers and aviator Wiley Post were killed when their airplane crashed near Point Barrow, Alaska.  Rogers was one of the most popular celebrities of his time.  His radio shows, movies and columns were devoured by millions of Americans.  This son of the American Plains got his first big break when Flo Ziegfield featured him in the famous Zigfield Follies.  According to legend, he took away Will’s horse, left him with a rope and the wit that became his trademarks.


1937: Sha’ar HaNeveg (which was renamed Kfar Szold) a new agricultural village east of Gedera was established. It was the 17th village to be settled in 1937.  Kfar Szold was only two hundred yards from the Syrian border.  In January, 1948, even before the state of Israel had been created, the Syrian army attacked the settlement in a determined effort to destroy it and kill the inhabitants.  Nine hundred Syrian soldiers attacked a settlement manned by fewer than hundred defenders.  After a spirited defense, the British army, for once, intervened on behalf of the Jews and the Syrians withdrew.


1937: Lord Melchett, Prof. L. Namier, H. Sacher, M. Ussishkin, Dr. S. Wise, Berl Katznelson, Dov Hos, Rabbi Berlin, Dr. Glickson, and Franz Bernstein joined the Advisory Commission, formed to assist the new Zionist Executive to negotiate the country’s partition under the Royal (Peel) Commission¹s scheme.


1937(8th of Elul, 5697):Solomon Wander, one of the first Jewish immigrants to form the Jewish community in Albany. New York passed away at the age of 71.


1937: The New York Times describes the growing tension in Palestine on the streets of Jerusalem and Haifa and the British response which includes the recommendation by a Royal Commission for "a surgical operation" on Palestine which will result in the creation of a Jewish State, an Arab State and a new British mandate over Jerusalem with a corridor to the sea.


1938: Birthdate of Lewis E. “Lew” Lehrman the founder of Rite Aid Drugstore and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History who ran for Governor of New York in 1982 on the Republican ticket.


1938:  In San Francisco, CA, Anne A. and Irving G. Breyer gave birth to Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.


1938: As Arab violence spirals to new levels of intensity, “six Jews were killed and two, both women, were seriously injured near Haifa this afternoon when a bus going to Mount Carmel was ambushed by Arabs while passing through a forest. It is believed several of those killed were Jewish special policemen.” A bomb was detonated on the road running between Herzliah and Raananh wounding some of the 25 workers in a truck bound for a local orange grove.  Several other acts of violence and sabotage took place including a bomb-throwing episode on the streets of Tel Aviv.


1938: Paul Ferdinand Strassmann, the Jewish born German gynecologist who became a Protestant, passed away.

1939: The MGM musical ''The Wizard of Oz'' premiered at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood.  This is another example of Jews creating an icon of American popular culture.


1939(30th of Av, 5699): Rosh Chodesh Elul


1941:  Heinrich Lohse, Reich commissioner for Eastern Territories of the Ostland (Eastern Europe) region, decrees that Jews must wear two yellow badges, one on the chest and one on the back; that Jews cannot own automobiles or radios; and that their presence in public places will be severely proscribed.


1941 A Jewish ghetto is established at Riga, Latvia.


1941: Last of the remaining 25,000 Jews in Kovno were removed to Viampole. Each is allotted three square feet of living space.


1941: Six hundred Jews are taken from Stawiski and shot in nearby woods.


1941: A massacre begins at Rokiskis that leaves 3,200 men, women and children, shot by the next evening.


1942: The Germans open Jawiszowice, a slave-labor camp located near Auschwitz.


1942: One thousand Belgian Jews, including 172 children, are deported to their deaths in the East.


1943: Nearly 1000 French Jews of Polish birth are deported to a slave-labor camp on Alderney, one of the British Channel Islands seized in 1940 by Germany, and are put to work building fortifications. Hundreds of the Jews die due to ill treatment and exhaustion


1944: “Operation Dragoon,” the Allied invasion of southern France in which former B-17 pilot Bruce Sundlin served as a bombardment spotter for the OSS, began today.


1944: “Children standing behind the ghetto fence in Lodz, Poland.”



1945:  V.J. Day – Victory over Japan Day is proclaimed by the Allies after having received official word of that the Japanese had indeed surrendered.

1947: With the end of the British rule of the Indian subcontinent, two new nations declared the independence.  One was Islamic Pakistan; the other was India which while heavily Hindu retained a large Islamic population.  India’s relations with Israel have been a mixed bag.  In the early days, under Nehru, the Indian government was anti-Israel, taking the lead, for example in denying it admittance to the Bandung Conference.  In more recent times, relations between the two states and their citizens have improved.


1947: Following today’s division of the Indian sub-continent into two states, Indian airlines responded to the Prime Minister Nehru’s request that they fly Hindus living in Pakistan to India.  Among those participating was Abie Nathan who was a co-pilot for one of the Indian airlines. 


1948(10th of Av, 5708): Tish’a B’Av observed since the 9th of Av fell on Shabbat


1948(10th of Av, 5708): As Israel fights for her independence Tish'a B'Av is observed today because the 9th of Av fell on Shabbat.


1948: In Iraq, a leading Jewish businessman, Shafiq Adas was hanged on trumped up charges of treason.  His body was mutilated by a crowd of on-lookers.


1948: American Michael “Mike” Flint joined Israel’s squadron 101.


1948: Two Israeli and two Arab soldiers were killed during a second unsuccessful Arab attack on the Mandelbaum House a key defensive point in Jerusalem.


1949(20th of Av, 5709):Fanny Binswanger Hoffman passed away. (As reported bySelma Weintraub, a past national president of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism)


1950: In Indianapolis, Indiana, Anne and Wolf Rosenblum gave birth to Gail Sue Rosenblum who gained fame as Gaylen Ross “American actress, writer, producer and director” who produced the awarded “Killing Kasztner”

(For more see Gaylen Ross’s award winning documentary “Killing Kasztner: The Jew Who Dealt With Nazis” http://www.killingkasztner.com/


1951:Prime Minister David Ben Gurion's plan to take control of the Zionist movement outside of Israel from political parties and transfer it to non-partisan regional organizations was attacked here today by delegates to the twenty-third World Zionist Congress.


1951(13th of Av, 5711): Pianist and composer Artur Schnabel passed away.


1951: The last inmates of Bergen-Belsen left the camp on their way to the United States. Bergen- Belsen was originally set up in 1943. Many of its inmates were Jewish prisoners who had dual citizenship with Latin American countries or entry permits to Palestine. A few hundred were used by the Germans for prisoner exchanges. Though not a death camp per se, over 51,000 people died there including Anne Frank.


1959(11thof Av, 5719): Shabbat Nachamu


1959: As the Los Angeles Dodgers made a surprising run for the National League pennant ‘Larry Sherry walloped three hits, including his first home run, and pitched eight and two-thirds innings of scoreless relief ball today in leading the second place Los Angeles Dodgers to a 4-3 decision over the Cardinals.”


1961: Elections were held today for the fifth Knesset  Ben-Gurion’s Mapai came in first with 34.7% of the vote which earned 42 seats.  Herut, led by Menachem Begin and Liberal  led by Peretz Bernstein tied for second with each getting a little more than 13% of the vote which translated into 17 seats for each party.


1968:  Birthdate of actress Debra Messing who plays Grace on the television show Will and Grace.


1969(1stof Elul, 5729): Rosh Chodesh Elul


1969: The Woodstock Music and Art Fair, which became the iconoclastic hippie happening simply known as Woodstock, began today in Bethel, NY, at the farm of Jewish dairyman Max B. Yagur.


1971: A new paperback version of Tillie Olsen's classic short story collection Tell Me a Riddle was issued


1973: Black September, the Palestinian terror group, kills 3 and wounds 55 in Athens


1977: The Arabs in the administered territories and neighboring countries continued to dismiss the Israeli government’s decision to equalize the standard services on the West Bank and in Gaza as one more step toward annexation. Israeli opposition, the Alignment and the Democratic Movement for a Change, dismissed the plan, claiming that Israel could not afford to give residents of the administered territories services equal to those enjoyed by Israelis. The new prime minister, Menachem Begin called upon the Labor Opposition to support his government if and when Israel would be pressed to accept the PLO as a negotiating peace-talks partner.


1980: “The Girl in the Book” by Primo Levi was published for the first time in La Stampa.


1983(6th of Elul, 5743): Eighty-eight year old Benjamin V. Cohen a member of FDR’s “Brain Trust” who stayed on to work with Harry S. Truman passed away.  (As reported by Marjorie Hunter)


1984: A car bomb was discovered on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem and defused about 10 minutes before it was to have exploded. In the car were about 12 kilograms of explosives and another three kilograms of iron nails.


1992: Giorgio Perlasca, an Italian businessman who saved more than 3,000 Jews from deportation to Nazi concentration camps in World War II, passed away today at his home in Padua, Italy. He was 82 years old. Mr. Perlasca died of a heart attack, The Associated Press reported. Trapped in Budapest late in the war by the fall of the fascist Italian Government, Mr. Perlasca, a livestock trader, joined in a plan conceived by international relief workers and diplomats from neutral countries to save as many Jews as possible from the Nazis. When the Spanish diplomatic representative fled Budapest in November 1944, Mr. Perlasca, who had been a volunteer in Franco's army in the Spanish Civil War, persuaded Hungary to accept him as the Spanish representative, and in two months he issued travel documents to thousands of Jews to save them from deportation. In 1987 Mr. Perlasca, whose achievements had gone largely unnoticed, was made an honorary citizen of Israel and was honored by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum there. In 1990 he received the Medal of Remembrance of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. A tall, quiet man, Mr. Perlasca told The Jerusalem Post in 1987 that he had been motivated by neither religion nor politics. "I couldn't ignore it," he said. "I did what I had to do. I was lucky. I had friends among the Jews who were being killed by the Nazis. That gave me courage."

1993: TraveldoctorOnline commemorated “the 55th anniversary of the death of the Berlin gynecologist Prof. Paul Ferdinand Strassmann. In the first half of the 20th century, Strassmann was one of the leading specialists of plastic surgery of the female genital tract. Famous gynecologists and surgeons, e.g. the Mayo brothers, visited the Strassmann clinic in the Schumannstrasse with the aim of learn new surgical techniques. The present paper aims to outline particularly the life of Paul F. Strassmann but also his importance in the creation of modern gynecological surgery.”

1996(30th of Av, 5756): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1998: The curtain came down tonight on a three month revival of Neil Simon’s “Sweet Charity” at London’s Victoria Palace Theatre.

1999: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Edward Albee: A Singular Journey: A Biographyby Mel Gussow and Inside Picture Booksby Ellen Handler Spitz.


2002(7th of Elul, 5762): Haim Yosef Zadok a native of Galicia who made Aliyah in 1935 and served as Jurist and political leader, passed away.


2003: “In Doctor Writes ‘Epic Saga’ of Jews in Medicine,” Max Gross reviewed Jews and Medicine: An Epic Saga by Frank Heynick



2004: The Sunday New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish authors including Dark Voyage by Alan Furst andThe Numbers Game: Baseball's Lifelong Fascination With Statistics by Alan Schwarz


2004: In “Past, Prologue and Paris” published today Alice Steinbach visits the world of the Camondo family and reminds us tenuous the fate of even the most powerful Jews can be.


2005: Deadline for Israeli citizens living in Gaza to accept government compensation packages as part of the voluntary evacuation plan.


2005:  Haaretz reported that the Israeli Defense Forces unit that is responsible for finding the remains of missing soldiers discovered the burial site of eight soldiers who died during the War of Independence.  The missing eight died in fighting on May 13, 1948near Kibbutz Nahshon. Their remains have been re-interred in cemeteries on Mount Herzl and Rosh Pina.


2006:The Sony BMG Masterworks label released Jay "Bluejay" Greenberg’s first CD. It includes his Symphony no. 5


2006(21st of Av, 5766): Myriam Fefer, a Jewish businesswoman, was brutally murdered in her home in Lima Peru.


2007(1st of Elul, 5767): Rosh Chodesh Elul.


2007:Yad Vashem posthumously honored a Romanian reserve officer who blocked the deportation of Romanian Jews to Nazi death camps during World War II. Theodor Criveanu joined the Righteous Among the Nations group of non-Jews who rescued Jews from the Nazis. His son, Willie Criveanu, accepted the award on his behalf. Yad Vashem said it could not estimate how many Jews he saved. Criveanu married the daughter of one of the Jews he saved. He died in Romania in 1988.


2008: At the Israel Museum an exhibition entitled “Swords into Plowshares: The Isaiah Scroll and Its Message of Peace” comes to an end. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, the Israel Museum presents the longest, best preserved, and most complete Dead Sea Scroll document ever found, in a special installation in the Shrine of the Book. Never before shown in an extended public display, this 2.60 meter-long section of the Isaiah Scroll comprises the first twenty-eight chapters of the Book of Isaiah, including Isaiah’s celebrated message of peace: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares…" (Is. 2:4). In order to illustrate this important message, iron tools from the days of the prophet Isaiah (8th century BCE) will be displayed alongside the Scroll. A Hellenistic seal depicting a dove carrying an olive branch, newly excavated and never before displayed will also be on view. The exhibition is curated by Adolfo Roitman, Head of the Shrine of the Book and Curator of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Michal Dayagi-Mendels, Chief Curator of Archaeology. An international conference on Dead Sea Scrolls research will be held July 6-8, 2008, and is scheduled to coincide with the exhibition.


2008:Bais Chana Jewish Women's Weekend Retreat opens in St. Paul, Minnesota


2008:A Kassam rocket was launched into Israel from the Gaza Strip in the afternoon. The rocket hit an open field in the western Negev. No casualties or damage were reported.


2008:In a letter published today in Corriere della Sera, former Italian President Francesco Cossiga described a "secret 'non-belligerence pact' between the Italian state and Palestinian resistance organizations, including terrorist groups" such as the PFLP. The deal, he said, had been devised by Prime Minister Aldo Moro, who in 1978 was kidnapped and assassinated by the Italian terror group the Red Brigades. The former president says his country had allowed Palestinian terror groups to roam free in exchange for not attacking Italian targets. Francesco Cossiga's admission confirmed claims of such a deal revealed last week in an interview in the Corriere della Sera newspaper with Bassam Abu Sharif, the former chief of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Nonetheless, there were several major Palestinian terror attacks on Italian targets in the 1970s and 1980s. They included attacks on Rome's airport and main synagogue, and the hijacking of the cruise ship the Achille Lauro cruise ship. Last month, Cossiga accused the PFLP of being behind a terrorist attack at the Bologna train station in 1980 that killed 85 people. That attack has long been ascribed to Italian neo-fascist terrorists, and two leaders of a neo-fascist extremist group were given life sentences for their role in the attack.


2008: Jody Wagner announces her candidacy for Lt. Gov. on the Republican ticket in the state of Virginia.


2008(14th of Av, 5768): Ninety-one year record producer Jerry Wexler who coined the term “rhythm and blues” passed away today. (As reported by Patricia Sullivan)


2009: The 92nd Street Y sponsors Israeli Folk Dance: Summer Marathon 2009.


2009: In Jerusalem, Amit Erez hits the stage at Hama'abada, playing an acoustic show which blends folk and indie style music, influenced by musicians such as Nick Drake and Elliot Smith on the one hand, and Shalom Hanoch on the other. Erez performs songs from his new album, including "Last Night When I Tried to Sleep" and "I Felt the Ocean on my Fingertips."


2009: As part of the activities designed to welcome Rabbi Todd Thalblum and his family to Cedar Rapids, Temple Judah celebrates a special outdoor Havdalah service at Woodpecker Lodge.


2009: A revival “How Now Dow Jones” with a book by Max Shulman, music by Elmer Bernstein and lyrics by Carolyn Leigh opens at the New York International Fringe Festival.


2009:According to a report broadcast today on Voice of Israel government radio wealthy foreign Arabs have bought up hundreds of dunams of land in the Galilee, land, which was owned privately and which was zoned for agricultural use, was sold due to economic hardship. The buyers were wealthy citizens of Arab states in the Persian Gulf that do not have any diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. Groups of Galilee Jewish farmers who tried to organize a counter-offer failed to raise enough money to purchase the land from its owners.Israeli lands are being sold to the highest bidder.

2010: Defense Minister Ehud Barak gave his approval today for the purchase of the fifth-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) by the Israeli Air Force from the US.


2010: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Denial: A Memoir of Terror By Jessica Stern


2010: The Los Angeles Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Red Hook Road by Ayelet Waldmanand Quantum: Eisenstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality by Manjit Kumar.  [Editor’s note – The only person I know who is smart enough to understand this is Dr. Joe Rosen, so if you have questions write to him not to me.]


2011: The 31st International Conference on Jewish Genealogy (sponsored by the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington) and the Washingtoniana Division of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library are scheduled to offer a free talk on "What’s Your Story? An Introduction to Genealogy and Family History"

2011:Hutzot Hayotzer, the popular international arts and crafts fair that has become a Jerusalemite ritual, is scheduled to open today.

2011(15thof Av, 5771): Tu B’Av- Jewish Saidie Hawkins Day

2011:A marble statue of Hercules dating back to the second century C.E.has been found in an archeological dig in northern Israel, Israel's Antiquities Authority announced today. The statue, approximately a meter and half tall, was probably part of the decoration of a bathhouse pool. The statue depicts Hercules leaning on a club, with the skin of the Nemean lion hanging from it. Hercules killed the monstrous lion as the first of the twelve "Labors of Hercules." Archeologist Walid Atrash of the Israel Antiquities Authority said the statue is a rare and high-quality discovery. Hercules, son of the god Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology) and the mortal Alcmnene, was considered in the Greek and Roman civilizations as a symbol of power, bravery and superhuman strength. The excavation took place at Horvat Tarbenet in the Jezreel Valley, which was a Jewish settlement in the third century C.E.

2011:The Israel Medical Association said in a discussion at the High Court today that it would be willing to hold mediated talks on points of contention with the Ministry of Finance, so long as certain conditions are upheld.

2011: A column entitled “No Loss For Words” published in today’s Sports Illustrated provides a portrait of Marv Levy, the coach who took the Bills to four Super Bowl, and a review of his soon to be published first novel, Between the Lines.

2011: The documentary “Gloria: In Her Own Words” about the life and times of Gloria Steinem premiered on HBO. (As reported by Jewish Women’s Archives)

2012: The brit of “Baby Boy Sann” the son of Debbie and Ron Sann is scheduled to take place at Adas Israel in Washington, DC

2012: In Boston, MA, Congregation Beth Elohim is scheduled to sponsor an evening of “Jewish Meditation.

2012: Cantor Regina Heit is scheduled to lead the Learn and Lunch at Temple Emanuel in Denver, CO.

2012: Members of Israel’s national soccer team apologized today for laughing during a lecture the day before on the murder of Hungarian Jewry by the Nazis. Some players tittered during a talk in Budapest, one day before the team’s friendly match against Hungary, the Sport Channel reported today

2012:Egg, milk and chicken prices are expected to rise by up to 17 percent by the end of this year, the Agriculture Ministry forecast today. A study conducted by the ministry’s Research, Economy and Strategy Division said the price increases can be attributed mainly to the prolonged drought in the US, which has triggered a rise in the cost of agricultural commodities.

2012(27thof Av, 5772): Sixty-eight year old “David M. Lederman, who led the team of scientists that developed the first fully implantable artificial heart — which, although it had limited success, prompted further advances in the treatment of late-stage heart disease” passed away today (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2013: Israeli jazz guitarist Assaf Kehati and his trio are scheduled to perform at the Bar Next Door in New York City.


2013: Oakland A’s first baseman Nate Freiman had four hits today including a homer and a double.


2013: “Soul Doctor,” a musical based on the life of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach opened tonight at the Circle in the Square in New York City.




2013: “An archeological team headed by Dr. Alexander Fantalkin of Tel Aviv university has announced the discovery of one of the largest construction projects in the entire Mediterranean basin: a system of fortifications from the 8th century BCE, as well as coins, weights and parts of buildings from the Hellenistic period, have all been found in the archeological dig Tel Ashdod Yam – where the harbor of the philistine city of Ashdod used to be. The site is about 3 miles south of today’s thriving Israeli city of Ashdod.’ (As reported by Yori Yanover)

2013:Documents linked to Oskar Schindler, the German industrialist known for his efforts to save Jews from World War Two concentration camps, were sold at auction for more than $122,000, a New Hampshire auction house said today.

2013:Hebrew University is ranked first in Israel and 59th globally, according to the 2013 Academic Ranking of World Universities released today. (As reported by Lahav Harkov)

2014: Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington’s deadline for raising funds to save the original portions of the synagogue mural on 415 M Street, NW in Washington, D.C.

2014: Mark Ethan Toporek is scheduled to lead a talk on “Gender Benders” following a screening of “Liberace” at the 92ndStreet Y

This Day, August 16, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 16

1027:  The King of Georgia, Giorgi I, passed away. Jews were among the subjects of this monarch who ruled over a country situated in the Caucuses, on the eastern edge of the Black Sea.  Leonti Mroveli, an eleventh century chronicler of Georgian history, offers various dates for the arrival of the Jews including the period after the destruction of the First Temple or after the destruction of the Second Temple.  Other sources claim that the first Jews arrived during the time of Alexander the Great or during the Sixth Century of the Common Era when they were fleeing persecution of the Byzantines.  No matter which source you choose to believe, The Jews were there when King George died and remain there to this day.

1486: Twenty men and five women were burned after being sentenced at an auto-de-fe in Toledo on the charge of Judaizing. Among them were Dr. Alonso Cota and many other notables of the town. They were marched through town being humiliated wearing the dreadful san benito, with their hands tied to their neck behind their backs.

1648(28thof Av, 5408): Rabbi Joshua Höschel ben Joseph passed away in Cracow.  Born at Vilnius in 1578, he studied both the Kabbalah and the Talmud.  He wrote Maginne Shelomoh and She'elot u-Teshubot Pene Yehoshua'

1532: John Frederick I began his reign as Elector of Saxony during which, four years later in August of 1536, in response to the teaching of Martin Luther “issued a mandate that prohibited Jews from inhabiting, engaging in business in, or passing through his realm.”

1599(25thof Av, 5359): Isaiah Menahem Ben Isaac passed away today while serving in the rabbinate in Cracow.

1664: Sixty-five year old Christian Hebrew language student and author Johannes Buxtorf the Younger who “employed Abraham Braunschweig to purchase Hebrew books for him and for many years corresponded with the scholarly Jacob Roman of Constantinople regarding the acquisition of Hebrew manuscripts and rare printed works” passed away today.

1648(28thof Av, 5408): Rabbi Joshua Höschel ben Joseph, a student of Rabbi Samuel ben Phoebus of Cracow and  Rabbi Joshua Falk whose students included Rav Shabbatai HaKohen, passed away today.

1675: Ukrainian leader Bogdan Chemlnicki (with the blood of over 300,000 Jews on his hands) died.

1724: In London, Bavarian immigrants Yehezkel (Ezekiel) and Judah Hirsh gave birth to their son Aaron Hart. The family changed their name from Hirsh to its English version, Hart.  Hart would go on to become a successful businessman and “is considered the father of Canadian Jewry.”

1776(1stof Elul, 5536): Rosh Chodesh Elul; for the first time the shofar is sounded in the newly independent United States of America

1840: During the Damascus Affair, in a move supporting the Jewish prisoners, the British led European powers issued a stern warning to the Egyptian Khedive that he should move his forces away from the Turkish frontier.

1842: Birthdate of Jakob Rosanes, the native of Brody who gained fame as a mathematician and chess master.

1845: In Bonnevoie, Luxembourg, Miriam Rose (Lévy) and Isaïe Lippman, the manager of the family glove-making business gave birth to Gabriel Lippman, French physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1908.

1849: Birthdate of Sibylle Riqueti de Mirabeau, the French anti-semite and “anti-Dreyfusard” who wrote under the pseudonym of GYP.  While testifying in a court case she “gave her profession as ‘anti-Semite’ rather than ‘writer.’”

1851: In Buffalo, VA, Robert and Anna Harvey gave birth to William Hope "Coin" Harvey the populist leader who wrote the anti-Semitic Tale of Two Nations, “the story of a wealthy London banker, Baron Rothe, who engineers a plot to keep the United States from ever using a silver as currency.”

1852:In reporting on the clash between Sir Robert Peel and Benjamin Disraeli over the issue of Free Trade "Items of Foreign News" column published today quotes the following disparaging remarks that appeared in The Morning Chronicle. "When Mr. Disraeli attempts to trade on the policy of Sir Robert Peel, it will be difficult to refrain from challenging him in the words of the Hebrew prophet, 'Hast thou killed and also taken possession.'"  [Editor's Note: the quote is from 1 Kings 21:19]

1860: David Wemyss Jobson was found guilty of libeling the character of Sir James Furgurson in the London Central Criminal Court today.  Among the many prominent witnesses to appear was Benjamin Disraeli. When asked by the Defendant “Are you a Jew now or not?”  Mr. Disraeli repIied, “I am what I always was -- a Christian.” This is an interesting answer since Disraeli was actually born a Jew.  Was he being disengenous or was he taking poet license in writing his own biography.

1862: The Chicago Tribune published a tribute to the Jews of Chicago.

1868(28th of Av, 5628): Fifty-five year old Ruben Joseph Wunderbar the author who succeeded Max Lilienthal as principal the Jewish school at Riga passed away today in his hometown of Mitau.

1873: Lipman “Lip” Pike, one of the first Jewish major league baseball players, “raced a fast trotting horse named Clarence in a 100-yard sprint at Baltimore's Newington Park, and won by four yards with a time of 10 seconds flat, earning $250 ($4,570 today).”

1873: It was reported today that the Governor of New York has offered a $500 reward for the apprehension of Emil Lowenstein who allegedly murder John Weston in Albany, NY.  Mrs. Weston has already been arrested for her role in the killing.  Lowenstein, a German Jewish barber’s assistant, is thought to be headed for an unnamed “Western city.”

1875: It was reported today that of the 57,200 children attending primary schools in Algeria, 5,646 “are native Jews.’

1875: It was reported today that 40 year old Joseph Samuels and 15 year old Sallie Mossheim were arrested in New Jersey. This tangled tale of two Jews includes a married man (Samuels) and the daughter of a successful businessman, who fell in love and ran off together.  The case is complicated by the fact that Sallie’s father reported that $500 was missing from his safe and this same amount was found in his daughter’s possession.

1880: “Hebrew Poetry” published today provided a detailed review of The Historical Poetry of the Ancient Hebrews, a two volume work by Michael Heilprin.

1880: Based on information that originally appeared the Journal de St. Petersburg it was reported today that Jews account for 0.22 of the illegitimate births in the European portion of the Russian Empire

1881: It was reported today that Count Kutisoff, who is investigating the causes of  the anti-Jewish riots met with a deputation of Jews from Kharkoff.  The Jews told him that the causes were not just economic.  The count said that the government was determined to stop the violence.  He said that they needed “to regulate the abnormal conditions” in the Western provinces where “the Jews outnumber the Christians and monopolize trade.”  (The Western provinces included the Pale of Settlement and it is inconceivable that the Russian leader did not know that there were so many Jews there because that is where the government had confined them)

1882(1stof Elul, 5642): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1882: It was reported today that the speech by Congressman Cox on the persecution of Russian Jews that appears in the Congressional Record was in fact never given since Congress had already adjourned. Cox had apparently taken advantage of the time honored practice of entering remarks in the Record that has gone into the 20th century.

1885: Beth Hamedresh Hagadol, an Orthodox congregation formed by Polish Jews 30 years ago, dedicated its new sanctuary on Norfolk Street this afternoon. Rabbi Abraham Ash, the spiritual leader of the congregation, was the driving force behind the project.

1885: The Associate Members’ Literary Society of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association held a Grant-Montefiore Memorial Meeting this evening in New York City. G.A. Ettinger delivered a speech in which compared both of these saying that although one was a man of war and the other a man of peace, “they were alike in one respect, that both labored for the emancipation of the human race.”

1886: Based on information that first appeared in the Warsaw Courier two Polish peasants have been sentenced to six months in prison after having been found of disinterring  two Jewish corpses, cutting off their hands and then grinding them into “little morsels for…medicinal purposes.”

1886: “Last of the Roman Ghetto” published today reported that within the next couple of weeks the Jew’s quarter of Rome, “a picturesque piece of antiquity” will disappear.  The reporter of the Pall Mall Gazette (a British publication) described the ghetto as a place where “the Jews had made themselves…a sort of second fatherland” where they could observe “their habits and traditions…in a little town” they had all to themselves.

1887:Joseph Froehlich of Davenport, Iowa donated $4.00 to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

1887: The will of Jonas Heller which was filed for probate today gave $10,000 for the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews on the condition that the Directors erect a prominently placed tablet saying “In Memory  of Jonas Heller, Trustee, from______ to ______ Bequeathed Ten Thousand Dollars.”

1888: It was reported today that Levi Davis, a prominent Jewish citizen living in New Brunswick, NJ, has filed a suit seeking $10,000 in damages from Charles Scheede “for ruining his daughter Jennie.” Schweede, who is a partner in the clothing firm of Schweede Brothers denied the charge.

1888: It was reported today that Siegfried Porter, a native of Bohemia who is now an American citizen, testified before Congressman Ford’s Immigration Committee that he was now able to earn seven or eight dollars a week as a cigar maker because of the influx of Russian and Polish Jews.  According to the embittered witness the Jews were willing to work for four or five dollars a week and that they lived in such poor conditions that they were able to save three dollars of that.

1888: Birthdate of T.E. Lawrence, known to history as “Lawrence of Arabia.”  In the popular mind, Lawrence is remembered as a driving force behind Arab nationalism.  However, Lawrence was not anti-Zionist.  In “The Changing East” he wrote of the way in which the Zionist settlers would help improve the economic and social condition of the Arab population.  “In 1919 he drafted a letter for Emir Feisal for a meeting with Felix Frankfurter, a leader of American Zionists. In his letter Feisal wished ‘the Jews a hearty welcome home’ and asserted ‘our two movements complete one another.’ ‘There is room in Syriafor both of us’ he concluded.”

1890(30thof Av, 5650) Rosh Chodesh Elul

1890: Rabbi Gustave Gottheil is scheduled to deliver a sermon today entitled “Who Needs Converting?”

1890(30thof Av, 5650): New York attorney Montague L. Marks passed away today.

1891: The funeral for Emilie J. Frank, the widow of Joseph Frank, is scheduled to be held at the home of her daughter Mrs. William Rosenberg at 40 West 95thStreet.

1891: As local merchants expressed their indignation over the high-pressure tactics of sales person working for the “Jewish Times” the publishers said that the agent had sent in the ads but that they “were not aware of his making false representations” to obtain them.

1891: “Russian Jew Question” published today described the impact the articles that George Kenan has written on this subject have had including Prime Minister Gladstone urging Continental  to conduct “a full and fair” investigation of the issue.

1892: “Charges Against Edward Pollock” published today described events surrounding Meyer Reinherz’s an agent of the United Hebrew Charities, decision to file a complaint against Edward Pollock for allegedly attacking him while writing stories for Austro-Hungarian newspapers.”

1893: A circular was disturbed today setting forth the rights of the thousands of unemployed Jewish workers and the wrongs done to them and calling for a mass meeting tomorrow at the Walhalla Hall on Orchard Street.

1895: In Massachusetts, the Worcester Hebrew Benevolent Society which had been founded in 1891 received its charge today.

1895:  Birthdate of novelist Albert Cohen.  A native of Greece, Cohen worked for various international organizations located in Switzerland. He became a Swiss citizen after World War I and based some of his fiction on experiences with the League of Nations.  The Greek native, who was a Swiss citizen, wrote in French.

1896: “Heat and the Babes” published today described various steps being taken to beat the August heat including the decision of the Hebrew Institute to open a free roof garden on the top of its building.

1897: Birthdate of Sir Hersch Lauterpacht the Austro-Hungarian born British Jurist who served as a member of h United Nation;s Internal Law Commission and a Judge of the International Court of Justice.

1898: Children are being removed from the Hebrew Orphan Asylum at 138thStreet and Amsterdam Avenue because of an epidemic of dysentery.

1898: “For Jewish Worshippers” published today described a letter J.E. Bloom, Assistant Adjutant General, Third Brigade, Second Division, Third Army Corps wrote to the President and Executive Committee of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association in New York suggesting that they raise funds to be used to “provide a large tent for holding religious services for Jewish soldiers” attending the re-union at the Chickamauga Battlefield this Fall.

1898: “Great Charity Enterprise” published today described plans for a fundraiser to be sponsored by the Young Men’s Hebrew Charity Association in Chicago.  Half of the funds will go to Michael Reese Hospital and the other half will go to the United Hebrew Charities.

1899: It was reported today that “the leading Jews of Europe are” planning on holding a meeting “in Switzerland in order to form an international association for their defense against the crusade of the anti-Semites and to protect the Jews in France after the Dreyfus court-martial is ended.”

1899: The New York Federation of Zionists met at Cooper Union tonight where “They adopted resolutions against anti-Semitism and for the rejuvenation of Zion.”

1899: “Jews Aid The Dewey Home Fund” published today described the “considerable interest” that the Jews have shown in raising money to buy a home for the Hero of Manila Bay.  “At least one-fourth of the names making up the list of contributors so far are Jews.”

1899: In South Africa, President Kruger “has issued a brochure supporting his proposal regarding the removal of religious disabilities” which would the discrimination against the Jews by the Protestant dominated government.

1899: Julius P. Witmark, J.W. Bratton, Sager Midgley, J. Leslie Gossing, J.J. Raffael, Miss Alic Magil, Smith O’Brien, Miss Grace L. Weir and Fred Rycroff proved the entertainment tonight at the Arverne Hotel Casino where a fund-raiser was held for the benefit of the Hebrew Infant Asylum.

1899(10th of Elul, 5659): Abraham Cohen Labatt, native of Charleston, SC who founded several Reform Congregations from South Carolina to Louisiana to California to Texas passed away in Galveston.

1900: The Fourth Zionist Congress comes to an end in London.

1902: Several thousand persons greeted Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, at Mountain Lake Park, Marylandwhere he delivered an address before the Chautauqua Assembly on "Labor and Capital -- the Workman's Side of the Story."

1903: Herzl stopped in Vilna where a tremendous ovation is awaiting him. Old Reb Shleimele lifted his hands over Herzl and pronounces the Priestly Benediction. After one day of rest in Altaussee, Herzl left for Basle and the Sixth Congress.

1909 (29th Av): Rabbi Samuel “Shmuel” Salant Chief Ashkenazic Rabbi of Jerusalem, who was a leading Talmudist and a friend of Moses Montefiore passed away and was buried on the Mount of Olives.

1913: Birthdate of Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.  The life of Menachem Begin is too colorful and controversial to be covered in this brief guide.  His life became one of many contradictions.  Consider that this political heir to Jabotinsky, the man who waged violent war against the British in the last years of the Mandate was the man who signed the peace accord with Sadat.

1915: A lynch mob from Marietta, GA arrived at the prison in Milledgeville.  After cutting the telephone wire emptying the gas from the prison’s automobiles and handcuffing the warden, they seized Leo Frank and drove away from the prison.

1917: In the East New York section of Brooklyn Benjamin and Bertha Taubman gave birth to “Dorothy Taubman, who developed a method to help pianists strengthen their techniques and avoid repetitive strain injuries.” (As reported by Vivien Schweitzer)

1918(8th of Elul, 5678): Sixty-eight year old Dr. Adolf Rosenzweig, the rabbi at the New Synagogue (Neue Synagoge) in Oranienburger Straße, Berlin passed away today and was buried under a gravestone on which was written "The law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found in his lips" (Malachi 2:6).

1919: “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is distributed in Germany and the United States.

1922: Birthdate of Herbert Vogel, the New York born postal clerk, who, along with his wife, became “fabled art collectors. (As reported by Douglas Marin)

1923: Birthdate of Shimon Peres, Zionist leader who would hold numerous positions including President of the Jewish state.  There are as many views of Peres as there are candles on his birthday cake.

1925:The Palestine Foundation Fund reported that it had spent $8,646,750 in the economic rebuilding of Palestine during its four years of existence, just concluded. More than 60 per cent of this sum has come from American Jews, according to the statement, the balance being collected from fifty-two other countries. $2,570,785 was expended on farming enterprises and $1,624,695 for Hebrew education. Samuel Untermeyer is President of the American branch of the fund.

1926: Sephardic and Oriental Jews at a Zionist conference in Vienna had their delegates gather for the purpose of furthering Zionist interests among their peoples. 

1929: Although warned by the Zionist Executive that the Arabs were preparing to attack the Jews of Jerusalem in massive riots, High Commissioner Sir John Chancellor refused to cut his vacation short, declaring that relations between the sides were improving. After Friday prayers on the day after the ninth of Av, two thousand Arabs attacked Jews praying at the Western Wall. One Jewish youth was stabbed in the back. The British Government refused to condemn the attack leading the Arabs again to believe that the British supported their riots.

1930(22ndof Av, 5690): Gustave Frohman who along with his brothers Charles and Daniel worked together as theatrical producers and advanced men passed away.

1933: Following a baseball game in Toronto, six hours of violence broke out between Harbord Playground, predominantly Jewish, and St. Peter's, a baseball team sponsored by a church at Bathurst and Bloor that became known as the Christie Pitts Riot.

1933: In New York, more than seventy thousand workers joined a strike called by the ILGWU under the leadership of David Dubinsky

1933: Three hundred Polish Jews including a group of 140 chalutzim leave for Palestine.

1933:Local authorities in East Prussia inform Jews that they must call for their mail because Nazi postmen will be humiliated in delivering mail to Jews.

1934: Birthdate of Dr. Daniel Norman Stern “a psychiatrist who increased the understanding of early human development by scrutinizing the most minute interactions between mothers and babies” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1936: The 1936 Olympics came to an end in Berlin.  Calls for boycotting the Hitler Olympics fell on deaf ears.

1936: The New York Times published a lengthy review of Jewish Studies in Memory of George A. Kohut, 1874-1933, edited by Salo W. Baron and Alexander Marx.

1936(28th of Av, 5696): An eight year old Jewish boy “was killed and nineteen Jews were injured by the explosion of a bomb thrown by an Arab from a train window into one of the principal streets of Tel Aviv today as the train was passing the city en route to Jaffa.” In the last three days ten Jews – 7 adults and 3 children – have been killed in Safed, Haifa and on the highway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.  Authorities fear that this latest in a series of attacks that began four months ago will finally provoke the Jewish population into acts of violence aimed at their attackers. 

1936: In “Habimah in Emek,” published today, Arthur Settel describes a recent performance of “Jew Suss” in Ain Taun a village in the Valley Of Jezrel on the northern plain of Palestine.

1937: The 20th World Zionist Congress comes to an end with a resounding vote of support for Dr. Chaim Weizmann who was re-elected as President with only 8 delegates voting against him

1937:Talks are proceeding between Americans of Jewish and of Arab origin with a view to-exploring the possibilities of bringing peace between their peoples in Palestine by applying the American federal principle, it was revealed by Adil Arslan, one of the Arab High Committee's two delegates here.

1938: Andrej Hlinka, a Catholic Priest, a leader of the Slovak National Party and “a symbol of Slovak fascism” passed away.  He opposed the democratic principles of Czechoslovakia and was an admirer of Hitler and Mussolini.  Although he died before the war, he was considered to be the spiritual “godfather” of Slovak nationalism that sent 70,000 Jews to the concentration camps, most of whom perished.

1939:More than 600 Zionists from all parts of the world attend the twenty-first World Zionist Congress, which opens in Genevatoday. The congress will last thirteen days.

1939: Birthdate of American banjo player Eric Weissberg best known for “Dueling Banjos” which provided the musical background for “Deliverance.”

1939(1st of Elul, 5699): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1940: The Vichy (France) government prohibited aliens from practicing as physicians, dentists or pharmacists.  This destroyed the livelihood for numerous Jews who had fled to France before the war and/or were not living in Vichyat the time of the French surrender to the Nazis.  The Jews living in VichyFrance would learn that anti-Semitism was part and parcel of the Petain government.

1940:Today the building at 770 Eastern Parkway in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York was purchased by Agudas Chassidei Chabad (the Chabad-Lubavitch community) to house the living quarters, study and office, Yeshivah, and synagogue of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn who had arrived in New York (following his rescue from Nazi-occupied Warsaw) five months earlier [It would later serve as the headquarters of his son-in-law and successor, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, and become the vortex of Chabad-Lubavitch's global network of institutions of Jewish education and outreach.]

1943:  Nazi troops enter the Jewish ghetto at Bialystok, Polandand over the next four days destroy the more than 30,000 Jews inside. Hundreds of Resistance fighters, led by Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff and Daniel Moszkowicz--who battle back with small arms, axes, and bayonets--are annihilated. Those who survive are transported to death camps, where 25,000 are killed

1943: Inmates revolt at the slave-labor camp at Krychów, Poland.

1943: During World War II, the keel for the SS Oscar Strauss was laid today.

1943: Maurice H. Rindskopf was among the officers serving on ehe USS Drum, an American submarine as she left Brisbane on her seventh war patrol

1943: The Spanish government stated that they would allow more repatriated Jews to come to Spain, "only if those in Spainalready left." The obvious lack of sentiment on the part of Spain was apparent to the Joint Distribution Committee, which went ahead and placed a "priority" on emigration of "these so-called Sephardics." The Jews who did make it to Spain were not in any way treated like citizens.

1944: A train arrived at Birkenau from Athens with 1,651 Jews from Rhodes and 94 from Kos. Upon arrival and then separation, Sidney Fahn would see his wife and young child for the last time. Only 151 of these Jews would survive.

1945: Birthdate of director Bob Balaban

1945: Today, “President Truman called…for the free and open settlement of Palestine by Jews to the point consistent with the maintenance of civil peace.”  For the first time he revealed that that U.S. government has informed the British who are attending the Big Three’s Berlin Conference. (The Big Three were the U.S., U.K. and U.S.S.R.)

1945: Former Iowa Senator Guy Gillette who is President of the American League for a Free Palestine expressed his “disappointment at the inconclusive nature of the American position” about Jewish settlement “as outlined by” President Truman today.  According to Gillette, millions of displaced persons have been returned to their homes.  Yet, the Jews, who suffered the most, have been denied a clear solution to their plight.  The League of Nations had already had already designated that Palestine should be a free and independent nation.  According to Gillette, Palestine “is the historic national territory of the Hebrew people and their  right to enter it should no longer be challenged.

1945: “Dr. Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland, Ohio and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New York were elected member of the executive board of the Jewish Agency for Palestine by the general council of the World Zion Conference today in London, UK.”

1948: Birthdate of Patrick Balkany, the native of Neuilly-sur-Seine, who is a member of the National Assembly of France

1948: Three months after the establishment of the State of Israel, an agreement was signed between the Bank Leumi and the temporary Government. The official charter appointing the Bank as the Government's financial agent was signed by Hoofien and the Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. On that very day, the official bank notes of the new state, bearing the name of the Anglo-Palestine Bank and the signatures of Hoofien and Barth, were distributed. The Israeli pound becomes legal tender.

1949: Herzl's remains are transferred to Jerusalem and reburied on Mount Herzl.

1949: Netiv HaLamed-Heh ( נְתִיב הַל"ה‎‎,  Path of the 35) a kibbutz in central Israel located in the Valley of Elah, was established today by demobilized members of the Daled Company of the Palmach's Harel Brigade. It was initially named Peled (an acronym for Plugot Daled, lit. Daled Company) It was later renamed after the 35 Haganah soldiers killed in a convoy to resupply the Gush Etzion kibbutzim during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine (Lamed-Heh is 35 in Hebrew numerals).

1959(12th of Av, 5719): Harpsichordist and composer Wanda Landowska, who was credited with the 20th-century revival of harpsichord music passed away.

1960: Cyprusgains its independence from the United Kingdom (Great Britain).  Jews have lived on the island of Cyprussince the days of the ancient Greeks.  In modern times, Cyprusprovided a haven for Jews trying to escape from Hitler’s Europe.  After the war, the British set up internment camps on the island where they detained Jews trying to run the blockade and reach pre-Israel Palestine.  Israel established diplomatic relations with Cyprusand the Israeli embassy served as focal point for the small Cypriot Jewish community. 

1961: Frank Robinson hit a homer off of Larry Sherry as the Jewish pitcher and the Dodgers came out on the short end of game with the Reds losing 6 to 0.

1972: 1972: “Two British girls, unaware that the gramophone given them by 2 Arab acquaintances in Rome was booby trapped” carried it on board an El Al Flight bound for Lod” where it exploded in the luggage compartment causing “slight damage.” (Jewish Virtual Library)

1973(18th of Av, 5733): Selman Waksman, Ukrainian-born American biochemist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine passed away.

1978: Pitcher Ross Baumgarten makes his major league debut with the White Sox.

1985: Birthdate of Bensiyon Songavkar, the Indian born Jewish professional cricketer.

1988(3rd of Elul, 5748):Auckland City Councillor Harold Goodman, the husband of Dame Barbara Goodman, passed away.

1988: Ed Koch, the Jewish Mayor of New York City says he plans to wipe out street-corner windshield washers

1988: The New York Times included reviews of Confessions of a Good Arab by Yoram Kaniuk, translated by Dalya Bilu and The Road to Ein Harod by Amos Kenan, translated by Anselm Hollo.

1993: The two men who kidnapped Harvey Weinstein, a formalwear manufacturer and chairman of Lord West Formal Wear are arrested in New York when the go to pick up the ransom.  Weinstein survives and lives to the ripe old age of 82.

1993(29th of Av, 5753): Eighty-eight year old grand prix driver Rene Dreyfus passed away today.

1994: The first ever Papal Nuncio to Israel presented his credentials in Jerusalem

1996(1st of Elul, 5756): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1998: The New York Times featured a review of The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations by Larry Tye.  Bernays is the Austrian born Jew who was the nephew of Sigmund Freud.

2000:A documentary film entitled “The Ballad of Rambling Jack Elliot” about the life of Brooklyn native Elliott Adnopoz the son of a middle class Jewish doctor who transformed himself into a musical iconoclast opens at the Film Forum.  The film was written and directed by his daughter Aiyana Elliot.

2002(8th of Elul, 5762): Martin Deutsch the American physicist who studied positronium passed away. Positronium is a temporary state in the decay of the positron which is the antiparticle of the electron (and that is more than I really know about this.)

2003: Idid Amin, the former President of Uganda who had been trained as a paratrooper by the Israelis and who provided a safe haven for the Palestinian hijackers in 1976 passed away today.

2005:  The Jerusalem Post reported that Britain had played a major role in Israel’s development of a nuclear capability in the late 1950’s.  According to the Post, the government of Prime Minister Harold McMillan sold 20 tons of heavy water (necessary for making weapons grade plutonium) in 1958.  The sale was done covertly masked as an arrangement between Norwayand Israel.  Reportedly, the Americans were not told about the sale.  Although Israel does not comment about its nuclear capability, reportedly she has around two hundred nuclear devices.  This revelation is fascinating for those who lived through the 1950’s or are students of that period.  Harold McMillan had come to power when the government of Prime Minister Anthony Eden had fallen in 1957 after Britain’s Suez adventure that had included the French and the Israelis.  The Americans had sided with the Soviets in pressuring Israel and its two Western allies to turn the canal back to Egypt and hand victory to the Pan Arab dictator and Soviet client – Gamal Nasser. There were at least two unintended consequences from what the Europeans considered the American betrayal.  First, the French began to develop their nuclear capability which harmed the cause of nuclear non-proliferation and led to a rift between the French and Americans that bedevils the two nations to this day.  Second, as we have now found out, the British devised what some might view as a perfidious and deceptive way of dealing with the United Statesand the Middle East.  On the surface, the McMillan government played the role of faithful junior partner in the Anglo-American alliance.  Also, the British continued to play the role of staunch supporter of the Arabs in the regions.  But the British did not trust Nasser.  They saw him as a threat and they gave Israelthe additional means to deal with that threat.  One of the fascinating things about the study of history is how it keeps re-writing itself.  Each time you think you have it nailed down; another secret revelation pops out and changes everything.  The philosopher said that he who does not know history is condemned to repeat it.  But the question is, “Who really knows the history?”

2006: As part of the cease-fire agreement, Israeli troops turn control of territory in Lebanonover to UNIFL.  At the same time, in one of those many ironies of history, the army of Lebanon returns to the southern part of the country for the first time since the 1970’s thanks to the attacks of the IDF on Hezbollah strongholds. 

2007: Israeland the United Statessigned a Memorandum of Understanding on the new American defense package for Israel. Under the new aid agreement, the U.S. will transfer $30 billion to Israel over 10 years, compared with $24 billion over the past decade. The aid deal signed at represents a 25 percent rise in U.S. military aid to Israel. Israel is slated to receive the first pay out in October 2008, amounting to $2.55 billion. That sum will grow each year by $150 million, until it reaches $3.1 billion in 2011.

2008: At Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Finn.

2008:Today, Itai Magidi will be the first Israeli to take part in the athletics competitions, running the 3000m Steeplechase qualifiers and all seven of Israel's sailors are scheduled to race at the Beijing Olympics.

2008, Martha Nussbaum—University of Chicago professor and Boston Review contributing editor—became a bat mitzvah.

2009: The Washington Post features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Rashiby Elie Wiesel.

2009:The Massachusetts secretary of state’s office has rejected a proposed settlement by an investment firm to repay nearly $6 million to state investors who lost money in Bernard L. Madoff’s fraudulent investment scheme. A spokesman for the office, Brian McNiff, said today that his agency was not accepting the offer, from the Fairfield Greenwich Group of New York, to make full refund to nearly a dozen investors in the state because officials were still trying to identify all the affected investors. Mr. Madoff, 71, is serving 150 years in prison for defrauding investors in a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme. Fairfield Greenwich was one of the so-called feeder funds for Mr. Madoff.

2009: “Can Game Theory Predict When Iran Will Get the Bomb” published today describes Bruce Bueno de Mesquita’s answer to this question.

2009: Led by his widow, Betty Levin, a true Ashish Chayil, the family and friends of Dr. Jacob Levin, of blessed memory, gather to dedicate a classroom named in his honor at North Suburban Beth El Synagogue.  Dr. Levin taught in this room for several years and his time as a Religious School teacher was but one example of his contributions to the Jewish community. He will always be missed.  He will always be remembered.

2010:KlezKanada is scheduled to open in Lantier, Quebec.

2010:An IDF soldier was lightly wounded today in clashes with Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip.
2010:A bomb squad checked out two unattended suitcases outside the Israeli consulate the Los Angeles Police Department said. Police cordoned off part of Wilshire Boulevard, where the consulate and other Jewish organizations are located, for several hours.Police declared the area safe shortly after noon Pacific time, according to reports. The city's Israeli Consulate has been the target of previous bomb threats. On Dec. 18, 2007, the entire building, which houses the consulate, the Jewish Agency for Israel, Young Judea and the Israeli Scouts, was evacuated due to a bomb threat that was later found to be a false alarm.

2011: Today is the release date for The Gift of Rest: Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbathby Senator Joe Lieberman

2011: The 2ndAvenue Deli reopened at its new location on 1st Avenue and 75th Street in the Upper East Side much to the joy of those who enjoy the best kosher meat knishes and tongue sandwiches imaginable.

2011: Wendy Turman, JHSGW Curator/Archivist is scheduled to deliver “an illustrated lecture tracing the history of the Jewish community in the Washington area from the arrival of the first Jewish Washingtonian in 1795 to today, when the region's Jewish community has grown to more than 215,000 people.

2011:Representatives from the National Union of Israeli Students and leaders of the tent city protest movement met this morning with former chief rabbi of Israel and current Head Rabbi of Tel Aviv Yisrael Lau, where they held a discussion on the ongoing social justice protests.

2011:Israel's parliament interrupted its summer recess today to debate popular protests against high living costs but there seemed to be little sense of urgency among the smattering of lawmakers, some of whom tapped away on mobile phones and iPads.

2012: The Knesset is scheduled to convene in a special session during its summer recess to approve Avi Dichter as Home Front Defense Minister (As reported by the Jerusalem Post.)

2012(28th of Av): Yarhtzeit of Larry Rosenstein – gone to soon but never forgotten

2012: Bulgarian police released a computer-generated image and a fake driver's license photo of a man believed to be an accomplice in the bombing of an Israeli tour bus in Burgas that killed six.  (As reported by JTA)

2012: “Shimon Peres, Israel’s president and elder statesman, spoke out against the prospect of a lone Israeli military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, a message that contradicts the hawkish, go-it-alone line emanating from the offices of Israel’s prime minister and defense minister.” (As reported by Isabel Kirshner)

2012: Police resumed searching for the remains of Grad rockets in the desert outside Eilat this morning, hours after two loud blasts rocked the resort town.

2013: In Montgomery, AL, the Capri Community Film Society is scheduled to show “Fill the Void,”  a cinematic treatment of the life of a Chasidic family from Tel Aviv.

2013: Amir Levy is scheduled to perform at the New York International Fringe Festival.

2013: In Herndon, VA, Congregation Beth Emeth is scheduled to host a special Shabbat Community BBQ where everybody can meet the new Rabbi – Michelle Goldsmith.

2013: In “Israel Keeps a Wary Eye on Turmoil in Egypt” published today, Isabel Kershner describes the Jewish state’s reaction to the violence going on within its neighbor with which it signed a peace treaty that has held for more than three decades.

2014: In Mandeville, LA, the Northshore Jewish Congregation (NJC) is scheduled to host “Havdalah on the River” to help welcome Rabbi Deborah Zecher who will be leading the congregation’s High Holiday Services.

2014: The Historic 6th& I Synagogue is scheduled to host #NoFilter featuring Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart and Mamrie Hart

2014: By today, the 101st anniversary of the birth of Menachem Begin, the Israel State Archives, the Israel State Archives will have published “a collection of documents on the life the former Prime Minister best known as the leader of the Irgun and the signatory for the 1973 peace accords with Egypt.


This Day, August 17, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


August 17

986: During the days of the First Bulgarian Empire, the army of Emperor Samuil of Bulgaria and his brother defeat the Byzantines led by Basil II.  The Bulgarian Empire had provided a haven for Jews escaping from the Byzantine Army so the Bulgarian victory was good news for the Jews. 

1236: Pope Gregory IX issued a list of charges against Emperor Frederick II that included a reference to “the matter of Jewish communities of which certain churches were deprived.” (This would appear to be a clash over who “owned the Jews” which would determine who could tax them)

1592: The pope prohibited Jews from admitting Christians into their synagogues.

1655: In a patent dated today, Antonio Fernandez Carvajal, a a Portuguese-Jewish merchant, and his two sons were granted citizenship as English subjects.  This made them the first naturalized English Jews.

1665: The small colony of Surinam recently occupied by the English gave full rights to the Jews (mostly Spanish and Portuguese refugees) to practice Judaism and run their own affairs. This remarkably liberal charter was transferred over to the Dutch when they conquered the colony. They used it as a means of encouraging the Jews to remain.

1629: Birthdate of King John III of Poland.  King John ruled from 1674 until his death in 1696. He ruled in a period when Poland was disintegrating under rebellions from the Ukraine and attacks from Sweden. Like previous Polish monarchs, King John was reasonably well disposed towards his Jewish subjects since he saw them as a valuable economic asset.  But as Poland drifted into chaos his views were increasingly unpopular among the nobles and the Catholic clergy. Denizenship confirmed a limited amount of English rights on foreign born residence.

1655: Portuguese born merchant Antonio Fernandez Carvajal and his sons were officially granted denizhenship as English subjects.(As reported by Joseph Jacobs)   Official granting of citizenship of Jews is one that would be debated in England for the next two centuries.

1692: Jews were forbidden by law to work as peddlers in Berlin.

1740: Beginning of the Papacy of Benedict XIV who authored “Singulari noblis consoldtioni on the topic Christians and Jews Marrying”, Probe te meminesse which set “down the rules for baptizing Jewish children,” Elapso proxime anno which dealt with Jewish heresy despite the fact that “a heretic had to be a Christian to commit the sin” and Beatus Adreas which gave credence to a three hundred year old blood libel involving Andreas Von Rinn.

1762: The Council of 4 Countries (semi-autonomous congress of Polish Jewry) met for the last time. It functioned for almost 200 years before the Polish government ordered its dissolution.

1786: Frederick II (The Great) died.  Frederick had enough problems with Jews living in Prussia but at least he could exploit them for financial gain. He did keep them at “arm’s length” as can been seen when he overturned the vote that would have admitted Moses Mendelssohn to the Berlin of Academy of Science. After the partition of Poland, he inherited a Jewish population that was too impoverished to offer him gain.  While he found it impractical to expel them from their Polish homes, he would not allow them to move into Prussia, effectively quarantining these “beggar Jews.”  In 1780, he wrote of the Jews that they were “‘usurious vermin who multiply so infamously.’”  Frederick followed in the footsteps by retaining Veitel-Heine Ephraim as court jeweler and mint master. Born in 1703, he was charged by sum of debasing the country’s currency.  Any truth to that charge was covered up when Frederick ordered an end to any investigations into the matter.  He married Elke Fraenkel  which made him the brother-in-law of David Frankel, who was elected rabbi of Berlin in 1743.  

1787: The Jews of Budapest, Hungary, received permission from the government to conduct religious services in private homes provided no rabbi officiated.

1790:  President George Washington visits Newport, Rhode Island, where he is given “the address of the ‘Hebrew Congregation of Newport’” that expressed their appreciation for the rights and liberties that the Jews enjoyed in the United States.  It was in response to this document, that Washington wrote his famous reply guaranteeing the Jews religious liberty and promising them that they would be able to sit under their own vine and fig tree and none would make them afraid.

1790: Moses Seixas, the warden of Congregation Kahal Kadosh Yeshuat Israel, better known as the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island, penned an epistle to George Washington, welcoming the newly elected first president of the United States on his visit to that city. Newport had suffered greatly during the Revolutionary War. Invaded and occupied by the British and blockaded by the American navy, hundreds of residents fled, and many of those who remained were Tories. After the British defeat, the Tories fled in turn. Newport’s nineteenth-century economy never recovered from these interruptions and dislocations. Washington’s visit to Newport was largely ceremonial—part of a goodwill tour Washington was making on behalf of the new national government created by the adoption of the Constitution in 1787. Newport had historically been a good home to its Jewish residents, who numbered approximately 300 at the time of Washington’s visit. The Newport Christian community’s acceptance of Jewish worship was exemplary, although individual Jews such as Aaron Lopez and Isaac Elizer were unable to obtain full political equality as citizens of Rhode Island. The Jews of Newport looked to the new national government, and particularly to the enlightened president of the United States, to remove the last of the barriers to religious liberty and civil equality confronting American Jewry. Moses Seixas’s letter on behalf of the congregation – he described them as “the children of the Stock of Abraham” – expressed the Jewish community’s esteem for President Washington and joined “with our fellow citizens in welcoming [him] to New Port.” The congregation expressed its pleasure that the God of Israel, who had protected King David, had also protected General Washington, and that the same spirit which resided in the bosom of Daniel and allowed him to govern over the “Babylonish Empire” now rested upon Washington. While the rest of world Jewry lived under the rule of monarchs, potentates and despots, as American citizens the members of the congregation were part of a great experiment: a government “erected by the Majesty of the People,” to which they could look to ensure their “invaluable rights as free citizens.” Seixas expressed his vision of an American government in words that have become a part of the national lexicon. He beheld in the United States “a Government which to bigotry gives no sanction, to persecution no assistance—but generously affording to All liberty of conscience, and immunities of citizenship: - deeming every one, of whatever nation, tongue or language equal parts of the great Governmental Machine: – This so ample and extensive federal union whose basis is Philanthropy, mutual confidence, and public virtue, we cannot but acknowledge to be the work of the Great God, who ruleth the Armies of Heaven, and among the Inhabitants of the Earth, doing whatsoever seemeth [to Him] good.” Seixas closed his letter to the president by asking God to send the “Angel who conducted our forefathers through the wilderness into the promised land [to] conduct [Washington] through all the difficulties and dangers of this mortal life.” He told Washington of his hope that “when like Joshua full of days, and full of honour, you are gathered to your Fathers, may you be admitted into the Heavenly Paradise to partake of the water of life, and the tree of immortality.”

Not surprisingly, it is Washington’s response, rather than Seixas’s epistle, which is best remembered and most frequently reprinted. Washington began by thanking the congregation for its good wishes and rejoicing that the days of hardship caused by the war were replaced by days of prosperity. Washington’s concluding paragraph perfectly expresses the ideal relationship among the government, its individual citizens and religious groups:

“May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while everyone shall sit under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy.”

Washington’s letter, a foundation stone of American religious liberty and the principle of separation between church and state, is signed, simply, “G. Washington.” Each year, Newport’s Congregation Kahal Kadosh Yeshuat Israel, now known as the Touro Synagogue, re-reads Washington’s letter in a public ceremony.

1791:Birthdate of Richard Lalor Sheil the Irish politician, writer and orator who spoke out in favor of allowing Jews to sit in Parliament.

1807: Robert Fulton's first American steamboat, the Clermont left New York City for Albany, New York on the Hudson River, inaugurating the first commercial steamboat service in the world. The copper for the boilers in the Clermont, and many of Fulton’s other ships was supplied a Sephardic Jew named Harmon Hendricks.

1863: During the Civil War, Isaac Hyneman, was permanently assigned to the United States Signal Corps.  During the next three years he would see combat in such memorable battles as Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and the Wilderness Campaign before being at Appomattox Court House where the war ended.

1871:  A dispatch datelined Berlin reported that cases of cholera in Suwalki, Poland which has a population of 60,000 half of whom are Jews are decreasing. 

1872: “The Tribune and the Hebrew Voters” published today reported that the New York Tribune, the newspaper owned by Presidential candidate Horace Greeley, is making “frantic”, “clumsy” attempts to overcome the impact of anti-Semitic story told by James Mitchell Ashley, the former governor of Montana at public meeting with Mr. Greely sitting at his elbow.

1875: Baron George de Worms and Louisa de Samuel gave birth to their third child and only daughter Henrietta Emmy Louisa Amelia de Worms.

1878:  A Modern Hebrew Poet: the Life and Writings of Moses Chaim Luzzato by A.S. Isaacs was reviewed today in a column styled “A Jewish Singer.” Luzatto was an Italian Rabbi known as the RaMCHal.

1879: It was reported today that all places of business in White Plains, NY, were closed last Sunday as result of the conviction of a Jew named Adolphe D. Pollock for having previously kept his business open on Sunday.  Barber shops were the only business exempted from the closing ordinance.
1879: In Warsaw, Aaron David Gelbfisz, a peddler, and his wife, Hannah Reban (née Jarecka) gave birth to Szmuel Gelbfisz (Samuel Goldfish) who gained family as movie mogul Samuel Goldwyn.
1879: An editorial that originally appeared in the Jewish Messenger which was reprinted today said there was something wrong with the laws in White Plains if the government could not find a way to punish Jews who violate “their own and the general Sabbath by transacting business.”  The Messenger has “no sympathy for the hypocrite and money grabber who breaks his own Sabbath, yet claims the privilege of selling goods on Sunday because…he is a Jew.”  On the other hand, there should be some kind of allowance made for the Jew who closes his business on Saturday that would allow him to conduct business on Sunday as long as he “is not conspicuous.

1880: “The Turk and the Greek” published today examined the current conditions in the Balkans including French Prime Minister Michael Waddington’s decision to champion the cause of the Rumanian Jews at the Congress of Berlin despite the counsel from “a few intelligent Jewish politicians” for France to abstain from involvement in “matters in no way affecting French interests.”
1881: It was reported today that the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society is planning to host another excursion for the poor children of the Lower East Side,

1882: It was reported today that Samuel Obreight has been declared sane by the state Supreme Court.  Obreight’s family had had him declared and institutionalized because he had married a Christian girl. The judge that the family’s “wounded sectarian pride” should not be the basis for such a charge. The judge said that the marriage was one of the outcomes of the religious liberty enjoyed in this country since the Revolution.

1883: Nathan Gottgetren, alias Nicholas Gilbert, a 35 year old Jew was brought back to New York by two detectives from Putnam County. A married man and confidential bookkeeper, he has been arrested on charges of forgery.

1883: This afternoon, the members of Shaarai Berocho (Gates of Blessing) dedicated their new facility located on East 45th Street in New York.  The congregation was founded in 1858 under the leadership of Rabbi Elias Epstein.

1883: It was reported today that the Jewish World of London has announced “that Count Tolstoi, the Russian Minister of the Interior, has ordered the enforcement of the decree forbidding Jewish manufacturers from employing Christian workmen.”

1883: It was reported today that “a British Jew, representing Raphael Tuck & Sons,” a London business firm has been expelled from Russia despite having a “proper British passport.”

1884: It was reported today that a mobbed attacked seven Jews were killed and an untold number injured by a mob at Dombrovitz, Russia.

1885: It was reported today that G.A. Heap, the U.S. Consul General in Constantinople has sent a second, more strongly worded protest to the Turkish government  protesting the expulsion of Americans from Jerusalem because they were Jews.  Heap pointed out that the expulsions are in violation of a treaty between the two nations and that he is referring the matter to Washington.
1885: The Book of Psalms translated from the Hebrew and edited by John G. Lansing is among the tomes appearing on today’s “New Books” list

1885: It was reported today that Rabbi Ash will continue serving as the Rabbi of Beth Hamedrash Hagadol after its move into new facility on Norfolk Street. Ash had urged the congregation to buy the building from the Methodists at a cost of $45,000 and to spend the $10,000 necessary to prepare the inside for use by the Jews.

1885: In a speech given to a Jewish literary society whose members were 16, 17 and 18 year old Jewish boys, it was reported that G.A. Ettinger that the recently deceased Sir Moses Montefiore had sought “to free his people from the shackles of prejudice and the evils of persecution” while the recently deceased General U.S. Grant (and former President of the U.S.) had “labored to free 4,000,000 human beings from the shackles of slavery.” As if to dispel any charges past, present or future that Grant was an anti-Semite, a bevy of speakers including Julius Levy, Eugene N. Levy and William Grossman, echoed Ettinger’s sentiments about the recently deceased Giant of Judaism and the General who had saved the Union.

