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This Day, December 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


December 25

0337(14th of Tevet, 4098): Earliest possible date on which Christmas was reported to have been celebrated on December 25th. 

496: Baptism of Clovis I, the Frankish ruler who united all the tribes of Gaul (France) under one ruler. His adoption of Catholicism had little no impact on his Jewish subjects who mingled freely with their Christian and pagan brethren until King Dagobert tried to expel them in the 7th century.

800: Coronation of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor, in Rome.  Charlemagne supported most of the policies and edicts Pope Gregory the Great and Pope Stephen IV.  However, he ignored their edicts concerning Jews.  For the most part, Jews were allowed to participate in the economic and social life of the Empire within the limits of Medieval Society.  The Jews of Narbonne (France) supported Charlemagne’s father Pepin in his war with the Moslems and Charlemagne remembered this. Unfortunately, Charlemagne’s policies toward the Jews died with him in 814.

1000: At the start of the 11th century, Hungary was established as a Christian kingdom by Stephen I of Hungary.  In this case, Christian means Roman Catholic.  Religious belief aside, Stephen used Catholicism as an instrument of national unification as he established his rule over pagans and those of his subjects who sought support from the Byzantine (Eastern Orthodox) Empire.  Based on archeological evidence Jews had probably been living in what was now Hungary since the third century.  The first written mention of Jews living in Hungary is found in a letter from the end of 10th century written by the famous Sephard, Hasdai ibn Shaprut. There were enough Jews living in Hungary by the end of the 11th century that at the council of Szabolcs, the Church prohibited marriages between Jews and Christians, work on Christian festivals, and the purchase of slaves. At the same time, the Hungarian King Kolman took measures to protect Hungarian Jews from Crusaders passing through the kingdom.

1066: Coronation of William the Conqueror as king of England.  There is no record of a Jewish community in England before Norman conquests.  A group of Jews arrived from Rouen (France) in London at the start of William’s reign.  There is no record as to why William allowed this and his immediate successors followed policies that were inimical to Jewish interests.

1100: Baldwin of Boulogne is crowned as the first King of Jerusalem in the Church of the Nativity.  This is one of those events loaded with subtle irony.  This coronation was the culmination of the First Crusade, during which the Christian warriors drove the Jews from the City of David. In other words, if Jesus had been alive for Baldwin’s coronation, he wouldn’t have been able to attend the event.   Please note, Baldwin and his successors were not laying claim to the throne of King David

1137: Birthdate of Saladin, the Moslem leader who drove the Crusaders out of Jerusalem and whose family physician was reported to be Maimonides. (As reported by Austin Cline)

1194: In Palermo, coronation of Henry VI as King of Sicily, during whose reign anti-Semitic riots took place all along the Rhine but not in southern Italy.

1312: Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Judenburg and Furstenfeld, Austria

1369: King Frederick III of Sicily issued a decree requiring all Jews to wear a special identification badge.

1406: In Toledo 25 year old Henry III, the King of Castile and Leon who employed a Moses Zaral, a converso as a physician passed, away today.

1406: John II, whose birth was commemorated by poem written by Moses Zaral his father’s physician, began his reign as King of Castile and Leon today.

1480: Miguel de Morillo and Juan de San Martin, both Dominican friars arrived in Seville. Seville’s population included a significant number of New Christians, who enjoyed the comparative quite of the city.  That ended with the arrival of the friars who brought the Inquisition with them.

1564: Birthdate of Johannes Buxtorf “a celebrated Hebraist, the Professor of Hebrew for 39 years at Basel, known by the title “Master of Rabbis” and author of Synagoga Judaica which docments “the customs and society of German Jewry.”

1565: “Pius IV who issued a bull that improved the conditions of the Jews began his papacy today. The allowed them to stop wearing their yellow cap, buy land up to the value of 1,500 ducats and to trade in things other than old clothes. While they could speak with Christians, they could not have Christian servants. He also allowed the Jews to publish the Talmud as long as they did not use that word in the publication.

1559: Today, Giovanni Angelo Medici was elected Pius IV, the Pope “who relaxed a variety of restrictions on Jewish life that had been imposed by his predecessor, Paul IV, but were restored by Pius V.

1599: Portuguese settlers establish the village of Natal in Brazil.  At this time, the only Jews living in Brazil were New Christians or Conversos.  Dutch forces would occupy Natal from1633 to 1654, a period during which Jewish communities flourished under the religious toleration brought from Holland.  

1659: Thomas Violet, a London goldsmith appealed to the Judges asking they overturn the dispensation the late Oliver Cromwell had given the Jews to build a “Portuguese synagogue” that had “opened in 1656.”

1753(29thof Kislev, 5514): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1777(28thof Kislev, 5538): As the remnants of Washington’s Army shiver at Valley Forge, observance of Chanukah

1777: Isaac and Esther Baze gave birth to Abraham Montel the husband of Naumy Vidal-Naquet.

1790: In London, “The Times described” John “King, with heavy-handed sarcasm, as “without any matter of doubt one of the most respectable characters in this country, and until the later attack on him, the breath of infamy never blew on his reputation. In all his dealings with mankind he has been the strict, upright, honest man. He never took advantage of the distresses of a fellow creature, in order to rob him of his property – he never extracted exorbitant interest for discounting a bill – he was justly paid every debt he contracted to the uttermost farthing; and in a domestic line of life has proved himself a fond – faithful – loving husband – a tender affectionate and praiseworthy parent, and a feeling steady and sincere friend. Chaste in all his actions – virtuous in every sentiment – and unsullied in his reputation as a Man, a Money Lender, a Jew, and a Christian.”   (Editor’s Note:  John King was born Jacob Rey who was the son of Moses Rey and was called by “Jew King” even though he was never considered to be a leader of the Anglo-Jewish Community.  For more see “The Chequered Career of ‘Jew’ King: a Study in Anglo-Jewish Social History” by Todd M. Endelman.)

1791(29thof Kislev, 5552): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1796(25thof Kislev, 5557): Chanukah is celebrated for the last time during the Presidency of George Washington.

1799: Simon Waley married Elizabeth Raphael at the Great Synagogue today.

1805(4thof Tevet, 5566): Isaac Satanow, the Polish native who settled in Berlin where he developed his intellectual and writing skills under Daniel Itzig and David Friedlander passed away today.

1808: In the seemingly never ending intrigue swirling around the German prince and his Jewish financier, sixteen year old Jacob Rothschild, son of A.M. Rothschild arrived in Prague with a chest full of papers belonging to Wilhelm, the exiled Landgrave.

1816: Joseph Crool married Rosetta Mosley at the Great Synagogue today.

1822: Isaac Bennett (Isaac ben Yom Tov), the native of Middlesex was circumcised today.

1824(1stof Tevet, 5582): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1824(1stof Tevet, 5582): Eighty year old Sir Sampson Gideon, 1st Baron of Eardly whose father had been denied his rightful honors because he was a practicing Jew, passed away today.

1825: Birthdate of Jindřich Opper, the native of Blovice, Bohemia who gained fame a French journalist Henri Blowitz who predicted the French defeat during the Franco-Prussian War, turned a diplomatic post with the government of the Third Republic and scored a journalist coup when “he obtained a copy of the Treaty of Berlin” and published it ahead of his competitors.

1831: Birthdate of Salomon Lefmann the native of Westphalia who became a leading Jewish philologist.

1831: Birthdate of Warsaw native Christian David Ginsburg the convert to Christianity who settled in the United Kingdom where he became a leading Hebrew and Bible scholar.

1834(23rd of Kislev, 5595):Eighty-four year old David Friedländer, a German Jewish banker, writer and communal leader passed away.

1836: In Schleswig-Holstein, Salomon M. Salomon and Caroline Salomon gave birth to Edward S. Salomon, the Chicago lawyer who married Sophie Greenhut who was an officer in the 24thIllinois Infantry during the Civil War rising to the rank of Brigadier General, appointed Governor of Washington Territory by President Grant before becoming the District Attorney in San Francisco.

1839(23rdof Kislev, 5595): Fifty-four year old Meyer Israel Bresselau “a founding member and chairman of the Hamburg Temple” passed away today.

1839: Solomon Joseph married Priscilla Samuel at Strand, London today.

1839(23rdof Kislev, 5595): David Caro a devotee of Me’assefim who “under the pseudonym "Amittai ben Abida Achitzedeq" he defended the Hamburg Reform Temple in Berit Emit (Covenant of Truth)” passed away today.

1849: In London, Marks Kolsky, a tailor and his wife gave birth Morris Kolsky who gained fame as cinematographer Richard Fryer.

1849: In Minsk, Hodie Goldberg and Isaac Schaikewitz gave birth to Nahum Mayer Schaikewitz, the editor and publisher of The Jewish Puck who also wrote fifty plays in Yiddish some of which were performed in Odessa and 205 novels in The Convict, Last Jewish Kingand A Spark of Judaism.

1853(24th of Kislev, 5614): In the evening, kindle the first light of Chanukah

1856: Evidence continued to be presented today in The Huntington Trial a case being heard before  Judge Capron which had recessed on the previous Saturday “because one of the jurors was a Jew and had conscientious scruples about working on his Sabbath…” despite the fact that the case has to be completed by December 31. The eleven Christian jurors did not request a postponement because today is Christmas.

1860: “Suicide of A Patient At The Jew’s Hospital” published today reported that “Elias Kemp, an old man, who, for nearly a year past, has been an inmate of the Jews' Hospital, No. 140 West Twenty-eighth-street, under treatment for spinal disease, died today in consequence of a razor-wound in his throat, which he had inflicted last Sunday with the object of taking his life. The fact that his disease had recently assumed unfavorable symptoms, and the physician had pronounced him incurable, led him to commit the act. Coroner O'Keefe held an inquest upon the body. Deceased was a native of Poland.

1861: In Krementshug, Poltava, Russia, Samuel David Spivakovsky and Deborah Adel Dorfman gave birth to Hayem David Spivakovsky, who as Charles D. Spivak earned an M.D. from Jefferson Medical College, married Jennie (Gittel) Charsky following which he taught at several medical schools while teaching at the Hebrews Education Society in Philadelphia and founding the Jewish Alliance of America in Philadelphia.

1863:Birthdate of Regina Margareten who came to the U.S. as a young bride in 1883 and with her husband and her parents, helped to open a grocery store on New York's Lower East Side. The first year in New York, the family members baked Passover matzo for themselves. The second year, they made enough to sell in the store, and the matzo business soon became the family's sole occupation. After Regina's husband died in 1923, she was formally named treasurer of Horowitz Brothers & Margareten Company and became one of the company's directors. She held these positions for the rest of her life. Margareten also acted as the company's quality control department, tasting every batch of matzo. By 1932, Horowitz Brothers & Margareten Company was using 45 thousand barrels of flour and grossing over one million dollars per year.In addition to her work at the business, Margareten was the matriarch of an extended family of over 400 members. Her obituary, which described her as the "matriarch of the kosher food industry," also reported that she was a member of over 100 charitable organizations. Throughout her life, she played an important role in the family business, working in her office daily until two weeks before her death in 1959 at age 96

1863: Philadelphian Jacob Mayer, who rose to the rank of Sergeant by the end of the Civil War, began his service today with Company F of the 82ndRegiment.

1864(26thof Kislev, 5625): Second Day of Chanukah

1864: James William Wallack, Sr., the London born son of a “Jewish father” who gained fame in the American theatre passed away today in NYC

1864: Warsaw native Rabbi Falk Vidaver and Anna Vidaver gave birth Nathaniel “Nathan” Vidaver in Boston today.

1865: Corporal Moses Jacoby, who had enlisted in 1861 completed his service with Company E of the 47th Regiment in the Union Army.

1866: Birthdate ofAvraham Mordechai Alter also known as the Imrei Emes after the works he authored. He was the third Rebbe of the Hasidic dynasty of Ger, a position he held from 1905 until his death in 1948. He was one of the founders of the Agudas Israel in Poland and was influential in establishing a network of Jewish schools there. It is claimed that at one stage he led over 200,000 Hasidim.

1867: Birthdate of Alfred Kempner, the native of Breslau who, as Alfred Kerr, became an influential theatre critic.

1869: In Chicago, Moses Maness Ritterband and Esther Amanda Ritterband gave birth to Benvenida Solis Rittberand who became Benvenida Solis Firth when she married Emil Firth.

1870(1st of Tevet, 5631): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1872(25thof Kislev, 5633): As President Grant basks in the glow of his recent re-election, the Jews observe Chanukah.

1875(27thof Kislev, 5636): Parshat Miketz; third day of Chanukah

1876: In Krakai, Lithuania, Nechemiah and Judith Schlesinger gave birth to Benjamin Schlesinger who served as the editor of the Daily Forward and President of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union.

1878: Birthdate of Lithuanian native and Johns Hopkins trained Egyptologist Dr. Aaron Ember who chaired the department at his alma mater and was credited “with having discovered phonetic laws which demonstrate that Tut-ankah-Amen’s people and the Israelites spoke languages of common origin.”

1878: Birthdate of Joseph Michael Schenck, the native of Russia who came to the United State in 1893 where he became a major figure in the American motion picture industry

1879: It was reported today that a group of Rabbis and prominent laymen have formed an association to promote a stricter observance of the Sabbath, which for the Jews falls on Saturday.  It is predicted that the association will not find much success among the eighty to ninety thousand Jews living in New York since strict observance of the Sabbath would cost them two day’s worth of business since they would still be bound by the general populace’s Sunday observance.  Failure because of business considerations is not unique to Jews since attempts to have Christians return to the observance of the Sabbath in the spirit of the Puritans failed for this very reason.

1880: The Young Men’s Hebrew Union will be held this evening at 607 Fulton Street.

1880: It was reported today that “many Jews residing in Berlin” are “avoiding appearing in public…and many Jewish families are preparing to emigrate to Belgium, France and England.

1881: At today’s “annual meeting of the patrons and members of Mount Sinai Hospital”  “ the following officers were re-elected: President – Hyman Blum; Vice President – Isaac Wallach; Treasurer- S.M. Schafer.”

1881: Anti-Jewish riots began in Poland. In Warsaw twelve Jews were killed, many others were wounded and some women were raped. Two million rubles worth of property was destroyed.

1881: It was reported today by a recent visitor to North Africa that 25,000 Jews dominate the coastal trade in Tunisia and Algeria. 

1881:Birthdate of Field Marshal Sir John Greer Dill who was knighted in 1937 following his year of service as the General Officer Commanding British Forces in Palestine.

1882: “Jewish Antiquities” published today reviews  Henrietta Lee Palmer’s Home Life In The Bible“which provides extensive information respecting the domestic life of the ancient Jews, the construction of their dwellings, their furniture, dress and ornaments” and much, much more.

1882: “Doing Good” published today decried the attempts of Salmi Morse, a Jewish theatrical producer, to produce The Passion Play.  According to the article only Jew bent on making money would seek to produce a playing that insults “the decent part of the community” and blasphemes “all that Christians hold sacred.

1883: Birthdate of Samuel Hugo Bergmann, the Austro-Hungarian native who was a “schoolmate of Franz Kafka” and who made Aliyah in 1920 after which he founded the Brit Shalom movement with Martin Buber.

1884: Birthdate of Nathaniel Phillips, the native of Kalwaria, Poland who came to the United States in 1885 and after graduating from CCNY worked as a lawyer and civic leader who served on the Mayor’s Commission on Americanization and the National League for American Citizenship.

1884(7thof Tevet, 5645): Eighty-three year old Salomon Herxheimer the chief rabbi of Anhalt-Bernberg and the husband of Lea Susskind passed away today.

1884: It was reported today that while the Russian government battles against Nihilism which “is more dangerous than ever, the persecution of the Jews is as fierce as it was a few years ago when the European press boiled with indignation at the anti-Semitic outrages which disgraced Russia.”  (In terms of cause and effect, this is an example of the cause whose effect could be seen in the teeming masses of the Lower East Side)

1885: Alois Feigelstock , a Jewish businessman who took his life in a fit of temporary insanity brought on by his grief over the death of his daughter will be buried in Cyprus Hills Cemetery.

1885: It was reported today that the recently completed census in Germany contained some “curious facts” in its responses as can be seen by one where the head of the family described himself as a Jew, described his wife as a Catholic and described his children as being “brought up in the evangelical faith.”  (And you thought the American Jewish community in the 21st century had strange familial arrangements)

1886: Birthdate of Franz Rosenzweig.  Born in Germany, Rosenzweig was “an existential philosopher.”  According to one description of The Star of Redemption, his seminal philosophic work Rosenzweig “sees the world as consisting of three elements – man, the universe and God, which enter a relationship through revealing themselves to one another.  The three points form a triangle, which intersect with a second triangle of creation, revelation and redemption.  Their relations become historical forces” which in one case is Judaism – hence the star.  Revelation, which is a continuing process of good, leads to redemption.  Man helps to bring the universe to redemption by converting his love for God into his love for his fellow man.  Rosenzweig pioneered the construction of a Jewish-Christian relation without polemic, which became the basis for postwar interfaith dialogue.”  In his personal life, Rosenzweig fought crippling paralysis with the assistance of his wife.  He passed away in 1929.  According to a poll conducted by Commentary Magazine in 1965, Rosenzweig was “the most influential modern Jewish thinker.”  Quotes from Rosenzwewig: “Jewish prayer means praying in Hebrew.” (This from a man who translated the entire Bible into German)  “We owe our survival to a book – the only book of antiquity that is still in living use as a scroll.”  “Asked, ‘What does Judaism think about Jesus?” he answered ‘It doesn’t.’” 

1887(10thof Tevet, 5648): Asara B’Tevet

1887: At Temple Beth-El in New York City, Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler delivered a lecture entitled “Charity – Religious not Sectarian.”

1887: President Hyman Blum presided over Mount Sinai Hospital’s annual meeting which held at the medical facility on the corner of Lexington and 65thStreet.

1887: It was reported today that a trial is being held behind “closed doors” in St. Petersburg where 8 Nihilists are facing charges that they tried to murder the Czar during his recent visit to the Don Cossack Country. The group’s leader has been identified as a Jew named Boris Orshis.

1887: Based on information that first appeared in the Toronto Globe, it was reported today that an Orthodox Jew living in Canada has warned his English co-religionists against worshipping Reform which he described as “Organ; pews; Christian choir; hats off; microscopic Prayer Book; abolition of the use of Hebrew; pork and oysters; Chanukah Christmas; intermarriage; the Sunday Sabbath; no God; no Judaism.”

1888: In Vienna, 44 year old Dr. Arnold Heinrich Bodek (Aaron Chaim) married Malwine Malva Bodek.

1888: In Panimunik which was in the Lithuanian part of the Russian Empire Julius and Fanny Opesken gave birth to Sara Opesken who gained famed Oscar winning American screenwriter Sonya Levien.

1889(2ndof Tevet. 5650): Eighth day of Chanukah

1889: The Hebrew Free School Association held its annual meeting today at the headquarters of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association on Lexington Avenue and 58thStreet.

1889: Birthdate of Naftule Schüldkrau, the New York born musical child prodigy known as Nat Shilkret whose musical family included pianist Lew Shilkret, Jack Shilkret, Harry Shilkret who financed his medical school education by playing the Trumpet and Nathaniel Finston, his violinist brother-in-law.

1889(2ndof Tevet, 5650): Eighty-nine year old Valentine Koon, the native of Stuttgart who came to the United States in 1842 where he found success in manufacturing shoes during the Civil War and in New York real estate, passed away today. In October, 1843, Koon and 11 other Jews founded the Order of the B’nai B’rith.

1890: Birthdate of Kiev native and Russian trained psychiatrist Dr. Gregory Zilboorg, the participant in the Russian Revolution and Minister of Labor in the government of Alexander Kerensky who was forced to leave Russia for the United States after the Bolsheviks came to power which led to a career as a clinician, lecturer and author in his chosen field.

1891(24thof Kislev, 5652): In the evening, kindle the first light of Chanukah

1892: Samuel Marks, the friend and landlord for Hermann Stern, the German Jewish bank clerk could supply no reason for his suicide unless it was done “in a sudden fit of insanity” since he had no known financial problems or “love affair.”

1893: “Trouble Over Master Workmen” published today described the Knights of Labor losing three locals of clothing cutters and trimmers with a total membership of 2,400 to the American Federation of Labor.  Most of these workers were Jewish and Daniel de Leon, a Jewish socialist had failed to keep them from leaving the Knights for the AF of L headed by Samuel Gompers.

1893 “Caprivi Scores the Anti-Semites” published today relying upon information from the London Daily News described Chancellor Leo Von Caprivi’s  response to the remarks by Herr Zimmerman, the anti-Semitic leader in which he denounced “the agitation against the Jews” and warned that anti-Semites attack on “Jewish capital” would lead to an “attack on capital in general. The repeated attempts by the anti-Semites to interrupt his speech, “were the best proof of that he was hitting the nail squarely on the hand.

1893: German anti-Semitism was described to as the persecution of “everybody whose father or mother or any ancestor was Jewish.  This new anti-Semitism united racial anti-Semitism with religious anti-Semitism.

1894(27thof Kislev, 5655): Third Day of Chanukah

1894: As part of a Chanukah celebration, 700 Jewish children who are “recent immigrants from Russia and Romani” and “who are pupils at the Baron de Hirsch Schools saluted the flag” today “with an ardor that awakened the patriotic feelings of the men and women who had assembled to witness the ceremony at the Hebrew Institute.”

1894: The annual meeting of the Hebrew Free School Association was held this morning in the schoolrooms of the Temple Emanuel at Fifth Avenue and Forty-Third Street. Julia Richman was chosen to serve as a member of the board of directors for the upcoming year. During the meeting Ms Richman presented the report of the Discipline Committee.  It showed that 3,283 children between the ages of eight and fourteen years were enrolled as of November 30.  Children are required to attend public schools as a condition to participating in the afternoon classes devoted to religious subjects and instruction in Hebrew.  The Association offers a total of sixty one classes.

1894: According to reports published today, the German Embassy in Paris “has issued a note denying that anybody connected with it had direct or indirect relations with Captain Dreyfus” which is seen as “the German government’s answer to the sentencing of Dreyfus for the alleged betrayal of French plans to the embassy in Paris and to the violent attacks made upon the embassy by the Paris press. (Editor’s note – What Jews sometimes lose sight of is that part of the Dreyfus affair was born of the deep animus the French had for the Germans following the humiliating defeat in the Franco-Prussian War and the loss of Alsace and Lorraine.)

1894: Birthdate of Yetta Zwerling, the sister of Bessie and Mamie Zwerling who sang together in the Yiddish theatre before she became a film start.

1895: Birthdate of Abraham "Abe" Landau the chief henchman for New York gangster Dutch Schultz. Landau was Schultz's most trusted employee, often given tasks that required coolness and cunning rather than gunfire and brutality. According to some sources, “It is very likely that he never actually killed anyone during his gang years.” 

1895: The national convention of the Hebrew Anarchists began today “on the top floor of the American Star Hotel” on 165 East Broadway in New York. 

1895: On this date, Herzl wrote in his diary “I was just lighting the Christmas tree for my children when Rabbi MoritzGüdemann arrived. He seemed upset by the "Christian" custom. Well, I will not let myself be pressured! But I don't mind if they call it the Chanukah tree - or the winter solstice.” Guidemann was the Chief Rabbi in Vienna who believed in Jewish nationalism but considered the Jewish religion as an integral part of Jewish identity. As far back as 1871, however, he had strongly protested against the proposal of the Jewish community of Vienna to strike from the prayer-book all passages referring to the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and had even gone so far as to threaten to resign from the board of trustees if his protest should remain unheeded. But in 1897, when Herzl’s Zionist movement was in its infancy, he wrote against the tendencies of Zionism to lay more stress on the national than on the religious character of Judaism, for which he was severely attacked by the friends of the Zionist movement. When you consider the complexity of his views, you can understand his consternation at seeing Herzl lighting a Christmas tree.

1896: In New York, Hyman and Sarah Becker gave birth to Belle Becker who gained fame as “Jewish torch singer Belle Baker.

1897(30thof Kislev, 5658): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; 6th day of Chanukah; Parashat Miketz is chanted for the first time during the Presidency of William McKinley.

1898: Herzl publishes his article "Französische Zustände" - "French States of Affairs" about the Dreyfus Affair.

1898: Birthdate of Russian native Abraham Barshofsky who changed his name to John Barsha while in high school and went on to become an all-star football player at the University of Syracuse before pursuing a legal education which financed by money he earned playing “professional with the Syracuse All-Stars.”

1898: Birthdate of Lena Goldman, the wife of  David Wilentz, the Attorney General of New Jersey who prosecuted Bruno Hauptmann and the mother of Robert Wilentz, the Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court from 1979 to 1996 and Norma Hess, the “wife of Leon Hess, founder of Hess Corporation.”

1899: Birthdate of Morris “Moe” Barney Dalitz, Bostoh born Nevada casino owner who “was often refrred to as ‘Mr. Las Vegas.’”

1899: Birthdate of Russian born American painter Moses Soyer.

1900: Birthdate of Martin Konigsberg, the husband of Nettie Konigsberg who was a bookkeeper at her family’s delicatessen and the father of Allan Stewart Konigsberg who gained fame as Woody Allen.

1901: Birthdate Samuel H. “Sam” Pite the Yale basketball player who overcame the coach’s anti-Semitism to be a star forward from 1922 – 1924.

1902(25th of Kislev, 5663): Chanukah

1903(6th of Tevet, 5664): Sixty-year old Julius Rosenheim, the son of Joseph and Nanny Rosenheim and the husband of Ida Rosenheim passed away today in Bavaria.

1905(27th of Kislev, 5666): Third Day of Chanukah

1905: It was reported today that in Philadelphia, the police did not interfered with a meeting being held “to protest against the massacres of Jews in Russia” despite a complaint that had been lodged that at least one of the speakers denounced President Roosevelt.

1905: It was reported today that Professor Israel Friedlander said that the Russian Massacres were another argument in favor Zionism and cited the need for a Jewish Palestine as last refuge for the Jews in a time of persecution especially now when “the Christian world is preaching the Gospel of peace and good-will to man but the Christian world knows neither peace nor good-will in dealing with Jews.”

1906: In Tokmak, Taurida Governorate, Russian Empire to Isaak and Olga Winogradsky gave birth to Lev (Louis) Winogradsky who gained fame as Lew Grade the performer, turned talent agent, turned television and movie mogul who created Baron Grade in 1976.

1906: Birthdate of Clark M Clifford.  Clifford is best known as the ultimate Washington lobbyist and Mr. Fix-it and as the US Secretary of Defense who changed Lyndon Johnson’s Vietnam War policy.  But Clifford said that his proudest moment was the role he played in the United States recognition of Israel.  In 1948, Clifford was a White House aide to Harry Truman.  He supported Truman in this decision despite the advice from the “striped pants boys” at the State Department that this was not a wise thing to do.

1907: Birthdate of Sheindel Reznick, the wife of Hyman Reznick and mother of Naomi Blumberg.

1910: In Canada, Sarah and Moishe Grossman gave birth to their seventh child Allan Grossman who served in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Canada for 20 years.

1910: Birthdate “Sam” Rotenberg, a member of the Portland Chapter of AZA and University of Oregon halfback.

1913: In San Francisco, CA, Hattie and Edward Morris gave birth to Alvin Morris, the grandson of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe who gained fame as Tony Martin who was successful as a singer and film start.

1913: In New York, D. Samuel Gottesman, “a pulp and paper magnate and financier who helped the Central National Bank in New York and the former Jean Herskovits gave birth to Celeste Ruth Gottesman who married Armand Phillip Bartos and gained fame as philanthropist and patron of the arts Celeste Bartos. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1913: Otto Philip and Matilda (Davidson) Caplin gave birth to Elliot Caplin, the creator of the comic strip “The Heart of Juliet Jones” and the younger brother of Al Capp, creator of “Li’l Abner.”

1914: Messrs. Brooks, Rotan, Jenkins, Williamson, Rowe and Nash of Waco, TX sent a letter to the New York Times containing a copy of a petition signed by approximately three hundred gentile citizens sent to the Governor of Georgia listing the reasons why he should commute Leo Frank’s death sentence and pardon him “if he is innocent.”

1914: Birthdate of New York City native Oscar Lefkowitz, a rabbi’s son, who gained fame as award winning anthropologist Oscar Lewis.

1914: “Asks Aid For Jews” published today described the desperate plight of the Jewish refugees arriving in Alexandria from Jaffa and plans to ask Ambassador Morgenthau to forward some of the funds sent to him by American Jews from Constantinople to Egypt.

1914: “Asks Report About Jaffa” published today described U.S. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan doubts about the credibility of reports of “the ill-treatment of Jews in Jaffa.”  (Editor’s note: Were Bryan’s doubts based on the caution of a diplomat worried about war time propaganda or were they based on the anti-Semitic views and behavior he had demonstrated earlier in his career?)

1915(18th of Tevet, 5676): Due to a quirk of the calendar Jews and Christians are both celebrating today since Shabbat and Christmas coincide.

1915: “Alluding with gratification to Bishop Greer’s recent utterance at Carnegie Hall that the Church and civilization owed a debt to the Jew, Rabbi Ephraim Frisch of the New Synagogue on West 86th Street spoke to his congregation on “The Debt the World Owes to Christianity.”

1915: Birthdate of Alfred M. Lilienthal “an American Jew, who was a prominent critic of Zionism and the state of Israel.”

1915: “The Women of the Hour Committee of the American Jewish Relief Committee which is raising $5,000,000 for the Jewish sufferers from the war was formally organized” today.

1915: Among those listed today as contributors to the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering Through the war are $75 from the Ladies Aid of Devils Lake, ND; $69 from Muscatine, Iowa; $47 from B’rith Shalom of Philipsburg, PA; and $26 from Fort Smith, AR.

1915: In St. Louis, MO, the Jewish Chautauqua Society met for a second day.

1915: More than 3000 people attend the opening session tonight of “the second annual conference of Young Judeans, an organization formed to foster Zionism” in the United States which was held “in the auditorium of the Young Women’s Hebrew Session.”

1916(30th of Kislev, 5677): Rosh Chodesh Tevet, Sixth Day of Chanukah

1916: In New Orleans, the Jewish Chautauqua Society led by Chancellor Berkowitz of Philadelphia met for a fourth day today in New Orleans.

1916: In New York, premier of “Joan the Woman” a silent film about the famous French saint produced by Jesse Lasky.

1916: Birthdate of Allen Adler, the son of Yiddish theatre manager Adolph J. Adler, the grandson of Yiddish theatre great Jacob Adler and Sonya Adler and the nephew of Luther and Stella Adler. A veteran of World War II, Adler co-authored the 1956 film “Forbidden Planet” and in 1957 “Mach One,” his science-fiction novel was published. Adler fell victim to the infamous Red Scare and was blacklisted.  He passed away in January of 1964.

1916: “A Life for a Life” which is interpreted to mean “that prosperous, protected lives in America shall save pauperized persecuted lives in Europe and Asia” was adopted today as the slogan for the Women’s Proclamation Committee’s campaign to assist in raising ten million dollars for the relief of Jews suffering from the war by the end of 1917.

1917(10thof Tevet, 5678) Asara B’Tevet

1917: Mass celebration took place in Washington D.C. marking the British taking Jerusalem from the Turks during World War I in which it was noted that Jewish units of the British Army took part in the fighting. 

1917: At the Belasco Rabbi Abram Simon was among the clergymen who addressed an interfaith meeting celebrating the British capture of Jerusalem and he to the throng “that the basis of civilization was to be found in the worship of one God and that upon that basis, Jew, Gentile and Moslem might stand together.”

1917:The observance of Christmas Mass by British forces in Jerusalem and Bethlehem is punctuated by “desultory Turkish artillery fired from the north and the east.”

1918: Hyman Gerson Enelow, who had been in France since July representing the Overseas Commission of the Jewish Welfare Board wrote today that it would not be necessary for him to take charge of the newly created center established by the Jewish War Board, “since more workers” are coming to Europe making it unnecessary to fill the post and freeing him for other tasks.

1919: “According to an announcement made” today “by the Joint Distribution Committee for the American Funds for Jewish War Sufferers” “more than one million dollars has been appropriated for Jewish relief work in Europe and Asia.”

1920(14thof Tevet, 5681): Parashat Vayechi chanted for the last time during the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson

1921: Rose Finkelstein married Hyman Norwood in a “wedding gown… made in the Boston WTUL’s dress shop. Rose Finkelstein Norwood was a leading labor organizer who among other things was President of the Boston Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL)

1921: In Szczercow, Poland, Samuel and Kreindel (Piotrkowska) Brajtbart gave birth to Moryc Brajtbart (later Morris Breitbart) the brother of Rosa and Bronia Brajtbart. He would survive the Holocuast, become a dentist and immigrate to the United States in December, 1949

1921: In an interview with the New York Times, Henry Ford said that in 1915 he abandoned “This Peace Ship” his attempt to end WW I because “he learned that the Jews were behind the war and would continue the war as long as it was profitable.”

1921: Sixty-five year old Vladimir Korolenko, “one of the few Russian writers who create apositive Jewish images in his work,”  “condemned the Kishinev pogrom” and wrote articles in defense of Menachem Mendel Bellis passed away today.

1921: As of today 25 year old Harry Moss who had joined Moss Bros. in 1909 and was the nephew of Alfred Moss, was serving as the director of the company which he would one day lead.

1921: “The Little Minister” the movie version of the novel, produced by Adolph Zukor and Jesse Lasky was released today in the United States.

1921: “Rose Finkelstein married Hyman Norwood, the love of her life, in a wedding gown made in the dress shop of the Boston Women’s Trade Union League.” (Jewish Women’s Archives)

1924:  Birthdate of Rod Serling, creator of the Twilight Zone.  Born Jewish, Serling converted for the sake of domestic tranquility

1925: “The help of Irish American in establishing the Irish Free State and the aid of American Jews in establishing a Jewish national homeland in Palestine were likened to each other today by Miss Sulasmith Schwartz at the opening session of the annual convention of Junior Hadassah” in Washington, DC which is being attended by approximately “1,000 delegates and guests from more than forty states.”

1925: Birthdate of Geula Cohen, the Tel Aviv native who belonged to Irgun and Lehi and who was elected to the Knesset for the first time in 1973.

1925: Birthdate of Yaffa Abramaov, the Tel Aviv native who gained famed as Yaffa Yarkonki, the Israeli singer whose first husband was killed while fighting with the Jewish Brigade in WW II and whose most beloved song may have been “Bab el Wad,” “an ode to the Israeli fighters who died in ambushes while driving convoys to Jerusalem during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war” passed away today.(As reported by Isabel Kershner)

1925(8th of Tevet, 5686): Karl Abraham passed away. Born in 1877, Abraham was the German psychoanalyst who studied the role of childhood sexual trauma in relation to the symptoms of mental illness. He was initiated into psychoanalysis by Carl Gustav Jung (1904). He first met Freud in 1907, and subsequently became one of his most reliable collaborators. Covering a wide range, Abraham's papers include work on depression, mania, autoerotism, repressed hate, as well as others on applied psychoanalysis that include papers on the Day of Atonement and a major one (1909) in which he connected myths with dreams and viewed both as wish-fulfillment fantasies. Abraham founded the Berlin Psychoanalytic Society (1910). He made pioneering efforts in the psychoanalytic treatment of manic- depressive psychosis.

1926: U.S. premiere of “Flesh and the Devil, a “romantic drama silent film” produced by Irving Thalberg with a script by Benjamin Glazer.

1928(12thof Tevet, 5869): Seventy-six year old David Solis Ritterband the youngest child of Benvenida Solis and Leon Ritterband passed away today.

1928(12thof Tevet, 5689): Fifty year old Alfred W. Fleischer passed away today after which he was interred at Philadelphia’s Mount Sinai Cemetery.

1930(5th of Tevet, 5691): Eugene Goldstein passed away. Born in 1850, Goldstein was the German physicist who discovered and named canal rays (1886) which emerge through holes in the anodes of low-pressure electrical discharge tubes (later shown to be positively charged particles). Earlier, he coined the term "cathode ray" (1876) emitted from a cathode. He was the first to see that they could cast a shadow, and were emitted at right angles to the surface. He also investigated the wavelengths of light emitted by metals and oxides when canal rays impinge on them. When the Berlin Urania, opened in 1889 it had five scientific departments and a "science theatre", it was Goldstein who had recommended the "hall of physics in which the visitor could experiment on his own". Students of his that continued his work included Wien and Stark.

1932(26thof Kislev, 5693): Second Day of Chanukah

1933: “Roman Scandals” a film based on a story by George Kaufman, produced by Samuel Goldwyn, starring Eddie Cantor and with music by Alfred Newman during the filming of which Arthur Sheekman met his future wife, was released today in the United States.

1934: By today, as right-wingers try to strangle Jewish businesses, “Zoltan Mesko, a leader of a pro-Nazi party had posted placard in Budapest which stated ‘Christian brothers! Only such gifts are fit for your Christmas tree which give bread to another Christian family. Brothers! By from Christian industry and business!”

1935: Birthdate of author and feminine activist Anne Roiphe.  Born Anne Roth, she is best known for writing Up the Sandbox.

1936: A month after premiering in the U.K. “Rembrandt” a biopic directed and produced by Alexander Korda was released in the United States today.

1938: Harold Goldblatt presided over today’s opening session Avukah’s three day conference being held at the Hotel Claridge.

1940(25thof Kislev, 5701): Chanukah

1940: After premiering in the United States, “The Thief of Bagdad” a fantasy produced by Sir Alexander Korda, with contributions by Vincent and Zotlan Korda, the other two siblings of this fascinating trio of Hungarian born Jews was released in the United Kingdom today.

1940: Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart's "Pal Joey" premiered in New York at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre.

1940:  The British government; suspended the quota for legal immigration to Palestine for three months.  The Zionists saw this as punishment for illegal immigration activities in general and specifically, the events surrounding the Patria. There is a positive correlation between the British attitude towards Jewish immigration during and after World War II and the violent activity of the Irgun.

1941: George Beurling, the Canadian born pilot who died in 1948 while on training flight with the infant Israeli air force, flew his Spitfire on his first combat today.

1941: “Banjo Eyes,” a musical adaptation of “Three Men on a Horse” with a cast that included Eddie Cantor and Lionel Stander, opened at the Hollywood Theatre on Broadway.

1941: During World War II, the Battle of Hong Kong ends as the forces of British Empire were defeated by those from the Empire of the Rising Sun thus beginning the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong. Jews had begun settling in Hong Kong when the British took control in 1842.  However most Jewish merchants preferred mainland communities such as Shanghai.  During the 1930’s as the Japanese forces took control of more of mainland China, these same Jewish businessmen and many Jews who had found fled the Nazis, moved to Hong Kong. No matter how distasteful Japanese rule might have been, for the Jews, it was better than having fallen into the hands of the Nazis. Of course, this does not in any way provide expatiation for the treatment of the Chinese population at the hands of their harsh Japanese occupiers.

1942 (17th of Tevet, 5703): Nazi forces in Cracow capture and murder Aharon Liebeskind leader along with Heshek Bauminger, of the Jewish Fighting Organization (JFO).  Bauminger will be captured and killed in March of 1943.

1942: U.S. premiere of “Reunion in France” directed by Jules Dassin, produced by Joseph L. Mankiewicz with music by Franz Waxman.

1942: Birthdate of Barry Joseph Goldberg, the Chicago native who became a songwriter and record producer.

1943: Trucks carrying naked Jewish women make regular trips to the gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Any woman who leaps from a truck is immediately shot down.

1943(28thof Kislev, 5704): Shabbat Shel Chanukah

1943: The U.S. government sent a telegram informing Adina Werfel that, while returning from conducting a Hanukah service for American soldiers in Casablanca, the small plane carrying her husband, Rabbi Louis Werfel (the “flying rabbi”) had crashed into the Algerian mountains due to limited visibility caused by bad weather. Werfel was an Orthodox Rabbi serving as Chaplain with the United States Army Air Force.

1943: Birthdate of Israeli historian Moshe Zimmermann.

1944: In an Upper Silesia Labor Camp, the Nazis selected 60 Jews to be shot because they no longer were able to work.

1945 Today, Sergeant Benjamin Ferencz “was honorably discharged from the Army” in what would be only a temporary leave of absence from government service a few weeks later he was recruited to serve as prosecutor under Telford Taylor the chief of the team dealing with the “Subsequent Nuremberg Trials.

1945: Birthdate of Evelyn "Eve" Pollard (Evelyn, Lady Lloyd), OBE an English author, journalist and a former editor of several tabloids.

1945: U.S. premiere of “Road to Rio” with a script co-authored by Jack Rose

1946(2nd of Tevet, 5707): 8th& final day of Chanukah

1947: For the last time, Christmas is celebrated by the British as the ruling power in Jersualem.

1947: “A Double Life” directed by George Cukor, featuring Shelley Winters and Philip Loeb was released today in the United States.

1947:  “The Voice of the Turtle” directed by Irving Rapper was released in the United States today by Warner Bros.

1947: “Daisy Kenyon” the movie version of the novel of the same name produced and directed by Otto Preminger was released today in the United States.

1947: “Captain from Castile” a costume drama featuring Lee J. Cobb and Marc Lawrence with music by Alfred Newman was released today in the United States.

1947:Two British soldiers were killed and at least three more were wounded tonight when gunmen from the Stern Gang \fired on a group of Tommies who were celebrating Christmas in a Tel Aviv cafe.

1947: In Brooklyn, NY, Loa Schleifer and Morris W. Wasserstein gave birth to Bruce Wasserstein, t”he Wall Street investment banker who helped pioneer the hostile takeover in the 1980s and reshaped the mergers and acquisitions business into a high art…” (As reported by Sorkin and de la Merced

1948: After passing through Jewish and Arab checkpoints, Christian pilgrims are allowed to enter Bethlehem.

1948: Birthdate of Philadelphia born Kay S. Hymowitz, the Brandeis and Tufts University graduate who pursued a career in teaching and journalism.

1948:U.S. premiere of Abraham Polonsky’s “Force of Evil” starring John Garfield with music by David Raskin.

1949: “Real estate mogul Abraham Hirschfeld” and Zipora Teicher Hirschfeld gave birth real estate developer, producer and art collector Elie Hirschfeld, the husband of  “Sarah J. Schlesinger, a physician, researcher and associate professor of clinical investigation at Rockefeller University.”

1949: “My Foolish Heart” a movie based on a short story by J.D. Salinger produced by Samuel Goldwyn and with a script by Julius J. Epstein and Philip G. Epstein premiered today in Los Angeles.

1949:Israel and Jordan ease armistice restrictions so pilgrims can attend Christmas services in Bethlehem. Most people in Holy Land are UN personnel and diplomats, because Jordan prohibits other pilgrims from returning directly to Israel.

1950: Birthdate of Yehuda Poliker “an Israeli singer, songwriter, musician, and painter. Poliker's father, Jacko, tells the story of his escape from Auschwitz in the 1988 film "Because of That War" (Biglal Hamilhamah Hahi), which features music by his son. The film includes interviews with Yehuda Poliker and Ya'akov Gilad, whose Polish Jewish parents also survived Auschwitz.”

1950: “Vendetta” from which Max Ophuls was fired as the director was released today in the United States.

1952:The Jerusalem Post reported that Hapoel Hamizrahi and Mizrahi finally resolved to join the Mapai-General Zionists-Progressives government coalition.

1952: The town of Hatzor is founded in the Galilee, developing from the Ma'abarah located there. The immigrants came from the camp in Rosh Pinah where the living conditions were described as “poor.”

1952: The French press was highly critical of Lebanon, which had turned down the Israeli offer to enter the Lebanese territorial waters in order to save the French liner S.S. Champollion, which sank in a heavy storm, having split on reefs off Sidon on the Lebanese coast. All but 26 of the 328 passengers and crew lost their lives, mostly while trying to swim the 200 meters separating them from the shore. According to the French press all passengers, crew and the ship could have been saved, had Lebanon accepted the prompt Israeli assistance offer.

1953(19thof Tevet, 5714): Eighty-two year old Levi “Lee” Shubert “the eldest of seven siblings of the theatrical Shubert family passed away today

1955(10th of Tevet, 5716): Asara B'Tevet

1955(10thof Tevet, 5716): Psychoanalyst Barbara Low, “the sister of Sir Maurice and Sir Stanley Low and aunt of Ivy Litvinov,” a founding member in 1919 of the British Psychoanalytical Society, prolific author and lecturer who “attracted wide attention when she spoke on the “Psychoanalysis of Nazism” passed away today.

1955: “I’ll Cry Tomorrow” a biopic about actress Lillian Roth who converted to Catholicism from Judaism directed by Daniel Mann and produced by Lawrence Weingarten was released in the United States today.

1957: “The Enemy Below” a WW II war movie in which Theodore Bikel, whose family escaped Austria, played the second command of the Nazi submarine was released in the United States today.

1957: U.S. premiere of Stanley Kubrick’s subtly anti-war film “Paths of Glory” starring Kirk Douglas.

1959(24thof Kislev, 5720): Erev Shabbat; kindle the first Chanukah light in the evening.

1961(18th of Tevet, 5722): Otto Loewi passed away. Born in 1873, Loewi was the German-born American physician and pharmacologist who shared the 1936 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (with Sir Henry Dale) "for their discoveries relating to the chemical transmission of nerve impulses." Sadly, just two years later he was a victim of Nazi persecution, imprisoned for being Jewish. As ransom for his life, he was forced to hand over his possessions, including his Nobel Prize money, and Loewi escaped to England. From there he moved to America in 1940. His research showed that it was the release of a certain chemical (the transmitter) acetylcholine that enabled the transmission of nerve impulses. Loewi also investigated action of drugs able to blockade or assist nerve impulse transmission.

1961: After a year on Broadway at the St. James Theatre, “Do Re Mi”  a musical with music by Jule Styne and lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, transferee to the 54th Street Theatre today.

1963: “Love with the Proper Stranger” a delightful off-beat comedy written by Arnold Schulman, featuring Herschel Bernardi and with music by Elmer Bernstein was released today in the United States.

1964: U.S. premiere of “The Pleasure Seekers” with music by Lionel Newman

1964: “Six and the Single Girl” with a script by Joseph Heller and starring Tony Curtis and Lauren Bacall was released in the United States today.

1969: The French discover that the berths that had been holding five embargoed Israeli missile boats are empty. The absence of any announcement about the embargo's termination prompted media inquiries, which failed to elicit convincing explanations. "Where are they?" asked a banner headline in a local newspaper. “The boats were indeed on the run. Battered by towering waves as they crossed the Bay of Biscay, they dropped anchor in a Portuguese cove alongside an Israeli freighter fitted out as a refueling ship, one of several support vessels deployed along the 5,150-km. escape route. When the boats entered the Mediterranean, British maritime monitors on Gibraltar signaled "What ship?" A Lloyd's helicopter circled the silent vessels but saw no identity numbers or flags. The British monitors, guessing the boats' destination from the media reports, flashed "bon voyage" in salute to Nelsonian flair. Stung by Israel's audacity, French defense minister Michel Debre called for the air force to interdict the vessels which had been spotted off the North African coast racing east. Prime minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas refused. Near Crete, IAF Phantoms roared low overhead protectively and waggled their wings. The boats would sail into Haifa harbor on New Year's Eve, 1970, to cheers for a bravado display of high-stakes hutzpa. For Israel's navy, however, the flight from Cherbourg was no lighthearted caper but a matter of life or death - its own. These missile boats were part of decade long development project designed to give Israel a naval capability that would help the Jewish state meet the nautical threat posed by  its Arab neighbors who were being supplied by their Soviet  and East Bloc patrons.

1970: After ten days, “The First Leningrad Trial ends with Jewish and non-Jewish defendants --Mendel Bodnya, Israel Zalmanson, Silva Zalmanson, Anatolii Altman, Leib Khnokh, Boris Penson, Wulf Zalmanson, Iosif Mendelevich, Alexey Murzhenko, Yurii Fedorov-- accused of “hijacking” an airplane to escape the Soviet Union and reach Israel, sentenced 4 to 15 years while Mark Dymshitz and Eduard Kuznetsov received the death sentence, which was eventually commuted to 15 years.

1973(30thof Kislev, 5734): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Sixth Day of Chanukah

1973: “The Sting” the Oscar award winning film starring Paul Newman, featuring Harold Gould and with a marvelous score by Marvin Hamlisch was released in the United States today.

1974: U.S. premiere of “The Sting” starring Paul Newman with an amazingly memorable musical score created by Marvin Hamlisch.

1974(11th of Tevet, 5735): Seventy-four year old Irish painter Harry Aaron Kernoff passed away today.

1975: “The Hindenburg” an epic about the airships disaster with music by David Shire and featuring Alan Oppenheimer, a cousin of J. Robert Oppenheimer was released in the United States today.

1975: “Lucky Lady’ a comedy directed by Stanley Donen, produced by Michael Gruskoff and wrottem bu Gloria Katz was released in the United States today.

1977: Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat met in Ismailia, Egypt. During negotiations, Sadat tells Begin that there can be no separate peace between Israel and Egypt.  To gain peace with Egypt, Israel must agree to the pre-1967 boundaries and recognize the right to Palestinian self-determination.  Rather than lose momentum or stop the negotiations, Begin and Sadat established several working committees to examine different aspects of the peace process.

1977: U.S. premiere of “High Anxiety” directed and produced by Mel Brooks who co-authored the script along with Barry Levinson and co-starred in it along with Madeline Kahn.

1977(15th of Tevet, 5738): Comedian Charlie Chaplin died at age 88.

1978(25thof Kislev, 5739): Chanukah

1978: Republication of “The Menorah” by Theodor Herzl

1980: Today, over 1,200 people “representing members of Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Reform, synagogues” attended the founding conference of the New Jewish Agenda

1980: U.S. premiere of “Altered State, a sci-fi thriller adapted from a novel of the same name written by playwright Paddy Chayefsky who used the pen-name “Sidney Aaron” when he wrote the script and co-starring Bob Balaban as “Arthur Rosenburg” and produced by Daniel Melnick.

1980: U.S. premiere of “First Family” written and directed by Buck Henry (Henry Zuckerman)

1983: On their 43rd wedding anniversary millionaire real estate mogul Sol Goldman sent his estranged wife Lillian flowers and “asked her to organize a birthday dinner for their daughter Amy” as part of an attempted reconciliation.

1983: In an article entitled “Israel’s Founding Father,” James Feron reviewed Ben-Gurion: Prophet of Fire by Dan Kurzman.

1984(1stof Tevet, 5745): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1985: U.S. Premiere of “Murphy’s Romance” a charming comedy co-starring Corey Haim with music by Carole King.

1985:A small bomb concealed in a loaf of bread was found at a bus stop near Tel Aviv University today, the police said. A passer-by discovered the suspicious-looking loaf and informed explosives experts, a police spokesman said. The device was safely dismantled. No arrests were reported.

1987:Three Palestinian guerrillas infiltrated a short distance into Israel from Jordan tonight and were captured alive by Israeli troops after a shootout.

1987: “Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night,an American animated fantasy adventure film featuring the voice of Edward Asner as “Scalawag the Raccoon” was released in the United States today.

1988: In an interview with a Kuwaiti newspaper published, Egyptian President Mubarak was quoted as saying he would go to Israel if the visit would help achieve peace. Prime Minister Shamir has said he would welcome a visit by Mr. Mubarak.

1989(27thof Kislev, 5750): Third Day of Chanukah

1989: Skokie native and Penn alum Brent Howard Novoselky caught a fourth quarter touchdown pass which sealed the victory for his Minnesota Vikings over the Green Bay Packers and garnered them a place in the NFL playoffs.

1989:During the American invasion of Panama the United States Embassy in Panama recanted its previous report that Mike Harari, a 62-year-old retired agent of the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad was an American ''prisoner of war.''

1990: After premiering in Beverly Hills five days ago, “Godfather III” co-starring Eli Wallach was released in theatres throughout the United States.

1990: Hadash lost one of its four seats in the Knesset when Charlie Biton broke away to establish Black Panthers as an independent faction

1991: In the United States, limited release of “Grand Canyon” directed and co-produced by Lawrence Kasdan with a script by Lawrence Kasdan and Meg Kasdan.

1993: “Shadowlands” in which Debra Winger portrays the life of Joy Davidman, the Jewish poet who converted to Christianity was released in the United States today.

1993: Eleven people were injured when a bomb went off in an Israeli ship at Eilat.

1994: In the United States, general release of “Little Women” starring Winona Ryder as “Jo”

1994(22ndof Tevet, 5755): Near the Binyanei Hauma (Jerusalem International Convention Center) thirteen Israeli soldiers and civilians were wounded when a Hamas sponsored suicide bomber tried to board their bus at the entrance to the city, but was foiled they managed to close the door.  The terrorist succeeded in blowing himself up.

1994: A Palestinian suicide bomber carrying a pack of explosives blew himself up here near a bus full of Israeli soldiers today, wounding 13 people and killing himself.

1994:Shimshon Moshe’s kiosk was torn apart by a blast from a suicide bomber standing at a bus stop, across from Jerusalem International Convention Center. The bomb exploded prematurely, wounding 13 and killing the suicide bomber.  Moshe survived the attack and rebuilt his kiosk, which did a brisk business selling sandwiches, drinks, and snacks to travelers heading out of the city. Tipping his hat to fate, he ironically renamed his kiosk “Pitzutz Shel Kiosk” or “Blast of a Kiosk.” Seventeen years later, Moshe’s kiosk would again be the center of a bus bombing in Jerusalem.

1995(2nd of Tevet, 5756): 8th Day of Chanukah

1995(2nd of Tevet, 5756): Ninety-year old Emmanuel Levinas a Talmudic scholar who was one of the major philosophic minds of the twentieth century and whose work was greatly influenced by Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig passed away today.

1995:The Israeli Government approved sweeping changes today requiring the country's powerful banks to sell substantial parts of their assets, a Treasury spokesman said. The move has far-reaching implications for the concentration of economic power in Israel as well as for the planned privatization of the banking sector.

1996: Premiere of “Mother” directed and written by Albert Brooks who also starred in the comedy, produced by Scott Rudin with music by Marc Shaiman.

1996(15thof Tevet, 5757): Sixty-four year old economist Michael Bruno, the former head of Israel’s central bank passed away today in Jerusalem. (As reported by Peter Passell)


1997: Jerry Seinfeld announced that this is the final season of his TV show.

1997: U.S. premier of “Wag the Dog” directed and produced by Barry Levinson, with a script by David Mamet, starring Dustin Hoffman and featuring Hope Garber “as the Albanian grandmother.”

1997: U.S. premiere of “Kundun” including a score create by Philip Glass.

1998: “The Thin Red Line” the movie version of the WW II novel with music by Hans Zimmer and edited by Israeli Saar Klein was released in the United States today.

1998: U.S. premiere of “Patch Adams” co-produced by Marvin Minoff with music by Marc Shaiman.

2000: BBC Radio 4 broadcast an adaptation of “The Man Who Came To Dinner” the dramatic creation of Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman (Yes, the Jews provided the entertainment for Englishmen on Christmas)

2001(10th of Tevet, 5762): Asara B'Tevet

2001: “Ali” a sports biography directed and co-produced by Michael Mann who also co-authored the screenplay along with Eric Roth co-starring Ron Silver and filmed by cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki and edited by Stephen Rivkin was released in the United States today

2001(10th of Tevet, 5762): Fity-year old “Mari Kajiwara, an American modern dancer of stunning quality who mesmerized audiences as a leading member of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, the Ohad Naharin Dance Company and the Batsheva Dance Company of Israel, passed away in Tel Aviv (As reported by Anna Kisselgoff)

2003(30th of Kislev, 5764): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

2003(30thof Kislev, 5764):Adva Tzippora Fisher, 19, of Kfar Saba; Cpl. Rotem Weinberger, 19, of Kfar Saba; Staff Sergeant Noam Leibowitz, 22, of Elkana and Cpl. Angelina Shcherov, 19, of Kfar Saba were murdered today and 16 others were wounded when suicide bomber from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine “detonated an explosive device near a bus stop at the Geha Interchange.”

2004: According to reports published in today’s The Cedar Rapids Gazette the Israel Museum has announced that "an ivory pomegranate long touted by scholars as the only relic from Solomon's Temple is a forgery..."  The collector alleged to have been involved in this forgery was the same person who claimed to have found a burial chest containing the bones of James the brother of Jesus.  The pomegranate is actually about 3,500 years old and comes from the Bronze Age that pre-dated the time of the Temple.  But the inscription tying it to the Temple was of more recent origins.

2004: “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou” a comedy produced by Scott Rudin, with a script co-authored by Noah Baumbach and co-starring Jeff Goldblum was released in the United States a month after opening in Los Angeles.

2004:  For the first time since the latest wave of Arab violence, a Palestinian leader attended Christmas observances in Bethlehem.  As a sign of possibly improving relations, 15,000 tourists were in Bethlehem on Christmas Day.  This was the largest turnout since the latest wave of terror began in 2000.

2005: At Eilat, fourth and final day of the Red Sea Classical Festival.

2005: “The New World” a historic drama filmed by cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki and edited by Saar Klein was released today in the United States.

2005: Bensiyon Morisbhai Songavkar an Indian professional cricketer represented Saurashtra when it played Goa today.

2006: Haaretz reported that Journalist Uri Dan, 71, died yesterday from cancer. Dan, who wrote for Ma’ariv, the Israel Defense Forces magazine Bamahaneh and the New York Post, was a close friend of former prime minister Ariel Sharon.

2006: In “The Jews Who Wrote Christmas Songs” published today, Nate Bloom provides the following Jewish connections to the ASCAP’s list of the 25 most popular Christmas songs:

“Winter Wonderland” was co-authored by Felix Bernard, a Brooklyn born Jew

“The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)"was written in 1945 by Mel Tormé (1925-1999) and Robert "Bob" Wells (born 1922)--both of whom are Jewish. Tormé, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, is most famous as a jazz vocalist, but he did write about 250 songs, mostly with Wells. Tormé wrote the music for "The Christmas Song" and Wells penned the lyrics.

“Sleigh Ride” was the product of lyricist Mitchell Parish(1900-1993), who was a Lithuanian born Jew named Michael Hyman Pashelinsky whose family took him to Shreveport, LA when he was an infant.

"Let It Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!" was written in 1945 by the Jewish songwriting team of lyricist Sammy Cahn (1913-1993) and composer Jule Styne (1905-1994).

“White Christmas” by Irving Berlin, the non-religious Jew who was the son of a rabbi.

"Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" and “Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas” are both products of Jewish song writer Johnny Marks

"It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" co-authored by George Wyle (1917-2003), born Bernard Weissman in New York City, who got his start playing piano in the Catskills

"Silver Bells" co-authored by Livingston and Evans.Jay Livingston, who wrote the music, and Ray Evans (1915-2007), who wrote the lyrics, were a famous Jewish songwriting team with many big hits to their credit. Livingston (1915-2001) was born Jacob Levinson in a small industrial suburb of Pittsburgh. Evans was born in 1915 in Salamanca, a small city not that far from Buffalo, N.Y. He went to the University of Pennsylvania, as did Livingston, and the two met when they joined the university dance band. They formed their songwriting partnership in 1937 and it endured until Livingston's death. (By all accounts, these two guys were like brothers and Evans was absolutely devastated by Livingston's death.) According to ASCAP the most popular version of "Silver Bells" is the one by saxophonist Kenny G, who is Jewish.

“I’ll Be Home for Christmas” co-authored by Walter Kent, Buck Ram (who were Jewish) and Kim Gannon (who was not Jewish) Kent (1911-1994) was born Walter Kauffman in New York. He was a practicing architect, an orchestra leader, and a composer. Most of his composing was for films. His other big hits were "The White Cliffs of Dover" and "I'm Gonna Live Till I Die." He is buried in a Los Angeles area Jewish cemetery. Ram (1907-1991) was also born in New York. His real fame came as a rock n' roll music writer and producer in the '50s, most notably with the Platters, a group he created. He is credited as the writer of such hits as "The Great Pretender,""Only You,""The Magic Touch" and "Twilight Time."

2006: Shas MK OferHugi was convicted of various charges related to forgery and fraud and was later sentenced to two years in prison and ordered to pay a 12,000 shekel fine.

2006: On the anniversary of his birth BBC Radio 2 transmitted the second of two special one tribute programs celebrating the life of Lew Grade.

2006: “Notes on a Scandal” the movie version of the novel by Zoe Heller whose father was Jewish with a soundtrack by Philip Glass and produced by Scott Rudin was released in the United Kingdom today.

2007: At the Friedman Center in Santa Rosa, CA, a screening of “The Impossible Spy” which tells the incredible but true story of Elie Cohen, an Egyptian-born Jew and top Israeli intelligence recruit whose obsession with his mission as a double agent drove him to his death.

2007: A group of 40 new immigrants from Iran touched down at Ben-Gurion International Airport , the largest since the fall of the Shah and Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979. A total of 200 Iranian Jews have immigrated to Israel in 2007, compared to only 65 in 2006.

2008:In Downtown Manhattan’s East Village Simon Jacobson facilitates the Chanukah Drum Circle and Menorah Lighting featuring special Holiday Melodies

2008: MK Uri Ariel of Tkuma left The Jewish Home, a right-wing party formed by the merger of Moledet, Tkuma and the National Religious Party.

2008: U.S. premiere of Marley & Me directed by David Frankel and co-starring Alan Arkin.

2008: Tkuma MK Ariel left Jewish Home and joined the Union

2008: “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” a film that received thirteen Oscar nominations with a script by Eric Roth was released in the United States today.

2008: The Maltz Musuem sponsors the Third Annual Chinese Food and a Movie. From noon to 4 p.m. visitors to the Museum can  experience “Maccabees: The Original Superheroes” — dress up and have photos taken, watch short movies and vintage superhero films, make Hanukkah candles and join in candle lighting and songs, as well as enjoy egg rolls, latkes, donuts and holiday songs.

2008: In Washington, D.C. closing session of USY International Convention. This marks the forty-seventh anniversary (December, 1961) of the USY convention where Danny Siegel launched his career on a national stage and taught at least one attendee how to smoke cigars.

2008: Opening session of the Hazon Jewish food conference in Pacific Grove, California.

2009:From 11am to 3pm those in New York City can enjoy “A Special Day of Free Events”” at Yeshiva University Museum.

2009:The Rosenbloom Owings Mills (MD) JCC holds a day of Relaxation, Creation and ReJEWvenation where, among other things, families can make their own challah; children can make their own Shabbat kits, complete with centerpieces, tzedakah boxes, Kiddush cups and Havdalah kits and everybody can enjoy an appearance by ShinShinim, a teen Klezmer band from Ashkelon, Israel. 

2009(8th of Tevet, 5770):Morris E. Lasker, a federal judge in New York and Massachusetts for four decades who struck down squalid, often brutal conditions in New York City jails and upheld prisoners’ rights perhaps more than any other jurist of his era, died today in Cambridge, Mass at the age of 92. (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

2010(18th of Tevet, 5771): Yahrzeit of Huna Mori bar Mor Zutra, The Exilarch ("Resh Galuta") of Babylonian Jewry who “, was executed in Pumpeditha by order of the Persian emperor.”

2010(18th of Tevet, 5771): Yahrzeit of Rav Mesharshia bar Pekod

2010(18th of Tevet, 5771): Yahrzeit B'nei Yissachar, Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapiro of Dynov (1783?-1841), author of the Chassidic work B'nei Yissacha who passed away in 5602 (1841).

2010: The 3 day-long Gateways Winter Retreat with Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt, Dr. Chaim Presby, Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, Mrs. Chaya Reich, Rabbi Mordechai Suchard and Rabbi Yonason Shippel is scheduled to enter into its second day at the Hanover Marriot in New Jersey.

2010: On Shabbat, Jews all over the world begin reading the Book of Shemot or Exodus.

2010: The Master Classes taught by American director Michael Mayer at the Stage-Center International Theatre Workshop in Tel Aviv come to an end.

2010(18th of Tevet, 5771):Bud Greenspan, award-winning filmmaker, writer, character and, arguably, the world's No. 1 fan of the Olympics, passed away today at the age of 84. (As reported by Mike Kupper)

2011: The 61st USY International Convention is scheduled to begin in Philadelphia, PA

2011: The Gateways Chanukah Retreat is scheduled to come to an end in Somerset, NJ.

2011: “Minus 16,” a work by Ohad Naharin, Israel’s most famous choreographer is scheduled to have its final performance by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at New York City Center.

2011: Community Mitzvah Day sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans is scheduled to take place today.

2011: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including ‘Man Seeks God: My Flirtations With the Divine’ by Eric Weiner, ‘Democratic Enlightenment: Philosophy, Revolution, and Human Rights 1750-1790’ by Jonathan I. Israel and the recently released of paperback edition of ‘In The Valley of the Shadow:On the Foundations of Religious Belief’ by James Kugel.

2011:Today the Ministerial Committee for Legislation delayed a vote on bills aimed at combating discrimination against women. The two pieces of legislation, one proposed by Likud MK Tzipi Hotovely, and the other by Kadima MK Orit Zuaretz, would reduce the dismissal of pregnant women, or those undergoing fertility treatment, and ensure that women who want to breastfeed during work hours are able to do so.

2011: Residents of an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in Beit Shemesh called Israel police officers “Nazis” today, after they removed a sign ordering the separation of men and women in a street in that neighborhood. In response to the removal of the sign by police officers and city inspectors from Beit Shemesh, a crowd of local ultra-Orthodox residents gathered around them, shouting and cursing at them. One man hurled rocks at the police officers, but managed to flee the scene. No one was hurt and no arrests were made.

2011(29th of Kislev, 5772): Eighty-seven year old “Andrew Geller, an architect who embodied postwar ingenuity and optimism in a series of inexpensive beach houses in whimsical shapes, many of them in the Hamptons, and who helped bring modernism to the masses with prefabricated cottages sold at Macy’s” passed away today. (As reported by Fred A. Bernstein)

2011(29th of Kislev, 5772): Sixty-five year old “Adrienne Cooper, an American-born singer, teacher and curator of Yiddish music who was a pioneer in the effort to keep the embers of that language smoldering for newer generations” passed away today. (As reported by Joseph Berger)

2012: The Maccabeats are scheduled to perform this evening at B.B. King Blues Club & Grill

2012: The JCC of Northern Virginia is schuedled to sponsor the “Fiddler on the Roof Sing-Along.”

2012: In New York, the Aish Center is scheduled to host Discovery 2012 a Jewish educational program that boasts having a quarter of a million attendees worldwide.

2012: “The Smoking Room” is scheduled to shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Today Turkish police arrested four men in the coastal city of Adana on suspicion that they tried to sell a purportedly 1,900-year-old Torah scroll.

2012: Sources close to both Hatnua chairwoman Tzipi Livni and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today that the two parties are investigating the possibility of working together in the next government.

2012: Israel to Review Curbs on Women’s Prayer at Western Wall

2013: The JCC of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host JFest, a Family Fun Day featuring Israeli Dancing and a screening of “Hava Nagila”

2013: The American film classic “Casablanca” which has a “raft” of Jews before and behind the camera is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Eleanor “Bron appeared on BBC One in an adaption of The Tractate Middoth.”

2013: Today, the IDF deployed an Iron Dome missile interception battery to the area near the southern town of Sderot, amid heightened tensions between Israel and the Palestinians following a string of attacks against Israeli civilians, police officers and soldiers. (As reported by Ilan Ben Zion)

2013:Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said today that the "terror attacks in Judea and Samaria are the result of incite, instigated by the Palestinian Authority, which teaches hatred of the State of Israel. We will know how to handle it." (As reported by Yoav Zitun)

2014: On this day, reading “Real American Jews write Christmas Music” should provide a Jewish connection with events being celebrate each year on December 25th.

2014: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host J Fest including a screening of “The Frisco Kid.”

2014: “Bottle Shock” and “Winter Sleep” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

2014: “Archaeologists conducting excavations in the town of Magdala, situated on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, exposed a public structure from the Roman period, it was reported today. The structure's grandeur led researchers to conclude that the site contained the ruins of an ancient synagogue. "We're still at an early stage of unearthing the structure," they said. "We found parts of the structure, fragments of columns, parts of benches, the threshold of a door and pottery fragments." (As reported by Itay Blumenthal)

2014: Eleven year old Ayala Shapira was seriously injured in a firebomb attack this evening while riding with her father Avner.

2014: “The High Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must evacuate and dismantle the of Amona, the largest illegal outpost in the West Bank's Binyamin Region Council, within two years and work to find alternative housing for the settlers currently living there.” (As reported by Aviel Magnezi)

2015: In Fairfax, VA, the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host J Fest including a free screening of Barbra Streisand in “Yentl.”

2015(13thof Tevet, 5776): Ninety-five character Jason Wingreen passed away

2016(25thof Kislev, 5777): First Day of Chanukah; in the evening, kindle the second light

2016: The UK Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “The Innocents.”

2016: The 5th Annual Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish Memorial Concert which this year “will honor Yiddish poet Irena Klepfisz” is scheduled to place at the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

2016(25thof Kislev, 5777): Eighty-eight year old Vera Rubin the groundbreaking astronomer passed away today.  (As reported by Dennis Overbye)

2016: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently release paperback edition of Good on Paper by Rachel Cantor.

2017: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “director Maysaloun Hamoud’s groundbreaking film In Between” that tells the story of “three young Arab-Israeli women sharing a flat in Tel Aviv.”

2017: Brooklyn based “Tsibele” and “Overnight Kugel” are scheduled to perform on the fourth night of Yiddish New York.

2017: “A Magical Trip to Jewish Morocco” sponsored by Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to begin today.

2017: One hundredth anniversary of the first Christmas under which Jerusalem was ruled by the British.

2017: Seventieth anniversary of the last Christmas under which Jerusalem was ruled by the British.

2018: After having premiered at the American Film Insitute Fest in November, “On the Basis of Sex,” a bi-opic based on the life of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg directed by Mimi Leder was released in the United States today.

2018: In Albany, NY, the Congregation Ohav Shalom is scheduled to host an evening of “theater with the Noodle Pudding Players performing Jeffrey Sweet’s “The Value of Names” which “describes the impact of the 1950’s-60’s Hollywood blacklisting of many actors, producers and directors whose lives were forever changed.”

2018: During its third Yiddish New York is scheduled to host a lecture by “thnomusciologist Walter Zev Feldma styled “Nign/Zemer/Lid: Religious Yiddish Vocal Folk Music Traditions”

2018: The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh is scheduled to host Mitzvah Day today.

2018: “The book launch of Rabbi Itamar Verhephtig’s Aleicha Zarach in which author and editor Rabbi Itamat Verhephtig describes the life and work of Dr. Zerach Verhephtig who headed a huge rescue project during the Holocaust, signed the Declaration of Independence, was awarded the Israel Prize and was a member of the Knesset and Deputy Minister of Religions” is scheduled to take place today in Jerusalem.

2018: While still digesting the ramifications of the United States immediate withdrawal from Syria, Israelis awoke this morning to deal with increased political turmoil resulting from yesterday’s announcement that elections will be held in April of 2018 instead of November of 2019 as originally planned.

This Day, December 26, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


December 26

1135: Coronation of Stephen I, king of England, who in 1141 burned down the house of Aaron f. Isaac in Oxford as a way to “induce” the Jews to providing him with funds to continue his war with Empress Matilda who had previously extorted funds from the same Jewish community.

1194: Birthdate of Frederick II, the Holy Roman Emperor who improved the conditions for the Jews of Palermo, Naples and Jerusalem.

1424:  The city of Barcelona, Spain was granted the right to exclude Jews for all time.

1495: Savonarola expelled the Medici and the Jews from Florence. The Jews, who had previously served as the Medici's bankers, were replaced by a Monte di Pieta, a public loan bank.

1634:  Religious freedom was granted to Jews and Catholics in Brazil. This was the period of time when Brazil was under the control of the Dutch.  Things would change in 1654 when Portugal took Recife, Brazil and the Jews were forced to flee.  One group of these refugees would arrive in New Amsterdam and the rest is history.

1751: Birthdate of Lord George Gordon who took the name Yisrael bar Avraham Gordon when he converted to Judaism in 1787

1753(1stof Tevet, 5514): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Sixth Day of Chanukah

1776: In an act of daring-do Washington ferries his freezing, starving troops across the ice choked Delaware River and leads them to victory at the Battle of Trenton. There were certainly Jewish soldiers among those who joined in the Crossing of the Delaware two of whom may have been Abraham Levy and Phillip Russell. Since Washington’s Army was on the verge of destruction, defeat at Trenton would have meant the end of the American Revolution, a war which created a nation rightfully described as “the last best hope men” – an appellation with which the Jewish people would heartily agree.  One of the most readable treatments of this turning point in American history is The Crossing by the Jewish author Howard Fast which was the source for a film by the same name.

1783: Áron Chorin, a Hungarian rabbi who sought to reform some Jewish practices, married today following which he had a short, unsuccessful career in business before making use of his Talmudic knowledge and rabbinic skills as the leader of the Jewish community of Arad.

1783: Isaac Baruh Lousada, a member of a family of prominent planters and merchants in Jamaica and his wife gave birth Emaneul Baruh Lousa, “a collateral ancestor of Moshe Baruh Louzada , a founder of the London Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue”  who after moving to England lived at Sidmouth which he developed into a “popular resort.”

1791(30thof Kislev, 5552): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Sixth Day of Chanukah

1799: American Jews who have been welcomed by The Father of our Country join their fellow citizens in mourning the passing of George Washington who was buried today.  (Washington’s letter to the Jews of Newport set a tone of acceptance that has been the unique hallmark of the Jewish experience in the United States)

1801: A deed bearing today’s date conveys land owned by Charles Carroll to Levi Solomon and Solomon Etting which the Baltimore Jewish community will use as a cemetery.

1809: Anne Emilie Furtado, the daughter of Abraham Furtado the President of the Assemblee des Notables married Moise Aime Solar, the son of Aaron Felix Solar.

1810: Solomon Jonas married Rosetta Joseph today at the Great Synagouge.

1823: As the struggle between Reform movement and traditionalists became more pronounced, a party of Orthodox Jews obtained a royal cabinet order that frustrated attempts “to adapt the old ritual to new forms” including sermons preached in German. This forced Isaac Noah Mannheimer, a rabbi who was a leader in the Reform movement to leave Berlin for a pulpit in Hamburg which led him to a position in Vienna where he was able to fully display his intellectual and oratorical gifts.

1825: Several Imperial Russia army officers lead force of approximately3000 soldiers on the Senate Square in the failed Decembrist uprising. Pavel Pestel, one of the leaders of the unsuccessful Decembrist revolt, proposed sending all Jews from Russia to some territory in Asia Minor, especially acquired for this purpose, where they would be able to establish independent state.

1829: One day after she had passed away, Francis Harris the wife of Henry Harris was buried today at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery

1834: Birthdate of Abraham Baer the cantor who was a native of Prussia and who moved to Gothenberg in 1857 at the age of 23 to pursue his career.

1838: Birthdate of Giueseppe Ottolenghi the native of Lombardy who rose to be a General in the Italian Army serving as the Commandant of the First Army Corps.

1843(24th of Kislev, 5595): In the evening, kindle the first light of Chanukah

1848: In Philadelphia. Buchau, Germany, native Max Einstein, the owner of a ribbon and silk store who would rise to the rank of Colonel during the Civil War married Helena Guggenheim,

1852: The Reverend Samuel Osgood delivered a talk at the Church of the Messiah in NYC entitled “The Enigma of History- A Discourse on the Jewish Race” which was based, in part, on information provided by Rabbi Morris Raphall with whom Osgood had carried on a correspondence. 

1853(25thof Kislev, 5614): 1st day of Chanukah

1854: In Bavaria, Mendel Emanuel Schloss and Adelheid Baer Schloss gave birth to Leopold Schloss, the husband of Karoline Schloss.

1854: Two days after he had passed away, Hyam Hyam, the husband of Hannah Lazarus with whom he had had eight children, was buried today at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1860: In “Ballston Spa, NY,” Lewis Muhlfelder and Rosa Schwarz gave birth to Union College undergrad and Albany Law School trained attorney David Muhlfelder

1861: During the Civil War, in what was known as The Trent Affair, Confederate diplomatic envoys James M. Mason and John Slidell are freed by the United States government, thus heading off a possible war between the United States and Britain. Slidell, the Louisiana politician who had been a power in the Democrat Party, before the war, was a close ally of August Belmont who had married his niece.  During the war, Slidell would serve in Paris where his daughter would marry a leading French-Jewish financier.

1862: The Union “Army of the Cumberland” including the 79th Indiana Regiment under the command of Colonel Frederick Knefler left Nashville to face the Rebel “Army of Tennessee” which was camped at Murfreesboro.

1864(27thof Kislev, 5625): Third Day of Chanukah

1866: Birthdate of Toby Cohn, the native of Breslau, who became a “German physician and medical author.”

1867: Birthdate of Julien Benda, the Paris born “philosopher and novelist” best-known for his short book, La Trahison des Clercs (The Betrayal of the Intellectuals).

1870(2nd of Tevet, 5631): 8th and final day of Chanukah

1870: Dr. Max Landsberg was chosen to serve as Rabbi at Berith Kodesh in Rochester, NY.  He began serving in that capacity in March of 1871.  Prior to his selection, the position had been vacant for 2 and a half years.  Landsberg’s three predecessors were Marcus Tuska, Isaac Mayer and Aaron Ginbserg who completed his service in 1868.

1872: The London Daily Telegraph reported on a paper presented by George Smith on recent explorations of the Tigris and Euphrates river valley which should shed further light on the origins of the ancient Hebrews including the dates for the life of Abraham.

1873: Rabbi Aron Chorin gets married and leaves the rabbinate for the world of Commerce.  The change will be short-lived and will become the Rabbi in Arad in 1789.

1875(28th of Kislev, 5636): Fourth day of Chanukah

1875: It was reported today that “an ‘English Jew’ had recently written an essay modern Judaism in which he asserted that it was utterly impossible to convert a respectable Jew to Christianity.  When it was pointed out to the author that the Prime Minister of England was a convert to Christianity from Judaism, the ‘English Jew’ claimed that the Disraeli’s father, Isaac, had a quarrel with the Synagogue about money and that he had left the Synagogue. While the Prime Minister had somehow become a churchgoer, he had “never been baptized as a Christian.” [Editor’s note – “The English Jew” was right about Isaac but wrong about Benjamin.  The father had the children baptized after his falling out with the synagogue.]

1876: Three days after she had passed away Esther (Brandon) Varicas, the wife of Abraham Varicas was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1877(20th of Tevet, 5638): Israel Jones, the younger brother of Solomon Jones, who became a leader of the Jewish  community in Mobile, Alabama as well as serving on the City Council, passed away today.

1878(30th of Kislev, 5639): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1878: “A Romance of Rascality” published today described the life and times of South Carolina’s Franklin J. Moses, “a Jew” who “held his head high among the planter aristocracy.”

1879(11th of Tevet, 5640):Sarah Reibeiro-Furtado, the daughter of Abraham Furtado, the President of the Assemblee des Notables passed away in Paris.

1880: “The annual meeting of the patrons and members of the Mount Sinai Hospital” is scheduled “to be held at the Standard Club” at eleven o’clock this morning.

1880: Tonight’s “driving snow-storm” did not keep a throng from filling the Plymouth Church this evening to hear Reverend Henry Ward Beech deliver his talked entitled “Persecution of the Jews in Germany.”

1880: It was reported today that the growth in attendance at the opera in New York City is attributable, in part, to the growth of the German-Jewish population in New York.  After all, the members “of this ancient race were drawn to New York because of its rapid development in literature, in art and…in operatic music.”

1881: It was reported today that a riot broke out in Warsaw when a pickpocket who was allegedly a Jew was caught plying his trade during the recitation of high mass in the Church of the Holy Cross.  During the violence four shops owned by Jews were destroyed and 30 people were injured.

1881: It was reported today that the Directors of Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York have agreed to provide a doctor to work at the offices of the Society for the Aid of the Russian Hebrew Immigrants and Refugees. 1881: It was reported today that during the 3,182 patients were admitted to Mt. Sinai Hospital, of whom 1,566 were not charged for treatment.

1883: “Georgia In Early Times” published today provided a detailed review The History of Georgia by Charles C. Jones, Jr. which included a description of the arrival of the first Jews in 1733. Governor Oglethorpe championed their cause despite opposition from some of his English supporters because he saw that as being “peaceful,” “orderly” and industrious.

1885: It was reported today that the population of Sofia has grown from 15,000 to 25,000 since it became the capital of Bulgaria.  Approximately half of the citizens are Jewish.

1885: Fifty four year old Austrian jurist Julius Anton Glaser who converted to Christianity passed away today.

1886: Birthdate of Gyula Gömbös the right-wing Hungarian politician who recanted his anti-Jewish views in order to become his country’s Prime Minister during the 1930’s,

1886: Paul Heyse, the German-Jewish writer, is one of the “eminent authors of the 19th century according to Dr. George Brandes, whose book Eminent authors of the nineteenth century:  Literary portraits was reviewed in today’s New York Times. (Brandes is Georg Morris Cohen Brandes, a Danish born Jews who was a leading literary critic)

1886: “When To Go Long Or Short” published today traces the career and financial dealings of Solomon Mopus a Polish born Jew living in New York City.

1886: In “Mr. Tooker on Religion” published today, Joseph Tooker a leading New York merchant, writer and theatre managers provided his views on the celebration of Christmas.  Among other things he believes that the Jewish merchants “are heart glad over every return of this jubilee season of their Christian fellow-citizens” since “they make so much money.”  He also marveled at the fact that some Jewish children hang up stockings on Christmas eve which he sees as an example of “where ignorance is bliss ‘tis folly to be wise.”

1887: In South Carolina, Albert E. Hertz married Laura E. Bonnoitt today.

1887: It was reported today the society providing financial support for Mt. Sinai Hospital had grown by 101 during the year and now totaled 3,564.

1888: Moriz Rosenthal, “the eminent pianist” will give a recital today at the Academy of the Music in New York.

1888: It was reported today that children under the care of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum will be among those New York youngsters who will attend upcoming performances of “Little Lord Fauntleroy.”

1889: It was reported today that the Hebrew Free School Association had assets of $58,682.37 which it uses to support three schools that are open daily from 3:30 in the afternoon until 6 in the evening.

1889: Birthdate of actor Vladimir Sokoloff, the Moscow native who went from the Moscow Art Theatre, to Berlin in 1923, Paris in 1932 to avoid the Nazis and finally to the United States in 1937 where he appeared on Broadway, television and films that included oddly enough his portrayal of a Filipino in John Wayne’s “Back to Bataan.”

1889: In St. Louis, George Washington Milius, the Cincinnati born son of William and Eva Milius and his wife Pauline gave birth to William Stix Milius

1891(25th of Kislev, 5652): First day of Chanukah

1891: In New York, Sarah Rachel Bluestone and Joseph Isaac Bluestone gave birth to Columbia trained physician Ephraim Michael Bluestone, a Lieutenant in the Army Medical Corps during WW I, a director of the Hadassah Hospital in Palestine and director of Montefiore Hospital and the husband of “the former Rodetsky.

1892: “Our Superstitious Lore” published today described quaint customs of different national groups including the Jews “who have a custom of breaking crystal at a wedding to scatter brightness upon the happy pair” and who like others, “throw rice…to bring” the newlyweds “good fortune.”

1892: It was reported today that of the more than one million people buried in and around Brooklyn an untold number are buried in Washington Cemetery in Gravessend which is only used by the Jews.

1894: Today, in France, “many journals urged that the degradation of Captain Dreyfus should be” done “as a public ceremony.”  They say “he should be stripped of his military honors…on the Longchamps race course or the Vincennes rifle range, where thousands could witness his disgrace rather than in the privacy of the barracks.” (The term degradation refers to the formal stripping of ranking and branding of the convict military officer as a traitor before he his shipped off to Devils Island.)

1894: “A reception and ball was given by the Progressive Bowling Club at the Hebrew Young Men’s Hall on Plane Street” tonight.”

1893: Four days after he had passed away, 88 year old Joseph Isaacs was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery” on Buckingham Road.

1894: Oscar S. Straus presided at the third annual meeting of the American Jewish Historical Society which began this morning at the Arlington Hotel in Washington, D.C.

1894: According to reports published today the newly elected officers of the Hebrew Free School Association are President Albert F. Hochstadter, Vice President Henry Budge and Honorary Secretary Edmund E. Wise

1894: “Loyal Hebrew Children” published today described the Americanization of Jewish immigrant children from Russia and Romania that takes place at classes financed by the Baron de Hirsch Fund at the Hebrew Institute which also include basic academics with an emphasis on English.

1894: In New Orleans, LA, Rabbi Maximilian Heller and Ida Annie Heller gave birth to Max Heller

1895: The objective of those attending the Hebrew Anarchist “was to devise ways and means for” promoting Anarchist principles” and their newspaper Die Freie Gesellschaft (The Free Society)

1895: Toledo native Edward Nathan Calisch and Hebrew Union College graduate who became rabbi of Congregation Beth Ahabah in Richmond, Virginia in 1891 officiated at a service attended by members of the Travelers Protective Association which he said the “first instance in which any organization, not composed of Jewish members, had attended service in a body that house of worship.”

1895: In Richmond, VA, “members of “Post A, Travelers Protective Association attended services” today at “Beth Ahabah Synagogue” during which Rabbi Edward Nathan Calisch said in his sermon “that this was the first instance in which any organization, not composed entirely of Jewish members had attended services in a body in that house of worship.

1896: In San Francisco, La Loie Fuller “declined to either confirm or deny that the report” that she was engaged to New York State Senator Jacob A. Cantor whom she described as “a dear friend.”

1897(1st of Tevet, 5658): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Seventh Day of Chanukah

1897: Birthdate of Sarah “Salle” Blumberg Parnes, the widow of Harold Solomon Gerstner and Maxwell Parnes and the daughter of David Blumberg, passed away today after which she was buried in the Mount Ararat Cemetery

1897: The American Jewish Historical Association held its seventh annual meeting in Philadelphia.  The meeting was chaired by First Vice President Simon W. Rosendale who read a letter of resignation from the association’s President, Oscar S. Straus who can no longer fulfill his duties because he is serving as United States Minister at Constantinople

1897: Founding of the Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Musical Association which gave concerts at the Hebrew Hospital and the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and whose members included Dr. Joseph Blum, Mrs. J.J. Seldner and Miss Hennie Van Leer.

1898: President Albert F. Hochstadter presided over the annual meeting of the Hebrew Free School Association which was held today at Temple Emanu-El in New York City. With but one dissenting vote, the association voted to decide on a plan that would lead to a merger with the Educational Alliance. The Association had ended the year with a shortfall of $5,000 and it is believed that the merger might allow the two groups to meet their goals in a more economic manner. Uriah Hermann volunteered to pay for the new prayer books needed for the People’s Synagogue

1898: Birthdate of Ernst Fraenkel, German born political scientist, lawyer and university lecturer who fled Nazi Germany but returned to Germany after the war and resumed his career.

1899: In New York City Clara and David Mannes gave birth to Leopold Mannes, the “American musician” who played a leading role in creating “the first practical color transparency film, Kodachrome.”

1900: Birthdate of Samuel Cashwan, the Russian born American sculptor whose works include “Aquarius,” “Musicians” and the “Lincoln Memorial Statue at the Lincoln Consolidated Training School in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

1901: The Fifth Zionist Congress convenes in Basel. The Jewish National Fund is established. The Jewish Colonial Trust, the monetary arm or bank of the World Zionist Organization, finally raises sufficient sums to be established. By the end of the year, 250.000 English Pounds have been collected.

1902: Birthdate of Anatoli Lvovich Kaplan, the Russian painter whose work often reflect his Jewish origins.

1902: Final publication of the American Hebrew which would merge with The Jewish Messenger and resume publication in 1903 as The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger

1905(28th of Kislev, 5666): Fourth Day of Chanukah

1905: Winston Churchill was approached by a leading Jewish constituent, Dr. Joseph Dulberg of Manchester, who was seeking British support for a Jewish national home.

1905: “Jewish Refugees in London” published today described the arrival “in the last few weeks of hundreds of Russian Jews victims of the recent onslaughts in South Russia” in the British capital most of whom have “only a few shillings in their pockets” or are completely penniless and if they are “fortunate, find work with sweating tailors” that earns them five or six shillings a week “which enables them to share a night’s lodging…where eight or ten men sleep on sacks on the floor” and to buy “black bread, a bit of pickled herring and a cup of bad tea.

1906: Charles Frohman moved “The Beauty of Bath” a musical with songs by Jerome Kern to the Hicks Theatre where “it ran for a total of 287 performances.”

1907: Months of organizing work by sixteen-year-old Pauline Newman culminated in the start of the largest rent strike New York City had ever seen. One reason for the strike's success was Newman's enlistment of neighborhood housewives. While working-class activists like Newman had to work during the day, the impassioned housewives that they organized could go from tenement to tenement to convince others to strike. Thus, the success of the strike depended on shop floor networks of teenaged girls and on networks of neighborhood housewives and mothers. The strike, involving 10,000 families in lower Manhattan, lasted only until January 9, but about 2,000 families succeeded in having their rents reduced. More importantly, the strike attracted the attention of leading figures in the settlement house movement who suggested capping rents at 30% of a family's income. Though their suggestion was not implemented, it introduced the idea of rent control into New York politics. The idea stayed alive into the 1930s, when rent control was finally implemented in New York City. Newman's leadership of the strike began a lifetime of activism. It brought her to the attention of the Socialist party, which ran her for secretary of state of New York the following year (despite the fact that women did not yet have the vote in New York). She used the opportunity to call for woman's suffrage. Newman also began organizing female garment workers and was a key organizer in the 1909 Uprising of the 20,000.

1908: In New York City, “Alex and Sarah (Reichick) Elson gave birth to Washington University trained lawyer Sam Elson, the holder of JSD from Yale who taught at his alma mater, was a member of the National Conference of Christians and Jews and was the husband of Getrude Clemens Palmer with whom he had four children.

1908: Hyman Hirsch and Miriam Phillips Hirsch gave birth to Hyman Hirsch, Jr. who would only live to the age of 23.

1909: Birthdate of Jersey City, NJ, native Robert S. Marcus, the City College and Yeshiva University trained rabbi and hold of doctorate of Jurisprudence from NYU Law School who led congregations in Lawrence and Newburgh, NY before serving overseas as a chaplain with the Ninth Tactical Air Force where he worked with concentration camp survivors and returning to the United States where among other things, he served as the Director of the Department of World Jewish Affairs of the American Jewish Congress while raising two children with his wife Fay.

1909(14th of Tevet, 5670): Schaie Gittelsohn passed away today.

1909: Three days after he had passed away, George Joel Marks, the son of Solomon Marks and Amelia Joel and the husband of Elizabeth Samuels with whom he had had ten children was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1909: Dr. Felix Kornfeld and the former Paula Mandle gave birth to their first child, Peter Kornfeld, the older brother of Ulrich Kornfeld and brother-in-law of the former Lorie Granitsch.

1909: In London, Hans Leopold Hoff, a “German Jewish merchant” and his German Lutheran wife gave birth to Australian scholar Ursula Hoff.

1910(25th of Kislev, 5671): Chanukah

1910:Rabbi Philip Klein of Ohab Zedek, First Hungarian Orthodox Congregation” officiated at the wedding of attorney Harris Koppelman and attorney “Esther Kunstler, the daughter of real estate dealer Felix Kunstler.”

1910: Ten months after Avrohom Bornsztain, founder and first Rebbe of the Sochatchover Hasidic dynasty” who was “known as the Avnei Nezer ("Stones of the Crown") after the title of his posthumously-published set of Torah responsa, which is widely acknowledged as a halakhic classic” passed away, today his wife Sara Tzina passed away leaving their “only son, Shmuel,” to mourn their passing.

1912: In Portland, OR, Isaac and Ruth Neuberger gave birth to Senator Richard Neuberger who was succeeded by his wife Maurine who was elected to the office after his death in 1960.

1913: In Camden, NJ, the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society are making plans to host their tenth annual reception at Turner Hall in January, 1914.

1913: “Atlantis” a Danish film featuring future award winning director Michael Curitz in one of his early acting appearances was released today.

1914: In New York City, Leo Simonson, “a successful wigmaker for the theatre and movies businesses” and Irene Simonson, a member of the family that owned the Illinois Watch Case Company” gave birth to gold medal winning chess champion Albert Charles Simonson

1914: “Josephus Daniels, the Secretary of the Navy, took immediate steps today to obtain verification of reports that the USS North Carolina, which was on its way to deliver aid to the Jews of Jaffa had threatened to bombard Tripoli when “a mob attempted to prevent the departure of an American merchant vessel” carrying refugees.

1915: In St. Louis, Rabbi Max Heller of New Orleans was the principal speaker at today’s session of 24th annual assembly of the Jewish Chautauqua Society.

 1915: In an attempt to “weaken Russia internally, the authorities in Berlin handed Russian Jewish Bolshevik, Alexander Helphand, a million rubles to spread anti-war propaganda through Russia.

1915: Having fallen too ill to be treated at Alexandria, Lieutenant-Colonel John Henry Patterson arrived in London today leaving Joseph Trumpeldor, the Jewish veteran of the Russian army, in command of the Zion Mule Corps.

1915: A list those who have contributed to “the American Jewish Relief Committee which is raising $5,000,000 for the Jewish suffers of the war” and plan on contributing more is scheduled to be prepared today.

1915: In speaking at Temple Beth­-El in New York, Rabbi Schulman “advocated the plan of the League to Enforce Peace as the only suggestion yet put forward which promised peace-loving nations a method of escape from the necessity of arming themselves to avoid conquest by aggressive nations.”

1915: The second annual conference of Young Judeans which had been opened by Rabbi David De Sola Pool opened yesterday with a speech “on the subject of Judaism in America and the patriotism of the Jews” continued for a second day.

1915: Admit reports of possible general strike in New York at the beginning of 1916, “Dr. Felix Adler, Chairman of the Arbitration Committee appointed by the May at the suggestion of Jacob Schiff to which both the garment workers and manufacturers agreed to submit their differences said” tonight “that the committee had no notification that a strike of 85,000 workers was at hand.”

1915: It was reported today that after the Russian forces retreated from Brest-Litovsk ending the destructive battle around the city, the refugees who had been hiding in the swamps, most of whom were Jews sick with “malignant diseases” “began to straggle back into the city.”

1915: “Henry Fisher, Chairman of the Brooklyn Jewish Volunteer Relief Committee…announced” tonight “at the headquarters at 16 Manhattan Avenue that the street collections of the day amounted to $5,000.”

1915: “The Bath Beach division of the Brooklyn Jewish Volunteer Relief Committee for War Sufferers obtained contributions amount to $1,034 in a house to house canvass” today.

1915: Dr. J. L. Magnes said tonight that “the most recent report from Russia was that the 3,500,000 Jews” many of whom were being driven from place to place without food and shelter “were in need of assistance.

1916(1st of Tevet, 5677): Rosh Chodesh Tevet, Seventh Day of Chanukah

1916: In New Orleans, the Jewish Chautauqua Society led by Chancellor Berkowitz of Philadelphia met for a fifth day today in New Orleans

1916: It was reported today that the movement to hold a congress to demand the removal of civil and political disabilities imposed on Jews has been one of the most widely debated movements in the history of the Jews” of the United States and developed divisions of opinion with Louis Marshal, Jacob H. Schiff and Oscar S. Straus and “others in the American Jewish Committee opposed to idea of such a congress” and another group led by Justice Louis Brandeis, Judge Hugo Pam and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise” favoring the convening of such a congress in the United States.

1916: In a protest against the high cost of kosher beef, nearly 3,000 shops refused to receive or sell kosher meat today. “Many kosher butchers closed theirs shops and put up signs in their windows reading ‘Because of the high prices on kosher-killed products, this shop will be closed until further notice.’”

1916: Inspectors working for Joseph Hartigan, New York City’s Commissioner of Weights and Measures, reported to him tonight that the people had virtually all stopped buying kosher meat.

1917: Orthodox rabbis in Jerusalem establish the Ashkenazi Community Council to oppose the Zionist dominated City Council of Jerusalem Jews.

1917: The Menorah Quintennial Convention, a gathering of the leaders of the Intercollegiate Menorah Association, which Israel Zangwill said he could not attend, was scheduled to open today in New York.

1917: Fresh Turkish troops attack the British hoping to take back Jerusalem.  After eight hours of fierce nighttime combat, the British beat them back.

1917(11th of Tevet, 5678): Ninety-two year old Henry Sonneborn a “manufacturer” passed away in Baltimore, MD.

1917: Twenty-two year old Cleveland born featherweight Danny Frush fought and won his fifth bout leaving him with a record of four wins and one loss.

1918: Following the British elections, Churchill wrote Prime Minister Lloyd George cautioning him against appointing three Jews to a cabinet that had only seven openings. This was not based on any anti-Semitic feelings on Churchill’s part.  He was merely expressing concerns for the reality of British politics at a time when Lloyd George needed to build a broadly supported government that could “win the peace” now that the World War had been won.  In the end, Lloyd George appointed only one Jew to the first post-war cabinet.

1919:Sir John Monash, Australia’s ranking General on the Western Front in World War I, who served with great distinction, returned home to a hero’s welcome. Monash was the son of a German-Jewish couple who had arrived in Australia two years before Monash’s birth.

1919: Birthdate of Sam Aaronovitch, the native Londoner who became a leading economist and a “senior member of the Communist Party of Great Britain.

1919: Harry Frazee, owner of the Boston Red Sox, sold Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees. Boston fans never forgave Frazee for the sale of the Bambino which was the start of the Yankee dynasty.  On top of everything else Frazee was one of those gentiles who had the dubious distinction of being smeared for being Jewish. “The Dearborn Independent, a newspaper published by one of this nation’s most infamous anti-Semites, automobile pioneer Henry Ford, published an article titled “The Jewish Degradation of Baseball”, which insisted that Frazee was a Jew, that he was out to “get” Ban Johnson and that he was part of a grand Jewish conspiracy designed to place Organized Baseball under Jewish control. Frazee was in fact Presbyterian and a Mason and, though he was not Jewish, being a Freemason branded him guilty by association. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a forgery originating in Russia that detailed a Jewish plot to dominate the world, claimed that Jews and Freemasons were acting in concert. Judaism and Freemasonry were so intertwined in Europe, even as far back as the 1860s, that the Nazis eventually adopted the slogan “All Masons Jews—All Jews Masons,” and Hitler abolished Freemasonry in Germany in 1935. But, as evidenced by Ford and his newspaper, bigotry wasn’t just endemic of Europe, and Organized Baseball certainly was no stranger to it.”

1920: The 29th annual assembly of the Jewish Chautauqua Society is scheduled to being today in Cleveland, Ohio.


1920: The Intercollegiate Zionist Association is scheduled to hold its annual convention today at Columbia University.

1921(25th of Kislev, 5682): First Chanukah celebrated during the Presidency of Warren Harding.

1921: “School Days,” a comedy produced by Harry Rapf was relased today in the United States.

1923: One day after he had passed away, 52 year old Samuel Lewis was buried today at the Crumpsall Jewish Cemtery.”

1924:  Birthdate of Israeli spy Eli Cohen.  Since we cannot do justice to this heroic figure you might want to go to http://www.elicohen.org/ for more information about his contribution to the survival of the Jewish state.

1925: “Lady Windermere’s Fan” a silent film version of the stage play by the same name directed, produced and edited by Ernst Lubitsch was released today.

1927:  Birthdate of Alan King. King was equally adept as a comedic actor and as monologist.  One of his most famous lines was, “It is not how long you live, but how well you live” that counts. After uttering that bon mot, he would take a deep, long pull on his signature cigar and give you that knowing smile. His philanthropic commitments included founding the Alan King Diagnostic Medical Center in Jerusalem, establishing a scholarship fund for American students at Hebrew University, and establishing a Dramatic Arts Chair at Brandeis University. He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center. He passed away in 2004.

1928: During “the first public meeting of the American Academy for Jewish Research at the Jewish Theological Seminary,” D.S. Blondheim, the secretary of the academy read a paper prepared by Professor Max L. Margolis of Dropsie College that provided a plan for the preparation of “an authoritative edition of the Hebrew text of the Scriptures” that would involve “forty scholars in Europe, Asia and America working for ten years.”

1930: The Jewish Daily Bulletin reported today that four Jews will sit as judges of the Cleveland Municipal Court during the coming year, as a result of the appointment this week by Governor Myers V. Cooper of Maurice J. Meyer and Alfred L. Steur to fill vacancies on the Municipal Court bench where they will join the other two Jewish judges -- Jacob Stacel and Mary D. Grossman.

1931: U.S. premiere of “Arrowsmith” the film version of the novel by the same name produced by Samuel Goldwyn with music by Alred Newman.

1931:George and Ira Gershwin's Pulitzer Prize-winning musical play "Of Thee I Sing" premieres on Broadway

1931: “Mata Haria” a movie about the WW I spy produced by Irving Thalberg with a script by Leo Birinsky and Benjamin Glazer was released in the United States today.1933: U.S. premiere of “Queen Christina” a film treatment of the life of Queen Christina of Sweden produced by Walter Wanger with a script by S.N. Behrman and Ben Hecht.

1932(27th of Kislev, 5693): Third Day of Chanukah

1932: The NBC Blue Network broadcast episode five of “Flywheel, Shyster, and Flywheel” starring Chico and Groucho Marx.

1934: “Pipe Paid” with a script by Viola Brothers Shore opened today on Broadway at the Ritz Theatre.

1934: In London, “Barnett Samuel, a solicitor a and Minna Nerenstein, a composer and partner in Jewish publishers Shapiro, Valentine” gave birth to Raphael Elkan Samuel, the Marxist and Professor of History at the University of East London who left the Communist Party when the Soviets crushed the Hungarians in 1956 and who was the husband of historian Alison Light.

1934: Anna Birshtein married Louis Geffen. Anna’s uncle was a rabbi and Louis was the son of Tobias Geffen had been who had been an orthodox rabbi in Atlanta, GA, since 1910.  Geffen and his brother Samuel formed the Atlanta law firm of Geffen and Geffen, a firm founded out of the need for the brothers to be able to practice law while remaining observant Jews.

1936(12th of Tevet, 5697): Parashat Vayechi

1936: A delegation of American Jewish labor leaders including Joseph Schlossberg, Max Zaritzky, Isador Nagler, Reuben Guskin, Samuel Perlmutter and Joseph Brislaw is scheduled to set sail for Europe today where members are going “to confer with experts in France, England, and Poland on the Jewish labor movement in Palestine.”

1936: Founding of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. The Polish born violinist Bronislaw Huberman is credited with founding the orchestra.  It was originally called the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra but changed its name after the founding of the state of Israel. 

1936: In Tel Aviv, Arturo Toscanini, who had fled Mussolini’s Italy, conducted the first performance of the Palestine Philharmonic. At the end of the concert Bronislaw Huberman, declared that “Nothing could describe this concert except the word divine."

1936: Founding of the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra, now known as the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra under the leadership of Bronislaw Huberman. “The orchestra, first conducted by Arturo Toscanini, debuted after a struggle that also involved Albert Einstein, Chaim Weizmann and a characteristically defiant David Ben-Gurion.Huberman’s epic quest is the subject of the new documentary “Orchestra of Exiles,” a real-life tale of Jewish musicians in need of a home, and a nascent country in need of an orchestra.

1936: It was announced today that ten thousand dollars had been pledged to ORT by the American Committee Appeal for the Jews in Poland at a dinner hosted by Samuel Lamport who had pledged five hundred dollars in his own right.

1936:  Birthdate of Kitty Dukakis the Jewish wife of U.S. Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis.

1937: The Palestine Postreported that over 1,000 British troops, police and troopers of the Transjordan police force, spent Christmas under pouring rain in a raging battle in the Wadi Hamud area, north-west of Tiberias, where nearly forty Arab terrorists were killed. The troops and police suffered five wounded.

1937: The Palestine Postreported that Taleb Nanini, a local notable, was killed by an Arab terrorist in his village of Akraba. Yehuda Mintz and his two sons, Isaac, 35, and Eliahu, 27, watchmen of the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives were wounded on their way to work. In Haifa, Private Mott, a British soldier of the Essex Regiment, picked up a bomb with a burning fuse and threw it off the pavement, saving by his bold action lives of numerous passersby.

1938: Harold Goldblatt presided over the second session Avukah’s three day conference being held at the Hotel Claridge.

1938: In Montreal, Sarah and Jack Lev gave birth to Judy Feld Carr, the “Canadian woman” who “would rescue more than three thousand five hundred Syrian Jews between 1975 and 2000.” (As reported by Jewish Women’s Archives)

1939(14th of Tevet, 5700): Fifty-four year old Romanian born University of Michigan Professor of Economics who had earned his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Oregon and Ph.D. at the University of Chicago in 1917 after which served as a professor of sociology and economics at several universities including Texas and Minnesota passed away today from the effects of heart attack he suffered “while listening to a radio broadcast of the declaration of war by Great Britain against Germany.”

1940(26th of Kislev, 5701): On the second day of Chanukah, 89 year old Daniel Frohman, the “Jewish American theatrical producer and manager and early film producer’ passed away today.

1940: U.S. premiere of “The Philadelphia Story” a romantic comedy directed by George Cukor, produced by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, filmed by cinematographer Joseph Ruttenberg with music by Franz Waxman.

1940(26th of Kislev, 5701): One day after her 71stbirthday, Chicago native Benvenida Solis Firth, the daughter of Moses and Esther Ritterband and the wife of Emil Firth passed away today in Beverly Hills.

1940: The British government suspended the quota for legal immigration for three months, thus halting all immigration until March, 1941.

1940: The Broadway production lf “My Sister Eileen” written by Joseph A. Field and Jerome Chodorov and directed by George S. Kaufman opened at the Biltmore Theatre today.

1940: Birthdate of record producer Phil Spector.

1941: The USS Blue, which had not been sunk or damaged during the attack on Pearl Harbor thanks to the efforts of Ensign Nathan Asher, a graduate of the Naval Academy who took command U.S.S. Blue since the skipper was ashore” unloaded supplies at Midway which would be the scene of the pivotal battle in June of 1942.

1942: The U.S. Army Medical Corps completed establishing an evacuation hospital at Tlemcen, the Algerian city whose “most important place pilgrimage of all religions was the Jewish cemetery on the outskirts of town.”

1942: “Marine in the Making” an Oscar nominated documentary filmed by cinematographer Richard Freyer (born Morris Kolsky) was released today.

1945: The Jewish Agency charges that Palestinian government has stopped issuing immigration certificates despite British foreign minister Ernest Bevin's declaration that monthly quota would be permitted.

1946: Diamond factories in Natanya and Tel Aviv are raided, reportedly by Jews who would have been using the proceeds of the raid to finance the fight against the British.

1946: Peter H. Bergson, Hebrew Committee of National Liberation, formed exile government for Hebrew Republic of Palestine in France. In the wake of British intransigence, he promises a revolt.

1946: Zero Mostel opened in tonight’s Broadway premier of “Beggar’s Holiday” a musical which Dale Wasserman would update and present with the Marin Theatre company in 2004.

1946: Bronislaw Huberman the Polish born violinist who was President and founder of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra returned as a soloist performing in Tel Aviv on the tenth anniversary of Arturo Toscanini’s first appearance as conductor of the orchestra.

1947: The second radio broadcast series of “The Thin Man” which was produced by Himan Brown came to an end today.

1947: The SS Abril left New York today bound for France sailing under a Honduran flag and operated by the American Sea and Air Volunteers for Hebrew Repatriation, an offshoot of the American League for Free Palestine and the Hebrew Committee for National Liberation

1947: “Good News” a musical with a screenplay by Betty Comden and Adolph Green was released in the United States today.

1947: Birthdate of Israeli soccer player Manacham Bello.

1947(13th of Tevet, 5708): Hans Beyth, a central figure in welcoming newly arrived immigrant children to Eretz Israel, was one of seven Jews killed by Arab snipers as they traveled in convey coming from the coast up to Jerusalem. Beyth had just completed arrangements for the care of 20,000 young survivors of the Holocaust and other youngsters from Europe.

1947: Golda Meyerson, acting head of the Jewish Agency’s Political Department escaped injury today when the convoy in which she was traveling came under attack by Arabs.

1947: One Jew was killed and two were wounded today when Arabs attacked a Jewish patrol at Imara in the Negev.

1947: A four year old Jewish girl, whose name has not been made public was killed today a bullet in Tel Aviv.  The assailant has not been identified.

1947: Lazar Kaganovich completed his second term as First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine.

1947: In Jerusalem, an Arab Legion truck that had illegally entered the city, was fired on by Jews manning a Haganah outpost.  No casualties were reported by either side.

1948: Despite defending itself against a war of annihilation, immigrants keep coming as can be seen by the fact that today; Israel greeted the arrival of its 100,000th immigrant since its declaration of statehood in May.

1948: The International Ladies' Garment Workers, Union (of American Federation of Labor) donates $250,000 and lends another $500,000 to Israel.

1948: A six plane formation of Spitfires arrived in Israel from Czechoslovakia.

1948(24th of Kislev, 5709): In the evening, the Chanukah light is kindled for the first time in almost 2,000 years in an independent Jewish state.1948: The Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, which had been meeting in Tel Aviv moves to Jerusalem.

1948: As Israel clandestinely moved aircraft from Czechoslovakia to the fighting front, Jack “Cohen led” fellow pilots Sinclair, Ruch, Jacobs, Schroeder, and Finkel across the sea. Cohen flew Spitfire 2014, the plane that he, as test pilot and flight leader, considered the worst. Just after take-off, Cohen had to turn 2014 around and land again. A flap on the cowling had come open and he returned to have it secured after which he rejoined the others.

1948: King Abdullah of Jordan attendeda Palestinian conference in Ramallah that “declared its support for the Jericho Conference resolution, calling for unification of the two banks of the Jordan under the Hashemite crown.”  (And that is what happened.  The West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem were annexed by Transjordan which changes its name to Jordan.  No state of Palestine was created or contemplated by a large swath of the Arab leadership.)

1949(5th of Tevet, 5710): Sixty-five year old Philadelphia, PA native Leon Schlesinger, the motion picture producer “behind Warner Bros. cartoons of the 1930’s and 1940’s” who “oversaw the creation of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig and Elmer Fudd” and who was the husband of Bernice Schlesinger passed away today.

1951: “Double Dynamite,” a comedy “based on a story by Leo Rosten,” with a screenplay co-authored by Mel Shavelson and starring Groucho Marx was released today in the United States.

1951: Birthdate of Roslyn, NY and Barnard College Columbia University School of Journalism trained “sportswriter” and author who has written books about Sandy Koufax, Mickey Mantle and Babe Ruth and the worlds that produced them.

1952: The Jerusalem Postreported that the Mapam Council voted, by 232 to 49, to support a very carefully worded "protest" against the Czech anti-Zionist trials and activities while identifying itself completely with "the world's revolution." The Sneh-Riftin bloc justified the trials and advocated a complete acceptance of the accusations. 

1953(20th of Tevet, 5714): Eighty-two year old Lee Shubert, the Lituanian born eldest of seven brothers who build the Shubert theatrical empire passed away today.

1953: Monnett B. Davis passed away while serving as the second U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

1953(20th of Tevet, 5714): Dr. Alexander Marx, the director libraries and Jacob H. Schiff Professor of History at the Jewish Theological Seminary passed away today at the age of 75.  A native of Germany, Marx served in the Prussian Army and earned his Ph.D. in 1903 following which he came to the United States where he took up his position with JTS. When he arrived, the library contained 5,000 volumes. At the time of his death, the collection had grown to 144,000 books and 8,000 manuscripts making it one of the finest collections of Judaica in the world.

1954: ABC broadcast the final episode of “What’s Going On” a gameshow created and produced by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman.

1955: “Storm over the Nile” based on “The Four Feathers” directed and produced by Zoltan Korda, with music by Benjamin Frankel and co-starring Laurence Harvey was released today in the United Kingdom.

1956: Birthdate of Yehudit Ravitz, the native of Beersheba and member of “Sheshet” who is a successful singer-songwriter, composer and music producer.

1956: Los Angeles premiere of “This is Baby Doll” a dark comedy starring Carroll Baker and Eli Wallach and filmed by cinematographer Boris Kaufamn.

1959(25th of Kislev, 5720): Chanukah and Parshat Vayeshev

1960: “Do Re Mi” a musical with music by Jule Styne, lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, with a cast that included Phil Silvers and Al Lewis “opened on Broadway at the St. James Theatre” today.

1961: From February 17, 1952 through today, Dolph Schayes played in 706 games setting an NBA record for not missing a single game.

1962: “David and Lisa” the movie based on Jordi, Lisa and David by Theodore Isaac Rubin starring Janet Margolin and Howard Da Silva was released in the United States.

1963(10th of Tevet, 5724): Asara B’Tevet

1963: “Act One,” the film version of the Moss Hart autobiography directed and produced by Dore Schary who also wrote the script and featuring Sam Levene,George Segal, Jack Klugman and Eli Wallach was released today in the United States.

1963(10th of Tevet, 5724): A year after the death of his son John, 83 year old, Jacob J. Shubert, the Lithuanian born son of David Schubart and Katrina Helwitz and  the last of the three Shubert Brothers who created a mini theatrical empire passed away today.

1964: The Buffalo Bills defeated Sid Gillman’s San Diego Chargers in the American Football League Championship Game.

1965: Today “at the 38th annual meeting of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Norman Gold, an assistant professor of Medieval Jewish Studies at the University of Chicago, announced the discovery of a document that “bears the date of 1020” which “he called the oldest extant legal document of the Jews in Sicily” and which he said “showed that a community of Jews flourished in Syracuse under the Arabs before the Norman conquest of the island in 1080.”

1965: "Funny Girl" with Barbra Streisand closes on Broadway.  The Broadway hit had a Jewish diva portraying Fanny Brice, the Jewish comedic star of the Follies and radio-fame.

1968(5th of Tevet, 5729):Arthur Fellig, known by his pseudonym Weegee passed away.

1968(5th of Tevet, 5729):Fifty-year old Leon Shirdan, a marine biologist from Haifa was murdered today when two Palestinian terrorists attacked  El Al Flight 253 when it stopped in Athens on its way to New York.

1969: Operation Rooster 53 was launched at 9 p.m. as A-4 Skyhawks and F-4 Phantoms began attacking Egyptian forces along the western bank of the Suez Canal and Red Sea which provided cover for three Aérospatiale Super Frelons, carrying Israeli paratroopers, made their way west towards their the communication network which was their ultimate target.

1971: In New York the 22nd national convention of the Farband, which “finallybrought about the merger of Farband, Poalei Zion, and the American Habonim Association” came to an end.

1972: Harry S. Truman, the 33rd president of the United States passed away in Kansas City, Mo.  Truman’s activist, anti-Communist policy and his progressive domestic program earned Truman the support of Jewish voters.  But his greatest moment, from a strictly Jewish perspective, came when he decided that the U.S. would support the creation of the state of Israel and single-handedly ensured that the U.S. was the first nation to recognize the new Jewish state

1973(1st of Tevet, 5734): Rosh Chodesh Tevet and 7thDay of Chanukah

1974(12th of Tevet, 5735): Comedian Jack Benny passed away at age 80

1977: The Jerusalem Postreported from Ismailia that Prime Minister Menachem Begin, after a meeting with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, saw "peace in a few months." Begin had also expressed his anger and disappointment with Knesset members who leaked details of his peace plan before he could hand it over to Sadat. The Egyptian president described the meeting as "one of the happiest days of his life" and added that he was now ready for full ties and normalization with Israel.

1978: Birthdate of Alan Senitt, a British political activist and volunteer in the campaign of Virginia’s Mark Warner.  Senitt was stabbed to death in Washington, D.C. defending his female campaign co-worker from street thugs.

1981: “The Prince and the Aviator” directed by Jerry Adler and featuring Ellen Greene opened at the Alvin Theatre.

1982: The New York Timespublished a review of Leon Blum by Jean Lacouture.

1984: “Mrs. Soffel” a prison moved produced by Scott Rudin and featuring Maury Chaykin was released today in the United States.

1985: It was reported today that “Moscow may restore diplomatic ties with Israel and dramatically increase the number of Jews permitted to immigrate to Israel, according to reports of a conversation between a representative of an American Jewish group and a Soviet diplomat. The Jewish representative met a few days ago with an unidentified Soviet official who predicted the restoration of full Soviet-Israeli diplomatic relations and an increase in emigration to Israel.

1985: One person was injured in terrorist bombing that took placed out of a restaurant in Tel Aviv.

1988: Benjamin Netanyahu began serving as Deputy Foreign Minister

1989(28th of Kislev, 5750): Fourth Day of Chanukah celebrated for the first time during the Presidency of George Bush.

1990:  Tele 5, a Spanish television station, is scheduled to broadcast an interview with President Hussein that had been taped on December 22nd in Baghdad during which the Iraqi leaders says Tel Aviv will be Iraq's first target if war breaks out in the Persian Gulf.

1991: Robert S. Strauss began serving as the United States Ambassador to Russia during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush

1992: New York Jet announcer Marty Glickman retires at 75

1992:The standoff between Lebanon and Israel over the fate of 415 Palestinian deportees trapped in a snow-covered valley in southern Lebanon, continued today as both sides again rejected appeals to allow relief agencies to deliver food or medicine. Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, whose Government has blocked relief assistance from reaching the group, asked Washington to intervene with Israel to allow aid to reach the Palestinians. But at the same time, his Government turned down a request by the deportees to give the ill and injured treatment in Lebanese hospitals. An envoy of Yasir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said he supported the Lebanese Government's decision to refuse entrance to the men.(As reported by Chris Hedges)

1993: Comedian Rodney Dangerfield weds Joan Child.

1994: The French now suffer the fate of the Israelis at Entebbe when an Air France Flight is hijacked by four members of the Armed Islamic Group.

1996: Eighty year old actress Eleanor Lynn, a star in Clifford Odets’ “Rocket to the Moon” who was the wife of movie executive Morris Helprin and the mother of novelist and journalist Mark Helprin passed away today.

1999: The New York Timesbook section includes a review ofMy First 79 Years by Isaac Stern with Chaim Potok.

2000(29th of Kislev, 5761): Eighty-seven years old Felicia Shpritzer who was the first woman to earn “sergeant’s stirpes” in the NYPD passed away today.

2001: In Moscow, a monument honoring Shalom Aleichem was unveiled at a public ceremony attended by Nathan Meron, the Israeli Ambassador.  The Moscow newspapers reporting the event described Solomon Rabinovich as “the great Russian Jew” and “a sagacious writer.”

2001: Benyamin Ben-Eliezer won the Labor primaries that were held today.

2002: “The Hours” a film version of a novel by the same name produced by Scott Rudin was released today in the United States.

2002: In “The Cultural Spoils of War,” Ronald Lauder the chairman of the Commission for Art Recovery and co-chairman of the Research Project on Art and Archive describes attempts to reclaim and return cultural treasures stolen during the Holocaust.


2003(1st of Tevet, 5764): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

2003: “The Company” a ballet movie with a screenplay by Barbara Turner was released in the United States today.

2004: Sir Martin Gilbert “argues that Bush and Blair may one day be seen as akin to Roosevelt and Churchill. (Editor’s note – even the great ones get it wrong once in a while)


2004(14th of Tevet, 5765): Ninety-five year old Simon “Si” Gerson a leading member of the Communist Party USA whose political activism spanned 7 decades passed away today.

2005: “Builders Reveal Hidden Synagogue and Dark Era of Portugal's Past” published today describes the fate of Medieval Jewish Community of Porto.


2006: Two boys, both 14, were injured about 9 p.m. when a Qassam rocket landed in the street near where they were walking. Both were treated by Magen David Adom paramedics and taken to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon. A total of eight Qassams were fired at Israel during the day, the most in a single day since the cease-fire was declared about a month ago. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for firing the missiles from the Gaza Strip at the western Negev town. One of the Qassams fired at Israel Tuesday landed in the industrial area in south Ashkelon, close to a strategic infrastructure installation.

2006: About Alice by Calvin Trillin, “a slightly expanded version of the essay Alice, Off the Page” was published today.


2007 (17 Tevet): Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Aaron Zelig Ben Joel Feivush, author of Toldot Aaron and Rabbi Yaakov Wolf Krantz, Maggid of Dubna

2008:HaTzofe (The Observer) printed its last edition today.

2008: Closing session of the Hazon Jewish food conference in Pacific Grove, California.

2008: The New York Times publishes a review of Searching for Schindler by Thomas Keneally

2008: “Waltz With Bashir” opens in selected movie theatres across the United States.

2008:The final decision to launch Operation Cast Lead was made on this morning, when Barak met with Chief of Staff General Gabi Ashkenazi, the head of the Shin Bet Security Service Yuval Diskin and the head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, Amos Yadlin

2008:In Author Defends Disputed Memoir,” Dave Itzkoff describes the controversy surrounding the soon to be published Angel at the Fence by Herman Rosenblat.


2009: The Gilad Barkan Band, led by Israeli native Gilad Barkan, appears at the Café Vivaldi in New York City. Barkan's band includes Israeli flutist Amir Milstein, co-leader of Bustan Abraham, who bestows the music with a mesmerizing and soulful new dimension.

2009: Itamar Jobani makes his final appearance at the “Open Studios: Artist at Work program hosted by New York’s Museum of Art and Design.

2009:The Israeli military killed six Palestinians today, three in the West Bank whom it accused of killing a Jewish settler and three in Gaza who it said were crawling along the border wall planning an attack. It was the deadliest day in the conflict in nearly a year.

2010: The Gateways Winter retreat at Whippany, NJ came to an end.

2010: Klezcamp is scheduled to open today in the Catskills. Henry Sapoznik, a Ukrainian cantor’s son who founded KlezKamp in 1984, calls it a “Yiddish Brigadoon.”

2010: The Los Angeles Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Letters: Saul Bellow edited by Benjamin Taylor and When They Come for Us, We'll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle to Save Soviet Jewry by Gal Beckerman

2010: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Hero:The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia by Michael Korda


2010:IDF troops, with the help of a helicopter gunship, fired on insurgents who detonated an explosive device against a passing Israeli patrol near the border in the southern Gaza Strip today.

2010:Opening day of the Limmud Conference, the British Jewish community’s answer to the Edinburgh Festival, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this week at the University of Warwick in Coventry.

2010:Today, the Supreme Court rejected an appeal filed by Israeli settlers requesting it postpone again a long-awaited order to evict an apartment building they constructed illegally in a predominantly Arab neighborhood of East Jerusalem.

2011: For the first time ever, Jews in the I-380 corridor will have a chance to light a menorah made from bowling pins at the Chabad-Lubavitch Chanukah Bowl  under the direction of Rabbi Avremel & Chaya Blesofsky

2011: The final performance of The Kinsey Sicks in Oy Vey in a Manger is scheduled to take place tonight in Washington, D.C.

2011: Singer, composer, guitarist, and living exponent of Sephardic music Gerard Edery is scheduled to perform at the 6thStreet Synagogue Center for Jewish Arts and Literacy as part of Sephardic Music Festival in NYC

2011(30th of Kislev, 5772): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

2011:A police officer was wounded as clashes erupted between ultra-Orthodox Jews and Israel today in two separate neighborhoods in Beit Shemesh. Approximately 300 ultra-Orthodox Jews began chasing police officers, hurled rocks at them, and burned trashcans after police were called to remove a sign on a main street that orders the separation of men and women in the neighborhood.

2011: The Foreign Ministry warned that Israel's possible recognition of the Armenian genocide, which was discussed in a Knesset committee today, could lead to the serious deterioration of Israel's ties with Turkey.

2011: Thirty-nine year old Maya Amsellem is scheduled to marry 42 year old Israeli actor Lior Ashkenazi. (As reported by Jada Yuan)

2012: Inebriated gondoliers vying for the throne of Barataria are scheduled to take over the Hirsch Theater at Jerusalem’s Beit Shmuel starting today, with the next Gilbert and Sullivan production from the Encore Educational Theater Company.(As reported by Jessica Steinberg

2012:Zaytoun” a film about a downed Israeli pilot who escapes from Lebanon with a disaffected Palestinian will be released today exclusively at Curzon Renoir.

2012: “High Noon” the classic American western film starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival. 

2012(13th of Tevet, 5773): Ninety year old Canadian poet Elizabeth Brewster passed away today.

2012: “Senior officials confirmed today that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a secret meeting in Jordan with King Abdullah II, yesterday focusing on the possibility that Syrian President Bashar Assad would use chemical weapons against rebels in the ongoing sectarian conflict raging in that country.

2012:A 2,750-year-old temple and a cache of sacred vessels from biblical times were discovered in an archaeological excavation near Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced today.

2012:Hawaii Lieutenant Governor Brian Schatz was named today to fill the US Senate seat left vacant by the death of fellow Democrat Daniel Inouye.

2013:A Kassam rocket was fired from Gaza this evening, the second in as many days. The rocket fell in open ground right near a community in the south, causing no injuries or damage.

In response, the IAF struck several targets in Gaza. According to an IDF statement, the sites including a weapons production site in central Gaza, along with a weapons storehouse in northern Gaza.

2013: “Captain Phillips” starring Tom Hanks is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: “A total of 38 Indian citizens from the Bnei Menashe community made aliya today, the first cohort to arrive since the Knesset approved another wave of immigration for the group.” (As reported by Henry Rome and Sol Sokol)

2014: The Eden-Tamir Music Center is scheduled to host the next in its Future Generation Series of concerts.

2014: “Bullets holes were discovered at the entrance to a Paris publishing this morning” marking the third time this week that Jewish buildings have been fired upon the other two being at the Al Haeche Kosher Restaurant and the David Ben Ichay Synagogue. (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2014: As “worshippers were leaving the Temple Mount complex after morning prayers, two Border Police officers were stabled near the Lions Gates” (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2014: “The Zig Zag Story” and “The Farewell Party” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “Exodus: Gods and Kings,” the $140 million Hollywood film about the biblical escape of the Jews from Egypt, will not be shown there because it asserts historical falsehoods and spreads a “Zionist view,” the Egyptian culture minister was quoted as saying today meaning that it will join Morocco as the second Arab country to ban the film. (As reported by Rick Gladstone)

2015(14thof Tevet, 5776): Shabbat Vayechi

2015: “Nightlife -- A festival of light and art, intent on illuminating the multicultural abundance and complexity of Tel Aviv's Neve Sha'anan neighborhood is scheduled to take place this evening

2016(26thof Kislev, 5777): Second Day of Chanukah; in the evening, kindle the third light

2016(26thof Kislev, 5777): Ninety-four year old Tony winning veteran Broadway actor George S. Irving passed away today. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)

2016(26thof Kislev, 5777): Fifty one year old Chicago filmmaker David J. Steiner died in a bus crash while traveling in Uganda.

2016: In Little Rock, Lubavitch of Arkansas under the leadership of Rabbi Pinchas Ciment is scheduled to host a Family Chanukah Party complete with Latkes and a Smooth bar at the Chabad House.

2016: At the Town and Village Synagogue a variety of acoustic acts led by “Book of J – an amazing new Bay Area collaboration between singer/guitarist Jeremiah Lockwood (Sway Machinery) and singer Jewlia Eisenberg (Charming Hostess) making their New York debut” are scheduled to appear as part of YNY (Yiddish New York) Unplugged.

2017: Pete and Paul, A Fargenign: Yiddish Swing Dance Party! Is scheduled to take place tonight as part of Yiddish New York.

2017: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to kickoff “Winter Break at the Museum” by offering freed admission to “kids and students.”

2018: “A special workshop on improvisation for instrumentalists by renowned pianist/composer Anthony Coleman, longtime faculty member of New England Conservatory” is scheduled to take place today at “Yiddish New York.” 

2018: Penultimate session of the USY International Convention is scheduled to take place today in Orlando, FL.

2018: In Albany, NY, “Rabbi Deb Gordon of Congregation Berith Sholom in Troy” is scheduled to facilitate this year’s final Pirkei Avot Class sponsored by the Women’s Table





This Day, December 27, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


December 27

175 BCE (Tevet 3585): This day marked the completion of the Septuaginttranslation of the Bible into the Greek language. According to a letter from Aristeas to Philocrates, 72 sages, (six from each Israelite tribe) were brought to by Ptolemy II Alexandria to translate the Bible into Greek. Based on the legend, each sage was isolated and wrote a separate translation, but when all 72 were compared, they were all identical.  The text of the Septuagint and the Tanach are not the same.  Some viewed this translation as a positive event because it showed an interest of Greek intellectuals in Jewish thought and philosophy.  Others contend that this translation was necessary because the Jews of Alexandria had such limited knowledge of Hebrew that they could no longer read the text in the original. 

1350: Birthdate of King Juan I of Aragon.  In 1392, Juan granted amnesty to those who had attacked the Jews of Majorca and the Christians who sheltered them in 1391. At least 300 Jews were murdered. Juan granted the amnestybecause they had done it for the welfare of king and state; and he further declared all debts of the Christians to the Jews to be null and void.”

1459: Birthdate of John I Albert the Polish monarch also known as King Jan I Olbracht. In 1495, he transferred the Jews Cracow to the nearby royal city of Kazimierz, which helped to create a major European center for Diaspora Jewry. “With time it turned into a virtually separate and self-governed 34-acre Jewish Town, a model of every East European shtetl, within the limits of the gentile city of Kazimierz. As it developed into a safe haven for European Jewry, its population increased reaching a total of 4,500 Jews by 1630.

1480: In Spain, a second royal decree was issued directing the Mayor and other officials of Seville to assist the inquisitors in their work since they had shown an inclination to protect the converted Jews with to whom they were drawn either because of reasons of kinships or friendship.

1503: Followers of Zechariah of Kiev were burned in Moscow, on charges of Judaizing. This term refers to helping non-Jews convert to Judaism

1504: "Proselytizing" Jews in Moscow and Kievwere expelled after a few high officials converted to Judaism.

1657: Three years after the first Jews arrived in New Amsterdam and dealt with the bigotry of Peter Stuyvesant, a group Englishman living in the Dutch colony submitted a petition to the Governor-General requesting the lifting of the ban on Quaker worship.  Known as the Flushing Remonstrance, they were greeted with even greater hostility by “Peg-leg Pete” than he had shown to the Jews.

1753(2ndof Tevet, 5514): Seventh Day of Chanukah

1775: Merchant Aron Hart, one of the earliest leaders the Canadian Jewish community wrote to Colonel Livingston expressing best wishes for his safety and health while reviewing the money owed by the military to him for delivery of goods to the military including £121.14.10 for the Colonel’s regiment.

1791(1stof Tevet, 5552): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Seventh Day of Chanukah

1792(12thof Tevet, 5553): After passing away today, six and a half year old “Reizcha bat Jacob ben Zvi” was buried at the “Alderney Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1796: “The government deprived” Rabbi Wolf Boskovitz “of his office today and ordered the community to elect” a replacement but said the replacement could not be Rabbi Moses Munz.

1797: Joel Benjamin married Rachel Levy at the Great Synagogue today.

1797: In New York, 34 year old Richa (Rachel) Hendricks, the daughter of Uriah Hendricks, married Abraham Gomez.

1810: Birthdate of Levi Herzfeld the native of Ellrich who became a leading German rabbi and historian who earned a Ph.D. from the University of Berlin in 1836.

1812(24th of Tevet, 5573):  Shneur Zalman of Liadi founder of Chabad Hasidism passed away (date based on adjusted secular calendar).  Born in 1745, Shneur Zalman of Liadi was a descendant of the mystic and philosopher Rabbi Judah Loew (known as the "Maharal of Prague"). He was a prominent disciple of Rabbi Dovber of Mezeritch, the "Great Maggid" who was in turn a major disciple of the founder of Hasidism Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer known as the Baal Shem Tov ("Master [of the] Good Name"). After the death of Rabbi Dovber of Mezeritch, his students dispersed over Europe. Rabbi Shneur Zalman became the leader of Hasidism in Lithuania, and is accepted as one of the great Hasidic leaders. The movement he founded was moved to the town of Lubavitch in present-day Belarus by his son and successor Rabbi Dovber Schneersohn. In 1940 the Chabad Lubavitch movement moved its headquarters to Brooklyn, New York in the United States with branches all over the world staffed by its own Lubavitch-trained, and ordained, rabbis with their wives and children. He involved himself in opposing Napoleon's advance on Russia and supporting the Jewish settlements in the Land of Israel, then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Due to false charges from his Misnagdim opponents in Vilna, he was imprisoned by the Czar on charges of supporting the Ottoman Empire, since he advocated sending charity to the Ottoman territory of Palestine. The day of his acquittal and release, the 19th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar, is celebrated as the "Hasidic New Year" by Lubavitch Hasidim, who have a festive meal and communal pledges to learn the whole of the Talmud known as "Chalukat Ha'Shas." Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi is well known for his systematic exposition of Hasidic Jewish philosophy, entitled Likkutei Amarim, and more popularly known as the Tanya, first published in 1797. (The fuller and more authoritative version of this work dates from 1814) Due to the popularity of this book, Hasidic Jews often refer to Shneur Zalman as the Baal HaTanya.He is also well known for his work Shulchan Aruch HaRav, his version of the classic Shulkhan Arukh, an authoritative code of Jewish law and custom. The work states the decided halakha, as well as the underlying reasoning. The Shulchan Aruch HaRav is used by Lubavitch Hasidism. However, citations to this work are sometimes found in non-Lubavitch sources such as the Mishnah Berurah and the Ben Ish Chai. Rabbi Zalman is one of three authorities on whom Shlomo Ganzfried based his Kitzur Shulkhan Arukh. Descendants of Rabbi Shneur Zalman adopted the names Schneersohn or Schneerson to accommodate Napoleonic edicts that required all subjects to take permanent surnames. (Prior to Napoleon's conquests and the winds of Enlightenment he brought in his wake, Jews only had their traditional names such as Shneur ben (son of) Boruch.) The last two Rebbes of Chabad Lubavitch, Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneersohn (1880-1950) and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), adhered strictly to their family surnames.

1819: Karoline and Maier Mendel Einhorn gave birth to Sigmund Max Einhorn whose wife was also named Karoline with whom he had four children – Pauline, Fanni, Rosa and Max.

1820(22ndof Tevet, 5581): Abraham ben Gedaliah Tiktin, the native of Posen who “became chief rabbi at Breslau”: passed away today.

1827: Lewis Phillips married Sarah Jonas today at the Great Synagogue.

1842: Birthdate of Dr. Sigmund Mayer, the native of Bechtheim in Rhenish Hesse who became a physiologist and histologist who is the Mayer in “Traube-Herring-Mayer “a phenomenon that deals with rhythmic variations in arterial blood pressure.”

1843: Montague Hyam married Rachel Nathaniel Levy today at the Great Synagogue.

1848: In Charleston, SC, Jacob Ottolengui married Eliza Emma Jacobs, the daughter of Colonel Jacobs.

1851: Birthdate of Max Judd, the Polish native, who founded the St. Louis Chess Club and served as U.S. Counsul to Austria during the 2nd administration of President Grover Cleveland.

1853: One day he had passed away, Joseph Phillips, the son of Lyon and Elizabeth Phillips and the husband of Sarah Elizabeth Phillips with whom he had had one son – Lewis – was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1854: “Coming Events” published today reported on the prominent role that Benjamin Disraeli will be playing in the upcoming session of Parliament as the lead of “the loyal opposition.”  Among other things, he is expected to join with Lord Derby in support Parliamentary reform along the lines of the Chartist Movement.  This will set him on a collision course with Lord John Russell who talks more about reform than he delivers.  “Disraeli will probably propose that every householder shall have the elective franchise and that representation shall be based upon population.  If he he goes to this extent Russell will be ‘nowhere’ in the race and Disraeli will become champion of popular rights.”  [Did Disraeli’s Jewish roots explain the fact that a leader of the Conservative Party was a leading proponent for this most liberal reform?  Is there a connection between social justice and Judaism that a trip to the baptismal font cannot wash away?]

1855: “Do You Eat Pork?” published today reported that “physicians have just discovered that the tape worm only troubles those who eat pork”  According to The Gazette Medicale  “ the Hebrews are never troubled with it” while pork butchers are “peculiarly liable to it and dogs that are fed Pork “are universally so afflicted.”

1861(24thof Tevet, 5622): Sixty-five year old Jacob Eiechenbaum, the native of Galicia who became “one of the pioneers of modern education among the Russian Jews” passed away in Kiev.

1861: Rabbi Abraham Fischel wrote a letter to Henry I. Hart describing the conditions of the troops encamped around Washington, DC which he has visited while waiting to hear from Congressional leaders about his efforts to get the law changed so that Jews can serve as Chaplains in the Union Army.

1862(5th of Tevet, 5623): Sixty-five year old Michel Goudchaux the French banker who served as Minister of Finance during the Second Republic who was a fierce opponent of Louis Napoleon and his imperialism passed away today.

1863: Five days after she had passed away, 62 year old Jane Jones, the wife of Alexander Jones with whom she had had five children was buried today at the “Lauriston Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1863: In Holland, Abraham de Pinto was appointed “Landsadvocaat” (Land’s Advocate) today.

1864(28th of Kislev, 5625): Fourth Day of Chanukah

1868: Rumanian Jews were excluded from the medical profession.

1868(13th of Tevet, 5629): Thirty-four year old Dr. Louis Man Emanuel who had earned an M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1860 and served as surgeon with the Union Army from 1861 to 1864 seeing action at numerous battles including Fredericksburg and Gettysburg died today in Linwood, Pennsylvania from “an attack of diabetes mellitus brought on by exposure” while serving his country.

1868: In Plock, Anna and Ludwick Flatau gave birth to Polish neurologist and psychiatrist Edward Flatau.

1869: Carl Theodor Liebermann and Antonie (Toni) Amalia Liebermann gave birth to their daughter Else who became Else Preuß when she married Dr. Hugo Preuß (Editor’s note: ß is a letter in the German alphabet for which there is no equivalent in the alphabet of the English language, although the proper pronunciation approximate the letter “s”)

1869: In Cincinnati, OH, “Herman S. and Jennie (Wolf) Mack gave birth to Harvard trained, attorney Edwin S. Mack, the member of the Wisconsin bar and faculty member of the University of Wisconsin Law School faculty and husband of the former Della Adler with whom he had three daughters – Theresa, Elizabeth and Jean."

1870: “The Jews In Rome” published today provides “an interesting summary of the peculiar legal status of the Jews” living in the Italian capital courtesy of the Florence correspondent of the London Daily News who reported that “the 4,800 Jews huddled together in the Ghetto were until a very few years ago forcibly penned up there, the huge iron gates being closed at nightfall and neither ingress nor egress permitted by the guards until the following morning.”

1871: Rabbi J.J. Lyons officiated at the wedding of Nathan S. Hart and Ada F. Samuel, the daughter of Morris L. Samuel

1872: In Giessen, Germany, Dora and Mayer Livingston gave birth to Sigmund G. Livingston, the Illinois lawyer who “was the founder and first president of the Anti-Defamation League.

1874: It was reported today that Rabbi Moses Dimant who had been jailed for failing to provide the four dollars in court ordered support for his wife Liebe was released today on a writ of habeas corpus.  The writ was obtained by the wife who said she no desire to see her husband in jail.

1874(19th of Tevet, 5635): Asher Jacob Covo, Chief Rabbi of Salonica who was born in 1797, passed away.

1875(29th of Kislev, 5636): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1878(1st of Tevet, 5639): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1879: In New York City, as part of Hospital Saturday, Jewish congregations collected pledges estimated to total more than $20,000.  In years gone by, this money would have gone exclusively to Mt. Sinai Hospital.  This year the money will go to a city-wide fundraising effort for all participating hospitals.  The total raised yesterday does not count contributions by individual Jewish donors or donations made by businesses owned by Jews.

1880: Birthdate of Emil Kiesler, the father of Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler who gained fame as film star Heddy Lamar.

1880: It was reported today that Lawrence Oliphant’s new book, The Land of Gilead, includes a plan for “colonizing on of the rich and unoccupied districts in Turkey with Jews, to whom the Ottoman authorities can have no possible objection on political grounds.”

1882: It was reported today that “Grand Master Julius Harburger” has delivered $606 to the Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society which was collected by the lodges of the Independent Order of the Sons of Israel. This brings the total collected for aid to the Jewish refugees from Russia to $3, 836.15

1882: Birthdate of Jacob B. “Jack” Findling, the former resident of New York City and Chicago who settled in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1908 where he became President of the Boston Store, founder and President of “the Salt Lake Jewish Community Center Association” and President of “District No. 4 of B’nai B’rith.”

1884(9th of Tevet, 5645): Parashat Vayigash

1884: Birthdate of Ukraine native Benjamin Rosenberg who gained fame as the American modern painter Ben Benn.

1884(9th of Tevet, 5645): Forty-one year old Mortiz Wottiz, the son of David and Karoline Wottitz and husband of Eugene Wartski Wottitz passed away today in Vienna.

1884: It was reported today that the Jews living in the western Russian province of Volhynia are refusing to serve in the army.

1885: It was reported today that Rabbi S.M. Morais and Rabbi Henry P. Mendes are among those calling for the establishment of a new seminary in the East to train rabbis.  This is a reflection of the dissatisfaction with the changes being advocated by the Reform Movement lead by Rabbi Isaac M. Wise and being taught at Hebrew Union College.

1885: It was reported today that there 2,064 students attending the schools supported by the Hebrew Free School Association in New York City.

1887: The Ladies’ Bikur Cholim Society hosted a fundraiser tonight “for the benefit of the Industrial School for Poor Girls.”

1887: In South Carolina, Rabi Levy officiated at the marriage of Henry Rashbaum and Emma (Brown) Baum.

1888: In New York, the City Court Judges heard an appeal by representatives of the Ladies’ Deborah Nursery and the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society and Orphan Asylum ask that they overturn their decision to allow only the Police Justices to hear applications for the commitment of children to charitable institutions.

1888: In Tokyo, 42 year Dr. of Jurisprudence Albert Mosse and his wife Caroline (Lina) Mosse old gave birth to Hans Mosse

1888: A piano solo and a presentation by Elliot F. Shepard were part of the entertainment at this evening’s program presented by the Young Men’s Association of Temple Beth-El.

1889(4th of Tevet, 5650): Seventy-eight year old German portrait artist and painter Eduard Julius Friedrich Bendemann passed away today in Dusseldorf.

1889: Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler of Temple Beth-El is scheduled to officiate at the funeral of Valentine Koon. Born at Stuttgart, German in 1810, he came to the United States where he found success in the manufacture of shoes for the army and New York real estate.  As an elector in the national election he voted for Abraham Lincoln and was one of the founders of the New York chapter of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith.

1890: Birthdate of Hungarian Communist Tibor Szamuely who would help form the short lived Hungarian Soviet Republic formed by Bela Kun in 1919.

1890: In New York City, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment presented the budget for 1891 which included an allocation of $60,000 for the Hebrew Benevolent Society and $70,000 for the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.

1891(26th of Kislev, 5652): Second day of Chanukah; in the evening kindle three candles

1891: The Hebrew Free School Association of Brooklyn held its fourth annual examinations at Weber’s Washington where the students were tested “and showed great proficiency in translating Hebrew into English” as well as demonstrating “an accurate knowledge of Jewish History. Following the distribution of prizes and recitations by the students, three candles were lit as part of the celebration of Chanukah.

1891: Based on information that first appeared in the Pall Mall Gazette it was reported today that “Notes of a Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land” in which F.R. Oliphant describes his visit to Palestine has recently been published in Great Britain.  Oliphant recorded the final years of Laurence Oliphant which included a variety of anecdotes involving Germans, Druses and Romanian Jews whom the older Oliphant had rescued from economic distress when he found living on the streets of Haifa.

1891: In Tupelo, MS, Moses Plough and his wife gave birth to Abe Plough the Chairman Schering-Plough.

1891: It was reported today that “Galician newspapers are filled with articles advocating the renewed enforcement of repressive measures against the Jews of Russia and Poland”

1891: It was reported today that the arrest of large numbers of Jews in and around Russia has been done in complete secrecy “with people suddenly disappearing.”

1892: Plans were published today for the upcoming dedication of the new Hebrew Orphan Asylum in Brooklyn.

1893:The American Jewish Historical Society opens its second annual meeting at the Columbia College Library Building in New York City.

1893: Birthdate of Leopold Pick, the resident of Vienna who was shipped to Terezin and then to Auschwitz where he was murdered at the age of 50.

1884: In Cincinnati, Ohio, Emil Pollak and Carrie (Caroline) (Carolyn) Pollak (born Benjamin) gave birth to Julian Albert Pollack who served on the City Council and was an executive with the Community Chest.

1894: The third annual convention of the American Jewish Society which began yesterday came to an end today, having heard numerous papers including “The Jewish Soldier” presented by Simon Wolf and having decided to hold next year’s meeting in Philadelphia.

1894: The final budget figures for 1895 presented today at the meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment included $80,000 for the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, $90,000 for the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society and $5,000 for the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children

1894: “Irritation About Dreyfus” published today described start of a “Jew-baiting campaign” by the revolutionary and anti-Semitic newspapers.”  “La Parole predicts that the Jews by presuming to consider themselves equals with Frenchmen and competing with them are preparing the most fearful disaster that ever marked the tragic history of the race.” (The first steps on the road to Drancy?)

1895: “The Brooklyn Hebrew Aid Society has officially been incorporated.”

1895: Birthdate of Siegfried Aron, the native of Hamburg, Germany who gained fame as actor Siegfried Arno whose successful career in Germany was cut short by the rise of the Nazis which forced him to leave and eventually continuing his career in the United States starting in 1939.

1895: At least 23 people died today in Baltimore when a fire broke out at the Front Street Theatre where a 2,500 people most of whom were Jewish had gathered to see the “Jewish opera, Alexander.”

1896: Birthdate of German writer and playwright Carl Zuckmayer who did not think of himself as being Jewish until the rise of Hitler.  His mother was the daughter of a Protestant church councilor who had converted from Judaism.  This made him Jewish in the eyes of the Nazis and no doubt accounted for his fleeing to the United States where he spent World War II.

1896: The San Francisco Call reported that word has been received regarding the engagement of New York State Senator and prominent New York attorney Jacob A. Cantor to Loie Fuller “the famous and fascinating danseuse and artist in feminine draperies.”

1897(2nd of Tevet, 5658): Eighth Day of Chanukah

1897: Birthdate of Haverhill, MA, native William Cantor the Harvard alum who graduated in three and half years while serving on the University Dining Council and being a member of the “Menorah Society Zionist Club” who went to become an “insurance executive” and “officer in B’nai B’rith.”

1898: In Stolin, Russia, “Samuel and Eva (Goberman) Sandweiss gave birth to University of Michigan trained physician David Jacob Sandweiss, “the chief section gastroenterology and attending physician division of internal medicine at Detroit’s Sinai Hospital and a member of the Board of Directors the Hebrew Benevolent Society who raised four children – Samuel, Flora, Donald and Sandra – with his wife Sandra Gail.

1898: Birthdate of Russian born David Jacob Sandweiss, who came to the U.S. in 1909, earned a Medical Degree from the University of Michigan, practiced in Detroit where he raised his son Samuel with his wife Frieda.

1899(25th of Tevet, 5660): Moses Levi Ehrenreich, the native of Brody who became the chief rabbi of Rome whose “chief literary work consisted of the part he took the translation of the Bible into Italian under the direction of Luzzatto, for which he translated Hosea, Micah, Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah” passed away today.

1904: Charles Frohman produced “Peter Pan or the Boy Wouldn’t Grow Up” which debuted today at the Duke of York’s Theatre in London.

1905(29th of Kislev, 5666): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1905: It was reported today that the Russian government claims “that the leaders of the revolutionary at Moscow are mostly students from Kiev, Kharkoff and Odessa, among whom are many Jews.

1906: In New York, Martha Esther Cahn, the daughter of of Moses Isaac Binion and Rachel Binion and her husband Edward Cahn gave birth to Ruth Marshall, the wife of Harold Marshall.

1906:  In Pittsburgh, PA, Max and Annie Radin Levant gave birth to composer and pianist Oscar Levant.

1906: In Paris, “Julia Berg, a German Jew” and “American painter Lyonel Feininger gave birth to photographer Andreas Bernhard Lyonel Feininger who was fortunate enough to get out of Europe before WW II and augmented his life as a free-lacer by working with Life, the premiere photo magazine of its day

1907: Emperor Menelik of Abyssinia (Ethiopia), granted letters of protection to Rabbi Haim Nahoum and his team who were sent by the Alliance Israelite Universelle to study the condition of the Falashim (Ethiopian Jews).

1908: Twenty-six year old Galicia native Samuel Schimmel the founder of Schimmel Electrical Supply in Philadelphia, PA married Anne Feigenbaum with whom he had “five children – Herbert, Ruth, Leonard, Bernard and Nathaniel.”

1908: Dr. Herbert Friedenwald, Secretary of the American Jewish Committee said today that Russian newspapers he had just received showed that Czarist state had resumed the persecution of its Jewish citizens. 

1908: Based on a letter whose contents were made public today in London, Israel Zangwill has denied reports coming from the United States that he is planning on turning his play “The Melting Pot” into a novel which would be dedicated to President Theodore Roosevelt.

1909 Birthdate of Benjamin Morris Jebaltowsky the middleweight who fought under the name Ben Jeby

1912(17th of Tevet, 5673):,Fifty –five year old Russian-born Berry Dantzig, the husband of Anna Kasor Dantzig passed away today passed away in Kansas City, MO after which he was buried in the Sheffield Cemetery. (Another source shows December 12)

1912(17th of Tevet, 5673): In Berlin, Judicial Councilor Erich Lello passed away today.

1913(28th of Kislev, 5674): Parashat Miketz; Fourth Day of Chanukah

1913(28th of Kislev, 5674): Seventy-one year old Bertha Spiegelberg, the native of Borgholz, Germany and wife of Levi Spiegelberg passed away today in New York City.

1913: The Sisterhood of the Spanish Portuguese Synagogue will hold its annual Chanukah celebration at the Astor Hotel.

1914(10th of Tevet, 5675): Asara B’Tevet

1914: Eugene V. Debs, the former Socialist candidate for President of the United States wrote from Terre Haute, Indiana, that “I have followed the Leon Frank case in the press on account of its extraordinary nature, and the conviction was forced upon me so long ago that Frank’s trial was a farce and that the prejudice against him on account of this races was so intense that, however innocent he might be, he had not a ghost of a chance for his life.”

1914: Today, the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Relief Committee appropriated $100,000 “for the relief of Jews of Russia, Poland and Galicia” which is “in addition to $75,000 appropriated for the same purpose at a prior meeting” and the $50,000 “sent to the Jewish Colonization Association at Petrograd.”

1914: In Rochester, NY, “the usual Sunday morning services of Berith Kodesh Temple were incorporated into the activities of the Jewish Chautauqua Convention which was addressed by Dr. William Rosenqau of Baltimore, MD, the organization Vice Chancellor.

1914: “Zabara” published today provides a review Sepher Shaashchim by Joseph ben Meir Ibn Zabara translated by Professor Israel Davidson.

1914: It was reported today that the USS Tennessee and her sister ship the USS North Carolina which had taken gold raised by American Jews to Jaffa where it was to be sent to aid those in Jerusalem are now believed to have sailed north to Beirut.

1915: It was reported today that Dr. Christian F. Reisner delivered a sermon at the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church in “which he praised the Jews for the large contribution they have made to sufferers of their race in Europe” saying that their “wonderful exhibition of giving” is attributed to the fact that “the Jew has suffered so much that he sympathy for others that suffer.”

1915: Ex-Judge Leon Sanders, the President of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society is scheduled to address a meeting sponsored by the Society in the auditorium of the Bank of the United States at a list of “Jewish war sufferers who anxious to communicate with their relatives and friends in the United States” will be read for the first time.

1915: “The Foreign Relations Bureau of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society opened tonight in the building of the Bank of the United States at 77 Delancy Street” in NYC.

1915: It was reported today that “efforts to care for the Jews in the neighborhood of Constantinople were being made through Ambassador Morgenthau to whom $5,000 is being sent every three months for distribution.”

1915: the American Jewish Relief Committee for the Jews suffering from the war planned to have raised another million dollars by today.

1915: “Cash contributions to the $5,000,000 fund to be raised by the American Jewish Relief Committee for the Jews suffering from the war continued to pour into the offices of the Treasurer, Felix M. Warburg at 52 William Street.

1915: At the afternoon meeting of the National Association of Young Judea, it was decided to continue with the establishment of Young Judea Center “in which member can participate in literary work and other activities.”

1915: In St. Louis, MO, the national meeting of the Jewish Chautauqua Society continued for a fourth day.

1916(2nd of Tevet, 5677): 8th& final day of Chanukah

1916: The 26th Annual Assembly of the 5,000 member Jewish Chautauqua Society whose officers include Jeanette Miriam Goldberg of Jefferson, TX is scheduled to come to an end today in New Orleans.

1916: It was reported today that The Daily Jewish Wahreit will begin printing the story of Sergius Michallow Trufanoof better known as “Illiodor, the Mad Monk of Russia” which were not published in “a recent issue of the Metropolitan Magazine.

1916: In New York City, the packing companies which slaughter cattle in accord with the laws of Kashrut met with representatives of the Federation of Retail Kosher Butchers and agreed to sell them kosher meat for 15 cents a pound.  Last week, they had been charging 18 cents a pound which led to a boycott by the kosher butchers. The packing companies further promised that before they raised prices again, they would meet with the butchers and explain the reason for the increase.

1917: During WW I, the first British train arrived in Jerusalem after the Ottomans left.

1917: Colonel Ronald Storrs, the newly appointed British Military Governor of Jerusalem, viewed the distant mountains of Moab in the glow of the sunset.  For the first time since the Crusades, 600 hundred years ago, a Christian power controls Jerusalem.  From the Jewish point of view, the Christian power was Great Britain which, under the terms of the Balfour Declaration, was committed to the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine.

1917: The Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs announced today that “the Turkish army that surrendered Jerusalem to General Allenby executed thirty Jewish men and women of that city” including “the father and a sister of Aaron Aaronsohn, head of the Palestine Agricultural Experiment Station which is subsidized by the American Agricultural Department.

1917: At a meeting of naturalized American of Rumanian birth held tonight at Cooper Union several speakers including John Trowbridge, Chairman of the Rumanian Red Cross in America “said that Rumanian Jews could be assured that the United States would see to it that they would obtain freedom after the war”

1917: Three days after he had passed away, 45 year old Solomon Vitofsky, the husband of Vella Vitofsky with whom he had had four children was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1917: More than $2,500 dollars was contributed by Rumanian Jews living in the United States for the Jewish Relief Fund.

1917(12th of Tevet, 5678): Seventy-one year old antiquarian Joel Koopman passed away today in Brookline, MA.

1918: Dispatches from Warsaw today report that Ukrainian General Symon Petliura “has promised protection to the Jews from pogroms” – a promise he was either unwilling or unable to keep as can be seen from the death of approximately Jews during Pogroms in the Ukraine.

1919(5th of Tevet, 5680):Sir Charles Solomon Henry passed away. Born in 1860, he “was an Australian merchant and businessman who lived mostly in Britain and sat as a Liberal Member of Parliament (MP) in the House of Commons from 1906-1918.”

1920: “The 29th annual assembly of the Jewish Chautauqua Society” is scheduled to meet for a second day today in Cleveland.

1920: In the Bavarian village of Leutershausen, Nathan Jochsberger, “a cattle dealer…and the former Sofie Enslein” gave birth to Hilda Jocbsberger the musically talented refugee from Nazi Germany who founded New York’s Hebrew Arts School for Music and Dance.(As reported by Richard Sandomir)

1921: Birthdate of Judith Hannah Saretsky who gained fame as “Judith S. Wallerstein, a psychologist who touched off a national debate about the consequences of divorce by reporting that it hurt children more than previously thought, with the pain continuing well into adulthood…” (As reported by Denise Grady)

1921: In Atlanta, GA, Alan and Edith Gavronski Lipshutz, gave birth to Robert J. Lipshutz, the White House Counsel for President Jimmy Carter “who played an important behind-the-scenes role in negotiations leading to the Camp David peace accords.”

1923: Arthur Hays and Iphigene Ochs Sulzberger to their third child, Judith Peixotto Sulzberger, who gained fame as “Dr. Judith P. Sulzberger, a physician whose philanthropy led to the creation of a center for genome studies in her name at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons..” (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

1925: Birthdate of Moshe Arens, the native Kaunas who made Aliyah in 1939 and whose career has included service as Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to the US.

1926: Latkin Square in the Bronx was named for the first US Jewish soldier to die in WWI

1927: At the behest of Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, is expelled from the Communist Party. 

1927: Oscar Hammerstein II and Jerome Kern’s “Show Boat" premiered at the Ziegfeld Theater in New York City.  If you need more of a Jewish connection than Kern and Hammerstein, this Broadway hit was based on the novel of the same name written by Edna Ferber. When Edna Ferber published Show Boat in 1926, she was already an established writer, with eleven books, two stage plays, and a Pulitzer Prize (for So Big, 1925) to her credit. But when the musical adaptation of the novel opened on Broadway with lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and music by Jerome Kern, it was unlike any earlier production. Combining music and dance with fully formed characters and serious themes, “Show Boat” departed from both operetta and the musical comedy revue, establishing a new style of American musical. Ferber's work in Show Boat and in later novels grew from a keen eye and a gift for observation of the world around her. Raised in often precarious economic circumstances in small towns in Iowa and Wisconsin, Ferber always identified with the lives of ordinary working people. She believed that they had "a kind of primary American freshness and assertiveness." She tried to communicate those qualities and do justice to the lives of working folks in all of her writing. Ferber's work also drew on the oppression she felt she had experienced as both a woman and a Jew. Subjected to anti-Semitism as a child, she felt she had gained strength from facing her tormentors. Similarly, she believed that women's experience of social limitations led them to develop special strengths. Many of her early works featured strong women overcoming social obstacles to professional success. Show Boat, which tackled the theme of interracial marriage, also addressed the issue of social constraints. After its successful Broadway debut, “Show Boat” ran for 572 performances, and was later made into a film twice. Revival performances continue to entertain audiences across the country.

1929(25th of Kislev, 5690): Jews observe Chanukah, in what will be the first winter of the Great Depression.

1929: “Their Own Desire” a movie version of the novel starring Norma Shearer who was nominated for a best actress Oscar  was released today in the United States.

1930: In Philadelphia, “Harold M. Saunders, an architect and the former Marian Weihenmayer, a jewelry designer, gave birth Harold Henry Saunders, the American diplomat who worked with Henry Kissinger to gain interim agreements after the Yom Kippur War and “was credit as one of the Camp David accords.”

1930(7th of Tevet, 5691): Alfred Moritz Mond, 1st Baron Melchett, son of German born Anglo-Jewish chemist Ludwig Mund and Frieda, née Löwenthal Mund passed away.

1930: “The Right to Love” a movie version of the novel starring Paul Lukas and featuring Irving Pichel was released today in the United States.

1932(28th of Kislev, 5693): Fourth Day of Chanukah

1932: Radio City Music Hall opened in New York City. This American cultural landmark was a project produced by three people – multi-millionaire John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and two Jews, Samuel Roxy Rothafel, who previously opened the Roxy Theatre in 1927 and RCA chairman David Sarnoff.

1934: “Broadway Bill” a comedy: written by Robert Riskin and based on the short story "Strictly Confidential" by Mark Hellinger” was released in the United States today.

