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This Day, April 12, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 12

70(15thof Nissan, 3830): According to some, the date on the civil calendar when Pesach is observed for the last time before the destruction of the Second Temple.

240: Shapur I whom the Talmud “referred to as King Shabur, who “had good relations with the Jewish community and was a friend of Shmuel, one of the most famous of the Babylonian Amoraim” began his reign as “the second shahanshah (king of kings) of the Sasanian (Persian) Empire.”1204: During the Fourth Crusade, Venetian and French crusaders seize Constantinople. The Crusades were a disaster for much of the Jewish population of Europe. But the Jewish suffering was really an offshoot of Christian enmity towards Muslims or, in the case, hostility between two wings of Christianity and good old fashion commercial greed.

685:“The reign of the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik” during which Abi Isa “a self-proclaimed Jewish prophet” preached his message in Persia, began today.

1451: A Flemish scholar recorded his observation of the Jews of Fez (Morocco): "Fez is divided in two parts. The Old City quite populous with about 50,000 families…The Jewish quarter is surrounded by its own walls. Approximately 4,000 Jews dwell there...The more the sultan needs money, the more they have to pay."

1454: In the on-going struggle between Islam and Christianity John of Capistrano called for a crusade against the Turks. Such a crusade was started in Cracow, but never left the city. Over thirty Jews were killed and their homes plundered. The crusade later expanded to include Posen and the surrounding area.

1464(4th of Iyar, 5224): Thirty Jews were killed in Cracow

1479: The King of Portugal awarded Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral, who relied on the services of Polish born Jew Yusuf Adil (Gaspar da Gama) when he “discovered” Brazil, “an annual allowance worth 30,000 reais” today.

1577: Birthdate of King Christian IV of Denmark. Christian reversed a prohibition against Jews living in Denmark that dated back to 1536.  He gave permission to a Jewish merchant named Albert Dionis to settle in the newly founded city of Glückstadt. More Jews followed and in 1628 their rights were formally recognized.  By the time Christian passed away in 1648, Jews could have their own cemeteries, hold religious services and enjoyed the protection of the civil law.

1660(1stof Iyar, 5420): Shabtai Horowitz, the son of Isaiah Horowitz and the cousin of Shabtai Sheftel Horowitz whose works included Emek Berakah passed away today at Vienna.

1712(4thof Nisan, 5472): Today as attempts to replace Tzvi Hirsch ben Yaakov Ashkenazi as the “chief rabbi of the Ashkenazi congregation of Amsterdam” “the parnasim sent a secretary and two attendants of the congregation to Ashkenazi to inform him that upon the return of the letter of appointment eh would be paid the money to which he was still entitled.”

1740(15th of Nisan): Rabbi Simhon ben Joshua Moses Morforso author of Shemesh Zedakah passed away.

1753: In Laupheim, Germany, Bertha Bunle Levi and Abraham Weil gave birth to Elias Weil, the husband of Wilhelmine Loevinger and the father of Abraham Elias Weil.

1754(20thof Nisan, 5514) Sixth Day of Pesach

1754: As the Jews munch on their matzoth, today the Pennsylvania Assembly informed the Governor that they would not be voting any money “for the Kings use” against the French (in what would later be called the French and Indian War) and that the Assembly was adjourning until the 13th of May.

1755:1st of Iyar, 5515): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1769: “The Public Advertiser” attributed the origin of April Fool’s Day to the Jews based on the story of Noah sending out the dove looking for dry land after the flood.

1777: Birthdate of Henry Clay.  As a United States Senator, Clay would lead the fight against ratifying a treaty with the Swiss Confederation that discriminated against Jewish Americans.

1790: In Bavaria, Sara Asscher and Gabriel Hirsch Benda gave birth to Seligmann Benda.

1792(20thof Nisan, 5552): Sixth Day of Pesach

1792: Birthdate of Heimann (Chaim) Michael, the Hamburg native who gained fame as “a Hebrew bibliographer.”

1797(16thof Nisan, 5557): Second Day of Pesach

1797: On the same day that the Jews are celebrating a holiday commemorating their freedom from bondage, today a discourse was delivered “at the request of and before the New York Society for Promoting the Manumission of slaves and protecting such of them as have been or may be liberated.”

1798: Five weeks after French troops “overran Switzerland” leading to the collapse of the Swiss Confederation, “121 cantonal deputies proclaimed the Helvetic Republic which would resist French attempts to emancipate the Jews, "One and Indivisible" today.

1800(17thof Nisan, 5560): Third Day of Pesach; Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach

1800: In Philadelphia, Rebecca Lyons and John Moss gave birth to Miriam Moss, the wife of Henry Lazarus.

1804: Birthdate of Abbe Lieberman

1804: In England, founding of the Shechita Board.

1806: Birthdate of Amsterdam born French “numismatist and bibliographer” Henry Cohen.


1808(15thof Nisan, 5568): Pesach is observed for the last time during the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson

1819: Birthdate of Alstrelitz, German native Daniel Sanders, who earned a doctorate in 1843 after studying at the universities of Berlin and Halle and who served as a school principle for ten years before pursuing a career as a German grammarian and lexicographer

1826: Michael Abraham Gordon married Esther Benjamin today at the Great Synagogue.

1827(15thof Nisan, 5586): Pesach

1830: Birthdate of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin native an Harvard trained Charles Chapman who became the Episcopal Bishop of Fond du Lac who in 1903, as Russia was rocked by waves of anti-Semitism, that at bottom the cause “of all Jewish suffering in Russia” is the “crafty, wealth-getting spirit of Jacob.”

1831: Twenty-three year old Julia Reuben, the “eldest daughter” of Jacob Reuben and Leah Lyons was buried today at the “Canterbury Jewish Cemetery.”

1833, In Copenhagen, a new synagogue built under the leadership of Rabbi Abraham Alexander Wolff was dedicated today.

1836(9thof Nisan, 5714: German poet Susskind Rascchkow whose works included an epic poem on “The Life of Samson,” passed away today in Breslau.

1838: In Wiesenbronn, Bavaria, Kela andSeligmann Baer (Dov) Bambergergave birth to Rabbi Moses Löb Bamberger

1838: Today, in Georgia, "Benjamin Davis advertised in the Columbus Enquirer that he had for sale 'Sixty Likely Virginia Negroes- House Servants, Field Hands, Blow boys, Cooks, Washers, Ironers, and three first-rate Seamstresses." The Davis family, who lived at Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia, owned "the largest Jewish slave-trading firm in the South." [This ad ran six days after the end of Pesach.]

1841: Cecilia Samuels and London native Philip Joseph Salomons gave birth to Bertha Salomons, the wife of Lionel Benjamin Cohen and mother of Florence Justina Cohen

1843: Jeanetta Mallan and Kent native Joseph Davis gave birth to Brenda Davis.

1849: In New South Wales, Australia, Julia and Julia and Lewis Wolfe Levy gave birth to Rebecca Cohen.

1851: Birthdate of Silesia native and Berlin trained pianist and composer Emil Liebling who settled in Chicago in the 1870’s and who spent the rest of his career performing and composing the United States https://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/grovemusic/view/10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.001.0001/omo-9781561592630-e-1002087429


1852: Hannah Van Gelder and Philip Marcus Leuw, both natives of Holland, gave birth to Levie Leuw.

1853: During the Small Swords Society’s Uprising, formation of The Shanghai Volunteer Corps, a part time military unit that would survive until 1942 and whose Jewish members included Noel S. Jacobs and Mendel Brown.  During the 1930’s Captain Brown commanded an all Jewish Company in the Corps and Rabbi Brown, who has head of the Sephardic community in Shanghai served as Chaplain.

1853: In Amsterdam, Leah Nabarro and David Zacharias Baruch gave birth to Abraham David Baruch.

1854(14thof Nisan, 5614): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1854(14thof Nisan, 5614): David Pacifico, the merchant made famous in the Don Pacifico Affair passed away today.


1856: In Szathmar, Hungary, “Frank and Juliane (Fogel) Guth” gave birth to Hungarian trained American Rabbi Benjamin Baruch Guth, “the founder of the Jewish Center of East Side and member of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada who was the husband of the former Jennette Roth.

1857(18thof Nisan, 5617): Fourth Day of Pesach

1857: Birthdate of Hannah Weil, the wife of whiskey dealer Isaac Weil and the mother of Jonas, Benjamin, Charles, Caroline, Herman and one unnamed infant girl who died at birth.

1859: Sir Moses Montefiore was informed today that the Pope has refused to enter into any discussion concerning Edgar Mortara and he considered what has become known as the Mortara Affair to be “a closed question.”


1860: Birthdate of Russian born German gynecologist Julius Schottlander who was appointed assistant professor at Heidelberg University in 1897.

1861: Confederate batteries fired on Fort Sumter marking the start of the Civil War. Confederate forces would include the five Moses brothers from South Carolina, the six Cohen brothers from North Carolina, the three Levy brothers from Virginia and the three Levy brothers from Louisiana as well as a Mississippian named Max Ullman who later became a rabbi in Birmingham, Alabama, David Camden de Leon who was the C.S.A.’s surgeon-general and Levi Meyers Harby the naval officer who commanded the defenses of Galveston Harbor and served as skipper of the CSS Neptune.

1861: As Confederate batteries open fire on Fort Sumter, Major Alfred Mordecai, "a senior officer in the Ordnance Department of the United States was testing artillery carriages at Fort Monroe, Virginia."  Mordecai was the most prominent Jew serving in the United States Army.  He was well-regarded for his professional skill and integrity.  But Mordecai was a native Southerner and the Confederates would attempt to get him to join their cause.  After much soul searching, Mordecai would resign from the U.S. Army but would refuse to join the Confederates.  His son had no such qualms and served gallantly with the Union Army.

1861: Future Medal of Honor winner Private Benjamin B. Levy enlisted in the 1stNew York Infantry at New York City.

1862(12th of Nisan, 5622): Shabbat HaGadol

1862: In a published speech delivered in Berlin Ferdinand “Lassalle assigned primacy in society to the press over the state itself in the aftermath of the 1848 revolution – an assertion regarded as dangerous by the Prussian censorship. The entire print run of 3000 copies of the pamphlet of Lassalle's speech was seized by the authorities, who issued a legal charge against Lassalle for allegedly endangering the public peace.”

1863(23rdof Nisan): Hebrew poet Suskind Raschkow passed away today.

1863(23rdof Nisan): Dr. Julius Barrasch who in 1840 collaborated on a translation and comment on the “Eumunot” passed away in Bucharest

1864: “Max Glass, an Austrian immigrant and volunteer in the Union Army appealed to Major General Benjamin Butler to clear him of charges of desertion.”  Glass had been the victim of anti-Semitic abuse and had only left his unit so that he go to the army’s headquarters to get redress for his grievances.  There must have been some merit to his claim since Butler, who was no friend of the Jews, cleared him of the charges that could have meant his death but ordered him back to the regiment. (As reported by Abraham Bloch)

1865(16thof Nisan, 5625): Second Day of Pesach

1865: Private Louis Leon, who was a Rebel soldier being held at Elmira, NY following his capture 11 months ago “heard that Lee had surrendered” at Appomattox.   He joined 400 of his fellow prisoners in taking the oath of allegiance thus gaining his release today, which included transportation back to North Carolina.

1866: Joshua Poland, the husband of Esther Isaacs with whom he had had ten children was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1867: “La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein” a Jacques Offenbach operetta with a libretto co-authored by Ludovic Halévywas performed for the first time at the Théâtre des Variétés in Paris

1867: Seventy-five year old Ann Joseph, the “youngest daughter of the late Nathan and Esther Joseph” was buried today at the West Ham Jewish Cemetery.

1868(20th of Nisan, 5628): Sixth Day of Pesach

1868(In London, Sarah Kraijsman and David Colski, both natives of Kolo, Poland gave birth to Meyer Colski.

1871: In Brooklyn, Barnett Phillips, the Philadelphia born son of “Isaac and Sarah Phillips” and his wife Josephine gave birth to Annabella Phillips who became Annabella Winnemore when she married Augustine Edward Winnemore.

1872: It was reported today that Rowland Davies, the only surviving founder of the Hebrew Benevolent Orphan Asylum Society, attended last night’s 50thanniversary celebration held at the Academy of Music.

1873(15thof Nisan, 5633): Pesach

1875: Birthdate of Giorgio Polacco, the native of Venice who became “the conductor of the Metropolitan Opera from 1915 to 1917 and the Chicago Civic Opera from 1921 to 1930.”


1879: The St. Louis Republican described the case brought by Edward Burgess again “Joseph Seligman & Co., eminent bankers of New York City.”

1879(19thof Nisan, 5639): Shabbat shel Pesach (5th day of Passover)

1879(19thof Nisan, 5639): Less than a month before his 68th birthday Hungarian born poet Karl Isidore Beck, the Austrian poet and playwright whose works included the “tragic play ‘Saul’” and who was active in the Revolutions of 1848 passed away today in “a suburb Vienna.”

1879(19thof Nisan, 5639): Eighty-two year old Philadelphia born Ophthalmologist Isaac Hays, a founder of the American Medical Association whose marriage to Sarah “Sally” Minis joined a prominent Jewish Savanah family with a prominent Gratz  family of Pennsylvania.


1880: Birthdate of Isaac Siegel a Republican political leader who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from March 1915 until March, 1923.


1880: Acting on behalf of the “Union of American Hebrew Congregations,” A.C Solomon and Simon Wolf requested the Secretary of State investigate the reports of the suffering that Russian Jews are enduring and to intervene on their behalf with the Czar’s government.


1880(1stof Iyar, 5640): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1881: It was reported today that the ball sponsored by the Purim Association raised $18,817.24 which is earmarked for the building fund of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1882: Several Jews were “severely wounded” and one was killed during a riot in Dubosarif, Russia.

1884: Birthdate of Otto Meyerhof. The German born psychologist and biochemist won the Nobel Prize in 1922.

1888: Birthdate of restaurant owner Samuel Feld, the husband of the former Edna Rosenfeld and the father of actor Normal Fell.

1889: In Chicago, Rosa Flora Eisendrath, the German born daughter of Moses Samson Eisendrath and Bertha Braunchen Eisendrath and her husband Emanuel Raphael Weil gave birth to Mildred Rachel Weil, the wife of Alfred Stern and the mother of Robert, Richard and Alfred LW Stern

1890(22nd of Nisan, 5650): 8th day of Pesach

1890: It was reported today that during the month of March, the United Hebrew Charities had provided aid in the amount of $3,677.50 835 families with a total population of 3,589 people. This was in addition to the items such as shoes, coal, clothing, medicine and food that it had given to its existing case load which had grown by another 1,306 people during the last month.

1890: It was reported today of the most recent 2,186 Jewish immigrants to register at Castle Garden, 1,507 had stayed in New York.

1891: In McKeesport, PA, “Morris David and Josephine (Solosky) Weis gave birth HUC trained rabbi Max J. Weis who led Temple Israel in Gary and the Free Synagogue in Washington Heights and served as the “Secretary of the American Committee of the Palestine Exploration Society while writing Great Men Israel and raising his daughter Minnetta with his wife Estelle M. Sternberger Weis.

1891: “The World’s Approaching End” published provides the calculations ‘of Lt. Charles A. L. Totten the military instructor at Yale who already discovered  “the exact day of the long day” described in the book of Joshua proving “that the end of the world will come in March, 1899.”


1892(15thNisan, 5652): Pesach

1892: The New York Court of Appeals ruled that the North American Relief Society is not entitled to $50,000 under the terms of the will of the late Sampson Simpson.

1894: Among the 5,000 children attending today’s performance of Barnum and Bailey’s Great Show at Madison Square Garden were those in the care of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society and the Hebrew Instituted

1894: Birthdate of Max Neuman one of the Jewish soldiers from Kleinsteinach who was killed in WW I while fighting for the Kaiser.

1895: The celebration of 50th anniversary of Temple Emanu-El began this evening at 5 pm with the regular Friday Night Services featuring a special sermon Rabbi Gustav Gottheil entitled “Stretching Out of his Wings Through the Breadth of the Land.”

1895:  Tragedy struck the family of Mrs. Eva Abrahams today during Chol HaMoed Pesach.  While preparing breakfast this morning, she accidently poured oil on her dress which then caught fire.  As the flames filled the tenement, Mrs. Abrahams picked up her sleeping two week old baby and rushed out into the hall where she gave the baby to a neighbor.  Then she went back into the burning room and carried out her sleeping two year old son.  Mrs. Abrahams was badly burned.  She is now lying in a bed at Gouverneur Hospital “at the point of death.”

1895: It was reported today that the residue of a trust fund the late Michael Stachelberg created for his sister Felicia Davidson will, after she dies, be equally divided among the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews, the Mount Sinai Hospital, the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids and the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society

1896: The Hebrew Charity Hospital was among those organizations that will benefit from tonight’s competition between various musical and athletic clubs being held at the Grand Central Palace on Lexington Avenue.

1896: The Hebrew Infant Asylum received over one thousand dollars from that the Young Folks’ League had raised at its first benefit performance in New York.

1898: One had after she had passed away, 27 year old Rosie Topper was buried at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1898: Three days after she had passed away, 35 year old Rose Myers, the wife of Solomon Myers was buried at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1899: Dr. Lee Frankel of Philadelphia has accepted the position of manager of the United Hebrew Charities.  The position has been vacant since February when N.S. Rosenau was forced to resign because of his health.

1899(2nd of Iyar, 5669): Hebrew poet Abraham Baer Gottlober passed away

1900: “Readers Send $200 to Hasten Cataloguing in Semitic Department” published today reported that “ever since the influx of Jews from Russia some years ago there have been many rabbis who frequented” the New York Public Library “a great deal” making the Semitic department one of the most used departments in the library especially since Jacob Schiff gave ten thousand dollars for the purchase of more books for the department which has led some readers to contribute two hundred dollars as a sign of appreciation for the effort of the library authorities.

1901: It was reported today that Assemblyman Julius Harburger has “introduced a bill in the New York Assembly incorporating the Federation of American Zionists with its principal office in New York City whose “objects…are to foster the national idea of Israel, to cooperate with other Zionist Societies in their endeavor to obtain for the Jewish nation a legally assured home in Palestine; to united all Zionist societies of the United States; to act as the medium of communication between the Zionist congress through its central committee and the Zionist societies of the United States; to foster the knowledge of Hebrew as a living language; to publish periodical publications for the furtherance of the cause of Zionism” and whose “incorporators are I. H. Gottheil, Gustav Gottheil, H. Pereira Mendes, Aaron Friedwald, Morris Jastrow, Benjamin Levnthal, Isidor Myers, Kasryel H. Sarasohn and Isidor D. Morisson

1902(5thof Nisan, 5662): Parashat Taria

1902(5thof Nisan, 5662): Sigmond Stern passed away today in New York.

1903(15thof Nisan, 5663): Pesach

1903: In Portland, Oregon, Rabbi Stephen Wise and Louise Waterman Wise gave birth to distinguished Family Court judge and children's advocate Justine Wise Polier.


1903 (15th of Nisan, 5663): The New York Times reported that “at sundown last evening in the homes of all orthodox Jews the beginning of the Passover was celebrated.  In the southern section of the city, east of the Bowery, all signs of commercial activit ceased and the Jewish families gather in their homes to eat the paschal lamb and hear the elders read the story of the deliverance from bondage.”

1903: Birthdate of Horace R. Clayton, Jr the American sociologist on whom Lore Segal based her character “Carter Bayoux” in the award winning novel Her First American.

1904: This evening Rabbi B.A. Elzas officiated at the wedding Philadelphian Albert Luria Moise and South Carolinian Eva May Nathans.

1905: It was reported today that Solomon Rosenblatt, through attorney Isadore M. Levy has bought “the lot 25 by 100 with bricking building at 41 Lorillard Place.

1906(17thof Nisan, 5666): Third Day of Pesach

1906: “Defends Jews In Congress” published today described a pre-Easter speech by Representative Allan L. McDermott of New Jersey on the Crucifixion of Christ which “was a defense of the Jews against the charge of having killed the Messiah” in which he said that “the statement that Jesus Christ was crucified by the Jewish National is the wickedest falsehood that ever fell from human lips” and that “with the approach of Easter come the stories of the threatened massacres in Russia” by “savage bigots.”

1907: In Rumania, the Prefect responded to a request by the Jews in the Jassy district for protection from anti-Semitic attacks by declaring that he was powerless to “protect the Jews” and he advised to emigrate before they were expelled by force by the peasants.”

1908: Fifty-seven year old Charles Adelle Lewis Totten a West Point graduate and Professor at Yale, who among other things, supported Jewish settlement in Palestine in the 1890’s before Herzl and Zionism passed away today

1908: In Philadelphia, 1936: University of Pennsylvania trained attorney and future Justice of the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court, Horace Stern, the Philadelphia born son of Morris and Matilde Stern and his wife Henrietta Stern gave birth to Sophie Stern, who became Sophie Friendly when she married Henry Friendly.

1908: Friends and members of the Free Synagogue celebrated the first anniversary of its founding at its place of worship on 81st Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues.

1909: Formation of Ha Shomer

1909: Theodore de Lemos the architect who designed the Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Bank Building at 27 Pine Street and Macy’s Herald Square department store passed away today.



1909: “The young Jewish composers of St.Petersburg heard for the first time Joel Engels's artistic arrangements of Jewish folksongs [...] and were greatly surprised that such cultural and national value could result from such an enterprise. This concert stimulated the young Petersburg composers in the following period to the creation and performance of a whole series of Jewish song settings

1910: It was reported today that “the attitude of” the United States government “on the Jewish passport question has aroused a good deal of indignation am the …Jews” since Herman Bernstein has in his possession correspondence from several prominent Russians saying that Secretary of State Knox was “mistaken” what he wrote to President Taft about the “amelioration of the conditions Jews” and “that the position of the Jews in Russia has never been worse that it is today.”

1911(14th of Nisan, 5671): This evening, the Young Men’s Hebrew Association will host a public seder in New York and “special services” will be held for the Jewish immigrants currently detained at Ellis Island.

1912: Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Straus arrived in London after visiting Palestine.  However, they arrived too late to join his brother and sister-in-law – Isidor and Ida Straus – for the return voyage to the United States.  The ship carrying Isidor and his wife had sailed from Southampton on April 10.  Their ship was the SS Titanic. Nathan had been delayed because he had spent extra time helping to provide for the Jewish community in Eretz Israel.

1912: In Paris, Republicans and Socialists began “a campaign against Jewish immigrants.”

1912: Birthdate of David Ginsburg, “a liberal lawyer and longtime Washington insider who helped found the Americans for Democratic Action and led the presidential commission on race relations whose report, in 1968, warned that the United States was 'moving toward two societies — one black, one white, separate and unequal’.

1912: “Jewish reservists and Jewish veterans of the Russo-Turkish and Russo-Japanese wars asked the permission of the Minister the Interior to hold a conference to protest against attacks on Jewish conscripts and to obtain the right of residence for all Jewish who have served in the army.”

1912: Management of the “Jewish Burial Society of Odessa was restored to the Jewish community.”

1912: In the Duma, deputies demanded “the exclusion of Jews from the press and printing trades.”

1912: “The Council of the Jewish Community of Rome elected Dr. Angelo Sacerdoti to the position of Chief Rabbi

1912: At the University of Berlin, Max Liebermann was “elected Senator of the Academy.”

1912: King George V appointed Lord Michelham (Sir Herbert Stern) Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.

1912(25th of Nisan, 5672): Seventy-three year old New York City merchant Julius Wile passed away today.

1912(25th of Nisan, 5672): Fifty-one year old Omaha, Nebraska engineer Samuel Katz passed away today.

1912: The King of Italy appointed “Elio Melli, the President of the Provincial Council of Ferrara” to serve as “Commander of the Order of the Italian Crown.”

1912(25th of Nisan, 5672): Fifty-year old New York City attorney Moses Weinman passed away today.

1912: “Thirty-five Jewish merchants in Paterson, NJ, petitioned the Board of Alderman to amend the Sunday Closing Law so as to exempt merchants who observe the Jewish Sabbath.”

1912: Birthdate of Elinor Sophia Coleman, who as Elinor Guggenheimer, the wife of Ralph Guggenheimer became an advocate for women, children and the elderly. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1912(25thof Nisan, 5672): Eighty-seven year old Rabbi Tobias Lipschuta passed away at Brzesko, Galicia.

1913(5thof Nisan, 5673): Parashat Metzora

1913: It was reported today that immigration officials are saying “that this year so far the number of aliens arriving” at the port of New York “is greatly in excess of the figurers for the corresponding period of last year.”

1913: In Philadelphia, Frank and Elsie Pfaelzer gave birth to Morris Pfaelzer the University of Pennsylvania law school graduate, husband of Marjorie Lesser and WW II Navy veteran who practiced law in California after the war, lectured at the University of Southern Californian Law School

1914: In Laupheim, Germany, Paula (Stern) Bergmann and Max Bergmann gave birth to Gretel Bergmann who gained fame as high jumper Margaret Bergmann-Lambert


1914“Art Notes,” published today described an illustrated article by Ella Mielziner in the American Hebrew that describes the treatment of Passover by a variety of artists ranging from the Renaissance masters of the Florentine and Venetian schools to modern painters including Alma Tadema and Sir Frederick Leighton

1915: “The next meeting of the Chicago Rabbinical Association” is scheduled to be held this morning at the Stratford Hotel.

1915: President Woodrow Wilson wrote to Simon Wolf reassuring him that when the United States “negotiated a new treaty with Russia we shall not be forgetful of the very important matter” (securing full rights for the Jews of Russia) “to which you call my attention.

1915: Birthdate of Milwaukee native Isadore Perlman the award winning nuclear chemist who, among other accomplishments, worked on the Manhattan Project and served on the faculty of Hebrew University


1916: It was said today at the offices of the Industrial Department of the United Hebrew Charities “that with the aid movements such as Bundle Day” which was begun by Ben Altheimer of St. Louis in 1914 and is now under the direction of William Hirsch “it would be possible to provide adequate relief for many poor families, as a system had been developed under which material of all kinds could be converted into money.

1917(20thof Nisan, 5677): Sixth day of Pesach

1917(20thof Nisan, 5677): Lt. Louis Hemeret, an aviator, was killed today.

1917(20thof Nisan, 5677): Second Lieutenant Gerard von Brock was killed during in WW I.

1917: “Jewish deputies call the government’s attention to the growth of “anti-Semitic agitation and anti-Semitic riots in Galicia.”

1917: American Jews are being asked to contribute to a fund started today of which Jacob H. Schiff is the temporary treasurer, “to present a copy of the Statue of Liberty to the free people of Russia” as first proposed by Herman Bernstein, the editor of The American Hebrew.

1917: “The Polish press” accused “the German Government of disseminating antagonism between Poles and Jews to secure support of the Jews for the” plan to separate the Ukraine from Russia.

1918: In Budapest, Leo Luntshi celebrated his 50th birthday by donating a million and a quarter crowns for the establishment of a sanitarium for Hungarian war orphans.

1918(30thof Nisan, 5678): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1918: It was reported today that the United Hebrew Trades “which represents more than 200,000 Jewish workers” in the New York metropolitan area and the Retail Clothing Salesman under the leadership of President Louis Schradnik are two of the Jewish organizations, along with a number of Jewish actors, taking the lead in raising funds for the latest Liberty Loan Drive.

1919(12thof Nisan, 5679): Parashat Metzora; Shabbat HaGadol

1919: Rabbi Silverman is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “How Can One Become Religious” at Sabbath services at Temple Eamanu-El.

1919: Rabbi Samuel Schulman is scheduled to deliver the sermon at Sabbath services this morning at Beth El Temple.

1919: “The Great Sabbath” is scheduled to be observed this morning at Temple Israel of Harlem.

1919: Playwright and WW I veteran Ernst Toller ended his six day presidency of the Bavarian Soviet Republic.

1920(24thof Nisan, 5680): “Moncia Bauer” passed away today in Cincinnati, Ohio.

1920: The National Conference of Jewish Social Service opened today at the Hotel Grunewald in New Orleans, LA.

1920(24thof Nisan, 5680): Moncis Bauer passed away today in Cincinnati

1920: The Twelfth Conference of the Bund, the Jewish labor organization opened today in Gomel.

1920: Two days after he had passed away, Joseph Myers, the son of Myer Myers and the husband of Clara Myers was buried today at the “Belfast Jewish Cemetery” in Northern Ireland.

1921: Birthdate of Hans Steinbrück one of the Ehrenfeld anti-Nazi resistance Group who was hanged in November of 1944.

1921: In Philadelphia, PA, the former Ruth Miriam Steinbach and Lester Gans Steppacher gave birth to Ruth Steinbach Steppacher  who became Ruther Steinbach Affelder when she married Cleveland, OH native Lewis Jacob Affelder.

1922: In Camden, NJ, the first issue of the “Beth-Elite,” the newsletter of Congregation Beth El appeared just before Pesach.

1922(14thof Nisan, 5682): Passover services begin at 7 p.m. at Congregation Beth-El in Camden, New Jersey.

1924(8thof Nisan, 5684): Parashat Metzora; Shabbat HaGadol

1925: U.S. premiere of “Dangerous Innocence,” a silent film produced by Carl Laemmle, with a script co-authored by Lewis Milestone and filmed by cinematographer Richard Fryer.

1925: “The Wife of Forty Years” directed, produced and written by Richard Oswald and co-starring Sig Arno was released in Germany today.

1926: Will Rogers sent a check in the amount of $2,500, which represented the proceeds from his last concert at Carnegie Hall “as his contribution to the United Jewish Campaign of New York, chaired by William Fox.

1927: Birthdate of London native, Barbara Mankowitz, the daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants and the sister of actor Wolf Mankowitz with whom she opened a shop that led to her being a driving force in the trade of China, including Spode and Wedgewood.


1927: Ernest Katz, Vice President of R.H. Macy & CO presided over a dinner at the Centre where a group of “old timers” pledged $40,000 toward the $1,500,000 fund being raised for the new Y.M.H.A. building on 92nd Street.

1928(22ndof Nisan, 5688): Observance of the 8th day of Pesach during the Presidency of Calvin Coolidge.

1929:Yehudi Menuhinwas soloist with Bruno Walter and the Berlin Philharmonic in a daunting program of concertos by Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms.’

1930(14thof Nisan, 5690): Parashat Tzav; Shabbat HaGadol; erev Pesach

1932: In Chicago, Jewish immigrants “Molly (Singer) and Harold Gelber” gave birth to playwright Jack Gelber.


1932: “Grand Hotel” based on a play by Vicki Baum and produced by Irving Thalberg was released in the United States today.

1933(16th of Nisan, 5693): Second Day of Pesach

1933(16th of Nisan, 5693): Max Hassel and Max Greenberg, “two associates of Irving ‘Waxey’ Gordon in the beer business” were murdered today in Union County, NJ.


1934(27th of Nisan, 5694): Sixty-six year old real estate mogul J. Clarence Davis, the New York born son of David Davies, “the owner of the Washington Rubber Company” and the former Maria Phillips who was “vice president of the West End Synagogue, director of the Bronx YMHA and patron of the arts who donated his collection the Museum of the City of New York passed away today.



1935: Germany prohibited publishing "not-Arian" writers.

1935: The office of the High Commissioner of Palestine announced “a new law empowering the municipalities to fix a weekly day of rest.  The law as fixed by each municipality will govern all the inhabitants of that town. The basis of the new ordinance is a by-law drafted by the municipality of Tel Aviv which defines Saturday as the city’s day of rest.”

1936: Reverend Philip J. Furlong, vice president of St Patrick’s Cathedral College, Reverend Dr. W. Russell Bowie, rector of Grace Episcopal Church and R. Abraham L. Feinberg, rabbi of Mouth Neboh Temple “spoke over WOR in a program sponsored by the National Committee for Religion and Welfare Recovery” where they issued “a joint plea for the ‘religious co-operation’ of the principle faiths of the world in a united front against persecution intolerance and hatred” as part of the “observance of Easter and Passover.”

1936: Róża (The Rose) a historical film with a script co-authored by Anatol Stern was released in Poland today.

1936(20thof Nisan, 5696): Sixth Day of Pesach

1936: “The Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada made public a message” today “to American Jews” which should be offered at tomorrow’s Passover service praying for “the three and half million Jews in Poland who are waging a desperate struggle with the danger of extinction.

1936: It was announced today that “Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Dr. Israel Goldstein, Maurice Levin, Louis Lipsky and Morris Rothen will speak at Passover services throughout New York tomorrow on behalf of the United Palestine Appeal which is seeking to raise $1,500,000 to go towards reaching the national goal of $3, 500,000.

1937: Dr. Pereira Mendes, the rabbi Emeritus of the old Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue celebrated his 85th birthday.

1937: As the Nazi power continues to rise, it was reported today the Rabbi Joachim Prinz of Berlin has said “Whatever the bitter portion, Jews everywhere must lift up the cup of experience and in accordance with the ancient sanctification ceremony add the words, ‘New Life, New Strength, New Hope’” and that “in the land of Palestine the Jewish people can gain a fresh grasp on the values of the Jewish spirit.”

1938: The Polish steamer Polonia lands 250 passengers at Tel Aviv, making it the second ship to use the world’s first “Jewish port.”

1939: Birthdate of Ilan Chet, the native of Haifa who became a noted microbiologist and professor at Hebrew University.

1939: In New York City, “Johanna (Papiermeister), a jeweler, and Morton Hoffman, a caterer” gave birth to playwright William M. Hoffman.


1940: After having premiered in February, “The House of the Seven Gables” the movie version of the novel of the same name directed by Joe May, with a screenplay by Lester Cole was released in the United States today.

1941(15th of Nisan, 5701): First Day of the last Pesach before the United States enters World War II.

1941(15th of Nisan, 5701): On Shabbat the first Bar Mitzvah took place in Iceland.

1941(15th of Nisan, 5701):  As German troops entered Belgrade, Yugoslavia, a Jewish tailor who spit on the arriving troops was shot dead. Jewish shops and homes in Belgrade were ransacked by both German soldiers and resident Germans

1941: The Germans announced publicly that anyone caught leaving the Lodz Ghetto would be shot.

1941: “Hungarian forces entered Novi-Sad and immediately began terrorizing the Jewish and Serbian residents. Men between the ages of 16-65 were enlisted in labor battalions, some of which were sent to the front, primarily in the Ukraine, where they were forced to clear land mines, most of them dying in the process.” (As reported by Yad VaShem)

1941: Today, as part of the second Aufbaukommndo, Fritz Weiss was among a thousand people transported from Prague to Theresienstadt where he stayed alive thanks to his ability to put on musicals and “collaborate with orchestras outside the camp.”

1942: To maintain the deception that all was well and to better control the population, 115,000 of the Jews remaining in Lodz ghetto were told that the 100,000 Jews already deported (and in actuality gassed in Chelmno), were safe and staying in a camp near Warthburcken. Kolo was actually the town near Chelmno.

1942(25thof Nisan, 5702): Ninety year old Austrian author and jurist Marco Brociner, the brother of Joseph, Maurice and Adnrei Brociner died today while being held in a ghetto at Vienna by the Nazis

1942: Final performance of Banjo Eyes, a two act comedy starring Eddie Cantor that had opened on Christmas Day, 1941

1943: In New York real estate investor Seymour Durst and his wife Bernice Herstein gave birth to Robert Durst, the brother of Douglas, Thomas and Wendy Durst, who gained notoriety for his alleged involvement in the death of his wife and a close friend.

1943: An Anglo-American Conference opens in Bermuda.  The conference was supposed to come up with ways of saving European refugees (in reality the Jews of Europe).  During the 12 days of meetings it became obvious that the Foreign Office and the State Department would do nothing including relaxing immigration quotas or opening Palestine to Jewish immigrants. 

1944: ‘Who has made us Jews different to all other people? Who has allowed us to suffer so terribly up till now? It is God that has made us as we are, but it will be God, too, who will raise us up again. . ." From the daily entry of the Diary of Anne Frank

1944:  Lillian Hellman's "Searching Wind", premiered in New York City.

1944: Arnold Newman photographed award winning author William Steig.


1944: In Oxford, UK, Jacob Bronowski and Rita Coblentz gave birth to Lisa Anne Bronowski who gained fame as British historian Lisa Anne Jardin

1945:General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, visit Ohrdruf Concentration camp with Generals George S. Patton and Omar Bradley.and after his visit, Eisenhower cabled General George C. Marshall, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, describing his trip to Ohrdruf:


. . .the most interesting--although horrible--sight that I encountered during the trip was a visit to a German internment camp near Gotha. The things I saw beggar description. While I was touring the camp, I encountered three men who had been inmates and by one ruse or another had made their escape. I interviewed them through an interpreter. The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to 'propaganda.'


Ohrdruf made a powerful impression on General George S. Patton as well. He described it as "one of the most appalling sights that I have ever seen." He recounted in his diary that


In a shed . . . was a pile of about 40 completely naked human bodies in the last stages of emaciation. These bodies were lightly sprinkled with lime, not for the purposes of destroying them, but for the purpose of removing the stench. When the shed was full--I presume its capacity to be about 200, the bodies were taken to a pit a mile from the camp where they were buried. The inmates claimed that 3,000 men, who had been either shot in the head or who had died of starvation, had been so buried since the 1st of January. When we began to approach with our troops, the Germans thought it expedient to remove the evidence of their crime. Therefore, they had some of the slaves exhume the bodies and place them on a mammoth griddle composed of 60-centimeter railway tracks laid on brick foundations. They poured pitch on the bodies and then built a fire of pinewood and coal under them. They were not very successful in their operations because there was a pile of human bones, skulls, charred torsos on or under the griddle which must have accounted for many hundreds

1945:Birthdate of Irving D. Rubin who served as chairman of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) from 1985 to 2002.

1945: Franklin D. Roosevelt died at Warm Springs, Georgia. Roosevelt had been quite popular with Jewish voters and Jews certainly benefited from his Presidency.  Many years after the war, historians began to raise issues of the American role concerning the plight of European Jewry and the lack of active intervention to save at least some of the Six Million.

1945: Vice President Harry Truman was sworn in as President of the United following the death of Franklin Roosevelt. No matter what, Truman will always be a hero among Jews for supporting the U.N. resolution that in effect created the state of Israel and for recognizing the state of Israel at the moment of its birth.  He did this in spite of strong opposition from advisors in the Defense and State departments.

1945: Canadian troops liberated the Nazi concentration camp Westerbork, Netherlands

1945: Two American divisions reach the Elbe and Mulde Rivers and wait for the arrival of British and Russian troops to link up with them.

1946(11th of Nisan, 5706): Henry Benisch, the American representative of Meyer and Studlei, the Swiss-based watchmaker, and brother of Dr. Max Benisch of Tel Aviv passed away at the age of 60.

1947: In London, the Foreign Office said that “the Italian Government has replied ‘favorably on the whole’ to Britain’s request for cooperation in prevent unauthorized Jewish immigration to Palestine.”

1948: The Haganah attacked the Arab Liberation Army commanded by Fawzi al-Kaukji at Mishmar Ha-Emek.  Kaukji had captured the Jewish settlement by using heavy artillery given him by the Syrian Army.  Unfortunately for Kaukji, Mishmar Ha-Emek had been used as a secret training base by the Haganah.  The smaller, poorly armed Jewish force took advantage of their unique knowledge to defeat the superior Arab force.

1948: While trying to help relieve Jerusalem, which was illegally under attack by Arab forces, settlers from Kfar Etzion attacked units of the Arab Legion.

1948: As the Jewish settlers in Palestine continued plans to form a government that would be place when the British leave in May, the 37 member Moetzet HaAm which was the forerunner of the Provisional State Council was formed today.

1949: Birthdate of American attorney turned author, Scott Turow.


1950: Tonight, Yehudi Menuhin began a concert tour of Israel with a performance in the Tel Aviv auditorium.

1950: In New York, Elizabeth (née Grumbach) and Henry Werner gave birth to American businessman Thomas Charles “Tom” Werner, the chairman of the Boston Red Sox.

1951: The Knesset (Israel's Parliament) passed a resolution setting 27 Nissan as Yom Hashoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day. Yom is the Hebrew word for 'day' and Shoah is the Hebrew word for 'whirlwind.'  Shoah is the Hebrew term for the War Against the Jews that claimed over six million lives between 1938 and 1945. In Israel, a morning siren sounds, stopping all activity; people stand in honor of those who died. Jews around the world hold memorials and vigils, often lighting six candles in honor of the six million Holocaust victims. Many hold name-reading ceremonies to memorialize those who perished. There are many websites to consult for this observance including those supported by Yad Vashem and the Holocaust Memorial Museum.  Here is another that you might want to look at as well.www.jewishpost.com/holocaust/ 

1952(17thof Nisan, 5712): Third Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1953(27th of Nisan, 5713): Yom HaShoah

1954: A board of inquiry led by Gordon Gay, known as the Gray Board, began hearings as part of J. Robert Oppenheimer’s appeal of the suspension of his security clearance.  By a vote of 4 to 1, the board would oppose the appeal thus ending Oppenheimer’s chance to regain his security clearance.  This was the ignominious way in which the “Father of the Atomic Bomb” was treated by his government.

1954(9thof Nisan, 5714): Seventy-four year of old Prague native and University of Vienna trained Professor of the History of Art Dr. Hans Tietze who in 1938 came to the United States where he and his Erica collaborated on “several books related to art” and with whom had two sons and one daughter passed away today in New York City.


1955: After almost two years of testing and opposition Jonas Salk in the presence of 700 scientists was recognized for discovering a vaccine for the prevention of poliomyelitis. His work together with Albert Sabin, who later developed an oral vaccine, drove this paralyzing disease from much of the world. In recognition he received Presidential Citation and the Congressional Medal for Distinguished Achievement.

1955, April 12(12th of Nisan 5755): Public announcement was made that Dr Jonas Salk had successfully tested his Polio vaccine.  For the first time, there was a way for people to avoid this scourge which attacked tens of thousands each year, leaving thousands of its victims paralyzed for life. Salk was actually one of three Jewish doctors who played a prominent part in the race to find a polio vaccine. His success was preceded by the work of a Polish born American Jew named Hilary Koprowski. Albert Sabin, a Russian born American Jew, developed an oral vaccine that supplanted Salk’s early product. 

1956: In Portugal, premiere of “The Rose Tattoo” Hal Kanter’s cinematic adaption of the Broadway play.

1958(22nd of Nisan, 5718): 8th day of Pesach

1958: This evening, WTAR-TV, broadcasting from Virginia’s Tidewater region, is scheduled to host “UJFUND On TV” featuring interviews with Mr. and Mrs. Israel Schapiro of Norfolk, supporters of the UFDUND’s Resettlement Bureau.

1959: Los Angeles Dodgers catcher Norm Sherry plays in his first major league baseball game.  Norm joined his brother Larry as the only Jewish battery in baseball.  Together, they led the 1959 Dodgers to a World Series Championship.

1959: Youth Aliyah celebrated Child’s Day at a ceremony in the Israeli Consulate in New York City.  Alan Parter, the 14 year old president of student council at Larchmont Temple Religious School presented Simcah Pratt, the Counsel General, with a sack containing 600 silver dollars which had been collected by Alan and his fellow students. 

1960(15thof Nisan, 5720): As a crowd of Democratic candidates including JFK, LBJ, Adlai and HHH are fighting for their party’s Presidential nomination, Jews observe Pesach

1962: In the UK, premiere of “A King of Loving” directed by John Schlesinger and produced by Joseph Janni.

1962: “Cape Fear” a thriller co-starring Polly Bergen and Martin Balsam, with music by Bernard Herrmann was released in the United States today.

1964(30thof Nisan, 5724): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1964(30thof Nisan, 5724): Seventy-four year old Columbia professor and Far East Expert Nathaniel Peffer passed away today.


1968(14th of Nisan, 5728): In the evening, Pesach begins with the first Seder held in a re-united Jerusalem.

1969: Simon & Garfunkel released "The Boxer"

1971(17thof Nisan, 5731): Third Day of Pesach

1971: Birthdate of Eyal Golan, (אייל גולן;) “a popular Israeli singer who sings in the Mizrahi style. Golan is one of the most successful singers of the Mizrahi genre in Israel. Except for his debut album, all of his studio albums became platinum albums, and most were sold in hundreds of thousands of copies, Eyal Golan's channel on Youtube has garnered over 17 million views as of July 2010 with five of his videos having garnered over a million views, and two have garnered over 2 million views making him one of Israel's most clicked artists.”

1972: “The Marty Feldman Comedy Machine” starring Marty Feldman with scripts co-authored by Feldman, Barry Levinson and Larry Gilbert was broadcast in the United States for the first time on ABC.

1973(10thof Nisan, 5733): Seventy-eight year old South Carolina born song-plugger turned movie producer Arthur Freed passed away today.


1974(20thof Nisan, 5734): Sixth Day of Pesach

1974: In Moscow, “39 Moscow activists appealed to the Central Committee of the CPSU in behalf of astrophysicist Evgeny Levich, who was punitively drafted to the army and despite ill health, sent to serve in Yakutia.”

1974: In Moscow, “activists demanded cessation of all repressions of Jews wishing to emigrate to Israel.”

1974(20thof Nisan, 5734): Pulitzer prize winning journalist Arthur Krock who for many set the standard for Washington journalists passed away today.


1975(1stof Iyar, 5735): Parashat Tazria-Metzora; Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1975(1stof Iyar, 5735): Eight-one year old CCNY and Columbia educated Dr. Benjamin Malzberg, the New York City born son of “Nathan and Anna (Elson) Malzberg, husband of Rose Hershberg and father of Judith, Ruth and Amy Malzberg who had serve as “director of research and statistics in the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene for over a decade passed away today.


1975: John Gunther Dean who came to the United States as a refugee from Hitler’s Germany experienced “one of the most tragic days of his life” when as U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia he saw his country depart from Phnom Penh leaving the citizens to the butcher of the Khmer Rouge.

1979(15thof Nisan, 5739): Pesach

1979: After having been released three months earlier in France, Nosferatu the Vampyre a horror film produced by Michael Gruskoff was released in Wiesbaden, Germany.

1980: During the International Conference on Collective Phehomena that began today was attended by 40 Soviet Jewish scientists.

1981:Israel today conditionally approved the reported French initiative to deploy a new United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon. At the weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Government ministers welcomed the proposal but said that the envisaged force should replace the Syrian troops in Lebanon rather than serve as a buffer between the Syrians and the Christian Phalangists.

1981:Deborah Benjamin, professionally known as Deborah Hart, and Gerald Strober were married this afternoon at Congregation Bnai Jeshurun, by Rabbi William Berkowitz, president of the Jewish National Fund, and spiritual leader of the congregation. The bride is a music columnist and feature writer for The Jewish Week, a weekly newspaper, Mr. Strober, who is national director of The American Friends of Tel Aviv University in New York, is author of five books, including ''American Jews: Community in Crisis,'' and ''Aflame for God: The Jerry Falwell Story.''

1983:Gregory Allen the winner of the 1980 Arthur Rubinstein Piano Competition in Tel Aviv and a member of the piano faculty of the University of Texas in Austin gave a recital tonight at the 92ndStreet Y in New York City.

1984: “Four armed Arab guerillas from the Gaza Strip reached Ashdod where they boarded, as paying passengers, an Egged Bus No. 300 en route from Tel Aviv to Ashkelon with 41 passengers.” Shortly after the bus left the station at 7:30 pm, the terrorists hijacked the bus.

1985(21stof Nisan, 5745): Seventh Day of Pesach

1985(21stof Nisan, 5745): Eighty-eight year old Rabbi B. Parzen a native of Ozorkow, Poland who came to the United States in 1907 where attended Columbia University and was ordained at Jewish Theological Seminary passed away today.


1986: Fred Friendly finished his services as a Montgomery Fellow at Dartmouth College.

1987:Israeli military helicopters rocketed roads near Shiite Moslem villages in southern Lebanon today, killing two people and wounding four others, according to the state-controlled radio.

The reported action came after a group calling itself the ''Islamic Resistance Movement'' said Moslem guerrillas had killed nine Israeli soldiers in an overnight rocket and machine-gun attack inside the belt of Lebanese territory just north of the Israeli border that the Israelis call their security zone. The radio said a number of helicopters from the Israeli Air Force strafed and fired rockets at roads in the district of Merj 'Uyun close to the zone. The radio added that the Israelis had moved reinforcements into the six-mile-deep enclave they control.

1987: In St. James, NY, “Sandi (née Wexler) and Larry Glazer” gave birth to award nominated actress Ilana Rose Glaza, the NYU grad who created “Broad City.”

1987:Randi Joy Rosenberg and Matthew David Steele were married today at Temple Beth-El in Great Neck, L.I. Mrs. Steele is a petroleum engineer who until recently was a consultant to the East Mediterranean Oil and Gas Company in Tel Aviv.

1987: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Out of Step: An Unquiet Life in the 20th Century by Sidney Hook.

1989(7th of Nisan, 5749):  Abbie Hoffmann, American radical, passed away.


1988: CBS broadcast the last episode of “My Sister Sam,” a sitcom starring Rebecca Schaeffer.

1989: Paul Goldberger delivered a lecture “Teaching About Architecture” at the National Art Education Association in Washington, D.C

1990: At the first meeting of the German Democratic Republic’s first democratically elected Parliament, the East German legislators acknowledged responsibility for the Nazi holocaust and asked for forgiveness. The German Democratic Republic, known in the West as East Germany had been a Communist dictatorship.  The de-Nazification process in Germany had really taken place in West Germany.  In the Communist Zone, the contention was that by adopting Communism, atonement had been made.  Or so their Soviet masters told the tale.

1991: U.S. Premiere of “Out for Justice” featuring Gina Gershon and Juliana Margulies.

1995(12thof Nisan, 5755): Seventy-six year old Irving Abitz, the son of Michael and Rose Abitz and the husband of Marion Ruth Abitz who enlisted in the Army in January, 1941 following which “he was assigned to the Medical Department of the 455th AAA Bn., which served with XX Corps as part of Patton’s Third Army and fought its way across Europe from July, 1944 to May, 1945  passed away today.

1996: Israel launched the INS Dolphin, the first of its Dolphin class submarines.

1996: An exhibition, Synagogue for the Arts, featuring the works of Fritz Ascher, came to a close today.

1997(5th of Nisan, 5757): Latvian born Israeli bible scholar Nechama Leibowitz passed away. Her accomplishments are amazing in their own right.  They are even more so when you consider the male-dominated world in which worked, study and taught. For a collection of her commentaries on each of the weekly portions which are called “Gilyonot” see


1998: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of interest to Jewish readers including Tough Jewsby Rich Cohen.

1998(16th of Nisan, 5758): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1998(16th of Nisan, 5758): Ninety-one year old Philadelphia born and Haverford and Hebrew Union College trained rabbi, Samuel Cook, the U.S. Army chaplain who began his work with Jewish youth while serving as the “director of the New B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation at the University of Alabama and who the husband of Ray M. Cook with whom he had two sons, Michael and Joel, passed away today.


1999:As part of the Millennium Lecture Series hosted by President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in the East Room of the White House, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel delivered a very moving speech. His topic for the lecture was "The Perils of Indifference." He framed the following question: "We are on the threshold of a new century, a new millennium. What will the legacy of this vanishing century be? How will it be remembered in the new millennium? Surely it will be judged, and judged severely, in both moral and metaphysical terms." Wiesel went on to enumerate the great tragedies of the last century, and then concluded this litany with "So much violence, so much indifference." Wiesel then spent the rest of his speech on the significance of indifference. To him, indifference is more dangerous than anger and hatred. "Anger," he stated, "at times can be creative. Even hatred at times may elicit a response. But indifference is not a response. It is not a beginning, it is an end and it is always a friend of the enemy. It is not only a sin, it is a punishment and this is one of the most important lessons of this outgoing century's wide-ranging experiment in good and evil."

1999: In “Paying for Auschwitz” published today. Roger Rosenblatt draws on the experiences of his great uncle who survived the Nazi death camp, as he questions the attempts to put a dollar sign on the Holocaust.


2000: “Critic of a Holocaust Denier Is Cleared in British Libel Suit” published today described the defeat of David Irving in courtroom where the Judge declared that he was in fact an ‘active Holocaust Denier.’”


2001(19th of Nisan, 5761): Fifth Day of Pesach

2001: Advancing Women Professionals and the Jewish Community, a project dedicated to shattering the glass ceiling, was launched today.

2001: Two days after he had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held in Manhattan at Temple Emanu-El for Belgium born American billionaire Michel P. Fribourg, the “chairman and CEO of Continental Grain” who was the fifth generation to lead the family business that stretched back to the early decades of the 19th century and who raised five children – Robert, Paul, Charles, Nadine and Caroline – with his wife Mary Ann passed away today.



2001: A Broadway revival of “Bells Are Ringing” a musical with a book and lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green and music by Jule Styne” opened at the Plymouth Theatre.

2002(30thof Nisan, 5762): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2002: As Operation Defensive Shield came to an end “Ha'aretz reported that, "The IDF intends to bury today Palestinians killed in the West Bank camp ... The sources said two infantry companies, along with members of the military rabbinate, will enter the camp today to collect bodies. Those who can be identified as civilians will be moved to a hospital in Jenin, and then on to burial, while those identified as terrorists will be buried at a special cemetery in the Jordan Valley."

2002(30thof Nisan, 5762): Six people were murdered when a 17 year old female terrorist detonated a bomb at the Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem.  The victims were Nissan Cohen, 57, of Ramot,

Yelena Konrav, 43, from Pisgat Ze'ev, Rivka Fink, 75, of Jerusalem, Zuhila Hushi, 47, Chinese citizen, of Gilo, Lin Chin Mai, 34, Chinese citizen and Chai Zin Chang, 32, Chinese citizen

 2002(30th of Nisan, 5762): “Lt. Dotan Nahtomi, 22, of Kibbutz Tzuba, died of wounds sustained earlier in the week during IDF operations in Dura (Operation Defensive Shield).”

2002(30thof Nisan, 5762): “Border policeman St.-Sgt. David Smirnoff, 22, of Ashdod was killed when a Palestinian gunman opened fire near the Erez crossing, in the Gaza Strip, killing one and injuring another four Israelis. The terrorist killed one and injured three Palestinian workers in the same shooting spree. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.”

2003(10thof Nisan, 5763): Parashat Metzora; Shabbat HaGadol

2003(10thof Nisan, 5763): Eighty-year old Chicago born, U.S. Navy veteran and DePaul University trained character actor Sydney Lassick whose most memorable came in the Oscar winning “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” passed away today in Los Angeles.


2004(21stof Nisan, 5764): Seventh Day of Pesach and final day of the holiday for Reform Jews

2004: Today, two days before he is to meet with Prime Minster Sharon, with Egyptian President Mubarak standing next to him, President Bush “said that stability and democracy in Iraq are vital to peace in the Middle East

2005: “What Sort of Jew Was Jesus?” published today described the views of “Orthodox Rabbi Harvey Falk of Brooklyn who believes that much interreligious tension need never have existed at all.”


2005(3rd of Nisan, 5765):Ehud Manor (אהוד מנור) passed away. Born in 1941, he “was an Israeli songwriter, translator, and radio and TV personality. He composed many well-known songs, including "Ein Li Eretz Acheret" (I Have No Other Country), "Brit Olam" (World Covenant), "BaShanah HaBa'ah" (In The Next Year), "Zo Yalduti HaShniya" (This Is My Second Childhood), and "Achi HaTza'ir Yehuda" (My Younger Brother Yehuda). He wrote over 1,250 Hebrew compositions, and translated more than 600 works into Hebrew, including such Broadway hits as Cabaret and Les Misérables. He wrote the lyrics to many Israeli Eurovision entries, including the 1978 winner "Abanibi", the 1983 entry "Khay" (Alive), the 1992 song "Ze Rak Sport" (It's Just Sports), the 2004 entry, "Leha'amin" ("To Believe"; which he co-wrote with David D'Or)), and the 2005 entry, "Zman". In addition, he translated Barney songs into Hebrew for the Israeli coproduction "HaChaverim Shel Barney".

2006(14thof Nisan, 5766): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

2006: Thanks to a calendar coincidence, when Jews sit down to their Seder tonight they will not have to worry about Pesach parking because they know that “alternate-side street-cleaning regulations in New York City will be suspended tomorrow, because of Passover and Holy Thursday, and on the day after tomorrow, for the second day of Passover and Good Friday.”

2007: An exhibit styled “The Art of Aging” that explores “faith, culture and the search for meaning in the universal aspects of life’s journey”opens at the Jewish Museum of Florida.

2007: Formal ceremony was held marking the creation of AZIS, an organization of olim from Azerbaijan.  “AZIS is short for Azerbaijan-Israel but is also an Azeri word meaning ‘dear’ or ‘precious.’

2007:Holocaust survivor Manya Friedman speaks about her World War II era experiences at Coe College in Kessler Lecture Hall of Hickok Hall.  Friedman is a volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., and is an active member of the speaker’s bureau for the organization. Friedman was born in 1925 in a small Polish town that included a Jewish community dating back to the 16th century.  In the mid-1930s, the Friedman family experienced anti-Semitism as it became increasingly apparent in Poland.  In September 1939, Friedman's father was selected for forced labor following the German invasion of Poland.  A month later, her mother was arrested for violating the curfew.  In 1941, Friedman was forced to work for a German company that produced military uniforms.  In March 1943, she was separated from her family and never saw them again, as they were deported to Auschwitz. Friedman was forced to work in labor camps, and, in January 1945, she and other prisoners were transported for 10 days in open freight cars in the bitter cold to the Ravensbruck concentration camp.  Later, Friedman was taken to the Rechlin concentration camp, where she was rescued by the Swedish Red Cross in April 1945, following the liberation of Europe.  In 1950, Friedman emigrated from Sweden to the United Sates, where she continues to speak about her experiences during the Holocaust. This event is sponsored by the Joan and David Thaler Holocaust Memorial Foundation.

2008(7thof Nisan, 5768):Nearly 90 minutes after a fire had started,the bodies of the Rabbi Jacob S. Rubenstein, and his wife, Deborah, were found in the burning house.  Rabbi Rubenstein led Young Israel of Scarsdale, an Orthodox synagogue.

2008: In Iowa City, Defunct Books presented a grand night of poetry featuring famous Yiddish poet and playwright Murray Wolfe and Dan Troxell.

2008: In “Holocaust Speaker Urges Audiences to Action” published today The Cedar Rapids Gazette reported on upcoming Holocaust remembrance activities.

As those who lived through the horrors of the Holocaust continue to age, the importance of getting their stories out becomes increasingly more significant, said Hedy Epstein of St. Louis, Mo., whose parents were taken from one concentration camp to another before being sent to Auschwitz when she was 14."It is perhaps even more important now because there aren't that many of us who are still alive, and in a few years there won't be any of us left," Epstein, 83, said by phone from her St. Louis home.Epstein will speak to six audiences in Cedar Rapids and Mount Vernon this week, making stops at four area colleges and two high schools. Her visit is funded through the Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund.Epstein was 8 years old and living with her parents in Kippenheim, Germany, when Adolf Hitler took power in 1933. She watched as the dry-goods business her father and uncle owned was boycotted because it was a Jewish business, and as her father was taken to a concentration camp in November 1938, to be returned a changed man just a few weeks later. A short time later, her parents were both taken to camps and young Hedy Wachenheimer was sent to England on a children's transport. She received a few letters from her parents in the beginning but never heard from them again once they were sent to Auschwitz.When the war was over, Epstein returned to Germany to work for the American government, then came to the United States in 1948."It is important for me that whoever is in the audience hear about the Holocaust," Epstein said. "It is one of so many tragedies that have happened then, before then and today. I want to wake them up to this horrendous event but also to things that are still happening. I want to urge them to take some responsibility to right a wrong, become personally involved in whatever they choose and do something to right a wrong somewhere."Epstein started speaking publicly about her experiences in 1970, when her son was in junior high. A teacher approached her about speaking to the class when her son explained that his grandparents were sent to the concentration camps. The teacher asked her again the following year, and word of her speeches began to spread.Sharing her experiences is one way Epstein can honor her parents, she said."Before she was deported to Auschwitz (my mother) asked me that I never forget my parents," she said. "Of course I never forget, but it's like a mandate to me. By speaking about it, my mother's wish will not be forgotten but carried through."


2009: In Northbrook, Illinois, the Bernard Weinger JCC hosts the opening of Start Smart Baseball with programs for children ages 3 – 5 and adult participants.

2009: Final performance of Arthur Miller’s “Incident At Vichy” at The Beckett Theatre in New York City.

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback edition of “The End of the Jews” by Adam Mansbach and Joanna Smith Rakoff’s new novel “A Fortunate Age” which traces the post-collegiate struggle of seven Jews from prosperous enclaves “slumming” in a variety of non-affluent parts of New York.

2009: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “The Soul of Medicine: Tales from the Bedside” by Dr. Sherwin B. Nuland

2009:Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas telephoned Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu this morning and wished him a happy Passover.

2009: In “Research uncovers Israelites''foothold' in Jordan Valley” published today the Jerusalem Post reports that “The discovery of gigantic foot-shaped enclosures in the Jordan Valley may shed light on ancient Jewish holiday practices, according to University of Haifa researchers. The sites, identified with what the Torah terms "gilgal" (a camp or stone structure), were used for assemblies, preparation for battle, and rituals, according to a press release the university put out last week. The researchers, led by Prof. Adam Zertal, found five such structures, each shaped like an enormous foot. The term "gilgal" is mentioned 39 times in the Bible, the press release said - the most famous referring to the site where Joshua and the Israelites encamped after crossing the Jordan River into Israel. However, no archeological site had yet been identified with it. The five enclosures, presumed to have been established in the 13th-12th centuries BCE, were excavated between 1990 and 2008. In at least two cases, archeologists found paved circuits around the structures, believed to have been used to circle the sites during ceremonies. "Ceremonial encirclement of an area in procession is an important element in the ancient Near East," Zertal said. He added that the Hebrew word "hag" (festival) in Semitic languages originated from the verb "hug," meaning "encircle." According to Zertal, the foot shape would also explain another holiday-related term: aliya la'regel - the pilgrimage to Jerusalem on Pessah, Succot and Shavuot - literally translated as "ascending to the foot.""The discovery of these 'foot' structures opens an entirely new system of linguistic and historical perceptions," Zertal said. "Identifying the 'foot' enclosures as ancient Israeli ceremonial sites leads us to a series of new possibilities to explain the beginnings of Israel, of the People of Israel's festivals and holidays." He said the constructions had been used for assemblies during the first Iron Age, and when the religious center was moved to Jerusalem, the command of "aliya la'regel" (pilgrimage) became associated with the city. Zertal also noted that the foot traditionally symbolized ownership of territory, control over an enemy, connection between people and land, and the presence of a deity. The Bible alludes to some of these, as does ancient Egyptian literature, he said. 2010(28 Nisan, 5770): Yom Hashoah

2010:The International March of the Living honors six Holocaust survivors during its annual gathering at Auschwitz.

2010:MacNeil/Lehrer Productions is scheduled to introduce “Among the Righteous,” the story of Arabs who protected Jews during the Holocaust on PBS tonight. The special is based on the book of the same name by Robert Satloff and is one of four newly created programs appearing this week on PBS as part its Memorial to the Holocaust.

2010: Due to the dissolution of Parliament today, John Simon Bercow, who was elected to office in June, 2009, will have to stand for re-election. Eventually he will be the first Jew to serve as Speaker of the House of Commons.

2011: The Hunter College Hillel is scheduled to present “Daring to Hope” “the North American debut exhibition of Israeli artist and photojournalist, Ilan Mizrahi.”

2011:YIVO and The Jewish Daily Forward are scheduled to present:  “A Celebration of Yiddish Literature in Honor of Boris Sandler,” featuring Evgeny Kissin 

2011: On the 150thanniversary of the start of the Civil War, the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to present a screening of “Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington”documentary reveals the little-known struggles and sacrifices some 10,000 American Jewish soldiers who fought on both sides of the war

2011: Professor Faye Mosokowitz is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “What's Portnoy Complaining About Lately?” at Washington Hebrew Congregation.

2011: Tulane University is scheduled to present “If you Didn't Hate Me, Would I Still be Jewish? - Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and Jewish Identity in Post-War America” featuring Douglas Greenberg, Executive Dean, School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University.

2011: Followers of the Bahai faith unveiled their newly renovated holy site on the coast of Israel today drawing attention to one of the Holy Land's lesser-known religions.

2011(8 Nisan, 5711):Ninety-two year old Sidney Harman, an audio pioneer who built the first high-fidelity stereo receiver, dabbled in education and government, and made a late-in-life splash by acquiring an antiquated Newsweek magazine and wedding it with a sassy young Web site, The Daily Beast, died tonight in Washingtonhttp://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/14/business/media/14harman.html?_r=0 (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

2012:Daniel Altman, chief economist of Big Think and best-selling author is scheduled to speak at the Global Emerging Leadership Forum hosted by the 92ndStreet Y.

2012: Remembrance, a film thatdepicts “a love story between a German Jew and a Polish Catholic that blossomed amid the terror of Auschwitz in 1944” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Publication of “Screenwriting From Iowa- Writer Samson Raphaelson (Part 3)


2013: Dr. Martin Dean of the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies is scheduled to “discuss the new findings of the USHMM's Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos Project, including the impact of the International Tracing Service--a copy of which is now housed at The Wiener Library--and other digital archives” in London, UK.

2013: “Yossi” and “All In” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2013: “No Place on Earth” is scheduled to open in San Francisco, Berkley and San Jose.

2013: PBS is scheduled to show "Among the Righteous," which “documents the dogged search by historian and writer Robert Satloff to track down and verify any instances in which Arabs aided their Jewish neighbors while Hitler's Afrika Corps swept across North Africa.”

2013: As he begins the weekend of his Bar Mitzvah, the friends and family of Jacob Daniel Levin join him in a Shabbat Dinner in Columbus, Ohio.

2013: Police barred a group of mourners from entering Jerusalem’s Mt. Herzl military cemetery today in order to pay respect to lone soldiers killed in action whose families do not reside in Israel

2013: After 66 years of marriage, 86 year old Antoine Veil the husband of Simon Veil passed away today.

2013(25th of Nisan, 5773): Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, the eldest son of the spiritual leader of the Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, died this afternoon after suffering multisystem failure at Hadassah Hospital in Ein Kerem

2013: The IDF unearthed and defused an unexploded bomb, believed to date to World War II, near northern Tel Aviv’s Sde Dov Airport

2013:The Defense Ministry released its annual figures of fallen soldiers this morning ahead of Remembrance Day, stating that 92 soldiers had fallen this year and a total of 23,085 have fallen in Israel's wars since 1860.

2014: In Portland, Oregon, “A Pigeon and a Boy” by Meir Shalev is scheduled to be performed for the last time.

2014(12thof Nisan, 5774): Shabbat HaGadol

2014: SculptureCenter is scheduled to present the New York City book launch of Neomaterialism by Joshua Simon who is the director and chief curator of the Museums of Bat Yam.

2015: “Echoes of the Borscht Belt: Contemporary Photographs by Marisa Scheinfeld” is scheduled to close at the Yeshiva University Museum.


2015: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Brothers: The Road to an American Tragedy by Masha Gessen, Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin and Ravensbrück: Life and Death in Hitler’s Concentration Camp for Women by Sarah Helm

2015: Due “an unseasonal recurrence of wintry weather” in Israel, “events planned for” today marking the celebration of Moroccan Miouna “have been canceled.

2015: “Watcher of the Sky” and “Secrets of War” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: Lewis Black is scheduled to perform at Providence, Rhodes Island.

2015: “Lest We Forget,” a service of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust featuring Holocaust survivor Renata Laxova organized by the Inter-Religious Council of Linn County and the Thaler Holocuast Memorial Fund chaired by Dr. Robert Silber is scheduled to take place this evening at Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids, IA.

2015: Police announced that due Rabbi Chaim Greinman’s funeral today several streets in Tel Aviv will be closed today.

2016: French art expert Eric Turquin told a news conference today about the discovery of a four year old picture called “Judith Beheading Holofernes” that “depicts the biblical heroine beheading an Assyrian Generals” which is thought to have been painted in the first decade of the 17th century by Caravaggio.


2016(4th of Nisan, 5776): Eighty-three year old British playwright Arnold Wesker passed away today. (As reported by Sewall Chan)


2016: In Cedar Rapids, IA with a Jewish community numbering just over 100 families, a variety of Kosher for Passover Cheese is on sale for the first time at one High-Vee Grocery Store thanks to the efforts of cheese manager Chris Luken and Deb Levin.

2016: “Rabin In His Own Words” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2016: The Center for Jewish History, American Jewish Historical Society and Leo Baeck Institute are scheduled to present "We cannot ignore this opportunity for service": Phi Epsilon Pi‘s Student Refugee Program, 1936-1940” which described the Jewish collegiate fraternity’s expansive national effort to bring over dozens of Central European Jewish refugees who were previously expelled from universities due to the rise of Nazism. This aid work invites new frameworks for understanding American Jewish communal efforts on behalf of European Jewry in the years leading up to World War...

2016: “Sabena Hijacking” is scheduled to be shown at the Northern Virginia Jewish Film Festival.

2017: “The Israeli Opera’s mornings of kid-friendly opera is scheduled to begin today.

2017: “The Ma’alot Tarshiha Sculpture Festival” is scheduled to being today.

2018: The Leo Baeck Institute is scheduled to host a presentation by “historian Michael Brenner who will discuss contemporary Jewish life in Germany on the occasion of the publication of A History of Jews in Germany since 1945

2018:Visiting Assistant Professor Kirsten Kumpf-Baele from the Division of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures, at the German Department is scheduled to deliver a talk in honor of Yom haShoah (Jewish Holocaust Day) at 7:30 p.m. at Agudas Achim in Coralville, Iowa.

2018: The Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University is scheduled to host a book launch and author talk with Gil Troy, whose latest work is The Zionist Ideas


2018: A video recorded by “American astronaut Andrew Fuestel aboard the International Space Station commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day” was released today.

2018(27thof Nisan, 5778): Yom Hashoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day; (The internationally recognized date for Holocaust Remembrance Day corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar so for those who follow the Gregorian Calendar the holiday appears to “float.”)

2019: This afternoon, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host a book signing by Gary Reiner, son of Holocaust survivors Kurt and Hennie and the author of Counting on America: A Holocaust Memoir of Terror, Chutzpah, Romance and Escape

2019: In Brooklyn an exhibition of the works of Israeli artist Shay Arick is scheduled to open at the Compère Collective.

2019: In San Francisco, in his role as Scholar-in-Residence at Congregation Emanuel, Rabbi David Ellenson is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “Faith, Doubt, Meaning and Belief in the 21st Century.”

2019: As Jews prepare for Shabbat today, they can contemplate the last minute failure of Israel’s first moon lander and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s victory in this week’s election.

2020: Uprooted, “a Jewish response to fertility journeys” is scheduled to present “Miscarriage Online Group”

2020(18thof Nisan, 5780): On the Jewish calendar Yahrzeits of Rabbi Meir Abulafya Ha-Levi known as the “Ramah” and Rabbi Gustav Gottheil, “one of the founder of JPS.” (As reported by Abraham Bloch)

2020: Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb and the Urban Shtetl Family are schedule to host on-line “a thirty minute virtual Seder” complete “with storytelling and music

2020: The New York Times featured books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Thinking Inside the Box Adventures With Crosswords and the Puzzling People Who Can’t Live Without Them by Adrienne Raphel, the recently released paperback editions of Notes From A Young Black Chef: A Memoir by Kwame Onwuachi with Joshua David Stein and Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner  and an interview with Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz “Who Wants You to Read More Fiction” but who probably also wants you to buy his book People, Power and Profits which “will be out in paperback soon.


2021: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present a deeper dive into the literary and linguistic tradition of Bukharian Jews.


2021: The Gershman Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Here We Are” with Shai Avivi and Noam Imber.

2021(30th of Nisan, 5781): Rosh Chodesh Iyar; for more see Weekly Torah Reading / Weekly Torah Portion (downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com)

2021: JWA, The Vilna Shul, Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Boston's Center for Jewish Culture, The Holocaust Center LA, and the Illinois Holocaust Center and Museum are scheduled to host A Special Book Talk with Hadassah Lieberman as she discusses Hadassah: An American Story, which chronicles her journey from Eastern Europe to the national political stage.

2021: The 70th Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards Celebration is scheduled to take place this evening in a virtual mode.

2021:US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the first Secretary of Defense to visit Israel since 2017 is scheduled to continue a two-day visit to Israel  with that has already included meeting with his Israeli counterpart, Defense Minister Benny Gantz, at military headquarters in Tel Aviv.

2021:NCJW Women’s Issues Virtual Webinar Program in partnership with Hadassah and Jewish Endowment Foundation of Louisiana is scheduled to take place this evening.






This Day, April 13, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 13

1111: Henry V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. Henry gained power by revolting against his father Henry IV.  This was unfortunate for the Jews of Germany since Henry IV had been protective of his Jewish subjects as can be seen by his enforcement of laws forbidding the forcible baptism of Jews and allowing Jews who had been forcibly baptized to return to the faith of their fathers even if this ruling was contrary to Church doctrine. While no record exists that shows Henry V repealed the rulings his father’s loss of power was still a blow to the Jews because it was rare to find a monarch who was protective of his Jewish subjects.

1204: During the Fourth Crusade the sack of Constantinople continues. The Fourth Crusade was initially called for by Innocent III, one of the more anti-Semitic Popes. European Jews did not suffer in the way they had during the first 3 crusades, in part because of the devastation they had already experienced.  The Fourth Crusade degenerated into a fight among Christians as the Latin Crusaders made war against eastern Orthodox Christians.

1250: The Seventh Crusade, led by King Louis IX of France is defeated in Egypt. This marked the last of the Crusades.  Considering the impact they had on the Jews, the end of the Crusades was a positive thing.  This did not mark the end of the Crusading Spirit which would continue to rear its ugly head in events such as the expulsion from Spain two and half centuries later.  Louis IX’s four decade long reign was a time of misery for the Jews. It was marked by the famous burning of twenty four carloads of Talmudic writings in Paris in 1242 and a similar such conflagration two years later. 

1519: Birthdate of Catherine de' Medici who would become the wife of Henry II of France. When it came to choosing a doctor, Catherine opted to go for quality and used Jews even though Children of Israel had been banned from living in France. Catherine first employed a Marrano named Luis Nunez.  Later she began using Philotheus Montalto, a Portuguese doctor who had cured of her some un-named malady when he was passing through Paris.

1556(23rdof Nisan, 5316): Portuguese Marranos who had returned to Judaism were burned to death in Acona, Italy. A Jewish-led boycott of the port of Acona marked the first community-wide effort by "free" Jews, since the beginning of the Diaspora, to hit back at their enemies.

1587(5thof Nisan, 5347): Jacob Luzatto passed away in Venice, Italy at the age of 60.  It is not known if this is the same Jacob Luzzato who lived and preached at Safed and was a prolific author of tomes ranging from Talmudic commentaries to Haggadot.

1598: Henry IV of France issues the Edict of Nantes allowing freedom of religion to the Huguenots in Catholic France.  The edict did not cover Moslems or Jews living in France, including “New Christians” who had fled to France because of the Inquisition.

1636(7th of Nisan): Rabbi Elijah Kalmankes of Lemberg author of Eliyahu Rabbah passed away.

1660: Antonio Enrequez Basurto, a Marano poet and comedic playwright was burned in effigy after seeking refuge in Amsterdam.

1712:Shabbethai ben Joseph Bass was suddenly arrested today “on the charge of having spread abroad incendiary speeches against all divine and civic government.”

1727(22ndof Nisan, 5487): Judah ben Samuel Rosanes passed away Born in 1657, this student of Samuel ha-Levi and Joseph di Trani was appointed by the Sultan to serve as “hakam bashi” (Chief Rabbi of the Ottoman Empire because of his scholarship and linguistic skills. He was the son-in-law of Abraham Rosanes.

1742: “The Messiah” by George Friderick Handel whose biblically inspired works included  “Israel in Egypt,” “an oratorio that “it is composed entirely of selected passages from the Hebrew Bible, mainly from Exodus and the Psalms and which premiered at London's King's Theatre in the Haymarket” was first performed at the New Music Hall in Fishamble Street in Dublin.

1743: Birthdate of Thomas Jefferson.  “Thomas Jefferson is deservedly a hero to American Jewry. His was one of the few voices in the early republic fervently championing equal political rights for Jews. Jefferson’s Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virginia is a classic American statement of religious toleration. Significantly, while Jefferson championed the rights of Jews and other religious minorities, he did not do so out of respect for Judaism but because he respected the right of every individual to hold whichever faith they wished….Despite his reservations about the perceived “defects” in Judaism, Jefferson never wavered in his commitment to civil and religious freedom for Jews. Jefferson’s most notable achievement in establishing religious and civic toleration for American Jewry was his 1779 Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virginia. Adopted in 1785, the Bill proclaimed: “No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess. . . their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise . . . affect their civil capacities.”  Two years later, in 1787, the U. S. Constitution was adopted. Article VI contains the following, Jefferson-inspired phrase: “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” Despite his attitude toward Judaism as a religion, Jefferson’s advocacy of the rights of Jews –and those of other religious minorities – has become the law and custom of the land. Toleration of all religions, the absence of an official government religion, and the right to practice and express religious thought freely are the hallmarks of Jefferson’s legacy. Despite his private views of Judaism, he was indeed a most ‘righteous Gentile.’” 

1754(21stof Nisan, 5514): Seventh Day of Pesach; Shabbat Pesach Chol HaMoed is observed three days before the French are able to force William Trent to surrender the British fort at the site of future Pittsburgh, PA which is part of the lead up to the French-Indian War which led to the American Revolution.

1761: German native Moses Mordecai, who came to Annapolis, MD in 1758, married Elizabeth Whitlock, an English born Protestant who changed her name to Esther when she converted to Judaism.

1763: At Providence, Jacob Rivera, Aaron Lopez, Naftali Hart and Moses Lopez were among the ten signatories of the Spermaceti Candle Agreement.  The agreement was an effective tool for controlling the candle making trade in area including Pennsylvania, New York and New England.

1764: Final effective date for the Spermaceti Candle Agreement which had been supported by Jacob River, Aaron Lopez, Naftali Hart and Moses Lopez, four of the leading merchants in an industry based on whale oil.

1767(14thof Nisan, 5527): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1771: In London, Lydia Cohen and Solomon Gompertz gave birth to Solomon Barnet Gompertz, the husband of Miriam Keyser with whom he had eleven children.

1772: In New York, Eve Esther Gomez and Uriah Hendricks who were married in 1762 gave birth to Aaron Hendricks.

1774: London native Rebeca De Lyon and Joseph Abrahams, a resident of Savannah, GA, gave birth to Isaac Abrahams the husband of Rebecca Abrahams.

1782: In Amsterdam, Biela Meijer Bolfe and Emanuel Levie Duitz who were married in 1778 gave birth to Benedicutus Emanuel Duitz.

1786: In London, Bridget Benjamin Samuel Samuel gave birth to their “second daughter, Matilda Samuel” who passed away at the age of eight months.

1788: In Buchau, Germany, Johanna Ullmann and Jacob Dreifus gave birth to Hirsch Dreifus, the husband of Veronika Thannhauser and father of Jeanette, Babette, Abraham and Regina Dreifus.

1789: Birthdate of Leipzig native and Protestant Hebraist J.G. Winer

1792(21stof Nisan, 5552): Seventh Day of Pesach observed as the French prepared to face an attack by coalition forces determined to bring down the effects of the French Revolution.

1793: Birthdate of Louis Jacques Begin, a Belgium born French surgeon and author.

1795: Birthdate of German native Ester Nathan, the wife of Baruch Hofheimer and the mother of Jacob Hofheimer.

1795: In Germany, Helene Baer and Jakob Thannhauser gave birth to Veronika Thannhauser, the wife of Hirsch Dreifus and the mother of Jeanette, Babette, Abraham and Regina Dreifus.

1797(17thof Nisan, 5557): Third Day of Pesach

1797: Judith Baierthaler and Samuel Suss Strauss gave birth to Isak Strauss who had threechildren with his first wife, Juetle Chaya Strauss and six children with is second wife Babette Kusiel.

1799(8thof Nisan, 5559): Parashat Metzora; Shabbat HaGadol observed as Napoleon’s forces were besieging Acre and an Ottoman Army was on its way from Damascus in attempt to defeat the French general during the Palestine phase of his Egyptian campaign.

1800(18thof Nisan, 5560): As the Jews observe the Fourth Day of Pesach, future President Thomas Jefferson wrote future President James Monroe on the dangers the pomp and “fulsome attentions” pose to republicans and their cause.

1808(16thof Nisan, 5568): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1808: Abigail Lindo and Moses Mocatta, a member of large, distinguished Anglo-Jewish Sephardi family, gave birth to Samuel Mocatta, the husband of Miriam Mocatta and the father of Horace Rebecca, Ada, George, Laura and Frederick Mocatta, the philanthropist and Bullion broker.

1822(22nd of Nisan, 5582): 8th day of Pesach

1823: In the northern Italian city of Leghorn, Samuel and Bonina Morais gave birth to Sabato Morais, a leading 19th century American Orthodox Rabbi.


1827(16thof Nisan, 5587): Second Day of Pesach

1827: Birthdate of Viennese native Josef Kopp, the attorney who became a judge and a member of the “Lower Austrian Parliament.

1829: In Great Britain, Parliament passes the Catholic Relief Act which removes most of the remaining legal obstacles to full participation of Roman Catholics in the political life of the country.  The Jews living in this British Isles saw this as a sign of hope that they would soon attain full religious freedom.  They and their non-Jewish supporters began a campaign to gain equal rights for the Jews.  Unfortunately, success was not just around the corner and the fight would take fifteen years to win.  One Catholic politician was reported to have said that he would support the Jews in their fight since he could not deny to others what had been won for him and his Catholic brethren.

1830: Boletter Salomonsen and Zacharias Isaac Levy gave birth to Arnold Zacharias who is interred in the Horsens Jewish Cemetery at Denmark.

1840: Birthdate of Samuel Ullman, the native of Hohenzollern-Hechingen who came to the United States at the age of eleven, settled in Mississippi, fought for the Confederacy and moved to Birmingham, Alabama where he became a successful businessman and lobbied so vigorously for the rights African Americans that a high school was named in his honor.



1840: Birthdate of Ludwig Mauthner, the native of Prague who became a noted “Austrian neuroanatomist and ophthalmologist.”

1844(24thof Nisan, 5604): Parashat Shmini

1844: Today, on the first Shabbat after Pesach, Rabbi Benjamin Cohen Carillon, a native of Amsterdam “who was active in disseminating Reform principles wherever he ministered” “confirmed Hannah De Sola, a native of Santa Cruz in the Synagogue of St. Thomas” two years before Rabbi Max Lilenthal performed the same ceremony for the first time in the continental United States at Anshe Chesed in New York City

1845(6th of Nisan, 5605): Baruch Hays, the son of Solomon Hays who was the husband of both Prudence and Rachel Hays passed away today.

1849: In London, Rebecca Duke and Morris Lee gave birth to Lucrecia Lee.

1849: During the Hungarian Revolution which was a revolt against being ruled by the Habsburgs of Austria, Hungary becomes a republic. Thousands of Jews fought on the side of the revolutionaries and thousands more contributed financially to the short-lived success of the cause. The new Hungarian Republic voted to give the Jews full rights of citizenship.  Unfortunately, the Jews would enjoy their new status for only two weeks.  Austrian forces conquered the Hungarians and put an end to this short lived new republic

1850:  Birthdate of Alexander Markus, the native of Pest who gained fame author Bernhard Alexander the University of Budapest professor and father of psychoanalyst Franz Alexander.

1851: At “Weimar Jewish pianist Salomon Jadassohn was the soloist at the first performance, under Liszt's baton, of Liszt's arrangement for piano and orchestra of Carl Maria von Weber's Polonaise (Polacca) brillante "L'hilarité" in E major, Op. 72.

1851: Sabato Morais was elected Hazan of Mikveh Israel, the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation in Philadelphia, PA.

1852: Two days after he had passed away, Barnett Levin was buried today in the Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1852: Birthdate of Rabbi Haim (Henry) Pereira Méndez. Mendez was part of a family famous for its rabbis.  Mendez began his career in England before moving to the United States where he served as rabbi for Shearith Israel (The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue) in New York.  He was also one of the founders of the Jewish Theological Seminary.


1853: In London, “David Woolf King and Sarah Lazarus gave birth St. Louis-raised and Harvard graduate Moses King, the published of travel guide books and husband of Bertha Maria Cloyes with whom he had three children.

1854(15thof Nisan, 5614): Pesach

1860: “Savoy in the British Parliament” published today described Switzerland as a place “which worship William Tell; persecute the Jews; and find the Bourbons in body-guards, English clergymen in scenery, and all the world in watches” [Apparently Swiss antipathy towards Jews was a well-established fact as could be seen by a treaty that the Switzerland tried negotiated with the U.S. in the 1850’s that permitted them to discriminate against American Jews.]

1861(3rdof Iyar, 5621): Parshat Tazria-Metzora

1861: After 33 hours of bombardment by Rebel artillery, the United States garrison at Fort Sumter, SC surrendered exactly four years and four days before the South would surrender to the North at Appomattox Court House in war which pitted brother against brother, including Jewish brother against Jewish brother.

1861: On his way back to his post at Watervilet, NY, Major Alfred Mordecai stopped in Richmond where his brother George urged him to resign from the U.S. Army and join the Confederates.

1864: Moritz Szeps, the Galicia born son of Fanni and Dr. Leo Szeps gave birth to Bertha Szeps who married Dr. Emil Emanuel Zuckerandl and became Bertha Zuckerkandl, the mother of Fritz Suckerkandl.

1864: In Vienna, “Galician Jewish liberal newspaper publisher Mortiz Szeps” and his wife gave birth to Bertha Szeps who gained fame as writer, journalist and critic Bertha Zuckerkandl-Szeps.

1865(17thof Nisan, 5625): Third Day of Pesach

1865: In Russia Seelig Seligsohn and his wife gave birth to Max Seligsohn the American and French trained linguist whose aborted effort to study the conditions of the Falashas led to him becoming an editor of the Jewish Encyclopedia in New York in 1902.

1865: Today, Joseph Joseph, the son of “Rosetta Joseph” was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1866(28thof Nisan, 5626): Fifty-six year old Naphtali Frankfurter, the brother of Berhnhard Frankfurter, the reform Rabbi who led the Hamburg Temple and  who was elected to serve in the Hamburg Parliament passed away today.

1867: In Washington, DC, New York lobbyist and state politician Charles H. Sherrill and Sarah Fulton (Wynkoop) Sherrill gave birth American diplomat Charles H. Sherrill who was “mesmerized by the force of Hitler’s personality and charisma” when he met to discuss the possibility of including a token Jew on the German summer and winter Olympic teams.

1868(21stof Nisan, 5628): Seventh Day of Pesach

1868: Sir Meyer Adam Spielman, the London born son Marian of Adam Spielman and his wife Gertrude Emily Spielman gave birth to Eva Marian Speilman who when she married Francis William Hubback became Eva Marian Hubback the mother of David and Ruth Hubback

1870(22nd of Nisan, 5631): 8th day of Pesach

1870: The New York State Legislature granted the Metropolitan Museum of Art an Act of Incorporation marking today as the founding date of this great institution.  The Robert Lehman Collection, which was donated in 1969, following Lehman’s death is one of the largest and most unique collections on display at the museum.

1871: Anglo-Lativian Jew Ephraim Leib Moshewitz and his wife Eide gave birth to David Moshewitz.

1871:La belle Hélène (The Beautiful Helen), an operetta by Jacques Offenbach with a libretto co-authored by Ludovic Halévy opened in New York City at the Grand Opera House

1872: In Wurttemberg, Germany, Catharina and John Georg Vogelmann gave birth to Philip H. Vogelman of El Dorado, KS.

1874: Birthdate of Cleveland, OH native Ameila Buchman, the financial secretary of the Jewish Orphans Asylum  who became Amelia Buchman Peiser when she married Simon Peiser in January of 1914, “two months after” he became superintendent of the JOA.

1875(8thof Nisan, 5636): Fourteen year old Gustav Mahler suffered “a great personal loss” today when his thirteen year old brother Ernst Mahler the son of Marie and Bernhard Baruch Mahler passed a way.

1879(20thof Nisan, 5639): Sixth Day of Pesach

1879: Annette Amelia Salaman, the daughter Alice and Simeon Kensington Salaman was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1879: In Mobile, AL Mollie and Herman Kaufman gave birth to Columbus, MS insurance agent Irving Isaac Kaufman, he founder of Kaufman Brothers and the husband of Claudia Phyllis Kaufman

1880: It was reported today that Selig Selbiger, a Jewish peddler from western Prussia, has testified before the coroner that his 22 year old sister Fanny has been killed by her husband Moses Adler, a Lithuanian born matzo maker.

1880: Birthdate of Cora Kaufman, the daughter of David Kaufman who became Cora Kahn when she married Bernard Kahn and who was an active member of the Eastern Star before passing away at the young age of 27.

1881(14thof Nisan, 5641): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1881: Birthdate of Ernst Heilmann, the German jurist and political leader who was murdered at Buchenwald in 1940.

1881: An “anti-Jewish” petition was sent to Otto von Bismarck today.  The petition, which has been circulating throughout the German Empire for the last six months calls for restrictions to be placed on the number of Jews immigrating to Germany and for repealing the legislation which has given the rights of citizens to the Jews of Germany.

1882: Seventy two year old Bruno Bauer whose early works on Christianity and Judaism gave way to a series of anti-Semitic writings passed a way today.

1882:  An Anti-Semitic League was formed in Prussia.  Prussia was the dominant state in the newly united Germany.  [Obviously Hitler did not start anti-Semitism in Germany.]

1885: In Budapest, József Löwinger and his wife Adele Wertheimer gave birth to Hungarian philosopher and literary critic Georg Lukács,1888(2nd of Iyar, 5648): Thirty-five year old Bernhard Rothschild, the husband of Ida Rothschild passed away today after which he was buried in the Lindenwood Cemetery in Fort Wayne, Indiana 1886: In London, Sir Meyer Adam Spielmann, the son of Marian and Adam Spielmann and his wife Gertrude Emily Spielmann gave birth to Eva Marian Spielmann who became Eva Marian Hubback when she married Francis William Hubback.

1889: In London, Morris and Sarah (Kaztz Bakesef and gave birth to London trained Engineer Samuel Bakesef, the older brother of Joseph Bakesef and the younger brother of Israel Bakesef, who came to the United States in 1919 where he was elected as an associate member of the American Instituted Institute of Electrical in 1921 while living in Los Angeles and developed a “collapsible hammock” with Harvey Epstein while being an active member of Temple Beth Israel in San Diego where he lived with his wife Esther Rosenberg.

1890: “New Publications” published today provides a detailed review of The Temple of Solomon: History of Art in Sardinia Judea, Syria and Asia Minor by Georges Perrot and Charles Chipiez.

1892(16thof Nisan, 5652): Second Day of Pesach

1892: “Sampson Simpson’s Bequest” published today described the decision of the Court of Appeals that the North American Relief Society did not qualify as an organization established “for the purpose of ameliorating the condition of Jews in Jerusalem” and therefore the residue of the estate of Sampson Simpson should go to the descendants of his nephew Moses Isaacks.”

1893: Theodore Seligman, the son of Jesse Seligman was blackballed at the Union Club this evening when his application for membership came before that body.  The members who voted to blackball young Mr. Seligman publicly and proudly admitted that “it was a simply a matter of race prejudice.”  In response to this action, the senior Mr. Seligman who had been a member of the club for a quarter of a century and a vice president for 14 years immediately resigned.

1893: Birthdate of Eich, Germany native, Berthold Guttman, an attorney and  husband of Clair Guthmann, who reached the rank of Lieutenant and was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class for bravery while serving as an observer and gunner with the Imperial German Air Force during WW I which did not keep the Nazis from murdering him at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

1894: Two days after she had passed away, Sarah Angel, the wife of Morris Angel with whom she had had six children was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1894: Congregation Shaaray Tefila (Gates of Prayer) dedicated their new sanctuary on west 82nd Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues this evening

1895: The celebration marking the 50th anniversary of Temple Emanu-El entered its second day. Rabbi Joseph Silverman and Cantor William Sparger conducted the morning services. Approximately 2,500 people attended the evening events.

1895: The Chicago Evening Journal“welcomed the premier of the ‘American Jewess and praised its editor Rosa Sonneschein.” (As reported by the Jewish Women’s Archive)

1895: Alfred Dreyfus is placed in solitary confinement on Devil's Island, off the coast of French Guiana.

1897: During the meeting of the New York City Board of Health where contagious diseases were discussed it was noted that “the most troublesome contagion is trachoma or granulated eyelid;” a condition to which Jewish children from Russia are highly susceptible to given their constant exposure to this condition.

1898(21stof Nisan, 5658): Seventh Day of Pesach1899: At Wesp’s Hall in Buffalo, NY, founding of the International Social and Benefit Society.

1900(14th of Nisan, 5660):  In one of those quirks of the calendar Christians observe Good Friday on the same day when Jews sit down to their first Seder. 

1900(14th of Nisan, 5660):  Poor Jews living on the Lower East Side were relieved to find that free matzoth were being distributed at Charles “Silver Dollar” Smith’s “old place on Essex Street.”  There was concern that the distribution would end since Smith had passed away last year.  Before he had changed his name, Smith was known as variously as Charles Goldschmidt or Charles Solomon.  A New York alderman who was part of the Tammany Hall machine, he was called “Silver Dollar” because of the “2,400 silver dollars used as a studded inlay in his saloon…”

1900: Herzl met with Austrian Prime Minister Ernest von Koerber. 

1901(24thof Nisan, 5661): Parashat Shmini

1901: On the same day the Jews were observing Shabbat, the itinerary of what would prove to be the last major trip to across the United States to the West Coast for President McKinley, a friend of Simon Wolf with whom he had attended the ground breaking ceremonies for Washington Hebrew Congregation’s new building,was being released to the public

1902: In Paris, Baron Henri de Rothschild and Mathilde Sophie Henriette von Weissweiller gave birth to Baron Philippe de Rothschild who developed a passion for grand prix race driving and growing fine wines.

1902: Today, Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf, founder of the National Farm School said, “Not yet have we grasped the scientific truth that society is an organic whole in which the welfare of all is dependent upon the well-being of each…"

1903(16thof Nisan, 5663): Second Day of Pesach

1903(16thof Nisan, 5663): Seventy-eight year old German philosopher and Jewish communal leader and author Mortiz Lazarus passed away today.

1904: “Stops Expulsion of Jews” published today described “an official circular recently issued in Russia by the head of the Ministry of the Interior, Department of Police, Sixth Session stating that in view of the current state of affairs, “I consider it necessary to suspend till peace is restored the expulsion from their actual places of residence of those Jews whom the local authorities reported to be illegally in the localities where they were formerly authorized to settle but where the permission was subsequently withdrawn.” (Editor’s note - In other words, as soon as the war with Japan is over, the Russian government will return to its policies of abusing Jews.)

1905: In Vienna, Keva Padover and the former Frumet Goldover gave birth to American historian Saul Kussiel Padover whose 30 books included biographies of characters as King Louis XVI, Karl Marx and Thomas Jefferson. (As reported by Edith Evans Asbury)


1906(18thof Nisan, 5666): Fourth Day of Pesach

1906: At the last minute, Maxim Gorky sent word that he “was indisposed” and could not attend the reception organized by the Jewish Bund at the Murray Hill Lyceum to honor him.

1907(29thof Nisan, 5667): Parashat Shimni

1907: “Can’t Protect Jassy Jews” published today described the anti-Semitic violence in the Jassy District in Rumania and the Prefect’s admission that the Jews should leave because “he was powerless to protect them.

1908: “Albert Lucas, the Secretary of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations and Superintendent of the Jewish Centers Association said” tonight that “on behalf of the Jewish people of New York, I can say that (Jacob) Riis’s Settlement societies are proselytizing societies to the fullest extent and that their endeavor is to attract Children from Roman Catholic and Jewish congregations into their societies and to induce them to become Protestants.

1909: The Jews took an active part in uprising of the Young Turk movement including Nissim Effendi Mazliah and Emmanuel Effendi Carusso, members of the Parliament. Many Jews from Adrianople, Constantinople, Monastir and Salonika volunteered for service in the Army of the Young Turks. The Young Turks was the name given to those who sought to modernize the Ottoman Empire.

1909: Birthdate of Stanislaw Marcin Ulam, the Polish born American physicist who played a key role in the development of the hydrogen bomb.



1910:Sir Charles Walston, Lord Walston and Florence Walston, gave birth to Evelyn Sophie Alexandra Browne (Walston) the wife of Sir Patrick Reginald Evelyn Browne

1911(15thof Nisan, 5671): Pesach

1911: In his will filed for probate today, “Max Jacoby, the father of Assistant District Attorney Oswald N. Jacoby, who had died on April 8, left $500 dollars each to the United Hebrew Charities, Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews, the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Mount Sinai Hospital” with the balance of his estate estimated at $189,000 to go to his sons Oswald and Harold Jacoby.

1912(26th of Nisan, 5672): Fifty-two year old Rabbi Henry Klein passed away today in New York.

1912: The Titanic continues on its maiden voyage with an array of wealthy Jewish passenger including Edith Russell, the American fashion buyer as well those traveling in third class including a Russian born storekeeper from Manchester on his way to visit his brother in Massachusetts.

1913: The United Hebrew Community sent several hundred pounds of Matzoth to the Otisville Sanitarium in Otisville, NY.  The organization also sent new dishes to the sanitarium which will be used on Passover which begins next week.

1913(6th of Nisan, 5673): Fifty-two year old merchant Isadore Siegel passed away today in Newark, NJ.

1913: Founding of “Ezras Israel Synagogue” in Chicago, Illinois.

1913: In Brooklyn, Rabbi Alexander Lyons is scheduled to officiate at the funeral of Isaac Tuck, the publisher of the Produce Bulletin

1913: “In the absence of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Dr. Henry Berkowitz of Philadelphia, the chancellor of the Jewish Chautauqua, spoke at the Free Synagogue” this morning on the topic of “Jewish Chivlary.”

1913: Founding of Keneseth Israel in Scranton, PA.

1914(17th of Nisan, 5674): Harry Horowitz a gangster also known as Gyp the Blood and a leader of the Lenox Avenue Gang in New York City was executed at Sing Sing Prison

1915: U.S. Attorney General Gregory announced that the Department of Justice had retained Louis D. Brandeis of Boston to serve as special counsel for the Interstate Commerce Commission in the five percent rate case to defend Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo and Comptroller of the Currency Williams in the injunction proceedings being brought by Riggs National Bank in Washington, D.C.

1916: The Industrial Department of the United Hebrew Charities continued to sort through the bags collected on Bundle Day, deciding what to sell and what to distribute to the less fortunate.

1917: Herman Bernstein of the American Hebrew was reported today to have said that sending a copy of the Statue of Liberty to the people of Russia would be a fitting gift from the Jews of America who love their country and “are enjoying the liberty and equality” to their co-religionists who thanks to the Revolution will now enjoy the benefits of emancipation.

1917: Alexander Lvovich Parvus (born Israel Lazarevich Gelfand), the Russian revolutionary who worked with German intelligence to send Bolshevik revolutionaries to Russia met with Lenin for the second and last time today. (Editor’s note – The Germans saw the Bolsheviks as a way to take Russia out of the war while the Bolsheviks saw the Germans as being their only way to get back to Russia so they could take control of the revolution.)

1917: “Steadfast Benjamin,” a comedy directed by Robert Wiene and co-starring Guido Herzfeld was released today in Germany.

1918(1stof Iyar, 5678): Rosh Chodesh Iyar and Shabbat

1918(1stof Iyar, 5678): During World War I, 20 year old Lieutenant Arthur Charles Lionel Abrahams the only child of Sir Lionel Abrahams KCB and Lucy (nee Joseph) Lady Abrahams “fell on the Western Front” while serving with the 3rdBattalion of the Coldstream Guards.

1918: According to “semi-official cables” received in Washington today, “about 100 American families who had moved from Jerusalem just prior to the British occupation of the city presumably having been released by the Turks.

1918: In Washington, The War Trade Board has placed a limit of $175,000 a month on the amount of credits which may be sent from” the United states for the relief of Jews in Syria living under Turkish control” while there is no limit as to the amount that may be sent to Jews living in territory occupied by the British.

1919: Today, Palm Sunday, the Communist Party led by Eugen Levine, the son of St. Petersburg merchant Julius Levine and his wife the former Rozalia Goldberg, seized control of the Bavarian Soviet Republic.

1919: Dr. Silverman is scheduled to lecture on “Americanism versus Bolshevism” this morning at Temple Emanu-El.

1919: Dr. Krass is scheduled to lecture on “Wanted: a New Religion” at Beth-El Temple.

1920: Birthdate of Metz, France, native Marthe Hoffnung, who gained fame as Marthe Cohn, the Holocaust survivor and decorated member of the French intelligence service who wrote Behind Enemy Lines: The True Story of a French Jewish Spy in Nazi Germany.


1920: The National Probation Association is scheduled to begin meeting today in New Orleans as part of the National Conference of Jewish Social Service.

1920: In Patterson, NJ, Gussie and David Lefkowitz gave birth to Joseph Lefkowitz a graduate of Rutgers University who worked for the Social Security Administration until he retired in 1985 and moved to Crossville, TN where he was living at the time of his death.

1921: Today, at its meeting in Washington the Central Conference of American Rabbis adopted a “resolution recommending that the Conference request the great church organizations of this country to protest against the calling of the world anti-Semitic congress at Vienna and to petition the President and Congress to take such steps as may be advisable to prevent the call of this Congress on the ground that it is a menace to the peace of the world and to the permanence of democratic contitutions.”

1922(15thof Nisan, 5682): Pesach

1922: In Camden New Jersey, Congregation Beth El holds Passover service at 9 in the morning and seven in the evening.

1922: In Detroit, department store owner Louis Oppenheim and Julia Nurko Oppenheim gave birth to “clarinetist and…producer” David Jerome Oppenheim, the brother of Stanley Oppenheim.


1922: “Make It Snappy” starring Eddie Cantor opened at the Winter Garden Theatre.

1923: Birthdate of comedian Don Adams best known for his portrayal of Maxwell Smart in the television hit Get Smart.  Smart’s father was a Hungarian Jew, but his mother was an Irish Catholic.

1924: Birthdate of Moshe Tehilimzeigger, the native of Równe, Poland who moved to Palestine in 1938 where he was first known as Moshe Shimony and then as Dahn Ben-Amotz who served in the Palmach before gaining fame as a broadcaster, journalist and author.

1924: In Columbia, South Carolina, Helen Cohen, the daughter of a jewelry salesman and Mordecai Moses Donen, a dress-shop manager gave birth to director and choreographer Stanley Donen who most famous works are “On the Town” and “Singin’ in the Rain.”

1924: “Five hundred delegates from reformed congregations throughout the United States” are scheduled to begin their meeting today Chicago where “they will discuss methods of raising funds” to support the “various activities of Union of American Hebrew Congregations.”

1926: In Middlesbrough, England, “the former Gertrude Joseph and Rabbi Isadore Epstein, who was principal of Jews’ College (now the London School of Jewish Studies) gave birth to University of London trained physician Dr. Samuel Stanley Epstein who articulated the need to deal with the political, economic and social aspects of cancer. (As reported by Sam Roberts)


1926: It was reported today that the United Jewish Campaign is raising six million dollars “as part of a nation-wide drive” to raise fifteen million dollars to the Jews of Eastern Europe.

1927: Judge Samuel D. Levy announced today that “a campaign to raise $500,000 for the needs of the National Jewish Hospital Consumptives of Denver” which opened in 1899 and has treated 5,200 people from all over the countries regardless of their religion, is scheduled to begin on April 15.

1930: American composer and music administrator William Howard Schuman went to a Carnegie Hall concert of the New York Philharmonic, conducted by Arturo Toscanini with his older sister, Audrey. According to the Philharmonic's archives, the program included works by Brahms, Mendelssohn, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, and Smetana. Of this experience, Schuman later said, "I was astounded at seeing the sea of stringed instruments, and everybody bowing together. The visual thing alone was astonishing. But the sound! I was overwhelmed. I had never heard anything like it. The very next day, I decided to become a composer."

1930(15thof Nisan, 5690): First Pesach of the Great Depression

1930(15th of Nisan, 5690): On the first day of Pesach, rabbis combined the message of the holiday with the fact that this date marked the anniversary of the birth of Thomas Jefferson “who wrote the statue providing religious freedom in the Constitution of the State of Virginia.”  On the Upper East Side at   Temple Emanu-El Rabbi Nathan Krass declared that Moses, a figure even mightier than Thomas Jefferson, had first promulgated the doctrine of religious freedom when he had told Pharaoh that he wished to liberate everybody.  Krass also combined the message of religious freedom with the current economic crisis.  In the Bronx at the Montefiore Congregation, Rabbi Jacob Katz compared the prophetic message with sage of Monticello who championed American independence and religious liberty.  In this time of worsening financial crisis, Katz said that today we must “remove oppression, and create economic equality” just as our forefathers created political equality.  [Ed. Note: Neither of these Rabbis saw the irony of invoking the name of Jefferson the slaveholder on a holiday that celebrated the end of slavery.]

1931: In Brooklyn Morris Harkavy, “the chief engineer for the Borough of Queens” and his wife Esther gave birth to Ira Baer Harkavy, the graduate of Columbia Law School and Brooklyn Civil Court Judge “best known for his sentencing, on Dec. 7, 1987, of Morris Gross of Brighton Beach to 15 days in the six-story building Mr. Gross owned at 320 Sterling Street in what is now called Prospect-Lefferts Gardens for failing to address more than 400 housing code violations.”


1932: In Berlin, Peter and Irma Unger gave birth to Eva Unger who gained fame as Eva Figes, the “acclaimed novelist, memoirist, critic and author of “Patriarchal Attitudes.” (As reported by Leslie Kaufman):

1932: Birthdate of Yosef “Yossi” Banai, the native of Jerusalem who gained fame an entertainer ahd who was “one of the first members of the IDF’s famous troupe of performers – the Nahal troupe.

1933: During a debate in the House of Commons, Churchill warned that “there is a danger of the odious conditions now ruling in Germany being extended by conquest to Poland, and another persecution of pogrom of Jews begun in this new area.”

1933(17thof Nisan, 5693): Third Day of Pesach

1933:  Central Committee of German Jews for Relief and Reconstruction was founded.

1934: “Bottoms Up” a musical comedy with a script co-authored by Sid Silvers who also played the role of “Spud Mosco” was released in the United States today.

1935(10thof Nisan, 5695): Shabbat HaGadol

1935: I. Edwin Goldwasser, Michael Schaap and Nathan Strauss, the co-chairmen of the Greater New York United Jewish Appeal announced that “sermons describing the situation of the Jews in Germany” will be the topic of the upcoming Passover sermons which will help prepare for the fund raising drive beginning on April 28.

1936(21stof Nisan, 5696): Seventh day of Pesach

1936: “A hope that the United States Government ‘will find it possible to intervene on behalf of the Jews in Poland’ to prevent their persecution was expressed to Secretary of State Cordell Hull today by a committee representing members of the American Federation of Labor and 350,000 Jewish citizens” in the United States.

1936: Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, the director of the National Conference of Jews and Christians, Reverend Michael J. Ahern of Weston College and Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron of Baltimore, MD boarded a train in Washington, DC to mark the start of “a six-week’s nationwide tour in the interest of creating closer understanding and cooperation among Protestants, Catholics and Jews.”

1936: At services today marking the concluding days of Pesach, sermons are being given placing an emphasis “on the necessity for Jewish communities giving their utmost support to movements to help destitute Jews in Germany, Eastern and Central Europe and other localities where their existence is threatened.”

1937: The Zionist General Council meeting scheduled for today in London was postponed to April 20.

1937: Mishmar HaShlosha, a moshav in the lower Galilee was established today on land purchased by the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association.

1938: At 8:30 this evening, Arturo Toscanini appeared before an audience of 1,700 adoring fans and began conducting a concert by the Palestine Orchestra.  The evening included a performance of Mendelssohn’s Fourth Symphony which is a double statement against fascism since Mendelssohn has been banned by the Nazis and Toscanini said he was dedicating the performance to the Italy he still loves.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that commander Oliver Locker-Lampson, Conservative MP from Birmingham, had introduced in the House of Commons a bill proposing to extend Palestinian nationality to all persecuted Jews. The vote was 144 "Ayes" and 144 "Nays," and the bill was passed after the Speaker voted in the affirmative. There was little doubt that the bill would never reach the Statute Book and become law.

1938: Hans Leo Przibram and “all other Jewish employees were forbidden to enter “the Academy of Sciences in Vienna” where he had worked for decades as the “Head of the Department of Biological Research.”

1938: The Palestine Post reported that a mounting toll of Jewish suicides continued to be reported from Vienna, including a number of prominent Jewish residents.

1939: “The Fatted Calf” a comedy filmed by cinematographer Boris Kaufman was released in France today.

1939: Following its Hollywood premiere in March, “Wuthering Heights” directed by William Wyler, Samuel Goldwyn, with a script by Ben Hecht and music by Alfred Newman was released across the United States today.

1939: In Wilmington, Delaware, George Katz and the former Beatrice Goldstein gave birth to Michael Barry Katz the author of The Underserving Poor who was “an influential historian and social theorist who challenged the prevailing view in the 1980s and ’90s that poverty stemmed from the bad habits of the poor, marshaling the case that its deeper roots lay in the actions of the powerful.” (As reported by Paul Vitello)


1940: Eugene Meyer was among those who accompanied President Roosevelt to the Gridiron Dinner at the Willard Hotel in Washington, DC.

1940: Anna Wolkoff made copies of classified documents stolen by pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic American diplomat Tyler Kent and “sent them to Berlin” where they ended up on the possession of the Abwehr while Kent planned to send these same documents to anti-FDR politicians with the hope of undermining the President’s attempt for re-election.

1941: In Brooklyn, homemaker Evelyn Brown and textile salesman Harvey Brown gave birth to University of Pennsylvania trained geneticist and Noble laureate Michael Brown, the husband of Alice Lapin with whom he had two daughters – Elizabeth and Sara.


1941:  German troops enter Belgrade Yugoslavia. Another 75,000 more Jews would now fall under the German yoke. Jewish shops that day were ransacked by German troops and German citizens living in the Yugoslav capital city.

1941:  German troops and German citizens living in Belgrade finished the second day of a two-daylong orgy of violence aimed at the Jewish citizens of the Yugoslav capital city.

1941:  The Soviet Union and Japan sign a five year non-aggression pact. The Japanese had fought a brief undeclared war with the Russians in the late 1930’s in which they did poorly.  This helped cause Japan to turn its attention to south Asia which ultimately led to Pearl Harbor. This agreement meant that the Soviets did not have to worry about war with Japan so it could focus all of its attention on defeating the Nazis.  At the same time, the treaty made it possible for Japan to attack the United States which brought the might of America to bear against the Nazis.  

1942: Birthdate of Samuel Morgan “Sam” Slom who has represented the 9th District in the Hawaii Senate since 1996.


1943:  In the Katyn Forest in the Soviet Union, the Germans discovered more than 4000 corpses of Polish officers, some of them Jews. The officers were killed by the Soviets.

1944:  Birthdate of Representative Susan Davis, member of Congress from California’s 53rd Congressional District.

1944: In Hungary, Jews of the annexed territories were being rounded up and concentrated in urban ghettos.

1944: Eighty-five year old Robert Watchorn, the English born American Immigration Commissioner who in 1907attended a Seder at Ellis Island where he gave “a speech dealing with the right of every man in this country to worship God according to his own conviction and pointing out that a man who served God was sure to make a good citizen passed away today.

1945(30th of Nisan, 5705): On Rosh Chodesh Iyar, five thousand Jews being taken from Auschwitz and marched to Belsen were herded into a barn. The Germans set the barn on fire. While some escaped, many thousands more were burned to death. The Germans shot those who tried to escape during the fire.

1945(30thof Nisan, 5705): Seventy year old Breslau born philosopher Ernst Cassirer, the father of philosopher Heinz Cassier passed away after which he was buried in New Jersey “on the Cedar Park Beth-El Cemeteries in the graves of the Congregation Habonim.”



1945: Frank Towers was among the members of the U.S. Army’s 30 Infantry Division “who freed prisoners from Bergen-Belsen” today “who had been packed into a train 40 to 50 cars long bound for Theresienstadt. (As reported by Hillel Kuttler)

1945:Hans Günther Adler gained his freedom from Buchenwald where he had been imprisoned since October of 1944.

1945: Five year old Micha Tomkiewicz, who would become a Professor of Physics, “was among the 2,500 Jewish prisoners rescued from one of what have now come to be known as the Bergen-Belson Death Trial

1945: Major Clarence Benjamin of the 743rd Tank Battalion, USA, took a photo of “a girl, perhaps 4 years old,” later identified as Shilma Spitzer, “walking up an incline holding hands with a kerchiefed young woman” “moments after they were liberated from a train transferring them from Bergen-Belsen” (As reported by Hillel Kuttler)


1946: “Using poison procured from one of Abba Kovner’s associates, three members” of “The Jewish Avengers” “spent two hours coating some 3,000 loaves of bread with arsenic, divided into four portions” with a goal of killing “12,000 SS personnel and Joseph Harmazt oversaw the operation from outside the bakery.”


1946: After 167 performances at the National Theatre, the curtain came down on “The Day Before Spring,” a musical with a book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Frederick Loewe.

1946: During an interview today, Ben Hecht, “author and co-chairman of the American League for a Free Palestine” pleaded with Americans to provide financial support that would “enlarge the trickle of Jews from Europe to Palestine to a mass exodus despite” despite British military efforts to keep the Jews out of Eretz Israel.

1947: “For the second time since her arrest in 1946, 21 year old Geulah Cohen” escaped today from her British captors.

1947: “Early tonight a British constable was wounded” by an unknown assailant “on a busy street in the entertainment center of Jewish Jerusalem.”

1947: The Theodore Herzl, “an unauthorized immigrant ship was reported approaching Palestine tonight with” a cargo of “2,700 Jewish refugees from Europe.”

1948: At Kibbutz Yagur, Tirza and Yosef Gadish gave birth to Moshe Gadish one of the sailors lost when the Submarine Dakar sank in January 1968.

1948: In San Antonio, TX, Gloria and S.S. “Sy” Kalter gave birth to Suzy Gershman, “author of ‘Born to Shop’ Guides.” (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1948: As the Arab Legion trained its guns on the besieged Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, a kindergarten was hit injuring 20 children.

1948: As night gave way to morning, units of the Palmach took the villages of Al-Mansi and Naghnaghiya

1948(4th of Nisan, 5708):  Seventy-seven people, mostly doctors and nurses on their way Hadassah hospital on Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, were murdered by Arabs.  This took place after the Partition Vote, but before the British had left.  It was part of an Arab terror campaign to drive the Jews out Israel even before the state had been declared.  British troops stationed close by refuse to "interfere".  During this period of time, the British Army did little to acquit itself admirably from the Jewish point of view.  At the same time, their behavior of antagonism and outright hostility towards the Jews was representative of the policies and practices of the British Government.

1948 a large group of doctors, nurses, patients, professors and students joined a supply convoy which was travelling to the Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus. The convoy was ambushed and its vehicles blown up as it made its way through the affluent Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah — only a few hundred meters from a British military outpost. With the British looking on, Arab attackers mercilessly slaughtered any personnel attempting to escape the inferno. Incredibly, having resisted Haganah attempts to rescue Jews caught in this death trap, it still took the British over six hours to intervene. Seventyeight people were murdered in the attack or burned to death after their ambulances and buses were set on fire. Among the victims was the director of the Hadassah organization in Palestine, Dr. Chaim Yassky. (As reported by Aviva and Shmuel Bar-Am)

1948: Operation Har'el launched by Haganah at conclusion of Operation Nachshon, does not succeed in opening the road to Jerusalem. 

1948: As the Haganah fought to defend Mishmar HaEmek from being conquered by the Arab Liberation Army,Palmach units took the villages of Al-Mansi and Naghnaghiya.

1949(14th of Nisan, 5709): Fast of the First Born.

1949(14th of Nisan, 5709): In the evening, first Seder celebrated in the independent state of Israel.

1950: In Washington Heights, NY, Dorothy and Bert Perlman gave birth to actor Ron Perlman

1950: Israel informed the United Nations that it would not participate in talks with the Arabs that included return to the partition boundaries of 1947 as a pre-condition to opening negotiations.  The Israelis reminded the UN that the Arabs have consistently rejected all offers to negotiate a peace settlement and that the Jewish state has “authentic information at is to disposal to the effect that a war of revenge against Israel is a plan which exercises certain minds at the very sumit of political power in the Arab world.

1950: At a luncheon meeting of the Overseas Automotive Club, “Isaac Arditi of Arditi, Ltd., a Tel Aviv importer and exporter, declared that Israel is now the biggest export market for small automotive replacement parts, tools and tires in the Near East.” The number of civilian owned automobiles has more than doubled since the days of the British mandate and in the past year Israel has imported three quarters of million dollars of various automobile supplies from the United States. 

1951: In Newark, NJ, “Bertram Weinberg, an attorney, and Ruth Weinberg, a high school physical education teacher” gave birth to Max Weinberg, drummer for Bruce Springsteen.

1951(7thof Nisan, 5711): Forty-seven year old Brooklyn born attorney Irving Tick the “former Assistant United States attorney for the Southern New York District, the attorney for the Brooklyn Kosher Butchers Association and former President of Congregation B’nai Israel of Midwood, Brooklyn, passed away today.


1952(18th of Nisan, 5712): Fourth Day of Pesach

1953:The Jerusalem Post reported that Jordan had instructed the Barclays and Ottoman banks, as well as individual Arab refugees, to stop their participation in the Israeli scheme for the release of Arab bank accounts frozen in 1948 in Israel.

1953:The Jerusalem Post reported that the Cabinet had established committees for Internal Affairs and Services, for Legislative Drafting, for a Foreign Affairs and Security and a special Experts Committee to study the question of foreign currency control.

1953:Chaim Leavanon is elected mayor of Tel Aviv.

1953:Israel Rokach completes his service as mayor of Tel Aviv.

1954: Birthdate of Barbara Maureen Roche (née Margolis, “a British Labour Party politician, who was the Member of Parliament” and served as a cabinet minister in the government of PM Tony Blair.