!886: “The Jews of Italy” using information that has appeared in the Lunario Israelitico of Leghorn and the London Times provides a snapshot of Jewish society in the middle of the 19th century.  There are approximately 45,000 Jews living in the country which means they comprise about 1 per cent of Europe’s Jewish population.  Rome has the largest Jewish population – 5,600.  Mantua now has the leading rabbinical school while Padua is home “to the greatest Hebrew scholar in Italy, Rabbi Ende Lolli…)

1887: It was reported today that Jonas Heller, who passed away in March, bequeathed gifts of $2,500 to Mount Sinai, the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, the United Hebrew Charities, the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids and the Hebrew Technical Institute. (The list of recipients provides a snapshot of major Jewish institutions in post-Civil War New York City)

1887: “Julius Weisbaden, a miser and monomaniac, was found dying in his room” today “and was taken to Bellevue Hospital”

1887: Temple Emanuel contributed $264 to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

1888: In a case of Jew versus Jew, Samuel Gompers has testified before Congressman Ford’s Immigration Committee.  Gompers, an English born Jew who professed his loyalty to his adopted country said that the “importation” of Polish and Russian Jews had depressed the wages of cigar-makers.  Gompers said that he had no problem with Jews being brought to the United States for humanitarian reasons but he did have a problem with the current process which was designed to depress wages.  Gompers then went on to decry the conditions in the cigar industry where all workers, regardless of their origins, were exploited by the owners. (The latter information was surely not well received by Congressman Ford)

1890: It was reported today that “Michael Gernsheim & Co, the bankers, have made a new move in their fight against an assessment on the stockholders under the reorganization scheme of the Houston and Texas Central Railway Company.”

1890: “King of the British Gypsies” published today included information on the origins of the gypsies who, according to some, were “the mixed multitude” that went out of Egypt during the Exodus. According to Ernst Hengstenberg since there is no mention of them during the wanderings in the wilderness or after the entrance into Canaan they must have left the Israelites shortly after the crossing at the Sea of Reeds.
1890: “Czar and Kaiser To Meet” published today described the upcoming meeting between the two monarchs during which the condition of Russia’s Jews will be discussed.  Baron Max von Oppenheim who has the backing of the “Jewish financial houses in Germany and Austria” has expressed his concerns as have the Rothchilds who have obtained “the assurance…that the existing condition of the Russian Jews would not be made worse.”
1890: “Precious Stones” published today compared the “frequent and enthusiastic” references to precious stones in Hebrew literature” with the “paucity of allusion to them in…Greek literature” which the author attributed to the Jewish view of these stones as objects to be used in the creation of art while the Greeks saw them, like all other objects, as potential gods.
1891: The American Hebrew mourns the recent deaths of poet James Russell Lowell and New York Timesman, George Jones.
1891: “He Swindled Undertakers” published today described the anger that a number of New York undertakers feel toward a young Jewish man who has been soliciting ads from them for the Jewish Times.  First he tells them about complaints in the community about their services and then tells them that advertising in the paper will defuse the anger since most Jews have a very high opinion of the Jewish Times.

1891: “Angry Jews In Boston” published today described the disgust the Jews felt when they came to take possession of the Old Church of the Messiah,  which they planned to convert into a synagogue.  The Jews were so repelled by the damage that the Episcopalians had done to the building that they were willing to forfeit their $500 deposit.

1891(13th of Av, 5651): Eighty-two year old Louis Goodheim, who had been living at the Hebrew Home since 1884 took his own life.  Goodheim, who had once been a successful merchant in London, left a note thanking the staff for its kindness.  He had told his brother that he was in such agony that if he had had a gun he would have shot himself

1891:“The Russian Refugees” published today described the problems encountered by Jewish colonists who have been settled in New Jersey under the auspices of the Baron Hirsch Fund.
1893: As the unemployment rate reached 12% and continued to rise during the depression brought on by the Panic of 1893, approximately 5,000 unemployed Jews gathered for a peaceful mass meeting at Walhalla Hall turned violent as the worker vented their frustrations when jobs that were advertised turned out to be nonexistent.

1893: "One of the Czar's Victims" published today described the arrival of Vladimir Korlenko, who had spent six years in Siberian exile and who has two sympathetic novels on “the Jewish question in Russia, in New York where he is staying at the Astor House.

1895: In two days of meetings, Herzl meets Rabbi Moritz Güdemann and Berlin philanthropist Heinrich Meyer-Cohn in München. Güdemann was an Austrian born Rabbi who was sympathetic to the Zionist cause but was concerned about the tendency to downplay the religious component of re-settling the land.  Herzl looked to Gudemann to introduce him to the Rothschilds.

1895: Based on information that first appeared in The London Daily News it was reported today that there are 571, 300 people living in Warsaw of whom 190,300 are Jews.

1896: Birthdate of Lotte Jacobi the Prussian-born photographer whose subjects included Albert Einstein, Marc Chagall and Alfred Stieglitz. She left Germany and settled in New York in September, 1935 “as persecution against Jews increased.”

1896: Birthdate of Johannes Kleiman, the Dutch business associate of Otto Frank who was arrested by the Gestapo for his role in hiding the famous Frank family.

1896: In Clinton Township, NJ. Mrs. Paul Wissen found a body in the barnyard who “had a Hebraic cast to his features” but whom could not be positively identified.

1897: At Rishon Lezion, Reveivel Miransky one of the Bilium who founded Rishon Lezion and his wife gave birth to Joshua Myron. During World War I, Mr. Myron was a Sergeant in “the camel-mounted Zionist brigade that fought with Vladimir Jabotinsky against Turkey in Palestine.”  This unit was part of the Jewish Brigade that was part of the British Army.  When Mr. Myron passed away in 2000, at the age of 102, he was one of the last surviving members of this force that helped lay the groundwork for the creation of the state of Israel and the I.D.F.
1898:The first conference of Russian Zionists is held secretly in Warsaw. Warsaw, like much of Poland was part of the Russian Empire. During the conference, Achad Ha-Am discussed his differences with Theodor Herzl. Achad Ha-Am was the pen name of Asher Hirsch Ginsberg one of the most famous Jewish intellectuals of the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.  Unlike Herzl who believed in a political, semi-assimilationist solution to the creation of Jewish state, Achad Ha-Am saw the Jewish home as being “a national spiritual center.” Ginsberg was area of the practical challenges that the Jewish people faced.  For example at the time of Kishinev Pogroms, he called for Jews to take arms in their own defense.  While Herzl’s dream of a Jewish state has been realized, the Jewish people are still wrestling with the creation of a Jewish homeland that encompasses Jewish values from tradition to the world of the Haskalah.

1898: As of today 715 of the 865 children staying at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum have been taken from the building at 138th Street and Amsterdam Avenue and moved to the facility at Rockaway as officials deal with the epidemic of dysentery.

1899: Pennsylvania Congressman Marriott Brozzius announced the appointment of Frank Eshelman as a cadet at the U.S. Military Academy following the resignation of Rigmund Albert, a young Jew, from West Point.

1899: The Court Martial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus resumed today with his attorney making General Roget “squirm in his seat” as he cross-examined him about the Esterhazy’s letters.

1899: “Shot Down By Anti-Semite” published today described the shooting of a locksmith named Bonnet in Paris by an unknown assailant who called out “He looks like on of those dirty Jews” before firing his weapon.

1899: “Is A Warm Champion of Dreyfus” published today described Anton Weiss of Pine Bluff, AR admiration for and personal friendship with Captain Dreyfus.  Weis had met Dreyfus one was working for the Transatlantic Steamship Line at Harve France where Dreyfus was serving with an artillery unit. There were only a few Jews in the city and no house of worship.  Dreyfus “who was greatly respected” because “of his extensive knowledge” of Jewish ritual served as “the rabbi’ and led the services.”

1900: During the siege of Peking which ended today and was part of the Boxer Rebellion U.S.M.C. Private William Zion “distinguished himself in the presence of the enemy” with such bravery that he earned the Congressional Medal of Honor.

1903: Birthdate of Abram Chasins “an American composer, pianist, piano teacher, lecturer, musicologist, music broadcaster, radio executive and author.”

1908: Birthdate of Felix Eliezer Bergmann the native of Frankfurt who earned his degrees from the University of Berlin 1933 before he made Aliyah where became Chairman of Pharmacology at the Hebrew University.

1911: Birthdate of Mikhail Moiseyevich Botvinnik Jewish Russian International Grandmaster and long-time World Champion of chess.  He passed away in 1995.

 1911: In Russia, arrests continue in Kiev in connection with charges of blood libel.

1915(7th of Elul, 5675): Leo Frank was lynched after having been wrongfully convicted of raping 12 year old in Georgia. “Frank, the manager of a pencil factory in Atlanta, Georgia, was accused of raping and murdering an employee, thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan. Frank was convicted, despite evidence incriminating a janitor at the factory, Jim Conley. The prosecution claimed that Conley only helped Frank dispose of the body, in return for $200. After the trial, further evidence came to light calling Frank's guilt into question. The governor commuted his death sentence to life imprisonment, but Frank was then lynched. Frank's trial was sensationalized in the media, which promoted fantastic stories about orgies and rape at the factory. Populist politician and publisher Tom Watson skillfully manipulated the story in order to inflame public opinion, and succeeded in using it to build support for the creation of a new Ku Klux Klan, the original organization having been dormant since Reconstruction due to federal action; a second Klan was founded in 1915 by a group calling itself the Knights of Mary Phagan. Frank's lynching turned the spotlight on anti-Semitism in the United States and led to the founding of the Anti-Defamation League.”

1917: A tremendous fire swept through the Jewish quarter of Salonica leaving 50,000 Jews homeless. Thirty-two synagogues and fifty Jewish schools were destroyed. The Jews suffered 90% damage to everything they owned.

1917: Vilmos Vázsonyi completed his term of Minister of Justice of Hungary.

1918: Bolshevik revolutionary leader Moisei Uritsky was assassinated by fellow Jew Leonid Kanegeiser.  Uritsky, like many Bolsheviks traveled a tortuous path from his early idealism.  At the time of his death, he was head the Petrograd Cheka.  The Cheka were the secret police and over time became much for efficient and showed greater cruetly that did those who had served the Czar.

1921: In Tübingen, Germany, Jewish scholars Victor Ehrenberg and Eva Dorothea Sommer gave birth to Sir Geoffrey Rudolph Elton the British historian “who specialized in the Tudor Period.”

1924: In Zholkiew (which was in Poland at that time) Shlomo and Hayyah Gittel Schachter gave birth to Meshullam Zalman Schachter whom some consider to be “the spiritual father of the Jewish Renewal movement.” (As reported by Paul Vitello)

1927: Birthdate of Bernard Cornfield, the Turkish born son of a Romanian-Jewish actor “who became one of the most flamboyant and controversial figures ever to stride through the American mutual fund industry.”  (As reported by Diana B. Henriques)

1929(11th of Av, 5689): Shabbat Nachamu

1929(11th of Av, 5689): Following yesterday’s attack on Jews at the Wailing Wall, Arabs attack Jews in Jerusalem on Shabbat. A young Sephardic Jew named Abraham Mizrachi was mortally wounded when he was stabbed at the Maccabi grounds near Mea Shearim, in the Bukharan Quarter,

1933: In Tel Aviv,The British High Commissioner and other officials participate in the laying of the cornerstone for the Levant Fair which is to be held here in 1934.

1933:In Saarbrucken, a decision by a court in Berlin stating that a Jew doing business in Germany cannot hold the State responsible for negligence in failing to maintain order and to afford him protection is printed in the Freiheit

1936(29th of Av, 5696): Two Jewish nurses were killed today by Arab snipers in Jaffa.

1937: As Japanese troops moved through Shanghai, the Shanghai Volunteer Corps including its Jewish Company under the command of Major Noel S. Jacobs was activated for a three month tour of duty.

1937: In Geneva, Mr. Ormsby-Gore, the British Colonial Secretary, told the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations that Great Britain definitely considered that she should no longer maintain the Mandate of Palestine, if it has to be applied by violence. He insisted that the whole basis of the Palestine Mandate should be changed. Of course these pious sentiments did not keep the British from holding on to Palestine for another ten years, denying the establishment of a Jewish state and enforcing pro-Arab immigration policies that were a death sentence to the Jews of Europe.

1937: Forty-one congressmen requested that Cordell Hull, the US Secretary of State, advise the British that they were not carrying out the intentions and promises of the Balfour Declaration and of the Palestine Mandate.

1937: While the diplomats debated in Geneva, the Arab terror continued. A long list of sporadic shooting incidents, the wounding of a police agent in Ein Kerem, a bomb explosion in Tiberias and many robberies, all within one week, was announced by the Palestine Police.

1937: At the closing session of the historic, 20th Zionist Congress held in Zurich, Dr. Chaim Weizmann was re-elected the President of the World Zionist Organization.

1937: The New York Times reports that “A remarkable document, purporting to give a confidential report by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Zionist president, of a conversation he had in London with William G. A. Ormsby-Gore, British Colonial Secretary, on a plan for the partition of Palestine, has been published by The Jewish Chronicle here.”

1938(20th of Av, 5698): Eight-nine year old Adolph Lewisohn, the German-born American banker and philanthropist who was known as a “copper king” because of his mining success, passed away.

1938(20th of Av, 5698): Arab violence continued to spread and grow more virulent. Early this morning, the body of Meyer Gutwird a 21 year old rabbinical student “who used to devote virtually of his time to religious studies and was often seen early in the morning at the Wailing Wall reading a holy” was found in Jerusalem.  Gutwird had been stoned to death and then beaten with an iron rod.  A bomb was thrown at a taxicab in Jaffa and Judah Mosseri, a Yemenite Jew, was wounded in both legs when shots were on the border between Jaffa and Tel Aviv.  Arab terrorist did not limit their activities to attacking Jews.  They attacked eight Arab telephone linemen whom they robbed before they released them.

1939: The 85,000 Jews living in Slovakia were terrified of being robbed and pillaged by the non-Jews, who were encouraged by the Germans.

1941(24th of Av, 5701): Three men in Khmelnik, Ukraine, were gathered together and shot dead. The deaths were justified by Einsatzkommando as retaliation for Jewish resistance. Considering how the SS death squads worked, it is surprising that they felt the need to offer an excuse for killing more Jews.

1942(24th of Av, 5701): The Nazis gassed 341 French-Jewish children from the ages of two to ten, as well as 323 girls up to the age of 16, at Auschwitz. Two of the victims are Suzanne Perl, seven, and her sister Micheline, three.

1942: Over the next 48 hours the Nazis murdered 2500 Jews from Drogobych, Ukraine, at the Belzec death camp.

1943: “A survivor from Sabinov in Slovakia, who has remained anonymous, wrote a report in which he described his selection in Sobibór, together with approximately one hundred men and fifty women, upon arrival.”

1943: The latest deportation continued at Bialystok; The Nazis selection 1,200 children for transport to Theresienstadt. Four weeks later, those children still alive were sent to Birkenau where all of them met the fate of death. Fifty-three adults volunteered to join them.

1943: Some 1200 children are taken from the Jewish ghetto at Bialystok, Poland, to Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia, and later to Auschwitz, where they will be killed.

1944: Nicholas Winton, the Englishman who rescued almost 700 Jewish children from Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia was promoted to the rank of pilot officer in the RAF.

1944: Premiere of “Cry of the Werewolf” directed by Henry Levin.

1944: The last deportation from Drancy, France, leaves for Buchenwald bearing 51 Jews. Once again we have a reminder of how critical the Final Solution was to the Germans and their allies.  This deportation took place as the Allies were liberating Paris.  While the Germans were preparing to pull out and leave the French capital to the liberators, they had to ship one more load of Jews to their death. 

1945: Animal Farm by George Orwell is first published by Fredric Warburg both of whose parents were Jewish.

1945: It was reported today that the meeting between representatives of the World Zionist Conference and British Colonial Secretary George Hall was “the first known official contact between the Zionists and the new Labor Government.”  In the past the Laborites have pledged their support for the creation of a Jewish homeland so “the Zionists are eagerly awaiting the British Governments action on the request for 100,000 more immigration certificates…”

1946: Birthdate of Drake Maxwell Levin, the Chicago native “who played lead guitar for the teen-idol rock band Paul Revere & the Raiders during their biggest hit-making years in the mid-1960s.” (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1948: Mordechai Weingarten, a Jewish civilian leader in Old Jerusalem “appeared before a commission investigating events” that had led up to the surrender of the Old City to the Jordanians.

1949: In New York, Ambassador Eliabu Elath and the chief Israeli delegate to the U.N., Aubrey Eban, “addressed a meeting of officials of the Consulate and of various Israeli missions in the United States” as part of the celebration marking the transfer of the remains of Theodore Herzl to Jerusalem. (As reported by JTA)

1949: In New York Norman Bertram Coleman, Sr., and his wife, Beverky (Behrman) gave birth to Norman Bertram "Norm" Coleman, Jr the future Mayor of St. Paul and U.S. Senator from Minnesota.
1950: Premier of “The Petty Girl” a musical comedy directed by Henry Levin.

1951: U.S. Premiere of “The Lost Continent” a science fiction thriller co-starring Sid Melton, the son of Yiddish comedian Isidor Meltzer.

1951: The conflict in the World Zionist Congress on the aims of Zionism now that Israel has been established as a state remained sharp as the delegates adjourned this afternoon for the Sabbath recess.

1952: John Blanford of UNRWA and the government of Jordan signed an agreement that provided eleven million dollars for the resettling of Arab refugees in Jordan. The Arab governments, including Jordan, did all that they could to keep the Palestinian refugees penned up in camps and keep them out of their respective countries.  

1952: Two Jews were sentenced to death for economic crimes in Poland. It was thought that the Polish Communist regime was exploiting anti-Semitism to distract attention for its own, ever-growing economic difficulties.

1957(20th of Av, 5717): Sixty-six year old English painter and “Whitechapel Boy” David Bomberg passed away.

1960:  Birthdate of actor Sean Penn.  Penn’s father was Jewish.  His mother was not.  Penn’s father was director Leo Penn who was a victim to the infamous Blacklist.

1962: In a rare loss of control, reliever Larry Sherry hit Red’s lead-off batter Gordie Coleman in the seventh inning.  The Dodgers go on to defeat Cincinnati.

1966(1st of Elul, 5726): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1967: Tuti and Yonatan “Yoni” Netanyahu were married today after which they moved to the U.S. so he could enroll at Harvard.

1969(3rd of Elul, 5729):  German born physicist Otto Stern passed away.  A native of Germany, Stern worked with Einstein before World War I.  He came to the United States in 1933 where he taught and lived until his death.  He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1943.

1974: Leonard Bernstein conducted the premiere of Dybbuk Variations with NYP in Auckland, New Zealand.

1979: Premiere of “The Seduction of Joe Tynan” a cinematic commentary on the state of American politics directed by Jerry Schatzberg, produced by Bregman co-starring Melvyn Douglas.

1980(5th of Elul, 5740): In Jaffa, one person was killed and eight were injured during a terrorist car bombing.

1981(17th of Av, 5741): Ninety one year old Jewish historian, author and academic Selma Stern Taebuler passed away.

1982(28th of Av, 5742): Fifty-seven anti-apartheid activist Ruth First, the daughter of Latvian Jews who had moved to South Africa in 1906 and the wife of Joe Slovo passed away today.

1983(8th of Elul, 5743): Lyricist Ira Gershwin, brother of the famous George Gershwin, passed away at the age of 86. (As reported by John S. Wilson)
1986(12th of Av, 5746)Moses Hadas an American teacher, who was one of the leading classical scholars of the twentieth century, and a translator of numerous works, passed away today. 

1987:  Rudolf Hess, the last of Hitler’s inner circle died in a Berlin hospital at the age of 93. He apparently attempted to commit suicide by hanging himself with an electrical cord.  Hess had parachuted into England in 1941 for reasons that to this day are unclear.  Convicted as a war criminal at Nuremberg, he spent the rest of his life at Spandau Prison.

1988:According to an article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette entitled, “A Tale of Two Piggies.” Concrete pigs had replaced pink flamingos as yard ornaments for Temple Judah congregants Terri and Brian Cohen. The 1,100-pound concrete porker showed up in the couple’s front yard at 1290 35th St. NE after a mysterious phone call invited Terri to leave her home. Brian recalled a friend asking what kind of lawn ornament he wanted and when he responded, “no pink flamingos and no Virgin Mary grottoes,” he neglected to mention swine.

1992: Woody Allen admitted to being romantically involved with Soon-Yi Previn, the adopted daughter of Allen’s longtime companion, actress Mia Farrow.

1994: Elias Canetti, a novelist, playwright and cultural historian who had won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1981 was buried today in Zurich next to James Joyce. 

1995(21st of Av, 5755): Ninety-three year old screenwriter Howard Koch, who won an Oscar for his work on “Casablanca”, passed away. (As reported by Mel Gussow)

1997: Guy Hever disappeared after finishing his stint on guard duty while serving with an artillery unit based in the Golan Heights.

1997: In the Gaza Strip a two day celebration was held to celebrate the 25thanniversary of the Gush Katif settlement bloc

1997: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback edition of Lise Meitner: A Life in Physics by Ruth Lewin

1998: US President Bill Clinton admits in taped testimony that he had an "improper physical relationship" with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

2002: The end of the two-day dedication ceremony of the Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial in Boise, Idaho.

2003: Ariel Sharon completed his term in office as Communications Minister of Israel.

2003: The Sunday New York Times includes reviews of Einstein’s Clocks, Poincare’s Maps: Empires of Time by Peter Galison,Kate Remembered, a biography of Kathryn Hepburn by the Jewish author A. Scott Bergand What Was She Thinking?:Notes on a Scandal, a novel by Jewish author Zoe Holler.

2004(30th of Av, 5764): Rosh Chodesh Av

2005: In a tribute to the vitality of the Jewish people Hutzot Hayotzer Jerusalem’s largest summer festival celebrating art and various crafts returns to its original location at the Sultan’s Pool when it opened today.  Hutzot Havotzer is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary and is a cultural happening in the truest sense of the word.  With the world fixated on Gaza and terror, this is another reminder of the vitality of Jewish culture even in times of unbelievable stress and hostility.

2005: The first forced evacuation of settlers from Gaza begins.  This was part of Sharon’s disengagement plan designed to improve relations with the Palestinians.  Unfortunately, evacuation led to Gaza becoming a base for Hamas.

2005: In an example of the demise of another Jewish founded department store chain Coles announced that it would decide the fate of Myer, an Australian retail group founded Sidney Myer a Jewish immigrant from Russia.

2006: IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz refused to resign over charges that he had sold off his portfolio because, unlike most Israelis, he knew that his country was faced with the prospect of going to war after two Israelis soldiers had been captured by Hezbollah.

2006: I Was a Child of Holocuast Survivors by Bernice Eisenstein went on sale today.

2006:Israel's Attorney General Menachem Mazuz decided to indict Haim Ramon for indecent assault. Ramon responded by saying: "I am certain of my innocence. The court will prove it."

2007: “Superbad” starring Jonah Hill opens in movie theatres throughout the United States.Jonah Hill, who plays the socially inept teen, says he's really a nice Jewish boy. "I am not a super lecherous guy. I usually enjoy having a girlfriend as opposed to dating a variety of women. I'm a nice Jewish boy."

2008: In St. Paul, Minnesota,Bais Chana Jewish Women's Weekend Retreat comes to a close.

2008: Services are held at Tifereth Israel Synagogue in Des Moines for Marvin Pomerantz, 78, a friend and adviser of Republican governors and presidents for four decades who twice served as president of the Iowa Board of Regents

2008: The Washington Post book section reported that The D.C. Jewish Community Center is seeking submissions for its third annual writing contest -- short essays or stories that illuminate how humor has been helpful in difficult times. The winning entries will be part of "Laughing for God's Sake: Humor in Jewish Literature," the opening event in the upcoming Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festivalto be held in September.

2008:The cabinet voted this morning to release some 200 security prisoners as a goodwill gesture to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The vote comes in advance of a visit anticipated later this month by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and in response to a personal request from Abbas. "This is a gesture to Abu Mazen [Abbas] and the Palestinian people for the upcoming month of Ramadan," Olmert told the ministers, according to a meeting participant who spoke on condition of anonymity because the proceedings were closed.

2008: Anna Gostamelsky shattered Israel’s national swimming record the 100-meter freestyle this evening at the Beijing Olympics.   But after six years, Ms. Gostamelsky, one of thousands of immigrants from the former Soviety Union, has not been able to convince the rabbinate that she is Jewish according to halacha.

2008: Opening of the12th Annual Jewish Arts Fest of Dallasfeaturing the deeply Texan and Jewish story of The Immigrant in a musical concert production by Fort Worth's Stage West. The show, nominated for two Drama Desk awards in 2005, was originally subtitled A Hamilton County Album. It's the fact-based tale of Texas actor and playwright Mark Harelik's Russian Jewish grandparents, Haskell and Matley (he changed his grandmother's name to Leah in the show). The couple slowly made friends and a home as the only Jews in the Baptist community of Hamilton, Texas, in 1909. Besides a series of musical and dramatic offerings the festival includes presentations providing a deeper understanding of the Jewish – Texas connection including: author and historian Hollace Ava Weiner discussing her books, Lone Stars of David: The Jews of Texas and Jewish Stars in Texas: Rabbis and Their Work, photographer, artist and storyteller Sherry LeVine Zander discussing synagogues in small towns throughout Texas using a slide show of her own photographs and Ginger Jacobs discussing the history of Jews in Dallas

2009: Time magazine features reviews of three books about Bernie Madoff “who hawked his investment fund to a largely Jewish clientele” including Too Good to be True by Erin Arvedlund, Madoff with Money by Jerry Oppenheimer and Betrayal; The Life and Lies of Bernie Madoff by Andrew Kirtzman.

2009: In Washington, D.C. Community organizer Michael Rosen discusses and signs What Else But Home: Seven Boys and an American Journey Between the Projects and the Penthouseat Politics and Prose Bookstore

2009(27th of Av, 5769):Two more Israelis died on today due to complications from the swine flu, becoming the eighth and ninth people in Israel to succumb to the pandemic. The two men, age 76 and 67, died at the Sharon Hospital and Beilinson Hospital, both in Petah Tikva.

2009(27th of Av, 5769):Israel Adler died today after a prolonged illness.

2009: “New Doubts Raised Over Famous War Photo” published today described challenges to the authenticity of one of the iconic combat photographs Robert Capa’s “Falling Soldier.”

2010: The National Jewish Retreat is scheduled to begin at Reston, VA.

2010: Clashes between the IDF and Palestinian terrorists along the Gaza border intensified today, when two IDF soldiers were slightly injured by mortar fire near the security fence in southern Gaza. The injured soldiers were evacuated by helicopter to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba. 

2010(7th of Elul, 5770):Harold Shpeen, 87, of Marlton, a longtime dentist and former president of the Jewish Federation of South Jersey, passed away today. 

2010: LAJFF in cooperation with the Anti-Defamation League and Second Generation host an exclusive pre-release screening of “A Film Unfinished” in Encino.

2011: Les Bergen, a JHSGW Board Member, is scheduled to facilitate “a virtual tour of Arlington National Cemetery, where more than 5,200 Jews are buried.  We'll discuss the Confederate Memorial by sculptor Moses Ezekiel and talk about the first Hadassah nurse, a Supreme Court justice, astronauts, four-star admirals, and more.

2011: “Smiley - How about some emotional pornography?” written by Eyal Weiser and directed by Allon Cohen is scheduled to open in New York City.

2011: “The California Supreme Court declined to review the Court of Appeal's decision to affirm Phil Spector’s conviction” for the murder of Lana Clarkson.

2011:  Fighting bad lighting and a spotty internet connection, activists at the Rothschild tent city held a live chat tonight with leaders of the “May 15” anti-government protests that brought hundreds of thousands into the streets across Spain since they began over three months ago. .

2011: It was reported today that “The Hebrew University in Jerusalem has been ranked the 57th best university in the world, in a list of the top 500 universities worldwide. The list, which is published annually by Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, placed Harvard, Stanford and MIT in the first three spots. This marks the highest ranking the Hebrew University received since 2003, and an improvement of 15 spots from last year. The Hebrew University is the only Israeli university to make it to the top 100 list. Weizmann Institute comes in 12th in field of Computer Science on list of world's top 500 schools. Tel Aviv University, Weizmann Institute of Science and Haifa's Institute of Technology were included on the list of universities ranked in the 102-150th spots, while Bar-Ilan University and Ben-Gurion University made it to the list of the 301-400th spots, as in previous years. President of Hebrew University Professor Menahem Ben-Sasson welcomed the high ranking, saying "I am thrilled that the Hebrew University continues to be featured in the list of the world's top 100 universities. The fact that we've reached such a high ranking is a testament to the phenomenal work the university's researchers do, and for that I am grateful and proud."

2011: PeterShumlin became the first sitting governor in the United States to preside over a same-sex wedding ceremony

2012: Among the many choices Washington Metropolitan Areas Jews have for welcoming the Sabbath are the Pre-service wine and cheese social at Beth El Hebrew Congregation in Alexandria and the Shabbat BBQ at Congregation Beth Emeth in Herndon, VA

2012: A final vote is scheduled to take place today when the United Church of Canada's General Council can choose to accept or reject an overall motion that includes recommendations to approve a boycott of products made in Israeli settlements. (As reported by JTA)

2012: The leader of the Lebanese Shiite terrorist Hezbollah said his group will transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of Israelis to “hell” if Israel attacks Lebanon. Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said today that the group has a list of Israeli targets that it can hit with few rockets.

2012:South Africa’s chief rabbi has called on the country’s deputy minister of international relations to resign, saying he is unfit to hold public office after Ebrahim Ebrahim had issued a statement saying that South Africans would be discouraged from visiting Israel unless they were involved in peace efforts.

2012(29thof Av,5772): Seventy-seven year old “Samuel H. Lindenbaum, who was widely considered New York City’s top zoning lawyer and who was credited with doing as much as any of the powerful developers among his clients to shape the modern skyline of Manhattan” passed away today.  (As reported by David W. Dunlap)

2013: In Monticello, NY, second and final day of the Bagel Festival attendees can participate in the Best Bagels Contest and the Bagel Triathalon  that includes seeing how far you can roll a bagel, how far you can shot put a bagel and how high you can stack bagels without have them fall.

2013: “Arthur Fields: the man on O'Connell bridge” published today described the “career” Irish photographer Arthur Fields, the Dublin native Abraham Feldman who was the son of Jews from Ukraine.

2013(11thof Elul, 5773): Eight-nine year old historian David Landes author of Revolution in Time: Clocks and the Making of the Modern World passed away today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2013: The Tamarod ("Rebellion") movement in Egypt has joined a campaign calling to stop US aid to Egypt, and to cancel the 1979 Camp David peace treaty with Israel, Daily News Egypt reported today.

2013:The IDF fired a Tamuz surface-to-surface missile at a Syrian army post today, after several Syrian mortar shells exploded in the Golan Heights. (As reported by Yaakov Lappin)

2014: The New York Times featured books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Kill My Mother: A Graphic Novel written and illustrated by Jules Feifer, Timeless: Love, Morgenthau and Me by Lucinda Franks and “Andrew Lewis Conn’s new novel, O, Africa!, which explores the fictional exploits of two Jewish brothers whose commercial partnership propels them to the forefront of the silent film industry in the years between the World Wars.”

2014: This evening, the PBS premiere of “Before The Revolution - The Untold Story of the Israeli Paradise in Iran.”

2014: The Baton Rouge (LA) Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Fiddler on the Roof” complete with a sing-along.




This Day, August 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 18

1201: Founding of Riga, capital of modern day Latvia. The first Jews appeared in Rigathree centuries later and despite Czars, Nazis and Commissars continue to live in the city to this day.

1227: Genghis Khan dies.  According to Arthur Koestler’s The Thirteenth Tribe, Genghis Khan wiped out the Khazar Empire.

1307: Jaime II (James) of Majorca expelled the Jews from the provinces of Rousillon and Montpellier. Many escaped to Barcelonawhere they were welcomed.

1393: King John I, in an effort to prevent "backsliding" by converted Jews, prohibited them from living in the same quarter or even eating together.

1533: The Queen of Poland granted the Jews of Pinsk all the rights already granted to the Jews of Lithuania.

1670: A church called the Leopoldskirche was dedicated today in Vienna.  The church had been a synagogue but it was no longer used as such because the Jews had all been expelled from the Upper and Lower Austria.

1765(1st of Elul, 5525): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1765: Samuel Levy Maduro, son of Moses Levy Maduro married Leah Cohen Peixotto in Curacao

1775: The Spanish established a presidio (fort) and the town that came to be called Tucson, Arizona. The first openly Jewish settlers did not arrive in Tucson until the 18th century.  They included Nathan Appel, a noted merchant who served as a delegate to the first Arizona Territorial Legislature in 1863 and Chief of the Tucson Police, William Zeckendorf, the Tucson merchant who was the grandfather of the famous real estate magnate and the brewer Alex Levin, founder of Levin’s Park, the three-acre entertainment center that was the site of every important social and communal event in Tucson during Arizona’s territorial days.  Country Singer Linda Ronstadt is one of Levin’s descendants.

1822(1st of Elul, 5582): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1822(1st of Elul, 5582):Joshua Zeitlin passed away. Born in 1742, he “was a Russian rabbinical scholar and philanthropist. He was a pupil of the Talmudist Rabbi Aryeh Leib ben Asher Gunzberg who was the author of Sha'agat Aryeh; and, being an expert in political economy, he stood in close relations with Prince Potemkin, the favorite of Catherine II. During the Turko-Russian war Zeitlin furnished the Russian army with various supplies, and managed that business so cleverly that he was afterward appointed imperial court councilor. On retiring from business in civil rank of Court Counsellor, Zeitlin resided on his estate Ustzia, where he was consulted by the rabbis with regard to rabbinical questions. He rendered pecuniary assistance to many Talmudists and scholars, and supported a magnificent beit midrash, in which many Jewish scholars were provided with all the necessaries of life, so that they could pursue their vocations without worries of any kind. Among the scholars who benefited by his generosity: Rabbi Nahum, author of Tosafot Bikkurim; Mendel Lepin, author of Cheshbon ha-Nefesh; and the physician Baruch Schick. Zeitlin was the author of annotations to the Sefer Mitzwot Katan, printed with the text (Kopys, 1820), and supplemented by some of his responsa.”

1823: Birthdate of Phoebe Yates Levy Pember. During the Civil War, Pember served as the chief matron of Richmond’s Chimborazo Hospital. After the War, she wrote her memoirs, which were published as A Southern Woman's Story: Life in Confederate Richmond, in 1879. This book, which details her daily life through anecdotes of the war years, remains one of the best sources for understanding the experiences and ideas of upper-class Southern Jewish women before and during the Civil War. Following the War, Pember maintained her elite social status, and traveled extensively through the U.S. and Europe. She died on March 4, 1913, and is buried in Savannah

1826: Birthdate of William Isaac Wolf (Ritter von Gutman) who founded the largest coal company in the Austro-Hungarian empires and served as the President of the Jewish Community of Vienna from 1891 through 1892.

1830: Birthdate of Franz Joseph I, the penultimate Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During his long reign, for whatever reason or reason(s), Franz Joseph improved the conditions of his Jewish subjects to the point that “three years after he celebrated his Jubilee the Jewish Chronicles’ Vienna correspondent wrote “the Jews owe a great deal to their Emperor Franz Joseph” and that they do not blame him for any “retrogressive measures” taken against them.  At the same Franz Joseph’s enemies derisively referred to him as the “Judenkaiser.” 

1830: Birthdate of Henry Strauss, the native of Alsac who moved to Jackson, Mississippi before the Civil War.

1834:  Birthdate of department store owner, Marshall Field.  Marshall Field was not Jewish but his partner Levi Ziegler Leiter was.  In 1865 Field and Leiter bought a dry goods store which they named Field and Leiter. They built and re-built the signature State Street Store.  When Leiter retired, the company was renamed Marshall Field and Company.

1835: Birthdate of Amalia Nathansohn Freud, the mother of Sigmund Freud.

1838: Birthdate of Emil Ganz a Civil War veteran who went West and became a successful businessman and three-time mayor of Phoenix, Arizona.

1846: The Jewish Oath, originally established by Charlemagne, was abolished in Austria. Until then, a Jew who took oath in a Christian court against a Christian was forced to stand on the skin of a dead animal or be surrounded by thorns and call down the curses of Korach or Naaman if he were not telling the truth. In Romaniait was only repealed in the 20th century.

1855:The New York Timesreported that Solomon Rothschild who died in Paris in July was buried "with a certain degree of financial pomp.  The hearse was followed by a large number of artistic and literary celebrities by the old men supported at the hospital endowed by the deceased and by 1,200 children educated at his school.  Then, in the procession, was the Grand Rabbi and the Israelite Consistory.  The body was buried in the tomb of the Rothschild family, which is in the Jews' corner of Pere La chaise."

1856: Birthdate of Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg who gained fame using the Hebrew pan name Ahad Ha'am (אחד העם,). A pre-eminent essayist he was the founder of Cultural Zionism with a vision of a Jewish "spiritual center" in Palestine. Ha'am strived for "a Jewish state and not merely a state of Jews." In what would appear to have been a detour from his intellectual pursuits Ahad Ha’am managed the Anglo-Asiatic tea company established by Kaloniumus Wolf Wissotzky,  the founder of the Wissotzky Tea Company which prior to the Bolshevik Revolution was the largest tea company in the world.

1860: An article entitled “Sunday at Newport” states that the Jews might teach the current inhabitants “a lesson of reverence; for, although long since departed from Newport, where their social and commercial position was once superior, by ample testamentary provision, their Synagogue and Cemetery are preserved in admirable order -- reproachful to Christian neglect and indifference…It was startling, when the remains of the benevolent Judah Turo were brought here for interment, to hear the Rabbi, who pronounced the funeral discourse -- alluding to his change of abode and the vicissitudes of his life -- say, as a matter of course, "Like his great ancestor, Jacob, he was a pilgrim and sojourner.”

1863: Birthdate of Victor-Guillaume Basch, the native of Budapest who was the son of journalist Raphael Basch and who became a professor at the Sorbonne and a French political leader.

1869: Henry Fileman, the second son of John Fileman marred Theresa Clara Leopold, the eldest daughter of Louis Leopold at the Masonic Hall, Bedford Row, Holborn, WC,

1870: The Baltimore American reported that members of the Lloyd Street Synagogue had filed suit against various officers of synagogue in Circuit Court over what they considered violations of the charter as it pertains to matter of ritual and the hiring of a Chazan, among other matters.

1871: It was reported today that a large quantity of diamonds, rubies and other precious stones which had been concealed in the luggage of three French Jews has been seized by Custom House authorities on suspicion that they had been smuggled in to the country aboard the SS Italy.

1878: “The Happy Californians” published today described the surprise expressed by Christians in California that Michael Reese, the recently deceased German-Jewish millionaire had bequeathed “large sums to different institutions irrespective of their denomination.”
1878: During the Yellow Fever epidemic that has gripped New Orleans Rabbi J.K. Gutheim, Edward J. Krsheidt and other officers of the Hebrew Benevolent Assoication made the following appeal today, “ Sickness, distressand suffering amont the poor are increasing daily.  Our funds are nearly exhaustaed.  In this sad calamity we deem it our melancholy dutry to appeal to the sympathies of our brethern throughout the United States for speedy aid.”

1879: The Notes of Foreign News column reported the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs has issued a circular to its missions abroad concerning the condition of the Jews living in the country.  On the one hand the government claimes that “In the future every foreigner” Jewish or non-Jewish, will be eligible to become naturalized citizens regardless of religion.  At the same time, the government claimes that “the Jews in Roumania at the present moment have never been Romanian citizens.  The government questions how it can make them citizens “in one day” since it will that Moldavia will be over-run by 300,000 Jews who are “uneducated fanatics, having a different language,  a different language, a different  different customs, different sentiments and whom the” Romanians have always considered foreginers.  Granting the Jews currently living in Romanaia would “stirke a terrible blow to the economic interest of the county…and would drive the population to revolt…”  [The treatment of the Jews living in Romania was a cause that had been taken up by the Great Powers.  The Romanians wanted recognition as an independent state while working tenanciously to avoid improving the lot of its Jewish citizens.

1879: It was reported today that The Pall Mall Gazette (an English publication) “says that a Mr. Austin Corbin has ‘gone so far as to exclude Jews from the Manhattan Beach Railway…’” The columnist concludes that this “will be news to Corbin and the Jews.”  (Apparently, the English author did not know that report of Corbin’s ban was quite true.]

1880: A barge filled with children on an excursion sponsored by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children narrowly avoided colliding with a yawl-boat as it came through the Narrows today. 

1880: Mr. Mendel denied recent reports that the Sharon Hotel at Sharon Springs does not accept Jewish guests is false.  He has been staying there for the last three summer seasons as have been several other guests whom the proprietors know are Jewish.  (This comes on the heels of the Saratoga Springs incident)

1881: The SS Bellevue will leave for an excursion to Hart’s Island today at 11 am sponsored by the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society

1881: “A Pawnbroker Swindled” published today described the victimization of Ellis Silbertsein, a Jewish pawnbroker who owns a shop on North 9th Street in Philadelphia, PA.

1882(3rdof Elul, 5642): Forty-two year Leon Jacob Wetheim the Dutch bank employee turned author who was the brother of A.C. Wertheim and the son of Dina Minden and Carel Wertheim, passed away

1883: It was reported that “Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice, Under Foreign Secretary stated in the House of Commons…that the government…has asked the Russian government to” explain why a British Jewish businessman who had “a proper British passport” was expelled.

1886: Birthdate of Sholom Schwartzbard a Bessarabian-born Jewish anarchist known primarily for the assassination of the Ukrainian politician Symon Petliura.  Schwartzbard held Petliura responsible for the death of his parents who had been murdered in a pogrom in 1919.

1887(28th of Av, 5647): Julius Weisbaden a miser who has no friends or family in the United States died today Bellevue Hospital

1887: It was reported today that Adolph Stern a commercial traveler who passed away yesterday will be buried by the Hebrew Mutual Benefit Society at the Salem Fields Cemetery.  Stern, who was a member of the society, died alone since his wife and grown daughter still lived in Germany.

1888(11th of Elul, 5648): Prominent New York merchant Marks Laski died suddenly today at his home on West 36th Street.

1888: “Jews in Prussia” published today relied on reports from the London Times to report that in 1880 there were 363,790 Jews living in Prussia which made them 1.33 percent of the population.  Five years later the number of Jews had grown to 366,543 but they were now only 1.29 per cent of the population. 

1889:“Right or Left” published today described Dr. Friedrich Erlenmeyer’s “proof” that “the ancient Hebrews” were “a left-handed people.”

1889: Jacques Damala, the non-Jewish husband of Sarah Bernhardt, passed away.

1889(21stof Av. 5649): Thirty-seven year old Lewis Arnheim, a member of the Georgia State Legislature passed away today.

1890: Rabbi E.M Chapman of Dallas and Samuel Gompers delivered the eulogies at the funeral for Montague L Marks who was buried at Washington Cemetery on Long Island “according to the practice of the Orthodox Jews.”

1890: “Baron Hirsch, the well-known Jewish financier and philanthropist sent the Hebrew Young Men’s Benevolent Society of Montreal a check for $20,000 after it was discovered that the Canadian society could not participate in the benefits of the American trust fund which he had created.”

1890: Birthdate of Solomon Rosenthal, the Lithuanian born chess master.

1890: Fifty-three year old Samuel Cohen was arrested today on charges that he was falsely representing himself as an agent of the Hebrew Aid Society and was collecting money which was intended to help poor Jews.

1890: Sixty-two year old John Cooper Vail, the librarian at Bellevue Hospital and author of the prize winning poem “The Hebrew Gladiator” which was first published in the New York Clipper passed away today.

1891: “City and Suburban News” published today described an appeal that Rabbi William M. Krauskopf made that raised $165 for the Hebrew Sheltering House.

1891: “Brazil Wants Farmers” published today that a large number of Russian Jews have gone to the Brazilian Consul’s office in New York to apply for permission to go that country where they can work as farmers.  Many of those who have already gone there do not know anything about farming and seemed to be more interested in pursuing the profession they know best – peddling.

1892: “The Pope on Jews and Frenchmen” published today provided a summary of Mme. Severine’s interview with the Pope that appeared in Figaro in which he discussed his views about the Jews and anti-Semitism.

1892(25thof Av, 5652): Sixty-one year old German author Elise Henle, the wife of Leopold Levi, passed away today at Frankfurt-on-Main.

1893: The Park Departments has issued a permit to allow the thousands of unemployed Jewish workers to hold a mass meeting in Union Square.

1893: Emma Goldman the wife of the man who shot Chairman Frick of Carnegie Steel delivered “a violent speech’ at a meeting in Golden Rule Hall on Rivington Street.

1894: Seventy-one year old Eugene Lawrence, the author of The Jews and Their Persecutors, passed away in New York City.

1895: “Kesher Shel Barzel” published today traces the history of the organization from its founding in 1860 as a mutual aid society in New York City to becoming one the largest national Jewish benevolent and protective societies in the United States. Kesher Shel Barzel means “Iron Knot.”

1896: The body of the man with the Hebraic features which was found yesterday in a New Jersey barnyard was identified as Arthur Malke of Newark who has been missing for four days.

1897: A crowd of 15,000 heard  Mayor Strong when he delivered an address at the Summer Festival given tonight by District Grand Lodge, No.1 Independent Order Free Sons of Israel at Sulzer’s Harlem River Park. 

1897: J. S. Koenigsberg, a leading member of the Jewish community in Denver  received a letter for Edwin Wallace, the American Counsel at Jerusalem “giving an account of gross misappropriation of money sent by American Jewish societies for the relief of their fellow countrymen” living in that city.

1898: All the children living at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum should have been removed today from the facility at 138th Street and Amsterdam Avenue as officials dealt with an epidemic of dystentery.

1899: When the trial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus resumed this morning at 7:25 AM in Rennes, “Colonel Picquart, former Chief of the Intelligence Department of the War Office, was called to the witness stand and continued his deposition which was interrupted yesterday by the adjournment of the court.”

1899: The meeting of the Third Zionist Congress comes to an end.

1899: It was reported today that Rigmund Albert, a Jewish cadet, had left the Military Academy at West Point because of he had been persecuted because of his religion.

1899: Thirty-one year old Siegfried Wolf and Ida Wolf gave birth to Alfred Emil Wolf.

1902: Herzl receives a letter from Rothschild, filled with warnings against ambitious and over-hasty plans, and characterizing the idea of Palestine as a myth.

1904: Max Factor, Sr. moved to the United States and opened a small perfume and cosmetics concession at the St. Louis World’s Fair.  Over time, this would grow into Max Factor and Company, one of the leading makers of cosmetics in the world.

1904: Birthdate of Max Factor Jr.  Max Factor, Jr. would follow in his father’s footsteps as CEO of Max Factor Cosmetics.  He passed away in 1996.

1908: The New Jerseyconvention of the American Federation of Labor adopted a resolution endorsing Samuel Gompers and his policies.  The real issue was Gompers’ support William Jennings Bryan’s bid to be elected President in the race against William Howard Taft.

1910:Ossip Gabrilowitsch and his wife Clara Clemens (the daughter of Mark Twain) gave birth to their daughter Nina who turn out to be the last known lineal descendant the great American humorist and author.

1911: In Great Britain, the University of Birmingham conferred an honoree degree on Professor Dr. Hermann Oppenheim, a leading neurologist.

1911: The Alliance Israelite Universelle sends ten thousands francs to relive the suffering resulting from the fires at Constantinople.

1911: Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres awards Captain Raymond Weill a grant of six thousand francs to continue excavations in Egypt. Weill would go on to lead archaeological expeditions in Palestine in 1913-1914 and 1923-1924 that would include exploration of the part of the ancient Jerusalem water system known as the Siloam Channel.

1911: Anti-Semitism took on many faces in Russia as Jewish families were expelled from two more cities that had been part of the Pale of Settlement. The Czar’s government also enforced restrictions on the number of Jewish students attending high schools and confiscated property owned by Jews outside of the Pale.

1911: James Simon, President of Hilfsverein der Deuteshcne Juden, gave one hundred thousand marks to the Technical Institute in Haifa.

1912: In Chicago, Illinois, dedication of Temple Beth Israel.

1914: “In Trachin, an outbreak of fires as Russian troops marched through the town was immediately blamed on the Jews” whose goal, according to the locals, was to let the Germans know where the Russians troops were located.  In this case 14 Jews were arrested and although they were later released  their “pillaged goods” were neither returned or paid for.  (During August and September, the Jews of Poland were subject to numerous pogroms, usually at the hands of the Cossacks forcing them to flee to Warsaw from which they would later be forcibly be deported eastward (As reported by Max Hastings)

1915(8thof Elul, 5675): Schumel Itzig Gordon, the son of Salman Yehuda Gordon, passed away today.

1916(19thof Av, 5676): Eighteen year old Samuel Salomo Israelsohn passed away.

1916: Rabbinical seminaries in Florence and Leghorn, Italy merged due to lack of funds.

1917:Vilmos Vázsonyi completed his term in office as Minister of Justice of Hungary.

1917: A Great Fire in Thessaloniki, Greece destroys 32% of the city leaving 70,000 individuals homeless. The downfall of the Jewish community in Thessalonikistarted with a fire in the Jewish quarter in 1917. Prior to the start of the fire Thessaloniki had been one of the two o most important Jewish communities in pre-World War II Greece. In the 1600s, Thessaloniki, a Sephardi community, became one of the largest Jewish communities in the world and was known as "ir v’em beyisral," metropolis and mother of Israel. By 1900, more than half of the town’s population was Jewish, which was about 80,000 Jews. In 1900-1910 Thessaloniki had more than 50 synagogues, 20 Jewish schools and numerous Jewish institutions and associations. It was a center of Torah learning for all of Europe. Business was generally conducted in the Sephardi language of Ladino and, on Friday afternoons, almost all commercial life stopped since most of the city’s workers were Jewish. A sprawling Jewish cemetery that was destroyed during World War II to make room for a new university lay in the center of the city (. The Jewish population was varied and included both Kararites and followers of the false messiah Shabbatai Zevi. The city had a strong Judaeo-Spanish culture. For all intents and purposes, this all disappeared with the Holocaust. 

1917(30th of Av, 5677): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1918: Due to massive fires in Salonica, 50,000 Jews are homeless.  This represents nearly the entire Jewish population of the city

1919: An appraisal of the estate of Ludwig Dreyfus filed today shows “that the total was worth $1,305, 318.”

1920: The Tennessee State Legislature approved the Nineteenth Amendment providing “the final ratification necessary to add the Amendment” that gave women the right to vote “to the United States Constitution.

1920: In Holyoke, Vincent and Antoinette D’Addario gave birth to Raymond D’Addario, “an Army photographer whose images of Hitler’s top henchmen during the Nuremberg war crimes trials put their faces before the world as it became increasingly aware of Nazi atrocities.” (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1920: Alfred Mond was the subject of a cartoon in Punch.

1922: Birthdate of Shelley Winters.  Born Sylvia Schrift, in St LouisMo, Ms. Winters enjoyed a long and varied career.  Unlike her fellow acting student Marilyn Monroe, Winters was able to make the transition from female leading lady to character actress.  She made over 130 films in career that spanned five decades.

1926: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency Mail Service reported that “the number of families to be settled in the Ukraine during the years 1927 and 1928 is not to be less than during the present year, that is, not less than 4,000 families each year, the Ukrainian Government Commission for Jewish Land Settlement decided at its meeting here. Since the number to be settled outside the Ukraine during 1927 will not exceed 1,000 families, and in 1928 will be 3,000 families, it has been decided that sufficient land should be allocated in the Ukraine for the settlement in 1927 of 3,000 families and in 1928 of 1,000 families.”

1926: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency Mail Service reported that “The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America has this year produced a new form of collapsible Succah, which can be erected within an hour. These Succahs give an opportunity to the Jews of America to have their observance not only in the Synagogue, but at their homes. Applications can be made to the office of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, 131 West 86th St., New York City.”

1928: In Manhattan, “Abner Millon, a tailor, and the former Mollie Gorkowitz” gave birth to Theodore Millon “a psychologist whose theories helped define how scientists think about personality and its disorders, and who developed a widely used measure to analyze character traits.” (As reported by Benedict Carey)

1929:Arabs, following their attack Friday on the Wailing Wall and on groups of Jews yesterday, today stoned Rabbi Nical of the College of Torah Chaim.

1929(12th of Av, 5689)A young Sephardic Jew named Abraham Mizrachi who was stabbed at the Maccabi grounds near Mea Shearim, in the Bukharan Quarter on Shabbat by Arab rioters died of his wounds today.

1930: Birthdate of Liviu Librescu, Israeli professor, who was killed in the Virginia Tech massacre

1933: Birthdate of director Roman Polanski

1933: According to press reports published in Jerusalem, Mrs. Sarah Levi of Singapore has set aside her fortune of £100,000 to rebuild Safed, which suffered during the 1929 riots.

1933:It was reported from Jerusalem that Aba Achimeir, a Revisionist, has been charged with having conspiring to assassinate Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff.

1933: The British High Commissioner issued an order that in all towns of mixed population a third of the wages spent in public works shall be assigned to Jewish labor.

1933:According to the official count, there are a total of 297 accredited Zionists delegates to the Zionist Congress meeting in Prague: 139 are Laborites, 79 General Zionists, 47 Revisionists and 32 Mizrachi.

1933: The meeting of the International Congress of Mizrachi meeting in Cracow, Poland, comes to an end.  Before adjourning delegates the delegates called for the reorganization of the Jewish Agency, expressed opposition to the leadership of Chaim Weizmann and called for a world Orthodox religious congress to be held in Jerusalem no later than 1935.

1933: In Germany, the Ministry of Propaganda and Enlightenment prohibits the filming of a scenario based on Stefan Zweig's "Amok."

1936: Fifty thousand Jewish residents of Tel Aviv attended the funeral today of two nurses killed by Arab snipers yesterday. “Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, British High Commissioner in Palestine, expressed his ‘deepest sorrow and abhorrence of the recent brutal murders and attacks on a perfectly innocent people.’”

1937: In Geneva, the Permanent Mandates Commission had completed its sessions and submitted a secret report on the British partition of Palestine scheme to the Council of the League of Nations.

1937: In Zurich, Dr. Chaim Weizmann opened the fifth session of the Jewish Agency Council and announced that it would support the Zionist Congress policy of negotiating with Britain, in principle, the terms of the establishment of a Jewish state. He was opposed by Dr. Felix Warburg, of the council’s non-Zionist representation.

1938: Birthdate of Marcia Lewis who received an RN from the Jewish Hospital School of Nursing in Cincinnati before gaining fame as a Tony nominated actress and singer. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1938:A British military column was ambushed this afternoon by a gang of well armed Arabs near Acre. The troops assisted by aircraft fought back and in the battle at least twenty-seven Arabs were killed by the fliers and ten more by the troops.

1938: As Arab violence continued, an eight year old Jewish boy was killed and four others were wounded when a bomb was thrown at a crowd on the border between Tel Aviv and Jaffa while another Arab threw a bomb at truck carrying eleven Jewish workers, wounding nine of them.

1938: As Arab violence continued to escalate in Palestine, hundreds of Moslems took to the streets of London shouting “Down with the ignorant Wells” as they protested the publication of A Short History of the World by H.G. Wells.  At the same time a Moslem delegation complained to the High Commissioner of India that the book “insulted the memory of Mohammed and the Koran.” 

1940: Birthdate of Nelli Abramova the Jewish volleyball player who helped the Soviet Union win a Silver Medal at the Olympics in 1964

1941: The Nazis took over authority of Kovno and sealed off the ghetto. Five hundred Jews were taken from the ghetto to be killed. Looting and killing of the Intelligentsia would soon follow.

1941: Adolf Hitler ordered the end to the systematic euthanasia of mentally ill and handicapped persons due to protests within Germany.  This change in policy at least raises the question as to what effect similar protests by Church leaders and others might have had in averting the Final Solution.

1942: The Nazis deported 998 Jews, including 287 children, to the East from Belgium.

1943: Thousands of more Jews were deported from Bialystokto Treblinka. This was last train to ever be sent there. All the Jews were sent to the gas chambers. Afterwards, the camp closed down for good.

1943: The last transport from Salonika arrived in Auschwitz consisting of 1,800 laborers, the last of 48,533 people to be deported from that town. Almost 38,000 of them would be exterminated on arrival.

1943: The process of destroying the evidence of mass murder that took place at Babi Yar, a suburb of Kiev in the Soviet Ukraine, began. Jewish and Soviet prisoners were set to work, unearthing thousands of bodies and burning them in huge pyres. The Jewish prisoners attended to the horrible task knowing that they too would be shot and burned at the end they tried an escape. During attempt to hide the evidence of genocide, 311 out of 325 Jewish and Soviet prisoners would be killed in their break-out attempt.

1945:A group of refugees in the “Beriha” movement in Komo, Italy were captured by the camera.

1950: First performance of "The Village I Knew," choreographed by Sophie Maslow.

1951: Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chairman of the Jewish Agency Executive's American section, appealed tonight to the delegates to the twenty-third World Zionist Congress to shelve the ideological debate on whether it was the duty of all Zionists to settle in Israel.

1952: The USgranted Israelover $73 million for the relief and resettlement of immigrants and for technical cooperation.

1952: Birthdate of comedic talent Elayne Boosler

1957(21st of Av, 5717): English born film composer Louis Levy passed away

1957(21st of Av, 5717):Rabbi Aharon Rokeach the fourth Rebbe of the Belz Hasidic dynasty passed away. Born in 1877, he led the movement from 1926 until his passing in 1957.

1969: Premiere of Woody Allen’s “Take the Money and Run” with music by Marvin Hamlisch.

1969: The Woodstock Music and Art Fair which was held on the land of Max B. Yasgur came to an end.

1977: The US formally and publicly rebuked Israel’s decision to extend certain new services to the West Bankand the Gaza Strip and to approve, by the Ministerial Committee for Settlement, the three new settlements on the West Bank: south of Tulkarm, at Mevo Horon and between Hebron and Beersheba. The US expressed deep disappointment that Israelignored President Jimmy Carter¹s appeal to avoid such actions before the reconvening of the Geneva Peace Conference.

1977: The ambassador to the UN, Chaim Herzog, lashed out at UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, who had also expressed regret that Israel set up new settlements. Herzog reminded Waldheim that double standard and discrimination had long been a norm at the UN.

1978: In Berkley, CA, Marjorie and Joe Samberg gave birth to American entertainer David A.J. “Andy: Samberg.

1981: Jerry Lewis appears on "Donahue" to defend Telethons.

1983: The Park East Synagogue  building at 163 East 67th Street (NYC) which had been established as Congregation Zichron Ephriam by Rabbi Bernard Drachman was [laced on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places today.

1983(9thof Elul, 5743): Eight-one year old Sir Nikolaus Pevsner (Bernhard Leon), the German born son of a Jewish furrier who became the  British art historian “best known for his 46-volume series of county-by-county guides, The Buildings of England“ passed away today.

1986: Morton Abramowitz was commissioned as Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research.

1994: In Copenhagen, the fifth congress of the EAJS came to an end.

1994(11th of Elul, 5754): Latvian born Israeli scientist and philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz passed away. (As reported by Joel Greenberg)http://www.nytimes.com/1994/08/19/obituaries/yeshayahu-leibowitz-91-iconoclastic-israeli-thinker.html?pagewanted=print&src=pm

1996:Devorah Zlochower, Leora Bednarsh, and Laura Steiner were recognized for completing a three-year program of Talmud study at the Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in New York City

1996(3rdof Elul, 5756):Sixty-six year oldHugo Gabriel Gryn , a leader in the Reform movemtn, passed away.  A native of Berehovo, he survived Auschwitz, trained in America and served as the Rabbi for West London Synagogue for 32 years

1999(6th of Elul, 5759): Fifty-five year old award winning playwright and author Hanoch Levin passed away today.

1999: The Drisha Institute for Jewish Education graduated its first class.  According to its mission statement the Drisha Institute “provides women with the opportunity to engage in traditional Jewish text study in an environment which encourages seriousness of purpose, free inquiry and respect for classical texts. Drisha offers a wide variety of study options for women of all backgrounds and levels.”

2002: The Sunday New York Times featured a review of Stone Kiss by Jewish mystery writer Faye Kellerman and a printing of the poem “Like a Seal” by Abba Kovner translated from the Hebrew by Eddie Levenston

2003(20th of Av, 5763): Seventy-eight year old bookseller and former “Timesman” Julius Ochs Adler, Jr. passed away today. (As reported by Robert D. McFadden and Eric Pace)

2004:  Eighty-two year old domposer Elmer Bernstein passed away. Born in 1922, the Academy Award winning composer gave us memorable scores for many movies including The Magnificent Seven, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Great Escape, The Man With A Golden Arm. (As reported by Adam Bernstein)

2004(1stof Elul, 5764): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2005: Kfar Darom was evacuated as part of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan.

2006: Congressman Steve Rothman married Jennifer Beckenstein, the community affairs coordinator at the Center for Food Action in Englewood, New Jersey. The couple met through JDate, an online dating website for Jewish singles. Between them, Rothman and Beckenstein have five teenage children and two dogs, who plan to live in Rothman's home, which is being expanded to accommodate the blended family

2006: Haim Ramon resigned as Justice Minister.

2006: “On Sontag: Essayist as Metaphor and Muse” published today provides Holland Cotter’s description of the photography show at the Metropolitan Museum designed to honor the memory of Susan Sontag.

2007: In Jerusalem, "Music in All the Shades" presents "A Musical Trip in the Balkan Countries," featuring Constantine Kitlin on the clarinet, Olga Dshbeski on the flute, Yulia Sinaibeski on the mandolin, and Yuri Pobolotskion on the accordion.

2007:The Shabbat observance of the San Diego Humanistic Jewish Congregation will celebrate Individualism with an investigation of the Essenes, Jews who settled at Qumranand created the Dead Sea Scrolls.

2008: James B. Cunningham presented his credentials as U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

2008(17th of Av, 5768):Manny Farber, a painter whose spiky, impassioned film criticism waged war against sacred cows like Orson Welles and elevated American genre-movie directors like Howard Hawks and Sam Fuller to the Hollywood pantheon, died today at his home in Leucadia, California at the age of 91.

2008: Time magazine includes an article about the critical swing vote that begins, “The most important demographic for Barack Obama in November might be old Jews in Florida, and the most important old Jew in Florida is my grandmother” and a review of Neillie Hermann’s novel, The Cure for Greif featuring Ruby Bronstein, her “strong, loving family” including her father a “Holocaust survivor father, whose observance of Jewish customs persists despite his professed loss of faith” with whom she visits the camp where he was interred as a young boy

2008:Tzfat [Safed] Klezmer Festival opens.

2008: In an article entitled “Under ‘Kafkaesque’ Pressure, Heir to Kafka Papers May Yield Them,”Ethan Bronner described the fate Franz Kafka’s personal papers which had been rescued by Max Brod and eventually became the property to Esther Hoffe who has now passed away.

2009: “It was reported today that Paula Abdul was negotiating to return to Idol after not taking part in season nine of Dancing with the Stars

2009(28thof Av, 5769):Ninety-eight year old Rose Friedman, the widow of Milton Friedman with whom she was an intellectual and personal soul-mate, passed away today. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2009:Dan Zofi and Jack Germany led and evening of Israeli & International Folk dancing at Beit Shalom Synagogue, the Jewish Congregation of Maui.

2009: Today Israeli novelist David Grossman was named a finalist for the only international literary peace prize awarded in the United States - the Dayton Literary Peace Prize

2010: "A Film Unfinished" directed by Yael Hersonski is scheduled to be shown at the Film Forum in New York.

2010:In Cedar Rapids, IA, the Hadassah Book Club is scheduled to meet at the home of Andrea Liu where Ina Loewenberg  is scheduled to facilitate a program entitled “Reading Aloud: Poems on Jewish Themes.”

2010:With the mid-August heat showing no mercy on the Holy Land, locals broke an all-time single-day record for electricity use this afternoon, the Israel Electric Corporation announced. The corporation said demand topped 11,200 megawatts, following 19 straight days of unprecedented energy usage

2010(8thof Elul, 5770):Ninety-nine year old Benjamin Kaplan who as an U.S. Army officer played a critical role in the Nuremberg trials and then went to become a Harvard Law Professor and jurist passed away. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2010(8thof Elul, 5770): Ninety-four year old Martin Dannenberg the man who “found the Nuremberg Laws Document” passed away today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2011: David McKenzie, JHSGW Interpretive Programs Manager is scheduled to lead a Walking Tour of Jewish Washington in which participants will learn what it was like to live and worship as a Jew in Washington from 1850 to 1950 in the historic Seventh Street, NW, neighborhood, now known as Chinatown but originally settled largely by German Jews.

2011: The Fourth Annual Pickle eating contest is scheduled to take place at the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue.  The pickles are being supplied by Sixth & Rye, a food truck that travels the streets of the Nation’s Capital offering a variety of kosher delights including corned beef on rye. 

2011: Attackers mounted at least three separate strikes on Israeli civilians and soldiers around the popular Red Sea resort of Eilat today, killing seven and wounding at least 20, in what the country’s defense minister called a “grave terrorist incident.” The Israeli military said the attacks originated in Gaza, and were the result of increased lawlessness eastern Egypt following the country’s revolution.

2011:The IDF attacked terror targets in Rafah in the Gaza Strip today, in response to a three-stage terrorist attack which killed seven Israelis and wounded dozens in the South earlier in the day.
2011:Social justice protests have been canceled for the coming days, including a mass rally planned for  Jerusalem, following combined terror attacks in the South of Israel that left seven Israelis dead and over two dozen wounded this afternoon.

2011: The New York Times featured a review of Wendy and the Lost Boys:The Uncommon Life of Wendy Wasserstein by Julie Salamon

2011: Members of the Cedar Rapids Jewish community gather at Temple Judah for a Surprise Birthday Party celebrating the birthday of Marianne Bern.