1935: Birthdate of Rabbi Raymond Apple who served as the Senior Rabbi of the Great Synagogue of Sydney between 1972 and 2005]. In this role, he was one of Australia's highest profile rabbis and the leading spokesman for Judaism in Australia

1935: Regina Jonas received her semicha and was ordained by the liberal Rabbi Max Dienemann, who was the head of the Liberal Rabbis' Association, in Offenbach am Main

1935: Birthdate of Dr. Victor Brailovsky a native of Moscow, a computer scientist and MK who served as Minister of Science and Technology. Bailovsky was a refusnik who spent three years in a Soviet prison because he wanted to make Aliyah.  He finally was allowed to leave for Israel in 1987.

1936: In New York, “Daniel Bonn Salk and Dora Press Salk gave birth to child psychologist Lee Salk, the husband of Kerstin Salk.

1936: Today, the National Advisory Council of the Jewish National Fund voted to provide the financial support for a project that will reclaim swampland in the vicinity of Lake Huleh which “will create an area of 14,000 acres on which 2,500 homesteads may be established” and which be “developed for agricultural uses for the benefit of Jews and Arabs beginning in 1937.”

1936: Today, “at its annual meeting in the Commodore Hotel, the Greater New York Council of Jewish Organizations” which represents “about 250 Jewish communal and fraternal organizations with an aggregate membership” “urged Jews in the United States to contribute their share of the $5,000,000 fund for “rebuilding Palestine” which takes on an added urgency because of “the need for the rehabilitation of distressed Jews in Germany, Poland” and other countries in Europe.

1936: In Washington, DC, delegates to the convention of Junior Hadassah “adopted a budget of $75,000 for the Junior Hadassah Palestinian Projects and for the Jewish National Fund” following which they attended a dinner featured speaker Rabbi Edward L. Israel of Baltimore said that “the difference between communism and Zionism is the difference between dictatorship and democracy.”

1937: The Palestine Postreported two British army casualties: an officer and a private, both of whom fell while searching for arms in Arab villages in Galilee. Rafael Yavneh, 26, was shot and badly wounded at km. 16 of the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv road in the fourth Arab attack on Jewish transport within a week. The Arab Defense Party met at the house of Bisharra Debbas, a Christian and the former governor of Acre, and appealed to stop terror and to consider a new Arab representative body - an Arab Higher Council - as the alternative to the radical Husseini Arab Higher Committee.

1937:The Haganah decides to establish Field Companies under the command of Itzhak Sadeh.

1938: Jewish organizations provided “food and clothing” for “five hundred refugees from Germany, Austria and Hungary who left Varna for “an undisclosed destination” today.

1938: Following a year-long survey that had been conducted by J.X Cohen, using information from “classified advertising columns of newspapers and confirmed by an investigation of the leading employment agencies in New York City and of the personnel records various industries including public utilities, quasi-government agencies, banks, insurance companies, hotels and department stores,”  “the American Jewish Congress reported today that the employment of Jews in the United States had increased since Hitler’s rise to power and was now at a record high mark.”

1938(5th of Tevet, 5699: Poet Osip Mandelstam died in one of the labor camps of Stalin’s Gulag.

1942(19th of Tevet, 5703): Sixty-three year old Dora Blumenthal, the Dresden born daughter of Gustav and Amalie Pinthus and the wife of Oskar Michael Blumenthal died today at Theresiendstadt.

1942: In Worcester, MA, Frances and Jacob Hiatt, a highly successful businessman and leader in he Jewish community gave birth Myra Nathalie Hiatt who became Myra Kraft when she married Robert Kraft best known as the owner of the New England Patriots who was a powerhouse in her own right as can be seen by the fact that her philanthropy led to her being chosen as “one of the 20 Most Powerful Women in Boston.”

1943:The keel of the SS Meyer London, a “liberty ship” was laid today.  The ship was named in honor of Meyer London, a Jewish political leader and reformer who was one of only two Socialists to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.  Ironically, London had voted against the declaration of war that led to American involvement in World War I.

1944: Dr. Rudolf Kastner left Switzerland for Budapest, but could get only as far as Vienna because “the Red Army had encircled “the Hungarian capital.

1944:Arrow Cross members came to the shelter run by Sister Sara Salkahazi's.  The Hungarian nun was active in hiding Jews from the Arrow Cross and the Nazis. Salkahazi and four Jewish women who did not manage to either hide or flee were taken to the bank of the Danube, where the Arrow Cross men stripped them, shot them and threw their bodies into the river.At the site where Salkahazi and those who shared her fate were executed, not far from the tourist mecca of Budapest's main market, a modest memorial has been erected. Her name and memory also grace a tree on the Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. And now, the Catholic Church has also recognized the importance of her deeds.

1945: The World Bank was created with the signing of an agreement by 28 nations. Among Jews associated with the bank were Eugene Meyer, the first president, James Wolfensohn and Paul Wolfowitz, both of whom served as Presidents between 1995 and 2007 and Stanley Fischer, Lawrence Summers and Joseph E. Stiglitz who served as Chief Economist from 1988 to 2000.

1945: The British authorities in Palestine blame the Haganah for bomb blasts and gun battles in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Tel Aviv, including an attack on a Tel Aviv arms depot.

1945: “Terrorists struck tonight in the heart of Jerusalem, blowing up the Civil Investigation Department building in the Russian compound near the main post office. At least three policemen are dead and six injured.”  Other attacks were reported on a police station in Jaffa and installation of the Royal Engineers Workshops in Tel Aviv.

1945: “In the greatest mass arrests in the history of Palestine more than 1,500 people were taken into custody tonight” after unidentified people blew up the British police station in the center of Jerusalem.

1946: “After refitting in Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal, USS Cythera (PK-31), renamed SS Abril, sailed from New York City for Southern France and Port-de-Bouc., with a 21-man crew, mostly American volunteers, seven of whom were from Brooklyn.”

1947: It was reported today that the British police in policed had revealed that the headmaster of the government school in Ramallah had received a warned that the Irgun would blow up the school.

1947(14th of Tevet, 5708): A convoy that counted Gold Meir (future Prime Minister of Israel) as one of its passengers came under attack.  Seven Jews were killed by the Arab attackers.

1947: Sherut Avir was formed today, “with the few light aircraft at the Jew’s disposal” with “responsibilities that included liaison, recon, transport, and convoy escort.”

1947(14th of Tevet, 5708): Eighty-three year old old Julia H. Kohlman, the wife of Sigmnund Kolhman passed away today after which she was buried in “Springhill Avenue Temple Cemetery” in Mobile, Alabama.

1947(14th of Tevet, 5708): Hans Beyth, a central figure in welcoming newly arrived immigrant children to Eretz Israel, was one of seven Jews killed by Arab snipers as they traveled in convey coming from the coast up to Jerusalem. Beyth had just completed arrangements for the care of 20,000 young survivors of the Holocaust and other youngsters from Europe.

1947: Houses belonging to Jews and Arabs were set on fire today in the Jaffa-Tel Aviv region.

1947: As communal strife continued to intensify, troops had to be used to end a six hour between Jews and Arabs near Tulkarm.

1947: A private source in Haifa said tonight that in the last 48 hours the verified deaths included nine Jews, eight Arab and two Britons.  Forty-three people were reported to have been wounded during the same period.

1948(25th of Kislev, 5709): Chanukah

1948: Members of the Moslem Brotherhood assassinated Egyptian Prime Minister Fahmy Norashy Pashy because of Egypt’s failure to win the war in Palestine.

1948: Israel bombs Arab forces in Gaza.

1948: Fighting between Israeli and Egyptians in Fallujah.

1948: During Operation Horev, an Israeli armored brigade attack al-Auja. The successful attack led to the surrender of Egyptian forces in the area.

1948:  Birthdate of actress Tovah Feldshuh

1950(18th of Tevet, 5711): Max Beckmann German-born painter/graphic artist passed away at the age of 66.

1951: Birthdate of Henryk Halkowski historian, journalist, essayist and translator of Jewish origin, scholar of Hasidism and the history of Krakow's Kazimierz.

1952: In New York, attorney Sidney Feldshuh and the former Lillian Kaplan gave birth to Tony Award and Emmy Award nominated actress Terri Sue “Tovah” Feldshuh, the sister of playwright David Feldshuh who may be best known for her performance in “Golda’s Balcony, “the longest-running one-woman play in Broadway history.”

1952: The Jerusalem Postreported that Israel Rokach, mayor of Tel Aviv for the past 17 years, had relinquished his post to Haim Levanon, the Deputy Mayor.

1952(9th of Tevet, 5713): Jesse Hieman, the son of Max Heiman who “developed Gus Blass Company into the largest department store” in Arkansas and the husband of Adele Blumenthal Heiman, passed away today.

1952: Today, “the American Legion announced that it disapproved of the “Moulin Rouge” the movie based on the life of artist Toulouse-Lautrec featuring Theodore Bikel.

1952: Birthdate of David Knopfler Scottish-born guitarist, singer and songwriter who along with his brother Mark was part of Dire Straits.

1953(21st of Tevet, 5714)Poet Julian Tuwim passed away. Born in 1894 in Łódź, “he studied law and philosophy at Warsaw University. In 1919 Tuwim co-founded the Skamander group of experimental poets with Antoni Słonimski and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz. He was a major figure in Polish literature, and was also known for his contribution to children's literature.”

1953: In Detroit, Michigan, Reva (nee Kolodney) Taubman and shopping mall developer Adolph Alfred Taubman gave birth to Robert S. Taubman, the husband of Julia Reyes Taubman who followed in his father’s footsteps to become CEO of Taubman Centers.

1956(21st of Tevet, 5717): Fifty-six year old University of Chicago professor Dr. Ralph Marcus, “an authority on the Dead Scrolls passed away tonight after suffering a heart attack.

1958(16th of Tevet, 5719): Parashat Veyechi

1958: Today Max Raskin, Marquette University trained attorney who specialized primarily in labor law announced the formation of the “law firm of Raskin, Zubrensky and Padden” with Padden being his 29 year old son in law Phillip Padden, the De Paul University trained attorney

1959(26th of Kislev, 5720): Second Day of Chanukah

1960(6th of Tevet, 5721): The former Meta Pollak, who had married Paul Joseph Sachs with whom she had had three children passed away today.

1964: Elinor Bluemnthal married John Muir Gold.

1964: Art Modell’s Cleveland Browns defeated the Baltimore Colts in the NFL Championship Game at Cleveland Stadium.

1965: It was reported today that Dr. Salon Baron “professor emeritus of history at Columbia University’ has been elected President of the American Academy for Jewish Research, succeeding Professor Saul Lieberman.

1965: “Marat/Sade” by Peter Weiss opened at the Martin Beck Theatre starting a Broadway run that would last for 145 performances.

1965(4th of Tevet, 5726): Seventy-five year old Austrian-American architect and designer Frederick John Kiesler passed away today in NYC.

1966: Birthdate of former professional football player and wrestler, Bill Goldberg.  In 1998, Goldberg did a Koufax when he refused to wrestle on Rosh Hashanah.

1967(25th of Kislev, 5768) Chanukah

1969(18th of Tevet, 5730): Parashat Vayechi

1969(18thof Tevet, 5730: One American was “killed in a shooting attack on a bus near Hebron.

1969: By 2 a.m., during Operation Rooster 53, when the paratroops had taken apart the radar station and prepared the various parts for the CH-53's, the two helicopters were called in from across the Red Sea. One CH-53 carried the communications caravan and the radar antenna, while the other took the heavier, four-ton radar itself. The two helicopters made their way back across the Red Sea to Israeli controlled territory.

1970: After 2,844 performances at the St. James Theatre, David Merrick’s “Holly Dolly” came to a close.

1970: The Golani Brigade took part in a retaliatory strike came against the village Yatar, a major guerrilla base.

1972: After two previews, a Broadway revival of “Purlie” with lyrics by Peter Udell, music by Gary Geld and directed by Philip Rose opened today, at the Billy Rose Theatre, where it ran for fourteen performances.

1973(2ndof Tevet, 5734): Eighth Day of Chanukah

1973: Bora Laskin completed her service as Pusine Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada and took office as the 14th Chief Justice of Canada

1974: The Dear Abby Show ended its run on CBS radio after 11 years.  Dear Abby is the pen name for a Jewess from Iowa, who along with her sister became the twin queens of advice during the last half of the 20th century.

1974: Human rights activist Sergei Kovalev was arrested today in the Soviet Union.

1976: Malcom Toon left his post as U.S Ambassador to Israel.

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported from Ismailia that the Begin-Sadat summit meeting made definite progress, despite the apparent Egyptian disappointment over the lack of an anticipated joint declaration of principles. While the US proposed a timely Israeli-Egyptian mediation, settlers at Ofra declared war on Begin's possible "occupied territories" concessions.

1978(27thof Kislev, 5739): Third Day of Chanukah

1978 (27thof Kislev, 5739): Seventy-seven year old Phil Meyers, chairman and founder of Standard Wine & Liquor Company of Woodside, Queens,” “the city's oldest licensed wholesale distributor of wines and spirits” and a leader “in the United Jewish Appeal and the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies” who raised two daughters – Renee and Adrienne – with his wife Mae, passed away today.

1979: CBS broadcast the first episode of “Knots Landing” a prime time television soap opera created by Baltimore native David Jacobs.

1981(1stof Tevet, 5742): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1981(1stof Tevet, 5742): Eighty-two year old movie producer Edwin Knopf passed away today.

1981: In this excerpt from his “Travel Advisory,” Robert J. Dunphy describes the “dig” at Bet Shean and provides historic perspective for what is being unearthed in modern day Israel.

The trumpets sound as the gladiator enters the arena. The crowd roars and cries for blood as the man-eating beasts are unleashed and the contest is about to begin. The scene is easy to envision in Bet Shean, Israel, where a Roman amphitheater is being unearthed. Built around 200 A.D., the arena served as the site for gladiatorial combat, circuses and sports contests for more than two centuries. The first-century historian Josephus, whose writings also detailed the dramatic story of Masada, also in present-day Israel, mentioned the existence of several amphitheaters in the area but that in Bet Shean is the only one that has been found to date. The elliptical structure is 120 yards long and 73 yards wide. The arena floor was below ground level, and a high wall protected spectators from the wild animals in the gladiatorial contests. The three front rows of seats were hewn from white limestone and above them were wooden seats. The outer wall was made of black basalt. The dig is situated several hundred yards from a Roman theater, which for years has been one of Israel's most impressive tourist attractions. With the discovery of the amphitheater, the entire area will be converted into a giant antiquities park. Bet Shean, about two hours by car from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, was the site of a Roman garrison and the principal city in the north of the country.

1982(11thof Tevet, 5743): Ninety-six year old Bavarian born Elsa Haas, the daughter of Joseph Schülein and Ida Schülein and the wife of Dr. Alfred Hass with whom she had two children -- Charlotte 'Lotti' Schüller and Gerhard Julius Haas – passed a way today in New York City.

1982: Frank Lautenberg was sworn in as a U.S Senator representing the state of New Jersey.

1985: Abu Nida, the Palestinian terrorist organization, kill eighteen people during attacks inside the airports in Rome and Vienna. According to some, the attack was a fallback.  The terrorists had really wanted to hijack El Al planes and destroy them over Tel Aviv (this is 16 years before 9/11).

1987:Three Palestinian guerrillas infiltrated a short distance into Israel from Jordan Friday night and were captured alive by Israeli troops after a shootout, the Israeli Army spokesman announced today. One of the guerrillas was wounded during the clash in a wheat field of an Israeli border settlement, but no Israeli soldiers or civilians were hurt, said the army spokesman, who released the account this afternoon.

1987: ''Furniture Making in East London: 1830 to 1980 '' an exhibition which is part of a celebration of London’s East End’s Jewish heritage comes to a close at Geffrey Museum

1988: Yossi Ahimeir, an aide to Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, said today that the Prime Minister may ask the United States and the Soviet Union to sponsor Middle East peace talks. Mr. Ahimeir said in a telephone interview that Mr. Shamir would make Moscow's renewal of diplomatic relations a condition of his proposal. The Soviet Union broke ties with Israel during the 1967 Middle East war.

1989(29thof Kislev, 5750): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1990: The Israel Philharmonic played two Wagner overtures under the direction of Daniel Barnboim.

1991(20th of Tevet, 5752): Seventy-two year old Eitan Livini, a member of the Irgun, member of the Knesset and father of Tzipi Livini passed away today.

1991: U.S. premiere of the “Naked Lunch” directed by David Cronenberg who also wrote the script, filmed by cinematographer Peter Suschitzky with music by Howard Shore.

1992(3rdof Tevet, 5753): 8th and final day of Chanukah

1992:The standoff between Lebanon and Israel over the fate of 415 Palestinian deportees trapped in a snow-covered valley in southern Lebanon, continued today as both sides again rejected appeals to allow relief agencies to deliver food or medicine.

1995(4th of Tevet, 5756):Shura Cherkassky passed away.  Born in the Ukraine in 1909, his family found refuge in the United States during the Russian Revolution.  The brilliant classical pianist performed almost until the end of his life.  

1997: Final broadcast of “Hee Haw” a long running rural based comedy and music television program whose producers included Bernie Brillstein was broadcast for the last time today.

1998: The New York Times Book Section includes a review of On Sunset Boulevard: The Life and Times of Billy Wilderby Ed Sikov which tells the story of how a Jew born in a town south of Kracow became one Hollywood’s leading writers and directors.

1999(18th of Tevet, 5760):Leonard Goldstein passed away.  Born in 1905, he became President of ABC. He orchestrated the merger of his United Paramount Theatres with ABC in 1953 and he headed the merged company called American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres. The company was renamed American Broadcasting Companies in 1968. In 1974, Mr. Goldenson received The Hundred Year Association of New York's Gold Medal Award "in recognition of outstanding contributions to the City of New York." The Leonard H. Goldenson Theater at the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences building in North Hollywood, California is named in his honor.

1999: Belizean rapper Shyne who adopted the name Moses Michael Lev when converted to Judaism and his girl were involved in a shooting at a Manhattan club which left three people injured and found him facing criminal charges that resulted in his being sentenced to prison for ten years.

2000: Release date for “Confusion of Genders” directed by Ilan Duran Cohen, the French born author who studied at the New York Film School

2000: “Tamir Goodman of Towson University recorded 9 points, 5 assists and 4 rebounds in 34 minutes in the Tigers’ 73-71 loss to the Wolverines.”

2002(22nd of Tevet, 5763):Terrorists broke into a dining hall at a yeshiva in Otneil, south of Hebron, and killed 4 students who were working in the yeshiva kitchen, and injured ten others. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

2003: The musical version of “A Christmas Carol with lyrics and a book by Lynn Ahrens and music by Alan Menken was performed for the last time at the Paramount Theatre in Madison Square Garden.

2004: A fire broke tonight in the “Commercial Block” of Cheyenne, Wyoming that began to consume the Idelman Building which had been built in 1884 by two brothers, Max and Abe Idelman” who used for their “wholesale liquor business.”

2005: “A Wounded Poet Who Sang the Crucible of a Generation” published today provided a review of Max Egremont’s Signified Sassoon: A Life that tells the tale of son of father from the wealthy Sephardic Sassoon clan and a mother who raised her son as a member of the Church England.

2005:  “Quantum Trickery: Testing Einstein’s Strangest Theory,” published today described the impact of the paper published seventy years ago by Einstein, Boris Podlosky and Nathan Rosen that provided the cornerstone for the new field of quantum information.

2006: The exhibition of Jerusalem painter Maureen Fain at the Artura Studio in Jaffa comes to an end.

2006: Heavy snow fell on Jerusalem forcing the Egged bus company to shut down its routes “citing dangerous road conditions.  Snow began falling on the Golan Heights in the early morning hours and by evening reach as far south as Mitzpe Ramon in the Negev.  Although it was technically too late, many Israelis began humming that old standard “I’m Dreaming of Chanukah Ch-e-vair.” (The last sentence is mean to be funny.)

2006(6th of Tevet, 5767): One hundred two year old “Itche Goldberg, a champion of Yiddish who wrote and edited and taught his beloved language in the face of all those who said keeping Yiddish alive was a lost cause “ passed away today. (As reported by Ari Goldman)

2007: In Anaheim, California, the USY International Convention comes to an end.

2008: In a ritual rarity, three Torah scrolls are used because of Shabbat, Chanukah and Rosh Chodesh Tevet.  The Prophetic readings are equally unusual due to Shabbat Chanukah, Machor Chodesh and Rosh Chodesh.

2008:Just days after the cabinet gave the military final approval to counter ongoing Palestinian rocket fire against communities in the western Negev; the IDF launched a massive operation, striking Hamas installations throughout the Gaza Strip today.

2008:The publisher of a disputed Holocaust memoir has canceled the book, adding the name Herman Rosenblat to an increasingly long line of literary fakers and bringing down with a crash his story - embraced by Oprah Winfrey, among others - of meeting his future wife at a Nazi concentration camp

2008 (30 Kislev 5769)Beber Vaknin, aged 57, was killed by missile in his hometown Netivot when he other literary and political figures, including those associated with her father’s generation, as well.

2009(10th of Tevet, 5770: Fast of the Tenth of Tevet

2009(10th of Tevet, 5770:  Yahrzeit of Judy Rosenstein (nee Levin)

2009: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Footnotes in Gaza by Joe Sacci, Miami Babylon: Crime, Wealth, and Power — A Dispatch From the Beach by Gerald Posner and Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic by Michael Scammell.

2009: The Washington Postfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish authors including Goddess of the Market:Ayn Rand and the American Right by Jennifer Burns and Ayn Rand and the World She Made by Anne Heller

2009:Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz is expected to deliver his recommendations to the Supreme Court about "mehadrin" bus lines - which designate separate seating for men and women - some residents of the capital plan to make their voices heard on the subject.

2009: The Yerushalmim movement, along with members of the New Israel Fund and Meretz, is scheduled to lead a demonstration against the continued existence of the “hehadrin” bus lines.

2009: The United Synagogue Youth (USY) International Convention opens in Chicago, IL.

2009: In “Sigmund Freud saved by Nazi admirer,” published today Richard Woods reviews The Escape of Sigmund Freud by David Cohen. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was saved from Hitler’s persecution of the Jews by a long-standing Nazi who was fascinated with his work, a new book reveals. 

2010: The USY International Convention is scheduled to open today in Orlando, FL.

2010: Today marks the second anniversary of the beginning of Operation Cast Lead, the IDF’s operation in Gaza which was aimed at stopping the daily rocket attacks by Gaza-based terrorists towards southern Israel.

2010: In King County (Seattle), twelve buses were scheduled to hit the streets carrying an ad reading “Israeli War Crimes: Your tax dollars at work” with an image of a group of children next to it, showing one little boy staring out at the viewer while the others gawk at a demolished building. The ads were paid for by the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign. The ads did not run because King County Executive Dow Constantine said that the proposed ads may be a potential source of disruption to local public transit and implemented an interim policy that bans the Seattle transit service from accepting any new advertising that is non-commercial.

2010:Israeli activist Jonathan Pollak  was sentenced to three months in jail today for his part in a 2008 protest by Tel Aviv cyclists opposed to the blockade of Gaza.

2010:Israeli archaeologists said today they may have found the earliest evidence yet for the existence of modern man, and if so, it could upset theories of the origin of humans. A Tel Aviv University team excavating a cave in central Israel said teeth found in the cave are about 400,000 years old and resemble those of other remains of modern man, known scientifically as Homo sapiens, found in Israel. The earliest Homo sapiens remains found until now are half as old.

2010: “Disaster Relief Group Still Finding A Need” published in today’s Cedar Rapids Gazette described the efforts to help the needy residents of Cedar Rapids who were displaced by the Floods of 2008.  Jeff Schneider, a member of Temple Judah, has played a leading role in the effort which has “delivered 10 semi-trailer loads of furniture” to people who literally lost everything.  Jeff started Temple Judah Disaster Relief which after two years of work is now faced with meeting the challenge as sources of funding in the community have dried up.  While Jeff and three of the volunteers who inspired him – Tom Hill, Marie Hill and Rob Hill – continue to look for in-kind donations of old furniture, etc. they have not made any appeal for funds although volunteer contributions would be greatly appreciated. 

2010: A two-day symposium on the history of the Jews in Indonesia being held at the University of Haifa came to an end to today. “The gathering included many firsthand accounts by former community members…who spoke about what it was like being part of a tiny Jewish minority in what is now the most populous Muslim country in the world.”

2010(27thof Tevet, 5771): Ninety-three year old “Alfred E. Kahn, a Cornell University economist best known as the chief architect and promoter of deregulating the nation’s airlines, despite opposition from industry executives and unions alike” passed away today. (As reported by Robert D. Hershey, Jr.)

2010(27thof Tevet, 5771): Joan Rodker, a longtime left-wing activist in Great Britain who had contact over decades with writers such as Doris Lessing, Jessica Mitford and others passed away today http://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2011/feb/09/joan-rodker-obituary

2011(1stof Tevet, 5772): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

2011(1stof Tevet, 5772): Eighty-three year old “Helen Frankenthaler the lyrically abstract painter whose technique of staining pigment into raw canvas helped shape an influential art movement in the mid-20th century and who became one of the most admired artists of her generation” passed away today. (As reported by Grace Glueck)

2011: In “Honoring All Who Saved Jews” published today Eva Weisel described her Holocaust experience and the courage of Khaled Abdul Wahab, an Arab Muslim who was “rescuer.”

2011: In Iowa City. Agudas Achim is scheduled to host its annual Chanukah party this evening.

2011: The Sephardic Music Festival in NYC is scheduled to come to an end.

2011: “Women Unchained” is scheduled to be shown at the Limmud Conference in London, UK

2011:Today, President Shimon Peres called on Israelis to attend a demonstration against religious fanaticism, after two days of rioting by ultra-Orthodox extremists in Beit Shemesh.

2011:Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Benny Gantz said today that the Israeli army will not excuse religious soldiers from official army events that feature female soldiers singing.

2012: “Babylon Blues” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2012: The JCC in Manhattan is scheduled to host “Israeli Dance with Tamar.”

2012:In a whirlwind of legal arguments, wrestling and threats to change the law to make it easier to disqualify Knesset candidates, the High Court of Justice heard Balad MK Haneen Zoabi’s petition to be reinstated for the current campaign.

2012: In a fierce excoriation that brought Israel’s subterranean racial tension to the surface for the first time in this election season, Aryeh Deri of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party today lashed out at the Yisrael Beytenu party’s chief, Avigdor Liberman, claiming that he and his Likud-Yisrael Beytenu list were on a crusade against Sephardi politicians.

2012:Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, who replaces the late Sen. Daniel Inouye, was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden at 2:36pm ET. 

2013: “Hunting Elephants” and “The Killing of Sister George” are scheduled to be shown today at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was released from hospital late tonight after being treated for sinus problems

2013: Gaza's only power plant ground to a halt again today, only 12 days after being brought back online following a 7 week shutdown due to fuel shortages which officials blamed on the Israelis but which were really a result of Egyptians shutting down the tunnels through which fuel has been brought into the Hamas controlled territory.

2014(5th of Tevet, 5775): Parashat Vayigash

2014(5th of Tevet, 5775): Three days after his 89th birthday, American pianist Claude Frank passed away today. (As reported by Anthony Tommasini)

2014(5th of Tevet, 5775): Ninety-one year old Chanoch (Hans) Seligman, a native of Chomutov, a town which had been part of the Sudentenland, and the son of Emil and Irma Seligman passed away today in Kefar Sava

2014: The Jerusalem Opera is scheduled to perform “Figaro” by Mozart at Ashdod with the Ashdod Symphony conducted by Omeri Arieli.

2014: “The Smurfs” and “The Chaos Within” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “An apartment in a Jerusalem neighborhood was firebombed this evening, causing some damage to part of the home. The attack follows a firebombing that injured an 11 year old girl who was riding in a car with her father.

2014: A Palestinian baby collapsed while crossing the border between the West Bank and Jordan, prompting the IDF to send a helicopter to evacuate the child to a Jerusalem hospital, effectively saving his life.” (As reported by Itay Blumentahl)

2015(15th of Tevet, 5776): Ninety-three year old Oscar winning cinematographer Haskell Wexler passed away today. (As reported by John Anderson)

2015: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors or of special interest to Jewish readers including Emblems of the Passing World: Poems After Photographs By August Sander by Adam Kirschand the recently released paperback publication of Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits — to Sleep More, Quit Sugar, Procrastinate Less, and Generally Build a Happier Lifeby Gretchen Rubin.

2015: “Orchestra of Exiles” a documentary about Polish violinist Bronislaw Humberman “whose extraordinary efforts saved hundreds of Jews from the approaching Holocaust” is scheduled to be shown at the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA.

2015: Israeli artist “one of the pioneers of middle eastern music in the Arabic and Turkish genres” is scheduled to perform at BB King Blues Club.

2015(14th of Tevet, 5776): Yahrzeit of Pinchas Rutenberg founder of the Israel Electric Corporation.

2016(27th of Kislev, 5777): Third Day of Chanukah

2016(27th of Kislev, 5777): Ninety-two year old “Joel Sollender a World War II POW who appeared in television ads for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign” passed away today.

2016: The funeral for Libby Bucksbaum, the wife of Arnold Bucksbaum, is scheduled to take place in Cedar Rapids, IA, followed by burial at Eben Israel Cemetery.

2016: “Chanukah at the Riverwalk” the biggest community event sponsored by Chabad Lubavitch of Louisiana is scheduled to take place this evening including lighting  of the region’s largest Chanukiah built by Isak Borenstein of blessed memory. (For more see the Crescent Jewish News, the leading source of Jewish news in the Crescent City and along the Bayous of the Gulf Coast)

2016: At a “Vodka and Latkes Party” YNY is scheduled to  “present the Ternovka Ensemble, a new collaboration between renowned Yiddish singer Zhenya Lopatnik (who recently relocated to New York from Kharkiv, Ukraine) and tsimblist (hammered dulcimer) player Pete Rushefsky.”

2016:  Its official – This Day in Jewish History is one of the “Top Jewish Blogs and Websites on the Web” as chosen by Feedspot Blog Reader for 2016

2017: Today, “The Jewish Music Research Centre joined with the National Sound Archive of the National Library of Israel in celebrating the life of Dr. Tzipora H. Jochsberger, the pioneering German-Israeli musicologist who passed away at the age of 96 in October.”

2017: Mona’s is scheduled to host a “Late-Night Kelzmer Jam Session” as part of Yiddish New York.

2017: Yiddish New York is scheduled to host “an evening of song and music to celebrate the legacy of late, visionary singer-scholar, Adrienne Cooper.”

2017(9thof Tevet, 5778): According to Tradition, ninth of Tevet is the Yahrzeit of Ezra.

2017: “A year-end report” conducted by the Taub Center which was “released today found that the cost of living in Israel is among the highest of developed nations.”

2018: Award winning concert pianist Eliah Zabaly is scheduled to perform this evening in “Mal’ha, Jerusalem” this evening.

2018: Yiddish New York is scheduled to host a series of lectures and teen and youth programs culminating in “the final student concert” this afternoon.

2018: “The Squirrel Hill JCC Kaufman Dance Studio” is scheduled to an evening of Israeli dancing this evening.

2018: In an example of “tikkun olam” in Memphis, TN, members of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel are scheduled to gather this afternoon to “knit bears for children infected/affected with HIV/AIDS in emerging nations.”



This Day, December 28, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


December 28

1235: A ritual murder massacre at Fulda resulted in the death of 32 Jews. The Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire established an investigation at Hagenau (located in modern Alsac) to confirm or disprove the charges. After hearing various experts he declared that since Jews are prohibited from eating animal blood, they would surely be banned from using human blood. He forbade anyone from accusing Jews of this charge. Who would have expected such logical conclusion from this particular source?  Of course logic does not trump anti-Semitism and the blood libel continues to this day.

1703: Mustafa II, Ottoman Sultan passed away.  During his reign, the Turks conquered Belgrade and the Jews returned to the city.  Mustafa continue the practice of his predecessors and employed Jews a court physicians including Doctor Tobias Cohen and Doctor Israel Koenigland

1753(3rd of Tevet, 5514): Eighth Day of Chanukah

1757(17th of Tevet, 5518): Moses Ben Aaron also known as Moses Lwow who was embroiled in controversy between Frederick William I and the elders of the Berlin Jewish community and who later successfully served  chief rabbi of Frankfort-on-the-Oder passed away today while serving as “Landesrabbiner" of Moravia

1788: In Prague, Israel Landau and Serel Duschenes gave birth to printer, publisher, and lexicographer Moses Israel Landau, the husband of Rivka Landau and the grandson of Ezekiel Landau.

1791(2nd of Tevet, 5552): 8th day of Chanukah

1800(12th of Tevet, 5561): Aaron Philip Hart, considered to be “the father of Canadian Jewry” passed away.

1802: In Strasbourg, Alsace, France Adelaide Cerfbeer and Auguste Ratisbonne gave birth to Théodor Ratisbonne  a member of a prominent Jewish banking family who was baptize in 1826, ordained in 1830 and who founded the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion.

1811: Civil rights were extended to Jews in Frankfurt, one of the most venerable Jewish communities in Europe. The change was initiated by a number of distinguished Jews including Meyer Anschel Rothschild; the result was that the New Duchy of Frankfort passed a law granting Jews "Civic rights and privileges equally with other citizens." The signing only took place after Rothschild and his co-religionist agreed to pay 400,000fl to the French official making the decision.

1815: Mordecai ben Samuel Nathan married Zischa bat Moshe Israel at the Western Synagogue.

1825: Birthdate of Jindřich Opper, the native of Boheima who gained fame as Henri Blowitz, the naturalized Frenchman who became a journalist and diplomat who covered the Franco-Prussian War and the Congress of Berlin

1828: Birthdate of Joseph (Josef) Ritter von Weilin the native of Tetin who became a note Viennese dramatist and historian.

1828: Having passed away on Shabbat, Myer Hayman was buried today at the Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1831: In Württemberg, Germany, Bernard Frankfurter, the son of Moses Levi Frankfurter and Mirjam Landauer and his wife, Esther Frank, gave birth to Nannett Frankfurter

1833: Joseph Moses Levy, the chief proprietor of the Sunday Times and his wife Esther (née Cohen) gave birth to Edward Levy-Lawson Burnham who was put in charge of the Daily Telegraph which was deliberately priced at one penny, making it the cheapest and the largest circulated paper in Britain, surpassing the Times. 

1836: South Australia and Adelaide are founded.  Jews were among the earliest settlers.   Among them may have been Solomon Emanuel who would become a successful merchant was convicted of house-breaking in 1817 and sentenced to “seven years of transportation” and his brother Vaiben who had been convicted of larceny at the same time.

1842: Samuel Solomon married Rosetta Hart today at Canterbury, Kent.

1843: In Vienne, Moritz Moses Jacob von Goldschmidt and Anna Netti von Goldschmidt gave birth Salomon Goldschmidt.

1845: Three days after he had passed away, David Hart was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1846: Iowa enters the Union as the 29th state. “Iowa was reported to have suffered an ‘invasion’ of Jewish peddlers; about a hundred of them arrived in the first decade after statehood.  The peddlers who hailed from Eastern Europe had one center, those from German another.  The first congregation arose in 1855 in Keokuk which the ‘Eastern European’ center.” Iowa’s two most famous Jews were born in Sioux City and are known to the world as Dear Abbey and Ann Landers. Until 2008, Iowa was home to the largest kosher slaughtering operation in the United States. 

1851: In New York August Belmont, who was Jewish and Caroline Sllidell gave birth to U.S. diplomat and politician Perry Belmont. Belmont led the life a privileged, well-connected gentile.

1852: Henry FitzRoy, the son-in-law of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, became Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department.

1856: Birthdate of Thomas Woodrow Wilson.  To the world, Wilson is famous for the New Freedom, his leadership of America during World War I and the Fourteen Points.  For Jews, his greatest claim to fame was naming Louis Brandeis as a Supreme Court Justice. Wilson was also the first President to publicly endorse a national Jewish philanthropic campaign. In a letter to Jacob Schiff, on November 22, 1917, Wilson called for wide support of the United Jewish Relief Campaign which was raising funds for European War relief.

1859: Fifty-nine year old British historian, MP and Cabinet Minister Thomas Babington Macaulay who in 1830 “spoke in favor of Robert Grant’s bill for the Removal of Jewish Disabilities” passed away today.

1859: In the United Kingdom Edward Ludwig Goetz and the former Angelina Levy gave birth to their first child, Lucy Esther Goetz who would not live to see her second birthday.

1859: Today, Congregation Beth El which had been “organized as an orthodox synagogue in 1854” which makes “the oldest Jewish house of worship” in the Lone Star State, “obtained a charter for the Hebrew Congregation” which had 22 members from the City of Houston.

1860: The Jewish Messenger published an editorial by Samuel Mayer Isaacs supporting the Union.  “The Union...has been the source of happiness for our ancestors and ourselves. Under the protection of the freedom guaranteed us by the Constitution, we have lived in the enjoyment of full and perfect equality with our fellow citizens. We are enabled to worship the Supreme Being according to the dictates of conscience; we can maintain the position to which our abilities entitle us, without our religious opinions being an impediment to advancement. This Republic was the first to recognize our claims to absolute equality, with men of whatever religious denomination. Here we can sit 'each under his vine and fig tree, with none to make him afraid.'”

1862: Cesar J. Kaskel received an order from Captain and Provost Marshall L.J. Waddell informing him that “in pursuance of General Order No. 11…you are hereby ordered to leave the city of Paducah, Kentucky, within twenty-four hours after receiving this order.”  (As described by Jonathan Sarna)

1863: In Germany, Benjamin Jaffa and his wife gave birth to Nathan Jaffa who in 1878 came to the United States where he eventually settled in what is now the state of New Mexico where, among other things he served as a regent of the University of New Mexico and Mayor of Santa Fe while raising a son, Benjamin with his wife Esther.

1862: In Bokshsa, Poland, “Ephraim Rosenfeld and Rachel Wilchinsky” gave birth to “Moshe Jacob Alter” later known as Morris Rosenfeld, the sweat shop tailor and diamond cutter turned journalist who became editor of the Jewish World and a delegate to several Zionist Congresses and raised a family with his wife Bella Guttenberg.

1864(29thof Kislev, 5625): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1864: In Taurogen, Russia, Isaac Epstein and his wife gave birth to Jacob Epstein the husband of Lena Weinberg who was the “founder and proprietor of the Baltimore Bargain House” as well as the Director of the Hebrew Benevolent Society and the Hebrew Friendly Inn and Aged Home.

1864: In San Francisco, Hannah Marks and Gershom Siexas Solomons gave birth to Lucius L. Solomons the California lawyer who married Helen Frank, served as President of the San Francisco World’s Fair Association and held several positions of Jewish communal leadership including grand president, District No. 4, Independent Order of B’nai B’rith.

1865(10thof Tevet, 5628): Asara B’Tevet observed for the first time during the President of Andrew Johnson.

1870: Birthdate of Abraham Ber Goldenson, the native of Lithuania who “served the Nusach Hari shul, St. Louis, Missouri as their head rabbi for over 13 years from 1918 to 1931.”

1873: It was reported today that Anshe Chesed, one of New York’s oldest and most traditional congregations is merging with Temple Adath Jeshrurn, one of the city’s leading Reform congregation. Anshe Chesed is commonly known as the Norfolk Street Congregation.

1875(30th of Kislev, 5636): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Sixth Day of Chanukah

1878(2nd of Tevet, 5639): 8th & final day of Chanukah

1879: William Waddington, who had provided Laurence Oliphant with a letter addressed to the Sultan expressing support for Oliphant’s plan for large-scale settlement of Jews in Palestine which would improve the economy of the Ottoman Empire, completed his term as the 42nd Prime Minister of France.

1881: In Rochester, NY, founding of the Eureka Club whose members included Joseph Michaels, Charles L. Blum, Herman C. Cohn and Charles L. Blum.

1882: Eighty-two year old German orientalist and student of Semitic languages and who in 1861 authored a textbook of the Hebrew language ("Lehrbuch der hebräischen Sprache") passed away today.

1883: Birthdate of Lithuanian Israel Isidor Mattuck who was ordained at Hebrew Union College before moving to Great Britain where served as the rabbi of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in London for 35 years.

1884: “Louis Kossuth Living” published today dispelled the recent rumors of his death while describing the accomplishments of his life.

1884: Three days after he had passed away, 65 year old Michael Nathan, the husband of Sarah Green and the father of Simon Nathan, was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1885: Fifty-four year old Jules Glaser, a leading Austrian jurist and statesman passed away today. Glaser had converted from Judaism to Christianity because the attitude of his countrymen made it very difficult to advance professionally and because the government would not hire him because he was Jewish.

1885: It was reported today that there were 80,000 Jews living in New York City; another 20,000 living in Brooklyn; and no more than 15,000 living in Philadelphia.  At the same time, there are approximately two million Jews living in Russia.

1885: “The Proposed Jewish College” published today described the decision of Philadelphia’s Rabbi Sabato Morais “to visit the rabbis and influential Jews in New York and Brooklyn” to discuss the need to establish a college “to offset the liberal tendencies of the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati.”

1885: Based on information that first appeared in The Argonaut, it was reported today that Benjamin Disraeli and his wife attended a dinner where Mrs. Disraeli sat next to Bernal Osborne.  When the men were alone after dinner, Osborn said to Disraeli, “Good God!  What possessed you to marry that woman?”  After a lengthy pause Disraeli replied, “Partly, Osborne, for reason which you are incapable of understanding – gratitude!” (Like Disraeli, Osborne was a Sephardic Jew and English poltician who had converted to Christianity.)

1885: “The Source of Republican Ideas” published today provided a lengthy review of The Origin of Republican Form of Government in the United States of America by Oscar Straus, the leading Jewish businessman who was active in the Republican Party.

1887: The Brooklyn Board of Estimates met today and awarded funds to a variety of public charities including $111.68 to the Hebrew Benevolent Asylum and $78.80 to the Hebrew Benevolent Association

1888: Pianist Moriz Rosenthal is scheduled to perform this afternoon at the Academy of Music.

1888: “To His Hebrew Brethren” published today provided Elliott F. Shepard’s description of Palestine which he had visited in 1885.  The climax of the trip came when his party visited Jerusalem a city of 210 ten acres surrounded by walls that were 32 feet high. It seemed odd that a city that was now “the size of a New Hampshire farm” had once been allegedly home to 2,300,000 souls. (Where Shepard found that figure is not disclosed in his discourse.)

1888: It was reported today that the Industrial School at 177 East Broadway is an institution supported by the Jews of New York City that currently provides different kinds of manual training to anywhere from 130 to 150 girls so that they may “support themselves.”

1889(5th of Tevet, 5650): Seventy year old Jacob Lagowitz passed away today in New York City.  Born at Frankfort in 1819, he came to the United in 1849 and started a company that manufactured trunks and luggage. He was a Director of the First National Bank of Newark and leaves behind a widow and seven daughters.

1890: In New York City, “Abraham S. and Fannie (Charness) gave birth to John Marshall Law School trained attorney who practiced law in Chicago and was so active in the city’s Jewish affairs that he received the Julius Rosenwald Memorial Award in 1970.

1890: “Coroner Ferdinand Levy” is scheduled to “deliver a lecture this evening before the Russian-American Hebrew Association at Harris’s Assembly Rooms on East Broadway” entitled “The Jew as a Citizen.”

1891(27th of Kislev, 5652): Third Day of Chanukah

1891: Among the charities that received a portion of the “$75,000 in excise moneys” allocated by the Brooklyn Board of Estimates today were Hebrew Benevolent Society of Brooklyn, $97.22: Hebrew Benevolent Association, $65.20; Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society, $390.

1892: At 3 p.m. Rabbi Leopold Winter began the ceremonies dedicating the Brooklyn Orphan Asylum’s new facility with a prayer followed by a song performed by the orphans. Among the speakers will Dr. Edward McGlynn.

1892: In Plotsk, Wolf Krotoshinsky and his wife gave birth to Abraham Krotoshinsky who earned a Distinguished Service Cross for his service in World War I where he was a member of the 77th division and part of the so-called Lost Battalion.

1892: Birthdate of New York native and NYU trained CPA Louis Weinstein who was active with the YMHA.

1893(19th of Tevet, 5654): Seventy-two year old Adolf Jellinik, the husband of Rosalie Bettelheim who had died the year before and who had served as the rabbi in Leipzig before assuming a similar position at the Leopoldstädter Tempel in Vienna passed away today.

1893:The second annual meeting American Jewish Historical Society comes to a close.  The two day event was held at the Columbia College Library Building in New York City. Among the papers presented today was “The Family History of the Rev. David Machado” in which Taylor Phillips “traced the family back to the time of the Inquisition, when of the members of the family who was the physician at the Court of Portugal was imprisoned by the Inquisitors for professing the Jewish faith” for which he was ultimately burned at the stake.

1894: In Vienna, Rosa Volk, the daughter of Leopold and Sofie Sara Pick and her husbnd Alexander Volk gave birth to Margarite Volk.

1894: Three days after she had passed away, 71 year old Maria (Jacobs) Freedman, the wife of Abraham Freedman and the mother of Emanuel and Israel Freedman was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1894: Sixty-three year old James Graham Fair on of the Comstock Lode “silver kings” and United States Senator from Nevada passed away today in San Francisco leaving behind numerous bequests including “$25,000 to the Hebrew asylums in that city.”

1894: Two days after she had passed away, 60 year old Hannah Abrahams, “the widow of Yitzhak Meir Abrahams,” was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1895: As of today 14 of the 23 Jews who died in Baltimore at the fire the Front Street Theatre where Schongold and Tansman production of the Jewish opera “Alexander” was being performed including 50 year old Louis Amolsky, ten year old Louis Cohen, 14 year old Ida Friedman, seven year old Theresa Goldstein and her 4 year old brother, forty year old Mr. Levenstein, 20 year old Lena Lewis, 15 year old Sarah Rosen, 25 year old Jacob Rosenthal (a tailor),  12 year old boy only identified as Salzberg, 16 year old Sarah Siegel, 14 year old Ida Silberman, a tailor simply identified as Wolf and 21 year old Jennie Hinkle who was trampled death.

1897: The Relief Committee of the Board of Guardians is schooled to meet today at 3 3:30 p.m. in London.

1898: Birthdate of Joseph Ginsburg, the native of Kharkov who was the father of French multi-talented artist Serge Gainsbourg.

1898: Birthdate of Bialystok native Mischa Spoliansky, the son of an opera singer,  whose career eventually led him to Great Britain where he pursued a career as a composer for several major motion pictures.

1899: Herzl met with Oscar Straus, the American ambassador to Constantinople

1899: Birthdate of Jack I Poses, the native of Russia who came to the United States in 1911 where he graduated from NYU and founded the Parfums D’Orsay Company.

1900: Sixty-five year old Yale University trained Congregational pastor turned author and Cornell University professor of American history and “corresponding member” of the American Jewish Historical Society passed away today.

1901: At the Fifth Zionist Congress in Basil, Max Nordau delivers a speech in which he called upon the Jewish people to “build a social structure of their own and to learn to know themselves sufficiently to think out their own future.”  He lamented the fact that wealthy Jews too often turned their back on their less fortunate co-religionists and called upon these “millionaires” to support the causes of the Jewish people.

1902:  In New York City, Ignatz Adler, “a jewelry salesman” and his wife Clarissa, “a former school teacher gave birth philosopher, author and teacher Mortimer J Adler whose accomplishments included helping in the creation of “The Great Books of the Western World” program who converted to Catholicism before his death.

1902: In Bucharest, Ecaterina Gaster Revici and Tulius Revici gave birth Melania Iancu

1905: Baron Michelham (verbally Lord) /mɪtʃ.ləm/, of Hellingly in the County of Sussex, a title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom created today for the banker, businessman and philanthropist Sir Herbert Stern, 1st Baronet who was head of the firm Herbert Stern & Co

1905: “At a meeting of the National Committee for the Relief of Sufferers by Russian Massacre held” today” at Temple Emanu-El - the first such meeting since it was decided to collect a fund of $2,000,000 – Treasurer Jacob H. Schiff read a communication from the Foreign Relief Committee made up of delegates from London and Berlin” saying that it was impossible for them so visit “all the disturbed centers in Russia” on account of the conditions in that strife-torn country.

1905: Henry B. Greenthal, a manufacturer of clothing at 7 Lafayette Place in New York hosted a dinner tonight at Pacific Hall tonight, the anniversary of his birth, for 375 employees and friends including his colleague Isaac Rubenstein who has worked with him for 25 years.

1906: Birthdate of Ann Rosenblatt, the native of Omaha, Nebraska who gained fame composer and lyricist Ann Ronell “best known for the jazz standard ‘Willow Weep for Me.’”

1906: Seventy nine year old Solomon Buber who combined life of mercantile pursuits with a devotion to Jewish scholarship that included “fifty years of bringing to life the hidden treasures of Israel’s literature” with a special emphasis on “the careful editing of Midrashic literature” passed away today in his native Lemberg.

1906: The Independent Workmen’s Circle of America, Inc. with offices in Boston, MA, was organized today.

1906: Seventy-three year old Amsterdam native “Isaac Mozes Pereira Mendoza”, the husband of Sara Isaac Monis with whom he had had eight children was buried today,

1907: Birthdate of Ze’ev Woolf Goldman the native of Galicia who gained fame as Israeli linguist and president of The Academy of the Hebrew Language Ze’ev Ben’Haim

1908: It was reported today that the Grand Duchy of Finland is taking part in of it “periodic expulsions of Hebrews.” Under Finnish law, Jews are denied the rights of citizenship including the right buy and own land and are only “permitted to reside in Finland under close restrictions.” The Finnish legislature has refused to consider a measure that would abolish “Jewish disabilities.”

1908: It was reported today that a bill has been introduced in the Finnish Legislature that contains a clause forbidding the method used by Jews for slaughtering kosher meat.

1909(16thof Tevet, 5670): Jankel Kaplan passed away today.

1911:  Birthdate of Sam Levenson who parlayed his experiences as a teacher in New York into a career as a humorist and television star during the 1950’s.

1911: Birthdate of Felicja Blumental. Born in Warsaw, this Polish-born Brazilian pianist would be known for her performances of 19th-century rarities and music by contemporary composers

1912: The National Council of Young Israel convened for the first time.  The Council was originally created to combat the wave of assimilation by providing a palatable synagogue experience that was user friendly to newly arrived immigrants and their subsequent generations. 

1912: Birthdate of William “Willie” Rubenstein “a guard from the Bronx, who was a three-year star for New York University (NYU) in the mid-1930s when the Violets were one of the best teams in the country.”

1913: In Toronto, Joseph and Fay Jacobivitch gave birth to Louis Harold Jacobovitch the Canadian actor who gained fame as Lou Jacobi.

1914: Dr. Simon Baruch, the father of Bernard Baruch spoke at tonight’s meeting of the Association of American Women of German Descent at the Hotel McAlpin “where he predicted ultimate friendly relations among those engaged in the present war.”

1914: “Lesson From Frank Case” published today provides a summary of Dr. William Rosenau’s speech “America” The Land of Milk and Honey” where he said that “America has meant the emancipation of the Jew” but that “occasionally there is an outbreak showing there is still feeling against the Hebrew” of which “the Leo M. Frank trial in Atlanta is an example.”

1914: “A Study in Scarlet” a silent movie version of the novel of the same name produced by G.B. Samuelson was released in the United Kingdom today.

1914: “Justice Lamar of the Supreme Court of the United States granted Leo M. Frank, under the sentence of death in Atlanta, an appeal for a writ of habeas corpus to the Supreme Court the immediate effect of” which “will be to stay Frank’s execution which had been set for January 22.”

1914: “The Young Men’s Hebrew Association’s campaign to raise $85,000 for a building in the Bronx is scheduled to end today with a luncheon at noon today at the Union Square Hotel.”

1915(21st of Tevet, 5676): Rabbi Mordecai Feinberg passed away today in Philadelphia.

1915: According to announcement made today at a campaign luncheon at the Union Square Hotel, the Young Men’s Hebrew Association raised $35,000 in the last two weeks during its campaign to raise funds for a “new clubhouse in the Bronx.”

1915: The list of newly elected officers of the National Association of Young Judea published today included: President, Isaac Rosengarten; Vice President, Rabbi Louis J. Hass of Woodbine, NJ; Treasurer, Isadore Blum and Secretary, Leon Spitz.

1915 Isaac Levy, the lawyer for Theresa Samuels who has been writing “poison pen” letter to young married women was informed by the psychiatrist  who said she “was suffering from a form of insanity” that her “complaint will probably yield to treatment.

1915: As of today it was reported that the American Jewish Relief Committee for Jews suffering from the war has received more than $600,000 since the rally at Carnegie Hall including $50 from the Right Rev. David H. Greer, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of New York.

1915: “The Women of the Hour Committee” whose members “have volunteered to give at least an hour a week” of raising funds to aid the suffering Jews of war-torn Europe “launched its ‘heavy work’” today “with each woman being furnished a list of ten possible contributors from whom she was to solicit money.”

1915: A New York butcher Ignatz Weiss was charged with violating a law that went into effect last September that required that meat sold as kosher must bear the imprint of the supervising rabbi officiating at the slaughter house that provided the meat. Bail was set at $100.00

1916: A meeting is scheduled to take place as part of the attempt to settle the dispute between Kosher Packing Houses and the Retail Kosher Butchers Federation during which an additional attempt will be made to reassure that charging them 15 cents a pound for kosher beef is justified. The 15 cents is 3 cents less than the price charged when the federation announced their refusal to make any purchases at that price, but some may feel that even that is too much.

1916(3rdof Tevet, 5677): Sixty-nine year old University of Virginia graduate Moses R. Walter, a “prominent Maryland lawyer, former President of the Baltimore Bar Association and “an active member of the American Jewish Relief Committee for Baltimore which raised funds for the relief of the Jews of Europe who suffered as a result of the war” passed away today.

1916: The order disbanding the Zion Mule Corps was issued today.

1916: At a luncheon held at New York’s Union Square Hotel, it was announced that the Young Men’s Hebrew Association had raised $35,000 in the last two weeks. The funds are part of the $85,000 that are needed to build a new clubhouse in the Bronx. The money came from 2,500 contributors, most of whom gave $10 or less. Only twelve contributions were larger than $100.

1917: Rabbi Samuel Colombo sent a cablegram to Dr. Hertz, the chief rabbi of the British Empire expressing “on behalf of the Federation of Italian Rabbis, joy and felicitations on the capture of Jerusalem and thanking the British Government for” the Balfour Declaration.

1917:“Having beaten back the Turkish attempt to recapture Jerusalem, Allenby ordered his men to advance to make the perimeters of the city secure.”

1917: According to a cablegram which had been sent to the Jewish Daily Forward by its correspondent in Petrograd which was published today, the Bolshevik “Government has appropriated 2,000,000 rubles for the purpose of propagating a world-wide revolution” and “250 military detachments have been formed to combat the anti-Jewish outbreak throughout the country.”

1917: “In an interview with a representative of the Jewish press” the Polish Prime Minister “states that he is not an anti-Semite” and “that by mutual understanding Jews in Poland will receive equal rights’ as can be seen by the fact that the Home Secretary “would accord the same rights and privileges to the Jewish press as are accorded to the Polish Press.

1917: At today’s “meeting of the quinquennial convention of the Intercollegiate Menorah Association which” is being held at Columbia University, “Chancellor Henry Hurwitz read a letter from Israel Zangwill in which the writer criticized the failures of those who believed that Judaism is a world mission to be presented through their religion as to their failure to universalize their religious teachings and observed that the Jewish religion in England ‘is kept alive only by Christian prejudice and a Jewish superstition.’”

1918: Based on dispatches from Paris today American delegates to the Peace Conference have given a great deal of consideration to the question of intervening in Russia where Jews are the victims of both sides of the fighting, but they have not reached any decision.

1918: Bavarian born Texas merchant Alexander Sanger assumed the Presidency of Sanger Brothers in Dallas where he had already helped to form the first Jewish congregation in Dallas.

1919:”A meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Conference of Jewish Social Service” is scheduled to meet at 10 A.M. at the Hotel Astor in New York Astor.

1919: Today, Abraham Nathan, the son of Sarah Costa and Henry Nathan and the husband of Katherine Lyons was buried at the “East Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1920: Birthdate of Fatima Kuinova a Bukharan Jewish Shashmakom singer who was named "Merited Artist of the Soviet Union" who settled in Rego Park in 1980 “where she founded and was the lead vocalist for the Shashmaqom Music of the Bukharan Jews Ensemble.”

1921:Orphans of the Storm,” a silent film sent in the French Revolution, starring Joseph Schildkraut as “Chevalier de Vaudrey” was released in the United States today.

1922: In a New York City apartment, Celia (née Solomon) and Jack Lieber gave birth to Stanley Martin Leiber who gained fame as Stan Lee creator of The Hulk and Spiderman.

1922: In New York City, Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents, Celia (née Solomon) and Jack Lieber, gave birth to Stanley Martin Lieber, known as Stan Lee, the creator of the cartoon figures “The Hulk” and “Spiderman.”

1923: Broadway premiere of Shaw’s “St. Joan” in which Michael Stuhlberg would play the “the Dauphin, Charles VII” in the 1993 revival at the Lyceum Theatre.

1923: In Suwalki, Poland, Owseij Chasyd and his wife gave birth to Józef Chasyd) who gained fame as violinist Josef Hassid.

1924(1st of Tevet, 5685): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1924: U.S. premiere of “So Big” the “silent film based on Edna Ferber’s novel of the same name.”

1925 George and Ira Gershwin's musical "Tip-Toes" premieres in New York, NY

1927: The New York Times describes the importance and significance of the gift of $2,000,000 recently made by John D. Rockefeller Jr. for the building of a museum in Jerusalem.

1927:  George Kaufman”s "Royal Family" which when it opened at the Maplewood Theatre in 1940 found Edna Ferber among the cast, premiered in New York today

1927: In Boston, world premiere of Alexander Tansman’s Second Concerto for piano and orchestra

1928: Birthdate of Canadian jazz musician and composer Moe Koffman.

1928: Featherweight Harry Blitman fought is 69th bout today which he won by a TKO.

1929: Birthdate of Albert Edmund Wolf.

1929: According to Joseph M. Levy a reporter for the New York Times, Americans have replaced Englishmen as the greatest travelers visiting Palestine, particularly Jerusalem.  In a change from pre-World War I days, “it is estimated that seven out of every ten visitors to Palestine are from the United States.”

1932: In Hamburg, Helene and Hildebrand Gurlitt gave birth to art collection Cornelius Gurlitt.

1932: “The Animal Kingdom” a film version of the stage play of the same name, produced by David Selznick, starring Leslie Howard and with music by Max Steiner was released in the United States by RKO.

1932: Hildebrand Gurlitt and his wife gave birth to German art collector Conrelius Gurlitt whose family was labeled “a quarter-Jew under the Nazi race law” because his great-grandmother was Jewish.

1933(10thof Tevet, 5694): Asara B’Tevet

1933: In a case of Jew replaces Jew today “Lazarus Joseph was elected, to the New York State Senate (21st D.) to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Henry G. Schackno

1934: “The Little Minister” a movie version of the novel and play of the same name, produced by Pandro S. Berman and with music by Max Steiner was released in the United States today.

1934: Birthdate of Brooklyn native Herbert George “Herb” Garnder, the creator of the comic “The Nebbishes” and scriptwriter whose most famous work may have been “A Thousand Clowns.”

1934: “Kid Millions” a comedy produced by Samuel Goldwyn and starring Eddie Cantor was released today in the United States today.

1935: U.S. premiere of “Captain Blood” a swashbuckler directed by Michael Curtiz with music by Erich Wolfgange Korngold.

1936: “At a time when highway robberies, brigandage and murder have again become the chief topic of news in the Palestine press and anarchy one more threatens the peace of the Holy Land,” the Vaad Leumi (the governing body for the Jewish community in Palestine) submitted evidence at today’s meeting of the Royal or Peel Commission that “the recent disturbances proved how unstable the state of public security is even in normal times and particularly how unprepared the country in in emergencies.”

1936: In Washington, DC, the delegates to final session of the annual convention Junior Hadassah adopted resolutions “urging the British Royal Commission to make recommendation that will facilitate constructive building for all sections of the population” and creating a $1,000 scholarship in honor of Miss Alice Seligsberg, of New York, one of the first members of Hadassah who for several years served as an advisor to Junior Hadassah.

1938: Birthdate of Yehoram Gaon “an Israeli singer and actor” a Sephardic Jew from Jerusalem

1938: As Leon Trotsky prepared to depart for Norway, one of the countries that had offered him refuge from the murderous wrath of Stalin, Trotsky writes in his diary, “Stalin wishes to strike not at the ideas of his opponent, but at his skull, at his very life force” Ironically, when Stalin’s assassin killed Trotsky he accomplished the deed by driving an ax into Trotsky’s brain.

1939: In the Beit Hakerem section of Jerusalem, Moshe-David Gaon a well-known historian born at Sarajevo in 139 and Sara Hakim gave birth to Yehoram “Yoram” Gaon, an Israeli singer, actor, director, producer, television and radio personality who has also written and edited books on Israeli culture.

1940: In Chile, Erick Kreutzberger and Anna Blumenfeld Neufeld, gave birth to Mario Luis Kreutzberger Blumenfeld, the Chilean television personality known as Don Francisco.

1941:Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš, the two men designated to carry out Operation Anthropoid (the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich) were airlifted by a Royal Air Force Halifax of No. 138 Squadron into Czechoslovakia at 22:00

1941: The Nazis sanctioned performances known as Kameradschaftsabende (evenings of fellowship) in Terezín, reasoning that the prisoners would cause less trouble.

1942: In Augusta, GA, Leonard Scheinman a doctor from Brooklyn serving in the U.S. Army and the former Sera Mani, a Hebrew School teacher gave birth to Victor David Scheinman “who overcame his boyhood nightmares about a science-fiction movie humanoid to build the first successful electrically powered, computer-controlled industrial robot.” (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1942: In the Warsaw Ghetto, as part of the work of the Oyneg Shabes group, Rokhl Auerbach began interviewing “Abraham Krzepicki, an escapee from the Treblinka extermination camp.” (Editor’s Note: For more on this see Who Will Write Our History)

1942(20th of Tevet, 5703): Two Jews are shot for mutiny at the Stalowa Wola, (Poland) slave-labor camp.

1942(20th of Tevet, 5703): Danzig native Alfred Flatow, the gymnast who helped Germany win Gold Medals at the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens died today at Theresienstadt.

1942: Dr. Carl Clauberg begins his sterilization experiments on women prisoners at Auschwitz.

1943: “What A Woman” a romantic comedy that marked the film debut of Shelly winters was released in the United States today.

1943: Reports out of Ankara, Turkey say the Germans are rushing material and reinforcement troops onto the Island of Rhodes by air, due to sea difficulties. At the time there were 10,000 Germans on the island.

1944: Members of Hungary's Arrow Cross abduct 28 Jews in a Budapest hospital. They will murder them two days later.

1944: On the Town opened on Broadway. It was lyricist Betty Comden's first hit. It was also the first big success for her three collaborators: Composer Adolph Green, Leonard Bernstein, and Jerome Robbins. Comden and Green also acted in the show, which featured the hit song "New York, New York." The musical, which followed a day in the lives of three sailors on leave in New York, ran for 462 performances on Broadway before going on tour. This success marked the beginning of Comden and Green's long career working together on Broadway and in Hollywood. When MGM turned On the Town into a movie with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra in 1949, it was the first feature-length musical to be filmed on location. In 1953, Comden and Green worked again with Bernstein, creating the show Wonderful Town, which won a Tony Award for Outstanding Musical. Collaborating with Green in a decades-long partnership, Comden wrote lyrics and librettos for numerous additional Broadway musicals and movies, including Singin' in the Rain (1952), Peter Pan (1953), Auntie Mame (1958), Say Darling (1958), and The Will Rogers Follies (1991). Their work garnered five more Tony Awards and two Academy Award nominations. In 1991, Comden and Green were awarded Kennedy Center Honors.

1945: Arnold Hans Weiss, who left Nazi German at the age of 13 and returned as an officer in the United States Army’s Counter-Intelligence Corps completed a mission for which he received a Commendation Ribbon for assuming “the responsibility of apprehending a personality high in the annals of the Nazi system..” The Nazi was “Wilhelm Zander, chief aide to Martin Bormann, the Nazi Party official who had controlled access to Hitler.”

1945: “Spellbound,” a murder mystery with a strange twist produced by David O. Selznick, written by Ben Hecht and with music by Miklós Rózsa which had premiered in New York City on Halloween was released to the rest of the United States today.

1945: Moshe Shertock, head of the Jewish Agency political department was released today at 9 am after having been arrested last night along with 1,500 other Jews following the bombing of British installations in Palestine.  Shertock could have been released as early as 4 in the morning but he “refused to leave until most the prisoners were freed; something that did not happen until 9 o’clock.

1946(5th of Tevet, 5707): Elie Nadelman, the Polish-born American sculptor and founder with his wife of the Museum of Folks Arts passed away today in NC at the age of 64.

1946(5th of Tevet, 5707): Odessa born American jurist and Zionist Alexander Haim Pekelis passed away today.

1946(5th of Tevet, 5707): Fifty-five year old Pierre Leon Dreyfus the Paris born son of Alfred Dreyfus and Lucie Eugénie Hadamar and the husband of Marie Apollonie Dreyfus passed away today in Ireland.

1946: Joseph Clark Baldwin a Congressman from New York and a member of the Political Action Committee for Palestine appealed to Menachem Begin to end “terrorist’s activities.”

1947: As the Arabs continue their violent reaction to the UN partition vote, a convoy of Jewish trucks was ambushed near Dier Balah. The Jews fought their way through the ambush in which two Arabs were killed and another nine were wounded.

1947: Five Arabs were killed in Jerusalem by members of the Stern Gang who forced their way into an Arab house and shot those inside.

1947(15th of Tevet, 5708): Five Jews are killed in random terror attacks in Jerusalem. One was stabbed to death while on his way to a funeral.  Another, Miriam Meir, the mother of six, was hanging her washing on a line when she was shot by an Arab sniper.  Dr. Hugo Lehrs, a British government medical officer was walking with an Arab doctor and an Arab nurse when they were confronted by three armed Arabs. “Which is the Jew?”  They asked.  The two Arabs stood aside and Dr. Lehrs was gunned down.

1947: Moshe Sneh resigned as Jewish Agency executive. He criticized the Agency for emphasis on a friendship with the West and says they should pay more attention to Soviet Union

1948(26th of Kislev, 5709): Erving Max “Goldy” Goldstein, “a three-time All-Southern selection” who played Guard for the University of Florida Gators followed by one season with the professional Newark Bears passed away today.

1948: As the fortunes of war turned against the invading Arab armies, the IDF crosses the Egyptian border moving into the Sinai Peninsula.1948: During Operation Horev, the Negev brigade followed the tanks of the 8th brigade across the Egyptian border tonight and moved towards El-Arish

1948: Kitty Carlisle performed as Lucretia when the two act opera The Rape of Lucretia opened on Broadway at the Ziegfeld Theatre.

1948: The Alexandroni brigade is sent to break through an Egyptian stronghold in Iraq-El-Manshia, as part of the big campaign aimed to capture Kis Fallujah which is held by the Egyptian Army. The brigade did not succeed in this mission either.

1948: Syd Cohen dined on breakfast of boiled eggs and black coffee before he took off in his Spitfire Merlin on his first mission for the Israeli Air Force.

1948: “Dressed casually, without any badge of rank Gordon Levett  the WW II, RAF veteran who flew covert missions bringing dis-mantled planes to Israel and who was the first English Gentile to fly with Israel’s first squadron took off today on his first mission with the IAF.

1949: Birthdate of Rachel Elior an Israeli professor of Jewish philosophy and mysticism at Hebrew University.

1951(29th of Kislev, 5712): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1951(29th of Kislev, 5712): Forty-six year old Harry Strauss, who had married Cecile G. Pofcher in 1931, passed away today in West Roxbury, MA.

1951(29th of Kislev, 5712): Eighty-year old Vicksburg, Mississippi, native Edward E. Scharff passed away today

1952(10th of Tevet, 5713): Asara B’Tevet

1954: “The Flower Peach” by Clifford Odets which tells “the story of Noah and his struggle to carry out his mission” and which New York Times critic Brooks Atkinson “praised” for “its human warmth and wisdom’ opened at the Belasco Theatre for the first of 135 performances.

1955: The funeral for 72 year old “Samuel Niger (Charney), the famous Yiddish author, literary critic and editor” is scheduled to be held today in New York.

1956: J. Sinclair Armstrong, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission today announced the appointment of Joseph B. Levin as an Assistant General Counsel of the Commission.

1958: Bob Wolf was the radio voice of today “sudden-death overtime NFL championship game between the Giants and the Baltimore Colts where he excitedly proclaimed “The Colts are the world champions — Ameche scores!” as “Colts fullback Alan Ameche won the game on a 1-yard touchdown plunge.”

1959(27th of Kislev, 5720): Third Day of Chanukah

1959: First graduation ceremony at Bar-Ilan University

1959: “The Cherry Orchard” produced by David Susskind co-starring Susan Strasberg as Anya was broadcast today as the “Play of the Week,

1959: Shlomo Yisrael Ben-Meir began serving as Deputy Internal Affairs Minister.

1963:  German-born composer Paul Hindemith passed away.  The very successful Hindemith was not Jewish but his wife and many of his friends were.  Hindemith fled Germany when the Nazis came to power.  He started a new career in the United States.

1963: “Love With a Proper Stranger,” an off-beat comedy featuring Herschel Bernardi and Tom Bosley and with music by Elmer Bernstein was released today in the United States.

1963: After 82 performances and four previews” at the Majestic Theatre, the curtain came down on the original Broadway production of “Jennie,” “a musical with a book by Arnold Schulman, music by Arthur Schwartz and lyrics by Howard Dietz.

1963: President Lyndon B. Johnson attended the dedication of the new home for Agudas Achim on Bull Shoals Boulevard in Austin, TX.  The dedication was originally scheduled for November 23 at which then Vice President Lyndon Johnson was going to be the honored guest.  The assassination on November 23 changed all of that and it came as a great surprise to the congregants when President Johnson contacted the synagogue after the official mourning period was ended to make arrangements to come to Austin. (Editor’s Note- This is but one of the many little known stories about Lyndon Johnson and the Jewish community.  I taught at Agudas Achim five years after this event and people spoke of it with an understated pride that one usually did not find in Texans)

1966(15th of Tevet, 5727): Seventy-nine year old Frank Chodorov (born Fishel Chodorowsky) whose economic and philosophic views can be seen in his Founding of the Intercollegiate Society of Individualist with patrician conservative William F. Buckley as President.


1967:Muriel 'Mickie' Siebert became the first woman member of the New York Stock Exchange, one of many firsts that have earned the feisty Siebert the moniker "The First Woman of Finance."

1968: Israeli forces conducted a commando raid aimed at Beirut Airport as part of its war against Palestinian terrorists.

1969: Neil Simon's "Last of the Red Hot Lovers" premieres in New York City.

1971(10th of Tevet, 5732): Asara B'Tevet

1971(10th of Tevet, 5732): Eighty-three year old Viennese native Maximilian Raoul Walter “Max” Steinerthe composer nominated for 26 Oscars and winner of six for scores for “Gone With the Wind” and “Casablanca.” 


1972: Four Black September members took over the Israeli embassy in Bangkok, holding 12 hostages. They raised the PLO flag over the building, and threatened to kill the hostages unless 36 PLO prisoners were released.

1972: Martin Bormann's skeleton was found in Berlin.  Bormann was one of Hitler’s closest associates in the waning days of World War II.  He was last seen alive leaving Hitler’s Berlin Bunker as the Soviet forces were closing in for the kill.  For almost a quarter of century, Nazi hunters looked for Bormann because they assumed that he might be hiding in South America or some place in the Middle East.

1973: Birthdate of actor Seth Meyers, a SNL regular.

1974: Final broadcast of the National Lampoon Radio Hour whose writers and performers included Gilda Radner, Harold Ramis and Richard Belzer.

1975: A revival of David Merrick’s “Hello Dolly” which was an all-African-American production came to a close in New York City.

1976 "Fiddler on the Roof" opens at Winter Garden Theater NYC for 167 performances.

1976(7th of Tevet, 5737): Eighty-four year old Solomon Zeitlin, the native of Byelorussia who became professor of rabbinical studies at Dropsie College in Philadelphia where he taught in the same classroom for over five decades and who is known both as the author of the three volume The Rise and Fall of the Judean as well as challenger of the authenticity of the Dead Sea Scroll passed away today.


1976: Edward Zorinsky began serving as U.S. Senator from Nebraska.

1977(18th of Tevet, 5738): In Tel Aviv, a terrorist bombing killed two and injured two.

1980(21st of Tevet, 5641): Sixty-five year old Charles Tannen, who followed in the thespian footsteps of his father Julius passed away today.

1980:Yona Kolchinsky was forewarned that he will be called up for military service beginning from December 29th of this year.”

1980(21st of Tevet, 5641): Seventy-five year old Sam Levene whose fifty year stage and film acting career began with five lines in a 1927 play passed away today.


1981(28th of Tevet, 5742): 8th and final day of Chanukah

1981(28th of Tevet, 5742): David Abraham Cheulkar, a Jewish-Indian film star passed away. Born in 1909, his career began in 1941 when he made the first of over 110 films.

1982: The New York Times featured a review of The Belarus Secret by John Loftus which explains “how some Nazi war criminals and collaborators were able to make their way to the United States after World War II, attain citizenship and live undetected or unmolested” by the authorities.

1984(4th of Tevet, 5745): Seventy-six year old Soviet physicist Isaak Kikoin passed away.

1985:Sulayman Khatir who had machine-gunned to death seven Israelis at Ras Burqa, “a beach resort area in the Sinai peninsula” was tried by a closed Egyptian military tribunal today after which he was “sentenced to life in prison at hard labor.”

1986: It is reported that a gift of eight colorful and high-spirited children's books for each day of Hanukkah is available from the Ktav Publishing House. The books are ''Chanukah Fun and Story Book: Stories, Poems, Games & Things to Do for Chanukah,'' edited by Bernard Scharfstein ($6.50), and the following books written by his brother, Sol, a resident of Livingston: ''Chanukah Game and Story Book'' ($7.95), ''What Do You Do on a Jewish Holiday,'' a flip-flap book ($8.95), ''Let's Do a Mitzvah'' ($10.95), ''See, Smell and Touch Hanukah'' ($8.95), ''The Dreidel'' ($6.95) and ''Hanukah Popup'' ($6.95).

1986: It was reported today that the following are now available just in time for Chanukah:

''The Hallah Book: Recipes, History and Traditions,'' by Freda Reider which tells about the ''ceremonial loaves that grace the Jewish Sabbath and the holiday tables.'

''Jewish Holiday Treasure Box: How to Be Jewish,” an attractively boxed package of 16 items for year-long fun and learning that includes 8 picture books, 6 play-and-learn magazines, a cassette tape of songs and stories and a parent handbook to be used with children from 4 through

''A History of America's Jews: This Land of Liberty,'' by Helene Schwartz which is packed with illustrations that include many historic photographs.

''The Guide to Everything Jewish in New York,'' by Nancy Davis and Joy Levitt, a thoroughly resourceful guide and fun to read reference book that helps even the most assimilated yuppie to find ''Jewish-style food'' and almost anything else you could think of that might be needed or wanted by the Jewish community.

1987: Israeli officials said today that Israeli soldiers had resorted to using live ammunition against Palestinian demonstrators when their own lives were endangered. The comments by Shimon Peres, Israel's Foreign Minister, and Yitzhak Rabin, the Defense Minister, were made after two weeks of rioting in the occupied territories Mr. Rabin, interviewed from Tel Aviv on the NBC News program ''Meet the Press,'' said the Israeli Army had sought to use minimum force against the rioters, but he defended the use of live ammunition in situations when the lives of soldiers were in jeopardy. ''I believe we have tried and will continue to try in coping with violent public disorder with minimum measures -rubber bullets, tear gas,'' Mr. Rabin said. ''But whenever our soldiers are in danger, their life is in danger, they are allowed to open fire with live ammunition.''

1987(7th of Tevet, 5748): Forty-eight year old lyricist Edward “Ed” Kleban best known his Tony Award winning work on “A Chorus Line” passed away today.



1989(30th of Cheshvan, 5750): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Sixth Day of Chanukah

1989(30th of Cheshvan, 5750): Ninety eight year old Solomon Birnbaum, the oldest son of Rosa Korngut and Nathan Birnbaum, who was a noted “Yiddish linguist and Hebrew paleographer” passed away today.



1989: An Israeli widely regarded as Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega's closest associate has been seized by United States troops in Panama, a senior American Embassy official said today. The prisoner, Mike Harari, 62 years old, who formerly was an Israeli intelligence official, played an important advisory role in developing Panama's armed forces. He is known to have recruited and trained the general's personal security detail, which at one time included former Israel soldiers as well as Cuban military advisers. Mr. Harari, who retired in 1979 as head of the Israeli intelligence service in Central America and Mexico, has also been identified as a longtime business associate of the deposed Panamanian leader. (As reported by David E. Pitt)

1989: An Israeli Government official said today that Mike Harari was ''absolutely not connected in any way to the Government, and his activities in Panama have no connection to any official Israeli organization or body.''

1992: Shmuel Zailer, a director of Raz-Lee Ltd., an Israeli software company tells the New York Times, "It's easier exporting to the moon than to America." This complaint is often heard at Israel's software companies, even though the industry expects to export about $130 million in programs this year, up from $75 million in 1990. About 40 percent goes to the United States. Israel has one of the largest concentrations of software engineers, with about 12,000 people employed in the field.

1992: The Southwestern Bell Corporation and Clal Industries of Israel will jointly bid for control of Israel's national telephone company, Clal said today.

1993: William L Shirer passed away at the age of 89.  Shirer was born in Chicago and raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where he graduated from Coe College.  Shirer is not Jewish.  However, as radio correspondent for CBS in the 1930’s, Shirer was one of the first to warn of the threat posed by Hitler and Nazi Germany.  His massive tome, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich continues to be one of the best books ever written on that period.  His incisive writing on the collapse of the French Third Republic is an underappreciated classic.

2001(13th of Tevet, 5762):Seventy-three Samuel A. Goldblith, an American food scientist who had been captured at Corregidor and survived being a Japanese POW passed away.


2003(3rd of Tevet, 5764): Seventy-three year oldManny Dworman, a nightclub owner, musician and long a colorful fixture on the Greenwich Village scene” passed away today at New York Hospital in Manhattan. (As reported by Stephen Holden)


2003: The New York Times featured books by Jewish authors and/or about subjects of Jewish interest including In Black and White: The Life of Sammy Davis, Jr. by Wil Haygood and Gonna Do Great Things: The Life of Sammy Davis, Jr. by Gary Fishgall.

2004(16th of Tevet, 5765) Jerry Orbach, the American actor who may be best remember for his role as a detective on the long-running series, “Law & Order,” passed away.

2004(16th of Tevet, 5765):  Susan Sontag, feminist, author and social critic passed away (As reported by Margalit Fox)


2004(16th of Tevet, 5765): Tzvi Tzur, the 6th Chief of Staff of the IDF passed away.


2005: Today an immigration judge ordered John Demjanjuk, who had not disclosed his role as guard at Sobibor, be deported to Germany, Poland or Ukrainea\.

2006: The annual Limmud Conference held at Nottingham, England, featuring presentations by 52 Israeli speakers, comes to a close. Based in the UK, Limmud is a global leader in innovative, inclusive Jewish education.

2007(19th of Tevet, 5768): Two Israelis were killed and a third was wounded in a drive-by shooting in the south Hebron Hills. The victims, David Rubin and Ahikam Amihai, were in elite units of the IDF, with Rubin serving as a sergeant in the Israeli Naval commandos and Amihai as a corporal in the Israel Air Force commandos unit. The two soldiers were on leave. Before being fatally wounded, the two managed to return fire and wounded one or more of the four Palestinian gunmen. The Fatah-affiliated Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade took responsibility for that attack.

2008: In Clayton, MO, The New Jewish Theatre presents “The Last Seder.”

2008: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Michael Lewis’ Panic: The Story of Modern Financial Insanity.

2008:The Israeli Air Force today blew up 40 tunnels that have been used to smuggle arms and terrorists into Gaza.  

2008:Gaza terrorists continued firing rockets at the western Negev this afternoon, although the pace of the attacks had slowed by 4:00 p.m. Three people, including a 12-year-old boy, suffered shrapnel wounds and several others suffered traumatic shock this afternoon when the missiles bombarded the coastal city of Ashkelon at mid-day.

2009: Famed dancer and choreographerKobi Rozenfeld, a native of Rehovot, Israel, conducts a hip hop workshop at the Peridance Center in New York.  Kobi Rozenfeld is coming from LA to teach three guest Street-Jazz classes:

2009:Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Weisz, the Brooklyn-based Grand Rebbe of the Spinka sect, was sentenced to two years in federal prison today for a decade-long fraud and money-laundering scheme. Weisz, 61, had pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy before U.S. District Judge John F. Walter in Los Angeles last August.

2009:Significant progress was made today in the case concerning the rights to the literary estates of Franz Kafka and Max Brod. Tel Aviv Family Court gave the heirs of Max Brod's estate - the sisters Eva Hoffe and Ruth Wisler - 15 days to come to an arrangement with the representatives of the state and the National Library with regard to the material in their possession. Judge Talia Pardo Kupelman ruled that if negotiations fail, five vaults in various banks in Tel Aviv, containing the manuscripts of the two Czech writers, will be opened without the sisters' consent in the presence of both a representative of the State Archive and the court-appointed executor of the estate.

2009: It was announced today that for the first time in 10 years the number of immigrants to Israel has risen this year, according to Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky and Immigration and Absorption Minister Sofa Landver. In 2009, 16,244 people immigrated - a 17 percent jump over last year's 13,859. The number of immigrants from English-speaking countries has also increased by 17 percent this year, from 4,511 to 5,294, said Eli Cohen, the director-general of the agency's aliyah department.

2009: Israel announced today it would build nearly 700 housing units in Jewish areas of Jerusalem on territory conquered in the 1967 war that the Palestinians claim for their future state. The move was harshly condemned by Palestinian leaders as evidence that the Israelis are undermining efforts to restart peace talks.

2010:Just Say "Know" to Judaism! “a weekly series explores the relevant texts in Judaism that provide guidance for becoming a better person in an entertaining, informative and meaningful manner is scheduled to meet today at The Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield, Michigan.

2010: “Reform Reading and Liberal Leyning – The Torah Service in Progressive Jewish Services” with Paul Freedman and “Ben Shahn: Political Artist, Personal Imagery” with Irene Wise are two of the programs scheduled to take place at today’s session of the Limmud Conference.

2010:Today Iran hanged an Iranian convicted of spying for the country's archenemy Israel, the official IRNA news agency reported.  The report identified the man as Ali Akbar Siadati and said he was hanged in Tehran's Evin prison. Earlier in the week, Iran's judiciary announced that a spy for Israel would be executed soon after an appeals court confirmed the man's death sentence.

2010: A natural gas field discovered in Israel's territorial waters contains an estimated 16 trillion cubic feet of the natural resource. Electrical log tests confirmed the size of the natural gas field, which was discovered in drilling earlier this year off the Mediterranean coast near Haifa and dubbed "Leviathan." Noble Energy Inc. announced the results of the tests today

2010(21st of Tevet, 5771): Avraham “Avi” Cohen an Israeli footballer who served as chairman of the Israel Professional Footballers Association was declared brain dead after being seriously injured in a motorcycle accident on December 20.

2011: Adrienne Khana Cooper, “a Yiddish singer…who played an integral role in the revival of klezmer music” was buried at Oakmont Cemetery in Lafayette, CA following a memorial service at Congregation B’nai Shalom in Walnut Creek.

2011(2nd of Tevet, 5772): 8th & final day of Chanukah

2011(2nd of Tevet, 5772): Ninety-four year old Irving Raphael Isaacs, the University of Michigan trained photographer, advertising executive and WW II Army Air Corps bombardier who was the son of Bernard Isaacs, the Superintendent of Hebrew Schools in Detroit and the husband of the former Martha Lillian Horelick passed away today.


2011: Matisyahu is scheduled to perform at the “9:30 Club” in northwest Washington, DC.

2012: “The Gatekeepers” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

2012: The Eden-Tamir Music is scheduled to be the site of a noon-time concert featuring Piano Chamber Music and a Young Artist Competition.

2012(15th of Tevet, 5773): Ninety-two year old Benjamin Franklin expert Claude-Anne Lopez passed away today. (As reported William Yardley)


2012:A senior Muslim Brotherhood official called on Jews who immigrated to Israel from Egypt to return to Egypt and leave Israel to the Palestinians, Egyptian daily Al-Masry Al-Youm reported today. Senior Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood offcial Essam el-Erian said in an interview to television station Dream TV that every Egyptian has the right to live in Egypt, and Egyptian Jews living in Israel were contributing to the occupation of Arab lands, according to Al-Masry Al-Youm.

2012: Some 200 settlers clashed with security forces attempting to evacuate the illegal West Bank outpost of Oz Zion near the Beit El settlement today. The settlers threw stones at security forces, who eventually abandoned the evacuation attempt prior to the start of the Sabbath.

2013: Roman Rabinovich, winner of the Arthur Rubenstein Competition for Young Artist of the Year 2012 is scheduled to be featured at a piano recital in at the Eden-Tamar Musical Center.

2013: After Shabbat world renowned artists Miriam Fried-violin, Paul Biss-viola Zvi Plesser-cello and Ron Regev-piano are scheduled to perform in several pieces including Brahms Trio No. 3 in Jerusalem

2013: “Frozen” and “The Escape” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013:An earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale shook Cyprus tonight, with the effects felt as far east as Northern Israel. The two areas primarily affected were Haifa and the Krayot. (As reported by Tova Dvorin)

2013: Dozens gathered today in front of the Jerusalem residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to protest against the release of Palestinian prisoners. Protesters included family members of the prisoners' victims, and carried signs reading "only Israel releases murderers." (As reported by Noam Dabul Dvir)

2014: “The Rover” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Suspended Sentences: Three Novellasby Patrick Modian

2014: “Hamas prevented 37 Palestinian war orphans living in the Gaza from entering Israel” to participate in an “educational and recreational visit organized by Yoel Marshak of the Kibbutz Movement in collaboration with the Arab Israeli towns of Kfar Kassem and Rahat which was meant to bring the teenage children of Hamas operatives killed during Operation Protective Edge to the Ramat Gan Safari and to Israeli towns along the Gaza border.”  (As reported by Elhanan Miller)

2014:Today, Judge Salim Joubran, speaking at a High Court hearing for a petition against the Knesset law that raises the threshold to 3.25 percent of total votes struck out against the new rules raising the minimum vote threshold for entrance into the Knesset, saying it could result in a total lack of Arab representation in the Knesset.

2015: In Tel Aviv Poetry “Slam Israel’s Slamstival” is scheduled to come to an end.

2015: In New Orleans, which most people connect with jazz another 2 hour round of Israeli folk dancing is scheduled to begin this evening. 

2016(28th of Kislev, 5777): Fourth Day of Chanukah

2016: “In his address” today, Secretary of State John Kerry “defended America’s decision not to veto UN Security Council Resolution 2334 which condemned settlements as illegal and called for a halt in all settlement activity.”

2016: In Little Rock, AR, Lubavitch of Arkansas is scheduled to host the Chabad Young Professional Chanukah Party at Dave and Busters.

2016: At La Mama, Yiddish New York & New Yiddish Rep are scheduled to present: “God of Vengeance” (Got fun nekome) by Sholem Ash followed by “Ahava Oylem – An Evening of Sacred Music” at the Town and Village Synagouge and a “Late Night Klezmer Jam Session” at Mona’s.

2017(10thof Tevet, 5778): Fast of Tevet

2017(10thof Tevet, 5778): Yahrzeit of Judith Sharon Rosenstein – nee Levin.  “Judy” to one and all: a true woman of valor – loving wife, devoted mother, a grand grandmother and a great sister.  Unfortunate proof of the statement that “the good die young!”

2017: Tonight Haylyards Bar is scheduled to host the post-Chanukah Chanukah Party that includes a screening of “The Hebrew Hammer!”

2017: YNY is scheduled to host its annual Student Concert

2018: As Israelis prepare for Shabbat they consider the impact of this week’s surprise announcement of election in April of 2019, the discovery of new terror tunnels on the border with Lebanon and the issuance of the official order paving the way for the immediate of U.S. troops from Syria despite previous pleas from Prime Minister Netanyahu not to do this.

2018: In Winchester, MA, Temple Shir Tikvah is scheduled to host “Hot Chocolate Shabbat.”

2018: In Memphis, TN, the Sisterhood is scheduled to host a “Preneg” prior to Friday evening services.

2018: In Rochester, NY, Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to host its last “Challah Baking” of 2018.

2018: “The DC Improv” is scheduled to host an evening with Dov Davidoff


This Day, December 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


December 29

584 BCE (10 Tevet 3175):The Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, began his siege of Jerusalem leading to the destruction of the first Temple. This day is commemorated as one of the "minor" fasts, lasting from sunrise to sunset.  Of course, the tenth of Tevet floats when it appears on the secular calendar.

1170: Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, is assassinated inside Canterbury Cathedral by followers of King Henry II.  While the movie about Becket gives the Archbishop “all of the good lines” the reality was a bit different, especially for the Jews.  The reign of Henry II was a good period for the Jews of England.  His view that the King and not the Church was the ultimate authority for the realm would have appeared to be the better case for the Jews given the inimical view that the Church held of the Jewish people.  Death is always a tragedy, but we should understand the reality of those over whom we weep as opposed to an image created by later day dramatists and film makers.

1485: Joshua Solomon Soncino published Sefer ha-Ikkarim (Book of Principles) at Soncino, Italy. Sefer ha-Ikkarim ("Book of Principles") is a fifteenth century work by Rabbi Joseph Albo, a student of Crescas. It is an eclectic, popular work, whose central task is the exposition of the principles of Judaism. Rabbi Joseph Albo was probably born in Aragon in 1380 and reportedly took part in the religious debate held at Tortosa in 1413 and 1414.  His date of death is given variously as 1430 or 1444.

1690:In Italy, “severe earthquakes” struck the town of Ancona. They are memorialized by the town’s Jews with the celebration of a “Purim of Ancona.”  A description of the event and the special prayers recited on that day were printed in “Or Boker” was which was published in 1709.

1709: Birthdate of Empress Elizabeth of Russia. The daughter of Peter the Great was an enemy of the Jews.  She reiterated and reinforced the decrees already in existence banning Jews from the Russian Empire.  Despite requests from some of her advisors that Jewish merchants be allowed to visit the kingdom since it would enrich Russia, Elizabeth held firm. This is yet another example of Religious zeal over-ruling all other considerations.  According to one account, at least 35,000 Jews were forced to leave Russia because of her.  Her legacy was a Jew Free Russia – something that would not last because of Russian greed for the land of others.

1758: Jacob and Thankful Pinto gave birth to Solomon Pinto, a patriot who fought in the Revolutionary War, the husband of Clarissa Pinto and the brother of Abraham and William Pinto.

1778(10th of Tevet, 5539) Asara B’Tevet

1778: During the American Revolutionary War, 3,500 British soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell captured Savannah, Georgia without firing a shot. Among those taken prisoner by the British as they secured Savannah was the Jewish patriot from Georgia, Mordechai Sheftall.  In 1778,having proven his skill and selflessness as Commissary General of Georgia, Mordechai Sheftall had been appointed  to the post of Deputy Commissary General to the federal troops stationed in Georgia and South Carolina by General Robert Howe. Before the Continental Congress could confirm his role, however, he was captured in December 1778, along with his fifteen-year-old son, Sheftall Sheftall, in the battle to prevent Savannah from falling to British troops. Some of the outnumbered patriots escaped by swimming across the Savannah River, but the younger Sheftall could not swim. His father would not abandon him. With 185 other Americans, they were captured and imprisoned. The British interrogated the Sheftalls under great duress, depriving them of food for two days. At one point, they were almost bayoneted by a drunken British soldier. Still refusing to provide information about the American's sources of supplies and refusing to renounce the patriot cause, father and son were transferred to the dank prison ship Nancy where the British deliberately offered Mordecai no meat other than pork, which he refused. After several months, the elder Sheftall was paroled to the town of Sunbury, Georgia, where he was kept under close British surveillance; his son remained on the Nancy. At Mordecai's urging, Mrs. Sheftall took her other children to the relative safety of Charleston. Separation from family weighed heavily on Mordecai. Through the intervention of friends, he was finally able to arrange for his son's parole to Sunbury under the same restrictive conditions on his own freedom of movement. Things looked promising when American military pressure on Savannah forced the British garrison to withdraw from Sunbury, but freedom for the Sheftalls did not follow. Local Tories began to beat and even kill patriots in Sunbury, especially parolees like the Sheftalls. Father and son managed to flee on an American brig headed for Charleston and a hoped for reunion with their family, but were captured by a British frigate and transported to Antigua, where they remained prisoners until the Spring of 1780. In June, both Sheftalls were paroled once more. They headed for Philadelphia, to which Mrs. Sheftall and the children had fled, yet again, for safety. There, despite his own financial hardships, Mordecai helped fund a new synagogue for Congregation Mikve Israel. Mordecai spent the remainder of the war in Philadelphia, seeking to help both the American cause and his own financial condition by financing a privateer to capture and loot British vessels. His investment does not seem to have paid off; on its very first voyage, the ship ran aground. In1783, when the war ended, Mordecai returned with his wife and children to Savannah, where the family resumed its life for several generations. The state of Georgia granted him several hundred acres of land in recognition of his sacrifices on behalf of independence. When he died in 1797 at the age of 62, his beloved home city of Savannah buried him with full honors in the Jewish cemetery he created.”

1801: Based on a deed of conveyance of this date, Levi Solomon and Solomon Etting paid William McMechen and John Leggett for land to be used as a Jewish cemetery in Baltimore, MD

1802: Aron Isaacson married Mary Israel today at the Great Synagogue.

1802: In Charleston, SC, nineteen year old Rinah Cohen, the daughter of Moses Cohen and Judith de Lyon married David Mordecai

1809: Birthdate of William Ewart Gladstone, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Gladstone is known primarily as the political rival of Benjamin Disraeli and this tends to color the view of him held by some Jews.  Gladstone was a complicated man.  He began his political career who opposed Jews sitting in the House of Commons.  At considerable political risk, he modified that position and voted in favor of removing the Christian religious qualification as long as the number of Jews in Parliament would never be so great as to lead Christians from their faith. Although Disraeli was raised as an Anglican, Gladstone was suspicious of what he described as his radical Jewish policies.  Considering the level of English anti-Semitism, Gladstone should go into the plus column.  

1814: Birthdate of French political leader and statesman Jules Simon, whose name indicates that he was of “Jewish origin.” Simon always thought he was born on December 30, until he took a “second look” at his birth certificate when he was being sworn in as a deputy and saw that it was dated December 30 but said he was born “yesterday”

1817: In Karlskrona, Sweden, Aaron Abrahamson and his wife gave birth to Swedish businessman and patron of the arts August Abrahamson who was the grandson of Aaron Abraham who had been a member of the Berlin Academy of Art.

1824: John Meseena married Rachel Gomes today at the Hambro Synagogue.

1829: Birthdate of the first Jewish mayor of Seattle, Washington, Bailey Gatzert, the native of Darmstadt, Germany who lived in Natchez, Mississippi before moving to Seattle where became a successful businessman and banker.

1829: The Director of the Paris Opera signed a contract today “specifying” Giacomo Meyerbeer’s “Robert le diableas a "grand opera in five acts and seven scenes"

1838: George D. and Elizabeth Bennett Rosengarten gave birth to Adolph G. Rosengarten who rose to the rank of Major in the 106th Regiment, a cavalry unit in the Union Army who died at the Battle of Stone River during the Civil War.

1845: Texas is admitted as the 28th U.S. state. Considering their numbers, Jews played an amazingly active role in the affairs of Texas at this time.  Moses Albert Levy served as surgeon-general for Sam Houston’s forces at the Battle of San Jacinto – the victory that gave Texas her independence.  Isaac Lyons served as the surgeon –general for another Texas leader, Tom Green.  At least one Jew, Abraham Wolf, died at the Alamo.  David Kaufman fought at the Battle of Neches, served in Republic of Texas legislature and was one of the state’s first Congressmen when she joined the Union.  Kaufman County is named for him.  With the support of Sam Houston, Henry Castro helped settle 5,000 Germans in Texas between 1843 and 1848.  Castro County and Castroville both bear witness to the successful effort of this Sephardic Jew. During the 1850’s Jewish congregations were established in Houston, Galveston and San Antonio. In each case, the building of the cemetery preceded the building of the house of worship.

1847: Seventy-two year old English composer William Crotch passed away. Among his students was the Jewish composer Charles Kensington Salman who created the musical setting for “Adonai Malakh” (Psalm 93). Crotch drew on Biblical related themes for some of his works including “The Captivity of Judah” and an oratorio entitled “Palestine.”

1848: One day after he had passed away, 72 year old Joseph Emanuel was buried today at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1848: Birthdate of Calude Reigner, the an officer with the Corps of Royal Engineers who served two tours of duty with the Palestine Exploration Fund where he took part in some of the first modern surveys of Jerusalem and other parts of this part of the Ottoman Empire.

1848: In Hungary, Lena Kulka and Emanuel Shlesinger gave birth to Sigmund Shlesinger the husband of Fannie Fleshiem who served with “Colonel George A. Forsyth’s Company of Scouts” and fought at the Battle of Beecher’s Island (Colorado) in 1868.

1848: In Hungary, Emanuel Shlesinger and Lena Kulka gave birth to Sigmund Shlesinger, the husband of Fannie Fleisher, a member of Colonel Forsyth’s Scouts during the Indian Wars in Colorado in 1868 and active member of the Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish community who served on the Board of Directors of Tifereth Israel and was one of the incorporators of the Cleveland Federation of Jewish Charities.

1849: Birthdate of British economist William Cunningham the author of The Growth of English Industry and Commerce in which he described the role of Jewish moneylenders in Medieval England and the manner in which King John, among others, exploited them for his own gain.”

1853: Birthdate of mathematician Ferdinand Caspary, the son of a German Jewish businessman and the grandson of a rabbi who was raised in Glogau.

1854: In Manchester, England, Marcus and Martha Leipziger gave birth to Dr. Henry M. Leipzieger, the Supervisor of the Lectures of the Board of Education who founded the Hebrew Technical Institute in 1884.


1857: “A Legal Decision” published today told the story of the son of a wealthy London Jewish banker who had fallen in love with a Christian girl whom he was going to marry despite the father’s threat to disinherit him.  Taking advantage of a little known law that required Jewish fathers to support their Christian children, the boy told his father he would become a Christian which meant he would be “entitled to one-half of the father’s fortune.”  The father sought help from lawyer who said that for a fee of ten guineas he would tell him how to thwart the son’s plan.  Once the fee was paid, the lawyer told the father that he could become a Christian would leave him free to disinherit the son. The father left the lawyer without any further comment.

1860: It was reported today that one of the manifestations of excitement shown by the Poles following the Warsaw Conference was “a hatred of Jews and Germans that knew no bounds.”

1861: Birthdate of German mathematician Kurt Hensel whose paternal grandmother was Fanny Mendelsohn and whose paternal great-great grandfather was Moses Mendelsohn making him an example of the “disappearing Jews” – an all too common phenomenon of the 19th and 20th centuries.

1862(7th of Tevet, 5623): Seventy year old Samuel Israel Mulder who is best known for his translation of Pentateuch, Psalms and Proverbs from Hebrew into Dutch – the first such work of its kind.

1864(30th of Kislev, 5625): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; 6th day of Chanukah

1864: In San Francisco, founding of “Congregation Ohabai Shalome” at “1831 Bush near Laguna” whose members included Joseph Schmidt, Philip Stern, Bernard Reiss and M.L. Stern.

1870: New York City authorities warned Jews about incompetent and unscrupulous mohalim who were causing the deaths of many Jewish infants.

1871: In Kalvarija, Lithuania (then part of the Russian Empire), Efraim London and his wife gave birth to Meyer London, the Brooklyn Congressman who was one only two members of the Socialist Party elected to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.

1871: In Memphis, TN, Max Friedman and Tillie Marks gave birth to Lee M. Friedman, the Harvard educated lawyer, President of the Boston Branch of the Alliance, Israelite Universelle and treasurer of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association who also served as secretary of the Purim Association.

1874: Two days after she had passed away, Miriam (Lazarus) Israel, the wife of Morris Israel was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1874: A review of “The Travels of the Shah of Persia” by J.W. Redhouse which uses the Shah’s diary to recount the monarch’s 1873 tour of Europe by the Shah included a description of his meeting with Lord Rothschild.  After praising Rothschild for his wealth, the Shah told Rothschild that “the best thing to do would be that you should” use your money “and buy a territory in which you could collect all the Jews of the whole world, you becoming their chief and leading them on their way in peace, so that you should no longer thus be scattered and dispersed.” (Compare this sentiment with the Iranian -modern day Persia- view on the Jewish state.)

1875(1stof Tevet, 5636) Rosh Chodesh Tevet, Seventh Day of Chanukah


1878: In New York City, the Young Men’s Hebrew Union hosted a well-attended reception and ball in Irving Hall which was a celebration of Chanukah.

1879: Four days after she had passed away, 65 year old “Jessie Salmon” the daughter of John Salmon and Catherine Polack was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1880: Based on information provided by London Times’ correspondent in Berlin, “the persecution of the Jews in Prussia has led to “a Jewish traveling in a public canning a Professor, a Jewish student killing a Christian fellow-student in duel and a Jewish merchant boxing a Christian trader’s ears” --- “unfortunate incidents” that “were ‘preceded by some violent act on the part of the Christian antagonist.’”

1881: In Paris, antiques dealer Alexandre Rosenberg and his wife gave birth to Paul Rosenberg, a leading French art dealer who was able to regain parts of his collection that had been stolen by the Nazis.

1882: Isaac Samuel, the French born son of Lyon Israel Samuel and Fleurette Baruch Weil and the husband of Fanny Heilbronner with whom he had had five children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1882: It was reported today that in Russia, “the senate has decided that no court can authorize the transfer of land to a Jew.”

1882: It was reported today that in Russia “the railway companies have ordered the discharge of their Jewish employees.”

1888: In Chicago, Joseph Zeisler, the Austrian born son of Isaac and Anna Zeisler and his wife Theresa gave birth to Erwin (Billy) Paul Ziesler

1888: In New York, the Excise Commissioners heard the protest of the Pastor of St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church to the granting of a liquor license to Charles Goldstein, the owner of Webster Hall, an edifice designed to for Jewish weddings and other such social events.

1888: Santa Clause will distribute toys to the 600 children at the Christmas Party being held today at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in New York City.

1888: The Metropolitan Opera House in New York City will the site of tonight’s theatrical and musical productions the proceeds of which will go to the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1889: Six hundred youngsters attended an evening of entertainment in the chapel of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum sponsored by the Seligman Solomon Society.

1889(6thof Tevet, 5650): One day after his 78th birthday, Rabbi Ludwig Philippson whose works included “an annotated German translation of the TaNaCh” and who was the son of  Moses Philippson and the father of geologist Alfred Philippson passed away at Bonn

1889: The officers and managers of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society hosted a reception in honor of state Senator Jacob A. Cantor and Assemblyman Joseph Blumenthal.

1889: The Jaffa to Jerusalem Railway Company (Société du Chemin de Fer Ottoman de Jaffa à Jérusalem et Prolongements) was founded in Paris with Bernard Camille Collas, a French lighthouse inspector, as the first director.

1889: It was reported today the one of the highlights of this year’s New York theatrical season was Edwin Booth’s portrayal of Shylock in “The Merchant of Venice.”

1890: In San Rafael, CA, “a grocer” and his wife gave birth to Alfred C. Blumenthal who gained fame as “wealthy real estate operator A.C. Blumenthal and was known to his theatrical friends in Hollywood and New York as “Blumey.”

1890(18THof Tevet, 5651): Sixty-five year old Henry S. Henry, a native of Ramsgate, England, who was the founder of H.S. Henry & Son, commission merchants who was active in several charitable Jewish organizations passed away today at his New York home.

1890: Sgt. Jack Trautman, who could have retired but chose to stay with his men, fought at Wounded Knee, SD today with such courage that he was awarded the Medal of Honor.

1891: According to Emmanuel Lehman, the Treasurer for the Transportation Fund for Russians, as of today the fund has raised $82, 842.73 to aid Jews trying to flee the Czar’s realm.

1891(28thof Kislev, 5652): Fourth Day of Chanukah

1891: Sixty-eight year old German mathematician Leopold Kronecker, who converted to Christianity in the last year of his life, passed away today.

1892: A fire broke out at the four story brick building at 3 Mechanic Alley the ground floor of which is occupied by tailor shop owned by three Jews, Samuel, Isaac and Harris Goldstein.

1893(20th of Tevet, 5654): Adolf Jellinek passed away. Born in 1821, he was an Austrian rabbi and scholar who became a preacher at the Leopoldstädter Tempel in Vienna in 1856.

1893: In Newark, NJ, Max Boxer made bail on charges of misusing the United States mail when he sent a postcard to Abraham Kursek, a Jewish poultry and fish merchant threatening to shoot him and his son-in-law if he did not vacate his stall on Prince Street.  The two men were business compeititors.

1893: In New York, Judge McAdam granted an injunction prevent Joseph Jaffa  from publishing  the picture of Rudolph Marks, a Jewish actor who is studying law at the University of the City of New York, as part of a contest that he is promoting without the plaintiff’s permission.

1894: In Vienna, Alfred Sachs, the son of Eduard Elkan Sachs and Babette Sachs, and his wife Therese Sachs gave birth to Marie Schmeichler, the wife of Dr. Robert Schmeichler.

1894:A two week revival of “Quite an Adventure,” a one-act comic opera by Edward Solomon, came to an at the Savoy Theatre in London.

1895: Based on statements of Samuel Schafer published today the Hebrew Fair which closed last week has raised $165,000 and that when all contributions are tallied the amount raised will reach approximately $175,000.  Approximately $100,000 will go to the Educational Alliance with the balance going the Hebrew Technical Institute.

1895: “Judaism And Its Spirit” published today provides a detailed review of The Spirit of Judaism by Josephine Lazarus one of the sisters of Emma Lazarus.


1895: Arthur Scholem and Betty Hirsch Scholem gave birth to Werner Scholem, German political leader, member of the Reichstag during the Weimer Republic and the brother of Gershom Scholem.  Werner would die in Buchenwald.

1895: An armed column “crossed into the Transvaal and headed for Johannesburg” which marked the start of the Jameson Raid whose participants included Solomon Barnato “Solly” Joel one of three sons of Joel Joel and Kate Isaacs who made “a fortune in diamond and gold mining in South Africa,

1896(24th of Tevet, 5657): Seventy-two year old Jacob ben Moses Bachrach, the son of R' Moses Bacharach and Sheina Bacharach and the husband of Reva Bachrach, the editor of Hebrew works including “the Turim of Jacob ben Asher” passed away today in Bialystok.

1897: The House Committee of the Home and Hospital for Jewish Incurables is scheduled to meet this afternoon in London.

1897: The “Russo-Jewish Conjoint Committee” of the Board of Guardians is scheduled to meet this afternoon.

1897: The Chovei Zion Association is scheduled to meet this evening at Bevis Marks.

1898: Richard J. H. Gottheil, a professor of languages at Columbia University and a leader in the early American Zionist movement gathered together a group of Jewish students from several New York City universities to form a Zionist youth society. The society was called Z.B.T. which most people know as Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.

1901: The Jewish National Fund (JNF) was founded. “The Jewish National Fund is the caretaker of the land of Israel, on behalf of its owners - Jewish People everywhere.”  After several false starts, the delegates to the Fifth Zionist Congress passed a motion that a fund to be called Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael) should be established, and that "the fund shall be the property of the Jewish people as a whole".  The purpose of the fund would be to be purchase land in the land of Palestine that would belong to the Jewish people.  The JNF's first undertaking was the collection of £200,000.  One of the delegates immediately pledged £10 in memory of Zvi Hermann Schapira who had been one of the prime mover’s behind the creation of the JNF. Theodore Herzl made the second donation and his aide, the third. And with this, the dream of a national fund--and a Jewish Homeland--became a reality.

1902: Birthdate of New York City and St. Lawrence College trained labor lawyer Robert Abelow,
a partner in the firm of Weil, Gosthael and Magnes and the editor of “The Employee Relations Law Journal” who was the husband of “the former Miriam Steinbrink” and a son-in-law of New York State Supreme Court Justice Meyer Steinbrink”

1903(10thof Tevet, 5664): Asara B’Tevet

1905: The Jewish Chronicle reported that “the brothers Gomez de Costa in Hackney, West Indies, would not receive their sister in their house for a year because she had married an Ashkenazi Jew.

1905: The Jewish Chronical reported that a “Proselyte Board” has been formed in Johannesburg “consisting of congregational delegates and Rabbis and that no proselytes would be admitted to the community unless they received a vote of two-thirds of those present at the meeting.

1905: As of today it was reported that the fund to help the Jews suffering from the Massacres in Russia had reach $1,217,000.

1908: Louis A. Hensheimer, a member of the baking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company spent his last day “at his desk” prior to undergoing surgery for appendicitis.

1908: Birthdate of Magnus Alfred Pyke, the native of Paddington who was educated in Canada who returned to England, where among other things he served as the Chief Chemist at Vitamins Ltd in Hammersmith and Manager of Distiller Ltd’s yeast research laboratory in Scotland from 1949 to 1973.

1909: Birthdate of Johtje (pronounced YO-tya) Vos, a Dutch woman who along with her husband hid three dozen Jews from the Nazis during World War II.  In addition to which they provided assistance to an unknown number of Jews escaping through part of the Netherlands from 1940 through 1945.  Mrs. Vos moved to Woodstock, NY in 1951 and passed away at the age of 97 in 2007.  She never saw herself as a Righteous Gentile or a particularly brave person.

1911: Camille Erlanger’s L’aube rouge premiered at Rouen, France.

1911: The Chamber of Commerce of Salonica rendered a decision that Jewish porters do not need to work on Shabbat.

1911: At its meeting today, “the Board of Trustees of B’nai Jeshurun” “decided to recommend” to the congregation that the hire Rabbi Joel Blau who is now leading Congregation Shaari Zedek in Brooklyn.

1911 Mrs. Leopold de Rothschild was among those receiving the “Award of the Order of Mercy” today.

1912(19thof Tevet, 5673): Sixty-six year old grain merchant Emanuel Steinhardt passed away today in New Orleans.

1912: In Newark, NJ, Esther Taubenhaus and her husband gave birth to Tulane Medical School graduate Dr. Leon Taubenhuas, “the director of community of health services at Beekman Downtown Hospital and a specialist in emergency medicine” who with his wife Barbara raised two daughters.

1912: A Hebrew School was founded today in Schenectady New York.

1912: U.K. premiere of “The Miracle” a British silent film based on a play by Max Reinhardt.

1913: In Australia first showing of “The Miracle” a British silent film based on a play by Max Reinhardt who helped write the script for the film.

1914: In Rochester, NY, Oliver Bachrach of Baltimore delivered a lecture on the prophet Jeremiah at The Jewish Chautauqua Society Convention.

1914: “Looking to the War’s End” published today described the views of Bernard Baruch’s father, Dr Simon Baruch on what a post-war world would look like including that “perhaps in a decade or fifty years” the United States and Germany, joined by other countries now at war” will join “together to subdue the Tartar and the yellow man and then we shall have a real peace.”

1915: “The People’s Relief Committee, which is also co-operating with the American Jewish Relief Committee, expects to raise $100,000 today.”

1915: Today in New York, “at the monthly meeting of the Hebrew Congregation of the Deaf and Dumb mutes” Sephardic Rabbi Albert J. Amateau used sign language to make an appeal to the 140 members for contributions to the $5,000,000 fund which the American Jewish Relief Committee is attempting to raise for Jews suffering through the war” which met with an immediate contribution of $250 dollars and a small box filled with jewels.

1915: Today, Dr. J.L. Magnes addressed a crowd of jewelry industry employees and persuaded them to subscribe to a contribution of $10,000 and to create a committee under the Chairmanship of Leopold Stern which will raise $100,000 from among Jewish jewelry workers.

1915: “Today is tag day for the benefit of Jewish sufferers through the war and by night the committee” in charge “expects to have distributed one million tags and to have collected $50,000.”

1915: “A special feature” of today, which is Tag Day, “will be sight-seeing cars filled with actors and actresses from the Yiddish theatres which will tour the city stopping a various tagging pints to entertain the crowds.”

1915: It was reported that M. Maldwin Fertig, the president of The Young Men’s Hebrew Association, has said the campaign to raise funds for a new facility in the would continue until it has reached its goal of $85,000.

1916: The piano duo of Rose and Ottilie Sutro played their version of Max Bruch’s Concerto for Two Pianos in A-flat minor for the first time with the Philadelphia Orchestra.

1916: It was reported today, that the survivors of Baltimore lawyer Moses R. Walter are his wife, the former Bertha Ulman, and his children Clementine Walter, Valerie Walter, Raphael Walter, Albert Walter and Mrs. Robert Walkingshaw of Seattle, WA>

1917(14thof Tevet, 5678): Parashat Vayehci

1917: Rabbi Samuel Schulman is scheduled to deliver the sermon this morning at Temple Beth-El on 5th Avenue.

1917: It was reported at The Hague today “that leading Jewish financiers of Germany refused to support the German war loan unless the German Government” refrained “from all opposition to the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine independent of any Turkish control.”

1917: When Representative Julius Kahn of California spoke tonight at the dinner session of the Fifth Annual Convention of the Intercollegiate Menorah Association meeting at Columbia he “was applauded when he urged that universal compulsory military service be enacted in law” because “there was no prospect that wars would cease at the end of this war, and every reason to fear that wars would continue in the future as they had in the past.’ (Editor’s Note- the Jewish Congressman did not see WW I as the “war to end all wars” and was calling for peace time conscription – something that would not come to fruition until the year prior to the attack at Pearl Harbor.)

1917: Tonight, “speaking at a benefit at Cooper Union for the needy Jewish journalists and writers fo the warring countries, Dr. J. L. Magnes predicted that the Jewish people would survive their present sufferings stronger than ever and assert a stronger influence on the religious and political life of the nations.”

1917: Tonight at the Sixty-ninth Regiment Armory more than $6,000 was raised at the Zionist Ball which was held to raise funds “to be used in re-establishing the Jews in Palestine.”

1917: Today “Famous Players, Feature Play, Oliver Morosco Photoplay, Bosworth, Cardinal, Paramount Pictures Corporation, Artcraft, and The George M. Cohan Film Corporation”  “were incorporated into one entity called the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation” with Adolph Zukor as President and Jesse L. Lasky as Vice President.”

1918: Rabbi Hyman Gerson Enelow, who was in France serving as representative of the Overseas Commission of the Jewish Welfare Board wrote today that for three weeks he has been visiting various military camps using an automobile lent him by a Colonel in the Army and while he has found the experience to be “a great privilege” if also feels that “if he Jewish work here does not improve much in point of organization, I may go in as an army chaplain.”

1918:During the Freedom Wars, Lithuania's government called for volunteers to defend the Lithuanian state. Of the 10,000 volunteers who responded more than 500 of them were Jews. Altogether more than 3000 Jews served in the Lithuanian army between 1918 and 1923.

1918: The Zionist Organization of America held a reception tonight at the Hotel McAlpin for Judge Julian W. Mack, Jacob de Haas and Colonel Harry Cutler “on the eve of their departure for Paris as representatives of the Zionist Congress recently held in Philadelphia” where 300 attendees hear a the message that the delegates hope to come back “with the message that Zion (a Jewish homeland in Palestine) had become a fact.”

1918: Solomon Sufrin is scheduled to speak at “a special convention of the Federation of Rumanian Jews of America” being held at the University Settlement on Eldridge Street.

1920: One of two dates in FSB archives for the death of Alexander Dubrovin, the founder of the anti-Semitic journal Russkoye Znamya who helped organized “the pogroms of the Black Hundreds.”

1921: In Tulsa, OK, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Friedman gave birth to Staley Friedman the author of Martin Buber: The Life of Dialogue which “marked the first effort to explain and popularize the humanistic and religious concepts Martin Buber.” (As reported by Paul Vitello)

1927: Following its premiere performance last night Alexander Tansman’s “Second Concerto for piano and orchestra was performed again tonight in Boston.

1929: Birthdate of Feigele Peltel who as Vladka Meed used her flawless Polish and Aryan good looks to smuggle pistols, gasoline for firebombs and even dynamite to the Jewish fighters inside the Warsaw Ghetto, and who after the war became an impassioned leader in the national effort to educate children about the Holocaust (As reported by Joseph Berger)

1922(10th of Tevet, 5683): Asara B'Tevet

1922(10th of Tevet, 5683): The Chief Rabbi of Alexandria, Rodolfo Compagnano, passed away.

1923: Birthdate of Shlomo Venezia, the native of Thessaloniki, Greece who survived Auschwitz and wrote Inside the Gas Chambers: Eight Months in the Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.

1924(2ndof Tevet, 5685): 8th and last day of Chanukah

1924: In Boston, real estate agent “Frederick Yankelovich and the former Sadie Mostow” gave birth to pollster Daniel Yankelovich. (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

1928: Der Oytser (The Treasure), a play in Yiddish by Sholom Aleichem directed by Aleksei Dikiy premiered today.

1928(16th of Tevet, 5689): Eight year old German born Leopold Stern, a philanthropist and Republican Party activist “known as the dean of diamond importers in America” passed away today.

1928: “The fourth national labor convention for Palestine held under the auspices of the national labor committee for the Organized Jewish Workers in Palestine opened tonight in New York.  Abraham Shiplacoff, chairman of the national committee gave the welcoming address to the five hundred delegates.  Among the visitors was David Bloch, Mayor of Tel Aviv and Israel Merminsky general secretary of the Palestine Federation both of whom have been visiting the United States for the last ten days.

1929: In Warsaw, Rabbi Brachya Lieberman, a notable Gerrer Hasid and wife gave birth of Rabbi Simcha Binem Lieberman who survived the Warsaw Ghetto uprising as well as Treblinka, Dachau and Theresienstadt.

1929: Roger W. Straus addressed the Chicago Conference of Temple Brotherhoods at their Chanukah Dinner which was being held at the Palmer House Hotel.  Mr. Straus, a New Yorker, is the son of the late Oscar S. Straus and President of the National Federal of Temple Brotherhoods which, has 22,000 members.  In his speech, Mr. Straus connected the meritorious service of many members in the World War with the valor of the Maccabees in issuing a call to show the same kind of dedication in combating “the corrosive, brutal theory of materialism and thereby to serve again our religion, our country and humanity.”

1929: Lt. Governor Herbert H. Lehman of New York, Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson of Pittsburgh, Joshua Kantrowitz, Ben Altenheimer and Jean Wise are scheduled to address the Third Annual Chanukah Dinner sponsored by the Metropolitan Conference of Temple Brotherhoods which is being held at the Astor Hotel in New York City.

1930: In Cleveland, Ohio, Bernard Gottesman, an insurgent agent born in Hungary and his wife the former Virginia Weitzner gave birth to Irving Isadore Gottesman “a pioneer in the field of behavioral genetics whose work on the role of heredity in schizophrenia helped transform the way people thought about the origins of serious mental illness.” (As reported by Erica Goode)

1931:The first Hebrew-language feature-film "Oded Hanoded" - "Oded the Wanderer", directed by Chaim Halahmi, premiered in Tel Aviv.

1933: “Flying Down to Rio,” featuring a score by Max Steiner and songs by Gus Kahn was released in the United States.

1934: Birthdate of Brooklyn native and Phi Beta Kappa graduate Roberta Karpel who after marrying Robert Silman gained fame as award winning author Roberta Silman.

1935(3rdof Tevet, 5696): The widow of Barond Edmond James de Rothschild, Adelheid (known as Adélaïde) passed away today, 12 months after the Baron had died.

1936: At a dinner at the Hotel Astor, the national service award of the Phi Epsilon Fraternity “consisting of a scroll and a check for $100” was given to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise for being the man “who has made during the year the most distinctive contribution to the creative life of the Jewish people.”

1936: While testifying today before the Peel Commission Moshe Shetrok cited a well-known letter from Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald to Dr. Chaim Weizmann promising Jews “a proportionate share of employment on public work in Palestine” in connection “with his allegation that the Palestine government does discriminate against Jews in public works including the railways, ports and civil services where a virtual Arab monopoly has been created.

1937: William Dodd completed his term as U.S. Ambassador to Germany.  Dodd was the first U.S. Ambassador appointed to serve as after Hitler came to power. (For more see, In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson)

1937: The Palestine Post reported that the General Council for Palestine Jews (Va'ad Leumi) decreed that in view of certain developments, the council was the sole body authorized to reach an agreement with the Arabs.

1937: The British press reported that the Foreign Office had become increasingly alarmed at the extent of Arab and Moslem opposition to Palestine's partition. It had not yet decided whether to appoint a new Palestine Commission, expected to implement the plan, as agreed upon with the Mandatory Commission of the League of Nations.

1937: Heavy fines and prison sentences were imposed on German Jews, accused of illegal ritual slaughtering practices.

1938: “In Hell’s Kitchen,” Irving Sperling, “a jewelry salesman” and “Cecile (Shavitz) Sperling gave birth to “convicted drug dealer” Herbert Sperling.  (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1938: In Berlin, “officials at the Ministry of Finance would neither confirm nor deny the report” “that the 20 per cent capital levy” imposed on the Jews “as a fine for the assassination of Ernest von Rath…is to be increased to 30 per cent.”

1939: “Destry Rides Again” produced by Joe Pasternak and featuring Mischa Auer “as Boris Callahan, the henpecked Russian” was released in the United States today.

1939: U.S. premiere of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame produced by Pandro S. Berman with a script by Sonya Levien and Bruno Frank and music by Alfred Newman.

1939: “Balalaika” a movie version of the English musical directed by Reinhold Schunzel and produced by Lawrence Weingarten was released in the United States today.

1940(29thof Kislev, 5701): Fifth day of Chanukah

1940(29thof Kislev, 5701): Forty six year old Dov Hoz the native of Orsha who was one of the founders of the Haganah and the “founder and CEO of Aviron was killed in an automobile accident today.

1941(9th of Tevet, 5702): Tullio Levi-Civita passed away.  Born in 1873, Levin-Civita was an Italian mathematician who was one of the founders of absolute differential calculus (tensor analysis) which had applications to the theory of relativity. In 1887, he published a famous paper in which he developed the calculus of tensors. In 1900 he published, jointly with Ricci, the theory of tensors Méthodes de calcul differential absolu et leures applications in a form which was used by Einstein 15 years later. Weyl also used Levi-Civita's ideas to produce a unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. In addition to the important contributions his work made in the theory of relativity, Levi-Civita produced a series of papers treating elegantly the problem of a static gravitational field.  On September 5, 1938 the Racial Laws were passed in Italy which excluded all those of Jewish background from universities, schools, academies and other institutions. Levi-Civita was dismissed from his professorship, forced to leave the editorial board of Zentralblatt für Mathematik, and prevented from attending the Fifth International Congress of Applied Mechanics in the United States. He wrote to a former student in May 1939 “I live as a retired person and I do not move; except in summer, however, if my personal conditions allow me to move. As you maybe know, Jews have been completely expelled from Italian cultural life; in particular, I will not participate in the "Volta Congress" and will not be in Rome in September”.In the last years of his life, in spite of his moral and physical depression, Levi-Civita remained faithful to the ideal of scientific internationalism and helped colleagues and students who were victims of anti-Semitism; thanks to him, many of them found positions in South America or in the United States.

1941(9th of Tevet, 5702): A Jewish physician from Prague, Czechoslovakia, Dr. Karol Boetim dies of spotted typhus while treating patients at a Gypsy camp near the Lódz (Poland) Ghetto.

1942: Today Jan Komski and three comrades, Mieczyslaw Januszewski, Boleslaw Kuczbara, and Otto Küsel, participated in one of the most famous escapes in the history of that infamous camp. This escape was significant because it was among the first to be organized by the illegal camp resistance movement, and with the help of the local population. “In the morning of Dec 29, 1942, a two wheel cart drawn by two horses passed the gate at Auschwitz in the afternoon. It carried Kuczbara, dressed in a stolen SS uniform. Alongside walked three inmates, seemingly being escorted by the SS-man. They aroused no suspicion as Otto Küsel was known to all the Blockführers (SS Block Commanders). When they reached the check point at the border of the big sentry chain, Kuczbara showed the guards a cleverly forged pass. His uniform and the pass convinced them to allow the cart and the prisoners through. The men simply walked out of the camp. They made it to the village of Broszkowice where they met a resistance woman who gave them civilian clothes. They spent the night at the home of Andrzej Harat, who actually rented the apartment above them to an SS officer.  Mr. Komski eventually reached the city of Krakow, where he was arrested in a routine roundup as he was sitting on a train awaiting departure for Warsaw. Any escaped prisoner would have been hanged very soon after his return to Auschwitz. But, Komski was not recognized and his identity papers now bore a different name.”

1944: As he attempted to negotiate a life-saving deal with the Nazis, Rudolf Kastner found himself trapped in Vienna and unable to return to Budapest – a situation that would not change until March of 1945.

1945(25thof Tevet, 5706): Parashat Shemot

1945 (25thof Tevet, 5706): Seventy-three year old University of Pennsylvania trained lawyer Samuel W. Salus, the member of both houses of the state legislature and Republican Party leader who was the husband of Ada R. Salus, the father of Arthurs S. Salus and the grandfather of Samuel W. Salus II passed away today.

1945:Just before dawn today British Sixth Airborne Division troops threw a cordon around Ramat Gan a town of 10,000 and searched every part of it, looking for terrorists who blew up police and military installations in near-by Tel Aviv and Jaffa Thursday night.  Authorities arrested more than 800 men between the ages of 16 and 40 making this the largest action of its kind in Palestine.

1946: In Palestine, Major Paddy Brett and three non-commissioned officers serving in the British Army were flogged by attackers alleged to have been members of the Irgun.

1947: Five Jewish doctors driving back to Jerusalem from Hadassah Hospital came under attack from Arab gunman. The doctors found sanctuary with a nearby Jewish family while their attackers burned their car. 

1947: "The 29th of November", a ship filled with "illegal" Jewish immigrants, was driven off the coast of Eretz Israel by the British.  The ship was named in honor of the date when the U.N. approved the partition resolution that effectively created the Jewish state of Israel.

1947: Two ships with 7,000 immigrants are boarded by British forces before they can reach the coast of Palestine. The Jewish Agency wants to avoid confrontation with the British, knowing that immigration will open on 1 February 1948. Ben Gurion gives orders that there has to be no resistance.

1947(16th of Tevet, 5708): Moshe Rembach, a Jew who had been working for Barclays Bank since it opened in 1918, was shot and killed by Arab gunman at the entrance to bank.

1948(27thof Kislev, 5709) Third day of Chanukah

1948(27thof Kislev, 5709): Seventy year old British composer Harry Farjeon whose father was Jewish but whose mother was not passed away today.

1948: It was reported today that Dr. Edwin J. Cohn of the Harvard Medical School has been chosen to deliver the 1949 Julius Stieglitz Memorial Lecture at the University of Chicago.

1948: Israeli troops pushed deep into the Sinai and established a base at Abu Ageila, 20 miles west of the border between Egypt and Israel.

1948: As Israeli forces finally were driving out the Egyptian invaders, the United Nations called for a cease fire between the Jewish state and the Arab aggressor in the Negev.

1948: Israel responded to the UN call for a ceasefire in the Negev by saying it will continue fighting until Egypt agrees to peace talks while the British government, in a move that shows its pro-Arab and anti-Jewish bias, insists that Israel accept the UN call for an immediate ceasefire.

1948: Ralph Bunche urges the Palestine Conciliation Committee to begin its work.

1949: After premiering in October, “The Reckless Moment” directed by Max Ophüls and produced by Walter Wanger was released throughout the United States today.

1950: In New York Melanie (Shroder) and Polish-born violinist Roman Totenberg gave birth to Judge Amy Totenberg.

1952(11th of Tevet, 5713):  Beryl Rubinstein composer and piano virtuoso passed away at the age of 54.  A native of Athens, Georgia, Rubinstein was the son of a rabbi.

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel protested to the West on its intensified supply of arms to the Arab states. Britain offered to sell jet planes to Israel, and in an equal number to each separate Arab state, and this would obviously give the combined Arab forces great superiority.

1952(11thof Tevet, 5713): “Yiddishist” Smuel Leshtsinski passed away today after being in an automobile accident in New York.

1953: Yosef Serflin replaced Yosef Sapir as Minister of Health

1953: Yosef Sapir replaced Yosef Serline as Minister of Transportation

1954: In New York, premiere of “Animal Farm” with music by Mátyás Seiber.

1955: Barbra Streisand makes her first recording, "You'll Never Know" at age 13

1955: In a speech to the Supreme Soviet, Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev condemns Israel as a tool of imperialist states used to threaten its Arab neighbors.

1956: Birthdate of Yehudit Ravitz, the native of Beersheba who “is one of the most successful and famous Israeli rock musicians, with a career spanning over thirty years.”

1957: Singer Steve Lawrence, born Sydney Liebowitz in Brooklyn, married fellow entertainer Eydie Gormé. He was Jewish.  She was not.

1957: In Piscataway, NJ, physicist Norman Rudnick and his wife Selma gave birth to multi-talented writer Paul M. Rucnick whose first play was “Poor Little Lambs.”

1959(28thof Kislev, 5720): Fourth Day of Chanukah

1959: Bari-Ilan University Holds First Commencement Services published today describes the baccalaureate activities at one of Israel’s newest institutions of higher education.

1960: The Israeli cabinet appointed a full committee “to examine the possibility of settlement in the northeastern Negev desert and the Arad area.”

1961: Having divorce her in 1959, today Billy Rose remarried Joyce Mathews.

1961: Jerry Herman’s off-Broadway musical “Madame Aphrodite” opened at the Orpheum Theatre.

1965: After premiering in Tokyo, “Thunderball,” four film in the James Bond series featuring Leonard Sachs was released today in the United Kingdom.

1965(6thof Tevet, 5726): Ninety five year old Avraham Shapira, the husband of Liba Rochel Shapira passed away today in Petah Tikva,

1965(6thof Tevet, 5726): Seventy-two year old German born biographer and novelist Dr. Manford George who arrived in New York as penniless refugee and resuscitated his career as the editor of Aufbau, a German weekly, passed away today.

1966: Elliot Gould and Barbra Streisand gave birth to actor Jason Gould.

1967: Birthdate of Evan Seinfeld actor, director and heavy metal bassist in the bands Biohazard and Damnocracy

1968: Israeli commandos destroyed 13 Lebanese airplanes.

1969: NBC broadcast the 16th episode of Melville Shavelson’s “My World…and Welcome to it.”

1971: After premiering in the UK in November, “Straw Dogs” starring Hoffman, produced by Daniel Melncik and with a screenplay by David Zelag Goodman was released in the United States today.

1971:  Birthdate of Jay Fiedler, quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles.

1973: Birthdate of baseball executive Theo Epstein.

1973: An apparent terrorist plot was foiled when authorities detained two Arabs at the airport in London.

1973: While Prime Minister Golda Meir was not averse to some form of territorial compromise to gain peace with the Arabs, she said today that Israel would not descend from the Golan, will not partition Jerusalem and will not allow the distance from Natanya to the border be a mere 18 kilometers.

1974: “Soviet Jewish physicist and activist Alexander Voronel arrived in Israel.”

1976: Howard Metzenbaum began serving his second, non-consecutive term of office a U.S. Senator from Ohio.

 1977:The Jerusalem Post reported that the Knesset endorsed the peace plan, as drafted by Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and presented to the US and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, by 64 to eight votes with 40 abstentions. More than 1,000 settlers from the administered territories protested against the plan outside the Knesset's gates.

1977: Poland was reported to be seeking to renew relations with Israel that had been severed during the 1967 war.

1980: Refusnik Yona Kolchinsky was scheduled to be called up for service in the Soviet army.

1980(22ndof Tevet, 5741): Eighty-one year old Nadezhda Mandelstam the Russian writer and widow of Osip Mandelstam passed away today.

1981(3rdof Tevet, 5742): Seventy-one year old Milton H. Mostel, the brother of Zero Mostel passed away today.

1982(13th of Tevet, 5743):  Movie producer Sol. C. Siegel passed away.  His cinematic productions included “High Society,” “No Way to Treat A Lady” and “Alvarez Kelly.”

1983(23rd of Tevet, 5744): Seventy-three year old Morris N. Kertzer who had served as a rabbi at congregations in the Bronx and Larchmont passed away today. (As reported by Ari L. Goldman)

1985: “The Jew Who Spied for the Nazis” published today provided a review of Arrows of the Almighty:The Most Extraordinary True Spy Story of World War II by Michael Bar-Zohar which tells “the tragic true story of Paul Ernst Fackenheim

1985: HBO’S “Head Office,” a comedy directed and written by Ken Finkelman and co-starring Rick Moranis was released today in the United States.

1986: Eighty-one year old actress Grete Moseheim who went to England after the rise of Hitler because her father, Markus Mosheim was Jewish passed away today in New York.

1988:William Andreas Brown, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, presented his credentials today.

1989(1stof Tevet, 5750): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Seventh Day of Chanukah

1992:The Southwestern Bell Corporation and Clal Industries of Israel will jointly bid for control of Israel's national telephone company, Clal said today.

1993:Yuval Goldan was stabbed today by a terrorist near Adarim in the Hebron area.


1993: “Ghost in the Machine” a sci-fi horror film produced by Wesleyan University grad Paul Schiff, the Bethesda born son of Charlotte and Edward Schiff was released today in the United States.


1993: The last edition of Hadashot was published today.

1995(6th of Tevet, 5756): Composer Shlomo Yoffe died in Beit-Alpha.

1995: The family of Yigal Amir, the man who murdered Prime Minister Rabin celebrated the wedding of Vardit Amir and Yithak Cohen in Tel Aviv.

1996(19th of Tevet, 5757): Seventy-five year old Leonard “Lenny” Rader, who played basketball at LIU with his “twin brother Howard before going on to play professionally passed away today.

1997(30th of Kislev, 5758) Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1998(10th of Tevet, 5759): Asara B'Tevet

1999: “The Hurricane” boxing biopic co-starring Live Schreiber was released today in the United States.

1999: In an op-ed article in the Wall Street Journal,Ira Stoll criticized a speech Rabbi Yitz Greenberg gave last November at the United Jewish Communities’ General Assembly in Chicago.

2002: The New York Times featured books reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or about subjects of Jewish interest including the paperback edition of Middle Age: A Romance, by Joyce Carol Oates

2003: Russian Interior Ministry and FSB units seized 4,376 copies of Blowing up Russia: Terror from within printed in Latvia and purchased by Alexander Podrabinek's Prima information agency, which had passed customs control and were being trucked from Latvia to Moscow for retail delivery

2004(17th of Tevet, 5765): Chemist Julius Axelrod passed away.  Axelrod was a co-winner of the Noble Prize for Chemistry in 1970.

2004: In “Putting a Still-Vexed Play in a Historical Context” published today A.O. Scott examines “The Merchant of Venice” and its most famous character, Shylock.

2004: “The Merchant of Venice” directed by Michael Radford who “believed that Shylock was Shakespeare's first great tragic hero” and which “begins with text and a montage of how the Jewish community is abused by the Christian population” was released today in the United States 3 weeks after opening in the United Kingdom.

2005: A suicide bomber detonated an explosive device at an IDF checkpoint on the West Bank. An IDF soldier and two Palestinians were killed in addition to the bomber.

2005: Alice Loeb, daughter of Ernst Loeb and wife of John Strugnell passed away today in Grasse, France, two days after celebrating her 85th birthday.

2005(28th of Kislev, 5766): Day 4 of Chanukah

2005(28th of Kislev, 5766): Ninety five year old architect Armand P Bartos passed away today.



2006: The Jewish Daily Forward, featured a review of Jewish Ireland in the Age of Joyce: A Socioeconomic Historyby Cormac Ó. Gráda.  “Gráda’s new economic chronicle, “traces the history of the Jews in Ireland from 1079, when they first arrived, up until the present day. The book’s main focus is the Jewish community from the 1870s through the 1940s, roughly during the Ulysses author’s lifetime. While much has been written about the Jewishness of James Joyce’s Leopold Bloom, one of the most famous characters in all of literature, few know anything about the remarkable community in Ireland that inspired Joyce to create him.”

2007: The Chicago Tribunefeatures a review of People of the Book, Geraldine Brook’s new novel that follows the tortuous path of the Sarajevo Haggadah.

2007: The Chicago Tribunereported that the 47,000 square foot property housing Streit’s, the last matzo factory on the New York’s Lower East Side, is going on the marked for $25 million in part of the city that is becoming increasingly gentrified.  The factory will keep producing matzo until the owners build a new one in about a year, probably in New Jersey.

2008: In “Anatomy of a Scam,” Time magazine offers a pictograph description of a Ponzi scheme as it reports that “…Bernard Madoff was arrested for allegedly bilking investors out of up to $50 billion in a Ponzi scheme described as one of history’s largest swindles.”

2008: “The U.S. Treasury gave GMAC of which Jacob Ezra Merkin served as the Non-executive Chairman of GMAC $5 billion from its $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).”

2008:The stars of the hit Broadway musical “Irving Berlin’s White Christmas” – Stephen Bogardus, Kerry O’Malley, Jeffry Denman & Meredith Patterson ring The Closing Bell at the NYSE in celebration of the holiday season.  “Irving Berlin’s ‘White Christmas,’” a new musical stage reinvention of the classic film, is now playing a limited engagement on Broadway at the Marquis Theatre.

2008(2nd of Tevet, 5769): Eighth Day of Chanukah

2008:A bottle of flammable liquid was hurled at Temple Sholom one of Chicago's oldest synagogues. The building caught fire but did not suffer “major damage.”

2008 (2 Tevet 5769): Irit Shitrit, a 36 year old mother of four who had sought shelter in a bus station was killed by a rocket in downtown Ashdod.  Her sister was one of eight other civilians injured in the attack.

2008 (2 Tevet 5769): First Staff Sgt. Lutfi Nasraldin, 38, from the Israeli Druze village of Daliyat al-Karmel was killed when two mortar shells landed in the brigade headquarters near Nachal Oz.

2008 (2nd of Tevet 5769) :Hani al Mahdi a 27-year-old construction worker, from the Bedouin village of Aroer was killed when a Palestinian Grad missile exploded near a construction site in the coastal town of Ashkelon.

2009: In Jerusalem, Yellow Submarine (Tzolelet Tzehubah)hosts Elan Bar Lavi, the Mexican/Jerusalemite guitarist, back in Israel after an American and Mexican tour.

2009: Opening session of International Conference on Conservative Judaism: Halakhah, Culture and Sociology at The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.

2009: Israel’s Supreme Court ruled today that a major access highway to Jerusalem running through the occupied West Bank could no longer be closed to most Palestinian traffic. In a 2-1 decision, the court said that the military had overstepped its authority when in 2002, at the height of the second Palestinian uprising, it closed the road to non-Israeli cars. The justices gave the military five months to come up with another means of ensuring the security of Israelis that permitted broad Palestinian use of the road.

2009: “The New Israeli Foundation for Cinema & TV announced today special funding to devlop scripts based on the stories of Shalom Aleichem.”

2009(12th of Tevet. 5770): Eighty-three year old journalist Janina (née Lewinson) Bauman, the wife of  “socialist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman” passed away toay.

2009: Mathieu “Schneider was waived by the Vancouver Canucks” today.

2009(12th of Tevet, 5770): Eighty-three year old “David Levine, whose macro-headed, somberly expressive, astringently probing and hardly ever flattering caricatures of intellectuals and athletes, politicians and potentates were the visual trademark of The New York Review of Books for nearly half a century, died today in Manhattan.” (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2010(22 Tevet): In the yearbook of the Meisel Synagogue in Prague, the 22nd of Tevet is designated as the date on which to commemorate the escape of Yosef Thein from the gallows in the Hebrew year 5383 (1622).

2010: “Judaism and Social Justice: What Can We Contribute to the Discourse in the Age of Globalization?” and “Brotherly Love: Joseph Revisited,” a session that will use close reading techniques to explore the opening of Vayeshev (Genesis 37) and gain a deeper appreciation of the complexity of the text and its surprising insights into the story of Joseph and his brothers, are two of the programs scheduled to be presented at today’s meeting of the Limmud Conference.

2010: Perez Hilton broke the news earlier today that not only is Natalie Portman who starred in “Black Swan” along with three other Jewish actresses all playing ballerinas (Mila Kunis, Winona Ryder and Barbara Hershey), now engaged to marry her choreographer from “Black Swan,” but that she is also pregnant. For those wondering about Millepied's ethnic origins, he is French, but not Jewish.

2010(22nd of Tevet, 5771):Rabbi Menachem Zeev “Wolf” Greenglass, a Chabad kabbalist and educator who exchanged hundreds of letters over the years with the Lubavitcher rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, died in Montreal today at the age of 94. Greenglass was a founder of the Rabbinical College of Canada in Montreal after escaping Europe during the Holocaust, and taught there for decades. He gave his final lecture on the Chabad philosophical treatise Tanya in 2007. Greenglass was born in Lodz, Poland, to parents who followed the Alexander Chasidic dynasty. In Poland, Greenglass became close to Rabbi Zalman Schneersohn, a descendant of the first Lubavitcher rebbe, and then enrolled in the Otwock Lubavitch yeshiva, where he met Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, the son-in-law of the then current Lubavitcher rebbe. When World War II broke out, Greenglass headed for Vilna and was among those who received later transit visas from the Japanese consul Chiune Sugihara, who saved thousands of Jews. Greenglass crossed Russia by rail, went by boat to Japan from Vladivostok and then to Shanghai before reaching Canada. Once there, Chabad tasked him to open schools, including Montreal's Beth Rivkah Girls School, and work with Jewish children in the Montreal public schools. During that time, Greenglass continued a correspondence with Schneersohn, who had become Chabad's rebbe, and who wrote to him in 1954 that "without an intellectual appreciation for the truth … one cannot expect a student to always be in total acceptance." Greenglass also maintained a lengthy correspondence with the Jerusalem mystic Rabbi Yeshaya Asher Zelig Margaliot.

2010: Liverpool marked the death of Avi Cohen with a period of applause before their Premier League match against Wolverhampton Wanderers. Cohen had been declared legally dead the day before after being involved in fatal motorcycle accident

2010: Leah Berkenwald published her “Top 10 Moments for Jewish Women in 2010”

2011: Those viewing tonight’s scheduled screening of Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 sci-fi creation, 2001: A Space Odyssey at the San Francisco MOMA will find their viewing experience enhanced if they wear the Dreidel Vission Goggles available at the Jewish Museum for a mere $3.00

2011: Rav Gav is scheduled to appear at Greek Themed International night sponsored by  HipJLM (Heneni International Programs: Jerusalem).

2011: Mrs. Raize Guttman is scheduled to present “Challah for a Kallah,” an interactive Challah class which will cover everything from the hashkafa to the halacha of baking challah as well as learning how to make new and interesting challah shapes.

2011:Na'ama Margolese an 8-year-old girl who became the symbol of a recent public struggle against gender segregation and religious extremism returned to school today, for the first time since a violent incident that sparked a nation-wide protest movement.

2011:Israel's population stands at 7.836 million, the Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS) indicated today as part of its year-end survey. According to the ICBS report, Jews comprise 75.3 percent of the country's population, with 5.901 million people, with Arab citizens making up another 20.5 percent, or 1.610 million. Another 4.2 percent of Israel's population, some 325,000 people, is comprised by non-Arab Christians and those whom the Interior Ministry doesn't classified by religion. The survey also indicated that 2011 saw a 1.8 percent increase in Israel's population – 141,000 people – a rate comparable to the figures of the last decade. In Israel, 166,800 new babies were born throughout the course of the year, and about 17,500 new immigrants arrived at the country.

2012: The Rishonim String Quartet is scheduled to perform at the Eden-Tamir Music Center.

2012: “I Wish” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2012: The Millinery Center Synagogue is scheduled to host a Kumzitz Melaveh Malka featuring Singer Songwriter Dov Shurin along with Kabalistic Insights in Judaism with Reb Yitzchak Ring

2012(16th of Tevet, 5773): On the final Shabbat of 2012, Jews read Vayehi, the final parsha of Bereshit.

2012: After reports were made public today by the PA that there had been nine deaths due to the swine flu,  “a spokesman for the Israeli health ministry said officials were monitoring the situation in the West Bank, but so far are not taking any action.”

2012: It was reported today that “Ron Dermer, an adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is set to replace Michael Oren as Israel’s ambassador to the United States, an Israeli newspaper reported.”

2013: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil by Paul Bloom and Correspondences: A Poem and Portraits by Anne Michaels and Bernice Eisenstein.

2013: In the Bronx, the Sholem-Aleichem Cultural Center is schedule to host a “Yiddish Event.”

2013: “Like Father, Like Son” and “Brokeback Mountain” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: At least five Katyusha rockets were fired from Lebanon at northern Israel. Two of the rockets fired this morning exploded near the northern town of Kiryat Shemona; others reportedly landed in Lebanese territory. No injuries or damage were reported in Israel. The Israeli military returned fire in the direction of the rocket launches. (As reported by JTA and Forwards)

2013: “In Week 17 of the 2013 NFL season, Julian Edelman became the third Patriots player in team history to catch over 100 passes in a season today in the Patriots' 34–20 win over the Buffalo Bills

2013: Immigration from France and other Western European countries was up dramatically in 2013, but immigration from the US was down, according to figures released today by the Jewish Agency for Israel.(As reported by Gavriel Fiske)

2014: The Palestinians are scheduled to submit their UN Security Council statehood resolution to a vote today.

2014: “The Farewell Party” and “Boyhood” are scheduled to shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: Marc Trestman, the only Jewish head coach in the NFL was fired today after two seasons.

2014: “Aryeh Deri of the Shas party offered his resignation to the ultra-Orthodox party’s steering council of rabbis today, a day after the publication of footage of the party’s late former spiritual leader criticizing Deri and praising his arch-rival Eli Yishai, the former leader of the party.” (As reported by Stuart Winer and Tamar Pileggi

2014: An Egyptian court today ban an annual festival in honor of Yaakov Abu Hatzira a Morrocan rabbi whose tomb is in the Nile Delta province of Beheira, south of Alexandria.”

2014: Yuri Kissin, “who immigrated to Israel from Russia in 1990 and is a graduate of Tel Aviv University” is scheduled to sing the title role when the Jerusalem Opera performs “Figaro” today.

2015(17thof Tevet, 5776): Forty-two year old Neil Gandler, “a Jewish tech entrepreneur who lived out of rental cars’ was shot and killed today by two burglars “while sleeping in a rented car in a gym parking lot during a failed robbery attempt.

2015: The Israel Air Force Flight Academy Air Show/Graduation and Airshow/Misdar Knafaim (Wings Ceremony) is scheduled to take place today at the Chatzeirim Air Force Base near Beer Sheva. 

2015: In Jerusalem, Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld is scheduled to speak on “Wherefore Art Thou Modern Orthodoxy?”

2016(29thof Kislev, 5777): Fifth Day of Chanukah

2016: YNY is scheduled to come to an end with an “amazing Student Concert.”

2016: In Little Rock, AR, Governor Hutchinson is scheduled to “deliver Chanukah greetings a the Public Menorah Lighting sponsored by Chabad Lubavitch.

2016: “Operation Wedding” is scheduled to be screened with “The Chop,” the winner of the Pears Short Film Fund at UKJF at JW3, the Jewish Community Centre London.

2016: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host its New Year’s Klezmer Concert this evening.

2016: Citing “high prices as one reason for the lack of success in Israel,” “Gottex Brands, also known as Zara Group Israel, which holds the GAP franchise in Israel” announced today that it “will shut down its seven stores in Israel in 2017.”

2016: In Memphis, TN, Temple Israel is scheduled to host Shabbat Chanukah services followed by a special congregational dinner.

2017: The Exhibition “1917: How One Year Changed The World” which has opened in New York at the American Jewish Historical Society on September 1 is scheduled to come to a close today. (As reported by Julia Klein)

2017:  Today, in a game against the Arizona Coyotes, Zach Hyman scored the fifth shorthanded goal of his career, which is the third most by a Leafs player in their first three NHL seasons.”

2017: In Jerusalem, Jodi and Gavin Samuels are scheduled to host a Shabbat Dinner that will include a presentation by “guest speaker, Michael Bassin.”

2018: In Rochester, NY, the JCC CenterStage Theatre is scheduled to present a performance of “Big Wigs.”

2018: After having arrived yesterday on his first ever official to the country, Prime Minister is scheduled to spend Shabbat in Brazil today.

2018: In Washington, DC, Theatre J is scheduled to present “Talley’s Folly,” a “Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy” about Matt Friedman, a “middle-aged Jewish accountant.

2018: The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to a “Survivor Talk” by George Levy Mueller.

2018(21stof Tevet, 5779): Parashat Shemot - As the secular world prepares to celebrate a New Year, Jews begin reading “a new” book of the Torah as they start with Shemot.  For more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/





This Day, December 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


December 30

39: A black day on the Jewish calendar; birthdate of Roman Emperor Titus the man who destroyed the Second Temple. The Arch of Titus commemorates the exile of the Israelites.

987: Coronation of Robert II, who “conspired with is vassals to destroy all the Jews who would not accept baptism” and inspired mob violence against the Jews including “the learned Rabbi Senior”

1066((9 Tevet 4827): Joseph ibn Nagrela, son of Samuel ibn Nagrela, was murdered in Granada during the Granada Massacre. He had served as vizier to Badis, ruler of the Berbers. There had been constant tension between the Berbers and the Arab population. Joseph attempted to ease the conflict between the two camps and prevent excesses against the local Arabs. His enemies included Abu Ishak, Berber advisor to the prince, who accused him of trying to cede the city to a neighboring prince. Badis ordered Joseph killed and crucified. In the ensuing massacre of the Jewish population, 1,500 families were killed, including Joseph's wife and son. A few years later, Jews were readmitted to Granada and reassumed high offices.

1066(9thof Tevet, 4827): In what is called the 1066 Granada Massacre an untold number of Jews in this part of Muslim-ruled al-Andalus were murdered by a Islamist mob.

1066(9th of Tevet, 4827): Joseph ibn Naghrela, the eldest son of Rabbi Sh'muel ha-Nagid and vizier to the King of Granada, was crucified by an Arab mob

1299: The City of Damascus, except for its Citadel began it surrender to the forces of Mahmud Ghazan who had converted to Islam in 1295 marking the start of a downgrading of the conditions of the Jews in Persia because they were forced back into the role of “dhimmis” – official second class citizens.

1576: After spending four and one half years in prison, Fray Luis De Leon, a converso descendant was released. As a scholar of Hebrew at the University of Salamanca, he was punished by the Inquisition for translating the Song of Songs (Solomon) from Latin into Spanish.

1596(9thof Tevet, 5357):  Menachem Rapoport (Menachem Abraham ben Jacob Ha-Kohen) passed away. Known as Rappa, this Italian rabbi witnessed “the burning of the Talmud pursuant to the papal bull of 1553” and was the author of several works including “Zofnat Pa’neach.”

1665: Sabbetai Zvi, the famous or infamous "False Messiah" departed for Constantinople

1669: Based on a case involving “the kahal of Brest and some Russian priests of Brest, “it appears that the latter caused much damage to the Jews of Brest, and that during the religious processions riots took place in which Jewish property was stolen and Jews were murdered or wounded by priests as well as by others.” Jews had been living in Brest-Litvosk since the 14th century and although their fortunes had fallen to a new low during the Cossack Uprising, in 1669, life was improving since King Michael Wisniowieck re-confirmed the privileges previously enjoyed by the Jews which allowed them to own property and engage freely in commercial activity.

1673: Birthdate of Ahmed III the sultan who appointed Judah ben Samuel Rosanes as chief rabbi of hakam bashi of the Ottoman Empire.

1695:Based on the diploma on display at the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem, today is the day on which Dr. Coppilia Pictor graduated from Medical School in Padua. He was the first doctor in Bochum, Germany

1673: Birthdate of Ahmed III, the Ottoman Sultan who signed the peace treaty of Passarowitz between Austria and Turkey in 1718. According to the treaty, “Jews who were Turkish subjects were permitted to live and trade freely in Austria. Their position was thus more favorable than that of Jews who were Austrian subjects. In 1736, Diego d'*Aguilar founded the "Turkish community" in Vienna.

1792(15th of Tevet, 5553): Abraham Samuel Covo, the Chief Rabbi of Salonica passed away.

1792: The day after she had passed away, 64 year old Eve Josephs was buried today at the “Alderney Road (Globe Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1812: Joshua Lyon Phillips married Elizabeth Harris at the Great Synagogue today.

1814: Birthdate of Barbara Elizabeth Gluck the native of Vienna who wrote her poetry under the name of “Betty Paoli.”

1829: Berton Gottheimer married Julia Zachariah today.

1832: At Donaldsonville, LA, Joseph Marks married Eliza Hyams, the daughter of Samuel Hyams of Charleston, SC.

1836: Birthdate of David Castelli, the native of Leghorn who became “an Italian scholar and educator in the field of secular Jewish studies” before passing away at Florence in 1901.

1850: Horatio Simon Samuel married Henrietta Montefiore at the Great Synagogue today.

1854: In Siroka, Hungary, Leon Faber and his wife gave birth to Maurice Faber, who was the rabbi at B’nai Zion in Titusville, PA for ten years where he also taught German language and literature at the local high school before serving as rabbi at B’nai Israel in Keokuk, IA and finally filling the pulpit at Congregation Beth-El in Tyler, TX.

1851:Horace Greely delivered a lecture tonight at the Philomathean Society of Brooklyn on "The World's Fair and Its Lessons"  based on his visit to the Crystal Palace where the display of "Jerusalem, in her lonely humiliation, best typifies the Hebrew state and race."

1855: In Sikora,Hungary, Leon Faber and his wife gave birth to Maurice Faber who served as Rabbi of Congregation B'nai Zion, Titusville, Pa., for ten years, and of Congregation B'nai Israel, Keokuk, Iowa, for two years and finally of Congregation Beth-El in Tyler, TX, Congregation B'nai Israel, Keokuk, Iowa, and Congregation Beth-El, Tyler, TX.

1855(21stof Tevet, 5616): Seventy-six year old German Jewish banker Samuel Bleichröder the father of Gerson von Bleichröder and Julius Bleichröder passed away today.

1856: Phillip Soman married Harriet Salkin today.

1857(13th of Tevet, 5618): Fourth Yahrtzeit of Judah Touro.

1861: Two days after he had passed away, 62 year old Joseph Moseley “of King Street Commercial Road” was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1862: Based on information supplied by the Associated Press several newspapers carried stories about General Order11 including on that used the headline “Expulsion of Jews from General Grant’s Department – The Circumstances Stated and the Documents Quoted”

1863: Leopold Kompert was fined as a result of a suit “brought against him by the clerical anti-Semite Sebastian Brunner for libeling the Jewish religion.”

1864(1stof Tevet, 5625): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Seventh day of Chanukah; for the first time in three years, the eighth candle of Chanukah is kindled in a Savanah, GA that is back in Union hands.

1865: Birthdate of English writer, Rudyard Kipling. In “How not to be a stranger in a strange land” David Mamet wrote “My favorite poet was a Jewish man from Krakow, Rudolph Klepsteen. He wrote under the name of Rudyard Kipling, and his most famous poem is called “If.” It begins: “If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you.” He was writing, as he always did, about the Jewish experience.”  This runs contrary to the standard biography that says Kipling was born in India.  The death of his son in World War I had a profound effect on Kipling who became a very active member the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.  The man who wrote of “the white man’s burden” was particularly concerned that dead Jewish soldiers, as well as other non-Christians including Hindus and Muslims troops “were remembered in ways suitable and compatible with their religion and culture.” He also wrote a poem entitled “The Burden of Jerusalem” that begins:

“In ancient days

     and deserts wild

There rose a feud –

     still unsubdued –

'Twixt Sarah's son

     and Hagar's child

That centered round Jerusalem.”

1867: In Philadelphia, PA, Meyer Guggenheim and Barbara Guggenheim gave birth to John Simon Guggenheim, “the director and member of the Executive Committee of the American Smelting and Refining Company, the husband of Olga Hirsh and the father of John and George Guggenheim who served as a U.S. Senator from Colorado.

1868: Birthdate of Philip Passon, the native of Russia who moved to Brooklyn where he was active in the Federation of Jewish Charities and served as director of the Machzike Talmud Torah.

1869:  Birthdate of Belgian political leader, Adolphe Max.

1871: The annual report on deaths in New York published today reported that only one person had passed away at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1871: George Cruikshank, the illustrator who created the Copper plate engraving “Fagin in his cell” “published a letter in The Times which claimed credit for much of the plot of Oliver Twist” a work that helped create the image of Charles Dickens as an anti-Semite.

1873: Birthdate of Al Smith, 4-term Governor of New York and the first Catholic to run for President of the United States.  Smith enjoyed a great of deal support among New York’s immigrant Jewish population. He served on the commission that investigated the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and championed laws to improve working conditions; a position that would have made very popular with the thousands of Jewish workers employed in the garment industry. Belle Moskowtiz was long-time political advisor to Smith and managed his 1928 Presidential campaign.  Smith gave Robert Moses his big chance in New York State government allowing him to reorganize the state’s government on a basis fitting the 20thcentury.  Smith’s 1928 campaign actually created the coalition that would lead to major Democratic victories over the next couple of years.  Jews were a major component of that coalition and it ultimately gave them political influence that they had been sorely lacking.

1875(2nd of Tevet, 5636): 8th and final day of Chanukah

1878: It was today that last “Saturday was the anniversary of the feast of dedication as commemorated by the Jewish race; that is to say, the anniversary of the resuscitation of Jewish worship in the temple at Jerusalem, after the long interruption of the Assyrian conquest and the renewed (but brief) autonomy of the Jewish nationality, after one of the severest military struggles, waged by the Maccabees, recounted in ancient history.” (The NYT would not be the first, nor will it be the last, to confuse the Syrians with the Assyrians.)

1879: An article published today that traced the history of the hospitals of New York City, reported that when Mt. Sinai Hospital opened in 1852 with the support of the Jewish community, it was the third hospital founded by a religious group.  During the 1840’s the Episcopalians had founded St. Luke’s and the Catholics had founded St, Vincent’s.

1880:  Birthdate of Alfred Einstein. The German-born American musicologist and critic was a nephew of Albert Einstein.  He passed away in 1952.

1880: In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “Samuel Hirch…brought suit” today “against Rabbi Isaac Moses, the editor of a Jewish newspaper…for slander claiming $5,000 damages” because Rabbi Moses had described Mr. Hirsch as liar and a thief in his publication.

1880: Ernst Henrici, the “co-initiator of the so-called Anti-Semite Petition” delivered a speech at “Bock Assembly” espousing his “anti-capitalist, anti-liberal and anti-conservative agenda.”

1882: “Help for the Hospitals” published today provided a description of various New York City health institutions including Mt. Sinai Hospital which was originally created for the use of the Jews of New York City, but now serves patients regardless of “race, creed or nationality” and also maintains a system of “charity beds” to serve the city’s needy.

1882: Rachel and Morris L. Kramer gave birth to Hyman S. Kramer the younger brother of Beckie Kramer.

