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This Day, January 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 5

1355: Charles I of Bohemia was crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy in Milan. Charles I morphed into Charles IV, the Holy Roman Emperor who at the beginning of his reign made an effectual attempt to protect his Jewish subjects by issuing “letter after letter forbidding the person of the His Jews, his ‘servi camerae,’ to be touched.”  His Christian subjects in Germany disregarded their Emperor and continued their persecution of the Jews.

1548: Birthdate of Francisco Suarez the Jesuit theologian who “advocated the banning of the Talmud and the building of synagogues as well as forbidding ‘any familiarity with Jews.’” (As described by The History of the Jewish People)

1589:  Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, the wife of King Henry II passed away.  Along with several other French rulers and power brokers including Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIV, she had a penchant for collecting Hebrew Manuscripts.

1642: King Charles I of England sends soldiers to arrest members of Parliament, commencing England's slide into civil war. The Civil War would bring Oliver Cromwell to power.  Cromwell would champion the return of the Jews to England, leading to the creation of the modern Jewish committee in Great Britain, and by extension throughout the British Empire including the United States.

1797: Birthdate of German-Jewish  banker and astronomer Wilhelm Wolff Beer, the half-brother of Giacomo Meyerbeer

1814:Today Chief Rabbi Lehmans of The Hague organized a special thanksgiving service and implored God's protection for the allied armies. 

1826: Maryland put into effect the "Jew Bill", 1826, which allowed Jews to hold public office if they believed in Reward and Punishment in the Hereafter. Maryland had an interesting history when it came to questions of religious toleration.  Unlike other colonies, it was founded by Catholics and the Act of Toleration was one of its landmark pieces of colonial legislation.

1841: Birthdate of Shlomo Elyashiv, the son of Rabbi Chayim Chaiil Elisahoff and author of Leshem Shevo V’Achlama.

1846: Birthdate of Arsène Darmesteter the French Philologist who “deciphered the difficult and beautiful French elegy, preserved in the Vatican, on the burning of the thirteen Jewish martyrs at Troyes in 1288.”

1856: Under the heading “We May Eat Pork Without Fear of the Tape Worm,” the New York Times published a letter to the editor written in response to a previously published article warning about the relationship between pork consumption and tape worm infestation.   Citing the statement  “that a Jew was never known to have a tape-worm,” the author warns  any “hypochondriac” who  “should be tempted to turn Jew from this statement and forswear pork”  need not do so since it is a “rare occurrence in this country” for anybody  to be infested by the worms  “notwithstanding we  are such universal pork-eaters.” 

1863: Lazarus Powell, the U.S. Senator from Kentucky called on Congress to adopt “a resolution condemning…General Orders No. 11 as ‘illegal, tyrannical, cruel and unjust.’”

1868(10thof Tevet, 5628): Asara B’Tevet

1874: It was reported today that when the noted author Léon Gozlan passed away he was buried by a Catholic priest.  “He had the features of a Jew and lived like a Jew…but it was positively declared  that he had been so baptized so the Rabbi gave way” and Gozlan was interred using the rites of the Church.

1874: Birthdate of American physiologist Joseph Erlanger

1875: A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, which includes several Jewish members, was held at their new offices on Broadway and 34th Street.

1876:  Birthdate of Konrad Adenauer.  Adenauer was the first post-war Chancellor of West Germany.  He took office in 1949.  Having been imprisoned by the Nazis during World War II, Adenauer sought to return Germanyto the world community.  He sought to make amends with the Jewish community by offering war reparations to the government of Israel.  Under Adenauer, Germanyrecognized Israel and provided arms for her defense despite threats from the Arab governments.

1877: The Supreme Court of Massachusetts upheld a lower court decision that Jews must observe the laws of the state regulating the observance of the Sabbath.  The case grew out of an attempt to keep a store open on Sunday.

1878(1st of Shevat, 5638): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1878: It was reported today that “a thrilling tale of a brave young Jew will appear in the New York Weekly on the morning of January 7.

1878: Rabbi Abram S. Isaacs will deliver lecture entitled “The Dance to Death” at tonight’s meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association in New York’s Lyric Hall.

1879(10th of Tevet, 5639): Asara B’Tevet

1879: The Board of Directors of the Home for Aged and Infirm Jews met this afternoon.  The Board limited itself to routine business and did not take up the matter of accepting or rejecting Judge Hilton’s recent offer to contribute $250 to the Home.  Judge Hilton is the New York businessman who banned Jews from his hotel at Saratoga Sprin

1879: An article profiling Otto von Bismarck published today reported that “mixed marriage in Germany” is “a source of horror to the orthodox Christians as well as to orthodox Jews.”  Bismarck coarsely described mixed marriage as “the crossing of a Jewish mare with a Christian stallion.”

1885: Ludovic Trarieux, the future Minister of Justice who would become a defender of Alfred Dreyfus, was elected Senator from the Gironde.

1886: Birthdate of Israeli scientist Markus Reiner.

1888(21st of Tevet, 5648): Henri Herz, the Austrian born French pianist and composer passed away.  Hertz owned his own piano factory, built a concert hall in Paris and still found time to teach write and perform.

1890: Birthdate of Sarah Aaronsohn, the native of the moshav Zikhron Ya’akov who became a leader of Nili during World War I. After being tortured by the Turks, she took her own life in 1917.

1891” It was reported today that “Solomon J. Solomons has been moved Russia’s persecution of the Jews to” create a painting that is an allegorical representation of the struggle.  In the picture, “the Russian Eagle falls with the beak and claw on a Jewish family while a Fury, masquerading as Justice, presented to defend the family from the monster’s attack.”

1892: Captain Strauss of the Seventh Precinct took five children, all Russian Jewish immigrants, from a hotel on 141 Madison Street.  They were suffering variously from varioloid, diphtheria and/or scarlet fever.

1892: Birthdate of Louis Waldman, a native of the Ukraine who became an American labor leader and a leader of the Socialist Party.

1892: A review of the MacLean-Prescott company’s production of “The Merchant of Venice” described Marie Prescott’s portrayal of the Jewess Portia as “very bad, cold” and “stilted.”  R.D. MacLean’s portrayal of Shylock which appeared to be on par with Cruikshank’s drawing of Fagen was based on “a totally false idea.”

1894: Rabbi Gottheil officiated at a private funeral service for Adolph L. Sanger, the late President of the Board of Education after which a public ceremony was held at Temple Emanu-El followed by burial at Salem Field in Cypress Hills Cemetery.

1894: It was reported that “Marie,” a one act play by Charles D. Levin was performed at the Berkley Lyceum as part of a fundraiser for the Louis Down-Town Sabbath and Daily School.

1894: It was reported today that the United Hebrew Charities had spent over $171,000 in aiding the needy. Due to the economic downturn in 1893, the organization had spent $200,000 through November of 1893
1895: According to the will of the late multi-millionaire Eugene Kelly which was filed in the Surrogate’s office today, $10,000 should “go to such Hebrew charitable institutions” as may be selected y by the executors.

1895: Colonel David S. Brown is scheduled to set sail today on the SS Normannia for a trip that will take him to Egypt and then to Palestine.

1895: Alfred Dreyfus was publicly degraded and sent to Devil's Island. Later, evidence was produced which proved that Major Esterhazy and Colonel Henry, Dreyfus' chief accusers, had forged the evidence. Yet, a new trial was not begun until 1899.  The Dreyfus Affair brought on a torrent of anti-Semitism that spawned the modern Zionist movement.  It tore at the fabric of French society and for decades later, there was still a political divide between those who supported Dreyfus and those who wanted to believe that he was a traitor.

1896: “Colonial New York City” published today provides a picture of “the Big Apple” in 1748 based on the writings of Peter Kalm who visited the city at that time which includes a description of “the Jews of New York at that time” who “formed a considerable portion of the population.  They had stores and fine houses and ships and a flouring synagogue and enjoyed all the privileges of the other citizens.  The young Jews, especially when away from home made no scruple about eating pork when” the opportunity presented itself.

1896: Julius Harburger, the Excise Commissioner of New York City, addressed a meeting of the Boston chapter of the Independent Order of Free Sons of Israel, of which he is a Grand Master.

1896: The will of Eugene Kelly which was filed for probate today included a bequest of “$10,000…to go to such Hebrew charitable institutions” of which the executors “may approve.”

1896:Dr. Joseph Silverman delivered his second lecture today entitled “Another Basis on Which Christians and Jews Can Unite” at Temple Emanu-El.

1896: It was reported today that the most recent census of the state of New Jersey shows that there are 16.413 people in the category of “other nationalities” which includes Jews as well as Italians and Hungarians.

1896: Detective Sargent Cuff was on his way to Chicago today where he was to take custody of Jacques Oschs, a Romanian born Jew and bring him back to New York to face charges of participating in swindling schemes many of which were aimed at his co-religionist which earned him over $50,000.

1896: “Effect of Hellenism on Judaism” which relied on information that first appeared in The Edinburg Scotsman provided a summary of an address delivered by Claude G. Montefiore in Glasgow entitled “Some Reflections on Hellenistic Judaism.”  Montefiore used the term “Hellenic Judaism” to described “that Judaism which was touched an influenced by the Hellenism of the time of Alexander the Great and his immediate successors

1896: It was reported today that Reverend C.H. Parkhurst publicly expressed his appreciation for the support the Jews have given to the City Vigilance League, the successor to the Society for the Prevention of Crime.

1896: It was reported today that 16 year old Jennie Zellers saved the lives of her five siblings when a fire broke out in a tenement building in Philadelphia. A grocery store owned by Samuel Lipman occupied the first floor of the four-story building that suffered $5,000 in damages.

1897: It was reported today that the Trustees of Columbia tendered their thanks to Benjamin Stern and Charles A. Dana for their donation of Hebrew manuscripts to the school’s library.

1898: In the Supreme Court in Brooklyn, Justice Gaynor is scheduled to hear Mrs. Martha Reubel’s petition for an annulment based on a claim that he is a Christian.  Mrs. Reubel is an 18 year old Jewess and contends that her husband Siegfried mis-represented himself as being an Orthodox Jews.

1898: Herzl’s "The New Ghetto" was finally produced in the Carl-Theater in Vienna.
The play was also performed in Berlin and Prague.

1899: The will of David Marks, benefactor of Jewish organizations, was filed for probate today.

1899: It was reported today that a French civil court has fined Comtesse de Martel who writes under the nom de plume of “Gyp” five thousand francs for libeling Senator Ludovic Trarieux, the former Minister of Justice. The libel consisted of an unfounded accusation that the Senator had become a Protestant “in order to contract a rich marriage. 

1899: It was reported today that the Comtesse de Martel, who proclaimed herself to be an anti-Semite said the Jews should not only be driven out of Paris but out of the whole country. 

1899: “Alleged Outrages on Jews” published today summarized the “anti-Semitic prejudice existing in “the United States as described by Brooklyn resident Leopold Cohn, a former rabbi who had converted to Christianit

1904: Birthdate of Austrian violinist Erika Morini who began her studies under the guidance of her father, Oscar Morini, who directed his own school in Vienna.

1906: In London, biblical scholar Sir Frederic Kenyon and Amy Kenyon gave birth to archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon who worked on excavations at Jericho from 1952 until 1958 and at Jerusalem “concentrating on the ‘City of David’ from 1961 to 1967.”

1908:Adas Israel dedicated its new sanctuary at Sixth and I NW in Washington, DC which replaced the original building at Sixth and G Streets, NW. The cornerstone for the building, which was designed by Louis Levi, the Baltimore Architect,  was laid in 1906.

1912:State organization formed in Boston, Mass. to encourage naturalization of Jews living in the BayState.

1912: ThePhiladelphia Jewish community requested leniency in the enforcement the Sunday Closing Law of 1794.

1912:The Boston Section withdrew from Council of Jewish Women.

1914: Mary Kursheedt and 24 year old Albert Kursheedt, the son of Alexander E. Kursheedt and the nephew of Moses Montefiore Kursheedt were wed today.

1914:Birthdate of Heinz Berggruen a German art dealer and collector who founded the BerggruenMuseum in BerlinGermany. Born in Berlin, he immigrated to the United States in 1936 and studied at BerkeleyUniversity. In 1939 he became an "Assistant director" at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. In preparing an exhibition about the Mexican painter Diego Rivera he met Frida Kahlo, too, and had a short love affair with her. After the Second World War he got acquainted with Pablo Picasso in Paris, who spontaneously had confidence in Berggruen and so he became Picasso's art dealer. In 1996, after 60 years in exile, he returned to Germany and opened an art museum in front of the CharlottenburgPalace. Berggruen left his precious art collection in a generous gesture of a low price to the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. For this he was awarded the honorary citizenship of Berlin and the Federal Cross of Merit (Grand Cross 2nd Class) of Germany(Bundesverdienstkreuz, Großes Verdienstkreuz mit Stern und Schulterband). He died in Paris on February 23, 2007.

1916: African-American actor Sam Lucas passed away. In 1878 he became the first black man to play the part of Uncle Tom when he appeared a production of Uncle Tom’s Cabin produced by Charles and Gustave Frohman “who financed a number of theatre productions featuring African American actors” – something quite unusual for its time.

1919: The National Socialist Party (Nazi) formed as German Farmers Party.  Hitler was not one of the party founders.

1923: Birthdate of Robert L Bernstein, chief executive of Random House.

1923: Birthdate of Israel Prize-winning author and translator Aharon Amir. Amir, who was born in Lithuania, grew up in Tel Aviv and was a member of both the Irgun and the Lehi. He was one of the founders of the Canaanite movement, which saw geographical location rather than religious affiliation as the defining element of Hebrew or Israeli culture. He studied Arabic language and literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, but translated works of literature mainly from English and French. Authors whose work he rendered into Hebrew include Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, Herman Melville, Lewis Carroll, Albert Camus, and Charles de Gaulle. Amir won the Tchernichovsky Prize for translation in 1951 and the Israel Prize for translation in 2003. He passed away on February 28, 2008 at the age of 85.

1924: Leon and Henrietta Shershevsky gave birth to George Leon Sherry, a United Nations official who helped calm crises around the world — a role that evolved from his time as the leading rapid-fire translator of speeches by Russian diplomats in the organization’s early days…(As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1928: Reports of a large number of unemployed workers in the non-agricultural sector of the economy are a cause of major concern for the Government and leaders of the Labor movement.  While approximately 21,000 people are employed non-farm jobs, there may be as many as 10,000 unemployed workers.  It is hope that the situation will be alleviated, in part, with the construction and operation of a variety of public works projects including the building of the Straus Health Clinic in Jerusalem.

1930: Mapia was founded today “by the merger of the Hapoel Hatzair founded by A. D. Gordon and the original Ahdut HaAvoda (founded in 1919 from the right, more moderate, wing of the Marxist Zionist socialist Poale Zion led by David Ben-Gurion

1931: Elections were held today to choose members for the Asefat Hanivcharim (The Jewish Elected Assembly). Only 35 to 40 per cent of those eligible are expected cast their ballots.  The sharpest contest is between the Labor Party and the Revisionists.  Labor is expected to win 23 seats and the Revisionists will end up with 18 seats, the same number expected to be won by the Party representing “Oriental Jews.”  There are a total of 71 seats at stake.  There has been no prediction about how many seats will be won by the United Women’s ticket head by Henrietta Szold. 

1933: Birthdate of Leonard Marsh, the New York born window washer, who along with his brother Hyman Golden and childhood friend Arnold Greenberg founded the Snapple Beverage Corporation. (As reported by Margalit Fox).

1936: Birthdate of Steven Cojocaru, Canadian born American television personality and fashion critic.

1937: In the Beit She’an Valley, members of the Sadeh group from the Mikveh Israel agricultural school and immigrants from Austria, Germany and Poland Kibbutz HaSadeah, which was later re-named Sde Naum in honor of Zionist leader and author Nahum Sokolov

1937: Israel Rokach, Mayor of Tel Aviv, testified before the Peel Commission.  Rokach said that he was not opposed to a certain amount of governmental involvement with municipal affairs but that the real dispute centered on underfunding of the city government.  Members of the commission expressed positive interest in Rokach’s proposal to develop a port that would serve both Jaffa and Tel Aviv.

1938: The Palestine Postreported that the British government was about to send to Palestine a new, largely technical commission, essentially a fact-finding body, which would plan how to implement Partition, according to the terms of the agreement reached with the Mandatory Commission of the League of Nations. The government, however, indicated that it was in no way committed to the actual execution of such a plan. Three Arabs out of a band of 40, apparently arms smugglers, were killed close to the Syrian border. Haskiel Joseph and Nathan Yairoff were shot and badly wounded by an Arab terrorist inside the Jaffa Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem.

1939: The gathering of a group of young Jews in Riga is captured in a photograph which will later become the property of Yad Vashem.

1939: Sir Horace Rumbold, a member of the Peel Commission, attempts to explain away his description of the Jews of Palestine as an “alien race” by saying that he merely meant that the Jews were a race with different characteristics from the Arab race.
1939: Germany declared Karaite Jews exempt from enforcement of the Nuremberg Laws.

1939: President Roosevelt nominated Felix Frankfurter to serve as an Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.  He was chosen for the position following the death of Benjamin N. Cardozo.  When Frankfurter was confirmed two weeks later, he became the third Jew to serve on the High Court. 

1940: Jews were forbidden by the General Gouvernment be in the streets between 9:00PM and 5:00AM.

1942: Birthdate of Elzbieta Ficowska, nee Koppel, one of the 2,500 children smuggled out of the Warsaw Ghetto by Irena Sendler and her associate Stanislawa, a widowed Catholic mid-wife. (Shades of the story of the brave mid-wives found in the Book of Exodus.)

1942: The Jewish ghetto at Kharkov, Ukraine, is liquidated.

1943: The Vught, Holland, concentration camp is established

1943: In an orgy of killing that would last for the next two days the Nazis murdered thousands of Jews at Lvov, Ukraine.

1943: Birthdate of Lawrence E. Stager, the Dorot Professor of the Archaeology of Israel in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University  and Director of the Harvard Semitic Museum” who since 1985 “has overseen the excavations of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon.

1944: Birthdate of Ed Rendell, Democratic Mayor of Philadelphia in the 1990’s before being elected Governor of the State of Pennsylvaniain 2002.

1945: In article entitled “American Boy’s Find Tel Aviv Like a Home Town” Anne O’Hare McCormick described conditions in Palestine’s major metropolis.  According to her, “40% of the Jewish population of Palestine lives in Tel Aviv.”  She describes Tel Aviv “as being one of the world’s youngest cities” and as being “better planned and more modernistic that the Florida boom towns it resembles.”  This very cosmopolitan city is suffering from a housing shortage brought on by an influx of refugees from Europe and North Africa.

1946: The long running Broadway revival of "Show Boat" opened at Ziegfeld Theater in New York City for the first of 417 performances. This was a musical adaption of a novel of the same name by Edna Ferber, Jewish author who remembered being taunted as a “sheeny” when walking the streets of home town in Michigan.  Ferber’s willingness to tackle the touchy subjects of race and miscegenation stood in stark contrast to the romanticized formula followed by Margaret Mitchell and others and is yet another example of Jews advancing the cause of social justice.  The creation of the musical by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II is a reminder that this unique culture phenomenon is in many ways, an Jewish creation.

1947:In a broadcast from its secret transmitter, Haganah, the Jewish defense organization denounced Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang as extremist organizations and blamed them for the latest outburst of violence in Eretz Israel.

1948: Benjamin Rabin begins serving on the New York Supreme Court.

1948: Warner Brothers offered the first color newsreel, covering the Tournament of Roses Parade and the Rose Bowl Game. At that time, the company was still the property of the four brothers name Warner – Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack L. – Polish Jews who came to the United States via Canada.

1948: As the siege of Jerusalem continues, the Haganah launches an attack against Katamon, a suburb from which Arab gunmen have been firing non-stop into adjacent Jewish neighborhoods.

1949: As the War of Independence winds down, Israeli forces struggle to dislodge the Egyptians from Gaza.  A sandstorm hinders and IDF column attacking the town of Rafa.  At the same time the storm provides cover for an Egyptian armored column that launched a counter-attack aimed at keeping the Israelis from Rafa.

1950: Birthdate of guitarist Chris Stein, co-founder of “Blondie.”

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that East Germany had launched a Zionist witch-hunt, accusing two Jewish Communist leaders of being Zionists, American agents, Titoists and Trotskyites. 

1959:In his introduction to A Matter of Taste: The Albert D. Lasker Collection: Renoir to Matisse that includes commentaries by Wallace Brockway, Alfred Frankfurter asks, “What was it that made an American business man * * * train his eye and his energies so spectacularly as to produce this extraordinary array of art ?"

1964: Pope Paul VI and President Zalman Shazar of Israel met today at Megiddo, the scene of ancient battles, and both voiced hope for a moral revival and for peace among men

1970(27th of Tevet, 5730):  Max Born passed away at the age of 87.  A native of Germany, the famous physicist was forced to take refuge in Britainin 1933 when the Nazis came to power. Max Born won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1954.

1970: Nine Egyptians soldiers crossed the Suez Canal and under covering fire from the west bank attacked Israeli positions.  All nine were killed.

1973(2nd of Shevat, 5733): Hyman Reznick who had founded the Halevi Choral Society with Harry Coopersmith, passed away today.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that at AswanUS President Jimmy Carter and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat declared jointly that any Middle East peace settlement required the recognition of the "legitimate rights of the Palestinians and their participation in deciding their own future." In Jerusalem Premier Menachem Begin declared his firm opposition to this self-determination principle.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that The Jewish National Fund started ground-breaking operations for eight new settlements in Sinai, between Yamit and El Arish.

1981: Yoram Aridor, a member of Likud, began serving as Communications Minister.

1985: In response to pressure from Arab countries, Sudan ended the airlift of Jews from Ethiopia after Israeli Shimon Peres held a press conference confirming reports of what would become known as Operation Moses. With help from the CIA, Israel would organize Operation Sheba, the last of the airlifts which had secretly brought over 14,000 Jews from Ethiopia from 1972 through 1985.

1988: Richard Mathew Stallman starts developing GNU, a free software operating system.

1988: The New York Times reviews Operation Babylon by Shlomo Hillel (Translated from the Hebrew by Ina Friedman) which relates the fascinating tale of the rescue of the Iraqi Jewish community.

1989:Secretary of State George P. Shultz said today that the reported death threat by Mr. Arafat against other Palestinians ran counter to a P.L.O. pledge to refrain from terrorism and had created a ''real problem'' for the United States. Mr. Arafat was reported to have said in the radio broadcast on Monday that ''any Palestinian leader who proposes an end to the intifada exposes himself to the bullets of his own people.'' Speaking to reporters on his way here for a conference on chemical weapons, Mr. Shultz said that the United States did not have direct information about Mr. Arafat's reported statement. He said: ''What we have is reports of what Arafat is alleged to have said. We have not seen any statement as such.'' But the Secretary then assailed the reported remark. ''It represents a real problem and an equivocation,'' he said.

1993: Israel approved a $380 million grant today to support a major upgrading of the Jerusalem plant of the computer-chip manufacturer Intel Israel.

1996: Yahya Ayyash, chief bomb maker for Hamas, is killed by an Israeli-planted booby-trapped cell phone.

1997:In the Southern Ocean near 52°S 100°E, Tony Bullimore's boat, Exide Challenger capsized and the majority of press and media reports assumed that the 55 year old sailor was lost

1997: A revival production of "Show Boat" the famed musical that owes its music, lyrics and book to three American Jews closed at Gershwin Theater New York City. 

1997: The Sunday New York Times book section featured review of books by Jewish authors or of special interest to Jewish readers including My Teacher’s Secret Life by Stephen Krensky,A Journalist's Search for the Heart of His Country by Henry Grunwald which tells the story of how a Jewish refugee from Hitler’s Germany became editor in chief of all publications in the vast Time Inc. empire, before retiring at the end of 1987 and   Unfinished People: Eastern European Jews Encounter America by Ruth Gay which “is essentially a memoir of Jewish life in the West Bronx in the 1920's and 30's, including the author's discomfort with her Eastern European immigrant family and her ''ordeal of civility,'' to use John Murray Cuddihy's phrase, in moving from ghetto culture to gentility.”

1998: To commemorate her 30 years on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Muriel Siebert rang the closing bell to mark the end of the trading day.  She was the first woman to own a seat on the NYSE
2002: In the wake of shoe-bomber Richard Reid’s attempt to blow up a plane last December, airlines and government officials are looking at additional security measures. As food service deliveries and food cars used on planes are coming under scrutiny the stringent procedures followed by El Al, the Israeli airline are considered the gold standard for aviation security. At its catering center, several miles from Tel Aviv's airport, security guards monitor every step of food packaging, from items being ladled onto trays and sealed with plastic wrap, said Isaac Zeffet, a former chief of El Al security who now runs a consulting concern in Cliffside Park, N.J.Mr. Zeffet, the former El Al security chief, said banning food carts would be only a patch on a security system that requires a complete overhaul, including tighter controls on everyone and everything that comes in contact with planes before takeoff.

2003(2nd of Sh'vat, 5763):In the deadliest attack against Israel in 10 months a pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up just seconds apart today in the Neve Sha’anan neighborhood of Tel Aviv, an area crowded with foreign laborers, killing 23 other people and injuring 100 more.
2004: The Center Art Gallery at Calvin College presents “Talmud: in the Art of Ben-Zion and Marc Chagall,” an exhibit that brings together the Biblical work of two of the most important Jewish artists of the 20th Century. It features 18 intaglio prints by Ben-Zion and 25 color lithographs by Marc Chagall. The title, Talmud, is appropriate for this exhibit of images that help illustrate the collection of Biblical writings that constitute the Jewish civil and religious law (Talmud, n. {Heb. Talmud, instruction, from lamed, to learn}). Although Talmud traditionally deals with text and not image, these works act as aesthetic and insightful commentaries on the text of Scripture in the best of the Talmudic tradition. Viewed together, Zion’s blunt, powerful expressions of Biblical subjects and Chagall’s vibrant and dreamlike interpretations of religious narrative create an artistic dialogue that furthers understanding and enjoyment of their work and the Scripture they interpret.

2004: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was showered with catcalls on today from his own right-wing party during a speech in which he said he would take down some Jewish settlements and permit the formation of a Palestinian state if the two sides reached a peace agreement. But Mr. Sharon again warned that he was prepared to set a security line unilaterally that would separate Israelis and Palestinians if they could not make progress under the current peace plan, which is stalled.

2005 Eris, the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system, is discovered by the team of 4 that included David L. Rabinowitz.

2005: The 10th Pan American Maccabi Games came to an end in Santiago, Chile.

2007: Haaretz reported that The Amsterdam house where Anne Frank wrote her diaries in hiding before dying in a Nazi concentration camp drew almost a million visitors during 2006. The total of 982,000 was 16,000 higher than in 2005. Most of the visitors were young tourists, primarily from the United States and Britain, the Anne Frank House said.

2008: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, The traditional Shabbat Morning minyan at TempleJudahenters into its seventh year.

2008: The Israeli Army wound up a large-scale, three-day operation in the northern West Bank city of Nablus.  Nineteen Palestinians had been detained during the operation that uncovered a major arms cache including rockets similar to the hundreds of projectiles that have been fired from Gaza into Israel.

2009:Rabbi Ari Solomont, a native of Boston, has been named director of the Yeshiva University S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program. The program enables hundreds of young men and women every year to incorporate their study at more than 45 participating yeshivot and other educational institutions in Israel into their college years, enhancing their academic experience. The program is supervised by the Israel Program staff at the YU campus in Jerusalem

2009: “For Women Only,” a drama, song and dance review showcasing the Jewish women and girls of Baltimore was  presented at Goucher College.

2009:Lawmakers are scheduled to take their first close look at financier Bernard Madoff's alleged $50 billion fraud and why the Securities and Exchange Commission failed to discover the scandal. Critics say the SEC missed warning signs and failed to uncover the scandal until Madoff's sons went to the authorities and told them he confessed to the fraud.

2009: The Washington Post reviewed Old Flame, a Jackson Steeg novel,by Ira Berkowitz.

2009:The Minnesota State Canvassing Board certified results today showing Al Franken, a Democrat, winning the Senate recount over Republican Norm Coleman, who is expected to challenge the result. Earlier today, the state Supreme Court rejected the Coleman campaign’s petition to count several hundred additional absentee ballots.

2009:The disgraced financier Bernard L. Madoff tried to hide at least $1 million in watches and jewelry from government investigators and should have his bail revoked and sent to jail immediately, federal prosecutors told a judge this afternoon. The newly aggressive stance by prosecutors appeared to mark a serious deterioration in relations between the government and Mr. Madoff, who confessed to a large Ponzi scheme last month and had seemed to be cooperating with investigators trying to unravel the scheme.

2009: In France, a car containing Molotov cocktails rammed into the door of a French synagogue and burst into flames. A rabbi and about 10 of his adult students in the Toulouse synagogue during the attack tonight fled unharmed. A second car containing Molotov cocktails was found near the synagogue, according to police.

2009 (9 Tevet 5769):Four soldiers were killed in friendly-fire incidents. Three soldiers were killed when a tank mistakenly opened fire on a home in Saja'iya occupied by officers and soldiers from the Golani Brigade. Another tank accidentally fired on a home in al-Atatra, killing an officer in the 202nd Battalion of the Paratroop Brigade. The soldiers were Cpl. Yousef Moadi, 19, who lived recently in Haifa, but was originally from the Druse village of Yirka; Maj. Dagan Wertman, 32, from Ma'aleh Michmash in the Binyamin region; St.-Sgt. Nitai Stern, 21, from Jerusalem; and Capt. Yonatan Netanel, 27, from Kedumim.

2010: In Jerusalem, Hama'abada presents a Double Feature show featuring Uri Dror a Jerusalemite singer-songwriter gaining recognition in the Israeli rock music scene in advance of his upcoming debut album and missFlag, the four piece band from Jerusalem that will soon begin a tour in the United States.

2010:The Yellow Submarine's Zik Gallery presents Diyukan (Portrait), a group photography exhibit of the Third Year Students at the Musrara School of Photography and Media

2010:Defense Minister Ehud Barak held a phone conversation today with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and asked him to assist in renewing peace talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Barak also updated the UN chief regarding Israeli efforts meet the humanitarian needs of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

2010:Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated in New Zealand against Israel’s top-ranked women's tennis player amid a bomb scare in the arena. Shahar Pe'er, 22, was delayed from entering the arena for her opening match in the ASB Tennis Classic in Auckland for about 20 minutes today after an unattended bag in the ASB Tennis Centre prompted the bomb scare.
2010(19th of Tevet, 5770):Murray Saltzman a Reform Rabbi and civil rights leader passed away. Born in 1929 to a Russian-immigrant family, he was the youngest of three sons. He led congregations in Maryland, Indianapolis, and Florida, among them Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation and Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. Saltzman was appointed by President Gerald Ford to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, after marching with Martin Luther King, Jr. and leading in various civil action projects.

2010: Rabbi Shira Stutman is scheduled to lead an interactive conversation about Rosh Chodesh, traditionally considered a “woman’s holiday” for reasons including perceived connections between the moon and the female cycles answering the question  ‘How does the monthly reminder of womanhood shape our identity as women and as Jews?’ at the Historic 6th& I Synagogue in Washington, D.C.

2011: After Senators returned Amy Totenberg’s nomination to the President at the end of the 111th Congress, he re-submitted the nomination today.

2011: The 92nd St Y is scheduled to feature a screening of “Coming to America: The History of the Syrian Jewish Community 1900-1919.” This documentary is envisioned as part of a series on Syrian Jewish History and includes interviews with Syrian Jews living in the New York metropolitan area talking about their own families' experiences, histories, customs and traditions. 

2011:Terrorists from the Hamas-controlled Gaza region struck the western Negev with another mortar attack this morning. Two shells exploded in an open area of the Eshkol Regional Council district.
2011:The following is a list of the 39 Jewish members — 12 senators and 27 representatives — who are expected to serve in the 112th U.S. Congress, which is set to convene today.


Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.)

Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)

Benjamin Cardin (D-Md.)

Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)

Al Franken (D-Minn.)

Herb Kohl (D-Wisc.)

Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.)

Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.)

Carl Levin (D-Mich.)

Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.)

Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)

Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)**

(Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) does not identify a religion, but notes that his mother is Jewish and a Holocaust survivor.)


Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.)

Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.)

Howard Berman (D-Calif.)

Eric Cantor (R-Va.)

David Cicilline (D-R.I.)*

Stephen Cohen (D-Tenn.)

Susan Davis (D-Calif.)

Ted Deutch (D-Fla.)

Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.)

Bob Filner (D-Calif.)

Barney Frank (D-Mass.)

Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.)

Jane Harman (D-Calif.)

Steve Israel (D-N.Y.)

Sander Levin (D-Mich.)

Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.)

Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.)

Jared Polis (D-Colo.)

Steve Rothman (D-N.J.)

Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)

Allyson Schwartz (D-Pa.)

Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)

Brad Sherman (D-Calif.)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.)

Henry Waxman (D-Calif.)

Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)

John Yarmuth (D-Ky.

2011:Relatives and friends of those killed in the devastating Carmel fire last month refused to let Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speak today  as he stood at the podium of the official state memorial ceremony to deliver a eulogy to the victims. Those present at the ceremony mourning the 44 people killed in Israel's largest-ever wildfire let President Shimon Peres address the audience, but began heckling the premier and calling him a "liar" as he took his turn on the stage.
2011: Debbie Friedman is sedated and on a respirator at a hospital in Orange County, Calif.
2011(29thof Tevet, 5771):Seventy three year oldDavid G. Trager, a federal judge in Brooklyn whose rulings were pivotal in a racially charged case in Crown Heights and in the first civil suit to challenge the Bush administration’s practice of sending terrorism suspects to countries that employ torture, died today at his home in Brooklyn.” (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

2012: The Red Sea Classical Music Festival is scheduled to open this evening at Eilat.

2012(10thof Tevet, 5772): Asara B’Tevet

2012(10th of Tevet, 5772): Yahrzeit of Judy Rosenstein (nee Levin), a true woman of valor who will always be missed.

2012:Israel Police has been unsuccessful in running its agents in the West Bank, a senior police officer said today, adding that officers have been struggling to gather evidence on crimes committed by right-wing activists. Haim Rahamim, head of the investigations and intelligence wing of the Judea and Samaria District in the West Bank, made the statement during a discussion at the Knesset's Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee on law enforcement in the territories.

2012:Ehud Olmert, who resigned as prime minister of Israel in 2008 amid corruption charges, was indicted today for allegedly taking bribes in the construction of a huge residential complex while he was mayor of Jerusalem.
2013: “Les Troyens,” a cinematic presentation of Berlio’s epic is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

2013: Ms. Erica Strauss, a soprano making a guest appearance with the Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre is scheduled to present a one hour program of live opera and Jewish music this evening at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2013(23rd of Tevet, 5773): Eddie Goldstein, who lived in Boyle Heights for almost 8 decades, possibly making him “the last Jewish resident from the original Boyle Heights Jewish community” passed away today.

2013: Israeli documentary "The Gatekeepers" was awarded the nonfiction or documentary prize by the National Society of Film Critics in the U.S. today

2013: The traditional minyan at Temple Judah starts its 12th year of Saturday morning services.

2013: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed willingness to form a broad-based coalition with center-left parties, but claimed they have negated the possibility in advance.

2013: Vienna's Jewish Museum holds hundreds of books and works of art that may have been stolen by Nazis, a newspaper reported today.

2014: “Discovery and Recovery: Preserving Iraqi Jewish Heritage” an exhibition that had opened at the National Archives in October is scheduled to come to a close today.

2014: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Little Failure: A Memoir by Gary Shteyngart and The Downfall of Money by Frederick Taylor in which he described Germany’s hyperinflation during the 1920’s which some contend helped bring Hitler to power.

2014: “Behind the Candelabra” and “Happy Happy” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.


2014: “Radical Transformation: Magnum Photos into the Digital Age” is scheduled to have its final showing at the University of Texas’ Harry Ransom Center in Austin, TX.




This Day, January 6, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 6

548: This was the last year the Church in Jerusalem observed the birth of Jesus on this date. (Celebrating Christmas on December 25th began in the late 300s in the WesternChurch.)

1387: John I begins his reign as King of Aragon. In 1375, the future king assigned Abraham Cresques and his son Yehuda “to make a set of nautical charts which would go beyond the normal geographic range of contemporary portolan charts to cover the "East and the West, and everything that, from the Strait (of Gibraltar) leads to the West". For this job, Cresques and Jehuda would be paid 150 Aragonese golden florins and 60 Mallorcan pounds, respectively…”

1449: In an unusual move, Constantine XI is crowned Byzantine Emperor at Mistra instead of at Constantinople. His reign would be a short one.  He would lose his throne in 1453 when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans under Mehmed II.  Constantine was the last Emperor and the last Christian ruler of what was left of the Roman Empire.  The Moslem Ottoman Empire would prove to be a haven for Jews fleeing from persecution in Christian Europe.  Also, Mehmed worked to insure that a significant portion of the population of Istanbul (the new name for Constantinople) would be Jewish.  Cresques was a 14thcentury Jewish cartographer “who is credit with the authorship of the Catalan Atlas.

1481: In Spain, during the Inquisition, the priests inaugurated the first auto-da-fe. 

1497: Jews were expelled from Graz, Syria.

1560: Giovanni Medici who had been elected Pope on Christmas Day 1559 was installed as Pope Pius IV. According to Gordon Thomas, author of The Pope’s Jews, “Pope Pius IV …relaxed a variety of restrictions on Jewish life that had been imposed by his predecessor, Paul IV, but… does not point out that the restrictions were restored by Pius V.”

1663(5423): Italian rabbi Simeon (Simḥah) ben Isaac Luzzatto passed away in Venice.

1693: Mehmed IV, the Ottoman Sultan passed away. During his reign, Moses Beberi was appointed ambassador to Sweden. After his death in 1674 his son Yehuda was appointed to the position ambassador. When the Jews of the Ukraine were looking for a place of refuge during the Cossack Uprising Mehmet IV, allowed them to settle on the banks of the Danube in Morea, Kavala, Istanbul and Salonica. The second event happens in 1666. Rabbi Sabetay Sevi declares himself messiah and causes turmoil. Mehmed was also the sultan who had to deal with Sabbati  Zevi, the famous false messiah.

1706: Birthdate of Benjamin Franklin, printer, publisher, scientist, statesmen and a man who was far greater than his parts.  Franklinknew the Hebrew scriptures (what we call the Bible) very well. He had even suggested that the Great Seal of America depict Moses standing on the shore of the Red Sea, while Pharaoh drowns in his chariot in its midst. The motto at the bottom of the seal would have read: ‘Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.’ You see Franklin was among those Founding Fathers who saw in the American Revolution a replaying of the story of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. King George III was the Pharaoh. George Washington was Moses. The Atlantic Ocean was the Red Sea. And, it was as if God were saying to King George: ‘Let my American people go!’ It is also important to point out that when the Jewish community in Philadelphia built their synagogue, which they named “Mikveh Israel,” Franklin contributed to the building fund himself. On July 4, 1788, Franklinwas too sick and weak to get out of bed, but the Independence Day parade in Philadelphia marched right under his window. And, as Franklin himself had directed, ‘the clergy of different Christian denominations, with the rabbi of the Jews, walked arm in arm. And when he was carried to his grave two years later, his casket was accompanied by all the clergymen of the city, every one of them, of every faith.”

1761: Jacob Henry of New York wrote a letter addressed to Barnard Gratz in which he discussed plans to build a synagogue in Philadelphia.

1785(24th of Tevet, 5545):  Haym Salomon passed away in Philadelphia at the age of 44.  Born in Poland in 1740, Salomon came to the United States before the outbreak of the American Revolution.  He was a friend of financier Robert Morris and helped several leaders of the American Revolution.  Among those whom he lent money to was James Madison, author of the Federalist Papers and President of the United States.  Salomon died penniless having bankrupted himself in support of the cause of American independence

1803:Birthdate of pianist and composer Henri Herz.

1811: Birthdate of Charles Sumner who served as U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. While serving as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sumner supported efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Jews of Romania.

1813:Wirt und Gast, the second opera by German-Jewish composer Giacomo Meyerbeer was performed for the first time in Stuttgart, Germany.  Unlike his first opera, Jephtas Gelübde, which was a Biblical drama, Wirt und Gast is “the colorful Arabian Nights tale of the man who becomes caliph for a day.”

1838: Birthdate of German composer, Max Bruch.  Bruch was not Jewish.  But he is most famous for his composition Kol Nidrei, written for cello and orchestra.  It is based on the traditional chant associated with that most holy of Jewish holidays

1840: Sultan Abdul Mejid, under pressure from the Montefiore delegation, issued a Firman against blood libels. He also unconditionally released nine survivors of the Damascus libels. Four Jews had already died.

1846(8th of Tevet, 5606):  Lewis Goldsmith passed away in Paris.  Born at Richmond,Surrey, he played an active, if marginal role, in the conflict between Napoleon and the British,  Among other things, he “published The Crimes of Cabinets, or a Review of the Plans and Aggressions for Annihilating the Liberties of France and the Dismemberment of her Territories, an attack on the military policy of” William  Pitt.

1854: The will of Judah Touro dated this day appoints four executors, three of whom are to each receive $10,000.  R.D. Shepperd, the fourth legatee is the residuary legatee.  The will bequeathed nearly $450,000 to various public institutions for charitable purposes, including the following: $80,000 for the establishment of an Almshouse in New-Orleans; $5,000 to the Hebrew Congregation in Boston;

1854: Judah Touro signed his last will and testament.

1858: Babette and Joseph Seligman give birth to George Seligman

1858: The Court of Common Pleas heard the case of Mark Isaacs vs The Beth Hamedrash Society which “grew out of a claim by the plaintiff for baking” Matzah “for this religious corporation.  The matter was to be settled by arbitration but the plaintiff contended the arbitration was invalid because the arbiters met on Sunday which was a violation of state law.  But the respondents contended that since they observed Saturday as a day of rest they were not bound by this restriction.  While agreeing with respondents contention, the Court found their claim to be immaterial since the final document of arbitration was signed on Monday which meant that the issue of Sabbath observance was moot. Decision for the Respondent

1859: Birthdate of Samuel Alexander, the Australian-born British philosopher who was the first Jewish fellow of an “Oxbridge” college.

1859:It wasreported today that a journal printed in Hebrew called Cammagia (The Orator) which has just appeared in Lyk, a city in northern Prussia  has been well received in Poland as well as in Prussia.

1861(24th of Tevet, 5621): Major General Albert Goldsmid passed away. Born in 1794, this son of Benjamin Goldsmid entered the British Army in 1811 and served at the Battle of Waterloo.  Much of his career was spent in the cavalry where he earned several decorations for his service.

1863: The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that General Order 11 had been rescinded.

1863: General Grant sent several telegrams to General Halleck acknowledge the revocation of General Order 11.  “By direction of the General in Chief of the Army at Washington¸ the General Order from these Head Quarters expelling Jews from this Department is hereby revoked.”

1871: U.S. Vice President Schyler Colfax sent a letter today expressing his regret at not being able to attend an upcoming celebration of the newly unified nation of Italy.  Colfax expressed his hope that when Victor Emanuel said that Italy is free and one he meant that the newly united nation would follow the example of the United States of guaranteeing religious freedom to “Jew and Gentile” alike.  Colfax saw this guarantee of religious freedom as critical to the current success of the American Republic and as a critical to the future success of the Italian Republic. [Declarations like this are another example of what separates the experience of the Jews in the United States from that in European, Asian or African political entity.]

1876: In Buffalo, NY, the clothing firm of Friedman & Co made an assignment to Henry Cone, a retired Jewish merchant to cover their liabilities of $5,000.

1878; It was reported today that “a thrilling tale of a brave young Jew” is going to appear in the Number 10 issued of the New York Weekly.

1878: It was reported today that “a Jewish paper” has called for a national meeting to revise Jewish ritual.  The papers say that “there is much in the ritual to which many Jews no longer give assent.”  Also, there are sections which an even larger number do not understand.
1879(11th of Tevet, 5639)Rabbi Benjamin Artom passed away today at 3 Marine Parade, Brighton.(UK).He was the Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews of Great Britain.  Born in 1835 at Asti, Piedmont, Italy, he was the first person to hold the post of rabbi of Naples. In 1866 he accepted a call to become the spiritual leader, or Haham, of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews in Britain, and held the post until his death. He composed a prayer for boys on the occasion of their Bar Mitzvah that was at one time used in most orthodox synagogues in Britain, and is still used in the Spanish and Portuguese ones.

1890(14THof Tevet, 5650): Former Judge Philip J. Joachimsen passed away today at 4 o’clock this afternoon at his home on 54th Street in New York City. The American jurist and communal worker was born in 1817 at Breslaue Germany. He emigrated to New York in 1827, and was admitted to the bar there in 1840. During the Civil war, he organized and commanded the Fifty-ninth New York Volunteer Regiment, and was injured at New Orleans. For his services he was made brigadier-general by brevet. After the war he practiced law until he was elected judge of the New York Marine Court in 1870. In 1877, he returned to private practice. In 1859, he was elected to serve as the first president of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum. In 1879 he organized the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society for Children in New York. (As reported by Adler & Friedenberg and the NYT)

1892: It was reported today that thirty adult Russian Jews and 12 of their children are living at J. Syren’s Hotel on Madison Street where conditions are so unsanitary that officials are worried about an outbreak of smallpox.

1893: “The Outbreak of Typhus Fever” published today described the outbreak of the epidemic in New York City which had its greatest impact among the immigrant population.

1893: The Libre Parole sponsored “a great anti-Semitic meeting” at the Tivoli Vauxhall in Paris.

1894: Among the charities receiving funds from the Brooklyn Board of Estimate were the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society - $294.88; Hebrew Benevolent Society, Eastern Division - $121.42; Hebrew Benevolent Society, Western Division - $72.32.  This means that the Jewish charities received $488.62 of the $85,000 distributed by the Board.

1895: For the first time since its founding in 1863, the Union League does not have any Jewish members because Edwin Einstien resigned from the club today.  He resigned because the league had taken no action to remedy the effect of the blackballing of the son of Jesse Seligman which had taken place two years ago.

1895: “Will of Eugene Kelly” published today explained that “the famous banker” had not left money to Catholic and Jewish charities as an “expression in favor” in favor of either these religions but because “other denominations are wealthier and better able to care for their poor.”

1895: “The Late Czar” published today provided a review of Alexander III of Russiaby Charles Lowe which included a description of Russian persecution of its Jewish population.

1896: Birthdate of Nathan Pritzker.  The highly successful investor and real estate mogul is best known for his ownership of the Hyatt Hotel chain.  At one time or another he has also controlled the Hammond Organ Company and Continental Air Lines.  According to one estimate his holdings were valued at 700 million dollars during the 1980’s.

1896: Mrs. Freda Silverman and her two daughters (Rachel,9 and Sarah, 3) were forced to leave their room at 185 Division Street tonight by their landlord because they could not pay the $6 in rent they owed him.

1897: “The twenty-third annual lecture course of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association opened tonight at the Musical Hall of the Carnegie Building with a recitation by Mrs. Aida Kaufman and a lecture on ‘Modern Popular Delusions’ by Simon Sterne.”

1898: State Supreme Court Judge William N. Cohen is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “The Profession of the Law and Its Demands” at Temple Emanu-El sponsored by the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.
1898:Herzl travels to Berlin and convenes a conference of Berlin Jews. He also has two conversations with Ahmed Tewfik, the Turkish ambassador.

1898: In a case of Jew versus Jew “representatives of the Auxiliary Relief Branch of the Russian and Polish Jewish Central Committee at Jerusalem… expressed indignation at the charges made of misues of the money collected in the United States for the relief of poor American Jews in…Palestine” made by the President of the newly formed American Congregation, the Pride of Jerusalem.

1899: A list of the bequests left by the late David Marks published today includes instruction that $250 be given to each of the following: the Hebrew Technical School; the Montefiore Home, the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews; Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum, Mount Sinai Hospital, Educational Alliance, Young Men’s Hebrew Association and $100 each to the Hebrew Free School and the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.  (This represents panoply of the institutions supported by New York Jewry at the turn of the century.)

1899: “The Honorable Lionel Walter Rothschild has been elected a member of Parliament for the Aylesburgy Division of Buckinghamshire without opposition, succeeding his uncle, the late Baron Ferdinand James De Rothschild, who died December 17, 1898

1903:  Birthdate of composer and conductor Maurice Abravanel.Abravanel was born in Saloniki Greece when it was still part of the Ottoman Empire. A descendant of Isaac Abravanel, he came from an illustrious Sephardic Jewish family, which was expelled from Spain in 1492. Abravanel's ancestors settled in Saloniki in 1517, and his parents were both born there. In 1909, they moved to Switzerland, where his father Edouard de Abravanel was a very successful pharmacist. In 1934, anti-German sentiment forced  Abravanel to leave Europe.  After enjoying a triumph in Austraalia, Abravanel came to the United States to conduct at the Metropolitan Opera. He became the long-time conductor of the Utah Symphony Orchestra (1947-1979, building it from a part-time community orchestra into a well-respected, professional ensemble with recording contracts with Vanguard, Vox, Angel, and CBS. He lobbied for years for a permanent home for the orchestra, which then performed in the Mormon Tabernacle on Temple Square. He saw his dream come true when Symphony Hall was built, but not until the season after he retired. It has now been renamed Abravanel Hall in his honour. Only in America could the a major musical venue in the heart of “Mormon Country” be named for a Sephardic Jew from Salonika.   Abravanel passed away at the age of 90 in Salt Lake City.
1903(7thof Tevet, 5663): Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright, the third son of Solomon Benedict de Worms and leading Conservative  politician passed away today.

1903: Herzl begins a trip that would take him to Paris and London.

 1908: Birthdate of composer Menahem Avidom.  Born in Galicia, Avidom moved to Eretz Israel after World War I.  He studied music and graduated from the AmericanUniversity in Beirut.  He gained fame in Israel and throughout the world for his musical accomplishments before he died in 1995.

1911:  Birthdate of comedian, actor and columnist, Joey Adams

1912: New Mexico becomes the 47th state to enter the Union.  The historical record is too limited to do more than speculate on New Mexico Jewish life prior to 1848. The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia suggests that prior to 1850; there may have been isolated conversos in New Mexico. From then until New Mexico's statehood, Jews played an active role in New Mexico's social, economic and political life. The first religious services were held in 1860 Sante Fe and a B'nai B'rith lodge was formed in 1882 in Albuquerque. New Mexico's first synagogue was built in Las Vegasin 1886. Other Jews were active in municiple and territorial/state politics. The experiences of New Mexico's Jewish pioneers speak clearly to their resilience and dedication. In 1990, the 6,400 Jews living in New Mexico were found mostly in the Albuquerque area. Between 1750 and 1850, many German Jews came to America to escape economic hardship and religious persecution. In the 1840s and 1850s, the first Jewish immigrants to New Mexico established themselves as merchants, sending for relatives as soon as they were able. They married local women or traveled to Europe or cities in the United States to find Jewish brides. By 1860, half the Jewish population of the territory was related. During the Civil War, Jews served the Union cause as soldiers and suppliers.  After the war, they expanded into new occupations - banking, politics, law, mining, and ranching. The railroad arrived in New Mexicoin 1879, and a new wave of Jewish immigrants reflected their conservative Eastern European origins. After New Mexicobecame the 47th state in 1912, most of these families returned to urban centers to educate and marry off their children, and the pioneer era came to a close.

1914: Birthdate of Heinz Berggruen, collector and gallery owner - one of the world’s most important patrons and collectors of 20th century masters.

1918(22nd of Tevet, 5678): Georg Cantor passed away.  Born in 1845, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor was a mathematician who was born in Russia and lived in Germany for most of his life. He is best known as the creator of modern set theory. He is recognized by mathematicians for having extended set theory to the concept of transfinite numbers, including the cardinal and ordinal number classes. Cantor is also known for his work on the set of uniqueness, a generalization of Fourier series. Cantor’s father was a Jewish Dane.  His mother was a Protestant. Under Halachah, Cantor would not be considered Jewish.  Under the racial laws that would go into in Germany 15 years after his death, he would have been a candidate for the Final Solution.

1919: Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of the United States passed away.  While President, Roosevelt intervened with the governments of Rumania and Russia on behalf of their Jewish populations.  This was an unusual event for Jews and earned Roosevelt and the Republicans support among Jewish voters.  T.R.’s finest moment, from a Jewish point of view, may have come in 1895 when he was serving as New York City Police Commissioner.  Pastor Hermann Ahlwardt, a noted German anti-Semite came to New York to give a speech.  In an attempt to gain publicity for himself and his cause, he demanded police protection from what he was sure would be hostile demonstration by New York Jews.  Roosevelt gave him his police protection.  All of his protectors were Jewish policemen.  

1919:As 100,000 German Marxists gathered in Berlin, Rosa Luxemberg urged them not to seize power until they had popular support.  They did not listen to her.  They began their unsuccessful revolt during which Rosa Luxemberg and Karl Liebknecht, the Jewish Communist leaders were killed.

1923: Birthdate of Argentine born writer and social protestor Jacobo Timerman.  After his release from an Argentine prison he moved to Israel.  He died in 1999.

1925(10th of Tevet, 5685): Asara B'Tevet

1925: Birthdate of Israel Shenker, the Philadelphia native who served as “a reported on the metropolitan staff of the New York Times” from 1968 to 1979. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1927: A mass meeting is held tonight at Cooper Union to honor the memory of Asher Ginsberg (Ahad Ha’am).  Speakers at the event include, Dr. Chaim Weismann, Louis Lipsky (President of the World Zionist Organization), Carl Sherman (President of the Zionist Organization of America), Ambrahm Goldberg (President of the American Hebrew Federdation), Professor Selig Brodetzky and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise.

1929: “Several speakers at the quarterly meeting of the national executive committee of the Zionist Organization of America…expressed disapproval of the actgion of Dr. Stephen S. Wise of the Free Synagogue in opposing participation of non-Zionists in the activities of the Jewish Agency.  The Jewish Agency is the term now applied to the World Zionist Organization.”  Non-Zionists who will work with the with Zionists in the Jewish Agnecy iknclude Louis Marshall, Felix M. Warburg, Dr. Lee K. Frankel, Herbert H. Lehman and Judge Irving Lehman.

1929: The New York Times featured a review of How Propaganda Works by Edward L. Bernays, “father of modern public relations and nephew of Sigmund Freud.

1931:  Birthdate of author E. L. Doctorow.

1932(27th of Tevet, 5692): Julius Rosenwald passed away. Rosenwald is best known for turning Sears and Roebuck into a retail giant.  He was also a great philanthropist whose efforts included everything from being the patron of chess champion Samuel Reshevsky to endowing Tuskegee Institute to the creation of the Rosenwald Fund which was established “for the well-being of mankind.”  This brief entry cannot do justice to the accomplishments of a man, mighty in his times, who has been forgotten by most.

1932: It was announced today that “an unlimited quota of athletes will be permitted by the Palestine government to enter the country to take part in the Maccabee Games” to be held this spring in Tel Aviv.

1934: Hadassah announced that “the lowest infant mortality rate achieved in a Palestine health district was in Tel Aviv.  “The rate was 68.03 among children under 1 year for every 1,000 live births and represented an improvement over 1931 when the rate was 72.52.”  Jerusalem “had a rate of 117.30 in 1932 and 104.28 in 1931.  Bethlehem…had a rate of 341.91 in 1932, the highest health district rate in the country.   The infant death rate for the whole country was 153 in 1932, against 170 in 1931.”

1936: Cartoon character Porky Pig makes his debut.  For most of his career the traif animal got his voice from the Jewish Mel Blanc.

1937: The Palestine Postreported that a quarry worker, Haim Katz, 29, and a policeman, Jacob Klinger, 34, were murdered in an ambush at Givat Shaul.

1938: William Dodd, who had resigned as U.S. Ambassador to Germany in December, arrived in New York City wherehe said that he "doubted if an American envoy who held his ideals of democracy could represent his country successfully among the Germans at the present time." Dodd was the first U.S. Ambassador appointed after the rise of Hitler.  In time he came to see the Nazi threat and tried to do what he could to warn America about the danger.

1938(4th of Sh'vat, 5698): Pinchas Friedman one of the earliest Zionist settlers and a founder of Tel Aviv passed away today.  Born in Russia, he made Aliyah in 1890.

1939: In an article entitled “Interests of Britain, Jews and Arabs Are in Clash,” Anne O’Hare McCormick describes conditions in Palestine which is currently in the grip of an armed Arab uprising.  She describes meetings with two different groups of Arabs.  The first group, “composed of fervent nationalists complained” that the Jews of Palestine “prevented Palestinians from attaining an independent status like that granted to Iraq.”  They vowed that they “would never cease fighting” and “insisted that they spoke for every Arab in the land.”  The second group of Arabs was found “sharing a meal in a communal dining room” on a kibbutz.  These Arabs said “they wanted peace and complained that the British neither punished the handful off rebels stirring up their village” nor providing arms to responsible Arab leaders so they could stand against those creating the violence.

1940: Shivering Jews in Warsaw, Poland, are forced to burn Jewish books for fuel.

1941: President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his State of the Union address which became known as the Four Freedoms Speech because FDR listed them as:

  1. Freedom of speech and expression including the right to dissent
  2. Freedom of every person to worship God in his own way
  3. Freedom from want
  4. Freedom from fear
The first two are recognizable as being part of the Bill of Rights.  Freedom #2 spoke directly to the needs and concerns of the Jewish people and would prove strikingly ironic considering the events surrounding the Holocaust.

1942: Jacob Moshe Toledano who was born in Tiberias was installed as Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and Jaffa. In 1926 Toledano served as the head of the religious court at Tangiers, and later similar posts in Cairo and Alexandria. Toledano was escorted from Tiberias to Tel Aviv by a grand delegation.

1942: Victor Klemper was arrested and interrogated at the Gestapo headquarters in Dresden.

1943: Eighty six year old Abbot Lawrence Lowell, the former President of Harvard, passed away.  He was praised by some for being a leader in educational reforms.  But many of his policies were homophobic, racist and anti-Semitic.

1943: The Jews of Lubaczow, Poland, are killed at the Belzec death camp

1943: Jews hiding in Opoczno, Poland, are murdered by Germans after being coaxed out of hiding with a promise of rail transport to a neutral country. Five hundred "Jews with relatives in Palestine" came out of hiding to register. All 500 were sent to Treblinka and were gassed.

1944: Birthdate of Bonnie Franklin, American actress. She once said that because of her red hair and freckles, fans have a hard time believing that she is Jewish.

1945 (21st of Tevet, 5705): On Shabbat, Roza Robota and three other Jewish women implicated in the smuggling of explosives used in the October 7, 1944, uprising at Auschwitz are hanged in front of the entire women's camp at Birkenau.  The three women had been previously tortured in connection with the revolt at Birkenau but gave away no one. Robota’s final words were, "that vengeance would come."

1945: Hungarian authorities accede to Raoul Wallenberg's request that 5000 Jews be transferred to Swiss-sponsored safe homes in Budapest.

1945(21st of Tevet, 5705):  Anne Frank's mother, Edith, dies at Auschwitz

1946: In Zanzur, Libya Islamic instigators encouraged the local population to attack the Jewish community. Of the 150 local Jews half were murdered. The rioting spread to a number of small towns near Tripoli leaving a death toll of approximately 180 Jews and 9 synagogues destroyed. The local police and Arab soldiers often joined in the destruction and murder.  This outbreak of Arab anti-Semitic violence took place two years before the creation of the state of Israel.  This should put an end to claims that only source of friction between Jews and Arabs was the creation of the Jewish state.

1949: During Operation Horev, the Israeli Air Force shot down five RAF Spitfires on patrol in the area, killing two pilots and taking two prisoners.  It is not clear if the Spitfires were being flown by Egyptian or British pilots.

1949: The British moved forces into the Jordanian port of Akaba.

1949:After three days of fighting around Rafah in which its forces failed to defeat the IDF,  the Egyptian government announced, that it was  willing to enter armistice negotiations

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that according to the new and improved rationing schedule each Israeli was now able to purchase four eggs a week. A mere fifty years ago, the Israelis were living barely above the subsistence level.  With no natural resources and faced by enemies on all of its borders, the Jews created a modern, vibrant country. A huge forest, named after Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, was planted on Mount Carmel. Only five years after the founding of the state of Israel, the Jewish state created a living monument to a Moslem leader who was not afraid to embrace the modern world.

1954: Moshe Sharett succeeded David Ben-Gurion as Prime Minister of Israel.  Ben Gurion had been Prime Minister since the creation of the state in 1948.  Sharett had been Foreign Minister, a post he kept in the new government.  Golda Meir remained as Labor Minister and Pinchas Lavon became Minister of Defense.  The change was in leadership; the Labor Zionist still maintained control of the government. 

1955: In Boston, publication of the tercentenary issue of the Jewish Advocate.
1956: Birthdate of Gonen Segev, the native of Kiryat Motzkin who has served as an MK and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure.

1956: In Seattle, Washington, a Friday night services is held at the U of W Hillel House attended by 170 people who want to form a Reform congregation that will become Temple Beth Am.

1956: Birthdate of Justin Welby, “the first ‘Jewish’ Archbishop of Canterbury.”

1957: Yeshiva Kol Ya'ackov opened in Moscow Russia.

1964: Pope Paul VI completed his first visit to the “Holy Land” where he visited sites in Jordan and Israel and began his return flight to Rome.
1967: Jewish pianist Jacob Lateiner, accompanied by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, performed at the premier of Elliot Carter’s piano concerto and the third piano sonata of Roger Sessions.

1967: "Milton Berle Show" aired for the last time on ABC-TV

1968: It was reported today that during a New Year’s conversation French President Charles de Gaulle had assured Jacob Kaplan, the Grand Rabbi of France “that it was far from his intention to insult the Jews when he called them an ‘elite people, sure of itself and domineering’ during a news conference in November of 1967.  Speaking at a time when France was repositioning itself following the Six Days War DeGaulle also said “that while the Jews though the centuries had ‘provoked, more precisely aroused’ antagonism in various countries, they had received great sympathy from Christians because of their sufferings.” (Editor’s Note – these words have a hollow sound coming from the land of Drancy.  They also show that French anti-Semitism in the 21st century is not just a produce of Moslem radicals)

1969: “The Fig Leaves Are Falling” a musical with script and lyrics by Allan Sherman closed after only 4 performances 

1978: The Jerusalem Postreported that Egypt agreed to reduce by one -third its forces in Sinai, once Israelevacuated the whole area. The US Embassy in Tel Aviv asked the Israeli government to clarify its intentions regarding the setting up of new settlements on the West Bank and in Sinai.

1981(1st of Sh'vat, 5741): Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat

1987: A.M. Rosenthal’s “On My Mind” column appeared for the first time on the Op-Ed page of the New York Times.

1987(5 Tevet 5747): U.S. Federal Court issued a decision in favor of Agudas Chassidei Chabad ("Union of Chabad Chassidim") regarding the ownership of the priceless library of the 6th Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. The ruling was based on the idea that a Rebbe is not a private individual but a communal figure synonymous with the body of Chassidim. The Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak's son-in-law and successor) urged that the occasion be marked with time devoted to study from Torah books ("sefarim") as well as the acquisition of new Torah books.

1987:A roadside bomb killed four members of an Israeli-backed militia in southern Lebanon today.

1987: Yitzhak Shamir replaced Yitzhak Peretz as Internal Affairs Minister.

1991: Following a speech today, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Iraqi Army, in which Sadam Hussein said he was preparing the nation for a great battle to liberate Palestine and defeat American "tyranny" in the Middle East the United States once again rejected efforts to tie the gulf crisis to the Palestinian question.

2002: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish author and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including newly released paperback versions of! Amy Wilentz’s Martyrs' Crossing, the first novel by a former Israel correspondent for The New Yorker and Bob Woodward’s Maestro: Greenspan's Fed and the American Boom, an admiring portrait of the Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan.

2002: Sheila Finestone completed her service as Senator for Montarville, Quebec, when she reached the mandatory retirement age of 75.

2003: Police said tonight that that they suspected the suicide bombers who struck in Tel Aviv on Sunday used backpacks containing more than 20kg of explosives instead of suicide belts.

2005:: Edgar Ray Killen is arrested as a suspect for the 1964 murders of three Civil Rights workers James Chaney, a 21-year-old black man from Meridian, Mississippi and two Jewish voting rights organizers from New York, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.

2005: The First World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace begins in Brussels, Belgium.

2006:  “Jackie Hoffman: Chanukah At Joe’s Pub” and “Walking in Memphis: The Life of A Southern Jew,” a semi-autobiographical piece by Jonathan Ross are now playing “Off, Off Broadway” in New York City.

2006: “Fateless” a movie based on the novel by the same name written by Imre Kertesz opens at the Film Forum in New York.  Fatelesswas a biographical novel for which Kertesz won the Nobel Prize in 2002.

2006: Ariel “Sharon underwent a five-hour operation to halt bleeding in his brain, following which Sharon was returned to the neurological intensive care unit.”

2007: As part of its “Jewish Season” The Theater for a New Audience in New York City presents The Merchant of Venice.

2008: An exhibition entitled Morris Louis Now: An American Master Revisited at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C. comes to a close.

2008(28thof Tevet, 5768):Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum, a Talmudic scholar who for more than 50 years led a major Orthodox yeshiva in Brooklyn, known as the Mir Yeshiva, died today. He was 87. His death followed a long struggle with cancer, said Rabbi Pinchos Hecht, executive director of the yeshiva, also called the Mirrer Yeshiva Central Institute.  The Mir Yeshiva is exclusively devoted to the study of the Torah: the Old Testament, commentaries upon it and the oral tradition known as the Talmud. It has 1,200 members. Another branch is in Jerusalem, with an estimated 4,000 students.  Rabbi Berenbaum was born in 1920 in Poland and studied in a yeshiva in Mir before World War II. As the Nazis rolled across Eastern Europe, he and other yeshiva students fled to the Soviet Union and resettled in Shanghai. From there, they eventually emigrated to the United States. Steven Bayme, national director of contemporary Jewish life at the American Jewish Committee, said the yeshiva helped preserve “a world that was otherwise lost.” “The rescue of the institution during the Holocaust by going to Shanghai was an act of incredible daring,” Mr. Bayme said. “It took enormous courage and perseverance.” Jonathan Rosenblum, director of Am Echad, an advocacy group in Israel that works to build bridges between ultra-Orthodox Jews and others, said that while Rabbi Berenbaum had no public position in America, “he was the one who was consulted on anything connected to Torah learning in the Torah world,” adding, “He taught Torah for over 50 years, and he never repeated himself.” Leadership of the Brooklyn yeshiva will pass to Rabbi Berenbaum’s nephew, Rabbi Osher Kalmanowitz. (As reported by AP)

2008: The Matzo Show on Rivington Street by Deborah Kolben
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/06/nyregion/thecity/06matz.html?sq=The Matzo Show on Rivington Street &st=cse&scp=1&pagewanted=print
2008: The Washington Post featured a review of People of the Book a work of historic fiction by Geraldine Brooks.  “The Book” in the title is the famous Sarajevo Haggadah, created in medieval Spain.  The Haggadah is “a famous rarity because it was a lavishly illuminated Hebrew manuscript made at a time when Jewish belief was firmly against illustrations of any kind.”

2008: The Sunday New York Times featured a review of, and excerpt from, Jihad and Jew-Hatred:Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11by Matthias Küntzel and translated by Colin Meade, a review of, and an excerpt from, Islamophobia: Making Muslims the Enemyby Peter Gottschalk and Gabriel Greenberg and a review of Peace Be Upon You: The Story of Muslim, Christian and Jewish Coexistence by Zacharcy Karabell.

2008 (28 Tevet 5768): Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum, the Rosh yeshiva of the Mir yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York City which includes an elementary school and a high school, as well as its post-graduate Talmudical Academy passed away.
2009:The National Jewish Democratic Council recognizes the Jewish Democratic Members of the 111th Congress at a reception at Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC

2009: Fast of the 10th of Tevet and Yahrzeit of Judy Rosenstein (nee Levin).

2009:Today, on the Christian observance known as the Feast of the Epiphany, the Ra'anana Symphonette (RS) conducted by Omer Wellber, will play Irena's Song - a Ray of Light through the Darkness by Kobi Oshrat. The composition and the performance were inspired by Irene Sendler, who along with her intrepid band of helpers from Zegota, the Polish underground, rescued 2,500 children from the Warsaw Ghetto between 1942 and 1943.
2009: Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan to serve as his solicitor general. If the nomination is confirmed by the United States Senate, Kagan who is the dean of the HarvardLawSchooland is Jewish would be the first woman to hold this position.
2009 (10 Shevat 5769):St.-Sgt. Alexander Mashevizky, 21, a resident of Beersheba, was killed in a gun battle with Hamas operatives in northern GazaCity.Mashevizky, a member of an elite Engineering Corps unit, led the joint force, which was ambushed by Hamas gunmen while conducting ground sweeps.
2010:The Bronx House Jewish Community Center presents “Klezmer Party” with Matan Chapnizka (Saxophone), Daniel Ori (Bass) and Dan Pugach (Drums) as part of the 2010 Bronx House Concert Series.

2010:At around 1 a.m. this morning the Etz-Hayyim Synagogue in the Greek city of Hania on the island of Crete was set on fire by an unkown arsonist. The fire was started on wooden staircase that led to the second-story women's section of the main sanctuary in the small seaside complex. The Etz-Hayyim Synagogue was restored in the late 1990s after years of neglect in the wake of the Second World War. The nearly 300 members of the Hania Jewish community were shipped out by the Nazi invaders in 1944, and died when their ship was sunk in transit by an Allied torpedo. It serves as a place for prayer, a museum and memorial, and a library recording the long and troubled history of Crete's Jews. The walls of the synagogue's main hall were covered in soot, but the fire did not reach the Torah scrolls or the library.

2010:Israel inched a step closer to deploying a missile defense system along the border with the Gaza Strip today after the Iron Dome successfully intercepted a number of missile barrages in tests held in southern Israel this week.

2010:American Jewish youth movement Young Judaea and its long-running sponsor, Hadassah Women's Organization, suffered another blow today following the resignation of key staff member, YJ/FZY Year Course Director Keith Berman. Berman's decision to leave Young Judaea after more than 20 years with the movement closely follows the resignation of its director, Rabbi Ramie Arian, who is scheduled to step down in the coming weeks.

2010:James von Brunn, who shot and killed museum guard Stephen Tyrone Johns on June 10 during an attempted raid on the U.S. Holocaust Museum, died in a prison hospital today. He was 88 and died of natural causes. Von Brunn was awaiting trial on possible death penalty charges in the federal prison in Butner, N.C., after recovering from being shot in the face by another guard. Von Brunn had a long history of white supremacist and anti-Semitic writings. The museum issued a statement memorializing Johns.  "The Museum's thoughts and prayers continue to be with Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns' family at this time," the statement said. "Officer Johns died heroically defending the Museum, visitors and staff. This tragedy is a powerful reminder that our cause of fighting hatred remains more urgent than ever."

2011(1stof Shevat, 5771): Rosh Chodesh Shevat.

2011: The 92nd St Y is scheduled to present a program entitled “Democracy, Power Politics and the New Middle East” which will “delve into the shifting tectonic plates of Middle East politics, Iran's embattled regime and its nuclear ambitions, Iraq's fledgling democracy, new realities for Persian Gulf monarchies and the longer-term challenges facing Israelis and Palestinians.

2011: Aaron Hillel Swartz “was arrested near the Harvard campus by MIT police and a U.S. Secret Service agent” after which he “was arraigned in Cambridge District Court on two state charges of breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony.”

2011: The Red Sea Classical Festival is scheduled to open in Eilat.

2011: Birthday of Brian Cohen, shofar blower par excellence, and a man whose life is worthy of his patronymic.

2011: The High Court of Justice ruled today that public bus companies could continue the practice of gender segregation on dozens of lines serving the ultra-Orthodox sector, as long as there is no coercion or violence involved.

2011:Kenyan runner Stephen Chemlany won the 34th annual Tiberias Marathon today, making it across the finish line after 2:10:02. Frenchman Patrick Tambe Ngoie captured second place, finishing seven seconds behind the leader. Kenya’s Julius Muriuki Wahome finished in third place. Haile Satayin, Israel’s champion marathon runner, defended his title today, becoming the first Israeli to cross the finish line. Satayin, who finished in 19th place overall, completed the course in 2:18:57. While the result put him in first among Israelis, it failed to reach the minimum threshold as determined by the Olympic Committee, meaning Satayin will not represent Israel in London. Zohar Zamiro was the second Israeli to cross the finish line.

2012: In New Orleans, LA, Touro Synagogue is scheduled to host a Shabbat Family Dinner.

2012: Think Different – Original Israeli Rock is scheduled to take place at the Blaze  Sports and Rock Bar on Rechov Hillel

2012: Excerpts from works by LeeSaar The Company Lior Shneior (Sea Songs), Michal Samama (Under the Skin), Neta Dance Company and Netta Yerushalmy are scheduled to be performed at the 92nd St Y in Manhattan.

2012:  The Judges Selection Committee announced the nomination of four new Supreme Court judges today.

2012: Gabriel Cadis, a senior figure in Jaffa’s Christian community was stabbed to death today evening, during festivities at the St George Church in Jaffa. Cadis, who served as head of the Orthodox Church Association in Jaffa, was taken to Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, but succumbed to his injuries very quickly.

2012:A third file containing hacked credit card details of Israelis was posted on the internet today. The new file, published in the PasteBin website, contains information from the same credit cards that was revealed earlier this week. Bank Leumi warned that the current file might contain a Trojan horse and that people should refrain from downloading it.
2013: The Klezmer Jam Session and Dance is scheduled to take place at The Talking Stick in Venice, CA.

2013: Tim Burton’s “Frankenweenie” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: The New York Times features reviews of books written by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Love Song: The Lives of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya and the recently released paperback editions of Man Seeks God: My Flirtations With the Divine by Eric Weinter and  The Street Sweeper by Elliot Perlman

2013: Family and friends of Brian Cohen, master latke maker and shofar blower par excellence, wish him the happiest of birthdays in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2013: Public Television is scheduled to broadcast “Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy, featuring interviews and performance footage that provides insight as to why Broadway “is fertile territory for Jewish artists.”

2013:"A report released by the State Comptroller today finds that former Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. (res.) Gabi Ashkenazi was not directly complicit in the production of a document aimed at discrediting Defense Minister Ehud Barak's choice to succeed him as army chief, Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yoav Galant."

2013: "Flooded tracks brought train traffic between Tel Aviv and Haifa to a halt for a few hours today, as stuck automobiles caused traffic jams in many places across the country."

2013(24thof Tevet, 5733): 200th Yarhrzeit of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of the Chabad Lubavitch Movement. We cannot do justice to the career of this Jewish leader who “created” a form of Judaism that harmonized the need for spirituality, ecstasy  and education.

2014: Professor Steven is scheduled to deliver a lecture “Leonard Bernstein: From Jewish Roots to Broadway” in Carlsbad, CA.

2014: “12 Years a Slave” is among the films scheduled to shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

This Day, January 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 7

1256:Berechiah De Nicole, the Chief Rabbi of Lincoln was released after having been imprisoned in London on charges related to the death of “Little Hugh of Lincoln.”  The son of Rabbi Moses ben Yom Tov of London, Reb Berechiah was an English Tosafist who was considered an authority on ritual matters. “He decided that the evening prayer might be said an hour and a quarter before the legal time of night…and declared that nuts prepared by Gentiles might not be eaten by Jews.” In August, 1255, the body of gentile boy named Hugh was found in Lincoln (a town called Nicole in Norman-French). This discovery gave rise to charges of ritual murder for which all the Jews of Lincoln were seized and imprisoned in Lincoln. Berechiah reportedly some time during 1256, but the exact date and cause are unknown.
1325:  Alfonso IV becomes King of Portugal.  During the early 14th century, more than 200,000 Jews lived in Portugal, which was about 20 percent of the total population. This period was part of what is known as “Portugal’s Golden Age of Discovery, in which Jews made a major contribution to Portugal’s success.” During the reign of King Dinis, Alfonso’s father, the clergy invoked the restrictions of the Fourth Lateran Council in an attempt to get the monarch to restrict the role of Jews in Portuguese society.  .  The clergy, however, invoking the restrictions of the Fourth Council of the Lateran, brought considerable pressure to bear against the Jews during the reign of King Dinis I of Portugal, but the monarch maintained a conciliatory position. Alfonso remained faithful to his father’s policies.  The position of the Jews of Portugal did not begin to deteriorate until the last decades of the 14th century as can be seen by the decree of King Joao I forcing Jews to wear special clothing and obey a special curfew.
1502: Birthdate of Pope Gregory VIII, famed for the creation of the Gregorian calendar, a method of tracking time has had a unique impact on Jewish historians trying to match events that occurred before 1752 (5512) on the Jewish calendar with the civil calendar.
1516: Representatives of several towns including Frankfort and Worms attended a Diet at Frankfort to discuss how the Jews might be banished and never allowed to return.
1536: Catherine of Aragon, the wife of King Henry VIII of England, passed away.  She was the daughter of the two monarchs who created the Spanish Inquisition and drove the Jews out of Spain. The Spanish monarchs would consent to their daughter’s marriage if Henry’s father would promise that no Jews would ever live in England.  Ironically, it was Catherine’s inability to provide a male heir that led to the England’s break with the Catholic Church which would play in an indirect positive role in the return of the Jews to England.
1566: Pius V. the Pope, who expelled the Jews from Imola, began his papacy today.  Among those expelled was Gedaliah ibn Yahya ben Joseph the Talmudist and author of the Sefer Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah, also known as  Sefer Yaḥya
1625: Ferdinand II issued decree of general expulsion that the Jews of Vienna were able to prevent from being carried out.
1768: Birthdate of Joseph Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon Bonaparte.  As King of Spain, he abolished the Inquisition. 
1775: For the second time in two months, Empress Maria Theresa banished all the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia.
1800: Birthdate of Mortiz Daniel Oppenheim whose paintings included portraits of  several notables including Moses Mendelssohn and “The Return of the Jewish Volunteer from the Wars of Liberation to His Family Still Living According to Old Customs”
1800:  Birthdate of President Millard Fillmore.  In 1850, the American Minister to Switzerland signed a treaty with the Swiss Confederation establishing the rights of the citizens of each country to travel and sojourn in the other.  However, the Swiss wished to limit the privileges to Christians. In a message to the Senate, Fillmore opposed the treaty because the U.S. government could not sanction an agreement that treated its citizens differently based on religion.  This episode serves to underscore the difference between the Jewish experience in America and other parts of the world in which they had previously settled.  Fillmore is living proof that the least of men can do the greatest of things. 
1841: Birthdate of Israel Levy, the German-Jewish scholar whose first publication was Ueber Einige Fragmente aus der Mischna des Abba Saul
1843: The first Jewish service was held at the Wellington Hebrew Congregation in Wellington, New Zealand under the leadership of Abraham Ort. There had been Jewish people in New Zealand from the beginnings of European settlement in the north.  Jewish traders from England, including John Montefiore, Joel Polack and David Nathan, were active starting in the 1830’s. Jews were on the first ships to arrive in Wellington. A Jewish community was founded in 1843 with the arrival from London of Abraham Hort after he and his family arrived aboard the Prince of Wales.
1848: The Noah Benevolent Widows and Orphans’ Association was formed today.  A fraternal and benevolent order formed by German Jews “who had fled to” the United States “during the German revolution,” it was first led my Mordecai Noah, a former Sheriff of New York.
1857(11th of Tevet, 5617): Sampson Simson passed away today in New York.  Born at Danbury in 1781, he was the son of Solomon Simson and was partners with his in a firm known as Simson’s in Stone Street which “imported beaver coating and other articles.”
1858: Birthdate of Eliëzer Ben-Yehuda.  Born Eliezer Yitzhak Perelman, in what is now Lithuania; Ben-Yehuda was the father of modern Hebrew.  Ben-Yehuda adopted several plans of action to accomplish his goal. The main ones were three-fold, and they can be summarized as “Hebrew in the Home,” “Hebrew in the School,” and “Words, Words, Words.”  By the time he died in 1922, Ben-Yehuda had almost singled-handedly transformed a “dead Biblical language” into a modern language that embodied the spirit of Zionism and the modern Jewish world.
1863: Ohio Congressman George H. Pendleton introduced a resolution before the U.S. House of Representatives condemning General Order No. 11.  Pendleton was “a Peace Democrat” so his resolution was more a reflection of his anti-war sentiments than of any great concern about the well-being of the Jews.
1865(9th of Tevet, 5625):Lazarus Simon Magnus Esq the beloved and only son of Simon Magnus of Chatham passed away today at the ago of 40.  He was buried at theChatham (Kent) Jewish Cemetery
1860:Solomon F. Joseph of the Portuguese Hebrew Society was chosen as one of the Directors of the Board of Deputies of Benevolent and Emigrant Societies at the organizations meeting held tonight at Cooper Institute in New York City.
1865: Lazarus Magnus “developed a toothache. Despite an invitation from his brother-in-law to stay with him and his family Lazarus went back to his offices in London Bridge. He exchanged greetings with the housekeeper and asked her about the best remedy to the problem. The housekeeper suggested some laudanum on a piece of lint, but Magnus replied: “That is no use. I will try chloroform.” Unfortunately, this was a fatal mistake, that cost him his life - he died from inhaling too much of it.” Born in Chatham in 1826, he was a successful British businessman, leader of the Jewish community and Mayor of Queenborough.
1868: Birthdate of Abraham M "Mark" Lidzbarski.  Born in Russia, he moved to Germany.  A linguist and Orientalist, he was also known by the name Avraam-Mordekhay He passed away in 1928.
1873: Birthdate of Adolph Zukor, the American entrepreneur who built the Paramount movie empire.
1876(10th of Tevet, 5636): Asara B'Tevet
1879: Birthdate of architect Gustave Albert Lansburgh who designed Oakland’s Temple Sinai in 1914 and whose personal favorite “was said to have been the Al Hirschfield Theatre.”
1877: It was reported today that Bishop Claughton presided over a meeting of several prominent English clergyman where they discussed the difficulty they were having in converting Jews to Christianity.
1878: It was reported today that the United States Consul at Florence had sent the State Department a report describing the government loan institutions (Monte di Pieta) of Italy first introduced by Bernasdoda Feltried toward the close of the 15th century which led to Jewish money-lenders being banish from Florence.
1879: Superintendent Lewis was in charge of the orphanage for Jewish children in Brooklyn that opened today with 4 children residing at the facility.
1881: Herr Strassman who is Jewish received 97 out of 120 votes to gain re-election as President of the Berlin Municipal Council
1884: The Hebrew Technical Institute, a vocational High School in New York City was founded on today. The school was founded after three Hebrew charity organizations formed a committee to promote technical education for the many Jewish immigrants arriving in New York at the time. The school closed in 1939
1884(9th of Tevet, 5644): Julius Hallgarten, the wealthy American banker, passed away today in Davos Switzerland.
1885:Alois Hitler (born Alois Schicklgruber) married Klara Pölzl whose fourth child would be the author of the Holocaust.
1888: A telegram arrived in Leadville, CO, stating that the “defendant in the case of the United States vs. Jacob Schloss and others had achieved final victory before Judge D. J. Brew of the United States Supreme Court
1887(11th of Tevet, 5647):Anna "Nettie" Rosenbaum Grossmann, wife of Ignatz Grossmann and the mother of Julius, Adolph, Louis and Rudolph who had been born in Hungary in 1835  passed away today in Detroit Michigan.
1889(5th of Shevat, 5649): Asher Asher passed away in London.  Born at Glasgow in 1837, “was the first Scottish Jew to enter the medical profession”  In 1873, he published The Jewish Rite of Circumcision. “Since 1910, the University of Glasgow awards the Asher Asher Memorial Medal and Prize, annually for its Ear, Nose and Throat course.”
1890: State Senator Jacob Cantor was among those who were present when the 113th New York State Legislature was convened today.
1891: It was reported today that Captain A.F. Wild of the U.S. Secret service has arrested Antono Ruggiero, an Italian-Jew who used the alias Anthony Rogers on charges of having been involved with a ring that counterfeited two dollar bills.
1892: The Brooklyn Institute is scheduled to host a program entitled “The Policy of the Czar in the Expulsion of the Jews and the War of Movement in Europe” this evening.
1893: It was reported today that the meeting organized by the right-wing anti-Semitic journal Libre Parole was addressed by the Marquis de Mores.  He opened his speech “with a general onslaught on the Hews as the corrupters of French honesty and the haters of French honor.”
1895: General Horace Porter, the President of the Union Club and his predecessor Chauncey M. Depew, refused to discuss the resignation of Edward Einstein from their organization.  They did not dispute Einstein’s claim that he had left because a Jewish candidate had been blackballed because of his religion.
1895: “Edwin Einstein Resigns” published today described the impact of Edward Einstein’s resignation from the Union Club which resulted from the blackballing of the son of Jesse Seligman because of his religion and which now leaves  the  social organization without a Jewish member; a situation which will not soon change since there are no Jews on the list of perspective members.
1895: “The Crusaders and Their Work” provides a detailed review of The Crusaders: The Story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem by T.A. Archer and Charles L. Kingsford which attributes the practice of making pilgrimages to Jerusalem to the Jews in a period the pre-dates Christianity.
1896: Herzl's article "Die Lösung der Judenfrage" - "The Solution of the Jewish Question" appears in "The Jewish Chronicle" in London.
1896: Nine year old Rachel Silverman and three year old Sarah Silverman, the daughters of Freda Silverman “were committed to the Ladies’ Deborah Nursery” today following a hearing at the Essex Market Police Court.”
1896: Levi Freiburg, a fifty-year old Jew was being held on charges of child endangerment at the Lee Avenue Police Station.
1896(21st of Tevet, 5656): Fifty-seven year old Sir Julian Goldsmid, 3rd Baronet “a British lawyer, businessman and Liberal politician who sat in the House of Commons between 1866 and 1896” passed away today at Brighton.
1897: The annual meeting of the Educational Alliance which included addresses by Isidor Straus and Dr. Henry Leipzierg was held tonight Temple Emanu-El in New York City
1898: The Brooklyn Hebrew Hospital Society applied to the State Board of Charities for a certificate of incorporation.
1898: Three men were hung today at Hahnville in St. Charles Parish, LA for their part in murdering a Jewish peddler name Ziegler after they had robbed him while he was at the Ellington Plantation.
1898: “Charity in the Holy Land” published today described the indignation expressed by representatives of the Auxiliary Relief Branch of the Russian and Polish Jewish Central Committee at Jerusalem over charges “made of misuse of the money collected in the United States for the relief of poor American Jews in Jerusalem and Palestine.”
1899: “Scotts Novels” published today contained a description of the English authors novels including Ivanhoe which features “such quotable characters” as Rebecca and her uncle, Isaac the Jew.
1903: In Paris, Herzl discusses the reply to the British government with Nordau, Leopold Greenberg and Alexander Marmorek and to take counsel on subsequent action.
1910:  Birthdate of Baron Alain de Rothschild.  He was part of the French banking family
1915: During WW I, Alexander Helphand a Ukrainian born Jew who was also known as Israel Lazarevich Gelfand and who had risen to prominence in the Bolshevik movement, approached the German Ambassador in Constantinople.  He contended that the Germans and the Bolsheviks should make common cause because they had similar goals, the overthrow of the Czar and the dismemberment of the Russian Empire into smaller entities.  This intitial overture would ultimately lead to the Germans shipping Lenin and his supporters back to Russia during the Russian Revolution to ensure that Russia would make a separate peace with the Kaiser. 
1916: In an article entitled “Rabbi Silver Will Talk on General Subjects,” The Wheeling Register reports on a series of upcoming Sunday lectures to be delivered at the Eoff Street Temple. "The general subject for the series will be Aspects of American Life. The lectures will touch on topics related to business, home, the stage, politics, school and the press and will be given in Rabbi Silver's characteristic manner."
1919(6th of Shevat, 5679): Sixty-seven year old Anglo Jewish banker and philanthropist Herbert Stern, 1st Baron Michelham, the son of Herman de Stern and Julia Goldsmid and the first cousin of Sydney James Stern and Sir Edward Stern passed away today in Paris

1917: Birthdate of Alfred Mordecai Freedman,a psychiatrist and social reformer who led the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 when, overturning a century-old policy, it declared that homosexuality was not a mental illness.

1920: Louis Waldman and Charles Solomon were among the five members of the Socialist Party that the New York State Assembly refused to seat as Assemblymen.
1921: Publication of the  first edition of the resurrected Yiddish language newspaper Der Emmes (The Truth) published by Yevsektsiya, the Jewish section of the Communist Party.  An earlier version of the paper had been published in 1918 in Moscow.  The paper would cease publication in 1939 when it fell victim to an anti-Yiddish campaign in the Soviet Union.

1921: A Commission in Jerusalem reports that at present there is no way to secure an appointment of a Hahambashi for Palestine that would satisfy all sections of the community. They recommend the formation of a supreme religious council that will represent both Sephardic and Ashkenazi communities.

1921: Birthdate of Chester Kallman. Kallman was a poet, librettist and translator.  From a professional point of view, his greatest claim to fame may rest on his work with Igor Stavinsky.  But he may be equally famous for the fact that for thirty-five years he was the companion of poet W.H. Auden with whom he also collaborated professionally.  Kallman passed away in 1975.

1922: The partners of Edgar Speyer published a letter supporting their business partner and rejected rthe implications of his correspondence with his German relatives, stating that he was "incapable of any act of treachery against the country of his adoption"

1923(19th of Tevet, 5683):Emil Gustav Hirsch “a major Reform movement rabbi in the United States” passed away. Born on May 22, 1852 in Luxembourg, he was “a son of the rabbi and philosopher Samuel Hirsch. He later married the daughter of Rabbi David Einhorn. For forty-two years (1880-1922), Hirsch served as the rabbi of Chicago Sinai Congregation, one of the oldest synagogues in the midwest. At this post, he became well-known for an emphasis on social justice. From Chicago Sinai's pulpit, he delivered rousing sermons on the social ills of the day and many Chicagoans, Jew and gentile alike, were in attendance. Appointed professor of rabbinical literature and philosophy at the University of Chicago in 1892, Hirsch also served on the Chicago Public Library board from 1885 to 1897. He was an influential exponent of advanced thought and Reform Judaism. He edited Der Zeitgeist (Milwaukee) (1880–82) and the Reform Advocate (1891–1923). He also edited the Department of the Bible of the Jewish Encyclopedia. Hirsch is the namesake of the Emil G. Hirsch Metropolitan High School of Communications (Hirsch Metro), located in the South Shore neighborhood of Chicago. In keeping with his interest in education, Hirsch advised a wealthy congregant, Julius Rosenwald of Sears, Roebuck & Co., to use part of his wealth to help build public schools which black students could attend in the segregated south. The school building program was one of the largest programs, but not the only, administered by the Rosenwald Fund.

1924: George Gershwin completes “Rhapsody in Blue.”

1925: Musical "Big Boy" with Al Jolson premiered in New York City.

1926: George Burns married Gracie Allen. He was Jewish.  She wasn’t.

1927: Abe Saperstein’s Harlem Globetrotters play their first game in Hinckley,Illinois.

1927: A memorial service was held for the late Zionist poet Achad Ha’Am at New York’s Cooper Union.

1929: Henry Arthur Jones, the English dramatist whose works include “Judah” which was first performed in 1890 passed away.

1932: Chaim Arlosoroff, head of the Political Department of the Jewish Agency, wrote a letter to High Commissioner Viscount Ord Plumer proposing that the municipal region of Jerusalem should be divided into two boroughs: West Jerusalem, which was mostly Jewish and the Old City which was largely Arab.  A United Municipal Council would oversee these to two sub-entities.  The British rejected the proposal lest it anger the Arabs.

1931: Doar Hayom, the newspaper of the Revisionists, published a demand that the election for the Jewish-elected Assembly be declared null and void and that new elections should be held.

1934: The New York Times reported on the recent announcement that 200 Jewish families, drawn from the ranks of jobless needle trade workers in New York, are to be settled in an industrial-agrarian community on a 1,000-acre tract of land bought for the purpose in New Jersey. This move calls attention to the new back-to-the-land movement among the Jews of the United States

1935: Birthdate of Noam Sheriff,  one of Israel’s most versatile and world renowned musicians.
1935(3rd of Shevat, 5695):  Rabbi Yosef ben Rabbi Menachem Kalisch zt"l, the Amshinover Rebbe, passed away.

1935: Benito Mussolini and French Foreign Minister Pierre Laval sign the Franco–Italian Agreement.  The Italians were looking for a free hand in their conquest of Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia).  The French were looking for support in dealing with Hitler.  The irony of this is that Pierre Laval would become the Prime Minister of Vichy France a role which enable him to ship thousands of French Jews to Drancy and then on to the death camps in the East.  Mussolini, who had support of some Italian Jews and a Jewish mistress, would become Hitler’s ally.

1935: Birthdate of Joe Wizan the head of 20th Century Fox's motion picture division and an independent producer of films such as "Jeremiah Johnson" and "… And Justice for All” (As reported by Dennis McLellan,

1938: The Palestine Post reported that Romania started re-examining the naturalization of all "foreigners" who had settled there since 1913, in order to deprive them of their citizenship. The first victims of the new policy were Jewish doctors who lost their right to practice medicine. Jewish innkeepers were declared to be "dangerous". All Jews were divided into citizens and non-citizens, and the latter became the subject of a compulsory expulsion. A timely British note reminded Romania of her obligations under the Minorities Treaty, signed in Paris in 1910. 

1939:  Official founding of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra.

1940(26th of Tevet, 5700): State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthaler passed away tonight at the age of 58. Born in 1881, he attended City College, where he developed a life-long friendship with Felix Frankfurter and graduated from Columbia Law School in 1903.  Frankenthaler was active in Democratic Party Politics, numerous civic and professional organizations and Jewish charitable activities.
1941: Members of the Woman’s League for Palestine are using tonight performance of “Meet the People,” the new topical, musical revue at the Mansfield Theatre as a benefit for the Overseas Refugee Relief fund.  The net proceeds will augment the $25,000 Emergency Refugee Relief Fund for young women refugees sheltered in the two home of the league in Haifa and Tel Aviv.

1942: A major Arctic blast hit the Levant. The thermometer in Alexandria was six degrees below zero, five people were killed because of the snow in Lebanon, Jerusalem suffered damage when buildings in the Old City were cracked from ice buildup, and in Istanbul the city suffered deaths and was stifled with three feet of snow, twelve degrees below zero temperatures and "hungry wolves" in the neighborhood.

1942: Throughout the day at the Chelmno, Poland, death camp, Jewish deportees from nearby villages are systematically gassed in vans; German and Ukrainian workers pull gold teeth and fillings from the corpses' mouths. Germans undertake van gassings of 5000 Gypsies from Lódz, Poland.
1943: British Colonial Secretary Oliver Stanley informs the British War Cabinet that Germany's Eastern European allies have turned to a policy of expulsion of Jews as an alternative to exterminating them. He concludes that this change in policy makes it "all the more necessary" to limit the number of Jewish children accepted into Palestine.

1943: Over the next three weeks, twenty thousand Jews from Germany, Belgium, Holland, and Poland are gassed at Auschwitz.

1944: “Anne Frank confessed her love for” Peter Schiff  “a boy she had been smitten with for years.”

1944: Word reached those living in New York City that Rabbi Louis Werfel, the 27-year-old chaplain serving with the 12th Air Force Service Command was killed in a plane crash in Algeria on Christmas Eve, 1943. Werfel was the fourth Jewish chaplain be killed in line of duty during World War II.  Werfel was known as “the flying rabbi” because of his willingness to use aircraft to reach Jewish soldiers serving in far-flung outposts throughout the Mediterranean Theatre

1945: Birthdate of Shulamith Bath Shmuel Ben Ari Feuerstein, author of The Dialectic of Sex

1948: With Jerusalem under siege, members of the Irgun planted a bomb at the Jaffa Gate in an attempt to get food supplies into the Jewish quarter. The bomb killed fourteen Arabs.  Three members of the Irgun were killed by British police in the aftermath of the explosion.  Apparently the British were unable to keep the Arabs from trying to starve out the Jews but they were strong enough to kill the Jews where were trying to feed their co-religionists.

1949: During Israel’s War of Independence Operation Horev came to an end.

1949: At two o’clock in the afternoon, Israel accepts a ceasefire on the Egyptian front based on Egypt’s publicly announced willingness to negotiate an armistice.  Egypt is left in control of Gaza, but Israel has driven the Egyptians from the Negev.

1949: During the War for Independence Israel shot down 5 British planes that flew over the battlefront with Egypt. The British government was hardly a disinterested party during the war.  The Jordanian Army, known as the Arab Legion, drew its leadership from the British Army.  The British supplied and trained the force as well.  The actions of the RAF at this point, further debunk the notion that the British were neutrals and that the West was responsible for the creation and survival of the infant state of Israel.