1955: In France, release of “Rififi” a French crime film directed by Jules Dassin.

1956: U.S. release of “Tribute To A Bad Man” produced by Sam Zimbalist, with a script co-authored by Michael Blankfort, featuring Vic Marrow as “Lars Peterson.”

1957: Sidney Lumet’s “12 Angry Men” which was filmed by cinematographer Boris Kaufman and co-starring Lee J. Cobb, Martin Balsam and Jack Klugman was released for distribution.

1957: “Shinbone Alley” a musical orchestrated by Irwin Kostal with a book by Mel Brooks opened on Broadway at The Broadway Theatre.

1957: In Washington, D.C. George Goodman, an ophthalmologist and Dorothy (née Bock), a social worker gave birth to journalist Amy Goodman.

1962(9thof Nisan, 5722): Sixty-eight year old Russian born Rabbi Isadore Epstein, the principal of Jews’ College (now the London School of Jewish Studies) and “editor of the first complete translation of the Babylonian Talmud who was the husband of “the former Gertrude Joseph passed away today which was the 36th birthday of his son Dr. Samuel S. Epstein after which he was buried at the Willesden United Synagogue Cemetery.





1962: Birthdate of Hillel Slovak, guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers who passed away in 1988.

1962: “Experiment in Terror” featuring Ned Glass was released in the United States today.

1963: “After 428 performances,” the curtain came down on the original Broadway production of “A Thousand Clowns” featuring Gene Sakes as “Leo Harman”

1964(1stof Iyar, 5724): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1964(1stof Iyar, 5724): Sixty-three-year-old Mrs. Gladys Freeman Kahn, the wife of Moise S. Cahn and a former President of the National Council o Jewish Women who received an award from N.A.A.C.P for her work in the field of civil rights passed away today at Mandeville, LA across the Lake from New Orleans.



1965(11thof Nisan, 5725): Seventy-seven year old Aaron Harry “Fuzzy” Kallet, the Polish born University of Syracuse football player who earned his letter as an “End” while attending Medical School passed away today.

1965: For their work on “Mary Poppins,” Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman received the Grammy Award for “Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or Television Show”

1966: ABC broadcast the “The Long Hot Summer” a dramatic series that included episodes directed by Ralph Senensky, Mark Rydell and Vincent Sherman and with theme music composed by Sammy Cahn.

1967: “Operation: Annihilate!” “the last original episode of the original American science fiction television series ‘Star Trek’” starring William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy was broadcast today.

1968(15th of Nisan, 5728): First Day of Pesach (and Shabbat) are celebrated in a united Jerusalem.  The Jewish people are able to observe the holiday of liberation at the Kotel for the first time since 1948.

1968(15thof Nisan, 5728: Ninety-year old Cincinnati native and 1900 Harvard University graduate Max Hirsch, the President of the Sachs Shoe Manufacturing Company, Democratic Party activist and “patron of Hebrew University” who married Marga Henie Hirsch after the death of his first wife Effie Wyler Hirsch passed away today.


1969: Birthdate of white collar criminal Nevin Shapiro who as of 2013 is scheduled to be released from Federal Prison in 2027.


1970: During the IAF’s Operation Priha, “an Egyptian SA-2 base near Manzala is struck by a 69 Squadron pair, while two 201 Squadron birds strike at a radar facility near Wadi Zur”

1970: Intense Israeli air attacks on targets far west of the Canal Zone come to an end.

1971: Aline Milton Bernstein Saarinen was named chief of the Paris bureau of the National Broadcasting Company making her the first woman to head an overseas bureau in television.

1972(29th of Nisan, 5732): Sixty-seven year old Harry David “Dave” Skudin who played guard for NYU from 1924 through 1926 and who after graduating in 1927 “played one season in the NFL passed away today.

1973(11thof Nisan, 5733): Eighty-year-old Breslau born, and German educated physiologist Ernest Gellhorn, who in 1929 came to the University where he taught at he Universities of Oregon, Illionis and Minnesota passed away today.

1974(21stof Nisan, 5734): Seventh Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1974: Yonatan Netanyahu wrote to his parents:

"I have no real girl friend at the moment. My last romance is over, and as I don't have time to run around anyway, it looks as if I'll remain on my own for the time being. . . On the whole, I've nothing to complain of. I'm up to my neck in my army work, and during leaves I move about a lot in our lovely land. The whole world marvels at the Inca and Aztec civilizations and such—and they do indeed deserve admiration. Nevertheless almost all of these came into being after the start of the Christian Era (not that this detracts from their value), whereas here it seems that the cradle of world civilization is all around us, everything dating back thousands and thousands of years. A few Saturdays ago I visited the Biblical Gibeon, and saw the remarkable ancient pool there (I'll take you to see it when you come). It's this pool that's mentioned in II Samuel in connection with Abner ben Ner and Joab ben Zeruiah, who 'met together by the pool of Gibeon' and let 'the young men arise and play before them.' And the country is all like that!"

1975(2nd of Iyar, 5735): American movie actor Larry Parks died of a heart attack at the age of 60.  Parks gained his first taste of fame at the age of 31 when he played the title role in “The Jolson Story” followed by another portrayal of the Jewish entertainer in “Jolson Sings Again.” His career was a casualty of the Red Hunt.  Despite efforts to avoid testifying, he ended appearing before the House Un-American Activities Committee where he implicated others.  His testimony did not save his career.  He was Blacklisted which meant the studios would not hire him and pictures he had already made were shelved. 

1975:  Christian Falange killed 27 Palestinians, beginning the Lebanese civil war.  Stability in Lebanon was based on a fragile power-sharing agreement between Christians and two groups of Moslems.  At one point in the 1950's President Eisenhower had sent Marines to Lebanon to help restore order.  Contrary to popular misconception, Israel was not the cause of the disintegration of Lebanon or the civil war that raged in that country.  Today, part of Lebanon is occupied by Syrian troops and is essentially a province of the Damascus government.  Control of Lebanon was part of the late President Assad's dream of a Greater Syria.  Control of Israel and part of what is now Jordan was also part of that dream.

1976: WNET broadcast the last episode of “The Adams Chronicles” written Millard Lampell

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that radios had again reverberated and TV screens had glittered as the Israel Broadcasting Authority signed an agreement with the Journalists Association, ending an 11-day radio and TV journalists' strike.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that President Carter, while playing host to the Romanian president Nicolae Ceasescu, described Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, giving the town the status which the US Government had refused to acknowledge.

1979(16th of Nisan, 5739): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1980: “One Day at a Time,” starring Bonnie Franklin closes its 5th season on CBS.

1980: “Renowned activist and Hebrew teacher Leoni Volvovsky was arrested in Kishinev” on charges of “vagrancy.

1981(9thof Nisan, 5741): Eighty year old Golden Gate College trained attorney Walter Francis Kaplan, the El Paso, TX born son of Albert and Hannah Kaplan, the management consultant and President of Goodwill Industries of San Francisco who was the husband of the former Margaret Jacob and the father of Margery and Charles Kaplan passed away today in San Francisco.

1983(30th of Nisan, 5743): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1983: In a battle of “firsts” Harold Washington, Chicago’s first African-American mayor defeated Bernard Epton.  If he had been elected, Epton would have been the Windy City’s first Jewish mayor.

1984: President Ronald Reagan read the report describing the events of the Beirut Bombing attack that killed and wounded over 300 Marines in its entirety as his keynote address to the Rev. Jerry Falwell's "Baptist Fundamentalism '84" convention, in Washington, DC.  The report had been prepared by Rabbi Arnold Resincoff who was in Beirut at the time.

1984: After having been released in Australia in 1983, horse-racing movie “Phar Lap” co-starring Ron Leibman was released in the United States today.

1984(11th of Nisan, 5744): On the second day of the Egged Bus Hostage Crisis, at around seven in the morning, following lengthy negotiations “a special force of Sayeret Matkal under the command of brigadier-general Yitzhak Mordechai stormed the bus while shooting at the hijackers through the vehicle's windows. During this takeover operation the soldiers were able to eliminate two of the hijackers, capture the two additional hijackers, and release all hostages except for one passenger – a 19-year-old female soldier named Irit Portuguese who was killed during the takeover operation. Seven passengers were wounded during the course of the operation\

1985(22ndof Nisan, 5745): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat Shel Pesach

1985(22nd of Nisan, 5745) Oscar Nemon the Croatian born English sculptor whose work includes statutes depicting Dwight D. Eisenhower, Earl Alexander of Tunis, Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, Lord Freyberg, Harold Macmillan, Harry S. Truman and Margaret Thatcher passed away.

1986: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including a review “Heroes and Hustlers, Hard Hats and Holy Men: Inside the New Israel by Ze'ev Chafets

1986: Pope John Paul II, “became the first pope known to have made an official papal visit to a synagogue when he visited the Great Synagogue of Rome” today where he was greeted by Elio Toaff, Chief Rabbi of Rome.

1987: Ofra Moses was buried today in Petah Tikvah. Mrs. Moses, aged 35, was riding in a car yesterday with her husband and four children when an unidentified assailant threw the firebomb, a bottle filled with gasoline and a burning rag, through the open window of the car. They were driving to the Tel Aviv suburb of Petah Tikvah to buy food for the Passover holiday. None of the family could attend the funeral since her husband was in the hospital being treated for extensive burns, her five year old was hospitalized in critical condition and the remaining three children had not been released due to the extent of their injuries.

1988: The New York Times reported thatthe Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, Yitzhak Navon, and Justice Minister Avraham Sharir are expected to arrive in Poland today for a one-week visit to take part in ceremonies to mark the 45th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. 1988: U.S. Secretary of State George Schultz met with Refueniks today.

1988(26thof Nisan, 5748): Eighty-nine-year-old NYU trained attorney and former Criminal Court Judge Morris Weinfeld who served in the NY State Assembly from 1924 to 1927 and “as also a former deputy attorney general for New York State and served on the National Labor Relations Board in the 1930's” passed away today in nursing home in Queens.


1993: A revival of George Abbott’s “Three Man On A Horse” featuring Tony Randall, Jack Klugman and Jerry Stiller opened at the Lyceum Theatre.

1994(2nd of Iyar, 5754): Hamas conducts a suicide bombing claiming that it is in response to Baruch Goldstein’s attack on mosque in Hebron in February during which he killed 29 Muslims who praying there.

1994(2nd of Iyar, 5754):  In the second such attack in a week, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up today in an assault on an Israeli commuter bus, killing five Israelis and wounding 30 others at the main bus station in Hadera, a working-class town in the country's heartland. Most of the survivors had minor wounds, but they told of a scene of blood and terror, of bodies ripped apart and of people too stunned in the first moments even to scream. Those killed today included Bilha Butin, 49,Rahamim Mazgauker, 34, David Moyal, 26, Daga Perda, 44 and Sgt. Ari Perlmutter, 19

1994(2nd of Iyar, 5754):  At annual Memorial Day ceremonies in Jerusalem Prime Minister Rabin took note of last week’s bombing in Afula and today’s bombing in Hadera, both the work of Hamas when he said, “Even today, Israelis have paid with their lives, taken by despicable murderers, enemies of peace. They are trying to torpedo the peace. Beyond the bloodshed, the booby-trapped cars and the bombs, we continue to hold out our hands for peace in order to put an end to the suffering. In spite of the difficulties, we will continue on our way to peace."

1995(13thof Nisan, 5755): Fifty-five-year-old Barbara Irom the daughter Polish born Al (Eliyahu) Irom and the former Heln Fixler, of Sighet, Romania and the sister of Sylvia Feld passed away today in New York City.

1997: The New York Times includes a review of “In The Memory of the Forest”, a novel by Charles T. Powers based on the fate of the Jews of Jadowia and ensuing events that take place in Polish village under the Communist regime.

1997: “An American Daughter,” a play written by Wendy Wasserstein “premiered in a Lincoln Center Theatre Production at the Cort Theatre.

1999(27thof Nisan, 5759): Yom HaShoah

2000(8thof Nisan, 5760): Eighty-four year old Giorgio Bassani, the author of the classic modern novel The Garden of the Finzi-Continis, passed away today in Rome.(As reported by Alessandra Stanley)


2001(20thof Nisan, 5761): Sixth Day of Pesach

2001: According to reports published today “an American Jewish Congress delegation” has been “invited to attend this month's inauguration of President Mathieu Kerekou of the West African West Africa.”

2001: In "Doubting the Story of the Exodus" published Teresa Watanabe summarized the current scholarly consensus about whether or not the Exodus happened:

2002: As Operation Defensive Shield, the Israeli response to terrorist attacks that culminated with a murderous bombing at hotel Seder, was coming to an end, the IDF was reported to have determined the location of 23 bodies in Jenin.

2003: The Kfar Saba-Nordau railway “station was opened today as the beginning of the Sharon Railway, only 11 days before it would be attacked by a Palestinian suicide bomber.

2003: The New York Times included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including ''The Rebbe's Army'' by Sue Fishkoff

2004(22nd of Nisan, 5764): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

2004: Release date of Half Dozen by Evan and Jaron (Evan and Jaron Lowenstein)

2005: Following opening day, today, the Boston Red Sox shipped Kevin Youkilis to Pawtucket today.

2006(15th of Nisan, 5766): Pesach

2006(15th of Nisan, 5766): Eighty-eight year old Dame Muriel Spark whom “The Times named in is list of ‘the 50 greatest British writers since 1945’” passed away today.


2007: Those following the Perek Yomi program posted on the Torah Page of the Temple Judah (Cedar Rapids) website www.templejudah.org orhttp://DownhomeDavarTorah.blogspot.com/read Psalm 150 which means they have completed the entire Book of Psalms.

2007: “Disturbia,” a thriller starring Shia LaBeouf was released in the United States today.

2008: The two weeklong Bat Yam International Biennale of Landscape Urbanism opens in this Israeli metropolis near Tel Aviv.

2008: In Denver, at The Mizel Center for the Arts, the final production of “In the Belly of the Whale.” In the Belly of the Whale takes the audience on a journey to a rather unusual place, which one might call biblical. When a secular slam poet, J., is forced to face his unexamined Jewish identity, he runs away, and mysteriously finds himself inside the belly of a whale. There, he encounters eight others with very different orientations to being Jewish, ranging from an atheist social activist to the wife of an ultra-orthodox rabbi with nine children. The show consists entirely of real people and true stories. The characters and their words are taken verbatim from eight interviews, and from the experiences of the performer. The performance also includes dance and spoken word.

2008: In New York, The Center for Jewish History presentsacolloquium entitled “Objects of Affection: The Wedding in Jewish Culture” during which scholars, artists, curators and others  gather to discuss the most elaborately celebrated of Jewish life cycle events. Weddings provide rich opportunities to consider the intersection of media and Jewish religious life.

2008:The headstone unveiling for Don Novick at Eben Israel Cemetery in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2008: The Washington Post book section featured a review of Jewish author Cynthia Osick’s latest work, A Quartet.

2008:  The Sunday New York Times featured a review of “The Genius”by Jesse Kellerman, the Orthodox Jewish mystery writer who is the son of two other Orthodox Jewish mystery writers, Faye and Jonathan Kellerman and “Founding Faith: Providence, Politics, and the Birth of Religious Freedom in America”by Steven Waldman. Waldman describes the religious beliefs of the “Founding Fathers” and the origins of the doctrine of separation of church and state which was driven by concerns among various Christian sects that one would come to dominate the other.  So even though Jews and American Judaism benefited from this, Jewish beliefs were not a concern.  This is the opposite of the European experience.  In Europe, when Christians clashed with their co-religionists or with Moslems, the Jews suffered often as a form of collateral damage.  In a strange application of the law of unintended consequences, in America, Jews benefited from such clashes.

2009: At Yale University, Miriam Benson, former counsel to the International Committee of Women of the Wall delivers a talk on the Struggle of Women of the Wall for Freedom of Worship in Israel entitled "Praying in Her Own Voice."

2009:The American POWs in Germany traveling exhibit "Behind Barbed Wire" comes to Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This educational exhibit features the experiences of Midwest prisoners of war (POWs) who were imprisoned in Hitler's Third Reich. Actually within a traveling museum called a "Buseum," this exhibit is housed in a converted school bus. The non-profit educational organization TRACES created this exhibit, which will reach nearly 120 schools, libraries and historical societies during the current tour. A reception in Perrine Gallery of Stewart Memorial Library follows this exhibition.

2009: Newsweek publishes its third annual list of the Fifty Most Influential Rabbis compiled by compiled by Sony Pictures Entertainment Chairman & CEO Michael Lynton, News Corporation Executive Vice President Gary Ginsberg and JTN Productions CEO Jay Sanderson and its first annual list of America’s 25 Most Vibrant Congregations compiled by the same businessman. [Editor’s Note: If you are upset that your rabbi did not make the list, relax.  The sages of Pirke Avot and Rashi couldn’t have either when you consider that David Saperstein got “the top spot because of his role as Washington insider and political powerbroker and Friend of Obama.” And Marvin Hier ranked #2 because he “is a major player in national and world politics…”

2010: Tali Ploskov was elected head of Arad’s municipality today.

2010: Ghaleb Majadele an Arab Israeli who became “country’s first Muslim cabinet minister” in 2007 “re-entered the Knesset today as a replacement for Yuli Tamir who had resigned her seat.”

2010: PBS is scheduled to broadcast Independent Lens: “Blessed Is the Match” the first documentary feature about Hannah Senesh, the World War II-era poet and diarist who became a paratrooper and resistance fighter and was captured, tortured and ultimately executed by the Nazis narrated by Joan Allen. Senesh is famous for her such works as “Blessed is the Match” and “Eli, Eli” (My God, My God).

2011: The Center for Jewish History and Center for Traditional Music and Dance are scheduled to present a multi-media lecture entitled “Sounds of Immigrant New York: Bukharian Jewish Music in New York City”

2011: “Max Blumb” portrayed by Adam Pally made his appearance on the television series “Happy Endings.”

2011:Today Israel reopened a commercial crossing with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip that was shut for seven days, as a lull in cross-border fighting continued, an Israeli spokesman said. Israel had closed the Kerem Shalom crossing during a violent flare-up in which Hamas militants fired rocket and mortars at south Israel, shooting an anti-tank rocket at a school bus.

2011:YIVO Institute for Jewish Research presents: “Ethnography of a Vanishing Courtyard: Moyshe Kulbak's Zelmenyaner”

2011:Israel’s attorney general announced today his intention to indict the foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, on corruption charges, but said he would allow Mr. Lieberman a hearing to contest an indictment before issuing a formal charge sheet.

2011(9th of Nisan, 5771): Evelyn Einstein, the 70 year old granddaughter of Albert Einstein, passed away.



2011:Bar Ilan University unveiled four rare Haggadot”


2012(21st of Nisan, 5772): Seventh Day of Pesach; final day of observance in Israel and for Reform Jews.

2012(21st of Nisan, 5772): Thirty-five year old Jeremiah Luber the grandson of Elaine and Harvey Luber, of blessed memory, passed away today.

2012(21st of Nisan, 5772): Ninety-nine year old Pittsburg born Israeli Talmud scholar and WW II veteran Avraham Goldberg passed away today.


2012(21st of Nisan, 5772): Eighty year old Marilyn Lovell actress, singer and activist who was the widow of composer Peter Matz passed away today.



2012: “Once More, With Feelings” published today provides a detailed review of Schmidt Steps Back by Louis Begley.

2013: Congregation Ada Reyim and The Northern Jewish Film Festival are scheduled to present “Kaddish for a Friend.”

2013: PBS is scheduled to show “Blessed is the Match” which present the brave tale of Hannah Senesch, the Jewish poet who parachuted into Nazi-occupied Europe where she was murdered by her captors.

2013: “Inventing Our Life: The Kibbutz Experiment” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2013: “All In” and “Koch” are scheduled to be shown at the Hartford Jewish Film Fest.

2013: This evening The 3rd Annual National Collegiate Jewish A Cappella Championship Competition sponsored by Adas Israel is scheduled to take place at the UDC Theatre of the Arts in Washington, DC

2013: In Columbus, Ohio, Jacob Daniel Levin is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah at Congregation Tifereth Israel. L’dor V’dor

2013(3rdof Iyar, 5773): Eighty-two year old Carmen Weinstein, the President of the Jewish Community of Cairo passed away  at her home in Zamalek


2014: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including You Should Have Known, a novel by Jean Hanff Korelitz.

2014: “A man with ties to white supremicist ties opened fire outside the Overland Park JCC, killing two people” after which he “killed a third person at the Village Shalom center before being apprehended by police.”

2014: “Hellman v McCarthy,” Brian Mori’s dramatic portrayal of clash involving Jewish born playwright Lillian Hellman, the skilled playwright who was an apologist for Communism’s worst abuses is scheduled to close at the June Havoc Theatre.

2014:Filmmaker Aviva Kempner is scheduled to discuss her most recent work: a documentary on Julius Rosenwald, the Chicago Jewish businessman and philanthropist who joined with African American communities in the South to build schools during the Jim Crow era at the Washington DCJCC.

2014: WQXR is scheduled to present “A Musical Feast for Passover with Itzhak Perlman.

2014: In Tel Aviv, the European Weightlifting Championships are scheduled to come to an end.

2015: Herb Keinon, the diplomatic correspondent for the Jerusalem, is scheduled to lecture on the meaning of Israel’s elections at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT.

2015:  AJHS, Remember the Women Institute is scheduled to host “Women, Theatre and Holocaust.”

2015: The B’nai B’rith Music Society and the Jewish Historical Society of England are scheduled to host Dr. Malcolm Miller who will speak on “Modern Jewish Composers.

2015: The Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center is scheduled to host a reading of “Our Class” an award winning play that “unveils the truth behind a massacre of Jews in Jedwabne, Poland.”

2015: Hours before a Holocaust memorial ceremony was to be held at the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, shots were fired outside of the West End Synagogue leaving “at least one bullet hole between two windows at the front of the building.”

2016: “The Grüninger File,” a movie based on the courage of Swiss Police Commander Paul Grüninger—known by many as the “Oscar Schindler of the Swiss-German border region”— is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2016: “Wedding Doll” is scheduled to be shown at the Northern Virginia Jewish Film Festival.

2016: Yeshiva University Museum, Yeshiva College, Stern College for Women, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies and the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought are scheduled to present “The Image of the Haggadah,” featuring Marc Michael Epstein, Ronnie Perelis, Smadar Rosensweig and Meir Soloveichik in a discussion about the imagery of the Haggadah and what it teaches us about the meaning and historical celebration of Passover.

2016: In Iowa, The Jewish Federation of Great Des Moines and Partnership2GETHER/Western Galilee is scheduled to present “The Jewish Violin with The Israeli Violinists” accompanied by Professor Michael Wolpe of The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.

2017(16thof Nisan, 5777): Second Day of Pesach

2017: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host a screening of “Streit’s Matzo and the American Dream” following by a Q and A “featuring director Neil A. Friedman.

2017: The Jerusalem Bird Observatory is scheduled to host “a night safari” which provides “an opportunity to watch night animals on their nocturnal wanderings.”

2018: A world taekwondo junior championship from which four Israeli athletes were banned in response to supporters of Palestinian terrorists is scheduled to come to an end in Tunisia.

2018: “Itzhak” a biopic about the world famous violinist is scheduled to open at the Summerfield in Santa Rosa, CA.

2018: It was reported today that Donald Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen had “negotiated a $1.6 million for a top Republican fundraiser.


2018: Today, “Republican fundraiser Elliott Broidy resigned from his post as deputy national finance chairman at the Republican National Committee, a person familiar with the matter said, following a Wall Street Journal report that he agreed to pay $1.6 million to a former Playboy model who said Mr. Broidy had impregnated her,.” (As reported by Rebecca Ballhaus and Julie Bykowicz)

2018: Friday the 13th - How can a day that ends with Candles, Kiddish and Challah be considered unlucky?

2019: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host a book signing event with Gary Reiner author of Counting on America: A Holocaust Memoir of Terror, Chutzpah, Romance and Escape.

2019: One hundred three year old anti-Fascist and Ravensbruk concentration camp survivor Neus Catala passed away today. (As reported by Katharine Q. Seelye)


2019: With Chicago Public Schools beginning Spring Break, the Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to offer freed admissions to “kids and students.”

2019: “Led by The Boston Globe’s “bona fide b-girl,” Ephrat Asherie Dance is scheduled to make its Fisher Center debut with Odeon, a high-energy, hybrid hip-hop work” this evening.

2019(8thof Nisan, 5779): Shabbat HaGadol.

2020(19thof Nisan, 5780: Fifth Day of Pesach; 4th day of the Omer

20201(9thof Nisan, 5780): On the Jewish calendar, Yahrzeit of Rabbi Raphael Meldola of Leghorn and Rabbi Chaim Bezalel Panet of Bielitz

2020: The Steicker Center is scheduled to host a virtual session of the Modern Jewish Thought Series in which Rabi Joshua M. Davidson lectures on “Eugene Borowitz and Renewing the Covenant.”

2020: HaMaqom|The Place educator Tamar Zaken is scheduled to lead “Hamsa: The Potential of an Open Hand” a virtual class about tzedakah and the symbolic meaning of open hands in Judaism”

2020: Temple Emanuel of Newton, MA is scheduled to host Arza Goldstein via Zoom as she presents “Don’t Leave Them With a Mess,” in which she “remind us that when it comes to our own dying and death, we are all beginners in need of many things, including practical advice on how to leave family/loved ones focused on our lives, our legacies and their grief, and not on how long it took to clean up the mess.”

2021(1stof Iyar, 5781): Rosh Chodesh Iyar; for more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2021: The Sir Martin Gilbert Churchill Conversation Series is scheduled to present “.”Churchill's Europe.”


2021: The East Bay International Jewish Film festival is scheduled to start hosting “virtual” screenings of ’Manua II” and “Mango Dreams.”

2021: As part of the Israel’s First Families series, the Virtual Tempe Emanu-El Streicker Center is scheduled to host a lecture by Dalia Rabin.

2021: YIVO is scheduled to present a lecture by Mathew Johnson on “Glikl’s Afterlives: On the Circulation and Reception of Glikil’s Memoires.”






This Day, April 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 14

69: Vitellius defeated Emperor Otho in the Battle of Bedriacum and seized the throne and becomes the third Emperor in what is known as the Year of the Four Emperors. Vitellius’ rise to power made the Roman populace very uneasy because it seemed as if the Empire was tottering on the brink of a destructive Civil War.  Following the death of Nero in 68, four men served as Emperor during 69 including. First came Galba, who was followed by Galba who was followed by Vitellius who was followed by Vespasian, the general who had been sent to Judea to put an end to the Jewish Revolt. Vespasian was the first of the Flavian Emperors.  When Vespasian replaced Vitellius it was with the understanding that he and his son Titus would bring stability to the Empire.  Jerusalem was destroyed as a demonstration of the Flavian’s ability to end civil strife in the Empire and bring a return to the Pax Rommana.  [Editor’s Note: According to this, the leaders who had seized control in Jerusalem completely failed to understand the new reality of Roman power, even as they had confused their victory of Roman Cohorts as being the same as victory over a Roman Legion. If they had spent more time considering the realities of the situation and less time killing their Jewish “enemies” they might have been able to negotiate some kind of settlement that would have avoided the destruction of the Temple and the massive deportation of the Jewish population that marked the beginning of the Diaspora.]

70: The Siege of Jerusalem begins in earnest as Titus, son of Emperor Vespasian, surrounds the Jewish capital, with four Roman legions.

73(3833):  According to the Jewish historian Josephus, 967 Jewish zealots committed mass suicide within the fortress of Masada on this last night before the walls were breached by the attacking Roman Tenth Legion. (Two women and five children survived by hiding in a cistern, and were later released unharmed by the Romans.  Technically it was not a mass suicide.  According to the story a group of the leaders killed most the population who had agreed to die this way rather than become prisoners of the Romans.  The leaders committed suicide.  This way of dealing with the Romans contrast with Yochanan Ben Zakai who negotiated with the Romans.  He ended up saving many scholars and establishing the Academy at Yavneh.  While the Legend of Masada has taken on a life of its own, the cold reality is that if the rest of the Jewish population had followed their example, the Jews of Israel would have disappeared. 

193:Septimius Severus began his reign as Roman Emperor. In 194, Severus defeated Pescennnius Niger at the Battle of Issus.  Niger had competed with Severus for throne and made his headquarters in Antioch where “he displayed especial harshness to the Jews.”  When the Jews came to complain about their heavy tax burned Niger replied “You asked me to relieve your lands of their taxes; would that I were able to tax the very air that you breathe!” Severus spent a short period in Palestine (200) following his semi-successful war with the Parthia. He promulgated laws forbidding conversion to either Christianity or Judaism. He allowed Jews to serve in public positions, but they were not to receive any pay for their work.  The people continued to suffer from attacks at the hands of marauding bands that had been active since the war with Niger. Eleazar, the son of Simon ben Jochai and Ishmael, the son of Jose the Prudent were the leading sages of this time.

1118: As the Crusaders continue their hold over the “Holy Land” Baldwin II is crowned King of Jerusalem, a title that should not be confused with that held by those who ruled from the days of Saul until 586 BCE.

1205:Bulgarians under Tsar Kaloyan of Bulgaria, soundly defeated the Crusaders under Baldwin I at the Battle of Adrianople.  The victory cemented the rule of Kaloyan and his family.  This would prove to be beneficial for Jews since Kaloyan’s nephew opened the kingdom to Jewish traders from Italy.  This also would have proved beneficial to Jewish community already living in Bulgaria which probably dated back to the second century of the common era

1341: In the Piedmont Region, Italian-Angevine troops sack the city of Saluzzo.  Although Jews have been living in the Piedmont since the middle ages, the first synagogue was not built until the 16th century.  A synagogue was built in Saluzzo in the early 18th century.  For more see  http://synagogues360.net/synagogues.php?ident=italy_014


1484: The Cortes at Tarazona approved the formation of Inquisitional Tribunals at Valencia and Saragossa. The Inquisitors wasted no time in beginning their investigations for signs of Jewishness in the communities of the New Christians.

1578: Birthdate of Phillip III, who supported the policy of making his realm Jew free and gave a free hand to the murderous Inquisition

1660: Seven Jews were burned at the stake in Seville.

1712(7th of Nisan): Rabbi Elijah Shapira of Prague, author of Eilyahu Rabba, passed away.

1753(10thof Nisan, 5513): Parashat Metzora; Shabbat HaGadol was observed two days before the House of Lord passed The Jewish Naturalization Act which permitted “Jewish immigrants to England to become naturalized citizens "without receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper".

1754(18th of Nisan, 5513):  In one of those calendar coincidences, Easter is observed on the same day that last day of Pesach is observed

1755: In today’s journal entry “John Wesley refers to the excellent relations” the Jews in Liverpool “enjoyed with their Christian neighbors.”

1759: Composer George Frederic Handel passed away. Among Handel’s Oratorios that used Jewish characters and/or themes were “Esther,” Saul,” “Joseph and His Brethren,” “Athalia,” “Israel In Egypt,” “Samson,” “Joshua,” “Judas Maccabaeus,” “Jephtha” and “Deborah.” For more about Handel and the Jewish people see “George Frederic Handel and the Jews: Fact, Fiction and Tolerances of Scholarship by David Hunter.


1767(15 of Nisan, 5527): First Day of Pesach

1764(12thof Nisan, 5524): Parashat Achrei Mot; Shabbat HaGadol is observed two days after Massachusetts observed “a Day of Feasting and Prayer” during a smallpox outbreak.

1775(14thof Nisan, 5535): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1775: Massachusetts Governor Gage is secretly ordered by the British to enforce the Coercive Acts and suppress "open rebellion" among colonists by using all necessary force. From this simple statement flowed all of the events that would lead to the battles of Lexington & Concord and the American Revolution. During the American Revolution the Jewish population was so small that it could only support five synagogues which were located in, Newport, New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, and Savannah. All five followed the Sephardic Minchag. Most of the Jews supported the Revolutionaries. 

1783: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s “Nathan the Wise” which the church refused to be allowed to be produced during the author’s life time was performed for the first time today in Berlin.


1792(22ndof Nisan, 5552): Eight Day of Pesach and Shabbat Shel Pesach

1794: In Kuhlsheim, Germany, Nanna Schmay and Mannases Held gave birth to Jakob Held, the husband Chanet Hahn with whom he had nine children.

1797(14thof Nisan, 5557): Fourth Day of Pesach

1797: Today, as Jews munch on their Matzah, newly sworn-in President John Adams wrote to his wife asking, her among other things, about the possibility of her joining him in our nation’ capitol.

1799:  Napoleon called for establishing Jerusalem for the Jews.

1799: An Ottoman Army of 35,000 infantry and horseman continues to advance towards Acre where Napoleon is besieging the city as part of his Palestine campaign.

1802: Birthdate of Jacob Liebermann, the son of the Chief Rabbi of Saverne who converted to Catholicism and gained fame as Francis Mary Paul Libermann “The Second Founder of the Holy Ghost Fathers.”

1804: Fanni Fradele Hajim and Immanuel Einstein gave birth to Therese Einstein, the wife of Jakob Hirsh Lindauer and the mother of Babette, Manasse, Rebekka, David and Joseph Lindauer.

1804: In Saverne, France, the town’s Chief Rabbi and his wife gave birth to Jacob Libermann  who converted to Catholicism and as Marie-Paul Liebrmann founded the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

1805(15thof Nisan, 5565): Pesach

1807: In Philadelphia, Rachel Gratz and Solomon Moses gave birth to Isaac Moses who died at Mobile, AL, eleven days before his fortieth birthday.

1808(17thof Nisan, 5568): Third Day of Pesach

1808: In London, Moses de Mattos Mocatta, the London born son of Abraham Lumbroso de Mattos and Esther Isaac Lumbroso de Mattos Mocatta  and his wife Abigail Mocatta gave birth to Samuel Mocatta part of a distinguished Anglo-Sephardi clan whose brother David became a leading architect who was the first Jew in England to design a synagogue.

1808: Birthdate of Laupheim, Germany native Alexander Hofheimer, the husband of Henriette wallersteiner and the mother of Juliana and Hermann Hofheimer

1809:  Three Royal Dukes visit the Great Synagogue.

1814: Birthdate of Bohemian native Rabbi Bernard “Yissachar Dov” Illowy who came to the United States after the failed Revolutions of 1848 where he served several congregations including United Hebrew Congregation in St. Louis, Shaare Zedek in New York, Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia and Congregation Kneset Shalom in Baltimore

1814: In Liverpool, Hannah Woolf and Myer Tobias gave birth to Augusta Tobias.

1815: Birthdate of Chaim Zebi Lerner, the native of Dubno whose “reputation among Hebrew grammarians was founded on his More ha-Lashon” first published in 1859, thirty years before he passed away in 1889.

1817: Birthdate of Herschberg, Germany native Baruch Weis.

1819: Birthdate of Fredericia, Denmark native Frederikke Cohn, the daughter of Abraham Cohn, who passed away two days before her seventy-sixth birthday.

1824: In Bavaria, Fanny and David Isaac Seilgman gave birth to James (Jacob) Seligman.

1830: In Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Henry and Sophia Schatz Ullman gave birth to Peoria, Il, merchant Aaron Ullman, the husband of Mina Rothschild Ullman and the father of Clarence Aaron Ullman.

1831: In Finsbury, Esther and Joseph Moses Levy gave birth to Angelina Levy, the wife of Frankfurt am Main native Edward Ludwig Goetz and mother of Lucy, Jessie, Alice, Evelyn, Ludovic and Charles Goetz.

1831: Lewis Solomons married Ann Levy today at the Hambro Synagogue.

1836: On Kent Road, Cornwall, Amelia Jacobs and Daniel Levy gave birth to Ernest Braham Levy, the husband of future New Yorker Isabella Levy.

1837: Birthdate of Jacob Herzl, the native of Zemun  the father of Theodor Herzl.

1837(9th of Nisan, 5597): Benjamin Zeeb Wolf ben Isaac ha-Kohen Rapoport passed away today at Papa, Hungary. Born at Nikolsburg, Morvia in 1754, his views set him at odds with Mordecai Benet, the chief rabbi of Moravia and Moses Schreiber, rabbi of Presburg.  Their enmity was such that they denounced him to the civil authorities.  He published several works including Simlat Binyamin u-Bigde Kehunnah a “novellæ on that part of the Shulḥan 'Aruk (Yoreh De'ah) which deals with vows and oaths.”

1843(14th of Nisan, 5603): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1843: Birthdate of Chalons-en-Champagne native Sophie Neymarck the wife of Elie Camille Espir and he mother of Daniel and Ferdinand Espir.

1847: Founding of B’nai Israel, a New York City congregation whose membership was “composed exclusively of natives of Holland.”

1849: Hungary declares itself independent of Austria with Louis Kossuth as its leader. Kossuth was sympathetic to Jewish hopes for emancipation and the right to become full-fledged citizens of the newly independent Hungry.  Based on Kossuth’s commitment to these values Jews contributed 80,000 florins to the cause.  Thirty thousand Jews enlisted in Kossuth’s army, making them 11% of the force.  Unfortunately, the Magyar leadership and the rural peasants did not share Kossuth’s values. Anti-Semitic outbreaks in the countryside combined with the efforts of these political leaders blocked attempts to grant the Jews full rights of citizenship.  All this would become a moot point, since Kossuth and the independent Hungarian movement would be defeated by the imperial forces and Kossuth would be forced to flee for his life.  Ironically, the returning Imperial government saved their harshest punishment for the Jews.

1850: In Germany Mary Pretzfedler and Moses Aufesser gave birth to Ferdinand Aufesser, a residendty of the First Ward in Albany, NY and the husband of Amalia Barnet.

1858: Herman Wulfson married Leah Hart today.

1859:  In Galatz, Rumania, Jews were accused of taking blood from a Christian child (for the baking of matzos) though not of killing him. Fifteen "culprits" were arrested. The next day a mob broke into the synagogue, killing some of the worshippers, destroying some fifty scrolls and demolishing the synagogue. The fifteen were soon released with no convictions, yet the government refused to allow the synagogue to be rebuilt for nearly twenty years.

1860(22ndof Nisan, 5620): Eighth Day of Pesach; with war clouds looming over the horizons, Yizkor is recited for the last time in a United States where the states are united.

1861: Birthdate of Belarusian native Israel Belkind a founder of the Bilu and a leader of the Fist Aliyahn


1862(14th of Nisan, 5622): Fast of the First Born.

1862: With over 1500 cows having been sold today the Jewish cattle dealers were active in the market at New York today since they would be absent tomorrow due to the fact tomorrow is “their Passover.”

1862: Private Louis Leon enlisted in Company B of the 53rd North Carolina (CSA). He was one of five Jews to serve in this infantry company that had been mustered at Charlotte, in Mecklenburg County, in the western part of the state of North Carolina.

1862(14th of Nisan, 5622): In the evening, during the Civil War, Pesach begins with 21 Union soldiers of the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Regiment celebrating with a Seder in Fayette, West Virginia.

1862: Birthdate of Dr. Martin Grove Brumbaugh who as Governor of Pennsylvania in 1916 issued a proclamation calling upon the citizens of that state “to set aside January 27 as a day on which to make donations for the relief of the Jewish people in various countries at war” which President Wilson had named as “Relief Day.”

1864: Fifty-seven year old Ridley Haim Herschell, the “Anglo-Polish minister who converted from Judaism to evangelical Christianity and was a founder of the British Society for Propagating the Gospel Among the Jews and of the Evangelical Alliance.

1865(18thof Nisan, 5625): Fourth Day of Pesach; erev Shabbat

1865: Abraham Lincoln was shot while attending at play at Ford Theatre.  In the late1850’s, Lincoln expressed his disgust with the “Known Nothing Party” and its platform of bigotry and ant-Semitism.  Lincoln enjoyed electoral support among Jews.  In 1860, Louis Dembitz of Kentucky was a staunch supporter of Lincoln at the Republican Convention in 1860.  (Dembitz was an ancestor of Supreme Court Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis.) Sigmund Kaufman a German-Jewish newspaper publisher in New York worked furiously and successfully to deliver the German immigrant vote to Lincoln.  The philanthropist Moses Dropsie, founder of Dropsie College was another of Lincoln’s famous Jewish supporters.  Lincoln appointed a Jew to serve as U.S. Counsel in Zurich, the first time a Jew had been appointed to such a high diplomatic post.  But Lincoln’s most famous moment in dealing with the Jews came when he countermanded Grant’s infamous Order #11.  Lincoln was the first president to approve of the appointment of Jewish Chaplains in the U.S. Army. April the 14thwas the fourth day of Pesach.  But Lincoln was killed on Friday night, so a case can be made that he was actually killed on the fifth day of the Jewish holiday of freedom that provided so much of the liberation motif for the work of the Great Emancipator.

1867: In San Francisco, Leopold Seligmann, the son of David Isaac Seligmann and Fanny Seligmann and his wife Julia Levi gave birth to Edgar Seligman

1867: Dr. Simon Abrahams, a well-known New York physician passed away today at the age 57.


1868(22ndof Nisan, 5628): Eighth Day of Pesach observed for the last time during the Presidency of Andrew Johnson.

1870:  In London, Nathan Adler and Lionel Cahn established the United Synagogue. It united the Ashkenazi synagogues of London for charities and civic affairs.

1870: In New York Banker Isaias Wolf Hellman, one of the founders of the University of Southern California married Esther Newgass whose sister, Babette, was married to Mayer Lehman, one of the founders of Lehman Brothers and with whom he had three children - Isaias William Hellman, Jr., Clara, and Florence

1872: Birthdate of Vilna native David Podolsky, the pioneer Zionist leader David Podolsky who came to the United States in 1896 where he combined work as a realtor with support of such organization of Yeshiva College and HIAS while raising three daughters and a son with his wife Fannie https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1945/12/23/107129972.pdf

1872: In Breidenbach, Germany, Levi Sonneborn and Amalie Bacharach gave birth to Siegmund B. Sonneburn a graduate of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the husband of Camille K. Goldschmid who was the “managing member of Henry Sonneborn and Company which employed three thousand workers, about 60 per cent of whom were Jewish” and who was active in the Baltimore Jewish community as can be seen by his service as treasurer of the Baltimore Branch of JTS.

1873: “The Wandering Jew” by Leopold Davis Lewis, who was the author of “The Bells”, opened at the Adelphi Theatre.

1873: Two days after she had passed away at the age of 7 months and 12 days, Amy Martha Raphael, the daughter of Charles Raphael and Beatrice Rosalie was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1878: In Kishinev, “Eva Geller and Joseph Fishbeing gave birth to Rhode Island resident Louis Fishbein, the husband of Sarah Miller Fishbein and the father of Morris, Jay, Nathan, Ralph, Matthew, Joseph, Samuel and Arthur Fishbein.

1879(21stof Nisan, 5639): Seventh Day of Pesach

1879: “A Railroad Test Case” published today described litigation filed against Joseph Seligman & Co in which if yhe plaintiffs are successful could ruin the “eminent bankers from New York City.”

1880: The New York Times featured a review of a book about Palestine entitled “The Land and the Book: Or Biblical Illustrations drawn from manners and customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land” by William M. Thompson.

1881(15thof Nisan, 5641): American Jews observe the first and only Pesach of newly inaugurated President James Garfield who would be die from an assassin’s bullet in September of 1881.

1882: In Frankfurt am Main, Stella Rothschild, the German born daughter of Leopold Schott and Sara Randegger and her husband of Wilhelm Benjamin Rothschild gave birth to Karoline Carola Schwarz, the wife Gustavo Schwarz.

1882: Observance of the first feast day for Justin Martyr, the second century Church leader whose most famous polemic against the Jews was “Dialogue with Trypho.”




1885: Birthdate of Russian native Harry Lefrak, prominent Jewish real estate executive and philanthropist, who was “a pioneer in apartment construction in New York City and who was the founder of one of the largest construction firms in the United States.


1886: A major story, possibly the first of its kind, was published in today’s Atlanta Constituion, Georgia’s leading daily newspaper.  “The main headline read: ‘Passover Preparations for Celebrating the Festival.’ The writer stated, “The Jewish citizens of Atlanta are getting ready for the Feast of Passover. Unleavened bread will be eaten.The interesting facts about observance will be given plus an explanation of the plagues of Egypt.”

1887(20thof Nisan, 5647): Sixth Day of Pesach

1887: One day after he had passed away, Michael Cohen was buried today at the “Belfast Jewish Cemetery” in Northern Ireland.

1887: In a part of Germany that is now modern day Poland, Abraham and Fanny Lippman gave birth to Leo Lippman, the brother of Else, Emma and Hanns Lipman, who was murdered at Auschwitz..

1880: “Became A Hebrew For Love” published today described the path that led to the marriage of Baltimore merchant Emanuel Strauss and Lillie Williams.  Miss Williams met and fell in love with Mr. Straus while working at Strauss Brothers, a large wholesale dry goods store in Baltimore.  Since young Mr. Strauss came from a prominent Orthodox family she studied for six months and then went through a conversion ceremony that included immersion in the mikvah at which time she changed her name from Lillie to Rachel.  The couple wed secretly and took a trip to Chicago from which they hope to return with the blessings of his family.

1881(15thof Nisan, 5641): First Day of Pesach observed for the first time during the Presidency of James Garfield.

1882(25thof Nisan, 5642): Dr. Ludwig Waldenburg passed away in Berlin.

1882: Birthdate of Paris native and phenomenally wealthy banker Jacques Stern who served as the Minister of Merchant Marin and Minister of the Colonies during the 1930’s before finding refuge in the United States during WW II teaching at Princeton University.

1885: In Minsk, Vladimir and Sophie Bernstein gave birth to Rachel Bernstein, who, as Rachel Wishnitzer gained fame as “a pioneer in the fields of Jewish art history and synagogue architecture.” (As reported by Shulamith Z. Berger)

1885: Birthdate of Bobroisk, Russia native Harry Lefrak, “the chairman of the Lefrak Organization, one of the largest building companies” in the United States and the founder the Lefrak Foundation who came to the United States at the turn of the century where he worked at shoveling snow and carpentry and raised a family with his wife, “the former Sara Schwartz.”


1888: In Kansas City, MO, “Joseph C. and Mollie (Hays) Manheimer gave birth to University of Chicago alum and Harvard Law School trained attorney Arthur E. Manheimer who rose to the rank of 1st Lt. while serving overseas with the USA Signal Corps and returned to Chicago to practice law while serving as the a director for the Young Men’s Jewish Charities and being an active member of Sinai Congregation on Chicago’s South Side.

1889: In London, Harry Valpy Toynbee, the secretary of the Charity Organization Society, and his wife Sarah Edith Marshal gave birth to Oxford educated historian Arnold Toynbee whose view Jews much more complicated than his view that the Jews were a “fossil civilization since during WW I he was sympathetic to the Zionism, a view which shifted to a more pro-Arab stance in the 1940’s which culminated in a debate with Ambassador Yaakov Herzog. (Editor’s note – Toynbee’s views of Jews and Jewish civilization is too complex for one entry in this blog and you are urged to read more on your own to form your own views.  At the same time, for many Toynbee’s works are really irrelevant and are of interest to only a very small number of people.



1890(24th of Nisan, 5650): Hanover native and University of Halle graduate Marcus (Meir) Lehmann, the prolific author who served as the rabbi of a “private religious society” in Mainz which was really a congregation passed away today at the age of 58.


1891: In delivering his response to the claims of Reverend Howard MacQueary “the alleged heretic who has been expelled from the Protestant Episcopal Church” Rabbi Gustav Gottheil denied claims made about the crucifixion of Jesus by the Jews” stating that “Jesus of Nazareth was never persecuted by the Jews.”

1891: Birthdate of Portage, PA native Hyman “Goldie” Goldstein the Dickinson College football player described by legendary coach Pop Warner as “being a star kicker, passer and ball carrier” possessing “the rare quality of fine judgment and generalship” who went on to serve in the Navy during WW I and pursue a legal career in Carlisle, PA.


1892(17thof Nisan, 5652): Third Day of Pesach

1892: “Russia’s Warlike Measures” published today described the major moves by Czar to strengthen his military position on the western frontier including  a demand by General Iosif Gurko that he be given permission to expel the Jewish people from the frontier and move them sixty verts (approx. 40 miles) inland. (Having forced the Jews to live in the Pale, now the Russians want to dispose them for military reasons – think of the scene at the end of Fiddler on the Roof for context)

1892: It was reported today that the Jewish Emigration Committee has decided to only send Russian Jews to the United States and Argentina who are “suitable for colonization” and to limit the immigrants to batches of a hundred.  At this rate, it will take twenty years to settle all of the land bought under Baron Hirsch’s auspices for agricultural settlements.

1893: As the Reichstag opened today in Berlin, members waited for Hermann Ahlwardt , “the Jew baiter” to produce documents proving German officials of corrupt conduct.

1893: “A Frenzied Mob In Bohemia” described an outbreak of anti-Semitic violence in Kolin, a town 35 miles from Prague which was nothing more than another blood libel.  The body of a servant girl name Marie Panlik was found floating in the Elbe and the citizenry decided that she had been killed by the Jews as part of their religious customs.  Before the military could quell the riot the homes of the Jews had been sacked, the population “assaulted” and the synagogue had been wrecked.

1894: The former Leah Barntett, the wife of Michael Israel with whom she had had ten children was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1894: Birthdate of Brooklyn native Robert Adler, the former journalist and public relations man who served as deputy sanitation commissioner in New York.


1894: “Shaaray Tefila’s New Home” published today described the consecration of the new home for Gates of Prayer located on West 82nd Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues.

1895: Lt. Colonel Jean Sandherr who was head of the Statistical Section, the French army’s counter-espionage unit who “gathered a secret commission of inquiry that hastily decided on Captain Alfred Dreyfus as being the author of handwritten notes found in the wastepaper basked of the German ambassador in Paris, was promoted to Colonel today.

1895: In Russia, Hannah and Max Jaffe gave birth to Adeline Jaffe who gained fame as Adeline Schulberg the talent and literary agent who married B.P. Schulberg.

1895: It was reported today that “last winter, Lord Rothschild had assured his co-religionist…that he and his associates would not have touched the new Russian loan” without a promise from St. Petersburg that “the persecution of their people would be stopped.”  Not only have the Russians not kept their promises, in the last fortnight, they have revived all the edicts against the Jews that had been cancelled meaning that “this is to be year of peculiarly evil memory to Israel in Holy Russia,”

1895: The highlight of the third and final day marking the celebration of Temple Emanu-El’s fiftieth anniversary was “the festival arranged by the children of the religious school”

1897: Two days after he had passed away, 36 year old Reuben Harris was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1897: It was reported today that Jewish children from Russia have a disproportionately high rate of Trachoma or “granulated eyelid.”

1897(12thof Nisan): Seventy-eight year old French rabbi and author Lazar Wogue “best known for his translation of the Pentateuch…and for his history of Bible exegesis” passed away today in Paris.

1898(22ndof Nisan, 5658): Eighth and final day of Pesach

1899: Among the bills passed today by the New York State Assembly was one providing “for the consolidation of the Educational Alliance and the Hebrew Free School Association of New York…”

1900(15thof Nisan, 5660): First Day of Pesach and Shabbat.

1900: Observance of the first Pesach since the death of “Silver Dollar” Smith whose saloon on Essex Street provided piles of Matzoth for the underprivileged Jews of the Lower East Side.

1900: It was reported today that the fact that Erev Pesach coincided with Good Friday “had accounted some of the extraordinary suspension of business and absence of traffic on the streets” of New York.

1901: Henri Daniel Mayrargue and Eveline Bethsabée Lattès, the daughter Eveline Bethsabée Lattès gave birth to Albert Mayrargue

1902: “Religious Auction Sale” described cornerstone laying ceremonies for the “new Home for Aged Orthodox Jews” in Chicago where “Samuel Sdartz of Waukegan gave $1,000 for the privilege of laying the cornerstone.”

1902: “Opportunity of Judaism” published today described a lecture by Dr. William S. Friedman, the rabbi at Temple Emanu-El in Denver in which he addressed “the miracle of the preservation of the Jew” which has baffled the explanations of the Church and the theories of materialists” while saying that “anti-Semitism is a striking demonstration that the boasted brotherhood of man is as yet merely a beautiful metaphor…”

1903: Birthdate of West Hoboken, NJ native and NYU Law School trained attorney Walter Leichter, a president of the New Jersey Bar Association and president of the North Hudson Jewish Community Center who was the husband of “the former Irma Cohen.”


1904: Birthdate of Lithuanian “choreographer and dance teacher” Sonia Gaskell who in 1939 move to her husband’s home in the Netherlands where she survived the war and continued teaching until she passed away in Paris.



1905: In Dublin, Philip Bradlaw and his wife gave birth to dentist Sir Robert Vivian Bradlaw who was “the chair of dental surgery at the Dental School of Newcastle upon Tyne, the Dean and Director of Studies at the Institute of Dental Surgery, Director of the Eastman Dental Hospital and Professor of Oral Medicine at the University of London, posts which he held until his retirement.

1906(19thof Nisan, 5666): Fifth Day of Pesach; Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach

1906: As Jews munched on their Matzah, word was received of an explosion that killed at least five sailors serving aboard the Kersarge, a U.S Navy battleship.

1907(30thof Nisan, 5667) Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1907: The project led by Mrs. Solomon Schechter to “re-establish congregational singing” and to reintroduce in the services many of the beautiful old Hebrew melodies which had fallen into disuse” bore fruit tonight during a concert attended by people from the Lower East Side as well as such uptown Jews as Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schiff and Mr. and Mrs. Felix M. Warburg heard The Choral Sciety ofr Ancient Hebrew Melodies organized by Isaac Rosenblatt sang Psalms 24 and 118 and the Downtown Cantors Association sang Kol Nidre.

1908: “The Redemption Produced” published today described the first performance in Philadelphia of “The Redemption,” a sociological drama dealing with the Jews in Russia by Rabbi Isaac Landman” who “advanced the theory that the only way the Jews could be safe was to publicly join the Greek Church” while living “as Jews in private.”

1909: The engagement was announced today of Charles Waldstein, the Professor of Fine Arts at Cambridge University whose books include The Jewish Question and the Mission of the Jews and Mrs. Theodore Seligman, the widow of the late Theodore Seligman who was “formerly Miss Florence Einstein, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.L Einstein.”

1910: “J. Walter Freiberg, Rabbi Louis Grossman, Joseph Lazarus, Rabbi Jacob Mailziner, Meyer Oetting and Rabbi David Philipson” issued “an appeal to the Jewish people of the United States for funds for the publication of the news translation of the Bible” which they will provide $100,000 for this project.

1911(16thof Nisan, 5671): Second Day of Pesach

1911(16thof Nisan, 5671): Sixty-one year old August Iganaz Einstein, the brother of Hermann Einstein and an uncle of Albert Einstein passed away today.

1912: The RMS Titanic struck an iceberg just at approximately 11:45 pm. Among those who were not aboard was Nathan Strauss, the brother of Isador Strauss, and his wife “In 1912, the brothers and their wives were touring Europe, when Nathan, the more ardent Zionist of the two, impulsively said one day:- “Hey, why don’t we hop over to Palestine?”

Israel wasn’t the tourist hotspot then that it is today. Its population was ravaged by disease, famine, and poverty; but the two had a strong sense of solidarity with their less fortunate brethren, and they also wanted to see the health and welfare centers they had endowed with their millions.

However, after a week spent touring, Isidor Straus had enough.- “How many camels, hovels, and yeshivas can you see?  It’s time to go,” Isidor decreed with edgy impatience in his voice.  But Nathan refused to heed his brother’s imperious command.  It wasn’t that he was oblivious to the hardships around him; it was precisely because of them that he wanted to stay. As he absorbed firsthand the vastness of the challenges his fellow Jews were coping with, he felt the burden of responsibility.- “We can’t leave now,” he protested.  “Look how much work has to be done here. We have to help. We have the means to help. We can’t turn our backs on our people.”- “So we’ll send more money,” his brother snapped back. “I just want to get out of here.”

But Nathan felt that money simply wasn’t enough.  He felt that the Jews who lived under such dire circumstances in Palestine needed the brothers’ very presence among them: their initiative, their leadership, and their ideas. Isidor disagreed. The two argued back and forth, and finally Isidor said,- “If you insist, stay here. Ida and I are going back to America where we belong.” The two separated. Isidor and his wife returned to Europe, while Nathan and his spouse stayed in Palestine, traveling the country and contributing huge sums of money to the establishment of education, health, and social welfare programs to benefit the needy. Nathan also financed the creation of a brand-new city on the shores of the Mediterranean.  And since his name in Hebrew was Natan, and he was the city’s chief donor, the founders named it after him and called it…Natanya. Meanwhile, back in Europe, Isidor Straus was preparing to sail home to America aboard an ocean liner for which he had also made reservations for his brother, Nathan, and his wife. - “You must leave Palestine NOW!”  he cabled his brother in an urgent telegram.   “I have made reservations for you and if you don’t get here soon, you’ll miss the boat.”

But Nathan delayed. There was so much work to be done that he waited until the last possible moment to make the connection. By the time he reached London, it was April 12 and the liner had already left port in Southampton with Isidor and Ida Straus aboard. Nathan felt disconsolate that he had, as his brother had warned, “missed the boat.” For this was no ordinary expedition, no common, everyday cruise that he had forfeited, but the much ballyhooed maiden voyage of the most famous ship of the century. This was the Titanic. Nathan Straus, grief-stricken and deeply mourning his brother and sister-in-law could not shake off his sense that he had had a rendezvous with history The knowledge that he had avoided death permeated his consciousness for the rest of his life, and until his death in l931, he pursued his philanthropic activities with an intensity that was unrivaled in his time. Today, Natanya is a scenic resort city of 200,000 and headquarters to Israel’s thriving diamond trade – one of the most important industries in the country. And in almost every part of the city, there is some small reminder of Nathan Straus’s largesse, his humanity, and love for his people.”

1912: Just before midnight, Archibald Gracie IV, who had spent much of the voyage talking about the Civil War with his friend Isdiore Straus was jolted awake as the Titanic struck an iceberg.  Gracie is the source for the story of the last moments of the Mr. and Mrs. Straus who died together on the ship.

1912: Mary Antin's The Promised Land, an autobiography recounting her life in the Russian Pale of Settlement and as an immigrant in Boston, was reviewed in the New York Times.

1913(7th of Nisan, 5673): Seventy-six year old “communal worker” M.D. Levy passed away today in Springfield, Ohio.

1913(7thof Nisan, 5673): Nathan Kahn passed away in Selma, Alabama.

1913(7thof Nisan, 5673): Eighty-five year old Baltimore merchant Solomon Preiss passed away today.

1913: It was reported today that “the late Joseph Liebermann who left an estate of upward of half a million dollars, bequeathed the sum of $7,000 to the leading Jewish charities in” New York and Brooklyn.

1914: “Potash and Perlmutter,” a three-act play featuring the characters Abe Potash and Mawruss Perlmutter, who are business partners in the garment industry opened today at the Queen’s Theatre in London’s West End.

1915(30thof Nisan, 5675): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1915(30thof Nisan, 5675): Sixty-seven-year-old Hungarian native and humorist Carl Hauser, a resident of the United States for over forty years who was “editor of Puck when it was a German publication, author of Fun for the Millions, published and known as the “German Mark Twain” passed away today.


1915: In London, Lord Reading, the Lord Chief Justice of England spoke at meeting today aimed at recruiting Jews to serve in the military where he acknowledged the comparatively high rate of Jewish enlistment but called for more because Jews in England have enjoyed “the security and freedom not always known elsewhere.

1915: “The next regular meeting of the Baron Hirsch Woman’s Club is scheduled to” take place this afternoon at the Auditorium Hotel in Chicago.

1916: Birthdate of Suleiman (Solomon) Alexandrovich Yudakov , the native of Kokand who became a leading Bukharian composer whose work included “Surudi Milli,” the modern-day national anthem of Tajikistan. After surviving a lifetime under Soviet rule, he passed away in 1990. 

1917(22ndof Nisan, 5677): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat Shel Pesach

1917(22ndof Nisan, 5677): Fifty-seven year old L.L. (Leyzer Leyvi) Zamenhoff, the Jewish doctor and linguist who created Esperanto passed away in Warsaw.  His youngest daughter Lidia was murdered by the Nazis at Treblinka in 1942.

1917: Those attending the tenth annual convention of the Federation of Rumanian Jews of America which began tonight at the Hebrew Technical School applauded Dr. Julius Weiss, the organization’s president “when he said that the Jews of the federation were ready to offer their lives this country now that it was at war” with Germany.

1917: In the Bronx, elementary school teacher Gertrude Wald Miller and clothing salesman Alexander Miller gave birth to Marvin Miller, the Brooklyn Dodgers fan who changed the face of Major League Baseball while service as executive director of the player’s union.According to The National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame and Museum “Marvin Miller never played the game, but he may have had more influence on baseball than anyone else in this half of the century. Hired by the players in 1966, he brought a wealth of experience garnered in the tough steelworkers' union to bear on baseball labor relations, and his knowledge, organizational ability, and resolve completely overmatched the owners and their representatives, particularly Commissioners Bowie Kuhn and Spike Eckert. In a time of baseball prosperity which saw manifold increase in the value of franchises, his tough tactics finally got the players not only a "bigger piece of the pie" but also greater, if grudging, respect for their wishes in regard to trades and other matters. Executive director of Players' Assn. from 1966-82; increased average salary from $19,000 to over $240,000; led 13-day strike in 1972 and 50-day walkout in '81.”

1918: The “3rd Indian Division” which had arrived in Palestine today from Mesopotamia to reinforce Allenby’s forces as they continued their drive against the Ottomans.

1918: William Edlin, the President of the Jewish Socialist League of America and the editor of The Day presided over a meeting at Beethoven Hall the aim of which to bring “all Jewish Socialist and labor organizations into hearty co-operation with the Government in a vigorous prosecution of the war” where he told the attendees they must “be prepared to stand by the United States in this crisis if they help their comrades in Russia and maintain their own self-respect.”

1918: Sixty-nine year old William J. Stone, the U.S. Senator from Missouri who as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee had held hearings on the resolution to create Jewish Relief Day in 1916 – a proposal which he supported – and who was one of only six senators to vote against the U.S. declaration of war on Germany passed away today.

1919(14th of Nisan, 5679): Fast of the First Born

1919(14th of Nisan, 5679): Jewish Soldiers serving with His Majesty’s forces hold a Seder in Jerusalem


1920: Birthdate of Sheldon Douglas Moldoff who “drew covers for the first appearances of the characters Flash and Green Lantern in 1940”, created “some of the earliest renderings of Hawkman: and who “contributed to the first issue of Action Comics, in which Superman was introduced (though he did not draw the Man of Steel).”

1920: The National Conference of Jewish Service which had been meeting at the Hotel Grunewald in New Orleans came to an end today.

1920(26th of Nisan, 5680): Eighty-five year old Hungarian-Austrian neurologist Mortiz Benedikt passed away today.

1920: In Gomel, the Twelfth Conference of the Bund continued to meet for a third day.

1921: Joseph Barondess went to Ellis Island today where he was united with the infant child of Elka Lerner, a refugee from pogroms in Ukraine who had died last night and who was a cousin of Barondess.

1921: Pinchus Ruttenberg “announced today that within a few days his plan for electrification of Jaffa, Tel-Aviv and Petach-Tikvah will be completed.”

1921: A delegation of about 200 rabbis, who were attending their annual convention in Washington, DC visited the White House this afternoon where they met with the President Harding who “said he was especially goad to meet the rabbis because, while not of their religious faith, he recognized the value of their work in raising the moral standards of the community at large as any religious movement was bound to do” and Mrs. Harding who exchanged pleasantries with the clergy men from the home state of Ohio.

1921: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that “Tel-Aviv has been officially recognized as an independent township.”

1921: The adoption of Hebrew names by Jewish immigrants has resulted in the adoption of government policy “permitting any change of name provided the change is duly advertised in the Official Gazette.

1924: “Five hundred delegates from reformed congregations throughout the United States” including Charles Shohl, Julius Frieberg, Maurice D. Rosenberg, Herman Wile and Isaac M. Ullman  are scheduled to hold  their final  meeting today Chicago where “they will discuss methods of raising funds” to support the “various activities of Union of American Hebrew Congregations.”

1924: In The Bronx, Maurice Schulweis and his wife gave birth Harold Maurice Schulweis “an influential rabbi and theologian who focused his sermons, books and social activism on connecting the Jewish community with the wider world — and vice versa —.” (As reported by Bruce Weber)


1925: In Manhattan Sam and Bea Traub gave birth to Marvin Stuart Traub, “the retailing impresario who transformed Bloomingdale’s from a stodgy Upper East Side family department store into a trendsetting international showcase of style and showmanship in the 1970s and ’80s.” (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

1926: In address given today to the students of the religious schools of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, “Rabbi Michael Aaronsohn the sightless chaplain of the National Association of Disabled War Veterans predicted a revival of religious interest among Jews” and “said that in a recent tour of the country he found a great revival of Jewish consciousness and an awakened interest in the establishment of religious schools and seminaries.”

1926: In Kokomo, Indiana, Samuel and Bessie Kopelov gave birth to Connie Kopelov, one of the partners in New York’s first same-sex marriage.


1926: “Lady, Be Good” a George and Ira Gershwin musical “opened in the West End at the Empire Theatre’ today.

1927(12th of Nisan, 5687): Fast of the First born is held on a Thursday since the first seder falls on Saturday night.

1927: A campaign to raise a half million dollar to support the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives in Denver led by a committee whose members include Judge Samuel D. Levy, Mrs. Willard Parker, Ben Altheimer, Patrick Cardinal Hayes and Bishop William T. Manning began today.

1931: In Atlantic City, NJ, “David and Fanny (Hapern) Bayless” gave birth to Theodore Morris Bayless the University of Chicago trained physician who made ground breaking discoveries in the field of dairy intolerance while raising three sons with his wife the former Janet “Jaye” Nides.



1932: U.S. premiere of “Symphony of Six Million,” “based on the story “Night Bell” by Fannie Hurst, the movie concerns the rise of a Jewish physician from humble roots to the top of his profession and the social costs of losing his connection with his community, his family and with the craft of healing” produced by Pandro S. Berman and David O. Selznick, co-starring Gregory Ratoff and with music by Max Steiner.

1933: Today photographer Lou Bernstein “received a diploma…from The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City New York” upon his completion of a course in “iron drafting” which enabled him to earn a living working in the shipyards of Brooklyn.

1933:  The Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten (National Political Educational Institutes) were established as training schools for Nazi Party cadets.

1934(29thof Nisan, 5694): Parashat Shmini

1934: An anti-Semitic organization in Poland, Ob<ó>z Narodowo-Radykalny (National Radical Camp), was established.  Anti-Semitism was part of the Polish social fabric before and after World War II.

1934: In the second of such outbreaks in Tangier, "Arabs responded to a march by Jewish boy scouts by mounting public demonstrations against Jews."  As Martin Gilbert points out, April the 14th was Shabbat and the demonstrations took place when most Jews were in their homes.

1935(11th of Nisan, 5695): Fifty-three year old German born American mathematician and physicist Emmy Noether passed away in Bryn Mawr, PA.


1935: “Joseph Greenfield an executive member of the Young Men’s Tammany Club of the First Assembly District” is scheduled to “distributed 1,500 packages of matzoth to the poor families” living on the lower East Side” this afternoon.

1935: Publication today of “The Life and Genius of Maimonides,” a review ofMaimonides: The Story of His Life and Genius by Dr. J. Muenz.

1936(22nd of Nisan, 5696): 8th day of Pesach

1936: It was reported today “for the last several months the lives of over 3,000,000 Jews in the Republic of Poland have in constant jeopardy” as a result of the “persecution of the Jews” by Poland which “is openly and willfully violating the minorities clause of the League Nations.”


more for 2017

1936: Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, a Presbyterian minister and the director of the National Conference of Jews and Christians was quoted today as saying the aim of the cross country trip he is making with Reverend Michael J. Ahern and Rabbi Morris Lazaron “is to consolidate the recent gains in inter-faith amity as a result of Brotherhood Day and President Roosevelt’s emphasis upon cooperation among those of different faiths for the common good.”

1937: “Babes in Arms”, a Rodgers and Hart musical opened on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre today.

1937: Dr. Emanuel Libman and Dr. Nathan Ratnoff are co-chairman of the physicians’ division of the Greater New York drive of the United Palestine Appeal which it was reported today has agreed to raise $25,000.

1938: The Palestine Post reported from London that the Palestine Police Force had been supplemented and would continue to be increased - new men were being trained and sent to Palestine.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that 35 families from Rexigen in south Germany were settled, together with a number of other families in a new village, south of Nahariya. Work went on erecting buildings, the defense stockade and a search-light tower.

1939(25th of Nisan, 5699): In Tel Aviv, Samuel Solow past away at the age of 90.  Born in Russia, he moved to the United States in 1893 where he became a successful shirt manufacturer.  He retired in 1927 and moved to Palestine.  In 1935 he gave $15,000 for the construction of a students’ club at Hebrew University.

1940(6thof Nisan, 5700): Sixty-four year old New York City native and CCNY graduate Moses Beckhardt, a forty-year veteran of the city school system and the rabbi at Bath Israel Congregation of Kingsbridge in the Bronx passed away today.



1940: Birthdate of Yossef Romano ( יוסף רומנו) “a Libyan-born, Jewish Israeli weightlifter with the Israeli team that went to the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. He was the second of eleven Israeli team members murdered in the Munich massacre by Black September terrorists during that Olympics. He was the Israeli weight-lifting champion in the light and middle-weight divisions for nine years.”

1941: Adolf Hitler appeared on the cover of Time magazine

1941: Time magazine published its cover story – “World War, Strategy: A Dictator’s Hour”


1941: Time magazine featured a review of “Blood, Sweat and Tears,” a collection of Churchill’s public pronouncements from May 1938 to February 1941.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,932268,00.html#ixzz1rxaUgmdv'

1941:The Ustashe, a Croatian far-right organization that pursued Nazi and fascist policies, is put in charge of the Independent State of Croatia by the Axis Powers.  The Ustashe would be responsible for the murder of at least 30,000 Croatian Jews.

1941:  Hungarian troops occupied portions of northern Yugoslavia. About 500 Jews and Serbs were shot.

1941: “After watching the German propaganda film Der Ewige Jude, Flemish paramilitaries from the Volksverwering, VNV and Algemeene-SS Vlaanderen began a pogrom in the city of Antwerp” in which “the mob, armed with iron bars, attacked and burned two synagogues in the city and threw the Torah scrolls onto the street” after which “they then attacked the home of Marcus Rottenburg, the town's chief rabbi.”

1941: Two hundred Flemish supporters of the Nazis burned two synagogues in the Oosten straat as part of what is called the “Antwerp Pogrom.”  By the end of WW II, the Jewish population had been decreased from a pre-war total of 35,000 to 15,000.  The Jewish community traced its origins back to the 13th century although its modern configuration did not begin until the end of the 18th century with reforms forced by the French Revolution.


1942: “Word was received” in New York today “of that 69 year old Professor Jacob Zallel Lauterbach, the Professor Emeritus of Rabbinics at the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati had passed away on March 21st.

1943:  The slave-labor camp at Siedlce, Poland, was dissolved.

1943:  A paper, Program for the Rescue of Jews from Nazi Occupied Europe, was submitted to the Bermuda Conference by the Joint Emergency Committee for European Jewish Affairs.

1943: Gerhart Riegner, World Jewish Congress representative in Geneva, suggested that money be deposited in a Swiss account to be paid after the war to enable the 70,000 Romanian Jews previously offered to the Allies to immigrate to Palestine. This comes to be known as the Riegner Plan.

1944: Henk Drogt, a 24 year old Dutch policeman who had refused orders to round up the remaining local Jews in Grootegast, Holland and deserted the police force and joined one of the Dutch resistance groups, where he took part in the smuggling of downed Allied pilots to the Belgian border as well as helping to keep Jews out of the hands of the Nazis was executed after having been caputed and sentenced to death by the Germans.

1944: Henk Drogt, a 24 year old Dutch military policeman, was executed by the Nazis eight months after having been arrested by the Nazis for his refusal to arrest Jews and then joining the Resistance. After the war, Drogt was posthumously decorated by US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the Dutch Government for his actions in the resistance movement. He has also been honored as a Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem

1944: “While an agreement was arrived at between Wesenmayer, German Minister and a representative of Sauckel on the other hand, and Prime Minister Sztojay, on the other, that Hungary would place 300,000 Jewish workers at the disposal of the Reich (who were to be selected by a mixed Hungarian-German committee), total deportation was decided by Endre, Baky, and Eichmann at a meeting in the Ministry of the Interior” today.

1944:  The first transport of Athenian Jews left Greece for Auschwitz.

1944(21st of Nisan): Rabbi Benjamin Menasseh Levin, author of “Ozar ha-Geonim” passed away today

1945: U.S. Soldiers of the 84th Division of the Ninth Army liberated Salzwedel Labor Camp.  Frank J. Cmelik of Iowa was on the liberators.  Lea Fuchs Chayen was one of those who were liberated. 

1945: Private H. Miller took a picture of “slave laborers in the Buchenwald concentration camp near Jena.”


1945: U.S. Army Sgt. E.R. Allen took this picture of “one of 150 prisoners savagely burned to death by Nazi SS troops.”


1945: Pfc. W. Chichersky took this picture of “a truck load of bodies of prisoners of the Nazis, in the Buchenwald concentration camp at Weimar, Germany.”


1945: Pfc. W. Chichersky took this picture of the “bones of women that were still in the crematoriums in he concentration camp at Weimar, Germany.


1945:  Soldiers of the United States Army reached Gardelegen Camp. They found smoldering logs strewn with the bodies of the recently cremated victims.

1945: Ellen Geller was among the 60,000 people who were liberated by British troops at Bergen-Belsen.Geller and her family were taken captive by the Nazis in Poland when she was only 4 years old and she spent time in concentration camps until the age of 8. Most of her time was spent in Bergen-Belsen.”

1945: British units reach the Elbe, joining American forces who had reached the river two days earlier where they would not wait to be joined by Soviet Forces thus making the encirclement and defeat of the remaining German forces a realitiy.

1946: The New York Times reported that Bronislaw Huberman the Polish born violinist who is President and founder of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra has begun a tenth month concert tour that will take him to Europe and Egypt before he returns to Palestine in December.

1947: Two thousand five hundred fifty-two illegal immigrants reached Haifa on board the Guardian.  Three of them had been killed while unsuccessfully resisting a Royal Navy boarding party which was in the process of transporting them to Cyprus.

1948: The British withdrew from Safed.  Before leaving, they gave the Arabs the city's police station, the fortress like police station on Mount Canaan and the ancient citadel in the heart of the town.

1948: Surrounded by armed Arabs, the Jews of Safed awaited the final onslaught and their death when a Palmach platoon that was the spearhead of Operation Yiftach entered the city after marching through the mountains.  They brought food, weapons and hope.

1948: “Design for Death” an Academy Award winning documentary directed by Richard Fleischer was released today in the United States.

1949(15th of Nisan, 5709): First Day of Pesach in the newly created state of Israel.

1949(15th of Nisan, 5709): In one of the great ironies of history the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg's last judgment takes place on the first day of Pesach.  The Nuremberg Tribunal was an attempt to punish those responsible for Crimes Against Humanity (among other charges) in a judicial setting.  The alternatives were to just line people up against the wall and shoot them or let them go.  For all of its imperfections, the Tribunal was an expression of faith in the rule of law and it did punish some of the leading survivors of the Third Reich. For a full account of the work of the Tribunal on line, try this website


1952(19th of Nisan, 5712): Fifth Day of Nisan

1953:  The Jerusalem Post reported that the tenants of the houses administered by the Custodian for Abandoned Property had from then on been allowed to sell or transfer their flats or rooms for an agreed sum. However, one-third of the price would have to be paid to the custodian.

1953:  The Jerusalem Post reported that the Israeli-Syrian Mixed Armistice Commission met for the first time in two years.

1953: Israelis intercepted a boatload of terrorists who were trying, for the first time, to infiltrate the state from the sea.

1953:  The Jerusalem Post reported that in Jerusalem’s Zion Square, hundreds of singing and dancing men celebrated the conclusion of the fourth complete reading of Gemara.

1954: “Knock On Wood,” a comedy directed, produced and written by Melvin Franks, starring Danny Kaye and featuring Leon Askin was released in the United States today.

1954: Birthdate of Shari Ellin Redstone who would serve as president of National Amusements, vice-chairman of CBS Corporation and Viacom, and chairman of Midway Games. It probably did not hurt her career that she is the daughter of Sumner Redstone and the granddaughter of Michael Redstone.

1956: Twenty-year old Larry Boardman defeated the current featherweight champion “in a unanimous decision in 10 rounds and moved up to # 7” in the rankings.

1959: Final broadcast of “The George Burns Show,” a one season attempt by George Burns to keep alive the sitcom known as” the George Burns and Gracie Allen Show” without Gracie Allen who had retired due to health problems.

1960: Birthdate of actor Brad Garrett, Robert on “Everybody Loves Raymond.”

1961: Birthdate of cartoonist David Clowes creator of Eightball and Ghost World.

1962: On Shabbat Hagadol Rabbi Maurice J. Bloom delivered a sermon at Termont Temple in the Bronx condemning the “Soviet Union’s restrictions on Matzah baking.”

1962: In a sermon delivered at Congregation and Talmud Torah Tifereth Israel, Rabbi Kurt Klappholz decried the hypocrisy being shown during the current teachers strike while ‘we stoutly maintain that the teaching profession must be on of dignity we do not provide for a decent livelihood for those who are entrusted with the molding of the characters of our children.”

1962: Rabbi Julius Mark of Temple Emanu-El and Rabbi Joseph Zeitlin of Whitestone Hebrew Center devoted their sermons to condemnations of the U.N.’s recent resolution that censured Israel for its attacks on its neighbors with censuring the Syrians for the provocations and for the world organizations failure to deal with the root cause of the problems in the Middle East.

1963: Tito, the leader Yugoslavia, rebuffed Ben Gurion’s request for help in improving relations with Egypt.  The Yugoslav leader appeared to be pandering to leaders of the so-called “Third World” by saying that he would concentrate his efforts at the United Nations instead of on bi-lateral talks. 

1963: NBC broadcast the final episode of “Car 54 Where Are You?” created by Nate Hiken who also served as director, producer and wrote the theme music for the police themed sitcom.

1964:  Sandy Koufax threw his 9th complete game without allowing a walk.

1967: “Mischa Elman, the Russian born violin virtuoso left an estate of about $1-million, according to his will, which, was filed for probate today in Surrogate's Court in Manhattan.”

1968: “The Vengeance of She” filmed by cinematographer Wolfgang Suschitzky was released today in the United States.

1969: Barbra Streisand shared the Best Actress Oscar with Katherine Hepburn

1969: In New Haven, CT, Linda Susan (née Dronsick) who is Jewish and Professor Harry Jack Ausumus gave birth to Bradley David "Brad" Ausmus who followed his career as a major league baseball player by becoming a manager with the Detroit Tigers.

1969: Bernard J. Lasker, 58-year-old senior partner of E. H. Stern Co., was nominated today “for a one-year term as chairman of the New York Stock Exchange's board of governors.”
1973: Birthdate of actor Adrien Brody star of the film, “The Pianist.”

1974(22nd of Nisan, 5734): Eighth Day of Pesach

1974: ABC broadcast “Thursday’s Game,” written by James L. Brooks, with Gene Wilder, Valier Harper, Rob Reiner and Norman Fell.

1974: Several Jews from Kiev laid wreaths and flowers at Babi Yar, “in memory of the Kiryat Shmona victims and Warsaw ghetto heroes.”

1977: The President Jimmy Carter nominated Manuel D. Plotkin, of Chicago, Ill., to be Director of the Census. Plotkin is associate director of corporate planning and research for Sears, Roebuck and Co., in Chicago. (Plotkin was Jewish; Jimmy was not)

1977: NBC broadcasts “Say It Ain’t So, Chief,” the third episode in the crime drama series “Lanigan’s Rabbi” co-starring Bruce Solomon as David Small, the crime-busting rabbi,

1978: “The Medusa Touch” the movie version of the novel by the same name directed by Jack Gold and produced by Arnon Milchan was released today in the United States.

1978:  The Jerusalem Post reported that the prime minister, Menachem Begin, and his foreign minister, Moshe Dayan, had softened their policy regarding the applicability of the UN Security Council's Resolution 242 on the West Bank - hitherto the most serious area of disagreement with the US. This move was expected to bring about a renewal of the American mediation efforts in the stalled Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations.

1979(17thof Nisan, 5739): Third Day of Pesach; Shabbat

1979: CBS broadcast the final episode of the 4th season of “One Day At A Time” the sitcom developed by Norman Lear starring Bonnie Franklin.

1980(28thof Nisan, 5740): Yom HaShoah

1980(28thof Nisan, 5740: Fifty-eight year old New York born and holder of a Ph.D. from Columbia “Herbert L. Lashinksy, the research professor of the Institute for Physical Science and Technology at the University of Maryland passed away today in Fairfax, VA.


1980:  Dustin Hoffman won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his starring role in 'Kramer vs. Kramer.”

1980(28thof Nisan, 5740): Jewish comedian Shimon Dzigan who along with Israel Shumacher formed “the most famous Yiddish comic duo of ‘Dzigan and Schumacher’” passed away today.

1980:  The Pulitzer Prize was awarded to Norman Mailer for The Executioner's Song.

1981(10thof Nisan, 5741): Ninety-five Demopolis, AL born producer and distributor Arthur L. Mayer, the business partner of Joseph Burstyn passed away today in New York

1983(1st of Iyar, 5743): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1984: The IDF began blowing up the houses of the terrorists who had seized Bus 300

1988:  The New York Times reported that “Plans to organize independent events to mark the 45th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising have provoked bitter Government charges that the political opposition is exploiting the ghetto memory for ''petty, shallow and ad hoc political games.''

1990: Emma Freud appeared on the game show “Just A Minute” “playing against her father Sir Clement Freud who was a regular on the show.

1990: Detroit Tigers pitcher Steve Wapnick appeared in his first major league baseball game.

1992: A revival of Frank Loesser’s “Guys and Dolls” opened at the Martin Beck Theatre.

1994: Avi Perlmuter, a nineteen year old soldier killed in the latest round of terror attacks, who lived in the Negev town of Ir Ovot was buried today.

1994: Prime Minister Rabin accused Jordan today of helping the Islamic militant group whose suicide bombers have killed 12 Israelis in two weeks

1995(14thof Nisan, 5755): Fast of the First Born; Erev Pesach

1996(25th of Nisan, 5756): Eighty-two year old artist, author, friend of the famous and WW II veteran Mervyn Levy passed away today.


1997: NBC broadcast the final episode of “The Single Guy,” a sitcom starring Jonathan Silverman, the son of a sabra and the grandson of Rabbi Morris Silverman and Jessica Hecht.

1999(28thof Nisan, 5759): Sixty-seven year old multi-talented British showman Anthony Newley passed away today.


2000: U.S. release of “Keeping the Faith” with a script by Stuart Blumberg, with Rena Sofer as Rachel Rose, Lisa Edelstein as Ali Decker, Bodhi Elfman as Howard the Casanova, Susie Essman as Ellen Friedman, Ben Stiller as Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram,Miloš Forman as Father Havel and Eli Wallach as Rabbi Ben Lewis and with music by Elmer Bernstein.

2000: Today, The Times of London wrote about Deborah Lipstadt’s victory over David Irving saying “History has had its day in court and scored a crushing victory.”

2000: The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California reports on the reissuance of a “D.P. camp Haggadah.” "A Survivors' Haggadah" which was written by a Holocaust survivor in Germany in 1945 and 1946 was published again this year. Yosef Dov Sheinson, a Holocaust survivor from Kovno, Lithuania, created the Haggadah. Sheinson, a Hebrew teacher before the war, survived the war in slave labor camps, including a subcamp of Dachau. After a short stint in the Landsberg D.P. camp, Sheinson moved to a private house in Munich, where he worked on a Jewish newspaper. There he complied this Haggadah, which was printed by a German publishing house in return for cigarettes and food rations. Saul Touster, a retired law professor at Brandeis University, discovered the Haggadah in 1996, when he was cleaning out his late father's papers. The book was inscribed to his father, a longtime executive with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, who received it when he visited the camps in 1952. Touster decided to publish the Haggadah - he had it translated from Hebrew and Yiddish and compiled his own commentary - in part to honor his father. "It's not about do-goodism. You go away feeling the experience. And it tempers your spirit," Touster says, recommending that it be used as a supplement to a more traditional Haggadah.With the help of 16 woodcuts created during the war by Hungarian survivor Miklos Adler, the Haggadah brings the burden of the Holocaust onto the relatively joyous Passover story. What comes through most clearly is Sheinson's struggle to find an answer to the questions of the existence of God and of Jewish survival in the wake of the Holocaust. In 1948, Sheinson moved to Montreal, where he worked in Hebrew education until he died in the mid-1990s.

2000(9th of Nisan, 5760):  Phil Katz passed away. He was the creator of "PKZIP" and the ZIP archive format, which replaced ARC as the standard mechanism for distributing files on IBM PC compatible systems.

2001(21stof Nisan, 5761): Seventh Day of Pesach and Shabbat Shel Pesach


2002(2ndof Iyar, 5762): Eighty-one year old British jurist and author Sir Michael Robert Emanuel Kerr passed away today.


2002: In Skokie, Illinois, Gary Elkins collected $50,000 for the IDF today at a rally for Russian Jews.

2002: IN the aftermath of Operation Defensive Shield, IDF Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz told the media that “the army intended to bury the bodies” of the terrorists killed during the Battle of Jenin “in a special cemetery.”

2002: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently published paperback edition of “Collected Poems In English” by Joseph Brodsky; edited by Ann Kjellberg, a large volume containing all the verse that appeared in English during Brodsky's lifetime.

2003: U.S. troops captured Abul Abbas in Baghdad.  Abbas was the leader of the Palestinian terrorists who high jacked the Achille Laura in 1985.  They threw Leon Klinghoffera wheel-chair bound Jewish passenger overboard.  According to some accounts, Abbas was "allowed to escape" by Italian authorities. 

2004: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon formally announced his plan for withdrawing from Gaza today in a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush, stating that "there exists no Palestinian partner with whom to advance peacefully toward a settlement"


2005: After having premiered in Greece last week, “The Interpreter” directed by Sydney Pollack who also made a cameo appearance was released today in the United Kingdom.

2005: Chrisitie’s was scheduled to sell “The Red Tree” a canvas painted and signed by Abram Anshelovich Manevich also known as Abraham Manievich who passed away in 1942.


2006: Following Ariel Sharon’s second stroke, Ehud Olmert officially became acting Prime Minister.

2007:Calling the decision by the Vatican ambassador to Israel to boycott the Holocaust memorial services at Yad Vashem "inappropriate and insulting," the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today repeated its longstanding call for the Vatican to open its wartime archives so that the facts concerning the wartime actions of Pope Pius XII may finally be brought to light. Archbishop Antonio Franco, the Vatican's ambassador to Israel, has made the unprecedented announcement that he will boycott the April 16 memorial events at Yad Vashem, Israel's national memorial to the Holocaust, in protest of a photo caption in an exhibit that seemingly charges Pope Pius XII with failing to save Jews during the Holocaust.

2008: In Seattle, Washington,Naveed Haq is scheduled to go on trial for a shooting rampage at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Haq, 32, is charged with aggravated first-degree murder for storming into the Jewish charity in July 2006, killing one woman and injuring five others. He railed against the Iraq war and Israel during the rampage.

2008: State Department veteran Aaron David Miller, discusses his new book, The Much Too Promised Land: America's Elusive Search for Arab-Israeli Peace, at the World Affairs Council of Washington, D.C.

2008: Timemagazine features a profile of Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell “Hillary’s Point Man” during the state Democratic Primary.  The article mentions Rendell’s New York origins but says nothing about his Jewish heritage.

2009(20thof Nisan, 5769) Sixth Day of Pesach2009(20th of Nisan, 5769): Just nine days before his 91st birthday Maurice Druon, a hero of the French Resistance of and the author of “The Accursed Kings” – seven novels about the 14th century French monarch – passed away today.


2009: Publication date for Rhyming Life and Death a new book written by Amos Oz and translated by Nicholas de Lange. According to a prepublication review, this is “an ingenious, witty, behind-the-scenes novel about eight hours in the life of an author. A literary celebrity is in Tel Aviv on a stifling hot night to give a reading from his new book. While the obligatory inane questions ("Why do you write? What is it like to be famous? Do you write with a pen or on a computer?) are being asked and answered, his attention wanders and he begins to invent lives for the strangers he sees around him. Among them are Yakir Bar-Orian Zhitomirski, a self-styled literary guru; Tsefania Beit-Halachmi, a poet (whose work provides the novel's title); and Rochele Reznik, a professional reader, with whom the Author has a brief but steamy sexual skirmish; to say nothing of Ricky the waitress, the real object of his desire. One life story builds on another-and the author finds himself unexpectedly involved with his creations.”

2010: PBS is scheduled to show “Worse Than War” which is based on Daniel Goldhagen’s book of the same title. The program offers an exploration of the nature of genocide, ethnic cleansing and large-scale mass murder in our time during which Goldhagen speaks with victims, perpetrators, witnesses, religious leaders, politicians, diplomats, historians, humanitarian aid workers and journalists. 

2010: The new on-line Chabad Talmud Course for Beginners is scheduled to begin today.



2011: The Center for Jewish History, The Jewish Week and Nextbook are scheduled to present “Revisiting Eichmann: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Trial That Shook the World.”

2011: Elie Wiesel is scheduled to give a lecture entitled “The Rebbe of Ger: A Tragedy in Hasidism” which will include information of “Rabbi Yitzhak Meir, founder of the rebbes who lead the movement and the profound effects of his life and work.”   

2011: Teenage heartthrob Justin Beiber has invited children from Sderot to attend his concert that is scheduled to take place today in Tel Aviv.

2011: The second annual Festigalgal happening, a colorful joyous occasion which offers funky entertainment, informative workshops, outdoor education and an opportunity to boost Jerusalemites’ awareness of the existence of, and need for, cycling in the capital is scheduled to take place today.

2011:IDF pensioners demonstrated outside the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv today, complaining that their pensions were being eaten up by inflation. The Ministry has promised numerous times to adjust a cost of living increase for the pensions, but so far has not moved on the matter, the protesters said. In recent years, they said, the value of their pensions has gone down by nearly a third.

2011: Rabbi Gilad Kariv, head of the Reform Movement in Israel, told The Jerusalem Post today that the nighttime attack on The Kehilat Ra’anan synagogue in Ra’anana by vandals was the third such attack of its kind. Unknown persons shattered six windows – covering two sides of the synagogue – with stones and spray-painted a black Star of David below the words “It has begun” on one of the exterior walls.

2011:President Shimon Peres paid a surprise visit to Kibbutz Nahal Oz, where he met with children who were on school bus before it was hit by an anti-tank missile last week.Nahal Oz, which was founded in 1951 as the first Nahal settlement – one begun by soldiers from the IDF’s Nahal Brigade – became a civilian settlement in 1953 and has always been vulnerable to attack. One of its members, Ro’i Rutenberg, was killed in April 1956, when the kibbutz was attacked by Sudanese serving in the Egyptian Army. Moshe Dayan, who was then the chief of General Staff, attended Rutenberg’s funeral and delivered a stirring eulogy. Peres, who was a great friend of Dayan’s recalled the event and was saddened that despite the passing of years, Nahal Oz remains in the eye of the storm. “Nahal Oz is the Tel Hai of the South,” he said, referencing the settlement in the Galilee panhandle that Yosef Trumpeldor and seven comrades died defending against a much larger Arab force in 1920.

2012(22nd of Nisan, 5772): 8thday of Pesach with services to include Hallel, Yizkor and Shir HaShrim

2012: “Free Men,” a film based on actual events that took place during the Nazi occupation of Paris, is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Hillel “Slovak was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the Red Hot Chili Peppers today with his brother accepting on his behalf.”

2013: “Iron Man 3” based on a character created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby and co-starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Jon Favreau was shown publicly for the first time in Paris at the Jules Verne Adventure Film Festival

2013: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Odds Against Tomorrow by Nathaniel Rich and Mary Coin by Marisa Silver.

2013: Historian Daniel Goldhagen is scheduled premieres his book and documentary feature "Worse Than War" on PBS.

2013: The week-long “National Days of Remembrance” sponsored by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to end today.

2013: The Maccabeats are scheduled to perform at the Jewish Community Center of Paramus (NJ) this afternoon.

2013: The State of Israel Memorial Day Service marking Yom Hazikaron, sponsored by the Consulate General of Israel in New York is scheduled to take place at the 92nd Street Y.

2013: PBS is scheduled to broadcast “Orchestra of Exiles” that describes the creation of whatis now the Israel Philharmonic in the dark days just before WW II.

2013: In the evening, Israel is scheduled to begin the observance of Memorial Day for servicemen and women and terror victims.

2013: Israel’s population at its 65th Independence Day stands at 8,018,000 people, three-fourths of whom are Jewish, according to data released by the Central Bureau of Statistics today.

2014(14 of Nisan): Fast of the first born- Erev Pesach

2014: “Nearly 100 members of the ancient Jewish community of Kaifeng, China, attended a first-of-its-kind traditional Passover Seder” tonight.


2014: The International Jewish Vegetarian Society is scheduled to host a Vegan and Kosher Seder at 8 Balfour Street in Jerusalem

2014: The Tel Aviv Municipality is scheduled to host a Seder in the community center in Beit Dani, in Hatikva Quarter

2014: White City Shabbat in partnership with Hineni is scheduled to host “a massive international community Seder in Tel Aviv.”

2015: Zohar Weiman-Kelman is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “Libe and Linguistics: Towards an Archive of Yiddish Sexuality” at the Center for Jewish History.

2015: Maggie Anton is scheduled to discuss her latest work Enchantress at the Skirball Center

2015: “Zero Motivation” and “Beneath the Helmet: From High School to the Home Front” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: The Jewish Historical Society of England is scheduled to sponsor Paul Anticoni’s lecture “My Jewish Humanitarian Journey around the World.”

2015(25thof Nisan, 5775): Eighty-four year old senior Israeli diplomat Meir Rosenne passed away today.



2016(6th of Nisan, 5776): Eighty-one year old Brooklyn restaurateur Walter Rosen passed away today. (As reported by Rick Rojas)


2016: Bernie Sanders took part in the Presidential debate known as the Battle In Brooklyn.

2016:The Leo Baeck Institute and American Sephardi Federation are scheduled to present “German Jewry and the Allure of the Sephardic” in which John M. Efron “explains how German Jews depicted the Sephardim as worldly, moral, and beautiful—products of a tolerant Muslim environment.”

2016: “Mikey and Nicky, the great gangster movie of the 1970s” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2016: In San Francisco, an exhibition of the paintings of Rabbi Lawrence Kushner at Congregation Emanu-El is scheduled to come to an end.

2016: Israeli rocker Tamar Eisenman is scheduled to perform at Joe’s Pub in NYC.

2017(18th of Nisan, 5777): Fourth Day of Pesach

2017(18thof Nisan, 5777): Twenty-one year old Hannah Bladon, a British exchange student at the Hebrew University was stabbed to death and two more were injured by a Palestinian terrorist in Jerusalem. (As reported by Judah Ari Gross)

2017: In Tel Aviv, Abraham Hostel is scheduled to host “Exodus, a day of world music performances, dance, worships and vegan food.

2017: Israel’s Legion Run is scheduled to take place “along the beach at Kiryat Yam.”

2017: The Israeli Opera is scheduled to perform “The Magic Flute” at 9:30 a.m.

2017: With today chosen as National Beer Day, Jews must be wondering if there is Beer Day Sheni just as there is a Pesach Sheni.

2018 (29th of Nisan, 5778): Parashat Shemini and start of the Pirke Avot Study Cycle

2018(29thof Nisan, 5778): “Sgt. Eliyahu Drori, 22 from Beit Shemesh, a combat soldier from the 188th "Barak" Armored Brigade, was killed today in a tank accident during operational activity on the Israel-Sinai border” and three of his injured “tank teammates” were sent to Soroka Medical Center.

2018: Ronit Schachart is scheduled to perform songs from “her latest album Lirdof Acharei HaRuach (Chasing After the Wind) at Noctorno Café this evening in Jerusalem.

2019: “Rendered Void, an exhibition of recent photographs and porcelain sculptures by Fellowship Artist Gabriela Vainsencher, in her first solo show in New York is scheduled to come to an end at A.I.R. Gallery III.

2019: The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host an afternoon with Ernest K. “Ernie” Heimann as part of the Survivor Speaker series.

2019: In Atlanta, the Breman Museum is scheduled to host the opening of the exhibition “The Life and Legacy of Harry Houdini.”

2019: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Community Yom HaShoah Service is scheduled to take place this evening at Coe College.

2019: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including, Hate: The Rise Tide of Anti-Semitism in France (and What It Means for Us) by Marc Weitzman, Save Me the Plums: My Gourmet Memoir by Ruth Reichel, The Lion’s Den: Zionism and the Left From Hannah Arendt to Noam Chomsky by Susie Linfield and Charged: The Movement to Transform American Prosecution and End Mass Incarceration by Emily Bazelon

2020(20thof Nisan, 5780): Sixth Day of Pesach; 5th day of Omer;

2020(20thof Nisan, 5780): Yahrzeit Rabbi Ezekiel Panet; for more see https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/panet-ezekiel-ben-joseph

2020: In Israel, a second Passover lockdown during which Israelis will not be allowed to leave their cities and communities, is scheduled to begin at 5pm today and last until Thursday at 5pm, covering the end of Passover on Wednesday and the Mimouna celebration traditionally held by Jews of North African origin after the final day of the holiday. (As reported by Itamar Eichner)

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled an on-line presentation by Neshama Carlebach, “Believe: Choosing Joy.”

2021(2ndof Iyar, 5781): Yom HaZikaron observed.


2021: Rabbi Joshua M. Davidson, the Senior Rabbi Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to  the Yom HaZikaron observance “where members of three bereaved families – Niza Shamah, the sister of Yigal Erez Z”L; Eli Haliva, the son of Moseh Haliva Z”L and Michael Solomonov, brother of David Solomonov Z”L – will share their personal stories of those who fell in defense of the state of Israel.

2021: In Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Temple Judea is scheduled to host, online, a Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Yaron Kapitulnik will present “Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut through the eyes of Israeli poets, songwriters, and artists.”

2021: The East Bay International Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a virtual screening of “Here We Are.”

2021: In Virginia, the Manassas Museum is scheduled to host a screening of “Rosenwald.”



This Day, April 15, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


 April 15

 1191: Coronation of Henry VI as Holy Roman Emperor during whose reign anti-Semitic riots took place stretching from the districts along the Rhine all the way to Vienna.  Ephraim Ben Jacob of Bonn was one of the leading Talmudist during this period.

1250:  Pope Innocent III refused the Jews of Cordova permission to build a synagogue.

1402:  Pope Boniface IX granted "liberal privileges" to the Jews of Rome – “reducing their taxes, ordering their Sabbath to be protected, placing them under the jurisdiction of the Curia, protecting them from oppression by officials; all Jews and Jewesses dwelling in the city to be regarded and treated as Roman citizens.”

1452:  Birthdate of Leonardo Di Vinci who painted what, according to some, was the most famous Seder ever held - The Last Supper.

1642: Birthdate Suleiman II, Ottoman Sultan.  His short reign would prove to be uneventful for his Jewish subjects, which included two doctors, one named Levi and the other named Hayati Zade, who served as court physicians.

1677: Today The City Council of Lubeck decreed that no Jew should be permitted to stay in the city overnight without the express permission of the senate, which was rarely given.


1698(4thof Iyar, 5458): Jacob ben Aaron Sasportas, the native Oran, the father of Isaac ben Jacob Sasportas, the rabbi of the Portuguese at Amsterdam who had known Sarah, the girl with whom Sabbateai had contracted his third marriage described her “as a witless girl who used to deliver, to the general amusement, dement speeches about she was was going to married to the King Messiah passed away today



1714(30thof Nisan, 5474): Esther Liebmann (née Schulhoff)a German Jewish financier who served as Court Jew to King Friedrich I of Prussia, inheriting the title and also the Münzregal from her second husband, Jost Liebmann” passed away today.


1715: The Yamasee War, a two year conflict in which Native Americans tried to drive the colonial settlers out of South Carolina, began today. At the outbreak of the war Jews had already begun settling in the colony. The original constitution of South Carolina which had been written by John Locke in 1669 granted liberty to “Jews, Heathens and Dissenters.”  Simon Valentine is the first Jewish settler whose presence can be officially confirmed.  A resident of Charleston, he served as an interpreter for Governor Archdale.  There must have been more Jews living there since “as early as 1703 protest was raised against "Jew strangers" voting in the election of members to the Common House of Assembly.”

1747: Birthdate of Baden native Moses Jakob Sekeles, the husband of Fratz Abraham and the father of Abraham Moses Sekeles.

1747: Birthdate of Metzger, Germany native Joseph A. Zimmern, the son of Ephraim Zimmern and the husband of Hendle Zimmern

1767(16th of Nisan, 5527): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer.

1767: In Eberstadt, Germany, Loebisch and Abraham Arnold gave birth to Anschel Abraham Arnold, the husband of Esther Regensburger with whom he had six children

1770(20th of Nisan, 5530): Sixth Day of Pesach; 5th day of the Omer

1770: Birthdate of Baden native Elias Isaak Cahn, the husband of Bina Leone with whom he had seven children

1775(15th of Nisan, 5535): Pesach was observed in the thirteen colonies for the last time since in a few short days, the American Revolution began with the “shots heard round the world.

1777: In Saarlouis, Marx Levy Mordechai, “the rabbi of Trier” and Eva Lwow gave birth to Herschel Mordechai who gained fame as Heinrich Marx the lawyer and convert to the Lutheran Church who was the father of Karl Marx, the Christian born author of the Communist Manifesto.

1780(10thof Nisan, 5540) Parshat Metzora; Shabbat HaGadol is observed during the British siege of Charleston, SC, a city that boasts one of the oldest Jewish communities in North America.

1782(1stof Iyar, 5542): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1782: Birthdate of Callman Stern, the husband of Jette Stern and father of Salomon and Bettchen Stern.

1783: In Zwolle, Holland, Bele Eliaser Cohen and Joseph Simon Magnus gave birth to Judith Magnus who married her second husband Samuel Levy in London’s Great Synaogue, nine months after her first husband, Moses Lazarus had passed

1783:  Today the Continental Congress of the United States officially ratifies the preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain that was signed in November 1782. The congressional move brings the nascent nation one step closer to the conclusion of the Revolutionary War.

Five months later, on September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed by representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Spain and France, officially bringing an end to the Revolutionary War. It also formalized Great Britain’s recognition of America’s independence.

1784: In Baltimore, MD, two days after the end of Pesach, Hannah Levy and Eleazer Lyons who had been married in Harrisburg, PA in 1776 gave birth to Uriah Lyons, the husband of Surinam native Mary Ann Alexander with whom he had three children.

1788(8th of Nisan, 5548): Joseph Levy, the first Jew to be buried in Australia, passed away. Apparently his burial was not marked by any special Jewish ceremony. 

1797(19thof Nisan, 5557): Fifth Day of Pesach and Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach

1797: In Germany, birthdate of Jeda Kellerman, the wife of Michael Oberndoerfer with whom she had seven children.

1798: Rachel Aarons and Joseph Tobias gave birth to Judith Tobias.

1799: As an Ottoman Army marched towards Acre to break the siege by Napoleon who had expressed philo-Semitic after landing in Palestine, French general Jean Baptiste Kleber decided to attack the enemy the following day at Mount Tabor.

1802: On the day before the first Seder, William Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy see a "long belt" of daffodils, inspiring the former to pen I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. According to N.I. Matar, “Wordsworth” described the Wandering Jew without considering  that Jews had been established in England for decades, and that Jews were ‘eagerly’ trying to change their ‘homeless’ image.”

1802: In New York, Solomon Levy and Rebecca Eve (Hendricks) Levy gave birth to Juliet Levy who became Juliet Moss when she married Joseph Lyons Moss.

1802: In London, Julia Asher and Raphael Raphael gave birth to John (Jonah) Raphael, the husband of Emma Schiff.

1805(16thof Nisan, 5565): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1805: One day after he had passed away, “Naphtali Hirts bar Yehuda Leib” was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1806(27th of Nisan): Rabbi Isaac Ashkenazi of Lemberg, author of “Taharot ha-Kodesh” passed away.

1808(18thof Nisan, 5568): Fourth Day of Pesach.

1808(18thof Nisan 5568):  Benjamin Goldsmid, a leading English financer, passed away.  Born in Holland in 1755, he was the eldest son of Aaron Goldsmid and the brother of Abraham Goldsmid who was also his business partner.  Goldsmid married Jessie Salmons making him the son-in-law of Israel Levin Salomons which benefited him financially and socially.  He was a friend of Pitt the Younger and the founder of the Naval Asylum.

1808(Rachel Emanuel De Piza and Joseph Gabriel Brandel gave birth to Angel Joseph Brandon.

1813(15thof Nisan, 5573): As the second year of the War of 1812 grinds on, Jews in the United States and the United Kingdom are united in their observance of Pesach.

1815: Birthdate of Lazar Zweifel the native of Moghilef who defended the Chasidim saying that “persecutions which they were forced to endure at the hands of their opponents were as unjust as the oppression of Jews by Christians.”

1819(20thof Nisan, 5579): Sixth day of Pesach

1819(20thof Nisan, 5579): David Maurtiz, the nephew of Rabbi Samuel Marx whose other more famous nephew was Karl Marx, passed away today.

1819: Birthdate of Ludwig Lewysohn, the native of Posen who served as a rabbi in Frankfort-on-Order, Worms and Stockholm.

1824: Birthdate of Gustav Cohn, the husband of Friederike Rechnitz and father of Josef and Rosa Cohn

1828: Isaak Strauss, the German born son of Samuel Suss Strauss married his first wife Juetle Chaya Strauss today.

1828: Jacob Levy married Elizabeth Solomon today at the Great Synagogue.

1830(22ndof Nisan, 5590): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1830: Following William Huskisson’s presentation of a petition signed by 2,000 people from Liverpool calling for the removal of the civil disabilities facing the Jews of the United Kingdom, Robert Grant introduced a bill in Parliament seeking to accomplish that goal.

1832(15thof Nisan, 5592): As Andrew Jackson seeks a second term as President, Jews observe Pesach.

1833: Birthdate of Viennese born French astronomer Maurice Loewy.

1834: Birthdate of Joseph Kohen Moline, the Brussels born poet.

1834: Birthdate of Emma Simon, the native of Kolberg who married Louis Bernheim with whom she gave birth to historian Ernst Bernheim

1837: Birthdate of Horace Porter, the American Civil War hero who served as U.S. Ambassador to France during the Dreyfus Affair, which Poerwe was falsely accused of attributing to an English plot to weaken the French.

1840: Today, in London, as the split between the liberal Reform Jews and the Orthodox widened “wenty-four gentlemen, eighteen of whom were Sephardim decided to establish the West London Synagogue of British Jews” which was a “Reform Jewish congregation.”

1840: Birthdate of Giuseppe Foa “the Rabbino Maggiore (Grand Rabbi) of Turino who married Annetta Luzzati Foa with whom he had two children – Ida Dolce Foa Ghiron and Ernesto Foa.

1841: Karl Marx received his Doctorate from the University of Jena

1841: In Philadelphia, PA, Clarissa and Joseph M. Asch gave birth to Mitchell J. Asch, the “husband of Manuella Asch” and “father of Irina Clara Culver.”

1843(15th of Nisan, 5603): Pesach and Shabbat

1843: Birthdate of American author Henry James. For an interesting insight into this great American autho’rs view of the Jewish people see The Jewish East Side by Milton Hindus, specifically the entry entitled “Henry James – The American Scene” pages 65-78


1847: In Warsaw, Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter and his wife gave birth to Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter, the author of Sfas Emes and the Rebbe of the Gerrer Hasidim.

1848(12thof Nisan, 5608): Shabbat HaGadol

1848:  Now that the church on Chrysitie Street between Walker and Hester streets has been successfully re-modeled to meet the needs of its new Jewish owner the building of what would become Congregation Temple Emanu-El was dedicated today.

1849: In Trieste, Elisa Morpurgo and Giuseppe/Joseph Baron von Morpurgo gave birth to Irène Renée Cahen d'Anvers (de Morpurgo)

1853: In New York, Henry and Sophie Waldstein gave birth to Louis Waldstein the New York trained physician who moved to London in 1898 to continue his practice and who wrote “The Sub-Conscious Self in its Relation to Education and Health.”

1858: Birthdate of Emile Durkheim French the sociologist who is regarded as one of the most important founders of the modern field of sociology. One of his most significant contributions is his development of the term and concept of "social facts," what Durkheim believed should be the primary focus of the scientific study of society. Durkheim grew up in a Jewish family and it was assumed by his relatives that he would eventually become a rabbi. However, he displayed impressive intellectual capabilities and earned a position at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, the most prestigious teachers' college in France. Around this time he also generally lost his religious faith, although he retained a strong desire for moral reform and moral studies. Instead of religion, he hoped that science - and in particular the scientific study of society - would help bring about moral reformation. As a Jew, even if he wasn't very religious, he experienced the bitter anti-Semitism of France of that era. The end of the century saw the advent of the Dreyfuss Affair, when a Jewish army officer was falsely accused and convicted of espionage. This led to an increase in anti-Semitism, especially towards those like Durkheim who worked to have Dreyfuss exonerated. For example, Durkheim's record indicates that he almost certainly should have been elected to the Institut de France, but he was passed over entirely. During World War I he was also accused of disloyalty and preference for the German enemies, something perhaps motivated not only by his Jewish heritage but also his German name and his origins in the disputed Alsace-Lorraine region. Durkheim died in 1917 a year after his son died during World War I, fighting for the French.

1858: In New York City, Moses Richman and Rosa Mellis gave birth to Isabel R. Wallach, the wife of Joseph G. Wallach who was vice president for the New York State Council of Jewish Women and President of the Shaaray Tefila Sisterhood.

1861 “From the West Indies” published today provides a potpourri of information about Santa Domingo and Cuba including the fact that there is one Jew among the 15 or 20 slave-traders working the markets in Havana.

1861: Following the attack on Fort Sumter, President Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 volunteers to serve for three months.  This would turn out to a mere down payment in terms of the number of soldiers it would take to save the Union.  Among them would be thousands of Jews including Frederick Knefler, an immigrant from Hungary who would rise to the rank of Major General under William Tecumseh Sherman, Brigadier General Blumenberg who had previously escaped the wrath of Secessionist mob in Baltimore, and General Max Einstein whose troops covered the retreat of the Union Army following the First Battle of Bull Run.

1861: As President Lincoln issued a call for volunteers to fight the Confederates, Major Alfred Mordecai makes a last ditch effort to stay in the U.S. Army without having to fight against his southern kinsman. He sends a letter to his superiors asking that he be relieved of duty at the Watervliet Arsenal so he would not be making munitions to fire against family and friends from North Carolina and Virginal.  He requested that he be transferred to California or some other such distant posting where he felt he could stay in the Army, serve his country and still avoid fighting his fellow Southerners.

1862(15th of Nisan, 5622): First Day of Pesach

1862(15th of Nisan, 5622): The first Jewish services were held in Dubuque, Iowa during Pesach

1862: Business was off today at the New York Cattle Market because “the Jewish dealers” were absent today “being their Passover.”

1863: Birthdate of Isaac Levy, the husband of Lena Levy.

1863(26thof Nisan, 5623): Miriam Joseph, the daughter of Israel Joseph and the wife of Levy Moses whom she married in 1809 passed away today Sumter, SC.

1864: “In Varzan, Lithuania, Joseph and Shata (Zachs) Lurie” gave birth to Rabbi Benjamin Aronowitz the husband of Shifera Leibowitz, founder of a Yeshiva at Telisha where he also served as an “arbitrator on Torah jurisprudence” before coming to the United States in 1906 to lead a congregation in Lowell, Massachusetts and then becoming a “teacher of Law and Talmud at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary.”


1865: “In Krosinewitz, Poland, Aaron and Bessie Marion (Feidel) Werner” gave birth to Lodz and Thorn, Germany educated “branch manager of MGM Film Corporation Charles Werne5, the husband of Edna Korn who settled in St. Louis, MO.

1865(19thof Nisan, 5625): Fifth Day of Pesach and Shabbat Shel Pesach

1865: At special meeting today of the Orthodox congregation in Keokuk, IA, presided over by L.M. Younker, one of the founders of the department store chain that bore the family name a motion was unanimously adopted to the “synagogue draped in mourning for thirty days in memory of our late president, Abraham Lincoln.”

1865: President Abraham Lincoln dies after having been shot the night before at Ford’s Theatre. For more see Lincoln and the Jews by Jonathan Sarna and Benjamin Shapell http://www.shapell.org/lincoln-and-the-jews/lincoln-and-the-jews-a-history/  OR


1867: “New York Jewish merchants met at Congregation Shearith Israel to consider action against insurance companies which refused to insure Jewish business establishments.” (As reported by Abraham P. Bloch).

1870(14th of Nisan, 5630): Erev of Pesach1870: Birthdate of Palukno, Vilna, native Jacob Ginsburg, who in 1892 came to the United States where he was “one of the founders of the American Jewish Congress, founded The Jewish World and served as published of the Philadelphia Jewish World while raising his son Norman with his wife Annie Ginsburg.

1871: An article published today provided “further details of religious disturbances at Odessa” (Russia) during which “the Hebrews’ gave been the victims “religious intolerance.”  According to the article, The Standard, a paper published in London “has a dispatch from Vienna stating that a religious riot has occurred at Odessa.  The Jews were despoiled” and have suffered “great devastation.”  According to the dispatch, the “authorities were powerless” to quell the riot.

1872: On the eve of Greek Easter Sunday, Greeks attacked Jews in a bloody riot. "The Christians were set loose, and beat, massacred, and demolished the houses of Jews…" It was reported one Jews was stabbed to death, and others were injured. It was only after Turkish soldiers guarded the Jews that the violence ended.

1873: In Poland, Aaron and Sarah Marcus gave birth to Isaiah Marcus the husband of Fannie Plotnic and member of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis who ed congregations in Columbus, OH, Chicago, Il and Richmond, VA

1874: Two days after he had passed away, Edward Green, son of Levy Ephraim Green and Emilia Hyams and the husband of Amelia Hart with whom he had had six children was buried today in the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1874: Birthdate of Johannes Stark.  A Nobel Prize winning physicist, he is known for the Stark Effect. Stark attacked Einstein and other Jewish scientists because they were Jewish.  He also disparaged their scientific accomplishments.  He joined the Nazi party.  After the war, he was sentenced to four years in prison by a De-Nazifcation Court.  He died in 1957.  Just because you win the Nobel Prize does not mean you are "smart."

1875: The "Jewish Exponent" was first issued for the first time. R. Charles Hoffman, Ephraim Lederer, and Felix Gerson served as the editors.

1877: Birthdate of Rosalie Moses, the native of Horn, Austria-Hungary who as Rosalie Moser was a passenger on the S.S. St. Louis and died during the Holocaust sometime after having been disembarked in France, her last known place of residence.

1879(22ndof Nisan, 5639): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1880:  In New York, the District Attorney delivered a lecture entitled “Some Phases of Crime” at tonight’s meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Associations.


1878: Birthdate of Dr. Felix Kornfeld, the native of Bohemia who was the husband of Paul Mandl

1880: In Heldesheim, Rabbi Jakob Guttmann and his wife gave birth to Rabbi Julius Guttman who became Professor of Jewish Philosophy at Hebrew University in 1934.

1881(16thof Nisan, 5641): Second Day of Pesach

1881: During the four day observance of Russian Orthodox Easter, a Pogrom begins in Elizavetgrad, Russia.

1883: Pauline Moses and David Holtz were married today in New York City.

1883: “In Wilno, Abraham and Stsia (Lechovitzky) Abramson gave birth to Maurice Abramson and husband of Anna Mattline, who served as the rabbi for several American congregations including Beth Israel in Evansville, Indiana and Tifereth Israel in Des, Moines, Iowa while authoring several volumes including The Bible in Questions and Answers and Berchos Moshe.

1884: Birthdate of Lithuanian born, University of London trained “Hebraist and Arabist” Ben Zion Halper, a Professor at Dropsie College and an editor for the Jewish Publication Society.


1885: Birthdate of  Petrikov, Russia native Max Zaritsky, the son of a rabbi and husband of Sophie Zaritsky who in 1906 came to the United States where he rose the Presidency of the United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union



1886: A group of Sephardic Jews formed a corporation for a congregation named in honor of Moses Montefiore.

1886(10th of Nisan, 5646): Eighty-five year old German jurist Moritz Warburg the native of Altona who was elected to the Schleswig -Holstein constituent assembly in 1848 passed away today.

1886: Birthdate of Pinsk native Israel Lebendiger, who in 1904 came to the United States where he earned a bachelor’s degree at Columbia and was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary and married Carrie Liberman before beginning to serve Congregation Sharae Zekek in St. Louis starting in 1922.

1887(21st of Nisan, 5647): Seventh Day of Pesach

1887:Herzl is installed as an editor of the "Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung" but holds the post only a short time.


1887: The Jewish Exponent, a weekly publication servicing the Philadelphia Jewish community was published for the first time today.

1889(14th of Nisan, 5649): Ta'anit Bechorot

1890: Representatives of the Young Women’s Hebrew Association and the Emma Lazarus Club were among those attending the opening session of the convention of the Association of Working Girls’ Societies being held at the Metropolitan Opera House.

1891: It was reported today that during a discussion of “The Religious problem” at a meeting of The Nineteenth Century Club, Rabbi Gustav Gottheil took issue with statements by Reverend Howard MacQueary about the crucifixion of Jesus saying “that Jesus of Nazareth was never persecuted by the Jews” and “defended the virtues of King David” and King Solomon, “both of whom Macqueary had assailed.

1891: “Jewish Hardships in Russia” published reported that “a ukase is about to be issued that withdraws the privilege given to Jewish workmen of residing out the outside the limits” of areas “assigned to Jews and which “will result in the expulsion of 14,000 Jews from Moscow.”