2011(18thof Av, 5771): Eighty-two year old Sally Goodgold, an activist who defied ‘pigeon-holing’ passed away today. (As reported by David W. Dunlap)

2011(18thof Av, 5771): Forty-nine year old “Paskal Avrahami, a member of the YAMAM Counter-terrorism Unit was killed this evening during a firefight with terrorists north of Eilat on the border with Egypt. He was married and had three children.”

2011(18thof Av, 5771):St.-Sgt. Moshe Naftali was killed today while responding to the terrorist attacks near Eilat.

2011(18thof Av, 5771): Fifty-seven Yossef Levy was killed during a terrorist attack and his wife was injured during today’s terrorist attack.

2011(18thof Av, 5771): Ninety-one year old biochemist Maruice M. Rapport passed away today in Durham, NC. (As reported by William Grimes

2012:Nicole Wolf-Camplin  is scheduled to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah at Agudas Achim in Iowa City, IA

2012:In Cedar Rapids, Iowa,  Temple Judah is scheduled to host an open house in honor of Marianne Bern’s 90th birthday.

2012: Kippah-wearing Jews and non-Jews are expected to march today in Sweden as a sign of solidarity with Malmö’s Jews.

2012(30thof Av, 5772): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2012: Three Egyptian policemen and a soldier were injured near the Sinai town of Sheikh Zuwaid today when armed men fired a rocket-propelled grenade at their convoy during an operation against militants following the killing of 16 border guards.

2013: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies by Jonathan Alter and the recently release paperback edition of Iron Curtain” The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956 by Anne Applebaum 

2013: Starting today the Health Ministry is scheduled to “offer oral polio vaccine to children up to the age of nine-and-a-half years.” (As reported by Judy Siegel-Itzkovich)

2013: In Coralville, Iowa Congregation Agudas Achim under the leadership of Rabbi Jeff Portman is scheduled to host its annual synagogue picnic.

2013: “When Comedy Went to School” is scheduled to shown at the San Diego Jewish Film Festival.

2013: “The campaign to recall Mayor Bob Filner amid accusations of sexual harassment” began gathering signatures today. (As reported by Tony Perry)

2013: “Archaeologists working in Jerusalem have discovered what they say is a 2,700 year-old pottery fragment with an ancient Hebrew inscription possibly containing the name of a Biblical figure.” (As reported by Gavriel Fiske)

2014: Klezkanada, the international festival of Jewish/Yiddish culture and the arts is scheduled to open today.

2014: “Alive Inside,  A Story of Music and Memory” and “Alive Inside,  A Story of Music and Memory,” a film about “a downed Israeli fighter pilot and a Palestinian boy” are scheduled to be shown at the Berkshire Jewish Film Festival.

2014: The 16th Street Book Club at the Jewish History Center is scheduled to host a discussion of Stations West Allison Amend’s novel about Jewish life in the early days of the Oklahoma Territory.

This Day, August 19, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 19

43 BCE: Octavian later known as Augustus compels the senate to elect him Consul. As the first Emperor of Rome (in fact, if not in name) Augustus would follow the policies of “moderation and accommodation” towards Judea begun by his Uncle, Julius Caesar
14CE: Augustus, Roman Emperor passed away. For the Jews, Augustus was a comparatively benign ruler. He left Judea under a Jewish king (even if it was Herod) and only converted the homeland of the Jews to a province during the turmoil that followed Herod's death.  Under Augustus Roman governors were ordered to follow policies that would not antagonize the Jews including.  They were not to permit pagan altars to be built in Jerusalem and their troops were not to parade through the city carrying standards with the picture of the Emperor. He followed a similarly benign policy towards the Jews in the Diaspora including allowing them to contributions to support the Temple and exempting Jews from appearing in court on the Sabbath, starting with Friday night.
1099: The armies of the First Crusade defeated the Saracens at the Battle of Ascalon (an historic Palestinian city on the Mediterranean), one month after they had captured Jerusalem. Neither the Jews nor the Moslems fared well at the hands of the Crusaders.  They slaughtered the Jews of Europe as they marched away and slaughtered the Jews of Jerusalem when they took the city.  The Crusaders did win the Battle of Ascalon, but they actually did not capture the city of Ascalon due to a quarrel between two of the Crusader leaders.  The city remained in the hands of the Moslems and would become a base from which Jerusalem would be attacked in subsequent campaigns.  This would not be the last time that initial victories by Western armies fighting in the Middle East did not result in long term conquests.
1263: King James I of Aragon takes the lead in one of the earliest recorded instances of Christian censorship of Jewish writings.
1274: Coronation of King Edward I of England. Under Edward’s reign things went from bad to worse.  For example in “1279 and edict imposed the death penalty on Jews accused of uttering blasphemy about Christianity.  In 1280, “Edward ordered Jews to listen to Cominicans preaching conversion.”  In one of his “last acts of extortion…he arrested the heads of Jewish families and demanded their communities…raise a 12,000 pound ransom payment.”  Finally, in 1290, the King ordered the expulsion of all Jews from his realm.  He would be the last ruler of England to officially deal with the Jewish people until the days of Oliver Cromwell.
1338: Host desecration riots destroyed the Jewish community of Wolfsberg, Austria. The Jews were accused of having stolen the Eucharist, making it bleed, and trying to burn it. Over 70 Jews were burned at the stake and the community destroyed. The community was never revived.
1439: Frederick III, the Holy Roman Emperor passed away today.  “To his last hour” he “protected those outlawed by all the world,” a reference to the Jewish people.  “He had a Jewish physician” and made Jacob ben Yehicel Loans a knight.  On his deathbed, “Frederick is said to have strongly recommended the Jews to his son, enjoining on him to protect them, and not to listen calumnious accusations, whose falsity he had fathomed. (As reported by Graetz)
1509: The Battle of the Books took place in Frankfurt (Germany): Johann Pfefferkorn, an apostate Jew, convinced Maximilien I to destroy all Jewish books, especially the Talmud. The books were defended by a gentile, Johann von Reuchlin, a noted humanist, scholar and student of the Zohar. The battle was decided in his favor, and the decree was rescinded. Such challenging of the Church by Christian scholars - on its own ground - helped bring about the Reformation and the revolt against the Church.
1555: First printing of Orech Chaim a section of the Shulchan Aruch in Eretz Yisrael. The Shulchan Aruch (The Set Table in English) is a major compilation of Jewish Law created by Rabbi Joseph Caro.  He began writing the work while living in western Turkeyin 1522.  He finished it while living in Safed, the gathering place for scholars and mystics in Eretz Israel.  The Shulchan Aruch is divided into four sections the first of which is Orech Chaim.  Orech Chaim deals with laws concerning prayer, Synagogue, Shabbat and holiday observances. It would take approximately five years for all subsections to be printed.

1662: French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal passed away.  Unlike some other French philosophers Pascal thought highly of the Jewish people as the following quote proves, "It is certain that in certain parts of the world we can see a peculiar people, separated from the other peoples of the world and this is called the Jewish people…. This people is not only of remarkable antiquity but has also lasted for a singularly long time… For where as the people of Greece and Italy, of Sparta, Athens and Rome and others who came so much later have perished so long ago, these still exist, despite the efforts of so many powerful kings who have tried a hundred times to wipe them out, as their historians testify, and as can easily be judged by the natural order of things over such a long spell of years. They have always been preserved, however, and their preservation was foretold… My encounter with this people amazes me…."
1800: Birthdate of “German poet” Michael Beer “brother of Giacomo Meyerbeer, the composer, and of Wilhelm Beer, the astronomer.”
1835: A Jew Bill (legislation intended to complete the political and civil emancipation of English Jews) passed its first reading in the House of Lords.
1840: Today, Israel B. Kursheedt who had “played a key role in the establishment of Hebra Terumath Hakkodesh, which aided the poor of Israel, chaired a gathering of New York’s Jewish community to protest” the arrest of several Jews living in Damascus on charges of having killed a Franciscan friar so that they could use his blood for Passover in what is called the Damascus Affair.’
1845:in the Paris suburb of Boulogne-sur-Seine, Haut-de-Seine, James Mayer Rothschild and Betty von Rothschild gave birth to their youngest child Baron Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild
1848:  The California Gold Rush really gets under way as news of the strike appears in the New York Herald alerting Americans living in the East that “there is gold in them thar hills.”  Jews joined the thousands of others who streamed west looking for fortune.  According to Pioneer Jews by Harriet and Fred Rochlin, local newspapers provided documentary proof of the Jewish presence: “The Cohen claim at Vallecito made another whopping clean-up.”  “Nathan Rhine has one of the best ledges…He expended about $8,000 to develop it.”  “A Jew named Heyman and several others have worked for some weeks some claims on the new ledge.  These claims were jumped by a man named Moore.”  Jews and gentiles discovered that there were more ways to make their fortunes than digging and panning.  Of course the most famous Jew to strike it rich was Levi Strauss whose pants not only won the West but our now a household brand around the world.
1851: Birthdate of Ferdinand-Camille Dreyfus the French journalist and office holder who was not related to Captain Alfred Dreyfus but who ended up fighting a duel with the notorious anti-Semite, the Marquis de Mores at the same time that the embattled French captain was being railroaded.
1856: Birthdate of Harold Frederick, the native of Utica, NY, who wrote The New Exodus: A Study of Israel in Russia which displayed a sympathy for the subject – the way in which the Czar’s government treated its Jewish subjects.
1861:Derogatory stereotypes were part of the American linguistic landscape as can be seen in this report published in the Charleston Courier describing an episode among Union prisoners being held at Richmond. A newsboy who had been in the habit of selling his papers at three, suddenly ran his price up to five cents, and on making his accustomed sale in the morning to one of the prisoners, the latter first refused to "come down." The young vender was equally inexorable, and finally carried his point, and received the amount of his demand. This rise in stocks was reported to the Yankee conclave, whereupon the question was raised whether it was right for the man to jew the boy, or the boy to jew the man. The discussion thus commenced in the social circle was carried into the debating society, and after the usual pros and cons, it was finally decided that the boy, being the sole and undisputed owner of the property, and the said property not being contraband of war, and no concatenation of circumstances having arisen to obstruct the right thereby vested in the original possessor of the aforesaid vehicle of information, the right was undoubtedly inherent in the adolescent merchant to determine for himself the incipient value of his goods, and to charge for the same accordingly, ad valorem duties to the contrary notwithstanding.
1862: Birthdate of Auguste-Maurice Barrès, the French author and politician who could not be convinced by Leon Blum that was Dreyfus was innocence because, as he wrote in one of his anti-Semitic pamphlets, "That Dreyfus is guilty, I deduce not from the facts themselves, but from his race."[

1870: Birthdate of Bernard Baruch financier and unofficial adviser to several U.S.Presidents.  He passed away in 1965. Born in South Carolina, Baruch's family moved to New York City.  He graduated from City College of New York.  He began working as an office boy at three dollars a week. However, by the age of 30 he amassed a fortune thanks to successful speculation in the Stock Market.  He was an adviser to President Wilson during World War I and accompanied him to the Paris Peace Conference after the war.  Thanks to shrewd financial skills, including knowing when to get out of the stock market, Baruch's wealth survived the Crash of 1929.  Baruch was a supporter of the New Deal.  He served Presidents Roosevelt and Truman.  He authored the Baruch Plan, which was an attempt to avoid nuclear war by having an international agency control Atomic Energy.  Baruch is credited by some with first using the term "Cold War" to describe the conditions that existed between the Soviets and the United Statesafter World War II. Baruch was one of those truly colorful characters in American whose life is better described by a novelist than a historian. more like it was created by novelist than a historian.

1870: “A Hebrew Church Schism” published today described a case that is being heard  by Judge Pinkney in the Circuit Court which centers around a dispute among the members of the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation on the corner of Lloyd and Watson streets over the introduction of changes in ritual that the plaintiffs claim were not adopted in accord with the charter of the congregation.

1872(15th of Av, 5632): Seventy-three year old Karl Feust, the son of the Chief Rabbi of Bamberg who decided to be a lawyer, despite all of the obstacles facing a Jew in that profession,  and who also served as the secretary of the Jewish community passed away today.

1872:“The Bells,” a “one act play that tells the story of a man named Mathias who secretly murdered a Jew 15 years ago and the consequences of his act” opened tonight at Booths Theatre in New York City.
1874: The Grand Lodge of the ancient Jewish Order Kesher Shel Barzel met at Albany, NY, today.  Of the 5,404 members, 4,934 are men and 530 are women. During the past year, Lodge has paid $23,000 to “the heirs or legal representatives of twenty-three deceased brethren.”  The Lodge has $7,000 on hand “to pay the endowment of he next seven deaths.”

1876: Thirty-six year old George Smith, the translator of the Epic of Gilgamesh whose study of ancient Assyrian texts “threw light” on material contained in the Bible passed away at Aleppo, Syria after having suffered from a bout of severe dysentery.

1877:“The Polish Jews and Where They Worship described the dissatisfaction which “some of the prominent Jews of this City, of the class which is represented by the Jewish Messenger, have” expressed because of “the freedom with which certain rabbis and other Hebrews of importance with their people among the Polish Jews, and the other poorer classes of Israelites “ on the lower east side “marry and divorce members of their congregations without regard to the laws of the State of New York.”
1877: It was reported today that many Jewish immigrants from Russia and Poland do not trust the civil courts and look to their rabbis for decisions in legal matters.
1877: It was reported that there are 15 Jewish newspapers and/or magazines published in the United States.  One of them is printed in German and “others have German departments.”
1878: As New Orleans was in the grip of a Yellow Fever Epidemic, New York City Alderman Lewis received the following telegram from some of the prominent Jewish resident of New Orleans, LA:The following telegram from prominent Hebrew residents of New-Orleans was received today by Alderman Lewis: “Sickness, disease and suffering among the poor increasing daily.  Our funds are nearly exhausted in this sad calamity.  We deem it our melancholy duty to appeal to the sympathies of our brethren throughout the United States for speedy aid.”
1879(30th of Av, 5639): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1879: The Commissioner of Emigration took the three Neumann brothers – Joseph,10; Ignatz,8; Max, 7 – to Justice Flammer to the Police Court in the Tombs.  He “committed them to a Hebrew charitable insitutio to be educated and cared for.”  Peter Groden of Castle Garden had found the three boys huddled together three weeks ago in Battery Park where they were trying to sleep.  They said their mother had died and they had no food and not place to go.  Groden took them to the Emigration Commissioners who found out that that the boys’ father “had abandoned them and gone to the West.” Since there were no other friends or relatives, the court system was the only other alternative.

1879: “Mysteries of the Royal Arch” published today described he connection between the Masons and the ancient Hebrews including the fact that their initiation room “is a representation of the tabernacle erect on the old site of the Temple” built in the time of Haggai, Joshua and Zerubbabel.
1881:It was reported today that based on figures  collected in Germany, there are 6,139,662 Jews living in the world.  Of these, over 5 million live in Europe and slightly more than 300,000 live in America.  In Europe Russia, with 2,552,594 has the most Jews and Norway with 34 has the fewest.
1882: Two Russian Jewish girls named Mary and Hannah Rabeteck arrived in New York from Hamburg aboard the SS Cimbria.  The two girls who are aged 6 and 8 respectively, claim they have an uncle with the same last name living in the city, but do not know his first name so they will have to stay at Castle Garden for the time being.

1882: Burglars stole $250 worth of materials from the workshop of Meyer Norden on Broome Street in New York.  Norden is Jewish and his shop is closed on Saturday which appears to be why the thieves chose today to steal the silk and velvet cloth.

1882: “Obreight To Be Released” published today described the travails of Samuel Obreight whose family has had him confined to an asylum because he was “a lunatic” – a contention they based, in part, on “the indignation of his Jewish relatives at his marriage to a Christian woman.”
1883: “Murderer Disappointed” published today described the failed attempt by Theodore Hoffman to escape from prison.  Hoffman is sentenced to die for murdering Zife Marks, a Jewish peddler, who worked the area around Port Chester, NY.

1884(28th of Av, 5644): Seventy-five year old Jacob Strauss passed away.  Born in Frankort, he has lived in New Orleans for the last 50 years where he engaged in money-lending.  At the time of his death, he lived on Carondolet Street.
1887: Gus Katz and Emanuel Sturm of Clinton, Illinois, each contributed $1.00 to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

1887: A hearse sent by the United Hebrew Charities took the body of Julius Weisbaden from the morgue to the Marble Cemetery in New York where it was interred without flowers or services.

1888(12th of Elul, 5648: Eighty-year old  historian Meyer Isler who earned a doctorate and then began teaching at the school founded by his father Israel Abraham Meyer passed away today in Hamburg.

1889: The funeral of Lewis Arnheim, a member of the Georgia State Legislature took place in Atlanta today. He is survived by his wife, the former Ida Mayer, daughter of David Mayer and two children.

1890: Justice Duffy has ordered Samuel Cohen to be held for trial on charges of falsely representing himself at he received five dollars from Morris Beckwitz who thought he was making a contribution to the Hebrew Aid Society.

1891: In Brussels, the International Socialist Workmen’s Congress adopted a resolution “condemning both anti-Semitism and Jewish financial tyranny.”

1891: “Goldwin Smith and the Tribal God of the Jews” published today included J.S. Moore’s expression of dissatisfaction with Goldwin Smith’s contention that the Jews only worship a tribal God and “that there is no hope for the Jews as to their social position as long as they adhere to this tribal God.’ (Smith was a British born anti-Semitic Canadian history professor)
1892: A hearing will be held today in response to a complaint filed by Meyer Reinherz an agent of the United Hebrew Charities against Edward Pollock who allegedly attacked him.

1893: Throughout the Lower East Side, an area occupied by Russian and Polish Jewish thousands of circulars printed in Hebrew calling on “Workingmen!!  Organized and Not Organized!  All Suffering and Wretched Ones!” to bring their wives and children to attend a mass meeting at Union Square to be held this evening.

1893: Charles Wilfred, a self-described “anarchist-communist” who had worked with Jewish tailors during their strike in London addressed a meeting at Thalia Hall which was held to celebrate the release of Emma Goldman from Blackwell’s Island.

1895: Eleven year old Sarah Russell, who had appeared in the Court of Sessions on three charges of pickpocketing, was sent to the Hebrew Juvenile Asylum because she “was not properly cared for at home” and could “receive proper training”

1896: It was reported today that the bands of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Orphan Asylum will perform at The Summernight’s Festival

1897: Julies Harburger and Raphael Rosenberg of the Independent Order Free Sons of Israel have expressed their support for New York Mayor William Strong to become the first mayor “Greater New York” (what we call New York City).

1897: “Charity Funds Squandered” published today described a letter that “J.S. Koenigsberg, the Secretary of the Jewish Society of Denver” received from Edwin W. Wallace the American Consul at Jerusalem  claiming that funds sent for indigent American Jews who have moved to Palestine “to spend their last days”  are being “squandered by the native Jews who live in luxury.”
1899: “Picquart Gives His Evidence” published today described the five hours of the Colonel’s testimony in which he proved details of the plots against Dreyfus and confronts Generals Roget and Mercier.
1899: Joseph Weiler conducted an action today that raised over $200 to aid the Hebrew Sanitarium of Rockaway, New York.

1899: In Rennes, three witnesses, all “enemies of Dreyfus – Major Cuignet, Gener de Bolsdeffre and General Gonse –“testified from 6:30 until 11 A.M.  Their testimony was mainly a reiteration of the evidence they had given before.”

1900:Abe, The Little Hebrew" Attell’s fought his first fight today. He knocked out Kid Lennett in two rounds. His mother, who strongly opposed Attell's idea of being a boxer, later became one of Attell's staunchest supporters, even betting on her son to win. He gained the nickname "The Little Hebrew" in these early fights.

1906: The newly formed Hebrew Congregation of Cuba changed its name to the United Hebrew Congregation (UHC) of Cuba, and Robert Diamond was elected treasurer. The pressing need for a Jewish cemetery was unfortunately highlighted a month later when Diamond passed away suddenly. Joseph Steinberg was appointed the new treasurer.

1910: In Asia Minor, Ritual murder charges were raised against Jews in Aiden.

1911:Anti-Jewish riots began in Tredegar, New South Wales, Great Britain.  This was the worst outbreak of anti-Semitic violence to take place in the British Isles in modern times.  The riots came at the end of miners’ strike and were so intense that the Home Secretary invoked the Riot Act and called for the military to control the attackers.

1914: At the beginning of WW I Albert Einstein, the recently appointed director of the Institute of Physics writes from Berlin, “Europe, in her insanity, has started something almost unbelievable.  In such times one realizes to what a sad species of animal one belongs. I quietly pursue my peaceful studies and contemplations and feel only pit and disgust.

1914: Birthdate of Rose Heilbron who became the first woman judge to sit at the Old Bailey in London.

1916: “Motion Picture Publicity Men Organize” published today described the founding of the Association of Motion Pictures whose original members included Frohman Amusement Company, Paramount Pictures,  Adolph Zukor’s  Famous Players Film Company and Ben Schulberg.

1917(1st of Elul, 5677): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1918: Birthdate of Sy Gomberg, an Oscar-nominated film screenwriter and producer who taught screenwriting to University of Southern California students for over ten years.

1919: According to summary of the bequests of the late Ludwig Dreyfus the United Hebrew Charities will receive $627,000 and the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies will receive $210,000.

1919: Afghanistan gains full independence from the United Kingdom. Jews have lived in what is now known as Afghanistan for more than two thousand years before the last family fled while the Taliban held sway in Kabul.

1920: In Manhattan Louis and Martha Peskin Wershba gave birth to “Joseph Wershba, who as a CBS television reporter working with Edward R. Murrow revealed the story of Lt. Milo Radulovich, whose dismissal from the Air Force because of his relatives’ leftist leanings became a symbol of the anti-Communist witch hunts of the 1950’s.”  (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1921: Birthdate of Gene Rodenberry, the creator of sci-fi cult his “Star Trek” staring those two Jewish spacemen – William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock.

1925: In Cracow, Hirsch and Mita (Rosenbaum) Karmel to Ilona Karmel, the Holocaust survivor who wrote Stephania and An Estate of Memory

1926:  Birthdate of businessman Arthur Rock, the man who supposedly coined the term “venture capitalism.”
1928: The conference of the Mizrachi World Organization is scheduled to open in Danzig (As reported by JTA)
1929: Following attacks by Arabs on Jews praying at the Western Wall Erev Shabbat and other attacks on Jews in Jerusalem, a meeting was held last night at the home of Professor Joseph Klausner, the chairman of the Pro-Wailing Wall Committee.  The committee decided to issue an appeal to the Christian world describing the attacks and asking for intervention on behalf of the Jews.  “We ask to be given back what has always been ours, that which saturated with the blood and tears of hundred and thousands of the children of Israel.  Christians throughout the world, you know and realize the meaning of religious sanctity, you who know how to respect century-old traditions and painful longing for sacred religious shrines, please intervene and help us recover the Western Wall, so sacred and holy to us.”
1933: In Toronto, Mayor Stewart forbids display of swastika in the city.
1933: In Santiago, Zionist-Socialist party is organized in connection with the campaign for Labor Palestine that has raised 15,000 pesos.
1933:The Jiidische Rundschau, official organ of the German Zionist Federation, is suspended for six months because it replied editorially to an attack on the Zionist Congress by Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi leader.
1934: A plebiscite in Germany approved the vesting of sole executive power in Adolf Hitler as Fuhrer.
1935:More than 2,400 delegates from forty-three countries had registered here tonight for the opening of the nineteenth biennial Zionist Congress being held in Lucerne, Switzerland.

1937: The British government recommended to the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations that if the Royal (Peel) partition plan is accepted, a provisional cantonization of Palestine should be imposed during the transitional period, immediately after the termination of the Mandate. If such an arrangement would not be possible, an alternative was suggested, namely that two separate Mandates should be held, one for the Jewish, and one for the Arab state.

1938: Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, announced today that Great Britainhas issued 825 certificates for the immediate transfer to Palestine of Jewish children from Germanyand Poland.

1938:Switzerland closes its borders to Jews fleeing Nazi persecution in Austria.

1939:In an impassioned speech frequently interrupted by hecklers, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland, Ohio, appealed today to the delegates attending the twenty-first session of the World Zionist Congress here to do nothing that might bring the Jews in Palestineinto conflict with the British Government.

1940: Malvina Parnes, age 11, saw the Statue of Liberty from the deck of the Quanza, a Portuguese cargo ship.  Parnes and her family were fleeing from Hitler’s Europeand were allowed entry into the United States thanks to the personal intervention of Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the President of the United States.
1941: Einsatzkommando8 as well as local collaborators in Mogilev, Belorussia, kill more than 3000 Jews.

1942: An allied force crosses the English Channel in what came to be known as the Dieppe Raid. One thousand troops, mostly Canadian perished in this ill-begotten venture.  It proved to the English and the Americans that a cross-channel invasion of Europewas going to be a very difficult task that would take massive amounts of man and supplies.  More importantly for the Jews of Europe whose only hope of survival lay in liberation, such a landing would be at least a year if not more in the making.  In fact almost two years would pass between the disaster at Dieppeand the success at Normandy.  Unfortunately for most of the Jews of Europe this necessary two year hiatus meant death on an unheard of scale.

1942: Nazis murder the children of the Rembertów (Poland) Ghetto. The town's adult Jews, more than 1000, are assembled for deportation to the Treblinka death camp. About 300 of the people are ordered eastward along the road to Wesola. Before they walk a mile, the 300 are murdered. The 700 who remain are ordered to march south, and as the group passes the town of Anin, one woman melts into a crowd of non-Jewish Polish onlookers and escapes. Forty-five others are machine-gunned at Anin, ostensibly because they attempted escape. Hours later the marchers reach the ghetto at Falenica, where Jews already have been forcibly assembled; those who are discovered in hiding are shot. Inside the ghetto, two Jews resist, using an axe to kill the first German who steps through the doors of their apartment.
1942 At the Belzec extermination camp, 700 to 800 Jews herded into a gas chamber wait in torment for nearly three hours until a balky diesel engine can be started and the chamber filled with deadly exhaust. SS gas/disinfectant expert but anti-Nazi Kurt Gerstein is on hand to observe
1942: For four days 17,000 Jews from Lutsk, Ukraine, are taken to Polanka Hill and executed.
1942: Esther "Etty" Hillesum went to visit her parents at Deventer for the last time.
1942: In Bar, Ukraine, 3,000 Jews were herded together and held without food or water while in a nearby cemetery the Nazis murdered 1,742 Jews. (Jewish Virtual Library)
1942: Today, “the remaining 43 Jews” living in Laupheim were transported to Theresienstadt, marking the end of 200 years of Jewish habitation in this German town.
1943: The Treblinka death camp receives its final trainload of Jewish deportees. They come from Bialystok, Poland.
1944: The Liberation of Paris begins as the Resistance in Paris rises against German occupation with the help of Allied troops. The long nightmare for the Jews of France is about to end.  Jews played an active part in the Resistance.  Contrary to the popular myth, a significant portion of the French population collaborated with the Nazis and the Vichy French worked tirelessly to ship French Jews to the death camps.
1951:A four year agricultural development plan costing $610,000,000 and designed to feed an Israeli population of 2,000,000 was introduced to the World Zionist Congress today by Levi Eshkol, treasurer of Jewish Agency Executive, Israel...

1952: The Knesset voted by 70 to 11 for an increase in the period of compulsory military service to 30 months.

1952: The S.S. Negba brought 112 immigrants from Hungary and 222 from North Africa to Israel. According to the new arrivals there were some 100,000 Jews left in Hungary, 80 percent of them in Budapest.

1952: Officials in Washingtonagreed with Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion that the solution of Arab-Jewish difficulties would be of great economic benefit to both sides and certainly help toward strengthening peace in the world. The US State Department had made it clear in numerous background announcements that it did not believe the Arabs could be returned to their former homes in Israel. It felt, however, that some compensation ­ although not complete ­ for the dispossessed might considerably ease the tension.

1953: The Knesset passed a law establishing the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority known as Yad Vashem (a monument and a memorial) which takes it name from a verse from Isaiah

1953: Israel's parliament conferred Israeli citizenship posthumously on all Jews killed by the Nazis during the years of the Holocaust (1933-45) in Europe.
1953: An Arab terrorist from Gaza killed a restaurant owner in Ashkelon severely injured his 25 year old daughter.
1955:  Birthdate of actor Peter Gallagher

1956:  Birthdate of actor Alan Arkin

1957(22nd of Av, 5717):  English born artist David Bomberg passed away.

1959(15th of Av, 5719): Seventy-eight year old Jacob Epstein an American-born sculptor who worked chiefly in England, where he pioneered modern sculpture, often producing controversial works that challenged taboos concerning what public artworks appropriately depict passed away today.

1960: As the U.S.Presidential elections get underway an announcement is made that Senator John F. Kennedy, the Democratic nominee for President will address the upcoming sixty-third annual convention of The Zionist Organization of America.

1960(26th of Av, 5720):Seventy two year old Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier an English historian passed away. http://www.history.ac.uk/makinghistory/historians/namier_lewis.html
1962: Birthdate of Julius Genachowski “an American lawyer and businessman” who became Federal Communications Commission Chairman during the first year of Obama’s presidency.

1963: “Syrian forces murdered two civilians in Almagor,” a moshav north of the Lake Kinneret.

1969: The hippie happening called Woodstock that was held on the farm owned by Jewish dairyman Max B. Yasgur, came to an end.  [Among the youthful attendees were a Jewish doctor now living in Texas and a Jewish dentist in Arkansas whose name will not divulged as mark of respect for their positions in their respective communities.]

1975:Hadassah announces that it will increase its youth centers in Israel to integrate Jewish children of Middle Eastern and African backgrounds who pose serious social and educational problems in the Jewish state

1977(5th of Elul, 5737):  Comedian Groucho Marx passed away.  When told that he had been rejected for member ship in a club because he was Jewish, Marx replied,“I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.”
1979: Andrew Young, who resigned last week as chief United States delegate to the United Nations, “characterized as ‘kind of foolish’ the United States policy of shunning contacts with the Palestine Liberation Organization…”  While being interviewed on Face the Nation, “Young called the Government of Israel ‘stubborn and intransigent’ for their policy concerning negotiations with the PLO.
1980(7th of Elul, 5740): Otto Heinrich Frank passed away.  Born in 1889, he gained fame as the father of Anne Frank.
1990:  Leonard Bernstein conducted his final concert, the Koussevitzky Memorial concert at Tanglewood. The performance included Britten's Three Sea Interludes, LB's Arias & Barcarolles (Carl St. Clair, conductor) and Beethoven's Symphony No. 7.
1991: Around 8:00 p.m. this evening, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the international leader and Rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch movement was returning to his home in Crown Heights, Brooklyn after a visit to the Old Montefiore Cemetery in adjacent Queens when there was a fatal accident that resulted in the death of seven-year-old Gavin Cato, the son of Guyanese immigrants. Charles Price and other demagogues harangued the angry crowd touching off several days of what can only be described as a race riot.
1991(9th of Elul, 5751): Three hours after seven year old Gavin Cato was killed in automobile accident involving vehicles driven by Lubavitch Chasidim, Yankel Rosenbaum--a 29-year-old Jewish student from Australia--was killed by a group consisting mostly of neighborhood youth, in what would be interpreted as a retaliatory slaying wrapped in the robes of anti-Semitism.
1991: During the “August Coup,” Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev is placed under house arrest while on holiday in the town of Foros, Crimea. The coup failed and hastened the collapse of the Soviet Union.  The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a wave of immigration to Israel.  It also made possible the re-vitalization of Jewish Communities throughout most of the republics that had made up the Communist Empire.
2001(30th of Av, 5761): Rosh Chodesh Elul
2001: Israeli premiere of  “The Switch” co-starring Jeff Goldblum with a script by Allan Loeb.
2001: The New York Times book section featured reviews of The Darkness and the Light by Jewish poet Anthony Hecht and How Charles Shavers Died And Other Poems by Jewish poet Harvey Shapiro
2001: In an article entitled “City Lore; The Little Red Summer Camp,” Ivy Meeropol reminisces about her summers at Kinderland a camp that  was founded in 1923 by secular Jews active in the New York City trade union movement, most of whom were Communists or socialists.  
2003(21st of Av, 5763): "Twenty-three people, including two small children and two infants, were murdered and 134 wounded when a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated himself on a #2 Egged bus in Jerusalem’s Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. The victims: Avraham Bar-Or, 12, of Jerusalem; Binyamin Bergman, 15, of Jerusalem; Yaakov Binder, 50, of Jerusalem; Feiga Dushinski, 50, of Jerusalem; Miriam Eisenstein, 20, of Bnei Brak; Lilach Kardi, 22, of Jerusalem; Menachem Leibel, 24, of Jerusalem; Elisheva Meshulami, 16, of Bnei Brak; Tehilla Nathanson, 3, of Zichron Ya’acov; Chava Nechama Rechnitzer, 19, of Bnei Brak; Mordechai Reinitz, 49, and Issachar Reinitz, 9, of Netanya; Maria Antonia Reslas, 39, of the Philippines; Liba Schwartz, 54, of Jerusalem; Hanoch Segal, 65, of Bnei Brak; Goldie Taubenfeld, 43, and Shmuel Taubenfeld, 3 months, of New Square, New York; Rabbi Eliezer Weisfish, 42, of Jerusalem; Shmuel Wilner, 50, of Jerusalem; Shmuel Zargari, 11 months, of Jerusalem. Fruma Rahel Weitz, 73, of Jerusalem, Mordechai Laufer, 27, and Tova Lev, 37, each  died later as a result of the wounds they sustained during the attack.As reported by TIP – The Israeli Project)

2005(14th of Av, 5765): Eighty-seven year old Dutch comedian Abraham ('Appie') Bueno de Mesquita passed away.  Born in 1918, he escaped Auschwitz when he was chosen to play the cello by the Nazi camp commander in Mechelen, Belgium.  This episode provided the title for his autobiography; Cello met één snaar (Cello with one string).
2005(14th of Av, 5765):David Sky, owner of the Rabbi L. Sky Bookstore passed away.  The store was started by his father in Newark in 1904 and was one of the "pioneering Judaica stores in the US where" Jewish New Years cards were sold for the first time.  The store moved to Maplewood in 1970.  His widow sold the store in 2008.
2005:Pope Benedict XVI, who was drafted into the German Army during World War II, visited a synagogue in Cologne on Friday that had been destroyed by the Nazis and warned of a growing anti-Semitism that he called a "reason for concern and vigilance."[What follows is a detailed description of this historic event]
"Today, sadly, we are witnessing the rise of new signs of anti-Semitism and various forms of a general hostility toward foreigners," the pope said in a reverent hour-long visit to the Colognesynagogue on his first trip abroad. "The Catholic Church is committed - and I affirm this again today - to tolerance, respect, friendship and peace between all peoples, cultures and religions."

The visit - punctuated by the ancient call of the Shofar, the ram's horn - was freighted with history, with a German who had taken part unwillingly in the Hitler Youth as a boy becoming only the second pope to visit a synagogue. Unlike his predecessor, John Paul II, who often spoke of his own life in Poland during World War II, Benedict did not mention his own experiences during the war, sticking mostly to his prepared text with a notable exception: He inserted the word "love" in a sentence whose text on paper said Jews and Catholics "need to show respect for each other."

But he was greeted with great warmth by 500 people in the synagogue, which was destroyed during the Kristallnacht pogrom in 1938, after which 11,000 Jews who lived here were killed. It was rebuilt in 1959, and Jews in Cologne now number 5,000. "If someone told me 45 years ago, 'You are going to be in Cologne, and the pope will visit you in a synagogue,' I wouldn't have believed it," Paul Spiegel, the leader of Germany's Jews, told reporters later. "We have come a long way in mutual support and in mutual understanding and, as the pope said, in mutual love."

Mr. Spiegel called the visit "truly historic," words echoed by the pope's spokesman, Joaquín Navarro-Valls, who said Benedict himself had asked for the meeting. He said it was "an event of historic significance: a German pope, who was on his first official trip, himself took the initiative for the visit." The visit was an interreligious detour on Benedict's four-day visit here as part of the 20th World Youth Day, which has attracted hundreds of thousands of young Catholics from around the world. Benedict, 78, who has pledged to make understanding between religions a centerpiece of his papacy, is also scheduled to visit Muslim leaders in Cologneon Sunday.

Germany is the home to 3.5 million Muslims, most of them Turkish, and since the Sept. 11, 2001attacks, and again after the bombings in London last month, many European Muslims say they are being eyed with increasing suspicion. Although Benedict spoke of "hostility" toward foreigners, he did not elaborate. In his speech at the synagogue, he noted the long history of Jews in Cologne, who have lived here since Roman times. The synagogue is the oldest north of the Alps. He said that while Jews and Christians had at times lived together peacefully, he noted the expulsion of Jews from Colognein 1424. "And in the 20th century, in the darkest period of German and European history, an insane racist ideology, born of neo-paganism, gave rise to the attempt, planned and systematically carried out by the regime, to exterminate European Jewry," he said. He then spoke of the efforts of John Paul to rebuild relations between Catholics and Jews, many of whom have accused the church of inaction during World War II. Among other steps, John Paul became the first pope to visit a synagogue, in Romein 1986. Partly quoting John Paul, Benedict said, "The terrible events of that time must 'never cease to rouse consciences, to resolve conflicts, to inspire the building of peace.'"And while he said relations had improved much in recent years, he added: "Much still remains to be done. We must come to know one another much more and much better." He called for a "sincere and trustful" dialogue between Catholics and Jews. One issue of contention between Jews and Catholics rose during the visit: Abraham Lehrer, president of the Colognecongregation, said it would be "a good thing" for the Vatican to open up all its archives from World War II. The Vatican has opened the archives until the year 1939, but many Jewish groups would like to explore the records relating to Pope Pius XII, accused of remaining silent during the Holocaust. There was no mention on either side of a bitter diplomatic spat between Israel and the Vatican: last month, after the Londonbombings, Israelaccused Benedict of deliberately omitting a mention of a suicide bombing against Israelis in a list of terror attacks that the pope had recounted in a sermon. The Vaticanfired back, calling some of Israel's retaliatory attacks against Palestinians contrary to international law. Mr. Spiegel said he felt that the problem was a diplomatic one, not important to talk about during the visit.

"This is an issue that has to be settled between the state of Israel and the Vatican," he told reporters at a news conference. Mr. Navarro-Valls, the pope's spokesman, added at the same news conference that the "issue has been settled, more or less."
2005: Former Russian billionaire and oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky announced that he was on a hunger strike in protest at his friend and associate Platon Lebedev's placement in the punishment cell of the jail. According to Khodorkovsky, Lebedev had Diabetes mellitus and heart conditions, and keeping him in the punishment cell would be equivalent to murder

2006(25th of Av, 5766): Lt. Col. Emanuel A. Moreno of Moshav Tlamim was killed in a daring commando raid designed to stop the shipment of weapons from Syria into Lebanon for use by Hezbollah.  Moreno is survived by his wife Maya, their three children, his parents and three brothers. 
2007: A retrospective of the works of Frida Kahlo which had been mounted to celebrate the centenary of her birth comes to a close at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City.
2007: The Sunday Washington Post book section reviewed Amy Bloom’s new novel Away, featuring Lillian Leyb a desperate young Jewish woman, fresh off the boat who has fled the pogroms of Russia, trying to make her way in New York during the mid-1920s and Jews and Power by Ruth R. Wisse the eighth title in a lively and distinguished series, "Jewish Encounters," that has taken a fresh look at such diverse figures in Jewish history as King David, the 12th-century rabbi and physician Maimonides, the 17th-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza and the U.S. boxer and World War II hero Barney Ross.
2007: The Sunday New York Times book section reviewed The Prince of Darkness by Robert D. Novak, the Washington columnist who was raised Jewish but converted to Catholicism in 1998, Off the Record by Norman Pearlstine and UM by Michael Erard author of “The Geek Guide to Kosher Machines.”
2008: In Little Rock, AR at the Chabad House, third and final session of From Ruins to Glory, a course of study based on a virtual tour of the Holy Temple.

2008: President Obama appointed Dan Shaprio as Senior Policy Advisor and Jewish Outreach Coordinator
2008(19th of Av, 5768): Binyamin Gibli, a sabra born a Petah Tikva in 1919 who served as head of Israeli Military Intelligence passed away.
2008:US Airways announced today plans to operate nonstop service between its Philadelphia hub and Tel Aviv, Israel, as the carrier moves to expand its international service.
2008: The series “Modern Marvels: Jewish Adventures in the Graphic Novel” explores The Rabbi’s Cat by Joan Sfaar
2009:Amy Schapiro reads from and discusses Millicent Fenwick: Her Way, her biography of the late New Jersey congresswoman, as part of the United States Capitol Historical Society's "August Brown Bag Lecture Series" at the VFW Building.

2009:Knesset speaker Reuven Rivlin is scheduled to convene a special session of the Knesset House Committee to address the recent wave of violence in Israel. Police, government officials and other law enforcement officials are scheduled to attend.
2009(29th of Av, 5769): Eighty-six year old Don Hewitt, the creator of “60 Minutes” passed away today. (As reported by Jacques Steinberg)

2009:In another sign of the strong defense ties between Israel and India, the government-owned Rafael defense company has secured a $1 billion deal to sell advanced surface-to-air missiles to the Indian Armed Forces.  
2010: Tel Aviv native,Paula Valstein, is scheduled to perform at the Highline Ballroom in New York City.
2010:The International Mathematical Union awarded the prestigious Field's Medal to mathematician and Hebrew University professor Elon Lindenstrauss  at its quadrennial International Congress of Mathematics in Hyderabad, India. The Field's Medal, regarded as the Nobel Prize of mathematics.
2010: Funeral services are to held today for Harold Shpeena longtime dentist and former president of the Jewish Federation of South Jersey.
2011: JCC Maccabi Games are scheduled to come to an end in Philadelphia, PA and Springfield, MA.
2011: As her bat mitzvah weekend begins, Gabriella “Gavi” Thalblum is scheduled to help lead Friday night services at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
2011: The 31stInternational conference on Jewish Genealogy is scheduled to come to an end.
2011:World-renowned solo performer Yael Rasooly is scheduled to present the U.S. Premiere of her award winning show Paper Cut tonight as part of the New York International Fringe Festival.
2011:Friends and family of those killed in yesterday's terror attacks near Eilat gathered to pay their respects today as funerals took place across the country.  Hundreds of people gathered at Mount Herzl Cemetery for the funeral of 49-year-old Paskal Avrahami, a member of the YAMAM Counter-terrorism Unit who was killed yesterday evening during a firefight with terrorists north of Eilat on the border with Egypt. He was married and had three children.  In Holon, friends and family gathered this afternoon for the funeral of Yossef Levy, 57, who was killed during the attacks while returning home from a vacation in the South with his wife, who was also injured. Earlier this morning at Mount Herzl the funeral took place of St.-Sgt. Moshe Naftali, who was also killed  responding to the terrorist attacks near Eilat.
2011:The IAF launched an airstrike late tonight against a terrorist cell in the central Gaza Strip after the cell fired a rocket into Israeli territory, the IDF Spokesman's Office said in a statement.
2012: Susan Katzir is scheduled to facilitate a “Make Your Own Tallit workshop” at Temple Shalom in Auburn, Maine
2012: The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is scheduled to host a special screening of “Elusive Justice,” a PBS documentary that recounts the decades long struggle to apprehend Nazi war criminals and place them on trial for crimes against humanity.
2012: “Soul Doctor,” a musical about Shlomo Carlebach, is scheduled to have its final performance today at the New York Theater Workshop.
2012: The New York Times featured reviews of two books of special interest to Jewish readers – The General, Jonathan Fenby’s biography of de Gaulle, the French leader who stood against the Nazis and redefined the Franco-Israeli relationship after the Six Day War and The Twilight War, David Crist’s history of the conflict with Iran over the last 30 years.
2012(1st of Elul, 5772): Rosh Chodesh Elul – Sound the shofar for the first time
2012: A musical version “The Nutty Professor” with a score by Marvin Hamlish that was produced and directed by Jerry Lewis was performed for the final time at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville.
2012:Vice Premier Moshe Ya'alon today described two violent attacks against Arabs ​​over the weekend in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem as "hate crimes" and "terrorist acts." He called the attacks "totally unacceptable and outrageous" and ascribed their incidence to a moral and educational failure that goes against Jewish ethics and values.
2012:Police detained four members of the Women of the Wall organization this morning for wearing tallitot (prayer shawls) at the Western Wall plaza. According to a 2001 law, it is illegal for women to perform religious practices traditionally done by men in Orthodox Jewish practice at the Western Wall, such as reading from a Torah scroll, wearing tefillin or a tallit, or blowing a shofar.
2013(13th of Elul, 5773): Wedding anniversary of JewishPress.com Senior Internet Editor Yori Yanover
2013: The Center for Jewish and the American Sephardi Federation are scheduled to co-sponsor a presentation by Lori Sternfeld, “The Jewish Community In Iran from 1914 until the Revolution”
2013: Michael Fruend of Shavei is scheduled to speak about reconnection lost and hidden Jews to the Jewish people and the Land of Israel this evening at Beit Knesset Ma'alot David in Ma'ale Adumim.
2013: The Oxnard Film Society is scheduled to show “Fill the Void” at Oxnard, CA.

2013: Israeli and Jewish targets all over the world are likely to be sought out by terrorist organizations in the coming weeks, the Israeli government’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned in strikingly strident tones today, listing dozens of countries where it said it had “concrete” indications of a terrorist threat.  The threat is connected, in part, to the upcoming Jewish holiday season. (As reported by Gavriel Fiske)
2013: “Leading up to an end-of-the- week court-set deadline to clamp down on businesses operating on Shabbat, the Tel Aviv Municipality’s legal counsel said today it is still working on formulating the city’s official response. (As reported by Ben Hartman and Yonah Jeremy Bob)
2013: “Justice Minister Tzipi Livni announced late tonight that she had appointed renowned Prof. Ruth Gavison to draft a constitutional provision defining the exact dimensions of what it means for Israel to be a “Jewish and democratic state.” (As reported by Yonah Jeremy Bob)
2013: “The Nazi Hunter: Remarkable story of the Jewish refugee responsible for tracking down the Auschwitz commandant who slaughtered 3million people” published today described the role Hanns Alexander played “in the hunt for Auschwitz commander Rudolph Hoss.”

2014: The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide is scheduled to host an Online Resource User-Testing Focus Group as part of its efforts to respond to the digitization of more and more historical archives.

2014: New Jersey Rabbi David Wax who “pleaded guilty to kidnapping charges as part of a scheme to force an Israeli man to give his wife a get” is scheduled to be sentenced today. (As reported by JTA and The Jewish Daily Forward)


This Day, August 20, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


August 20

430: The Vandals, a Germanic tribe, established a kingdom in North Africa.  The Jews lived there peacefully and flourished until the Almohad conquest in the 11th century.

636: Arab forces defeat the Byzantine Christians at the Battle of Yarmuk.  This battle fought only four years after the death of Mohammed opened the road the road to Damascus.  After seizing Syria, the Arabs under Khalid bin Walid turned south and took Jerusalem and all of the territory that is now Jordan and Israel.  This area had been under control of the Christian Byzantine Empire.  The victory at Yarmuk led to the first great wave of Moslem conquest that would sweep across Egypt, North Africa and across the Mediterranean to Spain. Conditions for the Jews improved compared to life under the Byzantines.  The Golden Age of Spain was the ultimate high point of this change.  But life under Islam was uneven for Jews and they suffered in many different areas depending upon which group of Islamists was in control.

917: Tsar Simeon I of Bulgaria decisively defeated a Byzantine army at the Battle of Acheloos. This was a plus for the Jews since Jews had been moving to the Bulgarian Empire since the 7th century to avoid the persecution they were enduring under the Byzantines.

1000: The foundation of the Hungarian state, Hungary is established as a Christian kingdom by Stephen I of Hungary. Archaeological evidence indicates the existence of Jews in Pannonia and Dacia, who came there in the wake of the Roman legions. Jewish historical tradition, however, only mentions the Jews in Hungary from the second half of the 11th century, when Jews from Germany, Bohemia, and Moravia settled there. In 1092, at the council of Szabolcs, the Church prohibited marriages between Jews and Christians, work on Christian festivals, and the purchase of slaves. King Koloman protected the Jews in his territory at the end of the 11th century.

1100:Using the Venetian fleet, Tancred and Daimbert conquer Haifa during the first crusade.

1153: Bernard of Clairvaux, the monk known as St. Bernard who laid down principles in how to deal with Jews at the time of the Second Crusade passed away today. He believed that Jews should not physically attacked but were to be punished by being forced to wander the world until they were ultimately converted.  At the same time, he followed the party line when it came to “stealing from the Jews” by agreeing that those who went on Crusade did not have to pay their debts.

1559: Connation of Frederick as King of Denmark and Norway who barred Jews from his realm when in 1569 he “ordered that all foreigners in Denmark had to affirm their commitment to 25 articles of faith central to Lutheranism on pain of deportation, forfeiture of all property, and death.”

1642: The ashes of Ferdiand Francis, a converted Bohemian Jew whose original name was Chaim or Joachim, were cast into the Danuabe at Vienna.  He was alledged to have been the author of “Toldoth Jeshu” for which he was condemned to be hung.  Just before he was to die, Francis renounced his conversion to Christianity for which he was horribly tortured before he finally died. 

1656: Parliamentary diarist Thomas Burton was re-elected to the House of Commons. Burton’s diary which provided a record of Parliamentary proceedings for three years (1656-1659) includes an entry on the relationship between Cromwell and Jewish merchants including Antonio Fernandez Carvajal

“The Jews, those able and general intelligencers whose intercourse with the Continent Cromwell had before turned to profitable account, he now conciliated by a seasonable benefaction to their principal agent [Carvajal] resident in England.”

1671: Leopold I revoked the decree he had issued in April expelling the Jews from the portion Hungary controlled by the Habsburgs.  

1684: A riotous mob attacked the ghetto of Buda (that's the half of Budapest that is on the right bank of the Danube, which was joined with Peston the left bank in 1873). During the war between Venice and Turkey, the Jews were accused of praying for the Turks in their attack on Budapest. In actuality, it was the 9th of Av and all the Jews were in the synagogue mourning the destruction of the temple. Soon after, the attack on the Jewish ghetto began. When the gates were opened to allow for an emissary to the duke to leave, the crowd of attackers rushed in. As soon as the authorities heard about the disturbances, an order to forcibly curb them was given. That day of the order became a day of thanksgiving. In gratitude to G-d for being spared serious injury, the Jews celebrated Buda Purim on the 10th of Elul. This date became known as Purim Buda – Buda as in Budapest.

1771: Birthdate of Schonche Rothschild, first child of A.M. Rothschild.

1806: The Assembly of Notables presented their collective response to Napoleon’s questions.

1807: Rothschild writes to his son Nathan in Englandthat he has sold all the English goods sent to him at a considerable profit.

1820: Birthdate of German physician Ferdinand Falkson.

1826: “A new edict from Pope Leo XII forbids Jews from leaving their ghetto in Rome without a written permit from the Criminal Tribunal. While outside the ghetto, Jews are forbidden from speaking in a ‘familiar way’ with Christians.” (As reported by Austin Cline)

1833: Birthdate of Benjamin Harrison, 23rd President of the United States. As President, Harrison had Secretary of State James G. Blaine issue instructions to the American minister to Russia to “exert his influence” to stop Czar Alexander III from implementing his draconian anti-Jewish regulations.  In 1891, a Christian minster from Illinois named William E. Blackstone “presented a Memorial to” President Benjamin and his Secretary of State “which called upon them to exert their influence with the powers of Europe ‘to secure the holding, at any early date, of an international conference to consider the condition of the Israelites and their claims to Palestine as their ancient home.’”

1839 While relaxing at Boulogne, Giacomo Meyerbeer met for the first time with Richard Wagner for the first time at which time Wagner read to Meyerbeer from the libretto of “Rienzi” and Meyerbeer agreed to look through the score which he subsequently recommended for performance at Dresden
1845: Thirty three year old author and editor Rufus Wilmot Griswold married Charlotte Myers, a 45 year old Jewess from Charleston, South Carolina.

1852:It was reported today that "the French counsel is still prosecuting a demand for the satisfaction for the murder of a Roman Catholic priest at Aleppo. It was believed for a long time he was murdered by Jews, but it is now said that the Counsel has evidence that he was murdered by members of the city police for his success in building a Christian church.”  The police were Moslems. The Jews were convenient by-standers. During the notorious Damascus Affair, Isaac de Picciotto, was accused of having offered to sell the priest’s blood to Jews living in Aleppo.  He was the nephew of Elias de Picciotto, a prominent member of the Aleppo Jewish community and the Austrian counsel.  This would be the last involvement of Aleppo with a Blood Libel.  In 1875, an Armenian boy went missing and the charge surfaced again.  Fortunately, he was found in a nearby village.

1852: It is reported that Lionel de Rothschild is planning to resign from the House of Commons since he has not been permitted to take his seat.

1856:In "English Celebrities" a column published today, the author provides a description of Benjamin Disraeli which includes the following, "Nor is his faithfulness to his friendships less remarkable than his devoted attention to his old and silly wife...as Disraeli says 'I owe her everything.  But some men forget these things. Not so Disraeli...at no party is he to be found without fat, middle-age, gray-haired lady, hanging on his arm.  But this domestic love is an essentially Jewish trait."

1860: Birthdate of Raymond Poincaré, the philo-Semitic French political leader who served as President of France during World War I.

1871: It was reported today that Rabbi Raphael D.C. Lewin who has served as spiritual leader for Mikveh Israel in Savannah and Temple Israel in Brooklyn, has expressed his displeasure with some of his colleagues in The New Era magazine.  According to Lewin, there is more to being a rabbi than “sermonizing…performing marriages, burying the dead and receiving large salaries and handsome presents.  Rabbis have a duty to educate their congregants about Jewish literature and beliefs.

1871: According to reports published today the Jewish Times contends that that the Chicago synagogue that fired Rabbi Herzman for eating ice cream had every right to do so.  Herzman had been engaged to lead an Orthodox congregation.  It was obvious from his behavior that he did not respect these views and the synagogue was well within its rights to remove the hypocrite.

1872: A review panning “The Bells” was published today.  “The Bells” is a one act play imported from France that centers around the consequences suffered by the protagonist for having murdered a Polish Jew.

1874: In Indianapolis, Indiana, George C. Harding, editor and proprietor of the Indianapolis Herald fired five shots at Sol Mortiz  a prominent Jewish merchant in broad daylight this afternoon. One of the shots shattered his left elbow and another passed through his lung and lodged in his chest.  The shooting took place after Harding found out that Mortiz had taken advantage of his 18 year old daughter.

1875: Birthdate of Shaul Tchernichovsky a Russian-born Hebrew poet considered one of the great Hebrew poets, identified with nature poetry, and as a poet greatly influenced by the culture of ancient Greece.

1879(1st of Elul, 5639): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1880: It was reported today that there “an ugly rumor” in England that “a now well-known firm of Hebrew jewelers emerged mysteriously from obscurity to importance in the trade within twelve months” of Lady Ellesmere being robbed while she en route visit the Queen at Windsor Castle.  The loss totaled $150,000. (Unsubstantiated claims like this were often more inidicative of ant-Semitism, envy or both)

1882: It was reported today that the Hebrew Union of Raleigh, NC, had contributed five dollars to the fund for the Garfield Memorial Hospital.

1884: Unidentified hooligans tried to burn down a building on Clinton Street that housed the grocery story own by Solomon Ellison.  The five story tenement was home to countless Jewish families. 

1887(30thof Av, 5647): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1887: Abraham Reiter of Greensburg, Indiana and A.B. Frank of San Antonio, TX each contributed $10.00 to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

1887: It was reported today that “there was tumult” among those who think they have a claim to Julius Weisbaden, the miser who died in Bellevue and was buried without any service.  The estate was thought to be worth $40,000 but it may be only worth $2,800.

1890: Isadore Loeb, Michel Erlanger, Dr. W. Lowenthal, C.E. Cullen, Colonel Vanivkeroy and Dr. E. Schwarzfeld attended a conference in the Paris residence of Baron de Hirsch to discuss the settlement of Jewish refugees in Argentina at the end of which Cullen, Lowenthall and Vanikeroy were appointed as a commission to visit the country with the expectation that they would submit a report within six months on the feasibility of the project.

1890: The Sanitarium for the Hebrew Children will host there next free excursion today.

1890: In Little Rock, AR, Miss Dora Vorminsky, a prominent Jewish socialite beat Louis Englander a Jew who worked as a clerk at Lasker Brothers’ with a cowhide whip because she had been told that he had made statements damaging to her reputation.

1891: Somebody known only as “E.S.W.” has sent $2 to the New York times “for destitute Jews.”

1891: “The Socialist Congress” published today described the meeting in Brussels where the delegates discussed labor’s attitude toward the “Jewish question” and anti-Semitism.  The Congress was ready to condemn anti-Semitism but it also deplored the that several of the oppressors of labor were Jews and Jewish bankers.

1893: Sh'chita was banned in Switzerland. In those cantons where there is a small Jewish population, “the Swiss Hebrews” have “unanimously” agreed to “abandon eating meat” and have “put themselves on a vegetarian and poultry diet.”(The ban is still in place and the Jewish community gets its meat from several different countries.)

1893: Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor opened today’s meeting of delegates from 30 labor organizations who looking for means to “relieve the distress among the unemployed workingmen” of New York who were enduring the Depression of 1893.

1893: Joseph Peel was arrested today on charges that he had poisoned the horses of Max Cooper and G. Feinberg, two Orthodox Jewish peddlers with whom he had been partners.

1893: It was reported that a mass meeting of the unemployed, socialists and anarchist  Joseph Barondees called for “the abolishment of prison labor” and Mayer Schoenfeld said “that the Jews would have to join with the other trade unions if they wanted to accomplish anything.”

1893: Between 1,500 and 1,800 people responded to the call of the Chicago Tailors’ Union for a mass meeting of the unemployed at Metropolitan Hall.  “The majority of the gathering was composed of Jews” with the rest being “Germans, Poles and Italians, with a few Americans.”

1894: It was reported today that Miss Maria V. Lawrence is the sole survivor of the late  Eugene Lawrence, the historian whose work included The Jews and Their Persecutors  and who was unmarried.

1895: The will of the late Joseph Lewis was filled in the Surrogate’s office today. According to the document, the residue of the estate valued at $20,000 is given to his widow for life and that upon her death the residue will go to his nieces including Julia D. Davis and Leontine Hepner and to his nephews including O.A. Lithauer.

1896: Birthdate of Jacob Glatstein, the Polish born American Yiddish poet and literary critic.

1896: The Summernight’s festival hosted by District Grand Lodge No.1, Independent Order Free Sons of Israel will take place today at Harlem River Park.

1897: Disturbances were begun today “by the fanatical opponents of the Jews in Pilsen, Boehmia.

1897: In New York, Myer S. Isaacs, the Secretary of the Palestine Society said “that he was sure there had been…no misappropriation of funds by Rabbi Salant” in the distribution of funds sent by American Jews to help their co-religionists in Jerusalem because he “is a man of the highest character.”

1899: “The Chuetas of Majorca” published today traced the history of the Chuetas, a 15th century group of persecuted Jewish refugees who had fled to Majorca for protection” and who appeared to embrace Catholicism.  Calling them Chuetas was a term of derision since that word is the diminutive for ’chuya’ the Majorcan word for bacon.  (Reminds one of the term marrano which means pig)

1899: “Zionists’ Congress Votes Down the Proposal of New York Delegates” published today described the decision of the Third Congress of Zionist to  reject a proposal to by two delegates from New York that Island of Cyprus should be the site of colonization by the Jews.

1901: The First Congress of Caucasus Zionists was held in Tbilisi. Rabbi David Baazov led Georgian Zionism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1903, Baazov attended the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basel.

1903: Barney Pelty pitched his first major league game as a member of the St. Louis Brown

1904: Birthdate of Judikje Simons, later Judikje Themans- Simons, one the Jewish members of the Dutch ladies’ gymnastic team which won the Gold at the 1928 Olympics. She and her husband, as well as her two children were murdered at Sobibor in 1943.

1912(7th of Elul, 5672):Walter Goodman, British painter, illustrator and author, passed away.

1915(9th of Elul, 5675): Paul Ehrlich, the man who discovered the treatment for syphilis, passed away. Born in Germany in 1854 Ehrlich gained famed for his work in immunology and chemotherapy.  He won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1901.  He received numerous honors from the German government.  He was 61 at the time of his death.

1915: Leo Frank “was buried” today “in the Mount Carmel Cemetery in Glendale, Queens, New York.

1917(2nd of Elul, 5677):Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer, known as Adolph von Baeyer, the first Jew to ever receive the Nobel Prize, passed away today. “Baeyer was a German chemist, acknowledged in 1905 for synthesizing dye indigo. He was also awarded the Davie Medal by the Royal Society of London in 1881, for his work with indigo. Baeyer was born on October 31, 1835, in Berlin, Germany. Initially, at the Berlin University, Baeyer studied mathematics and physics. Nevertheless, he soon discovered his passion for chemistry and transferred to Heidelberg to study with Robert Bunsen in 1856. Bunsen was a famous chemist, who is best known for perfecting the burner. In Heidelberg, Baeyer studied in the laboratory of August Kekule, a famous organic chemist. In 1858, Baeyer received his doctorate in chemistry from Berlin University. In 1871, he became a Professor at Strasbourg and, in 1875, Baeyer became the Chemistry Professor at the University of Munich. In addition to synthesizing dye indigo, some of Baeyer’s other achievements include the discovery of the phthanein dyes, investigation of polyacetylenes, oxonium salts, and uric acid derivatives. Bayer synthesized barbituic acid in 1864. This acid is used in surgery as a sedative or hypnotic. Baeyer is also renowned for his work in theoretical chemistry, developing the ‘strain’ (Spannung) theory of triple bonds and the strain theory in small carbon rings. Baeyer was also the founder of Baeyer Chemical Co”.

1918:Birthdate of Hanna Poznanskia, who as British psychoanalyst Hanna Segal,Hanna Segal, “helped change child psychology in the United States by explaining and popularizing the play therapy techniques developed by her mentor, the seminal psychoanalytic thinker Melanie Klein.:

1919: Birthdate of Walter Bernstein an American screenwriter and film producer who was blacklisted by the Hollywood movie studio bosses in the 1950s.

1919(25th of Av, 5679): Sixteen year old Yechiel Bernhard passed away today.

1919(25th of Av, 5679): Mrs. Lttle Lewenstein passed away today.

1920:  Israel publishes its first medical journal, "Ha-Refuah."

1921:Leo "Lindy" Lindermann and his wife Clara opened “Lindy’s”, the iconoclastic New York restaurant, at1626 Broadway, between 49th and 50th Streets

1922: Birthdate of Bernard Sahlins, “a founder of the Second City, the Chicago nightclub that helped to establish improvisational sketch comedy as a rudiment of American entertainment and created a resident troupe that propelled the careers of myriad funnymen and women.” (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1922: Birthdate of Judith Craner Protas the native of Brooklyn with degrees from Barnard and Yale who became a leading advertising executive with Doyle Dane Bernbach and told the world that you don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy “Levy’s real Jewish rye.” (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1923: Birthdate of Chicago native Sheldon Bernard Keller, an Emmy-winning comedy writer whose work included “Caesar’s Hour,” one of the jewels of 1950s television” (As reported by Margalit Fox)
1927: Birthdate of Stanley Anselm Bosworth a self-described “old wizard” who shaped his own Hogwarts in Brooklyn in the form of Saint Ann’s School, which rapidly gained national prominence for its free-form approach to education and its success in sending graduates to top colleges. Born in Manhattan he was the child of Jewish immigrants from Russia who had changed their name from Boscovitz to better assimilate. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1927: Birthdate of Shraga Feivel Gruberger, the Brooklyn native who gained fame as Rabbi Philip S. Berg, “dean of the worldwide Kabbalah Centre Orgization.”

1928: State Supreme Court Alfred Frankenthaler officiated at the marriage of Jascha Heiftiz and Florence Vidor.  The private ceremony uniting the 28 year old violinist and the motion picture actress took place the Mayfair House on Park Avenue in Manhattan.  This is his first marriage and her second.

1929: As the Arab riots continued a late-night meeting initiated by the Jewish leadership, at which acting high commissioner Harry Luke, Jamal al-Husayni, and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi were present, failed to produce a call for an end to the violence.

1929: Premiere of  Irving Thalberg’s “Hallelujah!”  “one of the first all-black films by a major studio" featuring the muisc of Irving Berlin.

1929:Haganah leaders proposed to provide defense for 600 Jews of the Old Yishuv in Hebron, or to help them evacuate. However, the leaders of the Hebron community declined these offers, insisting that they trusted the A'yan (Arab notables) to protect them.

1930: Dr. Jacob Levitsky, a math teacher in Jerusalem, has won Yale’s annual $2000 prize Sterling Fund. Levitsky is a graduate of Tel Aviv High School and the University of Goettingen

1930: The General Executive Committee of RSFSR accepted the decree that led to the creation of a Jewish administrative territorial unit in the Asiatic portion of the Soviet Union that would come to be known as The Jewish Autonomous Oblast.

1933: Gabriel Terra, President of Uruguay issued a special decree, permitting 500 Jewish families, fleeing from Germany, to enter the country. The Jewish Immigrant Aid Society had petitioned the President on behalf of the country’s Jewish community.

1933: In Montevideo, Vos Hebres (The Hebrew Voice), defended the Jews against attacks which followed permission being given for the immigration of 500 German-Jewish families.

1933:The Jewish National Fund announced that it has reclaimed 300,000 dunams of land (75,000 acres) in the Emek since 1923, and that 10,000 people are settled on it.

1933:The Keren Hayesod (Palestine Foundation Fund) reported that it has collected in the past two years £400,077; of which the United States contributed one-third (£133,545); during the 12 years of its existence, the Fund has raised £4,821,510 of which the United States contributed one-half (£2,409,392).

1933: American Jewish Congress declared a boycott against Nazi Germany

1935: “A conference of ministers was held today to discuss the negative economic effects of Party actions against Jews during which Hitler argued that such effects would cease once the government decided on a firm policy against the Jews.”