1950:The "ten greatest Jews of the last fifty years" were named today by Rabbi Israel Goldstein in a sermon at Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, in New York City.

1951: As it starts its first post-independence tour in the United States, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) has its first performance at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.

1953:The eightieth anniversary of American Reform Judaism, founded in Cincinnati by the late Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise "to adapt Judaism to the American way of life," was marked tonight with special ceremonies and a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. More than 300 American Jewish leaders from various sections of the country attended.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Knesset debated the proposed State Archives' and Public Accountants' Bills. Israel seized an Egyptian ship with a cargo of 65 tons of arms, bound for Syria. The ship was reported to have run aground in Israel's territorial waters.

1953: President Harry Truman announces that the United States has developed a hydrogen bomb.  The bomb had been successfully tested at Eniwetok atoll in 1952.  The creation of the H-bomb had pitted Edward Teller against Robert Oppenheimer, the “father of the Atomic Bomb.”  The two Jewish physicists became the poles around which the proponents and opponents rallied during this major Cold War debate.

1958: A week after Ben Gurion resigned as Prime Minister “over the leaking of information from ministerial meetings” he formed the 8th government “with the same coalition partners.”

1958: As Israel transitioned from its 7th government to its 8th government, Golda Meir continued to serve as Foreign Minister.

1962: Lev Landau’s was in automobile accident today which left him so severely injured that he was unable to accept the 1962 Nobel Prize for Physics in person.

1967(25th of Tevet, 5727): American author and screen writer David Goodis, passed away.

1969: Birthdate of Israeli comedian and television performer Eyal Kitzis.

1970: In response to cross canal attacks by Egyptian forces, Israeli planes begin an in-depth bombing campaign against Egyptian military bases. 
1971(10th of Tevet, 5731): Asara B'Tevet

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported from Cairo Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's announcement that after the signing of the peace agreement he would not accept the presence of even a single Israeli soldier or civilian who would like to remain on Egyptian soil.

1978: Isaiah Sheffer and “his artistic partner…put on a marathon concert of Bach “at a grimy, derelict movie theater on Manhattan’s Upper West Side” that would become Symphony Space.

1979: The New York Times book section features the following Walter Kerr’s essay on Anne Frank entitled 'Anne Frank' Shouldn't Be Anne's Play

1980(18th of Tevet, 5740): Eighty-year old Dov who served as the military governor of Jerusalem during the 1948 War of Independence and served as MK and cabinet minister  passed away today

1984: Birthdate of Ran Danker an Israeli actor, singer, and model who “is the son of Israeli actor Eli Danker. He has sung such songs as "אני אש" ("I am Fire"). He has also starred in the hit Israeli series HaShir Shelanu.”

1984(4th of Shevat, 5744): Eighty-four year old Yisrael Abuhatzeira, the Moroccan born Sephardic Rabbi knownas the Baba Slali or Praying father passed away in Jerusalem.

1990: In article entitled “The Russians Are Coming In Droves,” Barrymore L. Scherer described the “torrent of music that has pouring our way” in a variety of recordings including a live recording Shostakovich's weirdly disturbing Violin Concerto No. 1 (coupled with the Glazunov Concerto), both performed at Tel Aviv's Mann Auditorium in July 1988 by Itzhak Perlman with the Israel Philharmonic under Zubin Mehta (EMI CDC 49814; CD and cassette).

1993: Showing some flexibility in the crisis over 415 deported Palestinians, Israel agreed today to allow two Red Cross officials, including a doctor, to visit the exiles at their tent camp in southern Lebanon.

1995(6th of Shevat, 5755): Harry Golombek passed away.Born in 1911, Harry Golombek, was a British chess player and honorary grandmaster.

1995(6th of Shevat, 5755): Economist Murray Newton Rothabard passes away at the age of 69. Born in 1926 and educated at Columbia. Rothbard was the co-founder of the Cato Institute.

1995: Bruce Sundlun completed his term in office as Governor of Rhode Island.

1996: Debbie Friedman gave a sold out concert at Carnegie Hall, commemorating twenty-five years as one of the world's most well-known contemporary Jewish musicians.
2001 (12th of Tevet, 5761): Seventy-two year old “Rabbi Yitzchok Singer, whose leadership of the historic Bialystoker Synagogue on the Lower East Side of Manhattan helped it thrive despite four decades of community change, passed away today at Beth Israel Medical Center.” (As reported by Nadine Brozan)

2001: Giving its stalled Middle Eastern peace effort one final push, the Clinton administration said today that it would send its top negotiator to the region this week for direct talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders. .

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount by Gershom Gorenberg, To Redeem One Person is to Redeem the World:The Life of Frieda Fromm-ReichmannBy Gail A. Hornstein and Future Success by Robert B. Reich

2001: Among the 28 recipients of the Presidential Citizens Medals were

Jack Greenberg

In the courtroom and the classroom, Jack Greenberg has been a crusader for freedom and equality for more than half a century. Arguing 40 civil rights cases before the United States Supreme Court, including the historic Brown v. Board of Education, he helped break down the legal underpinnings of desegregation in America, and as a professor of law, an advocate for international human rights, and head of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, he has helped shape a more just society.

Anthony Lewis

Revered by colleagues and readers alike for his Pulitzer prize-winning reporting, profound insight, and broad understanding of constitutional law, Anthony Lewis has set the highest standard of journalistic ethics and excellence. A staunch defender of freedom of speech, individual rights, and the rule of law, he has been a clear and courageous voice for democracy and justice.

Robert Rubin

Leaving a brilliant career on Wall Street to serve as Director of the National Economic Council and Secretary of the Treasury, Robert Rubin played a pivotal role in creating America's longest economic expansion. He forged a new team approach that produced an economic framework based on fiscal discipline, investment in opportunity, and expanded trade, while exhibiting exceptional leadership in ensuring global financial stability. His efforts helped countless Americans share in an era of unprecedented prosperity.

Elizabeth Taylor

A screen legend, Elizabeth Taylor has captured the hearts of audiences around the world, portraying some of the most memorable characters in film history. A dedicated leader in the fight against AIDS, she has focused national attention on this devastating disease. With grace, style, and compassion, she has reminded us of our responsibility to reach out to those in need.

Marion Wiesel

Convinced that our greatest hope for a just society is to teach tolerance and mutual respect, Marion Wiesel has worked with creativity and compassion to combat hatred and injustice. Whether writing a haunting documentary about the children of the Holocaust, translating her husband’s work, or helping young Ethiopians in Israel to thrive and succeed in a new land, she is replacing despair with dignity and overcoming ignorance with understanding

Rabbi Arthur Schneier

A Holocaust survivor, Rabbi Arthur Schneier has devoted a lifetime to overcoming the forces of hatred and intolerance. As an international envoy, Chairman of the Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad, and founder and president of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, he has set an inspiring example of spiritual leadership by encouraging interfaith dialogue and intercultural understanding and promoting the cause of religious freedom around the world.

Eli J. Segal

As founder of AmeriCorps and the first Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service, Eli Segal has galvanized the American spirit of community and helped us realize the dream of a vital civilian service corps. As President and Chief Executive Officer of the Welfare-to-Work Partnership, he has brought businesses and communities together to create opportunity for welfare recipients, enabling them to experience the power, dignity, and independence of work. Juan Andrade, Jr.

2002(23rd of Tevet, 5762): Actor and comedian Avery Schreiber passed away.  Born in 1935 he was half of the comedy team of Burns and Schreiber.

2002:The captain of a ship seized last week by Israel as it smuggled tons of weapons said in jail-house interviews today that he had taken his orders from a weapons agent of Yasir Arafat's Palestinian Authority and that his deadly cargo was meant to arm Palestinians

2003: Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff delivered the benediction for the Bipartisan Congressional Prayer Service that welcomed the members of the 108th congress before the ceremony to swear them in.

2003:Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinian gunmen today in a raid on a Gaza Strip refugee camp.

2004:Israeli and Libyan officials held a secret meeting in December and discussed the possibility of ties between the longstanding enemies, Israeli officials said today. .

2007: Teapacks or Tipex, an Israeli band formed in 1988 in Sdeort was ”selected by IBA's Eurovision Committee to represent Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest held in Helsinki, Finland”

2007: The Washington Post Sunday book section featured a review of Freud: Inventor of the Modern Mind by Peter D. Kramer.

2007: The Sunday Times (of London) reported that “Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons. Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear “bunker-busters”, according to several Israeli military sources.

2007: Under the title “Operation Screwball” about 350 Jews staged a noisy protest  against Neturei Karta an anti-Israel religious group whose members - among them a Monsey rabbi - attended an Iranian conference that questioned the Holocaust.

2007: Two rabbis, two rabbinic pastors and one cantor were ordained by the Jewish Renewal Movement at the annual Ohalah convention in Boulder, Colorado.

2008: Sidney Blumenthal a former aide to President of the United States Bill Clinton and an advisor to Hillary Clinton during her Presidential campaign was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Nashua, New Hampshire. Later, he would plead guilty to a charge of misdemeanor DWI.

2008(29th of Shevat, 5768): Eighty-three year old Boris Lurie “who survived the Holocaust and then depicted its horrors while leading a confrontational movement called No! Art,” passed away today. (As reported by Colin Moynihan)

2008: In New York, The 92nd Street Y presents “Protection from Terrorism: What America Can Learn from Israel,” a lecture by Leonard Cole and Irwin Redlener, part of the Y’s Israel at 60 celebration.

2008: In Brooklyn tens of thousands of mourners turned out for the funeral of Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum the 87 year old head of the Mir Yehsiva who had passed away the day before. Berenbaum's body was to be flown to Israel for burial in Jerusalem.

2009: The Wall Street Journal reported that Cass Sunstein would be named to head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)

2009: At the Wise Auditorium on the campus of HebrewUniversity, The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance presents the latest in a series of concerts titled “The Titan,” that honors Ludwig van Beethoven with a series aptly titled, The Titan.

2009: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, members of TempleJudah meet to form an Israel Advocacy Task Force

2009(11th of Tevet, 5769): Eighty-eight year old Yaakov Bania, a commander with Lehi who served with the IDF during the War for Independence and later wrote Hayalim Almonim (Anonymous Soldiers) passed away today.

2009: Israel suspended fighting today for three hours to permit humanitarian relief goods to reach civilians living at Gaza while Hamas declared that the group would not talk about a cease fire so long as Israel continued its “occupation.”  In the Hamas lexicon, “occupation” is synonymous with the existence of the state of Israel.

2009: As the Madoff Scandal widens in scope, The New York Times reported that Sonja Kohn , leaving the firm she founded, Bank Medici, in the hands of Austrian regulators, who took it over last week. Embarrassment from investing heavily with Mr. Madoff could explain wanting to disappear from public view. But another theory widely repeated by those who know Mrs. Kohn is that she may be afraid of some particularly displeased investors: Russian oligarchs whose money made up a chunk of the $2.1 billion that Bank Medici invested with Mr. Madoff. It is a stunning reversal for the 60-year-old Mrs. Kohn. The daughter of Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe who moved to Vienna after World War II, Mrs. Kohn came to New York in the 1980s and was one of the rare women to found and head a small brokerage firm. At that time, she started a decades-long friendship with Mr. Madoff. Once known here as “Austria’s woman on Wall Street,” she became one of Mr. Madoff’s international conduits for securing billions of dollars from the global rich. With her husband, Erwin, a former banker, Mrs. Kohn was able to draw interest from wealthy Russians, Ukrainians and Israelis. And though she migrated from a more traditional Jewish background to ultra-Orthodox practice — which is why she covered her hair with the wig — Mrs. Kohn and her husband even managed to secure meetings with deep-pocketed Arab investors.“He was the door opener, she was the go-getter,” said the Viennese acquaintance of the Kohns who insisted on anonymity because of the publicity surrounding the Madoff case, both in Europe and the United States. “

2010 (21 Tevet, 5770): The Israeli Government marks today a National Hebrew Day in honor of the 152nd birthday of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew.

2010: At the 14th Street Y opening night of “Laba’s Guests." LABA is the National Laboratory for New Jewish Culture, an innovative arts and culture initiative of the 14th Street Y.

2010: At least 10 mortar shells fired from the Gaza Strip hit southern Israel.
2010: A breakthrough in the research of the Hebrew scriptures has shed new light on the period in which the Bible was written, testifying to Hebrew writing abilities as early as the 10th century BCE, the University of Haifa announced today. Prof. Gershon Galil of the Department of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa recently deciphered an inscription dating from the 10th century BCE, and showed that it was a Hebrew inscription, making it the earliest known Hebrew writing. The significance of this breakthrough relates to the fact that at least some of the biblical scriptures were composed hundreds of years before the dates presented today in research and that the Kingdom of Israel already existed at that time. The inscription itself, which was written in ink on a 15 cm X 16.5 cm trapezoid pottery shard, was discovered a year and a half ago at excavations that were carried out by Prof. Yosef Garfinkel at Khirbet Qeiyafa near the Elah valley. The inscription was dated back to the 10th century BCE, which was the period of King David's reign, but the question of the language used in this inscription remained unanswered, making it impossible to prove whether it was in fact Hebrew or another local language. Prof. Galil's deciphering of the ancient writing testifies to its being Hebrew, based on the use of verbs particular to the Hebrew language, and content specific to Hebrew culture and not adopted by any other cultures in the region. "This text is a social statement, relating to slaves, widows and orphans. It uses verbs that were characteristic of Hebrew, such as asah ("did") and avad ("worked"), which were rarely used in other regional languages. Particular words that appear in the text, such as almanah ("widow") are specific to Hebrew and are written differently in other local languages," Prof. Galil explained.

The deciphered text:

1' you shall not do [it], but worship the [Lord].

2' Judge the sla[ve] and the wid[ow] / Judge the orph[an]

3' [and] the stranger. [Pl]ead for the infant / plead for the po[or and]

4' the widow. Rehabilitate [the poor] at the hands of the king.

5' Protect the po[or and] the slave / [supp]ort the stranger.

Once this deciphering is received, Prof. Galil added, the inscription will become the earliest Hebrew inscription to be found, testifying to Hebrew writing abilities as early as the 10th century BCE. This stands opposed to the dating of the composition of the Bible in current research, which would not have recognized the possibility that the Bible or parts of it could have been written during this ancient period.

2011: Gold Medals are scheduled to be given to Israeli illustrators Asaf Hanuka and Koren Shadmi at The first of the three-part “Annual Exhibition: Illustrators 53,” the Sequential/Series and Uncommissioned Exhibit features works by leading contemporary illustrators worldwide.

2011: Rabbi Shira Stutman and musician Sheldon Low are scheduled to host 6th in The City Shabbat at the Historic 6th&I Synagogue in Washington, DC.

2011: The first Musical Shabbat of 2011 is scheduled to take place at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, IA.

2011(2nd of Sh’vat, 5771): Israel Defense Forces soldier Sgt. Nadav Rotenberg, 20, was killed today and four were wounded in a violent encounter with Palestinian militants near the border between Israel and Gaza.

2011: Israel’s departing intelligence chief said he believes Iran will not be able to build a nuclear weapon before 2015 at the earliest, Israeli news media reported today, in a revised and surprisingly upbeat assessment of Tehran’s nuclear capabilities.

2012 The National Laboratory for New Jewish Culture at the 14th Street Y is scheduled to present the premiere of the musical theater adaptation of the famous Israeli children's book "Hanna's Shabbat Dress," by Itzchak Damiel.

2012: The Impossible Spy is scheduled to be shown at Congregation Kerem Shalom in Concord, MA

2012: Shlomi Koriat is scheduled to perform at the Jerusalem Theatre where he will give a stand-up performance in which he tells about his childhood, his Moroccan family, coming to the big city, marriage, and more.

2012(12 of Tevet, 5772): Jews all over the world complete Bereshit– Chazak, Chazak,

2012: Approximately 200 protesters clashed with police in south Tel Aviv tonight during a protest against the municipality’s attempt dismantle a tent city for homeless families. until the end.”

2012: Israel said today the online publication of thousands of its citizens' credit card details by a hacker claiming to be Saudi was comparable to terrorism, and vowed to hit back.

2013: The Center for Jewish History with the Center for Traditional Music and Dance is scheduled to present: “A Vanishing Sound: Jewish Musical Resonance in Traditional Moldavian Dance--ca. 1800-1950”

2013: “The Great Book Robbery” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013(25th of Tevet, 5773): Eighty-eight year old poet and New York Times editor Harvey Shapiro passed away today (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2013(25th of Tevet, 5773):  Eighty-eight year old Holocaust survivor and Israeli historian Zvi Yavetz whose life you can read about in his autobiography My Czernowitz, passed away today.

2013(25th of Tevet, 5773): Pulitzer Prize winning architecture critic Ada Louise Huxtable passed away today at the age of 91. (As reported by David Dunlap)

2013: “Life in Stills” is scheduled to be shown at the Washington Film Festival under the auspices of the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington.

2013: December 2012 witnessed a 400% spike in the number of terrorist attacks in the West Bank and Jerusalem compared to August, according to statistics published by the Shin Bet security service today.

2013: As lights flickered and falling tree branches batted down power lines across the country today, Israelis continued to brace themselves for a week of torrential rains and thunderous winds.

2014: “License to Live” and “The Grandmaster” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.



This Day, January 8, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 8
1198: Start of the papacy of Innocent III who was responsible for the Fourth Lateran Council which produced an array of anti-Jewish promulgations.
1297: Monaco gains its independence when Francesco Grimaldi and his men captured the fortress protecting the Rock of Monaco. Monaco has been ruled by the House of Grimaldi.  Any Jews living in Monaco from the 14th century until the start of World War II were usually Ashkenazim fleeing from France.  An organized Jewish community was established in 1948.  Almost half of the Jewish community is made up of British Jews living in Monte Carlo.
1324: Venetian traveler Marco Polo, who visited China, then under the Yuan Dynasty, in the late 13th century and described the prominence of Jewish traders in Beijing, passed away.
1414: The Disputation of Tortosa, one of the famous disputations between Jews and Christians of the Middle Ages, which was held in the city of Tortosa, Spain resumed.
1455: Nicholas V issued a “Romanus Pontifex,” a Papal Bull that expressed the Church’s approval of Portugal’s seizure of lands in the New World and Asia.  This was part of an attempt to divide the newly discovered lands between Catholic monarchs and freeze out the Protestant nations.  Fortunately for the Jews, the Church’s bull was not worth the paper it was written on since the Protestant nations such as the Dutch and the English would provide a place where Jews could practice their religion and engage in commerce.
1575:  Many Marranos were among the victims of the Auto de Fe at Seville.
1598: Expulsion of the Jews from Genoa, Italy.
1790:In France, the Deputies excluded the rights of Jews when considering the rules governing the election of municipal officers
1806: Cape Colony became a British colony as the Union Jack replaced Dutch rule.  Dutch Jews had been living in the colony since 1652.  In 1804, they had finally gained freedom of religion thanks to a proclamation issued by the Dutch commissioner-general Jacob Abraham de Mist that instituted religious equality for all persons (including the Jews) without any regard to creed.  One of the first acts of the British was to repeal this proclamation.  While a new wave of Jews began arriving in the 1820’s, the first synagogue was not formed until 1841 with the establishment of the Gardens Shul in Cape Town.
1815: American forces under General Andrew Jackson defeat the British at the Battle of New Orleans.  The pirate leader, Jean Lafitte provided a large number of soldiers and several cannon that were critical to Jackson’s success.  According to some sources, Lafitte’s mother was a Sephardic Jew whose family had fled the Inquisition.  He was raised in a home that observed Kashrut and his first wife was Jewish.  Like so many other things about Lafitte, we cannot be sure where fact ends and legend begins.  There is no question about the Jewish identity of another fighter at the Battle of New Orleans.  Judah Touro, of the famed New England Turo family had moved to New Orleansand become a prominent member of the community.  He volunteered and fought with Jackson’s forces.  He was severely wounded and taken from the battlefield by Rezin Shepherd, a close friend and fellow merchant.  Touro walked with a limp as a result of the wounds sustained in the battle.  Touro Infirmary (hospital) and Touro Synagogue provide modern reminders of this businessman-philanthropist who answered the call to defend the United States in one of its darkest moments.
1830: The Ohio General Assembly granted Congregation B’Nai Israel in Cincinnati a charter whereby it was incorporated under the laws of the state.
1849: Following the failure of the Revolution of 1848, Prague native Isidor Bush arrived in New York City where he briefly published Israel’s Herald before moving to St. Louis where he found fame and fortune.
1851: In Cayuga County, New York, a jury is to be impaneled in the case of People vs. John Baham, Jr.  Baham and his brothers were charged in the vicious murder of Nathan Adler, a Jewish peddler from Syracuse.
1852: Jacob Lehman, the son of a Jewish peddler living in Philadelphia is seen for the last time.  His disappearance will eventually lead to a gruesome murder case.
1855: The sixth anniversary of the German Hebrew Mutual Aid and Benevolent Society was celebrated this evening in Pythagoras Hall on Walker Street in New York City.  The dinner, which began at 7 pm, was attended by two hundred members of the society and their guests.  Before the meal began, a Hebrew hymn was chanted in memory of the members of the society who had passed away.  Among the speakers for the evening were Rabbis Raphael and Isaacs. The guests gave a “liberal contribution” to the poor before departing from the event.
1856:The New York Times published a summary of The Jew: A Story of the South by the same author who wrote Leaves From The Journal of a Physician's Wife
1862: Rabbi Arnold Fischel enclosed a copy of the bill that has been approved which will allow Rabbis to serve as Chaplains in the Union Army in a letter he sent to his supporters in New York.  In the letter, Fischel thanked them for their financial support.  He assured them that the money had been put to good use in getting the Congressional Committee to approve the change in the law.  He also reported that a letter had been published in the Washington newspapers from Reform Rabbis, including Wise, Einhorn and Adler claiming that Fishcel did not have the authority to act for the Jewish community. 
1865(10th of Tevet, 5625): As the American Civil War enters its final years, Jews observed Asara B’Tevet.
1870: Dr. Ellinger, editor of the Jewish Times addressed the Longfellow Literary Association at the YMCA in New York City on the outcome of the Rabbinic Conference which was held in Philadelphia, PA.  Ellinger provided an analysis of the religious reforms proposed by the Jewish leaders.
1871: “The Jews In America” published today points out that “few outside of the Jewish fold have any precise knowledge of “the difference between Orthodox and Reform Jews and then proceeds to described the differences “between the rigid orthodox Jew who repeats a hundred benedictions daily…and the radical reformed Jew…who believes there is nothing supernatural about the Bible but regards it merely as a book written by mortal hands.
1871: Vice President Samuel A. Lewis, chaired today’s annual meeting of the members of Mount Sinai Hospital. The meeting was informal since only fifty members were in attendance the by-laws require 75 for a quorum.  Emanuel B. Hart has replaced Benjamin Nathan as President, Nathan having passed away. The hospital, which treats Jewish and Gentile patients, treated 1,787 out-patients during the past year.  The hospital admitted 677 patients during the year or whom 609 were designed at “cured or relieved.”
1871: The Hebrew Relief Association which was incorporated in 1831 held its annual meeting this morning at the 19th Street Synagogue in New York City.  Officers include, President Hendry S. Allen, Vice President A.R.B. Moses and Treasurer E.B. Hart. During this past year, the association distributed $2,500 among the city’s less fortunate Jewish population.
1875: The Downtown Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society met this evening and elected a slate of officers.
1878: It was reported today that the Young Men’s Hebrew Union has elected the following officers: President, A. Ottinger; Vice President, William Rothschild; Secretaries, Alfred Steckler and Lewis Heyman; Treasurer, Henry Bausch.
1888: Judge Nathaniel Rollins, who represented Jacob Schloss in his suit aimed to protect his “placer patent” from the federal government, relished the victory he had scored for his Jewish clients from Leadville, Colorado.
1882: “Anti-Juif” an anti-Semitic weekly first published at Paris in 1881 is published for the fourth and final time today.  (There will be several other publications that will appear using this name.)
1890: Rabbi H. Pereira Mendes of Congregation Shearith Israel presided over the funeral services for Judge Philip J. Joachimsen, which were held at his home on 54th Street followed by internment at Cypress Guardians
1892: It was reported today that Madame Olga Novikoff claims that in an effort to downplay the seriousness of the famine in Russia, the Czar is willing to accept private donations, but no government money.  She reports that money has been sent from England “to aid the distressed Jews.”  (This famine was but one more reasons that so many Jews were arriving in the U.S. and the U.K.
1892; It was reported today that stepsons of the late Bernhard Blumenberg are contesting the will which leave half of his estate to his widow Anna Blumenberg.  They claim that she could not have been their father’s wife since she had married Loeb Sigel who was still alive. She claims that they had been divorced.
1893: Thirteen year old David Koblenzer delivered an address today in which he recounted the history of the Boys’ Yorkville Charity Society, a philanthropic organization begun Jewish youngsters in June of 1891.
1893: Hyman Blum presided over the annual meeting of the Mount Sinai Hospital Society in New York City.
1893: It was announced today that in September Princeton University will offer a $75.00 prize to the incoming junior who had the highest score on the Hebrew Examination. (They may not have liked the Jews, but they loved their language)
1894(1st of Shevat, 5654): Rosh Chodesh Shevat
1894: Funeral services for Adolph L. Sanger, the President of the New York City Board of Education, will take place today at Temple Emanu-El
1894: As the economic downturn in the United States continue to worsen the offices of the United Hebrew Charities on Second Avenue were so crowded that the clerks had to work “briskly” to deal with all of the requests for aid.
1894: In an attempt to help those suffering as a result of the “Depression of 1893” Nathan Straus will begin selling coal at 25 per cent less than before.  This means that 25 pounds can be bought for a nickel and 100 pounds can be bought for 20 cents. Straus had already started selling fresh bake bread at reduced prices “at his sterilized milk depot.”
1895: Establishment of the first "Israel Gymnastic Club" in Constantinople (Kushta), Turkey
1895: During a strike by 200 cloakmakers in New York City, the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor withdrew its offer to give $10,000 to the United Hebrew Charities. The money was going to be used “pay” the strikers for their work as street-cleaners.
1895: It was reported today that members of the Union League are not bothered by the fact that their last Jewish members has resigned.  Proving that they are snobs, as well as anti-Semites members of the league are opposed to admitting Henry Fricke, a partner of the powerful Andrew Carnegie, because he lives in Pittsburgh.
1896: It was reported today that Rabbi Gottheil was one of several clergyman who responded favorably to the creation of the United Charities, an umbrella, inter-denominational organization meant to help the city’s destitute.
1896: Among those who were reported today to have thanked President Theodore Roosevelt of the Police Board for services rendered was Isidor Struass who sent a letter to TR “thanking the board for” providing a special detail during the recent Charity Fair at Madison Square Garden.
1896: It was reported today that rising shops belong to Dutch, German and Jewish merchants have been destroyed as a result of rising anti-German feeling among those living in London’s east end.
1898: It was reported today that among those serving as directors of the newly created Brooklyn Hebrew Hospital Society are Morris Kotlowitz, Frank Baratt, Dora Kotlowitz and Annie Levy.
1897: It was reported today that the Educational Alliance received over $25,000 in contributions last year but spent more than $52,000.  The deficit was covered by proceeds from a charity fair.  According to Isidor  Strauss, the President of the Alliance, Jewish people play a dominate role in managing the organization but it is strictly non-sectarian when it comes to providing services.
1898: It was reported today that Solomon Loeber has purchased a lot on the corner of Second Avenue and 21st Street from the estate of Dr. Aaron wise on which he plans to build a seven story office building which he will give to the United Hebrew Charities as a headquarters.
1898: Graduation exercises were held this evening at the Baron de Hirsch Trades Circles on East 9th Street.
1898: Miss Julia Richman presided over the monthly meeting of the Jewish Religious School Union which was held at Temple Beth-El in Manhattan.  The main topic for discussion was providing the proper incentives for students.  Miss Richman expressed her opposition to artificial incentives except as expedients.  She feels that natural incentives are the key to educational success and that the use of artificial incentives will lead to the ruin of the character of a majority of the students.
1899: President James H. Hoffman addressed the annual meeting of the “patrons and members of the Hebrew Technical Institute”
1899: Five hundred people attended an evening of entertainment sponsored by the Young Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s League of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.  One hundred new members joined the league which provides financial support for the charity.
1900: In Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia, to George Francis Baillieu and Agnes Sheehan gave birth to Margery Merlyn Bailliu who became Merlyn Myer when she married Sidney Myer (Simcha Baevski) the penniless Russian Jew who found the Myer retail company.
1906: A meeting was held in the board-room of the Hampstead Synagogue for the purpose of inaugurating a North-West London branch of the Jewish Territorial Organization (ITO). Mr. Lucien Wolf presided. Mr. Wolf said the formation of this branch of the I.T.O. was a gratifying illustration of the way in which the movement was progressing among the Jewish community. He did not pretend that territorialism would be a panacea for all the ills Jewry was heir to, the essence of which was the position of the Jews in Russia. During the 20 years past attempts to solve the problem in Russia had been pursued by means of representations and petitions, but no step had been made towards emancipation. Meanwhile, emigration schemes had no perceptible effect in Russia and did very little to improve the social conditions of Jews, who through the operations of laws, formed new ghettos in the towns to which they were transferred and entering congested labor markets created an impression of numbers greater than they were and stimulated prejudice and Anti-Semitism. Then the late Baron de Hirsch conceived the idea of substituting colonization for emigration. Baron de Hirsch’s idea was to found colonies in new countries free from ghettos and Anti-Semitism, but his scheme had not the success hoped for. It attempted to work from above and did not enlist the enthusiasm or the sympathy of the people for whom it worked. Dr Herzl proposed territorialism and afterwards adopted Zionism as the only means of enlisting the almost fanatical enthusiasm of the Russian Jews. Zionism in turn failed and the I.T.O. came forward with the natural development of Dr Herzl’s scheme. The advantage was that they could begin at once upon territory wherever they could get it, and they had the opportunity of obtaining it in the British Empire. It is of great importance to get to work at once. Within the last few days the great Revolution in Russia had been crushed, and the emancipation of Russian Jews was more remote than ever. He felt bound to pay tribute to the gallantry and heroism with which their brothers and sisters in Russia had acquitted themselves in the heroic struggle of the last few months. (Hear, hear). [Ed. Note - In 1905 the question of a future Jewish state in Palestine split the Zionist movement. The breakaway Jewish Territorial Organization (known as the ITO) sought any land that was available within the British Empire as homeland for the Jewish people. The rest of the Zionist movement clung to the idea that Palestine was the only place for a Jewish homeland. . After the British Government, and then the League of Nations, declared support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the organization lost its appeal and by 1925 had disbanded.]
1912:The Chicago Section adopted resolution to withdraw from Council of Jewish Women.
1914(10th of Tevet, 5674): Asara B'Tevet
1916: During World War I, Allied forces withdrew from Gallipoli marking the end of this ill-fated attempt to break the stalemate on the Western Front by forcing their way through the Dardanellesand up the Balkans.  Among the forces withdrawn were the Zion Mule Corps, a Jewish military unit that was part of the British Army.  The Zion Mule Corps was the first Jewish unit to take action since the end of the SecondCommonwealth.  The Mule Corps was intended to be a supply unit.  However, the Mule Corps earned the respect of British army officers because they had to carry supplies to the front line under constant bombardment by Turkish forces.  The Zion Mule Corps was one of the progenitors of the modern I.D.F.
1919: In Hungary, Bela Kuhn, a communist dictator, was disposed of with the help of Rumania and Admiral Nicholas Horthy. Since Kuhn was a Jew, all the Jews were accused of being communists. During the "White Terror" that followed, an estimated five thousand Jews were killed.
1923: Birthdate of Joseph Wiezenbaum, a pioneer in the study of artificial intelligence.

1923: Birthdate of comedian Larry Storch.
1926: In Franklinton, NC, Irving and Sadie Supman gave birth to Milton Supman who gained fame as comedian Soupy Sales
1926: Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud becomes the King of Hejaz and renames it Saudi Arabia.  The Saudis had been competing with the Hashemites for control over the holy places in Arabia.  With the ascendancy of the Saudis, the British were forced to find a “home’ for the Hashemites.  The Hashemite got two homes.  One son got the throne of the British invention known as Iraq.  The other Hashemite son got the throne of that other British invention, the Kingdom of Trans-Jordan later the Kingdom of Jordan.  Trans-Jordan was carved out of the British Mandate which was supposed to be part of the Jewish home under the terms of the Balfour Declaration.  This explains why some people think that the Arabs already have their state.  It is called Jordanand that is the proper PalestinianState.
1926: Birthdate of Evelyn Shulman, the granddaughter of Cantor Savel Kwartin and the daughter of opera singer Nine Shulman, who gained fame as “Evelyn Lear, an American soprano who became a star in Europe in the 1950s and who later won acclaim in the United States for singing some of the most difficult roles in contemporary opera…” (As reported by Margalit Fox)
1929: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that Meir Dizengoff has been chosen to serve as Mayor of Tel Aviv.  Dizengoff was one of the founders of the city and has previously held the position of Mayor.
1932: In Austria, celebration of the 150th anniversary of the promulgation of the Toleration Decree of 1781 issued by Emperor Josef II under which the Jews of Austria were accorded civil and political equality.
1932: In Brooklyn, NY, Pauline and Dr. Jacob Rosenblum gave birth to Morton Edgar Rosenblum who gained fame as “M. Edgar Rosenblum, an arts executive who helped steer the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven to prominence in the American theater landscape, developing work that traveled to Broadway and elsewhere and that won Pulitzer Prizes and Tony Awards along the way…” (As reported by Bruce Weber)
1933(10th of Tevet, 5693): Asara B'Tevet
1933: Birthdate of Warren Kenton, the London native who gained famed as Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, a leading teacher of Kabbalah who founded the Kabbalah Society which promotes the Toledano Tradition.
1934(21st of Tevet, 5694):Serge Alexandre Stavisky passed away. Born in 1886 in the Ukraine, he was a French financier and embezzler whose actions created a political scandal that became known as the Stavisky Affair. In 1927, Stavisky was put on trial for fraud. However, the trial was postponed again and again and he was granted bail 19 times. Faced with exposure in December 1933, Stavisky fled. Today the police found him in a Chamonix chalet suffering from a gunshot wound.  Officially Stavisky committed suicide but there was a persistent speculation that police killed him. Alexandre Stavisky was buried in the Père Lachaise cemetery.
1937: Eugene Wigner,the JewishHungarian American theoretical physicist and mathematician became a naturalized United States citizen.
1939: In an article entitled “Solution of Problem Must Be based on Present, Not Past,” Anne O’Hare McCormick writes that the one thing that is clear “is that it is impossible to go back twenty years to solve the present problem under the terms of the Balfour Declaration or the promises made to Sharif Hussein in the McMahon correspondence.”  Among the changed realities are “the 400,000 Jews now settled” in Palestine and their “push and energy” which “are transforming the country at an astounding rate.” She goes on to describe the modernizing impact the Zionists have had on Jerusalem, the growth of Tel Aviv which “is one of the most extraordinary boom towns on earth.”  Finally she cites the creation of the port at Tel Aviv by a “people without experience in seafaring or maritime commerce” when the Arab uprising deprived the use of the port a Jaffa.  The Arab response has been one of resistance.  Ironically, long time residents of Palestine “find not only Palestine but also the Palestinians altered in the last five years (the period of greatest Jewish influx) than in the preceding century.” She concludes that the “Arab guerilla war is not independence” but for a halt to Jewish immigration even if this can only be accomplished with a prolongation of British rule.”
1940: The body of State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthaler, who passed away yesterday, lay in state today at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.
1943: “The Thin Man,” produced by Himan Brown, returns to the airways sponsored this time by General Foods
1943: Birthdate of Judy Rosenstein (nee Levin), truly an Ashit Chayil, “A Woman of Valor.” A devoted wife, loving mother, doting grandmother, faithful friend as well as daughter and sister extraordinaire, Judy is a gift to all who are fortunate enough to be part of her life.  “And her children called her ‘Blessed’.” 
1949: On the day following RAF intervention in the fighting between Israel and Egypt in which several British planes were shot down “British pilots were issued a directive to regard any Israeli aircraft infiltrating Egyptian or Jordanian airspace as hostile and to shoot them down, but were also ordered to avoid activity close to Israel's borders.”
1953: When Prime Minister Churchill and President Truman dined at the British Embassy, Churchill impressed Truman with his vocal support of Israel and his criticism of Egypt for closing the Suez Canal to ships bound for Israel.

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported that with the last piece of rock blasted away the new 88-km. Beersheba-Sdom road was opened. The road was expected to revitalize the Potash Works which had been inactive since the road north of the Dead Sea was cut during the 1948 war. Despite Israeli protests, Washington announced that it had no objections to the British plans to sell jet planes to the Arab states.

1953: Leo Lerman, the Jewish editor and writer for such glossy fashion magazines as Vogue, Mademoiselle and Vanity Fairhelped discover a new European singing sensation at the Le Fenice opera house in Venice by the of name Maria Callas.

1953: René Mayer becomes Prime Minister of France.

1959(28th of Tevet, 5719): New York State Supreme Court Justice Albert C. Cohn passed away.  Unfortunately, for Judge Cohn, despite a distinguished career, he will be best remembered as the father of Roy Cohn

1971: Today’s Bulletin described the annual meeting of Congregation Shaar Hasyomyim of Montreal where Dr. Charles Solomon, the President of the Congregation described the shaky financial situation followed by the approval by the Board of Trustees of a special assessment to be paid by each member which would raise $350,000 to be applied against the structural indebtedness

1975(25th of Tevet, 5735): Richard Tucker passed away at the age of 61.  Born Reuben Ticker, he gained fame as a Cantor and as an operatic tenor.

1978(29th of Tevet, 5738):Rose Luria Halprin one of the foremost American Zionist leaders of the twentieth century who served twice as the national president of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, held key posts within the Jewish Agency at critical periods in the history of the Yishuv and the subsequent State of Israel passed away today.
1978: The Jerusalem Postreported from Washington the announcement made by US President Jimmy Carter that he was still opposed to the creation of an independent Palestinian state, as it could be used as a base for subversion against Israel.
1978: Isaiah Sheffer “wrote down his idea for a place he had decided to call Symphony Space, in part because that was the name of the theater and in part because its first event was a symphony concert. After tens of millions of dollars raised and a decade of litigation, it became a complex of two theaters with a cafe, offices and a board directors.” (As reported by Douglas Martin)
1980:Park East Synagogue designated as a New York City Landmark. The structure was built on New York’s Upper East Side in the last decade of the 19thcentury for a congregation led by Rabbi Bernard Drachman.
1982:As part of the breakup of AT&T, AT&T agreed to divest itself of twenty-two subdivisions. Judge Harold Greene, a Jew who fled Hitler’s German with his parents, presided over United States v. AT&T, the antitrust suit that broke up the AT&T vertical market monopoly on the telecommunications industry in the United States.
1982: Birthdate of actress Gabby Hoffmann.
1984 (4th of Shevat, 5744):In Netivot (southern Israel), Reb Yisroel Abuchatzeira, the Baba Sali passed away.  Rabbi Israel Abuchatzera known as "Baba Sali," was born in Tafillalt, Morocco in 1890, to the illustrious Abuchatzera family. From a young age he was renowned as a sage, miracle maker and master Kabbalist. In 1964 he moved to the Holy Land, eventually settling in the southern development town he made famous, Netivot. His graveside in Netivot will become a holy site visited by thousands annually.
1986, New York City teachers elected long-time teacher advocate Sandra Feldman president of the city's United Federation of Teachers (UFT). “
1991(22nd of Tevet, 5751):Harold J. Mason, a seller of rare books and a publishing company executive passed away today at the age of 64.Dr. Mason, a native of Brooklyn, held bachelor's and master's degrees from Emory University and a doctorate in library science form Columbia. He was with the Kraus Reprint Company before co-founding the Greenwood Press in Westport, Conn., in 1966. In 1973 he established a company in his own name in Norwalk, Conn., selling antiquarian journals and magazines. He is survived by his wife, the fomer Selma Werner; two daughters, Lori Reisman of Ventura and Dione Katz of Tel Aviv; a brother, Robert, of Washington and three grandchildren.
1991: Israel deported four Palestinians to Lebanon today, less than 24 hours after they had dropped their final legal appeals. The four, suspected of being leaders of an Islamic fundamentalist group in the Gaza Strip, were flown handcuffed and blindfolded to southern Lebanon, dropped off at the edge of Israel's self-declared security zone and then ordered to march north toward a Lebanese Army checkpoint. There they offered angry, threatening statements to waiting Lebanese journalists and then made their way to Beirut.
1992: Israel and China are expected to establish diplomatic relations for the first time during a trip by Foreign Minister David Levy to Beijing toward the end of the month, senior officials here said today. Although Israel was quick to recognize the People's Republic of China after the Communist revolution in 1949, the countries never developed diplomatic relations. But they have long had trade, scientific and other contacts that include arms sales by Israel to China that are said to total several billion dollars.
2000(1stof Shevat, 5760): Rosh Chodesh Shevat
2001: Jack Abramoff left Preston Gates to join the Government Relations division of the Washington, D.C. law firm Greenberg Traurig. “With the move to Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff took as much as $6 million worth of client business from his old firm, including the Marianas Islands account. At Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff recruited a team of lobbyists known familiarly as "Team Abramoff". The team included many of his former employees from Preston Gates and former senior staffers of members of Congress.”
2003:Today, Israeli forces killed a gunman in the Golan Heights, Israel Radio reported. The Israeli military said the man was killed and another was captured during a clash with armed men who were crossing into Israeli-controlled territory near the Syrian and Jordanian borders.
2006: Pulitzer Prize-winner Ron Suskind, author of The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House and the Education of Paul O'Neill, was the special guest speaker at the United Jewish Community of Broward County's annual Major Gifts Event in Fort Lauderdale.
2006: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster, The Reason I Wont Be Coming: Stories by Eliot Perlman,Busting Vega$: The MIT Whiz Kid Who Brought the Casinos to Their Knees by Ben Mezrich and newly released paperback editions of Seven Types of Ambiguity by Ellot Perlman, The Speakeasies of 1932 and Hirschfeld's Harlem by Al Hirschfeld, Pragmatism, and Democracy by Richard A. Posner and  Amos Oz’s Tale of Love and Darkness a “richly layered memoir that chronicles the life of one of Israel's most acclaimed novelists. Tracing his ancestors back to 19th-century Ukraine, Oz weaves his family's history into the broader story of World War II, the rise of the Israeli state and the death of the socialist-Zionist dream. Oz returns often to his mother's suicide in 1952, when he was 12: the wound shapes his self discovery and the story of how he became a writer.”

2007: New York magazine, published an article entitled “Mall Menorah Smackdown” which told the tale about “dueling rabbis struggling over who gets to spread the faith to newcomers in the gentrifying area around Atlantic Yards.” “A turf war has erupted between two Lubavitch rabbis claiming dibs on the rapidly gentrifying brownstone neighborhoods that surround it. In one corner is Rabbi Ari Kirschenbaum, who showed up in ProspectHeightsthree years ago to revive a decrepit Orthodox synagogue in the neighborhood, and recently opened what he has dubbed the Brooklyn Jewish Community Center in a donated space over a former laundromat. His rival is Rabbi Tali Frankel, who is backed by his wife’s powerful uncle, Rabbi Shimon Hecht of Park Slope.”

2008: “A scaled down London revival” of the Jerry Herman musica., “La Cage aux Folles, opened at the Menier Chocolate, in London.

2008(1st of Shevat, 5768):.  According to tradition 1 Shevat, 2488 marked the start of Moshe’s dissertations that compose the Devarim (Book of Deuteronomy). 

2008(1st of Shevat, 5768): Lieutenant General Moshe Levy, the 12th Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) passed away.  Born in Tel Aviv in 1936, he was person of Misrahi origin to serve as Chief of Staff. 

2009: As part of the Spiritual Journeys series, at the 92nd Street Y Rabbi Joyce Reinitz, the spiritual leader of the Society of Jewish Science in Manhattan and psychotherapist facilitates a noon time presentation styled  “Feminine Reflections on the Rhythms of Our Lives: Tevet—Illuminating the Miraculous.”

2009 (12th of Tevet, 5769):Two IDF officers and a soldier were killed today as the IDF penetrated deeper into urban centers in the northern Gaza Strip. Maj. Ro'i Rosner of the Kfir Brigade's Haruv Battalion was killed and another soldier was lightly wounded, when a Hamas man fired an anti-tank missile at them as they conducted searches near the Kissufim crossing into the Strip.Capt. Omer Rabinovitch, 23, of Arad, was killed in the close-quarter firefights in Zeitoun. Sgt. Amit Robinson, 21, a tank crewman from Kibbutz Magal, south of Baka al-Gharbiya, was killed by a sniper, also in northern Gaza. His parents made aliya from Argentina.

2009:Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired a barrage of at least 30 rockets at southern Israel today, just hours after the United Nations passed a resolution calling for an immediate truce between Israel and Hamas.

2009:Three Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon struck Nahariya, one of which slammed into a retirement home. Two people were lightly wounded.

2009: The comrades of Private David Sher, the 8thAustralian soldier killed in Afghanistan while fighting the Taliban, hung a Star of David above his casket as it was prepared to be sent to Melbourne for burial.

2010: Brit of Nathan Zachary Silber son of David and Rebecca Silber and grandson of Dr. Robert “Bob” and Laurie Silber, pillars of the Cedar Rapids Jewish community and all around great guys.

2010: An exhibition is scheduled to open at Ben Uri Gallery: The London Jewish Museum of Art that includes “Apocalypse,” the “a previously unknown 1945 gouache by Mac Chagall.”  Painted in New York, “Apocalypse shows a naked Christ screaming a Nazi storm trooper below the cross who has a backwards swastika on his arm, a Hitler-like mustache and serpentine tail.”  This is one more example of Chagall using “an image of a crucified Jesus…as a metaphor for persecuted Jewry

2010:Israel has taken the upper hand in a new kind of Mideast conflict, one in which bullets are replaced by chickpeas. Using a satellite dish on loan from a nearby broadcast station, chefs in Abu Ghosh today whipped up more than 4,000 kg. of humous, adding a Guinness world record to the Arab town's reputation for hospitality and harmony.
2011: The 10th Red Sea Classical Festival in Eilat comes to a close.

2011:Nadav Kohen is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah at Agudas Achim in Iowa City, IA.

2011:Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum who “fears that without pluralism, Israel will become ‘a state alienated from itself’” is scheduled to give two talks at Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex, Caldwell, NJ, entitled “Israeli Female Rabbis and the Challenges of 5771” and “Feminine Voices: Halacha and The Public Square.”

2011:Representative Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords, Arizona’s first Jewish congresswoman,was in critical condition after being shot in the head. “Giffords was outside one of her signature "Congress at your corner" events outside a Safeway in Tucson, the district she represented, when a gunman approached and shot her in the head. The gunman, identified by media as Jared Lee Loughner, shot 17 people, killing six of them, including a 9-year old boy and a federal judge, John Roll. The gunman was tackled and arrested. Doctors said Giffords was expected to survive, although it was not yet known what her condition would be. Giffords was elected to Congress in the Democratic sweep in 2006. The first Jewish woman elected to Congress from the state, she made her Jewish identity part of her campaign. “If you want something done, your best bet is to ask a Jewish woman to do it,” said Giffords, a former state senator, said at the time. “Jewish women — by our tradition and by the way we were raised — have an ability to cut through all the reasons why something should, shouldn’t or can’t be done and pull people together to be successful.” Giffords, 40, was raised "mixed" by a Christian Scientist mother and Jewish father, but said that after a visit to Israel in 2001, she had decided she was Jewish only. She attended services at a local Reform synagogue. Giffords fought a hard election this year, against the national anti-incumbent, anti-Democratic mood. She tacked to the right of her party on immigration, saying border security was of primary consideration. The election was called in her favor weeks after the vote. Giffords' office had been vandalized in March, after she voted for health care reform. Friends said she had received threats for her positions on health care and for opposing her state's new law allowing police to arrest undocumented immigrants during routine stops. According to preliminary reports, 18 people were shot and six people are dead including a senior federal judge and a nine year old child.  So far, no mention has been in the national media of the fact that Giffords is Jewish and no attempt has been made to link her religious beliefs or support of Israel to the deadly assault.

2011(3rd of Shevat, 5711):Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, was killed in the mass shooting at Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's Congress on the Corner event. Zimmerman, a former social worker, was Giffords's director of community outreach and the organizer of the meet-and-greet event.Zimmerman was Giffords's point of contact for constituents in the district. It was a great fit: Zimmerman had a degree in social work, natural empathy and an extroverted personality, those who knew him said. Zimmerman was a Tucson native. He had worked for Giffords since her first campaign in 2006. He was engaged to marry a nurse and was an avid runner, friends said. Zimmerman had worked with Giffords since her first congressional race in 2006, the Arizona Daily Star reports, and his friends described him as having a natural talent at working with other people. Gabe Zimmerman in 2009 (Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans)He received a bachelor's degree in sociology from the University of California at Santa Cruz and a master's in social work from Arizona State University. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his father, Ross Zimmerman, step-mother Pam Golden, brother Ben Zimmerman, and fiancée Kelly O'Brien.

2011:Today four mortar shells fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza landed in a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, wounding three foreign agricultural workers – one of them seriously. The armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the al-Quds Brigades, took responsibility for mortar fire that injured three agricultural workers. In a statement on its website, the group said that "it is the resistance's right to act against any Zionist aggression against our people."

2011(3rd of Shevat, 5771): Eighty-two year old “Alexis Weissenberg, a charismatic Bulgarian-born pianist known for his thundering aggressiveness and rational detachment at the keyboard, and for his unapologetic defense of those traits in interviews” passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012: “Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg is scheduled to be shown at the Salisbury Film Festival at Salisbury University in Salisbury, MD.

2012: “Jewish Soldiers in Blue and Gray” is scheduled to be shown at the Mobile Jewish Film Festival in Mobile, Alabama.

2012: A display of Chanukah menorahs designed by Bronx-based silversmith Bernard Bernstein which has been part of the New York Historical Society’s Chanukah celebration is scheduled to come to an end.

2012: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Breakdown” by Sara Paretsky, “Henrich Himmler” by Peter Longerich, “Hitler’s Hangman: The Life of Heydrich” by Robert Gerwarth, “A More Perfect Heavan: How Copernicus Revolutionized the Cosmos” by Dava Sobel and “Kayak Morning: Reflections on Love, Grief and Small Boats” by Roger Rosenblatt.

2012:IDF soldiers captured close to a dozen pipe bombs at the Salem Crossing near Jenin in the northern West Bank today, thwarting what appears to have been a major terrorist attack, possibly against a nearby military court. Four Palestinians were arrested at the crossing and were found to be in possession of 11 pipe bombs, a homemade pistol and a commando knife.

2012: The Jerusalem District Court today indicted five right-wing activists suspected of involvement in the so-called 'price tag' attack on the IDF's Ephraim Division military base last month. Jerusalem district prosecutors accused the suspects of collecting important military intelligence, conspiracy to riot, entering a closed military zone and direct involvement in the attack on the Ephraim Brigade base. The five suspects were named as Akiva Pinchas Hacohen, 27, from Yitzhar, Elad Meir, 36, from Machrasha, Ephraim Moshe Chaykin, 18, from Jerusalem, Meir Etinger, 18, from Jerusalem and David Tzvi Eliyahu, 17, from Jerusalem. They were arrested in Jerusalem's Kiryat Moshe neighborhood approximately three weeks ago.
2013:Seth Chernoff is scheduled to have a discussion and signing of his new book Manual For Living: Connection, A User’s guide to the Meaning of Life at American Jewish University in Los Angeles.

2013: Three shorts – Reality Check, Martha Must Fly and Shalom – are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Seventieth anniversary of the birth of Judy Levin Rosenstein זיכרונה לברכה

2013: The Associated Press reported today that "the consensus now among some U.S. officials involved in the case is that despite years of denials, Iran's intelligence service was almost certainly behind the 54-second video and five photographs of Robert Levinson that were emailed anonymously to his family.

2013: Rabbis from the Rabbis for Human Rights-North America board are scheduled to deliver a copy of a letter,expressing concerns about settlement expansion in the E-1 Corridor to the Israeli Embassy in Washington today.  The letter contains the signatures of 720 Rabbis and rabbinical students.

2013: "Traffic resumed in both directions of Tel Aviv’s main highway, the Ayalon freeway, this afternoon, hours after the road was closed along with other major arteries due to heavy rains that caused waters to rise near road-level."

2013:"The Israeli Navy was sent into the coastal city of Hadera late tonight to help rescue residents stranded by massive flooding."

2014: Professor Steven Kennedy is scheduled to deliver a second lecture on “Leonard Bernstein: From Jewish Roots To Broadway” which looks at the legacy of the multi-talented musician whose Jewish identity was such that he conducted the symphony in Tel Aviv while Israel was fighting for its independence.

2014: “Wild West Hebron” and “Pulse” are scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

This Day, January 9, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 9

681: Erwig, the Visigoth King of what is now Spain convened the 12thCouncil of Toledo which would enact a variety of measures detrimental to the Jews living in Iberia.

1180:  Philip Augustus (the new king of France) arrested large numbers of Jews while his father, Louis VII, who tried to protect the Jews (though not always successfully) was still alive. All the Jews found in synagogue on the Sabbath were arrested. Philip agreed to free them for 15,000 silver marks.

1324:  Explorer Marco Polo passed away. Marco Polo told of meeting Chinese Jews in his 1286 journey to China

1349: On an island in the RhineRiver, seven hundred Jews of BaselSwitzerland were burned alive in houses especially constructed for that purpose. Their children were spared from the burning but were forcibly baptized instead. The first Swiss persecution of the Jews took place in Bern, where the Jewish community was accused of having murdered a Christian boy named Rudolf (Ruff). They were expelled from Bern but then allowed to return shortly after.

1554: Birthdate of Pope Gregory XV.Gregory strongly supported the censorship of Hebrew books by the Catholic Church. During his papacy, the Roman Inquisition appointed three different men to serve as “expurgators of Hebrew books.

1570: The Inquisition was established in Peru.

1779: During the American Revolution, Lewis Bush, a Jewish Philadelphian, became a 1st Lieutenant of the 6thPennsylvania Battalion.

1788: Connecticutbecame the fifth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Jews have been a part of Connecticut since colonial times.  The Pinto family was one of the most prominent during the Revolutionary War.  Solomon Pinto was one of four brothers who fought in the war. The wounded veteran was one of the original members of the Society of the Cincinnati, a Revolutionary War veterans’ organization.  Today Jews make up about 3 per cent of the state’s population and is home to the Hebrew High School of New England. Many people know the name of Joe Lieberman, the first Jew to run for Vice President on the ticket of a major national party.  To an earlier generation, the name Abe Ribbicoff was of equal importance.  At a time when Jewish national political leaders were still rare, Ribbicoff was by turn, governor, Senator and Secretary of H.E.W. under John Kennedy.

1810 (4th of Shevat, 5570): Rabbi Abraham of Kalisk passed away. Born in 1741, he was a controversial figure in the 3rd generation of Chassidic leaders. In his youth, he was a study partner of Rabbi Elijah "the Gaon of Vilna", who led the initial opposition against Chassidism; but later Rabbi Abraham himself joined the forbidden kat ("sect", as the Chassidic movement was derisively called by its opponents) and became a disciple of Rabbi DovBer, the Maggid of Mezeritch, the successor to Chassidism's founder, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov. After Rabbi DovBer's passing in 1772, much of the opposition to Chassidism was directed against Rabbi Abraham's disciples, who, more than any other group within the movement, mocked the intellectual elitism of the establishment's scholars and communal leaders; even Rabbi Abraham's own colleagues were dismayed by the "antics" of some of his disciples. In 1777, Rabbi Abraham joined the first Chassidic "aliyah", in which a group of more than 300 Chassidim led by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk immigrated to the Holy Land. Rabbi Abraham passed away in Tiberias on the 4th of Shevat of the year 5570 from creation (1810 CE).

1821: Birthdate of Senator William Sharon who left $5,000 to the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in San Francisco when he passed away.

1843: Birthdate of Elizabeth Rose Cohen, oldest sister of famed musician Frederic Hymen Cowen.

1851: In Cayuga County, New York, District Attorney Theodore M. Pomeroy began presenting the state’s case in the trial of John Baham who is accused of murdering Nathan Adler, a Jewish peddler from Syracuse.

1863(18th of Tevet, 5623):Julius Lettman, died today of wounds fighting for the Union at the Battle of Stones River in Murfreesboro. He was buried at the Temple Cemetery in Nashville, TN the nine acres of which remain the primary place of interment for the Temple Congregation Ohabai Sholom—the city’s oldest.
1870: Birthdate of Joseph Strauss.  The Cincinnati born and educated engineer was the Chief Engineer for the construction of San Francisco’s Golden GateBridge.

1870: It was reported today that The Jewish Messenger is now in its fourteenth year of publication.

1873: Emperor Napoleon III of France passed away. Jews played an open role in French society during the time dominated by Napoleon. Achille Fould served as minister and political advisor to the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte.  During the debate about the nature of the monetary system that took place during Napoleon’s reign the Pireire brothers (Sephardic Jews) favored paper money while Alphonse de Rothschild defended preservation of France's bimetallism system. In 1870, Napoleon’s French government granted the Jews of Algeria French citizenship. Among his mistresses was Elisa Rachel Felix, better known as Mademoiselle Rachel, the young Jewess who was one of the most prominent performers of her time. But Napoleon’s greatest impact on the Jewish people would be indirect.  His foolish war with Prussia resulted in the emergence of the German Empire, created the anger that would lead to World War I that then led to World War II.

1873:At the request of the Grant Administration, Abraham de Sola delivered opening prayer at the House of Representatives.  [For some strange reason we remember Grant’s unfortunate Order #10 while overlooking items like this.]

1873: Birthdate of Chaim Nachman Bialik.  Born in a Ukrainian village, fatherless at the age of seven, raised by a strict Orthodox grandfather, Bialik became the father of Modern Hebrew poetry.  While Herzl, Ben-Gurion and others were busy creating Zionism in the political sphere, Bialik was one of those giving birth to the Zionist dream in the field of culture.  When he began writing his poetry in Hebrew, it was still a language of the Bible - the holy tongue not to be used in modern parlance.  Bialik used Hebrew to express modern feelings and emotions, yet always tied back to his Jewish roots. He is variously described as the "poet laureate of the Jewish national movement" and "Israel's National Poet."   He gained early fame for his two poems written after the Kishinev Pogrom in 1903 - The City of Slaughter and On the Slaughter.  In his poems he attacked the mobs who had slaughtered the Jews.  But he also called upon the Jews to resist future attackers.  So powerful were his words, that they helped the modern Zionist movement develop its ethic of self-defense. According to some critics, two of his greatest poems are "MeteiMidbar" (Dead of the Desert) and "Megillat Ha'esh" (Scroll of Fire). He passed away in 1934 and his home in Tel Aviv was converted into a museum named in his honor.  

Bialik in his own words:

"Reading a poem in translation is like kissing a woman through a veil." 

"Each people has as much heaven over its head as it has land under its feet." 

"Say this when you mourn for me:
There was man -- and look, he is no more.
He died before his time.
The music of his life suddenly stopped.
A pity!  There was another song in him.
Now it is lostforever." 

1884: The Hebrew Technical Institute “was incorporated today by Leo Schlesinger, Gustavus A. Goldsmith, James H. Hoffman, Solomon Woolf, Jacob Korn, Otto Moses and Manuel A. Kursheedt.”

1886: Birthdate of Ida Kaganovich the native of Russia who as Ida Cohen Rosenthal became a co-founder of Maiden Form, the first company to make modern bras.

1878: During the Russo-Turkish War, the fourth and final stage of the Battle of Shipka Pass ended with a Russian victory.  According to three Russian Generals the Jewish soldiers demonstrated “dauntless courage…at the Shipka Pass. According to them, “in one instance, a call for twenty-five men to engage in a forlorn hope was answered by thirteen Jewish soldiers.”

1879: In Paris, American circus performer Edward de Forest and his wife, the former Juliette Arnold gavie birth to Maurice Arnold de Forest, who along with his younger brother Raymond would be adopted “by the millionaire Baroness Clara de Hirsch, née Bischoffsheim, wife of Jewish banker and philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch de Gereuth, and given the surname de Forest-Bischoffsheim.”

1887: President Hoffman presided over the annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute which was held today at Temple Emanuel.

1889: Approximately 300 children from the Hebrew Orphan Asylum are scheduled to see a performance of “Little Lord Fauntleroy” thanks to the generosity of Mr. Sanger who manages the Broadway Theatre.

1891: It was reported today that annual meeting of those supporting the Hebrew Technical Institute will be held in New York City next week.

1893: It was reported today that 88.61% of the 3,159 patients who were admitted to Mt. Sinai Hospital last year were “treated gratuitously” meaning that only 11.39% were “pay patients.”  The hospital has treated 43,674 patients since its founding. (more for 2014)

1893: It was reported that the Boy’s Yorkville Charitable Society, an organization started by a group of Jewish boys ranging in age from 11 to 15 had raised $160 through their various activities in 1892 which they had divided among various groups dedicated to helping the needy.

1894: Secretary Nathanial S. Rosenau was quoted today as saying that the work of the United Hebrew Charities “has a multiplicity of ends.”  To meet these ends requires having “a corps of mid-wives,” “25 physicians who give free treatment and free medicines” and seven clerks for an employment bureau that is “constantly busy” having found for employment for “500 persons in November and December.”
1894: It was reported today that the United Hebrew Charities is one of the agencies that will share in the proceeds from an upcoming benefit concert to be held at the Metropolitan Opera House.

1895: It was reported today that claims that the Pale has been abolished are “premature.”

1896: It was reported today that the Young Folk’s League of the Hebrew Asylum will hold its first social activity of the season next week.

1898: At the conclusion of the 14th annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute  which was held on the top floor of the Tuxedo Building at 59th and Madison, “it was announced that Mrs. Esther Herman” had given the school an unconditional gift of $10,000.

1898: “The dedication of the new home for the Young Men’s Hebrew Association at 861 Lexington Avenue which was a gift of Jacob H. Schiff took place this afternoon.”

1898: It was reported today that a corner lot on First Avenue in New York has been purchased for the use of an unidentified Jewish charitable institution.

1898: The band from the Hebrew Orphan Asylum is scheduled to perform at ball sponsored by the Ladies Aid Society at Congregation Ansche Chesed.

1898: It was reported today that J. Earnest G. Yalden, the Superintendent of the Bard de Hirsch Trade School in New York City presented diplomas to forty graduates of the school

1899: It was reported today that “the Court of Cassation” which is the court of last resort in France, “is convinced that Dreyfus was justly condemned.”

1899: Mrs. Esther Wallenstein, President of the Hebrew Infant Asylum filed a complaint at the Morrisania Police Court charging John Buchanan and Paul Beneson with trespass and disorderly conduct at the asylum’s building one 162ndStreet and Eagle Avenue

1899: It was reported today Professor Richard Gottheil of Columbia University delivered a lecture entitled “Palestine” at a recent function hosted by the Young Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s League of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society

1899: It was reported today that supporters of the Hebrew Technical Institute had raised $50,501.87 during the past year to support the institution.  Jacob H. Schiff made a special contribution of $5,000 which will help to meet the needs of boys who would have had to leave the school because of their impoverished circumstances.

1902: Birthdate of Rudolph Bing manger of the New York Metropolitan Opera.

1903(10th of Tevet, 5663): Asara B'Tevet

1903(10th of Tevet, 5663):Baron Henry de Worms (Lord Pirbright) passed away today.  Born in London in 1840, he was “third son of Solomon Benedict de Worms, a baron of the Austrian empire. He was educated at King's College, London, and became a barrister in 1863. As Baron Henry de Worms he sat in the House of Commons as Conservative member for Greenwich from 1880 to 1885, and for the East Toxteth division of Liverpool from 1885 to 1895, when he was created a peer. He was parliamentary secretary to the Board of Trade in 1885 and 1886 and from 1886 to 1888, and under-secretary of state for the colonies from 1888 to 1892. In 1888 he was president of the International Conference on Sugar Bounties, and as plenipotentiary signed the abolition treaty for Great Britain. He became a member of the Privy Council in the same year. He was a royal commissioner of the Patriotic Fund, and one of the royal commissioners of the French Exhibition of 1900. His works include: "England's Policy in the East" (London, 1876), "Handbook to the Eastern Question" (5th ed., London, 1877), "The Austro-Hungarian Empire" (2d ed., London, 1877), "Memoirs of Count Beust" (ib. 1887).In 1864 he married Fanny, daughter of Baron von Tedesco of Vienna, and in 1887, after her death, Sarah, daughter of Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips.” (As reported by the Jewish Encyclopedia)

1904: The New York Times featured a review of Zionism and Anti-Semitism by Max Nordau, Officer d' Academie, France, and Gustav Gotthell, Ph.D.

1908(5th of Shevat, 5668): Abraham Goldfaden died at the age of 67. Born in 1840 in what was then part of the Russian Empire, Golfaden was a driving force in the Yiddish theatre during its golden period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  He was an author, composer (yes, there were musicals), director and producer.  He worked in several countries in Europe before settling in the United States for the last time in 1903.  He was the author of sixty theatrical works, some of which are enjoying renewed interest with the current renaissance of Yiddish Literature.  One of his early comedies was called Shmendrik "whose title-hero was the proverbial gullible, good-natured schlemiel.  The play was so popular, that the word Shmendrik became part of the Yiddish language and survives today in American slang.  The music for the famous Yiddish lullaby "Rozhinkes mit Mandlen," (Raisin and Almonds) is a product of one of Goldfaden's musicals. Goldfaden was so famous at the time of his death that he rated an obituary in the New York times that referred to him as "the Yiddish Shakespeare," who was "both a poet and prophet."  Furthermore, wrote the Times, "…there is more evidence of genuine sympathy with and admiration for the man and his work than is likely to be manifested at the funeral of any poet now writing in the English language in this country."  We may not recognize his name today, but 75,000 people "attended his funeral procession that went from the People's Theater in the Bowery to WashingtonCemetery in Brooklyn."

1908: In Little Rock, Arkansas, for the sum of $8,000 the Orthodox congregation purchased their own building at the corner of 8th and Louisiana. This was the first official home of Agudath Achim Synagogue. 

1913: Birthdate of Richard M. Nixon.  As the leader of the Right Wing of the Republican Party, Nixon was not popular with most Jewish voters.  While he did have Jews working for him (William Safire, Leonard Garment and Henry Kissinger) Nixon’s anti-Semitic comments are a matter of public record.  From the point of view of many of his Jewish opponents Nixon’s saving grace came when he came to the aid of Israelduring the darkest days of the Yom Kippur War.  Without his efforts, the IDF would not have received the material and supplies that were critical in defeating the Egyptian and Syrian sneak attack. (“No man is all good or all bad.  But sometimes you have to look real hard.”)

1916: Eighty-two year old Edward Levy-Lawson, 1st Baron Burnham, a British press lord whose power stemmed from his ownership of the Daily Telegraph, a paper bought by his father Joseph Moses Levy, passed away today.

1917: British forces defeated the Turks at the Battle of Rafa on the border between Egypt and Ottoman Palestine.  The British victory was a prelude to the move of British forces into Palestineand other parts of the Ottoman Empire.  The British forces fighting in Palestine would include Jewish regiments.  The British victories would be critical to eventual implementation of the Balfour Declaration and the realization of Herzl’s dream.

1918: “ Behind Walls” by Henri Nathansen had its first performance in the United States at the German Irving Place Theatre in New York City.  The drama which was originally walled “Hinter Mauren” revolves around the marriage between a Jew and a Gentile.  Nathansen is a Dane.

1921: Birthdate of composer, pianist and cellist Seymour Barab.

1922: Birthdate of Hans-Josef Gumperz, the native of Hattingen, Germany who fled the Nazis and gained fame as linguist John Joseph Gumperz.

1922:Sir Edgar Speyer issued a statement responding to the report and rebutting the Home Office's Certificates of Naturalization (Revocation) Committee’s interpretation of the facts. He stated that he had been advised of the committee's investigation in 1919 and, after considerable delay by the Home Office, had persuaded it to carry out an investigation in America into allegations made against his conduct there. These investigations, he stated, had demonstrated that the allegations were false, but, after he returned to Britain for the formal hearing in 1921, a further series of allegations were presented regarding his business transactions. Speyer stated that the issues involved were of a trivial nature and were similar to those encountered by other British banks which had traded without censure. He stated that "the whole thing is neither more nor less than the culmination of years of political persecution. The Home Secretary simply dared not give me the vindication to which I was entitled." He challenged the government to publish the evidence presented, and "to point to a strip of material evidence that would induce any fair-minded man to support the monstrous conclusions of this report. 

1925: Birthdate of Gurion Joseph Hyman, a “Canadian Jewish Anthropologist, Linguist, Pharmacist, Composer, Artist, and Translator. Primary contributions have been (a) liturgical compositions for the Passover Haggadah and Sabbath prayer service, (b) translations into English as well as the setting to music of several internationally acclaimed Yiddish poets, (c) an (ongoing) project to write an etymological dictionary of Yiddish, and (d) proprietor of the second branch of Hyman's Book and Art Shoppe.”

1927:  Houston S. Chamberlain passed away.  Born in Britainin 1855, Chamberlain eventually settled in Germanywhere his writings were quite popular.  Chamberlain was noted for his works about the Aryan Race and the superiority of German culture.  Chamberlain was popular with Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolph Hitler.  Hitler called him “The Prophet of the Third Reich.”

1928: Birthdate of Judith Krantz.  Born in New York, she is the author of Scruples, I'll Take Manhattan,Princess Daisy and Dazzle.

 1938: The Palestine Post reported on various shooting incidents in Jerusalem, Kalkilya and Nablus. A delegation of Polish Jews met the British ambassador in Warsawand expressed their anxiety over the reports that a permanent minority status for the Jews in Palestine was under consideration. Similar fears were expressed in a telegram sent by the French section of the Jewish Agency to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

1938: In article entitled “Palestine Modernized” George Brandt describes Tel Aviv as being the “most spectacular of the modern achievements in Palestine.” With a population of well over 100,000 “the world’s newest city is also its most modern.”  As Brandt “rode through Tel Aviv’s well-paved streets” he “felt as though” he “were in the world of Well’s ‘Things To Come.’”  He concludes that “the greatest enemy of young reborn Palestine is the desert.  Will be be pushed back by the new forces or will it in years to come be the eventual victor.

1940: A throng of 2,500 people attended the funeral of State Supreme Court Justice Alfred Fankenthaler which was held this afternoon at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.  Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson and Cantor Moshe Rudinow officiated at the service.  Senator Robert Wagener delivered  the eulogy. New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia and former Governor Al Smith, who were honorary pallbearers, were among the many dignitaries who attended the service.

1941(10th of Tevet, 5701): Asara B'Tevet

1941: The Jews of Warsaw were forbidden to greet a German in public.

1941:  Six thousand Jews exterminated in a pogrom in Bucharest, Romania

1941: Nazi police break into a house in the Warsaw Ghetto, force the women inside to undress, and prod their breasts and genitals with pistols.

1941: Adolf Hitler officially abandoned the planned invasion of Great Britain.  This meant that the Jews of Great Britain would be spared the horrors of the Holocaust.  Unfortunately for the Jews of the Soviet Union, this meant that the Nazis would turn their time and attention to the invasion of that country which would take place in June of 1941. 

1942: The Nazis deported 1,000 Jews from Theresienstadt and sent them to Riga. Only 102 would survive the war.

1942:  The Nazis took 1,000 Jews from Klodaw to Chelmno and gassed them to death.

1943: Jews in the Netherlands are no longer allowed to have bank accounts. Instead, all Jewish money is put into a central account.

1943: Germans apprehend, torture, and kill 20-year-old Jewish partisan Emma Radova.

1943: The British magazine New Statesman urges that Jewish refugees be allowed at least temporarily into all nations, including 40,000 more into Palestine.

1943: In Germany, clothing taken off of the dead Jews were given to the German People's Winter Aid Campaign. The group complained that the clothes were soiled and stained with blood. Furthermore, the Jewish stars had not been removed.

1948: As the siege of Jerusalem continues, a British police driver was killed when his armored car hit an Irgun roadblock.

1950: The government of Israelrecognizes the People's Republic of China

1951 In the Negev, founding of Kfar Yeruham which became the modern town of Yerhum in 1962. “Yeruham is the site of Tel Rahma, dating back to the 10th century BCE. On the outskirts of Yeruham is an ancient well, Be'er Rahma (באר רחמה). Some archeologists have identified it as the well where the biblical Hagar drew water for her son Ishmael.”

1951: Shlomo Zalaman Shragai, a member of the National Religious Party was chosen as Mayor of Jerusalem.  This marked the end of the public career of Daniel Auster, “who was known as the ‘first Hebrew mayor of Jerusalem.’”

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported extensively on the bitter dispute raging between the Mapai and Mapam factions at Kibbutz Ein Harod. Members of the respective parties came to blows and only police arrival saved the kibbutz, already suffering from economic demise, from extensive damage. Henry Byroade, of the U.S. State Department, invited all Arab states to join the newly created Anglo-American Mediterranean Defense Alliance.

1956:  Abigail Van Buren's "Dear Abby" column appeared for the first time

1957: Jacob K. Javits completed his term as New York State Attorney General.

1957: In case of Jew follows Jew, Jacob K. Javits begins serving as U.S. Senator filling the seat that had been held by Herbert H. Lehman.  Javits was a Republican. Lehman was a Democrat.

1957: British Prime Minister Anthony Eden resigned, citing health reasons.  The real reason Eden resigned was because of the failure of his policy in the Middle East.  He had sought to unseat President Nasser of Egypt by joining with the French and Israelis in the Suez Campaign of 1956.  During the 1930’s, Eden had been one of the few English politicians who saw the threat that Hitler posed to the peace of Europe.  At the same time, according to some, Edenwas one of those who opposed any attempts to rescue the Jews of Europe once the war had begun.

1961: Emily Greene Balch passed away.  Balch was the first Quaker to win the Noble Prize for Peace.  She won in 1946.  One of those who nominated her was Judah Magnes of Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  “During the 1930s she aided Jewish refugees fleeing persecution in Nazi Germany. Initially she opposed WWII because she opposed all war in general, but she supported USentry into the war in 1941. Balch saw Nazism as the personification of evil and a threat to humanity that had to be stopped.”

1974: The National Council of Jewish Women pledged to work to help Syrian Jewry, calling Syria's acts against the Jews as "…degradation and inhuman restrictions."

1977: NBC is scheduled to broadcast a three-hour long made for television movie based on the Raid-on-Entebbe starting at approximately 8 pm eastern time following the completion of the Super Bowl.  Peter Finch will play Prime Minister Rabin and Yaphet Kotto will play President Amin.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Prime Minister Menachem Begin warned Egyptthat Israel might rescind the peace proposals giving all the Sinai back to Egyptif Cairo did not permit Israeli settlements to remain there. In that case, Begin added, Israelcould demand territorial changes in 1967 borders. The cabinet, however, declared that there would be no more any new settlement activity in Sinai.

1990 (12th of Tevet, 5750):Shlomo Pines passed away. Born in 1908, he was a scholar of Jewish and Islamic philosophy, best known for his English translation of Maimonides'Guide to the Perplexed.

1991: Egyptian newspapers reported today that President Hosni Mubarak warned Israel this week to stay out of the conflict, saying he would revise his policies on the crisis if Israel became embroiled.Mr. Mubarak's comments reflected worries in many Arab countries that Israeli military involvement could transform the crisis into an Arab-Israeli dispute, splintering the anti-Iraqi Arab coalition.

1992: The French weekly Paris Match reported today that the second and final autopsy on the body of Robert Maxwell showed numerous bruises, indicating that the British publisher was probably beaten before his death. But that conclusion was disputed by one of the pathologists who conducted the autopsy in Israel.
1992: In an article entitled “For Young Readers, Picasso Not Bunnies” published today, Trish Hall describes the wacky, wonderful world of Maira Kalman, the Tel Aviv native who has become a popular  children's book author and illustrator whose fans include a growing number of adults.

1992: Conservative columnist William Safire’s wrote a column entitled “Strongly Condemn” in which he took issue with the increasingly hostile policy the Bush is administration is pursuing towards the state of Israel.

1995: Gonen Segev replaced Moshe Shahal as Minister for Energy and Water Resources.

1996: Tony Bullimore, who was clinging to “a rigid-hulled inflatable boat” from the capsized Exide Challenger, was rescued by crew members of the HMAS Adelaide. Bullimore was a Sephardic-Jewish yachtsman born at Bristol before the start of WW II.

1997:Opening day of the Red Sea International Music Festival.  In what the sponsors call a move to foster peace in the Middle East, the Festival, for the first time will take place, in both Israel and Jordan.

2003:Amid reports of illegal activity by Prime Minister Sharon coming on the eve of Israeli election Haaretz is scheduled to publish a report today stating that Likud, which had once been projected to win 40 of the 120 seats in the election for Parliament on January 28, now seems likely to win only 27, while the Labor Party could get 24. 

2003:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel has rebuffed Prime Minister Tony Blair's personal appeal to reconsider Israel's decision to keep Palestinian negotiators from attending a British-sponsored conference in London next week, officials said today. The Israeli decision was the result of terrorists attack in Tel Aviv on Sunday that has claimed the life of at least 22 Israelis.  Groups allied with Chairman Arafat have taken credit for the attack.

2003: Tonight Prime Minister Sharon held a nationally televised news conference to assert that he was a victim of an ''attempt to seize power through lies.'' About 10 minutes into his speech, the chairman of the Central Elections Committee, Mishael Cheshin, ordered Israel's three television channels and two radio stations to halt their broadcasts. Seventy-nine year old

2004(15th of Tevet, 5764):Seventy-nine year old Nissim Ezekiel, an Indian born “Jewish poet, playwright, editor and art critic” who was a major cultural force in post-colonial India passed away today.

2005: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback edition of  And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frankby Steve Oney.

2006:  The Wolf Foundation announced today that an American, an Israeli and an Italian will receive prestigious Wolf Prizes this year. The prize which is to be awarded in a Jerusalem ceremony in May will be shared by Ada Yonath, a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, and George Feher, a professor at the University of California, San Diego, the foundation said in a statement. Also, Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto will receive the 2007 Wolf Prize in the arts. Each prize is worth $100,000. Yonath, 67, was awarded the prize for her work in understanding the production of proteins. "Her work paves the way to dealing with the crucial issue of drug activity and resistance mechanisms," the statement said. Feher, 82, is to receive the award for his research on photosynthesis, "revealing the basic principles of light energy conversion in biology." Pistoletto, 73, will be honored for "his ability to come up with new possibilities and to encourage the application of imagination to artistic and social change." His work with various media establishes "a system for communication between art and every other human activity." The Israel-based foundation was established by Ricardo Wolf, a German-born inventor, diplomat and philanthropist who spent the last years of his life as Cuba's representative in Israel, where he died in 1981. The statement said prizes are awarded "for achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples." Since 1978, 232 scientists and artists have received prizes.

2006 (9 Tevet):Yahrzeit of Ezra Hasofer and Nechemia.

2006 (9 Tevet):Yahrzeit of Rabbi Ezra HaNavi, Tosafist, Kabbalist, Teacher of the Ramban,.

2008: George W. Bush made his first trip to Israelas President of the United States.  Arabs responded with a series of rocket attacks from Gaza.

2008: The first episode “The Jewish Americans” airs on PBS.  The three episode series traces the history of the Jews in America starts with the arrival of the first 23 Sephardic Jews in New Amsterdam in 1654 and “ends with Maisyahu, the Chasidic hip-hop star, one of about six million Jews in America today.” 

2009: Lillian Hellman’s “The Little Foxes” opens at the Shattered Globe Theatre.

2009: Dutch Jews are scheduled to hold a rally at The Hague in support of Israel.

2009:After a relatively quiet night, Palestinians in Gaza resumed rocket fire on the western Negev this morning. Four Palestinian rockets struck the city of Ashkelon, according to Israel Radio. Three Israelis were injured lightly, and 19 were treated for shock.
2010: Jews all over the world begin reading Shemot, the Book of Exodus.

2010:Adas Israel hosts the Winter Swing Dance featuring Swing Speak and a free dance lesson with Tom and Debra of www.gottaswing.com, Washington, DC's most popular swing dance instruction & promotion Company.

2010: “The Kosher Cheerleader” starring Sandy Wolshin, the former Oakland Raider Cheerleader who converted to Orthodox Judaism, in an autobiographical one woman show opens in Phoenix, AZ.

2011: The Greater Washington Forum on Israeli Arab Issues is scheduled to present a program entitled “Arab Citizens of Israel -- Challenges and Opportunities: A Community Education Day” at the Washington DCJCC.

2011: In Iowa City, the Sisterhood of Agudas Achim is scheduled to host a Wine and Tapas Party complete with an auction and door prize.

2011:Israeli choreographer Deganit Shemy is scheduled to bring together a group of colleagues for an afternoon of solos and an excerpt of Shemy's recent work at the 92nd Street Y in NYC.

2011(4th of Shevat, 5771): Fifty-nine year old “Debbie Friedman, a singer and songwriter whose work — which married traditional Jewish texts to contemporary folk-infused melodies — is credited with helping give ancient liturgy broad appeal to late-20th-century worshippers, died on today in Mission Viejo, Calif.”(As reported by Margalit Fox)

2011: Israeli bulldozers demolished the Shepherd Hotel today. It had originally been built in the 1930s as a villa for Haj Amin al-Husseini, then the grand mufti of Jerusalem, who notoriously aligned himself with Hitler.

2011: According to reports published today,Rabbi Stephanie Aaron, who in 2007 officiated at the wedding of Ms. Giffords and Capt. Mark E. Kelly and who leads Congregation Chaverim in Tucson, said the congresswoman had never expressed any concern about her safety.”

2011: Prosecutors accused Jared Lee Loughner…of five serious federal charges today including the attempted assassination of a member of Congress, for his role in a shooting incident that left 20 people wounded, six of them fatally, yesterday morning.  According to court documents filed in the United States District Court in Phoenix, the authorities seized evidence from Mr. Loughner’s home showing that he had planned to kill Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona’s only Jewish member of the House of Representatives. Ms. Giffords, a Democrat, remained in critical condition at University Medical Center in Tucson today. Her doctors said she was able to respond to simple commands, and they described themselves as “cautiously optimistic.”

2011:More than 100 people crowded into a special healing service for Representative Gabrielle Giffords at Congregation Chaverim, where she was married three years ago, for a tearful ceremony. Ms. Giffords’s rabbi, friends and admirers gathered to pray for a swift recovery and to honor a woman many described as an inspiration.

2011:A US Department of Homeland Security memorandum reportedly notes the fact that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is a Jew may have a factor in the motives of the Arizona congresswoman's alleged assailant. FOX News, reporting on the memorandum it obtained tonight, said that “strong suspicion is being direceted (sic) at American Renaissance,” an organization the shooter Jared Loughner referenced on the Internet, and said that federal law enforcement authorities are investigating Loughner’s possible links to American Renaissance.

2011(4th of Shevat, 5771):Benny Hesse, 67, director of a chevra kadisha (communal burial society) in Haifa for more than 20 years, was shot to death outside his home today by several attackers in a killing that some have speculated may have been related to internal disputes among burial groups over allocation of burial plots.

2012:The Ronen Shmueli Jazz Quintet is scheduled to perform at Beit Avi Chai.

2012: Cecile Kuznitz is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “The History of YIVO” that “will consider YIVO’s educational initiatives such as the Aspirantur, Pro-aspirantur, and teacher training courses in Vilna, as well as efforts to transplant them to New York in the wake of the Holocaust.”

2012: MK Anastassia Michaeli (Yisrael Beiteinu) poured a cup of water on her colleague MK Raleb Majadele (Labor) during an argument at a heated Knesset Education Committee debate this morning. The argument erupted after MK Danny Danon (Likud) called for the dismissal of the principal of a school in the Negev town of Arara, who took students on a human rights march held in Tel Aviv last month.

2012: Jack Lew, an Orthodox Jew who currently serves as director of the Office of Management and Budget has been named White House Chief of Staff by President Obama, replacing William Daley. 

2013: In Los Angeles, Temple Beth Am is scheduled to host “Israel Elections 2013”  which will examine the “parties and the players” as well as the “issues and opinions” surrounding Israel’s general upcoming Knesset elections.

2013: Opening night of the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2013: A signing ceremony creating a brain research center under the auspices of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Max Planck Society is scheduled to take place today the Giva Ram campus in Jerusalem.

2013: “Lies in the Closet” is scheduled to shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Festival.

2013: At long last, the much-anticipated snow arrived in Jerusalem today after days of heavy rains and fierce winds that caused power outages and widespread flooding.

2014: “When Jews Were Funny” and “Lonely Planet” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “Blancanieves” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2014: The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is scheduled to host the opening of “Helen Suzman: Fighter for Human Rights,” an exhibition that highlights her career as an opponent of apartheid and her “enduring friendship with the late Nelson Mandela.”

2014: The 129 Modern Language Association Annual Convention is scheduled to open today in Chicago where it will discuss moves to enforce BDS aimed at Israel (Editor’s Note -Boycott, sanctions, divestiture is considered by some to be pure anti-Semitism since similar moves have not been made against Russia, China or Turkey which has occupied a portion of Cyprus since its invasion in 1974.)

This Day, January 10, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 10

49 BCE: Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, signaling the start of civil war. Caesar’s opposition was led by Pompey, the Roman who defiled the Holy of Holies, mocked the Jewish religion and shipped thousands of Jewish slaves to Rome. On the other hand, once Caesar had won the war, he allowed the walls of Jerusalem to be rebuilt, instituted a taxation system that took the sabbatical year into consideration and made it possible for the Jews living in the Italian peninsula to form into communities. The Jews living under Caesar must have thought him to be at least the “lesser of two evils” if not a “good guy” since Romans of the time took note of the unusual grief displayed by the Jews when he was assassinated by Brutus and his cohorts.

1072: Robert Guiscard conquers Palermo, Sicily. His new subjects certainly included at least some Jews. By the time the Norman warrior took control of the Sicilian city, Jews had been living on the island for at least 400 hundred years since records exist of letters being written to Pope Gregory I whose papacy ended in 604, about the conditions of the Jews living in Sicily. Conditions for the Jews would later deteriorate when the Crusaders stopped at the Island and by the start of the 15th century Jews would be living in Ghettos.

1276: Pope Gregory X passed away. During his papacy Gregory acquiesced to a request by the Jews and issued a bull “which ordained that they were not to be made by brute force to undergo baptism, and that no injury was to be inflicted upon their person or their property.”

1728(Tevet, 5488): Rabbi David Nieto passed away in London. Born in Venice in 1654, Nieto was the Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community in London, later succeeded in this capacity by his son, Isaac Nieto. He first practiced as a physician and officiated as a Jewish preacher at Livorno, Italy. There he wrote in Italian a work entitled "Paschologia" (Cologne, 1702), in which he dealt with the differences of calculation in the calendars of the Greek, Roman, and Jewish churches, and demonstrated the errors which had crept into the calendar from the First Council of Nicaea until 1692. In 1702 Nieto succeeded Solomon Ayllon as ecclesiastical chief of the Portuguese Jews in London; and two years after his settlement in that city he published his theological treatise, Della Divina Providencia, ó sea Naturalezza Universal, ó Natura Naturante (London, 1704). This work provoked much opposition against him; and it was used by his opponents as ground for accusing him openly of Spinozism, which at that period was equivalent to atheism. However, Tzvi Ashkenazi, who was called in as arbitrator, decided in his favor (Hakham Tzvi, Responsa, No. 18). Nieto was a powerful controversialist. In his Matteh Dan, or Kuzari Heleq Sheni (London, 1714), written in Hebrew and Spanish on the model of the Kuzari of Judah ha-Levi he defended the Oral Torah against the Karaites, and showed that the contradictions of the Talmud lay not in essentials but in externals. ("Karaites" here does not refer to the historic Jewish sect of that name, of whom there were none in Western Europe, but to Jewish dissidents such as Uriel Acosta who cast doubt on the Oral Torah.) He waged war untiringly on the supporters of the Shabbethaian heresies, which he regarded as dangerous to the best interests of Judaism, and in this connection wrote his Esh Dat (London, 1715) against Hayyun (who supported Shabbetai Zevi). Nieto was one of the most accomplished Jews of his time and was equally distinguished as philosopher, physician, poet, mathematician, astronomer, and theologian. A prolific writer, his intercourse with Christian scholars was extensive, especially with Ungar, the bibliographer. Nieto was the first to fix the time for the beginning of Sabbath eve for the latitude of England.

1784: Louis XVI of France abolished the poll-tax on Jews in Alsace-Lorraine. This tariff, the same as for market animals was paid by Jews who wished to enter certain cities. The poll tax had been instituted in many countries in Europe, dating back as far as the Roman Emperor Domitian (93CE) though it was only adopted in Europe in the 14th century.

1791: King Leopold II of Hungary approved the bill passed by the Diet protecting the rights of the Jews.

1798: Anti-Jewish riots took place in Ancona, Italy

1801: Birthdate of Isaac ben Jacob Benjacob, Russian born “bibliographer, author, and publisher”

1807: In London, Rabbi Solomon Hirschel delivered a sermon today warning Jews against sending their children to a free school that had been opened by the London Missionary.

1833 Felix Mendelssohn's "Die erste Walpurgisnacht" premiered in Berlin. While this may have been a grand day for the world of music, it was a sad one for the Jews. Felix Mendelssohn was the Lutheran grandson of Moses Mendelssohn. For some, the fate of Felix Mendelssohn was proof of the dangers of the teachings of Moses Mendelssohn.

1845: Birthdate of William Henry Hechler, the Anglican minister who fought against anti-Semitism, promoted Zionism and was a close personal friend and advisor to Theodor Herzl.

1846: The installation of Dr. Max Lilienthal, as Chief Rabbi of the three congregations of German Jews, (Anshay Chessed, Shaaray Shamayim, Rodef Shalom) took place today, which was Shabbat, in New York City at the Henry Street Synagogue. "The fact of his having been unanimously elected for this important office, argues well for the true religious spirit which pervades the above congregations."

1847: Birthdate of Jakob Heinrich Schiff, the native of Germany who gained fame as Jacob Henry Schiff, the New York City financier and philanthropist.

1849: Eleven men, including Friedman Kohn, Henry Strauss, Carl Abales, Charles Heyneman, Abraham Posner, Lazarus Lobel, Herman J. Goldsmith and Isaac Hamburger formed the first lodge of the Free Sons of Israel which they name Noah Lodge No. 1 in honor of Judge Mordecai M. Noah

1854(10th of Tevet, 5614): Asara B'Tevet

1859: Birthdate of Nahum ben Joseph Samuel Sokolow, the native Wyszogród, Poland who gained fame as author, journalist, Zionist and promoter of modern Hebrew, Nahum Sokolow.

1860: Today's City Intelligence column reported that “The efforts which have been made to raise a fund for the suffering Jews and Protestants at Gibraltar have met with great success. It is estimated that $10,000 will be sufficient to load a vessel at this port with such provisions and clothing as would be most acceptable to the destitute multitude which is so badly in need of food and clothing.” Those being helped were probably refugees from the fighting that resulted from Spain’s invasion of Morocco in 1859.

1861: Florida seceded from the Union. At the time of secession, David Levy Yulee, one of the Senators representing the Sunshine State and the first Jew elected to the U.S. Senate withdrew from that body and joined a similar institution of the Confederacy. Yulee married a Christian and his children were raised in the faith of his wife. David Camden DeLeon, who gained famed in the Florida’s Seminole Wars, would leave the U.S. Army and be named the first Surgeon General of the CSA.

1875: The New York Times featured a review of “Remains of Lost Empires” by P.V.N. Myers and H.M. Myers that includes a sketch of Palmyra which owes it creation to King Solomon. Known in the Bible as “Tadmor in the Wilderness, the “City of Palms” has a more interesting and chequered history than such famous ancient cities as Babylon or Ninveh.

1881: Birthdate of Irma R.M. Peixotto, the native New Yorker who was the daughter of Daniel Levy Maduro Peixotto and the granddaughter of Moses Levy Maduor Peixotto.

1883: Publication of the first edition of the Cedar Rapids Gazette. (Editor’s note – 131 years later the Gazette would continue to be a locally owned independent newspaper providing, among other things, the kinds of stories about religion and culture that dispel ignorance and promote harmony and understanding.  The Gazette has a history of covering stories about Jewish customs and ceremonies on the local level.  For example, when the Gazette did a story about the foods of Passover, an editor came to a Seder hosted by a local family and then published reminisces and recipes.  The Editorial Page publishes letters, guest columns and op-ed pieces on the dangers of anti-Semitism and the dangerous challenges faced by Israel.  Jews and non-Jews alike are the beneficiaries of the efforts of those who work so hard to provide a vanishing treasure – independent, locally owner, quality journalism.)

1884: Father Marie Theodor Ratisbonne, who had converted to Christianity at the age of 22 passed away today.  His conversion was an extreme example of changes in religion by western European Jews who felt the baptismal font was the only path to full acceptance.

1884: “Will of Julius Hallgarten” published today described the various bequests made by the late Jewish financer. The estate was valued at over three million dollars. Besides making providing for the financial needs of his family, he left bequests to a variety of educational institutions including Yale, Harvard and Columbia as well as Mt. Sinai Hospital and the Hebrew Benevolent Orphan Asylum Society.  In a move that was unique in its day (and even more unique today), Hallgarten made provision for each of the clerks working for his company to receive an amount equal to 20% of their annual salary.

1886: The Passover Relief Society sponsored a ball in Tammany Hall as a fund raiser under the direction of Mrs. Rosendorff.

1890: Birthdate of Russian born physicist Grigori Landsberg. Landsberg graduated from Moscow University in 1913. His primary scientific contribution was in the fields of optics and spectroscopy. He was a co-discoverer of inelastic scattering of light used in Raman spectroscopy. He passed away in 1957.

1892: It was reported today that London has become so cosmopolitan that “a Russian Jew…dressed in his native garb is hardly noticed…”

1892: James J. Hoffman, President of the Board of Trustees presided over today’s annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute at 36 Stuyvesant Street.

1893:L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican's official newspaper, runs an article by Jesuit Father Saverio Rondina called "Jewish Morality" in which Rondina wrote, "The Jewish nation does not work, but traffics in property and work of others; it does not produce, but lives and grows fat with the products of the arts and industry of the nations that give it refuge. It is the giant octopus that with its oversized tentacles envelops everything. It has its stomach in the banks... and its suction cups everywhere: in contracts and monopolies... in postal services and telegraph companies, in shipping and in the railroads, in the town treasuries and in state finance. It represents the kingdom of capital... the aristocracy of gold. ...It reigns unopposed."

1894: Birthdate of Uri Zvi Greenberg. Born in Poland to a Chasidic family, Greenberg gained fame as a poet who wrote in both Yiddish and Hebrew. Originally a favorite of the Labor Zionists, Greenberg became a supporter of Jabotinsky. During the thirties, he was one of those who warned the Jews of the dangers presented by Hitler and the Nazis. While he was able to escape his family perished. He was a right wing member of the Knesset. While his political views were viewed as extreme, his value as a poet was unquestioned. In 1957 he was honored with the Israel Prize. Greenberg’s belief that the Covenant with Abraham, later renewed with the Jews at Sinai, is the basis of Jewish being” infused both his art and his politics. He passed away in 1981.

1895: In Bobruysk, Zvi Luzinski and Esther Seldovitch gave birth to Kadish Luzinski who gained fame as Israeli political Kadish Luz who served as Speaker of the Knesset for 10 years, from 1959 to 1969.

1896: It was reported today that during December of 1895, the United Hebrew Charities spent over fourteen thousand dollars to meet needs of those who applied for aid. In addition to providing clothing, shoes and lodging, the Employment Division found employment for 531 of its 750 applicants and training in sewing and dressmaking for 234 young ladies.

1896: As part of the ongoing attempt by some to convert Jews to Christianity, the American Mission to the Jews will open a new mission house today in New York City.

1897: German born, British financer and businessman Gustav Christian Schwabe passed away. At the age of six he was forcibly converted to the Lutheran religion.

1897: It was reported today that $38,537.12 had been donated to the Hebrew Technical Institute during its first year of operation and expenses were $34,658.66 for the same period.  The school offered six classes in various vocational courses which had an average attendance of 86 boys.

1897: Jacob H. Schiff presented the Young Men’s Hebrew Association with a new home at 861 Lexington Avenue, New York.