1892: Birthdate of Corrie ten Boom, Dutch devotional author whose family was arrested by the Gestapo during WWII for hiding Jewish refugees in their home. Corrie's experience with the Nazis was depicted in the 1971 film, "The Hiding Place."1892 Birth of Corrie ten Boom, Dutch devotional author whose family was arrested by the Gestapo during WWII for hiding Jewish refugees in their home (Corrie's experience with the Nazis was depicted in the 1971 film, "The Hiding Place").

1892(18thof Nisan, 5652): Fourth day of Pesach

1892(18thof Nisan, 5652): Sixty-six year old New York City builder Marc Eidlitz, the brother of architect Leopold Eidlitz and the father of Cyrus. L.W Eidlitz whose construction projects included the Temple Emanu-El sanctuary located at 5thAvenue and 43rd Street, passed away today.

1893: “Ahlwardt’s Promise Not Kept” published today described the rejection by the President of the Reichstag of Hermann Ahlwardt’s written statement that purported to prove that high government officials were guilty of “corrupt conduct.” Ahlwardt is a notorious anti-Semite who contends that the Jews are behind plots to bribe German leaders.

1893: Birthdate of Kiev native Herman Morris Pomrenze, who came to Chicago in 1913 where he earned an MD from Loyola and went on to a career as a surgeon and a member of the faculty of Northwestern while being an active member of the city’s Jewish community.

1893(29thof Nisan, 5653): Parashat Shimini

1893: In his sermon today, Rabbi Gottheil “used vigorous language” in criticizing “the vigorous efforts which are being made by the various Protestant denominations to secure proselytes from” the Jews of New York

1894: Jacob Green, the four year old son of a Jewish peddler, accidently fell from the fifth floor fire escape at a 19 Allen Street on the lower east side.

1895: “The certificate of incorporation of the Hebrew Infant Asylum of the City of New York was filed” today in the office of the country clerk.

1896: Birthdate of Pesach Burstein, the Polish born American entertainer who among other things was a director in the Yiddish theatre.  (At least two sites attribute his first name to the fact that he was born on Pesach but he the 15th of April corresponds to the 2nd of Iyar 5656.  To have been born on Pesach, 1896, his birthdate would have been March 29)

1896: In, Worcester, MA, Fannie E. and Jacob Meyer Talamo gave birth to Clark College grad and Harvard trained pediatrician Haskell Talamo the husband of Madeline Taber Talamao and member of B’nai B’rith.

1897:  The date on which Oscar Altman and Rosie Wachtel were to be married in New York City.

1898(23rdof Nisan, 5658): Fifty-five year old Italian lawyer and Senator Cesare Parenzo passed away today.

1898: Birthdate of Isaac Palacci who was deported from Istanbul to France in 1942.

1899: Birthdate of Karl Bernhardt, the native of Worms who gained fame as director Kurt Bernhardt who fled Germany in 1933 and pursued his career in France and Great Britain before settling the United States where his last picture was “Kisses for My President” – a film that Hilary Clinton should appreciate since it is comedic look at the first female President.

1899: In a cable sent to the Navy Department in Washington, DC today Admiral Dewey notes that the “native government established by Edward Taussig on Guam was working well.

1900: The head of nineteen year old Ernst winter was recovered from a pool in Konitz, West Prussia. Other parts of his dismembered body had been recovered at various times since his disappearance in early March. Local anti-Semites began to accuse the Jews in what would become a 20th century blood libel.

1901: Birthdate of Lithuania native Julius Maller who in 1921 came to the United States where he earned a B.A. from Washington University, and M.A. and Ph. D from Columbia and “a Doctor of Hebrew Literature degree from JTS” before following a career path that led to serving “director of Research and Statistics in the State Department of Audit” while raising three children – Julie, Jeanne and Michael – with his wife Rose Ruth Araonwitz Maller.



1902: In New York City, at a meeting of the Board of Alderman, Alderman Devlin introduced a resolution asking the Mayor to instruct Commissioner Partridge not to interfere with Jewish peddlers selling their wares on the east side next Sunday because that day was the day before Passover.  The resolution was denounced by Aldermen Walkley and Oatman because it was asking the mayor to sanction a violation of the city’s “blue laws. The Council adopted the resolution.

1902: Birthdate Warsaw native Samuel Arthur “Sammy” Weiss the first Jew to be named captain of the Duquesne University football team who went on “to represent Pennsylvania's 30th, 31st, and 33rd Districts in the United States House of Representatives” before serving as a Common Pleas Court Judge http://history.house.gov/People/Detail/23526

1903(18th of Nisan, 5663):Gustav Gottheil, one of the leading Reform Rabbis of his time passed away. Born in Prussia, in 1827, he was trained in Berlin before holding pulpits in Great Britain and the United States where he was the Senior Rabbi at New York’s Temple Emanu-El.  While this brief entry cannot do justice to his many accomplishments it must be noted that he was unique among Reform rabbis for his early support of the Zionist movement.  In fact, he was a delegate to the First Zionist Congress.

1903: Herzl arrives in Paris and confers with Lord Rothschild, Zadoc Kahn and other members of the ICA on ways to further the project of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine with the British government.

1904(30thof Nisan, 5664): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1904: Birthdate of American-Armenian painter Arshile Gorky who was a colleague of fellow contemporary painter Mark Rothko the Latvian born American expressionist.

1905: In New York City, Barnet and Rose (Weislander) Rosenberg gave birth to Dr. Ralph P Rosenberg, the husband of Leah (Davidson) Rosenberg and the holder of a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin who was a “Professor of German and the Humanities at Yeshiva University in New York for 38 years.


1905:Thousands of dollars in money and great quantities of matzoth were distributed tonight among the poor Jews of the lower east side, as is the custom every year before the feast of the Passover, which opens on Wednesday and will be observed by all Jews throughout the world for the next eight days.

1905: Birthdate of Herman Steiner the native of Slovakia who became “a United States chess player, organizer, and columnist.



1906(20th of Nisan, 5666): In one of those calendar coincidences, Easter coincides with the Sixth Day of Pesach and the 5th day of the Omer.

1907:  Birthdate of chess master Gerald Abrahams. Born in Liverpool, Abrahams wrote “Teach Yourself Chess.”

1907:Dr. Stephen Samuel Wise “so inspired those who heard his message that today more than a hundred of his followers met at the Hotel Savoy to establish a free synagogue. Henry Morgenthau, Sr., who would become the congregation’s first president, declared that day, "The Free Synagogue is to be free and democratic in its organization; it is to be pewless and dueless." A religious school opened that October, and six months later had an enrollment of 150 students. Dr. Wise’s Sunday morning services, held at the Universalist Church of Eternal Hope on West 81st Street, drew more than 1,000 people.

1907: Birthdate of Esther Gottlieb the wife of abstract expressionist painter Adolph Gottlieb and the founder and president of the Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation.

1908: In Bavaria, Max Neuberger and his wife Bertha Hiller gave birth to Albert Neuberger, the British Professor of Chemical Pathology the University of London’s St. Mary’s Hospital.

1908 (14th of Nisan, 5668): A Seder is scheduled to be held this evening on Ellis Island for Jews who have not been able to enter the United States.  The Acting Commissioner of Immigration has given permission for the service to be held in the dining room of the facility’s main building. 

1909: “Mrs. Seligman To Marry” published today described the plans of Mrs. Theodore Seligman the widow of Theodore Seligman who passed away in Lucerne in 1907 and  who “was formerly Miss Florence Einstein, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Einstein to marry Charles Waldstein, a Professor of Fine Arts at Cambridge University.

1910(6thof Nisan, 5670): Seventy-seven year old Jacob Fleischner, the husband of Fanny Fleischner and father of Isaac N. Fleischner passed away today after which he was buried at Beth Israel Cemetery in Portland, OR.

1911: “Three weeks after the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, The Outlook: An Illustrated Weekly Journal of Current Life, a New York weekly magazine, published “The Factory Girl’s Danger” by Miram Finn Scott, the Russian born daughter of Gittel and Moses Finn who had been Moshe Avraham Finkovski, which “was a reconstruction of the night before the disaster from the perspective of two sisters, Gussie and Becky.”


1911: Birthdate of Murray Bernthal, the Brooklyn born violin prodigy and “Syracuse University basketball player.


1911: Birthdate of Odessa native Charles Robert Goldenberg, who grew up in Milwaukee and played for the University of Wisconsin before embarking on 13 year career with the Green Bay Packers that included playing as a lineman on three NFL championship teams.

1911: Birthdate of Warsaw native Seymour Zambrosky who in 1924 came to the United States where in 1936 he was “ordained at Cleveland’s short-lived Orthodox Rabbinical Seminary of America.”

1912(28thof Nisan, 5672): H.M.S. Titanic sank.  According to some, there were enough Jews on board that kosher meals were served.  The Jewish passengers represented a cross section of Jewish society.  Two unusual women on board were Edith Louise Rosenbaum and Mrs. Henry B. Harris.  Mrs. Rosenbaum was a writer for Women’s Wear Daily. During World War I, she would become the first female war correspondent.  Mrs. Harris went on to become a famous New York theatrical producer.  Three of the most famous passengers were Benjamin Guggenheim and Isidor and Ida Straus.  Guggenheim was a ne’er do-well from a famous New York family.  His most famous accomplishment was to give the world his daughter Peggy Guggenheim the famous patron of the arts.  Isidor Straus was part of a fabled New York family that had ownership interests in Macy’s and Abraham & Straus.  He was mourned as one of New York’s greatest philanthropists.

1912(28thof Nisan, 5672): Sixty-three year old Ida Straus, born Rosalie Ida Blun, the German born daughter of Nathan Blun and Wilhelmine Freudenberg and the husband of department store own Isidor Straus with whom she had seven children passed away today when the RMS Titanic sank.


1912: Eight tombstones in the Jewish cemetery at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia marking the burial site of 8 unnamed Jews who perished aboard the Titanic.


1912(28thof Nisan, 5672): New York City theatrical manager Henry B. Harris died aboard the Titanic today.

1912(28thof Nisan, 5672): Forty-eight year old Emil Brandeis of Omaha, Nebraska died aboard the Titanic today.

1912(28thof Nisan, 5672): Forty-eight year old Spanish American War veteran Adolph Bauer of Mobile, Alabama passed away today.

1912(28thof Nisan, 5672): Mrs. Max Landsburg of Rochester, NY, passed away today.

1912(28thof Nisan, 5672): Forty-six year old Benjamin Guggenheim died aboard the Titanic today.

1912: “The Times of London” reported today the “discovery of a papyrus volume containing text of the greater part of the Book of Deuteronomy,” and all of the Book of Jonah as well as text from the New Testament.

1912: Albert Einstein refers to time as “the fourth dimension.”

1912: M.J. I. Judelsohn was “appointed to the United States Consular Service today.

1913: The Southern Education which Rabbi Max Raisin of Meridian, Mississippi attended as a delegate opened today in Richmond, Va.

1913(8th of Nisan, 5673): Seventy-nine year old New York merchant Adolph Silberstein passed away today.

1914(19thof Nisan, 5674): Fifth Day of Pesach

1914: Mary Esther Jewell, who die fourteen months after her son’s birth and Arthur David Samuel who died at Queen Alexandria Military Hospital in 1918 gave birth to Abraham Samuel.

1915(1stof Iyar, 5675): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1915: “Relief Work Wins Praise” published today described the words of approval that the New York City investigators had for the work of the United Hebrew Charities.

1915: It was reported today that there eleven thousand Jews serving in the British army and navy” which Lord Reading, the Lord Chief Justice of England described as “a good number for so comparatively small a community.”

1915: Louis Gutman, the Jewish officer who recommended Hitler for his Iron Cross First Class in 1918, “was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and appointed as both a company commander and acting adjutant for the Regiment’s artillery Battalion. “

1916: Birthdate of Helene Hanff, the Philadelphia born screenwriter and author who most famous work was 84, Charing Cross Road.


1916(12thof Nisan, 5676): Shabbat HaGadol

1916: In New York City Hiram Bloomingdale and Rosalind Schiffer gave birth to Alfred S. Bloomingdale, the grandson of Lyman Bloomingdale, who along with his brother Joseph founded Bloomingdale’s Department Store.

1916: George Kroll of Paris, who was staying at the Ritz Carlton today described the sacrifices that Russian Jews living in France have made for their adopted country saying that “the Jews have disproved the assertions that they cannot fight” and that “none have fought more bravely” than these refugees thousands of whom volunteered as soon as the war began.

1917: F.L. Fagley, Secretary of the Cincinnati Federation of Churches said that of the $14,000 collected to provide relief of the Armenians and Syrians, $4,000 was contributed by Jews.

1917: “A group who styled themselves ‘revolutionary socialists;” which included members claiming to be Jews met today to protest the Canadian government’s detention of Leon Trotsky whom authorities at Halifax said was trying to return to Russia so that he could “provoke another revolution which would nullify the stand of the” new Russian government which had overthrown the Czar.

1917: “A cable message praising the provisional Government of Russia for having emancipated the Jews was sent to the Foreign Minister” today “by all of the delegates” attending the annual convention of the Federation of Rumanian Jews being held at the Hebrew Technical School for Girls in New York.

1917: Two hundred Jewish leaders are scheduled to hold a conference today at the Astor Hotel this morning where “they will choose the most effective means of putting Jewish loyalty at the service of America” as it enters into WW I.

1917: Today, at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Committee a resolution was adopted “expressing a willingness to co-operate with the Board and favoring the passage by Congress of a bill providing for twenty chaplains-at-large in the Army” several of whom “will be Jewish ministers.”

1917:  The Problem of Space in Jewish Medieval Philosophy by I.I. Efros was one of the books listed as a selection on “Three Hundred Books of Spring” published today.

1918: The Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities Campaign to raise $500,000 ended tonight “with the announcement that $300,000 had been raised” and “that the campaign would re-opened after the present Liberty Bond campaign” has been concluded.

1918: It was reported today that in the last few weeks, the Jews of New York City have “formed 18 district organizations” or Kehillahs “throughout the city to bring a cooperative effort to the solution of various social problems to the New York City Jewish population.

1919(15thof Nisan, 5679): Pesach

1919: Today, in Great Britain, “a week after the Morning Post had informed its readers that the Russian Jews were purveyors of Bolshevism, Major E. H. Coumbe…to the first step toward committing the” London “Council to a policy of not employing aliens” which was the first step in his plan to get the Council to bar all aliens, naturalized or otherwise, from employment

1919: At Le Mans, France, Rabbi Lee J. Levinger held a Seder on the second night of Passover for members of the AEF (American Expeditionary Force) who had been issued furloughs so they could observe the holiday

1920: Birthdate of Hank Kaplan, noted boxing historian and writer.

1920: In Stuttgart, Marianne (von Graevenitz) von Weizsäcker and Ernst von Weizsäcker gave birth to Richard von Weizsäcker the President of West Germany.


1920: In what would become the “first act” of the case of Sacco and Vanzetti, two security guards are murdered during a robbery in South Braintree, Massachusetts. Among those who would rally to Anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti would be convicted of and executed for the crime, amid much controversy. Among their defenders were several prominent Jews including Professor (and later Supreme Court Justice) Felix Frankfurter, Judge Julian Mack and Harold Laski.

1921: It was reported today that Rabbi Leo M. Franklin’s message given at this week’s meeting of Reform Congregations included a request “that the conference ask great Church organizations of other denominations to protest against any movement for world-wide anti-Semitic congress such as was recently stimulated in Budapest” and a reminder “that while immigration laws should bar criminals, anarchists and undesirables, they should not shut out the oppressed.”

1922: In Flushing, NY, Nathan Schacther and the former Anna Fruchter, both of whom were Romanian Jewish immigrants gave birth to Dr. Stanley Schacter, the Columbia University professor who “was one of the few social psychologists to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences.” (As reported by Karen Freeman)



1922: Birthdate of Michael Ansara who played “Haman” in the television miniseries entitled “The Greatest Heroes of the Bible.”

1922(17thof Nisan, 5682): Third day of Pesach

1922(17thof Nisan, 5682): Fifty-five year old Isaac David Broydé who served as librarian to the Alliance Israélite Universelle from 1895 to 1900 and then “joined the editorial staff of the Jewish Encyclopedia” passed away today.

1923:Insulin first became generally available for use by diabetics. Sir Frederick Banting, one of the two men who won a Nobel Prize for their work with Insulin based his work on the 1889 discoveries of the Jewish Polish-German physician Oscar Minkowski.

1923: Dr. Spiegel, the representative of the German Red Cross who was working on the transmigration of 300 Jewish refugees who had been expelled from Poland arrived in Warsaw.  The refuges must leave Poland by September 1 and they are seeking to stay in German until they have obtained visas to enter the United States. (As reported by JTA)

1923: Preparations have been made along the White Russian border to provide food and shelter for Jewish refugees from Poland who are being forced to return to their former homes in the Soviet Union. (As reported by JTA)

1923: Hugo Riesenfeld “co-presented a show at the Rivoli Theater in New York City of 18 short films made in the Phonofilm sound-on-film process.”

1923: BirthdateofNaomi Bronheim Levine, the first woman to become executive director of the American Jewish Congress.

1923: “A Few Minutes With Eddie Cantor” opened “at the Rivoli Theatre in New York City.

1923: Birthdate of Harvey Lembeck, the Brooklyn native whose career as character actor included originating the role of “Sam Insigna” in the Broadway production of Mr. Roberts, appearing as “Harry Shapiro” in the WW II classic “Stalag 17” and serving as one of the underlings and sidekicks for Phil Silvers in the television sitcom portraying the antics of con-man Sergeant Ernie Bilko.

1926: “Nanette Makes Everything” a silent film starring Fritz Spira was released today in Germany/

1926: According to Professor of Mathematics Julian Coolidge there “has been a marked slump in religion at Harvard” since the end of the World War but that among Jews who made up about one fifth of the class of 1922 there was an increase of those who described themselves as “believers” with about “one half of the Jews” being classified as “religiously inclined.”


1927: In Izbica, a largely Jewish shtetl in the Lublin district of Poland, Leon and Masha Felicia Blatt gave birth to Tomasz Toivi Blatt who survived the 1943 revolt at Sobibor.


1927: It was reported today that in two weeks members of Temple Emanu-El and Temple Beth-El, two of the  oldest Reform Congregations in New York will vote on plan for consolidation already approved by the trustees under which the “combine organization will be known as Temple Emanu-El the chapel will called Chapel Beth-El  and that after using Temple Beth-El as its home for the next two years, the new congregation will move into the new Temple Emanu-El being built at Fifth Avenue and 65th Street “on the site of the Vincent Astor Residence

1930: In France Ludovic and and Johanna Lawrence gave birth to Dartmouth graduate and Olympic skier David Lawrence who had been able to escape with his family from Nazi Europe thanks to a visa issued by Portuguese consul Aristides de Sousa Mendes.

1931: Brooklyn Outfielder Alta Cohen played in his first major league game.

1931: Birthdate of Yitzhak Zamir, the native of Warsaw who made Aliyah at the age of 3 and enjoyed a successful career in the law including serving as Attorney General of Israel and as a member of the Supreme Court.

1932: “Girls to Marry, a romantic comedy starring Fritz Grünbaum who would be murdered at Dachau in 1941 and S.Z Sakall who escaped from Hungary in 1940 and made his way to Hollywood where his memorable performances included “Carl” the head waiter in the classic “Casablanca” was released in Germany today.

1934(30thof Nisan, 5694): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1934: “The Jews of America must bury all differences of opinion and untied to stem the disaster that has befallen the Jews of German and which also seriously effect Jews everywhere, Felix M. Warburg…declared” today “in a statement setting forth the reason which moved him to accept the chairmanship of the three million dollar United Jewish Appeal.” (JTA)

1934: In a speech delivered today at the annual meeting of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, “Leonard Montefiore, president of the Anglo Jewish Association declared today” that “there is hardly a Jewish family in Germany without some destitute member” and “that many Jewish hospital and communal institutions” in Germany have already been closed or are on the verge of closing.”

1935: It was reported today that in London, Leonard G. Montefiore has informed “a joint foreign committee to the Jewish Board of Deputies” that “the position of the Jews in Germany seem to have become worse since” this past winter.

1936(23rd if Nisan, 5696): Harvard alum Simon J. Lubin the Sacramento, CA born son of David Lubin and the nephew of Harris Weinstock who founded Lubin and Weinstock “the largest department store” in that city and the husband of Rebecca Cohen with whom he had three children – David, Ruth and Miriam, passed away today in San Francisco.



1936(23rd of Nisan, 5696): On the day after Pesach, Arabs in Palestine renewed their riots which quickly grew into a full-scale uprising.The uprising began with an attack today on a convoy of trucks on the Nablus to Tulkarm road during which the assailants shot and murdered two Jewish drivers, Israel Khazan, who was killed instantly, and Zvi Dannenberg, who died five days later

1936: “Arab brigands” “told their victims they were robbing” them so they could “carry on the work of the ‘Holy Martyrs’ started Izzedin El-Kassam who aimed to kill Jews and Britons in Palestine.

1936: Eustace Seligman was named chairman of the lawyer’s division of the New York campaign of the Joint Distribution Committee which was formed during a luncheon at the Lawyer’s Club with the goal of raising $125,000 to go toward the nationwide fund being raised to aid the Jews of Germany and Central and Eastern Europe.

1936: Dr. Daniel A. Poling, the editor of the Christian Herald who has just returned from 10 months in Europe told those attending a luncheon at the Town Hall Club about conditions in Italy and Germany where he said, “opposition is solidifying” against the government because of “the persecution of Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Masons and war veterans.”

1936: Tonight, members of the United Palestine Appeal honored Judge Julian W. Mack for his twenty-five years spent on the Federal bench as well as his work on behalf of the movement to settle Jews in Palestine.

1937: It was reported today that German Government is protesting the screening of “Modern German Christian Martyrs” at the Riverside Church in New York characterizing “the film as ‘a new method of brazen Jewish propaganda in America.”

1938: The Palestine Post reported that Arab terrorist gangs, searching for money and valuables, killed four Arabs in the vicinity of Nazareth.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that for the first time in many years, the annual Nebi Musa procession failed to take place in Jerusalem.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that new regulations warned that wearing any uniforms of His Majesty Forces, or attire resembling such uniforms, was punishable by life imprisonment.

1938: The Palestine Post commented on the tragedy of a new immigrant, imprisoned for carrying an allegedly false passport, who committed suicide. The message from his relatives, promising assistance and legal defense, failed to reach him in time due to the lack of an interpreter.

1938(14thof Nisan, 5698) Fast of the firstborn; erev Pesach

1938: In Vienna, Jewish houses of worship that have been closed since March 15 were permitted to reopen today in time for Passover.

1938(14th of Nisan, 5698): Jews are killed and injured during an anti-Semitic pogrom at Dabrowa Tarnowska, Poland.

1938: In Budapest, the police arrested 24 Jews who are suspected “of being responsible for issuing leaflets “urging Budapest Jews to oppose the government’s numerus clausus bill.

1939: In Turin, Italy, Natalia Ginzburg and Leone Ginzburg gave birth to historian Carlo Ginzburg author of The Cheese and the Worms and The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

1940: Birthdate of Yossef Romano a Libyan-born, Jewish Israeli weightlifter with the Israeli team that went to the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany where he was murdered by Black September terrorists.

1941: Birthdate of Howard Berman, Congressman from California’s 28thDistrict.

1941: Construction was completed today on The Jadovno concentration camp, the first of twenty six concentration and extermination camp located in the Independent State of Croatia

1941:  In the Belfast Blitz, two-hundred bombers of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) attack Belfast, Northern Ireland killing one thousand people.During World War II, a number of Jewish children escaping from the Nazis, via the Kindertransport, reached and were housed in Millisle. The Millisle Refugee Farm (Magill’s farm, on the Woburn Road) and was founded by teenage pioneers from the Bachad movement. It took refugees from May 1938 until its closure in 1948.

1942: “49th Parallel,” a British war movie based on an original story by Emeric Pressburger who wrote the screenplay and starring Leslie Howard which had premiered in New York as “The Invaders” was released in the rest of the United States today.

1943: In Cleveland, Ohio, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver delivered the eulogy at the memorial service for Zvi Hirsch Masliansky which “was held …in the Straus Auditorium of The Educational Alliance at 197 East Broadway. This was the place to honor his memory, for it was the hall where he had spoken so often to a generation of Jewish immigrants.

1943: “The Gentle Sex” directed by Leslie Howard who also narrated the film and starring Lilli Palmer was released today in the United States.

1944: Prime Minister Churchill “pondered the question of who should succeed Sir Harold MacMichael, whose term as British High Commissioner was coming to an end.”  Churchill put forth two possibilities, Lord Melchett, a British Jew and the son of the distinguished industrialist Sir Alfred Mond and Chaim Weizmann.  Of course, Weizmann did not get the post and within a year’s time Churchill would betray his Jewish friend and ally by holding firm against Jewish immigration to Palestine and postponing the creation of a Jewish state.

1944:  Seventy Jews and ten Russians attempted to escape from the forests surrounding the two of Ponary. Lithuania. From July 1941 until July 1944, approximately 100,000 people (mainly Jews) were murdered in the forests surrounding Ponary a resort town in Lithuania. As the Red Army approached a group of 70 Jews and 10 Russians were given the task of burning all the bodies to cover up the mass murder. Realizing that at the end of their work they too would be killed they (over a period of three months) dug a tunnel 30 meters long with spoons. On the night of April 15 they escaped. Only 13 reached safety alive.

1945:  British forces liberated the Bergen-Belsen camp. The British soldiers were horror-stricken at the spectacle that greeted them. They found some 60,000 human beings alive under appalling conditions. Most of them were seriously ill. Alongside them were thousands of unburied corpses, strewn in every direction, and vast numbers of emaciated bodies in mass graves and piles. Because the British Army was not geared to treat everyone who needed assistance, 14,000 additional prisoners died in the first few days and a similar number perished in the following weeks. The British forces began to treat and rehabilitate the rest of the survivors.


1945: Rabbi Leslie Hardamn, “a young Jewish chaplain” was among the member of the British 11th Armored Division who liberated Bergen-Belsen concentration camp today.


1945: Esti Reichman and some of her fellow prisoners including a woman named Dora encountered one “disappointment” following the liberation of Bergen-Belsen when they discover that they have missed celebrating Passover.  The women had thought it was a leap year and had been hoarding their meager rations to make a Seder.  At the time of their liberation they discovered that this was not a leap year.  There was no Adar and Pesach had begun on March 29.  [Hopefully somebody told them about Pesach Sheini.]

1945: Leonard Mlodinow’s father was liberated by forces under the command of General Patton. At the time, he weighed 80 pounds.

1945(2ndof Iyar, 5705): The mother of Holocaust survivor Zoltan Zinn-Collis died in Belsen on the same day the Red Cross had come to rescue her. He brother Aladar died earlier in the year in the same camp and his father Adolf is believed to have died in Ravensbruck in 1944.  Zoltan and his Edit were brought to Ireland after the war where he was able to rebuild his life.

1945: Special services were held in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem honoring the later President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

1946(14th of Nisan, 5706):Ta'anit Bechorot/Erev Pesach

1946: First Seders were held in Germany following WW II.



1946: Rabbi Balfour Brickner conducted the Seder at the Euclid Avenue Temple in Cleveland, Oho with the help of Erwin Jospe and Sam Levine who provided the music for an event that included an Afikomon Treasure Hunt for the Children.

1946: Golda Meir is joined by her children for a Seder.

1946: As the hunger strike in Palestine designed to show support for the Jews from Spezia who being detained in Italy entered the third day, “thousands of people carrying flowers came to Jerusalem to show their support.  The chief rabbis, who” had join the “fast preside over an unusual Seder.”  Everyone “would eat a single piece of matzah, no bigger than an olive.”  As they went through the Haggadah, those fasting consumed cups of teas instead of cups of wine.

1946: In Germany, a group of children was photographed at the Foehrenwald D.P. Camp


1947: Eighty-six year old Theodor Lewlad the Christian civil servant and nephew of Jewish novelist Fanny Lewald who was removed from his position on the International Olympic Committee because “his paternal grandmother was Jewish,’ passed away today.

1947: Jackie Robinson debuts for the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team, breaking that sport's color line. Hank Greenberg reportedly gave moral support and guidance to Robinson based on his experiences.  Brooklyn was a heavily Jewish borough where winning the pennant and beating the hated Yankees was more important than issues of pigmentation.

1947: Birthdate of Niles, OH and Marquette University trained award winning poet Albert Frank Moritz, the husband of Theresa Moritz.



1948: Birthdate of American composer Michael Kamen whose work included “Mr. Holland’s Opus.”

1948:  Arabs attacked a convoy of armored buses on their way to the Hadassah hospital enclave on Mt. Scopus.  Seventy-seven Jewish doctors, nurses and patients were killed in the ambush.

1948:  The National Opera (Israel) held its first performance in Tel Aviv.  The opera was the creation of Edis de Philippe from Brooklyn and Mordechai Galinkin from Leningrad.  The debut was an act of supreme optimism since the Arabs were busy trying to destroy the state before it had even been created.  As one observer wrote at the time, "Noisy accompaniment was supplied by the gunfire from nearby skirmishes between Tel Aviv and Jaffa."

1948: This evening, “a company composed of Golani, Palmach and irregulars” traveling “in two armed cars and two Egged buses made an unsuccessful attack on the Nabi Yusha police fortress which cost the lives of four Jewish fighters.

1948: Jewish forces seized Meggido, the sight of the Biblical Battle of Armageddon and one of Lord Allenby’s great victories during World War I.

1948: Jewish forces defeated Arab fighters at Tel Litvinsky, six miles from Tel Aviv.  The camp had served as a base for the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II.

1948: The Harel Brigade captured the village of Saris the “strategic hilltop position” “overlooking the highway to Jerusalem” which the Arabs had used to fire on Jewish vehicles thus helping to blockade the city.

1948: The Haganah won a costly victory at Mishmar Ha-Emek fighting against overwhelming odds.  This was part of the famous "battle for the Jerusalem Road."

1948: Soldiers from Iraq and Jews fought for control of the Wadi Sara camp fifteen miles south of Tel Aviv.  Iraqi forces were reported have reached the camp first but after encountering attacking Jewish forces fled because they feared encirclement and capture.

1949: In Miami, Murray and Naomi Zadan gave birth to Craig Zadan, whose accomplishments including producing three successive Academy Awards ceremonies and bringing several Broadway musical to television. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)



1950(28thof Nisan, 5710): Parashat Shminia

1950(28thof Nisan, 5710): Seventy-year old Bertha Wallach, the German born daughter of Jakob and Ida Edelchen Baruch and wife of Joseph Wallach passed away today in New York City.

1952(20thof Nisan, 5712): Sixth day of Pesach

1952(20thof Nisan, 5712): Seventy-one year old Issac Lowi passed away today following which he was buried in the Beth Israel Cemetery in Gadsden, Alabama.

1952: Birthdate of author Avital Ronell the daughter of Israeli stationed in Prague and the “chair of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literature at NYU” who “was found responsible for sexually harassing a male former male graduate student.”





1953(30th of Nisan, 5713): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1953:The Jerusalem Post reported on the strange ruling of the chairman of the UN Israeli-Jordanian Mixed Armistice Commission who claimed that civilians were allowed to shoot at each other across the border. The Israeli delegation took exception to this "astonishing stand."

1953:The Jerusalem Post reported that an Israeli patrol captured a boat and a terrorist who tried to infiltrate by sea from Lebanon. The second boat escaped.

1953:The Jerusalem Post reported that "Yemin Orde," a Youth Aliya village at Nir Etzion on the Carmel Hills was opened by Lorna Wingate in memory of her husband, Capt. Charles Orde Wingate, who formed the Jewish "night squads" and helped settlers to defend themselves.

1953:The Jerusalem Post reported that The Jerusalem YMCA was crowded with well-wishers who came to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the building, a landmark and a significant cultural center in the Capital.

1954(12thof Nisan, 5714) Fast of the First Born

1954: Senator Herbert H. Lehman was the guest of tonight at “a dinner given by the America ORT at the Plaza Hotel to aid the campaign of the UJA of Greater New York where speakers including Representative Jacob K. Javits said “the United States must play the dominant role in achieving permanent peace between Israel and the Arab states to thwart Communist infiltration in the Middle East.

1955: Birthdate of Anthony Horowitz, an English novelist and screenwriter

1956(4thof Iyar, 5714): Yom HaZikaron

1956(4thof Iyar, 5714): Sixty-six-year-old Tupelo, MS born University of Missouri trained journalist, Leo R. Sack, the WW I veteran and former United States Minster to Costa Rica who raised one daughter with his wife Regina passed away today.


1957: After almost seven years of Ruth Roman to Mortimer Hall with whom she had one child, Richard, Ruth Roman’s divorce decree was granted today.

1958(25th of Nisan, 5718): Seventy-six featherweight boxer Benny Yanger whose record included fitty wins (30 by Kos) and eight losses (4 by Kos) passed away today.

1958: Birthdate of Canadian poet and novelist Anne Michaels the author of Fugitive Pieces and Winter Vault.

1958: “The Camp on Blood Island” a WW II movie featuring Lee Montague was released in the United Kingdom today.

1959: US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles resigned.  Dulles was viewed as the architect of the Eisenhower Administration’s foreign policy.   He was Cold Warrior in the truest sense of that term seeing everything in terms of Communists versus Anti-Communists.  The one time he broke with this view was during the Suez Crisis of 1956.  There he sided with the Soviets against the Israelis, the British and the French.  Eisenhower and Dulles saved the Egyptian dictator Nasser by allowing the Soviets to threaten the British with atomic weapons and threatening Israel with economic destruction if she did not withdraw from the Sinai.  Israel did withdraw and the disastrous policy of Dulles led to war in 1967 and the volatile situation that exists on the West Bank to this day.

1959: In New York City, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Brayer and his wife gave birth to Nachum Dov Brayer the grandson of the former Boyaner Rebbe of New York, Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Friedman and the husband of Shoshana Bluma Reizel Heschel, who became the Rebbe of the Boyan Hasidic dynasty in 1984.

1959: President Eisenhower nominated Charles Miller Metzner to fill a vacant seat on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

1959(7th of Nisan, 5719): A guard was killed at kibbutz Ramat Rachel.

1960: In Copenhagen, Hennie Jonas and Rudolf Salomon Bier gave birth to Susanne Bier who won “the Oscar for Best Foreign Language film for ‘In a Better World.’”

1960: Ed Wynn and Maxie Rosenbloom played themselves in “The Man in the Funny Suit” broadcast for the first time today.

1961: In Medford, MA, Arlene (née Perlis) and Herbert Bloom gave birth to Amherst honor grad and Harvard trained attorney Sarah Bloom Raskin, a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury.

1962(111thof Nisan, 5722): Forty-five year old Harold Ashe (Harold D. Ashkenazy) who played guard for the Bowdoin College “Polar Bears” for three seasons starting in 1935 passed away today.

1962: Catcher Joe Ginsberg played in his last major league baseball game as a member of the expansion New York Mets.

1964(3rdof Iyar, 5724): Yom HaZikaron

1965(13th of Nisan, 5725): Syd Chaplin, actor and half-brother of Charlie Chaplin passed away at the age of 80.

1965: Paddy Chayefsky’s “The Americanization of Emily” directed by Arthur Hiller, co-starring Melvyn Douglas and with music by Johnny Mandel premiered in the United Kingdom today.

1966(25th of Nisan, 5726): Sixty year old University of Chicago alum Alvin Handmacher, the president of Handmacher-Vogel Inc and founder of the Handmacher Foundation who raised three daughters with his wife “the former Margaret Murdock” passed away today.


1967(5th of Nisan, 5727): Parashat Metzora

1967: It was reported today that the half of the estate of Mischa Elman which includes “a Stradivarius that once belong to Napoleon” and 200-year old Amatti “was left in trust to his widow Mrs. Helen K. Elman.”

1968(17th of Nisan, 5728): Third Day of Pesach

1968(17th of Nisan, 5728): Fifty-year-old Herman Rand a former principal of the Ahavas Israel Hebrew School in New Jersey and “for 21 years national sales manager of Hollywood Shoe Polish, Inc” passed away today.


1968: Future Anglo-Jewish author Anthony Horowitz received a human skill from his mother on his 13th birthday.

1972: Barbra Streisand joined other recording industry stars performing at a benefit for George McGovern for President. 

1974: “Fifty prisoners, including eleven Jews in Perm camps 35 and 36 began a hunger strike demanding improved conditions of detention, changes in starvation diet of prisoners in punishment cells and the transfer to hospital of Russian dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky.

1975(4th of Iyar, 5735): Yom HaZikaron

1975: “A Chorus Line” with music by Marvin Hamlisch and lyrics by Edward Kleban “opened Off Broadway at the Public Theatre.

1976(15thof Nisan, 5736): Pesach is observed for the last time under President Ford.

1977: The Yale Center for British Art “designed by Louis I. Kahn” which was “located across the street from the Yale University Art Gallery” Kahn’s first major commission was opened to the public today.


1979(18thof Nisan, 5739) Fourth Day of Pesach

1979: Four terrorists were killed today crossing from Jordan near Tirat Zir.

1980: The Nobel Prize winning existentialist author and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre passed away at the age of 74.  Sartre was not Jewish.  But he did write about the Jewish people.

In 1946, immediately after World War II, Sartre published his brilliant dissection of anti-Semitism and the Jewish condition, “Reflections sur la Question Juive.”  “The little booklet has gone through a number of editions, has been widely reviewed, and is still undoubtedly among Sartre's most famous works. As one would expect in the case of a controversial writer, a number of reviewers had important criticisms. If Sartre's analysis had striking insights, some of his assertions were remarkably naive. He thought that "socialism" would do away with anti-Semitism. He was preoccupied-occupied with rabid anti-Semitism but gave little thought to the perhaps more prevalent genteel hatred of Jews. Many Jewish reviewers felt that he short-changed "Jewish self-consciousness" by asserting that anti-Semitism is the only basis for it. We now know, from Sartre's own words a few weeks before his death that at the time of writing his book he had been incredibly ignorant, and willfully so, of all things Jewish. Nevertheless, Sartre was a man much listened to, as he is still today after his death, and his writings were given close attention.”  Frenchmen would do well to heed the words of one of their most famous citizens, “The cause of the Jews would already be half won if only their friends found in their defense a little of the passion and the perseverance that their enemies devote to their destruction. To awaken this passion, it is useless to appeal to the generosity of the Aryans because even among the best of these this virtue is disappearing. But it may well be pointed out to each of them that the fate of the Jew is his own fate. No Frenchman will be secure as long as a Jew, in France or elsewhere in the world, has reason to fear for his life.”

1981: In Hamilton, Ontario, Dr. Mark Levy and his wife Lisa gave birth actress and singer Caissie Shira Levy, the younger sister of Robi and Josh Levy.

1982: Five Muslim extremists who murdered Egyptian President Sadat were executed.

1982: In Vancouver, the former Sandy Belogus, “a social worker” and Mark Rogen “an assistant director of the Workmen's Circle Jewish fraternal organization” who “met o kibbutz Beitt Alfa,”gave birth to actor Seth Rogen

1983: During a burglary at the L.A. Mayer Institute for Islamic Art “200 items, including paintings and dozens of rare clocks and watches, were stolen.”

1984(13thof Nisan, 5744): Eighty-four year old German born “mathematician and philosopher” Grete Hermann passed away today in her hometown of Bremen.


1986: Edwin R. Theile, who is “best known for his chronological studies of the pre-exilic Jewish kingdoms and the author The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings passed away today.

1988: Anglo-Jewish author Anthony Horowitz married Jill Green in Hong Kong.

1989: “Brenda Starr,” a film based on the comic strip character of the same name with script co-authored by Delia Ephron and with music by Johnny Mandel premiered in the United States today.

1992: William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy were inducted into National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame.  Yes the number one and number two leaders crossing space, the last frontier, were Members of the Tribe.  For those of you wondering who is Jewish, when Shatner's wife passed away her "mourned her in the Jewish fashion" and was reported to be working on a script called "Shiva" based on his mourning experiences.

1992: Billionaire Leona Helmsley was sent to jail for tax evasion.

1993(24thof Nisan, 5753): Eighty-six year old Chicago trial lawyer Leo H. Arnstein whose clients included Whirlpool and Sears passed away today at Glencoe, Illinois.


1993:In a last-minute letter apparently intended to defuse the controversy on the 50th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, Pope John Paul II told Roman Catholic nuns today to move from their convent at the Auschwitz death camp.

1994:In “No New Arab Attack, but Israelis Celebrate Independence Tensely,” published today Clyde Haberman described how the Jewish state celebrated its independence day despite threats by Arab terrorists to turn it into a day from hell.


1995(15thof Nisan, 5755): First Day of Pesach coincides with Shabbat.

1996(26thof Nisan, 5756): Eight-three year old Arthur J. Leylveld, a leading Reform Rabbi, passed away today. (As reported by Lawrence Van Gelder)


1997(8th of Nisan, 5757): Sam Moskowitz, author, critic and the teacher of the first college level course on Science Fiction passed away at the age of 76.


1999: A symposium entitled The History of American Jewish Political Conservatism opens at American University in Washington, D.C.

2000(10th of Nisan, 5760): Parashat Metzora; Shabbat HaGadol

2000: “Chancellor Wolfgang Schussel of Austria today criticized a lawsuit filed against the government and 80 of the country's leading companies by lawyers representing Holocaust victims” who are seeking  $18 billion for former slave laborers under the Nazis and for people whose property was confiscated after the Nazi annexation of Austria in 1938.

2001(22nd of Nisan, 5761): Eighth and final day of Pesach.

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “The Paintings of Our Lives” by Grace Schulman and “Maurve: How One Man Invented a Color That Changed the World”by Simon Garfield.

2002: Following the Battle of Jenin, Palestinian Red Crescent Society and International Committee of the Red Cross staff entered the camp, accompanied by the IDF.

2002:A pro-Israel rally in Washington, organized in less than a week, attracted a crowd estimated at 100,000 people from across the spectrum of American Jewry.

2003(13th of Nisan, 5763): Eighty-year old Dartmouth alum and second generation movie maker Maurice Rapf, “a founder of the Writers Guild of America” passed away today.


2004: “Yale Strom's documentary ''Klezmer on Fish Street'' which wrestles with questions of Jewish identity in Poland, where much of that heritage was destroyed during World War II is being shown at the Quad Theatre in Greenwich Village.

2005: “Or” the Israeli film starring Dana Ivgy in the title role premiered in Sweden today.

2005: An exhibition entitled “Wild Things: The Art of Maurice Sendak” opens at the Jewish Museum in New York.

2005:David Baddiel discusses “The Secret Purposes” at The Sunday TimesOxford Literary Festival

2006: The inauguration of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ein Kerem is postponed. Construction of the church began in the first decade of the 20thcentury but was never completed because of the Russian Revolution. The dedication of the recently completed church was postponed at the request of Russian President Putin. Putin wanted the inauguration delayed until Prime Minister Sharon had sufficiently recovered from his stroke to attend the ceremonies.

2007:At the Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art in Tulsa, Oklahoma, an exhibition styled “From Shtetl to the Sooner StateCelebrating Oklahoma's Jewish History In conjunction with the Centennial Celebration of Oklahoma Statehood” comes to a close.

2007: Major League Baseball and the Israel Baseball League (IBL) hold a tryout in California for players who did not make major or minor league rosters.

2007: “The Last Jew In Europe” is performed at the Triad Theatre.

2007: As Jews all over the world begin the observance of Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day,Haaretz reported that the first comprehensive study of the incidence of cancer among Holocaust survivors has shown that Holocaust survivors were found to be 2.4 times more likely to have cancer than their peers who had not been through the Holocaust.

2007: As reported in Haaretz Israel fell silent as a two-minute siren wailed across the country this morning in commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day.

2007: The Sunday New York Times book section featured a review of All Whom I Have Loved by Israeli author Aharon Appelfeld. In his new novel set on the eve of the Holocaust, the Israeli writer Aharon Appelfeld tells the story of Paul Rosenfeld, a 9-year-old Jewish boy in Czernowitz, Romania (now Chernovtsy, Ukraine).

2007: The Sunday Washington Post book section featured reviews of Jurgen Neffe's Einstein: A Biography, Walter Isaacson”sEinstein: His Life and Universe and Once Upon a Country by Sari Nusseibeh, who joined Ami Ayalon, the former head of Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security agency, in unveiling a “courageous peace plan”in 2002.

2008(10th of Nisan, 5768):Hendrik Samuel "Hank" Houthakker a Dutch Jewish American economist passed away. Houthakker was born in Amsterdam. In 1924. His father was a prominent art dealer. As a teenager he lived through the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and, according to an interview he gave to the Valley News, was once arrested by the Gestapo but escaped and was sheltered for some months by a Roman Catholic family. He completed his graduate work at the University of Amsterdam in 1949. He taught at Stanford University from 1954 to 1960 and then completed the rest of his career at Harvard University. Houthakker served on President Nixon's Council of Economic Advisers from 1969 to 1971. Houthakker's contributions to economic theory have been summarized by Pollak (1990). He is particularly well known for the Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference, to which his name is often attached (see Houthakker 1950). This paper reconciles Paul Samuelson's revealed preference approach to demand theory with the earlier ordinal utility approach of Eugene Slutsky and Sir John Hicks, by showing that demand functions satisfy his Strong Axiom if and only if they can be generated by maximizing a set of preferences that are "well-behaved" in the sense that they satisfy the axioms of choice theory, that is, they are reflexive, transitive, complete, monotonic, convex and continuous—essentially the conditions required for a Hicksian approach to demand theory.”

2008: In Cedar Rapids, Hedy Epstein, whose parents died in concentration camps during the Holocaust speaks at Kirkwood Community College and at Xavier High School.

2008: The Washington Post reviews The Much Too Promised LandAmerica's Elusive Search for Arab-Israeli Peace by Aaron David Miller

2008:Todaythe Jewish prayer for the dead echoed across what was once the heart of the Warsaw ghetto as Israeli and Polish leaders marked the 65th anniversary of the doomed battle by young Jews against Nazi troops.

2008:Poking into crevices between the ancient stones of the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, today a senior rabbi and his helpers removed thousands of handwritten notes placed there by visitors who believe their requests will find a shortcut to God by being deposited at Judaism's holiest site. The operation is carried out twice each year: before the Passover festival which begins this weekend and at the Jewish New Year in the fall.

2008: “Behind the Velvet Curtain: Songs from the Motion Picture Redbelt” by Rebecca Pidgeon, the wife of David Mamet was released today on the Great American Music label.

2008: “History Awaits the Pope and the Rabbi” published today described Rabbi Arthur Schneier’s preparations for the visit of Pope Benedict XVI.



2009(21st of Nisan, 5769): Seventh Day of Pesach; Reform recite Yizkor

2009: “The first reading of ‘What Strong Fences Make’ by Israel Horovitz was staged by New York's Barefoot Theater Company” today.

2009: Roseanne Barr made an appearance on Bravo's 2nd Annual A-List Awards in the opening scenes.

2010: A showing of “War Against The Weak” is scheduled at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2010: Prof. Jerome Copulsky, Director of Jewish Studies at Goucher College, is scheduled to present a talk entitled “Zionism: Past, Present & Future” at George Mason University sponsored by the GMU Religion Department and GMU Hillel.

2010: The Sarah Silverman Program had its final showing on Comedy Central.

2010: Israeli customs officials said today that they have already confiscated at least 10 iPads in response to Israel’s ban on the importation of Apple’s newest product.  The Israelis are concerned that the powerful gadget’s wireless signals could disrupt other devices.   Israelis have every reason to believe that the problem will be solved prior to the date of the international release of the iPad.

2011: After having pleaded guilty to charges of corruption, former New York state Comptroller Alan Hevesi was sentenced to a term of 1 to 4 years in the state penitentiary.

2011:The Jerusalem Fair, the Annual Fundraising Bazaar for the Jerusalem Rape Crisis Center is scheduled to take place at the Jerusalem Cinematheque

2011: Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation in Ashburn, VA is scheduled to host a Chocolate Passover Seder where attendees can “learn about and taste the symbols of Passover” by sampling a “variety of chocolate items including chocolate covered matzah, chocolate eggs, bitter chocolate, chocolate for dipping” and an Elijah's cup filled with chocolate milk.

2011: The works of Israeli composer Chaya Czernowin are scheduled to be featured at Columbia University’s Miller Theatre.

2011:Following nearly a week of quiet for the residents of the South, warning sirens were heard in the Ashdod area this afternoon after two Grad rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip. Residents reported that they heard two explosions.  .

2011:U.S. President Barack Obama extended a warm greeting today to all those celebrating Passover and likened the holiday's story to the revolutions sweeping the Middle East.

2011:Defense Minister Ehud Barak welcomed today a decision by the U.S. House of Representatives to approve a budget which includes $205 million intended for continuing development of the Iron Dome anti-missile system.  Barak said the decision is a "significant reinforcement of Israel's defense capabilities against missiles." The U.S. Congress also voted to continue aiding Israel to fund defense projects such as Arrow 2, Arrow 3, and Magic Wand. U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to sign the budget on this evening.

2012: Filmmaker Judy Lieff and poets Aneta Brodski and Tahani Salah are scheduled to appear at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012: In Fairfax, VA, Congregation Olam Tikvah is scheduled to sponsor a silent auction combined with a post Passover Pizza Party.

2012: On the weekend ending today, a century after the sinking of the RMS Titanic, “Titanic” bcame “ he second film to cross the $2 billion threshold during its 3D  re-release.”

2012: Mitzvah Day, sponsored by Agudas Achim, is scheduled to take place in Iowa City, Iowa

2012: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “The Crisis of Zionism” by Peter Beinart and ‘Schmidt Steps Back’ by Louis Begley. 

2012:Jacob Ostreicher, a 53-year-old Chasidic Jew from New York who is in a jail in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, launched a hunger strike following 10 months of appeals to the U.S. State Department.

2013: The Hartford Jewish Film Fest is scheduled to close with a screening of “Hava Nagila – The Movie.”

2013: “A Work-In-Progress Screening: On Becoming A Soldier” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Dr. David Kraemer is scheduled to deliver the first in a series of lectures – All of Rabbinic Literature in Seven Sessions – at the Skirball Center.

2013(5th of Iyar, 5773: Yom Hazikaron – All places of entertainment are closed. Twice during the day, at the sound of a siren throughout the country, everything—and everyone— stops completely for two minutes.

2013:The head of the security network for US Jewish organizations said the community is "standing vigilant" following bombings at the Boston Marathon today.

2013: The annual torch-lighting ceremony at Jerusalem's Mount Herzl marked the end of Remembrance Day this evening and touched off Israel's 65th Independence Day celebrations.

2013: Bret Stephens, a former editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post, has won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for commentary for The Wall Street Journal, the prize committee announced today.


2013: Ceremonies, festivities and general revelry around the country marked Israel’s 65th Independence Day anniversary today.

2013:Israel must prepare for the possibility of striking Iran’s nuclear program on its own, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon warned today, during an Independence Day speech he delivered in Herzliya

2014(15thof Nisan, 5774): Pesach

2014:Yuli Kosharovsky best known for his work as an active leader of the Jewish refusenik movement passed away today. (As reported by Laura Bialis)


2014: In the evening Chuck Friedman is scheduled to lead the Agudas Achim Community Seder catered by the Motley Cow Café.

2014: After having been released by the Chicago Bears, today punter Adam Podesh signed a one year contract with the Pittsburgh Steelers.

2014; In “Golda Meir, late Israeli prime minister, vitally revealed in ‘Golda’s Balcony’” published today Peter Marks reviews the performance of Tova Feldshuh.


2015: The Oregon Board of Rabbis is scheduled to present Yom HaShoah: The Holocaust, Memory and the Future Congregation Beth Israel in Portland.

2015: Speaking today at the museum’s National Tribute dinner in Washington, “FBI director James Comey called the Holocaust the most significant event in history and said that’s why a US Holocaust Memorial Museum program on its lessons is mandatory for new agents.

2015: Peter Appelbaum is scheduled to discuss “Loyal Sons: Jewish Soldiers in the German Army in the Great War” at the Center for Jewish History.

2015: Professor of History and the Jeremy Zwelling Professor of Jewish Studies from Wesleyan University are scheduled to present “Connected Histories: Sephardic and Ashkenazi Responses to Blood Libels in Pre-modern Europe” at the University of Connecticut.

2015: “Jews, Judaism and American Law” with Rabbi Lance J. Sussman is scheduled to open at the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia.

2015: Just in time for the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, Marshal Weiss provides us with “Kosher deli in England a Titanic survivor’s legacy.”


2016: The graduate student council of the City University of New York is scheduled to “vote on a resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions.”

2016(7th of Nisan, 5776): Ninety-four year old Frederick Mayer, the teenage refugee from Nazi Germany who ended up being captured and tortured by Nazi captors while taking part in operation “Greenup” passed away today. (As reported by Eric Lichtblaum)


2016: In Cedar Rapids, Shir Yehudah is scheduled to lead Temple Judah a “musical Shabbat.”

2016: Steven Gimbel, the professor of philosophy at Gettysburg College and author of Einstein: The Man is scheduled to lecture at the Suffolk Y JCC on Long Island, NY.

2016: “Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah” and “I Don’t Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2017(19thof Nisan, 5777): Shabbat shel Pesach

2017(19thof Nisan, 5777): Ninety-two year old psychiatrist Dr. Joseph Lifschutz passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)


2017(19thof Nisan, 5777): Sixty-four year old Mendel Deitsch, a Chabad Rabbi who was severely beaten six months ago in the western Ukrainian city of Zhytomir during a robbery died today in Jerusalem as a result of the wounds he had sustained.

2017: “Speaking to an Israel Radio reporter on the sidelines of a conference on the civil war in Yemen in Paris, Yemen’s Information Minister Moammer al-Iryani said today that the Houthis view the tiny remaining Jewish population as an enemy and are engaged in a campaign of ethnic cleansing that includes ridding Yemen of its Jewish community.”

2017: All decent people mourn the death of 20 year old Hannah Bladon, a British student stabbed in Jerusalem “by a Palestinian man” on Good Friday in an attack that also left a fitty year old man and a 30 year old pregnant woman with undisclosed injuries.

2017: Courtesy of Bank Hapoalim, 35 Israeli museums and national sites offer free entry today.

2018(30thof Nisan, 5778): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2018: The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington and the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington are two of the organizations scheduled to host the “Blacks and Jews Unity Poetry Slam.”

2018: “A new exhibition revealing the impact of the Jewish émigrés behind some of Britain’s most iconic designs” at the Jewish Museum in London is scheduled to come to an end today.


2018: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Italian Teacher, a novel by Tom Rachman, In the Enemy’s House: The Secret Saga of the FBI Agent and the Code Breaker Who Caught the Russian Spies by Howard Blum, The People vs. Democracy:Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It by Yascha Mounk and How Democracies Die by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt

2018: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to host a lecture by Adrienne G. Alexanian, the author of Forced into Genocide, as part of the commemoration of the 103rd Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

2018: “Holocaust survivor Irene Miller, author of Into No Man’s Land: A Historical Memoir, is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at this year’s Yom Ha’Shoah Community-wide Holocaust Memorial Program, held this evening, April 15  at the Uptown JCC in New Orleans, LA.

2018: The Schultz Campus for Jewish Life is scheduled to host “Remember the Holocaust Yom Hashoah Commemoration with Ingrid Kennedy” this evening.

2018: The Center for Jewish History and the YIVO Institute are scheduled to present “Jews in Space” featuring Rob Schwimmer, Vickie L. Kloeris and Anna Martin.

2018: Auschwitz survivor Helen Weingarten is scheduled to be the featured speaker at the 53rd Annual Community Wide Holocaust Commemoration hosted by The Breman Museum in Atlanta, GA.

2018: The Governor of Georgia proclaims today as Holocaust Remembrance Day.


2019: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host “From Macy’s to the Titanic – The Straus Family Legacy” during which “department store historian Michael Lisicky discusses how the Straus family rose from German-Jewish peddlers to merchant princes and major philanthropists before Isidor Straus's untimely death on the RMS Titanic.”


2019:  The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “an evening with Nathan Englander” during which the prize-winning author discusses his newest novel Kaddish.com.

2019: Luigi Toscano’s “Lest We Forget” series of large-format portraits of Holocaust survivors, which has already “appeared in public space all over the world” is scheduled to open at the San Francisco Civic Center today.

2019: “Biographer Robert Caro Pauses as He Prepares His Final Lyndon B. Johnson Volume” published in the April 15th issued of Time magazine provides interesting insights on the working habits and intellectual drive of the “Tall Texan’s” Jewish biographer.


2019: The running of the 123rd Boston Marathon is scheduled to take place today to mark Patriot’s Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,


2019: In the United States, deadline for filing Federal Income Tax Returns


2019: JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “Holy Lands,” a film set in Israel in London.

2019: It was reported today that Goldman-Sachs, The Wall Street behemoth led by CEO David Solomon slashed its average pay package by a fifth during the first quarter, as traders struggled with bad bets and the bank hired more lower-wage workers for its fledgling consumer bank.” (As reported by Kevin Dugan)

2019: The Thaler Holocaust Memorial Foundation is scheduled to host an appearance by Holocaust survivor Rachel Miller at Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids, IA.


2020(21stof Nisan, 5780): Seventh Day of Pesach; for Reform last day of the holiday and Yizkor. 

2020(21stof Nisan, 5780): On the Jewish calendar, yahrzeits of 26 Jeows of Bacharach, Germany who were murdered and the “10 Jews of Mayence, Germany, who were killed following blood ritual charges.”

2020: According to previous statements made by Health Ministry deputy director general Dr. Itamar Grotto, the top physician in the national health system and an expert in epidemiology” made to “the Knesset’s coronavirus committee on April 12, Israel does “not expect a return to regular economic activity after the Passover holiday which ends” today.

2020: Seventy-fifth anniversary of Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp being liberated by the British 11th Armored Division whose members including Rabbi Leslie Hardman, the Jewish army chaplain who tried comfort the human skeletons and attempted to give the dead and dying a measure of respect by, among other things, reciting the Kaddish.


2021(3rdof Iyar, 5781):Yom Ha’Atzmaut - Israel Independence Day (observed), for more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2021: In New Orleans, the Goldring Center for Jewish-Multicultural Affairs (CJMA) and St. Augustine High School are scheduled to host the annual scholarship award ceremony.

2021: The East Bay International Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening online of “Menachem Begin: Peace and War.”

2021: In Cedar Rapids, the Hadassah Book Club is scheduled to discuss online The Dinner Party, a novel by Brenda Janowitz.

2021: The Jewish Review of Books is scheduled to host a conversation between editor Abraham Socher and historian Jehuda Reiharz, the author of three volumes on the life of Chaim Weizman.

2021: In Palm Beach Gardens, FL, in the morning, Temple Judea is scheduled to minyan online with Abbie Strauss and in the afternoon “Coffee and Conversation with Rabbi Feivel Strauss and Marisa Bagget, “an African American Jew by Choice from Mississippi who became a Sushi Chef and the first African American woman to graduate from the California Sushi Academy.”

2021: Based on reports published as Israel prepared to celebrate its 73rd birthday, as of today the population of the Jewish state stands at 9,327,000, with 73.9% of population being Jews, 21.1% being Arabs, and 5% being members of other groups


This Day, April 16, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 16

1457 BCE: Egyptian forces under Thutmose III defeated a group of rebellious Canaanite Vassal States at the Battle of Megiddo. This would have taken place while the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. The strategic position of Megiddo would make it the site of many battles including one between Egypt and the Kingdom of Judah in 609 BCE and the British and the Turks in 1918. This is the same Megiddo where Solomon kept horses and chariots and which is thought to be the site of the mythic Battle of Armageddon.

537 BCE (1st of Iyar, 3223): According to the Book of Ezra, the foundation of the Second Temple was laid on this date

69:  Otho, Roman Emperor, commits suicide ending his short-lived reign.  Otho was the second of the four men to hold the position of Emperor in the Year of the Four Emperors.  According to some, it was the instability that Otho and his compatriots brought to the Empire that led to Titus destroying the Temple instead of merely settling for the defeat and humiliation of the Jews of Judea. 

73: According to some calculations this is the day that Masada fell to the Romans after several months of siege, ending this Jewish Revolt against Rome.  Of course, this was not the final revolt.

778: Birthdate of King Louis I or Louis the Pious France. Louis continued the favorable policies towards the Jews adopted by his father, Charlemagne. Although considered to be a weak ruler (who wouldn’t have been if had to follow Charlemagne) and quite pious, he protected his Jewish subjects from the clergy and the nobles.  He continued to allow them settle in any part of his dominion and out of sympathy for his Jewish subjects, changed the Market Day from Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) to Sunday.

1158: In Genoa, the name of a Jewish trader, Jusuphus Judeos, appeared for the first time on an official deed drawn up “from the public notary Giovanni Scriba.

1203(26th of Nisan, 4963): “German synagogal poet” Menahem Ben Jacob Ben Solomon whose great-grandfather Simson, was living in Worms at the time of the First Crusade and was surnamed "Ha-Darshan," passed away at Worms today.

1319: Birthdate of King John II of France.  During the Hundred Years War, John was captured by the English and held for ransom.  Desperate for funds, John’s son who was serving as Regent during his father’s imprisonment negotiated a deal with Manessier de Vesoul that would allow Jews to return to France in return for their financial support of the impoverished kingdom.  Once John was ransomed, he gave into pressure and reneged on some of his son’s promises.  

1520: “The Revolt of the Comuneros,” an uprising by the citizens of Castile against the rule of Charles I who continued to exclude Jews from Spain and supported the Inquisition began today.


1641: “Don Lope de Vara y Alarcon, alias Judah the Believer, appeared before the Inquisition to repudiate a previous spurious defense which he had offered to the tribunal against its charge of heresy.”  Don Lope was a Christian (not a Convserso) who converted to Judaism.  Eventually he would be burned at the stake because he referred to recant and return to Christianity. (As reported by Abraham Bloch)

1669(15th of Nisan): Rabbi Jonah Teomim of Metz, France, author of Kikayon de-Yonah passed away

1681: A rescript issued today “repeated that Jews were not to come into Denmark without a special Geleitsbrief.”

1729(17th of Nisan, 5489): Seventeenth and 18th century “German rabbi and Talmudic author” Jacob Eliezer Braunschweig passed away today.

1741(30th of Nisan, 5501): Abraham Spitz, “who purchased the freedom of Imprisoned Jews from Buda” passed away today.

1745: “The Jacobite forces under Charles Edward Stuart” whose invasion had caused panic among many of London’s financiers, except most notably Sampson Gideon” who provided the government with money and support, were defeated today at the Battle of Culloden which ended a major threat to the Hanovarian English monarchy.

1746: An army commanded by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, loyal to the British government defeated Jacobite forces of Charles Edward Stuart at the Battle of Culloden. George Frideric composed “Judas Maccabaeus” a three act oratorio “as a compliment to the victorious Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland.”  The oratorio was based on the characters known to all who have celebrated the holiday of Chanukah.

1753: Two days before the first Pesach Seder, “The Jewish Naturalization Act of 1753” “a bill which permitted “Jewish immigrants to England to become naturalized citizens with receiving the Sacrament of the Lord”s Supper” and  had been introduced by George Montagu-Dunk, 2nd Earl of Halifax” was passed today by the House of Lords.

1767(17thof Nisan,5527): Third Day of Pesach

1774(5thof Iyar, 5534): Parashat Tazria-Metzora read today for the last time before the British officially closed the Port of Boston in retaliation for the Boston Party.

1775(16thof Nisan, 5535): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1775: As Jews munch on their matzah, in Boston, General Gage moved forward with plans to “disarm and the rebels and to imprison the rebellion’s leaders” whom a spy had told him yesterday were sending delegates “to other New England Colonies to see if they would cooperate in raising a New England arm

1782: Eighty-two year old Gulta bat Yehiel was buried today at the “Alderney Road (Globe Road) Jewish Cemetery”

1784: Hendele Mozes Gankfort and Simon Simon, both of whom were natives of Holland gave birth to Yeshayahu Simon.

1786(18thof Nisan 5546): Fourth Day of Pesach

1786: In Worcester, MA, Rachel Brittin and Josiah Lunn, both natives of Bucks County, PA gave birth to Jesse Lunn.

1794(16thof Nissan, 5554): Second Day of Pesach

1794: One day after he had passed away, 75 year old Barnet Davis was buried today at the “Alderney Road (Globe Rd) Jewish Cemetery.

1794: Birthdate of Bobenhausen, Germany native Merle Baer who eventually settled in Baltimore, MD, the husband of Jonas Friedenwald with whom she had five children before marrying Moses Stern with whom she had one son, Bernard Stern.

1799: French general Jean Baptiste Kleber defeated the Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Mount Tabor and drove them across the Jordan River thus preventing them from reaching Acre where they could attack the main French force under the command of NapoleonThis the same Mount Tabor that was the staging area for the armies of Deborah and Barak, as they faced the assembly of Canaanites and their chariots arrayed below them on the plain to the west.  It is also the same Mount Tabor where the Midianite kings killed the brothers of the Judge named Gideon.  Both episodes are described in the Book of Judges.

1804:  Establishment of the London Board for Shechita.

1805(17th of Nisan, 5565): Third Day of Pesach

1805: Birthdate of Bavaria native Abraham Lowenthal, the husband of Mary Laupheimer with whom he had eight children in Baltimore, MD.

1815: “As shown by the diary of Friedrich von Gentz, the secretary of the Congress of Vienna,” beginning today, Carol August Bucholz, “a German Christian lawyer” who had been sent to Vienna by the communities of Lubeck, Hambrug and Bremen “was in constant communication with the von Gentz concerning the issue of Jewish rights.

181730th of Nisan, 5577): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1820: Isaac Dreyfus, the Alsace, France born son of Jacob Dreyfus and his wife Gertrude “Julie” Dreyfus gave birth to Samuel Dreyfus

1823: In Berlin, Johan Konstantin Eisenstein and Helene Pollack who had converted from Judaism to Christianity gave birth to mathematician Ferdinand Gotthold Max Eisenstein.

1824(18th of Nisan, 5584): Fourth Day of Pesach

1824: London born Esther Nathan and John Nathan gave birth to Elizabeth Nathan

1826: In The Hague, Leonardus Levy Abraham Verveer and Caroline Elkan gave birth to Dutch painter and engraver Elchanan Verveer

1837: Two days after she had passed away, 64 year old Phoebe Abrahams was buried at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery” today.

1842: Today, as part of the Creole case during which Judah P. Benjamin represented the insurance companies and stated in his argument that the “a slave…is a human being” who “has feelings, passion and intellect, the Admiralty Court in Nassau “ordered the surviving mutineers to be released” today.

1843(16th of Nisan, 5603): Second Day of Pesach; 1stday of the Omer.

1843: In Germany, Elizabeth and Moses Keyser gave birth to Amelia Keyser who became Amelia Stein when she married Daniel Stein.

1844(27th of Nisan, 5604): Seventy-one year-old Abraham de Lyon Abrahams, the New York City born son of Joseph Abrahams passed away today.

1844: Birthdate of Nobel Prize winning author Anatole France.  The non-Jewish France joined his friend Émile Zola in the Dreyfus case and was the first to sign Zola's famous article J'Accuse, condemning the false treason indictment of Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer. At a 1904 International Congress of Freethinkers at Paris, France said, "The gods advance, but they always lag behind the thoughts of men.... The Christian God was once a Jew. Now he is an anti-Semite."

1848: Edward Falcke married Ann Russell today.

1849:Le prophète” (The Prophet), an opera in five acts by Jewish composer Giacomo Meyerbeer was first performed today by the Paris Opera at the Salle Le Peletier

1850(4th of Iyar, 5610): Solomon Cohen the son of Isaac Cohen and Judith Lyon, who served as an ensign during the War of 1812 and was the wife of Eleanor B. Cohen, passed away today in Charlestown.

1850: In Shutesbury, MA, Nathaniel and Harriet Adams gave birth to Herbert Baxter Adams, the Johns Hopkins University who has contributed “valuable papers on the services of” Haim Solomon, “the patriotic Jew.”

1851(14thof Nisan 5611): Ta’anit Berchorot; Erev Pesach

1851: Jeanetta Mallan and Kent native Joseph Davis gave birth to Samuel Davis.

1851: “B’nai Israel, the ‘Netherdutch’ Congregation dedicated its “handsome new home” which was located “at 63 Chrystie Street, on the lower East Side” this evening.

1852: In Pest, Hermina and J. Samuel Oppenheim gave birth to Emil Oppenheim, the father of Margit Oppenheim and Maria Oppenheim.

1852: In New York, Johan Levy, a merchant and sea captain and Francis Phillips gave birth to Jonas Levy the New York Congressman who was the nephew of Uriah Phillips Levy.


1855: In St. Louis, over 400 hundred people attended that cornerstone laying ceremony for the first synagogue constructed in St. Louis and the first synagogue built west of the Mississippi.

1857(22ndof Nisan, 5617): Eighth Day of Peach; Yizkor recited for the first time during the Presidency of James Buchanan, Jr.

1858(2ndof Iyar, 5618): Sixty-three year old Alois Isidor Jeitteles the Austrian physician who co-founded the Jewish weekly Siona with his cousin Ignaz Jeitteles passed away today.

1861(6thof Iyar, 5621): One year old Lucy Esther Goetz passed a way today after which she was interred at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1861: In London, Caroline Lazarus and Mark George Simmons, the London born some of Ellen Jacobs and George Gabriel Simmons gave birth to Walter Simmons.

1862(16th of Nisan, 5622): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1862: Sixty-five year old Max Samuel Mayer, the son of the rabbi in his native Fruendal who became a Lutheran in 1834, five years after he earned a law degree, and eventually became a Professor at the University of Tubingen (a position that was open to him because he was no longer a Jew) passed away today.

1862: Franziska Montefiore, the daughter of Salomon Bernard Sichel and Fanny Sichel and Joseph Mayer Montefiore gave birth to Edward Mayer Montefiore

1862: It was reported the Jewish dealers had been present when the cattle market opened on Monday but were absent the following day because it was Passover; a fact that caused a drop off in market activity.

1864(10thof Nisan, 5624): Parashat Metzora; Shabbat HaGadol

1864: Copies of “A History of the World” by Philip Smith are now available. The second part of this volume presents the history of Egypt including the “history of the Hebrew Theocracy and Monarchy from the exodus to the destruction of the kingdoms or Israel and Judah, and the Babylonian Captivity of the Jewish nation.”  The work includes information based on newly revealed discoveries about the area.

1864: Today’s “Literary Gossip” column reported that a new edition of Reverend Henry Hart Milman’s “History of Christianity from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire by Constantine” by Henry Hart Milman, the noted English clergyman has been published.  This work is part of trilogy, the other two works of which are “History of Latin Christianity” and “History of the Jews.” Milman published “History of the Jews in 1829 was unique for its time since it tried to portray the Jews as a historical people and “minimized the miraculous.”  This approach, which he used in his later works, made him the target of attacks from Biblical literalists among others.  This portrayal of the Jews actually impeded the career of this Christian minister.

1865(20thof 5625): As Jews observed the Sixth Day of Pesach, Union forces under James Wilson defeated the Confederates at a battle on the Alabama-Georgia border which was the last major conflict of the Civil War and John Wilkes Booth continued his escape across southern Maryland.

1867: Nathan Mayer Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, Baron de Rothschild married Emma Louise von Rothschild, a cousin from the Rothschild banking family of Germany in Frankfurt with whom he had three children Lionel Walter, Evelina Rothschild-Behrens and Nathaniel Charles.

1871: Three days after she had passed away, 23 year old Gertrude Salomons, “the second daughter of Aaron Salomons” and the former Adelaide Cohen was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1871:  All civic limitations imposed on Jews of the German Empire were lifted. It was thought that this would bring medieval anti-Semitism to a conclusion.

1871: In “Hebrew Charity” published today provided a most positive report on the various benevolent activities engaged in by the Jewish community to alleviate the suffering of their less fortunate co-religionists.  Last fall’s Hebrew Charity Fair raised enough funds to provide over $100,000 for Mount Sinai Hospital and over $33,000 for the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum.  The Hebrew Benevolent Fuel Association, the B’nai Brit, the Society of B’nai Abraham and the Society of Kesha Shel Barsel (Order of the Golden Crown) are among other community-wide organizations aiding the needy.  This does not include Mt. Sinai Hospital (formerly the Jews Hospital) which now serves Jews as well as the general population or the various aid societies sponsored by the 30 synagogues and temples located in the city.

1872(8thof Nisan, 5632): Moritz Reichenheim, founder of the Orphan’s Home passed away today in Berlin.

1874: Birthdate of Ashland, Ohio, native Louis M. Cahn, the Harvard lawyer and “first executive director of the Jewish Federation Charities of Chicago who was the brother of Tillman Cahn and Mrs. Fanny C. Holzheimer.

1874: In Rondout, NY, Julius and Jenny (Voss) Basch gave birth to German trained research engineer employed by General Electric in Schenectady, NY, who married Marian W. Willard in 1917 and the death of his first wife Ruby Garcia Chapman.

1876(22nd of Nisan, 5636): 8th day of Pesach; Yizkor for Passover is recited for the last time during the Presidency of U.S. Grant

1879: Birthdate of New York native and Columbia trained cardiologist Alfred Einstein Cohn.

1879(23rd of Nisan, 5639): Leyser Lazarus who had been elected President of the Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau in 1875 following the death of Zecharais Frankel passed away today.

1880: Two days after she had passed away, 71 year old Rosetta Phillips, “the daughter of Abraham and Sarah Phillips” was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1880: David Smith, a Jewish speculator and cigar dealer who has been a long-time resident of Chicago has disappeared, reportedly leaving behind “fraudulent debts in the amount of nearly $5,000.” It is thought that he may have gone to be with his daughter who lives in Australia.

1880: It was reported that The Young Men’s Hebrew Association held its 6thannual reception last night at the Chickering Hall in New York City.

1880: It was reported today David Smith, a Jewish speculator and cigar dealer, has disappeared in Chicago leaving behind him debts totaling $5, 000. Smith has a daughter living in Australia and it is thought he may have to seek refuge with her.

1881(17thof Nisan, 5641): Third Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1881: In Toledo, OH, Sarah and Benjamin Bellman gave birth to grocery store owner Sam Bellman, the husband o Miss Hilda Michael and “a prominent member of the B’nai B’rith and the Federation of Jewish Charities.”

1881: According to “The Jews In Germany” published today Prime Minister Bismarck and the Crown Prince Frederick William are not sympathetic to the movement sweeping parts of Germany aimed at limiting the number of and opportunities for Jews in Germany.

1881: Pogroms spread to villages surrounding Elizavetgrad (Russia) where anti-Semitic violence had broken out during Easter observances.

1881: In Dodge City, Kansas, Bat Masterson fights his last gun battle. This happened at the same time that Beersheba, the first of seven agricultural colonies established in Kansas was being started by 60 Jewish families from Russia.  Wyatt Earp, one of Masterson’s best friends married a Jewish woman named Josie.  Gene Barry, a Brooklyn born Jew, played the title role in a television series about the western lawman called “Bat Masterson.”

1881: In New York, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment made the annual distribution of financial aid to a variety of charitable institutions including a payment of $1,440 to the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews and $240 for the Zion Aged Relief Association.

1881: A review of “Buried Alive: Or Ten Years of Penal Servitude in Siberia” reports that the cast of characters includes a hypocritical “Jew who acts a pawnbroker and money-lender to the other convicts” while observing his religious with a great display of public piety. [The stereotype of the Jewish money lender survived in Russian literature about Siberia only to be joined by another stereotype – the Jewish revolutionary, be he communist, socialist or anarchist.1882: Jakob and Barbara/Babette Bondy gave birth to Antonie Wagner who died at Riga in 1942 during the Holocaust.

1883: On the day after his marriage to Pauline Moses, David Holtz endures a “violent lunatic” from his wife.

1884: Thirty-four year old German historian Ernst Bernheim married 22 year old Amalie ("Emma") Henriette Jessen

1885(1stof Iyar, 5645): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1885: Birthdate of Hungarian composer and music educator Leo Weiner.


1885: In Rumania, Hillel and Hannah Luttinger gave birth to Jaffa Agricultural College alum and NYU and Bellevue Hospital Medical College training physician and bacteriologist Paul Luttinger, the husband of Shirley Levey who was a lectured at the Sholem Aleichem Volks Schule and a director of the Workmen’s Circle Sunday Schools.

1887(22nd of Nisan, 5647): 8th day of Pesach

1888: In Savannah, GA, Zipporah Alice DeCastro Lazaron and Samuel Louis Lazaron gave birth to Morris Samuel Lazaron, the graduate of HUC and longtime rabbi at the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation which he finally left because of his strong anti-Zionist positions who married Pauline S. Horkheimer in 1916 with whom he raised three children – Clementine, Harold and Morris Lazaron


1889(15th of Nisan, 5649): First day of Pesach

1889: Birthdate of Silent Screen Star Charlie Chaplin.  Many will consider the Little Tramp as his greatest comedic triumph. Others will remember him for The Great Dictator, "a talkie" that poked fun at Hitler and Mussolini when the world was still having trouble standing up to the Nazis and the Fascists.  Born in England of Jewish parents, he was forced to retreat to his native soil during the McCarthy Period.  He passed away on December 25, 1977.  Interestingly, the lengthy obituary in the New York Times makes no mention of Chaplin's ethnic origins.

1890: It was reported today that Jesse Seligman was one of those be considered as the Republican nominee in the upcoming mayoral race. It is felt that in addition to drawing the “full Republican vote” he would also be able to attract a large percentage of the Jewish vote.

1891(8thof Nisan, 5651): Fifty-six year old Joseph H. Hepner, a Jewish immigrant from Poland who came to the United States 8 years ago, took his own life at the grocery store he has owned for the last three years on East Broadway.

1892(19thof Nisan, 5652): Shabbat Shel Pesach

1893(30th of Nisan, 5653): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1893: At Temple Emanu-El, during his sermon which was a response to aggressive attempts by Protestants to convert Jews, Rabbi Joseph Silverman “charged corruption in the methods by which the Protestants are seeking to proselyte the Jews” saying that “the Christian missionaries and the so-called ‘converted’ Jews are paid commissions for making converts and in order to make their business brisk and produce a good showing they divide their commissions with their ‘converts’.”

1893: The Reverend Merle St. Croix Wright, pastor of the Lenox Avenue Unitarian Church delivered a sermon condemning the Union League Club’s rejection of Theodor Seligman because of his “race.”

1894: The doctors reported today that four year old Jacob Green, the son of a Jewish peddler had only suffered a broken collarbone when he fell from the fifth floor of his tenement.  Before he hit the ground, the boy landed on Morris Eisenberg who was standing in front of the building.  Despite great pain from what turned out to be a broken shoulder, Eisenberg got the boy to the hospital where he received prompt medical attention.

1895: The newly incorporated Hebrew Infant Asylum of New York City is publicly committed to provide care for Jewish orphans under the age of five.  Among the trustees are Jacob Fleishhauer, Minnie Frank, Jacob B. Seligman and Esther Wallenstein.

1895: In Kiev, “David and Pessie (Burakowsky) Madison gave birth to Charles Allan Madison who in 1906 came to the United States where he earned a BA from Michigan and an MA from Harvard while becoming a managing editor for publisher Henry Holt and Company and raising one child with his wife Edith Hellman.

1896: Birthdate of Samuel Rosenstock, who gained fame as Tristan Tzara, poet, playwright and founder of the Dada Movement.  He passed away in 1963.

1897(14thof Nisan, 5657): Ta’anit Bechorot

1897: Two days after he had passed away, Joshua Isaacs was buried today in the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1897: The will of Francis Danzig, the widow of Louis Danzig was filed for probate today.

1897: Fifty-nine year old August Seligman passed away today at his home in New York City.  A native of Oppenheim, Germany, he came to the United States 45 years ago where he began in the importing business before turning to the manufacture of corsets He was a member of Temple Beth El and  was active in Jewish fraternal organizations.

1897: Birthdate of John B Glubb the British officer who was the commander of Jordan's Arab Legion.  It was Glubb and those like him who trained the Jordanian Army and made it in effective fighting force against the Israelis.  The Arab Legion was the only force to score a meaningful victory over the Jewish fighters which left the Jordanians in control of the eastern section of Jerusalem and what is now the West Bank.  Nobody wanted to set up a Palestinian State in the West Bank in those days.

1897(14th of Nisan, 5657): The New York Times reported that “At sundown this evening the Feast of Passover will begin, and will continue for seven days, ending at sundown on April 22. The feast is celebrated generally by the Jews, with services in the synagogues on the first and last days, and the evenings preceding those days. The "matzoth," or unleavened bread, is used in place of the usual bread during the week…Each family, however poor, manages to live well by some means or other during the Passover week, the poorer ones being assisted by others who are more fortunate.”

1898: “Four days before the Spanish-American War was declared, Dr. Joseph M. Heller who went to the Surgeon General of the Army and volunteered his services.

1899: “Urge a Branch of a New Jewish Bank” published today reported that Richard J.H. Gottheil of Columbia, Rabbi S.S. Wise and Rabbi Philip Jaches had addressed a meeting in Brooklyn where it was proposed “to take action looking toward the establishment of a permanent branching the United States of the New Jewish Bank” which had recently been founded in London in an attempt
to further emigration to Palestine and to better the condition of the Jewish nation.”

1900: Birthdate of Polly Adler Russia, author of A House is not a Home. Long before “Sex and the City” was a television show, this famous Madame was providing the real thing.

1901: Secretary of State Hay informed Senator John H. Mitchell of Oregon the Charge d’Affairs at Constantinople had anticipated the request of Solomon Hirsch of Portland and had already lodged a protest with the government of Turkey concerning its new regulations that would prevent “any foreigner o the Jewish faith” from “sojourning” in Palestine for “a period longer than three months.”

1902: It was reported today that “Robert Hunter, head worker of the University Settlement” will deliver a lecture on April 24 on “The Musical Genius of the Jewish Immigrants” during a recital “at the home of Mrs. James Speyer.

1903: During the so-called Melvin Bellis Case, as rumors of pogroms began to circulate, the Russian Minister of Justice telegraphed the Kiev District Prosecutor ordering him to personally investigate the cause of Andrei Yustschinkski’s death.

1904(1stof Iyar, 5664): Parashat Tazria-Metzora; Rosch Chodesh Iyar

1904: “Boston Notes” which was published today included a review of The Neighborby Professor Nathan S. Shaler which “includes consideration of the two serous presented to Americans by the presence of the Jews and the Negroes” and which provides a “history of the hatred of the Jews” that “will astonish all who have previously studied the question rather carefully.”

1905: Peddlers on the east side planned to be out selling their wares today even though it was Sunday.  Sigmund Schwartz, President of the East Side Peddlers Association had told them that Police Commissioner McAdoo had given them permission to ignore the laws because of the approaching celebration of Passover.

1905: In “How Passover Will Be Observed on the East Side; The Beautiful Sentiment of Opening the Door to the Poor with Which This Time-Honored Jewish Festival Is Initiated at the Seder Table," published today it was reported that ‘Next Wednesday evening, the first night of Passover, thousands of the Children of Israel on the great east side will sit by their firesides in faith, hope, and contentment. From the dim haze of antiquity hunted from shore to shore, they have at last found peace -- in this country of glorious freedom, where they can at least worship their God in peace, and where their Passover comes without menace of riot and bloodshed”

1906: Twenty Jewish butchers working in Harlem were found guilty of selling meat after midnight on Saturday.  The magistrate hearing the case said that he was fining them reluctantly and wished that “the legislature would repeal this absurd law.”

1907: In “The Roumanian Revolt” published today A.H. Fromenson, the Secretary of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith  said that the Roumanian uprising was not, as the New York Times had reported “essentially agrarian and only incidentally anti-Semitic” but was “from its inception entirely anti-Semitic” and trace their beginnings to attacks last December on attacks on a concert sponsored by the Jewish Ladies’ Society of Bucharest and that authorities had only taken action when the anti-Semitic looters, emboldened by the successes attacked the property of Gentile land owners.”

1908(16thof Nisan, 5668): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer is counted for the last time during the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.

1909(25thof Nisan, 5669): Sixty-three year old Alfred Lipman Levy, the Wellington, NZ born son of Jane and Solomon Levy and the husband of Mary Ann Levy and Annie Levy whose business varied and successful business interests including sitting on the boards of the Wellington Gas Company and the Welling Trust Loan and Investment Company passed away today.


1910: “Former Director of the Police Department of the Russian Empire and Associate Minister of the Interior, Alexander Lopukhin” who has been exiled to Siberia wrote to Premier Stolypin “that many of the proclamations inciting the people to riots and massacres of the Jews were printed within the walls of the police department and were distributed by that department.

1911: During what would become known as “The Case of Mendel Bellis,” the Russian Minister of Justice ordered the Kiev District Prosecutor to personally investigate the death of Andrei Yustschinski; an investigation that would include a second autopsy conducted by two professors from the Kiev Medical School.

1912: The RMS Carpathia, carrying hundreds of the Titanic survivors including journalist Edith Rosenbaum and Elizabeth and Martin Rothschild, the aunt and uncle of Dorothy Parker, began making its way to New York.

1913(9thof Nisan, 5673):Sixty-five year old Leo Speyer, who was a member of the New York Stock Exchange for 25 years and was a director of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Association “died suddenly today in his apartment at the Savoy Hotel in New York.”

1913: Twenty-nine year old Lt. J.G. Albert Morris Cohen was “appointed as an aid on the staff of the Commander-in-Chief of the United States Atlantic Fleet today.

1913: Mrs. I.J. Robin, the president of the Jewish Consumptives’ Relief Society and Mrs. Ignatz J. Reis, the president of the Conference of Jewish Women’s Organizations were among those who spoke at conference day arranged by the Jewish Consumptives’ Relief Society of Chicago.

1914: In Lithuania, Rabbi Nathan Milikowsky and Sara Milikowsky gave birth to Matthew Milikowsky

1914: Sixty-seven-year-old German anti-Semite Ahlwardt Hermann died today.



1914: According to Dr. Ben Wildauer, a friend of Leo M. Frank, Dan S. Lehon of the Burns Detective Agency hired C.C. Tedder today “paying him $500 cash, $250 as an advance on his salary and $250 for expenses” as part of plan to have the detective agency look at the possibility that perjured evidence had been used to convict Frank, the Jewish factory who was convicted of killing a Mary Phagan in one of the worst orgies of anti-Semitism in the history of United States.

1915: Birthdate of Coleman Jacoby, the native of Pittsburg, PA  a comedy writer who created the laughter for many famous names including Fred Allen, Phil Silvers, Jackie Gleason and Art Carney.  He passed away at the age of 95 in 2010.

1916: Abraham K. Cohen, Samuel Fleishman and Joseph Levinson presided over “the dedication of the B’nai B’rith Building of the Independent Order of the B’nai B’rith tonight at the new headquarters on Broadway where attendees heard speeches by Marcus M. Marks, Otto Irving Wise, Abraham K. Cohen and Herman Asher followed by “a prayer for peace delivered by Herbert S. Goldstein.

1916: Among the contributions reported today by The Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering Through the War were $31 from Rabbi L.J.Haas and $32 from people in Wharton, TX.

1916: Jacob Schiff, Dr. Cyrus Adler, Dr. J.L. Magnes and Professor Mordecai M. Kaplan were among the speakers when “the new quarters of the Teachers’ Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary on the fifth floor of the annex to the Hebrew Technical Institute” were dedicated this afternoon.

1916: “Jews in America” published today provided a review of the 23rd of the American Jewish Historical Society’s series of Publications that deals “in the main with the history of Jews of America” including William Vincent Byars discussion of the papers of 18th century Philadelphia merchants Bernard and Michael Gratz.

1916: Birthdate of “Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager, the leader of one the world’s largest Hasidic sects, the Viznitz Hasidim.” (As reported by Joseph Berger)

1916: France and Britain divided up the Middle East in the Sykes-Picot Agreement. France wasassured of Syria and the Mosul, with English gaining control of Northern Arabia and Central Mesopotamia. Pre-state Israel was divided with France controlling the Galilee, Britain the Haifa area and the rest of the region to be under some sort of undefined international control.

1917(24th of Nisan, 5677): Edouard Gaspard Marcel Kahn, “chief of battalion” was killed today during WW I.

1917: Twenty-four year old philosopher Walter Benjamin married Dora Pollak today after which they went to a sanatorium in Dachau for treatment of his sciatica.

1917: The American Jewish Relief Committee received telegrams today from the brothers of Utah Governor Simon Bamberger – J.E. Bamberger and Herman Bamberger, “who control large mining interests” – promising to match the Governors’ pledge to contribute an amount equal to 10 per cent of the contributions from Utah.

1917: Reports received today in New York from Jerusalem claim that “fully 50 per cent of the population of Palestine and Syria are facing death by starvation” and that “the only chance for relief is the capture of Jerusalem and the seaport of Jaffa by British forces” which would “enable the Allies to bring supplies from Egypt.”

1917: Herman H. Lehman, Treasurer of the Joint Distribution Committee announced that the committee received $180,000 today.

1917: In Berlin, Dr. Albert Salomon, a prominent surgeon and his wife gave birth to Charlotte, the artist who was gassed at Auschwitz in 1943.



1918(4thof Iyar, 5678): 2nd Lt. Cecil Shekury, a native of Singapore and was attending school in England in 1914 when the war broke out and he enlisted in the Army was killed today.

1918: Four days after he had passed away, 23 year old Pvt. Charles Alexander Cassell, a member of the Norfolk Yeomanry and the son of Solomon Cassell and Bloomer Isaacs was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1918: Dr. Hyman Gerson Enelow completed his services “as a member of the Overseas Commission of the Jewish Welfare Board.”

1918: “A protest against alleged ‘continuous unjust, unfair, and discriminatory treatment’ of Jews in the war was with Secretary Baker today by Louis Marshall of New York, head of the American Jewish Committee” including the complaint “that not a single among the large number with the expeditionary forces in France has been commissioned from the ranks” although many such commissions have been awarded to others.

1919(16thof Nisan, 5679): Second Day of Pesach

1919: Furloughs granted to members of the AEF (American Expeditionary Force) so they could observe Passover came to an end at midnight.

1920: A union was founded to strengthen and develop friendly relations between Moroccan Jewry and Spain.

1920: The Twelfth Conference of the Bund continue to meet for a fifth day in Gomel.

1920: Birthdate of Richard Nathaniel Goldman, a native of San Francisco who founded Goldman Insurance Services for co-founded “the Goldman Environmental Prize, which is given to six grass-roots environmental activists every year.”  He pass away in 2010 at the age of 90.

1921(8thof Nisan, 5681):Parashat Metzora; Shabbat HaGadol

1921: Penultimate day of the conference of Reform Jews that has been meeting in Washington, DC.

1922:  Po'al ha-Mizrachi, the religious Zionist labor movement, founded.  Unlike many other Orthodox, the followers of Mizrachi were ardent Zionist from the earliest days.  They played a vital role in the creation of Jewish Palestine under the mandate and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.

1922: Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Treaty of Rapallo which was effectively a peace treaty between these two parties from WW I.  The Russian and German empires that had been warring parties had been replaced by these two national entities.  The treaty drew the two “pariah states” of Europe into an embrace that included training of the German Army in the Soviet Union.  Yes, in one of those great ironies of history, Stalin would provide the training for the Wermacht that would invade his country; an invasion that resulted in the death of millions of Jews.

1923(30th of Nisan, 5683): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1925(22ndof Nisan, 5685): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1926: “Judge Mack and Rabbi Landman Debate Zionism” published today described the presentation of the different opinions about Palestine held by Judge Julian W. Mark and Rabbi Isaac Landman.


1926: “The Wooing of Eve” a silent film written by Robert Liebmann was released in Germany today.

1927(14thof Nisan, 5687): Shabbat HaGadol; erev Pesach

1927: Judge Otto A Rosalsky, the Vice President of the Jewish Educational Association which is seeking to raise a half million dollars “to provide religious training for the Jewish youth of New York City” said today “that the world more than ever today must turn to the task of providing religious training for the young” a sentiment echoed by Jonah J. Goldstein, the Chairman of the campaign who said that “giving our youth a Jewish education is giving them a heritage that will proved more valuable than merely earthly possessions.”

1927: The Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society is scheduled to hold a Seder at 425 Lafayette Street which will be attended by “the fifteen members of the Hakoah soccer team of Vienna.”

1927: The Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society is scheduled to hold a Seder on Ellis Island for approximately “150 immigrants temporarily detained there” as well as for an untold “number of deportees.

1927: Temple Anshe Chesed began its last Passover observance at its current location at Seventh Avenue and 114th Street before moving into the facility “being erected at West End Avenue and 100th Street.

1927: Seventy-six year old Florence Earle Coates who “was among "artists and intellectuals" who spoke out against the wrongful imprisonment and would pen four poems relating to the affair: "Dreyfus" (1898), "Dreyfus" (1899), "Picquart" (1902) and "Le Grand Salut" (1906)” passed away today. (As reported by Sonja N. Bohm)

1927:Nathan Straus, New York philanthropist, arrived on the White Star liner Adriatic after a visit to Palestine. He said that he found steady progress there, in spite of the crisis in Tel Aviv, which he said was temporary. Straus praised Lord Plumer, the High Commissioner and reported that “friction between Arabs and Jews was on the decline.

1928(26thof Nisan, 5688): Seventy-seven year old Pavel Axelrod, the Jewish Menshevik born Pinkhus Borukh, died in exile today in Berline.


1928: In Brooklyn, Samuel and Lily (Lazell) Sylbert gave birth to “Richard "Dick" Sylbert, a two-time Academy Award-winning production designer.”



1929: Violinist Efrem Zimbalist is scheduled to perform this on radio station WOR.

1930: In Jamaica, Queens, NY, store owner Louis Herman and “the former Yetta Scheer, a seamtress” gave birth to Dolphin researcher Louis Herman.


1930: Birthdate of Herbert Jay Solomon who gained fame as Herbie Mann, a leading American jazz flutist.

1931(29th of Nisan, 5691): Rachel Bluwstein Sela passed away at the age of 40. She “was a Hebrew poet who immigrated to Palestine in 1909 who was known by her first name, Rachel, (רחל) or as Rachel the poetess (רחל המשוררת). Born in Saratov[  in Russia in 1890, she was “the eleventh daughter of Isser-Leib and Sophia Bluwstein, and granddaughter of the rabbi of the Jewish community in Kiev. During her childhood, her family moved to Poltava, Ukraine, where she attended a Russian-speaking Jewish school and, later, a secular high school. She began writing poetry at the age of 15. When she was 17, she moved to Kiev and began studying painting. At the age of 19, Rachel visited Eretz Israel with her sister en route to Italy, where they were planning to study art and philosophy. They decided to stay on as Zionist pioneers. They settled in Rehovot and worked in the orchards. Later, Rachel moved to Kvutzat Kinneret on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, where she studied and worked in a women's agricultural school. At Kinneret, she met Zionist leader A. D. Gordon who was to be a great influence on her life, and to whom she dedicated her first Hebrew poem. During this time, she also met and had a romantic relationship with Zalman Rubshov - object of many of her love poems who later became known as Zalman Shazar and was the third president of Israel. In 1913, on the advice of A. D. Gordon, she journeyed to Toulouse, France to study agronomy and drawing. When World War I broke out, unable to return to Palestine, she returned instead to Russia where she taught Jewish refugee children. It may have been at this point in her life that she contracted tuberculosis.

After the end of the war in 1919 she returned to Palestine on board the ship Ruslan and for a while joined the small agricultural kibbutz Degania, a settlement neighboring her previous home at Kinneret. However, shortly after her arrival she was diagnosed with tuberculosis, then an incurable disease. Now unable to work with children for fear of contagion, she was expelled from Degania and left to fend for herself. In 1925 she lived briefly in a small white house in the courtyard of No. 64 Street of the Prophets in Jerusalem (courtyard of the William Holman Hunt House). She spent the rest of her life traveling and living in Tel Aviv, and finally settled in a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients in Gedera…. She is buried in the Kinneret cemetery in a grave overlooking the Sea of Galilee, following her wishes as expressed in her poem ‘If Fate Decrees.’ Alongside her are buried many of the socialist ideologues and pioneers of the second and third waves of immigration. In recent years, Naomi Shemer was buried near Rachel, according to Shemer's wish. Rachel began writing in Russian as a youth, but the majority of her work was written in Hebrew. Most of her poems were published on a weekly basis in the Hebrew newspaper Davar, and quickly became popular with the Jewish community in the Palestine and later, in the State of Israel. The majority of her poetry is set in the pastoral countryside of Eretz Israel. Many of her poems echo her feelings of longing and loss, a result of her inability to realize her aspirations in life. In several poems she mourns the fact that she will never have a child of her own. Lyrical, exceedingly musical and characterized by its simple language and deep feeling, her poetry deals with fate, her own difficult life, and death. Her love poems emphasize the feelings of loneliness, distance, and longing for the beloved; her lighter poetry is ironic, often comic. Her writing was influenced by French imagism, Biblical stories, and the literature of the Second Aliyah pioneers. In one poem she identifies with Michal, wife of David. Rachel also wrote a one-act comic play ‘Mental Satisfaction,’ which was performed but not published in her lifetime. This ironic vignette of pioneer life was recently rediscovered and published in a literary journal.  Anthologies of Rachel's poetry remain bestsellers to this day. Many of her poems were set to music, both during her lifetime and afterwards, and are widely sung by Israeli singers. Her poems are included in the mandatory curriculum in Israeli schools. A selection of her poetry was translated to English and published under the title ‘Flowers of Perhaps: Selected Poems of Rachel,’ by the London publisher Menard. In his foreword to the 1994 edition of ‘Flowers of Perhaps,’ the acclaimed Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai stated: ‘What may be most remarkable about the poetry of Ra'hel, a superb lyric poet, is that it has remained fresh in its simplicity and inspiration for more than seventy years.’ In 2011, Rachel was chosen as one of four great Israeli poets whose portraits would be on Israeli currency (the other three being Leah Goldberg, Shaul Tchernichovsky, and Nathan Alterman).”


1931: Birthdate of Ruth Bachravochova who was murdered eleven years later at Izbica.

1932: In Karlovac, which at the time was part of Yugoslavia, Iva (Ischak) Goldstein and his wife gave birth to Danko Goldstein who changed his name to Daniel Ivin when he moved to Israel but later returned to his native Croatia where he pursued a career as a writer and human rights activist.

1934(1stof Iyar, 5694): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1934: “Kashruth Movement” published today described the efforts of Rabbi Solomon Schienfeld, a leading Orthodox rabbi in Milwaukee to make sure  that Jews confined to the Muirdale Tuberculosis  Sanitarium “and other Milwaukee county public institutions” will have “kosher foods on all Jewish holidays.

1934: “Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson of Congregation Emanu-El and Mrs. Goldenson” are scheduled to “be honored at a luncheon to be given under the auspices of the executive board of Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations at the Harmonie Club…”

1935: As the Red Sox open their A.L. season, Moe Berg is the team’s third-string catcher thanks to the efforts of Joe Cronin who signed after the Jewish “odd-ball” had been released by the Cleveland Indians.

1935: Birthdate of Steffi Sidney-Splaver, the daughter of famed Hollywood columnist Sidney Skolsky, who as a young actress appeared in and then gave up acting to become a Hollywood writer, publicist and producer.  She passed away in 2010 at the age of 74.

1935: Birthdate of American “character actor” Al Israel, one of those people you send an untold number of movies such as “Carlito’s Way” and “Scarface” but whose name you never know.


1936: “Mr. Deeds Goes to Washington” the comedy for which Robert Riskin wrote the Oscar winning script was released in the United States toay.

1936: In Bucharest, Rumania, “the Liberal Party combined with the National Peasant Party” today demanded “that the government put an end to the activities of the Iron Gaurds” and others that are part of “the extreme right wing anti-Semitic Fascist movement.”

1936: In the Netherlands, “Het Volk, the leading Labor newspaper” said the German “consulate distributed copies of a Nazi publication, ‘Germans Abroad’ which contains an article that is an insult to Amsterdam’s Jewish population.”

1936: Dr. Albert Einstein wrote a letter to Rabbi Lazar Schonfeld soliciting his support for Yeshiva College.


1937: When a caretaker opened the gates at a Jewish cemetery this morning he “found sixteen tombstones overturned” and damage to the cemetery wall in several places which was “believed to have been” done by the Nazis.

1938(15th of Nisan, 5698): First Day of Pesach

1938: On the first day of Pesach, Rabbi David de Sola Pool at the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue said " The Passover message of freedom is a ringing call to- man to struggle to preserve his civic liberty and his freedom of thought, speech and conscience." Speaking to a crowd o 2,500 at Temple Emanu-El, Rabbi Samuel Goldenson stressed the necessity for Jews “to reaffirm the importance of liberty and freedom.”  He also drew a comparison between the plight of the Jews of Egypt and plight of Jews living in totalitarian states in Europe. 

1938: Arturo Toscanini conducted the Palestine Orchestra in Tel Aviv. “The program was a repetition of that given in Haifa earlier this week, but tonight’s performance was even more brilliant because the better acoustics at the Tel Aviv Hall.”

1939: Birthdate of New York native and NYU alum Harvey Golub, “a senior partner with McKinsey and Company” and the CEO of American Express.

1939:  Stalin requested the creation of a British, French & Russian anti-Nazi pact.  Stalin was not blind to Hitler's ambition.  He sought an alliance with the West. However, London and Paris dithered because they were concerned about joining forces with the Communist dictator.  Fearing isolation and having to fight the Germans alone, Stalin negotiated a non-aggression pact with Hitler which freed the Nazis to attack Poland and then turn against the West.  By the time the Germans attacked the Russians, a new government was in power in London.  When Churchill was asked if he would aid Stalin, Churchill said that he would help the Devil if he were fighting the Nazis.

1939: Sensing opportunities with the Soviet Union, Mussolini welcomes the notion of a pact of solidarity with that country.

1940(18thof Nisan, 5700): Sixty-nine year old Esther Greenebaum, the daughter of Adolph and Johanna Loeb and the wife of Henry Naphtali Greenebaum with whom she had four children – Charlotte, Sarah, Michael and Henry – passed away today in Chicago.

1940: Before going to Griffith Stadium to watch the opening game of the baseball stadium, President Roosevelt met this morning with Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr.

1940: On opening day at Griffith Stadium, the home of the Washington Senators, President Roosevelt accidently smashed the camera of a Jewish photographer.Irving Schlossenberg was a photographer with the Washington Post.  After FDR had thrown the ceremonial “first pitch,” Schlossenberg convinced him to do it a second time so that he could get a better picture.  Unfortunately, Roosevelt’s second pitch went wild and smashed Schlossenberg’s camera.  Schlossenberg went on to serve as a combat photographer with the United States Marine Corps hitting the beach in the first wave at four different landings – a fete that help to earn him four bronze stars.

1941: Germans invade Sarajevo, and with the help of Muslims (of whom they had incited) looted and destroyed the main Sephardic synagogue.  All Jews were ordered to surrender their radios.

1941: German troops and local Muslims looted and destroyed the main synagogue in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia.

1941(19th of Nisan, 5701): Aron Beckermann became the first Jew to be shot by the Germans for resistance in France.

1942: SS officials in the Ukraine informed authorities in Berlin that the Crimea is judenrein (purged of Jews).

1943: Today “Rabbis Solomon Foster, Louis M. Levitsky Joachim Prinz and David H. Wise, all of whom head large congregations” issued statements today “trhough Major Howard J Lepper, area director of the War Manpower Commission” urging Jews workings in New Jersey war production plants to say at work during Passover when Jews normally do not work during the first two and last two days of the holiday observance.

1943: “Rabbi Irving Miller, Secretary General of the World Jewish Congress who has arrived in London from New York, said today that the time had come for an earnest and effective effort to save the Jews in Europe from total destruction.”

1944: After forcing the Jews to register, the Hungarian government confiscated the property of the Jewish population.

1944: The Parczew partisans, fighters in irregular military groups participating in the Jewish resistance movement against Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II “participated in the take over the city of Parczew today.


1944:In impressive services held this afternoon at the Central Synagogue, Lexington Avenue at Fifty-Fifth Street, three American Jewish leaders including S.W. Baron, J.N. Rosenberg and W. Rosenwald received the honorary degree of Doctor of Hebrew Letters from Hebrew Union College

1945: “Representatives of a non-Jewish group head by the Bishop of Wellington, NZ, the Right Reverend Herbert S. Barbe Holland, issued a statement today urging “the opening of Palestine to Jewish victims of oppression.”

1945: “Foe Killed Manila Jews” published today described how at least seventy-five Jews were killed in February during the Battle of Manila including fifty-five year old “Alexander M. Bachrach, the owner of the Manila Motors and Hixbar Mining Companies who was bayoneted at his home.”

1945: “Summer Welles, former UnderSecretary of State, called today for the establishment by the coming international organization of an international trusteeship over Palestine to replace the present British mandate.”

1946(15th of Nisan, 5706): On the first day of Pesach, American journalist Mrs. Margaret Ashton Stimson Lindsley entered Acre Prison so that she could interview imprisoned members of the Irgun.  The British had turned down her requests to review the prisoners, so Mrs. Lindsley took advantage of the British practice of allowing family members to visit prisoners on Pesach.  Mrs. Lindsley pretended to be a member of the first family of Revisionist Zionism, the Jabotinskys, so she could join them on a visit to jail.  There she interviewed Eri Jabotinsky, son of the Revisionist Zionist leader, Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky. a leader of the Irgun's "aliya bet" underground railroad, which smuggled tens of thousands of Jews from Europe to Palestine in defiance of British immigration restrictions and his 17-year-old cousin Peleg Tamir, who was also an Irgun activist

1946: Birthdate of Little Rock, AR native Margot Adler, the granddaughter of Alfred Adler, the author whose writing on Neopaganism showed how far she had moved from her from the faith of her grandfather.


1947:  Bernard Baruch the famed Jewish financier and unofficial advisor to several Presidents reportedly coined the term “cold war” to describe the relationship between the U.S. and the Soviets.

1947(26th of Nisan, 5707): The British executedfour members of the Irgun – Dov Gruner, Mordechai Alkahi, Hehiel Dresner and Eliezer Kashani – in Acre Prison.1948:  During the Israeli War for Independence a platoon of Palmach soldiers made its way into the city of Safed where the Jewish quarter was under siege from a large Arab force.  The appearance of this small but tough group of Israeli fighters stiffened the spirit of the besieged population.  With the sanction of the local rabbis, the largely Orthodox population worked to improve the defenses of the Jewish quarter even though the work would interfere with preparations for Pesach.  The Palmach arrived just in the nick of time, since the departing British forces turned over the keys to their police fortress and other fortified positions to the Arab military forces. Ultimately, the Jews of Safed would prevail and the Arab military units would be driven out.  

1947(26th of Nissan, 5707): Eighty-three year old Rabbi Simon Finkelstien, “the dean of the Brooklyn Rabbinate passed away today.


1948:Jamal Husseini, “the former Secretary to the Executive Committee of the Palestine Arab Congress” told the Security Council today, “The representative of the Jewish Agency told us yesterday that they were not the attackers, that the Arabs had begun the fighting. We did not deny this. We told the whole world that we were going to fight.”

1948: In Manhattan, Sam Aaron “a founder and chairman of Sherry-Lehman, the New York wine merchant” and “the former Florence Goldberg, a geriatric therapist” gave birth to Jane Frances Aaron the “filmmaker and illustrator” best known to many for the animated shorts she made for “Sesame Street.”


1948: The Harel Brigade, a unit of the Palmach began a relief operation designed to provide relief for besieged Jerusalem.

1949(17th of Nisan, 5709): Third Day of Pesach and Pesach Shabbat Chol HaMoed

1949: “In tribute to high-ranking Israeli diplomats – Foreign Minister Moshe Sharrett, Ambassador Eliahu Elath and U.N. representative Aubrey S. Eban – more than five thousand persons gathered tonight “at three ballrooms of the Astor and Commodore Hotels a the seventeenth annual Histadrut third Seder, sponsored by the National Committee for Labor Israel.”

1949: “A general rededication to the principle of the brotherhood of man as a means of promoting world peace was urged upon religious leaders by rabbis in sermons” in New York today, during the confluence of the Jewish Passover and the Christian Easter.”

1949: At Temple B’nai Jeshurun in New York, Rabbi David H. Panitz “spoke against the dangerous policy in Western Germany of permitting former Nazis to regain positions of leadership.”

1950(29th of Nisan, 5710): A four story building in Jaffa collapsed killing twelve and injuring thirty.  Most of the dead were newly arrived immigrants.  The cause of the collapse is still under investigation, but it is thought to have been the result of the removal of one of the building’s pillars to make room for carpentry equipment being installed in a shop on the ground floor.

1951: The Beh Sabagahs arrived at the airport at Baghdad where they were greeted by mobs yelling “Rot in Hell” and then were abused by guards before they could board a plane for Israel.

1951: Cantor David Werdyger and his wife gave birth to .Mordechai Werdyger, “an American Hasidic Jewish singer and songwriter popular in the Orthodox Jewish community known by his stage name Mordechai Ben David.

1951: “The Great Caruso” the biopic produced by Joe Pasternak was released in the United States today.

1952(21st of Nisan, 5712): Seventh Day of Pesach

1952: Birthdate of Esther Roth-Shachamorov , the native of Tel Aviv and record-setting track and field star who married gymnast and coach Peter Roth with she had two children – a daughter Einat and a son Yaron who became a national fencing champion.

1953(1st of Iyar, 5713): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1953: U.S. premiere of “Titanic” a cinematic treatment of the ocean disaster with music by Sol Kaplan.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that army engineers had completed a new road, bringing Wadi Ramon within 212 km. of Tel Aviv. The last stage comprised a steep descent of 250 meters along 4.5 km. of the literally vertical wall of the Makhtesh - a great engineering achievement. The road was now planned to reach Eilat. Syria reportedly prepared a list of all Jewish property to be placed in the hands of a custodian, should Israel carry out its decision to sell the property of Arab refugees.

1953: Birthdate of J. Neil Schulman author, screenwriter, journalist, radio personality, and filmmaker who is the son of famed violinist Julius Schulman.

1953:The New York Times reports that “Jack Benny plans to increase his television appearances next fall to once every three weeks, and will film six of the half-hour programs this summer. The six or seven remaining shows for the 1953-54 season will be done "live."

1954: In the Bronx, Evelyn (née Rozin) Barkin and Sol Barkin gave birth to actress Emmy and Tony award winning actress Ellen Rona Barkin, the sister of George Barkin who has been the editor-in-chief of National Lampoon and High Times. The Bronx born actress appeared in such films as the big Easy and the Sea of Love and gained additional fame as the fourth wife of “Cosmetic’s King” Ron Perlemen.

1957: Terrorists infiltrated from Jordan, and killed two guards at Kibbutz Mesilot.

1959: Vic Morrow appeared in the premiere of NBC's 1920s crime drama “The Lawless Years” in the episode "The Nick Joseph Story".

1960: Birthdate of Long Island native award-winning author Daniel Mendelsohn the graduate of U. Va. and holder of a Ph.D. from Princeton whose works include The Lost: A Search for the Six Million.



1962: In New York City, Judith and Donald Blinken gave birth to Columbia graduate and Harvard trained attorney, Anthony “Tony” John Blinken, the 71stUnited States Secretary of State who was raised in part his step-father attorney and Holocaust Survivor Samuel Pisar.

1963(22ndof Nisan, 5723): Eighth Day of Pesach

1964(4thof Iyar, 5724): Yom HaAtzma’ut

1964: In New York City “writer Buz Kohan and novelist Rhea Kohan gave birth to producer and writer David Sanford Kohan and his “twin brother Jono.

1965(14th of Nisan, 5725): Ta'anit Bechorot

1965(14th of Nisan, 5725): Seventy-eight year old Mendel Osherowitch, a former editor “The Jewish Daily Forward” and a leading Yiddish author passed away today in Manhattan


1966: Jan Peerce “was one of the participants in the Metropolitan's farewell gala marking the last performance in the old opera house.”

1968(18th of Nisan, 5728): Fourth day of Pesach

1968(18th of Nisan, 5728): Eighty-two year old author Edna Ferber passed away  Born in Michigan in 1885, Ferber's parents were Jewish immigrants from Hungary.  Ferber was proud of her Jewish heritage.  In her autobiography she described anti-Semitic episodes of her youth.  She also recounted the story of a meeting with three of her friends and a New York society matron.  When the society lady, boasted about having thrown away a book because it was written by a Jew, Ferber and her friends (all Jewish as well) walked out on her.  Ferber won a Pulitzer for So Big.  She is also known for other epics including Showboat and Giant, both of which became successful movies.



1970(10th of Nisan, 5730): Seventy-eight year old Vienna born American architect Richard Joseph Neutra passed away today.



1972: “The Culpepper Cattle Co.” the first film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer as released today in the United States.

1973(14th of Nisan, 5733): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1975(5th of Iyar, 5735): Yom HaAtma’ut

1978: NBC broadcast “The Gathering Darkness” the first episode of the miniseries “Holocaust” tonight.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that US president Carter's Administration, which had just sold 50 F-5E jet fighters to Egypt, was prepared to approve the sale of 3,000 US-made armored carriers to Egypt. In Washington, Alfred Atherton, the US Middle Eastern envoy, said that it was up to Israel to make the stalled peace negotiations with Egypt possible

1978: The Jerusalem Postreported that the number of those making Aliya in March, 1978, increased by 35 percent in comparison with that of March, 1977. The majority of the 1,988 new immigrants who arrived in March came from the Soviet Union.

1979:  Zaventem Airport in Belgium was the scene of a failed attack by Palestinian terrorists.

1980: The Presidium of the Brussels World Conference on Soviet Jewry opened its meeting today in Paris.

1980: Phyllis Trible whom Athalya Brenner called one of the "prominent matriarchs of contemporary feminist bible criticism" became a full Professor at Union Theological Seminary.


1982:“Leningrad refusenik student Mikhail Tsyvin was again arrested after chaining himself to the railings outside St. Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square, demanding permission to emigrate to Israel.”

1984(14thof Nisan, 5774): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1984: Birthdate of White Plains, NY native Noah Fleiss, the actor who “is a distant relative” of the infamous Heidi Fleiss.

1986(7thof Nisan, 5746): One day after celebrating his 75th birthday, University of Wisconsin alum Charles “Buckets” Goldenberg who played for 13 years with the Green Bay Packers passed away today.


1986:Yitzhak Moda'I switched from serving as Minister of Finance to Minister of Justice.

1988: Fifty-two year old terrorist mastermind “Abu Jihad” was killed in Tunis today during an Israeli commando raid.

1989: “In recognition of Rabbi Schneerson’s” works “Congress, by House Joint Resolution 173 designated” today as “Education Day, U.S.A.”

1990: TNT broadcast “The Rose and the Jackal” directed by Jack Gold.

1993(25thof Nisan, 5753): Hamas stages what is believed to be its first suicide car bombing at Mehola Junction, killing two and wounding ten.

1995(16thof Nisan, 5755): Second Day of Pesach

1995: “The Sarajevo Haggadah,” one of the world's most beautiful illustrated Jewish manuscripts, emerged today from the chaos of the Bosnian war at a Passover ceremony that offered a moment of reconciliation in a shattered city.

1996(27thof Nisan, 5756): Yom HaShoah

1997: In “Retracing Jewish Steps, Through Haroseth” Joan Nathan traces the origins of this staple of the Seder plate.


1999: A symposium entitled The History of American Jewish Political Conservatism held at American University in Washington, D.C. comes to a close.

2000: Fifty year old Raik Haj Yahia, an Israeli Arab who had served in the Knesset as a member of the Labor Party passed away today.

2000: The New York Times included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Lingua Ex Machina: Reconciling Darwin and Chomsky With the Human Brain” by William H. Calvin and Derek Bickerton,The Knowledge Factory: Dismantling the Corporate University and Creating True Higher Learning” by Stanley Aronowitz and the recently released paperback edition of “The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America” by Ira Berlin in which “the historian examines the many forms and meanings of slavery between the arrival of the first blacks in Virginia in 1619 and the rise of King Cotton.”

2000(11th of Nisan, 5760): Seventy-seven year old international law scholar Abram Chayes passed away today.


2002(4th of Iyar, 5762):  Yom Hazikaron.

2001: In response to mounting violence, Israel launched “air, sea and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip” today.

2002:The Sherman Brothers' classic motion picture, “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” was adapted into a London West End Musical in 2002 and premiered at the London Palladium today featuring many new songs and a reworked score by both Sherman Brothers

2003(14thof Nisan, 5763): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

2003(14thof Nisan, 5763): Eight-five year old builder Samuel J. LeFrak, the Brooklyn born son of “Harry Lefrak and the former Susan Schwartz” and the chairman of LeFrak Organization who had followed in the family footsteps while raising four children – Denis, Richard, Francine and Jaqueline – with his wife, the former Ethel Stone, passed away today. (As reported by Alan Oser)


2003: U.S premiere of “A Mighty Wind” a comedy based on “the 2003 tribute concert to folk music producer Harold Leventhal” featuring Harry Shearer and Eugene Levy who also co-authored the script.

2003: In “Once Sweet and Heavy, Now Dry and Desirable,” published today Amanda Hesser describes the change in the nature of Kosher for Passover wine and the growth of it is a commercial operation


2004: “An Agent for Good” published today described the life and career of “Edward Lewis Wallant” an author whose premature death did not keep people from comparing him to “postwar Jewish American writers - Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud, Norman Mailer and Philip Roth.”


2005:Tears as day of deliverance from Belsen recalled” published today described the liberation of Begen-Belsen in the words of the survivors.


2006: The New York Times featured a review of Sweet and Low: A Family Story, by Rich Cohen. Yes, it is a Jewish family that is responsible for bring Sweet N Low, that staple of the diet world, to the American dieting consumer.  Eat, eat my child gives way to diet, diet my child. The Times also reviewed the recently released paperback edition of “The Orientalist: Solving the Mystery of a Strange and Dangerous Life” by Tom Reiss.  Part cultural biography, part literary mystery, Reiss's book chronicles the life of Lev Nussimbaum (1905-42), a Jew who transformed himself into a Muslim prince and became a bestselling author in Nazi Germany. Under the pen name Kurban Said, Nussimbaum wrote "Ali and Nino," a romance novel set in Azerbaijan at the time of the Russian Revolution. His enormously popular books and articles as "Essad Bey" opened a window on the Islamic world. Disentangling fact from fiction in Nussimbaum's life, Reiss also unlocks fascinating details on everything from the rise of fascism to the origins of the Shiite-Sunni split.”

2007: An exhibition entitled “Daring to Resist: Jewish Defiance in the Holocaust” opens at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.