1886: “A Bar But No Barroom” published today included Charles Goldstein response to complaints by members of St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church to his receiving a license to sell liquor at Webster Hall which is a block away from the church.  Goldstein said that no objections were raised before or after the foundation was laid for the building last August. Webster Hall is a building designed to host various Jewish social events including weddings.  Liquor would not be sold until 8:30 or nine in the evening.  (Considering the popular image connecting certain groups of Catholics with the consumption of alcohol, one must wonder what the real motive for the late-blooming objections was)

1886: It was reported today that a ukase issued during the reign of Czar Nicholas compelling “resident German Jews to hold certificates as merchants of the first guild” has been revived in Poland.  The certificates cost seven rubles.  Since few of the Jewish merchants can afford the certificates, they will be forced to leave.

1888: Among the charitable institutions receiving money from city is the Hebrew Benevolent Society of the City of New York was got a payment of $60,000.

1888: The Seligman Solomon Society sponsored evening of entertainment at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1889: It was reported today the Jesse Seligman, Henry Rice and Julian Nathan were among the dignitaries who attended the recent evening of entertainment held in the chapel of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum

1889(7thof Tevet, 5650): Thirty-three year old Myer Silberman, a jeweler from Poland, apparently took his own life today while “alone in his room at 5 Orchard Street.”

1889: It was reported today that Philip J. Joachimsen, the Chairman of Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Advisory is “confined to his home by illness” which made it impossible for him to take part in the events honoring state Senator Jacob A. Cantor and Assemblyman Joseph Blumenthal.

1891(29thof Kislev, 5652): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1891: “The Siege of Yemen” published today described 10 week siege of Yemenite town by an Arab army whose leader declared he would convert the Jews of Yemen to Islam “or extirpate them.” (That is a fancy way for saying “wipe them out.”)

1892: Benjamin Kossman transferred to the Company D of the Sixth Cavalry in the U.S. Army.

1892: Cornelius Herz, the English born American and French trained physician who worked to develop uses for electricity is in London, where he may stay for some time as France deals with the Panama Scandal.

1892: Birthdate of Yonkers NY, native and Dickinson College trained attorney, Joseph Altman a powerful figure in New Jersey politics which led to his serving six terms as the Mayor of Atlantic City while raising his son Michael with his wife Lillian.

1892: “No Mercy for the Jews” published today described reports “from St. Petersburg and other parts of Russia which show that the persecution of the Jews and the inhumanity of the Czar’s officals toward that unhappy race are greater than ever before” as can be seen by the issuance of “six edicts…aiming to disperse the Jewish subjects…weaken their position in the trading centers and crush out their religion.

1892: As of today it is reported that many of the 20,000 Jews who have been converted to Orthodox Christianity since 1891 have been deported to Tcherkesovo, five miles from Moscow where they can be watch priests of the Russian Orthodox Church.

1892: It is reported that “many of the Jewish tradesmen and artisans who have been driven from Moscow” have gone to Lodz, a city in Poland which, thanks to their efforts “is fast become and an important manufacturing center.”

1893: As the economic crisis worsens, “the plan” for supplying bread, coal, tea and other necessities to the poor advocated by and financed by Nathan Straus “will be put in operation today.”  Mr. Koppel, a nephew of Mr. Strauss will oversee the daily operation.

1893(21stof Tevet, 5654): Seventy-one year old Italian poetess and translator “of medieval Hebrew poems and original Italian verses in Jewish” Eugenia Pavia-Gentilomo-Fortis passed away today in Asolo.

1893: Russia signed a military accord with France.  This treaty ended France's political isolation that dated from the Franco Prussian War.  This meant that the next time France faced Germany, she would have any ally.  The treaty also undid the alliance of the three emperors (Germany, Russia and Austro-Hungry). This treaty was part of the web of treaties that would create an aura of inevitability at the outbreak of World War I.  World War I marked the beginning of the most catastrophic period in the history of European Jewry. Yes, it helps to understand the history of the world when studying Jewish History.

1894: Herzl published a long and detailed article in the Neue Freie Presse summing up the major events of the preceding year in France. The Dreyfus trial is not mentioned in the summary.

1894: Three days after he had passed away, “Edward Phineas Sanguinetti” the son of Isaac Sanguinetti and Harriet Nathan was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1894: “The Dreyfus Scandal and the Growth of French Anti-Semitism” published today described the growing power of General Mercier “who scored a distinct personal triumph…in the conviction of Captain Dreyfus” as well as the quadrupling of the circulation of Drumont’s Libre Parole which makes a specialty of anti-Semitic violence and which along with “Rocherfort’sIntransigeant are preaching…nothing less than the wholesale massacre of the Jews.”

1897: The Relief Committee of the Board of Guardians is scheduled to meet this afternoon in London.

1897: Oscar S. Straus, President of the American Jewish Historical Society presided over the last session of its annual meeting which was held today in the Assembly Room of New York’s Temple Emanu-El.  The secretary of the society, Dr. Cyrus Adler, reported a proposed amendment to the constitution on behalf of the Executive Council that would increase the number of Vice Presidents from 3 to 4 and suggesting that Herbert B. Adams fill the newly created position.  The amendment and recommendation were adopted.

1900: Adalbert Epstein and Emma Epstein gave birth to Friedrich “Fritz” Epstein

1902:Herzl considers the possibility of using the waters of the Nile as a means of irrigating the wilderness lands of the Sinai Peninsula.

1905(2ndof Tevet, 5666): Parshat Miketz; 8th day of Chanukah

1905: “The Great Work Ended” published today described the impact of the publication of the twelfth and final Volume of the Jewish Encyclopedia, “easily the largest work yet recorded of American constructive authorship.”

1905: Governor General Doubassoff sent a telegram to the government today that he had “prevented several thousand ‘loyaltists’ from marching into Moscow for the purposed of attacking the strikers, revolutionists and Jews.”

1905: Birthdate of philosopher Emmanuel Levinas.

1909: Jacob Rogovin and the former Dora Shainhouse, who operated a dry goods business, in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, gave birth to Milton Rogovin, an optometrist and persecuted leftist who took up photography as a way to champion the underprivileged and went on to become one of America’s most dedicated social documentarians. (As reported by Benjamin Genocchio)

1911: In Brooklyn, NY, Jacob Brenner was “appointed Sheriff’s Counsel” today.

1912: “The Firefly,” an operetta sponsored by Arthur Hammerstein that had premiered on Broadway at the Lyric Theatre moved to the Casino Theatre today where it ran for a total of 120 performances.

1912: In a two-column letter to The Times, Dr. Max Nordau, President of the Tenth Zionist Congress “points out the opportunity presented by the impending partition of the Turkish Empire for the earnest consideration by European diplomacy of the Zionist scheme for the resettlement of the Jews in Palestine.”

1914: Dr. William S. Friedman, the rabbi at Temple Emanu-El in Denver, “likens the persecution of Leo Frank to the persecution of Mendel Bellis in Russia” and “predicted that when the nations now engaged in the European war have finished the struggle they will turn their attention to the Jews to make him the scapegoat.”

1914: “Shows Jews’ Sufferings” published today described how Oliver Bachrach wore a yoke built of ash, tore his air and “broke an earthen post…as did the patriarch in the time of old in token of great stress of mind” all of which he used to demonstrate the sense of suffering that he was trying to convey in his address about Jewish suffering.

1914: The Sixth Annual Convention of Pi Tau Pi Fraternity, led by President Herbert Frank of St. Louis MO, came to an end today in Cincinnati, Ohio.

1914: Austrian born, American architect Rudolph Michael Schinlder met Frank Lloyd Wright for the first time today.

1914: Today’s list contributors to the American Jewish Relief Committee for Suffers from the War included the Cohn Raincoat, Co, the West St. Paul Congregation, Chattanooga Relief Committee and Davidson Bros & Co of Sioux City, Iowa.

1914: At Rochester, NY, “in an address tonight before about 1,000 delegates to the Jewish Chautauqua Convention Dr. Leon Harrison of St. Louis said that regardless of Leo Frank’s guilt or innocence, he is “certain that Leo Frank has not received the fundamental right to which every American citizen under arrest is entitled – a fair trial.”

1915: The Treasurer’s Report of the American Jewish Relief Committee released tonight showed that the total contributions had reached $965.886.25; $755,000 of which was in cash and $210,886.25 in pledges.  Today’s largest contribution in the amount of $5,000 came from Henry P. Goldschmidt.  Felix Warburg is the committee’s treasurer.

1915: “In a letter addressed to Benedict XV,” the American Jewish Committee asked the Pope to “help he Jewish cause by using “his influence with the Roman Catholic Poles” – a request that “was not a success” and which Italian Jews said “created in Italy an impression bordering on the ridiculous.

1915: Oscar S. Straus, Chairman of the Clothing Appeal Committee of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, issued a New Year’s appeal today for clothing and shoes for the destitute” people living in war-torn Belgium and Northern France.  [Straus, a leading member of the Jewish community, also played a prominent role in the civic and charitable endeavors of the general community.]

1916: Today, “the Women’s Proclamation Committee” which is “the national women’s organization” collecting funds for Jewish relief led by its President, Mrs. Samuel Elkes “received a draft for $1,000” from its St Louis branch which had held a fund raising bazar on December 11.

1917: At Temple Beth-El, Dr. Samuel Schulman is scheduled to speak on “Losses and Gains of 1917.”

1917: At Carnegie Hall, Rabbi Wise is scheduled to deliver a sermon at the Free Synagogue on “Has Israel’s Hour Come At Last?”

1917: Dr. Alexander Lyons of Brooklyn is scheduled to speak on “Can We Still Believe?” at Temple Emanu-El.

1917: Felix M. Warburg, the Chairman of the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies announced today that on Sunday, January 6, 1918,  a campaign would being with the goal of raising more than four a half million dollars “for the support of Jewish charities in New York City, many of which face large deficits for 1918.”

1917: Dr. Pierre A. Siegelstein presided over the second annual convention of the American Union of Rumanian Jews at the Park Avenue Hotel where T. Tileston Wells Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Rumanian Relief Committee said that “as an ally of the United States in the World War” Rumania “assuredly pay deference to the feelings of Americans with regard to the emancipation of the Jews.”

1917: Among the contributions reported today to have been received by the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering the War including $320 from Rabbi Moses S. Margolis, $100 from the Sons of Israel of Frostburg, MD, $500 from the Columbus, Ohio Committee and $100 from Centreville, Iowa.

1918: It was reported today that James Haines, the Chairman of the Zionist Society of Engineers, has announced “that in the near future the Society will send several engineers to Palestine to make a survey of the natural resources of the country.”

1921: Two days after he had passed away, Myer David Levine, the husband of Shulla Freeman with whom he had had three children – Flora, Leah and Jacob Solomon – was buried today at the “Belfast Jewish Cemetery” in Northern Ireland.

1923: Philip Guedalla, the well-known English author and Liberal leader, was elected President of the Federation of English Zionists today. (As reported by JTA)

1925: U.S. premiere of “Ben Hur” the silent screen version of the novel by the same name produced by Louis B. Mayer and featuring Carmel Myers as Iras, “the Egyptian vamp.”

1927: Birthdate of P.R. specialist Charles J. “Charlie” Brtoman whose “career” as the public address announcer for the Presidential Inaugural Parade began with Eisenhower and was end by Donald Trump.

1928: Birthdate  of Yehuda Haffner, the native of Manchester England who gained as Yehuda Avner “personal secretary and speechwriter to Israeli Prime Ministers Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Golda Meir and Levi Eshkol, and as Israeli Ambassador to Australia and the United Kingdom.”

1928: The National Labor Committee hosted a reception in honor of Mayor David Block of Tel Aviv and the other members of the Palestine Labor Delegation including Miss Goldie Meyerson (who as Golda Meir would become Prime Minister of Israel) this evening at the Manhattan Opera House. Violinist Max Rosen and Metropolitan Opera soprano Nanette Guilford make their first joint appearance as part of the evening’s entertainment.

1928: A debate is held at Yeshiva College where teams from the Hebrew Theological College of Chicago and the Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary take opposing sides on “Resolved: The Cultural Restoration of Judaism depends upon the Restoration of Palestine.”

1928: Birthdate of Lawrence Haffner, the native of Manchester England who gained fame as Yehuda Avner the Israel diplomat, confidant of Prime Minister and author.

1930: “Five Star” a play about journalism written by Louis Weitzenkorn opened on Broadway at the Cort Theatre.

1930(10th of Tevet, 5691): Asara B'Tevet

1932: “Frisco Jenny” featuring Harold Huber as “George Weaver” was released today in the United States.

1932: U.S. premiere of “Back Street” the film treatment of the novel by Fannie Hurst directed by John M. Stahl, produced by Carl Laemmle, Jr with a script co-authored by Ben Hecht and filmed by cinematographer Karl Fruend

1935(4th of Tevet, 5696): Seventy-five year old Rufus Isaacs, the son of a fruit merchant who rose from being a ship’s boy, to a barrister to a leadership role in the Liberal Party that included serving as Viceroy of Indian and Foreign Secretary passed away today.

1935: In Brooklyn, NY,Evelyn (née Lichtenstein) and Jack Braun, gave birth to Sanford Braun, the stepson of Irving Koufax who gained fame the great southpaw pitcher Sandy Koufax.

1935: “Magnificent Obsession” a movie version of the novel by the same name produced and directed by John M. Stahl and music by Franz Waxman was released today in the United States.

1935: Birthdate of Isaiah Sheffer, the native New Yorker who created “Symphony Space, a vibrant, eclectic institution known for its broadcasts of actors reading short stories…” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1936: In Manhattan, publicist Benjamin Sonnenberg and his wife gave birth to  Benjamin “Ben” Sonnenberg, Jr. whose whims and myriad enthusiasms made Grand Street, the quarterly he founded in 1981, one of the most revered literary magazines of the postwar era. (As reported by William Grimes)

1936: The newly-organized Palestine Symphony Orchestra is heard on the air for the first time today when a concert under the direction of Arturo Toscanini is broadcast over WJZ’s network from 2:50 to 3:40 pm.  The seventy piece orchestra is broadcasting from Exhibition Hall in Tel Aviv.

1936: At today’s session of the Peel Commission Jewish leaders including Beryl Katznenellenson, editor of the Jewish labor daily Davar and Miss Goldie Myerson, “denounced the government as ‘unfriendly, begrudging Jewish efforts, unmindful of the mandate and its purpose and negligent eve in fulfilling plain civic functions.”

1936: The Peel Commission interviewed Dov Hos a Russian born senior member of the General Federation of Jewish Labour who had been sentenced to death by the Turks for defending the Jews of Galilee and who had fought with the British during World War I.  During his testimony Hos told the commissioners that where the Jews established hospitals and schools, the British government is being relieved of the responsibility and expense of creating and operating them.  Commissioner Rumbold responded to these comments by angrily defending the Mandate government and referring to the Jews as “an alien race.” Hos responded that Jews were not an “alien race but a children returning to their country, to the country where they lived or to a country where they are going to have their home.”

1936: Members of the Peel Commission “attended a concert which attested to the new Jewish life in Jerusalem.” In what was described as the most important musical experience in its history, “ancient Jerusalem came alive musically.”

1937: The Palestine Post reported from London that the British government decided to publish a White Paper containing instructions for the new Palestine Commission which was to be empowered to plan on how to implement and if necessary to modify the Peel plan for the country's partition.

1937: The Palestine Post reported that the Jewish settlement of Atarot and police patrols at Tulkarm and on the Nablus-Jenin road came under heavy Arab fire, but there were no reports of casualties.

1937:  Birthdate of Paul Stookey.  Stookey is “Paul” in the folk trio, Peter, Paul & Mary. He is the non-Jewish member of the famous trio.

1937: “Tovarich,” produced and directed by Anatole Litvakm featuring Fritz Feld and with music by Max Steiner was released today in the United States.

1937: The first edition of Botwin a Yiddish newspaper started by the 2nd Palafox Battalion, a Jewish company serving with the Polish Dombrowski Brigade during the Spanish Civil War was published today.

1938(8thof Tevet, 5699): Seventy-six year old Max Rabinovich, the Vice President of the Grand Forks Building and Loan Association and in 1930 the “honorary chairman of the North Dakota Allied Jewish Campaign” who was the “husband of Pearl Harstein” and father of Anna and Joseph Rabinovich passed away today.

1938: In an article in his newspaper, the Courrier Royal,“the Count of Paris, the heir to the pretender of the French throne, “condemned anti-Semitism” saying “that is certainly exaggerated to speak of a Jewish peril in France as it concerns the French Jews who become part of the French community” but said “foreign Jews are another matter.”

1939(18thof Tevet, 5700): Parashat Shemot; Starting the second book of the Torah on the last Shabbat of the year and of the decade.

1939(18thof Tevet, 5700): Fifty year old Charles Bear Mintz, the producer of cartoon and short subjects, two of which, “Holiday Land” and “The Little Match Girl” were nominated for Oscars passed a way today.

1939: U.S. premiere of “Of Mice and Men” directed and produced by Lewis Milestone with music by Aaron Copland.

1939: The riverboat Uranus reached the Iron Gates gorge in Romania, on the Yugoslavian border, with 1210 fugitive Jews from Vienna, Austria, and Prague, Czechoslovakia. The boat's journey was halted after Great Britain, holder of the Mandate on Palestine, protested to the Yugoslavian government.

1940: Birthdate of James Burrows, son of Abe Burrows and director of television hits including’ Taxi,''''Cheers,'' and ''Will and Grace.''“He also presided over one of the most Jewish moments in television. In a medium in which Jewish characters rarely do anything Jewish, let alone marry within the faith (Valerie Harper as Rhoda Morgenstern in Rhoda and Paul Reiser as Paul Buchman in “Mad About You” are just two examples — and don’t even mention Seinfeld), Grace Adler (Debra Messing) of “Will & Grace,” not only was married by a rabbi under a chupah, but got hitched to a Jewish doctor. That was Leo Markus played by Harry Connick Jr. Certainly, Jewishness has increasingly factored into Burrows’ life. Both his parents were Jewish but not observant. But his first wife was a Conservative Jew and “made him get back on the bus.” He had a bar mitzvah at 47, prompting one of his producing partners, Les Charles, to say: “You’re the first Jew I know who was a bar mitzvah at 47 and bald at 13.”He is what he calls a once-a-year Jew, attending shul for Yom Kippur. But he still gathers with his daughters every Friday evening “to light the candles, have a challah and say a bracha.”

1940: Birthdate of Barbara Johnson, the native of Marshfield, Wisconsin, the wife of William Peyser “Bill Jacobson and the mother of Michael Peyster Jacobson and Stacy Ann Jacobson.

1940: Adopted birthdate for Karkow native Zoshia Zavatski who gained fame as fashion model and actress Gila Golan, the wife of Matthew “Matty” Rosenhaus with whom she three children – Sarita, Hedy and Loretta.

1941(10th of Tevet, 5702): Asara B'Tevet

1941(10th of Tevet, 5702):: Lazar Markovich Lissitzky, the Soviet artist, designer, photographer, teacher, typographer, and architect, better known as El Lissitzky, passed away. For examples of his art see:

1942: Pope Pius XII told an American representative that he regarded the atrocity stories about Jews as exaggerations "for the purposes of propaganda."

1943: The keel for the SS. Sigman, a U.S. Navy liberty ship, was laid today. A Russian immigrant, Morris Sigman was active in the labor movement and was president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.

1943: Birthdate of Sir John Andrew Likierman, the Dean of the London School of Business.

1945: Mrs. William Prince President of the Women’s League for Palestine announced today that work has been started on an addition to the League’s home for immigrant girls in Tel Aviv

1945: Birthdate of director and actor Lloyd Kaufman.

1945: The New York Times reported that in their hunt for the Jews thought to be responsible for Thursday night’s violence in Palestine airborne troops surrounded the town of Ramat Gan, near Tel Aviv and took more than 800 men into custody for questioning.

1947: Birthdate of historian Michael Burns the author of Dreyfus: A Family Affair, 1789-1945, France and the Dreyfus Affair: A Documentary History and Rural Societyand French Politics: Boulangism and the Dreyfus Affair” 1888-1900.  

1947(17thof Tevet, 5708):  Forty Jewish workers were killed by Arabs at the Haifa refineries

1947: A bus carrying hospital workers to Mount Scopus came under attack at the same place where Jewish doctors had been attacked the day before.  Fourteen of the Hadassah Hospital workers were wounded. 

1947: Arab gun men attacked a group of Jews as they began to bury ten of their murdered co-religionists at the Jewish Cemetery on the Mount of Olives. British policemen accompanying the burial party carried on a gun fight with the attackers.  One policeman and one Jew from the Burial Society were killed.  The ten people who were to have been buried and the two new fatalities were put back on a bus and returned to Jerusalem.

1947: The Dora Trial came to an end today when the following verdicts were handed down: Death by hanging, Hans Moser; Life imprisonment – Erhard Brauny, Otto Brinkmann, Emil Buhring, Ruldof Jacobi, Josef Kilian, George Konig, Wilhelm Simon; 20 years imprisonment – Willi Zwiener; 20 years imprisonemtn Arthur Adra, Oskar Helbig, Richard Walenta; 7 years – Heinrich Detmers; 5 years – Walter Ulbricht, Paul Maischein

1948(28thof Kislev, 5709): Fourth Day of Chanukah

1948: Israeli armor and infantry captured the airfield south of El Arish and moved to capture the town itself.

1948: The original Broadway production of “Kiss Me Kate” with a book written by Samuel and Bella Spewack which earned them two Tony Awards.

1948: During Operation Horev, the Harel brigade moved further west into the Sinai Peninsula.

1948: The British government took an active role on the side of the Arabs in the Israel War for Independence.  The British issued an ultimatum to Israel that unless it withdrew from the Sinai it would employ force to force the Israeli’s to leave. 

1948: John McElroy and wingman Jack Doyle (in White 24) each shot down a MC.205V that had been strafing Israeli troops near the REAF Bir Hama air base, killing the two Egyptian pilots

1949(10th of Tevet, 5710): Asara B’Tevet

1949: “The Inspector General” a musical comedy directed by Henry Koster, produced by Jerry Wald and Sylvia fine, written by Harry Kurnitz and Ben Hecht and starring Danny Kaye was released today in the United States.

1949: In New York, “real estate mogul Abraham Hirschfeld” and Zipora Teicher Hirschfeld gave birth to Brown University grad and long-distance runner Elie Hirschfeld who followed in his father’s footsteps and then branched out into theatrical production, art collecdtion and philanthropy.

1950: “At War with the Army” a musical comedy starring Jerry Lewis and Polly Bergen and featuring Mike Kellin was released in the United States today.

1952: The Jerusalem Post reported that the US offered "no comment" on Israel's serious warning on Western arms sales to the Arab states. Britain denied that its arms sales to the Arab states contravened the joint March 25, 1950, US-Franco-British declaration of principles on the maintenance of peace in the Middle East. The Women's Labor Bill, which banned women from dangerous employment and offered special maternity privileges, passed the first reading in the Knesset.

1952: “The Bad and the Beautiful” a Hollywood film about Hollywood starring Kirk Douglas premiered today in Los Angeles.

1953(24th of Tevet, 5714): Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler the Russian born Orthodox rabbi and Talmudist and son of Mussar movement leader Reuven Dov Dessler, whose words of wisdom included “When you have a true ambition for something, you will not give up hope. Giving up hope is a sign that you are lacking ambition to achieve that goal!” passed away today.

1954: “House of Flowers is a musical by Harold Arlen opened on Broadway at the Alvin Theatre and played for 165 performances.’

1957(2ndof Tevet, 5718): 8th Day of Chanukah

1957(2ndof Tevet, 5718): Eighty-six year old Kovno native Morris Turitz, the founder of “the New York Linen Supply Company and co-founder of both The Jewish Daily Forward and the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies passed away today.

1957: The Israeli government of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion resigned.

1959(29th of Kislev, 5720): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1960(11th of Tevet, 5721): Seventy-five year old Ángelo Donati, “the Jewish Schindler” passed away today.

1960: A group of Israeli university professors signed and published a public letter denouncing Prime Minister David Ben Gurion.

1965(7th of Tevet, 5726): Seventy-two year old Manfred George the German born Jewish journalist who came to the United States in 1939 where he “became the editor of Aufbau, a periodical published in German, and transformed it from a small monthly newsletter into an important weekly newspaper, especially during World War II and the postwar era, when it became an important source of information for Jews trying to establish new lives and for Nazi concentration camp survivors to find each other” passed away today.

1965: Birthdate of Heidi Fleiss convicted prostitute and Madame.  Her doctor father is an opponent of circumcision, a rather strange position for a Jew to take.

1966(17thof Tevet, 5727): Seventy-seven year old Warsaw born and University of London alum Aaron Glanz-Leyeless the Yiddish journalist, poet, playwright and author whose works included the play “Shlomo Molcho and the award-wining A Jew at Sea and who had married “the former Sophia Kupfer” after his first wife “the former Fannie Wolynsky” had passed away died today “at the Hillcrest General Hospital.”

1966: Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for Dr. Bela Fabian the exiled Hungarian leader who opposed the fascist regime of Admiral Nicholas Horthy whose marriage to Ilona Schwarz Fabian in 1924 at “the Dohany Temple in Budapest, the world's largest synagogue, with a ca­pacity of 20,000, in was described as not only a wedding ceremony but a demonstration against antidemocratic and antiSemitic rightists.”

1966(17thof Tevet, 5727): Sixty-one year old Piero Scacerdoti, the general manager of Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà passed away today in Saint Moritz.

1968(28thof Kislev, 5728): 4th day of Chanukah

1968(28thof Kislev, 5728): Thirty-eight year old song writer and record producer Bertrand “Bert” Russell Berns passed away today.

1968: Trygve Lie passed away.  Born in Norway in 1896, Trygve Lie was the first United Nations Secretary General.  In that position he headed the U.N. at the time of creation of state of Israel.  His support was critical in the birth of the Jewish state and the successful conclusion of the War for Independence.

1969:While living in Stretford, Greater Manchester, Karen Kay gave birth to twin boys, Jason and David, a few weeks after birth David died. Jason (Jason Kay) was born Jason Cheetham.

1969: Birthdate of Jason Kay, best known by his stage name Jay Kay. He “is Grammy Award winning English musician from the band Jamiroquai.”

1960: Danielle Kahn and modernist architect Isi Metzstein gave fir to Scottish film director Saul Metzstein.

1963: President Johnson and Ladybird Johnson were photographed standing with Jim Novy, one of the mainstays of Agudas Achim in Austin, TX.

1973: The New York Times featured a review of Selected Poems a collection of the poems of Jewish poet Joseph Brodsky.

1974(16thof Tevet, 5735): Seventy-year old, Sid Terris, one of the leading “lightweight” boxers of the 1920’s passed away today.

1977: A frustrated Moshe Dayan told Israeli television that if Sadat insisted on an Israeli agreement to “return” all Arab lands and recognize Palestinian sovereignty as pre-conditions to peace negotiations than the peace process is finished.  For the next six months there is virtually no progress in talks between Egypt and Israel.

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that President Anwar Sadat of Egypt said that he was "disappointed" that US President Jimmy Carter lauded Prime Minister Menachem Begin as flexible. This, Sadat said, "will delay peace."

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that two persons were killed and another two injured by a bomb explosion in Rehov Shoham in Netanya.

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported Ephraim Katzir, Israel¹s fourth president, declined a second term of office.

1978: Roger and Hammerstein’s “King & I" closed after 719 performances at the Uris Theater in New York City.

1979(10th of Tevet, 5740): Asara B'Tevet

1979(10th of Tevet, 5740): Composer Richard Rodgers passed away at the age of 77.

1983: Birthdate of Santa Monic native Ashley Zuckerman, the Australian raised actor “best known for playing Dr. Charlie Isaacs on WGN America's Manhattan”

1983: In “Three Decades of Chaim Soutine Paintings” Grace Glueck provides a brief history of the late French expressionist painter and a description of his works now appearing at the Galleri Bellman.

1984(6thof Tevet, 5745): Eighty-four year old exotic food importer Max H. Ries who operated a textile factory in Munich until 1939, passed away today

1987: Two people were injured by a letter bomb in Or Yehuda.

1987: Terrorists were thwarted today in Israel when 10 letter bombs were discovered and disarmed without injury.

1988(22nd of Tevet, 5749): Yuli Markovich Daniel Soviet dissident writer, poet, translator, political prisoner and gulag survivor passed away.

1989: In “Pursue Peace, Not Just Elections,” Abba Eban, the former Foreign Minister of Israel, described what he sees as the next steps to be taken on the road to a Middle East settlement: 

In January, the U.S. Secretary of State and the Israeli and Egyptian foreign ministers will meet in Washington to discuss how to form a Palestinian delegation to meet with Israel. If all goes well, these ministers, along with the Palestinians agreed upon in Washington, will all meet in Cairo to discuss procedures for holding West Bank and Gaza elections to choose representatives to negotiate with Israel for interim self-government.Since Israel refuses to deal with the Palestine Liberation Organization, the U.S. will probably tell Israel that the Palestinian delegation in Cairo is dissociated from the P.L.O. But this tactic would not convince others, who would regard them as well-defined P.L.O. partisans. It is still not certain that West Bank and Gaza elections will be held. The reason is that the U.S. and Egypt disagree with Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's view that the P.L.O. cannot have any role, direct or indirect, in the peace process. But Mr. Shamir, after all, initiated the idea of the elections, so it is urgent to hold them and to break out of procedural debates. Free, democratic elections would enable the Palestinians to say what they like, display their emblems, celebrate their leaders and assemble peacefully. This would be a positive change in the present situation in the territories. Elections, however important, are not the basic peace issues. Those issues are the status of the West Bank and Gaza, the distribution of sovereignty or control in those territories, the location of Israel's secure boundaries and the structural relationship among Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians in a permanent settlement. None of these issues is even remotely addressed in ''the only game in town,'' as the U.S. has described the elections. In preoccupying itself exclusively with elections, the U.S. is sidetracking the considerable Israeli and Arab opinion that is ready to think about central peace problems. U.S. officials tell us there has been no ''ripening'' of conditions for discussing peace, security, boundaries and constitutional structure. Contrary to conventional wisdom, our region has never been as ripe as it is today for large visions and hard facts. Israel's political parties, media and think-tanks are reflecting deeply on new possibilities, including confederative and community structures that could accommodate Palestinian freedom without risk to Israeli security. The leading Israeli institute of strategic studies (at Tel Aviv University), headed by mainsteam defense experts, has formulated the far-reaching principle that ''Israeli security can be maintained through continued military deployment but without physical control over all the territories and all of the Palestinian inhabitants.'' Israeli polls report majorities for territorial compromise and the principle of dialogue with whomever the Palestinians appoint. This is a promising prospect, because there is now a pragmatic school in Palestinian mainstream thinking. Eastern Europe's uprising strengthens the principle that every people is entitled to representatives of its own choice. Acceptance of this doctrine could bring the Middle East out of anachronism into the spirit of the age. Besides, the Soviet Union has never been more ready than now to oppose extremism and to cooperate in stabilizing the Middle East. The case for discussing the major problems now is strengthened by international experience, which instructs us that it is just as difficult to get agreements on small steps as it would be on central issues. Nothing is gained by procrastination. In the meantime, the U.S. should publicly clarify its own conclusions on the crucial issue of Palestinian representation in the peace process. Does the U.S. truly believe it is feasible to produce an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue in total dissociation from the P.L.O.? If so, it should give its evidence for that belief.Or does it conclude, together with all the rest of the world, that this is not feasible? In that case, it should state its finding openly. This would galvanize Israel and the other parties to seek pragmatic decisions on their home grounds. The death of illusion is a necessary prelude to the birth of realism.

1991(23rdof Tevet, 5752): Ninety-one year old New York dermatologist Samuel M. Peck. (As reported by Wolfgang Saxon)

1991(23rdof Tevet, 5752): Eighty-six year old New York State Supreme Court Justice Mitchell D. Schweitzer passed away today. (As reported by Wolfgang Saxon)

1992: “Ice Cream King Takes Another Dip” published today described the creation of Haagen-Dazs by Reuben Mattus.

1992: “Delta Heat” a cop movie set in New Orleans produced by Uri Harkham and filmed by cinematographer Avraham Karpick was released in the United States.

1993: Israel and the Vatican agreed to recognize one another.

1993(16th of Tevet, 5754): “Superagent” [Irving Paul] "Swifty" Lazar passed away at the age of 86.

1991(23rd of Tevet, 5752: Eighty-six year old Judge Mitchell D. Schweitzer passed away today.


1993:Israel's Foreign Minister said today that Israel and the P.L.O. had concluded their latest round of talks with a "meeting of the minds," but there was no breakthrough and significant differences remained. The two sides, still trying to work out the details of the accord that they signed in Washington in September and that was supposed to have gone into effect two weeks ago, reached what an Israeli official described as "a set of understandings" on how to carry out the first phase -- an Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Gaza Strip and the West Bank town of Jericho.

1993: Roni Milo resigned from the Knesset so he can concentrate on his role as mayor of Tel Aviv.

1995: In reviewing the events that flickered across our television screen, Walter Goodman described 1995 as being a year of “Emotional Overload and Emotional Lift.”  As an example of this he wrote that “The shock at the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's Prime Minister was to some extent alleviated by the immediate surge of revulsion, expressed on television both in the United States and in Israel, over violent political language as well as acts of violence. At the widely covered funeral, the tributes of so many heads of state were heartening, with the pictures of an obviously moved King Hussein of Jordan carrying special force. Even amid the anxiety over the future, it was a historic and consoling moment: an Arab leader showing personal sorrow for the death of an Israeli leader.”

1996: Proposed budget cuts by Benjamin Netanyahu spark protests from 250,000 workers who shut down services across Israel.

1997(2ndof Tevet, 5758): 8th& final day of Chanukah

1997: “Legends of Yiddish Stage Brought To Life” published today described Fyvush Finkel’s homage to the world of theatrical Yiddish -- ''Fyvush Finkel -- From Second Avenue to Broadway.''


2000(4th of Tevet, 5761): Ninety one year old screenwriter Julius J. Epstein passed away today.(As reported by Richard Natale)


2000: In Humble Bagel, Highly Priced But Worth It,” published today Clyde Haberman lamented the increasing cost of what was once the quintessential New York Jewish Food.


“The holidays required a stop at H & H, the bagel emporium on the Upper West Side. This produced a discovery that, since the last visit a few weeks earlier, the price of a bagel had gone up a dime. It now cost 95 cents. Nearly a buck for a bagel! A bagel! You could understand it, maybe, if you were able to read your fortune in the poppy seeds. But what is humbler than an unadorned, untoasted, unshmeared bagel? Ninety-five cents? At Zabar's, across the street, bagels sell for only 39 cents each. They're 60 cents at Barney Greengrass, nearby, and at Columbia Bagels, half a mile farther north on Broadway, and 50 cents at Kossar's, the bialy mavens on the Lower East Side. One bagel purveyor in Manhattan -- please, he said, no names -- was not aware of the new H & H price until a phone caller mentioned it. He had to share the news with a colleague. ''Hey,'' he called out, ''H & H gets 95 cents.'' Then he returned to the phone. ''You should see his grimace,'' he reported. ''That,'' he agreed, ''is a lot of money for a bagel.'' Indeed. At the H & H store, a counterman could muster little more than an embarrassed smile when asked why. ''Ask the boss,'' he replied. But the boss, Helmer Toro, was not to be found at the H & H headquarters in Midtown. A woman who picked up the phone did allow, however, that ''our bagels are great.'' No argument, even if there are those who insist that Columbia's or Kossar's are tastier. And the long lines at H & H this week suggested that 95 cents (with a discount price of $11 for a dozen, and an extra thrown in free) is hardly enough to deter committed New York shoppers.”

 2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or about subjects of Jewish interest including Wittgenstein’s Poker: The Story of a 10-Minute Argument Between Two Great Philosophers by David Edmonds and John Eidinow and Making The List:A Cultural History of the American Bestseller, 1900-1999by Michael Korda.

2001(16th of Tevet, 5762): Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth passed away shortly before midnight, aged 82, after suffering from an illness. Born at Wojnicz, Poland in 1918, the son of Rabbi Avrohom Yosef Schermann and Perla Kreiswirth, he was an Orthodox rabbi who served as the longtime Chief Rabbi of Congregation Machzikei Hadass Antwerp, Belgium. He was the founder and rosh yeshiva of the Mercaz HaTorah yeshiva in Jerusalem, and was a highly regarded Torah scholar.

2003:  U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft recued himself and his office from investigating The Plame Affair. Palme is Valerie Plame the Jewish CIA operative whose identity was exposed in column by Robert Novak. 

2004: Airel Sharon “sealed a deal with the Labor Party to form a coalition with Shimon Peres becoming Vice Premier, restoring the government’s majority in the Knesset”

2004(18th of Tevet, 5765):  Artie Shaw passed away. Born Arthur Jacob Arshawsky, Shaw gained fame for as a clarinet player and Big Band Leader.  He received a Grammy Life Time Achievement Award and is member of the Big Band and Jazz Hall of Fame.

2005(29th of Kislev, 5766:  Rona Jaffe author of The Best of Everything passed away at the age of 74.

2005: Pepe Eliaschev, the grandson of Russian Jewish immigrants, a fixture of Argentine media, and host of the daily radio show, “Esto Que Pasa” or “This is what’s happening” was fired in what he saw as a form of media self-censorship.

2005: The first kosher restaurant, Kineret Aruba Glatt Kosher Deli opened at the Playa Linda Beach Resort in Aruba.

2006:The second edition of Encyclopedia Judaica, a 22-volume work, was published which is to be released in January, was published today.

2006: “Deposed Iraqi leader, Sadam Hussein, was executed by hanging” today

2006: The Cedar Rapids Gazette reports about the growth of religiously orientated games in an article entitled “How about a game of Kosherland?” The story begins “The crazy Jewish fun of Kosherland looks la lot like the board game Candy Land, except gefilte fishing substitutes for he visits to the Ice Cream Sea…” The founder of Jewish Educational Toys said people are much more willing to buy religious toys since he helped create Kosherland in 1985.

2006: “Spotlight Moves to Hellman’s Plays”

2007: The Sunday New York Times features reviews of the books by Jewish authors and/or about matters of special interest to Jewish readers including Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg and The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner.

2007: In what would seem to be a reminder of the common origins of mankind, the Chicago Tribune reported that the a genetic mutation known to increase the odds of breast cancer in some Jewish women has been found in significant numbers of Hispanic and African-American breast cancer patients underscoring the need for genetic testing across ethnic lines to determine who is at risk.

2008: At 1:33 A.M., Israeli time, Haaretz reported that two Israelis had been killed Monday evening as Gaza militants pelted southern Israel with rockets and mortar shells, as Israel concluded its third day of aerial assaults on the Gaza Strip. One Israel Defense Forces soldier was killed in a mortar strike in a western Negev base, and another was seriously wounded. Four others were lightly hurt in the attack. The other fatality occurred when a woman got out of her vehicle when she heard the early warning siren in the city of Ashdod, and sought shelter in a bus stop on the side of the road. She sustained critical shrapnel wounds, and later died. Another passerby who also ducked into the bus stop for shelter suffered serious injuries in the attack.

2008 (3 Tevet, 5769):Seventy eight year old “Harvey Ginsberg, a New York book editor who served long tenures at G. P. Putnam’s Sons, Harper & Row and William Morrow & Company, and whose most loyal writers included John Irving and Saul Bellow, passed away today in Manhattan.” (As reported Bruce Weber)  http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/books/11ginsberg.html?_r=0

2009:New York’s classical music radio station, WQXR, 105.9 fm presented a broadcast of selections from the Keshet Eilon 2009 Violin Mastercourse, performed at its gala final concert at Kibbutz Eilon by participants in the course.

2009:The Gerard Bechar Center presented The Jerusalem Cantors Choir, in a concert entitled "Mizmor Le-toda:" a festive show combining Israeli and Cantorial classics. The evening is a tribute to Cantor Binyamin Glickman on the occasion of his 75th birthday and celebrating 55 years of his career as a conductor.

2009:The Psik Theater presented "The Jerusalem Comedy:" a comedy about Ultra-Orthodox, Secular, and those stuck somewhere in the middle. The play tells the story of the struggle between the secular theatre "Le'Mehadrin" and the adjacent orthodox yeshiva in the same neighborhood. The juxtaposition of the two creates extreme comical situations.

2009: Closing session of the International Conference on Conservative Judaism: Halakhah, Culture and Sociology at The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.

2009: Final session of The USY International Convention was held in Chicago, IL.

2009:Israel's population stands at 7.5 million, according to figures released today by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Published ahead of the Gregorian New Year 2010, Israel's population has continued to grow at a steady rate of 1.8 percent over the past seven years, with 160,000 new babies born since last January 1 and some 14,500 new immigrants arriving over the past year. In terms of ethnic divisions, Israel's Jews now make up 75.4% of the population, or 5,664,000 people; Arabs consist of 20.3%, or 1,526,000 citizens; and the remaining 4.3% (319,000) are those registered as "others" by the Interior Ministry. According to the CBS's population report published ahead of the Jewish New Year in September, Israel is still a fairly young nation with nearly 30% of its population under the age of 14, compared to 17% in most other Western countries. Only 9.7% of the population is over the age of 65 in Israel, whereas in other Western countries the average is closer to 15%. The report also showed that the average Jewish family size increased since 2008 from 2.8 children per household to 2.96. In the Muslim community, the average number of children per mother was 3.84, a drop from the previous two years where it had previously reached 3.97 children per household. Among Christian families the average number of children was down to 2.11 in 2008. The ratio of men to women continues to be consistent too, with the number of women in the country still slightly outweighing the number of men, especially in the more advanced years of life. According to the statistics, there is 979 men for every 1000 women, however in the under 37 set there are more men but it is the imbalance in the over 75 age group that off-sets this with some 673 men for every 1000 women.

2009:One or more mortars were fired from Gaza into southern Israel.

2009: Today, the Shin Bet, Israel's security service, released a report which showed that 566 rockets were fired on Israel from Gaza in 2009; most were fired in January, during Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza. By comparison, 2,048 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza in 2008.

2010: In Orlando, FL, the USY International Convention is scheduled to come to an end.

2010: The 30th Limmud Conference is scheduled to come to an end today.

2010:The Rt. Hon. Sir Martin Gilbert, CBE is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled "Britain and Palestine, 1917-1947: Researching the Relationship" at Beit Avi Chai. Attendees will enjoy an evening with Sir Martin, the official biographer of Winston Churchill, who is one of the most knowledgeable, literate and prolific historians in the 20th and 21st century.  His eighty-two books include Israel, Jerusalem in the Twentieth Century, Churchill and the Jews, Holocaust Journey and his latest offering, In Ishmael’s House

2010: The Shin Ben (Israel Security Agency) reported today that there was a decrease in the number of terrorist attacks targeting Israelis in 2010. There were 798 recorded terrorist attacks in 2010 at the time the report was written, compared to 1,354 in 2009.

2010:This evening, a group of Arab men attacked a soldier at the entrance to Kiryat Arba. The soldier suffered head injuries in the attack. His assailants were arrested.

2010:An exhibition on the Jews of Iran showcasing the community’s 2,700-year-old history and rich heritage opens today at Beit Hatefutsoth in Tel Aviv.

2010: Former president Moshe Katsav was found guilty of raping former Tourism Ministry worker "Aleph," in the Tel Aviv District Court this morning. "

2010: The Limmud Conference, British Jewry’s answer to the Edinburgh Festival which has been celebrating its 30th anniversary came to an end today. Limmud, which began with 70 Jewish educators getting together Christmas week 30 years ago, is today a global movement, with over 35,000 participants at Limmud events around the Jewish world in any one of 55 Limmud International communities, from Amsterdam to Atlanta, Cambridge to Cape Town, Modi’in to Moscow, Paris to Philadelphia, and Istanbul to Toronto.

2011(4th of Tevet, 5772): Ninety four year old Bernard Bellush,Professor Emeritus of History at the City College of New York (CCNY), who was part of “Alcove Number One” – “a group of student radicals at CCNY during the 1930’s – passed away today.

2011(4th of Tevet, 5772): Sixty-five year old of Adrienne Cooper, the singer who played a major role in reviving Yiddish culture and music with a special emphasis on Klezmer passed away today.

2011:The Jaffa Rd Walking Tour, an exploration of Jerusalem’s main artery to the coast for centuries which was also an Ottoman road with British influences, is scheduled to begin this morning

2011: The Israel Air Force struck a group of terrorists attempting to fire rockets into Israel this morning.

The IDF confirmed that the air force struck its targets overnight.

2011: Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, the rabbi of the Har Bracha settlement and the dean of the Har Bracha yeshiva, strongly criticized gender segregation on buses in a column to be published in the B’Sheva weekly today.

2012: Choreographer Ssmulik Gov-Are and Hadassah Badoch-Kruger Yemenite dance expert & former soloist with the Inbal and Batsheva dance companies are scheduled to attend the Israeli Folk Dance End-of-Year Party

2012: After a year, Uncovered & Rediscovered, an evolving eight-part exhibit that explores the Chicago Jewish experience at the Spertus Institute is scheduled to come to an end today.

2012: Celebration of the birthday of University of Iowa Hillel Director Jerry Sorkin

2012: “DADB – A Story of an Israeli Icon” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

2012: Dorit Beinisch “was awarded as a knight of The Movement for Quality Government in Israel.”

2012: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Middlesteins by Jami Attenberg and Hallucinations by Oliver Sacks

2012: Israel’s population stands at 7,981,000 citizens, an increase of nearly 2 percent, according to an annual end of the year tally from the Central Bureau of Statistics, released on today (As reported by Gabe Fisher)

2012(17th of Tevet, 5773): Nobel Prize winner Rita-Montaclini passed away at the age of 103 (As reported by Benedict Carey)

2012(17th of Tevet, 5773): Eighty-nine year old Beate Sirota Gordon, “the unsung heroine of Japanese women’s rights” passed away. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012: Security forces arrived early this morning at the West Bank outpost of Oz Zion, demolished makeshift structures and evacuated a small group of right-wing activists who had remained at the site.

2012: In  “Several Eras End at One Lower East Side Building” published today David W. Dunlap described the world that surrounded the First Romanian-American Synagogue known as ‘the cantors’ Carnegie Hall.”

2013: “Ender’s Game” and “The Godfather II” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Twenty-six more murdering Palestinian terrorists are scheduled to be released today as part of the Israeli compliance with the pre-conditions for the latest rounds of “peace talks” which are taking place against a background of stabbings, shootings and bombings.  For a list of the killers and their crimes see

2013: Hours before Israel was set to free another 26 Palestinians convicted of terrorism, the High Court of Justice refused the bereaved families' appeal against the release scheduled for midnight.

Israelis opposed to the move set out from the Jerusalem residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this evening, and marched to the Old City home of one of the prisoners set to go free. (As reported by Omri Efraim)

2013: An art historian has found two art works stolen by the Nazis inside Germany's parliament, a newspaper reported today, in a new embarrassment for authorities after a huge stash of looted art came to light last month.

2014: “October 7, 1944” an “installation, commissioned by the American Jewish Historical Society that offers a response by the internationally acclaimed choreographer Jonah Bokaer to an uprising organized by Jewish inmates at Auschwitz in 1944 which pays tribute to the role of four unheralded women who took part in the uprising” is scheduled to come to a close today.

2014: “Winter Sleep “and “David Perlov” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014(8thof Tevet, 5775): One-hundred-four year old two-time Oscar winning actress Luise Rainer passed away today. (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

2015: “The annual reading by recent graduates of the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing is scheduled to take place today in Tel Aviv.”

2015: The Fifth Annual Jerusalem Business Conference which “is for Jerusalemites, Olim and returning residents who have a business, or are considering setting one up” is scheduled to start this morning at the Begin Center.

2016(30thof Kislev, 5777): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Sixth Day of Chanukah

2016(30thof Kislev): Yahrzeit of Rav Zeligman Gantz, who “served as a Dayan in Prague” and “was a brother of Tzemach Dovid.”

2016: In addition to kindling the Chanukah and Shabbat lights, friends and family of Jerry Sorokin are scheduled to kindle the candles for his birthday.

2016: In Memphis, TN, Temple Israel is scheduled to host Shabbat Chanukah services followed by a special congregational dinner.

2017(12thof Tevet, 5778): Parashat Veyechi; on the final Shabbat of 2017, reading of the final chapters of Bereshit. 

2017: Offensive lineman Adam Bisnowaty was “promoted to the active roster” of the New York Giants today.

2017: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to host a “survivor talk” by Magda Brown who as a 17 year old was “deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

2017: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is to host a “Architecture Tour” lead by Stanley Tigerman, “the former director of the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

2018: “The Bender JCC of Greater Washington is scheduled to host “Mount Vernon Virtuosi: Dancing into 2018. In Albany, NY, B’nai Sholom is scheduled to host the “Ne’imah Jewish Community Chorus” this evening.

2018: Prime Minister Netanyahu continues the third day of a trip to Brazil which is scheduled to include talks with US Secretary of Mike Pompeo who is also in the country.

2018: In Washington, DC, the Arena Stage is scheduled to present the final performance of “Indecent,” which “tells the story of the artists who risked their lives to perform the controversial play ‘God of Vengeance’ in 1923.”

2018: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Late-Life Love: A Memoir by Susan Gubar and Jonathan Lethem’s essay “Fictions’ Mew Fake Drugs: A Preliminary Pharmacopoeia.”






This Day, December 31, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


December 31

335: End of the Papacy of Sylvester I “who convinced Constantine to prohibit Jews from living in Jerusalem.”

535: Byzantine General Belisarius took the city of Syracuse which marks the completion of the conquest of Sicily. In 536 he would march into Rome itself. This military action was part of Emperor Justinian’s plan to take back what had been the Western Roman Empire and recreate the Roman Empire of the Caesar’s with the capital at Constantinople. Belisarius’ victory probably did not over-joy the Jews living in the "Giudecche" or Jewish Quarters of Sicily since it brought with it Justinian’s Code. Amongst other things the code “prohibited Jews from building synagogues, reading the Bible in Hebrew, assemble in public, celebrate Passover before Easter, and testify against Christians in court.”

1229: James I of Aragon the Conqueror enters Medina Mayurqa (now known as Palma, Spain) thus consummating the Christian conquest of the island of Majorca.Following his victory, James “gave the Jews a quarter in the neighborhood of his palace for their dwellings, granted protection to all Hebrews who wished to settle on the island, guaranteed them the rights of citizens, permitted them to adjudicate their own civil disputes, to kill cattle according to their ritual, and to draw up their wills and marriage contracts in Hebrew. Christians and Moors were forbidden, under severe penalties, to insult the Jews or to take earth and stones from their cemeteries; and the Jews were ordered to complain directly to the king of any act of injustice toward them on the part of the royal officials. They were allowed to charge 20 per cent interest on loans, but the amount of interest was not to exceed the capital. In case a Jew practiced usury, the community was not held responsible. The penalty for lending money on the wages of slaves hired out by their masters was loss of the capital. Jews could buy and hold houses, vineyards, and other property in Majorca as well as in any other part of the kingdom. They could not be compelled to lodge Christians in their homes: in fact, Christians were forbidden to dwell with Jews; and Jewish convicts were given separate cells in the prisons. If the slave of a Jew or Moor adopted Judaism or Mohammedanism, he had to be set free and was required to leave the island.”

1349: By the end of this month, the Black Death had reach Cologne just four months after the pogrom that took place on the night of Saint Bartholemy had devastated the Jewish community.

1378: Birthdate of Callixtus III the Pope who issued “Si ad reprimendos” the Bull that confirmed “Dudum ad nostram audientiam” which forbade Jews to live with Christians or to hold public office.

1492: One hundred thousand Jews were expelled from Sicily.

1539: In Poland, King Sigismund I “ordered the Jews of Cracow, Posan and Lemberg (Lvov) to buy 3,350 Jewish books from the Printing house of the apostate Helitz brothers. The Jews bought the books as ordered - and then destroyed them all.” (As reported by “The History of the Jewish People)

1599: The British East India Company is chartered. Joseph Salvador was the first Jewish director of the British East India Company. The Salvador family would become involved with the settlement of Georgia.  Francis Salvador, Joseph’s great-grandson would become one of the heroes in the American War for Independence, a rebellion against King George III.  Ironically, when King George III ascended the British throne, Joseph had arranged an audience for the seven-man delegation that officially congratulated the king on behalf of the Jewish community. (Ed. Note – some sources give the date as 1600, not 1599)

1678: By the end of this month, Jews were living “in the communities of the Surb valley” in accordance with a resolution that had been adopted earlier in the year by the Tagsatzung, “the legislative and executive council of the Swiss Confederacy.”

1776: As of today, Jews “were further to restricted to living in only Endigen and Lengnau two communities in Switzerland.

1780: The French Consulate in Salonica signed a document stating that Abraham Samuel Covo, Chief Rabbi of Salonica is under his protection.

1791: Empress Catherine of Russia issued a ukase restricting the right of Jewish residence in Russia which marked the start of the Pale of Settlement.

1794: Birthdate of Jacques-Simon Herz, the native of Frankfort-on-Main who studied piano in Paris, “played and taught in England” until he returned to Paris in 1857 where he composed “two violin sonatas, a horn sonata and a waltz.”

1795: As of today in the population of Amsterdam totaled 217,024 of which 20,052 were Jewish.

1817: The marriage of Benjamin Moise and Recca Levy took place in their hometown of Charleston, SC.

1826: In Charleston, SC, John Drummond and his wife gave birth Elizabeth Drummond to whom the Hebrew BenevolentSociety of Charleston would present “a handsome testimonial for unobtrusive but signally useful charity bestowed upon a poor Jewish family heavily visited with the fever last summer.

1827: In Philadelphia, French born American Jew Elias Mayer and his wife Abby gave birth to Adolph Henry Mayer.

1826(1stof Tevet, 5587) Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Seventh Day of Chanukah

1826(1stof Tevet, 5587): Bilhah Polock, the daughter of Isaac Polock and the wife of Joseph Jacobs passed away today in New York.

1829: Birthdate of “Italian patriot, diplomat, financier and author” Isaac Artom “the first Jew to sit in the Italian legislative body.”

1830: Birthdate of Ismail Pasha, the Khedive of Egypt whose career was closely linked to the building of the Suez Canal.  After the canal was opened in 1869, Ismail’s efforts “to encourage outsiders to settle in the country as a way of developing its economy” included setting aside “the age old restrictions and humiliations of the dhimmi status…Those Jews who responded to the Khedive’s call were granted special privileges in return for their skills and expertise.”

1831: Birthdate of Aristide Felix Cohen, the native of Marseilles and brother of composer Jules Cohen who became a leading French author.

1834: In Trieste, Graziadio Treves, the rabbi for the community and his wife, the former Lia Montalcini gave birth to journalist Emilio Treves

1841(18th of Tevet, 5602): Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapiro of Dynov passed away. Born in 1783, he was the author of the Chassidic work B'nei Yissachar.

1844: The right to collect a tax ("basket tax") on all traditional Jewish clothing, including head coverings as well as a tax on kosher meat and other Jewish necessities was auctioned to the highest bidder in Poland-Lithuania. It was still in force until the 20th century.

1845: District Rabbi Jonas Wiesner married Estra (Therese) Wiesner

1848: In New York City, the constitution of Ahawath Chesed, a congregation primarily made up of Ashkenazi Jews, was adopted and signed by 31 members.

1848: Dov Beresh Meisels was elected to the Austrian Parliament. He was also elected to the Municipality of Cracow in the same year. An outspoken supporter of Jewish rights, he aligned himself with radicals because "Juden haben keine rechte" (Jews have no rights)

1852(20th of Tevet, 5613): Dr. Zacharias Wertheimer, the native of Vienna who “was involved in fighting the typhoid epidemic that had broken out on the Hungarian border before becoming a physician at the Zachar Hospital in Vienna, passed away today

1853:The partnership of Gustav Christian Schwabe, his father-in-law, Benjamin Rutter, and Adam Sykes which was known as the merchant company Sykes, Schwabe and Co, was dissolved today. Schwabe was born Jewish in 1813.  However, his family was forced to convert to Lutheranism and Gustav was baptized in 1819.

1854(10thof Tevet, 5615): Asara B’Tevet

1854(10thof Tevet, 5615):  Eighty-six year old Rebecca Moses Harby, the daughter of Myer Moses and the wife of Solomon Harby with whom she had had six children passed away today and was buried at the “Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Cemetery” in Charleston, SC.

1854: As of the year ending today, there were forty one Jewish families living in Pilsen made up of 118 males and 131 females.

1858: Jacob and Amalia Freud gave birth to Anna Freud.

1860: Birthdate of German chess master Berthold Lasker.

1862: During the Civil War, Jacob C. Cohen of the 27th Ohio Infantry, wrote a letter describing conditions at Parker’s Crossroad, TN which was part of the Confederacy.

 1862: The 79th Indiana under the command of Colonel (later General) Frederick Knefler are part of the Union Army that meets the Confederates as the Battle of Stone River begins.

1862: General in Chief Henry Halleck read the telegram from several prominent Cesar Kaskel, Julius Kaskel, Daniel Wolff, Marcus Wolff and Alexander Wolff protesting General Order No. 11.  Not knowing who the men were or the circumstances under which it was written, Halleck, ever the cautious political general took no action saying he needed more information.

1862: President Abraham Lincoln signed an act admitting West Virginia to the Union. “The first official Jewish settlement in West Virginia was at Wheeling where a Jewish cemetery and informal congregation was established in 1849. At the time it was still the state of Virginia as West Virginia did not become a state until 1863. Jews lived and traded in West Virginia prior to 1849, and as early as the late 18th century, but the official community did not get its start until Congregation L'Shem Shomayim was established in Wheeling in 1849. An earlier Jewish cemetery was established in Charleston in 1836, but the B'nai Israel Congregation in Charleston was only informally organized in 1856 and legally chartered as the "Hebrew Educational Society" in 1873.”  This quote is from the website of West Virginia Jewish History and Genealogy Jews- they are everywhere and darn proud of it.   

1863: As of this date, Louis H. Mayer, the native of Cincinnati who had first enlisted in the Union Army in 1861 at the age of 16 when Lincoln made his initial call for volunteers had been honorably discharged so that he could “accept a position as Assistant Paymaster in the United States Army at Memphis, TN.

1864(2ndof Tevet, 5625): Parsha Miketz; 8th day of Chanukah – last day of the year and the last day of Chanukah coincide

1864: Kalmus Calmann Levy and Pauline Levy gave birth to Gaston Michel Calmann-Lévy

1866: Birthdate of Adolph Schwartz, a native of Germany who found fame and fortune as a merchant and civic leader in El Paso, TX.

1867: Eliza Spyer, the daughter of Nathaniel Nathan and Rachel Levy, the wife of Stephen Joseph Spyer and the mother of Angelina, Olivia and Eliza Spyer, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1867: In Knoxville, TN, Louis Alexander Gratz, the Mayor of North Knoxville, TN and a Major in the Union Army and Elisabeth “Lizzie” Trigg Gratz gave birth to their daughter Laura who became Laura Bearden Leigh when she married John Marion Leigh

1869: In Lida, Russia, Bernard and Aida Pollack gave birth to David Pollock, who became the Superintendent of Zion Hebrew Sabbaths Schools in Chicago as well as the editor of the Zion Messenger.

1870: In Philadelphia, David Hays Solis and Elvira S. Solis the daughter of Isaac and Sarah Nathan gave birth to Albert Benjamin Solis

1871(19thof Tevet, 5632): Fifty-six year old Samuel Benjamin Sofer, the son of the Chasam Sofer and a leading Hungarian rabbi passed away.

 1872(1stof Tevet, 5633): On the last day of 1872, Jews kindle the Chanukah candles for the last time

1872(1stof Tevet, 5663): Rosh Chodesh Tevet – the last day of the year is the first day of the month!

1872: In Kalamazoo, MI, “Bernhard L and Bertha (Schuster) Desenberg gave birth to Alma Desenberg who became Alma Desenberg Cowen when she married Texas born attorney Israel Cowen on March 15, 1897 after which she had two children, Bayard and Elizabeth, while becoming active in numerous social causes in Chicago including the K.A.M auxiliary and the Jewish Women’s Council.

1873: Birthdate of Louis Falk, the Russian born husband of Ida Falk.

1873: Horace Porter, the Civil War General and personal secretary of President Grant who was also U.S. Ambassador to France during the attempts to exonerate Captain Dreyfus, resigned from the U.S. Army today.

1876: It was reported today that “the American churches have been showing their patriotism during the year by joining in the celebration of the nation’s Centennial anniversary including the Jews who have contributed a statue commemorating religious liberty.

1878(6thof Tevet, 5639): Thirty-seven year old German born American poet Minna Cohen, the wife of Rabbi Kleeberg whose collection of poems Gedichte was published in 1877 passed away today.

1880: Anti-Jewish riots broke out on New Year’s Eve in Berlin which were, in part, “attribution to Ernst Henrici’s” anti-Semitic speeches.

1880: It was reported today that Samuel Hirsch seeking $5,000 in damages from Isaac Moses a rabbi and newspaper publisher in Milwaukee for describing him as a liar and a thief.

1880: Birthdate of George C. Marshall one of America’s unsung heroes.   As U.S. Army Chief of Staff, Marshall deserves much of the credit for the Allied victory in World War II. United States.  As Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State under President Truman, he was a leading architect of the American policy that checked Stalin’s imperial designs.  He did oppose the partition plan in 1947 and 1948.  His fear was that American troops would end up having to intervene to save any newly created Jewish state and he knew that America did not have the men to match the mission.  Although he disagreed with Truman on this issue, much to his credit, he did not resign his post.

1881: Birthdate of Jacob Israel de Haan, Dutch poet and writer. Israel de Haan was an “ultra-Orthodox leader who was working to establish the Orthodox community as a separate entity distinct from the Zionists.”  He was willing to enlist the support of non-Jews hostile to Zionism in to advance the cause of ultra-Orthodoxy.  In one of the most regrettable episodes in modern Jewish history, de Haan was assassinated in 1924 before he could continue his meetings with British authorities. 

1881: It was reported today that “the disorganization of society in Russia” can be seen “by the violent and murderous attacks on the Jews.”  The riots in Kiev resulted in property damage valued at twenty four million dollars while the property damaged at Ellisabetgrad was valued at $1, 600,000.

1882: New York Governor Alonzo B. Cornell who had appointed Myer Samuel Isaacs Justice of the Marine Court, possibly making him the first Jew to hold that position, completed his term in office today.

1882: Following the death of Dr. Henry Vidaver on Rosh Hashanah, 5642, today his brother, Dr. Flak Vidaver became the rabbi at Sherith Israel in San Francisco.

1882: Birthdate of David Cohen, Dutch historian and Chairman of the Jewish Council.

1882: “Delegates from the lodges of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith, the Independent Order of the Free Sons of Israel and the Order of Kesher Shel Barzel met” this afternoon in New York to considering the benefits of “uniting the three orders.”

1884: In the report that F.N. Owen made to the Tenement House Commission today on conditions 968 houses sheltering 8,811 families he noted that “in houses occupied by Polish Jews…ashes are rarely found in the cellars but are in their rooms.”  (This strange notation may indicate that each dwelling had its own coal burning stove as opposed to the central heat we connect with apartment dwellings)

1885: Jacob Platzky reportedly stole $500 worth of goods from store at 27 Allen Street that specialized in hosiery and fancy goods.

1886: Israel Rokach, the future mayor of Tel Aviv was born in Neve Tzedek, which, at the time, was part of Jaffa.

1886: Birthdate of Henry Pearlman, the native Kovno, who earned an LL.B. from NYU and served as the Director of the Jewish Community House.

1887: It was reported today that “higher government authority has rejected the proposal of the Imperial Commission to permit Jews to reside in any village in Russia.”

1888: In Paris, Adolphe and Noémie Bloch gave birth to René Georges Bloch

1888: It was reported today that Jewish bankers in Europe are pleased with the successful offering of the loan needed by the Russian government.

1888: In Brooklyn founding of the Lawrence Club which meets on the first and third Sundays of each month.

1888: It was reported today that a children’s choir under the director of Sigmund Sabel provided part of the entertainment at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum’s annual holiday party.

1888(27th of Tevet, 5649): Samson Raphael Hirsch passed away. Born in 1808, he was a “German rabbi best known as the intellectual founder of the Torah Im Derech Eretz School of contemporary Orthodox Judaism. Occasionally termed neo-Orthodoxy, his philosophy, together with that of Azriel Hildesheimer, has had a considerable influence on the development of Orthodox Judaism. Hirsch was rabbi in Oldenburg, Emden, was subsequently appointed chief rabbi of Moravia, and from 1851 until his death led the secessionist Orthodox community in Frankfurt am Main. He wrote a number of influential books, and for a number of years published the monthly journal Jeschurun, in which he outlined his philosophy of Judaism. He was a vocal opponent of Reform Judaism and similarly opposed early forms of Conservative Judaism.”

1889: It was reported today that Myer Silberman, an immigrant Jewish jeweler, had left a suicide note blaming his death on Max Kantrowitz whom he claim had stolen his money and diamonds. He also asked that the death benefit due him as a member of Raphael Lodge be sent to young daughter who is still living in Europe with family members.

1889: According to census figures, as of today the total population of Amsterdam was 408,061 of whom 54,479 were Jewish including 49,946 Ashkenazim and 4,533 Portuguese Jews” also called Sephardim.

1890: The funeral for 65 year old Henry S. Henry the native of Ramsgate who came to the United States in 1848 where he became a successful commission merchant is scheduled to take place at his West 25th Street home.

1891(30th of Kislev, 5652): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Sixth Day of Chanukah

1891: The Barge Office ended its role as the entry point for immigrants, including tens of thousands European Jews, coming through the port of New York.

1892: A dispatch from Paris published today said that the secret way that Corneilus Herz was made a Knight of the Legion of Honor is proof that it was done “in the interest of the friends of the Panama” Canal Scandal, supposedly the worst financial scandal to hit 19th century France.

1892: A new structure built from Georgia Pine opened today on Ellis Island to serve as an immigration depot. Hundreds of thousands of Jews would pass through Ellis Island including approximately 140,000 in 1914 which was the year that saw the largest influx of Eastern European Jews arriving in the United States.

1892: “It almost took Europe’s breath away this morning to read in the dispatches from New York” that 1892 “has been one of unexampled prosperity in America” since just the opposite is true in Europe as can be seen from six hundred million dollars lost by the English “investing and small income classes” which comes after losses for four hundred million dollars in 1891.  The disparity in economic conditions helped to explain the wave migration to American including the hundreds of thousands of Jews who made the trek (Editor’s Note – by this time in 1893, the United States would be suffering its worst economic downturn until 1929 which would heavily on the newly arrived Jewish immigrants)

1893: Based on reports published today of the additional 2,172 families that have applied to the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor from December 1 thru December 23, 110 are Jewish.

1893 Simon Rosendale completed his term as Attorney General of New York.

1894: A French court rejected Dreyfus’ appeal of his conviction.

1894: Three days after he had passed way, 40 year old  Lewis Levy, the son of Abraham and Jane Levy, was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1894(4th of Tevet, 5655): David Rosin a German Jewish theologian born at Rosenberg, Silesia, in 1823, passed away. Having received his early instruction from his father, who was a teacher in his native town, he attended the yeshibah of Kempen, of Myslowitz (under David Deutsch), and of Prague (under Rapoport); but, wishing to receive a regular school education, he went to Breslau, where he entered the gymnasium, and graduated in 1846. He continued his studies at the universities of Berlin and Halle (Ph.D. 1851) and passed his examination as teacher for the gymnasium. Returning to Berlin, he taught in various private schools, until Michael Sachs, with whom he was always on terms of intimate friendship, appointed him principal of the religious school which had been opened in that city in 1854. At the same time Rosin gave religious instruction to the students of the Jewish normal school. In 1866 he was appointed Manuel Joël's successor as professor of homiletics, exegetical literature, and Midrash at the rabbinical seminary in Breslau, which position he held till his death.

1895: “Disraeli in 1867” published today relies on information from The Table-Talk of Shirley in which Sir John Skelton described the future Earl of Beaconsfield as being “unlike any living creature one ever met with his olive complexion and coal black eyes and the might dome of his forehead (no Christian temple to be sure” Shirley prophetically wrote, “England is the Israel of his imagination and he will be the imperial Minster before he dies.”

1896: Two days after she had passed away, 78 year old Marianne (Hart) Levy, the wife of Aaron Levy and the mother of John and Alexander Levy, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1896: Birthdate of New York City native and CCNY graduate Julius Isaacs, the NYU trained attorney.

1896: Morris Goodhart, the son-in-law of Judge Phillip J. Joachimsen, was operated on today for an abscess. (Complications from this operation would eventually prove fatal.)

1897(6th of Tevet, 5658): Sixty-three year old Bavarian native David Oppenheimer who lived in New Orleans and in California during the Gold Rush before settling in Vancouver where he became a successful businessman and served as its second mayor passed away today.

1897: With Shabbat starting 3:30 this evening, Friday night services were held at Bevis Marks.

1897: It was reported today that among the papers presented at the final session of this year’s meeting of the American Jewish Historical Society were “New York Jews During the Struggle for American Independence” and “Some Early American Zionist Projects” Max J. Kohler.

1898: Dr. Herman Baar delivered his last address as superintendent during Saturday morning services as the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1898(6th of Tevet): Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, known as the Shinever Rov (Rabbi of Sieniawa), the eldest son of the Divrei Chaim, Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz passed away today after which he son Rabbi Moishe Halberstram succeeded him as Rabbi of Shinova.

1898: Frank Black, who appointed Jewish political leader and philanthropist to the state board of charities in 1897, completed his term as the 32nd Governor of New York.

1898: Twenty-five year old Israel Cass, the native of Russia who came to Boston in 1890 and was a partner in Cass and Rosental, a manufacturer of children’s clothes “became a naturalized citizen today in New York City.

1899: By the end of this month, Children of the Ghetto written by Israel Zangwill had been performed for the last time at Herald Square Theatre.

1899: Fifty-eight year old Alsace native Elie Scheid who served for sixteen as the inspector for the Comité de Bienfaisance et de Secours aux Palestiniens (Committee for Charity and Support for the Palestinians) during which he made annual trips to examine the progress being made by the settlers in Palestine retired today with a pension provided by Baron Edmond de Rothschild.

1900: The New York Times reported that city authorities have decided to locate the Baron and Baroness de Hirsch memorial at the eastern edge of Central Park at the Fifth Avenue and 72nd Street Gate.

1901: The Fifth Zionist Congress ends its meeting at Basil, Switzerland.

1902: Birthdate of Louis Farer who starred at CCNY and Columbia University from 1921 through 1924 after which he played professionally for four years.

1903(OS):  Birthdate of Russian-born American violinist Nathan Milstein.

1903 Dutch jurist Aaron Adolf de Pinot who had been appointed justice of the Supreme Court in 1876 was name vice president of that court today.

1903” As of today, the Independent Order for the Free Sons of Judah had a total membership of 7,608 which was divided into 115 lodges, “of which 6 were ladies’ lodges” located in six states and the District of Columbia.

1904: Following the recent death of his father Clarence Charles Minzesheimer head of the banking and brokerage house of Charles Minzesheimer & Co which had been founded in 1860, reformed the business with two new partners

1905:  Birthdate of American song writer Jules Styne.

1906: Thirty-year old Otto A Rosalsky completed his service on the General Sessions having been appointed by the Governor to “fill the unexpired term of” of  the incumbent who had moved on to the State Supreme Court.

1906(14th of Tevet, 5667):Julia Goodman née Salaman a British portrait painter, passed away.

1908:  Birthdate of Nazi Hunter Simon Wiesenthal.

1908: Birthdate of Vancouver native and U. of Washington trained attorney Alex Caplan who practice law in Seattle and was active in the B’nai B’rith as can be seen from entries in the Jewish Transcript.

1908: Birthdate of Lillian Klein Pollack, the Brooklynite who was active in the Jewish Child Care Association, Federations of Jewish Philanthropies and Hadassah and who was the wife of Milton Pollack.

1908: Louis A. Hensheimer, a member of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Company was operated on today for appendicitis.

1912: A Russo-U.S. trade treaty, originally ratified in 1832, was abrogated by President Taft because of Russian discrimination against Jews who were American citizens.

1913(2ndof Tevet, 5674): Eight Day of Chanukah (Editor’s note – the last time the holiday would observed before WW I which found English, French and Russian Jews fighting against Jews from Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire)

1913: By the time the copyright of the opera “Parsifal” expired today, it had been performed 43 times since first performed under the direction of Heinrich Conried who began managing the Met in 1903.

1913: In New York, Julius Harburger completed his term as Sherriff.

1914: “In a letter to Louis Marshall, President of the American Jewish Committee, the State Department informs him that there was much exaggeration in the cabled report published a few days ago to the effect that a large number of Jews in Jaffa had been summarily expelled from that city and summarily expelled from that city and transported to Alexandria, and that they had suffered from violence and insult at the hands of Turkish officials.” (Editor’s note - one wonders why the State Department decided to whitewash what was an effect a pogrom)

1914: As conditions continue to deteriorate for non-Moslems in the Holy Land, “three hundred French and forty Russian monks and nuns arrived at Pireus today from Palestine.”

1914: It was reported today that when the ship sponsored by the American Jewish Relief Committee sails from New York “it will carry relief, not only to the Jewish sufferers of Palestine but to the constituencies of the Presbyterian Board of Missions, the American Missionary Board and The Christian Herald.

1914: “The Provisional Executive Committee for general Zionist affairs…announced “today” that the Turkish Post Office has prohibited the use of all languages except Turkish, Arabic, French and German” which will present a problem for Jews writing to Palestine because most of them write in Yiddish, Hebrew and/or Russian.

1914 It was reported today that among those contributing to the fund for the relief of the Jews of Russia, Poland and Galicia were Camp Zion of Des Moines, Iowa and Temple Emanuel of Helena, Montana

1914: “Denver Jews To Aid Frank” published reported that “the Jews of Denver ask only for a fair trial for Leo Frank – a trail free from prejudice and the menace of hissing, howling mob outside the courtroom.”

1914: It was reported today that Dr. Leon Harrison of St. Louis believes that the Leo Frank case “shows that the prejudice again the Jews has been entirely removed” and it shows “that the Jew is born to suffer.”

1914: Martin H. Glynn, the 40th governor of the state of New York completed his term in office. Five years later he would come to the defense of the Jews of post-World War Europe in an article entitled “The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!” Since he was a Roman Catholic who never ran for office after leaving the statehouse, we can only assume that his article was written out of personal conviction.

1914: It was reported today that the American Jewish Relief Committee has sent fifty thousand dollars to the Jewish Colonization Association at Petrograd for distribution to the needy

1914: It was reported today that the American Jewish Relief Committee has collected $262,067.97.

1915(24th of Tevet, 5676): Seventy year old Joseph Goodhart, a former member of the Board of Education passed away today in Cleveland, Ohio.

1915: The commander-in-chief of the BEF gave orders that Solomon Joseph Solomon should be given the temporary rank of Lieutenant Colonel so that he can begin the work of setting up “a team to start the production of camouflage materials in France.

1915: “Jacob R. Fain, representing the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Society of America arrived” in Seattle “from New York today to assist in caring for Jewish refugees from the Russian war zone.”

1915: Three days after the order had come for the disbandment, “at the last parade” today Joseph Trumpeldor addressed the men in Hebrew saying “‘We are leaving tonight; our work is done. We have a right to say; well done … we and the Jewish people need never be ashamed of the Zion Mule Corps!’”

1915: It was reported today that the American Jewish Relief Committee had received a telegram from Isidor Herschfield, who was traveling in war torn Eastern Europe on behalf of the committee and HIAS that described the need for shoes, food, clothing, fuel and “enormous sums” in Bialystock, Peski, Ross and Vilna.

1915: “The American Jewish Relief Committee which is attempting to raise $5,000,000 before the end of 1916 for the benefit of Jews suffering the war announced” today at the office of the Treasurer, Felix Warburg the receipt of $1,200 from non-Jews” including ex-Senator W. A. Clark, $1,000; R. Fulton Cutting, $100 and Paul D. Cravath, $100.”

1915: “Dr. Felix Adler warned the member of the Society for Ethical Culture at the meeting held” this “morning in Carnegie Hall that there are crises pending in the world and that it behooved the educated class to organize for the purpose of meeting them” and “he especially urged upon the society the advisability of taking a united stand in all matters pertaining to the social and moral status of the people.”

1915: Louis D. Brandeis and Dr. Schmarya Levin are scheduled to be the guests of honor at the 19th annual convention of the Knights of Zion opening today in Chicago.

1915: In writing today about why the United States should join the Entente powers, Isaac Don Levine said that, among other benefits would be a shortening of the war and providing support for “oppressed nationalities including Jews, Poles and Armenians.”

1916: Birthdate of Leo Kahn, whose success in pioneering big-box, warehouse-style supermarkets led him to join with another entrepreneur in 1986 to start Staples, the retail chain that calls itself the “office superstore…” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1916: “Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Gideon of Boston” are scheduled to “give a recital of Jewish music this evening…for the Sunday Evening Forum of the Free Synagogue. (Gideon was the author of Jewish Hymnal for Religious Schools.)

1916: Among the contributions listed today by the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering through the War were $100 from the Jewish Alliance of Hamilton, Canada, $500 from the Ontario, Canada, Committee and $20 from the Chevra Kaddisha in Rockland, Maine.

1916: Extracts from a speech delivered in the Russian Duma by Deputy Friedman were made public today the American Jewish Committee in which he said “The Jewish people are deprived of the right to have their own press and recently of the right to have prayer books, textbooks and reference books in their own language” and “as before hundreds of Jewish youths are not admitted to the educational institutions.”

1916:  In Constantinople, Arthur Ruppin, a German born Zionist wrote in his diary, “Apparently the war is gradually coming to a close.  Probably, it will still take some time, but 1917 will bring us peace.”

1917: Nathan D. Perlman completed his two year term as a member of the New York State Assembly from 6thdistrict in New York County.

1917: Today, the New York State Supreme Court ruled that Mitchell Mark “had the sold right to use the ‘The Strand’ for a movie theater.”  Starting in the 1890’s Mark became one of the first entrepreneurs to dominate the field of movie distribution. In 1914, Mitchell and Moe Mark opened the million dollar Mark Strand Theatre in New York City, which “may have been first real movie palace, specifically built only to show motion pictures…The New York Times favorably reviewed the opening of this theater, helping to establish its importance.” Having spent that kind of money (a million dollar was big money in the second decade of the 20th century), it is understandable that Mark would take steps to keep others from encroaching on the fame of his new theatre.

1917: It was reported today that eighteen year old Max Rosen, the son of Rumanian immigrant and Bowery barber shop owner Benjamin Rosen, has returned to New York from Europe where he has been studying and performing to adoring audiences for the last five years is scheduled to make his debut in January with Philharmonic Orchestra in Carnegie Hall next month.

1917: Tonight, Albert Lucas announced that today “more than $750,000 was paid into the treasure of the Joint Distribution Committee of the American Funds For Jewish War Suffers” which meant that Julius Rosenwald would pay an additional $75,000 into the fund based on his promise to give ten percent based on the total of all money received by December 31, 1917.

1917: Resolutions were passed today at the fifth annual convention of the Intercollegiate Menorah Association meeting at Columbia University “expressing the gratitude of the association to the British Government for its declaration favoring the establishment of a national home for Jews in Palestine and pledging the whole-hearted support of the association to the United States Government in the war.”

1917: It was reported today that the 85 organizations affiliated with the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies have spent $3,980,962 so far this year and are requesting $4,685,362 for 1918.

1917: The 21stAnnual Convention of the Federated Zionist Societies of the Middle West which was organized in 1898 opened today in Chicago.

1917: Colonel Storrs, the newly appointed British Military Governor of Jerusalem “received New Year’s greeting from all the city’s communities – Muslim, Christian and Jewish.”  The Jewish community sent two greetings, one from the Ashkenazi Community Council and one from the City Council of Jerusalem Jews.

1918: Birthdate of Antonio Yosef Ben-Jochannan the Puerto Rican born historian and prolific author whose best known work may be Abu Simbel to Ghizeh: A Guide Book and Manual

1918: Charles S. Whitman, who as Governor-elected “had stated” that he would “appoint at least one Jew to each Board of Managers of the State hospitals” completed his service as the 41st Governor of New York.

1919: Fiorello La Guardia whose father was a Catholic from Italy and whose mother was Jew from Trieste, completed his service as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 14th District’

1920: Abram I. Elkus completed his service on the New York Court of Appeals.

1921: 1919: Fiorello La Guardia whose father was a Catholic from Italy and whose mother was Jew from Trieste, completed his service as a member of the tenth President of the New York City Board of Aldermen

1922: A delicatessen dinner and reception are scheduled to be held at the Brooklyn Jewish Center on Eastern Parkway.

 1922: The Alumni Association of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society hosted a bazzar at the Central Jewish Institute in NYC from noon until midnight.

1922: Birthdate of Marek Edelman, Jewish-Polish political and social activist, cardiologist, and one of the last living leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

1923: Birthdate of Arthur Siegel, the classically trained musician who gained fame as an American songwriter.

1923: “Kid Boots” starring Eddie Cantor opened on Broadway at the Earl Carroll Theatre.

1924: Birthdate of Dutch born American economist Hendrik Samuel “Hank” Houthakker.

1924: Deadline set by Governor General Primo de Rivera of Spain offering all Sephardim the possibility of reacquiring Spanish nationality. Very few Jews took him up on this offer.

1925: Arthur Kober, the Brody-born American author and playwright Lillian Hellman married today.

1926: “The General” a film that included “gags and bits of business” by Al Boasberg was released today in Tokyo.

1927: Henry Ford ended publication of the Dearborn Independent after having written “a public letter to ADL president Sigmund Livingston recanting his anti-Semitic views.

1928: Funeral services were held at Temple Emanu-El for diamond importer Leopold Stern where his “close friend, Dr. Samuel Schulman paid tribute to ‘his well –rounded life characterized by the virtues of work, service, character and faith” after which he was buried “in the family mausoleum in old Beth-El Cemetery.”

1929: In Mineola, NY, James J. Silvers a salesman, sometime farmer and small business owner, and Rose Roden Silvers a music critic for The New York Globe and one of the first female radio hosts for RCA gave birth to Robert B. Silvers, a founder of The New York Review of Books.

1929(29th of Kislev, 5690): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1929(29th of Kislev, 5690): Sixty-seven year old Warsaw born pianist and music teacher Alexander Lambert who “was either student, teacher or close personal friend of almost every important pianist in the last fifty years” died today after having been accidently struck by a cab owned by Julius Isaacson.

1931: Birthdate of “Irish journalist, novelist and feminist” June Levine

 1931: Jewish author Emil Ludwig interviews Joseph Stalin.  The interviews will provide material for his biography on the Soviet dictator.

1932: “The Match King” a biopic produced by Hal B. Wallis and featuring Harold Huber was released today in the United States.

1933: According to reports published today, Erika Morini, the Jewish violinist from Vienna, will be coming to the United States during the Fall of 1934 for her fifth tour in this country. Morini is considered a real child prodigy.  Born in 1904, she made her concert debut in 1917.

1933(13th of Tevet, 5694):Hungarian born American rabbi, scholar and author George Alexander Kohut passed away today

1934: By the end of the month, movies goers in the United Kingdom had a chance to “The Man Who Knew Too Much” a mystery produced by Michael Balcon and starring Peter Lorre.

1934: As of today, Otto A. Rosalsky was scheduled to complete his fourteen year service on the General Service bench, having been elected to a fourteen year term with Republican and Tammany Hall support.

1935: Under the leadership of Seymour Weiss, in New Orleans, the Roosevelt Hotel made a major upgrade with the opening of the Blue Room, which for decades, was one of the leading, if not the leading and classiest place to spend an evening in “the city that care forgot.

1935: The last Jews remaining in Germany's civil service are dismissed by the government.

1936: Leonard Stein, the local adviser to the Jewish agency in London testified for almost three hours today before the Royal Commission in a last ditch effort by the Zionists to prevent Great Britain from changing the terms of the mandate which had been “granted for the express purpose of establishing a Jewish national home” to a new interpretation that would favor the Arabs.

1937: Birthdate of Avram Hershko Israeli biologist who won 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation.

1937: The Palestine Post reported from London that a number of influential British Cabinet members recommended an entirely new policy in Palestine. They demanded the abandoning of the Lord Peel Partition plan, and the overthrow of the idea of the Jewish National Home as conceived in the Balfour Declaration of 1917, and offered an alternative of a permanent Jewish minority in an all-Arab Palestine state; so much for the concept of British honor.

1937: Birthdate of German journalist and businessman Paul Spiegel

1937(27th of Tevet, 5698): Yehiel Ephroni, 33, was fatally wounded by shots fired by an Arab terrorist gang at an Egged bus at Km. 16 of the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv road.

1937: The Bucharest Stock Exchange crashed when Romanian Jews started to liquidate their assets, fearing the new government’s anti-Semitic policy.

1937: “Stage Door” the movie of the Edna Feber and George Kaufman stage play with the same name produced by Pandro S. Berman was released in the United Kingdom.

1938: Five hundred Jews attended a New Year’s Eve dance at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.  According to John Martin, the Secretary of the Peel Commission, a female reveler broke into the room of Sir Horace Humboldt, the official who called the Jews of Palestine an “alien race’, blew a small trumpet to awaken him and then proceeded to tell him the ‘he was the ugliest member of the commission and various other home truths while he cowered helpless beneath the counterpane.”

1939: Kibbutz Usha, Rachel (Rushka) and Shmuel Pazi gave birth to war hero and Paralympic Medalist, Igal Pazi.

1939(19thof Tevet, 5700): Eighty-two year old Georg Wertheim who “joined the department stored founded by his father Abraham” which employed 10,000 in its pre-World War I heyday but was lost to the family when the Nazis came to power passed away today in Berlin.

1939: As World War II began 1,210 Jews boarded the river boat Uranus, looking to be transported to Palestine.

1940: On New Year’s Eve, at Dachau, Fritz Grunbaum who was gravely ill with tuberculosis put on his last show as he entertained the prisoners in the camp infirmary.

 1941: A New Year’s Eve costume party was held in Riga, Latvia.

 1941: Hitler approved Alfred Rosenbeg’s request to plunder the French Jews and distribute their property to Nazi party members and members of the Werhmacht staff.  The fact that the Werhmacht profited from this should be an indicator that the German General Staff was aware of what the fate of the Jews from the early days of the war. 

1941:  In Washington, DC, on “New Year’s Eve in the dead of night, the National Gallery loaded seventy-five of its best works and secretly slipped them out of town” as they began their trip to “safety” in North Carolina in what was part of the effort to protect America’s value historical documents and art which was part of an activity that was the first move in what would eventually become the work of “the Monuments Men.”

1941: In the dark days of the European Night, this was an attempt to strike a match and bring a flicker of hope to the desperate. On this night, Abba Kovner uttered some of the most meaningful lines of the 20th century.  On New Year’s Eve, Abba Kovner spoke out at a meeting of Zionist Youth hiding in a convent outside of Vilna.  He asserted that Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews and called for armed resistance with his famous words. "Let us not go as sheep to the slaughter."  As a result of the meeting and his stirring call to action, the Jews formed the United Partisan Organization.  Kovner’s revolt failed and he became part of a partisan unit.  Later, he was active in smuggling Jews into Palestine.  After fighting in the War for Independence, he settled down on a kibbutz with his wife and pursued a career as a poet.  He was one of the witnesses against Eichmann when the Nazi butcher was brought to trial in Jerusalem

1942: Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead was delivered to her publisher.

1942: By this date, the German Reich has deported more than two million Jews to death camps. Hundreds of thousands more Jews have been murdered by Einsatzgruppen and police battalions.

1942: In Petah-Tikva, Simcha and David Mizrahi gave birth to Yehezckel Mizrahi who perished aboard the Submarine Dakar.

1942: At a meeting of the Chiefs of Staff Committee, Churchill asked if would be possible for the RAF to undertake two or three heavy raids on Berlin in January.  In addition to dropping bombs on the German capital, the planes would drop leaflets warning them of the fate that awaited them at the end of the war and that the attacks were reprisals for Nazi persecution of Poles and Jews.  Sir Charles Portal, the Chief of the Air Staff “warned that any such raids avowedly conducted on account of the Jews would be an asset to enemy propaganda.”  The RAF and the USAAF had at least one thing in common. Neither military unit was going to exert any effort to slow down the impact of the Final Solution.

1943: U.S. premiere of “Destination Tokyo” produced by Jerry Wald and Jack L. Warner, co-starring John Garfield with music by Franz Waxman and a script co-authored by Albert Maltz.

1943: Had it not been for his death in 1941, today would have marked the end of Israel J.P. Alderman’s ten year tenure as City Court Judge in New York City.

1943: “Thanks to the ceaseless importunity of Rabbi Kalmanowitz, the first hand reports of Laura Margolies, the vigorous efforts of Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. and John Pehle, the director of the Division of Foreign Funds Control,” by the end of this month, “the interpretation of the Trading with the Enemy Act was finally relaxed” which enable the JDC to be able to provide aid to the suffering Jews trapped in the Shanghai Ghetto.

1944: Hungarian Arrow Cross members storm a Swiss-sponsored "safe house" in Budapest and attack residents with machine guns and hand grenades. Three Jews are killed but the rest are saved by a Hungarian military

1944(15thof Tevet, 5705): Jewish educator Abraham Handelman, who in 1913 came to the U.S. where he earned degrees from Drake and Dropsie in Philadelphia passed today.

1944(15th of Tevet, 5705): Josephine Sarah Marcus passed away.  Born to German immigrant parents in Brooklyn, NY, in 1861, Marcus grew up in San Francisco. Enchanted by a performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore, she ran away from home at age 18 to join the theatre. On tour in Tombstone, Arizona, she met and married Wyatt Earp, then a deputy U.S. Marshall for the Arizona Territory. In 1881, Wyatt Earp won lasting fame when he and his brothers fought a gun battle with their political rivals the Clanton gang at the O.K. Corral. Fleeing indictment for murder in the aftermath of the shootings, Wyatt and Josephine moved to Colorado. Wyatt's and Josephine's marriage lasted another forty-eight years, until his death in 1929. During these years, they moved frequently around the American west, following gold, silver, and copper mining, until they settled in Southern California. There, they invested in real estate and racehorses, wrote Wyatt's autobiography, and drafted a screenplay based on his exploits. After Wyatt's death, Josephine contributed to published and film portrayals of his life, helping to establish an enduring American legend. Josephine Marcus-Earp was buried beside her husband in a Jewish cemetery in Northern California, where their graves are today the primary local tourist attraction.

1945: Birthdate of Leonard Max Adleman a theoretical computer scientist and professor of computer science and molecular biology at the University of Southern California. He is known for being a co-inventor of the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptosystem in 1977, and of DNA computing. RSA is in widespread use in security applications, including digital signatures. He won the ACM Turing Award in 2002.

1945: Fiorello La Guardia whose father was a Catholic from Italy and whose mother was Jew from Trieste, completed his service as the 99th Mayor of New York City.

1945: In Pittsburgh a gang of seven Italian American robbers killed a Jewish restaurant owner.  The Pittsburgh Jewish Community Relations Council “made a point of downplaying the role of group antagonism as a motivation for this tragic event in order not to harm Jewish-Italian relations.”

1946:Another combined military and police search for the terrorists responsible for Thursday night's explosions in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Jaffa was carried out in the slum area of Jerusalem this morning. More than 400 persons were detained for interrogation.

1946: In Brussels, Leon (Lipa) Halfin and Holocuast survivor Lilane Nahmias, gave birth to Diane Simone Michelle Halfin who gained fame as fashion designer Diane von Fürstenberg

1947: Following an Arab attack on the refinery at Haifa where they killed 47 Jews, members of the Palmach launched an attack on Balad al-Shaykh, Haifa.

1947(18thof Tevet, 5708): Fannie Kaplan, the mother of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan passed away today which resulted in his sisters Sandra and Barbara being “sent to a foster home” and turning the 13 year old into a non-observant, rebellious “street kid.”

1947: Because of constant attacks from Arabs and the siege of Jerusalem, Hebrew University was forced to end all courses and close its doors.

1947: Benjamin J. Rabin completed his term as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 24th District today.

1947: Darius Paul Dassault, the French military leader who had changed his name from Darius Paul Bloch was serving with the Resistance was promoted to the rank of Army General (général d'armée)

1948(29thof Kislev, 5709): Fifth Day of Chanukah

1948: “Words and Music” a biopic “based on the creative partnership of the composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Lorenz Hart who provided the score for the show which was directed by Norman Taurog and produced by Arthur Freed was released today in the United States.

1948: In response to a British ultimatum, Ben-Gurion dispatched the order for Israeli forces to evacuate the Sinai and return to the Negev. A Jewish brigade was on the brink of capturing the Egyptian city of El Arish.  Despite pleas from Yigal Allon, who was in command of the forces, Ben-Gurion refused to change his mind. Ever the realist, Ben Gurion knew he needed a successful conclusion to fighting with the Arabs; not a widening war with the British.

1948: U.S. President Harry Truman cabled Ben-Gurion demanding that Israeli forces evacuate the Sinai or face the possible loss of U.S. support.  Truman did not know that Ben-Gurion had already issued orders for such an evacuation.  There are those who think Truman was moving to shore up the British whose support he needed in dealing with the threat of Soviet Imperialism. 

1948: “While flying a Spitfire (White 15) on a patrol over the Sinai” Danny Wilson “spotted an Egyptian aircraft - an Italian Fiat (Macchi) - coming back to its airfield at Bir Hama” which he shot down and from which the enemy pilot escaped when the pilot bailed out.

1949: The curtain came down “Born Yesterday” starring Judy Holliday today after 1,642 performances.

1949: Birthdate of American author Susan Schwartz.

1950(22nd of Tevet, 5711):Sixty-eight year old Vilna native Jacob Billikopf, Ph.B., L.L.D who was a nationally known figure in social work, Jewish philanthropy and labor arbitration passed away today. Billikopf had a long and distinguished career in public service work. He served as superintendent of the United Jewish Charities in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Kansas City, Missouri, before becoming the executive director of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, chairman of the National Labor Board for the Philadelphia region during the first years of the New Deal. He served as impartial chairman of both the Ladies' Garment industry and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers in [Philadelphia]. He later represented the department stores of Philadelphia in their labor relations. He was also a member of the board of trustees of the New School for Social Research, and president of the board of trustees of Howard University. In 1937 and 1938 he dedicated himself fulltime to bringing European Jewish refugees into the United States. Following World War II he served on the Clemency Board in Washington which was established to review court martial sentences.

1951: Seventy-five year old Maxim Litvinov, the Soviet leader whose greatest accomplishment may have been his ability to survive Stalin’s paranoia and anti-Semitism passed away today.

1952:The Jerusalem Post reported that the Knesset passed the first reading of the War Invalids Bill, submitted by the Minister of Labor, Mrs. Golda Meyerson (Meir).(This is the same Golda Meir who would become Foreign Minister and Prime Minister in the 1970's in time for the Yom Kippur War.)  The bill assured veteran rights, the same as provided to the casualties of the Israel Defense Forces, to the invalids of the World War II Palestinian units of the British Army, and to the invalids of the Haganah. Pensions were also granted to partisans who fought Hitler. The bill was attacked sharply by Herut Knesset members on the grounds that it discriminated against the fighters of the Irgun Zvai Leumi and Fighters for the Freedom of Israel (Lehi). (The Labor Zionists did not the Irgun or the Stern Gang as legitimate parts of the IDF and this was their way of rejecting them and their behavior once and for all.)

1952: In the wake of the “Red Scare” Rutgers University fired Moses Finley even though the Special Faculty Committee had issued a report “stating there should be no charges against…Finley and the University should take no further action in the matter.”

1952: “The Stooge” a comedy directed Norman Taurog and co-starring Jerry Lewis, Polly Bergen and Eddie Mayehoff, the son of Russian immigrant Jew was released today in the United States.

1953: In Boston, MA, Elizabeth Mary and S. Roy Remar, an attorney gave birth to American actor William James Remar whose “paternal grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants” who name was originally “Ramarman.”

1953: In Brooklyn, Frank Rabinowitz, “a high school P.E. teacher” and “Shirley (Felman) Rabinowitz” gave birth to Alan Robert Rabinowitz, the University of Tennessee Ph.D. conservationist best known for his work with saving the Jaguars from extinction. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)

1954: Republican Nathaniel Goldstein completed his third and final term as Attorney General of the State of New York.

1954: In New York City, “Abigail Heyward and Irwin Schneiderman” gave birth to Harvard Law School trained attorney Eric Tradd Schneiderman who resigned his position as Attorney General of New York after being accused of sexually abusing at least four women while serving as A.G.

1954: Jacob K. Javits completed his service as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 21st District.

1955(16thof Tevet, 5716): Forty-two year old Sid Grossman, the WW II veteran and photographer who taught the art to several budding youngsters passed away today.

1955(16thof Tevet, 5716): Seventy-three year old novelist and translator Ludwig Lewisohn, one of the original members of the faculty at Brandeis university passed away today.

1956:  Birthdate of Dr. Martin Joseph Fettman, the astronaut, who was a Payload Specialist

1957: David Ben-Gurion resigned as Prime Minister “over the leaking of information from ministerial meetings.

1958: In Princeton, NJ, Sydney Anne and Lee Paul Neuwrith gave birth to actress Beatrice “Bebe” Neuwirth

1958: The Palestine Jewish Colonization Association, commonly known by its Hebrew acronym PICA, which had been established in 1924 “agreed to vest its right to land holdings in Syria and Lebanon to the state of Israel. 

1958: On New Year’s eve, while dictator Flugencio Batista was preparing to flee Cuba one step ahead of Castro’s revolutionary forces mobster Meyer “Lansky was celebrating the $3 million he made in the first year of operations at his 440-room, $18 million palace, the Habana Riviera.”

1959(30th of Kislev, 5720): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Sixth Day of Chanukah

1959:Isidore Dollinger resigns as a member of the House of Representatives from New York’s 23rd Congressional District.

1961: Having led the New York Giants to the Eastern Conference Champion, Coach Allie Sherman suffered a lost to Green Bay in today’s NFL Championship Game.

1962: “40 Pounds of Trouble” a comedy starring Tony Curtis and Larry Storch was released in the United States by Universal Pictures.

1962: Max Goberman who conducted “the original productions of Leonard Bernstein’s ‘On the Town’ and West Side Story’” passed away today.

1962: Lesser Enterprises the real estate development firm led by Louis Lesser announced its first cash distribution – 21 cents a share -- today

1963: Israel's first desalination plant opened at the port of Eilat. 

1963:  Birthdate of Scott Rosenfeld who gained fame as Scott Ian a guitarist for Anthrax.

1966: Kitty “Carlisle made her debut with the Metropolitan Opera, as Prince Orlofsky in Strauss's Die Fledermaus.”

1968(10th of Tevet, 5729): Asara B’Tevet

1968: In an essay entitled “On Not Being a Jew” Edward Hoagland “complained that he was ‘being told in print and occasionally in person that I and my heritage lacked vitality because I could field no ancestry who had hawked copper pots in a Polish shtetl.’”

1969:  Five unarmed Israeli gunboats arrived in Haifa tonight ending a 3,000-mile journey from Cherbourg, France. Their arrival did little to unravel the mystery of their departure, which when the story became public, sounded like something out of an Ian Fleming novel.

1970: Seventy-four year old Hungarian born, English psychoanalyst Michael Balint, a convert from Judaism to Christianity passed away today.

1970(3rd of Tevet, 5731): Arnold Reuben, a German immigrant who founded Rebuen’s Restaurant and Delicatessen, one of the delis that claimed to be the home of The Reuben (sandwich), passed away in Palm Beach at the age of 87.

1971: “A group of people who wanted to create a warmer, more intimate, and more democratic Reform temple” founded Temple B’Nai Sholom in Albany, NY which held its first service on this date.

1971: ‘’Diamonds Are Forever” the seventh of the “James Bond” films produced by Harry Saltzman, with a screenplay by Richard Maibaum and Tom Mankiewicz and featuring Marc Lawrence as “Rodney” premiered in the United Kingdom today.

1972: The Socialist Party of America which had been founded in 1901 and attracted a large following among Jews including Congressman Meyer London of New York, Congressman Victor Berger of Wisconsin and Morris Hillquit was dissolved today.

1973: Elections which had been scheduled to be held in October and were delayed by the Yom Kippur War took place. Likud a new political party won 39 seats in the Knesset.

1974: Congregation Adath Israel Brith Sholom, a Reform synagogue located in Louisville, Kentucky, was added to the National Registry of Historic Places.

1974: Abe Ribicoff, the Democrat from Connecticut began serving as Chair of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee today.

1974: Mikhail Stern, a victim of the Soviet Union’s anti-Zionism went on trial at Vinnitsa.

1975: Isidore Dollinger completes his career as a Justice on the New York Supreme Court.

1975: Cornell student Sue Fishkoff landed in Leningrad today after which she found herself “in a Jewish apartment within hours” of her arrival, plucked out of the crowd by a young Jewish member of the Komsomol group sent to greet” those arriving at the airport.

1976: Iris Origo who had risked her life by providing assistance to Jews, downed Allied pilots and anti-fascists partisans in Italy during World War II, was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the Overseas and Diplomatic List. The Anglo-Irish writer also helped tEo save Jewish children through the kindertransport including the painter Frank Helmut Auerbach.

1977: Ed Koch completed his service as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 18thDistrict.

1978: After having served in the position for twenty-four years, Arthur Leavitt, Jr. completed his sixth and final term as New York State Comptroller.

1978: After 1,920 performances the curtain came down on “The Magic Show” “a one-act musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz.

1979(11th of Tevet, 5740): Fifty-three year old Brooklyn, Tulane trained M.D. Saul Frederick Rabiner passed away today.

1980: A Jewish owned hotel in Nairobi Kenya was bombed killing 18.

1980: Chuck Schumer completed his service as a “member of the New York State Assembly from the 45thDistrict.”

1980: A department store that had been built on the site of the Praška Street synagogue burned to the ground.  The synagogue had been demolished without the consent of the Jews in 1941.  After the war, the communist regime confiscated all religious property including the land of the synagogue.

1981: Iraq said today that two Israeli fighter planes had penetrated 30 miles into southwestern Iraqi airspace near the Saudi Arabian border but had been intercepted by Iraqi planes and forced to withdraw. The Israeli military command in Tel Aviv refused comment on the statement.

1982(15th of Tevet, 5743): Seventy-nine year old New York jeweler Henry Lewis Lambert, the brother of Victor Lambert – the creator of the Lambert Trophy – passed away today.

1982: NBC broadcast the last episode of “The Doctors,” the long-running soap opera in Doris Belack, the daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants played “psychiatrist Dr. Claudia Howard.”

1986: In Washington, DC, Len and Marjorie Freiman gave birth to major league baseball player Nathan Samuel "Nate" Freiman

 1987(10thof Tevet, 5748): Asara B’Tevet

1987: In “Early Neil Simon, ‘Come Blow Your Horn’” Mel Gussow reviewed the playwrights semi-autobiographical drama.

1987(10th of Tevet, 5748: Forty eight year old Leo Steiner, the restaurateur best known as the co-owner of the Carnegie Deli passed away today – which is sort of strange; a man who sells “Jewish” food for a living dies on a Jewish fast day.

 1987: The police said today that 10 identical letter bombs had been mailed from Turkey to several locations in Israel. Two residents of Or Yehuda, near Tel Aviv, were slightly wounded by one of the bombs, but the others were defused, the police said.

1987: ''A People in Print: Jewish Journalism in America.'' a major exhibit celebrating the freedoms of speech and religion at the National Museum of Jewish History comes to an end. In the following article entitled History of “Jewish Journalism On Display in Philadelphia” the author provides interesting highlights into this little studied topic.

1988: An Off-Broadway revival production of “Godspell” a Stephen Schwartz musical which had opened at the Lamb’s Theatre in June came to an end today.

1989: Today, Prime Minister Shamir said he had dismissed Ezer Weizman from the cabinet for violating Israeli law by maintaining contacts with the Palestine Liberation Organization. Mr. Shamir accused Mr. Weizman of giving advice to the P.L.O. on how to respond to Mr. Shamir's plan for elections in the occupied territories

1989: After 1,420 performances the curtain came down on a Broadway revival of “Me and My Girl” featuring George S. Irving in “his Tony nominated performance as Sir John” at the Marquis Theatre

1989: Ed Koch completed his service as New York’s 105th Mayor

1990:  Garry Kasparov retains holds his title by winning the World Chess Championship.

1990: According to reports published in today’s New York Times, “Israeli military experts are virtually unanimous that in the event of war, Iraq would launch at least 20 missiles against Israel armed with conventional or chemical warheads, and that some of those missiles would be certain to penetrate Israeli defenses.

1991(24th of Tevet, 5752): Felicja Blumental, a Polish-born Brazilian pianist who was known for her performances of 19th-century rarities and music by contemporary composers, died today in Tel Aviv, where she was attending a recital by her daughter, Annette Celine Blumental, a soprano. She was 80 years old and lived in Monte Carlo. She died of heart failure, said her husband, Markus Mizne. Miss Blumental was born in Warsaw on Dec. 28, 1911, and studied composition with Karol Szymanowski and piano with Zbigniew Drzewiecki and Joseph Goldberg at the Warsaw Conservatory. During the early years of World War II, she hid in France and Luxembourg but was able to leave in 1942 when her husband, who had escaped to Brazil, obtained a performer's visa for her. She became a Brazilian citizen and lived in Rio de Janeiro until 1962, when she moved to Milan, Italy, and in 1973 to Monte Carlo. Her early performances in Brazil impressed that country's best-known composer, Heitor Villa-Lobos, who composed his Piano Concerto No. 5 for her in 1954. The Polish composers Witold Lutoslawski and Kzysztof Penderecki also wrote for her. Miss Blumental was well known in the 1960's for her adventurous approach to the 19th-century repertory. Although she performed and recorded much of the standard repertory, she also revived neglected works by Hummel, Czerny and Clementi. Her daughter lives in New York.

1991(24th of Tevet, 5752): Benjamin Joseph Buttenwieser passed away. Born in 1900 he was an American banker, philanthropist and civic leader in New York. Buttenwieser entered Columbia College at age 15 and graduated in 1919. He eventually became a partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and director of many companies, including Revlon; Benrus Watch; Tischman Realty and others. Buttenwieser married Helen Lehman Buttenwieser in 1929. She was the niece of Governor Herbert Lehman and an attorney for Alger Hiss. Their activism landed him on the master list of Nixon political opponents. The Buttenwieser Professorship at Columbia University was established in 1958 with a gift to the University from Buttenweiser, a longtime University Trustee and clerk of the Trustees, in honor of his father, Joseph. He was also a trustee of Lenox Hill Hospital and the New York Philharmonic. He was also a president of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies.

1991: An Arab woman from Bethlehem was preparing an explosive charge in a toilet in the Mahane Yehuda market, the main Jewish market of West Jerusalem, when the charge exploded killing her and no one else.

1991: All official Soviet Union institutions have ceased operations by this date and the Soviet Union is officially dissolved.  There is so much that is positive about this for the world in general and Jews in particular.  The demise of the Soviet Union open the flood gates and made it possible for the long-suffering Jews living in the various Soviet republics to make Aliyah

1992: Amnon Rubinstein, a member of Meretz, completed his service as Science and Technology Minister.

1992: Czechoslovakia is dissolved, resulting in the creation of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Jews will always have a warm spot in their hearts for Czechoslovakia.  In 1948, when faced with an arms embargo and the invasion by well-armed Arab armies, the Czechs sold the Israelis their first combat aircraft.  Ironically, these were surplus ME-109’s – the fighter plane that had been the pride of the Nazi Air Force.  These fighter planes, one of which was flown by Ezer Weizmann played a key role in halting the Egyptian drive to seize Tel Aviv.

1992: Amnon Rubenstein completed his term as Minister of Science and Development.

1992: “Jeffrey,” Paul Rudnick’s comedy about AIDS opened today “at the tiny WPA Theatre.”

1993: Elizabeth Holtzman completed her term as the 40th Comptroller of New York City.

1993: G. Oliver Koppel completed his service as a member of the New York State Assembly where he had begun serving in March, 1970.

1993: Robert Abrams completed his service as New York State Attorney General, a position he had held since 1979.

1993: Entertainer Barbra Streisand performed her first paid concert in 22 years, singing to a sellout crowd at the MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas.

1993: Formally recognizing each other after decades of diplomatic aloofness and centuries of frequent Jewish-Catholic rancor, Israel and the Vatican signed an agreement today to establish diplomatic relations.

1993: G. Oliver Koppel completed his service as a member of the New York State Asssemly.

1993: Chaim Weizman and David Bizi were found after being murdered by terrorists in a Ramle apartment. ID cards of two Gaza residents were found in the apartment, together with a leaflet of the Popular Front 'Red Eagle' group, claiming responsibility for the murder.

1994(28th of Tevet, 5755): Leo Fuchs Polish born U.S. Yiddish actor passed away at the age of 83.

1994: Gabriel Oliver Koppell completed his terms as the 61st New York State Attorney General.

1995: In writing about the “Emotional Overload and Emotional Lift” captured by television in 1995, Walter Goodman cites the tragic events that occurred in Israel. “The shock at the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's Prime Minister was to some extent alleviated by the immediate surge of revulsion, expressed on television both in the United States and in Israel, over violent political language as well as acts of violence. At the widely covered funeral, the tributes of so many heads of state were heartening, with the pictures of an obviously moved King Hussein of Jordan carrying special force. Even amid the anxiety over the future, it was a historic and consoling moment: an Arab leader showing personal sorrow for the death of an Israeli leader.”

1997:  Marv Levy retired as coach of Buffalo Bills.

1997: Despite American calls for a ''timeout'' in settlement building, Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai of Israel shoveled cement into a hole today for a new extension of this Jewish settlement in the hills north of the Palestinian-ruled town of Ramallah.

1998: The United States Ambassador to Israel ordered the American Embassy in Tel Aviv closed today after what embassy officials called a ''direct and credible'' threat of a terrorist attack against the building. 

1999: Barbra Streisand opened her “Timeless” tour when she took the stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas tonight.

1999:The last commercial flight out of Kennedy International Airport for 1999 took off at 10:17 p.m. for the 10-hour nonstop flight to Tel Aviv with a mere 12 paying passengers on board.

2000: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or about subjects of Jewish interest including Open Society:Reforming Global Capitalismby George Soros, The Modern Jewish Canon: A Journey Through Language and Culture by Ruth R. Wisse and Canon and Creativity: Modern Writing and the Authority of Scripture by Robert Alter.

2001: Alan Hevesi completed his term as New York City’s 41st Comptroller.

2001: After seven years, Michael Applebaum completed his service as Montreal City Councilor for Notre-Dame-de-Grâce

2002: “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind,” a comical biopic loosely based on the life of Chuck Barris premiered today.

2002: Pianist Alberto Portugheis performed in recital at today’s “Concert of Latin American Blend”

2002: Maxine Frank Singer, a leading biochemistry researcher and advocate of science education, stepped down after 15 years at the helm of the Carnegie Institution.

2003(6th of Tevet, 5764): Gerald Yael Goldberg the native of Cork born in 1912 who became the first Jewish Lord Mayor of Cork in 1977 passed away.

2003: German-born American physicist Arthur R. von Hippel passed away.  Von Hippel was not Jewish but his wife was.  Von Hippel was an opposed to the Nazis.  For these two reasons, Von Hippel left Germany and eventually made his as to the United States where he spent the rest of his life.

2004(19th of Tevet, 5765): Israeli Poet and playwright Elisheva Greenbaum passed away. In June of 2003, at the Metulla Festival of Poetry, Elli was awarded the prestigious "Tevah" prize in poetry. Earlier, in 2002, Elisheva was awarded The Prime Minister's prize for poetry.

 2005: Premier of “Six Actors in Search of a Plot" a new bilingual Arabic-Hebrew written by the Palestinian playwright Mohammad el-Thaher.

 2005(30th of Kislev, 5766): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

2005: In the evening, Havdalah and New Year’s coincide. How ironic that "2005" separates itself from our lives on the evening when the Jew separates the day of rest from the week of work

2005: Jimmy Young the long-term “caretaker and chief custodian” at Adas Israel in Washington, DC retired today having become an “institution” at city’s venerable Conservative synagogue.

2005:  Neil Diamond appeared on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve 2006.

2005: Norman Pearlstine completed his ten year tenure as editor in chief of Time, Inc.

2005: A Broadway revival of Neil Simon’s “Sweet Charity came to a close today after 279 performances.

2005: In “Hiram Bingham: Heroism Beyond Diplomacy” published today Rafael Medoff, the Director of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies described the life-saving activities American diplomat.

2006(10th of Tevet, 5767):Asara B'Tevet

2006(10th of Tevet, 5767): Yahrzeit of Judith “Judy” Sharon Rosenstein (nee Levin).

2006: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World by Kati Marton.

2006: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World by Kati Marton, Emma Lazarus by Esther Schor and Somewhere: The Life of Jerome Robbins by Amanda Vaill.

2006(10th of Tevet, 5767): Seymour Martin “Marty” Lipset “the most revered analyst of American society and democracy since Alexis de Tocqueville” passed away at the age of 84.

2006: At the Jewish Museum in New York an exhibition styled “Ours to Fight For: American Jews During the Second World War” comes to an end.

2007: The New Republic magazine featured a review of The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World by Alan Greenspan.  

2007:Rabbi, Naftali Tzi Weisz, 59, and his assistant, or gabbai, Moshe E. Zigelman, 60 spent some of the time studying Hebrew books and reciting psalmswhile waiting to appear in court having been charged in an indictment that alleges a wide-ranging conspiracy to defraud U.S. government agencies, to operate a underground money transfer system and to launder money through an Israeli bank.

2007(22 Tevet 5768): Rabbi Arnold G. Kaiman, 74, rabbi at Congregation Kol Ami on the Near North Side for 21 years, died of lung problems, in a West Bloomfield, Mich., hospital. He moved to West Bloomfield after his retirement from Congregation Kol Ami in 1994.

2008: In “Striking Deep Into Israel, Hamas Employs an Upgraded Arsenal” Mark Mazzetti described the increased power of the group governing Gaza.

 2008: An exhibition entitled "From Distant Places to Dubuque's Shores: 175 Years of Jewish Life"   at the National Mississippi River Museum& amp; Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa comes to a close.

2008: The Village Voice, which had regularly published Nat Hentoff's commentary and criticism for fifty years, announced today that he had been laid off

2008: The Maltz Museum offers museum guests an opportunity to toast in the New Year at a 7 p.m. function before moving on to other holiday parties. A brief snapshot of this treasure trove of Judaica provides a valuable reminder that Jewish culture thrives in places outside of New York and Los Angeles.

2008: Haaretzreported that Katyusha rockets fired by Hamas from the Gaza Strip exploded in Be'er Sheva region, 37 kilometers from the coastal territory, which was the furthest point eastward which a Palestinian projectile has managed to reach.

2008: Two Israelis were lightly wounded when they were shot by a group of men in a mall in Odense, Denmark this afternoon. The Israelis were selling Dead Sea cosmetics at a stand in the mall - a job many young Israelis pursue, usually following military service, in order to save money for their future and to continue their travels

2008: Judith Smith Kaye the first woman to hold the position of  Chief Judge of New York completed her service in that position today.

2008: The New Republic magazine featured a review of “Adam Resurrected,” a film based on the novel by Israeli author Yoram Kaniuk starring Jeff Goldblum as the protagonist, Holocaust survivor Adam Stein.

2009: Final session of Limmud in the United Kingdom.

2009:President Barack Obama named Amanda Simpson to the position of Senior Technical Adviser in the Bureau of Industry and Security at the U.S. Department of Commerce making her the first transgender woman appointed by any administration and the first transgender individual to hold an executive branch position.

 2009:At the Center for Jewish History an exhibition entitled “Stars, Strikes, and the Yiddish Stage: The Story of the Hebrew Actors' Union, 1899-2005” comes to an end. “Founded in 1899, the Hebrew Actors' Union (HAU) was the first union for actors in America. Its membership included the most famous actors and actresses of the Yiddish stage. Throughout its existence, the HAU championed actors' rights to fair wages and decent working conditions.”

2009: “Publishing in Exile: German-Language Literature in the U.S. in the 1940s” a joint exhibition of The Goethe-Institute New York and Leo Baeck Institute, sponsored in part by the New York Council for the Humanities comes to an end.

2009:On New Year’s Eve, Off The Wall Comedy Empire presents David Kilimnick, Israel's ‘Father of Anglo Comedy,' whose monologue “brings on new complaints” as he “addresses the issues of what really makes the right resolution”  for the New Year. Israelis know him as the “creator of the 'The Aliyah Monologues,''Find Me A Wife,''HaOleh HaChadash' and 'Frum From Birth'”.

2009:Two rockets launched from the Gaza Strip exploded in a southern Israeli town.The two Grad type rockets, which have a range of about 13 miles, hit the Israeli town of Netivot late today. No one was hurt.

2009:The last H&H bagel of the year which was sold at the company's 80th Street store was a poppy seed bagel purchased moments before midnight by Ezra Millstein, of West 73rd Street.

2009: Hamas activist, Ibrahim Za’arah, 44, was arrested with two bombs on his person weighing 6-7 kilograms, as well as detonation devices as he tried to enter Israel.

2010: In New York, The Peridance Capezio Center is scheduled to host the first in a series of GAGA Master Classes with Ohad Naharin. “Gaga is a movement language developed by Ohad Naharin in Israel to help dancers (and non-dancers alike) reconnect to the way they move. Already a renowned choreographer, Ohad Naharin was appointed Artistic Director of Batsheva Dance Company in 1990. 

2010: Jehuda Reinharz is scheduled to end his 16 years as President of Brandeis University today.  He will be succeeded by Frederick Lawrence who will become President on January 1st.

2010: Bezalel Fair, the largest arts & crafts fair of its kind in Israel where all work displayed in handmade Israeli art, is scheduled to open in Jerusalem at 9 a.m.

2010: The 92ndSt Y is scheduled to host “A Champagne New Year's Eve with Sharon Isbin the world famous guitarist who is a native of St. Louis Park, MN.

2010(24th of Tevet): On the Hebrew calendar, Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi. The founder of Chabad Chassidism, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of died on the eve of the 24th of Tebet, at approximately 10:30 pm, shortly after reciting the Havdalah prayer, which marks the end of Shabbat.

2010(24 Tebet): On the Hebrew calendar, Yahrzeit for the four thousand Jews of Safed and the one thousand Jews of Tiberias who were killed in the 1837 Galilee Earthquake.

2010: Kathe Goldstein led Friday night services at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, IA.  Since Shabbat and New Year’s Eve coincide, Jews and non-Jews will be celebrating in the same manner.  Both will be wearing hats, consuming alcohol, singing festive songs and enjoying special treats. Regardless of how or what you celebrate, may everybody enjoy themselves and return safely to their homes.

2010: The winner of “Jerusalem in 2111” competition, featuring science fiction clips depicting the city in 100 years, was announced today. The winning video, Secular Quarter #3, directed by David Gidali along with cameraman Itay Gross, two Israeli students studying at the prestigious AFI Film school in Lost Angeles, was chosen among dozens of videos entries from all over the world.

2010: Palestinian Authority terrorists attempted to murder a Jewish shepherd this morning, according to a report from the Samaria Regional Council. The terrorists opened fire on the shepherd as he tended his flock near Maaleh Shomron. The intended victim managed to take shelter and call for help. The attackers fled before IDF forces reached the scene.

2010: KlezKlamp, proof of the revitalization of Klezmer, the Yiddish language, comes to an end.

2011: The riotous Sandra Bernhard is scheduled to perform on New Year’s Eve at Joe’s Pub

2011: Party diva Lori Brizzi and DJ Nelson “Paradise” Roman are scheduled to host the New Year's Eve Millennium Dance Party at the 92nd Street Y in Manhattan.

2011: Jackie Hoffman starred as Grandmama in the Broadway musical The Addams Family, which closed today after an 18 month run at the Lunt-Fontaine Theatre.

2011: Over a thousand ultra-Orthodox men assembled tonight in Jerusalem’s Kikar Hashabbat (Sabbath Square), in protest of what they termed the exclusion of Haredim, a response to the recent outrage over the exclusion of women in Beit Shemesh and elsewhere.

2011: The curtain came down on the original Broadway production of The Addams Family starring Bebe Neuwirth as “Morticia Addams.

2012: “The Garden of Eden,” a documentary about the Sakhne National Park and resort, is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2012: The Muslim authority managing the Temple Mount yesterday dumped tons of unexamined earth and stones excavated from the holy site into a municipal dump, in violation of a High Court injunction, Maariv reported today.

2012: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized late today to a top government official who received a firing notice via email. 

2012: As of today, Wisdom Tree Investments led by Chairman Michael Steinhardt “had $18.3 billion under management and was growing by 10% a month.”

2012: After having served as editor of the Boston Globe for the last 11 years where the paper earned a Pulitzer Prize for coverage of the priest driving sexual scandal, Martin “Marty” began serving as the editor of the Washington Post, a position he would hold until January of 2013 when he was promoted to Executive Editor.

2013: Today Mathieu “Schneider appeared as a member of the Red Wings alumni team at Comerica Park against members of the Toronto Maple Leafs alumni

2013: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to usher in the New Year with a special Klezmer concert with acclaimed band, Machaya.

2013: “Like Father, Like Son” and “When Harry Met Sally” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Gabriel Oliver Koppell completed his service as a member of the New York City Council from the 11th District.

2014: “The Rover” and “Sofie” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

 2014: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host a friendly family afternoon Klezmer Concert where families can usher in the New Year. 

2014: “After years of financial trouble, Israel’s Channel 10 is scheduled to stop broadcasting today.” (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2014: The Israel Antiquities Authority announced that “hundreds of ancient coins and ancient artifacts were found at the home of a suspected antiquities thief in Beit Shemesh last week after the man was caught in the act at a nearby archaeological site.” (As reported by Ilan Ben Zion)

2014: According to the French, “nearly 7,000 French Jews immigrated to Israel in 2014” which is more than double the number for 2013 when 3,400 French Jews made Aliyah. (As reported by Stephanie Butnick)

2015: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to welcome the 2016 with the Third Annual First Night Klezmer Concert featuring the “acclaimed band, Machaya.”

2015: Dr. T Alan Hurwitz “the first born deaf and Jewish person to serve as President of Gaullaudet University retired today.

2016(2nd of Tevet, 5777): Parshat Miketz; Seventh Day of Chanukah

2016: Today, the “Carnegie Deli on Seventh Avenue closed after almost eighty years of service.”

2016: “IDF soldiers were attacked by West Bank settlers today after arriving at the scene of clashes between settlers and Palestinians near the village of Sussiya, south of Hebron, police said.”

2016: Shabbat and New Year’s Eve coincide just as they did seventy-five years ago when Abba Kovner uttered the words of resistance "Let us not go as sheep to the slaughter”

2016: In Little Rock, Chabad Lubavitch under the leadership of Rabbi PInchas Ciment is scheduled to host “the Arkansas Chanukah Menorah Car Parade.”

2016: “Art School, HaMidrasha Faculty of Arts at Seventy” is scheduled to come to an end in Tel Aviv.

2017: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner by Daniel Ellsberg and the recently released paperback edition of The People and the Books: 18 Classics of Jewish Literature by Adam Kirsch as well as “When ‘All Thumbs’ Becomes a Compliment” by Calvin Trilling.

2017: Based on an announcement made on December 22, today is James Samuel Rosen’s last day working as a correspondent for the FOX News Channel.

2017: On the last day of the year in one more example of the changing economic and social conditions in the United States, “Congregants from Temple Hadar Israel in New Castle, Pennsylvania gathered at the local Tifereth Israel cemetery to bury ritual objects from their defunct synagogue.” (As reported by Alanna E. Cooper)

2018: Today marks the deadline for submitting applications for the newly created “Krauthammer Fellowship,” “a two-year opportunity for aspiring writers and editors” created by a partnership of Mosaic magazine, the Tikvah Fund and the Paul E. Singer Foundation created to honor Charles Krauthammer, the recently deceased “intellectual journalist.”

2018: As much of the world prepares to ring in the New Year, ironically Israel joins countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Iran in avoiding the celebration and treating it with “disdain”.

2018: According to “figures released by the Jewish Agency” the year ending today saw an increase in Jewish immigration to Israel of approximately 5 percent compared to figures for 2017 which can be attributed to a spike in immigration from Russia and Ukraine which offset declines from such places as France and the United Kingdom. (As reported by YNET)

2018: In Rochester, NY, the CenterStage Theatre At the Louis S. Wolk Jewish Community Center is scheduled to present the final performance of “Big Wigs.”

2018: According to manager Herzl Levi, The Crowne Plaza in Haifa “will not allow New Year’s parties to avoid upsetting the supervisors that certify the hotel’s kitchen as kosher.” (As reported by Daniel Estrin and Dan Perry)

2018: For the 8th year in a row, “the old Jaffa at Beit Kandioff” is scheduled to host what it considers to be on of Tel Aviv’s premiere New Year’s Eve parties.

2018: This evening the Gala Hispanic Theatre is scheduled to host the final performance of “Talley’s Folly,” “the Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy about Matt Freidman, a middle-aged Jewish accountant.”

2018(23rdof Tevet, 5779): On the Jewish calendar, Yahrtzeit of Nathan Straus.





This Day, January 1, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 1
630:  Prophet Muhammad sets out toward Mecca with the army that will capture it bloodlessly.  At first Mohammed “had hoped to find is main supporters among the Jewish tribes” of Arabia.  This can be seen in his early adoption of certain laws regarding fasting and facing Jerusalem during prayer.  When the Jews refused to accept him as the final line of prophets that had included Abraham and Moses, he turned against the Jews “in a cruel war of extermination.”  Mohammed would die two years after the conquest of Mecca but his legacy lives on to this very day.

1430:  The Jews of Sicily were no longer required to attend “conversionist services.”

1438:  Albert II of Habsburg is crowned King of Hungary. Albert confirmed the privilegium of Béla IV. In 1251 Béla had granted a privilgium to his Jewish subjects which was essentially the same as that granted by Duke Frederick II the Quarrelsome to the Austrian Jews in 1244, but which Béla modified to suit the conditions of Hungary.

1484: “In Wildhaus, in the Toggenburg Valley of Switzerland,” Ulrich Zwingli and his wife gave birth to Huldrych Zwingli, the leader of the Reformation in Switzerland who at a minimum “studied and admired the Hebrew language, used it to some advantage” in his work and “took over some Hebraic teachings while evincing little concern for contemporary Jews.”

1515: Louis XII who ordered the final expulsion of the Jews from Provence in 1501 and who introduced a tax in 1512 on the remaining Jews there, who had accepted baptism known as the "tax of the neophytes," passed away today.

1515: King Francis I succeeds to the French throne. Francis did not have any Jewish subjects since they had been expelled by Charles V at the end of the 14thcentury and they would not return until 1675 when Louis XIV would grant permission to the Jews living in Alsace and Lorraine, his two newly acquired provinces, to remain in their ancestral homes. For some strange reason Francis showed an interest in the Hebrew language. He invited August Justiniani, the Bishop of Corsica who was reputed to be a serious student of Hebrew literature to move to France.  He also invited Elias Levita, the renowned Hebrew grammarian and poet, to move to France and accept a professorship in the Hebrew language. Levita declined the offer for obvious reasons.

1515:  Jews were expelled from Laibach, Austria.

1527: Croatian nobles elect Ferdinand I of Austria as king of Croatia in the Parliament on Cetin. There were no Croatian Jews in attendance since the Jews had been expelled and there was no record of any Jews living in Croatia after 1526. 

1549(Shevat, 5309): Elia Levita also known as Elijah Levita, Elias Levita, Eliahu Bakhur ("Eliahu the Bachelor") a Renaissance-period Hebrew grammarian, poet and one of the first writers in the Yiddish language passed away. Born in 1469, he “was the author of the Bovo-Bukh the most popular chivalric romance written in Yiddish, which, according to Sol Liptzin, is ‘generally regarded as the most outstanding poetic work in Old Yiddish.’”

1559: Frederick II, who moved to keep Jews out his realm by ordering ‘that all foreigners in Denmark had to affirm their commitment to 25 articles of faith central to Lutheranism on pain of deportation, began his reign as King of Denmark and Norway today.

1565: A papal decree issued today order that “the fines levied on Jews for possessing scrip certificates of indebtedness, lending money on interest, or engaging in certain occupations were to go to the support” of Houses of Catechumens, “a Roman institution for converting Jews to Catholicism.”

1577: Today, Pope Gregory XIII decreed that all Roman Jews, under pain of death, must listen attentively to the compulsory Catholic conversion sermon given in Roman synagogues after Friday night services.

1578: Today, Pope Gregory XIII signed into law a tax forcing Jews to pay for the support of a “House of Conversion” to convert Jews to Christianity.

1581: Today, Pope Gregory XIII ordered his troops to confiscate all sacred literature from the Roman Jewish community.  Thousands of Jews were murdered in the campaign.

1594: Rodrigo Lopez, a Marrano who was serving as physician to Queen Elizabeth, was arrested on charges of trying to poison the English Monarch

1627 (13th of Tevet, 5387): A press belonging to Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel published a prayer book, which was the first work produced by this Hebrew particular printing press.

1651: Coronation of King Charles II of Scotland who as King Charles of II of England would issue several proclamations guaranteeing the rights of the fledgling Jewish community in the British Isles.

1714: Leffmann Behrends, the son of Issachar Barmann and the grandson of Isaac Cohen of Borkum, who was a leading German financier who used his influence to protect his co-religionists passed away today.

1774: Birthdate of London born American John Moss, the husband of Rebecca Lyons and father of Eleazer (Eugene) Moss.

1784: Sara Rodrigues Alvares and Abraham Furtado, President of the Assemblee des Notables gave birth to their daughter Anne Emilie

1793 Birthdate of Bertha Morgenstern, the native of Russia who came to New York City in 1842 with her children and husband.

1798:  The first Jewish censor was appointed by the Russian government to censor all Hebrew books printed in Russia or imported from other countries.  As you can see from the next comment about life under Communism, the Czars and the Commissars agreed on the need to censor Jewish books.  However, some times, the outcome could be a bit on comical side.  “Yosef Mendelovitch tells that when he was being transferred from one Russian prison to another, he was in temporary possession of his Chumash that had been confiscated when he was first imprisoned.  He would have to give it up again upon arrival at the new prison. Also in his possession was a collection of selected speeches by Brezhnev translated into Yiddish.  This book was officially passed by the censor (which is why I'm relating this story). He separated content from covers in both books, which happened to be of the same size, got rid of the speeches, and pasted (with well-chewed bread) the Chumash into the censor-approved cover.  His Chumash passed cursory inspection at his new prison and was his unfailing companion during his incarceration.”

1802: In a letter written to the Danbury, CT Baptist Association, Thomas Jefferson coined the metaphor, "a wall of separation between Church and State." (Editor’s note: Many think this term originated in 1947, when the "wall of separation" concept gained acceptance as a constitutional guideline. It obviously dates back to the Founding Fathers.  Contrary to the nonsense being passed around by various demagogues today, separation of Church and State was a basic concept in the founding of the United States.  The assault on Jefferson’s “Wall of Separation” could be styled as an attempt by modern day radicals to undo the work of the American Revolution.)

1804:  As a result of the slave revolt of Toussaint L’Ouverture French rule ends in Haiti making Haiti the first black republic and first independent country in the West Indies.  “Unfortunately, “during the slave revolt, much of the Jewish community was murdered or expelled from Haiti.  A few years later, many Polish Jews arrived in Haiti due to civil strife in Poland.”

1807: Birthdate of German rabbi Asher Sammter

1807: Birthdate of Abraham Kohn, the Chief Reform Rabbi of Lemberg.

1808: Several restrictions on Jewish ownership of land went into effect in Russia.

1809: In Frankfurt am Main, Jacob Hirsch Kahn, the son of Miriam and Isaac Jacob Kahn and his wife Jetta Kahn gave birth to Babette Kann.

1811: Today Lübeck was annexed to France. This meant an end to all anti-Jewish discrimination including an abolition of the special taxes of the "Schutzjuden.” This change brought an influx of Jews who entered the town from surrounding areas including Moisling. All this would come to an end when the French left and the Germans again took control. :

1815: Birthdate of German author Boas Eduard who passed away in June of 1853.

1826: In Frankfurt am Main Zerlinr and Meyer Levin Beyfus gave birth to Marie Beyfus.

1827(2ndof Tevet, 5587): Last of Day of Chanukah coincides with the First Day of the New Year.

1829: One day after he had passed away, Levy Abrahams was buried at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1834: Gustav Schwabe, a Jewish native of Hamburg whose family was forced to convert when he was 6 years old, became a partner at Boustead and Company was renamed Boustead, Schwabe and Company.

1834: In Blieskastel, Salomon Oppenheimer and Johanetta Kahn gave birth to their fourth son David Oppenheimer who eventually settled in Vancouver, BC where he became a successful businessman and served as the city’s second mayor.

1834: Birthdate of Salomon Stricker, the native of Waag-Neustdadt which was part of the Autro-Hungarian Empire at that time who became a note pathologist and histologist.

1834: Birthdate of Ludovic Halévy, a member of the famed Halevy clan whose artistic and social activities spanned at least three centuries starting in 1760.  Halevy was prominent in the musical theatre of 19th century France.  One of his most famous works was the libretto for the opera “Carmen.”Halevy is an example of the fate of European Jews.  His father had converted in order to marry the daughter of the architect Louis-Hippolyte Lebas and this enabled him in 1831 to become assistant professor of French literature at the Ecole Polytechnique, where there was some discrimination against Jews.

1837: Earthquake in the Tzfat-Tiberias area of Eretz Israel killed between two thousand and four thousand people, mostly Jews.  Many monuments and archaeological sites were damaged. The quake is also called The Galilee Earthquake of 1937 and the Safed Earthquake.

1837(24thof Tevet, 5597): Nissim Zerahiah Azulai “editor and annotator of Shabbethai Cohen's "Shulḥan ha-Ṭahor" (The Pure Table), a treatise on the 613 commandments, perished in the earthquake at Safed”

1844: In Austrian Galicia, Wolf Neumann, a Hebrew and Talmudic scholar and his wife gave birth to Moses Newman who came to the United States in 1897 and was active in the Jewish Galician Federation.

1845: In Charleston, SC, A.J. Brady of Athens, GA, married Adeline Moses, the “youngest daughter of Isaiah Moses.

1847: In “Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia,” Solomon and Caroline Phillips gave birth jeweler turned political leader Simeon Phillips who served in the legislature and as Mayor of Dubbo and was the husband of Rosetta Phillips.

1849: Birthdate of Alois Epstein, the native of Bohemia who graduated from the University of Prague with an M.D. in 1873 and became a leading Austrian podiatrist.

1854: Solomon Nunes Carvalho, a South Carolina native of Portuguese and Sephardic Jewish descent, who had the good or bad fortune to join John C. Fremont's 1853-54 mapping expedition to the Rocky Mountains, served a dessert of blanc mange “to the ‘satisfaction and astonishment of the whole party,’ a fitting climax to a meal of horse soup and horse steaks fried in buffalo tallow.”

1854(1st of Tevet, 5614): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1858(15thof Tevet, 5618): Eighty-year old Isaac Pinto, the son of Jacob and Abigail Pinto and the husband of Maria Pinto passed away today in Chillicothe, Ohio.

1858: French author Mario Uchard exchanges New Year's greetings with the famed Franco-Jewish actress Rachel Félix in which the latter seemed to be bidding Uchard "an eternal adiu.  However, her doctor assured Uchard that "she would live some days longer.


[Editor’s Note: The following is not an error.  There were two different letters.]


1859: The New York Times published a copy of the letter “The Executive Committee of the Representatives of the United Congregations of Israelites of the City of New York” had sent to President James Buchanan in November of 1858 concerning the Mortara Case. Their letter included a reference to the letter sent by The London Committee of Deputies of British Jews “to their brethren in the United States” seeking their support in having the boy who was kidnapped in Bologna returned to his family.  The letter informed the President of the support being offered by several European nations and of plans to hold a public meeting to enlist public support in the United States. The committee reminded President Buchanan of the prompt action taken by President Van Buren in 1840 when he was asked to intervene to aid the persecuted Jews of Damascus and expressed the hope that he would do the same.

1859: The New York Times published a copy of the letter The Executive Committee of the Representatives of the United Congregations of Israelites of the City of New York had sent to President James Buchanan in December of 1858 which described a public meeting held on December 4 in which Jews and non-Jews gathered to demand the return of Edgardo Mortara to his parents.  Those attending the meeting also petitioned the President to join with the several European nations who were protesting the kidnapping of the youngster by representatives of the Pope. 

1861: In St. Joseph, MO, Max and Bertha Eppstein gave birth to Seraphine Eppstein who gained fame as Seraphine Pisklo after marrying Denver businessman Edward Pisko in 1878 at the age of seventeen.

1861: Birthdate of London native Samuel Isaac Cohen who served as a “communal secretary”

1861: In Riddleville, GA Charles Wessolowsky and Johanna Wessolowsky gave birth to Morris Weslosky the husband of Julia Weslosky.

1862: Jacques Van Praag married Rebecca Levy today in Holland.

1863(10th of Tevet, 5623): Asara B’Tevet

1863: In Poland, Abraham Jacob Bauer and his wife gave birth to Sol H. Bauer who served as the rabbi at several Chicago Congregations including Moses Montefiore Congregation, The First Hungarian Congregation and Congregation Anshe Emeth.

1863: Edward Rosewater, a member of the United States Telegraph Corps serving at the White House telegraph office, was responsible sending out President Abraham Lincoln’s “Emancipation Proclamation” today. Rosewater was born to a Jewish family in Bohemia and moved to the United States in 1854

1863: During the Civil War, Confederate forces recaptured Galveston, Texas with assistance from Rosanna Dyer Osterman.  As recounted in Jewish Women in America: An Historical

 Encyclopedia, Rosanna Dyer Osterman, a native of Germany, was living in Galveston, Texas, in 1862 when Union forces captured the city.  She had come to Texas in 1838 to help her husband run his mercantile business.  Eventually, she became a leading member of the Jewish community, helping to bring the first rabbi to Texas in 1852.  When the Civil War broke out, Osterman, by then a widow, remained in Galveston.  While many others left for the mainland, she stayed to nurse the sick and wounded, turning her home into a hospital. After the city was captured by Northern troops, she provided military information to Confederate officers in Houston. This information helped them to successfully recapture Galveston on January 1, 1863.  Just three years later, Osterman was killed in a steamboat explosion on the Mississippi River.  In her will, she left her considerable fortune, over $200,000, to a host of Jewish and benevolent institutions. Gifts went to Jewish hospitals in New York, New Orleans, and Cincinnati, and enabled the establishment of a Hebrew Benevolent Society in Galveston, which cared for poor and sick people of all faiths.  Osterman's bequests also funded synagogues in Houston and Galveston, a Home for Widows and Orphans and a Sailors’ Home in Galveston, and a Jewish Foster Home in Philadelphia.  In an obituary, the Galveston News lauded Osterman for her "unselfish devotion to the suffering and the sick" and said that "the history of Rosanna Osterman is more eloquently written in the untold charities that have been dispensed by her liberal hands than any eulogy man can bestow."

1864: In Hoboken, NJ, Edward Stieglitz, a lieutenant in the Union Army and the former Hedwig Ann Werner gave to Alfred Stieglitz considered by some to be “the father of modern photography.”

1864: In Bonn, Ludwig Philippson and his wife gave birth “German geologist and geographer” Alfred Philippson.

1864: Corporal Moses Bahney began his service with Company B of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment.

1864: Philadelphian August Solomon began his service with Company B of the Ninety-Third Regiment.

1867: Birthdate of Lew Fields.  This New York native was part of the Weber and Fields one of the most successful vaudeville acts of their time.  When the act split up, Fields became one of the most influential producers in New York.  He was the father of songwriter Dorothy Fields who enjoyed a successful Broadway career in her own right.

1867: Rabbi Isaac Leeser of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, presided over the first Jewish wedding in Atlanta, which joined Emilie Baer to Abraham Rosenfeld in the holy bonds of matrimony. He used the occasion to encourage the creation of a congregation to replace the short-lived one begun in 1862.  The Hebrew Benevolent Congregation received a charter four months later and began constructing a synagogue in 1875.

1867: Following the retirement of Joseph Herzfeld, Hallgarten & Herzfeld, changed its name to Hallgarten & Co, the investment bank co-founded by Lazarus Hallgarten.

1869:  In Philadelphia, Nathan Rosenau and Mathilda Blitz gave birth to University of Pennsylvania Medical School graduate Milton J. Rosenau, who married Myra B. Frank in 1900 and who played a crucial role in the long, contentious campaign to make milk supplies pure and safe in the United States. As researcher, health official, and educator, Rosenau put medical science to work in the service of preventive medicine and public health. The Philadelphia native received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1889. In 1890, he joined the United States Marine Hospital Service (MHS). He served as quarantine officer in San Francisco from 1895-1898 and in Cuba in 1898. During 1899-1909, he directed the MHS Hygienic Laboratory, transforming a one-person operation into a bustling institution with divisions in bacteriology, chemistry, pathology, pharmacology, zoology, and biology. Rosenau conducted his most important medical research during his 10 years at the Hygienic Laboratory, publishing many articles and books, including The Milk Question (1912) and Preventive Medicine and Hygiene (1913), which quickly became the most influential textbook on the subject. From early in his career, campaigns to reduce milkborne diseases occupied Rosenau's attention. As he stated in his textbook, "Next to water purification, pasteurization is the most important single preventive measure in the field of sanitation." A Public Health Service study in 1909 reported that 500 outbreaks of milkborne diseases had occurred during 1880-1907. By 1900, increasing numbers of children drank pasteurized milk, but raw milk remained the norm partly because the high-temperature process then in use imparted a "cooked milk" taste. In 1906, Rosenau established that low temperature, slow pasteurization (140 F [60 C] for 20 minutes) killed pathogens without spoiling the taste, thus eliminating a key obstacle to public acceptance of pasteurized milk. However, securing a safe milk supply nationwide took another generation. By 1936, pasteurized, certified milk was the standard in most large cities, although over half of all milk in the United States was still consumed raw. In 1913, Rosenau became a Harvard University Medical School professor and a co-founder of the Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology School for Health Officers. When Harvard established a school of public health in 1922, Rosenau directed its epidemiology program until 1935. In 1936, he moved to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, to help establish its public health school (1940), where he served as dean until his death in 1946. Rosenau was a dedicated teacher and advocate for improved training in preventive medicine, but he is better remembered for his textbook than his pioneering epidemiologic work. This is as he expected: "We find monuments erected to heroes who have won wars, but we find none commemorating anyone's preventing a war. The same is true with epidemics." As can be seen from his membership on the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Committee, Rosenau was active in the affairs of the Jewish Community in the United States.

1873: Julie Judith Bamberger and Isaac Bamberger gave birth to Shimon Simcha Bamberger.

1874: Frederick de Sola Mendes assumed his duties as of Rabbi at Shaaray Tefillah congregation (later known as the West End Synagogue) in New York City.

1874: As part of the New Year’s Day celebration, 200 children at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum partook of an excellent dinner.  Afterwards, they marched to the homes of Meyer Stern and Mrs. Max Herzog, President of the Ladies’ Sewing Society, where they paid their respects.

1874: Three days after she had passed away Sarah (Lazarus) Emden, the wife of Lewis Israel Emden was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1875: In New York, Hirsch & Mayer, a firm dealing in woolen goods, was reported “to have a stock of goods wholly paid for” and to be owed $30,000.

1875: Jacob Schiff (1847-1920), Solomon Loeb's son-in-law, joined the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

1876: As of today, the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith has a total of $550,000 in its treasury.

1876: As of today, the Independent Order Free Sons of Israel has a total of $58,350 in its treasury

1876: As of today, the Improved Order Free Sons of Israel has a total of $25,500 in its treasury.

1876: In New York, Hirsch & Mayer was found to be insolvent.  The insolvency touched off 20 civil suits and criminal charges aimed at Benjamin Mayer, a young, well-connected man, from a prominent Jewish New York family.

1878:  In Louisville, KY, David Henry and Selma Franko Goldman a professional pianist gave birth to Edwin Franko Goldman.  At the age of nine, Goldman studied cornet with George Weigand at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in New York.  In 1892, after winning a scholarship, he attended the National Conservatory of Music, where he studied music theory and played trumpet in the Conservatory orchestra. In 1893 he became a professional trumpet player, performing in such organizations as the Metropolitan Opera House orchestra and with his uncle Nahan Franko, a famous trumpet player.Goldman soon founded the New York Military Band, which is known today as the famous Goldman Band. The band played in many summer band concerts throughout New York, especially The Green at the Columbia University and then The Mall in Central Park.  They were also heard on many radio broadcasts.Goldman was known for his very congenial personality and dedication to music. He was very close to city officials and earned three honorary doctorates.  Eventually in 1929, he founded the American Bandmasters Association and served as Second Honorary Life President after John Philip Sousa.  In his lifetime, Goldman composed over 150 works.  He was also the composer of many cornet solos and other short works for piano and orchestra.  Goldman's works are known for their pleasant and catchy tunes, as well as their fine trios and solos.  He also encouraged audiences to whistle/hum along to his marches.  This has become a tradition with his most famous march "On the Mall".

1878: After completing his legal studies today, Louis Marshall “joined the law firm of William C. Ruger in Syracuse, NY.”

1878: Leopold Ullstein converted the Berliner Tageblatt into the Berliner Zeitgung(B.Z.)

1879: Birthdate of Alfred Ernest Jones, the official biographer of Sigmund Freud.

1879: In Tolcsva, Hungary, Michael Fuchs and Hannah Fried gave birth to Wilhelm Fuchs who gained fame as “American motion picture executive” William Fox who “founded the Fox Film corporation in 1915” and raised two daughters -  Mona and Isabella – with his wife Eva Leo Fox.

1879: Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum opened its facility today with four children.

1880: David Joël, brother of Manuel Joël, assumed his duties as professor of the Talmudic branches, with the title of "Seminarrabbiner", at The Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau

1880: Alonozo B. Cornell began serving as the 27th Governor of New York during which term he appointed Myer S. Isaacs, the son of the late Rabbi Samuel M. Isaacs, as Justice of the Marine Court.

1881: Hallgarten & Company became a member of the New York Stock Exchange.

1882: A magic act presented by Professor Leon is part of the scheduled entertainment to be presented tonight at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1882: The New York Times published a detailed review of The Mendelssohn Family, 1729-1847 by Sebastien Hensel

1882: Leon Pinsker anonymously published “Auto-Emancipation,” a pamphlet whose subtitle was Mahnruf an seine Stammgenossen, von einem russischen Jude (Warning to His Fellow People, from a Russian Jew) in which he urged the Jewish people to strive for independence and national consciousness.

1883: It was reported today that Marcus Marx has been elected Chairman of a committee to consider the merger of B’nai B’rith, the Free Sons of Israel, and Kesher Shel Barzel since half of the members of the latter two organizations are members of B’nai B’rith.

1884: As of today the two story frame building used by the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids housed 30 patients

1885: As of today, the Russian Imperial Government will begin its monopoly pawnbroking in an attempt to add to the misery of its Jewish subjects which it believes are the only people engaging in this form of moneylending. 

1885: “An English Society for the Conversion of the Jews” announced that during 1884 it had converted “four Jews at an average cost of about $21,000 each.”

1885: As of today, the Hebrew Technical Institute enrollment has risen from 27 to 45.

1885: This month marking the founding of The Chicago Israelite, “an American weekly newspaper devoted to Jewish interests” under the “editorship of Leo Wise who wrote the “Notes and Comments” column along with Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, Levi A. Eliel and Dr. Julius Wise “who wrote under the pen-name of ‘Nickerdown.’”

1886: Birthdate of Homona, Hungary native Louis Lefkowitz, the founder “of Louis Lefkowitz and Brother, manufacturers of leather belts” who came to the United States in 1902 where he married Sadie Leah Weiss in 1915 and a leading member of Congregation Ohab Zedek.

1886: Birthdate of Clara Lemlich Shavelson who was a leader of the Uprising of 20,000, the massive strike of shirtwaist workers in New York's garment industry in 1909.  Later blacklisted from the industry for her union work, she became a member of the Communist Party and a consumer activist.  In her last years as a nursing home resident she helped to organize the staff.  Clara Lemlich Shavelson was already a confirmed radical when she arrived in New York City in 1905.  Raised in a religious household in Ukraine, she had defied her parents to learn Russian, traded folk songs for volumes of Tolstoy, and borrowed revolutionary tracts from a sympathetic neighbor.  In New York, she found work in a Lower East Side garment shop, and soon began organizing the workers.  She quickly became an influential member of the new International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), where she protested the virtually all-male leadership's habit of ignoring female union members.  In 1909, Lemlich burst onto a larger political stage when her speech in New York's Cooper Union Hall galvanized young, predominantly Jewish, working girls and set off what became known as the Uprising of the 20,000.  Though the strike was only partially successful, the speech marked the beginning of Lemlich Shavelson's long career in political activism.  Her next project was women's suffrage; she helped to found the Wage Earners League for Women's Suffrage, a group distinguished by its working-class membership at a time when most suffrage organizations were composed of more moderate middle-class members.  Although Lemlich Shavelson's radicalism eventually cost her a paid organizing position with the suffrage league, she remained an outspoken activist, leading the kosher meat boycotts of 1917 and the New York City rent strikes of 1919.  After her 1913 marriage and a move to Brooklyn, some of Shavelson's colleagues in the trade union movement felt that she had sold out to middle-class ideals by raising children in the suburbs.  However, Shavelson redirected her energies without moderating her radicalism, joining the Communist Party in 1926, and founding the United Council of Working-Class Housewives and then, in 1929, the United Council of Working-Class Women (UCWW).  The UCWW argued that consumption was integrally tied to production and that housewives, as consumers, could be an integral part of the class struggle.  The Council led meat, milk, and bread boycotts, marched on Washington, and staged rent strikes and sit-ins, winning periodic victories that addressed some of the most pernicious threats to the economic survival of many families during the depression.  In addition, Shavelson's insistence on the importance of women's labor in the home laid the groundwork for the later feminist movement's emphasis on gender politics and personal power relations within the family.  After the Second World War, Shavelson became a peace activist, working as an organizer for the American League Against War and Fascism, which opposed nuclear weapons.  She also worked for a time in a garment shop, and renewed her activism in the ILGWU, from which she finally retired in 1954.  Although she is still hailed as a founder of that union, she was never granted a union pension.  At age 81, Shavelson moved into the Jewish Home for the Aged in Los Angeles, where she spent her time convincing the administrators to honor grape and lettuce boycotts, and organizing a union among the orderlies.

1887: In Helena, Montana, founding of Temple Emanuel which held services on Friday evening and Saturday, with a Religious School that met on Sunday and enjoyed the support of a Ladies’ Auxiliary Society founded three years later.

1887: Birthdate of William Canaris, the Admiral in charge of the Abewhr, a German intelligence organization during WW II who was executed in 1945 for his opposition to Hitler. (Editor’s note: It was the Abewhr under Admiral Canaris that continued to use an unchanged Enigma code for so much of the war which gave the Allies an edge that among other things, helped them to win the Battle of Britain.  Was the failure of Canaris to change codes arrogance or his way of helping to bring down Hitler?)


1887: Henry M. Stanley was back in London preparing the expedition that is designed to rescue Emin Pasha, the governor of Equatoria who is besieged by forces of Muslim fanatics. Emin Pasha was a Silesian born Jew named Isaak Eduard Schnitzer who successively converted to Christianity and Islam.

1887: The Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York is scheduled to move into its new home “in the building formerly occupied by the Home and School for the Children of Soldiers and Sailors on 11th Avenue near 151stStreet in New York where it will continue to care for over 400 children.

1888: Barnett and Dora Kriss Feinberg gave birth to Dr. Moses Feinberg

1888: “The People of Israel” published today provides a detailed review of Histoire Du Peuple D’Israel (Volume I) by Ernest Renan.

1890: In Louisiana, any Jews remaining in Alsatia, East Carroll Parish face the threat of being driven out by “lead.”  (That’s mean guns for the uninitiated)

1890: A fair being held under the auspices the People’s Free School Association, is scheduled to come to an end today. This is a fundraiser sponsored by the Executive Council of the Hebrew Fair Association.

1890: “A mass meeting of down-town” Jews held this evening at the Pythagoras Hall on Canal Street to discuss the construction of a new hospital to be built on the Lower East Side.  The up-town hospitals cannot accommodate the influx of sick Jewish immigrants.

1890: According to H.I. Goldsmith, the Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge, No. 1 of the Independent Order of the Free Sons of Israel, there is $295,027.33 in “the degree benefit, an increase over the last year of $7,608.94.

1890: As today, the Hebrew Technical Institute had a balance on hand of a little more than six thousand dollars.

1890: The terms of Messrs. Tuska, Thalmessinger and Bloomingdale as trustees for the Hebrew Technical Institute were scheduled to come to an end today.

1891: In Newark, NJ, founding of “Bet Hamidrosch Hagodol Ansche Warschaw” which owns a cemetery on Grove Street and whose members included Louis Marx, Sam Cohn, Morris Berkowitz and Abraham Cohn.

1892(1stof Tevet, 5652): Rosh Chodesh Tevet and 7th day of Chanukah

1892: Roswell P. Flower, who would appoint Edward Jacobs as Loan Commissioner, began serving as Governor of New York.

1892: Simon W. Rosendale began serving as New York State Attorney General.

1892: The SS Masilia whose passengers include a large number of Russia Jews whose passage had been paid by the Baron Hirsch Fund left Marseilles today for a four week voyage to New York

1892: Birthdate of Bertha Solomon, one of the first women’s rights activists in South Africa.

1892: The Ellis Island Immigrant Station in New York opened.  Millions of mostly eastern European Jews would pass through Ellis Island on their way to New York’s Lower East Side or other such urban locations.

1892: Birthdate of Kiev native Boris Mirkin-Getzevich, the Russian jurist fluent in several languages including Yiddish who wrote under the pen name Boris Mirsky who daughter Vitia married Stéphane Hessel the member of the French Resistance who survived the concentration camps to become a diplomat and author.

1892: The Society of the Hebrew Sheltering Home has received $2,005 in the last twelve months.

1892: Colonel John Weber, the first Commissioner of Immigration at the port of New York, gave a $10 gold Liberty coin to the first immigrant processed at Ellis Island.

1893: Twenty-nine year old Schepsel Scaffer became the “rabbi of Shearith Israel in Baltimore, MD.

1893: The new sliding scale dues structures based on age adopted by the Grand Lodge District No 1 of the Order of B’nai B’rith to encourage younger Jews to join went into effect today.

1893: Joseph K. Toole who laid the cornerstone when construction began on Temple Emanu-El in Helena Montana completed his first terms as Governor of Montana.

1893: It was reported today that Darkest Russia, “the organ of the English Jewish community” had suspended publication on the assurance if it did so Russia “would modify her persecution” of the Jews would resume publishing since things have actually gotten worse.

1894: Thirty-six year old Heinrich Hertz, the German physicist for whom the hertz, the SI unit of frequency, is named and was born to a Jewish family that had converted to Christianity passed away today in Bonn.

1894: Simon W. Rosendale completed his service as New York State Attorney General.

1894: As of today, the United Hebrew Charities has spent an additional $64,900 in the last three months (October 1) to provide a variety of services including medical, educational and vocational to aid those suffering during the worst economic depression to hit the United States until 1929 and 2008.

1895: In Cincinnati, Ohio formation of Council No. 13 of the National Council of Jewish Women was formed with Miss Clara Bloch as President and Miss Mathilda Bettman as Secretary.

1895: “Louis Marshall was a framer of Article 14, the "Forever Wild" clause, in the New York State constitutional Amendment to the New York State Constitution, which went into effect”today.

1895: Birthdate of Nathaniel Shilkret, American composer and conductor.  For many years he was "director of light music" for the Victor Talking Machine Company.  His best-known popular composition was "The Lonesome Road", which has been recorded by more than one-hundred artists, including Louis Armstrong and Benny Goodman. He passed away in 1992.

1896: “Destroying the Old Relic” published today described the destruction of the Rolls House which had originally been “built by Henry III as a House of Maintenance for converted Jews” but was converted to other uses by Edward III when the supply of Jewish converts ran out.

1896: As of this date, there were 43, 658 Jews living in Minsk.  There were forty synagogues along with numerous less formal “houses of prayer.” The city boasted a large number of Yeshivot including Blumke’s Yeshivah, the Little Yeshivah and the Yeshivah at the Synagogue of the Water Carriers.  At this time Minsk was also home to a Jewish Trade School that offered training for locksmiths and carpenters as well as providing instruction in Hebrew and Religion.  The Jewish hospital had accommodations for 70 patients and the Jewish poorhouse had beds for 80 indigent patrons.

1897: Frank Black, who appointed Jewish political leader and philanthropist to the state board of charities began serving his term as the 32nd Governor of New York.

1897: A fundraiser for the Hebrew Technical School for Girls was held at the Carnegie Lyceum.

1897: Birthdate of Austrian poet Theodore Kramer who fled to England after the Anschluss and whom Thomas Mann called “one of the greatest poets of the young generation.”

1898: In Silesia, Maximillian Ullman and his wife, two Jews who had converted to Catholicism, gave birth to “composer, conductor and pianist” Viktor Ullman. Their conversion and did not save this musical genius who was imprisoned at Theresienstadt and murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

1898: “Do People Read the Bible Nowadays?” by Amos Kidder Fiske, author of “The Jewish Scriptures” and “The Myths of Israel” was published today.

1898:”Miracles and Dilettantism” published today disputes the version of the conversion of Abbe Ratisbonne to Catholicism as described in The Life of Cardinal Wisemanby Wilfred Ward.

1898: Dr. Joseph Silverman delivered an address entitled “The Religious and Ethical Possibilities of Greater New York” at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.

1899: A building that had been built because of the “munificence of the late Baroness de Hirsch-Gereuth” was opened today at the Baron de Hirsch Trade School in Nw York

1899: “Dr. Baar’s New Year Address” published today described Dr. Hermann Baar’s what is his last address to the children at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum since he has announced his retirement as Superintendent of the organization.

1899: Birthdate of Elazar Menachem Man Shach, (Eliezer Schach) the Lithuanian born Haredi rabbi who became a leader in Bnei Brak.

1899: Leopold Cohn sent a letter to President McKinley concerning the anti-Semitic prejudice that exists in Brooklyn and Manhattan which is manifested by “acts of violence” aimed the poor Jews of these cities.  Cohn, a former Rabbi, converted to Christianity and now is a missionary for the Baptist Church.

1899: “A Benevolent Society’s Jubilee” published today described plans for the upcoming celebration of the Noah Benevolent Widows and Orphans’ Association 50thanniversary celebration.  The association was originally formed by German Jews in the 1840’s.

1899: Mrs. Bertha Morgenstern observed New Year’s Day and her 106thbirthday at the Hebrew Sheltering House in NYC.

1899: It was reported today that Aaron Baerlein is President of the Noah Benevolent Widows and Orphans’ Association, a fraternal and benevolent order formed by German Jews in New York before the Civil War.

1899: As of today, not counting officers, there eighty-two Jews serving in the British Army and forty-six serving in the militia.