1897: It was reported today that Judge M.S. Isaacs complimented the graduating class of the Baron de Hirsch Trade Schools on their work after which each of the youngsters received his own set of tools and a tool-chest that had been made by the carpentry students.

1898: The closed door trial of Ferdinand Esterhazy which the German spy had requested to clear his name began today.

1898: Birthdate of Russian film director Sergei M Eisenstein.

1898: According to figures published today, there are 210 students enrolled in the Hebrew Technical Institute which is an increase of 20 students from last year.

1899: Dr. Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine, an orthodox Jewish Russian scientist from the Pasteur Institute, established the Haffkine Institue which is located in Mumbai, India.

1899:Jules Quesnay de Beaurepaire resigned as president of the Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation “when he accused the Criminal Chamber of conspiring with Piquart and” favoring a review of the Dreyfus Trial.

1904: Savannah’s Mickve Israel joined the Union of American Hebrew Congregations

1906: William Rainey Harper the namesake of the library at my Deborah Dorfman’s alma mater – The University of Chicago and the author “The Return of the Jews from Exile” (9/1/1899) and “The Jews of Babylon” (8/1/1899) passed away.

1912: The New York Jewish community made arrangements for a course of lectures to be given by Miss Dona Saruya on Jewish dietary laws at Teachers' College.

1917: Birthdate of music producer Jerry Wexler. Yes, the man who brought you music all the way from Aretha Franklin to Bob Dylan is Jewish.

1917: Jacob H. Schiff, banker and philanthropist celebrated his seventieth birthday today.

1919: Birthdate of Milton Parker who will bring long lines and renown to the Carnegie Deli in Manhattan with towering pastrami sandwiches and who, as a voluble partner will kibitz with common folk and celebrities alike. He will record his exploits in How to Feed Friends and Influence People: The Carnegie Deli – A giant sandwich, a little deli, a huge success.

1920: The U.S. House of Representatives refused to all Victor L. Berger take his seat as the elected Congressman from Wisconsin’s 5th District. The refusal was based on the fact that Berger was a member of the Socialist Party

1920: The League of Nations holds its first meeting, and ratifies the Treaty of Versailles, therefore ending World War I. The most significant fact of the day was the absence of the United States from the League. This absence was proof positive of America’s retreat to a policy of Isolationism that was a contributing factor to the start of World War II.

1920: Birthdate of Max Patkin known as “the Clown Prince of Baseball.” Patkin, who passed away in 1999, is honored with a place in the Philadelphia Jewish Sports Hall of Fame.

1922(10th of Tevet, 5682): Asara B'Tevet

1923: Lithuania seizes and annexes Memel. Memel had been part of the German Empire before WWI. The Germans lost control under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. How Lithuanian came to control Memel is too convoluted a tale for this blog. The Jews of Memel who would number 9.000 by the start of World War II, were trapped between the Lithuanians, who ran the city's government, and the Germans, who were a majority. After Hitler rose to national power in Germany in 1933, the Nazis began campaigning for the city's return to Germany. This campaign included anti-Jewish riots and other anti-Semitic actions. In October 1938 the local Nazis called for the implementation of the Nuremberg Laws in Memel; at the end of that year the Nazis won 26 of 29 seats in the city's parliament, effectively making Memel part of Germany. German troops entered Memel in March 1939. Many of the Lithuanians and almost all of the city's Jews had managed to escape to Kovno and other nearby towns before the invasion. However, after the Nazis took over Lithuania in mid-1941, they destroyed those Jews along with the rest of Lithuanian Jewry. When Memel was liberated by the Soviet army in January 1945, not one Jew remained.

1924 (4th of Shevat, 5684): The former Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Elyachar Haim Moshe, passed away at the age of 80.

1927: Fritz Lang's “Metropolis” premieres. German born film director Lang had a Catholic father and a Jewish mother. His mother converted to Catholicism and he was raised as a Catholic. When Hitler came to power, Lang was offered a prominent position in the German film industry. Lang turned down the offer and eventually fled Germany. He felt that the regime would eventually turn on him because he was “half-Jewish.” This experience led him to become a staunch anti-fascist and anti-Nazi

1928: Birthdate of Philip Levine, two time winner of the National Book Award for Poetry and the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1995 for “Simple Truth.”

1928: The Soviet Union ordered the exile of Leon Trotsky.

1928: George and Ira Gershwin’s musical "Rosalie" premiered in New York City

1929: “Street Scene,” a play by Elmer Rice (born Elmer Leopold Reizenstein), opened at the Playhouse Theatre in New York City on and ran for a total of 601 performances. The action of this ambitious, groundbreaking play takes place entirely on the front stoop of a New York City brownstone and in the adjacent street in the early part of the 20th century. It studies the daily and complex lives of the people living in the building (and surrounding neighborhood) and their sad, often tragic interactions. It won the 1929 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The main characters are Anna Maurrant, dealing with issues of infidelity; Rose Maurrant, her daughter, who struggles with the demands of her job and boss and her attraction to a Jewish neighbor, Sam Kaplan; Frank Maurrant, the domineering and sometimes abusive husband and father of Anna and Rose; Sam, a caring and concerned neighbor in love with Rose; and many other neighbors and passersby.

1932: In Brooklyn, Rabbi Simon R. Cohen celebrated his 25th anniversary as the spiritual leader of Union Temple.

1934(23rdof Tevet, 5694): Fifty-six year old George Anselm Alphone Rothschild, the older son of Albert Salomon von Rothschild passed away in a private mental hospital today without ever marrying which meant he produced no heir.

1936: Birthdate of Alvin "Al" Goldstein “an American publisher and pornographer who founded the pornographic magazine Screw in 1968.” “In his book XXX-Communicated: A Rebel Without a Shul, Luke Ford writes about a conversation he had with Goldstein. During this conversation he asked Goldstein why the porn industry contained so many Jews. Goldstein answered, "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism." Ford then asked, "What does it mean to you to be a Jew?" To which Goldstein responded, "It doesn't mean shit. It means that I'm called a kike." Ford also asked, "Do you believe in God?" Goldstein said, "I believe in me. I'm God. Fuck God. God is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being. I am your God, admit it. We're random. We're the flea on the ass of the dog."

1938: The Palestine Post reported that the ongoing citizenship rights revision in Romania could affect the bulk of the Jewish population. It had already deprived many Jewish physicians of their right to practice medicine. An Arab police constable was seriously wounded by an Arab terrorist in the Old City of Jerusalem. Major J.B. Paget, a veteran combatant of the British Armed Forces who once served in Palestine, published in Britain the so-called "Paget Plan," according to which he recommended the establishment of an independent Jewish kingdom in Palestine, under the Duke of Windsor, as hereditary king and ruler. (According to British tradition the Duke of Windsor was the hundredth in direct descent from King David.)

1938: Forty-three year old British archaeologist James Leslie Starkey who was “the first chief excavator of the first archaeological expedition at Lachish “was robbed and killed by Arab bandits near Bayt Jibrin on a track leading from Bayt Jibrin to Hebron.” (Editor’s Note – Lachish is one of the most ancient cities in Eretz Israel with its fist Biblical mention coming in the Book of Joshua.  One cannot overstate the importance of Archaeology to the Jewish people or the role that many non-Jews played in this endeavor which has provided validation for many of the Biblical tales as well as the ancient ties of the Jewish people to their homeland)

1939: Birthdate of writer William Levy. Known as the Talmudic Wizard of Amsterdam and Dr. Doo-Wop, Levy is the author of such works as The Virgin Sperm Dancer, Wet Dreams, Certain Radio Speeches of Ezra Pound and Natural Jewboy. Mr. Levy attended the University of Maryland and Temple University and taught in the literature department at Shippensburg State College, in Pennsylvania. In 1998, Mr. Levy was awarded the Erotic Oscar for writing at London's Sex Maniac's Ball. Mr. Levy's alter-ego, Dr. Doo Wop, can be heard weekly spinning groovy music across Amsterdam's airwaves. Mr. Levy currently lives in Amsterdam with his wife, the literary translator Susan Janssen.

1939: Birthdate of self-described Conservative activist, David Horowitz.

1940: Rabbi Koretz of Salonica, the man who succeeded Rabbi Uziel as chief rabbi of Salonica, was among the candidates who submitted applications to the Tel Aviv committee responsible for selecting a new Chief Sephardic Rabbi. Just three years later Salonica Jewry would be wiped out, and Koretz would be found communally guilty of holding back knowledge of the Germans plan to murder the Jews.

1941: Dutch Jews register with German authorities representing the Nazi occupiers.

1943: In the Generalgouvernement, several thousand Jews who had left forest hiding places on November 10, 1942, after a Nazi promise of safe passage, are betrayed. Most are transported to Treblinka and gassed. The rest of them are sent to labor camps at nearby Sandomierz and Skarzysko Kamienna.

1943: Four hundred Jews who resist their German overseers at the Kopernik camp in Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland, are burned alive in their barracks

1944 (14th of Tevet, 5704): Victor Basch and his wife, Ilona Basch (née Helene Furth) aged 81,were taken from their home in Lyon and assassinated by Joseph Lecussan und Henri Gonnet of the anti-Semitic Vichy French Milice Française under orders of the regional chief Paul Touvier. For most of his life he had been a professor at the Sorbonne who support the Zionists and opposed the fascists.

1945: Today, while appearing before Cairo’s supreme military court, two Palestinian Jewish youths, who are generally believed to belong to a right-wing terrorist organization with which a great majority of Zionism vigorously dissociates itself, confessed to the premeditated murder last of Lord Moyne on November 6, 1944. The accused were identified as Eliahu Bet-Tsouri a 23 year old surveyor from Tel Aviv and Eliahu Hakim from Haifa. In court today, the prosecutor demanded that the death sentence be imposed on the two accused.

1946(8th of Shevat, 5706): Harry Von Tilzer a very popular United States songwriter born in 1872, passed away today in New York City. Von Tilzer was born in Detroit, Michigan under the name Aaron Gumbinsky which he shortened to Harry Gumm. He ran away and joined a traveling circus at age 14, where he took his new name by adding 'Von' to his mother's maiden name 'Tilzer'. Harry soon proved successful playing piano and calliope and writing new tunes and incidental music for the shows. He continued doing this in Burlesque and Vaudeville shows for some years, writing many tunes which were not published or which he sold to entertainers for 1 or 2 dollars. In 1898 he sold his song "My Old New Hampshire Home" to a publisher for $15, and watched it become a national hit, selling over 2 million copies of the sheet music. This prompted him to become a professional songwriter. He was made a partner of the Shapiro Bernstein Publishing Company. His 1900 number "A Bird In A Gilded Cage" became one of the biggest hits of the age. Von Tilzer became one of the best known Tin Pan Alley songwriters. In 1902 Von Tilzer formed his own publishing company, where he was soon joined by his younger brother Albert Von Tilzer. Harry Von Tilzer's hits included "A Bird in a Gilded Cage", "Cubanola Glide", "Wait 'Til The Sun Shines Nellie", "Old King Tut", "All Alone", "Mariutch", "I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid!", "They Always Pick On Me", "I Want A Girl Just Like The Girl Who Married Dear Old Dad", And The Green Grass Grew All Around and many others.”

1947: As part of their on-going program to deny Jews the right to enter Eretz Israel, the British took two ships of "illegal" immigrants to Cyprus.

1948: Birthdate of Mischa Maisky. A native of Riga, Maisky is a cellist who won the 1966 International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. In 1970, he was imprisoned in a labor camp near Gorky for 18 months. After his release in 1972, he immigrated to Israel to avoid further persecution by the Soviet regime. Later, he moved to Belgium. In his performing and recording career, Maisky has worked in long-standing partnerships with and conductors including Leonard Bernstein, Zubin Mehta and Vladimir Ashkenazy.

1948: The British released casualty figures for the last six weeks (covering the two weeks before the Partition vote and the month since Partition was adopted) showing 1069 Arabs, 769 Jews and 123 British casualties. The percentages are disproportionate given the large number of Arabs.

1948: The Arab Liberation Army, based in Syria invaded Eretz Israel. This was part of the war waged against the Jews by the Arabs between the partition vote in November, 1947 and the actual date of British departure in May, 1948. The Arabs were determined to destroy the Jewish state before it was even born. Nine hundred Arab soldiers attacked the Jewish settlement of far Szold which was defended by a force numbering less than 100. “When the British Ambassador in Damascus protested to the Syrians about their role in the attack on Kfar Szold, the Syrian Prime Minister replied ‘Pretty soon the Arab armies will teach the Jews a lesson they will never forget.’”

1949: “The Goldbergs”, the first television show about a Jewish family premiered on CBS. The show was based on the hit radio program that had begun back in 1929 called The Rise of the Goldbergs. Both shows starred Gertrude Berg in the lead as the “Jewish Mother,” Molly Goldberg. The show took place in Brooklyn and began with Molly calling out the window to her neighbor with the signature line “Yoo hoo Mrs. Bloom.”

1951: American author and Nobel Prize winner, Sinclair Lewis passed away. An anti-totalitarian, he saw the danger in the rise of Hitler. Only a year after the Nazis had reached power by constitutional means in Germany, Lewis wrote It Can’t Happen Here in “which he showed how a similar fascist takeover might very well happen here in the sober, God-fearing USA.”

1957: Louis Lefkowitz begins serving as the 59th New York State Attorney General.

1957: Anthony Eden resigns and Harold Macmillan becomes PM Britain. Eden’s government fell as a result of the British involvement in the ill-fated Suez Crisis when an Anglo-French military force joined with the Israelis to fight Egypt in 1956. The Israelis wanted to end the terrorist attacks coming from Gaza and the Sinai. The Europeans were seeking to regain control of the Suez Canal and unseat the Gamal Nasser, President of Egypt and militant Pan-Arabist. The Soviets and the Americans under President Eisenhower thwarted the British and French efforts. The clumsy, timid British military action ended Eden’s time as Prime Minister.

1960: Delmore Schwartz was awarded the Bollinger Prize for poetry.

1961: Mystery writer Dashell Hammett author died from throat cancer at the age of 66. Hammett was not Jewish but he is the one who took the term “shamus” and moved it into the English language as a term referring to a private detective

1971: "Light, Lively & Yiddish" closed at the Belasco Theater in New York City after 87 performances

1972(23rd of Tevet, 5732): Al Goodman died at the age of 81. This Russian born Jewish musician was best known as the orchestra leader for the NBC Comedy Hour, a live Sunday night television show that was quite popular in the 1950’s

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that "belt tightening" was the keynote of the annual budget speech, made in the Knesset by Finance Minister Simcha Ehrlich. He made it clear that 1978 would not be an easy year ­ neither for the economy, nor for the individual. He hoped, however, for a brighter 1980. The budget was sharply denounced by the Bank of Israel which said that it must be trimmed, as otherwise it would steeply increase inflationary pressures. In spite of the advanced Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations which could end in a total surrender of the whole Israel-occupied Sinai area, plots for private housing at Yamit were reported to be selling very fast to numerous prospective investors.

1979: Billy Carter, brother of President Jimmy Carter makes allegedly anti-Semitic remarks

1982(15th of Tevet, 5742): Lazar Weiner, prolific composer of Jewish and Yiddish music, died at 84

1987: Israeli jets rocketed Palestinian targets near Sidon today, and shellfire from Christian militiamen shut down the Beirut airport again. Palestinian guerrillas, many loyal to Yasir Arafat, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, hold strategic positions around the village of Maghdusheh. The Israeli attack followed the firing of a rocket into northern Israel on Tuesday. The rocket damaged a building, but Israeli military censors did not allow publication of other details about the attack, for which the P.L.O. took responsibility. In Tel Aviv, a military spokesman said today that the targets near Maghdusheh were the ''headquarters of Palestinian organizations used for staging terror attacks.''

1989: During the Intifada,  2 Palestinian girls died today of head wounds from Israeli gunfire, bringing to four the number of Palestinian teen-agers who have been killed in the last 36 hours

1991: Israel moved palpably closer to a war footing today as the Defense Ministry and other officials alerted citizens that conflict in the Persian Gulf now appeared likely, and that they should begin preparing for a possible Iraqi attack. The military, already on high alert for the last several months, raised its level of readiness even more by calling up selected reserve air force and intelligence specialists. And civil defense officials began preparing an urgent public information campaign "to start giving more information on what they should do" in case of Iraqi attack, said Dani Naveh, the Defense Ministry spokesman. Across the country today, Israelis flocked to stores, stocking up on canned goods, bottled water, batteries and other war supplies. Repeating a threat Iraq has issued many times, Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz warned that Iraq would "absolutely" draw Israel into any gulf war.
1994(27th of Tevet, 5754): Yigal Hurvitz passed away. Born at Hahal Yehuda in 1918, he served as a member of the Jewish Brigade during World War II. A member of Mapia who joined the various parties founded by David Ben Gurion, Hurvitz was an MK who held several ministerial positions including Minister of Finance.

1996: Israel freed hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in return for further assurances from Arafat et al that there would be no return to violence.

1997(2nd of Shevat, 5757): Actor, director, producer Sheldon Leonard passes away.

1997: On the second day of the Red Sea International Music Festival, the venue moves across the border from Eilat to Aqaba for the premiere of works commissioned from Charbon Shalayev, a Tagikistani composer, and Oded Zehavi, an Israeli.

1999: The New York Times book section included reviews of Murder in the Name of God: The Plot to Kill Yitzhak Rabin by Michael Karpin and Ina Friedman, Brother Against Brother: Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics From Altalena to the Rabin Assassination by Ehud Sprinzak, Heart of a Wife: The Diary of a Southern Jewish Woman by Helen Jacobus Apite; edited by Marcus D. Rosenbaum and The Jew of New York by Ben Katchor.

2000: One hundred thousand Israelis packed Rabin Square tonight to protest a withdrawal from the Golan Heights that would be part of any peace agreement with Syria.

2000 (3rd of Shevat, 5760): American producer Sam Jaffe passed away at the age of 99. Born in 1901, he “was, at different points in his career in the motion picture industry, an agent, a producer and a studio executive. He was brother-in-law to B.P. Schulberg which no doubt helped him get his first job at Paramount. Jaffe began as an office boy for Paramount-Famous Players-Lasky Company where he worked his way up through the ranks to become the executive in charge of production. In the early 1930s he worked at Columbia Pictures briefly before leaving to start his own talent agency. He successfully represented several stars of the era, including Lauren Bacall, Peter Lorre, Humphrey Bogart, Fredric March, David Niven, Zero Mostel, Richard Burton, and Stanley Kubrick, until the 1950s when his business was negatively affected by investigations of many of his clients by Joseph McCarthy's Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.”

2000: A recess takes place today in the U.S. sponsored peace talks between Israel and Syria. The talks are scheduled to resume on January 19, 2000.

2005: Ophir Pines-Paz began serving as Internal Affairs Minister.

2005:Binyamin Ben-Eliezer began serving as Minister of National Infrastructure

2005: Avrhaham Hirschson replaced Gideon Ezra as Minister of Tourism.

2005: Dalia Itzik replaced Ehud Olmert as Communications Minister.

2005: Isaac Herzog replace Tzipi Livini was Housing and Construction Minister.

2005: Shimon Peres begins serving as Vice Prime Minister.

2006: Shimon Peres began serving a Minister for the Development of the Negev and Galilee.

200610th of Tevet, 5766): Asara B'Tevet: Observance of the Tenth of Tevet, a minor fast day marking the start of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem that would end on the ninth day of Av with the destruction of the Temple.

2006 (10 Tevet): On the secular calendar Judith Sharon Rosenstein (nee Levin) passed away. Known to one and all as Judy, she truly was an Ashit Chayil, “A Woman of Valor.” A devoted wife, loving mother, doting grandmother, faithful friend as well as daughter and sister extraordinaire, Judy is a gift to all who are fortunate enough to be part of her life. “And her children called her ‘Blessed’.” May her name always be remembered!

2007: Alejandro Springall’s film “My Mexican Shivah” or “Morirse esta en hebreo” based on a novella by Ilan Stavans premieres at Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theater as the opening entry of the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2007:  Labor leader Amir Peretz announced that Raleb Majadele would be appointed Minister of Science, Culture and Sport

2007(20th of Tevet, 5767): "Bubbe" Maryasha Garelik, who lived through the entire 20th century, surviving the pogroms of czarist Russia, Soviet anti-Semitism and Nazi terror and then dispensing her wisdom to thousands of Lubavitch Jews, passed away at the age of 106. "She was small in size - less than 5 feet tall - but a giant in stature," Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky said.For decades, the bubbe (grandmother in Yiddish) dispensed wisdom to thousands in her Brooklyn neighborhood who came seeking her guidance. Her advice came from decades of trial by fire. According to a Lubavitch biography of Bubbe Maryasha, her father was killed in a pogrom, or organized massacre, in Czarist Russia when she was 5, and her grandparents, with whom she and her mother lived, were subsequently executed. Years later, under Soviet rule, Garelik, her husband and their small children were evicted from their apartment into the deep snow because he refused to do factory work on the Jewish Sabbath. As a Jewish underground operative, he was arrested in the 1930s during Stalin's rule, then shot. (His wife did not know exactly what happened to him until 1998, when his fate was revealed in an unsealed Soviet secret police file). "She was a lone person who stood up to a regime that shot her husband in cold blood in a field," Kotlarsky said. "She was left with six children, ages 1 to 14, and she persevered and raised them by herself, with ethical and moral integrity." When authorities warned her against lighting the Sabbath candles, Garelik fled with her children. The family moved six times in three years due to harassment from Soviet authorities; one home was a stable. But she was resourceful, growing potatoes in back of a synagogue to feed her family - with enough left over to pay for the dilapidated synagogue to be fixed. When an acquaintance tried to persuade her to send her children to the Communist public school, she said emphatically: "Stalin will be torn down before my children are indoctrinated that way," as quoted by her granddaughter Henya Laine, who is now herself a grandmother in Brooklyn. By 1941, when the Germans advanced onto Soviet soil, Garelik and her brood escaped to Uzbekistan, where she made and sold socks to survive. In 1946, they ended up in a detention camp in Germany. After the war, she moved to Paris, where she established a Lubavitch Jewish girls' school that still exists. She immigrated to the United States in 1953, helping to start a Brooklyn organization whose members visited the sick, and a boys' school for which she collected money into old age. God gave her "two healthy feet," she would say. "I can walk; I can take care of myself and help others."

2008: In Kensington, Maryland, Pulitzer Prize winner Geraldine Brooks reads from her new novel, People of the Book, a work of historic fiction built around The Sarajevo Haggadah.

2008: After leaving Israel, President George W. Bush visits the Palestinian city of Ramallah where he said that refugees should receive compensation for the loss of homes they fled or were forced to flee during the establishment of Israel and declared that should be an end to Israel’s “occupation” of lands seized in war four decades ago.

2009: With the reading of “Vayechi,” completion of the reading of Bereshit (Genesis).

2009: Vandals struck four Chicago-area synagogues early this morning, shattering glass doors and windows with bricks and rocks and spray-painting anti-Israel graffiti. The caretakers at Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation in the normally quiet village of Lincolnwood just outside Chicago woke up to the sound of shattering glass and saw two adults running through the synagogue's parking lot in ski masks. Four bricks were thrown through the building's front doors, but the vandals were unable to gain entry. "Death to Israel Free Palestine," was the message left behind on the walls in bright orange spray paint. Similar incidents occurred around the same time not far away at three synagogues and schools in Chicago's West Rogers Park, a neighborhood dominated by Orthodox Jews. Two windows were shattered at Young Israel of West Rogers Park, "Death to Israel" was spray-painted on the wall of Congregation Anshe Motele and rocks broke a glass window at the Lubavitch Mesivta School. Lubavitch Mesivta's Rabbi Moshe Perlstein told the Chicago Sun-Times that cameras captured video of the men damaging his school at around 4:40 a.m. The footage shows one man spray-painting the side of the building while the other ran around to the front and threw rocks at the front door, breaking a glass window, he said. The video has been turned over to police. Lincolnwood and Chicago police and the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force will check whether there was a connection between Saturday's incidents and the December 29 throwing of a Molotov cocktail into Temple Sholom, one of Chicago's oldest and most ornate synagogues, in the Lakeview neighborhood. The city's Ida Crown Jewish Academy high school received a mailed bomb threat two weeks ago that warned of attacks at other Chicago-area Jewish institutions, including day schools.

2009 (14 Tevet, 5769): Edmund de Rothschild, a merchant banker from the renowned banking family’s British branch who led the development of a major hydroelectric project in Labrador while helping his firm expand globally and opening it to people outside his family, passed away at his home at the age of 93. Mr. de Rothschild helped put together what in the early 1950s was the largest project ever undertaken by private enterprise, the giant hydroelectric development. The story began when Joseph R. Smallwood, premier of Newfoundland, which governs Labrador, personally asked Winston Churchill to help arrange for British investment in the project in 1953. Mr. Smallwood said he hoped the British would develop something like the East India Company or the Hudson’s Bay Company. Mr. Smallwood next met with Anthony de Rothschild, who then headed the British Rothschilds’ business, and with Edmund, Anthony’s nephew. As a result, Edmund put together a consortium of seven Canadian and American companies to develop mineral, timber and hydroelectric power resources in an area bigger than England and Wales combined. After many years of political and economic twists and turns, the project, at Churchill Falls (originally named Hamilton Falls), began operating in 1971 as the second-largest hydroelectric plant in North America. Edmund de Rothschild made more than 400 trips to Canada in pushing the project to completion. Mr. de Rothschild also changed the corporate structure of the Rothschild partnership to open it to people from outside the family. He made Rothschild a significant factor in the birth of the Eurobond market, and oversaw the firm’s considerable expansion internationally, particularly to Japan. Edmund Leopold de Rothschild was born on Jan. 2, 1916, in London, and was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. After he graduated, his father, Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, paid for an 18-month trip around the world, The Daily Telegraph reported in its obituary. Edmund went big-game hunting in Africa and rode horseback over the Andes, and told of his adventures in a book, “Window on the World” (1949).He returned from the trip to work at the family firm until World War II. He joined an artillery regiment in the British Army, and served in France, North Africa and Italy, where he was injured. Mr. de Rothschild returned to the firm, where, since the death of his father, his uncle Anthony had been the sole partner. “My knowledge of banking was nonexistent,” The Telegraph quoted him as saying. When Anthony had a stroke in 1955, Edmund effectively took over. He headed both Rothschild Continuation Holdings, the Rothschilds’ holding company based in Switzerland, and the family’s London operation, N. M. Rothschild & Sons.

2010: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to present “How Ain't Misbehavin' Became a Broadway Classic” with guest speaker Murray Horwitz ,playwright, co-writer of hit Broadway show Ain't Misbehavin', and a commentator for National Public Radio.

2010: As part of the History of Genocide Initiative, The Center for Jewish History and American Society for Jewish Music is scheduled to present: Imagination and Catastrophe: Art and the Aftermath of Genocide, co-sponsored by American Jewish Historical Society and Yeshiva University Museum.

2010: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Citizen’s Constitution: An Annotated Guide by Seth Lipsky and the recently release paperback edition of Hitler’s Private Library: The Books That Shaped His Life by Timothy W. Ryback.

2010: Opening Route 443 to Palestinian traffic could lead to the "total collapse" of Highway 1 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, a Transportation Ministry representative told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee today.

2010: Two sisters from Tel Aviv, now in their 80s, were given Franz Kafka's manuscripts by their mother, who received them as a gift from Kafka's good friend Max Brod, according to a report submitted to the court today by the executor of the estate of the mother, Esther Hoffe.Hoffe was Brod's secretary and close friend for decades. If the court confirms this report is accurate, then the other parties in the case, the State of Israel and the National Library, will have to prove why Eva Hoffe and her sister Ruti Wisler should give them Kafka's documents.

2010: The University of Haifa issued a press release stating that the text found at Khirbet Qeiyafa was a social statement relating to slaves, widows and orphans.

2011: NOA who is Achinoam Nini, Israel's leading international concert and recording artist, is scheduled to perform at The City Winery in New York City.

2010: Karen Armstrong, author of Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life and A History of God, Islam, and Buddha is scheduled to speak at the Historic 6th & I Synagogue in Washington, D.C.

2011: Israel's leading international concert and recording artist, Tel Aviv native Achinoam Nini, who performs under the name of NOA, is scheduled to appear at The Winery in New York City.

2011: Contemporary Dance Workshop with Israeli born dancer and choreographer Dana Ruttenberg is scheduled to take place at the Peridance Capezio Center in New York.

2011: People of decency and conscience mourn those murdered and wounded in Tucson, Arizona, including Gabriel “Gabby” Giffords, the Jewish congresswoman from Arizona who was the target of the assassination. Others, who have published maps targeting the congresswoman with a gun-sight and calling on their followers not to retreat but “to reload” claim that there is no connection between their rhetoric and this latest act of violence.

2010: Three Kassam rockets were fired into Israeli territory and exploded in the Hof Ashkelon Regional this evening. The rockets fell in an open area and did not cause any injuries or damage.

2011: It was revealed today that the overall moratorium on legal actions that could change the status quo of conversions in Israel has been extended by another six months in a deal brokered by Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky and Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser.

2011: The Kadima faction stated today that it will oppose the proposal to establish a parliamentary commission of inquiry to investigate the funding and activities of left-wing organizations.
2012: W.W. Norton and the Leo Baeck Institute are scheduled to present “Joseph Roth, A Life in Letters” -- a panel discussion of Roth’s literary legacy moderated by W.W. Norton executive editor Robert Weil and featuring New Yorker fiction editor Willing Davidson, the author and record producer Anthony Heilbut, and author Fran Lebowitz.

2012: A panel discussion featuring Michael Freund Beata Schulman and Max Jackl entitled “The Hidden Jews of the Holocaust: Poland’s Re-emerging Jewish Community is scheduled to take place at the th 92nd Street Y in NYC.

2013: The storm battering the Jewish state which is “the fiercest Israel has seen in two decades, is expected to let up” this afternoon.

2013: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present “Judaism and the Invention of Christian Art.”

2013: “Finding Barb,” a musical comedy about one Jewish girl's unorthodox quest for love, is scheduled to be shown in Los Angeles

2013: “Lies in the Closet” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival

2013: “Kol Nidre” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival

2013: President Obama announced that he is appointing current Chief of Staff and former OMB Director Jack Lew, who is an Orthodox Jew,  to be the nation’s next secretary of the Treasury.

2013: Dr. Zvi Yvetz, the award winning professor of ancient history at Tel Aviv University whose family was wiped out during the Holocaust was buried today at Kibbutz Tel Yitzhak.

2013:Two Israeli films were nominated for the 85th Academy Awards' Best Documentary Feature category today, The Gatekeepers and 5 Broken Cameras.

2014: The Jewish Community Center of Northern version is scheduled to host “Mister Benny,” a dramatized version of the life of Jack Benny.

2014: Beth Schafer is scheduled to perform during Friday night services at Beth Chaverim in Ashburn, VA.

2014: Caesarea native Karen Ann Zeidel is scheduled to perform at Le Poisson Rouge

2014: “Out of Israel” Dance Festival is scheduled to begin at the 92ndStreet Y.

This Day, January 11, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 11
314: Militades, who was the Pope when Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Toleration which effectively recognized Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire, passed away.
347: Birthdate of Theodosius I the last emperor to rule both the western and eastern portion of the Roman Empire. As powerful as Theodosius may appeared to be, he was no match for the rising power of the Christian church leaders. When a bishop had incited a group of his followers to burn down a synagogue, Theodosius ordered the bishop to pay for re-building the Jewish house of worship. But Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan, overruled the Emperor contending, according to one source, that Christian money should not be used to pay for Jewish things.

630: As Islam begins its march into North Africa, East Asia and parts of Europe with all that that will mean to the Jewish people for the next millennium and half, Mohammed conquers Mecca.
1313: The Council of Zamora (Spain) made a ruling which was allegedly based on a ruling by Pope Clement V, in which he allowed the Christians to legally deny accruing any interest on loans from Jews.
1755: Birthdate of Alexander Hamilton, aide to General George Washington, ardent Federalist and the 1st United States Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton was in Charleston, a city on Nevis, an island in the West Indies. He was the son of James A. Hamilton and Rachel Facucett Lavien. Although the facts are a little murky, it would appear that Hamilton’s mother was Jewish.  She had left her husband, Johann Michael Lavien, a Jewish planter before she began her affair with Hamilton was a married man.  Since Hamilton was born out of wedlock, he could not go to school at the school run by the Church of England.  Instead he attended classes at a Jewish private school.  If Hamilton’s mother was indeed Jewish and not just a woman married to a Jew, he would be Jewish according to Halachah. Hamilton never identified himself as a Jew and lived his life in New York as a Christian.
1775: Francis Salvador of South Carolina became the first Jew to be elected to a state legislature. An ardent patriot, Salvador lost his life and his hair while fighting the Cherokees who were allies of the British.
1787: William Herschel discovered the Uranian moons Titania and Oberon. Herschel’s ethnic origins are part of an oft told tale among Germans of this period. William Herschel was the son of German Jew named Isaac Herschel. Isaac married a Christian woman and the children, including William, were raised as Christians.
1799: A state of siege was declared in Jerusalem, as Napoleon approached Gaza and Jaffa.
1819: In Bridgetown, Barbados, Esther Hannah (Montefiore) Levi and Isaac gave birth to Jacob Isaac Levi Montefiore. His brothers were Edward Levi Montefiore and George Levi Montefiore. In 1835, he moved to Sydney, Australia, assumed his mother’s name and became a successful merchant and investment banker.  He passed away at Norwood, London in 1885.
1849: Birthdate of Dr. Oskar Lassar, famed German dermatologist. He also developed a public bath house system designed to give improve the hygiene of the less fortunate.
1859:  Birthdate of Lord George Nathaniel Curzon. Curzon was one of two members of the British Cabinet who were opposed to the Balfour Declaration; the other was a Jew, Edwin Samuel Monatgue. In the end, Curzon did vote to accept the declaration. In the 1920’s Curzon served as Foreign Secretary. He negotiated the agreement that resulted in Egypt gaining her independence. He also oversaw the division of the British Mandate in Palestine which resulted in the creation of the Kingdom of Jordan on the land east of Jordan River. Some Jewish leaders decried this as an illegal act.  When partition was later proposed for the land west of the Jordan, many opposed it saying that Curzon’s earlier partition had already given the Arabs their state.  For a time, Winston Churchill was one of those who made that argument.  
1860: Two factions clashed today at a contentious meeting of the shareholders of the Great Eastern that took place today at the London Tavern in the UK.  One faction was led by the Chairman, a man named Campbell.  The other was led by Simon Magnus, a English Jew who had made his fortune in the coal industry.
1873: An article published today entitled “The Persecuted Hebrews” described efforts by the government of the United States to ameliorate the suffering of the Jews of Romania.  Among other things the U.S. Ambassador in Vienna has enlisted the help of the Austrian government in an attempt to pressure the Prince of Romania to improve the conditions of the Jews living in Moldavia and Wallachia.
1888(27th of Tevet, 5648): Prominent Jewish businessman Jacob Magnus passed away.  He was buried in Balls Pond Jewish Cemetery, Islington, Middlesex, England.
1890: It was reported today that during December, the Unite Hebrew Charities provided assistance to 3,578 people who belonged to 778 families in the amount of $3,381.50 while giving $210 to “87 transients.” (More for 2014)
1890: It was reported today that Jacob Schiff has given ten thousand dollars “to Harvard University for the establishment of a museum for the study of the literature, history and remains of the Semitic people” (When Harvard decided to change its admission policies because it had too many Jews, it did not return the funds because it had too much Jewish money)
1891: The 8th annual meeting of the patrons and members of the Hebrew Technical Institute was held this morning at 10:30 at 34 Stuyvesant Street where it was reported that 150 students are now attending the school which began with only 28 students.
1891(2ndof Shevat, 5651): Samuel Joseph Fuenn, the Talmudic scholar who was born at Vilnius in 1819 whose works include Shenot Dor we-Dor, a chronology of Biblical history, passed away today.
1891: It was reported today that many of the famous 19th century scholars “were very unhappy at school.”  This included Heinrich Heine who according the “Reisebilder, “used to pray to a big crucifix ‘O Thou, Poor Deity, if it be possible grant that I may remember the irregular verbs.”
1892: It was reported today that Baron de Hirsch refused to accept payment from the North American Review for an article he had written for the July edition and had instructed the editor, Lloyd S. Price to send the check for $250 to the Hebrew Technical Institute.
1892: Simon Borg, Sol B. Solomon and Abraham Herrman continue to serve as trustees the Hebrew Technical Institute even though their terms were supposed to end yesterday because a fight over the by-laws prevented elections from taking place.
1893: A large house and saloon belonging to David Sampson, a Jewish resident of Elizabeth, NJ, burned down today.

1893: Commissioner Adolph L. Sanger “was chosen President of the School Board” in New York today. A native of Baton Rouge, Sanger was a graduate of CCNY and Columbia and had served as President of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.
1894: It was reported today that Henry Pereira Mendes, the rabbi at Shearith Israel who was shot two years ago by a Jew named Joseph Misrachee  has been threatened by an unnamed “mendicant who boasted that he was “one of Mizrachee’s fellows.” The police take the threat so seriously that they have assigned detectives to find the man who made approached the rabbi.
1894: In Baltimore, Rabbi Tobias Schonfarber officiated at the marriage of Mrs. Ida McKenna and Jacob G. Schonfarber, the editor of The Journal of the Knights of Labor.
1895: As part of the Dreyfus Affair, Major Ferdinand Esterhazy faces a court-martial where he is confronted by Colonel Georges Picquart who offers indisputable evidence of Esterhazy’s guilt and Dreyfus’ innocence. As had happened previously when Picquart had presented his evidence to the deputy chief of staff, the court attacks Picquart and disregards his testimony.
1896: It was reported today that “the United Hebrew Trades and Halevy Singing Society” were among the organization who took part at ceremonies memorializing the late champion of Russian freedom Sergey Mikhaylovich Stepnyak-Kravchinsky
1896: Based on information that first appeared in the Philadelphia Ledger, it was reported today that Dr. Paul Haupt, a professor at Johns Hopkins University delivered a lecture “under the auspices of the Gratz College Trustees at Mickve Israel ” on the subject of “The Site of Paradise and the Babylonian Nimrod Ep

1897: It was reported today that during the 13 years of its existence the Hebrew Technical Institute in New York “has graduated 239 students” all of whom but five are still alive.  Approximately 75% of the graduates are employed in some kind of “mechanical occupation” which consistent with the kind of training offered by the Institute.  (More for 2014)

1898: It was reported that the late Rudolph Hertzog was unpopular with German Jews because he refused to employ his co-religionists in his dry goods stores.
1898: After overcoming considerable opposition because of his origins, Herman P. Faust, a converted Jew will be ordained as Presbyterian minister.
1898: Anti-Semitic riots broke out in Paris after Ferdinand Esterhazy was acquitted  by a secret French Military Court of charges that he, and not Dreyfus, was the spy who had sold military secrets to the Germans.
1899: It was reported today that in the deposition that had been cabled from Cayenne to Paris by Alfred Dreyfus, the convicted Captain denied that he had ever made a confession “to a Republican Guard or Gendarme’ including Captain Lebrun-Renault and Colonel du Paty de Calm.  He has “always declared that his innocence would be proved in two or three years.

1899: It was reported today that “the Dreyfus affair has…entered one of its bitterest chapters” when Jules Quesnay de Beaurepaire, the President of the Court of Cassation (France’s court of final appeals) discredited his colleagues as having conspired with the Dreyfusards in making their upcoming decision on the Captain’s final appeal.  He thought they were going to overturn the conviction, a move that he opposed as an “antidreyfusard” who sought to become leader of the French right wing.

1905 (5th of Shevat): Chasdic Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter passed away in Góra Kalwaria, Poland. He was born in Warsaw in 1847. When he was young his father died, so that when it came time to lead the Ger Hasidic dynasty, he was under-age and he refused the mantle of leadership for many years. Eventually his followers succeeded in gaining his assent for him to become their leader as Rebbe. Thus he succeeded his grandfather, Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Alter, as the second Rebbe of the Ger dynasty of Chasidic Judaism. He was a prodigious scholar and his work the Sfas Emes (or Sfat Emet) deals with the legalistic Talmud, the ethics of Midrash, and mysticism of the Zohar. During the Russo-Japanese War many of his young followers were drafted into the Russian Army and sent to the battlefields in Manchuria. Alter was very worried over these devotees and would constantly write to them. It began to be detrimental to his health. He was only 57 when he passed away. He was succeeded by his son Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter. Following the Holocaust, the Ger dynasty became a large movement in Israel.
1907: Birthdate of Pierre Mendes France French political leader who was Prime Minister of France during the Fourth Republic
1908: Birthdate of Lionel Jay Stander, the gravely voiced actor who had a career in movies, radio, television and theatre who was a victim of the infamous Blacklist.  Younger viewers best remember him as the butler on the television hit “Hart to Hart.”
1912: Morris Hillquit debated fellow Socialist “Big Bill” Haywood at New York City’s Cooper Union.  Haywood who had no qualms about violent action, claimed that Hilliquit had a betrayed the “class struggle” by helping the garment workers negotiate a contract with their employers.
1912: The Russian consul in New York City refuses to grant a visa to Jewish journalist Herman Bernstein.
1918: Birthdate of composer Albert Weisser.
1919: Romania’s Jewish population grew today when it annexed Transylvania. Romania promised that it would grant full emancipation to its Jewish population at the time of the annexation.  The changes were met with opposition by the National Christian Defense League and riots by right-wing students.
1921: A month before assuming his responsibilities at the Colonial Office, Winston Churchill “was in Paris where he discussed” Middle East policy with French President Alexandre Millerand, “who criticized Britain’s support for a Jewish National Home.”
1921: Birthday of Judith Lieber, luxury handbag doyenne. She “was the first woman to become an apprentice and then master in the Hungarian handbag guild. She survived World War II in hiding and met her husband—an American soldier—on the streets of Budapest. A GI Bride, she moved to the United States and began working as a pattern maker and later foreman at a handbag company before launching her own company in 1963. Lieber's small firm quickly grew, and she soon opened a factory to produce her designs. Today, Lieber's handbags, still made in the United States by skilled artisans, are cherished by celebrities and collectors alike. In 1953, throngs of guests and reporters turned out to see the Judith Lieber bag carried by Maimie Eisenhower at her husband's inauguration; every first lady since Nancy Reagan has carried one. Although she retired from designing handbags in 1998, many of her most famous lines, including the classic beaded Chatelaine, are still in production. Her bags have been featured in numerous art exhibitions and are included in the collections of London's Victoria and Albert Museum, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., among others.
1922: Insulin was first administered to a human patient with diabetes in Toronto, Canada. The study of the pancreas and the function of insulin took place over many decades and took the efforts of numerous scientists. As you would imagine some of these were Jewish. Two of these were Oscar Minkowski who played a key role in establishing the relationship between the pancreas and diabetes and Rosalyn Sussman Yalow who received the 1977 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the development of the radioimmunoassay for insulin.
1922: Release date for “Foolish Wives” billed as Hollywood’s “first million-dollar move” written, directed and co-starring Erich von Stroheim, co-produced by Irving Thalberg and Carl Laemmie with music by Sigmund Romberg.
1922: Birthdate of Lawrence Garfinkel, an epidemiologist with the American Cancer Society who helped design landmark studies that linked smoking to lung cancer. (As reported by Denise Grady)
1927: Birthdate of Gerald Gold, the Brooklyn native who as an editor for the New York Times “helped supervise the herculean task of combing through a secret 2.5-million-word Defense Department history of the Vietnam War, later known as the Pentagon Papers, to produce articles showing that officials had lied about the war…” (As reported by Douglas Martin)
1928: Birthdate of David Wolper “an award-winning movie and television producer best known for the groundbreaking mini-series Roots.”
1929: Birthdate of Rafael "Raful" Eitan, the native of Afula who became Chief of Staff of the IDF, an MK and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel.
1931: Governor Franklin Roosevelt and Mayor Jimmy Walker were among the dignitaries who expressed their sense of loss when informed that Nathan Straus had passed away today.
1933: In Hamburg, Germany, the Altona Confession was issued by area pastors. In light of the confusing political situation and the developing Nazi influence on the State Church, it offered Scriptural guidelines for those seeking lead a Christian life.
1935: Hakibbutz Hadati, the religious kibbutz movement was founded. Actually, the movement was styled after the moshav, which allowed for ownership of private property. It was affiliated with the HaPoel Ha Mizrachi movement the religious Zionist Labor Organization. Its idea was to combine religious life and labor in a communal agricultural settlement the first being Tirat Tzvi

1941(12th of Tevet, 5701): Seventy-two year old chess champion Emanuel Lasker passed away today in New York City

1942: The Nazis seized 1,500 Jews in Vienna and sent them by train to Riga.

1942: The Los Angeles Times reported that “Charles A. Levine, the ex-junk dealer who claimed the now-obscured fame of being the first trans-Atlantic airplane passenger in 1927, was jailed in New York on a Los Angeles indictment of conspiring to smuggle a German alien into the United States.”

1943: The Höfle Telegram was sent by SS-Sturmbannführer Hermann Höfle to SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann in Berlin listing 1,274,166 total arrivals to the four camps of Aktion Reinhard through the end of 1942, as well as the total arrivals by camp for the last two weeks of 1942.

1943: Birthdate of Steven Neil Posner, the Baltimore native “who with his father, Victor, was caught up in a major corporate raiding case that led to the convictions of Ivan F. Boesky and Michael R. Milken”

1944: “Rabbi Barnett R. Brickner said today that he had been particularly impressed by the good care taken of American soldiers in all the theatres he had visited, including India, the Persian Gulf and the Middle East…Rabbi Brickner is administrative chairman of the Committee examining religious activities on behalf of the military as well a member of the National Jewish Welfare Board.” Brickner shared with his religious counterparts “the task of making a survey of the morale” of America’s fighting men and women.

1944: The Nazis established the Crakow-Plaszow Concentration Camp.

1945: The deportations of Jews from Hungary to Austria have ended. In Budapest, 120,000 Jews await in protected housing for the arrival of the Red Army. Hungarian Fascist Nyilas thugs entered "protected" Jewish houses throughout Budapest, murdering dozens of residents. A gang of eight Nyilas enter one of the houses and kills 15 men, 26 women and one child. Another group surrounds the Jewish hospital, torturing and killing 95 patients.

1947: In “The Arabs Mobilize” published today Edward P. Morgan provides a snapshot of the preparation for battle taking place in Palestine.
1948: Maurice Fischer, the Jewish Agency Representative in Paris sent a telegram demanding that the negotiations with the French over allowing them to see secret British documents recently seized by the Haganah be held in Paris and not in Jerusalem.

1957: In Savannah, GA, an expanded structure designed to replace the original Mordecai Sheftall Memorial space was dedicated at Mickve Israel.

1961: The Egoz, a small boat leased by the Mossad to smuggle Jews from Morocco to Gibraltar, capsized.  All forty-four of the olim drowned, half were children.  After the Egoz disaster, the Jewish Agency and the Mossad worked with threatened Moroccan communities to rescue the children first.  In Operation Mural, 530 Moroccan Jewish children were sent by their families on an ostensible holiday in Switzerland—and, from there, flown to Israel. (As reported by Diana Muir Appelbaum)

1962: Sir Gilbert Mackereth passed away. While serving as a British diplomat in Syria he sought to limit the number of Jews entering Palestine when in 1937 he called for an “increase in border patrol” along the Syrian border “due to the high numbers of Jewish immigrants fleeing Hitler’s Germany

1965: Morton Halperin and Ina Young gave birth to Mark E. Halperin, American political analyst for Timemagazine and Time.com. and the co-author of Game Change

1968(10th of Tevet, 5728):  Assara B’Tevet

1968(10th of Tevet, 5728): Moshe Zvi Segal an eminent Israeli rabbi, linguist and Talmudic scholar passed away. Segal was born in Lithuania in 1876. In 1896, he moved with his family to Scotland and subsequently to London. He was ordained as a rabbi in 1902 and later obtained a degree from Oxford University. He emigrated to the then British Mandate of Palestine in 1926. In 1936 (jointly with Raphael Patai) and again in 1950, Segal was awarded the Bialik Prize for Jewish Thought. In 1954, he was awarded the Israel Prize, for Jewish studies.

1971: Israel's population reached 3,000,000.

1972: East Pakistan renames itself Bangladesh.  East Pakistan had gained its independence from Pakistan as a result of war between India and Pakistan.The major general who masterminded and spearheaded India’s offensive, and who accepted Pakistan’s surrender, was Jack Frederick Ralph Jacob, the scion of an old Jewish family from Calcutta.” There are no definite numbers available as to the size of the current Jewish population of Bangladesh due to a fear of persecution.

1977: Bollingen Prize is awarded to David Ignatow. David Ignatow was born in Brooklyn, and has lived most of his life in New York. He has published sixteen volumes of poetry and three prose collections. Included in these are Poems, The Gentle Weightlifter, Say Pardon, Figures of the Human, Earth Hard: Selected Poems, Rescue the Dead, Poems: 1934-1969, Facing the Tree, Selected Poems-1975, Tread the Dark, Whisper to the Earth, Leaving the Door Open, Shadowing the Ground, Despite the Plainness of the Day: Love Poems-1991, Against the Evidence, and I Have a Name. He has taught at Columbia, the New School for Social Research, the University of Kentucky, the University of Kansas, York College of the City University of New York, New York University, and Vassar College. At various times he has worked as an editor for the American Poetry Review and Beloit Poetry Journal. The National Institute of Arts and Letters has presented to Mr. Ignatow an award "for a lifetime of creative effort." His work has been recognized also with the Bollingen Prize, two Guggenheim fellowships, the Wallace Stevens fellowship from Yale University, the Rockefeller Foundation fellowship, the Poetry Society of America's Shelly Memorial Award, and an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. He is president emeritus of the Poetry Society of America and a member of the executive board of the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association. Ignatow passed away in 1997.

1977: France set off an international uproar by releasing Abu Daoud, a Palestinian suspected of involvement in the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics
1982: The New York Times includes a review of The Dean’s December. It is Saul Bellow’s ninth novel and  his first since he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976.

1984: Religious women of many backgrounds gathered for a Women of Faith conference sponsored by the American Jewish Committee. “

1984: Birthdate of Oshri Cohen, the Israeli actor who starred in “Beaufort.”

1986: In an article published today famous chef Marian Buros described the delicatessen started by Arnold Reuben as “the quintessential New York restaurant" decorated with "Italian marble, gold-leaf ceiling, lots of walnut paneling and dark red leather seats.”

1987: The complexities of life in Israel will be the focus of a five-part film series starting today entitled ''A Lens on Israel: Society Through Its Cinema'' at the 92d Street Y
1988: Israeli television reported tonight that a Palestinian was shot dead in the Khan Yunis refugee district in the Gaza Strip as he tried to grab a soldier's rifle. He was identified by the Palestine Press Service, an Arab-run news agency, as Mustafa Youssef Khadir, 20 years old.

1988(21st of Tevet, 5748): Isidor Isaac Rabi nuclear physicist passed away at the age of 89. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1944. According to Rabbi Fred Davidow, The Healer of Shattered Hearts: A Jewish View of God by David Wolpe contains the following story about Rabi. "The renowned physicist I. I. Rabi was once asked to name the most significant intellectual influence in his life. The interviewer expected to hear "Einstein" or perhaps "Newton.""My mother," Rabi replied instantly. For each day, he explained, when he would come home from cheder ..., his pious mother would say to him, 'So Isaac, did you ask any good questions today?' From her, said Rabi, he learned that the key to wisdom is to ask good questions."

1989: The High Court has overturned an Israeli military censor's ban for the first time, allowing the publication of criticism of the head of the Mossad intelligence agency.

1990: According to reporter Michael Wines, following the invasion of Panama, U.S. officials are still trying to understand the role Mike Harari, a 62-year-old retired agent of the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, played under the role of General Noriega.

1992: Paul Simon opens a tour in South Africa. This was his first appearance in South Africa after the boycott of the formerly white supremacist government had ended. Simon played a key role in bringing certain types of African music to Western audiences.

1993: Howard Stern's radio show begins transmitting to Buffalo NY (WKBW).

1997: On the third day of, the Red Sea International Music Festival, the festival returns to Eilat where the opera chorus performs an “a capella” concert at 11 A.M.

1998: The New York Times featured a review of the paperback edition of Don’t Call It Night by Amos Oz; translated by Nicholas de Lange. “Not surprisingly, the author's latest novel is set in his native Israel, but it is not a landscape of political turmoil and terrorism that he surveys, but one of discordant domesticity between two middle-aged lovers.”

2001: As the attempt to control cell phone usage in such places as churches and restaurants heats up Gil Israeli, the chief executive of NetLine, located in Tel Aviv, is quoted as saying that a sign saying ''No Cell Phones'' does not go far enough.

2001: In the following letter-to the editor of the Wall Street Journal the leaders of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs take issue with a column by Ira Stoll that “attacks” Rabbi Yitz Greenberg and U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.

On behalf of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), which represents 13 national and 123 local Jewish community relations and public affairs organizations throughout the United States, we want to express our dismay over Ira Stoll’s op-ed in the December 29 edition attacking Rabbi Yitz Greenberg. Any reasonable person who has read the full text of Rabbi Greenberg’s speech given last November at the United Jewish Communities’ General Assembly in Chicago -- which provided the selective quotes that formed the basis for Mr. Stoll’s attack -- will conclude that the op-ed is a blatant distortion of reality. Rather than accusing Israeli soldiers and policemen of using excessive force in responding to the recent Palestinian violence, Rabbi Greenberg, Chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, actually praises them for their restraint under extraordinarily difficult circumstances. He notes that in a small number of cases there may have been an overreaction and that Israeli officials are properly investigating them. Rabbi Greenberg, who has had a long and illustrious career supporting Israel and the Jewish people, was simply doing in this speech what he has been doing for decades -- providing our community with a thoughtful, loving analysis of the dilemmas Israel faces in exercising power in one of the world’s toughest neighborhoods. Mr. Stoll also unfairly attacks the Council that administers the Holocaust Museum. While no institution is beyond criticism, we believe that overall this important institution has done an outstanding job of educating Americans and its many visitors from abroad about the history of the Holocaust and current human rights concerns. We are confident that under Rabbi Greenberg’s inspired leadership the Museum will continue to serve this important function.


Chairperson Leonard A. Cole,

Executive Vice Chairperson Hannah Rosenthal

2000: On his return from West Virginia, Prime Minister Ehud Barak tonight broke the silence that governed the closed-door negotiations with Syria to say that the peace talks had reached a ''decisive stage'' in which both sides would have to make difficult decisions. Speaking in a television interview, Mr. Barak said it was impossible to predict whether the round of talks that begins next week would be ''conclusive.'' He said that he had witnessed ''certain fissures in the Syrian rigidity'' but that he was not reading much into them.

2002: In an article entitled “When Jews Found a Place Among European Artists,” Grace Glueck provides a fascinating trip through the world of Jewish art as she reviews an exhibition at the New York’s Jewish museum, ''The Emergence of Jewish Artists in 19th-Century Europe''

2004: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Battle For Rome The Germans, the Allies, the Partisans, and the Pope, September 1943-June 1944by Robert Katz (author of Black Sabbath, a Holocaust study of the deportation of the Jews of Rome) and The Doctor’s Plague: Germs, Childbed Fever, and the Strange Story of Ignac Semmelweis by Sherwin B. Nuland.

2004: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel said today that he saw no risk that Palestinians could undermine Israel's Jewish identity by gaining a demographic majority, dismissing a reason pressed by some members of his Likud faction for a swift exit from some of the occupied territories.

2005:While delivering a speech opposing the disengagement plan from Gaza, Effi Eitam called Prime Minister Sharon a “refuser of democracy.”

2006: The New York Times described the struggle of F Line Bagels to remain open despite attempts by the MTA to stop the owners from selling what has been a traditionally New York Jewish delight in an atmosphere that resembles a sanitized version of a subway station.

2006: Senator Barak Obama visits a remote Israeli town with Chicago ties. Illinois Senator Barack Obama flew to areas along the northern border with Lebanon today. Obama's first Middle East visit took him to a small village that is well-wired to Chicago. Israel may be a Jewish state, but more than a million people who live there are non-Jews, most of them Christian. But the Christian population in Israel is rapidly declining. That exodus has attracted the attention of the Chicago Catholic Archdiocese and the Chicago Jewish Federation. Israel's loss of its Christian minority attracted the attention of Senator Obama. Three hours from Jerusalem, as far north in Israel as possible, just before Lebanon, this is the town of Fassouta, and this is where the village worships. All 3,000 residents of Fassouta are Israeli, Palestinian and Catholic. The Catholic pastor for this entire village in upper Galilee welcomed visiting Illinois Senator Barack Obama, who is traveling with leaders of Chicago's Jewish community. Fassouta is a living example of interfaith good will in action, an overseas extend-a-hand. A computer lab is part of a literacy project funded by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago and the Jewish Federation of Metro Chicago. "This community center had been built not long before that, but it's empty. Ours was the first project that went into it, and it became a draw for the other things that are now functioning in here. Children's ballet classes, chess classes," said Linda Epstein, Chicago Jewish Federation. Senator Obama may be the first member of congress ever in Fassouta, and a grateful mayor and village leaders proudly gave him a look around. A prominent Northwestern and Tel Aviv University professor says his visit sends an important signal. "Israel has a minority of 20 percent non-Jewish Arab minority, And the visit of the senator to this village is an acknowledgment that there is this minority that needs to be acknowledged and seen," said Elie Rekhess, Northwestern University. But the real winners are the young people of Fassouta, who for the first time have new computers and are wired to the world. Many villages along the northern Israel border have a more troubling distinction. They are easy targets of Hezbollah terrorists just over the border in Lebanon. For years Lebanese militant groups perched just north of Israel have opened fire on Israeli border towns. Most recently, on December 22, the village of Kiryat Shmona was hit by Hezbollah rockets. ABC7 news flew with Illinois Senator Barack Obama in an Israeli army Blackhawk helicopter to the border zone. The news crew flew over Israel's most vulnerable border areas,the narrowest part of the country between the West Bank and the Mediterranean Sea, over Arab villages in the Galilee and then on to the Lebanese border region that recently came under attack. It also visited one of the Israeli homes that was hit by Katyusha rockets in the overnight barrage that killed 14. The family that lives in the house was asleep when the terrorist missiles hit. They survived but their home is badly damaged and their lives shaken. "I thought it was a gas tank that had exploded, because it smelled like fire. We couldn't come out of the room because this room was all filled with shrapnel," said Kiryat Shmona, Israeli. Israeli military officials mapped out for Illinois' junior senator how Hezbollah terrorists unsuccessfully tried to kidnap Israeli soldiers during the attack. They offered information to Obama that the militant militia group is going unchallenged by Lebanese leaders and United Nations commanders, hoping Obama and the US will press Lebanon to stop the border assaults. The Palestinian problem has recently received far more attention than the Lebanese border stand-off with Hezbollah. With the country now preoccupied by the recent stroke of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and upcoming elections, military commanders on the ground in northern Israel are concerned that the rocket attacks will get worse.

2006: The Nation published Elizabeth Holtzman's essay calling for the impeachment of U.S. President George W. Bush for authorizing "the wiretapping of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Americans, in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act."

2007: The free newspaper Israeli which is poised on the brink of closure published its last edition. Israeli is a Hebrew language daily with a press run of 150,000 copies that is handed out free at such locations as bus and train stations, as well as malls and other business centers.

2007: Ruth Dayan was awarded the Partner of Peace Award by the Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam community, a cooperative village of Jews and Arabs mid-way between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

2007: The Baltimore Jewish community bade farewell to Morton “Sonny” Plant at his funeral held at Chizuk Amuno Congregation.

2007: Representative James “Jim” McGorvern introduced a House Resolution to Reverend Waitstill Sharp and Marsha Sharp for their recognition by Yad Vashem “as Righteous Among the Nations for their heroic efforts to save Jews during the Holocaust.”

2008: Today's edition of the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles published a detailed report about The Spinka Financial Controversy alongside a number of subsidiary articles. The article was the papers cover story and was written by the paper's religion editor Amy Klein.

2008: In New York City, the 92nd Street “Y” presents “Desert Soul Music” featuring Matt Turk and Basya Schechter, the founder of the neo-Chasidic world music band Pharaoh’s Daughter..

2009: In Irvine, CA, Volley Ball Team USA trys out as part of the 18th Maccabiah Games.

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Letters of Allen Ginsberg, edited by Bill Morgan, The Selected Letters of Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder edited by Bill Morgan and The Journey by H.G. Adler.

2009: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Sashenka, Simon Montefiore's first novel and With Wings Like Eagles by Michael Korda.

2009: A pro-Israel rally was held at Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation this afternoon to respond to the spate of hate crimes and support Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip.
2009: Israel's "Waltz with Bashir" won the Golden Globe for best foreign language film. The victory  solidifies its front-runner status to win Israel's first Oscar at the Academy Awards next month.
2009: Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered a moving eulogy today at the military funeral of a Jewish soldier killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan. At the request of the slain soldier's family, donning a yarmulke, Rudd delivered a euology, telling almost 2,000 mourners at Melbourne's Lyndhurst Jewish Cemetery that Pvt. Gregory Sher's death was not in vain
2009: JTA reported that As Good As Anybody by Richard Michelson and illustrated by Raul Colon, a book that traces the lives and friendship of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel won the Sydney Taylor Award for Young Readers which is an award for Jewish children's literature.
2010: The Oy!hoo Music Festival, which is designed to bring together established, new and emerging artist in the Jewish and Israeli music scene in New York City is scheduled to take place at The City Winery in New York City.

2010: The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) is scheduled to conduct a walking tour for English speakers living in Jerusalem of Montefiore's Windmill and the Yemin Moshe neighborhood.

2010:The U.S. Army will double the value of emergency military equipment it stockpiles on Israeli soil, and Israel will be allowed to use the U.S. ordnance in the event of a military emergency, according to a report in today’s issue of the U.S. weekly Defense News.
2010: A leading pro-Israel congressman hosted a business meeting in his offices between Israeli officials and a defense contractor in which he profitably invested. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Middle East subcommittee, told the New York Daily News, which published the revelation today  that he did not profit in any way from the meeting between Alan Magerman, the founder of Xenonics, and two Israeli officials.

2010:Remains of a prehistoric Tel Aviv building, which is the earliest ever discovered in the area and estimated to be 7,800-8,400 years' old, have been unearthed in an archaeological excavation,the Israel Antiquities Authority announced today. The excavation was carried out prior to the construction of an apartment building in the "Green Fichman" project in Ramat Aviv. Ancient artifacts thought to be between 13,000 and 100,000 years' old were discovered there. Archaeologist Ayelet Dayan, director of the excavation on behalf of the Israel Antiquities
2010:Miep Gies, the office secretary who defied the Nazi occupiers to hide Anne Frank and her family for two years and saved the teenager's diary, passed away today at the age of 100. Gies' Web site reported that she died after a brief illness. The report was confirmed by museum spokeswoman Maatje Mostar, but she gave no details. The British Broadcasting Corp. said she died in a nursing home after suffering a fall last month. Gies was the last of the few non-Jews who supplied food, books and good cheer to the secret annex behind the canal warehouse where Anne, her parents, sister and four other Jews hid for 25 months during World War II. After the apartment was raided by the German police, Gies gathered up Anne's scattered notebooks and papers and locked them in a drawer for her return after the war.

2011: The 92ndStreet Y is scheduled to present a program entitled “Undoing the Inquisition” featuring Rabbi Juan Mejia.

2011: The Historic 6th& I Synagogue in Washington, DC, is scheduled to host “Food for Thought: Digesting Ethics, Mysticism and Philosophy with Rabbi Yosef Edelstein of MesorahDC.

2011:A senior Islamic Jihad militant was killed today by an Israel Air Force missile while he was driving a motorcycle in the southern Gaza Strip, according to local Palestinian officials. Gaza emergency services said that the targeted militant Mohammed A-Najar, 25, was killed immediately and that an additional casualty had been evacuated to hospital for treatment. Israel Defense Forces sources confirmed the attack, and said that Najar had been planning a terrorist attack within Israeli territory and with rocket-launching cells.

2011:Debbie Friedman was eulogized at her funeral today by friends, rabbis, and fellow musicians, both in words and through the songs she composed and sang, which transformed Jewish worship in synagogues and summer camps. Her acoustic guitar lay on top of her casket during the funeral service at Temple Beth Sholom in Santa Ana, California, the Orange County Register reported. Friedman died Jan. 9 at the age of 59, after being diagnosed with pneumonia and admitted to a hospital a few days earlier. She blended the folk music roots of the 1960s an 1970s and combined them with traditional Jewish prayers and liturgy, and was frequently described as the "Joan Baez of Jewish song." Mourners at the service joined Craig Taubman and other performers in singing such famous Friedman works as "Sing Unto God,""Devorah's Song,""You Are The One,""Miriam's Song" and "L'chi Lach." Perhaps Friedman's best known composition is "Mi Sheberach," a popular version of the prayer of healing for the sick. During the funeral, Rabbi Heidi Cohen of Temple Beth Sholom described Friedman as a modest artist, despite her fame, adding, "If Debbie were here today, she would say, 'What's the big fuss? I don't need this. I don't want this.'" Rabbi Richard N. Levy of Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles said of his former colleague, "Debbie wanted us to believe that God is good and God takes our prayers seriously. Even though all our prayers did not (heal her), they provided an escort into the next world that sang unto God, this woman is going to rock your throne."

2011: The Los Angeles City Council adjourned its meeting in memory of Friedman, whom Councilmember Paul Koretz eulogized saying "Anyone who has ever attended a liberal Jewish synagogue or summer camp or youth group event has been touched by Debbie Friedman. He added: "She was always ahead of the curve -- be it in songs for lifecycle events, Jewish feminist music, or interfaith spirituality. May her memory -- and her music -- be a blessing."

2011: The Jewish Book Council announced today that “When They Come for Us, We’ll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle To Save Soviet Jewry,” Gal Beckerman’s comprehensive history of the popular movement to save Soviet Jews in the latter half of the 20th century is the winner of the Jewish Book of the Year Award

2011: Today, the Jerusalem Post published the following list of notables who passed away in 2010:
Theodore "Ted" Sorensen, 82, was President John F. Kennedy's speechwriter, a longtime adviser and a ghostwriter of Kennedy's "Profiles in Courage."
Daniel "Danny the Red" Bensaid, 63, a French philosopher and former student radical who was a leader in the student revolt in Paris in 1968, was described as France's leading "Marxist public intellectual" upon his death.

Ruth Proskauer Smith, 102, was an abortion rights pioneer.

Harry Schwarz, 85, was a South African anti-apartheid activist who was his country's ambassador to the United States during the transition from apartheid to the Mandela government. He also was a leader of South Africa's Jewish Board of Deputies, and he worked with Israeli leaders to ensure the safety and future of South African Jewry. Schwarz told his own story as part of a museum exhibit of German refugees in South Africa.

David Kimche, 82, was a founding father of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency and a spy who worked undercover in Africa and with the Christian Phalangists in Lebanon before Israel's 1982 war there.

Dov Shilansky, 86, was a former Speaker of the Knesset.

Tony Curtis, 85, actor and artist, was born in the Bronx as Bernard Schwartz. A major sex symbol on the big screen from the 1950s on, Curtis helped finance the rebuilding of the Great Synagogue in Budapest in honor of his Hungarian roots.

Tom Bosley, 83, was probably best known as Richie Cunningham's dad, Howard, on the sitcom "Happy Days." The Jewish Exponent published a piece on Bosley in 2006 when he appeared in a stage production of "On Golden Pond" in Philadelphia.

Zelda Rubinstein, 76, a diminutive (4-foot-3) actress who won a science fiction film award for her role in "Poltergeist" in 1982, was an activist for "little people."

Harold Gould, 86, was best known for his role as the father of Rhoda Morgenstern in the TV sitcoms "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "Rhoda." Gould, who held a doctorate in theater, taught for four years at the University of California, Riverside, before turning to acting. He appeared in dozens of TV shows and movies, including "The Sting." Gould was originally cast as Howard Cunningham in "Happy Days."

Maury Chaykin, 61, known for portraying detective Nero Wolfe on TV, had film roles in "Dances With Wolves,""WarGames" and "My Cousin Vinny."

Steve Landesberg, 74, an actor, comedian and voice actor, was best known for his work on TV's "Barney Miller."

Bud Greenspan, 84, who was best known for his production of documentaries about the Olympics, was called a "trailblazing filmmaker" by The Los Angeles Times.

Irvin Kershner, 87, a film director, was most noted for "The Empire Strikes Back," the 1980 sequel to the original "Star Wars" film.

Ingrid Pitt, 73, a Holocaust survivor, was an actress in horror films in the 1960s and 1970s.

Eddie Fisher, 82, was a pre-rock-era pop singer. He was married to actress Debbie Reynolds, but left her, scandalously, for actress Elizabeth Taylor -- a move that cost him his "Coke Time" TV series and a recording contract in 1959. Fisher made the first commercial recording of "Sunrise, Sunset" from "Fiddler on the Roof."

Mitch Miller, 99, a record company executive and conductor who became famous for his 1960s TV show "Sing Along With Mitch," (video clip here) was known for speaking derisively about rock and roll. He passed on signing contracts with Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly.

Malcolm McLaren, 64, was a rock and punk music impresario and performer who was most noted for managing the Sex Pistols, a seminal British punk band in the 1970s. London's The Telegraph ran an extensive obituary and photographs after his death.

Doug Fieger, 57, was co-founder of the power pop band The Knack and writer of the 1979 hit song "My Sharona."

David Soyer, 87, was founding cellist of the Guarnieri String Quartet, one of the modern era's most celebrated chamber music ensembles.

David Deckelbaum, 71, a Canadian/Israeli folk musician from the group "The Taverners," was described by the Israeli daily Haaretz as an "iconic banjoist" on the folk music scene in Israel. Click here to see a video of Deckelbaum and the Taverners on Israeli television.

Daniel Schorr, 93, was an award-winning journalist whose name appeared on Richard Nixon's "enemies list" and who angered both government officials and his employers for being a stickler for journalistic ethics and the protection of sources. Schorr spent many years as a commentator for National Public Radio. The station produced a lovely package of stories, audio clips and tributes about Schorr after his death.

Harvey Pekar, 69, was a cartoonist best known for his autobiographical comic series, "American Splendor." His life was the subject of a 2003 film with the same title, starring actor Paul Giamatti as Pekar and featuring a cameo by Pekar himself.

J.D. Salinger, 91, was one of the 20th century's most celebrated and reclusive American authors. Salinger's 1951 novel, "The Catcher in the Rye," still sells a quarter-million copies a year. The New York Times critic Michiko Kakutani said Salinger "domesticated the innovations of the great modernists" and presaged the work of writers such as Philip Roth and Saul Bellow.

Erich Segal, 72, was an author and professor whose novel (and later film), "Love Story," became a touchstone of youthful romance in the 1970s. The film's signature line, "Love means never having to say you're sorry," was 13th on the American Film Institute's list of top 100 movie quotes. Segal, the son of a rabbi, also produced scholarly works in the fields of Greek and Latin literature.

Abraham Sutzkever, 96, was an acclaimed Yiddish poet who was considered one of the great poets of the Holocaust. Born in the Russian Empire, he was a partisan during World War II and spent more than 50 years in Israel, writing what Israeli scholar Miriam Trin called some of the greatest poetry of the 20th century. However, he was largely unknown in Israel because he wrote in Yiddish.

Shmuel Katz, 83, was a well-known Israeli caricaturist and illustrator of children's books. Haaretz said Katz, an Austrian Holocaust survivor who immigrated to Israel in 1948, drew some of Israel's "best-loved" children's books.

David Slivka, 95, who once famously made a death mask of his friend Welsh poet Dylan Thomas, was a sculptor and painter. The New York Times described Slivka  as "one of the last living members of the New York school of Abstract Expressionists." His paintings and sculptures are in the permanent collections of many major museums, including the Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden and the Brooklyn Museum.
Martin Ginsburg, 78, was an internationally renowned taxation law expert and law professor, as well as the husband of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Howard Zinn, 87, was a radical historian and author of, among other titles, "A Peoples History of the United States."

Adam Max Cohen, 38, was an associate professor of English at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. A Shakespeare scholar, he wrote about how the illiteracy caused by his terminal brain tumor enabled him to gain new insights into appreciating Shakespeare's plays as performance art, and not only as great literature.

Martin Grossman, 45, was executed in Florida 26 years after his conviction for the murder of a Florida wildlife officer. The Orthodox world campaigned to keep Grossman from execution.

Rosa Rein of Switzerland, who was believed to be the world’s oldest Jew and the oldest Swiss citizen, died in February, just weeks before her 113th birthday.

Mark Madoff, 46, was an American businessman and son of the infamous Bernard Madoff.

Miep Gies, 100, was a non-Jewish Dutch woman who enabled Anne Frank and her family to hide, and who later discovered and preserved Frank's diary. She was honored by many organizations in later years, including the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial organization in Israel.
2012: ‘The Bintel Brief Exhibit’ is scheduled to open at the Sixth and I synagogue in Washington, D.C.,

2012: “400 Miles to Freedom,” the untold story of the 1984 exodus of co-director Avishai Mekonen and his secluded Jewish community from the mountains of Northern Ethiopia is scheduled to be the opening feauture at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present: Curator’s Tour: Old and the New: Mark Podwal’s Textiles for the Altneuschul in Prague

2012: “The Cantor’s Son” is scheduled to be shown at the Yiddish Film Series/ Fundación Marcelino Botín in Santander, Spain

2012:The leading French newspaper Le Figaro reported today that Israeli Mossad agents are recruiting and training Iranian dissidents from Iraq’s Kurdish region to work against the regime in Tehran. Quoting a security source in Baghdad, Le Figaro reported that members of the Israeli intelligence agency are actively operating in Kurdistan and recruiting Iranian exiles in the region.

2012:An explosive thrown through the window of a New Jersey synagogue and residence is being treated as attempted murder, the Bergen County prosecutor said. The latest in a string of attacks that have hit the county's synagogues recently took place this morning at Congregation Beth El in Rutherford. The Orthodox synagogue doubles as a home for its rabbi, Nosson Schuman, and his family. Schuman suffered slight burns but no one else was hurt, The Record newspaper reported. In the past month, synagogues have been attacked in Paramus, Maywood and Hackensack. Police are unsure if the attacks, which include anti-Semitic graffiti and a fire, are related. U.S. Rep. Steve Rothman, who represents Bergen County in the House of Representatives, in a statement called on the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to pool their resources with the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office and Rutherford Police Department to solve the latest attack.
2013: The Studio Opera Singers of the Israel Opera are scheduled to perform at the Eden-Tamir Music Center.

2013: “Nor In Tel Aviv” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: In London, The Wiener Library is scheduled to present a lecture by Naomi Shepherd will described how Wilfrid Israel used his personal fortune and the resources of his firm to rescue “thousands of Jews from Nazi persecution from the 1930’s until his death in 1943.”

2013: New election polls headlined toay by the Hebrew-language dailies Yedioth Ahronoth and Maariv echoed several trends first revealed in The Times of Israel’s major opinion poll published earlier this week.

2013:Medical sources in Gaza said today that IDF gunfire killed one Palestinian and injured another east of the Jabaliya refugee camp near the border, AFP reported. The IDF Spokesman's Office stated that dozens of Palestinian rioters approached the Gaza border fence this afternoon and did not heed IDF warnings to desist.

2013(29thof Tevet, 5773): Oscar Straus II Chairman Emeritus of the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation, and the Fred Lavanburg Foundation passed away today.http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/thestar/obituary.aspx?pid=162300264#fbLoggedOut

2013(29thof Tevet, 5773): Twenty-six year old programmer Aaron Swartz “was found dead” today. (As reported by John Schwartz)

2014: The New York Jewish Film Festival  is scheduled to show “The Jewish Cardinal” and “The Congress”

2014: The 92ndStreet Y is scheduled to host a Saturday night dance party as part of its inaugural “Out of Israel” Dance Festival.

2014: “Nadine Animato” Theater Dance Company which was established in 2009 by choreographer Nadine Bommer in Rishon Lezion, Israel is scheduled to perform at the City Center.

2014(10thof Shevat): Yarhrzeit of Rabbi Joseph Isaac Sneersohn


This Day, January 12, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 12

1412: In Spain, the regent Donna Catalina acting in the name of the child-king Juan II issued an edict of twenty-four articles intended to impoverish and humiliate the Jews and to reduce them to the lowest grade in the social scale.

1493: The Jews were expelled from Sicily, which had become a province of Aragon in 1412. The Jews never really returned there, despite an invitation during the 1800's.

 1517: María López denied all charges presented against her by the prosecutor of the Inquesion including observing the Sabbath and dressing in holiday garb. (As reported by Renee Levine Melammed)

1519:  Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor passed away.  Joseph ben Gershon Loans better known as Yosel von Rosheim an Alsatian Jew born in 1480, served as “shtadlen” or advocate for the Jews during Maximilian’s reign. In 1514, while living in Mittelbergheim Yosel and several other Jews were imprisoned on charges of “host desecration.” They were all freed several months later when their innocence was established. Between 1515 and 1516, Yosel personally presented the complaints of the Jews of Oberehnheim to the Maximilian himself and obtained a safe conduct pass for his co-religionists. Yosel outlived Maximilian and served as ‘shtadlen” until his death in 1554.  While Maximilian was capable of taking stands inimical to Jewish interests such as when he signed an edict allowing John Pfefferkorn to confiscate Hebrew books (an order he later modified, he was also capable of coming to their aide. He regarded the Jews as his property and opposed those who banish them from his empire.  For example in January of 1516, he sent a letter to the Elector Albert and his allies ordering them to hold any meetings that would result in the banishment of the Jews from Frankfort, Worms and Mayence.

1539: King Francis I of France and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V signed the Treaty of Toldeo.  The treaty ended the hostilities between the two monarchs.  Charles wore two hats (or crowns) – Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain.  As Holy Roman Emperor, he treated the Jews of central Europe comparatively well.  As King of Spain, he continued the policies of the Inquisition and hostility to the Jewish people.  Both monarchs were beneficiaries of business dealings with Dona Gracia Nasi one of the most powerful and unusual leaders of the Sephardic community.

1565(29thof Tevet, 5325):Meir ben Isaac Katzenellenbogen, the Meir of Padua, passed away.

1723: Birthdate of Reverend Samuel Langdon, the President of Harvard who delivered a speech to the Legislature in New Hampshire entitled “The Republic of the Israelites an Example to the American States” in which he contends that Moses and the “Old Testament” provide a picture of proto-democratic government which stands in contrast to the monarchy of the English.

1729:  Birthdate of Edmund Burke, Anglo-Irish statesman and political philosopher.  One of Burke’s most famous quotes is “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”  This line is found in many study programs about the Holocaust.

1735:At Frankfort-on-the-Main, Rabbi Jacob Kahana demanded that Moshe Chaim Luzzatto take an oath promising "to abandon his Kabbalistic illusions, and to refrain from writing on or instructing anyone in the doctrines of the Zohar."

1770:Charles Bonnett wrote a letter to Moses Mendelssohn saying that he regretted that Lavater had sent him a copy of his book as if it were an attack on the beliefs of the Jewish philosopher.

1808:"Jerome...issued an edict declaring all Jews of his state without exception to be full citizens, abolishing Jew-taxes of every description, allowing foreign Jews to reside in the country under the same protection as that afforded to Christian immigrants and threatening with punishment the malicious who should derisively call a Jewish citizen of his state 'protection Jew' (Schutz-Jusde)." Jerome is Jerome Bonaparte, the youngest of Napoleon’s brothers who was King of Westphalia from 1807 to 1813.

1823:Birthdate of Hermann Jellinek the Austrian author who was the brother of Adolf Jellinek.

1850: Birthdate of Wilhelm Bacher, the native of Liptó-Szent-Miklós, Hungary who gained fame as a  scholar, rabbi, Orientalist, and linguist.

1853: The New York Times reported that William Gladstone has replaced Benjamin Disraeli as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the new British government.  Gladstone and Disraeli would be political rivals for much of the rest of the century with one replacing the other as Prime Minister in future governments.

1862:Members of Congregation Beth Elohim laid the cornerstone for the first synagogue built on Long Island on two lots at the corner of State Street and Boerum Place in Boerum Hill.

1864: As Americans prepare for their first war time Presidential elections, August “Belmont held a national committee meeting at his Fifth Avenue home, the first since the summer of 1860. Most of the twenty-three members attended.” Most of those who were absent were westeners only the weather accounted for the absence of some westerners," Belmont sided with those committee members who wanted a late Democratic national convention — in July.

1873: Relying on information that first appeared in the London Daily Telegraph,“The Past” published today provides a summary of a paper by George Smith in which he summarizes his findings and hopes for the future surrounding the explorations of the ruins and mounds in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates which have shed light on the historical veracity of accounts in the Biblical Book of Kings and which should provide further information about the origins of the Semitic people of the area including the ancient Hebrews.  (Editor’s note –Smith was a noted 19th century Assyriologist who discovered and translated “The Epic of Gilgamesh.”)
1876: James Eustis began serving as U.S. Senator from Louisiana.  Eustis would later serve as U.S. Ambassador to France during the Dreyfus affair and apparently was sympathetic to the French Jewish officer

1878: In a case of Jews versus Jews, at Buffalo, NY, Jacob and Burnet Friedmann brought suit in chancery court against Henry Cone, Abraham Altman, Emanuel Levi and the Third National Banks charging them with fraud and other financial crimes.

1878: Birthdate of Ferenc Molnár, the Hungarian author and playwright who came to the United States to escape the Nazis.

1878(8th of Shevat, 5638): Joseph, Baron Günzburg passed away.

1879: It was reported today that “Liberty in Germany” an article about the Socialist movement, by Leonard Montefiore, will be published in the January issue of The Nineteenth Century. A graduate of Balliol College, Montefiore was the brother of Claude G. Montefiore and a fellow student of Arnold Toynbee.

1890: The Harmony Club, which housed a Jewish social organization, was among the buildings caught in the path of cyclone that struck St. Louis, MO this afternoon.

1890: President James H. Hoffman presided over today’s meeting of the members and patrons of the Hebrew Technical Institute in New York City.

1890: “Crowns” published today described the royal headgear of 19thcentury monarchs the purposed of which “remains as it was in the days of King Solomon…an article of display rather than of practical of utility. “The King of Romania is said to buy his crown from a Jewish dealer in Frankfort” Germany.
1891: It was reported today that the Hebrew Technical Institute which was formed eight years ago as manual training school for Jewish students  has elected a officers for the new year including: James Hoffman – President; David L. Einstein – First Vice President; Otto A. Moses – Second Vice President; Leo Schlesinger – Treasurer; Joseph Metzler – Secretary.

1891: Professor Dr. Moritz Lazarus wrote in his foreword to Nahida Ruth Remy’s The Jewish Woman (Das jüdische Weib): “Writing about Jews is seldom without prejudice; writing by women is seldom thorough. But this book about the Jewish woman, written by a Christian woman, is both thorough and free of prejudice.” (As reported by the Jewish Women’s Archive)

1892: First day of the ceremonies marking the opening of the Jewish Maternity Association's facility in Philadelphia, PA

1892: Based on information that first appeared in the Kreuz Zeitung it was reported today that a Jewish butcher who had been arrested in the town of Xanten on charges of murdering a Christian boy has been released.  The German paper maintains the release was in error and that the boy had been part of a Jewish practice “of killing Christian children for the purpose of using their blood in their peculiar religious rites.”

1893: It was reported today that the Fire Chief in Elizabeth, NJ said that the fire that burned down the house and saloon owned David Sampson, a Jewish citizen, was of mysterious origin. Sampson estimated the loss, which was covered by insurance, at four thousand dollars.  Neighbors claim that the fire was deliberate.

1895: As part of the Dreyfus Affair, the French military judges acquit Colonel Esterhazy of all charges while the high command stripped Colonel Picquart of his commission and pension for not letting the Dreyfus matter come to a quiet, if unjust end.

1895: Birthdate of Leo Aryeh Mayer, the native of Galicia who became “an Israeli scholar of Islamic art and rector of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The L.A. Mayer Institute for Islamic Art which was established in 1974 by Vera Bryce Salomons was named in his honor

1895: Reports published today in the Baltimore Sundescribed the visit of Dr. Michael L. Rodkinson, a Russian Jew, to Maryland’s largest city where he has attempted to gain financial backing from the local rabbis for his proposed first of its kind translation of the Talmud into English

1896: The National Council of Jewish sponsored a lecture given by Dr. Solis Cohen of Philadelphia, a Temple Beth-El in New York City.

1897:  Property valuations reported today included Temple Emanu-El, $700,000; Temple Beth-El, $400,000; Shearith Israel, $275,000; Mt. Sinai Hospital - $300,000.  All of this property is tax exempt.

1899: Mr. Adler introduced a bill for consideration by the New York State Assembly “fixing the rate for infants received and cared for by the Hebrew Infant Asylum of New York City at 38 cents per day.”

1899: In Hüngheim, Germany, businessman Isaak Schorsch and his wife gave birth to Emil Schorsch a German born rabbi who survived Buchenwald who served a congregation in Pottstown, Pa from 1940 to 1964 before passing away in 1982.

1900: Premiere of Herzl’s "I Love You" in the Vienna Burgtheater.

1903: Birthdate of Binyamin Mintz, the native of Lodz who made Aliyah in 1925 who was elected to the first Knesset and served as Minister of Postal Services.

1903: Harry Houdini performed at the Rembrandt Theater in Amsterdam.

1903:Herzl arrives in London in his continuing quest to gain governmental support for a Jewish homeland in Eretz Israel.

1904: In Great Britain, the Limerick Pogrom, the name given to a wave of anti-Jewish violence in Wales that followed a failed miners’ strike, takes place. 

1905: Emanuel Wallach, the son of Samson and Adelaide Wallach and the brother of the distinguished attorney Leopold Wallach was laid to rest today.

1906: Churchill was elected a Liberal Member of Parliament for North-West Manchester following which he traveled to Europe where he stayed with three Jewish supporters Sir Ernest Cassel, Lionel Rothschild and Baron de Forest.

1908(9th of Shevat, 5668):RabbiBernhard Felsenthal, one of the world’s leading Jewish scholars who is considered to be the founder of the Reform Movement in Chicago, Illinois, passed away today at the age of 88.

1909(19th of Tevet, 5669):Hermann Minkowski, German mathematician, passed away.  He was the brother of Dr. Oskar Minkowski who played a key role in research on the pancreas that led to life saving treatment of diabetics.

1909(19th of Tevet, 5669): Eighty-nine year old Major General Sir Fredric John Goldsmid passed away today.

1911(12th of Tevet, 5671): Fifty nine year old Austrian legal scholar and “legal positivist” George Jellink passed away.

1911: Birthdate of Robert Abshagen, the native of Hamburg who would be beheaded in 1944 for his role in the anti-Nazi resistance movement.

1915:  Birthdate of Martin Agronsky.  Agronsky was a journalist and Peabody Award winning radio and television newsman and commentator.  He was also related to Gershon Agronsky.  Gershon changed his named to Agron and was the founder of the Palestine Postwhich became the Jerusalem Post after the birth of Israel.

1915: Birthdate of Norman Rufus Colin Cohn whose father was Jewish and whose mother was Roman Catholic. The Londonborn historian influenced a generation of historians and social scientists with his insight that totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century, chiefly Communism and Nazism, were propelled by mythologies associated with medieval apocalyptic movements

1916: Herbert Samuel assumes the position of Home Secretary in the government of Prime Minister H.H. Asquith.

1917: First provisional council of Palestinian Jewry was established. (The Jews were the Palestinians long before the name was usurped by the Arabs.)

1918: Finland’s "Mosaic Confessors" law went into effect, making Finnish Jews full citizens.Under the Act, Jews could for the first time become Finnish nationals, and Jews not possessing Finnish nationality were henceforth in all respects to be treated as foreigners in general.”

1919: Birthdate of Seymour B. Sarason, “a leader in Community Psychology.”

1919: A general assembly met today to form a women’s Zionist organization in Great Britain.

1921: The position of Baseball Commissioner, which had been part of the Lasker Plan (named after its author Albert Lasker) was created.  Lasker would play a key role in having Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis serve as the frist commissioner.

1921: In a letter to Prime Minister Lloyd George and Foreign Secretary Lord Curzon, Churchill summarized the view of the French government toward the Middle East which was basically pro-Arab and anti-Zionist.

1926: Birthdate of composer Morton Feldman.

1926(26th of Tevet, 5686): Sixty-one year old Martin Behrman, who was serving his 5th terms as Mayor of New Orleans, passed away today. A native of New York, he came to the Crescent City as an infant and grew up in the Algiers section which was on the city’s West Bank.

1930: According to dispatches from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency published today, “Achduth Avodah, representing the industrial workers and Hapoel and Hazaif” joined together at a meeting in Tel Aviv last week to for the Palestine Jewish Labor Party.   Among those sending congratulatory telegrams to the new organization were Leon Blum, Chaim Wiexann and PIincus Rutenberg.

1932: In the midst of dedicating the main building, Ada Maimon and 10 girls, accompanied by a Hebrew guard, started living in Ayanot.  They had to live in the cowshed for a short time, and they were later joined by more girls until there were 70 residents.

1936: “Reich Scientists Uphold Freedom” published today descried the hostility showed by the National Socialists (Nazis) for the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science which “has refused to introduce the ‘Aryan clause’” which would require it to “expel Jewish members.
1938: The Palestine Post reported that John Llewellyn Starkey, 50, one of the most distinguished archaeologists conducting excavations in Palestine, was shot and killed by a gang of Arab terrorists on the Beit Guvrin track, northwest of Hebron. Starkey was returning to Jerusalem from Tell el-Duweir, the site of the ancient Lachish, where he discovered inscribed tablets from the period of Jeremiah. Starkey was buried in Jerusalem.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that The Court of Honor of the Zionist Congress found Mr. Meir Grossman of the Jewish State Party guilty of revealing details of the secret conversation between Dr. Chaim Weizmann and the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Ormsby Gore, on the subject of Partition. Grossman was fined to cover the costs of the trial and deprived from participation in the Zionist General Council for two years.

1940: The Nazis murdered 300 patients at Hordyszcze, a Polish mental health facility.

1940:Ferenc Molnár, the Hungarian born novelist and playwright who fled the Nazis, arrived in the United States today.

1942: China joins 9 European nations in adopting a resolution calling for the trial of Axis Leaders on charges of War Crimes.

1942: The first of 19,582 Odessa Jews were transported in cattle trucks to Berezovka and then onto two concentration camps elsewhere. Most would die within the year of starvation, cold, untreated disease, or executions. The Jews of Odessa were no longer.

1942: While working as part of burial duty at Chelmno, Michael Podklebnik found the remains of his wife, daughter and son.  He buried them amongst the other corpses of those just gassed.

1943: Over the next eight days, twenty thousand Jews are deported from Zambrow, Poland, to Auschwitz.

1945: Shalom Scopas, a Jewish soldier serving with the Soviet Army, went behind the lines of the Nazis "for what would be his last retrieval mission.”

1945:  The Soviets began a major winter offensive against the Nazis in Eastern Europe.  This final push would help to liberate the remnant of the Jews who had escaped the final solution including the more than 100,000 Jews clinging to life in Budapest.

1946: This morning a gang of seventy robbers took part in a daring train hold-up that resulted in the robbery of 35,000 pounds [about $140,000] in cash, representing the railway staff payroll. According to officials, the robbers were Jews armed with rifles and automatic weapons.

1947: Members of Lehi blew up a police station in Haifa.

1947(20th of Tevet, 5707): Jonas Cohn passed away at the age of 77 in Birmingham.  The German born professor of philosophy was forced to flee Germanyin 1933 with the rise of the Nazis.  He settled in England where he continued his work.

1948: Ferenec Molnar planned to spend his 70thbirthday by “working, because it’s an old habit of mine.” He is currently working on two plays, “Wax Works and “Games of Hearts.”  While some Americans may not be acquainted with his more than 40 dramatic works, many know the Rogers and Hammerstein musical “Carousel” which was inspired by his play “Liliom.”

1950: Birthdate of Dorit Moussaieff, “an Israeli-born British jewellery designer, editor and businesswoman” who was the great granddaughter of Shlomo Moussaieff “one of the founders of the Bukharim neighborhood in Jerusalem

1950(23rdof Tevet, 5710): Producer and director John M. Stahl, a Jewish immigrant from Baku who was one of the founding member of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (the Oscars), passed away today.

1952: The U.N. Genocide Pact went into effect

1952: In Los Angeles, CA, Leroy Mosely and Ella Slatkin whose family was Jewish immigrants from Russia, gave birth to mystery writer Walter Ellis Mosley. “In 2010, there was a debate in academic literary circles as to whether Mosley's work should be considered Jewish literature.”

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that despite Cairo's vigorous campaign against the British occupation of the Suez Canalzone and disregarding Israeli protests that such action might bring a new war, Britain delivered 25 new jet fighters to Egypt.

1953: Nine"Jewish" physicians were arrested for "terrorist activities" in Moscow.  This was part of the so-called “Doctors’ Plot” that existed only in the twisted minded of Joseph Stalin.  Stalin planned to use the plot as a springboard for creating a wave of virulent anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union.  Stalin died before he could bring his plans to fruition.

1954:  Birthdate of Howard Stern.  Hey, they all can’t be Nobel Prize Winners!

1954(8thof Shevat, 5714): Bernard "Barney" Samuel passed away.  Born in 1880, he was a Republican Pennsylvania politician who served as mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1941 to 1952. Samuel first won election to City Council in 1923. When in 1939 George Connell, then president of City Council, became acting mayor upon the death of S. Davis Wilson, Samuel succeeded to the position of president pro tempore. Upon the death in August, 1941, of Mayor Robert Eneas Lamberton, however, Samuel assumed the mayoralty for the remainder of Lamberton's term. Samuel won re-election to the mayor's office in 1943 and 1947, defeating Democrats William C. Bullitt and Richardson Dilworth respectively, to become the first multi-term mayor since William S. Stokley (1872–81). To date, Bernard Samuel's mayoralty was the longest in Philadelphia's history. In defending the political machine he served, Mayor Samuel ironically prepared the city for reform by endorsing creation of Philadelphia's highly-touted City Planning Commission and supporting 1947's Better Philadelphia Exhibition, which subjected the failures of a "corrupt and contented" Republican political machine to harsh scrutiny and made the elections of 1949 and 1951 for city controller and mayor, respectively, landmarks in the city's political history. Samuel was succeeded by reformist mayors Joseph Sill Clark, later Democratic United States Senator, and Richardson Dilworth, later a Democratic candidate for governor of Pennsylvania who was also mentioned as a possible Democratic presidential candidate in 1960.[2] Samuel remains the last Republican elected mayor of Philadelphia. Mayor Samuel is buried at Arlington Cemetery in suburban Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania.

1966: The 6th Knesset “started with Levi Eshkol’s Alignment forming the 13thgovernment today.

1966: Golda Meir completed her service as Foreign Minister.  She was the second person to hold that post and the first women to hold it.  It would be forty years before another woman would hold this post.

1966: Abba Eban completed his service as Deputy Prime Minister.

1971: Norman Lear’s "All in the Family" premiered on CBS featuring.  Once again we find a Jew creating an American cultural icon.

1971: A Federal grand jury indicted Reverend Philip Berrigan and 5 others, including a nun and 2 priests, on charges of plotting to kidnap Henry Kissinger.  They were not kidnapping Kissinger because he was Jewish.  They were looking for a dramatic way to protest the Vietnam War and Kissinger was Nixon’s leading foreign policy advisor.

1975: Steeler tight end Randy Grossman would earn one of his 4 Championship rings as Pittsburgh defeated Minnesota in Super Bowl IX at Tulane Stadium in New Orleans, LA.

1977: Anti-French demonstrations took place in Israel after Parisreleased Abu Daoud, responsible 1972 Munichmassacre of Israeli athletes

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli-Egyptian negotiations started somewhat inauspiciously after Israel stated that it wished to preserve the Jewish settlements in Sinai. There were severe differences over the agenda, and the Egyptians did not permit the Defense Minister Ezer Weizmann to give the speech he had prepared for the opening. In Cairo, however, President Anwar Sadat assured Rabbi Alexander Schindler "that Egypt guarantees the security of Israel."

1982(17thof Tevet, 5742): Sixty four year old Eva Schocken passed away.

1988: Eight four year old Hiram Bingham, the American diplomat who worked with Varian Fry to save over 2,500 Jews in France from falling into the hands of the Nazis.