2007: Time Magazinefeatured an article by Walter Isaacson entitled “Einstein & Faith.”  The article was based on Walter Isaacson”s latest literary effort, Einstein: His Life and Universe.

2007(28th of Nisan, 5767): Ninety-three year old college basketball star and attorney Abe Weissbrodt passed away today.


2007(28th of Nisan, 5767): In one of history’s many ironies, a Holocaust Survivor was murdered on the day after Yom HaShoah. Liviu Librescu aged 76; a Romanian born Israeli teaching at Virginia Tech was killed in a massacre, in which a gunman killed 33 people at the university before committing suicide. This was the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history. Students of the Israeli lecturer who said he saved the lives of several students by blocking the doorway of his classroom from the approaching gunman before he was fatally shot. "He himself was killed but thanks to him his students stayed alive," an Israeli student who survived the massacre told Army Radio. Librescu, had known tragedy since childhood. When Romania joined forces with Nazi Germany in World War II, the young Librescu was interned in a labor camp, and then sent along with his family and thousands of other Jews to a central ghetto in the city of Focsani, his son said. Hundreds of thousands of Romanian Jews were killed by the collaborationist regime during the war.

2007: Israeli photographer Oded Balilty working for the Associated Press won the Pulitzer Prize for Photography.This is the award-winning picture of the Amona outpost evacuation

2008(11th of Nisan, 5768): Three IDF soldiers were killed and two others were wounded Wednesday after coming under heavy fire from Palestinian gunmen while patrolling the border with the Gaza Strip.The soldiers who were killed were identified as Sgt. Matan Ovdati, 19, from Patish, Sgt. Menhash Albaniat, 20, a tracker from Kuseife in the Negev and Sgt. David Papian, 21, from Tel Aviv.

2008: In Florida, Rabbi Andrew Baker presents a program entitled “Confronting the Resurgence of Anti-Semitism in Europe.”

2008: As part of the Israel at 60 Celebration, the 92ndStreet Y presents Professor Uri Cohen’s review of the development of Israeli culture from1948 to the Present through an examination of Israeli Film, Music and Literature.

2008: Hedy Epstein, whose parents died in concentration camps during the Holocaust speaks at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon and Mount Mercy College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2008: In New York, The Center for Jewish History presents “The History of Jewish Involvement
in Building New York” with the following breakout sessions:

  • New York 1908: The Apartment House Comes to Gotham...
    and Look Who Moves In presented by Barry Lewis, Architectural Historian
  • Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood? Jewish Migration and Ethnicity in New York City presented by Joseph Salvo, Demographer
  • The Banker, the Realtor, and the Delicatessen Owner: The Jewish Businessmen of the Lower East Side presented by Annie Polland, Lower East Side Historian
  • The Evolution of the Jewish Real Estate Family moderated by Judith H. Dobrzynski, former New York Times Editor and Reporter and Simon Ziff, Ackman-Ziff Real Estate Group

2008: The New York Times reviewed The Much Too Promised Land by Aaron David Miller a Jewish native of Cleveland, Ohio who spent most of two decades as diplomat involved in America’s attempts to bring peace to the Middle East.

2009(22nd of Nisan, 5769):Eight Day of Pesach. 

2009:Jan Karski was honored by the Polish Government and New York City today. In recognition of Karski’s wartime courage and lifelong commitment to the memory and history of Polish Jews, Poland memorialized Karski with the unveiling of a new street sign in front of the De Lamar Mansion, the Consulate’s residence at 233 Madison Avenue at East 37th Street, which was officially designated Jan Karski Corner during the ceremony. As a courier for the Polish Underground during World War II, Karski was the first person to bring news of the Holocaust directly to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and English Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

2010: A memorial service is scheduled to be held today honoring Steffi Sidney-Splaver.

2010: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary held hearings on the nomination of Richard Mark Gergel for a federal judgeship.

2010: Altered States of Reality: an Exhibition of Analog and Digital Photography an exhibition featuring six Israeli artists, Offer Goldfarb, Goodash, Gabriel Leitner, Uri Mahlev, Eli Matityahu and Shifra, is scheduled to open at Agora Gallery in New York City.

2011(12 Nisan, 5771): Shabbat Ha-Gadol.

2011(12 Nisan, 5771): Television and film script writer Sol Saks passed away at the age of 100.  Among other accomplishments was his role in the creation of the hit television sit-com, “Bewitched” for which he wrote the first script. (As reported by Margalit Fox)


2011(12 Nisan, 5771):Milton D. Glick, 73, the 15th president of the University of Nevada, Reno and nationally respected figure in higher education, whose academic career spanned more than 50 years, passed away today in Reno.

2011: Yahrzeit for the Jews of York, England: On Shabbat Ha-Gadol (Nisan, 4950) in 1190 the Jews of York were attacked by a mob including crusaders heading for the Holy Land.  They gave the Jews the choice of converting or death.  Most of the Jews chose death, which meant murder-suicide pacts.  A few Jews did surrender to the mob, but they were murdered any way. 

2011: “A Late Marriage,” an Israeli film set in the Georgian community of Tel Aviv, is scheduled to be shown at Columbia Jewish Congregation’s (CJC) 2011 - Nineteenth Season of Movies in Columbia, MD.

2011: Gil and Orli Shaham are scheduled to give a recital at the 92nd St Y that will include Achron’s Hebrew Dance, Op. 35, No. 1 and Hebrew Melody, Op. 33  as well as Bloch’s Ba’al Shem for Violin and Piano.

2011:Air Force fighter jets struck two targets in Gaza early today in response to a double-Grad rocket attack on Ashdod that shattered a six-day cease-fire.

2012: Holocaust survivors John and Michael Schwabacher are among those who are planning on attending the memorial program scheduled to begin today in Wurzburg, Germany – the city from which they fled after having survived the Holocaust.

2012: “Follow Me: The Yoni Netanyahu Story” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Rabbi Alfredo F. Borodowski is scheduled to begin teaching “The Maimonides Letters: Leadership at a Time of Crisis” at the Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning.

2013(6thof Iyar, 5773): Yom Haatzmaut (Israel Independence Day)

2013: “Koch” and “Yossi” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2013: In London, the Wiener Library is scheduled to host a genealogy workshop, at no charge, that “is designed for descendant of refuges and Holocaust survivors, especially members of the second generation.”

2013: The Center for Jewish History and the American Jewish Historical are scheduled to present an evening with Ann Kirschner author Lady at the O.K. Corral, a biography of Josephine Sara Marcus Earp, the wife of the famous western lawman who had him buried in a Jewish cemetery.

2013: The Center for Jewish History and Israel Film Center are scheduled to present “Through His Eyes,” a ” documentary history of Israeli cinema through the eyes of a still photographer, Yoni Hamenahem, who for the past 40 years has photographed the sets of many of Israel's classic films.”

2013: Mathew Nash’s film – “16 Photographs at Ohrdruf” –which tells of the first concentration liberated by the U.S. Army in 1945 is scheduled to be shown at the Boston International Film Festival


2013: Eighty-nine year old Holocaust survivor Renee Firestone is scheduled to speak at Kirkwood Community college this morning and at Mount Mercy University this evening.  Her appearance is sponsored by the Joan and David Thaler Holocaust Memorial Foundation.

2013(6th of Iyar, 5773): Ninety-eight year old Jake Alhadeff, the native of Atlanta, GA who moved to Maitland, FL in 2003 passed away today.

2013: Eighty-nine year old Holocaust survivor Renee Firestone is scheduled to speak at Kirkwood Community college this morning and at Mount Mercy University this evening.  Her appearance is sponsored by the Joan and David Thaler Holocaust Memorial Foundation.

2014(16th of Nisan, 5774): Second Day of Pesach – First day of the Omer

2014: Macon Openshaw, 21, of Salt Lake City, pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court for the District of Utah to firing three rounds from a handgun at the Congregation Kol Ami synagogue in Salt Lake City (As reported by JTA)

2014: The Magical Festival is scheduled to open this morning in Tel Aviv’s Hayarkon Park.

2015(27th of Nisan, 5775): Yom HaShoah

2015(27th of Nisan, 5775): Ninety-three year old mental health pioneer Mira Rothenberg whose father died in the Holocaust passed away today.


2015: As part of the Skirball Center’s Yom HaShoan observance Menachem Z. Rosensaft the editor of God, Faith & Identity from the Ashes, New York Times reporter Joseph Berger, senior editor of Tablet Magazine Stephanie Butnick, Amichai Lau-Lavie, founder of Storahtelling, David Miliband, former Foreign Secretary of the UK, and senior fellow at New York University, Thane Rosenbaum, are scheduled to discuss how memories of the past affect their lives.

2015: Holocaust survivor Bob Behr is scheduled to speak at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as part of the First Person program.

2015: “Bialik” King of the Jews” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: “Saviors on the Screen,”  “a special Films Series dedicated to the rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust presented by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation and the JCC Manhattan is scheduled to take place today.

2015: On Yom HaShoah, Nancy Baron-Baer, the Regional Director of the ADL is scheduled to “conduct a discussion about Anti-Semitism in today's world and how to combat it” at the National Museum of American Jewish History.

2015: According to Army Radio, an “ultra-Orthodox soldier was threatened and called a Nazi by Haredi men today in Beit Shemesh near Jerusalem.


2016(8thof Nisan, 5776): Shabbat HaGadol; for more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2016: “Junun” and “Rosenwald” are scheduled to be shown for the last time at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2016: Israeli composer Ophir Ilzetzki is scheduled to have his American premiere at the 2016 MATA Festival.


2017: The Jerusalem Bird Observatory is scheduled to conduct a trip on the Knesset trail – “a free tour about birds, Jerusalem history and nature.”

2017: In upholding “the government’s closure of the Taba border crossing into Egypt over the Passover festival,” Israel’s High Court “found that there was a genuine threat and risk to Israeli tourists” and that therefore, “the government was correct in closing the border.

2017: Today the navy sent a specialized search ship and an elite team of divers to the Sea of Galilee to help in the search for three people -- Itamar Ohana, 19, from the northern city of Kiryat Shmona; Nahman Itah, 21, from the West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit; and Liron Karadi, 17, from the coastal Israeli city of Netanya -- who went missing last week after they were swept by winds away from the coast and into deeper water.”

2017: The New York Times featured reviews by Jewish writers and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The First Love Story: Adam, Eve and Us by Bruce Feiler and What to do About the Solomons by Bethany Ball.

2018(1stof Iyar, 5778): Rosh Chodesh Iyar;

2018: The YIVO Institute is scheduled to present “a discussion led by Edna Nahsohn about her recent book Wrestling with Shylock: Jewish Responses to the Merchant of Venice.

2018: The ADL’S 30th annual Sam Miller Catholic Jewish Colloquium with Rev. Dennis McManus and Rabbi Stephen Weiss is scheduled to take place in the Center for Pastoral Leadership.

2018: Holocaust survivor Michael Bornstein who was only four years old when liberated and his daughter Debbie Bornstein Holinstat are scheduled to speak at the Community Yom HaShoah Service in Cedar Rapids, IA which is being sponsored by The Thaler Holocaust Education Programming Committee chaired Dr. Robert Silber.

2018: In Cleveland, Ohio, the Ritz-Carlton is scheduled to open its new Kosher kitchen with a staff trained by “Israeli kosher chefs Kobi Ohanyon and Adir Cohen.

2018: “Martin Baron, the executive editor of the Washington Post said today” “that journalist needed both a soul and spine” as he received word that his paper had on the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting.

2019: In New York, “At the Crossroads of Sephardic, Mizrahi and Russian-Speaking Worlds” a “a three part learning and cultural series on the greater Sephardic communities in the former Soviet Union” is scheduled to begin today. 2020

2019: While attending “a lavish event” at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem where he was celebrating his election victory, Prime Minister Netanyahu “vowed to be a leader for those who did not vote for him, attacked the media and boasted of receiving congratulatory messages from Arab leaders, all while being serenaded by Israeli pop stars.”

2019: Early today “President Reuven Rivlin said that a majority of parliament members had advised him to have Netanyahu form a government after the April 9 vote, effectively ensuring his nomination’

2019: Today, “the White House hosted more than 80 Jewish non-profit leaders, business leaders and rabbis that included representatives of  Orthodox Union, Agudath Israel, and America Friends of Lubavitch (Chabad), American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Hadassah, the National Council of Young Israel, the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Federations of North America, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the Zionist Organization of America, the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, the Coalition for Jewish Values, the Republican Jewish Coalition, the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations but not representatives “the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist movements, the ADL, J Street, HIAS, the Israel Policy Forum and the Simon Wiesenthal Center.”

2019: Erica Jong, the author of Fear of Flying is scheduled to “read selections from her new book of poetry, The World Began With Yes at the Osher Marin JCC.

2019: The AJHA, American Sephardi Federation and the Center for Jewish History are scheduled to present “Iranian Jews Between Iran, Zion and America,” a “talk with Leah Mirakhor (Yale University), Lior Sternfeld (Penn State University) and moderator Atina Grossman (Cooper Union) that celebrates the new groundbreaking work of two social historians on Iranian Jewish life and community in the 20th century between immigrations and diasporas in Iran, Israel, and the U.S.” which will include a “tribute to the work of HIAS in helping Jews immigrate and resettle in the U.S. in the years post the 1979 revolution in Iran.”

2019: The Thaler Holocaust Memorial Foundation is scheduled to host an appearance by Holocaust survivor Rachel Miller at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, IA and Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, IA.


2020(22ndof Nisan, 5780) Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor; for more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2020(22ndof Nisan, 5780): Yahrtzeit for the 3,000 nameless Jews who were massacred in Prague in 5149.

2020: Israelis are scheduled to hear possible plans, some of which have been proposed by financial advisor Professor Avi Simhon which allow some local stores to open on Sunday along with Special Ed classes.

2021:Jazz-rock vocalist Noa Levy and singer Achi Ben-Shalom are scheduled to lead a sing-along concert highlighting Israel’s music history, with lyrics and Israeli images on the screen.

2021: The Riverway Project is scheduled to present an engaging, musical, upbeat Qabbalat Shabbat service led by Rabbi Jen Gubitz — virtually” where attendees can participate over zoom, offering names for healing and kaddish.

2021: In a session examining UC Berkeley’s Magnes Collection, curators Francesco Spagnolo and Shir Kochavi are scheduled to talk about an exhibit of more than 150 items that examined the links between food, ritual, identity, activism, and Jewish life.

2021: The Jewish Women’s Archives 25thanniversary survey is scheduled to come to a close today.


2021: TheEast Bay Int’l Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present Israeli filmmaker and actress-singer sharing the behind the miniseries she created, “Muna,” about an Israeli Arab photographer.

2021: In the first of its kind event, “the foreign ministers of Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Greece and Cyprus are scheduled to meet in Paphos, Cyprus today.

2021: Jerusalem police are scheduled to continue their investigation into reports that “Ultra-Orthodox youth allegedly burned flags and floral wreaths left on fallen IDF soldiers’ graves during Memorial Day.”




This Day, April 17, In Jewish History, by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 17

69: After the First Battle of Bedriacum, Vitellius becomes Roman Emperor. The year 69 was called “The Year of the Four Emperors” because four different claimants held the position in this brief period of time.  According to Rome and Jerusalem, the sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple were byproducts of this violent year and grew out of a need by Vitellius’ successor, Vespasian, to prove his power and legitimacy.

392: The Roman Emperors issued a new law “stating that Jewish leaders who have been expelled by their community cannot be forced back on the” Jewish community by Roman judges.  While this may seem like a gain for the Jews, the decree refers to them as “belonging to the Jewish superstition” – language that does not bode well for the long-term well-being of the Jews in the Roman Empire.

1222:  Deacon Robert of Reading (England) was burned at the stake for converting to Judaism, setting the precedent for the burning of heretics.



1280: Today Richard Swinefeld who 1286 “threatened to excommunicate several of his flock who wished to attend the wedding of the daughter of a leading Jew of Hereford” was named Archdeacon of London

1397: Geoffrey Chaucer tells the Canterbury Tales for the first time at the court of Richard II. Chaucer scholars have also identified this date (in 1387) as when the book's pilgrimage to Canterbury starts. There should be no connection between the Jewish people and Chaucer since the Jews had been expelled from England a century before he told his “tales.”  But Chaucer is proof that you do not need Jews to have anti-Semitism.  The “Prioress’s Tale,” one of the the twenty-three stories contains the following plot line,  “While wandering through the Jewish section of town singing hymns of his faith an eight-year old Christian child is murdered…The frantic mother uncovers the crime when she hears her newly buried son singing Alma Redemptoris.  Justice is sternly served when the Jewish community is wiped out in retaliation.” 

1506(Nisan, 5266): In Lisbon, several Conversos were discovered who had in their possession "some lambs and poultry prepared according to Jewish custom.”  They also had “unleavened bread and bitter herbs” needed “according to the regulations for the Passover, which festival they celebrated far into the night." Several of them were seized, but were released after a few days. Angered by the release, mobs would riot and attack conversos living in the Portuguese capital.

1525(Nisan, 5285): Isaac ben Jacob Margolioth, the son of Nuremberg Rabbi Jacob Margolioth, who served as a rabbi at Prague and wrote a preface to one of his father’s works passed away today.

1528: First Jews settle legally in Fuerth, Bavaria

1559:  At Cremona, Italy, Sixtus Senesis, an apostate Jew, who had become a Dominican, tried to convince the local Spanish governor to burn the Talmud. The governor demanded witnesses before he would give the order. Vitttorio Eliano the converted grandson of Elias Levita and one Joshua dei Cantori bore witness that the Talmud was full of lies about Christianity. A few days later approximately 10,000 books were burned. The Zohar was not touched since the Pope and the Catholic Church was interested in its publication believing that it would supplant the Talmud and make it easier to convert the Jews. Ironically it was Eliano himself who wrote the preface to the Cremora Zohar.

1579: The seaside town of Youghal in County Cork, Ireland was damaged during the which was badly damaged today during the Second Desmond Rebellion had had the unique distinction in 1555 of being the first Irish town to have a Jewish mayor – William Moses Annyas Eanes, the grandson of Gil Eanes of Belmonte, Portugal.  Francis Eanes served as the town’s mayor on three different occasions coinciding with the rebellion but the relation between the two men has yet to be determined.

1581: King Phillip, who commanded the governor of Milan to expel the Jews from Alessandra, began his reign as King of Portugal and Algarves.

1671: In Amsterdam, construction began on a synagogue under the direction of the architect, Elias Bouman. The Sephardic community had bought the land in December of 1670.

1682(9thof Nisan, 5441): Today a riot broke out in Carpentras which “French liturgical poet” Saul ben Joseph of Monteux memorialized in a piyyut.

1702(30thof Nisan, 5462): Saul “David’ Pardo Brown, the Rotterdam born son of Sara and Josiah David Pardo and the husband of Esther Pardo Brown who moved to New York City from Newport in 1685 where he had been a merchant and who was one of the earliest members of Shearith Israel passed away today in Curacao.

1731: Yeshivah Minhat Arab became the first Jewish day school in North American when it was founded today in the colony of New York. “The hazzan who taught the classes was instructed to teach the students ‘the Hebrew Spanish and English writing and arithmetick.’Eventually its name was changed to the Polonies Talmud Torah.”

1748(19thof Nisan, 5508): Raphael Meldola passed away at Leghorn. Born at Leghorn in 1685, he was the son of Eleazar Meldola and Reina Senior.  He served as rabbi in Pisa, Bayonne and St. Esprit.

1750:  Frederick II issued a general patent to the Jews limiting their role in the Prussian economy to activities involving commerce and industry. Jews were no longer viewed as dependents of the monarch but as citizens of the state even though they were not first class citizens. On the one hand, Jews were encouraged to be part of the state and its economy. On the other hand they were still second class citizens and divided into two classes - privileged and protected. Considered by some to be an "enlightened monarch," King Frederick wrote his “Political Testament” that was published in 1752 in which he described Jews as dangerous, superstitious and backward.

1760: According to his will dated today, English businessman Sampson Gideon, the son of West India merchant Rowland Gideon “left legacies to many charities, both Jewish and Christian, including the Portuguese synagogue and the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy, to which he had been an annual subscriber during his lifetime.”

1761: Birthdate of Deborah Levy, the New York born daughter of Hayman Levy who died in infancy.

1765: Jews of Arnhem were given permission to build a synagogue.

1770: Charleston (SC) merchant, Moses Lindo responded to an appeal from Hezekiah Smith and contributed five pounds to Rhode Island College which is now known as Brown University. (As reported by Abraham Bloch) “Moses Lindo was the inspector-general and surveyor of indigo, drugs, and dyes for South Carolina.”

1772(14thof Nisan, 5532): Fast of the First Born; Erev Pesach observed as conditions deteriorate between the thirteen colonies and mother country as can be seen by formation of the Committees of Correspondence.

1775(17thof Nisan, 5535): Third Day of Pesach

1775: As “Paul Revere clattered through ‘every Middlesex village and farm’ there were approximately 3,000 Jews living in the thirteen colonies to respond to his call to arms. 

1777: Birthdate of Bavaria native Abraham Bendel, the husband of Pessle Bandel and the father of Elias, Sophia, Henry, Hendil and Bertha Bendel.

1782(3rd of Iyar, 5542): Chaim Samuel Jacob Falk, known as the “Baal Shem of London” passed away. Reportedly born in 1708, possibly in Furth, Germany, Falk escaped to England in 1742 after authorities in Westphalia had sentenced the Kabbalist and Mystic to death on charges of sorcery.    “Falk left a diary, now in the library of the bet ha-midrash of the United Synagogue, which is a quaint medley of dreams, records of charitable gifts, booklists, cabalistic names of angels, lists of pledges, and cooking-recipes.”

1783: “Jews were expressly excepted from the benefit” of The Irish Appeals Act or the Renunciation Act which was passed by Parliament today.

1790: American Patriot, Scientist, printer and liver of the good life Benjamin Franklin passed away at the age of 84.  As with so many of those of his time, Franklin espoused moral values but mistrusted organize religion.  He used the Exodus from Egypt as a metaphor for the colonists’ clash with King George, a modern day Pharaoh.  He wanted to have a depiction of the Israelites crossing the Sea of Reeds as part of the Great Seal of the United States.  At a more practical level, his name was at the top of the list of prominent Philadelphians who contributed funds to Congregation Mikveh Israel at the time of its financial need.

1790(3rd of Iyar, 5550):  A major pogrom took place in the Jewish community of Tetouan, Morocco. On this day the Muslim ruler Mawlay Yazid entered the city, rounded up all of the Jews, men women and children, and violently stripped them of their clothing. They were left with no dignity, naked for three days in prison. Some of the Jews fearing for their lives escaped to the graves Moorish saints where they would pray for their lives. The Muslim leader had some Jews beheaded to make a statement.

1793: In Richmond, VA, Judith I. Solomon and Israel I. Cohen gave birth to Philip I. Cohen, a veteran of the War of 1812 and the postmaster at Norfolk, VA who was the husband of Augusta Myers.

1794: In Arnheim, Holland, Fronika Alexander Van Zanten and Philip Levie Haas gave birth to Benjamin Philip Haas, the husband of Christina Hartog with whom he had seven children including one who settled in Connecticut and another who settled in Montana.

1797: “The status of the Jews of Posen was now determined by the "General-Juden-Reglement" of this date which aimed to make them, as mechanics and trades-men, useful members of the state.

1797:  In Eastern Poland, after falling to Prussia in the third partition of Poland in 1793, the government enacted "The Regulation" which removed a number of regulations regarding occupations and domicile restrictions for Jews. This still left many of the old regulations in place, including that of not being able to marry under the age of 25 and then only upon proof of a fixed income.

1798: Jews were given permission to “settle within the old city walls of Cologne.”

1799: Birthdate of Cleveland, OH naïve Karl Strauss, the wife of Hendel Strauss and father of Ferdinand Strauss.

1800(22ndof Nisan, 5560): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor recited for the last time as part of Pesach during the administration of President John Adams.

1801(4thof Iyar, 5561): Fifty-one year old Ruben Moses Rubino the husband of Minkel Rubino passed away today.

1802: In London, Matilda De Metz and Levy Salomons gave birth to Joseph Solomons, the husband of Rebecca Montefiore, a daughter of Joseph Montefiore, the father of Sophia, Henrietta and Matilda Salomons and the father-in-law of Aaron Goldsmid, Lionel Benjamin Cohen and Professor Jacob Waley Salomons. (As reported by Sir David Salomons)

1803: In Charleston, SC, Sarah Levy and Zachariah Florance, the Netherlands native gave birth to Jacob Levy Florance, the husband of Hannah Levy with whom he had six children all of whom were born in New Orleans.

1805(18thof Nisan, 5565): Fourth Day of Pesach

1805: As Jews munch on their matzoth, Lewis and Clark their up the Upper Missouri from Fort Madan.

1811: Birthdate of Amsterdam native Rachel David Blok, wife of Meyer Hartog Silver and the mother of London born Clara Silver.

1817(1st of Iyar, 5577): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1818: In Mainz, Germany, Michael Creizenach and his wife gave birth to poet and historian Theodor Creizenach.

1818: Birthdate of Rouen, France native Henry Salomon, the “bootmaker and merchant” and husband of Edinburgh native Clara Jacob with whom he had eight children, all of whom were born in Edinburgh, Scotland.

1829: The consecration of the Maiden Lane Synagogue that had originally been established in 1810 in Soho “as a result of a rupture with the Westminster Congregation (the future Western Synagogue) took place today in Londo.

1833: Thomas Babington Macaulay delivered his speech “on the disabilities of the Jews” in the House of Commons.

1837: Albert Moses Levy's ship, the Independence, was captured by two Mexican brigs-of-war. After three months he escaped and walked back to Texas, where he set up medical practice in Matagorda. The next year he received an appointment to a medical board established by both houses of the Congress of the republic.

1840: In Frankfurt, Clementine Oppenheim and her husband Adolphe de Reinach the Belgian consul in Frankfurt gave birth to French banker Baron Jacob Adolphe Reinach

1840: Birthdate of Hippolyte Bernheim the French born physician whose work with hypnotherapy attracted the attention of Sigmund Freud.

1844: Hannah Van Gelder and Philip Marcus Leuw, both of whom were natives of Holland, gave birth to their daughter Mattje Philip Leuw.

1844: A cabinet order issued today allowed Meno Burg “to replace his black epaulettes with the red shoulder pieces” that were indicative of his role in the Prussian Artillery and which he had been denied to the right to wear because he was Jewish

1848(14thof Nisan, 5608): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1848: The gates of the Rome Ghetto were pulled down during the Revolutions of 1848 that swept much of Europe in general and Italy in particular. Ciceruacchio, a popular Italian Catholic leader, led a group who tore down the gates Passover eve. The Jews in the ghetto at first thought they were being attacked and hid in their houses.

1848: In London, Rebecca Crawcour and Aron Hart gave birth Eve Hart.

1851(15thof Nisan, 5611): Pesach

1853: Birthdate of German mathematician Arthur Moritz Schoenflies, the great-uncle of Walter Benjamin.

1854: A French-language version of “Margherita d'Anjou an operatic melodramma semiseria in two acts by Giacomo Meyerbeer was performed in New Orleans today.

1854: One day after she had passed away, 70 year old Hannah Crawcoure, the wife of Moses Crawcoure, was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1855: One day after he had passed away, 63 year old Jacob Moses was buried today at the “Plymouth Hoe Burial Ground.”

1856(12th of Nisan, 5616): Fast of the First Born observed for the last time during the Presidency of Franklin Pierce.

1858: In London, Louis Lionel Cohen, MP and his wife gave birth to Sir Leonard Lionel Cohen, the son-in-law of Sigismund Slosh and “a partner in the family fir of Louis Cohen and Sons, foreign banks founded by his grandfather and, the President of the Board of Guardians.

1859: In New York City, Joseph and Theresa Bien gave birth to University of California trained engineer and George Washington University trained attorney Morrie Bien, the husband of Lilla Virginia Hart who among other things, worked for the U.S. Geological Survey from 1879 to 1893 and for the U.S. General Land Office from 1893 to 1902.

1861: One day after she had passed away, Lucy Esther Goetz, the daughter of Edward Ludwig Goetz and Angelina Levy was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1862(17thof Nisan, 5622): Third Day of Pesach observed on the day after “Abraham Lincoln signed a bill abolishing slavery that compensated loyal Union slave owners in the District up to $300 for each slave freed.”

1865(21stof Nisan, 5625): Seventh Day of Pesach

1865: In North Carolina, Union General William Tecumseh Sherman met with Confederate General Johnston to discuss the surrender of the Rebels on the same day he learned about the assassination of President Lincoln.

1866: Bryant’s Minstrels acting as Ethiopian Fun Makers will perform “The Challenge Dance of Shylock” or “The Jew of Chatham Street” tonight in New York City.  [Most Jews are aware of Shylock as a figure of anti-Semitism.  In 19thcentury American references to Chatham Street were equally anti-Semitic.  Chatham Street was the local of the 2nd hand clothing business in New York.  Supposedly the trade was dominated by Jews were who always exploiting the Christians who frequented their shops]

1869: The Mercantile Club, a Jewish social club established in Philadelphia in 1853, was incorporated today. Louis Bomeisler and Clarence Wolf have served as Presidents of the club. Other Jewish clubs included The Garrick, the Progress, and the Franklin.

1870(16th of Nisan, 5630): Second day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1873: In Mariampol, Leah and Pesach David Greenstone gave birth to CCNY grad and JTS trained rabbi Julius Hillel Greenstone, the holder of Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania who began teaching at Gratz College in 1905 and author several works including The Religion of Israel and The Messiah Idea in Jewish History.

1873: Birthdate of Kovno native Mike Miller who in December of 1885 came to the United States where they went into the scrap metal business in Lancaster and Reading, PA and after the death of his father, Miller moved on to Sundbury, PA where he owned “a large iron and medal business where he rasied a family of ten children with his wife, the former Rebecca Fink while belonging B’rith Shalom and “Havra Samra Habrith Congregation of Reading, PA” and serving as Preside of the Talmud Torah and “Moses Israel of Northumberland of Sundbury, PA.”

1875: “Die Maccabäer” (The Maccabees) an opera in three acts by Anton Rubinstein and Salomon Hermann Mosenthal which is itself based on the biblical story of the Maccabees was first performed today at the Hofoper, Berlin.

1876: Birthdate of Vincennes, Indiana native and Vincennes University graduate Jacob Gimbel who in 1910 “financed an expedition which explored rivers of British Guiana and studied the life habits of the symnotide, cell-like fish”

1878(14th of Nisan, 5638): “The Deliverance of Israel” published today noted that some Jews are no longer substituting bread for Matzoth during Passover especially thosr who are members of the congregations led by Rabbi David Einhorn and Rabbi Gustave Gottheil two Reform rabbis who led Congregation Adath Israel and Temple Emanu-el respectively.

1880: Birthdate of Sir Charles Leonard Woolley, the British archeologist whose work at Ur (the Biblical city) led him to “finding ties between ancient Aegean and Mesopotamian civilizations” which led to greater understanding to some of the references in the Bible and who also found substantiation for Noah’s flood.

1881(18thof Nisan, 5641): Fourth Day of Pesach

1881: Nathan Blesenthal, a prominent Buffalo, NY, Jew became a Presbyterian today. His conversion was a condition set by Gertrude Deming if the couple was going to be wed.  Blesenthal’s mother had opposed the conversion and young Nathan only left the “faith of his fathers” after his mother passed away.

1881: The property occupied by the Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum was purchased today for $12,500.

1881: It was reported today that the Jews are talking about erecting a national synagogue in Washington, DC.”

1882: Birthdate of Polish pianist and classical composer Artur Schnabel. Like so many others, he left Europe to escape Nazi persecution. The pianist was famous for his performances of Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas. He passed away in 1951.

1882(28thof Nisan, 5642): Joel Samuel Polack passed away.  Born in 1807, he was the first Jewish settler in New Zealand, arriving there in 1831.

1883: In London, Hannah Cohen and James John Woolley gave birth to Moss DaCosta Woolley, the husband of Hannah Levy whom he married at the New Synagogue in London in 1910.

1884(22nd of Nisan, 5644): 8th day of Pesach

1884: In Cuero, Texas, Rudolph Frank and Rachel Rae Jacobs gave birth to Leo Frank who moved to New York when he was three months which would lead some to characterize him as “a New York Jew” when he was convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan – a crime of which he was innocent but thanks to a wave of anti-Semitism led to his lynching in 1915 – an event that seems to be part of an unusual “amnesia” for much of the American Jewish community.



 1884: Theodore Hoffman who will be hanged tomorrow after having been found guilty of murdering a Jewish peddler named Zife Marks, ate a breakfast of fried oysters this morning in his cell at White Plains, NY

1887: President Levy presided over tonight’s meeting of the Jewish Immigrants’ Protective Society which was held at the synagogue on Rivington Street in New York.  In its first year of operation the society has given $1,600 to “newly arrived immigrants.

1888(6thof Iyar, 5648): Businessman and philanthropist Abraham Warshawski passed away in St. Petersburgn.

1889(16th of Nisan, 5649): Second day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1891: Jacob Ezekiel Hyneman, a Union veteran of the Civil War resigned as 1stLieutenant Veteran Corps of the First Regiment of the Pennsylvania National Guard

1891: Birthdate of University of Maryland Medical School graduate and WW I Army Medical Corps veteran Dr. Herbert L Langer, “the president of the medical board of Peninsula General Hospital” and the husband of “the former Helen Stein” with whom he had “two sons, Howard and Irwin”


1891: Birthdate of Rudolf Propper, a resident of Pilsen who was murdered at Izbica.

1892(20thof Nisan, 5652): Sixth Day of Pesach

1892: “Jews Who Speak Spanish” published today provided a review of Biblioteca Espanola-Portugueza Judaica: Jewish Authors-Titles of their Works in Spanish and Portuguese with a notice on Spanish Jews and a Collection of Spanish Proverbs by Meir Kayserling.

1892: In Brooklyn, NY, Temple Israel dedicated its new building a the corner of Bedford and Lafayette Avenues.

1892: Based on reports published today the personal efforts of Emperor William bring peace between the Government and the Conservatives have been hampered by Pastor Stoecker and his anti-Jewish policies which are growing ever more popular.

1892: “Clerical Control of Education Their Ultimatum” published today included a description of a libel trial in Berlin during which the President of the Berlin Municipal School Bard testified “that out of the twenty-four members composing the board thirteen, or a majority, were Jews and the rest agnostics and that all of them cooperated against religious teaching in the schools.”

1892: An article entitled “Given A Breathing Spell” attributes the sluggishness in the New York real estate market to the celebration of Easter and Passover.  As the author says, “It is a good thing for the real estate market that such holidays as the Passover and Easter do not come too often.”

1893(1st of Iyar, 5653): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1893: The will of Mrs. Babet Karl, the widow of Abraham Karl was executed today and Benjamin Blumenthal, Simon Goldsmith and Theodore Hirsch were named as executors.

1893: It was reported today that the leading Jews of Bulgaria have ordered from Budapest “an album inlaid with diamonds, rubies and emeralds to be given to Prince Ferdinand and his bridge on their wedding day.”

1893: As the New York Jewish community responded to aggressive attempts by Protestants to convert Jews, Rabbi Joseph Silverman of Temple Emanu-El embellished on his sermon give yesterday by saying “I am not ready to be drawn into a public discussion on this subject but the charges which I make against the Christians I can prove, and if the Protestant organizations which are devoting themselves to this work of so-called convention will come forward and deny my general charges I will produce the facts on which my allegations rest specifically and in detail.”

1894: In Russia, “Nicholas and Fannie (Silver) Ehrlich” gave birth to Columbia educated physician David Ernest Ehrlich, the roentgenologist who raised his daughter Frances with his wife “Emma Grace Smith.”

1894(11thof Nisan, 5654): Seventy-five year old Fanny Neuda passed away.


1895: As beef prices continue to rise, Jewish butchers on the lower East Side express their gloom about any chance of improvement.

1895: Birthdate of Warsaw native “Samuel David Landau,” the painter known as Lev-Landau who raised his son Jacob with his wife Lola


1895(23rdof Nisan, 5655): Fifty-two year old Moritz Dessauer, the son of Gabriel L. Dessauer, who was the district rabbi at Meiningen and author of several works including one on Spinoza and Hobbes passed away today.

1895(23rdof Nisan, 5655): Seventy-seven year old Hermann “Hirschel” Bodenheimer, the son of Emanuel and Johanna Bodenheimer passed away today after which he was buried in the Durbach Jewish Cemetery.

1895(23rdof Nisan, 5655): Fifty-eight year old Jorge Isaacs Ferrer, the son of “George Henry Isaacs, an English Jew originally from Jamaica” and whom Isaac Goldberg described as “a half-Jew” “who is “Spanish America’s most famous novelist” passed away today.



1895: Three days after she had perished in a yachting accident, 15 year old Lily Gertrude Barton, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Jewish Cemetery.”

1895: Thanks to the efforts of New York state senator Joseph C. Wolff, the Hebrew Infant Asylum received its charter today.

1895: In South Carolina, Mary Beatrice Levy married Miguel Bofill

1896: The will of the late Leonard Friedman will filed for probate today in the Surrogate’s office.

1897(15thof Nisan, 5657): Pesach

1897: A list of the bequest’s made by the late Frances Danzig, the widow of Frances Danzig, whose estate was valued at $40,000 included “$500 to each of the following instiutions: The Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum, the Mounts Sinai Hospital and the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews” as well as “the income of the sum of $1,000 to be applied by Temple Emanu-El to the care of the Danzig family plot in the Salem Fields Cemetery.”

1897: Art and Artists published today described recently published books including A Handful of Exotics: Scenes and Incidents Chiefly of Russo-Jewish Life by Samuel Gordon

1898: “Comic Opera for Charity” published today described the performance given by the Young Folks’ League of the Hebrew Infant Asylum of “The Little Tycoon” in which Silas Musliner directed the members including Henry D. Kleinman Emanuel Cohen, Celia Baumann, Clara Weinstein and J.S. Kornicker, in an event designed to raise fund for the orphans.

1900: Herzl began a two week journey that would take him from Karlsruhe, to Paris and finally to London. Like so many of his trips, Herzl was again seeking support from the rich and famous for the creation of a Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel.

1901: “Jewish Visitors to Palestine” published today described the response of Secretary of State Hay to an inquiry by Senator Mitchell of Oregon concerning a request by one of his constituents, Solomon Hirsch of Portland, that the United States lodge a protest with the Ottoman government over its new regulation that foreign born Jews not be allowed to stay in Palestine for any more than three months.

1902: Three days after he had passed away, Lionel Jacob Samuel “the elder son of” Frederick Samuel and Sarah Mocatta” was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1902: “Exhibition by East Side Artists” published today, described the plans of the Education Alliance to hold the second annual exhibition of the work of east side artists this weekend.

1902: The Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, who was a member of Lord Milner's High or Advisory Committee in South Africa, and Chaplain of the Rand Rifles, was among the passengers who arrived on the White Star liner Teutonic today.  Yes, the Rabbi Hertz who gave us the “Hertz Chumash” and the “Hertz Siddur” served as the chaplain for a military unit that helped protect Johannesburg during the Boer War.

1903(20thof Nisan, 5663): Sixth Day of Pesach

1903: Birthdate of Russian born, cellist Gregor Piatigorsky.  This musical prodigy escaped Lenin’s Russia,made his way to the United States where he made a name for himself as a performer and academic.  He passed away in 1976.

1903(20thof Nisan, 5663): Seventy year old Abraham Printz, the native of Kashau and husband of Rosa Printz with whom he had seven children including Bert H. Prtinz the founder and own of Printz Company Men’s Clothing and Furnishings passed today in Youngstown, Ohio.

1904: Birthdate of New York native and playwright Edward Chodorov.


1905: The First American Rumanian Congregation was scheduled to continue distributing matzoth to poor Jews living on the Lower East Side today.

1905: Birthdate of Italian Zionist Enzo Sereni, the founder of a kibbutz and volunteer member of British parachute unit that jumped behind German lines along with others including Hannah Senesh who was murdered at Dachau.



1906(22ndof Nisan, 5666): Eighth Day of Pesach and Yizkor are completed just in the nick of time for the residents of San Francisco since the great earthquake took place on the following day.

1907: “A menacing French naval demonstration” which was thought by some to increase France’s influence in Morocco, took place off of Mogador, “a fortified city and seaport on the Atlantic whose population of Jews went from approximately 4,000 in the 1840’s to 12,000 by 1912.

1908(16thof Nisan, 5668): Second Day of Pesach and the first day of the Omer is counted for the last time during the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt

1909(26thof Nisan, 5669): Sixty year old Andrew Rosewater, the native of Bohemia who in 1854 came to the United States where he pursued a career as a civil engineer passed away after which he was buried in Omaha, Nebraska.


1910: In Warsaw, Zelig and Henia (nee Lieberman) Vilenski gave birth to Israeli composer Moshe Vilenski who “was voted the 187th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.” He collaborated with lyricist Nathan Alterman and singer Shoshana Damari to create the Israeli classic “Kalaniyot.”

1910: By four o’clock this afternoon, at least 3,000 persons had been given supplies for Passover by the United Hebrew Community at their offices on East Broadway. Distribution of the supplies is schedule to continue throughout the week or until they run out, whichever comes first.

1910: Louis Diamond, Secretary of the United Hebrew Community called for additional contributions to help defray the costs of the increased demand for Passover supplies to help out the city’s needy Jews.

1911: According to statements made tonight, a Kheillah is meeting to consider what steps to take in the case of Esther Yachnin, the sixteen year old girl who converted to Christianity last year at the age of 15.  Esther had come to United States at the age of 13 and had enrolled in an English language class offered by the Young Women’s Christian Association which eventually led to her conversion.  The parents had no prior knowledge of the plans for the conversion.  Given the Esther’s youth and the estrangement from her family and community, Jews living on the Lower East Side question the validity of the conversion.  They may also be concerned that their unsuspecting children will become candidates for similar such conversions. The Kheillah is considering legal action if such recourse to law can be effective.

1911: Birthdate of George Stenius who grew up to be director George Seaton. According to Hello, I Must Be Going: Groucho and His Friends by Charlotte Chandler, Seaton “grew upon in a Jewish neighborhood in Detroit where he was the “Shabbas goy for his friends” learned enough Hebrew to be “bar mitzvahed” receiving the fabled fountain pen as a gift.

1912: Birthdate of British lawyer and patron of the arts Isador Caplan.

1912: “Mountain Ridge Country Club, located in West Caldwell, New Jersey, was officially formed today, when 25 charter members filed a Document of Incorporation with the State of New Jersey. Among its founders were Louis Bamberger, whose Newark department store, Bamberger’s, was among the largest in the Unites States, and Felix Fuld, Bamberger’s brother-in-law who was the first Parks Commissioner of New Jersey. The prominent membership has also included Joseph Weintraub, former Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court, U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg, and A.J. Dimond.

1913: Seventy-eight year old German-born British shipbuilder and politician Gustav Wilhelm Wolff passed away. He was raised as a Lutheran because his father had converted before his birth.  This was one of many examples of Jews who were “lost” in the wake of those who thought a trip to the baptismal font was the price of economic success and/or social acceptance.  The racial policies of the Nazis would prove them wrong.

1914(21stof Nisan, 5674): Seventh Day of Pesach

1914: Leo Frank “celebrates” his 30th birthday today.

1914: Original date set for the execution of Leo Frank.

1915(3rdof Iyar, 5675): Parashat Tazria-Metzora

1915: The Zion Mule Corps left for Gallipoli. Commanded by Colonel Henry Patterson and organized by Trumpeldor and Jabotinsky, they were a Jewish auxiliary unit of the British Army. The British were not interested in giving them the ability to fight, so they were assigned to provide provisions to the front lines.  Gallipoli was part of the Ottoman Empire.  With the stalemate on the Western Front, Churchill convinced other Allied leaders to attack at Gallipoli in an attempt to outflank the Central Powers. Churchill thought the Allies would easily defeat the Turks, open up the water route to Russia and end the war.  Unfortunately, the plan and the Allied Forces, including the Zion Mule Corps were forced to withdraw.  The Jewish troops performed with distinction and later became the nucleus for the Jewish Legion that was formed in 1917.  This was part of the on-going process of the creation of creating what would eventually become the IDF.  While the original Zionist dream had been a peaceful, almost pacifist comments, the realities of the neighborhood forced the Jews to become adept warriors.

1915: “The following additional appropriations for the relief of the war sufferers” were reported today” to have been made by the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Relief Committee: “$15,000 to Russian Poland; $15000 to German Poland; $50,000 to those parts of Galicia now occupied by Russia; $3,000 to Monastir, Serbia and $2,500 to Aleppo, Syria.”

1916(14th of Nisan, 5676):Ta'anit Bechorot;  Erev Pesach

1916: Harold Rich “was the master of ceremonies” at a Seder held tonight in Sing Sing Prison conducted by the Jewish member of the Mutual Welfare League which included a sermon by Dr. Abraham Cronbach of the Free Synagogue of New York City “on the religious significance of the event” and a violin solo by Dachin Jacobson.

1916: Approximately “175 Jewish soldiers and sailors from forts and battleships near” New York City joined “with 200 others” for “a Seder at the Young Men’s Hebrew Association building at the corner of Lexington Avenue and Ninety-second Street.

1916: Rabbi Stephen Wise officiated at the marriage of Elinor Fatman and Henry Morgenthau, Jr; a marriage that was unusual for its time because the bride had proposed to the groom.

1916: Isadore Hershfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society of New York returned to Berlin from Vienna and a trip through Galicia and the Austrian-occupied sections of Poland where he “completed arrangements for forwarding letters and appeals for assistance from distressed Jews and other inhabitant to relatives in the United States.

1916: It was learned today that David R. Francis, the new American Ambassador to Russia who has just left for his new post is carrying with him a draft for a new treaty of commerce which is intended to replace the old treaty which was allowed to lapse a few years ago “because of the refusal of the Russian Government to honor proper passports issued to American Jews, particularly to American Jewish citizens of Russian birth.”

1916: “Herman Bernstein” became “editor of the American Hebrew today.”

1917(25thof Nisan, 5677): During WW I, Lieutenant-colonel Rene Cahen was killed today.

1917(25thof Nisan, 5677): Gustavus I. Peavy, of Peavy Brothers who was a director of the National Association of Clothiers passed away today.

1917: In Russia, “the first congress of the Jewish Social Democratic Party known as ‘the Bund’ opened today” and the leading item on the agenda was the condition of the Jews in Finland.

1917: French President Raymond Poincare bemoaned the fact that “in London our agreements are now considered null and void.”  He was upset by the fact that the British were now calling for a larger role in the post-World War Middle East including acknowledgement of Zionist plans for Palestine.

1917: During World War I, the British army employs tanks for one of the first times in the Middle East in an attempt to defeat the Turks at Gaza.  The so-called Second Battle of Gaza will prove to be a costly defeat for His Majesty’s Forces who will suffer over six thousand casualties.

1918: “Jews Protest To Baker” published today described the formal complaint being lodged by Louis Marshall the prominent New York lawyer and chair of the American Jewish Committee with Secretary of War Newton Baker concerning discrimination against Jewish soldiers that also contends a demand that the discrimination be stopped and the officers responsible for it be punished.

1919(17thof Nisan, 5679): Third day of Pesach

1919: Bernhard Dernburg, whose father publisher Friedrich Dernburg had converted to the Lutheran religion began serving today as “Federal Minister of Finance and Vice Canceller” during the early days of the Weimar Republic.

1919: In Chicago, the funeral was today for Jacob Joel, the husband of Elise Joel

1919: As part of an episode that would have far-reaching implications for the Middle East in general and Israel in particular, the French prepared a declaration today that was presented to Prince Feisal.  Feisal expected the document to be a written affirmation of Clemenceau’s promise of total Arab independence for Syria – a Syria to be ruled by Feisal.  But according to the French document, the French army would occupy Damascus, and the new Arab nation would actually exist as a mere federation of local autonomous states in which all the government advisers, including the governors and heads of major government bureaus, as well as the judiciary, would be French, under Paris's control as they were in Lebanon. What's more, Faisal himself would be compelled to publicly declare the importance of France's historic relationship with the Maronite Christians. Other than that, said the French, Syria would be completely "independent."  Faisal quickly refused, encouraged by Lawrence of Arabia, who advised him to demand total independence "without conditions or reservations." Clemenceau, however, would not tolerate what he considered Arab impudence. Faisal summarily left Paris for Syria to claim his nation. Faisal, who had signed a letter welcoming the Zionists to Palestine, would fail.  The perfidy of the French would lead to an unstable Syria that would become an implacable enemy of Israel. Faisal would settle for throne of another British creation, Iraq. 

1920: The Twelfth Conference of the Bund continued its meeting Gomel.

1921: “The 32ndannual convention” of American Reform Rabbis that had included a lecture by Professor Jacob Z. Lauterbach “on the attitude of the Jew toward the non-Jew” and a visit at the White House with President and Mrs. Harding is scheduled to come to an end today in Washington, D.C.

1922(19thof Nisan, 5682): Fourth Day of Pesach.

1922: “5,000 Begin Drive For Zionist Fund” published today described a meeting at Carnegie Hall which marked the opening of campaign to raise three million dollars for the Palestine Foundation Fun which was addressed by Colonel John H. Patterson, the former commander of the British “Jewish Legion” during the World War.

1923(1st of Iyar, 5683): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1923: “Turkish Jews Dine Fouad” published today, described a dinner “given by the Sephardic and Ottoman Societies of New York at which “Dr. Fouad Bey, a former Minister of the Interior and Social of Turkey and a member of the Turkish National Assembly was the guest honor” which was a fund-raiser to provide assistance for Turkish orphans.

1924: Today, the ownership of “The Dewey House, also referred to as Building 29, North Chicago VA Medical Center,” which was designed by David Adler “was transferred to the United States Department of Veterans Affair.”

1924: In Brooklyn, Joseph Geller, an artist who earned a living painting signs, and his wife, Olga gave birth to ” Andrew Geller, an architect who embodied postwar ingenuity and optimism in a series of inexpensive beach houses in whimsical shapes, many of them in the Hamptons, and who helped bring modernism to the masses with prefabricated cottages sold at Macy’s.” (As reported by Fred A. Bernstein)

1924: Metro Pictures, Goldwyn Pictures & Louis B Mayer Company merged to form MGM. Many of the early motion picture studios were dominated, if not owned outright, by Jews.  Many of them were immigrants who made movies idealizing America since that was what sold at the box office.  The film industry may have been run by Jews, but you sure would not have known from the content.

1925: “The Golden Calf” a silent drama filmed by cinematographer Mutz Grennbaum was released in Germany today.

1925(23rdof Nisan, 5686) One day after the end of Pesach, fifty-eight year old Godfrey Charles Joseph Isaacs, the brother of Rufus Isaacs, the 1st Marquess of Reading, the husband of Lea Constance Perelli with whom he had two sons – Marcel and Dennys  -- and, starting in 1910, the “Managing Director of Marcon’s Wireless Telegraph Company” which led to his involvement in an insider trading scandal known as “the Marconi Scandal of 1912 passed away today.

1925: “Father Voss” a silent comedy written by Robert Liebman was released in Germany today.

1926: Birthdate of Aharon Yadlin, the sabra from Ben Shemen who served with Palmach and as an MK and Education Minster from 1974 through 1977.

1926: Birthdate of British composer Ronald Senator.


1927(15thof Nisan, 5687): Pesach

1927: At Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, Rabbi Israel Goldstein is scheduled to deliver a Passover sermon “The Messiah – A Universal Hope.”

1927: “HIAS Now Aids Immigrants Who Must Go To Other Lands” published today described the assistance the organization is giving to settle Jews in places including South America.

1928: According to an interview sent out by the Jewish Telegraph Agency, Emil Vandervelde, a member of the Belgian Cabinet, is “greatly impressed” with the work being done by the Jewish settlers in Palestine. He said that it was only through personal observation that he “had he been able to understand the difficulties and appreciate their achievements in transforming deserts and swamps into flourishing” settlements.  He “cited the municipality of Tel Aviv as a marvelous expression” of the Jewish ability to build and improve the land.  Furthermore, in a speech at Hebrew University, the Belgian leader cited Zionism’s “fraternal tendencies toward the Arabs which was an important factor toward international peace.

1928: A conference of Communist youth being held in Tel Aviv was broken up by police.  Fourteen boys, including one Arab, and six girls were detained by the authorities.

1928: Birthdate of Cynthia Ozick, author of the “Puttermesser Papers”. Born in New York City to Jewish immigrants from Russia, who both worked as pharmacists, Ozick grew up in the care of her grandmother, who was always telling her stories. She grew up to write several more novels full of Jewish mysticism and history, including “The Messiah of Stockholm”and “The Puttermesser Papers”but she's perhaps best known for her essays, collected in  Art and Ardor,Metaphor and Memory and Quarrel and Quandary(2000).  Ozick said, "I believe a writer can weave in and out of genres—do it all. It is a gluttonous point of view, to be sure. Then again, when it comes to writing, that is what I truly am and nothing less: a glutton."

1929: As of today, the Jews of Cincinnati have contributed $107,000 to the Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home Fund for a New Building chaired by Herbert R. Bloch.

1929: “Mascots” a silent movie filmed by cinematographer Mutz Greenbaum was released today in Germany.

1931(30th of Nisan, 5691): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1931: In South Central Los Angeles, Morris George Axelrod, “an organizer for the radical Industrial Workers of the World union” and “the former Pearl Plaskoff” gave birth to “producer, arranger and composer” David Axelrod.


1931: Birthdate of Harold Martin Feinstein, whose black and white pictorial record of his native Coney Island marked him as yet “another Jew with a camera.”


1931: The Post Office in England is planning to broadcast “from Jerusalem” today “as part of the celebration of the seventh anniversary of the Hebrew University.” (JTA)

1933(21stof Nisan, 5693): Seventh Day of Pesach

1932: “Announcements have been received” in New Haven CT of the engagement of Miss Leone Yaffe, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Yaffe of Park Avenue, New York to Syracuse University graduate Myles Stodel Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abram of New Haven

1934: “The three-day annual convention of the New York State Conference of the National Council of Jewish Women” is scheduled to come to an end in Syracuse, NY.

1934(2ndof Iyar, 5694): Fifty-three year old Harry Krensky, a merchant in Waterloo, Iowa, passed away today.

1934(2ndof Iyar, 5694): Maria Isaak the wife of Abraham Isaak with whom she “founded the anarchist-inspired Aurora Colony near Lincoln, California” in 1909 passed away today.

1934: Birthdate of Don Kirshner who was “known as The Man With the Golden Ear.” He was an American song publisher and rock producer who is best known for managing songwriting talent as well as successful pop groups such as The Monkees and The Archies. He passed away in 2011.

1935(14thof Nisan, 5695): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1935: Ben Heiineman married Natalie Goldstein who as Natalie Goldstein Heineman became a pioneering national champion for children’s welfare and respected community and national leader, who changed the lives of thousands of children through her innovative and thoughtful leadership.” (As reported by Pastora San Juan Cafferty)

1935: In a sermon delivered this evening “at the Downtown Branch of the Institutional Synagogue” Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein said that “the world has come to realize that Hitler is not only the enemy of the Jew but also the enemy of God” and that “Hitlerism could have and would have been nipped in the bud” it had not been deemed a Jewish problem “but a humanitarian problem.”

1936: Eighty-one year old German orientalist Fritz Hommel author of Ancient Hebrew Tradition passed away today.

1936: In Tel Aviv, the funeral for 61 year old Israel Hazan who had been killed during a robbery two days ago by Arab who said they were stealing money “to buy arms to carry on the work of the ‘Holy Martyrs’” turned into demonstration which turned violent when “police prohibited eulogies” and attempted to divert the funeral procession.

1936: At a funeral held this morning in Tel Aviv for a Jewish victim of Arab violence, a clash broke out between Jewish protesters and police.

1936: Mrs. Amy G. Wyle, the chairman of the Women’s Division of the Greater New York Campaign of the Joint Distribution Committee which seeking to raise $1,500,000 as the city’s share of the national fund for the aide of Jews of Germany and Central and Eastern Europe hosted a dinner at Park Avenue home tonight.

1936: At today’s hearings being conducted by the Senate Lobby Committee correspondence was produced between W. Cleveland Runyon of Plainfield, NJ and Alexander Lincoln, an investment bank from Boston and the President of the Sentinels of the Republic in which Mr. Lincoln “declared the ‘Jewish threat’ to the United States was a ‘real one’” to which Mr. Runyon replied, “old-line Americans…want a Hitler.”

1937: Rabbi William Rosneblum is scheduled to lead services this morning at Temple Israel.

1937: Today, “The Committee for Special Jewish Interests” “which represents 120,000 Jews living in the Netherlands” “issued a protest against the prohibition by Germany of all Jewish meetings for sixty days in retaliation for Mayor Fiorello La Guardia’s speeches in New York.”

1938(16thof Nisan, 5698): Second Day of Pesach

1938: “Attacking ‘totalitarian religion’ Rabbi Stephen S. Wise declared in” his Sunday morning sermon at the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall “that Jews cannot believe in ‘the Christ of dogma’ in order ‘to be saved or to be safe.” The sermon was in response to two books Where Now, Little Jew”? by Magnus Hermansson and An Open Letter to Jews and Christians by John Cournos that “attempt to prove that the answer to the Jewish problem lies in the acceptance of Jesus Christ.”

1938: Arturo Toscanini conducts the Palestine Orchestra in a second performance in Tel Aviv.  Unlike last night’s performance which was given to a packed house filled with officials and those who could afford high priced tickets, tonight’s performance was for workers who paid greatly reduced prices for their tickets.

1939: “Menuhin Aids Refugees” published today described a concert given by Yehudi Menuhin in London that raised more than five thousand pounds “for the benefit of Jewish refugees.”

1939: Adolf Hitler said he would respond to yesterday’s speech by FDR which was a “plea for peace” at a meeting of the Reichstag on April 28.

1940: In Brooklyn, “George Stein, a stockbroker, and the former Anne Shuchman, who taught history and civics at Erasmus Hall High School” to award winning author Professor Judith Stein. (As reported by Sam Roberts)


1940: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt went to dinner this evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. at the Washington residence of the Secretary of the Treasury.

1941(20thof Nisan, 5701): Sixth day of Pesach

1941: In the Warsaw Ghetto, “Michał Klepfisz, a member of the Jewish Labour Bund (Yiddish: der algemeyner yidisher arbeter bund), and his wife, Rose Klepfisz (née Shoshana Perczykow)” gave birth to “Yiddishist” Irena Klepfisz, the co-editor of The Tribe of Dina: A Jewish Women’s Anthology.


1941: Following a coup staged by “four anti-British army colonels” who called themselves “The Gold Square” staged a coup which was supported by the Nazis, “British troops landed unopposed in Basra” and following military successes forced the Germans, Italians and their Arab Allies, including the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, to flee.

1941: Yugoslavia surrenders to the Nazis. Nearly 60,000 Jews were murdered by the German army.   Gold teeth from the murdered victims were later found in the palace of the Catholic Bishop of Zagreb (Croatia).

1941(20th of Nisan, 5701):  In Warsaw, a Jewish policeman named Ginsberg was bayoneted and shot by German soldiers after asking a soldier to return a sack of potatoes taken from a Jewish woman.

1941: Photojournalist David E. Scherman was among the 201 passengers aboard the Egyptian liner Zamzam when it was sunk by the German “surface raider” Atlantis which the British would find and sink thanks to the photographs he took from a lifeboat.

1942: French General Henri Giraud escapes from his castle prison in Festung Königstein where he was a German POW.  Giraud joined the Free French in North Africa. In 1943, while serving as High Commissioner he said that Vichy's anti-Jewish laws "no longer exist," promised to hold municipal elections in North Africa. He also revoked the Cremieux Decree of 1870, which granted French citizenship en bloc to Jews in Algeria but excluded the Arabs. Henceforth, Moslems and Jews must complement each other economically, "the latter working in his shop, the former in the desert, without either having advantage over the other, France assuring both security and tranquility." This even-handed sounding speech is a bit disingenuous.  Many of the Vichy restrictions against Jews continued during this period in an attempt by the Allies to placate the Arabs.

1942(30th of Nisan, 5702):  The Gestapo entered the Warsaw ghetto and shot 52 people on Rosh Chodesh Iyar.

1943: Birthdate of journalist, writer and member of the Brandeis faculty, Robert Kuttner.

1943: In a meeting at Klessheim Castle near Salzburg, Hitler met with the Hungarian Regent, Admiral Horthy, to urge the Hungarians to deport their Jewish population. Hitler explained, ". . . they are just pure parasites . . . they had to be treated like tuberculosis bacilli which in a healthy body may become infected." Horthy and Hungary continued to hold out against Hitler's demands.  Things would change in 1944 and most of Hungary's Jews became victims of the Final Solution.

[Editor’s Note: Holocaust Deniers might want to consider the findings of British author Gerald Reitlinger.  He claimed to have found conclusive proof of a Hitlerian liquidation policy in the protocol of a conversation between Hitler and Hungarian Regent Horthy on April 17, 1943. Hitler complained about the black market and subversive activities of Hungarian Jews and then made the following comment: "They have thoroughly put an end to these conditions in Poland. If the Jews don't wish to work there, they will be shot. If they cannot work, at least they won't thrive"]

1944: Mordechai (Motke) Eldar was among the Jews from Transylvanian taken to the Sltina Ghetto where he would be held until May when he was shipped to Auschwitz.

1944: Seventy-three year old German actor Eugen Burg who had converted to Christianity to Judaism but was banned from the film industry when the Nazis came to power died today at Theresienstadt concentration camp today.

1944: The Lady and the Monster” based on a novel by Curt Siodmak with a script by Frederick Kohner co-starring Erich von Stroheim was released in the United States today.

1945: Surviving inmates of Sachsenhausen and Ravenbruck were forced to march deeper into Germany. With the war coming to an end, the Germans continued to force evacuees including 17,000 women and 46,000 men to move away from the Allied armies.  Those who once boasted of their effort to make Europe "Jew Free" now worked feverishly to cover up what would come to be called "Crimes Against Humanity."

1945: Today, Captain Leslie Hardman, “the 32-year-old Senior Jewish Chaplain to the British Forces, attached to the 8th Corps of the British 2nd Army” “entered Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, two days after it had been liberated by British military forces…”

1945: Lieutenant Al Ungerleider approached Nordhausen with orders to take and hold part of an industrial complex there. “His detachment had to fight its way through the gates and the barbed wire, dodging machine-gun fire from enemy soldiers hiding in towers near the entrance. After his men took out the enemy, the camp inmates began to appear. They were so emaciated that only a few could stand upright. Some fell over, he recalled. Still others were lying in bed, covered in lice and sores. Lt. Ungerleider sent his men to check the grounds for remaining Nazi soldiers. They captured 44 SS troopers, all of whom surrendered. Billy Millhander, one of” his “soldiers, Ungerlider entered a large building at the center of the camp and discovered 10 huge ovens — crematoriums.” At the time, he did not know what they were. According to Ungerleider, “The ovens were cold, and the doors were closed.” he said. He began opening the doors of the oven expecting to find German troops in hiding. “The first four contained ashes. But when the lieutenant opened the fifth, Millhander immediately fired several rounds, killing an armed German guard.” They returned to the main yard, and Lt. Ungerleider spoke a mixture of Yiddish, English and German to the camp inmates. He asked how many were still alive. The reply came: maybe 250 out of thousands. He asked what they were making at the plant. Someone said V-2 rockets, missiles that were launched against England. “And that’s when the enormity of the evil that the Germans were doing to these people hit me,” Ungerleider said later. “And this was a slave labor camp, not a death camp. They were making a product for the war effort. The first thought that came into my mind is how the Germans could take [thousands of people] and put them to work. How could they not feed them, take care of their medical needs, not clothe them?” He led the survivors in the mourner’s kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead. Al Ungerleider enjoyed a successful career in the U.S. Army rising to the rank of General.  At the same time, he remained an active member of the Jewish community wherever he was stationed.

1945: Robert Limpert, the head of a genuine anti-Nazi underground group, sought to get the leaders of the Bavarian city of Ansbach to defy Wehrmacht fanatics and to surrender to the approaching American Army.

1945: William Scott of the 183rd Combat Engineers, an all-African-American unit took pictures of Leon Bass and other members of the unit at Buchenwald six days after its liberation by the U.S. Army.

1946(16thof Nisan, 5706): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1946: “Admission after admission fell from the lips of Dr. Alfred Rosenberg today as the United States prosecutor, Thomas J. Dodd, destroyed the Nazi philosopher's selfportrait as a kindly benefactor and forced the German to admit responsibility for the Nazi regime in the plundered and devastated lands of Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe.”

1946: It was reported today that the “hunger strike by 15 Jewish leaders” in Palestine came to an end after “it was announced that the Palestine administration had agreed to the admission of all 1,200 refugees detained in northern Italy.

1947: One day after he had passed away funeral services are scheduled to be held today for 83 year old Rabbi Simon Finkelstien, “the dean of the Brooklyn Rabbinate.



1947: General Lucius D. Clay, the United States Military Governor, announced today the closing of displaced camps in Germany “to further Jewish refugees infiltrating from Poland.”

1947: “Top representative of the American-Jewish Joint Committee were scheduled to meet in Paris in response to General Clay’s announcement.

1947: “Pan Ruczaj, described as the organizer of last July’s anti-Semitic riot in Kielce, where forty-two Jews were killed, surrendered to Polish security officers in Waldenberg, Silesia” but even though he “made a full confession, “under the terms of the Polish amnesty, he will not be punished.”


1948(8th of Nisan, 5708): On Shabbat Hagadol news came that a convoy bringing in needed supplies to Jerusalem had broken through by night. Crowds came down to the Romema road block to greet the convoy. Over 250 lorries bringing a thousand tons of food and arms and ammunition came streaming into the entrance to the city. Written on the first lorry were the words: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning".

1948: As Jewish soldiers fight to open the road to Jerusalem and break the blockade that was strangling the city reports circulate through the City of David that five Arab villages had been taken and as many as 350 Arab fighters had been killed.

1948: In his report on the massacre of the staff going to the Hadassah Hospital on Mt. Scopus, Robert Watson, the American Consul in Jerusalem wrote " . . . queried as to whether convoy included armoured cars, Haganah guards, arms and ammunition in addition to doctors, nurses and patients, Kohn [of the Jewish Agency] replied in affirmative saying it was necessary to protect convoy."

1949(18th of Nisan, 5709): Meir Bar-llan, an Orthodox Rabbi from Lithuania who was a leader of the Mizrachi movement passed away today in Jerusalem. Bar-Illan University was named in his memory.

1950: The New York Times reported that the obsolete conditions at the port of Tel Aviv pose a threat to the continued economic growth of the infant Jewish state.  According to Jose Ensuade, President of Flomarcy Company, “Israel’s maritime position and the continued growth of her foreign comer, which has had an almost phenomenal growth may be impaired unless harbor facilities are improved.”  He marveled at the fact that the port which is the nation’s entry point for 25,000 immigrants arriving each month and which has seen a remarkable growth in trade “is virtually without modern docking facilities.”

1951: Birthdate of Yaky Yosha, the Tel Aviv born award winning film director.

1952(22nd of Nisan, 5712): 8th day of Pesach observed for the last time during the Presidency of Harry Truman.

1954(14th of Nisan, 5714): Shabbat Ha-Gadol; Erev Pesach

1954: Aaron Jean-Marie Lustiger who was born as into an Ashkenazi Jewish family was ordained as a Roman Catholic Priest today.

1954: In Tel Aviv, the family of Emanuel Shoam celebrates the first Seder with three friends of his brother Joe, who had been held as a prisoner of war by the Jordanians during the War of Independence.  The three were a young Canadian Jew named Martin and two gentile deserters from the British army named Paddy and Harry who had stolen tanks from the British in 1948 and brought them to the Haganah.

1955: Chicago Cubs’ pitcher Hy Cohen played in his first major league baseball game.

1957: George Pirkis Kidd, Canada’s first Ambassador to Israel, completed his term of service.

1957: Margaret Blanche Meagher began serving as Canada’s Ambassador to Israel, making her the first Canadian woman to hold an ambassadorial place.

1958(27thof Nisan, 5718): Yom HaShoah

1958: Los Angeles Dodgers’ pitcher Larry Sherry appears in his first major league baseball game.  Sherry would lead the Dodgers to a World Series Championship in 1959.

1959: U.S. premiere of “Imitation of Life” the cinematic treatment of Fannie Hurt’s novel produced by Ross Hunter with a musical score co-authored by Sammy Fain.

1960: ABC broadcast “Blind Marriage” an episode of “The Rebel” directed by Irvin Kershner.

1961: In London, Bernardine Coverley and artist Lucian Freud gave birth fashion designer Bella Freud, the great granddaughter of the inventor of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud.

1962(13thof Nisan, 5722): Eighty-one year old C.C.N.Y (B.S.) and Columbia University (Ph.D.) trained biologist Dr. Abraham Goldforb, the London born son of Morris and Anna (Mishkowsky) Goldforb and CCNY Professor specializing in physiology and experimental embryologist who was the husband of Dr. Frances Shostac and father of Mrs. Miriam Dinerman passed away today.


1964: Birthdate of Ofer Hugi, the Shas MK who ended up going to prison for two years after being convicted of numerous illegal acts.

1965(15th of Nisan, 5725): 1st day of Pesach

1965: Cincinnati Reds outfielder Art Shamsky appeared in his first major league baseball game.

1966: Two days after he had passed away, funeral services were scheduled to be held this afternoon at the Riverside for sixty year old University of Chicago alum Alvin Handmacher, the president of Handmacher-Vogel Inc. and founder of the Handmacher Foundation who raised three daughters with his wife “the former Margaret Murdock”



1967: CBS broadcast the final episode of “Gilligan’s Island” a sitcom created by Sherwood Schwartz and co-starring Natalie Schafer as “Lovey Wentworth Howell.”

1967:  Egypt, Syria and Iraq signed a treaty of alliance that placed their military forces under a unified command with the stated purpose of “liberating Palestine” i.e. destroying the state of Israel.

1968(19thof Nisan, 5728): Fifth Day of Pesach

1968(19thof Nisan, 5728): Fifty year old “American microbiologist” Sol Haberman, the Chicago born son of “Nathan and Eva (Yankovitch) Haberman” and husband of “Carletta Jeanne Rambo” who had earned a PhD from OSU and went from being lecturer on bacteriology at SMU to directing the graduate studies division of the Graduate School College of Dentistry passed away today.

1968(19thof Nisan, 5728): Seventy-five year old Birmingham born Pathologist Arnold Rice Rich, the husband of “pianist and composer Helen Jones and the father of Adrienne and Cynthia Rich, whose scientific work led to the discovery of Rich Focus, passed away today.


1969: Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian terrorist, was convicted of murdering Senator Robert Kennedy, the leading nominee for the Democratic nominee for the Presidential nomination, thus single handedly changing the course of history.

1970: The Auditorium Building in Chicago “one of the best known designs of Dankmar Adler” and his partner “was added to the National Register of Historic Places” today.


1971(22ndof Nisan, 5731): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat Shel Pesach

1971: Susan Brownmiller organized today’s New York Radical Feminist Conference on Rape

1973(15thof Nisan, 5733): Pesach

1973(15thof Nisan, 5733): Ninety-one year old Clara Ferrin-Bloom the native of Tucson, AZ who was a schoolteacher when she married merchant David Bloom with whom she had three children, one of whom David A. “established the Bloom Southwest Jewish Archives at the University of Arizona passed away today.

1974: “Professor David Azbel and his family were granted permission to emigrate to Israel” today.

1977: The Broadway production of “I Love My Wife” with a book and lyrics by Michael Steward, music by Cy Coleman and directed by Gene Sakes opened today at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre.

1978: NBC broadcast “The Road to Babi Yar” the second part he miniseries “Holocaust.”

1979(20thof Nisan, 5739): Sixth Day of Pesach

1979(20thof Nisan, 5739): Sixty-sixty year old Brooklyn born Edward Field, “the Manhattan rug designer and manufacturer” and husband of Eleanor Field with whom he raised one son passed away today.


1979(20thof Nisan, 5739): Terrorists who had crossed the border from Lebanon killed one Israeli soldier today and injured six others.

1980: The Presidium of the Brussels World Conference on Soviet Jewry had its final meeting today in Paris.

1980: Today the art critic of the Chicago Evening post described Rumanian native Emil Armin, the grandson of a sofer who in 1905 came to the United States where he joined his brother, enrolled in night art classes after which he became a leading American painter “as perhaps the most finely sensitized artist in Chicago…with a soul of a peasant and poet and the mind of a philosopher.”



1983(4th of Iyar, 5743): Yom HaZikaron

1984(15thof Nisan, 5744): Pesach

1986: Authorities foiled an attempted bombing at Heathrow Airport. Israeli airline security guards at Heathrow Airport in London took a hard look at Anne-Marie Murphy and her luggage as she was about to board an El Al flight for Tel Aviv. Beneath a false bottom in her bag they found 10 pounds of plastic explosive rolled paper-thin -enough, the police said, to destroy the El Al Boeing 747 and its 340 passengers. The police said Miss Murphy told them that the bag, which had passed unnoticed through Heathrow security checks, had been handed to her by Nazar Hindawi, a Jordanian who had several passports. The woman's father said Mr. Hindawi had given Miss Murphy, who is pregnant, $300 to buy a wedding dress and promised that they would be married yesterday in Israel. At the airport, according to the police, Mr. Hindawi told his fiancee he had second thoughts about flying on an Israeli plane and would take a different airline. He hurried off but was arrested later at a London hotel. A sophisticated microchip timer was set to ignite the bomb after a stopover in Munich, the police said. It was possible that Miss Murphy, who had been working as a hotel maid in the London Hilton, intended to disembark at Munich, the police said, but more likely she was an innocent victim of the plot.

1986(8thof Nisan, 5746): Ninety-four year old French aircraft builder Marcel Dassault who as Marcel Bloch was imprisoned in Buchenwald for his refusal to collaborate with the Nazis passed and who became a Catholic after the war passed away today.


1987(18th of Nisan, 5747): Comedian Dick Shawn, born Richard Schulefand, died on stage from a heart attack at age 63.


1987: “Wild Thing,” a murder mystery featuring Maury Chaykin and Shawn Levy was released today in the United States.

1987: In the UK, premiere of “Prick Up Your Ears” directed by Stephen Frears based on the by John Lahr.

1988(30thof Nisan, 5748): Eighty-eight year old Russian born American sculptor Louis Nevelson passed away today.


1991(3rdof Iyar, 5751): Yom HaZikaron

1991(3rdof Iyar, 5751): Ninety-seven year old songwriter Jack Yellen whose most famous ditty was FDR’s campaign song, “Happy Days Are Here Again” passed away today.


1997: The Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra made its Carnegie Hall debut under the direction of Jewish conductor Yakov Kreizberg

1997: Joyce Shepard of the Citizens Action Committee for Change met with Alan G. Hevesi and Mayor Giuliani at City Hall where they promised her that more facilities would be provided for the victims of domestic abuse.

1997(10th of Nisan, 5757): Chaim Herzog passed away.  Born in Ireland in 1918, Herzog was the son of the distinguished Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog. Herzog moved to Palestine in 1935 and served in the Haganah during the Arab Uprising that started in 1936.  During World War II, Herzog served in the British Army where he worked with intelligence units liberating concentration camps.  During the War for Independence, Herzog was a leader in the fighting at Latrun, part of the heroic campaign to keep the road to Jerusalem open thus ensuring that the ancient city would be part of modern Israel.  Herzog had a distinguished career in the IDF and retired in 1962 with the rank of Major General.  In civilian life he pursued a career in business and the law while also serving as a media commentator on military matters.  In the middle seventies, he returned to public service as Israel's Ambassador to the U.N. and then as a Member of the Knesset for the Labor Party.  He served two terms as Israel's President (1983-1993). His historical writings include The Arab-Israeli Wars, War of Atonement: The Inside Story of the Yom Kippur War, Who Stands Accused? and Israel's Finest Hour.

1998(17thof Nisan, 5758): Third day of Pesach

1998(7thof Nisan, 5758): Fifty-six year old Linda McCartney the wife of Beatle Paul McCartney, the granddaughter of Jewish immigrants from Germany and Russia passed away today.

1998: In “Putting the Inquisition on Trial” published today, Richard Boudreaux reports on newly published records from the Vatican that shed light on the ancient practices of the church.


1998: Six months after it opened in the U.S., ”Deconstructing Harry” a Woody Allen comedy co-starring Bob Balaban, Richard Benjamin and Billy Crystal was released in the United Kingdom today.

1998:  Marek Edelman one of the last surviving leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was awarded with Poland's highest decoration, the Order of the White Eagle.

1998: U.S. premiere of “The Object Of My Affection” directed by Nicholas Hytner, with a script by Wendy Wasserstein and co-starring Paul Rudd.

1999: In Australia, a production of Harold Pinter’s “Betrayal” closed today at the Sydney Theatre Company.

2000: “The Israeli police today recommended that Transportation Minister Yitzhak Mordechai be prosecuted on three counts of sexual assault, dealing a humiliating blow to the former general, who ran for prime minister last year as the first Sephardic candidate in Israel's history.”

2001: “Israeli officials said today that the overnight airstrike in Lebanon, which demolished a Syrian radar installation and killed three soldiers, was meant as a warning to Syria and not as an invitation to further conflict in the region.”

2002(5th of Iyar, 5762):  Yom Ha’atzmaut.

2002: “Shortly after calling a game between the Indiana Pacers and Philadelphia 76ers on TNT,” Marv Albert was injured in a car crash in which he “sustained facial lacerations, a concussion, and a sprained ankle” leaving him unable to call the opening game of the NBA playoffs.

2003(15thof Nisan, 5763): Pesach

2003: “Tonight, survivors of last year's” Passover attack at the seaside Park Hotel where a Palestinian terrorist murdered 29 people “were invited back, along with other Israeli victims of Palestinian violence for another Seder meal that begins the week of Passover, the most significant holiday on the Jewish calendar

2004: For the fifth time terrorists, in this case Hamas and Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Bridge, staged an attack at the Erez Crossing.

2004An Israeli missile strike killed Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi.  In the words of the Associated Press, "Rantisi was Hamas' top leader in Gaza and one of the most hard-line members of the militant movement who rejects all compromise with Israel and calls for the destruction of the Jewish state."

2005: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “The Outlaw Bible of American Literature” Edited by Alan Kaufman, Neil Ortenberg and Barney Rosset and the recently released paperback edition of “Alexander Hamilton” by Ron Chernow.

2005:  A Jewish Museum of Belmonte (Museu Judaico de Belmonte) opened today..

2006: At precisely 4:00 P.M., President Moshe Katsav called the 17th Knesset to order in its maiden session with three blows of the gavel.  

2006(19thof Nisan, 5766): Nine people were killed and at least 40 wounded in a suicide bombing near the old central bus station in Tel Aviv. The blast ripped through Falafel Rosh Ha'ir, the same restaurant that was hit by an attack on January 19. The Islamic Jihad and Fatah’s Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades both claimed responsibility for the attack. The Hamas led PA government defended the suicide bombing, calling it an act of "self-defense." Hamas official spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called the attack "a natural result of the continued Israeli crimes against our people".

2006(19th of Nisan, 5766):Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, a leading Jewish scholar and civil rights advocate known for his provocative, often contrarian views, passed away at the age of 84.  The cause of death was heart complications. Hertzberg was president of the American Jewish Congress from 1972 to 1978, and vice president of the World Jewish Congress from 1975 to 1991. He also wrote a dozen of books on Jewish thought and history. Dedicated to the creation of Israel, he angered many Jews by also calling for a Palestinian state. An early advocate of civil rights for blacks, Hertzberg was among the prominent participants in Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 March on Washington. Nine years later, he headed the first Jewish delegation to meet formally with the Vatican about the Roman Catholic Church's silence during the Holocaust. Born in southeastern Poland, Hertzberg's family emigrated to the U.S. when he was five. He studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York and met his wife while serving as an air force chaplain in Britain. After returning to the U.S., he became a congregational rabbi at the conservative Temple Emanu-el in New Jersey, where he served until 1985.

2006: Today “to mark the centennial of the birth of the playwright Clifford Odets, Lincoln Center Theatre is scheduled to open a new production of “Awake and Sing!,” Odets’s first full-length play and the one that made him a literary superstar in 1935, at the age of twenty-eight.”


2006: In today’s issue of The New Yorker Seymour “Seymour Hersh reported on the Bush administration's purported plans for an air strike on Iran” that would include “the possible use of B61-11 bunker-buster nuclear weapon to eliminate underground Iranian uranium enrichment facilities.”

2007: The Israel Project and The Hebrew University's Truman Institute sponsors a one day conference entitled “IRAN, HIZBALLAH and HAMAS: Money, Martyrdom and the Mahdi.”

2007: The New York Times reviewed Shimon Peres: The Biography by Michael Bar-Zohar.

2008: Famed author Cynthia Ozick celebrates her 80th birthday. "Ozick is the most high-browed of all the Jewish-American writers, completely lacking well-read Saul Bellow's interest in the demimonde and the low-life. And yet her prose is always alive and crackling, flashy and sensuous, and as distinctive as the markings on a hoopoe." - Clive Sinclair, Times Literary Supplement (3/11/2006) http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/Ozick.html

2008: In Cedar Rapids, Hedy Epstein, whose parents died in concentration camps during the Holocaust speaks at Coe College and at Kennedy High School.

2008: In Iowa City, Iowa. Agudas Achim and Hillel hold a siyyum for the Fast of the Firstborn. For the siyyum, Professor Steven Green leads a presentation on the Talmudic section called “Yadyim,” which discusses the laws of Levitical cleanliness or un-cleanliness of the hands.

2008:  UNITE HERE, a union of textile workers and hospitality workers, organized a rally outside the offices of Goldman Sachs in downtown Manhattan to advocate higher wages for the company’s cafeteria workers. Though few of the cafeteria workers are Jewish, the rally will feature a mock Seder along with Passover songs.

2008: “A Catered Affair” starring Harvey Fierstein who also wrote the book for the musical opened on Broadway today.

2009: A.B. Yehoshua, the award-winning Israeli writer, presents a lecture, "From Mythology to History," as well as discusses his latest novel, “Friendly Fire.” This event is part of the University of Maryland’s (College Park),"George Wasserman Family Israeli Cultural Event" series.

2009: In Cedar Rapids, Temple Judah hosts the final Musical Shabbat in this the second season of this popular celebration of the start of the “Day of Rest.”

2010: The Westchester Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to show “Rafting to Bombay,” a documentary about three generations of a family who recollect their history among the European Jews who found safe haven in Bombay after fleeing the Nazis and “Forgotten Transports: To Estonia,” the third in Lukas Pribyl’s seminal series of documentaries on Czech Jews in WWII which in this case, chronicles girls who were transported together through the Nazi archipelago of camps in Estonia.

2010: Jonathan Biss, American-Jewish pianist is schedule to perform at the Kaufman Concert Hall in New York City.

2010: As part of its pre-festival screening The Northern Virginia 10thInternational Jewish Film Festival showed of "No. 4 Street of Our Lady" a film tells the story of a Polish-Catholic woman who rescues 16 of her Jewish neighbors during the war.

2011: The Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to sponsor a workshop entitled Women’s World War II Resistance at Beth El Hebrew Congregation is Alexandria, VA.

2011: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Sempre Susan: A Memoir of Susan Sontag” by Sigrid Nunez.

 2011: The Los Angeles Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Jerusalem, Jerusalem: How the Ancient City Ignited Our Modern World” by James Carroll.

2011(13thof Nisan. 5771): “The teenager who was critically wounded after Gaza militants launched an anti-aircraft missile at a school bus in southern Israel earlier this month succumbed to his wounds today. 16-year-old Daniel Viflic died in the Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva after his condition seriously deteriorated last week. The missile hit the bus traveling near Kibbutz Sa'ad just moments after it had dropped off the rest of the school children, wounding Viflic and the bus driver, who was moderately wounded by shrapnel wounds in his leg. "Sadly, Daniel passed away this afternoon," said Professor Shaul Sofer, the director of the intensive care unit at the Soroka Medical Center. "It wasn't a surprise for us. He arrived in critical condition and shortly afterward his brain stopped functioning. Due to the sensitive nature of the event, we continued treatments despite knowing that he had no chance of recovery." Yitzhak Viflic, Daniel's father, thanked the doctors and the supporters of his family. "Daniel fought but passed away calmly. I am positive he is in a good place now." Viflic was a resident of Beit Shemesh and studied in a yeshiva there. When he was wounded, he was on his way to the western Negev to visit his grandmother. Following the bus attack, cross-border fire between Gaza and Israel seriously escalated. Palestinian militants fired dozens of rockets into southern Israel and IDF forces launched numerous attacks on targets in the Gaza Strip.”

2011 Israeli security forces have arrested two teenage residents of the West Bank Arab village of Awarta for allegedly carrying out last month's murder of five family members in the settlement of Itamar, the lifting of a gag order revealed today.

2011(13thof Nisan. 5771): Ninety-four year old Dr. Alfred M. Freedman, a psychiatrist and social reformer who led the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 when, overturning a century-old policy, it declared that homosexuality was not a mental illness” passed away today.

2012: Dr. Neil Gillman is scheduled to begin teaching “The Prophets: An Anthology” at the Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning.

2012: “On the run from the Nazis. A Boynton man remembers” published today.


2012: “Paul Goodman Changed My Life is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Jonathan Lee.

2013: Dr. Diane M. Sharon is scheduled to begin teaching “Reading the Hebrew Bible in One Year’ at the Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning.

2013: The Center for Jewish History, Leo Baeck Institute and Taschen Books are scheduled to present “The Hanover Esther Scroll, 1746 – a Masterpiece of Jewish Scribal Art Rediscovered.

2013: “Let My People Go and “Simon and the Oaks” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Renee Firestone, the native of Hungary who survived Auschwitz is scheduled to address students at Washington High School, Xavier High School and Coe College.  Mrs. Firestone’s “is sponsored by the Joan and David Thaler Holocaust Memorial Foundation. Dr. David Thaler was a native of Lvov who graduated from the Medical School at the University of Paris and came to the United States before WW II. He served in the United States Army where, ironically, he treated German POWs.  He settled in Cedar Rapids in 1946 where he practiced until he passed away. Dr. Thaler’s father and sister perished in the Lvov Ghetto. Dr. Thaler established the foundation as an educational tool that brings Holocaust survivors and their children to Cedar Rapids each year to provide a human face to what for some is an imaginable event.  Joan Thaler has graciously carried on the work started by her late husband to ensure that this vital effort continues.

2013: The Helly Nahmad Gallery remained closed today following the arrest of Hillel Nahmad for his alleged role in an international money laundering and gambling conspiracy. Nahmad is the scion of a prominent family that traces its roots to the famous Jewish community of Aleppo where it was led by the patriarch who was also named Hillel Nahmad

2013: Two Grad rockets were fired on the southern city of Eilat this morning. One landed in a residential neighborhood and the other in an open area in the outskirts of the city

2014: Alexander Fiterstein, Ian David Rosenbaum and Arnaud Sussman are scheduled to perform at the Kaplan Penthouse.

2014: “The Jewish Cardinal” is scheduled to be shown at the JCC Rockland International Jewish Film Festival.

2014: "Zero Motivation” a zany, dark comedic portrait of everyday life for a unit of young female Israeli soldiers is scheduled to be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival.

2015(28thof Nisan, 5775): Ninety-one year old real estate tycoon A. Alfred Taubman passed away today.

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/19/business/a-alfred-taubman-shopping-mall-tycoon-involved-in-price-fixing-scandal-dies-at-91.html?_r=12015: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Jewish Home leader Naftali Bennett today and later with Yisrael Beytenu head Avigdor Liberman as well, as an initial deadline for the formation of a new governing coalition approached with no deals yet made.”

2015: It was reported today that “over 90 people had attended a Yom HaShoah Commemoration at the Dublin Hebrew Congregation sponsored by the Jewish Representative Council.

2015: “Woman in Gold” is scheduled to open in Israeli theatres today.


2015: “Rue Mandar” and “The Art Dealer” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: “Lost Stories, Found Images: Portraits of Jews in Wartime Amsterdam” which has been on display at the Goethe Institute in San Francisco is scheduled to come to an end today.



2016(9thof Nisan, 5776): Eight-four year old broadcaster Elton Spitzer, the driving force behind WLIR, passed away today.


2016: Under the leadership of Dr. Brian Horowitz, the chair of the Jewish Studies Department, Tulane University is scheduled to host “Kol Minei Dvarim: All Different Things” - The Inaugural Jewish Studies Colloquium

2016: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa The Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund under the leadership of Dr. Robert Silber and the Inter-Religious Council of Linn County are scheduled to host the annual Yom HaShoah Service where “the speaker will be Magda Brown, who was 17 years old in 1944 when she and her family were deported on one of the final transports to Auschwitz-Birkenau. In March 1945, Ms. Brown was sent on a 3-day death march from Birkenau Concentration Camp. Magda and several other prisoners in her group escaped and hid in a barn. A few days later they were discovered and liberated by two American Armed Forces. Only Magda and her brother survived from her immediate family and only six cousins survived from her extended family of 70.

2016: In Northern Virginia, the Olam Tikvah Men’s Club is scheduled to host its Survivors Tribute Brunch where Irene Fogel Weiss, “a survivor of Auschwitz who has made many presentations of her story and testified recently at the trial of a Nazi Auschwitz official in Germany” will be honored.

2016: “Raise the Roof” is among the pictures to be shown on the final day of the Northern Virginia Jewish Film Festival.  

2016: In Atlanta, GA, the Breman Museum is scheduled to host Hershel Greenblat who spent the first two years of life hiding with other Jews in a dark cave in Ukraine and the next five years in a DP camp before coming to the United States in 1950.

2016: “Rock in the Red Zone” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2016: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers includingAmerica’s War for the Greater Middle East by Andrew J. Bacevich and the recently released paperback editions of Michelle Obama: A Life by Peter Slevin, Ravensbrück: Life and Death in Hitler’s Concentration Camp for Women by Sarah Helm, Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Securityby Sarah Chayes and Publishing: A Writer’s Memoir by Gail Goodwin 2017(21st of Nisan, 5777):  Seventh Day of Pesach

2017(21st of Nisan, 5777): Eighty-one year old forensic psychiatrist Dr. Robert L. Sadoff passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)



2017: In Jerusalem, the Hebrew Music Museum is scheduled to host several “interactive exhibits and activities” as part of their Passover program to acquaint visitors with “the rich traditions of Jewish and Israeli music.”

2017: While hundreds of Palestinian prisoners began a hunger strike, Israelis used “life fire” to control the mobs who joined in supporting the prisoners, many of whom were convicted terrorists.

2018: The Jewish Federation of Cleveland Yom Hazikaron ceremony is scheduled to take place today at the Mandel JCC Stonehill Auditorium in Beachwood.

2018: Today, “the state attorney general plunged” Missouri Governor Eric Greitens, the Jewish Republican who had already “admitted to an extramarital affair with his former hairdresser” “even more deeply into political and legal jeopardy saying the governor may committed a felony in using a charity’s donor list for political funding raising.”https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/17/us/eric-greitens-felony-referral.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

2018: Today, four days after he had passed away funeral services were scheduled to be held at Beth Israel Congregation in Ann Arbor, Michigan for award winning chemist Charles Gelman, the New York born son of Fay and Rita Gelman and husband of Rita Gelman who was the holder of a BS from Syracuse and MS from the University of Michigan and who after serving in the United States Army founded Gelman Instrument Company led to him being a “recipient of the Michigan Science and Technology Trailblazer Award.”

2018: The Leo Baeck Institute is scheduled to host a talk by Rudolf Klein a professor of modern architectural history at Szent István University” “on his new book, Synagogues in Hungary, 1867–1918“which “is the first comprehensive study that systematically covers all synagogues in Hungary from the Edict of Tolerance by Joseph II to the end of World War I.”

2018: Holocaust survivor Michael Bornstein who was only four years old when liberated and his daughter Debbie Bornstein Holinstat are scheduled to speak at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids and at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon as part of the Yom HoShoah memorial which is being sponsored by The Thaler Holocaust Education Programming Committee chaired Dr. Robert Silber.

2018: Today in Jerusalem, Beit Avi Chais is scheduled to host a Yom HaZikaron event that will include “animated films from the Panim project” as well as music and personal stories.

2019: At the University of Pennsylvania, the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies is scheduled to host Dr. Keren Dotan as she shares her research on “Hebrew Prose by Late-Ottoman Rabbis from Eretz Israel.”

2019: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host a presentation by Holocaust survivor Steven Fenves as part of First Person Conversation series.

2019: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host a screening of “From Swastika to Jim Crow” the documentary “based on the book by Gabrielle Simon Edgecomb.

2020: The day after Pesach ended, the Lido Kosher Deli and Ben’s Kosher Delicatessen are among the kosher eateries scheduled to open today.

2020(23rdof Nisan, 5780): Yahrzeits Rabbis Moses Tani of Safed and David Deutsch of Budapest.

2020: The Israeli American Council in Boston is scheduled to present on-line “Flow No Fear: How to Stay Calm and Grounded During Challenging Times.”

2020: The ban on Muslim at the Temple Mount which has the approval of the Waqf which means no Friday Prayers today, is now scheduled to continue through the end of Ramadan.

2020: As Israelis prepared for Shabbat, they can contemplate the impact of yesterday’s decision to “slowly start re-opening businesses on April 19.

2021: After two successive nights of rocket attacks from Gaza, Israelis prepare for a possible third such attack as Shabbat ends this evening.

2021: This afternoon, the JCC Contra Costa is scheduled to present an in-person, Israel-themed scavenger hunt for Israel Independence Day.

2021: Jazz singer Noa Levy is scheduled to present Jewish contributions to Broadway musicals in her one-woman show that includes the 2019 documentary “On Broadway.

2021: The JCC of Greater Boston is scheduled to present the “PJ Library Woodland Art Hike.”

2021(5thof Iyar, 5781): Parashat Tazria-Metzora; Pirkei Avot Chapter two;  for more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/








This Day, April 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 18

 383: The Roman Emperors ended the exemption Jewish religious leaders enjoyed from compulsory public service. "The order which Jewish men flatter themselves with and and which gives them immunity from the compulsory public services of decurions shall be rescinded. Not even the clergy are free to deal with divine service until they have dealt with municipal service.”

1025: The Coronation of Bolesław Chrobry at Gniezno as King of Poland marks the beginning of Poland as an independent country. Boleslaw’s first contact with Jews may have come when he conquered the town of Przemysl in 1018. According to some records, the town was already home to a group of Jewish traders.  Jews were welcome to settle in Poland at this because the rulers so them as an economic and cultural asset.  Jews would find Poland a welcome refuge from the depredations that began with the Crusades 70 years after coronation of Poland’s first independent monarch.

1165 (4 Iyar, 4925): Maimon ben Maimon and his family leave Fez for Eretz Israel.

1279: Pedro III ordered his bailiffs to take control of the property of Jahuda Cavalleria until "proper heirs can be determined." Though in this case Jahuda's family ended up getting his estate, the Jews essentially owned nothing, and were essentially considered, "simply holding property for the Crown."

1389:  A priest of Prague, hit with a few grains of sand by small Jewish boys playing in the street, insists that the Jewish community purposely plotted against him. Thousands were slaughtered, the synagogue and the cemetery were destroyed, and homes were pillaged. King Wenceslaus insisted that the responsibility rested with the Jews for venturing outside during Holy Week.

1521: At the Diet of Worms, German reformer Martin Luther proclaimed that a biblical foundation supported the theological position of his "Ninety-Five Theses." Luther ended his defense with the famous words: 'Here I stand! I can do nothing else! God help me! Amen.'  Luther had a profound effect on Western history in general and Jewish history in particular.  His inability to convert the Jews led him down the path of virulent anti-Semitism.  At the same, his split with the Catholic Church led to centuries of religious warfare and conflict that found the Jews caught in the middle. Luther is not considered infallible by the church that bears his name.  His attitude toward the Jews is not official doctrine of the Lutheran Church.  In Germany, the Lutheran Church proved to be an early opponent of Hitler.

1577(1st of Iyar): Rabbi Nathan Shapiro of Horadno, author of Mevo Shearim passed away

1590:  Birthdate of Sultan Ahmed I of the Ottoman Empire. During his reign Solomon Eskenaz,i Avraham Levi Migas, and Naftali Ben Mansur all served as physicians at the palace.  When Solomon Eskenazi passed away, his wife, Buha Eskenazi replaced.  When Ahmed contracted smallpox, a disease that was often fatal at this time, his regular physicians could not help. So he summoned Buha Eskenzai and she was able to save him.  The Sultan passed away in 1617.

1599: Phillip III who supported the policy of making his realm Jew free and who gamed a free hand to the murderous Inquisition married his cousin, Margaret of Austria, toda.

1735(26th of Nisan): Rabbi Ephraim Navon of Constantinople, author of “Mahaneh Ephriam” passed away today

1753(14thof Nisan, 5513): Jews in England observe the Ta’anit Bechorot; and sit down to their Seder under the reign of Philo-Semitic King George II.

1756(18thof Nisan, 5516): Fourth Day of Pesach

1756: In Philadelphia Mathias Bush and his first wife Tabitha Mears gave birth to Nathan Bush

1764(16thof Nisan, 5524): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer is counted as Boston endures a smallpox epidemic.

1767(19thof Nisan, 5527): Fifth Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1772(15thof Nisan, 5532): Pesach

1772: In London Abigail Delvalle and “her husband, stockbroker Abraham Israel Ricardo” a “Sephardic Jew of Portuguese origins who had moved to England from the Dutch Republic gave birth to English economist David Ricardo, the successful speculator who along with Malthus and Adam Smith, Ricardo was one of the Big Three of Classical Economists and who was disowned by his family for eloping with “a Quaker, Priscilla Anne Wilkinson and converting to Christianity.



1773: In Tunis, Shalom Belais and his wife gave birth to Rabbi Abraham Belais.

1775(18thof Nisan, 5535): Fourth Day of Pesach

1775: Tonight, as Jews recited the blessing for the fourth day of the Omer “British troops were marching from Boston, headed toward Concord where they were to confiscate the weapons and leaders of the rebel movement.

1778(21stof Nisan, 5538): Seventh Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1778: In Darmstadt, Germany, Guetel and Huna Mormelstein gave birth Micahel MOrmelstein, the hus band of Adelheit Fuchs and the father of Babe, Henry and Manuel Marblestone.

1786: Abraham Florentine, the New Yorker who had moved to Nova Scotia and later returned to New York submitted his second application for indemnification for the house in New York and the horses, dry goods and household goods taken from him by “Rebels” during the war

1791(14thof Nisan, 5551): Ta’anit Bechorot; erev Pesach

1791: As Jews sit down to their Seders to celebrate their liberation from bondage, France continues to be rocked by the Revolution which was the Gallic attempt to free themselves from Royal Bondage that began two years ago as can be seen by today’s move by the National Guard to keep the royal family from leaving Paris to celebrate Easter, probably because they feared the King would try and leave the country and organize a counter-revolutionary force.

1793: In Savannah, GA, Sarah Sheftall and Abraham De Lyon, who had been married in their home town in 1785 gave birth to Abraham De Lyon, Jr, the husband of Esther Nunes Ribeiro.

1797: Eighth Day of Pesach: Yizkor is recited for the first time during the Presidency of John Adams

1801(5thof Iyar 5561): Parashat Tazria-Metzora read for the first time during the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson.

1805(19thof Nisan, 5565): Fifth Day of Pesach

1805: As Jews munch on their Matzah, Lewis and Clark met with the family Toussaint Charbonneau, the French Canadian trapper and trader who was reported to the husband of Sacagawea, the guide who was the eyes of the Corps of Discovery.

1806(30thof Nisan, 5566): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1806(30thof Nisan 5566): Seventy-year old Doctor Jonas Mischel Jeitteles who was born in Prague and who was buried in the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague after he passed away today. “He studied medicine in Leipzig and Halle. He became the public health officer of the Jewish community. He was nominated chief supervisor of the guild of Jewish healers in Prague. In 1784 he obtained from the emperor Joseph in Vienna permission that not only he himself but also other Jewish doctors could pursue unrestricted medical practice. He suffered from periodic depressive disorders with several exogenously provoked attacks.”

1810(14thof Nisan, 5570): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1810: Leah Rachel De Leon, a native of the West Indies and Abraham Quixano Henriques gave birth to Sarah Henriques.

1812(6thof Iyar, 5572): Parashat Tazria-Metzora

1816(20thof Nisan, 5576): Sixth Day of Pesach

1816: In Prussia, birthdate of English “Produce Merchant” Alfred Benjamin Baumann, the husband of Priscilla Phineas Isaacs and the father of Rebecca, Benjamin, John, James and Adela Bauman.

1818(12thof Nisan, 5576): Parashat Achrei Mot; Shabbat Hagadol

1818: Birthdate of Salvatore de Benedetti, the native of Piedmont whose works included Vita e Morte di Mose,published in 1879 in which “he gathered and translated the legends concerning the great Jewish leader.

1825(30th of Nisan, 5585): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1831: The University of Alabama is founded. The Psi chapter of ZBT founded in 1916 was the first Jewish organization on campus.  A Hillel chapter was founded in 1934. According to recent figures the schools graduate and undergraduate population of 28,000 students includes 450 undergraduates and 75 grad students.

1833: In Vienna, Moritz Moses Jacob von Goldschmidt and Nanette von Goldschmidt gave birth to Julius von Goldschmidt

1845(11thof Nisan, 5605): Seventy-eight year old merchant Simon Von Lämel, the native of Bohemia who was elevated to the hereditary nobility in recognition for his aid in provisioning the Austrian Emperor’s Army and lending him large sums of money, passed away today in Vienna, a city in which he and his family were among the legally limited number of Jewish residents.

1848(15thof Nisan, 5608): As Jews observe the first day of Pesach, U.S. Forces under General Winfield Scott defeat the forces of Santa Anna at the Battle of Cerro Gordo during the Mexican-American War.

1857: Birthdate of famed defense attorney Clarence Darrow one of whose most famous cases involved the Jewish thrill killers Leopold and Loeb.  Anybody who has seen “Inherit the Wind” has a pretty good understanding of Darrow’s view of religion and the Bible.  However, Darrow represented the ACLU and those it supported at a time when the cause of civil liberties was quite unpopular.  This work with the ACLU gave him a shared interest with many Jewish leaders of his day. He was a foe of anti-Semitism as could be seen by his signing of “The Perils of Racial Prejudice” which denounced “The International Jew” which was funded by Henry Ford.

1857: In London Adelaide and Ellis Abraham Franklin gave birth to Arthur Ellis Franklin, a senior partner at Keyser & Co, a merchant bank, the son of banker Ellis Abraham Franklin and Adelaide Franklin and the husband of Caroline Franklin with whom he had six children.

1857: In Jackson, CA, “a meeting was held” today at which “it was decided to build a synagogue” which was the first such structure “erected in the mining districts.”

1860: Louisa de Samuel married Baron George de worms, the son of Baron Solomon Benedict de Worms and Henritta Samuel after which she was known as Louisa de Worms

1860: Birthdate of Fernand-Gustave Gaston Labori, the native Rheims, France who courageously defended Emile Zola in 1898 and Alfred Dreyfus at the court martial in Rennes during which he effectively proved his client’s innocence and for which he was wounded by an assassin’s bullet.

1861: This evening the 26th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers whose members included Dr. Jacob Da Silva Solis Cohen “started from Philadelphia under orders requiring it to be taken through Baltimore ‘at or before daylight.’”

1863(19thof Nisan, 5623): Parshat Shmini

1863: War knows no day of rest as can be seen by the Battle of Fayetteville which was fought during the Civil War in the town that became the home of the University of Arkansas and is today the home Chabad of Northwest Arkansas.

1865: In Cedar Falls, IA, “William P. and Mary (Taylor) Taubman, gave birth to Iowa State Normal School (University of Northern Iowa) graduate Tom Taubman the husband of Minnie Samuels who was a newspaper editor, Democratic politician and U.S. Marshall in the state of South Dakota.

1865(22ndof Nisan, 5625): As Jews observed the eighth and final day of Pesach General Sherman and General Johnston met to finalize the terms of the surrender of the largest remaining Confederate force remaining in the field following the surrender of Lee at Appomattox.

1866: Today, in Manhattan, Rabbi Adler laid the cornerstone for a new synagogue that will be the home of Adas Jeshurun.  The building is located on 39thStreet between 7th and 8th Avenues.  A tin box was placed in the cornerstone.  Among the items in the box were the Charter of the Congregation, a copy of the U.S. Constitution, a list of the congregational officers, copies of several papers including the New York World and the New York Times and photo of Moses Montefiore.

1869(7th of Iyar, 5629): Adam Spielmann the son of Judah Spielmann and the husband of Marian Spielmann with whom he had eight children passed away today.

1873(21st of Nisan, 5633): The New York Times reported that “the closing holiday of the feast of the Passover commenced yesterday evening.  Today and Saturday will be kept as strict holidays and at sundown tomorrow the festival will terminate.”  [Editor’s Note: Based on the Times story, the Orthodox observance was considered normative since it is describing the 7thand 8th days of the festival.]

1874: Birthdate of Abraham Pflaum, the Chicago born lawyer and an officer with the United Hebrew Charities and the Jewish Aid Society whose wife was the Recording Secretary of the Chicago Woman’s Aid which met at Sinai Temple in Chicago and had been organized in 1882.

1875: The New York Times reported that “To-morrow evening the Israelites throughout the world will commence the celebration of the important festival of "Pesach," or Passover, also known as “Hag Hamatzos," or the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The festival was instituted by divine command to commemorate the miraculous deliverance of the Children of Israel from the captivity which, for hundreds of years, they had endured in the land of Egypt.”

1875: In Syracuse, Solomon Silverstein and Esther Shevelson gave birth to Dr. Albert Silverstein who graduated from Yale and Gross Medical College of Denver where practice medicine and taught with the exception of a one year stint with Medical Department of the United States Army which he served in the Philippines during the Spanish American War and the insurrection that followed.

1875: “The Feast of Passover: Interesting Religious Ceremonies” published today described the celebration of Pesach including the fact that during the Seder “any Jewish servants in the employ of” a Jewish family “have on these occasions the privilege of sitting at the table on a footing of perfect equality with their employers.”

1875: In Eichstein Leopold and Babette Bloch gave birth to Julie Bloch who became Julie Moses after she married Moses Moses, the son of Abraham and Rosa Moses.

1876: In New York City, “Sigmund and Linda Mainster Galston” gave birth to NYU trained lawyer and federal judge Clarence G. Galston who raised two children with his “the former Estelle Elkus.”


1878: Birthdate of Kovno native Hyman Aaron who in 1900 came to the United States he formed “his own construction firm in Brooklyn while serving on the board of directors of Beth El Hospital and the Stone Avenue Talmud Torah and raising two sons Bernard and Dr. Jules Aaron and one daughter with hiswife Mollie Spillie.

1878(15thof Nisan, 5638): Pesach

1880: Two days after he had passed away, Isaiah Joshua Simmons, the husband of Caroline Benjamin with whom he had had twelve children was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1880: It was reported today that the Governor of Morocco has ordered the destruction all houses belong to Jews facing Mosques.

1880: An article published today about the nature of Armenians includes the following quip attributed to Lord Rothschild.  “Shut up all the Jews and all the Armenians of the world together in one exchange and within half an hour the total wealth of the former will have passed into the hands of the latter.”

1881(19thof Nisan, 5641): Fifth Day of Pesach

1881: In Indianapolis, Indiana, an unnamed Jewish citizen sent a basket of flowers to the Second Presbyterian Church with a note saying, “that it was ‘a token of respect for the liberal sentiments that Reverend William A. Bartlett had expressed in a talk on “the Jewish question.”

1881(19th of Nisan, 5641): Fifth day of Pesach

1881(19th of Nisan, 5641): Sixty-one year old Hungarian born American physician and chemist Joseph Jacob Goldmark who was “credited with the discovery of red phosphorous” passed away today in Brooklyn.

1881: In Bialystok, “Morris and Julia (Getz) Weber gave birth Pratt Institute and Julien Academy trained painter, the husband of Frances Abrams, whose works were described as "fauvist and then cubist inspired."  From 1917 on he began introducing Jewish subjects into his work.  Starting in the 1920's his work became increasingly abstract and he included contemporary social themes as subjects for his painting.  Weber's can be found in leading galleries throughout the United States including the Whitney Museum and the Jewish Museum in New York City.  He passed away in 1961.

1884: Theodore Hoffman was hung in New York today after having been convicted of murdering Zife Marks, a Jewish peddler whom he had robbed on the road near Port Chester.

1886: In New York City, over 500 women came to Mrs. Rosendorff’s home on Eldridge Street to receive aid for the upcoming holiday of Passover.  Each of the women, many of whom were accompanied by children of all ages, was given a yellow ticket which they could exchange for supplies at local meat market. Mrs. Rosendorf is active in many causes designed to assist the less fortunate including membership in the Downtown Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society and the Passover Relief Society while serving as the Directress of the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews.

1886: It was reported today that Lawrence Oliphant has discovered to ruined synagogues on the northeast shores of the Sea of Galilee. 

1887: In New York City, Joseph and Babette Seligman gave birth to Joseph Lionel Seligman.

1887(24thof Nisan, 5647): Hungarian teacher and author Ignaz Reich who taught for forty years at the Jewish communal school for the blind and “ was the first Jew to translate the Bible into Hungarian passed away at Budapest.

1889: Birthdate of Budapest native George Vajan who “founded a bookstore and publishing in his hometown in 1920” before coming to the United States in 1939 where he founded Transatlantic Arts.


1890:  After 35 years of New York State officials overseeing the arrival of more than 8 million immigrants (many of whom were Jews from Eastern Europe) at Castle Garden the United States Government “assumed control of immigration” today “and Congress appropriated $75,000” to build the first facility at Ellis Island which would the entry point for untold numbers of Jewish immigrants.

1892(21st of Nisan, 5652): Seventh day of Pesach

1892(21st of Nisan, 5652): Seventy year old Isaac Hirsch passed away while visiting his daughter Mrs. Selig Meinhold in New York City.  A native of Germany, he had lived in Kingston, NY for the last 43 years where he was a successful paper dealer.  Hirsch had served in the same army company as famed reformer and political leader Carl Schurz.

1892: The newly dedicated home of Temple Israel in Brooklyn was built in the style of “the famous Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople.” The ground on which the building sits cost $20,000 and the building itself cost $75,000. A.H. Geismar is the rabbi of what is considered to be Brooklyn’s leading reform congregation. 

1892: The body of Jacob Marks, a peddler who had last been seen a month ago with Isaac Rosenswig and Harris Blank was found “beneath a pile of rubbish in a deserted barn with two bullets in the head” on Dutch Mountain

1893 (2nd of Iyar, 5653): Abraham Pereira Mendes, a prominent English Rabbi, author and the father of two other Rabbis, Frederick de Sola Mendes and Henry Pereira Mendes, passed away.

1893: Birthdate of Jessaja Granach, the native of Galicia who became the popular German film actor Alexander Granach during the 1920’s and early 1930’s.  Forced to flee with the rise of Hitler he spent the last years of his career playing “German bad guys” in several Hollywood films.

1893: “Converts For Revenue Only” published today described the aggressive efforts by Protestants to gain Jewish converts and the indignant response of the Jewish community which object to the methods as much as it does the effort itself. For example, Christian churches bribe “Jewish children to go to their ‘conversion’ schools by gifts of cake and candy…as well as with bribes of shoes and clothing” while workingmen are offered jobs in turn for conversion.

1893(2ndof Iyar): Author Moses Eisman passed away today.

1894(12thof Nisan, 5654): Lewis Cohen the son of Sierlah and Barnett Cohen, the grandson of Judah Cohen and he husband of Sarah Cohen passed away today

1895: Dr. Maurice H. Harris delivered a lectured on Shylock at a meeting of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association which was followed by a series of recitations and the performance of musical selections.

1895: As the price of beef continues to rise, it was reported that kosher butchers are charging fourteen cents a pound for chuck steak, a popular cut of meat that had had been selling for five or six cents a pound.  This has forced many of those living on the lower east side to turn to fish and eggs which are more plentiful and less expensive.

1895: Birthdate of Latvia native Yiddishist Zalman (Salman) Yefroiken who in 1921 came to the United States where he eventually became the education director of the “Workmen’s Circle High School,” editor of “Culture and Education and the author of Jews Do Not Surrender while raising two children with his wife ‘the former Amy Goldberg.”


1896: The late Leonard Friedman made the following bequests: $2,500 each to the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews, the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum and Mt. Sinai Hospital; $1,500 to the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids; $1,000 each to the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Orphan Asylum and Sanitarium for Hebrew Children.

1897: Israel Zangwill, author of Children of the Ghetto will deliver a lecture today in Jerusalem

1897(16th of Nisan, 5657): Second day of Pesach

1897: Three days after he had passed away, Nathan Jacob De Jongh, the husband of Henriette De Jongh and the father of James and Benjamin De Jongh was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1897(16thof Nisan, 5657): Rabbi Rudolph Grossman will officiate at the funeral of August Seligman who died of pneumonia.  Interment will be in Cypress Hills Cemetery

1897: “Making Passover Bread” published today reports that three companies in New York “practically monopolize” the manufacture and sale of Matzoth in the United States.  While Matzah is baked in other cities, many Jews rely on the trustworthiness of the New York firms to manufacture a ritually acceptable product.  The demand has gotten to be so great that the firms start baking right after New Year’s in January and do not start until the start of Pesach.

1898: Approximately 5,000 people attended the opening night of a fair at the Grand Central Palace which is being held “for the benefit of the building fund of Congregation Adath Israel of West Harlem.”

1900: In his quest for governmental support for the creation of Jewish home, Herzl met with Grossherzog Friedrich of Baden receives Herzl. The Germans are reluctant to get involved but there is hope that the Austrians will help him get an audience with the Sultan.

1900: The first public meeting of the Sabbath Observance Association of New York was held this evening at Shearith Israel in New York. The newly formed group already has at 300 members.  It was formed to combat what its leaders view as a growing disregard for the observance of the Sabbath.  According to two of the speakers, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Dr. Mark Blumenthal, the observance of the Sabbath “has preserved Judaism though all the centuries of persecution” and has made “the Jewish home and the Jewish woman an emblem of sanctity and purity which has been held up to the admiration of people of every religion.” 

1901: Birthdate of lyricist Al Lewis whose most famous work was “Blueberry Hill.”  Written in 1940, it gained everlasting fame when it was recorded by Fats Domino in 1956.

1902(11th of Nissan, 5662): Birthdate of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known as “the Rebbe” who was the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe. [Editor’s Note: There is no way that any entry here could even begin to do justice to his gifts and accomplishments, but readers are encouraged to the innumerable sources available to examine the life of this indomitable figures as well as to read his writings.  His most famous and long lasting impact may be his outreach program.  Anybody who has spent time with one of his “Lamplighters” such as Rabbi Pinchas Ciment will understand the meaning of this statement.]

1902(11th of Nisan, 5562: Seventy-two year old German businessman and politician Marcus Wolf Hinrichsen passed away today in Hamburg.

1903: Apparently “the bread of affliction” has taken on a new cache since The New York Times reports that “Matzo, or Passover bread” can be found in small piles in the city’s “bon-bon shops.”

1904: Cyrus Adler of the Jewish Historical Society was among those sitting at “the guests’ table” tonight at the annual banquet of Empire State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution where the Japanese Consul General spoke about “some of the reasons why Japan is now fighting Russia.”

1905: Today is the last day on which the First American Romanian Congregation is scheduled to distribute Matzoth to the poor Jews living on the Lower East Side.

1906: In St. Paul, MN, “Jacob and Mollie (Balkind) Ginsberg gave birth to University of Minnesota trained physician and WW II Stewart Theodore Ginsberg, the “Clinical professor of psychiatry at Emory University and husband of Ada Leach Leach with whom he raised three children – Barbara, Janet and Mark.

1906: On the day after the end of Pesach, “San Francisco and the entire Bay Area was struck by an epic earthquake, followed by a fire which lasted almost three days and utterly destroyed most of the city. Consumed in the flames were more than 3500 souls and hundreds of millions of dollars in buildings and other property. The Jewish community lost Emanu-El's great Sutter Street synagogue building, which burned to the ground. In addition, much of Adolph Sutro's collection of Hebraica and documents of the Spanish era in California were destroyed. Among the Jewish institutions that responded to the city-wide emergency was Mount Zion Hospital, which was safely located beyond the perimeter of the fire in the Western Addition. Jewish doctors and nurses worked tirelessly in the days after the conflagration to help injured citizens. In Golden Gate Park, where tens of thousands of homeless citizens were temporarily housed in tents for months following the conflagration, a Jewish couple named Victor and Anna Rosenbaum won a city-wide award for having the tidiest domicile. Jewish merchants played a leading role in getting San Francisco back on its feet, setting up a new commercial district along Van Ness Avenue and making Fillmore Street a substitute for Market Street for several years while the Downtown District was rebuilt. The Chicago architect Daniel Burnham had proposed a progressive new street design for San Francisco, modeled after those of Paris and Washington D.C. But Jewish and other merchants were anxious to get back in business and the Burnham Plan was dropped. San Francisco's rabbis were tireless in their relief efforts, and the Jewish community pledged large sums to the city's reconstruction, figuring prominently in its fulfillment. The reconstruction of the San Francisco was also symbolized by the erection in 1912-1915 of a magnificent new Beaux Art neo-Renaissance City Hall, designed by Arthur Brown, who would later design the new Congregation Emanu-El in 1925. The legendary, long-serving Mayor "Sunny Jim" Rolph would attend and speak at the dedications of both buildings.

1907: In San Francisco Jewish businessmen were among those celebrating this morning when the Ferry Building clock which had stopped at 5:12 a.m. a year earlier was started up again.

1908(17thof Nisan, 5668): Third Day of Pesach and Pesach Shabbat Chol HaMoed

1908:”From interviews given today to a correspondent for the New York Times by Lords Rothschild and Swaythling on the controversy between the strictly orthodox Jews and the more liberal adherents of the Jewish faith in England as to the divine origin of the Decalogue and the Pentateuch…it seems plain enough that the participants in the quarrel are rallying these two pillars of faith and financial giants as their leaders” with Swaythling (Samuel Montagu) “representing the ultra-orthodox section…”

1909: Tonight, at the Pilgrim Church on Madison Avenue, Reverend Frederick Lynch preached a sermon on “Christians and Jews in New York City: A Warning” in which, among other things he “condemned bills, which he said, the Jews were introducing at Albany to conduct secular business on Sunday, as selfish and as tending to break down the great American institution of Sunday for the benefit of a few.” i.e. the Jew.