1899: In Rochester, NY, founding of “Temple Kitchen Garden” “under the auspices of the Sisterhood of Berith Kodesh and the Council of Jewish Council” and funded by “the Sisterhood and the Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society.

1900(1stof Shevat, 5660): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1900(1stof Shevat, 5660): Vilna native Joshua Ḥayyim b. Mordecai ha-Levi Epstein, “familiarly known as "Reb Joshua Ḥayyim the Sarsur" (money-broker)” passed away today.

1900: Birthdate of David William Pearlman, the native of Mezeritch who came to the United States 1904 after which he eventually earned a Master’s Degree from Columbia and became a Reform Rabbi after being ordained at the Jewish Institute of Religion.

1900: In Natchez, Mississippi, founding of the Jewish Relief Association which would be managed by Rabbi S.G. Bottigheimer.

1900: Starting today The Jewish Colonization Association (JCA) “restructured the way in which the colonies received financial and managerial support, with the effect of making them more profitable and independent.”

1900: In Rzhaventsy, Zastavna Raion, “Yoel and Ita” gave birth to Ester Rosenzweig, the Russian revolutionary known as Elizabeth Zarubina who spied for the Soviet Union in the United States under the name of Elizabeth Zubilin

1900: Birthdate of Samuel “Sam” Berger, the native of Ottawa, who was a successful attorney before he became the owner of two CFL teams – the Ottawa Rough Riders and the Montreal Alouettes.

1900: Birthdate of Chiune Sugihara “ a Japanese diplomat who served as Vice-Consul for the Empire of Japan in Lithuania who risked  his career and life by issuing travel documents to thousands of Jews so that they could escape the Nazis by appearing to be traveling to Japan.

1901: As of today, the city of Warsaw “had a population of 711,988 inhabitants” of whom 400,395 were Poles, 36,659 were Russians and 254,712 were Jews meaning that the Jews were 36 per cent of the city’s population and that it has the largest Jewish population.

1901: Birthdate of Russian born American sculptor and watercolorist Eugenie Gershoy.

1902: Birthdate of Hans von Dohnányi, the German jurist, anti-Nazi who rescued Jews including “two Jewish lawyers from Berlin, Friedrich Arnold and Julius Fliess.”

1902(22ndof Tevet, 5662): Solomon Lyons, the 6th son of Rose and Henry Lyons of Birmingham, UK “accidently drowned in Jersey” today.

1903: Herzl begins a trip to Elach, Austria, his home town.

1903: In Gorbals, a section of Glasgow, Morris Galpern, a cabinetmaker, and Anna Talisman gave birth to Labour MP and Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Myer Galpern who was knighted in 1960.

1904: Birthdate Louis Kerzner, who gained fame Louis Cohen a New York mobster who murdered labor racketeer "Kid Dropper" Nathan Kaplan and was an associate of labor racketeer Louis "Lepke" Buchalter.

1906: In Mabgate, Leeds Abram Rozenkopf and Chaja Nagacz who “came from adjacent villages in Poland and were married in Leeds in 1905 where they anglicized their name gave birth to Louis Rosenhead the British mathematician who served as a “Head of Department at Liverpool University from 1933 to 1973.”

1906: The Educational Alliance which has depleted its treasury because of the demands made to aid the Jews suffering massive anti-Semitic violence in Russia hopes to be able to stop borrowing from the members of its Board of Directors as of today.

1906: During the dispute about establishing a temporary Jewish homeland in a place other than Palestine, Winston Churchill wrote to his constituent Dr. Joseph Dulberg, leader of the Manchester Jewish community, describing the difficulties in establishing “a self-governing Jewish colony in British East Africa” not the least of which was the division between the Territorialists and the “Palestine or bust” faction.

1907: Herman “Kid” Landfield was knocked in the 8th round today while fighting the world lightweight champ – a defeat that led to his retirement later in the year.

1908: In New York City, Meyer Barnett, the “son of Harris and Gittel Baran” and his wife Sarah Barnett gave birth to Lillian Nell Barnett, who became Lillian Nell Berg after she had married Ralph Emanuel Berg.

1909(8thof Tevet, 5669): Louis A. Heinsheimer passed away. Born in 1859, he was a partner in the investment banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. from 1894 to 1909. Heinsheimer was the nephew of one of the Firm's founders, Solomon Loeb. Heinsheimer's estate in Far Rockaway, New York, was called Breezy Point (not to be confused with the Breezy Point neighborhood on the western tip of the Rockaway Peninsula) and stood until 1987. Heinsheimer's mansion was owned and used for several years by the Maimonides Institute for Exceptional Children until it burned down. The mansion site is now a part of Bayswater Point State Park.

1909: Birthdate of Barry Goldwater, Republican Senator from Arizona and godfather to what has become the dominate right wing of the Republican Party.  Goldwater was not Jewish.  His father was Jewish but he raised his son as an Episcopalian for the obvious advantages it brought to him.  However, some of Goldwater’s critics did not let him forget his Jewish origins.  When he ran for President, his running-mate was William Miller, a Catholic member of the House of Representatives.  Bigots referred to the ticket as the Arizona Israelite and his fellow-traveler from the Vatican.

1909: As of today, agents of the Baron Hirsch Fund have purchased several hundred acres of farm land four miles west of Millville, New Jersey for the purpose of establishing a colony.  Forty families are ready to move into the houses once they are built.  Each family will receive 25 acres of cleared ground to work.

1910: The first issue of Das Yiddishe Levben,and “English and Yiddish monthly” which was an “organ of the United Hebrew Charities was published today.

1910: Isabel Hyams, an 1888 MIT graduate and a trustee of the Boston Consumptive Hospital, began an experimental “Penny Lunch” program in a Boston elementary school.

1911: On New Year’s Day, in New York City, an Austrian immigrant who “worked designing women’s clothing in the garment industry on the Lower East Side” and his wife gave birth to Joe “Shikey” Gotthoffer the James Monroe High School basketball player who went on to a successfully career with the Philadelphia SPHAS, followed by WW II stint working as “a supervisor at Wright Aeronautics in New York where her built engines for B-21s.”  (As reported by Douglas Stark)

1911(1stof Tevet, 5671): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1911: In Łódź, Poland, Slanislava (Vinaver) and Adam Totenberg gave birth to Roman Totenberg, the child prodigy violinist who is the father of NPR correspondent Nina Totenberg, Judge Amy Totenberg and business woman Jill Totenberg.

1911: The Sunday Magazine Section of the New York Times described the debate between Dr. Solomon Schechter of the Jewish Theological Seminary and Dr. G. Margoliouth of the British Museum over the interpretation of a document entitled “A Document on the Sectaries” which had been found in the Cairo Genizah.

1911: Birthdate of Hammering Hank Greenberg Hall-of-Fame first baseman for the Detroit Tigers.

1912: As of today, “according to official statistics” there 11,817,783 Jews in the world of which 1,894,400 live in America while only 53,000 Jews live in Jerusalem.

1912: As of today there were 94 people residing at the Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged.

1913: A commercial treaty between the United States and Russian which had been “denounced by Congress…became inoperative” today “because it was interpreted by Russia as permitting the exclusion of American Jews from her dominions.”

1913: Birthdate of ABA Bantamweight and ABA Lightweight Champion Harry Mizler who represented Great Britain in the 1932 Olympics and was the younger brother of boxer Moe Mizler.

1913: A treaty of commerce and navigation and commerce between the United States and Russia “became inoperative” today “because it was interpreted by Russia as permitting the exclusion of American Jews from her dominions.

1913: American journalist James Creelman, who “had toured Russia investigating the persecution of the Jews” resigned today from the New York Civil Service Commission.

1914: In an attempt to obliterate loan sharking and enable American wage earners to borrow money easily, cheaply, and under self-respecting conditions, Julius Rosenwald of Chicago, announced plans to create “industrial loan banks that could make small loans at a low rate of interest - loans so trifling in character that the ordinary bank would not consider them - to workingmen whose means are too insignificant to give them any standing with banks.  These industrial loan banks “shall require no collateral but simply an endorsement from some fellow wage-earner.”  Loans will be made only after the bank has ascertained that the money is to be used for legal activities.  By making these loans, Rosenwald and his supporters plan to teach the working class the proper use of credit while keeping them out of the clutches of loan sharks and predatory lenders.  “The inspiration for the idea came from one of Mr. Rosenwald’s eminent European co-religionist, Signor Jusotti, the Italian Minister of Finance, who is the founder of a system of banks in Italy which lend sums as low as $10 to workingmen, small tradesmen, farmers and other who have no credit at the banks.”

1914: The sons of Leopold Ullstein purchased the Vossische Zeitug, “a liberal newspaper with a tradition dating back to the 1617.”

1915: “Before the Law”, “a parable contained in The Trial by Franz Kafa was published for the first time in the New Year’s Edition of the independent Jewish weekly Selbstwehr./

1915: Leo M. Frank wrote to the editor of the New York Times from his prison cell, “In assuring you of my deep appreciation of the stand you have taken in my case, for the cause of justice, may I not extend to yo my heartiest good wishes for a Happy New Year/”

1915: “Texans Make Plea For Leo M. Frank” published today described a petition signed by over three hundred “Gentile citizens:” from Waco, TX sent to the Governor of Georgia listing the reasons why he should stay the execution of Leo Frank and free him if the evidence warrants such a conclusion.

1915: Charles Whitman, who after being elected promised to appoint at least one Jew to each of New York’s hospital boards began serving as the state’s 41stgovernor.

1915: Jews of Laibach Austria were expelled.

1915: Nathan D. Perlman began serving as a member of the New York State Assembly form the 6th district from New York County.

1915: Today, in St. Louis, MO, Dr. Kaplan Kaplansky of The Hague, the General Secretary of the Jewish National Fund said today that “one third of Palestine could now be bought for restoration as the home of the Jewish people if the funds were available.”

1916: It was reported today that “every steamer from Japan brings a considerable number” Russian Jews to Seattle “who have fled across Siberia” and whom the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Society of America will urge “to remain on the Pacific Coast.

1916: It was reported today that the Jews of Rochester, NY expect to raise $25,000 for the American Jewish Relief Committee that is collecting funds to aid the Jews suffering in war torn Europe and Palestine.

1916: As of today the Hebrew Free Burial Association had a balance of $457 in the treasury and “had liabilities on cemetery lots amounting to $9,500.”

1916: The Knights of Zion are meeting for the second day of their 19thannual convention in Chicago.

1916:Dr. Max Goldfarb, the Secretary of the National Workmen’s Committee for Jewish Rights announced today that three Socialists including Morris Hillquilt “will request that President Wilson take steps to insure the political freedom of the Jews in Europe after the war.”

1917: Simon Bamberger became Utah’s fourth elected Governor making him the first non-Mormon to hold the office.

1917: The Temple, a monthly publication which was the “organ of Congregation B’nai B’rith” was established today in Denver, CO.

1917: As of today the Independent Western Star Order which was founded in 1894 and has its offices in Chicago, Illinois had 17,924 members.

1918: In Columbus, OH, Dr. Morris B. Lhevine and Sarah Piatagorski Lhevine, gave birth to Marie Lhevine, the Columbia University trained attorney who became Marie Lhevine Aries after she married Dr. Leon J. Airies, the Chicago surgeon with whom she raised “three daughters – Jane, Elizabeth and Nancy.”

1918: During an afternoon session of a Zionist convention that drew delegates from Ten Mid-West States at the Hotel LaSalle, “more than $60,000 was pledged” to “be used for the reclamation of Palestine.”

1919: Prince Faisal “submitted a formal memorandum to the Supreme Council of the Peace Conference outlining his vision for Arab nationalism throughout the Middle East. It was not monolithic or pan-Arab. It sought only one territory: Syria.”

1919: Today marks the “official birthdate of Homl, Belarus native Marek Edelman the cardiologist and husband of “Alina Marogolis-Edelman” with whom he raised two children, “Aleksander and Anna” who is best known as the “last surviving leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

1919: (29th of Tevet, 5679): Sixty-nine year old David Lubin, the Polish born American “merchant and agriculturalist” who played a pivotal role “in founding the International Institute of Agriculture” passed away today.

1919: Birthdate of J.D. Salinger who is as famous for being a recluse as he is for being the author of Catcher in the Rye.  “Salinger was born in 1919 in New York City.  His mother was Irish Catholic and his father was Jewish. And because many people in the early half of the 20th century were often openly racist toward Jews, being half-Jewish was hard on Salinger’s psyche.

What also hurt Salinger’s relationship with his father was the fact that he wanted him to take over the family meat business.  Salinger was initially unopposed to the proposition.  However, after taking a trip to his father’s native land of Poland and seeing the slaughter houses, Salinger lost respect for his father and his profession.  Salinger then became a devout vegetarian. What probably had the strongest effect on the mental makeup of Salinger was his experience in World War II.  Salinger was in one of the most dangerous regiments of the entire war, as he saw as many as 200 of his fellow soldiers die in a day.  Plus, he is also believed to be one of the first soldiers to see the Nazi concentration camps.  This probably greatly affected him because of his Jewish ancestry.” Salinger, who passed away in 2010, became a Buddhist who only would eat organic foods.

1920(10thof Tevet, 5680): Asara B’Tevet

1920: Arnold "Arnie" Horween kicked the PAT that provided the margin of victory as Harvard won the Rose Bowl.

1920: Fiorello La Guardia whose father was a Catholic from Italy and whose mother was Jew from Trieste, and was fluent in Yiddish, began his service as the 10th President of the New York City Board of Alderman

1921: Featherweight Danny Frush scored a victory when he fought his 40thbout today.

1921: Jacob A. Dolgenas began serving as the Rabbi at Congregation Gates of Prayer in Brooklyn.

1922(1st of Tevet, 5682): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1923: Birthdate of Daniel Gorenstein, American mathematician.

1925: Greece mandates a national day of rest, in disregard to any religion. Thus the Jews are forced to work on the Sabbath, and those who did not, lost profits.  The Jews saw this as a move on the government's part to get rid of them.

1925: Albert Ottinger began serving as New York State Attorney General.

1926: Lazar Kaganovich completed his first term as a member of the Orgburo (The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union)

1927: Birthdate of Canadian political leader Shelia Finestone.

1927: Middleweight Seymour ‘Cy” Schindel won his bought today leaving him with a record of 10 wins and 2 losses.

1928: Sixty five year old theatrical dancer Loie Fuller whose rumored engagement to Jacob Cantor helped lead to his defeat when he ran for a seat in Congress representing New York’s 15th district, passed away today.

1929: “Queen Kelly” a silent film directed and produced by Erich von Stroheim was released in the United States today

1929: Republican Albert Ottinger completed his service as New York State Attorney General.

1929: The Labor Party has been defeated in the elections for the Municipal Council of Tel Aviv.  Labor had controlled the council for the past three years but had only won five of the fifteen seats on the council in this year’s election.  It would appear that the United Centre Party has captured a majority of the seats which means that Meir Dizengoff will return as Mayor of the Jewish metropolis since the council elects the mayor.  Dizengoof had resigned three years ago in a dispute with the Laborites.

1930(1st of Tevet, 5690): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1930(1stof Tevet, 5690): Victor (Avigdor) Schonfeld, the native of Sutto, Hungary who arrived in Britain in 1909 “as Rabbi and Librarian of the North London Beth Hamedrash” and who founded the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations in 1926 by which time he become active in the Mizrachi movement passed away today.

1931: In an interview published in today’s edition of the Santa Fe New Mexican, newly inaugurated Governor Arthur Governor expressed the regret that his parents Don and Dona Seligman, whom “the older generations of Spanish-Americans” spoke of “with a friendliness and sincerity that that borders on reverence” “could not have lived to have witnessed” his inauguration “and to have shared with me the happiness that I enjoy.”

1931: The undefeated Alabama Crimson Tide led by All-American Tackle Fred Sington, a member of ZBT, won the 17th Rose Bowl today

1932: The Green Wave of Tulane led by Louis “Lou” Boasberg who played both tackle and end and later founded the New Orleans Novelty Company, played USC in the Rose Bowl today.

1933: A pastoral letter of Austrian Bishop Gfollner of Linz states that it is the duty of all Catholics to adopt a "moral form of anti-Semitism."

1934: In New York City, Henry G. Schanko “took office as a Justice of the City Court” today.

1934: The Nazis remove Jewish holidays from the official German calendar.

1934: Birthdate of Chicago native Alan Harrison Berg, the Denver radio talk show host who was gunned by members of “The Order,” a white supremacist group.

1934: German laws allowing sterilization of the "unfit," which were passed in July 1933, are promulgated.

1934: In a move that will upset the balance of power in Europe and therefore threaten the well-being of the Jewish people, Hitler orders the German government to undertake a building program that will produce 4000 aircraft by October 1935. (As reported by the Jewish Virtual Library)

1934: Fiorello La Guardia whose father was a Catholic from Italy and whose mother was Jew from Trieste, and was fluent in Yiddish, began his service as the 99th Mayor of New York City.

1934: In Miami, lineman Henry Weinberg helped lead Duquesne to 33 – 7 victory over the University of Miami in the Palm Classic which a year later became known as the Orange Bowl.

1935: “Israel Amicam, former official of the Posts and Telegraph Department of the Palestine government, who waged a determined war with the government to force transmission of telegrams in Hebrew characters, today sent the first message in Hebrew characters over Palestine’s telegraph wires.”  (JTA)

1936: Section 3 of the Nuremberg Laws – “Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens under the age of 45, of German or kindred blood, as domestic workers” – went into effect.

1936: Sioux City, Iowa, native Herb Baumstein quarterback the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) today in the second annual Orange Bowl.

1936: Birthdate of Actress Zelda Rubinstein.

1936: In a New Year’s message made today by the United Palestine Appeal, “Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine declared that there was room in Palestine for Jews and Arabs and both peoples could live in harmony.”

1937: One day after its premiere in New York City, “One in a Million” with an all-star cast including the Ritz Brothers and Borrah Minevitch was released in the rest of the United States today.

1937: The New York Times describes the very successful performance in Tel Aviv of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Arturo Toscanini.  The site of an Italian maestro conducting a Jewish orchestra in front of a predominately Jewish orchestra is proof to the Times of “how completely forgiven and forgotten is the serious misunderstanding between the two peoples that arose under Titus and Hadrian a couple of thousand years ago.”

1937: Marcel “Bloch's aircraft factories were nationalized by the Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques de Sud-Ouest (S.N.C.A.S.O.), one of six state-controlled aeronautic factories,” after which he “was retained as a civil servant and invested the compensation he received for his company in a variety of North American securities which led to the founding of a new aircraft company which later produced the highly successful Bloch 152 fighter.

1937: Georg Wertheim head of Wertheim’s one the four largest department store chains in Germany writes in his diary, “The store is declared to be ‘German.’”  This marked the end to his involvement in the family business begun by his parents in 1875.  Wertheim died in 1939.

1938(28thof Tevet, 5698): Parashat Vaera

1938(28thof Tevet, 5698): Sixty year old Berlin born Rabbi Martin Zielonka, the husband of Dora Schatzkey Zielonka and father of Arthur Zielonka passed after which he was buried in the Temple Mount Sinai Cemetery in El Paso, TX.

1938: During January, the concentration camp at Dachau, Germany, is enlarged.

1938: The Namensänderungsverordnung went into effect today forcing 87 year old German mathematician Alfred Pringsheim to legally change his name to Alfred Israel Pringsheim

1938: During January, a collaborationist organization, National-Socialistische Vrouwen

Organisatie (National Socialist Women's Organization), is established in Holland.

1939: The Palestine Post expressed world-wide Jewish disgust for Sir Horace Rumbold after he had publicly referred to the Jews of Palestine as an “alien race.”

1939: It was reported today that “Doubleday, Doran and Company have signed a contract with Peter Mendelsohn” “a descendant of the composer” Felix Mendelsohn “for a novel dealing with the plight of exiled Austrian Jews which would be fitting follow up to “his latest novel, All That Matters” which was based on “his experiences in a German Concentration Camp.”

1939: “Simon and Schuster have signed a contract with Dr. Abraham Flexner” the “director of the Institute for Advanced Learning at Princeton University” “for the publication of his memoirs.

1939: “By today, in Cologne, all the Jews were excluded from the economic life and constrained to forced labor.”

1939: As of today, the licenses of the Jewish cattle traders in Laupheim, Germany were revoked.

1939: In an infamous prophecy delivered in a speech to the Reichstag, Hitler threatened that if “international Jewry” started “another” world war, such a war would not end in the extermination of the Aryan race but rather in the extermination of the “Jewish race.”

1939: In Germany, The Decree for the Elimination of Jews from German Economic Life took effect.  This was part of what was known as the compulsory Aryanization process in which all Jewish retail businesses were to be eliminated.  All stock was forbidden to be traded on the free market, but it had to be "sold" to a German competitor or association.  This edict was signed just a month earlier by the Economic and the Justice ministries.

1939: By the end of January "Illegal immigration" from Germany to Palestine has begun.  27,000 Jews will illegally immigrate by the end of 1940.

1939: As decreed on August 17, 1938, Jewish men in Germany must adopt the middle name of "Israel"; Jewish women must take the middle name "Sara."

1939: Jews are eliminated from the German economy; their capital is seized, though some Jews continue to work under Germans.

1939: At the Buchenwald, Germany, concentration camp, Deputy Commandant Arthur Rödl orders several thousand inmates to assemble for inspection shortly before midnight. He selects five men and has them whipped to the melody played by the inmate orchestra.  The whipping continues all night.

1940(20th of Tevet, 5700): Hugo Herrmann a Zionist author and publisher, one of the founders of the Jewish student organization Bar Kochba in Prague who worked for the Keren Hayesod and settled in Jerusalem in 1934 where he published descriptions of his extensive travels in Palestine passed away today.

1940: The Nazis shot Dr. Cooperman in Warsaw for being out after eight o'clock.

1940: Nazis prohibited Jews from gathering in shuls or private homes for prayer.

1940: Gustav Schröder, the captain of the MS St. Louis on its ill-fated journey in 1939 and whom Yad VAshem “honored with with the title of ‘Righteous Among the nations “slipped past allied patrols and reached Hamburg today” marking his final voyage during the Third Reich.

1941(2ndof Tevet, 5701): 8th and final day of Chanukah

1941: In the Bronx, “Lester Bluestein, an embroiderer” and “the former Beatrice Wargon” gave birth to Maurice Bluestein the mechanical engineer who perfected the weather measure known as “the wind chill factor.”

1941: In La Plata, Argentina, Catalina and Simon Portugheis gave birth to pianist Alberto Portugheis.

1942: U.S premiere of “The Man Who Came to Dinner” the film version of the play of the same name by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman with a script by Julius and Philip G. Epstein produced by Jerry Wald.

1942: In the U.S., the Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC) is established to investigate and arrest suspected Nazi war criminals.

1942: Fifty-nine year old Max Kohn who had been transported from Prague to Terezin was transported to Riga today where he was murdered.

1942: Birthdate of Democratic politician Martin Frost who represented the 24thCongressional District in Texas from 1979 until 2004.

1943: Republican Nathanial L. Goldstein began serving the first of three terms as New York State Attorney General.

1943: In Greensboro, NC,Ruth (née Caplan) and Raymond G. Perelman “who controlled the American Paper Products Corporation gave birth to American investor and businessman Ronald Perelman.

1943 (24th of Tevet, 5703): Arthur Ruppin passed away today in Jerusalem at the age of 67.  “Born in Germany, Mr. Ruppin came to Palestine in 1908 to direct the first Palestine office of World Zionist Organization in Jaffa.  He was one of the founders of Tel Aviv.”  Dr. Ruppin was considered an authority on all facets of the economic situation in Palestine and was a strong fighter against those who claimed that limits must be placed on Jewish immigration because the country could not sustain anything more than a marginal growth in population.

1944: Operation Halyard, one of the largest Allied airlift operation behind enemy lines of World War II in which Yugoslav Partisans (a multi-ethnic resistance force that included Bosnian Muslims and Jews) played a key role, began today.

1946: In Tel Aviv, police found a large arms cache today that contained a both heavy and light automatic weapons, various chemicals of the type used for detonating explosives and a number of military uniforms.

1947: A British Military Court sentenced Dov Bela Gruner to be hanged for his part in the attack on the police station at Ramt Gan.  Gruner, a 33 year old veteran of the British Army, is a member of the Irgun and claimed that he should have been treated as a prisoner of war and not a criminal.

1948: After the “Pan York” and the “Pan Crescent”, two ships each carrying “7,500 people from Romania, Bulgaria and Transylvania” arrived in Cyprus having been forced to go there by British ships trying to keep Jews from Palestine, crew member Gedda Schochat, Dave Lowenthal, Teddy Vardi and Avi Livney were taken thrown into “a jail cell of the Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry” where, based on their appearance the following day, they were beaten. (As reported by Avi Livney)

1948: Thousands of “illegal” Jewish refugees who had been trying to reach Palestine disembarked in Cyprus where the British interned them in DP camps.

1949(30thof Kislev, 5709): Parashat Miketz; Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Sixth Day of Chanukah

1949: As promised by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, Israeli troops began withdrawing from the Sinai Peninsula.

1949: Today, Joseph Klein began serving as the Rabbi at Temple Emanuel Sinai in Worcester, Mass – a position he would fill for so long that he became the congregation’s longest serving Rabbi.

1950: In Guyana, Janet Rosenberg Jagan and her husband formed the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) which she served as General Secretary until 1970.

1951: Birthdate of Portsmouth, VA native and MIT grad Radia Joy Perlman who “s most famous for her invention of the spanning-tree protocol (STP), which is fundamental to the operation of network bridges…”

1952(3rd of Tevet, 5712): Either late last night or early this morning Leah Feistinger was raped and murdered. “The Mixed Armistice Commission (MAC) investigating officer, Major Loreaux, reported that the body of the girl, Leah Feistinger, had been found hidden in a cave about a mile from the Jordan border, the girl had been raped and murdered her face had been mutilated. While it was believed by Israeli police that this atrocity had been committed by Jordanians, they did not find evidence of an infiltration. The case had not been discussed by the Commission. Major Loreaux expressed the opinion that the Israeli police would have a better chance of finding the killer than the Arabs would.”

1952: In Jerusalem, “shooting attack by terrorists during a home invasion.”

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel continued to protest against the increased British, French and US arms sales to the belligerent Arab states, at least until they agreed to negotiate peace.  While Britain, threatened by the Egyptian guerrilla war against its forces stationed at Suez, had temporarily suspended her arms shipments there, France and the US had no such problem and continued to arm Israel¹s neighbors without any restrictions.1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the government presented the oil-importing companies with IL 3,800,000 financial guarantees, covered by funds earmarked under the German Reparations Agreement for this purpose.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the number of unemployed in 1952 was 16,500.  This number, however, did not include Israeli Arabs, residents of immigrant transit camps, and others who had not registered with the Labor Exchange for employment.

1955: After having served in the Army during the Korean war and spending “two frustrating semesters at the Philadelphia Museum School of Art” and less than successful stint in Chicago, today, Dave Heath moved to Chicago where gained fame as an award winning photographer.

1955: Republican Nathaniel L. Goldstein completed his third and final term as New York State Attorney General.

1955: Arthur Leavitt, Sr begins serving as New York State Comptroller, a position he will hold for a record 24 years.

1955: Jacob K. Javits begins serving as the 58th New York State Attorney General.

1956: In an open-the-flap book titled See the Circus published today H. A. Rey illustrated a man who looks very much like the Man with the Yellow Hat wearing a blue and white polka-dotted kerchief. The caption for the page reads, "Ted has a tricycle, so very small, He cannot ride it, because he's so tall. If you want to find out WHO the rider will be, just open the flap, and then you will see." Opening the flap reveals two monkeys riding a tricycle.”

1957: Today, British Reform Rabbi Hugo Gabriel Gryn married Jacqueline Selby with whom he had four children – Gaby, Naomi, Rachelle and David.

1957: Arthur E. Manheimer, the Harvard educated attorney and WW I veteran who was the husband of Ruth Manheimer and father of William and Kent Manheimer retired today from the presidency of the Hampden Watch Company which he had founded in 1940.

1957: Louis Lefkowitz began serving as Attorney General of the State of New York.

1958(9thof Tevet, 5718): Joseph Porton, the native of Neshvis, Lithuania, who established a printing business in Leeds, England and wrote  Bible Stories and Jewish Ideals andThoughts and Ideas passed away today.

1959: As the Castro forces took over Cuba, casinos owned by Meyer Lansky were looted.

1959: Caroline Klein Simon was sworn in as New York's Secretary of State as part of the administration of newly elected Governor Nelson Rockefeller.

1960(1st of Tevet, 5720): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; the first day of the year coincides with the first day of the month and, in the evening, the kindling of the candles for the 8th day of Chanukah

1960(1st of Tevet, 5720): Seventy-seven year old University of Pennsylvania graduate Sydney Davis, the chemist turned real estate broker and “president of the Brotherhood of Temple B’nai Jershurun of Newark who was the husband of Saide Davis with whom he had one daughter passed away today.

1961: Sid Gillman’s Los Angeles Chargers came out on the short of the score of the first American Football League Championship Game.

1963(5th of Tevet, 5723) A fire broke out at the Telshe Yeshiva claiming the lives of two students.

1963: Al Davis met with the owners of the Oakland Raiders and negotiated a deal that made him coach and general manager.

1965: Palestinian al-Fatah terrorist organization forms.

1966: Simon & Garfunkel's "Sounds of Silence" reaches #1.

1966: “Dr. Manfred George 72, Dies” published today

1967: A month-long exhibition of the paintings of Isser Arnovici, opened at the Elizabeth Street Gallery.

1968(30thof Kislev, 5728): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; 6th day of Chanukah

1968(30thof Kislev, 5728): Seventy-nine year old Philadelphia restaurateur Samuel Feld, the husband of “the former Edna Rosenfeld” with whom he raised three children including the actor Norman Fell passed away today afer which he was buried at the Montefiore Cemetery. 

1968: During a reception today, “President de Gaulle…assured the Grand Rabbi of France that it was from his intention to insult the Jews when he call them an ‘elite people, sure of itself and domineering.’”

1968: Louis Begley named partner in the law firm now known as Debevoise & Plimpton. Begley would eventually leave the law and become a successful, award winning author.

1968(30thof Kislev, 5768): Rosh Chodesh Tevet and 6th day of Chanukah

1968(30thof Kislev, 5768): Ruth L. Sherman, the daughter of Elias and Fanny Pofcher and the wife of Charles Sherman passed away today after which she was buried in West Roxbury, Mass.

1969: Isidore Dollinger begins serving as a justice of New York Supreme Court, from the first judicial district.

1969: M.S. Agwani’s review of Bernard Lewis’ The Assassins: A Radical Sect in Islam which “traces the history of the secret Islamic sect” was published today.

1969:  According to The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History birthdate of Sophie Okonedo, the London born actress was nominated for an Oscar as the best supporting actress for her role in Hotel Rwanda.

1970: In Jerusalem, five people were injured by a terrorist grenade

1970: BBC began broadcasting “The Six Wives of Henry VIII” featuring Wolfe Morris of “Thomas Cromwell” one of the villains in the series.

1970: In Hebron, two Arabs were “killed by a grenade thrown at an Israeli army vehicle.

1971: U.S. premiere of “Something Big” with music by Marvin Hamlisch and a title song by Burt Bacharach.

1972: After 1,281 performances at the Shubert Theatre, the curtain comes down on the original Broadway production of “Promises, Promises” a musical with a score by Burt Bacharach, lyrics by Hal David and a book by Neil Simon.

1973(27thof Tevet, 5733): Lou Halper, the New Jersey Welterweight Champion of 1932 and member of the New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame who was President of Halper Brothers Paper Company passed away today

1973: Birthdate of Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times executive David Leonhardt.

1974:“The Way We Were,” “the fifteenth studio album recorded by American vocalist Barbra Streisand. Iwas released today by Columbia Records

1975: Chuck Schumer began serving as a “member of the New York State Assembly from the 45th District” today.

1975(18thof Tevet, 5735): Seventy-one year old Victor Alphonse Sachse, Jr., the LSU trained attorney and husband of Janice Rubenstein Sachse who was the father attorney and Korean War Veteran Victor Alphonse Sachse III, passed away today and was buried at the Jewish Cemetery in Baton Rouge, LA.

1977: Following the death of his first wife “Sara Zwilling” in 1975, movie maker Boris Sagal married his second wife, “Marge Champion” today.

1977: Jerry Nadler began serving as a member of the New York State Assembly from the 69th district.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Egyptian negotiators in Cairo demanded that Israel liquidate her settlements on the West Bank and in Gaza as a pre-condition for the Palestine Arabs¹ self-determination.  Israel suggested that under the proposed peace plan, the prospective Sinai settlers would pay taxes to Egypt.

1978: Ed Koch begins serving as the 105th mayor of New York City.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that US President Jimmy Carter, who concluded his talks with the Shah of Iran and King Hussein of Jordan, was expected to arrive in Cairo for talks with President Anwar Sadat and a possible active participation in Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Israeli population toward the end of 1977 stood at 3,650,000 ­ 3,076,000 Jews and 574,000 non-Jews.

1979: Robert Abrams began serving as Attorney General of New York State.

1979: “A car bomb was found opposite Cafe Atara on the pedestrian mall and was neutralized about half an hour before it was to have blown up.”

1980(12thof Tevet, 5740): Eighty-two year old London born American Oscar winning composer Adolph Deutsch passed away today.

1980: After 32 years, German born American aviation engineer who played a major role in the aerospace manufacturing industry retired from General Electric where he had helped to develop among other things, the fanjets that power a significant number of all civilian and military aircraft.

1983: Moshe Levy was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General and appointed IDF Chief of General Staff.

1984: The funeral for Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer, author of What Is a Jew? is scheduled to be held in Toronto today.

1985: Carolyn Leigh was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame today.

1985: Louis Silverstein, the longtime Art Director of The New York Times, retired today.

1986(20thof Tevet, 5746): Ninety-six year old basketball player and coach Max “Marty” Friedman passed away today.

1986: Jerry Abramson began serving as the 47th mayor of Louisville, KY.

1987(30th of Kislev, 5747): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1988(11th of Tevet, 5748): Seventy-nine year old German born American “character actor” whose “Jewish descent” made him a target for the Nazis during the Holocaust passed away today

1989: As new measures, imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration in response to the bombing of a Pan Am jumbo jet over Scotland on December 21 take effect, Senator John D. Rockefeller 4th, a West Virginia Democrat who was en route from Israel to the United States and was transferring to a Pan Am flight in Paris, said the security was tighter than usual, but not as heavy as that which he had experienced at Ben-Gurion Airport outside Tel Aviv. ''They opened everything, and that's excellent,'' he said of his early-morning departure. Security officers gave every passenger ''a very diplomatic, but careful grilling,'' asking questions like: Do you have anything new? Are you carrying anything for anyone? One security officer, he said, told him bluntly: ''Get nothing between here and the airplane. Go straight to the plane.''

1989: Stephen Engelberg and Michael Gordon of The New York Times are the first to report in detail about West German participation in the design and construction of the vast chemical plant designed to produce poison gas at Rabta in Libya along with facts about French aid in refueling bombers that would make possible the quick delivery of poison-gas bombs to Tel Aviv residents who are descendants of those forced to breathe Cyclon-B at Auschwitz.

1990: Elizabeth Holtzman became the 40th Comptroller of New York City.

1990: Stephen Breyer began servicing as Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

1991: Bruce Sundlun began serving as the 21st governor of Rhode and the second Jew to hold this position.

1992: In “Frank Binswanger - Philadelphia's Golem - Remembered Fondly He Was Constantly Exhorting Philadelphians To Join His Pursuit Of Impossible Dreams” published today Dan Rottenberg provides a personal picture of this descendant of Rabbi Judah, the 16th century creator of the Golem.

1992: A suspicious fire broke out in the basement of a synagogue in Brooklyn, severely damaging the building and forcing the removal of several torahs. . Flames rushed through the basement of Congregation Hisachbis Yirieim at 902 Avenue L, near East Ninth Street, at 4:02 P.M.  It was under control at 4:47 P.M., Fire Marshal Glynn said. Fire department officials said that the fire “is being considered as suspicious” in origin.

1994: Abraham M. Lackman is scheduled to begin serving as budget director under new mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani

1994: Alan Hevesi began serving as the 41st Comptroller of New York City

1994: Gabriel Oliver Koppell began serving as the 61st New York State Attorney General.

1995(29th of Tevet, 5755): Eugene Wigner, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1963 passed away.

1995: The full text of report compiled by the Agranat Commission, except for 48 pages, was made public today.

1995: “The final phase of the Free Trade Agreement was fully implemented today when Israel and the United States completely eliminated all duties and tariffs on manufactured goods.”

1995: Norman Pearlstein began serving as editor in chief of Time Inc.

1997: “No Names on the Doors,” the third in Nadav “Levitan’s trilogy about Kibbutzim” was released in Israel today.

1997: Eighty-eight year old James Bennett Pritchard, the University of Pennsylvania archaeologist whose work included six expeditions that unearthed and examined the remains of the Biblical city of Gibeon passed away today.

1998: Share prices on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange closed higher today, on optimism that the Government would pass its 1998 budget and that there would be a cut in interest rates as early as February.

1998: Jack Weinstein, the future Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration, was promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel today.

1999: After 13 years, Jerry Abramson completed his final term as mayor of Louisville, KY.

1999: The Times of London features a review of Athens In Jerusalem: Classical antiquity and Hellenism in the making of the modern secular Jew by Yaacov Shavi; translated from the Hebrew by Chaya Naor and Niki Werner.

1999: Eliot Spitzer became the 63rd New York Attorney General.

1999: Eric Schneiderman began serving a member of the New York Senate from the 30thdistrict.

2000: David Hurlbut moved into the Harmony Club in Selma, Alabama. It had originally been built as a social club by a group of prominent Jewish businessmen in 1909.

2000: Barbra Streisand completed a two night concert series at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas which generate more than $18 million in revenue.

2000(23rd of Tevet, 5760): Jeshajahu Weinberg, the first director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum here and one of the principal forces behind its creation, died today in Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv. He was 81. Mr. Weinberg served as the museum's director from its beginning in 1989 until 1995, as it became one of Washington's leading tourist attractions. He also helped create museums in Israel and Europe. Walter Reich, who succeeded Mr. Weinberg as director of the Washington museum, said today that Mr. Weinberg's interests in it went from inducing a British television documentary maker to design the exhibitions to worrying about the impact that a museum depicting the Nazi horrors might have on children who visit it and curators who work there. Mr. Weinberg, whose first name was pronounced yuh-shah-YAH-who but who was known as Shaike (pronounced SHY-kuh), was born in Warsaw and educated in Germany until his family fled to Palestine in the 1930's with the rise of Hitler. Mr. Weinberg served from 1935 to 1948 in the Jewish underground army, the Haganah, and from 1942 to 1946 in the Jewish Brigade of the British Army, although the Haganah and the British Army were frequently at odds. He fought in Italy while in the British Army and became a sergeant. Martin Smith, the documentary filmmaker who designed the exhibitions, said from his home in Bristol, England, that Albert Abramson, one of the museum's founders, had suggested to Mr. Weinberg that Mr. Smith would make the ideal designer of the museum. ''I wasn't Jewish, I wasn't museum inclined, and I wasn't American,'' Mr. Smith said, but Mr. Weinberg was persuasive. ''He encouraged me to look at how the techniques of documentary filmmaking could be used in a museum setting,'' Mr. Smith said. The museum's architect, James I. Freed, also described how Mr. Weinberg had driven the design and construction of the museum. After a section had been built, Mr. Freed said, ''Shaike was insistent -- he wanted a railroad freight car to be included. We had to change the building to accommodate it. He never accepted 'no.''' Mr. Freed added that Mr. Weinberg worked to bring together competing constituencies that wanted to make sure their groups' sufferings were not ignored. The groups included European Jews, Gypsies and other ethnic groups as well as members of dissenting religions and political parties, homosexuals and the physically and mentally handicapped. Mr. Weinberg was also an official of the Israeli government and director of the Cameri Theater in Tel Aviv. He helped create the Beth Hatefutsoth Museum of the Jewish Diaspora in Tel Aviv, where he served as director, and the Museum of the History of the City of Jerusalem. At his death, even while slowed by vascular illness, Mr. Weinberg was working on the design of Jewish museums in Warsaw and Berlin. (As reported by Irvin Molotsky)

2001: A car bomb rocked the commercial heart of the Israeli coastal city of Netanya today wounding more than 30 people, at least one seriously.

2001: Yasir Arafat left Gaza shortly after midnight today for a hastily arranged meeting with President Clinton to discuss the Palestinian leader's reservations about an American blueprint for a final peace deal.

2001: Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu belatedly endorsed Ariel Sharon in his bid to become Prime Minister. 

2002: Michael Bloomberg became the 108th Mayor of New York City.

2002: Gabriel Oliver Koppell began serving as a member of the New York City Council from the 11th District.

2002: Michael Applebaum began serving as Borough mayor for Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and Montreal City Councilor

2002(17thof Tevet, 5762): Fifty seven film producer Julia Phillips passed away. (As reported by Bernard Weinraub)

2002: Gabriel Oliver Koppell began serving as member of the New York City Council from the 11th District.

2003: Het Parool “an Amsterdam based daily newspaper” that got its start “as a resistance paper during the German occupation” took a financial bailout today to save it from the consequences of failing circulation and revenue.

2003: Alan Hevesi began serving as the 53rd Comptroller of New York

2003: Eric Schneiderman began serving as a member of the New York Senate from the 31stdistrict.

2004: Louis Begley retired from Debevoise & Plimpton

2005: Jessalyn Sarah Gilsig and Bobby Salomon were married today in “a traditional Jewish wedding.

2005: Isaac Perlmutter became the CEO of Marvel Comics today.

2006: Jack Lebewohl, the new owner of the 2nd Avenue Deli which was located at its original location in the East Village, closed the famed eatery after a rent increase and a dispute over back rent that the landlord had said was due.

2006: Daniel C. Kurtzer, former U.S. ambassador to Israel and Egypt, assumes the position of S. Daniel Abraham Visiting Professor in Middle East Policy Studies at Princeton University.

2006: Eric Garcetti began serving as President of the Los Angeles City Council

2006: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Kafka: The Decisive Yearsby Reiner Stach, Savage Shorthand The Life and Death of Isaac Babel by Jerome Charyn, Siegfried Sassoon: A Life by Max Egremont and Why She Married Him  Myriam Chapman’s first novel based on her grandmother's recently discovered manuscript describing a childhood in turn-of-the-century czarist Russia, close escapes from its brutal pogroms and life as a Jewish émigré in Paris.

2006(1st of Tevet, 5766): Henry Samuel Magdoffpassed away. He was a prominent American social commentator who held several administrative positions in government during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt and later became co-editor of the Monthly Review.

2007: As a result of “the incident in which the Hanit Navy ship was struck by an Iranian missile launched by Hizbullah during the second Lebanon war” “IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Dan Halutz announced today that the two Navy officers at the rank of colonel would be reprimanded following the incident, and that the ship's commander, a lieutenant colonel, would also be punished by the Navy commander, and his next position would be at the headquarters and not a commanding position.” (As reported by Hanan Greenberg)

2007: Eliot Spitzer became the 54th governor of New York

2007: Under Commissioner David Stern, the NBA switched back to the leather ball.

2007: Jane Doe Buys a Challah and Other Short Stories, the first publication of Ang-Lit Press, a newly established English publishing house based in Tel-Aviv goes on sale in Israel.  The book is the first ever anthology of short stories by Israeli Anglo writers.

2008: Lieutenant General Moshe Levy, who had served at the 12th Chief of Staff of the IDF, suffered a massive stroke.

2008: At the Museum of Jewish Heritage closing day of an exhibition entitled The Other Promised Land: Vacationing, Identity, and the Jewish-American Dream.

2009: In a move that bodes well for Israel, The Czech Republic takes over the presidency of the European Union from France.  While France has condemned Israel’s attacks on Hamas, the Czech Foreign Minister Karel Shwarzenberg has “insisted Israel had the right to defend itself…Schwarzenberg said Hamas has excluded itself from serious political debate due to its rocket attacks on Israel” and that Hamas “has put its bases in gun warehouses in densely populated areas” which “was the reason for the Palestinians’ growing death toll.

2009: Haaretz reported that according to a story published by the Belgian daily La Derniere Heure published earlier this week Jewish-French philosopher Bernard Henri-Levy was listed by a Belgium-based Islamist group as a target for assassination alongside other leading Jewish personalities in Europe.

2009 (5 Tevet 5769):  Helen Suzman, the internationally renowned anti-apartheid campaigner who befriended the imprisoned Nelson Mandela and offered an often lonely voice for change among South Africa’s white minority, died in Johannesburg at the age of  91. (As reported by John F. Burns and Alan Cowell)

2009: “Teapacks, an Israeli band that formed in 1988 in the southern Israeli city of Sderot, officially disbanded today.

2009: After almost five years as Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Bernard A. Friedman became the Senior Judge of the same court.

2009(5th of Tevet, 5769): Polish writer Henryk Halkowski, one of Poland's most notable contemporary Jewish personalities, died suddenly today just days after celebrating his 57th birthday.  (As reported by JTA)

2010: Starting at noon, Congregation Tikvat Israel in Rockville, Md., is hosting a sale of used books about Judaism.

2010: In a case of Jew vs Jew Lionel Perez replaced Saulie Zajdel as Montreal City Councillor for Darlington.

2010:In Israel the Water Authority is supposed to be implementing a price hike. If the price increase does not go through, several water corporations - including those servicing the Galilee - will not have the funds to buy water from Mekorot, the national water company.

2010:In Jerusalem Hama'abada and The Visual Theatre present a unique collaboration: "Snow Will Fall Tonight" including the following three shows: "Pollyamoria" by Ma'ayan Moses, Pets" by Anat Arbel--tragi-comic dance theatre and "To Raise You Wild"--by Shai Persil.

2010:The Aksa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility today for firing two Grad-type rockets at the Netivot area from Gaza on last night.

2010:Two mortar shells hit open areas in southern Israel this evening.

2010: Michael Bloomberg is sworn in for this third term as Mayor of New York.

2010: Birthdate of Nathan Zachary Silber son of David and Rebecca Silber and grandson of Dr. Robert “Bob” and Laurie Silber, pillars of the Cedar Rapids Jewish community and all around great guys.

2011: András Schiff “published a letter in the Washington Post questioning whether "Hungary is ready and worthy to take on" the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, as it did that day,because of "racism, discrimination against the Roma, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, chauvinism and reactionary nationalism," and "the latest media laws"

2011: Eric Schneiderman began serving as the 65thAttorney General of New York.

2011:Frederick Lawrence, 54, is scheduled to become Brandeis University’s eighth president today succeeding President Jehuda Reinharz

2011: With snow falling and temperatures well below freezing, the Traditional Minyan at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ushered in the New Year.  In keeping with the bowl games that dominate the day, Deb Levin and Amy Barnum provided a football themed Kiddush complete with pizza, munchies and a whole lot more.

2011: Arab terrorists launched a mortar attack near Sderot this evening. One woman was treated for shock. The IDF noted that 6,500 residents live in the immediate area, which includes several kibbutzim. The IDF retaliated by bombing a terrorist base and a weapons factory in northern and central Gaza later that night.

2011:Two female soldiers managed to escape a would-be attacker tonight. The two were attacked by a Palestinian Authority man with a knife as they left their base in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem. The two reported the incident immediately, and Border Police began searching the area. They found the PA man nearby, and he admitted to having attempted to stab soldiers at the base. He was arrested and taken in for questioning.

2011:An earthquake hit northern Israel on this evening, being felt most strongly in the region of Beit Shean and Afula; residents of Tzfat reported feeling motion as well. The quake was measured at 3.6 on the Richter scale.

2011(25th of Tevet, 5771): Abdallah Simon, called one of America's "most powerful" wine executives for decades and a philanthropist, died today at the age of 88. Simon, a Baghdad native, was the developer of the Seagram's Chateau & Estate Wines Company and helped craft America's taste for fine French wines. In a 1988 article, The New York Times described Simon as a "superpower" in the world of fine French wines and said his yearly visits to Bordeaux were "probably more important than those of the president of France." Simon, who was known as "Ab" to both the American and Bordeaux wine industries, attended private school in England and American University in Beirut, but left Iraq for New York after a pro-Nazi regime came to power there in 1941. Simon's wine career began in 1952 when he tasted a 1929 Chateau Latour Bordeaux, a prominent First Growth wine, on the Queen Mary while sailing to Europe. He joined Seagram in 1974. With $2 million staked by Seagram, Simon turned the division into a leading force in the wine industry. Simon bypassed the middlemen, called negociants, and struck deals with chateau owners that allowed him to influence prices and deliver large quantities of fine wine to the U.S. market. In 1980, France made Simon a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor for service to that nation’s wine industry. Simon's philanthropy in retirement included the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Tel Aviv Foundation, which said upon his death that his "generosity and friendship will be missed but his contributions to Tel Aviv's future generations will live on for all time."

2011: As a result of the 2010 Congressional Elections, 39 Jewish members — 12 senators and 27 representatives — are expected to serve in the 112th U.S. Congress, which is set to convene in January:

2012:Simon Greer will become the president and CEO at the Nathan Cummings Foundation after serving in the same roles at Jewish Funds for Justice. He succeeds Lance Lindblom.

2012:  A memorial service was held to honor the late Yiddish singer Adrienne Cooper at Congregation Ansche Chesed while shiva was held at her daughter’s apartment in New York City.

2012: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Gossip: The Untrivial Pursuit” by Joseph Epstein and “Some of My Lives: A Scrapbook Memoir” by Rosamond Bernier whose mother was English and whose father was an American Jew.

2012(6th of Tevet, 5772):Venerated Israeli singer Yafa Yarkoni died at the age of 86 at Reut Medical Center in Tel Aviv today, after years of suffering from Alzheimer's disease. (As reported by Isabel Kershner)

2012: Israeli politicians responded to last night‘s ultra-Orthodox demonstration in Jerusalem’s Kikar Hashabbat (Sabbath Square), with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni expressing outrage over protesters use of Holocaust symbolism to protest what they termed the exclusion of Haredim.

2012:Gaza terrorists resumed 11 years of aerial attacks on Israel late this morning, firing two mortars shells on the western Negev.

2013: The works Janusz Korczak  the pediatrician who wrote under the pen name Henryk Goldszmit  and who famously went to the death camps with his orphans, would be available in the public domain as of 1 January 2013.[

2013: Paul Shapiro's Ribs and Brisket Revue is scheduled to host a special Klezmer Brunch for the New Year.

2013: Thomas Edgar Rothman’s resignation as “chairman and chief executive of the Fox Filmed Entertainment” which had been tendered in September, became effective today.

2013: “The Looper” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Starting today, female and male models who have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 18.5 may not be shown in the media or on Israeli websites or go down the catwalk at fashion shows

2013: After coming under fire from right-wing Israeli politicians for a series of statements he made over the past few days regarding the peace process and the prospect of talks with Hamas, President Shimon Peres was subjected to an unexpected tongue lashing — from a top Palestinian Authority official today.

2013:The ascendant head of the Jewish Home party, Naftali Bennett, continued to make political waves on Tuesday, after supporters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud-Yisrael Beytenu list released an Internet ad featuring Holocaust-era imagery that implied that the national religious party aspires to take the country’s Orthodox citizens back to “the ghetto.”

2014: Professor Gal Kaminka, of Bar-Ilan University’s Department of Computer Science and Gonda (Goldschmied) Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center, one of Israel’s, and the world’s, leading contributors to intelligent robotics – the science of using artificial intelligence to make robots “smarter” – is scheduled to receive Landau Prize for Arts and Sciences in the robotics category for his outstanding contributions to the advancement of science today (As reported by David Shamah)

2014: Rabbi David Ellenson completed his term as President of HUC-JOR

2014: “The Escape” and “Omar” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's condition continues to worsen, Sheba Hospital in Tel HaShomer reported today to Channel 10. (As reported by Tova Dvorin)

2014: Andrew Cohen began serving as a Member of the New York City Council from the 11thDistrict.

2014: A memorial service for the 69 sailors of the INS Dakar was held at Mount Herzl today, marking 46 years since it sank into the Mediterranean. (As reported by Tova Dvorin)

2014: In Switzerland, “the former municipality of Unterendingen merged into the municipality of Endingen” which in “the 18th and 19th century, was one of few villages in which Swiss Jews were permitted to settle” as can be seen by the fact that “old buildings in Endingen have two doors – one for Jews and one for Christians” and that. Endigen's synagogue and Jewish cemetery are listed as a heritage site of national significance.”

2015: “The IDF is scheduled to withdraw its security forces from Israeli communities near Gaza that are not adjacent to the border effective today.”

2015: Jody Geron is scheduled to join Universal Music Publish Group today Chariman/CEO, replacing Zach Horowitz who has led the company for the past two years.”

2015: “Heartburn” and Foxcatcher” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2015(10thof Tevet, 5775): Fast of the 10th Tevet

2015(10thof Tevet, 5775): Yahrzeit of Judith Sharon Levin Rosenstein, known to one and all simply as Judy.

2015: Jerusalem Mayro Nir Barkat announced today that the “The Jerusalem Unity Prize has been established in memory of three Israeli teens -- Gil-ad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach, and Naftali Fraenkel, a dual American and Israeli citizen who were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian terrorists last June.”

2015: “Ayala Shapira, the 11-year old Israeli girl who was critically wounded in a firebomb attack in the West Bank last week, awoke from a medically induced coma today.” (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2015: “Palestinians threw three Molotov cocktails at building in a Jewish neighborhood on the Mount of Olives on the first night of 2015. (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2015: Todd Kaminsky began serving as a member of the New York State Assembly from the 20th District.

2016(20thof Tevet, 5776) On the Jewish calendar, yahrzeit of Maimonides.

2016: The copyright that a Swiss foundation holds to The Diary of Anne Frankwas scheduled to end today until litigation was brought which may extend the copyright to 2050 or beyond.

2016: During the day, we say Happy New Year and in the evening we say Shabbat Shalom.

2017(3rdof Tevet, 5777): Eighth Day of Chanukah and New Year’s Day

2017: Russ and Daughters Kosher location at the Jewish Museum is scheduled to be open for New Year’s.

2017: “Through the Wall” is scheduled to be shown at JW3 in London.

2017: “The new state broadcasting corporation established by a 2014 Knesset law to replace the cash strapped Israel Broadcasting is scheduled to be launched today. (As reported by Sue Surkes)

2017: “Islamic authorities managing the Temple Mount attempted to have a veteran Israeli archaeologist ejected from the Jerusalem flashpoint holy site today for using the term “Temple Mount” in a lecture to American students.”

2017: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion by Paul Bloom, The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of the Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars by Dava Sobe, the recently released paperback editions of On The Road by Gloria Steinem and The Improbability of Life by Hannah Rothschild as well as a “conversation with Bernard-Henri Lévy, the author of The Genius of Judaism and the report that one of the books that will appear in March is Ariel Levy’s The Rules Do Not Apply, “a memoir that builds on her powerful 2013 essay in The New Yorkerabout a miscarriage she suffered during a reporting trip to Mongolia.”

2018: Deadline for accepting application for the 2018 Graduate Research Fellowship competition sponsored by the US Holocaust Memorial “Museum’s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies.”

2018: For those planning on celebrating the New Year with a combination of Culture and Kosher Cuisine Russ & Daughters is scheduled to open this morning at its café in the Jewish Museum.

2018: “As of today, the Simon Dubnow Institute, then Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow (DI), will be accepted as member of the Leibniz Association”

2018: “In a generational changing of the guard”, 37 year old Arthur Gregg Sulzberger is scheduled to replace his father, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger as the publisher of the New York Times today.

2019: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to attend the inauguration of Brazil’s President-elect Jair Bolsonaro today in Brasilia.  (As reported by C.H. Gardiner)

2019: Thanks to the wonder of modern communication, the University of Iowa is scheduled to play in the Outback Bowl under the watchful eyes of Hebrew Hawkeyes Joel Barnum, Fred Goldstein and Bob Silber who are in three different cities.

2019: JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “Budapest Noir” this evening in London

2019: While the rest of the world is scheduled to ring a “New Year” Nathan Zachary Silber son of David and Rebecca Silber and grandson of Dr. Robert “Bob” and Laurie Silber knows the celebration is really all about his birthday.

2019(24thof Tevet, 5779): On the Jewish calendar, “Yahrzeit of Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler.”

2019:  In an example of a “Diminutive David” living in a world of “Great Goliaths” This Day…In Jewish History is listed among the “Top 50 Jewish Blogs, Websites and Newsletters to Follow in 2019.” (Editor’s note – We have no idea how this is ranking is created.  Obviously we do not do this for placement on a list.  But it is a hoot to be listed with these Heavy Hebrew Hitters.





This Day, January 2, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 2

438: Empress Eudocia, the wife of Byzantine Emperor Theodius II, who spent the last years of her life in the Holy Land  allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and pray at the site of the Temple at the same time her husband was “announcing legislation to exclude Jews from all political and military functions” in his Empire. Aelia Eudocia, a pagan Greek aristocrat who converted to Christianity in 421 when she married the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius II, was declared ‘Augusta’ by her husband on this date in 423, a title that elevated her power in the royal court. In 438, Eudocia Augusta journeyed to Jerusalem, where she would ultimately live the final years of her life after being banished by Theodosius five years later. On this first visit, while he was back home announcing legislation to exclude Jews from all political and military functions in lands under Byzantine rule, she arranged for Jews to be able to pray at the site of the Jerusalem Temple for the first time since its destruction by Rome in 70 CE. Her action, however, encouraged the migration of several thousand Jews to Jerusalem in hope of seeing the city resurrected as a Jewish homeland. They were subjected to stoning and stabbing by Christian monks, who killed several of the Jews. The eighteen monks who were brought to trial were acquitted when witnesses testified that the killing stones had fallen from heaven. “At her palace in Bethlehem and in Jerusalem,” according to De Imperatoribus Romanis, “[Eudocia] continued to receive petitions and sought to alleviate the persecution of the Jews, in spite of the unpopularity of such a stance. With her wealth she endowed the city of Jerusalem with a new set of walls and erected numerous other buildings throughout the Near East.” “Byzantine history offers few so strange or picturesque stories as that of the little pagan Athenian who, after having been mistress of the civilized world, ended her days as an ardent mystic, almost a nun, by the tomb of Christ. Eudocia wrote much poetry. As empress she composed a poem in honour of her husband’s victory over the Persians; later at Jerusalem she wrote religious verse…”

1012: Jewish mourners were attacked at a funeral in Egypt.

1235: In Germany “a Christian body was found between” Lauda and Tauberbischofsheim which resulted in three days of attacks by mobs in both cities during which “eight leaders from both towns were put on trial, tortured, convicted and executed. (As reported by “The History of the Jewish People”)

1412: Paul of Burgos, the Jewish convert to Catholicism drafted an edict as the Spanish chancellor which was promulgated in the name of the regent, the widowed queen mother Catherine of Lancaster, at Valladolid today, was the conversion of the Jews through twenty-four articles which “was designed to separate the Jews entirely from the Christians, to paralyze their commerce, to humiliate them, and to expose them to contempt, requiring them either to live within the close quarters of their ghetto or to accept baptism.:

1481: An edict was handed down in Spain calling for all persons to aid in apprehending and accusing suspects who are guilty of heresy. This was said to be issued because persons of nobility in Andalusia were not true to the teachings of the Church.

1481: The officers of the Inquisition issued an edict to the governor of Cadiz and other officials to seize the possessions of the Marranos and to turn these conversos over to them or suffer excommunication, confiscation of their goods and deprivation of public office.

1481: After having established “their court in the Dominican convent of St. Paul of Seville “issued their first edict by which they ordered the rest of several “New Christians as they were styled, who were strongly suspected of heresy and the sequestration of their property, denouncing the pain of excommunication against those who favored or abetted them.”

1492: The Reconquista was completed as the emirate of Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain, surrendered to the forces under the command of Ferdinand and Isabella. The fall of Granada added even more Jews to Catholic Spain. Under the terms of surrender, the Jewish inhabitants were promised protection by the King and Queen. Within a few months these most Catholic Monarchs would break their word when Ferdinand ordered “the razing of the Jewish quarter. Nine months from the fall of Granada, the Sephardim will be banned from their ancestral homeland.

1554:A mandate promulgated today ordered that the Jews should leave the territory of Lower Austria at the end of six months.

1661(2nd of Shevat): Rabbi Menahem Mendel ben Abraham Krochmal, author of Zemah Zedek passed away

1642: Birthdate of Mehmed IV during whose reign as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Safed, the home to numerous Jewish mystics and sages “was destroyed by Arabs” and the Jews of Yemen were banished to Mawza Desert. At the same time he appointed Moses Beben as ambassador to Sweden and when Moses passed away, the Sultan appointed his son Yehuda to serve in his place.  At the time, Sweden was a major European power.  Mehmed is also the Sultan who dealt with Sabbait Zivi, giving him the choice of conversion or death.

1712: Clement XI issued “Salvatoris nostri vices,” a Papal Bull that transferred the work of catechumens to Pii Operai (Holy Works). [Pii Operai was an offshoot of The College of Neophytes, a Roman Catholic College founded for training Jewish converts]

1744: Birthdate of Jacob I. Cohen, the native of Bavaria who came to the United States in 1773 and “by 1781 had formed a partnership with his fellow militia man Isaiah Isaacs, one of Richmond’s earliest known Jewish residents whose land business led them to hire Daniel Boone as a surveyor.

1745: Maria Theresa threatened Moravian Jewry with expulsion but rescinded her order, permitting them to remain for another ten years. (As reported by the Jewish Virtual Library)

1758: A letter was written to David Franks by a business associate today asking that he insure the goods on board the Charming Rachel which is setting sale from Liverpool and valued at four hundred pounds.

1768: In New York, Eva Esther Hendricks and Uriah Hendricks gave birth to Hannah de Leon.

1770: The Crown Prince of Brunswick "expressed his admiration" for the "great tact and high degree of humanitarianism" that Moses Mendelssohn had shown in responding to the writings of Charles Bonnett that had been sent to him by Johann Lavater.

1782: The Tolerance Edict (Toleranzpatent) guaranteeing existing rights and obligation of the Jewish population, was enacted by Joseph II of Austria, the son of Maria Theresa. Joseph II was influenced by Wilhelm von Dohn, a friend of Mendelssohn's and beginning with this edict, followed a generally enlightened attitude toward the Jews. The Edict (with the final edict less liberal than the original), received mixed reviews by Jewish leaders including Ezekiel Landau and Moss Mendelssohn. They realized that the real intention of the edict was not the emancipation of the Jews but their assimilation. As further proof the new freedoms being granted to the Jews of Austria, Emperor Joseph II "permitted Jewish wholesale merchants, notables and their sons to wear swords" and "insisted that Christians should behave in a friendly matter towards Jews."

1788: Georgia becomes the fourth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.  A year later, Georgia became the third state to remove religious discrimination from the political process.  According to one reliable source, Jews had “held public office in Georgia even before the revision of the oath which included the words ‘upon the faith of a Christian.’”  Jews had been a part of Georgia from the earliest colonial settlement with the first families arriving in July of 1733.  Two years before the ratification vote, the Jewish community of Savannah had stabilized enough to re-organize Congregation Mikve Israel, elect officers and rent a house from Ann Morgan to be used as a synagogue. 

1801: Birthdate of Jonas Ennery a native of Nancy who was affiliated with the Jewish school at Strasbourg for twenty-six years.

1816: Birthdate of Shmuel Salant, the native of Bialystok, who “served as the Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem for almost 70 years.”

1820: Lewis Durlacher married Susannah Levy at the Western Synagogue today.

1822: In Munchweiler, Palatine, Simon Felsenthal and his wife gave birth to Bernhard Felsenthal, American Rabbi who was a leader in the Reform Movement and served as the leader of Zion Congregation in Chicago from 1864 to 1887.(As reported by Adler & Stolz)

1822: the Jewish Censorship Committee under the Chairmanship of Ludwik Chiarni, “the author an anti-Talmud diatribe” began meeting with a staff consisting of Adam Chmielewski, Abraham Stern and Jacob Tugenhold, among others.

1829(27th of Tevet): Rabbi Samuel Austerer of Brody, author of Ketav Yosher passed away

1830: Abraham Geiger preached his first sermon.

1836:  Birthdate of Mendele Mocher Sforim (מענדעלע מוכר ספֿרים) "Mendele the bookseller," is the pseudonym of Sholem Yakov Abramovich, Jewish author and one of the founders of modern Yiddish and Modern Hebrew literature. He was born to a poor family in Kopyl near Minsk and lost his father, Chaim Moyshe Broyde, shortly after he was bar mitzvahed. He studied in yeshiva in Slucak and Vilna until he was 17; during this time he was a day-boarder under the system of Teg-Essen, barely scraping by, and often hungry. He next travelled extensively around Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania at the mercy of an abusive beggar named Avreml Khromoy (Avreml would later become the source for the title character of Fishke der Krumer, Fishke the Lame). In 1854 he settled in Kamenets-Podolskiy, where he got to know writer and poet Avrom Ber Gotlober, who helped him to learn secular culture, philosophy, literature, history, Russian and other languages. His first article, "Letter on Education", appeared in first Hebrew newspaper, Hamagid, in 1857. At Berdichev in the Ukraine, where he lived in 1858-1869, he began to publish fiction both in Hebrew and Yiddish. Having offended the local powers with his satire, he left Berdichev to train as a rabbi at the relatively theologically liberal, government-sponsored rabbinical school in Zhitomir, where he lived in 1869-1881, and became head of traditional school (Talmud Torah) in Odessa in 1881. He lived in Odessa until his death in 1917. He initially wrote in Hebrew, coining many words in that language, but ultimately switched to Yiddish in order to expand his audience. Like Sholom Aleichem, he used a pseudonym because of the perception at the time that as a ghetto vernacular, Yiddish was not suited to serious literary work — an idea he did much to dispel. His writing strongly bore the mark of the Haskalah. He is considered by many to be the "grandfather of Yiddish literature"; his style in both Hebrew and Yiddish has strongly influenced several generations of later writers. While the tradition of journalism in Yiddish had a bit more of a history than in Hebrew, Kol Mevasser, which he supported from the outset and where he published his first Yiddish story "Dos Kleine Menshele" ("The Little Man") in 1863, is generally seen as the first stable and important Yiddish newspaper. Sol Liptzin writes that in his early Yiddish narratives, Mendele "wanted to be useful to his people rather than gain literary laurels". [Liptzin, 1972, 42] "The Little Man" and the unstaged 1869 drama Die Takse ("The Tax") both condemned the corruption by which religious taxes (in the latter case, specifically the tax on kosher meat) were diverted to benefit community leaders rather than the poor. This satiric tendency continued in Die Klatshe (The Dobbin, 1873) about a prince, a stand-in for the Jewish people, who is bewitched and becomes a much put-upon beast of burden, but maintains his moral superiority throughout his sufferings. His later work became more humane and less satiric, starting with Fishke (written 1868-1888) and continuing with the unfinished Masoes Beniamin Hashlishi (The Wanderings of Benjamin III, 1878), something of a Jewish Don Quixote. As with Fishke, Mendele worked on and off for decades on his long novel Dos Vinshfingeril (The Wishing Ring, 1889); at least two versions preceded the final one. It is the story of a maskil—that is, a supporter of the Haskalah, like Mendele himself—who escapes a poor town, survives miserable to obtain a secular education much like Mendele's own, but is driven by the pogroms of the 1880sfrom his dreams of universal brotherhood to one of Jewish nationalism. His last major work was his autobiography, Shlome Reb Chaims, completed shortly before his death in 1917.

1850: Birthdate of Minsk native and author Henry Iliowizi, the teacher in Alliance Israélite Universelle’s “school at Tetuan, Morocco from 1877 to 1880” who came to the United States where he “was minister of a congregation at Harrisonburg, Virginia; from 1880 to 1888, rabbi of the Congregation Sha'aré Tob in Minneapolis; and from 1888 to 1900, of the Congregation Adath Jeshurun in Philadelphia.”

1852: Today, “the Green Street Hebrew School (officially the B’nai Jeshurun Education Institute) opened with 8 teachers and 88 pupils with” “Dutch Hebrew scholar Simon Eliazer Cohen Noot”  serving as both one of the teachers and as headmaster – a role he must be successful at since “attendance quickly climbed to 142” and two years later, “the school erected itw own building on a vacant lot adjacent to the B’nai Jeshurun Synagogue on Green Street.”

1852: In Paris gave Kalmus Calmann Levy and Pauline Levy birth to Bertha Calman-Levy who became Bertha Propper when she married Siegfried Propper.

1854(2nd of Tevet, 5614): 8th Day Chanukah

1856: Aaron Senior Coronel married Rebecca Coelho in Amsterdam today.

1856: “What the Jews Think of New Year’s” published today reported that “in the opinion of our Jewish fellow-citizens New Year’s day and its accompanying custom of giving presents is a blessed institution. “ According to the author, being able to give gifts to their children on New Year’s, makes it possible for Jewish parents to avoid gift giving at Christmas while still being able to bring joy to their youngsters.  Oddly enough, the more recently arrived German Jews still cling to the habit they developed in Europe of gift giving on Christmas.  “The Jewish families of long standing in” New York “universally” prefer the New Year’s gift giving celebration.  The article concludes by reminding readers that ‘our New Year’s, of course, does not correspond with the commencement of the Hebrew year.  That falls in the month of Tishrei, which comprises a part of our September and October, and is celebrated, besides religious ceremonies, by magnificent entertainments and a general wish of ‘Happy New Year.’”

1857: Birthdate of Lake County, Ohio native Frederick Burr Opper the cartoonist for “Frank Leslie’s Weekly and “Puck” and husband of Nellie Barrett who created “Happy Hooligan,” “Alphonse and Gaston” and “And Her Name Was Withheld.”

1858: Towards midnight, Rachel Felix, who was dying awoke from her sleep and said she wanted to write a letter to her father.  Since she did not have the strength to do so, she began dictating the letter "which contained her last wishes."

1858: In Kingston, Jamaica, Rabbi Alexander B. Davis and his wife gave birth to Ernest Lawton Davis, who was Chairman of the Sydney (Australia) Stock Exchange from 1899 through 1901, Director of the Sydney Jewish Sabbath School, Director of the Sydney Jewish Education Board and the husband of Alice Moss, the youngest daughter of Moses Moss.

1858: Pauline Hirschfeld, the daughter of Simon and Rachel Ausch and the wife of Dr. Jacob Jacques Heinrich Hirschfeld gave birth to Victor Léon

1858: In Baltimore, MD. Sophia and Joseph Sachs gave birth to “the youngest of their five children, Bernard Sachs, the Harvard trained neurologist who is the “Sachs” in “Tay-Sachs

1859: Two days after he had passed away, 21 year old Edward Ely was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1861: Wilhelm I became King of Prussia.  His repeated clashes “with the liberal Chamber of Deputies” forced legal scholar Ferdinand Lassalle “to make public addresses dealing with the nature of the constitution and its relationship to the social forces within society.”

1862: Corporal Leon Berkowicz began his service with company H of the 59thregiment of the Second Cavalry in the Union Army.

1862: Rabbi Arnold Fischel wrote a letter from Washington, DC to Henry Hart in New York updating him on the progress he was making in having the law changed so that Rabbis could serve as Chaplains in the Union Army.  Fischel also asked Hart to send him the smallest sized prayer book and Tehillim for the use of the Jewish soldiers serving in the Union Army.  He asked for an immediate shipment of 50, the smaller the better since they have to fit into the packs carried by the soldiers.  Fischel said that Joseph Seligman had assured him that the members of Temple Emanu-El would contribute a large sum of money for such a project was would the Jews at the Stanton Street Synagogue.  Finally, Fischel asked Hart to apologize on his behalf to Rabbi S.M. Isaacs for having not written but he, Fischel had been dealing with a bout of Cholera.

1863: The Battle of Stones River in which Colonel Frederick Knefler commanded the 79thIndiana Infantry came to an end with the Rebels being forced to withdraw. 

1863(11thof Tevet, 5623): The Battle of Stones River, in which Major Adolph G. Rosengarten was serving with a cavalry unit from Philadelphia, PA lost his life passed away today.

1863(11thof Tevet, 5623): Shlomo Zalman, the son of Shalom Charif Ullmann, who had been born in 1792, passed away today.

1871: Birthdate of Nebraska City, Nebraska native and University of Pennsylvania trained lawyer Henry N. Wessel who combined a career as a judge with his philanthropic work including serving as “the treasurer of the Jewish Hospital.”

1873: Three days after he had passed away, Godfrey Lazarus, the son of Mordecai Lazarus, and the Julia Lazarus with whom he had had six children was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1873: It was reported today that an Imperial ukase or proclamation of the Czar has been issued today concerning the rules and regulations surrounding the recruiting program for the navy and army. Among other things, in that part of Poland ruled by Russia, Jews who have converted to Christianity will no longer be exempted from military service.  These converts, like others who have lost their exemption, can purchase one by 800 silver rubles to the government. [Considering the treatment of Jews in the Russian Army, conversion may have seemed like the lesser of two evils, especially for those who were too poor to be able to leave the country.]

1874(13thof Tevet, 5634): David Stern, husband of Fanny and brother-in-law of Levi Strauss, passes away.

1878: “The Merchant of Venice In 1652” which was published today and which was based on information that first appeared in the London Athenaeum speculated on the possibility that the republication of Shakespeare’s play featuring the infamous Shylock was released as part of the campaign against readmitting Jews to England which championed by Cromwell but opposed by a large segment of the population including the merchants in London, the clergy and such notables as William Prynne.

1879: It was reported today that The Hebrew Book Union has issued a prospectus for a new “Lexcicon to the Talmud, Targum and Midrash” compiled by Dr. F. De Sola Mendes.  It will be issued in four parts and will be the first such work published with an English translation. 

1881: In Budapest, Rabbi Joseph Zeisler, the son of “Eduard and Josefine Zeisler” and Irma Zeisler gave birth to Jeno Abraham Zeisler

1884: Sir Harry Lawson Webster Levy-Lawson, 1st Viscount Burnham “married Olive de Bathe, daughter of General Sir Gerald Henry Perceval de Bathe, 4th Bt and Charlotte Clare.”

1884: Birthdate of Ben-Zion Dinaburg, who studied to be a rabbi before moving to Palestine in 1921 where he gained fame as Ben-Zion Dinur where he served as head of the Jewish Teachers’ Training College and as an MK in the first Knesset.

1886: Alice le Strange, the wife of English philo-semite Laurence Oliphant passed away today after having contracted a fever while traveling along the shores of the Sea of Galilee.  Oliphant, who had also contracted the fever, was too sick to attend her funeral.  Oliphant was in Palestine to pursue his dream of helping large numbers of Jews to settle in their ancient homeland.

1886: Birthdate of Moyshe-Leyb Halpern one of “the most innovative and ironic of the modernist Yiddish poets.

1887: The Jewish Theological Seminary Association, the educational and spiritual center of Conservative Judaism opened under the leadership of Saba Morais. Morais, a Rabbi of Congregation Mikve Israel in Philadelphia, sought to train Rabbis who would help preserve Jewish traditions which he felt were being eroded by the “reformers” and their Pittsburgh platform. In 1902 Solomon Schechter reorganized the Seminary and changed the name to JTS or the Jewish Theological Seminary. it was at this point that it became the central foundation for the Conservative Movement, a role that it plays to this day.

1890(10th of Tevet, 5650): Asara B'Tevet

1890: It was reported today that the Beth Israel Hospital Association, which was recently formed to build a hospital on the Lower East Side for the burgeoning immigrant population has 180 members who have raised $1,200 in pledges and $500 in cash contributions.

1892(2ndof Tevet, 5652): Parashat Miketz and 8th day of Chanukah

1892(2ndof Tevet, 5652): Jacob Goldsmith, a trustee of Temple Emanu-El and director of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, passed away today. Born in Germany in 1821, he moved to the United States at the age of 15.  He successfully operated dry goods stores in Shreveport, Portland and San Francisco.  Finally, he sold his interest in a petroleum refining company to Standard Oil and moved to New York where owned a stationary business.

1892: Birthdate of Warsaw native “Eliash Almi Sheps” known as Eli A. Almi, who began writing Yiddish poetry at the age of 9 and reporting for the Yiddish daily Der Moment at 18 before coming to the United States in 1913 to write for the Yiddish daily Tageblat and writing several of volumes in both Yiddish and English including The Life and Philosophy of Buddha and The Strange Death of Baruch Spinoza

1893: It was reported today that Professor Cyrus Adler of Johns Hopkins University acquired a rare manuscript while in Constantinople that related to Columbus and the New World.

1893: It was reported today that Henry S. Morais is preparing a publication that will cover the history of “the Jews of Philadelphia from the earliest settlements until the present.” 

1893: As the outbreak of typhus that began on December 1st continues to work its way through the city, Henry Mazinsky, an eleven year old Jewish boy, who had been under the care of the Ladies’ Deborah Nursery fell victim to typhus today.

1894: Three days after she had passed away, 16 year old Rosie Olga Bauer, the daughter of Gottleib Bauer and Yelda Caecile was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1894: Birthdate of Robert Gruntal Nathan an American novelist and poet whose works included The Bishop’s Wife which became a hit movie starring Cary Grant, David Niven and Loretta Young.

1895: Birthdate of Count Folke Bernadotte.  Bernadotte was a member of a prominent Swedish family and well-known diplomat.  His negotiations with Himmler during World War II saved the lives of thousands of Jews.  As a U.N. representative, Bernadotte negotiated the first truce between the Arabs and the Israelis in 1948.  During the truce, Bernadotte visited Israel where he proposed a peace plan that would have been detrimental to Jewish interests.  In one of the most dastardly deeds in Jewish History, members of the Stern Gang assassinated Bernadotte.  Most Jews were so revolted by the act that the members of the gang were hunted down by authorities and the Stern Gang was forced to disband.  Unfortunately, the leadership of the Stern Gang gained respectability after the war.  Yitzchak Shamir, a prominent Sternist, would later serve as Prime Minister of Israel.

1895: Sir Matthew Nathan “was created a companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George for his services” “as secretary of the Colonial Defense Committee.

1895: Three days after he had passed away, 54 year old David Nussbaum was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1895(6th of Tevet, 5655): A mother and her two children were burned to death at fire in the tenement house on Pitt Street.  The dead were, Lena Leiman (24), Sadie Leiman (2) and Henry Leiman (2 months)

1896: It was reported that Hirsh Leavitt, a Russian Jew hired by William Rubin as a night watchman for his building on 19th Bleecker Street had suffered a broken leg which would heal and not require amputation.  Leavitt, who speaks no English, had been injured when police mistook him for a burglar.

1896: Birthdate of Bialystok native David Abelevich Kaufman who gained fame as “Soviet pioneer documentary film and newsreel director” Dziga Vertov whose “Man with a Movie Camera” was voted “the 8th best film ever made” according to a poll taken in 2012.

1897: Jacob A. Riss delivered an address at a dinner hosted by the Reform Club in which he described the tenement system as “an invention of Satan” which had the power to overwhelm the scruples of its tenants including Jews as well as Roman Catholics.

1897: It was reported today that “Morris Goodhart, President of the Hebrew Mutual Benefit Society and…the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society is dangerously ill” as a result of “an abcess in the peritoneal cavity.”

1897: “Good-Will to Men” which was published today and which relies on information that first appeared in The Jewish Messenger, notes that “the trend of thought today among our Christian brethren of any culture and enlightenment is against bigotry and hatred for the greater glory of God.”

1898: It was reported today that “an explosion of accumulated gas wrecked the entire first floor of” Israel Cohen’s bathhouse at 23 Hester Street.

1898: It was reported today that a the two existing “Jewish colleges” – Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati and Jewish Theological Seminary in New York – are about to be joined by a third school located in Philadelphia that will be funded, in part by a legacy created by the late Hyman Gratz which yields $5,000 per year.

1898: Two days after he had passed away James Sim Lyon, the husband of Julia Lyon with whom he had had eight children was buried today at the “Bancroft Road (Maiden Lane) Jewish Cemetery.”

1899: The Noah Benevolent Widows and Orphans’ Association is scheduled to “celebrate its golden jubilee” this “afternoon and evening with a banquet and reception at the Terrace Garden.”

1899: Mrs. Bertha Morgenstern told a reporter that she had celebrated her 106thbirthday yesterday drinking “a pint of beer” and eating “three hearty meals” which is how she spends each and every one of her days at the Hebrew Sheltering Home.

1901: In New York Florence (née Lowenstein) Marshall and Louis Marshall gave birth to their third child, Robert "Bob" Marshall “an American forester, writer and wilderness activist.”

1903: Publication of the first edition of The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger.

1903: British minister Joseph Chamberlain “found” a wonderful piece of land in East Africa for Jewish settlement.

1904: The Jewish Consumptives’ Relief Society which had offices in Denver was organized today but would not be incorporated until June.

1904: Manya Shochat the “Russian Jewish politician and the "mother" of the collective settlement in Palestine, the forerunner of the kibbutz movement” joined her brother Nachum Wilbuszewicz the founder of the Shemen soap factory “on a research expedition to some of the wilder places of Palestine.

  1905:  Japanese General Nogi received from Russian General Stoessel at 9 p.m.a letter formally offering to surrender, ending the Russo-Japanese War. The Russian defeat led to an uprising against the Czar and Pogroms aimed at the Jews.  In an attempt to gain support, Czar Nicholas II agreed to popular elections for the Duma (Russian Parliament).  The reforms were short lived and produced limited results.  Even more significantly, the Russians were unable to reform their military establishment.  This meant that the Russians were ill-suited to fight the Germans in World War I which would break out five years later.  Jews would suffer during World War I and would suffer even more when the Bolsheviks came to power at the end of World War I. As we have discovered in our studies in Cedar Rapids, Jewish History is entwined with the history of all of the civilizations in which they live and have lived. That is part of the challenge and half of the fun.

1905: Birthdate of Russian mathematician Lev Schnirelmann.

1906: “Alliance Work Thriving” published today described the work of the Educational Alliance whose real function was the “Americanizing” of recently arrived Jewish immigrants and which had received donations of $25,000 from Jacob H. Schiff and Louis Stern’; $20,000 from Benjamin Altman; $10,000 from William Saloman and Isidor Straus and $25,000 from Andrew Carnegie.

1906: The 9th Duke of Marlborough, a cousin of Winston Churchill, expressed his dissatisfaction with a review of Churchill’s newly published biography about his father Randolph by threatening “to administer a good and sound trouncing to that dirty little Hebrew,” Harry Levy-Lawson, the Jewish manager of the paper in which the review appeared. The two cousins had very different views of Jews and the Jewish people.

1909(9thof Tevet, 5669): Russian born British artist and illustrator Henry Ospovat passed away today.

1909(9th of Tevet, 5669): Louis A. Heinsheimer passed away. He died as result as complications from recent operation for appendicitis. Born in 1859 in Cincinnati, Ohio, he worked for sixteen years at the investment banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company before being made a partner in 1894 Heinsheimer was the nephew of one of the firm's founders, Solomon Loeb. He never married and was survived by his mother, brother and two sisters.  A renowned philanthropist, Heinsheimer served as the Treasurer for the United Hebrew Charities. Shortly before his death he completed building a summer home called Breezy Point at Far Rockaway, New York. The estate would be used by by the Maimonides Institute for Exceptional Children until it burned down in 1987.

1912: Newly-elected Sheriff Julius Harburger announced “that he would appoint a number of women deputies.”  Only was it later discovered that such appointments were against the law.

1913(23rdof Tevet of 5673): Fifty-six year old Buffalo, NY attorney Moses Shire passed away today.

1913: The Intercollegiate Menorah Association which had offices in Ann Arbor, Michigan, was organized today.

1913: Birthdate of English actress Anna Lee was the seventh wife of poet Robert Gruntal Nathan (He was Jewish.  She was not)

1915(16th of Tevet, 5675): Karl Goldmark Austria-Hungarian composer passes away at the age of 84.

1915: It was reported today that of the $1,000,000 that has been collected by the Jewish National Fund, three fourths of it has been “invested in farm land in Palestine.”

1915: Philanthropist Julius Rosenwald, a part owner of Sears, Roebuck and Company ‘was indicted in Chicago for a failure to file a personal property tax schedule” following a dispute with the Tax Board of Review over the valuing of his assets – a dispute that would be resolved “in March of 1915 when Rosenwald’s attorneys convinced the Court that the section of law which provided for prosecution of such cases had been repealed.”

1915: James Creelman, the New York American’s Berlin correspondent who had covered the Dreyfus trial and “toured Russia investigating the persecution of the Jews” set sail today for the Nazi capitol.

1916: Birthdate of Edmund Leopold de Rothschild.

1916: Dr. J.L. Magnes is scheduled to continue his speaking tour by appearing at a mass meeting in Baltimore where he will describe the need to provide aid for the three and half million Jews suffering in Russia.

1916: Tonight, in Baltimore, a mass of seven thousand Jews gathered at the Hippodrome and Palace Theatre where one hundred thousand dollars in cash was donated to the American Jewish Relief Committee with an additional five million dollar in pledges made to the organization raising funds for the suffering Jews in Russia.

1916: Three days after she had passed away, 86 year old Kate Isaacs, the wife of Michael Baber Isaacs and the mother of Sara Isaacs was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1916: In Chicago, at the 19th annual convention of the Knights of Zion, President Nathan D. Kaplan reported that “in the last year 1,500,000 pounds of foodstuffs were shipped to Palestine for the relief of destitute Jews.”

1916: The Overseas News Agency reported that according to sources in Stockholm “orders have been given to all Jewish refugees at Petrograd to depart immediately.”

1916: In Chicago, this morning’s business session of the Knights of Zion Convention is scheduled to be followed by a kosher banquet for 600 delegates and guests.

1916: In Baltimore, MD, it was estimated that between $50,000 and $75,000 were raised tonight for the relief of Jews stricken by the war at meetings attended by about 5,000 people.

1916: It was reported today that Congressman Meyer London initiated his party’s effort in behalf of the Jews of Europe when he recently introduced a join resolution asking for a congress of neutral nations” that would remove the political and civic disabilities of the Jewish people wherever such disabilities exist.

1916: In Camden, NJ, : Rabbi Max Klein of Philadelphia's Adath Jeshurun Synagogue, Rabbi Bernard Levinthal, Philadelphia's renown Orthodox Jewish leader, Dr. Solomon Solis-Cohen, Rabbi Samuel S. Grossman and Rabbi Abraham Nowak of New York City were scheduled to appear at a mass meeting at the North Broadway Theater at Broadway and Kaighn

1916: “Rabbi Joseph Silverman, preaching at Temple Emanu-El said” today “that the 100,000 Jews fighting in the European armies were a living refutation of the slander that Jews lacking in patriotism.”

1916:Birthdate of Zypora Tannenbaumwho gained fame as Zypora Spaisman. Born in Lublin, she was a Polish-American actress and Yiddish theatre empresaria. She emigrated to the United States in 1954 where she helped keep the Folksbiene Yiddish Theatrein NYC alive for 42 years (along with Morris Adler), before helping to found the Yiddish Public Theaterfollowing a dispute with the Folksbiene's new management

1917: In Montreal, the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies which was founded in 1916, today “launched its first fundraising campaign under the slogan ‘Unity is Strength.’”

1918: A telegraph received in Chicago tonight from Jacob Billikopf of New York said that as of January 1, the Jewish War Relief had received $8,500,000 and that “since Julius Rosenwald’s matching offer” was based on the “cash on hand by that date” his contribution should be $850,000 although, if there is additional cash in the possession of offices in other cities, his contribution would rise accordingly.

1920: Birthdate of Isaac Asimov.  Born to middle class Jewish parents, Asimov’s family moved to the United States in 1923.  Asimov became one of the 20thcentury’s greatest science fiction writers.  He also wrote guides to the Bible and Shakespeare.

1920: Rabbis in Jerusalem arranged to have special prayers recited at the Western Wall for the Jews in Damascus who are threatened with violence.

1920: “In a speech in Sunderland…Churchill described Bolshevism as a ‘Jewish movement.’”

1921: Jacob A. Dolgenas who began serving as the Rabbi at Congregation Gates of Prayer in Brooklyn yesterday is scheduled to be formally installed this afternoon.

1921: “The first dance and open meeting of the Bronx Jewish High School Youth” is scheduled to “be held this afternoon at the Community Building Auditorium.

1922(2nd of Tevet, 5682):  8th Day of Chanukah

1927: According to published reports, two plans are being developed for the electrification of Palestine.  One plan “contemplates pumping the waters of the Eastern Mediterranean over a low ridge of mountains between the Palestinian coast and the Jordan Valley, and then through turbines into Lake Tiberius and the Dead Sea.” The other, a more modest plan, calls for using the flow of the Jordan to create mechanical power which could then generate an affordable supply of electricity. 

1927 (28th of Tevet, 5687): “Asher Ginsberg, whose pen name was Achad Ha’am passed away 5 o’clock this morning at Tel Aviv.” Born in 1856 near Kiev, Ginsberg lived in England from 1906 until 1921 when he made Aliyah. While living in England, managed a tea shop owned by one his literary admirers and worked with Chaim Weizmann to create the document known as the Balfour Declaration.  In 1889, Ginsberg caused a stir with “the publication in the Russian Jewish periodical Ha-Meliz of his frist article dealing with the Zionist movement and the future of the Jews.”  Over time he would develop the concept of Cultural Zionism which espouses a belief “in the development of Palestine as intellectual and moral homeland for the Jewish people throughout the word, as well as a place of physical refuge.”  His most famous literary work was a three-volume work called Al Parshat Derachimor The Parting of the Ways.

1928: In Moscow, two doctors gave birth to Oskar Yakovlevich Rabin, the dissident Soviet painter. (As reported by Neil Genzlinger)

1928: The municipality of Tel Aviv is scheduled to start paying the principle on a 75,000 pound bond issue that was offered in December of 1922.

1930: Honorary pallbearers Jascha Heifetz and Josef Hofmann are scheduled to “play violin and piano duets” at this morning’s funeral service for “pianist and music teacher Alexander Lambert” attended by Daniel Frohman, Sergei Rachmaninoff and Efrem Zimbalist

1931: At the Mansfield the curtain came down on the final performance of the original Broadway production of “The House of Connelly” starring Stella Adler, Morris Carnovsky, J. Edward Bromberg and Clifford Odets which was staged by Lee Strasberg and “was the inaugural production of the Group Theatre.

1932: In reply to a letter of this date from H.E. Wilder, editor of the Israelite Press written to Dr. Hiram Vineberg of New York’s Mt. Sinai Hospital, the latter wrote “I am the Dr. Hiram Vineberg who practiced in Portage la Prairie area in 1881, 1882 and 1883. Although I was the only Jew in town I soon acquired the leading practice. There were four other physicians in the town. I was appointed Board of Health Officer. I was on intimate terms with the ministers (4 or 5) especially the Reverend Mr. Fortin, Minister of the Episcopal Church. I did not encounter any prejudice whatever, and there was no doubt as to my religion from the very first. (When Dr. Hiram N. Vineberg of Cornwall, Ontario, came to practice medicine at Portage la Prairie in 1878 there was only 33 Jews in the province of Manitoba, 21 of whom lived in Winnipeg.) On the eve of my departure a dinner was tendered to me at which most of the leading citizens were present. Many complimentary and flattering speeches were delivered. All expressed the wish that I would return soon to resume practice there. I went abroad for a year visiting the leading European clinics and then settled in New York City."

1932: Maurice J. Karpf was elected President of the American Association of Schools of Social Work.

1933: NBC’s Blue Network the 6th episode of “Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel” starring Groucho and Chico Marx.

1933(4th of Tevet, 5693): Belle Moskowitz the political advisor to New York Governor Al Smith who managed his 1928 presidential campaign died unexpectedly as a result of complications from a fall on the steps in front of her house.

1933: The death of Mrs. Henry (Belle) Moskowitz came as a great shock to those gathered in Albany for today’s inauguration ceremony.  Both Governor Herbert Lehman and former Governor (1928 Presidential candidate) Al Smith were taken aback by the loss of their friend and political ally.

1933: Birthdate of author Leonard Michaels whose works included Sylvia and The Men’s Club.

1934: New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia was among the many prominent civic, academic and religious leaders who attended today’s funeral for Dr. George Alexander Kohut which was held at the deceased’s Park Avenue Home. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of the Free Synagogue and a life-long friend of the Dr. Kohut conducted the service and delivered the eulogy. Internment followed the service at the Linden Hill Cemetery.

1934: Birthdate of Wael Zwaiter a member of Black September who was alleged to have played a role in the Munich Massacre.

1935: “First Message in Hebrew Sent over Telegraph” published today described how Israel Amicam overcame the official objection to his plan for using Hebrew to transmit telegrams because officials said “that it was not feasible to send messages in Hebrew characters over wires and that a heavy expenditure for special machinery would necessary.”

1936: On his 75th birthday, Philadelphian Samuel Bloom announced that he was contributing 3000 pounds for the establishment of a home for “vagrant children” in Tel Aviv.

1937(19thof Tevet, 5697): Parsasaht Shemot

1937: At Temple Emanu-El Rabbi B. Benedict Glazer was scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Making Bricks Without Straw.”

1937: Rabbi Nathan Stern is scheduled to deliver the sermon today at West End Synagouge.

1937: At Rodeph Sholom Synagogue Rabbi Louis I. Newman is scheduled to deliver a sermon “I am who I am: Who is the God of Israel?”

1938: It was reported today that Poland has increased the number of guards along its border with Romania in response to an expected mass of Jews from that country into Poland.

1938: Today, in “an address at the Free Synagogue” meeting at Carnegie Hall, Ludwig Lewisohn declared that “if the Jewish people are to be saved it will not be by blind, mass adherence to any political or religious doctrine but by the great majority of Jewish individuals finding themselves and cooperating as free souls.”

1938: The Palestine Post reported from London that the British Zionist Federation launched a movement, led by Lady Reading, Lord Melchett and Rabbi Perlzweig, for the inclusion of the Jewish National Home in Palestine within the British Empire. They stressed the common ideals and interests in Palestine of both Great Britain and the Jewish people. The High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Wauchope, paid an official visit to Tel Aviv and assured Mayor Israel Rokach that the government would approve a £175,000 loan for the building of a new town hall and other essential developments.

1939: Time magazine names Adolf Hitler “Man of the Year, 1938.”  (This was not a vote of approval; merely acknowledgement of his importance.)

1939: Roman Dmowski, an anti-Semitic Polish politician who co-found the National Democracy movement which sought to counter what it considers unfair “Polish-Jewish economic competition with Catholic Poles” passed away. (Polish anti-Semitism was homegrown which helped to account for why there was no refuge for the Jews of Poland when the Nazis invaded.)

1939:  Solomon Levitan served his final day in office as state treasurer of Wisconsin

1940: In Poland, Jews were forbidden to post obituaries by the General Gouvernment

1941: “In the Netherlands, Jews are prohibited from visiting cinemas.”

1941: “The executive committee of the British Zionist Federation today stated that the death of Tel Aviv’s Deputy Mayor Dov Hos was “a terrible tragedy for the Jewish people.” (JTA)

1941(3rd of Tevet, 5701): Forty-two year old pianist Mischa Levitzki died suddenly of a heart attack in Avon-by-the-Sea, New Jersey.

 1942: Truckloads of deportees were driven around Chelmo, gassed and then buried. The first of 5,000 Gypsies were brought to Chelmo and gassed.

1945: Seventy-one year old Dr. Solly Baron, the Berlin born rabbi who had fled Nazi Germany with his wife arrived in the United States today from Halifax, Canada  thus completing a an ocean trip aboard the S.S. Cavina which originated in Liverpool, England.

1945: Abba Eban ended his tour of duty at the Ministry of State.

1945: Abba Eban is betrothed to his future wife Suzy.

1946: Holocaust survivors Ann Gilbert (Chana Zylberstajn) Fred Gilbert (Felek Gebotszrajber) were married in Scwabisch Hall, Germany.

1946: At a press conference, British General Frederick Morgan, the director general of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) in Europe, disclosed that "thousands of Polish Jews were coming into the U.S. Zone of Occupation assisted by an unknown secret Jewish organization." He further stated that Jewish Holocaust survivors were being forced by that organization to immigrate to Palestine. He clarified this accusation, intimating that most of the survivors preferred to emigrate elsewhere. The organization was Bricha.  But the claim by the British general must be measured against the fact the British government was still committed to the White Paper which barred Jewish immigrants from entering Palestine.

1946:Ruth Seid, writing under the ethnically neutral and gender-ambiguous pen name Jo Sinclair, won the $10,000 Harper Prize for new writers. “Seid had supported her writing through the generosity of a local patron. She shared her $10 a week stipend with her parents, Russian immigrants living in Cleveland. Like most of Seid's later fiction, Wastelandputs questions of Jewish and gender identity at its core. The novel, whose main character is a Jewish photojournalist who passes as a gentile in order to gain social and professional acceptance, explores Seid's own mixed feelings about her Jewish identity and is partially based on her own family. The book's sympathetic portrayal of the photographer's apparently lesbian sister further explores central questions of identity and belonging that reflected Seid's own experience. When she won the Harper prize, Seid was already hard at work on a second novel. In this and her later works, she consistently focused on the theme of oppression in its many forms: anti-Semitism, racism, Jewish self-hatred, poverty, homophobia, and marginalization. Her most well-known novel, The Changelings, depicts a Jewish neighborhood in the process of becoming an African-American neighborhood. It takes the long history of Jewish oppression as a touchstone for exploring the prejudice faced by African Americans. Published in 1955, The Changelings won the 1956 Jewish Book Council of America annual fiction award, and was also nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Seid later published several more novels and a memoir, The Seasons: Death and Transfiguration (1992). Growing scholarly and popular interest in women's and ethnic literature in the 1980s and 1990s has revived interest in Seid's work. Ruth Seid died in 1995”

1946: The Women’s League for Palestine holds an open meeting and tea to plan a campaign for raising funds for enlarging and maintain the league’s other homes in Jerusalem and Haifa.

1946: Eleanor Florence Rathbone, a member of the British House of Commons and advocate for the rights of women passed away.  In the House of Commons, the courageous Eleanor Rathbone attacked the British government for the defeatist attitudes expressed at the Bermuda Conference and noted that the Allies are responsible for the deaths of any Jews if they refuse to help.

1947(10th of Tevet, 5707): Asara B'Tevet

1947: Jewish underground staged bombings and machine gun attacks in five cities. Casualties were low. Pamphlets seized warned that the Irgun had again declared war against the British.

1947: “Admiral Nakhimov” a Russian made biopic starring Aleksei Dikiy was released today in the Soviet Union.

1948: Birthdate of Tony Robert Judt who went from being an ardent Zionist to one who was so critical of the Jewish state that he might classified as an anti-Zionist.

1948: In New York City, nightclub owner Bill Miller and his wife gave birth to Pulitzer Prize winning writer and FOX commentator Judith Miller.

1949(1st of Tevet, 5709): Rosh Chodesh Tevet; Seventh Day of Chanukah

1949: In the aftermath of the War of Independence, the last Israeli troops left the Sinai Peninsula completing a withdrawal that had been worked out between Ben Gurion and Britain.

1949: In an example of what difference a year makes, two Israeli Spitfires attacked an Egyptian train traveling in violation of the withdrawal agreement. 

1949: An Egyptian plan flew over Jerusalem injuring seven people when it dropped its bombs.

1949:As part of Bill Paley’s “great raid” the Jack Benny Program returned to CBS radio where it will remain until its last broadcast in 1955.

1951: The North American tour of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra sponsored by the American Fund for Israeli Institutions began with a concert in Washington, D.C. conducted by Dr. Serge Koussevitzky,

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that on the first day on which price control was lifted from poultry, prices rose from IL 2 to IL 6 a kilo. The Norwegian s.s. Rimfort passed through the Suez Canal, and arrived with a cargo of 150 tons of meat from Ethiopia, assuring the distribution of the monthly meat ration. The Ministry of Commerce started planning further substantial meat purchases from Brazil and Argentina

1953: Birthdate of Egyptian born American author Andre Aciman who wrote the autobiographical Out of Egypt.

1954: Herman Wouk’s "Caine Mutiny" premiered in New York City.

1954: After 344 performances on Broadway at the Morosco Theatre, the curtain came down “My Three Angels,” “a comedy play by Samuel and Bella Spewack” with “scenic designs by Boris Aronson.

1955:  Arab militant gunmen attacked and killed 2 hikers in the Judean Desert.

1955: First broadcast of “The Bob Cummings Show” for which Stanley Frazen served as Supervising Editor.


1956: Sydney Fine resigned from his position as member of the House of Representatives for New York’s 22nd congressional district so that he could join the New York Supreme Court.

1957(29thof Tevet, 5717): Six-eight year old Isaac Nachman Steinberg passed away.

1960(2nd of Tevet, 5720): Parashat Miketz and 8th Day of Chanukah

1960: Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination. Kennedy was quite popular with a significant segment of Jewish voters.  Unlike others, Jews had no problem supporting a Catholic running for President.  As President, Kennedy appointed Jews to his Cabinet and to the Supreme Court.  He also supported the state of Israel when the survival of the Jewish state was still at risk

1961(14th of Tevet, 5721): Eighty-one year old Constance Amberg Sporborg, the widow of attorney of William Dick Sporborg, who served was a leader of “the New York City and State Federations of Women’s Clubs, the National Council of Jewish Women’s Clubs and the National Council of Jewish Women” passed away today.

1961: Birthdate of Representative Rob Wexler, who represented Florida’s 19th congressional district starting in 1997.

1962: Look magazine features photographs of JFK and his family which were the work of photojournalist Stanley Tretick

1964: Israeli footballer Mordechai “Motaleh” Spiegler “made his international debut for Israel today against Hong Kong.

1965: Gary Lewis and the Playboys’ version of “This Diamond Ring” a song written by Al Kooper and Irwin Levin charted first, #101 on today’s Billboard "Bubbling Under" chart

1966: First native Jewish child was born in Spain since the expulsion in 1492

1966: “The Trefa Banquet” published today described the famous dinner given in Cincinnati in 1883 which proved to be a decisive moment in the separation of the Reform movement from traditional Judaism.

1967: Yisrael Yeshayahu replaced Eliyahu Sasson as Communications Minister.

1967: Eliyahu Sasson replaced Bechor Shalom Sheetrit as Minister of Public Security.

1967: An exhibition of the works of Gertrude Schaefler began today at the Bodley Gallery in New York City.

1967(20thof Tevet, 5727): Seventy-five year Ira Louis Quiat, the Colorado born son of “Phillip and Anna (Shames) Quiat and oDenver University trained attorney who was the husband of Esther Greenblatt Quiat and the father of Marshall and Gerald Quiat passed away today after which he was buried at the Congregation Emanuel Cemetery in Denver, CO.

1969: Opening of “The Fig Leaves Are Falling” with script and lyrics by Allan Sherman

1970: In Operation Double Bass 10, The Golani Brigade took part in a retaliatory raid on Kfar Kila in response to the kidnapping of an elderly guard from Metula by Fatah two days earlier.

1970: During the War of Attrition, Hagi Zamir, together with two other soldiers - including Aharon Danziger - were hurt while entering the island of Shaduan with Zamir’s wounds resulting in the amputation of his left leg. Zamir, a native of Kibbutz Zikim, overcame his loss by turning to volleyball where he took part in seven Paralympic Games.

1971:A team of Israeli scholars announced the discovery in Jerusalem of a 2,000-year-old skeleton of a crucified male. Found in a cave-tomb, it was the first direct physical evidence of the well-documented Roman method of execution.

1971(5thof Tevet, 5731): A family of new immigrants from England – David and Pretty Arroyo and their two babies, Mark and Abigail - visit Gaza. They park their car in a main street and a minute later a terrorist throws a hand grenade through the open rear window. The babies are killed on the spot and their mom is severely wounded. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and Chief of Staff Bar Lev assign Ariel Sharon, Head of the Southern Command, to eliminate the terror in the Gaza Strip.

1972: Opening of “Fun City,” the first Broadway play by--and starring--Joan Rivers.

1974:Diplomatic sources in Moscow said the USSR allowed a record 34,750 Jews to emigrate in 1973 as opposed to 31,500 in 1972” but these “emigrants were mainly from Southern Ukraine, Byelorussia, the Baltic States and Georgia” with few Jews from Moscow or Leningrad receiving exit permits.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that during the current Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations, Mustafa Amin, a well-known Egyptian journalist, described Prime Minister Menachem Begin as a "Shylock," determined to get his pound of flesh from his people. Residents of the Yamit area were "more disappointed than ever" by the government decision to allow Egyptian sovereignty over the entire Rafiah Approaches.

1979(3rdof Tevet, 5739): Seventy-seven Lithuanian born Rabbi Chaim Leib Halevi Shmuelevitz passed away today in Jerusalem.

1981: As of today Helen Reddy and Jeff Wald “had separated with Wald moving into a Beverly Hills rehad facility to treat an eight-year addiction to cocaine.”  Reddy had “converted Judaism before marrying Wald.”

1981: “Nadezhda Mandelstam, widow of Osip Mandelstam, the poet who died in a Stalinist purge, was buried today on the outskirts of Moscow” (As reported by Anthony Austin)

1985: Funeral services are scheduled to be held in Chicago today for food importer Max H. Ries, the founder of Reese Finer Foods.

1987(1stof Tevet, 5747): Rosh Chodesh Tevet

1987: During the Intifada,  Israel stopped another Junieh-bound ferry, the Sunny Boat, and turned it back to Larnaca after the Cypriot captain refused an Israeli demand that he hand over Palestinian passengers suspected of being terrorists.

1989: In “Israel, Hardly the Monaco of the Middle East, ”published today Abba Eban explained why Israel must negotiate with the Arabs and why her “friends” must not be alarmed at this turn of events.  Since Eban may be considered as “the dean of Israeli foreign policy and one of those who got it more right than most, the article is worth reading in its entirety.

1990: The Likud and Labor parties averted a breakup of their governing coalition today with a compromise under which Ezer Weizmann, the independent-minded Labor Party Science Minister, would keep his post but be suspended from the Government's decision-making core.

1990: In “From Letter Writer to Starting Forward,” published today Jack Cavanugh described the unique approach followed by Nadav Henefield as he transitioned from being one of the best basketball players in Israel to a scholarship and starting role with the University of Connecticut.

1992: Tonight, Israel announced that it would expel 12 Palestinians who were involved with known terrorists following the murder of a Jewish settler.

1992: Jerusalem struggled with its worst snowstorm in four decades.

 1993:The New York Times published the following letter tothe editor from David L. Gold; President of the Association of the Study of Jewish Languages disputing early claims that that the word “turkey” had a Hebrew root.


“Harold M. Kamsler's attempt to trace English "turkey" to Hebrew "tuki" (letter, Dec. 13) makes etymology seem as easy as finding like-sounding words in other languages.

To set the record straight: The English word is a shortening of "Turkey-cock" and "Turkey-hen," which were originally the names of the guinea fowl (so called because the guinea fowl was sometimes imported into Europe through Turkey). Because people misidentified the turkey with the guinea fowl or mistakenly considered it to be a species of that bird, these English names came to designate the turkey. Furthermore, the word "Turkey-cock" is not attested until 1541, that is, almost a half-century after Columbus's voyages. "Turkey-hen and "turkey" are not attested until even later. Rabbi Kamsler's explanation, not original with him, is an old yarn spun in uninformed Jewish circles. Along with countless other pseudoscientific claims about supposed Hebrew influence on English and other languages, the myth of the Hebrew origin of "turkey" was quietly exploded in volume 2 of Jewish Linguistic Studies (1990).”

1994: “A Coat of Many Colors: Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada” comes to a close today at the Jewish Museum in NYC

1994: Final day for showing "A Coat of Many Colors: Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada" at the Jewish Museum in New York City.

1994: “Jane’s House” a made for television dramatic film with a teleplay by Eric Roth, music by David Shire and produced by Aaron Spelling was broadcast for the first time tonight on CBS.

1994: At the Vivian Beaumont Theatre, the curtain came down on a revival production of “Abe Lincoln in Illinois” which had been directed by Elmer Rice in its initial Broadway production

1994: The last in a series of three family tours sponsored by American Jewish Congress are scheduled to come to an end.

1996(10thof Tevet, 5756): Asara B’Tevet

1997: The governor of Colorado appointed Michael Bender to serve as an associate Justice of the Colorado State Supreme Court He was the son of basketball legend and former U.S. Attorney Lou Bender,

1997(23rdof Tevet, 5757): Eighty-six year old Moshe Vilenski, the native of Warsaw who is considered a pioneer of Israeli music and who wrote the music for “Kalaniyot” passed away today.

1997(23rdof Tevet, 5757): Forty-five year old Randy California (Randy Craig Wolfe) “a guitarist, singer and songwriter and one of the original members of the rock group Spirit” passed away today in Hawaii.

 1998: In “Are yeshiva students dumb?” published today author Jonathan Rosenblum quoted the following story in explaining why yeshivot are important to the survival of the Jewish people. “At the cornerstone-laying of Ponevezh Yeshiva, nearly 50 years ago, many were surprised by the presence of Mapai stalwart Pinhas Lavon. Asked what an avowed secularist was doing there, Lavon replied in all seriousness, 'The leaders of the Jewish people have always come from the yeshivas. If we have no yeshivas, where will the leaders come from?"

1998(4thof Tevet, 5758): Ninety-two year old writer and lyricist Max Coplet passed away today

2000: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including And the Sea Is Never Full: Memoirs, 1969by Elie Wiesel, Arthur Kosetler: The Homeless Mindby David Cesarani and The Multiple Identities of the Middle East by Bernard Lewis.

2001: Yasir Arafat was scheduled to meet with President Clinton this afternoon following Arafat’s emergency flight to Washington from Gaza coming in the wake of a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv on New Year’s Day. Arafat is expected to discuss his “reservations” about the blue-print for peace that President Clinton had brokered during meetings with Arafat and Prime Minister Barak.

2003: Today Israeli soldiers found the charred body of a 73-year-old Israeli man near a West Bank village hours after his family had reported him missing. The grisly discovery came after the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, a militant group linked to Yasir Arafat's Fatah faction, issued a statement declaring it had killed an Israeli in the Jordan Valley near Tubas.

2005: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Catastrophe:Risk and Response by Richard A. Posner and the recently published paperback editions of Nobody’s Perfect: Billy Wilder: A Personal Biography by Charlotte Chandler,Seriously Funny: The Rebel Comedians of the 1950s and 1960s by Gerald Nachman, Who Killed Daniel Pearl? by Bernard-Henri Levy; translated by James X. Mitchell andA Mighty Heart The Brave Life and Death of My Husband, Danny Pearlby Mariane Pearl with Sarah Crichton.

2005: In “Shalom, y’all a smile from South’s Jews” published today the Chicago Tribune reported on “an archive opening soon in South Carolina that salutes 300 years of immigrants’ history.” The archive located on the campus of the College of Charleston will shed light on Jewish Southern history and its role in society.  The focus will be the Jews of Charleston which was once the leading port of entry for Jews coming to the United States.

2006: In “Satire That Spares Nothing, Not Even God and Country” published today Dina Kraft described Israel's hit spoof news show, "A Wonderful Country" which drew inspiration in part from "Saturday Night Live" and "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart."

2007: Police Inspector - General Karadi has decided to appoint a special national police task force to combat the attacks and threats against Israeli mayors.

2007(17 Shevat 5767):  Ninety-five year old Teddy Kolleck, Jerusalem’s most famous mayor, passed away.

2008: In Buenos Aires, Argentina the 11th Annual Maccabiah Games came to an end.

2008: The Film Forum in Manhattan started a sixteen day showing of 23 of the films of producer-director Otto Preminger.  The Viennese born refugee from Hitler’s Europe, Preminger’s accomplishments transcended those of a movie mogul.  The crusading liberal challenged racism by directing “Porgy and Bess” and “Carmen Jones.”  He challenged McCarthyism and the Red Baiting Right Wing by hiring Dalton Trumbo one of the jailed Hollywood 10 as the writer screenwriter for the film “Exodus.”

2008: The New York Times features a review of Richard Cook’s Alfred Kazin a biography of the literary critic who was “a proud Jew” and “a champion of writers like Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow and Philip Roth.”

2008: Representative Tom Lantos a California Democrat and chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee announced that he will not seek re-election because he has cancer of the esophagus.  Born in Budapest, Hungary in 1944, Lantos was the only Holocaust survivor to serve in the U.S. Congress.

2009: As the impact of Bernard L. Madoff’s con game spreads, the management of the Bank Medici, the small Austrian merchant bank that emerged as one of its largest victims resigned making room for a government appointed accountant to temporarily take over day-to-day management of the bank’s operations.  The bank, based in Vienna, had invested $2.1 billion in client funds with Madoff.

2009: As Jews around the world prepared for Shabbat, the following names would be added to the Yahrzeit Lists read at more than one synagogue or temple:


December 27, 2008 (30 Kislev 5769): Beber Vaknin, aged 57, was killed by missile in his hometown Netivot when he went out of his house on Saturday morning.


December 29 2008 (2 Tevet 5769):Irit Shitrit, a 36 year old mother of four who had sought shelter in a bus station was killed by a rocket in downtown Ashdod


December 29, 2008 (2 Tevet 5769): First Staff Sgt. Lutfi Nasraldin, 38, from the Israeli Druze village of Daliyat al-Karmel was killed when two mortar shells landed in the brigade headquarters near Nachal Oz.


December 29, 2008 (2 Tevet 5769) : Hani al Mahdi a 27-year-old construction worker, from the Bedouin village of Aroer was killed when a Palestinian Grad missile exploded near a construction site in the coastal town of Ashkelon.


2010:  Jews around the world complete the reading of Bereshit (Genesis)– one down, four to go.

2010: Jerusalem native Dan Aran, leads the Dan Aran Trio, as it performs at The Bar Next Door in New York.

2010: In Cedar Rapids, the traditional Saturday Morning Minyan at Temple Judah entered its ninth year. Despite sub-zero temperatures and the New Year’s weekend, our small congregation produced a number in excess of the basic prayer quorum. Per the request of our youngest attendee, Gabriella Thalblum Deb Levin saw to it that we had Pizza as part of the Kiddush following services. 

2010:A hacker attacked Jewish Web sites in Boulder, Colo., posting anti-Semitic messages. The Web sites of two Boulder synagogues, Bonai Shalom and Har HaShem, were defaced today. The messages compared the Jewish community to a terrorist organization, a company that maintains the Web sites told the Denver Post. According to the report, the Web site of the Boulder Rabbinic Council also was attacked. The hacker called himself Waja (Adi Noor). It took about five hours to restore the sites. "This is not all that different from painting a swastika on the wall of a building," Jeff Finkelstein, who maintains the sites, told the Denver Post. He said he is trying to trace the hacker.

2010(16th of Tevet, 5770):David Gerber, an Emmy- and Peabody Award-winning television producer who brought forward-thinking series like “Police Story” and “Police Woman” to prime time in the 1970s and produced more than 50 television films and mini-series during a four-decade career, died today in Los Angeles at the age of 86. (As reported by Anita Gates)

2011: A Judaica book sale -- the largest of its kind in the Greater Washington area -- with an estimated 1,600 titles is scheduled to take place at Congregation Tikvat Israel in Rockville, Md.

2011: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Memory Chalet by Tony Judt

2011: The funeral of Rabbi Yissachar Meir, who passed away on Shabbat, was held today at Netiviot, Israel.

2011: In the week ending today the London, Broadway, and both North American touring productions of “Wicked,} the Stephen Schwartz and Winnie Holzman musical “simultaneously broke their respective records for the highest weekly gross/”

2011: Jerusalem Post reporter Khaled Abu Toameh is one of two winners of Israel’s Media Watch’s 2011 award for media criticism, the organization announced today. The right-wing satirical news site Latma was a co-winner of the award.

2011: As of today, Deborah Shapiro and Michael Rieber who have been friends, political allies, and fellow members of Congregation Etz Chaim in Livingston for several years enjoy another distinction. Together, they form the Republican minority on the five-person Livingston Township Council.

2012: In Jerusalem, local talent is scheduled to have a chance to shine at Open Mic Night at Mike’s Place

2012: Rabbi Chaim Sabato and Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein are scheduled to appear at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue in a program in celebration of the recently published book "Mevakshay Panecha" by Rabbis Sabato and Lichtenstein.  “Adjusting Sites” and “Aleppo Tales” by Chaim Sabato are available in English and are a must read for everybody.

2012: The Knesset approved today in second and third readings the so-called Grunis bill, which is expected to pave the way for Supreme Court Justice Asher Dan Grunis, a conservative judge popular with right-wing politicians, to be named the next court president.

2012: The IDF General Staff forum has decided to adopt a special committee's recommendation to excuse religious soldiers from informal events which include women's singing, Ynet learned today.

2013: “Aya” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: “Israel’s prestigious Wolf Prize will honor American, German and Austrian scientists as well as an architect from Portugal this year, the Wolf Foundation announced today.” (As reported by Michal Shumlovich)

2013: Ruth Goodman, Yossi Almani and the Hilulim team from Israel featuring Gadi Bitton, Yaron Ben Simchon, Yaron Carmel are scheduled to lead an evening of Israeli Dancing at the 92nd Street Y.

2013(20thof Tevet, 5773): Ninety-two year old scholar and author Gerda Lerner passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)

2013: Clashes broke out for the second day running between Palestinians and settlers outside the West Bank outpost of Esh Kodesh near the Shiloh settlement this morning, Army Radio reported.

2013: The IDF Prosecutor today filed an indictment against the alleged “mastermind” of the Tel Aviv bus bombing which injured 24 passengers during Operation Pillar of Defense with the West Bank Military Court of Yehuda.

2014: “Sage of a Photo” and “Behind the Candelabra” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014(1stof Shevat, 5774): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

2014: Menachem “Max” Stark “a Jewish Chassidic American real estate developer in New York City. Stark was abducted outside his office at 331 Rutledge Street in Brooklyn” today.

2014: “An internal Palestinian Authority document” “whose contents were reported by…Yedioth Ahronoth and Israel Radio this morning” predicted a “third intifada” if the Kerry Peace talks fail.

2014: A 16-year-old Gaza terrorist, who was trying to destroy the security fence, was shot in the leg by the IDF today after he refused orders to desist. (As reported by Ari Yashir)

2014: The IDF said expects Israeli born Seton Hall basketball player Tom Maayan to return to fulfill his military obligation.

2014: The gag order was removed on Shin Bet’s arrest of “14 terrorists some from the Islamic Jihad organization, on suspicion that they were involved in the bombing of a bus in Bat Yam two weeks ago.” (As reported by Gil Ronen)

2015: In Washington, DC, the historic sixth and I synagogue is scheduled to host a “Good Soul Shabbat” featuring Rabbi Scott, Kevin Snider of DeLeon, percussionist Guy Irlander, and Michal Bilick

2015: “Several settlers hurled rocks at personnel from Jerusalem’s US Consulate near an illegal West Bank outpost.” (As reported by Itmar Sharon)

2015: The IDF arrested Mohammed al-Ajlounin, an East Jerusalem resident “on suspicion that he was behind dthe stabbing of two Border Police officers last week in Jerusalem’s Old City.” (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2015(11thof Tevet, 5775):  Ruth Popkin, the former Hadassah President and President of the Jewish National Fund passed away today at the age of 101.

2015: Marc Weisman, Iowa’s “Hebrew Hammer” played his final college football game.

2016: This evening, Temple Judah is scheduled to host the fourth annual Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre Recital featuring a performance of selections from “La Traviata.”

2016: “A Brief History of Humankind” an exhibit based on Sapiens: A Brief History by Yuval Noah Harari is scheduled to come to a close at the Israel Museum.

2016: “The Kid” and “Rust and Bones” are scheduled to be shown at The Jerusalem Cinematheque 

2016(21stof Tevet, 5776): Shabbat Shemot – Start of the New Year coincides with the start of the second book of the Torah. 

2016(21stof Tevet, 5776): Seventy-nine year old television host Stanley Siegel passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts.)

2017: As they recover from ringing the New Year, friends and family Judith Miller are scheduled to celebrate the birthday of the Pulitzer Prize winning FOX commentator.

2017: Ninety year old multi-talented John Peter Berge the son of a non-observant Jew who had converted to Catholicism and the author of the novel G which won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1972 passed away today.(As reported by Randy Kennedy)

2017: “Israeli police investigators questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for three hours at his official residence this evening on suspicion of receiving illicit gifts and favors from business executives.”

2017: Friends and family mourn the death of 19 year old Israeli Lian Zahar Hassan who was murdered by a terrorist as she celebrated the New Year in Istanbul.

2017: “Angeliquca Tompkins, 19, and Matthew Terry, 20 and a female juvenile charged with criminal mischief and criminal trespassing in connection with the vandalism of the headstone of a Jewish couple buried in the cemetery of Scottsburg, a small Indiana town” (JTA)

2017: This evening in Cedar Rapids, Temple Judah is scheduled to host the fifth annual Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre Recital featuring “principal singers from Cavalleria rusticana and Pagliaceci.”

2018: Israel’s Chief of Staff, Lieutenant-General Gadi Eizenhot, said that Iran’s outlay for helping allies, including Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, is increasing from the millions already being spent for that purpose.

2018(15thof Tevet, 5778): Eight-seven year old “ceramic artist Elizabeth Woodman” and the wife of fellow artist George Woodman passed away today. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)

2018: Night Spectacular Sound and Light Show is scheduled to illuminate the walls of the Citadel in Jerusalem.

2018: “The Israeli Parliament, after a late-night debate, voted early today to enact stiff new obstacles to any potential land-for-peace deal involving Jerusalem, while abandoning at the last minute a measure that would have eased the way to rid the city of several overwhelmingly Palestinian neighborhoods.”

2018: In Jerusalem, the First Station is scheduled to host a calorie burning Zumba Party.

2018: Today, “Neshama Carlebach, daughter of the late Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, in her first public comments since the start of the #MeToo movement said she is angry with her father over allegations of sexual misconduct but that he was more than just his faults.”

2018: In New York, the Jewish Museum is scheduled to host several tours “of the exhibition Modigliani Unmasked.”

2019: Syria and Iran were on the agenda when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met today in Brasilia against the backdrop of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s inauguration (As reported by Itamar Eichner)

2019: In Rochester, NY, Mike Miller and Leah Sherman are scheduled provided musical instruction in an evening sponsored by Temple Beth El, Temple B’rith Kodesh and Temple Sinai.

2019(25thof Tevet, 5779): On the Jewish calendar, Yahrzeit of Moses Levi Ehrenreich, the chief rabbi of Rome. (As reported by Aish)


This Day, January 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 3

106 BCE: Birthdate of Marcus Tullius, the Roman statesman and orator.  From the Jewish point of view he was just one more anti-Semitic intellectual.  “He denounced Judaism as a ‘barbarous superstition.’” He defended a Roman official who had stolen contributions that we supposed to be shipped to the Temple at Jerusalem.  He decried the influence of Jews in Rome cautioning one group to speak quietly lest they be overheard by the Jews.  Unfortunately, when I had difficulty translating Cicero in high school, my father would not accept my excuse that Cicero was an anti-Semite so how could he expect to do well in Latin class.

1322: The reign of King Phillip V, also called Phillip the Long or Phillip the Tall during which “300,000 men, headed by a deposed priest and a renegade monk began their desultory march to the Holy Land: which included ravaging the Jews of Navarre, slaying 6,000 Jews in Estella and laying siege to Verdun where the Jews took their own lives rather than the victims of this so-called “Shepherd’s Crusade” came to an end today.

1521: Pope Leo X excommunicates Martin Luther in the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem. Leo is portrayed as the epitome of Church corruption – the great seller of indulgences.  But Leo also provided protection for the Jews living in the Papal States.  On one occasion he defied King Louis of France by not burning Jewish texts and he actually encouraged a Christian printer to publish a complete, uncensored copy of the Talmud.  Luther is portrayed as the great reformer and father of the Reformation.  Jews certainly benefited from the Protestant Reformation since was in the Protestant Netherlands and protestant England that the Jews found refuge and had a chance to grow and develop.  However, Luther’s version of the Protestant Reformation included a large dose of anti-Semitism that would help fuel the fires of what became the Holocaust. History is not always black or white, but can be a whole lot of gray.

1571: Joachim II Hector, the Prince-elector of the Margraviate of Brandenburg, who allowed the Jews to return to the Margavite after having been banished because of false accusations of host desecration, passed away.  

1598: In a letter from the Sultan to the Ottoman leaders in Jerusalem, he expressed his approval of the fact that the local Muslims locked the doors of the Nachmanides (Ramban) Synagogue, since, "the noisy ceremonies of the Jews in accordance with their false rites hinder our pious devotion and divine worship." Because of this the door was locked and sealed. The Sultan approved of the closing of the building, and he then ordered the synagogue to be annexed to the Muslims.

1676: Frederick William of Brandenburg issued a decree safeguarding the privileges of the Jews of Berlin.

1690(22ndof Tevet, 5450): Famed Lithuanian Rabbi Hillel ben Naphtali Zevi passed away. Born in 1615, he served as a Rabbi in several towns throughout Lithuania.  He was an important communal leader since he was a delegate to the Council of Four Lands.  He was the author of Bet Hillel which was a major commentary on the code of Jewish law known as the Shulchon Oruch.

1769: Birthdate of Jacob Herzfeld, a native of Dessau, Germany who studied medicine at Liepzig before become an actor and theatrical manager.  He passed away in 1826.

1796: Seventy-six year old “Naphtali Hirtz be Feivel” was buried today at the “Alderney Road (Globe Rd) Jewish Cemetery.”

1797: “The Treaty of Tripoli, first treaty between the United States and Tripoli (now Libya) to secure commercial shipping rights and protect American ships” which included Article 11 stating that "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" was signed for a second time today at Algiers after having been originally signed in Tripoli in November of 1796.

1811: In New Orleans, Pierre Brugman who was from Curaçao and of Dutch–Jewish Sephardic ancestry and Puerto Rican Isabel Duliebre gave birth to businessman and leader in the movement for Puerto Rico’s indepenced Mathias Brugman

1821(29thof Tevet, 5581): While serving in his 50th year as the “Chief Cantor of the Jewish Congregation of Berlin, Aaron Beer passed away today.

1823: In Charleston, SC, this evening, Rabbi Peixotto officiated at the wedding of N.H. Hart and Sara Moses, the daughter of the late Joseph Moses.

1825: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the first engineering college in the U.S. is opened in Troy, New York. Today its 4,000 undergrad student body includes approximately 500 Jewish students.

1826: In Berlin, “a public school with four classes” was today under the direction of Leopold Zunz.

1827: Judah Joseph Moryoseph married Luna de Raphael Meldola today.

1830: Jacob Barrow Montefiore and Justina Lydia Montefiore gave birth to Eliezer / Leslie Jacob Montefiore.

1835: Schiee Jaffé and his first wife Ernestine gave birth to Moritz Jaffe.

1844: Rabbi Rosenfelt officiated at the wedding of Mr. Abrahams and Miss Elizabeth F. Joseph of Charleston.

1848: In Châlons-en-Champagne, France, Mayes and Henriette Neumark gave birth to Alfred Neymark, the husband of Jeanne Neymark and “editor of the Revue Contemporaine and founder of Le Rentier an economic and financial paper.”

1853: “The Affairs in Europe” column published today reported that Parisians are amused at the “Protestant rigors in Germany against the Jews” in reaction to “the event of December 2, 1851…”  The “event of December 2, 1851” is a reference to the overthrow of the Second French Republic by Louis Napoleon who had himself crowned Emperor on December 2, 1852.

1854:Sir George Grey, who hired Samuel Joseph, an Anglo-Jew from London as his interpreter” today completed his service as the third Governor of New Zealand

1855(13th of Tevet, 5615): Forty-two year old Henry Edward Goldsmid passed away today in Cairo.  Born in London in 1812, he spent most of his career serving in India in various positions with the East India Company. 

1858: Judah Touro’s fourth Yahrzeit was observed this afternoon at the Green Street Synagogue in NYC.

1858: As she grew weaker, Rachel Felix completed a final letter to her father around 11 in the morning.  At 8 o'clock a dozen Jews arrived from Nice to be with Rachel Felix in her last hours.  Sometime after 10 pm, two women and one man approached Rachel's bed and and began chanting prayers for the dying Jewess. 

1858 (17th of Tevet, 5618): Elisabeth Rachel Felix, known simply as “Rachel,” the French actress and singer passed away at the age of 36. “Élisabeth Rachel Félix was the second of the six children of Alsatian Jewish peddlers, Jacob (Jacques) and Esther Hayyah (Thérèse) Félix, and a French citizen under the Civic Emancipation, Rachel always remained profoundly in phase with the Jews’ entry into and participation in modernity. Although singular, her career was characteristic of the collective experience of the second generation of Jews born after the Emancipation and who participated fully in French social, economic, political and cultural life. Furthermore, for many French people, Rachel personified the great allegorical figures of Tragedy, History and the Republic. Her example illustrates the extent to which an often passionate but at any rate profound and intimate adhesion to French culture was an essential component in the construction of emancipated French Judaism. In Rachel we find all the cultural and political paradoxes and contradictions of her time. She was a symbol of legitimist and republican virtue in equal measure. Her performance as La Marseillaise had the public in raptures in 1848. But if she exercised such fascination it was also because she personified the social ascension of the lower classes, and was proud of it. Never hiding her humble origins and always asserting the importance of her family ties, she worked furiously at educating and cultivating herself and modeling her image. But despite her aspiration to affluence and respectability, she could never avoid details of her private life fuelling the whiff of scandal that clung to her name. Although never developing a critical awareness of the condition of women in the society of her time, she was loath to espouse the model of the bourgeois, cultivated woman defined by the notables of her time – married, a mother, either discreet or ceasing to appear on stage – and constantly asserted her desire to remain independent in order to devote herself fully to her art.

The Rachel phenomenon in many ways transcends that of the successful actress. Many biographies of her were written, and she became one of the most famous women of her century. Other artists, men and women, may also have left their mark on their time, but Rachel forged a new model of the actress and woman.” As one reads this entry, one gets a sense of how “French” French Jews felt themselves which provides understanding to the depth of shock and dismay felt at the time of the Dreyfus Affair.

1862: In Paddington, English businessman Jonah Nathan and Miriam Jacob Nathan gave birth to Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Matthew Nathan, the brother of Major F.L. Nathan and Sir Nathaniel Nathan.

1863:  Cesar Kaskel arrived in Washington and went to meet with Cincinnati congressman John Addison Gurley to get his help in arranging a meeting with President Lincoln.

1864: Four days after she had passed away, Jamaica born Rosetta Micholls, the wife of Edward Emanuel Micholls with whom she had had eight children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1866: Sir Saul Samuel completed his first term as Treasurer of New South Wales.

1868: According to today’s issue of “The Jewish Sentinel,” an eight page weekly published in Philadelphia, Maimonides College has been operating in Philadelphia since November 4, 1867 “under a charter of the Hebrew Education Society” led by Rabbi Isaac Lesser who is the school’s Provost or President.

1868: Philadelphian Myer Asch, who had reached the rank of Colonel while serving with the Union Army during the Civil War was elected Senior Vice Commander of the George G. Meade Post, Number 1, Grand Army of the Republic.

1871(10th of Tevet, 5631): Asara B’Tevet

1871: Jakob Löwith was elected unanimously to the community board in Pilsen.

1876(6th of Tevet, 5636): Sixty-five year old Sir Anthony de Rothschild, 1st Baronet, the second son of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, passed away today. He took on much of the responsibility for the family’s banking business, was the first President of the United Synagogue and was known as an art collector and breeder of thoroughbred racehorses. He died without a male heir so his title transferred to his nephew Nathan Mayer Rothschild.

1879: It was reported today that a commission appointed at the recent convention of American Hebrew Congregations to consider plans to establish one central college to train Rabbis in the United States is meeting in Philadelphia. The commission includes Rabbis Gottheil and Einhorn from New York and L.M. Demibtz of Louisville, KY.  Currently there are at least three such colleges located in New York, Philadelphia and Cincinnati, Ohio.

1879: In Berlin, “theatre conductor Paul Abarbanell and Marie Abarbanell” gave birth to opera star Lina Abarbanell

1880: Birthdate of Emir Said Mir Mohammed Alim Khan for whom Levi Babakahn the grandfather of the Central Asian musician Ari Babakhanov served as “court vocalist”.

1882: In Milwaukee, WI, Isaac David Adler, a prosperous wholesale manufacturer of men's clothing, and Therese Hyman Adler gave birth to their only son David Adler, the noted American architect

1882: In Shanghia, Isaac “Ned” Ezra, the merchant whose name was given to Ezra Road and his wife gave birth to the first of the nine children, Edward Isaac Ezra.

1883(24th of Tevet, 5643):  Barrister and Jewish communal leader Morris Simeon Oppenheim, the son of a London merchant who was called to the Bar in 1858 and served as “Secretary of the Great Synagogue for nearly 25 years” passed away today.

1883:  Birthdate of British political leader Clement Attlee, a member of the Labor Party who served as Prime Minister from 1945 to 1951.  He replaced Winston Churchill as Prime Minister shortly after VE Day when the Laborites defeated the Conservatives in the first Parliamentary elections since the start of World War II.  Talk about ingratitude.  In what seemed like unnecessary cruelty, the Atlee Government continued to bar Jews from immigrating to Palestine.  The government pursued an active war of suppression against the Zionists and made it clear that the Laborites had no intention in honoring the promise of the Balfour Declaration. Faced with financial bankruptcy and war weariness, Atlee began dismember the British Empire which meant surrendering the Palestine Mandate as well as the colony of India.

1887: In San Francisco, Marcus Schiller and others formally established the Beth Israel congregation with forty male members.

1888: Opening of the 111th New York State Legislature in which Jacob Cantor served as a member of the York State Senate.

1890: Two days after he had passed away, 37 year old David Lehman, the German born “walking stick maker” who was the husband of Annie Lehmann and the father of Marcus, Sophia and Nathan Lehman, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1890: “Trouble Over A School” published today described the opposition of Jewish citizens on the Lower East Side to the establishment of a school by Reverend Morgan of St. Mark’s  which some of them “regard as movement to undermined the Jewish faith.”

1891: Birthdate of poet and author Osip E Mandelstam.  A native of Warsaw, Mandelstam grew up in the comfortable middle class Jewish home that was described as not being very religious.  The ups and downs of his career and posthumous honor mirrored the fate of many other intellectuals living in the Soviet Union.  He died in the Gulag in 1938.

1891: Among the charities that the Brooklyn Board of Estimate said would be receiving public funds were the Eastern District of the Hebrew Benevolent Society ($155.86); Western District of the Hebrew Benevolent Society ($88.96) and the Hebrew Orphan Asylum ($319.06).

1892: It was reported today that among the forty Europeans being held as prisoners by the Mahdists are eight Jews.

1893: In Alliance, NJ, Anna Saprho and George Sergius Seldes gave birth to Gilbert Vivian Seldes the writer and American “social critic.”

1893: It was reported today that Henry Mazinsky, the young boy who had contracted typhus, had been at The Ladies’ Deborah Nursery and Child’s Protectory for four months “under the constant care of the attendants” and how he contracted the disease remains a mystery.

1893:  It was reported today that The Ladies’ Deborah Nursery and Child’s Protectory is currently caring for 150 boys.

1894: A meeting was held this evening at the Jewish Theological Seminary “for the purpose of founding a society” that will improve the observance of Shabbat.

1894(25th of Tevet, 5654): Adolph L. Sanger, a native of Baton Rouge, LA who graduated from Columbia Law School in 1864 following which he forged a successful career as an attorney, politician and leader of the Jewish community passed away today.

1894: The Footlight Club provided the entertainment for a fundraiser held at the Berkley Lyceum for the benefit of the Louis Downtown Sabbath and Daily School.

1895: Birthdate of British born Protestant archaeologist James Leslie Starkey who was “the chief excavator of the first archaeological expedition at Lachish.

1895: It was reported today that Aaron Leiman was at work at cloak factory when a fire broke out in his apartment killing his wife and two children.

1895: It was reported today that the tenement house at 25 Pitt Street that burned yesterday  “was inhabited entirely by the families of” Jewish “cloakmakers and tailors” most of whom are suffering financially due to the cloakmakers’ strike.

1895: Colonel David S. Brown who will be leaving on trip that will take him to Egypt and Palestine was the guest of honor at a dinner at the Colonial Club.

1895: Herzl personally witnessed Colonel Dreyfus being “drummed out of the army in the courtyard of the Ecole Militaire as huge crowds outside shouted, ‘” ‘Death to the Jews!’”

1896: In New York gave birth to Felix Moritz Warburg and Frieda Fanny Warburg, the daughter of Jacob and Therese Schiff gave birth to Carola Warburg who became Carola Rothschild when she married Walter Rothschild.

1897: Dr. Maurice Harris of Temple Israel in Harlem delivered the sermon this morning at Temple Emanu-El.

1897: Adolph Sutro completed his service as the 24th Mayor of San Francisco.

1897: “Maspero On The East Again” provides a detailed review of The Struggle of the Nations: Egypt, Syria and Assyria by Gaston Maspero in which “he records the exodus, the conquest of Canaan, the founding…of David’s kingdom, the building of the reservoirs ascribed to Solomon, and of Solomon’s temple.”

1898: It was reported today that Julius D. Eisenstein has been chosen as president of “The American Congregation, the Pride of Jerusalem” – a new organization to provide aid for the indigent Jews living in Jerusalem.

1898: Gratz College is scheduled to open its doors today in Philadelphia.  A teachers’ and general college, it is the third Jewish institution of higher-learning in the United States. Faculty members include Rabbi Henry M Speaker (Jewish literature), Arthur A. Dembitz (Jewish history) and Isaac Husik (Hebrew). The course of study lasts three years and “under certain conditions” students who cannot afford the tuition “will be admitted free of charge.”

1898: In Baltimore, founding of Gemilath Chassodim (Hebrew Free Loan Association) which lent “money in small sums to needy people on promissory notes with one or two endorsers without interest to be paid in weekly installments of 50 cents.”

1900: Birthdate of Viennese native and WW I veteran Ernst Neubach the songwriter and screenwriter who spent the war in Switzerland and who wrote “In Heaven There Is No Beer” “a rendition of the song “the Hawkeye Victory Polka” “is played by the University of Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band after Iowa Hawkeyes football victories and has been a tradition since the 1960s.”

1901: Birthdate of George W.F. Hallgarten, the German born American historian who was the grandson of Charles Hallgarten and great grandson of Lazarus Hallgarten.

1903: First version of “Deinem Blick mich zu bequemen" ("To Grow Accustomed to Thy Gaze"), for Voice and Piano by Arnold Schönberg

1906: “An Advisory board of teachers, of which Gustave Straubenmuller was Chairman decided at meeting held” today “at the City College to add the money” collected by school teachers in December “for the relief of the sufferers from the Jewish massacres in Russia” to the National Relief Fund.

1906 (6th of Tevet, 5666): Dr. Otto A. Moses passed away at the age of 72.  Born in 1846, the South Carolina native “had a worldwide reputation as a geologist and chemist.” He was also the founder of the Hebrew Technical Institute, a New York “institution for the education of poor boys” and was an active supporter of other Jewish charities including the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Montefiore Home.

1906: Birthdate of San Francisco native and University of California, Berkley alum Frederick L. Ehrman, the Chairman of the Board of Lehman Brothers and philanthropist who was the husband of “the former Edith Koshland” with whom he raised “a daughter, Edith.”

1906: “Ignoramus” wrote from Buffalo, NY questioning the information in The Jewish Spectre by George H. Warner which states on page 288 “that Jews are neither soldiers or college men” and on page 290 that “the newspaper reports of the last few years full of accounts of Jewish crimes” but does not mention which newspapers.

1909(10th of Tevet, 5669): Asara B'Tevet

1911: Emir Said Mir Mohammed Alim Khan for whom Levi Babakahn the grandfather of the Central Asian musician Ari Babakhanov served as “court vocalist” began his reign today.

1911: Birthdate of Warsaw artist Josef Herman who fled Poland in the 1930’s because of the virulent anti-Semitism in Poland and finally settling in the United Kingdom after the German invasion of Belgium and France.

1914: In New York, Morris Meltsner and Rose Klarman gave birth to Martin Meltsner

1915: The Memphis Commercial Appeal “printed a long review of the Leo Frank case from a Georgia newspaper man who argued that the evidence in the case warranted the verdict” rendered.

1915: British synagogues joined other houses of worship in holding special services on behalf of the empire as requested by the King.

1915: Birthdate of Marian Pollock the wife of Louis Pollock.

1915: In St. Louis at the 18thannual convention of the Knights of Zion, Louis D. Brandeis declared “Responsibility for preserving Jewish customs and ideals now rests almost wholly with the American Jews.”

1915:Birthdate of Jack Levine the Boston born American Social Realist painter and printmaker best known for his satires on modern life, political corruption, and biblical narratives.

1916: It was reported today, that due to the effects of the World War, in Palestine, “30,000 workmen were in great distress.”

1916: Joseph Leonard wrote today from New York that “the English community rejoices” at the “devotion and heroism” its members are showing on the battlefield which apparently comes at surprise to those who do not know the history of the “virile and romantic race” but Jews always identify themselves with their adopted countries and respond with “patriotic devotion.”

1916: “The Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America” in New York “received a telegram today from its representative, Jacob R. Fain saying that a branch had just been organized in Seattle, Washington, where it will undertake to care for Jewish refugees from the war zones of Europe as well as other Jewish immigrants.”

1916: “If We Joined the Entente” published today lists Isaac Don Levine’s reasons for the United States entering the war on the side of England and France including the fact that the United States would be able to protect the rights of oppressed nationalities including the Jews.

1916: It was reported today that President Woodrow Wilson has sent a telegram to a group meeting in Baltimore, MD to raise money for the relief of Jews in war-torn Europe expressing his “profound sympathy with the object of the meeting and sincere hope that there will be a great outpouring for the relief of these distressed people.”

1916: In Chicago, this morning’s business session of the Knights of Zion Convention is scheduled to be followed by a kosher banquet for 600 delegates and guests.

1916: It was reported today that Rabbi Samuel Schulman of Temple Beth-El has said that “there must be less talk of Judaism and more silent, honest, consistent living of Judaism.”

1916: It was reported today that in Russia “all concessions made to the Jews by Prince Cherbatoff, the former Minister of the Interior, have been cancelled

1916: Birthdate of Newark, NJ, native and world class cellist Bernard Greenhouse.

1917: In New York City wealthy heiress Gladys Guggenheim and Roger Williams Straus, Sr whose family owned Macy’s gave birth to Roger Williams Straus, Jr.

1918(19th of Tevet, 5678): Mrs. Emily M. Marcuse, an attorney passed away today in Oakland, CA.

1918: “Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Chairman of the Provision Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs announced” tonight “that more than one-fourth of the first million dollars of the Palestine restoration fund to be devoted to the immediate needs for re-establishing a Jewish state in Palestine after the war had been raised” in just three days, even while the commission headed by Eugene Meyer, Jr. was still in its formative state.

1918: A meeting was held today “at the Fifth Avenue home of Adolph Lewisohn” where the “directors and trustees of local Jewish institutions” met to discuss plans for the drive to raise four million dollars by the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies” which is scheduled to begin on January 14.

1919: Birthdate of South African journalist turned political activist Colin Legum.

1919: Simon Petlyura, "hetman" of Russia and the Ruthenian Republic, a Ukrainian nationalist and commander of the Zaporog Cossacks and Haidamaks, began his attack against the Jews. He accused them of being supporters of the communist regime. In Berdichev, Uma, Zhitomir and other cities about seventy thousand were killed and an equal number wounded. Altogether 372 cities and towns were attacked in 998 major and 349 minor pogroms. This took placed during the Russian Civil War that followed the Bolshevik Revolution.  The civil war was loosely described as fight between the Reds (the communists) and the Whites (all of the various groups opposed to the communists).  The Jews were caught in the middle and suffered at the hands of both sides.

1919: The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement was signed today, by Emir Faisal (son of the King of Hejaz) and Chaim Weizmann as part of the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 settling disputes stemming from World War I. It was a short-lived agreement for Arab-Jewish cooperation on the development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and an Arab nation in a large part of the Middle East. Weizmann first met Faisal in June 1918, during the British advance from the South against the Ottoman Empire in World War I. As leader of an impromptu "Zionist Commission", Weizmann traveled to southern Transjordan for the meeting. The intended purpose was to forge an agreement between Faisal and the Zionist movement to support an Arab Kingdom and Jewish settlement in Palestine, respectively. Weizmann and Faisal established an informal agreement under which Faisal would support dense Jewish settlement in Palestine while the Zionist movement would assist in the development of the vast Arab nation that Faisal hoped to establish. Weizmann and Faisal met again later in 1918 in London and soon afterwards at the Paris peace conference. In their first meeting in June 1918 Weizmann had assured Faisal that "the Jews did not propose to set up a government of their own but wished to work under British protection, to colonize and develop Palestine without encroaching on any legitimate interests". The day after they signed the written agreement, which bears their names, Weizmann arrived in Paris to head the Zionist delegation to the Peace Conference. It was a triumphal moment for Weizmann; it was an accord that climaxed years of negotiations and ceaseless shuttles between the Middle East and the capitals of Western Europe and that promised to usher in an era of peace and cooperation between the two principal ethnic groups of Palestine: Arabs and Jews. The maipoints of the agreement were:

  • The agreement committed both parties to conducting all relations between the groups by the most cordial goodwill and understanding, to work together to encourage immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale while protecting the rights of the Arab peasants and tenant farmers, and to safeguard the free practice of religious observances. The Muslim Holy Places were to be under Muslim control.
  • The Zionist movement undertook to assist the Arab residents of Palestine and the future Arab state to develop their natural resources and establish a growing economy.
  • The boundaries between an Arab State and Palestine should be determined by a Commission after the Paris Peace Conference.
  • The parties committed to carrying into effect the Balfour Declaration of 1917, calling for a Jewish national home in Palestine.
  • Disputes were to be submitted to the British Government for arbitration.

Weizmann signed the agreement on behalf of the Zionist Organization, while Faisal signed on behalf of the short-lived Arab Kingdom of Hedjaz.

Two weeks prior to signing the agreement, Faisal stated:

The two main branches of the Semitic family, Arabs and Jews, understand one another, and I hope that as a result of interchange of ideas at the Peace Conference, which will be guided by ideals of self-determination and nationality, each nation will make definite progress towards the realization of its aspirations. Arabs are not jealous of Zionist Jews, and intend to give them fair play and the Zionist Jews have assured the Nationalist Arabs of their intention to see that they too have fair play in their respective areas. Turkish intrigue in Palestine has raised jealousy between the Jewish colonists and the local peasants, but the mutual understanding of the aims of Arabs and Jews will at once clear away the last trace of this former bitterness, which, indeed, had already practically disappeared before the war by the work of the Arab Secret Revolutionary Committee, which in Syria and elsewhere laid the foundation of the Arab military successes of the past two years.The areas discussed were detailed in a letter to Felix Frankfurter, President of the Zionist Organization of America, on March 3, 1919, when Faisal wrote :

The Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper."The boundaries of Palestine shall follow the general lines set out below: Starting on the North at a point on the Mediterranean Sea in the vicinity South of Sidon and following the watersheds of the foothills of the Lebanon as far as Jisr el Karaon, thence to El Bire following the dividing line between the two basins of the Wadi El Korn and the Wadi Et Teim thence in a southerly direction following the dividing line between the Eastern and Western slopes of the Hermon, to the vicinity West of Beit Jenn, thence Eastward following the northern watersheds of the Nahr Mughaniye close to and west of the Hedjaz Railway; in the East a line close to and West of the Hedjaz Railway terminating in the Gulf of Akaba; in the South a frontier to be agreed upon with the Egyptian Government; in the West the Mediterranean Sea. The details of the delimitations, or any necessary adjustments of detail, shall be settled by a Special Commission on which there shall be Jewish representation. Faisal conditioned his acceptance on the fulfillment of British wartime promises to the Arabs, who had hoped for independence in a vast part of the Ottoman Empire. He appended to the typed document a hand-written statement:

"Provided the Arabs obtain their independence as demanded in my [forthcoming] Memorandum dated the 4th of January, 1919, to the Foreign Office of the Government of Great Britain, I shall concur in the above articles. But if the slightest modification or departure were to be made [regarding our demands], I shall not be then bound by a single word of the present Agreement which shall be deemed void and of no account or validity, and I shall not be answerable in any way whatsoever." The Faisal-Weizmann agreement survived only a few months. The outcome of the peace conference itself did not provide the vast Arab state that Faisal desired mainly because the British and French had struck their own secret Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 dividing the Middle East between their own spheres of influence, and soon Faisal began to express doubts about cooperation with the Zionist movement. After Faisal was expelled from Syria and given the Kingdom of Iraq, he contended that the conditions he appended were not fulfilled and the treaty therefore moot. St. John Philby, a British representative in Palestine, later stated that Hussein bin Ali, the Sharif of Mecca and King of Hejaz, on whose behalf Faisal was acting, had refused to recognize the agreement as soon as it was brought to his notice. However, Sharif Hussein formally endorsed the Balfour Declaration in the Treaty of Sèvres of 10 August, 1920, along with the other Allied Powers, as King of Hedjaz. The United Nations Special Committee On Palestine did not regard the agreement as ever being validwhile Weizmann continued to maintain that the treaty was still binding. In 1947 Weizmann explained:"A postscript was also included in this treaty. This postscript relates to a reservation by King Feisal that he would carry out all the promises in this treaty if and when he would obtain his demands, namely, independence for the Arab countries. I submit that these requirements of King Feisal have at present been realized. The Arab countries are all independent, and therefore the condition on which depended the fulfillment of this treaty, has come into effect. Therefore, this treaty, to all intents and purposes, should today be a valid document". According to C.D. Smith the Syrian National Congress had forced Faisal to back away from his tentative support of Zionist goals

1920: Viola Flannery married Elie Nadelman, the Polish born American-Jewish sculptor, in New York City. 

1921:In Brooklyn, insurance salesman Paul Gold and Rose (Sachs) Gold gave birth to William “Bill” Gold the creator of untold number of movie posters the most famous of which may have been for the classic “Casablanca.” (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

1921: Simon Bamberger, the German born Jew completed his term as Governor of Utah – a position which he was the first non-Mormon to hold.

1923: The New York State convened today in which Philip M. Kleinfeld served as a member from the 4th District.

1924: While his brother George was playing billiards at the Ambassador Billiard Parlor, Ira Gershwin was reading an article entitled “What is America Music?” which including the claim he was “at work on a jazz concerto and Irving Berlin was a writing a syncopated tone poem.”

1924: Birthdate of Israeli Admiral Mordechai Limon, the man who would mastermind and execute the Cherbourg Project in 1969.

1925: Benito Mussolini, the Italian Fascist, who enjoyed support among Italian Jews, announced that he was assuming dictatorial powers.  According to Alexander Stille, by 1938 one third of adult Italian Jews belonged to Fascist Party. “This amounted to 10,000 Jews out of Italy's small Jewish population of 47,000.”  But according to Claretta Petacci, Mussolini's mistress, between 1932 and 1938, the Italian dictator “was a fierce anti-Semite, who proudly said that his hatred for Jews preceded Adolf Hitler's and vowed to ‘destroy them all.’”

1925: Today Cornell University graduate and President of the Chicago Board of Trade Richard Frederick Uhlmann, married Rosamond Goldman with whom he had three children – Audrey, Janis and Frederick

1925: In London, Aileen Freda Leatherman and Michael Balcon gave birth to English actress Jill Balcon.

1926(17thof Tevet, 5686): Forty-year old Leopold “Leo” Sulzberger, “the son of Cyrus Leopold Sulzberger and Rachel Peixotto Sulzberger”, the husband of Beatrice Sulzberger and the father of awarding foreign correspondent C.L. Sulzberger, passed away today in New York Coty.

1927: At Cooper Union, the United Palestine Appeal held its kickoff event designed to raise $100,000.  During the meeting it was announced that $15,000 had already been raised with $2,500 having been donated by Morris Eisenman.

1927: During a meeting of the United Palestine Appeal held at Cooper Union in New York City, tribute was paid to the memory of Asher Ginsberg who was better known by his pen name, Achad Ha’am.  Ginsberg who was living in Tel Aviv when he passed away, was described as “one of the most creative forces in world Zionism.”

1929: At the tender age of 27 William S. Paley became President of CBS.

1930(3rd of Tevet, 5690): The first Chanukah to be observed during The Great Depression comes to an end today on the 8thday of the festival.

1932: Laborite Ian Mikardo married Mary Rosette today.

1933: In Germany, an attempt to assassinate journalist Ezriel Carlebach failed when “the gunshot cut through his hat” but missed his head.

1936: The Manchester Guardian published an article disproving Hitler’s claims that the Jews had a “stranglehold or monopoly” on German cultural and professional life.  The percentages were based on official German statistics.

1937: James Waterman Wise, the son of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise is scheduled to speak at the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall on “Some of my Best Friends Are Jews.”

1937: Rabbi Israel Goldstein is scheduled to deliver a sermon today at Temple B’nai Jeshurun.

1937: Rabbi Lichtenstein is scheduled to talk about “The Miracle of Healing” this morning at the Jewish Science Society.”

1937: The New York Timesreports that Mrs. Yetka Levy-Stein the wife of a Berlin Rabbi arrived here last week on the Cunard White Star liner Berengaria to make a three-month tour of the United States on behalf of the Youth Aliyah movement, which is concerned with the settlement of German-Jewish children in the cooperative colonies of Palestine.

1937:California Congresswomen Florence Prag Kahn completed her fifth and final term in office.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that it was no coincidence that most of the arms found on Arab terrorists were of German manufacture. They were smuggled in from Lebanon, Syria and Transjordan. British troops, assisted by police, fought a bloody battle with a band of arms smugglers near the Sahla village in Galilee.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that settlers at Kibbutz Neveh Ya'acov, north of Jerusalem, repelled another heavy Arab attack.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that a forest was planted at the Ma'aleh Hahamisha hill in memory of the five pioneers who were murdered there while preparing land for this new settlement. 

1938: New York Supreme Court Justice Salvatore A. Cotillo signed a writ of reasonable doubt today which allowed the release of convicted felons Samuel "Sammy" Weiss and David Goldberg.  The two had been convicted by Thomas E. Dewey for filing false tax returns. Weiss was a notorious racketeer and mobster.

1938: The National Zeitung, the paper controlled by Goering today “ridiculed the idea of any return of Germany to democracy – a though which ‘even emigrant Jews and Marxists already have shelved.’”

1939: The announcement from London, received today in Berlin that Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England, was making a “private” visit to see Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, the President of the Reichsbank where “he is expected to insist that the Reich cease persecuting the Jews and make some effort to help evacuate them in an orderly fashion” instead of just using them as “ransom to increase foreign trade for Germany” has “raised large hopes in Jewish circles.”

1939: “Invitations were issued today for a meeting of the Inter-governmental Refugee Committee” which will include all thirty two nations that had taken part in the Evian Conference, the sham meeting that pretended to address the refugee question which really meant what to do about the Jews of Germany in the wake of the Nazi rise to power.

1939: In Tel Aviv, actor Yaakov Einstein and his wife gave birth to Israeli entertainer Arik Einstein.

1940: Germany’s Ministry of Agriculture denied German Jews food ration cards.

1941: Samuel Arthur Weiss, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, began serving his first term in the U.S. House of Representatives today.

1941: During World War II, German bombers dropped some of their payload on Greenville Hall Synagogue. The building was damaged but not destroyed in the raid.

1941: William H. King, the Senator from Utah who in 1927 “declared…that he favored the United States severing diplomatic relations with any country which failed because of anti-Semitism to protect its Jewish nationals” and “expressed the belief that eventually Palestine would be able to support a population of a million Jews” completed his services as President pro tempore of the United States Senate.

1943:  Today, Heinrich “Himmler received one of many ‘therapeutic massages’ from his doctor, took part in meetings, called his wife and daughter and then ordered…the killing of several Polish families.”

1943: Polish President Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz requested that Pope Pius XII publicly denounce German atrocities against the Jews. Pius remained silent concerning both the German slaughter of the Polish Jews as well as the German attacks against Polish Catholics.

1944(7thof Tevet, 5704): Eighty year old Prussian born mining engineer turned Zionist leader Leopold Kessler passed away in New York where he had been visited by his grandchildren Gabriel and Annette Kessler, the children of his oldest son Jack Kessler.

1945: Benjamin Rabin assumes office as member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York's 4th district

1947: Jimmy Ernst, the Cologne, Germany born son of “painter Max Ernst and Luise Straus, a well-known art historian, journalist and a victim of the Nazis at Auschwitz” today married “Edith Dallas Bauman Brody, a talent court for Warner Brothers.”

1947: The USCGC Northland the last cruising cutter built for the Coast Guard equipped with a sailing rig was sold for scrap today after which she was renamed the Jewish State and used to transport Jewish refugees and renamed Eilat in 1948 so that she could be the flagship of the newly created Israeli navy.

1947: Jacob Javits begins serving in the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 21st congressional district.

1948: The Palmach received orders concerning the attacking on Salama.

1949(2nd of Tevet, 5709): Eighth Day of Chanukah

1949: Fifty-one year old Lewis Browne, the London born, American trained Reform Rabbi turned author whose first book was Stranger Than Fiction: A Short History of the Jews from Earliest Times to the Present Day passed away today in Santa Monica, CA.

1949: Abraham “Abe” Ribicoff began serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Connecticut’s 1stdistrict.

1949: Lyndon Johnson completed his 12 years of service representing Texas’ 10th Congressional District.

1949: Lyndon Johnson began serving as U.S. Senator from Texas.

1949: Leo Isaacson, a member of the American Labor Party, finished his term as a member of the House of Representatives representing New York’s 24thcongressional district

1949: As part of Operation Horev, Israeli troops attacked the Egyptians at Rafah in an attempt to encircle the Arab force.

1951: Sydney A. Fine assumes office as member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York's 23rd district.

1951: Rabbi Naftali Landau, “the son of a Hungarian rabbi and a graduate of Kehilath Jacob Seminary in Antwerp who served Shomre Hadas Congregation in Chicago and Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation today married nineteen year old Minnie Finkelstein

1952: A revival of “Pal Joey”, the Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart musical opened today for the first of 540 performances.

1953: Isidore Dollinger assumed office as member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York's 23rd district

1953: Abraham “Abe” Ribicoff completed his service as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Connecticut’s 1st district.

1955: Richard L. Neuberger began serving as a United States Senator from Oregon.

1956: More than 600 leaders of Hadassah from all over the United States met at New York’s Plaza Hotel to celebrate the twenty-second anniversary of Youth Aliyah, the worldwide child rescue and rehabilitation organization.

1957: NYU Law School Professor and U.S. Navy veteran Ludwig Teller began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives.

1957: Jacob K. Javits began serving as a United States from New York.

1959: Seymour Halpern assumed office as member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York's 4th district.  Unlike most New York Jewish politicians, Halpern was a Republican.

1959: Alaska became the 49th state to join the Union.  For more about Alaska, the final Jewish Frontier you may go to http://www.joyfulnoise.net/JoyAlaska5.html, featuring “Alaskan Jewry – An Historical Overview.”

1959: Ernest Gruening began serving as U.S. Senator from Alaska.

1961: Forty-nine year old Ludwig Teller, a former member of the New York State Legislature, completed his second and final term in office as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

1962: After opening in the United Kingdom, “The Young Ones” with music by Stanley Black and choreographed by Harold Ross was released in the United States today

1963: Tel Aviv University opened. Although its antecedents go back to the early 1950's the university became an independent entity on this date. Today it is the largest University in the country with over 100 departments and over 75 research facilities.