1935:The world Zionist leader, Dr. Nahum Sokolow, with almost the first words of his presidential speech tonight shattered reports that the nineteenth biennial Zionist congress would sidestep the situation of German Jews, out of deference to delegates from the Reich, who were among the representatives from forty-three nations.

1936: Premiere of “Romeo and Juliet’ a cinematic version of Shakespeare’s drama directed by George Cukor, produced by Irving Thalberg and starring Leslie Howard (Leslie Howard Steiner) as Romeo.

1938(23rd of Av, 5698): Communist Party loyalist Semyon Dimanstein fell victim to one of Stalin’s purges today. After six months in prison, he was sentenced to death today and then executed.  He was rehabilitated two years after Stalin died.

1938: Hank Greenberg hits three homers, bringing his total to 41 which puts him ahead of Babe Ruth’s record breaking 1927 pace.

1939:General debate in the twenty-first World Zionist Congress had to be suspended today after an announcement at the morning's meeting of a decision by the court of the congress to reduce the number of mandates allotted to the Palestine delegations from 133 to 127.

1940: Leon Trotsky is attacked by an assassin in Mexico City.  Trotsky is hiding from Stalin who has ordered Trotsky’s execution.  Trotsky will die of his wounds the following day.  According to one version of the story, had moved from a fortress like villa to an unguarded homes because of a dispute over a woman.

1940: Premiere of “Boomtown” co-starring Hedy Lamar with music by Waxman

1941:A low-rent United States Housing' Authority development in East St. Louis, Il, has been named in memory of Samuel Gompers, longtime president of the American Federation of Labor.

1941: For the next 48 hours about 4300 Jews are sent from Paristo Drancy, a transit camp in France. These are the first of 70,000 Jews who will be deported to Drancy and then to extermination camps, primarily Auschwitz-Birkenau

1941(26th of Av, 5701): Several Jews were pulled from their homes in Sabac by the Germans, then brought into the street and shot. The Germans made other Jews come carry the dead bodies through the town, and then hang them from electricity poles. This attacked was the beginning of a series of attacks which lasted for 2 months and resulted in several thousands of Jewish murders. 

1942 The ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization) attempts to assassinate Joseph Szerynski, commander of the Jewish police in the Warsaw Ghetto. Later in the day, other ZOB members set fire to several Warsawwarehouses.

1942(6th of Elul, 5702): The Jewish community from Falenica, Poland, is liquidated at the Treblinka death camp.

1942: The Nazis began deporting the Jews of Kielce, Poland to Treblinka,

1942: For the next four days gas/disinfectant expert Kurt Gerstein observes gas executions at the Treblinka, one day after witnessing similar deaths at Belzec.

1943: Pvt. Ed Koch writes in his diary today complaining “about an inspection he called a huge waste of time. “It took about an hour to get everything ready for display and then the (colonel) merely walked swiftly up and down the aisles and glanced at the tents once in a while,” he wrote. “It was the biggest example of a waste of time that I have ever seen in the Army.” (As reported by Forwards staff)

1943(18th of Av, 5703): Three thousand Jews are executed during a revolt at Glebokie, Belorussia.

1944: During World War II, Soviet forces “made an all-out attack” on Nazi forces in  Romania – an attack that would be successful and help to save a significant percentage of the Jewish population.

1944:  The United States Army Air Force bombs Auschwitz III (oil and rubber plant), three miles from Auschwitz I (main camp) and five miles from Birkenau, the Auschwitzdeath camp. On the ground below, Jewish slave laborers, including 15 year-old Elie Wiesel, cheered the bombing. In his best-selling memoir, Night, Wiesel described their reaction: "We were not afraid. And yet, if a bomb had fallen on the blocks [the prisoners' barracks], it alone would have claimed hundreds of victims on the spot. But we were no longer afraid of death; at any rate, not of that death. Every bomb that exploded filled us with joy and gave us new confidence in life. The raid lasted over an hour. If it could only have lasted ten times ten hours!"
1952(28th of Av, 5712): Yitzhak Sadeh, the founder of the Palmach and a hero of the War of Independence passed away at the age of 62. While a name unknown to most non-Israelis. Yitzhak Sadeh was a brave man who played a key role in the founding of the state of Israel.  He was the commander for the Palmach units, a soldier, a writer, an educator, and was one of the founders of Tshal. He originally lived in Russia, but he moved to Israellater in his life.  Yitzhak was born in Lubin, Polandin 1890. He began his military career, by fighting for the Russian army in World War One. Later, he was honored for his bravery in the war. During 1917, 1918, and 1919, Yitzhak Sadeh, with the help of Joseph Trumpeldor, established the foundation of “Ha- Halutz”. “Ha- Halutz”, in 1920, made an aliyah to the land of Israel. He moved as soon as he heard of his friend, Joseph Trumpeldor’s death. When Yitzhak arrived in Israel, he became one of the founders of the “Gdud-Ha-Avoda”.  In 1929, Sadeh joined the Hagganah. He was made commander in the Hagganah, in Jerusalem, shortly after he joined. During the 1929 riots, he took part in defending the city of Haifa. When the 1936 riots started, Sadeh established the “Nodedt” in Jerusalem. This organization was the one that confronted the enemy in their villages and in the army bases. Yitzhak introduced a policy for defending settlements by going out to attack the Arab bands, instead of staying behind the fences of their settlements to await the raids.     In the summer of 1937, Sadeh founded the “Fosh”. He also commanded the kibbutz of Hanitah. One of the things that Yitzhak Sadeh is most famous for is founding the Palmach. He served as chief commander for the Palmach until 1945. During 1945, he was appointed to be Hagganah’s Chief of General staff. He was also in charge of planning operations against the British forces. Yitzhak planned many operations involving bringing Jewish immigrants to the Promised Land, Israel. In the beginning of the Independence War in 1948, Yitzhak Sadeh commanded the defense of the kibbutz, Mishmar Ha-Emek. Kibbutz Mishmar Ha-Emek was attacked by Syrian forces, which were trying to divide the country into two parts. After this, Sadeh was promoted to the job of “Aluf”. When he was promoted, he was able to establish the first armored brigade in the IDF. The Israeli Defense Forces, later, led critical battles for the state of Israel.    After the War of Independence, Yitzhak participated in the operation, “Khorev”.  Also, the Palmach was disconnected. Sadeh left the military services in 1949. After retiring from the army, he wrote many books, essays, and even plays. He would write with the pen name, Y. Noded. Sadeh promoted a lot of sports. He was the wrestling champion of St. Petersburg and featured in wrestling performances. He thought of sports being an important part of life and it held important cultural and educational value. He created Hapoel’s slogan, “Alafim and not Alufim”. They wanted many people to take part in sports. Thousands of sports figures and soldiers, to this day, take part in the Run around MountTavor, in honor of Yitzhak Sadeh.  Yitzhak Sadeh died in Tel-Aviv in August 1952, and was buried in Kibbutz Givat Brenner. He was a very brave man. Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak and kibbutz Mashabey Sadeh were named after Yitzhak Sadeh

1952: Work started on a number of concrete dams, expected to hold back the rainwater accumulating in the Negev wadis during the winter. This was part of the Zionist dream to make the Negev green.

1952: Birthdate of American singer-song writer Doug Fieger, the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of the band the Knack, whose enduring 1979 hit “My Sharona” has become an emblem of the new wave era in rock and a prime example of the brevity of pop fame.”  His father was Jewish.

1960: Larry Sherry pitches the Dodgers past the Cards for his 12thwin of the season

1964: President Lyndon Johnson signed an anti-poverty bill that would commit almost one billion dollars to the “War on Poverty.”  The measure had the support of numerous Jewish political leaders and Jewish voters.  This was an era when Jewish voters were drawn to politicians who supported a society that sought to care for the “widow, the orphan and the stranger in your midst.” 

1971: FBI begins covert investigation of journalist Daniel Schorr.  Schorr would become a member of Richard Nixon’s infamous enemies list.  Earlier in his career, Schoor had been thrown out of the Soviet Union for his news broadcasts.  This makes him one of the few people to be declared an enemy by both the Soviet Communists and right-wing American Anti-Communists.

1971:The Brighton Regency Synagogue was “designated by English Heritage as a Grade II listed building.”

1977: Despite the initial rejection by both Israel and Jordan, US officials were still hopeful that their idea of establishing a joint Israeli-Jordanian temporary trusteeship over the West Bankcould yet get off the ground.

1977: The French government appeared to be reconciled to a new period of chilly relations after Israelrejected its contention that the three new settlements in administered areas hampered peace prospects.

1977: The US Central Intelligence Agency told Congressional investigators that enriched uranium, designed to build atomic bombs, was mysteriously diverted from the privately owned American plant to Israel in the middle 1960s

1979: It was reported today that Yigal Yadin, Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister rejected Andrew Young’s characterization his government as “stubborn and intransigent” and “pursuing and expansionist policy” when he appeared on ABC’s “Issue and Answers.”

1980: The UN Security Council condemns (14-0, US abstains) Israeli declaration that all of Jerusalem is its capital.  The UN Security Council never said or did anything about the illegal occupation of the eastern section of Jerusalem by Jordan that lasted for almost twenty years.  During that same time, the UN was equally silent when it came to the fact that Jews were not allowed to enter the Old City or that the Jordanians had systematically dismembered the physical remains of the ancient Jewish Quarter.  This lack of equivalent concern is but one of a long list of reasons by why many Israelis and as well as others have lost respect for the United Nations.

1982:  During the Lebanese Civil War a multinational force lands in Beirut to oversee the PLO withdrawal from Lebanon.  The Lebanese Civil War was conflict between Christian and Moslem Arabs.  It was part of centuries old struggle for power that flared up periodically.  The PLO had come to Lebanon after having been thrown out of Jordan where it had attempted to overthrow the government.  The PLO was a destabilizing force in Lebanon as its fighters took the side of the Moslems and tried to use Lebanon as a base for terrorist attacks against Israel.  The PLO had to go because of its role in destroying the social fabric of Lebanon which had been an oasis of Western progress and civility in among the violent Arab dictatorships of the Middle East.

1983: In Los Angeles, Lynn and Richard Garfield gave birth to actor Andrew Garfield whose “paternal grandparents were from Jewish immigrant families who had moved to London from Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia, and Romania), and whose family surname was originally "Garfinkel".

1985: Israel ships 96 TOWs to Iranon behalf of the US.  The TOW missiles were shipped as part of an arms deal that became known as Iran Contra.

1985: The New York Times features a review (see below) of Jerusalem: Rebirth of a City by Martin Gilbert, a first rate book by a first rate author and historian. There is no such thing as “a bad” Martin Gilbert book since the works of this author range from very good to great.

"Mr. Gilbert has written a lively book, full of excellent quotations -roundly outspoken and often eloquent in the 19th-century manner - and providing glimpses of figures as diverse as Herman Melville and the future Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, along with many curious minor characters. It is also a handsome book, decked out with a large number of striking photographs."
1988: In Chicago, The pastor of a black church told members of a Jewish congregation Friday night that the common backgrounds of the two groups should be remembered as the two communities reach toward common ground. "We forgot our histories," the Rev. George Riddick, executive vice president of Operation PUSH, told members of Congregation Kol Ami in the first-of-its-kind pulpit exchange.

1991(9th of Elul, 5751): Lenore Strunsky Gershwin widow of Ira Gershwin passed away.  She was 90 years old at the time of her death.

1991:Approximately 500 mostly young blacks returned to the scene” of the accident in Crown Heights where Gavin Cato had died. “Vehicles were set ablaze, a shoe store was ransacked, and reporters and photographers were beaten.

1993: After rounds of secret negotiations in Norway, the Oslo Peace Accords were signed.  A more public signing ceremony would take place in Washington in September of 1993.

1998: Journalist Seymour “Hersh strongly criticized the destruction of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory, the largest pharmaceutical factory in Sudan—providing about half the medicines produced in Sudan—by United States cruise missiles during Bill Clinton's presidency.”

2000: The New York Times book section featured reviews of Touching Peace: From the Oslo Accord to a Final Agreement by Yossi Beilin, Cruel Banquet: The Life and Loves of Frida Strindberg by Monica Strauss and Dream Stuff, a collection of nine short stories by David Malouf, the Australian author with the Lebanese Christian father and the Sephardic Jewish mother.

2001(1st of Elul, 5761): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2002: The Jerusalem Post reported that the HebrewUniversityarcheologist Dr. Eila Mazar's 120-page The Complete Guide to the Temple Mount Excavations has just been translated into English. The new comprehensive guide describes thesite's 3,000 years of history.
2004:A Walking tour today styled ''Emma Lazarus and the Jewish Heritage of Washington Square'' passes the former home of Emma Lazarus, the Triangle Shirt Waist Factory and the Hanging Elm of Washington Square Park.

2005(14th of Av, 5765): Abraham S. Goldstein, an influential scholar of criminal law and former dean of the YaleLawSchool, died of a heart attack at his home in Woodbridge, Connecticut. Goldstein taught at the LawSchool for almost 50 years and was, at the time of his death, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Law and Professorial Lecturer in Law. He was 80.

2005:  The evacuation of settlers and their supporters from Gazahalted because of the Shabbat.  The evacuations which are part of a bold move by Prime Minister Sharon to bring peace to the region while improving the geo-political position of Israel is slated to end on Tuesday.

2006: The Sunday New York Times book section includes a review of I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman by Nora Ephron.

2006: The Chicago Tribunereported that Clara Ambrus-Baire, a woman whose family shielded Jews in Budapesthadreceived a “Righteous Among the Nations Award.”  The award is presented to people who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. It is the highest honor bestowed on non-Jews by Israel, with 21,310 recipients as of January 2006. Ambrus-Baer was 19 when the Germans invaded Budapestin 1944. Her family turned its home into a haven for Jews hiding from the Nazis. "I never expected this," said Ambrus-Baer, 81 and living in Buffalo. "I didn't want to get praised for what I did. I took it for normal that somebody saves people's lives."

2006: Kohenet, the Hebrew Priestess Institute launched its first training institute in Accord, NY.(As reported by Jewish Women’s Archiv)

2007: “The Facebook Effect” is Newsweek Magazine’s cover story.  The story describes how 23 year old “Mark Zuckerberg has already changed the way millions of us connect.  How he’s facing a challenge; how to turn an online obsession into a fixture of he digital age”  If the pundits and prophets are correct, Zuckerberg will join the likes of Einstein and Freud as one who has brought a sea change in the course of Western, if not world, Civilization.

2007: In an article favorably evaluating the performance of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, The New York Timesincluded the following. “But to understand Mr. Bernanke’s worldview, one must go back to his hometown, Dillon, S.C., which sits athwart Interstate 95 about halfway between North Jerseyand South Florida. Dillon is known as the home of South of the Border, the Tijuana-themed tourist stop and a Mecca of American roadside kitsch. Mr. Bernanke, 53, grew up in Dillon in the 1950s and ’60s, the son of the local pharmacist and a member of one of the few Jewish families in the largely agricultural region. He says his home was the only kosher household in a 50-mile radius. His mother had meat delivered from a butcher in Charlotte, N.C., where his parents live now. Being a member of a minority taught him about discrimination and prejudice. “There was more than one request to see my horns,” he said years later. He also watched the struggles of small farmers, who drove mule-drawn carts down the main street of town and had trouble paying their bills even in good years. His father granted credit for purchases at the drugstore, keeping records on small cards he kept in a drawer. Many of the debts were never repaid. As Mr. Bernanke grew older, the textile mills that had supported the area closed and moved overseas in search of cheap labor. Mr. Bernanke worked construction jobs and waited on tables at South of the Border during the summer while an undergraduate at HarvardUniversity. “I was impressed by these experiences,” Mr. Bernanke said last fall at a ceremony in his honor on the steps of the neoclassical courthouse in Dillon, “and I think they were an important reason I went into economics, which a great economist once called the study of people in the ordinary business of life.”

2007:A database with millions of documents from more than 50 concentration camps and prisons - which include books recording Jewish deaths, transportation lists and medical reports - was handed over to Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority and Washington's HolocaustMemorialMuseum. "These documents reflect the most despicable operations of the Nazi era and constitute an essential part of our archive," said International Tracing Service (ITS) director Reto Meister during the official handover at the Washingtonmuseum.

2008:After a disappointing run for Israel in the Beijing Olympics, windsurfer Shahar Zubari finally gave Israelis a reason to cheer. Zubari won the bronze medal at today's Neil Pryde finals, Israel's first medal at the 2008 games, after arriving in second place in the final race.

2008: The New York Times included a review of The Grift by Debra Ginsberg.

2008:About 50 rabbis in charge of supervising the kosher slaughter and processing of meat at the Agriprocessors Inc. plant in Postville walked off the job today to protest recent pay cuts.

2008: A former Agriprocessors Inc. supervisor pleaded guilty today to helping his employer hire illegal immigrants. Juan Carlos Guerrero-Espinoza, 35, a former upper-level supervisor at the kosher meatpacking plant in Postville, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Cedar Rapids to conspiracy to hire and aiding and abetting the hiring of illegal immigrants.
2008:The decision by Perth Magistrate Barbara Lane today to allow the extradition of Karoly (Charles) Zentai to Hungary to stand trial for the murder of Jewish teenager Peter Balazs in Budapest on November 8, 1944, paves the way for an unprecedented, historic victory for Holocaust justice in Australia. Assuming, as expected, that Zentai's appeals against the decision will be rejected, all that will be missing will be the signature of Home Affairs Minister Bob Debus for Australia to succeed for the first time ever in taking successful legal action against a Holocaust perpetrator living in the country.
2009: Rosh Chodesh Elul (First Day)

2009: The final of a 3 part series of security briefings for leaders of Jewish institutions in Northern Virginia sponsored by ADL, JCRC & the Jewish Federation Learn featuring presentations y Local Police District Commanders, FBI Senior Personnel, and national Jewish security experts about the latest threats to Jewish communal security and how to be prepared takes place at Congregation Ahavat Israel (Fairfax Chabad) in Fairfax, VA.

2009:In a video-taped message to be screened today at a rally to be held at Rabbi Reuven Elbaz's Or Hachaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem,  Shas mentor Rabbi Ovadia Yosef lashes out at the Supreme Court for rejecting former minister Shlomo Benizri's appeal to shorten his four-year prison sentence for corruption charges.

2009:Today the High Court of Justice rejected a petition accusing the Company for Location and Restitution of Holocaust Victims Assets of breaking the law by allocating funds to organizations that were not solely dedicated to the welfare of Holocaust survivors.
2009(30th of Av, 5769): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2009(30th of Av, 5769): Controversial Israeli entertainment personality Dudu Topaz took his own life today.

2010: U.S. premiere of “The Switch” a comedy by Allan Loeb and co-starring Jeff Golblumb

2010:"A Film Unfinished" Directed by Yael Harsonski is scheduled to premiere at the Lincoln Plaza Cinema in New York City.

2010:Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have been invited to Washington to begin direct peace talks on Sept. 2, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a press conference today. The meeting will serve to "re-launch direct negotiations to resolve all final status issues which we believe we can complete in one year," Clinton said.

2010:Harvard University said  that it had found a prominent researcher, Marc Hauser, “solely responsible” for eight instances of scientific misconduct. Hauser is the son of French Jew who survived the Holocaust.

2011: Senator Joe Lieberman is scheduled to attend Glen Beck’s Restoring Courage rally in Jerusalem. A self-proclaimed supporter of Israel, Beck has also compared Reform Rabbis to Islamic radicals.

2011(20thof Av, 5771): Eighty-seven year old, Dr. William B. Kannel, the cardiologist was the director of the Framingham Heart Study, passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2011(20thof Av, 5771): Eighty-seven year old Rafael Halperin who gained fame as “The Rasslin Rabbi” before founding Optica Halperin, “the largest eyeglass store chain In Israel.”

2011: Gabriella Elizabeth Thalblum (Gavriella Elisheva) was called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, IA.

2011: A musical Havdalah service followed by a performance by Emilio Estevez is scheduled to take place at the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue in Washington, DC.

2011:Hamas announced early today they were no longer committed to a more than two-year de facto truce with Israel since the end of a war in early 2009.

2011:A Grad rocket directly struck a home in the southern city of Be'er Sheva tonight, killing one person and seriously wounding four. A number of others are being treated for shock. Another Grad rocket fired at Be'er Sheva was intercepted by the Iron Dome system. Also this evening, two children were lightly wounded when four Grad rockets landed in Ofakim. The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility for the Be'er Sheva rocket attacks while Hamas claimed responsibility for the Ofakim rocket attacks

2011:Around 4,000 demonstrators participated in a silent march in Tel Aviv tonight to protest the high cost of living in Israel.

2011:Egypt's ambassador to Israel will remain in the country, Foreign Ministry officials said this evening, as the diplomatic crisis vis-à-vis Cairo in the wake of earlier terror attacks appeared to be waning.

2012: TheKlezKanada Laurentian Retreat, which this year will be dedicated to the memory of Adrienne Cooper z”l is scheduled to begin today.

2012: The Nazareth Orchestra is scheduled to perform at Hazan Hall this evening. The orchestra, “conducted by Dr. Nizar Raduwan, will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Egyptian diva Asmahane with the beloved songs of Umm Kulthum, Asmahane and Layla Morad performed by orchestra soloist Hiba Battihish and Rula Azar, who will be performing with the orchestra for the first time.”

2012:University heads are seeking the reversal of a July decision in favor of granting university status to Ariel’s academic institute, filing a petition with the High Court of Justice to that effect Monday.

2012:The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and IDF, uncovered and indicted a cell of four terrorists belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Shin Bet released for publication today.

2013: German Chancellor Angela Merkeil is scheduled to visit Dachau today “making her Berlin’s first leader to travel to the former Nazi concentration camp. (As reported Lazar Berman)

2013: The Kraemer and Ciment clans gather in Little Rock, AR as they prepare to celebrate a simcha that will unite two of their young adults in marriage.

2013: Israeli officials criticized UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon today for backtracking on his admission last week in Jeruslam that “there was bias and discrimination against Israel at the UN.”(As reported by Herb Keinon)

2013: The United States said today it "strongly condemns" comments from Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan blaming Israel for the military coup and ensuing crisis gripping Egypt (As reported by Michael Wilner)

2013: Tzipi Livini, Israel’s chief negotiator predicted today that peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians “will result in dramatic Israeli decisions.” (As reported by Herb Keinon and khaled Abu Toameh)

2014: “Young Israeli clarinetist and saxophonist, Anat Cohen, celebrated in Brazil as a virtuoso player of "choro" music is scheduled perform at  the New York premiere of her "Choro Aventoroso" band at 54 Below.

This Day, August 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 21

1165: Birthdate of Philip II Augustus, the French king who first imprisoned his Jewish subjects; then extorted ransom from them before banning them from Paris and its environs.

1321: Jews in France were accused of encouraging lepers to poison Christian wells. This directly led to the graver accusations of the same kind during the Black Plague. This time, five thousand Jews were killed. At Chinon, 160 Jews were burned in a pit on an island outside of town. Eventually the King, Philip the Tall, admitted that the Jews were innocent. The island is still known as Ile de Juifs (Island of the Jews).

1379: In Spain, Fernan Martin, King John’s executioner accompanied by Don Zulema Solmon and Don Zag Isaac, went to the home of Joseph Pinchon, Martin beheaded Pinchon per the order of the king.  Because of the scandal surrounding the event it led to the repeal of Jewish jurisdiction in criminal cases in Castile

1486: Volume II of a Mahzor, using the Roman Rite was printed for the first time at Casal Maggiore, Italy.

1684: In response to a letter from the Dutch commander of Essequibo and Pomeroon explaining that the trade in vanilla had come to an end because of the death of a Jew named Salomon de la Roche, representatives of the Dutch West India company wrote “As to the vanilla trade, which we recommend you carry on for the company, where you answer us saying this trade has come to an end through the death of a Jew, Salomon de la Roche...a meager and poor excuse.” This correspondence is one example of the important role that Jews played in the vanilla trade.

1770: Marcus Herz, the German Jewish physician and philosopher traveled Berlin to Königsberg so he could as respondent when Emmanuel Kant presented his inaugural dissertation at the University of Königsberg

1775:Daher el-Omar who ruled the Galilee as an autonomous region during the days of the Ottoman Empire passed away today.

1811: Birthdate of Joseph Derenbourg, or Joseph Naftali Derenburg, Franco-German author, historian and a prime mover in the rehabilitation of Jewish education in France

1820(11thof Elul, 5580): Haim Farhi who known as the Hakham Haim, a prominent Palestinian Jewish leader in the days of the Ottoman Empire passed away.

1829: Birthdate of Otto Moritz David Goldschmidt “a German composer, conductor and pianist, known for his piano concertos and other piano pieces” who “married the ‘Swedish Nightingale’, soprano Jenny Lind.” He passed away in 1907.

1835: Parliament passes the Sheriff’s Declaration Bill which allowed Jews to hold the ancient and important office of Sheriff. Passage of this bill was an intermediate step in Parliamentary efforts to pass the so-called Jew Bill.

1840: Persecution of the Jews of Damascus brought together Congregation B'nai Jesheran in New York City to declare: "Resolved, that we do most emphatically and solemnly deny, as well in our own name as in that of the whole Jewish people, that murder was ever committed by the Jews of Damascus, or those of any other part of the world for the purpose of using the blood or any part of a human being in the ceremonies of our religion."   U.S. President Van Buren instructed his officer at Constantinopleto help the persecuted Jew of Damascus

1852:  Birthdate of British historian Arnold Toynbee.  Toynbee was baffled by the continued existence of the Jewish people whom he described as a fossil of history.  Not only was he baffled by the Jews continued existence, he did not approve of it either.

1852(6th of Elul, 5612):Marchand Ennery passed away.  Born at Nancy in 1792 he studied Talmud under Baruch Guggenheim and at the rabbinical school of Herz Scheuer, in Mainz. He went to Paris, became teacher in the family of a wealthy coreligionist, and in 1819 was appointed director of the new Jewish school at Nancy. At this time he published his Hebrew-French lexicon, the first of its kind to appear in France. In 1829 he became chief rabbi of Paris; in 1846 chief rabbi of the Central Consistory; in 1850 chevalier of the Legion of Honor. He was succeeded as chief rabbi by Salomon Ulmann.

1852: "Bohemia: A Visit to Prague" published today included a description of the current conditions and history of the Jews living in this ancient central European City.

1860:The “Hebrew Son” is scheduled to be performed tonight at the New Bowery Theatre in New York City.

1861: According to a report placed on board the the steamer Saladin which is sailing from Kingston, Jamaica tonight for New York City, Commercial matters seem to become worse every day. Fresh failures are announced before people have time to recover the shock occasioned by previous ones. The greatest of all has been that of Mr. Lucas, a prince among the Jews, whose books, it is said, show a very unpleasant state of things for his creditors, and whose self is now non est inventus. There will, doubtless, be very great depression for a time in the trade of the country; but a conviction is felt that a crisis like the present was necessary to correct the fictitious and corrupt business that was for some time done here by a certain class of merchants, and that when the country has passed over the trials of the present ordeal, there will be a healthy state of things, and the prosperity indicated by our agriculture will be permanent and lasting.

1863: In describing his uneventful trip down the Mississippi River from St. Louis to New Orleans, the New York Times correspondent offers as proof the peaceful conditions that "This circumstance is shown by the crowds of civilians -- Jews and others -- who may be seen besieging the authorities at every point from Cairo to the Gulf, asking only the permission to bring in clothing, drugs, staples, to buy cotton, or, in short, do anything whereby they can realize quick sales and a thousand per cent profits. There are many long faces and much cursing, but all uselessly, for Gen. Grant will, so long as he can influence the matter, refuse to open trade at any point in his Department."

1864(19th of Av, 5624):Isaac J. Levy (CSA) was killed in the trenches at Petersburg, He was 21 years old. Isaac is buried in the Hebrew Cemetery on Shockoe Hill in Richmond, in the Levy family plot.
1864: “Turkey: The Missionary Difficulty at Constantinople” published today recounts the failure of the European missionaries to convert the locals. Citing information supplied by the Times of Londoncorrespondent in the Turkish capital the article reports that the efforts of missionaries - both English and American -"The influence of these preachings among the Jews and Greeks, with the exception of isolated cases, some of which do not bear much examination as regards the conviction and good faith of the proselytes, has been comparatively a failure."

1865:As evidence of how the Jew’s Hospital is now serving the general population, a maid named Ellen Murray was rushed to the hospital for treatment after she was burned when trying to start a fire in a stove.  Unfortunately, “she suffered mortal injuries” and died at the hospital. The hospital, which would be re-named Mt. Sinai, came into general use during the Civil War when it was used to treat the Union soldiers wounded during McClellan’s ill-fated Peninsula Campaign in 1862.

1866: In New York City, Esther Hellman Wallenstein and Solomon Wallenstein gave birth to Jennie Wallenstein Kohstamm, the oldest of their four children.
1867:at the residence of the bride's parents, John Hart of 7 St Paul's Rd., Canonbury, son of Isaac Hart, married Maria Hannah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Angel of 1 King St., Finsbury. Moses Angel was the headmaster of the Jews Free School (JFS)

1870: It was reported today that of the 31 chaplains serving with the Army of the Rhine (German), 3 of them are Jews.

1871: It was reported today that Rabbi Elkan Herzman has been fired from his position at an Orthodox synagogue in Chicago for eating ice cream on the Jewish fast day of Tish’a B’Av. According to the report first published in the Jewish Times, the issue was not so much one of violating the law about the fast as one of hypocrisy.

1873: The Grand lodge of the Kesher She Barzel reopened this morning at Pythagoras Hall under the leadership of Grand Saar Rosenthal. 

1874: It was reported today that Sol Mortiz, a prominent Jewish merchant from Indianapolis, Indiana has denied all the charges that he had an improper relationship with the 18 year old daughter and wife of George C. Harding.  Harding and Mortiz were friends but this did not keep the enraged newspaper proprietor from shooting the merchant several times. Moritz said he will prove his innocence once he has recovered from his wounds.

1878: The London World published a commentary about the Earl of Beaconsfield’s (Benjamin Disraeli) religious beliefs and his plans for his burial.  According to a Jewish source, Beaconsfield will pull of the greatest surprise of his life by having himself buried beside his father at the “graveyard of the Jews at Mile-end.”  After all he had been baptized by trickery and “no Jew is ever sincere in renouncing” his religion. The correspondent for the World takes the opposite view and is sure that he will be “true to the religion of his knighthood” and will be content to be buried beside his wife instead of beside his father.

1878: In Washington, DC, Simon Wolf served as chairman of a meeting attended by Jews who had gathered to raise money for southerners suffering from the current Yellow Fever Epidemic.  The meeting was poorly attended because of a lack of notice so only $180 was raised.

1879: Justice Flammer sent  5 year old Liba and 2 year old Louis Wildever to a Jewish charitable institution after they were discovered along with their mother Sarah starving in a room on Franklin Street.  According to Mrs. Wildever, an immigrant from Russia, the children’s father (and her husband) and had deserted them.

1879: An assignment for the benefit of creditors by Nathan Mayer, to Isaac D. Einstein, with $16,110 preferences was filed in the County Clerk’s office today

1881: It was reported today that the Young Men’s Hebrew Union is planning to sponsor a concert in New York’s Washington Park.

1882: It was reported today that Florence Templeton, the daughter of the banker John Templeton is engaged to marry Jack Springfield the adopted son of an Anglo-Jewish financier.

1884(30thof Av, 5644): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1884: Alexander Labotsky, a Polish Jew was arrested today after his Frieda had charged him with abandonment.

1884: It was reported today that Annie Lifcawitz, a young girl living in an apartment above the store owned by Solomon Ellinsohn was the first one to discover the fire that local ruffians had started.  Ellinsohn had complained to the police about these young ruffians terrifying people living on the Lower East Side, but the authorities had taken no action.

1885: Dr. Cyrus Edson, Chief of the Second Sanitary division made another raid on the Jewish owned truck stores on the Lower East Side.  Edson and his staff seized “a half ton of bad fish and some unwholesome meat” along with seven boxes of fruits and vegetables.

1887(1stof Elul, 5647): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1887: Abraham Trombitsky’s right leg was fractured during a melee that resulted when Patrolman John Etterick moved to disperse a crowd of Polish and Russian Jews at the corner of Hester and Ludlow Streets.

1887: “The Treaty of Berlin” published today described the multiple violations of this agreement including the persistent persecution of the 400,000 Jews of Romania “with the connivance of the Romanian Government”

1887: “Old World News By Cable” published today described a letter from George Blyth, the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem in which he reports that the Jewish population in Palestine has grown from 15,000 to 42,000 in the past few years and “that they are very friendly to him and his church.”
1887(1stof Elul, 5647): In London, Israel Lipski was hanged at Newgate Prison after having been convicted of murdering Miriam Agel.

1888: Congressman Ford’s Immigration Committee completed its hearings in New York and made plans to move on to Boston.  The thrust of the hearings is that immigrants, especially Jews from Russia and other parts of eastern Europe, are responsible for depressing wages for American workers.

1888: Funeral services will be held at one o’clock this afternoon for Marks Laski, a prominent Jewish merchant who had passed away unexpectedly with internment in Cypress Hill Cemetery. The 52 year old Laski arrived in New York from Poland in 1850 and entered into the wholesale dry goods business where he enjoyed enough success to become a prominent philanthropist.

1889(24th of Av, 5649): A man thought to be Adolph Cohn a resident of the Hebrew Home for the Aged in New York City appeared to have jumped overboard as the Hoboken ferryboat Hopatcong was pulling into the slip at Christopher Street.  The identification is based on papers and memos that the man placed on the cabin floor just before jumping.

1889: The 9th free excursion sponsored by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children is scheduled to leave this morning at 9 o’clock.

1890(5th of Elul, 5650): Albert (Aaron) Siegfried Bettelheim, Hungarian born American Rabbi died at sea while returning to the United States from a visit to Europe.  Born in 1830, he led a rather colorful life before coming to the United States in 1867 where he had pulpits in Philadelphia, Richmond, San Francisco and finally in Baltimore, MD.  While in Richmond, he studied medicine but accepted a position in San Francisco rather pursue a medical career.  According to one source he was buried at sea under the supervision of two Catholic priests that Bettelheim had met on the voyage.  The clerics reportedly recited the Kaddish as the body was consigned to the depths. (As reported by Isidore Singer, et al)

1891: The United States Commissioner of Immigration Owens visited the SS Slavonia at Lower Canton outside of Baltimore and examined the baggage and tickets of the fifty-one Jews detained by order of Inspector Davis. He decided that twelve of them could land because they had tickets to other parts of the United States and “a few dollars” (which meant they would not become public charges).

1891: At the Barge Office, the Acting Superintendent of Immigration refused to honor the bond that Coroner Levy had come to post for ten Russian Jews who had been detained because it was believed “that they were liable to become public charges.”

1892: The first train belonging to the Jaffa-Jerusalem Railway reached Jerusalem today.

1892: “The Old Dutch Farmhouse” described the fate of agriculture in Holland including that “enterprising Jews” have bought up the “heirlooms of the old “agricultural” families.

1892: “Agriculture in Russia” published today reported that in Russia, “the Jews are blamed for avoiding agriculture and not wishing to live by the sweat of their brow;” but they are not allowed to settle outside of the Pale where there is arable land. 

1893: “Literary Notes” published today described plans for the upcoming publication of The Settlement of the Jews in North America by Judge Charles P. Daly which will soon appear in Hebrew.

1893: The Park Department has issued a permit allowing mass meeting of unemployed Jews to be held tonight in Union Square

1893: “Light On Bible Records” published today provides a detailed review of The Sacred Books of the Old Testament including a Hebrew text and English translation edited by Paul Haput, a Professor at Johns Hopkins University.

1893: Following last night’s meeting of the United Hebrew Trades during which a fight broke out between socialists and anarchists a saloon keeper at 162 Broadway in New York sent out circulars offering free food to unemployed workers.

1893: Joseph Peel was held by authorities today while the veterinarian examined two dead horses owned by his former business partners, Feinberg and Cooper, to determine if they had been poisoned.  The three had been partners in Feinberg, Cooper & Peel, a vegetable peddling firm.  The two Orthodox Jews claimed that Peel threatened to poison the horses after they ended their relationship with him; a relationship that had begun when the two men let Peel join them even though he lacked any capital.

1893: According to the New York Times the custom of throwing a slipper at wedding stems from a custom “ancient Jews had of handing over a shoe to complete a bargain” as demonstrated in the Book of Ruth.

1894(19thof Av, 5654): Twenty-three year old Julius Marcus “a handsome and romantic young” Jews shot 17 year old Juliette Fournier, a French Protestant, through the heart and “then put a bullet in his temple.”

1895: A list of bequests of the late Joseph Lewis published today included $100 for each of the following: Mount Sinai Hospital, Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews and the United Hebrew Charities. 

1896: “Successful Festival of District Grand Lodge No. 1 of Free Sons of Israel” published today described the successful fundraiser which raised several thousand dollars “to enlarge the fund of the order devoted to sick and distressed members.”

1897: “In an article on an old Jewish Treasure House” that appeared in today’s issue of The Time’s Saturday Review, “an account was given of what might have been considered a charnel house of decayed literature.” In fact it was a description of the Geniza “of the old synagogue in Cairo.

1897: “The Trouble At Jerusalem” published today described a dispute in that city over the distribution of funds from America.  The amount in question is approximately $500 which Rabbi Salant can given to “worthy poor Jews” regardless of their nationality.  The problem comes from the fact that American Jews living in Jerusalem incorrectly think that the money should be used to help them since it comes from the United States.

1899: Rehearsals of “The Children of the Ghetto” by Israel Zangwill will begin today in New York.

1899” “For A Hebrew Sanitarium” published today described the successful package arranged by the guests of the Cedars that included a “surprise auction” which raised funds for the Hebrew Sanitarium of Rockaway, NY.

1899: A summary of the report showing the July activity of the United Hebrew Charities published today showed 1,623 applications for aid had been received which affected the lives of 5,410 people. The society received donations of $8,640.55 but spend $11,085.58 in providing aid and assistance.

1903: Herzl reports the Uganda offer and the Russian journey to the Greater Actions Committee.

1905(20th of Av, 5665): French-German Assyriologist Julius Oppert passed away. Born in 1825 at Hamburg, he studied at Heidelberg, Bonn and Berlin, before graduating at Kiel in 1847. In 1848, Oppert went to France, where he was teacher of German at Laval and at Reims. In his spare time he continued his Oriental studies which he had begun while living in German. In 1851, he joined the French archaeological mission to Mesopotamia and Media under Fulgence Fresnel. On his return in 1854, he was naturalized as a French citizen in recognition of his services. He occupied himself with analyzing the results of the expedition, with special attention to the cuneiform inscriptions he had collected. During 1855, he published Écriture Anarienne, advancing the theory that the language spoken originally in Assyria was Turanian (related to Turkish and Mongolian), rather than Aryan or Semitic in origin, and that its speakers had invented the cuneiform writing system. Although the classification of the "Casdo-Scythian" inscriptions as Turanian would later be rejected by scholars, research would confirm Oppert in his identification of the distinctness of the Sumerian language (as he renamed it in 1869) and the origin of its script.During 1856 he published Chronologie des Assyriens et des Babyloniens. During 1857, he was appointed professor of Sanskrit and comparative philology in the school of languages connected with the National Library of France, and in this capacity he produced his Grammaire Sanscrite (1859). But his attention was chiefly given to Assyrian and cognate subjects. His account of the Fresnel mission and the results of his consequent study were published as Expédition Scientifique en Mésopotamie (1859-1863), with the second volume entitled Déchiffrement des inscriptions cunéiformes. During 1865 he published a history of Assyria and Chaldaea (Histoire des Empires de Chaldée et d'Assyrie) in the context of new archaeological findings. His Assyrian grammar, Éléments de la grammaire assyrienne, was published in 1868. During 1869 Oppert was appointed professor of Assyrian philology and archaeology at the College de France. During 1876, Oppert began to focus on the antiquities of ancient Media and its language, writing Le Peuple et la langue des Médes (1879). During 1881, he was admitted to the Academy of Inscriptions and in 1890, he was elected to its presidency.

1906:  Birthdate of Fritz Frelang.  Born in Kansas City, Frelang was one of the great cartoon animators.  He worked for Warner Brothers for over thirty years.  His work includes the Merry Melody series, The Pink Panther, Tweety Bird and Yosemite Sam.  He passed away in 1996.

1911: Following the outbreak of anti-Semitic riots in New South Wales, the British Home Secretary assured local Jewish leaders that no precautions would be overlooked by the civil and military authorities to prevent a recurrence of such outbreaks.

1915: Birthdate of Sir Joshua Abraham Hassan, the first mayor and chief minister of Gibraltar.

1917: Birthdate of Leonid "Leo" Hurwicz the Polish born American economist and mathematician who won the Nobel Prize at the age of 90 – making him the oldest person to do this.

1918: The Second Battle of the Somme, the offensive that would lead to the end of WW I began today.  Among those participating was the Australian Jewish General, Sir John Monash who played a key role in designing the innovative tactics that made victory possible.

1921:Birthdate of Reuven Feuerstein the Romanian born Israeli clinical, developmental, cognitive psychologist who is renowned for his theory of intelligence which states “it is not ‘fixed’, but rather modifiable”.

1921: Birthdate of Ruth Charlotte Barcan Marcus, “a philosopher esteemed for her advances in logic, a traditionally male-dominated subset of a traditionally male-dominated field…” (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1921: A Sephardic organization which was to include all Sephardic Jews from around the world was founded in Madrid. It planned to defend Jewish interests everywhere.  

1922:An appeal signed by Samuel Gompers, President, and eight Vice Presidents of the American Federation of Labor was issued today to organized labor, urging the fullest moral and financial support of the railroad shopmen now on strike.

1925:Tumultuous scenes occurred at the Zionist Congress when Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the Jewish Legion, which fought together with the British Army in Palestine during the war, took the floor. When the majority gave Jabotinsky permission to continue his speech after his time limit had expired, the Labor groups renewed their protest.”

1926: Birthdate of Ben-Zion Orgad, the German born Israeli composer.

1933:Dr. Nahum Sokolow, president of the World Zionist Organization, asserted in opening the eighteenth world Zionist congress in Praguetonight that as a result of the persecutions in Germany the Jewish question must be brought before the international forum and fugitives must find a refuge in Palestine.

1935: Speaking in Lucerne, Switzerland, David Ben-Gurion, Palestine labor leader, accused the British Government today of having committed "robbery" by artificially cutting the immigration quota of Jews seeking to enter Palestine.

1935: The “swing era” of the Big Band Sound starts when Jewish Jazz clarinet player performs at the Palomar Theatre in Los Angeles.

1936: Tel Aviv Mayor Meier Dizengoff charged the British government with “playing a ‘diabolical game’ in handling its mandate over Palestine.  He told the British High Commissioner for Palestine that evidence showed the (British) administration was blocking the Jewish National Home.”  He was especially critical of the government’s behavior during the latest wave of Arab violence which has “introduced demoralization, anarchy and lawlessness into the country…”

1936(3rd of Elul, 5696): Arab gunmen attacked a car filled with five Jews traveling towards Tel Aviv.  Seventeen year old Shoshana Laznicki was wound in the attack and three other Jews were killed by the Arabs.

1937: The Toronto Daily Star reported that Lou Herman will be appearing on a new program, the “Jewish Variety Hour” along with his three sisters who perform as a trio.

1937: The General Zionist Council Executive meeting in Zurichcomposed of both Zionist and non-Zionist members authorized the Jewish Agency's Executive to seek the establishment of a Jewish state and to try to arrange a Jewish-Arab conference to discuss the matter.

1937(14th of Elul, 5697): Sixty-six year old Élie Halévy the French historian who was part of a distinguished Franco-Jewish family passed away today.

1937: The Hon. Cyril Asquith, in a letter to The Times of London wrote that the pledges given to Jews by the British government explicitly promised to establish a Jewish state in the whole of Palestine. He explained that after the separation of Transjordan, the offer made to Jews under the Royal (Peel) Commission Report granted them less than 10 percent of the country's territory.

1938: Italybanned Jews from teaching in public and high-schools.

1939:When the World Zionist Congress reconvened its plenary session this morning Joshua Suprasky, leader of Group B of the General Zionists, one of the minority parties, announced that his party had decided to abstain from further participation

1940: Aaron Jean-Marie Lustiger, the son of Ashkenazi Jews who would become Archbishop of Paris was baptized today.

1940:Junior Hadassah, the Young Women's Zionist Organization of America will award gold keys to forty-one members at the seventeenth annual convention which begins this evening in Chicago

1940(17th of Av, 5700): Leon Trotsky dies as a result of wounds suffered on August 20that the hands of an assassin working for Stalin. Born Lev Davidovich Bronstein in 1879, Trotsky was the son of a Jewish farmer from Odessa (Russia). Believing there was no future for the Jewish people as a people, he became a contemporary of Lenin's, helping him with his publication of Iskra (Spark). He was exiled and arrested many times before the revolution. Trotsky played an important role in the Communist government and only after Lenin's death did Stalin expel him from the party. He was exiled in 1928 first to Turkey, then Norway, and finally Mexico. Trotsky’s Jewish origins helped buttress the claims of anti-Semites that Communism was part of Jewish conspiracy.  At the same time, Trotsky Jewish origins were used by Stalin to demonize his opponents in the Soviet Union.

1940: Those being held at Gurs because they were sympathetic to the Nazis were released today, the same day on which the German inspection team arrived at what would become a French concentration camp for Jews.

1941:  The authorities send 5,000 Jews to Drancy, the detention camp outside Paris.  This will be their last stop as the move to “the East” for “Re-settlement.”

1941: A concentration camp begins operations at Jasenovac, Croatia.

1941(28th of Av, 5701): The Nazis murdered 3500 Jews from Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland, at Treblinka.

1942(8th of Elul, 5702): The Jewish community at Ozorków, Poland, is destroyed.

1942: At Siedlce, Poland, “400 Ukrainians, joined by the Polish police and SS troops, surrounded the ghetto” as they prepared to ship the Jews to Treblinka and/or slaughter the rest of them. (Yad Vashem)

1942: Etty Hillesum returned to Westerbork.

1943: While serving in the U.S Army, Ed Koch, the future Mayor of New York, snapped after being taunted with the anti-Semitic epithet ‘Yiddy’ by a fellow soldier named LaRue. He challenged the bigot to a fight, which went down in full view of the entire company. According to Koch, “(The lieutenant) wanted to stop the fight but I wouldn’t let him. Even though I took the beating, I’m glad I fought.” (As reported by Forwardstaff)

1944:Rudolf Kastner “travelled from Budapest under German escort to the Swiss frontier and acted as intermediary for the first conversation between Kurt Becher and Saly Mayer, Swiss representative of the Joint D.C to discuss the price of abandoning the gassing.
1944: Photo-journalist Julia Pirotte participated in the Marseille Uprising which began today.

1944(2nd of Elul, 5704): Sarah Vasen, first Jewish woman doctor in L.A. and first superintendent and resident physician of Kaspare Cohn Hospital (later Cedars-Sinai Hospital) passed away.

1945: At the urging of Lt. Colonel Judah Nadich, the rabbi serving as senior Jewish chaplain in Europe, General Eisenhower issued an order reversing the policy that would have required Jewish displaced persons to return to their native countries. 

1946: The cornerstone for Beit Berl, which has named after Berl Katznelson, was laid today.

1948: Mitchell “Mike” Flint transferred out of squadron 101.of the infant Israeli Air Force.

1949: Gertrude Samuels describes the story of one group of participants in the seventh aliyah to Israelwho are traveling from Munich, the home of Nazism, to Haifa. Of all the aliyot -- waves of immigration to Palestine -- the present is the most dramatic and, in terms of numbers and ultimate goals, perhaps the most important. To the desperate and the idealistic streaming in the new State of Israel is a miracle born of years of longing

1959(17th of Av, 5719): Eighty-one year old Publisher and businessman Salman Schocken passed away. 

1959(17thof Av, 5719): Seventy-eight year old Sir Jacob Epstein, the American born British sculptor passed away.

1959: President Eisenhower signs an executive order proclaiming Hawaii the 50th state of the union. Today Hawaii has a Jewish population of 10,000 out of a total population of about 1.2 million people.  In 2002, Linda Lingle, 49, won the Hawaii governor's race.  Lingle was the first Republican to win the job in forty years and she was the first Jewish governor of the state. “Lingle says her Jewish heritage has aided her political career in Hawaii because it has given her a better understanding of diversity, helping her connect with citizens of different religious and ethnic backgrounds. Lingle is a member of a Jewish congregation on the island of Maui and attends Lubavitch services in Honolulu on the island of Oahu. There also are a Reform synagogue and a Conservative synagogue in Honolulu.”

1960(28th of Av, 5720): David Barnard Steinman passed away.  Born to immigrant parents in 1886 on New York’s Lower East Side, Steinman became one of America’s top civil engineers and bridge designers.  The capstone of his career was the designing and building of the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan, referred to by some as the Greatest Bridge in the world.

1961: In what may have been some sort of record two Jewish hurlers, Sandy Koufax and Larry Sherry, pitch their team to defeat as the Griants beat “the Bums.”

1964: In New York, Rabbi Seymour Fox who would become a professor of Jewish education at Hebrew University and Sara Kaminker-Fox who would become head of the Jerusalem City Council gave birth to Israeli director Eytan Fox who made Aliyah at the tender age of two.

1969, Michael Dennis Rohan, a tourist from Australia and a member of the "Church of God," a Protestant sect, set fire to the mosque on the Temple Mount in an attempt to hasten the coming of the Messiah. He was judged insane and deported by Israel.

1971(30th of Av, 5731): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1973: Birthdate of Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google.

1977: A small group of young West Bank intellectuals tried to set up a political faction aimed at challenging the Palestine Liberation Organization’s claim of being the sole representatives of the Palestine Arabs in the administered territories. The group vehemently opposed Yasser Arafat and blamed him for plunging Palestineinto bloody strife and for the failure to safeguard the Arab people's political interests. (Sounds an awful lot like what some of Arafat’s critics are saying 25 years later.)

1977: In Washingtonthe US State Department announced that the current disagreements on the question of the settlements in the administered areas did not harm the long-standing Israeli-American friendship.

1977: Moshe Dayan met secretly with King Hussein in London marking the first time that any member of the Begin government had direct talks with any Arab leader.

1980(9th of Elul, 5740): Ninety-six year old Walter E. Sachs, who has been a partner in Goldman-Sachs since 1910  and who married actress Katharine Williamson in 1939 passed away today.

1982: Palestinian terrorists are dispersed from Beirut.

1983 La Cage aux Folles opened on Broadway at the Palace Theatre today. It could be seen as “Jewish affair” since the book was by Harvey Fierstein, the music and lyrics were by Jerry Herman and the director was Arthur Laurents

1987: In Santa Monica, Jody and Taylor Kasch gave birth to actor Cody Kasch the brother of Max Kasch.

1990(30th of Av, 5750): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1991: As violence continued for another day following a traffic accident that had resulted in the death of a seven year old boy, hundreds of marchers gathered at 770 Eastern Parkway--Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters. An Israeli flag was burned. Lubavitchers took to the streets in response. Groups of blacks and Jews assailed each other with bottles.

1994(14thof Elul, 5754): German born American sociologist Rose Laub Coser passed away.

1995(25thof Av, 5755):Five Israelis were killed and at least 100 injured when an Arab bomb ripped apart a bus in a residential neighborhood of Jerusalem

2001: Hamas claimed responsibility for today’s bombing in downtown Jerusalem during which on person was injured.

2003: “Because Roy Moore, Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, refused to remove his Ten Commandments monument by the August 20th deadline, the associate Justices of Alabama Supreme Court unanimously overrule Moore and order the monument removed by the building's manager.” (Anybody who remembers Governor Wallace and his ilk know that officials in Alabama have a lot of trouble with the Constitution and obeying the law)

2005: The Sunday edition of the Washington Postfeatured a review of A History of the Jews in the Modern World by Howard M. Sachar that covers events from the 18th century to present times. 

2005: The Sunday edition of the New York Timesfeatured a review of Redemption: The Life of Henry Roth by Steven G. Kellman.  Roth is best known as the author of Call It Sleep which is now considered a classic in Jewish-American Literature.

2005: Israeli poet Dahlia Ravikovitch was found dead in her apartment. Initial reports speculated the cause of death to be suicide, but the autopsy determined the cause to be sudden heart irregularities.A literary celebrity in Israel, Dahlia Ravikovitch who was born in 1936 is barely known in the United States, and far too small a presence in the English-reading world. Ravikovitch is not only one of the towering figures of 20th-century Israeli poetry, but also one of the strongest female poets in the history of Hebrew verse; she was so present here that she used to make frequent appearances on television, in which she was asked for her views on political or military developments. Long active in the peace movement, she often mixed the contemporary with the ancient and the biblical in her poetic responses to the news. While Ravikovitch is not an easy poet or a simple one, there is an approachability to the best of her work, and also, fortunately, to the best of a new translation entitledHovering at a Low Altitude: The Collected Poetry of Dahlia Ravikovitch; translated by Chana Bloch and Chana Kronfeld. One of her strongest poems “Like Rachel” is quoted below.

Like Rachel

To die like Rachel

when the soul shudders like a


wants to break free.

Behind the tent, in fear and


Jacob and Joseph speak of her,


All the days of her life

turn head over heels inside her

like a baby that wants to be


How grueling. How

Jacob's love ate away at her

with a greedy mouth.

As the soul takes leave now,

she has no use for any of that.

Suddenly the baby screeches,

Jacob comes into the tent -

but Rachel does not even sense


Rapture washes over her face,

her head.

* * *

Then did a great repose descend

upon her.

The breath of her nostrils would

not stir a feather.

They laid her down among

mountain stones

and made her no lament.

To die like Rachel,

that's what I want.

2006 (27th Av, 5766): Yahrzeit of Mathilde Schechter. Schechter “was the United States founder of the US National Women's League of Conservative Judaism in 1918. She was married to Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schechter, a prominent rabbi who was Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary. She founded and taught at the Columbia Religious and Industrial School for Jewish Girls. After assisting Henrietta Szold in creating Hadassah, Schechter later served as its national chairwoman of education. The Mathilde Schchter Residence Hall (MSRH), named for Schechter, contains undergraduate housing for students of the Jewish Theological Seminary's List College.” She passed away in 1924.

2006 (27 Av, 5766): Yizhar Smilansky passed away. Known by his pen name S. Yizhar or Samech Yizhar, he was an Israeli writer and a great innovator in Modern Hebrew literature. His pen name S. Yizhar was given to him by the poet and editor Yitzhak Lamdan, when in 1938 he published Yizhar's first story Ephraim Goes Back to Alfalfa in his literary journal Galleons. From then on, Yizhar signed his works with his pen name.

2006: The New York Times reported that Dina Najmin aged 38, a wife; mother of three and an expert in Jewish bioethics will become the spiritual leader of Kehilat Orach Eliezer.  As the Times said, “The appointment is a milestone for advocates of an expanded role for women Orthodox Judaism, but one bursting with the kind of contradictions and tensions that come with trying to reconcile modern egalitarian impulses with fidelity to ancient religious texts that often defy them.”Kehilat Orach Eliezer is a non-denominational synagogue on Manhattan's Upper West Side
2006:Starting today, Max, Kellerman did at least two nights of audition shows at 7 PM for WEPN (1050) 1050 ESPN Radio in New York City, hosting one night with Sid Rosenberg

 Rabbi David Weiss Halivni is a scholar of Talmud and a Holocaust survivor, originally of Sighet, Romania. ...2007:The man accused of stalking Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel and dragging the Holocaust scholar out of a hotel elevator earlier this year was ordered to stand trial for hate crimes. A San Francisco Superior Court judge ruled there was enough evidence to try 23-year-old Eric Hunt on six felony charges including attempted battery, stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, elder abuse and false imprisonment of an elder. Each charge carries a hate crime allegation.

2007: Fatah’s armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades announced that it would no longer honor understandings reached with Israel and called on its members to carry weapons to defend themselves against the IDF.  The announcement was seen as a challenged to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ efforts to dismantle the Aksa Martyrs Brigades and other Fatah-linked armed groups in the West Bank.  In other words, this more internecine Arab feuding camouflaged as part of the war against the Zionist entity.

2008: The New York Timesincluded a review Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and the Fight Over Presidential Power by Jonathan Mahler managing editor of The Forward

2008 (20 Av 5768):President Shimon Peres is spending his 85th birthday in southern Israel's Negev desert as part of his crusade to promote growth in the sparsely-populated arid region. Peres is celebrating his birthday based on the Hebrew Calendar, not the secular calendar.  He was born on August 2, 1923 which was 20 Av.

2008:Today the state of Israel informed the High Court of Justice that it will shift the route of the separation barrier in the Judean desert so that 4,000 dunams of the roughly 70,000 dunams that were until now to be located on the "Israeli" side will now be on the West Bank side. At the same time, it made clear that the settlement of Kedar would remain on the "Israeli" side of the barrier in accordance with the original route.

2008: The Beaux Arts Trio with Menahem Pressler on piano performed its final American concert today at Tanglewood.

2009: In Cedar Rapids, Temple Judah hosts a Special Welcoming Friday Night Service for Rabbi Todd Thalblum as he settles in to his new pulpit.

2009: Today The London Beth Din ordered the board of an Orthodox synagogue in Sydney to make a six-figure payout to a prominent rabbi it tried to lay off. The ruling by the rabbinical court ends a bitter dispute between the Mizrachi Synagogue in Bondi and Rabbi Moshe Gutnick, who won an injunction in the New South Wales Supreme Court in March to stop synagogue members from voting on a resolution to lay him off.
2009(1st of Elul, 5769): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2009(1st of Elul, 5769):Edward René David Goldsmith widely known as Teddy Goldsmith, an Anglo-French environmentalist, writer and philosopher passed away. The eldest son of Major Frank Goldsmith, and elder brother of the financier Sir James Goldsmith, Edward Goldsmith was the founding editor and publisher of The Ecologist. Known for his outspoken views opposing industrial society and economic development, he expressed a strong sympathy for the ways and values of traditional peoples.  His father was Jewish.  His mother was not.

2010: Adam Burstain, son of Todd and Jennifer Burstain, was called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, IA.

2010:During today’s national elections in Australia, Joshua Frydenberg, becameAustralia’s first Jewish lawmaker for the federal Liberal Party.

2011: Beth El Hebrew Congregation in Alexandria, VA, is scheduled to host its Perspective Members Brunch

2011:Israeli and New York-based choreographer Deganit Shemy& Company are scheduled to present a Work-in-Progress Performance of 2 Kilos of Sea at LMCC’s Arts Center at Governors Island.

2011: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Submission by Amy Waldman

2011:Members of Knesset from Israel's leading opposition party, Kadima, urged the cabinet today to launch a military campaign in the Gaza Strip, following the barrage of rockets that struck Israel over the weekend and the deadly terrorist attack that had taken place on August 18.

2011:The escalation in southern Israel continued this morning when six rockets and a barrage of mortars hit near the city of Ashkelon. The Iron Dome system successfully shot down three rockets. Rockets also fell in several open areas, and hit a school building in Be'er Sheva, causing no injuries as students are currently on summer break.

2011:Over a thousand people crowded a Kfar Saba cemetery today, to bid farewell to four people gunned down during the recent combined terror attack near Eilat that left eight Israelis dead. Moshe Gez, 53, and Flora Gez, 52, as well as Dov Karlinski, 58, and Shula Karlinski, 54 were on their way to Eilat for a holiday on August 18 when they came under fire from terrorists who had infiltrated Israel from the Sinai Peninsula.
2011: Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly was among those who spoke at the funeral of Sally Goodgold, the civic leader who lobbied for affordable housing. (As reported by David Dunlap)

 2011: The annual ceremony commemorating “George Washington’s famed letter to the Jews of Touro Synagogue was held today in Newport, RI.

2012:Shlomo Bar, Dan Shtag, Sharona Elimelech and the Desert Drummers are scheduled to perform songs by Uzi Hitman, Yoni Rechter, Nurit Hirsh, Miriam Yellin Shteklis, Nahum Vardi and Leah Goldberg in Hazan Hall as part of the Oud Festival.

2012: “Israel is “troubled” by the entry of Egyptian tanks into the northern Sinai Peninsula without coordination with Israel, a violation of the terms of the 33-year-old peace treaty between the two countries, and has asked Egypt to withdraw them, an Israeli government official said today.”

2012:For the first time, criminal charges have been pressed against a German rabbi for performing circumcisions, a Jewish weekly reported today.

2012:In an unusual foray into the world of partisan politics, more than 600 rabbis displayed their support for US President Barack Obama's reelection bid today joining a campaign initiative called Rabbis for Obama. Obama for America announced today that Rabbis for Obama is designed to “engage and mobilize grassroots supporters.” This marks a departure from the norm where Rabbis have spoken out social issues such as the civil rights movement or the rights of labor without using their "smichah" to endorse a specific candidate.

2013: A letter, of questionable authenticity  which describes the transportation of 5,000 Jews daily to the Treblinka extermination camp is scheduled to be auctioned off today in London (As reported by JTA)

2013: The Washington, DC JCC is scheduled to host “Atonement: Stories about Confession, Redemption and Making Amends” in which 8 “morally challenged individuals tell true stories about holding themselves accountable for their mistakes and wrong-doings.

2013(15th of Elul, 5773): Ninety-five year old Sid Bernstein who played a key role in the early American visits of the Beatles passed away today.(As reported by Allan Kozinn)

2013(15th of Elul, 5773): Seventy-two year old Eddie Goldstein – “little Honest Joe King Edward” – who “opened the first swap shop in Dallas, TX passed away today.

2013: In “Hasidic Jews Turn Up Pressure on City to Accommodate Their Traditions” published today, Joseph Berger examines the growing power of the Ultra-Orthodox in New York City while offering no differianation in the use of the term “Hasidic.”

2013: “Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief envoy to peace talks, met clandestinely this morning with Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat at Jerusalem’s King David Hotel, Israeli officials said. A second meeting, which took place Tuesday evening at an undisclosed location in Jerusalem, included Washington’s point man Martin Indyk, the officials said.

2014: L.A.’s Yiddish Tango Club which “infuses klezmer with the fresh sensuality of Argentine tango” is scheduled to perform this evening in Los Angeles.

This Day, August 22, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 22

70: According to Josephus, Titus began the battering operations against the wall of the Temple Court 6:4)

1241: Pope Gregory IX passed away today. “Gregory IX was a prominent opponent of Judaism during his life, condemning it as "containing every kind of vileness and blasphemy". In the 1234 Decretals, he invested the doctrine of perpetua servitus iudaeorum – perpetual servitude of the Jews – with the force of canonical law. According to this, the followers of the Talmud would have to remain in a condition of political servitude until Judgment Day. The doctrine then found its way into the doctrine of servitus camerae imperialis, or servitude immediately subject to the Emperor's authority, promulgated by Frederick II. The Jews were thus suppressed from having direct influence over the political process and the life of Christian states into the 19th century with the rise of liberalism. In 1239, under the influence of Nicholas Donin, a Jewish convert to Christianity, Gregory ordered that all copies of the Jewish Talmud be confiscated. Following a public disputation between Christians and Jewish theologians, this culminated in a mass burning of some 12,000 handwritten Talmudic manuscripts on June 12, 1242, in Paris. Subsequent popes repeated this practice.”

1280: Pope Nicholas III passed away today before he could hear the request from Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia to “release captive Jews.” (Jewish Virtual Library)

1370: Judah Alatzar of Barcelona, a Spanish Jew, lent the king and queen 110,000 sueldos so they could equip ten ships which would transfer the Pope from Rome to Avignon.

1400: On the day that Emperor Wenceslaus was deposed and Rupert of the Paletine was elected his successor, seventy-seven Jews were executed and three weeks later three more were led to the stake.

1454: Jews of Brno (now a city in the Czech Republic -  then a free imperial city of Moravia) were expelled by King Ladislaus

1485: In England the forces of Richard III are defeated at the Battle of Bosworth Field, where loses Richard loses and the House of Plantagenet loses control of the throne to the House of Tudor. It was a Plantagenet king who expelled the Jews from England. Henry VIII, the second Tudor King to sit on the throne, promised that no Jews would be allowed to live in England as part of the marriage agreement with his Spanish born wife. But Henry would inadvertently open the way for the Jews to return when he broke with the Catholic Church over the matter of his divorce. So, on balance, the outcome of the Battle of Bosworth Field was a win for the Jews even though they were not there and the “win” was a long time in coming.

1604: An exemption was issued by the Pope allowing Portuguese conversos to seek pardon for their "offenses," and have their items returned to them. This order was not respected by the Inquisition in the New World.

1614: Vincent Fettmilch of Frankfurt, a former pastry cook and leader of the Guilds, calling himself the "new Haman of the Jews" attacked the synagogue while the community was at prayer. Although many tried to organize a defense, they were soon overpowered and many took shelter in the cemetery while the community was destroyed. He and his accomplices were hanged and quartered for it 2 years later. They were not hanged for their attacks on the Jews. They were hanged because they had decided to attack the wealthy nobles.

1639: Madras (now Chennai), India, is founded by the British East India Company on a sliver of land bought from local Nayak rulers. Jewish merchants played a significant role in Madras as can be seen from the fact that three Jewish merchants were among the 12 Alderman nominated to serve on the first local governing council established in 1688. One of the first Jews who came to Madras with special permission to reside and trade there was Jacques (Jaime) de Paiva (Pavia), originally from Amsterdam. Most Jews living in Madras were or English or Portuguese origin. They exported diamonds extracted from the mines at Goloconda to England and imported silver and coral. The Jewish community in Madras no longer exists but evidence of its vitality can be seen the Jewish cemetery located on Mint Street.

1642: King Charles I effectively began the English Civil War by branding the members of the House of Commons as traitors. As a result of the war, Charles would lose his head and Cromwell would become head of the English government. Cromwell made it possible for the Jews to return to England in an open fashion after a three century absence.

1654: Jacob Barsimson, who some claim was the first Jew to settle in North America, arrived in New Amsterdam. However, the official founding of the Jewish community in the United States is dated from September 23, 1654 when 23 Jewish refugees arrived from Recife.