1910: For a second day, the United Hebrew Community was giving out supplies to the poor people of the lower east side for the upcoming Passover Holiday.

1911: Birthdate of Maurice Goldhaber, the native of Vienna ,a physicist who delved into the intricacies of atoms and headed the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island for more than a decade and was the father of physicist Alfred Scharff Goldhaber and the grandfather of physicist David Goldhaber-Gordon.


1912: Three days after the sinking of the Titanic, The RMS Carpathia, carrying hundreds of the Titanic survivors including journalist Edith Rosenbaum and Elizabeth and Martin Rothschild, the aunt and uncle of Dorothy Parker, arrived in New York.

1913: “Jacob Furth, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Seattle National Bank” was found guilty today of aiding and abetting in a conspiracy to accept deposits from a banker whose bank he knew to be insolvent.

1913(11th of Nisan, 5673): Julius Neumark, the President of the Jewish Community in Kortshin, a town in central Poland passed away today.

1913(11thof Nisan, 5673): Fifty-eight year old merchant Sigmund L. Bendit, the Bavaria born son of “Lippmann and Jeannette Bendit passed away today in New York City.

1913: In Richmond, VA, the Southern Educational Convention which Rabbi Max Raisin of Meridian, Mississippi was attending as a delegate came to an end today.

1914(22ndof Nisan, 5674): Eighth Day of Pesach; Shabbat; Yizkor

1914: Columbia trained physician Adolph Stern a specialist in the treatment of nervous and mental disease who studied with Freud and who was the Hungarian born son of Herman and Rosalie Stern married Mamie Hallow today.

1914: German Jew-Baiter Dead” published described the recent death of “Hermann Ahlwardt, once celebrated as a German Jew-Baiter” who had one time had participated in a nationwide lecture tour in the United States

1915: “Over 200 delegates representing 177 Jewish labor organization with a membership of over 300,000 attended” tonight’s first ever convention of the National Women’s Committee for Jewish Rights in Belligerent Counties which has been formed “to agitate for equal Rights for Jews, especially those living in Russia.”

1915: It was reported today that Funk & Wagnalls have published “John Foster Fraser’s new work, The Conquering Jew which contains the results the author’s studies of the Jew, his adaptability and vitality” and well as the views on the future of the Jews.

1915: “To-night’s the Night, a musical comedy composed by Paul Rubens” with two songs composed by Jerome Kern opened at the Gaiety Theatre in London for the first of 460 performances.

1915: In New York, Joseph Davidman and Jeanette Spivack who had married in 1909, gave birth to “child prodigy” poet and author Joy Davidman


1916(15thof Nisan, 5676): Pesach

1916: According to previously published reports Jews in Russia will not have to worry about violent attacks based on “blood accusation of ritual murder’ because “this year there will be neither Seder nor pogrom” in Russia because the homes of Jews “are wrecked and deserted and their inhabitants have been scattered an driven far away before the successive tidal waves of war.”

1916: Because today is Passover, “collection of bundles and bags for the United Hebrew Charities Bundle Day” will not take place today.”

1916: In New York, approximately 175 Jewish soldiers and sailors from Forts Totten, Wadsworth, Slocum, Hancock Terry and Wright and battleships Delaware, Wyoming, Missouri and Maine who are here by special permission of the Secretaries of War and Navy” are scheduled to attend services at several synagogues today following which they will attend a second Seder this evening.

1916: According to a report published today, S.S. Rosenstamm, the Chairman of the Y.M.H.A. there are 6,000 Jews serving in the army and navy for whom “Seders have been arranged all over the United States.

1916: According to a letter written by John Reed, he said that reports that he had accused “all Jews of being traitors to Russia” were wrong since “as a matter of fact, they are astonishingly loyal.”

1916: It was reported today that “the Israelite Alliance of Vienna will undertake the collection and forward of letters” from Jews living in Galicia trying to contact people in the United States “at its own expense.”

1917: It was reported today that the “chief business discussed at the first congress of the Jewish Social Democrat was the disabilities suffered by the Jews of Finland.”

1918: During WW I with Jewish soldiers on both sides of the line the Germans tried to seize the heights at Kemmelberg as part of the Great Spring offensive designed to end the war before the Americans could make up for the loss of Russia.

1919(18thof Nisan, 5679): Fourth Day of Pesach

1919: In London, Lithuanian refugee Rachel Litvin and her husband gave birth to Natasha Litvin who gained famed as pianist and author Natasha Spender the wife of Sir Stephen Spender.

1920: The Twelfth Conference of the Bund, the Jewish labor organization, continued to meet in Gomel.

1921(10th of Nisan, 5681): Sixty-four year old French author and politician Joseph Reinach passed away. Born in Paris in 1856, he had two famous siblings - Salomon and Theodore – who would become well-known in the field of archaeology. After studying at the Lycée Condorcet he was called to the bar in 1887. He attracted the attention of Léon Gambetta by writing articles on Balkan politics for the Revue bleue and joined the staff of the Republique française. In Gambetta's grand ministère, Reinach was his secretary, and drew up the case for a partial revision of the US Constitution and for the electoral method known as the Scrutin de Liste. In the République française he waged a steady war against General Boulanger which resulted in three duels, one with Edmond Magnier and two with Paul Déroulède. Between 1889 and 1898 he sat for the Chamber of Deputies for Digne. As a member of the army commission, reporter of the budgets of the ministries of the interior and of agriculture he brought forward bills for the better treatment of the insane, for the establishment of a colonial ministry, for the taxation of alcohol, and for the reparation of judicial errors. He advocated complete freedom of the theatre and the press, the abolition of public executions, and denounced political corruption of all kinds. However, he was indirectly implicated in the Panama scandals through his father-in-law, Baron de Reinach; as soon as he learned that he was benefiting by fraud, he made appropriate restitution. Reinach is best known as the champion of Alfred Dreyfus. At the time of the original trial he attempted to secure a public hearing of the case, and in 1897 he allied himself with Scheurer-Kestner to demand its revision. He denounced in the Siècle the Henry forgery, and Esterhazy's complicity. His articles in the Siècle aroused the fury of the anti-Dreyfus party, especially as Reinach was himself a Jew and accused by some of taking up Dreyfus's defence on racial grounds. He lost his seat in the Chamber of Deputies, and, having refused to fight Henri Rochefort, eventually brought an action for libel against him. Finally, when the "Dreyfus affair" was resolved and Dreyfus was pardoned, he wrote a history of the case, completed in 1905. In 1906 Reinach was re-elected for Digne. In that year he became a member of the commission of the national archives, and the following year a member of the council on prisons. Reinach was a prolific writer on political subjects. On Gambetta he published three volumes in 1884, and he also edited his speeches. For the criticisms of the anti-Dreyfusard press see Henri Dutrait-Croyon, Joseph Reinach, historien (Paris, 1905), a violent criticism in detail of Reinach's history of the "affaire."

1921: In New York, Russian-Jewish immigrants Jacob and Fanny Cahn gave birth to Miles Cahn who,
with his wife Liilian” founded the Coach Leatherware Company in 1961.


1923: In Savannah, GA, Elinor Grunsfeld and Sam G. Adler, the son of Leopold Adler, the founder of Adler’s Department store gave birth to Georgia Bulldog and WW II Naval Air Corps veteran Lee Adler who was an award winning champion of historic preservation and an advocate for “providing safe affordable housing for low-income” occupants.

1924(14thof Nisan, 5684): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1924: “A number of Jewish students at Harvard” are scheduled to participate in a Seder this evening at the home of Professor Harry K. Messenger, the Latin and Greek scholar who along with his wife converted to Judaism.

1926: “In Komorow, near Lublin, Poland, Hersz Trost, “a butcher” and his wife Chaja gave birth to Frima Trost who gained fame as Holocaust survivor and the driving force behind Café Edison Frances Edelstein. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)


1926: David A. Brown, the National Chairman of the United Jewish Campaign said today that the organization would exceed its goal after “the Association of Reform Rabbis” unanimously adopted a resolution endorsing the campaign.

1926: “The completion of the first stage in the development of Palestine as the Jewish homeland was announced” today “by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the Chairman of the United Palestine Appeal following the receipt of a cablegram from Dr. Chaim Weizmann” which said that “immigration figures just compiled show that 100,000 new Jewish settlers entered Palestine from 1919 to 1925.”

1926: Release date of “Madame Mystery” co-starring Theda Bara (born Theodosia Burr Goodman)

1929: Clarence Galston, the son of Sigmund and Linda Galston “was nominated by President Herbert Hoover today, to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, to a new seat authorized by 45 Stat. 1409.”

1931(1stof Iyar, 5691): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1931: “City Streets” a mystery film starring Sylvia Sidney and Paul Lukas was released today in the United Sates.

1933(22ndof Nisan, 5693): Eighth Day of Pesach

1933: In Berlin, “the special court imposed a nine months’ term upon Herman Beer, a Polish Jew,” because he told “friends that the bodies of three mutilated Jews had been found in the streets of Berlin and that twenty eight Jews were dragged out of a synagogue and beaten until blood flowed” “without taking into consideration whether Beer’s information was accurate or not.”

1933: The Jerusalem YMCA, directly opposite the King David Hotel, was opened by Field Marshall Lord Allenby.

1934: A tea and musicale sponsored by The Palestine Lighthouse under the leadership of the president Mrs. Samuel D. Friedman is scheduled to take place “this after afternoon at the Waldorf Astoria to celebrate the completion of the New Shelter for Blind Children in Palestine”

1934: During today’s debate in the French Parliament over offering Albert Einstein a professorship at the Sorbonne both Premier Daladier and right wing leader Louis Marin spoke in favor of the action and praised the famed scientist who could not return to Germany

1934: Reverend Dietrich Bonhoeffer appeared to recognize the threat posed by the Nazis when he wrote to a friend today that National Socialism has “brought an end to the church in Germany.’ 

1935(15thof Nisan, 5695): Pesach

1935: Birthdate of Paul A Rothschild record producer who helped to build the Elektra record label.


1936: After 233 performance, the curtain came down on “Jumbo,” a musical produced by Billy Rose with music and lyrics by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz with a book co-authored by Ben Hecht at the Hippodrome Theatre.

1936: “Bury The Dead” an anti-war play written by Irwin Shaw opened at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre in New York City.

1936: The Chief Rabbi of Vienna, Dr. Feuchtwag” issued “a strongly worded answer” in response to recent anti-Semitic attacks.

1936: In what may have been part of the attempt to improve Germany’s image prior to this summer’s Olympic games, “The German Calisthenics Association appears to have reversed the ruling of the Reich Sport League no Jew may belong to a German sport organization” but at the same time it empowered the directors of all local sport groups to expel any one for any reason.”

1937: Thomas Mann and his daughter Erika are scheduled to address the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall today.

1937: Rabbi Louis I. Newman is scheduled to deliver the sermon this morning at Temple Rodeph Sholom.

1937: Rabbi Lichtenstein is scheduled to deliver the sermon this morning at the Jewish Science Society.

1937: Birthdate of Ed Parish (E.P.) Sanders the New Testament Scholar whose works include Paul and Palestinian Judaism in which he “argued that the traditional Christian interpretation that Paul was condemning Rabbinic legalism was a misunderstanding of both Judaism and Paul's thought,” Jesus and Judaismin which “he argued that Jesus began as a follower of John the Baptist and was a prophet of the restoration of Israel” and Judaism” Practice and Belief.

1937: “Top of the Town” a comedy directed by Sam White and featuring Gregory Ratoff and Mischa Auer was released in the United States today.

1938(17thof Nisan, 5698): Third Day of Pesach

1938: Plans for an upcoming “exhibition and sale of paintings at the Studio Gallery for “the benefit of the Joint Distribution Committee” were reported today.

1938: Today, Hadassah reported contributions totaling $60000 and pledges amounting to an additional $20000 had been made to the YouthAliyahFund

1938:The Palestine Postreported that 16 Arab terrorists, including their leader, Aref Abdul Razzak, had been killed in a battle and scores were wounded. The fighting between the British soldiers and Arab terrorists lasted more than six hours in the notorious "Triangle of Terror" - the hilly region between Nablus, Tulkarm and Jenin. Four Arab prisoners were taken. Only one British soldier was slightly wounded.

1938:The Palestine Postreported that four young Jews, Joseph Rotblatt, 19, Abraham Danielli, 23, David Ben Gaon, 25, and Ze'ev Anav, 24, died in an Arab terrorists ambush attack, while returning in a taxi from Hanita to Nahariya.

1938:The Palestine Postreported that a bomb was thrown into an Arab cafe in Haifa, one person had been killed and eight wounded.

1938:The Palestine Postreported that Eliahu Dawer, 58, was hurt by a bomb thrown at him while leaving the synagogue in Rehov Mea She'arim in Jerusalem.

1938:The Palestine Postreported that the new high commissioner, Sir Harold MacMichael, paid his first official visit to Tel Aviv.

1938:The Palestine Postreported that the public and the press were highly enthusiastic about the visit and the series of festive concerts conducted by Arthuro Toscanini.

1938: Superman, the creation of two Jews from Cleveland – Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster – appeared for the first time in Action Comics No. 1

1939:  Anti-Jewish legislation in Slovakia defines Jews by religion.

1939(29th of Nisan, 5699): Just four weeks before her 65th birthday, American Yiddish theatre star Bertha Kalich passed away today.


1939(29th of Nisan, 5699): Seventy-seven year old Sir Matthew Nathan a British soldier and diplomat who “served as the Governor of Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Hong Kong, Natal and Queensland” passed away in Somerset, UK.

1940: In Kingstree, SC, Fannie (Alpert) and Isadore E. Goldstein, who owned a clothing store gave birth to University of Texas at Dallas trained M.D. and molecular geneticist Joseph Leonard Goldstein, the Prize Winner who worked as a biomedical researcher at the National Heart Institute and Washington University before returning to the Southwestern Medical School of the University of Texas at Dallas as professor. Goldstein and colleague Michael S. Brown researched cholesterol metabolism and discovered that human cells have low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors that extract cholesterol from the bloodstream. The lack of sufficient LDL receptors is a major cause of cholesterol-related diseases. In 1985, Goldstein and Brown, both of whom are Jewish, were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.




1940: President Roosevelt met with David Lasser, the science fiction writer turned labor activist who was serving as the President of the Worker’s Alliance of America today in the White House.

1941: During World War II, the first British troops from India arrived at Basra.  They were part of the military force that would remove the recently installed pro-Nazi government in Iraq.  The rise of the pro-Nazi Arab government and the subsequent military action taken by the British would literally have deadly consequences for the ancient Iraqi Jewish community 

1941(21st of Nisan, 5701): Seventh Day of Pesach

1941(21st of Nisan, 5701): Sixty-seven year old Hungarian native Charles Gelman who in 1892 came to the United States where he settled in Glens Falls, NY where owned and operated “the dry goods firm of Merkel and Gelman” while raising his two daughters Elsa and Babette passed away today.


1942(1st of Iyar, 5702): In the Warsaw Ghetto, 52 people on a wanted list were dragged from their beds and killed. This will become known as "The Night of Blood."

1942: One thousand Jews who left the Theresienstadt Ghetto in Czechoslovakia, by train for a ghetto at Rejowiec, Poland, were diverted to the death camp at Sobibór

1942(1st of Iyar, 5702): The death camp at Sobibor went into operation. To mark the opening 2,500 Jews from Zamosc were transported there and sent to their deaths. Only one was chosen to work and lived. 

1942(1st of Iyar, 5702): Eighty-three year old Moses Montefiore Kursheedt, the husband of Jennie Kurdsheet and the son of Asher and Abigail Kursheedt passed away today.

1942: Pierre Laval became Prime Minister of the French government of Vichy.  The Vichy Government was really little more than a German puppet state.  Laval like many associated with Vichy was an anti-Semite who was only too willing to turn French Jews over to the Nazis even before they asked for them.  Laval was executed at the end of the war.

1943(13thof Nisan, 5703): Sixty-four year old Johns Hopkins and Columbia trained attorney Joseph N. Ulman the jurist and Jewish communal leader who raised “two children – Joseph, Jr. and Eleanor –“ and his wife “the former Ella Guggenheimer” passed away today.



1943:  Word leaked into the Warsaw Ghetto of German plans for the ghetto's destruction.  This information enabled the ZOB leadership to marshal their pathetic defense force to meet the oncoming might of the Nazi military machine.

1944:  Leonard Bernstein and Jerome Robbins' ballet "Fancy Free" premiered in New York City

1944: Congressman Arthur Klein entered into the Congressional Record a report by Laura L. Margolies, a representative of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Shanghai on the conditions of “Refugees in the Far East.”



1945: General Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces telephoned Winston Churchill to describe the horrific sights that greeted his troops when they entered a concentration camp at Ohrdruf near Gotha. 

1945: A list of 801 Jews, that came to be known as “Schindler’s List” was typed today. The people whose names were listed on the 13 page document were spared from a trip to the gas chamber.  In 2009, employees at the New South Wales State Library found the list in boxes containing German news clippings and manuscripts by the Australian author Thomas Keneally, who wrote the bestselling novel “Schindler's Ark,” which was the basis of the famous film about Oskar Schindler and his efforts to save Jews during the Holocaust.

1945: Birthdate of Joseph Bernstein, the native of Moscow who became a leading Israeli mathematician.

1945:Robert Limpert, the leader of the anti-Nazi underground in Ansbach, was hung by the Germans for his attempts to get the garrison to surrender to the advancing Allied armies.

1945: Following their liberation inmates Langenstein-Zwieberge, a sub-camp of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp were taken by ambulance to Halberstadt where barracks had been turned into a hospital.

1945: As World War II comes to an end, and concentration camps were being liberated “an opinion survey” taken today “suggested that 81 percent of the British population would answer ‘yes’ to the question ‘Do you think the atrocity stories are true,’ whereas in December, 1944 the proportion had been only 37 percent.”

1946: The Broadway production of “Call Me Mister” a revue with music by Harold Rome opened at the National Theatre.

1946:  The League of Nations dissolved itself.  Its services, mandates, and property were transferred to the newly founded United Nations.  Among the mandates transferred was the British Mandate of Palestine.  Dealing with the issues of Palestine would become one of the first major tests for the newly formed UN.  Within two years, the Mandatory Government of Palestine created by the defunct League of Nations would give way to the State of Israel and Arab zone governed by a variety of nations and groups including Egypt, Jordan and the PA.

1947 (5thof Iyar, 5707): Natan Alterman, Israeli poet, playwright, and future winner of the Biliak and Israel prizes wrote,

“Yes, the death cell soared that night.

 At its sight

 The heads of a conquering nation

Caught by the light, like a mouse were drawn back into their holes

Like a thief caught in the act.”

1947: Birthdate of Karen Lehmann, who as Kathy Acker gained fame as author of “Blood and Guts In High School before she passed away in 1997

1947 (5thof Iyar, 5707): Boxer Benny Leonard passed away at the age of 51.  Born in 1896, Leonard was the lightweight boxing champion from 1917 to 1925.  This was the heyday of Jewish pugilism with as many as seven Jews holding the championship of different weight categories.  Leonard lost his fortune in the Stock Market Crash.

1948: “Representatives of Jewish organizations from twenty countries joined the Central Committee of Polish Jews today in honoring the memory of 500,000 Jews who perished in the Warsaw Ghetto” by opening “a museum recalling the Jews who fought in the final ghetto battle of April, 1943.”

1948:  Following a failed attempt by the Arab Liberation Army to isolate the Jewish community in the lower quarter of the town of Tiberius, the Haganah went on the offensive and secured the town for the as yet un-born Jewish state.  Most of the local Arab population left with the assistance of British troops and crossed into Transjordan.  The events in Tiberius are part of a tragedy that has been repeated over the decades in Eretz Israel.  Prior to the appearance of the Arab Liberation Army, the local Jewish and Arab populations had worked out a pattern of peaceful co-existence.  Today, commentators would say that outside militants sabotaged local efforts to maintain communal harmony

1948: Operation Harel continued for a third day.

1949(19th of Nisan, 5709): Leonard Bloomfield passed away.  Born in 1887, Bloomfield was a graduate of Harvard and the University of Wisconsin.  He began his career as Professor of German.  But he gained his greatest fame as a linguist, a field populated by a disproportionate number of Jews. His most famous work was “Introduction to Language” which was re-titled “Language” in subsequent editions.  For many decades, most linguists considered themselves disciples of Bloomfield even if they had not studied with him.

1949(19th of Nisan): Mizrachi leader Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan passed away today

1950(1st of Iyar, 5710): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1951(12th of Nisan, 5711): Seventy-three-year Etta Schatzkey, the Lulling, TX born daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Joseph Amolksy and the wife of Albert Scahtzkey passed away today after which she was buried at Jefferson City, MO.

1953: Birthdate of Actor Rick Moranis, star of Honey I Shrunk the Kids.

1953: After 540 performances, the curtain came down on a revival of the Rogers and Hart hit musical "Pal Joey.”

1954: Colonel Gamal Abdal Nasser seized power and became head of the government of Egypt.  Nasser had masterminded the coup that overthrown King Farouk.  Up until now Nasser had been content to play the role of the “power behind the throne” in the new government created by the military.  At this point in time, he was ready to complete his plans and make himself supreme ruler of Egypt.  He would never succeed in his ultimate goals of destroying Israel which would be his steppingstone to creating a Pan Arab “nation” that would stretch eastward from Morocco. 

1954: “THE DRAMA OF THE HYDROGEN BOMB -- AND DR. OPPENHEIMER'S KEY ROLE; Security Case Focuses Attention on Disputes That Preceded First Successful Test of H-Bomb at Pacific Proving Ground” published today.


1954(15th of Nisan, 5714): The Levin family observed its first Pesach as residents of Washington, DC

1955: Birthdate of banker Amschel Rothschild.

1955(26th of Nisan, 5715): Albert Einstein passed away. Born in Ulm, Germany in 1879, Einstein received the Nobel Prize in 1921 but not for relativity rather for his 1905 work on the photoelectric effect.  In 1920 Einstein's lectures in Berlin were disrupted by demonstrations which, although officially denied, were almost certainly anti-Jewish. During 1921 Einstein made his first visit to the United States. His main reason was to raise funds for the planned Hebrew University of Jerusalem. However he received the Barnard Medal during his visit and lectured several times on relativity. During 1923 he visited Palestine for the first time.  Einstein had planned to come to Princeton in 1932 as visiting lecturer.  With the rise of Hitler, this became a permanent position.  Einstein sent his famous letter to Roosevelt in 1939 warning of the impact of the German's developing the Atomic Bomb.  The result was the Manhattan Project.  Einstein became a U.S. citizen in 1940.  In 1952, Einstein was offered the Presidency of the state of Israel, an offer he declined, in part due to his failing health. Einstein left his scientific papers to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, a university which he had raised funds for on his first visit to the USA, served as a governor of the university from 1925 to 1928.  The week before he died, Einstein wrote to Bertrand Russell joining him in call for all nations to give up nuclear weapons.  Einstein saw himself as an advocate for international peace and understanding, notwithstanding his support for building the bomb during World War II.


1956: “The Swan,” a re-make of the 1925 silent film directed by Charles Vidor and produced by Dore Schary was released in the United States today.

1958(28thof Nisan, 5718): Eighty-four year old builder Joseph Gilbert, “who erected more than 18 skyscrapers in Manhattan before 1925 and who raised two children – Victor and Helen – with his wife Beatrice passed a way today.


1959(10thof Nisan, 5719): Parashat Metzora

1959(10thof Nisan, 5719): Seventy-three-year-old Russian born  Temple University Professor of English Literature Dr. Hayim Fineman who at the age of one came to the United States where he earned a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, married “former Queena Pollock, with whom he had three sons – Daniel, David and Gabriel – and became an active leader in the Zionist movement as can be seen by his role in founding American Paole Zion and writing What is Paole Zionism? Passed away today.



1961: In New York Norman Podhoretz and Midge Decter gave birth to University of Chicago graduate and editor of Commentary John Mordecai Podhoretz the speech writer for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush

1963(24th of Nisan, 5723): Former New York Congressman Meyer Jacobstein passed away.



1964: Sandy Koufax became the first pitcher to strike out the side on 9 pitches

1964(6th of Iyar, 5724): Seventy year old playwright and author Ben Hecht passed away.  Born in 1893 in New York to Russian Jewish parents, Hecht moved to Wisconsin where he went to high school.  Hecht then moved to Chicago where he worked for several newspapers.  His experiences provided the source material for his most famous work, The Front Page which has been made into a movie on three different occasions.  Hecht's criticism of British policies in Palestine and support of the Jewish resistance movement caused that his credits were removed from all films shown in England for some years. In his honor an illegal immigrant ship was named "Ben Hecht". A passionate believer in an independent Jewish state, Hecht advocated swift action to attain this. 



1965(16th of Nisan, 5725): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of Omer

1965: A funeral will be held this morning in New York City for “Mendel Osherowtich, a prolific writer of books in Yiddish and a former city editor of The Jewish Daily Forward.”

1966(28thof Nisan, 5726): Yom HaShoah

1966(28thof Nisan, 5726): Seventy-three year old Yiddish author and editor Leon Goldin passed away today.


1966: A fire was discovered at the Jewish Theological Seminary Library when smoke was seen pouring from one of the small upper windows of the JTS library tower at Broadway and 122nd Street in New York City.

1968(20thof Nisan, 5728): Sixth Day of Pesach

1967: “The Tiger Makes Out,” based on the book by Murray Schisgal who also wrote the screenplay, starring Eli Wallach and featuring “Dustin Hoffman in his film debut” was released today in the United States.

1970: “Spirit in the Sky” written and originally recorded by Norman Greenbaum “reached number three in the U.S. Billboard chart.

1972: Birthdate of film director Eli Roth.

1973(16thof Nisan, 5733): Second Day of Pesach

1973: In a phone call today “with Spiro Agnew said Jews were holding American foreign policy ‘hostage to Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union’” adding that “Some of the Jews picket can raise hell, but the American people are not going to let them destroy our foreign policy – never!”


1974(26thof Nisan, 5734): Yom HaShoah observed.

1975: After having first been shown on television in December of 1974, Jacob the Liar,” an East German-Czechoslovak Holocaust film based on the novel of the same name by “ concentration camp survivor Jurek Becker was shown in GDR cinemas today for the first time.

1975:Basic Dresses In Sexy Prints And Washable” published today descried Diane Von Furstenberg latest triumph in the field of fashion.


1978(11th of Nisan, 5738): On the Hebrew calendar, birthday of the Rebbe.

1978(11th of Nisan, 5738):Education and Sharing Day was inaugurated today by President Jimmy Carter to honor the efforts of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s “efforts for education and sharing for Jews and non-Jews.

1978: NBC broadcast “The Final Solution,” the third episode in the mini-series “Holocaust.”

1978:The Jerusalem Post reported that in accordance with the Cabinet's decision, the foreign minister, Moshe Dayan, ordered Israeli envoys to explain that Israel regards the UN Security Council's Resolution 242 as a basis of negotiations with all Arab States, including Jordan.

1978:The Jerusalem Post reported that four soldiers were wounded when an Arab assailant threw a Molotov cocktail into a bus on the northern outskirts of Jerusalem.

1978:The Jerusalem Post reported that “Holocaust,” NBC's new nine-and-half-hour TV drama series was reported to have captured the imagination of the American public.

1978: Birthdate of Amanda Sthers the director of “Holy Lands,” a film set primarily in Israel that tells the tale of (ready for this) a dysfunctional Jewish family,

1981(14thof Nisan, 5741): Shabbat Hagadol; in the evening Jews sit down to the first Seder during the Presidency of Ronald Reagan.

1982: “Two Decades of a Russian Giant” featured reviews of “Tolstoi in the Sixties” by Boris Eikenbaum and “Tolstoi in the Seventies” by Boris Eikenbaum.

1983(5th of Iyar, 5743): Yom HaAtzma'ut

1983: The Nożyk Synagogue which the Nazis had partially destroyed during WW II was officially reopened today in Warsaw.

1983: Hundreds of Polish policemen, gathering around the spot from which 400,000 Jews were sent to Nazi death camps in World War II, today blocked an unofficial march called to mark the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising. But more than 1,000 people gathered anyway at a nearby monument.

1984(16thof Nisan, 5744): Second day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer’

1984(16thof Nisan, 5744): Seventy-eight year old French Torskyite Pierre Frank passed away.


1985(27thof Nisan, 5745): Yom HaShoah

1987: Annette Greenfield Strauss won a run-off to become the first elected woman mayor of Dallas, Texas.


1987(19thof Nisan, 5747): Fifth Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1987(19thof Nisan, 5747): Ninety-six year old Austrian born California jurist and prison reform advocate Isaac Pacht passed away today.


1987: Eighteen members of the pro-Iranian Shiite Moslem Party of God militia were killed early today when they tried to overrun a position jointly manned by Israel and its ally, the South Lebanon Army, north of Israel's border with Lebanon. Four Israelis were wounded in the incident.

1988:  Barbra Streisand recorded "Warm All Over”

1988: The trial of Ivan Demjanjuk which had begun in the Jerusalem District Court on November 26, 1986, before a special tribunal comprising Israeli Supreme Court Judge Dov Levin and Jerusalem District Court Judges Zvi Tal and Dalia Dorner came to an end.

1989(13thof Nisan, 5749): Sixty-three year old Brooklyn Melvin Annenberg, a loan officer with Merchants Bank in Syracuse passed away today.

1990:Following today’s Niebuhr Lecture at Elmhurst College, Franklin Littell wrote that 

“Niebuhr's style as a churchman was vigorous: esteemed for his intellectual leadership, he also worked with labor leaders and liberal and Socialist politicians on many battlelines. He was the leading — and at some points the sole — American theologian to understand the crisis posed by Nazism and to intervene on behalf of the survival of the Jewish people. His sources in Germany — including strong contact with Dietnch Bonhoeffer, and in Europe — including close relations with Visser't Hooft, as well as his excellent network (in good part through his wife, Ursula) with British political and church leaders kept him well informed and deeply concerned. He interpreted the issues in the German Church Struggle (Kirchenkampf) and the Shoah as no other American of his generation, and did so along theological lines that are exciting participants in seminars and conferences fifty years later. He championed the creation of a Jewish state in 1943, publicly criticized the targeting of Jews for Christian conversion in 1958, and maintained lifelong friendships with Jewish peers such as Abraham Joshua Heschel.”

1992(15thof Nisan, 5752): Pesach is observed for the last time during the Presidency of George Bush.

1993:Thousands of Holocaust survivors and their families, many of them sobbing audibly, observed the 50th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising with a memorial service at Madison Square Garden that also honored the memory of the six million Jews who perished in the Nazi concentration camps.

1994: Roseanne Barr filed for divorce today in Superior Court of Los Angeles County.

1996:  During “Operations Grapes of Wrath” Israeli artillery mistakenly shells a UN position killing 102 Lebanese civilians.  The Israelis expressed regret for the loss of life which occurred during an operation intended to destroy Hezbollah bases from which rocket attacks had been launched against Israeli towns in the northern part of the country.

1996: Ninety-two year old Boleslavs Maikovskis, who took part in the mass execution of 200 Latvian villagers during WW II died today.


1998: ABC broadcast the first screnning“Since You’ve Been Gone,” a made-for-TV movie directed by David Schwimmer and co-starring Schwimmer, Jon Stewart and Joey Slotnick.

1999; The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “The Mercy: Poems”by Philip Levine.

1999: An exhibit styled “Sigmund Freud: Conflict and Culture”opens at the Jewish Museum in New York City.

1999: The statue of Saint George fighting a serpent was re-erected in St. Stephen's Park. Many gathered under a sea of umbrellas for the unveiling, on the rainy Sunday morning. Speakers included Holocaust survivor and poet, Gyorgy Somlyo who was saved by Raoul Wallenberg.

2000: A long-awaited study of assets seized from Jews in wartime France begun three years ago by the Matteoli Commission “said today that the Nazis and French collaborators stole far more than previously assumed” but “that efforts to return the property or to reimburse Jews after the war were extensive.” (As reported by Suzanne Daley

The report was by the Matteoli Commission

2001: On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, President Bush and his wife Laura toured the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

2001:At Colgate University Barry Strauss, director of peace studies and a professor of history at Cornell University delivered a talk titled "My Grandfather's First World War, and my search to rediscover it," which focuses on the Jewish experiences in the United States army and raise such issues as memory, identity and military service.

2002: Judy Chicago's monumental sculpture "The Dinner Party" was acquired by the Brooklyn Museum.


2003(16thof Nisan, 5673): Second Day of Pesach – 1st day of the Omer

2003(16thof Nisan, 5673): Sixty-one year old French television executive Jean Drucker passed away at Mollégès, France

2003: A display of Marshmallow Peeps at McCaffrey’s Supermarket in Southampton, PA, help to mark the 50th anniversary of this all-American confectionary concoction. Peeps, which originally were in the form of Easter chicks, are a product of Just Born, a candy company started by Russian Jewish immigrant Sam Born who was followed in the business by his son Bob Born and grandson Ross Born.

2004: The New York Times reviewed books by Jewish authors and/or of interest to Jewish readers including 'Stalin' by Simon Sebag Montefiore.



2004: An exhibition entitled “Gate of Death” opens at the Jewish Museum in New York City.

2005: Today, David Littman helped to organize “a major Parallel NGO Day Conference.”

2006:  Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with his Cabinet to decide on the response to the previous day suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.  The Israeli government response would have to be measured against the fact that the PA government is now controlled by Hamas, an organization that has publicly approved the attack.

2006:  Six of the nine victims of the Tel Aviv terrorist bomb were laid to rest including:David Shaulov, 29, of Holon,. Philip Balasan, 45,. Benjamin Haputa, 47, of Lod, Victor Erez, a 60-year-old taxi driver from Tel Aviv, Lily Yunes, 42, of Oranit, and 31-year-old Ariel Darhi. The two Romanian victims of the bombing, Rosalia Basanya, 48, and Boda Proshka, 50, will be laid to rest in their native country. Their bodies will be returned to Romania after the Passover holiday. There are as yet no details on funeral arrangements for the ninth victim of the attack, named by Israel Radio as French tourist Marcelle Cohen, 75.

2007: Haaretz reported today that Members of the Reform movement accused the former Sephardic chief rabbi of slander for allegedly stating that the Holocaust happened because of the activity of Reform Jews in Germany.

2007: In Chicago, WBEZ broadcast a program “billed as a vision of peace” but in which the participants engaged “in one-sided propaganda against Israel.”

2008(13thof Nisan, 5768): Ninety-one year old William Frankel, the barrister and general secretary of the Mizrachi organization who served as the editor of the “Jewish Chronicle and was the author of several books including Friday Night’and Israel Observed passed way today.


2008: “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” a romantic comedy directed by Nicholas Stoller, co-produced by Judd Apatow and written by Jason Segal who also starred in the film and featuring Mila Kunis was released today in the United States.

2008: Ben Stein’s pseudo-documentary “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” attacking Darwin’s Theory of Evolution arrives in movie theatres throughout the United States.  The film is being marketed by Motive Entertainment, the same company that promoted Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of Christ.”

2008: During his first papal trip to the United States, Pope Benedict XVI visited a synagogue led by a rabbi who survived the Holocaust. Benedict made a brief stop at Manhattan's Park East Synagogue, whose leader, Rabbi Arthur Schneier, lived under Nazi occupation in Budapest and immigrated to the US in 1947. The pontiff, 80, is a native of Germany whose father was anti-Nazi. Benedict was enrolled in the Hitler Youth as a teenager against his will and then was drafted into the German army in the last months of the war. He wrote in his memoirs that he deserted in the war's last days. It will be the pope's second visit to a synagogue as pontiff. On his first papal trip abroad in 2005, Benedict visited a synagogue in Cologne, Germany, that had been rebuilt after it was destroyed by the Nazis.

2009; In Maryland as part of the Columbia Jewish Congregation’s (CJC) - Seventeenth Season of Movies a screening of “Jellyfish” a Hebrew language film with English subtitles which was a prize winner at the Cannes Film Festival

2009: A revival production of “Ragtime,” a musical based on the novel by E.L. Doctorow “opened at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.

2009: The Metro Library Network Author Series presents “a conversation” with famed mystery writer, Sarah Paretsky, a native of Ames, Iowa who has talked about what it was liked to grow up Jewish in Kansas, at the Theatre Cedar Rapids in Lindale Shopping Center.

2009(24th of Nisan, 5769):Louis Lowenstein, an influential business law professor and former corporate executive who for nearly three decades dissected the excesses of Wall Street and warned of the dangers of short-term investing, died at his home today at the age of 83. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)


2010: A Broadway revival of Jerry Herman’s “La Cage aux Folles” officially opened at the Longacre Theatre

2010: “Alon Nechustan” (A Way In) a modern dance show, whose text and concept were inspired by the Kabbalistic story of the Orchard featuring members of the Avodah dance company, is scheduled to be performed at The LABA Festival 2010 at the 14th Street.

2010: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Crossing Mandelbaum Gate: Coming of Age Between the Arabs and Israelis, 1956-1978 by Kai Bird

2010(4thof Iyar): M. Edgar Rosenblum, an arts executive who helped steer the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven to prominence in the American theater landscape, developing work that traveled to Broadway and elsewhere and that won Pulitzer Prizes and Tony Awards along the way, passed away today at the age of 78. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2011: A Kassam rocket fired from the Gaza Strip fell in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council this afternoon. Warning sirens sounded prior to the rocket being landing.  No injuries or damage were reported.

2011(14thof Nisan, 5771): Fast of the First Born; Erev Pesach; in the evening, the first Seder Zissen Pesach - זיססען פסח    Chag Samayach - חג שמח

2011: The Immigrant Absorption Ministry will try to set a Guinness World Record tonight by organizing – together with charity Aviv Hatorah – the world’s largest Pesach Seder for some 1,300 recently arrived Ethiopian immigrants living in Tel Aviv.

2011: Noble Energy has awarded the Expro company a $27 million contract to conduct well-testing and provide sub-sea services and equipment aboard the Transocean Sedco Express oil rig for the Tamar natural gas field – and for a deepwater exploration program for the Pride North America – Expro announced today.

2012: “Charles Rosen, the pianist, polymath and author whose National Book Award-winning volume The Classical Style illuminated the enduring language of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven” gave his last lecture today in the series Music in 21st-Century Society, at the Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation of the CUNY Graduate Center.

2012: Dr. Daniel Rynhold is scheduled to begin teaching Judaism and the American Legal Tradition at the Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning

2012: “Standing Silent” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival

2012: Miriam Kelemen Solis, who grew up in Budapest, Hungary during the 1930s, is scheduled to speak at tonight’s Yom HaShoah Service at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2012(26thof Nisan, 5772): Hila Bezaleli, a “20-year-old soldier from the Jerusalem suburb of Mevaseret Zion was killed this afternoon when a light rigging system collapsed onto soldiers rehearsing for the Independence Day celebration at Mount Herzl.


2013: Voca People, the Israel based company, is scheduled to perform at Strathmore Music Hall in Rockville, MD.

2013: Rabbi Hayyim Kassorla is scheduled to officiate at the funeral of Jake Alhadeff at Greenwood Cemetery in Atlanta, GA.

2013: Daniel C. Kurtzer, the career diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to both Egypt and Israel is scheduled to speak at the Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation.

2013: Adam Burstain, one of the finest young members of the Cedar Rapids Jewish community is scheduled to appear in the opening night performance of “Urinetown”

2013: The IPO is scheduled to begin its “Patron Trip To Poland,” “an extraordinary musical and historical experience commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

2013: 75thanniversary of the first appearance of Superman, the man of steel created by two Jews from Cleveland.

2013: Paula “Abdul appeared on the Top 5 results show of season 12 of American Idol to compliment contestant Candice Glover on her performance of Straight Up.”

2013: “U.S. Arms Deal With Israel and 2 Arab Nations Is Near” published today described “a $10 billion arms deal with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.”


2013(8thof Iyar, 5773): Ninety-six year old “Orville Slutzky, who with his brother founded the Hunter Mountain ski resort in upstate New York, known in the 1960s for its celebrity clientele and in the 1970s and ’80s for its unmatched number of snow-making cannons” passed away today. (As reported by Paul Vitello)


2014: Penultimate day for The International Photography Festival at the Carmel Winery in Rishon Lezion

2014: Etan Morel is scheduled to conduct “Jerusalem of Gold” a walking tour of Israel’s capital inspired by the song of the same name.

2015: Parashat Shemini and Chapter I of Pirke Avot


2015: Lewis Black is scheduled to perform at the Peace Center Concert Hall in Greenville, SC.

2015: Poet and activist Elly Gross is scheduled to share her experiences during the Shoan at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

2015: Lou Reed is scheduled to be inducted in to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame today.


2015: “Clouds of Sils Maria” and “While We’re Young” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: A body matching the description of Max Maisel, the son of Mobile, AL born ESPN sportscaster Ivan Maisel was found today in Lake Ontario.

2016(10th of Nisan, 5776): Ninety-two year old Rabbi Ben-Zion Gold, the native of Radom, Poland “who came to America in 1947 and settled in Cambridge, MA, where he became Director of the Hillel at Harvard.


2016: The Jewish Music Forum of ASJM, American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Center for Traditional Music and Dance are scheduled to present “New sounds of Old Judeo-Spanish Songs,” a talk by Edwin Seroussi, “about some of the oldest recordings of Sephardic music (c.1906-1913), which have recently resurfaced in London. Recorded in a variety of locations, they feature the voices of legendary performers of the Judeo-Spanish song in the early 20th century.”

2016: Members of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center are scheduled to enjoy a week’s worth of free viewing of “Lincoln’s Undying Words” starting today.

2016: 2016: At Cornell College, in Mt. Vernon, IA, The Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund under the leadership of Dr. Robert Silber and the Inter-Religious Council of Linn County are scheduled to host a presentation be Magda Brown, who was 17 years old in 1944 when she and her family were deported on one of the final transports to Auschwitz-Birkenau. In March 1945, Ms. Brown was sent on a 3-day death march from Birkenau Concentration Camp. Magda and several other prisoners in her group escaped and hid in a barn. A few days later they were discovered and liberated by two American Armed Forces. Only Magda and her brother survived from her immediate family and only six cousins survived from her extended family of 70.

2016: “The Kind Words” and “The Grüninger File” are scheduled to be shown for the last time at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2016: This evening, “at least 21 people were injured in bus bombing in Jerusalem” which was “the first such attack in years.

2016: The IDF revealed today it had “discovered a ‘terror tunnel’ inside Israeli territory” that had been dug by Hamas in Gaza.

2017: John Osoff led the blanket primary election for the 6th Congressional District with 48.1% but since he had failed to get fifty percent he faced a run-off with one of his Republican opponents.

2017(22nd of Nisan, 5777):  http://www.timesofisrael.com/navy-joins-search-for-3-missing-on-sea-of-galilee/Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor -

2017: In Jerusalem, the Abraham Hostel is scheduled to host Mimouna, “the traditional North African celebration that marks the end of Passover typically marked with music and tasty, not-kosher-for-Passover treats.

2017: After two weeks, The Art of Banksy Exhibition in Herzliya is scheduled to come to an end.

2018: “J.K. Rowling, the non-Jewish author of the Harry Potter series, decided to weigh in today, defining anti-Semitism for her 14.4 million Twitter followers.

2018: Ninety year old Howard Morley, the St Louis born son of historian and professor Abram L. Sachar and Thelma Horwitz, who followed in his father’s footsteps by becoming an author and History Professor at George Washington University while raising “three children – Sharon, Michele and Daniel – with his wife Eliana Steimatzky passed away today.



2018: “Itzhak” a biopic about the world famous violinist is scheduled to open in Tunkhannock, PA.

2018: The Jewish Center and Park Avenue Synagogue are scheduled to co-sponsor a celebration of Israel’s birthday featuring Cantor Chaim Dovid Berson, The Jewish Center; Cantor Azi Schwartz, Park Avenue Synagogue and Cantor Mo Glazman, Temple Emanu-El

2018: The Temple-Tifereth Israel is scheduled to celebrate Israel’s 70 anniversary with a party at the Ritz Carlton in Cleveland.

2018: Holocaust survivor Michael Bornstein who was only four years old when liberated and his daughter Debbie Bornstein Holinstat are scheduled to speak at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids and at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon as part of the Yom HoShoah memorial which is being sponsored by The Thaler Holocaust Education Programming Committee chaired Dr. Robert Silber

2018(3rdof Iyar, 5778): Yom Hazikaron – Israel Remembrance Day (which like all Jewish Holidays begins on the evening before the date on the secular calendar)

2019: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host the last two screenings of “Holy Lands”

2019: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host a presentation by Margit Meissner as part of the First Person Holocaust Series.

2019: As Prime Minister Netanyahu begins the work of forming a new government, Jews in general and Israelis in particular are faced with the growing measles epidemic.

2020(24thof Nisan, 5780): Parashat Shemini: in the afternoon study Pirke Avot Chapter One’

2020(24thof Nisan, 5780: On the Jewish calendar yahrzeit of Rabbi David Ha-Kohen of Jerusalem and Yiddish poet Moses David Gisser

2020: The political deadlock which had drawn thousands of protestors to Habima Square on April 16, is scheduled to continue without resolution.

2020: As Israelis mourn the rising number of coronavirus fatalities, they take special notice 88 year old Arie Even, the Holocaust survivor who became Israel’s first coronavirus fatality.


2021: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Rock Me On The Water:1974 — The Year Los Angeles Transformed Movies, Music, Television, and Politics by Ronald Brownstein and the recently published paperback edition of Warhol by Blake Gopnik.

2021: The ASF Institute of the Jewish Experience is scheduled to present “Western Sepahardi Synagouge Tours” that will include lectures about the Jewish experience in the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, and St. Thomas.

2021: In Des Moines, IA, the Jewish Federation is scheduled to host Chef Uri Jeremias, owner of the famous Uri Buri restaurant in Akko's old city, for Israeli cooking session, in honor of Israel's Independence Day.

2021: In Israel, the mandate requiring outdoor mask-wearing is scheduled to be lifted today.

2021: Having been closed for a little over a year, today in Atlanta, the Breman Museum is scheduled to reopen its doors to visitors.

2021: Temple Emanu-El of Westfield, New Jersey is scheduled to host conversation with Eshkol Nevo, one of Israel’s most successful writers during which he will discuss his newest book, The Last Interview

2021: The Contemporary Jewish Museum is scheduled to present “Chutz-Pow! Superheroes of the Holocaust” during which lead artist Marcel Walker will talk about the creation of American comic book heroes by first-generation U.S. Jews whose parents had fled antisemitism.

2021: Through the use of pre-recorded remark Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to address J Street’s national conference today on the first days of the virtual event for which more than four thousand people have registered.



This Day, April 19, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


 April 19

According to one web-site, April 19th is one of the blackest days on the Jewish calendar. From the 11th century (1014) through the 20th century (1943) this date is remembered for the atrocities which took place. Below are a few: )

1014: During a civil war that had broken out between Arabs and Berbers in 1013, the Jews of Cordoba experienced their first massacre today.

1283: Following an accusation of ritual murder (the blood libel) thirty-six Jews were murdered in Mayence (Mainz), Germany,

1283:  On the second day of Easter which coincided with the penultimate day of Passover, a Christian mob attacked the Jews of Mayence (Germany) killing ten and pillaging their homes.  The mob was responding to the discovery of the body of a Christian child and acting out the consequence of the blood libel.  Archbishop Werner tried to stop the mob before they attacked.  His intervention kept the blood bath from being even worse.  The Holy Roman Emperor, Rudolph, conducted an investigation into the affair, confirmed the judgment the mob had passed on the Jews and acquitted the citizens of Mayence of all blame.

1306(4th of Iyar, 5066): The body of Rabbi Meir Ben Baruch was released by the authorities 13 years after his death so that he could receive a Jewish burial Maharam of Rothenburg

1343: A massacre of the Jews in Wachenheim, Germany which had begun before Easter spread to surrounding communities.

1506: During a service at St. Dominic’s Church in Lisbon, Portugal, some of the people thought they saw a vision on one of the statues. Outside, a newly converted Jew-turned-Christian raises doubts about the "miracle." He was literally torn to pieces and then burnt. The crowd led by two Dominican monks proceeded to ransack Jewish houses and kill any Jews they could find. During the next few days, countrymen hearing about the massacre came to Lisbon to join in. Over two thousand Jews were killed during a period of three days ending on April 21.

1541: Ignatius of Loyola took office as the first Superior General of the Society of Jesus.

1566:  Pius V issued “Romanus Pontifex.  After being in office for three months, Pope Pious rejected the lenience's of his predecessor and reinstated all the restrictions that Paul IV had placed on the Jews. These included being forced to wear a special cap, the prohibitions against owning real estate and practicing medicine on Christians. Communities were not allowed to have more than one synagogue and Jews were confined to a cramped ghetto.


1539: Eighty-year old Catherine Zaleshovska was burned at the stake on the order of Bishop Gamrat and with the approval of Queen Bona Sforza for having denied the basic tenants of Christianity after having converted to Judaism.  She had been held as a prisoner for ten years before being murdered. (As reported by The History of the Jewish People)

1654: “Haham Jacob Sasportas” the Oran born rabbi accepted the offer to lead the Sephardic community of London

1658:Robert Rich, 2nd earl of Warwick, Baron Rich, the English colonial administrator and advocate of religious toleration in the North American Colonies who supported the repeal of the Act of Expulsion because it would help to make it possible for the Jews to return to the United Kingdom passed away today

1664: In London, “Moses Athias ceased to be Rabbi of the synagogue.”

1664: Haham Jacob Sasportas accepted the the post of Chief Rabbi replacing Moses Athias.

1670(29thof Nisan, 5430): Moses Samson Bacharach, the son of Samuel and Eva Bacharach who married “Fiege, the widow of Moses Ha-Kohen Nerol” after the death of his first wife” Dobrusch, a daughter of Isaac ben Phœbus, of Ungarisch-Brod, Moravia” and who was the chief rabbi at Worms passed away.

1670(29thof Nisan, 5430): Solomon Ben Isaac Marini, “the only rabbi at Padua who survived the plague of 1631” and who wrote a commentary to Isaiah entitled Tikkun Olam in 1652 and who was the brother of Dr. Shabbethai ben Isaac Marini, passed away today.


1689: Sixty-two year old Augusta Christian, the Queen of Sweden who studied Hebrew literature and was philo-Semitic as could be seen by her friendship with Menassaeh ben Israel and “other Hebrew Scholars” but who was unable “to prevent the banishment of the Jews of Vienna, decreed by Emperor Leopold in 1670 “passed away today.

1707: Emperor Joseph I confirmed an arrangement reached by the Council of Worms on June 7, 1699 which granted “certain concessions” to the Jews of that city.

1753(15thof Nisan, 5513): Jews in Great Britain observed the first day of Pesach as they waited for the House of Lords to act on a bill approved by the House of Commons that would provide them with full civil rights.

1767(20thof Nisan, 5527): Sixth Day of Pesach

1771: Maria Theresa granted two Sovereign Licenses to the Jews of Trieste, licenses that constitute real improvement in their economic conditions.

1772(16thof Nisan, 5532): Second Day of Pesach

1772:  Birthdate of economist David Ricardo.  Raised as a Sephardic Jew, Ricardo eloped with a woman who was a Quaker.  He later converted and became a Unitarian.

1775(19th of Nisan, 5535): Fifth Day of Pesach

1775:  The Battles of Lexington and Concord with the “Shot heard round the world” marked the start of the American Revolution. Besides the famous Hyam Solomon, “there were hundreds of Jewish soldiers and sailors who fought in the Revolution and patriots who supported it. There was Phillip Russell, a surgeon at Valley Forge; Col. David Franks an aide to George Washington; a “Jew Company, " which fought in South Carolina; Moses Myers, who fought in Virginia; the Sheftall family, which fought and were captured in Savannah. In Manhattan's Chatham Square cemetery, 22 Revolutionary Jewish soldiers lie. Many had sacrificed their lives for their new country. Just like the approximately 500 Americans who were killed or wounded during the three British assaults at Bunker Hill in 1775. (New evidence has surfaced that a Jewish soldier, Abraham Solomon, participated in the Battle of Bunker Hill as a member of Colonel John Glover's 21st Regiment from Gloucester.)”

1776(30th of Nisan, 5536): Seventy-eight year old Rabbi Jacob Israel Emden [Jacob ben Tswi] passed away.  Born at Altona, Germany in 1697 was a scholar and when it came to technology, a modernist since he owned a printing press which he used to print Jewish texts.  For a while he earned a living by deal in jewelry.  He finally agreed to become Rabbi for the community in Emden.  The town supplied his last name in the secular world.  Emden's real claim to fame has to with an inter-communal conflict that seems quite trivial by modern standards. 

1776: Birthdate of London native Joseph Moses Martin who married Abigail Aron Martin five years and two days after the death of his first wife, Dinah Elimaleh Mudahi, the mother of his son, Moses Joseph Martin.

1778(22ndof Nisan, 5538): Eighth Day of Pesach

1778: In Georgia, where the first Torah scroll had been brought to Savannah in 1733, three row galleys of the Georgia Navy engaged, defeated, and captured a Royal Navy brigantine, an armed British East Florida provincial sloop, and an armed brig.

1780(14thof Nisan 5540): Ta’anit Bechorot; erev Pesah

1780: During the American Revolution, British forces under Lord Cornwallis tighten their siege of Charleston which had one of the oldest, and for its time, largest Jewish communities in the thirteen colonies.

1784: Rebecca Franks, and English native Lucius Levy Solomons who died in Montreal eight years after the birth of his daughter gave birth to Esther Solomons today.

1791(15thof Nissan, 5551): First Day of Pesach.

1793: In Savannah, GA, Sarah Sheftall and Abraham De Lyon, who had been married in their home town in 1785 gave birth to Abraham De Lyon, Jr, the husband of Esther Nunes Ribeiro.

1794(19thof Nisan, 5554): Fifth Day of Pesach; Shabbat Chol Hamoed

1794: Birthdate of Breindel Blumenfeld, the wife of Wurtemberg, Germany native Mihael Amson Oberndoefrer with whom she had two children.

1796: Birthdate of Louisa Country, VA native Ann Overton Fontaine, the wife of Baltimore born John Jeremiah Jacob and the mother of life long Louisville, KY resident John Jerimiah Jacob

1799(14thof Nisan, 5559): Final Fast of the First Born in the 18th century

1807: David Braham married Sarah Abrahams today at the Western Synagogue.

1808(22ndof Nisan, 5568): Eight Day of Pesach; Yizkor recite for the last time during the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson

1810(15thof Nisan, 5570): Pesach

1818: Thirty-four year old Sarah Joseph, the wife of Raphael Joseph was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1819: Birthdate of S.L. Schwabacher, the future Rabbi of Odessa, Russia.

1824: Lord Byron, the English poet, passed away.Byron and Isaac Nathan produced Hebrew Melodies,a both book of songs with lyrics written by Lord Byron set to Jewish tunes by Isaac Nathan as well as a book of poetry containing Byron's lyrics alone. It was published in April 1815 with musical settings; though expensive at a cost of one guinea, over 10,000 copies sold. In the summer of the same year Byron's lyrics were published as a book of poems. The melodies include the famous poems She Walks in Beauty, The Destruction of Sennacherib and Vision of Belshazzar.”

1825(1st of Iyar, 5585): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1826: According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, today, in The Hague, Leonardus Levy Abraham Verveer and Caroline Elkan gave birth to Dutch painter and engraver Elchanan Verveer whose paintings included "The First Pipe" and "Winter," both in the museum at Rotterdam, and "The Widow" and "Sufferers from Sea-Sickness," which belong to the Stadtmuseum in The Hague.”

1827(22ndof Nisan, 5587): Eighth and final day of Pesach

1837(14thof Nisan, 5597): Fast of the First Born observed for the first time during the Presidency of Martin Van Buren, the first Chief Executive to be born in the independent United States of America.

1839: The Treaty of London establishes Belgium as a kingdom. Jews reportedly had first come to Belgium with the Roman Legions in the first century of the Common Era.  Written evidence dates backs to the 13th century. The community disappeared in the 14th century during the Black Death, only to return again in the 16th century when those fleeing from the Spanish Inquisition found refuge there.  Brussels and Antwerp were the main centers of Jewish settlement when Belgium gained its independence.  The guarantee of an independent Belgium was a given among European powers.  It would be the Kaiser’s disregard for Belgium’s independence that would seal British entry into World War I which…well we all know where that led.

1841: After Jacob Ezekiel wrote to President John Tyler challenging Tyler’s reference “to the American nation as a ‘Christian people’” President Tyler wrote back to Ezekiel today explaining his reason for the statement and assuring him that he meant no disrespect to Jews in the United States.

1848(16thof Nisan, 5608): Second day of Pesach

1848: Anti-Jewish violence broke out in Budapest, Hungary.

1851: In Germany, Harris Loewenthal and Hannah Myers gave birth to their daughter Hattie, who became Hattie Weindhandler when she married Solomon Weindhandler after which she served as Vice president of the Federation of Sisterhoods and organizer of the Sisterhood at Rodeph Shalom in New York.

1854(21st of Nisan, 5614): Seventh Day of Pesach

1854(21stof Nisan, 5614): Ninety-year-old Isaac Levy, the New York City born son of Hayman Levy passed away.

1855: In New York, Solomon Belais, the son of Rabbi Abraham and Naomi Belais and Jael Belais gave birth to Julia Ascher

1856(14th of Nisan, 5616): Shabbat HaGadol observed for the last time during the Presidency of Franklin Pierce.

1856: The town of Nevada, where the Nevada Hebrew City Society had been organized in 1855 was incorporated today.

1856: In Cincinnati, OH, Louis Stix, the Dusseldorf, Germany born son of Deborah and Solomon Stix and his wife Yetta Stix gave birth to Robert Louis Stix.

1856(14th of Nisan, 5616): In the evening, first Seder.

1859(15thof Nisan, 5619): Five weeks after the Dred Scott Decision strengthened the stranglehold of slavery in the United States, Jews observed Pesach.

1860: One day after she had passed away, Laura Henrietta Symons, the daughter of George Symons and Rachel Elizabeth was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1860: At Madison, Indiana, Raphael Sulzer and Rachel Meimendinger gave birth to attorney Marcus R. Sulzer, the husband of Lida Griffith who was active in Republican politics and served as President of District Grand Lodge, No.2 of B’nai B’rth.


1861:  A week after the Civil War began with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, "Joseph Friedenwald, a member of a leading Jewish family in" Baltimore, MD was among the six people arrested for attacking Union troops marching through the city on their way to Washington, DC.  Baltimore was a hot-bead of Southern supporters whose attacks on the troops verged on being a riot.

1861: The 26th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment whose members included Dr. Jacob da Silva Solis Cohen was attacked by a group of Rebel sympathizer as it went through Baltimore, MD on its way to Washington, DC.

1861: Colonel Henry K. Craig wrote to Major Alfred Mordecai that he "'thought well' of his request for a transfer."  Mordecai was a prominent Jewish officer serving in the U.S. Army who was born in the South.  He was seeking a way to stay in the Army without having to fight against his family and friends.  Before Craig could act, he fell ill and Mordecai's chance for a transfer would go no further.

1864: Before recessing, the New York Assembly passed a bill “relative to the New-York Hebrew Benevolent Society.”

1865: The Sephardim in New York held a special prayer for President Abraham Lincoln who was assassinated as he watched a play at Ford's Theater in Washington DC just five days earlier.

1865: Rabbi Sabato Morais delivered an address at Mikve Israel in Philadelphia following the death of President Abraham Lincoln. “The stillness of the grave reigns abroad. Where is the joyous throng that enlivened this city of loyalty? Seek it now, my friends, in the shrines of holiness. There, it lies prostrate; there, it tearfully bemoans an irretrievable loss, Oh! tell it not in the country of the Gauls; publish it not in the streets of Albion, lest the children of iniquity rejoice, lest the son of Belial triumph. For the heart which abhorred wickedness has ceased to throb; the hand which had stemmed a flood of unrighteousness, is withered in death. ´ (As reported by the Jewish Virtual Library)

1865: Birthdate of Chaim Zhitlowsky, Russian born Jewish nationalist, author, critic and champion of Yiddish language and culture.


1866: Jacob and Amalia Freud give birth to Alexander Gotthold Ephraim Freud, a younger brother of Sigmund Freud.

1866: An article published today entitled “Laying the Corner Stone of a New Jewish Synagogue in Thirty-ninth Street” described the ceremonies that took place at the future home Adas Jeshurun, an 80 member congregation which will be housed on a lot measuring 99 feet by 75 feet.

1867(14thof Nisan, 5627): Ta’anit Bechorot is observed as the federal government implemented the recently passed second reconstruction act which President Johnson had vetoed.

1868:At the suggestion of Chief Rabbi N. M. Adler, the three city synagogues—the Great, the Hambro', and the New—with their western branches at Portland street and Bayswater agreed to a scheme today which was submitted to the Charity Commissioners of England and embodied by them in an Act of Parliament in 1870.

1868(27thof Nisan, 5628): Seventy-two year old Judith Russell Nathans, the native of Baltimore who was the second wife of Isaiah Nathans with whom she had seven children passed away today in Philadelphia, PA.

1869: Theodore Minis Etting who had volunteered to serve in the U.S. Navy during the Civil War was promoted from the rank of Midshipman to Ensign today.

1870: German native Adolph Marix who had joined the Navy in 1864 while living in Iowa became an Ensign today.

1871: In New York, the Assembly passed an appropriations bill tonight designed to assist a variety of charitable organizations throughout the state including allocations of five hundred dollars each to the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Albany and the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Brooklyn

1872: In Germany, Albert and Anna Salomon gave birth to Alice Salomon the pioneer social worker, who was forced to flee her native land because of her “Jewish origins” which overrode the fact that she had become a Lutheran in 1914.

1872(11thof Nisan, 5632): Herman Frenkel, who served in the Galician Diet, passed away today.

1872: Today Francis Goldsmid started a debate in the House of Commons on the persecution of the Jews of Romania which resulted in the formation of a parliamentary committee which “watched the activities of the illiberal government of that country.”


1872:Benjamin Franklin Peixotto, the U.S. Counsel wrote to the Secretary of State “tahat all the foreign representatives at Bucharest, except the Russians, had signed an address to the government of Prince Charles” expressing their displeasure with the fact that the several Jews had been severely punished while those “who were charged with the gravest excesses and crimes against the Jewish population of Vilcoon” had been acquitted.  “We see in this double verdict an indication of the dangers to which the Israelites are exposed in Romania”

1873(21stof Nisan, 5633): Seventh day of Pesach – 6th day of the Omer

1873(21stof Nisan, 5633): Forty-seven year old British actor and theatre manager, the father of August Harris passed away today and was buried in Brompton Cemetery, London

1874: Three days after he had passed away, 38 year old Louis Goldschmidt, the husband of Hannah Moses and the father of Therese and Annette Goldschmidt was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1875(14thof Nisan, 5635): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1875: In Lunny (near Grodno) Russia, Max Rubinow and Esther Shereshewsky, the husband of Sophie Himowich, father of Raymond and Olga Rubinow  and graduate of Columbia Medical College who became an actuary and author of The Quest of Security which “established him as the most recognized theorist on social insurance in the first three decades of the twentieth century.”

1876(25th of Nisan): Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Zanz, author of “Divrei Chaim” passed away today.

1877: In Jacksonville, Florida, David Levy officiated at the wedding of Martha Ritzwoller of Berlin and Mr. Furchgott of Charleston, S.C.

1877: In Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Julie Judith Bamberger and Isaac Seckel Bamberger, the son of Kela Bamberger and Rav Yitschak Dov Halevi Bambergerg, gave birth to Nathan Bamberger

1878: In Bellaire, Ohio, Alexander Schoenfeld and Rose Hartman gave birth to Julia Schoefeld, a graduate of Allegheny (PA) College who worked as a probation officer and school teacher while also serving as a “a member of the State Committee of Federated Women’s Clubs of Pennsylvania” which worked “to effect improvement in child labor legislation and in conditions of working women.”

1880: In Russia, Isaac and Jennie (Samson) Marks gave birth of John Marshall Law School trained Phoenix, AZ attorney Barnett Ellis Marks the husband of Freeda Lewis who a legal advisor for the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County, AZ and President of the Board of Trustees of Congregation Beth Israel

1880: It was reported today that the Rabbi Morias has published a paper in the April edition of Penn Monthly about the Falashas, “a small nation of Jews in Abyssinia who do not speak Hebrew.”

1880: Birthdate of Julius G. Feit, the native of Galicia who in 1898 came to the United States where he worked as an insurance broker and was the financial and corresponding secretary of the Men’s Club at Tempe Emanu-El of Borough Park.

1880: Jacob Ezekiel Hyneman was elected first lieutenant in the Veteran Corps of the First Regiment of the Pennsylvania National Guard was formed, Hyneman.  Three years later he would be promoted to the rank of Captain and serve as the quartermaster.

1881(20thof Nisan, 5641): Sixth Day of Pesach

1881: “His Strange and Great Career” published today traces the life of Benjamin D’Israeli starting with the Inquisition and Expulsion from Spain in the 15thcentury.

1881: Benjamin Disraeli, former Prime Minster, 1st Earl Beaconsfield and famous novelist passed away.  Born Jewish, Disraeli was converted to Christianity by his father.  The elder Disraeli was angry with the Jewish community and marched his children to the baptismal font in protest.  The elder Disraeli did not convert.  Disraeli was proud of his Jewish heritage and certainly suffered many anti-Semitic attacks during his career.  In one exchange, he reminded a political opponent that while his ancestors had been drinking blood out skulls, Disraeli’s ancestors had been singing the Psalms of David in the Temple of Solomon.

1882(30th of Nisan, 5642): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1882: Sarah Lavanburg, the daughter of Hannah (Seller) Lavanburg and Louis Lavenburg married Oscar Solomon Straus who as Sarah Straus would the life companion of one of the great leaders of pre-War Jewish community.

1882 Rabbi Dr. Henry W. Schneeberger married Sarah Nussbaum in New York City. The couple had six children - Fannie, Sigmund, Charles, Philip, Josephine, and Irvin. Sigmund, Charles, Fannie and Josephine never married and were buried in plots adjoining their parents

1882: In response to a suggestion from the Morning Post, large numbers of English men and women wore Primoses today as a way of marking the anniversary of the death of the Earl of Beaconsfield, better known as Benjamin Disraeli.  The flower was a favorite of the famous author and Prime Minister and it was a fitting way of paying tribute to his many contributions.

1882: A private meeting in Berlin raised 70,000 marks which will provide assistance to Jews seeking to leave Russia.  The attendees were urged to show a sense of moderation in the resolutions they adopted on the subject since it appeared that meetings in New York and London held to support the Russian Jews had done “more harm than good.”

1884: In Leadville, CO, Lottie, Eva and Abe Schloss participated in a production of “Patience” at the Tabor Opera House.

1884: Birthdate of Harvard trained attorney, Israel Noah Thurman, the native of Russia who in 1892 came to the United States where he supported the work of Margaret Sanger in the cause of birth control and women’s suffrage and joined Louis D. Brandeis as an early supporter of the Zionist movement, and marrying twice, the second time to “Stephanie Robicsek.”


1885: “Afghans and Their Home” published today asks if these Asiatic mountain warriors are descendants of the ancient Israelites.

1886(14th of Nisan, 5646): Fast of the first born

1886: In Russia, Leo and Sarah Cohn, gave birth to Meyer Solomon Cohn, the husband of Sadie Cohn and Bertha Cohn, who liked to claim  that Maryland, where he passed away, was the place of his birth as well.

1886 (14th of Nisan, 5646): The City and Suburban News column reports that “the Jewish community throughout the world will this evening begin the celebration of Pesach, or the Feast of the Passover.  This festival is also known as the Feast of Unleavened Bread…”

1887: Birthdate of Russian native Boris Fingerdhood who in 1907 came to the United States where he graduated from NYU, became superintendent of the Israel Zion Hospital and married twice, the second time to the “former Mrs. Sylvia Golden.

1888: Birthdate of New York native William Axt, the holder of Doctorate in Musical Arts from the University of Chicago “who organized the musical department of MGM” and wrote the scores for numerous motion pictures.

1889: In London, UK, Sir Meyer Adam Speilman and Gertrude Emily Spielman gave birth to Claude Myer Spielman

1890: Immigrants, including thousands of Jews from Eastern Europe, arriving in New York began using the Barge Office as a processing center today

1891: Abraham Shapiro married Sarah Jacobs at the East London Synagogue today

1891: Ira Leo Bamberger defeated Ernst Nathan in an election for the presidency of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society of Brooklyn

1891: It was reported today that the Hartford Theological Seminary has issued the new Practical Hebrew Grammar by Professor E.C. Bissell.

1891: It was reported today that the Russian government is planning “a fresh campaign against the Jews.”

1891: Birthdate of Hartford, CT native George Fine, the husband of Charlotte S. Friedman Fine and the father of Irving Fine.

1891: Based on material that first appeared in the Fortnightly Review, E.B. Lanin described the crumbling economic conditions in Russia.  In response to claims that Jews are at fault for the usurious rates paid by peasants, he writes “Who are the usurers?  The Jews?  They are not for the misery of the peasants is not with the accursed pale.”  The usurer “is not a Jew; he is as orthodox as the Metropolitan Isidore; as loyal as an official of the secret police.”  (The fact that the Jews were not responsible for the suffering of the peasants did not keep the Czar and his cadres from using them as scapegoats.)

1892(22ndof Nisan, 5652): Eighth and final day of Pesach

1892: As of today, the city of New York is legally bound to furnish water to the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society free of charge.

1893(3rdof Iyar, 5653): Sixty-three year old Bailey Gatzert, the first only Jewish mayor of Seattle passed away today.


1893: In Hungary, Judah and Marjem Grunwald gave birth to Samuel Greenwald the husband of Szeri Greenwald.

1893: “Converting The Jews” published today provided editorial comment on “the procedure adopted by certain crude and violent evangelists to ‘convert the Jews’” saying that to convert “an educated Chinaman or an educated Hebrew to ‘convert’ him must strike him in the first place as a piece of appalling impudence.”

1895: According to remarks published today made by Rabbi Maurice H. Harris of Temple Israel in Harlem Shakespeare did not want Shylock to be seen as “a selfish monster who lived for gain” but as the victim of persecution who “if he had been treated justly and not gibed and sneered at…would not have wanted his pound of flesh.”

1895(25thof Nisan, 5655): Sixty-three year old Philadelphia philanthropist Lucien Moss, the son of Eleazer Moss and Mary Levy passed away today in his home town.

1895: “Banker, philanthropist and Liberal MP” Sydney James Sternwas raised to the peerage as Baron Wandsworth, of Wandsworth in the County of London” today.

1896: Herzl's The Jewish State was published.  This is the seminal piece of literature for the modern Zionist Movement.  Known to many by its more famous German title, Der Judenstaat(The Jewish State)is one of the seminal pieces of literature for the modern Jewish Zionist Movement.  "We are a people — one people."  "Palestine is our unforgettable historic homeland. . . Let me repeat once more my opening words: The Jews who will it shall achieve their State. We shall live at last as free men on our own soil, and in our own homes peacefully die. The world will be liberated by our freedom, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness. And whatever we attempt there for our own benefit will redound mightily and beneficially to the good of all mankind."

1896: As of today, most of the tickets for the upcoming concert being held for the benefit of the United Hebrew Charities at the Metropolitan Opera House have been sold.

1896: The Union Hebrew Veterans’ Association met at the Grand Opera House in New York City.

1897(17th of Nisan, 5657): Third Day of Pesach

1897: The first of Boston Marathons was run. While many Jews have run in the race, none is more famous than the team from the Jewish Special Education Cooperative. Team JSEC ran in the 108th Boston Marathon.  Runners included Dan Rosen, Amira Rosenberg, Josh Rosenberg, and David Katz.

1897: The Civil Service Commission is scheduled to conduct tests for foreign language interpreters including those fluent in Hebrew.

1898: The new temple that is to be built by Congregation of Adath Israel of West Harlem will used plans drawn by Solomon D. Cohen.

1900: In Leeds, U.K., Annie Morris and Hyman Morris, the son of Fanny Sapira Morris and Jacob Samuel Morris, gave birth to Albert Morris.

1901: “Nathan Straus, the head of …R.H. Macy and Company declined” this “evening to say anything regarding the prospective removal of their establishment from Fourteenth to Thirty-fourth Street” and he sent “his nephew to a reported who called at this house, that the reports to the effect that the Macy concern is buying the property at Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Streets are without foundation.”

1902: The second annual exhibition that includes “the work of east side artists” and featuring “an exhibition of Jewish antiquities relating to Jewish rites and customs” is scheduled to begin this evening at the Education Alliance on East Broadway and Jefferson Street.

1902: Birthdate of Newark, NJ native Phil “K.O.” Kaplan a leading middleweight who fought most of the great boxers of the 1920 including his co-religionist Maxie Rosnebloom

1903(22nd of Nisan, 5663): 8th day of Pesach

1903: Riots broke out after a Christian child is found murdered in Kishinev (Bessarabia). The mobs were incited by Pavolachi Krusheven, the editor of the anti-Semitic Newspaper Bessarabetz and the vice governor Ustrugov. Vyacheslav Von Plehev, the Minister of Interior supposedly gave orders not to stop the rioters. The Jews were accused of ritual murder. During the three days of rioting, 47 Jews were killed, 92 severely wounded, 500 slightly wounded and over 700 houses destroyed. Despite a world outcry, only two men were sentenced to seven and five years in prison, and twenty-two were sentenced for one or two years. This pogrom was instrumental in convincing tens of thousands of Russian Jews to leave to the West and to Eretz-Israel. The child was later discovered to have been killed by a relative.

1904: Vice Admiral Skrydloff, who is married to a Jewess” arrived at St Petersburg today on his way to Far East and was greeted with “an enthusiastic reception from people who thronged the streets” including a “number of prominent Jews” which would normally not be expected to have happened.

1905: It was reported today that Magistrate Steinert has announced in the Essex Market Court “that no summonses or warrants would be issued to Jews except in the most urgent cases until the Jewish holidays were brought to a close” and that “a number of Jews who were in court” on April 18 “were told to return in eight days.

1905(14thof Nisan, 5665): Fast of the First Born

1906: A young man with a high forehead and piercing, black eyes, and describing himself as Gregory Maxime of St. Petersburg, arrived today in New York as the representative of the parent bund in Russia having been “sent for by the Revolutionary Bund of New York, an organization of Jewish citizens helping the Jewish revolutionary movement in Russia.


1907: “Five hundred little Jewish boys and girls, most of them new arrivals in America, all of them proteges of the Baron and Baroness de Hirsch Educational Fund, crowded into the auditorium of the Educational Alliance on East Broadway” today “at the Yahrzeit services held to commemorate the death of Baron de Hirsch…”

1907: Benedict Gimbel of Philadelphia who had been arrested on charges that he had attempted to bribe two of the District Attorney’s detectives attempted suicide this afternoon by slashing his throat and left wrist with pieces of broken glass while staying at the Palace Hotel in Hoboken, NJ.

1907: Isaac Gimbel, the brother of Benedict Gimbel and Mrs. Benedict Gimbel arrived at St. Mary’s hospital this evening where they went to the beside of Benedict Gimbel who Charles Gimble said “had been poor health for the last few weeks.”


1908: The New York Times reported that the observance of Holy Week and Passover had cut into the city’s social season.  Activities had been limited to “affairs for charity, and some private bridges and luncheons.”

1908(18thof Nisan, 5668): Sixty-nine year old Charles Hallgarten, one of the four principle partners at Hallgarten & Company passed away.


1908: Today, Samuel B. Hamburger was elected President “Temple Ahavath Chesed Shar Hashomayim” at Lexington and 55th Street following the death of Marcus Kohner

1908: Organization of the Sons of Zion fraternal order whose members included Jacob S. Strahl, Nathan Chasan and Solomon Neuman

1908: “Ceremonies and Customs of the Easter Season” published today examines the origins and customs of Easter reminding its readers that “our Easter is a successor to the Jewish Passover.”  The article pointed out that “the two are the same in their root; but the opposition of the Christians to the Jews led to a change” in the Christian celebrations.

1909” “Criticizes the Jews” published today described a sermon on Sunday evening by Reverend Frederick Lynch, past of the Pilgrim Church entitled “Christians and Jews in New York City: A Warning” in which he characterized Jews as being “ungrateful for American privileges.”

1910: For the third day in a row, the United Hebrew Community gave out supplies for the upcoming Passover holiday to the poor people living on the east side.

1911: On the day on which the completed portions of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine were consecrated The Board of Jewish Ministers sent a congratulatory telegram to Episcopal Bishop Grier. 

1911: Birthdate of Podiatrist Benjamin W. Pushkin, the husband of Ann Pushkin and father of Judy and Robert Pushkin


1912: In New York events scheduled for tonight celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Free Synagogue were canceled as a sign of mourning for those who were died when the Titanic sank.

1913(12thof Nisan, 5673): Parashat Achrei Mot and Shabbat HaGadol

1913(12thof Nisan, 5673): Fifty-five year old Sigmund Kohlman, the husband of Julia H. Kolman passed away today after which he was interred in the Springhill Avenue Temple Cemetery in Mobile, Alabama.

1913: It was reported today that based on information from Beirut Baron Edmond Rothschilde has been granted permission from the government in Constantinople “to undertake excavations in Palestine” and that he “intends to establish a museum in Jerusalem in which all the objects that have historic tic bearing upon the Jewish in Palest will be collected.”

1913: It was reported today that Emperor Franz Joseph “has conferred the title of nobility upon the Jewish bank, Dr. Neuman of Budapest” which makes him a member of the Upper House of Hungary.


1913: It was reported today that “The Jewish World of London has been acquired by the proprietors of The Jewish Chronicle of London and will be published from the offices of the Chronicle.

1914: Rabbi Samuel Schulman “of the Temple Beth-El delivered a sermon this morning on “Reform Judaism, Zionism and the New Palestine” in which he said “it is a great pleasure to known that men like Jacob Schiff and Nathan Straus…are doing good work in Palestine giving to young men in the Orient various posts of activity” and that they are doing philanthropic work in Palestine as they have been doing in the United States.

1914: It was reported today that four-fifths of the population of Atlanta favor a new trial for Leo Frank.

1914: “Calling the execution of the four gunmen at Sing Sing a ‘barbarous illustration of the working out of system that is wholly wrong’ Dr. Stephen S. Wise denounced capital punished in a sermon at the Free Synagogue” this morning while denying that “the fact that three of young men killed were Jews” had anything to do with his attitude.

1915: In the case of “Frank v. Mangum” “the Supreme Court denied Leo Frank’s appeal” by a seven to two vote with Oliver Wendell Holmes, one of the dissenters writing "It is our duty to declare lynch law as little valid when practiced by a regularly drawn jury as when administered by one elected by a mob intent on death."

1915: Elisa and Clairce Lispector gave birth to their middle daughter Tania.

1915: Approximately 800 people filled in the Educational Alliance building in New York with an overflow crowd in the streets heard Rabbi Stephen S. Wise speak at “a mass meeting in honor of Baron Nathan Rothschild who died recently in London” where he praised him for “his efforts to give education to the Jews of the world over.”

1916(16thof Nisan, 5676): Second Day of Pesach; 1st Day of the Omer

1916: Because today is the second day of Passover, “the collection of bundles and bags for the United Hebrew Charities Bundle Day” did not take place today but is scheduled to be resumed tomorrow.

1917: During World War I, as the maneuvering continued to try and gain British support for a Jewish homeland, Sir Ronald Graham wrote to Mark Sykes expressing his concern that the Zionist movement was relying too heavily on the hope that British would be annexing Palestine and making it part of the British Empire after the War. 

1917(27thof Nisan, 5677): Lt. Joshua Levy, who had been a “clothier” before enlisting in the British Army in 1914 died today while serving with the Norfolk Regiment.

1917: Founding of the Jewish Welfare Board which was designed “to meet the religious and cultural needs of Jewish personnel in the U.S. military.

1917: On the same day that the Russian Foreign Minister offered reassurances that his country would not make a separate peace and that Lenin was criticized for having accepted German assistance to return to Russia, reports continued to circulate that attempts were being made to “organize a massacre of the Jews and intelligent classes” in Kishinev.

1918(7thof Iyar, 5678): Lt. Lawrence Braham Rosenbaum one of the sons of Solomon Rosenbaum, a Russian-born pawnbroker, died today while serving with the Monmouthshire Regiment.

1919: On the fifth day of Pesach which was also Shabbat Chol Hamoed, the Polish army occupied Vilna and attacked its Jewish community.

1919: Eugene Schiffer completed his term as Minister of Finance in Germany.

1919: The Hebrew Scouts Movement is founded.

1919: In Cedar Rapids, IA, John and Ruth Miller gave birth to Joan Miller Lipsky, the widow of Abbot Lipsky.


1919: Birthdate of Philadelphia Sol Kaplan the successful concert pianist who was blacklisted by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

1920: At Gomel The Twelfth Conference of Bund “where the party was split into two separate parties, the majority Communist Bund and the minority Social Democratic Bund, came to an end today. (Editor’s note: Yes, strange as it may seem to us looking at events from 98 years ago, this sort of philosophic wrangling went in in deadly earnest even as post-War Europe was racked with revolution and privation.)

1920: In New York City, Harry and Beatrice Kaplan Reinhardt gave birth to Sheldon Reinhardt and his twin brother, Burton “who as the detail-minded, taciturn television executive behind his more extroverted boss, Ted Turner, played a crucial role in the formative years of CNN and the 24-hour cable news cycle. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1920: Birthdate of Kazimierz Smolen, a Roman Catholic Pole who survived Auschwitz survivor and who after World War II became director of a memorial museum at the site.

1920: Associated Justice Louis Brandeis voted with the majority today in deciding State of Missouri v. Holland, United States Game Warden a case in which Louis Marshall, Esq. submitted an amicus curae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court on Missouri v. Holland on behalf of the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks was decided today.

1920: Birthdate of Marvin Mandel, the 56th Governor of Maryland.

1922: Birthdate of New York born American actress Marian Winters

1923: Frances (Fanny) Wolf, the New York born daughter of Lillian Hendricks Levy and Louis Napoleon Levy and her first husband Harold Lewis gave birth to Philip Lewis.

1923: In Manhattan, Jacob and Regina (Rothenberg) Hymes gave birth to Philip Frederick Hymes the WW II veteran and hold of an M.A. from the Teachers College at Columbia best known for his backstage work with “Saturday Night Live.” (As reported by Richard Sandomir)


1924(15thof Nisan, 5684): Pesach and Shabbat

1924(15thof Nisan, 5684): In the evening, some of Harvard’s Jewish students are scheduled to attend a seder at the home of Greek and Latin Professor Harry K. Messenger, who along with his converted to Judaism.

1925(25th of Nisan, 5685):Sir David Lionel Goldsmid-Stern-Salomons passed away.  Born in 1851 he “was a scientific author and barrister.” The son of Philip Salomons of Brighton, and Emma, daughter of Jacob Montefiore of Sydney, he succeeded to the Baronetcy originally granted to his uncle David Salomons in 1873. He married Laura, daughter of Hermann Stern, 1st Baron de Stern and Julia, daughter of Aaron Asher Goldsmid, brother of Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid by which he had one son and three daughters. He assumed the additional surnames and arms of Goldsmid and Stern in 1899. He studied at University College, London and at Caius College, Cambridge, gaining a B.A. in 1874. In the same year he was called to the bar at the Middle Temple. He went on to produce several scientific works and pamphlets. He was a J.P., D.L. and High Sheriff of Kent, mayor and alderman of Tunbridge Wells, County Councilor for the Tunbridge division of Kent for 15 years and J.P. for London, Middlesex, Sussex, and Westminster. His home north of Tunbridge Wells, Broomhill, is preserved as the Salomons Museum. It is also a part of Canterbury Christ Church University, and is a center for postgraduate training, research and consultancy”

1926: “A group of prominent real estate men met tonight at the Park Lane Hotel” and “announced their contribution of $200,000 to the United Jewish Campaign which formally opens later this week in the presence of Mayor James Walker who had defied doctor’s orders to attend the event.

1927: ‘At the dedication ceremonies of the new Temple Beth Mordecai today, at which Rabbi J. Gerson Brenner presided, Rabbi Nathan Brenner pleaded with the Jewish people to continue to practice the Jewish traditions and customs” while Louis Marshall “who was the principal speaker on that occasion, delivered a fiery address during the course of which he said, “The Jews have to live their Judaism. It should be on their lips three hundred and sixty-five days in the year and it should be taught to their children in the homes.” (JTA)

1927: “King of Kings” a Biblical epic silent film starring Joseph Schildkraut and Rudolph Schildkraut with music by Hugo Riesenfeld and Joseph Zuro and including an appearance by Ayn Rand as an extra was released today in the United States.

1928: Birthdate of William Klein, the New York scion of “an impoverished Jewish family” who gained fame as French photographer and filmmaker.



1929: “Dinner Aids Salomon Fund” published today described inauguration of the Haym Salomon monument campaign which begin with a dinner at the Hotel Biltmore where attendees heard a speech by “Benjamin Winter, President of the Federation of Polish Jews, which is sponsoring the Salomon memorial.”

1930: In The Bronx, “operatic tenor Jan Peerce and talent agent Alice (Kalmanowitz) Peerce” gave birth to director Lawrence “Larry” Peerce whose most famous film may “Goodbye, Columbus.”

1930: New York Yankee 2nd baseman Jimmie Reese played in his first major league baseball game.

1931: After having premiered in New York City two week ago, “Crack Nuts” a comedy with music by Max Steiner was released to the rest of the United States

1933: As an expression of Nazi anger over Churchill’s speech warning that the Jews of Poland could suffer the same fate as the Jews of Germany, “a correspondent of the Birmingham Post reported from Berlin that ‘today newspapers are full with ‘sharp warnings for England’ with one headline referring to ‘Mr. Winston Churchill’s Impudence.’”

1933: “Campaign of English Nazis Taken Up in Rome During Mosely Parleys” published today described a meeting in Rome attended by Sir Oswald Mosley, Herman Goering “and other Fascist leaders in which methods for growing a Fascist movement that would number more than a million in England were discussed. (JTA)

1934: According to a report by Morton Rotehnberg, President of the Zionist Organization of America, 11,000 German Jewish refugees had entered Palestine from April 1, 1933 through January 1, 1934.  As co-chair of the United Jewish Appeal, Rothenberg is contributions totaling three million dollars to aid the refugees from Germany.”  At the same time, Dr. Arthur Hantke, director of the Palestine Foundation Fund reported that “there is no unemployment.”  There is an “insistent demand for workers” throughout the country meaning that the influx of immigrants will be a net economic gain.

1935(16thof Nisan, 5695): Second Day of Pesach

1935: It was reported today that the project to settle 1,600 Jewish children from Germany to Palestine by February 1936 “is among those supported by American Jewry through the United Jewish Appeal which is conducting a nationwide drive” to raise $3,250,000.

1936: Carl J. Austrian made public telegrams “Presidents and chancellors of several colleges and university in” the United States sent to Rabbi Jonah B. Wise in which they deplored “a decree promulgated shortly after Easter excluding Jewish children from German public schools.”

1936 (27th of Nisan, 5696): As Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Palestine Arabs killed nine Jews in Jaffa. Among the victims was Eliezer Bugitsky who was murdered by Sales Hassan and Abu Aabahi. The riots lasted until 1939.  The end product is the White Paper which was intended to put an end Jewish immigration and new land purchases.

1936: Arabs attacked Jews in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa district this morning leaving nine Jews dead and another fifty seriously wounded.

1936: “The economic plight of Jews in Poland suffering anti-Semitism was described at a mass meeting at the Hotel Pennsylvania today called by the Federation of Polish Jews in America in behalf of the American Committee Appeals for Polish Jews” which is trying to raise one million dollars to help the Poles.

 1937: Time magazine publishes an article an article about the origins and growth of Hart, Schaffner and Marx as the clothing firm marks its fiftieth anniversary.

1937: Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge a project on which Joseph Strauss served as Chief Engineer was completed today.

1938(18thof Nisan, 5698) Fourth Day of Pesach

1938: In Providence, RI, a Polish born immigrant who “worked as a plumber and contractor” gave birth to controversial academic Stanley Fish the holder of a B.A. from Penn and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Yale who began his career as an expert on poet John Milton.



1938: Two hundred eighty prisoners attended a Passover service tonight at Sing Sing Prison where were led by Rabbi Jacob Katz, the Jewish chaplain and Zalman Yavneh the cantor at the West Side Institute Synagogue.

1939(30thof Nisan, 5699): Isaac Carasso passed away today in France.  Born in 1874, in what is now Thessaloniki but was then part of the Ottoman Empire, Carasso was part of a promienent Sephardic family.  He practiced medicine in Spain before beginning his studies of the effects of Yogurt on digestion.  In 1919 he founded the company that many Americans recognize as Danon Yogurt

1939: The Mizrachi Women’s Organization of America raised $20,000 at a luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria

1939(30thof Nisan, 5699): Henry Levi Leavitt the Chicago born husband of Lena Gertrude Baer and father of Melbourne, Ruth, Adelaide and Margaret Leavitt who opened The Horseshoe Store in Hoquaim, Washington with his brother-in-law Julius Baer and “served as the first vice-president of Temple Beth Israel in Aberdeen, Washington, passed away today in Los Angeles.


1939: The Women’s League of Palestine raised $30,000 at a luncheon at the Hotel Astor.

1940: In Sofia, Bulgaria, the governments of Bulgaria and Romania signed an agreement creating an airline which will operate between Sofia and Bucharest with connecting flights to Tel Aviv.

1941(22ndof Nisan, 5701): 8th Day of Pesach; Shabbat Shel Pesach

1941: Robert F. Wagner, Sr. introduced a resolution in the U.S. Senate stating that U.S. policy should favor the "restoration of the Jews in Palestine." The resolution was supported by 68 Senators.

1943: Members of Belgium Jewish underground aided by Christian railroad men derailed a train filled with Jewish deportees bound for the extermination camps. Several hundred Jews were saved.

1943(14th of Nisan, 5703 ) - PASSOVER, WARSAW Ghetto UPRISING; The Jews were determined not to be moved without giving up a fight. 2,100 Germans, fully armed, enter the Ghetto. The Jews fighting force consisted of about 700 men and women.  They were armed with 17 rifles, 50 pistols and several thousand grenades and Molotov cocktails.  A small group of Jewish fighters open fire on the entering German troops. After an hour of skirmishing, the Germans retreated. The final liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto began on the Eve of Passover, April 19, 1943. The deportation did not come as a surprise. The Germans had amassed a military force to carry it out, but did not expect to engage in a confrontation that included street battles. Armed German forces ringed the ghetto at 3:00 a.m. The unit that entered the ghetto encountered armed resistance and retreated. The main ghetto, with its population of 30,000 Jews, was deserted. The Jews could not be rounded up for the transport; the railroad cars at the deportation point remained empty. After Germans and rebels fought in the streets for three days, the Germans began to torch the ghetto, street by street, building by building. The entire ghetto became a sizzling, smoke-swathed conflagration. Most of the Jews who emerged from their hideouts, including entire families, were murdered by the Germans on the spot. The ghetto Jews gradually lost the strength to resist. On April 23, Mordecai Anielewicz the ZOB commander wrote the following to Yitzhak Zuckerman, a member of the ZOB command who was stationed on the "Aryan" side: "I cannot describe the conditions in which the Jews are living. Only a special few will hold out; all the others will perish sooner or later. Their fate is sealed. None of the bunkers where our comrades are hiding has enough air to light a candle at night.... Be well, my dear, perhaps we shall yet meet. The dream of my life has risen to become fact. Self - defense in the ghetto will have been a reality. I have been a witness to the magnificent, heroic fighting of Jewish men of battle". The rebels pursued their cause, even though they knew from the outset that they could not win. The Jewish underground would continue to fight the Nazis until the middle of May. The Polish underground only gave minimal help because of anti-Semitism prevalent among many. Although the Allies will neither publicize events nor try to help, even before the war ended, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising became a symbol of Jewish resistance

1943: Chaike Belchatowska who had joined he ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization) in January, 1943, and her future husband Boruch Spiegel, a commander of a ZOB fighting unit were among those who took part in the uprising that began today and we among the handful of fighters who survived.


1943: The Bermuda Conference of Great Britain and the U.S., held in Hamilton, Bermuda, takes no meaningful action to help Jews in Europe. Before the meeting, representatives of both countries had agreed not to discuss immigration of Jews to their nations nor to ship food to Jewish refugees in German-occupied Europe.

1943: A year and a half after having been “to the predominately Jewish district of Sophienstreasse in Berlin,” “Arthur Schmidt was sent on Transport 37 from Gleis (Track) 17 of Berlin-Grunewald Station to Auschwitz” after which he was never heard from again.

1943: “Richard Law, the senior British representative at today’s Bermuda Conference wrote to his boss, foreign secretary Anthony Eden, ‘Sorry to bother you about Jews.  I know what a bore it is.’”

1943(14thof Nisan, 5703): Rabbi Menachem Ziemba conducted a Seder tonight in the Warsaw Ghetto days before he would be gunned down the Wehrmacht.


1943(14thof Nisan, 5703):  Members of the military attended a Seder at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C.



1944: Birthdate of Tel Aviv native, Yehuda Weinstein, who became the Attorney General of Israel.

1944(26thof Nisan, 5704): Eva Levin Altfeld, the Russian born daughter of Sima and Aba Ascher Levin and the wife of Solomon Altfeld passed away today after which she was buried at the B’nai Israel Congregation Cemetery in Baltimore, MD.

1945: General Bedell Smith, Ike’s Chief of Staff, telephones Churchill to describe the horror that American troops found when they liberated Buchenwald.  Smith assures Churchill that it was worse than the scenes Ike had described in his telegraph of the previous day.

1945: A “tommy” was photographed using his bulldozer to push the corpses found at Bergen-Belsen into a mass grave.” (Editor’s note – the British were not being insensitive.  They were trying to avoid an epidemic that would have wiped out more the survivors, most of whom were little more than walking skeletons with no resistance to disease.)


1945:For a second time, General Eisenhower cabledMarshall, Army Chief of Staff, with a request to bring members of Congress and journalists to the newly liberated camps so that they could bring the horrible truth about Nazi atrocities to the American public.

1945: General Marshall received permission from the Secretary of War, Henry Lewis Stimson, and President Harry S. Truman for these delegations to visit the liberated camps

1945: During an afternoon speech in the House of Commons, Churchill describes the horrors discovered by Allied troops at places like Buchenwald and calls for Parliament to send eight representatives to view the camps as the first step in bringing those responsible for these atrocities to justices.

1945: U.S. Army troops captured Leipzig, Germany today where they found a general of the Volksstrum who had committed suicide lying in the floor of city “with a torn picture of His feuhrer beside his clenched fist.”


1945: The Rodgers and Hammerstein musical "Carousel" opened on Broadway.

1945: Dr. Rudolf Kastner crossed the Swiss border today.

1946: Bouquets of gladioluses and other flowers from Palestine were present to wounded American soldiers at Halloran General Hospital in Staten Island as a gift of Palestine war veterans in appreciation of the aid the American military gave in the liberation of Europe’s Jews.  The gift was timed to coincide with the Festival of Passover.” The flowers were grown in Mishmar Hasharon a settlement mid-way between Tel Aviv and Haifa.

1946: New York Yankees Pitcher Herb Karpel appeared in his first major league baseball game.

1947:  This evening, The Shanghai Jewish Youth Community Center opened its Warsaw Ghetto Commemoration week with a Yizkor service. 

1947: Comedian Shelly Berman married Sarah Berman

1948: Twenty-four armored trucks filled with Jewish veterans who had served with the British Army during WW II, drove to a hilltop “situated less than a mile from the Arab village of Bureir” where the Jews disembarked and established a new settlement called Brur Hayal.

1948: Haganah captured Tiberias

1948: Dr. Maurice Finkelstein was appointed chairman of New York City’s Temporary Housing Rent Commission which had been “set up to administer the local freezing rents for permanent guests of hotels, apartment hotels and rooming and lodging houses” while aiding tenants threatened with eviction.

1948: A Palmach unit used Al-Kafrayn for a training base before blowing it up

1949(20th of Nisan, 5709): Reform Rabbi and Zionist leader Stephen Samuel Wise who in 1942 had met with U.S. Under-secretary of State Sumner Wells and that held “a press conference where he announced that the Nazis had a plan for the extermination of all European Jews and had already killed 2 million” passed away passed away today. (Editor’s note – Guess the World really did know, and the world just did not care)

1950: At speech given to the Commerce and Industry Association in New York City, Harry A. Shadmon, director of the export division of the Chamber of Commerce of Tel Aviv and Jaffa said that “Israel stands a good chance this year of doubling the $4,500,000 in exports which it sent to the United States in 1949.” The figure for 1949 is especially impressive considering the military challenges the Jewish state was facing for the first six months of that year.

1951: CBS broadcast the first episode of “Casey, Crime Photographer” produced by Martin Manulis, with music by Morton Gould.

1951: “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,” with lyrics by Dorothy Fields and music by Arthur Schwartz, based on the novel with the same name opened at the Alvin Theatre

1952: Herb “Gorman appeared for the St. Louis Cardinals against the Chicago Cubs today pinch-hitting in the 7th inning and grounding out” in what “was his only game in the majors.”

1952(24th of Nisan): Yiddish poet Moses David Gisser passed away in Santiago, Chile

1953(4th of Iyar, 5713): Yom HaZikaron

1953:Hermann Merkin and Ursula Merkin (née Ursula Sara Breuer) gave birth Jacob Ezra Merkin the financier who was a friend and business associate of Bernard Madoff with whom he colluded in the one of the worst Ponzi Schemes of the 21stcentury.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that torches and ceremonies on Mount Herzl had signaled the start of Israel's sixth year of independence.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that Yasha Heifetz, the world-famous violinist, whose countrywide concerts schedule included a Richard Strauss violin sonata, cancelled his next recital, as his right hand, struck by an unknown person who opposed playing Strauss and Wagner in Israel, had become painful. Prime minister, David Ben-Gurion expressed his deep regret over this unfortunate incident.

1953: The Jewish Labor Committee adopted a comprehensive program for this year that included a greater effort to obtain fair employment legislation in states and cities, as well as intensified activity to achieve drastic revisions of the McCarran-Walter Immigration Act.

1955: Ten months after having premiered in the United Kingdom, “The Young Lovers” with a screenplay by George Tabori, a score by Benjamin Frankel and featuring David Kossoff who would a British Film Academy Award as “most promising newcomer to film” was released in the United States today.

1960(22ndof Nisan, 5720): Eighth Day of Pesach marking the last observance of the holiday during the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

1961: In Manhattan, Borscht Belt comedian Freddie Roman and his wife gave birth to Alan Kirschenbaum a television producer and comedy writer who worked on such shows as "Raising Hope,""My Name is Earl" and "Yes, Dear" (As reported by the LA Times obit staff)

1961(13thof Nisan, 5730): Sixty-five year old actress Rose Wallerstein, the wife Los Angeles theatre owner Oscar Ostroff passed away way today in California.


1962(15thof Nisan, 5722): Pesach

1962: “Five Finger Exercise” the film version of the play by Peter Shaffer, directed by Daniel Mann with music by Jerome Moross. Was released today in in the United States today.

1965: Funeral services for the late Mendel Osherowitch are scheduled to take place this morning at 11 am in Manhattan.

1966(29th of Nisan, 5726): Eighty-year old “prize-winning poet, author, translator, historian, and communal leader Emily Solis-Cohen” passed away. (As reported by Arthur Kiron)


1966: Eighty-nine year old Russian born American opera impresario Max Rabinoff passed away today.



1967:The head of the Zionist Organization of America declared today that Israel's hope for increased Western immigration, particularly a large influx of technically skilled young American Jews, could be realized only if Israel "creates the social and economic conditions" to attract it.

1967: Konrad Adenauer former Chancellor of West Germany passed away.  Born in 1876, Adenauer remained in Germany during the war.  He was imprisoned by the government for his anti-Nazi sentiments.  In 1949, he was named Chancellor of the democratically elected West German Government.  Adenauer worked to reshape the role of Germany which included accepting responsibility for de-Nazfication and the role that Germany had played during the war.  He agreed to a program of reparations for the Jewish people and worked to establish harmonious relations with the state of Israel.  He did this in the face of pressure from Arab governments that had a lot more to offer the struggling German economy.

1968(21stof Nisan, 5728): Seventh Day of Pesach

1970(13thof Nisan, 5730): Sixty-three year old Theodore Yudain, the Russian born son of Morris and Bertha Yudain and Connecticut newspaperman Theodore Yudain who was editor of the Greenwich News Graphic, political editor of the Bridgeport Heraldand editor of the Stamford Advocatepassed away today.



1971: In Casablanca, Moroccan Sephardic JewsDavid and Régine Elmaleh gave birth to “French stand-up comedian and actor” Gad Elmaleh.


1972: The late Diane Arbus's photographs were chosen to appear in the Venice Biennale, marking the first time an American photographer was honored at the event.

1973(17thof Nisan, 5733): Third Day of Pesach

1973(17thof Nisan, 5753): Ninety one year old Hans Kelsen, the main author of Austria's new constitution after the First World War” and the Pure Theory of Law passed away today at Berkley, CA.


1973(17thof Nisan, 5733): Sixty-seven year old realtor Ida (Menter) Arffa, the widow of Emanuel Arffa and mother of Gerald, David and Marvin passed away today in New York state

1973:  Barbra Streisand recorded "Between Yesterday & Tomorrow"

1973: “Soylent Greent,’ a science fiction cliff hanger directed by Richard Fleishcer and co-starring Edward G. Robinson was released today in the United States.

1973: Birthdate of Israeli professional tennis player Tzipora “Tzipi” Obziler who represented Israel at the 2008 Summer Olympics in China.”

1974(27th of Nisan, 5734): Yom HaShoah

1974(27th of Nisan, 5734): Yigal Stavi was killed today when his F-4E Phantom II was shot down today by the Syrians.

1974: Benny Kiryati was taken prisoner when his F-4E Phantom II was shot down today by the Syrians.

1975(8thof Iyar, 5735): Seventy-six year old French author and historian Robert Aron passed away on the night before he was scheduled to be formally inducted into Académie Française


1976: Professor of Meterology Tzvi Gal-Chen and his wife gave birth to Rivka Galchen “a Canadian-American writer and physician whose first novel, Atmospheric Disturbances, was published in 2008.” She has served as an adjunct professor in the writing division of Columbia University's School of Art

1978: Yitzhak Navron was elected 5th President of Israel.

1978: NBC broadcast “The Saving Remnant,” the fourth and final episode of the mini-series “Holocaust”

1978: Following the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon after Operation Litani, the South Lebanon Army (SLA) shelled NIFIL headquarters. 

1978: In Palo Alto, CA, Betsy Lou (née Verne), a writer and occasional actress, and Douglas Eugene "Doug" Franco a Silicon Valley businessman who met while they were students at Stanford gave birth to James Franco “an American actor, director, screenwriter, producer, teacher, author and poet.”

1979(22ndof Nisan, 5739): Eighth Day of Pesach and Yizkor

1979:Five Prisoners of Zion - Boris Penson, Anatoly Altman, Leib Khnokh, Hillel Butman and Wolf Zalmanson – were “pardoned by the Soviet authorities and left for Israel.

1981(15thof Nisan, 5741): Pesach is observed for the first time under President Ronald Reagan.

1982: Aharon Abuhatzira was convicted today “of larceny, breach of trust and fraud.”

1984(17thof Nisan, 5774): Third day of Pesach

1984: In “Ernie Cobb Keeps Chasing a Dream” published today Dave Anderson described how Ernie Cobb, who played basketball in Israel when nobody else would give him a chance, overcame false charges that he had taken point in a point-fixing conspiracy during while playing for Boston College.

1985: In a joint ceremony, President Ronald Reagan presented the Congressional Gold Medal to Elie Wiesel and on signed the Jewish Heritage Week Proclamation at the same time that Wiesel  “stirred deep emotions when he tried to dissuade President Ronald Reagan from taking time from a planned trip to West Germany to visit a military cemetery there, in Bitburg, where members of Hitler’s elite Waffen SS were buried” saying “That place, Mr. President, is not your place…Your place is with the victims of the SS.’

1987: Lieutenant General Levi ended his term as IDF Chief of Staff.  The Tel Aviv native joined the army in 1954 and took part in the parachute drop into the Mitla Pass during the 1956 Sinai Campaign.  He passed away on January 8, 2008 (Shevat 1) at the age of 72.

1987: Today a series of shorts that would become the Simpsons became a regular feature of the Tracey Ullman Show, a creation of James. L. Brooks.

1989(14thof Nisan, 5749): Ta’anit Bechroto; erev Pesach

1989: One day after he had passed way, 63 year old Brooklyn born Melvin Annenberg, a loan office with Merchants Bank in Syracuse was buried in Temple Adath Yeshurun Cemetery.

1991: “Drop Dead Fred” a comedy starring Phoebe Cates was released today in the United States.

1993(28thof Nisan, 5753): Yom HaShoah observed for the first time during the Presidency of Bill Clinton.

1993: Fifty years after the start of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Lillian Lazar describes the fight against the Nazis.


1994:In Riverside Park, as a small group gathered to remember the 51st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Ruth W. Messinger's thoughts turned to what was happening in Gorazde. "Remembering what happened in Warsaw helps us express our outrage at what is now happening in Bosnia," said the Manhattan Borough President, referring to the siege of the Bosnian town. Benjamin Meed, another New Yorker, was living just outside the ghetto walls when the rebellion began on April 19, 1943, a Jew with Aryan papers. "For weeks I saw the ghetto burn," said the man who is now the president of the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Organization in America. "It was terrible. I remember how I watched my neighbors go about their normal lives. There was a carousel outside the ghetto walls that kept going. I cannot forget the bystanders. Now, I cannot believe that after that the world could allow such a thing today." By the time the handful of ghetto fighters had mounted their valiant but hopeless uprising, there were 40,000 Jews left inside the ghetto facing the fatal deportation that had already carried hundreds of thousands to their deaths. Then, news of what was happening did not make its way easily from Warsaw. Word comes more speedily from Gorazde, where there are reportedly 65,000 people huddling in flight from Serbian forces advancing into the city, and United Nations officials have warned of a potential humanitarian catastrophe.

1994: A Tenement Building at 97 Orchard Street, New York City, NY was designated as a National Historic Landmark. “Built between the years 1863-1864, the tenement building at 97 Orchard Street is representative of the first surge in tenement construction in New York City propelled by the need to accommodate the large influx of immigrants that were settling in the Lower East Side during this period. The late nineteenth century saw a precipitous increase in Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe, many of whom settled in the Lower East Side. The building at 97 Orchard Street housed numerous ethnic groups including Germans, Irish, Greek and Spanish, however, the ethnic make-up of the tenement building between 1890 and well into the 1920s consisted entirely of Eastern European Jews. With its upper four floors remaining virtually untouched for sixty years, the building readily conveys to the present-day observer the harsh and confining living conditions experienced by many immigrants in New York City during the latter part of the nineteenth century, and Eastern European Jews in particular. During its period of highest use, as many as 10,000 people may have inhabited the tenement building at 97 Orchard Street.”

1996: Boļeslavs Maikovskis, the Latvian Nazi collaborator who lived undetected in New York for 36 before fleeing back to Europe died today without ever answering for his crimes.

1997: Amid a ballroom filled with local notables, and political dignitaries, the JewishChautauquaSocietyhonored former U.S. Senator Harris Wofford with its National Champion of Interfaith Award. For the JewishChautauquans, who promote public service and interfaith dialogue, the award was especially relevant. Wofford, a Democrat who represented Pennsylvania in the Senate, is the Clinton administration's standard-bearer for volunteerism, the chief executive officer of the Corporation for National Service.

1998:In “The World; 50 Years Ago in Israel: Trying to Imagine the Future,” published today Marc D. Charney traces the history of the Jewish state.  


1998: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of interest to Jewish readers including“The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision” by Henry Kamen,''The Discipline of Hope,'' by Herbert Kohl, and“Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women” by Elizabeth Wurtzel.

2000(14th of Nisan, 5760): Fast of the First Born observed for the last time during the Presidency of Bill Clinton

2000(14th of Nisan, 5760: As Jews sat down for the Seder, based on the number of sales, thousands of Jews had their first chance to use the Reconstruction A Night of Questions: A Passover Haggadah by Rabbis Joy Levitt and Michael Strassfeld

2001(27th of Nisan, 5761): Ninety-year old Obie award winning playwright Lionel Abel “the son of Alter Abelson, a rabbi and poet, and of Anna Schwartz Abelson, a writer of short stories” passed away today.

2001(27th of Nisan, 5761): Forty-five Ornan Yekutieli, a sixth-generation Israeli on his father's side and a second generation Holocaust survivor on his mother's side who was born in Haifa in 1955 and was head of Jerusalem Now faction in the Jerusalem City Council, passed away in New York while waiting for a liver transplant.

2001: President and Mrs. Bush participated in the “Days of Remembrance” Observance in the U.S. Capitol. The President declared, “We are bound by conscience to remember what happened, and to whom it happened.” Mrs. Bush participated in the lighting of candles with a Holocaust survivor.

2001: At Colgate University’s Saperstein Jewish center Barry Strauss, director of peace studies and a professor of history at Cornell University, delivers a talk entitled “Massacre and Memory," followed by a discussion of the 1914 massacre in a small Russian-Polish village, and its after-effects.

2002:This afternoon 250 Jews and 350 Palestinians shouted at each other across Michigan Avenue in Chicago as the Arab-Israel conflict comes to the Windy City.

2003(17th of Nisan, 5763): Third Day of Pesach and Shabbat Chol HaMoed

2003: “Israel said today that it was willing to pull back troops, release some Palestinian prisoners and ease travel restrictions if an emerging Palestinian government made a serious effort to halt violence.”

2004(28th of Nisan, 5764): Yom HaShoah

2004(28th of Nisan, 5764): Samuel Ralph "Subway Sam" Nahem a journey-man pitcher who began his career with Brooklyn in 1938 and finished it with the Phillies in 1948 passed away today at the age of 88.  Nahem came from a Jewish baseball family since his uncle was outfielder Al Silvera.

2004: The Jewish Theological Seminary Board of Overseers organizes a fund raiser that features a rare exhibition of original copies of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, owned by Dorothy Tapper Goldman. Proceeds from the event will enable JTS to make new acquisitions.

2005: A new mikvah designed by an Israeli architect was dedicated at the Grand Choral Synagogue in St. Petersburg, Russia.

2005(10thof Nisan, 5765): Seventy-nine pioneering jazz drummer Stan Levey passed away today.




2006: Haaretz reported that a sixteen-year-old tourist from the United States who sustained critical wounds in Monday's suicide bombing was still in serious condition.The teenager was fighting for his life after doctors operated on him most of the night. His injuries were mostly to his stomach and internal organs and his aorta was torn, she said.The American boy's family did not want any details about him released to the media.

2006(21st of Nisan, 5766): Members of Portugal's Jewish community said prayers in a downtown Lisbon square to mark the 500th anniversary of a massacre of thousands of Jews in the Portuguese capital's streets.

2007: The Israel Opera presents the season’s first performance of Richard Strauss’ “Ariadne auf Naxos.”

2007: A four day long International Conference entitled “Children Hidden in Belgium during the Holocaust meeting in Israel comes to an end.

2007: Paul “Kurtz appeared on Penn & Teller's television show Bullshit! arguing that exorcism and Satanic cults are merely "hype and paranoia.”

2007(1stof Iyar): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2007: The Jerusalem Post reported that A Bible that a condemned member of the pre-state underground gave to his British prison guard minutes before he and a fellow Zionist fighter killed themselves is to be returned by the guard's son in Jerusalem today, six decades later.

2008: Diversity of Devotion: Celebrating New York’s Spiritual Harmony, an exhibit of photographs on display at the Brooklyn Public Library celebrating Faith in its many forms comes to a close. The Brooklyn Public Library show includes a photograph of Rabbi Levy and Rabbi Eliyahu of Congregation Beth Elohim in Queens taken by photographer and Forward contributor Julian Voloj. The work was drawn from Voloj’s series of photos on black Jews in America.

2008: Palestinian suicide bombers from Gaza drove three explosives-laden vehicles into the Kerem Shalom goods crossing on the border with Israel early today.

2008(14th of Nisan, 5768): Just as it did 65 years ago, the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising falls on the same day on both the secular and Jewish calendars.

2008(14th of Nisan, 5768): In the evening, the first Seder marks the start of Pesach.

2008:The last surviving leader of the 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising paid silent tribute to the young Jews who launched the doomed revolt against Nazi troops 65 years ago. Marek Edelman, 89, handed yellow tulips and daffodils to his grandchildren, Liza and Tomek. He watched as they placed them at the foot of the gray-and-black Monument to the Heroes of the Ghetto, located in a barren square at the heart of the former ghetto.

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readings including “Shadow and Light” by Jonathan Rabbn, “How Free Is Free? The Long Death of Jim Crow” by Leon F. Litwackand the recently released paperback edition of “Maps and Legends: Reading and Writing Along the Borderlands” byMichael Chabon.

 2009: At NYU’s Bronfman Center for Jewish life people from all over New York City join in “Sing Out Israel,” an event featuring familiar Israeli and Jewish tunes.

2009:A.B. Yehoshua, the award-winning Israeli author, reads from and discusses his most recent novel, “Friendly Fire,” and chats about his life as a writer and his thoughts on Israel in a conversation with Leon Wieseltier, at the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue in Washington, D.C.

2009:The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center opened today under rainy skies, with several thousand people seated beneath large tents, their enthusiasm shown in a standing ovation for survivors.

2010: As part of its Graduate Seminar Program, The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present a program entitled “‘Gentleman's Agreement’ and ‘Crossfire’:  Anti-Semitism at the Movies”

2010: Terminal 5 is scheduled to host New York’s community-wide Yom Ha'Atzmaut celebration honoring Israel's fallen and celebrating 62 years of independence at what is described as the largest Yom Ha'Zikaron/Yom Ha'Atzmaut gathering in the world outside of Israel!

2010(5th of Iyar, 5770): Yom Hazikaron

2010(5th of Iyar, 5770):Felicia Haberfeld, a native of Poland who fought to reclaim her husband's ancestral home in Auschwitz decades after it was seized by the Nazis, died today at the age of 98 in Los Angeles. http://articles.latimes.com/2010/may/01/local/la-me-felicia-haberfeld-20100501

2010: The State Department summoned the senior Syrian diplomat in Washington to accuse his government of "provocative behavior" in supplying scud ballistic missiles to Hezbollah.

2011(15 Nisan, 5711): First Day of Pesach

2011: “Adnan Dameery, spokesperson for the Palestinian Security Forces, reported DNA tests had exonerated a detained suspect and that the masked gunman who had murdered Juliano Mer-Khamis, the former IDF paratrooper and filmmaker, was still at large.

2011: In the evening Second Seder.  Somewhere a person with roots in the Gibraltar Jewish Community will say “Todo el que tenga hambre, venga y coma, todo el que tenga menester, venga y pascue” (Anyone who is hungry come and eat; all who have need, come and celebrate) as they follow that community’s custom of reciting the Haggdah in Ladino for the Second Seder.

2011: In the third such attack in Greece in less than 2 years, arsonists break into Corfu island synagogue and damage at least 30 prayer books.

2011: Steve Soboroff was hired by Frank McCourt to be the Vice Chairman of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team. (Soboroff was Jewish)

2011: A revival performance of Larry Kramer’s “The Normal Heart” opened today

2011:Venerable Art Dealer Is Enmeshed in Lawsuits” published today looks at the challenges facing 65 year old Guy Wildenstein, the leader of “a discreet dynasty of Jewish art dealers.”


2012(27th of Nisan, 5772): Yom Hashoah

2012: “Spoken Word and Music Performance” a Holocaust Remembrance Day observance co-sponsored by La Maison Francaise is scheduled to take place at the Embassy of France in Washington, D.C.

2012: Holocaust survivor and Director of the ADL, Abraham Foxman is scheduled to appear at the Illinois Holocaust Museum’s Yom Hashoah memorial event.

2012:Yad Vashem will publish thousands of new documents today gleaned from national and KGB archives from the former Soviet Union on this year’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.

2012:” Remembrance” a film that depicts a love story between a German Jew and a

Polish Catholic that blossomed amid the terror of Auschwitz in 1944 is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012: The world’s most wanted living Nazi collaborator is Laszlo Csatary, the Simon Wiesenthal Center said in its annual report today (As reported by Gil Shefler)

2012:Left-wing extremists defaced three monuments to Israeli terror victims and fallen members of the security services in the Jordan Valley, police discovered today, just one week before Israel honors its war dead.

2012: Irwin M. Jacobs “was named the W. P. Carey School of Business Dean’s Council of 100 Executive of the Year, which honors change-making business leaders who serve as models for today’s business students”

2012: Yad Vashem is scheduled to publish “thousands of new documents gleaned from national and KGB archives from the former Soviet Union on this year’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. The new archival material – totaling approximately one million new documents – is available following several international agreements made in the past four years with national archives and those with the KGB from the former USSR.”

2013: The Maccabeats are scheduled to perform at a Shabbat Event at the University of Illinois sponsored by Chabad.

2013: “No Place on Earth” is scheduled to premiere in Portland, Oregon and Chicago, Illinois.

2013(9th of Iyar, 5773): Ninety-two year old Francois Jacob, the recipient of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Medicine passed away today.



2013(9th of Iyar, 5773): Eighty-year old computer and math wizard Kenneth I. Appel passed away today.


2013(9th of Iyar, 5773): Ninety-five year photographer turned actor Allan Arbus best known for his role as the quirky psychiatrist on “M*A*S*H,” passed away today.



2013(9th of Iyar, 5773): Eighty-three year old children author and illustration E. L. Konigsburg passed away today.


2013: A dinner to help raise funds for research on treating Glycogen Storage Disease, a rare Ashkenazi Jewish liver disorder is scheduled to be held at the Coral Springs Marriott.

2013: On the secular calendar, 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising


2013: A complex $10 billion arms deal in its final stages would strengthen two key Arab allies – the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia - while maintaining Israel's military edge, US defense officials said today.