1989(6thof Shevat, 5749): Ninety-five year old Paula Ackerman passed away today in Thomaston, GA

1989:In an article entitled  “Soviet-Israeli Diplomacy Is Winner in a Court Test,” Esther B. Fein describes the significance of the fact that an Israeli basketball team was playing on a court in the Soviet Union for the first time 21 years.  The game represents a major step in the normalization of relations between the Soviet Union and Israel. Even more amazing than the game itself was the scene at courtside where “blue-and-white Israeli flags, large ones draped from poles, small paper ones, homemade ones painted on sheets were being waved to Hebrew chants of ''Am Yisrael chai!'' - The people of Israel lives! - and ''Hevenu shalom aleichem!'' - We bring you peace! -and to loud cries of Mac-CA-bee! Tonight's game seemed less a sports event than an occasion for Soviet Jews to flaunt their pride in Israel. Stars of David and medallions with the word ''chai,'' Hebrew for life, were worn proudly. Heads bared of fur hats were covered with yarmulkes. Hebrew folk songs rang out spontaneously. People greeted one another by saying ''shalom.'' Soviet officials said 175 Israeli fans had been issued visas to attend the game, but the loudest Hebrew cheers in the audience appeared to come from Soviet Jews.

1990: Richard Shepard reviewed ‘‘The Return,'' Frederic Glover's play at the Jewish Repertory Theater about conflict between two leading Zionists – Chaim Weismann and David Ben-Gurion.

1994(29th of Tevet, 5754): Moshe Becker of Rishon Le-Zion was stabbed to death by three Palestinian terrorist employees while working in his orchard. The Popular Front claimed responsibility for the murder.

1994(29thof Tevet, 5754): Eighty-five year old producer and director Samuel Bronstein, the nephew of Leon Trotsky passed away today.

1995: Harry Schwarz whose family fled Germany in 1934 and who was an active opponent of Apartheid completed his service as South Africa’s Ambassador to the United States.

1997: The New York Times book section features a review of Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood by Binjamin Wilkomirski, a Holocaust survivor who was born to a Jewish family in Latvia in 1941 and was rescued from Auschwitz at the age of five.

1998(14thof Tevet, 5758): American born poet and Professor of English Lit at Hebrew University passed away today.

2001: The University of Pennsylvania Law School announces that during the spring semester Harry Reicher, a University of Pennsylvaniaadjunct law professor, will teach "Law and the Holocaust," a course which has been termed a world first."Law and the Holocaust" draws together the fields of comparative law and jurisprudence and international law to examine the Nazi philosophy of law in the Third Reich.

2003: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Lucyby Ellen Feldman

2006: Jewish political leader Steve Rothman was featured on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report, in Stephen Colbert's part nine of the "Better Know A District" segment, which highlighted Rothman and New Jersey's 9th District.

2007: Kassam rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip at southern Israel, as IDF troops operating in Gazaand the West Bank discovered and safely detonated two bombs.

2007: Author E.L. Doctrow spoke at WashingtonD.C.’s CardozoHigh School.  A Jewish author spoke at a high school named for a Jewish Supreme Court Justice where he was questioned by an avid audience of African American, Latino and Asian American students.  “Only in America.”

2008: In a tribute to the vitality of small community Judaism, Shecharya Flatte celebrates his Bar Mitzvah at Agudas Achim Congregation in Iowa City, Iowa.

2008:"Yud Shevat" Yahrtzeit observances begin. The Hebrew letter has the numerical value of “10.” Since the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe passed away on the tenth day of the month of Shevat the anniversary of his passing is called “Yud Shevat.  Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidim observe the special customs of the Shabbat prior to the yahrzeit (anniversary of the passing) of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950), which occurs next week, on the 10th of Shevat, January 17, 2008. The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the son-in-law of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe wrote the following instructions for how this Yahrzeit should be observed.  For those who know Lubavitch only through elements of its outreach program including the Mitzvah Mobiles and the public Chanukah Menorah lightings, the instructions provide an interesting view of the wondrous and wonderful rituals and philosophy that are part of Chabad.  On the Shabbat before the yahrzeit, each should try to be called up to the Torah for an aliyah. If there are not enough aliyot, the Torah should be read a number of times in different rooms. However, no additions should be made to the number of aliyot per reading. The one who is honored with Maftir should be the most respected congregant, as determined by the majority; alternatively, the choice may be determined by lot. The congregation should choose someone to lead the prayers on the day of the yahrzeit. It is proper to divide the honor, choosing one person to lead the evening service (Ma’ariv), a second to lead the morning service (Shacharit), and a third – the afternoon service (Mincha). In this way a greater number of community members will have the privilege. A yahrzeit candle should be lit that will burn for the entire twenty-four hours. If possible, the candle should be of beeswax. Five candles should be lit throughout the prayer services. After each prayer service (in the morning service—following the reading of Psalms), the one leading the prayers should study (or at least conclude the study of) the following selections from the Mishnah: Chapter 24 of Keilim and chapter 7 of Mikvaot. He should then recite the Mishnah "Rabbi Chananyah ben Akashya...," followed silently by a few lines of Tanya and Kaddish de Rabbanan. After Ma’ariv, part of the discourse (maamar) entitled Basi LeGani, which the Rebbe released for the day of his passing, should be recited from memory. If there is no one to do this from memory, it should be studied from the text. This should be continued after Shacharit, and the discourse should be concluded after Mincha. Before Shacharit, a chapter of Tanya should be studied. This should also be done after Mincha. In the morning, before prayer, charity should be given to causes associated with our Nasi, my revered father-in-law, of sainted memory. Donations should be made on behalf of oneself and on behalf of each member of one's family. The same should be done before Mincha. After Shacharit and the recitation of the maamar, each individual should read a pidyon nefesh. (It goes without saying that a gartl should be worn during the reading.) Those who have had the privilege of being received by the Rebbe in yechidut, or at least of seeing his face, should—while reading the pidyon nefesh—envision themselves as standing before him. The pidyon nefesh should then be placed between the pages of a discourse maamar or other pamphlet of the Rebbe's teachings, and sent, if possible on the same day, to be read at his graveside. In the course of the day one should study chapters of Mishnah that begin with the letters of the Rebbe's name. In the course of the day one should participate in a Chassidic gathering (farbrengen). In the course of the day one should set aside a time during which to tell one's family about the Rebbe, and about the spiritual tasks at which he toiled throughout his life. In the course of the day, people (to whom this task is appropriate) should speak at synagogues and houses of study in their cities and cite a saying or an adage from the Rebbe's teachings. They should explain how he loved every Jew. They should make known and explain the practice that he instituted of reciting Psalms every day, studying the daily portion of Chumash with the commentary of Rashi, and (to appropriate audiences) studying the Tanya as he divided it into daily readings throughout the year. If possible this should all be done in the course of a farbrengen. In the course of the day, people (who are fit for the task) should visit centers of observant youth — and, in a neighborly spirit, should make every endeavor to also visit centers for the young people who are not yet observant — in order to explain to them the great love that the Rebbe had for them. It should be explained to these people what the Rebbe expected from them, his hope for them and the trust that he placed in them that they would ultimately fulfill their task of strengthening Judaism and disseminating the study of Torah with all the energy, warmth and vitality that characterize youth.”

2009: The American Jewish Historical Society, the Center for Jewish History and Jewish Heritage present: “The Lifecycles of New York Jews: Little Disturbances and Enormous Changes.” This isthe first in a series of staged literary evenings that will depict the complex and ever-surprising lives of New York Jewish families.  Stage and screen star Kathleen Chalfant will be joined by Matt Rauch, Jerry Matz and Robert Zukerman to pay tribute to authors Grace Paley and J. D. Salinger.  Gabriel Brownstein will read from his Hemingway/PEN Award-winning fiction.  A sample of a work-in-progress documentary film portrait of Grace Paley by Lilly Rivlin will be shown.

2009:The Canadian dance troupe La La La Human Steps takes part in the Dance at the Mishkan series by performing Edouard Lock's newest piece, Amjad, a marriage and contemporary reinvention of two of Tchaikovsky's most famous works, SwanLakeand Sleeping Beautyat The Performing Arts Center in Tel Aviv.

2009:Edward Kritzler discusses and signs copies of his latest book entitled Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean: How a Generation of Swashbuckling Jews Carved Out an Empire in the New World in Their Quest for Treasure, Religious Freedom--and Revenge at the D.C. Jewish Community Center.

2009: Haaretz reported on demonstrations around the world that have been held in support of Israel’s cross-border military action. According to the paper, nearly 1,000 people in Mexico City demonstrated over the weekend in favor of Israel and its war effort. Supporters waved Israeli flags and carried signs reading, “Forward Israel!”, “Israelis Attacking in Self-Defense”, “12,000 rockets in 8 years is not enough? It’s plenty!” and more.  Israel’s Ambassador to Mexico, Yossi Livneh, addressed the Israel-supporters and explained the importance of Israel’s anti-terrorism campaign. In Odessa, Ukraine, local Jews held a pro-Israel rally on the street in front of the Jewish Cultural Center. Shlomo Ben Tzvi, from the Israeli Embassy in the Ukraine, addressed the participants. In Houston, the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the American Jewish Committee, and Hadassah organized a rally in support of Israelthis past Wednesday at Congregation Beth Yeshurun. The Consul-General of the Israel Consulate to the Southwest, Asher Yarden, was among the speakers.Since Thursday, pro-Israel rallies have been held in London, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pa., New York City, Texas, Connecticut, and elsewhere around the world.

2009 (16 Tevet):Rabbi Alan Lew, who was known for his efforts to bridge Judaism and Buddhist teachings, died unexpectedly. Lew, the retired spiritual leader of San Francisco’s Congregation Beth Sholom, died Monday while jogging, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. He was 65.Synagogue officials told JTA that he was in Baltimore teaching at the Jewish Theological Seminary’s rabbinic training institute. Lew was the author of “One God Clapping: The Spiritual Path of a Zen Rabbi.” Before joining the Conservative rabbinate he spent 10 years studying Zen Buddhism, and later pioneered the use of meditation to enhance Jewish spirituality. The rabbi also was a social justice activist who protested executions at San Quentin penitentiary and argued for the homeless and poor at City Hall, according to Rabbi Micah Hyman, the current spiritual leader at Beth Sholom.

2009: Several news outlets reported that Julius Genachowski would be President-Elect Obama's choice to head the FCC.His father's cousin, Menachem Genack, is the CEO of the Orthodox Union Kosher Division.     

2010: Father Patrick Desbois who has spent a lifetime documenting the Holocaust was honored today by Alan Solow Chairman of the President's Conference and by Malcolm Hoenlein, the group’s executive vice chairman who presented him with an etching of a dove.

2010:The first class of a four part series entitled “Why Be Jewish” is scheduled to be taught tonight by Dr. Erica Brown at The Sixth & I Historic Synagogue. This four-part series will explore modern Jewish identity in America through self-reflection, an exploration of stereotyping, case studies, and classic Jewish texts. The four classes include: “You as a Jew,” “Stereotypes Make Life Easy,” “Jewish Foods, Jewish Moods,” and “Jewish Values: Seeking and Finding.”What do Barbie and Borat have in common?

2010: Steve Luxenberg, a senior editor at The Washington Post, is scheduled to discuss and sign his memoir "Annie's Ghosts: A Journey Into a Family Secret" at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington in Rockville, MD.

2010:The Hebrew Language Table of the Library of Congress presents a lecture by Dr. Maurice Roumani entitled “North African Jewry during WWII: The Holocaust and its Impact.”

2010(26th of Tevet, 5770): Shirley Bell Cole passed away.  From 1930 to 1940, she was the primary radio voice for Little Orphan Annie. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2010:Pope Benedict XVI should be welcomed when he visits Rome's main synagogue, but he should halt moves to beatify wartime pontiff Pius XII, criticized for not doing enough to stop the Holocaust, a former chief rabbi of Israel said today.

2011: The New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to begin tonight, marking the 20th year of the event.

2011:Rami Kleinstein & ISRAMERICA are scheduled to perform at The City Winery in New York City.

2011: CMJ UK is scheduled to hold a memorial service for Kristine Lukenin today at Southwell, north of Nottingham. Lukenin was one of two women who were stabbed as they took a Shabbat walk near Beit Shemesh. Her friend, Givat Ze’ev resident Kay Wilson was seriously wounded.CMJ is the Church’s Ministry Among Jewish People, which promotes Messianic Judaism.

2011: The New York Times featured a review of Dueling Writers Take on Each Other and the World  co-authored by Bernard-Henri Lévy.

2011:The Knesset approved a preliminary reading of the "Jerusalem Law" proposed by MK Uri Ariel (National Union).

2011:“Mahler on the Couch,” a lush fictionalization of a 1910 meeting between composer Gustav Mahler and psychologist Sigmund Freud, opened the New York Jewish Film Festival

2012: “His Wife’s Lover” is scheduled to shown at the Yiddish Film Series in Santander, Spain.

2012: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present “Poetics of Place – Readings with Drunken Boat, Tin House and Conjunctions.”

2012: Donna Karan is scheduled to join Fern Mallis at 92Y for a coffee klatch today, where the two fashion industry powerhouses will talk shop–and, of course, shopping

2012:The Israeli Defense Forces demolished the illegal West Bank outpost Mitzpe Avichai near Kiryat Arba, in the early hours of this morning.
2012: IDF tanks opened fire on a terror cell operating east of the al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza late tonight. Army sources said soldiers manning an observation post spotted a number of Palestinians as they were attempting to plant bombs near the security fence separating Israel from the Strip.  
2012: "We, the State of Israel, should say thank you to immigrants from Ethiopia and not vice versa," President Shimon Peres said today during a visit to a school in Jerusalem. "We do not want racism here, or anywhere else." Peres' statement came a day after Immigration Absorption Minister Sofa Landver, in response to recent protests against discrimination against Ethiopian immigrants, said that Ethiopian immigrants should be grateful for what they have received from Israel.

2012: “The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess” opened tonight at the Richard Rogers Theatre in New York.

2013(1stof Shevat, 5773): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

2013(1st of Shevat, 5773: Eighty-three year old “Leon Leyson, the youngest Holocaust survivor on Schindler’s list passed away today in Los Angeles.

2013: Magen David Sephardic Congregation is scheduled to host “Path to Jerusalem” which will let attendees “visit Israel in the heart of Rockville, MD” with music, coffee and pasties.

2013: “How to Re-Establish a Vodka Empire” is scheduled to be shown at The New York Jewish Film Festival.

2013: The Minneapolis (MN) Jewish Humor Festival is schedule to open for the 4thyear in a row tonight.

2013: “The Best of Chamber Music” featuring a performance of Dvorak Piano Quintet of opus 81 in  A major is scheduled to be performed at the Eden-Tamir Music Center.

2013: Avraham Heffner’s “The Winchell Affair” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef suffered a mild stroke this morning during the Sabbath-morning prayer service

2013: Jan Fischer lost in his bid to become the first Jew to be elected President of the Czech Republic.

2014: At Agudas Achim, Nancee Blum is scheduled to present “To Buy or Not to Buy” a program about compulsive shopping.

2014: In Ashburn, VA, Beth Schafter is scheduled to perform at Beth Chaverim.

2014: JCCNV is scheduled to present the final performance of “Mister Benny.”

2014: “Mamele” and “The Zigzag Kid” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2014: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Andrew’s Brain by E.L. Doctorow and The Exiles Returnby Elisabeth de Waal

2014: Israel is scheduled to bid farewell to former prime minister and one of the most prominent commanders of all times today. The casket of Israel's 11th prime minister Ariel Sharon will be placed in the Knesset plaza from 12:00 noon until 18:00 so the public can pay its last respects. (As reported by Moran Azulay)

This Day, January 13, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 13

519 BCE: Darius had “a crown made for Zerubbabel out of gold sent by Jews in Babylon.”

1334: Birthdate of King Henry II of Castile who “was arguably the first ruler since the Visigothic King Ergica to utilise opposition to Jewish activities in Iberian Peninsula as part of his policy.”

1435: Pope Eugene IV,who would issue an edict prohibiting: building of synagogues, money-lending for interest, holding public office, testifying against Christians, issued “Sicut Dubum,” a bull banning the enslavement of inhabitants of the Canary Islands who had converted to Christianity.  Both measures had the same purpose – the growth of Christianity at all costs.

1505: Birthdate of Joachim II Hector the Elector of Brandenburg who allowed the Jews to return to his realm after he was told that the charges of host desecration that had led to their expulsion were false.

1546(10th of Shevat): The responsa of Rabbi Nissim ben Reuben Gerondi were printed for the first time in Rome

1625:  John Milton, author of “Paradise Lost” is admitted to Christ's College, Cambridge at the age of 16. During Milton’s lifetime, Jews were still officially not allowed to settle in the British Isles.  Like many Puritans living in the England of Oliver Cromwell, Milton saw a connection between his brand of Christianity and the Israelites.  Until his eyes weakened, he read the Hebrew Bible on a daily basis and expressed a positive view of Mosaic Law.  Milton was a politician as well as a poet.  He served as a secretary to Oliver Cromwell and, according to one of his biographers, was part of the group who negotiated for the return of the Jewish community to England.

1635: Birthdate of German Protestant theologian Philipp Jakob Spencer who differed with Lutherans on two major points one of which their belief that the conversion of the Jews was a required prelude to “the triumph of the church.”

1733: James Oglethorpe and 130 colonists arrive in Charleston, South Carolina on their way to found the colony of Georgia.  The first Jews would arrive in Georgia with the second boatload of colonists who will arrive in July of 1733.

1777: During the American Revolution, Lewis Bush, a Jew from Philadelphia, was transferred from the 6th Pennsylvania Battalion to Colonel Thomas Hartley’s Additional Continental Regiment.

1778:  Birthdate of Sir Isaac Goldsmid. A Sephardic Jew, Goldsmid was a prominent Londonbanker who was a founder of the University of London.  He passed away in 1859.

1797: Birthdate of Emanuel Schwab the native of Roedelheim, Germany who married Sophie Hirsch in 1862 and served as a rabbi for congregations in Schenectady, New York and Bridgeport, CT.

1803: Birthdate of Dr. Nathan Marcus Adler, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire and one of the most prominent Jewish clerics of the 19th century.

1807 (4th of Shevat, 5567): Reb Moshe Leib of Sassov passed away. Born in 1745, Rav Moshe Leib was a disciple of Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg, who was in turn a disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch. As the many stories about his life demonstrate, Rav Moshe was committed to all three forms of love as enumerated by the Baal Shem Tov: love of God, love of Torah and love of Israel.

1810: Birthdate of Ernestine Louise Polowsky, the daughter of a wealthy Polish rabbi who gained fame as Ernestine Louise Rose, the American feminist and abolitionist.

1821: In London, an unnamed visitor came to the Exchange and reported to Mr. Rothschild that he was the intended victim of an assassination plot, one possibly being hatched in Austria.  Rothschild gave no credence to the threat and was prepared to let the man depart.  Others insisted that he be held.  He was taken into custody, questioned by authorities and then released.  The name of the informant has not been made public.

1825: Prior to his death Czar Alexander I expelled all the Jews from Mohilev and Vitebsk.

1830: When the Great Fire began in New Orleans today, the Jewish community numbered little more than thirty members but had already formed a congregation, Shaarai Chesed (Gates of Mercy), under the direction of Jacob Solis.

1847: Birthdate of Morris Rich, founder of Atlanta’s Rich’s Department Store.

1854(13th of Tevet, 5614): Judah Touro passed away.  A native of Newport, Rhode, Island born in the same year as Lexington & Concord, Touro spent most of his adult life in New Orleans where he was a successful businessman and real estate investor. Touro also took part in the city’s signature event serving as a volunteer with Andrew Jackson’s forces that defeated the British in 1815.  Touro was one of the great philanthropists of his time.  Beneficiaries of his generosity included Touro Infirmary in New Orleans, The Bunker Hill (MA) Monument Fund and a residential settlement and almshouse in Jerusalem.

1873: It was reported today that the London Jewish Chronicle has published a story about the murder of a Russian Jewish family.  Two laborers ordered brandy from Jewish innkeeper and then refused to pay for their drinks. They became abusive and eventually were forced to leave the tavern. Later that night, he innkeeper, his wife, his children and his brother were awakened by cries of “fire.” When they ran outside they were attacked by a mob of eight people including the two laborers.  The mob ransacked the inn, set fire to the building and then threw the Jews in.  They all burned to death except for a 12 year old boy who escaped into the woods.

1873: It was reported today that President Grant has instructed all United States ministers to inform the governments to which they are accredited that the U.S. has taken a “deep interest” in the Jews of Romania and would expect these governments to do what they can to intervene on behalf of this persecuted minority.Benjamin Franklin Peixotto, the American-Jew who is the U.S. Consul at Bucharest expressed his pleasure with the American government’s intervention. [This would be another example of the bogus charge that President Grant was an anti-Semite.]

1877: It was reported today that Lord Beaconsfield who celebrated his 71stbirthday on December 27 “is now utterly enfeebled and exhausted and reduced to a condition of intellectual decrepitude  by the strains of office.”

1878: The Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Newark, NJ, held its first meeting this afternoon.  The 172 members elected the following officers: President – Frank Marx; Vice President – Leopold Harzfeld; Recording Secretary – Oscar Wiener; Financial Secretary – Edward Hirschler; Treasurer – Joseph Goetz.  The members voted to raise $2,000 by issuing 400 shares of stock at $5 a share.

1878: It was reported today that David Rosenberg of Columbus, Ohio whom it is assumed is a Jew “has issued a call for a national convention of all Israelites who are now willing to accept Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah of the world.” The Jews promptly repudiated the man and his scheme.

1878:  It was reported today that The Jewish Messenger sees the “present tendency to break down the barriers of synagognism” and replace it with a “brotherhood of synagogues” as one of the most promising features of the Jewish-American landscape.

1879: It was reported today that Thomas D. Conygham, the forger who swindled the people of Wilkes-Barre, PA out of $250,000 before fleeing the country was in turn the victim of a swindle perpetrated by Lazarus, a Sephardic Jew who conned him out of $70,000 in Haiti.

1884:  Birthdate of Sophie Tucker, “last of the Red Hot Momma.”  The daughter of Russian-Jewish immigrants, Tucker exploited her size and loud voice to fashion a successful career in vaudeville, burlesque and night clubs.  She used part of her fortune to endow a chair at BrandeisUniversity.  She passed away in 1966.

1884: The Hebrew Technical Institute elected the following as its first slate of officers: President- James Hoffman; Vice President – Leo Schlesinger; Treasurer – David L. Einhorn; Secretary – M.A. Kursheedt.

1886: In a small village near Minsk, Brokhe Tsharni (née Hurwitz) and Zev Volf, “a fervent Lubavitcher” gave birth to Baruch Charney Vladeck who gained famed as Baruch Nachman Charney, an American Jewish Labor Leader and manger of the Jewish Daily Forward

1890: It was reported today that the Hebrew Technical Institute is currently 120 pupils who are supported by the efforts of 557 patrons and members.

1890: It was reported today that Harmony Club, a Jewish social club, suffered 3,000 in damages as a result of the cyclone that recently struck St. Louis, MO.

1891: A ship carrying five hundred Jewish men, women and children who were all from Russia, arrived at Dover, UK

1891: It was reported today that the Hebrew Benevolent Society and the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children were among the charities named to receive bequests in the will of the late Emma Abbot Wetherwall who was not Jewish.

1891: “Objects To Working Saturday” described the objections that Judge Joseph E. Newberger, an Orthodox Jew has raised to hearing matters on Saturday morning. While at least one of his colleagues has agreed to cover for him, Chief Justice Ehrlich responded by saying that Newberger should have considered this before running for election.”

1892: Second day of a three day celebration marking opening of the Jewish Maternity Association's facility in Philadelphia, PA

1892: Charles Spurgeon, a leading British Baptist minister was quoted today as expressing his displeasure with the Russian treatment of her Jewish citizens.  “If I had all the health and strength that could fall to the lot of man, I should be quite unable to express my feelings on reading of Russia’ intolerance of the Jews…The Czar is greatly injuring his own country by driving out God’s ancient people.  No country can trample upon Israel with impunity…

1892: It was reported today that the annual expenses for the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society for the fiscal year ending October 1, 1891 were in excess of $92,000,000.  The expenditures included part of the payment for the society’s new building. (More 2014)

1893: Birthdate of Chaim Sutin, the native of Belarus who gained fame as French painter Cahim Soutine. He owed part of his success to the support of Paul Guilluam, the French art dealer who championed the works of another Jewish artist, Amedeo Modigliani.

1894: Adolph L. Sanger lost in his bid to be elected President of the Board of Education in New York City.

1895: English author and historian Sir John Robert Seely, author of Ecce Homo and Natural Religion passed away. He believed that “the Hebrew Scriptures express in poetic for…the spirit of modern science”

1896: It was reported that a course in Hebrew will be offered by New York University as one of its summer school offerings starting this July.

1896: “Dr. Cohen On ‘Judaism A Force’: published today includes Dr. Cohen’s message that “the wealthy Jewish merchants of Philadelphia…built large temples, patronized the arts and sciences and were chairitalbe…but was there one among them who paid his employees liberally?  In Philadelphia, as in other cities he knew of clothing fortunes that had been built from the blood of the poor Russian Jews…”

1898: Emile Zola published "J'Accuse." This famous letter appeared in Clemenceau's paper L'Aurore.  Zola was a supporter of Alfred Dreyfus and the letter condemned the French establishment for wrongly convicting Dreyfus.  (The Clemenceau mentioned above is the same Clemenceau who led Franceto victory in World War I.)

1899: Magistrate Sims is scheduled to hear a case in which Mrs. Esther Wallenstein, President of the Hebrew Infant Asylum, has brought charges of trespass against the builders working on the asylum’s building.  She is represented by Maurice Untermyer.

1899: It was reported today that Liebler & Company are committed to producing a dramatization of Israel Zangwill’s Children of the Ghetto which will be produced at the Herald Square Theatre starting in October.  The theatrical company has accepted the scenario he presented and the Jewish author is now working on a multi-act treatment.

1903: Herzl begins the preparations for the meetings with the Foreign Ministry and with Lord Rothschild.

1904(25th of Tevet, 5664): Leo Napoleon Levi, a lawyer and one of the first Jews from Texas to gain national recognition, died of a heart attack. He was born in 1856 in Victoria, TX.  “At age sixteen he enrolled at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, where he received the medal for being the best university debater and at age twenty received his law degree. He married Ray Bachrach, and they had six children. He settled in Galveston and became associated with the law firm Flournoy and Scott in 1876; later he became a partner in Scott, Levi, and Smith. Levi was a well-known orator, and officials at the University of Texas invited him to give the commencement address in June 1899. The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith published this speech and others by Levi in a book in 1905. In 1887 Levi was elected president of Temple B'nai Israel, and the next year he brought Rabbi Henry Cohen to Texas. Levi retained the presidency for twelve years. In Galveston he joined the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, a Jewish fraternal organization, and was elected president of District Seven, which comprised seven Southern states. In 1900 Levi was elected national president of the IOBB. That same year he moved to New York City to pursue his work with B'nai B'rith. As president of B'nai B'rith, Levi he sent a petition to Czar Nicholas II, after the massacre at Kishinev, that demanded Russians stop abusing Jews. Secretary of State John Hay signed the Kishinev petition, and President Theodore Roosevelt endorsed it.

1904(N.S): Birthdate of Nathan Mironovich Milstein) a Russian-born American virtuoso violinist.

1907: A new building, which resulted from the remodeling of two townhouses opened today for the use of Congregation Orach Chaim.

1908: The Times of London published the obituary for Major General Sir Frederic John Goldsmid who passed away yesterday without mentioning the fact that his family was Jewish.

1912:Centenary celebration of the birth of Dr. Liebman Adler. Adler began his career in Germany as a public school teacher and cantor at a local synagogue. He moved to DetroitMichiganin 1854 where he served as rabbi and cantor at Congregation Bethel. Adler was the father of famed architect Dankmar Adler.  The younger Adler’s mother died in childbirth so the father named him “Dank” (thanks), Mar (bitter).  Liebman Adler moved to Chicagoin 1861 when he was named rabbi of Kehilath Anshe Ma'ariv Synagogue.  Dankmar would build a new synagogue before his father passed away in 1891.

1915:  Winston Churchill presented plans for an assault on the Dardanelles.  This plan would come to be known as the ill-fated Gallipoli Campaign.  If the campaign had succeeded, Turkeywould have been knocked out World War I.  Russiawould have been re-supplied meaning no Russian Revolution.  The stalemate on the Western Front would have ended and World War I would have ended without the United States joining the fray.  But the campaign failed which ironically had a positive effect on one small aspect of Jewish history.  Gallipoli consumed a great deal of Allied manpower.  In desperation, the British were even willing to use an-all Jewish unit called the “Zion Mule Corps.”  The corps acquitted itself with valor and honor, making it possible for the British to create an all Jewish combat unit that saw service under Allenby in the fight against the Turks in Palestine.

1916: Birthdate of Bella Lewitzky, founder of the internationally acclaimed Bella Lewitzky Dance Company.  When she appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee, Lewitzky declined to testify saying, “I am a dancer, not a singer.”

1917:In Manhattan, The First Hungarian Congregation Ohab`Zedak offered prayers of special thanksgiving for the life and works of Jacob Schiff who had just turned seventy

1922:Today, Nahum Sokolow, President of the Executive Committee of the World Zionist organization, who is visiting the United States as the head of a European delegation of Zionist leaders, met with U.S. President Warren G. Harding.

1926:  Birthdate of author and feminist Carolyn Gold Heilbrun.

1927: Birthdate of British born biologist Sydney Brenner. He shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with H. Robert Horvitz and John Sulston.

1929: Wyatt Earp, Western legend, passed away. Earp was not Jewish.  But his wife was and she conspired to have him buried in a Jewish cemetery.  This gave rise to erroneous rumor that Earp had converted before his death.

1935: Germany regains control of a valuable resource as the Saar rejoins the Reich following a plebiscite conducted by the League of Nations.

1936(18th of Tevet, 5696):Samuel Lionel "Roxy" Rothafel passed away. Born in 1882 at Stillwater, Minnesota “was a showman of the 1920s silent film era and the impresario for many of the great New York movie palaces that he managed such as the Strand, Rialto, Rivoli, Capitol, and his eponymous Roxy Theatre in New York City He also opened Radio City Music Hall in 1932, which featured the precision dance troupe, the "Roxyettes", later renamed the Rockettes.” Roxy also made a name for himself on radio, where he began broadcasting in mid-November 1922, and throughout the 1920s, his live broadcasts from the Capitol Theatre became increasingly popular. One estimate from 1924 placed his typical radio audience at about five million listeners, and he was said to receive thousands of pieces of fan mail weekly. (His weekly variety show, "Roxy and His Gang," was later heard on the NBC Blue network, by that time broadcasting from the Roxy Theatre. Rothafel has been credited with many movie presentation innovations, including synchronizing orchestral music to movies (in the silent film era) and having multiple projectors to effect seamless reel changes. The book The Best Remaining Seats by Ben Hall (1961), gives a good overview of the movie palaces of the 1920s and, specifically, of Roxy himself. Rothafel is buried in Linden Hill Jewish Cemetery in Queens, New York.”

1936: It was announced today that the annual donor luncheon of the Women’s League will be held at the Waldorf Astoria on January 15, 1936.  Proceeds from the event will be used to pay for the completion of a facility being built in Tel Aviv for female refugees fleeing Hitler’s Germany.

1938: The Palestine Post reported on the opening of the Rockefeller archeological museum in Jerusalem, founded by John Rockefeller and named in his honor. The museum's permanent exhibition revealed the history of mankind as recorded in local archeological finds. No festive opening ceremony took place, due to the tragic murder of archeologist John Starkey. 

1938: The Palestine Post reported that Jewish buses were shot at in Haifa and there were various shooting incidents in Jerusalem.

1938: An article in The Palestine Postquoted extensively from the London's Financial Times, which reviewed the hopeless position of over five million Jews in Central and Eastern Europe, denied the means of existence or possible emigration. The report concluded that "it seemed too much to hope in the present state of the world that a political and economic effort will be made to stop this tragedy."

1938(11th of Shevat, 5698): Albert Ottinger, the former New York State Attorney General who was the Republican candidate for governor defeated by FDR in 1928 passed away today at the age of 59. He used his governmental positions to fight corruption and prosecuted those responsible for perpetrating frauds in the financial services industry. He was responsible for the introduction of voting machines.  Ottinger was also active in Jewish communal affairs. [Many younger readers may be surprised to find out that the Republican Party in New York had a history of using government to protect the citizens from abuses by rapacious and/or crooked “capitalists.]

1941: James Joyce passed away. His most famous novel, Ulysses, featured a Jewish protagonist, Leopold Bloom.

1942: The deportation of 10,000 Jews from Lodz began at the rate of 700 a day. They are all sent to Chelmno to be gassed. Nine transports of about 90 people each were buried in Chelmno. Five of the nine men unloading the corpses were shot when the day was done.

1943: The German Foreign Minister, Ribbentrop, warned Italians that they would permit Jews to live in areas under German rule until March 31. After that time, "the Government won't be able to make any exceptions."   In other words, Italian Jews would now become candidates for the Final Solution.

1943: Fifteen hundred Jews are deported from Radom, Poland, to Treblinka.

1944: Two United States Treasury Department officials--Josiah DuBois and Randolph Paul--threaten to resign and make public the report on their investigation into the State Department's scandalous activities in regard to the Jews. The report is originally entitled "Report to the Secretary [of the Treasury] on the Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews." The report indicts officials of the State Department for their "willful attempts to prevent action from being taken to rescue Jews from Hitler.""They have not only failed to use the governmental machinery at their disposal to rescue Jews from Hitler, but have even gone so far as to use this governmental machinery to prevent rescue of the Jews.

1948 (2nd of Shevat, 5708): Solomon Mikhoels was killed by the secret police under Stalin's orders, as part of a campaign to eradicate Jewish intellectualism and culture.  Born in 1890, Mikhoels was a leading Russian and Yiddish actor famed for his roles as Tevye and King Lear. During the war he had tried to win support for the Russian war effort by touring Englandand the United States.

1948: In attempt to secure the road to Mt.Scopus, site of HadassahHospital, the Haganah launched an attack on Sheikh Jarrah.  Having dislodged the Arab gunmen from the area, the Jews were forced to hand it over to the British who promised not to permit armed Arabs into the area.  Within forty eight hours, the British gave it back to the Arabs.

1949: Birthdate of television executive, Brandon Tartikoff.

1953: An article published today in Pravdatouched off a wave of virulent anti-Semitism throughout Russia.

1953: The JerusalemPost reported that the losses due to drought in the Negevtopped $3 million. The heavy rain came too late, and not a drop fell in the Migdal-Ashkelon-Safieh region, where the loss was over IL 10m.

1954: Birthdate of Trevor Rabin.  The South African native is best known as a writer and guitarist for the band “Yes.”  Rabin, who changed his name from Rabinowitz, was raised in a Reform household. He grew up observing Shabbat and singing in his synagogue choir, and despite the name change, he has never really left Judaism. In 2004, he told the San Diego Jewish journal that it helps to be a Jew in the world of rock and roll, because so many other musicians are also MOT. Indeed, Rabin wasn't the only Jew affiliated with Yes--their manager, Brian Lane, was born Harvey Freed.

1961: Birthdate of Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the actress who played Elaine on the television hit “Seinfeld.”

1966: Abba Eban becomes  the third Foreign Affairs of Israel.

1974(19th of Tevet, 5734): Sholom Secunda passed away. Born in 1894 at Oleksandriia, he “was a Jewish composer, born in Ukraine and educated in the United States. He wrote the melody for the popular song "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen" in 1932. Together with Aaron Zeitlin he wrote the famous Yiddish song "Dos kelbl (The Calf)" (also known as "Donna Donna") which was covered by many musicians, including Donovan and Joan Baez. Along with Abraham Ellstein, Joseph Rumshinsky, and Alexander Olshanetsky, he was one of the "big four" composers of his era in New York City's Second Avenue Yiddish theatre scene

1974: A Gallup poll on religious worship showed that fewer Protestants and Roman Catholics were attending weekly services than ten years earlier, but that attendance at Jewish worship services had increased over the same period.

1978: The Jerusalem Post published an exclusive interview with President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, who agreed that Israel needed security, but could not keep Arab land. Sadat proposed mutual security measures for the West Bank and Sinai. He promised to build a "triple shrine"­ a mosque, a synagogue and a church ­at the top of Jebel Musa, Mount Sinai, where according to tradition Moses received the Ten Commandments.

1978: Former Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey passed away in Waverly, Minnesota, at age 66.  As mayor of Minneapolis and Senator from Minnesota was champion of the underdog and fighter for civil rights.  These policies made him popular with Jewish voters.  During the 1950’s visitors to Humphrey’s office in the SenateOfficeBuildingwere greeted by the sight of a prominently displayed JNF Tree Certificate.

1980:"King of Schnorrers" closes at the Playhouse Theater in New York City after 63 performances.  “King of Schnorrers” was a musical based on work of the same name by Israel Zangwill.

1981: Yigal Hurvitz, who had been serving as the Minister of Finance, left the cabinet.

1994(1stof Shevat, 5754): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1994: Edward P. Djerejian, a Clinton appointee, presented his credentials as U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

1998: Daniel Charles Kurtzer presented his credentials as U.S. Ambassador to Egypt. (Yes an American Jew represented the United States in Cairo.  Jewish diplomats representing the United States in Moslem countries is nothing new. It dates back to the days of the Ottoman Empire.]

2002(29th of Tevet, 5762):  Canadian born comedian Frank Shuster, who gained fame as part of the comedy duo of Wayne and Shuster passed away.

2002: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish author and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Public Intellectuals:A Study of Decline by Richard A. Posner, Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate by Neil Baldwin, two books of Al Hirschfield’s drawings -  Hirschfeld's New York and 'Hirschfeld's Hollywood and Be My Knifeby David Grossman “an Israeli, widely known not just for his four previous novels but for two seminal books about the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and for his -- as the Israelis say -- dovish'' articles and editorials in major newspapers around the world. With the exception of his first novel, however, the horrific political life of Israel -- the real world of intifada and reprisal -- plays virtually no role in the universe of Grossman's fiction.” Fifty eight year old

2003(10thof Shevat, 5763):Fifty eight year old Rabbi Steven Dworken, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Council of America, a professional body serving over 1,100 Orthodox rabbis, died suddenly at his home in Teaneck, N.J., of a heart attack

2006: Jeffrey Pollack was appointed Commissioner of the World Series of Poker.

2006: An exhibit of works by ceramicist Daisy Brand sponsored by the University of Minnesota Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies and the Northern Clay Center opened today.

2007: Senior archaeologists have come out in harsh criticism against the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) for authorizing plans for a bridge to connect the Dung Gate in Jerusalem's OldCityto the Mugrabi Gate, located next to the Western Wall and leading to the TempleMount. The archaeologists say that the bridge's pylons will damage one of the most significant archaeological parks in Israel and the world, located outside the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount.

2008: The Sunday New York Times book section featured a review of Bleeding Kansas by Sara Paretsky who grew up in a small eastern Kansas town, where she and her brothers were the only Jewish kids in school and is best known as the creator of the fictional female detective V. I. Warshawski, Vienna Blood by Dr. Frank Tallis in which the author returns to his previous literary landscape - fin de siècle Vienna complete with Sigmund Freud and Austrian anti- Semitism and Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons by Jacob Heilbrunn. As can be seen from one typical review, the book emphasizes the Jewish nature of the Neo-Con movement. “The story of the neocons is a saga of immigrant assimilation, whose seeds lie in the Jewish intellectual circles of the 1930s, when communists loyal to Stalin clashed with Trotskyites over communist theory and its applications in the real world. In tracing the evolution of neo-conservatism (including a look at the influence of the mysterious Leo Strauss), Heilbrunn shows how generations of Jews moved from the margins of political and intellectual life to replace the old WASP elite and now play a central role in determining U.S. policy in the Middle East.”

2008: The Washington Post book section featured a review of Bleeding Kansas by Sara Paretsky and a biography about Mstislav Rostropovich the renowned Bakuborn Jewish musician entitled Rostropovich: The Musical Life of the Great Cellist, Teacher, and Legendby Elizabeth Wilson

2008: An exhibition at the Corcoran Gallery of Art,"Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer's Life, 1990-2005 " comes to a close in Washington, D.C.

2008: The UK's Mail on Sunday issued a free DVD of The Jazz Singer.

2008:”New Jerusalem: The Interrogation of Baruch De Spinoza at Talmud Torah Congregation: Amsterdam July 27, 1656,” anew play by David Ives about the clash between religion and modernity focuses on the interrogation of the philosopher Baruch de Spinoza opens at the Classic Stage Company in New York

2008: Leonard Cohen announced today that he would make his first concert tour in 15 years starting in May of 2008 at New Brunswick.

2008: “They Called Me Mayer July”, the first major exhibition of Mayer Kirshenblatt’s  work in the United States has its final showing at the Judah L. Magnes Museum in Berkley, California. The exhibition 65 paintings is a tribute to the 91 year old Mayer Kirshenblatt’s distinctive imagination and sharp recollection of his Polish Jewish home town before World War II, with images such as: the pregnant hunchback, who stood under the wedding canopy just hours before giving birth; the khayder teacher caught in bed with the drummer's wife; the corpse that was shaved; and the "black wedding" in the cemetery during a cholera epidemic.

2009: The 92ndSt Y presents an evening with newly minted Nobel Laureate, economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman.

2009: The Governor of New York nominated Jonathan Lippman to serve as the Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals.

2009:U.S. Senator Bill Nelson revealed during Hillary Clinton's confirmation hearing that he believes Robert Levinson is being held in a secret prison in Iran. "The door has been closed at every turn", Nelson said during Clinton's confirmation hearing. "We think he is being held by the government of Iran in a secret prison. (Levinson is the only Jew in this item)

2009:Hadassah began instituting a massive reduction in force today when it laid off 80 employees across the country, roughly a quarter of its national staff. The cuts are coming at all levels of the organization. Hadassah recently announced that it had in total $40 million invested in Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scam, as well as another $50 million the organization thought it had made in the scam. It was a significant hit to its endowment, which now stands at $412 million.

2010: Miriam Levinson, an expert on Jewish Cuban History is scheduled to present a lecture entitled “The Jews of Cuba: The Road to Paradise and the Land We Called Home” at the JCC of Northern Virginia.
2010: The 19th annual New York Jewish Film Festival opens with a showing of “Saviors in the Night.” 

2010: In “For Some, ‘Kosher; Equals Pure,” Kim Severson reported that “this year, for the first time, glatt kosher food will be sold at the Super Bowl.” She then explained why “kosher” has become so popular among the food-eating public..


2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Film Festival opens with a showing of “Berlin ’36.” 

2010: Israel’s deputy foreign minister issued a formal apology to the Turkish ambassador today after ostentatiously humiliating him earlier in the week and aggravating strains in a complex and increasingly troubled relationship between Israel and Turkey, its closest Muslim ally.
2010: According to a report entitled "Searching for the Study of Israel" that was released today, "the past three years have seen a huge jump in the number and variety of courses about Israel taught in America's top universities."

2011:Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness” is scheduled to have its world premier at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2011: “The Klezmatics: On Holy Ground” is scheduled to have its New York premier at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2011:Andrea Meislin Gallery is scheduled to host a reception in honor Naomi Leshem to mark the opening of Between Zones, an exhibition of the work of this acclaimed Israeli photographer.

2011:A group of national religious youth, known as “Ra'ananim” [waking up], plans to launch a campaign today against buying fruits, especially figs, from Turkey for the upcoming Tu B'Shvat holiday. .”

2011: In an unprecedented step, some twenty senior Israeli ambassadors sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today, asking him to intervene in the Foreign Ministry workers' strike "in order to save Israel's foreign service."

2012: “The Klezmatics: On Holy Ground” – a documentary about one of the premier klezmer music groups – is scheduled to be shown at The Boston Jewish Film Festival.

2012: “The Last Jews of Libya” is scheduled to be shown at Temple Sinai in Springfield, MA

2012: Israel's Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned Israeli citizens today to stay away from Thailand's capital, following the arrest of a Hezbollah militant suspected of planning a terrorist attack in the city.

2013: Gary Gilson is scheduled to perform “You Don’t Have To Be Jewish…But  It Couldn’t Hurt” at e Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival

2013: The New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present “An Evening with the Safdie Brothers” featuring an in person appearance by directors Josh and Benny Safdei.

2013: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Zoo Time by Howard Jacobson, The World Until Yesterday by Jared Diamond and She Matters: A Life in Friendships by Susanna Sonnenberg.

2013: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to co-sponsor the presentation of “Life in Stills” and “Hava Nagila” as part of the Washington Film Festival

2013: Israeli forces evacuated a Palestinian outpost built on a controversial strip of land in the West Bank early this morning, less than a day after the High Court stayed the demolition of the small tent village.

2013: Cabinet ministers voted in favor of approving an upgrade in status for the Jerusalem-based Shalem Center, making it a recognized institute of higher education, and allowing it to open a program that has been widely touted as Israel’s “first liberal arts college.”

2014: Following “a formal mourning ceremony” which is scheduled to be held at the Knesset and attended by national leaders, Ariel Sharon is scheduled to be laid to rest at Shikmim Farm in the Negev next to his second wife Lily. (As reported by Times of Israel)

2014: “The Man with the Golden Arm” and “Bethlehem” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival

2014: Professor Joel Dimsdale is scheduled to deliver a lecture “Anatomy of Malice: Rorschach Records of the Nuremberg War Criminals” at the Lawrence Family JCC

This Day, January 14, In Jewish History by MItchell A. Levin

January 14

83 BCE: Birthdate of Marcus Antonius, who is better known as Mark Antony (often pronounced Anthony).  Mark Antony is credited by some with recognizing Herod as a Jewish leader and elevating him accordingly.  Later, he would side with Cleopatra in her attempts to claim some of Eretz Israel for her own.

1129:  Formal approval of the Order of the Templar at the Council of Troyes. Troyes was the home town of the great Jewish commentator Rashi who died there a quarter of a century before the council was held.  At the time of the meeting, Rabbinu Tam, the most famous of Rashi’s grandson was 29 years old and living at the village of Ramerupt, which was just outside of Troyes.  The term “Templar” refers to the Temple of Solomon.  In its early days, the Order saw itself as a protector of Jerusalem and Solomon’s Temple.  When it broadened its activity the members of the order learned about banking from the Jews.  Unlike others related to crusading activities, the Templars did not engage in the wholesale slaughter of Jews.

1301:  Andrew III of Hungary dies, ending the Arpad dynasty in Hungary. While his predecessor on the Hungarian throne had approved a variety of ant-Jewish rules and regulations, Andrew took a different tact “when, in the privilegium granted by him to the community of Posonium (Bratislava), that the Jews in that city should enjoy all the liberties of citizens.” Things went downhill for the Jews of Hungary after Andrew’s death and they were expelled from the kingdom in 1349 under the belief that the Jews were responsible for the Black Death.

1514: Pope Leo X issued a papal bull against slavery.  This is the same Pope Leo who clashed with Martin Luther and who offered protection to the Jews at various times including when he reconfirmed the privileges of French Jews despite opposite from the local bishops and banned the wearing of the Jew badge in France

1601: The Church burned Hebrew books and manuscripts in Rome.  These book burnings destroyed priceless parts of the Jewish heritage.  One of the puzzling questions is why do Christians have this almost pathological fear of Jewish books.

1639: The "Fundamental Orders", the first written constitution that created a government, is adopted in Connecticut. “No Jew, however, was recorded in colonial Connecticut until 1659 when ‘David, the Jew’, was mentioned in the Hartford legislative records.” Hartford was one of the four cities that were covered by The Fundamental orders.

1690: The clarinet is invented in Germany.  No, the Jews did not invent the clarinet.  But from Benny Goodman, to Artie Shaw to the Kings of Klezmer, can you imagine the clarinet without Jews or Jews without the “licorice stick.”

1711: One of the largest fires that ever occurred in Frankfurt broke out in the Judengasse  (Jews Alley). The fire started at about 8 p.m. in the House Eichel (German: Acorn) owned by the senior Rabbi Naphtali Cohen.

1745: Birthdate of Gershom Mendez Seixas, the son of Isaac Mendez Seixas) and Rachel Levy, daughter of Moses Levy, an early New York merchant who gained fame as an American rabbi and fervent supporter of the American Revolution.

1768: Aaron Hart, who is considered to be the father of Canadian Jewry,wed his cousin Dorothea Catherine Judah in Portsmouth, England. After the marriage, Uriah and Samuel Judah who were both his cousins and brothers-in-law emigrated to Trois-Rivières, Canada. The large family included four sons: Moses, Ezekiel, Benjamin, and Alexander (Asher), and five daughters, the latter educated by the Ursuline Catholic sisters in Trois-Rivières. One daughter, Chavah, married a Judah and two others, Sarah and Charlotte, married Samuel and Moses David respectively, sons of Montreal's Lazarus David. Seventeen sixty-eight was also the same year in which Hart joined with others for found Shearith Israel in Montreal.

1798: Birthdate of the poet and writer of Isaac de Costa.  A Dutch born member of a Sephardic family, de Costa, converted to Christianity.  Oddly enough, one of his major ventures into the world of prose was a work on Jewish History entitled Israeland the Gentiles.

1821: Birthdate of Salomon Hermann Mosenthal, the native of Kassel, whose operatic works included “Die Maccaber” or “The Maccabees” which he created with Anton Rubinstein.

1842: In Vienna, Leopold Bruer and his wife gave birth to Dr. Josef Bruer the mentor of Sigmund Freud.

1842: According to the Jewish Chronicle, at this time Woolwich “had barely a minyan of Jews, consisting of five or six families” who employed their own Shochet.  They had held services for this time on Rosh Hashanah, 5601(1840).

1851: In Cayuga County, NY, the prosecution rested its case during the trial of John Baham who is charged with having murdered Nathan Adler, an industrious and well-liked Jewish peddler from Syracuse.

1853: In a letter published today, Dr.  George Bethune described the conditions of the seven or eight thousand Jews living in Rome under “shockingly oppressed” conditions. At that time, as he pointed out, the government of Rome was under the control of the Vatican.

1858: In Chicago,Sarah (Spiegel) and Michael Greenebaum, a successful merchant gave birth to Hannah Greenbaum Solomon, the founder and first president of the National Council of Jewish Women.

1859(7thof Shevat, 5619): Fifty-nine year old Zerline “Lina” Beyfus, the wife of Meyer Levin Beyfus passed away at Frankfurt am Main

1860: It was reported today that two Jewish businessmen named Magnus and Guedalla challenged one another to single combat during a heated dispute over who should control a company called the Great Eastern

1861: Birthdate of Mehmed VI the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.  He came to the throne in the closing days of World War I.  His representatives signed the Treaty of Sèvres, the peace treaty marking the end of the war for the Ottoman Empire.  In signing the treaty, the Turkish sultan recognized the mandates that ended the empire including the British mandate over Palestinethat was a key step on the path to creation of the state of Israel.  The sultan lost his throne to Turkish revolutionaries who were angered by the signing of the treaty. 

1866: In Switzerland, Jewish rights were ratified. Switzerland had been the scene of some of the worst massacres during the Black Plague and a hotbed of anti-Jewish edicts. This legislation was only passed after the United States, Britainand France refused to sign treaties until their anti-Jewish cantons were repealed.

1878: Among the payments made from the New York City Treasury today was on of $7,976.66 to the Hebrew Benevolent Orphan Society.

1880: Birthdate of Cardinal Pierre-Marie Gerlier whowas posthumously awarded the title Righteous among the Nations by Yad Vashem in 1981 for his efforts to save Jews from the Vichy Government of Petain and Laval as well as their Nazi allies.

1884(14thof Tevet, 5644): Seventy-six year old Philip Phillips a native of Charleston, SC, who practiced law in Mobile and served in the state legislature and the U.S. House Representatives passed away today.  The husband of Eugenia Levy, he was a Union sympathizer who lived in several Southern cities including Washington, D.C.

1888(1stof Shevat, 5648): Rosh Chodesh Shevat.

1889: Webster Hall, which is owned by Charles Goldstein, is scheduled to host the third annual reception of the Hoffman House Barkeepers.

1892: In Lippstadt, Heinrich Niemöller and his wife Pauline (née Müller), gave birth to Martin Niemöller, the Lutheran minister whose anti-Nazi views slowly evolved and whose view about Jews was “a mixed bag” at best.

1892: The annual convention of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association of America opened this morning at the Lindell Hotel in St. Louis, MO.

1892: Mrs. J.B. Eiseman, Mrs. Edward Pels and Mrs. G. Eiseman, of Baltimore, MD, met with Caroline Harrison, the wife of President Benjamin Harrison in Washington, DC at which time they invited her to attend upcoming Hebrew Orphan Asylum Bazar.  Mrs. Harrison said that if possible she would attend.  In any event, she would “send a donation of flowers from the White House Conservatories.”  (President Harrison was engaged in a re-election campaign which might have been the reason she met with the Jewish ladies.  In fairness, her refusal to commit to coming may have reflected her weakened condition that came from her battle with Tuberculosis which would take her life in October)

1892: The three days of ceremonies marking the opening of the Jewish Maternity’s facility in Philadelphia, PA, came to a close today.

1892: It was reported today that Adoph L. Sanger’s failure to gain election as the President of the Board of Education had nothing to do with the fact that he was Jewish.  Rather it was a case that the Tammany “machine” had decided it wanted to the incumbent to retain the position.

1894: It was reported today that Dr. Joseph Krauskopf, one of the leading rabbis in Philadelphia, is coming to New York City to  deliver an address sponsored by the Young Men’s Association of Ahawath Chesed

1894: President James H. Hoffman presided over the tenth annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical Institute which was held this morning in New York City.

1895: Benjamin Oppenheimer, one of the Republican delegates from the 22ndAssembly District was so upset when he heard that reports circulated by those opposing William Brookfield’s continued service as Republican County Chairman because Jews were against him due to his membership in the Union League Club that he has started to campaign among his co-religionist  to gain support for Brookfield (The Union League Club had blackballed Joseph Seligman’s son because he was Jewish and the fact that it no longer had any Jewish members was bone of contention among “uptown Jews..”)

1896: The inaugural event of this social season hosted by the Young Folks’ League of the Hebrew Asylum is scheduled to take place this evening at the Lexington Assembly Rooms in NYC.

1897(11thof Shevat, 5657): Seventy-eight year old Leon Sternberger, the “cantor emeritus of Temple Beth-El” passed away today. Born in Bavaria in 1810, he “was a pupil of Solomon Sulzer, the father of modern Jewish religious music.” After serving as a cantor in Warsaw, he came to the United States in 1849, where he first served Anshe Chesed,

1897: It was reported today that in Austria, Christian and Jewish witnesses swear the same oath before testifying.  However, Christian witnesses take the oath “before a crucifix between two lighted candles” while Jews take the oath with their right hands on a Bible open to the Ten Commandments.
1898(20thof Tevet, 5658): Eighty-nine year old Lazarus Straus, “the senior member of L. Straus & Sons” passed away today. Born in Bavaria in 1809 to a prominent Jewish family, he came to the United States after the failure of the Revolutions of 1848 in which he supported the liberals He arrived in Talbotton, GA in 1853 and, after a series of business ventures in the South moved to New York City 1865. The crowning point of his business career came when his firm acquired controlling interest in R.H. Macy & Co.  A generous philanthropist, he was a leader of the Jewish community who actually lit the Eternal Light at Temple Beth-El  during the sanctuary’s dedication.  His proudest accomplishment may be his family which include his sons Isidor, Nathan who is the President of the Board of Health and Oscar who served as U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire.

1898: As the Dreyfus Affair continues to inflame France, a group of law students demonstrated in front of the offices of the Aurore protesting the writings of Emile Zola.

1899: It was reported today that Magistrate Sims has resolved the trespass charge brought by Mrs. Esther Wallenstein, President of the Hebrew Infant Asylum.  The Magistrate agreed that the watchmen employed by the builders who had been hired to remodel the asylum’s building  “had no legal right to be on the premises” he only fined the one dollar because they had every reason to believe they had such a right.  In other words, they were innocent pawns in a struggle between Mrs. Wallenstein and the builders, John Webber & Sons.

1899: Temple Isaiah, a Reform congregation in Chicago, Illinois, dedicated a school building.  The structure was attached to the synagogue which had been designed by Dankmar Adler.

1902:Daniel Joseph Jaffé “became associate member of the Institute of Civil Engineers (A.M.I.C.E.)” following which me moved to Hong Kong where among other things, he would build what was, at its time, the largest dam in the Far East.

1903: In San Francisco, prominent socialites Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stettheimer gave birth to Barbara Stettheimer who gained fame as Barbara Ochs Adler, the wife of Julius Ochs Adler.

1913: It was announced at the meeting of the Council of the United Synagogue that the selection committee had decided to submit to the Electoral College the names of two candidates only, Joseph H. Hertz of New York and Dr. Hyamson of London, for the office of chief rabbi, coupling with this resolution a strong recommendation in favor of Dr. Hertz.

1915:  Birthdate of game show producer Mark Goodson

1917: “At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the National Jewish Home for Consumptives, Dr. Adolf Meyer of New York said that unless necessary precautions were taken there was a great danger of tuberculosis being increased in this country by immigration after the war.”

1923: The New York Times reported that “George Barsky, proprietor of the Hotel Allenby located just outside of the Jaffe Gate in Jerusalem” has arrived in New York for a month long stay during which he  plans to raise funds to build a new, modern hotel in Jerusalem that will have 500 rooms with 200 baths, a hot water heating system and all of the other amenities that Westerners connect with a first-class hostelry including a restaurant, billiard room and ballroom for dancing.  Barsky sees Jerusalem and Palestine as prime travel destinations and has high hopes for the development of the tourist industry in “the holy land.”

1938: In Berlin, Harold and Lily Wolkowitz Kartiganer gave birth to Esther Kartiganer who came to United States at the age of one where she eventually became the senior producer for “60 Minutes” who “became entangled in a controversy over a program that raised questions about President George W. Bush’s military service during the Vietnam War” (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)
1938: The Palestine Post reported that one Arab constable was shot and another wounded by Arab bandits during a search at Tulkarm and Kalkilya. Arms and ammunition were found and a number of Arabs were brought before the newly established Military Courtin Jerusalem and sentenced. According to the Jerusalemcorrespondent of the Egyptian press, a special committee was appointed by the British government to study the question of the Jewish settlement in Transjordan. Mr. H. St. John ("Hai Abdullah") Philby, the noted British Muslim who resided at Jedda, told the Arab press that he laments the recent growth of hostility between the Jewish and Muslim peoples, despite their common Semitic origin and their friendly relations in the past. He recommended the abolition of the Mandate and the creation of a National Government in Palestinewhich should permit Jewish immigration, in accordance with the economic and public needs of the country. St. John Philby was the father of the notorious spy, Kim Philby.

1939: Master teacher and pianist Rosina Lhévinne performed in a two-piano recital with her husband to mark the 40th anniversary of both their marriage and their professional collaboration.

1940: In a column entitled “Season In Palestine” Dr. Peter Gradenwitz, described recent musical events in the Holy Land including a series of concerts at the Jerusalem “Bezalel National Museum,” the presentation of a full program by the Palestine Symphony Orchestra without a conductor in Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and a performance of Smetana’s “Tabor” by the Radio Orchestra which was introduced by Dr. Kadlec, the Jerusalem consul General of Czechoslovakia.  The latter took on special significance because of the fate of the Czechs at the hand of the Nazis and Smetana’s relationship to “Hatikvah.”

1940: Of 880 Jewish Polish taken prisoner, 100 were shot on the march to prison. The next day approximately 400 more killed while 40 escaped. The day after, almost 150 more were murdered.

1941(13thof Tevet, 5701): Sixty-year old Austrian entertainer and art collector Fritz Grunbaum died during his second imprisonment at Dachau after having spent time in Buchenwald.

1942: The Nazis ordered 1,600 Jews from Ixbica Kujawska, in western Poland to report to a public place of assembly. The Jewish council warned the citizens about what was happening. The Germans shot the entire council. The rest were taken to Chelmno and gassed by the SS, local gendarmes, and Gestapo. Ten transports of about 80 people each were gassed and buried at Chelmno

1943: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and United States President Franklin Roosevelt met at Casablanca, Morocco, to discuss the future Allied invasion of Western Europe. News of the meeting buoys the spirits of Jews, who hope the war may soon be over. Roosevelt, though, proposes to French North African official General Noguès and later to a leader of the Free French Forces, General Giraud that the French government in North Africa should discriminate against local Jews just as Hitler did in the 1930s. Roosevelt specifically states, twice--once to Noguès and separately to Giraud--that "the number of Jews engaged in the practice of the professions...should be definitely limited to the percentage that the Jewish population in North Africa bears to the whole of the North African population." President Roosevelt adds that limiting the number of Jews in the professions "would further eliminate the specific and understandable complaints which the Germans bore toward the Jews in Germany...."

1943: Rabbi Menachem Zemba, “called on the Jews of Warsaw to revolt” saying that "we must resist the enemy on all fronts". He also warned that "we are prohibited by Jewish law from betraying others...” Zemba was killed (19 Nissan) a few days after the revolt began. He had refused the offer of Catholic priests to help him and flee with another two rabbis, believing that he must remain until the end with his fellow Jews. Zemba had published over 20 manuscripts. Many others were destroyed in the ghetto.”

1943: The Jewish Council members in Lomza, refused to take part in the selection process. The Germans were forced to select for themselves those Jews who should be taken away.

1943: When the Jewish Council and Jewish police in Lomza, Poland, refuse to provide the Gestapo with 40 Jews, Gestapo agents make the selections, and include two Council members. A further 8000 Lomza Jews are deported to Auschwitz.

1943: Birthdate of Dr. Ralph Marvin Steinman, the native of Montreal, who became a noted American cell biologist and Noble Prize winner for his work on the human immune response. (As reported by William Grimes.)

1944: In New York, violinist Roman Totenberg and real estate broker Melanie Shroder Totenberg gave birth to NPR correspondent Nina Totenberg.

1945: The SS evacuates the remaining prisoners from the concentration camp at Plaszów, Poland.

1946(12th of Shevat): Rabbi Joseph Herman Hertz who had served as Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom since 1913 passed away. A native of Hungary he earned a BA from Columbia and earned his Rabbinic designation at JTS, the American flagship training entity of the Conservative movement.

1948: Anna "Ans" van Dike a Dutch Jewish Nazi-collaborator was executed at the age of 42.
(I cannot find any details about this.  If any of you know about this person, please forward the information to me.  Thanks.)

1948: A postal delivery truck filled with explosives and driven by pro-Arab volunteers was driven into the center of Haifa where it exploded. These volunteers included recently released German POW’s and deserters from the British Army.

1948:Department store pioneer Beatrice Auerbach, longtime proprietor at G. Fox & Co. in Hartford, CT, received the Tobe Award for outstanding contributions to public service in the retail field

1949: In Miami, FL, Sylvia Sarah and Clarence Norman Kasdan gave birth to Lawrence Edward Kasdan the writer, director and producer who has given us some marvelous films including “The Big Chill” and some not so marvelous including several episodes of “Star Wars.”

1949: Dr. Edwin J. Cohn of the Harvard Medical School is scheduled to deliver the Julius Stieglitz Memorial Lecture today at the University of Chicago.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Soviet Union told the world that nine leading doctors ­ five of them Jewish ­ had "confessed" to the murder of Andrei Zhdanov, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, and Alexander Shcherbakov, the secretary of the Moscow Committee, and possibly other Soviet leaders. One of the accused was the chief medical officer at the Kremlin. This announcement was understood as the so-called "Doctors' Plot," a crude attack on Soviet Jewry by Stalin. Fears were expressed that such "revelations" would lead to an anti-Jewish purge and hysteria, and a possible forced "resettlement" of Soviet Jews in outlying areas. While Izvestia had already demanded "a special status for Jews," the free world and Jewish press described the charges as false, "fantastic" and completely unsubstantiated.

1954:  Marilyn Monroe married Joe DiMaggio.  Ms. Monroe would later convert to Judaism and marry playwright Arthur Miller.

1960: Birthdate of Eric Alterman, the creator of the political weblog “Altercation”

1978(6th of Shevat, 5738): British athlete Harold Abrahams passed away.  Born in 1899, Abrahams gained prominence as an Olympic runner during the 1920 and 1924 games.  He gained a wide measure of fame when his youthful accomplishments were featured in the film “Chariots of Fire.”

1984(10th of Shevat, 5744):  Paul Ben Haim, prominent Israeli composer, passed away at the age of 86.  http://www.milkenarchive.org/people/view/all/591/Ben-Haim,+Paul

1986:S. Simcha Goldman v. Weinberger, Secretary of Defense, et al in which a Jewish Air Force officer sought to have the right to wear a yarmulke when in uniform was argued before the U.S. Supreme Courtn

1987: Israeli warplanes attacked Palestinian targets near the Syrian border today in the fourth raid on Lebanon in 10 days. .

1988: Today an Israeli builder who is directly affected by the loss of his Arab workers sat in a trailer on a nearly abandoned construction site, grumbling about the workers from Gaza who did not show up for work for the 10th day in a row.The past month of rioting in the occupied territories, which has kept thousands of Palestinians away from jobs in Israel, has been a bitter reminder to Israelis that the country's economy is largely dependent on its political foes.

1992: In “Scuds Are Gone, but the Israelis' Fears Linger” Clyde Haberman describes the condition of the Israeli psyche a year after what became known as Gulf War I.

1994(2nd of Shevat, 5754):Grigory Ivanov was stabbed to death by a terrorist in the industrial zone at the Erez junction, near the Gaza Strip. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.

1998: In “A Jew Stalin Killed Now Symbolizes Rebirth” Alessandra Stanley described the festival being held in Moscow in memory of “the great Yiddish actor and theater director Solomon Mikhoels was slain by Stalin's secret police, spelling the death of the Jewish theater in the Soviet Union.”  Stanley provides a full description of the role of Mikhoels in Russian life, the attack by Stalin and the conditions of Jewry in today’s post-Communist Russia.

1999: Today, Jerry Falwell said "the Anti-Christ is probably alive today and is a male Jew." In his speech, he continued: "Is he alive and here today? Probably, because when he appears during the Tribulation period he will be a full-grown counterfeit of Christ. Of course he'll be Jewish. Of course he'll pretend to be Christ. And if in fact the Lord is coming soon, and he'll be an adult at the presentation of himself, he must be alive somewhere today."

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Constantine’s Sword:The Church and the Jews: A Historyby James Carroll.

2002(1st of Shevat, 5762): Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat

2002:A terrorist, named Raed al-Karmi, the 27-year-old leader of a local Palestinian militia, was killed by a bomb hidden beside a cemetery wall near his house.

2002: Herb Gray completed his term as Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and retired from Parliament.

2004: Former Enron finance chief, Andrew Fastow, pled guilty to conspiracy as he accepted a 10-year prison sentence.

2004: A young Palestinian mother, feigning a limp and requesting medical help, blew herself up today at the entrance to a security inspection center for Palestinian workers, killing four Israeli security personnel and wounding seven people, the Israeli military said. The bomber, Reem al-Reyashi, 22, said in video released after her attack that ''it was always my wish to turn my body into deadly shrapnel against the Zionists and to knock on the doors of heaven with the skulls of Zionists.'' Ms. Reyashi left behind a son aged 3, and a year-old daughter. Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, said this was the first time his group had dispatched a woman to be a suicide bomber.

2006(14th of Tevet, 5766): Academy Award winning actress Shelly Winters passed away.

2006: Skater Sasha Cohen won her first national gold medal at the U.S. Championships Saturday night in St. Louis.

2007: The Sunday New York Times book section featured a review of About Alice by Calvin Trillin, a memoir about his wife Alice Trillin who died at the age of 63 after twenty-five year battle with lung cancer. The Times also featured a review of Heist: Superlobbyist Jack Abramoff, His Republican Allies, and the Buying of Washingtonby Peter Stone.

2007: The front page of the Sunday Chicago Tribune featured an article by Ron Grossman entitled “Echoes of history: Holocaust voices resurface at IIT” that recounted the story of Professor David Boder who went to Europein 1946 and electronically recorded the experiences of Holocaust survivors. 

2008: In Washington, D.C.Journalist Charles Enderlin, the Jerusalem bureau chief for channel France 2, discusses and signs The Lost Years: Radical Islam, Intifada, and Wars in the Middle East.

2008: Sports Illustrated reported that “Will Bynum ex-Georgia Tech basketball player is in hot water in Israel where he plays for Maccabi Tel Aviv.  He was arrested after allegedly driving into some outside a bar.  The victim survived.  Bynum says he’s innocent.”  In a departure from the tolerance Americans show for such behavior an official of Maccabi Tel Aviv told the media that “Bynum will no longer wear a Maccabi shirt.” The same magazine also published a column entitled “A Changeup for Bud’s Boys” advocating the purchase of the Chicago Cubs by Mark Cuban, the multi-millionaire grandson of Jewish immigrants from Russia.

2009:The Leo Baeck Institute and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research present a screening of “What If? The Helena Mayer Story” followed by a discussion led by filmmaker Semyon Pinkhasov and James Traub, a journalist specializing in the responsibility of nations toward their citizens. Helena Mayer was a fencing instructor at ScrippsCollege. She became Germany's woman fencing champion in 1930 and won a silver medal in the Berlin Olympics in 1936. She then settled in the US, became a citizen, and won the US Women's National Fencing Championship eight times.

2009:  The Jewish film festival season kicks off with the opening of the 9th Atlanta Jewish Film Festival and 18th annual New York Jewish Film Festival

2009:Israel Radio reported that the IDF was turning up the heat on Hamas this morning, with ground forces progressing slowly to prevent civilian casualties. The IAF had attacked some sixty targets in the Gaza Strip overnight, Israel Radio reported. The targets included 30 terrorists smuggling tunnels, weapons storage facilities and rocket launch squads.

2009:Palestinian terrorists continued to attack Israeli civilian areas today, firing 18 projectiles by late afternoon, including a phosphorous mortar shell that hit the Eshkol region.
2009: The New York Times featured a review of Never Tell A Lie by Hallie Ephron.

2009:Gottschalks, which founded by German Jewish immigrant Emil Gottschalk in 1904 as a dry goods store in downtown Fresno, California, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

2009: The Museum of Memory and Welcome was inaugurated today near Nardo, in southern Italy. Israel's ambassador to Italy and Rome's chief rabbi, Riccardo Di Segni, joined local officials for the ceremony. The museum, commemorating Jewish Holocaust refugees, opened near the Italian town that gave them shelter on their way to Palestine.
2009: The first stage adaptation of My Name Is Asher Lev “debuts on professional stage in Philadelphia, PA.”

2009: Three rockets were fired into Israel from Lebanon

2010: At the New York Jewish Film Festival, the U.S. premiere of a “Ahead of Time,” a documentary that tells the story of Ruth Gerber.
2010: The 10thannual Atlanta Jewish Festival features a screening of “Breaking Upwards,”an anti-romantic indie comedy described as an Annie Hall for Generation Y that examines a stifled twenty-something New York Jewish couple who, battling codependency, decide to engineer the dismantling of their relationship.

2010:Today, Silvyo Ovadya, the president of the Musevi Cemaati, or Jewish community, said the 23,000-member community has no immediate fear, but further tensions could "turn into anti-Semitism." Turkey's Jewish community said disputes between the country and Israel must be solved courteously, and warned that continued tensions could inflame anti-Semitism.

2010:A bomb exploded near a small convoy of vehicles belonging to Israel's embassy in Jordan this afternoon. No one was hurt in the incident, which occurred some 20 kilometers from the border crossing at Allenby Bridge, and the vehicles continued on to Amman.

2010 Members of the IDF medical teams preparing to spend two weeks in Haiti following a devastating earthquake received vaccinations today to prepare them for the stay in the country which is known for its poor medical infrastructure

2010:The ZAKA delegation arrived in Haiti today after taking part in rescue operations, collection of bodies and identification at another disaster scene – the site of the helicopter crash in Mexico in which Jewish financier and philanthropist Moshe Saba was killed.

2010: Goel Ratzon, an Israeli polygamist was arrested today on suspicion of enslavement, sexual abuse and rape. 

2010:The man who shot up the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle building in July 2006 was sentenced to life in prison. One woman died and five were wounded when Naveed Haq attacked the Jewish agency. In an address to the court during his sentencing, Haq apologized for the shooting rampage "from the depth of my being," according to the Seattle Times. Speaking before a courtroom filled with survivors of the attack and their families, along with the family of the slain victim, Pamela Waechter, Haq blamed the shootings on his poorly treated mental illness, according to reports. A jury last month found Haq, 34, of Pasco, Wash., guilty on all eight counts against him. Following nearly two months of testimony, the jury agreed with the prosecution that Haq knew full well what he was doing when he wounded six women, killing one, at the federation building nearly 3 1/2 years ago. Haq suffers from a mental disorder, and his defense claimed that he could not understand his actions. A previous jury had deadlocked on the case, precipitating a second trial.

2011: Shabbat Tzedek celebrating 50 years in pursuit of justice with the Religious Action Center (RAC) is scheduled to begin.

2011:Limmud NY 2011 is scheduled to begin at The Hudson Valley Resort in Kerhonkson, NY.

2011: As the dispute over conversion bills and the definition of who is a Jew escalates, Pashkevilim were pasted in Jerusalem today that slam “those who promote fraudulent conversions without accepting the yoke of Torah and Mitzvot.”

2012: In an interview with the German newspaper Der Tagesspiel Hungarian born pianist and conductor András Schiff accused the Viktor Orbán government of racism, anti-Semitism and neo-fascism, and declared that he would never set foot in Hungary again

2012: “Dear Mr. Waldman” is scheduled to be shown at Congregation Beth Sholom in Teaneck, MA.

2012: “Bachelor Days Are Over” – featuring Sarah Adler - and “Mary Lou” - directed by Eytan Fox – are scheduled to have their New York Premiers at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Today the Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. has stepped up contingency planning in case Israel launches a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. According to the report, U.S. defense officials are becoming increasingly concerned that Israel is preparing to carry out such a strike.

2012: The 3rdround of the Jordanian-sponsored talks between Israelis and Palestinians resumed tonight in Amman.

2013: “SENSO” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: “Numbered,” a “film that examines the…relationships of three Auschwitz survivors” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival

2013: The National Council of Jewish Women is a co-sponsor of today’s screening of “The Invisible War” which is scheduled to take place at Temple Judea in Tarzana.

2013:The Florida Department of Corrections agreed to serve kosher food to Jewish inmates, ending a five-year struggle that saw the US Justice Department file a lawsuit against the state

2013:During 2011, Israel’s population grew by 1.8 percent, increasing the population by some 141,500 people to a total of 7,836,600 by the end of the year, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics report released today.

2014: “For A Woman” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2014: The state of Israel is scheduled today to name “an Arrow anti-missile facility for the late Daniel Inouye the longtime Hawaii senator who championed Israel in the US Senate.” (As reported by JTA and the Times of Israel)

2014(13thof Shevat): Yarhrzeit for Kaufmann Kohler, one of the leading Reform Rabbis of the late 19th and early 20th centuires.




This Day, January 15, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 15
588 BCE:  On the secular calendar, Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon lays siege to Jerusalem under Zedekiah's reign. The siege lasts until July 18, 586 BCE
69: Servius Sulpicius Galba 6th emperor of Rome(68-69) was killed by Praetorian Guard in the Forum Rome.  Following the death of Nero, there was a power struggle.  Romehad four emperors in one year of whom Galba was one.  This state of anarchy came during the Jewish Revolt against the Romans.  The Jews actually had a year in which to improve their military position before the Romans resumed their attacks or to possibly negotiate some kind of peace.  The Jews squandered the chance by fighting among themselves, with the religious extremists becoming the dominant force.   When the dust had settled Vespasian was the Emperor and he sent his son Titus with reinforcements to crush the Jewish rebellion. 
409:Roman emperors Honorius and Theodosius II decree that previous laws against pagans and Jews must continue to be enforced."The Donatists and the rest of the vain heretics who refuse to be converted to the Catholic communion, including all Jews and pagans, must not imagine that any laws previously issued against them have diminished in force.” (The Donatists were a Christian sect that was seen as a rival to the Church at Rome.  In this case, the Jews may have been “collateral damage” as the Roman emperors used the Catholic Church to consolidate their political power)
1559:  Coronation of Elizabeth I of England.  Elizabeth’s experience with Jews and Marranos was uneven, to say the least. By the end of her reign, small Morrano communities existed in Bristol and London.  Dr. Nunes, a secret Jew, was the first to bring word of the sailing of the Spanish Armada in 1588.  On the other hand, Dr. Lopez, also a secret Jew, was one of Elizabeth’s physicians.  He was accused of trying to poison the monarch; a charge which he died.  However, after being tortured in Tyburne prison, he confessed and was executed
1582:  Russia cedes Livonia and Estonia to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. There are reports of Jews living in Estonia as far back as the 14th century.  The Jewish community Livonia dated back to 1572. This change in “nationhood” had to be good news for the Jews of Livonia and Estonia since the 16th century Poland was a haven for Jews. They were protected by the monarchs, allowed to name a chief Rabbi and were governed by their own communal administration or Kahal.  According to one source, during the 16th century, three quarters of all the world’s Jews lived in Poland.
1595: Murat III passed away.  During his reign as Sultan,the Ottoman Empire continued to be a comparatively good place for Jews to live as can be seen by  Murat relying on Izak Amon as an advisor and employing Doctor Domenico Yerushalmi and Doctor Eliezer Iskenderi as court physicians.
1630: In Santa Engracia (Lisbon), Simon dias Solis, a young New Christian was seen near the local church (on his way to a rendezvous with a young woman) and was arrested for allegedly stealing a silver vessel from the church. After his hands were cut off he was dragged through the streets, and then burned. The real culprit, a common (Christian) criminal, admitted to the crime one year later. As a result, Solis's brother, a friar, fled to Amsterdam and reconverted to Judaism.
1711(24th of Tevet, 5471: After two days, the fire that had burned its way through the Judengasse in Frankfurt came to an end. The fire claimed the lives of four and was so destructive that the Jews who had lost their homes were allowed to rent dwellings outside of the ghetto until new houses could be constructed. The 24thof Tevet became a day of communal fasting to mark the anniversary of this disaster.
1784: Congress resolved "that a triplicate of the definitive treaty [of peace] be sent out to the ministers plenipotentiary by Lieut.-Col. David S. Franks." Franks was a native of England who had settled in Montreal before the American Revolution.  He became a supporter of the patriot cause and joined a military unit from Massachusetts. He overcame unjustified charges of treason in the case of Benedict Arnold and went to serve his adopted homeland in several different capacities.
1822: Birthdate of Isidor Bush, the native of Prauge who came to the United States after the failed Revolutions of 1848 ultimately settling in St. Louis where he became a leader of the fledgling Jewish community, a supporter of the abolitionist movement and ultimately an expert in viticulture who wrote The Bushberg Catalogue
1840: A new Jewish School was opened in Riga with Rabbi Max Lienthal serving as principle. In recognition of the sentiments expressed in the sermon with which Lilienthal opened the school the emperor Nicholas presented him with a diamond ring.
1842: Birthdate of Josef Breuer, Austrian physician and early founder of psychoanalysis.
1844:University of Notre Dame received its charter in Indiana.  The famous Catholic college is home to the Notre Dame Holocaust Project—an interdisciplinary faculty group that designs educational opportunities for students to engage in the study of the Shoah. Rabbi Michael A. Signer is Director of the Project.  For many students, he is the first Jewish religious leader with whom they have had any in depth contact.
1851: In Cayuga County, NY, the defense presents its case in the People v Baham, a murder case in which the victim was a popular Jewish peddler from Syracuse named Nathan Adler.
1852:  Mt.SinaiHospital was incorporated by Sampson Simson and eight associates in New York City. It was the first Jewish hospital in the United States. A native of Danbury, Connecticut, Simson graduated from Columbia University with a law degree in 1800. Simson was well-known for his charitable contributions to both Jewish and non-Jewish causes.  Two years before his death in 1857, Simson was a co-founder of synagogue that would become known Beth Hamedrash Hagadol.

1859: The Jews of San Francisco are scheduled to hold a meeting today to express their feelings over the kidnapping of the Mortara child and the refusal of the papal authorities to return him to his parents.
1855: Birthdate of Aristides Damalas who was known as Jacques Damala, the non-Jewish husband of Sarah Berhnhardt.
1861: Today, as Southern states were seceding from the Union and it became apparent that war was inevitable, North Carolina’s Governor John W. Ellis began “the first definite endeavor” to have Major Alfred Mordecai resign from the United States Army and join the Confederate forces. The governor asked fellow North Carolinian, Representative Warren Winslow to offer Mordecai, who was a Tar Heel by birth and who many family members still living in the state, “ ‘a good position and a good salary’ if he would resign from the Army and take on ‘the work of putting N.C. on a war footing.’” Captain Theodore Laidly, a mutual friend of the two men, actually conveyed the offer to Mordecai, an offer the talented ordinance offer would refuse.
1862: Birthdate of dancer Loi Fuller whose rumored engagement to Jacob Cantor would keep him from being elected to New York’s 15th Congressional District  in 1894.
1864(7th of Shevat, 5624): Isaac Nathan passed away today in Sydney, Australia in what was the Land Down Under’s first fatal tram accident. Born in 1792 at Canterbury (UK), Nathan was the son of a chazzan who went to a musical career of his own in England and Australia.
1866: In Switzerland, Jews are finally granted equal rights. It took yet another seven years for the Constitution to be changed.
1870: It was reported today “that a large immigration of indigent Jews” will soon be on their way from Western Russia to the United States.  The Jews, most of whom are poor,. are fleeing from persecution.
1872: In an article published in Havazelet, Jeshua Heschel Levin of Volozin becomes the first to issue a call for a truly great National Jewish Library. Havazelet was an early Hebrew language newspaper which published articles by Eliezer Ben Yehuda among other notables.
1874: In Chicago, Temple Sinai, a Reform congregation held Sunday services at Martin’s Hall.  The congregation’s original home had been destroyed during the Chicago Fire and its new home would not be finished until 1876.
1876: Birthdate of Ibn Saud, the first king of Saudi Arabia whose rise to power destabilized parts of the Middle East, who kept his country neutral during WW II and who led his country in the fight against the creation of the State of Israel.
1877(1stof Shevat, 5637): Rosh Chodesh Shevat
1879: In New York, Mr. Henry Berg will deliver a lecture to the Young Men’s Hebrew Association at Chickering Hall entitled “Humanity and Civilization.”
1879: James Levy, a New York Jew described as “a most expert swindler” pleaded guilty to one of the four charges against him – forgery, obtaining money by false pretenses and violation of the Hotel Act - and was sentenced to five years at hard labor in a New York state penitentiary.
1881(15thof Shevat, 5641): Tu B’Shevat
1889 The Coca-Cola Company, then known as the Pemberton Medicine Company, is originally incorporated in Atlanta. In 1888, a customer  who had a headache came into Jacobs Pharmacy in Five Points which was owned by a prominent Atlanta Jew, Joe Jacobs, “and asked that John Stith Pemberton's tonic be mixed with seltzer water—and Coca-Cola was born." Cokebeen certified kosher, including kosher l’Pesach since 1935 thanks to the efforts of Rabbi Tobias Geffen
1891: Birthdate of Osip Mandelstam Soviet poet and essayist. 
1892: It was reported today that the late Cardinal Manning was held in such high esteem by non-Catholics that the Jews of London presented him with an address of praise when he celebrated his ordination jubilee.
1892: James Naismith publishes the rules of basketball. A sport born at a YMCA quickly gained popularity with Jewish youngsters.  One sports writer even said that the game was uniquely suited to Jews because it called for people who were shifty and good with their hands. (Okay, it ia an anti-Semitic stereotype, but for once it is meant as a compliment.)  Jews figured prominently in the early days of the NBA and Abe Saperstein, with the Harlem Globetrotters, was the first person to give a comparatively large number of African-Americans a chance to play basketball for pay.
1892: It was reported today that the President of Young Men’s Hebrew Association of America, Alfred M. Cohen has said that he could think of “no better work” for the Association than to provide for the influx of Jewish immigrants from Russia.  He expressed special concern for providing proper education for the young immigrants who will need it to meet their “altered conditions.”
1893: It was reported today from Tangiers that Mohammed Benivda, the governor in Morocco has been imprisoning Jews and subjecting them to the last before finning them.  The Jews have broken no law and the governor is doing this simply as a way of making money.
1893(27thof Tevet, 5653): In New York Dr. Eleazar Phillips, the author of Passages from the Prophets passed away unexpectedly this afternoon.  Born at Schiverin (Prussia) in 1809, he came to the United States in 1849 where he lived in St. Louis and Cincinnati before settling in New York where he served as rabbi for Adas Israel for 25 years.  Among his survivors is Emanuel Phillips, a grandson who teaches at the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.
1893: Members of the Cloakmakers Union held a meeting this evening at the Hebrew Institute in Manhattan. (The choice of meeting places indicates the close association between the Jewish people and the American working class, especially in the garment industry)
1893: It was reported today that in one three room apartment on the Lower East Side a family composed of six Jewish immigrants from Russia shared their space with 15 boarders, most of whom were infected with Scarlet Fever.  This was considered to be the most deplorable of the various unsanitary living conditions which were common throughout New York’s tenements.
1894: At a meeting held today In Philadelphia, PA, a new Auxiliary Association of Congregation Rodeph Shalom was formed with the aim of furthering “the religious, educational and moral undertakings of the Congregation…”  It replaced the Jewish Cultural Association which had been formed by members of Rodeph Shalom.

1894:  Birthdate of songwriter and music scout, Irving Mills.  Mills played a key role in the development of jazz because of his willingness to work with talented black musicians.  He is credited with “discovering” Cab Callaway and Duke Ellington.  His most famous hit was “It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got No Swing.”
1895: “The North German Anti-Semites” are supposed to meet in Berlin today to decide if they shall accept Hermann Ahlwardt as a member since “he wishes to join the Parliamentary group of ‘jew-baiters’ instead of occupying…a seat in the visitor’s row.”
1895: It was reported today that the claim that some Jews are opposing William Brookfield’s attempt to be re-elected of the Republican County Committee because of his affiliation with the Union League “does not hold water” as can be seen by the support he is getting from Benjamin Oppenheirmer.  (The Union League had blackballed a candidate because he was Jewish and, following the resignation of its remaininh Jewish members was proudly “Jew free’.)
1896: Jacob Schiff was among those attending the “fifth annual meeting of the University Settlement Society” which among other things seeks to create “a better understanding between the rich and the poor.”
1896: “The Young Ladies and Gentlemen’s League of the Montefiore Home gave a reception and dance” this evening at the Carnegie Lyceum.
1898: It was reported today that that there was a renewal of anti-Zola demonstrations in Paris where students “paraded down the boulevard St. Michel shouting: ‘Down with Zola!’  ‘Down with the Jews!’:
1898(21st of Tevet, 5658): Seventy-one year old Solomon Latz passed away in New York City. He came to the United States fifty years ago and became a successful real estate dealer.   He retired twenty years but remained active in communal affairs serving as President of the B’nai B’rith Home in Yonkers and a trustee for the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, the Montefiore Home and Mount Sinai Hospital.
1899:  Birthdate of Goodman Ace, American radio/TV actor/writer/columnist/humorist.
1899: It was reported today that under a law recently passed by the Imperial Senate, Jews in Russia do not have the right name their own children as they please.  Jews are only allowed to use Biblical names and they may not use a modernized form of these.  The police have the power to regulate these and other rules which mean Jews may use only the Hebrew or Yiddish forms of names

1899: “Untaxed Property Worth  $96, 162, 500” published today provided a compilation of the valuations of all of New York City’s tax exempt property including  2 Mt. Sinai Hospital properties, $360,000 and $175,000; Mt. Sinai Dispensary, $96.000; Hebrew Institute, $400,000; Hebrew School on 104th Street, $5,000
1903: Herzl met with Lord Rothschild. Herzl shows him the correspondence with the British government and asks for three million pounds from the I. C. A. for the Jewish Eastern Company
1904: Birthdate of Hyman /Reznick who co-founded the Halevi Choral Society in 1926.
1908: Birthdate of Edward Teller.  Born in BudapestHungary, this famous physicist worked on the Manhattan Project.  He later clashed with Oppenheimer.  Oppenheimer opposed the building of the H-bomb.  Teller favored it.  Teller became known as the “father of the Hydrogen Bomb.”
1909:  Birthdate of Elie Siegmeister. “Elie Siegmeister is one of the large group of American composers who have productive careers -- as performer and influential educator as well as composer in this case -- but who are hardly known to the public. Siegmeister was born in New York"into an upper- middle-class family of Russian-Jewish origin." His father's enthusiasm for serious music infected young Elie, and he studied music theory and composition first at Columbia, then in Pariswith Nadia Boulanger. After four years in Paris, he returned to New York, where he spent the rest of his life. During the 1930s, he was involved with the Composers' Collective of New York, a group whose project was to introduce "classical" music to students and workers. In the 1940s, Siegmeister continued in that vein by incorporating "the American folk-song tradition" in his compositions. ‘Many of his most popular works come from this period and coincide with an overall shift in American composition towards music of simplicity and directness.’" He passed away in 1991.
1909: “If Charities Unify They Get $1,000,000” an article published today described the terms of the will of Louis A. Heinsheimer who passed away on January 1 of this year.  According to the will, Heinsheimer will contribute $1,000,000 to the Jewish charities of New York if these institutions consolidate to form one organization or form a federation that will collect and distribute funds for the Jewish charities. Regardless of which format is chosen six charities – Mount Sinai Hospital, the Hebrew Benevolent Orphan Asylum of the City of New York, the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids and Country Sanitarium for Consumptives, the Educational Alliance, the Home for Aged and Infirmed Hebrews of New York and the United Hebrew Charities – must all agree to join for them to get the million dollar bequest. The charities have one year to create the new organization. The new organization would not be limited to these six charities and all such similar organizations would be invited to join.  Heinsheimer was a supporter of the federation format which is used in many other cities because it enabled the maximum amount of money to be raised with least amount of cost. Failure will mean that United Hebrew Charities will get $100,000 and the Montefiore Home will get $25,000. Heinsheimer left many generous bequests to family members including approximately one million dollars to his brother, Alfred M. Heinsheimer. The estate is reported to be valued at five million dollars.  The executors include Jacob H. Schiff, Alfred M. Heinsheimer, Felix Warburg, Paul M. Warburg and Mortimer L. Schiff.
1914: In Amsterdam, Esther “Etty Hillesum, Riva (Rebecca) Bernstein and Levie (Louis) Hillesum gave birth to Esther "Etty" Hillesum, the young Jewess  whose letters and diaries, kept between 1941 and 1943 describe life in Amsterdam during the German occupation. She died at Auschwitz in in 1943.
1915: The Hahambashi of Turkey protests the creation of schools designed to convert Jews to Christianity.  The schools are located in the Haskoy quarter of Constantinople. He is assured the school will be closed, and not reopen. At request of the Hahambashi, the Ministry of Public Instruction cedes the building of the missionary school over to the Jewish community.
1917 The 25th council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations opens in Baltimore.  Henry Morgenthau, former Ambassador to Turkey and Jacob H. Schiff are scheduled to speak at the gathering at which Jewish women will be taking a more active role.
1918:  Birthdate of Gamal Abdel Nasser.  Nasserwas an officer in the Egyptian Army.  He helped engineer the coup that ended the reign of the corrupt King Farouk in 1953.  The Israelis were hopefully that the new regime would accept the Jewish state and end hostilities.  Such was not the case.  Nasserbecame President of Egypt in 1954 and served as virtual dictator until his death in 1970.  Nasserwas a Pan-Arabist who had a secular version of Bin Laden’s dream.  As part of his dream, Nasserwas committed to the destruction of the state of Israel.  He opened the Middle East to the influence of the Soviet Union and became a virtual client of the Communists in order to get the weapons of war he thought would bring him victory.  His greatest miscalculation resulted in the Six Day War of 1967.  Nasser did put the conflict with Israel in its true perspective.  He said that he did not hate the West because of Israel; he hated Israel because it was of the West.  In other words, peace would not come to the Middle East even if Israelwere destroyed.  Peace would only come when there was an end to Western influence in the swath of land stretching from Morocco to Indonesia.
1919 (14th of Shevat 5679):  Rosa Luxembourg Marxist revolutionary and leader of the German Spartacus League was murdered by members of the Frei Korps, a group that later would support the Nazis.  Luxembourgwas attempting to lead a Communist Revolution in Germanythat would follow the lead of Lenin’s successful revolt a year earlier.
1919: Birthdate of “Maurice Herzog, a French alpinist who was hailed as a hero in his country in 1950 when he and a fellow climber became the first men to conquer a peak of more than 26,000 feet, that of Annapurna I in the Himalayas…” (As reported by Bruce Weber)
1926: Birthdate of Herman Ginsberg.  Born in Kansas City, MO to Rose and Izzy Ginsberg, Herman grew up in Cedar Rapids, IA.  As the longtime proprietor of Ginsberg’s Jewelers, Herman is pillar of the Cedar Rapids business community.  A member of Temple Judah, Herman’s contributions and involvement in the Jewish community are too numerous to mention here.  But most important of all, today marks the birthdate of man who is a mensch in the truest sense of the term.
1927: The City College Club, composed of 1,000 City College (NY) alumnae announced that Supreme Court Justice Alfred Frankenthaler had been elected President of the organization.
1929: Birthdate of Reverend Dr Martin Luther King.  Dr. King’s birthdate is a good time to remember the role that Jews and Jewish values played in the American Civil Rights Movement. 
1930: Josephine Esther Mentzer married Joseph Lauter.  She changed the spelling of the name from Lauter to Lauder and became Estee Lauder.
1930: Birthdate of David Zelag Goodman, the Manhattan native who became a prolific screenwriter who, with Sam Peckinpah, wrote “Straw Dogs” and was nominated for an Academy Award for his work on the romantic comedy “Lovers and Other Strangers.” (As reported by Daniel Slotnik)
1935: Birthdate of Robert Silverberg, American science fiction writer. Silverberg is a multiple winner of the “Hugo”.  Science fiction and fantasy author Robert Silverberg is known for such novels as Dying Inside, Son of Man, and Lord Valentine's Castle. His short fiction includes "Nightwings" (later an award winning novel), "A Time of Changes", "Good News from the Vatican", and "Born with the Dead". In his 40 years as an author Silverberg has won five Nebula Awards and four Hugos and is a past president of the Science Fiction Writers of America. Science fiction icon Isaac Asimov once said of him, "Where Silverberg goes today, the rest of science fiction will go tomorrow!" 
1935: Birthdate of award winning filmmaker Saul Irwin Landau
1936: The Women’s League for Palestine held its fourth annual luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria today where it launched a campaign to raise $50,000 to finish building a home in Tel Aviv for Jewish refugee girls from twenty different countries including those fleeing Nazi Germany.  Mrs. William Prince, president of the League, sought to raise $25,000 from today’s donor luncheon.
1939:L'Osservatore Romano, the official newspaper of the Vatican, publishes a homily by Bishop Giovanni Cazzani of Cremona supporting the Italian anti-Semitic race laws because they accomplish something the Church has long sought: to reverse Jewish emancipation.”
1939: Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi leader who would be executed after the Nuremberg Trials in 1946 expressed his opposition to a Jewish state in Palestine
1939: Dr. Peter Gradenwtiz reports on the opening of the Palestine Orchestra’s third season.  The orchestra was officially launched in December of 1936 with a concert conducted by Arturdo Toscanini.  Conductors for this year’s Winter Season, which actually began in November, include Dr. Malcom Saregent, Issay Dobrowen and Georg Szell.  Dr. Gradenwitz also reports that the Palestine branch of the International Society for Contemporary Music which was founded in 1938 opened its concert series with a program devoted to the works of Maurice Ravel.
1943:In a tribute to the late Dr. Arthur Ruppin appearing the New York Times Book Section, Louis E. Leventhal writesDr. Arthur Ruppin, who died recently in Jerusalem at the age of 67, after nearly forty years of intensive but modest labor in promoting the colonization and modernization of the Holy Land deserves an expression of tribute on behalf of the numerous friends and admirers he won in the United States as well as in many other countries.”
1943: The Germans emptied the detention camp at Zaslaw and placed the Jews in trains to be sent to Belzac to be gassed. Given neither food nor water, the train remained stationary for three days. All but one of the prisoners was eventually killed. He was Emil Manaster who was able to jump from the train and found sanctuary with his sister Jaffa, with Jozef Zwonarz, a Polish engineer.
1943: The first transport of Jews from Amsterdamwas sent to concentration camp Vught located in southern Holland.
1943: A non-Jewish Polish woman and her one-year-old child are shot at the PilicaRiver in Polandbecause the woman has aided Jews.
1943: Seventy-seven Jews leap from a deportation train traveling east from Belgium. Most are hunted down and killed by German and Flemish SS troops
1944: At the Vught Concentration Camp 74 women were put in 1 cell. Ten died of the overcrowding.
1944: The Jews of Belgium were among the latest victims of the German efforts to rid smaller areas of their Jewish population. Most were sent to Birkenau.
1945 (1st of Shevat, 5705): All Jewish women at the Brodnica labor camp who were too sick or weak to be moved were shot

1945:SS camp officials report that there are almost 54,000 prisoners in the Ravensbrück camp, including nearly 8,000 men.. Ravensbrück had grown into an administrative center for more than 40 subcamps located near armaments factories across east-central Germany. (Jewish Virtual Library)
1945: During its major winter offensive, the Soviet Army freed Crakow-Plaszow concentration camp.  As the war came to an end, many Jews had a mistakenly positive view of the Soviet Unionbecause she was seen as the liberator of concentration camps.
1948: The issue of the Phoenix Jewish News was published today.  By the end of the year, M.B. Goldman and Joseph S. Stocker would become co-publisher, changing the paper from a monthly to a bi-weekly and changing its name to the Jewish Jews of Greater Phoenix
1948: A platoon of 35 volunteers - half from Palmach and half from Hish - on its way to reinforce those holding the Etzion Bloc, was ambushed and killed by 100s of armed Arabs.  The Jews fought to the last man. 
1948:Jewish settlers, using aircraft for the first time, beat off a heavy Arab attack on settlements at Kfar Etzion, near Hebron, today. The fight there, and others in Haifa and near Beersheba, produced one of the heaviest daily casualty lists to date, with twenty-nine killed and seventy-five wounded so far.
1951: Ilse Koch, "The Bitch of Buchenwald", wife of the commandant of the Buchenwald concentration camp, is sentenced to life imprisonment by a court in West Germany.
1953: The JerusalemPost was preoccupied with the "Doctors' Plot," the false charges instigated by Kremlin against Jewish physicians, but aimed by Stalin against the entire Soviet Jewry. In Rangoon, at the Asian Socialist Conference, Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett said that Soviet charges against Jewish doctors showed the Russians intended to "pursue with vengeance the line of making Jews a scapegoat." The Knesset and numerous Jewish organizations severely denounced this new, most dangerous and unjustified development. The Times of London perceived the possibility that the "Doctors' Plot" would be followed by the creation of controlled anti-Semitism, massive arrests and deportations.
1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that The Asian Socialist Conference in Rangoon had urged Israeland the Arab states to recognize the existing borders as the first step towards the solving the Palestine conflict and urged the adoption of a similar policy for Indiaand Pakistan
1955: A television version “Naught Marietta,” an operetta which was first successfully produced by Oscar Hammerstein in 1910 was broadcast today.
1955: Dmitri Shostakovich's "From Jewish Folk Poetry" premiered in Leningrad.
1957:A ranking official of Youth Aliyah, an international agency devoted to the rescue and rehabilitation of Jewish children, expressed sharp concern over what he termed "virulent anti-Semitism" among Hungarian refugees in Austria.  The Hungarians, Jew and Gentile alike, had taken refuge in Austriafollowing the failed Hungarian uprising against the Soviets in the fall of 1956.
1960: When Israel move’s forces to its northern border in response to Syrian shelling from the Golan Heights, the Soviet Union deliberately seeks to heighten the crisis by misleadingly telling the Syrians that the Israeli’s are massing for an attack.
1964(1st of Shevat, 5724): Rosh Chodesh Shevat
1964: Birthdate of Bruce Schneier, computer programmer and author.
1964:  David Merrick’s “Hello Dolly” opens on Broadway.
1967: An exhibition featuring Chanukah candelabras and lamps is scheduled to come to an end at the Jewish Museum in NYC.
1968: After leaving England, the INS Dakar arrived this morning at Gibraltar.
1970(8thof Shevat, 5730): Leah Goldberg passed away. Born at Königsberg in 1911, she “settled in Tel Aviv where she worked as a literary adviser to Habimah, the national theater, and an editor for the publishing company Sifriyat HaPoalim (Workers' Library).”  This was the first step on road that would led to a career as a “prolific Hebrew poet, author, playwright, literary translator, and researcher of Hebrew literature.”