1664: Kings Charles II of England responded to a petitions from “the Hebrews in his realm” by saying that as long as they (the Jews) demean themselves peaceably and with due submission to the laws, they may presumed they will enjoy the same favor as they formerly held.

1694(1stof Elul, 5454): Venetian rabbi Samuel Aboab, the son of Abraham Aboab, whose works included Debar Shemuel" (Word of Samuel and who was involved with Nathan of Gaza, passed away today.

1752: Eighty-four year old William Whiston best known for his translation of the works of Josephus including Antiquities of the Jews passed away today.

1791: Seventy-four year old Johann David Michaelis part of family of Christian Hebraists including Johann Heinrich Michaelis “the author of an annotated Hebrew Bible, who wrote a dissertation defending “the antiquity and divine authority of the Hebrew vowel points, passed away today.

1800(1stof Elul, 5560): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1800: Birthdate of Samuel David Luzzatto, Italian-Jewish scholar.

1802: Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck, the Batavian (Dutch) Ambassador to France delivered a note to the French foreign minister on behalf of the Jews of Germany.

1810: Birthdate of Eliezer Eduard

1810 Birthdate of Hirschel Eliazer Kann, one of the founders of Lissa & Kann, a Dutch banking house.

1821: On this day came an end of the Spanish Inquisition in Venezuela. The Venezuela government wrote, "The Tribunal of the Inquisition, also known as the Holy Office, shall be abolished."

1843(26 Av, 5603): Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the third Rebbe of the Chabad dynasty, popularly known as the "Tzemach Tzedek," finally departed Petersburg having successfully prevented the government's disruption of traditional Jewish life. “In 1843, the Interior Ministry of the Czarist government convened a rabbinical conference in the Russian capital of Petersburg, to the end of imposing changes in Jewish communal life and religious practice. Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch (1789-1866, known as the "Tzemach Tzeddek" after his Halachic works by that name) was invited; as a primary figure in the leadership of Russian Jewry, his compliance was required to lend legitimacy to the government's proposed "reforms". In the course of the conference, the Tzemach Tzeddek was placed under arrest no less than 22 (!) times for his refusal to cooperate.” Third in the line of leaders of the Chabad movement was after the title of his voluminous responsa.

1853:Solomon Nunes Carvalho, a South Carolina born Sephardic Jew signed on with explorer and U.S. military officer John C. Fremont as an artist and daguerreotypist. Carvalho would create  a pictorial  record of the “Pathfinder’s” expedition that explored the Rocky Mountain region.
1855: Mademoiselle Rachel, the great French Tragedienne, whose visit to the United States has been proclaimed in all the public prints for some months past, arrived today on the SS Pacific. Mademoiselle Rachel is Elizabeth Rachel Felix, the daughter of a German-Swiss Jew named Felix and his wife Esther Haya. She has an older sister named Sarah with whom she used to sing as a child.
1855: Birthdate of Franz Heyse, the first son of Paul Heyse, German-Jewish author and translator.

1858: Twenty year old Jeanette Herzl married Jacob Herzl.

1860(4th of Elul, 5620): Samuel Holdheim passed away. Born in 1806, he was a German rabbi and author, and one of the early leaders of the Reform Movement in Judaism.

1863(6thof Elul, 5623): Seventy-six year old Jacob Rubino, the son of Minkel and Ruben Moses Rubino passed away today.

1864: Twelve nations sign the first Geneva Convention creating the Red Cross. The International Red Cross, as opposed to the American organization, has a negative image among Jews because of its unwillingness to recognize the Magen David as a variant of the Cross even though it allows for other variations including the Moslem Red Crescent.

1865(30th of Av, 5625): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1874: Birthdate of Max Scheler, German philosopher. Born to a Lutheran father and an Orthodox Jewish mother, Scheler opted to convert to Catholicism.

1875: A an article was published today that had originally appeared in Fraser’s Magazine (an English publication) which describes a visit to dealer in antiques and jewelry whose small shop is located on a dark and dirty lane in London. The owner of the shop is referred to as “Cohen Hertzog,” although that is not his name and he is described as a “Hebrew” and “a cosmopolitan” – a little old man with high wrinkled forehead and long white beard, a black velvet skull-cap upon his head, keen eyes that sparkle like his diamonds, and an intellect as sharp…as the file with which he tests them.” The Jew’s speech is written in a dialect saying “dese” for these, “tings” for things, etc. And during his oration the Jew reveals that the only thing for which he cares are the gems that he collects and sells. Not exactly a portrait of the Rothschilds but certainly a view of the Jew held by many English men and women of the day.

1875: “The Talmud” which was published today and was based on information first published in the Cornhill Magazine, a popular Victorian journal describes why this “extensive storehouse of Hebrew wisdom,” this “‘extraordinary monument of human industry, human intelligence and human folly’” has become “a faded memory” for the “greater majority of both Jews and Christians.” The reasons are two-fold. First, the Talmud is difficult to study and master; having it own lexicon and language. Secondly, from the Christian point of view the Talmud is filled with heresies which Bacon describes as “absurd trash”; the same words he used to describe the Koran, the Spurious Gospels and the Generations of Jesus.

1875: “The Author of Toldoth Jeshu” which was published today and was based on material first published in the Cornhill Magazine, a popular Victorian reported that the author of this work known in English as “The Generations of Jesus” was written by a 17th century “Bohemian Jew” known as “Chaim or Joachim who was converted to Christianity and baptized Ferdinand Francis. Thanks to the work of Johann Christoph Wagenseil, the German professor of Oriental Languages, the book was exposed as being blasphemous in its description of Jesus and Ferdinand Francis was condemned to be hanged in the fish market at Vienna. When the condemned man was offered a crucifix by a Jesuit he threw it on the floor and “told the people…that he had only adopted the Christian faith for reason of political convenience.” Ferdinand was then tortured by the his captors but did not cry out in pain. When they cut off his hand he said it was just punishment for turning his back on the faith of his fathers. And he continued to utter the prayers of his people until he died. In the mean time, the shops of the Jews were pillaged; they were robbed of their money and gems even if that meant cutting off their fingers and many were stoned to death. [Unfortunately for Ferdinand Francis, Toldoth Jeshu had been around since the 6th century, so he could not have been its author, regardless of he what he or Wagenseil might have said.]

1880: “A Lost Tribe” published today reviewed Wojinstwujusci Israil by W.J. Remirowitch-Dantschenko which described his encountered with a tribe in the highlands of the Daghesan that look like Cossacks but are Jews who follow “the Mosaic.”  Their presence must date back to the days of the Judean kings since they know nothing about the Second Temple or the Temple.

1880: “The English Oath of Allegiance” published today traced the history of the fight for Jews to take an oath of office that require to say “upon the true faith of a Christian. By 1866, through acts of Parliament there was “a full statutory recognition of the civil equality of Jews with other subjects which though long allowed in practice had never yet been expressly decalred.”

1882: A review of the new musical “Black Flag” published today described the humorous performance by Nat Goodwin who played the role of “Sim Lazarus, an absurd London Jews of the kind that pleases for some occult reason the sense of the ridiculous in the average Hebrew…” [Goodwin was a famous 19thcentury American actor whose roles included Shylock in “The Merchant of Venice.”]

1883: It was reported to that an unnamed American Jew was expelled from St. Petersburg in accordance with Russian law that forbids Jews from living in the city. 

1884(1stof Elul, 5644): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1884: It was reported today that fourteen houses and shops belonging to Jews were ransacked and demolished during anti-Jewish riots in Yekaterinoslav, Russia.  Two Jews and one rioter were killed during the riots.  Unlike other times, the Jews defended themselves from their attackers.

1884: In New York, Justice Power is scheduled to hear the case of Alexander Labotsky whose wife Frieda accused him of having deserted her.  Frieda came to the United States ago from Poland.  Labotsky said he left Poland because of her; that he had sent her papers for a divorce; and that he would support her financially but would never leave with her again as the Judge had previously suggested.

1884: “A Midnight Murder” published today described the discovery of the body of Sam Lavner, a Jewish man from Chicago who had murdered by shot fired by an unknown party.  “On top of his head and one arm were fastened little cubes which on being cut open were to contain the Ten Commandments in Hebrew, such as used by the orthodox Jews in their worship”

1885: “The Will of Montefiore” published today uses information that originally appeared in the London Jewish Chronicle to provide a detailed summary of the will of the Sir Moses Montefiore which was executed in January of 1882.  The will is twenty pages long and shows that his personal estate is worth between £350,000 and £380,000. The executors include Lord Rothschild, Joseph Sebag and Arthur Cohen. Among those receiving bequest are United Synagogue, Bevis Marks and various charitable institutions in Jerusalem and Palestine.

1885: “His Father to the Rescue” published today described an altercation in Chicago between Henry L. Ottenheimer who spanked 8 year old Robbie Garland for calling him a “Polish Jew” and his father R.H. Garland who came to the boy’s rescue.

1886: Eighty-four year old Professor Calvin E. Stowe, the husband of Harriet Beecher Stowe passed away.  Among his best known works were History of the Hebrew Commonwealth and Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews

1887: The will of millionaire Levi Rosenfeld was admitted to probate today in Chicago, Illinois.

1887: Abraham Tombitsky who was treated at Gouverneur Hospital is in too much pain because of his fractured leg to give a statement to authorities who are investigating charges that Patrolman John Etterick was responsible for the injury during his attempt to enforce the Sunday Closing Laws by clearing the Hester and Ludlow streets of crowds of Russian and Polish Jews.

1888: The ninth free excursion sponsored by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children will leave from the foot of the 5th street pier and the East River this morning.

1889: As president of the board of regents of Indiana’s Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Frederick Knefler, the Jewish Civil War general, oversaw today’s laying of the cornerstone in the center of Indianapolis.

1891: At Baltimore thirty-nine Russian Jews who arrived aboard the Slavonia and 4 Russian Jews who arrived aboard the Caspian are still waiting to be investigated by authorities for their suitability to land in this country.

1891: Birthdate of Jacques Lipchitz. Born Chaim Jacob Lipchitz in Druskininkai, Lithuania, this American artist was a leading Cubist sculptor.

1892: Lt. Gen. de Richter, the Czar’s aide-de-camp, acting on “formal instructions” returned the resolution to the New Zealand Legislative Assembly that it asked him to present the Czar urging more humane treatment for Russian Jews because he is not authorized to receive such petitions.

1893: Birthdate of Dorothy Parker. Born Dorothy Rothschild, she was an American writer and poet best known for her caustic wit, wisecracks, and sharp eye for twentieth century urban foibles. She passed away in 1967

1893: New York Mayor Thomas Gilroy appeared to respond favorably today to a request from Samuel Gompers, President of the American of Labor that “the municipality” should “help the unemployed and relieve their distress by ‘making working’ for them”

1893: Jacob Milch chaired the meeting of the Hebrew Trades this evening at the Pythagoras Hall.

1894(20thof Av, 5654): Dr. Bernhard Grunhut “was drowned at sea” today while sailing to Europe aboard the SS Bothnia.

1894: “Religious Duties May Interfere – Hebrews May Not Serve as Inspectors of Election in October,” published today described  the plight of  Jews who will be limited in their ability to serve as voter registration officers this fall since the first day of registration falls on October 9 which is Erev Yom Kippur. Jewish officials will have to leave their posts early because they have to be in their synagogues before sundown.

1894: Joseph Goldwasser was arrested this morning on charges of having beaten his 14 year old son Benjamin who is a “deaf-mute.”

1894: Julius Marcus, the young Jew who killed Mrs. Juliette Fournier and then shot himself was buried today in Bayside Cemetery by a “Hebrew benevolent society.” Because Marcus was a self-confessed atheist there was no rabbi at the burial which was attended on by his parents, brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces.

1895: The first conference of Russian Zionists that was secretly held in Warsaw comes to an end.

1895: Edgar Barney the principle of the Hebrew Technical Institute  and twelve of his “tutors” took 300 student on an excursion to Coney Island.

1895: Sol Rubenstein is trying to replace Frank J. Butler as the Democratic leader of the 12th Assembly District. “Mr. Rubenstein wants the leadership” because of the number of Jewish “votes in the district.”

1897: “The disturbances begun on August 20 by the fanatical opponents of the Jews began again today in Pilsen, Bohemia.  “An anti-Jewish mob” attacked the police “and then small the window in the synagogue, the Jewish schools and the houses of the best-known Jews.”

1897: “Reminiscence of Barney Barnato” published today provided a brief sketch of the personality of the late diamond mining magnate.

1897: “Jews Are Split on Zionism” published today described the opposition led by German Rabbis to Zionism and the call they have to “oppose the Zionist ideas as contrary to Judaism” and “to keep away from the Basil Congress.”

1898: The funeral of Leopold Minzesheimer, the Superintendent of Mount Sinai Hospital is scheduled to take place at 10 A.M. at the hospital.

1898: It was reported today that George Blumenthal is now the President of the Mount Sinai Training School for Nurses.

1898: “Entertainment for Hebrew Children” published today described a fundraiser organized by Mrs. J.F. Emanuel held at the Waldorf Amusement Hall that raised $900 for the Rockaway Sanitarium for Hebrew Children.

1898: It was reported today that Henry Gitterman is the acting President of the Board of Directors of Mt. Sinai Hospital.

1899(16th of Elul, 5659): Thirty-three year old Aaron J. Wechsler, the eldest son of the late Joseph Wechsler who was a partner in the dry goods firm of Wechsler & Abraham passed away today at his home in Brooklyn.

1899: Fernand Labori, the lead attorney for Alfred Dreyfus returned to the court today after enduring a “murderous attack” on August 14. He was accompanied by his wife, his physician and police inspectors.  He was greeted by a cheering throng that wanted to shake his hand.

1900: In Pine Bluff, AR, Adolph and Rachel (Rae Solmson) Bluthenthal gave birth to their first child Adele who as Adele Bluthenthal Heiman would play an active part in the Little Rock, AR, Jewish community where she was an active member of Temple B’Nai Israel, the largest Jewish congregation in the state.

1903: Seventy-three year old Lord Salisbury who was political opponent of Disraeli even though they were both members of the Conservative Party and who served as Prime Minister at the end of the 19th century when Russian persecution of Jews caused some of his countrymen to fear “a wholesale invation of pauper Jews’ (Something he said during a speech in the House of Lords would not happen) passed away today.

1903: After attending the Shabbat service in the Basel synagogue, Herzl invites a number of leaders including the Russians Mandelstamm, Yelski, Bernstein-Kohan and Tshlenov as well as Wolfssohn, Marmorek, Cowen and Zangwill into Joseph Cowen's room in order to win them over to the Uganda Project. The final decision is to present the offer to the Congress.

1904: In Galicia, Max and Eugenia (née Dittler) Wilder gave birth to producer and director William Lee Wilder the brother of the more famous Billy Wilder.

1906(1stof Elul, 5666): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1909: Birthdate of Boris Schapiro, the native of Riga who became a British international bridge player.

1909: Birthdate of Screenwriter Julius J. Epstein. Among his more noted accomplishments; Epstein wrote the un-produced play that became the Academy Award winning film Casablanca. He is also the great-uncle of Theo Epstein, the baseball executive who brought the Red Sox the World Series Championship that broke the Babe Ruth Curse. During the Red Scare, Epstein appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee where he denied being a member of the Communist Party. However, when asked if he had ever worked for a subversive organization he reportedly replied, “Yes, Warner Brothers.”

1911: During the Tredgar Riots, another day of attacks on the Jews of New South Wales in the worst outbreak of anti-Semitic violence in modern British history

1913: In Brooklyn, Isaac and Sophie Sackler gave birth to “Dr. Arthur M. Sackler, medical researcher, publisher and art collector extraordinaire…”

1914: Lt. Edward Louis Spears, the British liaison officer serving with French General Lanrezac, whom the French ambassador in London would describe as “a most dangerous person…a very able and intriguing Jew who insinuates himself everywhere, witnessed and described the gallant behavior of the 1st Tirailleurs and 2nd Zouaves as they tried to retake the river bridges held by the Germans at Charleroi.  (As described by Max Hastings)

1922: Birthdate of Ivry Gitlis, the Haifa born “Israeli violist and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.”

1922: Birthdate of Canadian poet Elizabeth Brewster.
1925: Birthdate of Irving David Chais Irving D. Chais, owner and chief surgeon of the New York Doll Hospital.

1927: French architect René Sergent, who helped Moise de Camondo design the family mansion on the Parc Monceau which included “a kosher kitchen with separate sections for meat dairy” passed away today.

1927: Birthdate of Walter Goodman, the Bronx native and reporter for the New York Times and “the author of a widely read history of the House Committee on Un-American Activities.” (As Reported by Douglas Martin)

1928: Birthdate of Slavko Goldstein, the Croatian author who fought in the Israel War for Independence and who worked with his son historian Ivo Goldstein to restore the Zagreb Synagogue.

1933: The Central Verein Zeitung,  the “official organ of the Central Union of German Jews, was ordered closed until September 2 without explanation.”

1933: A demand that within the next ten years land and employment must be provided in Palestine for hundreds of thousands of Jews and in the next two generations for millions was the feature of the political report presented in today's session of the Eighteenth World Zionist Congress meeting in Prague by Professor Selig Brodetzky of Leeds, England.

1935: Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New York was invited today to address the World Zionist Congress on Jewry's position throughout the world after he had demanded a full discussion of the situation in Germany.

1936:The American consul general in Jerusalem cabled the U.S. Secretary of State to report, " A local committee of five representative Americans (leading Zionists) has been formed to meet the [Senate] party on arrival and has planned propaganda visits to Jewish colonies before proceeding [to] Jerusalem... [The] junket is designed to appeal to pro-Jewish propaganda.... The [British] Chief Secretary of the Palestine Government takes position on grounds of safety alone that the party cannot be permitted to tour country.  With this I fully concur, particularly in view of present recrudescence of terrorism and especially as Zionists are sponsoring tour."

1937: The Jewish Agency Council successfully completed its deliberations at Zurich. After prolonged deliberations unity had been achieved between the Zionist and non-Zionist members. A unanimously adopted resolution stated that partition or no partition, the Zionist work in Palestine must go on. Dr. Chaim Weitzman stressed that the Jewish people were and would always be deeply conscious of their debt to Great Britain, which had exerted herself to do something for the Jewish people and created the indispensable conditions for the creation of a Jewish National Home. The Zionist Executive resolved to ask the British Government to discuss the implementation and broadening of the Peel Report and to arrange for a joint Jewish-Arab conference.

1937: Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich completed his first term as People’s Commissar for Transport of the Soviet Union.

1937: The Jewish Variety Hour will premiere at 5 p.m. on CKOC in Hamilton, Canada.  Entertainment will be provided by tenor Lou Herman, his three sisters – Fay Miriam and Goldie, tenor Max Mendel and accordionist Sherman Ghan, “the blind musician who has mastered the violin, piano and organ.”

1938(25th of Av, 5698): Jonah Israelovitch, a 36 year old laborer was shot to death by Arab snipers who fired on a bus near Tel Aviv that was carrying workers to Holon.

1938: Firefighters in Jerusalem fought to contain a blaze in a Jewish owned lumberyard started by Arab arsonists that threatened to spread to nearby petroleum storage tanks owned by Standard Oil.

1938: Authorities found the bodies of three Arabs on the Acre-Safed road with a note pinned to the victims written in Arabic that state “So may it be done traitors.” The dead bodies with the note attach appear to be part of a campaign by Arab terrorists to intimidate those in their community who do not support their aims and/or tactics.

1940: As novelist Stefan Zweig and his wife Lotte Atlmann continued their flight from the Nazis, they move to Petrópolis, Brazil the city in which they would commit suicide in 1942.

1942: Ten thousand Jews from Wielun, Poland, are deported to the Chelmno death camp.

1942: In Siedlce, Poland after four hundred Ukrainians had joined by the Polish police and SS troops in surrounding  the ghetto, 10,000 Jews were deported to the Treblinka death camp and 2,000 were executed in the Jewish cemetery

1942: The Jewish community from Losice, Poland, is liquidated at the Treblinka death camp

1944:Oskar Schindler signed a letter at his enamelware factory in Krakow, Poland, written on behalf of one of his employees, Adam Dziedzic, who had "received a clearings contract for unloading and assembling war-necessary machinery and has been sent to Sudetengau." (As reported by Reuters)

1947: The British Foreign office issued a cable warning “diplomats that they should be ready to emphatically deny that the Jews from the SS Exodus were to be housed in former concentration camps after they were offloaded in Germany and that German guards will not be used to keep the Jews in the refugee camps.”

1947: Premiere of “The Pretender” produced and directed by W. Lee Wilder

1954: Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, opens its fortieth annual convention today at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

1960: After starter Don Drysdale is driven from the mound by the bats of the Giants, Larry Sherry tames San Francisco and gets the win when the Dodgers bats come alive for an 8 to 5 victory.

1966: In an interview published today, Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits described his challenge while serving as the leader of the Fifth Avenue Synagogue as being “to make Orthodoxy elegant and fashionable and to show that you don’t have to live on the Lower East Side in squalor to be a strictly traditional Jew.”  Jakobovits is the newly named Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Commonwealth.

1967: Premiere “The Flim-Flam Man” directed by Irvin Kershner with music by Jerry Goldsmith.

1969: Birthdate of Jonathan Stuart Goldstein, “an American-Canadian author, humorist and radio producer” who is “known for his work on the radio programs This American Life and WireTap.”

1971(1st of Elul, 5731): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1972: Hadassah, the women's Zionist organization, emphasized its concern about the plight of Soviet Jews by giving its highest award to a Soviet Jewish woman and announcing a training program for 20 refugee Russian Jewish doctors and 10 scientists now in Israel.

1973: U.S. President Richard Nixon names Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State. Kissinger is the first Jew to hold this post. This stands in stark contrast to the anti-Semitic remarks that one hears uttered by Nixon on several of his taped conversations.

1974(4thof Elul, 5734): Sixty-six year old Jacob Bronowski, the Polish-Jewish British scientist who is remembered by many for his role in the13 part television series, “The Ascent of Man” passed away today.

1976(26thof, 5736):Reb Avraham Yaakov, the leader of the Sadigur Chassidim passed away today in Israel

1977: The US confirmed that Israel had used American-supplied military equipment to assist the Christian forces fighting in Southern Lebanon, but denied that such action was a violation of any US-Israeli agreement.

1977: Egypt was accused by a senior defense source of serious violations of the Sinai agreement by moving forces in the Limited Forces Zone far beyond the acceptable limits.

1977: The Haifa Rabbinical Court ruled that artificial insemination does not constitute adultery. A husband whose wife bore a child by artificial insemination with his consent is responsible for the child’s upkeep.

1982: Rabbi Wall of Burlington presided at the ceremonies formally dedicating  the new home of Congregation Beth-El in St. Johnsbury, Vermont

1982: General Ariel Sharon urged Palestinians to discuss peaceful coexistence.

1987:''From Marees to Picasso: Masterworks From the Von der Heydt Museum of Wuppertal,'' a new selection of Israeli art, on display at the Tel Aviv Museum is scheduled to come to any.

1990(1st of Elul, 5750): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1991: The NYPD changed their tactics in dealing with the violence in Crown Heights. Initially, the Department had practiced a strategy of containment in response to mounting violence in the streets, directing its officers only to stop the spread of disorder, but not to try to dispel it. At the same time some community leaders engaged in “blatantly anti-Semitic rhetoric” including Reverend Al Sharpton who said, "The world will tell us that he (Cato) was killed by accident. Yes, it was a social accident? It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights."

1993: The Independent published “Why the BBC ignored the Holocaust: Anti-Semitism in the top ranks of broadcasting and Foreign Office staff led to the news being suppressed” by Stephen Ward.

1994: The third in a series of family tours to Israel sponsored by the American Jewish Congress is scheduled to come to an end.

1997: Premiere of action comedy “Money Talks” directed by Brett Ratner with a script by Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow

1998(30th of Av, 5758): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1998: On cemetery ridge overlooking Dawson City in Canada's far northwest Yukon Territories, "Beth Chaim," the resting place of some five Jews, was today. Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Herb Gray, who is Jewish, was the keynote speaker and guests from Vancouver to Toronto joined locals to commemorate the Yukon-led cleanup of this old, nearly forgotten testament to the wandering Jews of a century ago.

1999: The New York Times book section featured a review of Foreign Brides by Elena Lappin, editor London’s “Jewish Quarterly” Actual Air Poems by David Berman, Three Dollars by Australian Jewish author Elliot Perlman and Identity’s Architect: A Biography of Erik H. Erikson by Lawrence J. Friedman whose grandfather, “an Orthodox Jew and a Talmudic scholar, who would always be at the kitchen table going through books, the Old Testament, everything else, and insisting that I would study with him, that I would be clear, be logical, be precise, and I could sometimes win some arguments against my folks by doing that.”

2003: Alabama's chief justice, Roy Moore, was suspended for his refusal to obey a federal court order to remove his Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of his courthouse. This is one of a series of attempts to undermine the doctrine of the separation of church and state which is cornerstone of American democracy and one of the reasons that Jews have thrived in the United States.

2004: The Sunday New York Timesbook section includes a review of A Man’s Guide to a Civilized Divorce: How to Divorce With Grace, a Little Class, and a Lot of Common Sense
by Jewish attorney Sam Margulies and Jerome Robbins: His Life, His Theater, His Dance by Deborah Jowitt, “ grand survey of the great and deservedly popular choreographer of ballet and Broadway, as well as a personal examination of a radically unhappy man; at 57 he could call himself '’a Jewish ex-commie fag who had to go into a mental hospital.’”

2005(17th of Av, 5765): Ninety-one year Dr. Morris Ziff, an expert in rheumatic diseases passed away today in Dallas. (As reported by Jeremy Pearce)

2005: Red Sea Jazz Festival Opens.

2005: Israeli newspapers reported that all but one settlement in Gaza had been evacuated. The evacuation has gone faster than the government had planned and bulldozers have already begun leveling the buildings left behind.

2006: Shawn Green was dealt, along with $6.5 million in cash, by the Arizona Diamondbacks to the New York Mets for Triple-A 23-year-old left-handed pitcher, Evan MacLane. Green is Jewish; MacLane is not.

2006: Israel's police raid the home of their State President and seize computers and documents in connection with rape and abuse allegations against him.

2007(8thof Elul, 5767): Eighty-four year old author and social activist Grace Paley passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2007: The Palestine Monitor a blatantly pro-Palestinian publication openly rebukes American Presidential candidate Rudi Giuliani for his statement that 'Palestinian statehood will have to be earned through sustained good governance, a clear commitment to fighting terrorism, and a willingness to live in peace with Israel.’

2008: The Saul Steinberg: Illuminations travelling exhibition, which displays original Steinberg works at various museum and galleries around the world is scheduled to open in Zurich.

2008: At the Jerusalem Cinematheque a screening of “The Summer of Aviya \ הקיץ של.”
2008: The Cedar Rapids Gazettereported that Iowa State labor officials are citing meatpacking plant Agriprocessors with 31 new and repeat safety violations.

2008: An article in the Chicago Jewish News describes the relationship between the Obama family and Rabbi Capers Funnye. According to the New York Times, “Michelle Obama, wife of the Democratic presidential nominee, and Rabbi Capers Funnye, spiritual leader of a mostly black synagogue on Chicago’s South Side, are first cousins once removed. Funnye’s mother, Verdelle Robinson Funnye (born Verdelle Robinson) and Michelle Obama’s paternal grandfather, Frasier Robinson Jr., were brother and sister. Funnye (pronounced fuh-NAY) is chief rabbi at the Beth Shalom B’nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in southwest Chicago. He is well-known in Jewish circles for acting as a bridge between mainstream Jewry and the much smaller, and largely separate, world of black Jewish congregations, sometimes known as black Hebrews or Israelites. He has often urged the larger Jewish community to be more accepting of Jews who are not white.”

2009: In Jerusalem, The Acco Theater's Dance Incubator presents "Neuronervana", a unique and creative dance performance.

2009: As we sit in the synagogue and hear the opening lines of “Shoftim,” friends and family of Shelly Luber, of blessed memory, are reminded that this was his Bar Mitzvah portion a quarter of a century ago.

2009: Hurling rocks and chanting slogans, hundreds of haredi protesters took part in demonstrations on Saturday evening against the opening of a parking lot opposite the Old City, in what has become a weekly confrontation over Shabbat observance in the capital.
2010: In Quebec, KlezKanada is scheduled to come to a close.

2010: An exhibit featuring 150 photographs of Willy Ronis is scheduled to come to a close atthe Musée de la Monnaie in Paris.

2010: The New York Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Jonathan Schneer

2010: A demonstration is scheduled to take place today outside of the BBC headquarters to protest “Death in the Med,” a documentary that examined the ill-fated confrontation between the Israelis and blockade-breaking flotilla headed for Gaza. The demonstrators are protesting the documentary because it is insufficiently anti-Israel. Organizers and/or supporters of the demonstration include Ken O’Keefe, one of the Free Gaza activists, Birmingham University lecturer Sue Blackwell, a major player in the call to boycott Israel academia and Ewa Jasiewicz part of a group of activists who spray-painted “Liberate all ghettos, free Gaza and Palestine” on a wall of the original Warsaw Ghetto.

2011: The New York City International Film Festival is scheduled to show נגטיב (Negative) directed by Yoav Hornung and בן חוזר הביתה (Ben is Back).

2011:After a meeting that concluded at 3 o’clock this morning Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his cabinet ministers concluded that Israel will not respond to the attacks from Gaza with a large-scale operation.

2011:Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on southern Israel resumed yesterday evening and continued into the early hours of this morning after a lull during the afternoon. In the morning, more than 20 rockets were fired at southern cities. Three Kassam rockets fired from the Gaza Strip after midnight landed in Sderot, the Eshkol Regional Council area and on the outskirts of Ashkelon. No injuries or damage were reported in the attacks.

2011(22ndof Av, 5771): Eighty-eight year old Casey Ribicoff, the widow of the late Senator Abraham Ribicoff passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)

2011(22ndof Av, 5771): Seventy-eight year old Jerry Leiber who wrote so many rock and roll hits of the fifties and sixties passed away. (As reported by William Grimes)

2011(22ndof Av, 5771):  Eighty-five year Samuel Menashe the Greenwich Village poet who won the first Neglected Masters Award in 2004, passed away today.

2012: Algerian pianist Maurice El Médioni – King of Rai and a legendary figure on the world music scene –  is scheduled to host the Dialna Quintet for an evening of Jewish-Arab-Andalusian soul music with Boogie-Woogie, Rhumba and Flamenco rhythms at the Hazan Hall as part of the Oud Festival.

2012: "Vasermil" a film that tells the story of three Israeli teenagers from separate marginalized communities, who pin their hopes on soccer as a way out” is scheduled to be shown at the Avalon Theatre in Washington, DC

2012: Anyone who tries to harm Israel will taste “the deadly strength of the IDF,” Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz warned today

2012: Heiress, businesswoman and philanthropist Shari Arison placed 64th on Forbes’ 2012 list of the world’s 100 most powerful women, which was released today. Forbes’ list includes politicians, businesswomen, journalists, writers and celebrities. Arison, who was raised in Israel and the United States, was #57 in last year’s rankings.

2013: An exhibit, “The White Rose” which tells the story of a group of legitimate anti-Nazi German, which is being hosted by UNLV’s Lied Library is scheduled to come to a close today.

2013: The Macabeats are scheduled to begin a concert tour in Venice, Italy.

2013: “Fill the Void” is scheduled to open a the Cape Ann Community Cinema in Gloucester, MA

2013: An extreme right-wing activist imprisoned for illegal political activity sent threatening letters to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, police said this morning. (As reported by Aaron Kalman)

2013: Four rockets fired from southern Lebanon targeted northern Israel this afternoon, setting off air raid sirens in Acre, Nahariya, and additional areas in the Western Galilee and sending frightened local residents fleeing for cover.(As reported by Yaakov Lappin)

2014:  At Agudas Achim in Coralville, Iowa,  Meirav Isaaca  Flatte is scheduled to help lead Friday night services as part of her “Bat Mitzvah Weekend.”

This Day, August 23, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 23

634: Umar began his reign as the second Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate. Umar overturned the ban on Jews worshipping in Jerusalem. Not only did he clean the Temple Mount of Filth, he encouraged the formation of Sanhedrin when he invited “70 Jewish families to live on the southern end of the Temple Mount”.

686:  Birthdate of Charles Martel, hero of the Battle of Tours and grandfather of Charlemagne.  The Battle of Tours took place in 732.  Martel led the Christian forces against invading Moslem forces coming up from Spain.  This victory ended the Moslem threat to Western Europe and led to the demarcation of Christian and Moslem Europe at the Pyrenees.  The life of the Jewish people varied depending upon which side of the mountains they lived.  Charlemagne, Martel’s grandson, would prove to be a benign ruler where his Jewish subjects were concerned.

1179: The Battle of Jacob’s Ford opened with the arrival of Saladin at the river crossing. Jacob’s Ford was a key Jordan River crossing on the road that ran between Damascus and Acre on the Mediterranean. The area would become hotly contested in the 20th century in combat including WW I, the War for Independence and the Six Day War.

1217: During the Fifth Crusade, another futile attempt by Christians to re-take Jerusalem that brought misery to the Jews, King Andrew II of Hungary boarded Venetian ships at Spalato  on their first leg of their journey to “the Holy Land.”

1305: Fifteen years after ordering the expulsion of the Jews from England, King Edward executes William Wallace in the cruel manner reserved for rebels as punishment for the Scots trying to keep their kingdom separate from Edward’s rule.  The Scots never expelled the Jews the way Edward had and it is probable that some English Jews found refuge in “lowland or the highlands.” Whatever else, the Jews and the Scots shared the enmity of this avaricious monarch.

1349: Start of pogrom in Cologne known as the “Slaughter of the Jews” when “an enraged mob entered the Jewish quarter” and began killing the Jews in response to the fears over the Black Death.

1542: Joseph Caro completed his commentary on the Tur.

1555:  Calvinists are granted rights in the Netherlands. John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism was seen at least from a comparative point of view as being a philo-Semite. Some Jews felt that there was some sort of bond between them and the Calvinists because both groups were intense attack from the Catholic Church.  The willingness of the Dutch to allow the Calvinists to settle in the Netherlands was an example of their religious toleration which is what made the "land of windmills and tulips" a hospitable place for the Jews of Europe.

1567: The Polish king, Sigismund II Augustus, issued an edict, granting the Jews permission to open a yeshiva at Lublin. "As a result of the efforts of our advisors and in keeping with the request of the Jews of Lublin we do hereby grant permission to erect a yeshiva and to outfit said yeshiva with all that is required to advance learning. All the learned men and rabbis of Lublin shall come together for among their number they shall choose one to serve as the head of the yeshiva. Let their choice be a man who will magnify Torah and bring it glory."(Edict dated August 21, 1567)

1572: In Paris, Catholics slaughter Huguenots in the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre.  There were no Jews living in France at the time but for more about these French Protestants and the Jews see: The Huguenots, the Jews and Me by Armand Laferee, http://www.jewishideasdaily.com/791/features/the-huguenot-connection/  and

1723: Eighty-four year Increase Mather a member of a famous family of Puritan ministers and leaders that included his father Richard Mather and his son Cotton Mather passed away.  Unlike their European counterparts, the Mathers did not see themselves as anti-Semites who believed in forced conversion. Increase Mather thought the future conversion of the Jews to be both possible and not far distant in time.  He opposed John Lightfoot’s argument that a general conversion of the Jews was impossible, and he also attacked Baxter’s thesis that the Jews were converted once and for all after Christ, and that those who did not convert at the time were condemned to remain in the Jewish faith for all time. According to Mather, the “national conversion” of the Jews was a “glorious truth.” (From The John Carter Brown Library)

1773: Birthdate of German philosopher Jakob Friedrich Fries, whose philosophy included ant-Semitism as can be seen by his 1816 work On the Danger Posed by the Jews to German Well-Being and Character in which he advocated distinct dress for Jews and  “encouragement” for Jews to emigrate while calling “for Judaism to extirpated root and branch from German Society.”  

1799:  Napoleon left Egypt for France en route to seize power. Bonaparte’s position in the Middle East had become untenable because Lord Nelson had destroyed the French fleet. Napoleon’s departure put an end to the promises he had made about establishing a Jewish home in Palestine when he was fighting at Gaza and Acre.

1799: Mrs. Philip Hartvig Ree, the widow of Philip Hartvig Ree and the mother of Hartvig Phillip Ree obtained special permission from the king “to remain in joint possession” of her husband’s business.

1805: Birthdate of Austrian political leader and anti-Semite Anton von Schmerling who “urged the necessity of instruction in German in schools in order to overcome the advantageous position of the Jewish soldiers in the regiments of Galicia, who, owing to their knowledge of the German language, had better chances of promotion to the position of non-commissioned officers” adding the view "Personally, I am not in sympathy with the Jews

1806: Napoleon “proposes” that the Assembly of Notables be superseded by a Great Sanhedrin patterned after the ancient Jewish tribunal.

1819: In Nagy-Kanizsa, Hungary, Rabbi Meïr Szanto and his wife gave birth to journalist Simon Szanto.

1829: Birthdate of German born historian and mathematician, Moritz Cantor whose works included Mathematical Contributions to the Cultural Life of the People and the multi-volume Lectures on the History of Mathematics.

1854: Birthdate of Moritz Moszkowski, Polish born Jewish composer, pianist and teacher.

1855:A child of Mr. Louis Levinson of Providence was circumcised today.

1862:"Escape of Mr. W.H. Hurlbert from Richmond" published today described the Yankee journalist’s visit to Richmond and Charleston.  Hulbert made the trip at the request of Judah P. Benjamin. Both men shared roots in South Carolina, but after talking matters over, he “soon found that he disagreed with that eminent Jew.”

1863(8thof Elul, 5623): Sixty-two year old historian Joseph Levin Hall, the first Jew to earn a doctorate in philosophy from the Albertus University of Konigsberg passed away today.

1865(1st of Elul, 5625): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1866:  The Treaty of Prague ends the Austro-Prussian War. In approximately seven weeks, Prussia had defeated Austria. This little known war between the two leading Germanic states changed the course of victory.  With Prussia the victor, Austria was removed from Germanic affairs.  The other Germanic states would be forced to ally themselves with Prussia with King of Prussia as the Emperor of a united Germany.  This German Empire would emerge as the strongest nation in Europe.  This burgeoning strength would lead to World War I, World War II and the Holocaust. 

1869:  Birthdate of Lucie Hadamard, future wife of Alfred Dreyfus.

1872(19thof Av, 5632): A German Jew named Isaac Shwagar died in as a result of sunstroke  at Butler’s Pottery Yard in New Brunswick, NJ.

1876: In New York’s Supreme Court, Judge Donohue heard a motion by the Corporation Counsel in a case brought by the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society and other charitable institutions to have assessments removed from their property. 

1877: Birthdate of Samuel Armin Schlesinger, who gained fame as “Hungarian social scientist, librarian and anarcho-syndicalist revolutionary, Ervin Szabó.”

1877: It was reported today that the Department of State has received a report from the U.S. Minister to Turkey on the conditions of the Jews living in the Ottoman Empire.  There are 500,000 Jews living under the rule of the Ottomans and in fairness to the Turks, “the Israelites have been better treated by the Ottoman than by many of the Western powers…They are recognized as an independent religious community” led by their own Chief Rabbi or Chacham. The only case of “maltreatment of the Israelites which has been brought to the notice of the United States Legation at Constantinople during the tenure of Horace Maynard, the current U.S. Minister to the Ottoman Empire involved an American Jew who was attacked by his co-religionist while visiting Tiberias. In the mean time, the U.S. Minister at Constantinople has requested that consular offices of the U.S. government serving in the various part of the empire pay close attention to the condition of the Jews and report any mistreatment.

1878: The Jews of Petersburg, VA, telegraphed $50 to New Orleans to help relieve the suffering of those impacted by the Yellow Fever Epidemic.

1878: A dispatch from Bucharest published today reported that Mihail Kogălniceanu (Cogalniceano) the Foreign Affairs Minister of Romania is seeking a modification of those portions of the Treaty of Berlin that deal with the treatment of the Jews.  The terms of the treaty would require the calling of a Constituent Assembly to amend the constitution and the Foreign Minister is afraid that the changes would be rejected. This would be followed by a period of persecution of the Jews.  The Romanian government believes that a gradual granting of civil and political rights to the Jews would be less of a problem because the people find the Jews to be so “obnoxious.”

1879: It was reported today that Emma Lazarus and W.C. Bonaparte Wyse have published sonnets on the death of the ex-Prince Imperial of France. The efforts of the Jewish Lazarus were deemed to be the better of the efforts.

1881: The Athletic Society of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Harlem is scheduled to sponsor an excursion today.

1881(28thof Av, 5641): Babetta Scheild the 55 year old widow of Julius Schield was found dead in her New York apartment. Her throat had been cut.  Notes written in Hebrew were given to her children who had discovered the body.  While authorities assume that this was a suicide, the children would not reveal the contents of the notes.

1882: “The founding meeting for the Reform congregation, later to be known as Temple Emanuel, was held” today “in Lindsay Hall, St. Catherine Street West” Quebec.

1883: “The Jews In Russia” published today said the prohibition against Jews living in St. Petersburg and Moscow is based more on economics than on religion.  There are thousands of Jews living in the two Russian Jews but that is because they are belong to “the privileged class” or are “skillfully” evading “compliance with the law.”

1883: “A Swindler Captured in Chicago” published today described the arrest of F. Simon Hahn a middle aged Jew from the East Coast at the Sherman House who had falsely claimed to represent Lieberman & Co of Philadelphia and who had forged at least one check for $100.00

1885: A review of Mrs. Keith’s Crime by Lucy Clifford published today contends that the Jews are the “novel characters” in this work of fiction.  They include quick witted, generous Fred Cohen and Mr. Josephs, the Jewish MP.” (Like the reviewer, I am at a loss to explain the authoress’ “familiarity with Jews.”)

1886: “A Man With Six Wives” published today relied on information that originally appeared in the London Daily New to describe the exploits of a Polish Jew named Feinstein who has been arrested and tried on charges of having six wives. His criminal behavior began in Russia in 1870 where he married and then deserted his first wife (and their four children) before moving on to Paris, where he acquired and swindled several other wives before taking his last spouse in Nancy. This “Lothario” who was described as “small, ill-made and ugly” was sentenced to six years in prison for his crimes.

1887: It was reported today that the among the bequests in the will of Levi Rosenfeld, the Chicago millionaire were two thousand dollars to the United Hebrew Relief Association of Chicago and five hundred dollars for the Hebrew Union College.  The bulk of the estate went to his widow who was wealthy in her own right having received one and half million dollars from the estate of Michael Reese.

1887: Congregation Or Zion of Peru, Indiana made a dues payment of $21.00 to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

1887: Congregation Keneseth Israel of Zanesville, Ohio made a dues payment of $7.00 to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations,

1889: The Marion County Patriot reported on the recent death of Lewis Arnheim who represented rural Dougherty County in the Georgia State Legislature.  Arnehim, who came to Georgia from Germany is in 1868 was the son-in-law of David Mayer of Atlanta, GA.

1890: “Mr. Mackay Maligned” published today described “annoyance caused to the friends of John W. Mackay” by reports that he “dislikes Englishmen and despises Jews.” Mackay was an Irish born American industrialist who made his fortune out of the Comstock Lode. As proof of his feelings for Jews, his friends pointed out that he sold his bank to “a Jewish syndicate” while retaining a large enough interest that he continues to have regular contact with those who bought.  Also, Jews are among the biggest users of his three cable companies which respectively span the Atlantic, the United States and the Pacific.

1891: The Times of London and TheNew York Times described the two positive results of Mr. Arnold White's recent mission to Russia on behalf of Baron Hirsch. The trip was designed to improve the conditions of the suffering Russian Jewish population. First, the Czar’s government agreed to the practical abolition of the expensive passport system which has kept Jews, especially the large number of poor Jews, from leaving the country.  Second, “is the authority given for the formation of emigration committees throughout Russia and for the promotion of emigration schemes in connection with the Central Berlin Committee.”  Up until this point, the work had to be conducted in secret, hindering the process of Jews leaving a country dripping with anti-Semitism.  The report ended with a cautionary note, that large increases of Jewish immigrants to England might result in restrictive legislation similar to that which was being adopted in the United States.

1892(30th of Av, 5652): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1893: Moses William Shapira, the Jerusalemite who deals in antiquities and ancient manuscripts wrote his last letter to David Ginsburg the Christian biblical and Masoretic scholar saying that he would be leaving London for Berlin in a day or two.

1893: “Tried To Capture A Meeting” published today described an attempt by anarchist to take over a meeting of the United Hebrew Trades which was thwarted by the police.

1894: During his arraignment, Joseph Goldwasser, a Jewish carpenter, “did not deny that he had beaten” his son Benjamin.  But he did not do it because his son was deaf and a mute, but because he “had stolen and he was trying to him” to behave better.

1894: Charles Wilfred Mowbray, the English anarchist who had worked with Jewish tailors in London during their strike and who had addressed a mass meeting praising Emma Goldman left the United States for his home country aboard the White Star steamship Teutonic today.

1895: “Hebrew Boys at Coney Island” published today described the generosity of the businessman at the local resort showed towards the students from the Hebrew Technical Institute  which enabled them to enjoy such amusements as the toboggan slides and carrousels.

1896: “Henry Klein married Mamie [Matilda] Norton, the daughter of Simon F. Norton, the son of a Polish Jewish immigrant merchant who had settled in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey, where she was born in October 1870.”

1896: Herzl meets with Johann Kremenetzky in Baden.Yona (Johann) Kremenetzky’ was an industrialist and electrical engineer.  In 1901, Krementzky would become the first chairman of the newly created Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – the Jewish National Fund which many know today simply as the JNF.  Krementzky created a wide variety of tools to educate the Jewish people about Eretz Israel and to raise funds for the purchase and reclamation of the land.  He created the first Golden Book of Contributors and began the Zion Stamp series.  But his most famous innovation was the “Blue Box” which has survived to this day.

1897: In Bohemia, “an order has been issued forbidding public meetings of any” and a 7 p.m. curfew following yesterday’s outbreak of anti-Semitic violence at Pilsen.

1898(5thof Elul, 5658): Thirty-five year old Herman Rosenthal kissed his four year old daughter Rachel and said good-bye to his wife before going to his room where he hung himself.

1898: In Washington, D.C. Mr. Roginksey and Mr. Levy expressed their displeasure with Adas Israel having a Rabbi and with the hiring of Morris Mandel to fill the post. “Mr. Lewis wished to know what functions Mr. Mandel was to perform, whether Rabbi or Teacher? The President answered that he was Rabbi and teacher both. Mr. M. Roginsky and Mr. Isaac Levy . . . objected to having a rabbi.”

1899: During today’s session of the court-martial of Alfred Dreyfus Major General Charles-Arthur Gonse, who had served as Deputy Chief of Staff, took the stand “with a quick step and apparently light heart.” By the time Dreyfus’ lawyers had finished examining him “his defiant bearing had changed into the abashed air of a schoolboy caught telling a lie.”

1903: The Sixth Zionist Congress convenes in Basel. It is the site of confrontations between Herzl and his supporters and the Zionists of Zion, who reject the plan for settlement in Uganda out of hand. Herzl brings the Uganda scheme is a temporary measure, emphasizing that Palestine remains Zionism's final object. Herzl is supported by Max Nordau who terms the Uganda scheme a "Nachtasyl" (refuge for the night), and is opposed by Russian Zionists. “The English Jews are deeply interested in the announcement made by Dr. Theodore Herzl, President of the sixth Zionist Congress, at its opening yesterday at Basel, that Great Britain, in view of the collapse of the project to establish Jews on the Sinai peninsula, had offered the Zionists a large tract of territory in East Africa for colonization by the Jews, who would have autonomous government under British suzerainty.”

1905: The New York Times publishes a letter from Ralph Jonas praising “the Sanitarium for Hebrew ‘children of the City of New York” which “has been doing excellent work…” So far this summer 13,400 mothers and children have enjoyed the benefit of the Sanitarium’s boat excursions and with another seven trips scheduled for the rest of the summer, more than 20,000 people will enjoy the benefits of free medical help and nutritious meals.

1908: In Glasgow, Scotland optical instrument maker Charles Frank and his wife Miriam gave birth to artist and sculptor Hannah Frank.

1911: “Savage Anti-Jewish Rioting In Wales,” published today describes outbreaks of violence in New South Wales, Great Britain, which were so severe that the Riot Act had to be read and troops used to stop the mobs.  Even more troubling was the mounting evidence that the attacks were premeditated.

1914:  In column published in the Boston Globe, dietician Frances Stern connected nutrition to social welfare. She opened the column with a lament that"There is meager knowledge of the comparative nutritive value of various kinds of food The column went on to explain the importance of protein in the diet, and to compare the nutritional value of various foods, along with their cost. Stern particularly emphasized the importance of education in nutrition as a way of helping poor women make the most of their food budgets. A social worker, nutritionist, educator, and pioneering dietician, Stern was a leading exponent of the idea that adequate nutrition was crucial to social welfare.

1915(13th of Elul, 5675):Emanuel Saul, a successful attorney in Essen and Duisburg (Germany) passed away today.

1917: The Jewish Legion of the British Army was established. It was long championed by Zev Jabotinsky, and was based on the Zion Mule Corps. The 38th Battalion was commanded by Colonel Henry Patterson. A second battalion commanded by Colonel Eleazar Margolin was also formed. Although initially against the idea, most of the leadership of the Yishuv including Ben Gurion and Ben Zvi joined after the Balfour Declaration. Over 2,700 men volunteered for the Legion. Many of them saw action in Transjordan in the fall of 1918. The group was officially known as the Royal Fusilier.  Officially, the units were not designated as Jewish fighting units and were not supposed to wear Jewish insignias.  Recruits came from the United States as well as England and Palestine. One of the most famous non-recruits was Golda Meir.  When recruiters came to Milwaukee she wanted enlist.  She was disappointed to find out that it was for men only.

1918(15th of Elul, 5678): During WW I,Lt Frederick Adolphus Aron, South Lancashire Regiment who had been at Shrewsbury passed away today.

1919: Birthdate of Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin one of the leading mathematicians of the USSR.

1923: In New York City Gilbert Seldes and Alice “Amanda” Wadhams gave birth to Miriam Hall Seldes an actress whose career spanned six decades and earned her entrance in the American Theatre Hall of Fame.  Her mother was a WASP; her father was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants.

1924: Birthdate of Ephraim Kishon, Israeli satirist, dramatist, screenwriter and film director. Born in Budapest, as Ferenc Hoffmann, he studied sculpture and painting, and then began publishing humourous essays and writing for the stage. After 1945 he changed his surname from Hoffmann to Kishont. He immigrated to Israel in 1949, where an immigration officer gave him the name Ephraim Kishon. Starting in 1952, he wrote a column of political and social satire call “Had Gadya” for the daily newspaper Ma’ariv.  Several of his works have been translated into English including two books on the Six Day War – So Sorry We Won and Woe To the Victors.

1926: In Boston, MA, Maurice and Lallie (Rothenberg) Troobnick gave birth to American actor, Eugene Troobnick.

1927(25th of Av, 5687): In Jersey (UK), Sarah Cohen passed away as the result of an accident.

1927:  The execution of Sacco and Vanzetti ignites protests around the world.  The case against the two Italian immigrants was one of the great causes of the political left during the 1920’s.  Numerous Jews were associated with their cause including the writer Dorothy Parker.

1929:Today, which is Friday, thousands of Arab villagers streamed into Jerusalem from the surrounding countryside to pray on the Temple Mount, many armed with sticks and knives. Harry Luke, the acting High Commissioner of Palestine requested reinforcements from Amman. Previously, Luke had ignored warnings from Jewish leaders about the potential for violence Towards 9:30 am Jewish storekeepers began closing shop, and at 11:00 20-30 gunshots were heard on the Temple Mount, apparently to work up the crowd. Luke telephoned the Mufti to come and calm a mob that had gathered under his window near the Damascus Gate, but the commissioner's impression was that the religious leader's presence was having the opposite effect. Inflamed by rumors that two Arabs had been killed by Jews, Arabs started an attack on Jews in Jerusalem's Old City. The violence quickly spread to other parts of Palestine. British authorities had fewer than 100 soldiers, six armored cars, and five or six aircraft in country; Palestine Police had 1,500 men, but the majority was Arab, with a small number of Jews and 175 British officers. While awaiting reinforcements, many untrained administration officials were required to attach themselves to the police, though the Jews among them were sent back to their offices. Several English theology students visiting from the University of Oxford were deputized. While a number of Jews were being killed at the Jaffa Gate, British policemen did not open fire. They reasoned that if they had shot into the Arab crowd, the crowd would have turned their anger on the police.Yemin Moshe was one of the few Jewish neighborhoods to return fire, but most of Jerusalem's Jews did not defend themselves. At the outbreak of the violence and again in the following days, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi demanded that weapons be handed to the Jews, but was both times refused

 1929: After the Mufti of Jerusalem made slanderous and enraging attacks against the Jews, what eyewitnesses described as “severe riots” broke out. The Arabs were told by the Mufti, "Remember that the Jew is your strong enemy, and the enemy of your ancestors since olden times…for it is he who tortured Christ…and poisoned Mohammed…." Rioting and death broke out in towns throughout Palestine with a total of 130 Jews being murdered by the Muslims.

1929: An Arab rioter pointed his rifle at a Jewish policeman named Schneryson, who was on traffic duty, with the apparent intention of shooting him. Just before he pulled the trigger, an Arab policeman appeared on the scene and the two police officers apprehended the would be killer.  He was part of a group of hundreds of Arabs who were attacking the Jews of Mea Shearim who in turn were being protected by the Jewish Self-defense force as they awaited British reinforcements.

1929: In the evening, “a band of Arabs armed with rifles attacked the Jewish garden suburb of Talpiot.  The Jewish defenders gathered in one of the houses and, armed with a single rifle and a few pistols drove off the attackers.

1929: The British appointed Deputy District Commissioner of the Jerusalem Division issued a three part order intended to halt the Arab rioting.  The order had no immediate effect as the Arab attacks persisted.

1929: First day of the two day event known as the Hebron Massacre.  While the numbers vary, according to one report 67 Jews were killed and Jewish homes and synagogues were ransacked; nineteen local Arab families saved 435 Jews by hiding them in their houses even under their own life risk.

1933:Despite the stormy protests of the Revisionist faction, the World Zionist Congress elected Professor Leo Motzkin of Paris president of the eighteenth annual meeting today.

1933:The Palestine Bureau of the German Zionist Federation officially announces that an agreement has been reached between the Anglo-Palestine Bank and the Reich Minister of Economics under which German-Jewish immigrants to Palestine will be permitted to place their capital in a special account in the Anglo-Palestine Bank, to aggregate not more than three million marks, against which German goods to that value will be shipped to Palestine.

1935: Catcher Bill Starr made is major league debut with the Washington Senators.

1935: Barnett Janner, a member of the British House of Commons, told the World Zionist Congress today that "Palestine stands as a complete vindication of the Jewish race."

1936:The Palestine Government revealed tonight it had deported fifteen Jewish Communists and one Armenian and was prepared to send a second group from the country next Wednesday in an effort to end disorders now in their nineteenth week.  The government did not explain how deporting Jews would end violence which the government itself admitted was started by the Arabs

1936: Seventeen year old Shoshana Laznicki succumbed to wounds she had suffered at the hands of Arab gunman who had shot at her and a group of friends riding in a car near Tel Aviv on the previous Friday.  She was the 76th victim of the latest Arab wave of violence.

1938: Anti-Jewish riots begin in Bransk, Poland.

1938 Premier of “You Can't Take It With You,” the screen adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning play of the same name by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, two of the Jewish giants of Broadway.

1939: Germany and the Soviet signed a Union Non-Aggression pact. If Germany were to invade Poland, then the Soviet Union would not interfere. The pact would lead to the Soviets and Germany dividing Poland. Britain reacted with a call for the mobilization of its civil and military forces. This agreement gave Hitler his “green light” for the invasion of Poland, which marked the start of World War II and the end of European Jewry as we knew it.

1940: Junior Hadassah, the young women's Zionist organization, established at its annual convention today a war emergency fund for youth needs in Palestine

1941: In Berlin, Himmler, gave notice of a new Nazi policy.  Henceforth, Jews would no longer be permitted to leave German occupied Europe.

1942: Cardinal Jules Saliège of Toulouse issued a pastoral letter today condemning the persecution of the Jews.

1942: The O.S.E. (a Jewish humanitarian organization formed in 1912) and the Eclaireurs Israélites de France joined forces with other groups to begin to work on saving Jews who have been arrested in and around Lyons.

1944: In Queens, New York, the cornerstone was laid for the Joseph Bulova School of Watchmaking which was designed to train disabled war veterans and provide them with a useful trade.  Stanley Simon Bulova’s industrial relations director shepherded the school into being. Long before the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 made such amenities familiar, he oversaw the construction of a building specifically tailored to the needs of disabled people. (As reported, in part by Margalit Fox)

1944:  Rumania surrenders to the Allies – in this case to the advancing Soviet Army.  Hope of survival comes to the Jews of this Axis nation where half of the pre-war population survived thanks to King Michael’s decision to capitulate.

1952: Formation of the Arab League.  The League’s charter did not call for the destruction of the state of Israel.  It did not have to since the organizing members had invaded the Jewish state in 1948 with just that intent.  The league did expel Egypt when Sadat signed the treaty with Begin.  Years later Egypt was readmitted, but not forgiven.  In the early part of the decade, the league did agree to consider “normalizing relations with Israel” after she withdrew to the pre-1967 borders including the surrender of Jerusalem.

1959: Birthdate of Eitan Cabal, the native of Rosh HaAyin who served in the Knesset as a member of the Labor Party.

1959: In Philadelphia, Mary Louise (née Beatty) and John Herbert Adler gave birth to future New Jersey Congressman John Herbert Adler.

1960(30th of Av, 5720): Sixty-five year old Oscar Hammerstein II Broadway librettist passed away. The Jewish team of Rogers and Hammerstein almost singled handedly defined that uniquely American entertainment medium – the Broadway Musical.  Two of their seminal works were “Oklahoma” and “Carousel.

1960(30th of Av, 5720): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1961: Premiere of “The Young Doctors” co-starring Ina Ballin as “Cathy Hunt” with music by Elmer Bernstein.

1962(23rd of Av, 5722): While serving as Minister of Housing and Construction, 50 year old Dr Giora Yoseftal passed away.  Born in Germany in 1912, he made Aliyah in 1938, fought with the British Army in WW II before working in the Jewish Agency’s Aliyah Department.

1969: Two Jordanian students try to blow up the Israeli Commercial Fair at Izmir, Turkey.

1973:  In response to threats from Moshe Dayan that he either be made head of the government or he would bolt the Labor party, Israel Galili, at the behest of Prime Minister Meir, circulated a document intended to create a compromise between the competing forces within the Labor Party.  Dayan led those who sought to aggressively expand Jewish Settlements in the West Bank.  He was opposed by Abba Eban and Pinchas Sapir.  The compromise called for the creation of 30 new West Bank settlements over the next four years. The settlements were not to be built in areas with a high density of Arab population.  But at Dayan’s insistence all these 30 additional settlements along with 46 that had already been built would be within the borders of Israel at the end of any future peace negotiations with the Arabs.  

1982(4thof Elul, 5742): Sixty-six year old Alfred S. Bloomingdale, the son of Hiram Bloomingdale and the heir to fortune connected with the department store chain that bears his family’s name passed away today.
1990(2nd of Elul, 5750): David Rose, British born American songwriter, composer and conductor passed away.  The four- time Emmy winner is known for his work such television hits as Bonanza as well as musical creations including The Stripper and Calypso Melody.

1991: After two days of riots in Crown Heights, the police shifted tactics and the violence began to subside.

1998: The New York Times book section featured  reviews of the memoir of an alcoholic who grew up in an observant Jewish household in an affluent New Jersey suburb and who changed her life after a car crash involving her parent entitledSlow Motion: A True Story by Dani Shapiro and  Living the Bill of Rights: How to Be an Authentic American in which Jewish historian, writer and civil libertarian Nat Hentoff offers “profiles of Americans who, Hentoff believes, embody the constitutional ideals expressed in the Bill of Rights.”

1998(1st of Elul, 5758): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1998: Broadcast of the first episode of “That ‘70’s Show” a sit-com co-starring  Mila Kunis.

1999(11th of Elul, 5759): Hollywood screenwriter Norman Wexler whose works included "Saturday Night Fever”, and "Mandingo" passed away.
2003(25thof Av, 5763): Seventy-three year old Fruma Rahel Wiezt of Jerusalem died today from the wounds she suffered during the Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing on August 19.

2005:  Haaretzreported that Dalia Rabikovitch had passed away at the age of 69. Rabikovitch was born in Ramat Gan in 1936.  Her name and her works may not be known to many in America.  But in Israel she was described as“one of the main pillars of Hebrew poetry." She also wrote poetry for children and translated American and English poetic works into Hebrew. She had won both the Bialik Prize and the Israel Prize. Ms. Rabikovitch was a vociferous critic of Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon.

2006: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel has bought two new submarines from Germany. The new submarines - called the U212- will be fitted with a new German technology in which the propulsion system combines a conventional diesel lead-acid battery system and an air-independent propulsion system used for slow, silent cruising, with a fuel cell equipped with oxygen and hydrogen storage. Yes the Jewish state is litterally getting “U-boats”the name given to Nazi Scourge of the North Atlantic in World War II. 
2006(29th of Av, 5766): St.-Sgt. Alex Assaf, 21, from Karmiel, was killed and three others were injured when a company of soldiers of the Givati Brigade accidentally walked into a minefield in southern Lebanon near Mount Dov, also known as the Shaba Farms. A platoon commander was listed in serious condition, the battalion commander Lt.-Col. Bassam sustained moderate wounds and another soldier was lightly wounded. The Jerusalem Post published the following link listing all who had lost their lives before the cease fire.In Memoriam - JPost.com special project

2007: Representatives of the Kabbalah Center confirmed that pop star Madonna, actress Demi Moore, actor Ashton Kutcher and fashion designer Donna Karan are among the famous faces scheduled to arrive as part of a Kabbalah Center tour being organized for the High Holidays.

2008: An exhibition entitled "From Distant Places to Dubuque's Shores: 175 Years of Jewish Life" opens at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa. Alexander Levi blazed many trails in Dubuque. According to an article in the Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque's first Jewish settler, Levi became the state's first naturalized citizen, spent 50 years as a Mason and served as Dubuque Justice of the Peace. A successful miner and mine provisioner, Levi's dry-goods establishment became one of the largest and best-known retail stores of its time. Now, Levi's story and Dubuque's Jewish history are featured in the latest exhibit at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium. "From Distant Places to Dubuque's Shores: 175 Years of Jewish Life" premieres at the museum Saturday, Aug. 23, and runs through the end of the year. "We are so thrilled," said Karin Pritikin, a lead exhibit organizer with the Alexander Levi Heritage Project, a volunteer initiative of Dubuque's Temple Beth El. Project organizers used a $5,000 competitive award from the city of Dubuque and a $3,000 "mini grant" from Humanities Iowa/The National Endowment for the Humanities to create a multimedia exhibit. "This is a unique exploration of Jewish history that is long overdue," said Jerry Enzler, the river museum's executive director. "It shows how diverse Dubuque was in its very founding." Levi emigrated from France in 1833 and was followed by other French Jews. By the end of the 19th century, most of Dubuque's Jewish population came from Russia or Poland. Over the decades, as their numbers ebbed and swelled, Dubuque's Jewish community founded several congregations, a Jewish cemetery, a political club, a ladies aid society and Hebrew schools. "Levi founded Dubuque's first Jewish congregation," Pritikin said. One of the exhibit's recurring themes is Dubuque's historic climate of religious tolerance:

* Levi was an early donor to Father Samuel Mazzuchelli, as the pioneering clergyman built Dubuque's first Catholic Church, St. Raphael's.

* Jews and non-Jews entered into successful and enduring business partnerships beginning in the early 19th century.

* Jewish citizens were elected and appointed to government posts at the local and state level.

* The dedication of Temple Beth El in 1939 was presided over by a Catholic judge, attended by Dubuque residents of many faiths and included an ecumenical service with participation from Methodist clergy.”

2008:Police discovered that Vandals had painted 11 swastikas on some of the 2,700 gray slabs of Berlin's Holocaust memorial today. A police statement said the red and black Nazi symbols were discovered by a guard at the monument and were immediately wiped off the seven slabs affected.

2008:Two wooden boats carrying dozens of human rights activists reached the Gaza Strip on this afternoon after the Israeli navy decided not to hinder the challenge to Israel's blockade of the Palestinian enclave.

2009: In New York City the Le Poisson Rouge Art Gallery’s third exhibition of the works of Itamar Jobani, the renowned Israeli installation artist, comes to an end.

2009: The Washington Post features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took On New York's Master Builder and Transformed the American Cityby Anthony Flint.

2009: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Why This World:A Biography of Clarice Lispectorby Benjamin Moser.

2009(3rdof Elul, 5769):Ninety-year old Stanley Kaplan, a pathfinder in the fields of test preparation and for-profit education passed away today. (As reported by Karen W. Arneson)

2010:As part of its Hints of Elul series, Beit Avi Chai is scheduled to present “Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God; and Renew a Right Spirit within Me. (Psalm 51:12)”

2010:Norway's Ministry of Finance announced that the Norway Oil Fund divested from Africa-Israel Investments and Danya Cebus Ltd. Today. The reason given is the companies' construction in the West Bank.

2010:The monumental chestnut tree that cheered Anne Frank while she was in hiding from the Nazis was toppled by wind and heavy rain today.  The once mighty tree, now diseased and rotted through the trunk, snapped about 3 feet (1 meter) above ground and crashed across several gardens. It damaged a brick wall and several sheds, but nearby buildings — including the Anne Frank House museum — escaped unscathed. No one was injured, a museum spokeswoman said.
2010: The 14 Israeli police officers who will leave for earthquake ravaged Haiti as part of the U.N. multinational force, attended a ceremony at the Western Wall today ahead of their scheduled departure on early next week.  The delegation constitutes the first-ever Israeli group to serve in active duty under the command of the United Nations. The police officers will remain in Haiti for an extended period of time

2010(13thof Elul, 5770):Eighty-nine year old song writer George David Weiss passed away (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2011: The Board of Trustees of Tifereth Israel Dinner and Meeting is scheduled to take place this evening Columbus, Ohio.