1963: Abraham “Abe” Ribicoff began serving as United States from Connecticut.

1964(18thof Tevet, 5724): Forty-four year old Rabbi Walter Plaut, the brother of Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut, the spiritual leader of Temple Emanuel and “Freedom Rider” passed away today.

1965: James H. Scheuer began assumed office as member of the House of Representatives from New York’s 21st District.

1965(29th of Tevet, 5725): Semyon Ariyevich Kosberg, the Jewish-Soviet engineer born in 1903 who developed an expertise in aircraft and rocket engines who won the Lenin Prize in 1960 and was named a Hero of Socialist Labor in 1961 passed away today.

1965(29thof Tevet, 5725): Eighty four year old comedian and actor whose fifty year career ran from vaudeville to Hollywood and whose two sons William Tannen and Charles Tannen followed in his footsteps passed away today.

1965: Lester L. Wolff began serving as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 3rd District.

1965: Richard Ottinger assumed office as member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York's 25th district

1967(21st of Tevet, 5727): Jack Ruby, the man who shot accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, died in a Dallas hospital.

1967: Joshua Eilberg began serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania’s 4th congressional district.

1969: Ernest Gruening, one of only two Senators to vote against the Gulf of Tonkin resolution completed his service as U.S. Senator from Alaska.

1969: Ed Koch began serving as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 17th District.

1969: Abner J. Mikva began serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the 2nd Congressional District of Illinois.

1970: Jerry Herman’s musical “Mame” closed on Broadway after 1,508 performances.

1973: Ed Koch completed his service as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 17th District.

1973: Ed Koch began serving as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 18th District.

1973: Abner J. Mikva completed his service as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the 2nd Congressional District of Illinois.

1973: Lester L. Wolf completed his services as Member of the U.S. of House of Representatives from New York’s 3rd District and began serving as a Member of the House from New York’s 6th District.

1973: Having lost in the Democratic primary, Emanuel Celler, one of the deans of the House of Representatives whose decade long career was a valiant fight for civil liberties and human dignity and against oppression from the Left and the Right completed his service as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives today.

1973: Elizabeth Holtzman began serving as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 16th District.

1973: James Scheuer completed his service in Congress from New York’s 21stDistrict.

1973: Seymour Halpern finishes his career as a member of the House of Representatives representing New York’s 6th congressional district.

1975: Stephen J. Solarz began serving in the United States House of Representatives as the Congressman from New York’s 13th District, a post he would hold until 1993.

1975: James Scheuer began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives as the Congressman from New York’s 11th District.

1975: Abner J. Mikva began serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the 10th Congressional District of Illinois.

1975: President Gerald Ford signed the Trade Reform Act which contained the Jackson-Vanik-Mills Amendment.  The Amendment required any nation that wanted “most favored nation status” had to grant its citizens the right immigrate to the country of their choice.  The Amendment was intended as a way of forcing the Soviet Union to allow Jews to leave the USSR and was part of the campaign to “Free Russian Jews.”

1976(1stof Shevat, 5763): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1976(1stof Shevat, 5763): Eighty-five year old recording artist Irving Kaufman who began his career in 1914 passed away today.

1977: Ted Weiss assumed office as member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York's 20th district

1977: Stan Lee and his partner “launched the Spider-Man newspaper comic strip today.

1977(13th of Tevet, 5737): Avraham Ofer, Minister of Housing the cabinet of Yitzchak Rabin, passed away

 1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that the US was seeking to establish a bloc of moderate Arab and Muslim states, like Turkey, that would accept Israel's self-rule proposal for the West Bank and Gaza as a transitional phase, leading eventually to these areas' fuller independence, preferably in close linkage to Jordan. Gush Emunim members settled at Karnei Shomron, on the Kalkilya-Nablus road. The Gush rejected Prime Minister Menachem Begin's assurances that his new peace plan would not affect the safety of the existing Jewish settlements in administered areas.

1978: “In a special government meeting called by Ariel Sharon, the government decides to authorize the establishment of three new settlements in Judea and Samaria and to further develop the exiting settlements in the northern Sinai by increasing the number of settlers and expanding the agricultural lands.”

1978: Birthdate of San Antonio, TX, native Brian Natkin the all-star tigh-end at UTEP who went on to play professionally for the Tennessee Titans and the St. Louis Rams.

1979: Joshua Eilberg completed his services a member of the U.S. House Representatives from Pennsylvania’s 4th district

1981: Abraham “Abe” Ribicoff completed his service as United States from Connecticut.

1981: Chuck Schumer began servicing in the U.S. House of Representatives today.

1981: Jacob Javits completed his career as a member of the U.S. Senator from New York.

1981: Elizabeth Holtzman completed her service as a Member of the U.S. Representatives from New York’s 16th District.

1981: Lester L. Wolfe finished his career as a member of the House of Representatives representing New York’s 6th congressional district

1983(18th of Tevet, 5743): Forty-six year old Susan Stein Shiva, the daughter of Dr. Jules Stein and Doris Stein, the husband of Gil Shiva and the mother of Alexandra and Andrew Shiva passed away after losing her battle with breast cancer, the same malady that claimed her mother’s life two years earlier.

1983: James Scheuer completed his service as a Member of the U.S. House from New York’s 11th Congressional District and began serving as a Member of the U.S. House from New York’s 8th Congressional District.

1983: Jerry Nadler completed his service as a member of the New York State Assembly from the 69th district and began serving as the member from the 67thDistrict.

1984: A revival of David Merrick’s “Hello Dolly” starring female impersonator Danny La Rue as Dolly opened at the Prince of Wales Theatre.

1985(10thof Tevet, 5745): Asara B’Tevet

 1985: The government of Israel confirmed the resettlement of 10,000 Ethiopian Jews.  In a world where revisionists condemn the Zionist dream or at least pronounce it dead, this rescue operation served as poignant, pressing reminder of one of the reasons the Jewish state must continue to exist.

1987(2nd of Tevet): Shabbat Shel Chanukah – 8thday of Chanukah

1987(2nd of Tevet): Fifty-five year old David Maysles who along with his brother Albert formed a noted American documentary filmmaking team, passed away today.

1987: The original production of “Smile,” a Marvin Hamlisch musical closed today after 48 performances.

1988:  As part of the war against terrorists, Israel ordered 9 Palestinian "instigators" deported from West Beirut.

1988: The Reagan Administration, through an announcement by its State Department, withheld comment today on the Israeli air strikes into southern Lebanon. A State Department official said Administration officials monitoring weekend developments in the Middle East would assess the information about the air strike

1988(13th of Tevet, 5748):Rose Ausländer a Jewish German- and English language poet passed away. 

1989: Steven Schiff assumed office as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District.

1989: Eliot L. Engel assumed office as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York's 17th district.

1989: Nita Lowey assumed office as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from New York's 18th district.

1989: Joe Lieberman completed his service as the 21st Attorney General of Connecticut.

1989: Joe Lieberman began serving as the U.S. Senator from Connecticut.

1990:Ezer Weizmann is scheduled to leave today for Moscow, a visit that is a further sign of warming relations between the Soviet Union and Israel. Shimon Peres is planning a Soviet trip at the end of January or beginning of February.

1991: Israel reopened its consulate in the USSR after 23 years.  The Soviets had broken off relations with Israel after the Six Day War.  The Soviets alternately used its Jewish population as pawns or prisoners depending upon the vagaries of the Cold War.  The cry of “Free Soviet Jewry” now seems like something out of the distant past. 

1991: Pan American World Airways announced today that it was suspending flights to Tel Aviv and to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, because of surging insurance rates, a result of the crisis in the Middle East.

1992: Yasar Arafat demanded that the United States vote for a U.N. resolution that would “strongly deplore” Israel’s decision to deport a dozen Palestinians described as “inciters to violence.”  The Israeli action followed the murder of four Israeli settlers by P.L.O. hit men over the past ten weeks.

1992: In the State Department office of Assistant Secretary Edward Djerejian, at the instigation of Director of Policy Planning Dennis Ross and with the concurrence of Richard Haass, a national security aide, the decision was made to unload on Israel as never before.  PLO hit men had murdered four Israeli settlers in the past 10 weeks, provoking Israel to expel a dozen Palestinian inciters to violence.  No Yasser Arafat was sending word that Arabs would boycott the peace talks unless the U.S. voted in the U.N. to strongly deplore the deportations. 

1993(10th of Tevet, 5753): Asara B'Tevet

1993: Nita Lowey completed her term representing New York’s 20thCongressional District and began representing New York’s 18thCongressional District.

1993: Stephen J. Solarz’s career in the House of Representatives came to an end.

1993: James Haas Scheuer’s career in the House of Representatives came to an end.

1993: Jerry Nadler stopped serving as a House Member from New York’s 17thCongressional District and began serving as a House Member from New York’s 8thCongressional District.

1993:"Catskills on Broadway" closes at Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in New York City after 452 performances

1993(10th of Tevet, 5753): An agent of the Shin Bet security service was stabbed and bludgeoned to death today, apparently by an Arab assailant, in a rare attack on a member of Israel's secretive internal intelligence agency. The body of Haim Nahmani, 25, was found in the stairwell of an apartment building in a Jewish neighborhood in West Jerusalem. A police statement said Mr. Nahmani had been "on active duty" when an assailant known to the security forces stabbed him repeatedly and battered him with a hammer. No further details were released.

1993: Bob Filner completed his service on the San Diego City Council and began serving as a Member of the U.S. House from California’s 50thDistrict.

1993: At a building site in Holon, near Tel Aviv, attackers slashed the throat of a Jewish man, seriously wounding him. The police said they were searching for an Arab laborer from the West Bank who had fled the scene.

1993: The Associated Press reported that a pipe bomb exploded in the baggage hold of an Israeli bus outside Tel Aviv today. The police said no one had been injured on the bus, which was taking at least 40 people to Jerusalem from Haifa

1993: Junk bond king Michael Milkin was released from jail after 22 months.

1993: Herb Klein began serving as a member of the U.S. House Representatives from New Jersey’s 8th District.

1993: Jane Harman began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives from California’s 36th district.

1993: The New York Times describes the Israeli Folk Dancing classes taught by Uri Aqua at the Y.M.-Y.W.H.A. of Mid-Westchester in Scarsdale and at Congregation Kneses in Port Chester, NY. Mr. Aqua, a Sabra, or native Israeli, came to this country in 1983, is a cantor at Beth Israel Synagogue in New Rochelle. But now he says he has a mission: to teach Israeli folk dancing, which he studied in Jerusalem.

1994: Sophie Masloff completed her service as the 56th Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA.

1995: Herb Klein completed his service as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New Jersey’s 8th District.

1995: Howard Metzenbaum completed his second round of service as U.S. Senator from Ohio.

1997: Steve Rothman is sworn in to serve his first term in the House of Representatives representing New Jersey’s Ninth Congressional District.

1998(5th of Tevet, 5758): Howard Gilman, the chairman of the Gilman Paper Company, who was a philanthropist and a collector of photographs and other art, died today on an estate near Jacksonville, Fla.  Among the beneficiaries of his largess were Tel Aviv University, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.

1999: Anthony Weiner began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 9th congressional district.

1999: After six years, Jane Harman completed her service in the U.S. House of Representatives

1999:  Israel detains, and later expels, 14 members of Concerned Christians. Concerned Christians is described as apocalyptic Christian cult that believed the Al-Aqsa mosque has to be destroyed to facilitate the Second Coming.

1999: Chuck Schumer began serving as a Senator from New York.

1999: The New York Times features a review of Life of the Movie:How Entertainment Conquered Realityby Jewish critic Neal Gabler.

2000: Israeli and Syrian leaders meet today as they resume American-brokered negotiations ambitiously aimed at reaching a peace accord by this summer.

2001: Frank Lautenberg completed a career in the U.S. from New Jersey that had begun in 1982.

2001(8th of Tevet, 5761: Sports broadcaster and youthful track & field star, Marty Glickman passed away at the age of 83.

2001: Jane Harman returned to Congress as a Representative from California’s 36thdistrict.

2001: Representative Shelley Berkley begins her second term as the 107thCongress holds its first sessions.  Berkley is the first Jewish woman to represent Nevada in the U.S. House of Representatives.

2001: Eric Cantor began serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia’s 7th District.

2001: Nita Lowey began serving as Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

2002: Operation’s Noah’s Ark began this morning when Israeli naval commandos boarded a Palestinian freighter during the second intifada loaded with tons of arms including Katyusha rockets, and anti-tank weapons without firing a shot.

2002: “The world press eulogized Julia Phillips, the first woman to win an Academy Award as a producer, following her death on January 1, 2002”

2003(29th of Tevet, 5763): College and professional football coaching great Sid Gillman passed away.

2003: Fundtech Ltd., whose software helps banks transfer money electronically, said today that it would cut jobs as it combined units that handle development, professional services and customer services. Fundtech, has headquarters in Ramat Gan, Israel, and Jersey City. Shares of Fundtech, controlled by Clal Industries and Investments, which is based in Tel Aviv, have dropped 19 percent in the last year as reduced demand forced the company to sell its software for less.

2003: Jerry Abramson began serving as the first May of Louisville Metro, a governmental created by the merger of Louisville and Jefferson County, KY.

2003: Nita Lowey completed her term as Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

2003: Bob Filner began serving as a Member of the U.S. House from California’s 51stCongressional District.

2003: Norma Coleman began serving as United States from Minnesota.

2003: Frank Lautenberg as is sworn in as U.S. Senator from New Jersey.

2004: Four Palestinians were killed by the Israeli Army here today in Nablus which has been a center of militant activity since the current cycle of violence started in September 2000. An army spokesman said the operation, the largest now under way, was intended to dismantle a terrorist network in Nablus, after 18 attempted terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians originated in the city over the last month.

2005 (22nd of Tevet, 5765): Will Eisner passed away.  Born in 1917, Eisner first knew fame from The Spirit, a weekly comic strip appearing in newspapers from 1940-1945, where he nurtured a young Jules Feiffer. After being drafted in 1945, he created the Joe Dope series of instructional comics for soldiers. He is generally credited with the creation of the graphic novel when he published A Contract with God in

1978. He also wrote Comics & Sequential Art in 1985, a groundbreaking academic overview of those subjects.

2005: Chuck Schumer began serving as the Chair of the Democratic Senatorial Committee.

2006: Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to three criminal felony counts related to the defrauding of American Indian tribes and corruption of public officials, in a Washington, D.C., federal court.

2007: Chuck Schumer began serving as Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus.

2008: “Psalm Song: Healing through the Art of Carol Hamoy” opens at the Jewish Museum of Florida. 

2008: The Rabbinical Court of Appeals is scheduled to convene for a meeting that will decide whether or not Rabbi Yona Metzgeer resigns as Israel’s Ashkenazi Rabbi in the wake of a recommendation by Justice Minister Daniel Friedman that the chief rabbi be impeached for alleged breach of trust and fraud.

2008: A Katyusha is fired from Gaza at the city of Ashkelon, ten miles away.  For the first time this major Israeli city has been attacked by Palestinians using a rocket.

2009: In Cedar Rapids, The traditional Saturday Morning Minyan at Temple Judah enters its eighth year with 19 people in attendance (an amazing turn-out for such a small congregation)!

2009: As the stain of the Madoff financial scandal spreads the New York Times reported that the trustee overseeing the bankruptcy of Madoff’s trading firm has made an urgent request to the court for unusually broad authority to subpoena witnesses and documents because of the “vast scale” of this self-described record Ponzi scheme.

2009: Israeli ground troops entered Gaza tonight, following a week of aerial strikes aimed at ending rocket fire on Israel's southern communities.

2009: Three New York office holders -  Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, U.S. Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-NY), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia and Mayor Bloomberg - boarded a plane bound for Israel late Saturday night for a trip designed to show support and concern for the citizens of Israel who are under missile attack from Gaza.

2009:An Israeli film, “Waltz with Bashir,” was named the best picture of 2008 by The National Society of Film Critics at its annual meeting in New York.

2009: The Des Moines Register reports on the work of Colorado playwright Don Fried to create a stage drama based on events at Postville, Iowa.

2009: Jared Polis assumed office as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Colorado’s 2nd Congressional District.

2009: Norman Coleman completed his term as U.S. Senator from Minnesota.

2009: John Adler completed his service as a member of the New Jersey Senate from the 6th district

2009: John Adler began serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New Jersey’s 3rd district.

2009: Eric Cantor began serving as the Minority Whip in the House of Representatives.

2009: A photographic record was created of the synagogue at Kfar Baram which had inspired architect Arnold W. Brunner’s plans for the Frank Memorial synagogue named in honor of philanthropist Henry S. Frank and located on the grounds of what is now the Albert Einstein Synagogue in Philadelphia, PA.

2010: An exhibition styled “Folk Art Judaica by Herman Braginsky” presented by the Yeshiva University Museum comes to a close. Born in 1912, Braginsky was a self-taught craftsman who carved ritual objects made of fine and aged woods, including tzedakah boxes, Torah pointers, mizrach plates, mezuzot, dreidels, Torah arks, spice containers, many of which are on display as part of this exhibit.  Braginsky passed away in 1999.

2010: The Washington Post included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, And the Ongoing Assault on Humanity by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen and the recently released paperback edition of Sashenka by Simon Montefiore.

2010: The New York Times included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including A Literary Bible: An Original Translation by David Rosenberg.

2011: Steve Grossman began serving as the 57th Treasurer and Receiver-General of Massachusetts.

2011: MesorahDC which provides young, single professionals with exciting opportunities in Jewish enrichment is scheduled to present Cafe Nite at the Historic Sixth & I Synagogue in Washington, DC.

2011: A romantic play entitled “Apples from the Desert” is scheduled to be performed tonight at the Jerusalem Theatre at 20 Rehov Marcus.

2011(27th of Tevet, 5771): On the Jewish calendar, Yahrzeit of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch.

2011: Dozens of English-speaking Bar-Ilan University students demonstrated in front of the university administration building today, demanding rights promised to them as new olim. Wielding signs with slogans like "We left our families, what more do you want?" and "What? I don't understand you," the students rallied after the administration raised the price of translating exams into English to NIS 285, and limited the translations to first-year students alone.

2011: Despite last-minute efforts by President Shimon Peres, Russian President Dimitri Medvedev canceled his planned visit to Israel in February, Beit Hanassi announced this afternoon.

2011(27th of Tevet, 5771): Israeli actor Yosef Shiloach passed away today at the age of 69 after a long battle with cancer. Shiloach was known for Israeli comedy film classics such as Alex Holeh Ahava, Sapiches, and Hagiga B'Snuker. A year ago, Shiloach was awared a life-time achievement award in at Jerusalem Film Festival. Shiloach was born in Kurdistan in 1941, and moved to Israel at the age of 9. He was one of the first graduates of the Beit Zvi acting school, and in 1964 he appeared in his first film - Mishpachat Simchon. Shiloach went on to star in dozens of films and television shows, mostly portraying comic characters, among them caricatures of a Mizrahi man with a heavy accent. He also participated in a number of American films, including Rambo III and The Mummy Lives. He was considered a left-wing activist, and has called for Arab-Jewish coexistence as well as equal rights for Mizrahi Israelis.

2011(27th of Tevet, 5771): Dorothy Silk, a professional leader of volunteers and a volunteer until her last years, died today in East Lansing, Mich., at 90. In 2008, at age 88, Silk was named one of "Eight Over Eighty," an annual event sponsored by Jewish Senior Life of Metropolitan Detroit recognizing people over 80 whose efforts showed dedication to "tikkun olam," or "repair of the world."

2011: The Jewish community of St. Martin opened its first synagogue since the 18th century. The synagogue, part of a new Chabad Center operated by Rabbi Moshe and Sara Chanowitz, is based in a 1,200-square-foot office space that once housed a church. Opening ceremonies were held today. The Chanowitzes moved to the Dutch-owned Caribbean island in 2009 to serve its 300 Jewish residents. The Jewish population swells to 1,000 or so during the tourist season. Jews first came to the island as refugees from the Spanish Inquisition, and the community grew during the 16th and 17th centuries. The lone synagogue was abandoned in 1781 and later destroyed by a hurricane. A historic Jewish cemetery also was recently discovered, according to chabad.org.

2011: Dr. Stephen Katz, a veterinarian and a Republican began serving as a member of the New York State Assembly from the 94th District,

2011: Jerry Abramson completed his term as the Mayor of Louisville Metro, KY.

2011: John Adler completed his service as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New Jersey’s 3rd district.

2011: Thanks to a change in political fortunes, Eric Cantor went from being Minority Whip to Majority Whip.

2012: Grace Hannah is scheduled to appear at the Blaze Bar at 23 Rechov Hillel.

2012: Geraldo “Rivera began hosting a weekday radio talk show on 77 WABC in New York.

2012: Yair Lehman and Inbal Lori are scheduled to perform “The Slaughter Cow,” a comedic show about all topics from politics to the Torah, at Bet Avi Chai.

2012: European rabbis told MKs today that laws prohibiting kosher slaughter will lead to banning circumcision. 

2012: Josh Shapiro completed his services a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from the 153rd district and began serving as a member of the Montgomery Country Board of Commissioners.

2012: Israel and Palestinian negotiators meeting in Amman today for the first direct talks in 16 months agreed to continuing talking, with another round of talks scheduled in Jordan next week.

2013: “A Hole in the Moon and Three Shorts” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Jerry Nadler completed his service a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York’s 8th district.

2013: Jerry Nadler assumed office as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the New York’s 10th district.

2013: Beth Jacob Congregation is scheduled to host a debate between the L.A. Mayoral candidates.

2013: Nita Lowry began serving as the Representative from New York’s 17thCongressional District.

2013: Today “Israel’s National Library unveiled the cache of recently purchased documents that run the gamut of life experiences, including biblical commentaries, personal letters and financial records.” (As reported by Aron Heller)

2013: Steve Rothman completed his services as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New Jersey’s 9th district.

2013: Approximately 3,000 haredim were enlisted into the IDF and will begin active service by August 2013, Maj.-Gen. Orna Barbivai told Israel Radio today.

2013: Israeli doctors have developed a portable device which they say can detect strokes, the third biggest killer in the western world. The prototype, worn on patients' heads, monitors brain waves and identifies any discrepancies in their pattern.

2014: The Eden-Tamir Music Center is scheduled to host “Excellence-The Future Generation” featuring outstanding composers and performers from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.

2014: “Copying Beethoven” and “Vivre sa vie” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

2014: “Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon addressed the IDF’s successful test flight of the Arrow 3 interceptor missile, which was conducted today in a joint operation by the Israel Missile Defense Organization and the US Missile Defense Agency, and said that the missile would prove a major asset to Israeli society.”

2014(2ndof Shevat, 5774): Ninety-two year old Oscar winning producer Saul Zaentz passed away today. (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

2014(2ndof Shevat, 5774): Seventy-eight year old publisher Tom Rosenthal passed away today.

2014: The body of Menachem “Max” Stark “was found smoldering in a dumpster outside a Getty station on Cutter Mill Road in Great Neck, New York” today.

2014: A Wall Street Journal report published today stated that U.S. officials believe members of Hezbollah are smuggling” “components of the Yahkont advanced guided missiles” which the terror group could use to attack Haifa and Ashdod into their bases in Syria or Lebanon. (As reported by Yoav Zitun)

2014: “Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon addressed the IDF’s successful test flight of the Arrow 3 interceptor missile, which was conducted today in a joint operation by the Israel Missile Defense Organization and the US Missile Defense Agency, and said that the missile would prove a major asset to Israeli society. “

2015: Republican Lee Zeldin began serving as member of the U.S. House Representatives from New York’s 1st Congressional District.

2015: “The Imitation Game” is scheduled to be shown in Jerusalem today.

2015: Chuck Schumer completed his service as Chairman of the Senate Rules Committee.

2015: The Eden-Tamir Music Center is scheduled to present "The Glorious Sound of Two Pianos" --The Jerusalem Piano Duo: Shir Semmel- Dror Semmel

2015: Under the leadership of Lena Gilbert, Temple Judah is scheduled to host the third annual Cedar Rapids Opera Recital featuring six principal singers from Don Giovanni

2015: Andre Pshenichnikov who was arrested in the Sinai Peninsula in January 2013 after crossing into Egypt with no identification “was released from prison and repatriated” in Israel today.

2015: As a cold front hit Israel today “the first substantial snowfall descended on Mt. Hermon and rain fell in both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. (As reported by Justin Jalil)

2016: Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai said in an interview with Army Radio today said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has failed to provide security for the citizens of Israel. “I felt as though the man who was standing in front of me was frustrated that his thesis has blown up in his face and he has no idea how to solve security problems,” said Huldai referring to Netanyahu. (As reported by JP Staff)

2016: A the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum “Abandoned at Srebrenica: Photographs From the Aftermath” is scheduled to close today

2016: An Israeli man in his 20’s was wounded tonight “in a shooting attack in the Har Hevron region of Judea” just two hours after and “Arab terrorist” stabbed a man waiting for a bus in southeast Jerusalem.

2016: Amiram Ben-Uliel, 21, of Jerusalem and “a minor, who cannot be named because of his age” were today “indicted in the deadly firebombing of a Palestinian family’s home in the West Bank village of Duma.”

2016: “YiddishSchool Florida” is scheduled to open today at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL.

2016: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and or of special interest to Jewish readers including Abba Eban: A Biography by Asaf Siniver and an interview “Jewish Deportee on Persecution, Past and Present” in which 87 year old Marceline Loridan-Ivens who had been deported to Birkenau at the age of 15 expresses her belief “that the lessons of World War II are not being forgotten because ‘these lessons were never learned.’” http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/02/books/a-french-deportee-life-at-auschwitz-and-history-repeating.html?ref=books

2016: “In Israeli City of Haifa, a Liberal Arab Culture Blossoms” published today

2017: Dr. Alyssa Quint the Vilna Collections Scholar-in-Residence at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to teach the first session of “Modern Yiddish Theatre.”

2017: Josh Karlip is scheduled to teach the first session of “At the Edge of the Abyss: Jewish Intellectual Responses to Nazism, 1933-1940.”

2017: Steven Smith is scheduled to teach the first session of “What Kind of Jew Was Spinoza?”

2017: The Palm Beach Synagogue was scheduled to host a screening of “Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah” which “explores the arduous 12-year journey that led to the creation of the French iconoclast’s “Shoah,” a nine-hour-plus examination of the Holocaust.”

2017: Republican David Frank Kustoff began serving as member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Tennessee’s 8th Congressional District.

2017: As Congress convenes, Chuck Schumer began serving as Senate Minority Leader.

2017: “The 115th US Congress, which convened for the first time today, is 5.6 percent Jewish, according to an analysis by the Pew Research Center. Of the Democrats’ 28 Jewish members, 20 are serving in the House, and eight in the Senate. Jews thus make up a higher proportion of the upper chamber than the lower, holding 8% of the Senate versus 5% of the House. Out of the 293 Republicans who make up the new Congress, two are Jewish.” (As reported by Eric Corellessa)

2017: “Israeli spelunkers stumbled across a menorah and a cross etched into the limestone walls of an ancient cistern, both of which are believed to date back centuries, the Israel Antiquities Authority said in a statement today.

2018: Following allegations of sexual harassment   Showtime followed in the footsteps of NBC and MSNBC, Showtime replaced Mark Halperin

2018: In Memphis, at Temple Israel, Rabbi Feivel Strauss is scheduled to examine the life of Sigmund Freud as part of the series on “Great Jewish Renegades.”

2018(16thof Tevet, 5778): Eighty-nine year old Fred Bass, the son Pelican Book shop owner Benjamin Bass and Shirley Vogel, who made the Strand Bookstore into a New York Institution passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)

2019: In Arlington, VA, at Congregation Etz Hayim, Rabbi Lia Bass is scheduled to lead a learn-over- lunch study of the Book of Joshua.

2019: In Pittsburgh, PA, the home of the Steelers who “just donated $70,000 to help the Jewish community” in the wake of the slaughter at the synagogue,  Chabad of the South Hills is scheduled to host a lecture on “Tip to Authentic Happiness” as part of their Torah and Teach Study Group.

2019: In light of President Trump’s announcement yesterday that “Iran can do whatever it wants in Syria” Israelis must be wondering today what the “seven out of eight requests made by Prime Minister Netanyahu which Secretary of State Pompeo granted” were.




This Day, January 4, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 4

41: The Praetorian Guard killed the Roman Emperor Caligula.  Caligula is one of those vile figures whose behavior is dismissed as the acts of crazy person.  As far as the Jews are concerned, Caligula had no use for them as a people.  His attempts to have them worship his image led to anti-Jewish riots in Alexandria, among other places. His death avoided a collision between the Jews and Rome because Caligula had ordered that the Jews begin worshipping him as god at their Temple in Jerusalem.
1034:According to Yahia of Antiochia the port of' Akko fell dry for an hour and there was a Tsunami at Jaffa.
1248: Alfonso III whose mention of the Jews of Faro in the municipal establishes the antiquity of the community replaced Sancho II as King of Portugal.

1278(2ndof Shevat, 5038): Rabbi Isaac Males was burned at the stake by order of the Inquisition. A Jew who had converted to Christianity returned to Judaism.  When he died, he was buried in a Jewish cemetery by the Rabbi.  The Church felt the need to severely punish Males as a part of deterring converts to Judaism and encouraging those who had converted to Christianity to remain faithful to their new faith.

 1361: The aljama of Barcelona was pardoned by the king after it had "persuaded" a Muslim to convert to Judaism.  An aljama was the name given to self-governing Jewish communities in the kingdoms of Christian Spain.

January 4, 1361(17th of Tevet, 5121): The aljama of Barcelona was pardoned by Peter, the King of Castile and Leon after it had "persuaded" a Muslim to convert to Judaism.  An aljama was the name given to self-governing Jewish communities in the kingdoms of Christian Spain.

January 4, 1361(17th of Tevet, 5121): The aljama or “self-governing Jewish community” of Barcelona was pardoned by Peter, the King of Castile and Leon after it had "persuaded" a Muslim to convert to Judaism.  Peter’s rivals who favored pogroms and forced conversions ridiculed by call him “King of the Jews” – a term that must have had some reality since he executed “the anti-Jewish leaders of some of these riots.”

1559: The first critical edition of Hovot ha-Levavot by Rabbi Bahya ben Joseph ibn Paquada was published in Mantua, Italy

1729(4th of Shevat, 5489) Hebrew poet Meir Bacharach, the brother of Michael Bacharach passed away at Presburg.

1754(10th of Tevet, 5514): Asara B’Tevet

1760(1th of Tevet, 5520): Abraham Joseph passed away today in London.

1776: Aaron Hart, one of the earliest leaders of the Jewish community in Canada wrote Colonel James Livingston at Quebec wishing him “a happy new year” and asking his help in retrieving merchandize that has been stored with Edward Harrison.

1786 (5th of Shevat, 5546): Moses Mendelssohn passed away at the age of 56.  Born in 1729 at Dessau Germany, Mendelssohn was leader of the movement to emancipate the Jews of Europe.  He argued for the separation of church and state.  At the same time he sought to prepare Jews for entrance into German society.  This included efforts to replace Yiddish with German as can be seen by his translation of the TaNaCh into German.  Mendelssohn himself was an observant Jew for his entire life.  Some view him as one of the fathers of what would become Reform Judaism. Mendelssohn’s descendants would forsake the religion of Mendelssohn and convert to Christianity as they sought acceptance in the world of German culture.

1796: “Solomon Etting's name appears in the Advertiser as one of five persons authorized ‘to receive proposals in writing for a house or suitable lot’ for a bank to be established in Baltimore Town.”

1797: In Berlin, Jacob (Jehuda) Herz Beer and Amalie Beer gave birth to Wilhelm Wolff Beer

1802: In Paris, Chazzan Élie Halévy and his wife gave birth to Léon Halévy the French intellectual who converted so he could “marry the daughter of the architect Louis-Hippolyte Lebas and become assistant professor of French literature at the Ecole Polytechnique,

1803(10th of Tevet, 5563): Asara B’Tevet

1813: One day after he had passed away, Abraham Isaacs was bried at the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1814: Samuel Marx and Michle Brisac gave birth to Caroline Gungenhiem, the wife of Max Gungenheim

1821: In Rheinberg, Germany, Lehmann (Asher) Meyer Glückstein and Helena "Lena" Samuel Gluckstein gave birth to Samuel (Isaac) Henry Gluckstein, the husband of Hannah Coenraad Gluckstein and the brother of Henry Gluckstein with whom he began a cigar making business in England which he later turned into a cigar manufacturing jointly run with his son Isidore and Montague.

1822: Birthdate of Eugenia Pavia Gentilomo Fortis, the native of Milan who composed poetry in Italian and translated “medieval Hebrew poems” into Italian.

1824: In Cincinnati, Ohio a group of approximately 20 Jews met “to consider the advisability of organizing a congregation.

1824: Two days after he had passed away, 31 year old Samuel Emanuel was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1826: Simon Simmons married Catherine Davis at the Great Synagogue today.

1830:  In Cincinnati, Ohio, a preliminary meeting was held by a group of Jews to consider the advisability of organizing a congregation.

1832: In Charleston, SC, Solomon Benjamin married Catherine Woolfe, the daughter of Rebecca Woolfe.

1840: The first edition of Der Orient, “a German weekly founded by Julius Furst” was published today in Leipsic.

1843: Birthdate of Prussian native Bernhard Daniels, the husband of Julia Kaatz Daniels with whom he had five children – Max, Julius, Minnie, Samuel and Hattie.

1850: Birthdate of Frederick Kohn, the native of Prague better known as the French author Paul d’Brest who married Fannie Sulzer, the wife of Viennese cantor Salomon Selzer in 1877.

1855: Birthdate of Edward S. Rothschild, the native of Louisville who “is believed to have built the first sizable office building in San Francisco after the…earthquake” and who served as President of two New York banks – the Public National Bank and the Chelsea Exchange Bank formerly known as “The Bank of the Theatre.

1854: Shortly after Nathaniel Rothschild’s bar mitzvah in 1853, his mother, Charlotte today described her son as “being shy and nervous” which means he “is not appreciated in Society” and praised the “zeal” he had shown in studying for his Bar Mitzvah and for his study of German which she hoped would carry over into his study of French and English.

1858: The New York Times published a very detailed article describing “the ‘jahrszeit’ or mortuary services” on the 4thanniversary of the death of Judah Touro held at the Green-street Synagogue “which were performed by the Gemelth Chased Society.” The article noted that “every man, woman and child Israel knew that…the anniversary of parent’s decease should be observed with prayer and fasting by his kindred.”  Since Touro had no children he would be denied such honor would be denied him; a reality that was offensive given the virtue and generosity of this self-made millionaire. So the community gathered to honor his memory with a service that included a sermon by Rabbi Raphall that included a biography of this wealthy businessman who had fought at the Battle Of New Orleans and who was a generous benefactor to a variety of Jewish and gentile causes and charities.  The service concluded with the Dr. Ritterman chanting in Hebrew, “a prayer for the soul of the deceased.”

1858: French author Mario Uchard wrote a letter to Victorien Sardou describing the final hours of the Rachel Felix, the Franc-Jewish actress known as Mademoiselle Rachel.

1858: Birthdate of Victor Léon the Jewish Austrian-Hungarian librettist best known for his work on the romantic operetta “The Merry Widow.

1861: Members of the New Orleans Jewish community heard an address delivered by Rabbi Bernard Illowy in Baltimore which resulted in their offering him a position in the Crescent City.

1861: As the storm clouds of the Civil War gathered, Morris J. Raphall, the Rabbi at B’Nai Jershrun in New York gave a sermon entitled “The Bible View of Slavery” in which he argued that the Bible did permit slavery.  This statement was popular with pro-slavery forces and erroneously stamped Raphall as being pro-slavery since he personally opposed what Southerners called “their peculiar institution.”

1862: Rabbi Arnold Fischel wrote a letter today describing his efforts to get Congress to pass legislation that would Jews to serve as Chaplains in the Union Army. The bill would remove the requirement that a chaplain be “of a Christian denomination” but will instead say the "the Chaplains must be of a religious denomination", which will open the office to Jews without offending the religious sensibilities of the Christians. He also asked that this news not be shared with the general public or with the newspapers since the matter has not been voted on by Congress.


1863: Today Congressman John A. Gurley arranged a meeting between Cesar J. Kaskel, and Abraham Lincoln regarding an order issued by Gen. Grant expelling Jews from Military Department of Tennessee. Bertram W. Korn, American Jewry and the Civil War

1863: Following the instructions of President Lincoln, General Halleck sent a telegram to General Grant calling for the immediate revocation of General Order 11.

1863: One day after she had passed away, 59 year old Priscilla Davis, the wife of Joel Davis and the mother of Murray Joel Davis was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1865: The New York Stock Exchange opens its first permanent headquarters at 10-12 Broad near Wall Street in New York City. The NYSE was founded in 1791.  Three Jews, Benjamin Mendes Seixas, Ephraim Hart and Alexander Zuntz, were among the original founders.

1867:Philadelphian Myer Asch, who had reached the rank of Colonel while serving with the Union Army during the Civil War was elected Post Quartermaster of the George G. Meade Post, Number 1, Grand Army of the Republic.

1867: One day after she had passed away, Rachel Angel, the wife of Daniel Angel with who she had had five children, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1868: In Louisville, KY, Moses and Eleanor Bensinger gave birth to Benjamin Edward Bensinger, the husband of Rose Frank Bensinger and the father of Robert and Benjamin Bensinger.

1869:Baron George de Worms and Louisa de Samuel gave birth to 1.Baron Anthony Denis Maruice George de Worms.

1869: La Périchole,“an opéra bouffe in three acts by Jacques Offenbach” was performed in New York City for the first time today at Pike’s Opera House.

1872: In Baltimore, Rose Laura Sutro and Ottilie Sutro gave birth to their second daughter Ottilie who along with her sister Rose “were notable as one of the first recognized duo-piano teams.”

1875: “A Disappointed Russian wrote to the London Times to denounce last year’s proclamation of amnesty issued by the Russian government was a fraud.  Under the terms of the declaration anybody who not took part in an assassination plot were eligible to return.  The author’s only crime was leaving the country without a passport.  However, his application to return home was denied because, according to the Russian official in London, he was Jewish.  Furthermore, the Russian Consul asked the writer not to disclose the facts of the case.

1877: It was reported today that the Austrian Government will probably take decisive steps to ameliorate the suffering of Jews in Romania because some of the suffering Jews may actually be subjects of the Austrian Empire.

1878: Birthdate of Zvi Nishri, the native of Russia who made Aliyah in 1903 and became one of the “founding fathers” of modern physical education programs in Israel.

1878: A report published today that described the conflict between the Turks and the Russians described a plan being put forth by business leaders in London to check “Russian progress toward the Mediterranean” by having the Jews purchase Syria and Palestine from the Turks which would lead to “the establishment of a Jewish Kingdom or Republic under the guarantee of England and France.”  Reportedly the Jews of London and “several eminent Christians” support the idea. “The restoration of the Jews with the aid and under the patronage of a financial company, would at least be in keeping with the utilitarian spirit of the age.”

1880(20th of Tevet, 5640):Yaakov Abuhatzeira, also known as the Avir Yaakov and Abu Hasira,” a leading Moroccan Rabbi” passed away today in Egypt while on his way to Palestine. 

1882: Members of the Baruch family of Alexandria Egypt were released from jail and exonerated from ritual murder charges in the Fornaraki affair

1882: British political leader Ralph Bernal Osborne, the eldest son of an Anglo-Sephardic Jew who converted to Christianity, passed away today.

1883: Twenty-one old Israel Cowen, the Houston born son of “Bennett and Bertha (Semel) Cowen, the graduate of the Union College of Law began practicing today in Chicago, fourteen years before he Alma M. Desenberg.

1884: The Fabian Society is founded in London.  The society advocated socialist reform but by gradual, not revolutionary means.  Leonard Woolf an English Jew, was one of the early members of this society of intellectuals derisively referred to as Parlor Pinks by left wing activists.

1889: Birthdate of Jacob Urdang, “a 1911 graduate of Long Island Hospital in Brooklyn, an intern at Sydenham Hospital from 1911 to 1913, a member of the orthopedic department of the United States Army from 1917 to 1919 and a member of the orthopedic staff of the Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn from 1923 to 1940.”

1890(12th of Tevet, 5650): Thirty-two year old Austrian physiologist Joseph Paneth, a friend of Sigmund Freud, passed away today in Vienna.

1891: “Matters We Ought To Know” published today provides a detailed review of How The Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York, the seminal work on this topic by social reformer Jacob A. Riis.  (When one considers the large number of Jews who would live in these tenements during the next three or four decades, the importance of this work to Jewish people should be self-obvious)

1892: R.D. MacLean played the role of Shylock the Jew in a performance of The Merchant of Venice produced by the MacLean-Presscott Company in New York.  The Merchant of Venice was the first play by Shakespeare performed in the Thirteen Colonies and its continued performance attests to the popular enjoyment of a play that portrays the Jew as the “moneylender.”

1892: The funeral for retired businessman and Jewish communal leader Jacob Goldsmith who is the stepfather of Alan L. Sanger is scheduled to be held at Temple Emanu-El.

1892: In New Orleans, LA, Rabbi Maximilian Heller and Ida Annie Heller gave birth to James G. Heller, the Tulane alum who gained famed as a musician and reform rabbi.

1894: “A special meeting of the Board of Alderman will be held today” to deal with the death of Adolph L. Sanger, the President of the Board of Education.

1894: Birthdate of Vicksburg native Samuel Lasker Erhman, the Columbia University trained lawyer and member of the Intercollegiate Menorah Association who served as President of Temple B’nai Israel in Little Rock, AR.

1894: It was reported today that one hundred Jews who have converted to Christianity have signed a protest that they will present to the New York Presbytery over the refusal to ordain Hermann Warszawiak.  Warszawiak is a convert and the petitioners express their displeasure he should be subjected to persecution and attack by Christians…from whom only brotherly love and kindness were due.”

1894: A reporter for the New York Times visited the headquarters of the United Hebrew Charities on Second Avenue in search of a reaction to Oliver Sumner Teall’s report that was highly critical of the work being done by charities in New York.

1894: “Want The Jewish Sabbath Observed” published today described efforts by rabbis in New York to improve the observance of the Jewish day of rest.  They plan to publish a list of all Jewish businesses that observe Shabbat so that those in search of work can know where they should go for a job if they are “observant.”  Among those take a leading role in the movement are Stephen S. Wise, Aaron Wise, Max Cohen, Moses Oettinger, Simon M. Roeder, Joan Weil, David M. Pizer and Abraham Neumark.

1896: Utah becomes the 45th state to join the Union.  According to Ralph Tannenbaum, Jews have been in Utah from its earliest days. “Julius and Gerson Brooks came to Salt Lake in July 1853 from Illinois, and their millinery establishment became the first Jewish business in the area. The earliest record of Jewish religious observance in the area is the celebration of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) in 1864 at the home of one of the Jewish merchants. High Holyday (Rosh Hashonah [New Year] and Yom Kippur) services in 1867 were observed in the Seventies Hall at the invitation of Brigham Young. The Passover observance of 1876 was reported in the Salt Lake Tribune, which noted that the Jewish congregation of Salt Lake numbered some forty families. Jewish men were active in public life. Louis Cohn was elected as a member of the city council in 1874 and was reelected in 1882. The formation of the Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce in 1887 records the names of J.E. Bamberger, M.H. Lipman, Fred H. Auerbach, and several other prominent Jews. Although Moses Alexander of Idaho was elected as the first Jewish governor in the United States, it is still surprising to learn of the election two years later of Simon Bamberger as the governor of Utah in 1916. Governor Bamberger was the first non-Mormon governor of Utah.”

1896(18th of Tevet, 5656): In Philadelphia, PA, 45 year old Levi Harris and 30 year old Marks Feinberg died in a fire at a tenement house on 3rd and Gaskill Streets.  Harris suffocated while marks died in the hospital from internal injuries suffered while trying to escape the burning building.

1896: Jacques Ochs, a Romanian Jew was arrested in Chicago today on charges that he had masterminded a swindle that had earned him over $50,000.

1896: Speaking in Russian and Hebrew, Dr. Adolph Rodin addressed a meeting of the City Vigilance League which was held at the Hebrew Institute. 

1896: At the Oakland Club in Chicago, Rabbi Joseph Stoltz officiated at the first services of Reform Congregation of Isaiah Temple

1896: It was reported today that McMillan & Co will be publishing Jewish Ideals and Other Essays by Joseph Jacobs which include chapters on “the Jewish diffusion of folks tales, the London Jewry, Mordecai of Daniel Deronda as typical Jews, Browning’s theology of the Jewish point of view, the solution other Jewish questions, the legends concerned with little St. Hugh of Lincoln and the poet Jehuda Halevi.

1897: It was reported today that those taking the competitive civil service examinations that will be given for the post of court interpreter may be fluent in any one of six languages including Hebrew (but not Yiddish).

1897: Two days after she had passed away, 61 year old Esther Martin, the wife of Morris Martin, was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1897: The Hebrew Technical Institute began using its new building today although the formal dedication will not take place until Lincoln’s Birthday, February 12.

1898(10th of Tevet, 5658): Asara B'Tevet

1898: It was reported today that State Supreme Court Judge William N. Cohen will speak at the upcoming meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1902: After 128 performances on Broadway, “The Messenger,” a musical with “additional material and numbers by Paul Rubens” came to a close.

1902(25th of Tevet, 5662): Sixty-one year old Rabbi Adolph Moses passed away today in Louisville, KY.

1903: Herzl ends a four day visit to Edlach, his home town.

1904: Four days after he had passed away, Lewis Abraham, the Westminster, London, born son of Victor Abraham and Rebecca Levy, was buried today at “The Walnut Hills Jewish Cemetery” in Cincinnati, OH.

1906: Telegrams received in London today announced that ninety thousand Russian Jews have emigrated to England “since the massacres began.” (Editor note: The massacres referred to are the pogroms that began with the revolution of 1905.)

1906: “According to the newspapers” in St. Petersburg “the government has forbidden the Jewish committees to distribute the relief funds without official supervision.”

1906: It was reported today that “the pupils of the public schools of New York City have contributed $3,484.33 for the relief of the sufferers from the Jewish massacres in Russia.”

1908(1st of Shevat, 5668): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1909: The funeral of Louis A. Heinsheimer, who passed away on January 1st will take place today at 9:30 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El on New York’s Fifth Avenue.

1911: Eugene Foss, one of those who would speak publicly in favor of Leo Frank, was began serving as the 45th Governor of Massachusetts.

1912: In Muskegon, Michigan, Zara Strong and Harry J. Warner gave birth to Harriet Warner who gained fame as Riette Kahn, the author, artist and wife of author Albert Kahn.

1912: Thirty year old New York native Arthur Siegman, “a manufacturer of men’s neckwear” married “Beatrice Rosenzweig of Brooklyn: with whom he raised two daughter – Roselle and Dorothy.

1913: In Cologne, German, Boruch Chaim Dunner and Selma Dunner gave birth to the hared rabbi Josef Hirsch Dunner also known as “Harav Yosef Tzvi Halevi Dunner.”

1913(25th of Tevet, 5673): Eighty year old Werner D. Amram, the husband of Ester Hammerschlag and the father of Carrie Amram and attorney David W. Amram  passed away today in Philadelphia, PA.

1915: “Duties of American Jews” published today provided Louis D. Brandies’ view that with “half the entire Jewish population of the world in the western zone of the European war” “the people of Israel are now suffering the greatest calamity since 1492” and that American Jews have “two obligations – to give quickly and generous to the aid of the war sufferers and to live up to the highest ideals of American democracy.”

1915: “Louis Marshall, Chairman of the American Jewish Relief Committee received a telegram from Secretary of State Bryan” today “saying that the expulsion program recently adopted by Turkey applies to Russian Jews who do not renounce the Czar and become Ottoman subjects and that Ambassador Morgenthau had cabled that while Jews in Turkey, who had not become Ottoman subjects had suffered no ill treatment.”

1915: A letter to the American Jewish War Relief Committee was made public today that came from Wolf Glucksin of Alexandria saying that “the fund for Jewish relief was being expended carefully and that that the authorities were warned from Constantinople to touch nothing that belongs to the American Fund.”

1915: “Jacob H. Schiff made public” today “a letter from the Jewish Relief Committee in Petrograd saying that the Petrograd committee was collecting funds: and that the public was responding satisfactorily.

1915: As of today the American Jewish Relief Committee of which Felix M. Warburg has raised $276,566.35

1915: “British Dominions Pray For Victory” published today described how all denominations included the Jews have responded to King George’s call for special prayers of “intercession on behalf of the empire and its allies in this time of war.”

1915: In Ben Shemen, Itzhak Elazari Volcani and Sarah Krieger gave birth to microbiologist Benjamin Elazari Volcani who “discovered life in the Dead Sea.”

1915: Democrat Moses Alexander, 62, was sworn in as governor of Idaho. He was the first elected Jewish governor in the U.S.  He served two terms (1915-19).

1915: It was reported today that there were 300,000 Jews serving in the Russian army and ‘a total of 600,000 Jews” in all “the warring armies.”

1916(28th of Tevet, 5676): Seventy year old Tarnow, Austria native William Durst who served aboard the USS Monitor when she fought the CSA Merrimack at Hampton Roads, in the first naval battle fought by ironclads passed away today in Philadelphia.

1916: In New Haven, CT, Luba Newman and her husband gave birth to American conductor, pianist, and film and television composer Lionel Newman part of a distinguished family including brothers Alfred and Emil Newman and nephew Randy Newman.

1916: In Chicago, officers are scheduled to be elected at this afternoon’s business session of the Knights of Zion Convention

1916: In Vienna, the “West Austrian, Galician and Bukowinean Zionist Central Committee” adopted “resolutions expressing the hope that the Jewish question will be discussed at the Peace Congress…”

1916: The American Jewish Relief Committee received actual cash payments tonight totaling $798,007 and another $209,886 in pledges meaning that $1,007, 893 has been raised meaning another four million dollars has to be raised if the committee is to reach its goal of raising five million dollars to aid the Jews suffering in the European war zone.

1916: It was reported today that “The People’s Relief Committee” and “The American Committee” are planning another Tag Day because bad weather on the first Tag Day limited the amount collected.

1917(10th of Tevet, 5677): Asara B’Tevet

1917: Rabbi Moses Hyamson and Morris Engleman, the Financial Secretary of the Central Committee for the Relief of Jewish War Sufferers returned today to New York from Kansas City where they attended the wedding of Abraham J. Lewis and Sarah Appleman, during which the guests gave $7,000 “for Jewish War relief.”

1918(20th of Tevet, 5678): Seventy-nine year old “communal worker” Solomon Sulzberger passed today in New York.

1918: “The Zimreh Yoh Society” (Songs of God) “a new musical organization” with sixty members who have “assembled for the purposed of the rejuvenation and revival of the ancient lore” is scheduled to make its first appearance today in New York.

1918: In Zwolle, “the Netherlands Zionist Federation adopted a resolution expressing gratitude to British Government for its sympathetic attitude toward Zionism” and for the Balfour Declaration.

1918: “The Jewish Correspondence Bureau at the Hague” was informed that the German Zionist Conference adopted a resolution stating that “The German Zionist Association greets with satisfaction the fact that the British Government has recognized in an official declaration the right of the Jewish people to a national existence in Palestine.”

1918: Today, the Jews of Lithuania presented a memorandum to the Central Committee on relations between Jews and Letts” which included a call for “the recognition of the national rights of the Jewish minority…”

1918: In Leeds, the Vilna Synagogue was consecrated today.

1919: A memorandum dated with today’s date signed by Faisal said that he will agree to the implementation of the Balfour Declaration in Palestine provided that he is named ruler of Syria. Faisal wrote that any deviation from the agreement would nullify it in its entirety.

1919: Birthdate of Lester L. Wolfe a Democratic politician who represented two different Congressional districts from New York.

1920: French forces stationed at a fort near Metulla retreated northward after being attacked by Bedouins. With the defeat and retreat of the French army, the 120 members of the settlement of Metulla, all of whom were Jewish, fled to Sidon where they boarded a ship to Haifa.  Metulla was the northern most Jewish town in Eretz Israel having been settled in 1896. Since it was close to the border with Lebanon, which was under French control at the time, the retreat of French military forces would have left the Jews to the “tender mercies” of local, armed Arabs.

1921: Henry Solomon of New York City was re-elected as a member of the State Commission of Prisoners at Albany.

1921: Leon C. Wienstock of New York City was elected to serve as a member of the  State Commission of Prisons at Albany today.

1923: In Brooklyn, Abraham Kahan, a worker in the garment industry and his wife, the former Sylvia Brahinsky gave birth to Miriam Kahan who gained fame as Miriam Bienstock, the co-founder of Atlantic Records. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1923: As part of the Association of Reform Rabbis’ Lecture Series, Dr. Nathan Stern will speak on “The Exile to the Destruction of the Second Temple” at West End Synagogue in Manhattan.

1923: As part of the Association of Reform Rabbis’ Lecture Series, Dr. Rudolph Grossman will speak on “Hanukah and Purim” at the West End Synagogue.

1924: “What Is American Music?” published today described plans for Paul Whiteman’s upcoming concert at the Aeolian Hall which, according to the article, would include the works of two Jewish composers – a jazz concerto by George Gershwin and a “syncopated tone poem” by Irving Berlin.

1928: “A Ship Comes” a film about immigrants coming to America with a script co-authored by Sonya Levien and starring Rudolph Schildrkraut” was related in the United States today.

1928: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that Lord Burnham, the grandson of J.M. Levy, has sold the Daily Telegraph to the Berry Newspaper Group.

1931: In the United Kingdom, the first meeting of the executive committee of the newly formed United Hebrew Congregation met today.

1932: Establishment of the Harry Fischel Foundation which was later renamed the Harry and Jane Fischel Foundation.

1932 (25th of Tevet, 5692): Alexander Moses, former Governor of Idaho passed away at the age of 78,

1932: “The Pride of Company Three” a comedy starring Anton Walbrook and Eugen Burg was released in Germany today.

1933: As he moved to consolidate his power, Hitler and former Prime Minister Franz von Papen meet secretly to discuss Hitler’s future in the German government.

1934 (17th of Tevet, 5694): Samuel Sakier, a pioneer Jewish farmer in Palestine, where he took part in the student agrarian movement of the Biluim forty years ago, passed away.

1935: Pierre Laval, the French politician who will be the driving force behind Vichy France, met with Benito Mussolini for the first time

1936: Birthdate of American born Israeli computer scientist Shmuel Winograd whose many accomplishments including serving as the director of the Mathematical Sciences Department at IBM.

1936: “Diego von Bergen, Nazi Germany's ambassador to the Vatican, wrote a letter to German foreign minister Constantin von Neurath describing Pope Pius XI’s complaints about German violations of the Concordat with the Vatican.”

1937:  Solomon Levitan took office today as state treasurer of Wisconsin.

1937: In Berlin, “the government disclosed today that “all Jews were ousted from country clubs just before Christmas” and that “German Jews have been barred from Nazi golf clubs.”

1937: Senator Copeland of New York who came to Providence to “address Rhode Island Jewry regarding the situation in Palestine which he investigated last Summer” “charged that Great Britain has failed to make the Holy Land safe for the Jews because it ‘doesn’t suit her purpose’ in the Near and Far East.”

1937: “At the closed session of the Royal Commission of Inquiry…Lieut. Gen. J.G. Dill, commanding the British Forces in Palestine, submitted the plan for maintaining public security in the country in the event of further disturbances.” The commission is popularly known as the Peel Commission.

1937: Toscanini conducted a concert in Jerusalem for the second time.

1937: In Tacoma, Washington, Claire (née Portnoy) Friesen and Ben Friesen gave birth to Samile Diane Friesen, who gained fame as actress Dyan Cannon, the fourth wife of actor Cary Grant.  She was the mother of Grant's only child.  Thus the great matinee idol's sole offspring is Jewish.  Only in America!

1938: A decree issued today by “Adolf Hitler defines a Jewish business as one where: Jews own it, dominate it, or if form a majority on the corporate board” and starting next month “such companies will be ineligible for government contracts.”

1939(13th of Tevet, 5699): Max Joachim, the husband of Pauline Joachim and the father of the three “Ritz Brothers” passed away today.

1939: Hermann Goering appointed Reinhard Heydrich head of Jewish Emigration.  This is a charming euphemism for moving Jews to what would be the chain of ghettos and death camps that would be known as the Final Solution.

1940: Birthdate of Brian D. Josephson winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973.

1940(23rd of Tevet, 5700): Lewis Cohen the native  Nagle, Germany native who at the age of 16 came to the United States where he “enlisted and served bravely with a New York regiment” during the Civil War, “engaged in the manufacture of cigars and settled in Bloomsberg, PA with his wife, “Flora (Alexander) Cohen” where they gave birth to Alexander, Lena, Esther, Eugene, Isadore and Joseph, the “physician and surgeon” as well as two youngster “who died in infancy” passed away today.

1940(23rd of Tevet, 5700): Producer and distributor Charles B. Mintz, the husband of Margaret J. Winkler and head of Winkler Pictures two of whose short subjects were nominated for Oscars passed away today.

1941(5th of Tevet, 5701): Eighty-one year old French philosopher Henri-Louis Bergson and Nobel Prize winner passed away today in Paris.

1942 (15th of Tevet, 5702): At the age of 70, composer Leon Jessel was murdered by the Gestapo.

1943: Armed with only one gun and knife members of the Jewish Fighting Organization at Czestochowa resisted a ‘selection.' As a reprisal, the Germans shot 25 men. Czestochowa is a town in Poland famous for the “Black Madonna” and is scene of annual religious pilgrimages.  Sometimes, the Jewish view is a little different than the non-Jewish view of places and events.

1943 (27th of Tevet, 5703): Young members of the Jewish Fighting Organization are rounded up in Czestochowa, Poland. Its leader, Mendel Fiszlewicz, uses a hidden pistol to wound the German commander of the Aktion. Fiszlewicz and 25 other men are immediately shot, and 300 women and children from the group are deported to the Treblinka death camp and gassed.

1943: The SS administrative office instructs all concentration-camp commandants to send human hair taken from Jewish women to the firm of Alex Zink, Filzfabrik AG at Roth, Germany, near Nuremberg, for processing.

1944: “What’s Up” the “first Broadway collaboration of Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner closed after only 63 performances.

1945 (19th of Tevet, 5705): Fritz Elsas, the Jewish mayor of Berlin until his arrest for alleged resistance activities in 1933, was executed at Sachsenhausen, Germany, after 12 years of imprisonment.

1945: Twenty-two year old U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Isadore Seigried, while serving with Company B, 513th Parachute Infantry Regiment was mortally wounded today “while saving his company from annihilation at Flamierge, Belgium – an action for which he was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

1946: The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, a joint British and American committee composed of six Americans and six Englishmen that was charged with examining the “political, economic and social conditions in Mandatory Palestine as they bear upon the problem of Jewish immigration and settlement therein and the well-being of the peoples now living therein” met in Washington, DC today.


1947: "Show Boat" closes at Ziegfeld Theater New York City NY after 417 performances.

1947: “The Shocking Miss Pilgrim” with songs composed by George and Ira Gershwin, produced by William Perlberg and music by Alfred Newman and David Raskin was released today in the United States.

1956: Announcement in the Seattle Times: “The first new Jewish congregation in Seattle in more than a generation will be launched with a service Friday evening...”

1960: “The Closing Door” produced by David Susskind with George Segal in the role of “Don” was broadcast today as The Play of the Week.

1961: Nobel Prize winner Erwin Schrödinger who “in 1935, after extensive correspondence with Albert Einstein, proposed what is now called the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment” passed away. In 1934, he left Germany because “he disliked the Nazis’ anti-Semitismi” but recanted his position when the Nazis annexed Austria, an act for which he personally apologized to Einstein, after he fled Austria and was beyond the grasp of the Germans.

1962: Today, Doubleday will issue “The Man Who Played God,” a novel about a man who bargains with the Nazis for a few thousand Jewish lives and is tried for collaboration after the war.

1963: Levi “Oland joined the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr at a poll tax rally at the Fair Park Auditorium

1964: In a series of first Pope Paul VI became the first Pope to fly in a plane, the first Pope to leave Italy in more than a century and the first Pope to visit “the Holy Land” when he began his trip to Israel and Jordan today.

1964: Birthdate of Michael Brenner, the German born son of Holocaust survivor and award winning historian specializing topics related to Jews and Israel.

1965(1st of Shevat, 5225): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1966: Seventy four year old Henry Torres the attorney who defended Samuel Schwartzbard in his historic 1927 murder trial.

1969: After 756 performances the curtain came down on “You Know I Can't Hear You When the Water's Running” with cast that, over time, included Martin Balsam and Larry Blyden.

1970: Abba Eban published an appeal for peace between Israel and the Arab states in the London Sunday Times following an Arab summit in the Moroccan city of Rabat.

1972: Having left the HaOlam HaZeh – Koah Hadash political movement in 1971, today Shalom Cohen began sitting as in independent in the Knesset. Born in Baghdad in 1926, Cohen made Aliyah in 1946 where he joined kibbutz Nahshonim. “During the 1948 Arab-Israeli War he was part of the Samson's Foxes commando unit in the Givati Brigade.” In 1950, Cohen and Uri Avnery bought the HaOlam HaZeh weekly magazine, which he remained an editor of until 1971. “He joined the Black Panthers in 1971 and served as their secretary general until 1977. Between 1971 and 1977 he was also a member of the Histadrut's executive committee. In the 1977 elections he ran as part of the Hofesh party together with Yehoshua Peretz. However, it failed to cross the electoral threshold. He later worked as a journalist for the French language paper Le Matin. He died in 1993.”

1972: Rose Heilbron became the first woman judge to sit at the Old Bailey in London. The daughter of a Jewish hotelier, Rose Heilbron was born in Liverpool on August 19, 1914, and educated at Belvedere School and Liverpool University, where she took the top First in Law. Called to the Bar by Gray's Inn in 1939, she began practicing on the Northern Circuit from chambers in Liverpool. Dame Rose Heilbron was one of the most celebrated defense barristers of the post-war years; no woman before her enjoyed anything like her success rate at the criminal Bar, and she later became only the second woman to be appointed a High Court judge. She passed away in 2005 at the age of 91.

1973: “The Grand Music Hall of Israel” is scheduled to open at the Felt Forum.

1974(10th of Tevet, 5734): Asara B'Tevet

1974: “Twenty-eight Jews from Vilnius” sent a “letter to the Supreme Soviet” demanding passage of a “law guaranteeing the right unhindered emigration.”

1974: Howard Metzenbaum began serving as a U.S. Senator from Ohio.

1975: A Broadway revival of “Gypsy” closed at New York’s Winter Garden Theatre.

1975: CBS broadcast the final episode of “Paul Sand in Friends and Lovers” a sitcom created by James L. Brooks and Allan Burns.

1975 (21st of Tevet, 5735): Carlo Levi, Italian writer and painter, passed away at the age of 72.  Levi was trained as a doctor and was an anti-Fascist leader in Italy during the 1930’s.

1976: “Home Sweet Homer” a Mitch Leigh musical opened this afternoon at the Palace Theatre, and became one of the biggest flops on Broadway when “the closing notice was posed as soon as the curtain” came down on the production.

1978: When PLO official Said Hammami was shot and killed today in London, those suspected of responsibility were Mossad and the Abu Nidal Organization.

1979(5th of Tevet, 5739): Eighty-one year old Hungarian born English director, the younger brother of Alexander and Zoltán Korda passed away today.

1981In New York at The Jewish Museum of Andy Warhol: Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Century comes to a close.

1981(28th of Tevet, 5741): Yehuda L. Rabin, an aircraft company executive and one of the founders of the Israeli Air Force, died of a heart attack today while seeing a friend off at Kennedy International Airport. He was 64 years old and lived in Manhattan.

1983 (19th of Tevet, 5743): New York Congressman Benjamin Stanley Rosenthal passed away.

1985: As of today, since November 20, 1984, 6,500 Ethiopian Jews have secretly made their way to Israel as part of Operation Moses.

1987: In “The Istanbul Synagogue Massacre” published today Judith Miller described the inter-locking terrorist networks that were responsible for the attack on the Neve Shalom Synagogue.  The Arab terrorists killed 22 worshippers before setting the building ablaze by detonating grenades. [Reading this article for 35 years later makes it clear that authorities knew a lot about terrorists and terrorism which means that 9/11 should not have as such a surprise.]

1987: An Israeli gunboat stopped a Cypriot ferry bound for Lebanon today. The officials in the Lebanese port of Junieh said the ferry, the Empress, was stopped off the Lebanese coast. The Israeli gunboat allowed it to proceed after being told that only crewmen were aboard, they said.

1988(14th of Tevet, 5748): Ninety-four year old award winning harpist passed away today in Paris.

1989: In Los Angeles, Mike and Wendy Pillar gave birth to All-American college baseball player Kevin Pillar who began his Major League career as an outfielder with the Toronto Blue Jays in 2013.

1991: With most tourists staying away from Israel because of the Persian Gulf crisis, the country's two major museums have had to lay off employees and cut back operations. "There are almost no tourists coming to Israel," said Nissim Tal, the deputy director of the Diaspora Museum in Tel Aviv. Mr. Tal said the number of tourists visiting the museum was only a fifth of the usual number. As a result, the museum has dismissed 15 percent of its employees, including a few tenured staff members, to help reduce its $4.2 million budget. "We hope the situation will stabilize shortly," Mr. Tal said.

1991(18thof Tevet, 5751): Eighty-one year old screenwriter Richard Maibum passed away today.

1991(18thof Tevet, 5751): Eighty-seven year Louis Cohen, the old rare books expert and founder of the Argosy Book Shop passed away today. (As reported by Stephanie Strom)

1995(3rdof Shevat, 5755): Eighty-seven year old Sol Tax, the Milwaukee  born son of Morris and Kate Tax who earned a Doctorate from the University of Chicago, founded “Current Anthropology”  and received the Franz Boas Award from the American Anthropological Association passed away today.

1995(3rd of Shevat, 5755): Eighty-one year old “Victor Riesel, the crusading syndicated labor columnist who was blinded by an acid attack in 1956, died today at his home in Manhattan. (As reported by Lawrence Van Gelder)

1998: The New York Times book section featured a review of Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education by Martha C. Nussbaum who would become a Bat Mitzvah ten and a half years later in August, 2008.

2000: In “A New Armageddon Erupts Over Ancient Battlefield; Archaeological Finds Challenge Chronologies of the Israelites,”  published today John Noble Wilford describes how work at this ancient site is being used by Dr. Israel Finkelstein and his associate to challenge the timelines presented in the Bible as well as the historic accuracy of the Biblical narrative.

2002: The MV Karine A, a Palestinian ship loaded with 50 tons of arms including rockets and missiles which the Israeli Navy had seized during the intifada was brought to Eilat.

2002: The Israeli Army said today that it had seized a ship carrying 50 tons of rockets, mines, antitank missiles and other munitions meant for Yasir Arafat's Palestinian Authority, even as the Bush administration's envoy met with Mr. Arafat in the hope of strengthening his declared cease-fire with Israel.

2003(1st of Shevat, 5763): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

2003(1stof Shevat, 5763): Seventy-nine year old violinist Yfra Neaman, the Lebanese son of Jewish parents from Palestine, passed away today.

2004: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Hegemony or Survival America's Quest for Global Dominance by Noam Chomsky and a newly release paperback edition of Welcome to Heavenly Heights, by Risa Miller which tells the story of an Orthodox couple from Baltimore, responding to their longing for the holy city of Jerusalem who relocate to a heavily guarded settlement in the West Bank, where they confront the vast abyss between contemporary Israel and the ideals of their spiritual life.

2004: The funeral of 90 year old Joseph Nathan Polstein, the father of Ernest Polstein and Meri Grumbacher and the brother of Ruth Sirota of Jerusalem is scheduled to take place this afternoon in Hewlett, NY.

2005: It was announced today that Mark Lehrman has been appointed director of YU’s S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program. Mr. Lehrman has been at the university’s Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Institute in Israel since 1995 where he was most recently assistant director of admissions. In the past decade, he has led YU’s recruitment efforts in Israel and has helped bring about a significant increase in enrollment in the Israel Program

2005: Joshua Shaprio began serving as a “Member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from the 153rd District” today.

2005: The 2 day international "Bridge Between Judaism and Islam" conference held at Bar-Ilan University comes to a conclusion. 

2005(23rd of Tevet, 5765): Eighty-five year old American economist Robert Heilbroner, the author of some twenty books, best known for The Worldly Philosophers published in 1953, which is a survey of the lives and contributions of famous economists, notably Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes passed away today.

2006, Rabbi Yaaqov Medan and Rabbi Baruch Gigi were officially invested as co-roshei yeshiva alongside Rav Amital and Rav Lichtenstein, with an eye toward Rabbi Amital's intention to retire.

2006 (4th of Tevet, 5766): Milton Himmelfarb who coined the aphorism on the Jewish community's political persuasions: "Jews earn like Episcopalians, and vote like Puerto Ricans” passed away at the age of 87 at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan. (As reported by Joseph Berger)

2006: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage at Havat Shimim and collapses into a coma.

2006: Ehud Olmert assumes the duties of the Prime Minister after Prime Minister Sharon suffered his second stroke.

2007: Representative Bob Filner began serving as Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

2007: The 108th Congress is sworn in. Of the 43 Jewish members of Congress, there is only one Jewish Republican in the House and two in the Senate The number of Jews in the Senate will rise from 10 to 11. The number of Jews in the House of Representatives will remain at 26.

2007: Max “Kampelman served as a motivating forced the op-ed ‘A World Free of Nuclear Weapons’ published today in the Wall Street Journal

2008: Israeli officials reported that they they had uncovered an arms cache in the West Bank city of Nablus last night that contained explosives, military equipment and materials for manufacturing rockets. At least one rocket was found in an early stage of production.

2009: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 by Paul Krugman and Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization's Greatest Minds by Joel L. Kraemer

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers that have recently been published in paperback editions including: Linda Grant’s The Clothes on Their Backsin which the protagonist is a London woman whose parents, Hungarian Jewish refugees, have always been secretive about their past Ehud Havazelet’s Bearing the Body in which a medical resident, accompanied by his father, a grumpy Holocaust survivor, travels to San Francisco to investigate the life and death of his older brother, a drug-addicted former ’60s radical and Suzanne Braun’s Bella Abzug, an oral history of “the feisty feminist New York congresswoman.”

2009: Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas,” a new musical stage reinvention of the classic film, completed a limited engagement on Broadway at the Marquis Theatre in New York City.

2009: An exhibition at the Jewish Museum titled “The Dead Sea Scrolls: Mysteries of the Ancient World” comes to an end.

2009: New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and U.S. Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-NY), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia arrived Sunday in Israel to show solidarity with Israel’s besieged southern residents. The three men are scheduled to tour the rocket-battered cities of Sderot and Ashkelon today.

2009:Helen Suzman, who spearheaded the battle against apartheidin South Africa's parliament, was buried in a private Jewish ceremony at Johannesburg's Westpark Cemetery.

2009: Three men charged with involvement in a deadly synagogue bombing in Tunisia went on trial today in Paris in a case expected to highlight the reach and complexity of al-Qaida-linked networks in North Africa.

2009(8 Tevet 5769): Sergeant Dvir Emmanueloff, 22, was killed during a firefight in northern Gaza's densely populated Jabalya refugee camp today. He was the first fatality suffered by Israel since it launched the ground operation on Saturday. Emmanueloff, who served in the Israel Defense Forces Golani infantry brigade, was a resident of Givat Ze'ev, near Jerusalem. He was laid to rest late Sunday at Jerusalem's Mount Herzl military cemetery. Emmanueloff was a graduate of a Jewish seminary in the southern town of Netivot. He had been set to complete his compulsory service in the Israel Defense Forces in six months' time. The 22-year-old had recently been serving as an instructor at the IDF academy for squad leaders, away from the front, and had fought to rejoin the Golani infantry brigade in order to participate in operations.

2009(8 Tevet 5769): Gregory Sher, a Private serving in the Australian Army was killed in a rocket attack on a military compound southwest of Kabul. Sher is the eighth Australian soldier, and the first of the country's reservists, killed in Afghanistan since Australia sent forces to aid the United States-led coalition against the Taliban and al-Qaida in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. He is believed to be Australia's first Jewish military casualty at least since the Vietnam War.

2010: Three Palestinian men were arrested in Jerusalem for allegedly planning a stabbing attack. The men, from Hebron, were arrested today near the Jaffa Gate with a knife in their possession. They told police later that they planned to stab a security officer or a Jewish person. Also today, two Palestinians carrying knives were stopped at a checkpoint near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, according to the Israeli army. They were detained for questioning. 

2010: In New York Israeli violinist Sergey Ostrovsky and Israeli pianist Einav Yarden, together with the Jupiter musicians, perform the Janacek Concertino and Dvorak’s beloved “American” String Quartet. 

2010: Yisrael Bar Kochav's new book Shmu'ot (Rumors) is celebrated at Mishkenot Sha'ananim.

2010: Beit Avi Chai's Music on Monday’s series presents Guitar virtuoso Ofer Amar in a wonderful acoustic performance that combines world music, flamenco, and ethnic jazz.

2010: Yitta Schwartz of Kiryas Joel in New York was buried this morning. The 94-year-old Holocaust survivor left behind at least 2,500 descendants. She had five generations of descendants. Schwartz survived Bergen Belsen, leaving the concentration camp with her family intact when World War II ended in 1945. Schwartz, her husband and six children moved to Antwerp and then Belgium before settling in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, the Times Herald-Recordreported. The Schwartzes had 11 more children following the war. Her husband died 33 years ago. Schwartz, who reportedly was reluctant to talk about the Holocaust, had about 170 grandchildren -- and knew all their names.

2010: In Israel, the National Insurance Institute reported today that the number of new claims for unemployment benefits dropped four percent in December. 

2011: Prof. Howard N. Lupovitch is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “Hillel’s World” at Congregation Beth Ahm in West Bloomfield, Michigan

2011: In “Calling Steven Cohen. No, Not That One” published today, Joseph Berger sought to distinguish between some of the many men with that common Jewish name, including Steven A. Cohen, Steven M. Cohen, Stephen F. Cohen and more.

2011: The Jerusalem Theatre is schedule to present “Sheindale,” an “Amnon Levy and Rami Danon play about the ultra-Orthodox society, its fine line between tradition and profess and its attitude towards women.

2011: Israeli greenhouses on a farm near Ashkelon sustained damage from a terrorist rocket fired from Gaza today, and the Air Force responded by bombing a Hamas training base.

2011: About 20 Israeli suppliers will help build the first modern Palestinian city in the West Bank but only after promising they will not use products or services from Israeli settlements, the project’s developer said today. The announcement angered Israeli residents of the West Bank, who accused the suppliers of caving in to an international boycott of settlement goods and businesses.

2012: “When Jews Lived in the Muslim Quarter,” an English Walking Tour that will help participants to discover what life was like when Jews lived in the Muslim Quarter is scheduled to begin at 9:30 this morning.

2012: A comedy entitled “The Religion Thing” is scheduled to have its world premiere at Theatre J, part of the DCJCC.

2012: Opposition leader Tzipi Livni (Kadima) warned that ties between Jews in the Diaspora and their Israeli counterparts are weakening, in today’s meeting with US Senator Joe Lieberman in Jerusalem. Livni cited recent "radical legislation" in the Knesset, religious extremism causing discrimination against women, Jewish violence against IDF soldiers and "price tag" attacks carried out by right-wing activists as reasons for the tension. These events, she explained, "make it difficult for [Jews in the Diaspora] to defend Israel."

2012: Police arrested two terrorists at different locations this morning and prevented intended attacks on Be’er Sheva residents.

2013: Rabbi Joshua Plaut and cantorial soloist Leah Tehrani as scheduled to lead “Golden Shabbat” services at Metropolitan Synagogue which are inteneded to honor “elder members” of the community.

2013: Gesher City is scheduled to sponsor “SPY Shabbat”

2013(22nd of Tevet, 5773): Ninety-year old philanthropist Celeste Bartos, who with her husband Armand Phillip Bartos, shaped the cultural landscape of New York, passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2013: “Nelly et Monsieur Arnaud” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: The Reform movement's international umbrella announced plans to open a large community center in Kiev later this year.

2013: “Into the Wilderness” published today provided a detailed review of The Barbarous Years by Bernard Baylin.

2013: Former U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who survived a mass shooting in her Arizona district two years ago, met with Newtown officials on Friday afternoon before heading to visit with families of the victims of last month’s Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre


2014: B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim on Lake Cook Road is scheduled to host a free concert featuring “local band Shakshuka and Kol Echad, an a capella group” made up of students from Boston University.

2014:”Herod the Great: The King’s Final Journey” an example that “seeks to illuminate Herod’s story – his reign and his role in the history of the region – through a display of the archaeological remains of the architecture he created and the art and artifacts that surrounded his royal life” at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem is scheduled to come to an end today.

2014: In Jerusalem, the Eden-Tamir Music Center a musical “New Year’s Celebration.”

2014: “Last Vegas” and “Enough Said” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: After Shabbat, Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids is scheduled to host a special performance by members Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre.

2014: Happy New Year Shabbat, marks the start of the 13thconsecutive year of the Traditional Shabbat Monthly Minyan at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids – an event that owes its creation to the vision of Deb Levin

2014: Efforts continued today despite the fact that it was Shabbat to find developer Menachem Stark the Hasidic millionaire real estate developer “who was reportedly kidnapped outside his Brooklyn office.”

2014: “Israel and the Palestinians are making progress towards reaching a framework peace agreement but they are not there yet, US Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters” today. (As reported by Eilor Levy)

2014: The funeral for Menachem Stark, the Hasidic millionaire whose body had been found in a dumpster yesterday after he had been kidnapped was held at Lodiner Bais Medrash on Marcy Avenue in Williamsburg.

2015: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback edition of Falling Out of Time by David Grossman and Honeydew: Stories by Edith Pearlman

2015: In Atlanta, the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum is scheduled to host Holocaust Survivor Henry Friedman as part of its “Bearing Witness” program.

2015: The Jewish Museum of London is scheduled to host a screening of 'Abram Games: Maximum Meaning, Minimum Means'

2015: “An alarm system that will detect incoming mortar fire will be installed in Gaza border communities within three to six months, Channel 10 reported today.” (As reported by Marissa Newman)

2015: “Investigators pursuing a major fraud scandal involving key members of the Yisrael Beytenu party found NIS 13 million ($3.3 million) in the bank account of lobbyist Yisrael Yehoshua a close acquaintance of party leader Avigdor Liberman, Hebrew-language media reported today.” (As reported by Stuart Winer)

2016: Funeral services are scheduled to be held this morning at Agudas Achim for Kent Braverman

2016: “La Condanna” and “The Tenor” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Cinematheque.

2016: American Airlines last flight from the United States to Israel is scheduled for today when a plane takes off from Philadelphia bound for Tel Aviv.

2016: Atri Michael Signer, who had to deal with a murderous White-Supremacist/Neo-Nazi March was elected by the Charlottesville City Council today to serve as the city’s mayor.

2016: Yael, “a French/Israeli singer/songwriter and her Argentinian partner are scheduled to perform at Radegast Hall in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.

2017: Just days after the last glow of the Chanukah lights, in Memphis, TN, Temple Israel is scheduled to begin rehearsals for its annual Purimspiel.

2017: At Congregation B’nai Israel in Boca Raton, Adam Benzine is scheduled to discuss the making of “Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah.”

2017: In Cedar Rapids, IA, the Hadassah Book Club is scheduled to discuss The Jazz Palace, a novel set in Chicago of the 1920’s by Mary Morris.

2017: Israelis are making reportedly making alternative travel plans due to “a one-day ‘warning strike’” called by Histadrut for today as well as scheduled closure of train lines today “due to infrastructure work.”

2018(17thof Tevet, 5778): Eighty-five year old Romanian born Holocaust survivor Aharon Appelfeld, the world class Israeli novelist passed away today in Petah Tikvah. (As reported by Joseph Berger)

2018:  Paul G. Weintraub is scheduled to offer another session of “Introduction to Judaism” at the Streicker Center.

2019: As the United States government continues to endure a “partial” shutdown with workers not being paid, the U.S. Holocaust Museum is scheduled to be open today. (Editors’ note – the matter of not paying workers would seem not to be in sync with Leviticus 19:13)

2019: In Rochester, NY, the Jewish community is scheduled to offer a fun-filled day starting with Challah Baking at Temple Emanu-El followed by the JULIETS (Jewish Unforgettable Ladies Interested In Eating And Talking) “casual drop-in lunch at the Louis S. Wolk Jewish Community Center.

2019(27thof Tevet, 5779): On the Jewish calendar Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch









This Day, January 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 5

1355: Charles I of Bohemia was crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy in Milan. Charles I morphed into Charles IV, the Holy Roman Emperor who at the beginning of his reign made an ineffectual attempt to protect his Jewish subjects by issuing “letter after letter forbidding the person of the His Jews, his ‘servi camerae,’ to be touched.”  His Christian subjects in Germany disregarded their Emperor and continued their persecution of the Jews.

1425: In Valladolid, Spain “John II of Castile and Maria of Aragon” gave birth to Henry IV during whose reign “the condition of the Spanish Jews was one of comparative peace and comfort.”

1548: Birthdate of Francisco Suarez the Jesuit theologian who “advocated the banning of the Talmud and the building of synagogues as well as forbidding ‘any familiarity with Jews.’” (As described by The History of the Jewish People)

1589:  Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, the wife of King Henry II passed away.  Along with several other French rulers and power brokers including Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIV, she had a penchant for collecting Hebrew Manuscripts.

1642: King Charles I of England sent soldiers to arrest members of Parliament, commencing England's slide into civil war. The Civil War would bring Oliver Cromwell to power.  Cromwell would champion the return of the Jews to England, leading to the creation of the modern Jewish committee in Great Britain, and by extension throughout the British Empire including the United States.

1760(16thof Tevet, 5520): Abraham Joseph was buried at the Hoxton Old Jewish Burial Ground today.

1772(29thof Tevet, 5532): Yaacov Ze'ev ben Yisrael passed away today in London.

1792(10thof Tevet, 5551): Asara B’Tevet

1796: Birthdate of Joseph Salvador the native of Montpellier and French historian “who according to family traditions were descendants of the Maccabees” but whose mother Elizabeth Vincens was a Roman Catholic.

1797: Birthdate of German-Jewish banker and astronomer Wilhelm Wolff Beer, the half-brother of Giacomo Meyerbeer

1808: Judah Davis married Leah Mendosa at the Great Synagogue today.

1814: Today Chief Rabbi Lehmans of The Hague organized a special thanksgiving service and implored God's protection for the allied armies.

 1826: Maryland put into effect the "Jew Bill", which allowed Jews to hold public office if they believed in Reward and Punishment in the Hereafter. Marylandhad an interesting history when it came to questions of religious toleration.  Unlike other colonies, it was founded by Catholics and the Act of Toleration was one of its landmark pieces of colonial legislation.

1828: Rabbi Moss Myers of Ramsgate and his wife gave birth to Rabbi Jonas M. Myers, the husband of Sarah Benjamin who was a successful businessman in Australia where he founded the Adelaide Synagogue and the Brisbane Hebrew Congregation.

1834: The Gazette Musicale de Paris, founded by Maurice Schlesinger, “first appeared” today.

1835: One day after he had passed away, Isaac Barnett was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1839: In Frankfort-on-Main Edward Werner and Rosalie Schlesinger gave birth to Adolph Werner a graduate of City College of New York, earned a Ph.D. from Rutgers and became a Professor of the German Language and Literature at City College City of New York.

1841: Birthdate of Shlomo Elyashiv, the son of Rabbi Chayim Chaiil Elisahoff and author of Leshem Shevo V’Achlama.

1844: Birthdate of Major General Sir Henry Trotter, who as the General Officer Commanding the Home District attended a “public display” in 1909 of the Jewish Lads Brigade, “the UK’s oldest Jewish youth movement founded by Colonel Albert E.W. Goldsmid” with a goal, in part of helping the children of poor immigrants assimilate into British society.

1846: Birthdate of Arsène Darmesteter the French Philologist who “deciphered the difficult and beautiful French elegy, preserved in the Vatican, on the burning of the thirteen Jewish martyrs at Troyes in 1288.”

1848: Birthdate of Celia Hofheimer Fleisher, the wife of Simon B. Fleisher and the mother of Samuel and Adler Fleisher.

1852: Samuel Samuels, the husband of Esther Benjamin and the father of Moses, David and Barnett Samuels was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1853: Israel Levy married Elizabeth Harris today at the Great Synagogue.

1856: Under the heading “We May Eat Pork Without Fear of the Tape Worm,” the New York Times published a letter to the editor written in response to a previously published article warning about the relationship between pork consumption and tape worm infestation.   Citing the statement  “that a Jew was never known to have a tape-worm,” the author warns  any “hypochondriac” who  “should be tempted to turn Jew from this statement and forswear pork”  need not do so since it is a “rare occurrence in this country” for anybody  to be infested by the worms  “notwithstanding we  are such universal pork-eaters.” 

1860: Two days after she had passed away, Jessey Marks, the daughter of Moses and Phoebe Davis and the husband of Emanuel Marks with whom he had had six children was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1863: Lazarus Powell, the U.S. Senator from Kentucky called on Congress to adopt “a resolution condemning…General Orders No. 11 as ‘illegal, tyrannical, cruel and unjust.’”

1863: Philadelphian Abraham Casner completed his service with Company I of the 38thRegiment.

1865: Birthdate of New York City native Samuel A. Tuska, the 1884 graduate of CCNY and “member of Heller, Hirsh & Co” who was a trustee of both the Aguilar Free Library society and the Society for Ethical Culture.

1867: Birthdate of Julius Grünbaum, the native of Berlin who married Emma Karstein and gained fame as German movie producer Jules Greenbaum.

1868(10thof Tevet, 5628): Asara B’Tevet

1869: In Boston, Asher Bamber and Rosetta Stein gave birth Golde Bamber, the graduate of the Boston University School of Oratory, the Director of the Hebrew Women’s Sewing Society and the Superintendent of the Hebrew Industrial School of Boston who was a “delegate to the World’s Fair Congress of Religions at Chicago.”

1874: It was reported today that when the noted author Léon Gozlan passed away he was buried by a Catholic priest.  “He had the features of a Jew and lived like a Jew…but it was positively declared that he had been so baptized so the Rabbi gave way” and Gozlan was interred using the rites of the Church.

1874: Birthdate of American physiologist Joseph Erlanger

1875(28th of Tevet, 5635): Seventy-four year old Émile Péreire one of the two Péreire brothers, 19th century Sephardic French financiers who were on a par with the Rothschilds passed away today.

1875: A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, which includes several Jewish members, was held at their new offices on Broadway and 34th Street.

1876:  Birthdate of Konrad Adenauer.  Adenauer was the first post-war Chancellor of West Germany.  He took office in 1949.  Having been imprisoned by the Nazis during World War II, Adenauer sought to return Germanyto the world community.  He sought to make amends with the Jewish community by offering war reparations to the government of Israel.  Under Adenauer, Germanyrecognized Israel and provided arms for her defense despite threats from the Arab governments.

1877: The Supreme Court of Massachusetts upheld a lower court decision that Jews must observe the laws of the state regulating the observance of the Sabbath.  The case grew out of an attempt to keep a store open on Sunday.

1878(1st of Shevat, 5638): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1878: In Schwienfurt, Germany, Philipp Salazar, the son of “Maier and Silah Malzer” and his wife Lina Fuchs gave birth to Isidor Salzer

1878: It was reported today that “a thrilling tale of a brave young Jew will appear in the New York Weekly on the morning of January 7.

1878: Rabbi Abram S. Isaacs will deliver lecture entitled “The Dance to Death” at tonight’s meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association in New York’s Lyric Hall.

1879(10th of Tevet, 5639): Asara B’Tevet

1879: Effie Bertha Mocatta, the infant daughter of Abraham de Mattos Mocatta and Florence Justina Cohen was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemtery.”

1879: The Board of Directors of the Home for Aged and Infirm Jews met this afternoon.  The Board limited itself to routine business and did not take up the matter of accepting or rejecting Judge Hilton’s recent offer to contribute $250 to the Home.  Judge Hilton is the New York businessman who banned Jews from his hotel at Saratoga Springs.

1879: An article profiling Otto von Bismarck published today reported that “mixed marriage in Germany” is “a source of horror to the orthodox Christians as well as to orthodox Jews.”  Bismarck coarsely described mixed marriage as “the crossing of a Jewish mare with a Christian stallion.”

1881: The price of l'Union Générale stock began an eleven day crash, which the anti-Semites would later blame on a conspiracy of Jewish bankers.

1883: Today, the American Israelite published a letter from the “24 Russian Jewish families that had established the Jewish community of Beersheba in Kansas” to “Moritz Loth, the president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregation” expressing their appreciation for the financial and material support provided for them.

1884(8th of Tevet, 5644): Fifty-four year old Eduard Lasker, “a German politician and jurist” who “promoted the unification of German” passed away today in New York City.

1885: Ludovic Trarieux, the future Minister of Justice who would become a defender of Alfred Dreyfus, was elected Senator from the Gironde.

1886: Birthdate of Franz Kaufman, the German jurist who was baptized by his Jewish parents and helped Jews survive the Holocaust before he was arrested, taken to a concentration camp and murdered in 1944.

1886(28th of Tevet, 5646): Seventy-five year old Lazarus (Levi) Adler, the author of "Emancipation and Religion of the Jews, or the Jewish Race and its Adversaries" passed away while serving as  the chief rabbinate of the electorate of Hesse, at Cassel, as successor to Philip Roman, who had died 1842.”

1886: Birthdate of Israeli scientist Markus Reiner.

1888(21st of Tevet, 5648): Henri Herz, the Austrian born French pianist and composer passed away.  Hertz owned his own piano factory, built a concert hall in Paris and still found time to teach write and perform.

1890: Birthdate of Sam Finkelstein, the native of White Russia who “arrived in Canada in 1911” and during WW I “enlisted in Jewish Legion” and served in Palestine.

1890: Birthdate of Sarah Aaronsohn, the native of the moshav Zikhron Ya’akov who became a leader of Nili during World War I. After being tortured by the Turks, she took her own life in 1917.

1891” It was reported today that “Solomon J. Solomons has been moved Russia’s persecution of the Jews to” create a painting that is an allegorical representation of the struggle.  In the picture, “the Russian Eagle falls with the beak and claw on a Jewish family while a Fury, masquerading as Justice, presented to defend the family from the monster’s attack.”

1892: Captain Strauss of the Seventh Precinct took five children, all Russian Jewish immigrants, from a

hotel on 141 Madison Street.  They were suffering variously from varioloid, diphtheria and/or scarlet fever.

1892: Birthdate of Louis Waldman, a native of the Ukraine who became an American labor leader and a leader of the Socialist Party.

1892: A review of the MacLean-Prescott company’s production of “The Merchant of Venice” described Marie Prescott’s portrayal of the Jewess Portia as “very bad, cold” and “stilted.”  R.D. MacLean’s portrayal of Shylock which appeared to be on par with Cruikshank’s drawing of Fagen was based on “a totally false idea.”

1894: Rabbi Gottheil officiated at a private funeral service for Adolph L. Sanger, the late President of the Board of Education after which a public ceremony was held at Temple Emanu-El followed by burial at Salem Field in Cypress Hills Cemetery.

1894: It was reported that “Marie,” a one act play by Charles D. Levin was performed at the Berkley Lyceum as part of a fundraiser for the Louis Down-Town Sabbath and Daily School.

1894: It was reported today that during the current economic depression Nathan Straus has begun the sale of bread “at his sterilized milk depot” at reduced prices and will begin selling coal at reduced prices starting next week.

1894: It was reported today that the United Hebrew Charities had spent over $171,000 in aiding the needy. Due to the economic downturn in 1893, the organization had spent $200,000 through November of 1893.

1895: According to the will of the late multi-millionaire Eugene Kelly which was filed in the Surrogate’s office today, $10,000 should “go to such Hebrew charitable institutions” as may be selected y by the executors.

1895: Colonel David S. Brown is scheduled to set sail today on the SS Normannia for a trip that will take him to Egypt and then to Palestine.

1895: Alfred Dreyfus was publicly degraded and sent to Devil's Island. Later, evidence was produced which proved that Major Esterhazy and Colonel Henry, Dreyfus' chief accusers, had forged the evidence. Yet, a new trial was not begun until 1899.  The Dreyfus Affair brought on a torrent of anti-Semitism that spawned the modern Zionist movement.  It tore at the fabric of French society and for decades later, there was still a political divide between those who supported Dreyfus and those who wanted to believe that he was a traitor.

1896: “Colonial New York City” published today provides a picture of “the Big Apple” in 1748 based on the writings of Peter Kalm who visited the city at that time which includes a description of “the Jews of New York at that time” who “formed a considerable portion of the population.  They had stores and fine houses and ships and a flouring synagogue and enjoyed all the privileges of the other citizens.  The young Jews, especially when away from home made no scruple about eating pork when” the opportunity presented itself.

1896: Julius Harburger, the Excise Commissioner of New York City, addressed a meeting of the Boston chapter of the Independent Order of Free Sons of Israel, of which he is a Grand Master.

1896: The will of Eugene Kelly which was filed for probate today included a bequest of “$10,000…to go to such Hebrew charitable institutions” of which the executors “may approve.”

1896:Dr. Joseph Silverman delivered his second lecture today entitled “Another Basis on Which Christians and Jews Can Unite” at Temple Emanu-El.

1896: It was reported today that the most recent census of the state of New Jersey shows that there are 16.413 people in the category of “other nationalities” which includes Jews as well as Italians and Hungarians.


1896: Detective Sargent Cuff was on his way to Chicago today where he was to take custody of Jacques Oschs, a Romanian born Jew and bring him back to New York to face charges of participating in swindling schemes many of which were aimed at his co-religionist which earned him over $50,000.

1896: “Effect of Hellenism on Judaism” which relied on information that first appeared in The Edinburgh Scotsmanprovided a summary of an address delivered by Claude G. Montefiore in Glasgow entitled “Some Reflections on Hellenistic Judaism.”  Montefiore used the term “Hellenic Judaism” to described “that Judaism which was touched an influenced by the Hellenism of the time of Alexander the Great and his immediate successors

1896: It was reported today that Reverend C.H. Parkhurst publicly expressed his appreciation for the support the Jews have given to the City Vigilance League, the successor to the Society for the Prevention of Crime.

1896: It was reported today that 16 year old Jennie Zellers saved the lives of her five siblings when a fire broke out in a tenement building in Philadelphia. A grocery store owned by Samuel Lipman occupied the first floor of the four-story building that suffered $5,000 in damages.

1897: It was reported today that the Trustees of Columbia tendered their thanks to Benjamin Stern and Charles A. Dana for their donation of Hebrew manuscripts to the school’s library.

1898: In the Supreme Court in Brooklyn, Justice Gaynor is scheduled to hear Mrs. Martha Reubel’s petition for an annulment based on a claim that he is a Christian.  Mrs. Reubel is an 18 year old Jewess and contends that her husband Siegfried mis-represented himself as being an Orthodox Jews.

1898: Herzl’s "The New Ghetto" was finally produced in the Carl-Theater in Vienna.
The play was also performed in Berlin and Prague.

1898: Birthdate of CCNY basketball player and Coach Morris Holman, the younger brother of CCNY basketball star Nat Holman

1899: The will of David Marks, benefactor of Jewish organizations, was filed for probate today.

1899: It was reported today that a French civil court has fined Comtesse de Martel who writes under the nom de plume of “Gyp” five thousand francs for libeling Senator Ludovic Trarieux, the former Minister of Justice. The libel consisted of an unfounded accusation that the Senator had become a Protestant “in order to contract a rich marriage.  

1899: It was reported today that the Comtesse de Martel, who proclaimed herself to be an anti-Semite said the Jews should not only be driven out of Paris but out of the whole country. 

1899: “Alleged Outrages on Jews” published today summarized the “anti-Semitic prejudice existing in “the United States as described by Brooklyn resident Leopold Cohn, a former rabbi who had converted to Christianity

1904: Birthdate of Austrian violinist Erika Morini who began her studies under the guidance of her father, Oscar Morini, who directed his own school in Vienna.

1904: Birthdate of New York native Herman Silverberg, the bantamweight who fought under the name of Herman “Kid” Silvers.

1906: In London, biblical scholar Sir Frederic Kenyon and Amy Kenyon gave birth to archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon who worked on excavations at Jericho from 1952 until 1958 and at Jerusalem “concentrating on the ‘City of David’ from 1961 to 1967.”

1906: “According to” today’s “telegrams from London Mr. Gerald Balfour failed to obtain a vote of confidence from his constituents because his responsibility for England’s law…regulating the admission of undesirable immigrants” which is having “its effect in the exclusion of Russian Jews, who are numerous in Mr. Balfour’s constituency.”

1906: It was reported today that “a Jewish conference just held in St. Petersburg came to the conclusion that nothing could be expected from the Witte Ministry” in so far as quelling the anti-Semitic attacks or repealing anti-Semitic laws in Russia.

1906: Two Russian officials who have investigated the massacres at Odessa and Kieff gave almost identical statements concerning the slaughter of the Jew at Odessa and Kiev saying that the authorities were negligent in not taking action to avoid the bloodshed but that evidence did not exist to prove that the authorities had planned the massacres.

1906: “The Russo-Jewish Relief Committee announced that the Russian Government’s order prohibiting the distribution of relief funds without official supervision has been rescinded.”

1908: Birthdate of American playwright, novelist and screenwriter Harry Kurnitz.

1908: Adas Israel dedicated its new sanctuary at Sixth and I NW in Washington, DC which replaced the original building at Sixth and G Streets, NW. The cornerstone for the building, which was designed by Louis Levi, the Baltimore Architect, was laid in 1906.

1909: In Switzerland, Ernest Bloch and his wife gave birth to American artist Lucienne Bloch.

1912: Birthdate of Kalmen Kaplansky, the native of Bialystok who has been described as “the zaideh of the Canadian human rights movement.”

1912: State organization formed in Boston, Mass. to encourage naturalization of Jews living in the BayState.

1912: The Philadelphia Jewish community requested leniency in the enforcement the Sunday Closing Law of 1794.

1912: The Boston Section withdrew from Council of Jewish Women.

1913: Birthdate of

1913: In Baltimore, MD, founding of “Moses Montefiore Emunatch Israel Synagogue and Talmud Torah.

1914: Mary Kursheedt and 24 year old Albert Kursheedt, the son of Alexander E. Kursheedt and the nephew of Moses Montefiore Kursheedt were wed today.

1914:Birthdate of Heinz Berggruen a German art dealer and collector who founded the BerggruenMuseumin BerlinGermany. Born in Berlin, he immigrated to the United States in 1936 and studied at BerkeleyUniversity. In 1939 he became an "Assistant director" at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. In preparing an exhibition about the Mexican painter Diego Rivera he met Frida Kahlo, too, and had a short love affair with her. After the Second World War he got acquainted with Pablo Picasso in Paris, who spontaneously had confidence in Berggruen and so he became Picasso's art dealer. In 1996, after 60 years in exile, he returned to Germany and opened an art museum in front of the CharlottenburgPalace. Berggruen left his precious art collection in a generous gesture of a low price to the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. For this he was awarded the honorary citizenship of Berlin and the Federal Cross of Merit (Grand Cross 2nd Class) of Germany(Bundesverdienstkreuz, Großes Verdienstkreuz mit Stern und Schulterband). He died in Paris on February 23, 2007.

1915: “From Leo M. Frank” published today contained a letter from Leo M. Frank expressing his appreciation for the stand the New York Times has taken for the cause of justice as it relates to his case, for “Mr. Marshall’s successful presentation of his appeal before Supreme Court Justice Lamar and wishing everybody on behalf of his wife and parents, a Happy New Year.

1915: The list published today of donors to the fund of the American Jewish Relief Community included the Montefiore Benefit Corporation of Boston, the Jewish Community of Attelboro, Mass., the New Bedford (CT) Jews, Meyer Cohen of Washington, DC, Jewish Women, Bedford, PA; Lover of Israel, Susquehanna, PA; Zion Lodge, Chicago, Ill; Phoenix Packing Company, San Francisco, CA; Jewish Community, Beaumont, TX; Jewish Community, Tyler, TX and Congregation Adath Israel, Douglas, Arizona.

1916: African-American actor Sam Lucas passed away. In 1878 he became the first black man to play the part of Uncle Tom when he appeared a production of Uncle Tom’s Cabin produced by Charles and Gustave Frohman “who financed a number of theatre productions featuring African American actors” – something quite unusual for its time.

1916: It was reported today that Dr. J.L. Magnes is scheduled to speak at the upcoming “mass meeting” in Kansas City where funds will be raised to aid the Jews suffering in the war zones of Europe and Palestine.

1916(29thof Tevet, 5676): Seventy-five year old Max Adler, who with his fellow Bavarian Jew Isaac Strouse,  founded the Strouse, Adler Company 1862, a corset company that was employing 1,200 by 1889, passed away today in New Haven, CT.

1916: Simon Wolf wrote to President Woodrow Wilson for assistance in getting permission to ship “whole wheat” that “can be used to make unleavened bread” during the upcoming holiday of Passover to the war torn zones of Europe where, without it, “thousands of Orthodox Jews would starve during the eight day period.”

1916: In New York, $10,000 in cash and pledges was collected at luncheon attended by 40 clothing manufacturers which will be sent to the American Jewish Relief Committee to be used to meet the goal for raising five million dollars to aid the Jews suffering in the war zones of Europe and Palestine.

1916: The Knights of Zion Convention is scheduled to continue with an evening session in Chicago.

1917: According to reports published today, that while Kansas City has “a population of 12,000” the citizens have already pledged $100,000 toward the 1917 campaign” of Central Committee for the Relief of Jewish War Sufferers.

1918: Today, Adjutant General Sherill released a statement on behalf of Governor Whitman announcing “the removal of Samuel H. Cragg as a member of Local Exemption Board 24 in Brooklyn” because it had been verified that while speaking at patriotic exercise last December, Mr. Cragg whose “district is over 80 per cent Jewish delivered a speech in which he said “There are three epochs in the life of the Jewish boy” first at birth, circumcision; second at 13, confirmation; third at 21, exemption” and that while Cragg admitted making the statement he had refused to resign. (Editor’s Note: The false charges of draft dodging and lack of patriotism are ones that Jews have faced despite the facts to the contrary.  Ironically, the same charges were made in Germany.  A special census was conducted, but the results were held back after the numbers showed a disproportionate number of Jews fighting for the Kaiser.  Anti-Semitism – the common glue of civilization!)

1919: The National Socialist Party (Nazi) formed as German Farmers Party.  Hitler was not one of the party founders.

1919: Today, at a time when members of the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization “believed that millions of potential immigrants, including were ready to overrun” the United States and Harvard Professor Robert Ward “had apprised that a well-organized Jewish mass immigration was imminent, Fredrick Wallis, the commissioner of immigration at Ellis Island, testified that unlimited numbers were “clamoring to come to this country” and that although there “only 311,000 passport applications were on filed in Poland, there was a rumor that 8,000,000 Jews were ready to come to the United States.”

1923: Birthdate of Robert L Bernstein, chief executive of Random House.

1923: Birthdate of Israel Prize-winning author and translator Aharon Amir. Amir, who was born in Lithuania, grew up in Tel Aviv and was a member of both the Irgun and the Lehi. He was one of the founders of the Canaanite movement, which saw geographical location rather than religious affiliation as the defining element of Hebrew or Israeli culture. He studied Arabic language and literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, but translated works of literature mainly from English and French. Authors whose work he rendered into Hebrew include Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Lewis Carroll, Albert Camus, and Charles de Gaulle. Amir won the Tchernichovsky Prize for translation in 1951 and the Israel Prize for translation in 2003. He passed away on February 28, 2008 at the age of 85.

1924: Leon and Henrietta Shershevsky gave birth to George Leon Sherry, a United Nations official who helped calm crises around the world — a role that evolved from his time as the leading rapid-fire translator of speeches by Russian diplomats in the organization’s early days…(As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1924(28th of Tevet, 5684):Parashat Vaera

1924: Dr. Samuel Schulman, who was “elected rabbi for life” in December, is scheduled to complete his 25thyear today as Rabbi of Temple Beth-El.

1925: Birthdate of British actor Wolfe Morris whose “grandparents and escaped the Russian pogroms” arriving in London at the end of the 19th century.

1926: In New Britain, CT, Louis Raphael, the owner of a department store chain, and the former Naomi Kaplan gave birth to Dana Louise Raphael “an apostle of breast-feeding and a catalyst for the movement to recruit nonmedical caregivers to assist mothers during and after childbirth — attendants she called doulas...” (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1927: In Brooklyn, “Jacob Newman, a construction union organizer and the former Ida Levine” gave birth to criminal lawyer. Gustave Harold Newman.

1928: Reports of a large number of unemployed workers in the non-agricultural sector of the economy are a cause of major concern for the Government and leaders of the Labor movement.  While approximately 21,000 people are employed non-farm jobs, there may be as many as 10,000 unemployed workers.  It is hope that the situation will be alleviated, in part, with the construction and operation of a variety of public works projects including the building of the Straus Health Clinic in Jerusalem.

1929: Syracuse defeated Cornell 31-18 thanks in no small measure to the 17 points scored by Louis Hayman. (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

1930: “Hell’s Heroes” a western directed by William Wyler and produced by Carl Laemmle Jr. was released today in the United States.

1930: Mapia was founded today “by the merger of the Hapoel Hatzair founded by A. D. Gordon and the original Ahdut HaAvoda (founded in 1919 from the right, more moderate, wing of the Marxist Zionist socialist Poale Zion led by David Ben-Gurion

1931(16thof Tevet, 5691: Sixty year old Memphis born Martin Isaacs, the Lake Forest University trained lawyer who served as a Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County passed away today.

1931: Elections were held today to choose members for the Asefat Hanivcharim (The Jewish Elected Assembly). Only 35 to 40 per cent of those eligible are expected cast their ballots.  The sharpest contest is between the Labor Party and the Revisionists.  Labor is expected to win 23 seats and the Revisionists will end up with 18 seats, the same number expected to be won by the Party representing “Oriental Jews.”  There are a total of 71 seats at stake.  There has been no prediction about how many seats will be won by the United Women’s ticket head by Henrietta Szold. 

1933: Construction of Golden Gate Bridge, one of whose three designers was Joseph Strauss, began today.

1933: Birthdate of Leonard Marsh, the New York born window washer, who along with his brother Hyman Golden and childhood friend Arnold Greenberg founded the Snapple Beverage Corporation. (As reported by Margalit Fox).

1935: Pipe Paid” with a script by Viola Brothers Shore closed today after 15 performances on Broadway at the Ritz Theatre.

1936: Birthdate of Steven Cojocaru, Canadian born American television personality and fashion critic.

1937: In the Beit She’an Valley, members of the Sadeh group from the Mikveh Israel agricultural school and immigrants from Austria, Germany and Poland Kibbutz HaSadeah, which was later re-named Sde Naum in honor of Zionist leader and author Nahum Sokolov

1937: Israel Rokach, Mayor of Tel Aviv, testified before the Peel Commission.  Rokach said that he was not opposed to a certain amount of governmental involvement with municipal affairs but that the real dispute centered on underfunding of the city government.  Members of the commission expressed positive interest in Rokach’s proposal to develop a port that would serve both Jaffa and Tel Aviv.

1937: At a pre-nuptial gala tonight for Crown Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard, the band played the Nazi “Host Wessel Song” despite the refusal of Dr. Van Anrooy, to conduct the German marching song as well as “Duetschland uber Alles.”

1937: Today, Louis Lipsky, chairman of the board of the Palestine foundation, the fundraising organization in the United States of the Jewish Agency, announced today that “a total of $2,500,000 was expended by the Jewish Agency for Palestine on immigration, colonization, security and other activities including the  settlement of German Jews during the year” that ended on October 1, 1936.

1938: The Palestine Postreported that the British government was about to send to Palestine a new, largely technical commission, essentially a fact-finding body, which would plan how to implement Partition, according to the terms of the agreement reached with the Mandatory Commission of the League of Nations. The government, however, indicated that it was in no way committed to the actual execution of such a plan. Three Arabs out of a band of 40, apparently arms smugglers, were killed close to the Syrian border. Haskiel Joseph and Nathan Yairoff were shot and badly wounded by an Arab terrorist inside the Jaffa Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem.

1938(3rd of Shevat, 5698): “While escorting a prisoner from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv in a bus,” “Jacob Kliger, a 35 year old policeman” was mortally wounded in an attack by Arabs.

1938: Mrs. Andrew J. Noe, the president of the New York City Federation of Women’s Clubs is scheduled to preside over a meeting of The Women’s Committee of the National conference of Jews and Christians at the Hotel MaAlpin where the topic for discussion will be “The Future of Religion in America.”

1938(3rd of Shevat, 5698): Three passengers were wounded this evening when at 7 p.m. twenty shots were fired at a Jewish-owned bus traveling from Jerusalem to the suburb of Beit Vegan.”

1938: Today in Jerusalem, “the general feeling” among “both Arabs and Jews” is that “the British White Paper on Palestine” is “just another ambiguous British document saying nothing and solving nothing” that “is intended to keep both Jews and Arabs guessing” giving “both communities hope that their opposing wishes will be fulfilled.

1939: The gathering of a group of young Jews in Riga is captured in a photograph which will later become the property of Yad Vashem.

1939: Sir Horace Rumbold, a member of the Peel Commission, attempts to explain away his description of the Jews of Palestine as an “alien race” by saying that he merely meant that the Jews were a race with different characteristics from the Arab race.

1939: Germany declared Karaite Jews exempt from enforcement of the Nuremberg Laws.

1939: President Roosevelt nominated Felix Frankfurter to serve as an Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.  He was chosen for the position following the death of Benjamin N. Cardozo.  When Frankfurter was confirmed two weeks later, he became the third Jew to serve on the High Court. 

1940: Jews were forbidden by the General Gouvernment be in the streets between 9:00PM and 5:00AM.

1942: Birthdate of Elzbieta Ficowska, nee Koppel, one of the 2,500 children smuggled out of the Warsaw Ghetto by Irena Sendler and her associate Stanislawa, a widowed Catholic mid-wife. (Shades of the story of the brave mid-wives found in the Book of Exodus.)

1942: The Jewish ghetto at Kharkov, Ukraine, is liquidated.

1943: The Vught, Holland, concentration camp is established

1943: In an orgy of killing that would last for the next two days the Nazis murdered thousands of Jews at Lvov, Ukraine.

1943: In Kenton, OH, “Francis Stager, a farmer, and the former Marcella Mae Wilson gave birth to Larry Elwood Stager, who gained fame as Lawrence E. Stager, the Dorot Professor of the Archaeology of Israel in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University and Director of the Harvard Semitic Museum” who since 1985 “has overseen the excavations of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon.

 1944: Birthdate of Ed Rendell, Democratic Mayor of Philadelphia in the 1990’s before being elected Governor of the State of Pennsylvania in 2002.

1944: Twenty-nine year old Jean Tatlock, the woman whose “romantic relationship” with J. Robert Oppenheimer would help to lead to his loss of top security clearance, passed away today.

1945: In “American Boy’s Find Tel Aviv Like a Home Town” published today Anne O’Hare McCormick described conditions in Palestine’s major metropolis.  According to her, “40% of the Jewish population of Palestine lives in Tel Aviv.”  She describes Tel Aviv “as being one of the world’s youngest cities” and as being “better planned and more modernistic that the Florida boom towns it resembles.”  This very cosmopolitan city is suffering from a housing shortage brought on by an influx of refugees from Europe and North Africa.

1946: The long running Broadway revival of "Show Boat" opened at Ziegfeld Theater in New York City for the first of 417 performances. This was a musical adaption of a novel of the same name by Edna Ferber, Jewish author who remembered being taunted as a “sheeny” when walking the streets of home town in Michigan.  Ferber’s willingness to tackle the touchy subjects of race and miscegenation stood in stark contrast to the romanticized formula followed by Margaret Mitchell and others and is yet another example of Jews advancing the cause of social justice.  The creation of the musical by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II is a reminder that this unique culture phenomenon is in many ways, a Jewish creation.

1947:In a broadcast from its secret transmitter, Haganah, the Jewish defense organization denounced Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang as extremist organizations and blamed them for the latest outburst of violence in Eretz Israel.

1948: Benjamin Rabin begins serving on the New York Supreme Court.

1948: Warner Brothers offered the first color newsreel, covering the Tournament of Roses Parade and the Rose Bowl Game. At that time, the company was still the property of the four brothers name Warner – Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack L. – Polish Jews who came to the United States via Canada.

1948: As the siege of Jerusalem continues, the Haganah launches an attack against Katamon, a suburb from which Arab gunmen have been firing non-stop into adjacent Jewish neighborhoods.

1949: As the War of Independence winds down, Israeli forces struggle to dislodge the Egyptians from Gaza.  A sandstorm hinders and IDF column attacking the town of Rafa.  At the same time the storm provides cover for an Egyptian armored column that launched a counter-attack aimed at keeping the Israelis from Rafa.

1950: Birthdate of guitarist Chris Stein, co-founder of “Blondie.”

1951(27th of Tevet, 5711): Eighty-three year old Siegfried Reginald Wolf, the son of Josef and Julie Wolf and the husband of Ida Wolf passed away today in Haifa.

1953: Shlomo-Yisrael Ben-Meir was appointed Deputy Minister of Welfare.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that East Germany had launched a Zionist witch-hunt, accusing two Jewish Communist leaders of being Zionists, American agents, Titoists and Trotskyites. 

1955: Abraham Ribicoff began serving as the 80th Governor of Connecticut.

1959: In his introduction to A Matter of Taste: The Albert D. Lasker Collection: Renoir to Matisse that includes commentaries by Wallace Brockway, Alfred Frankfurter asks, “What was it that made an American business man * * * train his eye and his energies so spectacularly as to produce this extraordinary array of art ?"

1961: “Mister Ed,” a sit com created by Martin Ransohoff’s Filmways production house was shown for the first time in syndication nine months before CBS began broadcasting it.

1963: After 873 performances, the curtain came down on the original Broadway production of Lerner and Loewe’s “Camelot” which was directed by Moss Hat.

1964: Pope Paul VI and President Zalman Shazar of Israel met today at Megiddo, the scene of ancient battles, and both voiced hope for a moral revival and for peace among men.

1964: Under the leadership of Head Coach Sid Gillman, the San Diego Chargers defeated the Boston Patriots for the AFL Championship.

1966(13th of Tevet, 5726): Franco-Jewish lawyer Henry Torees, the grandson of  Isaiah Levaillant, the founder of the League for the Defense of Human and Civil Rights during the Dreyfus Affair, who defended “Samuel Schwartzbard, a Jewish watchmaker who shot and killed in Paris Simon Petlura, the leader of the “Petlura Government” in the Ukraine during the notorious pogroms on Jews which took place there in 1919” and “Herschel Grynzpan, the young Jewish refugee from Poland who shot and killed Ernest von Rath, a member of the German Embassy in Paris, in 1938” passed away today.

1966: “7 Women” a drama set in China with music by Elmer Bernstein premiered in Los Angeles today.

1968: “Informed Jewish sources said today that Jacob Kaplan, the Chief Rabbi of France told President de Gaulle of his concern over the fact that” his statement calling the Jews “an elite people, people, sure of itself and domineering”  “had been used by ‘real’ anti-Semites as an instrument against Jews.”

1970(27th of Tevet, 5730):  Max Born passed away at the age of 87.  A native of Germany, the famous physicist was forced to take refuge in Britainin 1933 when the Nazis came to power. Max Born won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1954.

1970: Nine Egyptians soldiers crossed the Suez Canal and under covering fire from the west bank attacked Israeli positions.  All nine were killed.

1972(18th of Tevet, 5732): Seventy-nine year old Russian born Nathan Bryllion Fagan who at the turn of the century came to the United States where earned undergraduate degrees at George Washington University and a doctorate from Johns Hopkins where he taught until 1957 while serving as “director of the Hopkins Playshop” and wrote “several books, including The Histrionic Mr. Poe” passed away today in Sarasota, FL.

1973(2nd of Shevat, 5733): Hyman Reznick who had founded the Halevi Choral Society with Harry Coopersmith, passed away today.

1976: Broadcast of the first episode “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman” a satire of soap operas developed by Norman Lear and starring Louise Lasser in the title role.

1976: Claims were made to “that the Jackson Amendment which became law a year ago had led to a” reduction in the emigration of Soviety Jews./

1977: Russian born, Jewish human rights activist Alexander Podraninek initiated creating the Working Commission to Investigate the Use of Psychiatry for Political Purposes

1978: Shmuel Katz who had been serving as “Adviser to the Prime Minister for Information Abroad” for Menachem Begin “quit” his position today “because of differences with the cabinet over peace proposals with Egypt.”

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that at AswanUS President Jimmy Carter and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat declared jointly that any Middle East peace settlement required the recognition of the "legitimate rights of the Palestinians and their participation in deciding their own future." In Jerusalem Premier Menachem Begin declared his firm opposition to this self-determination principle.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that The Jewish National Fund started ground-breaking operations for eight new settlements in Sinai, between Yamit and El Arish.

1980: Harold Pinter’s “Betrayal” premiered today on Broadway at the Trafalgar Theatre.

1981: Yoram Aridor, a member of Likud, began serving as Communications Minister.

1983:  Joe Lieberman ban serving as the 21st Attorney General of the state of Connecticut.

1985: In response to pressure from Arab countries, Sudan ended the airlift of Jews from Ethiopia after Israeli Shimon Peres held a press conference confirming reports of what would become known as Operation Moses. With help from the CIA, Israel would organize Operation Sheba, the last of the airlifts which had secretly brought over 14,000 Jews from Ethiopia from 1972 through 1985.

1986: In Pittsburgh, the 49th Carnegie International Exhibition which included ''Large Interior W 11 (after Watteau)'' by sixty-three year old Lucian Freud, “the oldest contributor to the show” is scheduled to come a close today.

1988: Richard Mathew Stallman starts developing GNU. GNU is a free software operating system.

1988: The New York Times reviews Operation Babylon by Shlomo Hillel (Translated from the Hebrew by Ina Friedman) which relates the fascinating tale of the rescue of the Iraqi Jewish community.

1989: Under Law no. 7716 passed by the Brazilian Senate, anyone found violating the prohibition against “the manufacture, trade and distribution of swastikas for the purpose of disseminating Nazism” “is liable to serve a prison term from between two and five years.”

1989:Secretary of State George P. Shultz said today that the reported death threat by Mr. Arafat against other Palestinians ran counter to a P.L.O. pledge to refrain from terrorism and had created a ''real problem'' for the United States. Mr. Arafat was reported to have said in the radio broadcast on Monday that ''any Palestinian leader who proposes an end to the intifada exposes himself to the bullets of his own people.'' Speaking to reporters on his way here for a conference on chemical weapons, Mr. Shultz said that the United States did not have direct information about Mr. Arafat's reported statement. He said: ''What we have is reports of what Arafat is alleged to have said. We have not seen any statement as such.'' But the Secretary then assailed the reported remark. ''It represents a real problem and an equivocation,'' he said.

1990: After premiering in Germany, “Last Exit to Brooklyn’ the movie version of the novel by the same name starring Stephan Lang and Jerry Orbach and with music by Mark Knopfler was released in the United Kingdom today.

1992: “Yeshivas Defy the Odds” published today described the growth of the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School.

1993: Israel approved a $380 million grant today to support a major upgrading of the Jerusalem plant of the computer-chip manufacturer Intel Israel.

1993: Mark B. Cohen began serving as the “Democratic Whip of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives” today.

1994(22nd of Tevet, 5754): Seventy-eight year old historian and genealogist Rabbi Malcom Stern passed away. (As reported by Wolfgang Saxon)

1996: Yahya Ayyash, chief bomb maker for Hamas, was killed by an Israeli-planted booby-trapped cell phone.

1996(13th of Tevet, 5756): Eight-eight year old multi-talented Harvard University graduate Lincoln Kirstein, a World War II Monuments Man and co-founder of the New York City Ballet passed away today.

1997:In the Southern Ocean near 52°S 100°E, Tony Bullimore's boat, Exide Challenger capsized and the majority of press and media reports assumed that the 55 year old sailor was lost

1997: A revival production of "Show Boat" the famed musical that owes its music, lyrics and book to three American Jews closed at Gershwin Theater New York City. 

1997: The Sunday New York Times book section featured review of books by Jewish authors or of special interest to Jewish readers including My Teacher’s Secret Life by Stephen Krensky,A Journalist's Search for the Heart of His Country by Henry Grunwald which tells the story of how a Jewish refugee from Hitler’s Germany became editor in chief of all publications in the vast Time Inc. empire, before retiring at the end of 1987 and   Unfinished People: Eastern European Jews Encounter America by Ruth Gay which “is essentially a memoir of Jewish life in the West Bronx in the 1920's and 30's, including the author's discomfort with her Eastern European immigrant family and her ''ordeal of civility,'' to use John Murray Cuddihy's phrase, in moving from ghetto culture to gentility.”

1998: To commemorate her 30 years on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Muriel Siebert rang the closing bell to mark the end of the trading day.  She was the first woman to own a seat on the NYSE (As reported by Jewish Women’s Archive)

2002: In the wake of shoe-bomber Richard Reid’s attempt to blow up a plane last December, airlines and government officials are looking at additional security measures. As food service deliveries and food cars used on planes are coming under scrutiny the stringent procedures followed by El Al, the Israeli airline are considered the gold standard for aviation security. At its catering center, several miles from Tel Aviv's airport, security guards monitor every step of food packaging, from items being ladled onto trays and sealed with plastic wrap, said Isaac Zeffet, a former chief of El Al security who now runs a consulting concern in Cliffside Park, N.J. Mr. Zeffet, the former El Al security chief, said banning food carts would be only a patch on a security system that requires a complete overhaul, including tighter controls on everyone and everything that comes in contact with planes before takeoff.

2003: Deborah “Solomon made her debut as the New York Times Magazine's "Questions For" columnist.”

2003(2nd of Shevat, 5763): In the deadliest attack against Israel in 10 months a pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up just seconds apart today in the Neve Sha’anan neighborhood of Tel Aviv, an area crowded with foreign laborers, killing 23 other people and injuring 100 more. The attackers, only 500 feet away from each other, set off their bombs 30 seconds apart. 2004: The Center Art Gallery at Calvin College presents “Talmud: in the Art of Ben-Zion and Marc Chagall,” an exhibit that brings together the Biblical work of two of the most important Jewish artists of the 20th Century. It features 18 intaglio prints by Ben-Zion and 25 color lithographs by Marc Chagall. The title, Talmud, is appropriate for this exhibit of images that help illustrate the collection of Biblical writings that constitute the Jewish civil and religious law (Talmud, n. {Heb. Talmud, instruction, from lamed, to learn}). Although Talmud traditionally deals with text and not image, these works act as aesthetic and insightful commentaries on the text of Scripture in the best of the Talmudic tradition. Viewed together, Zion’s blunt, powerful expressions of Biblical subjects and Chagall’s vibrant and dreamlike interpretations of religious narrative create an artistic dialogue that furthers understanding and enjoyment of their work and the Scripture they interpret.


2004: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was showered with catcalls on today from his own right-wing party during a speech in which he said he would take down some Jewish settlements and permit the formation of a Palestinian state if the two sides reached a peace agreement. But Mr. Sharon again warned that he was prepared to set a security line unilaterally that would separate Israelis and Palestinians if they could not make progress under the current peace plan, which is stalled.

2005 Eris, the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system, is discovered by the team of 4 that included David L. Rabinowitz.

2005(24thof Tevet, 5765): Seventy year old German Jewish “billionaire and banker” passed away today.

2005: The 10th Pan American Maccabi Games came to an end in Santiago, Chile.

2006: The owner of the Buffalo Bill, “enlisted 80 year old Marv Levy to act” as the team’s “General Manager and Vice President of Football Operations.”

2007: Haaretz reported that The Amsterdam house where Anne Frank wrote her diaries in hiding before dying in a Nazi concentration camp drew almost a million visitors during 2006. The total of 982,000 was 16,000 higher than in 2005. Most of the visitors were young tourists, primarily from the United States and Britain, the Anne Frank House said.

2008: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, The traditional Shabbat Morning minyan at TempleJudahenters into its seventh year.

2008: The Israeli Army wound up a large-scale, three-day operation in the northern West Bank city of Nablus.  Nineteen Palestinians had been detained during the operation that uncovered a major arms cache including rockets similar to the hundreds of projectiles that have been fired from Gaza into Israel.

2009: Rabbi Ari Solomont, a native of Boston, has been named director of the Yeshiva University S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program. The program enables hundreds of young men and women every year to incorporate their study at more than 45 participating yeshivot and other educational institutions in Israel into their college years, enhancing their academic experience. The program is supervised by the Israel Program staff at the YU campus in Jerusalem

2009: “For Women Only,” a drama, song and dance review showcasing the Jewish women and girls of Baltimore was presented at Goucher College.

2009: Lawmakers are scheduled to take their first close look at financier Bernard Madoff's alleged $50 billion fraud and why the Securities and Exchange Commission failed to discover the scandal. Critics say the SEC missed warning signs and failed to uncover the scandal until Madoff's sons went to the authorities and told them he confessed to the fraud.

2009: The Washington Post reviewed Old Flame, a Jackson Steeg novel,by Ira Berkowitz.

2009: The Minnesota State Canvassing Board certified results today showing Al Franken, a Democrat, winning the Senate recount over Republican Norm Coleman, who is expected to challenge the result. Earlier today, the state Supreme Court rejected the Coleman campaign’s petition to count several hundred additional absentee ballots.

2009:The disgraced financier Bernard L. Madoff tried to hide at least $1 million in watches and jewelry from government investigators and should have his bail revoked and sent to jail immediately, federal prosecutors told a judge this afternoon.

2009:  In France, a car containing Molotov cocktails rammed into the door of a French synagogue and burst into flames. A rabbi and about 10 of his adult students in the Toulouse synagogue during the attack tonight fled unharmed. A second car containing Molotov cocktails was found near the synagogue, according to police.

2009 (9 Tevet 5769):Four soldiers were killed in friendly-fire incidents that took place during fighting on Monday night. Three soldiers were killed when a tank mistakenly opened fire on a home in Saja'iya occupied by officers and soldiers from the Golani Brigade. Another tank accidentally fired on a home in al-Atatra, killing an officer in the 202nd Battalion of the Paratroop Brigade. The soldiers were Cpl. Yousef Moadi, 19, who lived recently in Haifa, but was originally from the Druse village of Yirka; Maj. Dagan Wertman, 32, from Ma'aleh Michmash in the Binyamin region; St.-Sgt. Nitai Stern, 21, from Jerusalem; and Capt. Yonatan Netanel, 27, from Kedumim.

2010: In Jerusalem, Hama'abada presents a Double Feature show featuring Uri Dror a Jerusalemite singer-songwriter gaining recognition in the Israeli rock music scene in advance of his upcoming debut album and missFlag, the four piece band from Jerusalem that will soon begin a tour in the United States.

2010: The Yellow Submarine's Zik Gallery presents Diyukan (Portrait), a group photography exhibit of the Third Year Students at the Musrara School of Photography and Media

2010: Defense Minister Ehud Barak held a phone conversation today with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and asked him to assist in renewing peace talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Barak also updated the UN chief regarding Israeli efforts meet the humanitarian needs of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

2010: Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated in New Zealand against Israel’s top-ranked women's tennis player amid a bomb scare in the arena. Shahar Pe'er, 22, was delayed from entering the arena for her opening match in the ASB Tennis Classic in Auckland for about 20 minutes today after an unattended bag in the ASB Tennis Centre prompted the bomb scare.

2010(19th of Tevet, 5770): Murray Saltzman a Reform Rabbi and civil rights leader passed away. Born in 1929 to a Russian-immigrant family, he was the youngest of three sons. He led congregations in Maryland, Indianapolis, and Florida, among them Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation and Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. Saltzman was appointed by President Gerald Ford to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, after marching with Martin Luther King, Jr. and leading in various civil action projects.

2010: Rabbi Shira Stutman is scheduled to lead an interactive conversation about Rosh Chodesh, traditionally considered a “woman’s holiday” for reasons including perceived connections between the moon and the female cycles answering the question ‘How does the monthly reminder of womanhood shape our identity as women and as Jews?’ at the Historic 6th& I Synagogue in Washington, D.C.

2011: After Senators returned Amy Totenberg’s nomination to the President at the end of the 111th Congress, he re-submitted the nomination today.

2011: The 92nd St Y is scheduled to feature a screening of “Coming to America: The History of the Syrian Jewish Community 1900-1919.” This documentary is envisioned as part of a series on Syrian Jewish History and includes interviews with Syrian Jews living in the New York metropolitan area talking about their own families' experiences, histories, customs and traditions. 

2011: Terrorists from the Hamas-controlled Gaza region struck the western Negev with another mortar attack this morning.

2011: Relatives and friends of those killed in the devastating Carmel fire last month refused to let Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speak today  as he stood at the podium of the official state memorial ceremony to deliver a eulogy to the victims. Those present at the ceremony mourning the 44 people killed in Israel's largest-ever wildfire let President Shimon Peres address the audience, but began heckling the premier and calling him a "liar" as he took his turn on the stage..

2011: According to an email sent today from the West Coast branch of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Songwriter Debbie Friedman is sedated and on a respirator at a hospital in Orange County, Calif.  The email asked that prayers be said on Friedman's behalf, as well as for her mother, sister and aunt. An immensely popular singer and songwriter, Friedman, who is in her late fifties, is widely credited with reinvigorating synagogue music by introducing a more folksy, sing-along style to American congregations. In 2007, she was appointed to the faculty of the Reform movement's cantorial school in a sign that her style had gained mainstream acceptance.  She is best known for her composition "Mi Shebeirach," a prayer for healing that is sung in many North American congregations.

2011(29thof Tevet, 5771): Seventy three year old “David G. Trager, a federal judge in Brooklyn whose rulings were pivotal in a racially charged case in Crown Heights and in the first civil suit to challenge the Bush administration’s practice of sending terrorism suspects to countries that employ torture, died today at his home in Brooklyn.” (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

2012: The Red Sea Classical Music Festival is scheduled to open this evening at Eilat.

2012(10thof Tevet, 5772): Asara B’Tevet2012(10th of Tevet, 5772): Yahrzeit of Judy Rosenstein (nee Levin), a true woman of valor who will always be missed.

2012:Israeli Police have been unsuccessful in running its agents in the West Bank, a senior police officer said today, adding that officers have been struggling to gather evidence on crimes committed by right-wing activists. Haim Rahamim, head of the investigations and intelligence wing of the Judea and Samaria District in the West Bank, made the statement during a discussion at the Knesset's Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee on law enforcement in the territories.

2012:Ehud Olmert, who resigned as prime minister of Israel in 2008 amid corruption charges, was indicted today for allegedly taking bribes in the construction of a huge residential complex while he was mayor of Jerusalem.    

2013: “Les Troyens,” a cinematic presentation of Berlio’s epic is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

2013: Ms. Erica Strauss, a soprano making a guest appearance with the Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre is scheduled to present a one hour program of live opera and Jewish music this evening at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2013(23rdof Tevet, 5773): Eddie Goldstein, who lived in Boyle Heights for almost 8 decades, possibly making him “the last Jewish resident from the original Boyle Heights Jewish community” passed away today.

2013: Israeli documentary "The Gatekeepers" was awarded the nonfiction or documentary prize by the National Society of Film Critics in the U.S. today

2013: The traditional minyan at Temple Judah starts its 12th year of Saturday morning services.

2013: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed willingness to form a broad-based coalition with center-left parties, but claimed they have negated the possibility in advance.

2013: Vienna's Jewish Museum holds hundreds of books and works of art that may have been stolen by Nazis, a newspaper reported today.

2013: Deadline for raising the one hundred thousand dollars need to make “Next Year In Jerusalem”

2014: “Discovery and Recovery: Preserving Iraqi Jewish Heritage” an exhibition that had opened at the National Archives in October is scheduled to come to a close today.

2014: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Little Failure: A Memoir by Gary Shteyngart and The Downfall of Money by Frederick Taylor in which he described Germany’s hyperinflation during the 1920’s which some contend helped bring Hitler to power.

2014: When Aaron Liberman of Northwestern checked in for the final minute of action against Michigan he made history by being the first basketball player to wear a kippa in Big Ten Conference history. (As reported by Adam Soclof)

 2014: “Behind the Candelabra” and “Happy Happy” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: Thousands of African asylum seekers in Israel and their supporters held a silent march and then a rally in Tel Aviv to day in an escalation of their protest against measures restricting their movement and ability to work.

2014: New York government officials publicly condemned the New York Post today, hours after the paper published a front-page picture of a slain Hasidic businessman and the headline “Who didn’t want him dead?”

2014: Pope Francis today announced long-awaited plans to travel to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan this May.

2014: “Radical Transformation: Magnum Photos into the Digital Age” is scheduled to have its final showing at the University of Texas’ Harry Ransom Center in Austin, TX.

2015: At the Center for Jewish History David is scheduled to “tell, for the first time, the dramatic story of how Yiddish poets Abraham Sutzkever and Shmerke Kaczerginski rescued hundreds of treasures from YIVO’s archives following WWII and brought them to YIVO’s new headquarters in New York.”

2015: “Border Patrol forces setting up a barricade near their base arrested a knife-carrying terrorist Monday night who intended to stab them.” (As reported by Yishai Karov and Cynthia Blank)

2015: Eighty-five year old Al Bendich who defended the right to free speech in cases involving Allen Ginsberg and Lenny Bruce passed away today.  (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2015: In Poland, the University of Wroclaw said “it will restore doctorate degrees to 262 people, most of them Jewish, decades after Nazi Germany annulled them in the run-up to World War II.”

2015(14thof Tevet): Seventy-eight year old Joan Peters, the author of From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine passed away today. (As reported by Daniel E. Slotnik)

2015: “Jewish Agency for Israel Chairman Natan Sharansky presented a check for more than $100,000 to the family of Har Nof terror attack victim Howie (Chaim) Rothman in Jerusalem” today. (As reported by Renee Ghert-Zand)

2015: An exhibition “Batsheva Dance Company at 50: American Concepts and the Israeli Spirit” is scheduled to come to an end at the New York Library for the Performing Arts.

2016: Today’s American Airlines flight from Tel Aviv to Philadelphia is scheduled to be the last flight to or from the United States by this U.S. Company which is going through a cost-cutting retrenchment.

2016: Rabbi Yaron David, a rabbi for the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, eulogized first sergeant Yishai Rozales today after he was killed in a training accident at the Tze'elim Base in the Negev.

2016(24thof Tevet, 5776): On the Jewish calendar Yahrzeit of Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler.

2017: “Through the Wall” is scheduled to be shown for a final time at JW3 in London.

2017: In Jerusalem, Menachem Gottlieb is scheduled to lead a shiur that deals with the questions of

* Do the Jewish People Have an Obligation to Prevent Holocausts?
* When Does "Darkei Shalom" Apply?
* What is Wrong With a Prayer?
* Does It Make A Difference if Syria Murdered 42 Israeli POWs & Thousands of Jews in the Wars?
2018: Today, “Senior US officials denied reports that $125 million in aid to the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency had been frozen over Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s refusal to enter US-led peace talks with Israel.” (As reported by Eric Cortellessa)

2018: In Jerusalem, the Kakadu Art and Design Gallery is scheduled to host a “Friday Family Workshop.”

2018: A high school classmate of 19 year old college student Blaze Bernstein was taken into custody and charged with murdering the U. of Pennsylvania student who was home on break.

2018: In Memphis, Temple Israel is scheduled to host its first Tot Shabbat of the year “followed by a Shabbat Dinner.”

2018(18thof Tevet, 5778): Seventy-four year Carole Hart, a co-creator of “Sesame Street” passed away today. (As reported by Neil Genzlinger)

2018: “Israelis awoke to a morning of harsh weather conditions today as heavy rains and furious storms lashed the country from north to south, inflicting floods on various areas and causing trees to come crashing down on parked cars in Tel Aviv.”

2019(28thof Tevet, 5779): Parashat Va-ayrah; for more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2019(28thof Tevet, 5779): On the Jewish calendar, “Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Chizkiyah Da Silva.”

2019: In JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “RBG”.

2019: The Joyce Theatre is scheduled to host a performance of “Riff this/Riff that” featuring the work of award winning choreographer Ephrat Asherie and jazz pianist Ehud Asherie

2019: The “Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre 7th Annual Temple Judah Opera Winter Preview Concert” is scheduled to take place this evening.



This Day, January 6, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 6

548: This was the last year the Church in Jerusalem observed the birth of Jesus on this date. (Celebrating Christmas on December 25th began in the late 300s in the WesternChurch.)

1300: Following the conquest of the City of Damascus by the forces of Mahmud Ghazan who had converted to Islam, today, the Jews were forced back into the role of “dhimmis” – official second class citizens.

1309: Henry VII, the future Holy Roman Emperor was crowned King of the Romans today in Aachen which had a Jewish community since the days of the Roman Empire which would mean it began sometime around the beginning of the second century of the common era.

1311: Henry VII, who was presented with a scroll of the law by a delegation of Jews in Rome, was crowned King of Italy today in Milan.

1387: John I begins his reign as King of Aragon. In 1375, the future king assigned Abraham Cresques and his son Yehuda “to make a set of nautical charts which would go beyond the normal geographic range of contemporary portolan charts to cover the "East and the West, and everything that, from the Strait (of Gibraltar) leads to the West". For this job, Cresques and Jehuda would be paid 150 Aragonese golden florins and 60 Mallorcan pounds, respectively…”

1432: The Jewish aldermen and the Jewish community in Pilsen bought from the Town Council a piece of land for which they paid “12 schock of Prague coppers” in the škvrner suburb on which to establish a cemetery.

1449: In an unusual move, Constantine XI is crowned Byzantine Emperor at Mistra instead of at Constantinople. His reign would be a short one.  He would lose his throne in 1453 when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans under Mehmed II.  Constantine was the last Emperor and the last Christian ruler of what was left of the Roman Empire.  The Moslem Ottoman Empire would prove to be a haven for Jews fleeing from persecution in Christian Europe.  Also, Mehmed worked to insure that a significant portion of the population of Istanbul (the new name for Constantinople) would be Jewish.  Cresques was a 14th century Jewish cartographer “who is credit with the authorship of the Catalan Atlas.

1481: In Spain, during the Inquisition, the priests inaugurated the first auto-da-fe. 

 1497: Jews were expelled from Graz, Syria.

1537: Cosimo I de’Medici took control of Tuscany when he became Duke of Florence today following which he sought to improve the economic conditions in his realm by “recruiting affluent Spanish and Portuguese Jews for resettlement in Florence and his chief port city of Pisa” which led “many displaced Italian Jews who were neither bankers nor wealthy merchants coming to Tuscany as well, particularly after the final expulsion of the Neapolitan community in 1540 and the creation of ghettos in the Papal cities of Rome and Ancona in 1555.”

1560: Giovanni Medici who had been elected Pope on Christmas Day 1559 was installed as Pope Pius IV. According to Gordon Thomas, author of The Pope’s Jews, “Pope Pius IV …relaxed a variety of restrictions on Jewish life that had been imposed by his predecessor, Paul IV, but… does not point out that the restrictions were restored by Pius V.”

1567: Birthdate of Richard Burbage the 16th century English actor noted for his portrayal of Shylock – no mean accomplishment considering the fact that he and most of those in his audiences had never met a Jew.

1663(5423): Italian rabbi Simeon (Simḥah) ben Isaac Luzzatto passed away in Venice.

1693: Mehmed IV, the Ottoman Sultan passed away. During his reign, Moses Beberi was appointed ambassador to Sweden. After his death in 1674 his son Yehuda was appointed to the position ambassador. When the Jews of the Ukraine were looking for a place of refuge during the Cossack Uprising Mehmet IV, allowed them to settle on the banks of the Danube in Morea, Kavala, Istanbul and Salonica. The second event happens in 1666. Rabbi Sabetay Sevi declares himself messiah and causes turmoil. Mehmed was also the sultan who had to deal with Sabbati  Zevi, the famous false messiah.

1706: Birthdate of Benjamin Franklin, printer, publisher, scientist, statesmen and a man who was far greater than his parts.  Franklinknew the Hebrew scriptures (what we call the Bible) very well. He had even suggested that the Great Seal of America depict Moses standing on the shore of the Red Sea, while Pharaoh drowns in his chariot in its midst. The motto at the bottom of the seal would have read: ‘Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.’ You see Franklin was among those Founding Fathers who saw in the American Revolution a replaying of the story of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. King George III was the Pharaoh. George Washington was Moses. The Atlantic Ocean was the Red Sea. And, it was as if God were saying to King George: ‘Let my American people go!’ It is also important to point out that when the Jewish community in Philadelphia built their synagogue, which they named “Mikveh Israel,” Franklin contributed to the building fund himself. On July 4, 1788, Franklinwas too sick and weak to get out of bed, but the Independence Day parade in Philadelphia marched right under his window. And, as Franklin himself had directed, ‘the clergy of different Christian denominations, with the rabbi of the Jews, walked arm in arm. And when he was carried to his grave two years later, his casket was accompanied by all the clergymen of the city, every one of them, of every faith.”

1772: On the day after his demise, Yaacov Ze’ev ben Yisrael was buried at the “Alderney Road (Globe Rd) Jewish Cemetery.

1753(1st of Shevat, 5513): As it had for the last 13 years, on the first of Shevat the Great Synagogue in London levied a tax of two shillings on each of its members “for the purpose of providing Unleavened Bread for the poor on Passover.”

1761: Jacob Henry of New York wrote a letter addressed to Barnard Gratz in which he discussed plans to build a synagogue in Philadelphia.

1785 (24th of Tevet, 5545):  Haym Salomon passed away in Philadelphia at the age of 44.  Born in Poland in 1740, Salomon came to the United Statesbefore the outbreak of the American Revolution.  He was a friend of financier Robert Morris and helped several leaders of the American Revolution.  Among those whom he lent money to was James Madison, author of the Federalist Papers and President of the United States.  Salomon died penniless having bankrupted himself in support of the cause of American independence

1803:Birthdate of pianist and composer Henri Herz.

1811: Birthdate of Charles Sumner who served as U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. While serving as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sumner supported efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Jews of Romania.

1813: Solomon Ben Mas'ud Ben Abraham Sebbag, the son of Masud Ben Abraham Sebag married Sarah Goldsmid today.

. 1813:Wirt und Gast, the second opera by German-Jewish composer Giacomo Meyerbeer was performed for the first time in Stuttgart, Germany.  Unlike his first opera, Jephtas Gelübde, which was a Biblical drama, Wirt und Gast is “the colorful Arabian Nights tale of the man who becomes caliph for a day.”

1814(14th of Tevet, 5574): Jacob Abraham Rabbie who had taken the family name Rabbie in 1812 in response to a requirement that “all Dutch citizens had to take a surname’ passed away today in Amsterdam.

1814(14thof Tevet, 5574): Catherine Aaron, the daughter of A. Aaron of Russel Courts, passed away today after which she was buried in the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1838: Birthdate of German composer, Max Bruch.  Bruch was not Jewish.  But he is most famous for his composition Kol Nidrei, written for cello and orchestra.  It is based on the traditional chant associated with that most holy of Jewish holidays

1840(1stof Shevat, 5600): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1840(1stof Shevat, 5600: New York native Sarah Rodgrigues, the daughter of Jacob r. Rivera and the second wife of Aaron Lopez passed away today in her home town.

1840: Sultan Abdul Mejid, under pressure from the Montefiore delegation, issued a Firman against blood libels. He also unconditionally released nine survivors of the Damascus libels. Four Jews had already died.

1846: Birthdate of Henriette Hertz, the native of Cologne, Germany, the noted philanthropist and art collect who converted to Protestantism in 1871.

1846(8th of Tevet, 5606):  Lewis Goldsmith passed away in Paris.  Born at Richmond,Surrey, he played an active, if marginal role, in the conflict between Napoleon and the British,  Among other things, he “published The Crimes of Cabinets, or a Review of the Plans and Aggressions for Annihilating the Liberties of France and the Dismemberment of her Territories, an attack on the military policy of” William  Pitt.

1850: Birthdate of Eduard Bernstein, a leading German social democrat whose “Jewish parents, who were active in the Reform Temple on the Johannistrasse where services were performed on Sunday.”

1852: Birthdate of Prague native Leopold Pick, the husband of Betty Pick.

1853: Elias David Sassoon and his wife gave birth to Sir Edward Elias Sassoon, 2ndBaronet “who was succeeded in the baronetcy by his son Victor.”

1854: The will of Judah Touro dated this day appoints four executors, three of whom are to each receive $10,000.  R.D. Shepperd, the fourth legatee is the residuary legatee.  The will bequeathed nearly $450,000 to various public institutions for charitable purposes, including the following: $80,000 for the establishment of an Almshouse in New-Orleans; $5,000 to the Hebrew Congregation in Boston;

1854: Judah Touro signed his last will and testament.

1858: Babette and Joseph Seligman give birth to George Seligman

1858: The Court of Common Pleas heard the case of Mark Isaacs vs The Beth Hamedrash Society which “grew out of a claim by the plaintiff for baking” Matzah “for this religious corporation.  The matter was to be settled by arbitration but the plaintiff contended the arbitration was invalid because the arbiters met on Sunday which was a violation of state law.  But the respondents contended that since they observed Saturday as a day of rest they were not bound by this restriction.  While agreeing with respondent’s contention, the Court found their claim to be immaterial since the final document of arbitration was signed on Monday which meant that the issue of Sabbath observance was moot. Decision for the Respondent.

 1859: Birthdate of Samuel Alexander, the Australian-born British philosopher who was the first Jewish fellow of an “Oxbridge” college.

1859: It was reported today that a journal printed in Hebrew called Cammagia (The Orator) which has just appeared in Lyk, a city in northern Prussia has been well received in Poland as well as in Prussia.

1859: Birthdate of Odessa native Michael Zametkin, who in 1877 “fled political persecution in his homeland” and came to the United where he worked in the needle trades, became a leader in “the Jewish labor and Socialist movements while becoming a contributor to several Yiddish and Socialist newswires” including “The Jewish Daily Forwardwhich he helped to found.”

1861(24th of Tevet, 5621): Major General Albert Goldsmid passed away. Born in 1794, this son of Benjamin Goldsmid entered the British Army in 1811 and served at the Battle of Waterloo.  Much of his career was spent in the cavalry where he earned several decorations for his service.

1863: The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that General Order 11 had been rescinded.

1863: General Grant sent several telegrams to General Halleck acknowledge the revocation of General Order 11.  “By direction of the General in Chief of the Army at Washington¸ the General Order from these Head Quarters expelling Jews from this Department is hereby revoked.”

1863(15thof Tevet, 5623): Seventeen year old Philadelphian Albert Leopold Snowberger, the old son of Leopold and Brina Snowberger passed away in Washington, DC today after having been mortally wounded at the Battle of Fredericksburg.

1871: Birthdate of Eugen Hirschburg, who gained fame as German movie actor Eugen Burg who found out the hard way that his conversion to Protestantism did not save him from being banished from the film industry when the Nazis came to power or to dying at Theresienstadt.

1871: U.S. Vice President Schyler Colfax sent a letter today expressing his regret at not being able to attend an upcoming celebration of the newly unified nation of Italy.  Colfax expressed his hope that when Victor Emanuel said that Italy is free and one he meant that the newly united nation would follow the example of the United States of guaranteeing religious freedom to “Jew and Gentile” alike.  Colfax saw this guarantee of religious freedom as critical to the current success of the American Republic and as a critical to the future success of the Italian Republic. [Declarations like this are another example of what separates the experience of the Jews in the United States from that in European, Asian or African political entity.]

1876: In Buffalo, NY, the clothing firm of Friedman & Co made an assignment to Henry Cone, a retired Jewish merchant to cover their liabilities of $5,000.

1877: Birthdate of Jacob Mazer, who “for years was Detroit’s best basketball player” whose Mazer Cigar Mfg. Co. produced 150,000,000 cigars a year in 1923.

1878; It was reported today that “a thrilling tale of a brave young Jew” is going to appear in the Number 10 issued of the New York Weekly.

1878: It was reported today that “a Jewish paper” has called for a national meeting to revise Jewish ritual.  The papers say that “there is much in the ritual to which many Jews no longer give assent.”  Also, there are sections which an even larger number do not understand.

1879(11th of Tevet, 5639) Rabbi Benjamin Artom passed away today at 3 Marine Parade, Brighton,(UK).He was the Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews of Great Britain.  Born in 1835 at Asti, Piedmont, Italy, he was the first person to hold the post of rabbi of Naples. In 1866 he accepted a call to become the spiritual leader, or Haham, of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews in Britain, and held the post until his death. He composed a prayer for boys on the occasion of their Bar Mitzvah that was at one time used in most orthodox synagogues in Britain, and is still used in the Spanish and Portuguese ones.

1890: Dora Albertina Model, the daughter of Albert and Jenny Model, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1890(14THof Tevet, 5650): Former Judge Philip J. Joachimsen passed away today at 4 o’clock this afternoon at his home on 54th Street in New York City. The American jurist and communal worker was born in 1817 at Breslaue Germany. He emigrated to New York in 1827, and was admitted to the bar there in 1840. During the Civil war, he organized and commanded the Fifty-ninth New York Volunteer Regiment, and was injured at New Orleans. For his services he was made brigadier-general by brevet. After the war he practiced law until he was elected judge of the New York Marine Court in 1870. In 1877, he returned to private practice. In 1859, he was elected to serve as the first president of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum. In 1879 he organized the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society for Children in New York. (As reported by Adler & Friedenberg and the NYT)

 1892: It was reported today that thirty adult Russian Jews and 12 of their children are living at J. Syren’s Hotel on Madison Street where conditions are so unsanitary that officials are worried about an outbreak of smallpox.

1893: “The Outbreak of Typhus Fever” published today described the outbreak of the epidemic in New York City which had its greatest impact among the immigrant population.

1893: The Libre Parole sponsored “a great anti-Semitic meeting” at the Tivoli Vauxhall in Paris.

1894: Among the charities receiving funds from the Brooklyn Board of Estimate were the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society - $294.88; Hebrew Benevolent Society, Eastern Division - $121.42; Hebrew Benevolent Society, Western Division - $72.32.  This means that the Jewish charities received $488.62 of the $85,000 distributed by the Board.

1894: In Constantinople, Milbah Johnson and Charles Charnaud, “a director of the tobacco monopoly of the Ottoman Empire gave birth to Grace Stella Charnaud who at the age of 37 married 71 year old Rufus Isaacs, 1st Earl of Reading which made her Stella Isaacs, Marchioness of Reading, Baroness Swanborough who championed an increase role for women both before and during the WW II.

1895: Israel Monk, the Russian born resident of London and husband of Nellie Monk was buried today in the United Kingdom.

1895: For the first time since its founding in 1863, the Union League does not have any Jewish members because Edwin Einstien resigned from the club today.  He resigned because the league had taken no action to remedy the effect of the blackballing of the son of Jesse Seligman which had taken place two years ago.

1895: “Will of Eugene Kelly” published today explained that “the famous banker” had not left money to Catholic and Jewish charities as an “expression in favor” in favor of either these religions but because “other denominations are wealthier and better able to care for their poor.”

1895: “The Late Czar” published today provided a review of Alexander III of Russiaby Charles Lowe which included a description of Russian persecution of its Jewish population.

1896: Birthdate of Nathan Pritzker, the highly successful investor and real estate mogul  best known for his ownership of the Hyatt Hotel chain.  At one time or another he has also controlled the Hammond Organ Company and Continental Air Lines.  According to one estimate his holdings were valued at 700 million dollars during the 1980’s.

1896: Mrs. Freda Silverman and her two daughters (Rachel,9 and Sarah, 3) were forced to leave their room at 185 Division Street tonight by their landlord because they could not pay the $6 in rent they owed him.

1897: “The twenty-third annual lecture course of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association opened tonight at the Musical Hall of the Carnegie Building with a recitation by Mrs. Aida Kaufman and a lecture on ‘Modern Popular Delusions’ by Simon Sterne.”

1898: State Supreme Court Judge William N. Cohen is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “The Profession of the Law and Its Demands” at Temple Emanu-El sponsored by the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1898: Herzl travels to Berlin and convenes a conference of Berlin Jews. He also has two conversations with Ahmed Tewfik, the Turkish ambassador.

1898: In a case of Jew versus Jew “representatives of the Auxiliary Relief Branch of the Russian and Polish Jewish Central Committee at Jerusalem… expressed indignation at the charges made of misuses of the money collected in the United States for the relief of poor American Jews in…Palestine” made by the President of the newly formed American Congregation, the Pride of Jerusalem.

1899: A list of the bequests left by the late David Marks published today includes instruction that $250 be given to each of the following: the Hebrew Technical School; the Montefiore Home, the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews; Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum, Mount Sinai Hospital, Educational Alliance, Young Men’s Hebrew Association and $100 each to the Hebrew Free School and the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.  (This represents panoply of the institutions supported by New York Jewry at the turn of the century.)

1899: “The Honorable Lionel Walter Rothschild has been elected a member of Parliament for the Aylesburgy Division of Buckinghamshire without opposition, succeeding his uncle, the late Baron Ferdinand James De Rothschild, who died December 17, 1898

1899: Mathew N. Levy, Jr. of Norfolk was one of those eligible to become a civilian those serving in the 6th Virginia Volunteer Infantry became eligible for being mustered out of U.S. Service.

1900: In Norfolk, VA, “Herman and Sophie (Sheffield) Waggenheim gave birth to U.VA trained attorney and Zeta Beta Tau brother Michael Benjamin Wagenheim, a memberof Phi Beta Kappa who practiced law in his home town for fifty years while also serving with a number of civic organizations including Goodwill Industries and the Hampton Roads Sanitation Commission.

1902: Birthdate of Wilhelm Kraus a member of the anti-Nazi resistance group known as The Ehrenfeld or Steinbruck Group.

1903:  Birthdate of composer and conductor Maurice Abravanel. Abravanel was born in Saloniki Greece when it was still part of the Ottoman Empire. A descendant of Isaac Abravanel, he came from an illustrious Sephardic Jewish family, which was expelled from Spain in 1492. Abravanel's ancestors settled in Saloniki in 1517, and his parents were both born there. In 1909, they moved to Switzerland, where his father Edouard de Abravanel was a very successful pharmacist.

In 1934, anti-German sentiment forced Abravanel to leave Europe.  After enjoying a triumph in Austraalia, Abravanel came to the United States to conduct at the Metropolitan Opera. He became the long-time conductor of the Utah Symphony Orchestra (1947-1979, building it from a part-time community orchestra into a well-respected, professional ensemble with recording contracts with Vanguard, Vox, Angel, and CBS. He lobbied for years for a permanent home for the orchestra, which then performed in the Mormon Tabernacle on Temple Square. He saw his dream come true when Symphony Hall was built, but not until the season after he retired. It has now been renamed Abravanel Hall in his honour. Only in America could a major musical venue in the heart of “Mormon Country” be named for a Sephardic Jew from Salonika.   Abravanel passed away at the age of 90 in Salt Lake City.

1903(7thof Tevet, 5663): Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright, the third son of Solomon Benedict de Worms and leading Conservative  politician passed away today.

1903: Herzl begins a trip that would take him to Paris and London.

1904(18th of Tevet, 5664): Michael Levi Rodkinson, the “son of Alexander Sender Frumkin and half-brother of Israel Dov Bär Frumkin, the editor of The Havatzeleth newspaper in Jerusalem, Arieh Tzvi Hirsch Frumkin and Guishe Frumkin-Navon, the American publisher who was produced the first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud, passed away.

1904: In Chicago, Ukrainian Jewish immigrants Annie P. (née Cohn) and Nicholas J. Pritzker gave birth to Northwestern Law School trained attorney, Jack Nicholas Pritzker, who was a partner in the family law firm, Pritzker and Pritzker, the husband of the former Rhoda Goldberg, with whom he had one son, “Nicholas J. Pritzker who is chairman of the board and CEO of the Hyatt Development Corporation.”

1906: It was reported today that of the 90,000 Jews who have left Russia since the massacres began, only 7,325 arrived in the United States in November of 1905 which is the last month for which figures are available.

1906: It was reported today that Senators Kuzminksy and Taurau who investigated the massacres at Odessa and Kiev have issued “almost identical statements” saying that “the authorities were guilty of gross negligence and could easily have prevented the bloodshed, but that the charge they deliberately planned the massacres is not substantiated by the evidence.”  

1906: It was reported today that Count Sergei Witte, the Chairman of the council of Ministers of the Russian Empire “has expressed compete confidence” in the Russo-Jewish Relief Committee” over which Baron Gunzberg presides and has asked him to convey to Lord Rothschild thanks for the help he and his colleagues have rendered for the relief of the sufferers in Russia.”

1906: “Charities Report On Jewish Immigration” published today provides highlights of the “soon to be distributed” “thirty-first annual report of the United Hebrews Charities of the City of New York” which “point out that owed to the rigid immigration laws, the Jewish immigrants are of a high class and that many good citizens have to the United States owing to the war between Russian and Japan and the outrages in Russia.”

1908: Following its premiere in Vienna, an English language version of Oscar Straus’ operetta “A Waltz Dream” premiered in Philadelphia at the Chestnut Street Opera House.

1908: Birthdate of composer Menahem Avidom.  Born in Galicia, Avidom moved to Eretz Israel after World War I.  He studied music and graduated from the AmericanUniversity in Beirut.  He gained fame in Israel and throughout the world for his musical accomplishments before he died in 1995.

1911: Birthdate of Brooklyn native Joseph Abramowitz who gained fame as comedian Joey Adams, the husband of gossip columnist Cindy Adams.

1911: In Bergen, NY, John F. and Dana Alice (nee Warboys) Sands gave birth to character actor Billy Sands who may be best known for his continuing role as one of the G.I.’s in “The Phil Silvers Show” which brought to life the hi-jinx of Sgt. Ernie Bilko.

1911: In Philadelphia, Morris and Rebecca (Tecker) Mandell gave birth to Samuel Phillip Mandell, the President of Samuel P. Mandell and Company, the founder of the Samuel P. Mandel Foundation and husband of Ida Slustsky with whom he had five children, including two sets of twins.

1912: New Mexico becomes the 47th state to enter the Union.  The historical record is too limited to do more than speculate on New Mexico Jewish life prior to 1848. The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia suggests that prior to 1850; there may have been isolated conversos in New Mexico. From then until New Mexico's statehood, Jews played an active role in New Mexico's social, economic and political life. The first religious services were held in 1860 Sante Fe and a B'nai B'rith lodge was formed in 1882 in Albuquerque. New Mexico's first synagogue was built in Las Vegasin 1886. Other Jews were active in municipal and territorial/state politics. The experiences of New Mexico's Jewish pioneers speak clearly to their resilience and dedication.

In 1990, the 6,400 Jews living in New Mexico were found mostly in the Albuquerque area.

Between 1750 and 1850, many German Jews came to America to escape economic hardship and religious persecution. In the 1840s and 1850s, the first Jewish immigrants to New Mexico established themselves as merchants, sending for relatives as soon as they were able. They married local women or traveled to Europe or cities in the United States to find Jewish brides. By 1860, half the Jewish population of the territory was related. During the Civil War, Jews served the Union cause as soldiers and suppliers.  After the war, they expanded into new occupations - banking, politics, law, mining, and ranching. The railroad arrived in New Mexico in 1879, and a new wave of Jewish immigrants reflected their conservative Eastern European origins. After New Mexico became the 47th state in 1912, most of these families returned to urban centers to educate and marry off their children, and the pioneer era came to a close.