1970: Israeli archaeologists reported uncovering the first evidence supporting the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. by military forces of the ancient Roman Empire.
1972:Birthdate of Claudia Anne I. Winkleman, a British television presenter, radio personality and journalist. Winkleman is the daughter of Eve Pollard, former editor of the Sunday Express, and Barry Winkleman former publisher of The Times Atlas of the World.
1973: Gene Shalit joins the Today Show panel. The Jewish film critic with the bushy moustache is father of Willa Shalit who has gained artistic fame in her own right.
1974(21st of Tevet, 5734): Sixty-seven year old Yosef Serlin a native of Bialystok who made Aliyah in 1933 and became an MK and cabinet minister, passed away today.
1974:"Happy Days" begins an 11 year run on ABC.  This hit sit-com that presented an idealized picture of post-war Americastarred two Jewish actors – Tom Bosley as the father and Henry Winkler as the sanitized thug “Fonzie.”
1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat complained that he got "nothing" from Israeli negotiators and saw no hope for an early Egyptian-Israeli agreement. But foreign ministers of both Israeland Egypt were conducting hectic consultations in order to prepare themselves for the joint meeting of the political negotiating committee, to be held in Jerusalem.
1979: Yitzhak Moda’i began serving as Communications Minister
1981 (10th of Shevat, 5741):  Representative Emanuel Celler passed away at the age the age of 92. “Manny” Celler was a Congressman from New York from 1923 to 1973.  He was a champion of the underprivileged and the working class.  He was a stalwart supporter of Civil Rights.  As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee he maneuvered the 1964 Civil Rights Act through the House despite opposition from Southern segregationists and their Republican allies.
1982: German police searched for the perpetrators of a bomb attack that ripped through an Israeli restaurant in West Berlin. The blast killed a 14-month old girl and injured 25 diners. Six Palestinians belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) were suspected.
1983(3rd of Sivan, 5743): Meyer Lansky passed away, Born Maier Suchowljansky in Russia in 1902, Lansky moved to the United States in 1911.  Lansky is probably the most famous of all Jewish mobsters.  When faced with charges of tax evasion, Lansky fled to Israel, seeking protection under the Law of Return.  Ultimately, the Israeli government gave him up and Lansky came back to serve a prison sentence
1988: Start of the first intifada which was really just another round of Arab mob violence and terror designed to drive the Jews from the land of Israel.  Those who saw this as something new apparently missed the Arab Riots of the 1920’s or the Arab Uprising against the British that took place in the years prior to World War II.
1989: In article the following article published today entitled “Maine Rabbi's Specialty Is Helping Counselors” Lynn Riddle described the unique career of Rabbi Harry Sky.
1990(18th of Tevet, 5750):Uriel G. Foa, a social psychologist and professor emeritus at Temple University, died of an aortic aneurysm today at Osteopathic Hospital in Philadelphia. He was 73 years old and lived in Penn Valley, Pa. Dr. Foa, a specialist in interpersonal relations, joined the Temple faculty in 1971. He was born in Parma, Italy, and received doctoral degrees from the University of Parma and Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was a co-founder and executive director of the Institute of Applied Social Research in Jersualem and chairman of the department of psychology at Bar-Ilan University before coming to the United States in 1965. Dr. Foa is survived by two sons, Gad and Ephraim, who live in Israel; four daughters, Ora Tamar Goldstein and Hagar Foa, also of Israel, and Yael and Michelle, both of Penn Valley, and nine grandchildren.
1990: An off-duty Israeli soldier was stabbed as she walked along a narrow street in Jerusalem's Old City today, and 30 Palestinians were detained for questioning. The Israeli soldier, identified as Pvt. Halit Avni, 18 years old, of Tel Aviv, was stabbed six times in the back and chest, the police said. She was listed in stable condition at Hadassah Hospital in Ein Karem.
1991:Four hundred Yeshiva University students from New York City who formed Operation Torah Shield have paid $50 each for a seat on a charter flight from Kennedy International Airport so that they could be in Tel Aviv by this morning which coincides with the deadline set by the United Nations for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait. Iraq’s President Hussein has threatened Israel with missile attacks if the UN should take military action to enforce its deadline.
1991:On the day the United Nations set as the deadline for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait, the commander of the Israeli Air Force said that the United States and Israel still have no mechanisms in place to coordinate the two nation's military activities. And, Maj. Gen. Avihu Bin-Nun said in a news briefing, Israel has little faith that the United States will give Israel advance warning if Iraq, as it has threatened, fires missiles at Tel Aviv. "We may not have any notice, and the first notice may be when the missile hits," the general said.
1993 (22nd of Tevet, 5753): Songwriter Sammy Cahn passed away at the age of 79.  One of his most enduring hits was Bei Mir Bist Du Schön. (As reported by Stephen Holden)
1993: At the Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv, a Palestinian from Gaza stabbed four people to death including a Lebanese Arab visiting the city.  Islamic Jihad took credit for the attack.
2001:In an article entitled “New Conflict Begets Culture War by Israeli Artists,” Deborah Sontag describes ''Artists Against a Strong Hand,’’ an exhibit at Tel Aviv’s Beit Haam, that features the work of 70 artists who were asked to produce something specifically related to the current political situation. The works will be sold to benefit Palestinian medical clinics.  
2002: The Governor General of Canada granted Herb Gray the title "The Right Honourable", in honour of his distinguished and record-setting contribution to Canadian political life
2002:Philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, founder of Steinhardt Partners and chairman of Tel Aviv University was named as one of those investing in The New York Sun, a daily newspaper being started by investors and former members of The Forward.Its editor will be Seth Lipsky, the former editor of The Forward, the English-language descendant of the Yiddish daily, and vice president of the new paper's parent publishing company.
2004(21st of Tevet, 5764):  Olivia Goldsmith, author of The First Wives’ Club passed away.
2006: Silvan Shalom completed his term as Deputy Prime Minister.
2006: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Small Steps by Louis Sachar and The Cosmic Landscape:String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design by Leonard Susskind.
2006: Neil Diamond performed a concert on the opening night of the new Stockton Arena in Stockton, California.
2006: The Israel Defense Forces are threatening to declare the Jewish settlement in Hebron a closed military area if settler riots against policemen and soldiers do not stop. Today marks the third straight of rioting. The riots have involved settlers throwing stones as well as eggs and paint balloons at soldiers and policemen. The rioters' goal is to thwart implementation of the army's order to evacuate Jewish squatters from the city's wholesale vegetable market.
2007: Sports Illustrated Magazine reported that long distance runner Mushir Salem Jawher was stripped of his Bahraini citizenship because he competed in Israel.  The native of Kenyahad moved to Bahrain where he was hailed as hero for winning a Silver Medal in the five thousand meter run at the 2006 Asian Games.  But when he competed in, and won, the Tiberias Marathon in Israel, the head of the Baharain Athletics Association declared his behavior was “outside the rules.” According to SI, Jawher was “‘very proud’ to have run in Israeland that ‘people should live together in harmony.’”
2008: In Washington, D.C., Los Angeles Times columnist Jonah Goldberg discusses and signs Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of  Meaning
2008: In Rockville, MD, Dennis Ross discusses and signs Statecraft: And How to Restore
America's Standing in the World at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington.
2008:Israel killed at least 18 Palestinians, most of them Hamas militants, in the Gaza Strip; in violence the Palestinian Authority said was a "slap in the face" to U.S. President George W. Bush's peace efforts. A volunteer from Ecuador, working on an Israeli kibbutz, or farming community, bordering the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, was killed by a Palestinian sniper near the frontier fence. Hamas claimed responsibility for shooting the man. Hamas fired five rockets that landed in Sderot, an Israeli border town. One hit a house. Five residents were wounded, some moderately and some slightly, including a 5-year-old girl, according to the ambulance service. One rocket landed several miles north of Gaza, on a road in southern Ashkelon, an Israeli coastal city of 120,000, causing no casualties.
2009:The IPO (Israel Philharmonic Orchestra) in Jeans performs at Tel Aviv's Mann Auditorium. In an effort to reinvent itself for the new millennium, the IPO has introduced the series to attract a broader audience. The "Jeans" concept offers late night informal performances to lovers of casual wear and night owls. Free beer is provided before the show and a DJ hosts a dance party afterwards.
2009: The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival features a screening “Strangers” a film about an Israeli kibbutznik and a Palestinian woman who meet serendipitously on their way to the World Cup finals in Berlinwhich was the Best Drama winner at the Sundance Film Festival.

2009: Today, some 25 rockets were fired on southern Israel. One hit the patio of a home in Sderot, causing serious damage to the building but no injuries.  Despite his mother's best efforts to protect him with her body, a seven-year-old boy was seriously wounded in Beershebawhen shrapnel from a Grad rocket penetrated his skull.

2009: An additional 86 counts of bank fraud, false statements and reports to a bank, money laundering and aiding and abetting and willful violation of orders from the secretary of agriculture were filed against Sholom Rubashkin and Agriprocessors.

2010(29thof Tevet, 5770): Seventy-one year old “Michael T. Kaufman, a former foreign correspondent, reporter and columnist for The New York Times who chronicled despotic regimes in Europe and Africa, the fall of Communism and the changing American scene for four decades, died today in Manhattan.”(As reported by Robert D. McFadden)
2010:In Washington, D.C., Adas Israel hosts The Ruach Minyan service and dinner in the Miller Chapel.

2010:Journalist and filmmaker Naomi Klein discusses and signs her books "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" and "No Logo: 10th Anniversary Edition" at Busboys and Poets (14th St.),

2010: The 10thannual Atlanta Jewish Festival features screenings of “Breaking Upwards” and “Berlin ’36.”

2010: Two planes are scheduled to land in Haiti today carrying the IDF medical teams and their supplies following Wednesday’s earthquake that devastated the poorest nation in the western hemisphere.

2010(29th of Tevet, 5770):Lydia Csato Gasman, sister of Joash Tsiddon, passed away in Charlottesville, VA today at the age of 84.

2011:Kol HaNeshama, Israel's largest Reform synagogue celebrates its 25th anniversary tonight

2011: The New York premier of “The Human Resources Manager” is scheduled to take place at The New York Jewish Film Festival. The film is based on novel by A.B.Yehoshua entitled A Woman in Jerusalem in which the human-resources manager at a bakery in Jerusalem must get to know one of his employees posthumously after her death in a suicide bombing as he finds himself the unlikely chaperone of the woman’s body to her native Romania.

2011: Stand-up comedian Keith Barany is scheduled to appear on opening night of the 2nd annual Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival.

2011: Herman Ginsberg, a mensch of the first order, owner of a Jewelry store that is a Cedar Rapids’ institution, leader of the Jewish community, loving father and doting grandfather is celebrated his 85th birthday.

2011(10thof Shevat, 5771): Ninety-four year old “Eleanor Galenson, a psychoanalyst and researcher whose work showed that children are aware of their sexuality at very early ages, died today in Manhattan (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2011(10th of Sh'vat, 5771): Members and friends of Chabad Lubavitch celebrate Yud Sh’vat – The Tenth of Shevat.  Yud Shevat or The Tenth of Shevat marks the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok (Joseph Isaac) Schneerson, the Sixth Rebbe as Known as the “the Frierdiker Rebbe” (Previous Rebbe) or the “RaYYatz” and  the day on which Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok’s legendary son in law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel, the sevenths Lubavitcher Rebbe, assumed the leadership of the Chabad movement.

2011:In one of the largest left-wing protests in recent years, some 10,000 people gathered in Tel Aviv today to demonstrate against what organizers called a growing attack on democracy in Israel. Chanting “[Foreign Minister Avigdor] Lieberman go home” and “Human rights for everyone,” among other slogans, demonstrators marched from the city’s Meir Park to the Tel Aviv Museum, where a rally was held.
2011: Harvard graduate Loren Galler-Rabinowitz competed as Miss Massachusetts in tonight’s Miss America Pageant.   Her failure to win leaves Bess Myerson as the only Jewish of this long-running beauty pageant.

2012:  The friends and family of Herman Ginzberg are over-joyed to celebrate his 86th birthday.

2012: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Hope: A Tragedy” by Shalom Auslander and the recently released paperback edition of “The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy” by Richard Posner

2012: “Shoah: The Unseen Interviews” and “Restoration” are scheduled to have their New York premieres at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012: “Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg” is scheduled to shown at the Glen Rock Jewish Center in Glen Rock, NJ.

2012:Israeli and Palestinian envoys met for the third time in Amman overnight today since Jordan began mediating a series of direct talks earlier this month.
2012:This morning, the Tel Aviv municipality dismantled the tent encampment in the city's Hatikva neighborhood, where 36 homeless people have been camping since the summer. .
2012:Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox protesters tried today to block roads around Jerusalem’s Kikar Hashabbat (Sabbath Square) in Mea She’arim neighborhood, after six prominent members of the community were arrested earlier in the day in suspicion of financial-related crimes.

2012: “Remember the landmark Woman’s Building published today looks back at the history of the Los Angeles building co-founded by Judy Chicago and Arlene Raven.
2013: Deadline for submitting entries for the Dora and Alexander Raynes Poetry Prize.
2013: “The Gatekeepers” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: The LA Jewish Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to host its Strategic Business Alliance Luncheon
2013:"Beyond Swastika and Jim Crow: Jewish Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges," is scheduled to open today Tuesday at the National Museum of American Jewish History. It tells the little-known story of Jewish scholars, barred from academic positions by Nazi decrees beginning in 1933, who eventually made their way to the United States, where a small but significant number of them eventually found welcoming homes at historically black colleges.

2013: Family and friends celebrate the birthday of Herman Ginsberg, the patriarch of multi-generational Cedar Rapids family and pillar of the Jewish community who is proves that one can be a successful businessman and a great person.

2013: Funeral services were held today at Central Avenue Synagogue in Highland Park for computer programmer Aaron Swartz.

2013: “Morsi’s Slurs Against Jews Stir Concern” published today provides a snapshot of the new Egyptian leaders views including “a speech urging Egyptians to ‘nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred’ for Jews and Zionists.

2013:Key Jewish lawmakers back Hagel, clearing path to defense post

2013: The Times of Israel has learned that Israel has taken steps that appear to be aimed at restoring its relationship with the United Nations Human Rights Council, 10 months after Jerusalem cut ties with the body over a planned fact-finding mission into the West Bank settlement enterprise.

2013(4thof Shevat, 5773): Ninety-two year old “Daniel J. Edelman, who founded an agency that would go on to become the PR industry's biggest,” passed away today.

2014: A bill that would forbid the use of Nazi symbols and labels is scheduled to presented to the Knesset today.

2014: “For a Woman” is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

This Day, January 16, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 16

27 BCE: Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus is granted the title Augustus by the Roman Senate, marking the beginning of the Roman Empire. Ten years earlier Augustus had appointed Herod as King of Judea, of whom he said “he would rather be a pig in Herod’s house than one of his family.”  For more about why the clash between the Judeans and the Roman Empire did not have to lead to the destruction of the Temple and the end of a Jewish state, see Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations.

550: During the Gothic War, The Ostrogoths, under King Totila, conquer Rome after a long siege, by bribing the Isaurian garrison. The Ostrogoths was the name applied to the eastern Goths.  The Goths were Germanic in origin and and are often thought of as part of the various Barbarian Hordes that destroyed the Roman Empire. Unlike other such groups such as the Visigoths and Vandals, the Ostrogoths, at least under their greatest leader Theodoric the Great, were known for their religious toleration which was extended to the Jewish people. 

929:Emir Abd-ar-Rahman III established the Caliphate of Córdoba.  This came during what is called the “Golden Age”  Due to their treatment by the rulers, the Jews of Cordoba supported the state and were active in commerce, industry and the study of science.

1120: The Council of Nablus is held, establishing the earliest surviving written laws of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem.  This is the same Nablus that will be a Fatah stronghold at the end of the 20th Century and the same Jerusalem that is the capital of modern day Israel.

1232: In London, The Domus Conversorum known in English as the House of the Converts was founded by order of Henry III to provide a home and free maintenance for Jews converted to Christianity.

1412: The Medici family is appointed official banker of the Papacy. According to the Jewish Virtual Library “the organized Jewish communities of Florence, Siena, Pisa and Livorno were political creations of the Medici rulers. And like the Medici Grand Dukedom itself, these communities took shape in the course of the sixteenth century. For more about the unusual relationship between this famous Italian family see:

1547: Ivan the Terrible was crowned Czar of Russia.  From the point of view of the Jewish people Ivan deserved to be called “the Terrible.”  In 1563, he gave the Jews of Polotsk, Lithuania, the choice of converting or dying.  When the Jews refused the cross, Ivan had his soldiers drill holes in the frozen DvinaRiver and then pushed three hundred Jewish men, women and children through them to their death.

1600:  The 400 Jews of Verona completed their synagogue after their move into the ghetto. This date was actually celebrated as a "Purim" until the French Revolution, since many felt that the ghetto provided some protection, and since in an unusual move the keys of the ghetto were given to the Jewish leaders.

1739: “Saul” an oratorio by George Handel based on the story found in the 1stBook of Samuel was “first performed at the King’s Theatre in London.”

1756(14thof Shevat, 5516): Rabbi Jacob Joshua Falk (Yaakov Yehoshua ben Tzvi Hirsch) passed away today at Offenbach,Born at Cracow in 1680, on his mother's side he was a grandson of Joshua of Cracow, the author of "Maginne Shelomoh." While a youth Jacob became examiner of the Hebrew teachers of Lemberg. In 1702 his wife, his child, and his mother were killed through an explosion of gunpowder that wrecked the house in which they lived. Jacob himself narrowly escaped death. He was then called to the rabbinate of Tarli and Lisko, small Galician towns. In 1717 he replaced Ḥakam Ẓebi in the chief rabbinate of Lemberg; and thence he was called to Berlin in 1731. Having displeased Veitel-Heine Ephraim, one of the most influential leaders of the community, by rendering a judgment against him, he was compelled at the expiration of his term of office (1734) to resign. After having been for seven years rabbi of Metz he became chief rabbi of Frankfort-on-the-Main; but the unfavorable attitude of the local authorities toward the Jews, and the fact that the community was divided by controversies, made his position there very precarious. Soon afterward the quarrel between Jacob Emden and Jonathan Eybeschütz broke out. The chief rabbi, because of his opposition to Eybeschütz, was ultimately compelled to leave the city (1750). He wandered from town to town till he came to Worms, where he remained for some years. He was then called back to Frankfort; but his enemies prevented him from preaching in the synagogue, and he left the city a second time. Jacob was one of the greatest Talmudists of his time. He wrote "Pene Yehoshua'," novellæ on the Talmud, in four parts. Two of them were published at Frankfort-on-the-Main (1752); the third, with his "Pesaḳ bet-Din Ḥadash," at Fürth (1766); the fourth, which, in addition to Talmudic novellæ, contains novellæ on the Ṭur Ḥoshen Mishpaṭ and "Liḳḳuṭim," also at Fürth (1780). He wrote also a commentary on the Pentateuch, which is mentioned by the author himself, but has not appeared in print. (As reported by Schechter and Seligsohn)

 1764: For the next 12 months, starting from today, according to entries in the records of the New York Custom House, there were only 4 “Jewish entries all for Sampson Simpson.  His cargoes which included iron, sugar, wine, skins and rum, were sent to South Carolina and the Mosquito Coast. Although his name is unknown to most, he was a highly successful businessman.  During the Seven Years, which ended in 1763, he outfitted four ships as privateers. Simpson was the only Jewish member of the “prestigious Chamber of Commerce which was created in 1768.”

1765(23 Tevet, 5525): Isaac Zerahiah Azulai, the father of 18th century rabbinic scholar and author Chaim Joseph David passed away today in Jerusalem.

1774: Birthdate of Levi Salomon, “the London financier and underwriter” who lived near the Great St. Helen’s Synagogue. He passed away in January of 1843.

1794: English historian Edward Gibbon, author of The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire passed away.  Those who think that the acknowledgement of the Jewish origins of Christianity is a twentieth century phenomenon are not acquainted with this classic of ancient history.  In chapter 15 of the first volume of this classic, Gibbon makes it quite clear that Christianity is rooted in the Judaism of the first century of the Common Era.

1844: Birthdate of Paul Singer, a leading Marxist German politician who was a leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD)

1851:In Cayuga County, NY, as the trial for those charged with the murder of Jewish peddler Nathan Marcus moves toward conclusion the defense delivers its final address to the jury.  The prosecutor begins his presentation but does not have time to finish before the court adjourns for the day.

1852: Mt. Sinai Hospital, known as Jews Hospital, was founded in New York City

1875: David James played the role of “Perkyn Middlewick” in Henry James Byron’s “Our Boys” which opened at the Vaudeville Theatre.  James was the son of Agar and Abraham Julian Belasco who was named David Belasco at birth but changed his name so that he would not be confused with his second cousin and namesake David Belasco.

1876: It was reported today that The Alliance Israelite Universelle of Paris has just published a pamphlet describing the discriminatory conditions under which the Jews of Romania continue to live.  The Romanians have successfully circumvented previous attempts to improve the conditions of the Jews, including those resolutions adopted at the Convention of Paris in 1858, by declaring that Jews born in Romania are not Romanian citizens.  Since they are not citizens, the Romanians contend it is legal to deny them such basic rights as the rights to own property and vote.

1876: Newman Leopold, a “French Hebrew loan broker” shot himself this afternoon at his home on Adelphi Street in New York.  The wound did not prove immediately mortal and the reason for the shooting was not immediately known.

1879: Mr. Henry Bergh delivered a lecture tonight at the Young Men’s Hebrew Association in which he said “it was astonishing” that so little attention had been paid to the treatment of “dumb animals” in the United Sates.  He felt that the clergy had not shown sufficient interest in the topic.  He expressed his opinion that Christians might learn from the Turks and “old Jewish laws” if they wished to improve the situation.

1881: “An insane inmate” under the care of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, set the facility on fire.  This unnamed individual was the only fatality.

1888: Birthdate of Osip Maksimovich Brik, a Russian avant garde writer and literary critic who “was one of the most important members of the Russian formalist school, though he also identified himself as one of the Futurists.”

1890: It was reported today that in the last ten years disbursements by the United Hebrew Charities have more than doubled going from $35,000 to $72,000.

1890: It was reported that the past five years the Jewish immigrants arriving in New York included, 18,535 in 1885; 27,348 in 1886; 25, 788 in 1887; 29,602 in 1888 and 23, 674 in 1889.

1890:  Birthdate of Karl Freund.  In his time, Freund was one of the most famous directors and cameramen.  He worked on everything from an early cinematic version of Dracula to episodes of the television sitcom Our Miss Brooks.

1890: Oscar S. Straus is scheduled to deliver “a few informal remarks” at a meeting of the Young Men’s Association of Ahawatch Chesed which is being held at Steinway Hall.

1890: As his health worsened, the children of 87 year old Chief Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler were called to his bedside for one more visit.

1891(7th of Shevat, 5651): Isaac Aaron Ettinger, Reb Itzsche, passed away today.  Born at Lemberg in 1827, who followed Zebi Hirsch Ornstein as the rabbi of Lemberg in 1888, a position he held until the day he passed away.

1892: “The Nautch Girl,” a comic opera that featured the music of Anglo-Jewish theatre man Edward Solomon closed today after two hundred performances at the Savoy Theatre.

1893: Theodor Kohn, the cleric with Jewish grandparents, began serving as Archbishop of Olomouc. He would eventually be forced to resign from the post.

1893: It was reported today that Joseph Barondess is leading a move to reorganize the Cloakmaker’s Union following its unsuccessful strike against Meyer Jonasson & Co. (Barondess was the son of Rabbi Samuel Barondess and a distant relative of Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis.  His connection with the cloakmakers was so strong that he was as the “King of the Cloakmakers.”
1894: In New York City, at the meeting of the Board of Police Superintendent reported that Roundsman Michael Downs and Patrolmen John Kenny and Kerwin Larkin have been suspended from duty and arrested on charges that they extorted money from Jewish peddlers.

1894: As the general economic conditions worsen It was reported today that New York Mayor Gilroy’s Relief Committee had made disbursement’s to various charities aiding the needy including two thousand dollars to the United Hebrew Charities.

1894: It was reported today that the East Side Relief Work has paid $4, 496.26 “for street sweeping and manufacturing” – work which is done primarily by Austrian and Russian Jews.
1894: It was reported today that R.H Macy & Co, which is owned by the Straus family donated another $1,346.26 to the Mayor’s Relief Committee

1894: Dr. C.F. Valentine was defeated in his bid to be elected President of the New York County Medical Association. It had been “hinted” that he was defeated because he was Jewish.

1896: It was reported today that last year’s Hebrew Charity Ball raised $12,000 for the Montefiore Home and it is hoped that this year’s ball will raised even more money.

1896: It was reported today that 70 per cent of the population living at the settlement area at 26 Delancy Street is made up of Jewish immigrants from Russia. The area which has been inhabited by successive groups of immigrants, the last of which the Irish, is one of the most difficult in which the University Settlement Society has ever worked because of the over-crowding and lack of opportunity.

1898: Birthdate of Irving Rapper, the British born movie director who moved to Hollywood in the 1930’s where “he made his directing debut with the 1941 film “Shining Victory.”

1898: It was reported today that Anatole France and Emile Zola are among a group of “prominent doctors, lawyers’ and writers” who “have signed a petition in favor” of having the Dreyfus decision reviewed because of the “violation of judicial forms and the mysteries surrounding it.”

1898: “The annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical School for Girls was held” this “afternoon at the school headquarters” on Henry Street.

1898: Paris was the scene of another night of violence as “bands of students paraded” denouncing Emile Zola, “shouting…death to the Jews,” smashing café windows, and in a case of mistaken identity, smashing the windows of a house they thought belonged to Zola.

1898: “France At Its Worst” published today described the current crisis over Alfred Dreyfus as demonstrating the “degeneracy” of the French people.

1898: It was reported today that there are two factions arrayed against Emile Zola, the editor and author who has taken the lead in defending Alfred Dreyfus. One is made of “those who would support the so-called ‘honor of the army’ at any sacrifice against individual justice.”  (In other words, Dreyfus may be innocent but to overturn the verdict would hurt the military.)  The other groups are the anti-Semites which including the students rioting in the street a number of those serving as Deputies in the French legislature.

1899: It was reported today that “the few attempts made to incited the populace” of Hungary “against the Jews have been fruitless, which is in marked contrast to the success of the anti-Jewish campaign in Austria. 
1899: Herzl writes to Bertha von Suttner, famous Austrian peace activist, to request an audience with the Czar.

1899: It was a reported today that in Duluth, a mob of 150 Jews attacked the Coroner when he went to open the grave of Mrs. Wlfound, whom it was claimed was buried alive.  The Jews did not approve of what they considered was a desecration of the remains of a co-religionists.

1903: Herzl ate lunch with Lord Rothschild and had a meeting with Sir Thomas Sanderson, Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs in Downing Street. Herzl submits the itinerary of the Commission and the membership. Sanderson recommends Sir Benjamin Baker, builder of the Aswan Dam, as irrigation engineer. Herzl is concerned about each and every detail.

1900: In Aachen, Germany, Rosa Stern and Abraham Holländer gave birth to their youngest child Edith, who would become Edith Frank when she married Otto Frank – a union that would produce the diarist Anne Frank.

1903: Birthdate of David Shaltiel, the native of Berlin who was “the district commander of the Haganah in Jerusalem” during the 1948 War for Independence.

1903: Following the death of Henry de Worms seven days ago, The Jewish Chronicle wrote “Lord Pirbright was for several years president of the Anglo-Jewish Association, but resigned in 1886 owing to objections raised to his having attended the nuptials of his eldest daughter in a church. During his parliamentary career he was a warm advocate of the cause of Jews in lands of oppression, especially Rumania.”

1906: Opening of the Algeciras Conference during which “the US representatives ensured that the Conference documents praised the Sultan's Government for improvements in conditions of Jews and asked it to guarantee to treat all Moroccans equally.

1906: Bezalel, The Academy of Arts and Design, was founded in Jerusalemby Boris Schatz.  Born in 1867, Schatz was a painter and court sculptor to King Ferdinand of Bulgaria. He died in 1932. The school was named after biblical artisan Bezalel, son of Uri, who was one of the main architects of the Tabernacle. It has well over 1000 students and offers degrees in art, architecture, and design.

1909: Birthdate of Clement Greenbergthe most famous American art critic since Bernard Berenson, who was born “to a Yiddish-speaking socialist family and was brought up in Brooklyn and the Bronx.”

1915(1st of Shevat, 5675): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1917:J. Walter Freiburg, President of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations announces a gift of $100,000 from Jacob H. Schiff for the establishment of a fund to provide for pensioning superannuated rabbis.

1917: German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann sends the Zimmermann Telegram to Mexico, proposing a German-Mexican alliance against the United States. The Zimmerman Telegram by Jewish historian Barbara Tuchman provides one of the best descriptions and explanations of this little known episode in American history that helped lead the United States into World War I.

1919(15thof Shevat, 5679) Tu BiShvat / טו בשבט

1919” In Detroit, MI, Louis and Belle Horwitz gave birth to Jerome Phillip Horwitz “a scientific researcher who created AZT in 1964 in the hope that it would cure cancer but who entered the medical pantheon decades later when AZT became the first successful drug treatment for people with AIDS…” )As reported by Paul Vitello)

1920: The 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified today.  Its ban on the manufacture, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors would present a set of unique problem for Jews who wished to observe the law of the land yet needed wine for Shabbat, Pesach (and other holidays) weddings and circumcision ceremonies.

1922: In Port Jervis, NY, Russian immigrants Gussie and David Levinson gave birth to Harry Levinson “a psychologist who helped change corporate America’s thinking about the workplace by demonstrating a link between job conditions and emotional health — a progressive notion when he began developing his ideas in the 1950s…” (As reported by Claudia Deutsch)

1923: Birthdate of poet Anthony Hecht.  Hecht won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1968 for “The Harder Hours.” He passed away in 2004.

1925: Leon Trotsky was dismissed from the Russian Revolution Military Council as he lost the battle for power with Stalin.

1929: Birthdate of political activist Allard Lowenstein

1930: Birthdate of Norman Podhoretz. Editor of “Commentary Magazine” Podhoretz has moved from being a liberal to a conservative.

1932:Philadelphian Jacob Billikopf, who had been associated with the recently deceased Julius Rosenwald in welfare activities for the last quarter of a century, expressed the opinion today that Rosenwald’s work on behalf of “the American Negro” was one of his most outstanding contributions to humanity. 

1933: Birthdate of photographer Nathan Louis Finkelstein whose photographs of Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgwick, and the Velvet Underground would become some of the most famous images of Warhol’s Factory and its revolving cast of characters.

1933: In New York Mildred and Jack Rosenblatt gave birth to Susan Rosenblatt who gained fame as Susan Sontag

1935: Rabbi Stephen Wise spoke at luncheon of the Women’s League for Palestine where “it was announced that $21,000 has been received in gifts and pledges toward building a home for needy girls at Tel Aviv.”  The home is similar to one already being operated in Haifa and will cost a total of $40,000 to complete.

1935: Leaders of the Jewish National Fund announced that it had raise $20,000 which represents 40% of the goal of $50,000 needed to buy additional land in Palestine “as perpetual national property.”

1935: Morris Rothenberg, President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), announced today that Sunday, January 20, 1935, has been designated as Palestine Day, with observances planned in more than 400 cities across the United States.
1938: Funeral services will be held today for Albert Ottinger, the former New York State Attorney General who lost to FDR in the 1928 gubernatorial race, at his home with burial in Union Field Cemetery.

1938: Birthdate of Robert Lipsyte, “an American sports journalist and author” who “is a member of the Board of Contributors for USA TODAY's Forum Page, part of the newspaper’s Opinion section.

1938:  Benny Goodman refused to play Carnegie Hall when African-American members of his band were barred from performing

1938: The Palestine Post reported that a Jewish constable, Shaul Levy, 22, was killed and his companion, Yitzhak Zeldenberg was severely injured by an Arab in the Sanhedria quarter of Jerusalem. The murderer escaped.

1938: The Palestine Post reported Police found a small Arab arsenal in Ein Zeikun village.

1938: The Palestine Post reported A government trade school opened in Haifa.

1938: The Palestine Post reported In Romania, Jews were forbidden to employ Christian women under 40.

1939: “Jews emigrating from Germany are forbidden from taking jewelry and valuable items with them. All they are allowed to have is a single piece of dining silver each, wedding rings, and a watch worth no more than 100 Reichsmarks.” (As reported by Austin Cline)

1939: As the war clouds form over Europe that would become WW II, the physicist Neils Bohr, who was “half-Jewish” arrived in New York en route to accepting a position at Princeton.  He told Hungarian born Jewish physicist Leo Szilar that his worst fears had come to pass.  Two German physicists had successfully split the uranium nucleus giving Hitler’s government a major edge in what would become the race to build the first Atom Bomb.

1940: A two-day forced march of 880 Polish POWs all whom were Jewish came to an end with 600 of them being shot by the Nazis. (Jewish Virtual Library)

1941: Tonight Axis airplanes raided airfields near Tel Aviv.

1942: Senitsa Vershovsky, a major in the Soviet Army, is shot by an Einsatzkommando unit at Kremenchug, Ukraine, for protecting Jews.

1942: The Nazis begin “resettling” the Jews in the Lodz Ghetto to the Chelmno Extermination Camp

1944: Secretary of the Treasury Henry J. Morgenthau, Jr. presented a report entitled “Report to the Secretary in the Acquiescence of This government in the Murder of Jews” to President Roosevelt.  Prepared by several non-Jewish technocrats working at the Treasury Department, “the document cited chapter and verse of the State Department’s ‘procrastination and willful failure to act…even willful attempts to prevent action from being taken to rescue Jews from Hitler.’” The report concluded ‘Unless remedial steps…are taken immediately…the government will have share for all time responsibility for this [Jewish] extermination.’ The authors of the report recommended that “refugee policy be removed from the State Department jurisdiction.”

1945: Three years after the “resettlement” of the Jews from Lodz began, the Soviets liberate the town and find 870 Jews still alive.

1945: The Red Army liberated Czestochowa, including its 800 surviving Jews.

1947:  Birthdate of Dr. Laura Schlessinger.  Her popularity among some Orthodox Jews would seem to run contrary to the admonitions found in Chapter I, Verse 5 of Pirke Avot concerning avoiding the gossip of women.

1948(5thof Shevat, 5708): Thirty five members of the Haganah set out to bring supplies to the besieged four Kibbutzim known as the Etzion Bloc.  Located the Hebronhills, the four Kibbutzim were defended by thirty armed fighters.  They had already fought off one attack by hundreds of Arabs who were so confident of victory that they had brought bags to cart off the loot.  Due to the lack of equipment which was quite common among the Jewish forces, the thirty five set off without a radio.  According to information gathered later, the column was given inaccurate directions by a local Arab who then alerted those who were besieging the Etzion Bloc.  The Arabs fell upon the Haganah column and killed all of them.  Their bodies were found and brought into the Bloc whose defenders now realized that they were completely on their own.

1948(5th of Shevat, 5708): Seventy-two year old Jacob W. Mack, a former chairman of the Board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and a brother of the later Judge Julian W. Mack passed away in Cincinnati, Ohio. (As reported by JTA))

1950: Birthdate of American stand-up comedian, Robert George "Bob" Schimmel.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported Soviet Jewry's fears that a major anti-Jewish policy statement was being prepared and would soon be announced in Moscow. Four knowledgeable Jewish Communist leaders fled from East Germany in anticipation of the oncoming persecution. The Israeli government stopped the distribution of the Communist daily Kol Ha'am to soldiers and warned that unless the newspaper stopped "naming the poor Jewish doctors in the Soviet Unionas murderers and spies, it will be closed as endangering public security." The Histadrut Executive, by 27 votes to one, banned Communist members from participation in any trade-union activities.

1956: Egyptian President Nassar pledged to re-conquer Palestine.  The immediate result of this boast was the Israeli victory in the Sinai Campaign of 1956.

1958:One of Israel's fondest dreams was fulfilled today with the opening of a new highway linking Elath and Beersheba.

1964(2ndof Shevat, 5724): Sixty-two year old Aharon Zisling, Israel’s first Minister of Agriculture and member of the first  Knesset passed away today.

1964: David Merrick’s musical ''Hello, Dolly!'' starring Carol Channing opened on Broadway, beginning a run of 2,844 performances.

1968: At midnight, the INS Dakar set sail from Gibraltar.  After submerging, the Israeli submarine was supposed to sail across the Mediterranean to Israel.

1977: Shlomo Hillel begins serving as Interior Minister
1977: The Marx Brothers were inducted into the Motion Picture Hall of Fame

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that the foreign ministers of Israel, Egypt and the US, agreed to hold a "political conference" in Jerusalem.

1991(1st of Shevat, 5751): Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat

1991:Zubin Mehta, the music director of the New York Philharmonic, who was to fly back to New York from Munich today changed his mind and headed for Tel Aviv instead. "He felt he needed to be in Israel" to demonstrate his affection for the country during the Persian Gulf crisis, said Neil Parker, a spokesman for the Philharmonic. Mr. Mehta, who was born in Bombay, has also been the music director of the Israel Philharmonic since 1968. In 1981, the orchestra named him music director for life. He had been in Austria to conduct the Vienna Philharmonic, then had driven to Munich for a flight to Paris, where he was to board the Concorde and return to New York. In Paris, he changed plans and flew to Israel instead. "He feels that the entire country has adopted him and that it was not possible to be anywhere else at this moment but Israel," Mr. Parker said

1992: Birthdate of Diana Golovanov, the Russian born Israeli singer and actress.

1995(15thof Shevat, 5755): Tu B’Shevat

1996(24thof Tevet, 5756): Ninety-two year old author and music critic Marcia Davenport, the daughter of Bernard Glick and Alma Gluck passed away today. (As reported by Eric Pace)

1996:President of Israel, Ezer Weizmann, gave a speech to both Houses of Parliament of Germany. He gave this speech in Hebrew to the Germans, fifty years after the Holocaust, and in it he beautifully summed up what Jewish history is. He said:

"It was fate that delivered me and my contemporaries into this great era when the Jews returned to re-establish their homeland ... "I am no longer a wandering Jew who migrates from country to country, from exile to exile. But all Jews in every generation must regard themselves as if they had been there in previous generations, places and events. Therefore, I am still a wandering Jew but not along the far flung paths of the world. Now I migrate through the expanses of time from generation to generation down the paths of memory..."I was a slave in Egypt. I received the Torah on Mount Sinai. Together with Joshua and Elijah I crossed the Jordan River. I entered Jerusalem with David and was exiled with Zedekiah. And I did not forget it by the rivers of Babylon. When the Lord returned the captives of Zion I dreamed among the builders of its ramparts. I fought the Romans and was banished from Spain. I was bound to the stake in Mainz. I studied Torah in Yemen and lost my family in Kishinev. I was incinerated in Treblinka, rebelled in Warsaw, and emigrated to the Land of Israel, the country from where I have been exiled and where I have been born and from which I come and to which I return.” I am a wandering Jew who follows in the footsteps of my forbearers. And just as I escort them there and now and then, so do my forbearers accompany me and stand with me here today."I am a wandering Jew with the cloak of memory around my shoulders and the staff of hope in my hand. I stand at the great crossroads in time, at the end of the twentieth century. I know whence I come and with hope and apprehension I attempt to find out where I am heading. "We are all people of memory and prayer. We are people of words and hope. We have neither established empires nor built castles and palaces. We have only placed words on top of each other. We have fashioned ideas. We have built memorials. We have dreamed towers of yearning, of Jerusalem rebuilt, of Jerusalem united, of a peace that will swiftly and speedily establish us in our days. Amen."

1997: Benny Begin completed his terms as Science and Technology Minister

2000: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including America Divided:The Civil War of the 1960sby Maurice Isserman and Michael Kazin, I’m Not Done Yet!Keeping at It, Remaining Relevant, and Having the Time of My Lifeby Edward I. Koch with Daniel Paisner and Fire In The Night:Wingate of Burma, Ethiopia, and Zion by John Bierman and Colin Smith.

2001: In an article entitled: “Unorthodox Cinema; An Israeli Filmmaker Imagines the Unimaginable,” Deborah Sontag provides a sympathetic review of Joseph Cedar's ''Time of Favor,'' called ''Hahesder'' (''The Arrangement'') in Hebrew, which swept the 2000 Israeli Academy Awards. The film concerns a plan by a brilliant, deranged settler to blow up the Dome of the Rock, which would also blow up the region. Locally, this is the ultimate sensational plot. But Mr. Cedar is rare here, an Orthodox Jewish filmmaker in an art world dominated by secular leftists. And in his hands, the sensational, while still sensational, is grounded in an authenticity that lends a haunting pathos to what emerges as a kind of art-house thriller, flawed but gripping.

 2003: Space Shuttle Columbia took off for what would prove to be its final mission.  The shuttle was carrying Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli astronaut.

2005: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Seven Types of Ambiguity by Elliot Perlman

2006: Shav Glick, legendary sports writer, retired from the LA Times. Glick was known for his coverage of auto racing.  He gained early fame writing about Jackie Robinson his classmate at Passadena Junior College.

2006: The High Court of Justice rejected Jonathan Pollard's petition to be recognized as a Prisoner of Zion on the grounds that he was jailed by US authorities for spying against his country and not for conducting Zionist activity in a country where such activity is prohibited. According to the law, a Prisoner of Zion is defined as someone who was imprisoned "because of his Zionist activity in a country where such activity was illegal."Typical Zionist activity would include identifying with the State of Israel and its cultural contents such as teaching Hebrew and encouraging aliya." Someone incarcerated for such activities would be eligible for Prisoner of Zion status. But according to theHCJ spying for Israel does not belong to this category of activities. This would be all the more so in case involving the United States, a country in which Zionist activity is not prohibited. 

2006(16thof Tevet, 5766):Eighty-two year old “Stanley H. Biber, a small-town Colorado doctor who for decades was internationally renowned as the dean of sex-change surgery, died today at a hospital in Pueblo (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2007:  An exhibition entitled “From the Heart: The photojournalism of Ruth Gruber” opened at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City. 

2007:Following the conclusion of several months of probes into the summer's Lebanon war, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz announced his resignation.

2008: Avigdor Lieberman completes his term as Deputy Prime Minister

2008: At the 92nd Y in ManhattanJewish author Carl Bernstein discusses his extensive research on Hillary Rodham Clinton, including her political rise and current campaign, and his most recent book, A Woman In Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Bernstein shared a Pulitzer Prize with Bob Woodward for their coverage of Watergate for The Washington Post.

2008: The second episode of “The Jewish Americans” airs on PBS.  The three episode series traces the history of the Jews in America starts with the arrival of the first 23 Sephardic Jews in New Amsterdam in 1654 and “ends with Maisyahu, the Chasidic hip-hop star, one of about six million Jews in Americatoday.”  For more information see:

2008: Ahawkish faction of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmerts coalition pulled out of his government today following the start of talks this week over how to resolve the most vexing issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yisrael Beiteinu, or Israel Is Our Home, withdrew its 11 lawmakers from Olmert's coalition, leaving his government in control of 67 of parliament's 120 seats.

2008:A stone seal bearing the name of one of the families who acted as servants in the First Temple and then returned to Jerusalem after being exiled to Babylonia has been uncovered in an archeological excavation in Jerusalem's City of David, a prominent Israeli archeologist said today. The 2,500-year-old black stone seal, which has the name "Temech" engraved on it, was found earlier this week amid stratified debris in the excavation under way just outside the Old City walls near the Dung Gate, said archeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar, who is leading the dig. According to the Book of Nehemiah, the Temech family was servants of the FirstTemple and was sent into exile to Babylonfollowing its destruction by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. The family was among those who later returned to Jerusalem, the Bible recounts. The dig is being sponsored by the ShalemCenter, a Jerusalem research institute where Mazar serves as a senior fellow, and the City of David Foundation, which promotes Jewish settlement throughout east Jerusalem.

2009:The American Jewish Historical Society and the American Society for Jewish Music present:Ethel Raim and the Center for Traditional Music and Dance: Three Decades of Showcasing Jewish Music as part of the Jewish Music Forum featuring Ethel Raim and Professor Mark Slobin of  Wesleyan University.

2009:Two Grad rockets fired from Gaza hit Kiryat Gat this afternoon, wounding three people and causing heavy damage. Others were treated for shock following the attack. Ashdodwas also targeted by two Grad rockets. One rocket struck the yard of a home, wounding one man moderately and one man lightly. They were taken for treatment in Rehovot's KaplanHospital. The other projectile hit a factory in the city, causing heavy damage but no casualties. At least one man was treated for shock following the attack. A rocket landed in the Eshkol region in an open field and two rockets hit Ashkelon. No casualties were reported there but a building in the city was damaged. Later in the day at least five more rockets landed in the western Negev in open fields, causing no casualties or damage. Palestinians fired two Kassams at the Netivot area as well.

2009: Guy Cook, an attorney sends an e-mail stating that “Sholom Rubashkin denies all 99 charges…”  The denial refers to additional charges filed against Rubashkin on Thursday, January 15, 2009.

2010: As part of the effort to aid Haiti following the devastating earthquake that struck the country on January 13, a field hospital operated by IDF medical teams became operational today. Today a search and rescue team from the ZAKA International Rescue Unit pulled eight Haitian college students from a collapsed eight-story university building.Overnight Saturday, in what staff described as one of the most fulfilling moments of their work, the Israeli doctors delivered a baby boy, whose mother, Gubilande Jean Michel, promptly declared would be named "Israel."

2010: At the New York Jewish Film Festival, the New York premiere of “The Jazz Baroness,” a documentary created by filmmaker Hannah Rothschild that tells the story of her great aunt Baroness Pannonica “Nica” Rothschild de Konigswarter who “abruptly leaves her family and creates a new one among celebrated jazz musicians in postwar New York.”

2010: The 10thannual Atlanta Jewish Festival features a screening of “Anita,”film that revolves around terrorist bombing of the AMIA Jewish Community Center in 1994 that killed 85 people and wounded hundreds more and its impact on the life of Anita Feldman a girl with Down syndrome.

2010: The Museum of Modern Art features the first showing of Amos Gitai’s Carmel which opens with“quotes from Josephus on the Jewish Wars of two millennia ago, then segues to present-day Israel and his family, with a focus on the remarkably articulate Efratia, the filmmaker’s late mother, whose letters about life in Israel and abroad are read by Jeanne Moreau.”

2010(1stof Shevat, 5770): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

2010(1stof Shevat, 5770):: Ninety-year old Hungarian born radio host George Jellinek passed away today.

2011: András Schiff told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that he had become "persona non grata" in Hungary and would probably never perform there again "or even visit."  This followed charges by Schiff that Hungary was guilty of "racism, discrimination against the Roma, and anti-Semitism…”

2011: The Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival is scheduled to present a program entitled5000 Years of Kvetching – Illustrated with cartoonist, Ken Krimstein” during which the New York cartoonist “will discuss the development of his newly published book, Kvetch as Kvetch Can, full of 90 original cartoons, some of which have been published in The New Yorker, Barrons, The National Lampoon, and The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

2011: The U.S. premiere of the restored version of “Lies My Father Told Me”, a film set in the 1920s Montreal Jewish immigrant community, is scheduled to take place at The New York Jewish Film Festival.

2011: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Hadassah sponsored a Tu B’Shevat Seder at Temple Judah

2011: “The Social Network” based on the life of Mark Zuckerberg won the Golden Globe award for Best Picture.

2011: In Israel the Cabinet is expected this to approve Israel's acceptance of membership in the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.

2011: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Binocular Vision by Edith Pearlman and the recently released paperback edition of The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama by David Remnick

2011: The Los Angeles Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Binocular Vision: New & Selected Stories by Edith Pearlman

2011:Haredi-Lithuanian mouthpiece Yated Ne'eman expressed “shock, as well as pained and utter protest over the desecration of approving thousands of military 'conversions,'” in its inevitable reaction to the decision of President of the Shas Council of Torah Sages Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who declared the disputed past IDF conversions kosher.
2011:There were a number of attacks against Jewish institutions in Montreal sometime between yesterday evening and this morning, local media reported today. Vandals reportedly smashed the windows of three synagogues, a Jewish day school, and a Jewish daycare center in the Côte-St-Luc and Hampstead neighborhoods. Local authorities said that there might be a connection between the attacks and that they may have been perpetrated by the same person or group of people.The Beth Rambam, Tifereth Beth David Jerusalem and Dorshei Emet synagogues and the Beth Zion synagogue and daycare center and the Yavne Academy were all targeted by vandals who threw rocks at their windows, smashing several and causing thousands of dollars in damages.

2011(11thof Shevat, 5771): Milton Levine, the co-creator of “Uncle Milton’s Ant Farm which was an instant hit in the fad-crazy 1950s” passed away today at the age of 97 (As reported by Valerie Nelson)

2012: “Remembrance,” a film inspired by actual events that depicts a remarkable love story that blossomed in the terror and squalor of a Nazi concentration camp in 1944 Poland, is scheduled to have its New York Premiere at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012:Touro Synagogue Weekend of Peace March-MLK,Jr. Parade is scheduled to take place in New Orleans, LA.

2012: The 10th Annual Used Book Sale at Beth El Hebrew Congregation is scheduled to come to an end in Alexandria, VA.

2012:An Israel Defense Forces court sentenced a Palestinian man to five life sentences today, after he was convicted of murdering five members of the Fogel family in the West Bank settlement of Itamar in 2011. Amjad Awad, a 19-year-old student, carried out the crime with his cousin, Hakim Awad, who was already sentenced to five consecutive life sentences in October 2011. The judges' panel contemplated whether to give Awad the death penalty, saying the youth "doesn't have a fragment of regret in his heart." However, ultimately the judges said that despite the horrid acts he carried out, they decided not to sentence him to a harsher punishment than the one the military prosecution had requested.

2012:Hackers shut down both the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) and El Al’s respective websites today, one day after a hacker network threatened to carry out attacks on both sites.

2013: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Hadassah Book Club is scheduled to discuss Unorthodox by Deborah Feldman

2013: At The Wiener Library in London,Dr Joanna Beata Michlic from the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute is scheduled to deliver a lecture that “discusses early postwar memories of Jewish survivors and their rescuers concerning wartime rescue in Warsaw and Warsaw province, and the relationships between rescuers and their Jewish charges in the immediate postwar period.”

2013: “Aya” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013:"A week before the January 22 elections, representatives of the eight largest political parties running for Knesset will face off before the English- speaking public at The Jerusalem Great Synagogue tonight."
2013: Today the Jerusalem District Court convicted the "Jewish Terrorist" Jack Teitel of murdering two Palestinians and an assortment of other crimes between 1997 and 2008.

2014: The San Diego Center for Jewish Culture is scheduled to host a “Collage Workshop with Irene Neimark.”

2014: “Saul Bass Shorts” and “Cupcakes” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival

2014: The Daniel Cooney Gallery is scheduled to host the reception which marks the opening of “Inframen” a project of Nir Arieli.

2014(15th of Shevat):According to the tradition of the Bene Israel of India, the prophet Elijah ascended to heaven

2014(15thof Shevat, 5774) Tu BiShvat /טו בשבט

This Day, January 17, In Jewish History by MItchell A. Levin

January 17

395: Emperor Theodosius I passed away in Milan.  During his reign he instituted several laws that directly impacted his Jewish subject.  One “dealt with the obligation of Jews and Samaritans to acts as shipmasters over goods being transported.”  A second law “gave the Jewish patriarchs the right to judicial autonomy in their communities…”  A third law enacted in 393 forbade the destruction of synagogues. (As reported by Daniel O. McClellan)

1287: King Alfonso III of Aragon invades Minorca, making Minorca a part of Spain, a status that has survived into the 21st century, despite a brief period of British rule in 18th century. Judah Bonsenyor, Notary-general of Aragon, whose language skill enabled him to serve as an interpreter, was among those who accompanied the king during the invasion.  Minorca has had a large Jewish population The Letter on the Conversion of the Jews by a fifth century bishop named Severus tells of the conversion of the island's Jewish community in AD 418. A number of Jews, including Theodore, a rich representative Jew who stood high in the estimation of his coreligionists and of Christians alike, underwent baptism. An act of conversion brought about, in fact, within a previously peaceful coexisting community by means of the expulsion of the ruling Jewish elite into the bleak hinterlands, the burning of synagogues, and the gradual reinstatement of certain Jewish families after the coerced acceptance of Christianity and its supremacy and rule in order to allow survival for those who had not already perished. Many Jews remained within the Jewish faith while outwardly professing Christian faith. Some of these Jews form part of the Xueta community. When Minorca became an English possession in 1713, the English willingly proffered an asylum to thousands of Jews from African cities A synagogue was soon erected in Mahon.

1377: Pope Gregory XI, the prelate who had ordered the burning of Jewish books a year earlier, ended the Avignon Papacy when he moves the Papacy back to Rome from Avignon.

1449: In Toledo, Spain, 14 Conversos are put on trial and deprived of their offices because it is believed that their conversion to Christianity was not sincere and that they still cling to their Jewish ways. (Editor’s note – This was a common complaint among Christians who were upset that the Jews who adopted Catholicism were successful and in some instances supplanting them.)

1463:Ernest, Elector of Saxony and his wife Elisabeth gave birth to Frederick ii, the Elector of Saxony who protected Luther during that period from approximately 1514 to 1523 during which the Christian Reformer spoke positively of the Jews as can be seen from condemnation of the doctrine of “Servitude of the Jews and the essay “That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew.”

1466: King John of Sicily gave formal permission to Benjamin Romano to establish a Jewish University in medicine and law at Syracuse. The idea was not acted upon and 1492 the Jews were expelled by order of the Spanish crown including the 5000 Jews of Syracuse which was approximately 40% of the town’s population.

1504: Birthdate of Antonio Ghislieri, who as Pope Pius V expelled the Jews from Imola, Italy including its most famous citizen, Gedaliah ibn Yahya ben Joseph. Born in 1526, Gedaliah, studied under Jacob Finzi, Israel Rovigo and Abraham Rovigo, the noted Kabbalist and wandered around Italy after his expulsion until finally settling in Alexandria where he died in 1587.

1565: “Æquum reputamus” (We consider it equal) was issued by Pius V, the Pope who restored all of the anti-Semitic bulls of his predecessors, persecuted the Jews throughout the Christian world under his influence and eventually banished them from the dominions under his direct control.

1658: Birthdate of Samson Wertheimer. Born at Worms he would become chief rabbi of Hungary and Moravia, and rabbi of Eisenstadt. He would gain fame as an Austrian financier, court Jew and Shtadlan to Austrian Emperor Leopold I. He passed away in Vienna in 1724.

1670 In Metz, Burghers of the city decided that it was financially beneficial to expel the Jews, and so concocted a ritual murder libel. Raphael Levy, a respected member of the community, was arrested, tortured and burned alive. The Royal Council later called it "Judicial Murder" and the Jews were not expelled.

1706: Birthdate of Benjamin Franklin who wanted the great seal to of the United States to depict the Israelites crossing the Red Sea and who responded to a fundraising request from Mikveh Israel with a contribution of £5.  Like many of his contemporaries Franklin was a Deist who had his doubts about all organized religions but covered his bases by responding to charitable requests from various Philadelphia religious organizations.

1747: Birthdate of Marcus Herz, the native of Berlin who was a pupil of philosopher Emmanuel Kant before becoming a prominent German physician and lecturer.

1763: Birthdate of John Jacob Astor, fur trader and one of early America’s most successful businessmen.  There is some question as to whether or not Astor was Jewish or just of "Jewish stock."
1766: Birthdate of Amsterdam native Bele Salomon Kalman Asser Shochet

1815(6th of Shevat, 5575): Sixty year old Isaac Simon passed away in Jamaica was interred a Jewish cemetery “located at Hunts Bay, across the harbor from Port Royal and midway between Kingston and Spanish Town.”  The cemetery is the oldest Jewish cemetery on the island. (As reported by Irwin M. Berg)

1842: West London Synagogue of British Jews, the U.K.’s oldest Reform congregation, is opened.

1847: The board of Congregation Shangarai Chasset met at the Conti Hotel Street in New Orleans under the Presidency of L. A. Gunst. The board unanimously chose Dr. Hermann Kohlmeyer to serve as the congregation’s rabbi. Kohlmeyer would later give up his pulpit for a career in education, becoming professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature at the University of Louisiana (now Tulane University). The congregation was founded in 1827 as an Orthodox synagogue.  In 1881 it merged with Nefutzot Yehudah to form Touro Synagogue, one of the Crescent City’s leading Reform Congregations.

1851: In Cayuga County, NY, where Albert Baham is on trial for the murder of Nathan Adler, a popular Jewish peddler, the prosecution completed its summation.  The judge delivered the charge to the jury which then adjourned to begin its deliberation. By six o’clock the jury had found the defendant guilty as charged.

1852: The New York Times reviewed Disraeli's Life of George Bentick.  "It is amusing to see that Disraeli does not forget to do homage to the Hebrew race in his new book, albeit nobody can tell what it has to do with the biography...He still affirms...that the greatest men, past and present are and were Jews.  To do him justice, he tries hard to prove it by living examples --whether they are valid or not let the readers of the book determine."

1863: Birthdate of Constantin Stanislavski, the Russian creator of “method acting” who assisted Nahum Zemach in the creation of Habima Theatre.

1863:  Birthdate of David Lloyd George.  Lloyd George was the British Prime Minister from 1916 through 1922.  This meant that he led Britain to victory during World War I and was the leader of the peace negotiations.  In this latter role he signed the Treaty of San Remo that officially ended the war with Turkey.  Under the terms of the treaty “Palestine was declared a mandated territory” to be administered by Great Britain under the terms of the Balfour Declaration.  Lloyd George agreed to this despite a great deal of anti-Zionist pressure some of which was generated by American missionary educators with interests in the Middle East.

1867: Birthdate of Karl Lämmle, the native of Württemberg who gained fame as Carl Laemmle one of the creators of the American cinema industry and the founder of Universal Studios.

1871: A Jewish peddler named Frank who has been plying his ware throughout Queens County was shot this evening while driving from Flushing to his home in Columbusville. The wounded Frank arrived at his home but nothing is known as to who might of shot him.

1876: It was reported today that the United Hebrew Charities, “an organization which embraces all the Hebrew charitable associations…and which cares exclusively for Hebrews” is the fifth leading charity in New York City.  The association, with a central office at 238 East Fifth, provides money, medicines, medical treatment, clothing, shoes and coal to needy Jews.

1882: Aletta Jacobs the first Dutch female physician opened her office.  Yes, Jacobs, who was also a champion for the rights of women, was Jewish.

1885: Alphonzo Taft wrote to Secretary of State Frelinghuysen from the U.S. Legation at St Petersburg regarding reports that the Russian Minister of the Interior had ordered the expulsion of all Jews from Odessa and other cities “holding foreign passports” unless they had “permits of residence” which the government readily gives to non-Jews but rarely give to Jews.

1889(15thof Shevat, 5649): Tu B’Shevat

1890: (20th of Tevet, 5650):Salomon Sulzer passed away at the age of 85.  While his name is known to few today, in his time he was a famous cantor and composer.  “Born in 1804 in Hohenems, Austria, to a family of rich manufacturers, he was appointed cantor at the main synagogue in his hometown when only 16. He studied music in Vienna where he was chief cantor of the new synagogue from 1825 to 1881. His baritone voice attracted non-Jewish as well as Jewish admirers, among them Schubert, Schumann, and Liszt. In 1868 he was appointed knight of the order of Franz Josef. Sulzer's synagogue compositions became the models upon which congregations based their services throughout the year. His Schir Zion appeared in two volumes and while his music and innovations won only limited acceptance in Eastern Europe, they became standard in central Europe.”
1892: “Ancient Beliefs in Immortality” published today provides a summary of Reverend T.K. Chenye’s rebuttal to former Prime Minister Gladstone’s contention that the Psalms which he says were written by David offer proof that the ancient Israelites believed in an afterlife.  Chenye counters that the Psalms were probably written during the Babylonian exile and that the verses Gladstone attributes to a promise of heaven are actually a promise of a return to the homeland. (Editor’s note – This entry is fascinating for many reasons.  First, that a Prime Minister would be engaged in a scholarly debate on such a topic and second the respect with which both of these Protestant leaders show for Jewish faith and traditions)

1892: It was reported today that the police still do not know the whereabouts or fate of David Blumenthal a wealthy Jewish businessman who disappeared in April, 1891.  Before his disappearance, Blumenthal had been an inmate at the insane asylum at Amityville. At that time, his older son Henry took him from the asylum, went to the banks where his money was deposited and withdrew it all.  The two men then boarded a steamer bound for Bremen where they appear to have disappeared.

1893: A.E. Greenwald and Chapman Raphiel visited President Grover Cleveland at the White House and invited him to attend the charity that was being hosted by the Jews of Philadelphia on the last day of January.  Cleveland responded that he would “make a special effort to be present.”

1893: President Rutherford B. Hayes passed away.  Born in 1822,Rutherford Hays was the first President to designate a Jewish ambassador for the purpose of fighting anti-Semitism. In 1870, he named Benjamin Peixotto Consul-General to Rumania. President Hays also was the first Chief Executive to assure a civil service employee her right to work for the Federal government and yet observe the Sabbath. (Not working on Friday nights and Saturday?)

1895: Edward Lauerbach represented “the Hebrew Charities” at a conference in New York City prior to the announcement of what payments would be made to various charities by the city government.

1896: The first version of Herzl’s Judenstaat(The Jewish State) was published in the Anglo Jewish Newspaper, The Jewish Chronicle.

The Jewish Chronicle in London had a world scoop with a lengthy article on a “Solution of the Jewish Question” by Theodor Herzl. This was 2 days before Herzl finally secured a contract in Vienna for publication of the Judenstaat.  Readers of the Jewish Chronicle were the first to have his ideas set out in print and they were cautioned by Herzl that “in this rapid account I run the risk of being misunderstood. My first and incomplete version will probably be scoffed at by Jews. ...I am introducing no new idea; on the contrary it is a very old one. It is a universal idea. …It is the restoration of the Jewish State.” Asher Myers, editor of The Jewish Chronicle had met Herzl a few weeks earlier at a dinner of the Maccabeans, a Londonclub of Jewish professionals and establishment figures. He had been so impressed by Herzl’s views that he encouraged him to write them up for his newspaper. By the end of 1895, Herzl had completed his book and extracted a summary for The Jewish Chronicle. In an editorial entitled “A Dream of a Jewish State” Myers pointed at “the remarkable communication from Dr Herzl, adding that “we may safely assert that this is one of the most astounding pronouncements that have ever been put forward on the Jewish Question.”  However, the editorial questioned whether the project would ever be realized. It concluded that Herzl had been prompted by a belief in the inevitability of spreading anti-Semitism. “Foreseeing coming storm all over the civilized world, there is in his view no possible escape from these catastrophes unless the Jews deliberately determine to remove themselves from the storm-laden atmosphere before the irresistible gloom breaks over them.”  The Jewish Chronicle could not share Herzl’s thesis. Its Editor maintained that British Jewry did not see itself as victim of anti-Semitism and was convinced that it could insulate itself from its spread in continental Europe. “We find it hard to accept these gloomy prognostications (of universal anti-Semitism). We hardly anticipate a great future for a scheme which is the outcome of despair.” England consistently played a crucial role in Herzl’s efforts to mobilize support for the Jewish homeland. His success in winning the backing of Joseph Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary, was of lasting significance. Arguably the British government’s decision to involve itself in the search for a Jewish homeland, even though nothing came of it in Herzl’s lifetime, was tantamount to endorsement of the right of Jews to be treated as a nation and was the first step in a sequence that eventually led to the Balfour Declaration. In stark contrast to Chamberlain as well as the then Foreign Secretary, Lord Lansdowne, Britain’s leading Jewish families remained deeply skeptical, even fearful of Herzl’s project. If anything the gulf in Britain was even larger than in Vienna between assimilated middle and upper class Jews and the poor, more recently arrived immigrants from Eastern Europe clustered in London’s East End and a couple of other cities. Again and again Herzl vainly looked for financial commitments from the British branch of the Rothschilds and their wealthy friends. In the expectation that he could somehow persuade them that the investment was worthwhile, he established the headquarters of the Jewish Colonial Trust in London. Herzl did not only focus on the Jewish establishment. In London he also turned to the East End Jews, addressing mass rallies and deriving strength from their enthusiasm for his project. By drawing attention to them he was also warning that a growing influx of Jews from Russiaand Eastern Europe forming distinctly un-British enclaves was bound to provoke anti-Semitism in England.  Herzl thought this would graphically reinforce his case for a Jewish homeland. Only by diverting the immigration flow elsewhere could Britain be kept more or less free of anti-Semitism. Herzl met and recruited some of his most loyal collaborators, including Leopold Greenberg and Colonel Goldsmid in England. He courted and was courted by the British aristocracy and he secured the interest of important political figures like Joseph Chamberlain, Lord Lansdowne and William Gladstone and David Lloyd George who would later become the Prime Minister under whose watch the Balfour Declaration was adopted. Herzl also had the rare privilege as a foreigner to give evidence at the 1902 Royal Commission on Alien Immigration.  Above all, England became Herzl’s fall-back in the search for territory after the failure of his long drawn-out negotiations with Turkey to secure Jewish settlements in Palestine. The alternatives  - Cyprus, El Arish, East Africa - were in the British Empire. Herzl liked England, was comfortable in English society, admired its commitment to liberty and had great respect for the country as a colonial power. At one point he was on the verge of a permanent move to London as correspondent for the Neue Freie Presse.Herzl’s first contact with England actually goes back to 1888, when he went to the Isle of Wight, to Brighton, to the Thames Valley and to London as part of an extended summer trip to write travel sketches for the Neue Freie Presse.  Five of his articles about the English summer scene were published. He also improved his English and learned to smoke a pipe instead of the habitual cigars, which he found far too expensive. He felt so much at home in the country that he hoped “if today the ‘Neue Freie Presse’ needed a London correspondent, I believe they would think of me.” However he was not to return to England until 1895 and the question of a London posting for Herzl did not arise until 1901, when the Neue Freie Presse agreed to his request for a transfer. While his wife Julie for once was in agreement, Herzl’s parents refused to move and Herzl promptly changed his mind. Herzl’s stay in Englandin 1895 was an all-important staging post in his quest for a Jewish homeland and set the scene for much of his future activities in England. Thanks to his close friend, Max Nordau, he had an introduction to Israel Zangwill, a prominent member of London’s Jewish community. He in turn facilitated a meeting with Colonel Goldsmid, with Hermann Adler, the Chief Rabbi and with Sir Samuel Montague. He also secured an invitation for Herzl to speak at one of the Maccabean dinners. Herzl was fascinated by the Goldsmid, a well-connected serving British officer who was an instant convert to the Jewish state and became an ally and collaborator. On the other hand, the Chief Rabbi, though hospitable and prepared to listen to Herzl’s arguments, failed to offer support. Responding to long-lingering criticism that he had cold-shouldered Herzl, the Chief Rabbi insisted in a letter published in The Jewish Chronicle in 1899, that “we gave him (Herzl) a fair hearing, discussed his plan in fullest detail and came to the conclusion that the (Herzl’s) proposal was fraught with serious peril and that its execution was impracticable.” Hermann Adler never changed his mind. Sir Samuel Montague at his first meeting with Herzl was a little more forthcoming than the Chief Rabbi, but claimed old age as an excuse for keeping his distance from Herzl’s project. He also warned Herzl to abandon any thought of seeking Jewish settlements in Argentina. Only Palestine could serve as a Jewish homeland. Argentina was struck from Herzl’s agenda. At the Maccabean dinner, according to Zangwill, it seemed as if “an unknown Hungarian dropped from the skies and gave the world the first exposition of his scheme in an eloquent mixture of German, French and English”.  His impact on this sophisticated group seems to have been spell-binding. Herzl’s awareness of his ability to move audiences probably stems from this London experience. In his diary, Herzl noted tersely: “Meine Rede hat Beifall. Sie beraten leise unter sich und ernennen mich einhellig zum Ehrenmitglied. Folgen die Einwendungen, die ich widerlege. Die wichtigste: der Englische Patriotismus”. These assimilated Jews wanted nothing to do with any scheme that risked their acceptance in Britain as loyal British citizens. Herzl’s diaries show that in spite of obvious language difficulties, he had no illusions about the wide gulf between his ideas and the attitudes and beliefs of his new Jewish acquaintances in England. Most of them were practicing orthodox Jews who had no difficulty in reconciling their religion with integration into English society. Herzl on the other hand conceived of Jews as a nation; not as a race or as a religious group and no longer believed that assimilation was a solution to anti-Semitism. Writing in his diary about his discussions with Zangwill, he said “Er steht auf dem Rassenstandpunkt, den ich schon nicht acceptieren kann, wenn ich ihn und mich ansehe. Ich meine nur wir sind eine historische Einheit, eine Nation mit anthropologischen Verschiedenheiten. Das genügt auch fur den Judenstaat. Keine Nation hat die Einheit der Rasse.” After his experience with the Maccabeans, Herzl rightly judged that these English Jews saw him as a trouble-maker capable of undermining the secure position they had carved out for themselves in Britain. This however did not deter him from trying again and again to convince them to look at the larger picture of impoverished and persecuted Jews elsewhere in Europe and in need of a safe haven. The Timesand other London newspapers were beginning to take some note of Herzl. They asserted that British Jewry was either indifferent or even sneering at him. The Jewish Chronicle also complained. The Jewish establishment was too insular. They “give no thought to their worse-off brethren”. The Jewish Chronicle, argued that “many English Jews seem (wrongly) to assume that to countenance the idea of a Jewish state meant that every Jew in England would be expected to pick up his wallet and join the pilgrimage to Jerusalem” In reality, what is required from British Jewry is solidarity with other Jews and understanding for the wider horizons of Jewish problems. Interest in Herzl’s ideas came from an unexpected source:  In May 1896, after reading Herzl’s newly published Jewish State, William Gladstone, no longer Prime Minister but still a voice that counted in British political life, sent a hand-written letter to Sir Samuel Montague, stressing that he had found Herzl’s ideas “most interesting. (It is) not easy for one outside to form an opinion on it; perhaps even impertinent if it (the state) were formed. I am surprised however to see the misery of the Jews so broadly stated. Of course I am strongly anti anti-Semitic.” A year later, in July 1897, Gladstonecame out more strongly in support of Herzl, who at that time was still trying to persuade Sultan Abdul Hamid to permit Jewish settlements in Palestine. In a letter to the Jewish Chronicle the grand old man of British politics wrote that “my inclination would be to favour any reassembling of Jews in Palestineunder Ottoman suzerainty and under conditions of absolute religious liberty and equality.” Herzl had just been in Londonin yet another – vain - attempt to raise money from British Jewry in support of his efforts to win the Sultan over to his cause. Sir Samuel Montague made it clear to him that as long as the Rothschilds – and especially the Paris-based head of the family, Edmond de Rothschild – withheld support, British Jews would remain in the sidelines. But Montague made further near-impossible conditions before any substantial financial commitments would be made:  Herzl noted in his diary that he would also be expected to secure “Die Zustimmung der Machte” and “dass der Hirschfond (the foundation set up by Baron Maurice de Hirsch) die disponible Summe, also 10 Millionen Pfund, hergebe.” Montague and some of his friends also cautioned Herzl against addressing a rally of Jews in the East End. “Es sei verfrüht und bedeute eine Aufrührung der Massen.” Herzl was undeterred. “Ich sagte, dass ich keine demagogische Bewegung wolle; aber im schlimmsten Fall – wenn die Vornehmen zu vornehm sein sollten – auch die Massen in Bewegung zu setzen.” The meeting in London’s East End went ahead. The Workingmen’s Club was packed. Herzl spoke for over an hour. They cheered him as a new Moses and Christopher Columbus. “Grosser Jubel, Hutschwenken, Hurrahrufe bis auf die Gasse”, wrote Herzl, adding “es  hängt wirklich nur von mir ab, der Führer der Menschen zu werden; aber ich will nicht wenn ich irgendwie die Rothschilds durch meinen Austritt aus der Bewegung erkaufen kann.”  Herzl added with evident pleasure that : “Im East End bilden sich spontan Komitees fur die Agitation. Programm: der Judenstaat!” A year later, early in October 1898 Herzl was again in London. His main purpose was to incorporate the Jewish Colonial Bank, the instrument which he hoped would attract sufficient capital to launch the Jewish homeland. But he again ventured into the East Endto an audience that included a great many new Jewish immigrants. “Today I tell you: the time is no longer distant when the Jewish people will set itself in motion…Do you believe the Jews will go if we get the land?” “Answer me, answer me” Herzl cried. “Yes, yes,” roared the great crowd.   The Jewish Chronicle carried two long and enthusiastic descriptions of the East End rally, and both reporters admonished London’s West End Jews – the Jewish establishment – for staying away from the event and not experiencing “what Jewish enthusiasm can really rise to.” At least 7000 people had turned up, many of them foreign Jews. It was “ a concourse of impoverished aliens led by a modern journalist in evening dress … who spoke in the purest of pure German” to an audience that best understood Yiddish or English. Yet “from the first word to the last he held the audience” and at the end they all rose to cheer him and give “Dr Herzl such a reception as, it is safe to say, no Jew ever received before in this country from his co-religionists.” However the significance of the rally was as much marked by the absentees as by those who were present. It had been “a gathering of the Jewish proletariat; while the upper and middle classes…were scarcely represented at all. The great movement seemed hardly to have caused a ripple on the placid surface of their daily life. It was for them as though the (recent) Congress of Basle and Dr Herzl had not been. Official Judaism waved the invader away and most of the clergy including the Chief Rabbi, kept at a distance.”  They would have been wiser to come and learn from Dr Herzl “the much needed lesson that we can do with a few real leaders and that there is an enormous power for all kinds of incalculable good to rise at their bidding when they are found.”  Editorial comment endorsed these strictures on the absentee ‘West End’ Jewry: They wanted “all the privileges of Englishness… They are not ready to forfeit what they have gained.” But there were clear signs that leading British Jews were misreading the British establishment. Instead of judging him as a mischief-maker, there was a great deal more interest in Dr Herzl’s message than British Jewry appeared to realise. Leading Conservatives, including the Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, were taking note. So were senior clerics in the Church of England. There was nothing altruistic about this. It was a matter of self-interest: A Jewish state might indeed be the best way to check a fresh spate of unwelcome poor Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. Such a state, if it could be established in Palestine might curb Ottoman power and serve the strategic interests of Britain as a colonial power in the Middle East. British media interest in Dr Herzl had been growing steadily. Under the headline “Advent of the new Moses” The Pall Mall Gazette in July 1897 carried a lengthy interview with Dr Herzl.  And in a prescient article, The Spectator speculated in September 1897, while the Basle Congress was in session, about the practicability of establishing a Jewish homeland: “We have no doubt the Jews desire it; so why should it not become a leading event of the next century? … It would be to the advantage of Europeby solving anti-Semitism.” But the paper also asked whether sufficient numbers of Jews would go, and whether wealthy Jews would find enough money to pay for the development of Palestine. The Times in one of its editorial comments asked: “If a Jewish state is to be founded, what is the guarantee of its national independence?” Herzl probably sensed the British mood more accurately than British Jewry. At any rate he decided to stage the 4th Zionist Congress in Londonwith the obvious goal of using it to generate publicity and making Britain a firm ally for his cause. He was looking for British diplomatic intervention with Turkey, and if Palestine was unattainable for the time being, then perhaps Britaincould be persuaded to offer Cyprusas a Jewish homeland. “England the great England, England the Free, Englandcommanding all the sea – she will understand us and our purpose” Herzl told the 400 delegates. During his stay in LondonHerzl was warmly received in some of London’s great houses, and he made contacts in high places. This continued the following year in 1901, when he was treated as a celebrity both by the British and the Jewish establishment. “I am awfully dinnered” he wrote in his diary in English. “Society is curious about me. I am a sight not to be missed, a dish on the table; one comes to meet Dr Herzl.” There were no immediate dividends. He again failed to raise the millions of Pounds needed to underpin a Jewish state. But in 1902 events at last conspired both to put Herzl onto the national stage in Britain, and  to bring about the meeting with the Colonial Secretary, Joseph Chamberlain that led to substantive negotiations over Cyprus, El Arish and Uganda/East Africa, and, arguably, was the genesis of the Balfour Declaration. Reacting to growing hysteria over the influx of cheap labour, the majority of them impoverished Jews from Eastern Europeand from Russia, the British government, torn between the same kind of calls for restrictions on immigration that we hear today, and Britain’s traditional open door policy, set up a Royal Commission for Alien Immigration to study the question. Herzl’s British followers proposed him as an expert witness. Lord Rothschild, the only Jewish member of the Commission, tried but failed to prevent the invitation to a man he had openly described as a demagogue and windbag. Rothschild then attempted to instruct Herzl on what to say to the Royal Commission. He should say nothing that might cause the Commission to question the principle of assimilation. Herzl refused to be guided. He would use his appearance to warn Britainthat hundreds of thousands of destitute Jews were on the move. Unless they could be found a safe haven, they would move westwards, including England.  In spite of this clash, it seemed to Herzl that Lord Rothschild for the first time was taking him seriously. That gave Herzl new hope that Rothschild coffers might after all be opened. On July 7 1902, Herzl appeared before the Royal Commission. Conscious that his broken English was inadequate for the occasion, he told them that the reason why Jews flocked to Englandand America was “a desire for freedom of life and soul which the Jew under present conditions cannot know in Eastern Europe.” Yet on arriving in their place of exile, Jews often found themselves still as aliens, provoking the very anti-Semitism from which they had fled. Wherever Jewish refugees went, Herzl argued, they created anti-Semitism. The problem could only be solved by finding them a home which will be legally recognized as Jewish. “The solution of the Jewish difficulty is the recognition of the Jews as a people and the finding by them of a legally recognized home, to which Jews in those parts of the world where they are oppressed would naturally migrate…This would mean the diverting of the stream of emigration from this country and America, where so soon as they form a perceptible number they become a trouble and a burden”. Much better to take them “to a land where the true interest would be served by accommodating as many as possible” Once Jews secure “their rightful position as a people, I am convinced they would develop a distinct Jewish cult – national characteristics and national aspirations – which would make for the progress of mankind.” Pressed by the Commissioners whether a policy of assimilation would not be a better solution to the Jewish problem, Herzl described himself as an assimilated Jew. But he went on to argue as much for the benefit of British Jewry as to the Commissioners that history demonstrates that sooner or later every Jew is confronted with anti-Semitism. If immigration continued, it would manifest itself in England too. But were the Jews really a nation, asked one member of the Royal Commission. Herzl’s reply was succinct. A nation – and not only a Jewish nation – is “ a historical group of men of intelligible and visible cohesion held together by a common enemy.” In the case of Jews, “the common enemy is anti-Semitism.”  Lord Rothschild, as ever intent on preserving his place in British society, challenged Herzl whether “the fact of a man being a Zionist precluded him from being a good citizen and rendered it imperative that he be excluded from the country (where he has settled)?” Herzl countered that this was a rhetorical question. Rothschild countered: “Therefore the Commission can take it that a Jew or a body of Jews may share your views about Zionism and still be devoted citizens?” Herzl: Yes, and far more so than those who are not Zionists.” British Jewry was not happy with Herzl’s testimony. They felt that he had fanned British fears about the impact of immigration by foreshadowing a mass invasion of destitute Jews. They feared that his remarks had only served to fan anti-Semitism in a country he only understood imperfectly. The Royal Commission led to Britain’s first anti-immigration legislation. More immediately Herzl’s argument that a Jewish homeland would reduce the pressure of immigration helped to persuade Joseph Chamberlain to arrange a meeting with Herzl in October 1902.  By then Herzl had reluctantly recognised that the Sultan was unlikely to strike a deal with him over Palestine. Other locations would have to be considered. That first meeting with Chamberlain lasted an hour, and it took Herzl a while to break the ice. Chamberlain’s expression, at first  “eine unbewegliche Maske”  only lit up after an amusing account of  negotiating techniques in Turkey.  Then Herzl bluntly turned to territories where England had the power to help – specifically Cyprus, El Arish and Sinai. As Colonial Secretary, Chamberlain was only able to talk with Herzl about Cyprus. And there he expressed immediate reservations. Cyprushad a Greek and Muslim population. They could not be displaced. “Wenn nun die Griechen sich gegen die jüdischen Einwanderen wehrten, wäre die Schwierigkeit  fertig” wrote Herzl in his account of the meeting with Chamberlain. “Er (Chamberlain) habe ja nichts gegen die Juden. Im Gegenteil. Und wenn er zufällig einen Tropfen jüdisches Blut in seinen Adern hatte, wäre er stolz darauf. Aber voila; er hatte keinen Tropfen.” Herzl countered naively:  Jews, he said, should be invited to Cyprus. Meanwhile a Jewish Eastern Company with a capital of £5million would be established for Sinai and El Arish, and the Cypriots  “werden die Lust bekommen, auch den Goldregen auf ihre Insel zu kriegen. Die Mohammedaner ziehen weg, die Griechen verkaufen ihre Landereien gerne und ziehen nach Athen oder Kreta.” Herzl then realized that Chamberlain did not even know where El Arish was located.  The ‘Mask’ laughed as they proceeded to look at a map. “Jetzt erst verstand er mich ganz – meinen Wunsch, einen Versammlungsplatz fur das jüdische Volk in der Nähe Palestina zu gewinnen.”  Herzl could not detect any warmth in Chamberlain; but nevertheless felt jubilant that he had scored an important goal “Es war wie in einem grossen Trodelgeschäft, dessen Führer nicht ganz genau weiss, ob irgendein absonderlicher Gegenstand in den Magazinen existiert. Ich brauche ein Versammlungsland für das jüdische Volk. Er will mal nachsehen, ob England so was am Lager hat.” “Die kolossale Sache die ich erzielt habe, ist das Joe Chamberlain den Gedanken einer self-governing Jewish colony in der Süd-Ostecke des Mittelmeer zu gründen, nicht a limine abweist.” However having closed the door on Cyprus, Chamberlain decided to pass Herzl on to the Foreign Office to discuss the El Arish option with the Foreign Secretary, Lord Lansdowne. Herzl prepared a detailed memorandum for the encounter. But when they came face to face, Herzl’s English deserted him, and he continued in French. Lansdowne had no particular interest in the Jewish problem, and he made no commitments beyond asking for Herzl’s memorandum which he promised to pass on to Lord Cromer, Britain’s Consul-General – and virtual ruler – in Egypt. Lord Lansdowne wrote to Lord Cromer that he had been “favourably impressed by Herzl. His idea is to get hold of a tract near El Arish and there to establish a colony of carefully selected Hebrews. I suggested, but not with much effect, that they were unlikely to make good settlers and that El Arish was not exactly the spot upon which to dump Jews from the East End of London or from Odessa. He told me that he and his friends were sending out at once to Cairo a Mr Greenberg to collect information…. I think he should be civilly received by the authorities, although it is impossible for me to express any opinion on the merit of the scheme which seems to me very visionary.” A few days later Herzl received the invitation to dispatch a Commission to the Sinai. He described this as an “historic document”, but Cromer felt that Egyptian nationalism was becoming troublesome enough without injecting a fresh element of tension. Moreover experts warned that water supplies would be inadequate and that it would be far too expensive to divert the waters of the Nileto El Arish. Once Cromer set his face against it, the El Arish project faltered and in April 1903 Herzl was back in Londonto plead with Chamberlain. The Colonial Secretary, having just returned from an extended trip to Africa had a new idea: he had come across a country that would suit Herzl’s project. It was Uganda (the tract of land he had in mind was actually in Kenya). Herzl, writing an account of the meeting quoted Chamberlain: “An der Küste ist’s heiss; aber im Inneren wird das Klima vorzüglich fur Europäer. Sie können dort Zucker und Baumwolle pflanzen. Da habe ich gedacht, das ware einLandfur Dr Herzl. Aber der will ja nur nach Palestina oder in die Nähe gehen!” Herzl’s first reaction was indeed negative. As a first priority Jews must have a national home in or near Palestine. “Später können wir auch Ugandabesiedeln, denn wir haben Massen von Menschen, die zur Emigration bereit sind.” Further reflection of course convinced Herzl that it would be tactically wiser to explore the “Uganda” option as a way of keeping open the door to negotiations with Britainto secure a firmer commitment to the principle of a Jewish national home. But there was even a more pressing reason for considering the “Uganda” option:  coinciding with the Kishinev massacre, Herzl felt the need for rescue was so pressing that any offer of a safe haven, even far from Palestine, had to be embraced. There is no need here to go into the bitter controversy that ensued within the Zionist movement. But it is worth noting that they could have spared themselves much grief, given that British settlers in Kenyawere in any event so opposed to the prospect of Jewish immigrants that the Britain could not have imposed the scheme. Herzl’s death in 1904 prompted many eulogies in Britainas much as elsewhere. Here I will give The Jewish Chronicle the last word. “It is hard to believe that this imposing figure, who seemed to personify the romance as well as the travails of his people has passed into eternity… Dr Herzl with his great argument had stirred the race as no internal Jewish force had done for many a year…. He gave Jewish solidarity a new meaning. He made people of this earth realize that there is a Jewish question to be solved” His achievement was that  “it has become a matter of practical politics which fills the reviews and opens the mouths of reticent statesmen and prompts offers of Jewish colonies. “Has the great movement run its course?”  The organ of British Jewry was pessimistic. “Zionism without Herzl seems as illogical and unthinkable as Zionism without Zion, or a monarchy without a throne.”  It turned out that they were wrong.

1896: Birthdate of Hugo Chaim Adler the Belgian-born American composer, cantor, and choir conductor who was the father of composer and conductor Samuel Adler.

1897: It was reported today that the United Hebrew Charities has had so many applications for assistance that it will run out of money by the end of the month if it does not receive additional contributions.

1897: Rabbi Kaufman Kohler officiated at the funeral of Leon Sternberger, the cantor emeritus of Temple Beth-El. Following the services which were held at Temple Beth El, interment took place at Machpelah Cemetery on Long Island.
1898: At Marseilles, France a crowd paraded through the streets crying “Death to the Jews” and “Shame upon Zola.

1898: During an anti-Dreyfus meeting being held at the Tivoli Vauxhall, “the members of the anti-Semite Committee displayed banners bearing the inscription “Death to the Jews…”

1898: As the “Dreyfus Affair” continued to enflame the French, it was reported that Louise Michel and Sebastian addressed a meeting sponsored by the Socialists during which they denounced the secrecy surrounding the recent trial of Count Esterhazy. (He, not Dreyfus, was the French spy who betrayed secrets to the Germans.)

1898: It was reported today that during 1897, 699 children ranging in age from 9 to 17 have been admitted to the Sabbath School operated by the Hebrew Technical School for Girls. (more for 2014)

1898: It was reported today that William Lloyd Garrison has sent a letter to the President of the Immigration Restriction League criticizing a bill that has been introduced by Senator Lodge that would sharply limit immigration to the United States. (This was one of several attempts to put an end to immigration that would be introduced over the next twenty years.  These proposals struck an sensitive chord among the Jewish community which was split on the issue.)

1898: Funeral services were held this morning forLazarus Straus, a New York merchant and philanthropistat Temple Beth-El.  Dr. Kaufman Kohler delivered the eulogy, and Dr. Silverman served as the cantor.

1899: Birthdate of Robert Maynard Hutchins no nonsense educator and civil libertarian.  When asked about the role big time athletics on the college campus, Hutchins is reported to have replied, athletics is to a college education what bull fighting is to agriculture.  Hutchins was not Jewish.  But as a major intellectual figure of his time, he presents an interesting paradox in understanding Jewish relations with the non-Jewish world.  On the one hand, Hutchins was praised in an article in the Chicago Jewish Historical Society’s publication “Chicago Jewish History” for his willingness to sponsor and hire German Jewish intellectuals fleeing Hitler in the 1930’s.  At the same time he was an active member of the anti-war and anti-Semitic America First Movement. As a leader of America First, Hutchins was one of those who dismissed testimony about the savagery of the Germans as lies and Jewish propaganda.

1904:Herzl leaves for Italy where his travels will take him to Venice, Florence and Rome.

1909: Dr. Stephen S. Wise the Rabbi of the Free Synagogue, delivered a speech this morning advocating the acceptant of the million dollar bequest by the late Louis Heinsheimer.  The bequest was conditional on the formation of a federation of Jewish charities, a move that Wise supported because he thought that it would improve the quality and quantity of services provided to those in need.

1909: New York State Supreme Court Justice Irving Lehman addressed the annual meeting of the New York Hebrew Infant Asylum at Tuxedo Hall.  Lehman called for additional support of the asylum which is caring for 153 Jewish orphans.  Due to a lack of an adequate facility this means that 450 Jewish orphans under the age of 5 are being cared for by Catholic and Protestant institutions. Charles Dittman was re-elected as the President.

1911: Birthdate of Moshe Carmel, the native Minsk who made Aliyah in 1924, helped to establish Kibbutz Na’an and commanded the Carmeli Brigade during the War of Independence before pursuing a political career.

1917: Birthdate of Czech-born Canadian composer Oskar Morawetz.

1920: Birthdate of Nora Koreff, the Brooklyn born ballerina known as Nora Kay who married violinist Isaac Stern in 1948.

1921: T.E. Lawrence (known as Lawrence of Arabia) told Winston Churchill that Emir Feisal ‘agreed to abandon all claims of his father to Palestine’ since the British had agreed to Arab sovereignty in Baghdad, Amman and Damascus. 

1926: Birthdate of Yitzhak Moda'I, the native of Tel Aviv who graduated from the Technicion beforge starting a long political career.

1926: Nine year old violinist Yehudi Menuhin appeared in a recital in New York

1927(14th of Shevat, 5687):Marcus Samuel, 1st Viscount Bearsted passed away. Born in 1853, he was the founder of Shell Transport and Trading Company which later became Royal Dutch Shell.

1928:  In Hammersmith, London, Sephardi Jews Betty and Jack Sassoon gave birth to Vidal Sassoon, who to most people was the noted hairdresser and businessman.  But for Jews he is also the 20 year old who in 1948 went to Palestine, joined the Haganah and fought during the War for Independence. “He describes the year he spent training with the Israelis as ‘the best year of my life. When you think of 2,000 years of being put down and suddenly you are a nation rising, it was a wonderful feeling. There were only 600,000 people defending the country against five armies, so everyone had something to do.’ Sassoon's dark brown eyes are on fire when he talks of his war memories. ‘We took a hill and attacked at four in the morning, took them by surprise. It was a hill overlooking a main road where the Egyptian heads of the army were heading. If they had passed this spot they would have been in Tel Aviv in a few hours but we took them.’” (As reported by Chirssy Iley)

1932: In Brooklyn, celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association

1934(1st of Sh'vat, 5694): Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat

1934:  Birthdate of Shari Lewis.  Lewis would gain fame as a ventriloquist and puppeteer who created Lamb Chop.

1935: The American committee responsible for the selection of the United States teams that will compete in the Second Maccabiah announced the schedule for the trials which will be held in New York City and Newark, NJ next month.  Pincus Sober chairs the committee selecting the track and field team.  Charlotte Epstein chairs the committee selecting the swimming team.  Ernest Koslan chairs the committee selecting the tennis team.Ben Levine chairs the committee selecting the boxing team.  Nat Osk chairs the committee selecting the wrestling team.

1938(15thof Shevat, 5698): Tu B’Shevat

1938: The Palestine Post reported that a passerby was injured when a missile was hurled at the Workers' Cooperative restaurant on Jaffa Road, shattering all windows.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that the Soviet government ordered the immediate closing of the Meyerhold State Theater in Moscow as being an institution "alien to Soviet art." Vsevolod Meyerhold, the director, was accused of showing "alien mentality." Meyerhold’s family origins were German Jewish although Meyerhold himself was a Lutheran.  In the world of Stalin, Meyerhold could have fallen out of favor because he was “German,” “Jewish” or “both.”

1939: Felix Frankfurter was confirmed as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court by a voice vote of the U.S. Senate today.

1939: The Nazi government issued a decree regarding the expiration of permits for Jewish dentists, veterinarians and pharamicists.

1940: “A strong desire for economic cooperation between the Arabs and Jews of Palestine to overcome common difficulties was demonstrated today when Arab and Jewish citrus farmers and traders met in Petach Tikvaah. The meeting was the first of its kind since the start of the Arab uprising in 1936.  The Jewish Farmers Federation sponsored the meeting which was attended by 700 Jews and over 100 Arabs “who represented orange-growing belt of Palestine.”  The Arabs included a wide range of political views who were united in a willingness to work with the Jews in “presenting the citrus growers’ grievances to the” British government.  “The conference elected a delegation of nine Jews and nine Arabs to meet the High Commissioner. The delegation will go to London if the local government meetings do not bring about meaningful improvement.