2013: Following the public outrage over a debt arrangement between Bank Leumi and tycoon Nochi Dankner’s Ganden Holdings Ltd., the bank announced this afternoon that it was backing out of the arrangement.

2014: “The Last Act of Lilka Kadison” is scheduled to have its final performance today at the Falcon Theatre in Burbank

2014: In Poland, observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day which coincides with the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

2014:The main synagogue in Nikolayev, located in the southeast of Ukraine, was firebombed today when two Molotov cocktails were thrown at the synagogue’s door and window. (As reported by JTA)

2014: “Paris-Manhattan” is scheduled to be shown at the JCC Rockland International Jewish Film Festival.

2014: Premiere of “5 to 7” directed by Victor Levin at the Tribeca Film Festival.

2015: “The Art Dealer” is scheduled to be shown as part of the UK Jewish Film Festival.

2015: “G-D’s Honest Truth” is scheduled to be performed for the last time at Theatre J in Washington, D.C.

2015: In Washington, D.C. Dr. Samuel Gruber is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “ Before Modernism: American Synagogue Architecture Before WW II.”

2015(30thof Nisan, 5775): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2015: “American Jewish comedian Amy Schumer” talked about her “new film ‘Trainwreck’” today “at the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival.”

2015(30thof Nisan 5775): Eleven days before his one hundredth birthday Elio Toaff who served as Chief Rabbi of Rome from 1951 to 2002 passed away today.


2015: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East by Eugene Rogan and the recently released paperback edition of Mad As Hell:The Making of “Network” and the Fateful Vision of the Angriest Man in Movies by Dave Itzkof

2015: In commemoration of Yom HaShoah the Guy Mendilow Ensemble and the Philadelphia Girls’ Choir are scheduled to a perform a concert that includes compositions in English and Ladino that takes us "musical trek from bustling Mediterranean ports and resplendent Balkan capitals to communities shattered in the Second World War and all but forgotten" at the National Museum of Jewish History in Philadelphia.

2015: Today’s Yom Hashoah observance at the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum in Atlanta, GA is scheduled to include a speech by Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat and the Atlanta Boy Choir performing “I Never Saw Another Butterfly.”

2015: The President’s Residence announced today that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with President Reuven Rivlin tomorrow “to request an extension in forming” a new government. (Times of Israel)

2015: “Hundreds of people commemorated the 72nd anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising” this afternoon in the Polish capital city.

2015: “Hungarian Holocaust survivors rescued 70 years ago from a train taking them from one concentration camp to another today paid tribute to the American soldiers who helped liberate them.”

2015: The 12th annual “March of Good Will” a demonstration against anti-Semitism took place today in Prague.

2016(11thof Nisan, 5576): Ninety-three year old Nobel Prize laureate Walter Kohn passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)




2016: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to present “Kosher USA: How Coca-Cola Came to the Passover Seder and Other Tales of Modern Kosher Food” which “follows the journey of kosher foods through the modern industrial food system, traces how iconic products such as Coca Cola tried to become kosher, what made Manischewitz wine the very first kosher name brand to gain an African American audience, and more.

2016: In “Streti’s Matzo, a New York Tale of a Lost Love” published today Nicolas Rapold provided a review of a documentary about the Big Apple and the Bread of Affliction.


2016: Future Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, “an early Trump supporter” attended Trump’s victory party “after the New York Republican primary” today.

2016: In an appearance sponsored by the Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund, “Magda Brown, who was 17 years old in 1944 when she and her family were deported on one of the final transports to Auschwitz-Birkenau” is scheduled to speak at Kennedy Sr. High School.

2016: “Norman Lear: Just Another Version of You” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.”

2016(11th of Nisan, 5776): Fifty-one year old Israeli movie star Ronit Elkabetz passed away today.


2016: All decent human beings pray for the recovery of 15 year old Eden Dadon and all of the other victims of yesterday’s terrorist bus bombing in Jerusalem as they fight to recover from their wounds and burns.

2017(23rdof Nisan, 5777): Ninety-six year old Ruth Sulzberger Holmberg, the former publisher of The Chattanooga Times, the Sulzberger paper before the New York Times, passed away today.


2017: The UK Jewish Film Organization is scheduled to sponsor a screening of “The Pickle Recipe” in Glasgow, Scotland

2017: The UK Jewish Film Organization is scheduled to host a special preview screening of “The Zookeeper’s Wife” at the Phoenix Cinema.

2017: “Barney’s Version” and “Weirdos” are scheduled to be shown at the Vancouver Jewish Film Centre. 2017: “An Israeli computer scientist,” “Adi, Sahmir, a professor at the Weizmann Institute” is scheduled to receive a Japan Prize today as recognition “for his contribution to information security through pioneering research on cryptography.”

2017:Poland’s chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich led “the burial ceremony of  Torah Scrolls in the Warsaw Jewish Cemetery” today.

2017: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced harsh criticism from bereaved parents today over his management of the 2014 Gaza war during an emotional three-and-a-half-hour-long hearing, including a series of heated back and forths between politicians and families of those killed in battle.”

2017: “Holocaust Escape Tunnel,” a “Nova” production shown this evening, sheds new light on the attempt by 80 imprisoned men and women — mostly Lithuanian Jews — to make a break for freedom in the face of Nazi bullets.


2018(4thof Iyar): Israel Independence Day observed since the fifth of Iyar falls on erev Shabbat; for more see http://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2018: The Jewish Federation of Cleveland is scheduled to host Israeli singer-songwriter David Broza at its Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration at Landerhaven,

2018: “Ina Lancman, daughter of Naftali Herts Kon, well-known Yiddish poet and writer, are scheduled to give a presentation together with Polish attorney Tomasz T. Koncewicz. Lancman that will focus on Naftali Herts Kon’s literary career and the stirring story of his persecution and the confiscations of his papers under the Soviet and communist Poland regimes”


2018: Natan Sharansky is scheduled to receive his Israel Prize for promoting immigration today as part of Israel’s Independence Day celebrations

2019: On the 76th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, it has been reported that “Hamburg prosecutors have charged a 92 year old former concentration camp guard”  “identified only as Bruno D. of aiding and abetting 5,230 case of murder during the almost nine months he spent on duty at” Stutthof Concentration Camp as a member of the SS.

2019: In one of those Calendar Coincidences, on the Gregorian calendar, Good Friday, which marks one of the most famous Passover related events in history coincides with the start of Passover in the evening.  For more see The Trial and Death of Jesus by Haim Cohn.

2019(14thof Nissan, 5779): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach.

14th of Nisan, 5622(1862): In the evening, during the Civil War, Pesach begins with 21 Union soldiers of the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Regiment celebrating with a Seder in Fayette, West Virginia.

14th of Nisan, 5660( 1900):  Poor Jews living on the Lower East Side were relieved to find that free matzoth were being distributed at Charles “Silver Dollar” Smith’s “old place on Essex Street.”  There was concern that the distribution would end since Smith had passed away last year.  Before he had changed his name, Smith was known as variously as Charles Goldschmidt or Charles Solomon.  A New York alderman who was part of the Tammany Hall machine, he was called “Silver Dollar” because of the “2,400 silver dollars used as a studded inlay in his saloon…”

14th of Nisan, 5671(1911):This evening, the Young Men’s Hebrew Association host a public Seder in New York and “special services” for the Jewish immigrants currently detained at Ellis Island.

14th of Nisan, 5631(1871): As the Jews of Newark, New Jersey, begin the celebration of Passover this evening, it is estimated that they will consume 10,000 to 15,000 pounds of matzoth during the eight days of the holiday

14th of Nisan, 5671(1911):This evening, the Young Men’s Hebrew Association host a public Seder in New York and “special services” for the Jewish immigrants currently detained at Ellis Island.


14th of Nisan, 5674(1914): Four hundred and fifty Jewish servicemen including sailors from the battleships Texas, North Dakota, Washington, Ohio, Wyoming and Louisiana are scheduled to take part in a seder specifically for military personnel at Tuxedo Hall in Manhattan.


14th of Nisan, 5700(1940):The Sommer family sit down to their first Seder in Liechtenstiein.  How this family of German Jewish refugees from Munich came to be there was chronicled by Susi Pugatsch-Sommer in an article entitled “A Pesach Miracle in Nazi Germany.”


14th of Nisan, 5703(1943):Members of Belgium Jewish underground aided by Christian railroad men derailed a train filled with Jewish deportees bound for the extermination camps. Several hundred Jews were saved.

14th of Nisan, 5703(1943): PASSOVER, WARSAW Ghetto UPRISING; The Jews were determined not to be moved without giving up a fight. 2,100 Germans, fully armed, enter the Ghetto. The Jews fighting force consisted of about 700 men and women.  They were armed with 17 rifles, 50 pistols and several thousand grenades and Molotov cocktails.  A small group of Jewish fighters open fire on the entering German troops. After an hour of skirmishing, the Germans retreated. The final liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto began on the Eve of Passover, April 19, 1943. The deportation did not come as a surprise. The Germans had amassed a military force to carry it out, but did not expect to engage in a confrontation that included street battles. Armed German forces ringed the ghetto at 3:00 a.m. The unit that entered the ghetto encountered armed resistance and retreated. The main ghetto, with its population of 30,000 Jews, was deserted. The Jews could not be rounded up for the transport; the railroad cars at the deportation point remained empty. After Germans and rebels fought in the streets for three days, the Germans began to torch the ghetto, street by street, building by building. The entire ghetto became a sizzling, smoke-swathed conflagration. Most of the Jews who emerged from their hideouts, including entire families, were murdered by the Germans on the spot. The ghetto Jews gradually lost the strength to resist. On April 23, Mordecai Anielewicz the ZOB commander wrote the following to Yitzhak Zuckerman, a member of the ZOB command who was stationed on the "Aryan" side: "I cannot describe the conditions in which the Jews are living. Only a special few will hold out; all the others will perish sooner or later. Their fate is sealed. None of the bunkers where our comrades are hiding has enough air to light a candle at night.... Be well, my dear, perhaps we shall yet meet. The dream of my life has risen to become fact. Self - defense in the ghetto will have been a reality. I have been a witness to the magnificent, heroic fighting of Jewish men of battle". The rebels pursued their cause, even though they knew from the outset that they could not win. The Jewish underground would continue to fight the Nazis until the middle of May. The Polish underground only gave minimal help because of anti-Semitism prevalent among many. Although the Allies will neither publicize events nor try to help, even before the war ended, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising became a symbol of Jewish resistance


14th of Nisan, 5708(1948):Erev Pesach the rations given out in Jerusalem for the observance of Passover included 2 lbs. of potatoes, ½ lb of fish, 4 lb. of matzo, 1 ½ oz. dried fruit, ½ lb. meat, and ½ lb. of matzo flour. As one who was there later wrote, “For the trapped citizens of Jerusalem, who had become accustomed to privation, the Passover provisions seemed like a banquet. However, for the citizens of Jerusalem, it was not a particularly merry affair. On the verge of their national freedom, the inhabitants of Jerusalem sat somberly around their tables. This was the first time since the nightly shellings that the city's citizens had come together in assembly in the various homes throughout the city that had been the dream of two thousand years' Seders. Tonight is a holiday, but tomorrow the struggle will go on. As they sat to begin the Seder, they heard the beginning of the snipers bullets looking for a straggler in the streets. But tonight was different. As they opened the door, as they had done for scores of generations, to welcome in Elijah, there was no fear. Tonight is a night of divine protection. As the Holy One protected the Jews in Egypt, so shall he protect us here in the war torn city of Jerusalem. "Once we were slaves, but today we are free men" recited in the Haggadah, took on new meaning. The British are leaving, the Arabs are attacking, and we are beginning our new national lives as free men in our own country. "Next year in Jerusalem" had a meaning that we never before understood. We meant it; we would not relinquish our dream to return to our homeland, to the city that has been in our hearts throughout the two thousand year exile. Now we are free men, tomorrow we must continue the fight to remain free.

2020(25thof Nisan, 5780):

2020: In Coralville, IA, the pandemic does not halt the learning as Kathy Jacobs is scheduled to lead an introductory y session about Mussar, thanks to the wonders of Zoom.

2020: In Atlanta, GA, the Breman Museum is scheduled to broadcast “a very special Yom HaShoah message online and through social media” featuring Ilse Eichner Reiner, Holocaust survivor, and a Anat Sultan-Dadon, Consul General of Israel to the Southeastern United States.

2020: The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston is scheduled to host “Virtual Yom HaShoah Remembrance & Reflection”

2020: Since Jews only eat two times – when they are sad and when they are happy – in Cleveland, “Nathan, Seth, Eric and Angie are standing by for your orders as “Kantina” is scheduled to open today with curbside pickup and home delivery.


2020: The New York Times features reviews by Jewish author and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including When Time Stopped: A Memoir of My Father’s War and What Remains by Ariana Neumann, Pharma:Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America by Gerald Posner, The Toddler in Chief: What Donald Trump Teaches Us About the Modern Presidencyby Daniel W. Drezner and Wayside School Beneaeth the Cloud of Doom by Louis Sachar

2020: Today, Israelis are scheduled to feel the first full day of the government’s plan to open the economy which were announced last week and will be reviewed in two weeks.

2020: ““A Slippery Slope: Jews, Schmaltz and Crisco” during which Rachel Gross, American Jewish studies chair at SFSU, talks about how Crisco began in 1913 with intense marketing toward Jewish women, who in turn began relinquishing authority to corporate “experts” is scheduled to be “organized on Zoom by Jewish LearningWorks” this afternoon.

2020: Yom HaShoah Commemoration at Beth Hillel Bnai Emunah, in Wilmette, Illinois, scheduled for today has been canceled due to the Pandemic.

2021: S.F. Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society is scheduled to offer a class on organizing your boxes of photos, with tips on getting started, setting goals and not getting stressed out led by photographer Susan Gerbic.

2021: Taube Center for Jewish Studies is scheduled to present Penn State professor Lior Sternfeld talking about his book, Iran and Zion, on the Jewish history of 20th-century Iran.

2021: Temple Emanuel (Wakefield) is scheduled to present online “Jewish Wisdom for Growing Older.”

2021: In conjunction with East Bay Int’l Jewish Film Festival streaming this 2020 documentary “Holy Silence,” historian Fred Rosenbaum is scheduled to talk about the controversial role of the Vatican and Pope Pius XII during World War II.

2021: Life in Israel should seem a little more normal, as Israelis experience the second day of life without mask mandates for outdoor activities.



This Day, April 20, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 20

121:  Birthdate of Marcus Aurelius 16th Roman emperor.  The “Philosopher” Emperor reigned from 161-180 and he was a cut above those who came before and after him.  But he had a low opinion of the Jews, referring to them as “stinking and tumultuous” as “he rode through Judea.”  He reportedly preferred the company of the barbaric Teutons in the north to that of the Jews.  This attitude may have been shaped by the difficulty the Romans had in defeating the Jews during their successive rebellions against Rome.  Only 25 years before Marcus Aurelius came to power, it had taken the full force of the Roman Empire four years to finally defeat Bar Kochba and Rabbi Akiva.

570: Birthdate of Muhammad or Mohammad, the founder of Islam.

636:  At the Battle of Yarmuk the Arabs took control of Syria and Palestine away from the Byzantine Empire. It is considered by some historians to have been one of the most significant battles in the history of the world, since it marked the first great wave of Muslim conquests outside Arabia, and heralded the rapid advance of Islam into Christian Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia.  The battle took place only four years after the prophet Muhammad died in 632.  Considering the way the Christians had been treating them, the conquest by the Arabs left the Jews in a comparatively better position.

1096: Approximately 40,000 peasants led by Peter Hermit left Cologne on the start of what was called the “Peasants’ Crusade.”  This populist movement among the poor was the most ill-fated part of the First Crusade.  The peasants had nothing and trusted in God to provide for them. This meant living off of the land which would bode ill for those in their path including the Jews of the Rhineland.

1176: Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, nicknamed “Strongbow” whose attempt to establish an independent kingdom in Ireland was bankrolled by a Jewish financier, “Josce Jew of Gloucester” passed away today.

1191: Phillip II, who expelled the Jews from France in 1182 after extorting as much money as he could from them, arrived at Acre to perform his holy Christian obligation to take part in the Crusades.

1192: As the Christians jockey for control over the Holy Land, Richard I of England gives his support to Conrad of Montferrat’s claim to be King of Jerusalem.

1298(7th of Iyar, 5058):  In Rotttingen, a small German town in Franconia, a local noble named Rindfleish, accused the local Jews of profaning the host. He then incited the Burgher and local populace to join in the killing. Twenty one Jews were murdered. The killing soon spread to a hundred and forty communities in Bavaria and Austria. In all tens of thousands of Jews were either killed or wounded.  The killing stopped when the civil war raging through Germany ended.  Albrecht, the newly chosen Emperor, brought an end to the violence and even punished some the participants.

1303: Pope Boniface VIII issues the bull creating The University of Rome La Sapienza. Considering the fact that Boniface believed in the concept that “Outside the Church, no Salvation” meaning that the key to salvation required membership in the Catholic Church, it is safe to assume that there were no Jewish students or faculty at the school.  Relations between the Jews and the school have obviously changed as can be seen by the “wide-ranging cooperation agreement” that was signed by Tel Aviv University and Rome's Sapienza University in March of 2010. The agreement, allows for exchanges of students and professors, as well as joint research projects and master's programs. The Italian economist Franco Modigliani and Zionst Ze'ev Jabotinsky were two of the most prominent Jews to attend the University of Rome during the 20thcentury.

1314: Pope Clement V the first of the “Avignon Popes who in the first year of his reign, 1305, became the “first pope to threaten Jews with an economic boycott in an attempt to force them to stop charging Christians interest on loans passed away today.

1344(28th of Nisan, 5104): Levi Ben Gershon (the RaLBaG) also known as Gersonides passed away.


1505: Philibert of Luxembourg expelled the Jews from Orange Burgundy. At this time Luxembourg is ruled by Phillip the Fair, King of Spain - where Jews had been expelled in 1492.  Phillip's mother was Marie of Burgundy.  In this case the Jews merely seemed to have gotten caught up in the dynastic swirl that was so much of European History prior to the French Revolution.

1506: Violence continued for a second day in Lisbon after Christians attack the Jews when a recently converted Jew “raised doubts” about the appearance of a miraculous vision at St. Dominic’s Church. (History of the Jewish People)

1615:  Led by Dr. Chemnitz, the guilds of Worms "non-violently" forced the Jews from the city. Chemnitz was a lawyer and he devised a series of schemes where the Jews were deprived of food and the ability to leave and enter the city.  A deputation came to them on what was the seventh day of Pesach and gave them an hour to leave the city.  As the Jews left, the thousand year old synagogue and the adjacent burial grounds were attacked and desecrated by the "non-violent" citizens of Worms, Germany.

1632(29th of Nisan): “Nicolas Antione, a French Protestant theologian and pastor who attempted to convert to Judaism and lived the life of a crypto-Jew “suffered martyrdom by being burned at the stake in Geneva today.

1657:  After a battle of almost two years Asser Levy one of the original 23 settlers was allowed to serve on guard duty. Levy had been denied the right to serve, having been told to pay a tax instead.  This was the European Way of doing things.  Levy would have none of it.  Serving guard duty marked him as a full-fledged citizen.  It was an early indication that the New World would indeed be a new world for the Jews. Levy who was the ritual slaughterer of the town opened his slaughterhouse on what is now Wall Street. He further petitioned to be allowed the rights as a Burgher or freeperson on the town, which he received albeit reluctantly by the burgomasters of New Amsterdam.

1728:The London Gazette reports that twelve individuals (including four Jews) who had been previously captured by Moroccan pirates are now released under a new peace treaty between England and the Emperor of Morocco. Rachel, David, and Raphael Franco along with Blanco Flora had been captured while en route from London to New York. The Gazette reports that they were returned to England on "His Majesty's Ship Monmouth." Interestingly enough, though the other victims are listed by name and nationality i.e. William Pendergrass/English, Joseph Patroon/Spanish, Alboro Tordaselas/Gibraltar— the four Jews (Rachel, David and Raphael Franco, and Blanco Flora), are listed as "Jews," under nationality. These events of 1728 preceded the era of Jew Bills and the civil and religious liberties of Jewish people were far from secure. They were indeed people without a country. Our research shows the Franco family to be of Portuguese/Sephardic extraction, who generations before undoubtedly fled the Inquisition of Portugal. Raphael Franco became a powerful merchant in the diamond and coral trade operating between India, Brazil and England.

1729: London native Mordecai Marks who came to America in 1726 “was baptized today at Stratford, CT.”

1746: Four days after the Battle of Culloden, during the “Jacobite Rising” for which Sampson Gideon provided the funds to the Hanoverian-Whig government so it could defeat Charles Edward Stuart, Charles, Charles dismissed his remaining force of 1,500 saying that the fight could not go on without French support.

1747: In New York City, Jochabed Michaels and Judah Mears gave birth to (Judith) Rachel Mears, the wife of Moses Iaacks whom she married in 1764 and with whom she had fourteen children.

1753(16th of Nisan, 5513): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1759: Vögele Pressburg, the daughter of Isak Aron Arnsteiner and Ella Elsa Eleonora Arnsteiner and wife of Simon Samuel Pressburg passed away today at Mattersburg, Burgenland, Austria.

1760: In Buchau, Franziska Levi and David Einstein gave birth to Moses David Einstein

1767(21st of Nisan, 5527): Seventh Day of Pesach observed as the UK prepares to enact the Townsend Acts, measures which will inflame relations with the thirteen American colonies and lead to the American Revolution

1772(17th of Nisan, 5532): Third day of Pesach

1772(17th of Nisan, 5532): Israel Ben Moses Ha-Levi Zamosz, a Polish born Talmudist who wrote on both religious and secular subjects passed away today at Brody



1773(27th of Nisan, 5533): Nehm Joseph Rindskopf, the son of Joseph (Yosel) Alexander Rindskopf, z. Ampel and Jentel Mosche Rindskopf and husband of Hindle Rindskopf passed away today in Frankfurt.

1775(20th of Nisan, 5535): Sixth Day of Pesach observed as the British lick their wounds in Boston after yesterday’s losses at Concord and on the same day that the Royal Governor of Virginia makes the mistake of seizing gun power in what became known as the “Gunpowder Affair” which ended, unlike the episode with no shots being fired. 

1777: At Kingston, the New York Convention voted to guarantee the free exercise of religion.

1785: Birthdate of German native Nanette Wexler the wife of Leser Lazarus Ochsenhorn whom she married in 1803 and with whom she had eight children.

1786(22nd of Nisan, 5546): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor observed on the same day that future political opponents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, along with his family, spent the day together in London.

1790: Birthdate of Ludwig Hermann Friedlander, the native of Konigsberg who served as physician with the Prussian Army, the first step on a career that led to him being appointed as a Professor of Theoretical Medicine at Halle, as position he held until his death in 1851.

1796: Amsterdam native Rabbi Abraham Azuby, the “first paid rabbi at K.K. Beth Elohim Congregation in Charleston” officiated at the wedding of “Benjamin Milhado of Kingston, Jamaica to Hannah Depass, “the youngest daughter of Ralph Depass, a vendue master” in Charleston, SC. (Editor’s note – according to the dictionary a vendue master is an auctioneer.)

1799(15th of Nisan, 5559): First day of Pesach and Shabbat

1799: In a proclamation, a copy of which is quoted below, Napoleon "promised" the Jews of Eretz Israel the "reestablishment of ancient Jerusalem", coupled with a plea for their support. This was the first promise by a modern government to establish a Jewish state. In 1799, the French armies under Napoleon were camped outside of Acre. Napoleon issued a letter offering Palestine as a homeland to the Jews under French protection. The project was stillborn because Napoleon was defeated and was forced to withdraw from the Near East. The letter is remarkable because it marks the coming of age of enlightenment philosophy, making it respectable at last to integrate Jews as equal citizens in Europe and because it marked the beginning of nineteenth century projects for Jewish autonomy in Palestine under a colonial protectorate. After the defeat of Napoleon, it was largely the British who carried forward these projects, which have in hindsight been given the somewhat misleading name of "British Zionism." Napoleon conquered Jaffa but retreated from Acco (Acre); Napoleon's Proclamation of a Jewish State was stillborn, and his declaration of equal rights for Jews was repealed in part in 1806.

Letter to the Jewish Nation from the French Commander-in-Chief Bonaparte issued at General Headquarters, Jerusalem 1st Floreal, April 20th, 1799, in the year of 7 of the French Republic by BUONAPARTE, COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE ARMIES OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC IN AFRICA AND ASIA, TO THE RIGHTFUL HEIRS OF PALESTINE.

Israelites, unique nation, whom, in thousands of years, lust of conquest and tyranny have been able to be deprived of their ancestral lands, but not of name and national existence!
Attentive and impartial observers of the destinies of nations, even though not endowed with the gifts of seers like Isaiah and Joel, have long since also felt what these, with beautiful and uplifting faith, have foretold when they saw the approaching destruction of their kingdom and fatherland: And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. (Isaiah 35,10) Arise then, with gladness, ye exiled!  A war unexampled In the annals of history, waged in self-defense by a nation whose hereditary lands were regarded by its enemies as plunder to be divided, arbitrarily and at their convenience, by a stroke of the pen of Cabinets, avenges its own shame and the shame of the remotest nations, long forgotten under the yoke of slavery, and also, the almost two-thousand-year-old ignominy put upon you; and, while time and circumstances would seem to be least favorable to a restatement of your claims or even to their expression ,and indeed to be compelling their complete abandonment, it offers to you at this very time, and contrary to all expectations, Israel's patrimony! The young army with which Providence has sent me hither, let by justice and accompanied by victory, has made Jerusalem my head-quarters and will, within a few days, transfer them to Damascus, a proximity which is no longer terrifying to David's city. Rightful heirs of Palestine! The great nation which does not trade in men and countries as did those which sold your ancestors unto all people (Joel,4,6) herewith calls on you not indeed to conquer your patrimony ;nay, only to take over that which has been conquered and, with that nation's warranty and support, to remain master of it to maintain it against all comers.
Arise! Show that the former overwhelming might of your oppressors has but repressed the courage of the descendants of those heroes who alliance of brothers would have done honor even to Sparta and Rome (Maccabees 12, 15) but that the two thousand years of treatment as slaves have not succeeded in stifling it. Hasten!, Now is the moment, which may not return for thousands of years, to claim the restoration of civic rights among the population of the universe which had been shamefully withheld from you for thousands of years, your political existence as a nation among the nations, and the unlimited natural right to worship Jehovah in accordance with your faith, publicly and most probably forever (JoeI 4,20).

1801(7th of Iyar, 5561): Barnard Gratz, the German born son of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Gratz, the husband of Richea Myers-Cohen and the father of Fanny and Rachel Gratz passed away today in Baltimore, MD.

1803: Myer Tobias married Hannah Woolf at the Great Synagogue today.

1808: Birthdate of Louis-Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte who became Napoleon III, Emperor of France from 1852 to 1871. On July 19, 1870, Napoleon III declared war on Prussia in what is known as the Franco-Prussian War. A number of Jews, including Jules Moch and Leopold See, attained high rank in the French army. See later became Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior. The war also marked the beginning of Rabbis serving as chaplains in the German army. After the War the region of Alsace and part of Lorraine became annexed to Germany. Many Jewish families preferred to emigrate rather than be under German rule.

1810(16th of Nisan, 5570): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1811: Ephraim Gompertz married Adelaide Smith at “Camberwell St. Giles.”

1814(30th of Nisan, 5574): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1814(30th of Nisan, 5574): Thirty-four year old “Jewish writer, teacher, translator and publisher” Moses Philippson passed away today at Desau.

1816(22nd of Nisan, 5576): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1817: Solomon Joseph Mordecai, the Virginia born son of Esther and Joseph Mordecai married Isabella Jane Kincaid today in Franklin, MO.

1818(14th of Nisan 5578): Ta’anit Bechorot; erev Pesach

1824(22nd of Nisan, 5584): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1826(14th of Nisan, 5586): Ta’anit Bechorot, erev Pesach

1828: One day after she had passed away 78 year old Judith Cohen, the wife of Aaron Cohen and the most of Samuel and Rosy Cohen was buried today at the Lauriston Jewish Cemtery.

1832: Congress established a park at Hot Springs, Arkansas when it designated itsfamous natural springs as a natural resource preserve as people from around the country flocked to the 143 degree water as a medical treatment for arthritis and other bone ailments. Jews were connected with Hot Springs from its earliest day.  Jacob Mitchell, a Jewish immigrant from Galicia, arrived in Arkansas in 1830 along with his two brothers.  Mitchell somehow acquired an old Spanish land grant to a portion of the springs, and he and his heirs spent the next forty years unsuccessfully fighting the federal government in court over their rights to the springs. Regardless of the status of the litigation, Mitchell became an active part of the city’s commercial scene when bought a hotel in Hot Springs in 1846 and opened a bath house.

1835: Henry Russell married Isabella Lloyd today.

1837(15th of Nisan, 5597): Jews observe Pesach for the first time with Martin Van Buren as President of the U.S.

1838:Charlotte Beyfus married German banker Abraham Oppenheim.

1841: Despite opposition from Hamburg’s Ashkenazi community led by Chief Rabbi Isaac Bernays, the Senate granted a license to the New Israelite Temple Society to build a house of worship.

1846: Two days after the end of Pesach, in London, Fanny Heilbronner and Isaac Samuel gave birth to Theodore Samson Samuel

1851(18th of Nisan, 5611): 4th day of Pesach

1851: In Breslau, Samuel Lubszyński and Rebeka Lubszyńska gave birth to Zygmunt Lubszyński, who gained fame as Siegmund Lubin “the motion picture who founded Lubin Manufacturing Company, the Philadelphia, PA film company.

1851: After three years of meeting at a building on Pearl Street, Congregation B’nai Israel moved to Number 63 Christie Street, where the congregation began raising “funds for the erection of a more commodious synagogue to the meet the requirements of the rapidly increasing membership.”

1851(18th of Nisan, 5611): Isaac Erter, the native of Galicia who gained fame as a physician and satirist passed away today at Brody.

1852: Abraham Harris married Leah Brandon today at the Great Synagogue.

1854(22nd of Nisan, 5614): Eighth and final day of Pesach observed as pro- and anti-slavery forces fought it out in what was called “Bleeding Kansas.”

1856(15th of Nisan, 5616): First Day of Pesach

1860: Fortunee (nee Dayan) Lichenstein, the wife of Louis Lichtenstein was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1860: “In a small town near Kowno, Russia, David Rabbino and Leah Yeglin gave birth to Bernhard Rabbino, the husband of Anna Ladewig who served as a rabbi at several American congregations beginning with one Keokuk, IA in 1884 before becoming an attorney in Florida and then in New York where he settled in 1899 and became an attorney with the Legal Aid Bureau of the Educational Alliance.

1861: Joseph Seligman, “whose firm, J. and J. Seligman & Co., sold federal bonds in the astonishing sum of $200,000,000” attended a pro-Union meeting today held at Union Square in New York City.

1861: In Baltimore, MD, a pro-Southern mob attacked the printing shops that produced Der Wecker and Sinai, two "abolitionist publications.  Rabbi Einhorn, an out-spoken foe of slavery, felt threatened enough to agree to the request of his congregation that he leave the city.  Einhorn would move to Philadelphia where he would resume publishing the Sinai.

1862: In London, Sara Bloom Phillips and Solomon Abraham to Rose Bloom Abraham

1864(14th of Nisan, 5624): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach


1864: In Opava, a town in the Moravian-Silesian Region, Samuel D. and Charlotte Kaluber gave birth to Emile Kaluber who married an attorney Alois Eisler and became Emilie Eisler, the mother of Otto, Rudolf and Paul Eisler.

1864: “In Wilno, Russia, Chaim and Chaya (Kabatchnik) Weinstein gave birth to Brooklyn journalist and political activist Gregory Weinstein, a reporter with The Leader, a supporter of Henry George, and an organizer of the “first Jewish Workingman’s Unions who was the husband of Eugenie Lasser, the author of Savonarola: Italian Reformer and Patriot and the publisher of Jew-Baiting by Horace Bridges.

1865: “An estimated 25 million Americans attended memorial services for Abraham Lincoln in Washington and around the country.” In New York several synagogues held well-attended services in memory of the recently assassinated President. At Shearith Israel, after the choir sang a variety of Psalms, Rabbi J.J. Lyons “delivered a short but eloquent address, in which he frequently” referred “to the qualities of the man and the unswerving loyalty and honesty of the statesman, whose loss they were…suddenly called upon to mourn.”  This was followed by a recitation of the Kaddish and “a special prayer for the recovery of Secretary of State Seward who had been wounded on the same night that Lincoln had been killed. The service ended with a prayer for “ the future prosperity of the country” and the chanting of psalms by the choir.  At B'nai Jeshurun, the chanting of Psalms was followed by a Dr. Raphael’s sermon in which he praised the virtues of the slain President.At the Broadway Synagogue, the chanting of opening hymns was followed by a prayer for the government before the opened Ark and a sermon by Rabbi S.W. Isaacs based on Genesis, chap. xv., v. 1: "Fear not, Abraham; I am thy shield. Thy reward shall be exceedingly great.'' Services were also held at several other synagogues including the Norfolk Street Synagogue, the Greene Street Synagogue and Temple Emanu-El. The neat little synagogue of the Congregation Sheary Berochole, in East Ninth-street, was the scene of very impressive ceremonies. At noon, the building was filled to overflowing with a very respectable audience, mostly dressed in deep mourning, to participate in the services commemorative of the death of Mr. Lincoln arranged by the congregation. After reciting Psalms 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10, the Kadish, or prayer for deceased persons, was said, and the Minchah Prayer intoned, at the close of which Rev. H. WASSERMAN delivered the funeral sermon. His text was from Isaiah 44, 7: "For a small moment I have forsaken thee, and all forsook thee." The tenor of his discourse was the necessity of trusting to the goodness of God, however mysterious his providences may seem. He exhorted all to imitate the honesty, charity and good will to all men which had distinguished the life and character of our deceased President. The Hebrew prayer for a deceased father was then said, coupled with an exhortation for the recovery of the Secretary of State and his son was then said, and after the recitation of five psalms, the congregation dispersed.

1865: As the nation mourned the death of President Lincoln, today’s Boston Traveler noted that “solemn and appropriate services were held at both Jewish synagogues” – a reference to Adath Israel, a Reform Congregation led by Rabbi Joseph Schoninger and Mishkan Israel led by Rabbi Alexis Alexander.

1866: In a plebiscite, Charles was elected in a near unanimous vote to serve as King of Romania. His government would not prove to be a protector of its Jewish citizens.

1867(15thof Nisan, 5627): Jews living in Alaska celebrate Pesach for the first time as U.S. citizens since the U.S. had purchased Seward’s Folly 30 days ago.

1868: Birthdate of French author Charles Maurras, whose anti-Semitism first surfaced during the Dreyfus Affair and continued through his support for Vichy and Petain.

1871(29thof Nisan, 5631): Polish author Jacob Tugenhold who was born near Krakow and who founded a “modern Jewish school” in Warsaw, passed away today.

1874: Di Yidishe Gazeten, the first influential Yiddish newspaper in the United States began publication today.

1875(15thof Nisan, 5635): Pesach

1875: Birthdate of Edouard Alexandre de Pomiane, also known as Edouard Pozerski author of the 1929 epic “The Jews of Poland: Recollections and Recipes” who passed away in 1964.

1876: In Hungary, Emil and Sally Gintzler gave birth to Cooper Union graduate and NYU trained attorney Morris Gintzler, “the president of the Pulp and Paper Trading Company and the husband of Rose Gintzler with whom she had had two daughter – Selma and Dorothy.

1877: Louis David Meyers, the son of Henry Myers and Julia Davis was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery”

1879: According to the report made by Superintendent Louis today, the Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum was home to 10 children, eight of whom were boys and two of whom were girls, ranging in age from three and half years to ten years.

1881(21st of Nisan, 5641): Seventh Day of Pesach

1882(1st of Iyar, 5642): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1882:  J. A. Engelbart presided over tonight’s meeting of a committee formed “raise money to feed and shelter Jewish refugees from Russia and to aid them in finding home in” in the United States.  The meeting was held at B’nai Jeshrun.  Among the attendees were Rabbi Henry S. Jacobs and Dr. Simeon N. Leo.

1882: It was reported today that a dispatch from St. Petersburg “states that the persecution of the Jews continues” unabated.  At least 17,000 Jews have been left homeless after villages in Southern Russia were destroyed.

1882: “Current Foreign Topics” published today described a private meeting that had been held in Berlin to provide assistance for Jews who wished to leave Russia.  The attendees pledged seventy thousand marks to assist in the endeavor.

1883: In Frankfurt, Germany, Leo Isaac and his wife gave birth to Robert Isaac, who came to the United States in 1915, worked with Eugene Meyer before going on to the “investment firm of Halle and Stieglitz and married the “former Lucile Martin”


1883(13th of Nisan, 5643): Ninety-one year old Asher American, who had served as the Assistant Reader at congregations on Norfolk, Stanton and Sixth Streets passed away tonight.

1883: It was reported today that The Cleveland Herald has been interviewing the city’s Jewish clergy on the possibility of Jews returning to Palestine.  Rabbi Hahn considers the idea as being impracticable and feels that “the Jewish people…are a great deal better off here than they could possibly be there.”  Rabbi Lane echoes these sentiments and “is most strongly opposed to …immigration schemes.”   The Herald believes “that these gentlemen speak the prevailing sentiment” of the Jewish people.

1884: According to “The Relations of Animal Diseases to the Public Health and Their Prevention” by Frank S. Billings which was reviewed today’s New York Times, the author “quotes the Hebrew legislator who forbade pork as food for the chosen people of the Lord.  Moses did this with a knowledge of its ‘non- hygienic character.”

1884(25th of Nisan, 5644): Dr. Lyon Berhard, one of the oldest dentists in New York passed away today in Manhattan.  Born in Amsterdam in 1812 and a graduate of the Baltimore College of Dentistry, he came to New York 42 years ago.  He was a founding member of B’Nai Israel and was an active member of the Hebrew Mutual Benefit Society.

1884: Rabbi Gustav Gottheil, Rabbi Kaufman Kohler and Joseph Blumenthal were among the attendees at a reception given at the new building of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society.  The building which is located at Avenue A and 87th Street was originally built for the use of the late John Jacob Astor.

1886(15th of Nisan, 5646): First Day of Pesach

1886: Birthdate of Pauline Lonnersteadter Thalhimer, the wife of Gustavus Thalhimer and mother of Morton Gustavus Thalhimer.

1888: It was reported today that in Jacksonville, FL, Rabbi of Levy of Charleston, SC had presided at the marriage of Susie Jacoby of Charleston to Mose J. Ullman of Evansville, Indiana.

1888:  The Jewish Messenger reports that Orach Chaim has contributed support for a New York City Chief Rabbi. "This action is the more significant as it is the first uptown congregation to join the downtown contingent and mostly composed of Germans while the other uptown orthodox congregations are mostly composed of the Polish element."

1888((9thof Iyar): Russian born philanthropist Samuel Poljakoff passed away.

1889: Birthdate of Otto Heinrich Frank, father of Anne Frank, who survived the Holocaust and passed away in 1980.

1889: Birthdate of Adolph Hitler

1889: In Chicago, Israel and Augusta (née Mendeburskey) Balaban gave birth A.J. (Abraham Joseph Blaban) the co-founder the Balaban and Katz Motion Picture Theatre chain.


1889: Birthdate of Albert Jean Amateau, rabbi, businessman, lawyer and social activist.

Born a Sephardic Jew in Milas, Turkey, Amateau attended the American International College in Izmir (Smyrna), Turkey. He immigrated to the United States in 1910. In the early 1920s, Amateau began a movement to bring more Jews into the workplace and government. He was also involved largely in the affairs of deaf people. After he returned from the Army (he served in World War I), Amateau was ordained in 1920 at the Jewish Theological Seminary, and he became the first rabbi of a congregation of the deaf. In 1941, Amateau developed the Albert J. Amateau Foreign Language Service, a business providing translators for lipsync dubbing for motion pictures. The business continued in operation until 1989. An ardent supporter of his homeland of Turkey, Amateau began various Turkish-oriented organizations while residing in the United States. In 1992, at the age of 103, he helped found the American Society of Jewish Friends of Turkey and was named as its president. Amateau was also an advocate of peace, and in 1937, he assisted with negotiations between Jews and Arabs of Palestine. Amateau died in 1996 at the age of 106 years, 10 months.

1890(30th of Nisan, 5650): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1890: “In Trois-Rivières, Berthe (née Genest) and local politician Nérée Le Noblet Duplessis gave birth to Maurice Duplessis who as Premier of the Province of Quebec issued the warrant which empowered the provincial police to raid “the cultural section of the Canadian Labor Circle, a Jewish fraternal organization” during which they removed “eight hundred books of the 950 volume library maintained by Jewish cultural circle.”

1890: Birthdate of Erfut, Germany native David Baumgardt the author and philosopher who in 1939 found refuge in the United States where he worked for Archibald MacLeish, the Librarian of Congress, wrote such books as Maimonides in 1955 and Great Western Mystics: Their Lasting Significance in 1961.


1890: In Russia, “Joseph and Sarah (Herman) Frisch gave birth University of Minnesota trained attorney, Leonard Herman Frisch who in 1901 came to the Unite States where he worked for the Immigration Bureau and while serving as the editor of the American Jewish World and Director of the Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, MN.

1890: It was reported today that strikers in Austria are trying to turn the labor unrest “into an anti-Jewish crusade.  Many of the mill and mine owners in the region are Jewish and the Rothschilds own the largest iron and steel works at Witkowitz.  The strikers have turned their fury on the local Jewish merchants and their attacks have left several hundred Jewish families “camping in the fields in utter destitution.


 1891: A fire broke out in a tenement house at 194 Henry Street which is home to a large number of Russian Jews.

1892: In Russia, Leon and Bessie Levoitz Epstein gave birth University of Pittsburgh graduate Epstein a pioneer in the field of providing financial support for the “elderly” which led to what we now know as Social Security.


1893(4th of Iyar, 5653): Dr. Wilhelm Lowenthal, “the Jewish scientist who had been invited to Argentina in 1890 to share his technological expertise on agricultural matters” and who “persuaded Baron de Hirsch to fund the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA) to aid Jewish settlers in Argentina” passed away today.

1893: William A. Matson, the Secretary of the Church Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews wrote a letter today in which he took issue Reverend Jacob Freshman’s statement he was “the pioneer” in New York City “in mission work for the conversion of the Jews

1894(14th of Nisan, 5654): Fast of the First Born

1894(14th of Nisan, 5654): “Festival of the Passover” published today states that “Pesach, the Jewish festival of the Passover, begins the evening and continues for a week.”  Furthermore, “the households of the Orthodox and many of those who have accepted the modern or reformed” customs will host a Seder.

1895(26th of Nisan, 5655): Joseph Heiman Caro, author of Ṭevaḥ ṿe-hakhen (טבח והכן: כל דני שחיטות ובדיקות) passed away today

1895: The Hebrew Orphan Asylum Band performed at the Odd Fellows’ Home Fair which is being held at the Lenox Lyceum.

1896: “A Precious Privilege Retained” published today described a declaration published by the anti-Semitic German “National” Students at the University of Vienna stating that “they would henceforth refust to accept challenges from the Jewish Students’ Corps, as they would think themselves defiled if they fought them.”  The Rector refused to respond to an appeal from the Jewish students asking that this declaration be overturned. According to some observers, the German students’ declaration is rooted in the fact that the Jews have defeated them whenever a challenge was made and accepted.

1897 (18th of Nisan, 5657): Fourth Day of Pesach

1897: In Samara, Russia, Sophie (née Markison) and Benjamin Ratner gave birth to Grigory Vasilyevich Ratner, who gained fame as actor and director Gregory Ratoff whose portrayal of “Max Fabian” in “All About Eve” is one of my personal favorites.



1899: Fire broke out tonight at the New York Theatre in the “dressing rooms used by ‘Hebrew Creditors’ characters” appearing in the first act “The Man in the Moon.”

1899: Testimony continues to be given before the Court of Cassation in the Dreyfus revision inquiry.

1899: Four days after she had passed away, Eliza Kane, the daughter of “Moses J. and Sarah Henriques” and the wife of John Clarke Kane was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1900(20th of Nisan, 5660): Sixth Day of Nisan

1900: Max Nordau introduced Herzl to Alfred Austin who gives him a friendly letter to Lord Salisbury, the British Prime Minister. Herzl sought British support in his attempts to persuade the government at Constantinople to allow the development of a Jewish homeland. . Salisbury did not receive Herzl "on account of the war worries".

1901(1st of Iyar, 5661): Parashat Tazria-Metzora; Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1901: “Alliance Israelite Universelle” published today described plans for a meeting to “be held in the vestry rooms of Temple Emanu-El under the leadership of Jacob H. Schiff where “stereopticon views of Jewish life in the Holy Land which will be shown by Nissim Behard.”

1901: It was reported today that every year, for the last fifteen years, Charlotte Yonge has sent a manuscript to her publisher for a story of a “historical character written especially for boys and girls” including The Patriots of Palestine, a tale of the Maccabees.

1902: The second annual exhibition that includes “the work of east side artists” and featuring “an exhibition of Jewish antiquities relating to Jewish rites and customs” is scheduled to come to an end this evening at the Education Alliance on East Broadway and Jefferson Street

1903: “Bishop Praises Jews” published today described a sermon by Bishop Satterlee of the Episcopal Church who said, “The Jews are preserving the home and family better than we Christians are doing” and that while “I do not know how to account for this, but I do know it to be fact.”

1904: It was reported that a large number of Jews were part of the cheering throng that greeted Vice Admiral Skrydloff, who is married to “a Jewess” as he stopped in St. Petersburg on his way to the Far East.

1905(15th of Nisan, 5665): As Russia confronted its defeat by the Japanese and the violence of the Russian Revolution, the Jews observe Pesach.

1905: In Dallas, Herbert Marcus, the founder of Neiman Marcus and Minnie Marcus gave birth to Harold Stanley Marcus who followed in his father’s footsteps.


1905: The Manchester Guardian published “The Aliens Bill: Some Prejudices Examined” by M.J. Landa.

1905: Birthdate of composer Nicholas “Slug” Brodszky, the native of Odessa who came to the United States in 1934 where he worked with lyricist Sammy Cahn and produced songs for numerous movies, the most famous which might have been “The Student Prince” and Love Me or Leave Me.”

1906: In Montreal Shlomo Chaim Caplan and Chaya Bluma Routtenberg gave birth Yonah Ephraim “Jimmy” Caplan, the husband of Lena Herman and graduate of Yeshiva University who led a congregation in Astoria, NY.

1907(6th of Iyar, 5667): Parashat Tazria-Metzora

1907(6th of Iyar, 5667)): Thirty-eight-year-old Benedict Gimbel, the Philadelphia born son Fridoline and Adam Gimbel and husband of Birdie Loeb Gimbel with whom he had one child, Benedict Gimbel, Jr., who was part of the merchant family that created the department stores that bore the family name passed away today in Hoboken, NJ after slashing himself with pieces of broken glass.


1908: Birthdate of Yisrael Yeshayahu Sharabi, a native of Sa’dah, Yemen, who made Aliyah in 1929 and eventually became the fifth Speaker of the Knesset.

1909: Funeral services are scheduled to take place this afternoon for Edward Karmer who had died at the Jewish Hospital on April 18.

1909: Miss Ray Pearlman, “an agent of the Council of Jewish Women escorted unmarried Russian Jewish immigrant “Sarah Koten, the young nurse who shot and killed Dr. Martin W. Auspitz last June and who was released today under a suspended sentence” from the courtroom.

1910: Birthdate of New York native and NYU trained attorney Leo Isaksson who appeared to upset the political applecart when he was elected to House of Representatives as a member of the American Labor Party in what appeared to be a leg up for Henry Wallace’s bid to win the White House.


1911(22nd of Nisan, 5671): Eighth Day of Pesach

1911(22nd of Nisan,5671): Sixty-one year old Minsk native and author Henry Iliowizi, the teacher in Alliance Israélite Universelle’s “school at Tetuan, Morocco from 1877 to 1880” who came to the United States where he “was minister of a congregation at Harrisonburg, Virginia; from 1880 to 1888, rabbi of the Congregation Sha'aré Tob in Minneapolis; and from 1888 to 1900, of the Congregation Adath Jeshurun in Philadelphia” passed away today.

1912: Birthdate of David Ginsburg, “a liberal lawyer and longtime Washington insider who helped found the Americans for Democratic Action and led the presidential commission on race relations whose report, in 1968, warned that the United States was ‘moving toward two societies — one black, one white, separate and unequal.’”

1912: In the Bronx, a memorial service is to be held at the Montefiore Congregation for the crew and passengers who died when the Titanic sank.

1912: Guy Zinn, an outfielder with the New York Highlanders (later re-named the NY Yankees) “scored the first run ever at Boston’s Fenway Park” today.

1912: A banquet celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Free Synagogue hosted by Rabbi Stephen Wise was postponed as public mourning for those who lost their lives on the Titanic continues.

1912: Birthdate of Gertrude Erika Perlmann, the Czechoslovakian-born U.S. biochemist.

1913: A general strike by 4,000 kosher bakers began today when 1,000 of them quit work in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Brownsville.  The strike had originally been scheduled to start on April 29. The early strike date really was of little significance since the bakers would have quite working tomorrow any way do the fact that Passover starts tomorrow evening.

1913: Rabbi Joseph Stolz is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Walking in the Statutes of the Nations at the Isaiah Temple at Vincennes and 45th Street.

1913: This morning at Temple Sinai, on Chicago’s south-side, Dr. Emil G. Hirsch is scheduled to on “The Ethics of Judaism and the Ethics of Christianity” which is “the concluding lecture in the series on the ‘Relations of Liberal Judaism to its Neighbors.’”

1913: This afternoon, Dr. Emil G. Hirsch will deliver the sermon at the People’s Synagogue which meets every Sunday at Chicago’s Ziegfeld Theatre. (Editor’s Note: As you can see from these entries, this was a period in which Reform Judaism was making a concerted effort to replace Saturday morning services with Sunday morning services—a move which they thought would improve attendance and participation.)

1913: Morris Siegel, known to his friends and family as “Morris the Apple Peddler” attended the Brit Milah today for three boys – his three sons all of whom were born eight days ago.  The crowd of well-wishers grew even larger when the entire class of his 13 year old son Harry arrived at the event.

1914: Investment banker and art collector Maurice Wertheim, the son Jacob and Hanna Wertheim, and his first wife Alma Morgenthau gave birth to Anne Rebe Wertheim, the younger sister of historian Barbara Tuchman.

1915: Birthdate of South African-born, American psychologist Joseph Wolpe.

1915: “It was announced” today “in a letter received from Counselor Robert Lansing” of the U.S. State Department “by The Jewish Daily Warheit of New York” that “the State Department in Washington has telegraphed the American Consul at Warsaw” seeking a full report on “the severe sufferings of the Jews in Russian Poland.”

1915(6th of Iyar, 5675): Seventy-two year old Nathan Gratz, a well-known New York lawyer passed away today. He was the son of Jonathan and Rebecca Gratz (Moses) Nathan. “Mr. Nathan graduated from Columbia College in 1861. He engaged in practice in 1864 and was well known in Democratic political circles, clubs, and charitable societies. He was a member of New York law Institute, Columbia Alumni, and the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.”

1915: Birthdate of journalist Israel Epstein.


1916(17th of Nisan, 5676): Third Day of Pesach

1916:” A ‘Life for a Life’ campaign in which 500,000 Jewish women in the United States are expected to raise $1,000,000 a month for the needy Jews in Europe was started by the Women’s Proclamation Committee of the Central Jewish Relief Committee at the Astor Hotel today.”

1916: Birthdate of Wiera Vera Gran, the Polish born Jewish singer who first performed under the name Sylvia Green and who became the center of a controversy surrounding her survival of the Holocaust.


1917: Two days after he had passed away, forty-seven year old David Myer Petrofsky was buried in the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London today.

1917:  As the Russian military position continued to deteriorate and Russian soldiers demanded immediate peace with the Germans, mutinies broke out.  In one instance an artillery officer named Khaust who had demanded that his fellow Russians lay down their armswas saved from an angry assembly of soldiers by a Jewish soldier known simply as Rom who intervened on their behalf.

1917(28th of Nisan, 5677): During WW I, Lt. Max Oster was killed at the Battle of Aisne.

1917(28th of Nisan, 5677): During WW I, Lt Sydney Fine, 2/5 S Lancers, the son of Jacob Fine of Edgbaston, was killed today.

1918(8th of Iyar, 5678): Parashat Achrei Mot – Kedoshim

1918: Rabbi Krass is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Hebraism and Humanity” at Central Synagogue on Lexington Avenue.

1918: Rabbi Silverman is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Revival of Jewish Culture” at Temple Emanu-El.

1918: Rabbi M.H. Harris is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The Loaf that Fed the Multitude” at Temple Israel of Harlem.

1918: “Banquet to Jewish Soldiers” published today described plans for an upcoming banquet being hosted by the Jewish Board of Welfare and the Young Men’s Hebrew Association  under the chairmanship of Benjamin Natal for the benefit the young Jewish men who are about to leave for Fort Dix to begin serving in the U.S. Army.

1919: Dr. J. Leon Magnes spoke at the groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Bronx Jewish Hospital during which $60,000 was pledged toward the building fund.

1919:  The public was invited to attend the entertainment of the children of the Marks Nathan Jewish Orphan Home during Chol-Homaed Pesach.

1919: The Jewish Literary Society meeting at Zion Temple is scheduled to discuss The Religion of Canaan by Mary Erenberg and The Religion of Babylon and Syria by William Elfenbaum.

1919: “The young women who worked as telephone operators at New England Telephone and Telegraph walked off the job. One of the strike leaders was Rose Finkelstein, a young Jewish worker, who had emigrated with her family as a young child from Kiev, Russia.”  (As reported by Jewish Women’s Archives)


1920: “Chaim Weizmann arrived at the Hotel Royal in San Remo, two days after the San Remo conference had convened.”  Still smarting from the failure of the British to stop the riots aimed at the Jews of Jerusalem that had broken out earlier in the month, the usually reserved Weizmann, congratulates Phillip Kerr, Lloyd George’s private secretary, on the “first pogrom ever conducted under the British flag.”  The unusual outburst took place in the hotel lobby, a public denunciation that caught the British leader off guard and led to cooling off period for the Zionist leader.

1920:  In the aftermath of World War I, Palestine ceased to be a part of the defeated Ottoman Empire (now Turkey).  The League of Nations made Palestine a British Mandate which meant recognition of the terms of the Balfour Declaration.

1921: Birthdate of Marcos Moshinsky the Ukrainian born Mexican physicist who won the Prince of Asturias Prize for Scientific and Technical Investigation in 1988 and the UNESCO Science Prize in 1997. He passed away in 2009 at the age of 87.

1922: Philadelphia Athletics 2nd baseman Heinie Scheer appeared in his first major league baseball game.

1923(4th of Iyar, 5683): Eighty-one year old German born Philadelphia lawyer Mayer Sulzberger, a life-long Republican who served as a judge and was active in numerous Jewish organizations including the Jewish Theological Seminary and Dropsie College.


 1923: Birthdate of pioneering statistician and psychologist Jacob Cohen. (Editor’s Note – I do not have a clue as to what he did, but it was obviously brilliant.)



1923: Rabbi Aaron David Burack, the Lithuanian born son of Chaim Natan (Nassen) Burack and Bashe (Bessie) Gitel (Gibberman) Burack and his wife Esther Burack gave birth to Dr. Bernard Burack

1924(16th of Nisan, 5684): Second Day of Pesach

1924: Birthdate of Morris Edward Chafetz, the son of Jewish immigrants who played an important role in changing the public perception of alcoholism from social crime or personal failing to a disease requiring treatment. ´ (As reported by William Grimes)

1926: At luncheon at the Hotel Biltmore, Mrs. Alexander Kohut  told members of the Women’s Division of the United Jewish Campaign about “the conditions she witnessed on her trip to Eastern Europe and urge the newly appointed committee heads to  spare no effort toward raising the $500,000 which the women have pledged as their share of the New York quota.”

1926: Warner Brothers, which was owned by the four Warner brothers and Western Electricannounced the creation of Vitaphone, a process to add sound to film. Vitaphone would be the sound system used in the making of “The Jazz Singer,” the first talking motion picture.

1929(10th of Nisan, 5689): Parsahat Metzora and Shabbat HaGadol observed for the last time before the Great Depression

1932(14th of Nisan, 5692): Fast of the First Born is observed for the last time under the Presidency of Herbert Hoover and in pre-Hitler Germany.

1934: “For the first time in its history of more than two hundred years” Yale University is the site of a conference of Christians and Jews, sponsored by five of the school’s “religious clubs” scheduled to open this afternoon with the theme of “Common Citizenship.”

1935(17th of Nisan, 5695): Third day of Pesach

1935(17th of Nisan, 5695): In Pelham, NY, merchant and philanthropist Philip Pearlman passed away today.

1935: “Little Mother,” a comedy directed Henry Koster, produced by Jose Pasternak and starring Otto Wallburg was released in Austria today.

1936: As tension continue to rise amid reports of plans for further attacks by Arabs, “all the Jews in the Beersheba district have been moved to Jerusalem in trucks under police escort.”

1936: Jews repelled an Arab attack in Petach Tikvah. This attack was part of the Arab Uprising that lasted from 1936 until 1939.  The Arabs aim was to put an end to the dream of a Jewish homeland.  While they failed militarily, they were handed victory by a British decision to virtually put an end to Jewish land purchases and immigration.  This effectively slammed the door shut on the Jews of Europe on the eve of the Shoah.   Petach Tikvah or "Gateway of Hope" was originally founded by religious Jewish pioneers who had been living in Jerusalem.  What would eventually become a city, was a collection of mud huts built by 26 families on malaria infested piece of land seven miles east of what would one day become Tel Aviv.  Petach Tikvah took its name from a verse in Hosea "And I will give her...the valley of Achor for a gateway of Hope (2:17)."  The moshav would be abandoned for a brief period and then re-started with support from Baron Rothschild.  Petach Tikvah became a model and inspiration for the moshav movement.  Unfortunately, Petach Tikvah is no stranger to Arab violence.  During the 1920's, the defense of Petach Tikvah had helped to defeat an earlier Arab attempt to destroy the efforts by Jews to resettle and rehabilitate land that had been designated as “the Jewish Home.’ In the latest Arab Uprising, Petach Tikvah has been the scene of a suicide bombing in 2002 and the scene of a thwarted bombing in 2003. 

1936(28th of Nisan, 5696): Zvi Dannenberg died today of wounds suffered on April 15 when he and Israel Khazahn were attacked by Arabs as they traveled from Nablus to Tulkarm.

1936: Bronislaw Huberman, founder and organizer of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra announced that Arturo Toscanini has decided to include music by Mendelssohn on the first program he will conduct with the symphony. There is an element of political protest in this announcement since Mendelssohn has been banned by the Nazis.

1936(28thof Nisan, 5695): “In an attack in the Shapira quarter, a Jewish suburb of Jaffa, Arabs killed two Jews and wounded several others” including “a Jewish youth riding a bicycle in Jaffa” who “was beaten so severely that he died almost instantly.”

1936: “The Yemenite Jewish quarter outside of Tel Aviv” was destroyed by fire set by Arabs.

1936: Part of a mob of three hundred Haurani Arabs “broke into the home of a Jewish family in Manshieh quarter and killed the father and injured the mother who was transported by the police along with their three children to Hadassah Hospital.

1937: B'nai B'rith was banned in Nazi Germany because of individual members spreading "communist propaganda.

1937: After moving its meeting that had been scheduled to start on April 13 in London, the Zionist General Council is scheduled to meet today in Jerusalem.

1938: Despite bomb throwing which has become a daily occurrence in Jerusalem, an enthusiastic crowd filled Jerusalem’s Edison Hall for Toscanini’s fifth concert Aprof the season with the Palestine Orchestra.

1938: German planes fly over Austria on Hitler’s birthday dropping tiny Swastikas.  This is the “new” Austria after the Anschluss which had taken place in March of 1938.

1938: The Palestine Postreported that for the third night in succession bombs had been thrown in the center of Jerusalem, injuring Edwin Eisler, 18, and Banu Baland, 35. Forty "illegal" Jewish immigrants who had been in Palestine for many years, declared a hunger strike in order to persuade the mandate's authorities to change their status from "illegal" immigrants whom the courts failed to deport, to that of recognized permanent residents, so that they could bring here their families from abroad.

1939:  On Hitler's fiftieth birthday, all Catholic churches in Greater Germany hoisted the swastika in celebration.

1939: “The Four Feathers,” a film version of the novel by the same name, directed by Zoltan Korda and produced by Alexander Korda was released today in the United Kingdom.

1939: The Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt (WVHA; Economy and Administration Main Office) was upgraded. It was concerned with SS economic matters, particularly at concentration camps.

1939: At a meeting of the British Cabinet’s Palestine Committee, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, ever the appeaser, stressed that it of ‘immense importance’ with regard to British strategy ‘to have the Moslem world with us.  If we must offend one side, let us offend the Jews rather than the Arabs.’ This pronouncement was a complete violation of the Balfour Declaration and the terms of the Mandate.  It set the stage for the effective closing of Palestine to Jewish immigration in May of 1939; a policy that bought death for the Jews but failed to win the goodwill of the Arabs.  

1940: In the U.K., Russian Jewish immigrants and longtime residents of the British Isles, “Abraham Samuel and Rosalie Wander” gave birth to MIchelene Samuels who gained famed as Michelen Vicor and Michelene Wandor, the author of Music of the Prophets, the 2007 work that “commemorates the 350th anniversary of the Jews return to England in 1657.”


1941: Philippe de Rothschild was “released from Vichy custody” today following which he went to England and joined the Free French under Charles de Gaulle.

1941: Birthdate of New York native, author and Distinguished Professor of history Blanche Wiesen Cook.



1941: German newspapers in Greece come out blaming Jews for ruining Germany after World War I.   During this same period in April, the Greek newspaper New Europe wrote in capital letters “DEATH TO THE JEWS.” The paper reported that the Jews were the cause of economic problems in Germany. Levy stated the Greek paper called for the destruction of the "Jewish race once and for all."

1942: The Battle for Moscow comes to an “end.”  The war in the East will grind on.  But thanks to the gritty, desperate defense of the Soviet capital, the German Army has been stopped and what was to have been a lightning war turns into a war of attrition.  As bad as the Holocaust was, defeat at Moscow would have made it even worse.  The Soviet victory here, along with other Soviet victories later in the war caused General Douglas McArthur (of all people) to declare that the Red Army was the Hope of the World.

1942: “Frank L. Weil was re-elected president of the National Jewish Welfare Board, and Judge Irving Lehman was re-elected honorary president at the Twenty-Fifth annual conference of the J.W.B. which concluded its three-day session today” in New York City. (As reported by JTA)

1942: At Mauthausen, “forty-eight people were shot at two minute intervals as a present to Hitler on his birthday.”

1942: “Thirty French hostages – “Communists, Jews and sympathizers” – were executed today by the German military command near Roden in reprisal for the bombing last week of a military train in which a large number of German soldiers were killed.” (As reported by JTA)

1942: At a birthday banquet for Hitler in East Prussia, Hermann Göring announced that he was responsible for the Reichstag fire of February 27, 1933, that set off Nazi reprisals against purported Communist subversion.

1942: “More than a thousand prominent educational and religious leaders gathered tonight at the University of Chicago’s Mandel Hall at a convocation called by the Jewish Theological Seminary to honor Rabbi Saadia Gaon, the thousandth anniversary of whose death is being celebrated this year. President Robert M. Hutchins of the University of Chicago presided at the meeting.” (As reported by JTA)

1943(15th of Nisan, 5703): Pesach

1943: The Warsaw uprising continued for a second day.  The ghetto is bombarded with fire frp, mortars and machine guns. Germans kill all the sick in the Czyste hospital. Then they set the hospital on fire. Jewish resistance was stubborn and organized.  The Nazis, who had swept France in a mere six weeks, could not believe that the Jews of all people were providing this kind of a fight.  According to one account, some of the Jews could not believe they were doing it either. 

1944: “A citation of the New York Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews was presented tonight to former Supreme Court Justice Joseph M. Proskauer, president of the American Jewish Committee, as "a valiant fighter in the cause of goodwill" in ceremonies broadcast from station WHN.”

1944: While it is estimated that more one million Jews are serving the forces of the “United Nations” as of today “more than fifty members of Parliament have signed a motion to come before the House of Commons asking that facilities be granted for the formation of a Jewish army under British or United Nations command to fight on any required battlefield and to composed of volunteers not a present liable to compulsory military service.”

1945(7th of Iyar, 5705): During the night 20 children and at least 28 adults were hanged at Bullenhuser Damn, one of the satellite camps of Neuengamme. The Bullenhuser Damm Memorial is dedicated to the memory of these children, who were subjected to medical experiments in the Neuengamme concentration camp before being murdered, to the 4 prisoners who cared for them, and to 24 unidentified Soviet prisoners. (Based on information supplied by the Wiener Library)

1945: Jerusalem’s District Commissioner, James Huey Hamilton Pollock, met with Arab leaders in an attempt to reach a solution as to how Jerusalem should be governed.  Jewish leaders had accepted a British proposal that would have the position of Mayor rotate among each of the three main religious groups in the city.  The Arabs had maintained that the mayor must be Muslim.  The compromise would allow for a partition plan. 

1945: Prime Minister Churchill telegraphs his wife who is in the Soviet Union stating that “Here we are all shocked by the most horrible revelations of German cruelty in the concentration camps.”

1945: Ernst Hess, who was Hitler’s commanding officer during World War I ended his work as a “forced laborer’ for plumber named George Grau.

1946: The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry completed its report, urging the British to end the land purchase restrictions imposed on the Jews as part of the 1939 White Paper and to grant 100,000 Palestine certificates immediately.  The British rejected the proposal, refused to allow immigration on anything approaching that scale. 

1946: “Five Yemenite Jews were killed when a three-inch shell exploded…in Nathanya” a town halfway between Tel Aviv and Haifa.

1946: Birthdate of “Israeli-born American pianist Mordecai Shehori, the native of Tel Aviv who “made his New York debut after winning the 1974 Jeunesses Musicales Competition.”


1946: Twenty-eight year old Brooklyn-born southpaw Herbert “Lefty” Karpel pitched in the second and final game of his two game career with the New York Yankees.

1946: “Devotion” a biopic directed by Curtis Bernhardt was released in the United States today.

1947: Seventy-six year old Christian X of Denmark, who fourteen years earlier almost to the day had attended the ceremonies marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Grand Synagogue and who according to a popular myth donned the Yellow Star of David during the Nazi occupation (something he wrote about in his diaries” passed away today.

1948: On the eve of Pesach, "the last food convoy after Operation Nachson, made up of some 300 trucks brought provisions to Jerusalem.


1948: A convoy that included Prime Minister David Ben Gurion set out from Tel Aviv to the besieged city of Jerusalem.  Ben Gurion wanted to spend Pesach in Jerusalem with the beleaguered defenders as a way of raising moral.  The trip was extremely dangerous because the Arabs controlled the high ground on both sides of the highway and had successfully beaten back several other such attempts.  While Ben Gurion, who was traveling in one of the lead vehicles,made it through, the rest of the convoy came under heavy attack and was forced to turn back after suffering heavy casualties.  This was only one of the many battles fought to open the road to Jerusalem.  Long after the war was over, travelers on the modern-four lane highway from the coast to Jerusalem could see the burned-out hulks of the Jewish vehicles that serve as constant reminder of the price the Jewish people paid for Jerusalem.

1948(11th of Nisan, 5708): Twenty Jewish soldiers were killed today when “a second attempt was made to” take Metzudat Koach, a Tegart fort built by Solel Boneh during the British Mandate” that “was a key observation point on the Naftali heights, overlooking the Hula Valley” which had been seized by the Arabs thus threatening the existence of kibbutzim in the Upper Galilee.

1948(11th of Nisan, 5708): Five members of Haganah were killed and twenty-four were wounded during a day long fight “at Deir Ayoub, just short of the gorges of Bab El Wad” with Arabs who were trying to keep a convoy from reaching Jerusalem which was under siege that was a violation of international law.

1948: “Arab throngs turned out at Amman to welcome The Grand Mufti, Haj Amin el Husseini” prior to his meeting with King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan who has intimated that his Arab Legion would soon join armies from Arab nations in an invasion of Palestine.

1948: “In Jerusalem armed Arabs held up a postal truck, and stole seventy-six bags of foreign, domestic and army mail.

1948: A group of Jewish veterans who had had served with the British Army during World War II drove a convoy to twenty-four armored trucks to the edge of the Negev where they founded “a new settlement called Brur Hayal.

1949(21st of Nisan, 5709): Seventh Day of Pesach

1949(21st of Nisan, 5709): Ben Spector, an ironworker from Russia and the father of famous popular musician Phil Spector passed away today.

1949: Twenty-five year old outfielder Cal Abrams plays in his first game with the Brooklyn Dodgers.

1949: Publication of The Brave Bulls which would become a 1951 film directed by Robert Rossen.

1950: During a debate in the House of Commons Prime Minister Atlee’s Labor government announced that it would continue to refuse to sell arms to Israel while continuing to sell arms to Egypt, Iraq and Jordan.  According to sources in Tel Aviv, the British have said they would consider sales of weapons to Israel if she reaches a full settlement with the Arab states.  No such pre-condition has been attached to sales to the Arab states.

1951(14th of Nisan, 5711): Erev Pesach and Erev Shabbat

1951: Funeral services are scheduled to held in Jefferson City, MO for Etta Amolsky Schatzkey, the Lulling. TX born daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Amolsky and the wife of Albert Schatzkey whom she married in 1900 and with whom she lived in Houston before moving to Jefferson Cit.

1952: NBC broadcast the final episode of “The Big Show” a radio variety show written by Goodman Ace of Easy Aces who hired Selma Diamond to work on the scripts with him.

1953(5th of Iyar, 5713): Yom HaAtzma'ut observed

1954: “The Golden Apple,” a Jerome Moros musical that had opened “Off-Broadway” in March opened on Broadway today at the Alvin Theatre.

1955: A production of “Guys and Dolls” “starring Walter Matthau as Nathan Detroit” opened today.

1956: A subpoena duces tecum was served today on Mauricio Hochschild.

1957: U.S. premiere of “The Spirit of St. Louis” directed by Billy Wilder who also co-authored the script with music by Franz Waxman.

1958(30th of Nisan, 5718): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1960: “From A to Z,” “a musical revue with a book by Woody Allen…opened on Broadway” today at the Plymouth Theater.

1961(4th of Iyar, 5721): Yom HaAtzma’ut

1961: Israel is scheduled to hold military parade in Jerusalem, that despite assurance from the Ambassador Arthur Lourie will not include any aircraft or weapons containing ammunition, the Jordanians have alleged will “international peace and security.”

1963: CBS broadcast the final episode of “Have Gun – Will Travel” that included an opening theme composed by Bernard Herrmann and over its six year history included episodes written by Bruce Geller and Irving Wallace as well as appearances by Martin Balsam, Sydney Pollack, Norma Crane, Suzanne Pleshette, Werner Klemperer and Dyan Cannon.

1965: U.S. premiere of “The Pawnbroker” the film version of the novel by Edward Lewis Wallant, directed by Sidney Lumet and filmed by cinematographer Boris Kaufman.

1965: In Montreal, architect Moshe Safdie and his wife gave birth to “Canadian-American-Israeli playwright and screenwriter Oren Safdi who whose works included “Jews & Jesus, a musical that satirizes the naiveté of young Jews, half-Jews, Christians who date Jews and vice versa, while questioning the place of religion in this unfettered age.”

1967: Birthdate of Mike Portnoy, drummer in the progressive metal band Dream Theatre.

1968(22nd of Nisan, 5728): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1968: After 598 performances, the curtain came down on Woody Allen’s “Don’t Drink the Water”

1970(14th of Nisan, 5730):Ta'anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1970(14th of Nisan, 5730): Forty-nine year old Poet and translator Paul Celan passed away.




 1970: Bruno Kreisky became the first Socialist and the first Jew to serve as Chancellor of Austria.

1970: Pini Nahmani, an Israeli pilot being held in a Damascus prison, celebrated a Seder made possible by two Haggadot and some Matzah crumbs sent by the Chief Rabbi of Zurich. 

1971: Barbra Streisand recorded "We've Only Just Begun"

1972(6thof Iyar, 5732): Eighty-six year old Isidor Posner, the husband of Ida Weinstein Posner and the father of Marcy, Rhoda and Irving Posner passed away today after which he was buried at Evergreen Cemetery in Lansing, Michigan.

1974: South African Jewish professional association footballer Martin Cohen was part of the White XI that played their black counterparts today “in a racially charged match at Rand Stadium. After initially going down 1-0 to the black side (the goal was called off-side by referee Wally Turner), Cohen scored a crucial goal before Neil Roberts put the game away.”

1975: Larry Blyden, a practicing Jew from Houston born Ivan Lawrence Blieden, co-hosted the telecast of the Tony Awards.

1976: Paula Hyman spoke about the history of Jewish women in America on New York radio station WEVD.


1977: "Annie Hall" a comedy directed and written by Woody Allen co-starring Paul Simon and Janet Margolin was released in the United States, a month after premiering at the Los Angeles Film Fesitval.

1978:The Jerusalem Postreported that Yitzhak Navon was elected the fifth president of the State of Israel on his 57th birthday. The minister of defense, Ezer Weizmann, was expected to leave for Cairo in another bid to renew the stalled Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations. In Washington, efforts were made to set the stage for another, possibly more promising, summit between Prime Minister Menachem Begin and US president, Jimmy Carter.

1979: U.S. premiere of “Dawn of the Dead” co-starring Gaylen Ross who would later produce the acclaimed documentary “Killing Kasztner,”

1981(16th of Nisan, 5741): Second Day of Pesach; First Day of the Omer under President Reagan.

1982(27th of Nisan, 5742): Yom HaShoah

1986:An Irishwoman arrested in connection with an attempt to blow up a crowded Israeli airliner was freed tonight after two days of questioning with no charges brought against her, the police said. Anne-Marie Murphy, 32 years old, was arrested at London's Heathrow Airport carrying explosives on Thursday as she was about to board an El Al flight to Tel Aviv. She carried a bag containing about 10 pounds of explosives stashed in a false bottom. The police said she may have been duped into taking the bomb onto the plane. Detectives are still questioning her fiancé, Nezar Hindawi, a 35-year-old Jordanian who was arrested on Friday.

1986 - World famous pianist Vladimir Horowitz performed in his Russian homeland. A non-observant Jew, this performance was one of his last before he went into his final retirement. "It's better to make your own mistakes than to copy someone else's.""My future is in my past and my past is in my present. I must now make the present my future."


1987:Two Israeli soldiers and three Palestinian guerrillas were killed today in a shootout after the Palestinians cut through a Lebanon border fence and crossed into northern Israel, an Israeli Army spokesman said. The Israeli radio said three Palestinian guerrillas who slipped past Israeli troops in southern Lebanon and crossed the border near the Menara kibbutz ''were wiped out,'' but not before they had killed the two Israeli soldiers who had tracked them to their hiding place in an apple orchard 500 yards inside Israel. Al Fatah, Yasir Arafat's faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization, took credit for the operation.

1988(3r of Iyar, 5748) Yom HaZikaron observed

1988: Bernard A. Friedman began serving as “Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan” today.

1989(15th of Nisan, 5749): Pesach is observed for the first time during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush.

1990(25th of Nisan, 5750): Seventy-one year old Justice Irene Finkelstein, the daughter of Aaron Rushovich and Sonia Chatzkelowitz Rushovich, the wife of David Finkelstein and Maurice Finkelstein with she gave birth to Arlene Dawn Joel passed away today.

1991(6th of Iyar, 5751: Movie director Don Siegel passed away.  Born in Chicago in 1912 and educated in England, Siegel had a long and storied career. In 1945, two shorts he directed, Hitler Lives? and A Star in the Night, won Academy Awards, which launched his career as a feature director. Among his long list of film credits were a series of Clint Eastwood films including Coogan’s Bluff,Two Mules for Sister Sarah and the classic Dirty Harry.

1993:At a solemn outdoor ceremony tonight at the place where several hundred poorly armed Jews battled the Nazis 50 years ago, the leaders of Poland and Israel hailed the valor of the uprising and called for a new beginning in the often difficult relationship between Jews and Poles.

1994: “Paul Touvier, the first French citizen tried for crimes against humanity, was sentenced today to life in prison for ordering the execution of seven Jews during World War II.”

1995(20th of Nisan, 5755): Fifty-two year old, “Jacob Shaham, among the world's leading theoretical astrophysicists in the study of neutron stars and professor of physics at Columbia” passed away today.


1997: The New York Times featured reviews of Rabin: Our Life, His Legacy by Leah Rabin and The Boys:The Untold Story of 732 Young Concentration Camp Survivors by Martin Gilbert.

1999(4th of Iyar, 5759): Yom HaZikaron

1999(4th of Iyar, 5759): Eighty-four year old Baroness Bethsabée de Rothschild passed away in Tel Aviv



2000(15th of Pesach, 5760): Pesach

2000: In Shanghai, 100 Jews attended Pesach services at Ohel Rachel Synagogue.

2000: “A Story Still Painful After Repeated” provides a review the Robert Myers’ “The Lynching of Leo Frank which is another in a list of less than successful attempts to capture the events surrounding the events that took place in pre-WW I Georgia.


2001(27th of Nisan, 5761): Ninety-two year old Avigdor HaKohen Miller passed away today.


2001: Alejandro Mayorkas, the Cuban born Jew and Loyola Marymount University trained attorney completed his service as the United States Attorney for the Central District of California.

2002(8th of Iyar, 5762): Border Policeman St.-Sgt. Uriel Bar-Maimon, 21 of Ashkelon was killed in an exchange of fire near the Erez industrial park in the northern Gaza Strip. Israeli forces pursued the Palestinian gunman and killed him. An explosive belt was found on his body. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

2002(8th of Iyar, 5762): Sgt. Maj. Nir Krichman, 22 of Hadera, was killed in an exchange of gunfire, when IDF forces entered the village of Asira a-Shamaliya, north of Nablus, to arrest known Hamas terrorists.

2003: The New York Timesincluded reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including recently released paperback versions of “Sunday Jews, by Hortense Calisher in which she “explores the disparate fortunes of an extended Jewish family living on the Upper West Side after World War II” and “Be My Knife” by David Grossman.

2003(18th of Nisan, 5763): IDF photographer Cpl. Lior Ziv, 19, of Holon, was killed and three other soldiers were wounded during an operation to destroy a Hamas smuggling tunnel in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip.

2003(18th of Nisan, 5763): Biophysicist, Sir Bernard Katz passed away. Sir Bernard Katz was born in Germany in 1911.  He fled to Great Britainwhen the Nazis came to power.  Katz was noted for his work on nerve biochemistry.  He shared the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1970 with Julius Axelrod and Ulf von Euler. He was knighted in 1970.

2004: The Public Law Department of the Buenos Aires University School of Law and the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation organized and presented The International Seminar "Diplomacy and the Holocaust.”

2005: While some controversy swirls around reports of Pope Benedict XVI’s membership in the Hitler Youth, reports published today say he has “won strong praised from Jewish leaders…for his role in helping Pope John Paul II mend fences between Catholic and Jews” as can be seen by the statement of Rabbi Israel Singer, the chairman of the World Jewish Congress that he views “him as our most serious partner in the Catholic Church” over a span of time lasting twenty-six years.

2006(22nd of Nisan, 5766): Eighth Day of Pesach including recitation of Yizkor.

2006(22nd of Nisan, 5766): Seventy-seven year old Medal of Honor Jack Weinstein passed away today



2006(22nd of Nisan, 5766): Eighty-two year old Paul Mortiz Cohn, the “Aster Professor of Mathematics at University College London passed away today.


2006: “President George W. Bush signed an official document declaring the month of May Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM)”

2007(2nd of Iyar, 5767): Ninety-two year old Israeli rabbi Yehuda Meir Abrmowicz, the son Tzvi Yitzchok Abramowicz  who made Aliyah in  1935 where “he served as general secretary of Agudat Yisrael, which he represented in the Knesset from 1972 until 1981, and as Deputy Speaker of the Knesset between 1977 and 1981” passed away today.

2007: Haaretz reported that sixty-six civilians were killed in hostile actions since last Independence Day, mostly during the Second Lebanon War, bringing the number of civilians killed in terror attacks since the state's establishment in 1948 to 1,635, according to National Insurance Institute (NII) Director Dr. Yigal Ben-Shalom.

2007: The Jerusalem Post reported that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had condemned as "hurtful" and "spurious" comments made by former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu that the victims of the Holocaust were made to suffer because of the sins of the Reform Movement. Olmert went on to praise the Reform Movement as an important element in the “House of Israel.”

2007: U.S. premiere of “In The Land of Women” starring Adam Brody with a script by Jon Kasdan who also directed the film.

2008(15th of Nisan, 5768): First Day of Pesach

2008:San Francisco chefs Gayle Pirie and John Cook are and putting a Slow Food spin on the Passover Seder for the second night of Passover. The Seder, held at Foreign Cinema is sponsored by Heeb and is the magazine’s inaugural "Slow Food Seder.”

2008: The New York Times book section featured a review of “Dictation the most recent work of Jewish author Cynthia Ozick.

2008: The Washington Post book section featured a review of a biography of the Jewish poet Louis Zukofsky entitled “The Poem of a Life”by Mark Scroggins and an interview with American poet Edward Hirsch whose grandfather was a stringer for a Yiddish newspaper who wrote poems and copied them into the backs of books.

2008: The Sunday Chicago Tribune reported that two Torah scrolls were taken from Kenosha synagogue. Just days before the beginning of Passover, two Torah scrolls each worth an estimated $40,000 to $60,000, were reported stolen from a Jewish temple in Kenosha, officials said. On Tuesday, Rabbi Tzali Wilschanski of the Congregation Bnei Tzedek Chabad realized his laptop, which he had used during a class the night before, was missing. He checked to see whether the Torahs were safe, and discovered they were missing too. He said he last saw them April 5. Several valuable silver ornaments used to adorn the scrolls were not taken, leading Wilschanski to suspect that the robbery was not a garden-variety theft.
"If this was a hate crime, it would explain why they took something that is so dear to us," he said.
"If this was not a hate crime, it was the work of very sophisticated criminals who know that the Torah scrolls are much more valuable than the silver pieces." There were no signs of forced entryinto the temple at 1602 56th St., but a deadbolt lock was open, Kenosha police Sgt. Hugh Rafferty said. While police do not have any suspects in custody, they are following several leads, he said.

2009:In Washington, D.C.,Adina Hoffman, a Jerusalem-based writer, critic and founder of Ibis Editions, discusses and signs “My Happiness Bears No Relation to Happiness: A Poet's Life in the Palestinian Century, “her new biography of Palestinian poet Taha Muhammad Ali.

2009: Opening session of “Durban II Counter at the Fordham University School of Law. The American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists sponsor this counter-conference organized to address the real issues of "racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance." 

2009:Human Rights Watch said in a new report issued today thatHamas security forces killed at least 32 Palestinian political rivals and those suspected of collaborating with Israel during and after the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip.

2009:TodayPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran used the platform of a United Nations conference in Geneva on combating racism to disparage Israel as a “cruel and repressive racist regime,” prompting delegates from European nations to desert the hall and earning a rare harsh rebuke from Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

2009: Lord Hoffmann (Leonard Hoffmann) completed his terms as Second Senior Lord of Appeal in Ordinary in South Africa.

2009: “President Obama formally nominated Fred Hochberg” the son of refugees from Nazi Germany   “to be Chairman and President of the [[Export-Import Bank.”

2009: Steve Reich was awarded the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Music today for Double Sextet


 2010(6th Iyar, 5770): Yom Ha’Atzmaut

2010: In “a Federal Criminal Complaint dated today (Case No. 10-8082), Nevin Karey Shapiro who went to prison for running a $930 milling Ponzi scheme "directed others to create and show to the investors documents fraudulently touting the profitability” of Capitol Investments USA which was a key vehicle in the fraud.

2010: The US premier of “I Was There In Color,” is scheduled to take place as part the Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration at the JCC in Manhattan.

2010:Or Ashual, a 17-year-old student at the Kfar Saba Amana girls’ school, became the 2010 winner of the World Bible Quiz competition today, which took place on Israel’s 62nd Independence Day at the Jerusalem Center for the Performing Arts.

2011(16th of Nisan, 5771): Second Day of Pesach

2011:Beit Avi Chai, in collaboration with Merkaz Hamagshimim Hadassah, is scheduled to hold its second annual English speaking amateur theatre festival: "Stage One".

2011:Two suspects were arrested today in connection with setting fire to a synagogue on the Greek island of Corfu a day earlier, Greek Police said. Arsonists set fire to a synagogue on the island early yesterday, damaging prayer books but causing no injuries, in the third such attack in Greece in less than two years, police said.

2011: A Haggadah Fair sponsored by Kol HaOt and the Inbal Hotel will open today in Jerusalem.

2011: One day after Steve Soboroff was hired to be the Vice Chairman of the LA Dodgers, Major League Baseball seized control of the team from Frank McCourt.

2012: “In Darkness” a film about Polish sewer worker and Jews living in the Lvov Ghetto is scheduled to be shown in Iowa City under the sponsorship of Agudas Achim.

2012: “Joanna” and “Life Is Too Long” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival

2012: “The Man Behind the Curtain” provides a detailed review of Mr. Broadway: The Inside Story of the Shuberts, the Shows and the Stars by Gerald Schoenfield. 

2013: “No Place on Earth” is scheduled to be shown for the first time in Claremont, CA.

2013: Adam Burstain, the son of Todd and Jennifer Burstain - pillars of the Cedar Rapids Jewish community-  and marvelous student of Judaism is scheduled to appear in the final performance of “Urine Town.”

2013: “Cabaret-Berlin: The Wild Scene” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival

2013: “Dorfman in Love” is scheduled to be shown at the Northern Virginia Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Israeli gymnast Alexander Shatilov won the gold medal in the European Men's Artistic Gymnastic individual Championships, held in Moscow today.

2013: U.S Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will finalize a huge arms deal with Israel during his visit starting today, under which Israel will for the first time be permitted to purchase US aerial refueling planes and other ultra-sophisticated military equipment that could prove vital to any Israel strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities

2014: “Igor and the Crane’s Journey” is scheduled to be shown at the JCC Rockland International Jewish Film Festival

2014:Helen Suzman: Fighter for Human Rights” an exhibition that has been on display at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to come to a close.

2014: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including No Book But The World by Leah Hager Cohen, Updike by Adam Begley and

Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won’t Go Away by Rebecca Newberger Goldstein

2015: Mark Strauss, the “well-known oil painter” and Holocaust survivor who wrote Crumbs under the pen-name of Marek Mann is scheduled to speak at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.

2015: “Secrets of War” and “Magic Men” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present a lecture by Rabbi Marvin Toyaker and Ellen Rodman, authors of Pepper, Silk & Ivory: Amazing Stories about Jews and the Far East.

2015: In Washington, DC, Dr. Samuel Gruber is scheduled to deliver a lecture that “will explore the evolution of the movement to preserve historic synagogues entitled “Preserving America’s Synagogues” Past and Future.”

2015(1st of Iyar, 5775): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2015: Four days after he had passed away, funeral services were held today at the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue for Richard Suzman of Chevy Chase, MD, the “husband of Janice Krupnick” and father of Daniel and Jessica Suzman.

2015(1st of Iyar, 5775): Eighty-five year old record executive Bernard Stollman whose parents met in the balcony of a Yiddish theatre, passed away today.


2015(1st of Iyar, 5775): Ninety year old Frederick Morton, the baker turned author passed away today.


2015(1st of Iyar, 5775): Eighty-one year old Paris born Rosh Yeshiva and expert on Halakah rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein passed away at Alon Shvut, Israel.


2016: “A New Leaf” and “Michael Nichols: American Masters” are scheduled to be shown on the final night of the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2016: Two days after he had passed away, funeral services are scheduled be held for 92 year old Rabbi Ben-Zion Gold, the native of Radom, Poland “who came to America in 1947 and settled in Cambridge, MA, where he became Director of the Hillel at Harvard” and whose mourners will include his daughters Merav and Hannah.

2016: The ShapeShifter Lab is scheduled to present the Alon Yavnai Big Band.

2016:The Samaritans are scheduled to celebrate their Passover today.

2017: In Arizona, the Valley Beit Midrash and the Jewish Book Council are scheduled to co-host “Why Be Jewish? – Continuing the Legacy of Edgar Bronfman”


2017: The Jerusalem Opera Spring concert scheduled for this evening will “pay home to Enrico Caruso.

2018:  The “12 day Journey of Remembrance and Celebration” sponsored by the Steicker Center is scheduled to come to an end today.

2018: In the Netherlands, a 23 year old man, identified in the media as “Jordi A” “drew a shape reminiscent of a cross on the main Holocaust memorial monument of The Hague.”

2018: “Hungarian Kosher Foods, a Chicago-area landmark for 45 years”  “America’s first all –kosher supermarket” which was founded by “Holocaust survivor Sandor Kirsche” is scheduled to become the property today of “Orian Azulay, the owner of the kosher supermarket Sara’s Tent in Aventura, Florida.”

2018: In Metairie, LA, the Jewish Community Day School is its Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration which including a torch lighting ceremony “representing the 12 Tribes of the people of Israel.”

2018: “Spring Scenes,” the final production of the Cleveland Institute of Music Opera Theatre under the leadership under the direction artistic director David Bamberger is scheduled to open this evening.

2019: “The Greater Reconstruction: American Democracy after the Civil War,” a two day conference which was inaugurated by “President Susan Herbst of the University of Connecticut” and heard a keynote address by Professor Eric Foner is scheduled to come to an end today.

2019(15th of Nissan, 5779): First Day of Pesach

15th of Nisan, 5650 (1890): An untold number of poor New Yorkers enjoyed eating meat at their Seder tonight thanks to the generosity of Mrs. Paulina Rosendorff who had provided the funding that enabled butchers to distribute their product free of charge.

15th of Nisan, 5675(1915): The 300 Jewish soldiers and sailors who attended last night’s Seder sponsored by the Army and Navy Y.M.H.A. which also provided a night’s lodging at the Hotel Roland are scheduled to worship at Temple Beth Israel at Lexington and 72nd Street today while the Secretary of War, the Governor of New York and the Mayor of New York City have been invited to attend tonight’s Seder sponsored by the Army and Navy Young Men’s Hebrew Association for the benefit of 300 of the 8,000 Jews serving in the military which is being held at Vienna Hall on Lexington and 58th Street.

15th of Nisan, 5677 (1917): One day after U.S. declared War on Germany, Jews gather in the synagogue to observe Pesach and Shabbat

15th of Nisan, 5705(1945): At least 58 Jews were murdered in a forest near the Austrian village of Deutsch Shuetzen, in what would come to be called the Deutsch Shuetzen Massacre while in the evening, members of the Jewish Infantry Brigade of the British 8th Army serving in Italy took part in a Seder at Faenza.

15th of Nisan, 5725(1965):  While Jews in the Soviet struggled to deal with a shortage of Matzah created by the government refusal to let state bakeries prepare adequate supplies of unleavened bread Rabbis in America were encouraged to deliver sermons that related the themes of Pesach with fight for Civil Rights complete with references to the recent voting rights march in Selma.

15th of Nisan, 5728(1968): For the first time, Pesach is observed in a unified Jerusalem

2020: Using Facebook, The YIVO Institute is scheduled to host “Beethoven in the Yiddish Imagination.

2020: Live on Zoom, the Leo Baeck Institute is scheduled to host “Overcoming the Present – A Virtual Salon with Max Czollek.

2020: Live on Zoom, the American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to host “Laughter is the Best Medicine: Virtual Comedy Show with K-von.”

2020: A reading on Zoom of the names for Holocaust Remembrance Day, followed by a commemorative program which is scheduled to be presented by S.F.-based JFCS Holocaust Center in partnership with many organizations.

2020: Three Berkeley, CA synagogues are scheduled to host a “Virtua Yom Hashaoh Commemoration” featuring Holocaust “survivor Ernst Valfer talking about the trauma of children separated from their parents.”

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to present “The Soap Myth: Play and Webinair” with Dr. Michael Berenbaum, Ira Forman, Jeff Cohen, Ed Asner and Tovah Feldshuh.

2020: This evening as Yom HaShoah begins the Board of Deputies of British Jews is scheduled to host “a virtual National Holocaust Commemoration marking the 75th anniversary of the end of the Shoah and the liberation of Bergen Belsen” by the British Army.

2021: YIVO is scheduled to present a discussion of Judy Batalion's new book, The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos led by Andrew Silow-Carroll.

2021: In what shopkeepers in Israel see as welcome opportunity, “Ramadan, when Muslims refrain for eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset and gather for festive break-fast meals and to exchange gifts at night, is scheduled to kick off today. (As reported by Mohammad Al-Kassim/The Media Line)

2021: LBI is scheduled to hostGriselda Pollock (University of Leeds, UK) who will be in conversation with Kerry Wallach (Gettysburg College, PA) about the work and life of the Berlin-born Jewish artist, Charlotte Salomon who was murdered at Auschwitz at the age of 26.

2021: Professor Marc Michael Epstein, is scheduled to begin his course exploring the relationship between Jews and art throughout history at the London School of Jewish Studies.



This Day, April 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


 April 21

753 BCE: According to tradition, on this date Romulus and Remus founded Rome.  Considering the impact that Rome would have on the Jewish people this date is worth noting. 

586: Ricard I became King the Visigoth King of Hispania.  “A year later converted from Arianism to Catholicism, which changed the nature of life in Iberia in the same way that Constantine's conversion had changed things in the Roman Empire. Recared approved the Third Council of Toledo's move in 589 to forcibly baptize the children of mixed marriages between Jews and Christians. Toledo III also forbade Jews from holding public office, from having intercourse with Christian women, and from performing circumcisions on slaves or Christians. Still, Recared was not entirely successful in his campaigns: not all Visigoth Arians had converted to Catholicism; the unconverted were true allies of the Jews, oppressed like themselves, and Jews received some protection from Arian bishops and the independent Visigothic nobility.”

629: Emperor Heraclius marched into Jerusalem at the head of his army. Heraclius was head of the Eastern Roman Empire.  During the fifth and sixth centuries the Christian rulers tried to make life for Jews in Palestine as difficult as possible.  Heraclius was defeated by the Persians and the Jews sided with the Persians who were viewed as liberators.  The joy was short lived as the Christians re-took the land from the Persians and punished the Jews severely.  Ultimately all of this matter very little since the Arabs would soon appear in Palestine and Islam would become the dominate force.

1073: Pope Alexander II passed away. In 1063, Pope Alexander II had given his blessing to Iberian Christians in their wars against the Muslims, granting both a papal standard and an indulgence to those who were killed in battle. This was another act in the battle between Moslems and Christians for control of Spain.  The Jews were caught in the middle and their fortunes fluctuated over the centuries.  In hindsight, this was really just one more step in the long path that led to the expulsion in 1492.

1481(13thof Iyar, 5241): Jews of Seville burned at the stake

1499: The New Christians, including those who had been forcibly baptized, are forbidden to leave Portugal.

1500: Today “seaweed was spotted by sailors serving in the fleet under the command of Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral who was accompanied by Gaspar da Gama, a Polish born Jew whose slave name had been Yusuf ‘Adil before being forcibly converted to Christianity, which led them to believe they were near land.

1506: Three days of anti-Semitic rioting ends in Lisbon, Portugal where two thousand Jews were killed by the mobs.

1509: Henry VII, King of England passed away.  Henry negotiated the marriage between his son, the Catherine of Aragon, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain (the monarchs who had expelled the Jews from Spain).  One of the terms of the marriage was that the Jews would never be allowed to return to England.  If Henry had not agreed to this term, the marriage would not have taken place. 

1564 Thomas Lorkin the father-in-law of Edward Lively, the Regius Professor of Hebrew at Cambridge and considered “the greatest of Hebraist, was created Regius Professor of Physic;

1574: Fifty-four year old Cosimo de’ Medici whose record regarding the Jews was a mixed bag passed away today. On the one hand in “1551 he had issued an invitation to merchants from the Levant, including Jews, to settle in Tuscany and do business there and in 1557 he gave asylum to Jewish refugees from the Papal States while refusing to implement the anti-Jewish restrictions issued by Pope Paul IV “or to hand over the Jews to the Inquisition.  On the other hand, “he yielded to Papal pressure” ordering the burning of the Talmud and “rigorously applying the requirement the Jews wear the distinctive ‘Jews Badge.’” (Jewish Virtual Library)

1585(22nd of Nisan, 5345): Sixteenth century Salonica born Rabbi Moses ben Joseph di Trani (Mabit) passed away in Safed.


1619:Shlomo Ephraim ben Aaron Luntschitz, who was born at Lenczyk in 1550 and who studied with Solomon Luria in Lublin before being appointed rabbi of Prague in 1604 passed away today

1649: The Toleration Act was passed by the Maryland Assembly. It protected Roman Catholics within the American colony against Protestant harassment, which had been rising as Oliver Cromwell's power in England increased.  Maryland had been founded under the Catholic Calvert family.  They were trying to create a refuge for English Catholics.  The Jews benefited from what was a clash between different branches of Christianity.

1729: Birthdate of Catherine the Great, Tsarina of Russia from 1762 to 1796.   Under Catherine, Russia took part in the three-way partition of Poland which gave Russia its large Jewish population.  At first, her treatment of her new Jewish subjects was fairly tolerant.  She saw them as an economic asset.  But in her later years she succumbed to the demands of Christian merchants and began to tighten the noose around the neck of the Jews.  In the end, she laid the groundwork for the creation of what came to be known as The Pale of Settlement.

1767(22nd of Nisan, 5527): Eighth Day of Pesach

1769(14th of Nisan, 5529: Ta’anit Bechorot; erev Pesach

1769: The group of Spanish soldiers and priests continues their northward trek towards California bring the Inquisition to the Pacific Coasts.

1772(18th od Nisan, 5532): Fourth Day of Pesach

1775(21st of Nisan, 5535): Seventh Day of Pesach

1775: Rebel forces, now serving under General Artemas Ward, began to extend their lines around Boston in what would become the eleven month siege of Boston.

1778: In Savannah, GA, Sarah De La Motta and Levi Sheftall who were married in 1768 at St. Croix, the bride’s home island, gave birth to Rachel Sheftall.

1787: In Georgetown, SC, Bella Moses and Samuel Cohen who had been wed in 1786 in the bride’s hometown of Charleston gave birth to Divinah Cohen, the wife of Isaac Minis with whom she had sixteen children.

1797: Birthdate of Joseph Defflis who passed away at the age of 13 months after which he was buried at the Bray Street Jewish Cemetery.

1799(16th of Nissan, 5559): Second Day of Pesach

1799: Having defeated an Ottoman Army five days ago, French forces continued their siege of Acre while waiting for field guns that could breach the walls.

1800: In Amsterdam, Eva Gompertz and Abraham Benjamin Cohen gave birth to Charles Cohen.

1805(22nd of Nisan, 5565): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1805: Birthdate of Sir Culling Eardley Eardley, 3rd baronet, a Christian evangelical who was, on his mother’s side of the family, the great-grandson of Jewish financier Sampson Gideon and a financial support of the Jaffa-Jerusalem railway.

1808: The name of Raphael Bischoffsheim was included on a list dated today that “included…the twenty-five foremost Jews” in the city of Mayence. The authorities were to chose the representatives for Napoleon’s Sanhedrin from the names on that list.  Born in 1773, at Bischofsheim-on-the-Tauber, he went to Mayence during the French Revolution, and from a small merchant became a purveyor to the army. Bischoffsheim was president of the Jewish community of Mayence prior to his death in 1814.

1813(21st of Nisan, 5573): Seventh Day of Pesach

1813(21st of Nisan, 5573): Pinkus Landau, the Polish born son of Wolf and Estera Landau, the husband of Rozla Landau and the father of Icek Lanau passed away today.

1814: Birthdate of Brigitte Simon, the husband of Hartvig Abraham Von Essen the mother of Ferdinand and Ida Frederikke Von Essen.

1818(15th of Nisan, 5578): Pesach

1822(30th of Nisan, 5582): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1822: Abraham ben Simon married Beila bat Simhah HaLevi at the Western Synagogue.

1822: Two days after he had passed away Abrahm Hart, the father of Hyman Hart, was buried today at the “Lauriston Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1823: At “Old Change, Cheapside,” Rose and Barnet Salomons gave birth to Julia Salomons who passed away two months after her third birthday.

1826(14th of Nisan, 5585): Ta’anit Bechorot; erev Pesach

1827: Esther Gabriel Nunes Da Costa and Jacob Samuel Suhami gave birth to Rachel Jacob Suhami.

1833: In London James Graham Lewis and his wife gave birth to George Lewis who would become a successful lawyer known to posterity as Sir George Henry Lewis, 1st Baronet, whose first wife Victorine Kahn, the daughter of Philip Kahn of Frankfort, passed away his 32nd birthday after which he married Elizabeth Eberstadt, the daughter of Ferdinand Eberstadt of Manheim Germany

1836: Three days after he had passed away, 7 year old John Cohen, the son of Isaac and Sara Cohen was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1836: Texans under the command of General Sam Houston defeated the Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacinto which resulted in Mexican recognition of the Republic of Texas. Among the Jews who served with Houston was Dr. Albert Moses Levy, the Surgeon in Chief for this fledgling force.  Adolphus Sterne was a friend of Houston from their days in Tennessee and he helped raise funds for the Texans.

1840: Birthdate of Asher (Arthurd) Simhah Weissmann, the native of Galicia who served as director of two different Jewish schools before settling in Vienna where he pursued a literary career that included workds on “cremation according to the Bible and Talmud” and “the canonization of the of the Books of the TaNach.”

1843:Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, the sixth son of George III (the one who lost the 13 colonies) who “became a Patron of the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum, later to become the charity known as Norwood” and who supported legislation to remove “the civil liabilities of Jews” passed away today.

1846: Formation of the United Order of True Sisters

1849: In Paris, of Nathé Weil and Adèle Weil gave birth to Jeanne Clemence Weil who became Jeanne Clemence Proust when she married Dr. Adrien Proust with whom she had two children, Marcel Proust and Robert Proust

1853: In London, Ann Davis and Solomon Hyman Cohen gave birth to Louisa Cohen

1856(16th of Nisan, 5616): On the same day Jews observed the Second Day of Pesach, in Melbourne, “building workers agitated for the eight-hour day.”

1858:As of this date, records show that the Association for the Free Distribution of Matzos to the Poor had spent a grand total of $691.87 to ensure that indigent Jews would have unleavened bread to celebrate the recently completed Passover holiday.

1860: In “From Southern Africa” published today it was reported that “The Jews of the Cape had subscribed £183 for the benefit of their suffering brethren in Morocco. Where is the place in the wide world to which the Jew does not penetrate?”

1860: A letter to the editor published today from a former prizefighter recounts the history of pugilism in England and the United. It included the following positive description of Jewish skill in the ring. ‘”In spite of their muscle, their undoubted courage, and admitted pugnacity, no Irishman has ever long held a distinguished place in the Ring. The Jews, on the other hand, not famous for any of these qualities, have always, from the days of Menodoza and Aby Belasco, had a good position, and like their great countryman, Judas Maccabeus, have "made battles and been renowned in the uttermost part of the earth." [Mendoza is the 18thcentury British fighter Daniel Mendoza.  Belasco was a well-known fighter in “the post Mendoza era.”]

1861: It was reported today that in his study of the synchronisms of ancient Assyrian and Egyptian History, Sir Henry Rawlinson has discovered “the first clear account of a conflict between the Egyptians and the Assyrians occurs in the reign of Sargon, (B.C. 721- 702,) who was, as we know from the Bible, the King who carried away the Jews captives from Samaria.”

1864(15th of Nisan, 5624); First day of Pesach

1864: Isaac J. Levy, a Confederate Soldier serving with the 46th Virginia Infantry participated in a Seder at Adams Run South Carolina.  Levy would later admit that he was confused as to the date of the start of the holiday.  (As an example of the confusion that can take place in reporting events, Abraham Bloch described Levy as being a Union soldier)

1864: Birthdate of Max Weber.  Born in Germany, Weber was one of the fathers of modern sociology.  He was also a noted economist and historian. "Weber was among those who believed that modern capitalism was the product of religious notions, variously termed the Protestant work ethic and the Calvinist salvation panic...He also believed that Jewish businessmen, like Calvinist ones, tended to operate most successfully when they had left their traditional religious environment."   Obviously, some of his ideas are open to debate based on historical evidence.  But he was an intellectual giant regardless of whether or not you agree with his theories.  He passed away in 1920.

1865(21stof Nisan, 5625): Seventh Day of Pesach

1865(21stof Nisan, 5626: The former Victorine Kahn, the daughter of Philip Kahn, the wife of  Sir George Henry Lewis and mother of Alice Victorine Kahn, the wife of Abraham Lionel Hart, passed away today on her husband’s thirty-second birthday.

1865: In Albany, NY, the Argus published an account of Rabbi Max Schlesinger’s talk at Temple Anshe Emeth expressing his feelings about the assassination of President Lincoln and the decision of Congregation to hold services three times on the day of Lincoln’s funeral, “first at 6 a.m. for morning prayers, at 10 a.m. for a sermon by Rabbi Gotthold and at 6 p.m. for evening prayers.”

1865(21stof Nisan, 5625): Twenty-five year old Victorine Kann, the first wife of Sir George Lewis died today shortly after having given birth to their daughter Alice Victorine Lewis.

1866: Birthdate of San Francisco native and University of California graduate Julius Wangenheim, “a bridge engineer for the Southern Pacific Railroad and San Diego wholesale grocer who was instrumental in developing Balboa Park and other civic endeavors in San Diego.



1866: Birthdate of Prussian Army officer and American and German journalist Eduard Golbeck, the husband of Lina Abarbanell, the German soprano who was a descendent of Sephardic Jews from Bulgaria and the father-in-law of composer Marc Blitzstein.

1868: Birthdate of Vilna native Rabbi Louis Lazerow, the “founder of Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol on Rutgers Street in New York” and author of “32 religious works” including “The Voice of Judea” and “The Jewish Speaker” who was the husband of “the former Sarah Kaplan” and the father of three daughters and two sons – Samuel and Elihu, “a high school teacher in Brooklyn” passed away todayhttps://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1939/07/23/113357070.html?action=click&contentCollection=Archives&module=ArticleEndCTA&region=ArchiveBody&pgtype=article

1870(20thof Nisan, 5630): Sixth day of Pesach

1870: Birthdate of University of North Carolina trained lawyer Angus W. McClean who in 1926 while serving as Governor “issued a proclamation urging all the leaders of public thought, non-Jews as well as Jews, throughout the State to volunteer their services to help raise North Carolina’s quota of $200,000 which is the state’s part in the national United Jewish Campaign.

1871(30th of Nisan, 5631): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1871: In New York, Bernard Werner and his wife gave birth to lithographer Simon Werner, the Paris trained artist whose “drawings and illustrations” appeared in many popular magazines including Harper’s and Ladies’ Home Journal and whose paintings were “exhibited at the National Academy of Design.”

1875(16thof Nisan, 5635): Second Day of Pesach

1878: In Podrovnah, Russia, Rabbi Baruch Schneur and Zelda Rachel Schneerson gave birth to Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, the father of the seventh and last Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.


1880: In New York, Matilde (de Perkiewicz) and Max Liebling gave birth to soprano Estelle Liebling, one of the most influential teachers of singing in America

1880: For the fiscal year that ended today, the Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum had receipts totaling a little more than $35,000 and had made expenditures of $12, 327.34.

1880: In Prague, Barbara / Babette Bondy and Jakob Bondy gave birth to Bertha Fried

1880: Benjamin Disraeli completed his second and final term as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

1881(22nd of Nisan, 5641): 8th day of Pesach

1881(22ndof Nisan, 5641): “Jurist, publicist and scholar, Wolfgang Wessely who had been born in Moravia in 1801 passed away today in Vienna.


1882: Based on information first published in The Allegemeine Zeitung, it was reported today that troops in the Russian city of Balte joined in the plundering of the Jewish population instead of protecting it. Forty Jews were injured in the riots, an unknown number of which later died.  A thousand homes were destroyed and damage is estimated to be in excess of 4,500,000 rubles.

1883: Birthdate of Russian native Arnold K. Isreeli, the editor of newspapers in St. Petersburg and Constantinople who in 1911 came to the United States where he continued working as a newspaper editor before becoming the advertising manager for General Motors and an active Zionist while raising a family with his wife, “the former Sara Weitz Rubinstein.”


1883(14th of Nisan, 5643): Shabbat HaGadol; Erev Pesach

1884: Three men were arrested tonight in Nashville, TN on charges that they took part in the assault that left a Jewish citizen named Meyer Friedman beaten to death.

1884: The Board of Estimate and Apportionment met today and awarded funds to a variety of charitable institutions including the United Hebrew Charities of the City of New York ($8,500),   Mount Sinai Hospital and Dispensary (4,250) and the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews (1,820).

1884: The New York Times reported on the plans being developed by the Jewish community to celebrate the 100th birthday of Sir Moses Montefiore which will take place in October.  Leaders of the community are calling for the establishment of Home for Chronic Invalids named in the philanthropist’s honor.  In addition to raising funds to construct the building, the community will have to raise $20,000 a year to operate the home.

1885: In Romania. “Joseph and Yetta (Berman) Zingher gave birth to Cornell trained physician and bacteriologist Abraham Zingher, the WW I Medical Corps Veteran who died prematurely under unusual circumstances



1886: It was reported today that oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller has gone to New York to meet with those holding the mortgage on the University of Chicago.  Rockefeller has taken an interest in creating a course that will lead to solvency for the school provided that Professor H.L. Harper would be named President of the school. Harper’s area of academic expertise is the Hebrew language of which he is a professor.  At this point in America, the only people interested in Hebrew were a handful of Jews and academics teaching Biblical topics at Protestant dominated colleges.

1886(16th of Nisan, 5646): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1889: A report published today described the transformation of a German Jewish intellectual named Emin Bey into Emin Pasha a Moslem leader ruling over a large swath of central Africa.  Much of the information was supplied by Henry Stanley, the same man who “found” Dr. Livingston.

1890(1st of Iyar, 5650): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1890: Lucie Hadamard, married Alfred Dreyfus.

1890: Alfred Dreyfus is accepted at the Ecole Superiore de Guerre (Superior War College), the prestigious French military school designed to train the elite members of the French officer corps.  Dreyfus will graduate 9th in his class but his final evaluation will be marred by the entries of an anti-Semitic French general.

1890: Birthdate of Silesian native and decorated member of Austria’s World War I Army, Benno Landsberger, a leading Assyriologist who like so many of his generation had his career “interrupted by the rise of the Nazis

1891: Rosa Gombesky a young Russian Jewish immigrant who jumped from a fires-escape to the street when the tenement at 194 Henry Street caught fire is being treated at Gouverneur Hospital for the serious injuries she has suffered.

1892: “A Moorish Jew, Joseph MIzrachee” was sentenced to 10 years for shooting Henry Pereira Mendes, the rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel.

1892: “Typhus Among the Russian Jews” published today described efforts by the Germans from preventing infected Russians from crossing the border.

1893: The Austrian Premier has informed the American government that it will not grant diplomatic recognition to Max Judd, the St. Louis Jew, whom President Grover Cleveland appointed as Counsel General for the United States at Vienna.

1893: “Jewish Ministers Aroused” published today described the action being taken by Christian organizations to convert Jews and the response of the Jewish community including that of Temple Beth Israel’s Rabbi Lustiwig who said “The trouble is that we have provided sufficient instruction for our people in the Jewish faith. The introduction of Friday night and Sunday night lectures to take the pace of Saturday services has done no good to Judaism.  While it may be well enough to have lectures at other times than Saturdays, we should above all other things observe Saturday and all of our synagogues should be supplied with minsters who will impress upon the people the importance of Bible subjects.” (Editor’s note – This was from a reform rabbi at a Reform Temple) 

1894(15thof Nisan, 5654): Pesach\1894: Today as Jews munch on their matzah the bituminous coal strike that had come during the four year-long Panic of 1893 came to an end and Norway formally adopted the Krag–Jørgensen bolt-action rifle as the main arm of its armed forces, a weapon that would remain in service for almost 50 years

1895: Professor Felix Adler delivered a lecture on “The Ten Commandments: at Carnegie Hall” this morning

1895: “The Trustees of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, which is controlled by the Hebrew Benevolent Society, held their annual meeting” this morning.

1895: “Care of Hebrew Orphans” published today described the origins and growth of Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum which opened its doors fifteen years ago.

1895: Birthdate of Alexander Raymond Katz, the Hungarian born “painter and muralist’ who in 1910 came to the United States where he studied at the Art Institute in Chicago and gained fame as being “among the first Jewish artists to receive the approval of Orthodox rabbis for his interpretive handling of such subjects as the Ten Commandments” while raising two children, Joan and Donald, with his wife “the former Elsie Engel.”



1896(7th of Iyar, 5656): Baron Maurice de Hirsch passed away at his estate in Pressburg, Hungary.  While the name of Baron Hirsch may be unfamiliar to many living in the 21st century, he was one of the great philanthropists his time.  The Baron (and he really was a Baron) was part of an established, extremely wealthy family.  The Baron funded a variety of charities many of which were designed to provide relief for the sufferings Jews of Russia and Eastern Europe.  He donated great sums to establish agricultural communities in North and South America including Argentina, Canada and rural areas of the United States. 


1896: Oscar S. Straus, who had served as U.S. Minister to Turkey told a reporter from the New York Times that “It was my good fortune to enjoy the personal acquaintance of Baron de Hirsch and my recollections of him, while tinged with sorrow at his sudden death, are of the pleasantest kind.

1896: Léon Say, who had worked on the on the Northern Railway Company which was owned by his friend Alphonse de Rothschild and who had supported Rothschild’s fight to maintain bimetallism while serving as Minister of Finance passed away today.

1897(19thof Nisan, 5657): Fifth Day of Pesach

1897: Three days after war broke between the Ottoman Empire, today the Jews of Salonika which was still a part of the Ottoman domain munched on their Matzah, heavy fighting began in Thessaly

 1898: As the United States and Spain drifted into war after the sinking of the Maine, “Spain severed diplomatic relations with the United States and the U.S. Navy began a blockade of Cuba.” Fifteen of the sailors who died on the Battleship Maine were Jewish.  Approximately 5,000 Jews served as volunteers in the military during the war.  A sixteen year old Jewish trooper was the first casualty among Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders

1899: “Dreyfus Case Evidence” published today summarized the 24 columns of coverage The Figaro devoted to the coverage of “testimony offered before the Court of Cassation in the Dreyfus revision inquiry” including the statement by Major Forzinetti who was the Director of the Chereche-Midi Prison in 1894 that “Dreyfus consistently and persistently protested his innocence” and declared “that his only crime was in having been born a Jew.”

1900(22nd of Nisan, 5660): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat; Yizkor recited for the first time in the 20th century.

1900: It was reported today that Cobwebs “the famous Chestnut gelding” driven by Nathan Straus was
in prime condition” but was carrying “a trifle too much flesh for speeding” when last seen at “the Speedway.”

1901” “The Jewish King Lear,” published described plans for “a performance of the Jewish ‘King Lear’ and his company which will be give at the People’s Theatre…for the benefact of the Seward Park Playground.”

1902(14th of Nisan, 5662): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1902: In New York, as Jews sit down to their Seders, they do not have to worry about being able to buy supplies during the hoiday because Mayor Low has told the authorities not to enforce the Sunday closing laws during the holiday.

1903: Herzl arrived in London as he continued to his quest to get support from leading British political leaders and prominent English Jews for a Jewish homeland.

1904: “The resolution by Representative Goldfogle of New York to secure the recognition of United States passports when presented by American citizens in Russia without regard to their religious faith was adopted by the House to-day without dissent, having been unanimously recommended by the Foreign Affairs Committee.”

1905(16th of Nisan, 5665): Second Day of Pesach

1905(16th of Nisan, 5665):Meyer Kayserling a German-born rabbi who held pulpits in Switzerland and Hungary passed away in Budapest. Born in 1829, Kayersling was a noted historian and prolific author.


1906(26th of Nisan, 5666):Parashat Shmini

1906: In Moscow, at the Congress of Monarchists publisher Valdimir Gringmuth…”declared that ‘Holy Russia’ must be saved from the Revolutions” whose “chief conspirators” include “Jewish rabbis.”

1907: Birthdate of Zuromin, Poland native and Hebrew scholar Elchanan Indelman who in 1947 came to the United States where he continued to write Hebrew and Yiddish poetry while raising his two daughter Alta and Esther with his wife Leah.


1908: Birthdate of Berlin native Alfred Loew who gained fame as the American record executive and co-founder with Max Margulis  of Blue Note Records

1909(30th of Nisan, 5669): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1909(30th of Nisan, 5669): Eighty year old Edward Salomon, the 8th governor of the state of Wisconsin passed away today.



1910(12th of Nisan, 5670): Ta’anit Bechorot

1910: Tonight, Reverend Thomas M. Chalmers of the Jewish Evangelical Society of New York City refused to discuss the Mayor’s rejection of his request “for a license to preach for the conversion of Jews to Christianity…in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn.”

1911: Birthdate of Bronx born Leonard Warenoff, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants who gained fame as Leonard Warren, a leading baritone with the Met who died suddenly while singing with his Richard Tucker another of the Jewish immigrants who was a giant in the world of opera.


1912: “The year-old Wager Earners’ League for Woman Suffrage” whose co-founders included Clara Lemlich and Rose Schneiderman “held its first mass rally today at New York’s Cooper Union’s Great Hall of the People.”

1912: Rabbi Stephen Wise, assisted by Rabbi Emil Hirsch of Chicago, is scheduled to lead a memorial service at Carnegie Hall this morning honoring those who lost their lives when the Titanic sank.

1912: In Minneapolis, “Isadore and Molly (Edelman) Davis” gave birth to University of Minnesota trained attorney and WW II veteran Julius E. Davis, the husband of Lillian Stacia Kropman and father of Lawrence and Stephen Davis.