1912: It was reported today “the Society of American Cantors has elected Simon Schlager, the cantor at Temple Emanu-El as its new president.

1912(16th of Tevet, 5672): Parashat Vayechi

1912: In Chicago, Dr. Gerson B. Levi is scheduled to deliver the sermon B’nai Sholom-Temple Israel

1912: In Chicago, Rabbi Abram Hirshberg officiated at services at Temple Sholom.

1912: In Chicago, Rabbi Tobias Schanfarber is scheduled to the sermon K.A.M

1913: The Jewish National Workers Alliance (Farband) received its official charter, licensing it to sell various insurance and medical plans, from the State of New York (Jewish Virtual Library)

1913: It was reported today that Joel Blau a native of Hungary and a graduate of Hebrew Union College who has served as the rabbi at several smaller congregations in Brooklyn has been chosen to succeed Dr. L. Leon Magnes as the rabbi at B’nai Jeshurum.

1914: Birthdate of Heinz Berggruen, collector and gallery owner. One of the world’s most important patrons and collectors of 20th century masters, Heinz Berggruen’s life was something of a work of art in itself. He escaped from the Third Reich, studied in France, emigrated to San Francisco, became the lover of the painter Frida Kahlo, amassed an unparalleled collection of the works of Picasso and other modern artists and finally effected an act of reconciliation with the Germany that had persecuted him and his family, bringing home his collection of “degenerate” art to the former capital of the Third Reich once and for all. Heinz Berggruen was born in the prosperous Berlin borough of Wilmersdorf in 1914. Both his father, Ludwig, and his mother, Antonie, née Zadek, were from West Prussia. They had a stationery shop on the Olivaerplatz, just off the Kurförstendamm and Heinz grew up in the world of assimilated Berlin Jewry. He attended the Goethe-Gymnasium in Wilmersdorf and graduated to the Friedrich-Wilhelms (now Humboldt) University in 1932 where he read literature and art history. After 1933 he continued his studies at the universities of Grenoble and Toulouse, returning briefly to Germany to work as a journalist, even if his articles could not appear under his name, which was seen as being too provocative to the National Socialists. He emigrated to the US in 1936 and studied briefly at Ber-keley before becoming an assistant curator at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. He married three years later while he was working as an art critic on the San Francisco Chronicle. It was at this time that he had a brief but stormy affair with the painter Frida Kahlo. In 1940 he bought his first picture for $100. It was a watercolour by Paul Klee. In 1942 he persuaded his parents to come to New York. They had in May 1939 been on the liner Saint Louisfrom Hamburg, which was not allowed to land its Jewish refugees in America. As their names began with “B” they were allowed to disembark in England, on the ship’s return to Europe. Others were not so lucky and perished in the camps in the East. Berggruen returned to Europe in American uniform in 1945 and worked briefly with the novelist Erich Kästner on an American-sponsored paper in Munich. He moved on to Unesco before starting his art gallery in the rue de l’Univer-sité in Paris in 1947. The gallery brought him into contact with Picasso, who became his friend and the core of his collection.

It was said that as a gallery owner, Berggruen was his own best customer: he did not like to let the best pieces go. He once swapped Van Gogh’s Le Jardin Publiquefor eight Matisses. In 1980 he gave up the gallery to concentrate on his own collection. The main theme was Picasso, but there was more besides: Matisse, Braque, Klee, Giacometti and Cézanne. He was an early champion of Matisse’s late collages. He was generous to a fault. He sold part of his collection to the National Gallery in London, but the sale contained a large bequest. He made similar donations to the Metropolitan Museum in New York. In 1991 he met Wolf-Dieter Dube, the director of the Berlin museums. Dube persuaded him to make a visit to Berlin. It was the beginning of the process that would bring Berggruen home, together with 113 canvases from his collection which Dube installed in a classical building by Karl Friedrich Schinkel’s pupil August Stöler opposite the royal palace in Charlottenburg. This was to be the Berggruen Museum. In 2000 the collection of 165 works (including 85 Picassos) was sold to the museum at about a quarter of its value. This was Berggruen’s famous “gesture of reconciliation”: the Nazis had impoverished Germany by their attitude to nonfigurative Modern art. Berggruen had decided to reverse the process. Paris, he said, was already rich enough in such works.

He was granted a flat “above the shop” and said he felt entirely at home. He also encouraged his friends to donate to the museum, adding a further five Cézannes and two Van Goghs. He talked his fellow Berliner Helmut Newton into giving his photographic collection to the city. At the end of his life he was proud that Berlin had finally become a place of pilgrimage for 20th-century art lovers. Berggruen’s ability to forgive the Germans came as a surprise to many. He always said that he felt at home in Berlin, although it did not look much like the city he had left 60 years before. He said he was a European and hoped with time that many more people would feel the same. He had two homes: one near the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris and the other above the museum that bore his name in Charlottenburg. He liked to be close to his collection and was happy to show people round. In 2004 he was given the freedom of the city of Berlin.

He married first Lillian Zeller-bach, the daughter of a paper manufacturer in San Francisco, and had a son and a daughter by her. In 1959 he married Betti-na, the daughter of the actor Alexander Moissi and had two further sons. He died in Neuil-ly-sur-Seine in 2007 at the age of 93. At his own wish he is buried in the forest cemetery in Dahlem, in Berlin.

1915: It was determined at a conference between Georgia State Attorney General and Warren Grice and Solicitor Dorsey who prosecuted the Leo Frank case that Grice and not Dorsey will make “the formal motion in behalf of the State before the United States Supreme Court in Washington for the advancement of the Leo M. Frank case on the docket for an early hearing.”

1915: “Facts Never Appealed” published today included the view of Tom Lovless the editor the Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle who believes that Leo Frank “committed the crime, but says “We do not know it.  We are not absolutely certain of it.  There is in our own mind as there is in the minds of thousands of others that shadow of a doubt which would not permit us to see Leo Frank or any other man go to his death as long as that doubt exists.”

1916: President Woodrow Wilson responded to Simon Wolf’s request that the State Department help facilitate the shipment of wheat for making matzah to the war zone in Europe by saying that he “would be very pleased to take up the matter…with the State Department to ascertain if it is possible to do anything”

1916: It was reported today that “the Bath Beach division of the Brooklyn Jewish Volunteer Committee has announced that it had collected $1,343 which sum is already on its way” to Europe to aide those suffering from the World War.

1916: In Vienna, Else Reis and economist Hans Simon gave birth to Hedwig Magdalena Simon whose father had her baptized to avoid anti-Semitism caused by the misery of World War I and who gained fame as Hedi Stadlen.

1916: New Jersey’s “Senator Martine’s resolution asking the President to set aside a day as Jewish relief for Jewish war sufferers was adopted today after Chairman Stone of the Foreign Relations Committee had said that while he approved such a course in relation to the Poles and the Jews, who he said were without a Government of their own, he hoped it would not extend to any of the organized nations.”

1918: “Dr. John Haynes Holmes, pastor of the Church of the Messiah was applauded” today “by the congregation of the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall…when he declared that the orthodox Christian theology was based on a ‘momentous superstition’ and that these doctrines were the invention of ‘Paul, a converted Jew,’ who brought the ‘exclusiveness’ of old Jewish orthodoxy with him and planted it in the Christian religion.”

1918: “At a frugal fish supper at the Hotel Biltmore,” Felix M. Warburg provided “the tactical plans for the campaign to obtain from $4,500,000 to $5,000,000 for the support of the ninety federated philanthropic societies of New York City” to “the twenty colonels and the two hundred captains who are to lead the soliciting forces.”

1918: Tonight, at the Free Synagogue Dr. Richard Gottheil, a professor of Semitic languages at Columbia University delivered a speech on “The English in Palestine” in which he “discussed some of the principal features of the aims and hopes of leaders of the Zionist movement for the establishment and development of Jewish national life in Palestine.”

1918(22nd of Tevet, 5678): Georg Cantor passed away.  Born in 1845, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor was a mathematician who was born in Russia and lived in Germanyfor most of his life. He is best known as the creator of modern set theory. He is recognized by mathematicians for having extended set theory to the concept of transfinite numbers, including the cardinal and ordinal number classes. Cantor is also known for his work on the set of uniqueness, a generalization of Fourier series. Cantor’s father was a Jewish Dane.  His mother was a Protestant. Under Halachah, Cantor would not be considered Jewish.  Under the racial laws that would go into in Germany 15 years after his death, he would have been a candidate for the Final Solution.

1918(22ndof Tevet, 5678): Eighty-year old Adolf Wolf the former mayor of Silverton, Oregon passed away today.

1919: Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of the United States passed away.  While President, Roosevelt intervened with the governments of Rumania and Russia on behalf of their Jewish populations.  This was an unusual event for Jews and earned Roosevelt and the Republicans support among Jewish voters.  T.R.’s finest moment, from a Jewish point of view, may have come in 1895 when he was serving as New York City Police Commissioner.  Pastor Hermann Ahlwardt, a noted German anti-Semite came to New York to give a speech.  In an attempt to gain publicity for himself and his cause, he demanded police protection from what he was sure would be hostile demonstration by New York Jews.  Roosevelt gave him his police protection.  All of his protectors were Jewish policemen.  

1919(5th of Shevat, 5679): Chicagoan, J/410061 AB Isaac Shadbrisky who served with Royal Navy passed away today.

1919:As 100,000 German Marxists gathered in Berlin, Rosa Luxemberg urged them not to seize power until they had popular support.  They did not listen to her.  They began their unsuccessful revolt during which Rosa Luxemberg and Karl Liebknecht, the Jewish Communist leaders were killed.

1919(5th of Shevat, 5679): Isaac Shadbrisky, a native of Chicago who served with Royal Navy under the name of Kelly passed away today.

1920(14thof Tevet, 5680): Seventy year old Cecilia Solomons Abrahams, the daughter of Lizar and Perla Sheftall Solomons and the wife of Edmund H. Abrahams with whom she had a son, Edmund H. Abrahams, “a collateral descendant of Benjamin Sheftall” passed away today and was buried at the Laurel Grover Cemetery in Savannah, Ga.

1920: “Figures of the Night” a silent horror film directed, produced and written by Richard Oswald was released in the United States.

 1922(6thof Tevet, 5682): Eighty-year old Jakob Rosanes the native of Brody who became a leading German mathematician and chess master.

1923: Birthdate of Argentine born writer and social protestor Jacobo Timerman.  After his release from an Argentine prison he moved to Israel.  He died in 1999.

1925(10th of Tevet, 5685): Asara B'Tevet

1925: As Stalin worked to consolidate his control over the Communist Party, Leon Trotsky was removed “from his ministerial post” today.

1925: Birthdate of Austrian born Israeli journalist and writer who went from being a 13 year old rescued by the Kindertransport to joining Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin as a member of David Ben-Gurion’s inner circle.

1925: Birthdate of Israel Shenker, the Philadelphia native who served as “a reported on the metropolitan staff of the New York Times” from 1968 to 1979. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1926: Birthdate of Monroe “Mon” Levinson “who used plexiglass and other nontraditional materials in becoming a prominent Op Art sculptor, creating work that actively affects the viewer’s perception.” (As reported by Roberta Smith)

1927: Birthdate of Jesse Leonard Steinfeld, “the son of Jewish immigrants from Hungary” who as surgeon general in the Nixon administration spoke out against cigarette smoking, bringing new attention to the risks it posed to women and to people exposed to secondhand smoke.” (As reported by William Yardley)

1927: A mass meeting is held tonight at Cooper Union to honor the memory of Asher Ginsberg (Ahad Ha’am).  Speakers at the event include, Dr. Chaim Weismann, Louis Lipsky (President of the World Zionist Organization), Carl Sherman (President of the Zionist Organization of America), Abraham Goldberg (President of the American Hebrew Federation), Professor Selig Brodetzky and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise.

1929: “Several speakers at the quarterly meeting of the national executive committee of the Zionist Organization of America…expressed disapproval of the action of Dr. Stephen S. Wise of the Free Synagogue in opposing participation of non-Zionists in the activities of the Jewish Agency.  The Jewish Agency is the term now applied to the World Zionist Organization.”  Non-Zionists who will work with the Zionists in the Jewish Agency include Louis Marshall, Felix M. Warburg, Dr. Lee K. Frankel, Herbert H. Lehman and Judge Irving Lehman.

1929: The New York Times featured a review of How Propaganda Works by Edward L. Bernays, “father of modern public relations and nephew of Sigmund Freud.

 1931:  Birthdate of author E. L. Doctorow.

1932(27th of Tevet, 5692): Julius Rosenwald who is best known for turning Sears and Roebuck into a retail giant passed away today. He was also a great philanthropist whose efforts included everything from being the patron of chess champion Samuel Reshevsky to endowing Tuskegee Institute to the creation of the Rosenwald Fund which was established “for the well-being of mankind.”  This brief entry cannot do justice to the accomplishments of a man, mighty in his times, who has been forgotten by most.

1932: It was announced today that “an unlimited quota of athletes will be permitted by the Palestine government to enter the country to take part in the Maccabee Games” to be held this spring in Tel Aviv.

1933: Henryk Szeryng “made his solo debut” today “playing Brahms Violin Concerto with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra.”

1934: “The Big Shakedown” produced by Samuel Bischoff was released in the United States today.

1934: Hadassah announced that “the lowest infant mortality rate achieved in a Palestine health district was in Tel Aviv.  “The rate was 68.03 among children under 1 year for every 1,000 live births and represented an improvement over 1931 when the rate was 72.52.”  Jerusalem “had a rate of 117.30 in 1932 and 104.28 in 1931.  Bethlehem…had a rate of 341.91 in 1932, the highest health district rate in the country.   The infant death rate for the whole country was 153 in 1932, against 170 in 1931.”

1936: Cartoon character Porky Pig makes his debut.  For most of his career the traif animal got his voice from the Jewish Mel Blanc.

 1937: Birthdate of Lou Holtz who as an assistant football coach recruited Scott Cowen to play for the University of Connecticut where he earned his first degree on an academic road that led to his Presidency of Tulane University.  (Cowen was Jewish – Holtz was not)

1937: “A denial by Henry Ford that he had any connection with the anti-Jewish book, The International Jew published in Germany was made public” in New York today by Samuel Untermyer, the president of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League

1937: The Palestine Postreported that a quarry worker, Haim Katz, 29, and a policeman, Jacob Klinger, 34, were murdered in an ambush at Givat Shaul.

1937: Birthdate of Lou Holtz, who, while serving as assistant coach recruited Scott Cowen, the future President of Tulane University, to play football at the University of Connecticut where he earned a B.S. in 1968. 

1938: William Dodd, who had resigned as U.S. Ambassador to Germany in December, arrived in New York City wherehe said that he "doubted if an American envoy who held his ideals of democracy could represent his country successfully among the Germans at the present time." Dodd was the first U.S. Ambassador appointed after the rise of Hitler.  In time he came to see the Nazi threat and tried to do what he could to warn America about the danger.

1938(4th of Shevat, 5698): Russian born Pinchas Friedman one of the earliest Zionist settlers and a founder of Tel Aviv passed who had made Aliyah in 1890 passed away today. 

1939: In “Interests of Britain, Jews and Arabs Are in Clash,” published today Anne O’Hare McCormick describes conditions in Palestine which is currently in the grip of an armed Arab uprising.  She describes meetings with two different groups of Arabs.  The first group, “composed of fervent nationalists complained” that the Jews of Palestine “prevented Palestinians from attaining an independent status like that granted to Iraq.”  They vowed that they “would never cease fighting” and “insisted that they spoke for every Arab in the land.”  The second group of Arabs was found “sharing a meal in a communal dining room” on a kibbutz.  These Arabs said “they wanted peace and complained that the British neither punished the handful off rebels stirring up their village” nor providing arms to responsible Arab leaders so they could stand against those creating the violence.

1939: “Sir Ronald Storrs, the former Military and Civil Governor of Jerusalem who has said that many more than the half million Jews currently living in Palestine “could be accommodated in the territory if irrigation systems” and who was a close friend of T.E. Lawrence arrived in the United States where he “is to give a series of lectures on Jerusalem and the political situation in the Near East.” (Editor’s Note – Storrs was one of those fascinating English characters in the Middle East.  He served with Allenby and in December of 1917 was the first British official to govern the City of David which he famously walked around in Christmas of 1917)

1940: Shivering Jews in Warsaw, Poland, are forced to burn Jewish books for fuel.

1941: President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his State of the Union address which became known as the Four Freedoms Speech because FDR listed them as:

  1. Freedom of speech and expression including the right to dissent
  2. Freedom of every person to worship God in his own way
  3. Freedom from want
  4. Freedom from fear

The first two are recognizable as being part of the Bill of Rights.  Freedom #2 spoke directly to the needs and concerns of the Jewish people and would prove strikingly ironic considering the events surrounding the Holocaust.

1942: Jacob Moshe Toledano who was born in Tiberias was installed as Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and Jaffa. In 1926 Toledano served as the head of the religious court at Tangiers, and later similar posts in Cairo and Alexandria. Toledano was escorted from Tiberias to Tel Aviv by a grand delegation.

1942: Victor Klemper was arrested and interrogated at the Gestapo headquarters in Dresden.

1942: Gussie Schwebel, “the Knish Queen wrote to Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt:

My Dear Mrs. Roosevelt: I take the liberty of sending you a newspaper clipping dealing with my humble self. The purpose of this letter is two-fold. First: It is my most sincere hope that I may be permitted to send you a sample of my dish, the knish, which, believe me, my dear Mrs. Roosevelt, is really worth tasting.

Also, I wonder if I may not be able to be of service to my beloved land, by way of introducing the knish, which is very wholesome and not costly to produce, into the diet of our armed forces. I shall be most happy to devote all of my time and my energy to this end. Again, I pray that you may accept a boxful of knishes from me and will let me know when and where I can send them, I am Your most respectful servant, Mrs. Gussie Schwebel 

1943: Eighty six year old Abbot Lawrence Lowell, the former President of Harvard, passed away.  He was praised by some for being a leader in educational reforms.  But many of his policies were homophobic, racist and anti-Semitic.

1943: The Jews of Lubaczow, Poland, are killed at the Belzec death camp

1943: Jews hiding in Opoczno, Poland, are murdered by Germans after being coaxed out of hiding with a promise of rail transport to a neutral country. Five hundred "Jews with relatives in Palestine" came out of hiding to register. All 500 were sent to Treblinka and were gassed.

1944: In Tulsa, OK, “Bessie (née Roberts) and Raymond Kravis, a successful Tulsa oil engineer who had been a business partner of Joseph P. Kennedy, gave birth Henry R. Kravis, the co-founder of Kolhberg Kravis Roberts and Company who “had an estimated net worth of $5.2 billion as of October 20” and was “ranked by Forbes as the 324th richest man in the world.”

1944: Birthdate of Bonnie Franklin, American actress. She once said that because of her red hair and freckles, fans have a hard time believing that she is Jewish.

1944: Anne Frank wrote in her diary that “her image of” Peter Schiff “was so vivid that she didn’t need a photograph” of him.

1945 (21st of Tevet, 5705): On Shabbat, Roza Robota and three other Jewish women implicated in the smuggling of explosives used in the October 7, 1944, uprising at Auschwitz are hanged in front of the entire women's camp at Birkenau.  The three women had been previously tortured in connection with the revolt at Birkenau but gave away no one. Robota’s final words were, "that vengeance would come."

1945: Hungarian authorities accede to Raoul Wallenberg's request that 5000 Jews be transferred to Swiss-sponsored safe homes in Budapest.

1945(21st of Tevet, 5705):  Anne Frank's mother, Edith, dies at Auschwitz

1946: In Zanzur, Libya Islamic instigators encouraged the local population to attack the Jewish community. Of the 150 local Jews half were murdered. The rioting spread to a number of small towns near Tripoli leaving a death toll of approximately 180 Jews and 9 synagogues destroyed. The local police and Arab soldiers often joined in the destruction and murder.  This outbreak of Arab anti-Semitic violence took place two years before the creation of the state of Israel.  This should put an end to claims that only source of friction between Jews and Arabs was the creation of the Jewish state.

1947(14thof Tevet, 5707): Fifty seven year old Dr. Harry Plotz, the native of Patterson, NJ and graduate of Columbia who became an “international authority on typhus fever.”

1948: Film noire classic “The Treasure of Sierra Madre” with music by Max Steiner was released today in the United States.

1949: During Operation Horev, the Israeli Air Force shot down five RAF Spitfires on patrol in the area, killing two pilots and taking two prisoners.  It is not clear if the Spitfires were being flown by Egyptian or British pilots.

1949: The British moved forces into the Jordanian port of Akaba.

1949: After three days of fighting around Rafah in which its forces failed to defeat the IDF, the Egyptian government announced, that it was willing to enter armistice negotiations.

1950(17thof Tevet, 5710): Just 13 days before his 69th birthday, John Nathan “Dutch” Levine, the Yale University fullback on the undefeated 1905 team and college coach at several schools including Davidson, Auburn, and Transylvania College passed away today.

1950: Birthdate of Moldavian native Boris Sandler, the Jewish writer whose language of choice is Yiddish and who writes for the Fowerts in the United States.

1951: After almost three years, Larry Blyden finished his performance on Broadway in “Mr. Roberts” where he played a Shore Patrol Officer and then Ensign Frank Pulver.

1952: Following the rape and murder of Leah Feistinger, Israeli forces reportedly raided Beit Jalla.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that according to the new and improved rationing schedule each Israeli was now able to purchase four eggs a week. A mere fifty years ago, the Israelis were living barely above the subsistence level.  With no natural resources and faced by enemies on all of its borders, the Jews created a modern, vibrant country. A huge forest, named after Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, was planted on Mount Carmel. Only five years after the founding of the state of Israel, the Jewish state created a living monument to a Moslem leader who was not afraid to embrace the modern world.

1954: Moshe Sharett succeeded David Ben-Gurion as Prime Minister of Israel.  Ben Gurion had been Prime Minister since the creation of the state in 1948.  Sharett had been Foreign Minister, a post he kept in the new government.  Golda Meir remained as Labor Minister and Pinchas Lavon became Minister of Defense.  The change was in leadership; the Labor Zionist still maintained control of the government. 

1955: In Boston, publication of the tercentenary issue of the Jewish Advocate.

1956: Birthdate of Gonen Segev, the native of Kiryat Motzkin who has served as an MK and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure.

1956: In Seattle, Washington, a Friday night services is held at the U of W Hillel House attended by 170 people who want to form a Reform congregation that will become Temple Beth Am.

1956: Birthdate of Justin Welby, “the first ‘Jewish’ Archbishop of Canterbury.”

1957: Yeshiva Kol Ya'ackov opened in Moscow Russia.

1958: Birthdate of Rehovot native and professional tennis players who was “the first Israeli to a Maacbiah Tennis Championship.

1959: “The Captain’s Table” a comedy produced by Joseph Janni was released today in the United Kingdom.

1960: In Wandsworth, London Vanessa (née Salmon) “the heiress to the J.Lyons and Co. fortune: and Nigel Lawson, Baron Lawson of Blaby gave birth to “English journalist, broadcaster, television personality, gourmet, and food writer” Nigella Lawson.

1963(10th of Tevet, 5723): Asara B’Tevet

1963(10th of Tevet, 5723): Eighty-four year old German born American soprano Lina Abaranell passed away today at the Montefiore Hospital in New York City

1964: Pope Paul VI completed his first visit to the “Holy Land” where he visited sites in Jordan and Israel and began his return flight to Rome.

1967: Jewish pianist Jacob Lateiner, accompanied by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, performed at the premier of Elliot Carter’s piano concerto and the third piano sonata of Roger Sessions.

1967: "Milton Berle Show" aired for the last time on ABC-TV

1968: It was reported today that during a New Year’s conversation French President Charles de Gaulle had assured Jacob Kaplan, the Grand Rabbi of France “that it was far from his intention to insult the Jews when he called them an ‘elite people, sure of itself and domineering’ during a news conference in November of 1967.  Speaking at a time when France was repositioning itself following the Six Days War de Gaulle also said “that while the Jews though the centuries had ‘provoked, more precisely aroused’ antagonism in various countries, they had received great sympathy from Christians because of their sufferings.” (Editor’s Note – these words have a hollow sound coming from the land of Drancy.  They also show that French anti-Semitism in the 21st century is not just a produce of Moslem radicals)

1969: “The Fig Leaves Are Falling” a musical with script and lyrics by Allan Sherman closed after only 4 performances

1969: In his review of “The Birthday Party,” film based on an unpublished screenplay by Harold Pinter, published in The Nation, “critic Harold Clurman described the film as "a fantasia of fear and prosecution,"

1975: Ninety two year Burton K. Wheeler, the U.S. Senator from Montana who in 1936 “said that anti-Semitism has not only gained a foothold in European countries like Germany, Poland, Rumania, Austria and Hungary, but has been imported in the Western Hemisphere by Mexico, Brazil and Ecuador” and that the “capacity for persecution” as embodied in anti-Semitism is not “foreign to American soil passed away today.

1975(23rd of Tevet, 5735): Seventy-seven year old actor, producer and director Noel Madison, who was born Noel Nathaniel Moscovitch, “the son of actor Maurice Moscovitch and his wife Rose” and who was the husband of “the former Joyce Nathan with whom he had one son – Toby --  passed away today.

1976: “Principal photography for “Rocky” produced by Robert Chartoff and Irwin Winkler began today.

1978: The Jerusalem Postreported that Egypt agreed to reduce by one -third its forces in Sinai, once Israelevacuated the whole area. The US Embassy in Tel Aviv asked the Israeli government to clarify its intentions regarding the setting up of new settlements on the West Bank and in Sinai.

1980: On his 22nd birthday, Israeli tennis pro Shlomo Glickstein won “a hard-court tennis tournament in Hobart, Australia.” (As reported by Louis Hayman)

1980: Birthdate of Birmingham, MI native and Michigan State University basketball player and President of Wholesale Mortgage.

1981(1st of Shevat, 5741): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1981(1st of Shevat, 5741): Fifty-six year old Marion Ruth Abitz, the wife of Irving Abitz passed away after which she was buried at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in Chesterfield, MO.

1981: Harold H. Saunders completed his service as the 12thAssistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs today.

1982: “In Our Water,” the documentary nominated for an Oscar and an Emmy which was filmed by cinematographer Barry Sonnenfeld was released today in the United States.

1987: A.M. Rosenthal’s “On My Mind” column appeared for the first time on the Op-Ed page of the New York Times.

1987(5 Tevet 5747): U.S. Federal Court issued a decision in favor of Agudas Chassidei Chabad ("Union of Chabad Chassidim") regarding the ownership of the priceless library of the 6th Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. The ruling was based on the idea that a Rebbe is not a private individual but a communal figure synonymous with the body of Chassidim. The Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak's son-in-law and successor) urged that the occasion be marked with time devoted to study from Torah books ("sefarim") as well as the acquisition of new Torah books.

1987:A roadside bomb killed four members of an Israeli-backed militia in southern Lebanon today.

1987: Yitzhak Shamir replaced Yitzhak Peretz as Internal Affairs Minister.

1989(28th of Tevet, 5749): Seventy-nine year old New York City native Hyman Goldstein, the holder of three academic degrees in psychology from Columbia University and “former chief of the biometrics branch of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness” who was preceded in death by his wife Fannie T. Goldstein with whom he raised three children – Isadora, Robert and Donald – passed away today in Rockville, MD.

1991: Following a speech today, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Iraqi Army, in which Sadam Hussein said he was preparing the nation for a great battle to liberate Palestine and defeat American "tyranny" in the Middle East the United States once again rejected efforts to tie the gulf crisis to the Palestinian question.

1994: “Homicide: Life on the Street” began its second season with a show written by David Simon and co-starring Yaphet Frederick Kotto Baltimore Police “Lieutenant Al Giardell.”

1995(5th of Shevat, 5755): Sixty-eight year old Joe Slovo (born Yossel Mashel Slovo) a leading opponent of Apartheid who served as Minister of Housing under President Nelson Mandela passed away today.

2000(27th of Tevet, 5760): Eighty-seven year old New York native Peter “Pete” Berenson, the CCNY forward from 1932 to 1934 who went on to a professional basketball career passed away today.

2002: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish author and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including newly released paperback versions of! Amy Wilentz’s Martyrs' Crossing, the first novel by a former Israel correspondent for The New Yorker and Bob Woodward’s Maestro: Greenspan's Fed and the American Boom, an admiring portrait of the Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan.

2002: Sheila Finestone completed her service as Senator for Montarville, Quebec, when she reached the mandatory retirement age of 75.

2003: “Suicide Bombings Kill 23 in Tel Aviv” published today.

2003: Police said tonight that that they suspected the suicide bombers who struck in Tel Aviv on Sunday used backpacks containing more than 20kg of explosives instead of suicide belts.

2005:: Edgar Ray Killen is arrested as a suspect for the 1964 murders of three Civil Rights workers James Chaney, a 21-year-old black man from Meridian, Mississippi and two Jewish voting rights organizers from New York, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.

2005: The First World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace begins in Brussels, Belgium. “The Permanent Committee for Jewish-Muslim Dialogue was created after the First World Congress as an institution which would reflect and act in domains and on problematic issues in which Islam and Judaism are implicated. The committee is composed on nine founder members, four international Jewish personalities, four international Muslim personalities and a neutral president.”

2006:  “Jackie Hoffman: Chanukah At Joe’s Pub” and “Walking in Memphis: The Life of A Southern Jew,” a semi-autobiographical piece by Jonathan Ross are now playing “Off, Off Broadway” in New York City.

2006: “Fateless” a movie based on the novel by the same name written by Imre Kertesz opens at the Film Forum in New York.  Fatelesswas a biographical novel for which Kertesz won the Nobel Prize in 2002.

2006: Ariel “Sharon underwent a five-hour operation to halt bleeding in his brain, following which Sharon was returned to the neurological intensive care unit.”

2007: As part of its “Jewish Season” The Theater for a New Audience in New York City presents The Merchant of Venice.

2008: An exhibition entitled Morris Louis Now: An American Master Revisited at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C. comes to a close.

2008(28thof Tevet, 5768): Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum, a Talmudic scholar who for more than 50 years led a major Orthodox yeshiva in Brooklyn, known as the Mir Yeshiva, died today. He was 87. His death followed a long struggle with cancer, said Rabbi Pinchos Hecht, executive director of the yeshiva, also called the Mirrer Yeshiva Central Institute.  The Mir Yeshiva is exclusively devoted to the study of the Torah: the Old Testament, commentaries upon it and the oral tradition known as the Talmud. It has 1,200 members. Another branch is in Jerusalem, with an estimated 4,000 students.  Rabbi Berenbaum was born in 1920 in Poland and studied in a yeshiva in Mir before World War II. As the Nazis rolled across Eastern Europe, he and other yeshiva students fled to the Soviet Union and resettled in Shanghai. From there, they eventually emigrated to the United States. Steven Bayme, national director of contemporary Jewish life at the American Jewish Committee, said the yeshiva helped preserve “a world that was otherwise lost.” “The rescue of the institution during the Holocaust by going to Shanghai was an act of incredible daring,” Mr. Bayme said. “It took enormous courage and perseverance.” Jonathan Rosenblum, director of Am Echad, an advocacy group in Israel that works to build bridges between ultra-Orthodox Jews and others, said that while Rabbi Berenbaum had no public position in America, “he was the one who was consulted on anything connected to Torah learning in the Torah world,” adding, “He taught Torah for over 50 years, and he never repeated himself.” Leadership of the Brooklyn yeshiva will pass to Rabbi Berenbaum’s nephew, Rabbi Osher Kalmanowitz. (As reported by AP)

2008: The Matzo Show on Rivington Street by Deborah Kolben

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/06/nyregion/thecity/06matz.html?sq=The Matzo Show on Rivington Street &st=cse&scp=1&pagewanted=print

2008: The Washington Post featured a review of People of the Book a work of historic fiction by Geraldine Brooks.  “The Book” in the title is the famous Sarajevo Haggadah, created in medieval Spain.  The Haggadah is “a famous rarity because it was a lavishly illuminated Hebrew manuscript made at a time when Jewish belief was firmly against illustrations of any kind.”

2008: The Sunday New York Times featured a review of, and excerpt from, Jihad and Jew-Hatred:Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11by Matthias Küntzel and translated by Colin Meade, a review of, and an excerpt from, Islamophobia: Making Muslims the Enemyby Peter Gottschalk and Gabriel Greenberg and a review of Peace Be Upon You: The Story of Muslim, Christian and Jewish Coexistence by Zacharcy Karabell.

2008 (28 Tevet 5768): Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum, the Rosh yeshiva of the Mir yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York City which includes an elementary school and a high school, as well as its post-graduate Talmudical Academy passed away. The original Mirrer yeshiva was founded in 1815, in Mir, Belarus, and remained in operation there until 1914. With the outbreak of World War I the yeshiva moved to Poltava, Ukraine, under the leadership of Rabbi Eliezer Yehudah Finkel, son of the legendary Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel (the Alter of Slabodka), and son-in-law of Rabbi Elya Boruch Kamai, his renowned predecessor. In 1921, the yeshiva moved back to its original facilities in Mir, where it remained until Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939 marking the beginning of the Holocaust. Although many of the foreign-born students left when the Soviet army invaded from the east, the yeshiva continued to operate, albeit on a reduced scale, until the approaching Nazi armies caused the leaders of the yeshiva to move the entire yeshiva community to Keidan, Lithuania. As the Nazi armies continued to push to the east, the yeshiva as a whole eventually fled across Siberia by train to the Far East, and finally reopened in Kobe, Japan in 1941. Several smaller yeshivos managed to escape alongside the Mir, and, despite the difficulties involved, the overseers of the Mirrer yeshiva undertook full responsibility for their support, distributing funds and securing quarters and food for all the students. A short time later, the yeshiva relocated again, to (Japanese-controlled) Shanghai, China, where they remained until the end of World War II. The heroism of the Japanese consul-general in Lithuania, Chiune Sugihara, who issued several thousand travel visas to Jews, permitting them to flee to the east, has been the subject of several books. Following the end of the war, the majority of the Jewish refugees from Shanghai ghetto left for Palestine and the United States. Among them were the survivors from the Mir yeshiva, who re-established the yeshiva, this time with two campuses, one in Jerusalem, Israel and this one in Brooklyn, New York.

2009: The National Jewish Democratic Council recognizes the Jewish Democratic Members of the 111th Congress at a reception at Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC

2009: Fast of the 10th of Tevet and Yahrzeit of Judy Rosenstein (nee Levin).

 2009: Today, on the Christian observance known as the Feast of the Epiphany, the Ra'anana Symphonette (RS) conducted by Omer Wellber, will play Irena's Song - a Ray of Light through the Darkness by Kobi Oshrat. The composition and the performance were inspired by Irene Sendler, who along with her intrepid band of helpers from Zegota, the Polish underground, rescued 2,500 children from the Warsaw Ghetto between 1942 and 1943.

2009: Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan to serve as his solicitor general. If the nomination is confirmed by the United States Senate, Kagan who is the dean of the HarvardLawSchooland is Jewish would be the first woman to hold this position.

2009 (10 Shevat 5769): St.-Sgt. Alexander Mashevizky, 21, a resident of Beersheba, was killed in a gun battle with Hamas operatives in northern GazaCity. Mashevizky, a member of an elite Engineering Corps unit, led the joint force, which was ambushed by Hamas gunmen while conducting ground sweeps.

2010: The Bronx House Jewish Community Center presents “Klezmer Party” with Matan Chapnizka (Saxophone), Daniel Ori (Bass) and Dan Pugach (Drums) as part of the 2010 Bronx House Concert Series.

2010: At around 1 a.m. this morning the Etz-Hayyim Synagogue in the Greek city of Hania on the island of Crete was set on fire by an unknown arsonist. The fire was started on wooden staircase that led to the second-story women's section of the main sanctuary in the small seaside complex.

The Etz-Hayyim Synagogue was restored in the late 1990s after years of neglect in the wake of the Second World War. The nearly 300 members of the Hania Jewish community were shipped out by the Nazi invaders in 1944, and died when their ship was sunk in transit by an Allied torpedo. It serves as a place for prayer, a museum and memorial, and a library recording the long and troubled history of Crete's Jews. The walls of the synagogue's main hall were covered in soot, but the fire did not reach the Torah scrolls or the library.

2010: Israel inched a step closer to deploying a missile defense system along the border with the Gaza Strip today after the Iron Dome successfully intercepted a number of missile barrages in tests held in southern Israel this week.

2010: American Jewish youth movement Young Judaea and its long-running sponsor, Hadassah Women's Organization, suffered another blow today following the resignation of key staff member, YJ/FZY Year Course Director Keith Berman. Berman's decision to leave Young Judaea after more than 20 years with the movement closely follows the resignation of its director, Rabbi Ramie Arian, who is scheduled to step down in the coming weeks. It also comes after a slew of staff firings in Israel and cutbacks to key aspects of the Year Course program. Over the past year, Young Judaea has also seen its funding from Hadassah slashed as the woman's organization reports undergoing a process of refocusing its resources and restructuring. While none of the movement's staff members were legally able to comment it was suggested that Berman's decision to leave Young Judaea is based on a growing dissatisfaction over cutbacks imposed on the Year Course program specifically and the general direction the youth movement is headed.

2010: James von Brunn, who shot and killed museum guard Stephen Tyrone Johns on June 10 during an attempted raid on the U.S. Holocaust Museum, died in a prison hospital today. He was 88 and died of natural causes. Von Brunn was awaiting trial on possible death penalty charges in the federal prison in Butner, N.C., after recovering from being shot in the face by another guard. Von Brunn had a long history of white supremacist and anti-Semitic writings. The museum issued a statement memorializing Johns.  "The Museum's thoughts and prayers continue to be with Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns' family at this time," the statement said. "Officer Johns died heroically defending the Museum, visitors and staff. This tragedy is a powerful reminder that our cause of fighting hatred remains more urgent than ever."

2011(1stof Shevat, 5771): Rosh Chodesh Shevat.

2011: The 92nd St Y is scheduled to present a program entitled “Democracy, Power Politics and the New Middle East” which will “delve into the shifting tectonic plates of Middle East politics, Iran's embattled regime and its nuclear ambitions, Iraq's fledgling democracy, new realities for Persian Gulf monarchies and the longer-term challenges facing Israelis and Palestinians.

2011: Aaron Hillel Swartz “was arrested near the Harvard campus by MIT police and a U.S. Secret Service agent” after which he “was arraigned in Cambridge District Court on two state charges of breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony.”

2011: The Red Sea Classical Festival is scheduled to open in Eilat.

2011: Birthday of Brian Cohen, shofar blower par excellence, and a man whose life is worthy of his patronymic.

2011: The High Court of Justice ruled today that public bus companies could continue the practice of gender segregation on dozens of lines serving the ultra-Orthodox sector, as long as there is no coercion or violence involved.

2011: Kenyan runner Stephen Chemlany won the 34th annual Tiberias Marathon today, making it across the finish line after 2:10:02

2012: In New Orleans, LA, Touro Synagogue is scheduled to host a Shabbat Family Dinner.

2012: Think Different – Original Israeli Rock is scheduled to take place at the Blaze  Sports and Rock Bar on Rechov Hillel

2012: Excerpts from works by LeeSaar The Company Lior Shneior (Sea Songs), Michal Samama (Under the Skin), Neta Dance Company and Netta Yerushalmy are scheduled to be performed at the 92nd St Y in Manhattan.

2012:  The Judges Selection Committee announced the nomination of four new Supreme Court judges today.

2012: Gabriel Cadis, a senior figure in Jaffa’s Christian community was stabbed to death today evening, during festivities at the St George Church in Jaffa.

2012: A third file containing hacked credit card details of Israelis was posted on the internet today.

2013: The Klezmer Jam Session and Dance is scheduled to take place at The Talking Stick in Venice, CA.

2013: Tim Burton’s “Frankenweenie” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: The New York Times features reviews of books written by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Love Song: The Lives of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya and the recently released paperback editions of Man Seeks God: My Flirtations With the Divine by Eric Weinter and  The Street Sweeper by Elliot Perlman

2013: Family and friends of Brian Cohen, master latke maker and shofar blower par excellence, wish him the happiest of birthdays in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2013: Public Television is scheduled to broadcast “Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy, featuring interviews and performance footage that provides insight as to why Broadway “is fertile territory for Jewish artists.”

2013: A report released by the State Comptroller today finds that former Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. (res.) Gabi Ashkenazi was not directly complicit in the production of a document aimed at discrediting Defense Minister Ehud Barak's choice to succeed him as army chief, Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yoav Galant.

2013: Flooded tracks brought train traffic between Tel Aviv and Haifa to a halt for a few hours on Sunday, as stuck automobiles caused traffic jams in many places across the country.

2013(24thof Tevet, 5733): 200th Yarhrzeit of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of the Chabad Lubavitch Movement. We cannot do justice to the career of this Jewish leader who “created” a form of Judaism that harmonized the need for spirituality, ecstasy and education.

2014: Today, “it was announced that Julius Genachowski returned to the corporate world to take a post at The Carlyle Group” where “he will reportedly concentrate on global technology, media, and telecommunications investments.”

2014: “12 Years a Slave” is among the films scheduled to shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: In a case of Jew follows Jew, the United States voted today to confirm Janet Yellen as the next Chair of the Federal Reserve following Ben Bernake who completes his term at the end of this month. 

2014: An unknown assailant lobbed a small pipe bomb into the Rachel’s Tomb complex near Bethlehem tonight, causing an explosion “lightly injuring” one passer-by. (As reported by Times of Israel Staff)

2014: Jane Yellin “was confirmed as Chai of the Federal Reserve” making her the first woman and the first Jewish woman to hold the post.

2014: “Amid mounting criticism from international organizations and protests by African migrants outside several Tel Aviv embassies, Israeli officials tonight tried to reframe the debate over the fate of the 50,000-60,000 migrants here by reiterating the official government position in a more conciliatory manner while emphasizing the unique challenges that Israel faces.” (As reported by Marissa Newman)

2015: In the UK, the University of Kent is scheduled to mark the 70thanniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by hosting a conference that “seeks to examine the significance of the topography of the Nazi concentration camps --- from historical, sociological and artistic perspectives.”

2015: Forty year ol  Hussam Kawasme, “the mastermind behind the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in June 2014 was sentenced today to three life terms in prison and order to pay the families of Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Fraenkel, and Gil-ad Shaar NIS 250,000 ($63,000) apiece in compensation for their murders.”

2015: Some supermarkets in Jerusalem “saw their supply of water and fresh meat run out today” as “Israel braced for a major winter storm.” (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2015: “Why Bess Myerson still matters” published today examines the significance of the first Jewish Miss America” who recently passed away at the age of 90.

2016(25thof Tevet, 5776):  On the Jewish calendar Yahrzeit Rabbi Moses Levi Ehrenreich, the chief rabbi of Rome.

 2016: “The first of the two-part annual exhibition Illustrators 58 is scheduled to be held at the Museum of American Illustration at the Society of Illustrators where a Gold Medal will awarded to Merav Salomon.

2016: “The remains of a 3,400-year-old Canaanite citadel, which were recently unearthed in the middle of the coastal city Nahariya, are to be preserved and incorporated in an apartment high-rise, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced today.”

2016: Three ultra-Orthodox Jews were attacked in London by a group of anti-Semites this evening, who threw gas cylinders at them and shouted "Hitler is on the way." (YNET)

2017: The City of Tiberias is scheduled to host the annual Sea of Galilee Marathon.

2017: In Memphis, TN, Temple Israel is scheduled to host a Shabbat dinner prepared by chef Marisa Baggett which is unique because attendees are encouraged to “leave the kids at home” for this “adult only activity.”

2018(19thof Tevet, 5778): A new year marks the first reading from a new book – Parshat Shemot;

2018: “Tapes Reveal Egyptian Leader’s Tacit Acceptance of Jerusalem Move” published today provided background to President Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

2018: Jewish History Society of Greater Washington “program Samantha Abramson” is scheduled to lead a special downtown tour with a focus on the impacts of 1968 events on the Jewish community and downtown landscape” which take place indoor depending on the possibility of extreme winter weather.

2018: As a mid-winter storm continues to lash Israel, “the Kinneret Authority welcomed the downpours” because the rain helped to replenish streams in the north.

2018: Thanks to the leadership skills of Lena Gilbert, in Cedar Rapids, Temple Judah is scheduled to host the Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre’s Seventh Annual Preview Concert featuring “the principal singers from ‘Turandot,’ Puccini’s final opera.

2019: “Israeli artists Igal Perry of Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, Ido Tadmor, founder of Dance Arts, Koresh Dance Company, and Keren Anavy and Valerie Green's UTOPIA collaborative work are scheduled to be among the 20 innovative artists whose companies will be featured at the Salvatore Capezio Theater.”

2019: “In response to the mass shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the Jewish community of Atlanta is scheduled to come together at Temple Sinai in Sandy Springs for “Anti-Semitism Summit: Navigate  Communicate, Advocate.”

2019: A special preview of “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” based on the life of forger Lee Israel is scheduled to be shown at the London Phoenix Cinema.

2019: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Flame: Poems, Notebooks, Lyrics, Drawings by Leonard Cohen, Fault Lines: A History of the United States Since 1974co-authored ty Julian E Zeilzer and the recently released paperback edition of The Wine Lover’s Daughter: A Memoir by Anne Fadiman, the daughter of Clifton Fadiman

2019: In Amherst, MA, The Yiddish Book Center is scheduled to host a screening of “Joe’s Violin” and “Mandela Beats.”

2019: “A planned exhibition celebrating Muslim Albanians who helped, protected and rescued their Jewish neighbours during the Holocaust” which was to take place at the Golders Green Mosque” will not take place today due “to pressure by opponents of the exhibit including Roshan Salih, editor of British Muslim News site 5 Pillas who urged a boycott.”

2019(29thof Tevet, 5779): Yahrzeit of Rabbi Don Yitzhak Abravanel




This Day, January 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin



January 7

1256:Berechiah De Nicole, the Chief Rabbi of Lincoln was released after having been imprisoned in London on charges related to the death of “Little Hugh of Lincoln.”  The son of Rabbi Moses ben Yom Tov of London, Reb Berechiah was an English Tosafist who was considered an authority on ritual matters. “He decided that the evening prayer might be said an hour and a quarter before the legal time of night…and declared that nuts prepared by Gentiles might not be eaten by Jews.” In August, 1255, the body of gentile boy named Hugh was found in Lincoln (a town called Nicole in Norman-French). This discovery gave rise to charges of ritual murder for which all the Jews of Lincoln were seized and imprisoned in Lincoln. Berechiah reportedly some time during 1256, but the exact date and cause are unknown.

1325: King Dinis I of Portugal who resisted pressure from the clergy to apply the anti-Semitic restrictions of the Fourth Council of the Lateran and “maintained a conciliatory position” regarding his Jewish subjects passed away today. During the reign of King Dinis, Alfonso’s father, the clergy invoked the restrictions of the Fourth Lateran Council in an attempt to get the monarch to restrict the role of Jews in Portuguese society.  .  The clergy, however, invoking the restrictions of the Fourth Council of the Lateran, brought considerable pressure to bear against the Jews during the reign of King Dinis I of Portugal, but the monarch maintained a conciliatory position. Alfonso remained faithful to his father’s policies

1325:  Alfonso IV becomes King of Portugal.  During the early 14th century, more than 200,000 Jews lived in Portugal, which was about 20 percent of the total population. This period was part of what is known as “Portugal’s Golden Age of Discovery, in which Jews made a major contribution to Portugal’s success.” The position of the Jews of Portugal did not begin to deteriorate until the last decades of the 14thcentury as can be seen by the decree of King Joao I forcing Jews to wear special clothing and obey a special curfew.

1328: Before Louis the Bavarian entered Rome today the citizens had to pay a levy of 30,000 gold florins of which the Jews paid one third.

1502: Birthdate of Pope Gregory VIII, famed for the creation of the Gregorian calendar, a method of tracking time has had a unique impact on Jewish historians trying to match events that occurred before 1752 (5512) on the Jewish calendar with the civil calendar.

1516: Representatives of several towns including Frankfort and Worms attended a Diet at Frankfort to discuss how the Jews might be banished and never allowed to return.

1536: Catherine of Aragon, the wife of King Henry VIII of England, passed away.  She was the daughter of the two monarchs who created the Spanish Inquisition and drove the Jews out of Spain. The Spanish monarchs would consent to their daughter’s marriage if Henry’s father would promise that no Jews would ever live in England.  Ironically, it was Catherine’s inability to provide a male heir that led to the England’s break with the Catholic Church which would play in an indirect positive role in the return of the Jews to England.

1566: Pius V. the Pope, who expelled the Jews from Imola, began his papacy today.  Among those expelled was Gedaliah ibn Yahya ben Joseph the Talmudist and author of the Sefer Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah, also known as Sefer Yaḥya

1601: An entry made today into the Stationer’s Register assigns Marlowe’s “Doctor Faustus” a play which oddly enough contains a posthumous reference to Rodrigo Lopez the Marrano physician who was hung after being convicted of treason, to the bookseller and publisher Thomas Bushnell

1625: Ferdinand II issued decree of general expulsion that the Jews of Vienna were able to prevent from being carried out.

1768: Birthdate of Joseph Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon Bonaparte who as King of Spain abolished the Inquisition. 

1775: For the second time in two months, Empress Maria Theresa banished all the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia.

1789: In the first true test of the workability of the Constitution “voters cast ballots to choose state electors” in the first presidential election which would bring George Washington, who expressed his support for Jews as citizens to the position of the U.S.’s first Chief Executive.

1792: Birthdate of Enrico Marconi, the non-Jewish Italian architect who designed the Great Synagogue in Lomza, Poland which “was built on the initiative of Rabbi Eliezer-Simcha Rabinowicz “and destroyed by the Nazis.

1800: Birthdate of Mortiz Daniel Oppenheim whose paintings included portraits of  several notables including Moses Mendelssohn and “The Return of the Jewish Volunteer from the Wars of Liberation to His Family Still Living According to Old Customs”

1800:  Birthdate of President Millard Fillmore.  In 1850, the American Minister to Switzerland signed a treaty with the Swiss Confederation establishing the rights of the citizens of each country to travel and sojourn in the other.  However, the Swiss wished to limit the privileges to Christians. In a message to the Senate, Fillmore opposed the treaty because the U.S.government could not sanction an agreement that treated its citizens differently based on religion.  This episode serves to underscore the difference between the Jewish experience in America and other parts of the world in which they had previously settled.  Fillmore is living proof that the least of men can do the greatest of things. 

1824: Aaron ben Yehuda married Rechela bat Naphtali Hirtz today at the New Synagogue.

1835: Levy Jacobs married Caroline Davis at the Great Synagogue today.

1841: Birthdate of Israel Levy, the German-Jewish scholar whose first publication was Ueber Einige Fragmente aus der Mischna des Abba Saul

1842: Today, in London, “there was a lively report of the first meeting of the friend of ‘Hebrew College’ including a long quotation from Mr. Joseph Mitchell who would one day emerge as” the proprietor of the Jewish Chronicle.

1843: The first Jewish service was held at the Wellington Hebrew Congregation in Wellington, New Zealand under the leadership of Abraham Ort. There had been Jewish people in New Zealand from the beginnings of European settlement in the north.  Jewish traders from England, including John Montefiore, Joel Polack and David Nathan, were active starting in the 1830’s. Jews were on the first ships to arrive in Wellington. A Jewish community was founded in 1843 with the arrival from London of Abraham Hort after he and his family arrived aboard the Prince of Wales.

1848: The Noah Benevolent Widows and Orphans’ Association was formed today.  A fraternal and benevolent order formed by German Jews “who had fled to” the United States “during the German revolution,” it was first led my Mordecai Noah, a former Sheriff of New York.

1857(11th of Tevet, 5617): Seventy-five year Sampson Simson, Jr. the native of Danbury CT who was partners in the firm on Simon’s in Stone Street which “imported beaver coating and other articles” passed away today.

1858: Birthdate of Eliëzer Ben-Yehuda.  Born Eliezer Yitzhak Perelman, in what is now Lithuania; Ben-Yehuda was the father of Modern Hebrew.  Ben-Yehuda adopted several plans of action to accomplish his goal. The main ones were three-fold, and they can be summarized as “Hebrew in the Home,” “Hebrew in the School,” and “Words, Words, Words.”  By the time he died in 1922, Ben-Yehuda had almost singled-handedly transformed a “dead Biblical language” into a modern language that embodied the spirit of Zionism and the modern Jewish world.

1861: Three days after he had passed away, 61 year old John Nathan, the husband of Esther Nathan with whom he had had eleven children, was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1863: Ohio Congressman George H. Pendleton introduced a resolution before the U.S. House of Representatives condemning General Order No. 11.  Pendleton was “a Peace Democrat” so his resolution was more a reflection of his anti-war sentiments than of any great concern about the well-being of the Jews.

1865(9th of Tevet, 5625):Lazarus Simon Magnus Esq the beloved and only son of Simon Magnus of Chatham passed away today at the age of 40.  He was buried at the Chatham (Kent) Jewish Cemetery

1860:Solomon F. Joseph of the Portuguese Hebrew Society was chosen as one of the Directors of the Board of Deputies of Benevolent and Emigrant Societies at the organizations meeting held tonight at Cooper Institute in New York City.

1865: Lazarus Magnus “developed a toothache. Despite an invitation from his brother-in-law to stay with him and his family Lazarus went back to his offices in London Bridge. He exchanged greetings with the housekeeper and asked her about the best remedy to the problem. The housekeeper suggested some laudanum on a piece of lint, but Magnus replied: “That is no use. I will try chloroform.” Unfortunately, this was a fatal mistake, that cost him his life - he died from inhaling too much of it.” Born in Chatham in 1826, he was a successful British businessman, leader of the Jewish community and Mayor of Queenborough.

1865(9th of Tevet, 5625): Parashat Vayigash

1865(9th of Tevet, 5625): Philadelphian Elia Leon Hyneman who had been serving with the Union Army since July of 1861 and who was “captured during a cavalry raid around Petersburg, VA in June of 1864 died today at the infamous Andersonville Prison.

1868: Birthdate of Abraham M "Mark" Lidzbarski.  Born in Russia, he moved to Germany.  A linguist and Orientalist, he was also known by the name Avraam-Mordekhay He passed away in 1928.

1873: Birthdate of Charles Pierre Péguy a Roman Catholic, a socialist and journalist who was a Dreyfusard (supporter of Dreyfus)

1873: Birthdate of Adolph Zukor, the American entrepreneur who built the Paramountmovie empire.

1875: Birthdate of Prussian native Gustav Felix Flatow the gymnast who “who competed at the 1896 and 1900 Summer Olympics and who starved to death at Theresienstadt.

1876(10th of Tevet, 5636): Asara B'Tevet

1876: In Panama, “Simon Lazarus Landsburgh and his wife Rebecca” gave birth San Francisco architect Albert Gustave Landsburgh.

1877: It was reported today that Bishop Claughton presided over a meeting of several prominent English clergyman where they discussed the difficulty they were having in converting Jews to Christianity.

1878(3rd of Shevat, 5638): Karl Ritter von Weil, a lawyer by training who pursued a career as journalist at the Allgemeine Zeitung and “a member of the executive board of the Israelitische Allianz” passed away today.

1878: It was reported today that the United States Consul at Florence had sent the State Department a report describing the government loan institutions (Monte di Pieta) of Italy first introduced by Bernasdoda Feltried toward the close of the 15th century which led to Jewish money-lenders being banish from Florence.

1879: Superintendent Lewis was in charge of the orphanage for Jewish children in Brooklyn that opened today with 4 children residing at the facility.

1879: In St. Louis, Sarah and Charles Bienenstok gave birth to Edgar Allan Bienenstock, the husband of Etta Reach Bienenstok and the father of Charles and Jane Bienenstok.

1879: Birthdate of architect Gustave Albert Lansburgh who designed Oakland’s Temple Sinai in 1914 and whose personal favorite “was said to have been the Al Hirschfield Theatre.”

1881: Birthdate of Henrik Galeen, the native of Lemberg whose extensive career as a screenwriter and movie director began in 1915 with “The Golem.”

1881: Three days after she had passed way, Blanche Baumann, “the eldest daughter of David and Sarah Baumann, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1881: Herr Strassman who is Jewish received 97 out of 120 votes to gain re-election as President of the Berlin Municipal Council

1883: Seventy-seven year old Sarah Samuel, the daughter of Jacob Abraham Mocatta and Rebecca Daniel Lousada and the wife of Frederick Samuel with whom she had one child – Lionel Jacob Samuel – was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1884:The Hebrew Technical Institute, a vocational High School in New York City was founded on today. The school was founded after three Hebrew charity organizations formed a committee to promote technical education for the many Jewish immigrants arriving in New York at the time. The school closed in 1939

1884(9th of Tevet, 5644): Julius Hallgarten, the wealthy American banker, passed away today in Davos Switzerland.1885:Alois Hitler (born Alois Schicklgruber) married Klara Pölzl whose fourth child would be the author of the Holocaust.

1885: In Bavaria, Baruch and Fanny Rothschild gave birth to Samuel Rothschild

1887(11th of Tevet, 5647):Anna "Nettie" Rosenbaum Grossmann, wife of Ignatz Grossmann and the mother of Julius, Adolph, Louis and Rudolph who had been born in Hungary in 1835  passed away today in Detroit Michigan.

1888: A telegram arrived in Leadville, CO, stating that the “defendant in the case of the United States vs. Jacob Schloss and others had achieved final victory before Judge D. J. Brew of the United States Supreme Court

1888: In Elmhurst, Long Island, NY, Rebecca Morse Hyatt and Louis Albert Sussdorf gave birth to Harvard graduate Louis Sussdorf, a member of the U.S. diplomatic corps and husband of Flores Howard whose hobbies included “skating, skiing and mountain climbing.”

1889(5th of Shevat, 5649): Asher Asher passed away in London.  Born at Glasgow in 1837, “was the first Scottish Jew to enter the medical profession” In 1873, he published The Jewish Rite of Circumcision. “Since 1910, the University of Glasgow awards the Asher Asher Memorial Medal and Prize, annually for its Ear, Nose and Throat course.”

1890: State Senator Jacob Cantor was among those who were present when the 113th New York State Legislature was convened today.

1890: Birthdate of Frieda Ulricke “Henny”  Porten  the German silent film actress from Magednberg who “refused to divorce her Jewish husband when the Nazis came to power” even though it meant the end of her career.

1891: It was reported today that Captain A.F. Wild of the U.S. Secret service has arrested Antono Ruggiero, an Italian-Jew who used the alias Anthony Rogers on charges of having been involved with a ring that counterfeited two dollar bills.

1892: The Brooklyn Institute is scheduled to host a program entitled “The Policy of the Czar in the Expulsion of the Jews and the War of Movement in Europe” this evening.

1893: It was reported today that the meeting organized by the right-wing anti-Semitic journal Libre Parole was addressed by the Marquis de Mores.  He opened his speech “with a general onslaught on the Hews as the corrupters of French honesty and the haters of French honor.”

1895: General Horace Porter, the President of the Union Club and his predecessor Chauncey M. Depew, refused to discuss the resignation of Edward Einstein from their organization.  They did not dispute Einstein’s claim that he had left because a Jewish candidate had been blackballed because of his religion.

1895(11th of Tevet, 5655): London born physician Lewis Oppenheim who worked with Florence Nightingale during the Crimea War and served as ship’s surgeon on board the SS Kent before opening a practice in the UK where he passed away today.

1895: Adolph Sutro began serving as the 24th mayor of San Francisco, CA making him the first Jew to be elected to this position

1895: “Edwin Einstein Resigns” published today described the impact of Edward Einstein’s resignation from the Union Club which resulted from the blackballing of the son of Jesse Seligman because of his religion and which now leaves the social organization without a Jewish member; a situation which will not soon change since there are no Jews on the list of perspective members.

1895: “The Crusaders and Their Work” provides a detailed review of The Crusaders: The Story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem by T.A. Archer and Charles L. Kingsford which attributes the practice of making pilgrimages to Jerusalem to the Jews in a period the pre-dates Christianity.

1896: Herzl's article "Die Lösung der Judenfrage" - "The Solution of the Jewish Question" appears in "The Jewish Chronicle" in London.

1896: Nine year old Rachel Silverman and three year old Sarah Silverman, the daughters of Freda Silverman “were committed to the Ladies’ Deborah Nursery” today following a hearing at the Essex Market Police Court.”

1896: Levi Freiburg, a fifty-year old Jew was being held on charges of child endangerment at the Lee Avenue Police Station.

1896: Birthdate of David Alper, the Russian born husband of Minnie "Manya""Machle" Isiomin whom he married almost a decade after his first wife Frida Alpher had passed away and father of Moe and Ralph Abraham Alper.

1896(21st of Tevet, 5656): Fifty-seven year old Sir Julian Goldsmid, 3rd Baronet “a British lawyer, businessman and Liberal politician who sat in the House of Commons between 1866 and 1896” passed away today at Brighton.

1897: The annual meeting of the Educational Alliance which included addresses by Isidor Straus and Dr. Henry Leipzierg was held tonight Temple Emanu-El in New York City

1897: Birthdate of Hennessey, OK, native Arthur J. “Dutch” Strauss the Phillips College football player who went on to play professional for the Toledo Maroons.

1898: The Brooklyn Hebrew Hospital Society applied to the State Board of Charities for a certificate of incorporation.

1898(13th of Tevet, 5658): Sixty-two year old Ernest Abraham Hart who “was appointed ophthalmic surgeon at St Mary's hospital at the age of 28” and who was the long time editor of the British Medical Journal passed away today.

1898: Three men were hung today at Hahnville in St. Charles Parish, LA for their part in murdering a Jewish peddler name Ziegler after they had robbed him while he was at the Ellington Plantation.

1898: “Charity in the Holy Land” published today described the indignation expressed by representatives of the Auxiliary Relief Branch of the Russian and Polish Jewish Central Committee at Jerusalem over charges “made of misuse of the money collected in the United States for the relief of poor American Jews in Jerusalem and Palestine.”

1899: “Scotts Novels” published today contained a description of the English authors novels including Ivanhoe which features “such quotable characters” as Rebecca and her uncle, Isaac the Jew.

1900: A charge of “ritual murder” was made “against the Jews of Nachod, Bohemia.

1900: It was announced today that “at the monthly meeting of the Council of the Anglo-Jewish Association that Baron Edmond de Rothschild” has ceded “his Palestine colonies to the Jewish Colonization Association.”

1901:Joseph K. Toole who laid the cornerstone when construction began on Temple Emanu-El in Helena Montana began his second, non-consecutive term as Governor of Montana.

1902(28th of Tevet, 5662): Sixty-one year old Adolph Moses, the native of Poland who fought with Garibaldi and in the Polish revolt against Russia before he came to the United States where he served as a rabbi in Mobile, Alabama and Louisville, Kentucky passed away today.

1902: Birthdate of German Jewish educator Fritz Bamberger who after coming to the United States to escape the Nazis left the world of academics to become the editor of Coronet Magazine.

1902: At the Almorah Cemetery in Jersey, Rabbi J.L. Hanau officiated at the funder of Solomon Lyons who was a “gunner” in the British Army and the son of Henry Lyons of Birmingham

1903: In Paris, Herzl discusses the reply to the British government with Nordau, Leopold Greenberg and Alexander Marmorek and to take counsel on subsequent action.

1905(1st of Shevat, 5665): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1905(1st of Shevat, 5665): Sixty-year old Jette Einstein passed away today.

1906: “Passing of Zadoc Kahn --- Career of France’s Late Grand Rabbi
published today described “the funeral of Zadoc Kahn, the Grand Rabbi of France “a unique position” that “dates back to the time of the First Empire” under Napoleon.

1910:  Birthdate of Baron Alain de Rothschild.  He was part of the French banking family

1911: In Witkovitz, Jakob and Laura Lichtenstern gave birth to Margit Lichtenstern Wolf.

1912: At a time when Reform congregations were trying to shift “Sabbath Services” from Saturday to Sunday, today “Mr. Sigmund Zeisler is scheduled to speak on the ‘Oberammergau Passion Play’ at Chicago Sinai Congregation where services began at 10:30 a.m.

1912: The musical program at this morning’s service at Temple Sinai in Chicago is scheduled to include “the opening anthem ‘Behold God is Great’” and will be led by Cantor Albert Boroff.

1915: It was reported today that Harry Alexander and Leonard Haas, counsel for Leo Frank would probably not oppose a motion by the state of Georgia to advance the hearing of their client’s case before the U.S. Supreme Court.

1915: A meeting was held at Radcliff College today where “the purposes of the Menorah Society were outlined to the members by Mr. Henry Hurwitz and Mr. Ralph a Newman, President of the Harvard Menorah Society, extended greetings of welcome.”

1915: During WW I, Alexander Helphand a Ukrainian born Jew who was also known as Israel Lazarevich Gelfand and who had risen to prominence in the Bolshevik movement, approached the German Ambassador in Constantinople.  He contended that the Germans and the Bolsheviks should make common cause because they had similar goals, the overthrow of the Czar and the dismemberment of the Russian Empire into smaller entities.  This intitial overture would ultimately lead to the Germans shipping Lenin and his supporters back to Russia during the Russian Revolution to ensure that Russia would make a separate peace with the Kaiser. 

1916: In “Rabbi Silver Will Talk on General Subjects,” published today, The Wheeling Register reports on a series of upcoming Sunday lectures to be delivered at the Eoff Street Temple. "The general subject for the series will be Aspects of American Life. The lectures will touch on topics related to business, home, the stage, politics, school and the press and will be given in Rabbi Silver's characteristic manner."

1916: One of the contributions received today at the New York office of the American Jewish Relief Committee came from the Treasurer of the Sunday school of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Corinth, Mississippi in the amount of $34.02 which represented the total found in the collection plate last Sunday.

1916: The Knights of Zion Convention is scheduled to continue its meetings in Chicago this evening.

1917: “A meeting of the Jewish Lecturers’ League,” which “was organized two years ago for the purpose of creating a closer relations among Jewish lecturers throughout the” United States and “to make the cultural platform more popular” took place today in Newark, NJ “when colleagues from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Maryland “met to discusses “possibilities of extending the work of the league.

1917: “Speaking in place of Dr. Henry R. Rose” who had fallen ill, “Rabbi Solomon Foster of B’nai Jeshurun” spoke at the Church of the Redeemer this evening in Newark, NU, where he “expressed the belief that after the war religion will be stronger than ever.”

1917: Dr. Joseph Silverman delivered an address this morning at Temple Emanu-El in which he “argued in favor of Government supervision of the many relief agencies in connection with the war and the rebuilding of homes and shops after the war.”

1917: Among the contributions reported today the Joint Distribution Committee of the Funds for Jewish War Sufferers were $50,000 from Felix Warburg, $10,000 from Paul Warburg, $5,000 from Temple Emanu-El and $5,000 from Lamport Mfg. Co.,  the largest company in the world “dealing in remnants which was founding by Samuel Charles Lamport the Polish born graduate of CCNY who attended Brown University who was very active in the Jewish community as can be seen by his support of the Home of the Daughters of Jacob which his mother-in-law, Mrs. A.J. Dworsky is president..

1917: Birthdate of Alfred Mordecai Freedman,a psychiatrist and social reformer who led the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 when, overturning a century-old policy, it declared that homosexuality was not a mental illness.

1917: “Isidore Montefiore Levy of the Board of Education” is scheduled “to address the Harlem Forum at the Wadleigh High School.

1917: “Notable speakers” including Henry Morgenthau and Dr. J. L. Magnes are scheduled to “discuss the conditions of Jews in the war territories” this evening at the Waldorf Astoria at a meeting of the Judeans.

1917: “The annual meeting of the Education Alliance and its Women’s Auxiliary” are scheduled to hold a meeting this evening at the Young People’s Branch.

1918: The “Parliamentary Committee of the British Trade Union Congress and Executive Committee of the British Trade Union Congress and Executive Committee” issued a memorandum today recommending “that Jews in all countries enjoy the common elementary of tolerance, freedom of residence and trade and equal citizenship, and that Palestine be set free from the oppressive government of the Turk and formed in a free State, under international guarantee, to which such of the Jewish people as desire to do so may return.”

1918: On New York’s east side, hundreds of Jews closed their shops to attend the funeral of Dr. Paul S. Kaplan who cared for the city’s poorest citizens and was eulogized by a wide array of speakers including Lillian D. Wald, Abraham Cahan of the Jewish Daily Forward, Professor Isaac Hourwich, Rabbi J.L. Magnes, Joseph Barondness, Nicolas Aleinikoff, and Max Pine.

1918: Seventy-three year old German biblical scholar Julius Wellhausen who “is credit with being one of the originators of the ‘documentary hypothesis’” passed away today.

1919(6th of Shevat, 5679): Sixty-seven year old Anglo Jewish banker and philanthropist Herbert Stern, 1st Baron Michelham, the son of Herman de Stern and Julia Goldsmid and the first cousin of Sydney James Stern and Sir Edward Stern passed away today in Paris.

1920: “The Count of Cagliostro” a “silent horror film directed by and co-starring Reinhold Schünzel who co-authored the script along with Robert Liebmann was released in Austria today.

1920: Louis Waldman and Charles Solomon were among the five members of the Socialist Party that the New York State Assembly refused to seat as Assemblymen.

1921: Publication of the  first edition of the resurrected Yiddish language newspaper Der Emmes (The Truth) published by Yevsektsiya, the Jewish section of the Communist Party.  An earlier version of the paper had been published in 1918 in Moscow.  The paper would cease publication in 1939 when it fell victim to an anti-Yiddish campaign in the Soviet Union.

1921: A Commission in Jerusalemreports that at present there is no way to secure an appointment of a Hahambashi for Palestine that would satisfy all sections of the community. They recommend the formation of a supreme religious council that will represent both Sephardic and Ashkenazi communities.

1921: Birthdate of ChesterKallman, a poet, librettist and translator whose  greatest professional claim to fame may rest on his work with Igor Stavinsky but who may be equally famous for the fact that for thirty-five years he was the companion of poet W.H. Auden with whom he also collaborated professionally.  Kallman passed away in 1975.

1922: The partners of Edgar Speyer published a letter supporting their business partner and rejected rthe implications of his correspondence with his German relatives, stating that he was "incapable of any act of treachery against the country of his adoption"

1923(19th of Tevet, 5683):Emil Gustav Hirsch “a major Reform movement rabbi in the United States” passed away. Born on May 22, 1852 in Luxembourg, he was “a son of the rabbi and philosopher Samuel Hirsch. He later married the daughter of Rabbi David Einhorn. For forty-two years (1880-1922), Hirsch served as the rabbi of Chicago Sinai Congregation, one of the oldest synagogues in the midwest. At this post, he became well-known for an emphasis on social justice. From Chicago Sinai's pulpit, he delivered rousing sermons on the social ills of the day and many Chicagoans, Jew and gentile alike, were in attendance. Appointed professor of rabbinical literature and philosophy at the University of Chicago in 1892, Hirsch also served on the Chicago Public Library board from 1885 to 1897. He was an influential exponent of advanced thought and Reform Judaism. He edited Der Zeitgeist (Milwaukee) (1880–82) and the Reform Advocate (1891–1923). He also edited the Department of the Bible of the Jewish Encyclopedia. Hirsch is the namesake of the Emil G. Hirsch Metropolitan High School of Communications (Hirsch Metro), located in the South Shore neighborhood of Chicago. In keeping with his interest in education, Hirsch advised a wealthy congregant, Julius Rosenwald of Sears, Roebuck & Co., to use part of his wealth to help build public schools which black students could attend in the segregated south. The school building program was one of the largest programs, but not the only, administered by the Rosenwald Fund.

1924: George Gershwin began working on “American Rhapsody” which his brother would re-name “Rhapsody in Blue.”

1925: Musical "Big Boy" with Al Jolson premiered in New York City.

1926: George Burns married Gracie Allen. He was Jewish.  She wasn’t.1926(21st of Tevet, 5686): Eighty-nine year old Alexander del Mar, the oldest son of Jacob and Belvidere del Mar, “an American political economist, historian, numismatist and author” who “was the first director of the Bureau of Statistics at the U.S. Treasury Departmentpassed away today.

1927: Abe Saperstein’s Harlem Globetrotters play their first game in Hinckley,Illinois.

1927: A memorial service was held for the late Zionist poet Achad Ha’Am at New York’s Cooper Union.

1929: Henry Arthur Jones, the English dramatist whose works include “Judah” which was first performed in 1890 passed away.

1930: Birthdate of Elliot Kastner, the native of New York who was raised in Harlem after his father died and went to become a leading movie producer whose work included WW II espionage thriller “Where Eagles Dare.”

1931: The first session of the 154thNew York State Legislature in which Carl Pack served as a member representing the 3rd District, Bronx County opened today in Albany.

1931: Doar Hayom, the newspaper of the Revisionists, published a demand that the election for the Jewish-elected Assembly be declared null and void and that new elections should be held.

1932: Chaim Arlosoroff, head of the Political Department of the Jewish Agency, wrote a letter to High Commissioner Viscount Ord Plumer proposing that the municipal region of Jerusalem should be divided into two boroughs: West Jerusalem, which was mostly Jewish and the Old City which was largely Arab.  A United Municipal Council would oversee these to two sub-entities.  The British rejected the proposal lest it anger the Arabs.

1932: Birthdate of Allen Richard Grossman the native of Minneapolis “an award-winning poet whose work bridged the Romantic and Modernist traditions, claiming nobility and power for poetry as a tool for both engaging the world and burrowing into the self.” (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1934: The New York Times reported on the recent announcement that 200 Jewish families, drawn from the ranks of jobless needle trade workers in New York, are to be settled in an industrial-agrarian community on a 1,000-acre tract of land bought for the purpose in New Jersey. This move calls attention to the new back-to-the-land movement among the Jews of the United States

1934:Non-Aryans were banned from adopting Aryan children in Germany which meant that Jews and people who had had Jewish ancestors but not know it and thought of themselves as Christians could not adopt.

1934: Birthdate of George Zames, the Polish born Canadian “control theorist and professor at McGill University.

1935: Birthdate of Noam Sheriff, one of Israel’s most versatile and world renowned musicians who studied composition and conducting in Tel-Aviv (Paul Ben-Chaim), Berlin(Boris Blacher) and Salzburg (Igor Markevitch) and philosophy at the JerusalemUniversity. Since the premiere of his work, Festival Prelude, by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra under Leonard Bernstein at the opening of the Mann Auditorium in Tel-Aviv in 1957, his works are regularly performed in Israeland all over the world. In his music one finds an original solution to the fusion between East and West, between the musical elements of the ancient Mediterranean countries and the musical culture of the West. Among his most significant works are the three vocal big scale works which form a trilogy. Mechaye Hamethim (Revival of the Dead) which was premiered in 1987 in Amsterdam by the IPO and is based on the Jewish East-European traditional music as well as the ancient Jewish oriental themes of the Samaritans. Sephardic Passion which was premiered in 1992 in Toledo, Spain, by the IPO, Zubin Mehta and Placido Domingo is based on the Music of the Sephardic Jewry and Psalms of Jerusalem which was premiered in 1995 in Jerusalem to open the 3000 years celebrations to the City with its four choirs around the hall singing in Hebrew and Latin.His newest vocal work, “Genesis”, was commissioned and premiered by the Israel Philharmonic and Maestro Zubin Mehta at the festive concerts of Israel’s 50th Independence day. His "Mechaye Hamethim" was performed by the IPO under Mehta in a unique concert for Israel's 50th anniversary at “Yad Vashem"HolocaustMuseumin Jerusalem. Noam Sheriff conducts regularly his works and other works of the orchestral repertory all over the world. From 1989 until 1995, he was the music director of the Israel Symphony Orchestra Rishon Le-Zion which had, under his leadership, a success unprecedented in Israeli musical history. Since 1963 Noam Sheriff has been teaching composition and conducting. He taught in institutes as the Jerusalem and TelAvivUniversities as well as the Musikhochschule in Cologneand the Mozarteum in Salzburg. During those years he was directing many music festivals in Israel as well as various television and radio programs. Since 1990 Noam Sheriff has been Professor for composition and conducting at the Tel-AvivUniversity's Rubin Academy of Music. Since January 2002 he has been the music director of the Israel Chamber Orchestra. The orchestra, under his leadership has won the praise of the critics and audiences in the season 2002-3, his first season as its music director. Since April 2004 he has been nominated as Music Director of the New Haifa Symphony Orchestra. Noam Sheriff is the winner of the prestigious Emet Prize for the year 2003, the highest prize given in Israel for excellence in Sciences and culture.”

1935(3rd of Shevat, 5695):  Rabbi Yosef ben Rabbi Menachem Kalisch zt"l, the Amshinover Rebbe, passed away.

1935: Benito Mussolini and French Foreign Minister Pierre Laval sign the Franco–Italian Agreement.  The Italians were looking for a free hand in their conquest of Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia).  The French were looking for support in dealing with Hitler.  The irony of this is that Pierre Laval would become the Prime Minister of Vichy France a role which enable him to ship thousands of French Jews to Drancy and then on to the death camps in the East.  Mussolini, who had support of some Italian Jews and a Jewish mistress, would become Hitler’s ally.

1935: Birthdate of Joe Wizan the head of 20th Century Fox's motion picture division and an independent producer of films such as "Jeremiah Johnson" and "… And Justice for All” (As reported by Dennis McLellan)

1936: Speaking a luncheon given in her honor by the Survey Associates as part of the celebration of her 75th birthday, Hadassah founder Henrietta Szold “told a large group of leaders in social work that Youth Aliyah already had brought 950 German-Jewish children to Palestine and placed them in cooperative settlement camps” where it will cost $360 per child to provide for them over the next two years.

1937: “The Eternal Road” a four act opera-oratorio “conceived by Zionist activist Meyer Weisgal to alert the then-ignorant public to Hitler's persecution of the Jews in 1937 Germany” opened today at the Manhattan Opera House.

1937: Chairman of the Board of Directors Bernard Flexner announced today that “the Palestine Economic Corporation, with its predecessors, the Palestine Cooperative Company and the Reconstruction Committee, has since 1922 issued loans through subsidiaries aggregating $17,500,000 to helpd urband and rural groups in Palestine to become self-supporting.”

1938: The Palestine Postreported that Romania started re-examining the naturalization of all "foreigners" who had settled there since 1913, in order to deprive them of their citizenship. The first victims of the new policy were Jewish doctors who lost their right to practice medicine. Jewish innkeepers were declared to be "dangerous". All Jews were divided into citizens and non-citizens, and the latter became the subject of a compulsory expulsion. A timely British note reminded Romania of her obligations under the Minorities Treaty, signed in Paris in 1910. 

1938: In Baltimore, MD, Klare and Louis P. Hamburger, Jr gave birth to “Fritzi Hamburger.”

1938(7th of Shevat, 5698): Sixty-five year old Washington, DC native Philip King, the All-American quarterback at Princeton University who went on to compile a record of 73-14-1 as the head coach at Georgetown University and the University of Wisconsin passed away today in his home town.

1938: Arnold Bernstein, the 49 year old decorated German artillery officer and Jewish shipping magnate was sentenced today in Hamburg to two and a half years in the penitentiary and a fine of one million marks on charges of having violated the exchange laws – a sentence that will insure the forced sail the Red Star Shipping Lines which is already under the control of a Nazi government trustee.

1939:  Official founding of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra.

1939: “ A brief conference today between United States Ambassador William Phillips and Foreign Minster Count Galeazzo Ciano increased hopes that President Roosevelt’s memorandum to Premier Benito Mussolini on the Jewish question would results”

1940(26th of Tevet, 5700): State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthaler passed away tonight at the age of 58. Born in 1881, he attended City College, where he developed a life-long friendship with Felix Frankfurter and graduated from Columbia Law School in 1903.  Frankenthaler was active in Democratic Party Politics, numerous civic and professional organizations and Jewish charitable activities.

1941: In Chicago, twenty-one year old Irving Abitz, the son of Michael and Rose Abitz, enlisted in the U.S. Army where he trained as a medic which led to him serving with Patton’s Third Army from its activation in 1944 until the end of the war.

1941: Members of the Woman’s League for Palestine are using tonight performance of “Meet the People,” the new topical, musical revue at the Mansfield Theatre as a benefit for the Overseas Refugee Relief fund.  The net proceeds will augment the $25,000 Emergency Refugee Relief Fund for young women refugees sheltered in the two home of the league in Haifa and Tel Aviv.

1942: A major Arctic blast hit the Levant. The thermometer in Alexandria was six degrees below zero, five people were killed because of the snow in Lebanon, Jerusalem suffered damage when buildings in the Old City were cracked from ice buildup, and in Istanbul the city suffered deaths and was stifled with three feet of snow, twelve degrees below zero temperatures and "hungry wolves" in the neighborhood.

1942: Throughout the day at the Chelmno, Poland, death camp, Jewish deportees from nearby villages are systematically gassed in vans; German and Ukrainian workers pull gold teeth and fillings from the corpses' mouths. Germans undertake van gassings of 5000 Gypsies from Lódz, Poland.

 1943: British Colonial Secretary Oliver Stanley informs the British War Cabinet that Germany's Eastern European allies have turned to a policy of expulsion of Jews as an alternative to exterminating them. He concludes that this change in policy makes it "all the more necessary" to limit the number of Jewish children accepted into Palestine.

1943: As the Battle of Stalingrad, one of the great turning points of WWII, reached its climactic month, the Soviets “sent three envoys” to offer General Paulus terms for surrender.

1943: Over the next three weeks, twenty thousand Jews from Germany, Belgium, Holland, and Poland are gassed at Auschwitz.

1944: “Anne Frank confessed her love for” Peter Schiff “a boy she had been smitten with for years.”

1944: Word reached those living in New York City that Rabbi Louis Werfel, the 27-year-old chaplain serving with the 12th Air Force Service Command was killed in a plane crash in Algeria on Christmas Eve, 1943. Werfel was the fourth Jewish chaplain be killed in line of duty during World War II.  Werfel was known as “the flying rabbi” because of his willingness to use aircraft to reach Jewish soldiers serving in far-flung outposts throughout the Mediterranean Theatre

1945: Birthdate of Shulamith Bath Shmuel Ben Ari Feuerstein, author of The Dialectic of Sex

1946: In New York, Sim and Edward Wenner gave birth to “Jann Simon Wenner, the co-founder and publisher of Rolling Stone.

1946(5thof Shevat, 5706): Eighty year old Toledo native Edward Nathan Calisch who at the age of 26 became the Rabbi at Richmond’s Congregation Beth Ahabah which he led from Orthodox to Reform and who was the husband of Gisela “Gussie” Woolner Calisch with whom he had three children passed away today.

1946: Forty-three year old Polish born Pennsylvania lawyer and political leader Samuel Arthur Weiss resigned his seat as member of the House Representative

1948: With Jerusalem under siege, members of the Irgun planted a bomb at the Jaffa Gate in an attempt to get food supplies into the Jewish quarter. The bomb killed fourteen Arabs.  Three members of the Irgun were killed by British police in the aftermath of the explosion.  Apparently the British were unable to keep the Arabs from trying to starve out the Jews but they were strong enough to kill the Jews where were trying to feed their co-religionists.

1948(25thof Tevet, 5708): Fifty-six year old Berlin born physician and WW I German Army veteran Max Pinner who began practicing medicine in the United States in 1924, the year he married Berna Rudovic passed away today and who was an expert in the field of Tuberculosis passed away today in Berkley, CA.

1949: During Israel’s War of Independence Operation Horev came to an end.

1949: At two o’clock in the afternoon, Israel accepts a ceasefire on the Egyptian front based on Egypt’s publicly announced willingness to negotiate an armistice.  Egyptis left in control of Gaza, but Israel has driven the Egyptians from the Negev.

1949: During the War for Independence Israeli pilots including Ezer Weizamn shot down 5 British planes that flew over the battlefront with Egypt. The British government was hardly a disinterested party during the war.  The Jordanian Army, known as the Arab Legion, drew its leadership from the British Army.  The British supplied and trained the force as well.  The actions of the RAF at this point, further debunk the notion that the British were neutrals and that the West was responsible for the creation and survival of the infant state of Israel.

1950:The "ten greatest Jews of the last fifty years" were named today by Rabbi Israel Goldstein in a sermon at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, in New York City.

1950: “The Andrews Sisters version” of "I Can Dream, Can't I?,"“a popular song written by Sammy Fain with lyrics by Irving Kahal that was published in 1937” reached the top spot on Cash Box Best Sellers chart.

1951: As it starts its first post-independence tour in the United States, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) has its first performance at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.

1953:The eightieth anniversary of American Reform Judaism, founded in Cincinnati by the late Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise "to adapt Judaism to the American way of life," was marked tonight with special ceremonies and a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. More than 300 American Jewish leaders from various sections of the country attended.

 1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Knesset debated the proposed State Archives' and Public Accountants' Bills. Israel seized an Egyptian ship with a cargo of 65 tons of arms, bound for Syria. The ship was reported to have run aground in Israel's territorial waters.

1953: President Harry Truman announces that the United States has developed a hydrogen bomb.  The bomb had been successfully tested at Eniwetok atoll in 1952.  The creation of the H-bomb had pitted Edward Teller against Robert Oppenheimer, the “father of the Atomic Bomb.”  The two Jewish physicists became the poles around which the proponents and opponents rallied during this major Cold War debate.

1955(13th of Tevet, 5715): Seventy-six years ago Professor of Mathematics Edward Kasner, “the first Jew appointed to faculty position in the sciences at Columbia University” passed away today.

1955: A month after premiering in New York, “Animal Farm” an animated version of the book by the same name with music by Mátyás Seiber was released in London today.

1958: A week after Ben Gurion resigned as Prime Minister “over the leaking of information from ministerial meetings” he formed the 8thgovernment “with the same coalition partners.”

1958(15th of Tevet, 5718): Samuel Yuster passed away today after which he was buried at Mount Hebron Cemetery in Flushing, NY.

1958: As Israel transitioned from its 7th government to its 8th government, Golda Meir continued to serve as Foreign Minister.

1958: As of today, chess master Samuel Reshevsky “was eclipsed by the 14-year-old Bobby Fischer.”

1959(27th of Tevet, 5719): Jean Lerman, the daughter of Dora and the late Philip Rosenbuam and the wife of Dr. Jacob Lerman of Chestnut Hill, MA, passed away today.

1959: As the Castro Revolution became a reality, Meyer Lanksy fled Cuba today headed for the Bahamas in an admission that the Mobs Cuban Casino days were about to become a thing of the past.

1959(27th of 5719): Fifty year old Lodz, Poland native Dr. Gershon Gelbert, who after earning “a doctorate at Dropsie College,” taught at Gratz College, the University of Omaha and NYU, and served the “director Jewish Education in Italy for the Joint Distribution Committee” after World War II while raising his “daughter Rena” with his wife, Frances Spitzer Gelbart” passed away today “at his home in Brooklyn.”

1962: Lev Landau’s was in automobile accident today which left him so severely injured that he was unable to accept the 1962 Nobel Prize for Physics in person.

1967(25th of Tevet, 5727): American author and screen writer David Goodis, passed away.

1969: Marvin Mandel began serving as the 56th Governor of Maryland.

1969: Birthdate of Israeli comedian and television performer Eyal Kitzis.

1969(17th of Tevet, 5729): Eighty-four year old Martha Schallek Wallenstein the wife of Joseph S. Wallenstein passed away today after which she was buried at Beth El Cemetery in Ridgewood, NY.

1970: In response to cross canal attacks by Egyptian forces, Israeli planes begin an in-depth bombing campaign against Egyptian military bases. 

1971(10th of Tevet, 5731): Asara B'Tevet

1972: Howard Hughes “arranged a telephone conversation with seven journalist” which was intended to debunk Clifford Irving’s claim that he had written an authorized biography of the reclusive, eccentric millionaire.

1973: After 14 performances at the Billy Rose Theatre, the curtain came down on “Purlie,” a musical comedy with lyrics by Peter Udell and music by Gary Geld.

1975(24th of Tevet, 5735): Seventy-six year old Paul H. Sampliner, “a founder and former president of the Independent News Company, Inc.” and “an organizing founder of the Anti-Defamation League” who raised his children – Philip and Joan – with his wife “the former Sophie Unger” passed away today.

1975: NBC broadcast “The Dream Makers” a made for television movie directed and produced by Boris Sagal and co-starring Katey Sagal today.

1976(5th of Shevat, 5736): Eighty year old Samuel Salzman , the husband of Yetta Salzman and the father of Fern, Frank and Evelyn Salzman who served with the “37th U.S. Army Division in France during WW I, founded the United Supply Company in Cleveland and “was an active member of the Temple on the Heights” passed away today and was buried in the Glenville Cemetery in Cleveland.

1978: The Jerusalem Postreported from Cairo Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's announcement that after the signing of the peace agreement he would not accept the presence of even a single Israeli soldier or civilian who would like to remain on Egyptian soil.

1978: Isaiah Sheffer and “his artistic partner…put on a marathon concert of Bach “at a grimy, derelict movie theater on Manhattan’s Upper West Side” that would become Symphony Space.

1979(8th of Tevet, 5739): Eighty-three year old “Samuel David Landau,” the painter known as Lev-Landau who raised his son Jacob with his wife Lola, passed away today.

1979: The New York Times book section features the following Walter Kerr’s essay on Anne Frank entitled 'Anne Frank' Shouldn't Be Anne's Play

1980(18th of Tevet, 5740): Eighty-year old Dov Joseph who served as the military governor of Jerusalem during the 1948 War of Independence and served as MK and cabinet minister passed away today.

1980(18th of Tevet, 5740): Israeli poet Yocheved Bat-Miriam who stopped writing poetry when her son Nahum (Zuik) Hazaz was killed in the Israeli War of Independence passed away today.

1982: NBC broadcast the first episode of “Fame” a television series based on the movie of the same name co-starring Valerie Landsburg.

1983: Ninety-eight year old Ukrainian born American painter Ben Benn whose birth name was Benjamin Rosenberg, passed away today.

1984: Birthdate of Ran Danker an Israeli actor, singer, and model who “is the son of Israeli actor Eli Danker. He has sung such songs as "אני אש" ("I am Fire"). He has also starred in the hit Israeli series HaShir Shelanu.”

1984(4th of Shevat, 5744): Eighty-four year old Yisrael Abuhatzeira, the Moroccan born Sephardic Rabbi known as the Baba Slali or Praying father passed away in Jerusalem.

1990(10th of Tevet, 5750): Asara B’Tevet

1990(10th of Tevet, 5750):  Sixty year old journalist Rose Rehert Kushner lost her battle with the cancer, the disease against which she had waged a decades long professional and personal battle.

1990: In “The Russians Are Coming In Droves,” published today Barrymore L. Scherer described the “torrent of music that has pouring our way” in a variety of recordings including a live recording Shostakovich's weirdly disturbing Violin Concerto No. 1 (coupled with the Glazunov Concerto), both performed at Tel Aviv's Mann Auditorium in July 1988 by Itzhak Perlman with the Israel Philharmonic under Zubin Mehta (EMI CDC 49814; CD and cassette).

1993: Showing some flexibility in the crisis over 415 deported Palestinians, Israel agreed today to allow two Red Cross officials, including a doctor, to visit the exiles at their tent camp in southern Lebanon.

1995(6th of Shevat, 5755): Harry Golombek passed away.Born in 1911, Harry Golombek, was a British chess player and honorary grandmaster.

1995(6th of Shevat, 5755): Sixty-eight year old Economist Murray Newton Rothbard the co-founder of the Cato Institute passed away today. (As reported by David Stout)

1995: Bruce Sundlun completed his term in office as Governor of Rhode Island.

1996: Debbie Friedman gave a sold out concert at Carnegie Hall, commemorating twenty-five years as one of the world's most well-known contemporary Jewish musicians. “Known for her folksy and "singer-friendly" style, Friedman has recorded twenty albums that have sold over 200,000 copies. Friedman began recording on her own label in 1972, appealing largely to Reform Jews and those interested in Jewish Renewal. Now, her music is sung in synagogues across the United Statesand has become so widespread that, in many places, it is thought of as "traditional." Since its release in 1993, her "Mi Sheberach" prayer has become the fastest adopted liturgical melody in both the Reform and Conservative movements. The 1999 release of Friedman's first English-language album, "It's You," marked the singer/songwriter's first effort to reach a broader, not-necessarily-Jewish audience. That same year, Hallmark began releasing a series of Jewish holiday cards featuring Friedman's lyrics. A committed Jewish feminist, Friedman also composed all the music for the tremendously popular Maayan Women's Seder. She is famous for her inspiring live concerts, performing and teaching in communities, synagogues, schools and Federations throughout Europe, Israel, Canada, and the U.S.

2001 (12th of Tevet, 5761): Seventy-two year old “Rabbi Yitzchok Singer, whose leadership of the historic Bialystoker Synagogue on the Lower East Side of Manhattan helped it thrive despite four decades of community change, passed away today at Beth Israel Medical Center.” (As reported by Nadine Brozan)

2001: Giving its stalled Middle Eastern peace effort one final push, the Clinton administration said today that it would send its top negotiator to the region this week for direct talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Dennis Ross, the State Department's envoy to the Middle East, will try to lay the groundwork for what Israeli and Palestinian officials describe as anything from a joint declaration of general principles for making peace to an ambitious framework accord for a final settlement to the half-century-old conflict.

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount by Gershom Gorenberg, To Redeem One Person is to Redeem the World:The Life of Frieda Fromm-ReichmannBy Gail A. Hornstein and Future Success by Robert B. Reich

2001: Among the 28 recipients of the Presidential Citizens Medals were Jack Greenberg, Anthon Lewis, Robert Rubin, Elizabeth Taylor, Marion Wiesel, Rabbi Arthur Schneier and Eli J. Sega.

2002(23rd of Tevet, 5762): Actor and comedian Avery Schreiber passed away.  Born in 1935 he was half of the comedy team of Burns and Schreiber.

2002:The captain of a ship seized last week by Israel as it smuggled tons of weapons said in jail-house interviews today that he had taken his orders from a weapons agent of Yasir Arafat's Palestinian Authority and that his deadly cargo was meant to arm Palestinians. The Israeli government contends that Mr. Arafat himself was behind the smuggling mission. The captain, Omar Akawi, said that as he sailed north toward the Suez Canal, he was in regular radio contact with Adel Awadallah, who he knew was working for the Palestinian Authority. A senior Israeli military official said tonight that the name was an alias for Adel Mughrabi, a weapons buyer for the Palestinian body.

2003: Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff delivered the benediction for the Bipartisan Congressional Prayer Service that welcomed the members of the 108th congress before the ceremony to swear them in.

2003:Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinian gunmen today in a raid on a Gaza Strip refugee camp. A spokesman for the Israeli Army said soldiers shot the Palestinians during an operation aimed at rooting out weapons factories in Al Muazi refugee camp. The spokesman said the soldiers fired only after they had been fired on.

2004:Israeli and Libyan officials held a secret meeting in December and discussed the possibility of ties between the longstanding enemies, Israeli officials said today. The officials cautioned that the contacts were tentative and played down the chances of any formal relationship. According to the official Libyan news agency, JANA, The Associated Press reported, the Libyan Foreign Ministry denied that any meeting had taken place. Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan leader, is trying to end his nation's diplomatic isolation. Last month, he announced that Libya would abandon plans to build unconventional weapons, and he permitted international inspectors into weapons sites. The Israeli-Libyan contacts were widely reported in the Israeli news media today, and some Israeli officials expressed concern that the leaks and publicity would kill any chance for diplomacy.

2007: Teapacks or Tipex, an Israeli band formed in 1988 in Sdeort was ”selected by IBA's Eurovision Committee to represent Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest held in Helsinki, Finland”

2007: The Washington PostSunday book section featured a review of Freud: Inventor of the Modern Mindby Peter D. Kramer.

2007: The Sunday Times (of London) reported that “Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons. Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear “bunker-busters”, according to several Israeli military sources. The attack would be the first with nuclear weapons since 1945, when the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Israeli weapons would each have a force equivalent to one-fifteenth of the Hiroshima bomb.”

2007: Under the title “Operation Screwball” about 350 Jews staged a noisy protest  against Neturei Karta an anti-Israel religious group whose members - among them a Monsey rabbi - attended an Iranian conference that questioned the Holocaust.

2007: Two rabbis, two rabbinic pastors and one cantor were ordained by the Jewish Renewal Movement at the annual Ohalah convention in Boulder, Colorado.

2008: Sidney Blumenthal a former aide to President of the United States Bill Clinton and an advisor to Hillary Clinton during her Presidential campaign was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Nashua, New Hampshire. Later, he would plead guilty to a charge of misdemeanor DWI.

2008(29th of Shevat, 5768): Eighty-three year old Boris Lurie “who survived the Holocaust and then depicted its horrors while leading a confrontational movement called No! Art,” passed away today. (As reported by Colin Moynihan)

2008: In New York, The 92nd Street Y presents “Protection from Terrorism: What America Can Learn from Israel,” a lecture by Leonard Cole and Irwin Redlener, part of the Y’s Israelat 60 celebration.

2008: In Brooklyntens of thousands of mourners turned out for the funeral of Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum the 87 year old head of the Mir Yehsiva who had passed away the day before. Berenbaum's body was to be flown to Israelfor burial in Jerusalem.

2009: The Wall Street Journal reported that Cass Sunstein would be named to head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)

2009: At the Wise Auditorium on the campus of HebrewUniversity, The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance presents the latest in a series of concerts titled “The Titan,” that honors Ludwig van Beethoven with a series aptly titled, The Titan. Five concerts in The Titan series have already taken place with all proving to be an immense success, filling the Academy's 550 seats.  The series takes its name from a comment by Wagner who proclaimed that of intensity of Beethoven’s compositions reminded him of "Titan, wrestling with the gods."

2009: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, members of TempleJudah meet to form an Israel Advocacy Task Force

2009(11thof Tevet, 5769): Eighty-eight year old Yaakov Bania, a commander with Lehi who served with the IDF during the War for Independence and later wrote Hayalim Almonim (Anonymous Soldiers) passed away today.

2009: Israel suspended fighting today for three hours to permit humanitarian relief goods to reach civilians living at Gaza while Hamas declared that the group would not talk about a cease fire so long as Israel continued its “occupation.”  In the Hamas lexicon, “occupation” is synonymous with the existence of the state of Israel.

2009: As the Madoff Scandal widens in scope, The New York Times reported that Sonja Kohn , leaving the firm she founded, Bank Medici, in the hands of Austrian regulators, who took it over last week. Embarrassment from investing heavily with Mr. Madoff could explain wanting to disappear from public view. But another theory widely repeated by those who know Mrs. Kohn is that she may be afraid of some particularly displeased investors: Russian oligarchs whose money made up a chunk of the $2.1 billion that Bank Medici invested with Mr. Madoff. It is a stunning reversal for the 60-year-old Mrs. Kohn. The daughter of Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe who moved to Viennaafter World War II, Mrs. Kohn came to New Yorkin the 1980s and was one of the rare women to found and head a small brokerage firm. At that time, she started a decades-long friendship with Mr. Madoff. Once known here as “Austria’s woman on Wall Street,” she became one of Mr. Madoff’s international conduits for securing billions of dollars from the global rich. With her husband, Erwin, a former banker, Mrs. Kohn was able to draw interest from wealthy Russians, Ukrainians and Israelis. And though she migrated from a more traditional Jewish background to ultra-Orthodox practice — which is why she covered her hair with the wig — Mrs. Kohn and her husband even managed to secure meetings with deep-pocketed Arab investors.“He was the door opener, she was the go-getter,” said the Viennese acquaintance of the Kohns who insisted on anonymity because of the publicity surrounding the Madoff case, both in Europeand the United States. “

2010 (21 Tevet, 5770): The Israeli Government marks today a National Hebrew Day in honor of the 152nd birthday of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew.

2010: At the 14th Street Y opening night of “Laba’s Guests."

2010: At least 10 mortar shells fired from the Gaza Strip hit southern Israel.

2010: A breakthrough in the research of the Hebrew scriptures has shed new light on the period in which the Bible was written, testifying to Hebrew writing abilities as early as the 10th century BCE, the University of Haifa announced today. Prof. Gershon Galil of the Department of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa recently deciphered an inscription dating from the 10th century BCE, and showed that it was a Hebrew inscription, making it the earliest known Hebrew writing. The significance of this breakthrough relates to the fact that at least some of the biblical scriptures were composed hundreds of years before the dates presented today in research and that the Kingdom of Israel already existed at that time. The inscription itself, which was written in ink on a 15 cm X 16.5 cm trapezoid pottery shard, was discovered a year and a half ago at excavations that were carried out by Prof. Yosef Garfinkel at Khirbet Qeiyafa near the Elah valley. The inscription was dated back to the 10th century BCE, which was the period of King David's reign, but the question of the language used in this inscription remained unanswered, making it impossible to prove whether it was in fact Hebrew or another local language. Prof. Galil's deciphering of the ancient writing testifies to its being Hebrew, based on the use of verbs particular to the Hebrew language, and content specific to Hebrew culture and not adopted by any other cultures in the region. "This text is a social statement, relating to slaves, widows and orphans. It uses verbs that were characteristic of Hebrew, such as asah ("did") and avad ("worked"), which were rarely used in other regional languages. Particular words that appear in the text, such as almanah ("widow") are specific to Hebrew and are written differently in other local languages," Prof. Galil explained.

The deciphered text:

1' you shall not do [it], but worship the [Lord].

2' Judge the sla[ve] and the wid[ow] / Judge the orph[an]

3' [and] the stranger. [Pl]ead for the infant / plead for the po[or and]

4' the widow. Rehabilitate [the poor] at the hands of the king.

5' Protect the po[or and] the slave / [supp]ort the stranger.

Once this deciphering is received, Prof. Galil added, the inscription will become the earliest Hebrew inscription to be found, testifying to Hebrew writing abilities as early as the 10th century BCE. This stands opposed to the dating of the composition of the Bible in current research, which would not have recognized the possibility that the Bible or parts of it could have been written during this ancient period.

2011: Gold Medals are scheduled to be given to Israeli illustrators Asaf Hanuka and Koren Shadmi at The first of the three-part “Annual Exhibition: Illustrators 53,” the Sequential/Series and Uncommissioned Exhibit features works by leading contemporary illustrators worldwide.

2011: Rabbi Shira Stutman and musician Sheldon Low are scheduled to host 6th in The City Shabbat at the Historic 6th& I Synagogue in Washington, DC.

2011: The first Musical Shabbat of 2011 is scheduled to take place at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, IA.

2011(2ndof Shevat, 5771): Israel Defense Forces soldier Sgt. Nadav Rotenberg, 20, was killed today and four were wounded in a violent encounter with Palestinian militants near the border between Israel and Gaza. The wounded soldiers were treated on the spot and then evacuated by helicopter to Soroka Hospital in Be'er Sheva. An IDF paratroopers patrol noticed a group of people armed and approaching the barrier separating Gaza from Israel, under cover or darkness and fog this evening, close to the Kibbutz Be'eri, according to the IDF.  It is presumed that the armed group was planning to lay explosives at the foot of the barrier.  IDF soldiers were taken by surprise and four of them were wounded, one of them mortally. The soldiers shot in the direction of the shooters, but it has not yet been ascertained whether the militants were hit by the IDF fire. The family of Rotenberg, 20, of Moshav Ramot Hashavim was informed of his death. One of the soldiers was seriously wounded. The other three soldiers were lightly wounded. A preliminary IDF investigation concluded that friendly-fire was responsible for the death of Sgt. Rotenberg and for the wounding of the other IDF soldiers. The IDF had apparently launched the mortars at the militants who were observed on the border, but for some unknown reason one of the mortars strayed and struck the soldiers.

2011: Israel’s departing intelligence chief said he believes Iran will not be able to build a nuclear weapon before 2015 at the earliest, Israeli news media reported today, in a revised and surprisingly upbeat assessment of Tehran’s nuclear capabilities.

2011: After premiering at the Telluride Film Festival, “The King’s Speech” a film about King George VI for which David Seidler won the Oscar for best original screenplay was released in London today.

2012 The National Laboratory for New Jewish Culture at the 14th Street Y is scheduled to present the premiere of the musical theater adaptation of the famous Israeli children's book "Hanna's Shabbat Dress," by Itzchak Damiel.

2012: The Impossible Spy is scheduled to be shown at Congregation Kerem Shalom in Concord, MA

2012: Shlomi Koriat is scheduled to perform at the Jerusalem Theatre where he will give a stand-up performance in which he tells about his childhood, his Moroccan family, coming to the big city, marriage, and more.

2012(12 of Tevet, 5772): Jews all over the world complete Bereshit– Chazak, Chazak,

2012: Approximately 200 protesters clashed with police in south Tel Aviv tonight during a protest against the municipality’s attempt dismantle a tent city for homeless families.

2012: Israel said today the online publication of thousands of its citizens' credit card details by a hacker claiming to be Saudi was comparable to terrorism, and vowed to hit back.

2013: The New Yorker published “The Lost Order,” a short story by award winning author Rivka Galcen the daughter of Israeli born Professor of Metrology Tzvi Gal-Chen.

2013: The Center for Jewish History with the Center for Traditional Music and Dance is scheduled to present: “A Vanishing Sound: Jewish Musical Resonance in Traditional Moldavian Dance--ca. 1800-1950”

2013: “The Great Book Robbery” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013(25thof Tevet, 5773): Sixty-two year old Pulitzer Prize winning author Richard Ben Cramer passed away today. (As reported by Michael Schwirtz)

 2013(25th of Tevet, 5773): Eighty-eight year old poet and New York Times editor Harvey Shapiro passed away today (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2013(25thof Tevet, 5773):  Eighty-eight year old Holocaust survivor and Israeli historian Zvi Yavetz whose life you can read about in his autobiography My Czernowitz, passed away today.

2013(25thof Tevet, 5773): Pulitzer Prize winning architecture critic Ada Louise Huxtable passed away today at the age of 91. (As reported by David Dunlap)

2013: “Life in Stills” is scheduled to be shown at the Washington Film Festival under the auspices of the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington.

2013: December 2012 witnessed a 400% spike in the number of terrorist attacks in the West Bank and Jerusalem compared to August, according to statistics published by the Shin Bet security service today.

2013: As lights flickered and falling tree branches batted down power lines across the country today, Israelis continued to brace themselves for a week of torrential rains and thunderous winds.

2014: “License to Live” and “The Grandmaster” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014(6thof Shevat, 5774): Ninety-one year old advertising executive Judy Protas whose career was tied to Levy’s Real Jewish Rye passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2014: Two former employees of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty - Former Executive Director David Cohen and Chief Financial Officer Herbert Friedman - were charged in the multimillion-dollar scam at the New York charity.”

2014: “JPMorgan Chase & Co., already beset by costly legal woes, will pay more than $2.5 billion for ignoring obvious warning signs of Bernard Madoff’s massive Ponzi scheme, authorities said today.”

2014: “The US ambassador to Israel said today that a framework proposal on all issues at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be presented to both sides soon.”

2015: The Pears Institute for the study of Anti-Semitism is scheduled to host a lecture by Professor Nikolaus Wachsmann entitled “After Liberation – Legacies of the Nazi Concentration Camps”

2015: A preview screening of “Next to Her” is scheduled to take place in Jerusalem.

2015: A major snowstorm was scheduled to hit Jerusalem today.

2015(16thof Tevet, 5775): Eighty yearold French cartoonist George David Wiliniski was among those murdered today when Moslem terrorists attacked Charlie Hedbo’s offices.

2015: “Republican Sen. Rand Paul introduced a bill today that would immediately halt US aid to the Palestinians until they halt their effort to join the International Criminal Court to pursue war-crimes charges against Israel.”

2015: As “heavy rains and winds swept through Israel today, hail and snow were reported” in the northern part of the country this mornings with Jerusalem bracing for worse weather in the overnight hours.”

2016: “Orphans of the Revolution” and “Bridge of Spies” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Cinematheque.

2016: “The remains of a 3,400-year-old Canaanite citadel, which were recently unearthed in the middle of the coastal city Nahariya, are to be preserved and incorporated in an apartment high-rise” are scheduled to be “presented today at a joint archaeological conference by the Northern Region of the IAA together with the University of Haifa.”

2016: Kobi Peretz, “one of Israel's most popular stars in the Mizrahi genre” is scheduled to appear at BB King Blues Club in NYC.

2017(9thof Tevet, 5777): Parashat Vayigash

2017: In Pendleton, Oregon, “Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master,” an exhibition that explores “the history of the early 20th-century international eugenics movement and the complicity of physicians and scientists in Nazi racial policies” is scheduled to come to a close today.

2017: After a month of performances “at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin” the curtain is scheduled to come down on “Big The Musical” with music by David Shire

2017: A rally “sponsored by the Love Not Hate organization” “was held today in Whitefish, Montana to show solidarity with the Jewish community which has been targeted by a neo-Nazi website.”

2017: “Zionist Union MK Shelly Yachimovich criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today for taking gifts from a “sugar daddy,” after police questioned the Israeli leader for allegedly accepting expensive cigars for years from Hollywood producer and businessman Arnon Milchan, as well as more goods from a second businessman.”

2017: This evening “Lt. Gen (res.) Benny Gantz, Lt. Gen (res.) Gabi Ashkenazi, Lt. Gen (res.) Dan Halutz, Lt. Gen (res.) Moshe Ya'alon and Lt. Gen (res.) Shaul Mofaz came together at Yedioth Ahronoth's Rishon Lezion offices to express their firm and unequivocal support of the IDF, its chief Eisenkot, and the military judicial system.

2018: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Enemies and Neighbors: Arabs and Jewish in Palestine and Israel, 1917-2017 by Ian Black, Move: Putting America’s Infrastructure Back in the Lead by Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Three Floors Up by Eshkol Nevo

2018: ““The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” about a Jewish housewife in New York City in the late 1950s, won Best Television series at the 2018 Golden Globe awards” this evening.

2018: The Winter Break Promotion which has allowed Kids and Students to visit for free is scheduled tom come to an end at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center today.

2018: Today, “the Strategic Affairs Ministry published a list of organizations it says promote the boycott of Israel,” the members of which will be blocked from entering the country”

2018: The exhibition “Generation Wealth by Laruen Greenfield” featuring the works of photographer Lauren Greenfield, is scheduled to come to a close at New York’s ICP Museum.

2019: The Begin Center is scheduled to host a lecture Nobel Prize winner Yisrael Aumann marking the “40th anniversary since Menachem Begin was awarded the Nobel Prize.”

2019: Violinist Asi Matatius, , a protégé of Pinchas Zukerman, is scheduled to perform with the Jupiter Symphony Players in a concert at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church this evening.

2019: The Jerusalem Theatre is scheduled to host a performance of “Namer Havarborot” today.

2019(1stof Shevat, 5779): Rosh Chodesh Shevat; for more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/





This Day, January 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 8

1169: A year after Maimonides who was living in Egypt completed competed “The Book of the Lamp” or “Sefer Ha-Ma'or" his Commentary to the Mishnah, General Shirkuh entered Cairo with orders from Saladin to defend the city from the Crusaders

1198: Start of the papacy of Innocent III who was responsible for the Fourth Lateran Council which produced an array of anti-Jewish promulgations.

1297: Monaco gains its independence when Francesco Grimaldi and his men captured the fortress protecting the Rock of Monaco. Monaco has been ruled by the House of Grimaldi.  Any Jews living in Monaco from the 14th century until the start of World War II were usually Ashkenazim fleeing from France.  An organized Jewish community was established in 1948.  Almost half of the Jewish community is made up of British Jews living in Monte Carlo.

1324: Venetian traveler Marco Polo, who visited China, then under the Yuan Dynasty, in the late 13th century and described the prominence of Jewish traders in Beijing, passed away.

1414: The Disputation of Tortosa, one of the famous disputations between Jews and Christians of the Middle Ages, which was held in the city of Tortosa, Spain resumed.

1455: Nicholas V issued a “Romanus Pontifex,” a Papal Bull that expressed the Church’s approval of Portugal’s seizure of lands in the New World and Asia.  This was part of an attempt to divide the newly discovered lands between Catholic monarchs and freeze out the Protestant nations.  Fortunately for the Jews, the Church’s bull was not worth the paper it was written on since the Protestant nations such as the Dutch and the English would provide a place where Jews could practice their religion and engage in commerce.

1478: Birthdate of “German Protestant theologian” and Hebraist Konrad Pellikan who translated a “vast amount” of rabbinical and Talmudic texts including “Ben Asher’s commentary on the Torah.”

1575:  Many Marranos were among the victims of the Auto de Fe at Seville. 

1598: Expulsion of the Jews from Genoa, Italy.

1769: In Frankfurt am Main, Moses Gabriel Worms and Henriette Worms gave birth to Benedict Moses Worms the husband of Schönche Jeanette Worms with whom he had seven children including the 1st Baron de Worms.

1771(22nd of Tevet, 5531): London native Mordecai Marks, who came to America in 1726 and “was married first to Elizabeth Yorieu and then to Elizabeth Hawkins” passed away today in Debry, CT.

1786: Henry Lemoine, the English author and bookseller who wrote “He’s Gone! The Pride of Israel’s Busy Tribe” the obituary for his friend David Levi, the Anglo-Jewish Hebraist and poet, was married today.

1790:In France, the Deputies excluded the rights of Jews when considering the rules governing the election of municipal officers.

1792: Beila Wagg, the daughter of Hyman and Mary Wagg was buried today at the Alderney Road Jewish Cemetery.

1800: Aaron Jacobs married Leah Solomons today at the Great Synagogue.

1806: Cape Colony became a British colony as the Union Jack replaced Dutch rule.  Dutch Jews had been living in the colony since 1652.  In 1804, they had finally gained freedom of religion thanks to a proclamation issued by the Dutch commissioner-general Jacob Abraham de Mist that instituted religious equality for all persons (including the Jews) without any regard to creed.  One of the first acts of the British was to repeal this proclamation.  While a new wave of Jews began arriving in the 1820’s, the first synagogue was not formed until 1841 with the establishment of the Gardens Shul in Cape Town.

1815: American forces under General Andrew Jackson defeat the British at the Battle of New Orleans.  The pirate leader, Jean Lafitte provided a large number of soldiers and several cannon that were critical to Jackson’s success.  According to some sources, Lafitte’s mother was a Sephardic Jew whose family had fled the Inquisition.  He was raised in a home that observed Kashrut and his first wife was Jewish.  Like so many other things about Lafitte, we cannot be sure where fact ends and legend begins.  There is no question about the Jewish identity of another fighter at the Battle of New Orleans.  Judah Touro, of the famed New England Turo family had moved to New Orleans and become a prominent member of the community.  He volunteered and fought with Jackson’s forces.  He was severely wounded and taken from the battlefield by Rezin Shepherd, a close friend and fellow merchant.  Touro walked with a limp as a result of the wounds sustained in the battle.  Touro Infirmary (hospital) and Touro Synagogue provide modern reminders of this businessman-philanthropist who answered the call to defend the United States in one of its darkest moments.

1830: The Ohio General Assembly granted Congregation B’Nai Israel in Cincinnati a charter whereby it was incorporated under the laws of the state.

1840: Stephen Spyer married Rosetta de Metz today in Sydney, Australia

1844: In Bavaria, Ephraim and Lea Koppel Waldstein gave birth to Sophie “Rosalie” Waldstein,

1845: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi Rosenfeldt officiated at the wedding of Elias C. Polock of Columbia, SC and Adeline Hayms of Charleston, SC.

1848: Jefferson H. Nones, “the son of Captain Henry B Nones” and a Second Lieutenant in the Second United States Artillery, demonstrated such bravery today during “the siege of Puebla, Mexico,” that he was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant.

1849: Following the failure of the Revolution of 1848, Prague native Isidor Bush arrived in New York City where he briefly published Israel’s Herald before moving to St. Louis where he found fame and fortune.

1851: In Cayuga County, New York, a jury is to be impaneled in the case of People vs. John Baham, Jr.  Baham and his brothers were charged in the vicious murder of Nathan Adler, a Jewish peddler from Syracuse.

1851: Moritz Auerbach married Emma Solomon at the Great Synagogue today.

1851: In Meadville, PA, Isaac Kohn, the son of Abraham Kuhn and Bella Kohn and his wife Henrietta Yetta Kohn gave birth to Simon Isaac Kohn

1852: Jacob Lehman, the son of a Jewish peddler living in Philadelphia is seen for the last time.  His disappearance will eventually lead to a gruesome murder case.

1854: Two days after she had passed away, 66 year old Sarah Raphael, the wife of Moses Raphael with whom she had had seven children, was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1855: The sixth anniversary of the German Hebrew Mutual Aid and Benevolent Society was celebrated this evening in Pythagoras Hall on Walker Street in New York City.  The dinner, which began at 7 pm, was attended by two hundred members of the society and their guests.  Before the meal began, a Hebrew hymn was chanted in memory of the members of the society who had passed away.  Among the speakers for the evening were Rabbis Raphael and Isaacs. The guests gave a “liberal contribution” to the poor before departing from the event.

1856:The New York Times published a summary of The Jew: A Story of the South by the same author who wrote Leaves From The Journal of a Physician's Wife

1861: In Tabor, Bohemia, Julie and Gutmann Gumpel Klemperer gave birth to Leo Klemperer, M.D.

1862: Rabbi Arnold Fischel enclosed a copy of the bill that has been approved which will allow Rabbis to serve as Chaplains in the Union Army in a letter he sent to his supporters in New York.  In the letter, Fischel thanked them for their financial support.  He assured them that the money had been put to good use in getting the Congressional Committee to approve the change in the law.  He also reported that a letter had been published in the Washington newspapers from Reform Rabbis, including Wise, Einhorn and Adler claiming that Fishcel did not have the authority to act for the Jewish community. 

1863: Albert Myers, a Sergeant in Company H of the 128thRegiment completed his completed his six month enlistment today.

1865(10th of Tevet, 5625): As the American Civil War enters its final years, Jews observed Asara B’Tevet.

1870: Birthdate of Pilsen native “Dr. Herman Vogelstein, the former chief of the Liberal Synagogue in Breslau who life left Germany in 1938 and after having spent time in London arrived in New York in 1939 where he was “active in the New York Board of Ministers and Association of Reformed Rabbis” and who was the husband of “former Emmy Kosach”

1870: Dr. Ellinger, editor of the Jewish Times addressed the Longfellow Literary Association at the YMCA in New York City on the outcome of the Rabbinic Conference which was held in Philadelphia, PA.  Ellinger provided an analysis of the religious reforms proposed by the Jewish leaders.

1871: In Provincia di Asti Piemonte, Italy Giuseppe and Annetta Luzzati Foz gave birth to Ernesto Ettore Foz, the husband of Leila Orsola Torre Foa.

1871: “The Jews In America” published today points out that “few outside of the Jewish fold have any precise knowledge of “the difference between Orthodox and Reform Jews and then proceeds to described the differences “between the rigid orthodox Jew who repeats a hundred benedictions daily…and the radical reformed Jew…who believes there is nothing supernatural about the Bible but regards it merely as a book written by mortal hands.

1871: Vice President Samuel A. Lewis, chaired today’s annual meeting of the members of Mount Sinai Hospital. The meeting was informal since only fifty members were in attendance the by-laws require 75 for a quorum.  Emanuel B. Hart has replaced Benjamin Nathan as President, Nathan having passed away. The hospital, which treats Jewish and Gentile patients, treated 1,787 out-patients during the past year.  The hospital admitted 677 patients during the year or whom 609 were designed at “cured or relieved.”

1871: The Hebrew Relief Association which was incorporated in 1831 held its annual meeting this morning at the 19th Street Synagogue in New York City.  Officers include, President Hendry S. Allen, Vice President A.R.B. Moses and Treasurer E.B. Hart. During this past year, the association distributed $2,500 among the city’s less fortunate Jewish population.

1874: In New York City, Anna Rosenbaum Grossmann and Ignaz Grossmann gave birth to Mary Grossman who married Louis Buxbaum and became Mary Grossman Buxbaum.

1875: In New York City, Mitchell J. Asch, the “son of Clarissa and Joseph M. Asch” and his wife Manuella Asch gave birth to Irina Asch who became Irina Clara Culver when she married Henry Culver.

1875: The Downtown Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society met this evening and elected a slate of officers.

1878: It was reported today that the Young Men’s Hebrew Union has elected the following officers: President, A. Ottinger; Vice President, William Rothschild; Secretaries, Alfred Steckler and Lewis Heyman; Treasurer, Henry Bausch.

1879: Birthdate of Mt. Clemens, MI, native Clarence Axman, the co-founder of the Eastern Underwriterof which he was the editor for more than 45 years and whose first wife was “Gladys Weil Axman” who served as war correspondent sponsored by the Philadelphia Press during WW I.

1881: Birthdate of Isaac Lowi who would be buried at Beth Israel Cemetery in Gadsden, Alabama in 1952.

1882: Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery and Hanna Primrose, Countess of Rosebery, “the daughter of Mayer de Rothschild and his wife Juliana, née Cohen who upon  the death of her father in 1874  became the richest woman in Britain” gave birth to (Albert Edward) Harry Meyer Archibald Primrose, 6th Earl of Rosebery

1882: “Anti-Juif” an anti-Semitic weekly first published at Paris in 1881 is published for the fourth and final time today.  (There will be several other publications that will appear using this name.)

1887(12th of Tevet, 5647): Forty-five year Isaac Margolis, the husband of Hinde Bernstein passed away in New York City.

1888: Judge Nathaniel Rollins, who represented Jacob Schloss in his suit aimed to protect his “placer patent” from the federal government, relished the victory he had scored for his Jewish clients from Leadville, Colorado.

1888: In Lublinitz, Siegmund Courant and Martha Courant née Freund of Oels gave birth to Richard Courant the mathematician who wrote What Is Mathematics and was forced to flee to England and then the United States when the Nazis came to power.

1889: In New York, Stella Corbet and Jules Levy, “perhaps the most celebrated cornetist of the 19th century” gave birth to the third child and only son, Jules Levy, Jr. a fine corentist in his own right who “led his own brass quartet, and made records for Edison, Emerson and Pathé.”

1890(16th of Tevet, 5650): Sixty year old Seligmann Heller, the Bohemian born poet who “published ‘Ahasverus,’ an epic poem on the Wandering Jew in 1866” passed away today in Vienna.

1890: Rabbi H. Pereira Mendes of Congregation Shearith Israel presided over the funeral services for Judge Philip J. Joachimsen, which were held at his home on 54th Street followed by internment at Cypress Guardians

1892: It was reported today that Madame Olga Novikoff claims that in an effort to downplay the seriousness of the famine in Russia, the Czar is willing to accept private donations, but no government money.  She reports that money has been sent from England “to aid the distressed Jews.”  (This famine was but one more reasons that so many Jews were arriving in the U.S. and the U.K.

1892; It was reported today that stepsons of the late Bernhard Blumenberg are contesting the will which leave half of his estate to his widow Anna Blumenberg.  They claim that she could not have been their father’s wife since she had married Loeb Sigel who was still alive. She claims that they had been divorced.

1893: Thirteen year old David Koblenzer delivered an address today in which he recounted the history of the Boys’ Yorkville Charity Society, a philanthropic organization begun Jewish youngsters in June of 1891.

1893: Hyman Blum presided over the annual meeting of the Mount Sinai Hospital Society in New York City.

1893: It was announced today that in September Princeton University will offer a $75.00 prize to the incoming junior who had the highest score on the Hebrew Examination. (They may not have liked the Jews, but they loved their language)

1894(1st of Shevat, 5654): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1894: Funeral services for Adolph L. Sanger, the President of the New York City Board of Education, will take place today at Temple Emanu-El

1894: As the economic downturn in the United States continue to worsen the offices of the United Hebrew Charities on Second Avenue were so crowded that the clerks had to work “briskly” to deal with all of the requests for aid.

1894: In an attempt to help those suffering as a result of the “Depression of 1893” Nathan Straus will begin selling coal at 25 per cent less than before.  This means that 25 pounds can be bought for a nickel and 100 pounds can be bought for 20 cents. Straus had already started selling fresh bake bread at reduced prices “at his sterilized milk depot.”

1895: Establishment of the first "Israel Gymnastic Club" in Constantinople (Kushta), Turkey

1895: During a strike by 200 cloakmakers in New York City, the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor withdrew its offer to give $10,000 to the United Hebrew Charities. The money was going to be used “pay” the strikers for their work as street-cleaners.

1895: It was reported today that members of the Union League are not bothered by the fact that their last Jewish members has resigned.  Proving that they are snobs, as well as anti-Semites members of the league are opposed to admitting Henry Fricke, a partner of the powerful Andrew Carnegie, because he lives in Pittsburgh.

1896: It was reported today that Rabbi Gottheil was one of several clergyman who responded favorably to the creation of the United Charities, an umbrella, inter-denominational organization meant to help the city’s destitute.

1896: Among those who were reported today to have thanked President Theodore Roosevelt of the Police Board for services rendered was Isidor Struass who sent a letter to TR “thanking the board for” providing a special detail during the recent Charity Fair at Madison Square Garden.

1896: It was reported today that rising shops belong to Dutch, German and Jewish merchants have been destroyed as a result of rising anti-German feeling among those living in London’s east end

1897: It was reported today that the Educational Alliance received over $25,000 in contributions last year but spent more than $52,000.  The deficit was covered by proceeds from a charity fair.  According to Isidor Strauss, the President of the Alliance, Jewish people play a dominate role in managing the organization but it is strictly non-sectarian when it comes to providing services.

1898: It was reported today that among those serving as directors of the newly created Brooklyn Hebrew Hospital Society are Morris Kotlowitz, Frank Baratt, Dora Kotlowitz and Annie Levy.

1898: It was reported today that Solomon Loeber has purchased a lot on the corner of Second Avenue and 21st Street from the estate of Dr. Aaron wise on which he plans to build a seven story office building which he will give to the United Hebrew Charities as a headquarters.

1898: Graduation exercises were held this evening at the Baron de Hirsch Trades Circles on East 9th Street.

1898: Miss Julia Richman presided over the monthly meeting of the Jewish Religious School Union which was held at Temple Beth-El in Manhattan.  The main topic for discussion was providing the proper incentives for students.  Miss Richman expressed her opposition to artificial incentives except as expedients.  She feels that natural incentives are the key to educational success and that the use of artificial incentives will lead to the ruin of the character of a majority of the students.

1899: It was reported today “that many officers of the French Army have allowed their names to appear in the columns of La Libre Parole as subscribers to the fund intended for the widow of Hubert-Joseph Henry,” the French officer who committed suicide after having been arrested on charges of forging evidence against Alfred Dreyfus and that “the French Minister of has issued a note addressed to commanders reminding officer “that they are forbidden to participate in subscription having a political character.”

1899: A summary of the report issued by The Treasury Department of the South African Republic published today listed among the “negotiable assets” a “loan to the Netherlands Railway Company, paid out of the Rothschild loan, £2,000,000.”

1899: President James H. Hoffman addressed the annual meeting of the “patrons and members of the Hebrew Technical Institute”

1899: Five hundred people attended an evening of entertainment sponsored by the Young Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s League of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.  One hundred new members joined the league which provides financial support for the charity.

1899: Birthdate of CCNY basketball player Nathan “Nat” Krinsky, the husband of Hilda Krinsky and the father of Paul L. Krinsky, the Superintendent of the United States Merchant Marine Academy and “Edward M. Krinsky, former Director of Operations for the United States Basketball League.”

1900: In Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia, to George Francis Baillieu and Agnes Sheehan gave birth to Margery Merlyn Bailliu who became Merlyn Myer when she married Sidney Myer (Simcha Baevski) the penniless Russian Jew who found the Myer retail company.

1902: The obituary of Adolph Moses appeared in today’s Atlanta Constitution “One of the Most Prominent Rabbis in the United States, Dr. Moses leaves a wife and ten children. His oldest son, Rabbi Alfred G. Moses, has the pastorate in Mobile." Dr. Moses had one brother, Rabbi Isaac Moses, pastor of one of the largest Jewish congregations in New York.

1902: In Berlin, Arnold Schoenberg and Mathilde Schönberg (Zemlinsky) gave birth to Gertrude (Schonberg) Greissle, the wife of Felix Anton Greissle.

1902: On the Upper West Side, Julius and Hilda Karmel Tishman gave birth to Norman Tishman, “the chairman of the board of Tishman Realty and the husband of Rita Valentine Tishman

 1905: In Berlin, Markus Mosheim and his wife Clara Mosheim née Hilger gave birth to actress Margarete Emma Dorothea "Grete" Mosheim.

1906: Lord Rothschild presided over a meeting in Queen’s Hall where the attendees which included “a very large attendance of all the denominations of Christians in London” expressed “horror and indignation over the massacre and outrages perpetrated upon the Jews in Russia.”

1906: “Jewish philanthropist and Zionist” Carl Stettauer delivered a reported to the Russo-Jewish Committee

1906: U.S. Senator Isidor Rayner of Maryland “received applause and congratulations of Senators from both sides of the Chamber” after he “entered a plea for support of his position in favor of granting aid to the persecuted Jews in Russia” saying “that the Jews would submit to every indignity and wrong rather than abandon their creed” and that the U.S. government should take the lead in demanding the Russians “grant to these people or no longer be allowed to maintain contact or intercourse with civilized governments.

1906: A meeting was held in the board-room of the Hampstead Synagogue for the purpose of inaugurating a North-West London branch of the Jewish Territorial Organization (ITO). Mr. Lucien Wolf presided. Mr. Wolf said the formation of this branch of the I.T.O. was a gratifying illustration of the way in which the movement was progressing among the Jewish community. He did not pretend that territorialism would be a panacea for all the ills Jewry was heir to, the essence of which was the position of the Jews in Russia. During the 20 years past attempts to solve the problem in Russia had been pursued by means of representations and petitions, but no step had been made towards emancipation. Meanwhile, emigration schemes had no perceptible effect in Russia and did very little to improve the social conditions of Jews, who through the operations of laws, formed new ghettos in the towns to which they were transferred and entering congested labor markets created an impression of numbers greater than they were and stimulated prejudice and Anti-Semitism. Then the late Baron de Hirsch conceived the idea of substituting colonization for emigration. Baron de Hirsch’s idea was to found colonies in new countries free from ghettos and Anti-Semitism, but his scheme had not the success hoped for. It attempted to work from above and did not enlist the enthusiasm or the sympathy of the people for whom it worked. Dr Herzl proposed territorialism and afterwards adopted Zionism as the only means of enlisting the almost fanatical enthusiasm of the Russian Jews. Zionism in turn failed and the I.T.O. came forward with the natural development of Dr Herzl’s scheme. The advantage was that they could begin at once upon territory wherever they could get it, and they had the opportunity of obtaining it in the British Empire. It is of great importance to get to work at once. Within the last few days the great Revolution in Russia had been crushed, and the emancipation of Russian Jews was more remote than ever. He felt bound to pay tribute to the gallantry and heroism with which their brothers and sisters in Russia had acquitted themselves in the heroic struggle of the last few months. (Hear, hear). [Ed. Note - In 1905 the question of a future Jewish state in Palestine split the Zionist movement. The breakaway Jewish Territorial Organization (known as the ITO) sought any land that was available within the British Empire as homeland for the Jewish people. The rest of the Zionist movement clung to the idea that Palestine was the only place for a Jewish homeland. . After the British Government, and then the League of Nations, declared support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the organization lost its appeal and by 1925 had disbanded.]

1909: Three days after she had passed away, Elizabeth Waley Henriques, “the twin daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Henriques” was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1912:The Chicago Section adopted resolution to withdraw from Council of Jewish Women.

1912: Mrs. Leon Cline is scheduled to co-host a meeting of The Willing Workers this afternoon at Mandel’s Ivory Room.

1914(10th of Tevet, 5674): Asara B'Tevet

1914: Eugene Foss who had employed Leo Frank in 1906 and who later public lead the fight to gain him a new trial after he was convicted of murder, completed his service as the 45th Governor of Massachusettes.

1915: “Poles and Cossacks Massacre Jews” published today contains a summary of an article written by Dr. Shmaryah Levin, “the noted Zionist leader and member of the first Russian Duma that appeared in The Warheit in which he “reveals the shocking details of massacres of Jews in Poland as a result of the treachery and duplicity of the Poles who caused the most flagrant falsehoods to be circulated impugning he loyalty of the Jews’

1915: Louis Marshall, President of the American Jewish Committee received a telegram from Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan saying that “The State Department has received a telegram from Constantinople in which it is stated that the Sublime Porte has accorded an additional month’s time for foreign Jews to become naturalized and has also decided to exempt the indigent Jews from the payment of the naturalization fee.”

1915: “A German attempt to explain the expulsion of Jewish colonists from Palestine appears in a Constantinople dispatch published in the Frankfurter Zeitung today blamed the action on Djeal Pasha, the corps commander of the troops in Palestine” who acted without the consents of the Central Government which tried to countermand the order.

1916: Alvey A. Adee, the Second Assistant Secretary of State wrote to Simon Wolf acknowledging the President’s request that the Department “use its good offices for the purpose of obtaining permission from the allies to ship several cargoes of whole wheat so that at the coming Passover it can be used to make unleavened bread” and asking “how much wheat you desire to ship, to what places, to whom it is to consigned and how it is to be distributed” since “these questions are certain to be asked of the Department by the Governments from whom the permission to ship the wheat is requested.”  (Editor’s Note: Yes, as the World War entered into what would prove to be its most disastrous year, the Jews are worried about Matzah for Pesach.  Think about that when you sit down to your Seder this year.)

1916: It was reported today that Felix Warburg received “a cablegram from the committee of German Jews engaged in relief work in Russian Poland, saying that the distress was very great in Lithuania, particularly in Vilna, Kovno, Grodno and Bialystok.”

1916: This evening, at its convention the Knights of Zion is scheduled to discuss its relationship with other organization.

1916: During World War I, Allied forces withdrew from Gallipoli marking the end of this ill-fated attempt to break the stalemate on the Western Front by forcing their way through the Dardanelles and up the Balkans.  Among the forces withdrawn were the Zion Mule Corps, a Jewish military unit that was part of the British Army.  The Zion Mule Corps was the first Jewish unit to take action since the end of the Second Commonwealth.  The Mule Corps was intended to be a supply unit.  However, the Mule Corps earned the respect of British army officers because they had to carry supplies to the front line under constant bombardment by Turkish forces.  The Zion Mule Corps was one of the progenitors of the modern I.D.F.

1917: “President Wilson decided today…to designate January 27 as the date for collecting funds for the relief of suffering Jews in Europe.”

1917: Congress approved an immigration bill that was opposed by most major Jewish leaders and sent it to the White House where President Wilson was expected to exercise his veto.

1917: Henry Morgenthau was reported today to have told his co-religionists in New York that “One of the reasons the Turks treat the Jews very well now is because they realize that the Zionists generally are not seeking to establish a separate government in Turkey, but only to encourage Jewish colonization in Palestine.”

1917: Dr. Irving Steinhardt is scheduled to deliver the first of “Ten Sex Talks to Girls” “under the auspicies of the Free Synagogue” at 8:30 this evening.

1918: US President Woodrow Wilson who has expressed his support for the Balfour Declaration delivered his "Fourteen Points" speech to Congress.

1918: It was reported today that “the Parliamentary committee of the British Trade Union Congress and the Executive Committee of the Labor” recommended “in their memorandum on war aims” “that Jews in all countries enjoy the common elementary rights of tolerance, freedom of residence and trade and equal citizenship and that Palestine be set free from the oppressive government of the Turk and formed into a free state, under international guarantee, to which such of the Jewish people as to do so may return.”

1919: In Hungary, Bela Kuhn, a communist dictator, was disposed of with the help of Rumania and Admiral Nicholas Horthy. Since Kuhn was a Jew, all the Jews were accused of being communists. During the "White Terror" that followed, an estimated five thousand Jews were killed.

 1923: Birthdate of Joseph Wiezenbaum, a pioneer in the study of artificial intelligence.

1923: In a letter signed by its President, Mrs. Deborah Hirshberg, the Oakland, California Sisterhood asked fellow Sisterhoods to let them know of any Jews moving into this expanding community so “they might extend the hand of friendship” to them and help make the move a successful one.

1923: In New York City, realtor Alfred Storch and Sally Kupperman Storch, “a telephone operator” gave birth to actor-comedian Larry Storch who served with Bernard Schwartz, the future Tony Curtis, aboard the U.S. Proteus.

1924: In Hamburg, a schoolteacher, Julia (née Cohen) and James (or Jakob) Cohn, owner of an import business gave birth to Paul Moritz Cohn, the Astor Professor of Mathematics at University College London.

1924: In New York City, Jesse George Rubenstein and Sarah Fine Rubenstein gave to Richard Rubenstein the Rabbi ordained at JTS who earned a Ph.D. at Harvard and went to lead several congregations  before moving on to the world of academia.

1924: In Tottenham, Middlesex, England Kate (Ogus) and Bernard (Barnett) Moodnick gave birth to Ronald Moodnick who gained fame as Golden Globe-winning actor Ron Moody.

1926: “Sid Terris” who was Jewish, won “a 10 round decision over European lightweight champion Lucien Vinez, in New York.”

1926: In Brooklyn Nina (Kwartin), a coloratura, and Nathan Shulman gave birth to Evelyn Shulman who gained fame as operatic soprano Evelyn Lear.

1926: In Franklinton, NC, Irving and Sadie Supman gave birth to Milton Supman who gained fame as comedian Soupy Sales

1926: Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud becomes the King of Hejaz and renames it Saudi Arabia.  The Saudis had been competing with the Hashemites for control over the holy places in Arabia.  With the ascendancy of the Saudis, the British were forced to find a “home’ for the Hashemites.  The Hashemite got two homes.  One son got the throne of the British invention known as Iraq.  The other Hashemite son got the throne of that other British invention, the Kingdom of Trans-Jordan later the Kingdom of Jordan.  Trans-Jordan was carved out of the British Mandate which was supposed to be part of the Jewish home under the terms of the Balfour Declaration.  This explains why some people think that the Arabs already have their state.  It is called Jordan and that is the proper Palestinian State.

1926: Birthdate of Evelyn Shulman, the granddaughter of Cantor Savel Kwartin and the daughter of opera singer Nine Shulman, who gained fame as “Evelyn Lear, an American soprano who became a star in Europe in the 1950s and who later won acclaim in the United States for singing some of the most difficult roles in contemporary opera…” (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1928: “Violantha” the movie version of the novel with a script co-written by Hans Wilhelm and Walter Supper who took his own life rather than divorce his Jewish wife and co-starring Mathilde Sussin who was murdered at Theresienstadt concentration camp in Czechoslovakia.

1928: After premiering in New York City a month ago, “The Private Life of Helen Troy” directed by Alexander Korda and starring his wife Maria as released in the rest of the United States today.

1929: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that Meir Dizengoff has been chosen to serve as Mayor of Tel Aviv.  Dizengoff was one of the founders of the city and has previously held the position of Mayor.

1929: “Man with a Movie Camera” an experimental silent documentary film directed and written by Dziga Vertov and filmed by cinematographer Mikhail Kaufman was released today in the Soviet Union.

1931: The jury hearing evidence “in the so-called matzoth trust trial” in which “the question to be answered was whether or not Horowitz Brothers & Margareten, InC. and B. Manishewitz Company of Ohio constituted a combination in restraint of trade as charge by Rabbi Moses Weinberger, Inc.” told the judge today at noon that they are unable to agree on verdict.

1932: In Milwaukee, WI, Harry Cutler, the “son of Elda and Meyer Cutler” and his wife Rose Cutler gave birth to Jerry Culer today.

1932: In Austria, celebration of the 150th anniversary of the promulgation of the Toleration Decree of 1781 issued by Emperor Josef II under which the Jews of Austria were accorded civil and political equality.

1932: In Brooklyn, NY, Pauline and Dr. Jacob Rosenblum gave birth to Morton Edgar Rosenblum who gained fame as “M. Edgar Rosenblum, an arts executive who helped steer the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven to prominence in the American theater landscape, developing work that traveled to Broadway and elsewhere and that won Pulitzer Prizes and Tony Awards along the way…” (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1933(10th of Tevet, 5693): Asara B'Tevet

1933: Birthdate of Warren Kenton, the London native who gained famed as Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, a leading teacher of Kabbalah who founded the Kabbalah Society which promotes the Toledano Tradition.

1933: A joint committee of the Federations of Yeshivoth and Talmud Torah meeting today at the Central Jewish Institute adopted a resolution calling for “the creation of a special education fund for the benefit of Jewish educational institutions by a small levy on religious articles such as candles as matzoths.”

1934(21st of Tevet, 5694): Serge Alexandre Stavisky passed away. Born in 1886 in the Ukraine, he was a French financier and embezzler whose actions created a political scandal that became known as the Stavisky Affair. In 1927, Stavisky was put on trial for fraud. However, the trial was postponed again and again and he was granted bail 19 times. Faced with exposure in December 1933, Stavisky fled. Today the police found him in a Chamonix chalet suffering from a gunshot wound.  Officially Stavisky committed suicide but there was a persistent speculation that police killed him. Alexandre Stavisky was buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery.

1935 Reinhard Heydrich announced that Konzentrationslager Columbia was to be adopted as the official name, in preference to Columbia-Haus by which the concentration camp founded in 1934 was to be known.

1936: It was reported today that “there are 10,000 adolescents between the ages of 15 and 18 years waiting in Germany to go to Palestine.”

1936: Today, Dr. Stephen S. Wise announced that “a national conference on Palestine” which is being supported by Dr. Israel Goldstein, Maurice Levin, Louis Lipsky, Morris Rothenberg and Nathan Straus will be held next month at the Willard Hotel

1936: Executive Secretary Louis Richman presented the annual report at today’s annual meeting of the Jewish Conciliation Court in the Federation Building after which Dr. Goldstein was re-elected President and Mrs. Rebeckah Hohut, Jacob Panken and Rabbi Moses H. Hyamson were elected vice-presidents.

1937: Eugene Wigner, the Jewish Hungarian American theoretical physicist and mathematician became a naturalized United States citizen.

1937: It was reported today that when David Ben Gurion testified before the Royal Commission in Jerusalem he “denied that Jewish rights clashed with the rights of Arabs,” pointed out that “the Jews were the first welcome the independence achieved by the Arab States of Iraq and Syria,” and reminded the commissioners that “while our national movement was busy with constructive work, the Arab nationals in Palestine were only busy with politics” and that “as soon as they also begin devoting their energies to constructive activities we can meet and assist each other.”

1938: It was reported today that police officers acting under orders from Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis, raided “the cultural section of the Canadian Labor Circle, a Jewish fraternal organization” and removed “eight hundred books of the 950 volume library maintained by the Jewish cultural circle” most of which, according to the organizations officers were “standard Yiddish classics.”

1938: “A Lucerne publishing firm, Vita Nova Verlag, announced today that its collection of speeches and official statements by President Roosevelt and former Premier Stanley Baldwin translated into German had been formally forbidden in Germany” because “the German government has declared this volumeunerwuenscht or undesirable a word commonly used in many German towns to describe their attitude toward Jews.”

1938: “As the Anglo-Italian short-wave radio war opens over the issue of Arabic agitation in Palestine, a rumbling threat of revolt spreads over the borders of France’s possessions in the Near East” specifically Syria and Lebanon.

1938: “Alfred M. Cohen of Cincinnati, the international president of B’nai B’rith, conferred with Secretary of State Cordell Hull today concerning the situation of Jews in Rumania”

1938: Today, in Berlin, “the Ministry of Education banned the teaching of Hebrew in Germany’s Gymnasia (junior colleges) where the subject had been optional.”

1939: In “Solution of Problem Must Be based on Present, Not Past,” published today Anne O’Hare McCormick writes that the one thing that is clear “is that it is impossible to go back twenty years to solve the present problem under the terms of the Balfour Declaration or the promises made to Sharif Hussein in the McMahon correspondence.”  Among the changed realities are “the 400,000 Jews now settled” in Palestine and their “push and energy” which “are transforming the country at an astounding rate.” She goes on to describe the modernizing impact the Zionists have had on Jerusalem, the growth of Tel Aviv which “is one of the most extraordinary boom towns on earth.”  Finally she cites the creation of the port at Tel Aviv by a “people without experience in seafaring or maritime commerce” when the Arab uprising deprived the use of the port a Jaffa.  The Arab response has been one of resistance.  Ironically, longtime residents of Palestine “find not only Palestine but also the Palestinians altered in the last five years (the period of greatest Jewish influx) than in the preceding century.” She concludes that the “Arab guerilla war is not independence” but for a halt to Jewish immigration even if this can only be accomplished with a prolongation of British rule.”

1939: Dr. William Jay Schieffelin, the chairman of the Citizens Union, today announced the formation of the Volunteer Christian Committee to Boycott Nazi Germany “whose members will not buy German goods, travel on German ships or visit German territory” which will “supplement the work of existing Jewish and non-sectarian agencies which have striven to develop and tighten the boycott” on the Hitler regime whose “persecution of Jews and Christians violates and threatens every principle which Americans…hold most dear.”

1940: The body of State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthaler, who passed away yesterday, lay in state today at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.

1941: In the TSN poll for the 1940 All-Star team for the American and National Leagues, the Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA) named Paul Derringer of the New York Giants as the Catcher

1943: “The Thin Man,” produced by Himan Brown, returns to the airways sponsored this time by General Foods.

1943: Eric Vogel petitioned the Kommandant of Theresienstadt Concentration Camp for permission to create an amateur band, “The Ghetto Swingers.” 

1943: In Philadelphia, PA, Debbie and Joseph Levin gave birth to Judy Rosenstein (nee Levin), the sister of Mitchell and David Levin, the wife of Larry Rosenstein and the mother of Danny, David and Joel Rosenstein who truly was an Ashit Chayil, “A Woman of Valor.” A devoted wife, loving mother, doting grandmother, faithful friend as well as daughter and sister extraordinaire, Judy is a gift to all who are fortunate enough to be part of her life.  “And her children called her ‘Blessed’.” 

1944(12th of Tevet, 5704): Eighty year old psychologist Joseph Jastrow passed away.

1944: U.S. premiere of “What’s Cooking Doc?” starring Bugs Bunny the cartoon figure given voice by Mel Blanc

1945: The Alois Mission, an Anglo-American intelligence unit investigating the progress of the Germans in creating an Atomic bomb departed Stasbourg today

1949: On the day following RAF intervention in the fighting between Israel and Egypt in which several British planes were shot down “British pilots were issued a directive to regard any Israeli aircraft infiltrating Egyptian or Jordanian airspace as hostile and to shoot them down, but were also ordered to avoid activity close to Israel's borders.”

1951: Today, Rabbi Naftali Landau, the son of a Hungarian rabbi, who led congregations Agudas Achim and Shmore Hadas in Chicago, married 19 year old Minnie Finkelstein.

1953: When Prime Minister Churchill and President Truman dined at the British Embassy, Churchill impressed Truman with his vocal support of Israel and his criticism of Egypt for closing the Suez Canal to ships bound for Israel. 1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that with the last piece of rock blasted away the new 88-km. Beersheba-Sdom road was opened. The road was expected to revitalize the Potash Works which had been inactive since the road north of the Dead Sea was cut during the 1948 war. Despite Israeli protests, Washington announced that it had no objections to the British plans to sell jet planes to the Arab states.

1953: Leo Lerman, the Jewish editor and writer for such glossy fashion magazines as Vogue, Mademoiselle and Vanity Fairhelped discover a new European singing sensation at the Le Fenice opera house in Venice by the of name Maria Callas.

1953: René Mayer becomes Prime Minister of France.

1954 In Los Angeles, premier of “The Great Diamond Robbery” directed by Robert Z. Leonard and filmed by cinematographer Joseph Ruttenberg.

1958: “Music World Corporation, an American music production and music publishing company” founded by “Academy Award-winning songwriter Robert Sherman” was incorporated today in the State of California.

1958: The filming of “Rock-A-Bye Baby” starring Jerry Lewis who also served as producer and with music by Walter Scharf and Sammy Cahn was completed today.

1959(28th of Tevet, 5719): Fifty year old Dr. Joseph Thon, the Polish native who “came to the United States from Geneva in 1941 where he was director of the office for Jewish refugees for two years” and pursued a career as an author writing in Polish, Hebrew and Yiddish while serving as “contributing editor of the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia” and “national director of the tourist department of the ZOA” passed away today in New York.

1959: Today, the day after Meyer Lanksy had fled from Cuba to the Bahamas, “Fidel Castro marched into Havana” taking over the country which among other thing put an end to the gambling empire Lansky had put together on the island for “the mob.”

1959(28th of Tevet, 5719): Seventy-three year old New York State Supreme Court Justice Albert C. Cohn passed away.  Unfortunately, for Judge Cohn, despite a distinguished career, he will be best remembered as the father of Roy Cohn.

1961: “Howie Carl scored 24 points to lead DePaul past Dayton 75-64” (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

1962(3rd of Shevat, 5772): Sixty-seven year old NYU trained attorney Samuel S. Pines “a founder of the law firm of Pines, Sterling and Sterling” and city Judge in Peekskill, NY passed away today.

1962(3rd of Shevat, 5722): Fifty year old English professor and poet Hyam Plutzik whose work made him a finalist for the Pulitzer prize and who was the husband of “the former Tanya Roth” with whom he had four children – Roberta, Deborah, Alan and Jonathan -  passed away today.

1966: Birthdate of Label Katz Award winner Brent Howard Novoselsky, the Skokie, Illinois, native who played tight end for the University of Pennsylvania before playing in the NFL with the Chicago Bears and Minnesota Vikings.

1969(18th of Tevet, 5729): In the week following the death of his wife Kathryn sixty-one year old “Davis Wahl” a retired highly decorated lieutenant of detectives, passed away today.

1969: “Mr. Freedom” a satire directed and written by William Klein was released in France today.

1971: Today’s Bulletin described the annual meeting of Congregation Shaar Hasyomyim of Montreal where Dr. Charles Solomon, the President of the Congregation described the shaky financial situation followed by the approval by the Board of Trustees of a special assessment to be paid by each member which would raise $350,000 to be applied against the structural indebtedness

1972: CBS broadcast the last episode of “Help!...It’s the Hair Bear Bunch” an “animated television series featuring the voices of Paul Winchell and Joe E. Ross.

1975(25th of Tevet, 5735): Richard Tucker passed away at the age of 61.  Born Reuben Ticker, he gained fame as a Cantor and as an operatic tenor.

1976: Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow was awarded the National Book Critics Circle Award.

1978(29th of Tevet, 5738):Rose Luria Halprin one of the foremost American Zionist leaders of the twentieth century who served twice as the national president of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, held key posts within the Jewish Agency at critical periods in the history of the Yishuv and the subsequent State of Israel passed away today.

1978: The Jerusalem Postreported from Washington the announcement made by US President Jimmy Carter that he was still opposed to the creation of an independent Palestinian state, as it could be used as a base for subversion against Israel.

1978: Terrorists injured three people in a grenade attack at a bus station in Jerusalem.

1978:Temple University trained M.D. Victor Jerome Teichner, the member of the United States Naval Reserve and Columbia University certified psychoanalysis who was President of the Society of Medical Psychoanalysts married Gail W. Berry today.

1978: Harvey Milk began serving as a Member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors from District 5.

1978: Isaiah Sheffer “wrote down his idea for a place he had decided to call Symphony Space, in part because that was the name of the theater and in part because its first event was a symphony concert.

After tens of millions of dollars raised and a decade of litigation, it became a complex of two theaters with a cafe, offices and a board directors.” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1979(9th of Tevet, 5739): Seventy-eight year old Zionist and educator Sara Feder-Keyfitz, the Milwaukee born daughter of “Benjamin and Shaine (Kumok) Feder and childhood friend of Golda Meir who was the wife of Professor Isidore Keyfitz passed away today in Jerusalem.

1980:Park East Synagogue designated as a New York City Landmark. The structure was built on New York’s Upper East Side in the last decade of the 19th century for a congregation led by Rabbi Bernard Drachman.

1982:As part of the breakup of AT&T, AT&T agreed to divest itself of twenty-two subdivisions. Judge Harold Greene, a Jew who fled Hitler’s German with his parents, presided over United States v. AT&T, the antitrust suit that broke up the AT&T vertical market monopoly on the telecommunications industry in the United States.

1983(23rd of Tevet, 5743): Susanna, the daughter of Miklós Nyiszli who described his concentration camp experiences in Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account, passed away today

1984 (4th of Shevat, 5744):In Netivot (southern Israel), Reb Yisroel Abuchatzeira, the Baba Sali passed away.  Rabbi Israel Abuchatzera known as "Baba Sali," was born in Tafillalt, Morocco in 1890, to the illustrious Abuchatzera family. From a young age he was renowned as a sage, miracle maker and master Kabbalist. In 1964 he moved to the Holy Land, eventually settling in the southern development town he made famous, Netivot. His graveside in Netivot will become a holy site visited by thousands annually.

1986, New York City teachers elected long-time teacher advocate Sandra Feldman president of the city's United Federation of Teachers (UFT).

1986: Sulayman Khatir, an Egyptian soldier who hadmachine-gunned a group of Israelis, killing three adults and four young children, on the dunes of Ras Burqa in1985, “was found dead in his prison hospital room hanging by a strip torn from a sheet of plastic”

1987(7thof Tevet, 5747): Seventy-eight year old New Yorker “Myron Prinzmetal, one of the first cardiologists to actively explore the link between diet and heart disease” passed away today.

1991: Four soldiers were injured when terrorists began throwing grenades at bus crossing from Jordan into Israel.

1991(22nd of Tevet, 5751): Harold J. Mason, a seller of rare books and a publishing company executive passed away today at the age of 64.Dr. Mason, a native of Brooklyn, held bachelor's and master's degrees from Emory University and a doctorate in library science form Columbia. He was with the Kraus Reprint Company before co-founding the Greenwood Press in Westport, Conn., in 1966. In 1973 he established a company in his own name in Norwalk, Conn., selling antiquarian journals and magazines. He is survived by his wife, the fomer Selma Werner; two daughters, Lori Reisman of Ventura and Dione Katz of Tel Aviv; a brother, Robert, of Washington and three grandchildren.

1991: Israel deported four Palestinians to Lebanon today, less than 24 hours after they had dropped their final legal appeals. The four, suspected of being leaders of an Islamic fundamentalist group in the Gaza Strip, were flown handcuffed and blindfolded to southern Lebanon, dropped off at the edge of Israel's self-declared security zone and then ordered to march north toward a Lebanese Army checkpoint. There they offered angry, threatening statements to waiting Lebanese journalists and then made their way to Beirut.

1992: Israel and China are expected to establish diplomatic relations for the first time during a trip by Foreign Minister David Levy to Beijing toward the end of the month, senior officials here said today. Although Israel was quick to recognize the People's Republic of China after the Communist revolution in 1949, the countries never developed diplomatic relations. But they have long had trade, scientific and other contacts that include arms sales by Israel to China that are said to total several billion dollars.

1995: At the Mark Beck Theater, after 1,143, the curtain came down on the Broadway revival of “Guys and Dolls” a Frank Loesser musical with a book by Abe Burrows.

1997(29thof Tevet, 5757): Eighty-five year old Chemistry Nobel Laureate Melvin Calvin passed away today.

2000(1stof Shevat, 5760): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

2001(1stof Shevat, 5760): Eighty-year old Martin Konigsberg the father of Allan Stewart Konigsberg, better known as Woody Allen, passed away today.

2001: Anthony Lewis “received the Presidential Citizens Medal from President Bill Clinton.”

2001: Jack Abramoff left Preston Gates to join the Government Relations division of the Washington, D.C. law firm Greenberg Traurig. “With the move to Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff took as much as $6 million worth of client business from his old firm, including the Marianas Islands account. At Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff recruited a team of lobbyists known familiarly as "Team Abramoff". The team included many of his former employees from Preston Gates and former senior staffers of members of Congress.”

2003: Today, Israeli forces killed a gunman in the Golan Heights, Israel Radio reported. The Israeli military said the man was killed and another was captured during a clash with armed men who were crossing into Israeli-controlled territory near the Syrian and Jordanian borders.

2003: Judith Steinberg Dean, who earned her MD from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University completed her service as the “First Lady of Vermont” when her husband Howard Dean completed his service as Governor.

2005: “Saving Jewish Children, but at What Cost?” published today described the reopening of “a raw debate on the World War II role of the Catholic Church and of Pope Pius XII a candidate for sainthood who has been excoriated by his critics as a heartless anti-Semite who maintained a public silence on the Nazi death camps and praised by his supporters as a savior of Jewish lives.”

2006: Pulitzer Prize-winner Ron Suskind, author of The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House and the Education of Paul O'Neill, was the special guest speaker at the United Jewish Community of Broward County's annual Major Gifts Event in Fort Lauderdale.

2006: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster, The Reason I Wont Be Coming: Stories by Eliot Perlman,Busting Vega$: The MIT Whiz Kid Who Brought the Casinos to Their Knees by Ben Mezrich and newly released paperback editions of Seven Types of Ambiguity by Ellot Perlman, The Speakeasies of 1932 and Hirschfeld's Harlem by Al Hirschfeld, Pragmatism, and Democracy by Richard A. Posner and  Amos Oz’s Tale of Love and Darkness a “richly layered memoir that chronicles the life of one of Israel's most acclaimed novelists. Tracing his ancestors back to 19th-century Ukraine, Oz weaves his family's history into the broader story of World War II, the rise of the Israeli state and the death of the socialist-Zionist dream. Oz returns often to his mother's suicide in 1952, when he was 12: the wound shapes his self-discovery and the story of how he became a writer.”

2007: New York magazine, published an article entitled “Mall Menorah Smackdown” which told the tale about “dueling rabbis struggling over who gets to spread the faith to newcomers in the gentrifying area around Atlantic Yards.” “A turf war has erupted between two Lubavitch rabbis claiming dibs on the rapidly gentrifying brownstone neighborhoods that surround it. In one corner is Rabbi Ari Kirschenbaum, who showed up in Prospect Heights three years ago to revive a decrepit Orthodox synagogue in the neighborhood, and recently opened what he has dubbed the Brooklyn Jewish Community Center in a donated space over a former laundromat. His rival is Rabbi Tali Frankel, who is backed by his wife’s powerful uncle, Rabbi Shimon Hecht of Park Slope.”

2008: “A scaled down London revival” of the Jerry Herman musica., “La Cage aux Folles, opened at the Menier Chocolate, in London.

2008(1st of Shevat, 5768):.  According to tradition 1 Shevat, 2488 marked the start of Moshe’s dissertations that compose the Devarim (Book of Deuteronomy). 

2008(1st of Shevat, 5768): Lieutenant General Moshe Levy, the 12th Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) passed away.  Born in Tel Aviv in 1936, he was person of Misrahi origin to serve as Chief of Staff. 

2009: As part of the Spiritual Journeys series, at the 92nd Street Y Rabbi Joyce Reinitz, the spiritual leader of the Society of Jewish Science in Manhattan and psychotherapist facilitates a noon time presentation styled  “Feminine Reflections on the Rhythms of Our Lives: Tevet—Illuminating the Miraculous.”