1941: When German planes were bombing Tel Aviv tonight, they dropped “a large projectile in an orange grove behind Tel Aviv where it caused a deep crater and other damage.”

1943: Berlin Bishop Konrad Graf von Preysing, the only top German Catholic prelate who consistently opposes the German government's Jewish policies, threatens Pope Pius XII, saying he will resign unless the collaborative behavior of the other German bishops comes to an end.

1945: The Red Army entered Budapest and the remaining 120,000 of the original 470,000 Jews would now be safe from any further disaster.

1945: Final roll call is taken at Auschwitz: 11,102 Jews remain at Birkenau; 10,381 women in the Birkenau women's camp; 10,030 at the Auschwitz main camp; 10,233 at the Monowitz satellite camp; and about 22,800 in the remaining factories in the surrounding region;

1944: The Nazis used the guillotine to behead Max Sievers, one of those non-Jews who opposed their regime

1945: The Soviets arrest Raoul Wallenberg, whom they cynically suspect is using his humanitarian efforts for the Jews to cover his collaboration with the Germans or the Western Allies (the War Refugee Board was sponsoring him);

1945: SS guards at the Chelmno, Poland, death camp play "William Tell" by shooting at bottles placed on the heads of Jewish inmates who have been engaged in demolishing the camp's crematoria. In the evening, the remaining Jews are led from their barracks in groups of five and shot. One of the prisoners, Mordechai Zurawski, stabs an SS guard and escapes despite suffering a gunshot wound to the foot. A second inmate, Shimon Srebnik, also survives after being shot through the neck and mouth and left for dead. Forty-seven other Jewish prisoners at Chelmno, aware that the SS will shoot them before fleeing west ahead of the Soviets, take refuge in a building that is then set afire by the SS. Jews who run from the blaze are machine-gunned; only one of the original 47 survives. The SS abandons the Chelmno camp later in the day.

1945: The Soviet Army entered Warsaw. Only 200 Jews of more than a half a million had survived

1945: SS began killing the special Commando group of Jews at Chelmno that was used to help dismantle the camp over the past three months. Forcing them to wear bottles on their heads, the SS took target practice.

1945: The Nazis began the evacuation of the Auschwitz concentration camp as Soviet forces approached.  Elie Weisel describes this event in his first book Night. 

1948: The British brought the mutilated bodies of the 35 Jews to the Etzion bloc where they were to be buried in a common grave.  The dead were the members of a platoon of volunteers that had been sent from Jerusalem to reinforce the beleaguered Etzion fighters.

1949: The Goldbergs, starring Gertrude Beg as Molly Goldberg, moves from radio to television as it premiers on the CBS television network.

1949: Birthdate of Andy Kaufman.  An actor and comedian, many would come to know him as Latka Gravas in the sitcom Taxi.

1950(28th of Tevet, 5710): Mrs. Aaron (Annie) Goldberg, the paternal grandmother of Sir Martin Gilbert passed away at the age of 78.  Born in Poland when it was part of the Russian Empire, she arrived in Great Britain in the last decade of the 19th century.

1951 (10th of Shevat, 5711):At a gathering of Chassidim marking the first anniversary of the passing of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, the late Rebbe's son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, delivered a Chassidic discourse (maamar) entitled Basi L'Gani ("I Came into My Garden"), signifying his formal acceptance of the leadership of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

1952: While serving his second term as Prime Minister, Winston Churchill addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress during which he proudly reminds those in attendance of his long support of the Zionist cause and the creation of a Jewish state.

1955: Submarine USS Nautilus began the first nuclear-powered test voyage.  This marked a major milestone in Admiral Hyman Rickover’s vision of a nuclear-powered Navy.

1959: Birthdate of Susanna Hoffs lead singer with “The Bangles.” 

1962: Dancer Melissa Hayden premiered the role of Titania in Balanchine's A Midsummer Night's Dream, a part created especially for her.

1963: It was reported today that “a Soviet newspaper has confirmed that Solomon Mikhoels, noted Yiddish actor and director was murdered by Soviet Secret Police.  At the time of his death, it the Communist regime claimed that he had been killed in an automobile accident.  In fact, his death was the precursor to a Stalinist ant-Jewish purge that claimed the life of several hundred Jewish writers including David Bergelson. At the time of his murder, Mikhoels was working on a production of “Prince Reubeini” a play by Bergelson that depicted the expulsion of the Jews by the Ferdinand and Isabella.

1965: His Eminence Pierre-Marie Paul Gerlier, Cardinal Archbishop of Lyonwho was named aRighteous among the Nations by Yad Vashem in 1981 passed away today.

1966:  Simon and Garfunkel release their second album, Sounds of Silence, on Columbia Records.

1966: Zvi Dinstein begins serving as Deputy Minister of Defense.

1970 (9th of Shevat, 5730): The writing of the "Sefer Torah for the Greeting of Moshiach," initiated at the behest of the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, in 1942, was concluded 28 years later at a special gathering convened by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Friday afternoon, the 9th of Shevat, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak's passing.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, who arrived in Jerusalem to participate in the deliberations of the Egyptian-Israeli political committee, had brought with him a jointly agreed agenda which included the declaration of principles which would govern the negotiations for a comprehensive peace settlement in the Middle East. The agenda was to provide a guide for negotiations relating to the issues of the West Bank and Gaza (the Hebrew version read "Judea, Samaria and Gaza") and included the elements of peace treaties arrived at by Israel and its neighbors, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 242. Vance had also proposed a plan for a transitional period which would eventually lead to something more close to the "self-determination" of the Arabs in Palestine.

1982(22ndof Tevet, 5742): Ninety-three year old “Yetta Zwerling, an actress and comedian of the Yiddish theater” passed away today.

1985: Canada made Raoul Wallenberg its first Honorary Citizen today.

1985: Canada designated this date as Raoul Wallenberg Day.

1986: Samuel Hadas was named as Israel’s Ambassador to Spain as Israel and Spain establish diplomatic relations today.

1987: Two Israeli helicopter gunships strafed Lebanese guerrillas today who had just overrun a position of the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army, the police said. Israeli gunners then showered the newly occupied post with about 70 mortar bombs, they said. A South Lebanon Army source in Tel Aviv said the army had repelled an attack by dozens of Party of God fighters near Taibe, which is close to Alman. But it was unclear if the militia source was referring to the same fighting. The reported capture of the post was the latest in a series of attacks by Shiite guerrillas against Israeli and Lebanese troops in Lebanon

1988: Birthdate of actress Nikki Reed.

1988: An article entitled “Retracing Jewish History In Austria,” by Paul Hoffman is published on the 330th anniversary of the birth of Samson Wertheimer.

1990: Simon & Garfunkel were inducted into Cleveland's Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

1990:The United States criticized Yitzchak Shamir today for his call for a ''big Israel'' to absorb a flood of immigrants from the Soviet Union. ''We have now seen the text of the Prime Minister's comments, and our characterization of them is that frankly, they were not helpful,'' said Margaret D. Tutwiler, the State Department spokeswoman. We do not think that building settlements or putting even more settlers in the territories promotes the cause of peace. We do not provide U.S. Government resources for settlement of new immigrants in the occupied territories.

1991:Israel declared a state of emergency early this morning, minutes after word reached here of the American attack on Iraq. The authorities advised all Israelis to stay in their homes, open their chemical warfare kits and make their gas masks ready for immediate use. Iraq has said that it would retaliate against Israel for any allied attack on Iraq.

1991: Iraqfired 8 SCUD missiles on Israel.  Israelhad agreed that it would not respond and leave the destruction of the SCUD launchers to the Coalition Forces fighting Iraq.  This marked the first time in Israel’s history that it relied on others for its defense. 

1992: In a “Festival of New Voices From A Changing Israel,” published today, Jennifer Dunning waxes poetic over “Israel: The Next Generation” which she describes as  “a festival with a difference.”

1993: The Dance Library of Israel will present its annual Documents of Dance Award to Dame Alicia Markova, the English prima ballerina, today at Tavern on the Green. The late Gower Champion will also be honored, with his son Gregg accepting the award. The event, including a reception, followed by a dinner and entertainment, will benefit archival and educational projects of the library in Tel Aviv.

1997: Israel handed over its military headquarters in Hebron to the Palestinians as part of the peace process that began with the Oslo Accords.  The entire Jewish population had been forced to abandon its homes in Hebronin 1936 because of Arab violence.  In 1968, the Jews returned to this ancestral city.  While the Israeli government may have surrendered sovereignty, the Jewish settlers remained.

1999: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Language and Solitude:Wittgenstein, Malinowski and the Habsburg Dilemma by Ernest Gellner, Ben Shan:An Artist's Lifeby Howard Greenfeld, The Way of the World: From the Dawn of Civilizations to the Eve of the Twenty-first Centuryby David Fromkin and Snowwritten and illustrated by Uri Shulevitz.

2000:Syrian-Israeli negotiations that had been scheduled to resume on Wednesday, January 19, in the United States were canceled today. Apparently the cancellation was the result of conflict between Syrian President Asad and PLO leader Yassar Arafat.

2003: According to reports published today the Toronto Raptors terminated the contract of the rookie center Nate Huffman, saying he had failed to inform the team of a history of knee problems. The 7-foot-1 Huffman signed a three-year, $5.1 million contract with the Raptors over the summer after playing for the Israeli League champion Maccabi Elite Tel Aviv last season.

2003:Two Palestinian gunmen attacked an isolated Jewish settlement near the embattled city of Hebron tonight, killing one Israeli and wounding three others. One of the attackers was killed while the other escaped. In the attack tonight, the two gunmen knocked on the door of what was described by Israeli radio as a trailer home on an isolated hilltop in the Givat Harsina settlement just north of the settlement of Qiryat Arba, known for its strongly Zionist views. An Israeli military spokesman said nine people were inside at their Sabbath dinner around 7:30 p.m. The man who answered the door shot and killed one of the the assailants, but fell dead in the exchange of gunfire. The family's 4-year-old daughter and two other people were wounded. The army said a second assailant escaped and apparently managed to flee into the nearby Palestinian city of Hebron.

2004: “This Day In Jewish History” which was started as a supplement to the Jewish History Class at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, first appeared on this date with this single, solitary, entry.   “1945: Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, credited with saving tens of thousands of Jews, disappeared in Hungary while in Soviet custody on January 17, 1945.  As we will learn when we study about the Jews and World War II, nobody really knows what the Soviets did with Wallenberg or why they did it.  What we do know that he was a Righteous Gentile.  We know that he was a Swedish diplomat who went to Hungaryduring the closing months of World War II who used everything from bribes, to threats, to old fashioned Chutzpah to keep boxcar after boxcar filled with Jews from reaching Auschwitz.  It is ironic that he should have survived the Nazis and their Hungarian allies only to perish at the hands of the Soviets who were part of the Anti-Nazi coalition.  Regardless of why he did what he did and the fate he suffered, he is living that people could have at least slowed down the German killing machine.  He is also living proof that one person can make a difference.  Because of what he did for the Jews, we must do as he did and stand up for those whom known one else will stand up for.  As we will see, studying Jewish history is not just about the dead past, it can be call to action for present and future generations”

2005: In London, survivors of the Lodz Ghetto gathered in Londonto view the unpublished photographs that Henry Ross had taken of the ghetto.  Ross was the official of the photographer of the Jewish Council. Ross hid over three thousand negatives when the Germans liquidated the ghetto and shipped the survivors to Auschwitz.  Ross survived the war and moved to Israelwhere he died in 1991.  His son gave the collection of photos to the Archive of Modern conflict in London in 1997.  One hundred of the images were published in 2004 in the Lodz Ghetto Album. 

2006: Haaretzreported that this year will mark the first time in history that there will be as many Jews living in Israel as in the United States, according to statistics presented at a Jewish Policy Planning Institute conference.

2007: Dan Halutz announced his resignation as IDF Chief of Staff.

2007: As part of its “Jewish Season” The Theater for a New Audience in New York City presents The Jew of Malta.

2008:In Jerusalem atSergey`s Courtyard in the Metunah Auditorium,The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) presents a World Music concert, a combination of original elements with the traditions of different cultures. This is a musical journey that takes you from the Balkans along the coast of the Mediterranean all the way to Spain.

2008:Today,the mayor of Berlin and the head of Germany's Jewish Council denounced an attack on five Jewish teenagers by a group of punks. The teenagers, aged between 15 and 17, were on Wednesday subjected to anti-Semitic abuse by four punks near the Juedische Oberschule, the Berlin school they attend, police said.

2008:Today, militants in the Gaza Strip fired more than 40 Qassam rockets and two mortar shells at southern Israel, wounding four people. Two Israelis were lightly hurt when a rocket slammed into an intersection in Sderot, damaging cars. The injured were both taken to BarzilaiMedicalCenterin Ashkelon for treatment. Five other people were treated for shock. Later today, two women were lightly wounded in additional rocket strikes on Sderot. One of the women was hurt when she fell down the stairs while running for cover. Earlier, a rocket hit the SapirCollege campus in Sderot. One woman was treated for shock. One of the rockets hit the Negevtown of Sderot, causing damage to a house but no injuries. Another rocket hit a factory, damaging cars. Five rockets struck in the Sha'ar Hanegev regional council and in open fields the area. A rocket also hit near the Kibbutz Nir Am cafeteria. According to the IDF, 118 Qassam rockets and 62 mortar shells have been fired at Israelsince fighting escalated Tuesday.

2008: “November” a play about a sitting president by Jewish playwright David Mamet opened at the Barrymore Theater in Manhattan.

2009: Initial screening of “Zion and His Brother,” a family drama set in Tel Aviv, at the Sundance Film Festival.

2009 (5769): Jews all over the world begin reading Shemot, the second book of the Torah.

2009: Fifth Anniversary of what would become known as “This Day In…Jewish History.”

2010: A memorial service is held for Sylvia Kalnitsky, of blessed memory, at Agudas Achim in Iowa, City. Sylvia Kalnitsky, of blessed memory, is the mother Kathe Goldstein a pillar the Cedar Rapids Jewish Community.

2010:Robert M. Edsel discusses "The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History" (written with Bret Witter) at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

2010:The Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities and the Department of Scandinavian Studies at Augustana College is scheduled to host a screening of “Good Evening, Herr Wallenberg” in Rock Island, Il. January 17th marks the 65th anniversary of the arrest and disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg, who is credited with saving as many as 100,000 Jews during a remarkable mission to Budapest near the end of World War II.

2010: Sixth Anniversary of what would become known as “This Day In…Jewish History.”

2010: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime co-authored by Mark Halperin.

2010: The Los Angeles Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including '36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction' by Rebecca Newberger Goldstein.

2010: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime co-authored by Mark Halperin.

2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Festival is scheduled to present a screening of “The Wedding Song,” a film about “two teenage girlfriends, a Muslim and a Jew, who bond intensely during the Nazi occupation of the North African nation of Tunis.”

2010: The 139h annual New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present the New York premier of “The Axe of Wandsbek,” a film that was “adapted from the 1947 novel by Arnold Zweig.” Set in 1934, the movie “follows a man who is paid by the Nazis to serve as a public executioner and goes on to be rejected by his community” and forces the viewer to consider “the role that common citizens played in Nazi crimes.”

2010:Pope Benedict XVI said church authorities played an active role in saving Jews during the Holocaust, though "often hidden and discreet." Today, Italian Jewish leaders welcomed Pope Benedict XVI to Rome's main synagogue for a visit they said would help strengthen relations between Jews and Catholics.
2011: Limmud NY which has been meeting at Hudson Valley Resort, Kerhonkson, NY is scheduled to come to a close.

2011: “Strangers No More”, a documentary about students at an “exceptional school” in Tel Aviv is scheduled to have its New York Premiere at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2011:Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak abruptly announced today that he was leaving the Labor Party — dividing the movement that dominated Israeli politics for decades and setting off a chain reaction that cast new doubts over already troubled peace efforts with the Palestinians.

2011:Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Welfare and Social Services Minister Isaac Herzog and Minorities Affairs Minister Avishay Braverman all submitted their resignation letters to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu today, ending speculation about whether any of the eight remaining Labor MKs would remain in the coalition.

2011(12thof Shevat, 5771)Seventy-six year oldDon Kirshner, the music publisher of Brill Building hits like “Will You Love Me Tomorrow” and “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin,’ ” who later served as a deadpan Ed Sullivan for Kiss, the Ramones and others with his 1970s television show, “Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert,” died today in Boca Raton, Fla., where he lived. (As reported by Ben Sisario)

2011: András Schiff joined 7 other Hungarian intellectuals and artists “

2011: Primary Stages, an Off Broadway theatre company announced today that its 2011-2012 season will open with “Olive and the Bitter Herbs,” a work by Charles Busch in which “the title character, Olive, finds herself reluctantly hosting a seder for the neighbors in her apartment building while contending with what she thinks is a ghost that she sees in her mirror.”

2012: Martin Menelsohn, the former counsel to Simon Wiesenthal and the Counsel to Holocaust Survivors in the Trial of John Demjanjuk is scheduled to deliver a noon-time address entitled “Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in 21st Century Germany” in Washington, D.C.

2012: “Three Promises,” a documentary that uses the family photographs of sisters Breda and Matilda Kalef take viewers into the world of Sephardic pre-World War II Serbia and the dramatic story of their flight to safety is scheduled to have its world premiere at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012:Frank Lautenberg & Thane Rosenbaum as scheduled to appear “In Conversation” at the 92nd St Y in Manhattan

2012:A recent string of cyber attacks against Israeli credit card companies, banks, and government websites was aided by thousands of Israeli computers operated by remote assailants, a top Israeli software security expert said today. Hackers shut down both the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) and El Al’s respective websites yesterday, one day after a hacker network threatened to carry out attacks on both sites. The network, which goes by the name “nightmare group,” was able to cause severe problems for both sites. By 10 A.M., TASE's website was only partially functioning, while El Al’s website did not function at all. Following the attack, Israeli Bank ordered to block IP addresses from Saudi Arabia, Iran and Algeria, fearing hackers could penetrate databases of Israeli banks. Even before Israel Bank gave the order, Discount bank and Bank Leumi blocked international access altogether. The hack comes in the wake of a series of cyber attacks over the past two weeks, and only a day after Hamas called for harsher hacking attempts against Israeli websites. Speaking on the subject today, Gil Shwed, the founder and leader of top computer security firm Check Point Software Technologies said that "when we're looking at the attack yesterday, this isn't a strike by one computer in Saudi Arabia, it's thousands of computers around the world.""A considerable part of the computers that attacked us originated in Israel. That's precisely what a bot is. Unlike traditional viruses, these bots do a good job of hiding themselves, which is why we developed the anti-bot," Shwed said. Concerning the magnitude yesterday's hack, the Check Point chief said that the attacks involved thousands, maybe tens of thousands, and almost half of which are in Israel. They're operated by someone abroad, who cannot recognize. ""These recent attacks have been sophisticated. While the assailant was probably not Israeli, he did use Israeli computers. It's similar to what happened last year with Sony. There were some significant attacks on Sony, with a 'small squad' stealing information off the side," Shwed said, referring to the hacking of PSN (the Sony PlayStation website ) led to the theft of 77 million credit cards. Shwed said that hak It was a combination of several kinds of attacks, most of which can be stopped and were stopped.""From what I know, there wasn't much cooperation between these sources. If the attack was similar, then it could be that one group that spent time in figuring a way in can then give that information to another group," he added.

2012:A nuclear-armed Iran could deter Israel from going to war against Tehran's guerrilla allies in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, a senior Israeli general said today.
2013: “Killing Them Softly” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Southern Jewish Historian Janice Rothschild Blumberg is scheduled to deliver an address entitled “Prophet in a Time of Priests: Rabbi ‘Alphabet’ Browne”
2013: The Red Sea Jazz Festival is scheduled to open at Eilat.

2013: Canada is scheduled to release a postage stamp today honoring Raoul Wallenberg. (As reported by JTA)

2013: The JCCNV is scheduled to host “The Insider’s Briefing” which will prepare attendees for the trip to the state legislature in Virginia known as Jewish Advocacy Day. Currently the most powerful politician in Virginia is Eric Cantor, the lone Republican Jewish member of the House of Representatives who is House Majority Leader and a driving force in the Tea Party.

2013: “Skokie Invaded, But Not Conquered,” a film that “examines the personalities and issues connected to the attempted neo-Nazi March in Skokie in the late 1970s” is scheduled to be shown for the first time at the Illinois Holocaust Museum.

2013:“A rare journal written by an unknown Jew in the Warsaw Ghetto during the uprising there was unveiled this morning at a ceremony at the Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum in the presence of President Shimon Peres. In the diary, the writer, a 37-year-old Jewish lawyer, describes life in the ghetto, the Jewish underground fighters who were active there and his march to deportation.”

2013(6thof Shevat, 5773): Ninety-four year old Pauline Phillips, known as the creator of the advice column “Dear Abby” passed away today. (As reported my Margarlit Fox)

2014: The Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Hadassah is scheduled to sponsor their annual Tu B’Shevat Seder prior to Shabbat Evening Services at Temple Judah.

2014: “White Panther,” a film about the rebellion of Russian immigrant boys when their father dies while serving in the Israeli Arm, is scheduled to be shown in Jerusalem today.

2014(16thof Shevat): Yarhrzeit of century Hebrew novelist Perez Smolenskin and century Reform leader Aaron Bernstein two 19th century intellectuals with diametrically opposite views on how to solve “the Jewish problem”
2014: Students in the southern city of Ashdod whose schools are unprotected from rockets will stay home today, in light of fears of continued rocket fire out of Gaza. The decision was made following a second straight night of rocket attacks. The closure will affect approximately 3,500 students. (As reported by Joshua Davidovich)

2014: Tenth Anniversary of what is now known as “This Day…In Jewish History” which began with one item about the Soviets arresting Raoul Wallenberg in 1945 and has continued to grow on a daily basis year in and year out.  It originally was created to meet the needs of an Adult Education Program at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  The current format is the creation of Deb Levin who is a one-woman tech support group for this endeavor. I really do appreciate all of the comments, questions and suggestions that you have sent over the years. And now it is time to get to work on the start of the second decade.


This Day, January 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 18

532: In Constantinople the Nika riots come to an end with Justinian still holding the office of Emperor.  Senators opposed to Justinian took advantage of these riots, which had grown out of a dispute over chariot competition, to try and bring an end to Justinian’s imperial rule. Justinian was ready to flee the city and effectively give up his power.  However, his wife refused to leave and give him the courage to stay and defeat the mob and his enemies.  History does not record the views held by Justinian’s opponents concerning the Jewish people and Judaism.  But it does not seem possible that the Jews could have been any worse off if they had won given Justinian’s anti-Jewish policies.  For example, “Justinian ruled that ‘Jews must never enjoy the furits of office, but only its pains and penalties…They shall enjoy no honors.  Their status shall reflect the baseness which in their souls they have elected and desired.’” Justinian firmly established the principle of servitus Jadaeorum (servitude of the Jews) and “the hitherto uneven pattern of persecution was systematized” as Christianity and state power became synonymous.

749:  According to Michael the Syrian, several ships were sunk off the coast of Palestine and Lebanon as the result of an earthquake.

1074: “Henry IV granted the citizens and Jews of Worms, the ShUM-cities and other locations, including Frankfurt, certain privileges relating to reductions in fees and import duties.”

1562:  The Council of Trent reconvenes after a ten year break.  The Council of Trent adopted additional books for inclusion in the Old Testament. This meant that the TaNaCh (the Hebrew Bible, or simply The Bible) and Old Testament of the Christian Bible were no longer the same texts.  A discussion of the implications of this change is far beyond the scope of this daily summary. 

1606: The Governor of Puerto Rico reported one-fifth of the white population of the island was Portuguese. It was said these "white" Portuguese persons were most likely conversos.

1689: Birthdate of Charles de Montesquieu the French born political theorist who was uncharacteristically critical of the Jews in Lettres Persanes when he wrote “Know that wherever there is money, there are Jews.  Thou inquires what they do here?  Just what they do in Persia; nothing can be more like a Jew of Asia than a Jew of Europe.” In the same book he also wrote that “the People of the Book” was “a mother that has brought forth two daughters who have stabbed her with a thousand wounds.” (As reported by Elliot Rosenberg)

1777 (10th of Shevat, 5537): Rabbi Shalom Sharabi, known by his name's acronym, the RaShaSH, passed away. He was born in Yemen, and as a young man immigrated to Israel. He was quickly recognized for his piety and scholarship, especially in the area of Jewish mysticism, and was appointed to be dean of the famed Kabalistic learning center in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Yeshivat ha-Mekubbalim. He authored many works, mostly based on the teachings of the great kabbalist, Rabbi Isaac Luria, the Ari. Rabbi Sharabi's most famous work is a commentary on the prayer book, replete with kabalistic meditations. His mystical works are studied by Kabbalists to this very day. He is also considered to be a foremost authority on Yemenite Jewish traditions and customs.

1782:  Birthdate of American political leader, statesmen and orator Daniel Webster.  In 1850, Webster was Secretary of State under President Fillmore. He and his political opponent Senator Henry Clay joined forces to defeat a treaty with the Swiss that would have discriminated against American Jews.  The issue was one of religious freedom, and not an attempt to protect American Jews since the American government was working to remove disabilities faced by Protestant Americans doing business with Catholic countries.

1788: Leading elements of the First Fleet carrying 736 convicts from England to Australia arrives at Botany Bay.  According to Dr Raymond Apple, Emeritus Rabbi of The Great Synagogue in Sydney, “When New South Wales was founded as a penal colony in 1788; among the 751 First Fleet convicts were at least 16 Jews.”

1804: Israel B. Kursheedt “married Sarah Abigail (Sally) Seixas, the eldest daughter of” Gershom Mendes Seixas, who was the cantor’s “favorite child: making Kursheedt “his favorite son-in-law.” (As reported by Yitzchok Levine and M.J. Raphall)

1824: In Cincinnati, Ohio, Congregation B'ne Israel was formally organized; those in attendance were Solomon Buckingham, David I. Johnson, Joseph Jonas, Samuel Jonas, Jonas Levy, Morris Moses, Phineas Moses, Simeon Moses, Solomon Moses, and Morris Symonds.

1844: James Buchanan, the U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania “introduces a resolution in the United States Senate that the United States be declared a Christian Nation and acknowledges Jesus Christ as America's Savior” which is rejected by “Upper House.”  (This is the same James Buchanan, who as 15th President of the United States presided over the dissolution of the Union, betraying his oath of office and making him, in the minds of many, the worst President in history)

1851(15th of Shevat, 5611): Tu B'Shvat

1851: In Cayuga County, NY, Judge Johnson sentenced John Baham to be hung by the neck until dead. Baham was one of three brothers charged with the murder of Nathan Adler, a Jewish peddler from Syracuse.

1851: Alfred Baham, one of three brothers charged with the murder of Nathan Adler entered a plea of guilty to Manslaughter in the Second Degree and was sentenced to serve 5 years and 3 months in state prison. Baham’s plea followed the trials of his two brothers, both of whom were senteneced to death for the same crime.

1854(18th of Tevet, 5614): Judah Touro, the great American Jewish philanthropist passed away.  Born in 1775 in Newport, Rhode Island, Touro moved New Orleans at the time of the Louisiana Purchase.  He became a prosperous merchant and leading citizen.  He fought with Jackson’s Army in the famed Battle of New Orleans where he was seriously wounded.  “Touro contributed to numerous Jewish and non-Jewish charities.  Touro helped found congregation Nefuzoth Yehuda in New Orleans, which followed the Sephardic rituals of his youth. He subsequently built its synagogue and began to attend services regularly, provided the land and funds for its religious school, bought land for its cemetery and annually made up for any deficits incurred. He also founded the city's Jewish hospital, the Touro Infirmary. In the last year of his life, Touro wrote a will which set the standard of American Jewish philanthropy. After modest bequests to family members and friends, Touro donated the bulk of his fortune to strengthen Jewish life. He left $100,000 to the two leading Jewish congregations and Jewish benevolent organizations in New Orleans. Another $150,000 went to Jewish congregations and charitable institutions in 18 other cities around the United States. He directed that $60,000 be dispensed to relieve poverty and provide freedom of worship to Jews in Palestine. He also left bequests to non-Jewish institutions such as Massachusetts GeneralHospital, which his brother had helped found.”

1861:  Birthdate of German chemist Hans Goldschmidt.

1871: As the Franco-Prussian war comes to an end with the Germans defeating the French,  King Wilhelm of Prussia becomes Wilhelm I of Germany as he is proclaimed the first German Emperor in the 'Hall of Mirrors' of the Palace of Versailles. The empire was known as The Second Reich to the Germans. The real power behind the German throne was Otto von Bismarck who engineered the full emancipation of the Jews two years earlier in 1869. Life for Jews in the empire would be a mixed bag with the rise in anti-Semitism paralleling their involvement in all facets of commerce and culture.  The creation of the Second Reich is tied directly to the events that led to World War that led to World War II.

1894: An unknown thief stole the book which was the primary source for the upcoming lecture to be delivered by Professor Knapp of Barnard  at the Hebrew Institute in New York.

1894: Dr. Joseph Krauskopf , leading rabbi from Philadelphia, is scheduled to deliver a lecture tonight entitled “Only A Jew” at Ahwath Chesed.

1894: The United Hebrew Charities is one of the organizations that will share in the proceeds from a fund raising concert to be held this afternoon at the Metropolitan Opera House.

1895: The officers and directors of what would become the Hebrew Infant Asylum met today and “resolved to make strenuous efforts to obtain a charter.”

1895: It was reported today that charitable institutions in New York City, including those supported by the Jews, believe that the new rules for the disbursement of funds are “too restrictive.”

1895: It was reported today that Dr. Michael L. Rodkinson has been soliciting funds and assistance for creating the first English language translation of the Talmud.  (Editor’s note – Rodkinson was a Russian born American publisher who lived between 1845 and 1904.  He did accomplish his goal of creating an English-Hebrew Talmud as well as the printing other works in English, Hebrew and Yiddish.)

1897(15thof Shevat, 5657): Tu B’Shevat

1898: As anti-Semitic mobs roam the streets of France during the Drefyus Affair, it was reported that “the events of the past few days are beginning to produce a feeling of panic in Jewish circles. Both the business and private houses of the Rothschilds and other wealthy Jews are guarded by special detectives and gendarmes…” (More for 2014)

1898: The funeral for Solomon Latz was held at his home on 49th Street in New York City.

1898: It was reported today that a crowd of 3,000 people demonstrated in front of the Army Club in Marseilles expressing their support for the army and denouncing Zola and Dreyfus.

1898: It was reported today that Oscar S. Straus was so overcome with grief that he fainted as his father’s coffin was being taken from Temple Beth-El for burial at the cemetery.

1899: John T. O’Brien came to the offices of the United Hebrew Charities claiming to be an unemployed veteran.  He was sent to the Elite Hotel on 7th Avenue where he was to be employed as a porter.

1899: The sixteenth annual ball of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society of Brooklyn took places tonight at the Academy of Music.

1903: A number of Moses Lindo’s advertisements and items concerning him that had appeared in the South Carolina which had been collected by Rabbi B.A. Elzas were reprinted today in the Charleston News and Courier.

1903(19th of Tevet, 5663):Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore passed away today in London.  Born in 1822 to Solomon Sebag and Sarah, eldest sister of Sir Moses Montefiore he succeeded to the estate of his maternal uncle and he assumed the name of Montefiore by royal license. He was one of the leading members of the London Stock Exchange, on which he amassed a large fortune. He was a justice of the peace for Kent and the Cinque Ports and lieutenant of the city of London; and in 1889 he served as high sheriff for Kent. He was for many years a leading member of the Spanish-Portuguese congregation and was president of the elders of that body. In 1895 he became president of the Board of Deputies, after having been vice-president for many years; and in 1896 he was appointed by the King of Italy Italian consul general in London. He was knighted in 1896

1903: Birthdate of Berthold Goldschmidt.  Born in Germany, Goldschmidt was enjoying a successful career until the Nazis came to power.  At that point, he was forced to flee to Britain where he resumed his career.  Oddly enough, he is identified as a “German opera composer” even though the Germans would have sent him to a concentration camp if he had stayed in the Fatherland. 

1904:Herzl spends the day in Venice before continuing on to Rome via Florence.  He described the day as "a blue Monday" which, in the evening found him choosing to dine at Bauer's Austrian Beer House so that he could the Englishmen at the Grand Hotel.

1904(1st of Shevat, 5664): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1908(15th of Shevat, 5668): Tu B'Shevat

1908: Samuel Clemens whose pen-name is Mark Twin and Supreme Court Justice Greenbaum will address the annual meeting of the Hebrew Technical School for girls this morning at 15th Street and Second Avenue in New York.  Clemens only daughter married a Jewish composer and orchestra conductor.

1908:  Birthdate of Jacob Bronowsky. The famed mathematician and cultural historian created the widely acclaimed television series “The Ascent of Man” in which he said while standing at Auschwitz: “It is said that science will dehumanize people and turn them into numbers. That is false, tragically false. Look for yourself. This is the concentration camp and crematorium at Auschwitz. This is where people were turned into numbers. Into this pond were flushed the ashes of some four million people. And that was not done by gas. It was done by arrogance. It was done by dogma. It was done by ignorance."

1909: It was reported today that Dr. D.C. Potter, chief of the Department of Finance in the Charitable Institutions Divisions of NYC, had told supporters of the Hebrew Infant Asylum that there was a pressing need for funds to carry out the work of the institution and to build a new home for the city’s Jewish orphans.  Work on this building at 192nd Street and Kingsbridge Road has already begun.

1909: The Executive Board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations will meet this afternoon at the Mercantile Club in Philadelphia.

1909: Members of the Executive Board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and their female invitees will meet for dinner at 6:30 in Philadelphia followed by a resumption of the business meeting begun earlier in the afternoon.

1912:  The Jewish Chronicle published a letter from author and Zionist leader Max Nordau in which he condemns President Taft’s role in “the abrogation of the Russo-American Treaty.” Nordau ended his denunciation by writing, “The situation for the Jews in Russia will be worse than before and the anti-Semites in America will make the American Jews pay heavily for their manful stand—that’s all.”

1912:President Taft received a delegation representing the American Association of Foreign Language Newspapers led by Louis N. Hammerling. Mr. Taft said he favored admission of desirable immigrants, but immigration laws should be strictly enforced. The issue of immigration is especially sensitive for American Jews.  Attempts to limit immigration from eastern and southern Europewere seen, in part, as an attempt to keep Jews from Russia, Romania and Poland from entering the United States.  The term “desirable immigrants” was often used as a code to describe those coming from Western Europe and Scandinavia. To add to the complexity of the issue, Jews of Germanic origins were concerned about the influx of Jews from Eastern Europe. They were afraid that this onslaught of what they considered “the great unwashed” would bring on a wave of anti-Semitism in the United States.

1913: Birthdate of David Daniel Kaminski. Kaminski became Danny Kay, the Brooklyn born comedian, actor and singer starred in several movies and his own television variety program.  But he was proudest of being the driving force behind UNICEF.

1913: Nathan Straus set sail for Palestine accompanied by two Hadassah nurses - Rachel Kaplan and Rose Landy.  Hadassah had raised $2,500 to cover the salaries of the nurses for two years.  Strauss paid their travel expenses and agreed to fund a new clinic in Jerusalem.

1914: Bernard A. Rosenblatt, the Honorary Secretary of the Federation of American Zionists, issued a reply to the charges of Dr. Paul Nathan of Berlin that some of the Zionists in Palestine were “stirring up discord.”  Mr. Rosenblatt issued a statement in which he traced the growth of the Jewish settlement in Palestine over the last three decades; a growth that has been so successful that the Zionist movement has attracted the support of such important as Louis Brandeis and Nathan Strauss.  He then reviewed the creation of a Jewish Institute of Technology at Haifa; a project in which Dr. Nathan said he wanted to be an active participant and which has funded by the Jewish National Fund and Zionist throughout the world.  Now, seven years after the project had begun, Mr.  Rosenblatt claims that Dr. Nathan held a clandestine meeting of the Board of Trustees that was attended only by his German supporters during which the attendees voted to make German and not Hebrew, the language of instruction at the Institute.  Mr. Rosenblatt said that American Zionists would support the actions of Jewish students and teachers designed to make Hebrew the language of the school as had been previously agreed.  He expressed nothing but scorn for his German counterparts who are determined to put a Germanic stamp on the efforts  to develop a home for Jews from all over the world, regardless of their place of national origin.

1914: Joseph Charlack, Secretary of the Poultry Workers’ Union, whose members are now on strike for higher wages and a shorter workday and of the Kosher Butchers’ Union, whose members have gone on strike in sympathy with   the poultrymen, announced this evening that the rabbis who kill chickens for kosher consumption have voted to go on strike.  He said that this was decided up at a meeting of the representatives of 900 rabbis in the house of Chief Rabbi Margulies on East Broadway.

1916:Herbert Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, completed his service as Postmaster-General in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Asquith.

1917:  Birthdate of English theatrical and film producer, Oscar Lewenstein.  The son of Russian immigrants, Lowenstein passed away at the age of 80.  For more about him read his autobiography, Kinking Against the Pricks.

1919:The Paris Peace Conference opened in Versailles, France. Among other things, negotiations at the conference would result in the creation of a mandatory government for Palestine that incorporated the Balfour Declaration and was controlled by the British.  Jews serving in the American delegation pushed for guarantees of full rights of citizenship for their co-religionist living in the new countries that would be established by the Big Four.

1919: Among those present at Paris when the conference began was Joseph Barondess, who was a member of the delegation sent by the American Jewish Congress.

1922: Birthdate of Yehezkiel Braun. “From the age of two Yehezkel Braun was brought up in Israel, in close contact with Jewish and East-Mediterranean traditional music. The influence of this background is clearly felt in his compositions. He is a graduate of the Israel Academy of Music and holds a Master's degree in Classical Studies from TelAvivUniversity. In 1975 he studied Gregorian chant with Dom Jean Claire at the Benedictine monastery of Solesmes in France. His main academic interests are traditional Jewish melodies and Gregorian chant. He lectured on these and other subjects, at universities and congresses in England, France, the United States and Germany. Yehezkel Braun is Professor Emeritus at TelAvivUniversity.”

1925: Birthdate of Solomon Yurick, the Manhattan native was “best-known for the 1965 novel The Warriors (As reported by William Yardley)

1929: Fifty-two year old Sophie Irene Loeb passed away

1929:"New York Daily Mirror" columnist Walter Winchell made his radio début.

1929: Stalin proposed to ban Leon Trotsky from the Politburo. Trotsky was the apostate who turned his back on Judaism to worship Marx and serve as Lenin’s Joshua.

1930: A delegation of Americans living in Tel Aviv, headed by Nathan Kaplan, an attorney who had moved to Palestine from Chicago, met with Paul Knabenshue, the American Counsel General, in an attempt to get him to help break the impasse that has turned Tel Aviv into a “meatless city.”  The British government has resisted all efforts to establish a facility for the slaughter of animals in Tel Aviv.  The British have told butchers in Tel Aviv to return to Jaffa where they can practice their trade.  In Jaffa, the Jewish butchers work in an area that is surrounded by Arabs and the Jews were not able to get meat during the Arab riots that  began in August of 1929.

1931: Dr. Judah L. Magnes, Dean of the Hebrew University, presided over the memorial service held this evening at the Straus Health Center in honor Nathan Straus, of blessed memory.  Meir Dezingoff, Mayor of Tel Aviv and Dr. David Yellin of the Vaad Leumi addressed the large throng praising Straus for his “philanthropic and social contributions to Palestine.”  The establishment of the first soup kitchen in Jerusalem and the construction of a health center in Hedera were cited as two examples of his generosity.  During the eulogy, Dr. Magnes revealed for the first time, that Straus had purchased land in the Talpioth section of Jerusalem as a site for a university.

1935: Birthdate of Gad Yaacobi, the native of Kfar Vitkin who served as an MK and held several ministerial portfolios.

1941: The Royal Air Force Middle East Command issued a communiqué today reporting that Italian planes had attacked British airfields near Tel Aviv.

1941: Herman Kruk, who had been active in Yiddish cultural activities in Warsaw and Vilna, recoiled from efforts to stage cultural activities in the ghetto stating, “You don’t make theatre in a graveyard.”

1942: The Nazis arrested Frans Goedhart and Wiardi Beckman, both of whom were journalists who took part in the resistance movement after the German conquest of the Netherlands.  Tragically, in a manner of the fate of Anne Frank, Beckman died of typhus in Dachau, on March 15, 1945 when the war was almost over.

1942: After two weeks of constant burial duty of thousands of gassed Jews at Chelmno, Yakov Grojanowski escapes. His diary tells of cruelty, murders, tragedy and suicides. His two weeks were only 14 days of the last 44 days of continual murder via gas-trucks.

1943: A train from Belgium arrives at Auschwitz; 387 men and 81 women are sent to the barracks while 1,558 people were sent to the gas chamber.

1943: In Warsaw, after 4 months of no transports, the Germans enter the ghetto and begin deportation again to Treblinka. In rounding up people, the Germans went through the homes killing people, throwing them out of windows, and looting whatever they could. 5,000 Jews were rounded up, including 150 doctors. One, Dr. Izrael Milejkowski, commits suicide during the train ride.

1943(12 of Shevat, 5703): Yitzhak Gitterman that native of Horonstopol born in 1889 who “was a director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in Poland, and a member of the underground Jewish Combat Organization” was killed today while fighting today in the Warsaw Ghetto.

1943: Jewish deportees from Belgiumarrive at Auschwitz, where 1087 are gassed.

1943: After a four-month break, Germans resume deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto. Warsaw Jews react with their first acts of overt resistance, expressed in brutal street fighting. 1000 Jews are executed in the streets and 6000 are deported to the Treblinka death camp. An elderly, blind Jewish man is shot by an SS man because he is unable to walk without a guide.

1943: The Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto began their armed resistance to the Nazis which would culminate in April of 1943 with the famous Warsaw Ghetto.

1943: Nobel-prize winning Polish émigré poet Czeslaw Milosz--a righteous Christian--condemns anti-Semitism and nationalism as "ills that like cancer were consuming Poland." In his poem, "Campo dei Fiori," Milosz laments from Warsaw in 1943--and he's being literal, not figurative--that the carousel's carnival tunes and the laughing crowds in the Catholic area of Warsaw drown out the sounds of the Germans shooting Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.

1943:The Second Senate of the Reich Military Tribunal sentenced Lian Berkowitz and Friedrich Rehmer, along with 16 other people from the Red Orchestra, to death today for abetting a conspiracy to commit high treason and furthering the enemy's cause. [For once the Nazis had it right; these were really Germans who had worked against the Third Reich almost from its inception.  For more about these true heroes read Red Orchestra by Ann Nelson.

1944: Birthdate of Roger Richman, the son of Washington, DC area rabbi who founded the Roger Richman Agency, that dealt with licensing clients, some of whom were deceased.

1944: For the first time in its history, The Metropolitan Opera House in New York City hosts a jazz concert.  Among the performers are two Jewish pop music legends – Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw.

1944: German armored forces surrounded the forest near Buczac, Poland.  They killed three hundred Jews who had been hiding in the forest for the past nine months.  Some of the Jews of Buczaz had taken part in armed resistance against the Nazis.  This remnant had taken to the woods after the final roundup of Jews in the town.  During their time in hiding, they attacked Nazis as well as members of the local populations who had betrayed the Jews to the Germans.
1945:Kazimierz Smolen left Auschwitz today on the last transport of prisoners evacuated by the Germans, nine days before its liberation. “Smolen was a Polish Catholic involved in the anti-Nazi resistance when the Germans arrested him in April 1941 and took him to Auschwitz.”

1945: A count was made of remaining prisoners in the assorted labor and concentration camps:

  • Birkenau; 15,058 Jews remained.
  • Auschwitz: 16,226 People remained, mostly Poles.
  • Monowitz; 10,233 Jews, Poles and assorted prisoners remained.
  • Factories of Auschwitz: Another 16,000 Jews, Poles and prisoners.
1945: Acting on orders from Berlin, the SS begins a massive, on-foot evacuation of all prisoners and slave laborers at the Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Monowitz camps and from the Auschwitzregion (Upper Silesia, Poland). Of the thousands of marchers, most die from exposure, exhaustion, and abuse on their way to their destinations. Boys evacuated from Birkenau march toward Mauthausen, Austria. Many of the boys are on "cart commando" duty; i.e., harnessed to enormous carts in groups of 20.

1947:  The Detroit Tigers sold Hank Greenberg to the Pittsburgh Pirates.

1948: After embarking from Marseille, France today, a ship named the Alexandria reached Israel carrying a group of Youth Aliyah children. This group included a young girl listed on rosters as Nuta Bolestet; in Haifa, she was transferred with a few other children to the Youth Aliyah camp in Ra'anana. Moshe Ya'ari, a Youth Aliyah official, recorded the few available details about the girl.

1949: In an attempt to improve relations with new Jewish state, the British ordered the immediate release of the remaining Jews who were detained in Cyprus during those years when His Majesty’s government was determined to keep Jews from settling in Palestine.  Within a month all them, many of whom were Holocaust survivors, had reached Haifa.

1952(20th of Tevet, 5712):  Curly Howard, actor, comedian and member of the Three Stooges passed away.

1960: This week’s Play of the Week featured the broadcast of “Lullaby” produced by David Susskin with Eli Wallach playing “Johnny Horton” and his wife Anne Jackson as “Eadie Horton.”

1961: The Chaplain’s Medal for Heroism was awarded to the family members of Reverend George Fox (Methodist), Jewish Rabbi Alexander Goode, Reverend Clark Poling (Dutch Reformed) and Father John Washington (Roman Catholic).  These were the famous Four Chaplains who acted with such grace and courage when the United States Army Transport Dorchester was sunk by a Nazi U-Boat in 1943.  Because of the strict requirements for awarding the Congressional Medal of Honor, this award was created to honor their heroism. 

1965(15thof Shevat, 5725): Tu B’Shevat

1967(7th of Shevat, 5727): Barney Ross Welterweight Boxing Champ in 1934 passed away at the age of 57.  One little known fact about Ross is that he enlisted in Marines during World War II and at the age of 33 won a Silver Star for his actions on Guadalcanal. 

1973(15th of Shevat, 5733): Tu B’Shevat

1974: Israeland Egypt signed an agreement for the disengagement of forces in the aftermath of the Yom Kippur war. Israel agreed to withdraw from the Suez Canal.

1976: Terry Bradshaw threw a crucial touchdown pass to Tight End Randy Grossman as the Steelers defeated the Cowboys in Super Bowl X.  Grossman was Jewish; Bradshaw wasn’t.

1977: German author Carl Zuckmayer, the grandson of Protestant church councilor who had converted from Judaism passed away.  This maternal ancestor was enough for the Nazis to see him as a Jew; a fact that led him to spend World War II in the United States before returning to Europe after the war had ended.

1983: Eighty-seven year old Walter Ulman Austrian born historian who specialized in the Middle Ages and who left Austria for England in 1939 because his grandparents were Jewish passed away today.

1985: The government of Menachem Begin announced that elections would be held in six months.
1987: Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, speaking to high school students in Nazareth today, reaffirmed Israel's commitment to keeping control of its ''security zone'' in southern Lebanon.
1987: Israeli troops killed four armed guerrillas tonight after the guerrillas infiltrated into the enclave that Israel calls its ''security zone'' in southern Lebanon.

1989:President Reagan awarded Max Kampelman the Presidential Citizens Medal.

1990:In article published today, Joel Brinkley reported that “as Soviet Jewish immigrants arrive in Israel at a rate now exceeding 1,000 a week, Israeli officials acknowledge that they have still not devised a plan for handling the mass immigration, and construction of even the first new apartment to house the immigrants is months away. Still, Israelis at all levels can hardly hide their delight at the wave of new immigrants, which many people here see as an affirmation that Zionism has not died. ''This is the best thing that could happen to Israel,'' Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir said, smiling broadly in an interview this week. ''I am happy every minute.'' And as to the lack of preparations for the new arrivals, he added: ''Israel does not excel in planning. But it does in improvising.''

1991(3rd of Shevat, 5751):  Leo Hurwitz, social activist and documentary film producer passes away

1991: Within 24 hours of the outbreak of the Gulf War, the first Scud missileslanded near Tel Aviv. At least seven Iraqi missiles carrying conventional warheads fell on Israel early this morning in an area running from Tel Aviv to Haifa. The army said that seven people had been slightly injured "from a number of different hits in different parts of the country."  "It was mostly from broken glass and hysteria," a senior Government official said of the injuries. The army said the most serious injuries had been a result of shock.

1994(6th of Shevat, 5754): Arthur Altman, the songwriter whose work includes “All or Nothing At All” passed away at the age of 83.

1998: Mathew Drudge exposed what come to known as the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal on his website.

1998: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of unique interest to Jewish readers including The Old Religion by David Mamet and Impressionism: Reflections and Perceptions by Meyer Schapiro.

1999(1st of Shevat, 5759): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1999(1st of Shevat, 5759): Ninety-two year old Frances Godowsky, a prolific painter and sometime singer better known as George, Arthur and Ira's little sister passed away today.(As reported by Robert McG. Thomas, Jr.)

2000:Arrow Electronics, Inc. the world's largest electronics distributor, agreed to buy a majority stake in the distribution business of Tel Aviv’s Rapac Electronics Ltd.

2000:An unsophisticated bomb exploded in a garbage can in the northern Israeli town of Hadera today, and the Israeli police suspect that it was aimed at disrupting peace talks. The Israeli police suspect that Palestinian militant members of the Islamic Holy War group carried out the bombing.

2001(23rd of Tevet, 5761): Architect Morris Lapidus passed away today at the age of 98.  Born in Russia, his parents fled a year later when a pogrom swept Odessa.  Lapidus gained fame for designing three icons of American culture - the Fontainebleau, Americana and Eden Roc hotels. They dominated Miami Beach during the 1950’s when this strip of sand was one of America’s leading resort and vacation sites.

2001(23rd of Tevet): Canadian born actor Al Waxman passed away at the age of 65. Waxman was a founding member of the Canadian Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television. Although much of his successful career was confined to Canadian televisions, Americans saw him episodes of “Cagney and Lacey.”

2003 (15th of Shevat, 5763): Tu B’Shvat

2003: In New York, premiere of “Divine Intervention” the work of Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman which is seton the West Bank and in Israel

2004: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Fools Rush In: Steve Case, Jerry Levin, and the Unmaking of AOLTime Warnerby Nina Munk, There Must Be A Pony In Here Somewhere:The AOL Time Warner Debacle and the Quest for a Digital Future by Kara Swisher with Lisa Dickey and After Such Knowledge: Memory, History, and the Legacy of the Holocaust by Eva Hoffman

2005: In an article entitled “Trouble in a One-Synagogue Town,” Patrick Healy describes the conflict between Congregation Tifereth Israel, which has been the only synagogue in Greenport, NY, for more than 100 years and its former rabbi, Gary Moskowitz, who is busy setting up a new congregation called the East Coast Jewish Center in this old whaling village at the edge of Long Island.  The article is an example of the fact that while some think Jews are “a stiff necked people” they might be equally well described as “a very fractious people.”

2006: Yaakov Edri “was appointed Minister of Health and the Minister for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee.

2006:While serving his second stint as member of the Knesset, Avraham Hirschon was appointed Minister of Communications while retaining the Tourism ministry.

2006: Roni Bar-On began serving as Science and Technology Minister

2006: Tzupi Livini began serving as Foreign Affairs Minister.  She was the second woman to hold this position.  Her female predecessor, Gold Meir had left the position almost 40 years to the day before Livini’s appointment.

2006: Ze’ev Boim completed his term as Deputy Defense Minister and began serving as Minister of Housing and Construction.

2006:  In an example of how much the Papacy has changed since its silence during the Holocaust, the Jerusalem Post reported that Pope Benedict XVI, meeting with Rome's chief rabbi Monday, expressed pain and worry over fresh outbreaks of anti-Semitism, and called on Jews and Christians to wage a united battle against hate. Waves of anti-Semitic violence and vandalism have hit Europe in the past few years. Last week, worshippers in a Moscow synagogue were attacked by a man with a knife. Benedict did not mention specific occurrences of anti-Semitism in his speech welcoming Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni to an audience at the Vatican. The rabbi led a delegation from Rome's Jewish community, one of the oldest in the world. Benedict said that Jews and Christians have the responsibility to cooperate to promote justice, love and freedom. "In the light of this common mission, we cannot not denounce and combat with decisiveness the hate and incomprehension, the injustices and the violence that continue to sow worry in the soul of men and women of good will," Benedict said. "In this context, how can one not be pained and worried about the fresh outbreaks of anti-Semitism that are occurring?" the pope said. Di Segni said Benedict was welcome to pay a call on Rome's main synagogue, noting the approaching 20th anniversary of Pope John Paul II's groundbreaking visit there. The visit by the late, Polish-born pope to the synagogue helped repair centuries of poor Vatican-Jewish relations and underlined his determination to use his papacy to improve ties. Benedict became the second pope in history to visit a Jewish house of worship when he went to the synagogue in Cologne, Germany, last summer during his first trip abroad since being elected pontiff in April. The Cologne synagogue visit appeared to help smooth over Israeli-Vatican tensions that were sparked when Israel publicly took Benedict to task for not mentioning attacks on Israelis during a condemnation of terrorism. Di Segni thanked Benedict for "denouncing anti-Semitism, past and present, for condemning fundamentalist terrorism, for his attention to the State of Israel, which, for all the Jewish people is an essential and central reference." The rabbi said he was convinced that under Benedict, the Church's commitment to better relations with Jews would continue.

2007: At the Panthéon, in Paris, on the occasion of the national ceremony in honor of the Righteous of France, the President of the French Republic, Jacques Chirac declared: "What a courage, what a generosity of spirit they needed!". He learns from it a lesson: "You, Righteous of France, you have transmitted to the Nation an essential message, for today and tomorrow: the refusal of indifference, of blindness."

2007: At the national ceremony in honor of the Righteous of France, Simone Veil, President of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah declared: "The Righteous of France thought simply having gone through History. In reality, they wrote it".

2007: The Seventh Annual British Film Festival, organized by the British Council, opens at move houses in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Nazarethand Jerusalem.

2007: Jeff Marx co-wrote four songs for a musical episode of the NBC sitcom “Scrubs” that appeared tonight.

2007: In Canada, Liberal political leader, Irwin Cotler was appointed Critic for Human Rights.

2007(28th of Tevet, 5767): Columnist, humorist and social commentator Art Buchwald passed away at the age of 81.(As reported by Richard Severo)

2008: At the Goethe Institute in Tel-Aviv a screening of “Secret Courage: The Walter Suskind Story.”
2008: As another ten rockets slammed into southern Israel from Gaza, one damaging a day care center in the town of Sderot and another hitting Ashkelon, a town of 120,000 people, Israel closed all border crossings into Gaza in a bid to pressure its Hamas rulers to stop the on-going barrage of rocket attacks.

2009: At Theater J, at the D.C. Jewish Community Center, the final performance of“Sholom Aleichem: Laughter Through Tears, written and performed by Theodore Bikel.”

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or on topics of special interest to Jewish readers including Restoring the Balance: A Middle East Strategy for the Next Presidentby Richard N. Haass, Martin Indyk et al, Nothing to Fear FDR’s Inner Circle and the Hundred Days That Created Modern Americaby Adam Cohen and FDR V. The Constitution The Court-Packing Fight and the Triumph of Democracy by Burt Solomon

2009: IDF troops are scheduled to begin observing a unilateral truce at 2 A.M. following a vote by the Israeli Cabinet on Saturday night to accept an Egyptian-backed, unilateral 10-day cease-fire, ending Operation Cast Lead three weeks after it began.

2009: The Jerusalem Post reported that a historic natural gas reservoir found offshore from Haifa is poised to meet Israel's natural gas demand for about 15 years and reduce the country's dependence on gas imports from Egypt and offshore from Gaza.

2010: The 19th annual New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present the New York premier of “Forgotten Transports: To Poland,” Lukás Pribyl’s “documentary on Czech Jews deported by the Nazis to camps and ghettos in Eastern Poland’s Lublin region.

2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Festival is scheduled to present a screening of “Mary and Max,” a “pleasingly demented and darkly comic, bittersweet, decidedly adult claymation fable of an improbable pen pal relationship between an unloved eight-year-old Australian girl and a middle-aged, morbidly obese Jewish New Yorker with Asperger's syndrome.

2010:In Chevy Chase, MD, Ohr Kodesh Congregation is scheduled to present “Dreams of Freedom: An Evening with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Honoring the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.” World famous author and Talmudist, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, is scheduled to discuss the biblical dimensions of MLK's "Letter from the Birmingham Jail." 

2010: More than 100 Israeli security police forcibly entered Od Yosef Chai and arrested 10 Jewish settlers.  The Shin Bet suspects five those arrested were involved in the torching and vandalizing of Palestinian mosque last month in the Palestinian village of Yasuf.  Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva published “The King’s Torah (Torah Hamelech), Part One: Laws of Life and Death between Israel and the Nations,” which says that the sixth commandment only applies to a Jew who kills a Jew.  “Non-Jews are ‘uncompassionate by nature’ and attacks on them ‘curb their evil inclination.’”

2011: Matan Vilnai completed his term as Deputy Minister of Defense.

2011:The World Premiere of “Jewish Soldiers in Blue and Gray” is scheduled to take place at The New York Jewish Film Festival. “This fascinating documentary is a first-of-its-kind film that reveals the little-known struggles that faced Jewish Americans both in battle and on the home front during the American Civil War. Through period photographs, rare documents, letters and artifacts, and exclusive interviews with experts and descendants, the film chronicles the sacrifices that Jews made for their beliefs and how they took up arms to defend their country both in the Union and the Confederacy.”

2011: The Knesset's Law Committee, headed by MK David Rotem, is scheduled to debate a bill on conversation the bill today ahead of a possible vote on it, much to the fury of Shas.

2011 (13th of Shevat, 5711): Edgar Tafel, the last surviving member of storied architect Frank Lloyd Wright's original Taliesin Fellowship that began in 1932 at Wright’s home and school in Wisconsin, died today at 98. On his own, Tafel designed 80 houses, 35 religious buildings and three college campuses, among other projects. In recognition of his achievements, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's School of Architecture created an Edgar A. Tafel chair in architecture in his honor. Tafel was born in 1912 in New York to immigrant parents from Russia who started a dressmaking business but then moved to the anarchist Ferrer Colony in New Jersey, where Tafel attended the Colony’s Modern School. He later attended the avant-garde Walden School before joining Wright from 1932 to 1941 at both Taliesin and Taliesin West, Wright's summer headquarters and now the location of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Tafel was 20 when he arrived at Taliesin, where he drafted, cut stone, made plaster, prepared cement and kept Wright’s pencils sharpened, and also apparently was subjected to anti-Semitic comments and treatment by some of the other acolytes at Taliesin, a community that was cult-like in its adoration of Wright, according to the 2007 book "The Fellowship." As a senior apprentice to Wright, Tafel worked with him on major projects such as Wingspread (1937), the Johnson Wax Building (1939) and Fallingwater (1939). Tafel left Taliesin in 1941 and served in a photo intelligence unit during World War II. He opened his own architecture firm in New York after the war. One of his best-known projects was a church house for the First Presbyterian Church at Fifth Avenue and 12th Street in Greenwich Village, a red-brick structure wrapped in balustrades ornamented with cloverleaf-shaped Gothic quatrefoils, emulating the adjoining 19th century church. It came at a time, 1960, when the dominant theme for American architecture was the so-called "glass box" skyscraper. Tafel maintained an amicable, if sometimes strained relationship with Wright until his death in 1959, and wrote “Apprentice to Genius: Years With Frank Lloyd Wright” in 1979.(As reported by Alan D. Abbey, the Eulogizer for JTA)

2011(13thof Shevat, 5711):Milton Rogovin, an optometrist and persecuted leftist who took up photography as a way to champion the underprivileged and went on to become one of America’s most dedicated social documentarians, passed away today at the age of 101.(As reported by Benjamin Genocchio)

2012: “ Iraq ‘n’ Roll” a musical documentary that describes Israeli rock musician Dudu Tassa’s  mission to revive his grandfather’s traditional Iraqi songs by remixing the tunes for contemporary listeners, is scheduled to have its New York premiere at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012:The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington is scheduled to sponsor a Middle East Forum featuring Ambassador Dennis Ross

2012: An Israel Defense Forces strike close to the border fence in the Gaza Strip today killing one Palestinian and leaving another critically wounded , Hamas police said. An Israel Defense Forces spokeswoman confirmed that troops had opened fire, both from aircraft and tanks, near the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun, and said that the strike had targeted a militant cell laying explosive devices near the border fence.
2012:Defense Minister Ehud Barak said today that Israel was "very far off" from a decision about an attack on Iran over its nuclear program.
2013: The Jacky Terrasson Trio is scheduled at the Red Sea Jazz Festival.

2013: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Temple Judah is scheduled to host another “Shabbat Alive!” service featuring Rich Recht.

2013(7th of Shevat, 5773): Ariel mayor and former MK Ron Nachman died on Friday at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, after a prolonged struggle with cancer. He was 70 years old.

2013:After a long, tumultuous journey, Hans Sachs’ multimillion-dollar poster collection has been rescued from Germany — and will be sold to the highest bidder beginning toay at an auction house in New York.

2014: Sarah Aronson is scheduled to read from one of her three books for children include Believe at the Iowa City Public Library this afternoon.

2014:”Ana Arabia” and “The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.


This Day, January 19, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 19

570: Birthdate of Mohammed. Mohammed thought the Jews of Arabia would join his new religion.  When they did not, he turned on them in much the same way Luther would when the Jews rejected his overtures.

639:Dagobert I, the first of the French kings to be buried in the royal tombs at Saint Denis Basilica passed away. During his reign, he proposed driving all Jews who would not accept Christianity from his domain.

1180: In France, Phillip August seized all of the Jews living on his estates and imprisoned them.  He freed them in exchange for a ransom of fifteen hundred silver marks.

1419: During the Hundred Years' War, Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy.This entry would appear to be loaded with irony from both a secular and Jewish point of view.  The successful re-conquest of Normandy brought both the English Kings and the Jewish people back to a common point of departure that had begun in 1066.  From the secular point of view, this is called a re-conquest because Henry traced his right to the throne of England on the conquest of William the Conqueror who ruled Normandy in 1066.From the Jewish point of view there is a whole lot more. While reportedly Jews had lived in the British Isles since the time of the Romans, the first written records of Jewish settlement in Englanddate from the time of the Norman Conquest, mentioning Jews who arrived with William the Conqueror in 1066. Jews lived in England from the Norman Conquest until they were expelled in 1290 by King Edward.  Many of these Jews found refuge in what is modern day France which would have included Normandy.  At this period in history Normandy was a separate kingdom. While we can only speculate as to when the first Jew arrived in Normandy, we know Jews were living there in the 11th century there are written records concerning the persecution of Jews in Normandy in 1007.  At that time a Jewish notable from Rouen, Jacob bar Jeqouthiel, who had initially been imprisoned by Duke Richard II, received authorization to visit the Pope, leaving behind one of his sons as a hostage in the hands of Richard. Pope John XVIII listened to his complaint and sent a message to France requiring that the persecution should be ended. Jacob was not to return to Normandy however. Instead he went to join his family in Lorraine, and died a few years later in Arras. The reign of (Wiiliam) the Conqueror was a period in which the Normandy Jews flourished; they were treated with respect by the Duke, and after 1066, they were encouraged to settle in England and especially in London. But the preparations for the 1st Crusade (1096) in Rouen, as in many regions of Western Europe, were accompanied by veritable pogroms which were violent, but also brief. William Rufus, who reigned in England from 1087 and administered Normandy in the absence of his elder brother Robert Curthose, did not approve of the excesses involved, and was able, fairly quickly, to put a stop to them. The members of the Jewish community of Rouen and their property had, however, suffered cruelly. The construction of the house in Rouen identified as a yeshiva (Talmudic academy) was, without doubt, part of the programme of restoration of this community and its buildings in the year 1100. Under the Plantagenets, the status of Jews in Normandy and in England was on many occasions defined in favorable terms by Henry II, and subsequently by King John. From before the end of the 12th century, written sources of Hebrew origin give the names of many Doctors of Law who taught in Rouen. The importance of Rouen as a centre of Jewish culture is also attested by the fact that a doctor as eminent as Abraham ibn Ezra, at the height of his career, went there to work from 1149 onwards and this is where he wrote, amongst other things, his great commentary of Exodus, the very important text known by its name of Anciennes Règles, (Ancient Rules) which pronounces on the teaching of the Torah. It could have been composed, in its original version, on the occasion of a regional synod that met in Rouen in the 11th century. At the beginning of the 13th century, economic prosperity and cultural activity in the Jewish community had reached a high level; this is the explanation for the effectiveness with which the Jews of Rouen were able to stand up to the trials that were to beset them during this century.” For more on this subject including how the Jews of Normandy fared under rulers who had expelled the Jews from England, see The Jews in Medieval Normandy: A Social and Intellectual History by Norman Golb

1567: Pope Pius V issued “Cum nos nuper,” a bull that forbids Jews from owning real estate. This would not be the last of the anti-Semitic Bulls issued by Pius V.

1616: In Worms, under orders of the Bishop of Speyer and with the backing of Frederick's troops, the Jews were readmitted to the city.1616: The Jews were readmitted by order of the elector palatine and bishop of Speyer.

1795: The Batavian Republic was proclaimed in the Netherlands bringing to an end the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. The Batavian Republic was a genuine expression of Dutch nationalism but it was also a product of the French Revolution. Following in the path of that revolution, the creation of the Batavian Republic brought total emancipation for the Jews of the Netherlands.

1798: Birthdate of Auguste Comte, the man who “coined the term sociology” a field that Jews have populated from “A” (Raymond Aron) to “Z” (Eviatar Zerubavel)

1803(25th of Tevet, 5563): Marcus (Markus) Herz a Jewish German physician and lecturer on philosophy, passed away.

1805: Wolf Breidenbach succeeded in having the “Leibzoll” abolished in Raisbon and Darmstadt.  The Liebzoll was a “toll which Jews had to pay on entering towns where they did not dwell or had no special privileges.”

1808: Birthdate of Moritz Rappaport, the native of Lemberg, a leading physician and poet who wrote an epic lyric poem, “Moses” in 1842.

1829: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faustpremieres.  According to one critic, Goethe may have disparaged Jews in “Faust,” but he also had no problem ridiculing his fellow Christians.  Goethe attributed his anti-Semitism to the prevailing beliefs in the society in which he was raised.  His view of Jews changed for the better when he actually may and got to know some.  From that time forward he found it difficult to view the creators of the Bibleand the Song of Songs as some sort of sub-human race.

1839: The British East India Company captures Aden. Jews had been living in Aden since the third century. By the time the British arrived, the Jewish population must have numbered in the thousand since 20 years later, they completed the Grand Synagogue of Aden (the Shield of Avraham) which seated 2,000 and was one of seven synagogues in the colony.

1839: Birthdate of French post-impressionist painter Paul Cezanne.  Relax; Cezanne was not Jewish.  But he did enjoy a connection to the Jewish people which is illustrative of the state of French society in Pre-World War I France. Cezanne grew up in Aix-en-Provence,where he was a childhood friend of Emile Zola, the novelist who wrote “J’Accuse,” the widely read expose on the framing of Alfred Dreyfus, the French Jewish army officer falsely convicted of espionage. Cezanne was an ardent Dreyfusard and exulted, along with other intellectuals and the French Jewish community, when Dreyfus was finally exonerated.Later in life Cezanne Judaism developed a relationship with Camille Pissarro, a Sephardic Jew and fellow Impressionist with whom he painted side by side in Paris and in Aix-en-Provence.

1848(14thof Shevat, 5608): Eighty-one year old Isaac D’Israeli passed away in Buckinghamshire.  A leading literary figure of his time, D’Israeli’s real claim to fame is that he was the father of Benjamin Disraeli.  As a result of a dispute with Bevis Marks Synagogue, the elder D’Israeli took the advice of a friend and had his children baptized.  Thanks to this, “Dizzy” ultimately became Prime Minister.

1859: The “Personal” column published described the presentation by “the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Charleston a handsome testimonial to Mrs. Elizabeth Bonnell, for unobtrusive, but signally useful charity bestowed upon a poor Jewish family heavily visited with the fever last summer.  The Society also remembered the action of John Drummond, Esq., the father of Mrs. Bonnell, who was intimately associated with her in alleviating the sufferings of the afflicted family.”

1865: In St. Petersburg, Russia, Alexander Serov and Valentina Bergman gave birth to Valentin Alexandrovich Serov one of the leading portrait artists of the last half of the 19th century and the first decade of the 20th century.

1867:Achille Fould, the son of a successful Jewish banker, was replaced by Émile Ollivier as the chief advisor to Emperor Napoleon III.

1874(1st of Shevat, 5634): Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat

1878(15thof Shevat, 5638): Tu B’Shevat

1888: Birthdate of Irving Wexler, who became known as the gangster Waxey Gordon

1890: It was reported today that of the 360 youths admitted to the House of Refuge on Randall’s House this year, eleven of them were Jewish.

1890: It was reported today that the Hebrew Orphan Asylum was one of the organizations that received a yellow silk banner for its participation in the Washington Centennial Parade last spring.

1890: The Trustees of the Hebrew Technical Institute are scheduled to meet at 11 A.M. at the Young Men’s Hebrew Association to elect officers to serve for the rest of the year.

1890: “New Publications” published today includes a review of The Unknown God: Or Inspiration Among Pre-Christian Races by C. Loring Brace in which the author expresses admiration for the fact “that so few evidences of Egyptian influence are found in the Hebrew faith.  The thinks and teachers of the Jews ‘were visted by those higher and purer inspirations which made them the greatest benefactors of mankind in ancient history.’”  Even though they lived among tribes “of far greater wealth and refinement…the Hebrew leaders preserved themselves from the contamination of polytheism and handed down the faith in a pure religion.’  “The Jews of modern days ought to be forever honored for such progenitors; a race which could produce such men deserves the lasting respect of mankind.”  (Brace was a 19th Protestant minister whose work with downtrodden included the famous “Orphan Train” that relocated parentless children from urban slums to the Midwest)

1892: Augustus Meyer, a Jew from St. Paul, MN, tried to kill himself this morning in New York City.

1892: Birthdate of Benjamin Percival Schulberg the pioneer film producer and movies studio executive.  B.P. Schulberg, as he was known, was the father of Bud and Stuart Schulberg.

1892: Birthdate of Isaac Don Levine, the Russian born American newspaper man who provided testimony to the House Un-American Activities Committee in the case against Alger Hiss.

1893(2ndof Shevat, 5653): Mrs. Charles Harris, a member of prominent Jewish family from Cleveland, apparently took her own life at the Marlborough Hotel in New York City.

1894: It was reported today that the United Hebrew Societies is one of three charities that will benefit from an upcoming band competition at the Madison Square Garden.

1894: It was reported today that in Macon, GA, Rabbi Farher has created “the greatest sensation. By forging documents, he has stolen between from one and two thousand dollars from several prominent people including Sam Waxelbaum and Simon Josephson.  A recent  widower, he is now engaged to four women, two of whom have acquired trousseaus in anticipation of marrying this father of two children.

1895: Of the Four hundred thousand “notices containing instructions to householders about disposing ashes and garbage” that have been printed and are being distributed in New York City, 10,000 are in Hebrew and none are in Yiddish.

1895: It was reported today that representatives of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society and the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children were among the charitable organizations who met to discuss ways to obtain public funds under the new rules adopted in New York.

1895: It was reported today that Robert Olyphant is President of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society which is currently caring for 800 children referred to the organization by the state.

1896: Dr. Joseph Silverman delivered a lecture entitled “Social Ostracism” at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.

1896: The Russian American Hebrew Association held its regular meeting today at the Hebrew Institute.

1897: N.S. Rosenau, a manager of the United Hebrew Charities, was among those attending the second monthly conference of charity organizations being held today at the United Charities Building.

1898: It was reported today that in Nantes, the shops belonging to the Jews have been stoned as violence sparked by the Dreyfus Affair and anti-Semitism sweep the country. 

1898: Extra policemen were guarding the homes of Emile Zola and Mathieu Dreyfus tonight as anti-Semitic mobs ranged through Paris.  Zola was the editor who had come to Alfred Dreyfus’ defense and Mathieu was the French officer’s brother who worked to free him.

1898: Copies of Aurore, the newspaper published by Georges Clemenceau, a non-Jewish supporter of Dreyfus and a critic of the military, were burned by the mob in Bordeaux.

1898: The Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society sponsored its 15th annual charity ball at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

1898: A series of violent anti-Jewish demonstrations took place this evening in Algiers.

1898: Isaac Greenblatt, the owner of a shoemaker’s shop who is president of an Orthodox congregation on East Broadway said that the matter concerning the expulsion of Isaac Rabinowitz for being a gambler in violation of the organizations seventy laws of governance has been referred to their lawyer after papers were served by Louis A. Jaffter the attorney for Rabinowitz who is seeking $2,000 in damages.

1898(25th of Tevet, 5658):Seventy-five year old Abraham Schlesinger passed away today.  A native of Cassel, he came to the United States in 1848.  “Three years later he began” manufacturing “uniforms for the Police Department and has been supplying the members of the force ever since as head of …A. Schlesinger & Sons. He supported numerous Jewish organizations including Mt Sinai Hospital, the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Montefiore Home.  A widower, he leaves behind six sons to recite kaddish.

1899: Based on reports published today on the number of tickets sold, approximately 1,500 attended the Hebrew Orphan Asylum’s annual charity ball.

1899: Simon Wolf, the former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey now living in Washington, DC, gave a speech to the Jewish Alliance in New York on the future of the Jews in America.

1912: Birthdate of Russian economist Leonid Kantorovich. He won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1975 and passed away in 1986.

1914: Francis de Pressensé a leading French journalist and politician who came from a prominent Protestant family passed away.  During the Dreyfus Affair, he sided with the Jewish officer, supporting General Picquart and losing his position on the roll of the “Legion of Honour” because he sided with Emile Zola.   

1917: German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann sends the Zimmermann Telegram to Mexico, proposing a German-Mexican alliance against the United States. This ill-considered electronic missive helped pave the road for the U.S. to enter World War I on the side of the Allies. The Zimmermann Telegram by Jewish historian Barbara Tuchman provides a very readable account of this little known piece history where the policies of Germany, Mexico, Great Britain and the United States came together on the world stage.

1920: The US Senate voted against membership in League of Nations.  With the rejection of the Versailles Treaty and membership in the League of Nations, Americawithdrew from the affairs of Europe.  This withdrawal is seen by many historians as one of the causes of World War II, with all the destruction and tragedy that that meant for the Jewish people.

1920:In Providence, RI, Walter Irving Sundlun and Jennette "Jan" Zelda (Colitz) Sundlun gave birth to Bruce Sundlun, the decorated war hero and attorney who served as the 71st governor of Rhode Island, making him the second Jew to hold this position.

1924: While visiting New York, Dr. Osias Thon, chief rabbi of Cracow and a member of the World Zionist Organization, said today that “I am most hopeful for Jews in Poland and for Poland as a nation.” Despite the continued manifestation of long standing national friction and “internal discords” Thon expressed the hope “that the time is not too far distant when the leading Polish statesmen will recognize the justice of our demands and there will be a Polish-Jewish peace founded on the basis of full rights for the Jews of Poland.

1930: The Palestine Court of Appeals continues to be inundated by cases stemming from the riots that took place in August, 1929.  Appellants are seeking to have their convictions over turned and/or have their sentences commuted.

1936: Birthdate of composer Elliot Schwartz creator of "Tapestry," for violin, cello and piano, emotionally charged piece of music. The work commemorates the courageous efforts of Danes in saving Danish Jews from the Nazis during World War II. Here, Schwartz works with melodic fragments paraphrased or borrowed from Jewish composers who were imprisoned at Theresienstadt, and also draws on a well-known Danish folk song that speaks of innocence and serenity.

1938: Dr. Bernard Joseph, legal adviser to the Jewish Agency for Palestine iarrived today  in New York today aboard the Cunard White Star liner Berengaria. He has come from Jeruslame  to attend the upcoming National Conference for Palestine to be held in Washington, D.C.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that Jewish truck drivers repelled an Arab attack on the Palestine Potash convoy, which was on its way to the Dead Sea, 10 km. east of Jerusalem. One driver was severely wounded, but the convoy finally reached its destination. The Iraq Petroleum Company pipeline was again set on fire.

1940: “You Natzy Spy,” a film starring the Three Stooges premiered. Nine months before the appearance of Charlie Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator” Moe (the Stooge whose name was Moses Howard), portrayed a “Hitler –like dictator” in the fictional country of Moronica.

1941 (20th of Tevet, 5701): Six thousand Jews were killed in Bucharest riots.

1942: Soviet forces recapture Mozhaisk, the closest that German troops had come to Moscow. With this, the Soviet capital is saved from occupation.

1942: Titus Brandsma, a Carmelite priest was arrested by German occupiers in Hollandfor speaking out against Nazism as a "lie" and "pagan."  Brandsma had been speaking out against the Nazis since the mid 1930’s.  After his arrest, he was shipped to Dachau in where he was the subject of medical experiments.  He died of a lethal injection in July, 1942. Brandsma was declared “Blessed” by Pope John Paul, II in 1985.  Since then, the promotion of his cause for sainthood has been in progress.

1943: As Nazis raid the Warsaw Ghetto for the second consecutive day, a crying child is accidentally suffocated by his terrified mother.

1943: Over the next three day six thousand Jews from Warsaw are murdered at the Treblinka death camp.

1945: The Death Marches began for the surviving Jews and Poles who were evacuated from Labor Camps and Concentration Camps. Those who were too weak to march were shot by the thousands. As they marched through the severity of winter to new locations, tens of thousands more were shot for any infraction.

1945: Soviet forces liberate ghetto of Łódź. Out of 230,000 inhabitants in 1940, less than 900 had survived Nazi occupation.

1948: A company of the 1st Battalion commanded by Assaf Simchoni unsuccessfully attacked a building used by Arab gang in Shefaram.

1948(8th of Shevat, 5708):Morris Eisenman, president and one of the founders of the Metropolitan News Company and a leader in Jewish philanthropic and cultural organizations passed away at the age of 74.  A native of Bialystock, Poland, Eisenman was brought to the United States in 1888 where he would go to work as a newsboy on the Lower East Side.  “In the 1890’s, he was co-found of the Abendblatt, a Yiddish newspapers and in 1897 assisted in organizing the Jewish Daily Forward.”  He was an active Zionist and a close personal friend of Chaim Weizmann.  “He helped organize and finance the Dvir Publishing Company in Eretz Israel which was headed by Chaim Nachman Bilak and Dr. Schmarya Levin and was formed to publish original and translated works in Hebrew.”

1949:  Cuba recognized Israel.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the East German police searched Jewish homes and offices, looking for "spies and saboteurs" in a move that placed 2,800 Jews in danger of an immediate arrest. Many East German Jews were trekking to West Berlin fearing the oncoming persecution. In New Yorkthe American Jewish Committee charged that in the Soviet Union some half a million Jews, out of the community of two million, faced arrests, deportations and Gulag concentration camps.

1954(15th of Shevat, 5714): Tu B'Shevat

1954: Birthdate of actress Katey Sagal, daughter of Boris Sagal, the Russian-Jewish immigrant whose directorial credits included episodes of “The Twilight Zone.” Sagal is best known for her role as Peg Bundy.

1960: As the crisis on the Golan heightens, President Nasser of Egypt sends troops across the Suez Canal, into the Sinai Peninsula in direct violation of the agreements reached at the end of fighting in 1956. 

1963: Birthdate of John Simon Bercow, the first Jew to serve as Speaker of the House of Commons

1965: In Chicago Sue (née Sandel) and Donald Pritzker gave birth to billionaire businessman Jay Robert (J.B.)  Pritzker.

1966: The Neil Simon, Coleman & Fields' musical "Sweet Charity" premiered

1972 (3rd of Shevat, 5732): American violinist Michael Rabin passes away.

1977: Jack Albertson is scheduled to co-host Inauguration eve entertainment gala at the Kennedy Center which will include performances by Beverly Sills and Paul Simon.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Egypthad broken off the Jerusalem talks and that President Anwar Sadat threatened to recall his delegation. He was, however, persuaded by US President Jimmy Carter to keep the door open. In Jerusalem, Prime Minister Menachem Begin, at an emergency cabinet meeting, announced at midnightthat "As the proposal that the negotiations of the joint military committee continue in Cairo, despite the suspension of the negotiations in Jerusalem, the government will consider this proposal."

1980 (1st of Shevat, 5740): Rosh Chodesh

1980 (1st of Shevat, 5740): Composer and band leader Richard Franko Goldman composer passed away at the age of 69. Goldman had succeeded his father Edwin Franko Goldman as conductor of the Goldman Band of New York City. He took a break from his musical career during World War II when he served as a member of the OSS, the predecessor to the CIA.

1980: Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas who ‘wrote that the nomination of Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court had “frightened the Establishment” because he was a “militant crusader for social justice” passed away

1982 (24th of Tevet, 5742): Leopold Trepper, famed World War II spy, passed away in Israelat the age of 77.  Born in Poland in 1904, Trepper supported the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution.    A committed Communist, Trepper moved to Palestineafter World War I, where he worked against British occupation until he was expelled in 1928.  With the outbreak of World War II, Trepper organized the Red Orchestra, one of the of most storied and successful spy networks in occupied Europe.  The Red Orchestra operated in Germany, France, Holland, Belgium and Switzerland.  One of its greatest accomplishments was tapping the phone lines of the German military intelligence units in occupied France. The Nazis broke the Red Orchestra in 1942 and Trepper hid in Paris until liberation in 1944.  Trepper made his way to Moscow where Stalin had him arrested.  He was finally freed from a Russian prison in 1955.  Trepper worked with the Jewish community in Poland before finally getting permission to move to Israel. You can read more about this Jewish James Bond in his autobiography, The Great Game.

1983: Acclaimed author Cynthia Ozick received the Mildred and Harold Strauss Living Award of the AmericanAcademy and Institute of Arts and Letters.

1983:  Klaus Barbie, SS chief of Lyon in Nazi-France, was arrested in Bolivia.

1984(15th of Shevat, 5744): Tu B'Shevat

1986: Birthdate of Loren Galler-Rabinowitz, the Harvard graduate who won a Bronze Medal for Ice Dancing in 2004 and competed for the title of Miss America in 2011 as Miss Massachusetts.

1986: Israeli premier Simon Peres visits Netherlands.

1986:  Spain recognizes Israel.

1987:The police said four Israeli gunboats rocketed Palestinian guerrilla positions in hills overlooking the southern Lebanese port of Sidon today, wounding at least four guerrillas. The police said the gunboat attack on guerrilla positions around Maghdusheh was believed to be in retaliation for the stabbings of two Israeli Jews in the Arab sector of Jerusalem Saturday. The Israelis were hospitalized. In Tel Aviv, an Israeli military spokeswoman said, ''In response to several questions regarding these reports from Lebanon, we deny any shelling took place today.''

1987 (18th of Tevet, 5747): Dr. Benjamin G. Levich, an internationally prominent physical chemist who won a six-year effort to emigrate from the Soviet Union, died of cardiac arrest today at Englewood (N.J.) Hospital at the age of 69. (As reported by Thomas W. Ennis)

1988:The Soviet Union said today that it had agreed to allow an official Israeli delegation to visit Moscow. Western diplomats said the visit, for which no date has been set, would be the first since the Soviet Union broke off diplomatic relations with Israel during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
 1988: An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ehud Gol, said in response to the Soviet announcement, ''Israel welcomes the statement of the Government of the Soviet Union by which it will permit an Israeli diplomatic delegation to visit Moscow.''

1991: Iraq launched a second missile attack against Tel Aviv this morning, military officials said. The Israeli authorities said the missiles carried conventional explosives, like the missiles that hit Tel Aviv and Haifa early yesterday. The Mayor of Tel Aviv was reported on radio and television to have said that two missiles landed in the city in the latest attack and that a few people were slightly wounded.

1991: As Iraqi missiles land in Israel, Topol, who stars as Tevye the milkman in the Broadway revival of "Fiddler on the Roof," left today for his home in Tel Aviv.

1991: Western European governments have strongly condemned Iraq for attacking Israel with missiles. But fearful that retaliation by Israel could weaken the anti-Iraqi alliance, they also urged its Government to show restraint in its response. Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd of Britain called the initial Iraqi attack yesterday "a reckless ploy" to widen the conflict. "Israel has a right to self-defense and no one can take that decision from them," he said. "But we believe restraint at this time would be interpreted as strength, not weakness." France also condemned yesterday's attack, but suggested that Israel would be playing into Iraq's hands if it responded to the provocation. Underlining the "overall goal" of driving Iraq from Kuwait, a Government spokesman said Israeli reprisals would "not necessarily be opportune" at this stage. The foreign spokesmen made their comments before a second round of Iraqi missiles struck Israel about 7:30 this morning. Israeli spokesmen said that at least two landed in Tel Aviv.

1992:"Israel: The Next Generation," a festival of performing arts opens tonight at the Brooklyn Academy of Music with a "Salute to Freedom" concert.

1992:  “Three bulky goons” came to the home of Richard Penzer allegedly to collect a debt owed to Morris Talansky for the loss he suffered in a real estate deal.

1993:  Israel recognized PLO as no longer criminal.

1996: Mark Twain’s granddaughter Nine, the daughter of Clara Clemens and Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the Jewish pianist and conductor, passed away.  She was the last known lineal descendant of the great American humorist.

1997: Yasser Arafat returned to Hebron after more than 30 years and joins celebrations over the handover of the last Israeli controlled West Bank city.

1997:The New York Times includes a review of Love Invents Us by Jewish author Amy Bloom and The Culture of the Copy: Striking Likenesses, Unreasonable Facsimilesby Hillel Schwartz.

2000(12th of Shevat, 5760): Hedy Lamarr, the raven-haired Jewish-Viennese beauty who became one of the reigning temptresses in Hollywood films in the 1930's and 40's, especially as Delilah vamping Victor Mature's Samson, was found dead in her home in Orlando, Fla., today. She was 86.

2001: Jack Lew completed his service as Director of the Office of Management and Budget, a position to which he had been appointed by President Bill Clinton.

2003: In an article in The Observer, columnist Jay Rayner reported that the quintessential British dish, Fish and Chips, was a Jewish creation.  In 1860, Joseph Malin opened the first business in London’s East End selling fried fish alongside chipped potatoes.  The National Federation of Fish Fryers presented a commemorative plaque to Malin’s of Bow in 1968 which attests to the accuracy of this story.  

2003(16th of Shevat, 5763): Françoise Giroud, the Swiss born French journalist who co-founded the political weekly L’Express passed away today at the age of 86. . She served as France's first minister of women's affairs. (As reported by Alan Riding)

2004: Today, Israel's prison chief said today that he would not permit Yigal Amir’s request to get married. Amir, who is serving a life sentence for the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, is seeking to marry a divorced mother of four, Reports of the wedding plans prompted outrage among Israeli politicians. Mr. Rabin's daughter, Dalia Rabin-Pelosoff, was admitted to a Tel Aviv hospital with an irregular heartbeat after hearing the news, but was expected to be released soon, Israeli news organizations reported. Mr. Amir wants to marry Larisa Trimbobler, described as an immigrant from the former Soviet Union who was divorced last year. Mr. Amir and Ms. Trimbobler, who the news reports say has a doctorate in philosophy, exchanged letters initially, and she was allowed to visit him.

2005 (9th of Shevat, 5765): Jacob L. Trobe, who directed the care and resettlement of thousands of Holocaust survivors left adrift after World War II, at his home in Haverford, Pa.at the age of 93. (As reported by Jennifer Bayot)

2006: A bomber blew himself up near the old central bus station in southern Tel Aviv at around 3:45 P.M. this afternoon.  Thirty-one people were injured or wounded.  The bomber came from the town of Nablus.  Islamic Jihad took credit for the terrorist attack.  Some Israeli leaders said there was evidence that Iran had been involved in planning or financing the attack.

2007: JTA reported that The Anti-Defamation League had honored an Albanian Muslim family that saved 26 Jews from the Nazis. The ADL posthumously awarded its Courage to Care award to Mefail and Njazi Bicaku, who sheltered Jews in the mountains of central Albania while the Nazis searched the area. The Bicakus already have been recognized by Israel and the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, which awarded them its highest honor, the Righteous Among the Nations Award. “In the moral void that engulfed the world in those nightmare days when the cruelty of the Nazis ran rampant, the Bicaku family was among those few shining stars,” said Michael Salberg, the ADL’s director of international affairs. Also on hand for the ceremony was the Albanian ambassador to the United Nations and the president of the Albanian American Women’s Organization.The Anti-Defamation League honored an Albanian Muslim family that saved 26 Jews from the Nazis.

2007: Dr. Bob and Laurie Silber, pillars of the Cedar Rapids Jewish Community, celebrate the birth of their first grandchild - Lewis Isaac Silber. 

2007: “In Private,” the first major solo exhibition in the United States of photographer J-F Levy opens at Gallery 339 in Philadelphia, PA.

2007: The Washington Post published “Goodbye, My Friends” the last column of Art Buchwald who passed away yesterday.

2008: In Washington, D.C. bookstoreJacob Heilbrunndiscusses and signs They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons.

2008: In Nevada, Republicans and Democrat hold caucuses to choose presidential delegates for their respective national conventions.  Since the caucuses are held on Saturday, observant Jews and others who observe the Sabbath on Saturday such as Seven Day Adventists are excluded from the process.  There are somewhere between 65,000 and 80,000 Jews living in Nevada, most in the Las Vegas area.  South Carolinaholds its presidential primary but observant Jews do not have to worry about being excluded since they can vote by absentee ballot.

2009: An exhibition of the works of Afula native Yael Bartana on display at the P.S.1 ContemporaryArtCenterin New York comes to an end.

2009: In Alexandria, VA, this is the second day of the Beth El Hebrew Congregation annual book sale which also features a wide array of CDs, DVDs and tapes

2009: Lewis Silber, the brilliant grandson of Dr. Bob & Laurie Silber who are pillars of the Cedar Rapids Jewish Community, is now only 11 years from his bar mitzvah as he celebrates his second birthday.

2009: “Why IsraelCan’t Win” is the cover story for Time magazine.

2010: The 19th annual New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present the United States Premiere of “Leon Blum: For All Mankind,” the powerful documentary that tells the story of a prominent French leader—a Jew who at different times was prime minister of France and a prisoner in the Buchenwald concentration camp. Blum devoted his life to improving the well-being of French workers and was an early champion of women’s rights. In 1936, he became prime minister; during his time in office, he led the Popular Front. In 1940, his socialist views and Jewish heritage placed him in jeopardy. The Vichy government sentenced him to five years in Buchenwald. After the war, Blum was welcomed home by the French people and was reelected prime minister.”

2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Festival is scheduled to present a screening of ”Zrubavel,” the first feature-length film ever created by Ethiopian Israelis” that tells the story of a family of Ethiopian émigrés is torn between love for homeland and assimilation with Israel.”

2010:In Herndon, VA, Rabbi Steven Glazer is scheduled to discuss business ethics at a meeting of The Hazak Active Retirees Chapter of Congregation Beth Emeth.

2010:Ernst Cramer, a German Jewish journalist and chairman of the Axel Springer Foundation who explored his country's relations to Israel and the US, died today in Berlin, 10 days before his 97th birthday. Shortly before his death from a heart attack, he established a German-Israeli journalism scholarship program. A week before his death Cramer informed the Jerusalem Foundation that Axel Springer was sponsoring a 10-year scholarship program for German and Israeli journalists. "Such an exchange helps carry forward the German-Israeli friendship into the next generation. That is first and foremost of importance," Cramer wrote in his letter to the Jerusalem Foundation. Cramer, a prolific journalist, played a decisive role in the journalistic history of post-Nazi Germany. In 1938, the Nazis deported him to the Buchenwald concentration camp. While his brother and parents were murdered in the camps, Cramer was able to seek refuge in the United States. In 1944, he returned as an American soldier and helped to rebuild a democratic press in West Germany.

2010:Israeli Ambassador Amos Radian told The Jerusalem Post how Reuven Shalom Bigio and Daniel Kedar - Jews who have lived in Haiti for years - are working behind the scenes to support Israel's earthquake relief mission in the Caribbean nation.

2011: “8 Stories That Haven’t Changed the World” a documentary on the childhood memories of eight Polish Jews born before WWII, is scheduled to have its U.S. Premiere at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2011: “Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work” a film that follows one year in the life of legendary actress/comedienne/ writer, Joan Rivers is scheduled to be shown at the 2011 Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival

2011: Gabe’s in Iowa City is scheduled to show “Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad,” a “refreshing mix of comedy, music, spoken-word and show-stopping burlesque, featuring the gals who learned to smoke at Hebrew School, got drunk at their Bat-Mitzvahs and would rather have more schtuppa than the chupah”

2011:Rabbi Jonathan Miller of Temple Emanu-El in Birmingham and Rabbi Elliot L. Stevens of Temple Beth Or in Montgomery met with Alabama Governor Robert Bentley two days after his inauguration. Bentley met with the two Rabbis to try and heal the damage done by his statement that"Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother " made whilespeaking at a service honoring Martin Luther King Jr. at King's first church, Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.  One of the Jewish leaders who met with Bentley, Rabbi Jonathan Miller of Temple Emanu-El in Birmingham, called the new governor's remarks "a difficult misstep" at the beginning of his administration. But he said he was pleased with the governor's apology and said "I hope and pray we can come together in the next four years." Another rabbi, Elliot L. Stevens of Temple Beth Or in Montgomery, called the meeting with Bentley a positive step.  "We are all gathered here at the table in the first days of his administration and we are talking about inter-religious dialogue," Stevens said.

2011:In Massachusetts, Steven Grossman was sworn in today as the state’s 59th treasurer. He recommitted himself to promises made on the campaign trail last fall as he pledged to put the state’s “checkbook” online and move state money out of large banks into smaller local and community banks willing to loan to small businesses.

2011(14th of Shevat, 5771):Nathan Batt, owner of a Jewish restaurant located in Al Capone’s home in Chicago which counted celebrities and politicians among its clientele for decades, died today at 93. "He had a great restaurant, but he was a great man," said James "Jimmy" Lemons, a cook for Batt who now owns Lem’s, a legendary barbecue restaurant on Chicago’s South Side. "Me being black, and him being Jewish and white, made no difference. He hired me for my skills - for what I could do and how I could cook. Got to the point he'd say I cooked Jewish food better than most Jewish people!" According to the Chicago Tribune the menu at Mama Batt's restaurant, which closed in the late 1970s, included classic foods such as matzo balls, blintzes, fried kreplach and kasha. Celebrities - including Jerry Lewis, Perry Como, and Danny Thomas – reportedly stopped by, and the late Mayor Richard J. Daley was a regular as well. "If the mayor got a cold, we'd send a big bowl of chicken soup to his office - the Jewish penicillin," said Batt’s son, Harry. Batt was born in Omaha, Neb., and his family opened a diner following a move to Chicago. After graduating from high school in 1935, Batt worked at his father's restaurant. Two years later, he married his childhood sweetheart, Rebecca, who died in 2005 after 68 years of marriage. The location of Batt’s was itself a part of the restaurant’s appeal. It was located in a crumbling hotel that Capone had used as a headquarters, and in its later years was the subject of many attempts at renovation, which eventually failed. Sports Illustrated featured Batt’s in a 1969 feature article on the popularity of tabletop sports games such as Strat-O-Matic Baseball in the era before video and computer games. (As reported by the Eulogizer)

2011(14th of Shevat, 5771): Joseph W. Samuels, publisher of Houston’s Jewish newspaper, the Herald-Voice, and a major supporter of the city’s Holocaust museum, died today at 95. Samuels bought the Jewish Herald-Voice in 1973, when he was 57, fulfilling his father’s dream, his wife, Jeanne, said. "It's a very cohesive community, and we like to contribute to that fact," she said. Samuels was “the epitome of what is good and honorable about journalism." Indeed, the newspaper’s website was full of tributes from past and former journalistic colleagues, as well as friends and family members: “Joe and Jeanne, and now their children and grandchildren, have been the community’s partners in conveying the news and interests of our organizations and institutions,” said Lee Wunsch, president & CEO of Jewish Federation of Greater Houston. Samuels was born in Dallas, and was raised in the Jewish Children's Home in New Orleans, after his father died. He attended Isidore Newman School, which had been established to educate children in the home, and which continues today as a college prep school. He worked several jobs as he pursued a degree in communications at the University of Houston, where he met his wife, Jeanne Franklin, whom he married in 1943. Samuels served in Italy and Southwest Africa with the Army Air Corps during World War II. (As reported by Eulogizer)

2011: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced at the start of today's cabinet meeting at the Knesset that a new Homeland Security Ministry would be created to be headed by Independence faction MK Matan Vilna'i. Netanyahu said that such ministries are prevalent around the world, including in the United States

2011: The estate of Arthur Conan Doyle announced that Anthony Horowitz was to be the writer of a new Sherlock Holmes novel, the first such effort to receive an official endorsement from them and to be entitled The House of Silk.