2011: Open Mic Night is scheduled tonight at the Off The Wall Comedy Empire in Jerusalem.

2011: Roni Ish-Ran, a musician and payytan from Nahla’ot and the Beit Abba band are scheduled to perform this evening in Jerusalem.

2011:The Israeli intelligence community is in disagreement regarding Hamas’s involvement in the recent round of violence between Israel and terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.

2011: Officially, Hamas has claimed it was not involved in the attacks near Eilat on August 18, which Israel attributed to the Popular Resistance Committees, or in the firing of more than 150 rockets and mortars into Israel, which came to a tentative end on yesterday with the institution of a tense ceasefire.

2011:Australia today joined the growing ranks of Western nations that have decided to boycott the so-called Durban III conference set to take place at the United Nations headquarters next month.Canberra announced it would not take part in the tenth anniversary commemoration of the Durban World Conference on Racism citing concern it would be exploited by Israel's foes and focus unfairly on the Jewish State.

2011: "Jewish centers and synagogues were evacuated by the earthquake that was felt up and down the east coast. Staffers at synagogues in Washington D.C. and Richmond, Va., the city closest to the epicenter, tried to calm one another’s jangled nerves as they checked their buildings for structural damage.At Adas Israel, the largest Conservative synagogue in Washington, Executive Director Glenn Easton ordered the building evacuated after the quake ended. A lunch for seniors was stopped midway, and 100 people filed out of the building." (As reported by Naomi Zeveloff)
2012: Dr. Peggy Pearlstein, the head of the Hebraic Section at the Library of Congress is scheduled to lead a noontime discussion of People of the Bookby Geraldine Brooks.

2012:President Shimon Peres called on German President Joachim Gauck today to resolve the German legal issues around circumcision, Army Radio reported. "Circumcision has constituted a central aspect of our nation's Jewish identity over thousands of years. The value of religious freedom for the Jewish community must be preserved," Peres wrote Gacuk in a letter. Peres hosted Gauck at the Presidential Residence in May.

2012:Hezbollah should be placed on the European Union’s terror list, Philipp Missfelder, Bundestag foreign policy spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party, wrote The Jerusalem Post today.

 2012: A man in Melbourne accused of taunting his neighbors with anti-Semitic abuse was evicted from his apartment. Adam Schipkie, 28, was ordered by a government tribunal from his local council flat today after residents, including some Holocaust survivors, complained.

2012: Temple Shalom of Auburn, ME is scheduled to sponsor a field trip to the Maine Jewish Museum at Congregation Etz Chaim in Portland, Maine.

2013: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Temple Judah is scheduled to host a Musical Shabbat followed by the installation of new congregational officers.

2013: “Fill the Void” is scheduled to be shown at several theatres in New England include the Roxy in Burlington, VT, the Colonial in Keene, NH and the Strand in Rockland, ME

2013: San Diego mayor Bob Filner is expected to resign today.

2013:Israeli fighter jets bombed targets south of Beirut early this morning in what the IDF spokesperson said was retaliation for rocket attacks against northern Israel the day before. . (As reported by Ilan Ben Zion)

2013: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the rocket fire from Lebanon that landed in northern Israel yesterday

2013(17thof Elul, 5773): Eighty-eight year old psychiatrist and author William Glasser passed away today. (As reported by Paul Vitello)

2014: At the Chabad House in Iowa City. Moishie Blesofsky, the son of Rabbi Avremel and Chaya Blesofsky is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah.

2014: In Tel Aviv, The Titanic Exhibition that includes “hundreds of artifacts” from the unsinkable ship is scheduled to come to an end.

2014: The Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center is scheduled to host a “Tribute to Ofra  Haza” as part of its  August Concert Series.




This Day, August 24, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 24

410: The Visigoths under Alaric begin to pillage Rome for three days. According to tradition, the treasures of the Temples taken by the Romans in 70 now fell into his hands.  The Visigoths would move and by the start of the 8th century they had converted to Christianity and established a kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula which was “hostile” to its Jewish inhabitants. In 711, Berbers would defeat the Visigoths marking the start of what would be the Golden Age in Spain for the Jewish people

1215: Pope Innocent III declares Magna Carta invalid. Magna Carta contained two articles related to money lending and Jews in England. “If one who has borrowed from the Jews any sum, great or small, die before that loan be repaid, the debt shall not bear interest while the heir is under age, of whomsoever he may hold; and if the debt fall into our hands, we will not take anything except the principal sum contained in the bond. And if anyone die indebted to the Jews, his wife shall have her dower and pay nothing of that debt; and if any children of the deceased are left under age, necessaries shall be provided for them in keeping with the holding of the deceased; and out of the residue the debt shall be paid, reserving, however, service due to feudal lords; in like manner let it be done touching debts due to others than Jews.” The Pope’s displeasure with Magna Carta was part of power struggle between church and state.  The Jews only figured into the issue because as non-Christians some contended that they were beyond the power of  the Church and therefore a group of unique individuals controlled by the secular authorities. Interestingly, versions of the Great Charter issued after the annulment contained no mention of the Jews.

1263: The Jews in Barcelona received permission to build a new synagogue. Four years later the building needed repairs, and the government authorized the Jewish community to go ahead with the repairs on March 24, 1267.  

1349: Some ten thousand Jews were massacred during riots in two of the largest communities of Germany - Mainz and Breslau. They were killed because the Jews were deemed responsible for the bubonic plague that was sweeping Europe. 

1349:Jews of Cologne Germany set themselves on fire to avoid baptism

1358: Birthdate of King Juan I of Castile, which based on his record, was not a “red letter day” for the Jewish people. In 1379 Juan I of Castile placed the Jews of his kingdom under the protection of his horsemen of Espinosa. For this effort the Jews must pay a tax of 12 maravedis for each Torah. .  In 1380 King Juan ordered that the Jews top uttering those portion of their prayers that condemned heretics.  He was convinced that these utterances were aimed at Christians.
1391: On Majorca, Jewish homes were sacked; and even the houses of Christians sheltering Jews in concealment were not spared. About 300 Jews were put to death, 800 saved themselves in the royal castle, and the rest underwent baptism. When Queen Violante was informed of the outrage, she condemned the inhabitants of the islands to pay a fine of 150,000 florins (or, according to some authorities, 104,000 florins). A year later (1392), however, Juan I. granted full amnesty to all who had practised violence against the Jews or "the Calle," because they had done it for the welfare of king and state; and he further declared all debts of the Christians to the Jews to be null and void.
1456: The printing of the Gutenberg Bible is completed. Printing of Hebrew texts followed soon after. ”The first printed Hebrew biblical text was an edition of the Psalms, printed in Bologna in 1477. In 1482, the first complete Pentateuch was printed in the same city along with the Aramaic translation.” Yehoshua Shlomo, the head of the Soncino family of Jewish printers printed the first complete “Hebrew Bible in Italy in 1488, The edition was composed of only 200-300 copies, and we know that the great scholar Johannes Reuchlin paid six gold coins for the copy he bought in Rome in 1492, at a time when the salary of a government clerk was about five gold coins a year.”
1613: The Jews of Frankfurt, Germany who were waiting for almost a year for their fate to be decided, were allowed to leave but without any property. One thousand three hundred and eighty left.
1690: Calcutta, India, is founded by representatives of The British East India Company.  According to some sources the Jewish community traces its origins to the Bene Israel (Sons of Israel) who arrived from the Galilee during the second century BCE, a period associated with the Greek persecutions of the Jews in Eretz Israel.  Shalom Aharon Ovadiah HaCohen was the founder of the Calcutta community, Born in Aleppo in 1762, he moved to Calcutta in 1798. For more about the Jews of India, see
1690(19th of Elul, 5450): On August 24, Calcutta, India, was founded by the British East India Company. According to some sources, the Jewish community in India traces its origins to the Bene Israel (Sons of Israel) who arrived from the Galilee during the second century BCE, a period associated with the Greek persecutions of the Jews in Eretz Israel.  Shalom Aharon Ovadiah HaCohen, a native of Aleppo was the founder of the Calcutta community. An older Jewish community already existed at Madras, another town founded by the British in 1639. Evidence of this can be seen by the fact that three of the town’s first 12 Aldermen were Jews.
1804: Thanks to the efforts of Wolf Breidenbach “he Jewish Leibzoll—an obnoxious toll which Jews had to pay on entering towns where they did not dwell or had no special privileges” was abolished today in Frankfort, German

1814: Following the defeat of American forces at the Battle of Bladensburg, British forces entered Washington, D.C. and began burning by the city by trying to set ablaze the Capitol Building and the White House.  Isaac Polock a transplant form Savannah is the only Jewish person identified by name living in Washington at this time.  While it is not known if any Jews served with rag-tag U.S. forces at Bladensburg, several Jews would help to defeat the British when they attacked Baltimore’s Fort McHenry in the following month.
1828(14thof Elul, 5588): Sixty-five year old Galician Rabbi Ephiram Zalman Margolis and author of Bet Hadash ha-Hadashot passed away today.
1841(7th of Elul, 5601): Jewish educator Herz Homberg whose works included Ha-Korem, “a commentary on the Pentateuch and on Job and Jeremiah,” passed away today in his home town of Prague.
1844(9th of Elul, 5604):Áron Chorin passed away. Born in 1766, he “was a Hungarian rabbi and pioneer of religious reform. He favored the use of the organ and of prayers in the vernacular, and was instrumental in founding schools along modern lines. Chorin was thus regarded as a leader of the newer Judaism. He also interested himself in public affairs — he took an active part in the efforts for Jewish emancipation, and was very influential with the state authorities.”
1854: Elise Henle and Leopold Levi gave birth to their daughter Matilda.
1855: Publication of the first issue of "Die Deborah," a German-language newspaper focused on serving women's interests.Die Deborah, the most important German-Jewish newspaper in the U.S. in its time. Reform leader Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise served as editor and published Die Deborah as a German-language supplement to his English-language The Israelite (later The American Israelite) and designed it particularly for "the instruction and the intellectual entertainment of the ladies."
1857:According to the New York Times Lord Russell has delivered a report from the Parliamentary Select Committee saying that the Jews could not be admitted as members of Parliament under the existing Act for the modification of oaths.
1859: Cecilia Pfeisher, a 45 year old German Jewish woman appeared before Justice Beenman today and preferred charges of larceny and assault and battery against King Schoenfeld, who was also a German Jew, his sons – Louise and Abraham and a fourth man named Schwartz.
1861: Eugenia Levy Phillips was arrested as a Confederate spy.  Mrs. Phillips is listed prominently on the Home Page of Notable Women of Alabama History.  The details of her life include the fact that she was Jewish and that her husband was Jewish.  Mrs. Phillips sister was also a staunch supporter of the South, serving as a volunteer nurse.  There is some question as to the nature of Mrs. Phillips espionage activities.  However, she was a confidant of the famous Confederate spy Rose O’Neal Greenhow. (As reported by the Jewish Women’s Archives)
1863: In Iwye, Belarus,Rabbi David Shlomo Grodzinski, who was Rav of Iwye for over 40 years and his wife gave birth to Chaim Ozer Grodzinski a leading Lithuanian religious judge and expert on Halachah.
1861: "From London: The Effort to Break Down American Credit in England Danger" published today described efforts to destroy the financial position of the United States government in Europe following the Union defeat at the Battle of Bull Run. According to the writer, the pro-Southern forces want to drive the U.S. government out of the normal financial market and “leave us at the mercy of a few rich and powerful Jews.”
1865: The citation naming Sergeant-Major Abraham Cohn a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor was issued today.  “During Battle of the Wilderness rallied and formed, under heavy fire, disorganized and fleeing troops of different regiments. At Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864, bravely and coolly carried orders to the advanced line under severe fire.”
1865:The New York Times reported that The Memphis Bulletin, “always an unconditional Union paper, contains a denunciation against Governor William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow’s letter against the Jews."
1871(7thof Elul, 5631): Eighty-one year old Rachel Luzzatto, known as “the Queen of Hebrew Versifiiers” who was a descendant of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato passed away today.  (As reported by Rabbi Leah Novick)
1872: Birthdate of Sir Max Beerbohm, English caricaturist and writer.  He passed away in 1956 after a long and successful career. This item and the one just above provide a taste of the “schizophrenic” attitude that the British have about Jews.  It will be a subject that we will tackle in class when the time comes.
1872: Fifty-three delegates from Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Georgia attended a regional convention of the B’nai Brith that came to an end today in Atlanta, GA.
1878: It was reported today that the poorer class of Jews are among those suffering the most as a result of the famine that has struck southern Morocco.  The government has not done anything to alleviate the suffering and the Jews are relying on their co-religionist for assistance and relief.
1878: It was reported today that the Italian government has voiced it opposition to any modification in the provisions of the Treaty of Berlin relating to the treatment of the Jews of Romania.  The Romanians are seeking changes in the treaty because they claim that it might to “social and legal inconvenience” as well as the fall of the current government.
1878: In a letter signed “Old Subscriber,” a writer who knew the late Michael Reese expressed both his pleasure and displeasure with an article about the recently deceased California Jew.  He agreed that Reese had surprised everybody by leaving money to Jewish and Christian institutions because it has yet to occur “to a Christian to leave in his will bequests alike to Jew and Gentile.” He disagreed with the depiction of Reese speaking with a foreign accent since he knew the deceased did not speak in that manner.
1879: In Baltimore, MD, Grand Master Simon Wolff presided over the opening meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Southern District of the Order of Kesher Shel Barzel, the Jewish benevolent and protective society  
1880:  Birthdate of Joshua Lionel Cowen.  Joshua Lionel Cohen was one of nine children born to Jewish immigrants. He dropped out of college to pursue a life of tinkering and inventing.  Cowan invented what would become the Eveready Flashlight.  While Cowan invented the light, he did not do with it and sold the rights for a pittance.  He did develop the toy electric train and co-founded the Lionel Corporation maker of electric trains and the equally famous Erector Set. He is credited with convincing department stores to feature displays train sets at Christmas time, thus tying his invention to America’s greatest gift giving holiday. He passed away in 1965.
1881: Edward Solomon’s comic operaClaude Duval”  premiered today at the Olympic Theatre in London.
1884: It was reported today that “Mr. W.W. Story…is at work on ‘Miriam’” a statute of the sister of Moses “clad in a simple tunic,” hold a timbrel and her mouth open “in a song of triumph at the deliverance of the Jews from captivity.”  (Story is William Wetmore Story, the scion of patrician New England family who was, among other things, a noted 19thcentury sculptor  whose work can be seen at the Metropolitan and in Washington, DC)
1884: It was reported today that “during the last two months the Jewbaiters in…the provinces of Wilna, Minks, Kowno and Mohilew have burned over a thousand Jewish houses, shops and synagogues reducing many hundreds of people to beggary”  This is only one example of “the pathetic tales” of Jewish suffering from all over Russia.
1884: It was reported today that a mob “assaulted the Jewish quarter” of Kutais, in Transcaucasia (Russia) and threatened “a general massacre of the Jews” when it was reported that “the Jews had stolen a Christian child.”  The rioters desisted when the child was found.
1884: Several Jews from Paterson, NJ, attended the burial of Samuel Lavner at Mount Hebron Cemetery.  Lavener who may or not be Jewish was found at Little Falls, the victim of a gunshot which may or may not have been self-inflicted.
1885: “A Revival of Judaism” published today provides a summary of the recommendations that have been sent to the Executive Board of the Union of American Congregations by Rabbis from across the country since their last annual meeting at Niagara Falls.
1887: In New York, Judge Donohue refused to vacate the order of arrest that had been issued for Meyer Goldberg on charges that he was planning on absconding with goods belong to his wife Lena who has already filed for a divorce.  After hearing the conflicting stories, the judge withheld his decisions on Mrs. Goldberg’s application for temporary alimony and attorney’s fees.  Goldberg is out on bail.
1889: “An Unsectarian Hotel” published today described the events that have led to an option being taken on a tract of beach front property at Ocean City, NJ for the construction of new, first class hotel. Early last month, the Brunswick, “a fashionable hotel” in this summer resort community refused to honor the reservations of Mrs. Joseph Davis because she was Jewish.  Mrs. Davis, her children and servants  were forced to take refuge in the cottage of Moses Strauss, “a wealthy leather merchant from Newark.”  At dinner attended by several wealthy Jews from Philadelphia and New Jersey, it was decided to build a hotel that will be open to Jews and Gentiles who have “satisfactory references.” Fifty thousand dollars was immediately raised to begin work on the project. (The problem of being banned from fashionable resorts began with at Saratoga in the 1870’s and would continue to be a problem until it was banned by federal law in 1964)
1890: “Under The Czar’s Empire” published today provided a summary of the 290 page volume that provides a compilation of all the “legislative acts of the Russian empire relative to the Jews.”

1890: Samuel D. Levy of the 11th Ward, a popular young lawyer and a director of the United Hebrew Charities has been mentioned as a likely candidate to fill one of the openings on the Board of Education.

1890: “Armenians, Turks, Jews and Russians” published today compared the treatments of Armenians by the Ottomans with the treatment of Jews by the Czars.

1891: Labor organizations in Baltimore are beginning to express their opposition to the admission of anymore Jewish immigrants from Russia because they have taken sewing jobs away from the women in the city who used to do the work.

1891: Coroner Levy said today that he would appeal the decision the Acting Superintendent of Immigration barring some of the Russian Jews who had arrived on the Westernland from entering the United States because they were likely to become public charges even though Levy had secured a bond for each them.

1892(1st of Elul, 5652): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1895: The sons of the late Simon Wormser donated $15,000 to a variety of charitable institutions today.

1895: According to “Prisoners Sent to Siberia” published today of the 11,500 prisoners sent to Siberia last year, 510 were Jews.

1895: “Convention of Jewish Women” published today described plans for the upcoming Convention of National Council of Jewish Women which will be “the first convention of Jewish women ever held” in the United States.

1895: J. Keir Hardie, President of the British Independent Labor Party visited Staten Island where he heard Professor Daniel De Leon, the Sephardic Jewish editor of The People deliver a speech on “Socialism.”

1896: “Notes of Stage People” published today previewed the upcoming New York Theatre season including Oscar Hammerstein’s plans to present “stock comic opera” at the Olympia Theatre.

1898: “Taunts Drove a Jew to Suicide” published today described events leading up to the suicide of Herman Rosenthal. He had quit his job at the Colonial Brewery because he had been ridiculed for being a Jew and then “became despondent:” over the persecution of “the Jewish race.”

1898: Birthdate of Rosa Goldschmidt, a German born American author who gained fame as Rosie Goldschmidt Waldeck, a correspondent for Newsweek and author of Athene Palace

1899: Jonathan Berthold Lasker and Else Lasker-Schüler, the German Jewish playwright and poet, gave birth to their first son, Paul

1899: Former Judge Henry Hilton who created a cause célèbre when he banned Jews from staying at his hotel in Saratoga Springs passed away today.

1899: In Rennes, at the court martial of Captain Dreyfus, Colonel Jouasut, President of the Court, ordered that the evidence of Monsieur Penot, a friend of the late Colonel Sandherr be read by the clerk of the court.  According to Penot, Colonel Sandherr had said that the Dreyfus family had offered him 150,000 francs if he would clear the Captain.  The defense attorney then read the actual note that the late Colonel had written proving that Penot’s version was distorted.  All the note from the family had said was “We are convinced of the innocence of our brother, and will spend our entire fortune to discover the truth.”

1900(29th of Av, 5660): Seventy-year old “Dutch painter and vignette-engraver Elchanan Verveer whose work included “illustrations for Eugène Sue's "Le Juif Errant," passed away today.

1903: Max Nordau addresses the Sixth Zionist Congress

1911(30thof Av, 5671): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1912: Alaska is granted Territorial Status.  The first Jews came to Alaska in 1898 when some San Francisco fur traders settled in Dawson City. The Jewish steamboat operator Lewis Gerstle provided transportation to the Yukon River during the Gold Rush. The Gerstle River is named for him. By the time Alaska had gained territorial status, the Jews of Nome had formed the Nome Hebrew Benevolent Society and Robert Bloom had founded the Jewish community of Fairbanks.

1922:  Birthdate of left-wing historian and anti-war activist Howard Zinn.

1914 Sholom Schwartzbard and his brother enlisted in the French Foreign Legion. He served in the 363e régiment d’infanterie and was wounded in the Battle of Carency in the Battle of the Somme. To acknowledge his courage he was awarded the Croix de Guerre. Schwartzbard was wounded by a grenade blast while on patrol in March 1916. His lungs were riddled, and he was not expected to live. His left arm was virtually useless

1914: An American version of “The Girl from Utah” produced by Charles Frohman opened today at the Knickerbocker Theatre – a production for which Frohman hired Jerome Kern to write five new songs including “They Didn’t Believe Me”

1919(28thof Av, 5679): Mrs. Roche Seegal passed away today.

1927: Birthdate of economist Harry Markowitz, winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize.

1922(30th of Av, 5682): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1922:  Birthdate of Howard Zinn, self-styled people’s historian and author of “A People’s History of the United States.” (As reported by Howard Powell)

1924(24th of Av, 5684): Saul Frank, the husband of Sarah Vasen, the first Jewish female doctor in Los Angeles, CA, passed away today from a heart attack

1925: Paramount Pictures released “Beggar on Horseback” a cinematic version of the play co-authored by George S. Kaufman.

1925(4th of Elul, 5685): Seventy-five year old Moritz Henle, a German composer and leading cantor in the Reform Movement passed away today. His wife, Caroline Franziska Herschel, whom he married in 1882, would survive him by almost twenty more years perishing at Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1943.

1929: Arab attacks continued on Jews living in the section of Jerusalem known as Talipot. Women and children had to be evacuated to the New City. Arab mobs looted Jewish homes including that of the author S.J. Agnon.  They destroyed his collection of rare documents related to the history of Palestine.

1929: Arab mobs attacked Jewish worshippers at the Western Wall.

1929:As of today, another 17 Jews had been killed in the Jerusalem area. The worst killings occurred in Hebron and Safed while others were killed in Motza, Kfar Uria, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

1929(18th of Av, 5689): On Shabbat, Arab mobs killed five members of the Maklev family and their two house guests one of whom was an 85 year old Rabbi.

1929: Arab rioters attacked Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, laying waste to the three year old settlement.

1929(18th of Av, 5689): In Hebron, Arabs massacred fifty-nine Jews including five rabbis and eight American students studying at a local Yeshiva. This slaughter would lead to Jews being driven out of the city putting an end to this ancient Jewish community and making the home of the Cave of Machpelah “Jew free” except for the remains of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs.  Jews would not be able to return to their ancient community until after the 1967 war. 

1930: U.S. premiere of “All Quiet on the Western Front” – the classic anti-war movie told from the German side of WW I - directed by Lewis Milestone, produced by Carl Laemmle, Jr and co-starring Louis Wolheim.

1933: “In address on the status of the Jews in the world, Nahum Sokolow, criticizes Soviet Russia for outlawing Zionism and the Hebrew language”

1933: The man who had assaulted New Yorker Dr. Daniel Mulvihill “while he was visiting Berlin” was arrested an sent to a concentration camp.

1933:An official announcement is made stating that Dr. Albert Einstein, Dr. Georg Bernhard, famous journalist, and Dr. Bernhard Weiss, former assistant police president of Berlin, have lost their German citizenship.

1933: The Government forbids German-Jewish Maccabee team of 100 athletes to participate in the world Maccabiade to be held in Prague.

1933:A delegation of leading Jews urges the High Commissioner to issue regulations governing the daily closing of shops and Sabbath observance in Jewish localities.

1936: Three United States Senators, Royal S. Copeland of New York, Warren Austin of Vermont and Daniel Hastings of Delaware, marked the second day of their tour of Palestine which had begun in Jerusalem.

1936: In Tarrytown, NY, Rabbi Manning H. Bleich and his wife Beatrice gave birth to J.(Judah) David Bleich, who, among other accomplishments is the Rabbi for B’nei Judah, a Professor at Yeshiva University and an instructor at Cardozo Law School.

1936(6th of Elul, 5696): Two more Jews fell victim tonight to the murderous Arab violence that began on April 19, bringing the Jewish death toll to sixty-six.  One of the victims was Julius Vagshall, “an employee of the Palestine Electric Company was murdered…near Mikveh Israel. Two of his companions were wounded making them part of the twenty others who were shot during the night.

1938: Birthdate of David Freiberg bass player with Quicksilver Messenger Service and Jefferson Starship

1937: The Times of London praised the impartiality and objectivity of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations which, following prolonged deliberations, reached conclusions similar to those of the Royal (Peel) Commission on Palestine, recommending an eventual partition. The PMC said that the fluctuations in the policy of the Mandatory Power in Palestine encouraged the Arabs in their belief that violence could stop the Jewish immigration.

1938: At Jenin Arabs terrorists shot and killed W. S. Moffatt, Assistant District Commissioner

1938: After meeting with Hitler, Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary that they had “discussed removing all Jews from Germany.”

1939:  Louis “Lepke” Buchalter, the Jewish gangster who ran Murder Incorporated surrendered himself to the Jewish Columnist, Walter Winchell.  Winchell turned him in to the FBI.

1941: In a broadcast to the British people, Churchill announced that as German troops advanced in the Soviet Union, "whole districts were being exterminated." He did not mention that it was the Jews getting killed. This broadcast came only two months after Hitler had invaded Russia.   At the time, Churchill was busy trying to get the British (many of whom were anti-Communists) to view the Soviets as a much-needed ally in the war against Hitler.  Talking about dead Jews would not have kindled the spirit of support that Churchill was trying to create.

1941: Eighty-six-year-old Dr. Jacob Wigodsky, longtime leader of the Jews of Vilna, Lithuania, is arrested and imprisoned. He will be executed a week later at Ponary, Lithuania.

1942: Poet and author Joy Davidson who would later become an Anglican married her first husband, William Lindsay Graham.

1942: As of today, 21,000 Jews from Kielce had been deported to Treblinka where they were all murdered.

1943: Five thousand Jews from Bialystok, Poland, are killed at Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Majdanek.

1943: King Boris of Bulgaria was summoned to Berlin, where Hitler personally subjected him to a harsh browbeating on his vacillation when it came to deporting Jews to the death camps.

1943: French philosopher Simon Weil the daughter of two Alsatian Jews who converted to Christianity during her exploration of various religions passed away today.

1944: Three thousand slave laborers are killed at Mielec, Poland

1944: A Jewish survivor in liberated Lvov, Ukraine, notes in her diary that only three percent of the region's Jews remain alive.

1945: Abdul Rahman Azzam Bey, “the secretary-general of the Arab League and undersecretary for foreign affairs in the Egyptian government, announced publicly that FDR had give a pledge to Ibn Saud ‘that he would not support any move to hand over Palestine to the Jews.’”

1950: Operation Magic Carpet, which brought 45,000 Yemenite Jews to Israel, was concluded.  This rescue of the ancient Yemenite community began shortly after the creation of the Jewish states.  Anti-Jewish riots broke out even though the Jews of Yemen had done nothing.  The easiest way would have been to bring them to Israel by ship, but the Egyptians would not let the Israelis use the Suez Canal.  So the Israelis mounted an airlift (hence the name magic carpet) and flew the people to safety with between 500 to 600 Yemenites on each flight.  Many had never seen a plane before.  Many people remembered the words of the prophet who said the Jews would be redeemed on Wings of Eagles.  This was the first large scale saving of a Jewish community.  It would not be the last.  Israel critics might do well to remember that there is a reason for a Jewish state.

1952: Although no diplomatic steps followed the direct peace offer made by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to Egypt, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said he believed such action was possible in the near future.

1954:A plan to transfer 450,000 Jews from North Africa to Israel because of "the threat of renewed anti-Jewish outbreaks by Arab extremists" was outlined here tonight. Three thousand delegates to the fortieth annual convention of Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel were told of the proposal by Moshe Kol, world chairman of the Youth Aliyah (immigration) movement, Jewish child-rescue agency.

1957: Bosley Crowther reviewed Billy Wilder’s “Love in the Afternoon” which he believes helps to put Wilder on the same level of the great Ernst Lubitsch.

1959:  Birthdate of actor Steve Guttenberg

1960(1st of Elul, 5720): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1965: Birthdate of Academy Award winning actress Marlee Matlin.  The Chicago born Matlin gave of the most moving performances of her life when she spoke at the 2004 Keshet Dinner.

1964: Bruce Sundlun was one of the delegates attending the National Democratic Convention when it opened today.

1970: In Los Angeles, Carolyn Surtees and Don Gregory gave birth to NBC newsman and host of Meet the Press David Gregory.

1967: Led by Abbie Hoffman, a group of hippies temporarily disrupt trading at the NYSE by throwing dollar bills from the viewing gallery, causing a cease in trading as the brokers scramble to grab them up.

1978: Seventy-two year old archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon best known for her excavations at Jewry Wall in Leicester before WW II and Jericho passed away today.

1980(12th of Elul, 5740): One person was killed and twelve were injured when a terrorist bomb went off in Jerusalem gas station.

1986: The New York Times included a brief review of A Certain People: American Jews and Their Lives Today, Charles E. Silberman's survey of American Jewish life and Jewish identity

1991: Robert S. Strauss begins serving as U.S. Ambassador to Russia (formerly the U.S.S.R.)

1994:  Initial accord between Israel and the PLO about partial self-rule of the Palestinians on the West Bank.
1997: The New York Times book section featured a review of Yehudi Menuhin’s autobiography entitled Unfinished Journey: Twenty Years Later and My American Century by Studs Terkel

1999(12th of Elul, 5759): Ninety-nine year old Sidney Lev, the native of Branchville, SC who lived in Charlotte, NC passed away today in Cocoa Beach, FL.

2003(26th of Av, 5763): Seventy-seven year businessman Jack Eisner, theHolocuast survivor and author passed away today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2004: Chris Young pitched in his first game for the Texas Rangers, making him the first Princeton baseball player to appear in the majors since Bob Tufts, who had converted to Judaism during his pitching career.

2005:  Egypt and Israel reached an agreement that would allow troops to patrol the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.  The Egyptains have guaranteed that they will not allows arms to be smuggled into Gaza.  A small Egyptian naval squadron will patrol the coast.  

2006(30th of Av, 5766): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2007: “Sam Friedman, a son of the late Louisiana State Senator Sylvan Friedman of Natchitoches Parish, of Dimension Development Company from Natchitoches, Louisiana, announced the purchase of the Fairmont Hotel by First Class Hotels for $17 million from the owners, Roosevelt Ventures, LLC.”

2008: An exhibition at Yeshiva University Museum entitled “Celestial Nights: Visions of an Ancient Land: Photographs by Neil Folberg” comes to an end.

2008: The Sunday New York Times book section featured books by Jewish authors and/or on topics of Jewish interest including The Black Hole War: My Battle With Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanicsby Leonard Susskind, A Path Out of the Desert by Kenneth M. Pollack, Epilogue: A Memoirby Anne Roiphe and The Lost Spy: An American in Stalin’s Secret Serviceby Andrew Meier

2008: The Washington Post book section featured books by Jewish authors and/or on topics of Jewish interest including For The Thrill Of It: Leopold, Loeb and the Murder That Shocked Chicagoby Simon Baatz, Explainers: The Complete Village Voice Strips (1956-66)by Jules Feiffer and The Lost Spy: An American in Stalin’s Secret Serviceby Andrew Meier

2008: As the Democratic National Convention opens in Denver, the Jewish friends of Susan Turnbull, a vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee join her in a "nosh" at Zaidy's delicatessen in Denver at 2 p.m. These friends may include the thirty Jewish Democrats serving in the US House of Representatives and nine in the Senate.

2008: The DNC launches the convention with an interfaith gathering featuring Jewish, Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim clerics. The Jewish speaker is Rabbi Tzvi Weinreb, the executive vice president of the Orthodox Union.

2009:David Wessel, the economics editor at the Wall Street Journal and author of the "Capital" column, discusses and signs his new book, In Fed We Trust: Ben Bernanke's War on the Great Panic, at Politics and Prose Bookstore, in Washington, D.C.

2009:Two mortar shells struck a kibbutz near Ashkelon this evening. One person was lightly wounded by shrapnel in the incident, which was the first of its kind in months

2009: A Palestinian gunman was killed this evening in a shootout with IDF troops on the northern border of the Gaza Strip. The shooting occurred after an IDF patrol spotted the gunmen planting a bomb near the security fence. When the troops attempted to apprehend the group, they were met by gunfire. Two of the gunmen succeeded in escaping back to Gaza, while the third died on the spot.

2009:An agreement struck between the Tiberias Magistrate's Court and a Tzipori land-owner  today will allow the excavation of a tomb that may contain the remains of famed 3rd century Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi to begin next month. The work at the site, which features a clear inscription of the rabbi's name on the lintel and reportedly contains a terra cotta sarcophagus, may trigger significant opposition throughout the religious community, experts and religious authorities said.

2009: Today Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite promised the country's remaining Jewish community that it would receive restitution for property seized during the Second World War.

2009: In another recent incident, an IDF patrol opened fire on Palestinian militants today after spotting their approach to the Gaza border fence

2010: In Vermont, Peter Shulman “placed first in the five-way Democratic primary”

2010:Like a Fish Out of Water,” a film that follows Marcelo, a recent emigrant from Argentina to Israel who has found the perfect job on an Israeli soap opera and “Black Over White,” featuring the popular multi-cultural Israeli band, the Idan Raichel Project are scheduled to shown in Washington, DC as part of the WJFF.

2010:Jewish Art for the New Millennium: 3 Alicias 3 an evening of Music and Poetry with Alicia Svigals, Alicia Ostriker, and Alicia Jo Rabins is scheduled to take place at the Sixth Street Community Synagogue in New York.

2010:The 'Voice of Music' channel of 'Kol Israel' is scheduled to a r broadcast during which Yeheskell Beinisch, chairman of the Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival presents this year's program and the participating artists .

2010: As part of their attempt to have the government meet their demands for better pay and working conditions that will bring them more in line with those in the defense forces and intelligence community, the foreign ministry's workers' committee sent a telegram to Israel's Washington embassy, instructing staff there not to assist the prime minister during his visit to Washington.
2010:An Israeli company that breeds and markets hybrid plant varieties announced a new innovation today: A tomato that doesn't need to be refrigerated. The tomato, named Antonella, retains its firmness, flavor and aroma and does not begin to rot even after a week at room temperature.
2011:Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) and Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) have announced that they will not be attending the Glen Beck rally scheduled to be held in Jerusalem tonight.

2011:In Jerusalem, Daniel Zamir is scheduled to perform new arrangements of songs by the composer and poet Talma Alyagon Rose, accompanied by a unique female ensemble includingGalia Hai, viola; Karni Postel, cello; Tamar Eisenman, guitar. 

2011:Close to 200 taxi drivers congregated on Rothschild Boulevard, the hub of Tel Aviv’s tent city, today, to protest high gas prices and work conditions.

2011:Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Chief of Staff Benny Gantz decided today to appoint Colonel (res.) Danny Efroni to be the next IDF military advocate general replacing Major General Avichai Mendelblit.

2011:A three-month-old baby was lightly injured in her hand after one of two rockets fired at the Ashkelon Regional Council hit a car and caused it go up in flames this evening. Two further rockets were fired at the Eshkol Regional Council but no injuries or damage were reported. Earlier tonight, one of two rockets that was fired from Gaza towards the Beersheba area was intercepted by the Iron Dome system.
2011: Arnold Eidus was interviewed about his role in performing Raymond Scott’s “Suite for Violin and Piano” at Carnegie Hall in 1950.

2011(24thof Av, 5771): Fifty-nine year old Jeanette Ingberman, the daughter of Holocaust survivors who co-founded “Exit Art” passed away. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012: NFTY Songleading Instituted is scheduled to begin at Kutz Camp

2012: Camp Massad, the only Hebrew-immersion summer camp in Western Canada, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary, is scheduled to host an alumni reunion beginning today.

2012: Cantor Alane Simons Katzew, Director of Music Programming at the Union for Reform Judaism is scheduled to conduct Shabbat Eve services at B'nai Israel Synagogue in Grand Forks North Dakota

2012: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it is “Musical Shabbat” time as Temple Judah hosts the first of this year’s ever popular Friday evening events.

2012: Jewish Democrats slammed Republicans for planning a tribute to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) at the Republican convention.

2012: Germany's main Jewish body has announced its intention to institutionalize the training of mohels or ritual circumcisors. Amid concerns among Jews and Muslims that their religious practice of circumcision may be outlawed, the Central Council of Jews in Germany is organizing meetings with Rabbi Josh Spinner of the Orthodox rabbinical seminary of Berlin and Rabbi Walter Homolka of the Reform Abraham Geiger College in Potsdam, both of which train rabbis. The intention is to "institutionalize the training of mohels in Germany as part of their rabbinical training programs," Josef Schuster, vice president and head of religious affairs for the Council, announced today.
2012: In the first direct contact with his Israeli counterpart since taking office, Egypt’s new defense minister defended his country’s increased military presence in the Sinai Peninsula, saying it is needed to fight terrorism and is temporary, Egyptian officials said today.

2013: Amir Levy is scheduled to appear in “Bellini and the Sultan” at the Robert Moss Theatre.

2013: Anat Cohen, the sensational young Israeli clarinetist and saxophonist is scheduled to bring her unique musical stylings to New York’s 54 Below nightclub

2013: Despite the rocket attack on the Galilee two days ago, scores of families and travelers arrived in the area today to enjoy the north's beautiful scenery and specifically the popular Achziv beach. Only 48-hours after a Grad missile landed in Kibbutz Gesher HaZiv, only a few kilometers from the popular shore, beach-goers could be seen tanning, swimming and enjoying what remains of their summer break. "No place is safe," they explained. (As reported by Maor Buchnik)

2013: As the United States positions its warships in the eastern Mediterranean for a possible attack on Syria, “Israel …is raising its alert level, as Syria's retaliation may include an attack on Israeli targets.”  The Syrians have 100,000 missiles including thousands of Scud-D which could easily reach targets in Israel.(As reported by Yoav Zitun)

2013(18thof Elul, 5773): Eighty-four year old Muriel Siebert, “the first woman to buy a seat on the NYSE” passed away today. (As reported by Enid Nemy)

2014: The New York Times featured books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Teacher Wars: A History of America’s Most Embattled Profession by Dana Goldstein, Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life by William Deresiewicz, and Powers of Two: Finding the Essence of Innovation in Creative Pairs by Joshua Wolf Shenk

2014(28thof Av): Yarhrzeit of Larry Rosenstein loving husband of Judy Levin Rosenstein, of blessed memory who fifty years ago regaled me tales of death “Blaze” (his car, not his horse)

2014: Gil Shaham is scheduled to perform as guest violinist with the National Youth Orchestra of the United States at Tangelwood.”

2014: “After having been postponed twice due to continuous rocket from Gaza, Ashkelon’s annual pop music festival Briza is scheduled to open today. (As reported by Simone Somekh)

2014: KlezKanada in collaboration with the Montreal Jewish Music Festival is scheduled to host Der Groyser Kontsert Internationale

2014: Four year old Daniel Tragerman who was killed by Hamas rocket fire erev Shabbat after a rocket struck near his home in Kibbutz Nahal Oz is scheduled to be laid to rest this morning at the Hevel Shalom cemetery in the Eshkol Region. (As reported by Arutz Sheva)


This Day, August 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 25

79: Pliny the Elder passed away.

1270: Louis IX passed away. To the Christian world he became known as St. Louis.  Louis “despised his Jews” and he treated his Jewish subjects accordingly during his 44 year reign.  Louis combined the usual greed of Medieval Monarchs with a religious zeal that gave a special zest to his ant-Semitism.  To him, “the only good Jew was a converted Jew.”  He is best remembered for putting the Talmud on trial, finding it guilty and then burning twenty-four cartloads of the precious text. Two years later, a couple of more copies of the text were found and Louis repeated the public burning.

1530:  Birthdate of Tsar Ivan IV, known to history as Ivan the Terrible.  In keeping with Russian policy, few Jews were permitted in Russia and those that came on trading missions from Poland were often treated roughly.  In 1563 Ivan conquered a Lithuanian city (Polotsk) and gave the Jews the choice of converting to Russian Orthodoxy or death.  In carrying out his threat, Ivan had holes drilled in the ice of the nearby river and shoved three hundred Jewish men, women and children to their death.  Yes, “The Terrible” is a fitting title.

1613(8thof Elul, 5373): David Gans the author of "Tzemach David" passed away in Prague

1718:  Founding of New Orleans, Louisiana. The first Jews came to New Orleans in the early 1700’s as Spanish and/or Portuguese traders.  It is not clear as to whether these early settlers were “Secret Jews” and how many of them were open practitioners of their faith.  There would be at least three major waves of Jewish migration to the Crescent City and the surrounding bayou communities.  Prior to Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans boasted a vibrant Jewish community with a population that totals approximately 13,000. In addition to the various community organizations including the highly informative on-line Crescent City Jewish News http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=1f78b71ba0df060842f69ae41&id=95efe5a743&e=ce59f79d80
Tulane University adds an extra dimension to Jewish life with its Jewish Studies Department  chaired by Brian Horowitz.

1744: Birthdate of Johann Gottfried von Herder the Lutheran minister, philosopher and poet whom according to F.M. Barnard believed that “Jews in Germany should enjoy the full rights and obligations of Germans, and that the non-Jews of the world owed a debt to Jews for centuries of abuse, and that this debt could be discharged only by actively assisting those Jews who wished to do so to regain political sovereignty in their ancient homeland of Israel.” This stands in stark contrast to the view of Andrew Hamilton who said Herder saw “no continuity between (for him, legitimate) Old Testament Judaism and the Pharisaic Judaism of Jesus’ time, which he regarded as degenerate in form…For thousands of years, since their emergence on the stage of history, the Jews were a parasitic growth on the stem of other nations, a race of cunning brokers all over the earth. They have caused great evil to many ill-organized states, by retarding the free and natural economic development of their indigenous population.” (Once again we see that the Holocaust was not some aberration or an event brought on by the Versailles Treaty as apologists would have us believe)

1786: Birthdate of King Ludwig I of Bavaria who in 1829 commissioned a portrait of Nanette Kaula, the daughter of his Jewish royal agent, to be hung in his “Beauty Gallery.”

1797: Birthdate of Danish poet and dramatist Henrik Hertz

1814: Birthdate of Jacques Judah Lyons. The chazzan, rabbi, and community leader was born in Surinam, Dutch Guiana.  His parents, Judah Eleazar and Mary Asser Lyons, had emigrated to Surinam from Philadelphia in the early 1800s.

1814: During the War of 1812 the British returned to their ships after a second day of trying to burn Washington was thwarted in part by one of those downpours that Washingtonians know so well that put out most of the fires and headed for what they thought would be their next easy victory at Baltimore’s Fort McHenry.  With no evidence to the contrary the “row of buildings…known as the Six Buildings” built by Isaac Polock, the first known Jewish resident of the District of Columbia survived to be used as office space for the Departments of State and Navy.

1825: Uruguay declares its independence. Unlike other parts of Latin America, the Inquisition did not have a strong influence in Uruguay.  Therefore, we find evidence of converso communities dating back to the 16thcentury and a true Jewish community in the last decades of the 18thcentury. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in the country since that time.  However, actual documentation of the current Jewish community dates only back to the second of the 19th century.

1830: Belgium revolts against the Netherlands. Belgium gained its independence as a neutral Catholic Constitutional Monarchy in 1831 at which time it “officially recognized Judaism immediately. Brussels, with a more French influenced Jewish community, had a higher rate of assimilation, while Antwerp, influenced by Yiddish and Flemish, retained traditional forms of Jewish life, a trend that remains today. Belgium's Jewish population grew significantly after 1880, when Eastern European Jews began fleeing hostile areas and settling in Belgium.”

1844(10th of Elul, 5604): Áron Chorin a Hungarian rabbi and pioneer of religious reform passed away.

1846: A wagon train owned and commanded by a Prussian Jew named Albert Speyer arrived in Penol, Mexico where all 25 wagons were seized by authorities and Speyer and his party were jailed by the Mexicans.  For the next six weeks, Speyer would petition the Mexican government to release him, his men and his wagons. The government finally agreed to the release provided that Speyer would replace his American drivers with Mexicans.  Considering the fact that an American army had invaded Mexico, this did not seem like an unreasonable request.

1854: The New York Times reported that the people of Jamaica have collected $2,000 for the relief of the suffering Jews of Jerusalem.  The funds have been sent to Sir Moses Montefiore who is acting as treasurer for the British based organization seeking to aid the Jews.

1857: The "News from Europe" column reported that Lord Russell would not bring forward his bill to change the oath so that Jews could sit in Parliament because it was too late in the session.  He said he would introduce such a measure in the following session of Parliament.

1858: In Somerset, England, Edwin De Leon, U.S. Agent and Consul General for Egypt and Dependencies married Ellen Mary Nowlan, the youngest daughter of the late James Nowlan.

1860: Birthdate of Rabbi Joseph Silver who would be the first American rabbi to hold a pulpit in New York City

1863: During the Sherman’s campaign to take Atlanta, the 79th Indiana under the command of Colonel Frederick Knefler began to take part in the movement to outflank the Confederates by moving toward Jonesboro.

1865: Four months after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, Frederick (Friedrich) C. Salomon was mustered out of the Union Army.  Salomon had begun the war as a Captain.  By the end of hostilities, he had risen to the rank of Major Genera (Brevet) a tribute to his skill, bravery and tenacity.

1867(24th of Av, 5627): Fifty-nine year old Levi Bodenheim who served as a rabbi at Hildesheim and Krefeld passed away there today.

1872: It was reported today that of the fifty-three delegates who had attended a B’nai Brith convention in Atlanta, GA, forty-five said they would vote for Grant in the upcoming Presidential election and eight said they would vote for Horace Greely.  [This might come as a surprise to those who have tried to depict Grant as an anti-Semite.]

1874: Today’s “Foreign Miscellany” column, offered a summary of the life of the recently deceased Baron Anselm de Rothschild and his simple burial in Frankfurt.

1878: Today’s list of contributions to help those in the South caught in the grip of the Yellow Fever Epidemic included a $1,000 donation from Jews living in New York.

1878: In New York City, Hattie Collenberger and Lyman Bloomingdale gave birth to Irving Ingersol Bloomingdale.

1879: The Grand Lodge of the Southern District of Kesher Shel Barzel held a second day of meetings in Baltimore Maryland.  The district includes 33 lodges in Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana and the District of Columbia.  As is the case with all such fraternal organizations, the activities are secret.

1881(30thof Av, 5641): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1881: The Young Men’s Hebrew Union will host a garden concert at Washington Park this evening.

1881: “Anti-Jewish Agitation” published today described conditions in Germany where the Emperor has expressed his disapproval of “the anti-Jewish agitation.”  At the same time there is reportedly a great deal of “apprehension” among the Junkers concerning a governmental “inquiry into the persecution of the Jews in Pomerania and West Prussia.”  (The  Junkers were the ultra-conservative landed gentry of Prussia who would have opposed the emancipation of German Jews)

1882: The body of 20 year old Elisa Blumer was found floating in the North River today.  A native of Baden, the young Jewess came to the United States and move in with her step-brother David Wertheimer  and his wife. The brother owns a successful butcher shop on Spring and MacDougal.

1883: In the last of three articles published in the Athenaeum concerning a scroll of the Book of Deuteronomy discovered by Moses Shapira, Biblical scholar David Ginsburg wrote “I have designedly abstained from making any remark or calling attention to any anomalies in the Hebrew text, as my report, which is to appear next week, will contain a full account of all the peculiarities of the manuscript and the conclusion I have arrived at about its genuiness

1884: Fifty-five year old Odo William Leopold Russell, 1st Baron Ampthill, the British diplomat who worked tirelessly to try and gain the freedom of Edgardo Mortara from the Catholic Church and have him returned to his Jewish parents passed away today.

1885(14th of Elul, 5645): Fifty-seven year old Marcus Kalisch, a native of Pomerania who served as a secretary to the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire and was tutor to the Rothschild  family as well as the author of commentaries on Exodus, Genesis and Leviticus, passed away today.

1889: According to some, Ohaveth Shalom (Lovers of Peace) the first Jewish congregation in Seattle was established today.

1890: Chief of Police Jerry Lordan telegraphed from San Francisco that Dennis Collonge, the man who falsely accused Galveston Jewish businessmen Sampson and Isaac Heidensheimer of arson has been arrested and that he will bring him back to Galveston, TX  as soon as the extradition process has been completed.

1890: Today, the managers of the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children will provide a free excursion for 592 children and teachers from the Ladies’ Deborah Nursery, the Industrial School of the United Hebrew Charities, the Downtown Religious and Sewing School of the 19th Street Synagogue and the Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood. 

1890: Thomas Abbot, who had been charged with assaulting Paul Ohlenhausen, “an aged Hebrew was discharged at the Tombs” today on grounds that he was insane at the same time.

1890: “Debarred Russian Hebrews” published today descried the efforts to overturn the decision by the Acting Superintendent of Immigration to bar ten Russian Jews from entering the United States among whom are 21 year old Moses Wolf, a jeweler from Odessa whose brother Alfred is a naturalized citizen working in Philadelphia and Jacob Cohen who speaks English fluently and whose cousin Isodor Burros who has operated a grocery store for eleven years in New York has a job for him.

1891: It was reported today that in Baltimore, “a large number of Hebrews are greatly opposed” to the “influx” of Jews from Russia.  “Elias Rohf agent of the Baron Hirsch Fund has promised…that no more Russian Hebrew immigrants when bonded out will be allowed to say remain” in Baltimore “but will be sent” elsewhere.

1891: Birthdate of Israeli poet and author David Shimoni 

1891: “The Pall Mall Gazette” said today “that the Prince of Wales is Taking great interest in the matter of the persecution of the Jews in Russia and in the condition” of Jewish immigrants “who are coming to England.” (Must to the consternation of his mother, the future King Edward numbered several Jews among his “circle’)

1892: As French authorities wrestle with an outbreak of Cholera, the steamer Galicia from Hamburg which arrived at Havre with immigrants aboard, some of whom were thought to be Russian Jews, was placed in quarantine.

1892: As of today,  “nothing has been heard at the U.S. Treasury Department about the proposed departure from Harve for Boston of a number of Jews from Odessa who originally intended to go to New York, but whose journey was interrupted at Lyons because of the refusal of the steamship lines to take them to New York.”

1892: Birthdate of Sam Toubin, a Texas merchant who would marry Rosa Levin Toubin who wrote History of B'nai Abraham Synagogue.

1895: The list published today of the recipients of donations from the sons of the late Simon Wormser includes $2,500 to - Mt. Sinai Hospital, Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Montefiore Home; $1,000 to Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews and United Hebrew Charities.

1895: Among the speakers at the dinner given tonight in honor of the English socialist J.K. Hardie, were Daniel De Leon whose topic was “Labor Movements in General and In America Especially” and A. Shapiro whose topic was “The Hebrew Labor Movement.”

1895: Among those Russian Jewish immigrants who are scheduled to be shipped back to Europe tomorrow because there is a fear that they will become “public charges” are 21 year old Moses Wolf, a professional jeweler who was met by his brother Alfred Wolf a naturalized American citizen who is employed by a company in Philadelphia and Jacob Cohen, who speaks English fluently and whose cousin Isidor Burros had already rented him an apartment and was ready to help him find a job.

1897: Herzl arrives in Basel prior to the start of the First Zionist Congress.

1897(25thof Av. 5657): Forty-five year old Albert Tobias, who owned a hotel at Far Rockaway, passed away today in New York City.  A native of German, he came to the United States and leaves behind a widow and 2 sons.

1898: A bank conference takes place three days before the opening of the Second Zionist Congress.

1899: Jules Guerin and some of his followers caused a stir when they tried to pass out circulars denouncing the Jews from the windows of the office buildings where they had taken refuge from police.

1899: This evening a reporter from the anti-Semitic weekly Anti-Juif was prevented by police from sneaking food into the Paris offices were Jules Guerin and his associates were holding out against arrest by authorities.

1899: Rowland Strong, an English newspaper man testified today that “Count Esterhazy confessed to him that he wrote the famous bordeau.”

1899: Today, at the court martial of Captain Dreyfus, Albert Gobert the handrwriting expert from the Bank of France “reported on examinaning the documents in the case that Esterhazy and not Dreyfus wrote the bordeau” (Gobert is credited by some to have “the honor of being the first man to have declared in favor of Dreyfus” since he had identified the true author of the incriminating documents, a fact which the French military chose to ignore)

1899: The funeral, Aaron J Wechsler, the eldest son of the late Joseph Wechsler, who was a partner in Wechsler & Abraham and was a member of several Jewish organizations including Temple Israel, will be held at his home on 8thAvenue in Brooklyn.

1900:  German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche passed away.  Nietzsche was not an anti-Semite and did not condone anti-Semitism. His biggest problem with Judaism was that it gave birth to Christianity, a religion he reportedly detested.  In Human, All Too Human Nietzsche derided the attempt to blame the Jews for all of society’s ills.  There were Jews with many disagreeable traits and habits, but then this was true of all groups. He canceled at least one magazine subscription because of its anti-Semitic tone.  He was extremely upset when his sister married a rabid anti-Semite with whom he declared that he had nothing in common.  Unfortunately for Nietzsche, the Nazis misappropriated some of his ideas.  They were aided in this corruption by Nietzsche’s sister who received a state funeral by order of Adolph Hitler himself.

1900:Maurice Arnold de Forest, the adopted son of  millionaire Baroness Clara de Hirsch, née Bischoffsheim, wife of Jewish banker and philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch de Gereuth who was rumored to be the illegitimate son of the Baron was “commissioned in the militia as Second Lieutenant in the Prince of Wales’s Own Norfolk Artillery.

1903(2nd of Elul, 5663): Jacques Nissim Pasha the son of a physician who became a Turkish army surgeon serving as director of the Central Hospital of Salonica and Medical Inspector of the Third Army Corps passed away today in his hometown of Salonica.

1910 Birthdate of Ethel Stark the Montreal native who “founded the Montreal Women’s Symphony Orchestra in 1940” and which she conducted until 1960.

1910:  The Yellow Cab Company is co-founded by an Austrian born Jew named John D. Hertz. Hertz will sell his cab company to another Jew, Morris Markin the owner of the Checker Cab Company.  Hertz will go on to find the leading car rental agency in the United States.  The yellow in the Hertz Rent-A-Car logo is a reminder of the yellow in the Yellow Cab Company.

1911(1stof Elul, 5671): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1911: Hilfsverein der Deuteshcne Juden sent a second donation of thirty thousand marks to provide relief for the Jews who have suffered losses in the fires at Constantinople.

1911: In Great Britain, Sir Phillip Magnus, M.P., resigned his presidency of the Berkeley Street Synagogue.

1911: In Montreal, the Hebrew National Society is formed to thwart attempts to convert Jews to Christianity.

1911: In the Polish section of the Russian Empire the Jews of Siedlce are attacked by anti-Semitic mobs.

1911: Six hundred Jewish families lose their homes in fires that break out in Aden while the Jews of Salonica suffer losses when fire breaks out at the library in Epoca.

1911: Ritual murder charges were revived today in Galicia and Romania

1911: In Vienna, the Rothschilds donate fifty thousand Austrian crowns for relief of the families suffering from floods at Bukovina.

1912: “Tax Board Completes Hearings” published today described the meeting of the Camden (NJ) Board of Taxation where it heard requests for exemptions including one from the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society for the property taxes on 1139-41 Baring Street which was granted.

1913: In an orgy of anti-Semitism, Leo Frank was convicted of murdering Mary Phagan and sentenced to death. Though there was no real evidence against, Tom Watson, the editor of the Jeffersonian, used the fact that Frank was a Jew to convict him before the public. In this charged atmosphere, all appeals failed. In 1915, Georgia Governor John Slater, knowing that the trial had been unfair, commuted the sentence to life imprisonment. On August, 17, 1915, "an armed mob took Frank from his prison cell and lynched him.  Years later a convict confessed and implicated the primary witness against Frank.  The outburst of anti-Semitism that accompanied the Frank case was one of the prime reasons that the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith was formed in 1913.

1914: Following a series of defeats at the hands of the advancing German Army which contained an unknown number of Jews, the Allies began a fighting retreat from the Mons in which Jews fought in both the French and Jewish armies.  To those on the line, this looked like the start of a debacle that would end much as things had at the climax of the Franco-Prussian War.

1916: The Italian government develops a plan for administration of the Jewish community in Tripoli.

1917: Representatives of the Government and the American Federation of Labor under the leadership of Samuel Gompers entered into an agreement today for the adjustment of labor disputes in shipyards which, they believe, will hasten the settlement of the strike in New York, where more than 12,000 workers have walked off the job.

1918: In Lawrence, MA, Jennie (née Resnick) and Samuel Joseph Bernstein, a hair-dressing supplies wholesaler originating from Rovno gave birth to Louis Bernstein who gained famed American conductor, composer and pianist Leonard Bernstein.

1918: Samuel Gompers, the Chairman of the Committee on Labor of the Council of National Defense, has recommended to Secretary of Labor Wilson that medical examination of workers be made one of the functions of the Government's labor recruiting agencies.

1920:  During the Polish-Soviet War the Battle of Warsaw which started on August 13 came to an end with the defeat of the Soviet Army.  This victory insured that there would be an independent non-Communist Poland with all that that would mean for the Polish Jewish community. 

1921: Samuel Gompers delivered an address to the Kiwanis Club of Atlantic City, NJ.

1922(1st of Elul, 5682): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1925: Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, begins his tenure as British High Commissioner in Palestine.   

1929: A large Arab crowd made what the official British report described as ‘a most ferocious attack’ on the Jewish Quarter.  Within five hours, more than sixty Jews had been killed including many women and children.

1929: Fifty British troops arrived from Egypt to help restore order in Jerusalem.  They arrived too late for the 31 Jews who had been killed, the 100 who had been wounded and the four thousand who had been forced from their homes.

1931: Birthdate of L.A. television news anchor Hal Fishman.

1933: In Czernowitz, military authorities suspended publication of the Jewish paper, Der Tag, because it criticized the Government for not finding it possible to protect the Maccabee World Union's sport team.

1933: The Maccabiade, the international Jewish sports festival, opened in Prague. The participating teams of Jewish athletes come from fourteen different countries.

1933: In an interview, Czech President Masaryk, declared that the Jewish situation in Germany is not a purely internal question and will be discussed by the League of Nations.

1933: Testimony given in the magistrate's court at Jaffa. Palestine, alleges that Revisionist extremists had contemplated recourse to murder

1933: In Nazi Germany, the official government gazette, Reichsanzeiger, included German-Jewish novelist and playwright Lion Feuchtwanger's name on the first list of those whose German citizenship was revoked because of "disloyalty to the German Reich and the German people

1933: The Haavara (Transfer) agreement between the German Ministry of the Economy and the Zionist Organization facilitates a large-scale emigration of Jews from Germany to Palestine.

1935: The agreement with the Nazi Government of Germany for the exportation to Palestine of seized Jewish capital in the form of German machinery was denounced today in the Eighteenth World Zionist Congress by Meer Grossman, leader of the Democratic Revisionists, a faction of the right wing extremists

1936(7th of Elul, 5696): Sixty-seven year old Dr. Julius Tandler, the Moravian native who was a leading Social Democrat in Vienna passed away today in Moscow.

1937: A Christian Arab, Butrus Aranki, head of the Bir Zeit Local Council, was shot dead by an Arab assailant.

1938: The British authorities declared a twenty-two hour daily curfew in Jenin following yesterday’s murder of W. S. Moffatt, Assistant District Commissioner by Arab terrorists.

1939: After being freed from a Nazi prison and stripped of all his possession innovate Jewish businessman Arnold Bernstein and his wife Lilli boarded the SS Neiuw Amsterdam at Southampton, UK as they made their way to the United States.

1940: In Chicago, the 17th Annual Convention of Junior Hadassah, the Young Women's Zionist Organization of America, comes to an end.

1940: This date marked the first British air raids on Berlin.  The raids were a blow to Goering who had promised Hitler that the German Air Force would never allow such a thing to happen. According to some, the raids were in response to the German air assault known as the Battle of Britain. One can only wonder how Jews hiding in Berlin felt when the bombs came thudding down through the night sky.   It would be another three years before the German capital would feel the full brunt of Allied airpower when the Americans began attacking by day the British by night.

1941: Birthdate of Academy Award winning screenwriter Arthur Brickman, the Rio de Janeiro native who joined Eric Weissberg for banjo duets during the 1960’s.

1941: This date marked a turning point in the fate of approximately 14,000 displaced Hungary Jews (forced laborers), now living in Kamenets Podolsk, U.S.S.R. In July, Kamenets-Podolsk was occupied by the Hungarian forces that fought alongside Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union. Beginning in mid-July, some 14,000 Jews, residents but not citizens of Hungary, were deported to Korosmezo near the Polish border. From there, they were sent to Kolomija near Kamenets-Podolsk, and turned over to the SS. By August 10, at least 14,000 Jews had been handed over in this fashion. Today the fate of these Jews was sealed in a meeting at the headquarters of the commander of the Wehrmacht logistics division at Vinnitsa. At this meeting, SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Friedrich Jeckeln promised to finish murdering the Jews whom the Hungarians had turned over by September, 

1941: German military and civilian authorities meet at Vinnitsa, Ukraine, to discuss the fate of about 20,000 Hungarian Jews impressed into forced labor and interned at Kamenets-Podolski, Ukraine. Lt. General Friedrich Jeckeln announces that all 20,000 will be liquidated by September 1st.

1941(2nd of Elul, 5701): Fifteen hundred Jews are murdered at Tykocin, Poland.

1941: In Yugoslavia, 8000 Jewish residents of Belgrade are transported to Topovske Supe, where they are murdered.

1942(12th of Elul, 5702): Jews are locked in a church at Lask, Poland, and killed. Among the victims are a mother and her baby, who is born inside the church.

1942(12th of Elul, 5702): At Zdunska Wola, Poland, 1100 Jews are herded to the local Jewish cemetery, where all but about 100 are shot and beaten to death. Survivors are forced to bury the victims.

1942(12th of Elul, 5702): At the Treblinka death camp, a deranged, young Jewish woman is discovered hiding a small child beneath the bed sheet she wears. Camp guards shoot and kill both the woman and the child.

1942:  Over the next four days Ten thousand Jews from Nowy Sacz, Poland, are deported to the Belzec extermination camp.

1942: “Rose Laub married Lewis A. Coser, a fellow refugee who shared her commitment to socialism and who later became an eminent sociologist. The couple had two children, Ellen Coser Perrin, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and Steven Coser, a computer scientist.” (As reported by by Suzanne Vromen)

1943: At the Janowska camp, the Germans selected 24 of the prettiest Jewish girls, had a night of entertainment with them, and then sent all but one to their death the next day. The one was shot while trying to escape from the transport.

1943: Birthdate of Norman Geras, the native of what was then Rhodesia who became a Professor at the University of Manchester and was “one of the principle authors of the Euston Manifesto.” He is the husband of Adele Geras, the Jerusalem born author and the father of poet and author Sophie Hannah.

1944:  Birthdate of Philip Anthony Mari Heald, the actor known as Anthony Heald who converted to Judaism when he married his wife Robin.

1944: Adolf Eichmann and his staff leave Hungary, effectively ending Nazi deportations of Hungarian Jews.

1944: Paris was liberated by the allied armies after four years of Nazi occupation. For the Jews left in Paris, the Holocaust was over.

1944: Jewish resistance fighters joined the battles against the Germans in their quest for liberation of Lyon.

1944:  German troops massacred 124 of Maille’s (France) 500 residents and then razed the town in what would be the second worst German atrocity in occupied France.

1945: Jewish immigrants were permitted to leave Mauritius for Palestine.

1949:  Birthdate of Israeli-born rock star Gene Simmons.

1949: “Ma'agan Michael was founded today by a group consisting of 154 members and 44 children who had joined together in 1942, most of whom were members of the Hebrew Scouts. It was named Ma'agan (anchorage) due to the intent of its first settlers of using the land to make a living from the sea, and Michael in honor of Michael Polak, who donated money to the Palestine Immigrant Colonization Association (PICA).”

1952: The Knesset voted down the Mapam and Communist proposal designed to bar foreign companies from oil prospecting in Israel.

1954: Publication of Motivation and Personality by Abraham Maslow.

1960: The Zionist Organization of America opens its sixty-third annual convention and hears an address by Senator John F. Kennedy, the Democratic nominee for President.

1967: Forty-nine year old. George Lincoln Rockwell, the Commander of the American Nazi Party was gunned down while leaving a Laundromat in Arlington, VA/

1967(19th of Av, 5727: Actor Paul Muni passed away. Born Meshilem Meier Weisenfreund in Galicia (a Polish province in the Austro-Hungarian Empire) in 1895, Muni immigrated to the United States with his parents who were well-known performers in the Yiddish Theatre.  After getting his start in the Yiddish Theatre Muni moved on to the Broadway Stage and Hollywood.  Muni was one of those stars who submerged himself in the role so the viewer focused on the character being portrayed and not the star.  This enabled him to play the leads in films as varied as Scarface,I Am Fugitive from a Chain Gang, The Life of Emile Zola and The Storey of Louis Pasteur.  Muni was nominated for several best actor Oscars winning one in 1937.  He later returned to the stage where he earned a Tony nomination for his portrayal of Henry Drummond in the stage hit Inherit the Wind.   

1967: Johen Patler, a former neo-Nazi shot and killed George Lincoln Rockwell the head of the American Nazi Party while he was leaving a laundromat in Arlington, VA.

1969(11th of Elul, 5729): Two Jews were publicly hanged in Iraq after being accused of spying for Israel. The public rejoiced at the execution.

1977: The Palestine Liberation Organization’s Central Council declared that it had no plans to discuss UN Resolution 242 or Israel’s right to exist.

1977: Three people including two children were injured today when a bomb went off in a trash can in Netanya.