2009 (12th of Tevet, 5769):Two IDF officers and a soldier were killed today as the IDF penetrated deeper into urban centers in the northern Gaza Strip. Maj. Ro'i Rosner of the Kfir Brigade's Haruv Battalion was killed and another soldier was lightly wounded, when a Hamas man fired an anti-tank missile at them as they conducted searches near the Kissufim crossing into the Strip.Capt. Omer Rabinovitch, 23, of Arad, was killed in the close-quarter firefights in Zeitoun. Sgt. Amit Robinson, 21, a tank crewman from Kibbutz Magal, south of Baka al-Gharbiya, was killed by a sniper, also in northern Gaza. His parents made aliya from Argentina.

2009:Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired a barrage of at least 30 rockets at southern Israel today, just hours after the United Nations passed a resolution calling for an immediate truce between Israel and Hamas.

2009:Three Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon struck Nahariya, one of which slammed into a retirement home. Two people were lightly wounded.

2009: The comrades of Private David Sher, the 8thAustralian soldier killed in Afghanistan while fighting the Taliban, hung a Star of David above his casket as it was prepared to be sent to Melbourne for burial.

2010: Brit of Nathan Zachary Silber son of David and Rebecca Silber and grandson of Dr. Robert “Bob” and Laurie Silber, pillars of the Cedar Rapids Jewish community and all around great guys.

2010: An exhibition is scheduled to open at Ben Uri Gallery: The London Jewish Museum of Art that includes “Apocalypse,” the “a previously unknown 1945 gouache by Mac Chagall.”  Painted in New York, “Apocalypse shows a naked Christ screaming a Nazi storm trooper below the cross who has a backwards swastika on his arm, a Hitler-like mustache and serpentine tail.”  This is one more example of Chagall using “an image of a crucified Jesus…as a metaphor for persecuted Jewry

2010:Israel has taken the upper hand in a new kind of Mideast conflict, one in which bullets are replaced by chickpeas. Using a satellite dish on loan from a nearby broadcast station, chefs in Abu Ghosh today whipped up more than 4,000 kg. of humous, adding a Guinness world record to the Arab town's reputation for hospitality and harmony.

2011: The 10th Red Sea Classical Festival in Eilat comes to a close.

2011:Nadav Kohen is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah at Agudas Achim in Iowa City, IA.

2011:Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum who “fears that without pluralism, Israel will become ‘a state alienated from itself’” is scheduled to give two talks at Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex, Caldwell, NJ, entitled “Israeli Female Rabbis and the Challenges of 5771” and “Feminine Voices: Halacha and The Public Square.”

2011: As part of the 92nd St Y’s “Out of Israel Program” the following works are scheduled to be presented:

FAME, a work-in-progress - LeeSaar The Company

2280 Pints!, a work-in-progress - Neta Pulvermacher’s Neta Dance Company

Blink (2010) & 2 Kilos of Sea (2010) – Deganit Shemy & Company

A work-in-progress by Netta Yerushalmy

Blush (2009) and Wonderland (2010) – Andrea Miller’s Gallim Dance

Still Life with Seven Stories and a Woman (2010) – Michal Samama

Drang (2009) & a work-in-progress – Lior Schneior

2011:Representative Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords, Arizona’s first Jewish congresswoman,was in critical condition after being shot in the head.

2011(3rd of Shevat, 5711):Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, was killed in the mass shooting at Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's Congress on the Corner event. Zimmerman, a former social worker, was Giffords's director of community outreach and the organizer of the meet-and-greet event. Zimmerman was Giffords's point of contact for constituents in the district. It was a great fit: Zimmerman had a degree in social work, natural empathy and an extroverted personality, those who knew him said. Zimmerman was a Tucson native. He had worked for Giffords since her first campaign in 2006. He was engaged to marry a nurse and was an avid runner, friends said. Zimmerman had worked with Giffords since her first congressional race in 2006, the Arizona Daily Star reports, and his friends described him as having a natural talent at working with other people. Gabe Zimmerman in 2009 (Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans)He received a bachelor's degree in sociology from the University of California at Santa Cruz and a master's in social work from Arizona State University. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his father, Ross Zimmerman, step-mother Pam Golden, brother Ben Zimmerman, and fiancée Kelly O'Brien.

2011:Today four mortar shells fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza landed in a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, wounding three foreign agricultural workers – one of them seriously.

2011(3rd of Shevat, 5771): Eighty-two year old “Alexis Weissenberg, a charismatic Bulgarian-born pianist known for his thundering aggressiveness and rational detachment at the keyboard, and for his unapologetic defense of those traits in interviews” passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012(13th of Tevet, 5772): Eighty-one year old Joe M. Pincus passed away

2012: “Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg is scheduled to be shown at the Salisbury Film Festival at Salisbury University in Salisbury, MD.

2012: “Jewish Soldiers in Blue and Gray” is scheduled to be shown at the Mobile Jewish Film Festival in Mobile, Alabama.

2012: A display of Chanukah menorahs designed by Bronx-based silversmith Bernard Bernstein which has been part of the New York Historical Society’s Chanukah celebration is scheduled to come to an end.

2012: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Breakdown” by Sara Paretsky, “Henrich Himmler” by Peter Longerich, “Hitler’s Hangman: The Life of Heydrich” by Robert Gerwarth, “A More Perfect Heavan: How Copernicus Revolutionized the Cosmos” by Dava Sobel and “Kayak Morning: Reflections on Love, Grief and Small Boats” by Roger Rosenblatt.

2012:IDF soldiers captured close to a dozen pipe bombs at the Salem Crossing near Jenin in the northern West Bank today, thwarting what appears to have been a major terrorist attack, possibly against a nearby military court.

2012: The Jerusalem District Court today indicted five right-wing activists suspected of involvement in the so-called 'price tag' attack on the IDF's Ephraim Division military base last month

2013:Seth Chernoff is scheduled to have a discussion and signing of his new book Manual For Living: Connection, A User’s guide to the Meaning of Life at American Jewish University in Los Angeles.

2013: Three shorts – Reality Check, Martha Must Fly and Shalom – are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Seventieth anniversary of the birth of Judy Levin Rosenstein זיכרונה לברכה

2013: The Associated Press reported today that "the consensus now among some U.S. officials involved in the case is that despite years of denials, Iran's intelligence service was almost certainly behind the 54-second video and five photographs of Robert Levinson that were emailed anonymously to his family.

2013: Rabbis from the Rabbis for Human Rights-North America board are scheduled to deliver a copy of a letter,expressing concerns about settlement expansion in the E-1 Corridor to the Israeli Embassy in Washington today.  The letter contains the signatures of 720 Rabbis and rabbinical students.

2013: Sasson Barashy was found guilty of racketeering conspiracy and was sentenced to four and a half years in prison with credit for time served. He was also ordered to serve three years under supervised release after his release from federal prison.

2013: Traffic resumed in both directions of Tel Aviv’s main highway, the Ayalon freeway, this afternoon, hours after the road was closed along with other major arteries due to heavy rains that caused waters to rise near road-level.

2013:The Israeli Navy was sent into the coastal city of Hadera late tonight to help rescue residents stranded by massive flooding.

2014: Professor Steven Kennedy is scheduled to deliver a second lecture on “Leonard Bernstein: From Jewish Roots To Broadway” which looks at the legacy of the multi-talented musician whose Jewish identity was such that he conducted the symphony in Tel Aviv while Israel was fighting for its independence.

2014: “Wild West Hebron” and “Pulse” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “Protests by African migrants in Israel, unprecedented in their scope, continued for a fourth straight day today as about 10,000 people, many of whom came by bus from Tel Aviv, gathered at the Rose Garden in Jerusalem across from the Knesset.” (As reported by Spencer Ho)

2014: Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon “vehemently condemned extremist Jewish violence” known as price tag attackes of “terror.” (As reported by Stuart Winer)

2014: In a statement released to the Times of Israel today, Karen Lawrence, the President of Sarah Lawrence University spoke out against the American Studies Association boycott of Israel writing, “I oppose this boycott. Academic boycotts have the effect of stifling dialogue vital to academic freedom; indeed, Israeli academics themselves are crucial voices in debating the policies of their government. To declare their institutions barred from academic exchange unfairly curtails their academic freedom and limits the possibilities for dialogue to contribute to understanding, affect policy, and even change minds.” (As reported by Debra Kamin)

2014: Vivian Bercovici began serving as Canada’s ambassador to Israel.

2015: The Pears Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism is scheduled to host the second of day “Beyond Camps and Forced Labour.”

2015: In the UK, a conference hosted by the University of Kent that “seeks to examine the significance of topography of the Nazi concentration camps” which is part of the schools way to mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz is scheduled to come to an end.

2015: School was canceled in the Golan Heights, West Bank, and around Jerusalem today due to inclement weather

2015: “Schools in Jerusalem were set to open at 10 a.m. today amid a much-heralded winter storm that saw the capital receive a mere five centimeters of snow” yesterday.

2015: California Senator Barabara Boxner announced today that she will not run for a sixth term in 2016.

2015: “Authorities in Uruguay detonated what turned out to be a fake bomb found near Israel’s embassy in Montevideo, officials said today.”

2015(17thof Tevet, 5775): Sixty-five year old Bella Ostrovksy who operated the Ostrovsky Fine Art Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ with her husband Mossad agent and bestselling author Victor Ostrovsky passed away today.

2016: “A short-lived but powerful winter storm struck Israel on today, bringing with it torrential rain and tragic consequences after two people were swept away by the floods and killed.

2016: “Our Little Sister” and “Bridge of Spies” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Cinematheque.

2016: The week long Yiddish Language and Culture School at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton is scheduled to end today.

2016: The Texas Jewish Historical Society Winter Board Meeting is scheduled to open in Galveston Texas this evening with a Shabbat dinner at Temple B’nai Israel followed by services.

2016: Congregation Beth Tefillah in Scottsdale, AZ is scheduled to host “Mishpachti Mexican Shabbat.”

2016(27thof Tevet, 5776): On the Jewish calendar Yahrzeit of Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch.

 2017(10th of Tevet, 5777): Assarah be-Tevet

2017(10thof Tevet 5777): Today, “four IDF soldiers—three women and a man in their 20s—were murdered and 13 wounded when a Palestinian truck driver deliberately rammed into pedestrians on a popular promenade overlooking the walled Old City of Jerusalem”

2017(10thof Tevet, 5777):  Calendar Quirk – The anniversary of the birth of Judy Rosenstein (nee Levin) on the English calendar coincides with her Yahrzeit on the Jewish Calendar providing family and friends a prolonged chance to remember this ayshish chayil of the first order.

2017: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933-1949 by David Cesarani, Why?: Explaining the Holocaust by Peter Hayes, Steven Spielberg: A Life in Films by Molly Haskell, War Against War: The American Fight for Peace, 1914-1918 by Michael Kazin and Ernst Kantorowicz: A Life by Robert E. Lerner

2017: In Atlanta, GA, Helen Weingarten who along with four of her five sisters survived Auschwitz, is scheduled to tell her story as part of The Breman’s Bearing Witness Program.

2017(10thof Tevet, 5777): Eighty-six year old “arranger, producer and composer” Louis Isidore “Buddy” Bregman, the nephew of composer Jules Styne, passed away today.

2017: The exhibition — Jerusalem 1000-1400: Every People Under Heaven — is scheduled to come to a close at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

2018: The Jewish History Center is scheduled to present a lecture on “The Fate of Bulgarian Jews during the Holocaust” by Dr. Joseph Benatov who teaches at the Universit of Pennsylvania and was the recipient of the 2017 Fred and Ellen Lewis / JDC Archives Fellowship

2018: In Des Moines, Beth El Jacob Congregation is scheduled to conduct a Memorial for Rabbi Marshall and Shirley Berg.

2018: “FBI agents, accompanied by Israeli police officers, visited the Ramat Gan offices of the major binary options platform provider SpotOption” today as part of Washington’s investigation into “binary options fraud.”

2018: The Center for Jewish History, the Leo Baeck Institute and the YIVO Institute are scheduled to present the New York City premier of “Reversing Oblivion.”

2019: Beit Avi Chai is scheduled to host “a tribute to Sasha Argov, one of Israel’s greatest composers and a recipient of the Israel Prize.

2019: Two days after having met with Prime Minister Netanyahu, National Security advisor John Bolton is scheduled to meet with President of Turkey to explain the implications of President Trump’s announcement that American forces are pulling out of Syria immediately and that Iran can do whatever it wants to in Syria.

2019(2nd of Shevat, 5779): On the Jewish calendar yahrzeit of “King Alexander Yanni (Jannaeus)” who reigned “from 103 BCE to 76 BCE.”









This Day, January 9, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 9

638: As a result of the Sixth Council of Toledo that began today “King Chintilla decreed that only Catholics were permitted to live in Visigothic Spain.”

681: Erwig, the Visigoth King of what is now Spain convened the 12thCouncil of Toledo which would enact a variety of measures detrimental to the Jews living in Iberia.

1144: Pope Celestine II ordered the clergy to support the Knights Templar who seemed “to have had a complex relationship with the Jews” meaning “they certainly were not anti-Semitic – or no more than most people of the time” and were landlords to many Jewish merchants, fellow money lenders (though operating differently) to kings and princes and in England which meant they were responsible for holding the taxes levied specifically on Jews” – a reality that “could have created some antagonism between the Jews and Templars.” (As described by Tony McMahon)

1180:  Philip Augustus (the new king of France) arrested large numbers of Jews while his father, Louis VII, who tried to protect the Jews (though not always successfully) was still alive. All the Jews found in synagogue on the Sabbath were arrested. Philip agreed to free them for 15,000 silver marks.

1317: Coronation of Phillip V (Phillip the Tall) during whose reignthousands of Jews were killed in what is called “the Shepherd’s Crusade”

1324:  Explorer Marco Polo passed away. Marco Polo told of meeting Chinese Jews in his 1286 journey to China 

1349: On an island in the RhineRiver, seven hundred Jews of BaselSwitzerland were burned alive in houses especially constructed for that purpose. Their children were spared from the burning but were forcibly baptized instead. The first Swiss persecution of the Jews took place in Bern, where the Jewish community was accused of having murdered a Christian boy named Rudolf (Ruff). They were expelled from Bern but then allowed to return shortly after.

1522: Adrian VI, who as Adrian of Utrecht, headed the Inquisition from 1517 to 1522, was elected Pope today.

1554: Birthdate of Pope Gregory XV.Gregory strongly supported the censorship of Hebrew books by the Catholic Church. During his papacy, the Roman Inquisition appointed three different men to serve as “expurgators of Hebrew books.

1570: The Inquisition was established in Peru.

1779: During the American Revolution, Lewis Bush, a Jewish Philadelphia, became a 1st Lieutenant of the 6thPennsylvania Battalion.

1788: Connecticutbecame the fifth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Jews have been a part of Connecticut since colonial times.  The Pinto family was one of the most prominent during the Revolutionary War.  Solomon Pinto was one of four brothers who fought in the war. The wounded veteran was one of the original members of the Society of the Cincinnati, a Revolutionary War veterans’ organization.  Today Jews make up about 3 per cent of the state’s population and is home to the Hebrew High School of New England. Many people know the name of Joe Lieberman, the first Jew to run for Vice President on the ticket of a major national party.  To an earlier generation, the name Abe Ribbicoff was of equal importance.  At a time when Jewish national political leaders were still rare, Ribbicoff was by turn, governor, Senator and Secretary of H.E.W. under John Kennedy.

1796: In London, Jacob Abraham Mocatta and Rebecca Daniel Lousada gave birth to Esther Mocatta.

1810 (4th of Shevat, 5570): Rabbi Abraham of Kalisk passed away. Born in 1741, he was a controversial figure in the 3rd generation of Chassidic leaders. In his youth, he was a study partner of Rabbi Elijah "the Gaon of Vilna", who led the initial opposition against Chassidism; but later Rabbi Abraham himself joined the forbidden kat ("sect", as the Chassidic movement was derisively called by its opponents) and became a disciple of Rabbi DovBer, the Maggid of Mezeritch, the successor to Chassidism's founder, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov. After Rabbi DovBer's passing in 1772, much of the opposition to Chassidism was directed against Rabbi Abraham's disciples, who, more than any other group within the movement, mocked the intellectual elitism of the establishment's scholars and communal leaders; even Rabbi Abraham's own colleagues were dismayed by the "antics" of some of his disciples. In 1777, Rabbi Abraham joined the first Chassidic "aliyah", in which a group of more than 300 Chassidim led by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebskimmigrated to the Holy Land. Rabbi Abraham passed away in Tiberias on the 4th of Shevat of the year 5570 from creation (1810 CE).

1812 Birthdate of Liebmann Adler the German born rabbi who began serving as the leader of Chicago’s Ḳehillath Anshe Ma'arabh ("Congregation of the Men of the West") in 1861.

1818: Birthdate of French sculptor and photographer Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon.

1821: Birthdate of Senator William Sharon who left $5,000 to the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in San Francisco when he passed away.

1826: Heinrich Heine wrote today, "I am hated alike by Jew and Christian,""I regret very deeply that I had myself baptized. I do not see that I have been the better for it since. On the contrary, I have known nothing but misfortunes and mischances."

1827(10th of Tevet, 5587):Asara B’Tevet

1832: Eighty-eight year old “Moshe Yehuda bar Samuel” was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1843: Birthdate of Elizabeth Rose Cohen, oldest sister of famed musician Frederic Hymen Cowen.

1846: Four days after she was buried, 67 year old Hannah (Solomons) Levy, the wife of David Levy with whom she had had eight children, was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1848: Francis Arthur Goldsmid, the son of Frederick David Goldsmid and Caroline Samuel, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery”

1851: In Cayuga County, New York, District Attorney Theodore M. Pomeroy began presenting the state’s case in the trial of John Baham who is accused of murdering Nathan Adler, a Jewish peddler from Syracuse.

1856: Myer Jacobs married Matilda Nathan today.

1861: Mississippi which had significant Jewish communities in Natchez and Vicksburg became the second state to adopt an official declaration for secession which provided defense of slavery as one of the reason for this action.

1862: Philadelphian Leopold Hoffman began a three year enlistment with Company C of the 113th Regiment of the Twelfth Cavalry where he rose from the rank of Private to Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant.

1863: Lazarus Powell, the Senator from Kentucky who opposed Lincoln’s policies, delivered “a major speech on the Senate floor” calling for a resolution condemning General Grant, even though the General Order No. 11 had already been withdrawn and no Jews had actually been expelled as a result of it.

1863(18th of Tevet, 5623):Julius Lettman, died today of wounds fighting for the Union at the Battle of Stones River in Murfreesboro. He was buried at the Temple Cemetery in Nashville, TN the nine acres of which remain the primary place of interment for the Temple Congregation Ohabai Sholom—the city’s oldest.

1864: In Germany, Nathan Baruch Rothschild, the “son of Esther and Baruch Loew Rothschild” and his wife Sophie Rothschild gave birth to Bernhard Rothschild

1869: La Périchole, “an opéra bouffe in three acts by Jacques Offenbach” was performed in New York City for the first time today.

1870: In Cincinnati, OH, Raphael and Caroline Brerman Strauss gave birth Joseph Strauss, the husband of Ethelyn Annette Strauss with whom he raised their son Richard and who the the Chief Engineer for the construction of San Francisco’s Golden GateBridge.

1870: It was reported today that The Jewish Messenger is now in its fourteenth year of publication.

1872: In New York, Sigmund and Louise Mannheimer gave birth to University of Cincinnati graduate Jennie Mannheimer who gained fame as Jane Manner, the director of the Cincinnati School of Expression and director of the Drama Department of the Cincinnati College of Music “who spent more than a half century in seeking to improve the speech of Americans” and who was the sister of Edna B. Manner, Leo Manneimer and Eugene Mannheimer, a rabbi in Des Moines, IA.

1873: Emperor Napoleon III of France passed away. Jews played an open role in French society during the time dominated by Napoleon. Achille Fould served as minister and political advisor to the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte.  During the debate about the nature of the monetary system that took place during Napoleon’s reign the Pireire brothers (Sephardic Jews) favored paper money while Alphonse de Rothschild defended preservation of France's bimetallism system. In 1870, Napoleon’s French government granted the Jews of Algeria French citizenship. Among his mistresses was Elisa Rachel Felix, better known as Mademoiselle Rachel, the young Jewess who was one of the most prominent performers of her time. But Napoleon’s greatest impact on the Jewish people would be indirect.  His foolish war with Prussia resulted in the emergence of the German Empire, created the anger that would lead to World War I that then led to World War II.

1873:At the request of the Grant Administration, Abraham de Sola delivered opening prayer at the House of Representatives.  [For some strange reason we remember Grant’s unfortunate Order #10 while overlooking items like this.]

1873: Birthdate of Chaim Nachman Bialik.  Born in a Ukrainian village, fatherless at the age of seven, raised by a strict Orthodox grandfather, Bialik became the father of Modern Hebrew poetry.  While Herzl, Ben-Gurion and others were busy creating Zionism in the political sphere, Bialik was one of those giving birth to the Zionist dream in the field of culture.  When he began writing his poetry in Hebrew, it was still a language of the Bible - the holy tongue not to be used in modern parlance.  Bialik used Hebrew to express modern feelings and emotions, yet always tied back to his Jewish roots. He is variously described as the "poet laureate of the Jewish national movement" and "Israel's National Poet."   He gained early fame for his two poems written after the Kishinev Pogrom in 1903 - The City of Slaughter and On the Slaughter.  In his poems he attacked the mobs who had slaughtered the Jews.  But he also called upon the Jews to resist future attackers.  So powerful were his words, that they helped the modern Zionist movement develop its ethic of self-defense. According to some critics, two of his greatest poems are "MeteiMidbar" (Dead of the Desert) and "Megillat Ha'esh" (Scroll of Fire). He passed away in 1934 and his home in Tel Aviv was converted into a museum named in his honor.  

Bialik in his own words:

"Reading a poem in translation is like kissing a woman through a veil." 

"Each people has as much heaven over its head as it has land under its feet." 
"Say this when you mourn for me:

There was man -- and look, he is no more.

He died before his time.

The music of his life suddenly stopped.

A pity!  There was another song in him.

Now it is lostforever." 

1884: The Hebrew Technical Institute “was incorporated today by Leo Schlesinger, Gustavus A. Goldsmith, James H. Hoffman, Solomon Woolf, Jacob Korn, Otto Moses and Manuel A. Kursheedt.”

1886: Birthdate of Ida Kaganovich the native of Russia who as Ida Cohen Rosenthal became a co-founder of Maiden Form, the first company to make modern bras.

1878: During the Russo-Turkish War, the fourth and final stage of the Battle of Shipka Pass ended with a Russian victory.  According to three Russian Generals the Jewish soldiers demonstrated “dauntless courage…at the Shipka Pass. According to them, “in one instance, a call for twenty-five men to engage in a forlorn hope was answered by thirteen Jewish soldiers.”

1878: Ephraim Engelander married Fanny Harris today at the Great Synagogue.

1879: In Paris, American circus performer Edward de Forest and his wife, the former Juliette Arnold gavie birth to Maurice Arnold de Forest, who along with his younger brother Raymond would be adopted “by the millionaire Baroness Clara de Hirsch, née Bischoffsheim, wife of Jewish banker and philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch de Gereuth, and given the surname de Forest-Bischoffsheim.”

1887: President Hoffman presided over the annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute which was held today at Temple Emanuel.

1889: Approximately 300 children from the Hebrew Orphan Asylum are scheduled to see a performance of “Little Lord Fauntleroy” thanks to the generosity of Mr. Sanger who manages the Broadway Theatre.

1890: Birthdate of Berlin native Kurt Tucholsky, the German Jewish author who converted to Christianity.

1890: In New York City, Henry Scheuer, the “son of Henrietta and Emanuel Scheuer” and his wife “Sarah Schuer gave birth to “Bella Scheuer.”

1891: It was reported today that annual meeting of those supporting the Hebrew Technical Institute will be held in New York City next week.

1891: Birthdate of Joe Welling, the Chicago lightweight with a record of 26-18-5.

1893: It was reported today that 88.61% of the 3,159 patients who were admitted to Mt. Sinai Hospital last year were “treated gratuitously” meaning that only 11.39% were “pay patients.”  The hospital has treated 43,674 patients since its founding.

1893: It was reported that the Boy’s Yorkville Charitable Society, an organization started by a group of Jewish boys ranging in age from 11 to 15 had raised $160 through their various activities in 1892 which they had divided among various groups dedicated to helping the needy.

1894: Secretary Nathanial S. Rosenau was quoted today as saying that the work of the United Hebrew Charities “has a multiplicity of ends.”  To meet these ends requires having “a corps of mid-wives,” “25 physicians who give free treatment and free medicines” and seven clerks for an employment bureau that is “constantly busy” having found for employment for “500 persons in November and December.”

1894: It was reported today that the United Hebrew Charities is one of the agencies that will share in the proceeds from an upcoming benefit concert to be held at the Metropolitan Opera House.

1895: It was reported today that claims that the Pale has been abolished are “premature.”

1896: It was reported today that the Young Folk’s League of the Hebrew Asylum will hold its first social activity of the season next week.

1898: At the conclusion of the 14th annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute  which was held on the top floor of the Tuxedo Building at 59th and Madison, “it was announced that Mrs. Esther Herman” had given the school an unconditional gift of $10,000.

1898: “The dedication of the new home for the Young Men’s Hebrew Association at 861 Lexington Avenue which was a gift of Jacob H. Schiff took place this afternoon.”

1898: It was reported today that a corner lot on First Avenue in New York has been purchased for the use of an unidentified Jewish charitable institution.

1898: The band from the Hebrew Orphan Asylum is scheduled to perform at ball sponsored by the Ladies Aid Society at Congregation Ansche Chesed.

1898: It was reported today that J. Earnest G. Yalden, the Superintendent of the Bard de Hirsch Trade School in New York City presented diplomas to forty graduates of the school

1899: It was reported today that “the Court of Cassation” which is the court of last resort in France, “is convinced that Dreyfus was justly condemned.”

1899: Seven days after she had passed away Julia Baroness de Stern, the daughter of Aaron Goldsmid and Sophia Salomons and wife of “Herman Baron de Stern” with whom she had had four children – Alfred, Herbert, Emily and Laura – was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1899: Mrs. Esther Wallenstein, President of the Hebrew Infant Asylum filed a complaint at the Morrisania Police Court charging John Buchanan and Paul Beneson with trespass and disorderly conduct at the asylum’s building one 162ndStreet and Eagle Avenue

1899: It was reported today Professor Richard Gottheil of Columbia University delivered a lecture entitled “Palestine” at a recent function hosted by the Young Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s League of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society

1899: It was reported today that supporters of the Hebrew Technical Institute had raised $50,501.87 during the past year to support the institution.  Jacob H. Schiff made a special contribution of $5,000 which will help to meet the needs of boys who would have had to leave the school because of their impoverished circumstances.

1901(18th of Tevet, 5661): Eighty-four year old “German-French statistician and economist” Maurice Block passed away today.

1902: Birthdate of Rudolph Bing manager of the New York Metropolitan Opera.

1903(10th of Tevet, 5663): Asara B'Tevet

1903(10th of Tevet, 5663): Baron Henry de Worms (Lord Pirbright) passed away today.  Born in London in 1840, he was “third son of Solomon Benedict de Worms, a baron of the Austrian empire. He was educated at King's College, London, and became a barrister in 1863. As Baron Henry de Worms he sat in the House of Commons as Conservative member for Greenwich from 1880 to 1885, and for the East Toxteth division of Liverpool from 1885 to 1895, when he was created a peer. He was parliamentary secretary to the Board of Trade in 1885 and 1886 and from 1886 to 1888, and under-secretary of state for the colonies from 1888 to 1892. In 1888 he was president of the International Conference on Sugar Bounties, and as plenipotentiary signed the abolition treaty for Great Britain. He became a member of the Privy Council in the same year. He was a royal commissioner of the Patriotic Fund, and one of the royal commissioners of the French Exhibition of 1900. His works include: "England's Policy in the East" (London, 1876), "Handbook to the Eastern Question" (5th ed., London, 1877), "The Austro-Hungarian Empire" (2d ed., London, 1877), "Memoirs of Count Beust" (ib. 1887).In 1864 he married Fanny, daughter of Baron von Tedesco of Vienna, and in 1887, after her death, Sarah, daughter of Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips.” (As reported by the Jewish Encyclopedia)

1904: The New York Times featured a review of Zionism and Anti-Semitism by Max Nordau, Officer d' Academie, France, and Gustav Gotthell, Ph.D.

1906: It was reported today that public meeting in London had adopted two resolutions one of which was “proposed by the Bishop of Ripon” which expressed “the judgment that the outrages in Russia were an offense to civilization and a disgrace to humanity” and the other of which was “offered by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster” expressing “the hope that the Russian Jews might have rights in their country equal with their Christian fellow-subjects.”

1906: It was reported today that during his maiden speech in the U.S. Senate which was devoted to the policy concerning Santo Domingo, Senator Isidor Rayner digressed to express his support for “granting aid to the persecuted Jews in Russia” for which he “received applause and congratulations of Senators from both sides of the chamber.”

1907: Birthdate of Chicago native Harry Eugene Richman who played Guard for Central High School, the University of Illinois and the Chicago Bears.

1908(5th of Shevat, 5668): Abraham Goldfaden died at the age of 67. Born in 1840 in what was then part of the Russian Empire, Golfaden was a driving force in the Yiddish theatre during its golden period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  He was an author, composer (yes, there were musicals), director and producer.  He worked in several countries in Europe before settling in the United States for the last time in 1903.  He was the author of sixty theatrical works, some of which are enjoying renewed interest with the current renaissance of Yiddish Literature.  One of his early comedies was called Shmendrik "whose title-hero was the proverbial gullible, good-natured schlemiel.  The play was so popular, that the word Shmendrik became part of the Yiddish language and survives today in American slang.  The music for the famous Yiddish lullaby "Rozhinkes mit Mandlen," (Raisin and Almonds) is a product of one of Goldfaden's musicals. Goldfaden was so famous at the time of his death that he rated an obituary in the New York Times that referred to him as "the Yiddish Shakespeare," who was "both a poet and prophet."  Furthermore, wrote the Times, "…there is more evidence of genuine sympathy with and admiration for the man and his work than is likely to be manifested at the funeral of any poet now writing in the English language in this country."  We may not recognize his name today, but 75,000 people "attended his funeral procession that went from the People's Theater in the Bowery to WashingtonCemeteryin Brooklyn."

1908: In Little Rock, Arkansas, for the sum of $8,000 the Orthodox congregation purchased their own building at the corner of 8th and Louisiana. This was the first official home of Agudath Achim Synagogue. 

1909: CCNY’s basketball team led by Ira Streusand and Jacob Goldman defeated Lehigh. (As reported by Bob Wechsler.

1912: Rabbi Silber of Congregation Ahave Sholom is scheduled to address this year’s first meeting of the Ladies’ Society of the Maimonides Kosher Hospital at the Palace Theatre on Blue Island Avenue.

1913: Birthdate of Richard M. Nixon.  As the leader of the Right Wing of the Republican Party, Nixon was not popular with most Jewish voters.  While he did have Jews working for him (William Safire, Leonard Garment and Henry Kissinger) Nixon’s anti-Semitic comments are a matter of public record.  From the point of view of many of his Jewish opponents Nixon’s saving grace came when he came to the aid of Israelduring the darkest days of the Yom Kippur War.  Without his efforts, the IDF would not have received the material and supplies that were critical in defeating the Egyptian and Syrian sneak attack. (“No man is all good or all bad.  But sometimes you have to look real hard.”)

1913: Birthdate of Peter Hüppeler a member of the anti-Nazi resistance organization known as the Ehrenfeld Group who was hung for his efforts at the age of 31.

1915: “Concession To Poor Jews” published today described reports from the Ottoman Empire, that the government will temporarily waive the fees usually paid by those seeking citizenship to make it easier for foreign Jews to become Turkish citizens.”

1915: A cable sent from Alexandria, Egypt today by Kaplan, Levontin and Gluskin stated “United States battleship Tennessee and Italian steams have brought 1,500 more expelled destitute Jews from Palestine, also a number of American Jewish refugees.  More help urgently required, also funds to repatriate Americans.”

1915: In Brooklyn, “Yiddish novelist David Ignatoff and his wife gave birth to Daniel Ignatoff, the “husband of Rose Razel Shoshanna Jaffe and WW II veteran who served as “a civilian employee with the United States Military Government in German from 1946 to 1950” and for 12 years as “director of the budget service department of the Large Cities Budgeting Conference of the Council of Jewish Federations.

1915: “Jews In Russia Oppressed” published today provides a summary the statement from the Foreign Committee of the General Jewish Workmen’s Society in Russia “denying that conditions” for Russian Jews “have improved” charging “that conditions continue as before the war, and that no relief whatever has been given even to those the Jews who are fighting in the armies of the Czar.”

1916: Eighty-two year old Edward Levy-Lawson, 1st Baron Burnham, a British press lord whose power stemmed from his ownership of the Daily Telegraph, a paper bought by his father Joseph Moses Levy, passed away today.

1916: It was reported today that President Wilson has decided to accept the proposal by Congressman Adolph J. Sabath of Illinois and Congressman Henry M. Goldfogle to designate a day in January “as the date for collecting funds for the relief of suffering Jews in Europe.”

1916: In Chicago, the Knights of Zion Convention is scheduled to host a meeting of “junior organizations” that will contain “features” of interest “to the juniors and to the adults.”

1916: It was reported today that “the remarkable collection of works relating to Hebrew and Rabbinic literature that was gathered to by the late Dr. Alexander Kohut has been donated to Yale University by his son George Alexander Kohut, as a memorial to the famous preacher, author, scholar and Orientalist.”

1917: Today, in anticipation of the Jacob Schiff’s 70thbirthday celebration which will take place tomorrow “the Executive Committee of the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School…sent a message to congratulations to Mr. Schiff in the name of the 5,000 members and 700 pupils” signed by the President, Julius J. Dukas.

1917: British forces defeated the Turks at the Battle of Rafa on the border between Egypt and Ottoman Palestine.  The British victory was a prelude to the move of British forces into Palestineand other parts of the Ottoman Empire.  The British forces fighting in Palestine would include Jewish regiments.  The British victories would be critical to eventual implementation of the Balfour Declaration and the realization of Herzl’s dream.

1917: J. Walter Freiberg, Max B. May and Lipman submitted an “Amended Report of Committee on Revision Laws” to the “Executive Board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.”

1918: “Colonels who are to work under the direction of Felix M. Warburg, the President of the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies in the campaign for 50,000 members and a fund of $4,500,000 which starts” on January 14th met their  with their captains today and provided them with “instructions regarding their part in the drive.”

1918: “Behind Walls” by Henri Nathansen had its first performance in the United States at the German Irving Place Theatre in New York City.  The drama which was originally walled “Hinter Mauren” revolves around the marriage between a Jew and a Gentile.  Nathansen is a Dane.

1919: Rabbi Hyman Gerson Enelow who served “as a member of the Overseas Commission of the Jewish Welfare Board, which went to France in July, 1918” wrote today that “aside from his J.W.B. work, I am interested in a new effort knowns as the Comrades-In-Service” which “is an effort to capitalize the sense of fellowship the war has created” for which he was “preparing a syllabus of lectures on ‘Comradeship in American Life.’”

1920: The Federation of Jewish Philanthropic Society, the Ladies’ Auxiliary Society of the Montefiore Home and the Ladies’ Benevolent Society of Shaaray Tefila are among the organizations scheduled to participate in a “Joint Memorial Service in memory of the late Frances A. Cohen at the West End Synagogue.”

1921: “With the approval pf the Secretary for Foreign Affairs” and at the invitation of Field Marshall Allenby, Herbert Samuel “proceeded to Palestine with a view to advising on questions of administration and finance.”

1921: Birthdate of Holocaust survivor and leading gymnast Agnes Keleti who “won 10 Olympic medals in gymnastics, including five golds, for Hungary in the 1950s before defecting and emigrating to Israel.”

1921: In Chicago, Samuel Barab and Leah Yablunky gave birth to composer, pianist and cellist Seymour Barab, the younger brother of Oscar Barab.

1922: Birthdate of Hans-Josef Gumperz, the native of Hattingen, Germany who fled the Nazis and gained fame as linguist John Joseph Gumperz.

1922:Sir Edgar Speyer issued a statement responding to the report and rebutting the Home Office's Certificates of Naturalization (Revocation) Committee’s interpretation of the facts. He stated that he had been advised of the committee's investigation in 1919 and, after considerable delay by the Home Office, had persuaded it to carry out an investigation in America into allegations made against his conduct there. These investigations, he stated, had demonstrated that the allegations were false, but, after he returned to Britain for the formal hearing in 1921, a further series of allegations were presented regarding his business transactions. Speyer stated that the issues involved were of a trivial nature and were similar to those encountered by other British banks which had traded without censure. He stated that "the whole thing is neither more nor less than the culmination of years of political persecution. The Home Secretary simply dared not give me the vindication to which I was entitled." He challenged the government to publish the evidence presented, and "to point to a strip of material evidence that would induce any fair-minded man to support the monstrous conclusions of this report. 

1923: One day after he had passed away, 32 year old Louis Freeman, the Russian born son of Rhoda and Abraham Simon Freeman was buried today at the “Belfast Jewish Cemetery in Northern Ireland.”

1925: Birthdate of Gurion Joseph Hyman, a “Canadian Jewish Anthropologist, Linguist, Pharmacist, Composer, Artist, and Translator. Primary contributions have been (a) liturgical compositions for the Passover Haggadah and Sabbath prayer service, (b) translations into English as well as the setting to music of several internationally acclaimed Yiddish poets, (c) an (ongoing) project to write an etymological dictionary of Yiddish, and (d) proprietor of the second branch of Hyman's Book and Art Shoppe.”

1925: In Sulzburg, Germany, businessman Joseph Block and the former Toni Baum, both of whom died in concentration camps gave birth to “Erich Bloch, who helped develop the IBM mainframe computer that, more than any other machine, propelled the world into the digital age, and who then shepherded the internet into broader use as director of the National Science Foundation…” (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1926: Birthdate of Steven H. Scheuer, the native of New York who became a note “film and television historian and critic” and whose talented siblings included New York Congressman James H. Scheuer, Walter Scheuer, an investor and film producer,  Richard Scheuer, a scholar and philanthropist and Amy Scheuer Cohen

1927: “The Sunday Symphonic Society, founded and directed by Josiah Zuro gave the first of its free Sunday noon concerts of this season at the Hampden Theatre” today.

1927:  Houston S. Chamberlain passed away.  Born in Britainin 1855, Chamberlain eventually settled in Germanywhere his writings were quite popular.  Chamberlain was noted for his works about the Aryan Race and the superiority of German culture.  Chamberlain was popular with Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolph Hitler.  Hitler called him “The Prophet of the Third Reich.”

1927: In New York City, Jack D. Tarcher, an advertising executive, and Mary (Braeger) Tarcher, an attorney gave birth to Judith Tarcher who married Steve Krantz and became Judith Krantz the name under which she is known as one of the most prolific authors of her time whose works included Scruples, I'll Take Manhattan,Princess Daisy and Dazzle.

1928: Jewish immigrants Samuel and Dena Sachs gave birth to Louis Sachs, who followed in his father’s footsteps by graduating from Washington University in St. Louis and then going to work for Sachs Electric Co. before striking out on his to become chairman of Sachs Properties which earned him the sobriquet of the “father of modern Chesterfield” Missouri.

1929: In Antwerp, diamond merchant Morris Grosbard and the former Rose Tenenbaum gave birth to Tony Award nominated director and producer Israel “Ulu” Grosbard

1931: Premiere of “Her Majesty the Barmaid,” a German comedy directed and produced by Joe May with Otto Walburg playing the role of “Othmar von Wellington.”

1931: It was reported that jury trying to answer the questions as to “whether or not Horowitz Brothers and Margareten, Inc., of New York City and B. Manishewitz Company of Ohio constituted a combination in restraint of trade as charge by Rabbi Moses Weinberger, Inc.” was deadlocked with seven votes for the plaintiff and four for the respondent.

1932: Hyman Ginsberg led the Geneva basketball team to victory over the West Virginia Mountaineers.

1933: Henry Horner became the 28th Governor of Illinois today and the first Jewish Governor the state known as “the land of Lincoln.”

1933: It was reported today that “the creation of a special educational fund for the benefit of Jewish educational institutions by a small levy on religions articles such as candles and matzoth” could offset the effect of “the diminution of voluntary contributions.”

1934: Berlin lawyer and WW I veteran “Max Naumann, the “founder of Verband nationaldeutscher Juden (League of National German Jews),” today “argued for  “drawing a sharp distinction between "good" Jews like him and "bad" Jews like those immigrating from Eastern Europe.”

1935: The newly appointed national “kosher butcher’s code authority” whose members included New Yorkers “Charles Cohen, Emil Horn, Oscar Sitlanick, Isidore Molmud, Morris Harris, Abraham Avreen and Isidore Bitkin as well as “Hyman Schulman of Boston, David Goldberg of New Jersey, Isidore Aseann of Baltimore and David Solomon of Philadelphia” is scheduled to “meet at the Hotel Pennsylvania this morning…”

1935: Temple Rodeph Sholom Men’s Club is scheduled to host a lecture by Nathan Goldstein on “The Second Maccabiad.”

1936: The list of newly elected officers of the Jewish Conciliation Court of America published today included Dr. Israel Goldstein, President; Mrs. Rebeckah Hohut, Jacob Panken and Rabbi Moses H. Hyam, Vice Presidents; Louis Richman, Executive Secretary and Simon Bergman, Mark Eisner, Geroge Frankenthaler, Judge Jonah J. Goldstein, Samuel Levy, Judge Jacob Panken, Isidor S. Schweitzer, Julius Schwarz, Max D. Steuer and Sol Tekulsky, Directors.

1936: It was reported today that more than 61,000 Jews from Europe “were absorbed in Palestine in 1935.”

1936: Sir Herbert Samuel and Simon Marks who are sailing on “special mission to the United States in connection with the increasing difficulties of the Jews in Germany” next week authorized a statement saying that “the object of the mission to the United States is exploratory” and that “the delegation will seek to take counsel with all sections of those interested in America with a view to the preparation of a scheme to promote the emigration of Jews from Germany” which includes assisting the emigrants in starting new enterprises and finding occupations “in their new homes.”

1936: As part of the ongoing celebration of her 75thbirthday, Henrietta Szold “received New York’s official greeting” today “from Mayor La Guardia” who addressed her as “a distinguished citizen of the world” who “was a pioneer in the movement of educating immigrants” which has led to them “holding places of responsibility in the business, industrial, financial, scientific and governmental worlds.”

1937(26th of Tevet, 5697): Parashat Vaera

1937: On Shabbat, Rabbi Samuel Goldenson is scheduled to give the sermon this morning at Temple Emanu-El

1937: At the West End Synagogue, Rabbi Hyman Schachtel is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The Place of Youth in the Synagogue.

1937: Rabbi William F. Rosenblum is scheduled to deliver the sermon this morning at Temple Israel.

1937: On Shabbat, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise is scheduled to deliver the sermon at the Central Synagogue.

1937: Birthdate of Handball Champion Paul Haber.

1937: “The Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Rights, Inc.” today opened “its active campaign to boycott the proposed heavyweight championship bout between James J. Braddock and Max Schmeling” the leading boxer in Nazi Germany.

1938: In Rochester, NY, at a meeting of up-state New York Jews, Leon Gellman, the national president of Mizrachi “announced ‘a fight to the bitter end’ against the partition proposal, declaring that world Jewry” holds Great Britain to honor the promises made in the Balfour Declaration.

1938: The Palestine Postreported on various shooting incidents in Jerusalem, Kalkilya and Nablus. A delegation of Polish Jews met the British ambassador in Warsawand expressed their anxiety over the reports that a permanent minority status for the Jews in Palestine was under consideration. Similar fears were expressed in a telegram sent by the French section of the Jewish Agency to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

1938: This morning at Temple Rodeph Sholom, Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin, the former national president of Hadassah, said “Al of German Jewry knows that whether Hitler stays or not they are doomed as a group in Germany

1938: In “Palestine Modernized” published today George Brandt describes Tel Aviv as being the “most spectacular of the modern achievements in Palestine.” With a population of well over 100,000 “the world’s newest city is also its most modern.”  As Brandt “rode through Tel Aviv’s well-paved streets” he “felt as though” he “were in the world of Well’s ‘Things To Come.’”  He concludes that “the greatest enemy of young reborn Palestine is the desert.  Will be be pushed back by the new forces or will it in years to come be the eventual victor.

1939: As of today, “many Jews who have lost their jobs as a result of the Nazi campaign have turned to snow sweeping in Vienna” have “asked for night-hour assignments because they did not wish their former non-Jewish colleagues to see them working on the streets.”

1939: Associate Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis, the 82 year old member of the Supreme Court who has been serving on the bench since 1916, “was absent from the bench today and confined to his home with the grippe.”

1939: Sergio Spadoni of Libero, Italy was expelled by the Fascist Party in Italy “for giving through untimely expressions obvious signs of exaggerated sympathy for Jews” and “Mario Schivi, one of the leaders of the” Fascists in Trieste “was expelled from the party for “connection with an affair involving a Jew.  (Editor’s note: So much for claims that Mussolini and his Fascists were not anti-Semites)

1940: A throng of 2,500 people attended the funeral of State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Fankenthaler which was held this afternoon at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.  Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson and Cantor Moshe Rudinow officiated at the service.  Senator Robert Wagener delivered the eulogy. New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia and former Governor Al Smith, who were honorary pallbearers, were among the many dignitaries who attended the service.

1940: At a luncheon hosted by the American Booksellers Association, Lillian Hellman said, “I am a writer and I am also a Jew. I want to be quite sure that I can continue to be a writer and if I want to say that greed is bad or persecution is worse, I can do so without being branded by the malice of people who make a living by that malice. I also want to be able to go on saying that I am a Jew without being afraid of being called names or end in a prison camp or be forbidden to walk the street at night.”

1941(10th of Tevet, 5701): Asara B'Tevet

1941: The Jews of Warsaw were forbidden to greet a German in public. 1941:  Six thousand Jews exterminated in a pogrom in Bucharest, Romania

1941: Nazi police break into a house in the Warsaw Ghetto, force the women inside to undress, and prod their breasts and genitals with pistols.

1941: Adolf Hitler officially abandoned the planned invasion of Great Britain.  This meant that the Jews of Great Britain would be spared the horrors of the Holocaust.  Unfortunately for the Jews of the Soviet Union, this meant that the Nazis would turn their time and attention to the invasion of that country which would take place in June of 1941. 

1942: The Nazis deported 1,000 Jews from Theresienstadt and sent them to Riga. Only 102 would survive the war.

1942:  The Nazis took 1,000 Jews from Klodaw to Chelmno and gassed them to death.

1943: Jews in the Netherlands are no longer allowed to have bank accounts. Instead, all Jewish money is put into a central account.

1943: Germans apprehend, torture, and kill 20-year-old Jewish partisan Emma Radova.

1943: The British magazine New Statesman urges that Jewish refugees be allowed at least temporarily into all nations, including 40,000 more into Palestine.

1943: In Germany, clothing taken off of the dead Jews were given to the German People's Winter Aid Campaign. The group complained that the clothes were soiled and stained with blood. Furthermore, the Jewish stars had not been removed.

1945: “Welterweight Maxi Berger of Montreal” gained his 14th consecutive victory at the Broadway Arena in Brooklyn. (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

1947: “Street Scene” an opera based on the Pulitzer Prize winning play of the same name by Elmer Rice with music by Kurt Weill opened at the Adelphi Theatre.

1948: As the siege of Jerusalem continues, a British police driver was killed when his armored car hit an Irgun roadblock.

1950: The government of Israelrecognizes the People's Republic of China

1951 In the Negev, founding of Kfar Yeruham which became the modern town of Yerhum in 1962. “Yeruham is the site of Tel Rahma, dating back to the 10th century BCE. On the outskirts of Yeruham is an ancient well, Be'er Rahma (באר רחמה). Some archeologists have identified it as the well where the biblical Hagar drew water for her son Ishmael.”

1951: Shlomo Zalaman Shragai, a member of the National Religious Party was chosen as Mayor of Jerusalem.  This marked the end of the public career of Daniel Auster, “who was known as the ‘first Hebrew mayor of Jerusalem.’”

1953: Lavrentiy Beria, the Chief of the NKVD pushed to have the “Doctors’ Plot” an imaginary conspiracy of Jewish doctors to murder Soviet leaders made public to cover his own political problems.

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported extensively on the bitter dispute raging between the Mapai and Mapam factions at Kibbutz Ein Harod. Members of the respective parties came to blows and only police arrival saved the kibbutz, already suffering from economic demise, from extensive damage. Henry Byroade, of the U.S. State Department, invited all Arab states to join the newly created Anglo-American Mediterranean Defense Alliance.

1954: In Canada, Richard David Messing, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Messing, is scheduled to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at Adath Israel Synagogue.

1955: In Cardiff, Wales, founding of the Penylan Congregation on Ty Gwyn Road.1956:  Abigail Van Buren's "Dear Abby" column appeared for the first time

1957: Jacob K. Javits completed his term as New York State Attorney General.

1957: In case of Jew follows Jew, Jacob K. Javits begins serving as U.S. Senator filling the seat that had been held by Herbert H. Lehman.  Javits was a Republican. Lehman was a Democrat.

1957: British Prime Minister Anthony Eden resigned, citing health reasons.  The real reason Eden resigned was because of the failure of his policy in the Middle East.  He had sought to unseat President Nasser of Egypt by joining with the French and Israelis in the Suez Campaign of 1956.  During the 1930’s, Eden had been one of the few English politicians who saw the threat that Hitler posed to the peace of Europe.  At the same time, according to some, Edenwas one of those who opposed any attempts to rescue the Jews of Europe once the war had begun.

1959(29th of 5719): Eighty-one year old Dr. Adler Fleisher, “one of the most influential and important musical philanthropists of the 20th century” who established the Symphony Club in 1909” passed away today.

1959: New York Mayor Wagner is scheduled to be one of the pallbearers at the funeral of “former Justice Albert Cohn”, the husband of Dora Marcus Cohn and the father of McCarthy Committee Counsel Roy Cohn which is being held at the Park Avenue Synagogue in Manhattan.

1961: Fifty-three year old Estonian native Samuel H. Shapiro, the University of Illinois trained attorney and Brother of AEPi began serving as the 38th Lieutenant Governor of Illinois today.

1961: Emily Greene Balch passed away.  Balch was the first Quaker to win the Noble Prize for Peace.  She won in 1946.  One of those who nominated her was Judah Magnes of Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  “During the 1930s she aided Jewish refugees fleeing persecution in Nazi Germany. Initially she opposed WWII because she opposed all war in general, but she supported USentry into the war in 1941. Balch saw Nazism as the personification of evil and a threat to humanity that had to be stopped.”

1963: Art Modell, the Jewish owner of the Cleveland Browns, fired coaching legend Paul Brown today.

1965(6th of Shevat, 5725): Parshat Bo

1965(6th of Shevat, 5725): Fifty-three year old Harry C. Friedman passed away today.

1965: The version of  “This Diamond Ring” a song written by Al Kooper and Irwin Levine recorded by Jerry Lewis and the Playboys was ranked #101 by Billboard while the Sammy Ambrose version ranked #117 in an unusual dual listing on the pop charts.

1966: “The Mad Show” a musical revue based on Mad Magazine with lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and music by Stephen Sondheim opened off-Broadway at the New Theatre with a cast that included Linda Lavin.

1970: Terrorists hijacked a TWA plane traveling from Paris to Beirut

1970: Birthdate of Jeff Kent who “played center at the University of Rhode Island from 1988 to 1992” before playing with “Maccabi Netanya and Maccabi Rishon Le Zion as well as the Israeli National Team.

1972(22nd of Tevet, 5732): Eighty-one year old Hanoch Albeck, the son of Shalom Albeck, the father of Professors Michael Albeck and Shalom Albeck and the father in law of Yoseph Aryeh Bachach z”l, who was “one of the foremost scholars of the Mishna”, a professor of Talmud at Hebrew University in Jerusalem passed away today.

1972: Herb Klein began serving as a member of the New Jersey General Assembly from the 35th Legislative District.

1973: Four Arab terrorists were arrested in Cyprus thwarting a planned attack on ships scheduled to arrive in Haifa.

1974: The National Council of Jewish Women pledged to work to help Syrian Jewry, calling Syria's acts against the Jews as "…degradation and inhuman restrictions."

1975: Birthdate of Konstantin Gessen the native of Moscow who moved to the United States in with his in 1981 who gained fame of novelist and journalist Keith A. Gessen whose first novel All the Sad Young Literary Menwas published in 2008.

1976: Eight people were injured in a bombing at supermarket in Jerusalem.

1976: Herb Klein completed his service as a member of the New Jersey General Assembly from the 35th Legislative District.

1977: NBC is scheduled to broadcast a three-hour long made for television movie based on the Raid-on-Entebbe starting at approximately 8 pm eastern time following the completion of the Super Bowl.  Peter Finch will play Prime Minister Rabin and Yaphet Kotto will play President Amin.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Prime Minister Menachem Begin warned Egyptthat Israel might rescind the peace proposals giving all the Sinai back to Egyptif Cairo did not permit Israeli settlements to remain there. In that case, Begin added, Israelcould demand territorial changes in 1967 borders. The cabinet, however, declared that there would be no more any new settlement activity in Sinai.

1979: The Supreme Court rendered a decision in Duren v. Missouri, the last case which Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued before the High Court.

1989: Baron MIshcon (Victor Mishcon) began serving as Shadow Lord Chancellor

1990 (12th of Tevet, 5750):Shlomo Pines passed away. Born in 1908, he was a scholar of Jewish and Islamic philosophy, best known for his English translation of Maimonides'Guide to the Perplexed.

1991: Egyptian newspapers reported today that President Hosni Mubarak warned Israel this week to stay out of the conflict, saying he would revise his policies on the crisis if Israel became embroiled.Mr. Mubarak's comments reflected worries in many Arab countries that Israeli military involvement could transform the crisis into an Arab-Israeli dispute, splintering the anti-Iraqi Arab coalition. Egypt is the only Arab country formally at peace with Israel. "We will not permit an Israeli involvement, or a military involvement in the gulf crisis," the Egyptian leader told a gathering of writers and intellectuals, according to newspaper reports and people at the gathering. "I do not think Israel would get involved, but if it did, Egypt would take a different position."

1991: Stephen M. Saland began serving as “a member of the New York State Senate” today.

1992: The French weekly Paris Match reported today that the second and final autopsy on the body of Robert Maxwell showed numerous bruises, indicating that the British publisher was probably beaten before his death. But that conclusion was disputed by one of the pathologists who conducted the autopsy in Israel..

1992: In “For Young Readers, Picasso Not Bunnies” published today, Trish Hall describes the wacky, wonderful world of Maira Kalman, the Tel Aviv native who has become a popular  children's book author and illustrator whose fans include a growing number of adults.

1992: Conservative columnist William Safire’s wrote a column entitled “Strongly Condemn” in which he took issue with the increasingly hostile policy the Bush is administration is pursuing towards the state of Israel.

1993: After 76 performances, the curtain came down on the London production of Stephen Sondheim’s “Assassins” which had opened at the Donmar Warehouse in October of 1992.

1995: Gonen Segev replaced Moshe Shahal as Minister for Energy and Water Resources.

1995(8thof Shevat, 5655): Fifty-nine year old Monte H. Goldman “a real estate developer, civic leader and philanthropist from Oklahoma City passed away today in Aspen, Colorado.

1996: “The first Truman Capote Lifetime Achievement Award in Literary Criticism, worth $100,000 and given by the author's estate, was awarded today to Alfred Kazin” who “helped make American literature a subject of serious study with his first book, On Native Grounds, published in 1942…”

1996: Tony Bullimore, who was clinging to “a rigid-hulled inflatable boat” from the capsized Exide Challenger, was rescued by crew members of the HMAS Adelaide. Bullimore was a Sephardic-Jewish yachtsman born at Bristol before the start of WW II.

1997:Opening day of the Red Sea International Music Festival.  In what the sponsors call a move to foster peace in the Middle East, the Festival, for the first time will take place, in both Israel and Jordan. The orchestra and chorus of the Kirov Opera of St. Petersburg under Valery Gergiev will take part, playing in Eilat, the southernmost city of Israel, and in Aqaba, Jordan, which is within walking distance of Eilat at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba. In Eilat, on the first day of the four day festival, the orchestra and chorus will offer the Verdi Requiem with Sharon Sweet, soprano; Marina Tarasova, mezzo-soprano, and Sergei Alexashkin, bass, as soloists.

1999: NFL referee Jerry Markbreit “worked his final game today” when the San Francisco 49ers came to Atlanta to play the Falcons. (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

2001: Richard “Lewis visited The Howard Stern Show to promote his book The Other Great Depression, which described his recovery from alcoholism.”

2001: “A previously undisclosed letter mailed from New York” today “to the west Los Angeles Police Station titled ‘Possible motive for Susan Berman murder’ said Berman suspected Robert Durst was involved in his wife’s disappearance and specified that Durst was planning to visit Berman in late December’ of 2000,” the month and year in which the daughter of the Jewish mobster David Berman was murdered.

2002:Susie Orbach: Why fat is still a feminist issue” published today provides a review of On Eating

2003:Amid reports of illegal activity by Prime Minister Sharon coming on the eve of Israeli election Haaretz is scheduled to publish a report today stating that Likud, which had once been projected to win 40 of the 120 seats in the election for Parliament on Jan. 28, now seems likely to win only 27, while the Labor Party could get 24. 

2003:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel has rebuffed Prime Minister Tony Blair's personal appeal to reconsider Israel's decision to keep Palestinian negotiators from attending a British-sponsored conference in London next week, officials said today. The Israeli decision was the result of terrorists attack in Tel Aviv on Sunday that has claimed the life of at least 22 Israelis.  Groups allied with Chairman Arafat have taken credit for the attack.

2003: Tonight Prime Minister Sharon held a nationally televised news conference to assert that he was a victim of an ''attempt to seize power through lies.'' About 10 minutes into his speech, the chairman of the Central Elections Committee, Mishael Cheshin, ordered Israel's three television channels and two radio stations to halt their broadcasts. Seventy-nine year old

2004(15th of Tevet, 5764):Seventy-nine year old Nissim Ezekiel, an Indian born “Jewish poet, playwright, editor and art critic” who was a major cultural force in post-colonial India passed away today.

2004: In “Survival Strategy” published today Tibor Fischer reviews Nine Suitcasesby Béla Zsolt, “Hungary’s finest contribution to Holocaust writing” which “is not a book for the squeamish.”

2005: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback edition of And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frankby Steve Oney.

2006:  The Wolf Foundation announced today that an American, an Israeli and an Italian will receive prestigious Wolf Prizes this year. The prize which is to be awarded in a Jerusalem ceremony in May will be shared by Ada Yonath, a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, and George Feher, a professor at the University of California, San Diego, the foundation said in a statement. Also, Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto will receive the 2007 Wolf Prize in the arts. Each prize is worth $100,000.

2006 (9 Tevet): Yahrzeit of Ezra Hasofer and Nechemia.

2006 (9 Tevet): Yahrzeit of Rabbi Ezra HaNavi, Tosafist, Kabbalist, Teacher of the Ramban.

2007: An 18 month long U.S. tour of Lerner and Loewe’s Camelot began today.2008: George W. Bush made his first trip to Israel as President of the United States.  Arabs responded with a series of rocket attacks from Gaza.

2008: The first episode “The Jewish Americans” airs on PBS.  The three episode series traces the history of the Jews in America starts with the arrival of the first 23 Sephardic Jews in New Amsterdam in 1654 and “ends with Maisyahu, the Chasidic hip-hop star, one of about six million Jews in America today.”  2009: Lillian Hellman’s “The Little Foxes” opens at the Shattered Globe Theatre.

2009: Dutch Jews are scheduled to hold a rally at The Haguein support of Israel.

2009:After a relatively quiet night, Palestinians in Gaza resumed rocket fire on the western Negev this morning. Four Palestinian rockets struck the city of Ashkelon, according to Israel Radio. Three Israelis were injured lightly, and 19 were treated for shock. One of the injured sustained shrapnel wounds while the other two were wounded by the impact of the rocket explosions. One rocket directly struck a four-story home while another hit near a residential building, Israel Radio reported. Magen David Adom ambulances evacuated the wounded to BarzilaiMedicalCenterin Ashkelon. Earlier in the day, six Qassam rockets struck open fields, resulting in no injuries or damage.

2010(23rdof Tevet, 5770): Jews all over the world begin reading Shemot, the Book of Exodus.

2010(23rdof Tevet, 5770): Sixty-four year old Israeli filmmaker Nadav Levitan and the husband of singer Chava Alberstein passed away today at Petah Tikva

2010:Adas Israel hosts the Winter Swing Dance featuring Swing Speak and a free dance lesson with Tom and Debra of www.gottaswing.com, Washington, DC's most popular swing dance instruction & Promotion Company.

2010: “The Kosher Cheerleader” starring Sandy Wolshin, the former Oakland Raider Cheerleader who converted to Orthodox Judaism, in an autobiographical one woman show opens in Phoenix, AZ.

2011: The Greater Washington Forum on Israeli Arab Issues is scheduled to present a program entitled “Arab Citizens of Israel -- Challenges and Opportunities: A Community Education Day” at the Washington DCJCC.

2011: In Iowa City, the Sisterhood of Agudas Achim is scheduled to host a Wine and Tapas Party complete with an auction and door prize.

2011:Israeli choreographer Deganit Shemy is scheduled to bring together a group of colleagues for an afternoon of solos and an excerpt of Shemy's recent work at the 92nd Street Y in NYC.

2011(4th of Shevat, 5771): Fifty-nine year old “Debbie Friedman, a singer and songwriter whose work — which married traditional Jewish texts to contemporary folk-infused melodies — is credited with helping give ancient liturgy broad appeal to late-20th-century worshippers, died on today in Mission Viejo, Calif.”(As reported by Margalit Fox)

2011: Israeli bulldozers demolished the Shepherd Hotel today. It had originally been built in the 1930s as a villa for Haj Amin al-Husseini, then the grand mufti of Jerusalem, who notoriously aligned himself with Hitler. The building, which has sentimental value to some Arabs, was removed as plans were being carried out to building a new housing project in the eastern section of Jerusalem.

2011: According to reports published today,Rabbi Stephanie Aaron, who in 2007 officiated at the wedding of Ms. Giffords and Capt. Mark E. Kelly and who leads Congregation Chaverim in Tucson, said the congresswoman had never expressed any concern about her safety.”

2011: Prosecutors accused Jared Lee Loughner…of five serious federal charges today including the attempted assassination of a member of Congress, for his role in a shooting incident that left 20 people wounded, six of them fatally, yesterday morning.  According to court documents filed in the United States District Court in Phoenix, the authorities seized evidence from Mr. Loughner’s home showing that he had planned to kill Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona’s only Jewish member of the House of Representatives. Ms. Giffords, a Democrat, remained in critical condition at University Medical Center in Tucson today. Her doctors said she was able to respond to simple commands, and they described themselves as “cautiously optimistic.”

2011:More than 100 people crowded into a special healing service for Representative Gabrielle Giffords at Congregation Chaverim, where she was married three years ago, for a tearful ceremony. Ms. Giffords’s rabbi, friends and admirers gathered to pray for a swift recovery and to honor a woman many described as an inspiration.

2011:A US Department of Homeland Security memorandum reportedly notes the fact that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is a Jew may have a factor in the motives of the Arizona congresswoman's alleged assailant. FOX News, reporting on the memorandum it obtained tonight, said that “strong suspicion is being directed (sic) at American Renaissance,” an organization the shooter Jared Loughner referenced on the Internet, and said that federal law enforcement authorities are investigating Loughner’s possible links to American Renaissance.

According to the memorandum, American Renaissance is “antigovernment, anti-immigration, anti ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti-Semitic." The memo notes that Giffords is the first Jewish woman elected to high office in Arizona. Investigators are also pursuing Loughner's alleged anti-Semitism. American Renaissance leaders said in a posting on their website Sunday that Loughner had never subscribed to their magazine, registered for any of the group's conferences or visited their Internet site. Giffords was first elected to Congress in 2006, and made her Jewish identity part of her campaign. “If you want something done, your best bet is to ask a Jewish woman to do it,” Giffords, a former state senator, said at the time, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported. “Jewish women -- by our tradition and by the way we were raised -- have an ability to cut through all the reasons why something should, shouldn’t or can’t be done, and pull people together to be successful.”

2011(4th of Shevat, 5771):Benny Hesse, 67, director of a chevra kadisha (communal burial society) in Haifa for more than 20 years, was shot to death outside his home today by several attackers in a killing that some have speculated may have been related to internal disputes among burial groups over allocation of burial plots. Burial society organizations throughout Israel held a brief strike two days later in protest of the shooting. Hesse managed Haifa's Ashkenazi burial society, taking over the position from his father. Hesse had been commander of an Israeli army burial unit and had retired as a lieutenant colonel. Science and Technology Minister Daniel Hershkowitz, a Haifa resident and friend of Hesse, described him as "level-headed, humorous and kind." Friends told Israeli media that Hesse was accepted by different religious groups in Haifa, but he lost an eye in an acid attack in 2006 and his house was set on fire. Rabbi Yisrael Rosenthal, chairman of burial groups in Haifa, said Hesse had cleaned up corruption in Haifa, which angered some. "The problem is that all is lawless in this country," Rosenthal said. This is what he tried to prevent, and maybe that's the reason this all happened."

2011: “Episodes” “a British/American sitcom created by David Crane” who also wrote the scripts premiered today on Showtime in the United States.

 2012: The Ronen Shmueli Jazz Quintet is scheduled to perform at Beit Avi Chai.

2012: Cecile Kuznitz is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “The History of YIVO” that “will consider YIVO’s educational initiatives such as the Aspirantur, Pro-aspirantur, and teacher training courses in Vilna, as well as efforts to transplant them to New York in the wake of the Holocaust.”

2012: MK Anastassia Michaeli (Yisrael Beiteinu) poured a cup of water on her colleague MK Raleb Majadele (Labor) during an argument at a heated Knesset Education Committee debate this morning.

2012: Jack Lew, an Orthodox Jew who currently serves as director of the Office of Management and Budget has been named White House Chief of Staff by President Obama, replacing William Daley. 

2012: In “The Songs Remain the Same but Broadway Heirs Call the Shots” published today, Patrick Healy described the controversy surrounding a revival of “Porgy and Bess.”

2013: In Los Angeles, Temple Beth Am is scheduled to host “Israel Elections 2013”  which will examine the “parties and the players” as well as the “issues and opinions” surrounding Israel’s general upcoming Knesset elections.

2013: Opening night of the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2013: A signing ceremony creating a brain research center under the auspices of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Max Planck Society is scheduled to take place today the Giva Ram campus in Jerusalem.

2013: “Lies in the Closet” is scheduled to shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Festival.

2013: At long last, the much-anticipated snow arrived in Jerusalem today after days of heavy rains and fierce winds that caused power outages and widespread flooding.

2014: “When Jews Were Funny” and “Lonely Planet” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2014: In a statement made today, Bond rating agency Moody’s “announced it was dropping Yeshiva University’s rating to B1 from Baa2, saying that it might fall farther in the future.” (As reported by Josh Nathan-Kazis.

2014: It was announced that Jewish American fashion designer, Marc Jacobs's new Spring-Summer collection would feature actress/singer Miley Cyrus photographed by David Sims.

2014: “Blancanieves” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is scheduled to host the opening of “Helen Suzman: Fighter for Human Rights,” an exhibition that highlights her career as an opponent of apartheid and her “enduring friendship with the late Nelson Mandela.”

2014: The 129 Modern Language Association Annual Convention is scheduled to open today in Chicago where it will discuss moves to enforce BDS aimed at Israel (Editor’s Note -Boycott, sanctions, divestiture is considered by some to be pure anti-Semitism since similar moves have not been made against Russia, China or Turkey which has occupied a portion of Cyprus since its invasion in 1974.)

2014: Today Haaretz and The Times of Israel reported that Archaeologists from Ariel University and the Israel Antiquities Authority have begun excavating “Tel Rumeida, a site believed to be the location of biblical Hebron which lies in the heart of the modern-day divided city.” (As reported by Yifa Yaakov)

2014: Today, “a Tel Aviv-based civil rights organization warned the American Studies Association against boycotting Israeli professors and academic institutions, threatening to sue the association if it adopted the “unlawful” boycott resolution.” (As reported by Yifa Yaakov)

2014: “In today’s unsurprising news, it turns out that the 350,000 Jewish 18-26- year-olds who have come on free ten-day Birthright trips to Israel have spent a lot of money in Israel. Now thanks to a report from the accounting firm Ernst & Young, we know just how much: $825 million. If you subtract Israeli government contributions to the program, the net economic benefit is still a whopping $635 million.” (As reported by Ben Sales)

2015: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host “Fridays at Noon: Out of Israel – Israeli Choreographers.”

2015: The OHALAH Shabbaton is scheduled to begin at Broomfield, CO.

2015: “Farewell Herr Schwarz” is scheduled to open at the Quad Theater in New York City.

2015: In New York, the Caffe Vivaldi is scheduled to host Israeli Jazz Showcase Night featuring four Israeli bands.

2015: The Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture in the Gaza Strip said today that the coastal enclave will be allowed to import citrus fruits from Israel starting January 11, 2015.

2015: “Some 30 terrified shoppers at the kosher supermarket Hypercacher Alimentation Générale in Paris’s Porte-de-Vinnences hid in a freezing cold storage room underground for hours today as a gunman and his wife-accomplice stormed the grocery store amid a hail of gunfire. The terrorists killed two people in the initial attack, then two more, according to witnesses, and held several more people captive including women and children

2015: Twenty-four year old Lassana Bathily, a Muslim from Mali and an employee of a kosher market in Paris “may have saved have save the lives of 15 customer” when he told the customers to hide in the store’s basement freezer, and after closing the freezer’s door served as a lookout until the police had killed the gunman.

2015: Tony Blinken completed his service as Deputy National Security Advisor and began serving United States Deputy Secretary of State.

2015: Snow continues to blanket Israel.

2015(18thof Tevet, 5775): “Amedy Coulibaly, the Islamist gunman who allegedly killed four people and held others hostage before he was killed by French security forces at a kosher store in Paris today, reportedly told a French journalist at the height of the siege that he had deliberately chosen to target Jews.”  The four Jews killed today were Yohan Cohen 22, Yoav Hattab 21, Philipe Barham, in his 40’s and Francois-Michel Saada in his 60’s.

2015(18thof Tevet, 5775): Eighty-eight year old movie producer Samuel Goldwyn, Jr. passed away today. (As reported by Brooks Barnes)

2016: Idan Sharabi's new piece, “Til 120, Again,” is scheduled to be performed by Belinda McGuire Dance Projects at The Actor’s Fund Arts Center.

2016: Those attending the Texas Jewish Historical Society Winter Board Meeting in Galveston are scheduled to visit the Scottish Rite Temple, the site of the first Temple B’nai Israel

2016(28thof Tevet, 5776): Shabbat Va-ayrah

2016(28thof Tevet, 5776): On the Jewish calendar yahrzeit of Rabbi David Nieto.

 2017: An exhibition “New Children’s Exhibition: We All Need Peace” is scheduled to come to a close at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center.

2017(11thof Tevet, 5777): Ninety-one year old Zygmunt Bauman, Holocaust survivor, WW II veteran author of Modernity and the Holocaust  and husband of Janine (Lewinson) Bauman with whom he had three daughters, passed away today

2017: Former Navy Seal and Republican Eric Robert Greitens assumed office today as the 56th Governor of Missouri.

2017: Jason Kander completed four years of services the 39th Secretary State of Missouri today.

2017: “Bomb threats were called in at no fewer than 16 Jewish community centers in at least seven US states today, prompting the evacuation of hundreds of students and staff.”

2017: Hundreds of people, but “not a single government minister” attend today’s funerals for Lt. Yael Yekutiel, Lt. Shir Hajaj, 2nd Lt. Erez Orbach and 2nd Lt. Shira Tzur  who killed by a truck driven by a Palestinian terrorist.

2017: “Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate was lit with the Israeli flag tonight in a show of solidarity following a terror attack in Jerusalem yesterday in which four IDF soldiers were killed.”

2017: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host a tour of “Odessa: Babel, Ladyzhensky and the Soul of City” a new exhibition that “explore the vital creative character and dramatic social context of pre- and post-revolutionary Odessa, Ukraine (formerly Russia) through the work of two of the city's most important artists - the writer Isaac Babel and the painter Yefim Ladyzhensky.”

2018: “Channel 2” aired the recording of a conversation in between some young men, including 26 year old Yair Netanyahu talking about “money borrowed to pay a stripper, a late-night search for a prostitute” and a “$20 billion deal.” (As reported by Cleve R. Wootson, Jr.)

2018: The YIVO Institute is scheduled to host lecture on Jewish food by Michael Wex, author of Rhapsody in Schmaltz on “Schmaltz: Jewish Cooking Past, Present and Future.”

2018: Tonight, the BBC is scheduled to broadcast “Canvey: The Promised Land,” a documentary that shows “how strictly Orthodox ‘pioneer’ Jews from north London relocated to Canvey Island.”

2018: In New Orleans, Francine Klagsbrun, author of more than a dozen books is scheduled to talk about her newest work, Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel as part of The Cathy and Morris Bart Jewish Cultural Arts Series

2018: A firebomb was thrown at the historic El Ghriba synagogue on the Tunisian Island of Djerba today.

2018(22ndof Tevet, 5778): Thirty-five year old  Raziel Shevah, a father of six, succumbed to his wounds after being rushed to hospital having been shot in the neck by at least one terrorist who sprayed his vehicle with bullets in a drive-by shooting near Havat Gilad (As reported by YNET)

2018: “Canvey: The Promised Land,” a BBC documentary that shows “how strictly Orthodox pioneer Jews from north London have relocated to Canvey Island, one of five most pro-Brexit wards in Britain” is scheduled to be broadcast tonight.

2019: “Toman,” “Brussels Transit” and Promised at Dawn” are scheduled to be shown on the opening day of the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2019: In Washington, DC, The Lillian and Albert Small Capital Jewish Museum is scheduled to host the move of its synagogue down F Street, NW so it can “eventually settle on the site of the new museum.

2019: The YIVO Institute is scheduled to present German historian Christoph Dieckmann’s lecture on “Beyond Simple Myths: History and Memory of the Shoah in Eastern Europe.”

2019: As she continues to recuperate from her “lung cancer surgery at home,” U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's first absence from the bench” is expected to continue into a third day.

2019:  As National Security advisor John Bolton returns from the Middle East, he has left a trail of anger in Turkey and confusion among other allies including the Israelis as to what United States policy is in the region, especially as it pertains to Syria in light of the apparently conflicting utterances and tweets by President Trump.

2019: Fourth anniversary of the terrorist attack on a Kosher Market in Paris and eighth anniversary for the “healing service” held in the wake of the failed attempt to assassinate Representative Gabrielle Giffords, the only Jewish member of the House from Arizona.



This Day, January 10, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 10

49 BCE: Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, signaling the start of civil war. Caesar’s opposition was led by Pompey, the Roman who defiled the Holy of Holies, mocked the Jewish religion and shipped thousands of Jewish slaves to Rome. On the other hand, once Caesar had won the war, he allowed the walls of Jerusalem to be rebuilt, instituted a taxation system that took the sabbatical year into consideration and made it possible for the Jews living in the Italian peninsula to form into communities. The Jews living under Caesar must have thought him to be at least the “lesser of two evils” if not a “good guy” since Romans of the time took note of the unusual grief displayed by the Jews when he was assassinated by Brutus and his cohorts.

1072: Robert Guiscard conquers Palermo, Sicily. His new subjects certainly included at least some Jews. By the time the Norman warrior took control of the Sicilian city, Jews had been living on the island for at least 400 hundred years since records exist of letters being written to Pope Gregory I whose papacy ended in 604, about the conditions of the Jews living in Sicily. Conditions for the Jews would later deteriorate when the Crusaders stopped at the Island and by the start of the 15th century Jews would be living in Ghettos.

1276: Pope Gregory X passed away. During his papacy Gregory acquiesced to a request by the Jews and issued a bull “which ordained that they were not to be made by brute force to undergo baptism, and that no injury was to be inflicted upon their person or their property.”

1571: Today, “Alba notified the authorities of Arnhem that all Jews living there, and all their property—of which an inventory was to be made—should be seized and held in ward until further disposition be made” and although, “this demand was, as far as is known, not complied with by the authorities of Arnhem it probably added to the anti-Jewish sentiment that the Jews left during the reign under Charles V and did not return until the late seventeenth century.

1654: In Venice, Phineas Nieto and his wife gave birth to David Nieto

1728(Tevet, 5488): Rabbi David Nieto passed away in London. Born in Venice in 1654, Nieto was the Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community in London, later succeeded in this capacity by his son, Isaac Nieto. He first practiced as a physician and officiated as a Jewish preacher at Livorno, Italy. There he wrote in Italian a work entitled "Paschologia" (Cologne, 1702), in which he dealt with the differences of calculation in the calendars of the Greek, Roman, and Jewish churches, and demonstrated the errors which had crept into the calendar from the First Council of Nicaea until 1692. In 1702 Nieto succeeded Solomon Ayllon as ecclesiastical chief of the Portuguese Jews in London; and two years after his settlement in that city he published his theological treatise, Della Divina Providencia, ó sea Naturalezza Universal, ó Natura Naturante (London, 1704). This work provoked much opposition against him; and it was used by his opponents as ground for accusing him openly of Spinozism, which at that period was equivalent to atheism. However, Tzvi Ashkenazi, who was called in as arbitrator, decided in his favor (Hakham Tzvi, Responsa, No. 18). Nieto was a powerful controversialist. In his Matteh Dan, or Kuzari Heleq Sheni (London, 1714), written in Hebrew and Spanish on the model of the Kuzari of Judah ha-Levi he defended the Oral Torah against the Karaites, and showed that the contradictions of the Talmud lay not in essentials but in externals. ("Karaites" here does not refer to the historic Jewish sect of that name, of whom there were none in Western Europe, but to Jewish dissidents such as Uriel Acosta who cast doubt on the Oral Torah.) He waged war untiringly on the supporters of the Shabbethaian heresies, which he regarded as dangerous to the best interests of Judaism, and in this connection wrote his Esh Dat (London, 1715) against Hayyun (who supported Shabbetai Zevi). Nieto was one of the most accomplished Jews of his time and was equally distinguished as philosopher, physician, poet, mathematician, astronomer, and theologian. A prolific writer, his intercourse with Christian scholars was extensive, especially with Ungar, the bibliographer. Nieto was the first to fix the time for the beginning of Sabbath eve for the latitude of England.

1729: Abraham Isaaci, the son of David Isaaci and the nephew of Isaac Azulai, the “eminent rabbi in Jerusalem and author of The Seed of Abraham passed away today.

1776: Thomas Paine published his famous pamphlet “Common Sense” with a Second Chapter that ties what he sees as the evil of the monarchy to the history Israelites.

1783: Birthdate of Danish surgeon Ludwig Lewin Jacobson the native of Copenhagen who refused to convert to Christianity in order to be named a professor at the University of Copenhagen.

1784: Louis XVI of France abolished the poll-tax on Jews in Alsace-Lorraine. This tariff, the same as for market animals was paid by Jews who wished to enter certain cities. The poll tax had been instituted in many countries in Europe, dating back as far as the Roman Emperor Domitian (93CE) though it was only adopted in Europe in the 14th century.

1791: King Leopold II of Hungary approved the bill passed by the Diet protecting the rights of the Jews.

1794: Isaac Levy and his wife gave birth Frederikke Levy who was buried at the Horsens Jewish Cemetery in Denmark when she passed away in 1873.

1796(29thof Tevet, 5556): Keila Fuerth, the wife of Simon Fuerth passed away today in the United Kingdom

1798: Anti-Jewish riots took place in Ancona, Italy

1801: Birthdate of Isaac ben Jacob Benjacob, Russian born “bibliographer, author, and publisher”

1807: In London, Rabbi Solomon Hirschel delivered a sermon today warning Jews against sending their children to a free school that had been opened by the London Missionary.

1815: Today, during the Congress of Vienna “an entertainment was given by Baroness von Arnstein,” the daughter of “Court Jew Daniel Itzig and the wife of “banker Nathan Adam von Arnstein” “which was attended by several members of royalty and prelates of the church including Cardin Consalvi, the Prince of Prussia and Count Capo-D’Istria.

1822:  At Frankfurt am Main, David Philipp (Feist) Schloss and Malchen Schloss gave birth to Louis Schloss

1823(27th of Tevet, 5583): Abraham Rodrigues Rivera, the New York born son of Jacob Rodrigues and husband of Hannah Lopez who was a member of the Newport Artillery Company and the Redwood Library and Athenaeum and the founder of “a school for the Jewish community of Congregation Shearith Israel in New York City” passed away today.

1833 Felix Mendelssohn's "Die erste Walpurgisnacht" premiered in Berlin. While this may have been a grand day for the world of music, it was a sad one for the Jews. Felix Mendelssohn was the Lutheran grandson of Moses Mendelssohn. For some, the fate of Felix Mendelssohn was proof of the dangers of the teachings of Moses Mendelssohn.

1840: In Kozlov, which is now part of the Czech Republic Karl and Theresia Neubauer gave birth to Adolf Neubauer, the husband of Klara Neubauer with whom he had three children --- Emilie, Ida and Karl.

1845: Birthdate of William Henry Hechler, the Anglican minister who fought against anti-Semitism, promoted Zionism and was a close personal friend and advisor to Theodor Herzl.

1846: Today, Shabbat, Dr. Max Lilienthal was installed as Chief Rabbi of the three congregations of German Jews, (Anshay Chessed, Shaaray Shamayim, Rodef Shalom) in New York City at the Henry Street Synagogue.

1847: In Frankfurt am Main, Germany, to Moses and Clara (née Niederhofheim) Schiff gave birth to

Jakob Heinrich Schiff, who gained fame as Jacob Henry Schiff, the New York City financier and philanthropist.

1849: Eleven men, including Friedman Kohn, Henry Strauss, Carl Abales, Charles Heyneman, Abraham Posner, Lazarus Lobel, Herman J. Goldsmith and Isaac Hamburger formed the first lodge of the Free Sons of Israel which they name Noah Lodge No. 1 in honor of Judge Mordecai M. Noah

1854(10th of Tevet, 5614): Asara B'Tevet

1859: Birthdate of Nahum ben Joseph Samuel Sokolow, the native Wyszogród, Poland who gained fame as author, journalist, Zionist and promoter of modern Hebrew, Nahum Sokolow.

1860: Today's City Intelligence column reported that “The efforts which have been made to raise a fund for the suffering Jews and Protestants at Gibraltar have met with great success. It is estimated that $10,000 will be sufficient to load a vessel at this port with such provisions and clothing as would be most acceptable to the destitute multitude which is so badly in need of food and clothing.” Those being helped were probably refugees from the fighting that resulted from Spain’s invasion of Morocco in 1859.

1861: Florida seceded from the Union. At the time of secession, David Levy Yulee, one of the Senators representing the Sunshine State and the first Jew elected to the U.S. Senate withdrew from that body and joined a similar institution of the Confederacy. Yulee married a Christian and his children were raised in the faith of his wife. David Camden DeLeon, who gained famed in the Florida’s Seminole Wars, would leave the U.S. Army and be named the first Surgeon General of the CSA.

1862: Philadelphian Ephraim Rosenthal began his three and half years of service with Company A of the 12th Cavalry during which he would rise from the rank of Private to Sergeant.

1866: At Ratibor (Racibórz) in Prussian Silesia, German chemist Moritz Traube and his wife gave birth to chemist Wilhelm Traube whose membership in the Evangelical Church did save him from the wrath of the Nazis who deprived of his right to teach and then imprisoned at Berlin where he died “as a result of maltreatment.”

1875: In Mgoliev on the Dnieper River Moses Schur and his wife Golde Schur (née Landau gave birth Schaia Schur who gained fame as mathematician Issai Schur “best known today for his result on the existence of the Schur decomposition and for his work on group representations (Schur's lemma).”

1875: The New York Times featured a review of “Remains of Lost Empires” by P.V.N. Myers and H.M. Myers that includes a sketch of Palmyra which owes it creation to King Solomon. Known in the Bible as “Tadmor in the Wilderness, the “City of Palms” has a more interesting and chequered history than such famous ancient cities as Babylon or Ninveh.

1876: Samuel Shrimski began serving as a member of the New Zealand Parliament for Waitaki.

1877: In New York City, Meyer Samuel Isaacs and Phoebe Marie Isaacs gave birth to Columbia University trained attorney Lewis Montefiore Isaacs the “Borough President of Manhattan who was the husband of “the former Edith J. Rich, the editor of Theatre Arts Monthly, with who had three children.

1880: Fifty-eight year old Frank Leslie whose illustrated newspaper carried articles and woodcuts about Jewish events and celebrations passed away today.

1881: Birthdate of Irma R.M. Peixotto, the native New Yorker who was the daughter of Daniel Levy Maduro Peixotto and the granddaughter of Moses Levy Maduor Peixotto.

1881: German born, English lawyer Hermann Makower delivered a lecture at Posen today.

1881: Birthdate of Viennese native Hanns Sachs one of the earliest psychoanalysts and close personal friend of Sigmund Freud.

1882: Three days after she had passed away, Amelia (Bertram) Salamon, the wife of “Nahum Salaman” with who she had had six children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1883: Publication of the first edition of the Cedar Rapids Gazette. (Editor’s note – 130 years later the Gazette would continue to be a locally owned independent newspaper providing, among other things, the kinds of stories about religion and culture that dispel ignorance and promote harmony and understanding.  The Gazette has a history of covering stories about Jewish customs and ceremonies on the local level.  For example, when the Gazette did a story about the foods of Passover, an editor came to a Seder hosted by a local family and then published reminisces and recipes.  The Editorial Page publishes letters, guest columns and op-ed pieces on the dangers of anti-Semitism and the dangerous challenges faced by Israel.  Jews and non-Jews alike are the beneficiaries of the efforts of those who work so hard to provide a vanishing treasure – independent, locally owner, quality journalism.)

1884: Father Marie Theodor Ratisbonne, who had converted to Christianity at the age of 22 passed away today.  His conversion was an extreme example of changes in religion by western European Jews who felt the baptismal font was the only path to full acceptance.

1884: “Will of Julius Hallgarten” published today described the various bequests made by the late Jewish financer. The estate was valued at over three million dollars. Besides making providing for the financial needs of his family, he left bequests to a variety of educational institutions including Yale, Harvard and Columbia as well as Mt. Sinai Hospital and the Hebrew Benevolent Orphan Asylum Society.  In a move that was unique in its day (and even more unique today), Hallgarten made provision for each of the clerks working for his company to receive an amount equal to 20% of their annual salary.

1886: The Passover Relief Society sponsored a ball in Tammany Hall as a fund raiser under the direction of Mrs. Rosendorff.

1887: Birthdate of Johann Krausen a member of the anti-Nazi resistance organization called the Enrenfeld Group who was hung at the age of 57 for his opposition to the Hitler government.

1890: Birthdate of Russian born physicist Grigori Landsberg. Landsberg graduated from Moscow University in 1913. His primary scientific contribution was in the fields of optics and spectroscopy. He was a co-discoverer of inelastic scattering of light used in Raman spectroscopy. He passed away in 1957.

1891(1stof Shevat, 5651): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1892(10thof Tevet, 5652): Asara B’Tevet

1892: James J. Hoffman, President of the Board of Trustees presided over the annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute today.

1892: In Allentown, PA, 18 years after the founding of the Altoona (PA) Hebrew Reform Temple, founding of Agudas Achim led by Rabbi Josef Rossenberg.

1892: It was reported today that London has become so cosmopolitan that “a Russian Jew…dressed in his native garb is hardly noticed…”

1892: James J. Hoffman, President of the Board of Trustees presided over today’s annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute at 36 Stuyvesant Street.

1893: Birthdate of Washingtonian Sylvan N. King the all-sport high school all-star who played fullback for Princeton University in 1914 and 1915.

 1893: L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican's official newspaper, runs an article by Jesuit Father Saverio Rondina called "Jewish Morality" in which Rondina wrote, "The Jewish nation does not work, but traffics in property and work of others; it does not produce, but lives and grows fat with the products of the arts and industry of the nations that give it refuge. It is the giant octopus that with its oversized tentacles envelops everything. It has its stomach in the banks... and its suction cups everywhere: in contracts and monopolies... in postal services and telegraph companies, in shipping and in the railroads, in the town treasuries and in state finance. It represents the kingdom of capital... the aristocracy of gold. ...It reigns unopposed."

1894: Birthdate of Uri Zvi Greenberg. Born in Poland to a Chasidic family, Greenberg gained fame as a poet who wrote in both Yiddish and Hebrew. Originally a favorite of the Labor Zionists, Greenberg became a supporter of Jabotinsky. During the thirties, he was one of those who warned the Jews of the dangers presented by Hitler and the Nazis. While he was able to escape his family perished. He was a right wing member of the Knesset. While his political views were viewed as extreme, his value as a poet was unquestioned. In 1957 he was honored with the Israel Prize. Greenberg’s belief that the Covenant with Abraham, later renewed with the Jews at Sinai, is the basis of Jewish being” infused both his art and his politics. He passed away in 1981.

1895(14thof Tevet, 5655): Sixty-two year old Jacob Gottstein, the Austrian born physician whose specialty was “diseases of the throat and ear” and the author “The diseases of the larynx and trachea” passed away today in Breslau.

1895: In Bobruysk, Zvi Luzinski and Esther Seldovitch gave birth to Kadish Luzinski who gained fame as Israeli political Kadish Luz who served as Speaker of the Knesset for 10 years, from 1959 to 1969.

1896: It was reported today that during December of 1895, the United Hebrew Charities spent over fourteen thousand dollars to meet needs of those who applied for aid. In addition to providing clothing, shoes and lodging, the Employment Division found employment for 531 of its 750 applicants and training in sewing and dressmaking for 234 young ladies.

1896: As part of the ongoing attempt by some to convert Jews to Christianity, the American Mission to the Jews will open a new mission house today in New York City.

1896: Three days after he had passed away, 57 year old Julian Goldsmid, “the 3rdand last Baronet,” an MP and philanthropist” who was the son of Frederick David Goldsmid and Caroline Samuel and the husband of Virginia Phillipson with whom he had had two children – Violet and Edith – was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1897: In Pensacola, FL, 23 years after the establishment of Congregation Beth El led by Rabbi Isaac E. Wagenheim, founding of the Progress Club whose members included M.L. Bear, Jake Levy and M.B. Tanner

1897: German born, British financer and businessman Gustav Christian Schwabe passed away. At the age of six he was forcibly converted to the Lutheran religion.

1897: It was reported today that $38,537.12 had been donated to the Hebrew Technical Institute during its first year of operation and expenses were $34,658.66 for the same period.  The school offered six classes in various vocational courses which had an average attendance of 86 boys.

1897: Jacob H. Schiff presented the Young Men’s Hebrew Association with a new home at 861 Lexington Avenue, New York.

1897: Five days after he had passed away, Hirschel David Cohen, the son of Amy D. and Daniel Cohen was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1897: Based on a report filed today, the St. Paul, MN section of the National Council of Women which was formed in 1894 has “a membership of forty-five ladies, holds it general meetings on the second Tuesday of every month and credits much of its success to Mrs. Nina Cohen, the state Vice President.”

1897: It was reported today that Judge M.S. Isaacs complimented the graduating class of the Baron de Hirsch Trade Schools on their work after which each of the youngsters received his own set of tools and a tool-chest that had been made by the carpentry students.

1898: The closed door trial of Ferdinand Esterhazy which the German spy had requested to clear his name began today.

1898: Two days after he had passed away, Jacob Arnold was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1898: Birthdate of Julie Harpmanova who was transported from Prague to Ujazdow where she was murdered at the age of 44.

1898: According to figures published today, there are 210 students enrolled in the Hebrew Technical Institute which is an increase of 20 students from last year.

1899: In Charleston, SC, at K.K. Beth Elohim, Rabbi B.A. Elzas officiated at the wedding of Arthur Israel and Jeannette Brown.

1899: Dr. Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine, an orthodox Jewish Russian scientist from the Pasteur Institute, established the Haffkine Institue which is located in Mumbai, India.

1899: Jules Quesnay de Beaurepaire resigned as president of the Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation “when he accused the Criminal Chamber of conspiring with Piquart and” favoring a review of the Dreyfus Trial.

1900: Birthdate of Harry Aaron Kernoff “the Irish artist of Anglo/Russian extraction who produced the illustrations for Dublin’s Little Jerusalem by Nick Harris.

1901: Birthdate of Henning von Tresckow, a “Generalmajor in the Wermacht” who attempted to assassinate Hitler in 1943 and drafted the plan for Valkyrie, the failed operation designed to topple Hitler in July, 1944.

1902: Louis and Ethel Minsky gave birth to Morton Minsky, their fourth and youngest son who joined his brothers in creating Minsky’s Burlesque.

1904: Savannah’s Mickve Israel joined the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

1905: The Manchester Guardian published “The Doom of Zionism” by Myer Jack (M.J). Landa the author of The Jew in Drama.

1906: William Rainey Harper the namesake of the library at Deborah Dorfman’s alma mater – The University of Chicago and the author “The Return of the Jews from Exile” (9/1/1899) and “The Jews of Babylon” (8/1/1899) passed away.

1911: Birthdate of Yehoshua “Shayke” Frydman, the native of Zareby Poland who gained fame as historian Zosa Szajkowski

1912: The Baron Hirsch Woman’s Club and Co-Workers are scheduled to host “their annual ‘Guest Day’” this afternoon at Sinai Temple under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Fish with the assistance of Blanche Bloom, Mrs. Harry Kempner and Mrs. Marie Sidenius Zendt.

1912: The New York Jewish community made arrangements for a course of lectures to be given by Miss Dona Saruya on Jewish dietary laws at Teachers' College.

1915: “The situation of the Jews in Russia, Galicia and Poland is even worse than that of the Belgians according to a statement made today by the American Jewish Relief Committee” headed by Louis Marshall.

1915: With the approval of the censor, the Novoe Vremya wrote today that “When the victorious” Russian “armies return from the theatre of the war, they will publicly proclaim that the Jew was their enemy at the front” a statement proving the anti-Semitism of the Czar’s regime despite the tens of thousands of Jews serving in the Russian Army.

1915: “The United States cruiser Tennessee and the collier Jason arrived at Alexandria this evening” without having been able to pick up the 1,500 refugees stranded at Jaffa due to bad weather and the need to replenish their supply of coal before attempting to another rescue mission.

1915: Dr. David de Sola Pool, the rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel–the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue delivered an address “at the first communal meeting of the Menorah Societies of the colleges of “New York” being held at New York University  today during which he said that “whatever the outcome of the war in Europe, Jews will the chief sufferers.”

1916: Some of the members of the surviving Zion Mule Corps arrived at Alexandria from Gallipoli where they rejected orders to leave for “Ireland to help quell the revolt” because “they had enlisted to the Turks and not Irish Patriots.”

1916: “The American Jewish Relief Committee announced” today “the collection of $1,095, 940 for the relief of the Jews suffering the war.”

1916: “Assemblyman Shiplacoff of Kings, the only in Socialist in the” New York State “Legislature introduced a resolution providing that the State of New York request the President of the United States to ask belligerent nations to be less severe in their treatment of the Jews in Europe.”

917: Birthdate of music producer Jerry Wexler. Yes, the man who brought you music all the way from Aretha Franklin to Bob Dylan is Jewish.

1917: Jacob H. Schiff, banker and philanthropist celebrated his seventieth birthday today.

1917: On the occasion of his 70th birthday, “The Board of Directors of the Central Jewish Institute presented a leather-bound hand-illuminated book with an inscription which say in part: ‘May you continue, as you have so truly been, a noble and self-sacrificing benefactor to all humanity and may you serve as you have ever done, as an inspiration for that is lofty and good” to Jacob H. Schiff

1917: The Hebrew Free Loan Society celebrated the birthday of Jacob H. Schiff by “by formally occupying its new building” today.

1918: “From a source which it can vouch for as entirely trustworthy, The Morning Post,” an English newspaper, provided an “account of conditions in Berlin” including the description of the city’s populations as being divided “into three classes” including  “the upper military class which adores Hindenburg and hates Ludendorff; the middle class which loves Ludendorff because he gives high posts in the army to Jews and the lower working class which loathes Hindenburg, Ludendorff and especially the Emperor” who is a part “of the imperial family which has ceased to be a dominate factor.”

1919: Today, the first Jewish Relief Unit led “Captain Elkan C. Voorsanger, formerly the Senior Chaplain of the 77th Division and overseas director of the Jewish Welfare Board” set sail today for Poland where it will assist in the “distribution of relief funds, delivery of food and clothing” and the development of methods for assisting those in outlying provinces where rail and other means of transportation are not readily available.

1919: Three days after he had passed away, 67 year old Anglo Jewish banker and philanthropist Herbert Stern, 1st Baron Michelham, the son of Herman de Stern and Julia Goldsmid and the first cousin of Sydney James Stern and Sir Edward Stern who passed in Paris was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery” twoday.

1919: Rabbi Hyman Gerson Enelow who served “as a member of the Overseas Commission of the Jewish Welfare Board, which went to France in July, 1918” is scheduled to go Vichy today, Friday, where he is planning to lead services.

1919: Birthdate of Milton Parker who will bring long lines and renown to the Carnegie Deli in Manhattan with towering pastrami sandwiches and who, as a voluble partner will kibitz with common folk and celebrities alike. He will record his exploits in How to Feed Friends and Influence People: The Carnegie Deli – A giant sandwich, a little deli, a huge success.

1920: The U.S. House of Representatives refused to all Victor L. Berger take his seat as the elected Congressman from Wisconsin’s 5th District. The refusal was based on the fact that Berger was a member of the Socialist Party

1920: The Nation reported today that “The death of Arnold B. Ehrlich, which occurred in the city of New York a short time ago, has deprived the world of Biblical scholarship of one of its most brilliant exponents. Ehrlich was not officially connected with any institution of learning; his name is little known outside of the narrow circle of professional Bible students, and is possibly not sufficiently known even among them. Yet, his life work, represented by eleven substantial volumes dedicated to the elucidation of the Scriptures, merits the grateful appreciation of all those to whom the Bible is an integral part of human civilization.”

1920: A meeting of the Conference of Jewish Organization sis scheduled to meet this evening to discuss ways “to help raise the Building Fund of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America.”

1920: The League of Nations holds its first meeting, and ratifies the Treaty of Versailles, therefore ending World War I. The most significant fact of the day was the absence of the United States from the League. This absence was proof positive of America’s retreat to a policy of Isolationism that was a contributing factor to the start of World War II.

1920: Birthdate of Max Patkin known as “the Clown Prince of Baseball.” Patkin, who passed away in 1999, is honored with a place in the Philadelphia Jewish Sports Hall of Fame.

1922(10th of Tevet, 5682): Asara B'Tevet

1922: Birthdate of University of Chicago trained attorney Lester Robert Uretz , “the chief counsel of the IRS and husband of Miriam Uretz with whom he raise “two sons and two daughters.”

1923: Lithuania seizes and annexes Memel. Memel had been part of the German Empire before WWI. The Germans lost control under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. How Lithuanian came to control Memel is too convoluted a tale for this blog. The Jews of Memel who would number 9.000 by the start of World War II, were trapped between the Lithuanians, who ran the city's government, and the Germans, who were a majority. After Hitler rose to national power in Germany in 1933, the Nazis began campaigning for the city's return to Germany. This campaign included anti-Jewish riots and other anti-Semitic actions. In October 1938 the local Nazis called for the implementation of the Nuremberg Laws in Memel; at the end of that year the Nazis won 26 of 29 seats in the city's parliament, effectively making Memel part of Germany. German troops entered Memel in March 1939. Many of the Lithuanians and almost all of the city's Jews had managed to escape to Kovno and other nearby towns before the invasion. However, after the Nazis took over Lithuania in mid-1941, they destroyed those Jews along with the rest of Lithuanian Jewry. When Memel was liberated by the Soviet army in January 1945, not one Jew remained.

1924 (4th of Shevat, 5684): The former Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Elyachar Haim Moshe, passed away at the age of 80.

1926: “Der Rosenkavalier” a silent film based “on the opera of the same name” directed and produced by Robert Wiene who wrote the script along with Hugo von Hofmannsthal.

1927(7thof Shevat, 5687): Fifty-three year old gambler and Tammany Hall politician Sam Paul who played a role in the Herman Rosenthal murder case and who was the husband of Lena Solomon and he father of Dorothy Paul passed away today

1927: “A Modern Dubarry” a silent film produced by Josef Somlo, directed by Alexander Korda” starring his wife Maria Corda and featuring Eugen Burg was released in Germany today.

1927(7thof Shevat, 5687): Fifty-four year old Lithuanian born Solomon Blumgarten, known by his pen name Yehoash, the author, lexicographer and poet referred to as the “Yiddish Milton” who had visited Palestine in 1913 with his wife Flora and his daughter Evelyn passed away today while working as “an editor for The Day.”

1927: Fritz Lang's “Metropolis” premieres. German born film director Lang had a Catholic father and a Jewish mother. His mother converted to Catholicism and he was raised as a Catholic. When Hitler came to power, Lang was offered a prominent position in the German film industry. Lang turned down the offer and eventually fled Germany. He felt that the regime would eventually turn on him because he was “half-Jewish.” This experience led him to become a staunch anti-fascist and anti-Nazi

1928: Birthdate of Philip Levine, two time winner of the National Book Award for Poetry and the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1995 for “Simple Truth.”

1928: The Soviet Union ordered the exile of Leon Trotsky.

1928: George and Ira Gershwin’s musical "Rosalie" premiered at the New Amsterdam in New York City

1929: “Street Scene,” a play by Elmer Rice (born Elmer Leopold Reizenstein), opened at the Playhouse Theatre in New York City on and ran for a total of 601 performances. The action of this ambitious, groundbreaking play takes place entirely on the front stoop of a New York City brownstone and in the adjacent street in the early part of the 20th century. It studies the daily and complex lives of the people living in the building (and surrounding neighborhood) and their sad, often tragic interactions. It won the 1929 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The main characters are Anna Maurrant, dealing with issues of infidelity; Rose Maurrant, her daughter, who struggles with the demands of her job and boss and her attraction to a Jewish neighbor, Sam Kaplan; Frank Maurrant, the domineering and sometimes abusive husband and father of Anna and Rose; Sam, a caring and concerned neighbor in love with Rose; and many other neighbors and passersby.

1930: In Jamaica, Queens, William Lyons, who “ran a family glass and mirror business,” and “the former Sylvia Gittelson, who “worked as a manager and bookkeeper gave birth to photographer Nathan Myron Lyons.

1931: Birthdate of Henry Myerson who played guard for Harvard from 1929 to 1931 and then played a football game at the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics where it was a demonstration sport.

1931: Birthdate of David Maysles, the native of Boston, who along with his older brother Albert formed a team of American documentary film-makes whose “best-known films include Salesman (1969), Gimme Shelter (1970) and Grey Gardens (1976).”

1931: Birthdate of Shake Heights, Ohio, native and Emmy Award winner Marlene Sanders, the first woman to anchor the network news, the wife of Jerome Toobin and the mother of attorney and CNN commentator Jeffrey Toobin.

1932: In Brooklyn, Rabbi Simon R. Cohen celebrated his 25th anniversary as the spiritual leader of Union Temple.

1933: Sir Gilbert Mackereth assumed a diplomatic post for the British in Damascus from which he would call for “an increase in border patrol around Palestine due to the high numbers of Jewish immigrants fleeing from Nazi Germany.”

1934(23rdof Tevet, 5694): Fifty-six year old George Anselm Alphone Rothschild, the older son of Albert Salomon von Rothschild passed away in a private mental hospital today without ever marrying which meant he produced no heir.

1935: In Cracow, Brith Trumpeldor is scheduled to resume its meetings having temporarily adjourned so “its delegates would have opportunity to attend the sixth Revisionists world conference

1936: Birthdate of award winning geneticist Sir Walter Fred Bodmer, the native of Frankfort am Main who after earning his Ph.D. at Cambridge went on to a career  that including being “one of the first to suggest the idea the Human Genome Project.

1936: Birthdate of Alvin "Al" Goldstein “an American publisher and pornographer who founded the pornographic magazine Screw in 1968.” “In his book XXX-Communicated: A Rebel Without a Shul, Luke Ford writes about a conversation he had with Goldstein. During this conversation he asked Goldstein why the porn industry contained so many Jews. Goldstein answered, "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism." Ford then asked, "What does it mean to you to be a Jew?" To which Goldstein responded, "It doesn't mean shit. It means that I'm called a kike." Ford also asked, "Do you believe in God?" Goldstein said, "I believe in me. I'm God. Fuck God. God is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being. I am your God, admit it. We're random. We're the flea on the ass of the dog."

1936: German Justice, “the magazine of the Attorneys Association said tonight” that “”200 judges or councilors of provincial courts” who were “either fully or partly Jewish had lost their positions” because the Nuremberg citizenship laws.

1936: It was reported today that “Swiss and other Continental Jews” were opposed to “a plan for the financing of the transfer of property of Jewish refugees from Germany with a fund advanced by non-German Jews and repaid through German exports” because it would provide the financial “credits the Nazis” have been seeking elsewhere without success.

1936: Dr. Rabbi Alexander Basel, the rabbi of the Jacob H. Schiff Center presided over “special services” held tonight at the center “commemorating the 89thbirthday of the late Jacob Schiff which “which coincided with the 25thanniversary of the found of the Boy Scout movement of America.”

1937(27th of Tevet, 5697): Sixty-nine year old chemist Julius Stieglitz, the younger brother of photographer Alfred Stieglitz passed away today.

1937: Rabbi Lichtenstein is scheduled to deliver the sermon at the Jewish Society today.

1937: Professor Reinhardt is scheduled to be the guest of honor this morning at Temple B’nai Jershurun where Rabbi Israel Goldstein will give the sermon.

1937: Rabbi Louis Newman is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Gone With the Wind” at Rodeph Sholom.

1937: It was reported today that the Oxford University will publish Zero Hour: Policies of the Powers by Richard Freund in late January or early February while in February H.C. Kinsey and Company will publish Lord Melchett’s They Neighbor, “a survey of the history of Jewish persecution through the ages, an account of the position of the Jews in the world today and a description of the rise and progress of Zionism.”

1937: Rabi Milton Steinberg, James Waterman Wise and Israel S. Shipkin are scheduled to take part in a symposium on “The Jew Looks Ahead – Which Road?” at the Ivriah Women’s Jewish Education Association.

1937: According to a report presented by Dr. Cyrus Adler at the 13th annual meeting of the American Jewish Committee, “in the last year the people of the United States have shown themselves to be impervious to anti-Jewish propaganda, regarding anti-Semitism as a violation of the ideals of the better American instiutions.”

1937: At Temple Emanu-El Rabbi Leon I. Feuer is scheduled to lecture on “Journey to the End of Night” followed by a symposium on “Interesting the American Youth in the Synagogue.”

1937: The American Committee for Anti-Nazi Literature is scheduled to meeting this evening at Mecca Temple.

1937: At the services of the Free Synagogue held in Carnegie Hall, Rabbi Stephen decried the fact that “the Jews have ceased to be a reading people” and “urged his coreligionists to read the works of their own authors, both to make it financially possible for Jewish authors to have their works publics and in order that Jews should enjoy the cultural and intellectual advantages of being conversant with Jewish problems and the best in Jewish Literature.”  (Editor’s Note – Sounds like this could be a sermon topic in the 21st century.)

1938: The Palestine Post reported that the ongoing citizenship rights revision in Romania could affect the bulk of the Jewish population. It had already deprived many Jewish physicians of their right to practice medicine. An Arab police constable was seriously wounded by an Arab terrorist in the Old City of Jerusalem. Major J.B. Paget, a veteran combatant of the British Armed Forces who once served in Palestine, published in Britain the so-called "Paget Plan," according to which he recommended the establishment of an independent Jewish kingdom in Palestine, under the Duke of Windsor, as hereditary king and ruler. (According to British tradition the Duke of Windsor was the hundredth in direct descent from King David.)

1938(8th of Shevat, 5698): Seventy-eight year old Otto Warburg a noted German botanist and leading Zionist  who founded the botanical garden of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus passed away today in Berlin.

1938: Forty-three year old British archaeologist James Leslie Starkey who was “the first chief excavator of the first archaeological expedition at Lachish “was robbed and killed by Arab bandits near Bayt Jibrin on a track leading from Bayt Jibrin to Hebron.” (Editor’s Note – Lachish is one of the most ancient cities in Eretz Israel with its fist Biblical mention coming in the Book of Joshua.  One cannot overstate the importance of Archaeology to the Jewish people or the role that many non-Jews played in this endeavor which has provided validation for many of the Biblical tales as well as the ancient ties of the Jewish people to their homeland)

1939: Birthdate of writer William Levy. Known as the Talmudic Wizard of Amsterdam and Dr. Doo-Wop, Levy is the author of such works as The Virgin Sperm Dancer, Wet Dreams, Certain Radio Speeches of Ezra Pound and Natural Jewboy. Mr. Levy attended the University of Maryland and Temple University and taught in the literature department at Shippensburg State College, in Pennsylvania. In 1998, Mr. Levy was awarded the Erotic Oscar for writing at London's Sex Maniac's Ball. Mr. Levy's alter-ego, Dr. Doo Wop, can be heard weekly spinning groovy music across Amsterdam's airwaves. Mr. Levy currently lives in Amsterdam with his wife, the literary translator Susan Janssen.

1939: Birthdate of self-described Conservative activist, David Horowitz.

1940(29thof Tevet, 5700): Seventy year old Sol Marcosson the native of Louisville and “Cleveland’s longtime premiere violinist who founded the Marcosson Music School and was married “to the former of Dorothy Frew” with he had four children – “Fred, John, June and Ruth” – passed away today.

1940: “Music in My Heart” featuring George Tobias as “Sascha” was released today in the United States.

1940: Rabbi Koretz of Salonica, the man who succeeded Rabbi Uziel as chief rabbi of Salonica, was among the candidates who submitted applications to the Tel Aviv committee responsible for selecting a new Chief Sephardic Rabbi. Just three years later Salonica Jewry would be wiped out, and Koretz would be found communally guilty of holding back knowledge of the Germans plan to murder the Jews.

1941(11th of Tevet, 5701): On his 66th birthday, mathematician Issai Schur who had been deprived of his career under the Nazis and who miraculously escaped from Germany passed away today in Tel Aviv as the result of a heart attack.

1941(11thof Tevet, 5701): Sixty-six year old German mathematician Issai Schur, one more of the Jews who fled the Nazis, passed away today in Tel Aviv on his birthday.

1941: Dutch Jews register with German authorities representing the Nazi occupiers.

1942: “All Through the Night” directed by Vincent Sherman, produced by Hal B. Wallis and Jerry Wald, based on story by Leo Rosten and Leonard Spigelgass who co-wrote the screenplay and with music by Arthur Schwartz was released today in the United States.

1943: In the Generalgouvernement, several thousand Jews who had left forest hiding places on November 10, 1942, after a Nazi promise of safe passage, are betrayed. Most are transported to Treblinka and gassed. The rest of them are sent to labor camps at nearby Sandomierz and Skarzysko Kamienna.

1943: Four hundred Jews who resist their German overseers at the Kopernik camp in Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland, are burned alive in their barracks

1944: The keel was laid down for the HMS Sanguine an S class submarine that would be sold to the Israeli Navy in 1958.

1944 (14th of Tevet, 5704): Victor Basch and his wife, Ilona Basch (née Helene Furth) aged 81,were taken from their home in Lyon and assassinated by Joseph Lecussan und Henri Gonnet of the anti-Semitic Vichy French Milice Française under orders of the regional chief Paul Touvier. For most of his life he had been a professor at the Sorbonne who support the Zionists and opposed the fascists.

1945: Today, while appearing before Cairo’s supreme military court, two Palestinian Jewish youths, who are generally believed to belong to a right-wing terrorist organization with which a great majority of Zionism vigorously dissociates itself, confessed to the premeditated murder last of Lord Moyne on November 6, 1944. The accused were identified as Eliahu Bet-Tsouri a 23 year old surveyor from Tel Aviv and Eliahu Hakim from Haifa. In court today, the prosecutor demanded that the death sentence be imposed on the two accused.

1946(8th of Shevat, 5706): Harry Von Tilzer a very popular United States songwriter born in 1872, passed away today in New York City. Von Tilzer was born in Detroit, Michigan under the name Aaron Gumbinsky which he shortened to Harry Gumm. He ran away and joined a traveling circus at age 14, where he took his new name by adding 'Von' to his mother's maiden name 'Tilzer'. Harry soon proved successful playing piano and calliope and writing new tunes and incidental music for the shows. He continued doing this in Burlesque and Vaudeville shows for some years, writing many tunes which were not published or which he sold to entertainers for 1 or 2 dollars. In 1898 he sold his song "My Old New Hampshire Home" to a publisher for $15, and watched it become a national hit, selling over 2 million copies of the sheet music. This prompted him to become a professional songwriter. He was made a partner of the Shapiro Bernstein Publishing Company. His 1900 number "A Bird In A Gilded Cage" became one of the biggest hits of the age. Von Tilzer became one of the best known Tin Pan Alley songwriters. In 1902 Von Tilzer formed his own publishing company, where he was soon joined by his younger brother Albert Von Tilzer. Harry Von Tilzer's hits included "A Bird in a Gilded Cage", "Cubanola Glide", "Wait 'Til The Sun Shines Nellie", "Old King Tut", "All Alone", "Mariutch", "I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid!", "They Always Pick On Me", "I Want A Girl Just Like The Girl Who Married Dear Old Dad", And The Green Grass Grew All Around and many others.”

1947: As part of their on-going program to deny Jews the right to enter Eretz Israel, the British took two ships of "illegal" immigrants to Cyprus.

1947(18th of Tevet, 5707): Sixty-six year old Austrian born psychoanalyst Hanns Sachs who moved to Boston in 1932 as the Nazis came to power and founded the journal “American Imago” in 1939 passed away today.

1948: After 734 performances the curtain came down at the Plymouth Theatre on the original Broadway production of “Call Me Mister” a revue with words and music by Harold Rome and cast that included George S. Irving and Jules Munshin

1948: Birthdate of cellist Mischa Maisky the native of Riga, who won the 1966 International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. In 1970, he was imprisoned in a labor camp near Gorky for 18 months. After his release in 1972, he immigrated to Israel to avoid further persecution by the Soviet regime. Later, he moved to Belgium. In his performing and recording career, Maisky has worked in long-standing partnerships with and conductors including Leonard Bernstein, Zubin Mehta and Vladimir Ashkenazy.

1948: The British released casualty figures for the last six weeks (covering the two weeks before the Partition vote and the month since Partition was adopted) showing 1069 Arabs, 769 Jews and 123 British casualties. The percentages are disproportionate given the large number of Arabs.

1948: The Arab Liberation Army, based in Syria invaded Eretz Israel. This was part of the war waged against the Jews by the Arabs between the partition vote in November, 1947 and the actual date of British departure in May, 1948. The Arabs were determined to destroy the Jewish state before it was even born. Nine hundred Arab soldiers attacked the Jewish settlement of far Szold which was defended by a force numbering less than 100. “When the British Ambassador in Damascus protested to the Syrians about their role in the attack on Kfar Szold, the Syrian Prime Minister replied ‘Pretty soon the Arab armies will teach the Jews a lesson they will never forget.’”

1949: “The Goldbergs”, the first television show about a Jewish family premiered on CBS. The show was based on the hit radio program that had begun back in 1929 called The Rise of the Goldbergs. Both shows starred Gertrude Berg in the lead as the “Jewish Mother,” Molly Goldberg. The show took place in Brooklyn and began with Molly calling out the window to her neighbor with the signature line “Yoo hoo Mrs. Bloom.”

1951: American author and Nobel Prize winner, Sinclair Lewis passed away. An anti-totalitarian, he saw the danger in the rise of Hitler. Only a year after the Nazis had reached power by constitutional means in Germany, Lewis wrote It Can’t Happen Here in “which he showed how a similar fascist takeover might very well happen here in the sober, God-fearing USA.”

1952: Dr. Rudolf Margolius, the Czech government minister who had survived the Holocaust was arrested by the Communist and executed at the end of the year for being a part of treasonous plot that existed only in the minds of the Soviet stooges who created it.

1957: Louis Lefkowitz begins serving as the 59th New York State Attorney General.

1957: Birthdate of Malcolm Harris Levitt, the native of Hull who earned a Ph.D. Chemistry from Oxford and “is internationally known as a pioneer of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, especially of pulse sequences  in high-resolution NMR.

1957: Anthony Eden resigns and Harold Macmillan becomes PM Britain. Eden’s government fell as a result of the British involvement in the ill-fated Suez Crisis when an Anglo-French military force joined with the Israelis to fight Egypt in 1956. The Israelis wanted to end the terrorist attacks coming from Gaza and the Sinai. The Europeans were seeking to regain control of the Suez Canal and unseat the Gamal Nasser, President of Egypt and militant Pan-Arabist. The Soviets and the Americans under President Eisenhower thwarted the British and French efforts. The clumsy, timid British military action ended Eden’s time as Prime Minister.

1958: A two day conference on labor relations held in honor of the late Harry A. Shulman began at Yale Law School where he was the Dean.

1959: Seventy-three year old Gustav Schröder best known for his role as captain of MS St. Louis during what was later termed “the voyage of the damned” passed away today.

1960(10thof Tevet, 5720): Asara B’Tevet

1960: Delmore Schwartz was awarded the Bollinger Prize for poetry.

1961: In New York, “Enid Irene, a mental health administrator, and Murry Raymond Handler, an agency owner and advertising designer” gave birth to actor Evan Handler turned author whose works included Time On Fire: My Comedy of Terrors and It's Only Temporary...The Good News and the Bad News of Being Alive.

1961: Today “the Egoz, a Mossad-leased ship carrying Jews attempting to emigrate undercover, sank off the northern coast of Morocco.”

1961: Mystery writer Dashell Hammett author died from throat cancer at the age of 66. Hammett was not Jewish but he is the one who took the term “shamus” and moved it into the English language as a term referring to a private detective.

1962: “Sophomore Barry Kramer scored 30 points as New York University defeated Fairleigh Dickinson 80-72. (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

1963: “Summer Holiday” a musical with a score by Stanley Black premiered in London.

1963(14thof Tevet, 5723): Sixty-eight year old Bohemia born painter turned photographer Franz F. Planer the Oscar award nominated cinematographer whose works spanned from the big out door western “The Big Country” to the Manhattan stylishness of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” passed away today.

1971: "Light, Lively and Yiddish" closed at the Belasco Theater in New York City after 87 performances

1972(23rd of Tevet, 5732): Al Goodman died at the age of 81. This Russian born Jewish musician was best known as the orchestra leader for the NBC Comedy Hour, a live Sunday night television show that was quite popular in the 1950’s.

1972: In South Africa, anti-apartheid activists Valerie Polakow and Leonard Surkansky who later immigrated to Michigan, gave birth to Brown University graduate Shael Polakow-Surkansky, “the president of the Bank Street College of Education

1974(16thof Tevet, 5734): Eighty-five year old “Mrs. Carrie Strump Balaban, the widow of movie-theatre mogul A.J. Balaban, “the author of her husband’s biography Continuous Performance and founder of the A.J. Balaban Foundation who was the mother of his three children – Ida Joy, Cherry Blossom and Bruce -- passed away today

1975: The annual meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee came to an end today in Rome.

1977: “The Death of Richie” starring Robby Benson premiered on NBC tonight.

1978(2nd of Shevat, 5738): Eighty-two year old Hannah Gluckstein, the painter simply known as “Gluck” passed away today.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that "belt tightening" was the keynote of the annual budget speech, made in the Knesset by Finance Minister Simcha Ehrlich. He made it clear that 1978 would not be an easy year ­ neither for the economy, nor for the individual. He hoped, however, for a brighter 1980. The budget was sharply denounced by the Bank of Israel which said that it must be trimmed, as otherwise it would steeply increase inflationary pressures. In spite of the advanced Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations which could end in a total surrender of the whole Israel-occupied Sinai area, plots for private housing at Yamit were reported to be selling very fast to numerous prospective investors.

1979: Billy Carter, brother of President Jimmy Carter makes allegedly anti-Semitic remarks

1982(15th of Tevet, 5742): Lazar Weiner, prolific composer of Jewish and Yiddish music, died at 84

1986(29th of Tevet, 5746): Ninety-one year old Viennese born man of letters turned psychologist who co-authored Existence: A New Dimension in Psychiatry and Psychology passed away today in Newark, NJ.

 1987: Israeli jets rocketed Palestinian targets near Sidon today, and shellfire from Christian militiamen shut down the Beirut airport again. Palestinian guerrillas, many loyal to Yasir Arafat, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, hold strategic positions around the village of Maghdusheh. The Israeli attack followed the firing of a rocket into northern Israel on Tuesday. The rocket damaged a building, but Israeli military censors did not allow publication of other details about the attack, for which the P.L.O. took responsibility. In Tel Aviv, a military spokesman said today that the targets near Maghdusheh were the ''headquarters of Palestinian organizations used for staging terror attacks.''

1989: During the Intifada 2 Palestinian girls died today of head wounds from Israeli gunfire, bringing to four the number of Palestinian teen-agers who have been killed in the last 36 hours

.1990: The List of Newbury Honor Books published today included Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman and written by Erick Kimmel which was published by Holiday House.

1991: Israel moved palpably closer to a war footing today as the Defense Ministry and other officials alerted citizens that conflict in the Persian Gulf now appeared likely, and that they should begin preparing for a possible Iraqi attack

1992: General release of “Grand Canyon” directed and produced by Lawrence Kasdan, with a script “by Kasdan and his wife Meg.”

1994(27th of Tevet, 5754): Yigal Hurvitz passed away. Born at Hahal Yehuda in 1918, he served as a member of the Jewish Brigade during World War II. A member of Mapia who joined the various parties founded by David Ben Gurion, Hurvitz was an MK who held several ministerial positions including Minister of Finance.

1996: Israel freed hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in return for further assurances from Arafat et al that there would be no return to violence.

1997(2nd of Shevat, 5757): Actor, director, producer Sheldon Leonard passes away.

1997: On the second day of the Red Sea International Music Festival, the venue moves across the border from Eilat to Aqaba for the premiere of works commissioned from Charbon Shalayev, a Tagikistani composer, and Oded Zehavi, an Israeli. Also on that program will be Rimsky-Korsakov's ''Scheherazade,'' Mussorgsky's ''Night on Bald Mountain'' and Ippolitov-Ivanov's ''Caucasian Sketches.'' In what the sponsors call a move to foster peace in the Middle East, the Red Sea International Music Festival is being held at sites in both Israel and Jordan.

1999: In “Biography: The Short Form,” published today Peter Ackroyd reviewed Marcel Proust by Edmund White

1999: The New York Times book section included reviews of Murder in the Name of God: The Plot to Kill Yitzhak Rabin by Michael Karpin and Ina Friedman, Brother Against Brother: Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics From Altalena to the Rabin Assassination by Ehud Sprinzak, Heart of a Wife: The Diary of a Southern Jewish Woman by Helen Jacobus Apite; edited by Marcus D. Rosenbaum and The Jew of New York by Ben Katchor.

2000: One hundred thousand Israelis packed Rabin Square tonight to protest a withdrawal from the Golan Heights that would be part of any peace agreement with Syria.

2000 (3rd of Shevat, 5760): American producer Sam Jaffe passed away at the age of 99. Born in 1901, he “was, at different points in his career in the motion picture industry, an agent, a producer and a studio executive. He was brother-in-law to B.P. Schulberg which no doubt helped him get his first job at Paramount. Jaffe began as an office boy for Paramount-Famous Players-Lasky Company where he worked his way up through the ranks to become the executive in charge of production. In the early 1930s he worked at Columbia Pictures briefly before leaving to start his own talent agency. He successfully represented several stars of the era, including Lauren Bacall, Peter Lorre, Humphrey Bogart, Fredric March, David Niven, Zero Mostel, Richard Burton, and Stanley Kubrick, until the 1950s when his business was negatively affected by investigations of many of his clients by Joseph McCarthy's Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.”

2000: A recess takes place today in the U.S. sponsored peace talks between Israel and Syria. The talks are scheduled to resume on January 19, 2000.

2001(15th of Tevet, 5761): Forty-one year old painter Sarah Raphael, the daughter of writer Frederic Raphael and the granddaughter of Irene Rose (née Mauser) and Cedric Michael Raphael, passed away today.

2002(26th of Tevet, 5762): Eighty-six year old labor leader Moe Foner, the brother of historians Philip and Jack Foner and the uncle of historian Eric Foner, passed away today.

2005(29th of Tevet, 5765): Ninety-three year old Berlin born British cinematographer Erwin Hiller passed away today in London.

2005: Ophir Pines-Paz began serving as Internal Affairs Minister.

2005: Binyamin Ben-Eliezer began serving as Minister of National Infrastructure

2005: Avrhaham Hirschson replaced Gideon Ezra as Minister of Tourism.

2005: Dalia Itzik replaced Ehud Olmert as Communications Minister.

2005: Isaac Herzog replace Tzipi Livini was Housing and Construction Minister.

2005: Shimon Peres begins serving as Vice Prime Minister.

2005: Ninety-five year old Ursula Hoff, the daughter of “Hans Leopold Hoff, Hamburg-based German Jewish merchant, and his wife, née Thusnelde Margarethe (Tussi) Bulcke, of a German Lutheran” who had fled Germany when Hitler came to power passed away today.

2006: Shimon Peres began serving a Minister for the Development of the Negev and Galilee.

200610th of Tevet, 5766): Asara B'Tevet: Observance of the Tenth of Tevet, a minor fast day marking the start of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem that would end on the ninth day of Av with the destruction of the Temple.

2006 (10 Tevet): On the secular calendar Judith Sharon Rosenstein (nee Levin) passed away. Known to one and all as Judy, she truly was an Ashit Chayil, “A Woman of Valor.” A devoted wife, loving mother, doting grandmother, faithful friend as well as daughter and sister extraordinaire, Judy is a gift to all who are fortunate enough to be part of her life. “And her children called her ‘Blessed’.” May her name always be remembered!

2007: Alejandro Springall’s film “My Mexican Shivah” or “Morirse esta en hebreo” based on a novella by Ilan Stavans premieres at Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theater as the opening entry of the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2007:  Labor leader Amir Peretz announced that Raleb Majadele would be appointed Minister of Science, Culture and Sport

2007(20th of Tevet, 5767): "Bubbe" Maryasha Garelik, who lived through the entire 20th century, surviving the pogroms of czarist Russia, Soviet anti-Semitism and Nazi terror and then dispensing her wisdom to thousands of Lubavitch Jews, passed away at the age of 106. "She was small in size - less than 5 feet tall - but a giant in stature," Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky said.For decades, the bubbe (grandmother in Yiddish) dispensed wisdom to thousands in her Brooklyn neighborhood who came seeking her guidance. Her advice came from decades of trial by fire. According to a Lubavitch biography of Bubbe Maryasha, her father was killed in a pogrom, or organized massacre, in Czarist Russia when she was 5, and her grandparents, with whom she and her mother lived, were subsequently executed. Years later, under Soviet rule, Garelik, her husband and their small children were evicted from their apartment into the deep snow because he refused to do factory work on the Jewish Sabbath. As a Jewish underground operative, he was arrested in the 1930s during Stalin's rule, then shot. (His wife did not know exactly what happened to him until 1998, when his fate was revealed in an unsealed Soviet secret police file). "She was a lone person who stood up to a regime that shot her husband in cold blood in a field," Kotlarsky said. "She was left with six children, ages 1 to 14, and she persevered and raised them by herself, with ethical and moral integrity." When authorities warned her against lighting the Sabbath candles, Garelik fled with her children. The family moved six times in three years due to harassment from Soviet authorities; one home was a stable. But she was resourceful, growing potatoes in back of a synagogue to feed her family - with enough left over to pay for the dilapidated synagogue to be fixed. When an acquaintance tried to persuade her to send her children to the Communist public school, she said emphatically: "Stalin will be torn down before my children are indoctrinated that way," as quoted by her granddaughter Henya Laine, who is now herself a grandmother in Brooklyn. By 1941, when the Germans advanced onto Soviet soil, Garelik and her brood escaped to Uzbekistan, where she made and sold socks to survive. In 1946, they ended up in a detention camp in Germany. After the war, she moved to Paris, where she established a Lubavitch Jewish girls' school that still exists. She immigrated to the United States in 1953, helping to start a Brooklyn organization whose members visited the sick, and a boys' school for which she collected money into old age. God gave her "two healthy feet," she would say. "I can walk; I can take care of myself and help others."

2008: In Kensington, Maryland, Pulitzer Prize winner Geraldine Brooks reads from her new novel, People of the Book, a work of historic fiction built around The Sarajevo Haggadah.

2008: After leaving Israel, President George W. Bush visits the Palestinian city of Ramallah where he said that refugees should receive compensation for the loss of homes they fled or were forced to flee during the establishment of Israel and declared that should be an end to Israel’s “occupation” of lands seized in war four decades ago.

2009: With the reading of “Vayechi,” completion of the reading of Bereshit (Genesis).

2009: Vandals struck four Chicago-area synagogues early this morning, shattering glass doors and windows with bricks and rocks and spray-painting anti-Israel graffiti. The caretakers at Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation in the normally quiet village of Lincolnwood just outside Chicago woke up to the sound of shattering glass and saw two adults running through the synagogue's parking lot in ski masks. Four bricks were thrown through the building's front doors, but the vandals were unable to gain entry. "Death to Israel Free Palestine," was the message left behind on the walls in bright orange spray paint. Similar incidents occurred around the same time not far away at three synagogues and schools in Chicago's West Rogers Park, a neighborhood dominated by Orthodox Jews. Two windows were shattered at Young Israel of West Rogers Park, "Death to Israel" was spray-painted on the wall of Congregation Anshe Motele and rocks broke a glass window at the Lubavitch Mesivta School. Lubavitch Mesivta's Rabbi Moshe Perlstein told the Chicago Sun-Times that cameras captured video of the men damaging his school at around 4:40 a.m. The footage shows one man spray-painting the side of the building while the other ran around to the front and threw rocks at the front door, breaking a glass window, he said. The video has been turned over to police. Lincolnwood and Chicago police and the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force will check whether there was a connection between Saturday's incidents and the December 29 throwing of a Molotov cocktail into Temple Sholom, one of Chicago's oldest and most ornate synagogues, in the Lakeview neighborhood. The city's Ida Crown Jewish Academy high school received a mailed bomb threat two weeks ago that warned of attacks at other Chicago-area Jewish institutions, including day schools.

2009 (14 Tevet, 5769): Edmund de Rothschild, a merchant banker from the renowned banking family’s British branch who led the development of a major hydroelectric project in Labrador while helping his firm expand globally and opening it to people outside his family, passed away at his home at the age of 93. Mr. de Rothschild helped put together what in the early 1950s was the largest project ever undertaken by private enterprise, the giant hydroelectric development. The story began when Joseph R. Smallwood, premier of Newfoundland, which governs Labrador, personally asked Winston Churchill to help arrange for British investment in the project in 1953. Mr. Smallwood said he hoped the British would develop something like the East India Company or the Hudson’s Bay Company. Mr. Smallwood next met with Anthony de Rothschild, who then headed the British Rothschilds’ business, and with Edmund, Anthony’s nephew. As a result, Edmund put together a consortium of seven Canadian and American companies to develop mineral, timber and hydroelectric power resources in an area bigger than England and Wales combined. After many years of political and economic twists and turns, the project, at Churchill Falls (originally named Hamilton Falls), began operating in 1971 as the second-largest hydroelectric plant in North America. Edmund de Rothschild made more than 400 trips to Canada in pushing the project to completion. Mr. de Rothschild also changed the corporate structure of the Rothschild partnership to open it to people from outside the family. He made Rothschild a significant factor in the birth of the Eurobond market, and oversaw the firm’s considerable expansion internationally, particularly to Japan. Edmund Leopold de Rothschild was born on Jan. 2, 1916, in London, and was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. After he graduated, his father, Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, paid for an 18-month trip around the world, The Daily Telegraph reported in its obituary. Edmund went big-game hunting in Africa and rode horseback over the Andes, and told of his adventures in a book, “Window on the World” (1949).He returned from the trip to work at the family firm until World War II. He joined an artillery regiment in the British Army, and served in France, North Africa and Italy, where he was injured. Mr. de Rothschild returned to the firm, where, since the death of his father, his uncle Anthony had been the sole partner. “My knowledge of banking was nonexistent,” The Telegraph quoted him as saying. When Anthony had a stroke in 1955, Edmund effectively took over. He headed both Rothschild Continuation Holdings, the Rothschilds’ holding company based in Switzerland, and the family’s London operation, N. M. Rothschild & Sons.

2010: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to present “How Ain't Misbehavin' Became a Broadway Classic” with guest speaker Murray Horwitz ,playwright, co-writer of hit Broadway show Ain't Misbehavin', and a commentator for National Public Radio.

2010: As part of the History of Genocide Initiative, The Center for Jewish History and American Society for Jewish Music is scheduled to present: Imagination and Catastrophe: Art and the Aftermath of Genocide, co-sponsored by American Jewish Historical Society and Yeshiva University Museum.

2010: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Citizen’s Constitution: An Annotated Guide by Seth Lipsky and the recently release paperback edition of Hitler’s Private Library: The Books That Shaped His Life by Timothy W. Ryback.

2010: Opening Route 443 to Palestinian traffic could lead to the "total collapse" of Highway 1 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, a Transportation Ministry representative told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee today

2010: Two sisters from Tel Aviv, now in their 80s, were given Franz Kafka's manuscripts by their mother, who received them as a gift from Kafka's good friend Max Brod, according to a report submitted to the court today by the executor of the estate of the mother, Esther Hoffe.Hoffe was Brod's secretary and close friend for decades. If the court confirms this report is accurate, then the other parties in the case, the State of Israel and the National Library, will have to prove why Eva Hoffe and her sister Ruti Wisler should give them Kafka's documents.

2010: The University of Haifa issued a press release stating that the text found at Khirbet Qeiyafa was a social statement relating to slaves, widows and orphans. According to this interpretation, the text "uses verbs that were characteristic of Hebrew, such as asah ("did") and `avad ("worked"), which were rarely used in other regional languages. Particular words that appear in the text, such as almanah ("widow") are specific to Hebrew and are written differently in other local languages. The content itself, it is argued, was also unfamiliar to all the cultures in the region besides that of Hebrew society. It was further maintained that the present inscription yielded social elements similar to those found in the biblical prophecies markedly different from those current in by other cultures that write of the glorification of the gods and taking care of their physical needs."] Gershon Galil claims that the language of inscription is Hebrew and that 8 out of 18 words written on inscription are exclusively biblical. He also claimed that 30 major archeological scholars do support this thesis.

2011: NOA who is Achinoam Nini, Israel's leading international concert and recording artist, is scheduled to perform at The City Winery in New York City.

2010: Karen Armstrong, author of Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life and A History of God, Islam, and Buddha is scheduled to speak at the Historic 6th & I Synagogue in Washington, D.C.

2011: Israel's leading international concert and recording artist, Tel Aviv native Achinoam Nini, who performs under the name of NOA, is scheduled to appear at The Winery in New York City.

2011: Contemporary Dance Workshop with Israeli born dancer and choreographer Dana Ruttenberg is scheduled to take place at the Peridance Capezio Center in New York.

2011: People of decency and conscience mourn those murdered and wounded in Tucson, Arizona, including Gabriel “Gabby” Giffords, the Jewish congresswoman from Arizona who was the target of the assassination. Others, who have published maps targeting the congresswoman with a gun-sight and calling on their followers not to retreat but “to reload” claim that there is no connection between their rhetoric and this latest act of violence.

2010: Three Kassam rockets were fired into Israeli territory and exploded in the Hof Ashkelon Regional this evening. The rockets fell in an open area and did not cause any injuries or damage.

2011: It was revealed today that the overall moratorium on legal actions that could change the status quo of conversions in Israel has been extended by another six months in a deal brokered by Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky and Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser.


2011: The Kadima faction stated today that it will oppose the proposal to establish a parliamentary commission of inquiry to investigate the funding and activities of left-wing organizations

2012: W.W. Norton and the Leo Baeck Institute are scheduled to present “Joseph Roth, A Life in Letters” -- a panel discussion of Roth’s literary legacy moderated by W.W. Norton executive editor Robert Weil and featuring New Yorker fiction editor Willing Davidson, the author and record producer Anthony Heilbut, and author Fran Lebowitz.

2012: A panel discussion featuring Michael Freund Beata Schulman and Max Jackl entitled “The Hidden Jews of the Holocaust: Poland’s Re-emerging Jewish Community is scheduled to take place at the th 92nd Street Y in NYC.

2013: The storm battering the Jewish state which is “the fiercest Israel has seen in two decades, is expected to let up” this afternoon.

2013: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present “Judaism and the Invention of Christian Art.”

2013: “Finding Barb,” a musical comedy about one Jewish girl's unorthodox quest for love, is scheduled to be shown in Los Angeles

2013: “Lies in the Closet” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

2013: “Kol Nidre” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival

2013: President Obama announced that he is appointing current Chief of Staff and former OMB Director Jack Lew, who is an Orthodox Jew, to be the nation’s next secretary of the Treasury.

2013: Dr. Zvi Yvetz, the award winning professor of ancient history at Tel Aviv University whose family was wiped out during the Holocaust was buried today at Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak.

2013: My Neighbor Hitler: Memories of a Jewish Child by 88 year old Edgar Feuchtwagner and French journalist Bertil Scal “is due out in French bookstores today.” (JTA)

2013: Two Israeli films were nominated for the 85th Academy Awards' Best Documentary Feature category today, The Gatekeepers and 5 Broken Cameras.

2014: The Jewish Community Center of Northern version is scheduled to host “Mister Benny,” a dramatized version of the life of Jack Benny.

2014: President Barack Obama nominated Stanley Fischer to be Vice-Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board of Governors

2014: Beth Schafer is scheduled to perform during Friday night services at Beth Chaverim in Ashburn, VA.

2014(8thof Shevat, 5774): Sixty-two year old Vermont State Senator Sally G. Fox passed away today in Burlington, VT.

2014: Caesarea native Karen Ann Zeidel is scheduled to perform at Le Poisson Rouge

2014: “Out of Israel” Dance Festival is scheduled to begin at the 92ndStreet Y.

2014(8thof Shevat, 5774): Seventeen year old Sam Berns who became the “public face of progeria” passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2014: In Tel Aviv, authorities unveiled “a memorial honoring gays and lesbians persecuted by the Nazis during World War II.”

2014: President Obama nominated Stanley Fischer to serve as vice chair of the Federal Reserve meaning that the two top spots at the “U.S. central bank” will be Jews.

2014: According to reports first published today in Maariv “Jerusalem tour guides discovered what they believe is a water tunnel from biblical times.”

2014: A vehicle driven Colonel Yoav Harom, commander of the Samaria Brigade was damaged by “unknown assailants in the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar.”

2015(19thof Tevet, 5775): Begin reading Shemot, the 2nd book of the Torah

2015(19thof Tevet, 5775): Ninety-six year old historian and political theorist Harry V. Jaffa

2015: Israeli flutist, composer and arranger Hadar Noiberg is scheduled to perform at the Winter Jazz Fest in New York.

2015: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host an evening with Quin Tangp which “intersperses its sizzling music with narratives about Eastern European immigrants in Argentina, why a shabbos goy became one of the greatest names in tango, and how the second largest Jewish community in the world contributed more to tango than just music.”

2015: Nadine Bommer Theater Dance is scheduled to perform today during the 2015 Association of Performing Arts Presenters Conference.

2015: Israeli basketball player Gal Mekel must be retained as of today by the NBA’s New Orleans Pelicans “in order to have his salary guaranteed for the season.”

2015: In Broomfield, CO, the OHALA Shabbaton is scheduled to come to an end this evening.

2015: Tonight, “several thousand people participated in a vigil for the victims of Friday’s deadly shooting at a kosher supermarket.”

2015: According to a list released today by the CRIF umbrella group of the French Jewish communities the four people murdered at the kosher market in Paris yesterday were Yohan Cohen, Yoav Hattab, Phillipe Barham and Francoise-Michel Saada – Baruch Dayan Ha’emet (As reported by JTA and Times of Israel)

2015: “Tens of thousands of Israelis made their way to the Golan Heights, the Galilee, Gush Etzion and even the Carmel Mountain this morning to enjoy the accumulating snowfall of the last few days.”

2015: Julian Edelman, who is usually the one who catches the passes threw a fifty-one yard touchdown pass – the first in his NFL career – as the Pats beat the Ravens in the tonight’s playoff game.

2016: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Geography of Genius: A Search for the World’s Most Creative Places From Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley by Eric Weiner, The Defender: How the Legendary Black Newspaper Changed America From the Age of the Pullman Porters to the Age of Obama by Ethan Michaeli and The Idealist: Aaron Swartz and the Rise of Free Culture on the Internet by Justin Peters

2016: The Broadway Baby Concert featuring Efrat Raz and Eliah Zabaly is scheduled to take place at the AISJ School in Jerusalem.

2016: In Galveston, the Texas Jewish Historical Society Winter Board Meeting is scheduled to come to an end.

2016: As part of its Distinguished Scholars Series, Tikvat Israel Congregation is scheduled to host Professor Jerry Z. Muller to speak on “Capitalism and the Jews.

2016: he Center for Jewish History, American Jewish Historical Society, Yeshiva University Museum, YIVO Institute, The Jewish Museum, East European Jewish Affairs, University of Colorado Boulder Program in Jewish Studies, and Routledge Press are scheduled to present a symposium on “Jewish Museums in the 21st Century.”

2016: Eighty year old Hungarian born Canadian journalist and author George Jonas passed away today. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2017: “The State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda,” an exhibition that highlights Nazis use of propaganda “win broad voter support, implement radical programs, justify war and mass murder” is scheduled to open in New York.

2017: The confirmation hearings for President-elect Trump’s nominees which will eventually include Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of the Treasury are scheduled to begin today at the same time that questions of potential conflict of interest surrounding the appointment of Jarded Kushner remain to be answered

2018: Counter-terrorism expert Steve Gar is scheduled to speak at the Iowans Supporting Israel Luncheon in Des Moines, IA.

2018: Jacob Wisse, director of YUM, is scheduled to lead a tour through the Yeshiva University Museum’s exhibition “The Arch of Titus – from Jerusalem to Rome, and Back.”

2019: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is to host “Witnessing the Struggle for Justice” which is a “commemoration of the Bosnian Genocide.”

2019: “Joseph Pulitzer: Voice of the People” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival today.

2019(4thof Shevat, 5779): On the Jewish calendar “Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeira, the great Sephardic sage and kabbalist known as the Baba Sali.”





This Day, January 11, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 11

66(28th of Tevet, 3826): The Sanhedrin elected Joseph ben Gorion and the High Priest Anan as the administrative heads of the government of Judea replacing King Agrippa

314: Militades, who was the Pope when Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Toleration which effectively recognized Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire, passed away.

347: Birthdate of Theodosius I the last emperor to rule both the western and eastern portion of the Roman Empire. As powerful as Theodosius may appeared to be, he was no match for the rising power of the Christian church leaders. When a bishop had incited a group of his followers to burn down a synagogue, Theodosius ordered the bishop to pay for re-building the Jewish house of worship. But Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan, overruled the Emperor contending, according to one source, that Christian money should not be used to pay for Jewish things.

630: As Islam begins its march into North Africa, East Asia and parts of Europe with all that that will mean to the Jewish people for the next millennium and half, Mohammed conquers Mecca.

1313: The Council of Zamora (Spain) made a ruling which was allegedly based on a ruling by Pope Clement V, in which he allowed the Christians to legally deny accruing any interest on loans from Jews.

1654: One day after he passed away on what was his 74th birthday, David Nieto, the Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue community in London was buried today in the Velho Sephardic Cemetery.

1728: One day after he had passed away David Nieto, “the Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community and the father of Isaac Nieto, his successor, was buried today at the “Velho Sephardic Cemetery.”

1755: Birthdate of Alexander Hamilton, aide to General George Washington, ardent Federalist and the 1st United States Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton was in Charleston, a city on Nevis, an island in the West Indies. He was the son of James A. Hamilton and Rachel Facucett Lavien. Although the facts are a little murky, it would appear that Hamilton’s mother was Jewish.  She had left her husband, Johann Michael Lavien, a Jewish planter before she began her affair with Hamilton was a married man.  Since Hamilton was born out of wedlock, he could not go to school at the school run by the Church of England.  Instead he attended classes at a Jewish private school.  If Hamilton’s mother was indeed Jewish and not just a woman married to a Jew, he would be Jewish according to Halachah. Hamilton never identified himself as a Jew and lived his life in New York as a Christian.

1771: Sixty-six year old Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens the author of Lettres Juives (The Jewish Spy) passed away today.

1775: Francis Salvador of South Carolina became the first Jew to be elected to a state legislature. An ardent patriot, Salvador lost his life and his hair while fighting the Cherokees who were allies of the British.

1787: William Herschel discovered the Uranian moons Titania and Oberon. Herschel’s ethnic origins are part of an oft told tale among Germans of this period. William Herschel was the son of German Jew named Isaac Herschel. Isaac married a Christian woman and the children, including William, were raised as Christians.

1792: Mordecai Davis married Sarah Jacobs today at the Great Synagogue.

1796: One day after she had passed away, Keila Fuerth, the wife of Simon Fuerth, was buried today at the “Alderney Road (Globe Rd) Jewish Cemetery.”

1799: A state of siege was declared in Jerusalem, as Napoleon approached Gaza and Jaffa.

1805: In Cuneo, Piedmont, Solomon Jehiel Raphael ha-Kohen and his wife gave birth to Italian rabbi and educator Lelio (Hillel) Della Torre who was raised by his uncle Rabbi Sabbatai Elhanan Treves because his father passed away when he was two years old.

1805: Birthdate of Lewis Feuchtwanger, the German born American chemist who was the husband of Augusta Levy with whom he had five children.

1808: Birthdate of novelist Abraham Mapu.

1818: Fanny Joseph, the wife of Reuben Joseph and the mother of Judah, Joseph and Simon Joseph was buried today in the United Kingdom.

1819: In Bridgetown, Barbados, Esther Hannah (Montefiore) Levi and Isaac gave birth to Jacob Isaac Levi Montefiore. His brothers were Edward Levi Montefiore and George Levi Montefiore. In 1835, he moved to Sydney, Australia, assumed his mother’s name and became a successful merchant and investment banker.  He passed away at Norwood, London in 1885.

1824: Hayman Levy, the son of Solomon and Rebecca Eve Levy and his wife Almeria Levy gave birth to Rosalie Alice Salomon.

1841(18thof Tevet, 5601): Seventy six year old Abraham Oppenheimer, the husband of Reina (Rachel) Oppenheimer passed away in his hometown of Gemdem, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany.

1843: Moses Angel, the headmaster at the Jews’ Free School (JFS) married Rebekah Godfrey with whom he had six children – three boys and three girls.

1846: Two days after he was murder at Seward’s Café, 59 year old Simon Levy was buried at “the Westomount Cemetery” on the Isle of Jersey.

1846(13th of Tevet, 5606): Forty-two year old German physician and publisher Johann Jacob (Joseph Isidor) Sachs passed away today at Nordhausen.

1849: Birthdate of Dr. Oskar Lassar, famed German dermatologist. He also developed a public bath house system designed to give improve the hygiene of the less fortunate.

1856: Jesse and Henriette Seligman gave birth to Harvard rower Theodor David Seligman, the husband of Florence Walston.

1859:  Birthdate of Lord George Nathaniel Curzon. Curzon was one of two members of the British Cabinet who were opposed to the Balfour Declaration; the other was a Jew, Edwin Samuel Monatgue. In the end, Curzon did vote to accept the declaration. In the 1920’s Curzon served as Foreign Secretary. He negotiated the agreement that resulted in Egypt gaining her independence. He also oversaw the division of the British Mandate in Palestine which resulted in the creation of the Kingdom of Jordan on the land east of Jordan River. Some Jewish leaders decried this as an illegal act.  When partition was later proposed for the land west of the Jordan, many opposed it saying that Curzon’s earlier partition had already given the Arabs their state.  For a time, Winston Churchill was one of those who made that argument. 

1860: Two factions clashed today at a contentious meeting of the shareholders of the Great Eastern that took place today at the London Tavern in the UK.  One faction was led by the Chairman, a man named Campbell.  The other was led by Simon Magnus, a English Jew who had made his fortune in the coal industry.

1864: In New York, Frederick Loeser, the founder of Frederick Loeser and Company, and his wife gave birth to Charles Alexander Loeser, the Harvard graduate and husband of pianist of Olga Lebert Kaufman who created one of the great collection of “early Renaissance art furniture” while living in Florence.

1873: “The Persecuted Hebrews” published today described efforts by the government of the United States to ameliorate the suffering of the Jews of Romania.  Among other things the U.S. Ambassador in Vienna has enlisted the help of the Austrian government in an attempt to pressure the Prince of Romania to improve the conditions of the Jews living in Moldavia and Wallachia.

1881: In Georgetown, SC, “Louis Seigman Ehrich” and “Cornelia C. Sampson Ehrich” gave birth Dr. William Seigman Ehrich, who for most of his career “was a surgeon at Evansville State Hospital.”

1882: The London Times published the first of two articles that had been “smuggled over the Lithuanian border” that described the pogroms taking place in Russia.

1884: “Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler, a brilliant pianist who emerged in the young, male-dominated American concert world of the 1880s” made “her American debut as a professional” today “with Chicago’s Beethoven Society.”

1885: Rabbi Lazare Eliezer Wogue, who was “chair of Jewish theology at the Ecole Centale Rabbinque at Metz” “was made a chevalier of the Legion of Honor” today.

1888(27th of Tevet, 5648): Prominent Jewish businessman Jacob Magnus passed away.  He was buried in Balls Pond Jewish Cemetery, Islington, Middlesex, England.

1888(27thof Tevet, 5648): Sixty-four year old Joshua be Aaron Zeitlin “the scholar and philanthropist’ who was awarded a medal by Czar Alexander for his services a contractor for the Russian Army during the Russo-Turkish War passed away today.

1888: In South Carolina, Frank R. Fisher married May Helen Valentine today.

1890: It was reported today that during December, the Unite Hebrew Charities provided assistance to 3,578 people who belonged to 778 families in the amount of $3,381.50 while giving $210 to “87 transients.”

1890: It was reported today that Jacob Schiff has given ten thousand dollars “to Harvard University for the establishment of a museum for the study of the literature, history and remains of the Semitic people” (When Harvard decided to change its admission policies because it had too many Jews, it did not return the funds because it had too much Jewish money)

1891: The 8th annual meeting of the patrons and members of the Hebrew Technical Institute was held this morning at 10:30 at 34 Stuyvesant Street where it was reported that 150 students are now attending the school which began with only 28 students.

1891(2ndof Shevat, 5651): Samuel Joseph Fuenn, the Talmudic scholar who was born at Vilnius in 1819 whose works include Shenot Dor we-Dor, a chronology of Biblical history, passed away today.

1891: It was reported today that many of the famous 19th century scholars “were very unhappy at school.”  This included Heinrich Heine who according the “Reisebilder, “used to pray to a big crucifix ‘O Thou, Poor Deity, if it be possible grant that I may remember the irregular verbs.”

1892: It was reported today that Baron de Hirsch refused to accept payment from the North American Review for an article he had written for the July edition and had instructed the editor, Lloyd S. Price to send the check for $250 to the Hebrew Technical Institute.

1892: Simon Borg, Sol B. Solomon and Abraham Herrman continue to serve as trustees the Hebrew Technical Institute even though their terms were supposed to end yesterday because a fight over the by-laws prevented elections from taking place.

1893: A large house and saloon belonging to David Sampson, a Jewish resident of Elizabeth, NJ, burned down today.

1893(23rd of Tevet, 5653): Fifty-seven year old Viennese born lawyer and author Daniel Spitzer passed away today.

1893: Commissioner Adolph L. Sanger “was chosen President of the School Board” in New York today. A native of Baton Rouge, Sanger was a graduate of CCNY and Columbia and had served as President of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1894: It was reported today that Henry Pereira Mendes, the rabbi at Shearith Israel who was shot two years ago by a Jew named Joseph Misrachee  has been threatened by an unnamed “mendicant who boasted that he was “one of Mizrachee’s fellows.” The police take the threat so seriously that they have assigned detectives to find the man who made approached the rabbi.

1894: In Baltimore, Rabbi Tobias Schonfarber officiated at the marriage of Mrs. Ida McKenna and Jacob G. Schonfarber, the editor of The Journal of the Knights of Labor.

1895: Birthdate of New York native Abraham Wolf Binder, the professor at the New York Jewish Institute of Religion who served as music director of the Free Synagogue from 1926 until his death 40 years later during which he time he wrote and composed a wide variety of religious and secular music.

1895: As part of the Dreyfus Affair, Major Ferdinand Esterhazy faces a court-martial where he is confronted by Colonel Georges Picquart who offers indisputable evidence of Esterhazy’s guilt and Dreyfus’ innocence. As had happened previously when Picquart had presented his evidence to the deputy chief of staff, the court attacks Picquart and disregards his testimony.

1896: It was reported today that “the United Hebrew Trades and Halevy Singing Society” were among the organization who took part at ceremonies memorializing the late champion of Russian freedom Sergey Mikhaylovich Stepnyak-Kravchinsky

1896: Based on information that first appeared in the Philadelphia Ledger, it was reported today that Dr. Paul Haupt, a professor at Johns Hopkins University delivered a lecture “under the auspices of the Gratz College Trustees at Mickve Israel ” on the subject of “The Site of Paradise and the Babylonian Nimrod Epic.”

1897: Birthdate of Rudzin, Russia native and husband of Rebecca Russoff, Hyman Solokov who lived in England from 1901 to 1907 and then moved to Winnepeg where during WW I he joined the Jewish Legion serving as a signaler until demobilized in October 1919 after which he pursued a career in journalism and the law.

1897: It was reported today that during the 13 years of its existence the Hebrew Technical Institute in New York “has graduated 239 students” all of whom but five are still alive.  Approximately 75% of the graduates are employed in some kind of “mechanical occupation” which consistent with the kind of training offered by the Institute.  (More for 2014)

1898: It was reported that the late Rudolph Hertzog was unpopular with German Jews because he refused to employ his co-religionists in his dry goods stores.

1898: After overcoming considerable opposition because of his origins, Herman P. Faust, a converted Jew will be ordained as Presbyterian minister.

1898: Anti-Semitic riots broke out in Paris after Ferdinand Esterhazy was acquitted  by a secret French Military Court of charges that he, and not Dreyfus, was the spy who had sold military secrets to the Germans.

1899: It was reported today that in the deposition that had been cabled from Cayenne to Paris by Alfred Dreyfus, the convicted Captain denied that he had ever made a confession “to a Republican Guard or Gendarme’ including Captain Lebrun-Renault and Colonel du Paty de Calm.  He has “always declared that his innocence would be proved in two or three years.

1899: It was reported today that “the Dreyfus affair has…entered one of its bitterest chapters” when Jules Quesnay de Beaurepaire, the President of the Court of Cassation (France’s court of final appeals) discredited his colleagues as having conspired with the Dreyfusards in making their upcoming decision on the Captain’s final appeal.  He thought they were going to overturn the conviction, a move that he opposed as an “antidreyfusard” who sought to become leader of the French right wing.

1902: Jewey Cooke won the English Gold & Silver Belt lightweight boxing competition in London. (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

1903: Birthdate of Lemberg native Jako Rosenfeld the survivor of Dachau and Buchenwald who found refuge in the Shanghai which led him to serving with Mao’s People’s Liberation Army where he was “known as General Luo.”

1904: In Limerick, Ireland, after “Father John Creagh, a Redemptorist, gave a sermon attacking Jews” the Jews living on Colooney Street closed their shops and “remained locked in their homes” as the “menacing mobs” moved through the Jewish neighborhood.

1904: Birthdate of New York City native Alexander Samalman the editor of several science fiction publications.

1905 (5th of Shevat): Chasdic Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter passed away in Góra Kalwaria, Poland. He was born in Warsaw in 1847. When he was young his father died, so that when it came time to lead the Ger Hasidic dynasty, he was under-age and he refused the mantle of leadership for many years. Eventually his followers succeeded in gaining his assent for him to become their leader as Rebbe. Thus he succeeded his grandfather, Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Alter, as the second Rebbe of the Ger dynasty of Chasidic Judaism. He was a prodigious scholar and his work the Sfas Emes (or Sfat Emet) deals with the legalistic Talmud, the ethics of Midrash, and mysticism of the Zohar. During the Russo-Japanese War many of his young followers were drafted into the Russian Army and sent to the battlefields in Manchuria. Alter was very worried over these devotees and would constantly write to them. It began to be detrimental to his health. He was only 57 when he passed away. He was succeeded by his son Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter. Following the Holocaust, the Ger dynasty became a large movement in Israel.

1907: Birthdate of Pierre Mendes France French political leader who was Prime Minister of France during the Fourth Republic

1908: In the Bronx, two Russian-Jewish immigrants gave birth to Lionel Jay Stander, the gravelly voiced actor who had a career in movies, radio, theatre and television where young viewers might best remember him as the butler on the television hit “Hart to Hart” but whose career suffered because his labor activism and the infamous Blacklist.

1911: Birthdate of Berlin native Brunhilde Pomsel who went from being “a stenographer for a Jewish lawyer” to serving as “the personal stenographer for Joseph Goebbels.”

1912: Morris Hillquit debated fellow Socialist “Big Bill” Haywood at New York City’s Cooper Union.  Haywood who had no qualms about violent action, claimed that Hilliquit had a betrayed the “class struggle” by helping the garment workers negotiate a contract with their employers.

1912: Blanche Bloom is scheduled to provide the entertainment at this afternoons meeting of the Deborah and Deborah Junior Society in the Sinai Vestry Rooms in Chicago.

1912: “It was estimated that approximately $10,000 was raised at “the charity ball given” tonight “at the Coliseum” by the Federated Orthodox Jewish Charities which was attended by “three thousand Chicago Jews.”

1912: The Russian consul in New York City refused to grant a visa to Jewish journalist Herman Bernstein.

1915: Dr. Shmaryahu Levin, a former member of the Russian Duma now living in the United States today “advocated a national loan to save the Jewish nation saying “that unless immediate steps are taken to save the Jews in Russian and Austria, this war will wipe them out.”

1915: “Jews The Chief Sufferers” published today carried a summary of the belief of Rabbi David de Sola Pool that “if Poland should receive her freedom” they “would be in a worse position than they are now” and that “their lot will be equally hard if Poland” becomes part of Germany.

1915: As of today, the American Jewish Relief Committee has raised nearly $300,000 for relief work from contributors all over the country including the J.P. Morgan & Co.

1916(6thof Shevat, 5676): Ninety year old merchant Morris Einstein of Chicago passed away today.

1916: “The possibilities in the field of Jewish evangelization were discussed by a hundred Christian leaders representing societies that have established more than 50,000 churches” in the United States.

1916: “The American Jewish Relief Committee authorized” today “the distribution of almost a half million dollars to the Jews suffering from the war” including $100,000 for the general relief of the Jews in Russia.

1916: It was announced that “the campaign of organizing braches of industries as collecting units” for the American Jewish Relief Committee “was progressing favorably.”