2011: As violence continues to erupt across Tunisia it was reported today that Roger Bismuth and Khlifa Atoun, the leaders of the Tunisian Jewish community have left the country

2012: In “He Made Blood and Guts Familiar and Fabulous” published today Roberta Smith described the exhibition of the works and the impact of Arthur Fellig, the photographer known as Wegee.

2012:Israeli hackers operating under the name of 'IDF Team' brought down the website of the Arab Bank of Palestine this morning in retaliation for a web attack on Israel's Anti-Drug Authority website.

2012:Chief Military Rabbi Brigadier-General Rafi Peretz called on religious high school seniors to enlist with the army today, saying that loyalty to the Jewish state must be unconditional.
2012: A dialogue between Dr. David Ellenson and Dr. Daniel Gordis on the subject of “The Jewish Core: What does it mean to be a Jew after modernity?” is scheduled to take place at the Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning at Temple Emanu-El

2012: “Making Trouble: Three Generations of Funny Jewish Women” is scheduled to be shown at Congregation Ner Tamid of South Bay in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

2012: The Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans is scheduled to hold the Goldring-Woldenberg Major Donor Dinner. 2013

2012:”100 Voices: A Journey Home,” a documentary that looks at Jewish culture in Poland, past and present, through a unique focus—100 cantors from around the world who came together for concerts at the Warsaw Opera House and the Nozyk Synagogue is scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2013: The JCCNV Performing Arts series is scheduled to present “Can I Really Date A Guy Who Wears a Yarmulke?”

2013: “Barbara” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: The third annual winter version of the Red Sea Festival being held at Eilat is scheduled to come to a close.

2013: The Ensemble Millennium is scheduled to perform a string quintet by Mendelssohn and a piano quintet by Schumann at the Eden-Tamir Music Center.

2014: Twelve year old Montrealer Lea Glubochansky is scheduled to perform Fritz Kreisler’s Rondo in Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall as a first-place winner of a Crescendo International Music Competition. (As reported by David Lazarus)

2014: “Exodus” and “For a Woman” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2014: “The Afterlives of Edgar G. Ulmer,” a film roundtable featuring Arianné Ulmer Cipes, the director’s daughter, Viennese film critic Stefan Grissemann, and New School Professor and author Noah Isenberg is scheduled to take place at the Center for Jewish History.

2014: In Alexandria, VA, Beth El Hebrew Congregation is scheduled to begin its 12th annual “Gigantic Used Book Sale.”

2014: Zaytoun a “story of survival, reconciliation and friendship between an imprisoned Israeli pilot and a 10-year-old Palestinian”  is scheduled to be shown City Playhouse under the auspices of the Toronto Jewish Film Festival.

2014: The Jewish Museum is scheduled to host “Painting Beyond Belief II” in which David Jselit and Thomas Eggerer will explore “issues in contemporary painting since the death of Marc Chagall in 1985.”

2014: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback edition of Farewell, Fred Voodoo: A Letter From Haiti by Amy Wilenz and Simon Winder’s Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe “where all Habsburg legislation in relation to the Jews was carried out effectively without reference to their needs or any real knowledge of their ideas” as well as a “conversation” with E.L. Doctorow



This Day, January 20, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin


January 20

250: Emperor Decius begins a widespread persecution of Christians in Rome.  Decius reign came during a fifty year period (235-285) that was marked by “crisis, confusion and deterioration throughout the Roman Empire.  In what appears to have been an attempt to assert imperial authority, Decius “ordered the entire population of the empire to report to authorities and prove its loyalty by sacrifice, a libation or some similar sign of participation in the cult of the emperor.”  Apparently the early Christians would not participate as a matter of religious scruple and suffered accordingly.  For reasons that are unclear, Jews were exempt from the decree.  This could have been because the Jews were not seen as posing any threat since they had been defeated in three uprisings by Roman forces, the last of which had taken place more than a century ago in what had become a backwater of the imperial domain.

1191: Even though his army was only 12 miles from Jerusalem, Richard the Lionheart decided not to lay siege to the city due to bad weather and fear that his army might be trapped by another force of Muslims coming to relieve the siege.  This timidity cost Richard his best shot at capturing the Holy City and sealed the fate of the Third Crusade as another Christian defeat.

1265: In Westminster, the first English parliament conducts its first meeting held by Simon de Montfort in the Palace of Westminster.  He is also remembered as the anti-Semite who expelled the Jews from Leister.
1320: Duke Wladyslaw Lokietek becomes king of Poland. During his reign the Jews continued to be governed under the terms of The General Charter of Jewish Liberties known as the Statute of Kalisz issued by the Duke of Greater Poland Boleslaus the Pious in 1264. “The statute granted exclusive jurisdiction over Jewish matters to Jewish courts and established a separate tribunal for matters involving Christians and Jews. Additionally, it guaranteed safety and personal liberties for Jews such as freedom of religion, trade, and travel.” The statute was ratified by several Polish kings whose reigns lasted until the middle of the 16th century.  While many people who only know about “modern Polish history” see Poland as a land of anti-Semitism, at one time it was a home governed by those with a benign attitude toward the Jewish people.

1466 (3rd of Shevat): Leon ben Joshua completed the manuscript of Sefer ha-Tadir, a work that included Aramaic and Hebrew texts of the Scroll of Antiochus.

1569: Myles Coverdale, who produced the first completed printed translation of the Bible into English passed away.  The accuracy of the translation might be called into question since he did not know Hebrew or Greek which meant he relied on translations of translations to produce what for Englishmen was a work of major importance.

1667: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth cedes Kiev, Smolensk, and “the leftbank” of theUkraine to Imperial Russia in the treaty of Andrusovo.  This marked an end to fighting that had begun in 1654 and included the Chmielnicki Uprisingwhich wasso devastating to the Jews of Poland.  This treaty marks the decline of Poland that will ultimately end at the end of the 18th century with the final partition of Poland.  The quality of life for the Jewish people would also slide downward until it ended in the morass of the Pale of Settlement.

1857: Birthdate of Andre Crémieu-Foa, the Paris born French cavalry officer who fought a series of duels in 1892 after the Libre Parole published a series of articles “on the preponderance of the Jewish element in the French Army.”  Among those whom fought (and wounded) was Edoard Drumont, the notorious anti-Semite and editor of the paper.

1848(15thof Shevat, 5608): Tu B’Shevat

1859(15thof Shevat, 5619) Tu B’Shevat

1865: According to a report written today German and English Jews have a monopoly on the cotton trade in New Orleans because they are men without "any country or local attachment" or conscience.

1865: As Sherman’s Army marched north to join forces with General Grant, the 27thOhio Infantry Division including Private Jacob C. Cohen took part in a reconnaissance that led to the Salkehatchie River, S.C.,

1876: It was reported today that when Mme. Rothschild’s physician told her that despite all of his skill, he could not make her young again, she replied, “No doctor, I don’t ask to be made young again; I only ask to continue to grow old.”

1877: Captain Leavy of the Third Brooklyn Precinct arrested James L. Manker tonight after he tried to spend a two dollar bill that had been altered to make it appear that it was a ten dollar bill.  According to police Mr. Manker has done this to other merchants prior to tonight.  Mr. Manker professes to be a devout Methodist who writes sermons for M.L. Rossvally “a converted Jew who publishes a weekly paper called The Hebrew Evangelist and Converted Jew.”

1878: In Cairo, Egypt, Moise Cattaui and Ida Rossi gave birth to Edgar Cattaui

1878: In a case of Jew versus Jew, Mark Arnsteat was arraigned at the Essex Market Police Court on charges of keeping a disorderly house.  The charge was based on a complaint filed by his neighbor David Rosenbaum.
1879: According to an article published today “the project proposed some time” ago “in Great Britain by leading Jews of the country to by Palestine is said to have been completed.  The Rothschilds, Motefiores and other prominent and wealthy financiers have entire confidence, it is reported, in the success of the undertaking, are moving engergetically towards its early achievement.” The article continues with a description of the country of which it says “Those familiar with Palestine will not regard it as specially desirable, for its main features are not very attractive.”  The article concludes with “So much has been said for generation of the Jews regaining possession of Jerusalem, that it is agreeable to think that they are like to do so at last.  They certainly deserve Jerusalem.” [Editor’s note – I cannot find any other reference to this project.  If anybody with an expertise in Anglo-Jewish history has information to share, please do so.]

1879: The Executive Board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations began meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, today.  Fifteen congregations have joined the this union of Reform Congregations in the last 6 months.  A resolution was adopted instructing the Board of Delegates on Civil and Religious Rights the feasibility of working with Jewish organizations in Europe that are encouraging their co-religionists to take up agrarian pursuits which they follow if they settle in the American West and South.  [This was part of a plan to encourage Jews to settle in places other than the large cities of the Northeast.]

1891:  Birthdate of violinist Mischa Elman.

1891: A meeting of clergymen  that included Rabbis Gottheil, de Sola Mendez, Perira Mendez and Jacobs, Rabbi A. M. Radin was pointed Visiting Chaplain making him the first Rabbi chosen to minister to the needs of Jews incarcerated in the reformatories of New York City.

1892: It was reported today that a mob at Kasehan, Hungary, attacked a Jewish school “and completely wrecked it.”

1892: It was reported today that representatives of the Jewish Colonization Society, headed by Baron Hirsch  are being sent to Mexico and Brazil for “the purpose of selecting land” that would be suitable “for establishing large colonies of Russian Jews.” These two countries have shown themselves to be receptive to such a venture which is fortuitous since Argentina, which had been the site for such settlements, has development an “anti-Semitic sentiment.”

1892: At the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts, the first official basketball game is played.  Basketball proved to be extremely popular with Jews living in large urban eastern areas. There was such an abundance of Jewish participants that it was referred to as the “Jewish sport.”  On commentator observed that “no other sport so required ‘the characteristics inherent in the Jew…mental agility, perception…imagination and subtlety…If he Jew had set out deliberately to invent a game which incorporates those traits indigenous in him…he could not have had a happier inspiration than basketball.’ Describing the Jewish domination, this commentator concluded ‘ever since Dr. James A. Naismith came up with a soccer ball, two peach baskets and a bfright idea…basketball players have been chasing Jewish athletes and never quite catching up with them.’”

1893: It was reported today that the body of the late Mrs. Charles Harris is being prepared for shipment to Cleveland.  The twenty four year old Jewess was a part of a prominent Jewish Cleveland family, named Fieldheim.

1893: As of today, Henry W. Curtis of Hoenninghaus & Curtis, wholesale milliners said that Moses and Julia Levy who owned a millinery store on Broadway owed his firm $6,783.52

1895: The Sultan is credited with having issued an order to the Governors of Jerusalem and Beirut ordering them to remove all of the restrictions that had been placed on Jews trading in Syria.  The Sultan also has declared that the Jews “shall enjoy the same rights, religious and otherwise, as any of the people in the empire.”

1895: It was reported today that the Minuet a la Coeur will be danced for the first time in New York City at the upcoming ball sponsored by the Young Ladies and Gentlemen’s League of the Montefiore Home.

1895: It was reported today that Deputy Boeckel, “the blatant Jew baiter” addressed a meeting of Social Democrats in Berlin which is seen as a sign that the anti-Semites and the Social Democrats are joining forces.

1896:  Birthdate of George Burns.  Born Nathan Birnbaum, Burns was part of the first wave of American Jews who found success in making us laugh. The sound of laughter has been with us since the outset of Jewish history.  Remember, Sarah laughed when she heard that she was going to give birth to a son.

1896: It was reported that Dr. Joseph Silverman believes that the Jew is a victim of “Social Ostracism.”  While “the hand of fellowship is extended to the Mohammedan, the Buddhist and others…there seems to be a universal bar against the Jew.” (more for 2014)

1897: The Hebrew Orphan Asylum hosted its 14th annual charity ball at the Academy of Music in Brooklyn.

1898: It was reported today that a thousand students gathered at the Panetheon shouting anti-Zola and anti-Jewish slogans.  The police broke up the demonstrations, but they re-grouped in various parts of the Latin Quarter.

1898: It was reported today that Emile Zola has already begun preparing his defense which will include calling a handwriting expert among his 250 witnesses.
1898: It was reported today that students tried to burn an effigy of Emile Zola in Algiers.  The police arrested five students whose friends then attacked the police in an effort to free them.

1898: It was reported today that there have been anti-Jewish demonstrations in Toulouse, Marseilles, Nantes and Rouen.

1898: It was reported today that the 15thannual ball of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society was a financial success that will provide funds for a technical school to be built at the asylum’s facility.

1898: During today’s Cabinet meeting in Paris, the Minister of the Interior described the measures that have been taken to prevent further street demonstrations by anti-Dreyfus and anti-Zola forces.

1898: It was reported today that Isaac Greenblatt who owns a shoemaker’s shop is the President of an orthodox synagogue on East Broadway which also serves as a burial and mutual aid society and has assets of thousands of dollars

1898: “Penuchle And Orthodoxy” published today described a dispute between Isaac Rabinowitz and his co-religionists over his failure to attend religious services and his penchant for playing a card game when gambling was strictly forbidden.

1899: It was reported today that Simon Wolfe, the former U.S. Minister to Turkey believes that the future of the Jews in America is a bright one. “Never in the history of Judaism in ancient or modern times has the outlook for the Jewish people been more flattering than in these United States.”
1902: Herzl writes to Israel Zangwill and Joseph Cowen and describes the financial plans regarding Turkey.

1904: The Jewish Museum was established when Judge Mayer Sulzberger donated 26 ceremonial art objects to The Jewish Theological Seminary of America as the core of a museum collection.

1912: Writing in The Outlook, a periodical that reflected his efforts toward social reform, Dr. Lyman Abbott, a celebrated liberal theologian who supported the progressive policies of Theodore Roosevelt, advises an inquirer that he is under no moral obligation to admit Jewish pupils to his school.

1913: Austrian steel tycoon Karl Wittgenstein passed away.  He was the grandson of Moses Meyer-Wittgenstein, a successful Jewish businessman and the son of Herman Wittgenstein who converted before Karl’s birth. This was an all too common tale in 19th century Europe.

1914: German born composer and pianist Emil Liebling passed at away at the age of 62. Liebling settled in Chicago in the 1870’s and he spent the rest of his career performing and composing the United States.

1917(26th of Tevet, 5677): Avshalom Feinberg passed away. He was one of the leaders of Nili, a Jewish spy network in Ottoman Palestine helping the British fight the Ottoman Empire during World War I passed away today. Born in 1889 at Gedera, Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire Feinberg studied in France. He returned to work with Aaron Aaronsohn at the agronomy research station in Atlit. Soon after the beginning of war, Aaronson founded the Nili underground along with his sister Sarah Aaronsohn, Feinberg and Yosef Lishansky. In 1915 Feinberg travelled to Egypt and made contact with British Naval Intelligence. In 1917, Feinberg again journeyed to Egypt, on foot. He was apparently killed by a Bedouin near the British front in Sinai, close to Rafah. His fate was unknown until after the 1967 Six-Day War when his remains were found under a palm tree that had grown from date seeds in his pocket to mark the spot where he lay. In 1979 a new Israeli settlement in the Sinai Peninsula, Avshalom was named after him. Although it was abandoned following the Camp David Accords, a new village by the same name was founded in Israel in 1990.

1920: In New York, Esther (Solomon) Landau and Max Landau gave birth to film producer and production executive Ely A. Landau who won a Peabody Award for “Play of the Week.” (As reported by Eric Pace)

1920(29th of Tevet, 5680): General Alfred Mordecai, Jr. passed away.

1920 (29th of Tevet, 5680): Italian sculptor and painter Amedeo Modigliani passed away.

1920: The American Civil Liberties Union was founded today.The ACLU's stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States." The ACLU is not a Jewish organization but Jews have been associated with it since its founding. For example, Louis Brandies was a mentor to co-founder Roger Baldwin and Felix Frankfurter was among its founding members. As a defender of the rights of minorities, the ACLU has continued to attract Jewish support.

1923: Birthdate of David M. Lee, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1996.

1924: In Brooklyn, Joseph and Ethel Price Pockriss gave birth to Lee Julian Pockriss who wrote the music for midcentury pop hits like “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini,” “Catch a Falling Star” and “Johnny Angel.” (As reported by Anita Gates)

1924: Bernard Semel, Reuben Branin, Philip Wattenberg, Sigmund Thau and William Edlin headed a committee that is hosting a public reception in honor of Dr. Osias Thon, the chief Rabbi of Cracow, who is visiting New York City.
1928: Birthdate of Martin Landau.  The Brooklyn born actor first gained fame in the television hit Mission Impossiblebefore carving out a career on the Big Screen as a character actor.

1929: This afternoon at the Free Synagogue, Dr. Stephen S. Wise officiated at the funeral services for “late Sophie Irene Loeb, noted author and leader in child welfare work” after which she was interred at the congregation’s Westchester Hills Cemetery. (As reported by JTA)

1932: In a Letter-To-The- Editor published in the New York Times, Frank P. Chisholm wrote that “Negroes lost a friend” with the passing of Julius Rosenwald. “No group of people feels more keenly the death of Julius Rosenwald than the Negro. Since 1910, when Booker T. Washington became his friend, some of Mr. Rosenwald's most notable gifts were made to raise the status of the American Negro.”

1932: Mayor Jimmy Walker (who wasn’t Jewish) appoints Maurice Deisches (who was Jewish) to the Board of Higher Education.

1933: Birthdate of U.S. diplomat Morton Isaac Abramowitz.

1935: Today was designated as Palestine Day by the Zionist Organization of America.  Over 400 cities and towns throughout the United States planned on observing the event with a series of meetings and dinners.

1935:  Governor James Allred proclaimed today as Palestine Day in Texas in recognition of the progress “that has been recorded in the modern reconstruction of the holy land.”

1937: Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated for his second term as President of the United States. He is the first the first president to be inaugurated on January 20. During his second term FDR would continue with many of his New Deal policies which were popular with a majority of Jewish voters.  Also during his second term, he would nominate Felix Frankfurter to serve on the Supreme Court to replace Justice Cardozo. FDR’s second term would also see the continuing rise of the Nazis and the outbreak of WW II in Europe.  While he opposed the Nazis, he had to move cautiously given the strong isolationist sentiment in the United States. He has been strongly criticized for his failure not to allow more Jews to enter the United States.  During the St. Louis Affair, Roosevelt’s government gave strict orders that the ship should not be allowed to dock in the United States.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that David Bialo, a Jewish employee of the Public Works Department, displayed great presence of mind and averted serious injury to himself and his four colleagues when he seized a bomb thrown into their car and hurled it into the roadway. The assailant was later recognized and arrested. Two Arabs were sentenced to death for carrying arms and ammunition and firing at police. The Post's leading article reminded the authorities of the many shooting outrages in Jerusalem's Rehavia, Talpiot and other quarters and asked for greater vigilance.

1939: Hitler proclaimed to the German parliament his commitment to exterminate all European Jews

1941 (21st of Tevet, 5701): Three Jews, Icek Brona, Ita Kinster and Abram Szmulewicz, died from hunger and cold in the Lodz Ghetto

1941: Two thousand more Jews died of hunger in the Warsaw Ghetto.

1942: The Wannsee Conference was held in Berlin. This conference was meant to coordinate the activities of the ministries involved with the Nazi Party and S.S. agencies in carrying out the Final Solution. Details of methods and logistics on carrying out the Final Solution were decided then.“The Wannsee conference was the discussion by a group of Nazi officials about the "final solution of the Jewish question" (Endlösung der Judenfrage). It took place on January 20, 1942 in the Wannsee Villa overlooking the Wannsee lake in southwestern Berlin and would lead to the Holocaust. Discussion centered on the aim of the expulsion of the Jews from every sphere of life of the German people and the expulsion of the Jews from the living space of the German people. Measures to date were discussed and the concept of the 'deportation' of the Jews to the East was introduced - for "appropriate labour... in the course of which action doubtless a large portion will be eliminated by natural causes", the "final remnant will... have to be treated accordingly, because it... would, if released, act as a the seed of a new Jewish revival". The number of Jews in Europe were enumerated (roughly 11 million) and the methods of evacuation were considered with regard to age and country of origin. The treatment of people with 'mixed blood' was also carefully discussed. Dr. Josef Bühler pushed Heydrich to implement the final solution in the General Government. As far as he was concerned, the main problem of General Government was an overdeveloped black market that deorganises the work of the authorities. He saw a remedy in solving the Jewish question in the country as fast as possible. An additional point in favour was that there were no transportation problems here.The meeting is noted as the first discussion of the 'final solution' and also because the records and minutes of the meeting were found intact by the Allies at the end of WW II and used during the Nuremberg Trials. The protocol of the meeting was prepared by Adolf Eichmann aided by Reinhard Heydrich and does not explicitly mention mass murder; Eichmann later admitted at his trial that the actual language used during the conference was much more blunt and included terms such as ‘extermination’ and ‘annihilation.’". This plan to annihilate the Jews included not only 11 million Jews of Central Europe, but 700,000 Jews in unoccupied France which included the Jews of North Africa. Listed on documents at the Conference were 10,000 Jews of the neutral country of Spain.

1943: In a letter to the Reich minister of transport, SS chief Heinrich Himmler requests additional trains so that the "removal of Jews" from across Europe can be speeded up.“If I am to wind things up quickly, I must have more trains.”

1944: The 80,000 Jews still living within the Lodz ghetto were faced with the catastrophe of inevitable starvation.

1944: The Nazis deported 1155 Jews from the transit camp at Drancy, France, to Auschwitz.

1944: Today Otto Blumenthal was sent, at his own request, to the "old people's ghetto" Theresienstadt since he had heard that his sister had been sent there in July 1942. When he arrived at Theresienstadt he found that, although his sister had been there, she had died six months earlier. Blumenthal himself died at Theresienstadt after suffering from pneumonia, dysentery and tuberculosis.

1945 (6th of Shevat, 5705): The Germans shot 4200 Jews at Auschwitz.

1948(9th of Shevat, 5708): Sixty-eight year old archaeologist Ernst Emil Herzfeld whose work included excavation and analysis of what is believed to “Esther’s Tomb” and was forced to leave Germany because of his “German ancestry” passed away today

1948:A memorandum written today from State Department’s policy staff led by George F. Kennan forecast that “Ultimately the U.S. might have to support the Jewish authorities by use of naval units and military forces...It is improbable that the Jewish state could survive over any considerable period time in the face of the combined assistance which be forthcoming for the Arabs in Palestine from the Arab States and in lesser measure from their Moslem neighbors."

1949: Harry S. Truman, the man who was so proud of his role in the creation of the state of Israel was inaugurated as President of the United States.

1949: In the midst of the Jewish state’s fight for birth and survival we find the struggle between the secular and religious members of the government came to a head over the question of the importation of non-kosher meat. The cabinet voted to place the importation of meat under the joint control of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Religion.  This effectively meant that only kosher meat would be brought into Israel.  More importantly, this “compromise” showed the disproportionate strength of the religious parties in Israel’s fractured political structure. 

1951: Birthdate of Shelley Berkley, member of the House of Representatives from the first district of Nevada. BornRochelle Levine, Berkley is the first Jewish woman and the second Jew elected to the House of Representatives from Nevada.

1951: Birthdate of Hungarian born conductor Ivan Fischer.

1952: Birthdate of Paul Stanley lead singer “Kiss.”

1953: Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated for his first term as President of the United. Eisenhower would be confronted with one of the greatest challenges of his presidency during the Suez Crisis of 1956.

1953(4th of Sh'vat, 5713):Aaron Goldberg, the paternal grandfather of famed historian Sir Martin Gilbert passed away at the age of 93. Born in Poland when it was part of the Russian Empire, he came to Great Britain in the last decade of the 19th century.  He was preceded in death by his wife, Annie (of blessed in memory) who passed away in 1950 at the age of 78.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Knesset condemned Soviet anti-Semitism by a vote of 89 to six. The government warned Israeli Communists and their press against backing the current Soviet anti-Jewish campaign. Over 300 Jews were reported to be fleeing East Germany to Western Berlin. The arrest of Dr. Lajos Stoeckler, leader of the Hungarian Jewish community, spread fears among the local Jews. The newly organized Hadassah cardio-surgical department carried out the first two completely successful delicate heart operations.

1955:An exhibit at the Boston Public Library includes ceremonial objects, photographs and mementos of early Boston Jews.

1956: Birthdate of Bill Maher, American actor, comedian, and political analyst. His mother was Jewish but his father was Catholic.

1957: Jewish composerMorton Gould's "Declaration" premieres in Washington DC

1961: John F. Kennedy was inaugurated President of the United States.  The first Roman Catholic U.S. President, Kennedy had received overwhelming support from Jewish voters.  He appointed Abraham Ribicoff as Secretary of H.E.W. and Arthur Goldberg as Secretary of Labor.  His administration provided support for the still fledgling state of Israel.

1962(15th of Shevat, 5722): Tu B’Shevat

1963:83-Year-old Rosina Lhevinne performed with the New York Philharmonic

1963: Birthdate of Yishay Levi, the native of Rosh HaAyin and brother of Nati Levi, whose first album “Hafla with Ben Mohes” helped to make him “a superstar in clubs all over Israel”

1965; Francisco Franco met with Jewish representatives to discuss the legal status of the Jewish community in Spain. It was the first such meeting since 1492.

1965:  Rabbi Judah Schachtel of Houston's Congregation Beth Israel delivered the inaugural prayer for President Lyndon B. Johnson in Washington, D.C.
1969: David Dubinsky received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

1969: Sheldon Cohen completed his term as Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service.

1975: In “One of a Golden Dozen,” published today, Time remembers the career of the late Richard Tucker who passed away last week at the age of 60 on the eve of the 30th anniversary of his debut at New York’s Metropolitan Opera.

1977(1st of Shevat, 5737): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1977: Inauguration of Jimmy Carter, the President who would broker the Camp David Peace Accords. 

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that after Egypt broke off the political negotiations held in Jerusalem, US President Jimmy Carter warned that the Middle East might have lost 'a precious opportunity for the historic settlement of the long-standing conflict ­ an opportunity which may not come again in our lifetime.' He asked both Israel and Egypt to maintain the momentum for peace. In Jerusalem Premier Menachem Begin said that the future of negotiations depended on the expected meeting of the US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

1975: Michael Ovitz starts Creative Artist Agency.

1975: Birthdate of Shortstop David Eckstein.  Eckstein is not Jewish but for some reason he was selected to the Jewish All-American team.

1979: Birthdate of Rob Bourdon drummer with Linkin Park.

1980: Tight end Randy Grossman earns his final championship ring as the Steelers win Super Bowl XIV.

1981: At his inauguration Ronald Reagan chose to use his mother’s worn Bible when taking the oath of office. He placed his hand on one of her favorite verses, II Chronicles 7:14: “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Reagan had received 39% of the Jewish vote which was unusually high for a Republican candidate.

1983: In New York, Michael Bloomberg and Susan Brown gave birth to Georgina Leigh Bloomberg

1988: The Minister of Police said today that he had no immediate plans to use emergency powers to impose curfews in Arab East Jerusalem or order striking shops there to open.

1989: Inauguration of George H.W. Bush as President of the United States.  During the Gulf War, Bush convinced the Israelis not take military action against Iraq.  For the first time in its history, the Israelis entrusted their security to forces other than the IDF when they allowed Patriot Batteries to respond to attacks by Scud Missiles. At the end of his Presidency, Bush granted pardons to all of those involved in the Iran-Contra Affair including Elliot Abrams.

1991:Like Israelis, today Palestinians used the first quiet moment after Iraqi missile attacks on Friday and Saturday to stockpile for further siege. But unlike the Jews, the Palestinians say they welcome the missiles, because they believe Israel deserves to be attacked, and because, one way or another, they think war will help create a Palestinian state.

1991: Mike Burstyn, who portrays Mayer Rothschild in the Off Broadway revival of "The Rothschilds," left today so that he could be in Israel as the war with Iraq continues to take its toll on the Jewish state.

1992(15thof Shevat, 5752): Tu B’Shevat

1993: In an unusual break with international practice, the mostly Muslim republic of Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia has decided to establish an embassy in Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said today. The announcement came during a three-day visit here by Askar Akayev, President of the former Soviet republic, and was praised by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. .

1997: William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton is inaugurated for his second term as President of the United States.  Clinton’s second term would be dominated by his affair with a young Jewess named Monica Lewinsky.  Towards the end of his term he would attempt to broker a peace agreement between the Palestinians and the Israelis by holding a series of meetings with Prime Minister Barak and Chairman Arafat. The efforts failed because Arafat would accept the deal because he said he would be signing his death warrant. At the end of the term, Clinton would cause another minor scandal with his pardon of Marc Rich.

1998 (22nd of Tevet, 5758): Zevulun Hammer, Deputy Prime Minister of Israel passed away.  A Sabra, Hammer was born in Haifa in 1936.  He studied at Bar Ilan University.  He began his parliamentary career in 1969.  He chaired several different Knesset committees and was head of the National Religious party.

1998 (22nd of Tevet, 5758: Statistician and psychologist Jacob Cohen passed away today.

1999: Shaul Amo was made Minister without Portfolio today.

2001: In a move that “stunned law enforcement officials,” President Clinton granted a last-minute pardon to Marc Rich, the commodities trader who had evaded prosecution for 18 years and his former partner, Pincus Green, who have lived in Europe since they fled the United States during an investigation into their oil-trading activities that led to a 1983 indictment on 51 counts of tax evasion, racketeering and violating sanctions against trading with Iran. An amazing number of Jews sent letters urging this action or attesting to Rich’s great qualities including a former head of Mossad.

2001: Richard J. Danzig completed his service as United States Secretary of the Navy.

2002: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Kafka Americana by Jonathan Lethem and Carter Scholz and Home Lands:Portraits of the New Jewish Diaspora by Larry Tye

2002:Today, a senior Israeli military official said Palestinian officials considered to be close to Chairman Yassar Arafat had begun to talk among themselves about replacing him. But he said it was unlikely that they would act as long as Mr. Arafat had some international support and continued receiving financial backing from the European Union and Arab states. ''They won't move until they know they are going to be successful,'' he said. ''It's like Julius Caesar and Brutus.'' Top Palestinian officials insist that loyalty to Mr. Arafat has not wavered.

2002: During a visit to Israel, today, former President Bill Clinton called on the Palestinians and Israelis to keep working for peace. When talking about attempts by his administration bring peace to the two parties, Clinton but placed “the blame for his peace initiative's failure squarely on Mr. Arafat, the Palestinian leader.’ ''’Chairman Arafat missed a golden opportunity,’'' Mr. Clinton said in a speech here tonight, ruing Mr. Arafat's rejection of a peace proposal made at Camp David in 2000.”

2003:  The seven crewmembers of the ill-fated space shuttle Columbia woke up to the song, Hatishma Koli (Will you hear my voice?)

2003 (17th of Shevat, 5763): Caricaturist Al Hirschfeld passed away in New York at age 99.

2004(26th of Tevet, 5764): Eighty-nine year old political activist Roberta Garfield Cohn, the widow of John Garfield, passed away today.

2005 (10th of Shevat, 5765): Israeli civilian Gabriel Dwait, a 27 year old immigrant from Ethiopia drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. Hezbollah would use his corpse as a bargaining chip in an exchange with Israeli authorities in 2007.

2005 (10 Shevat 5765): The Hon. Dame Miriam Louisa Rothschild, British zoologist, entomologist and author passed away at the age of 96.(As reported by Douglas Martin)

2005: George Bush is sworn in for his second term as President of the United States.  Bush saw himself as an unabashed foe of anti-Semitism and a supporter of Israel’s security needs.

2006:Larry Franklin, the Pentagon analyst who admitted conveying classified information to staffers of the pro-Israel lobby (AIPAC) and to Israeli officials, was sentenced to 12 years of prison and a $10,000 fine at the US District Court in Alexandria Virginia. Larry Franklin, a mid-level civilian employee in the Iran desk at the Pentagon, passed on classified information to Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman who were on the staff of Aipac as well as to Naor Gilon, the former political officer at the Israeli embassy in Washington.

2007(1st of Shevat, 5767): Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat

2008: The Sunday New York Times book section featured reviews of Mark Scroggins’ The Poem of a Life  a biography of poet Louis Zukofsky who as “a child of immigrant Jewish parents on the Lower East Side recited Yehoash’s Yiddish translation of Longfellow’s “Hiawatha” on street corners to gangs of Italian boys.”; Geraldine Brooks’ People of the Book, a novel based on “the centuries-old Hebrew codex known as the Sarajevo Haggadah”; Fred Wander’s The Seventh Well“a novel about the camps by a survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald”; Into The Tunnel: The Brief Life of Marion Samuel, 1931-1943 by  Götz Aly; The Jew of Home Depot And Other Stories by Max Apple; Revolution in the Mind: The Creation of Psychoanalysisby George Makari; as well as an essay entitled “The Story of The Night” that answers the question “How did a Holocaust memoir rejected by 15 publishers and largely ignored by readers go on to sell 10 million copies?” and a retrospective look at The Best and the Brightestby the late Jewish author David Halberstam whichthirty-five years ago this week, in January of 1973, was the No. 1 nonfiction title on the best sellers list.

2008: The cover story of TheNew York Times Magazine features Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke of whom the author writes “grew up in the small town of Dillon, S.C., at the tail end of the segregation era (in high school he wrote a schoolboy’s novel about whites and blacks coming together on the basketball team). His father and his uncle ran a local drug store. Folks trustingly called them Dr. Phil and Dr. Mort. Ben, who skipped first grade, was obviously smart from the get-go. He played the saxophone, just as Greenspan did, and waited tables two summers and worked construction another. The Bernankes were observant Jews, and Ben’s folks fretted when he got into Harvard that if he strayed from home he might wander from his religious teachings. It was never a risk. Judaism is important to Bernanke, though, as with other personal subjects, he does not discuss it.” Bernanke succeeded Arthur Greenspan who was also Jewish as head of the Federal Reserve. In addition to which “Bernanke’s first exposure to monetary policy was reading the works of Milton Friedman, the Nobel laureate,” who was also Jewish.

2008: In an article entitled “Abandoned Torah, Adopted, Is Revived,” Julius Charkes describes the amazing story of how a Torah that had survived the Holocaust, was rescued by a group of American students who saw it in the window of Polish pawn shop and brought to the United States to be restored by a Jerusalem-based sofer.

2009: Jack Markell is sworn in at 73rdGovernor of Delaware.

2009: Eric Edelman completed his term as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.

2009:The Yeshiva University Museum presents “From Black Death to AIDS: Epidemics and Their Impact on Culture,” an Exhibition Tour and Panel Discussion that examines the impact of disease in shaping culture featuring Doctors Ruth Oratz and Liis-anne Pirofski medical practitioners with backgrounds in the history of science and art history who will facilitate this enlightening discussion blending arts, literature, science and history.

2009: Barak Obama is sworn in as President of the United States with several Jewish leaders in attendance including his political confidant and senior adviser, David Axelrod and newly appointed White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel. 

2009:IAF planes struck a Kassam rocket launcher in the Gaza Strip this evening; hours after two incidents of gunfire and mortar shell fire were reported against IDF troops in the area.
2009:“Topol in 'Fiddler on the Roof': The Farewell Tour” with Chaim Topol playing Tevye opened today in Wilmington, Delaware.

2010: The 19th annual New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present “Herskovits at the Heart of Blackness’ that centers around the work of the late Melville J. Herskovits,a Jewish anthropologist, who traced Black cultural roots directly back to Africa. His work instilled pride in many African Americans and helped to fuel the Black Power movement.

2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Festival is scheduled to present a screening of “The Seven Days.”A follow-up to the acclaimed 2004 drama To Take a Wife, “The Seven Days” takes place as missiles threaten to rain down on Israel during the Gulf War and “revisits a large Moroccan Jewish family rubbed raw by the unexpected death of the eldest brother.”

2010:Bar-Ilan University hosts "Unforgettable Hebrew Women,” a conference that features a presentation of Ruti Glick’s research into the life of Hannah Szenes.

2010(5thof Shevat, 5770):Avrom Sutzkever, died today at the age of 96. He was not only a great Yiddish poet but is acknowledged as being one of the great poets of the 20th century.

2011: The New York Premiere of “Vera Klement: Blunt Edge” is scheduled to take place today at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2011:Alison Vodnoy is scheduled to appear in a woman show “In Rehearsal” at the Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival.

2011: The European Division of the Library of Congress is scheduled to present a book talk by author Anna Porter entitled “The Ghosts of Europe: Journey through Central Europe’s Troubled Past and Uncertain Future

2011(15thof Shevat, 5771):  Tu B’Shevat

2011: The 14th Street Y invites everybody to wear something green “as we all go green together.” The 14th Street Y is using Tu B’Shevat to focus on issues of greening and sustainability. Several other Jewish organizations have turned what is The New Year of the Trees into a holiday focusing on what in the 70’s was called ecology and now is called the green movement. 

2011: The New York Times featured reviews of The Red Garden by Alice Hoffman and A Stranger On The Planet by Adam Schwartz

2011(15thof Shevat, 5771):Sonia Peres, or Sonia Gal as she preferred to be called in recent years, passed away in her sleep on today at age 87. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/babylonbeyond/2011/01/israel-sonia-peres-wife-of-president-shimon-peres-dies.html

2011:The findings of a three-year investigation were published today in an expansive report, titled "The Truth Left Behind: Inside the Kidnapping and Murder of Daniel Pearl." Using "vein matching" technique the investigators were able to verify that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was, in fact, the man who beheaded Pearl.

2011:A new monument was unveiled today in eastern Canada marking the country's decision to turn away a steamship carrying Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany in 1939. The luxury liner MS St. Louis was first turned away by Cuba, then the United States and finally Canada before returning to Europe just before the outbreak of war. Of the 900 German Jews aboard, almost a third died in the Holocaust. The sculpture by Daniel Libeskind, called the Wheel of Conscience and unveiled in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is the centerpiece of a $476,000 national project aimed at educating Canadians. "It tells the story of a tragedy, a dark period of Canadian history, where anti-Semitism and anti-immigration policies led to the murder of hundreds of people and the suffering of hundreds of others," said Libeskind. The large memorial is a steel cylinder tipped on its side, with four spinning gears on its face. The words hatred, racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism appear on each gear. A map showing the voyage of the ship is etched on the edge of the cylinder. The Halifax sculpture was commissioned by the Canadian Jewish Congress.  "We are here to speak for those whose voices were lost, and for those thousands of survivors who came to Canada after the war ... who wore their agony as undergarments beneath their everyday attire and helped to build this country," said Bernie Farber, head of the Canadian Jewish Congress. Both Libeskind and Farber are children of Holocaust survivors.

2011: A film about  Sir Nicholas Winton a Briton who organized mass evacuations of children to save them from being sent to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps had its world premiere today in Prague, the Czech capital. Sir Nicholas Winton arranged eight trains to carry 669 children, most of them Jewish, from Czechoslovakia through Germany to Britain at the outbreak of World War II in 1939.
2011:The Talmud will be translated for the first time into Italian thanks to an official collaboration between the Italian government and the Italian Jewish community. A protocol launching "Project Talmud" was signed today in Rome by cabinet ministers, the president of Italy's National Research Council, the president of the umbrella Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI) and Rome's chief rabbi.

2012: In New Orleans, LA, Congregation Gates of Prayer is scheduled to celebrate Brotherhood/Sisterhood Shabbat.

2012: “Minyan in Kaifeng: A Modern Journey to an Ancient Chinese Jewish Community” is scheduled to be shown at Temple Beth Ami in Rockville, MA.

2012: “Making Trouble,” a documentary that tells the story of six of the greatest female comic performers of the last century—Molly Picon, Fanny Brice, Sophie Tucker, Joan Rivers, Gilda Radner, and Wendy Wasserstein – is scheduled to be shown this morning as part of the Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival.

2012: The Leo Baeck Institute is scheduled to present “Topography of Terror: A New Documentation Center on a Historic Site” featuring Dr. Andreas Nachama, director of the “Topography of Terror” documentation center.

2012: The Premier Screening of the Wilfrid Israel film took place at the auditorium of Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel

2012:The chief of the U.S. military held closed talks with the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the Israeli army’s chief of staff tpday in an effort to coordinate responses to Iran’s nuclear program.

2013:Ariel mayor and former MK Ron Nachman who passed away at the age of 70 is scheduled to be buried today.

2013(9thof Shevat, 5773): Seventy year old Larry Selman passed away today.

2013: An exhibition entitled “Sh’ma/Listen: The Art of David Gelernter” is scheduled to come to an at the Yeshiva University Museum

2013: At the Tricycle, UKJF Members are scheduled to see an exclusive, one-off opportunity preview of the award-winning new Israeli feature drama, Policeman

2013: The Minneapolis Jewish Humor Fest is scheduled to present “Laughter Yoga Workshop” with Esther Ouray and “The History of Ha!” with David Misch

2013: Erica Strauss is scheduled to perform the role of Mimi in the Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre production “La Boheme.” 

2013: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including POEMS 1962-2012 by Louise Glück, Black Dahlia and White Rose by Joyce Carol Oates and Goldberg Variationsby Susan Isaacs as well as an interview with author Jared Diamond.

2013: President Barak Obama was officially sworn in as President of the United States. Despite rhetoric to the contrary, President Obama has shown his support for the state of Israel by continuing to fully fund all defense commitments most important of which the money that goes to the Iron Dome even as the U.S. economy struggles to recover from the worst collapse since the Great Depression.

2013: The Baltimore Ravens defeated the New England Patriots in the AFC Championship.  The Patriots are owned by Robert Kraft, the owner who once got the NFL to change a game time so that it would not conflict with Yom Kippur.  The Ravens wore a patch honoring the memory of the late Art Modell.  Modell was the first owner of the Ravens as well as being a Jewish philanthropist.

2013:Naftali Bennett’s Bayit Yehudi faced new charges of extremism today after a religious Zionist website revealed that one of the party’s candidates called for returning Gush Katif evacuees to the Gaza Strip and rebuilding dismantled West Bank settlements.

2013: Shin Bet security agency operatives and Negev police arrested two brothers from a Bedouin village on suspicion of planning to carry out terror attacks on Israeli cities, the agency reported today. Two Jewish Israelis, one of them an IDF soldier, were also arrested on suspicion of providing the brothers with stolen IDF weapons in exchange for drugs.

2014: “The Sixteen Trillion Woman” is the cover story for Time

2014: Israel’s Energy and Water Resources Minister Silvan Shalom is scheduled to begin a visit to the United Arab Emirates s head the Israeli delegation to the World Future Energy Summit that in Abu Dhabi.

2014: The 12th annual Gigantic Used Book Sale at Beth El Hebrew Congregation in Alexandria, VA is scheduled to come to an end.

2014: “The Jewish Cardinal” and “Ana Arabia” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2014:"People, Book, Land — The 3,500 Year Relationship of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel,” will not open today in Paris as scheduled because UNESCO cravenly gave into objections voiced by the Arab League. “Abdulla al Neaimi, President of the Arab group in UNESCO, had sent a letter to Irina Bokova, president of UNESCO, saying that there was "deep worry and great disapproval" about the exhibit because it showed that Israel and the Jewish people have an ancient connection.”





This Day, January 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 21

763: Thirteen years after coming to power, the Abbasids defeated the Alids at the Battle of Bakhamra, ending this challenge to their Caliphate. The Abbasid Dynasty lasted for approximately 500 and ruled an area extending from Central Asia on the east to North Africa on the west which meant they controlled all of the Jewish communities outside of Europe. They built Baghdad and according to some, power in the Jewish world shifted to those living in this new Moslem power center.

1188: After hearing Archbishop of Tyre Josias describe Henry II Plantagenet of England and Philip II of France set aside their differences and agree to “take up the cross”  The monarch impose a “Saladin Tax” (one tenth of earnings over the next 3 years) which can be avoided by those who join the Crusade.  Of course for the Jews, there is no escape so they will be despoiled by the monarchs as well as by the marauding Crusaders.

1189: Philip II, Henry II and Richard Lion-Hearted began gathering the forces for The Third Crusade.  The Third Crusade took an exceptionally harsh toll on the Jews of England.  Although the third crusade became famous in song and fable, it was a failure.  Unfortunately, it did not end the crusading spirit.  More crusades would follow which meant more misery for the Jews of Europe and the Middle East.

1306: Phillip the Fair of France issued secret orders today for his officials to prepare for the expulsion of his Jewish subjects and the confiscation of their property. Phillip found that his treasury had been depleted by his wars with the Flemish and he saw this as a way of replenishing his treasury. Under the terms of the expulsion any Jews found after the July 22, 1306 (10thof Av) were to be executed

1393:The Jews of Majorca were guaranteed protection by the governor who “issued an edict for their protection, providing that a citizen who should injure a Jew should be hanged, and that a knight for the same offense should be subjected to the strappado.”

1495:Isaac ben Judah Abravanel and King Alfonso sailed from Naples to Mazzara near Sicily. The city of Mazzazra was given as a gift from Ferdinand of Spain to Alfonso. While there, news reached both Abravanel and Alfonso that Charles VIII had taken Naples. The French rioted against and looted the Jewish community almost wiping it out. Many Jews were sold as slaves, and many were forced to convert to Christianity. Abravanel later wrote, "My entire enormous wealth was stolen."

1596(21st of Shevat): Rabbi Judah Leib Hanlish author of Vaygash Yehuda, passed away

1749: Birthdate of Chaim Volozhin, a disciple of the Valna Gaon.  Also known as Reb Cahim he was the founder of the Volozhin Yeshiva, which provided the “template” for similar academies throughout much of what was at that time part of Poland and the Russian Empire.

1793: Prussia and Russia signed a treaty that portioned Poland.  All of a sudden, Russia had a large Jewish population, something which her rulers had not bargained for and did not want. 

1812: Birthdate of Moses Hess, Born in Germany, Hess, was an author, socialist and forerunner of the Zionist movement. In his book Rome and Jerusalem published in 1862, he expressed the belief that German anti-Semitism was based on race and nationhood. He advised Jews to accept the fact and revive their own state in Eretz Israel. Hess, a socialist, had worked with Marx and Engels. He grew disillusioned with the idea that a "progressive society would eradicate anti-Semitism."  He passed away in 1875.

1829: In Prague, Abraham and Judith Eidlitz gave birth to Markus Eidlitz who emigrated to the United States in 1846 where he gained fame as Marc Eidlitz, a leader in the New York construction industry.

1831 (7th of Shevat, 5591): Author Achim von Arnim passed away.  Von Arnim was not Jewish but he incorporated the Golem into his works thus helping this Jewish myth to move into the general European culture.

1841: Birthdate of Edward Rosenwasser, the native of Bohemia, who gained fame as Edward Rosewater the Republican Party leader and editor of the Omaha (Nebraska) Bee. Rosewater played a minor role in one of the great moments of U.S. History – the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation. While serving as the telegrapher at the White House, he was the one who actually sent President Lincoln’s words out over the wires to the world.

1847: Birthdate of Lionel Jonas Cohen, oldest brother of famed musician Frederic Hymen Cowen.

1858: Birthdate of Joseph Krauskopf, the native of Prussia who came to the United States in 1872 and enrolled in the first class of Hebrew Union College in 1875.

1860: Punch reported that a dispute has broken out between two Jewish businessmen – Lazarus Simon Magnus and Henry Guedalla – over control over the Great Eastern Steamship Company.  In one exchange of letters, Mr. Magnus challenged Mr. Guedalla to a duel.

1861: David Levy Yulee, the first Jew elected to the United States Senate withdrew from that body when Florida seceded and joined the Confederacy.  Yulee, who married a Christian and raised his children in the faith of his wife, then joined the Confederate cause as a Senator.

1863:Union General-in-Chief Henry W. Halleck wrote to Grant to explain the rescission of the order #11, stating that "The President has no objection to your expelling traitors and Jew peddlers, which, I suppose was the object of your order; but as it in terms proscribed an entire religious class, some of whom are fighting in our ranks, the President deemed it necessary to revoke it." Captain Philip Trounstine of the Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, being unable in good conscience to round up and expel his fellow Jews, resigned his army commission, saying he could "no longer bear the Taunts and malice of his fellow officers… brought on by … that order." The officials responsible for the United States government's most vicious anti-Jewish actions ever were never dismissed, admonished or, apparently, even officially criticized for the religious persecution they inflicted on innocent citizens.

1864: Birthdate of Israel Zangwill the noted Anglo-Jewish author and Zionist whose literary career in the United States was launched when he wrote “Children of the Ghetto.

1864: Apparently Jews were a significant part of the population of Utah since in a report from Great  Salt Lake City, it was noted that “there are two subjects…which Jew and Gentile..consider of more than ordinary importance” when it comes to legislative action – bills concerning mining claims and general corporation.

1871: It was reported today that a popular Jewish peddler named Frank who sold to customers throughout Queens County, New York, has died of wounds inflicted by an unknown assailant who shot him while traveling to his home in Flushing. Since nothing has been found missing, authorities assume that the motive was not robbery but no suspects are in custody at this time.

1871: Establishment of Emanuel Jewish Cemetery in Des Moines, Iowa. The site is adjacent to the northwest corner of WoodlandCemetery at Woodland and Harding, just northwest of downtown Des Moines.

1874(3rdof Shevat, 5634): Daniel Joseph Jaffe died in Nice, France.  Jaffe had settled in Belfast in 1852 where he had become a successful businessman.  He was the father of Otto and Martin Jaffe.  Martin bought a plot Belfast’s City Cemetery for his father’s internment. This plot was the origin of the city’s Jewish Cemetery.

1877: The 25th annual meeting of the B’nai Brit of the United States began in Cincinnati, Ohio with 100 delegates in attendance.

1878:Birthdate of Simon Glazer, the native of Lithuania who served as the Rabbi for Congregation Bnai Israel in Des Moines, Iowa from 1902 to 1905 before moving on to congregations in Toledo, Montreal, Seattle, Kansas City and New York City. He passed away in 1938.

1882: The BILU Movement took root in Russia. The Russian students at the University of Khrakovformed their own Zionist group called BILU (initials for House of Jacob Let Us Rise and Go) which called for active settlement of the Eretz Israel by agricultural pioneers. The first group of 14 arrived July 6 the next year, hiring themselves out as agricultural laborers. They believed it was possible to start a worldwide movement to encourage settlement in Eretz Israel.

1883(13th of Shevat): Rabbi Eliezer Landau, author of Dammesek Eliezer passed away

1884: Birthdate of Roger Baldwin, the protégé of Louis Brandeis who was one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union, an organization that has been of immeasurable importance to Jews over the decades.

1887: Henry M. Stanley left London for Cairo as he prepared to lead “The Emin Pasha Relief Expedition.”

1887: Birthdate of Wolfgang Kohler. “Kohler was the only non-Jewish psychologist who ever protested against Germany and the Nazis.  He was not afraid to make his thoughts about them very public which could have cost him his life at a very early age. He was lucky that he was not thrown into a prison and killed off for the things he said about Germany and the Nazis”

1890(29th of Tevet, 5650):Rabbi Dr. Nathan Marcus Adler put on his tallit and t’fillin, aided by Joseph Vangelder, his faithful servant for twenty years. He said the Sh’ma with a clear and unhesitating voice and at 8.45 am breathed his last. Born in 1803, he was the Orthodox Chief Rabbi of the British Empire from 1845 until his death and one of the most prominent 19th century rabbi in the English-speaking world. (As reported by Rabbi Raymond Apple)

1891: It was reported that “there are not many Jews in the prisons or reformatories” of New York City.  But based on the request from a board of local rabbis, a “salaried officer” will be hired to provide for the “spiritual care” the Jews that have been incarcerated.

1891: It was reported that “Abraham Tabber, Treasurer of a Hebrew Lodge and Cemetery Association in Elizabeth, NJ” has disappeared along with the funds in his care.

1891: It was reported today that Sarah Bernhardt and her company will be sailing from the French port of Havre for an upcoming performance in New York City.

1891: Louis May chaired a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Temple Emanu-El where the death of Lazarus Rosenfeld, its vice president was announced.  Rabbi Gustav Gottheil “was appointed as a special committee of one to draft suitable resolutions expressing the sentiment and sympathy of the board” which will “be published in the American Hebrew, the Jewish Messenger, The New York Times and The New York Herald.

1892: A large number of paintings by Thomas Hicks whose works include copies of two portraits of Jews by Rembrandt hanging in the National Gallery of London are scheduled to be auctioned off this evening at the American Art Galleries on Madison Square. (There were those who mistakenly thought that the great Dutch painter was Jewish)

1892: As the battle over immigration in the United States intensifies, certain unidentified labor leaders said today “that protests of workingman were directed not against the Jews, in particular, but against further immigration”  by an group such as the Chinese “as being hurtful to the welfare of the working classes.”

1893: “German-American Reformers” which was published today described the activities of the German American Association, an organization that worked to re-elect President Grover Cleveland which included efforts to attract the support of Russian and Polish Jews.  Translations of letters by Carl Schurz and Grover Cleveland that had been addressed to Jews were printed in Hebrew in a quantity of one hundred thousand.  Additionally, the association sent Jewish, Russian and German speakers to New York’s east side to address the immigrant voters.

1894: Based on information that first appeared in The Westminster Gazette, it was reported today that Sydney Grundy’s new play, “The Old Jew” which opened at the Garrick Theatre in London “seems to be a failure and is “one of the author’s worst plays.

1894: “A Great Education Work” published today described the twice a week evening lecture series inaugurated by the Board of Education in 1889 as an invaluable resource for elevating the known of the working class, especially among recently arrived immigrant’s. When attendance began to fall, the program was placed under the control of Dr. Henry M. Leipziger , the “well known…lecturer, educator and Director of the Hebrew Technical Institute.” “Since then, under his able supervision, the courses of lectures have prospered marvelously in popularity.”

1894: It was reported today that Sarah Bernhardt will perform in New York for six weeks following a six week stint by Eleonora Duse.

1894: It was reported today that the Rothschilds are forming schools to provide primary technical education for Jews immigrating to Palestine.

1895: Solon P. Rothschild represented Annie Winterman on charges she that she had defrauded two men who were patrons of her matrimonial bureau.

1896: Oscar S. Straus, the former United States Ambassador to Turkey, delivered a lecture on “Religious Liberty” at a meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1897: It was reported that Mr. and Mrs. Moses May led the grand march that opened the 14th annual ball sponsored by the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society.  May, the society’s President, was fiiling in for May Wurster who had been originally expected to fill this role.

1896: It was reported today that Russian-American Hebrew Association adopted a resolution expressing support for the “patriots of Cuba” struggling to free themselves from “degrading…corrupt rule of the Spanish Government” while expressing “the opinion…that the United States…should not deviate from its policy of strict neutrality…but should take immediate steps to recognize the Cubans as a belligerent power.” (The Russian American Jews emotionally identified with the Cubans as another oppressed people but were savvy enough to know the dangers of expressing belligerency.  All of this would be resolved two years later with the Spanish American War.)

1898: Abraham Schlesinger is scheduled to be buried today at Cypress Hills following a funeral at his residence on East 53rd Street.
1898: As ant-Semitic mobs continue to move through the streets of Paris, 500 angry students demonstrated in front of Emile Zola’s house.


1898: In Algiers, the troops have cleared the streets of anti-Jewish rioters and made 300 arrests in an attempt to restore law and order.

1899: Reports are published that Leopold de Rothschild was hurt when a branch hit his face, breaking his nose and injuring an eye, while the newly elected Member of Parliament was taking part in a hunt.

1899: Opel manufactured its first automobile. In 1931, General Motors acquired 100% ownership of the German automobile company.In 1998 General Motors hired historian Henry Ashby Turner, Jr. to investigate the wartime activities of Opel, its German subsidiary, which a group of Holocaust survivors was suing. His research led to the book General Motors and the Nazis: The Struggle for Control of Opel, Europe’s Biggest Carmaker published in 2005. Mr. Turner concluded that although Opel had made the morally dubious decision to produce engines for the Luftwaffe in 1938, by the time the war began General Motors had lost control of the company and therefore had no say in its production of military vehicles or its use of slave labor.

1901: :Legendary American humorist Mark Twain addressed members of the Hebrew Technical School for Girls at their Annual Meeting on the issue of female suffrage. Speaking to a packed audience at Temple Emanu-El, Hebrew Tech’s then-President Nathaniel Myers introduced Twain, starting the ceremony off with an update about the school’s ongoing expansion efforts and an explanation of its unique purpose as the single society in New York City offering a vocational education to Jewish girls. Explaining women’s role in society as vulnerable in comparison to men’s, President Myers declared the work of the school to be vital in a world where girls were too often forgotten. When Twain took center stage, he said that he had been an advocate of women’s rights for many years and that he saw in this school "a hope for the realization of a project [he had] always dreamed of.” Women, he felt, were equally competent to vote. He went on to say that women had been making great progress in their crusade against discriminatory laws, but that what was needed next was for women to be the makers and enforcers of laws.  As he saw it, men’s corruption in party politics was a disgrace to democracy, but he said he believed that if women were given the ballot, they would use their strength to vote down unworthy candidates and restore the morals on which states are built. Optimistic about the movement’s progress, Twain insisted that if he lived long enough that he would surely see women receive their voting rights and use them to enact positive change.” (As reported by the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women)

1903: Harry Houdini escaped from the police station Halvemaansteeg in Amsterdam.

1903: Herzl traveled to Paris.

1908: Birthdate of Mordechai Surkis, the first mayor of Kfar Saba.

1910: The Angel Island Immigration Station opened today. Prior to the opening of the Immigration Station, immigrants landed directly in San Francisco. Jews immigrated through Angel Island primarily in two waves: in the 1920s from Russia to escape the Bolshevik revolution, and between 1938 and 1940, when German and Austrian Jews crossed Asia to flee the Nazis.  In some ways, Angel Island was the Ellis Island of the West. But because of the politics and laws of its time, unlike Ellis Island, many immigrants were detained on Angel Island for weeks or months at a time, particularly Chinese and other Asian immigrants. According to Judy Yung, a retired professor at U.C. Santa Cruz and co-author of a new book about Angel Island’s history, Jewish immigrants had it better. The average stay for Russians and Jews on Angel Island was two to three days, and less than 2 percent were deported.“Overall, the Russian and Jewish experiences on Angel Island were very similar if not better than those of their counterparts on Ellis Island, where their rejection rate was almost twice as high,” she writes. “For the overwhelming majority who were coming to escape religious or political persecution, Angel Island was truly a gateway to the promised land of freedom and opportunity.” However, it wasn’t an easy gateway to pass through. Many immigrants — including Jews — were detained. In some instances, representatives from Jewish and Hebrew benevolent societies felt compelled to come to Angel Island to testify on behalf of Jewish detainees. In 1915, for example, one such representative spoke to immigration officials, telling them that “we always take steps to see that Jewish boys obtain work and do not become beggars.” After this, officials released eight Jewish detainees, according to Yung’s book. The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society also stepped in to help, opening a Pacific Coast branch in San Francisco in May 1915 mainly to advocate for the increased number of Jews coming through Angel Island. In 1916, for example, when 17 Jews refused to eat the food served to them in the Angel Island dining hall during Passover, HIAS provided the immigrants with matzah and kosher-for-Passover food they could eat in their rooms. And in 1933, when a 54-year-old widower traveling with his two sons was detained on the island because officials thought he was “emaciated and frail looking,” HIAS offered a hand. HIAS helped round up $1,000 from other family members, and the father, who spent two months on Angel Island, was finally released. In another instance, a shoe-store owner from Vienna and his wife were held overnight because they were suspected of being an LPC, a “likely public charge,” meaning they would need government support to get by. They had come from Shanghai with just $22 to their name. But because they had the foresight to leave Germany with two fur coats worth over $2,000 — the Nazis allowed them to take goods but not money — they were able to convince the officials of their financial stability. “I was really struck by the resourcefulness of the Jewish immigrants,” Yung said during a phone interview.

1912: Birthdate of Konrad Bloch. The noted biochemist earned a Nobel Prize in 1964 for his studies of cholesterol

1913: At the request of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 156 women from 52 congregations around the country met in Cincinnati, Ohio, to create the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods (NFTS). While local women's groups had been formed in individual synagogues in the 1890s, the NFTS was the first national body to bring these groups together. Though NFTS was initially envisioned as a federation of all synagogue sisterhoods, sisterhoods from Conservative and Orthodox synagogues formed their own national organizations within a decade, leaving the NFTS as a body of Reform Judaism. Differentiating itself from the National Council of Jewish Women and other social service groups, the NFTS focused from the beginning on women's roles in the synagogue. Early projects included sponsoring children's Chanukah and Purim parties in synagogues, beautifying synagogues for holidays, and supporting religious schools. The NFTS also raised money for rabbinical school scholarships, and played a leading role in creating the National Federation of Temple Youth. Though the NFTS usually sought to stay out of politics, sisterhood members were concerned from the beginning with the changing role of women in Reform Judaism. Leaders encouraged women to sit on synagogue boards, and instituted Sisterhood Sabbaths, when women could lead the service in some congregations. From an initial membership of 9,000 in 49 local chapters, the NFTS grew to 100,000 members in six hundred affiliates across the U.S., Canada, and twelve other countries by 1995. In recent decades, NFTS extended its earlier mandate beyond the domestic sphere to take a public role in such issues as civil rights, child labor legislation, capital punishment, and abortion rights. In 1993, NFTS was renamed Women of Reform Judaism, reflecting a desire to be seen not only as an auxiliary group, but as an organization that puts its members and their interests at the center of Reform Judaism.

1913: The annual meeting of the United States Chamber of Commerce opened in Washington, DC with S.S. Brill of St. Louis, MO in attendance as a delegate.

1914(23rd of Tevet, 5674): Adolph Krakauer, a pioneer Texas merchant died of a heart attack today in El Paso. Born in Fürth, Bavaria, in 1846, this son of Joel and Babette (Elsasser) Krakauer was educated in the Latin schools and graduated from the Royal Commercial College of Fürth in 1862. He immigrated to New York in 1865 and was employed as a clerk there. In 1869 he moved to San Antonio, Texas, where he went to work for Louis Zork, a leading merchant. He married Zork's daughter Ada and became a member of the firm. Though he was presumably well established, he chose to move to El Paso in 1875, at a time when the town's population was listed as seventy-five Mexicans and twenty-five Anglos. There he clerked in the firm of Sam Schutz and Son and became manager when the business was sold; later he became a partner. In 1885 he sold his interest in the firm and organized the firm of Krakauer, Zork, and Moye with his brother-in-law, Gustave Zork. The company became a leading wholesale hardware dealer in the Southwest, with a branch in Chihuahua, Mexico. Krakauer also became president of Two Republic Life Insurance Company, the Krakauer-Zork Investment Company, and the Mountainside Realty Company and director of the First National Bank and the Rio Grande Valley Banking and Trust Company. He also owned extensive real estate in El Paso. He served as county commissioner and alderman and was elected mayor as a Republican after a bitter election campaign in 1889. He never assumed the office, for it was discovered he had not taken out his final citizenship papers. Krakauer was a leader in Jewish community activities and served as president of Temple Mount Sinai. He spoke fluent Spanish.

1918(8th of Shevat, 5678): Sixty-four year old Emil Jellinke, the highly successful Austrian businessman who put the “Mercedes” in Mercedes Benz, passed away today.

1918:Following the lead of Reform Jewish sisterhoods, and at the behest of Solomon Schechter, Conservative synagogue sisterhoods joined together to form the National Women's League of the United Synagogue. The founding president of the League was Schechter's wife, Mathilde Roth Schechter. Mathilde Schechter, born in Silesia and educated in Breslau and London, had married Solomon Schechter in 1887 and came to the U.S.in 1902, when Solomon was appointed president of the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. The Women's League was just one in a line of significant projects for Mathilde Schechter. Before establishing the League, she had helped to establish a Jewish vocational school for girls on the Lower East Side of New York, and had helped to publish a hymn book called Kol Rina — Hebrew Hymnal for School and Home.
The Women's League's mission was to promote traditional Judaism in homes, synagogues, and communities. In line with that goal, one early project was the establishment of a kosher boarding house for Jewish students in New York City. Other projects included publications providing guidance on domestic religious ritual as well as traditional recipes and music. In addition, the League became involved with social action from an early date, taking an especially active role in the Jewish Braille Institute. The League, now called the Women's League for Conservative Judaism, has grown from an original one hundred women in 26 sisterhoods to 150,000 members in 700 sisterhoods. As it has since the beginning, the League continues to be involved in public policy issues, including women's health, literacy, and foreign policy. Since 1972, the League has also helped to support sisterhoods in Masorti (Israeli Conservative) congregations.

1919:Submission of the Tentative Report of the Intelligence Section of the American Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference 

1920: Having escaped from the clutches of the “Whites” in Odessa Sholom Schwartzbard arrived back in Paris today.

1921: King Constantine donates 10,000 Drachmae for the relief of Jewish sufferers of the fire in Salonica.

1921: Birthdate of Barney Clark.  Clark was the first person to receive a permanent artificial heart, an operation that was performed at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Ky.

1923: Birthdate of Annemarie Dinah Gottliebova, the native of Brno, Czechoslovakia, who was shipped to Auschwitz with her mother where she bartered her services as a portrait painter for her life and her mother’s life. After the war, as Dina Babbit, she spent the past several decades trying to retrieve her paintings from the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and State Museum (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1924:  Birthdate of comedian Benny Hill.  Roses are reddish, Violets are bluish If it weren't for Christmas, We’d all be Jewish.”

1924: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin Russian leader died of a stroke at the age of 54.  Lenin’s death brought a power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky to a boil.  Stalin would triumph and anti-Semitism would become as much of a staple for the Commissars as it had been for the Czars.

1927: Two funeral services were held today for famed philanthropist Lee Kohns. Bishop Thomas F. Failer of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Tennessee conducted the first service at the family’s Manhattan home.  Dr. Samuel Schulman of Temple Beth-El presided over the grave side service in Beth-El Cemetery at Cypress Hills.

1927: Bernard Baruch is among the members of a delegation representing the Board of Directors of City College’s Alumni Association that is attending today’s funeral of Lee Kohns who graduated in 1884.

1927: At 10:30 this morning, classes were halted for five minutes at City College in memory of Lee Kohns.

1927: The will of Lee Kohns was filed for probate this afternoon after having been read at his funeral. The estate is worth about $3,000,000.  While the will the leaves generous bequests to charity, the bulk of the estate will go to his wife and their children.

1928: While serving as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Winston Churchill receives a request from Chaim Weizmann for a loan intended to assist the Jewish population in Palestine in a manner consistent the aims of the Mandate.  The loan would gain the support of Lord Balfour but would be rejected by the Cabinet in a move that had a whiff of anti-Semitism.

1931 (3rd of Shevat, 5691): Composer and pianist Felix Blumenfeld passed away at the age of 67 in the Soviet Union.  Born in 1863 Blumenfeld taught Vladimir Horowitz.  Blumenfeld’s work was primarily a product of pre-revolutionary Russia.

1931: Isaacs Isaacs, the first Jew to serve as Chief Justice of Australia completed his term of office. He was the third person to fill this position.

1933: Birthdate Itzhak Fuks, the Israeli El Al captain who would die when his plane crashed in Amsterdam 1992.

1934: The New York Times correspondent in Jerusalem suggests that “the division of Palestine into Jewish and Arab canton with each of these peoples living as a separate entity” would be “a solution to the Arab Jewish problem.”  Based on reports from other sources, the Arab canton would include Jerusalem, Haifa and Jaffa while the Jewish canton would be limited to Tel Aviv, which virtually an all-Jewish city any way, and a narrow strip of land stretching from Betsian to Tiberias to the swamps around Lake Huleh.

1938: The Romanian government strips Romanian Jews of their citizenship.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that an Arab from Hebron, sentenced to death by the Military Court, confessed that he participated, 11 days earlier, in the murder of John Starkey, one of the most distinguished archaeologists working in Palestine.

1941: Birthdate of  Plácido Domingo the Spanish tenor “who spent three years” in Tel Aviv “in the early 1960’s…where “he learned the basic tenor repertoire before embarking on an international career.

1941: After observing  a three-day anti-Semitic rampage in Bucharest by the SS-supported Iron guard in Romania, the Romanian Jewish writer Mihael Sebastian wrote, “The stunning thing about the Bucharest bloodbath is the quite bestial ferocity to its…the butchered Jews were hanged by the neck on hooks normally used for beef carcasses.  A sheet of paper was stuck to each corpse with the notation “Kosher Meat.”

1941: In Rumania, the Iron Guard raided thousands of Jews, destroyed hundreds of shops, and looted or burned twenty five synagogues. In addition, 120 Jews were cruelly tortured and killed.

1941: Bulgaria enacted its first anti-Jewish measures.

1942: In the Vilna Ghetto, the Jews established the United Partisan Organization (Fareynigte Partizaner Organizatsye, FPO), the only organization in the ghettos that included all the Zionist youth movements.

1943: In Warsaw, the Germans opened fire in the ghetto. Resistance was given by Jews seizing weapons and firing from rooftops with only 10 pistols. The Germans retreated after twelve were killed.

1943: Over the next four days, two thousand Jews fromTheresienstadt, Czechoslovakia, are deported to Auschwitz. Some 1760 are gassed on arrival, including patients from the Jewish mental hospital at Apeldoorn, Holland, as well as about 50 of the hospital's nurses who accompany the patients to lessen their terror.

1944: Birthdate of Professor Stefan Reif the distinguished academic from Edinburg who was the founding director of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit

1945: Ninety-six Hungarian Jews interned at Auschwitz and working at a quarry at Golleschau, Germany, are sealed inside a pair of cattle cars labeled "Property of the SS." Half of the prisoners freeze to death as the train travels aimlessly for days. At Zwittau, Germany, the cattle cars are detached from the train and left at the station. Manufacturer Oskar Schindler alters the bill of lading to read "Final Destination--Schindler Factory, Brünnlitz." After unsealing the cars at his factory, Schindler frees the Jews;

1945: Birthdate of Andrew Stein, President of the New YorkCity Council.

1945: As Soviet troops approached, Arno Lustiger left a subcamp of Auschwitz as part of the “death march” that was supposed to end at Gross-Rosen Concentration camp in Lower Silesa.

1948:Golda Meir's speech to the General Assembly of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds helped raise $50 million for the Haganah at a critical moment in Israel's fight for independence.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported on the worsening security situation along the country's borders, especially the Jordanian-Israeli no-man's-land dividing Jerusalem. This security deterioration, infiltration and frequent robberies may have been directly influenced by an intensified anti-Israeli activity of the Arab states at the UN General Assembly. Jordanprevented any cement or building materials from being transported to the Israeli enclave on MountScopus, urgently needed there to repair damaged buildings, claiming that Israel wished to fortify the enclave.  The 9,000-ton British cruiser, HMS Kenya, steamed into HaifaPortfor a three-day unofficial visit.

1954: Letters of administration were granted to Richard Samuel because his father Bernard Samuel, the  former mayor of Philadelphia, passed away without leaving a will.  The estate of the man who served as mayor from 1941 until 1952 is worth approximately $50,000.

1954: The U.S.S. Nautilus, America’s first nuclear powered submarine is launched at Groton, Conn.  Admiral Hyman Rickover is considered to be the godfather of the nuclear Navy.

1954: During a cabinet debate over Egypt’s decision to bar ships going to Israelfrom using the Suez Canal, Foreign Minister Anthony Eden is able to make a case for the Arab state’s behavior.

1959 (12th of Shevat, 5719): Film pioneer Cecil B. DeMille passed away, His father was an Episcopalian.  His mother, Matilda Beatrice Samuel, was the daughter of parents of “German Jewish heritage.”  For most Jews he is the man who gave the world Moses in the guise of Charlton Heston.

1964(7th of Shevat, 5724): Austrian born American actor Joseph Schildkraut passes away at the age of 68.  He won an Oscar in 1937 as Best Supporting Actor.  Younger audiences may remember him as the father in “Diary of Anne Frank.”

1968: Simon & Garfunkel released the Original Soundtrack to “The Graduate,” which quickly went to #1 on the pop charts and which will bring Paul Simon a Grammy for Best Original Score.

1971(24th of Tevet, 5731): Polish born Jewish author Yuli Borisovich Margolin passed away at the age of 70. http://www.forward.com/articles/134265/

1971: Twenty one year old Annie Leibovitz’s photograph of John Lennon appeared on today’s issue of Rolling Stonemagazine.

1974(27th of Tevet, 5734): Lewis L Strauss passed away at the age of 78.  Strauss was a Republican which was unusual at that time and he headed the US Atomic Energy Commission under President Eisenhower from 1953 until 1958.

1979: Final performance of “The Girl From Tel Aviv” starring Israeli singer Mary Soreanu took plakce at the Hotel Diplomat in New York.  Surprisingly, this Israeli play is written Yiddish with only a few words of Hebrews.  The show was written by Moshe Tamir, with music by Shaul Berzowski

1982: In one of those reminders of the prominent role Jews have played in the world of the Broadway musical a revival of “Little Me” a musical written by Neil Simon with music by Cy Coleman and lyrics by Carolyn Leigh opened today at the Eugene O’Neil Theatre.

1983:TheBollingen Prize for poetry awarded to Anthony E Hecht.

1985: Ronald Reagan is publicly inaugurated for his second term as U.S. President.  January 20 was a Sunday, so the public ceremony was delayed for twenty-four hours.  During his second term Reagan awarded Elie Weisel with a Medal of Freedom.  Much to the dismay of Weisel and other Jews, during his second term he also visited Bittberg Cemetery where SS Soldiers were buried.  Last but not least, the Iran-Contra Affair which involved Israel in some rather strange arms deals took placed during Dutch’s second term.

1989(15thof Shevat, 5749: Tu B’Shevat

1990: Shimon Peres, the Deputy Prime Minister of Israel, arrived in Prague today on the first visit to Czechoslovakia by an Israeli minister since ties between the two countries were cut in 1967.

1991:Orders to stay home from work were canceled for the rest of Israel today, but not for Tel Aviv, which appears to be the main Iraqi target.

1991: Topol, who left his starring role as Tevye the milkman in the Broadway revival of "Fiddler on the Roof," to return to Israel explained the reasons for his decision today. “Speaking by telephone from his home in Tel Aviv, where his son and daughter were visiting, said: ‘I really felt I should be where my heart is, with my friends and family and all the people I grew up with. I hope I can contribute something to the Israeli morale.’"

1992: Yuval Ne’eman, a Likud MK, completed his terms as Minister of Science and Technology.

1992: Israeli physicist Yuval Ne’eman completed his term as Minister of Energy and Water Resources.

1992: William Caldwell Harrop, who was appointed to his post by President Bush, presented his credentials as U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

1994: The future of the New England Patriots was settled in New England's favor when Robert Kraft, a Jewish Boston businessman who bought the team's Foxboro Stadium six years ago, won a bidding war that included a nominally higher bid from a group that hoped to move the team to St. Louis.

1997: Steve Grossman began serving as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

1999 (4th of Shevat, 5759): Actress and author Susan Strasberg passed away at the age of 60.

2000:Maria Paasche, who helped Jews escape from Nazi Germany on the back of her motorcycle and whose father and brothers conspired to kill Hitler, died today in a San Francisco nursing home. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including  Black, White and Jewish Autobiography of a Shifting Selfby Rebecca Walker.

2001: One day after leaving the White House, former President Bill Clinton said that Jack Quinn, a former chief of staff to Vice President Al Gore and a former counsel to President Clinton, had persuaded him to grant pardons to Marc Rich and Pincus Green, but he did not elaborate and he referred questions to Mr. Quinn. Mr. Quinn referred calls to Robert F. Fink, a partner in the Manhattan law firm Piper, Marbury, Rudnick & Wolfe who said he believed the president had been convinced that the criminal charges against the men had not been justified.

2002: As Arab violence continued the Associated Press reported that the governor of the West Bank town of Tulkarem, Izzedine Sharif, said today that about 100 tanks and armored personnel carriers took part in a raid on his town making it the largest raid on a Palestinian town in 16 months of fighting. The Israeli military had no immediate comment.

2003:Today at Avery Fisher Hall, the New York Philharmonic played with its namesake from Israel for the first time in more than 20 years, and Lorin Maazel conducted Mahler's First Symphony, with the New York and Tel Aviv musicians sharing desks.

2003:Edward Gene "Ed" Rendell began his first term as Governor of Pennsylvania.

2004: David Appel, a prominent real estate developer with ties to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was indicted today.  He is charged with having tried to bribe Mr. Sharon starting in the 1990’s when Sharon was the Foreign Minister. Specifically, the Israeli court indicted the real estate developer on charges of paying roughly $700,000 to Mr. Sharon's son, Gilad, in the hope of bribing Mr. Sharon.The indictment raises potentially serious legal and political issues for Mr. Sharon and prompted political opponents to call for his resignation.

2006:Hundreds of Venezuelan intellectuals expressed "shock and consternation" in a public condemnation of allegedly anti-Semitic remarks made recently by President Hugo Chavez. .

2007: The Sunday Washington Post book section opened with a review of Power, Faith And Fantasy:America in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present by Michael Oren.  The Sunday edition of the Washington Post book section also featured “a conversation” with Norman Mailer discussing The Castle in The Forest, excerpts from the late Art Buchwald’s Too Soon To Say Goodbye, the last literary work of the humorist “dictated from his hospice chair” and the latest excerpt from the novel Jezebel’s Tomb by David Hilzenrath.

2007: The SundayNew York Times book section featured a review of Norman Mailer’s The Castle In The Forest“a remarkable novel about a young Adolph Hitler and his family.” 

2007: The London Sunday Times book section featured a review of Rome & Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations by Martin Goodman in which the author asks “Was there anything intrinsic in Jewish and Roman society,” he asks, “that made it impossible for Jerusalem and Rome to coexist?”

2007: The Sunday edition of the Los Angeles Times featured reviews of Mailer’s The Castle in the Forest and Daniel Hurwitz’s Bohemian Los Angeles and the Making of Modern Politics.

2008: In Manhattan, screenings of “His Wife’s Lover” which was billed as the “first Jewish musical comedy talking picture,” staring popular stage comedian Ludwig Satz in his only screen performance; “Santa Fe” a film depicting the plight of exhausted Jewish immigrants desperate to begin a new life who arrive on a ship in New York harbor in 1940.This absorbing picture examines the hopes, doubts, and memories of exiles; “Jerusalem is Proud to be Present” which explores the struggle of those who in the summer of 2006  hosted World Pride, an international celebration of tolerance for all people regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity in Jerusalem. It describes how the event’s organizers were forced to make significant compromises due to the war in Lebanon and fierce opposition from the HolyCity’s religious communities.

2008: As part of plans to celebrate the efforts of Sir Nicholas Winton to save Jewish children from Czechoslovakia at the outbreak of WW II, plans for the “Train Prague-London Project” were announced today.

2009(25th of Tevet, 5769):Charles Hirsh Schneer, a noted film producer who for a quarter-century helped the Oscar-winning special-effects wizard Ray Harryhausen lay waste to Washington, San Francisco, Rome and many other places, passed away today in Boca Raton, Florida at the age of 88.(As reported by Margalit Fox)

2009 The Jewish community will be represented in the Prayer Service at National Cathedralby Reform Rabbi David Saperstein, Conservative Rabbi Jerome Epstein and Orthodox Rabbi Haskel Lookstein of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York.

2010(6thof Shevat, 5770):Lawrence Garfinkel, an epidemiologist with the American Cancer Society who helped design landmark studies that linked smoking to lung cancer, died today in Seattle. He was 88. (As reported by Denise Grady)

2010: The 19th annual New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present the New York Premiere of “Human Failure,” a documentary directed by Michael Verhoeven “that reveals the expropriation and sale of Jewish assets that benefited innumerable citizens of the Third Reich.

2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Festival is scheduled to present a screening of “Ultimatum,” “a tense melodrama adopted from Valérie Zenatti's 2006 novel” that “authentically recreates the eerie wartime mood that consumed Israeli society in January 1991.”

2010:Authorities say a misunderstanding about a Jewish prayer ritual led to the diversion of a US Airways flight to Philadelphia today. City police Lt. Frank Vanore said a 17-year-old boy on the plane was using tefillin. Vanore said the crew on US Airways Flight 3079 questioned the teen, who explained the ritual. Still, the pilot decided to land in Philadelphia.

2010: The Washington Post features a review of Koeslter: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic by Michael Scammel, a biography of Arthur Kosetler.

2011: At Bloomfield, Michigan, The Jewish Community Center is scheduled to host a concert performed by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.  

2011: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host a Tu B'Shevat Seder Dinner with Karina where attendees can celebrate the birthday of the trees while welcoming Shabbat.

2011: In Washington, DC, Theater J Middle East Festival is scheduled to present “Argentina Reading.” Argentina is a new work by Boaz Gaon in which “the Israeli daughter of a ‘disappeared’ Argentinean Jew visits the former Ambassador to Argentina hoping to discover what became of her father 20 years earlier during the junta’s rise to power.”

2011: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was moved from the University Medical Center in Tucson to TIRR Memorial Hermann hospital in Houston, Texas where she can continue her rehabilitation following her nearly fatal shooting two weeks ago.

2011:The funeral for Sonia Peres is scheduled to be held on today at 11:00 am at the Ben Shemen Youth Village cemetery.

2012: “Daas” – a period drama that explore the influence Jacob Frank, the false messiah -- is scheduled to have its U.S. premiere at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012:Comedian Dave Goldstein is scheduled to appear at the Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival.

2012: “Jewish Soldiers in Blue and Gray” is scheduled to be shown at the Baton Rouge (LA) Film Festival and the Polo Grill and Bar/ The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee in Lakewood Ranch, FL.

2012: “Mahler on the Couch” is scheduled to be shown at the Las Vegas (NV) Jewish Film Festival.

2012: IAF aircraft struck a site in the southern Gaza Strip this morning, after three mortar shells were fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip.

2012: A soldier guarding a military post at the Susya settlement in south Mount Hebron fired warning shots in the air after a Jewish resident approached the post without identifying himself.

2012: This afternoon a Palestinian man stabbed a Border Guard officer near the Shufat Refugee Camp in north-east Jerusalem.

2013: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has appointed former Communications and Welfare Minister Moshe Kahlon as the new chairman of the Israel Land Authority.

2013: On the eve of the elections in Israel, “Well-Meaning Idiots” is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Anthony Russell, Anthony Coleman, & Michael Winograd are scheduled to present a medley of Hebrew, Yiddish, Yemenite, and African-American songs in a Contemporary Jazz Setting at the JCC in Manhattan

2013: In what may seem like some kind of political symbiosis, President Obama takes the office of office publicly as Israel prepares to choose a new government.

2013:When Dan Margalit, the top commentator at the daily free sheet Israel Hayom, opened the newspaper this morning, he was likely surprised to see that the commentary he had written the night before did not appear in its usual spot on the front page. Nor did it appear on the second page or the third. In fact, he had to rifle through the paper quite a bit to find his commentary – on page 37. According to some reports, this was as a result of criticizing Prime Minister Netanyahu (As reported by Barak Ravid)

2013: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu dangled the prospect of cheaper housing in front of voters in one of his last press conferences before tomorrow’s election

2014:The Lawrence Family JCC is scheduled to host “The Poetry of Hayyim Nahman Bialik” an evening in which “Gabriella Auspitz Labson will discuss selected poems by Israel's national poet, Hayyim Nahman Bialik. Eileen Wingard will play some melodies to which Bialik's poems have been set.”

2014: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is scheduled to “attend a joint meeting of the Israeli and Canadian governments before accompanying Prime Minister Netanyahu to Yad Vashem
2014: “The Women Pioneers” and “Before the Revolution” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

This Day, January 22, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 22

1167(23rdof Shevat, 4927): Ibn-Ezra passed away at the age of 78 in Calahorra which was on the border between Navarre and Aragon. There is no way that any entry could do justice to this Sephardic writer, philosopher, scientist and most important of all, world traveler.

 1521: Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, opens the Diet of Worms. The Diet of Worms would vote to declare Luther an outlaw, banning his literature, and requiring his arrest” and require that he be punished as a heretic. Ultimately this would lead to warfare between Charles and the rebellious Germanic princes who supported Luther. This outbreak of fighting would determine who “the real Charles was” when it came to dealing with Jews.  Charles wore two hats or should we say, crowns.  As King of Spain, he was the grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella, following in the footsteps, the monarchs who brought the inquisition to Spain and expelled the Jews in 1492. But as Holy Roman Emperor “he had issued a letter of protection for Germany’s Jews” and “did not tamper with the privileges extended by previous Emperors to his Jewish subjects.  When the fighting broke out, Spanish troops came to Germany to support Charles against the rebellious Protestant princes. When the Jews complained that the Spanish troops were treating them in the “Spanish manner,” the Emperor issued an order to end the molestation of the Jews. So in this instance Charles worse his “German Hat” and ironically it was a better deal for the Jews of that time and place.

1561: Birthdate of Sir Francis Bacon. According to one “myth” the Earl of Leicester was Bacon's actual father and he had as his physician the magician and Jew Dr. Frederigo Lopez who was the insipiration for “the Jew of Malta.”

1621: William Prynne, the English jurist and political leader who opposed allowing the Jews to return to England graduated from Oxford with a B.A.

1648: Rabbi Shabbetai ben Meir ha-Kohen completed the manuscript for Nekudat ha-Kessef

1689: As the British wrestled with the issue of whether or not James II was still their ruler, the Convention Parliament met today.  By now Jews had been re-admitted to the kingdom but their numbers were small and they played no active role in the meeting. But the ultimate outcome certainly had an impact on their future as citizens of the United Kingdom. 

1729: Birthdate of Gotthold Lessing, German poet, philosopher and playwright. Although a strong believing Christian, he advocated religious tolerance. His plays, such as “Die Juden” which appeared in 1749, portrayed the Jews as decent, admirable people. Lessing was a close friend of Moses Mendelssohn, who provided the inspiration for the character of Nathan in “Nathan the Wise” a play whose sympathetic portrayal of the Jews earned it the distinction of being banned by 18th century Christians and 20th century Nazis.

1752(6th of Shevat): Talmudist Rabbi David ben Joseph of Breslau, author of Shoresh Yosef, passed away

1755: Marshal Oscar von Lubomirski demolished the Jewish homes built on the outskirts of Warsaw in a community called “New Jerusalem”.  After the demolitions were completed, all of the Jews were expelled from Warsaw

1775: Pope Pious VI reinforces all existing anti-Jewish legislation as part of his campaign against liberalism.  He passed away in 1781.

1814(1st of Shevat, 5574): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1814(1st of Shevat): Rabbi Eliezer ben Joseph of Alton, author of Mishnat de Rabbi Eliezer passed away today

1814(1st of Shevat, 5574):Raphael Bischoffsheim passed away Mayence.  A merchant and prominent philanthropist, he was born at Bischofsheim-on-the-Tauber in 1773.  He went to Mayence during the French Revolution, and from a small merchant became a purveyor to the army. Bischoffsheim was well thought of by his co-religionist and served as was president of the Jewish community of Mayence.

1818(1th of Shevat, 5578): Tu B’Shevat

1832: Birthdate of Alonzo Barton Cornell, who while serving as 27thGovernor of New York appointed Meyer Isaacs to serve as a Justice of the Marine Court.

1837(Shevat 15): Rabbi Jacob Simon Sofer of Cracow, author of Maor Shemesh passed away.

1840: British colonists reach New Zealand. According to Maria Weiss, Jewish merchants began arriving in New Zealand in the 1830’s.  By 1840, there were approximately 30 Jews living in the colony including David Nathan who helped found the Jewish community in Aukland and Abraham Hort who helped found the Jewish community in Wellington.

1855: In Schweidnitz, “well known Jewish physician Dr. Mortiz Neisser” and his wife gave birth to Albert Ludwig Sigesmund Neisser a German physician who discovered the causative agent (pathogen) of gonorrhea, a strain of bacteria that was named in his honor (Neisseria gonorrhoeae).”

1856:Twelve Bavarian, Dutch, and Portuguese Jews, who “had originally organized in 1855 as the United Brethren Society, a benefit society that provided members with medical and burial assistance” met today in Brooklyn to discuss plans for the incorporation of their group as a synagogue.  Their efforts would bear fruit in March of 1856 with the founding of Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes. (בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל אַנְשֵׁי אֱמֶת, "House of Israel – People of Truth"), the first synagogue formed on Long Island and “the oldest continuously operating synagogue in Brooklyn.” Today Baith Israel is “commonly known as the Kane Street Synagogue, an egalitarian Conservative synagogue on Kane Street in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn.

1861: The New York Tribune expressed its displeasure with the decision of Hiram Ketchum and Professor Samuel F.B. Morse to invite Rabbi Raphael to deliver an address saying that “when men are out of money they go to the Jews but we never would have expected to find” them “so short of speech as to be obliged to ask Rabbi Raphael to speak for them.”
1863: The January Uprising breaks out in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. The aim of the national movement was to liberate the Polish-Lithuanian-Ruthenian Commonwealth from Russian occupation.It is estimated that 1,000 to 2,000 Jews participated in the uprising.  Approximately 400 of them lost their lives while several hundred more were exiled to Siberia by the Russians when the uprising failed.

1870: Rabbi Lewin conducted the first Shabbat morning service at the newly formed Temple Israel.  Services were held in the building owned by the YMCA in Brooklyn.  Dr. Samuel Adler of Temple Emanu-El delivered the sermon.  The service was conducted in English and the sermon was delivered in German.
1871: Birthdate of composer Leon Jessel.  Jessel died at the hands of the Gestapo in 1942.
1874: New Jersey authorities took Abraham Levy off of the Hamburg steamer Silesia before it sailed this afternoon.  The Jewish businessman has been accused by his partner of stealing $2,200 from their Baltimore, MD business.

1878: A Jew named William Yandaw was held as a material witness after he accused Annie Walker of stealing $35 from him.

1890(1st of Shevat, 5650): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1891: Baron Hirsch signed a deed of trust in the presence of the Consul General of the United States in Paris and the Vice Consul that gave control of $2,400,000 to a group of prominent New York Jewish community leaders who would use the funds to aid recent Russian and Romanian immigrants to the United States.

1891: Birthdate of painter Moise Kisling.  Born in Poland, he moved to France in 1910.  Here he developed his style and gained fame and popularity.  Kisling was decorated by the French for heroism during World War I.  He passed away in 1973.

1892: Birthdate of Marcel Dassault, French airplane builder

1893(5th of Shevat): Seventy-four year old historian David Cassel who was active in “Wissenschaft des Judentums or Jewish Studies which refers to a nineteenth-century movement premised on the critical investigation of Jewish literature and culture, including rabbinic literature, using scientific methods to analyze the origins of Jewish traditions, passed away today.
1893: It was reported today that Temple Emanu-El has donated “over 3,500 books, pamphlets and manuscripts” to Columbia to serve as the foundation for the schools “library of Hebrew literature, philology and religion.”

1893: John Edelmann, the socialist-anarchist architect who had worked for Dankmar Adler addressed a meeting at the Hebrew Institute in New York City held to protest the Panama Scandal now rocking France.

1893: Birthdate of actor Conrad Veidt who is remembered for his role of Major Strasser in the famous World War II film, “Casablanca.”

1894(15thof Shevat, 5654): Tu B’Shevat

1894: Professor Knapp of Barnard College was scheduled to give a lecture this evening at the Hebrew Insitute.

1894: As economic conditions continued to worsen R.H. Macy & Co which was owned by the Straus family sent $1,355.85 to the Charity Organization in New York for the second week in a row.

1895(26th of Tevet, 5655): Edward “Teddy” Solomon passed away today six months before his 40th birthday. An accomplished pianist and conductor, Solomon was a noted composer of comic operas in the manner of Gilbert and Sullivan.

1896: The Hebrew Orphan Asylum of Brooklyn hosted its 13th annual charity ball which was held this evening at the Academy of Music.

 1897(19thof Shevat, 5657): David Orbansky, Civil War veteran and winner of the Medal of Honor passed away today following which he was buried in Columbus, Ohio.

1898: A meeting of anti-Dreyfus and anti-Zola demonstrators is scheduled to be held in Paris’ Latin Quarter today.

1898: Rabbi Gustav Gottheil delivered an address about “Jewish Immigration” at dinner tonight at Delmonico’s that celebrated the 22nd anniversary of the Legal Aid Society in New York City.

1898: “Barnato: The Man’s Life and His Fortune in Diamonds” published today provides a review of Barney Barnato: A Memoir by John Ward.

1899: It was reported today that J. Ernest G. Yalden is Superintendent of the Baron de Hirsch Technical Schools and A.S. Solomons is the general manager of the school.

1899: Founding of the English Zionist Federation

1899: It was reported today that the Baron de Hirsch Technical Schools, which has limited admission to Russian and Romanian Jewish immigrants are now accepting “Jews of all nationalities.”

1899: Birthdate of Czech born American historian Guido Kisch who specialized in the history of the Jews during the Middle Ages.

1899: The Federated Hebrew Trade Unions sent delegates to today’s meeting of a newly formed labor organization known as the Central Federated Union.

1899: It was reported today that John T. O’Brien who had been supplied with a job and card for free lodging by the United Hebrew Charities claimed that he been the victim of a “badger game”’; a charge for which there was no evidence. (O’Brien had not been asked to provide any proof that he was Jewish when he applied for assistance, indicating that the Jewish charity supplied people who were not their co-religionists.)

1901: King Edward VII followed his mother Queen Victoria to the British throne.  Edward counted several Jews among his friends and “inner circle,” something that did not sit well with much of the British aristocracy.  Even more important, was Edward’s willingness to intervene on behalf of the Jews of Russia.  In a state visit, he approached his cousin, Czar Nicholas II, about the matter.  Cousin Nicky ignored “Bertie.” English political leaders expressed dismay at the King’s behavior.  But for the Jews, Edward would become a hero.  His all too short reign came to an end in 1910.

1901: Following the death of Queen Victoria, Winston Churchill writes to his mother speculating on what changes will take place in the behavior of the Prince of Wales now that he is king. Churchill wonders if King Edward will “scatter his Jews or will Reuben Sassoon be enshrined among the crown jewels and other regalia?” The King would keep his Jewish friends including “the Baghdadi-born Jew Reuben Sassoon.”

1904: Herzl is received by Rafael Merry del Val the Papal Secretary, who promises to take into consideration the matter of supporting the Zionist aspirations.

1905: The Sunday New York Times Magazine publishes the first three chapters of an unfinished novel by the late Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield.

1907: Salome, Op. 54, an opera in one act by Richard Strauss which he dedicated the opera to his friend Anglo-Jewish financier Sir Edgar Speyer had its New York City premiere.
1908: Birthdate of physicist Lev d Landau who won the Nobel Prize in 1962.

1909: Sleah Merrill, the clergyman who worked as an archeologist for the American Palestine Exploration Society, excavating the second wall of Jerusalem and served as the United Counsel in Jerusalem three times between 1882 and 1907 passed away.  “A virulent anti-Semite” he opposed Jewish settlement in Palestine, a view which was adopted by many in the United States State Department.

1911:At the annual meeting of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society several speakers including Jacob Schiff and Judge Leon Sanders condemned the Gardner Immigration bill, which proposed to add an educational test clause to the exclusion laws and severely criticized the special boards of inquiry on Ellis Island.

1911: In New York City Agnes Elizabeth Meyer, who was Lutheran and Eugene Meyer, who was Jewish gave birth to Florence Meyer who gained famed as Florence Meyer Homolka, the noted photographer who was the wife of actor Oscar Homolka.

1911:  Birthdate of Bruno Kreisky, the first Jewish Chancellor of Austria.  He died in 1990.

1912:Dr. Benzion Mossinsohn, a representative of the Gymnasium of Jaffa, spoke to a very large audience at Cooper Union tonight on the work of that school, the first strictly Jewish school to be established in Palestine for 2,000 years. Dr. Mossinsohn was given an enthusiastic welcome when he was introduced by Dr. Harry Friedenwald of Baltimore, Honorary President of the Federation of American Zionists. The lecture was in Yiddish.

1913:The new Hebrew Union College buildings were dedicated at Cincinnati, Ohio.

1915: Birthdate of Samuel J. Popeil, inventor of the Veg-O-Matic.