1977:  During his visit to Romania, Prime Minister Menachem Begin vigorously defended attacks on his government and clashed with his hosts by claiming that the Six Day War had been a war of defense and that the PLO wanted to annihilate the Jewish state. Romania was the only Communist-Bloc state not to break relations with Israel after the Six Day War.

1977: The U.S. Justice Department begins charges seeking to revoke former Nazi Concentration Camp Guard John Demjanjuk's citizenship and deport him.

1982: Murray Wiedenbaum finished his term as Chairperson of the Council of Economic Advisors – a position that would be filled next by Martin Feldstein

1983: Today was Leonard Bernstein Day in Lawrence, Mass

1984(27th of Av, 5744): Eighty-nine year old Henry Lynn, the Polish born American known for producing, directing and writing for the Yiddish cinema.

1988:  Leonard Bernstein’s 3 day 70th Birthday Celebration began with an international telecast from Tanglewood.

1993(8thof Elul, 5753): Ninety four year old Lawrence Kadoorie, Baron Kadoorie, a member of the famed clan of Jews from Baghdad and Bombay who gained fame and fortune as businessmen and philanthropist in the Orient.


1999: Rabbi Murray Erzing is scheduled to officiate at the funeral of 99 year old Sidney Levin at Temple Israel in Charlotte, NC followed by interment at Hebrew Cemetery.

1999(13th of Elul, 5759): Seventy-three year old Oscar nominated screenwriter Norman Wexler passed away today.

2001: “Fosse,” a musical review that included songs that Richard Adler and Jerry Ross had originally written for “Damn Yankees” and “The Pajama Game” which had opened in 1999 had its final performance.

2001: Squirtle Squirt, a thoroughbred horse for which David Lanzman had paid $25,000 at the Barretts Auction in 2000 won the Grade I King's Bishop Stakes

2002: The Sunday New York Times book section features reviews Blood of Victoryby Jewish author Alan Furst,The Judges by Elie Weisel and Defying Hitler: A Memoirby Sebastian Haffner who was not Jewish but whose future wife was and whose life demonstrates that Germans had a choice

2005: The Red Sea Jazz Festival comes to an end.

2005: Matan Vilnai begins serving as Science and Technology Minister.

2005: Effi Eitam was quoted as explaining that the reason there was no violence during the withdrawal from Gaza was as a result of self-restraint on the part of the Jewish settlers and not because of any fear of the forces that surrounded them.

2005:  Israeli newspapers reported that an Arab attacker wielding a large kitchen knife stabbed a British yeshiva student to death and seriously wounded an American classmate in Jerusalem's Old City.  Authorities were searching for the attacker whose actions were described as being those of a terrorist.  No organization had taken credit for the attack.

2006(1st of Elul, 5766): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2006: The London Stock Exchange announced that Randolph David Lerner had become the majority stockholder for the Aston Villa Football Club giving the Jewish businessman an interest in both the English and American versions of “football.”

2006(1st of Elul, 5766): Dr. Gail Greenberg Shapiro passed away at the age of 59 in Seattle.  She was a pediatric allergist who helped develop widely used standards for managing childhood asthma.

2006:  It was reported today that in an effort to upgrade Israel's preparedness for a possible confrontation with Iran, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz has appointed Israel Air Force Commander Major General Elyezer Shkedy as the IDF's "campaign manager" against countries that do not border on Israel - primarily Iran.

2007: Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, hosts its annual Congregational Picnic and “Havdalah Under the Stars Ceremony.” 

2008(24thof Menachem Av, 5678): Ninety-eight year old Israeli composer Josef Tal passed away today in Jerusalem.


2008: In an article entitled “Not So Funny,” appearing in Time magazine, Joel Stein described Democrat Al Franken’s campaign for the seat of Norm Coleman, the U.S. Senator from Minnesota.  Stein, who has written about the impact of his Jewish grandmother on the upcoming Presidential elections, was able to write this two page article without mentioning the fact that both candidates are Jewish, a fact that is doubly unusual given the small size of the Jewish community in the state.

2008: Palestinian Authority terrorists launched two rockets at Jewish communities in the western Negev today.

2008: Ayelet Waldman, a supporter of Barak Obama, was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention which opened today.

2008: Close to 200 terrorists, including two who had murdered Jews, were freed today in another "goodwill gesture" to the PA by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Relatives and friends of Jews who are imprisoned in Israeli prisons held a protest Monday morning to demonstrate their disgust at the government’s decision to keep their loved ones in jail while freeing Arab terrorists.

2008(24 Menachem Av 5768): Upshernish (inaugural hair-cutting ceremony) of Yosef “Yossi” Ciment, son Rabbi Pinchas and Mrs. Estie Ciment, a couple that epitomizes the term “Lamplighters.”

2009: Publication date for Madoff’s Other Secret: Love Money, Bernie and Me by Sheryl Weinstein former chief financial officer at Hadassah who claims in the book that she had an affair with Bernard Madoff. Weinstein served on the Hadassah committee that decided to invest with Madoff, but a spokesperson for the organization said she was one of many members on the committee. According to a spokesperson for Hadassah, the organization did not know of the alleged affair during Weinstein’s tenure at the organization, and her departure was unrelated to Madoff.

2009: In an a unique attempt to help people prepare for the High Holidays and raise funds Fairfax, VA’s Congregation Olam Tikvah hosts the first day of its annual Women's Hat Sale.

2009: Gaza militants fired two mortar shells at the western Negev, which landed near an Israel Defense Forces base.

2009:Elbit Systems Ltd. is an Israel-based international defense electronics company reached traded at $70.69 per share on the NASDAQ, quite a gain from its initial price of $7.75.

2010: At Congregation Beth Ahm in West Bloomfield, Michigan,Nancy Kaplan, Ritual Assistant to Rabbi Steven Rubenstein is scheduled to facilitate a discussion as part of "Jewish Intellectual History, 16th to 20th Century," a 24-part lecture series by Prof. David B. Ruderman, presented on DVD.

2010:Today, the state charged Moshe Rips, the former director-general of Keren Or – The Jerusalem Center for Blind Children with Multiple Disabilities, with stealing close to NIS 4 million over a period of 20 years.

2010: One week after Martin Dannenberg's death, The Huntington Library donated “an original four-page copy of the Nuremberg Laws signed by Adolf Hitler in September 1935”to the United States National Archives, which plans to put it on display in Washington, D.C. in advance of the 75th anniversary of the enactment of the Nuremberg Laws

2010: A week after the death of Martin Dannenberg, the Huntington Library in San Marino donated the document signed by Adolf Hitler that proclaimed the Nuremberg Laws to the National Archives.  Dannenberg had discovered the documents after World War II.

2011:Keren Yairi is scheduled to teach another session of “Hebrew Literacy: Aleph, Bet, and Beyond” at the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue.

2011: In a case of what might be called Jocks for Judaism, in New York, the 2011 B’nai Jeshurun Softball season which began on April 28 is scheduled to come to an end

2011:The Jerusalem Theatre’s fifth annual End of the Summer Celebration is scheduled to come to an end tonight.

2011:A renewed barrage of rockets hit Israel's south overnight, prompting Israel Defense Forces planes to carry out strikes on the Gaza Strip this morning, killing eight and wounding about 20, according to Palestinian reports. Five grad rockets fell in open areas last night, one near Ofakim, one south of Ashkelon and three in Be'er Sheva.

2011:China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement today that Wu Sike, its special envoy on the Middle East, told Palestinian leaders in a meeting in Ramallah that Beijing and the Chinese people have always supported the Palestinian cause.

2011:  Hours after Palestinian sources reported that the IAF killed two Islamic Jihad operatives in the Gaza Strip, the terrorist group vowed to extend the range of their rocket capabilities, sending projectiles deeper into Israeli territory, Israel Radio reported today.

2012: Comedian Michael Aronin is scheduled to perform at fundraiser for the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia Special Needs Program.

2012: In Tel Aviv, the 10th annual Oud Festival comes to an end.

2012(7thof Elul, 5772): Eighty seven year old Robert Kotlowitz – novelist, editor and public television executive – passed away today. (As reported by Paul Vitello)

2012: The Alexandria Kleztet is scheduled to perform at the Lorton Workhouse Arts Center

 2013: “Whose Blood is Redder” a discussion on medical ethics is scheduled to take place at South Head Synagogue, Rose Bay.

2013: Professor Dan MIchman is scheduled to give a lecture entitled “The Amazing History of Yad Vashem” at the University of Sydney.

2013: In London the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide is scheduled to host “Family History Day.”

2013: The International Summer Course of the Academy for Strings, Voice and Chamber Music is scheduled to open today.

2013: “A typing error caused the value of one of Israel’s largest companies to instantly drop over 99% in value today, dragging the Tel Aviv stock exchange down several points before the mistake was discovered and fixed. (As reported by Stuart Winer)

2013: The 16thannual Hungarian Jewish Festival opens in Budapest. (As reported by Renee Ghert Zand)

2014: In Little Rock, AR Upshernish for Moshe Ciment, the son of Rabbi and Mrs. Pinchas Ciment who have brought the light of Yiddishkeit to a “dark corner” of the world.
2014:Steve Wozniak one of the co-founders of Apple who arrived in Israel over the weekend will attend Eduaction, a conference on all things educational sponsored by Mifal HaPayis (the Israel Lottery) that is scheduled to open today in Holon, South of  Tel Aviv. (As reported by David Shamah)

This Day, August 26, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 26 

1071: The Seljuk Turks defeat the Byzantine Army at the Battle of Manzikert. This battle took place during the successful conquest of Palestine, or as what the Christians called the Holy Land which lasted until 1080. This left the Muslim Turks in possession of Jerusalem and the rest of what Christians called the Holy Land and this is what triggered the Crusades which led to the Christians conquest of the City of David and the slaughter of its Jewish inhabitants.

1278: Ladislaus IV of Hungary and Rudolph I of Germany defeated Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia in the Battle of Marchfield near Dürnkrut in (then) Moravia. All three of these monarchs had dealings with their Jewish subjects. At the Synod of Buda (1279), which was held  during ithe reign of King Ladislaus IV it was decreed, in the presence of the papal ambassador, that every Jew appearing in public should wear on the left side of his upper garment a piece of red cloth; that any Christian transacting business with a Jew not so marked, or living in a house or on land together with any Jew, should be refused admittance to the Church services; and that a Christian entrusting any office to a Jew should be excommunicated. Rudolph had a rather “uneven” record in dealing with his Jewish subjects.  For example, he continued to enforce the statute originally adopted by Frederick the Valiant, “which afforded protection against persecution and murder” to the Jews of Austria.  But then the next year he issued a decree to the citizens of Austria declaring that Jews were ineligible to hold public office in Vienna.  In 1254 Premysl Ottokar II issued his charter, an adaptation of one originally issued in 1244 by Duke Frederick II of Austria. Among other provisions it forbade forced conversion and condemned the blood libel. In 1268 Premysl Ottokar II renewed his charter; under which the Jews of Brno were expected to contribute a quarter of the cost of strengthening the city wall. In an undated document, he exempted the Brno Jews from all their dues for one year since they had become impoverished. So, it would seem that the ruler most positively disposed towards the Jews lost.

1280: King James I of Aragon (Spain), under the influence of the Dominican Friar Raymond Martini, ordered all disparaging statements regarding Jesus and Mary erased from the Talmud. In addition, the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides was condemned to be burned due to references to Jesus in the chapter on the laws of kingship.  There is really irony in the decision to burn the works of Maimonides since he was one of the few Jewish leaders of his time who could find a positive value in both Christianity and Islam.

1310:Henry II, the Crusaders whom the Christians recognized as the King of Jerusalem returned to Cyprus and resumed his throne on that island with the aid of the Hospitallers  after which he dissolved the Templars and turned their wealth over to Hospitallers. (Another example of the non-religious and some might say the true reason for Christian nobles’ interest in Eretz Israel)

1711: Charles VI, the Holy Roman Emperor officially recognized the fact that the Jews of Hungary had bestowed the title of “Landesrabbiner on Samson Wertheimer

1754: Birthdate of rabbi and author Eleazar Ben David Fleckeless  who served as Dayan of Prague, his native city starting in 1780.

1789:  The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was approved by Constituent Assembly at Palace of Versailles.

1799(25th of Av, 5559): Koppel Theben, the leader of the Hungarian Jewish community who challenged regulations promulgated by Joseph II and was presented with a gold medal by Leopold II passed away today.

1800(5th of Elul, 5560): Rabbi Hirschel Ben Arye Löb Levin (Also known as Hart Lyon and Hirshel Löbel)  who served as the Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and Berlin, and Rabbi of Halberstadt and Mannheim passed away. His son, Rabbi Solomon Hirschell was also Chief Rabbi of the British German and Polish Jewish community, and the first of the British Empire.

1821: Johann Emanuel Veith, the son of a Jewish family from Bohemia who converted in 1816 was ordained as minister today.

1824: Six year old Karl Marx is baptized.  His father Heinrich Marx had already converted and his mother would convert after her father passed away. 

1825: Nathaniel Isaacs, the son of Chatam merchant and Lenie Solomon, daughter of Nathaniel Solomon of Margate and Phoebe Mitz who came from the Netherlands set sail aboard The Mary from Cape Town with party serving for East India merchant Francis Farewell and Dr. Francis Flynn.

1827: Emanuel Aguilar and Sarah Aguilar gave birth to Henry Aguilar.  Henry was the younger brother of Grace and Emanuel Aguilar. (Jewish Virtual Library)

1828: Birthdate of Otto Henne am Rhyn the author of Mysteria: History of the Secret Doctrines and Mystic Rites in which he wrote that the Jews were the only people in the ancient world who practiced monotheism. “Their synagogues were everywhere and they had proselytes in every large city, especially Rome” which was the “first step in the dissemination of monotheism.”  However, most people who were attracted to monotheism “took a like to the strictness of the Mosaic religion and the God of the Jews was too spiritual a being to be grasped.”  Others were bothered by “the indefinites of the Jewish notions of immortality and the strange rites…of the Jewish people.”

1840: During the Damascus Affair, a British squadron sank Egyptian supply ships on their way to Syria.

1842: Possible birthdate for Akiva Rolland “who entered Cuban history as General Carlos Roloff” an adventurer who led a group of invaders in 1895 and became the first fiancé minister of the independent Cuban Republic.

1843: In New York Abigail and Asher Kursheedt gave birth to Alexander Kursheedt.

1852: As the question of altering the oath of office so that Jews can sit in Parliament continues to embroil British Politics, “The Foreign Items” column reported that the Dublin University Magazine has quoted the late Irish Richard Lalor Sheil, an Irish MP, as having told the House of Commons that “I cannot for the life of me see why the Jews should not have a voice in the Legislature, as well as any other body of Christians."  Sheil was a supporter of Lord John Russell who was a supporter of attempts to seat Jews in Parliament. 

1854: “Great Cry and Little Wool” published today described the failure of the recently adjourned Parliament to fulfill the goals set out in "Speech from the Throne."  Among the failures listed was the failure to abolish or amend the oaths that prevent Jews from sitting in Parliament. The column spoke contemptuously of Lord John Russell who, if he had really wanted to admit Jews to Parliament, could have done so any time in the last twenty years, by support a measure that would have allowed either House to change the wordings of the oath.  This would have passed the House of Commons with a simple majority.

1854: Ralph Bernal a British MP and art collector who was the son of Sephardi Jews who became an Anglican when he was baptized at St. Olave passed away today.

1856: Today, the Cantonist policy was abolished by Tsar Alexander II's decree, in the aftermath of the Russian defeat in the Crimean war, which made evident the dire necessity for the modernization of the Russian military forces.” All unconverted cantonists and recruits under the age of 20 were returned to their families. The underage converted cantonists were given to their godparents. However the implementation of the abolition took nearly 3 years. It is estimated that between 30,000 to 70,000 Jewish boys served as cantonists, their numbers were disproportionately high in relation to the total number of cantonists. Jewish boys comprised about 20% of cantonists at the schools in Riga and Vitebsk, and as much as 50% at Kazan and Kiev schools. A general estimate for the years 1840–1850 seems to have been about 15%. In general Jews comprised a disproportionate number of recruits (ten for every thousands of the male population as opposed to seven out of every thousand,] the number was tripled during the Crimean War (1853–1856). After the 25-year conscription term, former cantonists were allowed to live and own land anywhere outside the Pale of Settlement. The earliest Jewish communities in Finland were Jewish cantonists who had completed their service…”One of the most famous cantonists was Captain Herzl Yankelevich Tsam, who “appears to have been the only Jewish officer in the Tsarist army in the nineteenth century.” Born in Ukraine in 1835, he was drafted into the Russian army when he was 17 and served in Tomsk, Siberia. “Tsam became an officer in 1873 (his fellow officers attested to his qualities in the promotion petitions) and, after forty-one years of service, he was retired with a rank and pension of colonel. The promotion was granted on the day of his retirement, so he would have the pension, but wouldn't be able to serve as a colonel. An able commander and administrator, he turned one of the worst companies of his regiment into one of the best. In spite of pressures, he never converted to the state religion of Russian Orthodox Christianity.” “After he retired, he became treasurer of a synagogue in Tomsk. The building has been gutted and converted into squalid apartments.”

1853(22ndof Av, 5613): Sixty-two year old Major Meno Burg, “the first and for a long the only Jew to serve as a Prussian staff officer passed away and was buried “with full military honors at” the Jewish cemetery at Schönhauser Allee

1878: It was reported today that Dr. Abraham Benisch has passed away at the age of 67.  Born in Bohemia in 1811, Benish studied medicine at Vienna before moving to England in 1841 where he eventually became the editor of the Jewish Chronicle. He was the author of Judaism Surveyed as well as what may have been the first Jewish translation of the TaNaCh into English.  The bilingual edition with both Hebrew and English texts was published in England in 1851.

1878: Birthdate of Lina Stern the Latvian born Soviet biochemist who was the first woman to be named as Professor at the University of Geneva and the first female member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

1881(1st of Elul, 5641): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1881: “Against The Jews” published today described events at the conference of Orthodox Evangelical which was addressed by Herr Plath, the Inspector of Missions who said “the rights already accorded to the Jews could be withdrawn” and that Christians “must free themselves from the supremacy of the Jews.”

1882: It was reported today there has been “a renewal of outrages against Jews…Poland.  The assailants are encouraged in their attacks by the apathy of the officials.”

1882: “Saratoga’s Hideous Women” published  today provides a sketch of the fashionable resort including the fact  that three “great hotels” are populated in the following manner: The United States is “the home of the millionaires, Congress Hall as the camp of the Israelites and the Grand Union as the great three-ringed side-show of fat woman.  The vast hotel…controlled by Judge Hilton cast out the Jews, but keeps the Gentile mammoths.”

1883: “Herr Lasker on the German Jews” published today relies on information that originally appeared in the American Hebrew to paint a portrait of conditions among the Jews of Germany.  On the one hand they “are foremost among the best of Germany” who are “making great strides in the intellectual pursuits” and have advanced “to the higher and more respectable” “grades of industry and trade.” On the other hand there are those, in the universities for example, who show “a great deal of feeling against the Jews.” And there are those who claim that the Jews control the press, a claim that Dr. Lasker refuted as “very much overrated.”  (This mixed bag by a contemporary German Jewish intellectual is an accurate picture of German Jewish life that would last through WW I.)

1884: Thanks to the generosity of Commissioner Jacob Hess, the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society will provide a cruise up the Hudson River on the SS Bellevue for poor children on the living on the lower East Side.

1885: An article published today entitled “Montefiore and Longevity” that had previously appeared in The London Worlddescribed “the munificence, the philanthropy and the centenarianism of the recently deceased Jewish leader.”

1887: The body of a young woman which had been found in the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia was identified today as Lizzie Kauffman a German Jewish girl who had moved to American three years ago with her two brothers.

 1887: It was reported today that Jews living in Taganrog and Rostoff have been expelled and ordered to live elsewhere in Russia now that these areas have been annexed to the Don Cossack District.

1888: The New York Timesreviewed Amelia Rives’ novel, Herod and Mariamne  , “a tragedy” about “the Greek house that ruled the Jews. Rives was a colorful American author whose life began during the Civil War and ended with World War II. 
1890: “Immigration” published today provides a snapshot of the changing flow of immigrants as compared with 1889 including the comment that “increase of Russian arrivals by 3,280” is a reflection of the Czar’s cruelty especially toward “his Jews” who flocked” to the United States “by the thousands” when attacked them before.

1890: “Charged With Conspiracy” published today described Dennis Collonge’s scheme to extort money from Sampson and Isaac Heidenheimer two of Galveston’s wealthiest Jewish citizens.  He planned to recant his testimony that two brothers had burned down the cottonseed mill belonging to the Texas Standard Oil Company for a cash payment.  The grand jury indicted Collonge and cleared the brothers of all charges when it was determined that he had burned the building down as part of his scheme. 

1891: “The North German Lloyd steamer Weimer arrived at Baltimore, MD” today” with 566 steerage passengers, including 150 Jews banished from Russia.”

1891: Jesse Seligman “accompanied by Mr. Solomons of the Baron de Hirsch Fund” met with the Assistant Superintendent of Immigration, General James O’Beirne to intercede on behalf of 86 passengers whom he had barred from landing in the United States. 

1891: Jesse Seligman left for Washington DC, this evening after General Jame O’Beirne refused to reconsider his decision, barring 86 Jews from leaving SS Marsala and settling in the United States.

1891: Based on stories first published in the Pall Mall Gazette, it was reported today that “whither the persecution of the Jews was spontaneous or the result of government action, “there is no doubt of its popularity.”

1891: The SS Westerland which is scheduled to set sail for Europe today includes among its passengers a number of Russian Jews who were denied the right to land in the United States “on the ground that they were liable to become public charges”

1891: “The Russian Persecutions” published today described the indirect assistance that the Prince of Wales has given to Anglo-Jewish committees dealing with the problems of Russian Jews. His wife, “who is a sister-in-law of the Czar” is working with the Prince “is rendering much valuable aid in his efforts to ameliorate the condition of the poverty stricken” Jews.

1892: The SS Kehrweiderwhich arrived at Boston from Hamburg today with seventy steerage passengers many of whom were Russian and Polish Jews, was placed in strict quarantine because of fears about Cholera which had broken out in Europe.
1892: The French government “has ordered all Russian Jews arriving at Marseilles be sent to the Lazaretto (quarantine station) and their clothes burned.”

1892: In Paris, “the Jewish committee” stated “that within a month” a thousand Jewish refugees from Russia pass through the city, “most of whom were on their way to the United States.  The physical condition of these Jews is such that should a cholera outbreak occur, they would be “a fertile field for its spread.”

1893: “Camden Merchants Organizing for Self-Protection” published today described the plans of Jewish storekeepers in the New Jersey city to deal with the “thieves and marauders who have made them the objects of the attacks…”

1897: Birthdate of Jacob Raphael, a native of Posen, whose family would escape to Sweden just before the Nazi invasion of Poland.  He passed away in 1971 at Ramat Gan.

1897: The two wills of David Blumenthal were filed at the Surrogate’s office today.

1898: Birthdate of art patron and art collector, Peggy Guggenheim.  She passed away in 1979.

1898: Israel Zangwill, who sailed from England a week ago, was expected to arrive in the United States today where he will renew old acquaintance’s and “be heard as a lecturer.”

1899: It was reported today that Macmillan and company will be published a new novel by Israel Zangwill in November that “belongs to the Series of Ghetto Tragedies which was begun with The Children of the Ghetto

1899: When the court martial of Captain Dreyfus resumed today. Alphonse Bertillon, Chief of the Anthropometric Department of the Paris Prefecture of Police continued his testimony in which he continued to contend that Dreyfus was the author of “the famous bordeau.” His responses on cross-examination provoked repeated laughter from those attending the trial.

1900(1stof Elul, 5660): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1900(1stof Elul, 5660): Sixty-six year old Austrian publisher Chaim David Lippe who edited “a bibliographical lexicon of modern Jewish literature” that was published in Vienna in 1881 passed away today.

1903: The forged “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” were serialized in a Russian publication. This document has been a favorite among anti-Semites since then.

1904: Mortimer L. Schiff and Adele Neustatdt gave birth to their only son John Mortimer Schiff (As reported by William Blair)

1907: Houdini escapes from chains underwater at Aquatic Park in 57 seconds.

1906: Birthdate of Dr. Albert Sabin, Jewish-American doctor who developed a vaccine for polio.  Sabine was the second Jewish doctor to develop a vaccine for this dread disease.  The first was Dr. Jonas Salk. It is contributions like these that should cause Americans and not just Jewish Americans to celebrate the 350th Anniversary of the Jewish Community in the United States.   Born in Bialystok, Poland, Sabine and his family immigrated to the United States in 1921 to escape persecution aimed at Jews. An uncle who was a dentist offered to finance his education if he would go to dental school.  Sabin switched from dentistry to medicine because he fell in love with medical research.  He graduated from NYU Medical School in 1931, the same year that New York was struck by a major Polio epidemic.  This led him to care of research into the causes of polio and other infectious diseases of the human nervous system. He passed away in 1993.

1911: Jacob H. Schiff, the banker, returned today from his annual trip to Europe, on the Hamburg-American liner Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, accompanied by Mrs. Schiff, and appeared to be in the best of health

1912(13th of Elul, 5672: Sixty-six year old Michaelis Machol the German born reform rabbi who served two Cleveland, Ohio congregations – Anshe Chesed and the Eagle Street Synagogue – passed away today.

1914:  The Germans and the Russians meet at the Battle of Tannenberg. At the urging of the French, the Russian Army began advancing before it was fully mobilized and ready for battle.  The Russian Army advanced into East Prussia which caused panic in Berlin.  The Germans transferred troops from the Western Front to meet the Russian advance.  This shift of troops weakened the forcing attacking the French, undermined the German grand strategic design and enabled the French to finally halt the advance. This would lead to the four year stalemate known as World War I.  The strengthened German forces in Prussia blocked the Russians and hurled them back.  The fighting in the East would be a see-saw affair that would bleed Russia until the Revolutions of 1917 and 1918.  The Jews living in the Pale of Settlement which was in the path of this clash between the Kaiser and the Czar suffered great privations.  The irony was that the Germans could probably have won the battle without the additional troops and World War I might have been a rather brief affair where the troops were home by Christmas and Europe (including the Jews) would have been the upheavals that led to World War II and the Holocaust.

1919(30th of Av, 5679): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1919: Following his arrival from Europe on the SS George Washington this morning, Samuel Gompers attended a mass meeting of the actors at the Lexington Theatre. In an address to members of the Actors' Equity Association Gompers, pledged the full force of organized labor to that body in carrying on its present strike.

1920: The 19th amendment to United States Constitution takes effect, giving women the right to vote.  Numerous Jewish women were active in the “suffragette movement” including Rose Schenidermann who was the leader of New York City’s Women’s Suffragette Party and the untold numbers of “Jewish women garment works who represented the very core of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.:

1922:  Birthdate of Irving R. Levine. Levine’s ever-present bow tie was his unique visual signature while he covered business and the economy for NBC News.  Unlike the blowhards and blow dried talking heads who read this news beat today, Levine understood the subject matter and conveyed it a low keyed professional manner.

1923: Samuel "Sammy" Weiss, Jacob "Little Augie" Orgen and Samuel Gepson were arraigned at the Essex market Courthouse on charges that they had violated the Sullivan Law.

1926: In the New York Times, P.W. Wilson describes the work of University of Chicago archaeologists digging at Meggido where the excavations “recall the splendor of Solomon, the monarch who was also a poet and a philosopher.”

1929: As a result of what the British report described as “Arab mobs” forty-five Jews in Safed were either killed or wounded.

1931: Viscount Herbert Samuel began serving as Home Secretary in the government headed by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.

1933: In Montreal, Canada, The Montreal Star editorially attacks attempts to organize swastika clubs in Canada.

1933: Premier J. B. M. Hertzog issues an appeal to South African Jewry to refrain from boycotting German goods on the ground that the boycott hurts the interests of the country.

1933:  Berl Locker, a member of the Zionist Executive informed the Zionist Congress officially that the Executive did not participate in the negotiations which resulted in the agreement between Anglo-Palestine Bank and German government. The Congress adopted a resolution, presented by the Actions Committee, to send a committee to Palestine to investigate the alleged use of violence and terroristic methods by members of the Zionist Organization. This committee is not to deal with question of the murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff.

1933 The Council of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, in its initial session, although objecting to proposed plans to modify the constitution of the Agency at this time, appoints a committee of five Zionists and five non-Zionists to consider the issue.

1935: Birthdate of Aaron Albert “Al” Silvera who played the outfield for the Cincinnati Reds during the 1950’s when there only 8 teams in each league and the Reds were a solid third place team always chasing after the Dodgers.

1936: In Jaffa, British troops kill 6 Arabs in a shoot-out with armed bomb-throwers while two more Arabs died in a fire-fight in Tel Aviv.

1937: A new wave of anti-Jewish terror had broken out in Bialystok district of Poland, resulting in more than 50 Jews being injured, some of them seriously. In one instance Polish rioters gouged out the eyes of Leib Koza, a Jewish carter. In understanding the Holocaust, one must understand that anti-Semitism did not arrive in Eastern Europe only with the coming of the Nazis. 

1937: Arab villagers bringing fowls and eggs to sell in Safad¹s Jewish Quarter were shot at and scared away by armed Arabs. They were warned never to try to sell their produce to Jews again.  This was part of the on-going violence against the Jewish settlers and those who Arabs who wished to live peacefully that had brought about the Peel Commission in the first place.  Mixing peace talks with terror is not a tactic that was invented by the PLO.  It has been part of along standing behavior pattern.  The Arab terrorists of the 1930’s would be rewarded with an effective end to the sale of land to Jews and Jewish immigration just before the start of World War II.

1937: The British Consul in Athens refused to grant visas to Palestine to members of a Jewish swimming team.

1937: The Council of People’s Commissars for Ukraine approved plans to settle 1,525 Jewish families and 1,020 individuals in Biro-Bidjan, and 350 Jewish families in Crimea.  This reflected a challenge that the Soviet Union faced in dealing with what was the Nationalities Problem in general and Jews and Zionism in particular.

1938: This morning a Jewish owned bus traveling on the road between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv was fired on by attackers in an Arab owned orange grove resulting in the wounding of seven Jewish passengers.

1938: An Arab gunman fired on a car driven by Isaac Greenbaum, a member of the Jewish Executive Committee as he traveled on the road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  Neither Greenbaum nor his traveling companion was harmed.

1938: Schumel Winer was stoned while riding through Ramleh.  The stoning would lead to his death six days later.

1938(29th of Av, 5698) “Miss Charlotte Epstein, chairman of the United States Olympic Women’s Swimming Committee and long a leader in women’s swimming activities died today in her Manhattan apartment.”  She was fifty three years old. 

1938: The Nazis passed a law requiring all Jews to take the names Israel and Sara. Apparently, this was Goebbels way of mocking the Jews, since both names contain the word SAR, a person of power.

1939: The family of Zeev (Heinz) Raphael left Zwickau on perilous trip that would end with their arrival in Sweden three days before the start of World War II in Europe.

1940(22nd of Av, 5700): In Rio de Jenerio, Clarice Lispector’s father, Pedro, died as a result of a botched gall bladder operation.

1941: Germaine Ribière and Pastor Chaudier of Limoges provided hideouts during the roundups in the Zone libre, in Haute-Vienne, Creuse and Indre that took place today.

1942(13th of Elul, 5702): At 2.30 am in the morning the German Schutzpolizei in Chortkiv in the western Ukraine starts driving Jews out of houses, splits them into groups of 120, packs them in freight cars and deports 2000 Jews to Belzec death camp. Five hundred sick Jews and children were murdered on the spot.

1942: A large scale Aktion occurred in Wieliczka, Poland, during which some Jews were selected for labor with the majority being sent to the Belzec death camp. (Yad Vashem)

1942: Seven thousand stateless Jews in the Vichy Free Zone of France were rounded up.   Many of these people were refugees from Nazi conquests in Eastern Europe.  The Vichy Government was very prompt in turning Jews over to the Nazis.

1942: During the roundup of Jews living in the Vichy Free Zone, Germaine Ribière and Pastor Chaudier of Limoges provided refuge for children in the homes of non-Jews/

1942: Nazis closed all synagogues and schools in the Kovno ghetto.

1942: After being unloaded at the Treblinka death camp, a Jew named Friedman uses a razor blade to cut the throat of a Ukrainian guard. SS guards retaliate by immediately opening fire on the other newly arrived deportees.

1942: Thousands of Jews from Miedzyrzec, Poland, are deported to the Treblinka death camp.

1942: Nearly 1000 Belgian Jews, including 232 children, are deported to the East.

1942(13th of Elul, 5702): 518 Jewish children deported from Paris are gassed at Auschwitz.
1943: The Jewish community from Zawiercie, Poland, is destroyed at Auschwitz.

1943: A young Jewish woman, one of 24 who was an unwilling guest at an SS "party" at the Janówska, Ukraine, labor camp the previous night, is shot during an escape attempt. The remaining 23 women are subsequently murdered

1943: Germany declared martial law in Denmark. As the Nazi s prepared for the deportation the Danish Jews, Danes ferried over 6,000 Jews to safety in Sweden.  This was one of the most famous acts of courage when it came to saving Jews during the Holocaust.  Why, when so many others were willing to sit idly by and watch the Jews go their death or to help the Nazis in their work did the Danes behave so bravely and nobly?  Some would say that the behavior of the Danish people was a modern miracle.  It is a topic we can discuss some Monday night when we get to twentieth century Europe.

1943: King Boris returned to Bulgaria from Berlin after receiving a browbeating from Hitler over his unwillingness to immediately ship Jews to the death

1944: As the Allies continued their invasion of southern France, the Germans surrenderd at the port of Toulon, a town whose Jewish presence dated back to the 14th century and which would later “twin” with Herzilya, Israel.

1945(17th of Elul, 5705): Franz Werfel, Austrian-Czech philosopher and author who was a contemporary of such luminaries as Franz Kafka and Martin Buber, passed away.

1946: Birthdate of Romanian-born Israeli neuropsychologist Shlomo Bentin.

1946: Time features a cover story “Jews Arabs Jerusalem”

1950: Birthdate of Richard H. Jones who was sworn in as the U.S. Ambassador to Israel in September of 2005.

1951: Birthdate of Roger Karoutchi, the Moroccan born scion of a Jewish-Armenian family who became a prominent French political leader who has served as Secretary of State to the French Prime Minister and the French Ambassador to The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

1952: Stalin ordered the arrest of Jewish Artists and closed all Yiddish institutions. They were accused of "Jewish Nationalism" and spying for the West. Twenty-six of the members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee were immediately executed.

1952: The Knesset passed the bill increasing the conscription for men by six months (to 30 months). As of June 1, 1953, the maximum age for reserve duty was reduced from 49 to 44. The maximum conscription age for doctors was set at 39 and for women physicians at 34.

1952: The new Oil Bill, passed in the Knesset by a majority of 54 to 13, provided for leases to be given to prospectors for 30 years and offered them extensions for another 20 years. The royalties were set at 12.5 percent and investors were to be subject to 50% income tax on companies.  Of course the joke was that Israel was the country in the Middle East that did not have oil.  If only Moses had turned right instead of left, as the comedians used to say.

1952(5th of Elul, 5712): An Israeli soldier was killed by Jordanian snipers in the Wadi Ara area.

1961: Birthdate of Daniel Levi, the native of Algeria who gained fame as French singer and songwriter.

1962: Eighty-two year old Canadian explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson one of author Fannie Hurst’s lovers passed away today.

1966: Birthdate of Avner Ben-Gal “an international painter and artist, working mainly from Tel Aviv, Israel. His works depict various intense, often neglected locations such as agricultural fields, prisons and smoky interiors, whereby theatrical scenes play out.

1968: The Democratic National Convention which Bruce Sundlun attended as a delegate opened in Chicago, Ill.

1970:Ten thousand women marched down New York's Fifth Avenue to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote. In New York, the speakers at the evening march included a battery of Jewish women long active in the feminist movement. Congressional candidate Bella Abzug, writer Gloria Steinem, and former Miss America Bess Myerson Grant, then the city's Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, joined Friedan on the platform. Although Jewish women would later struggle with anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism within the American feminist movement, the 1970 strike was emblematic of the crucial role that Jewish women played in forming and advancing that movement. Businesses and retail stores reported little effect from the strike.

1971: Gertrude Schimmel “was sworn in today as the NYPD’s first female captain by Mayor John Lindsay.

1972: Games of the XX Olympiad open in Munich, Germany.  Nobody had a clue that this peaceful athletic venue would turn into a killing field for the Israelis and a triumph for terrorism.

1974: Charles Lindbergh passes away at the age of 72.  The Lone Eagle became a national hero when he flew the Spirit of St. Louis across the Atlantic landing in Paris.  However, he lost some of his luster when he became one of the leaders of the isolationist movement dedicating to keeping America out of World War II.  He had been to Nazi Germany and expressed his admiration for what was being accomplished.  He cautioned Americans about the might of the fascists and described World War II as European family fight that had nothing to do with the United States. After Pearl Harbor, Lindbergh is reported to have sought a commission with the Army Air Corps.  His request was blocked by those who held Lindbergh partially responsible for the lack of military preparedness since the isolationists had done all they could to deny funding for the Army and Navy prior to December 7.

1977:  The National Assembly of Quebec adopted the Charter of the French Language.  This would help trigger a mass migration of Jews from Montreal to English speaking Toronto, making Toronto the center of the Canadian Jewish Community.

1977(12th of Elul, 5737):H.A Rey (born Hans Augusto Reyersbach) the creator of Curious George,  passed away. http://www.legacy.com/ns/news-story.aspx?t=the-curious-journey-of-ha-rey&id=101

1978: The thirty-three day Papacy of John Paul I began today.  While he had no direct impact on the Jewish people, his brief time in office paved the way for the papacy of John Paul II who  “often devoted his energy to improving relations between Jews and Catholics.”

1980: Three generations of Seaman family women marched with the New York Women's Strike for Equality

1983: Canadian premiere of Producer Louis M. Silverstein’s “Strange Brew” a co-starring Rick Moranis who also co-authored the script  and served as co-director

1989(25th of Av, 5749): Author Irving Stone passed away.  Stone is best known for the blockbuster novel and film epic, Lust For Life.

1992(27th of Av, 5752): Sixty nine year old American mathematician Daniel E. Gorenstein, passed away. His groundbreaking work earned him the Steele Prize in 1989

1993: “The Unspeakable Atrocity,” a documentary examining the BBC’s ignoring of the Holocaust during WWII is scheduled to be broadcast this evening on Radio 4

1994(19th of Elul, 5754): Hamas claimed responsibility for today’s murder of 18 year old Ron Saval who lived at Lehavim.

1995(30th of Av, 5755): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1996: Brooksley E. Born, the former wife of the late Jack Landau began serving as chairperson of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

2001: The New York Times book section featured a review of Babes in Paradise, a collection of short stories by Jewish author Marisa Silver

2003: The Columbia Investigation Board releases its final report on the loss of the space shuttle Columbia.  Ilan Ramon, Israel’s first astronaut was on the Columbia as Payload Specialists. 

2005:  The Jerusalem Post reported that undefeated Jewish boxing phenom Dmitriy "Star of David" Salita will fight Shawn "The Educator" Gallegos for the vacant North American Boxing Association junior welterweight championship belt today in New York City. Salita, who is Orthodox, is also known as the "Hammerin' Chabadnik." If he wins, Salita will be the first Jewish fighter to win a boxing championship since 1978

2006: Shabbat Shoftim – Anniversary of the Bar Mitzvah of Sheldon Luber, of blessed memory

2007: The Sunday New York Times book section featured a review of Bearing the Bodyby Ehud Havazelet.

2007: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at Temple Judah 2007-2008 religious school year begins.

2007:Ryan Braun hit his 25th home run in his 82nd game.

2007: In an article entitled “Competition So Fierce That the Yarmulkes Fly Off,” the New York Times reports on the fortieth anniversary of  the Orthodox Bungalow Baseball League, a forty team softball league whose Chasidic and Orthodox Jewish players have romped across the diamonds of the Catskills for the past forty years.

2007(12th of Elul, 5767): Rabbi Judah Nadich, a leader of Conservative Judaism who served as General Eisenhower’s adviser on Jewish affairs in 1945 when the U.S. Army discovered the aftermath of the Holocaust, passed away at the age of 95.

2008: Opening night of the inaugural Gilboa Coexistence Festival taking place throughout the Gilboa region.

2008:In two hours-long program on Israel Radio’s "Kol Hamusika", Dani Orstav hosts Yeheskell Beinisch, Chairman of the Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival who will present the Festival’s rich, varied program and will introduce the new artists who will be performing this year.

2008:The search for oil in Israel got a big push forward tonight after The Nature and Parks Authority general assembly approved plans for the drilling of an exploratory hole to search for oil in the Judean nature reserve. Two Israeli companies, Ginko Oil Exploration and Delek Energy Systems, believe there could be as much as 6.5 million barrels below the reserve.

2009:In Cedar Rapids, Charlene Wolf hosts a meeting of the Hadassah book club where they discuss their latest selection, The Triumph of Deborah by Eva Ezioni-Halevy

2009:As the fall semester starts at the University of Iowa, offers course styled Biblical Hebrew I which “is the first in a sequence of classes designed to give students the tools necessary to read the Hebrew Bible in its original language.”

2009:If Reform and Conservative Jews want more synagogues or mikvaot [ritual baths] they should build them themselves with private money and not expect the state to foot the bill, Religious Affairs Minister Ya'acov Margi (Shas) said today.
2009:Government officials in Lithuania reached agreement today with Jewish organizations over the future of an historic cemetery in the capital city Vilnius, putting an end to a long-running dispute over the site.

2009(6th of Elul, 5769): Ninety-six year old iconoclastic painter Hyman Bloom passed away today (As reported by Holland Cotter)

2009(6th of Elul, 5769): Eighty-seven year William Korey, who was one of the leaders in the fight to protect the rights of Jews living in the Soviet Union during the Cold War passed away today.  (As reported by Douglas Martin)
2010: The Michigan Region of ORT, the world's largest Jewish education and vocational training non-governmental organization, is scheduled to sponsor “Rub-a-Dub” which includes both a silent and a live auction.

2010:Dozens of Palestinian youths hurled Motolov cocktails and stones at security forces this morning in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan.\
2011:Congregation Adat Reyim's  is scheduled to host “Erev Shabbat on the Water” at the Fairfax Yacht Club in Fairfax, VA.

2011:Cantor Larry Paul and musician Robyn Helzner are scheduled to lead a Carlebach-inspired service at the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue in Washington, DC.

2011: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a Triple Header Shabbat Eve Service at Temple Judah: Start of the Fifth Musical Shabbat Season; Recognition of the Accomplishments of Past Board Members; Installation of the new board including  co-Presidents Laurie Silber and Ben Dillon.

2011: A Kassam rocket fired into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip landed in open territory in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council area tonight hours after a Grad rocket landed south of Ashkelon.

2011(26th of Av, 5771): Seventy-one year old novelist Susan Fromberg Schaeffer passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)

2011(26th of Av, 5771): Sixty-two yearold Nahum Itzkovich, Jerusalem district psychologist of the Israel Employment Service and husband of The Jerusalem Post’s veteran health and science reporter Judy Siegel-Itzkovich, passed away today.

2011:Hundreds of Egyptians gathered today outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo in what was supposed to be a "million-man march" calling on the government to expel Israel's ambassador.
2012: “Going Beyond Memory: A Conference on Synagogue Archiving is scheduled to begin in Cincinnati, Ohio

2012: The Alexandria Kletzet is scheduled to perform at Riderwood Village in Silver Spring, MD

2012: The alumni reunion celebrating the 60th anniversary of Camp Massad, “the only Hebrew immersion summer camp in Western Canada” is scheduled to come to an end.

2012: The Montreal Jewish Music Festival is scheduled to begin today.

2012: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Every Day by David Levithan

2012: German Chancellor Angela Merkel said today that her government was hard at work trying to find a quick solution to the circumcision controversy raging in her country.

2012: A Kassam rocket from the Gaza Strip landed in the Eshkol Regional Council in southern Israel shortly after 8 PM Israel time

2013: An HBO documentary directed by James Freedman about Marty Glickman is scheduled to be shown for the first time today. (As reported by Joe Winkler)
2013(20thElul): Yarhrzeit of Dr. Jacob Levin, a great husband, wonderful father and the best uncle in the world.

2013: A report of the investigation conducted by Sullivan and Cromwell released today concluded “Incidents of physical and sexual abuse at Yeshiva University were not limited to its high school for boys, an investigation has found.” Investigators found of evidence of abuse “at other divisions of the university.” (As reported by JTA)

2013: “The head of Australia’s opposition said  that he will seek to improve ties with Israel, as his conservative bloc geared up for a national election next month.” (As reported by Joshua Davidovich)

2013: The International Cantor Concert is scheduled to take place this evening at the Dohany Street Synagogue

2014(30thof Av, 5774): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2014: “A Triumph of Life: Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Oregon Holocaust Memorial” is scheduled to open in Portland, OR.

This Day, August 27, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 27

410: The sacking of Rome by the Visigoths ends after three days. Some view the Visigoths as just one more group of barbarians that helped to bring an end to the Roman Empire.  But that is only part of the story. The Visigoths were Arians and they supplanted the anti-Jewish Catholic hierarchy, when they took control of parts of what is now Spain later in the 5th Century. For the Visigoths, the Catholics were synonymous with their Roman enemy but they had no animosity for the Jews.  They took advantage of their unique skills and the Jews repaid them by taking a leading role in defending the passes of the Pyrenees against invasion from the Catholic Franks and Burundians.   All this would come to an end in the last half of the sixth century when the Visigoth kings converted to Catholicism and adopted the anti-Jewish policies espoused by the Church.

1097(16th of Elul): Samuel ben Shealtiel ha-Nasi passed away.

1255: The day on which Hugh of Lincoln reportedly died. Discovery of his body two days later touched off one of the first  Blood Libels.
1490: The Grand Inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada issued an indictment ordering the transfer of the prisoners from Segovia to Ávila to await trial on charges of having murdered an alleged victim of Jewish ritual murder who came to be known as The Holy Child of La Guardia.

1523: Cardinal Domenico Grimani who when asked by the German scholar Johann Reuchlin for a tutor on Hebrew Literature, recommended Rabbi Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno, passed away today.

1590: Papacy of Sixtus V came to end. There seem to be competing view on how he treated the Jews.  According to one source “the condition of the Jews was somewhat improved. He repealed many of the regulations established by his predecessors, permitted Jews to reside in all parts of his realm, and gave Jewish physicians freedom to practice their profession.” While another contends that “he revoked Pope Gregory’s policies allowing Jews to reside in the Papal States and to print the Talmud.”
1698:(18th of Elul): Birthdate of Rabbi Yisroel (Israel) ben Eliezer (רבי ישראל בן אליעזר often called Baal Shem Tov or Besht.  There is no way to even begin writing about his effect on Judaism. 

1770:  Birthdate of German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. In his article “Sublimity and Resentment: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the Jews,” Yirmiyahu Yovel offers the following comment about Hegel and the Jews.  ‘According to the Hegelian dialectic, every cultural form makes some true, genuine contribution to world history (and the world Spirit), after which it is sublated (aufgehoben) and disappears from the historical scene. Yet the Jews continued to survive long after their raison d'tre had disappeared--indeed, after they no longer had a genuine history in Hegel's sense but merely existed as the dead corpse of their extinguished essence. With the French Revolution, the Jews were entering the modern world and claiming their rights and place within it. Hegel, despite his anti-Jewish bias, was perfectly disposed to grant these rights, but he did not know what to do with the Jews in modernity as Jews, nor could he explain their survival in terms of his system.”

1743: Henry Pelham, the Prime Minister who would pass the Jew of Act of 1753 assumed office today.

1776: The British defeated American forces under the command of George Washington at the Battle of Brooklyn Heights in the first of a series of military actions that will lead to the British taking control of the city of New York for the duration of the war.  While most of New York’s Jewish population favored independence, the community was split between Rebels and Tories; a split which was even felt at Shearith Israel.

1779: In Charleston, SC, Gershon Cohen married Rebecca Sazrzedas, the daughter of the late Abraham Sarzedas from Georgia.

1794:Simon Magruder Levy distinguished himself at the Battle of Fallen Timbers while serving as an Orderly Sergeant under General "Mad Anthony" Wayne.
1801: Birthdate of Ludwig Hirzel who taught Hebrew at the Carolinum in Zurich and whose included a Commentary on the Book of Job that was so popular it went through three editions after having first appeared in 1839.
1813: Birthdate of Moses Polydore Millaud, a native of Bordeaux who gained fame as the found of Le Petit Journal
1816: Birthdate of Polish born Jewish journalist Aleksander Zederbaum who in 1860 founded Ha-Meliz, the first Hebrew language periodical published in Russia
1834: In New Orleans, LA Clarice Allain and George Eustis gave birth to James B. Eustis who was the U.S. Ambassador to France during the Dreyfus Affair.
1858: Sixteen year old Nathan Cohen arrived in Tamworth, Australia so he could go to work in his uncle William Cohen’s store on Ebsworth Street
1864: The New York Times published a letter in which the author complained about the difficulty in getting a naval substitute.  He ties his complaints about the process to involvement of the Jews.  He claimed that all of the locations where one goes to complete the forms are “all located either above or alongside of Jew clothing stores,” that the naval substitutes are coerced into buying their outfits at these Jewish clothing stores and that Jews attempt to extort cash from the participants that they then split with government officials.  [Ed. Note – The author is a draft dodger.  Under the law, a draftee could buy a substitute to serve in his place.  This reinforced the concept that it was rich man’s war and poor man’s fight.  The system was amazingly corrupt and led to the infamous Draft Riots of 1863 in New York City.
1867: In Tamworth, Australia, Esther and Nathan Cohen gave birth to Ida Cohen who married her first cousin Victor Cohen in 1901 with whom she had three sons: George, Nathan and Alan
1867: Following his trip to Romania, Sir Moses Montifore wrote a letter to Prince Charles concerning the treatment of the Jews of Romania.  Prince Charles will eventually be crowned as King Carlos I.

1869(20th of Elul, 5629); Rebecca Gratz passed away.  Born in 1781 to a prominent Jewish family in Pennsylvania, Gratz spent most of her adult life in Philadelphiawhere she was the patron of many philanthropic and social organization aimed at benefiting the Jewish community. She is best known as the founder of the Jewish Sunday School.  “In 1838 Gratz and the women of the congregation of Mikveh Israel established the first Hebrew Sunday School in the United States, which served as the model for all others that followed.”  Gratz, who was quite lovely and never married, was reputed to be the model for Rebecca, the heroine in Sir Walter Scott’s novel, Ivanhoe. [Ed. Note – a Jewish connection: When Hollywood turned Ivanhoe into a big screen delight during the 1950’s, Elizabeth Taylor played the part of the Jewess Rebecca.  Taylor would convert to Judaism when she married Mike Todd.]

1871: It was reported today that the editor of the Jewish Times supports “American Jewish Seminary” for the training of rabbis in America. The editor contends that the Hebrew Orphan Asylum would provide a platform for creating such an institution since it would have a ready-made group of candidates and the additional training could be added on to the courses already offered by the Asylum.
1875: Birthdate of Albert M. Hyamon who was honored with the OBE for his work as the immigration officer in Palestine and who lost both of his sons during WW II in the fight against the Nazis.

1877: Jacob Emanuel “Jay” Pike played in his first and last major league baseball game today when he took the field for the Brooklyn Hartfords of the National League.  Pike went 1 for 4 giving him a batting average of .250. He was charged with 1 error but there is no record of his fielding average. Pike may have been part of the first Jewish Family entry in major league baseball.  His brother was Lipman Emanuel Pike whose career spanned sixteen seasons.  Pike “batted and threw left-handed. He is credited as the first ballplayer named Jay to appear in a major league game…Pike also played the outfield for the Lowell, Massachusetts team that won the 1875 state championship and claimed the New England title. That same year, he also served as an umpire in the National Association.”

1880: In Leadville, Colorado,  Eva Schloss and Lottie Beaumont performed with the Pinafore Company at the Windsor Hotel.

1882:  According to some, birthdate of movie mogul Sam Goldwyn. The confusion about his natal day was created by Sam himself.  He is the ‘G’ in MGM. As has been noted in previous items, Goldwyn was one of many Jewish immigrants who created Hollywood and the American Entertainment Industry. He passed away in 1974.

1882: “The Jews of York” published today described the conditions under which “the persecuted race” lived in this English city during the 12th century.  During the reign of Henry II and his son Richard the Lionhearted, they enjoyed royal protection and prospered as could be seen by the “splendid houses” on Jubbergate.  All of that change when Richard left for the crusades and the citizens of York massacred the Jews.  While Richard expressed his displeasure, “no serous punishment was inflicted on the murderous people of York for their fiendish cruelty.”  Ironically, the city’s long term punishment came in the loss of commerce and prosperity.  Without the Jews to lend money, business went elsewhere.
1882: It was reported that Professor Robertson Smith has written the article on “Lamentations” the new published edition of The Encyclopedia Britannica.  According to Smith, Jeremiah is traditionally viewed as the author of the text.  He sees a shift in the stance of the author as the book unfolds going from “an isolated figure among unsympathetic countrymen” to “a representative of Israel among the heathen.”
1882: It was reported today that little Jacob Greenhaldt a Hungarian Jewish immigrant “who was badly injured by a street car about a month ago” is out of the hospital and back at work on the streets of Cleveland.  The boys are said to be “imbued with the spirit of trade” so characteristic of his race.  They may make hard bargains but they are never beggars.
1882: “Facts About Street Gamins” published today described changing conditions on the streets of Cleveland, Ohio.  Immigrant Jewish boys from Hungary have replaced the Irish.  The Hungarians begin as shoe shine boys.  But as soon as they learn enough English, they begin work selling newspapers.

1883: It was reported today that Nathan Gottgetren, a 35 year old Jew who uses the alias Nicholas Gilbert, will be appearing before the District Attorney in New York to faces multiple charges of forgery.

1884(6thof Elul, 5644): Schaje Tripock an octogenarian Polish Jew living with his son in an apartment on Essex Street apparently took his own life today.  He was reported to “suffering from senile insanity.”
1886: The Pope approved of the Hungarian Diet’s vote to reject a bill that would legalize marriages between Jews and Gentiles.
1887: It was reported today that The Board of Managers of the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children has received a total of $3,238.95 in contributions.
1889(30thof Av, 5649): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1890: Birthdate of Emmanuel Radnitzky, the native of Philadelphia who gained fame as “American modernist artist” Man Ray.

1890: The 10thfree excursion sponsored by the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children will set sail on the East River at 9 a.m. this morning.

1891: In today’s editorial, the New York Times expresses its sympathy with the plight of the Russian Jews on board the SS Marsala who were barred from entering the United States but insists that under the law Superintendent O’Beirne had no choice in the matter. “The whole subject matter is a complicated one and it is like that the law will have to be amended in some particulars….”  (Sounds as if this could have been written in 2014 just as easily as 1891)

1892: As cholera threatens to spread across Europe, “Hamburg is plague stricken today because it humanely too on itself the brunt of the burn of the” exodus of Jews from Russia.

1892: A representative of “the Hebrew branch of the Federation of Labor” investigated conditions at Ziontown, NJ, where Jewish settlers who have been on strike for six weeks face “actual starvation.”

1892: Four year old Ida Samyan the daughter of Russian Jews arrived today in London on a ship that came from Hamburg, Germany.

1892: In New York, the Board of Health said that it does not know anything about a group of Jews from Odessa who were supposed to come to this city but instead went to Havre where they were to go to Boston.  (These reports are all given against the background of a cholera epidemic that is breaking out in Europe)

1892: It was reported today that near Mariapol, Russia a mob ten thousand “terrorized the village killing several Jews” as they expressed their resentment over governmental measures to control cholera.

1892:The first passenger train belonging to the Jaffa-Jerusalem Railway arrived in Jerusalem today. Reactions were mixed, with some local inhabitants declaring it to be the work of the devil. However, the Jewish Chronicle wrote: "The year 5653, which is about to burst upon us, will witness one of the grandest sights that have been known in many centuries. May it prove an unmixed blessing."  The Jaffa-Jerusalem Railway was the first modern railway line to open in the Middle East. The railway was built in response to the increasing demand of all the pilgrims who began visiting the Holy Land and specifically Jerusalem starting in the middle of the 19th century. In writing about the history of the railroad Anthony S. Travis notes that “building the railway was a tremendously ambitious undertaking, considering the local conditions. Hundreds of tons of rails were brought from Belgium, coal from Britain and rolling stock from France. The unloading of all this in Jaffa's primitive harbor presented an immense challenge. A report in Railway Magazine said it was "a wonder that all the materials for the railway were safely and without loss conveyed to their destination... Bulky but light articles, such as boiler barrels or water tanks, were thrown into the sea and tugged ashore..." The weather also presented difficulties, as heavy rains washed away the jetty, and in some places along the track bridges were destroyed. Despite other problems related to construction crews leaving to tend their crops, and outbreaks of disease in the work camps, work progressed fairly rapidly, and by December 4, 1891, the line had reached Deir Aban (today's Beit Shemesh). From there, construction was much more difficult, owing to the mountainous terrain. While the first train did reach Jerusalem in August, the official opening would not take place until September of 1892. Theodor Herzl, who took the train in 1898 on his way to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, was not very impressed, calling the line a "miserable little railway." It was in stark contrast to the earlier part of his journey, in the luxurious Orient Express, with dining cars and sleeping accommodation. The Jaffa-Jerusalem railway coaches did not have ashtrays or toilet facilities, and according to Herzl, not even drinking water. He said the heat was "frightful... sitting in the cramped, crowded, scorching compartment was torture." As if that were not enough, when Herzl and his party arrived at the hotel for which they had reservations, it turned out there were no rooms available, as they had been appropriated by Turkish officials and members of the Kaiser's entourage.” As an avid fan of science and technology, Herzl expressed his belief in the future of rail travel when in Altneuland he predicted that by the 1920s there would be high-speed electric railways throughout the country. Unfortunately even now, more than a century later, Israel has not yet reached that stage, although railway development has certainly come a long way in the last 20 years.

1893: “B’nai B’rith’s Jubilee” published today described the plans that are being for the celebration of “the well-known Hebrew benevolent organization’s” golden anniversary which will take place this October.

1893: “The Correspondence of 3,500 Years Ago” published today described new information that described the role of clay tablets in ancient Palestine. In the past such evident has been ignored “by those who regard the early Hebrews a savages and who think that, though place in the very center of the ancient civilized world between the the Egyptians and Assyrians they were unacquainted with arts” or culture. This evidence shows that “the art of writing was known in the time of Moses” and that the inhabitants of Palestine wrote on thin clay tablets in the same way we write on a sheet of notepaper.

1893: Among the dead bodies taken to Henry Skelton’s undertaking establishment in Newton, LI following the collision in Berlin 38 year old Max Stein who was employed by Abram Stein & Co, Mrs. Bertha Weinstein and her young son Sidney Weinstein who was identified by a medal of merit given to him Temple Rudolph Sholom.

1893: In Camden, NJ, the Jewish shopkeepers and merchants are second are scheduled to meet tonight to organize themselves to provide protection from the thieves and marauders who have been attacking them.

1894: Rabbi Bernhardt Hailperin was chosen chief rabbi by the Orthodox Jews of Newark.

1894: In Rixdorf, Germany, the police broke up a meeting of anarchist because the chairman “urged those present to use guns and dynamite to exterminate the Jews.”

1895: A coroner’s jury exonerated Solomon Pulka of charges that he had caused the death of nine year old Benjamin Pincus by kicking him in such a manner that it caused peritonitis.

1895:  “Over on the East Side” published today described the changes in the district bounded by Catharine  Street, the Bowery, Houston Street and the East River where can now be found “the children of Israel in their new exodus out of the Russian Egypt and house of bondage into the Canaan of the West.”  More for 2015

1896: Abraham Gruver, Myer S. Isaacs, Julius Lowenthal and Edward Lauterbach were among those who listened to Benjamin Harrison’s speech last night at Carnegie Hall.

1897(29th of Av, 5657) Forty-eight year old David J. Seligman, the husband of Addie Walter Seligman, the eldest son of Babette and the late Joseph Seligman passed away today at Hollywood, NJ.

1897: The funeral of the late Albert Tobias who had been a member of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association and Chevra B’nai Israel will take place at his home this morning.

1897: A list of the bequests by the late David Blumenthal published today included two hundred dollars each to the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, the Montefiore Home and the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.  Mt. Sinai Hospital will receive either two hundred or five hundred dollars.

1898: Based on information that first appeared in The Jewish Messenger, it was reported that Colonel Teddy Roosevelt intends to recommend four men in his command be promoted for gallantry including one Catholic, one Jew, one Protestant and one whose religion is not known.  The Messenger sees this an example of American brotherhood and unique cooperation of those of all creeds.

1898: “Zangwill’s Visit” published today described the anticipation with which New Yorkers are filled now that that Israel Zangwill, the author of Without Prejudice and The Children of the Ghetto is about to arrive in the Big Apple.

1898: A review of Alexander Harkavy’s Yiddish Dictionary was published today.

1898: “Books and Authors” published today described “an extensive collection of 2,500 Hebrew and Arabic manuscripts that has recently been acquired by the British Museum.”  The collection which “includes a number of Arabic deed, written both in Hebrew and Arabic characters” has items that date fro the 9th through the 14thcenturies.

1899: In Chicago, trade unionist and newspaper man Benjamin "Ben" Schlesinger married Rae Schenhause with whom he had three children – two sons and one daughter.

1899: “Answers To Correspondents” published includes a reply to J.F. which tells him that there are between 350,000 and 400,000 Jews living in New York

1899: “Meyerbeer’s Posthumous Works” described yet another delay in the posthumous publication of Giacomo Meyerbeer’s compositions which according to his will should have been published in 1894.   One of his daughters Cornelie Meyerbeer who was married to Gustav Richter refuses to allow the publication to take place.

1899: Fernand-Gustave-Gaston Labori the French attorney who defended Zola and Drefyus was featured on the cover of “Le Petit Journal.”

1902:Herzl wrote to the Polish writer Pauline Korvin-Piatrovska asking her to obtain an audience with the Czar.

1904: Rogers Adolphe Pinner, a senior partner of the Mutual Electric Company, was shot by his `former girlfriend', one Mrs. Augustina Hermann, a pretty hat-maker/designer of French extraction, who was a two-time widow.”

1908: Birthdate of Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th president of the United States. Unbeknownst to most people, Johnson played an active role in rescuing Jews from Hitler’s Europe.  According to Ladybird LBJ wept when he visited Auschwitz in 1945. . Lyndon Johnson was a staunch supporter of Israel.  He helped the Israelis exhaust all diplomatic possibilities to avoid the Six Day War in June, 1967.  The real test for Johnson came on June 10 when the Soviets threatened Israel unless the Jewish state would immediately surrender the gains it had made against the Syrians and Egyptians, which were their client-states.  Unlike President Eisenhower in 1956, Johnson responded firmly by sending the Sixth Fleet towards Syriato thwart any Soviet moves.  He also began supplying arms to Israelsince DeGaulle had betrayed Israelby cutting if its supply of weapons.  As Israel’s Ambassador to the United States wrote, “When it came to the crunch of 1967, the United States(thanks to Johnson) was firmly on Israel’s side, logistically and politically.” He passed away in 1973. 

1908: Samuel Gompers to-day announced that he would take to the stump in a personal effort to drive Speaker Cannon from the House. The President of the American Federation of Labor will open the campaign, which he intends to make a general fight for the Democratic ticket, at the Labor Day exercises at Danville, Ill., the home of "Uncle Joe."

1919(1st of Elul, 5679): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1919: During the Russian Civil War, forces of the White Army occupied Boguslav a Ukrainian city, “pillaged all the houses” and “massacred” approximately forty Jews.  [This was the war between the Reds (Bolsheviks) and the Whites (supporters of the former Czarist regieme).  The Jews were often caught in the middle and slaughtered by both sides]

1921: The New York Times published a letter from Samuel Gompers in which he corrects the Times report of his speech to the Kiwanis Club of Atlantic City.  Gompers contends that the “misquote” of his remarks changes them so that they read like support for business instead of support for the workers of America.

1922:"The League of Nations is a Jewish idea, and Jerusalem someday will become the capital of the world's peace," declared Dr. Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the Zionist Executive Committee, at a special meeting of the Zionist Conference today.Dr. Sokolow “said the Jews of the world will back the League and that Jerusalem will be the International Peace Capital.”

1929:  Birthdate of Ira Levin, author of many popular novels including Rosemary's Baby

1929:While Moslem leaders in Jerusalemhave issued an appeal to Arab raiders to return to work and cease their attacks, widespread disorders occurred in Palestine. Marauding band of Arabs have left hundreds of victims, dead and wounded, from Dan to Beersheba while British troops have been unable to stop the violence.

1933:  Birthdate of magazine editor, author and Presidential speech writer, Ben Wattenberg.

1933: Birthdate of Leonard Irving Weinglass  who was according to some “the nation’s pre-eminent progressive defense lawyer, who represented political renegades, government opponents and notorious criminal defendants in a half century of controversial cases, including the Chicago Seven, the Pentagon Papers and the Hearst kidnapping.” (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1933: In Prague, The economic development of Palestine is outlined in a report of the Zionist Executive to the Congress, which reveals the following: During the past two years £3,252,000 has been invested in Palestine, of which £1,350,000 or 42% went into agriculture, mainly citrus planting, £1,400,000 or 43% went into building, and the remainder into industry and handicraft. A survey of 213 immigrants of the capitalist class shows that 54% of their total capital of £697,000 was invested in agriculture. During this period 21,767 immigrants came into the country; 11,384 workers on labor schedule, 3,122 capitalists, 2,697 certificates went to relatives of residents and 4,168 people came under unspecified classifications.

1933:Testimony given in the magistrate's court at Jaffa, on August 25th,alleging that Revisionist extremists had contemplated recourse to murder over shadowed all other issues here as the eighteenth World Zionist Congress entered its second week of deliberations today

1934: In Iraq many Jews were dismissed from public service[ and quotas were set up in colleges and universities

1935: In Switzerland, Rabbi Dov Yehuda and Sarach Schochet gave birth to Rabbi Dov Yehuda Schochet.