1912: In speaking about the sinking of the Titanic, Rabbi Joseph Silverman says, “"Not God was responsible for this great disaster but the imperfection of human knowledge and judgment."

1913: Tonight, Reverend Thomas M. Chalmers of the Jewish Evangelical Society refused to comment on his application “for a license to preach for the conversion of Jews to Christianity” on street corners in the sections of Manhattan, Brownsville and Brooklyn that have large Jewish populations or on Mayor William J. Gaynor’s letter rejecting his request.  In his letter rejecting the petition Gaynor wrote, “Do you not think the Jews have a good religion?  Have not the Christians appropriated the entire Jewish sacred scriptures?  Was not the New Testament also written entirely written by Jews?  Was not Jesus also born of the Jewish race, if I may speak of it with due reverence?  Did not we Christians get much or the most of what we have from the Jews?  Why should anyone work so hard to proselytize the Jew?  His pure belief in the one true living God …is one of the unbroken lineages and traditions of the world.  I do not think I should give you a license to preach for the conversion of the Jews in the streets in the thickly settled Jewish neighborhoods which you designate.  Would you not annoy them and do more harm than good?” Gaynor had studied in a seminary as a young man.  He was a pillar of the community who surprised everybody by standing up to the corruption of Tammany Hall. 


1913(14th of Nisan, 5673): Fast of the First Born

1913:“Feast of Passover Begins This Evening” published in the New York Times reports that at sunset this evening, the celebration of Pesach, the Feast of the Passover, will begin in the Jewish households throughout the world. Pesach is the Spring festival of the Jews and was specially ordained to commemorate the providential deliverance of the children of Israel from the bondage in which they had been held for many years under the Pharaohs of Egypt.”

1913(14th of Nisan, 5673): The Young Men’s Hebrew Association will be holding a seder tonight beginning at 7 o’clock which will be attended by many of the soldiers and sailors stationed at nearby forts and naval yards.

1913(14th of Nisan, 5673): Sixty-nine year old Isaac Aronwitz was the youngest person and 109 year old Ettel Polansky was the oldest person at the seder held at the Home of the Daughters of Jacob on East Broadway.

1914: The second annual track and field championships of the Metropolitan League of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association to plan tonight at the 69th Regiment armory where Edward Lindebaum failed to break the world’s record for the 35 foot rope climb.

1915: “Professor David G. Lyon of Harvard University gave an illustrated lecture on ‘The Samarian Excavations’ at the Menorah Society of Brown University.

1915(7th of Iyar, 5675): Eighty-one year old Abraham Berliner who served as professor of Jewish history and literature at Israel Hildesheimer’s Yeshiva in Berlin while publishing an acclaimed edition of Rashi’s commentary on the Pentateuch and bringing new life to the Mikitze Nirdamin, “a society for the publication of old Hebrew books and manuscripts that were either never published or long out of print” passed away today. 

1915: In London, Sarah and Abraham Goodman Jacobs gave birth to Henry Jacobs

1915: Seventy Jews from Palestine arrived in Alexandria. They described the conditions in Jerusalem as terrible, with many people dying from starvation. An eyewitness account from the village of Mea She’arim in Jerusalem tells of the conditions:


"My God…I never imagined that such wretched poverty really exists and that there really are such dark and filthy corners…. old men and women bloated with hunger. Children with an expression of horror, the devastation of hunger written on their faces…" This is an example of how the fate of the Jewish homeland was tied up in the game of international power politics.  Palestine was part of the Turkish Empire.  The Turks were at war with the Allies including the British who sought to take Palestine as a way to defend the Suez Canal; the French who wanted colonies in that part of the Turkish Empire that is now Syria and Lebanon; and the Russians who wanted to take control of the Dardanelles and the Black Sea away from the Turks. A large percentage of the Jewish population in Palestine had Russian origins.  While many of the Jews in Palestine were willing to fight on the side of the Turks, the Turks viewed the Jews as Russians or English sympathizers.  There was more than a little truth to the Turkish view of things.  At any rate, as the war dragged on, the Turks worked to make life miserable for the Jews and the Jews became more sympathetic to the Allied cause.


1916(18th of Nisan, 5676): Fourth Day of Pesach

1916: Dr. S. M. Melamed said today that The American Jewish Chronicle, a soon to published new publication, said today it “would not in any sense be pro-German, but that it would give all the news of Jewry without reference to race or religious differences.”

1916: It was reported today that one women in Kansas City have each pledged “to donate a dollar a month to the Women’s Division of the Central Jewish Relief Committee” for as longs the World War lasts.

1916: Today, in New York, “County Clerk Schneider received a letter from Louis Schaffer, manager of the Naturalization Aid League” in which he wrote “Permit us to thank you for the very splendid arrangements your office made for the Passover week in order to accommodate the hundreds of Jews in this city who applied for naturalization papers.”

1917(29th of Nisan, 5677): Parashat Shmini

1917: Rabbi M.H. Harris is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The Work That Is Blessed” at Temple of Israel Harlem.

1917: Dr. Enelow is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “God’s Dwelling Place” at Temple Emanu-El

1917: Birthdate of Emanuel Vardi.  Born in Jerusalem Israel, Vardi became a world-class violist who was featured with the San Diego Symphony from 1978 to 1982.

1917: In a memorandum bearing today’s date (April 21, 1917) Lord Cecil, who was deputizing for Lord Balfour as Foreign Secretary during the Balfour Mission to America, wrote that:

‘I quite recognize the very great difficult of carrying out the Zionist policy involving as it does a strong preference for a British protectorate over Palestine. That seems to me to make it the more desirable to get France to join us in an expression of sympathy for Jewish Nationalist aspirations.’”

1917: A report published today from the Central Committee of the Bund in St. Petersburg concluded by saying “With one blow the Russian revolution has conquered Czarism, abolished all restrictions and opened a new page in Jewish history.  The liberation of the Jewish nation is in the faithful hands of the revolutionary Russian nation.”

1918(9thof Iyar, 5678): Lt. Frederick Adolphus Arron who had attended Uppingham and then Cambridge before enlisting died today while serving with the Royal Field Artillery.

1918: World War I: German fighter ace Manfred von Richthofen, known as "The Red Baron", is shot down and killed over Vaux-sur-Somme in France. Despite rumors to the contrary, the Red Baron was not Jewish.  According to film based on his life, one of his close friends was a Jewish pilot named Friedrich Sternberg who was shot down and killed during the war.  This would have made Sternberg one of over a hundred pilots who flew for the Kaiser during the Great War. Ironically, Richtofen’s death would result in Herman Goering, the future Nazi Number Two and head of the Luftwaffe, taking command of what was left of the famed Flying Circus.

1918: Dr. Schulman is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The War and American Ideals” at Temple Bethel.

1918: Dr. Isaac Alcalay, the Chief Rabbi of Serbia, is scheduled to deliver a talk on “The Jews of Serbia and of the Allied Countries” at Temple Emanu-El.

1918: At the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall, Dr. Wise is scheduled to speak on “Why the World’s Woe, Where the World’s Comfort? The Answer of Job.”

1918: Dr. Lissman is scheduled to serve as the Master of Ceremonies at the installation ceremony of Maxwell Sacks as Rabbi at Temple Israel of Washington Heights

1918: Birthdate of Stephen Theodore Norman, the only grandchild of Theodore Herzl.

1919(21stof Nisan, 5679): Seventh Day of Pesach

1919: In New York, the East Side is expected “secure $100,000,000 in subscriptions during the Victory Liberty Loan campaign opening today.

1919: Professor William E. Dodd of the University of Chicago History Department is scheduled to discuss “The Value of the League of Nations” during an open forum at the Sinai Social Center in Chicago.

1920: One of two dates in FSB archives for the death of Alexander Dubrovin, the founder of the anti-Semitic journal Russkoye Znamya who helped organized “the pogroms of the Black Hundreds.”

1920(3rdof Iyar, 5680): Seventy-eight year old Silesian born American artist Henry Mosler best known for his illustrations and the paintings of the Civil War passed away today in New York City.



1922: Final publication of The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger.

1922(23rdof Nisan, 5682): Seventy year old Philadelphia pawnbroker Abraham Henry Marcus the husband of Sophia Marcus and father of Bertha, Retta and Henry Marcus, the vaudevillian and “Pulp publisher” passed away today.

1924(17thof Nisan, 5684): Third Day of Pesach

1924: In Berlin, Johanna (Marcuse) Rothman and Max Rothman gave birth to Hans Rothman, who gained fame as John Rothman, the developer of the New York Times Information Bank, “a revolutionary system “that let computer users easily find journalism by The Times and dozens of other publications” and who raised two children with his Gertrude (Ullman) Rotham. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)


1924: Birthdate of MGM executive Daniel Melnick, who was producer of the television comedy hit, Get Smart


1925: In Little Rock, AR, Jesse Heiman and his wife gave birth to Max Adolph Heiman, the brother of Rose Heiman and Robert Jesse Heiman.

1926: Zeta Beta Tau fraternity announced today that “Rabbi Stephen S. Wise has been awarded the Gottheil medal ‘for distinguished service to the cause of Judaism.

1926: In Manhattan, Laurence Mayer and the former Mildred Miller gave birth to Roger Laurance Mayer a film executive who was instrumental in preserving and restoring countless classic movies and who owed his career, in a strange twist to anti-Semitism since he turned to movie production work only after having been turned down by several L.A. law firms because he was Jewish.


1927: In Manhattan, Isidor Brokaw, a lawyer who was wiped out in the Great Depression and the former Marie Hyde gave birth to Norman Robert Brokaw, the head of William Morris and driving force in the entertainment industry.


1927: Birthdate of Robert Brustein, Dean of the Yale School of Drama.

1928: “The Passion of Joan of Arc” a silent biopic based on the Joan’s trial filmed by cinematographer Rudolph Maté was released in Denmark today.

1929: Mark Eisner presided over a dinner tonight at the Biltmore which “marked the opening of campaign to raise one million dollars to be used for assistance to impoverished Jews of Eastern Europe” where attendees heard “messages from President Hoover, Professor Albert Einstein and former Governor Al Smith” as well as speeches by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the wife of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor Lehman.

1929: “To Honor Rabbi Loew” published today described the decision of “the Prague City Council…to name a street in the former Jewish quart of the city for Rabbi Jehuda Lowe-Bezalel, who is buried in the ancient Jewish cemetery” and who “was known to thousands of Americans through the film ‘The Golem; based on the novel by Gustav Maybrink.”

1930: Hank Greenberg made his major league baseball debut.

1931: Brooklyn outfielder Max Rosenfeld made his major league baseball debut.

1932: In Philadelphia, PA, “theater director/actor Jack Berlin and actress Ida (Aaron) Berlin” gave birth to Elaine Iva Berlin who gained fame as writer, director and comedian Elaine May.

1932: In New York City, Russian Jewish immigrant “Celia and Benjamin Melnick,” gave birth to “Daniel Melnick, a producer and studio executive who brought an innovative and often unconventional sensibility to films that included “Straw Dogs,” “All That Jazz” and “Altered States.”



1932(15th of Nisan, 5692): Pesach

1932: On the first day of Pesach Rabbi Rosenbaum of Temple Israel and Rabbi Katz of Montefiore Hebrew Congregation tied the current economic crisis to the themes of Passover.  Katz said that today, the entire social and economic structure is falling and that a return to the Mosaic system offers a source of salvation.  After gaining their freedom, the Jews were taught that periodically “they must emancipate those elements in the population who, because of lack of foresight or ability lose their status as self-supporting and self-respecting men, who, in other words relinquish their freedom because of economic compulsion.”  We must adopt a modern version of the Mosaic codes which in ancient times called for periodic redistribution of the land and those who sold themselves because of debt were freed.

1933: The slaughter of animals according to the rules of Kashrut was banned by the Nazis in Germany.  Nazi propaganda portrayed Jewish slaughtering customs as treating animals in an inhumane way.  Yes, the people who would butcher six million of our co-religionists actually hid behind the animal rights’ movement.  There were many Jewish butchers who defied the law as long as possible and continued to supply kosher meat to their observant customers.

1933: King Christian X of Denmark attended the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Crystal Synagogue in Copenhagen to demonstrate his sympathy for the Jews. This is the same King Christian who is the hero of a famous "urban legend."  According to the story he wore a Yellow Star during the war in support of his Jewish subjects.  While Christian showed great fortitude by staying with his people during the war and while the Danes protected their Jewish fellow citizens, the story of the star is a myth.  In fact, most of the Jews were not required to wear the star.  The important thing is the lengths to which the Danes went to protect the Jews.  If others had done as much, the Shoah would not have happened.

1933: “According to a cable message received today by The Jewish Morning Journal” in New York, “Baruch Schwartz, noted Jewish educator passed away at the age of 72 in Tel Aviv.  Born in the Ukraine, Schwartz was an early member of the Zionist movement.  His greatest contribution was his work to modernize the Hebrew language and the development of simplified methods of teaching what had been considered to be a “dead language.”  Schwartz made Aliyah in 1923 and had completed three volumes of his memoirs before he passed away. 

1934: In Vienna, Emmanuel and Lilly (Hillel) gave birth to Michael Shinagel who “grew up to be the longest-serving dean in Harvard’s 380-year history.


1934:  Moe Berg, catcher for the Washington Senators, played his 117th consecutive game without an error, setting a record for his position.  Moe Berg is one of the strangest and most fascinating of all baseball players.  Born to Russian immigrant parents on the Lower East Side in 1902, Berg graduated from Princeton magna cum laude with the ability to speak seven languages.  He also played shortstop for the Tigers.  Berg played for five teams during a fifteen year career.  He was labeled good field, no hit and was considered a good journeyman player.  What made him unique were his intellectual feats and the legends that surrounded them. He bought numerous papers each day which insisted on being the first to read.  If you grabbed a section of one of his papers before he had read it, he cast the paper aside because it was dead.  In the 1930's, Berg joined an All Star baseball team that made a barnstorming trip to Japan.  Berg was a strange choice since he certainly was not a star.  Beg did not join in the carousing and went off to be by himself.  It was only later, during World War II that people found out what Beg had been doing.  He spoke Japanese.  He wondered around taking pictures of Japan and some of these photographs were used by the Doolittle Raiders in 1942 to help them find their targets when America bombed Japan for the first time.  And this is only the tip of the ice berg or should I say Moe Berg.

1935: It was reported today that New York Governor Lehman has issued an appeal for contribution “to a fund for the relief and rehabilitation of European Jewry” which collecting $3,250,000 nationwide “to help the Jews from Germany and other lands to settle in Palestine.”

1935: In Pittsburgh, PA, “Lena (née Singer), who worked in the family store and volunteered for disabled veterans, and Theodore I. Grodin, who sold wholesale supplies” gave birth to actor and talk show host Charles Grodin.

1936: In Tel Aviv and Jaffa, Arabs riot to protest Jewish immigration to Palestine.  This was the beginning of two years of violence that would not end until 1939. Contrary to popular misconception, these riots were not a spontaneous expression of Arab feelings.  Arab leaders called for a general strike and a rebellion against the Mandate and in an effort to prevent Jewish immigration. Initially 80 Jews were murdered and 308 wounded.  By fall of 1939, over one hundred Jews had been killed in Arab attacks. The official Zionist policy at the time was “Havlagah”(self-restraint). In other words, the Jewish forces acted in self-defense.  They did not go out after their attackers nor did they stage attacks on Arab villages or centers of population.  The Arabs would succeed in their efforts.  In 1939, just prior to the start of World War II, the British government violated the terms of the Mandate and the Balfour Declaration by all but putting and end to Jewish immigration to Palestine and ending the purchase of land by Jews.  The British zealously enforced the ban on immigration which played a helpful role in the success of the Final Solution.

1936:  The funeral for six Jews who were murdered by Arab rioters in Tel Aviv yesterday was held at 6 o’clock this morning at the end of which all were buried in a common grave including one of the victims who was never identified.

1936: “The newspaper the Journal said in an editorial today that the disordered in Palestine between Jews and Arabs were Great Britain’s penalty ‘for supporting the Ethiopians against Italy.’”

1936: “Former Governor Alfred E. Smith, Postmaster General James A. Farley and Senator Royal S. Copeland joined today in an appeal for support for the drive of the Greater New York campaign of the Joint Distribution Committee which is seeking $1,500,000 as this New York City’s share of a $3,500,000 nation-wide fund for the aid of Jews in Germany and Central and Eastern Europe.


1936: Five Arab leaders who met with the British High Commissioner today said, “the rioting had been caused by the government’s refusal to forbid Jewish immigration and by the sale of land to Jews.”

1936: The Jews of Hebron who lived through the riots of 1929 when sixty-two Jews were murdered are now “safely sheltered in the Hadassah Hospital.”

1937: “Rabbi William F. Rosenblum of New York urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to reject” President Roosevelt’s court program saying “that the supreme judiciary is the rock of ages against which demagoguery and dictatorship alike will be dashed to pieces.”

1937: In Chicago, costume jeweler Sidney Kass and the former Celia Gorman gave birth to Jerome Kass, the author best known for the Emmy nominated “Queen of the Stardust Ballroom.”


1938: Germany issued a decree that effectively eliminated Jews from the nation's economy and provides for the seizure of Jewish assets.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that five Arab terrorists were killed when they attacked the Tel Amal police post and the neighboring Jewish settlement. One Arab constable was killed during the attack.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that Switzerland demanded that all foreign nationals and in particular Austrian refugees leave the country. The acquisition of land, or even a substantial financial investment could not any more serve as a reason to obtain a permit to remain on the Swiss soil. (This was aimed at Jewish refugees who sought safe haven in supposedly neutral Switzerland.  It is only one example of how the Swiss betrayed the much touted moral high ground of neutrality to ingratiate themselves with the Nazis at the expense of the Jews of Europe.)

1939: In a letter written from Germany to Max Marx in Palestine, Jenny Marx described the family’s desperate condition including Siegmund Mayer’s internment in a concentration, while thanking him for sending a picture of his new fiancée – a measure that seemed to fill her with hope for the future.

1940: “An assertion that America could learn from the lesson taught by the tragedy of Europe only if people were wise enough, patriotic enough, and united enough, was made by Governor Lehman in an address tonight at a dinner of the State Conference of the National Council of Jewish Women.”

1940: “In the cities of the Free Zone, especially in Marseille, which continues to harbor a very large number of refugees from all parts of Europe, it is understood that steps are being taken to take a census of all Jews. Identity papers are being examined in all instances and it seems clear that it is desired to prepare lists of various classes of Jews.”

1941 (24th of Nisan, 5701):  A mentally ill woman was forced by the sentries to dance by the barbed entrance to the Lodz Ghetto. When she was done they shot her dead. This unfortunate soul perished with no record of her name.  By mentioning the episode, she may remain nameless, but not unremembered. 

1942: Tonight, as part of “Operation Delay II,” the leader of a unit of British commandos that included Jewish wireless operation Edward Zeff and Captain Isidore Newman landed off the coast of the French Rivera and mad it successfully to #31 Avenue Marechal Foch, “the home of the Jewish Restiance leader Dr. Louis Levy (Louis of Antibes).

1942: “Nazis Concentrate All Dutch Jews in Amsterdam Ghetto” published today described how “Nazi officials in occupied Holland ae now moving the Jews from Dutch provincial towns into the Amsterdam ghetto under the pretext that they intend to make Amsterdam “a port of exodus for Jews from Europe” and that the “Supervision of these Dutch Jews has been entrusted to the German police only, since the Nazis have found the Ductich police to be ‘overly-sympathetic’ to the Jews.”

1943: Sixty-eight year old Austrian biologist Hans Leo Prizbram and his wife who had fled to “Amsterdam in December 1939” were deported today to Theresienstadt where he died in 1944.

1944: It was reported today that Max Zaritsky, the president of the United Hatters, Caps and Millinery Workers Union of America and Chairman of the Palestine union committee released a letter from Philip Murray, the President of the CIO expressing his support for the American Jewish Trade Union Committee of which he is now serving as honorary co-chairman.

1945: In St. Louis, MO, Nathan and Bluma (Rubin) Schwartz gave birth author Howard Schwartz whose efforts have him the Koret Jewish Book Award and the National Jewish Book Award.

1945: Birthdate of director and screenwriter Nadav Levitan, a native of Kibbutz Kfar Masayrk



1945: In Montreal, Abe Wainberg, a glassware company employee and his wife Fay gave birth to Mark Arnold Wainberg, the microbiologist who played a key role in developing treatment for AID’s patients.


1945: Robert Limpert who had been brutally hung in the Bavarian town of Ansbach for courageously trying to sabotage the Nazis in the waning days of WW II was buried today.

1946 (20th of Nisan, 5706): On the 6thDay of Pesach, five Jews, each of them a concentration-camp survivor, motoring near Nowy Targ, Poland, were stopped at a mock police checkpoint and shot to death. The oldest victim was 35, one was 25, and the remaining three were 22.

1946: The Palestine civil service strike gained new support when “municipal workers in Nazareth and employees of the Trans-Jordan railways walked out in sympathy with the other strikers.”

1946: Thirty-five year old Wisconsin native Morrie “Snooker” Aronvich the outfielder who “kept kosher for his whole life” ended his seven year major league baseball career today as a player with the New York Giants.

1947(1stof Iyar, 5707): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1947(1stof Iyar, 5707): Nineteen year old British Army veteran and Irgun member Meir Feinstein and twenty year old Moshe Barazani blew themselves up with a handgrenade hours before they were scheduled to be hung in the Jerusalem Central Prison.

1948(12thof Nisan, 5708): Seventy-three year old Gomel born, Columbia educated physician Nicholas Dobkin passed away today in Brooklyn

1948: In “Big Convoy Fights Way To Jerusalem” Dana Adams Schmidt described the attack by the Arabs at Deir Ayoub on the 260 vehicles bring food and other supplies to the besieged Jewish community which last for a full day claiming the lives of five members of the Haganah leaving another twenty four wounded.”

1948: It was reported today “Trans-Jordan’s Arab Legion and other Arab regular armies would soon invade Palestine” and that “the Arab League’s Political Committee had decided to set up a government claiming sovereignty over all of Palestine.”

1948: The British government in Palestine denied that any promises had been made guaranteeing “Jws access to the Wailing Wall…during the” upcoming “Passover festival” – a claim disputed by the Zionists.

1949(22nd of Nisan, 5709): 8th day of Pesach

1951(15thof Nisan, 5711): As UN Forces fight the Chinese and the North Korean forces trying to conquer South Korea, the Jews observe Pesach and Shabbat.

1953: Roy Cohn and G. David Schine, two of Senator Joseph McCarthy's chief aides, recommend the removal of 30,000 books from the libraries of the United States Information Service posts in Europe, including works by Dashiell Hammett, W. E. B. Du Bois, Herman Melville, John Steinbeck and Henry David Thoreau, calling them "pro-Communist.”  Not all Jews, even ones who were New York born lawyers, were liberals.  This also puts the lie to the notion that all Jews were Communists.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that on the occasion of Israel's sixth birthday, the President, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, ordered the release of eight prisoners and reduced the sentences of about a hundred others. Nazareth and Arab villages in Galilee were richly decorated with flags of the State. Arab and Druze notables participated in the Haifa march-past army parade and other celebrations.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that diplomatic steps were taken in an urgent effort to improve the deteriorating conditions on Israeli borders, troubled by a continued infiltration, murder, theft and sabotage.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel accused Egypt of an act of piracy when three Israeli fishing smacks were stopped and searched, in international waters, by an Egyptian corvette.

1954: Danny Kaye was appointed UNICEF's Ambassador at Large, and made a 40,000 mile good-will trip, which resulted in the short, Assignment Children.

1956(10thof Iyar, 5716): Seventy-one year David Samuel Gottesman, the son of Sarah and Mendel Gottesman and “husband of Jeanne Regina Gottesman” passed away today.

1956(10thof Iyar, 5716): Samuel Gottesman, the “Hungarian-born, American pulp-paper merchant, financier and philanthropist” who best known for “the donation of the so-called Dead Sea Scrolls to the State of Israel, where they are housed in the Shrine of the Book” passed away today.

1958(1st of Iyar, 5718): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1958: At Treblinka, the construction of a monument 8 metres (26 ft) tall was inaugurated today with the laying of the cornerstone at the site of the former gas chambers


1961: “Israel: The Man in the Cage, an article published” by Time magazine described the events at the Eichmann Trial


1962: “The Century 21 Exposition” also known as the Seattle World’s Fair for which Lawrence Halprin provided the “master landscaping plan” opened today

1964: Houston Third Baseman Steve Hertz appeared in his first major league baseball game.

1964: “Funeral services” are scheduled “to be held at Temple Rodeph Sholom” today “for Ben Hecht, American-Jewish author, journalist, playwright, and stormy petrel in the Zionist movement, who died suddenly at the age of 70.” (As reported by JTA)

1968: Bernard Gersten, a man who served in many theatrical capacities married a dancer named Cora Cahan.

1968(23rd of Nisan, 5728): Seventy-four-year-old Chicago native and Tufts Medical School graduate Dr. Benjamin Sachs, the ophthalmologist and member of the faculty of Tufts and Harvard who was the husband of Bessie Cushing Sachs and father of Baruch J. Sachs and Tikvah Sachs Portnoi passed away today after which he was buried in Beth El Cemetery at West Roxbury, MA.

1969: “The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail” co-authored by Jerome Lawrence (born Jerome Lawrence Schwartz) opened today for the first time at Ohio State University.

1970(15thof Nisan, 5730): Pesach

1971: Publication of The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, ‘a book by the American pianist and author Charles Rosen” that “analyses the evolution of style during the Classical period of classical music as it was developed through the works of Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven.

1974: After 538 performances and “two previews” the curtain came down on the original Broadway production of Neil Simon’s “The Sunshine Boys” produced by Emanuel Azenberg, directed by Alan Arkin and co-starring Sam Levene as “Lewis” and Jack Albertson as “Clark.”

1974(29th of Nisan, 5734): Seventy-one-year-old Vienna native Dr. Dora Karplus Hartmann, a psychoanalyst long associated with the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the widow of Dr. Heinz Hartmann passed away today.


1976(21stof Nisan, 5736): Seventh Day of Pesach

1976(21stof Nisan, 5736): Seventy-six year old Odessa born  Léonide Moguy “French director and screenwriter” whose birth name was Leonid Mohylevskyi  passed away today in Paris.

1977(3rd of Iyar, 5737):Yom HaAtzma'ut

1977(3rd of Iyar, 5737): Eighty-four year old Gummo [Milton] Marx passed away fifth son Minnie and Sam Marx. Born in either October 1892 or 18993, he is the Marx brother most people do not remember.  Although he and Groucho were the original performers in the family, Gummo left show business to join the Army.  He was replaced by Zeppo.  After the war, Gummo sold dresses and cloth.  He came back to show business, but not as a performer.  He was the agent for his famous brothers. 

1977: The original Broadway production of “Annie” with music by Charles Strouse, lyrics by Martin Charmin opened at the Alvin Theatre today.

1978:The Jerusalem Postreported that the Government and the Histadrut reached a mini-package anti-inflation deal, providing for a six-month freeze on taxes, prices and service charges, with an option to be extended for another six months.

1978:The Jerusalem Postreported that Israeli authorities had recently been looking into the possibility of curbing what was termed as an increased partisan activity by the too inquisitive foreign diplomats in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

1979(24thof Nisan, 5739): On Shabbat, in Nahariya, terrorists attacked an apartment building killing four people including two children and injuring four others.

1983: “The Anti-Zionist Committed of the Soviet Public was formed in Moscow to combat Jewish cultural and emigration activities.”


1984(19thof Iyar, 5744): Marcel Janco,Romanian and Israeli visual artist, architect, art theorist and cultural promoter, known as the co-inventor of Dadaism and a leading exponent of Constructivism in Eastern Europe passed away.


1985(30th of Nisan, 5745):  Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1985(30th of Nisan, 5745):  Ninety-one year old songwriter and music scout Irving Mills passed away.


1985(30th of Nisan, 5745): Sixty-two year old fashion designer Rudi Gernreich passed away.



1985:“The Normal Heart,” a largely autobiographical play by Larry Kramer” premiered at The Public Theatre in New York City.

1986: “Act of Vengance” an HBO film featuring Ellen Barkin as “Annette Gilly” and Maury Chaykin as “Claude Vealey” was broadcast for the first time.

1987: In today’s “Postscript” German historian Joachim Fest wrote "In its substance, the dispute was initiated by Ernst Nolte's question whether Hitler's monstrous will to annihilate the Jews, judging from its origin, came from early Viennese impressions or, what is more likely, from later Munich experiences, that is, whether Hitler was an originator or simply being reactive. Despite all the consequences that arouse from his answer, Nolte's question was in fact a purely academic exercise. The conclusions would probably not have caused as much controversy if they had been accompanied by special circumstances"

1988(4thof Iyar, 5748) Yom HaAtzma’ut

1988: Five days after he was killed in Tunis, terrorist leader Khalil al-Wazir was buried today in Damascus on the same day that the Washington Post reported “that the Israeli cabinet” had approved his “assassination.”

1988(4thof Iyar, 5748): Sixty-seven year old I.A.L. Diamond screenwriter whose work included “The Apartment” and “Some Like It Hot” passed away today.


1989(16thof Nisan, 5749): Second Day of Pesach; First Day of the Omer

1989: The Price Center, named for Sol Price, the founder of COSTCO who “donated two million dollars for the construction of this student center” at the University of California, San Diego, opened today.

1992(18thof Nisan, 5652): Fourth Day of Pesach

1992(18thof Nisan, 5652): Eighty-one year old Chicago born and University of Chicago trained attorney Morris I Leibman, the husband of Mary Leibman with whom he raised two sons and recipient of the Freedom Medal passed away today.



1993:Yiddish theater producer and advocate Dora Wasserman received the Order of Canada, the highest honor bestowed on civilians by the Canadian government.

1994(10thof Iyar, 5754): Officer cadet Shahar Simani , age 20, of Ashkelon, was found stabbed to death near the roadside at the village of Beit Hanina , north of Jerusalem . He had been kidnapped while hitchhiking in the south.

1995(21stof Nisan, 5755): Seventh Day of Pesach

1995: “While You Were Sleeping” a comedy directed by Jon Turteltaub, produced by Roger Birnbaum and Joe Roth and with music by Randy Edelman was released today in the United States.

1996: “Modern Holocaust Memorial: Thesis of Victim on Internet “published today that tells the story of Esther Hautzig’s very personal, very innovative efforts to ensure that the life of her Uncle Ela-Chaim Cuzner will be remembered.


1997(14th of Nisan, 5757): Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1997(14th of Nisan, 5757)): Ninety-two year old Herbert Zipper, the composer and conductor who survived Dachau and co-composed “the Dachau Song” passed away today.


1998: “We’ve Never Heard of You, Either” the first major album for Evan and Jaron was released today.

1999(5thof Iyar, 5759): Final Yom HaAtzma’ut celebration of the 20thcentury.

2000: “President Clinton met at the White House tonight with the Palestinian leader, Yasir Arafat, to begin a last-stage American effort to work out a final agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians.”

2001(28thof Nisan, 5761):Dr. Mario Goldin, 53, of Kfar Sava, was killed when a terrorist detonated a powerful bomb he was carrying near a group of people waiting at a bus stop on the corner of Weizman and Tchernichovsky streets. About 60 people were injured in the blast. Hamas claimed responsibility.

2001(28thof Nisan, 5761): Thirty-eight year old Stanislav Sandomirsky was murdered by an unknown terrorist north of Ramallah today following which his body was “mutilated.”

2001: The 2001 NFL Draft in which Sage Rosenfels was drafted by  the Washington Redskins began today.

2002: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recently published paperback edition of “Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus” by Rick “The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount” by Gershom Gorenberg in which the “ senior editor and columnist for The Jerusalem Post examines the incendiary mix of religious groups -- Arab, Jewish and fundamentalist Christians -- that view the destiny of the sacred Temple Mount as crucial to their apocalyptic faith.”

2002: Official end of Operation Defensive Shield, the Israeli response to a wave Arab terrorism that included the murder of 30 people during a Seder.

2003: Seventy year old singer/song stylists and civil rights activist Nina Simone,who brought her own unique style to the singing of “Eretz Zavat Halav” and who recorded “Strange Fruit” written by a Jewish songwriter about lynchings in the South on her 1965 album Pastel Blues” passed away today

2003: An Israeli intelligence officer identified only as “Colonel K” gave a lecture today predicting that Hezbollah had shore-to-sea missiles in its possession.

2003:In the United Kingdom, “Rififi” directed by Jules Dassin was released on DVD by Arrow Films.

2004: Today “the Israeli Army sent tanks into the northern Gaza Strip to try to halt repeated Palestinian rocket fire coming from the tense territory…”

2005:Ivri Lider performed in Tel Aviv where he was joined byRita, Berry Sakharof, and Assaf Amdursky.

2005(12th of Nisan, 5765):  Fast of the Firstborn.

2005: “A Lot Like Love” co-starring Amanda Peet premiered in Israel today.

2005: Premiere of “Fathers and Sons” featuring Linda Edelstein and Mordecai Finley.

2006(23rd of Nisan, 5766): The Brit of Joshua Larry Rosenstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenstein and the grandson of Larry and Judy Rosenstein (of blessed memory) takes place in New York City.

2006: President Bush proclaims May as Jewish American Heritage Month.

2007: Sara Paretsky, creator of the V.I. Warshawski novels, takes part in a book reading and book signing in Forest Park, Illinois.  Ms. Paretsky is an outspoken critic of the powers the Patriot Act.  Despite threats from a variety of sources, she reported that she found the courage to speak out because of her Jewish heritage.  Silence had enabled those who made the Holocaust and she was not going to be threatened into silence.   

2007:  An exhibition entitled “Otot” featuring the works of Yosef Halevi opens at the Meirov Municipal Art Gallery in Holon. Halevi won the then-coveted Diezengoff Prize in 1962.

2008(16th of Nisan, 5768): Second Day of Pesach, First Day of the Omer – 5768.

2009(27th of Nisan, 5769): Yom Hashoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day

2009: In Cedar Rapids, Holocaust Survivor Irene Furst speaks at Mt. Mercy College.Irene Furst, at 87, still travels the country to tell her story because it’s one she doesn’t want to be forgotten. Furst is a Holocaust survivor. She fears that as the survivors die, so, too, will their stories.
 “I don’t know what will happen when all the survivors will be gone,” Furst said. “My children’s generation would still probably remember and talk about it, but I don’t know what will happen after that. The Jewish people will not forget, but I don’t know about everyone else.”   Furst, a native of Poland, spent six years in three locations during the Holocaust. These included the Lodz Ghetto and Auschwitz concentration camp. She celebrated her 18th birthday shortly after being detained in the first ghetto, in 1939, and wasn’t liberated until May 1945. After the war, she met her future husband, who had been imprisoned in Latvia. They came to the United States in 1947. Furst tells her story not only to keep the memories going but to help ensure the event won’t be repeated.
 “It should never happen again,” she said. “Germans wanted a final solution to the number of Jews. They wanted to kill all the Jews. “It’s important to know that one race can hate another so badly that they wanted to kill them,” she said.  Her visit to Cedar Rapids is funded through the Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund.


2009:  A Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah) ceremony takes place this evening at the Waterloo Center for the Arts. The ceremony involves participants of different faiths and backgrounds, and includes a candle-lighting to pay tribute to the victims, liberators and rescuers of the Holocaust, as well as victims of other genocides. The event was organized in collaboration with the Sons of Jacob Synagogue of Waterloo.

2009:Today, for the first time, Israel Kasztner, the man, who organized a train that saved 1,682 Hungarian Jews from death at the hands of the Nazis will be honored in a ceremony near the scene of the murder. Among those present will be the children and grandchildren of those he saved.

2009:Saleh Bahman, a Kuwaiti journalist who will be running for parliament in next month's general election today called on the Gulf state to establish full diplomatic ties with Israel. "Israel is a reality and has international influence... Kuwait would benefit from Israel's influence if we establish relations with them."

2009: In a statement issued in the House of Commons today, Foreign Secretary David Miliband announced that “in light of Operation Cast Lead and in line with” the British governments “obligations after a conflict” there would be “a review of extant export licenses for Israel”

2009: “The government filed a motion with the Sixth Circuit asking for the stay against deportation to be lifted, arguing that accused war criminal John Demjanjuk had sought the stay in order to provide an opportunity for the BIA to rule upon his motion to reopen the deportation order. Since the BIA denied the motion, the government argued, the basis for the Sixth Circuit's stay was no longer valid, and the stay should accordingly be dismissed

2009: After over 14 years Leonard Hoffman, Baron Hoffman completed his service as Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, a senior position in the British judiciary.

2009: Eighty-three year old Vivian Dorothy Maier the creator of a photographic record of “Jewish Chicago” passed away today.



 2010:Centro Primo Levi and the Center for Jewish History are scheduled to present a Panel Discussion with Moshe Idel about his Book Old Worlds, New Mirrors: On Jewish Mysticism and 20th-Century Thought

2010: Nevin Shapiro, the crooked University of Miami booster who orchestrated a $930 million Ponzi scheme “was charged in New Jersey with securities fraud and money laundering” today.

2010: Israeli authors Assaf Gavron and Eshkol Nevo are scheduled to read from their newest novels at Cornell University as part of a program entitled “Israeli Literature Today.”

2010:Whitney Harris, one of the last of the prosecutors who brought high-ranking Nazi war criminals to justice at the Nuremberg trials and who, a half-century later, was a significant voice in the creation of the International Criminal Court, died today at the age of  97. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)


2011: “Rabies” an Israeli film about a psychotic serial killer, is scheduled to be shown today at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.

2011:Ten thousand Jewish worshipers gathered at the Western Wall Plaza today take part in the bi-annual Priestly Blessing, which usually occurs on the second intermediate days of Sukkot and Pessah. The blessing, known in Hebrew as the Birkat Hakohanim, is a public gathering in which the Kohanim – the priestly class – bestow upon the Jewish people a three-fold blessing that originated with the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. Massive police presence ensured that the prayers passed peacefully and without incident.

2011: Joining the likes of US President Barack Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, UK Prime Minister David Cameron and teen pop sensation Justin Bieber, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was named by Time Magazine today as one of the 100 most influential people of 2011.

2011: The Haggadah Fair sponsored by the Kol HaOt organization and the Inbal Hotel featuring “the magnificent Haggadot of such internationally renowned artists as Avner Moriah, Maty Grünberg, David Moss, Eliyahu Sidi, Matt Berkowitz, Ya’akov Daniel and Ilya Gefter” came to an end today.

2012:Former Ambassador Richard Schifter is scheduled to speak about Israel's relations with the international community, the United Nations, the U.S. Congress and the American Rabbinate at Tifereth Israel Congregation in Washington, DC. 

2012: “Jewish Luck” is scheduled to be shown at the Columbia Jewish Congregation’s (CJC) 2012 - Twentieth Season of Movies.

2012: “Retoration” and “Mabul” (The Flood) are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival. 

 2012: “Avigdor Arikha: Works from the Estate” an exhibition at the Marlborough Gallery is scheduled to come to an end.


2013: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer  and the recently released paperback edition of Exorcising Hitler: The Occupation and Denazification of Germany by Frederick Taylor.

2013: Today, Stephan A. Schwarzman, the Chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group “announced a $100 million personal gift to establish and endow a scholarship program in China, Schwarzman Scholars, modeled after the Rhodes Scholarship program.”

2013: “Microcosms: Ruth Abrams, Abstract Expressionist” which opened in August, 2012 is scheduled to come to an end at Yeshiva University Museum.

2013: Consultation on Conscience, Reform Judaism’s flagship social justice conference, is scheduled to open in Washington, D.C.

2013: International conference “Being witness to the Holocaust. 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising” is scheduled to open in Warsaw.

2013: An exhibition of the work of Holocaust survivor Israel Bernbaum at the George Segal Gallery at Montclair State University is scheduled to come to an end.

2013: Tiftereth Israel in Des Moines is scheduled to host a giant Israel Festival called “A Taste of Israel.”

2013: Today the cabinet approved an Open Skies Agreement with the European Union, even as Israeli carriers grounded their fleets and hundreds of airline workers gathered outside the meeting in protest.

2013: U.S. Secretary of Defense of Chuck Hegel arrived in Israel today vowing to provide Israel “with advanced weapons that will enhance its abilities to strike at Israel.

2014(21stof Nisan, 5774): Seventh Day of Pesach

2014: Today the Supreme Court granted Nathan Lewin's certiorari petition in the follow-up case of Zivotofsky v. Kerry, which concerns the question whether a federal statute that directs the Secretary of State, on request, to record the birthplace of an American citizen born in Jerusalem as born in "Israel" on a Consular Report of Birth Abroad and on a United States passport is unconstitutional on the ground that the statute "impermissibly infringes on the President's exercise of the recognition power reposing exclusively in him.”

2014 (21st of Nisan, 5774): Eighty-two year old Herb Gray who “represented Windsor West for almost 40 years” and was “Canada’s first Jewish federal cabinet minister” passed away today.


2014: In Marionville, MO, a special meeting of the Board of Alderman is scheduled to be held to accepting the resignation of Jessica Wilson, an alderwoman who is giving up her position in response to the endorsement of Mayor Daniel Clevenger’s endorsement of the views of Frazier Glen Miller, the anti-Semitic gunman who murdered three people when he attacked a Jewish community center and assisted living facility in Kansas City.

2015: SS guard Oskar Groening is scheduled to go trial for his role in the murder of Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz.

2015: The Jewish Historical Society of England is scheduled to sponsor Simon Anglim’s lecture on “Major General Orde Wingate: Unconventional Warrior.”

2015: The Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education is scheduled to host a bilingual poetry reading from the works Russian born poet Boris Slutsky followed by a Q & A session with
“Marat Grinberg, Associate Professor of Russian and Humanities at Reed College, and Judith Pulman, poet and translator, who have been collaborating to translate a selection of Slutsky’s unpublished poetry.”


Whether I grow wiser or I grow older—

I grasp myself clearly to be a Jew.

 I thought that I had made it.

 And I thought I’d broken through—

I didn’t make it, I unmade myself,

 I didn’t break through, I broke down,

 I am not to be read from left to right,

 but in Jewish, from right to left.

            -Boris Slutsky, translated by Judith Pulman and Marat Grinberg


2015: Israel is scheduled to “come to a standstill this evening at 8 p.m. for a minute long memorial sired to commemorate the country’s fallen soldiers and terror victims…followed by the lighting of a memorial flame for the fall at the Western Wall, the site of the official state commemoration ceremony.” (As reported by Times of Israel)

2015: The Consulate General of Israel in New York is scheduled to host The Official Memorial Day Service “honoring the soldiers who gave their lives in defense of the State of Israel and the victims of terrorist attacks” at the 92ndStreet Y.

2015: Flight 2521 to Prague by El Al’s budget carrier UP! “made an emergency landing at Ben Gurion Airport shortly after having taken off amid fears that one of its tires had been been damaged durin take-off. (As reported by Stuart Winer)

2015(2ndof Iyar, 5775: One-hundred two year old literary critic M.H. Abrams passed away today. (As reported by William Grimes)


2015: Today “Abu Khdeir’s name showed up on the government’s online database of terror victims, next to an Israeli flag overlaid with a picture of the Blood of the Maccabees flower, which has come to symbolize the country’s fallen.” (As reported by Judah Ari Gross)

2016: Magda Brown, who was 17 years old in 1944 when she and her family were deported on one of the final transports to Auschwitz-Birkenau spoked at Washington High School as part of the “annual Yom HaShaoh sponsored in Cedar Rapids, IA by Iowa The Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund under the leadership of Dr. Robert Silber and the Inter-Religious Council of Linn County.

2016: As part of The Holocaust and Genocide Studies Project the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education is scheduled to present a lecture by Dr. Heather Ohaneson on “The Syrian Crisis in Terms of the Trauma of the Armenian Genocide.”

2017(24thof Nisan, 5777): Seventy-six year old Albert Samuel “Sandy” Gallin the General Artists mailroom employee who worked his up to a vice presidency and booked the Beatles for the first time on the Ed Sullivan television show passed away today.


2017: In Iowa City, the University Of Iowa Chapter Of AEPhi Sorority in act of “gemilut chasadim” so appropriate to this time of the year, is scheduled to sponsor “Jazz on the Rocks” – a fund raiser of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

2017: In the United Kingdom, after Kabbalat Shabbat, The Oxford Jewish Society is scheduled to host “Oth Week” Friday Night Dinner

2018(6thIyar, 5778): Parashat Tazria and Metzora; Pirke Avot Chapter 2;

2018: In Metairie, LA, as part of the celebration of Israel at 70, Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is scheduled to speak at Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation following Shabbat morning services.

2018: In the United Kingdom, The Oxford Jewish Society is scheduled to host a Seudah on Pirke Avot following Mincha services.

2018: The Jewish Lake Alliance is scheduled to host Havdalah this evening at the Bottlehouse Brewery.

2018: At Agudas Achim in Coralville, IA, Rabbi Jackie Tabick is scheduled to officiate at the Installation of Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz between Mincha and Havdalah.

2018: The Be’er Sheva Theatre House is scheduled to perform “Lost in Yonkers.”

2019: An exhibition of the work of the Israeli artist Shay Arick is scheduled to come an end today at the Compère Collective

2019: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Ben Hecht: Fighting Words, Moving Pictures by Adina Hoffman, The Notorious Ben Hecht: Iconoclastic Writer and Militant Zionist by Julien Gorbach, Working: Researching, Interviewing and Writing by Robert A. Caro and Naamah by Sarah Blake.

2019(16thof Nissan, 5779): Second Day of Pesach; First Day of the Omer

2020(27thof Nisan, 5780): Yom HaShoah

2020: The Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York is scheduled to host a Zoom presentation “about Heroines of the Holocaust, focusing on women who fought as members of resistance movements.”

2020: In observance of Yom HaShoah (Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day), the ASF IJE, Diarna Geo-Museum, and an international team of researchers for Sephardim in the Shoah are scheduled to provide   a survey of how Sephardic communities experienced the Holocaust.

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host a virtual presentation by Anat Hoffman on “Women of the Wall – Resilience and Resistance.”

2020: “HaMaqom|The Place and the JFCS Holocaust Center are scheduled tolead daylong, virtual Holocaust Remembrance Day event, with talks by survivors, survivors’ children, authors and historians.

2020: Public Holocaust Memorial Day activities scheduled for today have been canceled due to the Pandemic but thanks to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum each self-quarantined individual can conduct memorial of their own by “reading aloud at ten names of victims and survivors.”



2020: At 11 a.m ET, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to present its “virtual  Days of Remembrance commemoration” featuring “Holocaust survivors’ tributes to family members they lost, a stirring message from Benjamin Ferencz (the last living Nuremberg prosecutor), and timeless words from the late Elie Wiesel.”

2020: The Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines is scheduled to host, on-line “a brief memorial prayers and songs” as part of its Yom HaShoah observance.

2020: Today, thanks to a list provided by the Jewish Board of Deputies, people can follow a series of Yom HaShoah events which are scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. with “two minutes of silence to coincide with the siren from Israel to “Saving A Life, Saving the World, Searching for Hope” presented by “Learning from the Righteous” starting at 9:15 p.m.


2021: The East Bay International Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present SFSU professor Eran Kaplan talking about immigration and economic/societal challenges in Israel in the 1940s following a screening of “Ma’abarot”

2021: ONEINFORTY is sched to present, online, “Understanding the Jewish-Cancer Connection” where attendees can learn “about Ashkenazi Jews’ one-in-40 risk of inheriting a BRCA gene mutation which significantly increases one’s risk of developing breast, ovarian, prostate and other cancers.”

2021: Taube Center for Jewish Studies is scheduled to present UC Santa Cruz professor Alma Heckman discussing The Sultan’s Communists, her book about Moroccan Jews.

2021: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present “Global Nacao: How the Unique Confluence of Culture Can Benefit Modern Jewry.”

2021: YIVO and the American Society for Jewish Music are scheduled to present a digital premiere performance of 5 new compositions engaging with Yiddish folksongs as part of “Yiddish Folksong in Classical Music.”

2021: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center is scheduled to host Tovah Feldshuh as she talks about “The Mother, Daughter and Other Roles She’s Played.”

2021: The National Museum of American Jewish History, for which Mitchell Levin is an official content provider, is scheduled to present “The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, a virtual book talk with Richard Rothstein and Lila Corwin Berman.

2021: In Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Temple Judea is scheduled to host, online, a “discussion of the movie American Muslim with Rabbi Yaron and filmmaker, Adam Zucker.”

2021: The Jewish Community Center of the North Shore is scheduled to present, online, a live discussion with “Code Name Ayalon” producer Laurel Fairworth.

2021:  Rabbi Ramon Widmont is scheduled to begin his course introducing the visionaries and dreamers of Zionism, their writings and teachings and how they saw and shaped the future at the London School of Jewish Studies

2021: Israel’s parliamentary paralysis appears to be ready to continue today following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement yesterday, that “he sees no option of forming a government backed by the Islamist Ra’am, after the Arab Israeli party voted against his bloc Monday in a key Knesset vote.”



This Day, April 22, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


 April 22

 404:Emperors Arcadius and Honorius limit the opportunities of Jews to serve the Empire when they issue the following:  "We decree that the Jews and Samaritans who flatter themselves with the privilege of being in the secret service will be deprived of all employment with imperial service." [CTh 16.8.16]

1073: Pope Gregory VII begins his twelve year reign.  While history may remember him for his role as a reformer and for his “battles” with the Henry IV, the Holy Roman Emperor, others may also remember him as “The Jewish Pope” since he was reportedly “descended from an Italian Jew named Baruch” who started a bank in Rome and converted to Christianity in 1030

1213:Pope Innocent III issued the papal bull Quia maior, calling all of Christendom to join what became the Fifth Crusade. The Crusades were a period of intermittent disaster for the Jews of Europe and Palestine.

1391:King Wenceslaus issued an edict affording protection to the Jews of Worms.

1451: Birthdate of Isabella I of Castile, the queen who played a key role in the destruction of a seven century old civilization when she cruelly expelled the Jews from Spain 

1488(11thof Iyar, 5248): Almost a year after publishing Perush Rashi al ha-Torah (Rashi’s commentary on the Torah, Joshua Soncino finished printing “a complete Biblia Hebraica” (Hebrew Bible.

1490(1st of Iyar): Leo, Jewish court physician to Grand Duke Ivan II, was executed today.

1500: Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral, accompanied by Gaspar da Gama, a Polish born Jew whose slave name had been Yusuf ‘Adil before being forcibly converted to Christianity, sighted the mainland of Brazil for the first time today.

1509: Henry VIII ascended the English throne following the death of his father, Henry VII.  While Jews were officially banned from living in England, evidence exists that a small congregation of Marranos had settled in London by 1540.  Henry’s contact with Jews and Judaism was indirect but somewhat pivotal in the events surrounding his various wives.  Henry’s older brother had married Catherine of Aragon in a state marriage designed to guarantee peaceful relations between England and Spain.  When Henry’s older brother died, the English sought to keep the amicable relations alive by arranging a marriage between Henry and Catherine.  The English got the Pope to approve of the marriage by invoking the Biblical law concerning the Levirate Marriage.  Years later, Henry sought to have the marriage annulled so that he could marry Anne Boleyn.  He claimed that the marriage was a nullity because he had coveted his late brother’s wife and their marriage was a product of sin.  Henry sought support from those most learned in these matters, a group of Italian rabbis.  Regardless of the Halacha involved, the Italian rabbis were loath to anger the Pope who was their “neighbor” in a clash with a monarch living in a distant land in which Jews were forbidden to live.

1585(23rd of Nisan or 3rd of Iyar 5345): Rabbi Moses (Trani) of Safed, author of “Kiryat Sefer” passed away today.

1593:  The first group of Marranos led by Jacob Tirado arrived in Amsterdam, Holland. This group was the first Jews to settle in Amsterdam after the Spanish Expulsion. Moses Uri Halevi soon joined them and helped arrange for prayer services.

1610: Birthdate Alexander VIII.  During his papacy, Alexander was confronted with an unusual request.  Instead of demanding that Jews be banished from their town, the priors of Perugia appealed to Alexander to overrule Pope Innocent X and allow Jews to return to their city. The absence of Jews from the city’s fairs was a having a negative impact on the area’s economy.

1625: Urban VIII issued “Sedes apostolica,” a papal bull concerning “heretical Portuguese Jews.”

1724: Birthdate of German philosopherImmanuel Kant.  Kant may have been one of the giants of the Enlightenment, but from a Jewish point of view, he was an intellectual pygmy. As Michael Mack of Hebrew University wrote, “Kant consistently equated Jewish identity with a host of undesirable traits, including superstition, dishonesty, worldliness and even cowardliness.‘Every coward is a liar; Jews for example, not only in business, but also in common life,’ Kant noted in a lecture on practical philosophy… All the positive traits of Kantian philosophy (freedom, autonomy, reason) are formed by being contrasted with a negative image of unenlightened humanity, usually taking the form of an anti-Semitic or some other racist caricature. For Kant, motives could only be good if they were not aimed at any material benefit. He saw Judaism as an inherently materialist religion, based upon a quid pro quo between God and His chosen people .In order to fully define the formal structures of his philosophy (autonomy, reason, morality and freedom), Kant almost unconsciously fantasized about the Jews as it’s opposite. He posited Judaism as an abstract principle that does nothing else but, paradoxically, desire the consumption of material goods."

1756(22nd of Nisan, 5516) Eighth Day of Pesach and Yizkor

1762: In Prague, Jonas Jeiteles and his wife gave birth to Talmudist Baruch Ben Jacob Benedict Jeitles, the father of Ignaz Jeiteles.

1769(15th of Nisan, 5529): First Day of Pesach

1770(17th of Nisan): Israel Ben Moses Zamsoc of Brody, author of “Nezah Yisrael” passed away today.

1772(19thof Nisan, 5532): Fifth Day of Pesach

1775(22ndof Nisan, 5535): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat; Yizkor is recited as more American minuteman arrive in Boston to seal the city in what became the siege of Boston.

1777(15th of Nisan, 5537): Celebration begins of the first Pesach in the recently declared independent United States of America.

1783: The Jews sent a petition to Emperor Joseph II which “expressed their gratitude…for his favors and reminding him of his principle that religion should not be interfered with, asked permission to wear beards.

1785: One day after he had passed away, Zvi ben Naphtali was buried today at the “Alderney Road (Globe Rd.) Jewish Cemetery.

1786(24th of Nisan, 5546): Parashat Achrei Mot

1786: In New York, Reyna Ley and Isaac Moses gave birth to Lavinia Moses.

1787: Birthdate of German native Michael Seligman Dettelbacher, the son of Mendel Dettelbacher, the husband of Hindle Rothschild and the father of Marx Hirsch Dettelbacher.

1792: In Philadelphia, PA, Rachel Phillips a descendant from the Nunez family that arrived in Charleston in 1733 and Michael Levy gave birth to Uriah Phillips Levy, the husband of Jamaica native Virginia Lopes and the first Jewish Commodore in the US. Navy who was instrumental in ending whipping of sailors in the U.S. Navy and who was the “savior of Monticello” the estate of founding father Thomas Jefferson.



1794(22nd of Pesach, 5554): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1794: In Vilnius, a city with a large Jewish population that is home to the Vilna Gaon, Polish and Lithuanian forces rose up against the Russians in what became known as “The Vilnius Uprising of 1794)

1799(17th of Nisan, 5559): Third Day of Pesach; Chol Hamoed Pesach begins for the last time in the 18thcentury.

1796: In Charleston, SC, Kingston, Jamaica native Hannah de Pass, the daughter of Ralph de Pass married Benjamin, Milhado today.

1801: Eleanor Moses Hart and Solomon Cohen where married in Charleston in 1797 gave birth to Isaac S Cohen, the husband of Virginia Jane Davis whom he married a Petersburg, VA in 1840 and with whom he had eleven children all of whom were born in South Carolina.

1813(22nd of Pesach, 5573) Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1813: As Jews munched matzah, during the War of 1812, the American naval squadron that was to take part on the attack on York, Ontario was preparing to leave Sackets Harbor.

1818(16th of Nisan, 5578): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of Omer

1818: In Livermore, Martha Benjamin and Israel Washburn burn gave birth to Cadwallader Colden Washburn, the Wisconsin political leader and businessman who founded what became General Mills, one of the companies operating in Judea-Samaria and the brother of Elihu B. Wasburne, the Illinois Congressman who defended U.S. Grant against charges of anti-Semitism.

1822(1st of Iyar, 5582): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1822: Shmuel ben Azreal married Fegele bat Yehuda at the Great Synagogue today.

1826(15th of Nisan, 5586): First Day of Pesach

1833: One day after she had passed away, Sarah (Abrahams) Leigh, the husband of Joseph Leigh was buried today in the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1834: Dr. Albert Moses Levy and his wife moved back to Virginia after he had completed his medical training at the University of Pennsylvania. After his wife’s death. Levy would make his way to Texas where he participated in the rebellion against Mexico and become a leading member of the new republic

1837: On Staten Island, Henry Benjamin Nones, the Philadlephia born son of Miriam and Abraham Nones, and his wife Anna M. Nones gave birth to Samuel Smith Nones

1839(8th of Iyar, 5599): Hannah Montefiore Anconca, the mother of Moses Montefiore Aconca and the wife of Judah Moses Ancona whom she had married in 1887 passed away today after she was buried in the Exeter Jewish Cemetery.

1841: Birthdate of Versailles native and French jurist Edgar Demange, who served as co-counsel during the two trials of Alfred Dreyfus.

1842: Birthdate of Alexander Kohut the Hungarian born American rabbi and orientalist.

1843(22nd of Nisan, 5603): Eighth Day of Pesach and Yizkor

1845(15th of Nisan, 5606): Pesach

1845(15th of Nisan, 5606): Nine-year old Ezra Bierman, the son of David and Catherine Pick Bierman passed away today.

1845: Birthdate of Rabbi Jakob Guttmann the native of Beuthen who became the Chief Rabbi at Hildesheim who was the father of Rabbi Julius Guttmann.

1847: “Charles Vi,” a grand opera with music composed by Fromental Halevy was performed in New Orleans for the first time.

1850: Birthdate of anatomist and embryologist Gustav Born who was the father of Max Born.

1851: Birthdate of Gustav Jacob Born “the German histologist and author whose first wife was Gretchen Kauffman, with whom he had one son – Nobel Prize winning physicist Max Born.

1853: In the House of Commons, following a third reading, the bill removing Jewish disabilities was carried by a majority of 58.

1854: In Maitland, Australia, Julia Solomon and Lewis W. Levy gave birth so Samuel Eleazer Lewish who was also known as Eliot S Levy.

1860: Dr. George B. Cheever delivered an anti-slavery speech tonight at The Church of the Puritans in which he compared slaveholders to the anti-Semitic King John of England who “who, to extort money from a Jew, pulled a tooth every day from out the Hebrew's head until he complied with his demands.”

1861: Philadelphian Abraham who would rise to the rank of Corporal began serving in Company H of the 35th Regiment.

1863(3rd of Iyar, 5623): Fifty-seven year old Gabriel Riesser the first Jewish judge in Germany and an advocate of the emancipation of the Jews in Germany passed away today.

1863(3rd of Iyyar, 5623: Soro Chano Szatan, the mother of Chanokh Heynekh Lewin (Rebbe Reb Heynekh of Aleksander) passed away.  Born in 1779, her husband was Pinchas Lewin who passed away in 1837.

1864(16th of Nisan, 5624): Second day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1864: Captain Ezekiel Levy, his brother Isaac J. Levy and other Jews serving with the 46th Virginia Infantry observed Pesach at their camp in Adams Run, South Carolina, outside of Charleston. On the first day of the holiday they feasted on a “fine vegetable soup” which contained “new onions, parsley, carrots turnips and a young cauliflower … a pound and a half of fresh [kosher] beef, the latter article sells for four dollars per pound in Charleston.”

1865: In Philadelphia, 16 German boys reportedly beat a Jewish named Bernadotte Glischman.  Following the beating, the boys took Glischman to his room where they stuck him with pins.  Glischman said the boys did this to him because he was Jewish, and they said that the Jews had killed Christ.

1867: Eve Lipman was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1868: Birthdate of Friedrich Münzer the “German classical scholar” known “for his demonstrations of how family relationships in ancient Rome connected to political struggles.”

1868: Birthdate of Miles Poindexter, the Senator from Tennessee who was one of only three Republicans to vote for the confirmation of Louis Brandeis as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Coutr.

1868: Woolf Elias of Camden, SC, married Emily Weinberg of Charleston, SC.

1870: Birthdate of Vladimir Lenin, who led the Bolshevik Revolution.  Contrary to popular misconception, Lenin was not Jewish. Also, Lenin and the Communists did bring down the Czar.  They overthrew the Kerensky government, the democratic socialists, who had actually ended the three hundred years of Romanov rule. Many people who were born Jews were followers of Lenin.  The most famous was Trotsky.  But Lenin’s impact on the Jewish people far transcended the presence of these individuals. History would prove that Communist Russia was no more hospitable for those who wanted to practice their Judaism than Czarist Russia had been. 

1871(1st of Iyar, 5631): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1871: Bavaria grants equal rights to its Jewish citizens completing the process of emancipation in the German Empire.

1872:  Jews of Bavaria were granted equality

1872(14th of Nisan, 5632): Ta'anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1872(14th of Nisan, 5632): The Feast of Passover: Celebration of Israel’s Delivery From Bondage – Jewish Traditions and Observances” published today states that “At sundown today the people of Israel, wheresoever dispersed over the fact of the earth will begin the celebration of the feast of Pesach or the Passover, one of the most important festivals in the Jewish Calendar.”

1875(17thof Nisan, 5635): Third Day of Pesach

1876 In Vienna, “Maria (née Hock), the daughter of a scientist, and Ignác Bárány” a banker who was the son of an Hungarian Jew gave birth to Robert Bárány, who won the Noble Prize for Medicine in 1914.


1880: In Leadville, CO, the Bush-Trimble Building collapsed.  The building Kaskel & Co, clothing business co-owned by Caesar J. Kaskel and Jacob Michaelis of New York City and managed by Julius W. Kaskel one of the first Jews to settle in Leadville.

1881: It was reported today that an anonymous Jewish donor had sent a basket of flowers to Reverend William A. Barltett of Indianapolis’ Second Presbyterian Church as a token of appreciation for the speech he gave on “the Jewish question.”

1881: Birthdate of Alexander Kerensky, the most prominent leader of the Provisional Government that replaced the government of the Czars.  Kerensky was not Jewish but the failure of the democratic forces that he led certainly had a major impact on the Jews of what would become the Soviet Union.  This short guide does not provide the space for further comment on this major episode in Jewish History.

1881: Visitors at the Hebrew Cemetery at Cypress Hills on Long Island heard shots emanating from the house of the groundskeeper, Max Blecker.  Further investigation led to the discovery of Blocker’s body which had a large wound on the right side of his head and a revolver grasped tightly in his hand.  Reportedly, he had been in ill health and he “told his friends that he would be better off dead.”

1881: It was reported today that Tunisia with a population of about 2 million is of little financial value to the French who seem determined to annex the territory.  The little commercial activity that does exist is primarily in the hands of the 25,000 Jews who make up about a fifth of the population of Tunis.

1882: Birthdate of Jaques Hanak who was deported from Prague to the death camps where he was murdered at the age of 60.

1882: It was reported today, that in Berlin, a committee composed of leading citizens belonging to all religious denominations has raised 100,000 marks to provided assistance for Jews seeking to leave Russia.

1882: It was reported today that reports have reached Vienna confirming the attacks on Jews in towns near Odessa.  In Balta, the riots lasted for two days leaving at least 2,000 Jewish families in ruin.  “The riots almost assumed the character of a struggle for the annihilation of the Jews…”

1883(15th of Nisan, 5643): On the first day of Pesach an article entitled “The Feast of the Passover” reported that “the morning services at” the Jewish “places of worship…will be peculiarly interesting.”


1884: In Nashville, TN, John Schoffner made a full confession to police concerning the murder of Meyer Friedman, a Jew living in Nashville.  According to Schoffner, Meyer Morris organized the killing, and that Mrs. Friedman wanted her husband dead because “she did not love him” and he “treated her badly.”

1884: Birthdate of Austrian-born psychoanalyst, Otto Rank. He wrote the first psychoanalytic book by a disciple of Freud. Rank moved to the United States in the 1930’s.  He died at the age of 55, one month after Freud passed away.

1884: New York dentist and founding member of B’nai Israel Dr. Lyon Berhard was laid to rest at Cypress Hill this morning.

1885:  Ninety-six year old Reverend Leonard Withington, the oldest Congregational Clergyman in the United States passed away today.  Withington was a scholar well versed in Hebrew who had written a book entitled “Solomon Songs.”  He was a prime example of the reality that in 19th century America some of the people who were the most knowledgeable about Hebrew as a language were Protestant ministers.

1886: Jess Seligman presided over tonight’s celebration of the second anniversary of the Hebrew Technical Institute which was held at Temple Emanu-El in New York City.  Among the dignitaries attending the event was Carl Schurz, the famous German-American journalist and social reformer who gave the evening’s main address. (The school would remain open until 1939)

1887: It was reported today that two Englishman carrying an American flag recently imprisoned a Jewish merchant from Alcazar Morocco on charges of not paying a debt.  The prisoner was paraded through various towns in chains as hje was taken to Tangier.  The event, which took place during Passover, has been condemned by the leading Jews of Tangier who have sought the aid of the local British, French and Portuguese Consuls

1888: In Chicago, Iowa native Fannie Jacobson and realtor Morris Jacobson gave birth to Dr. Edmund Jacobson, a specialist in tension control, died last Friday at Northwestern University Hospital in Chicago


1889: In Terre Haute, Indiana, “Max and Theresa (Ravitch) Blumberg gave birth to DePauw University graduate and University of Chicago trained attorney gave birth to Benjamin Blumberg the husband of Fannie Louise Burgheimer who served as an officer realty and investment companies while being a member of Temple Israel and the Temple Israel Men’s Cub.

1889: The Literary Notes column reported that “The Jew in English Fiction” by Rabbi David Philipson will soon be issued by Robert Clarke & Co of Cincinnati, Ohio.  Among the characters discussed are Marlowe’s Jew of Malta, Shakespeare’s Shylock, Cumberland’s Jew, Scott’s Jew in “Ivanhoe”, Dickens’ Jew in “Oliver Twist’ and “Our Mutual Friend”, Disraeli’s in “Coningsby” and “Tancred and George Eliot’s “Daniel Deronda”.  (At the time, Philipson was a young Reform rabbi from Wabash, Indiana)

1889: At high noon, thousands rush to claim land in the Land Run of 1889. Within hours the cities of Oklahoma City and Guthrie are formed with populations of at least 10,000. ‘Jewish settlers began coming to Oklahoma and Indian Territory as early as 1875. The Jewish population grew as Oklahoma blossomed into a boom area, after the famous Land Run of 1889 and statehood in 1907. The early settlers came as peddlers and salesmen and later became shopkeepers and retail merchants. According to the American Jewish Year Book, there were 1,000 Jews in Oklahoma Territory in 1901.” (Courtesy of the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City)

1890: In the UK, Sir Marcus Samuel, the future Sheriff of the City of London and Lord Mayor of London and the former Fanny Elizabeth Benjamin gave birth to their fourth child and second daughter Ida Marie.

1891(14th of Nisan, 5651): “The Festival of Pesach: It will begin at Sunset To-Night and Last For A Week” published today reported that “all the reform temples and orthodox synagogues will be open for services this evening…and appropriate sermons will be delivered by the spiritual heads of the communities.


1892: In Brooklyn, Adolph and Deborah (Spaine) Dannenberg gave birth to Oscar Asahel Halevy Dannenberg, the Yale alum and lawyer who served as a Sheriff in Bridgeport, CT.

1893(6th of Iyar, 5653): Chaim Aronson passed away at the age of 77. Born in Lithuania in 1825 when it was part of Russia, Aaronson was a gifted linguist (Hebrew, German, and Russian) with a penchant for invention who went from being a clockmaker to developing a variety of machines including one for making cigarettes and one that was a prototype for a movie camera.  Aronson was a better scholar and engineer than he was a businessman since none of his work brought him commercial success.  His most long lasting contribution was a literary work entitled A Jewish Life under the Tsars: The Autobiography of Chaim Aronson, 1825-1888 that provides a picture of life in the final century of Czarist Russia.

1893: Rabbi Raphael Benjamin delivered a sermon this morning on the subject of the recent blackballing of Theodore Seligman by the Union League.

1893: “Max Judd Objected To” published today described the reasons that the government of Austria provided for refusing to recognize the appointment of Max Judd as Consul General for the United States at Vienna.  The Austrians claim that the refusal is based on that fact the Judd had been born in Austria and “is engaged in the emigration business.” The Austrians claim that the objection has nothing to do with Judd’s religion which is just as well because the U.S. government has said that Mr. Judd’s replacement will not be of Austrian descent, but he will be Jewish.

1894(16th of Nisan, 5654): Second Day of Pesach; 1st

1894: Hyman Blumenthal was arrested on charges that he had deliberately tried to burn down the tenement at 28 East Broadway.


1894: Birthdate of Max Weinreich, the Russian born American linguist and a founder of the Yiddish Institue (YIVO) and author who was “the father of the linguist Uriel Weinreich, who edited the Modern Yiddish-English English-Yiddish Dictionary.”

1894: Rabbi Joseph Silverman delivered a lecture at Temple Emanu-El in New York entitled “The Jewish Passover and Its Modern Message to Jews and Christians” in which he described that observing Passover was “the celebration of the anniversary of the Jewish Independence Day.”

1894: “The Babylonian Element” published today included Professor Archibald Sayce’s comparison of the narratives found on Babylonian Tablets and those found in Genesis which “assume an entirely different complexion in the hands of the Biblical writers” who strip them of their polytheism, accommodate them to the Hebrew point of view and “make them the vehicle of profound religious truths.

1895: It was reported today that the Hebrew Orphan Asylum is providing housing for 700 children at its building at 137thStreet and Amsterdam Avenue.  Trustees Theodore Seligman, Edward Lauterbach and Emanuel Leyman are considering a proposal to raise $250,000 to expand the facility in order to meet increased demand for its services.

1895: “Object To The McCall Bill” published today described the “vigorous protest” of “the American Anti-Semite Association” to the passage of the McCall Educational Test bill and “recommends the passage of the Stone Consular Certificate bill” that “considers as desirable immigrants only those who for five years previous have been actively engaged in agricultural pursuits with their own manual labor.”

1896 (9th of Iyar, 5656): Gustave May passed away today in New York City.  Born in Paris in 1845, he served as Quartermaster General with the forces fighting to protect the Commune at the end of the Fanco-Prussian War.  When the Commune forces were defeated, he fled to America with his brother where they started May Brothers, a firm of commission merchants that “was the first to import cigarette papers into the United States. Although born Jewish May saw himself as a “Freethinker” and was active in the French Exile community.  His brother Elie had served as a General in the forces of the Commune.

1896: Cassie Ritter Weil and Adolphus Weil gave birth to Adolphus Leo Weil, Jr who lived at Pennsylvania at the time of his death.

1896: Herzl began a two day journey to Karlsruhe where he was received in audience by Grossherzog (Grand Duke) Friedrich of Baden.  Herzl was heartened by the meeting saying ("Jedenfalls nahm der Grossherzog meine Staatbildung von Anfang an vollkommen ernst." - "In any case, the Grand Duke took my proposed formation of a state quite seriously from the beginning.")

1896: Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, cut short his state visit to Russia and left St. Petersburg for Paris so he could attend the funeral of his friend Baron Hirsch.

1896: “Strong Tribute To His Memory” published today provided reminiscences by Oscar S. Straus about the late Baron de Hirsh saying that “it was my good fortune to enjoy the personal acquaintance of Baron de Hirsch” whom he said gave away $25,000,000 to provide relief for Russian Jews which the Baron considered to be the most oppressed people in the world.

1897(20th of Nisan, 5657): Sixth Day of Pesach

1897(20th of Nisan, 5657): Sixty-seven year old Simon Alexander passed away today having lost his 9 month long battle with asthma and heart sickness.  He was an editorial writer for The Hebrew Journaland member of Temple Emanu-El

1897:  In New York City, the world's largest Jewish daily newspaper, "The Forward," was first published. Abraham Cahan, 43, one of its founders, became editor of the paper in 1903, remaining until his death in 1951.  The Forward began as a Yiddish paper.  By the 1930's it was one of the nation's leading dailies with a readership of 275,000 supplemented by a radio audience listening to WVED.  One of its most famous features was the Bintel Briefs, a Yiddish Dear Abby.  The paper shifted its formant and became English weekly in the 1980's.  Later it added a Russian language edition for the new wave of Jewish immigrants.  For more information see http://www.forward.com/.

1898(30th of Nisan, 5658): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1898(30th of Nisan, 5658): Simon Kayserling passed away. Kayserling was a German born teacher and author.  He was the brother of Meyer Kayserling.  Both brothers were historians.  But Meyer also pursued career in the Rabbinate while Simon followed a more secular career serving on the faculty of the Jewish Free School while writing or translating books about the history of Poland and the history of the Jews living in Spain and Portugal.

1898: N.S. Roenau of the United Hebrew Charities was one of the speakers who addressed a group of Yale University students studying Sociology under the direction of Professor William T. Blackman who visited New York City today.

1899: The sixth annual reunion banquet of the Hebrew Technical Institute Alumni Association was held this evening at the Broadway Central Hotel.

1899: Minnie Jacobs and her lawyer Joseph Moss appeared before William J. Youngs, Secretary to the Governor of New York to plead for a pardon for her father, Saul Jacobs.

1900(23rdof Nisan): Author Louis Bein passed away.

1900: District Grand Lodge No. 7 of B’nai Birth which includes the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas with over 1,700 members opened its 27 convention today in New Orleans.

1900: “Mysterious Murder Leads to Jew Baiting in Prussia” published today described how “the anti-Semites have succeeded in provoking an outbreak of Jew-baiting by exploiting the mysterious murder of Ernst Winter at Konitz as a so-called ritual crime” because as one Berlin newspaper said “the crime is the work Jews who require Christian blood.”

1900: Twenty four year old Jacob Mack married 22 year old Bertha “Birdie” Ronsheim, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio.

1900: “In Memory of Dr. Wise” published today described plans for a public service that will be held in memory of Dr. I. M. Wise on April 29 under the directions of New York Board of Jewish Ministers.

1901: “Assemblyman Charles Adler of New York City called on Governor Odell today and appealed to him to have the law closing the butcher shops on Sundays so amended as to permit Jewish butchers who close on the Sabbath to open for a few hours on Sundays.:

1902(15th of Nisan, 5662): On the first day of Passover The New York Times took exception to a letter that Mayor Seth Low had sent to Police Commissioner John N. Partridge advising him not to enforce “blue laws” on Sunday April 20 because Jews needed to shop and conduct such activities as killing chickens as they prepared for their holiday which would begin on Monday evening, April 21.  The Times said that the Mayor’s ruling “was uncalled for” and “was wrong in principle and conclusion. [Editor’s Note: Those of us living in the 21st century with its 24/7 schedule probably have difficulty that power of Sunday closing laws; laws that were enforced well into the closing decades of the 20th century.”

1903: Herzl meets Lord Rothschild who tells him that Edmond de Rothschild is delighted with his plan.

1903: Birthdate of Marcus Polak, the native of Goor who would be murdered at Bergen Belsen.

1904: Birthdate of Robert J. Oppenheimer.  Born in New York, Oppenheimer was the son of a prosperous German-Jewish textile importer and an artistic Baltimore Jewess who died when Oppenheimer was a child.  A renowned physicist, Oppenheimer bordered on the brilliant and enjoyed a wide range of intellectual pursuits.  His claim to fame is the Manhattan Project.  He was the scientific overlord of the American race to develop and build the Atomic Bomb.  After the war, Oppenheimer had reservations about additional military uses of science.  He opposed the building of the Hydrogen Bomb, a project that was brought to a successful conclusion by yet another Jewish scientist, Edward Teller.  Oppenheimer fell victim to the post-War Red Scare and lost his security clearance. Oppenheimer's security clearance was regained during the Kennedy years and his reputation was publicly rehabilitated.  He passed in 1967 at the age of 62.  As to the Jewish influence in his life, consider the following. Prior to the 1930's, Oppenheimer had led the cloistered life of the privileged and the scientist in his ivory tower.  During the 1930's Oppenheimer became involved in liberal and social justice causes.  According to him, the change came about, in part became, "I had had a continuing smoldering fury about the treatment of Jews in Germany, I had relatives there, and was later to help in extricating them and bringing them to this country...I began to participate more fully in the life of the community." 

1905(17thof Nisan, 5665): Third Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1905: “The Doukala, Chiadma and M’touga tribes are in full revolt near Mogador,” also known as Suira which “is a seaport on the west coast of Morocco” that “has a population of 19,000, 8,000 of whom are Jews.”

1906: In Montreal, Shlomo Chaim Caplan and Chaya Bluma Routtenberg gave birth to Jonah Ephraim Caplan the Yeshiva University graduate who had come to the United States in 1924 served as the rabbi at several congregations including one Astoria, NY and was “active in the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations.

1907: A bill introduced tonight in the New York State Legislature designed to regulate pushcart peddlers in New York City that allow for “special temporary licenses to be issued for Jewish and Italian holidays” for a fee less than the standard charge of $10.

1907: It was reported today that Ida Highwood, driven by Nathan Strauss “was almost invincible” when she faced competitors as the Speedway on Sunday.

1908: Birthdate of Leonard Schapiro, the native of Glasgow, Scotland “who spend in his childhood in Riga and St. Petersburg but returned to Britain with his parents in 1920 where he carved out a career in economics and political studies that led to his being named Professor of Political Science at the London School of Economics.

1909: Twenty eight year old Benjamin Winter, Sr., the Lodz born son of Michael and Beatrice Oshner Winter, who in 1901 came to the United States where he went from painting apartment buildings to becoming a real estate mogul who lost forty million dollars while going bankrupt during the Depression and then making it all back and more just before his death, today married Dora Nissel with whom he had

four children – Marvin, Beatrice, Ethel and Natalie.

.1909: In Turin, Italy, Adamo Levi, an engineer, and Adele Montalcini, a painter, both Italian Jews who traced their roots to the Roman Empire gave birth to Rita Levi-Montalcini, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. (As reported by Benedict Carey)


1910: Today Rabbi Haim (Henry) Pereira Méndez, President of the Union of Orthodox Congregations wrote a letter to New York Mayor William Gaynor on behalf of the Orthodox congregations in the United States and Canada thanking him for his letter rejecting the request of Rev. Thomas M Chalmers for a license to “preach for the conversion Jews” on street corners in some of the city’s most heavily “Jewish” communities.  Mendez expressed his appreciation for the tone of the letter which was sympathetic to the Jewish people and said that he would work with the Christian ministers to lift the level of modern society to a level closer to that expressed by Judaism and Christianity.

1910: Rabbi Hyman Gerson Enelow completed his service as The Temple“Louisville, Kentucky Jewish weekly that firs appeared in July of 1909.

1911(24thof Nisan, 5671): Parashat Shimini

1911: The Jewish World to-day published an interview with Herman Bernstein, the author and translator, who passed through London on his way to Russia during which he said “that since the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem the Jes have not had a better home than they have in the United and that Jewish immigrants become Americanized more rapidly than the immigrants of other creeds and languages” but “there seems to be a policy for the restriction of immigration which sometimes goes byon the law and which turns the misery of the immigrant into tragedy.”

1912: The Wage Earner's League for Woman Suffrage held a major rally at New York's Cooper Union. Clara Lemlich, Rose Schneiderman, and three others founded the League which sought to encourage working women to join the political process as well as to agitate for the right to vote. Lemlich, a shirtwaist maker, became the League's vice president. Drawing on their background in the Socialist movement, the founders of the Wage Earners' League emphasized the special concerns of working women. They argued in speeches and pamphlets that women needed the vote in order to secure basic human rights like safe working conditions. In doing so, League leaders came into conflict with both Socialist men and middle-class women. The men who counted on female allies in Socialist causes bluntly suggested that suffrage activists return to their kitchens. Middle-class women showed their class bias in suggesting that their wealth and education made them more capable activists than these working women. Wary of having their specific concerns sidestepped, League members agreed that any woman could join their group, but that only workers could vote, ensuring that working women would remain in control of the League's agenda and tactics. Today’s rally at Cooper Union brought together thousands of cheering women to listen to arguments for women's suffrage. The location was symbolic; Cooper Union was the site of the rally that had kicked off the "Uprising of the 20,000," one of the first and most influential strikes of industrial garment workers, just three years before. Despite a large and enthusiastic turnout at the rally, the League dissolved soon afterward. Lacking a full-time organizer and a steady source of funding, the League ceased to be active. Schneiderman went on a speaking tour for another suffrage organization; her colleagues likewise turned their energies to other groups. Ultimately, the fight for suffrage would depend on alliances across class and gender lines.

1912: In London, those attending a “meeting of the East End Jewish shopkeepers” passed a “resolution petitioning the local Borough Council to grant Jewish East End traders an exemption under the Shops Act.”

1912: The Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis, whose purpose was “to offer a reaffirmation of the member’s faith in the permanent character and value to Israel and to the world of Liberal or Reform Judaism” was organized today.

1913(15thof Nisan, 5673): Pesach

1913(15thof Nisan, 5673): Seventy-four year old “manufacturer” Gabriel Hirsch passed away today in Philadelphia.

1913: Rabbi Tobias Schanfarber is scheduled to lead Passover services this morning at K.A.M. Temple in Chicago, Illinois

1913: Founding of Beth Aaron Synagogue in Minneapolis, MN.

1913: Jacob Adler and Sara Adler are scheduled to begin a weeklong run at the Haymarket Theatre where he will perform “Style” by Abraham Shomer.

1914: In the Netherlands, Professor Arnold Hendrik and Lucretia de Hartog gave birth to author Jan de Hartog who wrote “Skipper Next to God” in which Wolfe Barzell’s performance provided the inspiration for his nephew Emanuel “Manny” Azenberg to become interested in theatre; an interest that would lead to a thirty-three relationship with playwright Neil Simon.

1915:” An application for a commutation of Leo Frank's death sentence was submitted to a three-person Prison Commission in Georgia.”

1915: During WW I, at Ypres, the Germans used gas for the first time on the battlefield.

1915(8thof Iyar, 5675): David S. Lehman, the native of Portsmouth, Ohio, the husband of the former Alma Schlesinger, the son-in-law or Rabbi Max Schlesinger of Albany, NY and the Vice President of the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives died in Denver today “form intestinal trouble after several months’ of illness.

1915: “Seventy Jews” who are seeking to emigrate to America or Australia arrived in Alexandria today from Jerusalem and described the “terrible economic situation” with flour costing fifteen dollars a sack, potatoes being sold for “six times the ordinary cost” and the appearance of huge swarms of locusts.

1916(19thof Nisan, 5676): Fifth day of Pesach; Shabbat

1916: It was reported today that Dr. Straus a native of Germany now living in New York provided the $25,000 to start the Alpha and Omega Publishing Company which will published The American Jewish Chronicle, a weekly publication that will serve as an advocate for the rights of European Jews after the World War comes to an end.

1916:  Birthdate of Yehudi Menuhin famed violin virtuoso and conductor. He passed away in March, 1999 at the age of 83.

1917(30thof Nisan, 5677) Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1917: Rabbi Samuel Schulman is scheduled deliver a talk on “The War and Religion” at Temple Beth-El.

1917: At Carnegie Hall, the Free Synagogue is scheduled to host “Tenth Anniversary Exercise” that will include a sermon by Rabbi Wise on “Is the Free Synagogue Worthwhile?”

1917: Dr. Silverman is scheduled to deliver a talk on “What the Jews Have Done for the World” at Temple Emanu-El.

1917: “Students from Adelphi College, College of the City of New York, Columbia Univesity, Hunter College and New York University” attended “the second annual dinner of the Menorah Society in Greater New York” which was held this evening at the Hotel Netherland in New York City

1917: In Cardiff, Wales, “solicitor and cinema owner” Rudolf Abse gave birth to Leo Abse, the husband of Marjorie Davis with whom he had two children – Tobias and Bathsheba – who was a lawyer and a 30 Welsh Labour Member of Parliament who promoted laws to liberalize divorce and decriminalize homosexual behavior.

1917: Professor Philip Boas of Whitman University delivered a speech entitled “Youth and Judaism” at the Spring Assembly of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis at Temple Emanu-El this evening in which he “said that he did not believe that Jewish youths were deserting the synagogue.”  “He asserted there signs of greater consciousness of Judaism among the young than there were ten years ago, but the youth wanted to see resulted and wanted to see how religion was benefiting the world.”

1917: “The American Jewish Historical Society began its 25th convention today at the Hotel Ansonia.

1917: Max J. Kohler, the son of the President the Hebrew Union College, presented a paper on “Jewish Rights at the Congress of Vienna” today.

1917: Dr. Cyrus Adler, Oscar S. Straus, Dr. Jacob H. Hollander and Daniel P. Hayes spoke at this evening’s reception hosted by the Judean Society under the leadership of its President, Dr. Henry M. Leipziger for members of the American Jewish Historical Society.

1917: Jacob H. Schiff, a long-time opponent of creating a “Jewish nation in Palestine” delivered a speech at a meeting of the League of the Jewish Youth of America at the Century Theatre in which expressed his support for the creation of a “center for Jewish culture” in Palestine because he believed “in the Jewish people, in the mission of the Jewish people” and in the need for a place where “Jewish culture might be further and developed, unhampered by the materialism of the world.”

1918: Austrian native Nettie Kinsbruner, the daughter of Shmuel Meyer Stettner and Rachel Stettner and her husband David (Aubie) Kinsbruner gave birth to Beatrice, the sister of American college basketball star Mac Kinsbrunner.

1918: Birthdate of Solomon Aaron Berson, the New York born physician who worked with Rosalyn Yallow on “major advances in clinical biochemistry.”

1919(22ndof Nisan, 5679): Eighth Day of Pesach

1919: In one of those great calendar coincidences, today in New York, Frederick and Margareten, part of the matzah empire, gave birth to Muriel V. Margareten  who became Muriel V. Nusbaum which she married Goodwin Nusbaum

1919: I. Edwin Goldwasser, the executive director of the Federation for the support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies is scheduled to lecture on “Co-ordination in Jewish Philanthropy” at this evening’s meeting of the Council of Jewish Women at the Sinai Center in Chicago.

1919: Jacob H. Schiff, Abram I.Elkus and Dr. Stephen S. are scheduled to speak at the reception for the Earl of Reading sponsored by the Judaeans which will be presided over by President Samson Lachman

1920: During the San Remo Conference, Chaim Weizmann has a private meeting with Lloyd George and Lord Balfour during which he presses the British leaders “for a civil administration in Palestine, run by the British under a League of Nations mandate.  This stood in stark contrast with the French leaders who did not want the Balfour Declaration to be part of the peace treaty with the Ottomans. 

1920: In Washington, the Tacoma News Tribune reported that Leach Cross (born Louis Charles Wallach” whose boxing nickname was “The Fighting Dentist” “had signed with Universal Pictures in Los Angeles to appear in an 18-episode serial entitle “The Vanishing Dagger.”

1921(14thof Nisan, 5681):Ta’anit Bechorot; Erev Pesach

1921: Today, as Englishman who “believed in the Jewish origin of the British Royal Family” considered Saeki Yoshiro’s theory of the Jewish origins of the Japanese people, Israel’s Messenger carried a letter from former lady-in-waiting Elizabeth A. Gordon.

1921: In Manhattan, Minna (Harlib) Koenig and Judge Morris Koenig gave birth to Dartmouth undergraduate and Columbia Law School trained attorney Julian Norman Koenig the WW II Army veteran and creative advertising man credit with coming up with the campaign for the Volkswagen Beetle and Earth Day, which was first celebrated for the first time on his 49th birthday. (As reported by William Yardley)


1922: The national board of Hadassah voted "no confidence" in the leadership of ZOA President Louis Lipsky.

1923: In Manhattan, novelist Paul Hervey Fox and “the former Elsie de Sola” gave birth to novelist Paula Fox.


1925: In Sosnowiec, Poland, Herschel Krysztal, an accountant and the former Dora Grossman gave birth to Henyek Krysztal who gained famed as psychiatrist Dr. Henry Krystal. (As reported by Sam Roberts)


 1926: In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, “Russian Jewish immigrants Esther (née Ottenstein), who was a childhood friend of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, and Meyer Lubotsky, a retail tire business owner gave birth to Charlotte Rae Lubotsky who gained fame as Emmy nominated actress Charlotte Rae and the mother of Larry Straus who co-authored her autobiography The Facts of My Life.


1928:  In Dallas Texas, David Sperling, “a tailor who had changed his surname from Spurling to Spelling” and his wife Pearl Wald, both of whom were Russian Jewish immigrants gave birth to SMU graduate “Aaron Spelling, the TV executive producer who gave us “Charlie's Angels.”


1928: Banker Jacques Stern who had run “on the Left Republic List” began serving as a deputy for the Dinge “district of Bassess-Alpes” today.

1928: Following Hadassah President Irma Levy Lindheim’s recent declaration that the administration of the ZOA was "not an effective instrument for the achievement of world Zionist aims for the up-building of Palestine" today the National Board of Hadassah registered a vote of no confidence in the leadership of ZOA President Louis Lipsky.

1929(12th of Nisan, 5689): Sixty-nine-year-old Cleveland clothing manufacturer John Ainsfeld, the Vienna born son of Israel and Amelia (Geldwerth) Ainsfeld who married Edith Karolyn after his first wife, Daniela Guttenberg had passed away and who was President of Mt. Sinai Hospital and the Jewish Infant Orphan’s Home as well as a member of the Hebrew Free Loan Association and the treasurer of the of Federation for Jewish Charities, passed away.


1930: Release date for the all-star revue “Paramount on Parade” written by Joseph Mankiewicz and co-produced by Jesse Lasky, Adolph Zucker, Albert S. Kaufman and B.P. Schulberg.

1930: In Manhattan, The Warner Bros. Hollywood Theatre, which was later re-named The Mark Hellinger Theatre, opened today.

1931:JBI International was founded as the Jewish Braille Institute of America


1932(16thof Nisan, 5692): Second Day of Pesach; first day of the Omer is observed for the last time during the Presidency of Herbert Hoover, who without fanfare or controversy, appointed the second Jewish Supreme Court Associate Justice.

1933(26thof Nisan, 5693): Parashat Shmini

1933(26th of Nisan, 5693):  A Jewish merchant, Salomon Rosenstrauch was shot dead in Wiesbaden, Germany.

1933: In Nazi Germany, the government adopted measures excluding Jewish students from school.

1933: “A conference of executive directors of Y.M.H.A.’s, Y.W H.A’s and Jewish Community Centers” is scheduled to begin this evening at the 92ndStreet Y.

1933(26thof Nisan, 5693): Fifty-nine year old Sándor Ferenczi, the “son of Baruch - Bernát Ferenczi and Róza Frenkel” and “husband of Gizella Palos – Propper” passed away today.

1934: Cleveland E. Dodge, President of the of the Greater New York Y.M.C.A. and Judge Irving Lehman, President of the Jewish Welfare Board are scheduled to two of the speakers at the is evening’s dinner at the Hotel Commodore at the anniversary dinner of the Young Men’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Association of the Bronx.

1935: In Los Angeles, the premier of “Bride of Frankenstein,” the sci-fi thriller” produced by Carl Laemmle, Jr and filmed by cinematographer Franz Waxman.

1936(30th of Nisan, 5696): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1936: “As the racial rioting stormed in its third week, a communique issued by the (British) police declared that masses of Arabs were still attacking Jewish settlements” including at “Hatikvah Settlemet” and “Shechunath Areyh, midway between Tel Aviv and Petach Tikvah” were “Jews successfully defended the settlement until police arrived and beat off the invaders.”

1936: “At Jenin, on the main highway to Jerusalem, a large crowd of Arab villagers help up and stone Jewish buses, wounding two passengers.”

1936: Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, national chairman of the United Palestine Appeal announced today that the Palestine Foundation Fund and the Jewish National Fund had sent $100,000 to Palestine” from funds that were being collecting in the United States for the settlement of Jews from German, Poland and countries in Palestine.

1936: “At 5 o’clock this morning a Jewish-owned cardboard factory near Tel Aviv was burned by Arabs.”

1936: “A Jewish merchant in the old city of Jerusalem who tried to open his shop was beaten by young Arab agitators and forced to close.”

1937(11thof Iyar, 5697): Ninety-four year old Albany, NY native Simon Wolfe Rosendale the New York State Attorney General who was the first Jew elected to a state-wide office in “the Empire State” and who was active in Jewish communal affairs even though he was an anti-Zionist passed away today.



1937(11thof Iyar, 5697): Sixty-seven year old Mrs. Marcus M. Marks (Esther Friedman), the “widow of the Borough President of Manhattan” who was also called by some “the father of day-light saving plans” passed away today.


1938(21stof Nisan, 5698): Seventh Day of Pesach.

1938: “Nazis prohibit Aryan 'front-ownership' of Jewish businesses.”

1938: It was reported today that a “lawyer’s group” to raise funds for the American Ort Foundation “was formed at meeting in the office former Judge Grossman” and a “dentists group” was formed at offices on offices at 212 Fifth Avenue where “Dr. John L. Kaufman was elected chairman.”

1939: Birthdate of Uri Orr, the native of Kfar Haim who rose to the rank of general in the IDF before pursuing a political career that included serving as an MK and Deputy Minister of Defense.

1939: “Dark Victory,” a melodrama produced by David Lewis, with music by Max Steiner was released today in the United States.

1939: “The Greek cattle boat Assimi which attempted to land 263 illegal Jewish immigrants” in Palestine “twelve days ago was ordered to leave Haifa tonight.”    When the police announced the decision, “the passengers tore off their clothing and screamed that they would rather be killed than be sent back to sea. Some prayed and recited psalms. When the Jewish residents of Haifa heard the screams and prayers aboard the Assimi” they spontaneously proclaimed a strike that took hold throughout the city.  Protesters carried signs reading ‘Open the gates to the Jewish illegals’ and ‘Down with the barbaric attitude toward illegals. The captain had been fined and imprisoned for his role in bringing the Jews to Palestine. To add insult to injury the captain had been fined and imprisoned for his role in bringing the Jews to Palestine.

1940(14th of Nisan, 5700): The Sommer family sits down to their first Seder in Liechtenstein.  How this family of German Jewish refugees from Munich came to be there was chronicled by Susi Pugatsch-Sommer in an article entitled “A Pesach Miracle in Nazi Germany.”


My family - my parents Binyamin and Friedl Sommer, myself (13) my sister Ella (10), my brother Alfred (7), and my grandmother, Rachel - lived in temporary quarters in Munich, after our home had been confiscated by the Nazi daily newspaper, Völkischer Beobachter in 1939. My father had been arrested and incarcerated in the Dachau Camp in 1938 for a short time. Once he was released, he realized that he and the family had to leave Germany as quickly as possible, but he could not find a way to get out. In November 1939, my father left home for a few days, and hid the forest near Munich, since he was informed that the Nazis would arrest all male Jews again and send them to a concentration camp. By chance, he met a man in the forest who identified himself only as an engineer. This man told him that he could arrange an entry permit into neutral Liechtenstein only if he had enough money to open a building materials factory and pay salaries to 100 workers, since unemployment was high in Liechtenstein. My father agreed immediately, since he had no other option to save our lives. Miraculously, we received visas for Liechtenstein in the beginning of April 1940, in the middle of World War II, our passes to relative safety. We had 14 days to leave Germany, and each person was allowed to take one suitcase and 10 reichmarks. We boarded the train in Munich three days before Pessah. We were frisked at the German border and after the Nazis didn't find anything forbidden, were allowed to cross the border to Liechtenstein on foot. We were completely exhausted when we arrived in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, and went to sleep in a simple hotel. We did not know if there were any Jewish families in Liechtenstein, and we had no idea how we would keep Pessah properly and buy matzot. Then our next miracle happened. The following morning, as we wandered around town, a young girl stopped us and asked if we were Jewish and if she could help us. Immediately, she introduced us to her parents and some other Jewish families. The Schönwalder family invited us into their home, to their Seder and we continued to have all our meals and prayers there during the week of Pessah. We continued to reside in Liechtenstein for 10 years. At this time, only 40 to 50 Jews lived there. I met with the Schönwalders' daughter, Edith, almost every day, and she is still a very good friend of mine. Today, we both live in Israel. I'll never forget the miracle that happened to us - my father's chance meeting with the engineer, an emigration visa in the midst of the war, and the wonderful families who helped us celebrate Pessah as religious Jews.


1940:  SS official Odilo Globocnik announced a plan to increase the use of Jewish forced labor and to establish separate work camps for Jewish men and women.

1940: Detroit Tigers Pitcher Dick Conger appeared in his first major league baseball game.

1940: Ten members of the staff of Ben Shemen Youth village, including the director are sentenced to serve prison terms of up to seven years. The British had raided Ben Shemen in January and found weapons belonging to the Haganah. The prison sentences were for their role in hiding the weapons.

1941: Birthdate of Israeli Amir Pnueli an Israeli scientist who developed a “critical technique for verifying the reliability of computers.”

1941: “The Lady from Louisana,” produced and directed by Bernard Vorhaus  son of an American “lawyer of Jewish-Austrian extraction” was released today in the United States.

1942: U.S. premiere of “Saboteur,” a WW II spy thriller with a screenplay co-authored by Peter Viertel and Dorothy Parker.

1943: “We Will Never Die” was performed in Philadelphia's Convention Hall, with guest stars Claude Rains and Edward G. Arnold in the lead roles. More than 15,000 people attended--it was the largest Jewish public event in the city in many years — and it received extensive coverage in the local press.

(As reported by Jewish Virtual Library)

1943:  The Nazis deported the Jews of Amersfoort, Holland.

1943: Day four of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

1943:  In New York City, Daniel Gluck, the inventor, along with his brother-in-law Sundel Doniger, of the X-Acto Knife and his wife gave birth to Louise Elisabeth Gluck the American Pulitzer Prize winning poet who “was appointed Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 2003, after serving as a Special Bicentennial Consultant three years prior in 2000.”

1944: It was reported today that Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. has announced that “principles on which a program for world currency stabilization can be based have been agreed on by most of the experts of some thirty Allied and associated nations” marking a major step forward in creating a stable economic for a post-war world which will be critical to “winning the peace.”

 1945: The Big Red One, whose members included Samuel Fuller, “finished clearing the Harz Mountains” before turning south to join up with the U.S. Third Army.

1945: Sidney Bernstein, a cinema entrepreneur, had been an advisor to the Ministry of Information since 1940 who producing “German Concentration Camps Factual Survey,” “the official British documentary film on the Nazi Concentration Camps”visited the Bergen Belsen concentration camp today a week after it was liberated by British forces.”

1945:  Six hundred of the remaining inmates at Jasenovac Concentration Camp rose up against their Croatian killers.  The Croatians killed over five hundred of them.  This camp was located in a breakaway republic from Yugoslavia called Coratia.  The Croatians ran the camp for their Axis allies and were responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Jews.  For those of you who remember the fighting in the 1990's in Yugoslavia, you will now understand that genocide is no stranger to the Balkans. Only a thousand Jews and Serbs remained. Tens of thousands of them were killed over the past five years. Six hundred rose in revolt. The Germans killed 520 of them.

1945:  The Soviet Army liberated the Concentration Camp at Sachsenhausen in Germany.  The camp was about 35 kilometers from Berlin and was established in 1938.  Approximately thirty to thirty-five thousand people including Jews perished in the camp.

1945: Birthdate of Donald E. Graham, the grandson of Eugene Meyer and the son of Katherine Graham

1946: Opening of Kibbutz Beitar in Bruna.

1946: Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter joined the Chief Justice and another Associate Justice in dissenting in Girouard v. United States – a case involving a the application of a pacifist for naturalization.

1946:  Composer Ezra Laderman was discharged from the U.S. Army today. He then studied composition under Stefan Wolpe of New York and Miriam Gideon of Brooklyn College where he earned his B.A.in 1950. He then went on to study under Otto Luening of Columbia University where he earned his M.A. in 1952.

1947: Another 769 illegal Jewish immigrants arriving on board the Galata in Eretz Israel were trans-shipped to Cyprus.

1948(13th of Nisan, 5708): Sixty-six year old San Luis Obispo, CA native and Harvard Ph.D. Barry Cerf, the husband of Emily Cerf with whom he raised three children including “Edward Owen Cerf, an editor of Time magazine” and who has been a Professor of Literature at Reed College since 1921 where he wrote “his best known work, Anatole France,” passed away today in Portland.




1948: Operation Misparayim (scissors) was launched by the Haganah as part of the Yishuv’s attempt to assume control of Haifa after British withdrawal and attacks had been made by Arab forces to control this port city.  By the end of the day, Haifa was in the hand of the mainline Zionist forces.

1949: Writing in Haaretz, Arye Gelblum described immigrants from North Africa as dirty, disease ridden and prone to drunkenness and prostitution.

1949: The NBC Television Network broadcast the final episode of the panel show “Stop Me If You’ve Hear this One” on which Morey Amsterdam, Lew Lehr and Benny Rubin appeared as regular panelists.

1949: Hebrew University reopened in temporary quarters in west Jerusalem

1950: Tonight, after the end of Shabbat, Israel began the celebration of her second year of independence.  In his address to the nation, President Weizmann called upon Israelis “to celebrate in joy and happiness the great salvation wrought to our people after centuries of exile and affliction.”  In Jerusalem, Joseph Sprinzak, Speaker of the Knesset, lit a torch on Mt. Herzl which lit from fire provided by veterans of the Masada Battalion which had defended Jerusalem from attacks by Egyptians and Arab Irregulars during the dark days of the siege of the City of David. Similar festivities took place throughout the country including open air performances, torch light parades and the sounding of sirens by ships of many nations docked in Israel’s major ports.

1950: In Germany, Holocaust survivors Joseph and Elizabeth Wilf gave birth to real estate developer Zygmunt “Zygi” Wilf who bought the Minnesota Vikings football team in 2005

1951: Philadelphia Athletics first baseman Lou Limmer played in his first major league baseball game.

1952(27th of Nisan, 5712): Yom HaShoah

1952(27th of Nisan, 5712): Forty-nine year old Jakob Rosenfeld the Lemberg born Jewish doctor who survived Dachau and Buchenwald and gained fame as General Luo, the Minister of Health under Chairman Mao, passed away today. (Editor’s note – an exciting life like is certainly worthy of a biography and a NETFLIX series)



1951(16th of Nisan, 5711): Second Day of Pesach

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the "past seven days was the bloodiest week along Israeli borders for a long time." Two Israelis were murdered at Mevuot Betar, the marauders were active in the South, in Galilee and Jerusalem. There was a general outcry when General Bennet L. de Ridder, the U.N. Chairman of the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission refused to comply with the Israeli request to call an emergency meeting of the Commission to discuss the latest developments and, in particular, the murder of Zvi Genauer and his niece, Dvora, in Jerusalem. This incomprehensible U.N. decision was taken despite the fact that the tracks of the three marauders, responsible for this murder, were discovered by an U.N. observer and an Israeli officer who noted that they led to the Jordanian-occupied village of Beit Iksa. The General claimed that it was not the duty of his Commission to deal with incidents "of this type."

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel's three-years-long land survey, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, had almost been completed.

1953: Herman Pekarsky, the director of the Jewish Community Council of Essex County, NJ, was among the speakers at the 25th birthday celebration held at the Park Sheraton, honoring The Welcome Wagon organization.

1953: Birthdate of Steve Bond, the native of Haifa who gained fame while appearing in the soap opera General Hospital.

1953: “It Happens Every Thursday” a comedy directed by Joseph Pevney, produced by Leonard Goldstein and with music by Herman Stein was released today in the United States.

1954(19thof Nisan, 5714): Fifth Day of Pesach

1954(19thof Nisan, 5714: Sixty-nine year old Congressman, NY State Supreme Court Justice and accused Soviet Spy, Samuel Dickstein, the Vilna born son “Rabbi Israel Dickstein and Slata B. Gordon” passed away today.




1954: Leo Lerman, the Jewish editor and writer for such glossy fashion magazines as Vogue, Mademoiselle and Vanity Fairmet famed American author William Faulkner for the first time.

1954:  The so-called Army-McCarthy Hearings began. These hearings, which helped bring an end to McCarthy’s abuse of power was triggered by two of his Jewish supporters.  One was the powerful Roy Cohn, the McCarthy Committee’s chief counsel.  The other was Cohn’s close friend, G. David Schine. 

1955(30th of Nisan, 5715): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1955(30th of Nisan, 5715): Sixty-five year old Columbia alum and Rochester School of Optometry Dr. Joseph Irving Pascal, the son of Lithuanian rabbi Chaim Hochstein and Celia Rubinson passed away today.


1955: ABC broadcast the final episode of “Where’s Raymond,” the sit-com produced by Stanley Shapiro.

1958: “Jordanian soldiers shot and kill two fishermen near Aqaba.”

1959(14th of Nisan, 5719): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1960: In Quebec, Dr. Harry J. Stern led the services dedicating the new home of Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom, the oldest Reform or Liberal congregation in Canada.


1961: Lucille Ball collapsed while performing in “Wildcast” the musical with lyrics by Carolyn Leigh and music by Cy Coleman.

1963(28th of Nisan, 5723): Yom HaSh

1970: Arthur Krock “was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Richard Nixon.”

1971(27th of Nisan, 5731): Yom HaShoah

1971(27th of Nisan, 5731): Seventy-two year old Joseph Ginsburg the father of French entertainer Serge Gainsbourg passed away today.

1973:Birthdate of Ofer Talker, the native of Ashdod who gained fame playing football for several teams the last of which was Hapoel Kfar Saba from which he retired in 2009.

1973: Birthdate of Delmar, NY native Anita Lynn Kaplan, the 6’5” center on the Stanford University Basketball team who played professionally for the San Jose Laser and Chicago Condors and was released by the WNBA Cleveland Rockers before league play began.

1974: Birthdate of Israeli Arab MK Mansour Abbas, the leader of Ra’am, or United Arab List.

1974: Israeli political leader Amir Peretz was severely injured in accident at the Mitla Pass.

1975:  Barbara Walters signed a five-year $5 million contract with the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), becoming the highest paid television newsperson.

1975: Eighty-two year old Sir Godfrey Rolles Driver the Old Testament scholar who was a Professor of Semitic Philology at Oxford whose expertise included a knowledge of the Semitic languages of the Biblical period passed away today.


1976(22ndof Nisan, 5736): Eighth Day of Pesach observed for the last time during the Presidency of Gerald Ford.

1977:  Shimon Peres became premier of Israel.

1977: “The Late Show,” a mystery co-starring Bill Macy was released today in the United States.

1978:  In Paris, France, Izhar Cohen & Alphabeta won the twenty-third Eurovision Song Contest for Israel by singing "A-ba-ni-bi".

1978:  The Jerusalem Post reported that an agreement was reached to end the 18-days-long El Al lockout which had already cost the national airline more than IL100m, and the tourist industry hundreds of millions more.

1978:  The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel won the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time with an entry called "A-Ba-Ni-Bi". Israel scored 157 points, Belgium 121 and France 119.

1978: After six seasons, CBS broadcast the final episode of “Maude” a sitcom created by Norman Lear and starring Beatrice Arthur in the title role.

1979(25th of Nisan, 5739): Shamir Kuntar was part of a cell that raided the northern Israeli town of Nahariya, fatally shooting a civilian, Danny Haran, while his daughter Einat, 4, watched, then smashing the girl’s head, killing her as well. Mr. Haran’s wife, Smadar, hid with their 2-year-old daughter, accidentally suffocating her in an effort to stop her from crying out.

1981: Birthdate of Parisian native and baritone opera singer David Serero who was responsible for creating a version “Cyrano De Bergerac,” that features “Sephardi and jazz standards.”

1982(29thof Nisan, 5742): Eighty-two year old Irish film director and actor Harold Goldblatt passed away today.

1982: “Six refuseniks in Odessa joined the hunger strike begun by Kiev refuseniks on March 15th.”

1984: In Israel Al HaMishmar published the first report of allegations that the hijackers of Bus 300 had been shot after being captured.

1985: According to Israeli businessman Yaacov Nimrodi, today was the day when a chartered merchant ship, the Westline, was scheduled to leave Eilat filled with weaponry for Iran as part of a deal that Americans would come to know as Iran-Contra.

1985: The United States Trade Representative and the Israeli Minister of Industry and Trade signed a Free Trade Agreement today that “eliminated all duties and virtually all other restrictions on trade in goods between” their two respective countries.

1988: U. S. premiere of “White Mischief” directed by Michael Radford who co-authored the screenplay.

1988: “Permanent Record,” the highly praised drama directed by Marisa Silver was released today in the United States.

1988: “Two Moon Junctions,” directed by Zalman King who co-authored the screenplay was released today in the United States.

1989(17thof Nisan, 5749): Third Day of Pesach

1989(17thof Nisan, 5749): Eighty-four year old Emilio Gino Segrè the Italian refugee who was part of the Manhattan Project and who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1989 passed away today.


1990: At the Royale Theatre, after 476 performances the curtain came down on the original Broadway of “Lend Me a Tenor" produced by Jerry Zaks and featuring Tova Feldshuh and Victor Garber

1991(8thof Iyar, 5751): Eighty-one year old Judah Bergman, the London born boxer known was Jack Kid Berg “who became the World Light Welterweight Champion in 1930” passed away today in his hometown.

1991:  Shalom America (Jewish cable network) was launched in Brooklyn & Queens.

1993:  The Holocaust Memorial Museum was dedicated in Washington, D.C.  There is no way to do this justice.  For more information see http://www.ushmm.org/.

1993(1stof Iyar 5753): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1993(1stof Iyar, 5753): Miles Lerhman served as chairman of the Holocaust Memorial Museum from its opening today until 2000, eight years before his death in 2008 at the age of 88.


1994: “Chasers” a comedy featuring Betty Schram as “Flo” was released in the United States today.

1994: “The Inkwell,” a romantic comedy produced by Irving Azoff was released today in the United States

1994(11thof Iyar, 5754): Dr. Lewis Barth, Professor of Midrash and Related Literature at HUC-JIR in Los Angeles delivered the 1994 Rabbi Max Nussbaum Memorial Lecture.


1994:  Richard Nixon, 37th President of the United States passed away.  Nixon's relations with Jews and the Jewish community ranged from uneven to stormy.  In his first campaign for the U.S. Senate, Nixon supporters smeared his opponent with the tar brush of anti-Semitism.  Nixon did have Jews working on White House Staff.  He was frustrated by is inability to gain support among Jewish voters and some of his comments on the White House tapes about Jews are, to be charitable, less than complimentary.  At the same time, in 1973, he came through for Israel.  Thanks to Nixon, the Americans conducted a mammoth airlift of supplies that enabled the IDF to turn the tide after the Arab sneak attack and gain a military victory in the Yom Kippur War.

1995:  Yagil Amir, who had sworn to kill Prime Minister Rabin, unsuccessfully tried to enter a hall in Jerusalem where Rabin was present as the guest of honor.

1995(22ndof Nisan, 5755): 8th Day of Pesach

1995(22ndof Nisan, 5755): Ninety-two year old Sir Horace Kadoorie, scion of the Kdoorie family that migrated from Baghdad to Mumbai to Hong Kong passed away today.


1997(15th of Nisan, 5757): Pesach

1997: ‘Déjà Vu,” an “American dramatic romance film directed by Henry Jaglom” was released in the United States today.

1998: Five days after premiering in the United States, “Paulie” a fantasy film co-starring Hallie Eisenberg was released in Germany today.

1999(6th of Iyar, 5759): Seventy-one year old Matthew A. Margolis the Akron, OH born son of Elias H. Margolis and Dora Margolis passed away today in his home town.

1999: In Manhattan, jurors awarded a patient of Dr. Pamela Lipkin, an East Side plastic surgeon $600,000 in damages.

2000(17th of Nisan, 5760): Third day of Pesach

2000(17th of Nisan, 5760): Seventy-nine year old theatrical producer Alexander H. Cohen passed away today. (As reported by Alex Witchel)



2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Country Matters: The Pleasures and Tribulations of Moving From a Big City to an Old Country Farmhouse by Michael Korda, Teacha!: Stories From a Yeshiva by Gerry Albarelli and Resisting Hitler: Mildred Harnack and the Red Orchestraby
Shareen Blair Brysac.

2001(29th of Nisan, 5761):Dr. Mario Goldin, 53, of Kfar Sava, was killed when a terrorist detonated a powerful bomb he was carrying near a group of people waiting at a bus stop on the corner of Weizman and Tchernichovsky streets. About 60 people were injured in the blast. Hamas claimed responsibility.

2001: The National Football League Draft ended today with Iowa State University Quarterback Sage Rosenthal becoming a Washington Redskin.

2002: During Operation “Defensive Shield,” IDF ended the curfew at Nablus which had begun on April 4.

2002 “Mideast Turmoil: American Jews; Unusually Unified in Solidarity With Israel, but Also Unusually Unnerved” published today describes the feelings an action of the Jewish community in the wake of attacks on Israel and anti-Semitism in the United States.


2002(10th of Iyar, 5762): Ninety-three year old Victor Frederick Weisskopf’ an Austrian-born Jewish American theoretical physicist, passed away today.


2002(10thof Iyar, 5762): Twenty-two year old Sgt. Mag. Nir Kirchmann of Hadera was killed when the IDF entered a village north of Nablus to arrest Hamas terrorists.

2003: Charles “Krauthammer predicted that the President would have a "credibility problem" if weapons of mass destruction were not found in Iraq within the next five months.”

2004: In North Korea, a freight train exploded killing technicians from Syria who had come the country to take possession of fissionable material which they were to take home as part of nuclear program that could lead to the creation of warheads for the Assad regime

2004: The Roundabout Theatre Company’s Broadway production of Stephen Sondheim’s “Assassins”  opened today

2005: After premiering in Israel yesterday, “A Lot Like Love” co-starring Amanda Peet was released in the United States today. today

2005: “The Interpreter” a complex mystery set at the UN directed by Sydney Pollack who also made a cameo appearance was released in the United State today.

2005: Jews of Omaha, Nebraska celebrated Israel’s 59th year of Independence as the Jewish Community Center hosts the Jewish Arts Festival and Yom Ha’Atzmaut activities designed for the whole family. This year’s Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration is a unique and exciting compilation of an Arts Festival with more than 25 vendors, plus the usual exciting assortment of carnival games, first-class entertainment, and delicious foods from a variety of Omaha restaurants.

2006: On Shabbat, thousands of police were positioned around the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in east Jerusalem on Holy Saturday, hoping to prevent confrontations between various groups of worshippers making their way to the church on Saturday afternoon..

2007: At the Yeshiva University Museum the exhibition entitled “Reuben Kadish’s Holocaust Sculpture” comes to an end. “

2007: Yom Hazikaron begins tonight in Israel with a special memorial ceremony at Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem.

2007: The Sunday New York Times Book Section featured reviews of The Grand Surprise: The Journals of Leo Lerman, edited by Stephen Pascal, Positively American: Winning Back the Middle-Class Majority One Family at a Time by Chuck Schumer (the Jewish Senator from New York) with Daniel Squadron, Black and White a novel by Jewish author Dani Shapiro and The Lady Upstairs: Dorothy Schiff and The New York Post by Marilyn Nissenson. Schiff was the granddaughter of the German Jewish banking magnate Jacob H. Schiff.

2007: The Sunday Washington Post Book Section featured a review of The Worlds of Lincoln Kirstein by Martin Duberman. This “rich and revelatory biography of one of the crucial cultural figures of the twentieth century” provides another example of an American Jew who has had a major impact on our culture.

2008: Earth Day; Third Day of Pesach – suggested date for Street Seders designed to address the Global Climate Crisis.

2008: The Jerusalem Cinematheque presents “Refusenik”  the first retrospective documentary to chronicle the thirty-year movement to free Soviet Jewry between the early 60s and the fall of the Iron Curtain..

2009: At YaleHagai El-Ad, Israeli civil rights activist, founding director of Jerusalem Open House and director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, delivers a talk entitled “Civil Rights in Israel.”

2009: The Tribeca Film Festival opens with the world premiere of Woody Allen’s “Whatever Works.”

2009: Holocaust Survivor Irene Furst speaks at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa and Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2009: In Cedar Falls, Iowa, Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum presents “The Holocaust and Contemporary Ethics: Legal, Religious, Political and Medical Ethical Implications of the Holocaust,” the inaugural address for the Norman Cohn Family Holocaust Remembrance and Education Lecture Series at the University of Northern Iowa.

2009: “Author Jared Diamond Sued for Libel” published today described the litigation face by the Pulitzer-Prize winning author.


2009: Rome’s city hall was the site for the Nobel Laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini’s 100thbirthday party.

2009: Five hundred Jews who were making their monthly visit to Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus arrived at the shrine this evening and found that it had been subjected to anti-Semitic vandalism including being painted with swastikas. 

2010:Professor Jason Rosenblatt, author of Renaissance England's Chief Rabbi: John Selden is scheduled to speak at the Washington DCJCC as part of the

Distinguished Scholar Series

2010: The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host the reception marking the opening of the Annual NoVa International Jewish Film Festival.

2011:On the 41st annual Earth Day and the first anniversary of the BP oil spill Reform congregations and their rabbis are scheduled to implement “tried-and-true Earth Day ideas, innovative programs in education and advocacy, and ways to continue our service and commitment to the Gulf Coast” some of which had been presented in a workshop that featured Margo Wolfson of Temple Shalom, Aberdeen, NJ (a GreenFaith Pilot Program congregation), Stephen Fox of Temple Isaiah, Los Angeles, CA, Rabbi Andy Koren, Temple Emanuel, Greensboro and Rabbi Daniel Swartz, Temple Hesed, Scranton, PA.”

2011:The Maccabee Queen is scheduled to be performed 12 noon at Beit Avi Chai in Jerusalem. “Written and directed by Lauri Donahue, the play chronicles the rule of the last queen of Judea.”

2011:The Beit Yisrael synagogue in Netanya has been pelted with rocks, allegedly by ultra-Orthodox youths waging a battle to scare the congregants into leaving.

2012: Amy Irving, star of “Crossing Delancey” is scheduled to take part in a Q&A following a showing of this Jewish romantic comedy featuring “Sam, the pickleman” at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012:The Iowa Jewish Historical Society and the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines are scheduled to host a special event to recognize and honor Iowa’s Jewish men and women who serve and have served in all branches of the United States military, during times of both war and peace.