1918: Moishe Zilberfarb completed an 18 month stint as Deputy-Secretary of Jewish Affairs in the General Secretariat of Ukraine, the main executive institution of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

1922: Pope Benedict XV passed away. During World War I in response to the request of American Jews to alleviate the suffering of Polish Jews, Benedict issued a letter which was published in “Civilta Cattolica” denouncing anti-Semitism.  In 1917, he spent 45 minutes with Zionist Nahum Sokolov discussing the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

1923: The Golden Jubilee Convention of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations opened at the Hotel Astor in New York City.

1924: When the Labor Party in Great Britain formed its first government, Josiah Wedgwood was named Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.

1928:  In an article published today entitled "Homeland of Habima, " William Schack described the current state of theatre in Palestine.  According to him "Palestine is  as poor as east side tenement" with a population divided into three linguistic groups speaking English, Arabic and Hebrew.  In the past year, the only English performances were by amateurs who stage a few "ace acters."  During the same period, the only Arabic offering was a performance of Carmen.  Other than that, Schack has not hear of "any Arabic theatre in Palestine."

1929: Yehudi Menuhin is scheduled to receive “a Stradivatius and Tourte body” from Henry Goldman, a member of Goldman, Sachs and his wife. (As reported by JTA)

1930: In Winnipeg, Cantor and Mrs. Alexander Steinberg gave birth to Ben Steinberg, the noted Canadian musician who served as director of music at the Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto.

1931: Sir Isaac Isaacs, the son of a British tailor, was sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.

1931: Silent screen star Alma Rubens, whose father was Jewish and whose mother was not, passed away.

1933: Birthdate of basketball star Leonard Robert "Lennie" Rosenbluth, who played forward on the North Carolina team that won the NCAA Championship in 1957 and went on to a pro career with the Philadelphia Warriors.

1934: Birthdate of Emanuel “Manny” Azenburg, the Bronx native who gained fame as a theatrical producer who worked with playwright Neil Simon for over three decades.

1935: Today when the High Commissioner for Palestine, Brig. Gen. Sir Arthur Wauchope, opened a valve that inaugurated the British section of the gigantic enterprise, crude oil that had been pumped 600 mile through the new desert pipe line from the Iraq oil fields flowed into a tanker moored in the Bay of Acre off the coast of Palestine.

1935: Birthdate of American actor Seymour Cassel.

1938:An appeal for continued support of the Jewish colonization movement in Palestine in a time of renewed persecution of Jews in Rumania, Germany and Poland was voiced in Washington tonight by speakers before the National Conference for Palestine, meeting in observance of the completion of twenty years of Jewish settlement in the Holy Land.

1941:Dr. Bernard Joseph, legal adviser to the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the executive body that is cooperating with the British Government asserted that Jews in Palestine “are facing the paradox of supporting Prime Minister Churchill's war effort completely and yet being at odds with British administration” over issues related to the establishment of Jewish homeland including immigration and land ownership.

1941: The British army has renewed its recruiting efforts aimed at Palestinian Arabs and Jews.  The new recruits will be used for sentry and other similar guard duties which would release other British infantry regiments for use in active combat roles in North Africa.

1941: In Lublin, Poland; Hans Frank told his fellow Nazis, "We...cannot be asked to have any consideration left for the Jews."

1941: The Iron Guard revolt in Rumanialed to the first massacre of Jews there during World War II.

1941: The Law for the Defense of the Nation is imposed by Bulgaria, forcing Jews to give up public posts and forcing Jewish doctors, lawyers, and other professionals to forfeit their jobs. Also, a selective tax is imposed on Bulgaria's Jewish shops and homes.

1943:  This was Rivka Libeskind first Shabbat in Auschwitz-Birkenau.  The women, who had just recently arrived at the camp, lit candles and sang Shabbat melodies. Women who had lived there for years wept and joined the prayer session

1943: During Operation Tiger in Marseilles, France, Nazis seized more than 4000 Jews for deportation over a four day period. At nearby Les Accates, 29 Jewish children were seized at La Rose Orphanage. Their guardian, Alice Salomon, insisted on remaining with them. Marseilles had had a reputation as being the Jerusalem of the Mediterranean.

1943: The Jewish ghetto at Grodno, Belorussia, is liquidated

1943: A death train that originated in Grodno, Poland, on January 17 erupts in violence at the Treblinka death camp when 1000 Jews armed with boards, knives, and razors attack guards. By morning thousands of Jews who had been on the train are dead, killed by Treblinka SS troops armed with machine guns and grenades

1944: President Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9417, establishing the War Refugee Board. The Board is committed to enforcing the policies of the U.S. government regarding the rescue and relief of victims of persecution.

1945 (8th of Shevat, 5705): Seventy-five year old Else Lasker-Schüler passed away in Jerusalem (As reported by Sigrid Bauschinger)

1946: Birthdate of Malcolm McLaren, the British born manager of the musical group “The Sex Pistols.”

1946: Following the “blasting of a British installation” the British imposed a stern, tight sunrise-to-sunset curfew on the entire Hadera district of the Palestine coast between Tel Aviv and Haifa.

1947(1st of Shevat, 5707): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1947:  The British government decided today that it would turn the Palestine Problem over to the United Nations since it could not get the Jews and Arabs to accept a common solution..  However, the British would not make their decision public for another six weeks. 

1948: Birthdate of London born historian Bernard Wasserstein, who studied with Anna Freud and whose works include The British in Palestine and Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945.

1948: Birthdate of Brooklyn born conductor Sir Gilbert Levine.

1949: During a debate in the House of Commons, Winston Churchill, leader of the Opposition, attacked Foreign Minister Bevin for his “astounding mishandling of the Palestine problem” that could only be described as “gross and glaring.”

1951(15thof Shevat, 5711): For the first time during the Korean War, observance of Tu B’Shevat.

1953: The Arthur Miller drama ''The Crucible'' opened on Broadway

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that East Germany had started probing the 'Jewish descent' of its officials and public figures and that the National Zeitung, an organ of the East German National Democratic Party, warned Jews that they would be punished if they 'ally themselves with American warmongers.'  In Moscow the New Times accused Zionists of being the enemies of the Russian people who sought world domination and claimed that the officials of the American Joint Distribution Committee were 'the lackeys of American imperialism.' 

1957: Under massive pressure from the United Statesand the Soviet Union, Israeli forces withdrew from most of Sinai after the Sinai Campaign. The threat of economic sanctions by the United Statespresented to great a threat for the Israelis not to give ground.  President Eisenhower and his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, gave new life to President Nassar of Egypt.  Nasser repaid their support by tying the cause of the Arabs even more tightly to the Soviet Bloc.  The promises that the U.N. gave to effect the withdrawal were not honored.  And like all other dishonorable acts of peace, war would again be the result. 

1964(8th of Shevat, 5724): Marc Blitzstein, American composer whose works included “Cradle Will Rock,” passed away at the age of 58

1967 (11th of Shevat, 5727):Robert David Quixano Henriques passed away. Born in 1911, he was a British writer, broadcaster and farmer. He gained modest renown for two award-winning novels and two biographies of Jewish business tycoons, published during the middle part of the 20th century.The following year, he wrote 100 Hours to Suez, and it was around this time, in his late forties, that Henriques began to take an active interest and pride in his Jewish identity. He was won over by the Zionist cause, and made frequent trips to Israel where he bought a small property. In the 1960s, Henriques wrote two biographies. The first one charted the life and career of his wife's grandfather Marcus Samuel, the great oil pioneer and leader of the Jewish community, and the second one described the life of Sir Robert Waley-Cohen

1967: Simon & Garfunkel performed live at Philharmonic Hall in the Lincoln Center, New York City. The recording would not be released until July 16, 2002.

1970(15thof Shevat, 5730): Tu B’Shevat

1973: President Lyndon B Johnson President passed way at his ranch in Stonewall, Texas at the age of 64.  One of LBJ’s closest advisors was Abe Fortas who considered himself “a nominal Jew.”  When LBJ nominated him to serve as a Justice on the Supreme Court, Fortas, who was one of the few people who could speak candidly to the tall Texan, told him that the Jews would not consider this a Jewish nomination. As President, Lyndon Johnson had the courage (both political and personal) and the skill to enact the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also enacted many measures such Head Start and Medicare which had a great deal of support among Jewish voters. At the same time, his support of the Viet Nam War cost him a lot of support among these same Jewish voters. More to the point, he supported Israel in the Six Day War of 1967.  Among other things, he kept the Soviets from interfering on behalf of their Arab clients and forced the Russians to quit threatening Israel. Long after he had left the White House, The Associated Press published more information about LBJ’s “personal and often emotional connection to Israel” which is worth reading in its entirety.

Based on newly released tapes of the president’s conversations, the news agency pointed out that during the Johnson presidency (1963-1969) “the United States became Israel's chief diplomatic ally and primary arms supplier.” LBJ is quoted in one conversation, “"I sure as hell want to be careful and not run out on little Israel." Further reports reveal the full extent of Johnson’s actions on behalf of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Indeed, the title of “Righteous Gentile” is certainly appropriate in the case of the Texan. Most students of the Arab-Israeli conflict can identify Johnson as the president during the 1967 war.Butfew know about LBJ’s actions to rescue hundreds of endangered Jews 30 years earlier, actions that could have thrown him out of Congress and into jail. The Texascongressman’s district had only 400 Jews, but clearly the Johnson family’s Christian teachings had given him a strong affinity for Jews and their return to the Holy Land. Five days after taking office in 1937, LBJ broke with the “Dixiecrats” and supported an immigration bill that would naturalize illegal aliens, mostly Jews from Lithuania and Poland. In 1938, Johnson was told of a young Austrian Jewish musician who was about to be deported from the United States. With an element of subterfuge, LBJ sent him to the U.S. Consulate in Havana to obtain a residency permit. Erich Leinsdorf, the world famous musician and conductor, credited LBJ for saving his live. That same year, LBJ warned a Jewish friend that European Jews faced annihilation. Somehow, Johnson provided him with a pile of signed immigration papers that were used to get 42 Jews out of Warsaw. But that wasn’t enough. According to historian, James M. Smallwood, Congressman Johnson used legal and sometimes illegal methods to smuggle “hundreds of Jews into Texas, using Galveston as the entry port. Enough money could buy false passports and fake visas in Cuba, Mexico, and other Latin American countries. … Johnson smuggled boatloads and planeloads of Jews into Texas. He hid them in the Texas National Youth Administration…. Johnson saved at least four or five hundred Jews, possibly more.” On June 4, 1945, Johnson visited the Dachau concentration camp. According to historian Smallwood, Lady Bird later recalled that “when her husband returned home, he was still shaken, stunned, terrorized, and ‘bursting with an overpowering revulsion and incredulous horror at what he had seen.’” As President, Johnson met with Israel’s Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and undertook to replace the recalcitrant France as Israel’s principal arms supplier, providing Patton tanks and Skyhawk jets and Phantom jets. Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin once asked Johnson why the United States supported Israelwhen there are 80 million Arabs and only three million Israelis. “Because it is right,” responded the straight-shooting Texan.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who a week earlier instructed his delegation to break off the Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations held in Jerusalem, had now announced that he was leaving the door open for renewed talks, but on certain conditions. He demanded that, before any concrete peace negotiations may continue, Israelmust agree to a total withdrawal to the pre-1967 frontiers and recognize the Palestinian rights to self-determination. The USsought a new format for political negotiations and urged Israel to resume military talks held in Cairo and postponed by Premier Menachem Begin. Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan warned that Sadat's conditions would lead to a dead end and offered no opportunity for progress.

1980(4th of Shevat, 5740): Ninety-two year old German-born Israeli historian and an expert in medieval Spanish Jewish history Yitzhak Baer passed away.

1984: The New York Times features Paul Johnson’s review of The High Walls of Jerusalem: A History of the Balfour Declaration and the Birth of the British Mandate for Palestine by Ronald Sanders.

1988: The police imposed a curfew tonight on A-Tur, an Arab neighborhood in East Jerusalem, invoking special emergency powers in this city for the first time since East Jerusalem was captured from Jordan in 1967.

1991:El Al Israel Airlines and Tower Air are still flying to Tel Aviv. Sheryl Stein, the manager of public relations for El Al, said it was continuing daily service from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York to Tel Aviv. She said that the carrier had not reduced its schedule and that it had 17 flights yesterday in and out of Tel Aviv to other parts of the world. In addition, she said the airline was bringing in immigrants daily from Hungary and Romania.

1991: After a Scud slammed into a two-story apartment building in a Tel Aviv suburb today, 260 Israelis were forced to move into hotels. Almost 1,000 Israelis, most of whom live in Tel Aviv have already lost their homes because of attack by Iraqi Scuds.

1994 (10th of Shevat, 5754): Irving B Kahn inventor of the teleprompter passed away at the age of 76

1995: In central Israel, two suicide bombers from the Gaza Strip blew themselves-up at a military transit point killing 19 Israelis. This was just one of the many acts of terrorism that took placed after Rabin and Arafat shook hands on the White House lawn.  Despite, them the Israelis would make a variety of territorial concessions.  The terror would continue.

1996(1stof Shevat, 5756): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1996 (1st of Shevat, 5756): Yisrael Eldad, member of the Stern Gang and leader of right wing political groups after the creation of the state of Israel extremist politician, died at the age of 85

1996:When the top awards in children's publishing were announced today, the Margaret A. Edwards Award for Outstanding Literature for Young Adults went to Judy Blume in recognition of lifetime achievement in the field.
1997 (14th of Shevat, 5757): Irwin Levine, composer of “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” passed away at the age of 58.
1999: Steven Grossman completed his chairmanship of the Democratic National Committe
2000(15th of Shevat, 5760): Tu B'Shevat celebrated for the first time in the 21st century

2001: In talks today Israeli officials unexpectedly revived the idea of some form of joint or international administration for the historic city center of Jerusalem and its holy sites. This trial balloon was simultaneously punctured by the Palestinians, who reiterated their demand for sovereignty over all Arab districts and religious sites in East Jerusalem, and by the Israeli opposition, which objected to any plan for limiting Israeli rule in the city.

2002:A Palestinian gunma carried out a terrorist attack in Jerusalem’s central shopping distrct, raking the area with semiautomatic gunfire that killed two and wounded 20 before being shot dead by the police

2004: Sicor becomes the wholly owned subsidiary of Israel’s Teva Pharmaceutical Industries.

2004:Two Israeli cabinet ministers said today that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon would have to resign if a bribery investigation eventually leads to his indictment.

2005: The Washington Post published an op-ed column by Samuel Pisar entitled “Will We ‘Never Forget’?”  An international lawyer and author of Of Blood and Hope, Pisar survived Auschwitz.   Pisar expressed his concern that as the survivors reach the autumn of their lives, the world has not learned from the horrors of their experiences nor will they really remember what happened in a meaningful manner. 

2006: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Between You and Me: A Memoir by Mike Wallace with Gary Paul, Maimonides by Sherwin Nuland, The Poems of Charles Reanikoff: 1918-1975, edited by Seamus Cooney and Nicholas Miraculous a biography of Nicholas Murray Butler.  Regardless of how history views him (and the picture is none too flattering) Butlerearns low marks in the American Jewish Experience.  As the reviewer says of Butler, “His most creative involvement with the undergraduate college seems to have come in searching for ways to keeps its Jewish enrollment down. He considered having applicants take physicals that would ‘find grounds to eliminate socially unappealing Jews smart enough to have passed the entrance examination,’ and throughout the 1930's he funneled Jewish students into an affiliated two-year college in Brooklyn. Its courses were "taught largely by junior faculty members from MorningsideHeights," and the dropout rate was enormous. When it closed after 10 years, Butlerat last gave up on ‘the Hebrew problem.’"

2006: The New York Times reported on the “four founding mothers of a large chunk of today’s Ashkenazi Jewish population” in an article entitled “Loy you, K2a2a, Whoever You Are” by Amy Harmon, a “direct descendant” of one of these four “bubbes”

2006:The S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program hosted a career fair at the Renaissance Hotel in Jerusalem to demonstrate how a Yeshiva University education can benefit them.

2007: Representative Tom Lantos, the only Holocaust survivor serving the U.S. Congress moved “to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution (H. Res. 52) paying tribute to Reverend Waitstill Sharp and Martha Sharp for their recognition by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority as Righteous Among the Nations for their heroic efforts to save Jews during the Holocaust.”

2007: In an article in The Jerusalem Post, Stephen Arnoff contended that the future of Jewish survival in the United States, depended, in part on older leaders of the Jewish community paying attention to the generation of young Jewish leaders who created projects like Hadar, Storahtelling, Zeek, jewschool, Hazon, Jdub Records and  similar Jewish enterprises

2007:Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz agreed to appoint Major General (Res.) Gabi Ashkenazi as the 19th Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces.

2008(15thof Shevat, 5768): Tu B’Shevat

2008 (15th of Shevat, 5768): Miles Lerman, the Nazi Camp survivor who helped found the U.S. Holocaust Museum, passed away. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi

2009: The International Astronomical Union named a crater on the moon after American physiologist Joseph Erlanger.

2009:The final five nominees for the Oscar for best documentary are scheduled to be announced today.  Among those being considered is,“Blessed Is the Match: The Life and Death of Hannah Senesh”

2009:In Germanythe scheduled date for the nationwide release of Adam Resurrected. It follows the story of Adam Stein, a charismatic patient at an asylum for Holocaust survivors in Israel, in 1961. Jeff Goldblum stars as Adam, alongside Willem Dafoe, Derek Jacobi and Ayelet Zurer..

2009: The Centro Primo Levi and the Yeshiva University Museum present a lecture by Eva Forgacs on the life and work of István Farkas.István Farkas (1887-1944), a modernist of the École de Paris, whose elusive landscapes fascinated writers and painters alike, returned in 1932 to his native Hungary where his mysterious works ultimately presaged his own death at Auschwitz.

2010: Mishkenot Sha'ananim is scheduled to present a second round of "A Shortcut In Time," part of series of lectures delivered over the course of seven months by the Weizmann Institute's Professor Illem Gross that place “scientists ranging from Isaac Newton to Stephen Hawking  under the microscope.”

2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Festival is scheduled to present a screening of “Where I Stand: The Hank Greenspun Story,” a “chronicle of the endlessly surprising life of the charismatic newspaperman, Vegas icon and real-life Zelig. Greenspun's epic journey from associate of mobster Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel to maverick founder of the Las Vegas Sun (and its long-running Where I Stand editorial) features a colorful cast of characters including high-rolling businessmen and gangsters, movie stars, politicians, family and wheeler-dealer friends. Following Siegel's murder in 1947, the crusading Greenspun rediscovered his Jewish heritage, and became a prominent guerrilla figure in Israeli politics and gun smuggling. Director Scott Goldstein combines archival stills, illuminating interviews, rare diary entries read by Anthony Hopkins, and atmospheric music to create a spirited, highly-stylized mosaic of Greenspun's legendary escapades.”

2011: The New York Premiere of “Miss You”(Te extraño) is scheduled to take place at The New York Jewish Film Festival. The film depicts the travail of a middle class Jewish Argentinean family and Javier, a 15-year-old boy who left his home because of the political situation in 1970s Argentina.

2011: Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to present the Sixth Annual Comedy Night featuring Dan Adhoot

2011(17thof Shevat, 5771): Frank Lieberman passed away.  A native of New York, Lieberman moved to Los Angeles as a teenager.  He parlayed his work as an entertainment reporter for the Herald-Examiner into a public relations career where he developed a special relationship with Elvis Presley and represented such show business notables as Sammy Davis, Jr., Phyllis Diller and Tony Orlando.

2011:The 2011 Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival is scheduled to present “In Rehearsal – a one woman show by Alison Vodnoy.”

2011(17th of Shevat, 5771):Ninety-one year old Tullia Zevi, a pillar of Italy's Jewish community and an ardent anti-fascist who spent the war years in exile in Switzerland, France and the U.S. passed away  today.
2012: Awkward Moment Productions is scheduled to present “Circmference” written and performed by Amy Salloway at the Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival.

2012: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback edition of “The Balfour Declaration: the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict” by Jonathan Schneer.

2012: YIVO is scheduled to present the world premiere of “When Our Bubbas and Zeydas Were Young.”

2012: Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) will resign from Congress this week, she announced in a video message posted today

2012:Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Shaul Mofaz (Kadima) threatened today to hold up the defense budget until the issue of soldiers traveling on trains is resolved.
2012:Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu today called on Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein to open an investigation into Jerusalem Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Hussein for incitement after he was recorded quoting a passage by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the Hadith that calls for the killing of Jews.
2012: A day after announcing her intention to resign from Congress, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) completed the "Congress on Your Corner" event that was cut short more than a year ago when a gunman opened fire on her and her constituents in a Tucson parking lot. She and a dozen others were injured in the attack; six people were killed
2013(11th of Shevat, 5773): Ninety-one year old real estate mogul Sherman Cohen passed away. (As reported by Charles V. Bagli)

2013: As Israelis are scheduled to vote in today’s election, “the Association of Craft and Industry in Israel is calling for the abolition of the Election Day work holiday, saying it will cost small industrial businesses at least NIS 100 million.”

2013: The JCCNV is scheduled to take representative to Richmond, VA as part of Virginia Jewish Advocacy Day.

2013: Meir Ariel’s Election Tour is scheduled to be shown as part of “Election Day at the Cinematheque.”

2013 :Regardless of the outcome of the elections, the big winners today were the country's malls, restaurants, beaches, and parks – with nearly all filled to capacity as Israelis took advantage of a rare weekday off, not connected to a religious celebration, with stores, businesses, and places of entertainment wide open.

2013: An unlicensed therapist who is a respected member of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn was sentenced today to 103 years in prison for repeatedly sexually abusing a young woman, beginning the attacks when she was 12

2014:The next SermonSlam is scheduled to be held at Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn, New York
2014: Israel’s Energy and Water Resources Minister Silvan Shalom is scheduled to end his trip to the United Arab Emirates where he has been attending the World Future Energy Summit. (As reported by Stuart Winer)

2014: “Up The Wrong Tree” and “Ukraine Brides: 13 Years Later” are scheduled to be shown at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2014: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is scheduled “to tour Christian sites in Israel’s north before attending a ceremony at Tel Aviv University, where he will receive an honorary doctorate.” (As reported by Spencer Ho)

This Day, January 23, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 23

393: Roman Emperor Theodosius I proclaims his nine year old son Honorius co-emperor. “Under the rule of Theodosius and his sons… the Christian church consolidated its position as the sole power in the empire,” became less tolerant and the Jews “suffered in inverse proportion to the strength of the emperor’s personality.”

1002: Otto III, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire passed away. No, Otto was not Jewish. But his passing offers an instructive note when studying history, especially Jewish history. A thousand years ago, Otto was the “George Bush” of his day, a major political and military leader. Otto lived in the same century as Rashi, a guy who sold wine in a small town in France. We remember Rashi. Rashi still speaks to us today infusing our lives in ways in which we are not aware. Who remembers Otto?

1199: Birthdate of Almohad ruler Abu Yusuf who ordered the Jews of the Maghreb to wear dark blue garments with long sleeves and saddle-like caps. His grandson Abdallah al-Adil made a concession after appeals from the Jews, relaxing the required clothing to yellow garments and turbans.

1295: Boniface VIII consecrated as Pope.  During his Papacy he will issue “Unam Sanctam” a Bull that “declares there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church” which means that all Jews are denied a portion in “the world to come.”

1235: False accusations of Ritual Murder at Baden, Germany resulted in a massacre of the Jewish population.

1490: At Naples, the first printed edition of the Ramban’s “Sha’ar ha-Gemul,” The Gate of Reward, was published by Joseph ben Jacob Gunzenhauser. Gunzenhauser and his son Azriel had moved from southern Germany to Italy where “they produced various books, including a Hagiographa with rabbinical commentaries, Avicenna's medical Canon, and Abraham ibn Ezra's commentary on the Pentateuch.” Jacob passed away in 1490, the same that they published the Ramban’s seminal work.

1492: At Brescia. Italy, Gershon Soncino produced the first printed Chumash with Megilot.

1571: The Royal Exchange opens in London. The first Jewish broker was admitted to the Royal
Exchange in 1657; the same year a piece of land was purchased for a Jewish cemetery in London.

1579: The Union of Utrecht forms a Protestant republic in the Netherlands. The treaty that created the union guaranteed religious peace under article 13. As a consequence this, the persecuted Jews of Spain and Portugal turned toward Holland as a place of refuge.

1634: Trial of the men implicated in the 'Complicidad Grande' (Great Complicity). Seventeen arrests were made by the Inquisition after a man turned another man in for being "unwilling to make a sale on Saturday," and for not wanting to eat bacon. The man’s possessions were confiscated, more people were implicated, and eventually a total of 81 persons would be locked up and their possessions sequestered. These men were prominent businessmen of the Lima(Peru) community, and their arrests and led to a "widespread commercial crisis" and failure of the community bank.

1639 In Lima, Peru, at an Auto Da Fe, more than eighty New Christians were burned, including Francisco Maldonna de Silva (Elia Nazareno), after the Inquisition discovered that they were holding regular Jewish services. De Silva spent 12 years in prison, during which time he managed to write two books using a chicken bone and charcoal. Each book was about 100 pages. He succeeded in putting together a rope out of corn husks but instead of escaping he used it to visit other prisoners urging them to believe in Judaism.

1656: French Philosopher Blaise Pascal published the first of his Lettres provinciales. Pascal did not radiate the anti-Semitism typical of so many European intellectuals. Over 300 years ago, when King Louis XIV of France asked, the great French philosopher, to give him proof of the supernatural. Pascal answered: "Why, the Jews, your Majesty -- the Jews." The best proof of the supernatural that Pascal could think of was: "The Jews."

1719: Creation of the Principality of Liechtenstein which reportedly provided a refuge for 240 Jews fleeing the Nazis during the Holocaust.

1789: In Washington, D.C., Georgetown becomes the first Catholic college in the United States. Today approximately 650 of Georgetown’s 6,000 are Jewish and a thousand of its 6,000 graduate students are Jewish. The school offers 35 Jewish studies courses and students can major in Jewish Studies. The university also has an active Hillel Chapter 

1793: Prussia and Russia sign a treaty that is known as the Second Partition of Poland.  Each of these partitions resulted in Russia acquiring large chunks of Poland, which she wanted, and large numbers of Jews which she did not want

1854: In London, Louis and Rachel Greenbaum gave birth to Samuel Greenbaum who would serve three years as an Associate Justice of the Appellate Division in New York.

1855: In New York City, a complaint was entered today in "The Mayor's Little Black Book" stating that on Chatham Street "a Jewish drummer is stationed in front of his store insulting passengers as they pass along. The latter nuisance is glaring and intolerable...and calls for intervention of the proper authorities." Chatham Street was the heart of the second-hand clothing “industry” and was equated with Jews in a most uncomplimentary way.

1864(15th of Shevat, 5624): Tu B’Shevat

1871(1st of Shevat, 5631): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1873:, A large crowd braved a snowstorm to hear a lecture at the Beeckman Street Church by Jewish humorist Raphael De Cordova entitled “The New Clergyman.”

1878: Marcus J. Waldheimer, a partner in the firm of Townsend & Waldheimer, denied reports that his father-in-law, Leopold Bamberger, had disappeared. Waldheimer said that Bamberger who has been holding funds in trust that are related to a messy bankruptcy case, has “merely left…temporarily for recreation.”

1879: It was reported today that a revised edition of “Hebrew Men and Times from the Patriarchs to the Messiah” by Joseph Henry Allen will be reissued by Roberts Brothers

1884: The first four page edition of the Financial and Mining News founded by Harry Marks which became the Financial News appeared today

1888(10thof Shevat, 5648): Max Hoffheimer, a member of the board of Hebrew Union College passed away today.

1888: In Breslau, Jewish businessman Max Bernstein and his wife Franziska Altmann gave birth to Arnold Bernstein, the German-American shipower who was stripped of his assets and imprisoned by the Nazis before making his way to the United States in 1939.

1889: French painter Alexandre Cabanel, who taught and was the greatest influence on the work of, Jewish painter Solomon Joseph Solomon, passed away.

1891: Birthdate of Jonas Bernanke. Born in Boryslav, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he eventually made his way to Dillon, South Carolina where he owned a drug store and raised a son named Ben who would become Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

1892: It was reported today that the Russian government is taking a variety of measures to avert the repetition another famine including postponing “the enactment of the laws” aimed at the Jews.

1893: The New York Times featured a review of A Visit to Wazan: The Sacred City of Morocco by Robert Spence Watson. Watson used a letter of introduction from Sir Moses Montefiore to the Chief Rabbi of Morocco “as a passport to meeting Jews” wherever he went. Watson reported that Montefiore’s efforts on behalf of the Moroccan Jews had improved their condition including the comment that “the children of the better class of Jews of Tangiers are taught in English” and use English textbooks.

1893: “Heine in his Family Life” published today provides a detailed review of The Family Life of Heinrich Heine written by his nephew, Baron Ludwig von Embden.

1893: It was reported today that while Richard Mansfield’s depiction of Shylock vividly portray “his hatred, his vindictiveness” and “his implacable cruelty in the pursuit of revenge” “he is much more successful than any other actor…in this day, in denoting the affection of the Jew for his kind and the intense mental agony he suffers over Jessica.  His portrayal is deemed as “less theatrical and more human than others.”  (Over the centuries, the portrayal of Shylock has reflected the skill of the actors and, more to the point, the view of Jews in current society.)

1893: It was reported that Emma Goldman spoke at a meeting of anarchists who call themselves the Pioneers of Liberty

1894: It was reported today that the “stores and fuel yards” that have been provided by Nathan Straus during the current Depression have been “besieged” by the poor and needy.

1895: In New York, the Young Ladies' and Gentlemen's League of the Montefiore Home sponsored a grand ball to raise funds for the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids. The successful fund raiser was attended by members of “the best circles of Jewish society.” The dances for the Montefiore Home have replaced the Purim Balls which up until two years ago were the great fund raising and major winter social events of these prosperous Jewish citizens

1895: It was reported today that “Congregation Shearith Israel has abandoned the idea of selling the synagogue property on 19th Street between 5th& 6th Avenues.
1896: It was reported today that the officers of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society are: Moses May, President; Abraham Abraham, Vice President; Herman Newman, Treasurer.

1896: Notorious German anti-Semitic agitator Hermann Ahlwardt addressed a meeting at Proesser’s in Jersey City, NJ.

1897: It was reported today that Scribner’s is ready to publish Professor Charles F. Kent’s second volume of the History of the Hebrew People.

1898: An anti-Dreyfus/anti-Zola demonstration was scheduled to take place on the Place de la Concorde in Paris.

1898: Ant-Semitic riots continued today in Algiers when “the mob invaded the Jews quarter and pillaged the shops in the Rue Babaoum, driving the Jewish merchants into the streets.”

1898: It was reported today that Selah Miller, a Congregationalist Minister from Massachusetts has been reappointed to by the President as U.S. Consul at Jerusalem.  He had served in that capacity from 1882 to 1886.

1898: The annual meeting of the Mount Sinai Hospital Society was held today in the Dispensary building on east 67th Street.

1898: “A Man Fasts For Twenty Years” published today describes the regiment followed by Morris Fox, a forty year old Jew from Russia who has been living in London for the last twenty years.  During that time he has lived exclusively on a diet of six pints of milk, three pints of beer and half pound of Demerara sugar.  Physicians in Konigsberg provided this “fast” which has proven to be the only way to cope with effects of an illness that “entirely destroyed his digestive organs.”

1898: Birthdate of Sergei Eisenstein. The Russian, film maker worked in the United States before returning to the Soviet Union. One of his most famous films was the “Battleship Potemkin.”

1898: It was reported today that the anti-Dreyfus riots at “Nantes, Bordeaux, Marseilles” and other cities outside of Paris “are frankly anti-Semitic…The mobs have a single purpose which is to outrage, plunder and kill in the Jewish quarters.”  Their cries against Zola are based on their belief that he is a “hired champion” of the Jews.

1898: It was reported today that American correspondent does not think that Sarah Bernhardt will enjoy a successful season this winter when she performs in Paris.

1898: It was reported today that Justice J.J. Cohen, Isaac N. Seligman and Jacob Schiff were among those who attended Legal Aid Society’s 22nd annual dinner at Delmonico’s.

1898 (29th of Tevet, 5658): Yehoshua Yehudah Leib Diskin passed away. Born in 1818, this important rabbi, Talmudist and Biblical commentator was also known as the Maharil Diskin,. He served as a rabbi in Łomża, Mezritch, Kovno, Shklov, Brisk and finally Jerusalem after moving there in 1878, where he became the spiritual leader of a part of the Yishuv haYashan. He was part of a family of rabbis. His father, Binyamin Diskin, served as rabbi in Grodno, Volkovisk and later Łomża. His son was Rabbi Yitzchok Yeruchem Diskin.

1899: Henry Herzberg delivered a lecture at Temple Beth-El tonight in New York entitled “The Soul of Judaism.

1899: The Baron de Hirsch Trade Schools are scheduled to move into a new facility on East Sixty Fourth Street.  The school had outgrown its old facility on East 9th Street that it had occupied for the last five  years

1899: It was reported today that newly created Central Federate Union which has replaced the old Central Labor Union refused to admit delegates from the Federated Hebrew Trades Unions because “they represented a central body and not individual unions.”

1899: In Albany, New York state senator Elsbeg introduced a bill that would the Hebrew Infant Asylum of New York to the list of institutions that are entitled to receive public money.

1902(15thof Shevat, 5662): Tu B’Shevat

1904(6thof Shevat, 5664): Sixty-two year old Flaminio Ephraim Servi who had been serving as chief rabbi at Casale-Monferrato (Italy) since 1872, passed away today.

1904: Herzl was received by the Italian King, Vittorio Emanuele III. The king showed a serious interest in Zionism. But under the Italian political system, the king reigns but does not rule so it will be to Foreign Minister Tittoni to gain political support in Constantinople. Tittoni asked for a memorandum and promised to write to the Italian ambassador in Constantinople.

1909: Birthdate of Simon W. Gerson, a leader of CPUSA and editor for The Daily Worker.

1909: Birthdate of Richard David Barnett, the British academic who was “an authority on archaeology of the ancient world” who also served as President of the Jewish Historical Society of England and Chairman of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society.

1910: The Board of Directors of Mount Sinai Hospital held their annual board meeting today at the hospital on 100th Street and Fifth Avenue. During the reading of the annual report Isaac Stern, the President, announced that the plan to establish a federation of the larger Jewish charitable institutions of the city, a plan for some time in contemplation, had failed. Mr. Stern said that there were certain disadvantages to the creation of such a federation without the guarantee of “any permanent advantages.” Therefore, the directors considered it “in the best interest of the community not give their consent” to such a plan. Mr. Stern announced that the children of the late Mayer Lehman had donated $78,528 which was to used to add two stories to the Dispensary Building as a memorial to their late father. In the past year, almost 89% of the nearly 9,000 patients admitted to the hospital were treated without paying a fee. The hospital’s expenditure of $399,170 exceeded income by almost $15,000. Jacob Schiff, who apparently favored the creation of the federation, gave a speech in which he thanked the board and the medical staff for their efforts in the last year. The board’s decision about joining a federation of charitable institutions doomed the idea at a cost of one million dollars. That was the amount that the late Louis A. Heinsheimer had set aside in his will for such an organization, if and when, it should be created.

1913(15thof Shevat, 5673): Tu B’Shevat

1913: The annual meeting of the United States Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC which S.S. Brill of St. Louis attended as a delegate came to an end.

1913: The 3 days of ceremonies marking the dedication of new buildings at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio, came to an end today.

1914:Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson will appear for the last time on the New York stage when he plays the starring role in “The Merchant of Venice” at the Manhattan Opera House.

1918: In New York Bertha Cohen and Robert Elion, DDS, gave birth to Gertrude Belle Elion. Elion graduated from Hunter College and then earned a Master in Science from N.Y.U. in 1941. In a classic case of sex discrimination, she was unable to obtain a graduate research job which meant she could not earn a Ph.D. Thus the 1988 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ended up working as a lab assistant and high school teacher.

1918: The Chief Rabbi of Algeria plans a community building which will contain a yeshiva, an assembly hall, a library, shelter for strangers, a mikvah and a bakery for matzah.

1919: In Mannville, Alberta, Max Goffman, and his wife, Ann (née Averbach) gave birth to Frances Goffman who gained fame as character actress Frances Bey who played Fonzi’s grandmother on “Happy Days.”

1919: General Lyautey, the resident General of Morocco visits the Mellah (Jewish Quarter) and urges the Jews to contribute towards its sanitation and enlargement.

1921: In Shanghai, Rabbi W. Hirsch consecrated The Ohel Rachel Synagogue for worship. This marked the culminating achievement of Shanghai's First Wave of Jewish immigrants and it was built to accommodate the community of Baghdadi Jews which at its peak numbered 700.

1923: Birthdate of Dina Gottliebova, the native of Brno who gained fame as Dina Babbit who survived Auschwitz by drawing portraits of Dr. Josef Menegle

1923 (6th of Shevat, 5683): Max Nordau passed away at the age of 73. http://www.herzl.org/english/Article.aspx?Item=531

1924: In Paterson, NJ, Sam and Mollie Lautenberg gave birth to Frank Lautenberg who rose to be a United States, a support of the down-trodden and a leader in the Jewish community

1929: Birthdate of Myron Sidney Kopelman, who, as Myron Cope, would become an American sports journalist, radio personality, and sportscaster best known for being "the voice of the Pittsburgh Steelers."

1932: Chief Judge Benjamin N. Cardozo of the Court of Appeals was formally endorsed for associate justice of the United States Supreme Court to fill the seat recently vacated by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes at tonight’s closing session of the annual meeting of the New York State Bar Association at the Hotel Astor

1933: Birthdate of composer Joel Spiegelman.

1936: Sir Isaac Isaacs, a native born Australian who was the son of Polish Jews, completes his term as the 9th Governor-General of Australia.

1937: In Moscow, 17 leading Communists went on trial. They were accused of participating in a plot led by Leon Trotsky to overthrow Joseph Stalin's regime and assassinate its leaders. Stalin combined Trotsky’s Jewish parentage with traditional Russian anti-Semitism to demonize Trotsky and destroy those opposing his authoritarian rule. Having branded the “Jew, Trostky” as an enemy of the revolution, or the Communist Party and/or the Soviet Union, Stalin would feel to move against the Jews of the U.S.S.R when it fit his needs or his demonic spirit.

1938: The Palestine Postreported that two Arabs, implicated in the murder of J.L. Starkey, a noted archaeologist who was excavating in Palestine, were hanged at Acre. The Motza brick and burnt-tile factory was completely gutted by fire. Arson by Arab terrorists was suspected. Ephraim Brin, 19, and Aziz Jacob, 17, both of Jerusalem, were the first Jews to be sentenced, under the newly created Military Courts, to five years' imprisonment for carrying a pistol and a few rounds of ammunition.

1941: Charles Lindbergh testified before the U.S. Congress and recommended that the United States negotiate a neutrality pact with Adolf Hitler. For those who are perplexed by Roosevelt’s response to the plight of European Jewry, this entry should give you a clue as to the kind of the environment in which he was operating. “The Lone Eagle” was a national monument and, as the leader of the America First Movement, he saw WW II was a European measure. He would only grudgingly give ground on his opposition to war once the bombs were falling on Pearl Harbor. Opposition of this magnitude fashioned all of FDR’s decisions about the war, including how to deal with the Shoah. It is only with the warmth of the myth of America’s Greatest Generation that the United States seems like an ant-fascist monolith in WWII.

1941: “Lady in the Dark” a product of “3 Jewish Musketters” - music by Kurt Weill, lyrics by Ira Gershwin and book and direction by Moss Hart – opened at the Alvin Theatre in New York

1942(5th of Shevat, 5702): In Novi Sad, Hungary, 550 Jews and 292 Serbs were driven onto the ice and then shelled. All drowned. [Ed. Note: Who says Kaddish for these people?]

1942(5th of Shevat, 5702): Paul Levinstein was killed in Hadjerat M'Guil a Nazi concentration camp built in remote part of the Sahara Desert in 1941. Upon hearing of their son's death his parents committed suicide in Britain.

1943: Italian authorities refuse to cooperate with Germans in deportations of French Jews living in zones of France under Italian control

1944: "Ode to Napoleon" by the Jewish composer Arnold Schoenberg premieres in New York City

1945: Birthdate of Bruce Ratner. Appointed by Ed Koch to the position of Commissioner of Consumer Affairs for New York City in 1978, he became a real estate developer in 1982. He is now the owner of the New Jersey Nets basketball team, his net worth now several hundred million dollars. Ratner is the developer charged with building the New York Times Tower. He is a member of the board of the Jewish Heritage Museum.

1949: At the Hollywood Athletic Club the first Emmy Awards are presented. A year later, two Jewish stars would dominate the Emmy Awards. The Texaco Star Theatre starring Milton Berle and The Ed Wynn Show starring Ed Wynn would walk off with top honors while Berle and Wynn would each earn awards in their own right.

1950: The 3rd edition of Famous 1st Facts by Jewish trivia expert Joseph Kane is published

1950: Israeli Knesset resolved that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel

1952: Birthdate of Jeanette Ingberman, the Brooklyn born daughter of Holocaust survivors who became a founder of the New York cultural center Exit Art, a hotbed of avant-garde work by artists from around the world. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported from New York that the Soviet Union was about to break diplomatic relations with Israel. The first five tons of the copper ore, excavated from Timna mine in the Negev, were sent for industrial tests to Europe.

1960: Israeli General Yitzhak Rabin sends an aerial reconnaissance across the Suez Canal to ascertain the position of Nasser’s advancing troops. When the troops cannot be found, Rabin correctly assumes they have crossed the Canal. It turned out that the bulk of Egyptian army was almost at the border with Israel where they would only be opposed by force of twenty or thirty tanks.

1963: The latest installment of the memoirs of Ilya Ehrenberg which describe the Soviet response to the invasion of June, 1941, appeared today. Ehrenbeg depicted a hesitant Stalin whose ever—present picture disappeared from view for months and who did not speak to the nation until November of 1941. This installment also describes how Stalin mobilized Soviet Jews including Ehrenberg, Sergei Eisenstein and Solomon Mikhoels to make broadcasts abroad to gain support for the Soviets in their fight against the Nazis. [After the war, Stalin, like Pharaoh, would know not the Jewish contribution and murdered many of them included Mikhoels.]

1964: Arthur Miller's "After the Fall" premiered in New York City.

1968: Mapai, Ahdut HaAvoda and Rafi merged into the Israeli Labor Party and ceased to exist as individual entities.

1975: "Barney Miller" starring Hal Linden premiered on ABC TV.

1977(4th of Shevat, 5737): Bernard "Toots" Shor passed away. “Toots Shor, a bulky Jewish street kid from Philadelphia, who made and gambled away several fortunes in the big town, was in a sense the original insult comic—crass, coarse, jesting jibes being the prime ingredient of pal ship among all those heavy hitters.” Shor was the premier Saloonkeeper and his New York restaurant was a thing of legend.

1978: The Jerusalem Postreported that the cabinet decided to postpone the military talks held with Egypt in Cairo, after the Egyptian delegation broke off political negotiations with Israel, held in Jerusalem. It was expected that this step might influence Egypt to moderate its demands, in tone as well as in contents. The US expressed its disappointment with Israel's sharp reaction to President Anwar Sadat's demands for a total withdrawal to the 1967 borders and the recognition of the rights of the Palestinians. Four hundred and twenty-five Israelis flew to the US under the 'Friendly Force' program designed to promote peace through personal contacts.

1978 (15th of Shevat, 5738): A hundred thousand trees were planted on Tu Bishvat by the Jewish National Fund.

1986: "Jerome Kern Goes to Hollywood" opens at Ritz Theater New York City.

1987: Meir Heth, was appointed today as the new chairman of Bank Leumi L'Yisrael, Israel's biggest commercial bank. The former head of the Tel Aviv stock exchange, Heith was criticized over a 1983 collapse of bank shares. A commission of inquiry last year criticized Mr. Heth for failing to prevent the country's four major banks from manipulating their shares. the former head of the Tel Aviv stock exchange, criticized over a 1983 collapse of bank shares.

1988: As the Arab uprising called the Intifada brings an increase in violence The representative of the Arab League and three other Arab diplomats met with a senior State Department official today to complain about what they considered inadequate United States pressure on Israel to halt the violence against Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

1990(26thof Tevet, 5750): Eighty-five year old Nathan N. Rosen, a graduate of Yeshiva University and Columbia College who served as an Army Chaplain during World War II before beginning a 25 year career as a chaplain at Brown University where he founded the Hillel chapter, passed away today.

1991. At a briefing this morning, Israeli officials appeared to play down the deaths that occurred when an Iraqi Scud missile evaded two American Patriot air-defense missiles and slammed into a Tel Aviv suburb on Tuesday night, leaving 3 people dead and 96 wounded emphasizing that the three victims had suffered heart attacks.

1991: "Seinfeld" debuts on NBC-TV

1997(15thof Shevat, 5757): Tu B’Shevat

1997: Madeleine Albright became the first woman to serve as United States Secretary of State. During her term as Secretary of State, Albright found out for the first time that her family was Jewish.

2000: The New York Timesincludes a review of The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker, 1849-1999by Niall Ferguson.

2001: This afternoon, two Tel Aviv restaurateurs and an Israeli Arab friend sat down for a late lunch in Tulkarm, a battle-scarred town rarely visited by Israeli Jews since the West Bank erupted in riotous protests nearly four months ago. The three were seized by armed men who later let the Israeli Arab go, but shot the two Israeli Jews at point-blank range, Israeli officials said. Hamas, the militant Gaza-based Islamic movement, took responsibility for what it called an ''execution'' and said the shooting had been videotaped.

2001: The killing of two Israeli civilians by Palestinian militants earlier today interrupted a new round of peace negotiations here, with Prime Minister Ehud Barak condemning the slayings as ''horrendous'' and ordering the three cabinet ministers in the talks to return to Jerusalem.

2001: Today, in a talk with high school students on the campaign trail, Ehud Barak appeared to disavow proposals for relinquishing control of the ancient city core of Jerusalem. ''Under any settlement, the Western Wall, the Jewish Quarter, and the Mount of Olives, and what is called the holy basin, will remain under Israeli sovereignty,'' Mr. Barak said.

2002(10th of Shevat, 5762): Bernard Rothman passed away. Cause of death was a stroke. He was better known as Benny Rothman, “a UK political activist, most famous for his leading role in the Mass trespass of Kinder Scout in 1932. He was born in Cheetham Hill, Manchester, in 1911. He is family was so poor that he had to start work at the earliest opportunity rather than take full advantage of a scholarship that he had won. Working as an errand boy in the motor trade, he studied geography and economics in his spare time while his Aunt Ettie introduced him to The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists and the works of Upton Sinclair. Increasingly committed to the causes of socialism and communism, Rothman lost his job after getting into some trouble with the law while selling copies of the Daily Worker. During a period of unemployment, with the help of a bicycle salvaged from spare parts, he discovered the nearby wilderness regions of the Peak District and North Wales. The combination of his political activism and interest in the outdoors led to his participation in the mass trespass of 1932, an enterprise that resulted in a spell in prison and further employment difficulties. In 1934, Rothman went to work at Avro in Newton Heath and instantly became an officer of the Amalgamated Engineering Union (AEU). At Avro's, he met and married fellow communist Lily Crabtree but his political views became increasingly visible to his employer and he was dismissed. Rothman was active in working with Jewish groups in Manchester to oppose the campaigns of Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. In 1936, he started work at Metropolitan Vickers at Trafford Park and was again soon an AEU official.”

2002: Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and subsequently murdered in Karachi, Pakistan. Based on the tape of his murder, Pearl was killed because he was a Jew.


2003 (20th of Shevat, 5763): Actress Nell Carter passed away. She had converted from Catholicism to Judaism in 1982.

2003: The 12th annual Jewish Film Festival comes to an end in New York.

2003: As of 10 pm, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, the holy man of unknown but tremendous age, who was scheduled to visit the Hall of Moses synagogue and then a candlelit graveyard in this Tel Aviv suburb tonight for a rally that mixed mystic ritual with all the grit of Chicago ward politics had failed to make an appearance and the police were forced to disperse the disappointed crowd

2004(29thof Tevet, 5764): German born photographer Helmut Newton passed away. (As reported by Suzy Menkes)

2005: Stanley Fischer, a widely respected American economist and banker, has agreed to leave the United States and a job as a vice chairman of Citigroup to become governor of the Bank of Israel.

2005: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including recently published paperback editions of Horse People: Scenes from the Riding Life by Michael Korda and Unsettled: An Anthropolgy of Jews, Melvin Konner’s sweeping study that follows a roughly historical outline, from the earliest pre-biblical days to the establishment of the state of Israel, and tracks down far-flung Jewish communities in China, India and Afghanistan.

2006: The Andrew Carnegie Medal for best children's video was given to the producers of Mordicai Gerstein's "The Man Who Walked Between the Towers," winner of the Caldecott in 2004. Mordicai Gerstein was born in Los Angeles in 1935. He lives in western Massachusetts with his wife, Susan Yard Harris, who is also an illustrator, and their daughter, Risa. The award winning illustrator, painter and graphics artist has collaborated on numerous books for children including many with a Jewish motif including Queen Esther the Morning Star, Noah and the Great Flood and Jonah and the Two Great Fish

2006(7th of Tevet, 5766): Andrea Bronfman, the wife of Jewish Canadian billionaire Charles Bronfman, was killed in a traffic accident in New York Monday.

2007(4th of Shevat, 5767): Aharon Uzan passed away at the age of 82. Born in Tunisia in 1924, he made Aliyah in 1949 where he became active in a variety of left-wing political parties. He served in the Knesset and held a variety of cabinet posts included Minister of communications and Minister of Agriculture.

2007: "Two Hands” a short documentary on Leon Fleisher by Nathaniel Kahn was nominated for an Academy Award for best short subject today

2007: Israel’s “Sweet Mud” and Holland’s “Black Book,” a movie about a Jewish woman serving in the Resistance against the Nazis are among 61 foreign language films that may be nominated for an Oscar.

2007: Rabbi Andrew Bossov successfully received a kidney from Methodist minister, Reverend Karen Onesti.

2008: It was announced today that Randy Lerner had donated £5 million to the National Gallery, the largest single donation that it has ever received, which may accounted for the fact that the ground floor galleries will named “The Lerner Galleries.”

2008: The third and final episode of “The Jewish Americans” airs on PBS. The three episode series traces the history of the Jews in America starts with the arrival of the first 23 Sephardic Jews in New Amsterdam in 1654 and “ends with Maisyahu, the Chasidic hip-hop star, one of about six million Jews in America today.” For more information seehttp://www.jewishtvnetwork.com/jewishamericans/

 2008: The New York Jewish Film Festival presents “Labyrinths of Memory, a documentary that draws parallels between two very different women united by a search for identity: Maite Guiteras, Mexican born, adopted at birth, and raised in Cuba; and the film’s director, born in Costa Rica to East European Jewish parents and raised in Mexico.”

2008: In a night time attack, two armed Palestinians affiliated with Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades infiltrated a yeshiva at Kfar Etzion wounding three civilians. The two had just been released from an Israeli prison.

2008 (16th of Shevat, 5768): Rami Zuari, a 20 year old Border Police officer was killed during a terrorist attack at an East Jerusalem checkpoint. Border Police officer Shoshana Samendayev sustained moderate to serious injuries in the same attack.

2008: The New York Times featured a review of The Forger: An Extraordinary Story of Survival in Wartime Berlin, the autobiography of Cioma Schonhaus.

2009: “Lansky,” a one-man play about Meyer Lansky starring Mike Burstyn opens in an off-Broadway production. “Acclaimed American/Israeli actor Mike Burstyn stars as Meyer Lansky in the New York premiere of a new play by Richard Krevolin and Joseph Bologna about the life of the “little man,” known as the “brains behind the mob,” and his efforts to become an Israeli citizen.

2009: Final showing of “Zion and His Brother,” a family drama set in Tel Aviv, at the Sundance Film Festival.

2009: Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids hosts another creative Musical Shabbat Service.

2009: In article entitled “The End of a Chicago Tradition: Is absolutely nothing sacred?”, Susan Berger reports on the demise of the Best Kosher Sausage Company while documenting the history of a small slice of Chicago-base Jewish Americana.
My family and the Jewish community in particular, are mourning one fatality of the financial meltdown that for us is unthinkable. By the end of the month, the company that my great-grandfather Isaac Oscherwitz started in 1886 will close. Best's Kosher Sausage Co., was family owned for more than 100 years. In 1993, Sara Lee Corp. acquired Best's Kosher. Mike Cummins, a Sara Lee spokesperson, said of the closing: "It was not because it's not profitable—it's just not where it needs to be."This is a loss not only for my family, but for the millions of Jews who keep kosher and the many millions who don't but learned to love my family's hot dogs.My great-grandfather emigrated from Germany. On his way to Ellis Island, he met Rabbi Dov Behr Manischewitz. Rabbi Manischewitz asked Isaac to go into business with him. But my great-grandfather had five sons and said he needed to go it alone. They both landed in Cincinnati. Isaac started Oscherwitz's (later changed to Best's Kosher and moved to Chicago) and Rabbi Manischewitz started his matzo and wine business. Isaac's five sons—Sam, Max, Israel, Philip and Harry—joined the business in the early 1900s. The business expanded throughout the Midwest. In 1909, the business was renamed I. Oscherwitz & Sons Co. It was my grandfather, Philip, and his brother, Harry, who moved to Chicago in 1925 after their father died. They opened Best's Kosher Sausage Co., a sister company to Oscherwitz's, which successfully survived the Depression. My father, Sheldon Sternberg, ran the company, along with other relatives, over the years. While the guts of the business was hot dogs, Best's later expanded to include luncheon meats not typically kosher, like Polish and Italian sausages. In 1972, it was ahead of its time, introducing the first low-fat, low-salt hot dog. Business was great. Our hot dogs became The Hot Dog at Wrigley Field, Comiskey Park, United Center and Soldier Field. And, in 1990, you could even buy Best's Kosher at Costco in England. My siblings and I all worked at the factory from the time we were 12. My friends all thought I must be a spoiled little rich girl and nicknamed me the Kosher Queen. But we were far from rich. Truth be told, Best Kosher supported a lot of families (we once had a family reunion and more than 200 family members attended).Oh, the memories. There was my summer on the switchboard. I almost got fired for answering the phone, "Best's Kosher, what's your beef?" One of my favorite stories is when there had been a lot of stealing in the factory, detectives were hired and immediately caught the culprit. It was my Grandfather Phil, who apparently left each night with bags of meat. The employees at the factory stayed for years. It was common before a Jewish holiday to hear African-American, Hispanic, Polish or Asian workers greet each other and say, "Hey man, tomorrow's Tu Bishvat!" was like family. In 1983 Best's Kosher merged with a competitor, Sinai Kosher. In 1986 we celebrated Best's 100th anniversary at a party at the Museum of Science and Industry. And in 1993, my dad brokered the sale of Best's Kosher to Sara Lee. We were proud that our company, with annual sales of $93 million, would be in solid hands. Last month, when we got word that Sara Lee would be closing Best's at the end of January, my family was heartsick.Any business going under these days is a tragedy. A business built on the backs of one family for more than 100 years is especially so. There will be fewer choices for those who keep kosher now. And lots more, I am sure, will be missing the Best dog.

2010: The 19th annual New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present the New York premiere of “Eyes Wide Open,” a film whose protagonist is an ultra-orthodox butcher living in Jerusalem.

2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Festival is scheduled to present a screening of “Protektor,” “a smart, stylish psycho-thriller about a Prague journalist and his part-Jewish wife whose lives are ravaged by the outbreak of WWII.”

2010: Israel is looking into adopting Haitians orphaned by January 12's earthquake, Minister of Welfare and Social Services Isaac Herzog told The Jerusalem Post today. "We see this as part of Israel's humanitarian outreach," Herzog said, referring to the IDF medical operation and the Israeli rescue efforts in the Caribbean nation. "Haiti was one of the countries that supported us on November 29, 1947, [in the UN vote on the establishment of the state], and now it's our turn to support them," he said.

2011: Israeli cellist Amit Peled and pianist Eli Kalman are scheduled to perform this afternoon at the Kennedy Center Terrace Theater.

2011: The 2011 Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival is scheduled to present “Laughter Yoga Workshop with Molly Dworsky” and “An Adult Evening with Shel Silverstein.”

2011: The Los Angeles Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including J.D. Salinger: A Life by Kenneth Slawenski

2011: The New York Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein and the recently published paperback editions of A Strange Death by Hillel Halkin and Where The God of Loves Hangs Out by Amy Bloom.

2011(18th of Shevat, 5771): Rabbi Nachum Zev Dessler, a leader at the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland for more than 60 years and a nationally known leader in Orthodox education passed away today at the age of 89. Dessler, the school's first principal in 1944, pressed the Jewish Federation of Cleveland to back the school, and it became the first federation in the country to subsidize a full-day Jewish school in 1948. At the end of 2010, the school had nearly 800 students on three campuses in Cleveland and its suburbs, and nearly 6,000 alumni. Over the years, the school has accepted children from families with all degrees of observance, children of former Soviet Jews who had moved to Cleveland, as well as those with special needs. “His vision was focused on providing every Jewish child, regardless of religious orientation or ability to pay, a quality Jewish and secular education,” said Ivan Soclof, a past president of the school. "Each child was truly an individual and was treated like he or she was the most important person in the world," wrote Louis Malcmacher, the Hebrew Academy's current president. "As a child of Holocaust survivors, my parents came to this country with literally nothing. And as part of Rabbi Dessler's greatness, the doors to The Hebrew Academy were opened to every Jewish child, no matter what their background was or their ability to pay." Dessler was born in Lithuania, raised in London, and traveled through Siberia and Japan to reach the United States during World War II, a route similar to that traveled by another recently deceased Orthodox rabbi and educator, Menachem Zeev “Wolf” Greenglass. Dessler arrived in Cleveland in 1941 with students and rabbis to re-establish the Telshe Yeshiva of Lithuania. Dessler came from a line of rabbis; His father was Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler. Nachum Zev Dessler also was instrumental in building Torah Umesorah, an organization of nearly 700 Orthodox schools. (As reported by The Eulogizer)

2011(18THof Shevat, 5771): Ninety-year old Stanley Frazen “a longtime film and television editor who was a member of the Army Air Forces' First Motion Picture Unit during World War II,” passed away today at his home in Studio City

2012: “Follow Me: The Yoni Netanyahu Story” is scheduled to shown this evening at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Israeli pianist Alon Goldstein and the Jupiter musicians are scheduled to perform Schubert's celebrated Piano Trio in B-flat Major and the Beethoven "Gassenhauer" Trio at Good Shepherd Church in NYC.

2012: On the secular calendar, 10th anniversary of the kidnapping of Danny Pearl.

2013(12thof Shevat, 5775): Eighty-eight year old investment banker Edward M. Kresky passed away today. (As reported by Paul Vitello)

2013: L'ayla Women's Initiative is scheduled to present a lecture by “The Shmuz” also known as Rabbi Bentzion Shafier.

2013: The final performance “The Winter’s Tale” sponsored by the Association of Americans and Canadians In Israel is scheduled to take place this evening in Jerusalem.

2013: The Republican Jewish Coalition is scheduled to sponsor an evening with Lela Gilbert and Jennifer Rubin – “The Real Israel: An American Christian’s Perspective” – at the Park East Synagogue.

2013: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set out his principles for forming a new government Wednesday, issuing a brief statement in which he listed the needs for a more equitable distribution of the national burden, affordable housing and changing the system of government as his would-be coalition’s three top priorities.

2013: Following the Knesset elections, US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro told Israel Radio today the US government remains committed to preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon

2013:  Following yesterday’s elections in which Yair Lapid surprised everybody with his strong showing Yossi Klein Halevi explained his reasons for casting his ballot.

2014: Artist Dasha Shishkin is scheduled to provide commentary to “Chagall: Love, War and Exile” at the Jewish Museum.
2014: As part of the JPS/Skirball Series, Salo Aizenberg is scheduled to introduce his new book, Hatemail: Anti-Semitism on Picture Postcards.

2014: The United Nations Department of Public Information is scheduled to present “The 70th Anniversary of the Deportation of the Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust” during which “the participants will learn how the German Security Police worked with Hungarian authorities to systematically deport Jews from Hungary in May of 1944.”

2014: The New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to come to an end

This Day, January 24, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin

January 24

 41: Roman Emperor Caligula is murdered by the Praetorian Guard. Caligula’s treatment of the Jews does not qualify him as an anti-Semite since he was “a certifiable nut case” who murdered several of his family members, reportedly had incestuous relationships with at least of on his sisters and planned to name his favorite horse as a Counsel of Rome. Caligula believed he was a divinity who was to be publicly worshipped. A delegation of Jews from Alexandria, including the famous Philo, went to Rome to plead the Jewish case before Caligula. At first Caligula was hostile to the Jews, but in the end he reportedly dismissed the delegation saying, the Jews are “just a poor, stupid people unable to believe in my divinity.” The real threat came when Caligula took steps to install a statute of himself in Jerusalem that was to be worshipped. Agrippa, King of Judea and Petronious Publius, the Roman governor of Syriawere able to stall the Emperor whose subsequent assassination rendered the point moot.

76: Birthdate of Publius A Hadrianus 14th Roman Emperor. Hadrian reigned from 117 through 138. Hadrian banned Torah study, Synagogue worships and led the Romans in the defeat of the Bar Kochba Revolt.

1059: Nicholas II  who “condemned the persecution of the Jews and who…expressed” his opposition to “compulsory baptism” began his Papacy.

1436: In Aix-en-Provence, a riot ensued after a crowd felt that a Jew who insulted the Virgin Mary received too light a sentence

1517: Selim I defeated the Mamluks at the Battle of Ridaniya giving the Ottomans control over Egypt leading to “radical changes in the affairs of” Egyptian Jewry including the abolition of the office of nagid, the creation of independent Jewish communities including the one in Cairo head by David ibn Abi Zimra and the appointment of Abraham de Castro as the master of the mint..

1656: Dr. Jacob Lumbrozo, the first Jewish physician in what would be the United States arrived in Maryland

1678(1st of Shevat): Rabbi Solomon Lichtenstein of Bialystok, author of Kokhmat Shelomo, passed away

1678(1st of Shevat): The first Jewish newspaper, the Judaeo-Spanish Gazeta de Amsterdam was published today in Amsterday. Nine years later Kurant, the first Yiddish magazine was printed in the same city.

1712: Birthdate of Frederick II, King of Prussiafrom 1740 until 86. Known as Frederickthe Great, the Prussian king’s treatment of Jews was, to say the least, uneven. He did grant special rights to some, including Mendelssohn. However for the most part, he treated them as an exploitable economic commodity. But what can you expect from a man who wished to be buried with his greyhounds, the only living creatures he really loved.

1803(1st of Shevat, 5563): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

1804: Presbyterian minister and poet Joseph Fawcett passed away. In 1785, he began a series of Sunday evening lectures at the Old Jewry meeting house the popular meeting house for a Presbyterians that took its name from the fact that the area had been the Jewish quarter or ghetto in the days before Edward expelled them at the end of the 14th century.  There is no record of how these Christians felt about occupying the territory used by the people they had been persecuting and to whom they still denied the full rights of British citizens.

1828: Birthdate of Ferdinand J Cohn, German botanist. He is considered a founder of the science of bacteriology. From his early studies of microscopic life he developed theories of the bacterial causes of infectious disease and recognized bacteria as plants. He aided Robert Koch in preparing Koch's famous work on anthrax. Cohn's writings cover such diverse subjects as fungi, algae, insect epidemics, and plant diseases.

1830: Birthdate of Jules Worms, the Paris born physician served the French Army as a surgeon during the Crimean War and was on the staff at Rothschild Hospital from 1865 to 1875

1844: The Second Annual Benevolent Ball of the Israelites of Philadelphia raised $489.79 today.

 1848: James Marshall finds gold at mill that is being built for John Sutter near San Francisco, CA. According to historian Hubert Howe Bancroft this event brought “a medley of races and nationalities, including the ubiquitous Hebrews." According to Stephen Mark Dobbs there were thirty Jews at a Rosh Hashanah services in San Francisco and the number grew to fifty for Yom Kippur. Jews mined for gold but they mined the commercial opportunities and by 1853 their number had grown to 3,000 in San Francisco alone.

1850: “The House of Rothschild made a fifty million franc loan to Pope Pius IX on condition that” the walls of Rome’s Ghetto would be taken down. Not only did the Pope fail to remove the walls, he “re-imposed restrictions on Jews living in the Papal States…brought pressure against other rulers to revoke Jewish rights granted in 1848” and ruled that the kidnapped Jewish  Edgar Mortara should be raised as a Catholic.

1851: In Cayuga County, NY, Albert Baham was hung for his role in the murder of the Jewish peddler Nathan Adler. After the execution, Albert’s brother John confessed his role which resulted in his death sentence being commuted to life in prison.  In point of fact, he was pardoned by the governor after having served 8 years in prison for his part in the crime.

1856 (17th of Shevat, 5616): Rabbi Yechezkel of Kuzmir, Polish Hasidic leader passed away. (Ed. Note: This comparatively lengthy note is intended to provide those with limited background an introduction to the richly textured, multi-dimensional world of Chassidic Jewry.) Born in 1755, he was the founder of the) Modzitz or Modzhitz Chassidim. This is the name of a Chassidic group that derives its name from Modzice, one of the boroughs of the town of Dęblin, Poland, located on the VistulaRiver. Followers of this group are known as Modzitzer Chasidim and they are now based mainly in Bnei Brak and Jerusalemin Israel where their Rebbe lives. They also have a smaller following in Brooklyn, New York. The rabbis who lead them have come from a family by the name of "Taub". Rabbi Yechezkel Taub of Kuzmir established yeshivas and a type of Hasidic teaching that was similar to that of the Seer of Lublin, and distinct from the Hasidism of Ger and Kotzk. Upon his death, his son, Rabbi Eliyahu Taub of Zvolin, Polandsucceeded him. He excelled in Torah scholarship and creating Hasidic songs. He was called Menagen mafli pla'os Hebrew for "a wondrous musical talent". His first son Rabbi Moshe Aaron succeeded him as Rabbi of Zvolin. His second son Yisrael went on to found the actual Modzitz Hasidic dynasty. Rabbi Yisrael Taub was born in 1849 and in 1891 founded the Modzitzer Hasidic movement in Modzitz, Poland. He created many melodies that are still sung by Hasidim today. When he passed away on November 24, 1920, he was succeeded by his son Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Elazar Taub. Shaul Yedidya Elazar Taub was born on October 20, 1886. He guided his Hasidim until 1938 when he fled Polanddue to Nazi persecution. He made his way to Lithuania, then to Russia, then to China, and then to Japan. Eventually, with the help of some Modzitzer Chassidim, he and some family members reached the shores of San Franciscoand then moved to Brooklyn, New York in 1940. It was during his stay in Brooklynthat Rabbi Shaul became popular and helped rebuild Modzitz. He was a gifted songwriter and wrote over 1000 Hasidic melodies. He constantly talked about the coming of the State of Israel. He was unable to see his prediction come true and he passed away on November 29, 1947, the day the UN voted to create the state of Israel. He was succeded by his son Rabbi Samuel Eliyahu Taub. Rabbi Samuel Eliyahu was born in Lublin, Poland on February 9, 1905. Rabbi Shaul and his son Rabbi Samuel were on a trip to the then British Mandate of Palestinein 1935. While they were there Samuel fell in love with Palestineand asked his father if he could stay there. His father agreed and within a year Rabbi Samuel's wife and their child came over to Israel. In 1947 he succeeded his father and became the Modzitzer Rebbe to be known as the Imre Aish ("Words of Fire") as Samuel Eliyahu is called, and continued the traditions of Modzitz both as a composer and Torah scholar. He passed away on May 6, 1984, when he was succeeded by his son Rabbi Dan Israel Taub. Rabbi Israel Dan was born in 1928 in Warsaw, Poland. He came with his mother to Palestine in 1936 to meet up with his father Rabbi Samuel. For a number of years he headed the Modzitz Chasidim in the city of Tel-Avivwhere his father had lived. He moved to a new building in Bnei Brak, Israel on Lag Ba'omer 5755 (May 18. 1995). Like his predecessors he also composes Hasidic melodies and many of them have are sung regularly in Hasidic synagogues. His opinion is highly regarded. The Modzitz Hasidim are well-known for their uniquely inspiring melodies and their devotion to serious learning of Torah and Talmud.

1862:  Bucharest was proclaimed capital of Romania. The Jewish population of Bucharest had grown from 127 families in 1820 to 5,934 persons in 1860. By the turn of the century, the Jewish population would exceed 40,000 people making them almost 15% of the city’s total population.

1874: Nathan W. Lyman appeared at the Jefferson Market Police Court today and withdrew his complaint that he had been swindled out of $7,000 by a Hungarian born Jew, Dr. Gabor Naphegyi.

1876: Leaders of several New York congregations met at Temple Emanu-El met tonight to discuss the possibility of establishing a college for Jewish students. A committee was established to contact congregations throughout the United States to gain support for the endeavor. Louis May, President of Temple Emanu-El was selected as chairman and Meyer S. Isaacs was selected as Secretary.

1879: Rosa Sonneschein founded "The Pioneers," a Jewish women's literary club in St. Louis, Missouri. “The club, which met in Sonneschein's home, was modeled after similar Christian women's clubs and was devoted to general literary subjects rather than specifically Jewish literature. Perhaps inspired by this literary circle, in the 1880s Sonneschein began publishing stories in Jewish magazines. She also worked as a correspondent for the German-language press in the U.S., a position for which she was prepared by both her German upbringing and her social status as the wife of a prominent St. Louis rabbi. In 1895, after divorcing her husband, Sonneschein moved to Chicagoand founded a magazine specifically addressed to American Jewish women, the American Jewess. Though the magazine ran only until 1899, it was the first English periodical specifically addressed to Jewish women. It sought to document and inspire the activism of an emerging network of Jewish women's organizations that expanded upon the model established by the Pioneers.”

1880: Birthdate of New York political leader and Congressman Meyer Jacobstein.

1888: President Moritz Loth chaired a special meeting of the Executive Board of Hebrew Union College  at 1:30 p.m. where resolutions were adopted praising Max Hoffheimer, the board member who passed away unexpectedly yesterday.

1888: Birthdate of Austrian writer, Hedwig (Vicki) Baum. Vicki Baum is considered one of the first modern bestselling authors, and her books are reputed to be among the first examples of contemporary mainstream literature. She attended Vienna Conservatory to study the harp, later playing the harp professionally and teaching music for several years in Darmstadt. After a number of novels in German, a breakthrough novel, Menschen im Hotel, was turned into a play and then at the instigation of producer Irving Thalberg into the highly successful film Grand Hotel directed by Edmund Goulding. The story details one weekend in a posh hotel in minute detail -- Baum had taken a job as maid to yield realism. The film won Best Picture Oscar. Her time in the United States made her realize it was time to leave Germany, emigrating in 1932. From that point Baum wrote many of her novels in English and took citizenship in 1938. Residing in California, she lived in Pacific Palisades, Pasadena, and then Hollywood, where she died of leukemia in 1960. Among two of her most pithy sayings are, "Pity is the deadliest feeling that can be offered to a woman" and "To be a Jew is a destiny.”

1888: In New York City, over a thousand people attended a benefit performance of "King Solomon" at the Roumania Opera House.  The event was organized by Mrs. M. Rosendorff who will use the funds to buy meat for needy Jews at Passover time.  This is not Mrs. Rosendorff's first foray into fund raising.  In 1887, she hosted a ball at the the Webster Hall that paid for meat Passover time.

1891(15thof Shevat, 5651): Tu B’Shevat

1892: It was reported today that as the famine worsens in Russia Czar Nicholas II has decided to devote all of his energies to dealing with the crisis which means he has “indefinitely postponed” all of the measures aimed against his Jewish subjects.

1892: It was reported today that the upcoming Hebrew Charity Ball is the last major festivity of the social season in Philadelphia, PA.

1892: It was reported today that in addition to persecuting the Jews, the Czar is now persecuting the Stundists, a Christian sect founded in the 1850’s.

1895: “A Dance For Charity” published today described the dances sponsored by the Young Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s League of the Montefiore home which have replaced the annual Purim Ball as the leading social event “in Jewish social circles.”  The change took place two years ago but has not had any effect on the ability to raise funds for the charities that benefit from these social events. (more for 2015)

1895: The officers of the Montefiore Home were today reported to be: President – Jacob H. Schiff;  Vice President – Louse Gans; Treasurer – Isidor Straus; and Honorary Secretary – Raphael Ettinger.

1896: It was reported that while giving President Kreuger was giving a sermon during the ceremonies dedicating a synagogue in Johannesburg, he said “And so I consecrate this building to the worship of the Triune God.”  While some Jews minimized this reference to the Trinity,  “others maintain that the building has been descreated and they have built another synagogue…”

1896: It was reported today that in Jersey City, forty or fifty Jews who were sitting in the audience during a speech being given by Herman Ahlwardt, the German anti-Semite “threatened to kill him and burn the hall” when he “made some particularly bitter references to them.”  The Jews “were ejected by the police and order was restored.”

1897: Berlin Zionists Willy Bambus and Theodor Zlocisti address a letter to Herzl.

1897: Dr. Lyman Abbott delivered a sermon today on the books of Esther, Daniel and Jonah “all of which he said were fictitious although the book of Esther was based on historical facts and was derived from court records.”

 1898: It was reported today that for the year ending November 30, 1897, Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York treated 2,996 patients with a mortality rate of 9.04 percent. (More for 2014)

1898: It was reported today that leaders of the Jewish community in Algiers have advised their co-religionists to remain indoors and stay away from their businesses following attacks by anti-Dreyfus/ant-Semitic mobs.

1898: A mob of approximately 3,000 people surged through the streets of Algiers shouting “Down With the Jews.” 

1898: An anti-Jewish riot took place today in St. Malo, a town in Brittany.

1899: “The Zionist Movement” published today provided a summary of the report prepared by the U.S. Consul at Beirut that concluded by “saying that the prospects are brighter than ever before for the Jews in Palestine and for the country itself.” 

1899: It was reported today that Henry Herzberg believes “that there never was a period in the world’s history when more potent reasons existed why the essential teachings of Judaism should be faithfully observed. Amid the forces of modern civilization…there is vital need for constructive thought which feeds the moral springs of action.”

1899: It was reported today that the population of Palestine is 200,000 of which 40,000 are Jews.  This is an increase of 26,000 Jews in the last twenty years.  There are 22,000 Jews living in Jerusalem “half of whom” have come from Europe.

1901: The Industrial Removal Office was formally created as part of the Jewish Agricultural Society at the Society's Executive Committee meeting. The Society rented a store at 34 Stanton Streetin New York and named it "The Industrial Removal Office." The philosophy behind the IRO was to assimilate the immigrants into American Society, both economically and culturally. In 1901, following anti-Semitic decrees by the Romanian government, a large wave of Romanian Jews fled to New York. The Rumanian Committee was quickly formed in New York to distribute the immigrants to other towns where they might find employment. B'nai B'rith lodges in these towns and cities assisted the refugees upon their arrival. The Romanian Committee rapidly evolved into the Industrial Removal Office, which took over the work on a much larger scale and opened its availability to any unemployed Jewish immigrant, regardless of their origin. The process of procuring work for immigrants was done through traveling agents, who also obtained the cooperation of local Jewish organizations. Local committees, organized primarily by B'nai B'rith, obtained orders for workers and assisted the immigrants on their arrival. The New York bureau noted requests received from the traveling agents and local committees and matched up opportunities from their applicant lists. In the first year of the Industrial Removal Office's existence, nearly 2000 individuals were sent to 250 places throughout the United States.

1902: Birthdate of economist Oskar Morgenstern. Morgenstern enjoyed a successful career in Europe until the coming of the Nazis forced him to flee to the United States, where he pursued his career.

1903: The New York Times reports on the growth and development of the Jewish Theological Seminary including the securing of a $500,000 endowment and the election of Justice Greenbaum, the New York state jurist, to the Board of Directors.

1905(18thof Shevat, 5665): Sixty-two year old Edward Einstein, the native of Cincinnati, Ohio who “was elected a Republican from New York’s  7th Congressional District and who ran unsuccessfully for Mayor passed away today.

1905: Henry S. Morais, journalist, educator and rabbi, writes a letter praising Benjamin Disraeli to the New York Timesentitled “Why the People of the United States Should Cherish His Memory” in which he reviews Disraeli’s support for the Union during the Civil War when other English leaders including Gladstone “were known to be in sympathy” with the Confederates and which concludes with the statement that this “scion of the famous Israelis of Jewish history…the offspring of a people as old as the ages, will live in the minds and in the hearts  not alone of his own, but in those of a liberty loving humanity.”

1908(21stof Shevat, 5668): Leopold Wallach a distinguished New York lawyer who is the father-in-law of Max Morgenthau, Jr. passed away today.

1911: Founding of Merchaviya the first Jewish settlement in Emek Yizra'el (JezreelValley). Ten years after its founding, Merchaviya would be joined by its most famous member, Golda Meir. The future Prime Minister of Israel would tend chickens

1913: Birthdate of Mark Goodson, TV game-show producer

1913: Franz Kafka stopped working on "Amerika"; it will never be finished

1917(1st of Sh'vat, 5677): Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat

1918: The Gregorian calendar introduced in Russia by decree of the Council of People's Commissars effective from February 14(NS). This change is one of the impediments to pinpoint accuracy in dating events in Russian history.  Events are marked in different places by Old Style and New Style dates.  Unfortunately, some sources do not tell which they are which leads to added confusion. (Yes, this is an excuse for some of the inaccuracies in this document.)

1920 (29th of Tevet, 5680): Amedeo Clemente Modigliani passed away at the age of 35.

1922: Eskimo Pie patented by Christian K Nelson of Iowa. (Nelson was not an Eskimo and he was not Jewish. But those of who live in Iowa don’t get to brag very often, so just laugh and move on. There is a Jewish connection between Iowa and Ice Cream. Many of the products manufactured by Blue Bunny Ice Cream which is located in La Mars, Iowa, are kosher and delicious)

1922: Professor Louis Ginzberg presented a paper on “The Question of Fermented Wines in Jewish Religious Observances” to members of the Rabbinical Assembly of the Jewish Theological Seminary who meeting in an executive session today.  Following a lengthy and lively discussion the consensus of opinion was that unfermented grape juice may be used for sacramental purposes.  This decision will be forwarded to the American Jewish Committee which is collecting information on the acceptability of using grape juice instead of wine when reciting Kiddush, etc. Ginzberg’s belief that the use of unfermented grape juice could be used put him at odds with the writings of Rabi Abraham Klausner.  Currently, nobody produces grape juice that meets the standards of Kashrut so adoption of Ginzberg’s view would require the start of a new business venture. [For those of you unacquainted with American History, this issue arose with the start of Prohibition and its attempt to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol in the U.S.]

1924: Birthdate of Chaim David ha-Levi, the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv.

1924: Birthdate of character actor Marvin Kaplan.

1932(16thof Shevat, 5692):  Sixty-four year old Paul M. Warburg, the brother of Felix Warburg, passed away at 6:30 this evening at his home in Manhattan. At the time of his death he was chairman of the boards of the International Acceptance Bank of New York and the Manhattan Company. A native of Hamburg, and a member of one of the most prominent banking family, he was instrumental in providing many of the ideas that culminated in the creation of the Federal Reserve. He was married to Nina Loeb, the daughter of the late Solomon Loeb of the famed financial firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

1932: Celebration of the 70th anniversary of the birth of author Sigmund Dische in Czernowitz, Romania.

1932: The New York Times describes Dr. Abraham Schwardon’s gift to HebrewUniversity as being “A Great Collection of Autographs and Portraits Assembled by the Labors of a Galician Chemist.”

1933 Jüdisches Museum zu Berlin(1933–1938, opened on Oranienburger Straße a street in central Berlin that was the in the heart of Berlin’s Jewish community before the rise of the Nazis

1933(26th of Tevet, 5693):Charles "King" Solomon a Boston racketeer born in 1884 who controlled New England's bootlegging, narcotics and illegal gambling during Prohibition was killed in Boston's Cotton Club by rival gunmen.
1934: A Lutheran minister (name unknown) opposed to the ReichChurchis beaten by Nazi thugs.

1935: In Haifa Matilda and Yehuda HaCohen gave birth to Nisim Cohen, a crewman on the ill-fated INS Dakar.

1936: Jewish band leader Benny Goodman and his orchestra record "Stompin' at the Savoy" on Victor Records

1938: The Palestine Post reported that a meeting of the General Council (Va'ad Leumi) of Palestine Jews published a manifesto calling for the immediate opening of the gates of the country to the millions of suffering Diaspora Jews.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that one Jew was severely wounded when Arabs shot at a group of workers returning from the Givat Shaul quarry to Jerusalem.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that according to the new Romanian law, all Jews had to appear before the courts in order to prove their citizenship rights.

1939: Hermann Goring, Hitler’s #2, formally appointed Reinhard Heydrich as head of Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration and ordered him to speed up the process

1940: Final day of an Aktion begun on January 18 during which 255 Jews were arrested in Warsaw and then murdered in the Palmiry Forest.

1940: As the Nazi plunder of Polandcontinues, General Gouvernment ordered registration of all Jewish property.

1941: Birthdate of Dan Schecthman, the Tel Aviv native who is a professor at the Technion and the winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

1943: During the past three weeks, fifteen trains reached the Auschwitz from Belgium, Holland, Berlin, Grodno and Bialystok. Of the new arrivals, 4,000 were sent to the barracks and 20,000 were killed before their luggage could be sorted. To accommodate the rate of killing, four new crematoriums were constructed.

1943 One thousand Jews from Jasionowka were rounded up and deported to Treblinka.

1943: The Nazis incinerated Jewish patients, nurses and doctors at Auschwitz-Birkenau

1943: Hitler ordered Nazi troops at Stalingradto fight to death. This militarily stupid command helped seal the fate of the German army and marked the beginning of the end for the Nazi juggernaut.

1944: The SS Meyer London was launched today.  This “liberty ship” was named for the American Jewish leader who was one of only two Socialist Party members to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.  She was sunk by a torpedo off the cost of Lybia.

1944: Birthdate of singer Neil Diamond

1944: Birthdate of David Gerrold [Jerrold David Friedman] author of the World of Star Trek. There has always been a strange affinity between Jewish writers and science fiction. Maybe it comes from those Biblical chariots of Elijah, Ezekiel and Isaiah.

1947: Birthdate of Warren William Zevon, the son of a Russian Jewish immigrant and a Scottish/Welsh Mormon who became a noted singer, song writer and musician

1948: Julius Ochs Adler was promoted to Major General in the United States Army.

1948: Birthdate Elliott Abrams, Assistant Secretary of State and foreign policy expert..

1949: France recognized Israel.

1951: Birthdate of Soviet-born American comedian Yakov Smirfnoff

1959(15th of Sh'vat, 5719): Tu B'Shvat

1959: "Party with Comden & Green" closes at John Golden TheatreNew York City

1962: Brian Epstein signed a contract to manage The Beatles

1965: In Damascus, Syrian police arrested Kamel Amin Th’abet on charges of being an Israeli spy.  After being tortured he was hung in a pubic execution.  Th’abet was Eli Cohen who successfully penetrated the highest level of the Syrian government and provided intelligence of immeasurable value.

1965: Winston Churchill died in Londonat age 90. Churchill supported the Balfour Declaration. He led the fight against Hitler. At the same time, he stood by and did virtually nothing to rescue the Jews of Europe. And he continued to enforce the White Paper after there was no military reason to do so. Martin Gilbert, his biographer, is Jewish and has written a slim, fascinating volume entitled Churchill and the Jews.

1974(1st of Shevat, 5734): Rosh Chodesh Shevat
1975: Larry Fine, actor, comedian and member of the Three Stooges passed away

1976(22ndof Shevat, 5736): Seventy-one year old Pinchas Lavon passed away

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Prime Minister Menachem Begin told the Knesset that he might reconsider his previous decision, and would send a delegation to the Cairo-held military talks, but warned that this would not happen if Egyptcontinued to issue statements offensive to Jewish dignity. Begin explained that Egypt broke off the political talks held in Jerusalem despite the fact that President Anwar Sadat was well aware, in advance, of Israel's stand on the Rafiah Sinai salient and on the future of Palestine's Arab people. In Cairo Egypt confirmed that the political peace talks had been frozen, but not terminated. The US insisted that both Egypt and Israel should embark on a useful process that should resume whenever possible.

1983: Director George Cukor passed away at the age of 83 after a stroke and a heart attack.

1986: In Eilat, Laura (née Ehrenkranz), a teacher, and Brian Ullman, a printer gave birth to Ricky Ullman who moved to the United States after his first birthday and became a successful actor and musician.

1988: After the Israeli Cabinet met today Police Minister Haim Bar-Lev told reporters that reports to contrary, there is no policy to beat Palestinians to stop protests in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.  He said that the using the word beatings “is an unfortunate term.”

1990: An Israeli court jailed for life plus 40 years a Palestinian known as the ''Tel Aviv Strangler,'' who claimed to have killed seven people to prove he was not a collaborator with the Israelis. Four of his victims were Jews and three were Arabs. Mohammed Halabi, 32 years old, was sentenced today for the murders in October of five women and two men. The Tel Aviv District Court jailed him for 40 additional years for two attempted murders. The police said Mr. Halabi confessed to all the charges.

1991:Israel said it would not carry out an immediate retaliatory strike against Iraq despite the missile attack on Tel Aviv that killed three people. After that decision, another Iraqi missile was destroyed by one of the American Patriot missiles stationed in Israel over the weekend. And it was disclosed that a Patriot had clipped the missile that hit Tel Aviv.

1991:Mayor David N. Dinkins, who has repeatedly criticized the American effort in the Persian Gulf, said today that he would travel to Israel next week in a symbolic gesture of support for Israelis and for American troops. In the tender world of the city's ethnic politics, the visit could prove awkward. It would appeal to Jewish supporters and strengthen his pro-Israel stance, but it might appear too hawkish to some of his anti-war constituents, including many blacks, who still form the base of his support.

1991:In the currency market, the dollar's recovery today, which was partly technical, followed comments by Israel's Ambassador to the United States, who said Tel Aviv would be ready to join in regional arms control efforts and possible peace talks with the Palestinians once the Persian Gulf War ended.

1992: In “A Physical Approach For an Israeli 'Hamlet'” Mel Gussow reviews Rina Yerushalmi's provocative adaptation of "Hamlet" at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

1993: A “travel advisory” issued to reported that the American Jewish Congress will be sponsoring 4 “family tours of Israel” this year ‘that include the opportunity to celebrate a bar or bat mitzvah at the Western Wall in Jerusalem and at the Zealot's Synagogue in Masada”

1999: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or topics of special interest to Jewish readers including Primo Levi:Tragedy of an Optimistby Myriam Anissimov, The Conversion by Aharon Appelfeld and Reporting Live by Leslie Stahl.

2000:RADWARE Ltd., of Tel Aviv is prepared to make an equity offering 2.5 million shares this week.

2001:As the controversy surrounding the pardon of Marc Rich continues to grow, Jack Quinn, former White House counsel under President Clinton, who is now Mr. Rich's lawyer said in an interview today that the president had given every indication in their conversations on January 19th that he had read the petition and piles of testimonials that had been sent the previous month and that he was eager to discuss the case on its merits. Their conversation was strictly about the “legal merits.”  There were no questions about party affiliations or the role of Denis Rich, Mr. Rich's former wife, a prominent Democratic fund-raiser and close friend of the Clintons. But now with the pardon drawing so much criticism, Mr. Quinn acknowledged making mistakes and said that President Clinton had every right to be angry with him. ''He should be upset,'' Mr. Quinn said. ''I'm upset.'' Mr. Quinn faulted himself for failing to go public sooner with the rationale for the pardon. Mr. Clinton has been widely criticized for pardoning Mr. Rich, a financier who lived a wealthy exile life in Switzerland for the last 17 years instead of returning to face charges of tax fraud and trading with Iran in violation of sanctions. ''I didn't anticipate well enough the reaction to this,'' Mr. Quinn said. Beyond his kindling a firestorm of criticism more searing than that surrounding any of Mr. Clinton's other last-minute pardons, Mr. Quinn said he was distressed by the perception that he had used connections gained in the years when he was chief of staff to Al Gore and White House counsel to Mr. Clinton to obliterate much of the case against Mr. Rich.

2001:Today, President Bush appeared to be directing attention away from the Israeli-Palestinian talks and toward major Arab countries by placing telephone calls to four leaders: King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and King Abdullah of Jordan.  The White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, described the calls as an effort to ''underscore the strong relations the United States has with these nations.'' He said they were ''introductory'' in nature and declined to be specific about substance.

2001:The cabinet decided tonightIsrael will return to peace talks with the Palestinians here on Thursday, after a nearly two-day suspension prompted by the killing of two Israeli civilians in the West Bank.

2002:In New York, the 11th annual New York Jewish Film Festival comes to a close.

2004(1stof Shevat, 5764): Rosh Chodesh Shevat

2004: An exhibition entitled “What Does It Mean To Be Jewish?” opens at the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam.

2005: In an article entitled “A Bright Diaspora Star Fails to Dazzle Israel,” Steven Erlanger describes the Israeli reaction to American economist and banker Stanley Fischer becoming Governor of the Bank of Israel. 

2006: During the Presidency of Robert A. Iger, The Walt Disney Company announced that it would acquire Pixar for $7.4 billion in an all-stock transaction

2006: The Los Angeles Times published a column by Joel Stein under the headline "Warriors and Wusses" in which he wrote that it is a cop-out to oppose a war and yet claim to support the soldiers fighting it. "I don’t support our troops....When you volunteer for the U.S. military, you pretty much know you’re not going to be fending off invasions from Mexico and Canada. So you’re willingly signing up to be a fighting tool of American imperialism...".

2006:Ehud Olmert, in his first major policy address since becoming Israel's acting prime minister, said at the Herzliya Conference that he backed the creation of a Palestinian state, and that Israel would have to relinquish parts of the West Bank to maintain its Jewish majority.

2006: The Antiquities Authority recommended the Meggido Prison be transferred to a new location, after the remains of an ancient church were discovered on the facility's grounds four months ago.

2007: In what some considered as a major breakthrough in the history of the Holocaust,
Haaretz reported that Khaled Abd al-Wahab, a well-to-do Tunisian farmer who died in 1997, was the first Arab to be named as a candidate for a Righteous Gentile award from Yad Vashem. The nomination was based on testimony of Anny Boukris, a 73-year-old Jewish woman from Los Angeles who survived the Axis occupation of North Africa. In a letter sent to the authorities at Yad Vashaem, she described how Abd al-Wahab rescued her and 24 relatives from their hiding place and hid them on his farm until the end of the German occupation. Boukris, who was 11 at the time, related that al-Wahab risked his life when he stopped a German officer from raping her mother.

2007: At the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA, an exhibition entitled “Morris Louis Now: An American Master Revisited” comes to a close. By 1966, kingmaker-critics had anointed Morris Louis, the great Washington abstractionist, the greatest painter since Jackson Pollock.

2008: The New York Jewish Film Festival comes to an end with showings of "Orthodox Stance" a documentary about “Dmitry Salita a twenty-something Russian immigrant equally devoted to the seemingly disparate worlds of professional boxing and Orthodox Judaism”; Villa Jasmin, a film about “Serge, a Tunisian-born Jew living in Paris, who takes his wife to see the country he remembers fondly from his childhood.

2009: The 5th annual Brooklyn Israel Film Festival continues with Noodle, a comic drama about an El Al flight attendant and a 5-year-old Chinese boy left behind when his illegal immigrant mother is deported.

2010:Final performance of the The Kosher Cheerleader by Sandy Wolshin at the Paradise Valley Community College in Phoenix, Arizona.

2010: “From Verse to Universe: Reading the People’s Torah” is scheduled to open at the San Francisco Contemporary Jewish Museum.

2010:An exhibition entitled: “Hyman Bloom: A Spiritual Embrace at the Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to come a close.” Considered by Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock to be "the first Abstract Expressionist in America," Hyman Bloom never gave up representational art. He began his career by painting rabbis, cantors and Torah covers, using them as a metaphor for his own spiritual questioning. This exhibition of nearly 50 paintings and drawings by the renowned Boston Expressionist painter reveals his recurring interest in these motifs and his exploration of Jewish spirituality and mysticism through a distinctly personal modernist style.

2010: The 19th annual New York Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present the United States premiere of the restored print of "Bar Mitzvah," a classic of Yiddish cinema, in which a mother miraculously survives a shipwreck and shocks the family by appearing at her son’s bar mitzvah. The film features “the legendary Boris Thomashefsky in his only film performance.”

2010: The 10th annual Atlanta Jewish Festival is scheduled to present the East Coast Premiere of “The Yankles,” which tells the story of ex-con who is forced to coach an “upstart Orthodox baseball team” as part of the community service sentence imposed by the Judge for a drunk driving conviction.

2010: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Listener by Shira Nayman

2010: 2010: The Los Angeles Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Where the God of Love Hangs Out by Amy Bloom.

2011: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to present a program entitled “2011: Challenges and Opportunities for American and World Jewry” during which Malcolm Hoenlein and John Batchelor are scheduled to lead “a candid discussion of the dangers and issues facing the Jewish community in the coming year, from delegitimization to the peace process to Iran globalization.”

2011: The U.S. Premiere of “Convoys of Shame” / “Les Convois de la honte” is scheduled to take place at the New York Jewish Film Festival. .” 

2011: Today, Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar defended his decision to approve the military conversions which are undertaken according to orthodox Jewish law. His reaction came in the wake of claims from parts of the Ashkenazi-haredi camp that such conversions should not be considered valid, since the process the candidates underwent was faulty and the converts never really intended on maintaining a Jewish lifestyle, as evident in the fact that many of them do not keep mitzvot in the years that follow.
2011:Rahm Emanuel should not appear on the Feb. 22 mayoral ballot because he does not meet the residency standard, according to a ruling issued by a state appellate court today. Emanuel told a news conference he would appeal the decision to the Illinois Supreme Court and would ask for an injunction so his name will appear on the mayoral ballot.

2011(19thof Shevat, 5771):David Frye, whose wicked send-ups of political figures like Lyndon B. Johnson, Hubert H. Humphrey and, above all, Richard M. Nixon, made him one of the most popular comedians in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s, died today in Las Vegas (As reported by William Grimes)

2012: “Dressing America: Tales From The Garment Center” – a documentary that explores the post-World War II heyday of the garment district in Manhattan” and “pays tribute to the Jewish immigrant roots of the garment industry” – is scheduled to have its New York Premiere at the New York Jewish Film Festival.

2012: YIVO is scheduled to present a lecture by Cur Leviant entitled “The Works of Chaim Grade” one of the 20th century’s leading Yiddish authors.

2012: In Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Holocaust survivor and education Irving Roth is scheduled to speak at Cornell College as part of “Standing With Israel Event.”

2012:Israel carried out four airstrikes on the Gaza Strip overnight after Palestinian militants fired about six rockets and mortars over the border over the past week, an Israeli military spokesman said today.

2012: Conflicting reports emerged tonight about an alleged Iranian plot against Israeli and Jewish targets in Azerbaijan. Local media said an Iranian-backed terror cell had planned to kill Jewish teachers at the Or Avner Jewish School just outside the capital Baku. Other reports in the media claimed a group consisting of three people was offered $150,000 by Iran to assassinate Israel's Ambassador to Azerbaijan Michael Lotem.
2013(13thof Shevat, 5773): Eighty-four year old Richard G. Stern, “the best American author of whom you have never heard” passed away today.  (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2013: Professor Dan Michman is scheduled to deliver a lecture “Jewish ‘Headships’ and Nazi Anti-Jewish Policies” at the Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide in London.

2013: Leo Baeck Institute and Center for Jewish History are scheduled to present a screening of  “Kinderbloch 66:  Return to Buchenwald”

2013: Gerhard Loewenberg, University of Iowa professor emeritus and former dean, is scheduled to read from his new memoir, Moved by Politics, at Prairie Lights Books in downtown Iowa City.

2013: The Wicked Wit of the West featuring Hank Rosenfield on the subject of Irving Brecher is schedule for performance at the Minneapolis Jewish Humor Festival

2013: Four former Border Policemen, accused of abusing a petrified Palestinian man who appeared to be mentally challenged, were in court today to hear the legal arguments over whether or not their actions constituted abuse, Channel 2 reported.(As reported by Stuart Winer)

2013: The nationalist Jewish Home party has risen to become the fourth-largest Knesset faction, with 12 seats, after officials finished counting the votes of soldiers and others this afternoon. The party had been predicted to take 11 seats before the last votes were counted.

2014: TheHarris J. Weingarten Tennis Weekend is scheduled to begin at the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center in Houston, TX.

2014: Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa is scheduled to host its first Musical Shabbat of 2014.
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