1935:The Federal Theatre Project is established. Elmer Rice, the Manhattan born son of Jacob and Fanny Lion Reizenstein, was the first director of the New York office of the Federal Theatre Project, but resigned in 1936 to protest government censorship of the FTP's "Living Newspaper" Ethiopia, about Mussolini's invasion of that country. The FTP included a Yiddish Unit.

1936: “Leaders of the Arab Youth party began collecting signatures for a memorandum demanding an Arab boycott of the Royal Commission” coming to Palestine to investigate the causes of the violence begun by the Arabs in April, 1936.  The Arabs are demanding that Jewish immigration and land sales must be stopped before there will be any negotiations.

1937(22nd of Elul, 5697): Lionel Walter Rothschild passed away. The 2nd Baron Rothschild was a British zoologist who became a great collector and founded the Rothschild Natural History Museum in London. The museum was opened to the public in 1892. As the eldest son of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, he was somewhat of a disappointment to his father as his life was devoted to natural history and not banking. His interest in natural history began when he was a child, collecting butterflies. Numerous species and sub-species of animals were named after him. He issued Novitates Zoologicae from Tring, his country estate and published scores of scientific papers. He received his titles on the death of his father in 1915. The WalterRothschildZoologicalMuseum became part of the Natural History Museum.

1937: Birthdate of Philip Arthur Shulman, the native of Glasgow, Scotland who gained game as Phil Shulman, “a member of the progressive rock group Gentle Giant.”

1938(30thof Av, 5698): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1938:As British forces sought to bring an end to the latest wave of Arab terror two Arab youths were wounded, one fatally, when troops today opened fire on a group that refused to disperse when caught setting fire to a closed wine shop at Jaffa. Meanwhile “armed Arab completed the evacuation of the Jewish settlement of Jamam in the Beersheba district and set fire to every building there.”

1940(23rd of Av, 5700): One of first to reprisals against the Germans, Israel Karp was shot by Germany military authority in France.

1940(23rd of Av, 5700): Sixty-seven year Alice Lillie Seligsberg “a social worker and Zionist who helped to found Hadassah:” passed away today. (As reported by Marilyn J. Sladowsky)

1940: The Vichy French government rescinded the law forbidding racial hatred.  This made hating Jews legal.

1941(4th of Elul, 5701): First group of 11,000 Jews from Kamenets are taken out of town to a pit and gunned down in bomb craters.

1941(4th of Elul, 5701): The Nazis massacred the Jewish community of Posvol, Lithuania

1942: Thirty-six year old Mohammad Essad Bey, who was Lev Nussimbaum  before converting to Islam passed away today.

1942(14th of Elul, 5702):  Eight thousand Jews from Wieliczka, Poland, are killed at the Belzec death camp.

1942(14th of Elul, 5702):  When a transport train carrying 6000 Jews from Miedzyrzec, Poland, arrives at the Treblinka extermination camp, guards discover that all 6000 have died of suffocation during the 75-mile journey.

1942(14th of Elul, 5702):  Several thousand Jews from Chortkov, Poland, are assembled in the town square and forced to witness the murders of the community's children

1943(26th of Av, 5703): All the Jews working at a cement factory at Drogobych, Ukraine, near the Janówska labor camp, are murdered. One of the victims is Dr. Mojzesz Bay, a 36-year-old graduate of the Sorbonne.

1944: Bruce Sundlin the U.S. bomber pilot who had been working the Marquis (French Resistance) and serving with OSS was among those who took part in the battle at Marseilles today during which most of the city was liberated from German control.

1944: As of today Victor Cavendish Bentinck, assistant under-secretary in the British Foreign Office still doubted the existence of gas chambers when he said, 'I think we weaken our case against the Germans by publicly giving credence to atrocity stories for which we have no evidence.

'These mass executions in gas chambers remind me of the story of the employment of human corpses during the last (1914-18) war for the manufacture of fat, which was a grotesque lie and led to the true stories of German enormities being brushed aside as being mere propaganda.'

1945: Premiere of “True Glory”  -- “a  documentary account of the allied invasion of Europe during World War II compiled from the footage shot by nearly 1400 cameramen” – directed by Garson Kanin with a script created by Paddy Chayefsky and Eric Maschwitz among others.

1945 Hermann Göring is the first Nuremberg defendant to be interrogated intensively by the Allies.

1946(30th of Av, 5706): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1947: Birthdate of actress Barbara Bach

1951:Rabbi Israel Goldstein was re-elected today president of the World Confederation of General Zionists, and Mrs. Rose Halprin and Dr. Emanuel Neumann vice presidents. They are all from New York.

1952:  Birthdate of comic actor Paul Reubens who gained fame as Pee-Wee Herman.

1952: The Knesset endorsed by an overwhelming vote the agreement with the USfor the purchase of arms and for the negotiations in Washington for military aid, within the framework of the Mutual Security Act. The vote came in the form of a vote of no confidence in the government, introduced by Mapam and supported by the Communists, which was defeated by 69 votes to 13.

1952: Reparation negotiations between West Germany and Israel end in Luxembourg; West Germany to pay 3 billion Deutschmarks.

1957(30th of Av, 5717): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1964: The Democratic National Convention comes to an end having nominated to pro-Israel candidates – Lyndon Johnson for President and Hubert Humphrey for Vice President. Johnson had helped Jewish refugees enter the United States through Mexico in the 1930’s, passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and would stand up to Russians on behalf of Israel in 1967 in stark contrast to the craven behavior of the Eisenhower administration during the Suez Crisis of 1956)

1967: Brian Epstein, manager of The Beatles, passed away.  Yes, the lads from Liverpool were managed by an English Jew.

1968(21st of Av, 5727): Movie Director Robert Z. Leonard passed away

1971(6th of Elul, 5731):  Bennett Cerf, founder of Random House and panel member on the television hit What’s My Line, passed away at the age of 73

1973:The Recipes of Chairman Mao" byMarshall Brickman's appeared in The New Yorker. (Brickman was Jewish; Mao was not)

1977: The US State Department confirmed that a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization had applied for a visa to the US in order to be allowed to open a PLOInformationCenterthere. But the PLO¹s rejection, at a special meeting held in Damascus, of both UN Resolution 242 and Israel¹s right to exist was seen here as a serious setback to President Carter¹s Middle East peace efforts. He was reported to be in a rather pessimistic mood.

1977: In Bucharest Prime Minister Menachem Begin described his Sabbath visit to the Bucharestsynagogue as the most moving day in my life since the day Israelannounced its independence. Begin sought to comfort Romanian Jews and praised President Ceausescu for his policy of tolerance toward religious practice. Ceausescu would lose much of his luster and ultimately be killed during a anti-Communist revolt.

1979: After Lord Mountbatten was murdered by a terrorist bomb he was buried in Romsey Abbey which
was celebrated for its collection of Hebrew books.

1980(15th of Elul, 5740): Sam Levenson passed away at the age of 68. Levenson was a Brooklyn school teacher who became a television star in the 1950’s. The Sam Levenson Show was quite popular in its day.  This was quite since surprising considering the source of Levenson’s humor.  He was the son of Jewish immigrants who had worked as a school teacher in Brooklyn. These experiences were the basic material for his witty stories and quips.

1988(14th of Elul, 5748): Seventy-nine year old Dr. Max Black passed way today in Ithaca, NY.

1995(1st of Elul, 5755): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1997(24th of Av, 5757):  Television whiz-kid executive Brandon Tartikoff passed away.

1998: Eric Edelman began serving as U.S. Ambassador to Finland.

2000: The New York Times book section featured reviews of Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms by Jewish born education reformer Diane Ravitch.The Secret Parts of Fortune Three Decades of Intense Investigations and Edgy Enthusiasmsby Ron Rosenbaum andThe Presidential Difference: Leadership Style From FDR to Clintonby Fred Irwin Greenstein

2000(26th of Av, 5760):Sixty-five year old Gilbert de Botton, the financial manager who was a descendant of the rabbinical scholar Abraham de Botton passed away. (As reported by Paul Lewis)

2001: Israeli helicopters fired a pair of rockets through office windows and killed Mustafa Zibri,Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). He was also known as Abu Ali Mustafa. “The PFLP is designated a terrorist organization by Israel and many western states. Israel held Mustafa personally responsible for 10 different car-bomb attacks undertaken by the PFLP during his time as general secretary.”  He had been allowed to return to the West Bank in a deal worked out between Arafat and Barak.  But apparently killing Israelis was more attractive than following the path of peace.

2002: Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon told Haaretz; "The Palestinian threat harbors cancer-like attributes that have to be severed. There are all kinds of solutions to cancer. Some say it's necessary to amputate organs but at the moment I am applying chemotherapy."

2003(29th of Av, 5763): Ninety-one year old Austrian born American architect and designer Henry P. Glass who survived Dachau and Buchenwald passed away today.

2004(10thof Elul, 5764): Sixty-four year old actress Susan Peretz passed away today from Breast Cancer.

2005:  The Jerusalem Post reported on the Red Sea Jazz Festival at Eilat, Israel’s southern seaport.  This marked the 19thyear for this annual event and the response of the crowd indicated that Jazz is a live, well and thriving in Israel.  Apparently the rocket attack in Jordan which resulted in an errant warhead hitting Eilat by mistake did not dampen the spirit of the attendees who ranged in age from teens to grandmothers swaying in the aisles.

2006:In an article entitled “Green's Chase Revives Greenberg's Name and Fame,” Murray Chass notes that “Shawn Green, with 314 career home runs, is only 17 from matching Hank Greenberg's standard as the career leader among Jewish players?   '’I would say the chances are outstanding; he'll probably do it as a New York Met next year,'’ said Steve Greenberg, Hank's son and the former deputy baseball commissioner. Green's passing his father would not bother him, Greenberg added. ''Why would it bother me?'' he said. ''Ed Kranepool broke my dad's record at JamesMonroeHigh School.''''I'm fine with it,'' he added. ''I think it's great. I'm fine with anything that keeps my dad's name in the news. The last 10 years have been incredible. I think my dad is better known among sports fans who never saw him play than he was 20 years ago with a generation that never saw him play.'' Hank Greenberg, who played from 1933 through 1947, missing nearly four seasons during World War II, nearly matched Babe Ruth's single-season record in 1938 when he hit 58 home runs. But, his son said, Hank didn't care much about home runs. ''Runs batted in is what he lived for,'' Greenberg said. ''If you had asked him what accomplishments he was proudest of, it would be R.B.I. for a single season and career. That's why I grew up not thinking about home runs as his legacy.'' Hank Greenberg led the American League in runs batted in four times, driving in 170 and 183 sandwiched around a season in which injuries limited him to 12 games. In 1935, he had 103 R.B.I. by the All-Star Game. Greenberg, an investment banker, is engaged in selling naming rights for the Mets' new park. He said his father was once asked about being known as the greatest Jewish slugger ever. '''I don't think of myself that way,''' he quoted his father as saying. '''I think of myself in terms of Gehrig, DiMaggio and Williams.''' If Green does pass Greenberg for career home runs, the name of the standard-bearer won't change all that much. In fact, Green's grandfather shortened the family name from Greenberg.

2006: The Sunday New York Times book section included a review of Selected Letters of Martha Gellhorn (St. Louis born Jewish novelist, travel writer and journalist), edited by Caroline Moorehead.

2006: As those who study history know, history is determined, in no small part, by the person writing the history.  With that in mind, please excuse  this shameless orgy of self-adulation in publishing the following letter as it appeared in The New York Times Sunday Book Review.


A Man in Cedar Rapids

To the Editor:

After a lifetime of reading about Jewish lawyers, doctors, brilliant writers and Nobel Prize winners, I cannot tell you how excited I was to read about A Woman In Jerusalem by A. B. Yehoshua (Aug. 13). I am totally blown away — a novel where the leading character is a Jewish human resources manager. I am a longtime Jewish human resources director and I never thought I would make it as a character in a novel, let alone the main character. Of course, I do this in Cedar Rapids, which is not exactly Jerusalem. But if you ever want to know what it is like to be Jewish in the heartland, hey, that’s a book I could write.

Mitchell A. Levin

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

2007: An article published today entitled “The Kibbutz Sheds Socialism and Gains Popularity,” described the changing face of kibbutz movement in Israel.

2007: As Phil Spector stood trial for the murder of Lana Clarkson, Bruce Clarkson, his second defense lawyer withdrew and was replaced with Linda Kenney Baden.

2007:  In Cedar Rapids, Harold Becker, a pillar of the Jewish community and Guaranty Bank & Trust was honored for donating $75,000 to The Arc of East Central Rapids.  This is just one more example of Mr. Becker’s philanthropic efforts on behalf of both the Jewish Community and the people of Cedar Rapids and its environs.

2007: The New Republic featured a review of Davide Ferrairo’s film, “Primo Levi’s Journey,” which follow, figuratively, Levi’s footsteps as made his way from Auschwitzback to his home in Turin.

2007(13th of Elul, 5767): Seventy-two year old, Gad Yaacobi passed away. A native of Kfar Vitkin he was an MK and held several ministerial positions.

2008(26th of Av, 5768):Eighty one year old Abie Nathan the Israeli air force trained pilot and self-declared peace activist who flew a plan from Israel to Egypt a decade before Sadat flew to Jerusalem passed away today.

2008: Yale University announced that Peter Salovey will succeed Andrew Hamilton as Provost, making him the fourth provost appointed by President Richard Levin

2008:Second night of the inaugural Gilboa Coexistence Festival taking place throughout the Gilboa region featuring David Broza with Yair Dalal and Ibrahim Eid.

2008 Florida Congressman Robert Wexler addressed the Democratic National Convention for the first time on the subject of national security and foreign policy.  Wexler represents Florida’s 19thdistrict, one of the most heavily Jewish congressional districts in the United Statesand I considered a strong advocate for Israel in Washington.

2008: The Washington Postfeatured a review of The End of the Jews, the new novel by Adam Mansbach.

2009: Opening of the Ceremonies commemorating the 65thAnniversary of the Liquidation of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto in Lodz by German authorities.

2009:The Israeli unemployment rate rose to 8 percent in the second quarter despite encouraging economic indicators pointing to a recovery, the Central Bureau of Statistics reported today.

2009:Sketched on yellowing parchment, the 29 blueprints presented to Israel’s prime minister today lay out the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz in chilling detail, with gas chambers, crematoria, delousing facilities and watch towers drawn to scale.  The document will go on display at Yad Vashem next year.

2009:The publicly funded Multicultural Center's (Werkstatt der Kulturen) decision to remove educational panels of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Muhammad Amin al-Husseini, who was an ally of Adolf Hitler, from a planned exhibit, sparked outrage today among a district mayor, the curator of the exhibit, and the Berlin Jewish community. The curator, Karl Rössler, said that it is a "scandal" that the director of the Werkstatt, Philippa Ebéné, sought to censor the exhibit. "One must, of course, name that al-Husseini, a SS functionary, participated in the Holocaust," said Rössler. The exhibit covers the "The Third World during the Second World War" and three exhibit panels of 96 are devoted to the mufti's collaboration with the Nazis. The grand mufti delivered a talk to the imams of the Bosnian SS division in 1944, and was a key Islamic supporter of Nazi Germany's destruction of European Jewry.

2010: In Cedar Rapids, IA, Temple Judah celebrates the start of the fourth season of “Musical Shabbat.”

2010: In “Black and Jewish, and Seeing No Contradiction,” published today Trymaine Lee describes the life of African-Americans who are Orthodox Jews.

2011:Hutzot Hayotzer, the popular international arts and crafts fair that has become a Jerusalemite ritual, is scheduled to come to a close today.

2011:Tens of thousands of Israelis took to the streets tonight to participate in demonstrations protesting the high cost of living in Israel. In Tel Aviv, around 10,000 protesters marched from Habima Square to the intersection of Ibn Gvirol and Shaul Hamelech streets, where a rally was held.
2011: Saeb Erekat repeated his claim  thatConsul-General Daniel Rubenstein had threatened that the US would cut off aid to the Palestinians if they insisted on going to the UN., adding that the Americans have threatened to veto the PA statehood bid and cut off financial aid to the Palestinians. The U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem denied Erekat’s claim when he first made it yesterday.

2011: Norfolk’s Beth El Synagogue did not hold service today as Hurricane Irene barreled its way up the East Coast. 

2011(27th of Av, 5771): Eighty-three year Ezat Delijani, Iran born businessman and philanthropist passed away today. (As reported by Dennis McLellan)

2012: Christian Dawid is scheduled to appear tonight at The Montreal Jewish Music Festival.

2012: “Hutzot Hayotzer, the popular international arts and crafts fair that has become a Jerusalemite ritual” is scheduled to come to an end.

2012(9th of Elul, 5772): Seventy-one year old Duke Basketball start Art Heyman passed away today. (As reported by William Yardley)

2012:President Shimon Peres said today that he could not understand the stupidity of the ongoing rocket campaign being waged by Palestinian terrorists, which has escalated in the lead in to Israel's 2012-2013 school year.  "If they fire, we will fire," Peres said at the opening of the Sha'ar Hanegev Technological High School.

2012:An IDF soldier was critically injured during a joint exercise involving infantry units and armored corps in the Golan Heights this morning, according to the IDF Spokesman's Office.
2013: The Muzsikás Ensemble is scheduled to perform tonight as part of the Jewish Summer Festival in Budapest.

2013:With the US poised for military action in Syria and amid uncertainty as to how Damascus will react, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon made clear today that while Israel will not get involved, it will respond severely if attacked. (As reported by Herb Keinon)

2013: “The 5774 (2013-2014) school year formally opened today with over 2.13 million schoolchildren arriving in more than 4,500 schools nationwide for their first day of classes.” (As reported by Haviv Rettig Gur)

2014(1st of Elul, 5774): Rosh Chodesh Elul – the shofar is blown for the first time

2014: Dr. Eric Goldman is scheduled to present the final session of “Hollywood Zion: Israel Through the Lens of American Film Makers.”

2014: Noa Meir, Director of Israel Action Center & International Affairs for Jewish Community Relations is scheduled to speak at Shaare Tefila in Olney, MD on “Current Events and How to Advocate for Israel.”

This Day, August 28, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

August 28

388: Magnus Maximus, an Hispanic usurper to the throne of the western Roman Empire passed away. During his disputed reign Maximus issued an edict of which censured Christians at Rome for burning down a Jewish synagogue which was condemned by Bishop Ambrose who said people exclaimed: ‘the emperor has become a Jew’.

430: St. Augustine of Hippo passed away. Augustine believed that Jews should be allowed to survive in a Christian world to provide credence to roots of Christianity. But Jews should live at best as “second class” citizens in that Christian world to serve as a reminder of their fall from God’s favor for rejecting Jesus as the Son of God and as proof that God had made the Christians the new Chosen People.

1189: The Crusaders begin the Siege of Acre under Guy of Lusignan. This two year long siege was part of the Third Crusade which is known as a confrontation between England’s King Richard I and Saladin. The siege followed the Crusader defeat at the Battle of the Horns of Hittin but was followed by Crusader victories near Jaffa. In the end, the Moslems kept Jerusalem, the Jews of England suffered under the rule of Prince John in the absence of the Crusading Richard and the Jewish population of Eretz Israel suffered further depredations and despoliation.

1349: Six thousand Jews are killed in Mainz after having been accused of being the cause of the plague.

1378: Having been promised the payment of 20,000 gulden in “voluntary taxes” in 1377 by the Jewish community, the city of Worms “was granted the right of extending protection to the Jews.”

1453: Zbigniev Olesnicki, Bishiop of Cracow and a heretic hunter named Capistrano, began a six month long campaign turn Poland’s King Casimir against the Hussite heretics and the Jews of Cracow.

1481: John II of Portugal who chose Abraham Zacuto to serve as Royal Astronomer, began his reign as King of Portugal.

1511: The Portuguese conquer Malacca. “Malacca, Malaysia was in the 16th century a Jewish hub not only for Portuguese Jews but also for Jews from around the Red Sea and the Malabar. With its synagogues and rabbis, Jewish Culture in Malacca was alive and well. Visible Jewish presence existed in Malacca right up to the 18th century. Due to the Portuguese inquisition a lot of the Jews of Malacca assimilated into the Malacca Portuguese (Eurasian) community. They are a creole community often referred to as Kristang; and their Portuguese dialect Papia Kristang.”

1521: The Ottoman Turks occupy Belgrade. “The first written records of the presence of Jews in Belgrade date back to the 16th century when the city came under Ottoman control. “At that time Belgrade boasted a strong Jewish Ladino-speaking Sephardic community mostly settled in the central Belgrade neighborhood called Dorćol. The city's Ashkenazi Jews, many of them from Central Europe and nearby Austria-Hungary, mostly lived near the Sava river in the area where the current active synagogue stands.” Even with the official “second class” status accorded to Jews under the laws of Islam, the Ottoman Empire offered a haven for Jews who had been expelled from Spain and/or were fleeing the clutches of the Inquisition.

1565: St. Augustine, the oldest European settlement in what is now the United States, is established on the coast of Florida. According to Marcia Zerivitz, Founding Executive Director and Chief Curator of the Jewish Museum of Florida, "It is possible that Jews were living in St. Augustine as conversos or secret Jews when Ponce de Leon first discovered Florida. There are Sephardic names among those who lived there in the 1500s. This is nearly 100 years prior to the first settlement of Jews in New York in 1654. Documented Jewish history in Florida began in 1763 when the Treaty of Paris was signed at the conclusion of the French and Indian War. In that treaty, Florida was taken from the Spanish and given to the British. Until that time, Jews had been prohibited from living in Florida."

1619: Ferdinand II is elected emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The Jesuit trained monarch was an arch foe of the Protestants who ruled during the first 18 years of the Thirty Years War. His treatment of the Jews was uneven to say the least. It was influenced by his hatred of the Protestants, the needs to finance the war and his Jesuit training. He protected the right of Jews to live in Worms and Frankfort because the Protestants had tried to drive them out of the city. He warned his generals not treat the Jews harshly since they were a source of funds for their fight. This protection came at a high price as can be seen by the 40,000 florins that the Jews of Bohemia were forced to contribute annually to support the war effort. He did play a role in the unfortunate affair surrounding Lipmann Heller, but the original cause of the affair was one of jealousy in the Prague Jewish community. Once the emperor was involved no good could come of the matter. He did order the Rabbi brought to court in chains and even though he was found innocent of the charges, his Jewish opponents would not stop their attacks which resulted in the Emperor removing him as the Chief Rabbi in the Bohemian city. Now that the Jews had brought themselves to the Catholic monarch’s attention, he issued a decree in February, 1630, compelling the Jews to listen to conversation sermons every Saturday morning between eight and nine. Two hundred Jews of both sexes had to be in attendance and at least forty of them had to be between 15 and twenty years of age. The Jesuit trained monarch hoped these measures would lead to mass conversion of Jews. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for the Jews, the Jesuits to whom he entrusted this task were more concerned with fighting Protestants than converting Jews.

1655: Peter Stuyvesant barred Jews from military service. Asher Levy led the fight for Jews to able to serve as part of the local guard force. He rejected the notion of paying a special tax in lieu of military service. Service in the militia was the sign of first class citizenship. In a resolution of the New Amsterdam Council, Stuyvesant writes, "Whether the Jewish people who reside in this city, should also train and mount guard with the citizen's bands, this was taken into consideration, and deliberated upon…" The result was that the Dutch members of the citizen guard had a "disinclination" and "unwillingness" to be on guard with Jews in the same guardhouse. They also pointed out that Jews were "not counted among the citizens…"

1703 The Aleinu prayer was prohibited in Brandenberg, Germany. Aleinu,( עָלֵינוּ) composed by Rav (one of the great Talmudist (d. 247)) had been part of the ritual prayer for almost 1500 years. It served as a focal point for anti-Jewish attacks. Although the wording "For they bow down to emptiness and vanity and to a God that cannot save" which was taken from Isaiah (45:20) referred to idol-worshipers, some Christian leaders claimed it was an attack on Christianity. The part of the prayer was eventually eradicated from the Ashkenazic siddur (prayerbook) entirely and only reprinted recently.

1766: Birthdate of Simon Edler von Lamel the native of Bohemia who became a leading Austrian merchant while working to improve the conditions of his fellow Jews as could be seen by his efforts to reduce their taxes. (Something that was not intended to benefit him)

1789: In France, adoption of the declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

1797: Four months after the entry of the French army into Padua Italy, the provisional government decreed that "Jews are able to live in every part of the city." Jews enlisted in the National Guard and the main street in the ghetto was changed to Via Libera. Unfortunately as in most parts of Italy, the newly won freedom only lasted until the arrival of Austrian troops 8 months later.

1799: Birthdate of Immanuel Wolf who gained fame as German Jewish educator Immanuel Wohlwill.

1828: Birthdate of Count Leo Tolstoy. As one commentator has said, Tolstoy did not like Jews, but he did not hate them which made him a cut above other Russian authors such as Dostoyevsky. In 1881 he reluctantly signed a private letter to the Czar protesting a pogrom and publicly protested the infamous pogrom at Kishinev. On the other hand, he held Jews responsible, in part, for loss of the war with Japan. In the twilight of his career he expressed a desire to write how the teachings of Jesus, “who was not a Jew” were replaced by the teachings of Paul, who was a Jew.

1833: The British enact the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 which put abolished slavery throughout the British Empire. One of the driving forces behind this was William Wilberforce  who also was a leader of London’s Jews Society, a missionary Christian group who advocated the return of the Jewish people to Eretz Israel.

1840: During the Damascus Affair, Mehemet Ali’s personal physician, who was Jewish, removed a boil from the royal buttock. During the procedure, the doctor is reported to have told the Khedive that he would soon need all of his strength including the support of six million Jewish voices raised in his support.

1840: In attempt to avoid appearing to be caving into pressure from the European powers, Mehmet Ali dispatched an order to Damascus order that the Jewish prisoners should be set free much to the joy of Montefiore, Cremiuex and the Jews of Egypt, where he three synagogues in Alexandria “resounded with prayers of thanksgiving and blessing for Mehment Al…” The joy of the Jewish leaders would be dampened when they read the text of the document which “implied that the Jews were guilty” and that they were being released as an act of mercy.

1845: French banker Jules Isaac Mires sued his brother Alphonse, a wine merchants and his brother Edward in the Court of Assizes.

1853: Henry David Thoreau’s journal entry described what would become “the ancestral vine to all of Lower East Side sugary sweet kosher wine.”  “I detect my neighbor’s ripening grapes by the scent twenty rods off, though they are concealed behind his house. Every passer knows of them. Perhaps he takes me to his back door a week afterward and shows me with an air of mystery his clusters concealed under the leaves, which he thinks will be ripe in a day or two—as if it were a secret. He little thinks that I smelled them before he did.” (As reported by Laurie Gwen Shapiro)

1860: A column entitled General City News published today reported that “a new Jewish Congregation has been organized in this City, which for now is worshiping in Cooper Institute, Room No. 24 in the Cooper Institute, under the guidance of Rabbi Bondi, “whose learning and popularity will no doubt tend to advance this organization to the foremost rank among the Israelitish Congregations in this City.”

1864:Ferdinand Johann Gottlieb Lassalle was mortally wounded when he fought duel with Count von Racowitza, the brother of Helene von Dönniges. The two had fallen in love, but her family opposed the marriage. 

1869: Twelve year old Gottlieb Schumacher, the son of Jacob Schumach, arrived in Haifa from Buffalo today.

1871: In New York, the B’nai Brith held their annual meeting at the Masonic Hall during which they elected officers for the coming year and heard the Treasurer reported that the balance on hand was $46,378.29.

1873: A man named Irving who was in a San Francisco jail confessed to being the killer of New York businessman and Jewish community leader, Benjamin Nathan.

1874: Based on information that first appeared in the London Echo, that Edgardo Mortara is now Father Pius Mortara, an Augustine friary in the Monastery of Notre Dame de Beacuhene. At the age of six, Mortara was secretly baptized by a servant girl and then “kidnapped: by agents of the Papacy who raised him as a Catholic.

1874: In New York Fabian and Theresa Saxe gave birth to Martin Saxe, the New York State Senator who introduced a bill that would have banned public announcements such as were used by numerous establishments stating that "Jewish patronage is not solicited." The bill was inspired by an episode involving Bertha Rayner Frank in which she was refused a room at a hotel in Atlantic City. (

1878: As Louisiana continued to grapple with the latest Yellow Fever Epidemic, it was reported today that Messrs. Levy, Loeb, Scheuer & Co. of New York has received and forwarded to Turo Infirmary and the Hebrew Benevolent Association of New Orleans the sum of $65.00

1878: The Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society of Montgomery, Alabama, sent $100 to those suffering during the Yellow Fever Epidemic.

1880: Leopold de Rothschild was present at the cricket match played at Ascot House which lead to the family taking a leading role “in the formation of the Buckinghamshire County Cricket Club.”

1880: “Jews in Germany” published today cites information from the Pall Mall Gazette that “the silly season in Germany promises again to be enlivened by a crusade again the Jews.”

1881: It was reported today that Richard Andree, a German ethnographist who has been studying the world’s Jewish population for the last 11 years says there are 6,080,000 Jews in the world.  This includes 403,000 in Africa, 183,000 in Asia, 308,000 in American and 20,000 Australia.  His figures do include the Falashas or “pseudo-Jews.”

1882: The New York Times reviewed The Prophets of Israel and Their Place in History by W. Robertson Smith.

1882: It was reported that there 2,525 students enrolled in the various Sunday Schools hosted by New York’s Temples and Synagogues.  (This is a misleading number for anybody who knows how Jews educate their children)

1883: “Affairs In Foreign Lands” published today described riots against the Jews in Hungary and Russia where recent attacks on the Jews at Ekaterinoslav destroyed 346 houses and caused damage valued at 611,000 rubles and attacks on the Jews of Berchadi destroyed 80 houses leaving the inhabitants “without shelter and suffering great privations.

1883(25thof Av, 5643): Eighty-six year old Solomon Plessner whose controversial views forced him to leave Berlin and settle at Posen in 1843 where he served as a rabbi until he passed away today.

1883: As violence aimed at Jews worsened it was reported today that “the Russian government has made a serious effort “to suppress the outbreaks against the Jews” while “there are many indications that the authorities at Vienna and Budapest are not seriously trying to protect the Jews.”  (In other words, for once the Czar is trying to do something to protect his Jews, while Emperor Franz Josef is not)

1883: Following their meeting last month at the British Museum where they discussed the antiquity of a scroll of Deuteronomy recently discovered by Moses Shapira, he wrote to Edward A. Bond from Amsterdam asking him to reconsider his evaluation of the scroll contending that “the sin of believing in a false document is much greater than disbelieving the truth.  The tendency of showing great scholarship by detecting forgery is rather great in our age.”

1884: It was reported today that Adolph Meyer, a wealthy Jewish cotton merchants, is challenging Representative Carlton Hunt for the 1st Congressional District in Louisiana.  Meyer is a Democrat while Hunt is a Republican supported by the sugar cane and rice planters.  (Meyer would have to wait until 1901 before he would win a seat in Congress)

1887: Lizzie Kauffman, the young German-Jewess whose body had been found floating in the river at Philadelphia is scheduled to be buried today by the Hebrew Association.

1888: It was reported today that Dr. John T. Nagle, the Deputy Register of Records at the Sanitary Headquarters has complained to Commissioner John Griffin that a Polish Jew was buried at Cypress Hills surrounded by “a few boards” rather than in a coffin.  He considered this burial, which is common among Polish Jews to be “unsanitary.”

1889(1stof Elul, 5649): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1890: As of today, it was reported that the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children has received donations totaling $8,000.17 including $309.70 from Isaac Stern, $306 from Benjamin Stern and $5 from Herman Mendel.

1890: Adolph Eisner who has been Superintendent of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in Brooklyn for the last six years left the asylum today “telling his wife that he was going to Coney Island.”

1891: Jewish immigrants from Russia, most of whom are penniless and do not speak English have begun arriving in Detroit, Michigan.

1891: A Jewish agricultural colony was established in New Jersey. This was one of several attempts at Jewish settlement in the Americas. The failure of most of these projects confirmed the view that Jews needed a historical and religious link to the soil upon which they would work in order for them to succeed.

1892: Today is the last day for the accused murders of Jake Marks to appeal for a writ of habeas corpus and avoid extradition from Canada to the United States.  The victim and the accused (Blank and Rosenweig) are all Jewish.

1892: Four year old Ida Samyan, the daughter of Russian Jewish couple who had just arrived in London from Hamburg was admitted to the London “suffering with the symptoms of Asiatic Cholera.

1892: “The Prophets of Israel” published today provides a detailed review of Prophètes d'Israel par James Darmesteter published by Calmann-Levy.

1892: In Deadwood, South Dakota, the Hebrew Cemetery Association purchased a section in the new cemetery for Jewish burials for the sum of $200. Hebrew Hill, as the Jewish area was called locally, is located at the top right-hand side of the cemetery and is accessible via a pathway marked "Jerusalem," which is most likely a Masonic, rather than a Jewish, reference. While there are more than 80 Jews buried up on Hebrew Hill, or Mount Zion as it was known among the community, Deadwood's most famous Jewish citizen, Sol Star, is not among them. In accordance with the wishes of his family, Star lies in the Mount Sinai Cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri. Two hundred and fifty meters up from the Jewish section lies the grave of Deadwood's first sheriff and Star's long-time friend and business partner, Seth Bullock. Among the Jews who are interred on Hebrew Hill is Harris Franklin, né Finkelstein. Franklin was said to have been Deadwood's wealthiest man, having made his fortune - estimated at $5 million - from the liquor business and the mining industry. Given his status and wealth, it is unsurprising that the Franklin headstone is the largest in the cemetery. His name is perpetuated in Deadwood through the Franklin Hotel in which he was the largest investor. The Franklin name is also prominent in the city's annals owing to Harris's son, Nathan, who became the second Jewish mayor of Deadwood in 1914, running on an anti-Prohibition platform. Also buried in the cemetery is the Colman family, who arrived in Deadwood from Germany in the spring of 1877. In 1878, Nathan Colman (born Kugelmann) was appointed justice of the peace, an office he held until his death in 1906. Colman was also the lay religious leader for the Jewish community and officiated at the first Jewish wedding in the Black Hills, when Rebecca Reubens married David Holzman

1894: It was reported today that there are 5,000 Orthodox Jews in Newark, NJ who worship at seven different synagogues.

1894: As the leaders of the Central Labor Federation and the Central Labor Union compete for power and membership, Abraham Cahan, the leader of the Jewish Socialists has expressed his dissatisfaction with the leadership of the Central Labor Federation and wants his supporters to join the Central Labor Union.

1895: The Board of Health has been told to improve the safety of the bathhouse at 26 Ridge Street following the accidental drowning of 4 year old Sarah Rubin who had fallen into the tank that had no railing around it.

1897: At two o’clock this morning nephew of Charles Fleischmann” went to Bellevue Hospital and asked that a doctor come out to his yacht, the Hiawatha and examine his uncle who seemed to be quite ill.  After examining him, the doctor “intimated that his condition was serious.”

1898: “Many Themes Stir Paris” published today described the happenings in the French capital including Jules Guerin’s decision to start a new anti-Semitic paper L’Antijuif

1898: The Second Zionist Congress convenes in Basel and hears an address from Dr. Max Nordeau. Herzl's father is among the delegates.

1898: Abram Herschberger “installed as the rabbi at the North Side Temple on Goethe Street in Chicago, Illinois.

1899: “Light From A Russian General On The Dreyfus Case” published today provided information about the soon to be published memoirs of the late General Annenkoff which “include certain evidence tending to prove that Henry and Esterhazy delivered War Office documents to the agents of several foreign powers.”

1900: Birthdate of Alexander Zeitlin who was a leading figure in the Air Force’s Heavy Press Program which “enhanced the US defense industry's capacity to forge large complex components out of light alloys such as magnesium and aluminum.”

1902: Birthdate of Leo Hollander, the native of Hungary who married Goldie Gertrude Finegold Hollander and eventually settled in Indianapolis, Indiana.

1903: Birthdate of famed psychiatrist Bruno Bettelheim. Born in Austria in 1903, Bettelheim survived the death camps. He is “best known for his pioneering work with emotionally disturbed and autistic children. Bettelheim’s views on the Jewish response to the Holocaust were controversial to say the least. On one point he does seem to track with “Man’s Search for Meaning” when he writes that those who survived the death camps were able to do so because they believed in some cultural or religious ideal that helped them transcend themselves. He passed away under tragic circumstances in 1990.

1903: An abridged version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion begins to appear in a St. Petersburg daily newspaper. (As reported by Austin Cline)

1903: The Sixth Zionist Congress came to a close after five days during which Herzl proposed using territory offered by Britain, specifically Uganda, as a temporary shelter for Jews fleeing Eastern Europe and Russia. The Russian delegates, after a riotous debate, walked out and refused to return for the next congress unless the plan was stopped. Herzl had been concerned about the immediate physical well-being of Russian Jews who were faced with a series of Pogroms. The Russian Jews were telling Herzl and the world, that there was only one place for a Jewish homeland and that was Eretz Israel.

1904: “Woman Shoots Merchant” published on the front page of the New York Times described the shooting of prominent New Jersey businessman Rogers Pinner. (The Times misspelled his name as Piner.)

1906: Birthdate of Ukrainian born American composer David Tamkin who along with his brother Alex created an operatic version of The Dybbuk by S. Anksy (Shloyme Zanvl Rappoport)

1908(1stof Elul, 5668): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1908(1stof Elul, 5668): Twenty seven year old Jack Annenberg who had “served for the last 10 years in the London Rifle Brigade before transferring to the New Territorial Force  drowned today while swimming at Plemont Jersey.

1909: After visiting ailing financial giant Edward Harriman, Jacob H. Schiff, the Jewish New York financier said that Harriman would “avoid the knife” and rely on medical as opposed to surgical solutions. Schiff’s statement had a calming effect on the markets and the world of high finance. (Schiff was Jewish; Harriman was not)

1913: Birthdate of American cantor and operatic tenor Richard Tucker. Born Reuben Ticker, gained fame as a Chazzan in Brooklyn before pursuing his operatic career. He debuted at the Met in 1945. He made his European debut in 1947 where he joined Maria Callas in La Gioconda. Tucker’s operatic career was such that when passed away unexpectedly in 1975 he enjoyed the singular honor of being the only person to have his funeral take place on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House. Tucker never lost his love of Jewish music or serving as a chazzan. He was the brother-in-law of another famous American tenor and cantor, Jan Peerce. Can you imagine a Seder at their house?

1915: In today’s Jewish Chronicle, Israel Zangwill described Lieutenant-Colonel John Henry Patterson, DSO, the commander of the Zion Mule Corps “as the soul of chivalry and gentleness.”

1916: Italy declares war on Germany and Germany declares war on Romania. By the time Italy joined in the fighting, the Jews of the country were so will integrated into the national fabric that a Jew had served as prime minister and another Jew had served as Mayor of Rome for six years. Prior to World War I, Romania was notorious for its mistreatment of its Jewish population – the nation was a haven for anti-Semitism and one of its major exports was Jews fleeing the country. Ironically, during the war, hundreds of Jews served in the Romanian Army and were decorated for valor. The additions of these two combatants did nothing to shorten the war but it did add to the misery suffered by the peoples of Romania and Italy.

1917: Birthdate of Jacob Kurtzberg, the son of Austrian immigrants who gained famed as Jack Kirby, one of the most influential, recognizable, and prolific artists in American comic books, and the co-creator of such enduring characters and popular culture icons such as the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Hulk, Captain America, and hundreds of others stretching back to the earliest days of the medium. He was also a comic book writer and editor. His most common nickname is "The King."

1918: American diplomats Henry King and Charles Crane presented their report to the Paris Peace Conference. They recommended the joining of Palestine to Syria, an end to the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine and an international and interdenominational committee to supervise the Holy Places. Their report proved to be meaningless when the U.S. Senate rejected the Versailles Treaty. What may come as a surprise to some is that this betrayal of Zionist principles was prepared on the initiative of Woodrow Wilson.

1918: Samuel Gompers arrived in London as the head of a labor delegation. He expressed the delegation’s solidarity with workers in Europe and declared its support for all measures designed to win the war against the Germans.

1918: Samuel S. Koenig, Chairman of the New York Republican Committee was sent a letter tonight “tell him that forgeries had been committed by workers in the Sixth Assembly District” of which he is the leader.

1919: The recommendations of the King-Crane Commission with regard to Syria-Palestine and Iraq were presented today.
1920: Henry Ford's  Dearborn Independent published another in a series of “major” anti-Semitic articles.

1923: Three Jewish mobsters -Samuel “Sammy” Weiss, Jacob “Little Augie” Orgen and Samuel Gipson - were arrested by police outside of the Essex Market Courthouse. When the police found that they were each carrying pistols, they were charged with violation of New York’s Sullivan Law.

1923(16th of Elul, 5683): "Kid Dropper" Nathan Kaplan was gunned down today by Louis Cohen, a member of Jacob “Little Augie” Orgen’s gaing.. Born in 1891, he was “also known as Jack the Dropper. Kaplan was an American gangster controlling labor racketeering and extortion in New York City during the post-World War I period into the early years of Prohibition in the early 1920s.”

1924: In Georgia, opponents of the Communist regime staged the August Uprising against the Soviet Union. Following the fall of the Czar’s Empire, Georgia declared its independence in 1917. Following their seizure of power, the Communists sought to re-constitute the Russian Empire as the Soviet Union. When the Soviets invaded Georgia, approximately 2,000 Jews left the country. Following the August Uprrising, the Soviets cracked down on the remaining Jews, enacting laws that bankrupted their businesses and putting an end to all Zionist activities. Charges of blood libels would increase during the rest of the decade and things would get even worse in the 1930’s

1924: Birthdate of Rabbi Zalman Meshullam Schachter-Shalomi, the native of Zhovkva who survived the detention camps of Vichy to settle in the United States where he eventually became a leader in what is called the “Jewish Renewal Movement.”


1924: Birthdate of American sculptor Stanley Bleifeld.

1926: Birthdate of Ursula Stern who the Sobibor surivior who fought with the Parczew Partisans.

1928: George Engles, the manager of Jascha Heifetz, announced that his employer had married film star Florence Vidor, the ex-wife of King Vidor. He was Jewish.  She was not. (The marriage would end in divorce in 1945)

1929: Birthdate of Hungarian conductor Istvan Kertesz.

1929: As Arab violence engulfs Palestine French troops are patrolling the Jewish quarter of Beirut in case there are further attacks by Arabs in this Lebanese city. So far, Arab militants have contented themselves with demonstrations and clashes with local police, but the French authorities are alarmed enough to have taken these extra measures.

1933: It was reported today that Herman Bernstein, the United States Minister to Albania has announced his resignation and said that he plans to return to New York the end of September. Bernstein had served in the post for 3 years during which he enjoyed a positive relationship with the ruler, King Zog.

1933: Laurence Adolph Steinhardt began serving as United States Ambassador to Sweden.

1933: In Johannesburg, South Africans, Jews and non-Jews, led by Tielman Roos, a leading statesman, express resentment against the attitude of Premier Hertzog towards boycott of German goods.

1933: The Deutsche Landhandelsbund, the Nazi department for agrarian trade and industry, informs the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that an agreement has practically been concluded between Germany and the Palestine Government whereby the Reich will import oranges to the value of eight million to ten million marks for which it will pay with exports of its goods to Palestine valued at twice that amount plus transportation in German ships. The Palestine Government, the British Colonial Office and the World Zionist Organization issue denials of the German report.

1933: In Warsaw, The Central Organization for the German Boycott wires protest to Zionist Congress against the reported trade agreement between Germany and Palestine.

1935: In Lucerne, Black flags flew at half-staff today on buildings housing the nineteenth World Zionist Congress, a symbol of Jewry's protest against Nazi "persecution" of their race.

1935: Most baseball writers are reported to believe that Detroit’s slugging first baseman Hank Greenberg will win this year’s MVP award for the American League.

1937: In London, it was announced that Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, the English Jew to whom the late Lord Balfour addressed the famous Declaration promising Jews a National Home in Palestine had passed away on August 27. The Balfour Declaration was actually a letter dated November 2, 1917 written by the Foreign Minister, Arthur Balfour, which began “Dear Lord Rothschild” and was delivered to Rothschild’s home. This should give one an excellent idea of how well-connected the English branch of the House of Rothschild. Lord Lionel was well known for his philanthropies, but like all of the Rothschilds, power and money never separated them from the House of Israel.

1937: In Berlin, Henrietta Szold addressed a meeting of parents of 100 Youth Aliya children leaving for Palestine. She told them how during her recent visit to Eretz Israel she was impressed by the Jewish German youth working on the land, unhindered and conscious of their task. Youth Aliyah, the Hadassah sponsored program to rescue Jewish children from the Nazis, saved the lives of approximately 22,000 Jewish-German youngsters.

1938(1st of Elul, 5698): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1939: Fifteen year old Heinz Bernard’s mother sent him from Germany to England as part of a plan for the two to eventually join family members in the United States.

1940:Chiune Sugihara, the Vice Counsul for the Empire of Japan in Lithuania continued to defy his government and issued visas on his own initiative to thousands of Jews fleeing from certain death in Poland and Lithuania.

1940: After seven weeks of traveling by train across Eastern Europe and Asia, and then by ship across the Pacific Ocean to escape the terror of Nazi Germany, Eva Schott Berek and her parents arrived at the Angel Island Immigration Station one week before Eva’s 19th birthday

1941: Chicago Bears’ quarterback Sid Luckman led the Monsters of the Midway to a 37 to 13 victory over the College All-Stars in what had become an annual event at Soldier Field

1941: Second day of two day Aktion under the command of Obergruppenfuehrer Friedrich Jeckeln at to Kolomija near Kamenets-Podolsk during which a total of 23,600 Jews were murdered. Of the total between 14,000 and 18,000 of them were Hungarian Jews. The Germans were assisted by the Hungarians during the two days of slaughter. A complete description of the event can be found in Jeckeln’s report (Operational Report USSR No. 80).

1941: The Gestapo murdered more than 23,000 Hungarian Jews in the occupied Ukraine.

1941(4th of Elul, 5701): A Jewish butcher, one of 2000 Jews forced into a ditch at Kédainiai, Lithuania, resists by inflicting a fatal bite upon the throat of one of the Einsatzkommando soldiers. The butcher and the other Jews are immediately shot.

1941(4th of Elul, 5701): Lithuanian Nazi collaborators murdered Rochel Leah and sons Hillel, Shimon and Avraham in Panevezys.

1941: Thousands of Jews are murdered at Czyzewo-Szlachecki, Poland.

1942: Joseph C. Hyman executive chairman of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee announced tonight that it was sending   $25,000 to the OSE to provide for 1,200 Jewish children trapped in occupied France.

1942: It was revealed today that President Rafael L. Trujillo has offered to allow 3,500 Jewish children between the ages of 3 and 14 living in Vichy France to settle in the Dominican Republic.

1942: Forty-one year old Bension Gotlob and 43 year old Regina Gotlop were among those who left Drancy today in Convoy 25 which was headed for Auschwitz.  Among the 285 children heading for the death camp were seven year old Salomon Gottlob and his two year old sister Tama.

1942: Fourteen thousand Jews are killed at Sarny, Ukraine.

1942:Fleischer Studios, Inc which was found in 1921 as Inkwell Studies by Max and Dave Fleisher and had been acquired by Paramount Studios went “defunct” today

1942: Seventy-seven General Antoine Louis Targe (Retired) who played a key role in proving the innocent of Captain Dreyfus passed away today.

1942: World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Stephen S. Wise receives a cable from Swiss WJC representative Gerhart Riegner regarding the "Final Solution." Wise elects to suppress the information until it can be verified;

1942: Ten thousand Jews are murdered at Miedzyrzec, Poland.

1942: Jews of Chortkov, Ukraine, are put into freight cars and transported to the death camp at Belzec.

1942: German authorities order the arrests of Parisian priests who have sheltered Jews.

1942: The Antwerp police roundup 1,243 Belgian Jews and ship them to the death camps.

1943: The Danes began a general strike against the Nazi occupation.

1943: Two days after returning from Berlin, King Boris dies under mysterious circumstances in Sofia, Bulgaria. According to some sources, the Nazis had poisoned the king as punishment for protecting the Jews of his kingdom. Thanks in part to the monarch who was a “reluctant hero,: most of Bulgaria’s fifty thousand Jews avoid the deadly consequences of the final solution.

1945: Birthdate of producer Robert Greenwald.

1945: The British Mandate Government published the Fitzgerald Plan for governing Jerusalem. The system of dividing the city into boroughs had some merit, but it was predicated on the notion that the British Mandate would continue. The plan, like so many before and after it, was “dead on arrival.”

1946(1stof Elul, 5706): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1948: In Egypt, “Jews were forbidden to engage in banking or foreign currency transactions. (In the following month Egyptian Jews would be ”dismissed from the railways, the post office, the telegraph department and the Finance Ministry on the” unfounded  “ground that they were suspected of ‘sabotage and treason’”]

1952: The reparations talks between Israelis and West Germans ended in The Hague. West Germany was to pay Israel 3 billion marks (about $714m.) in the form of goods. She was also bound to deliver to Israel goods worth 450m Marks (about $106m.), to cover the claims of world Jewry. This was part of very painful process especially for those Israelis who had survived the Holocaust or who had lost family and friends at the hands of the Germans. Many, including Menachem Begin, did not want to accept anything from the Germans. For some acceptance of the money was part of a forgiveness process in which they were unwilling to participate. [The East Germans - the Communist half of Germany did not take part in the talk. Unlike West Germany, East Germany never conducted any de-Nazification program or made any attempt to make amends for Germany's slaughter of the Jewish people.]

1952: The first, undated letter written by Mordechai Oren, the Mapam leader imprisoned in Czechoslovakia, was received by his family.

1952: In an address to the Knesset, Prime Minister Ben-Gurion reported that Arab infiltrators killed 62 Israelis, injured 110 and abducted 29 during 1951. These on-going attacks would have several impacts on Israeli society. One was that the military developed an aggressive stance in fighting these terrorists. Another was the Suez War of 1956. Part of the Israeli goal was to destroy the bases of Egyptian sponsored terrorists in Gaza.

1953: In the evening, Unit 101, under the command of Ariel Sharon, conducted its first mission.

1954: Mortimer May, president of the Zionist Organization of America, said tonight that the State Department's proposed policy of arming the Arab states would not thwart the advance of communism.

1957(1stof Elul, 5717): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1957: Birthdate of actor Daniel Stern. This graduate of Bethesda-Chevy Chase in suburban Washington may be best known for his appearance in the comedy City Slickers.

1959(24th of Av, 5719): Fifty nine year old Raphael Lemkin, the Polish-Jewish attorney who created the word “genocide” passed away today.

1961: Milk and Honey, the musical featuring the music and lyrics of Jerry Herman, began its pre-Broadway tryout run at the Shubert Theatre in New Haven. “The story centers on a busload of lonely American widows hoping to catch husbands while touring Israel and is set against the background of the country's fight for recognition as an independent nation. It was Herman's first Broadway book musical.”

1964: Al Aronowitz brought Bob Dylan to the Delmonico Hotel in New York City where he introduced them to the Beatles.

1963: Isaac Franck, executive director of the Jewish Community Council, Hyman Bookbinder and the Washington Board of Rabbis were among the 250,000 people who attended the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom made famous by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech. (As reported by the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington)

1969: In Washington, DC, Adele and Joel Sandberg gave birth to Sheryl Kara Sandberg the Harvard grad who became COO of Facebook.

1969: In Santa Monica, CA, Judith and Thomas Black gave birth to actor Joe Black

1970: Birthdate of Richard Samuel “Rick” Recht, the Jewish troubadour known, among other things for his Shabbat Alive programs.

1972: Mark Spitz wins the first of his seven gold medals at the Summer Olympics in Munich. He earned the medal by setting a new world’s record for the 200 meter butterfly.

1973: Former U.S. Senator Kenneth B. Keating presented his credentials as U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

1977: Amos Horev, president of the Haifa Technion, announced that Israel was on the threshold of a major breakthrough in water desalination. He claimed that Prof. Abraham Kogan had completed work on a revolutionary invention on desalination, ready for industrial exploitation. Negotiations were advancing for a full-scale million-cubic-meter a year desalination plant. Water has always been a major issue in Israel and continues to be to this day. Desalination projects such as this were critical for those seeking to irrigate the Negev, among other things.

1983: Israeli PM Menachem Begin announced his resignation.

1984(30thof Av, 5744): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1986: Birthdate of Galid Shalit, the Israeli soldier kidnapped by Hamas in June, 2006

1988: Leonard Bernstein’s three day long 70th birthday celebration comes to an end.

1991: Ukraine declares its independence from the Soviet Union. Approximately 80% of Ukraine's half million Jews left the country. At the dawn of the 21st century there was a rejuvenation of Jewish life in Ukraine. Unfortunately, the anti-Semitism that has been endemic to Ukraine continues to rear its ugly head.

1997: Boston’s Jewish Advocate ran a story entitled "Jewish Women's Archive (JWA) set for launch into cyberspace," which outlined JWA's origin, mission, and work, and announced a new chapter in the organization's history. JWA was a young organization, just two years old, when the launch of its "virtual archive" was announced in the Advocate article. The goal of the virtual archive is to identify and link existing materials and archives around the country. JWA's founding director Gail Reimer explained that although Jewish women's letters, diaries, personal papers, and more exist, "most material is not readily identifiable and needs to be resurfaced." She envisioned the virtual archive as a gateway for scholars and the public to gain access to otherwise-hidden resources. As Reimer told the Advocate, documenting existing collections is only part of JWA's mission. JWA was also working to create new materials, primarily by conducting oral history interviews with elderly women from the congregation of Temple Israel in Boston. This project, called "Women Whose Lives Span the Century," led to an art exhibit of works based on the interviews; the exhibit took place at the Jewish Community Center in Newton, MA. Reimer also told the Advocate that JWA was engaged in long-term planning to assemble the resources to fulfill its mission. The article reported that that mission had been recently refined to focus on archival and educational work. In the eight years since the launch of the Virtual Archive, JWA has been at the forefront of collecting and disseminating that information. Through Women of Valor web exhibits and posters; curriculum materials; oral history projects in Baltimore and Seattle; Women Who Dared events honoring local Jewish activists; and the This Week in History JWA has led the way in putting Jewish women's history firmly on the map. The website of this organization has been an invaluable resource for the feeble effort styled “This Day in Jewish History which you are reading.

1998: Congregation member Daniel Z. Nelson was celebrating his 43rd wedding anniversary with his family at his home in Amagansett, New York, when he learned that Manhattan's Central Synagogue was in flames.

1998: Central Synagogue in Manhattan burned today. The Central Synagogue, believed to be the oldest continuously used Jewish house of worship in New York, was built between 1870 and 1872. Its cornerstone was laid by the founder of Reform Judaism in the United States, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise. Built as a fifth synagogue for the Ahawath Chesed congregation, which was formed in 1846 by Bohemian Jews, the building was designed by Henry Fernbach, one of the first Jews to make a name for himself in American architecture. According to Cissy Grossman, a member of the congregation and the author of a 1989 book about the synagogue called The Jewish Family's Book of Days, at the time it was built, American Jews were casting about for a style that could represent both their sense of modernism and their desire to root themselves in a rich past. The search expressed itself in a revival of Spanish, Moorish and Egyptian style and, in the Central Synagogue, in a profusion of arches and lacy arabesque designs carved into the woodwork. Ms. Grossman continued, ''It was the whole idea of finding a stylistic thing that has the feeling of being Jewish and also refers to the fact that Jews lived in the Islamic world for so long and had a peaceful existence.'' Rabbi Alexander Schindler, president emeritus of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the umbrella organization of Reform temples, said: ''I come from Nazi Germany, so I don't tie myself to a building. But this one hit me that way. The architecture was awe-inspiring. It's a place that made the spirit soar.'' Over the years, the congregation undertook several major renovations. Yet another repair project was under way to restore the original painted designs on the interior walls, some of which had been painted over. That dedication to maintaining the glory of the synagogue and uncovering its original splendors apparently has saved many of its treasures. Ms. Goldman, who oversees the synagogue's extensive collection of Judaica, said most of the precious historical objects, many Torah scrolls and even the original architectural plans from the 19th century had already been moved to warehouses over the last few months. So had much of the congregation's archive of wedding and birth records, letters, cemetery maps and other documents. Despite the fire, records of what the synagogue looked like and how it was built survive. ''There are many restorers in New York who know that building very well,'' Ms. Goldman said. ''Every aspect of it has been photographed and many people have worked on it.'' The fate of two of the synagogue's most beloved treasures, vestiges of the lost Jewry of Eastern Europe, was still unknown. One is a grand bronze Hanukkah lamp from the 18th century that was donated by some of the original members of the congregation. The other is a recovered and restored fragment of a Torah scroll that had been confiscated by the Nazis from one of the countless synagogues destroyed, along with their members, in World War II. ''If they are not able to rescue it,'' Rabbi Schindler said, ''it will burn twice.'' In 1970, at a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the Central Synagogue, Rabbi Schindler recalled the simple people -- the shopkeepers and tailors of the lower East Side -- who pooled their money to buy the land at 55th Street and Lexington Avenue where they would eventually build their temple. ''We can imagine the trepidation that filled their hearts as they stood here that morning,'' Rabbi Schindler said then. ''We can imagine the doubts they knew and the fears they had. But they conquered these fears and doubts and gave strength to their children and their children's children and to us.'' But as the Central Synagogue burned today, Ronald Goldberger recalled the small personal moments he had shared there with his family: the naming of his children, their bar mitzvahs, the service when his wife blew the shofar, or ram's horn, to signal the arrival of the Jewish New Year. And then Mr. Goldberger, who said he has been a member for more than 20 years, wept. ''That's my synagogue that's burning up,'' he said hoarsely, as a friend embraced him in the pall of smoke.

2003(30th of Av, 5763): Rosh Chodesh Elul

2005: Rabbi David M. Gordis and Rabbi Barry Freundel officiated at the wedding of Fern Schad and Alfred Moses a senior partner with Covington & Burling who served as U.S. Ambassador to Romania.

2005: The University of California published Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Norman Finkelstein’s attack on Alan Dershowitz  and his latest work, The Case for Israel

2005: Matan Vilnai began serving as Minister of Science and Technology.

2005: “Israeli author Amos Oz received the German city of Frankfurt's Goethe Prize for 2005 at the city's St Paul's Church. The prize, which is awarded every three years, went to the 66- year-old Oz for his "thematic diversity" and "stylistic virtuosity", the awards judges said. "Through his literary works Amos Oz transmits to readers in all parts of the world a deep profound all-surpassing feeling of humanity, moral values and cooperation," the judges said. The highest honor bestowed by the central German city of Frankfurt, the Goethe Prize has been in existence since 1927.Previous recipients included Sigmund Freund (1930), Ingmar Bergman (1976)and Siegfried Lenz (1999).”

2005: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Indecision by Benjamin Kunkel, The Amorous Busboy of Decatur: A Child of the Fifties Looks Back by Robert Klein and 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America(And Al Franken Is #37) by Bernard Goldberg.

2006: Sportscaster Max Kellerman lost out in the competition to serve as host on the 7 pm timeslot at WEPN also known as 1050 ESPN Radio in New York City.

2006: Family and friends of Corporal Gilad Shalit came to Kerem Shalom, where he was abducted, to mark his 20th birthday. Shalit was kidnapped two months ago when Palestinian militants tunneled out of the Gaza Strip and attacked his post. His father said, "On August 28 we have come to Kerem Shalom to mark your birthday. We will not be able to celebrate this year. I doubt you know what date it is today, and that you are 20 years old today. We came to where your comrades Pavel Slutzker and Hanan Barak fell. We came to remind everyone that you have been in captivity for 65 days ... we came to remind the Israeli government and the army of their moral debt to you, and that soldiers are not left behind in the battlefield or in captivity."

2006(4th of Elul, 5766): Melvin Schwartz, who shared in the Nobel Prize for Physicis in 1988, passed away.

2006: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert appointed Nahum Admoni “to be chairman of an investigation committee, charged with investigating the actions of the government during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.”

2008: Zehava Ben along with Sarit Hadad and Israeli Arab singers Lubna Salame and Riham Hamadi join forces at the third and final night of the inaugural Gilboa Coexistence Festival taking place throughout the Gilboa region. The singers will be accompanied at the Ein Harod Amphitheater on the 28th by the Ra'anana Symphonette Orchestra and the Nazareth Orchestra.

2008: Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, will be making history today as he opens the Democratic convention’s last day, in front of an expected crowd of 70,000 in the audience and millions more watching from afar.

2008: The Democratic National Convention which Ayelet Waldman, a law school classmate and supporter of Barak Obama attended as a delegate came to an end.

2009(8th of Elul, 5769: Thirty-eight year old DJ AM (Adam Michael Goldstein was found dead in his apartment today.

2009: Premiere of “Taking Woodstock,” a comedy co-starring Henry Goodman, Liev Schreiber, Eugene Levy and Emile Hirsch.

2009: At Temple Judah Friday night services are a ‘family affair in the best sense of the word. Dr. Bob and Laurie Silber, pillars of the Jewish community, lead the Tefillah, while their daughter Abby leads the singing bringing her own special brand of musical excitement and joy to the celebration of Shabbat.

2010: The Gilead Barkin Trio is scheduled to perform at the Indium Jazz Club in New York City.

2010: Palestinian Authority Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat rejected Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's calls for fortnightly face-to-face meetings with PA President Mahmoud Abbas during upcoming peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, Israel Radio reported today, citing an interview Erekat conducted with the BBC in Arabic. In the interview, Erekat added that it is too soon to establish who exactly will meet for negotiations, how often they will do so, and where the meetings will take place.

2011: Kol Shira is scheduled to perform at the Agudas Achim end of summer picnic in Iowa City.

2011:The British Jewish community is marking Gilad Schalit’s 25th birthday today by launching a new awareness campaign and calling on the government and Red Cross to press for his release.

2011: Israeli jazz clarinetist, saxophonist and bandleader Anat Cohen is scheduled to perform at the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival in New York City.

2011(28thof Av, 5771):David Reichenberg, a 50-year-old Orthodox Jewish father of four from Spring Valley, N.Y. died saving a father and his 6-year-old son from a downed power line when Reichenberg came into contact with the live wire and was electrocuted.” (As reported by JTA)

2011: The body of eighty-two year old Rozalia Gluck, one of two Jews reported to have died during Hurricane Irene was recovered this evening. (As reported by JTA)

2011(28thof Av, 5771): Eighty-one year old CBS culture critic Leonard Harris passed away today.  (As reported by Daniel Slotnik)

 2012: “Two of the Upper West Side of Manhattan’s most renowned Cantors – Rebecca Garfein, Senior Cantor of Congregation Rodeph Sholom, and Dan Singer, Cantor at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue – are scheduled to perform at the Enrico Caruso Room at Grotta Azzurra Ristorante in Little Italy” this evening.

2012: Magillah, Montreal’s Yiddish/Klezmer Band directed by Henri Oppenheim is scheduled to perform at the Montreal Jewish Music Festival.

2012: Congregation Shir Hadash is scheduled to offer “Taste of Judaism,” an interactive class designed to provide an introduction to Jewish perspectives on ethics and values, study, community, holidays, and spirituality

2012: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host a tour of the special exhibition To Bigotry No Sanction: George Washington & Religious Freedom at the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia 

2012(10thof Elul, 5772): Sixty-seven year old Shulamith Fireston, author of The Dialectic of Sex passed away today (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012(10thof Elul, 5772): Eighty year old Eva Figes, a leading feminist, author and refugee from the Holocaust passed away today. (As reported by Leslie Kaufman)

2012:Police indicted the nine suspects connected with the near-deadly beating of an Arab teenager two weeks ago in downtown Jerusalem today in the Jerusalem District Court. The suspects were indicted on charges of assault and battery, racial incitement and inciting violence.

2012:An Israeli judge ruled today that the state bore no responsibility for the death of Rachel Corrie, the young American woman who was run over by a military bulldozer in 2003 as she protested the demolition of Palestinian homes in the Gaza Strip.

2012:Two rockets and a mortar were fired from Gaza into the Eshkol Region in the Western Negev this evening.

2013: Tel Aviv Woodwind Quintet - Roi Amotz , Danny Erdman, Yigal Kaminka , Nadav Cohen , Itamar Leshem – is scheduled to perform Kleine Kammermusik, op. 24/2 by Hindemith in Jerusalem.

2013: Stúdió11 Band is scheduled to perform “Evergreen – selection from Barbra Streisand’s songs” at the Dohany Street Synagogue in Budapest

2013(22ndof Elul): Yarhrzeit Joseph B. Levin, husband of Deborah Levin z”tzl, father of Judy z”tzl, Mitchell and David without whom literally, this blog would never exist.

2013(22ndof Elul, 5773): Ninety-one year old Murray Gershenz who ran a used record store in Los Angeles for fifty years passed away today. (As reported by William Yardley)

2013: “The Security Cabinet approved a limited call-up of reserve soldiers as preparations for a possible US strike on Syria and retaliation against Israel intensified this afternoon.The call-up, already under way today, was mainly for personnel from Home Front Command and the IAF’s Active Defense wing, charged with defending the country from rocket-fire and aerial incursions.” (As reported by Gavriel Fiske and Mitch Ginsburg)

2013: “Thousands of Israelis failed in their attempts to obtain gas masks today as growing numbers of citizens flooded post offices and IDF Home Front Command distribution centers ahead of an expected US strike on Syria.” (As reported by Haviv Gettig Gur)

2013:Ethiopian-Israelis are planning a protest outside of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s office at the same time that a plane representing the official end of Ethiopian aliya is scheduled to land at Ben-Gurion Airport today. (As reported by Sam Sokol)

2014: Roey Gilad, the Consul General of the State of Israel is scheduled to speak at the ceremonies marking the 70thanniversary of the liquidation of the Lodz Ghetto and Hazan Alberto Mizrahi of Anshe Emet Congregation is scheduled to provide the cantorial music for the event at Chicago’s Union Club.
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