1916: It was reported today that Abraham Isaac "Abe" Shiplacoff, the Socialist New York Assemblyman has introduced legislation aimed at getting President Wilson to get the “belligerent nations” to improve their treatment of the Jews in Europe.

1917: As of today, the fund totaling between $30,000 and $40,000 “which the Central Conference of American Rabbis has raised in the last twenty years” for the purpose of providing pensions for “for superannuated rabbis” has grown by one hundred thousand dollars thanks to a contribution in that sum made by Jacob H. Schiff in honor of his recent birthday.

1918: Birthdate of composer Albert Weisser.

1918: It was reported today that the “population of Berlin is dived, roughly into three classes” including “the middle class which loves Ludendorff because he gives high posts in the army to Jews…” (Editor’s note – this contemporaneous comment stands at odds with Ludendorff being one of the prime originiators of the “stabbed in the myth back” and his consorting with Hitler in 1923)

1919: Romania’s Jewish population grew today when it annexed Transylvania. Romania promised that it would grant full emancipation to its Jewish population at the time of the annexation.  The changes were met with opposition by the National Christian Defense League and riots by right-wing students.

1921: A month before assuming his responsibilities at the Colonial Office, Winston Churchill “was in Paris where he discussed” Middle East policy with French President Alexandre Millerand, “who criticized Britain’s support for a Jewish National Home.”

1921:In Budapest, Helene Peto, “a Vienna-born homemaker and Emil Peto, a commodities broker gave birth to Judith Marianne Peto who gained fame as Judith Lieber, the luxury handbag doyenne who “was the first woman to become an apprentice and then master in the Hungarian handbag guild. She survived World War II in hiding and met her husband—an American soldier—on the streets of Budapest. A GI Bride, she moved to the United States and began working as a pattern maker and later foreman at a handbag company before launching her own company in 1963. Lieber's small firm quickly grew, and she soon opened a factory to produce her designs. Today, Lieber's handbags, still made in the United States by skilled artisans, are cherished by celebrities and collectors alike. In 1953, throngs of guests and reporters turned out to see the Judith Lieber bag carried by Maimie Eisenhower at her husband's inauguration; every first lady since Nancy Reagan has carried one. Although she retired from designing handbags in 1998, many of her most famous lines, including the classic beaded Chatelaine, are still in production. Her bags have been featured in numerous art exhibitions and are included in the collections of London's Victoria and Albert Museum, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., among others.

1922: Insulin was first administered to a human patient with diabetes in Toronto, Canada. The study of the pancreas and the function of insulin took place over many decades and took the efforts of numerous scientists. As you would imagine some of these were Jewish. Two of these were Oscar Minkowski who played a key role in establishing the relationship between the pancreas and diabetes and Rosalyn Sussman Yalow who received the 1977 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the development of the radioimmunoassay for insulin.

1922: Release date for “Foolish Wives” billed as Hollywood’s “first million-dollar move” written, directed and co-starring Erich von Stroheim, co-produced by Irving Thalberg and Carl Laemmie with music by Sigmund Romberg.

1922: Birthdate of Lawrence Garfinkel, an epidemiologist with the American Cancer Society who helped design landmark studies that linked smoking to lung cancer. (As reported by Denise Grady)

1923: In Witten, Germany, “Heinrich Nolte, a primary school headmaster, and the former Anna Bruns” gave birth to “Ernst Nolte, a German revisionist historian who broke academic taboos by equating Nazism with Bolshevism and who was denounced as an apologist for Hitler and even the Holocaust.” (As reported by Sam Roberts)

1927: Birthdate of Gerald Gold, the Brooklyn native who as an editor for the New York Times“helped supervise the herculean task of combing through a secret 2.5-million-word Defense Department history of the Vietnam War, later known as the Pentagon Papers, to produce articles showing that officials had lied about the war…” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1927: In New York, at the Sigmund Schwartz Undertaking Rooms, “two thousand friends and former associates of Sam Paul” attended his funeral where Dr. Edward Lissman of Riverside Temple delivered the eulogy

1928: The Boston Transcript reported that 27 year old Albert “Dolly” Stark the freshman basketball coach at Dartmouth who umpired more than 50 college games last year and has umpired in the Eastern League “will be named as National League umpire” later this month. (Editor’s Note – No mention was made of the fact that Stark was the first major league umpire in the modern era)

1928: Birthdate of David Wolper “an award-winning movie and television producer best known for the groundbreaking mini-series Roots.”

1929: Birthdate of Rafael "Raful" Eitan, the native of Afula who became Chief of Staff of the IDF, an MK and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel.

1930: Max Posnack scored seven points to lead St. John’s to victory over CCNY. (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

1930: “The Kibitzer” a comedy with a screenplay co-authored by Sam Mintz, Edward G. Robinson, Viola Brothers Shore and Jo Swerling was released today in the United States.

1931: In New York City. Dorothy Belle (née Feiner) and Richard Rodgers, the noted composer gave birth to Mary Rodger the author of children’s books who wrote songs with lyricist Sammy Cahn.

1931: Governor Franklin Roosevelt and Mayor Jimmy Walker were among the dignitaries who expressed their sense of loss when informed that Nathan Straus had passed away today.

1933: In Hamburg, Germany, the Altona Confession was issued by area pastors. In light of the confusing political situation and the developing Nazi influence on the State Church, it offered Scriptural guidelines for those seeking lead a Christian life.

1934(24thof Tevet, 5694): R' Yekusiel Yehuda Greenwald, the son of Zisel and Rabbi Moshe Greenwald and the husband of Rachel Greenwald and Tzipra Greenwald, passed away today.

1935: “Romance In Manhattan” a comedy starring Francis Lederer was released today in the United States.

1935: Hakibbutz Hadati, the religious kibbutz movement was founded. Actually, the movement was styled after the moshav, which allowed for ownership of private property. It was affiliated with the HaPoel Ha Mizrachi movement the religious Zionist Labor Organization. Its idea was to combine religious life and labor in a communal agricultural settlement the first being Tirat Tzvi

1935: “The Night Is Young” produced by Harry Rapf based on a story by Vicki Baum was released today in the United States.

1936: “The London Times, editorially referring to the League” of Nations “refugees report, emphasizes that public charity…can no long cope with the increasing distress of Jewish exiles and that land must be found unless the large numbers afflicted are to remain homeless.”

1936: Today in Warsaw, “the court of appeals upheld the sentence of four anti-Semites to five and a half years each for the murder of a Warsaw Jew during an anti-Jewish riot in June, 1934.

1936: Nobel prize winner Max Plank addressed today’s celebration of the silver jubilee of the founding of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science during which :he paid tribute to the late Professor Fritz Haber, the Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the synthetic nitrate process that enabled Germany to carry on during the war, but whom the National Socialist anti-Jewish campaign drove into exile and suicide and to the late Franz von Mendelssohn, another Jew who was the society’s treasurer until his death in June of 1935.”

1937: The American Jewish Committee reported that in Rumania ‘the anti-Jewish faction has been gaining ground and is coming ‘closer and closer to victory’” thanks, in part, to the propaganda conducted by German Nazi Agents.

1938: Today, “in a move dictated both by humane considerations and a desire to strip the ‘unitarian’ Vargras Government of every possible appearance of Nazism or Fascism, Brazilian authorities have suspended deportation order that would have returned 800 to 1,000 Jewish immigrants who ae illegally in” Brazil.

1938(9thof Shevat, 5698):  Sixty-nine year old Baron Anthony Denis Maurice George de Worms, the noted English philatelist who was the son of George de Worms and Louisa de Samuel and the husband of Louisa Matilda Goldsmidt with whom he had three children – Charles, George and Violet Henrietta  de Worms --  passed away today.

1939: Official figures published tonight show that there are 250,000 refugees on Czech soil of whom 20,000 are Jewish and 15,000 are Sudeten Jews.

1941(12th of Tevet, 5701): Seventy-two year old chess champion Emanuel Lasker passed away today in New York City

1942: The Nazis seized 1,500 Jews in Vienna and sent them by train to Riga.

1942: Birthdate of Lewis Katz, the native Camden, NJ whose accomplishment included co-ownership of The Philadelphia Inquirer.

1942: The Los Angeles Times reported that “Charles A. Levine, the ex-junk dealer who claimed the now-obscured fame of being the first trans-Atlantic airplane passenger in 1927, was jailed in New York on a Los Angeles indictment of conspiring to smuggle a German alien into the United States.”

1943: The Höfle Telegram was sent by SS-Sturmbannführer Hermann Höfle to SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann in Berlin listing 1,274,166 total arrivals to the four camps of Aktion Reinhard through the end of 1942, as well as the total arrivals by camp for the last two weeks of 1942.

1943: Birthdate of Steven Neil Posner, the Baltimore native “who with his father, Victor, was caught up in a major corporate raiding case that led to the convictions of Ivan F. Boesky and Michael R. Milken”

1943(5th of Shevat, 5703): Forty-six year old public relations adviser Louis Popkin who had worked in the campaigns of Governor Herbert Lehman and served as publicity director for the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies as well as directing the publicity for fund-raising appeals by Beth Israel Hospital and the Jewish federation of St. Louis passed away today

1944: “Rabbi Barnett R. Brickner said today that he had been particularly impressed by the good care taken of American soldiers in all the theatres he had visited, including India, the Persian Gulf and the Middle East…Rabbi Brickner is administrative chairman of the Committee examining religious activities on behalf of the military as well a member of the National Jewish Welfare Board.” Brickner shared with his religious counterparts “the task of making a survey of the morale” of America’s fighting men and women.

1944(15thof Tevet, 5704): Sixty-seven year old Hermann Struck the German born Jewish artist who won the Iron Cross First Class for his service in the Kaiser’s Army during the World War and who made Aliyah in 1922 where he taught at the Bezalel Academy and helped to establish the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, passed away today in Haifa/

1944: The Nazis established the Crakow-Plaszow Concentration Camp.

1945: The deportations of Jews from Hungary to Austria have ended. In Budapest, 120,000 Jews await in protected housing for the arrival of the Red Army. Hungarian Fascist Nyilas thugs entered "protected" Jewish houses throughout Budapest, murdering dozens of residents. A gang of eight Nyilas enter one of the houses and kills 15 men, 26 women and one child. Another group surrounds the Jewish hospital, torturing and killing 95 patients.

1947: In “The Arabs Mobilize” published today Edward P. Morgan provides a snapshot of the preparation for battle taking place in Palestine.

1948: Tonight, “Dr. Emanuel Neumann, president of the Zionist Organization of America arged that arms and equipment be made available ‘at once to the embattled and beleaguered Jews of Palestine, legally, openly and through United Nations channels.’”

1948: Maurice Fischer, the Jewish Agency Representative in Paris sent a telegram demanding that the negotiations with the French over allowing them to see secret British documents recently seized by the Haganah be held in Paris and not in Jerusalem.

1951(4thof Shevat, 5711): Nineteen year old Morris Meshulam, the U.S. Army Corporal who had been captured while fighting against overwhelming odds from attacking Chinese forces “died today either from severe malnutrition or injuries that he received during the battle.”

1956: Birthdate of Israel Yinon, the native of Kfar Saba who became an “internationally acclaimed conductor.”

1957(9thof Shevat, 5717): Fifty-two year old New York City native Morris J. Kandel, the “founder and president of the Bonded Fil Storage Company of New York and the husband of Celia Kandel with whom he had two daughters – Phyllis and Joan – passed away today.

1957: In Savannah, GA, an expanded structure designed to replace the original Mordecai Sheftall Memorial space was dedicated at Mickve Israel.

1957(9th of Shevat, 5717): Eighty-six year old Rose Sutro the older sister of Ottilie Sutro with whom she formed “one of the first recognized duo-piano teams” passed away today.

1958: A two day conference on labor relations held in honor of the late Harry A. Shulman came to end at Yale Law School where he was the Dean.

1960: Boris Segal directed “The Emperor’s Clothes” on tonight’s broadcast of The Play of the Week.

1961: The Egoz, a small boat leased by the Mossad to smuggle Jews from Morocco to Gibraltar, capsized.  All forty-four of the olim drowned, half were children.  After the Egoz disaster, the Jewish Agency and the Mossad worked with threatened Moroccan communities to rescue the children first.  In Operation Mural, 530 Moroccan Jewish children were sent by their families on an ostensible holiday in Switzerland—and, from there, flown to Israel. (As reported by Diana Muir Appelbaum)

1962: Sir Gilbert Mackereth passed away. While serving as a British diplomat in Syria he sought to limit the number of Jews entering Palestine when in 1937 he called for an “increase in border patrol” along the Syrian border “due to the high numbers of Jewish immigrants fleeing Hitler’s Germany.

1962: CBS broadcast the first episode of “Tell It To Groucho” starring Groucho Marx.

1962(6thof Shevat, 5722): Seventy-seven year old book designer and collector Elmer Adler who “began collecting books and prints while working at his family's clothing firm in Rochester, New York” and then moved on to New York where “he established Pynson Printers” and “began publishing The Colophon, A Book Collectors’ Quarterly” after which he created “a Department of Graphic Arts at Princeton University” passed away today.

1965: Morton Halperin and Ina Young gave birth to Mark E. Halperin, American political analyst for Timemagazine and Time.com. and the co-author of Game Change

1967: Birthdate of Quebec native Ronnie Stern “who played in the National Hockey League for 12 seasons with the Vancouver Canucks, Calgary Flames, and San Jose Sharks.”

1968(10th of Tevet, 5728):  Assara B’Tevet

1968(10thof Tevet, 5728): Eighty-one year old Ben Adler, the husband of Blanche Adler and the father of Morris and Frances Adler passed away today in Albany, GA.

1968(10th of Tevet, 5728): Moshe Zvi Segal an eminent Israeli rabbi, linguist and Talmudic scholar passed away. Segal was born in Lithuania in 1876. In 1896, he moved with his family to Scotland and subsequently to London. He was ordained as a rabbi in 1902 and later obtained a degree from Oxford University. He emigrated to the then British Mandate of Palestine in 1926. In 1936 (jointly with Raphael Patai) and again in 1950, Segal was awarded the Bialik Prize for Jewish Thought. In 1954, he was awarded the Israel Prize, for Jewish studies.

1969: In Hollywood, Kenneth Edwin Richards and Kathleen Mary Richards (nee Dugan) gave birth to actress and philanthropist Kyle Egan Richards who converted to Modern Orthodox Judaism when she married her second husband, real estate agent Mauricio Umansky in 1996, the son of Estella Sneider.

1971(14thof Tevet, 5731): Eighty-two year old “English classical pianist” Irene Scharrer passed away today.

1971(14thof Tevet, 5731): Seventy six year old lawyer and New York Politician Philip M. Kleinfeld who retired from the bench last year passed away today.

1971: Israel's population reached 3,000,000.

1972: In New York City, the former Penny Levy, a Jewish social worker and “Charles D. Peet, Jr., a Quaker corporate lawyer gave birth to actress Amanda Peet, the great-granddaughter of Manhattan Borough President Samuel Levy and “theatrical impresario” Samuel Roxy Rothafel.

1972: East Pakistan renames itself Bangladesh.  East Pakistan had gained its independence from Pakistan as a result of war between India and Pakistan. “The major general who masterminded and spearheaded India’s offensive, and who accepted Pakistan’s surrender, was Jack Frederick Ralph Jacob, the scion of an old Jewish family from Calcutta.” There are no definite numbers available as to the size of the current Jewish population of Bangladesh due to a fear of persecution.

1974: ABC aired the 112th and final episode of the populate comedy-drama “Room 222” created by James L Brooks with theme music created by Jerry Goldsmith.

1974: The United States tour of the Leningrad Kirov Ballet Theatre “was called in part because of public protests over Soviet refusal to allow Valery and Galina Panov to leave for Israel.”

1975: CBS broadcast “The 2000 Year Old Man,” an “animated television special” written by Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner, who also provided the vocalizations

1976: Stephen Sondheim’s “Pacific Overtures” opened on Broadway at the Winter Garden Theatre.

1977: Bollingen Prize is awarded to David Ignatow, the Brooklyn born New Yorker who has published sixteen volumes of poetry and three prose collections. Included in these are Poems, The Gentle Weightlifter, Say Pardon, Figures of the Human, Earth Hard: Selected Poems, Rescue the Dead, Poems: 1934-1969, Facing the Tree, Selected Poems-1975, Tread the Dark, Whisper to the Earth, Leaving the Door Open, Shadowing the Ground, Despite the Plainness of the Day: Love Poems-1991, Against the Evidence, and I Have a Name. He has taught at Columbia, the New School for Social Research, the University of Kentucky, the University of Kansas, York College of the City University of New York, New York University, and Vassar College. At various times he has worked as an editor for the American Poetry Review and Beloit Poetry Journal. The National Institute of Arts and Letters has presented to Mr. Ignatow an award "for a lifetime of creative effort." His work has been recognized also with the Bollingen Prize, two Guggenheim fellowships, the Wallace Stevens fellowship from Yale University, the Rockefeller Foundation fellowship, the Poetry Society of America's Shelly Memorial Award, and an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. He is president emeritus of the Poetry Society of America and a member of the executive board of the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association. Ignatow passed away in 1997.

1977: France set off an international uproar by releasing Abu Daoud, a Palestinian suspected of involvement in the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics

1978(3rdof Shevat, 5738): Eighty-four year old criminal defense attorney Samuel Simon Leibowitz who was most famous for his defense of the “Scottsboro Boys” passed away today.

1982: The New York Times includes a review of The Dean’s December. It is Saul Bellow’s ninth novel and his first since he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976.

1983(26thof Tevet, 5743): Seventy-seven year old Harold L. Steinfeld the son of Martha Levy and Maurice Steinfeld passed away in Alameda, CA.

1984: Religious women of many backgrounds gathered for a Women of Faith conference sponsored by the American Jewish Committee. (Jewish Women’s Archives)

1984: Birthdate of Oshri Cohen, the Israeli actor who starred in “Beaufort.”

1986: In an article published today famous chef Marian Buros described the delicatessen started by Arnold Reuben as “the quintessential New York restaurant" decorated with "Italian marble, gold-leaf ceiling, lots of walnut paneling and dark red leather seats.”

1986: Sir Malcolm Leslie Rifkind began serving as Secretary of State for Scotland.

1987: The complexities of life in Israel will be the focus of a five-part film series starting today entitled ''A Lens on Israel: Society Through Its Cinema'' at the 92d Street Y.

1988: Israeli television reported tonight that a Palestinian was shot dead in the Khan Yunis refugee district in the Gaza Strip as he tried to grab a soldier's rifle. He was identified by the Palestine Press Service, an Arab-run news agency, as Mustafa Youssef Khadir, 20 years old.

1988(21st of Tevet, 5748): Isidor Isaac Rabi nuclear physicist passed away at the age of 89. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1944. According to Rabbi Fred Davidow, The Healer of Shattered Hearts: A Jewish View of God by David Wolpe contains the following story about Rabi. "The renowned physicist I. I. Rabi was once asked to name the most significant intellectual influence in his life. The interviewer expected to hear "Einstein" or perhaps "Newton.""My mother," Rabi replied instantly. For each day, he explained, when he would come home from cheder ..., his pious mother would say to him, 'So Isaac, did you ask any good questions today?' From her, said Rabi, he learned that the key to wisdom is to ask good questions."

1989: The High Court has overturned an Israeli military censor's ban for the first time, allowing the publication of criticism of the head of the Mossad intelligence agency.

1990: According to reporter Michael Wines, following the invasion of Panama, U.S. officials are still trying to understand the role Mike Harari, a 62-year-old retired agent of the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, played under the role of General Noriega.

 1992: Paul Simon opens a tour in South Africa. This was his first appearance in South Africa after the boycott of the formerly white supremacist government had ended. Simon played a key role in bringing certain types of African music to Western audiences.

1992: Journalist Amnon Dankner published a biography of Dahn Ben-Amotz

1993: Howard Stern's radio show begins transmitting to Buffalo NY (WKBW).

1933: Birthdate of Parisian native Flora Cross, the daughter of journalist Joseph Cross, whose noted roles included that of “Eliza” in the “Bee Season.

1994: “First Impressions” published today described the first meeting between Benjamin Disraeli and his future wife Mrs. Wyndham Lewis whom he described as “a pretty little woman, a flirt and a rattle, indeed gifted with volubility I should think unequalled and of which I can convey no idea” who “told me she liked silent, melancholy men.”'

1995(10thof Shevat, 5755): Eighty-five year old Russian-born American violinist Josef Gingold passed away today.

1995: Robert Rubin completed his service as Director of the National Economic Council and began serving as the 70th Secretary of the Treasury.

1997: On the third day of, the Red Sea International Music Festival, the festival returns to Eilat where the opera chorus performs an “a capella” concert at 11 A.M. At 9 P.M. attendees are treated to an orchestral concert entitled ''Romeo and Juliet in Music'' with the Berlioz symphony and the Prokofiev ballet suite.

1998: The New York Times featured a review of the paperback edition of Don’t Call It Night by Amos Oz; translated by Nicholas de Lange. “Not surprisingly, the author's latest novel is set in his native Israel, but it is not a landscape of political turmoil and terrorism that he surveys, but one of discordant domesticity between two middle-aged lovers.”

2000: On his return from West Virginia, Prime Minister Ehud Barak tonight broke the silence that governed the closed-door negotiations with Syria to say that the peace talks had reached a ''decisive stage'' in which both sides would have to make difficult decisions. Speaking in a television interview, Mr. Barak said it was impossible to predict whether the round of talks that begins next week would be ''conclusive.'' He said that he had witnessed ''certain fissures in the Syrian rigidity'' but that he was not reading much into them.

2000: “Titus,” the soundtrack for the motion picture of the same name, written by Elliot Goldenthal was released today in the United States by Sony.

2001: As the attempt to control cell phone usage in such places as churches and restaurants heats up Gil Israeli, the chief executive of NetLine, located in Tel Aviv, is quoted as saying that a sign saying ''No Cell Phones'' does not go far enough.

2001: In the following letter-to the editor of the Wall Street Journal the leaders of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs take issue with a column by Ira Stoll that “attacks” Rabbi Yitz Greenberg and U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.

On behalf of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), which represents 13 national and 123 local Jewish community relations and public affairs organizations throughout the United States, we want to express our dismay over Ira Stoll’s op-ed in the December 29 edition attacking Rabbi Yitz Greenberg. Any reasonable person who has read the full text of Rabbi Greenberg’s speech given last November at the United Jewish Communities’ General Assembly in Chicago -- which provided the selective quotes that formed the basis for Mr. Stoll’s attack -- will conclude that the op-ed is a blatant distortion of reality. Rather than accusing Israeli soldiers and policemen of using excessive force in responding to the recent Palestinian violence, Rabbi Greenberg, Chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, actually praises them for their restraint under extraordinarily difficult circumstances. He notes that in a small number of cases there may have been an overreaction and that Israeli officials are properly investigating them. Rabbi Greenberg, who has had a long and illustrious career supporting Israel and the Jewish people, was simply doing in this speech what he has been doing for decades -- providing our community with a thoughtful, loving analysis of the dilemmas Israel faces in exercising power in one of the world’s toughest neighborhoods. Mr. Stoll also unfairly attacks the Council that administers the Holocaust Museum. While no institution is beyond criticism, we believe that overall this important institution has done an outstanding job of educating Americans and its many visitors from abroad about the history of the Holocaust and current human rights concerns. We are confident that under Rabbi Greenberg’s inspired leadership the Museum will continue to serve this important function.


Chairperson Leonard A. Cole,

Executive Vice Chairperson Hannah Rosenthal

2002: In “When Jews Found a Place Among European Artists,” published today Grace Glueck provides a fascinating trip through the world of Jewish art as she reviews an exhibition at the New York’s Jewish museum, ''The Emergence of Jewish Artists in 19th-Century Europe''

2002: “Orange County” a comedy directed by Jake Kasdan, produced by Scott Rudin and starring Jack Black was released today in the United States.

2004: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Battle For Rome The Germans, the Allies, the Partisans, and the Pope, September 1943-June 1944by Robert Katz (author of Black Sabbath, a Holocaust study of the deportation of the Jews of Rome) and The Doctor’s Plague: Germs, Childbed Fever, and the Strange Story of Ignac Semmelweis by Sherwin B. Nuland.

2004: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel said today that he saw no risk that Palestinians could undermine Israel's Jewish identity by gaining a demographic majority, dismissing a reason pressed by some members of his Likud faction for a swift exit from some of the occupied territories

2005: While delivering a speech opposing the disengagement plan from Gaza, Effi Eitam called Prime Minister Sharon a “refuser of democracy.”

2006: The New York Times described the struggle of F Line Bagels to remain open despite attempts by the MTA to stop the owners from selling what has been a traditionally New York Jewish delight in an atmosphere that resembles a sanitized version of a subway station.

2006: Senator Barak Obama visits a remote Israeli town with Chicago ties

2006: The Nation published Elizabeth Holtzman's essay calling for the impeachment of U.S. President George W. Bush for authorizing "the wiretapping of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Americans, in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act."

2007: The free newspaper Israeli which is poised on the brink of closure published its last edition. Israeli is a Hebrew language daily with a press run of 150,000 copies that is handed out free at such locations as bus and train stations, as well as malls and other business centers.

2007: Ruth Dayan was awarded the Partner of Peace Award by the Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam community, a cooperative village of Jews and Arabs mid-way between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

2007: The Baltimore Jewish community bade farewell to Morton “Sonny” Plant at his funeral held at Chizuk Amuno Congregation.

2007: Representative James “Jim” McGorvern introduced a House Resolution to Reverend Waitstill Sharp and Marsha Sharp for their recognition by Yad Vashem “as Righteous Among the Nations for their heroic efforts to save Jews during the Holocaust.”

2008: Today's edition of the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles published a detailed report about The Spinka Financial Controversy alongside a number of subsidiary articles.

2008: In New York City, the 92nd Street “Y” presents “Desert Soul Music” featuring Matt Turk and Basya Schechter, the founder of the neo-Chasidic world music band Pharaoh’s Daughter..

2009: In Irvine, CA, Volley Ball Team USA tries out as part of the 18th Maccabiah Games.

2009: BBC Four was devoted to a "Maureen Lipman Night

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Letters of Allen Ginsberg, edited by Bill Morgan, The Selected Letters of Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder edited by Bill Morgan and The Journey by H.G. Adler.

2009: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Sashenka, Simon Montefiore's first novel and With Wings Like Eagles by Michael Korda.

2009: A pro-Israel rally was held at Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation this afternoon to respond to the spate of hate crimes and support Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip.

2009: Israel's "Waltz with Bashir" won the Golden Globe for best foreign language film.

2009: Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered a moving eulogy today at the military funeral of a Jewish soldier killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan. At the request of the slain soldier's family, donning a yarmulke, Rudd delivered a eulogy, telling almost 2,000 mourners at Melbourne's Lyndhurst Jewish Cemetery that Pvt. Gregory Sher's death was not in vain

2009: JTA reported that As Good As Anybody by Richard Michelson and illustrated by Raul Colon, a book that traces the lives and friendship of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel won the Sydney Taylor Award for Young Readers which is an award for Jewish children's literature.

2010: The Oy!hoo Music Festival, which is designed to bring together established, new and emerging artist in the Jewish and Israeli music scene in New York City is scheduled to take place at The City Winery in New York City.

2010: The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) is scheduled to conduct a walking tour for English speakers living in Jerusalem of Montefiore's Windmill and the Yemin Moshe neighborhood. 2010: The U.S. Army will double the value of emergency military equipment it stockpiles on Israeli soil, and Israel will be allowed to use the U.S. ordnance in the event of a military emergency, according to a report in today’s issue of the U.S. weekly Defense News.

2010: A leading pro-Israel congressman, Representative Gary Ackerman hosted a business meeting in his offices between Israeli officials and a defense contractor in which he profitably invested

2010: Remains of a prehistoric Tel Aviv building, which is the earliest ever discovered in the area and estimated to be 7,800-8,400 years' old, have been unearthed in an archaeological excavation, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced today.

2010: Miep Gies, the office secretary who defied the Nazi occupiers to hide Anne Frank and her family for two years and saved the teenager's diary, passed away today at the age of 100. Gies' Web site reported that she died Monday after a brief illness. The report was confirmed by museum spokeswoman Maatje Mostar, but she gave no details. The British Broadcasting Corp. said she died in a nursing home after suffering a fall last month. Gies was the last of the few non-Jews who supplied food, books and good cheer to the secret annex behind the canal warehouse where Anne, her parents, sister and four other Jews hid for 25 months during World War II. After the apartment was raided by the German police, Gies gathered up Anne's scattered notebooks and papers and locked them in a drawer for her return after the war. The diary, which Anne Frank was given on her 13th birthday, chronicles her life in hiding from June 12, 1942 until August 1, 1944. Gies refused to read the papers, saying even a teenager's privacy was sacred. Later, she said if she had read them she would have had to burn them because they incriminated the "helpers." Anne Frank died of typhus at age 15 in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945, just two weeks before the camp was liberated. Gies gave the diary to Anne's father Otto, the only survivor, who published it in 1947. After the diary was published, Gies tirelessly promoted causes of tolerance. She brushed aside the accolades for helping hide the Frank family as more than she deserved - as if, she said, she had tried to save all the Jews of occupied Holland. "This is very unfair. So many others have done the same or even far more dangerous work," she wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press days before her 100th birthday last February. "The Diary of Anne Frank" was the first popular book about the Holocaust, and has been read by millions of children and adults around the world in some 65 languages. For her courage, Gies was bestowed with the "Righteous Gentile" title by the Yad Vashem. She has also been honored by the German Government, Dutch monarchy and educational institutions. Nevertheless, Gies resisted being made a character study of heroism for the young. "I don't want to be considered a hero," she said in a 1997 online chat with schoolchildren. "Imagine young people would grow up with the feeling that you have to be a hero to do your human duty. I am afraid nobody would ever help other people, because who is a hero? I was not. I was just an ordinary housewife and secretary." Born Hermine Santrouschitz on Feb. 15, 1909 in Vienna, Gies moved to Amsterdam in 1922 to escape food shortages in Austria. She lived with a host family who gave her the nickname Miep. In 1933, Gies took a job as an office assistant in the spice business of Otto Frank. After refusing to join a Nazi organization in 1941, she avoided deportation to Austria by marrying her Dutch boyfriend, Jan Gies. As the Nazis ramped up their arrests and deportations of Dutch Jews, Otto Frank asked Gies in July 1942 to help hide his family in the annex above the company's canal-side warehouse on Prinsengracht 263 and to bring them food and supplies. "I answered, 'Yes, of course.' It seemed perfectly natural to me. I could help these people. They were powerless, they didn't know where to turn," she said years later. Jan and Miep Gies worked with four other employees in the firm to sustain the Franks and four other Jews sharing the annex. Jan secured extra food ration cards from the underground resistance. Miep cycled around the city, alternating grocers to ward off suspicions from this highly dangerous activity. In her e-mail to the AP last February, Gies remembered her husband, who died in 1993, as one of Holland's unsung war heroes. "He was a resistance man who said nothing but did a lot. During the war he refused to say anything about his work, only that he might not come back one night. People like him existed in thousands but were never heard," she wrote. Touched by Anne's precocious intelligence and loneliness, Miep also brought Anne books and newspapers while remembering everybody's birthdays and special days with gifts. "It seems as if we are never far from Miep's thoughts," Anne wrote. In her own book, "Anne Frank Remembered," Gies recalled being in the office when the German police, acting on a tip that historians have failed to trace, raided the hide-out in August 1944. A policeman opened the door to the main office and pointed a revolver at the three employees, telling them to sit quietly. "Bep, we've had it," Gies whispered to Bep Voskuijl. After the arrests, she went to the police station to offer a bribe for the Franks' release, but it was too late. On Aug. 8, they were sent to Westerbork, a concentration camp in eastern Holland from where they were later packed into cattle cars and deported to Auschwitz. A few months later, Anne and her sister Margot were transported to Bergen-Belsen. Two of the helpers, Victor Kugler and Johannes Kleiman, were sent to labor camps, but survived the war. Around 140,000 Jews lived in the Netherlands before the 1940-45 Nazi occupation. Of those, 107,000 were deported to Germany and only 5,200 survived. Some 24,000 Jews went into hiding, of which 8,000 were hunted down or turned in. After the war, Otto Frank returned to Amsterdam and lived with the Gies family until he remarried in 1952. Miep worked for him as he compiled the diary, then devoted herself to talking about the diary and answering piles of letters with questions from around the world. After Otto Frank's death in 1980, Gies continued to campaign against Holocaust-deniers and to refute allegations that the diary was a forgery. She suffered a stroke in 1997 which slightly affected her speech, but she remained generally in good health as she approached her 100th birthday. Her son Paul Gies said last year she was still receiving "a sizable amount of mail" which she handled with the help of a family friend. She spent her days at the apartment where she lived since 2000 reading two daily newspapers and following television news and talk shows. Her husband died in 1993. She is survived by her son and three grandchildren.

2010: Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime a book by political journalists John Heilemann and Mark Halperin about the 2008 United States presidential election was released in the United States today.

2011: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to present a program entitled “Undoing the Inquisition” featuring Rabbi Juan Mejia.

2011: The Historic 6th& I Synagogue in Washington, DC, is scheduled to host “Food for Thought: Digesting Ethics, Mysticism and Philosophy with Rabbi Yosef Edelstein of MesorahDC.

2011: A senior Islamic Jihad militant was killed today by an Israel Air Force missile while he was driving a motorcycle in the southern Gaza Strip

2011: Debbie Friedman was eulogized at her funeral today by friends, rabbis, and fellow musicians, both in words and through the songs she composed and sang, which transformed Jewish worship in synagogues and summer camps.

2011: The Los Angeles City Council adjourned its meeting in memory of Friedman, whom Councilmember Paul Koretz eulogized saying "Anyone who has ever attended a liberal Jewish synagogue or summer camp or youth group event has been touched by Debbie Friedman. He added: "She was always ahead of the curve -- be it in songs for lifecycle events, Jewish feminist music, or interfaith spirituality. May her memory -- and her music -- be a blessing."

2011: The Jewish Book Council announced today that “When They Come for Us, We’ll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle To Save Soviet Jewry,” Gal Beckerman’s comprehensive history of the popular movement to save Soviet Jews in the latter half of the 20th century is the winner of the Jewish Book of the Year Award

2011: Today, the Jerusalem Post published the following list of notables who passed away in 2010:

Theodore "Ted" Sorensen, 82, was President John F. Kennedy's speechwriter, a longtime adviser and a ghostwriter of Kennedy's "Profiles in Courage."
Daniel "Danny the Red" Bensaid, 63, a French philosopher and former student radical who was a leader in the student revolt in Paris in 1968, was described as France's leading "Marxist public intellectual" upon his death.

Ruth Proskauer Smith, 102, was an abortion rights pioneer.

Harry Schwarz, 85, was a South African anti-apartheid activist who was his country's ambassador to the United States during the transition from apartheid to the Mandela government. He also was a leader of South Africa's Jewish Board of Deputies, and he worked with Israeli leaders to ensure the safety and future of South African Jewry. Schwarz told his own story as part of a museum exhibit of German refugees in South Africa.

David Kimche, 82, was a founding father of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency and a spy who worked undercover in Africa and with the Christian Phalangists in Lebanon before Israel's 1982 war there.

Dov Shilansky, 86, was a former Speaker of the Knesset.

Tony Curtis, 85, actor and artist, was born in the Bronx as Bernard Schwartz. A major sex symbol on the big screen from the 1950s on, Curtis helped finance the rebuilding of the Great Synagogue in Budapest in honor of his Hungarian roots.

Tom Bosley, 83, was probably best known as Richie Cunningham's dad, Howard, on the sitcom "Happy Days." The Jewish Exponent published a piece on Bosley in 2006 when he appeared in a stage production of "On Golden Pond" in Philadelphia.

Zelda Rubinstein, 76, a diminutive (4-foot-3) actress who won a science fiction film award for her role in "Poltergeist" in 1982, was an activist for "little people."

Harold Gould, 86, was best known for his role as the father of Rhoda Morgenstern in the TV sitcoms "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "Rhoda." Gould, who held a doctorate in theater, taught for four years at the University of California, Riverside, before turning to acting. He appeared in dozens of TV shows and movies, including "The Sting." Gould was originally cast as Howard Cunningham in "Happy Days."

Maury Chaykin, 61, known for portraying detective Nero Wolfe on TV, had film roles in "Dances With Wolves,""WarGames" and "My Cousin Vinny."

Steve Landesberg, 74, an actor, comedian and voice actor, was best known for his work on TV's "Barney Miller."

Bud Greenspan, 84, who was best known for his production of documentaries about the Olympics, was called a "trailblazing filmmaker" by The Los Angeles Times.

Irvin Kershner, 87, a film director, was most noted for "The Empire Strikes Back," the 1980 sequel to the original "Star Wars" film.

Ingrid Pitt, 73, a Holocaust survivor, was an actress in horror films in the 1960s and 1970s.

Eddie Fisher, 82, was a pre-rock-era pop singer. He was married to actress Debbie Reynolds, but left her, scandalously, for actress Elizabeth Taylor -- a move that cost him his "Coke Time" TV series and a recording contract in 1959. Fisher made the first commercial recording of "Sunrise, Sunset" from "Fiddler on the Roof."

Mitch Miller, 99, a record company executive and conductor who became famous for his 1960s TV show "Sing Along With Mitch," (video clip here) was known for speaking derisively about rock and roll. He passed on signing contracts with Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly.

Malcolm McLaren, 64, was a rock and punk music impresario and performer who was most noted for managing the Sex Pistols, a seminal British punk band in the 1970s. London's The Telegraph ran an extensive obituary and photographs after his death.

Doug Fieger, 57, was co-founder of the power pop band The Knack and writer of the 1979 hit song "My Sharona."

David Soyer, 87, was founding cellist of the Guarnieri String Quartet, one of the modern era's most celebrated chamber music ensembles.

David Deckelbaum, 71, a Canadian/Israeli folk musician from the group "The Taverners," was described by the Israeli daily Haaretz as an "iconic banjoist" on the folk music scene in Israel. Click here to see a video of Deckelbaum and the Taverners on Israeli television.

Daniel Schorr, 93, was an award-winning journalist whose name appeared on Richard Nixon's "enemies list" and who angered both government officials and his employers for being a stickler for journalistic ethics and the protection of sources. Schorr spent many years as a commentator for National Public Radio. The station produced a lovely package of stories, audio clips and tributes about Schorr after his death.

Harvey Pekar, 69, was a cartoonist best known for his autobiographical comic series, "American Splendor." His life was the subject of a 2003 film with the same title, starring actor Paul Giamatti as Pekar and featuring a cameo by Pekar himself.

J.D. Salinger, 91, was one of the 20th century's most celebrated and reclusive American authors. Salinger's 1951 novel, "The Catcher in the Rye," still sells a quarter-million copies a year. The New York Times critic Michiko Kakutani said Salinger "domesticated the innovations of the great modernists" and presaged the work of writers such as Philip Roth and Saul Bellow.

Erich Segal, 72, was an author and professor whose novel (and later film), "Love Story," became a touchstone of youthful romance in the 1970s. The film's signature line, "Love means never having to say you're sorry," was 13th on the American Film Institute's list of top 100 movie quotes. Segal, the son of a rabbi, also produced scholarly works in the fields of Greek and Latin literature.

Abraham Sutzkever, 96, was an acclaimed Yiddish poet who was considered one of the great poets of the Holocaust. Born in the Russian Empire, he was a partisan during World War II and spent more than 50 years in Israel, writing what Israeli scholar Miriam Trin called some of the greatest poetry of the 20th century. However, he was largely unknown in Israel because he wrote in Yiddish.

Shmuel Katz, 83, was a well-known Israeli caricaturist and illustrator of children's books. Haaretz said Katz, an Austrian Holocaust survivor who immigrated to Israel in 1948, drew some of Israel's "best-loved" children's books.

David Slivka, 95, who once famously made a death mask of his friend Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, was a sculptor and painter. The New York Times described Slivka as "one of the last living members of the New York school of Abstract Expressionists." His paintings and sculptures are in the permanent collections of many major museums, including the Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden and the Brooklyn Museum.

Martin Ginsburg, 78, was an internationally renowned taxation law expert and law professor, as well as the husband of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Howard Zinn, 87, was a radical historian and author of, among other titles, "A Peoples History of the United States."

Adam Max Cohen, 38, was an associate professor of English at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. A Shakespeare scholar, he wrote about how the illiteracy caused by his terminal brain tumor enabled him to gain new insights into appreciating Shakespeare's plays as performance art, and not only as great literature.

Martin Grossman, 45, was executed in Florida 26 years after his conviction for the murder of a Florida wildlife officer. The Orthodox world campaigned to keep Grossman from execution.

Rosa Rein of Switzerland, who was believed to be the world’s oldest Jew and the oldest Swiss citizen, died in February, just weeks before her 113th birthday.

Mark Madoff, 46, was an American businessman and son of the infamous Bernard Madoff.

Miep Gies, 100, was a non-Jewish Dutch woman who enabled Anne Frank and her family to hide, and who later discovered and preserved Frank's diary. She was honored by many organizations in later years, including the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial organization in Israel.

2012: ‘The Bintel Brief Exhibit’ is scheduled to open at the Sixth and I synagogue in Washington, D.C.,

2012: “400 Miles to Freedom,” the untold story of the 1984 exodus of co-director Avishai Mekonen and his secluded Jewish community from the mountains of Northern Ethiopia is scheduled to be the opening feauture at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present: Curator’s Tour: Old and the New: Mark Podwal’s Textiles for the Altneuschul in Prague

2012: “The Cantor’s Son” is scheduled to be shown at the Yiddish Film Series/ Fundación Marcelino Botín in Santander, Spain

2012: The leading French newspaper Le Figaro reported today that Israeli Mossad agents are recruiting and training Iranian dissidents from Iraq’s Kurdish region to work against the regime in Tehran.

2012: An explosive thrown through the window of a New Jersey synagogue and residence is being treated as attempted murder, the Bergen County prosecutor said. The latest in a string of attacks that have hit the county's synagogues recently took place this morning at Congregation Beth El in Rutherford.

2013: The Studio Opera Singers of the Israel Opera are scheduled to perform at the Eden-Tamir Music Center.

2013: “Nor In Tel Aviv” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: In London, The Wiener Library is scheduled to present a lecture by Naomi Shepherd will described how Wilfrid Israel used his personal fortune and the resources of his firm to rescue “thousands of Jews from Nazi persecution from the 1930’s until his death in 1943.”

2013: New election polls headlined today by the Hebrew-language dailies Yedioth Ahronoth and Maariv echoed several trends first revealed in The Times of Israel’s major opinion poll published earlier this week. The headline in Maariv blared that “25% of the public are still undecided” on whom to vote for in the January 22 general elections, and added that most of those who have yet to make up their minds come from the center-left bloc

2013: Medical sources in Gaza said today that IDF gunfire killed one Palestinian and injured another east of the Jabaliya refugee camp near the border, AFP reported. The IDF Spokesman's Office stated that dozens of Palestinian rioters approached the Gaza border fence this afternoon and did not heed IDF warnings to desist.

2013(29th of Tevet, 5773): Oscar Straus II Chairman Emeritus of the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation, and the Fred Lavanburg Foundation passed away today. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/thestar/obituary.aspx?pid=162300264#fbLoggedOut

2013(29th of Tevet, 5773): Twenty-six year old programmer Aaron Swartz “was found dead” today. (As reported by John Schwartz)

2014: The New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to show “The Jewish Cardinal” and “The Congress”

2014: The 92ndStreet Y is scheduled to host a Saturday night dance party as part of its inaugural “Out of Israel” Dance Festival.

2014: “Nadine Animato” Theater Dance Company which was established in 2009 by choreographer Nadine Bommer in Rishon Lezion, Israel is scheduled to perform at the City Center.

2014(10th of Shevat): Yarhrzeit of Rabbi Joseph Isaac Sneersohn

 2014(10th of Shevat, 5774:  Ariel Sharon passed away.

2015: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including CHINA 1945: Mao’s Revolution and America’s Fateful Choice by Richard Bernstein and the recently published paperback editions of The Eternal Nazi: From Mauthausen to Cairo, the Relentless Pursuit of SS Doctor Aribet Heim by Nicholas Kulish and Souad Mekhennet and My Mistake: A Memoir by Daniel Menaker

2015: “Fragile” an exhibition by Tel Aviv native Tal Eshed is scheduled to open at the Klemens & Tanj

2015: “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acceded today to the request of the families of the victims of the terrorist attack at the Jewish supermarket in Paris and instructed all relevant government officials to assist in bringing them for burial in Israel.” (JTA)

2015: French President Francois Hollande, Prime Minister Manuel VAlls and former Nicolas Sarkozy were among those who attended the memorial ceremony at the Grand Synagogue in Paris where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was the featured speaker.

2015: A photo taken today of the solidarity march in Paris included the only female leader in the front row – German chancellor Angela Merkel – except for the one used by “the ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspaper haMevaser” which had removed the images of all “female leaders.”

2015: The Center For Jewish History is scheduled to host a memorial marking the 5th anniversary of the death of Mina Bern who when she died at the age of 99 was one of the last surviving stars “of the interwar European Stage.”

2015: “Hagai Levi, the Israeli creator of the Hebrew-language drama “BeTipul” and the producer of its US counterpart, “In Treatment,” was awarded a best television drama Golden Globe tonight for his latest series, “The Affair.”

2015: Anne Cohen identifies “9 Jews To Look Out For at The Golden Globes.”

2016: The Cornelia Street Café is scheduled to host an “Israeli Jazz Fest” featuring the Gadi Lehavi Band.

2016: Police captured a suspected 28 year old female terrorist from the Israeli town of Taibe this evening in Nahariya “following a manhunt that put the country’s northern coast on edge.”

2016: Binyamen Amsalem, a Jewish teacher, “sustained light injuries to his when a man wielding a machete attacked him” outside of “a synagogue in Marseille this morning.

2016(1stof Shevat, 5776): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

2016: Iranian born Yeshiva University graduate Anna Kaplan today announced that she would run for the seat in the United States House of Representatives for New York's 3rd congressional district being vacated by retiring congressman Steve Israel.”

2016: “Farewell Herr Schwartz is scheduled to be shown at the JCC in Manhattan.

2017: The Agudas Achim Book Group is scheduled to discuss Moses, a Human Life.

2017: “Moon in the 12th House” and “Doing Jewish: A From Ghana with Kol Nidre #3” are scheduled to be show at the opening of the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2017: “It was announced today that Allen Weisselberg would serve as a trustee at the Trump Organization alongside the President’s two older sons while Donald Trump serves as President of the United States.”

2018: In Memphis, Temple Israel is scheduled to host the opening rehearsal for its “Beatles Purim Review” led by the multi-talented Abbie Strauss.

2018: At a time when over 100,000 Palestinians “currently work in Israel,” “a top general said today” that “the government is likely to approve 7,500 additional permits for Palestinians to work in Israel.”

2018: “Three Palestinian sisters, aged 23, 18 and 15, were arrested this afternoon in a Hebron checkpoint after IDF Border Police officers found out they were carrying a knife.”

2018: YIVO is scheduled to host the first session of “Radical Jewish Culture” during which John Zorn and Anthony Coleman explore and reflect upon the origins, development, present, and future of Radical Jewish Music.”

2018: “Editions Gallimard announced today the suspension of its plan to publish three Holocuast-era essays by the author Louis-Ferdinand” which are described as “anti-Semitic screeds.” (JTA)

2018: As part of its MLK observance, the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to present a lecture by Dr. Daniel L. Haulman on the history of the Tuskegee Airmen.

2019: The Malpaso Dance Company is scheduled perform Tabula Rasa, “a hard-driving work by Israeli choreographer Ohad Narin” is scheduled to be performed at The Joyce Theatre.

2019: The Sutro Baths which had been developed by “self-made millionaire Adolph Sutro” which are part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area are just one of the federal facilities impacted by shutdown which is scheduled to continue today.

2019: In Jerusalem, the Abraham Hostel is scheduled to host “an art celebration with a collective of artist and musicians of all walks of life” today.

2019: In a testament to the vibrancy of “small town American Jewry, Mya Witt is scheduled to begin the celebration of her Bat Mitzvah weekend at Agudas Achim, in Coralville, IA.


This Day, January 12, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 12

1349: A letter sent today “from the city of council of Cologne…to the leaders of Strasbroug” warned that pogroms (attacks on the Jews) had turned into general riots “by the common people” and “had led to much evil and devastation.”

1412: In Spain, the regent Donna Catalina acting in the name of the child-king Juan II issued an edict of twenty-four articles intended to impoverish and humiliate the Jews and to reduce them to the lowest grade in the social scale.

1493:  After the expulsion of the Jews from Sicily had been postponed been twice after the payment of thousands of gulden, the Jews were scheduled to be expelled today from Sicily, which had become a province of Aragon in 1412.

1517: María López denied all charges presented against her by the prosecutor of the Inquesion including observing the Sabbath and dressing in holiday garb. (As reported by Renee Levine Melammed)

1519:  Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor passed away.  Joseph ben Gershon Loans better known as Yosel von Rosheim an Alsatian Jew born in 1480, served as “shtadlen” or advocate for the Jews during Maximilian’s reign. In 1514, while living in Mittelbergheim Yosel and several other Jews were imprisoned on charges of “host desecration.” They were all freed several months later when their innocence was established. Between 1515 and 1516, Yosel personally presented the complaints of the Jews of Oberehnheim to the Maximilian himself and obtained a safe conduct pass for his co-religionists. Yosel outlived Maximilian and served as ‘shtadlen” until his death in 1554.  While Maximilian was capable of taking stands inimical to Jewish interests such as when he signed an edict allowing John Pfefferkorn to confiscate Hebrew books (an order he later modified, he was also capable of coming to their aide. He regarded the Jews as his property and opposed those who banish them from his empire.  For example in January of 1516, he sent a letter to the Elector Albert and his allies ordering them to hold any meetings that would result in the banishment of the Jews from Frankfort, Worms and Mayence.

1539: King Francis I of France and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V signed the Treaty of Toldeo.  The treaty ended the hostilities between the two monarchs.  Charles wore two hats (or crowns) – Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain.  As Holy Roman Emperor, he treated the Jews of central Europe comparatively well.  As King of Spain, he continued the policies of the Inquisition and hostility to the Jewish people.  Both monarchs were beneficiaries of business dealings with Dona Gracia Nasi one of the most powerful and unusual leaders of the Sephardic community.

1565(29thof Tevet, 5325): Meir ben Isaac Katzenellenbogen, the Meir of Padua, passed away.

1712: Moses Ben Mordecai Susskind Rothenburg the German rabbi who had served in Brest-Litvoks and Altona passed away today.

1723: Birthdate of Reverend Samuel Langdon, the President of Harvard who delivered a speech to the Legislature in New Hampshire entitled “The Republic of the Israelites an Example to the American States” in which he contends that Moses and the “Old Testament” provide a picture of proto-democratic government which stands in contrast to the monarchy of the English.

1729:  Birthdate of Edmund Burke, Anglo-Irish statesman and political philosopher.  One of Burke’s most famous quotes is “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”  This line is found in many study programs about the Holocaust.

1735: At Frankfort-on-the-Main, Rabbi Jacob Kahana demanded that Moshe Chaim Luzzatto take an oath promising "to abandon his Kabbalistic illusions, and to refrain from writing on or instructing anyone in the doctrines of the Zohar."

1770: Charles Bonnett wrote a letter to Moses Mendelssohn saying that he regretted that Lavater had sent him a copy of his book as if it were an attack on the beliefs of the Jewish philosopher.

1780: Birthdate of German theologian and biblical scholar Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de Wette whom Julius Wellhausan descrbed as "the epoch-making opener of the historical criticism of the Pentateuch."

1794(11thof Shevat, 5554): Elizabeth Gompertz, the daughter of Solomon Barent Gomperz and Martha Hyman and the wife of Abraham Benjamin Cohen with whom she had four children, passed away today in Amsterdam.

1797: Birthdate of Gideon Brecher, the “Austrian physician and writer” who “was also known as Gedaliah ben Eliezer” best known for his commentary “on the ‘Cuzari’ of Judah ha-Levi.”

1808: "Jerome...issued an edict declaring all Jews of his state without exception to be full citizens, abolishing Jew-taxes of every description, allowing foreign Jews to reside in the country under the same protection as that afforded to Christian immigrants and threatening with punishment the malicious who should derisively call a Jewish citizen of his state 'protection Jew' (Schutz-Jusde)." Jerome is Jerome Bonaparte, the youngest of Napoleon’s brothers who was King of Westphalia from 1807 to 1813.

1813: Alexander Goldsmid married Eliza Israel today at the Great Synagogue.

1816: Today’s edition of The Aurora, published in Philadelphia described the activities of the Phillipson brothers -- Jacob, who had opened a general store in St. Louis, Joseph who along with Jacob had started that city’s firs brewery – which now included involvement in the highly lucrative fur trading business.

1818: Birthdate of Ludwig Traube, the son of a wine merchant in Silesia, “the German physician and co-founder of the experimental pathology in Germany.”

1823: Birthdate of Hermann Jellinek the Austrian author who was the brother of Adolf Jellinek.

1826(4thof Shevat, 5586): Forty-seven year old Aharon ben Moshe passed away today in England.

1833: Birthdate of Eugen Karl Dühring, the Berlin native who was one of the “father’s” of modern anti-Semitism

1823: Birthdate of Moravian native Hermann Jellinek, the rabbinic student turned agnostic who was executed at Vienna during the Revolution of 1848.

1824: At Nancy, Mosie Abraham, “a member of the Jewish consistory of Nancy and his wife gave birth “French brigadier-general of artillery Bernard Abraham.

1842: Seventy-one year old German philosopher and writer Wilhelm Traugott Krug who was an advocated for the emancipation of the Jews of Saxony passed away today.

1842: Alfred Benjamin Baumann married Priscilla Phineas Isaacs today at the New Synagouge.

1850: Birthdate of Wilhelm Bacher, the native of Liptó-Szent-Miklós, Hungary who gained fame as a scholar, rabbi, Orientalist, and linguist.

1853: In Baltimore, Sarah Miriam Carvalho the daughter of Jacob da Silva Solis and Charity Solis and Solomon Nunes Carvalho gave birth Charity Solis Marshuetz

1853: In Baltimore, MD Solomon Nunes Carvalho and Sarah Miriam Carvalho gave birth to Charity Solis Marshuetz

1853: The New York Times reported that William Gladstone has replaced Benjamin Disraeli as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the new British government.  Gladstone and Disraeli would be political rivals for much of the rest of the century with one replacing the other as Prime Minister in future governments.

1855: Mr. Abraham Bensich, the native of Bohemia who had come to London in 1841 assumed the editorship of The Jewish Chronicle and Hebrew Observer.

1858: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi Henry Jacobs officiated at the wedding of Adolph G. Haas and Hester Hyams, “the third daughter of M.D. Hyams.

1859: Articles I and Articles XI of The Anglo-Russian Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of January 12, 1859, were, much to the later disapproval by the British Jewish community, used by the Russian “to impose restrictions on British subjects of the Jewish faith.”

1862: Members of Congregation Beth Elohim laid the cornerstone for the first synagogue built on Long Island on two lots at the corner of State Street and Boerum Place in Boerum Hill.

1864: As Americans prepare for their first war time Presidential elections, August “Belmont held a national committee meeting at his Fifth Avenue home, the first since the summer of 1860. Most of the twenty-three members attended.” Most of those who were absent were westerners only the weather accounted for the absence of some westerners," Belmont sided with those committee members who wanted a late Democratic national convention — in July.

1864: Dr. Jacob da Silva Solis who had served as an Assistant Surgeon in the Union Army and then transferred to the U.S. Navy where he served “as Acting Surgeon, serving under Rear Admiral DuPont” aboard the USS Florida, resigned his commission today.

1864: Esther Jacobs, the London born daughter of Benjamin Jacobs and the wife of Moses Phillips with whom she had had seven children was buried today at the West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1868: Approximately 200 people attended today’s annual meeting of the Jewish Hospital Association in Philadelphia where “the following officers were elected: President, Alfred T. Jones; Vice President, Abraham S. Wolf; Treasurer, Samuel Weil; Secretary, Mayer Sulzberger; Corresponding Secretary, Henry J. Hunt.”

1868: One day after she had passed away, 75 year old Caroline Van Weerden, the wife of Edward Van Weerden, was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1870: Nathaniel Nathan married Clara Samuels today.

1871: Two days after he had passed away, Benjamin Emrick, was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1873: Relying on information that first appeared in the London Daily Telegraph,“The Past” published today provides a summary of a paper by George Smith in which he summarizes his findings and hopes for the future surrounding the explorations of the ruins and mounds in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates which have shed light on the historical veracity of accounts in the Biblical Book of Kings and which should provide further information about the origins of the Semitic people of the area including the ancient Hebrews.  (Editor’s note –Smith was a noted 19th century Assyriologist who discovered and translated “The Epic of Gilgamesh.”)

1874: Four days afther she had passed away, the former Mary Solomons, the wife of Joel Jewell with whom she had had seven children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1875: Birthdate of Max Naumann, the German WW I veteran and Berlin lawyer who advocated total assimilation and attempted to protect the position of German Jews in the 1930’s by disparaging the Polish Jews living in Germany.  (Editor’s note:  It didn’t work).

1876: In London, Rachel Adler and Dr. Hermann Adler, the Chief Rabbi, to Solomon Alfred Adler, who served as the “visiting minister for the Reading Hebrew Congregation” and the Rabbi at the Liverpool New Hebrew Congregation before becoming the Rabbi at the Hammersmith and West Kensington Synagogue in 1904.

1876: James Eustis began serving as U.S. Senator from Louisiana.  Eustis would later serve as U.S. Ambassador to France during the Dreyfus affair and apparently was sympathetic to the French Jewish officer

1877: Today’s issued of the Jewish Chronicle published a review of “a sermon delivered by Dean Stanley” which protested “against his having declared that ‘in Judaism God was to be regarded as the God of Israel only’ and ‘that the Christian morality was superior to the Jewish.’”

1878: In a case of Jews versus Jews, at Buffalo, NY, Jacob and Burnet Friedmann brought suit in chancery court against Henry Cone, Abraham Altman, Emanuel Levi and the Third National Banks charging them with fraud and other financial crimes.

1878: Birthdate of Ferenc Molnár, the Hungarian author and playwright who came to the United States to escape the Nazis.

1878(8th of Shevat, 5638): Joseph, Baron Günzburg passed away.

1879: It was reported today that “Liberty in Germany” an article about the Socialist movement, by Leonard Montefiore, will be published in the January issue of The Nineteenth Century. A graduate of Balliol College, Montefiore was the brother of Claude G. Montefiore and a fellow student of Arnold Toynbee.

1880: Birthdate of Lebovics Menyhért who gained fame as “Hungarian writer, dramatist and screenwriter” Melchior Lengyel.

1881: Birthdate of Austrian native and Columbia University trained “physician and surgeon” Dr. Joseph F. Saphir, the former “chief of proctology at Manhattan State Hospital” and the husband of Elsa Saphir with whom he had had three daughters.

1884: Birthdate of Wilhelm Herzog the German playwright and historian who wrote Die Affäre Dreyfus (The Dreyfus Affair) which “was adapted to English as the 1931 film Dreyfus and as a play by the theatre critic James Agate, having a short run in London as "I Accuse!", in 1937.”

1885: Three days after he had passed away, 75 year old Isaac Sanguinetti, the husband of the former Harriett Nathan with whom he had had six children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1886: Birthdate of Norihiro Yasue “an Imperial Japanese Army colonel who played a crucial role in the so-called Fugu Plan, in which Jews were rescued from Europe and brought to Japanese-occupied territories during World War II” who after the war “was arrested by the Russians, sent to Siberia” and died “in 1950 in the labor camp at Khabarovsk.”

1886: Abraham Bernard, the French brigadier-general of artillery, retired from active service today.

1890: The Harmony Club, which housed a Jewish social organization, was among the buildings caught in the path of cyclone that struck St. Louis, MO this afternoon.

1890: President James H. Hoffman presided over today’s meeting of the members and patrons of the Hebrew Technical Institute in New York City.

1890: “Crowns” published today described the royal headgear of 19thcentury monarchs the purposed of which “remains as it was in the days of King Solomon…an article of display rather than of practical of utility. “The King of Romania is said to buy his crown from a Jewish dealer in Frankfort” Germany.

1891: It was reported today that the Hebrew Technical Institute which was formed eight years ago as manual training school for Jewish students  has elected a officers for the new year including: James Hoffman – President; David L. Einstein – First Vice President; Otto A. Moses – Second Vice President; Leo Schlesinger – Treasurer; Joseph Metzler – Secretary.

1891: Professor Dr. Moritz Lazarus wrote in his foreword to Nahida Ruth Remy’s The Jewish Woman (Das jüdische Weib): “Writing about Jews is seldom without prejudice; writing by women is seldom thorough. But this book about the Jewish woman, written by a Christian woman, is both thorough and free of prejudice.” (As reported by the Jewish Women’s Archive)

1892: First day of the ceremonies marking the opening of the Jewish Maternity Association's facility in Philadelphia, PA

1892: Based on information that first appeared in the Kreuz Zeitung it was reported today that a Jewish butcher who had been arrested in the town of Xanten on charges of murdering a Christian boy has been released.  The German paper maintains the release was in error and that the boy had been part of a Jewish practice “of killing Christian children for the purpose of using their blood in their peculiar religious rites.”

1893: It was reported today that the Fire Chief in Elizabeth, NJ said that the fire that burned down the house and saloon owned David Sampson, a Jewish citizen, was of mysterious origin. Sampson estimated the loss, which was covered by insurance, at four thousand dollars.  Neighbors claim that the fire was deliberate.

1895: Birthdate of Henry Lipschitz, the native of Boston, who gained fame Philadelphia A’s infielder Harry Bostick.

1895: As part of the Dreyfus Affair, the French military judges acquit Colonel Esterhazy of all charges while the high command stripped Colonel Picquart of his commission and pension for not letting the Dreyfus matter come to a quiet, if unjust end.

1895: Birthdate of Leo Aryeh Mayer, the native of Galicia who became “an Israeli scholar of Islamic art and rector of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The L.A. Mayer Institute for Islamic Art which was established in 1974 by Vera Bryce Salomons was named in his honor

1895: Reports published today in the Baltimore Sun described the visit of Dr. Michael L. Rodkinson, a Russian Jew, to Maryland’s largest city where he has attempted to gain financial backing from the local rabbis for his proposed first of its kind translation of the Talmud into English

1896: The National Council of Jewish sponsored a lecture given by Dr. Solis Cohen of Philadelphia, a Temple Beth-El in New York City.

1896: Birthdate of tennis player Uberto De Morpurgo, the native of Trieste who played on Italy’s Davis Cup from 1922 through 1933.

1896(26thof Tevet, 5656): Sixty-seven ear old Selig Meier Goldschmidt, the son of Meyer and Lea Goldschmidt and the husband of Clementine Goldschmidt passed away today in Frankfurt am Main.

1897:  Property valuations reported today included Temple Emanu-El, $700,000; Temple Beth-El, $400,000; Shearith Israel, $275,000; Mt. Sinai Hospital - $300,000.  All of this property is tax exempt.

1897: In Vilnius, Samuel and Celia Pores gave birth to Charles Pores, the husband of Adele Meltsner.

1899: Mr. Adler introduced a bill for consideration by the New York State Assembly “fixing the rate for infants received and cared for by the Hebrew Infant Asylum of New York City at 38 cents per day.”

1899: In Hüngheim, Germany, businessman Isaak Schorsch and his wife gave birth to Emil Schorsch a German born rabbi who survived Buchenwald who served a congregation in Pottstown, Pa from 1940 to 1964 before passing away in 1982.

1900: Premiere of Herzl’s "I Love You" in the Vienna Burgtheater.

1900: One day after she had passed away, the former Yetta Cohen, the wife of Harris Goldstein, was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1902: Birthdate of New York native Joseph Klewan who gained fame as nightclub entertainer Joe E. Lewis.

1903: Birthdate of Binyamin Mintz, the native of Lodz who made Aliyah in 1925 who was elected to the first Knesset and served as Minister of Postal Services.

1903: Harry Houdini performed at the Rembrandt Theater in Amsterdam.

1903:Herzl arrives in London in his continuing quest to gain governmental support for a Jewish homeland in Eretz Israel.

1903: In Brooklyn at the home of the bride’s parents, Rabbi Leon Nelson officiated at the marriage of Alexander A. Hirsch, of Charleston, SC and Miriam Newman, the “daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newman.”

1904: In Great Britain, the Limerick Pogrom, the name given to a wave of anti-Jewish violence in Wales that followed a failed miners’ strike, takes place. 

1905: German anti-Semitic agitator Count Walter Pückler-Muskau was “sentenced to six months imprisonment” for “inciting to violence.

1905: Emanuel Wallach, the son of Samson and Adelaide Wallach and the brother of the distinguished attorney Leopold Wallach was laid to rest today.

1906: Rabbi F.L. Cohen delivered an “address at the great synagogue” on “the spiritual significance of the kosher table.”

1906: Birthdate of Lithuanian born French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas.

1906: Birthdate of German mathematician Kurt Hirsch, the name sake for the “Hirsch length and Hirsch-Plotkin Radical.”

1906: Churchill was elected a Liberal Member of Parliament for North-West Manchester following which he traveled to Europe where he stayed with three Jewish supporters Sir Ernest Cassel, Lionel Rothschild and Baron de Forest.

1908(9th of Shevat, 5668): Rabbi Bernhard Felsenthal, one of the world’s leading Jewish scholars who is considered to be the founder of the Reform Movement in Chicago, Illinois, passed away today at the age of 88.

 1909(19th of Tevet, 5669):Forty-four year old German mathematician Hermann Minkowski, who was the brother of Dr. Oskar Minkowski a key player in research on the pancreas that led to life saving treatment of diabetics passed away today.

1909(19th of Tevet, 5669): Eighty-nine year old Major General Sir Fredric John Goldsmid passed away today.

1910: In Dusseldorf, Heinrich and Emilie (née Königsberger) Rainer gave birth to Louise Ranier who won the Oscar for best actress in 1936 for her portrayal of “Anna Held.”

1911(12th of Tevet, 5671): Fifty nine year old Austrian legal scholar and “legal positivist” George Jellink passed away.

1911(19th of Tevet, 5671): Seventy-eight year old Samuel Montagu, 1st Baron Swaythling the son of a Liverpool watchmaker who founded the bank of Samuel Montagu & Co, sat in the House of Commons and was a leader of the Anglo-Jewish community passed away today.

1911: Birthdate of Robert Abshagen, the native of Hamburg who would be beheaded in 1944 for his role in the anti-Nazi resistance movement.

1912: In Philadelphia, “Lily Cartun Goodman and Philip Goodman, a playwright and a theatrical producer” gave birth to Ruth Goodman better known as Ruth Goetz, the playwright who collaborated with her husband Augustus Goetz on many of her efforts.

1912: “Flashgraph pictures of the Balkan War” are scheduled to be shown at this afternoon’s meeting of the Zion Temple Auxiliary at the Zion Temple in Chicago.

1912: The Oregon Journal described a meeting of the Portland Equal Suffrage League (PESL) that was held at the home of Josephine Hirsch.

1913(4th of Shevat, 5673): Fifty-five year old “communal worker” Samuel Schwartzberg passed away today in St. Louis, MO.

1914: “Big Hebrew Ball Nets Poor $10,000” published today described the successful charity event in Chicago that raised funds for “the Orthodox Home for Jewish Aged, the Marks Nathan Jewish Home, the Maimonides Hospital, the Jewish Consumptive Relief Society, five Hebrew free schools and two Hebrew free burial societies.”

1915: “Will Tell of Jews’ Hardships” published today described plans for a series of lectures that will be held to describe the suffering be endured by the Jews in Europe and Palestine as a result of the World War.

1915: Birthdate of Los Angeles native Israel Shapiro, the son of “a Russian Jewish immigrant, a lawyer, poet and socialist” and UCLA student who gained fame as screenwriter and producer Paul Jarrico, the victim of the blacklist and the husband of Sylvia Gussin,

1915: The Tennessee, a cruiser in the U.S. Navy, set sail from Alexandria for Jaffa where it will try and evacuate 1,500 refugees.

1915: “Asks Loan To Save Jews” published today includes Dr. Shmaryahu Levin’s view of the desperate conditions of Jews in Europe saying that “the Jewish rich have ceased to be rich particularly in Poland and Galicia.”   After six months of war, “it is safe to estimate that at least 3,000,000 Jews have been ruined” and that another 5,000,000 Jews in Russia and Austria have also been “hard hit.”

More 2016

1915:  Birthdate of Martin Agronsky a journalist and Peabody Award winning radio and television newsman and commentator.  He was also related to Gershon Agronsky.  Gershon changed his named to Agron and was the founder of the Palestine Post which became the Jerusalem Post after the birth of Israel.

1915: Birthdate of Norman Rufus Colin whose father was Jewish and whose mother was Roman Catholic. The London born historian influenced a generation of historians and social scientists with his insight that totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century, chiefly Communism and Nazism, were propelled by mythologies associated with medieval apocalyptic movements. He was married to Vera Broido, “the daughter of two Russian Jewish revolutionaries whose autobiography began with her Russian childhood and following “her journey thought Europe to England.”

1915: U.S. premiere of “A Fool There Was” a five reel silent drama produced by William Fox (Wilhelm Fried).

1916: Birthdate of William Pleeth, the London born son of Jewish immigrants from Warsaw who became one of the renowned cellist of the 20th Century.

1916: “At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith” held in Chicago today, “the status of the Armenian Christians and Russian and Rumanian Jews at the close of the European war was considered.”

1916: “In response to the Senate resolution requesting him to do so, President Wilson today issued a proclamation designating January 27 as a day upon which Americans may make contribution for the relief of suffering Jews” which according to Wilson number 3,000,000 “the great majority of” whom “are destitute of food, shelter and clothing” having “been driven from their homes.”

1916: “The Business Men’s League for the Relief of Jewish War Suffers, working in co-operation with the American Jewish Relief Committee, announced” today “that $64,000 had been paid and subscribed for the relief fund.”

1916: Herbert Samuel assumed the position of Home Secretary in the government of Prime Minister H.H. Asquith.

1916: “Many prominent women from Brooklyn” attended “the regular monthly meeting of the Civitas Club” today where they heard anarchist Emma Golden declare that “Society, as it exists today is rotten to the core” because “it is disintegrated in every phase of life and cannot be patched up.”

1916: Previously M.S. Lehman’s contribution to the American Jewish Relief Committee was reported to be $500 when in fact it was for $5,000.

1916: According to Dr. Henry Moskowitz a “Black Book” that will be published “within the next few days” by “the National Jewish Workmen’s Committee on Jewish Rights” “will contain authentic documentary evidence of the persecutions charged against Russian officials” including the commanding officers of the Russian Army.

1917: First provisional council of Palestinian Jewry was established. (The Jews were the Palestinians long before the name was usurped by the Arabs.)

1918: American violinist Max Rosen who has recently returned to the United States after studying in Europe for the past five years is scheduled to make his debut tonight at Carnegie Hall.

1918: Finland’s "Mosaic Confessors" law went into effect, making Finnish Jews full citizens.Under the Act, Jews could for the first time become Finnish nationals, and Jews not possessing Finnish nationality were henceforth in all respects to be treated as foreigners in general.”

1919: Birthdate of Seymour B. Sarason, “a leader in Community Psychology.”

1919: “Comes Home Blinded” published today described the homecoming of Regimental Sergeant-Major Michael Aaronsohn, “the first blinded Baltimore soldier to return from France” who had “lost his sight while trying to rescue a wounded comrade while fighting through the Argonne Forest” and who plans on returning to Cincinnati to resume his studies to become a rabbi which were interrupted when he enlisted in May of 1917.

1919: A general assembly met today to forma women’s Zionist organization in Great Britain.

1920: Birthdate of Marion Andred the founding artistic director of The Saidy Bronfman Centre for the Arts named for Saidye Rosner Bronfman, “the matriarch of the Canadian-Jewish Bronfman family” who was married to Samuel Bronfman.

1921: The position of Baseball Commissioner, which had been part of the Lasker Plan (named after its author Albert Lasker) was created.  Lasker would play a key role in having Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis serve as the frist commissioner.

1921: In a letter to Prime Minister Lloyd George and Foreign Secretary Lord Curzon, Churchill summarized the view of the French government toward the Middle East which was basically pro-Arab and anti-Zionist.

1921: Composer-pianist Harold Morris is scheduled to “make his New York debut at Aeolian Hall” this afternoon

1925: Forty-four year old Hyman Goldstein who had arrived in the United States in 1912 and settled in Chicago became a citzen of his adopted country today.

1926: Birthdate of composer Morton Feldman.

1926(26th of Tevet, 5686): Sixty-one year old Martin Behrman, who was serving his 5th terms as Mayor of New Orleans, passed away today. A native of New York, he came to the Crescent City as an infant and grew up in the Algiers section which was on the city’s West Bank.

1927: Middleweight Seymour ‘Cy” Schindel won his bought today by a knockout at the Manhattan Casino.

1927: Birthdate of Leslie Eleazer Orgel, the British chemist who created “Orgel Diagrams” which are correlation diagrams that show the relative energies of electronic terms in transition metal complexes.”

1928: Birthdate of Henry Pollak, the husband of Elain Pollak who was buried at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery in Ladue

1928: In the UK, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sharp gave birth to Major David Sharp, who was called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Singer Hills Synagogue in Birmingham and who was captured while serving with a British military fighting behind the lines during the Korean War.

1930: “Harmony at Home,” a comedy produced by William Fox and with music by Samuel Kaylin was released in the United States today.

1930: According to dispatches from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency published today, “Achduth Avodah, representing the industrial workers and Hapoel and Hazaif” joined together at a meeting in Tel Aviv last week to for the Palestine Jewish Labor Party.   Among those sending congratulatory telegrams to the new organization were Leon Blum, Chaim Wiexann and PIincus Rutenberg.

1932: In the midst of dedicating the main building, Ada Maimon and 10 girls, accompanied by a Hebrew guard, started living in Ayanot.  They had to live in the cowshed for a short time, and they were later joined by more girls until there were 70 residents.

1933: The newly elected officers of the Jewish Conciliation Court of America for the year 1933 are “Dr. Israel Goldstein, President; Mrs. Rebekah Kohut, Hon. Jacob Panken, Dr. Moses Hyamson, Vice-Presidents; Jacob R. Schiff, Treasurer; Louis Richman, Executive Secretary.” (As reported by JTA)

1934: “Madame Bovary” the film version of the novel by the same name with music by Darius Milhaud was released in France today.

1935: “The eighty-eight anniversary of the birth of the late Jacob H. Schiff, banker and philanthropist, and the tenth anniversary of the dedication of the Jacob H. Schiff Center is scheduled to be observed with special services at the center” in the Bronx, “beginning this evening.”

1936: In Mary, Efraim and Yelizaveta Malayev, a Bukharian Jewish family, gave birth to Uzbekistani musician and poet Ilyas Malayev.

1936: It was reported today that while the White House announced that the recent brief meeting between President Roosevelt and Rabbi Stephen Wise “did not concern plight of the Jews in Germany” Wise was telling reported that “it would not be too wild a speculation to say” that they had “discussed…the plight of my people in some European countries.”  (Editor’s note: This was one more example of the balancing act that FDR engaged in while dealing with Isolationism and interventionism in the 30’s made all the more acute by the fact that 1936 was an election year.)

1936: “Testifying before the royal inquiry commission today, Haj Amin el Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem said Palestine Arabs’ demands were: Abandonment of the Jewish national home policy in Palestine; Complete stoppage of Jewish immigration; Prohibition of the sale of land to Jews; Termination of the period of mandatory rule; A treaty between Great Britain and Palestine: the establishment of an independent government constitutionally elected government.” (Editor’s Note – the last item is a farce since the Arab terms guaranteed an Arab majority and almost without exception there has never been a democratically elected Arab government.)

1936: “More than 1,000 delegates from the eight states comprising the Northeast Region of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations” met today at the Community House of Temple Emanu-El for their day long annual convention during which the topic of discussion was “If the Synagogue Could Speak.”

1936: Heinz Liepmann, the German author who spent time in a Nazi concentration told “the congregation of the Free Synagogue worshipping in Carnegie Hall” this morning that “America, the only country that Hitler respect should have refused to send its athletes to the Olympic Games in Berline.

1936: Dr. Jacob Isaac Niemerower, the chief rabbi Rumania who also serves as a Senator was recovering from the wounds he suffered yesterday when he was shot by Aurel Jonescu.

1936: According to a report of Otto D. Tolishchus, the Pulitzer Prize winning Berlin correspondent, published today, “because the hope for any other solution of the Jewish question except the ultimate elimination of Jews from Germany has disappeared there is a growing interest in moderate German quarters in the project for a Jewish mass exodus…” (Editor’s note – this is a neutral party writing 3 years before the killing squads began making their way across Europe with the Nazi Army.)

1936: “Reich Scientists Uphold Freedom” published today descried the hostility showed by the National Socialists (Nazis) for the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science which “has refused to introduce the ‘Aryan clause’” which would require it to “expel Jewish members.

1937: When the Mufti expressed a belief that Jews intended, when they became a majority in Palestine, to destroy Moslem holy places” “Earl Peel, Chairman of the Royal Inquiry Commission reminded the Mufti that responsible Jewish bodies had given assurance in regard to the” protection of Moslem holy places.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that John Llewellyn Starkey, 50, one of the most distinguished archaeologists conducting excavations in Palestine, was shot and killed by a gang of Arab terrorists on the Beit Guvrin track, northwest of Hebron. Starkey was returning to Jerusalem from Tell el-Duweir, the site of the ancient Lachish, where he discovered inscribed tablets from the period of Jeremiah. Starkey was buried in Jerusalem.

1938: In Bucharest, “American Minster Franklin Mott Gunther told Premier Octavian Goga today that the United States was deeply concerned over evidences of anti-Semitism in Rumania.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that The Court of Honor of the Zionist Congress found Mr. Meir Grossman of the Jewish State Party guilty of revealing details of the secret conversation between Dr. Chaim Weizmann and the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Ormsby Gore, on the subject of Partition. Grossman was fined to cover the costs of the trial and deprived from participation in the Zionist General Council for two years.

1939: “Long-distance shots reportedly fired at a German consular official’s private home and a legation secretary’s workroom in The Netherlands caused an outburst of fury today in German papers which unanimously assumed the culprits must be Jewish.”  (Editor’s note – Looking for another Kristallnacht)

1939(21st of Tevet, 5699): Forty year old Grodno native Irving Pojanskywho played for varsity basketball for three years at CCNY under the name of Projan passed away today.


1940: The Nazis murdered 300 patients at Hordyszcze, a Polish mental health facility.

1940: “The Shop Around The Corner,” a comedy directed and produced by Ernst Lubitsch and with a screenplay by Samson Raphaelson and Ben Hecht was released in the United Sates today.

1940: Ferenc Molnár, the Hungarian born novelist and playwright who fled the Nazis, arrived in the United States today.

1941: Birthdate of Rabat, Morocco native Nessim Max Cohen who boxed in France under the name of Max Cohen.

1941: In the UK, “the Poale-Zion and the Zionist Federation are scheduled to hold a joint memorial meeting” to mark the recent death of Tel Aviv’s Deputy Mayor Dov Hos.

1942: China joins 9 European nations in adopting a resolution calling for the trial of Axis Leaders on charges of War Crimes.

1942: Seventy-five of the best works of art belonging to the National Gallery “arrived at the Biltmore, the great Vanderbilt estate in the mountains of North Carolina where they would remain hidden until 1944.”

1942: A message was sent to Gussie Schwebel by one Mrs. Roosevelt’s personal secretaries acknowledging her letter of January 6 and saying that the First Lady “wants you to know how much she appreciates your kind offer to send her a sample of your knishes.”

 1942: The first of 19,582 Odessa Jews were transported in cattle trucks to Berezovka and then onto two concentration camps elsewhere. Most would die within the year of starvation, cold, untreated disease, or executions. The Jews of Odessa were no longer.

1942: While working as part of burial duty at Chelmno, Michael Podklebnik found the remains of his wife, daughter and son.  He buried them amongst the other corpses of those just gassed.

1943: Over the next eight days, twenty thousand Jews are deported from Zambrow, Poland, to Auschwitz.

1943: Mrs. Louis Popkin, the former Zelda Feinberg and her two sons Roy and Richard were reported to be the immediate surviving family members of the deceased public relations executive.

1945: Shalom Scopas, a Jewish soldier serving with the Soviet Army, went behind the lines of the Nazis "for what would be his last retrieval mission.”

1945:  The Soviets began a major winter offensive against the Nazis in Eastern Europe.  This final push would help to liberate the remnant of the Jews who had escaped the final solution including the more than 100,000 Jews clinging to life in Budapest.

1946: This morning a gang of seventy robbers took part in a daring train hold-up that resulted in the robbery of 35,000 pounds [about $140,000] in cash, representing the railway staff payroll. According to officials, the robbers were Jews armed with rifles and automatic weapons.

1946: Birthdate of Hazel Josephine Cosgrove, Lady Cosgrove, CBE (née Aronson) the Glasgow born lawyer who was the first woman to be appointed a Senator of the College of Justice, a judge of Scotland's Supreme Courts.

1947: Members of Lehi blew up a police station in Haifa.

1947(20th of Tevet, 5707): Jonas Cohn passed away at the age of 77 in Birmingham.  The German born professor of philosophy was forced to flee Germanyin 1933 with the rise of the Nazis.  He settled in England where he continued his work.

1948: Ferenec Molnar planned to spend his 70thbirthday by “working, because it’s an old habit of mine.” He is currently working on two plays, “Wax Works and “Games of Hearts.”  While some Americans may not be acquainted with his more than 40 dramatic works, many know the Rogers and Hammerstein musical “Carousel” which was inspired by his play “Liliom.”

1949: “The Smile of the World” written by Garson Kanin opened at the Lyceum Theatre in New York City.

1949: U.S. premiere of “CrissCross” directed by Robert Siodmak with a script by Daniel Fuchs which featured “the screen debut of Tony Curtis.”

1949: Gabriel Haritos, as the Mayor of Rhodes, was the local partner for the proceedings for the initial talks between Israel, Egypt and Jordan, under the auspices of United Nations, at the Grande Albergo delle Rose (Hotel of Roses) in Rhodes which began today.

1950: Birthdate of Dorit Moussaieff, “an Israeli-born British jewelry designer, editor and businesswoman” who was the great granddaughter of Shlomo Moussaieff “one of the founders of the Bukharim neighborhood in Jerusalem

1950(23rdof Tevet, 5710): Producer and director John M. Stahl, a Jewish immigrant from Baku who was one of the founding member of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (the Oscars), passed away today.

1952 (5th of Shevat): The U.N. Genocide Pact went into effect

1952: In Los Angeles, CA, Leroy Mosely and Ella Slatkin whose family was Jewish immigrants from Russia, gave birth to mystery writer Walter Ellis Mosley. “In 2010, there was a debate in academic literary circles as to whether Mosley's work should be considered Jewish literature.”

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that despite Cairo's vigorous campaign against the British occupation of the Suez Canalzone and disregarding Israeli protests that such action might bring a new war, Britain delivered 25 new jet fighters to Egypt.

 1953: Nine"Jewish" physicians were arrested for "terrorist activities" in Moscow.  This was part of the so-called “Doctors’ Plot” that existed only in the twisted minded of Joseph Stalin.  Stalin planned to use the plot as a springboard for creating a wave of virulent anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union.  Stalin died before he could bring his plans to fruition.

 1954:  Birthdate of Howard Stern.  Hey, they all can’t be Nobel Prize Winners!

1954: Harry Shulman an immigrant Jew who came to the United States in 1912 “was named next Dean of the Yale Law School” today

1954(8thof Shevat, 5714): Bernard "Barney" Samuel passed away.  Born in 1880, he was a Republican Pennsylvania politician who served as mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1941 to 1952. Samuel first won election to City Council in 1923. When in 1939 George Connell, then president of City Council, became acting mayor upon the death of S. Davis Wilson, Samuel succeeded to the position of president pro tempore. Upon the death in August, 1941, of Mayor Robert Eneas Lamberton, however, Samuel assumed the mayoralty for the remainder of Lamberton's term. Samuel won re-election to the mayor's office in 1943 and 1947, defeating Democrats William C. Bullitt and Richardson Dilworth respectively, to become the first multi-term mayor since William S. Stokley (1872–81). To date, Bernard Samuel's mayoralty was the longest in Philadelphia's history. In defending the political machine he served, Mayor Samuel ironically prepared the city for reform by endorsing creation of Philadelphia's highly-touted City Planning Commission and supporting 1947's Better Philadelphia Exhibition, which subjected the failures of a "corrupt and contented" Republican political machine to harsh scrutiny and made the elections of 1949 and 1951 for city controller and mayor, respectively, landmarks in the city's political history. Samuel was succeeded by reformist mayors Joseph Sill Clark, later Democratic United States Senator, and Richardson Dilworth, later a Democratic candidate for governor of Pennsylvania who was also mentioned as a possible Democratic presidential candidate in 1960.] Samuel remains the last Republican elected mayor of Philadelphia. Mayor Samuel is buried at Arlington Cemetery in suburban Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania.

1960: Birthdate of Boston native Kenneth Scott “Ken” Kaplan the University of New Hampshire alum who played Tackle for Tampa Bay and New Orleans.

1960: “Dolph Schayes of the Syracuse Nationals became the first NBA player to surpass 15,000 career points, scoring 34 points in 127-120 victory over the Boston Celtics.” (As reported by Bob Wechsler)

1966: The 6th Knesset “started with Levi Eshkol’s Alignment forming the 13thgovernment today.

1966: Golda Meir completed her service as Foreign Minister.  She was the second person to hold that post and the first women to hold it.  It would be forty years before another woman would hold this post.

1966: Abba Eban completed his service as Deputy Prime Minister.

1966: Shlomo-Yisrael Ben-Meir completed his service as Deputy Minister of Health.

1971: Norman Lear’s "All in the Family" premiered on CBS featuring.  Once again we find a Jew creating an American cultural icon.

1971: A Federal grand jury indicted Reverend Philip Berrigan and 5 others, including a nun and 2 priests, on charges of plotting to kidnap Henry Kissinger.  They were not kidnapping Kissinger because he was Jewish.  They were looking for a dramatic way to protest the Vietnam War and Kissinger was Nixon’s leading foreign policy advisor.

1971(15th of Tevet, 5731): Sixty-three year old Philadelphian Cyrus Sol “Cy” Malis whose major career consisted of one appearance on the mound for the hometown Phillies passed away today.

1975: Steeler tight end Randy Grossman would earn one of his 4 Championship rings as Pittsburgh defeated Minnesota in Super Bowl IX at Tulane Stadium in New Orleans, LA.

1977: Anti-French demonstrations took place in Israel after Parisreleased Abu Daoud, responsible 1972 Munichmassacre of Israeli athletes

1978(3rdof Shevat, 5738): Seventy-six year old Arthur Sheekman the Chicago born son of Jewish immigrants from Russia who was such a successful writer that “Groucho Marx called him ‘The Fastest Wit in the West’” passed away today in Santa Monica.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli-Egyptian negotiations started somewhat inauspiciously after Israel stated that it wished to preserve the Jewish settlements in Sinai. There were severe differences over the agenda, and the Egyptians did not permit the Defense Minister Ezer Weizmann to give the speech he had prepared for the opening. In Cairo, however, President Anwar Sadat assured Rabbi Alexander Schindler "that Egypt guarantees the security of Israel."

1982(17thof Tevet, 5742): Sixty four year old Eva Schocken passed away.

1985(19thof Tevet, 5745): Parashat Shemot

1985(19thof Tevet, 5745): Ninety-seven year old Joshua Hensel Altfeld, the husband Goldie Altfeld and older brother of to Emanuel Milton Altfeld, a member of the Maryland House of Delegates from 1914 to 1916 and a member of the Maryland State Senate from 1930 to 1934 who was the author The Jew’s Struggle for Religious and Civil Liberty in Maryland passed away today in Owings Mills, MD and was later interred in the B’nai Israel Congregational Cemetery in Baltimore, MD.

1986(2nd of Shevat, 5746): Hinko Bauer, the Croatian-Jewish architect who fought with the Partisans in WW II and survived Dachau passed away today.

1988: Eight four year old Hiram Bingham, the American diplomat who worked with Varian Fry to save over 2,500 Jews in France from falling into the hands of the Nazis.

1989(6thof Shevat, 5749): Ninety-five year old Paula Ackerman passed away today in Thomaston, GA

1989: In “Soviet-Israeli Diplomacy Is Winner in a Court Test,” published today, Esther B. Fein describes the significance of the fact that an Israeli basketball team was playing on a court in the Soviet Union for the first time 21 years.  The game represents a major step in the normalization of relations between the Soviet Union and Israel.

1990: In “Mencken Just Plain Antisemitism” published today Doris Grumbach examines the bigotry of author H.L Mencken.

1990: Richard Shepard reviewed ‘‘The Return,'' Frederic Glover's play at the Jewish Repertory Theater about conflict between two leading Zionists – Chaim Weismann and David Ben-Gurion.

1993(19th of Tevet, 5753): Eighty-six year old Yehezkel Streichman, the Kovno native who became an award winning Israeli artist passed away today.

1993: Mervyn Taylor began serving as Minister for Labour in Ireland.

1993: “Paul William Mozer an American former Treasury bond trader for Salomon Brothers who was represented by attorney Stanley Arkin was indicted by a federal grand jury, that was the first step in a legal process that led to him being sentenced to four months in prison and fined thirty thousand dollars.

1994(29th of Tevet, 5754): Moshe Becker of Rishon Le-Zion was stabbed to death by three Palestinian terrorist employees while working in his orchard. The Popular Front claimed responsibility for the murder.

1994(29thof Tevet, 5754): Eighty-five year old producer and director Samuel Bronstein, the nephew of Leon Trotsky passed away today.

1995: Harry Schwarz whose family fled Germany in 1934 and who was an active opponent of Apartheid completed his service as South Africa’s Ambassador to the United States.

1996: “Bio-Dome,” a comedy starring Pauly Shore and featuring Jack Black was released today in the United States.

1996: On the 80th birthday of cellist William Pleeth, “a celebration concert was given for him by friends and students in the Wigmore Hall.”

1997: The New York Times book section features a review of Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood by Binjamin Wilkomirski, a Holocaust survivor who was born to a Jewish family in Latvia in 1941 and was rescued from Auschwitz at the age of five.

1998(14thof Tevet, 5758): American born poet and Professor of English Lit at Hebrew University passed away today.

2000: “The William Pleeth Memorail Concert was held in London” featuring performances by his son Anthony and his granddaughters Tatty Teho and Lucy Theo.

2001: The University of Pennsylvania Law School announces that during the spring semester Harry Reicher, a University of Pennsylvaniaadjunct law professor, will teach "Law and the Holocaust," a course which has been termed a world first.

2003: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Lucy by Ellen Feldman

2003(9thof Shevat, 5763): Vic Zimet, “the captain of the boxing team at CCNY and “a teacher and administrator in the New York public school system “ who “in 1986 named Coach of the Year by the National Amateur Boxing Federation” passed away today.

2006: Jewish political leader Steve Rothman was featured on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report, in Stephen Colbert's part nine of the "Better Know A District" segment, which highlighted Rothman and New Jersey's 9th District.

2007: Kassam rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip at southern Israel, as IDF troops operating in Gaza and the West Bankdiscovered and safely detonated two bombs.

2007: “Alpha Dog” a crime thriller starring Anton Yelchin was released in the United States today.

2007: Author E.L. Doctrow spoke at WashingtonD.C.’s CardozoHigh School.  A Jewish author spoke at a high school named for a Jewish Supreme Court Justice where he was questioned by an avid audience of African American, Latino and Asian American students.  “Only in America.”

2008: “Four days before her 103rd birthday,” Jackson, KY native Rosalie Friedman Birnbaum who converted to Christianity at the age of 16, married Professor Solomon Birnbaum in 1927 and became the director of Bethel, “a children’s home in Haifa” in 1959 passed away today.

2008: In a tribute to the vitality of small community Judaism, Shecharya Flatte celebrates his Bar Mitzvah at Agudas Achim Congregation in Iowa City, Iowa.

2009: The American Jewish Historical Society, the Center for Jewish History and Jewish Heritage present: “The Lifecycles of New York Jews: Little Disturbances and Enormous Changes.”

2009: The Canadian dance troupe La La La Human Steps takes part in the Dance at the Mishkan series by performing Edouard Lock's newest piece, Amjad, a marriage and contemporary reinvention of two of Tchaikovsky's most famous works, SwanLake and Sleeping Beautyat The Performing Arts Center in Tel Aviv.

2009:Edward Kritzler discusses and signs copies of his latest book entitled Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean: How a Generation of Swashbuckling Jews Carved Out an Empire in the New World in Their Quest for Treasure, Religious Freedom--and Revenge at the D.C. Jewish Community Center.

2009: Haaretz reported on demonstrations around the world that have been held in support of Israel’s cross-border military action.

2009: Several news outlets reported that Julius Genachowski would be President-Elect Obama's choice to head the FCC.His father's cousin, Menachem Genack, is the CEO of the Orthodox Union Kosher Division.     

2009: Jason Kander began serving as a Member of the Missouri House of Representatives from the 44thDistrict” today.

2010: Father Patrick Desbois who has spent a lifetime documenting the Holocaust was honored today by Alan Solow Chairman of the President's Conference and by Malcolm Hoenlein, the group’s executive vice chairman who presented him with an etching of a dove.

2010:The first class of a four part series entitled “Why Be Jewish” is scheduled to be taught tonight by Dr. Erica Brown at The Sixth & I Historic Synagogue. This four-part series will explore modern Jewish identity in America through self-reflection, an exploration of stereotyping, case studies, and classic Jewish texts.

2010:  Steve Luxenberg, a senior editor at The Washington Post, is scheduled to discuss and sign his memoir "Annie's Ghosts: A Journey Into a Family Secret" at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington in Rockville, MD.

2010:The Hebrew Language Table of the Library of Congress presents a lecture by Dr. Maurice Roumani entitled “North African Jewry during WWII: The Holocaust and its Impact.”

2010(26th of Tevet, 5770): Shirley Bell Cole passed away.  From 1930 to 1940, she was the primary radio voice for Little Orphan Annie. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2010:Pope Benedict XVI should be welcomed when he visits Rome's main synagogue, but he should halt moves to beatify wartime pontiff Pius XII, criticized for not doing enough to stop the Holocaust, a former chief rabbi of Israel said today. Israel Meir Lau, a Holocaust survivor and now chief rabbi of Tel Aviv, said Benedict's synagogue visit Sunday would be "appreciated and blessed." But in an interview with Italy's Sky TG24 television, he said he was "surprised" by Benedict's decision last month to move the controversial World War II-era pope closer to sainthood.

2011: The New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to begin tonight, marking the 20th year of the event.

2011:Rami Kleinstein & ISRAMERICA are scheduled to perform at The City Winery in New York City.

2011: CMJ UK is scheduled to hold a memorial service for Kristine Lukenin today at Southwell, north of Nottingham. Lukenin was one of two women who were stabbed as they took a Shabbat walk near Beit Shemesh. Her friend, Givat Ze’ev resident Kay Wilson was seriously wounded.CMJ is the Church’s Ministry Among Jewish People, which promotes Messianic Judaism.

2011: The New York Times featured a review of Dueling Writers Take on Each Other and the World  co-authored by Bernard-Henri Lévy.

2011:The Knesset approved a preliminary reading of the "Jerusalem Law" proposed by MK Uri Ariel (National Union). The bill, which was supported by the government, determines that Jerusalem will become priority area, and that the grants will be awarded to young couples in the city. In addition the city will receive a special bonus

2011: “Mahler on the Couch,” a lush fictionalization of a 1910 meeting between composer Gustav Mahler and psychologist Sigmund Freud, opened the New York Jewish Film Festival

2012: Eric Garcetti completed his terms as the 22nd President of the Los Angeles City Council.

2012: “His Wife’s Lover” is scheduled to shown at the Yiddish Film Series in Santander, Spain.

2012: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present “Poetics of Place – Readings with Drunken Boat, Tin House and Conjunctions.”

2012: Donna Karan is scheduled to join Fern Mallis at 92Y for a coffee klatch today, where the two fashion industry powerhouses will talk shop–and, of course, shopping

2012: The Israeli Defense Forces demolished the illegal West Bank outpost Mitzpe Avichai near Kiryat Arba, in the early hours of this morning.

2012: IDF tanks opened fire on a terror cell operating east of the al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza late tonight, Palestinian sources said. Army sources said soldiers manning an observation post spotted a number of Palestinians as they were attempting to plant bombs near the security fence separating Israel from the Strip. 

2012: "We, the State of Israel, should say thank you to immigrants from Ethiopia and not vice versa," President Shimon Peres said today during a visit to a school in Jerusalem.  

2012: “The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess” opened tonight at the Richard Rogers Theatre in New York.

2013(1stof Shevat, 5733): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

2013: Eighty-three year old “Leon Leyson, the youngest Holocaust survivor on Schindler’s list passed away today in Los Angeles.

2013: Magen David Sephardic Congregation is scheduled to host “Path to Jerusalem” which will let attendees “visit Israel in the heart of Rockville, MD” with music, coffee and pastries.

2013: “How to Re-Establish a Vodka Empire” is scheduled to be shown at The New York Jewish Film Festival.

2013: The Minneapolis (MN) Jewish Humor Festival is schedule to open for the 4thyear in a row tonight.

2013: “The Best of Chamber Music” featuring a performance of Dvorak Piano Quintet of opus 81 in  A major is scheduled to be performed at the Eden-Tamir Music Center.

2013: Avraham Heffner’s “The Winchell Affair” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef suffered a mild stroke this morning during the Sabbath-morning prayer service

2013: Jan Fischer lost in his bid to become the first Jew to be elected President of the Czech Republic.

2014: At Agudas Achim, Nancee Blum is scheduled to present “To Buy or Not to Buy” a program about compulsive shopping.

2014: In Ashburn, VA, Beth Schafter is scheduled to perform at Beth Chaverim.

2014: JCCNV is scheduled to present the final performance of “Mister Benny.”

2014: “Mamele” and “The Zigzag Kid” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2014: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Andrew’s Brain by E.L. Doctorow and The Exiles Returnby Elisabeth de Waal

2014: “The Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved today a bill forbidding the use of Nazi symbols and labels.”

2014: In Burlington, VT, Rabbi Aryeh Azriel of Temple Israel in Omaha officiated at the funeral services for Vermont State Senator Sally G. Fox at Temple Sinai.

2014: Israel is scheduled to bid farewell to former prime minister and one of the most prominent commanders of all times today. The casket of Israel's 11th prime minister Ariel Sharon will be placed in the Knesset plaza from 12:00 noon until 18:00 so the public can pay its last respects. (As reported by Moran Azulay)

2014: A steady stream of people walked up the hill to the Israeli parliament, through metal detectors and along the path that led to the coffin of one of Israel’s most controversial and iconic Prime Ministers. The coffin was draped in an Israeli flag, surrounded by wreaths, and attended by an honor guard. A rabbi read psalms quietly as the crowd walked by.

2014: European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton called on Israel today to halt all construction in the West Bank immediately, and said the building of settlements was detrimental to the ongoing peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

2015: The Grammy-winning band The Klezmatics is scheduled to perform from the original score they composed for the exhibition Letters to Afar in the MCNY gallery.

2015: JTA European Bureau Chief Cnaan Liphshiz (reporting from France) and Senior Correspondent Uriel Heilman (in New York) are scheduled to participate in telephone call-in presentation where they will “discuss the situation in France and Europe.”

2015: Mitchell Bard, the Executive Director of the American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitle “The Global Jihad” sponsored by the Tulane University Jewish Studies Department.

2015: Professor Abe Lavendar is scheduled to deliver a lecture “Descendants of the Secret Jews of Iberia: Their Current Return to Judaism” as the Jewish Museum of Florida.

2015: Professor Anita Shapira, author of Ben-Gurion: Father of Modern Israelis scheduled to deliver a lecture at the Jewish Community Center in Washington, DC.

2015: The French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said France will deploy nearly 5,000 security forces and police to protect 700 Jewish schools following last week’s terrorist attacks on HyperCacher, the Paris kosher market.

2015: “Faina Kirshenbaum stepped down as a member of Knesset today in light of a corruption scandal that has rocked her Yisrael Beytenu party in the past few weeks.” (As reported by Judah Ari Gross)

2015: Three days after an attack on HyperCacher kosher mart in Porte de Vincennes, the owner, Patrice Walid, who was wounded in the attack made known his intentions to take his five kids and immigrate to Israel as soon as he is discharged from the hospital. (As reported by Avi Lewis)

2016: The Cornelia Street Café is scheduled to host the third and final day of the Israeli Jazz Fest featuring “Dida” and the “Ziv Ravitz Trio.”

2016: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to tour of “the exhibition ‘Esther Bubley Up Front’ featuring the works by the famous Jewish photographer Esther Bubley.”

2016: “Strange Fruit” is scheduled to be shown at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education.

2017(14thof Tevet, 5777): Fifty-five year old Israeli musician “died from cancer” today “in Hemed.”

2017: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host the NYC premiere of “There Are Jews” the Brach Lichtenstein film that “tells the stories of once thriving Jewish American towns that now can barely hold a minyan, focusing on the residents lamenting the gradual disappearance of their communities, and critically examining issues of class, family, and identity.”

2017: The Oxford University Jewish Society hosted its “Extraordinary General Meeting.”

2017: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present “No Man’s Land: Jewish Refugees on the Borders of East-Central Europe in 1938” in which Michal Frankl “will speak on expulsions of Jews in 1938 and offer perspectives on the implications of the East-Central European No Man's Land.”

2017: “Aida’s Secrets” and “Mr. Gaga” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2017: Defense Secretary-designate James Mattis said today, “that the United States should continue treating Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital” thus “breaking with the Republic members of Congress and Donald Trump” who pledged to move the US embassy to Jerusalem during last falls elections.

2018: In Cedar Rapids, Temple Judah is scheduled to host Musical Shabbat.

2018: “Residents of Nablus threw Molotov cocktails at Israeli troops searching for “the perpetrators of a lethal terror attack in which an Israeli father of six was gunned down” while driving down a nearby highway two nights ago.

2018: As students return for Hilary, the Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Shabbat Dinner.

2018: Four of men were arrested today “in connection a firebomb attack on a historic synagogue in Tunisia.”

2018: In Memphis, TN, is scheduled to host a special Musical Shabbat as part of the observance MLK Day.

2019(6thof Shevat, 5779): Pararshat Bo; for more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2019: Despite the “government shutdown,” the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to be open today “from 10 a.m. to 5:20 p.m.”

2019: In Coralville, IA, Mya Witt is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at Agudas Achim.

2019: The New York City premiere of “Echo,” starring Yael Abecassis and Yoram Toledano is scheduled to take place this evening at the Walter Reade Theatre.




This Day, January 13, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 13
519 BCE: Darius had “a crown made for Zerubbabel out of gold sent by Jews in Babylon.”

915: Birthdate of Al-Hakam II, the second Caliph of Cordoba from 961 to 976 whose subjects included Hasdai ibn Shaprut and Enoch Ben Moses both of whom were leaders of the Jewish community in Andalusia. 

1151: Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis who in 1122 was granted five houses belonging to Jews in Tours by King Louis VI, during whose “reign jurisdiction over the Jews (and their revenues) gradually passed from royal control to the hands of the Church” passed away today.

1334: Birthdate of King Henry II of Castile who “was arguably the first ruler since the Visigothic King Ergica to utilise opposition to Jewish activities in Iberian Peninsula as part of his policy.”

1435: Pope Eugene IV, who would issue an edict prohibiting: building of synagogues, money-lending for interest, holding public office, testifying against Christians, issued “Sicut Dubum,” a bull banning the enslavement of inhabitants of the Canary Islands who had converted to Christianity.  Both measures had the same purpose – the growth of Christianity at all costs.

1505: Birthdate of Joachim II Hector the Elector of Brandenburg who allowed the Jews to return to his realm after he was told that the charges of host desecration that had led to their expulsion were false.

1546(10th of Shevat): The responsa of Rabbi Nissim ben Reuben Gerondi were printed for the first time in Rome

1614: Jacob Israel Belmonte, the native of “the island of Madeira” arrived today in Amsterdam where he joined with others including Jacob Tirado and Solomon Palache in founding that city’s “Portuguese-Jewish Community.

1625:  John Milton, author of “Paradise Lost” is admitted to Christ's College, Cambridge at the age of 16. During Milton’s lifetime, Jews were still officially not allowed to settle in the British Isles.  Like many Puritans living in the England of Oliver Cromwell, Milton saw a connection between his brand of Christianity and the Israelites.  Until his eyes weakened, he read the Hebrew Bible on a daily basis and expressed a positive view of Mosaic Law.  Milton was a politician as well as a poet.  He served as a secretary to Oliver Cromwell and, according to one of his biographers, was part of the group who negotiated for the return of the Jewish community to England.

1635: Birthdate of German Protestant theologian Philipp Jakob Spencer who differed with Lutherans on two major points one of which their belief that the conversion of the Jews was a required prelude to “the triumph of the church.”

1691: George Fox, the founder of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) who probably never met a Jew but who believed that “the Jews were descendants of the Pharisees and caused the death of Jews” passed away today.

1726: Meyer Löw Schomberg German born physician who moved to London and had been admitted to the Royal College of Physicians in 1722 today became a fellow of the Royal Society, which would lead to him being admitted to the freemasons' lodge of the Premier Grand Lodge of England at the Swan and Rummer, Finch Lane in 1730/

1733: James Oglethorpe and 130 colonists arrive in Charleston, South Carolina on their way to found the colony of Georgia.  The first Jews would arrive in Georgia with the second boatload of colonists who will arrive in July of 1733.

1754(19thof Tevet, 5514): Jacob Ḥayyim de Fonseca, the Hamburg born son of Joseph de Fonseca, who earned a medical degree from Leyden University passed away today.

1773: In Mackinac, Marie Elizabeth Louise Dubois and Ezekiel Solomons gave birth to Sophie Solomons

1777: During the American Revolution, Lewis Bush, a Jew from Philadelphia, was transferred from the 6th Pennsylvania Battalion to Colonel Thomas Hartley’s Additional Continental Regiment.

1778:  Birthdate of Sir Isaac Goldsmid. A Sephardic Jew, Goldsmid was a prominent London banker who was a founder of the University of London.  He passed away in 1859.

1781(16thof Tevet, 5541): Parashat Vayechi

1781(16thof Tevet, 5541): Treinela bat Mose, the wife of Lipman ben Joseph passed away today in the United Kingdom.

1797: Birthdate of Emanuel Schwab the native of Roedelheim, Germany who married Sophie Hirsch in 1862 and served as a rabbi for congregations in Schenectady, New York and Bridgeport, CT.

1799(7thof Shevat, 5559): Shlomin Moshe Jacob passed away today in the United Kingdom.

1803: Birthdate of Dr. Nathan Marcus Adler, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire and one of the most prominent Jewish clerics of the 19th century.

1807 (4th of Shevat, 5567): Reb Moshe Leib of Sassov passed away. Born in 1745, Rav Moshe Leib was a disciple of Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg, who was in turn a disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch. As the many stories about his life demonstrate, Rav Moshe was committed to all three forms of love as enumerated by the Baal Shem Tov: love of God, love of Torah and love of Israel.

1809: “The Grand Duke Karl Friedrich von Baden, who recognized the Jews of his country as a denomination and equated them with the Christian denominations in religious matters, but not in terms of civic rights” issued an edict today creating “the Oberrat of the Isaeliten” which was to be the governing body for Jews of his realm in religious matters.

1810: Birthdate of Ernestine Louise Polowsky, the daughter of a wealthy Polish rabbi who gained fame as Ernestine Louise Rose, the American feminist and abolitionist.

1814: Birthdate of Michael H. Godefroi, the native of Amsterdam and Dutch minister of justice who was the first of his people “to fill a cabinet position in Holland.”

1818: Birthdate of Abraham Stein, the Prussian born rabbi who became the leader of the Meisel Synagogue at Prague when in 1864 “it was changed to a modern temple with choir, organ and sermon.”

1821: In London, an unnamed visitor came to the Exchange and reported to Mr. Rothschild that he was the intended victim of an assassination plot, one possibly being hatched in Austria.  Rothschild gave no credence to the threat and was prepared to let the man depart.  Others insisted that he be held.  He was taken into custody, questioned by authorities and then released.  The name of the informant has not been made public.

 1825: Prior to his death Czar Alexander I expelled all the Jews from Mohilev and Vitebsk.

1830: When the Great Fire began in New Orleans today, the Jewish community numbered little more than thirty members but had already formed a congregation, Shaarai Chesed (Gates of Mercy), under the direction of Jacob Solis.

1836: Judah Lyons married Rosetta Hart today at the Great Synagogue.

1839: Jacob Hyam Nathan married Charlotte Benett today at the Great Synagogue.

1847: Birthdate of Morris Rich, founder of Atlanta’s Rich’s Department Store.

1854(13th of Tevet, 5614): Judah Touro passed away.  A native of Newport, Rhode, Island born in the same year as Lexington & Concord, Touro spent most of his adult life in New Orleans where he was a successful businessman and real estate investor. Touro also took part in the city’s signature event serving as a volunteer with Andrew Jackson’s forces that defeated the British in 1815.  Touro was one of the great philanthropists of his time.  Beneficiaries of his generosity included Touro Infirmary in New Orleans, The Bunker Hill (MA) Monument Fund and a residential settlement and almshouse in Jerusalem.

1858: In Charleston, SC, Rabbi Henry Jacobs officiated at the marriage of Joseph Heilbrun of Baltimore to Lizzie L. Sommers.

1861: Fifty-eight year old Benjamin Kisch, the son of Simon Kisch and Julia Cohen and the husband of Julia Kisch was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1866: Former U.S. Senator and Confederate cabinet member Judah P. Benjamin, who had fled the United States after the Civil War “enrolled at Lincoln’s Inn and soon thereafter was admitted to read law.

1872: Birthdate of Horki native Israel Joseph Zevin who gained fame as “a humorist and pioneer of the Yiddish press in America” using the pseudonym “Tashrak.”

1873: It was reported today that the London Jewish Chronicle has published a story about the murder of a Russian Jewish family.  Two laborers ordered brandy from Jewish innkeeper and then refused to pay for their drinks. They became abusive and eventually were forced to leave the tavern. Later that night, he innkeeper, his wife, his children and his brother were awakened by cries of “fire.” When they ran outside they were attacked by a mob of eight people including the two laborers.  The mob ransacked the inn, set fire to the building and then threw the Jews in.  They all burned to death except for a 12 year old boy who escaped into the woods.

1873: It was reported today that President Grant has instructed all United States ministers to inform the governments to which they are accredited that the U.S. has taken a “deep interest” in the Jews of Romania and would expect these governments to do what they can to intervene on behalf of this persecuted minority. Benjamin Franklin Peixotto, the American-Jew who is the U.S. Consul at Bucharest expressed his pleasure with the American government’s intervention. [This would be another example of the bogus charge that President Grant was an anti-Semite.]

1876(16th of Tevet, 5636): Ḥayyim Löb ben Hirsch Katzenellenbogen who followed in his father’s footsteps as the head of the rabbinical school in Vilna which closed in 1873 leaving him destitute passed away today.

1877: Rustic Wedding Symphony, Op. 26 (Ländliche Hochzeit) a symphony in E flat major by Karl Goldmark was performed for the first time in the United States “at a New York Philharmonic Society concert.”

1877: It was reported today that Lord Beaconsfield who celebrated his 71stbirthday on December 27 “is now utterly enfeebled and exhausted and reduced to a condition of intellectual decrepitude by the strains of office.”

1878: The Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Newark, NJ, held its first meeting this afternoon.  The 172 members elected the following officers: President – Frank Marx; Vice President – Leopold Harzfeld; Recording Secretary – Oscar Wiener; Financial Secretary – Edward Hirschler; Treasurer – Joseph Goetz.  The members voted to raise $2,000 by issuing 400 shares of stock at $5 a share.

1878: It was reported today that David Rosenberg of Columbus, Ohio whom it is assumed is a Jew “has issued a call for a national convention of all Israelites who are now willing to accept Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah of the world.” The Jews promptly repudiated the man and his scheme.

1878:  It was reported today that The Jewish Messenger sees the “present tendency to break down the barriers of synagognism” and replace it with a “brotherhood of synagogues” as one of the most promising features of the Jewish-American landscape.

1879: In Kiev, Herman Panken and Feiga Berman Panken, who after moving to New York in 1890 eventually became an organizer of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union, a member of the Socialist Party and a municipal judge.

1879: It was reported today that Thomas D. Conygham, the forger who swindled the people of Wilkes-Barre, PA out of $250,000 before fleeing the country was in turn the victim of a swindle perpetrated by Lazarus, a Sephardic Jew who conned him out of $70,000 in Haiti.

1882: The second of two articles by Joseph Jacobs which provided “an account of the persecution of the Jews in Russia” appeared in The Times of London.

1882: In Paris, Adolphe and Noémie Bloch gave birth to Darius Paul Bloch dit Dassault.

1882:  The Young Men’s Hebrew Association, whose members included Israel Cohen, Jacob Rosenthal, Moses Scheinfeldt and Mark Wolf was founded today in Boston, MA.

1882: The Louisville Courier published an account of the final disposition “of the Confederate bullion” in which Captain M.H. Clark that “before reaching Washington, Georgia,” he “was halted by Major Raphael J. Moses,” the member of an old Southern Jewish family to whom he turned over all of the wagons filled with silver bullion as order by President Davis so that it might be used “to feed the paroled soldiers” to keep them from stripping the area of supplies.”

1883: De Witt J. (David) Seligman and Addie Seligman gave birth to Alma Seligman who became Alma Hochstadter when she married Walter Hoschstadter.

1884: The Hebrew Technical Institute elected the following as its first slate of officers: President- James Hoffman; Vice President – Leo Schlesinger; Treasurer – David L. Einhorn; Secretary – M.A. Kursheedt.

1886: In a small village near Minsk, Brokhe Tsharni (née Hurwitz) and Zev Volf, “a fervent Lubavitcher” gave birth to Baruch Charney Vladeck who gained famed as Baruch Nachman Charney, an American Jewish Labor Leader and manager of the Jewish Daily Forward

1887: In the Ukraine, Charles Polteil Abuza and Jennie Lenz Abuza gave birth to Sofya “Sonya” Kalish, who gained fame as multi-talented Sophie Tucker, “the last of the Red Hot Mommas.”

1890: It was reported today that the Hebrew Technical Institute is currently 120 pupils who are supported by the efforts of 557 patrons and members.

1890: It was reported today that Harmony Club, a Jewish social club, suffered 3,000 in damages as a result of the cyclone that recently struck St. Louis, MO.

1891(4th of Shevat, 5651): Ninety year old Anton Ree the son of a Jewish banker who served as director at the Jewish Free School who was elected to the Hamburg Constituent Assembly where he worked as an advocate for Jewish Emancipation passed away today.


1891: A ship carrying five hundred Jewish men, women and children who were all from Russia, arrived at Dover, UK

1891: It was reported today that the Hebrew Benevolent Society and the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children were among the charities named to receive bequests in the will of the late Emma Abbot Wetherwall who was not Jewish.

1891: “Objects To Working Saturday” described the objections that Judge Joseph E. Newberger, an Orthodox Jew has raised to hearing matters on Saturday morning. While at least one of his colleagues has agreed to cover for him, Chief Justice Ehrlich responded by saying that Newberger should have considered this before running for election.”

1892: Second day of a three day celebration marking opening of the Jewish Maternity Association's

Facility in Philadelphia, PA

1892: Charles Spurgeon, a leading British Baptist minister was quoted today as expressing his displeasure with the Russian treatment of her Jewish citizens.  “If I had all the health and strength that could fall to the lot of man, I should be quite unable to express my feelings on reading of Russia’ intolerance of the Jews…The Czar is greatly injuring his own country by driving out God’s ancient people.  No country can trample upon Israel with impunity…

1892: It was reported today that the annual expenses for the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society for the fiscal year ending October 1, 1891 were in excess of $92,000,000.  The expenditures included part of the payment for the society’s new building. (More 2014)

1893: Birthdate of Chaim Sutin, the native of Belarus who gained fame as French painter Cahim Soutine. He owed part of his success to the support of Paul Guilluam, the French art dealer who championed the works of another Jewish artist, Amedeo Modigliani.

1893(25thof Tevet, 5653): Russian biographer Israel Tobiah Eisenstadt a descendant of Tobiah Bacharach and Israel ben Shalom, who were executed in 1659 on charges of “ritual murder” passed away today in St. Petersburg.

1893(25thof Tevet, 5653): Eighty-eight year old Alice Aarons, the daughter of Aron Aarons who died at the age of 78 in 1849, passed away today in the United Kingdom.

1894: Sixty-two year old Nadezhda von Meck, the widow of Karl von Meck, who joined with Dubrovnik native Samuel Polyakov, the Jew known as “the railroad king” to create Russia’s modern railway system, passed away today.

1894: Sixty-seven year old William Waddington who as French Foreign minister in 1879 supported Laurence Oliphant’s plan for “large scale Jewish settlement in Palestine” passed away today.

1894: Adolph L. Sanger lost in his bid to be elected President of the Board of Education in New York City.

1895: English author and historian Sir John Robert Seely, author of Ecce Homo and Natural Religion passed away. He believed that “the Hebrew Scriptures express in poetic for…the spirit of modern science”

1896: It was reported that a course in Hebrew will be offered by New York University as one of its summer school offerings starting this July.

1896(27thof Tevet, 5656): Sixty-seven year old businessman, philanthropist and “patron of the arts” Seilg Meier Goldschmidt passed away today in Frankfurt, Germany.  *When his children urged Selig Goldschmidt to retire from business, he replied "This is impossible for me.  There may well be enough to live on, both for you and myself, but I must certainly continue to work for my poor people, because for them I need a great deal of Maaser."

1896: “Dr. Cohen On ‘Judaism A Force’: published today includes Dr. Cohen’s message that “the wealthy Jewish merchants of Philadelphia…built large temples, patronized the arts and sciences and were charitable…but was there one among them who paid his employees liberally?  In Philadelphia, as in other cities he knew of clothing fortunes that had been built from the blood of the poor Russian Jews…”

1897(10thof Shevat, 5657): Forty-six year old Croatian-Hungarian timber merchant who was a pioneer in the creation of the kind of airship that came to be known as a Zeppelin passed away today today.

1898: Emile Zola published "J'Accuse." This famous letter appeared in Clemenceau's paper L'Aurore.  Zola was a supporter of Alfred Dreyfus and the letter condemned the French establishment for wrongly convicting Dreyfus.  (The Clemenceau mentioned above is the same Clemenceau who led France to victory in World War I.)

1898: Seventy-eight year old Benjamin Victor Abraham the son of Victor Abraham and Rebecca Levy was buried today at the “Le Repentir Cemetery in Georgetown, British Guyana.”

1898: Auguste Scheurer-Kestner failed to convince his colleagues in the Senate to join with him in the battle for rehabilitation of Captain Dreyfus

1898(19th of Tevet, 5658): Eighty-one year old Talmudist and Biblical commentator Yehoshua Yehudah Leib Diskin also known as the Maharil Diskin, who established the Diskin Orphanage in Jerusalem and the Ohel Moshe (Tent of Moses) Yeishiva passed away today.

1899: Magistrate Sims is scheduled to hear a case in which Mrs. Esther Wallenstein, President of the Hebrew Infant Asylum, has brought charges of trespass against the builders working on the asylum’s building.  She is represented by Maurice Untermyer.

1899: It was reported today that Liebler & Company are committed to producing a dramatization of Israel Zangwill’s Children of the Ghetto which will be produced at the Herald Square Theatre starting in October.  The theatrical company has accepted the scenario he presented and the Jewish author is now working on a multi-act treatment.

1902: In Chicago, “wealthy shoe manufacturer Emmanual Rosenbaum” and his wife gave birth to bronze medal winning shot putter Maud Rosenbaum who married Baron Giacomo Giorgio Levi in 1927 and after getting a divorce married H. Walter Blumenthal in 1935 which led to her gaining further fame under the name Maud Blumenthal, the champion tennis player.

1903: Herzl begins the preparations for the meetings with the Foreign Ministry and with Lord Rothschild.

1904: In Baltimore, MD, “Jacob L. Zetzer and Fannie B. Zetzer gave birth to Rose Sylvan Zeter, the University of Maryland trained attorney and reformer who was the first woman to be admitted to the Maryland State Bar Association and the founder of “the first all-female law firm” in the state of Maryland.

1904(25th of Tevet, 5664): Leo Napoleon Levi, a lawyer and one of the first Jews from Texas to gain national recognition, died of a heart attack. He was born in 1856 in Victoria, TX.  “At age sixteen he enrolled at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, where he received the medal for being the best university debater and at age twenty received his law degree. He married Ray Bachrach, and they had six children. He settled in Galveston and became associated with the law firm Flournoy and Scott in 1876; later he became a partner in Scott, Levi, and Smith. Levi was a well-known orator, and officials at the University of Texas invited him to give the commencement address in June 1899. The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith published this speech and others by Levi in a book in 1905. In 1887 Levi was elected president of Temple B'nai Israel, and the next year he brought Rabbi Henry Cohen to Texas. Levi retained the presidency for twelve years. In Galveston he joined the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, a Jewish fraternal organization, and was elected president of District Seven, which comprised seven Southern states. In 1900 Levi was elected national president of the IOBB. That same year he moved to New York City to pursue his work with B'nai B'rith. As president of B'nai B'rith, Levi he sent a petition to Czar Nicholas II, after the massacre at Kishinev, that demanded Russians stop abusing Jews. Secretary of State John Hay signed the Kishinev petition, and President Theodore Roosevelt endorsed it.

1904(N.S): Birthdate of Nathan Mironovich Milstein) a Russian-born American virtuoso violinist.

1904: In New York City, Augusta and Barnett Goodman gave birth to architect Percival Goodman the Columbia University Professor who “designed over 50 synagogues and religious buildings including the stone-clad Fifth Avenue Synagogue at 5 East 62d Street in Manhattan; Congregation Adath Israel in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, a strongly sculptural mass of concrete and red brick, and Shaarey Zedek in Detroit, a building with a stark prowlike concrete roof cutting into the sky.”

1907: A new building, which resulted from the remodeling of two townhouses opened today for the use of Congregation Orach Chaim.

1907: Fifty-five year old Joseph Simmons, the husband of Annie Simmons, was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1908: In Manhattan, paleontologist Simon Flexner, the Kentucky born son of European-Jewish immigrants and Helen Thomas gave birth to award winning historian James Thomas Flexner. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1908: The Times of London published the obituary for Major General Sir Frederic John Goldsmid who passed away yesterday without mentioning the fact that his family was Jewish.

1910: Birthdate of Fay Gulack “a judge at the World Gymnastics Championships at Moscow in 1958, a manager of the 1964 Women’s Olympic Gymnastics Team and the wife of George Gulak who won a Gold Medal at the 1932 Olympics.

1911: The first issue of the Yiddishe Baker, a Yiddish weekly appeared in New York City today.

1912: “The Psalms and Their Applications to Life” a tableaux presented “arranged and directed by Mrs. Amie Stern” was the highlight of “the fourth regular meeting of the Chicago Association of Jewish Women held” today “at Sinai Temple” in Chicago under the leadership of its President, Mrs. Israel Cowen.

1912:Centenary celebration of the birth of Dr. Liebman Adler who began his career in Germany as a public school teacher and cantor at a local synagogue before moving  to Detroit Michigan in 1854 where he served as rabbi and cantor at Congregation Bethel. Adler was the father of famed architect Dankmar Adler.  The younger Adler’s mother died in childbirth so the father named him “Dank” (thanks), Mar (bitter).  Liebman Adler moved to Chicago in 1861 when he was named rabbi of Kehilath Anshe Ma'ariv Synagogue.  Dankmar would build a new synagogue before his father passed away in 1891.

1915:  Winston Churchill presented plans for an assault on the Dardanelles.  This plan would come to be known as the ill-fated Gallipoli Campaign.  If the campaign had succeeded, Turkey would have been knocked out World War I.  Russia would have been re-supplied meaning no Russian Revolution.  The stalemate on the Western Front would have ended and World War I would have ended without the United States joining the fray.  But the campaign failed which ironically had a positive effect on one small aspect of Jewish history.  Gallipoli consumed a great deal of Allied manpower.  In desperation, the British were even willing to use an-all Jewish unit called the “Zion Mule Corps.”  The corps acquitted itself with valor and honor, making it possible for the British to create an all Jewish combat unit that saw service under Allenby in the fight against the Turks in Palestine.

1915: The London Chronicle “editorially” suggested today “that America may eventually be called upon to exercise a sort of suzerainty over Palestine.”

1915: Hyman G. Enelow, Louis Marshall, the Chairman of the American Jewish Relief Committee and Meyer London, “the only Socialist elected to Congress last November” are scheduled to address a mass meeting this evening a Temple Emanu-El where “they will tell the consequences of the war upon 7,000,000 Jews of Europe and Palestine.

1915: Louis Marshall, the Chairman of the American Jewish Relief Committee today “deplored what he termed the failure of  the Jews of America, particularly in New York, t realize the terrible calamity that has overtaken the millions of Jews whose home are in the eastern theatre of the European war.”

 1916: Birthdate of Bella Lewitzky, founder of the internationally acclaimed Bella Lewitzky Dance Company.  When she appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee, Lewitzky declined to testify saying, “I am a dancer, not a singer.”

1916: The note that accompanied violinist Mischa Elman’s check in the amount of $5,869.94 for the Jews of Europe which was published today read “Inclosed please find check for the receipts from the benefit concert which I had the pleasure of giving for the Jewish war sufferers.  I cannot tell you what pleasure it gives me to able to donate this amount to this cause.”

1916: It was reported today that President Wilson’s proclamation concerning a day set aside for raising funds for the Jews of Europe included the announcement that “Contributions” for that purpose “may be addressed to the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C. which will take care of their proper distribution.”

1917: Birthdate of New York native Morris R. “Moe” Becker the All-American Duquesne University basketball star who played college ball from 1939 through 1941 before turning with pro staring with the Philadelphia Sphas and finishing with NBA teams including the Boston Celtics.

1917: An early step towards the founding of UFA, the German film production company whose original owners included Hermann Frenkel, was taken today with the creation of the Bild- und Filmamt (Bufa) by Germany's Supreme Army Command.

1917: The Directors of the Montefiore Home gave a private dinner this evening at Sherry’s in honor of banker Jacob H. Schiff who had just turned seventy during which Samuel Sachs presented the guest of honor “with a three-quarter length oil painting of himself” which “will hang in his home until his death, after which it wll be hung in the Montefiore Home of which he is the President.”

1917: “The midwinter dance of the junior workers of the New York Guild for the Jewish Blind” is scheduled to “be held at the Plaza Hotel” this evening.

1917: In Manhattan, The First Hungarian Congregation Ohab`Zedak offered a special thanksgiving prayer composed by Rabbis Bernhard Drachman and Philip Klein for the life and works of Jacob Schiff who had just turned seventy at a service “conducted by Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt and the full choir.”

1917: During services at Temple Israel in Harlem, Rabbi M.H. Harris “paid tribute to” Jacob Schiff.

1917: Leonard Keysor who had been promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the 42ndBattalion of the 1st Australian Brigade while fighting in France in December was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant today which would lead to his promotion to 1st Lieutenant in July of 1917.

1918: Final preparations were made by those participating in the campaign of the Jewish Philanthropic Societies to raise four million dollars or more for the year’s maintenance of Jewish welfare, relief and sociologic activities” which is scheduled to start tomorrow under the leadership of Felix M. Warburg.

1918: “Three large halls were required” tonight “to hold the outpouring of Jewish men and women who met to lay the foundation for the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies which enter upon its campaign for 50,000 members.”

1919: Rebecca Henriques, the daughter of Sigismund Stiebel and Eliza Jacob Mocatta and the wife of Frederick Henriques was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1922: Today, Nahum Sokolow, President of the Executive Committee of the World Zionist organization, who is visiting the United States as the head of a European delegation of Zionist leaders, met with U.S. President Warren G. Harding.

1924: In Philadelphia, Sol and Rae Breslow gave birth to Lillian Breslow who gained fame as Lillian B. Rubin, a sociologist and psychotherapist who wrote a series of popular books about the crippling effects of gender and class norms on human potential.” (As reported by Paul Vitello)

1926:  Birthdate of author and feminist Carolyn Gold Heilbrun.

1927: Birthdate of British born biologist Sydney Brenner. He shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with H. Robert Horvitz and John Sulston.

1929: Birthdate of Cleveland native Morris “Moe” Savransky the southpaw who pitched for the Cincinnati Reds in 1954.

1929: Wyatt Earp, Western legend, passed away. Earp was not Jewish.  But his wife was and she conspired to have him buried in a Jewish cemetery.  This gave rise to erroneous rumor that Earp had converted before his death.

1930: Birthdate of Sidney Cole the jockey killed in 1961 “after being thrown from the saddle of a 2-year-old filly and into a guard rail at Aqueduct.”

1931: “Allie Schukman scored eight points” and Max Posnack scored another seven “as St. John’s beat L.I.U. for the fourth year in a row.” (As reported by Wechsler)

1935: Germany regains control of a valuable resource as the Saar rejoins the Reich following a plebiscite conducted by the League of Nations.

1935: “The eighty-eight anniversary of the birth of the late Jacob H. Schiff, banker and philanthropist, and the tenth anniversary of the dedication of the Jacob H. Schiff Center is scheduled to be observed with special services at the center” in the Bronx, this morning which will include “introductory remarks by Rabbi Alexander Basel” followed by “an address by Dr. Israel Goldstein, the rabbi of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun”

1936(18thof Tevet, 5696): Seventy-nine old educator Sir Meyer Spielman, the son of Adam Spielmann and the brother of Isador and Aarib  Spielmann, the president of the Keren Hayesod Committee and author of “The Romance of Child” who was knighted in 1928 passed away today.

1936: During today’s celebration of the first anniversary of the Saar Plebiscite that led to Nazi Germany taking control of this valuable territory, District Leader Joseph Buerckel responded to questions by foreign correspondents by insisting “that all Jews in the Saar still enjoyed double protection under the Rome agreement – namely a Jews and as status quo voters” but also announced that this protection would end on March 1 when the Jews would come under the Nuremberg laws…”

1936(18th of Tevet, 5696): Samuel Lionel "Roxy" Rothafel passed away. Born in 1882 at Stillwater, Minnesota “was a showman of the 1920s silent film era and the impresario for many of the great New York movie palaces that he managed such as the Strand, Rialto, Rivoli, Capitol, and his eponymous Roxy Theatre in New York City He also opened Radio City Music Hall in 1932, which featured the precision dance troupe, the "Roxyettes", later renamed the Rockettes.” Roxy also made a name for himself on radio, where he began broadcasting in mid-November 1922, and throughout the 1920s, his live broadcasts from the Capitol Theatre became increasingly popular. One estimate from 1924 placed his typical radio audience at about five million listeners, and he was said to receive thousands of pieces of fan mail weekly. (His weekly variety show, "Roxy and His Gang," was later heard on the NBC Blue network, by that time broadcasting from the Roxy Theatre. Rothafel has been credited with many movie presentation innovations, including synchronizing orchestral music to movies (in the silent film era) and having multiple projectors to effect seamless reel changes. The book The Best Remaining Seats by Ben Hall (1961), gives a good overview of the movie palaces of the 1920s and, specifically, of Roxy himself. Rothafel is buried in Linden Hill Jewish Cemetery in Queens, New York.”

1936: It was announced today that the annual donor luncheon of the Women’s League will be held at the Waldorf Astoria on January 15, 1936.  Proceeds from the event will be used to pay for the completion of a facility being built in Tel Aviv for female refugees fleeing Hitler’s Germany.

1936: The Ministry of Public Instruction announced the closing of the University of Vilna for the rest of the school term because of “continued anti-Semitic demonstrations by Polish Nationalist students” who began to riot after their demands that they be separated from the Jewish students were not met.

1937: Speaking on behalf of the Arab High Committee, Jerusalem lawyer Auni Bey Abdulhadi told the Peel Commission that “the Arabs will not compromise” and “they will negotiate only with the British government, not the Jews and they will never agree to cantonization.” (Editor’s Note – Cantonization was the pre-war term for Partition, which is the key to the “two state solution”.)

1937: Brooklyn Republican Assemblyman introduced “a bill to shift the date of the primary election this year from September 14, which “is the eve of the Jewish Day of Atonement” to September 16.

1937: “Joseph C. Hyman, executive director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee announced” today “that late in 1936” the committee made “a $1,000 contribution for school and cultural work among the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia” which “has been acknowledge by Professor Taamarat Emanuel, the director of the Jewish School in Addis Ababa.

1937: “Crooked Cross” Sally Carson’s play about “a Bavarian girl’s love for a Jewish doctor in the early days of the Nazi revolution” opened tonight at the Westminster Theatre in London.

1938: The Palestine Post reported on the opening of the Rockefeller archeological museum in Jerusalem, founded by John Rockefeller and named in his honor. The museum's permanent exhibition revealed the history of mankind as recorded in local archeological finds. No festive opening ceremony took place, due to the tragic murder of archeologist John Starkey. 

1938: The Palestine Post reported that Jewish buses were shot at in Haifa and there were various shooting incidents in Jerusalem.

1938: “The fifth anniversary of Hitler’s ascension to power in Germany was made the occasion of anti-Nazi meeting” tonight “in the Manhattan Opera House” which was sponsored by the Joint Boycott Council of the American Jewish Congress and the Jewish Labor Committee and where “the principal speaker, William E. Dodd, the former United States Ambassador to Germany said the situation for the Jews in Germany was worse than at any time in the last hundred years.”

1938: An article in The Palestine Postquoted extensively from the London's Financial Times, which reviewed the hopeless position of over five million Jews in Central and Eastern Europe, denied the means of existence or possible emigration. The report concluded that "it seemed too much to hope in the present state of the world that a political and economic effort will be made to stop this tragedy."

1938(11th of Shevat, 5698): Albert Ottinger, the former New York State Attorney General who was the Republican candidate for governor defeated by FDR in 1928 passed away today at the age of 59. He used his governmental positions to fight corruption and prosecuted those responsible for perpetrating frauds in the financial services industry. He was responsible for the introduction of voting machines.  Ottinger was also active in Jewish communal affairs. [Many younger readers may be surprised to find out that the Republican Party in New York had a history of using government to protect the citizens from abuses by rapacious and/or crooked “capitalists.]

1939: “Negotiations regarding the evacuation of Jews from Germany were resumed today when George Rublee, chairman of the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees and his aides conferred for one hour with Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, the president of the Reichsbank” in Berlin.  (Editor’s note - this has to qualify as one of the most farcical meeting in an era marked by meetings that were pure farce.)

1939(22ndof Tevet, 5699): Seventy-four year old Rabbi Isaac Alpert, the father of Sarah Alpert and father-in-law of Nathan Kolko passed away today in Rochester, NY.

1941: James Joyce passed away. His most famous novel, Ulysses, featured a Jewish protagonist, Leopold Bloom.

1941: Governor Herbert H. Lehman appointed Philip M. Kleinfeld to the New York Supreme Court.

 1942: The deportation of 10,000 Jews from Lodz began at the rate of 700 a day. They are all sent to Chelmno to be gassed. Nine transports of about 90 people each were buried in Chelmno. Five of the nine men unloading the corpses were shot when the day was done.

1943: The German Foreign Minister, Ribbentrop, warned Italians that they would permit Jews to live in areas under German rule until March 31. After that time, "the Government won't be able to make any exceptions."   In other words, Italian Jews would now become candidates for the Final Solution.

1943: Fifteen hundred Jews are deported from Radom, Poland, to Treblinka.

1943: Birthdate of Brooklyn native and Brandeis alum Eli Jay Segal the businessman and political activist who worked in campaigns from McGovern to Clinton and who married his “college-sweetheart” Phyllis.

1944: Two United States Treasury Department officials--Josiah DuBois and Randolph Paul--threaten to resign and make public the report on their investigation into the State Department's scandalous activities in regard to the Jews. The report is originally entitled "Report to the Secretary [of the Treasury] on the Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews." The report indicts officials of the State Department for their "willful attempts to prevent action from being taken to rescue Jews from Hitler.""They have not only failed to use the governmental machinery at their disposal to rescue Jews from Hitler, but have even gone so far as to use this governmental machinery to prevent rescue of the Jews.

1944: “The Sosnowiec labor camp, which had been established on the site of the Srodula ghetto was liquidated today and its prisoners sent to Auschwitz.”

1946: Two days after he had passed away funeral services are scheduled to be held today for songwriter and published Harry Von Tilzer

1948 (2nd of Shevat, 5708): Solomon Mikhoels was killed by the secret police under Stalin's orders, as part of a campaign to eradicate Jewish intellectualism and culture.  Born in 1890, Mikhoels was a leading Russian and Yiddish actor famed for his roles as Tevye and King Lear. During the war he had tried to win support for the Russian war effort by touring England and the United States.

1948: In attempt to secure the road to Mt. Scopus, site of Hadassah Hospital, the Haganah launched an attack on Sheikh Jarrah.  Having dislodged the Arab gunmen from the area, the Jews were forced to hand it over to the British who promised not to permit armed Arabs into the area.  Within forty eight hours, the British gave it back to the Arabs.

1948: Twenty-four hours after several members of the “Pan York” escaped from their British captivity on Cyprus arrived aboard a fishing boat at Caesarea.

 1949: Birthdate of television executive, Brandon Tartikoff.

1949: Following the War for Independence, several of the former members of the human blockade runner “Pan York” including Avi Livney settled at Sasa, a village “situated at a strategic crossroad between the Western and Upper Galilee, near the Lebanese border.”

1949: Boris Abramovich Shimelivoich the Russian poet and revolutionary who was part of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was arrested during one of Stalin’s purges which would lead to his execution in 1952.

1950: Los Angeles premiere of “Samson and Deliah” with a script co-authored by Jesse Lasky, Jr. based on a work by Vladimir Jabotinsky starring Hedy Lamar as the Biblical temptress.

1950: “Whirlpool” the film version Guy Endore’s Methinks the Lady, directed and produced by Otto Preminger with a screenplay co-written by Ben Hecht whose name was removed from the version shown in Great Britain due to his militant Zionism, was released today in the United States.

1953: An article published today in Pravdatouched off a wave of virulent anti-Semitism throughout Russia.

1953: As the “Doctors Plot” campaign which accussed Jewish medical professionals of planning to kill Stalin and other officials, as well as being “agents” of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), an international social welfare agency” began Pravda published “Dastardly Spies and Assassins in the Guise of Professors and Doctors.”

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the losses due to drought in the Negev topped $3 million. The heavy rain came too late, and not a drop fell in the Migdal-Ashkelon-Safieh region, where the loss was over IL 10m.

1954: In Johannesburg, Joy and Godfrey Rabinowitz gave birth to Trevor Rabinowitz, the South African native best known as a writer and guitarist for the band “Yes” who changed his name from Rabinowitz to Rabin and was raised in a Reform household. He grew up observing Shabbat and singing in his synagogue choir, and despite the name change, he has never really left Judaism. In 2004, he told the San Diego Jewish journal that it helps to be a Jew in the world of rock and roll, because so many other musicians are also MOT. Indeed, Rabin wasn't the only Jew affiliated with Yes--their manager, Brian Lane, was born Harvey Freed.

1956: Eighty-four year old “caricaturist, comic strip artists” and “expressionist painter” Lyonel Charles Feininger who left Germany after the Nazis came to power because his work was declared “degenerate” and because his wife was Jewish under their racial laws passed away today.

1958(21st of Tevet, 5718): Seventy-seven year old motion picture pioneer Jesse L. Laskey, the co-founder of Paramount Pictures, the father of three children including screenwriter Jesse L. Lasky Jr. and the brother-in-law of fellow movie mogul Samuel Goldwyn, passed away today.

1958: Shlomo-Yisrael Ben-Meir began serving Deputy Minister of Welfare.

1961: William Louis-Dreyfus and Julia Bowles gave birth to Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the actress who played Elaine on the television hit “Seinfeld.”

1961(25th of Tevet, 5721): Sixty-two year old “foreign securities broker” Carl Marks “the founder of Carl Marks & Co and husband of Edith Marks with whom he had two children and generous donor to several charities including the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies passed away today.

1962: After 400 performances, the curtain came down on the original Broadway production of Jule Styne’s musical “Do Re Mi” starring Phil Silvers and featuring Al Lewis.

1965(10th of Shevat, 5725): Arthur “Art” Gottlieb the Rutgers University quarterback who threw the touchdown pass in a game against in-state rival Princeton which gave the Scarlet Knights their first victory over the Tigers since they had met for the first time in 1869 in what was the first “modern” intercollegiate football game.

1965: In Philadelphia, PA, “small businessman” Robert Rosenstein and his wife Gerri who worked as “a bookkeeper and school board gave birth to Rod Jay Rosenstein, the Harvard Law School graduate who in April of 2017 “was the nation’s longest-serving U.S. Attorney” at which time he became the 37th United States Deputy Attorney General serving under Attorney General Jeff Sessions and President Donald Trump.

1966: In Tel Aviv, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau and his wife gave birth to Rabbi David Baruch Lau.

1966: Abba Eban became the third Foreign Affairs Minister of Israel.

1967: In Moscow, Alexander and Yelena Gessen gave birth Maria Alexandrovna Gessen who gained fame as award winning journalist and LGBT activist Masha Gessen,

1968: At the Martin Beck Theatre after 293 performances and 22 previews the curtain came down on the original Broadway production of “Hallelujah, Baby!, a musical with music by Jule Styne, lyrics by Adolph Green and Betty Comden, and a book by Arthur Laurents

1969: Samuel H. Shapiro, who was the second Jewish governor of the State of Illinois completed his term of office today, having gained the job when his predecessor resigned to take a federal judgeship and he moved up from being Lt. Gov.

1971: “Lupo.!”, a comedy with a script by Ken Globus and Menahem Golan who also served as director and co-producer was released today in Israel.

1972: After having premiered in New York City in December of 1971, Stanley Kubrick’s “Clockwork Orange” was released today in the United Kingdom.

1972: “The Cowboys” directed and produced by Mark Rydell with a screenplay co-authored by Irving Ravetch was released today in the United States by Warner Bros. (Editor’s Note:  Based on decades of experience, in my humble opinion, this is one of the best western movies ever made – a must see film.)

1974(19th of Tevet, 5734): Sholom Secunda passed away. Born in 1894 at Oleksandriia, he “was a Jewish composer, born in Ukraine and educated in the United States. He wrote the melody for the popular song "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen" in 1932. Together with Aaron Zeitlin he wrote the famous Yiddish song "Dos kelbl (The Calf)" (also known as "Donna Donna") which was covered by many musicians, including Donovan and Joan Baez. Along with Abraham Ellstein, Joseph Rumshinsky, and Alexander Olshanetsky, he was one of the "big four" composers of his era in New York City's Second Avenue Yiddish theatre scene

1974: A Gallup poll on religious worship showed that fewer Protestants and Roman Catholics were attending weekly services than ten years earlier, but that attendance at Jewish worship services had increased over the same period.

1978: The Jerusalem Post published an exclusive interview with President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, who agreed that Israel needed security, but could not keep Arab land. Sadat proposed mutual security measures for the West Bank and Sinai. He promised to build a "triple shrine"­ a mosque, a synagogue and a church ­at the top of Jebel Musa, Mount Sinai, where according to tradition Moses received the Ten Commandments.

1978: Former Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey passed away in Waverly, Minnesota, at age 66.  As mayor of Minneapolis and Senator from Minnesota was champion of the underdog and fighter for civil rights.  These policies made him popular with Jewish voters.  During the 1950’s visitors to Humphrey’s office in the Senate Office Building were greeted by the sight of a prominently displayed JNF Tree Certificate.

1979(14th of Tevet, 5739): Parashat Vayechi

1974(14th of Tevet, 5739): One person died and five more were injured when Palestinian terrorists tried and failed to seize a hotel in Maalot.

1980:"King of Schnorrers" closes at the Playhouse Theater in New York City after 63 performances.  “King of Schnorrers” was a musical based on work of the same name by Israel Zangwill.

1981: In response to Attorney General Yitzhak Zamir’s request the Knesset voted to remove the “parliamentary immunity” of Aharon Abuhatzira “so that he could be charged with bribery.”

1981: Yigal Hurvitz, who had been serving as the Minister of Finance, left the cabinet.

1982(18th of Tevet, 5742): Sixty-seven L.I.U basketball great Jules “Julie” Bender passed away today in Boca Raton, FL

1982(18th of Tevet, 5742): Just weeks before his 60th birthday, Harold William Chase, the Worcester born son of Louis Chase and Bessie Lubin and husband of Bernice Chase with whom he had two son -- Bryce and Eric – who was the Princeton trained political science and decorated Marine Corps veteran who rose to the rank of Major General passed away today.

1984(9th of Shevat, 5744): Seventy five year old Alfred Gilman, “founding chairman of the department of pharmacology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, in the Bronx” passed away today.

1989: “Gleaming the Cube” a murder mystery written by Michael Tolkin was released today in the United States.

1989: “Unsettled Land” an Israeli drama directed by Uri Barbash was released in the United States today.

1993(20th of Tevet, 5753): Seventy-three University of Chicago trained archeologist and art historian Helene J. Kantor, the daughter of Dr. Jacob Robert Kantor, who worked at Choga Mish with Israeli archaeologist Pierre Pinchas Deloguaz passed away today.

1994(1st of Shevat, 5754): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1994: Edward P. Djerejian, a Clinton appointee, presented his credentials as U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

1998: Daniel Charles Kurtzer presented his credentials as U.S. Ambassador to Egypt. (Yes an American Jew represented the United States in Cairo.  Jewish diplomats representing the United States in Moslem countries is nothing new. It dates back to the days of the Ottoman Empire.]

1999(25th of Tevet, 5759): Terrorists killed an Israeli soldier near Hebrwon

2000: Steve Balmer “was officially named CEO of Microsoft” today.

2002(29th of Tevet, 5762):  Canadian born comedian Frank Shuster, who gained fame as part of the comedy duo of Wayne and Shuster passed away.

2002: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish author and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Public Intellectuals: A Study of Decline by Richard A. Posner, Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate by Neil Baldwin, two books of Al Hirschfield’s drawings -  Hirschfeld's New York and 'Hirschfeld's Hollywood and Be My Knife by David Grossman “an Israeli, widely known not just for his four previous novels but for two seminal books about the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and for his -- as the Israelis say -- dovish'' articles and editorials in major newspapers around the world. With the exception of his first novel, however, the horrific political life of Israel -- the real world of intifada and reprisal -- plays virtually no role in the universe of Grossman's fiction.” Fifty eight year old

2003(10th of Shevat, 5763): Fifty eight year old Rabbi Steven Dworken, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Council of America, a professional body serving over 1,100 Orthodox rabbis, died suddenly at his home in Teaneck, N.J., of a heart attack

2006: Jeffrey Pollack was appointed Commissioner of the World Series of Poker.

2006: After premiering at Los Angeles in 2005, “Hoodwinked” a computer animated comedy film produced by Maurice Kanbar was released in the United States today.

2006: An exhibit of works by ceramicist Daisy Brand sponsored by the University of Minnesota Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies and the Northern Clay Center opened today.

2007: Mathew Freud, the great-grandson of Sigmund Freud and Elisabeth Murdoch gave birth to their second child Samson Murdoch Freud.

2007: Senior archaeologists have come out in harsh criticism against the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) for authorizing plans for a bridge to connect the Dung Gate in Jerusalem's Old City to the Mugrabi Gate, located next to the Western Wall and leading to the Temple Mount. The archaeologists say that the bridge's pylons will damage one of the most significant archaeological parks in Israel and the world, located outside the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount.

2008: The Sunday New York Times book section featured a review of Bleeding Kansas by Sara Paretsky who grew up in a small eastern Kansas town, where she and her brothers were the only Jewish kids in school and is best known as the creator of the fictional female detective V. I. Warshawski, Vienna Blood by Dr. Frank Tallis in which the author returns to his previous literary landscape - fin de siècle Vienna complete with Sigmund Freud and Austrian anti- Semitism and Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons by Jacob Heilbrunn. As can be seen from one typical review, the book emphasizes the Jewish nature of the Neo-Con movement. “The story of the neocons is a saga of immigrant assimilation, whose seeds lie in the Jewish intellectual circles of the 1930s, when communists loyal to Stalin clashed with Trotskyites over communist theory and its applications in the real world. In tracing the evolution of neo-conservatism (including a look at the influence of the mysterious Leo Strauss), Heilbrunn shows how generations of Jews moved from the margins of political and intellectual life to replace the old WASP elite and now play a central role in determining U.S. policy in the Middle East.”

2008: The Washington Post book section featured a review of Bleeding Kansas by Sara Paretsky and a biography about Mstislav Rostropovich the renowned Baku born Jewish musician entitled Rostropovich: The Musical Life of the Great Cellist, Teacher, and Legendby Elizabeth Wilson

2008: An exhibition at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, "Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer's Life, 1990-2005 " comes to a close in Washington, D.C.

2008: The UK's Mail on Sunday issued a free DVD of The Jazz Singer.

2008:”New Jerusalem: The Interrogation of Baruch De Spinoza at Talmud Torah Congregation: Amsterdam July 27, 1656,” anew play by David Ives about the clash between religion and modernity focuses on the interrogation of the philosopher Baruch de Spinoza opens at the Classic Stage Company in New York

2008: Leonard Cohen announced today that he would make his first concert tour in 15 years starting in May of 2008 at New Brunswick.

2008: “They Called Me Mayer July”, the first major exhibition of Mayer Kirshenblatt’s  work in the United States has its final showing at the Judah L. Magnes Museum in Berkley, California. The exhibition 65 paintings is a tribute to the 91 year old Mayer Kirshenblatt’s distinctive imagination and sharp recollection of his Polish Jewish home town before World War II, with images such as: the pregnant hunchback, who stood under the wedding canopy just hours before giving birth; the khayder teacher caught in bed with the drummer's wife; the corpse that was shaved; and the "black wedding" in the cemetery during a cholera epidemic.

2009: The 92ndSt Y presents an evening with newly minted Nobel Laureate, economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman.

2009: The Governor of New York nominated Jonathan Lippman to serve as the Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals.

2009:U.S. Senator Bill Nelson revealed during Hillary Clinton's confirmation hearing that he believes Robert Levinson is being held in a secret prison in Iran. "The door has been closed at every turn", Nelson said during Clinton's confirmation hearing. "We think he is being held by the government of Iran in a secret prison. (Levinson is the only Jew in this item)

2009:Hadassah began instituting a massive reduction in force today when it laid off 80 employees across the country, roughly a quarter of its national staff. The cuts are coming at all levels of the organization. Hadassah recently announced that it had in total $40 million invested in Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scam, as well as another $50 million the organization thought it had made in the scam. It was a significant hit to its endowment, which now stands at $412 million.

2010: Miriam Levinson, an expert on Jewish Cuban History is scheduled to present a lecture entitled “

2010: The 19th annual New York Jewish Film Festival opens with a showing of “Saviors in the Night.”  “Based on the memoir of Marga Spiegel, this powerful World War II drama portrays how courageous German farmers in Westphalia risked their lives to hide a Jewish family. Passing as Aryan, Marga and her daughter develop a warm relationship with the Aschoff family, particularly young Anni, who is initially faithful to Nazism. Meanwhile Marga’s husband, sheltered by another farmer, runs the daily risk of discovery.”

2010: In “For Some, ‘Kosher; Equals Pure,” Kim Severson reported that “this year, for the first time, glatt kosher food will be sold at the Super Bowl.” She then explained why “kosher” has become so popular among the food-eating public..


2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Film Festival opens with a showing of “Berlin ’36.” 

2010: Israel’s deputy foreign minister issued a formal apology to the Turkish ambassador today after ostentatiously humiliating him earlier in the week and aggravating strains in a complex and increasingly troubled relationship between Israel and Turkey, its closest Muslim ally.

2010: According to a report made public today, the past three years have seen a huge jump in the number and variety of courses about Israel taught in America's top universities.

2010: According to a report entitled "Searching for the Study of Israel" that was released today, "the past three years have seen a huge jump in the number and variety of courses about Israel taught in America's top universities."

2011: “Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness” is scheduled to have its world premiere at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2011: “Other Desert Cities” by Jon Robin Baitx “opened off-Broadway at the Mitzi E. Newhouse Theatre with a cast that included Linda Lavin

2011: “The Klezmatics: On Holy Ground” is scheduled to have its New York premier at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2011: Andrea Meislin Gallery is scheduled to host a reception in honor Naomi Leshem to mark the opening of Between Zones, an exhibition of the work of this acclaimed Israeli photographer.

2011: A group of national religious youth, known as “Ra'ananim” [waking up], plans to launch a campaign today against buying fruits, especially figs, from Turkey for the upcoming Tu B'Shvat holiday.

2011: In an unprecedented step, some twenty senior Israeli ambassadors sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today, asking him to intervene in the Foreign Ministry workers' strike "in order to save Israel's foreign service”

2012: “The Klezmatics: On Holy Ground” – a documentary about one of the premier klezmer music groups – is scheduled to be shown at The Boston Jewish Film Festival.

2012:  Avram Grant was named the new manager of Partizan Belgrade

2012: “The Last Jews of Libya” is scheduled to be shown at Temple Sinai in Springfield, MA2012: Israel's Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned Israeli citizens today to stay away from Thailand's capital, following the arrest of a Hezbollah militant suspected of planning a terrorist attack in the city. 2013: Gary Gilson is scheduled to perform “You Don’t Have To Be Jewish…But It Couldn’t Hurt” at the Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival

2013: Jonathan-Simon Sellem gave a speech at the National Convention of the CRIF on “from anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism.

2013: “Israel’s Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar has announced that Prof. Chava Turniansky from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will receive the 2013 Israel Prize. Prof. Turniansky, the Spitz Professor Emeritus of Jewish Studies (Yiddish) in the university’s Department of Yiddish, will receive the award for her work on the Jewish language and literature.”

2013: The New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present “An Evening with the Safdie Brothers” featuring an in person appearance by directors Josh and Benny Safdei.

2013: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Zoo Time by Howard Jacobson, The World Until Yesterday by Jared Diamond and She Matters: A Life in Friendships by Susanna Sonnenberg.

2013: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to co-sponsor the presentation of “Life in Stills” and “Hava Nagila” as part of the Washington Film Festival

2013: Israeli forces evacuated a Palestinian outpost built on a controversial strip of land in the West Bank early this morning, less than a day after the High Court stayed the demolition of the small tent village.

2013: Cabinet ministers voted in favor of approving an upgrade in status for the Jerusalem-based Shalem Center, making it a recognized institute of higher education, and allowing it to open a program that has been widely touted as Israel’s “first liberal arts college.”

2014: Following “a formal mourning ceremony” which is scheduled to be held at the Knesset and attended by national leaders, Ariel Sharon is scheduled to be laid to rest at Shikmim Farm in the Negev next to his second wife Lily. (As reported by Times of Israel)

2014: “The Man with the Golden Arm” and “Bethlehem” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival

2014: Professor Joel Dimsdale is scheduled to deliver a lecture “Anatomy of Malice: Rorschach Records of the Nuremberg War Criminals” at the Lawrence Family JCC.

2014: Just after the funeral services for Ariel Sharon were completed Palestinians fired rockets from Gaza into the area near Sycamore Ranch where the service had taken place. A third rocket blew up on its launcher. (As reported by Yaakov Lappin)

2014: Top Israeli tennis player Dudi Sela was eliminated from the Australian Open by Finland’s Jarkko Nieminen today.

2014: The Cedar Rapids Gazette “Homer” feature highlighting things that have gone right in the last week includes WE’RE WITH YOU: University of Iowa President Sally Mason is among academic leaders who oppose the boycott of Israeli academic institutions, of which the American Studies Association is part. Cheers to Mason. This is a misguided initiative that suppresses academic freedom and the exchange of information and ideas. - See more at: http://thegazette.com/2014/01/13/homers-whats-going-right-215/#sthash.nEmiRreq.dpuf

2015: Per the request of their families, “the victims of the terrorist attack at the Kosher supermarket in Paris -- Yoav Hattab, 22; Yohan Cohen, 22; Philippe Braham, 45; and François-Michel Saada, 55 --- were buried in Israel today.

2015: The Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education is scheduled to host a lunch to mark the upcoming opening of the exhibition “Anne Frank: A History for Today.”

2015: In an example of “picture is worth a thousand words” “Newspaper in Israel Scrubs Women From a Photo of Paris Unity Rally” published today graphically illustrated how “the ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspaper HaMevaser removed the images of Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and other female leaders” who were part of the march against terrorism in the French capital.

2015: “Senators Dean Heller (R-NV) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) ushered in the new Congressional session by proposing legislation today to force the Obama administration to change longstanding US policy and move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”

2015: Publication of “France Without Jews Is Not France”

2015: Stephanie Pollack was appointed Secretary of Transportation for the State of Massachusetts today.

2016: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present a preview matinee of “The Merchant of Venice.”

2016: The New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to begin today.

2017(15thof Tevet, 5777): Just a week after his 92nd birthday veteran journalist and Jerusalem Post editor Ari Rath passed away today

2017: Should Jews take notice of the fact that today is Friday the 13th or should they ignore it because it is Friday, the 15th of Tevet?

2017: An episode of “The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” entitled “Will Scarsdale Like Josh’s Shayna Punim?” in which “Rebecca Bunch (show creator and star Rachel Bloom) has to go to Westchester for a family Bar Mitzvah” which also includes the reappearance of Tovah Feldshuh as “Rebecca’s mother” is scheduled to be broadcast tonight.

2017:  In the United Kingdom, the Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a Friday Night Dinner featuring “Joanne’s chicken soup.”

2017: “The Anti-Defamation League called on the Huffington Post’s Arabic-language edition to remove a blog post claiming a Jewish woman poisoned the Prophet Muhammad with arsenic.”

2018(26thof Tevet, 5778): Parashat Va-ayrah;

2018: The Preservation Virginia and Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation is scheduled to host a free screening of “Rosenwald.”

2018: In Tinton Falls, NJ, the Monmouth Reform Temple is scheduled to host two screenings of “Rosenwald.

2019: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation adapted by Ari Folman and illustrated by David Polonsky, A Thousand Sisters: The Heroic Airwomen of the Soviet Union in World War II by Elizabeth Wein and the recently released paperback edition of King Zeno by Nathaniel Rich.

2019: As part of the “Bearing Witness” series Bebe Forehand who “like Anne Frank was hidden away from the Nazis in an attic” is scheduled to speak at the Breman Museum in Atlanta.

2019: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present a concert featuring the “Flute Musice of New York Jewish Composers” introduced by Professor Tina Frühauf  

2019: JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “The Interpreter” that tells the tale of “80-year-old Ali, a Slovakian-Jewish interpreter, who arrives in Vienna with the intention of tracking down – and killing – the SS officer who shot his parents.”

2019: The exhibition “Stories of Survival” “that showcases more than 60 never-before-seen personal items brought to America by Survivors of the Holocaust and genocide” is scheduled to come to a close today at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center.


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