2012: Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the Northern Virginia’s 2012 Holocaust Observance at Gesher Jewish Day School

2012(30thof Nisan, 5772): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2013: Fifty-three years after its founding the Canadian Jewish News “issued termination notices to its 50 staff and announced that it will cease printing with its June 20 edition due to financial constraints.”

2013:The American Jewish Historical Society and Yeshiva University Museum are scheduled to present a performance by The Momenta Quartet featuring the music of Stefan Wolpe, Aaron Copland and Darius Milhaud.

2013: “Portrait of Wally” and “A Bottle in the Gaza Sea” are scheduled to be shown at the Northern Virginia Jewish Film Festival.

2013:” Dressing America: Tales from the Garment Center” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Daniel Mendelsohn, author of the international bestseller The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million, is scheduled to join award- winning journalist Leslie Maitland, author of Crossing the Borders of Time: A True Love Story of War, Exile and Love Reclaimed in a discussion of their true stories of lives and loves lost in the Holocaust at the Washington DCJCC.

2013: Twentieth anniversary of the dedication of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum



2013: The Histadrut labor federation today threatened to shut down Ben-Gurion International Airport as a show of solidarity with Israeli airline employees, who are striking against Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz's Open Skies agreement with the European Union that was approved by the cabinet yesterday

2013: Jordan has allowed Israel to fly military drones over the country en route to Syria in order to monitor the situation there and, should the need arise, target chemical weapons caches in the civil war-torn country, the French daily Le Figaro reported today.

2014: In New York, Temple Shaaray Tefila is scheduled to host the Yom HaShoah Screening of “No Place On Earth.”

2014(22ndof Nisan, 5774): 8th day of Pesach – Yizkor

2014: In Serbia, Holocaust Remembrance Day

2014(22nd of Nisan): Circumcision of Isaac (Rosh Ha-Shannah 10b)

2015: Shoah survivor Marcel Drimer is scheduled to speak at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

2015: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to host a tour “Modeling the Synagogue – From Dura to Touro.”http://www.yumuseum.org/programs/2015/04/22/curators-tour-modeling-the-synagogue-from-dura-to-touro-4

2015: “Belle and Sebastian” and “Famous Nathan” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015(3rdof Iyar, 5775):  Seventy-eight year old performer Lois Lilienstein passed away today. (As reported by Bruce Weber)


2015: Rabbi Lance J. Sussman is scheduled to teach the second session “Jews, Judaism and American Law” in Philadelphia, PA.

2015:Today, another official memorial ceremony is scheduled to be held at the Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem and will be attended by IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, as well as senior Israel Defense Forces officers and politicians followed by a separate commemoration for Israel’s terror victims will take place at Mount Herzl. (As reported by Times of Israel)

2015: Memorial Day is scheduled to end at sundown today with the start of Independence Day, traditionally ushered in with fireworks and street celebrations nationwide. (As reported by Times of Israel)

2016(14thof Nisan, 5776): Ta’anit Berchorot; Erev Pesach and Erev Shabbat

2016(14thof Nisan): Yahrzeit for the thirty people murdered by terrorists at a Seder at the Park Hotel in Netanya in 2002 and this does not include the 140 who were wounded.

2016(14thof Nisan, 5776): 99th anniversary of the United States entry into World War I.  As Jews were fasting for the first born, searching for chametz and getting ready for their first Seder, Congress was declaring war on Germany.  This would usher in a three year period of dynamic change and growth for the American Jewish community. 

2017(26thof Nisan, 5777): Parashat Shemini; Start of Pirke Avot Cycle – Read Chapter One;

2017(26thof Nisan, 5777): Eighty-seven year old Professor of Philosophy Hubert Lederer Dreyfus passed away today in Berkeley.




2017: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to provide a full day of events including lunch following Shachrit and Mussaf capped off by a Seduah an before the end of Shabbat

2017:  The Jerusalem Opera Festival is scheduled to continue its opening week events with another concert dedicated to Enrico Caruso.

2018: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present the final performance of “Cyrano De Bergerac” starring David Serero in the title role.

2018: “The entire Twin Cities Jewish Community” is scheduled to celebrate “Israel@70” at the Minneapolis Event Center this evening in an event featuring the singing of Abbie Strauss.

2018: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host a presentation by “Jeffrey Shandler, Rutgers University Professor of Jewish Studies, which will examine the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive as a major project of public memory situated in a series of contexts: Jewish ethnographies, public memory projects at the turn of the millennium, and the different media used to document the Holocaust.”

2018: In Coralville, IA, Agudas Achim is scheduled to host the “8th Annual Concert of Commemoration.”

2018: The New York Times published reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Bible of Dirty Jokes by Eileen Pollack and Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past by David Reich

2019: The Center for Jewish History, ALL*ARTS, YIVO and Burke Cohen Entertainment are scheduled to present “award winning actors Ed Asner and Tovah Feldshuh star in a concert reading of The Soap Myth, a powerful play about survival, memory, and truth” which is set more than fifty years after WWII, when a young Jewish reporter grapples with different versions of the same story - did the Nazis make soap from the corpses of murdered Jews?” 

2019: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker is scheduled to present “Modern Matters -- Ancient Jewish Wisdom with Rabbi David Wolpe

2019: Earth Day 2019




2019(17thof Nissan, 5779): Third Day of Pesach; Second Day of the Omer;

2020: In Coralville, IA it will take more than a pandemic stop the quest for learning since the Agudas Achim Wednesday Book Group is scheduled to meet via Zoom this afternoon.

2020: One day after Yom HaShoah the celebration of Earth Day is scheduled to take place which was first celebrated on the 49th birthday of Julian Koenig, the creator of the original advertising event for this event.


2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host Dr. Michael Berenbaum as he leads a virtual presentation on “Not Your Father’s Anti-Semitism.”

2020: Live via Zoom, the Center for Jewish History and Fordham University’s Center for Jewish Studies are scheduled to host “Epidemics, Disease and Plagues in Jewish History and Memory.”

2020: As Israel’s death toll from Covid-19 moves past 180, it was reported that Ran Saar, the CEO of Maccabi Helathcare Services, an HMO, has said that “the economic crisis stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic will more people than the virus itself.

2020: As Israelis contend with the Pandemic and unprecedented period of political deadlock they will be considering whether to follow the words of Yair Lapid who “slammed” Benny Gantz “for going back on all of his election promises and allying himself with Prime Minister Netanyahu or to accept the explanation of Gantz that he made the deal because “he felt compelled to bring out Israel of the political deadlock of the past year in order to tackle the immense challenges ahead” specifically those presented by the coronavirus epidemic. 

2021:Graduate Theological Union is scheduled to present a conversation with U. of Chicago professor Michael Fishbane, a scholar of modern Jewish thought, Jewish mysticism, Biblical studies and other areas.

2021: The Jewish Community Library is scheduled to present educator Ilan Vitemberg talking about Yehuda Amichai’s poetry in general, and specifically how it influenced a generation of songwriters who turned it into popular Israeli songs.

2021: Chabad of North Peninsula. Is scheduled to present “Escape from Cairo,” during Cairo-born Hussein Aboubakr Mansour will about how the Egyptian government persecuted, harassed and jailed him for his studies of Israel and how he got asylum.

2021: JCC East Bay and Reboot are scheduled to present a program that reflects on how climate change is causing grief, over issues such as “new normal” wildfires and the loss of biodiversity that will include a meditation led by Rabbi Dorothy Richman and an art project.

2021: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker is scheduled to host Jerald Walker talking about his latest book How to Make A Slave and Other Essays.

2021:In preparation for Lag B’Omer, today, the Jewish Studio Project in Berkeley is scheduled to lead a class for making art that explores uncertainty and the countdown between Passover and Shavuot.

2021: The JCC Contra Costa is scheduled to present “Music As Midrash: Behind the Music of Prayer”

During which Rabbi Josh Warshawsky will provide a lesson about the text and stories of the traditional Jewish songs we sing, with a song session.

2021: Based on reports published yesterday, Israelis are confronting a new trend that “seems to be gaining momentum among Arab youths in Jerusalem, who videotape themselves harassing ultra-Orthodox Jews in the capital as a "challenge", which they then upload to the social media platform TikTok.” (As reported by Nir Cohen,Alexandra Lukash)

2021: Despite the fact that “Spring has Sprung,” in Columbus, OH, Congregation Tifterth Israel will not be holding its outdoor minyan today “due to cold temperatures.”




This Day, April 23, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 23

 0034: According to Sir Isaac Newton, this is the date of the crucifixion of Jesus.

1185: Birthdate Alfonzo II, the third King of Portugal who was part of a dynasty that who provided a comparatively secure environment for their Jewish subjects. He was the grandson of King Alfonso I and the son of King Sancho I both of whom had recognized the Jewish community, allowing it settle its own legal problems. King Alfonzo set the tone for the dynasty when he appointed Yahia ben Yahi III, the first chief Rabbi of the Portuguese Jewish community to serve as his royal tax collector.

1229: As the Christians fought the Moors, Ferdinand III of Castile re-conquered Caceres. During this period the city had an important Jewish quarter: By the start of 15th century 140 Jewish families lived in city that had a population of 2000 people. As with everything in Sephard the story of the Jews of Caceres ends the same way with the expulsion by Queen Isabella and Ferdinand of Aragon in 1492.

1283: Sixteen Jews were killed in Bruckenhausen

1533: The Church of England annuls the marriage between Catherine of Aragon and Henry VIII. This was a major step in the break between Protestant England and Catholic Europe including France, Spain and those under the sway of the Pope.  The English would be a valuable ally for the Protestants who were struggling to establish themselves in such places as the Netherlands and the Germanic states.  For the Jews, this growing division among European Christians had the short term disadvantage of being caught between two warring parties and abused accordingly.  In the long run, it was advantageous. Protestant England (even when the Catholic James II would come to throne) and Holland would provide early and safe havens for European Jews, especially those looking for homes and opportunity after their experience with the Spanish Inquisition.

1564:  Birthdate of William Shakespeare.  Was Shakespeare an anti-Semite?  The question comes up every time there is a revival of “The Merchant of Venice.”  The term Shylock, the term “pound of flesh” and the line “oh my ducats oh my daughter” have provided fodder for anti-Semites through the centuries.  On the other hand, Shakespeare depicts Shylock as a human with feelings, which was certainly a cut above the normal portrayal during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  According to some critics, “Merchant of Venice” was written as The Bard’s theatrical response to Christopher Marlow’s, “The Jew of Malta.”

1571: In Venice Diana Rachel and Isaac of Modena gave birth to Leon (Judah Areyh) of Modena, famed Italian scholar, rabbi and Poet.


1615: Louis XIII decreed that all Jews must leave the country within one month on pain of death. This decree became the basis for the infamous Code Noir the Black Code which forbade Jews to live in French colonies in the New World including in 1724 the colony of Louisiana.  This may explain why there are no Jewish Creoles in New Orleans society.

1615: Christians in France were forbidden, under pain of death, to shelter or converse with Jews, by order of Louis XIII.

1620(20thof Nisan, 5380): Hayyim ben Joseph Vital passed away at Damascus. Born at Calabria in 1543, he was a foremost exponent of Lurianic Kabbalah, recording much of his master's teachings.

1625: Prince Maurice of Orange passed away despite the best efforts of his “Jewish physician” Joseph Bueno

1659(30th of Nisan): Eight Jews were martyred today at Przemysl

1661: Birthdate of Issachar Berend Lehmann, the native of Essen, Westphalia whose many accomplishments led him to become “the Court Jews for Elector Augustus II, the Strong of Saxony.

1661: King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland is crowned in Westminster Abbey. The coronation of Charles II marked the Restoration following the death of Oliver Cromwell.  Cromwell had allowed the Jews to quietly re-enter England and develop a community.  “Technically, the 1558 Act of Uniformity, which labeled any rites other than those of the Church of England unlawful remained in force.”  But while still in the Netherlands, trying to secure his throne, Charles had assured Amsterdam that English Jews had nothing to fear from his kingship. A generous contribution from Jewish bankers and merchants certainly helped the situation.  Once in power, the king proved true to his word.  When Christian merchants tried to oust their Jewish competition on grounds that they were not members of the Church, Charles stood by his Jewish subjects as long as they obeyed the laws and remained peaceful subjects.  In 1673, an anti-Semitic mob demanded that the Jewish leaders be punished for worshipping in public.  When a grand jury caved in an indicted some of the leading Jews, the Israelites threatened to leave the kingdom rather than give up their religious liberties.  Charles issued orders to halt the proceedings and “not to cause any more anxieties to Jews.”

1662: Catherine of Braganza, in whose train “came the brothers Duarte and Franciso da Sylva, the Portuguese Jewish bankers to who was entrusted the management Catherine’s dowry and whose marriage to King Charles led to an increase in the Marrano community in London, began serving as Queen Consort today.

1702: Margaret Fell, a founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers) who was a passionate advocate for the readmission of Jews to England during the debated in the middle of the 17th century passed away. At the same time, she like many other English Protestants wrote epistles to Jews in mainland Europe to persuade them to convert to true Christianity by which she “meant the Quaker movement which they saw as the spiritual House of Israel.

1720: Birthdate of Elijah (Eliyahu) ben Shlomo Zalman "Kremer" better known as the Vilna Gaon. [Ed. Note: There is not enough room to do justice to this Giant of Judaism.  The following website is a good point of departure.]


1744: In Havana, Isaac Mendez, and two other Jews boarded the Fortune, a French merchant sloop bound for Curacao.  Mendez, a resident of Kingston, Jamaica, was a Jewish merchant and loyal subject of King George II. In 1743, during a trading voyage, Mendez’s ship was captured by the Spanish and he was imprisoned in Havana.  In accord with ancient Jewish tradition, friends learned of his plight.  They “arranged for his release” and paid for his passage aboard the French vessel. [Yes, there is more to the story.  But you will have to wait for TDIJH for April 24 for the next installment]

1769(16thof Nisan, 5529): Second Day of Pesach

1772(20thof Nisan, 5532): Sixth Day of Pesach

1785: In New York, Rachel Heilbron and Chaim Salomon who had died in January gave birth to their son Chaim Moses Salomon, who attempted to collect, some would say through embellishment, moneys owed to his family for his father’s financial assistance during the Revolution.


1785: Three months after his father had passed away, in New York City, Rachel Franks and Chaim Solomon, of Revolutionary War fame, gave birth to Chaim Moses Salomon, the businessman who spent much of his life trying to have the United States government reimburse his father for the money owed to his father, Chaim Solomon for helping to finance the cause of the American Revolution.

1786: Birthdate of Amsterdam native Hyman Polock, the husband of London native Rebecca Barnett who gave birth to Miriam Polock and Sarah Polock of Philadelphia, PA.

1791: Birthdate of James Buchanan, 15th President of the United States who in1857 received a committee of Jews led by Isaac Meyer Wise seeking his support in over-turning a treaty with the Swiss Cantons that resulted in American Jews being subjected to the anti-Semitic laws of Switzerland. Buchanan said he would work to correct the situation.  But Buchanan was no more effective in helping American Jews than he would be in preserving the Union when Secession came.

1794: Benvenida de Isaac Henriques Valentine and Amsterdam native Solomon da Silva Solis gave birth to Elijah Solis, the husband of Louisa Solis.

1797: Birthdate of Solomon Plessner, the native of Bresalau who defended Orthodox Judaism against the in-roads of the Reform Movement.

1797: In Charleston, SC, Sarah and Abraham Moise who were married in 1779 at St. Eustatia, gave birth to Penina Moise, “the first Jewish American woman to contribute to the worship service, writing 190 hymns for Beth Elohim. The Reform movement’s 1932 Union Hymnal still contained thirteen of her hymns.” (As reported by Jay Eidelman)



1799(18thof Nisan, 5559): Fourth Day of Pesach

1799: Napoleon continued his siege of Acre.

1813: Joseph Collins, the son of Hyman Collins and Mary Davis was buried today in the UK.

1818: Birthdate of Christopher Oscanyan, the Armenian-born American author and speaker whose lecture topics included “The Women of Turkey and the Jews of the East.”

1818(23rdof Nisan, 5573): Thirty-two year old Emanuel Sheftall, the Savannah born son of Levi and Sarah Shefall and the father of Solomon, Rebeca, Emanuel and Elizabeth Sheftall passed away today in his home town

1819: In Devon, UK, Robert Frounde, the archdeacon of Totnes and his wife gave birth to English historian and author James Anthony Froude whose works included the 1890 biography of Benjamin Disraeli entitled Lord Beaconsfield and who defeated Disraeli by a vote of fourteen votes for the position of Lord Rector of St. Andrews.


1823: According to the Jewish Encyclopedia birthdate of composer Louis Lewandowski which others show as April 3.


1826(16thof Nisan, 5586): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

1829(20thof Nisan, 5589) Sixth Day of Pesach

1829: Birthdate of Vienna native Lazar Schorstein, the son of Yitzhak Schorstein the husband of Clara Schorstein and father of Bertha, Gustave and Therese Schorstein.

1848: In New York, Congregation B’nai Israel moved from the old Shakespeare Hall at the corner of William and Duane streets” to a building on Pearl Street.

1849: Noah Lodge No 1 of the Independent Order of Free Sons of Israel which had been formed in January of this year, held its eighth meeting today at which Mr. Stern and Mr. Buttenheim to advance the organization the 25 dollars needed to buy “emblems for the grand officers.”

1852: “Le Juif errant” premiered at today at the Salle Le Peletier of the Paris Opera. “Le Juif errant (The Wandering Jew) is a grand opera by Fromental Halévy, with a libretto by Eugène Scribe and Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges.” The opera is based extremely loosely on themes of the novel “Le Juif errant” by Eugène Sue. While the novel is set in 19th century Paris and the Wandering Jew is incidental to the main story-line, the opera begins in Amsterdam in 1190 and the Jew, Ahasvérus, is a leading character. The music was sufficiently popular to generate a Wandering Jew Mazurka, a Wandering Jew Waltz, and a Wandering Jew Polka.”

1854: In New York, Abigail Kursheedt and Asher Kursheedt gave birth Alphonse Hart Kursheedt.

1856: Morris Ehrlich, the President of the Kane Street Synagogue “proferred a complaint against the Shames for creating a disturbance in the Synagogue” which was found to be valid enough to warrant a fine of $4.00 being levied against the worker.

1858: Birthdate of Max Plank, German physicist and Nobel Prize Winner.  During World War II, Plank tried to convince Hitler to spare the lives of Jewish scientists.  His son was executed for his part in the 1944 plot to kill Hitler.  Plank passed away in 1947.

1859: In Ploieşti, Romania,house painter and amateur artist, MoisiŞăineanu and his wife gave birth to Lazăr Șăineanu who gained fame as Lazare Sainéan the French philologist and cultural historian

1860: According “The Extortions of Slavery” published today, Dr. George B. Cheever delivered an anti-slavery speech last night at The Church of the Puritans in which he compared slaveholders to the anti-Semitic King John of England who “who, to extort money from a Jew, pulled a tooth every day from out the Hebrew's head until he complied with his demands.”

1860: The Democratic National Convention which former Congressman Henry Myer Phillips attended as a delegate from Pennsylvania opened today.

1860(1stof Iyar, 5620): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1860(1stof Iyar, 5620): Eighty-nine-year-old Sarah Lopez Isaacs, the Newport, RI born daughter and wife of Judah Myers passed away today in New York City.

1861: Major Alfred Mordecai wrote an angry letter to Colonel Craig complaining that he had not had any response to his request for a transfer.  Unbeknownst to Mordecai, Craig had been replaced as his superior. Mordecai was a distinguished officer in the United States Army who was born in the South.  He was trying to gain a transfer to a post in the West so he could stay in the army without having to fight family and friends from the South.

1864(17thof Nisan, 5624): Third Day of Pesach; Shabbat Shel Pesach

1864: As Jews celebrate their ancient liberation from bondage, in Louisiana, Union forces defeated the Confederates at the Battle of Monett’s Ferry, an episode in the Red River Campaign, part of Grant’s grand plan to defeat those who sought to destroy the United States so they could continue owning their slaves.

1868: According to today’s “Foreign News by Mail” column, when Ion Bratiano, Minister of State, was asked a question about the present of the National Guard at Jassy (Romania), he that “as long as the violent hatred against the Jews lasted, he would not furnish the enemies of the Jews with arms.” Bratino was a Rumanian nationalist who worked to secure the establishment of an independent Romania.  He was the leader of the liberal cabinet that would declare Romania’s independence in 1877.  The conditions of Romania’s Jews did not improve with independence.

1870: The remains of Dr. George Frick who had passed away while visiting Berlin were interred in the Greenmount Cemetery in Baltimore, MD.  Dr. Frick was the younger brother of the late Judge Frick. 

1870(22ndof Nisan, 5630): 8th day of Pesach

1871: Franz Joseph I of Austria made Solomon Benedict de Worms the “1stBaron de Worms.”

1871: Derech Emunoh consecrated its new synagogue today in what has been the chapel of New York University.  The congregation which has been using a building on Greene Street leased its new facility.  The service was led by Rabbi S.M. Isaacs.

1872(15th of Nisan, 5632): On the first day of Pesach, Rabbi Henry Vidaver delivered a sermon “on the celebration of Passover” at B’Nai Jeshrum in New York City.  Rabbi Vidaver was one of the contributors to the “Abridged School and Family Bible in Hebrew & English.”

1875(18thof Nisan, 5635): Fourth Day of Pesach

1878: In New Orleans, Rebecca (Kiefer) and Isidore Newman, the namesake of the Isidore Newman School gave birth to Miriam Dorothy Newman who gained fame as multi-talented artist Isadora Newman.


1879(30th of Nisan, 5639): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1879: In Charleston, Rabbi David Levy presided over the wedding of Julian C. Levin and Lulie Bringloe, the eldest daughter of Captain Samuel G. Bringloe.

1880: An article about Benjamin Disraeli published today, that begins with “Lord Beaconsfield steps down and at his advanced age it is not probable that he will ever again hold the reins of power” traces the career of the British statesman that began fifty-four years ago with the publication of “Vivian Gray” and includes such highlights as the maneuvering which brought the Suez Canal under British control.”  The article included the following, “Of Semitic origin, his ideas, methods, and sentiments bore an Oriental stamp.”  His father may have taken Disraeli to the baptismal font, but he was still “a Jew” to many of his contemporaries. 

1881: A large number of Jews have arrived in Cincinnati for the upcoming dedication of a new building at the Hebrew Union College.

1881: Samuel Alatri, the Italian politician who led the Jewish Community of Rome, delivered "Discorso Pronunziato nella Scuola del Tempio” today.

1882: A conference designed to provide aid to the Jews of Russia was held today in Berlin.  There were representatives from several different countries including the United States and Great Britain which was represented by Sr. Juilan Goldsmid and Dr. Herrman Adler.  In making plans for the future, the conference assigned the Americans the responsibility for finding employment for Russian immigrants going to the United States.  The Germans and British were given responsibility for raising additional funds.

1882: It was reported today, that as a result of a report issued by the Minister of Justice, the Czar has ordered that the trials of all those accused “of outrages against the Jews” be dealt with in a speedy manner.

1883: It was reported today the biography of Dr. Barclay, the late Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem will be published shortly.  The book will include significant information about the failure to convert Jews and Moslems.

1884: Birthdate of Russian native Samuel Barnett, whose father was “engaged in the iron business in Wooster, OH and who became a successful businessman in Cleveland who was the husband of Saddie Friedman and a member of the Euclid Avenue Temple.

1888: Birthdate of Polish native Abraham Tutelman Malmed, who in 1891 came to Philadelphia where he attended Temple University and went into the business of manufacturing cement.

1889(22nd of Nisan, 5649): 8th day of Pesach

1889: Millionaire stockbroker, Isidor Wormser, whose daughter is a Seligman by marriage, was so upset with the comments that Rensselaer Bissell had made about him that he challenged him to a fistfight outside of the NYSE after the exchange had closed.  In the end, Bissell backed down, much to the disappointment of his fellow brokers.

1890: “A Mighty Power” by Frank Rothschild, Jr. had a pre-Broadway matinee performance at the Fifth Avenue Theatre. 

1890: Adolphus Leo Weil and Cassie Ritter Weil gave birth to Princeton alum and University of Pittsburgh trained attorney Ferdinand Theobald Weil, the older brother of Adolphus Leo Weil.

1891(15thof Nisan, 5651): Pesach

1891: Birthdate of Ostrog, Russia native and WW I veteran William Alexander Perlzweig who came to the U.S. In 1906 where he earned all three degrees at Columbia before pursuing a career as a biochemist at Duke University.


1891: An order expelling the Jews from Moscow was published today.

1892: In Brooklyn, Samuel and Pauline Boochever gave birth to Anna Boochever the graduate of New York State College of Teachers who when she married Frederick S. DeBeer became Anna DeBeer, an active member of the National Council of Jewish Women.

1893: Birthdate of New York City native and Columbia trained educator Michael Kaplan, who served as a principal in Brooklyn.

1893(7th of Iyar, 5653): Marx Mordechai Pfaelzer, the son of Uri Feiss Pfaelzer and Fanny Pfaelzer, and

husband of Karoline / Gitel Pfaelzer passed away today.

1893: Rabbi Raphael Benjamin was reported today as describing the blackballing of Theodore Seligman by the Union League as “unmanly, un-American and un-Christian.” At the same time he took issued with those who “that this is only the beginning of a movement against Jews” in New York City and saw “it only as a small remnant of the ignorant prejudiced with once existed toward” Jews “and which, under the enlightening influence of education is fast disappearing.”


1894(17thof Nisan, 5654): Third Day of Pesach

1894: Hyman Blumenthal, a Jewish peddler is being held in jail facing charges of arson for his role in burning a tenement in New York City.

1894: “Lesson from the Passover published today presented Dr. Joseph Silverman’s view of “Judaism as a religion based on freedom” and that “a religion that would seek to subvert American unity and establish a union of Church and State and subsidize itself from the Public Treasury was nothing but organized treason.”


1894(17th of Nisan, 5654): American banker and philanthropist Jesse Seligman passed away today at Coronado Beach CA. Born at Baiersdorf, Bavaria, on August 11, 1827, he followed his brothers to the United States in 1841, and established himself at Clinton, Alabama. In 1848 he moved with his brothers to Watertown, N. Y., and then, with his brother Leopold, went to San Francisco in the autumn of 1850, where he became a member of the Vigilance Committee, as well as of the Howard Fire Company. He remained in California until 1857, when he joined his brother in establishing a banking business in New York. With his brother Joseph he helped to found the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in 1859, and was connected with it till his death. At the time of his death he was a trustee of the Baron de Hirsch Fund. He was a member of the Union League Club, of which he was vice-president, and from which he resigned in 1893 when the club for racial reasons refused to admit to membership his son Theodore. He was head of the American Syndicate formed to place in the United States the shares of the Panama Canal. He was also a friend and supporter of President Grant whom he first met when the young army officer was stationed near Watertown.  In fact, Grant tried to make him the first American Jew to serve in the Cabinet. (As reported in the Jewish Encyclopedia and Dr. Jonathan Sarna)




1896, Herzl wrote in his diaries of his arrival in Karlsruhe at Reverend William Hechler’s request.


“Arrived here at eleven last night. Hechler met me at the station and took me to the Hotel Germania, which had been “recommended by the Grand Duke.” We sat in the dining-room for an hour. I drank Bavarian beer, Hechler milk. He told me what had happened. The Grand Duke had received him immediately upon his arrival, but first wanted to wait for his privy-councilor’s report on my Jewish State. Hechler showed the Grand Duke the “prophetic tables” which seemed to make an impression. When the Kaiser arrived, the Grand Duke immediately informed him of the matter. Hechler was invited to the reception and to the surprise of the court-assembly the Kaiser addressed him with the jocular words: “Hechler, I hear you wanted to become a minister of the Jewish State.”


1896: A memorial honoring the late Jesse Seligman was unveiled this afternoon at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum on 138thStreet and Amsterdam Avenue

1896: The New York Section of the National Council of Jewish Women met in vestry rooms of Temple Beth-El.

1896: The Times of London reported today that Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria cut short his official to Russia and left St. Petersburg for Paris so he could he could attend the funeral “of his friend,” Baron Hirsch.

1898: The Alumni Association of the Hebrew Technical Institute hosted its fifth annual reunion banquet at the Tuxedo

1898: Start of a two day Preliminary conference in Vienna prior to the second Zionist Congress. Representatives from Russia, Austria and Germany all attended. It is decided to send Leo Motzkin to Palestine to prepare a report. The congress will meet again in Basel, Switzerland. As was befitting for liberal movement that would come to be dominated by socialist idealist, the Zionist leaders decided that women would be allowed to attend the Congress as voting delegates. In other words, Zionist women had the vote two decades before women in the United States got the vote.

1897(21stof Nisan, 5657): Seventh Day of Pesach

1897: As Jews munch on their matzoth, Greek forces continue their withdrawal from the area around Tyrnavos as they faced the larger, better organized units from the Ottoman Empire was home to the large and ancient Jewish community of Thessalonika, which would eventually come under Greek rule as the city of Salonika.

1898: Spain declared war on the United States in response to the American blockade of Cuba which was one of the official acts marking the start of the Spanish American War in which 5,000 Jewish volunteers would serve.

 1899: Herzl begins the two day Bank Conference in Köln with Wolffsohn and Heymann as he sought to develop his “top down” concept of creating a Jewish home in Eretz Israel.

1899: The American Hebrew League of Greater New York met in Brooklyn this evening.

1899: Dr. Felix Adler is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “The Metropolitan Greatness of New York and the Vast Moral Problems It Raises” at the Music Hall in New York City.

1899: Thanks to a donation of $25,000 from Abraham Slimmer of Waverly, Iowa a permanent home for the Chicago Home for Jewish Orphans was dedicated on a piece of land donated by Henry Siegel and other members of the Windy City’s Jewish community.

1899: “Hebrew Technical School” published today included a history of the Jewish school that included among its graduates the architect William C. Sommerield and  that after being open for only 15 years has become so successful that it had turned away fifty applicants for lack of space.

1900: Birthdate of Zhitomir, Russia native Samuel Lackman who in 1904 “migrated to Winnipeg” where after enlisting in 1918 which led to his serving with the 39thRoyal Fusiliers who served in Palestine,

1900: The 27th Convention of the District Grand Lodge No. 7 of B’nai Birth continued for a second day in New Orleans.

1901: The New York branch of the Alliance Israelite Universelle was reorganized under the direction of M. Nissim Behar at a meeting held at Temple Emanu-El in where business was conducted in English, Yiddish and German and Mr. Louis Marshall was elected President while Henry Periera Mendes served as secretary.

1901: “Jewish Butchers’ Appeal” published today reported that “as soon as the New York State Senate convened, Senator Elsberg introduced a bill amending the” recently enacted “”O’Connel” which ordered all butcher shops to be closed on Sunday, so that the law did not apply to people whose Sabbath is Saturday, because under the O’Connell law Jewish butchers would have to remain closed from midnight Friday until Midnight Sunday night.

1902(16thof Nisan, 5662): Second Day of Pesach; First Day of the Omer.

1902(16thof Nisan, 5652): In Detroit, “the cornerstone laying ceremony for the new synagogue building of Temple Beth El” took place today.
1903: Herzl is received by Joseph Chamberlain, who just came back from Africa. The Chamberlain-Herzl negotiations of the "Uganda scheme" are the first recognition of the president of the Zionist Organization as representing the Jewish people.

1903: During the “Melvin Bellis Case” a report from the Kiev District Procurator, based on an autopsy by a medical professor from Kiev University, intimated that Andrei Yustchinski had been the victim of a ritual murder.  “Years later, it would be learned that the ministry of justice had slipped the doctor a four thousand ruble bribe.”

1904: In London Gladys Helen Rachel Goldsmid and Louis Montagu, 2nd Baron Swaythling gave birth to  Ivor Goldsmid Samuel Montagu “a British filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, film critic, writer, table tennis player and apparent Soviet spy who  “received some credit for the development of a vibrant intellectual film culture in Britain during the interwar years.”  He passed away in 1984.


1905(18thof Nisan, 5665): Fourth Day of Pesach

1905: As unrest grips the Russian empire, in Poland “special regulations have been instituted to keep the army free from” the contamination of the Revolutionaries and “these have been enforced in individual cases” which have been detected particularly among Jews” who “have been severely punished.”

1906: “The Viennese Zionists demanded” that Herr von Taussig, the banker who arranged for Austrian participation in the loan to Russia to which many Austrian Jews are opposed, be dismissed from his position as Vice President “of the Hebrew Community.

1907: Birthdate of Cincinnati native and Ohio State University graduate Aron Max Mathieu the author of “The Writer’s Market for 1940,” “The Reataive Writer” and “The Creative Writer.”


1907: Birthdate of Elizabeth “Lee” Miller the fashion model who during WW II became a war correspondent and photographer who covered the “horrors of Buchenwald and Dachau.” (She was not Jewish but the photos were part of the creation of a record of the Horrors of the Holocaust.)


1908: Birthdate of Czech writer and diplomat Egon Hostovsky, a distant relative of Stefan Zweig, most of whose immediate family perished in the Holocaust and who was immortalized by the posthumous creation of the Egon Hostovsky Prize for literature.

1908: In Cologne, Germany, music critic Paul Hiller and his wife Sophie Lion gave birth to Erwin Ottmar Hiller grandson of pianist Ferdinand Hiller, who gained fame as Holocaust survivor and actor Marcel Hillaire, whose most memorable for me was as the French Chef in the marvelous comedy “Sabrina.”

1909: “The Bronx Aroused” published today described Jewish opposition to taking land from Crotona Park to build an armory and plans to hold a protest meeting under the leadership of the Free Sons of Israel.

1910: Birthdate of Martin Roman, the German jazz pianist who played with the Marek Weber Band and was shipped to Theresienstadt in 1944.

1910(14th of Nisan, 5670): On Shabbat HaGadol, Rabbi Joseph Silverman delivered a sermon at Temple Emanu-El in which his he praised Mayor Gaynor for this letter to Reverend Chalmers refusing him a license to preach on the street corners of the East Side with the aim of converting Jews to Christianity.

1910(14th of Nisan, 5670): “Passover Begins To-Night” published today states that “"Pesach," the Hebrew festival of the Passover, one of the most important festivals of the Jewish calendar, will begin at sunset this evening, which is the fourteenth day of the month of Nison. This festival was ordained to celebrate the deliverance of the children of Israel from their long captivity in Egypt and their departure from the house of bondage on the way through the wilderness to the promised land of Canaan.”

1910 (14th of Nisan, 5670): A Seder will be held tonight on Ellis Island for the Jewish immigrants who have not been given permission to enter the United States.

1910: Clarence Charles Minzesheimer, head of the banking and brokerage house Charles Minzesheimr & Co had his appendix removed after suffering an attack of appendicitis.

1911: In Marseille, Erma Maria Domenica Giorcelli and “Henri Louis Firmin Champmoynat, a French Jewish engineer, airplane pilot in World War II, who died in a concentration camp” gave birth to French movie star Simone Thérèse Fernande Simon.

1912: In London, Helena Rubenstein and Edward William Titus gave birth to their younger son Horace Titus.

1913(16thof Nisan, 5673): Second Day of Pesach; First Day of the Omer

1913: George Washington Ochs-Oakes, the son of Julius and Bertha Ochs, and his wife Bertie gave birth to John Bertram Oakes, a creative pillar of the New York Times whose accomplishments are beyond the scope of this blog. (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)


1914: Birthdate of Harry Kravitsky, the Brooklyn native who as Harry Crane  went from  Borscht Belt comic to screenwriter for Hollywood films and television for which he created the “Honeymooners.”


1914: Justice Ben Bill of the Georgia State Supreme Court heard the appeal of Leo Frank today.

1915: It was reported today that “Hermann Laundau, a prominent Jewish philanthropist associated with various Jewish charities in London” has said that “seven million Poles, of whom 2,000,000 are Jews are in dire need of food” and that “the Jews are even poorer than the Gentiles, because of the boycott against the Jews in parts of Poland before the beginning of the war, which impoverished thousands who otherwise would have been able to provide for their families.”

1915: Three years after its founding, the second annual convention of the Mizrahi of America opened its second annual convention in New York City.

1915: Rupert Brooke, a young scholar and poet serving as an officer in the British Royal Navy” whom Alexander Aciman called his “Favorite Anti-Semite” “died of blood poisoning on a hospital ship anchored off the Greek island of Skyros, while awaiting deployment in the Allied invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula.

1916(20thof Nisan, 5676): Sixth Day of Pesach

1916: “Nathan Straus greeted thousands of Jewish children” in New York this morning “at the Passover gatherings of Young Judea” where “he urged them to remain true to the traditions of their people and said they might well be proud of being young Zionists.”

1916: “Henry Morgenthau, the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, was the guest of honor this afternoon at the Fifth Annual Convention of the Federation of Oriental Jews in American” at P.S. No. 91 where he said “that his career had been started in a public school and that a similar chance in life could be the reward for anyone who was willing to make the effort.”

1917: It was reported today that Louis Marshall has described the formation of The League of Jewish Youth of America as “the protest of the young Jews and Jewesses against the deadly tendency to drift hopelessly on arctic sea” and as “the expression of their desire to affect a stable and dignified adjustment of ancient Jewish idealism to perfect American citizenship.”

1917: A cable received from the Petrograd correspondent of the Jewish Daily Forward in New York today described “how the Jews of Russia are aiding the new Government in its effort to bring order out of chaos and successfully prosecute the war against Germany.”

1917: Zangwill Back To Zionism” published today described the return of Israel Zangwill to the Zionist Movement from which he has been estranged since 1905 when he others sought to find other places for a Jewish Home” including land in Africa which was part of the British Empire.

1917: “A stormy controversy over the question of woman suffrage sprang up at the assembly of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis at Temple Emanu-El” today with “Dr. Stephen S. Wise threatening to resign from the council because of the in which the President, Dr. Joseph Silverman, opposed any attempt to present the suffrage issue to consideration of the assembled rabbis.”

1918: Dr. Alexander Dushkin announced today that 3,700 new members have joined “the Jewish Community” which has its headquarters on Second Avenue and has been conducting a membership drive that has “included Jews of all classes” in New York City.

1918: In New York, Regina and Nisim Yeuda Levy gave birth to World War II veteran Louis N. Levy, the husband of Rena Dweck and a leader in the Sephardic community in the United States.


1918: In Paris, “Lazare Kessel, a promising actor of Jewish Russian descent who committed suicide” and his wife gave birth to author Maurice Druon who along with his Uncle Joseph Kessel wrote the lyrics “to the unofficial anthem of the French Resistance” in 1943.”



1919: The funeral for one year old Pearl Gerber, the daughter of Edward and Rose E. Gerber was held today in Chicago.


1920: Political change comes to the Ottoman Empire as the national council denounces Sultan Mehmed VI and The Grand National Assembly of Turkey is formed.  These events are steps down the road to the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of modern day Turkey. The end of the Ottoman Empire was a critical factor in the creation of a Jewish Homeland that led to the state of Israel.  But this dismemberment has been a critical factor that haunts the Middle East to this day.

1920(5th of Iyyar, 5680): Isaac Gause passed away.  Born in 1843 in Ohio, he was a corporal in the 2nd OhioCavalry (USA) Army who won the Medal of Honor for valor displayed at Berryville, VA, in September of 1864.

1921(15thof Nisan, 5681): First Day of Pesach

1921(15thof Nisan, 5681): Seventy-three year old Israel Zeitoun, “the chief rabbi and president of the Rabbinical Court in Tunis” passed away today.



1921: Gambler Nick Arenstein and comedic actress Fannie Brice gave birth abstract painter William Brice.


1923: Birthdate of dancer Melissa Hayden

1923: Birthdate of Avram Davidson. Born in Yonkers, NY, educated at NYU, Yeshiva U and Pierce College, he spent a year in the Israeli Amy during the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-49. His first sale was to Orthodox Jewish Life Magazine eight years before he broke into the genre. Originally an observant Orthodox Jew. Converted to Tenrikyo in 1970, after which he spent time in Japan, studied the religion intensely, and translated some texts into English.He was a writer of fantasy fiction, science fiction, and crime fiction, as well as the author of many unclassifiable but unforgettable stories that do not fit into a genre niche. He won a Hugo Award and was three time winner of the World Fantasy Award in the science fiction and fantasy genre, and a Queen's Award and an Edgar Award in the mystery genre. Davidson edited The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction from 1962 to 1964. He passed away in 1993.

1924: In Columbia, South Carolina dress shop manager Mordecai Moses Donen and Helen Cohen, the daughter of a jewelry salesman gave birth  to  director and choreographer best known for “Singing’ In the Rain” and “On the Town.”

1926: Sixty-eight year old Joseph Pennell, the artist and author whose works include The Jew at Home: Impressions of a Summer and Autumn Spent With Him.


1928: “The Plastic Age” produced by B.P. Schulberg which would gain the attention of Adolph Zukor, the CEO of Paramount, was released today in Finland.

1929: In Pairs, Frederick Steiner, a senior lawyer in the Austrian Central Bank and Else Steiner, “a Viennese Grande Dame” gave birth to Francis George Steiner “French-born American literary critic, essayist, philosopher, novelist, and educator” whose works include Portage to San Cristobal of A.H., in which Jewish Nazi hunters find Adolf Hitler (the "A.H." of the novella's title) alive in the Amazon jungle thirty years after the end of World War II


1930: In New York City, stockbroker Louis E. Oppenheimer and his wife Irene (née Rothschild) Oppenheimer gave birth to Alan Oppenheimer who had a long list of movie and television credits to his name including the role of Dr. Rudy Wells in the “Six Million Dollar Man.”

1930: In Brooklyn, attorney Louis Cohen and his wife gave birth to Arthur George Cohen “who began a roller-coaster real estate career with a $25,000 investment in tract housing on Long Island before creating the nation’s largest publicly held real estate company, teaming up with tycoons like Aristotle Onassis to build trophy Manhattan skyscrapers…” (As reported by Douglas Martin)


1933: “A conference of executive directors of Y.M.H.A.’s, Y.W H.A’s and Jewish Community Centers” is which is considering “an evaluation of present membership policies, news systems of membership and other measures that will build up memberships in Jewish centers scheduled to continue for a second day at the 92ndStreet Y.

1934: Abraham Stavsky, Zvi Rosenblatt and Abba Achimeyer went on trial for the murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff today in Jerusalem.

1935: According to an announcement made today by Dr. Gross, the head “of the Nazi party’s race bureau” “the exclusion of Jewish children from public schools in Germany and their transfer to special Jewish schools is the next point in the government’s program for dealing with German Jews.”

1936(1st of Iyar, 5696): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1936: Isaac Ben Zvi, representing Vaad Leumi (the Palestine Jewish National council) and Rabbi Moses Blau of Agudath Israel call on Jon Hall, Chief Secretary of the Palestine Government and asked him to prevent Arabs living in surrounding villages from coming to Jerusalem tomorrow.  The villagers are coming in response to a call from the Mufit of Jerusalem.  The fears of the Jewish leaders are based on the current climate of violence in Palestine and the fact that the current conditions remind one of conditions that resulted in the violent Arab riots in August of 1929.  As if to underscore their concerns, reports have surfaced in Jerusalem that the “private offices of the May of Tel Aviv…were plundered in Jaffa this afternoon.”

1936: John Hathorn Hall, Chief Secretary of the Palestine Government refused the request of Isaac Ben Zvi of the Vaad Leumi (the Palestine Jewish National Council) and Rabbi Moses Blau of Agudath Israel to prevents villages from coming into Jerusalem tomorrow because “they were coming for religious purposes.”  Blau responded, “That is the same reply I received from the High Commissioner Luke in 1929 just before the big massacre of Jews began.”

1936: In Massachusetts, “Alexander Lincoln, president of the Sentinels of the Republic, whose recently voiced belief that ‘the Jewish threat is a real one,’ cause a storm of protest, resigned from the State Board of Tax appeals today” at the same time that Governor Curley was trying to oust from the position.

1936: Governor James Michael Curley announced today that he would appoint Abraham Webber, a leader in the Jewish community to serve as a Public Utility Commissioner.

1936: “Travelers returning from Poland” brought “reports of pogroms and persecution in the larger cities” and described the “state of affairs” under which the Jews are living as “pitiable.”

1936: The Jewish Telegraph Agency “said that thirty persons had been killed in the four days of Arab-Jewish clashes” and approximately 190 more had been wounded.

1936: “David Ben Gurion, Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine spoke by telephone from Jerusalem with American Jewish leaders today and said that the Jewish community in Palestine would not be dissuaded from their “work of rebuilding the country” because of the current violence.

1937(12thof Iyar, 5697): Sixty-six year old Austrian obstetrician and gynecologist, Josef van Halban, the son of Philipp and Anna Sara Hinda Halban  and the husband of opera singer Selma von Halban passed away today in Vienna.

1938(22ndof Nisan, 5698): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1938: Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Jews by Birth and Jews by Belief” at Temple Emanu-El.

1938: Rabbi William F. Rosenblum is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “One Third of the Nation and the Other Two Thirds” at Temple Israel.

1938: Rabbi Alexander Segel is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “The Four Parties in Israel at the Red Sea” today at the Fort Washington Synagogue.

1938: In Carrigrohane, René Dreyfus took ahead of his number one pole position to win the Cork Grand Prix in which he posted the fastest lap as well.

1938 Jews in Vienna, Austria, were rounded up on the Sabbath by Nazis and forced to eat grass at the Prater, a local amusement park. Many of the victimized Jews suffered heart attacks and a few died.

1939: The police arrested 218 more illegal immigrants near Jaffa early this morning.  The group that included fifty women and ten children had been put ashore by a Greek ship near Ashkelon.  The British forces found them wandering in the dunes.  They were taken to holding camps in Jaffa.  Along the way, the convoy passed several Jewish settlements where the residents cheered these latest escapees from Hitler’s Europe.

1940(15thof Nisan, 5700): Pesach

1940: The Chief of Naval Operations “publicly stated that Admiral Joseph Taussig’s views” on the inevitably of war between Japan and the United States if present trends continue “were contrary to the Navy Department’s and today issued a reprimand that was placed in Taussig’s file.”

1940: The Nazis ordered the Jews to jump in cesspool at the Stutthof Labor Camp. The short ones drown.

1941: Eighty year old Davenport, IA native Charles Edward Russell the author of Haym Salomon and the Revolution and a leading supporter of the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine passed away today in Washington, D.C.

1942: German occupation in France are scheduled to execute eighty hostages in Rouen today and deport another one thousand to “labor camps in the East” if the saboteurs responsible for wrecking a German troop train are turned over to authorities.

1943(18thof Nisan, 5703): Saartje Polak de Beer and Wed. E. Polake de Levie, two sixty year olds from Goor were murdered at Sobibor today.

1943(18thof Nisan, 5703): Seventy-seven year old Alexander Gotthold Ephraim Freud passed

1943: “Clancy Street Boys” a Bowery Boys comedy produced by Sam Katzman and Jack Dietz was released in the United States today.

1943: Much to everybody's surprise, the Warsaw Uprising continues even though supplies and weapons are at the bare minimum.  By now the Poles know what is going on.  They watch, but they offer no aid.  The Polish underground will suffer a similar fate in 1945.  Then they will rise up against the Nazis, but the Soviet troops wait outside the city giving the Germans to wipe the predominately non-Communist part of the resistance movement.  As somebody once said, as you treat your Jews, so shall you be treated.

1944: “Following the German occupation of Hungary, ” today, the Portuguese ruler António de Oliveira Salazar decided to order his ambassador to return to Lisbon and leave Teixeira Branquinho, as the chargé d'affaires, in his place – a move which made it possible for the courageous Branquinho to save at least a thousand Jews from the Nazis and their Hungarian allies.

1944: Otto Armster, a German military intelligence officer who was part of the plot to kill Hitler was arrested by the Gestapo today where he was taken Berlin and placed in solitary confinement.

1944: Senator Guy Gillette of Iowa was among those scheduled to at tonight’s dinner in Boston where a “colony bearing the name of Commonwealth Massachusetts” which is in fact a“tract of about 1,320 acres that has been acquired in Palestine by the Jewish National Fund of New England for the settlement of 600 Jewish families” facing death in Hungary and Rumania” was dedicated.

1945: Units from the U.S Army’s 2nd Cavalry Group, Mechanized, the 90th Infantry Division and the 97th Infantry Division liberated Flossenburg Concentration Camp today where they found 1,600 survivors including Czech journalist Josef Taussig in a place where at one time the Nazis had murdered 30,000 inmates.

1945:” Twenty-year old Army medic Anthony Acevdo” who had been captured on January 6, 1945  during the Battle of the Bulge after which he was shipped to Berga with “350 Jews and other undesirables and who had been keeping a secret diary describing the Nazi atrocities since March 25, was freed today.

1945: As Nazi power crumbled Deutsche Lufthansa’s last flight departed from Berlin’s Tempelhoff bound for Madrid which it would never reach because the Allies shot it down.

1946: Forces of the Irgun including Dov Bel Gruner attacked the police station in Ramat Gan.  Two policemen were killed and Gruner, who was wounded in the attack, was taken prisoner.1947: The trial of Hans Biebow “the chief of German Nazi administration of the Łódź Ghetto in occupied Poland” began today.

1948(14th of Nisan, 5708): Erev Pesach the rations given out in Jerusalem for the observance of Passover included 2 lbs. of potatoes, ½ lb of fish, 4 lb. of matzo, 1 ½ oz. dried fruit, ½ lb. meat, and ½ lb. of matzo flour. As one who was there later wrote, “For the trapped citizens of Jerusalem, who had become accustomed to privation, the Passover provisions seemed like a banquet. However, for the citizens of Jerusalem, it was not a particularly merry affair. On the verge of their national freedom, the inhabitants of Jerusalem sat somberly around their tables. This was the first time since the nightly shellings that the city's citizens had come together in assembly in the various homes throughout the city that had been the dream of two thousand years' Seders. Tonight is a holiday, but tomorrow the struggle will go on. As they sat to begin the Seder, they heard the beginning of the snipers bullets looking for a straggler in the streets. But tonight was different. As they opened the door, as they had done for scores of generations, to welcome in Elijah, there was no fear. Tonight is a night of divine protection. As the Holy One protected the Jews in Egypt, so shall he protect us here in the war torn city of Jerusalem. "Once we were slaves, but today we are free men" recited in the Haggadah, took on new meaning. The British are leaving, the Arabs are attacking, and we are beginning our new national lives as free men in our own country. "Next year in Jerusalem" had a meaning that we never before understood. We meant it; we would not relinquish our dream to return to our homeland, to the city that has been in our hearts throughout the two thousand year exile. Now we are free men, tomorrow we must continue the fight to remain free.

1948: Corporal David Hyman Rubenstein the 19th Milford, Massachusetts man to lose his life in World War IIwas buried at Beth Israel Cemetery in Everett, with full military honors. “Milford’s Fallen Family” of that war would come to total 55. Rubenstein was killed in action, in France, on July 4, 1944. Weeks after his death, his last letter arrived home. Written on June 28 from a fox hole, it described the “carnage about him ... as a slaughterhouse.”

1948: The port of Haifa was captured by elements of the Israeli Carmeli Brigade.  On April 21, the general commanding British forces in Haifa announced that he was withdrawing his forces in 24 hours.  This announcement resulted in an outbreak of fighting between Jewish and Arab forces.  Unfortunately for the Arabs, their three to leaders fled at the outbreak of the fighting, demoralizing the population.  The British general lost his bet that neither side would win as the outnumbered members of the Haganah took control.  Despite efforts of the Jewish leaders to convince them to remain, most of the city’s Arab population left for Lebanon or Nazareth.  . Today, Haifa is a thriving and diverse cultural and ethnic center, home to Jews, Arabs, and Druze, and marked for its high level of coexistence.  It is this level of harmony that has made Haifa a target for terrorist bombings in the latest wave of Arab violence.

1949(24th of Nisan, 5709): Parashat Shmini

1949(2th of Nisan, 5709): Sixty-two year old Columbia trained statistician William Morris Feigenbaum, the Antwerp, Belgium born son of Benjamin Feigenbaum, husband of Margaret Feigenbaum and father of Thomas B Feigenbaum who a Socialist political leader and  “associated editor of The New Leader” passed away today.

1950: St. Louis Browns pitcher Sid Schacht made his major league baseball debut.

1950: Correspondent Gene Currivan evaluates Israel’s chances for survival and offers an explanation for her success against her more powerful Arab neighbors in an article published today entitled “Mid-East Peace Nearer Despite Arab Gestures.”  He points out that the Arab League’s failure to provide a common front was but one of the many problems facing the Arabs.  “At the outset of the Israel-Arab war, when the Arabs spoke of 40,000,000 Arabs banding together against Israel, the were thinking in terms of Moslems, but the Moslems of Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan could not have cared less…When those who did enter the war sat back and licked their wounds, they probably wonder what all the shouting had been about.  The war was started by the Arabs in defiance of the United Nations’ partition plan which they had refused to accept…The Arabs made a grave mistake…but they are reluctant to forgive and forget.”

1950: Israel continued to celebrate its second year of independence as Dr. Weizmann receives congratulatory visits by foreign dignitaries lead by U.S. Ambassador James G MacDonald.

1951(17th of Nisan, 5711): Third Day of Pesach

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that the "past seven days was the bloodiest week along Israeli borders for a long time." Two Israelis were murdered at Mevuot Betar, the marauders were active in the South, in Galilee and Jerusalem. There was a general outcry when General Bennet L. de Ridder, the U.N. Chairman of the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission refused to comply with the Israeli request to call an emergency meeting of the Commission to discuss the latest developments and, in particular, the murder of Zvi Genauer and his niece, Dvora, in Jerusalem. This incomprehensible U.N. decision was taken despite the fact that the tracks of the three marauders, responsible for this murder, were discovered by an U.N. observer and an Israeli officer who noted that they led to the Jordanian-occupied village of Beit Iksa. The General claimed that it was not the duty of his Commission to deal with incidents "of this type."

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel's three-years-long land survey, conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, was almost completed.

1954: Jockey William Harmatz rode six consecutive winners “at Bay Meadows Racetrack.”

1954: Cincinnati pitcher Moe Savransky made his major league baseball debut.

1955: In New York, Robert and Patricia Mozer gave birth to Paul William Mozer, the Salomon Brothers employee who “played a pivotal role in a bond scandal.”


1955(1st of Iyar, 5715): Parashat Tazria-Metzora; Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1955(1st of Iyar, 5715): Three days before her 51st birthday, Marion Elkus Kohlman passed away after which she was buried at the Springhill Avenue Temple Cemetery in Mobile, Alabama.

1955: Final performance of “The Dark Is Light Enough” featuring as Marian Winters “Gelda.”

1956: For the third time, Sigmund Freud is featured on the cover of Time magazine.

1957(22nd of Nisan, 5717): 8th day of Pesach

1957(22nd of Nisan, 5717): Lucille Frank, the widow of Leo Frank, passed away, a victim of heart disease.

1958(3rd of Iyar, 5718): Yom HaZikaron

1958: Birthdate of Radu Mihăileanu, the native of Bucharest who moved to Paris in 1989 where he gained fame as a film director and screenwriter.

1958: The first production of “J.B.” a play written in free verse which is a modern retelling of the story of the biblical figure Job opened today at Yale University.

1958: “Expresso Bongo,” a musical with a book co-authored by Wolf Mankowitz and music by Monty Norman opened for the first time at the Saville Theatre in London today.

1958: San Francisco Giants outfielder Don Taussig appeared in his first major league baseball game.

1959(15th of Nisan, 5719): Pesach

1960(26th of Nisan, 5720): Parashat Shmini

1960(26th of Nisan, 5720): Sixty-five year old Abraham Samuel Samuels, the native of Woltzin, Poland who came to the United States in 1922 where he served as Rabbi in Elmira, NY and was active in a number of Jewish organizations including the United Charities for Palestine passed away today.

1960: In Shaker Heights, Raphael Silver and Joan Micklin Silver, both of whom were directors, gave birth to Marisa Silver, an American author, screenwriter and film director. (JTA)

1961: Judy Garland, two of whose five husbands were Jewish and who was re-interred at Beth Olam Cemetery performed at Carnegie Hall today.

1963(29th of Nisan, 5723):Seventy-eight year old Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, third President of Israel passed away.


1963: Kadish Luz was named interim President of Israel.

1964(11th of Iyar, 5724): Seventy-seven year old Vienna born economist and WW I veteran of the Austrian Army Karly Polanyi, the author of the Great Transformation and husband of the former Illona Duczynska, the Hungarian author and translator with whom he raised Canadian economist Kari Polanyi Levitt, passed away today in Ontario.


1966(3rd of Iyar, 5726): Parashat Tazria-Metzora

1966(3rd of Iyar, 5726): Eighty-one year old Gertrude D.H. Perlman “a lawyer for more than fifty years and an attorney with the New York State Mortgage Commission” who was the widow of Max Perlman passed away today.

1968: “I’m Solomon,” an Ernest Gold musical opened on Broadway today.

1969(4th of Iyar, 5729): Yom HaZikaron

1969(4th of Iyar, 5729): Eighty-three year old San Francisco architect Albert Gustave Landsburg the son of Rebecca and Simon Lazarus Landsburg passed away today.




1969: Sirhan Sirhan was sentenced to death for killing Bobby Kennedy. Sirhan Sirhan's sentence was commuted to life in prison.  He still is serving his sentence.  The young Palestinian claimed that he shot Kenney because he was a supporter of Israel.  Yes, the terror and the violence are an old story.

1975: At Tulane University, U.S. President Gerald Ford stated that the war is over as far as the United States was concerned. According to at least one Jewish Tulane alum, this was an appropriate place to make such an announcement since the primarily poitically apathetic campus had missed the start of the war.

1969: Birthdate of novelist Arthur Phillips, the native of Minneapolis whose works include Prague, The Egyptologist,Angelica, The Song Is You and The Tragedy of Arthur


1971: Birthdate of Chicago native and Weslyian and Trinity College (Dublin) educated Daniel Brett Weiss the co-creator with his fellow Jewish David Benioff of “Game of Thrones.”

1972: At an “academic convocation held under the auspices of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America” a thousand people saw “His Excellency the Right Honourable Roland Michener, governor general of Canada, accepted the honorary degree of doctor of laws from Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, chancellor of the seminary. In his acceptance speech, Michener “made special reference to the125thanniversary of Congregation Shaar Hashomayim.”

1972(9thof Iyar, 5732): Fifty year old University of Chicago trained attorney Lester Robert Uretz , “the chief counsel of the IRS and husband of Miriam Uretz with whom he raised “two sons and two daughters” passed away today.


1972(9th of Iyar, 5732): Seventy-five year old British racecar driver Albert Moss who was the father of the more famous racecar driver Sterling Moss passed away today.

1973(21st of Nisan, 5733): Seventh Day of Pesach

1973(21st of Nisan, 5755): Eighty-five year old Leonard Jacques Stein, the barrister and MP who served as President of the Anglo-Jewish Association and Jewish Historical Society of England passed away today.

1974(1st of Iyar, 5734): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1974(1st of Iyar, 5734): Fifty year old Barnard College graduate and former Martha Graham dancer Mrs. Natanya Neumann, “the wife of Harold P. Manson, director of the office of academic affairs of the American Friends of the Hebrew University” passed away today.


1974: Senator Ted Kennedy arrived in Moscow today where he planned to discuss issues related to the Middle East and emigration.

1977(5th of Iyar, 5737): Parashat Tazria-Metzora

1977(5th of Iyar, 5737): Eighty-six year old Vienna native William Popper, the son of Johanna and Herman Joseph Popper and the husband of Annie Popper passed away today in San Francisco.

1984(21st of Nisan, 5744): Seventh Day of Pesach

1984(21st of Nisan, 5744): Seventy-six year old boxer Ruby Goldstein, who was one of the most referees of his time passed away today.


1984: During an attempt at reconciliation, at “family dinner at the Carlyle Hotel” Lillian Goldman, the estranged wife of millionaire Sol Godman agreed to return to her husband and the reconciliation agreement, which was written on the spot by Raoul Felder, Mr. Goldman’s lawyer included a stipulation that she would receive one million dollars in cash “within a week and additional five million dollars by April, 1989.

1986(14th of Nisan, 5746): Fast of the First Born

1986(14th of Nisan, 5746): Composer Harold Arlen passed away. Born Hyman Arluck in 1905, in Buffalo, New York, Arlen's father was a cantor.  Arlen inherited his father's voice and the family hoped he would become a cantor, or at least a doctor or a lawyer.  However, Arlen showed a propensity for the piano.  He moved to New York City in the 1920's where he flourished as composer of a variety of hits. Some of his most famous music is heard every time the Wizard of Oz is shown on television.  Arlene was murdered in 1981 at the age of 81


1986(14th of Nisan, 5746): Director and actor, Otto Preminger passed away.  Born on December 5, 1905, in Vienna, Preminger began as a director and producer in the theatre.  He came to the United States in 1935 as a film director.  Later he left to work in the theatre in New York.  He returned to Hollywood as actor where he played the Nazi or German officer in several films, most notably Stalag 17, the product of another Jew, Billy Wilder.  Preminger and others were struck by the success a Jew from Austria had playing Nazi soldiers.  Preminger returned to directing movies, one of which, Anatomy of A Murder is considered to be one of the finest legal/mystery movies ever made.  He passed away after suffering from Alzheimer's Disease for many years.


1986:An Israeli Defense Ministry official said today that Avraham Bar-Am, a retired Israeli general who is among those accused in a smuggling case involving attempts by Iran to buy American-made weapons through illegal channels, was licensed to deal in weapons, but not in a manner that violated the law.

1986: CBS broadcast the final episode of “Fast Times” a television miniseries based on the movies of the same name both of which were directed by Amy Heckerling.

1987: Birthdate of Israeli singer and songwriter Boaz Mauda.

1990(28th of Nisan, 5750): Actress Paulette Goddard passed away


1991(9th of Iyar, 5751): Seventy-nine year old attorney and advocate for the rights of women Harriet Fleischel Pilpel, the Bronx born daughter of Julius and Ethel Flieshl, passed away today in New York City.


1992(20th of Nisan, 5752): Sixth Day of Pesach

1992: Two days after he had passed away, funeral services were scheduled to be held for eighty-one year old Chicago born and University of Chicago trained attorney Morris I Leibman, the husband of Mary Leibman with whom he raised two sons and recipient of the Freedom Medal,



1993: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum opened on the Mall in Washington, DC under the chairmanship of Miles Lerman. Born Shmuel Milek Lerman in 1920 in Tomaszov-Lubelski, Poland was a Holocaust survivor.  He was appointed to the chairmanship by Jimmy Carter and given responsibility for creating this American memorial to the Shoah. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1994: In a letter to the New York Times historian Ronald N. Stromberg wrote, “"The Italian government did not turn a single Jew over to the Germans despite great pressure…"

1995(23rd of Nisan, 5755):  Howard Cosell passed away.  Born Howard Cohen in Winston Salem, North Carolina in 1918, Cosell was educated in New York.  Ah yes, grits and gefilte fish.  Trained as a lawyer, Cosell gained fame as a sports broadcaster.  He helped revolutionize television football coverage and changed American social mores with his participation in Monday Night Football on ABC.  Cosell was a controversial figure with as many supporters as detractors. But when he passed away, all that was remembered was the man who was "the first to tell it like it is" in the world of sport.



1996(4thof Iyar, 5756): Yom HaZikaron

1997(16thof Nisan, 5757): Second Day of Pesach


1997(16thof Nisan, 5757): One hundred year old Esther Schiff Goldfrank passed away in New York.


1998(27th of Nisan, 5758): Yom HaShoah.

1999:After months of testing, today McDonald's officially unveiled -- in 6,000 stores across the Midwest and Northeast, including New York and New Jersey -- three new ''bagel breakfast sandwiches.'' Ana Madan-Russo, president of McDonald's New York Tri-State Owners and Operators association, says franchise owners are excited about selling bagel sandwiches ''in the bagel capital of the world.'' Not so fast, says Mr. Zabar, dissecting a McDonald's steak, egg and cheese bagel in Eli's, his market on the Upper East Side.


A true bagel, he asserts, must be boiled, then baked to achieve authenticity. ''This one,'' he says regretfully, ''has been steamed, not boiled.'' He notes the telltale signs, the wimpy crust and the soft inside that pulls apart without a fight. ''It's like Wonder bread in a circle,'' he says. ''A New York bagel fights with you. It's tough on the outside, and chewy on the inside, and you struggle with it.'' Elena Ramos, marketing director for McDonald's in New York, dismisses as irrelevant whether McDonald's bagels are steamed or boiled, or treated with any special preservatives. ''I'm not sure if the customers buying them up get into all that,'' she says. The company has no plans to sell bagel sandwiches in its other 7,000 restaurants outside the Midwest and Northeast, and Ms. Ramos says it is too soon to tell whether the McDonald's bagels will catch on with New York City's sizable population of bagel nuts. But, she notes, they sold briskly in several test markets, including Hartford. In addition to the steak bagel, McDonald's is offering a Spanish omelet bagel and one with ham, egg and cheese.

''It looks like the customers love them as much as we do,'' she says. Indeed, some New Yorkers welcome the menu additions. ''They should gear food for the area they're in,'' says Joseph Loach, 39, of Brooklyn, during lunch in McDonald's at Eighth Avenue and 43d Street. ''Bagels are definitely indicative of New York.'' Which is precisely the worry for some New York food aficionados, who view the bagel as the city's cultural equivalent to Paris's baguette. For New Yorkers who first tasted bagels as teething babes, the notion of a ham, egg and cheese bagel topped with McDonald's special ''breakfast sauce'' may seem, well, unorthodox. Like lox on white. Or pastrami with mayonnaise. Ed Levine, author of ''New York Eats (More),'' bemoans the McDonald's bagel invasion as ''a scary proposition.''''It seems to be that this is the logical extension of the commodification of bagels,'' he says. ''A bagel used to have character. Now anything that's vaguely round, that's puffed up with a hole in it, can be called a bagel. I knew this was coming.'' He worries that in the age of fast food chains and relentless mass marketing, McDonald's $2.49 bagel sandwiches will ever so gradually diminish a durable New York icon. ''I'm nostalgic, but many people will taste McDonald bagels and think they're fine,'' he says. ''They've made the bagel into a neutral food. They used to be made with malt and have a crust. Now even many New Yorkers don't want their bagels with a crust.'' A skeptic might ask whether the Big Apple has any proprietary rights to the bagel. New York, after all, didn't invent the bagel. According to one popular legend, that honor dates to 1683, when some Viennese bakers cooked up a few in tribute to Jan Sobieski, the King of Poland. Bagels made their way to New York in the early part of this century with Eastern European Jewish immigrants. Now the bagel is everywhere. In Canada, Toronto holds a weekly Bagel Bash. Mattoon, Ill., sponsors Bagelfest! In Boston, there's a New Year's Eve Bagel-Off. On the Internet, you can find yourself a bagel consultant, or read bagel poems. Some of New York's most established bagel makers have done their share to spread bagels to the masses. When a reporter visits H & H Bagels on Broadway and 80th Street, the owner, Helmer Toro, sends over a media kit boasting that his company supplies bagels to Dunkin' Donuts. He even provides a list of celebrity customers, including such un-New York names as Ann Landers. And yet Mr. Toro, when asked about the McDonald's bagels, is crushing in his response: ''They're not a quality product.'' The reviews are more generous just up Broadway in Zabar's, another New York bagel landmark. The owner, Saul Zabar, 70, is the older brother of Eli Zabar. Saul Zabar dissected the Spanish omelet bagel. ''Hey, these bagels aren't bad,'' he says, tasting first the egg, then the sausage patty and then the bagel itself. ''My God, I think it's remarkable.'' And Dr. Rick Feinberg, eating a Zabar's bagel with Nova and cream cheese at the counter, makes a sheepish concession: If he were on the highway in some strange place, and if he were really hungry, he might just be tempted to stop at a McDonald's and try one -- though he probably would stick with an Egg McMuffin


1999: The Times of London reviews Weathered by Mircacles: A history of Palestine from Bonaparte and Muhammad Ali to Ben-Gurion and the Mufti by Thomas A Idinopulos.

2000: An exhibit entitled “Berlin Metropolis: Jews and the New Culture, 1890 – 1918” comes to an end at the Jewish Museum in New York City. “’Berlin Metropolis’ focused on a number of Jewish modernists in Berlin. None of them solitary artists, they gathered together at galleries, cafés, theaters, and around avant-garde journals—Jews and Gentiles, Germans and non-Germans—furthering what was innovative in the arts and bringing it to a wider public. They opened up Berlin to international movements: French Impressionism, the Symbolism of the Norwegian Edvard Munch, French Cubism, and Italian Futurism. Jews and non-Jews were partners in this project, forming close professional and personal relationships. Together they helped define the agenda for twentieth-century culture.”

2000: The New York Times included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Ravelstein by Saul Bellow and No Logo: Taking Aim at the Bullies by Naomi Klein. 

2001: Eight people were injured when during a bombing at Or Yehuda near Ben Gurion Airport for which Hamas took credit.

2002: Mast of the Senate, the third volume in Joseph Caro’s biographical series about Lyndon B. John which was won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography was released today,

2002: “Only a Woman Like You” an album by Michael Bolton was released today.

2002: “Alarmed that the composition and mandate of a United Nations fact-finding teams were stacking it against Israel, the government announced that it would delay the arrival of the team until Israel agreed to its members and precise assignment.”

2003(21st of Nisan, 5763): Professor Bernard Katz, German-born biophysicist passed away at the age of 92. Born and educated in Germany, Katz fled to Britain during the 1930’s. He shared the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1970 with Julius Axelrod and Ulf von Euler. He was knighted in 1970. (As reported by Sandra Blaeslee)


2004: Today, “the President of Rutgers University condemned The Medium, a weekly campus publishing for printing a front-page a “cartoon depicting a bearded man wearing a hat and sitting on the edge of an open kitchen stove in a carnival setting,” under the heading ''Holocaust Remembrance Week,'' with a  caption that reads: ''Knock a Jew in the oven! Three throws for one dollar!''

2005(14th of Nisan, 5765): As Jews sit down to celebrate the first night of Pesach they can enjoy what the New York Times describes as two zippy kosher whites from California and a pretty Israeli red from the Judean Hills: Baron Herzog's citric 2003 chenin blanc, Baron Herzog's herbal 2003 sauvignon blanc and Carmel's juicy 2002 cabernet.” In this post-Manischewitz era, with dry trumping sweet, they can be sipped all night.”

2005: At the Nottingham Playhouse, final performance of Arnold Wesker’s “Chicken Soup with Barley.’

2006: Aharon Friedman of Brooklyn married Tamar Epstein, seven years his junior, of suburban Philadelphia. Years later, their messy divorce would rock some in the Orthodox world over his refusal to grant her a get.

2006: The Washington Post reviewed books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including In Search of Memory:The Emergence of a New ScienceMindby Nobel Prize Laureate Eric R. Kandel.

2006: The New York Times reviewed books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Seducing the Demon: Writing for My Life” by Erica Jong and “Elements of Style” by Wendy Wasserstein who died of lymphoma at the age of 55 in January of 2006.

2007: Yom Ha'atzma'ut – Israel Independence Day begins at sundown as Israel celebrates her 59th birthday.

2007: “Shulamit ‘Shula’ Cohen-Kishik, a spy Mossad who worked undercover in Lebanon for 14 years” and was faced the possibility of death by hanging when she captured “was chosen to light a torch this year’s Independence Day ceremony.

2007(5th of Iyar, 5767): Seventy-three-old “Pulitzer Prize winning journalist  David Halberstam died in a automobile accident today.



2007: The Center for Jewish History in New York presents “An Evening with Acclaimed International PEN Author and Essayist George Konrad.” The Hungarian born Konrad discusses his recently published autobiography, A Guest In My Own Country.

2007: Judy and Larry Rosenstein Memorial Lecture at Tulane University features ProfessorDavid Stern, University of Pennsylvania speaking on "Through the Pages of the Past: The Jewish Book in Its Historical Context.”

2008: The Jerusalem Cinematheque features a screening of “Lonely Man of Faith: The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

2008(18th of Nisan, 5768): Fourth Day of Pesach

2008(18th of Nisan, 5768): Esta Saltzman, a veteran of the Yiddish Theatre passed away today.


2009: In New York, a screening of “The Forgotten Refugees” the award-winning film documenting the 20th Century exodus of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa.

2009: In Chevy Chase, Maryland,Aaron David Miller, a State Department veteran and most recently a senior adviser for Arab-Israeli negotiations discusses his recent book, “The Much Too Promised Land: America's Elusive Search for Arab-Israeli Peace.”

2009: Holocaust Survivor Irene Furst speaks to the students of Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2010(9th of Iyar, 5770): “One Israeli worshiper was killed and five were wounded in Nablus early this morning after their vehicle was shot at by Palestinian security forces as they were exiting the city from prayer services held at Joseph's Tomb.”

2010: In “Emma Freud: My Father, Clement Freud, Remembered” a daughter describes her feeling a year after her famous father’s death.


2010: “American chess player, martial arts competitor and author” Joshua Waitzkin “married Desiree Cifre, a screenwriter and former contestant on The Amazing Race.”

2010: Robyn Helzner, one of the leading interpreters of world Jewish music, and Cantor Larry Paul are scheduled to lead a Carlebach-inspired service at the Historic Sixth & I Synagogue in Washington, D.C.

2010:Wendy Becker & Rik Howard are scheduled to lead a special Musical Shabbat Service at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2010: “The Chameleon” starring Ellen Barken as “Kimberly Miller” premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.

2011(19th of Nisan, 5771): Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach

2011: Today’s tours at the Skirball Cultural Center are scheduled to focus on Passover.

2011: The Los Angeles Times featured a review of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including 'Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life Without Losing Its Soul' by Howard Schultz.

2012: The Broadway revival production of “Ghost the Musical” starring Cassie Shira Levy as “Molly Jensen” a role she created in the original Broadway production opened at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre.

2012:Library of Congress, LCPA Hebrew Language Table is scheduled to present an address by Canadian/Israeli journalist Judie Oron based on “Cry of the Giraffe, “an award-winning book based on the story of an Ethiopian Jewish teenager named Wuditu who, together with her younger sister, Lewteh, was separated from her family in a violent incident in a refugee camp in Sudan.”

2012: Ambassador Peter Rosenblatt is scheduled to take part in a Q&A following a screening of “Turkish Passport” at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.  Turkish Passport tells “the little-known story of the righteous Turkish diplomats posted in several European countries who saved the lives of many Jews during World War II by enabling them to find safety in Istanbul. (Considering current conditions between Israel and Turkey, this film is well-worth seeing.)

2012: A weeklong program designed to highlight the role of the Jews in the life of Wurzburg is scheduled to come to an end today in this northern German city.

2012(1st of Iyar, 5772): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2012: Egyptian engineer Hani Dahi, executive director of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation, said today that the military council and the government had no part in the decision to terminate Egypt's agreement to provide natural gas to Israel.

2012:Anti-Zionist graffiti was found this morning sprayed at various locations at the Ammunition Hill memorial site in Jerusalem.  

2012: U.S. President Barack Obama announced that Jan Karski would receive the country's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of the bravery he showed in informing the Polish Government-In-Exile and the Allies about the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto and the Nazi death camps.

2013: Trudy Peterson is scheduled to deliver a talk entitled "The French Railroad, the Records, the Holocaust, and the State of Maryland" in Iowa City.

2013: The Algemeiner 40th Anniversary Jewish 100 Gala featuring Elie Wiesel is scheduled to take place at Guastavino’s in New York.

2013: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to present a lecture by Efraim Sicher that examines the work of Isaak Babel entitled “Babel in Yiddish/Yiddish in Babel.

2013: Shia LaBeouf joined the cast of the upcoming WW II, “Fury.”

2013: “The Young Salinger, Mordant Yet Hopeful” published today


2013: The weeklong Holocaust Memorial Program came to an end in Wurzburg, Germany.

2013: Iran has essentially crossed the “red line” set by Israel for its nuclear activity, and the coming few months will be a crucial period, Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin, a former head of IDF Military Intelligence, said today.

2013: Israel’s senior military intelligence analyst said today there was evidence the Syrian government had repeatedly used chemical weapons in the last month, and he criticized the international community for failing to respond, intensifying pressure on the Obama administration to intervene.

2014: The Spring Semester of The Skirball Center for Adult Jewish Learning at Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to begin.

2014: “There Was Once…” which “documents the contemporary struggles of a Hungarian high school teacher who sparks controversy by uncovering the Jewish past of her small town, Kalocsa” is scheduled to be shown at The Center for Jewish History

2014: “Plot for Peace” is scheduled to be shown at the UK Jewish Film Festival in London.

2014:Three cartoonists Liana Fink (A Bintel Brief), Miriam Katin (Letting it Go), and Eli Valley (artist in residence, The Forward) are scheduled to “discuss how their surroundings, family, history, and backgrounds have inspired their representations of Jewish life in pen and ink” at the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

2015 (4th of Iyar): Yom HaAtsmaut – Israel Independence Day observed

2015: Rabbi Deborah Waxman, President of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and Susan Herbst, President of the University of Connecticut are scheduled to discuss “What is Zionism’s Role in North American Jewish Life Today?” as part of the celebration of the 67th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel.

2015: Vice President Joe Biden is scheduled to attend Israel’s Independence Day event today in Washington, D.C.

2015: “Deli Man” and “Woman in Gold” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: “FotoMacher Frank Barnett: Examining Lives with Jewish Eyes” is scheduled to open at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education.

2015: IDF tanks struck targets in the northern Gaza Strip just before midnight toay, after a rocket was fired from the Strip into the area of the Shaar Hanegev regional council late tonight.

2015: U.S. officials revealed today that American aid worker Warren Weinstein who was being held captive by al Qaeda had been killed accidently by an U.S. drone attack last January.

2015:"Ordinary Matters": Animations and Paintings by Shelley Jordon is scheduled to open at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education.


2016(15thof Nisan, 5776): First Day of Pesach; in the evening second Seder and counting of the Omer

2016: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Temple Judah, under the leadership of its President Nancy Margulis hosts its annual Community Seder.

2017: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including You Say to Brick: The Life of Louis Kahn by Wendy Lesser and The Soul of the First Amendment by Floyd Abrams.

2017: Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a Yom HaShoah Film Night “preceded by a special ma’ariv service.

2017: “Four people were wounded in a terror attack that “began in the lobby of the Leonardo Beach Hotel” in Tel Aviv.

2017: In Atlanta, Eternal-Life Hemshech, the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum, and the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta are scheduled to host the 52ndAnnual Yom HaShoah Community-Wide Holocaust Commemoration at the Greenwood Cemetery.

2017: “In honor of Yom HaShoah” scheduled to host “Family Reunion After War” presented by University of Iowa History Professor Elizabeth Heinemann.

2017: The University of Iowa Hillel is scheduled to host its Spring Concert featuring the Saul Lubaroff Quartet.

2017: “Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a blistering assault on Allied policy during World War II, saying world powers’ failure to bomb the Nazi concentration camps from 1942 cost the lives of four million Jews and millions of others.”  (Editor’s note – In the case of the United States this statement shows an ignorance of history since “the first Army Air Forces bomber mission over Western Europe was by US crews of the 15th Bomb Squadron” flying the British version of the A-20, a twin engine aircraft that hardly had the range to fly from England to Poland and back and lacked a pray of getting to the target since there were no fighters to cover the mission for this lightly armored aircraft.)

2017: “The annual Holocaust Remembrance Day event in Jerusalem began tonight at the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum’s Warsaw Ghetto Square.”

2017: A Community Service of Remembrance For the Victims of the Holocaust featuring Holocaust survivor Jacob Eisenbach organized by The Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund is scheduled to be held in Cedar Rapids, IA.

2018: “On the Spectrum” directed by Yuval Shafferman is scheduled to be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival today.

2018: The Streicker Center at Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to a presentation by Cecile Richards, author of Make Trouble and the president of Planned Parenthood.

2018: The Jupiter Symphony Chamber Players which was bounded by Jens Nygaard who directed the Washington Heights YW-YMHA concerts for 25 years, and which includes violinist Itamar Zorman is scheduled to perform “Touched by Mozart” today.

2018: NA’AMAT USA Cleveland Council is scheduled to honor Judge Francine Goldberg this evening.

2018: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host an evening with JSoc friend at Duke of Cambridge on Little Clarendon Street.

2018: Funeral services are scheduled to held today the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel for 88 year old Theodore R. Ginsberg, the husband of Cora Ginsberg followed by Burail at the Old Montefiore Cemetery in Queen.s

2019: The Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present “Passover Objects Up and Close Personal” during which “Curator Bonni-Dara Michaels handles and sheds light on unique Passover objects from the Museum’s collection, which are currently not on view to the public including traditional and modern Seder plates, Miriam cups, beautiful fabric items, and whimsical artworks.”

2019(18thof Nissan, 5779): Fourth Day of Pesach; Third Day of the Omer

2020: Live on Zoom, the Center for Jewish History and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research are scheduled to host “A Strange New World: Time in David Bergelson’s Literary Works.”

2020: “HaMaqom/The Place” is scheduled to host “Spinoza on my Mind” in which Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan talks, virtually “about how the philosopher, who was excommunicated from the Dutch Jewish community at age 24, shaped modern Jewish life.”

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host David Broza who takes attended “for a Virtual Journey through His Life in Music.

2020: Live on Zoom, the Center for Jewish History and the Jewish Lives Yale University Press are scheduled to host “Stan Lee: A Life in Comics.”

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host a virtual presentation by Professor Shai Arkin on “Coronavirus in Israel and the Future of Immunotherapy.”

2020: Israelis can begin to absorb yesterday’s announcement by “Health Ministry’s Deputy Director General Prof. Itamar Grotto … that the current wave of the coronavirus outbreak in Israel has reached its peak and has begun to subside.”

2020: Based on yesterday’s announcement the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Israel stands at 14,498, while 189 patients have succumbed to the disease, health officials confirmed, but the accuracy of some virus related figures may not be accurate because the Ministry of Health has suspended some of the testing for COVID-19 “using swabs imported from China for fear they may be faulty and contaminated.”

2021: To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Operation Solomon and the ingathering of the Ethiopians Jews, Temple Emanu-El is schedulrf to welcome musician Idan Raichel, whose collaboration with young Ethiopians on the Idan Raichel Project propelled the sound of Ethiopian music into the heart of Israeli music.

2021: The Jewish Community Center of the North Shore is scheduled to present online a live discussion with Tamar Manasseh from “They Ain’t Ready for Me” and director Brad Rothschild.

2021:SFSU professor Eran Kaplan is scheduled to talk about what happened in Jaffa before, during and after the War of Independence, in conjunction with East Bay Int’l Jewish Film Festival streaming of the 2019 Israeli drama “The Dead of Jaffa,

2021: Based on reports previously published reports, as of today, in Israel, more than “five million people, representing 80% of the population over the age of 16, have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus. (TOI Staff)



This Day, April 24, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 24

70: During the Jewish rebellion against Rome, Roman legions break through Jerusalem’s middle wall, but are driven back by the Jewish defenders. 

396: As conditions for the Jews in the Roman Empire worsen, the Roman Emperors adopt a law that appears to be an anomaly. They issue a decree punishing anyone who insults Jewish leaders. "If any one dare publicly insult the Illustrious Patriarchs, he shall be subject to a sentence of punishment."  (Editor’s Note – I can find no explanation for this)

858: Start of the papacy of Nicholas I. During his papacy he issued “a very obscure order which is contained in a letter Bishop Arsenius of Orta, to whom he prohibits the use of Jewish garments.”

1342: Pope Benedict XII passed away.In 1337 Benedict’s effort to protect the Jews when Christian mobs in Germany Bavaria, Bohemia, Moravia and Austria attacked them because of false accusations of “host desecration,” proved futile. Benedict’s intervention on behalf of the Jews marks him as unusual.  His failure is a testament to the strong power of these false allocations.

 1288:  A Christian body was placed in the house of the richest Jew of Troyes, France. The resulting tribunal condemned fourteen of the city's wealthiest men and women to be burned at the stake. This was part of a blood libel which the Dominicans and Franciscans used to “provoke a massacre of the local Jews.

1439(30thof Nisan, 5199): Rabbi, Kabbalist and poet Avigdor Ben Isaac Kara passed away today.


1547:  Elector of Saxony John Frederick, the patron and protector of Martin Luther, who in 1536, “issued a mandate that prohibited Jews from inhabiting, engaging in business in, or passing through his realm” completed his reign as Elector of Saxony and Landgrave of Thuringia today

1547: Maurice, the Duke of Saxony,who expelled the Jews from Zwickau, became the Elector of Saxony today.

1575: Thomas Wakefeld, “the first Regius Professor of Hebrew at Cambridge was buried today at Chesterton.

1731: Daniel Defoe passed away.  Apparently, the author of “Robinson Crusoe had a rather low opinion of the Jews since he “depicted Jews as vicious and corrupt” according to “Britain in the Hanoverian Age.” For reasons yet not understood, Defoe’s “An Essay Upon Literature” was published in the same pamphlet with Toland’s “The Agreement of the Customs of the East Indians With Those of the Jews.”

1744: The Revenge, a British privateer commanded by Captain James Allen, intercepted the sloop Fortune, one of whose passengers was an English Jewish merchant named Isaac Mendez.  When Captain Allen brought the Fortune to Newport, he filed papers claiming the cargo of the Fortune as his pirze.  Mendez took exception with the claim and this would lead to tortuous litigation. [Editor’s note: There will be more to the story in THDIJH in May.]

1764(22ndof Nisan, 5524): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor recited two weeks after Massachusetts had observed “a Day of Feasting and Prayer” during a smallpox outbreak still plague the colony.

1772(21st of Nisan, 5532): Seventh Day of Pesach

1772: Empress Marie Theresa issued an order allowing Jews to “engage in jeweler’s work but not to employ apprentices in the business.

1776: During the American Revolution, The Pennsylvania Journal published a letter from Thomas Paine in which the famous pamphleteer uses quotes from the Bible including the books of Samuel and Hosea to show that a monarchy is a sinful form of government condemned by God. (As reported by Abraham Bloch) While most of the American revolutionaries had never met a Jew, they identified with the ancient Israelites through the lens of the Old Testament.  They saw King George as a modern Pharaoh and compared their fight for independence with the Exodus from Egypt.  Benjamin Franklin wanted a depiction of the Jews crossing the Red Sea to appear on the Great Seal of the United States.

1783: Emperor Joseph II granted the request of his Jewish subjects that they be able to continue to wear beards. At the same time he reaffirmed all of the other parts of the “Systematica gentis Judaicae regulation”

1788: In Frankfurt am Main, Guttle and Mayer Amschel Rothschild gave birth to “"Carl Mayer von Rothschild the founder of the Rothschild banking family of Naples."

1790(10thof Iyar, 5550): Talmudic scholar, Rabbi Meir Margalioth passed away in Ostrog

1800: The United States Library of Congress was established when President John Adams signed legislation to appropriate $5,000 USD to purchase "such books as may be necessary for the use of Congress". “The Hebraic Section … Israel, the Hebrew language, biblical studies, and the ancient Near East. began operation in 1914 as part of the Division of Semitic and Oriental Literature, and it concentrates on Jewish culture, Israel, the Hebrew language, biblical studies, and the ancient Near East.” 

1805: The Syrian Society which had been formed in March held its first meeting today where it was deiced that the Society would be call “The Palestine Association” whose members sought “to promote the study of the geography, natural history, antiquities and anthropology of Palestine and the surrounding areas, "with a view to the illustration of the Holy Writings”

1807: Rachel Emanuel De Piza and Joseph Gabriel Israel Brandon gave birth to Isaac Joseph Brandon.

1809: Birthdate of Joseph Addision Alexander, a Protestant biblical scholar and student of the Hebrew language whose works included two volumes on the prophecies of Isaiah.

1811(30thof Nisan, 5571): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1811: Today thirty year old London native Jacob da Silva Solis who arrived in the United States in 1803 married Charity Hayes with whom he had seven children and still found time to found “Congregation Shanarai Chasset in New Orleans” and later be active in Congregation Shearith Israel in Mt. Pleasant, NY.

1813(24th5573): Parashat Achrei Mot

1813: The American squadron left Sackets Harbor, NY bound for the Canadian city of York which would be partially destroyed three days later – a burning which would later be used to excuse British troops burning Washington, DC in 1814

1818: “The Jew of Malta” by Christopher Marlow which was billed as “The Famous Tragedy of The Rich Jew of Malta” “was revived by Edmund Kean at Drury Lane.”

1824: Birthdate of Sabato Morais, the native of Leghorn, Italy who rise to become one of the earliest and most prominent Rabbis to serve the American Jewish Community. [This is based on an article published at the time of his death.  Other sources show April 13, 1824.]

1827: In Rotterdam, Sara Lit and Harry de Groot gave birth to Cato de Groot, the wife of Rotterdam native Herman Heijermans

1830: Ellen Alice Jacobs and Prussian born Gabriel Simmons gave birth to Solomon Simmons.

1836: Birthdate of Rabbi Moses Samuel Zuckermandl, the native of Breslau who studied under Samson Raphael Hirsch

1838: Birthdate of Jules Levy, the native of London who was perhaps “the most celebrated” person to play the coronet during the 19th century

1839: Mr. Eugene Esdra of Bordeaux married Miss Esther Rodrigues Monsanto in her native city of Charleston, SC.

1842: In Neisse, Germany, Julius Schindler and Bertha Algasi gave birth to Solomon Schindler, the husband of Henrietta Schutz, who came to the United States in 1870 where he served as rabbi at Adath Emuno in Hoboken, NJ and Adath Israel in Boston before becoming Superintendent of the Leopold Morse Home for Infirm Hebrews and Orphans at Mattapan, MA and a published author whose works included Dissolving Views in the History of Judaism.

1842: In Cincinnati, a group of Jewish women met and established a Sunday School under the direction of Mrs. Louisa Symonds who would later resign her post due to the heavy work load.  She would be replaced by Mr. Joseph Jonas.

1846: The Voice of Jacob contained a short article describing that described the two public Jewish schools at Kingston, Jamaica as “languid and unsatisfactory,” due the paucity of trained and qualified teachers.

1848: Birthdate of Saxony native and husband of actress Grace Filkns Adolph Marix the first Jewish graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy who was serving on the USS Maine when it exploded, served on the Board of Inquiry that examined the cause of the explosion and fought in two major naval examinations during the Spanish American War after which he was promoted to the rank of commodore and acting Vice Admiral

1851: Charles Sumner began his twenty three year career as a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts.  In 1864, he introduced an amendment to the United States Constitution that would define the United States as a “Christian government.”  Congress rejected the proposal. (For more see A New Promised Land by Hasia R Diner, et al.)

1852: In Gorizia, Italy, Stefan and Lucia Schmdit gave to “August Schmidt, the husband of Adele Ammalie Schdmidt.”

1853: In Paris, Louis-Adolphe Bertillon and his wife gave birth to Alphonse Bertillon who was not a handwriting expert but who testified against Alfred Dreyfus claiming that the Jewish French officer was the author of “the incriminating document” known as the “bordereau” – the treasonous document that supposedly proved he was selling French military secrets to the Germans.

1854: In New York, Ahawath Chesed began worshiping at their synagogue at Number 27 Columbia Street which would be there home for the next ten year when the growing congregation moved to a facility on the corner of 4th Street and Avenue C.

1856:  Birthdate of Henri-Phillipe Petain.  In World War I, General Petain was a hero - the leader in the victory at Verdun.  In World War II, he was head of the Vichy Government. The Vichy Government was allied with the Nazis and was an active participant in the deportation and death of thousands of Jews.  Some of these were part of the very old French Jewish community.  Others were relative new-comers who had sought refuge in France during the 1930's as the Nazi scourge began to sweep across Europe.  Petain was not prosecuted for collaborating because of his previous military contribution and advanced age.  Pierre Laval, the Prime Minister of the Vichy government did not escape punishment. Petain passed away at in 1951at the age of 95.

1859: The First Hebrew Benevolent Association was founded today in Portland, Oregon.

1861(14thof Iyar 5621) Pesach Sheni

1861: "When the Richmond Blues left...for war" today, fifteen of its ninety-nine members were Jewish including Ezekiel J. ("Zeke") Levy, it fourth sergeant. 

1864(18thof Nisan, 5624): Fourth Day of Pesach

1864: Isaac Levy, a Virginian serving the Confederate Army wrote his mother from his post in South Carolina describing the Seder that he and his fellow soldiers had celebrated a few days earlier.

1865: Today the Washington National Intelligencer published the resolution of the Washington Literary and Dramatic Association drawn by a committee that included Simon Wolf and Julius Lowenthal which began “By the death of Abraham Lincoln the nation has sustained an irreparable loss, freedom her brightest and purest champion, humanity her greatest benefactor…”

1866: Seventy year old Protestant Biblical commentator Hermann Upfield who specialized in studies on the “Old Testament” and whose works included a “treatise on the early history of Hebrew grammar among the Jews” published in 1846 passed away today.

1867: Michael Rudelsheim married Rebecca Hirsch today in Amsterdam.

1869: Mlle. Janauschek is scheduled to appear in a benefit performance of "Deborah," the proceeds of which will go to the Hebrew Free School in New York City.

1871: “Synagogue Consecration” published todaydescribed the ceremony led by Rabbi S.M. Issacs as Derech Emunoh took over its new home in what had been the chapel of New York University

1872(16th of Nisan, 5632): Second day of Pesach; first day of the Omer

1875(19thof Nisan, 5635): Fifth Day Pesach and Shabbat

1876(30thof Nisan, 5636): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1876(30thof Nisan, 5636): Eighty-five year old Therese Aron, the Lorraine born daughter of Baruch Gougenheim and Rosel Rosette Rosele Gougenheim , the wife of Isaac Aron and mother of Simon Aron, (Baby); Rosine Haguenau; Jacob Aron; Simon Aron and Gertrude Openheimer passed away today in Strasbourg.

1878: In Buffalo, TX, Lena Catosk Pearlstone, the New Orleans born daughter of Mina Louis Hart and her husband Barney Pearlstone gave birth to Hyman Pearlstone, who was a businessman in Waco, Palestine and Dallas, TX where he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce.

1879(1st of Iyar, 5639): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1880: Birthdate of Elizabethgrad native Phineas Israeli, the JTS trained Rabbi who in 1923 was hired by Etz Chaim Congregtion in Portland where he worked with Orthodox Rabbi Moses Shohet and “initiated modern innovations such as late Friday evening services with English which was a departure from” having sermons delivered in Yiddish” but failed in his attempts to have the congregation join the Conservative movements United Synagogues of America and left the congregation for years later “due to illness.”


1880:  Because of his “reputation of a public-spirited man…and because of his many gifts to charitable and scientific institution which won Raphael Louis Bischoffsheim the exceptional honor of "grande naturalization," by which, today he became a citizen of the French republic.”

1881: The Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio, the only Jewish “institution for advanced study in America” is dedicating a new building today.  As a testament to the school’s strength, the administration was able to spend $25,000 to purchase one of the city’s old mansions and then spend additional funds to remodel it.  The school began as a dream of community leaders in 1872 and opened its doors in 1875 to 17 pupils who used rooms at the Plum Street Temple for their classes.

1881: It was erroneously reported today that King Charles I, the new King of Romania “has removed the disabilities of the Jews who comprise the largest foreign element of his population.”

1881: “Disraeli, Novelist and Orator” published today examines the career of the author turned politician.  It concedes that nobody could have imagined the political heights he was to scale when his first novel came out.  At the same time, throughout his 40 year career, he was victimized by the press as can be seen by the issues of Punch in which he was “assailed…with ridicule, sneer and caricature.”

1882: Lena Catosk Pearlstone, the New Orleans born daughter of Mina and Louis Hart her husband gave part to Julius Heart Pearlstone.

1883: Birthdate of German actress Lotte Spira who was forced by the Nazis to divorced her Jewish husband Fritz Spira because he was Jewish and then forced to sign a statement that her daughter Camila was his daughter.

1885: Birthdate of Romana Manczyk, the Warsaw native who became famous as Zionist activist Romana Goodman.


1885: According to today’s Boston Post, there is a colony of Jews living in China who came to that country two hundred years before the Christian era.

1887(30th of Nisan, 5647): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1887(30thof Nisan, 5647): Grand Rabbi Joseph Emmanuel Levi of Italy who had previously served as rabbi of Mondovi and Cuneo before taking the pulpit at Corfu passed away today.

1887: When the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society held its 64thannual meeting this morning, Jesse Seligman was chosen to serve as President and Henry Rice was chosen to serve as Vice President.  Currently, there are 482 orphans in the asylum, 277 of whom are boys. According to Myer Stern, the society’s secretary, 16 of the boys have recently “been provided with good positions.”

1888: Birthdate of Julius Hart Pearlstone, a native of Buffalo, TX who became a merchant in Palestine, TX and a leader of the Jewish Federation for Social Service in Dallas, TX.

1888: London born Kate Moses and Cairo, Egypt native Myer Balu gave birth to Leon Blau who did not live to see his fifth birthday.

1888: Eduard Glaser completed his third journey from Sanaa to Ma’rib

1889(23rd of Nisan, 5649): Salomon or Solomon Formstecher, a German rabbi and student of Jewish theology passed away.Born at Offenbach am Main in 1808 he earned a Ph.D from the Giessen University, he settled in his native city as preacher, succeeding Rabbi Metz in 1842 a position he held until his death. “During his long ministry he strove to harmonize the religious and social life of the Jews with the requirements of modern civilization. His aims were expressed at the Rabbinical Conference of Brunswick, Frankfurt, Breslau, and Kassel in the conferences of the German rabbis. The most important of his works is Religion des Geistes ("Religion of the Spirit," Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1841). It contains a systematic analysis of the principles of Judaism. The author endeavors to demonstrate that Judaism was a necessary manifestation, and that its evolution tends in the direction of a universal religion for civilized mankind. Judaism, in contrast with paganism, considers the Divinity to be a Being separate from nature, and allows no doubt of God's existence. Consequently, any theogony, any emanation, any dualism must be rejected. Formstecher concludes his work with a history of Judaism which is a valuable contribution to Jewish religious philosophy.”

1889: Birthdate of Yakov Naumovich Reizen the “Ukrainian-born Bolshevik” who gained famed Jacob Golos, a member of the Communist Party in the United States and a Soviet espionage agent during WW II.


1889: It was reported today that some brokers at the NYSE who are not Jewish are accusing Isidore Wormser of leading a cabal of Jewish financiers in stock manipulation especially where the Reading Railroad is concerned.  The charge is not anchored in reality since some of his cohorts are said to include the notorious Jay Gould and the very gentile James R. Keene.

1890: Sylvester Pennoyer was nominated for Governor today at the Democratic State Convention in Portland, Oregon, with the expectation that he could be able to carry the Jewish vote in the upcoming general elections.

1890(4thof Iyar, 5650): Frances Cohen, the daughter of Rachel and Moses Cohen and the wife of Philadelphian Jonas Altamont Phillips with whom she had nine children, passed away today in Philadelphai.

1890: Judge Max Mayeyhardt of Rome, GA, the son of David J. and Esther (Marks) Mayerhardt today married Nettie Watson, a native of Tuskegee, Alabama.

1890: “A Mighty Power” by Frank Rothschild, Jr. had a pre-Broadway matinee performance at the Fifth Avenue Theatre.  The play is a melodrama set in Czarist Russia that portrays the suffering of a Jewish brother and sister at the ends of “a fierce, malignant, autocrat, General Mickrakoff. The play was poorly received particularly by the Jews in the audience who do not care for this sort of “buncombe.”

1891: Henry Blumenthal took his father David Blumenthal out an insane asylum in Amityville, Long Island, today. He then took his father who had been a wealthy Jewish dry goods businessman before his confinement to all of the banks where he had deposits, withdrew the funds that totaled over $30, 000 and then boarded a ship bound for Bremen, Germany

1893: “On The Watch For Converts” published today described the aggressive attempts by various Christian churches to convert Jews in response to which “a considerable number” of the Jews in New York “have formulated a plan for checkmating the vigorous efforts…to proselytize them from their ancient faith.”

1894(8thof Nisan, 5654): Fourth Day of Pesach

1894: In Tyler, TX, Rose and Samuel S. Mallinson gave birth to Herbert Mallinson, the wife of Beatrice Mallinson and a “member of the board of directors and chairman of the Southwest region of the American Joint Distribution Committee.

1894: Four days after he had passed away, 53 year old Woolf Emden, “the eldest son of the Joseph and Rachel Emden” was buried today at the “West Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1894: In New York, “Russian Jewish immigrants Frederick and Yetta Pitler gave birth to Jacob Albert “Jake” Pitler the husband of Henrietta L. Pitler whose two year career with Pittsburgh Pirates was followed by lengthy career as a coach with the Brooklyn Dodgers that included being on the 1955 team that won Brooklyn’s only World Championship.

1894: “Mr. Seligman’s Career” published today glowingly described the career of the recently deceased Jewish businessman and philanthropist Jesse Seligman who “came to New York in steerage” and was worth over $20,000,000 when he passed away.

1895: “Mr. Hutton’s Book On Jerusalem” published today provides a detailed review of Literary Landmarks of Jerusalem by Laurence Hutton.


1895: “Saved From Starvation” published today described the work of the Monte Relief Society led by Mrs. Sofia Monte Loebinger whose five hundred members provide immediate relief in the form of money and clothing to the needy immigrants of the Lower East Side and who also help them find jobs which will provide long term improvement in their condition.

1896: A new synagogue is scheduled to be dedicated this evening in Lancaster, PA.

1896: “Does Not Favor Intermarriage” published today described the meeting of the New York Section of the National Council of Jewish Women at Temple Beth-El presided over by Mrs. Alexander Kohut at which included the reading of papers on “Intermarriage” and “A Practical View of Philanthropy”

1897(22ndof Nisan, 5657): Eight Day of Pesach and Shabbat; Yizkor

1897: It was reported today that during March the United Hebrew Charities dealt with 3,326 applications for relief that affected 11,086 peoples.  One thousand people received clothes, shoes and furniture while 319 people were taken to the doctor.  Of the 950 people who registered for work, 589 were found jobs.

1898: On its 76th anniversary, the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society met at the asylum’s building on 136th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.

1898: It was reported today that among those who attended the 5th annual reunion banquet of the Hebrew Technical Institute were Meyer Cushner, Maximilian Zipkes, James Hoffman, Joseph L. Gensler, Dr. Henry M. Leipziger, A. Lincoln Saruya and Edgar S. Barnay


1898:  Congress today declared that a state of war between the U.S. and Spain had existed since April 21, the day the blockade of Cuba had begun. Fifteen Jews serving on the battleship were killed. Five thousand Jews served in the American Army, a ratio of 20% more than the general population. The first person of Colonel Roosevelt's Rough Riders to reach the top of San Juan Hill was reportedly a Jew named Irving Peixotto.

1898: The Adath Israel Fair which is a fundraiser for their new building in West Harlem is scheduled to come to an end.

1899(14thof Iyar, 5659): Pesach Sheini

1899: In Kobrin, Russia, Bazel Zaritsky and Hanna Tennenbaum gave birth to Oscher Zaritsky who gained fame as award winning American mathematician Oscar Zariski.


1900: The Twenty-Seventh Convention of District No 7 of the B’nai B’rith continued for a third day in New Orleans.

1901: “United Work for Oppressed Hebrews” published today described a standing-room-only meeting at Temple Emanuel where the topics of the evening were “The Condition of the Jews” and “The Alliance Israelite and American Judaism” and the speakers include A. S. Solomons, Jacob H. Schiff, Rabbi H. Pereira Mendes, Louis Marshall and Nissam Benard

1902:The first step toward the creation of a permanent endowment fund for the United Hebrew Charities was taken today by William Guggenheim, a member of the Board of Directors, when he sent” Henry Rice, “the President of the organization…a check for $50,000 for that purpose and a promise of $50,000 more…”

1902: Birthdate of Moshe Ziffer the native of  Przemyśl, the Austro-Hungarian city that was the scene of great Jewish suffering during WWI, who made Aliyah in 191 and became a leading Israeli artist and sculptor whose works included busts of Einstein, Ben-Gurion and Weizmann.

1903: “Massacre of Jews in Russia” published today reported that “twenty-five Jews were killed and 275 were wounded, many of the mortally, in ant-Semitic riots at Kishineff…on April 20 when a number of workmen organized an attack on the Jewish inhabitants.”

1904: In Chicago, Rabbi Hirsch delivered a lecture at St. James Methodist Church during which he said, “If Jesus Christ should return to the earth tomorrow, he would be welcome in every synagogue in the land …” which led to the audience responding with “a storm of applause when he sat down.

1905(19th of Nisan, Fifth Day of Pesach

1905(19th of Nisan): Anti-Semitic riots began in Zhitomir, Russia

1905: In New York, Gladys Seligman the daughter of David and Adelaide Seligman became Gladys Wertheim when she married Henri Hendrik Pieter Wertheim van Heukelom today,

1906: In Barley, Hertfordshire, England, Redcliffe Nathan Salaman, the son of Myer and Sarah Salaman, and Nina Ruth Salaman gave birth to Raphael Arthur Salaman

1907: Today marks the start of two ten-day sales at Bloomingdales; one for Women’s Tailored suits and the other for Men’s Spring suits, overcoats, Prince Albert Coats and Vests.

1907: Today, The Right Reverend Plato, who had defended himself during a session of the Duma by declaring that “I got do in the mud at Kieff in order to save the Jews from those who would attack them was elected today to serve as Archbishop of the Orthodox Russian Church in the United States.

1908: It was reported today that while speaking between performance at the Children’s Theatre of the Educational Alliance, Mark Twain announced that “after July 1, the Educational Theatre for  children will enter upon an independent existence under a different board of directors.

1909: A meeting is scheduled to take place this evening sponsored by the Free Songs of Israel where attendees will express their opposition to the Wagner-Stein Bill which allow for part of the land now occupied by Crotona Park to be used for in a new armory building

1910(15thof Nisan, 5670): Pesach

1910: It was reported today that “the government order for the wholesale expulsion of Jews residing illegally in Kieff and elsewhere outside the pale, which was to have taken effect on April 28” and which would have negatively affected at least 2,700 Jews living in Kieff, “has been suspended by the Premier to permit a further examination of the matter.”


1911:  Birthdate of comedian Jack E Leonard.  Born Leonard Lebitsky in Chicago, Illinois, Leonard was a heavy-set, cigar-smoking practitioner of an aggressive form of humor.  His movie credits included the “Disorderly Orderly,” “The Fat Spy,” and “Target: Harry.” He passed away on May 9, 1973.

1913(17thof Nisan, 5673): Third Day of Pesach

1913: In Chicago, Rabbi Schanfarber officiated at the funeral of 44 year old Oscar Grant Lehman, the son of Louis and Barbara Lehman.

1913: In Chicago, Rabbi Schanfarbert officiated at the funeral of Rena Levi, the wife of Julius Levi and the “mother of Sigbit and Fannie L. Rothschild.”

1914: Birthdate of Jan Karski, a liaison officer of the Polish underground who infiltrated both the Warsaw Ghetto and a German concentration camp and then carried the first eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust to a mostly disbelieving audience of Western leaders.



1914: Birthdate of actress and political activist Roberta "Robbie" Seidman Garfield Cohn, the wife of actor John Garfield.

1915(10thof Iyar, 5675): Parashat Acrhei Mot-Kedoshim

1915(10thof Iyar, 5675): Seventy-five year old Belarus born Rabbi Yshaaya Epstein the son of Rabbi Abraham Epstein and the “husband of “Esther (Judith) Epstein” passed away today in Jerusalem.

1915: “Betty” a musical comedy with lyrics and music by Paul Rubens opened at Daly’s Theatre in London where it ran for 391 performances.

1915: Nearly 1,000 people “representing every synagogue and Jewish society in” New York City met tonight “at the Concert Hall for the opening session of the annual convention of the Kehillah or Jewish Community” which is led by “Dr. J. L. Magnes, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Kehillah” who said “the fate of the Jewish people is hanging in the balance” and wondered if “the great war will bring political, religious and national freedom to the Jews?”

1915: The Armenian Genocide began when the Young Turks undertook the systematic annihilation of Armenian intellectuals and entrepreneurs within the city of Constantinople and later the entire Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire.  The Jewish population of Palestine was aware of this slaughter.  The leaders of its nascent military force, Hashomer, were especially cognizant of what had happened.  They were determined that the Jews would not suffer a similar fate.

1916:  Birthdate of movie critic Stanley Kauffmann the husband of Laura Kauffman.


1916(21stof Nisan, 5676): 7th day of Pesach

1916:  Birthdate of movie critic Stanley Kauffmann the husband of Laura Kauffman.


1916: In Ireland foundation stone of the Greenville Hall Synagogue was laid coincidentally on the same day as the Easter Rising.

1916(21stof Nisan, 5676):  During WW I, Captain Wilfrid Langdon, a graduate of Rugby, was killed today.

1916: In New Orleans, Ted “Kid” Lewis lost a bout which cost him his title as World Welterweight Champion.

1916: The Easter Rising began in Dublin.  Many Jews were attracted to the cause of Irish Republicanism including Estella Solomons and Michael Noyk an Irish solicitor who joined Sinn Fein shortly after the Rising and defended several of the I.R.A. prisoners.

1917(2ndof Iyar, 5677): Sixty-five year old Berlin born Oscar Blumenthal playwright and critic passed away today in his hometown.


1917: The final session of the “assembly of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis” which had split over the issues of voicing support for women’s suffrage and Zionism was held today.

1917: Jacob de Hass, Secretary of the Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs said” today “that the consideration by the envoys in Washington of the problem of a Jewish nation in Palestine was the result of a carefully planned movement by the Zionist organizations in the United States, England, France and Russia.”


1918: It was reported today that “The Jewish Administration Commission for Palestine has established bureaus in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and is engaged in the actual work of laying the foundation for the Jewish state.  Of immediate concern was the need for “large sums of money designed to save orange growers from ruin owing to their inability to market their crops due to the World War.  Long term loans to the orange growers are imperative necessity.”

1918: Author Thomas Mann and his wife Katia, who would later convert to Christianity gave birth to their fifth child Elisabeth today.

1918: Birthdate of Chicago native, U. of Chicago grad and Rush Medical College trained physician Henry Kaplan, the cancer specialist who raised two children – Ann and Paul – with his wife Leah.


1918: “Violent pogroms” took place in Cracow today.

1919: Hungarian Jewish immigrant Mary Teitelbaum and her husband gave birth to Sara Teitelbaum who gained fame as Clinton confidant Sarah Ehrman.


1919(24thNisan, 5679): A month before his 56th birthday Parisian born opera composer Camille Erlanger passed away.

1919: “The Chicago Mendelssohn Club” is scheduled to give the final concert of this season this evening.

1921(16thof Nisan, 5681): Second Day of Pesach

1920: Birthdate of New York City native and Columbia University trained historian Dr. Herman Ausubel who taught at Columbia, Yeshiva University, Brooklyn College and the University of Manchester in England and whose works included Historians and Their Works.

1921:  Vladimir Jabotinsky was sentenced by the British mandatory government of Palestine to 15 years of imprisonment for his participation in the Jewish self-defense corps. During Passover in 1920, Jabotinsky stood at the head of the Haganah in Jerusalem against Arab riots and was condemned by the British Mandatory Government to 15 years hard labor. Following the public outcry against the verdict, he received amnesty and was released from Acre prison. 

1921: Birthdate of Layos Lenovitz, the native of Hungary who as Lou Lenhart served as pilot with the U.S. Marines during WW II before volunteering for “Sherut Avir, the precursor of the IAF,” taking part in IAF’s first attack on Egyptian forces driving on Tel Aviv and helping to airlift immigrants to the nascent Jewish State.


1924: Birthdate of Detroit native Isadore Manuel Singer, a Professor of Mathematics at MIT who “is noted for his work with Michael Atiyah proving the Atiyah–Singer index theorem in 1962, which paved the way for new interactions between pure mathematics and theoretical physics.” (This breakthrough was accomplished by an American Jew and a native of the Sudan, raised in Egypt who now lives in Great Britain.  Yes, peaceful collaboration is possible.)

1924: Birthdate of Ruth Maxine Kahn, the native of Des Moines, IA, who gained fame opera and Broadway musical star Ruth Kobart.

 1924:  Birthdate of composer and pianist Yehoshua Lakner.  Born in Bratislava, Lakner moved to what is now Israel in 1941. During his early years in Palestine, Lakner studied and played in small jazz band. Yehoshua Lakner's work has received numerous awards, including the Engel Prize of Tel-Aviv for his "Toccata for Orchestra" (1958). He was honored by the Zurich City Council for his theatre music (1969) and was awarded the Salomon David Steinberg Foundation's Music Prize, as well as a composer-in-residency from the City of Zurich (1987/88).  Lakner taught at the Rubin Academy for Music in Tel Aviv and later used the computer to create multi-sensory musical experiences.

1925: At Carnegie Hall, “Variations for Piano on a Theme by Dvorak,” and “Suite for Two Pianos,” which had been composed by Leopold Damrosch Mannes was performed for the first time

1927: Birthdate of Springfield, MA native, WW II Navy veteran and Yale trained attorney David S. Davidson, the Chief Judge of the NLRB and Reform Judaism leader who married Dorothy Davidson after the death of his first wife Judge Rita Davidson.


1927: “A testimonial performance” is scheduled to “be given at the Mansfield Theatre” tonight in honor of Ossip Dymow who is “celebrating” his 25thanniversary as an author.

1929(14thof Nisan, 5689): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1929: The Ezra Society for Nervous Diseases arranged the Passover celebration “held tonight for several hundred Jewish patients at the Manhattan State Hospital on Ward’s Island.

1929: Thanks to the efforts of the Jewish Social Service Association “said to be the oldest Jewish relief and family welfare society in America” “flour, food and funds” have been distributed to those in need so they can “observe the traditions of the holiday” this evening.

1929: Louis Singer led the Seder at the Home of Old Israel on Jefferson Street which was attended by 112 residents.

1930: In the Bronx, Hattie Schwartzberg and her husband Fred, the owner of “a small furniture manufacturing business” gave birth to Richard Donald Schwartzberg who gained fame as the award winning director and producer Richard Donner whose greatest came to fame may have been directing Christopher Reeve in the 1978 epic “Superman” which brought the man of steel to the wide, modern movie screen.

1931: In a match whose outcome he disputed English boxer “Jack Kid Berg” (Judah Berg) lost his World Light Welterweight Championship.

1932: Detroit Tigers Pitcher Izzy Goldstein, a native or Odessa, Russia, appeared in his first major league baseball game.

1932: Benny Rothman, the Jewish political activist, led the Mass trespass of Kinder Scout, leading to substantial legal reforms in the United Kingdom.

1933: Soviet Union Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinov appears on the cover of Timeand is the subject of the magazine’s feature article. Litvinov was the son of a wealthy Jewish banking family who became an ardent Bolshevik. Stalin will remove Litvinov, the Jew, when he decides to negotiate the non-aggression pact with Germany in 1939. Americans would come to know Litvinov during World War II when he served as the Soviet ambassador to the United States where he played a key role in lend-lease negotiations.  Litvinov was unique among the original Jews Bolshevik leaders because he was one of the few to escape Stalin’s wrath and die of natural causes.

1933(28thof Nisan, 5693): Eighty-one year old Felix Adler passed away.


1933: After meeting with President Roosevelt, Secretary of State Cordell Hull wrote to Norman Davis, the American representative to the Geneva Disarmament Conference that FDR would regard adjournment of the conference as a failure that might give Hitler an excuse to start a war.  (In the first months of his Presidency, FDR saw that Hitler posed an undetermined threat to peace.  He wanted to keep him at bay because he was dealing with the worst crisis in American history.  What most people fail to understand with their twenty-twenty hindsight was that the United States was tottering on the brink of disaster and there was no guarantee that she could not followed the fascist model of Germany and Italy or the Communist model of the Soviet Union.)

1933: “A conference of executive directors of Y.M.H.A.’s, Y.W H.A’s and Jewish Community Centers” is which is considering “an evaluation of present membership policies, news systems of membership and other measures that will build up memberships in Jewish centers scheduled to meet for its third and final session today at the 92nd Street Y.

1934: In the Bronx, Harry Rosen and the former Ruth Jacobson gave birth to Walter Rosen who made Junior’s Restaurant and its cheesecake into a New York cultural icon.


1934: It was reported today that Abraham Stavsky, Zvi Rosenblatt and Abba Achimeyer have gone trial for the murder last month of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff.  “Achicmeyer is charged with inciting the alleged murderers by speeches and newspaper articles.”  The other two defendants are charged with the actual murder with Rosenblatt having been named as the “trigger man.”


1935: Birthdate of Pottsville, PA native Allan Jaffe, “the entrepreneur who developed Preservation Hall into a New Orleans jazz tradition” and father of Ben Jaffe who followed in his father’s footsteps.



1935: The New Republic published “The Funeral of R.A.A.P.” by Jewish author Robert Gessner.

1935: “Today, the Angriff, the official afternoon” Nazi newspaper “in Berlin appeared with black banner headlines above a story asserting that half the apartment house in” Berlin “were still owned by Jews.”

1936: “Reports that eight Arabs had been killed yesterday during disorders were described as ‘false and baseless’ by the Jewish Agency in Palestine.”

1936: Today David Ben Gurion was reported to have “urged that exaggeration of the disturbances” in Palestine “be avoided” no doubt because the Arabs were using their attacks to pressure the British to end Jewish immigration and land purchases.

1936: “Assurance has been given to Jews in America by the High Commissioner of Palestine that he would not ‘put a premium upon violence’ by yielding to any unjust demands of the Arabs, Dr. Stephen S. Wise said today and that furthermore “continued admittance of immigrants to Palestine was guaranteed.”

1936: At a luncheon held in the Hotel Astor, “Luis Posner, Mortgage Commissioner of the State of New York said the Jewish settlers” in Palestine “had always pursed a policy of peaceful cooperation and mutual understanding with the Arabs.

1936: In Zagreb, Yugoslavia, Dr. Vladimir Matchek denied today that anti-Semitic pamphlets recently published under the name of the Croat Peasant party had been approved or circulated by the party.”

1936: While contrary to expectations there was no violence in Jerusalem today “rifle shots were fired at Hakoresh, a Jewish settlement in northern Palestine” and “fires in crops, houses, shops and timber yards” owned by Jews continue to break out in different parts of the countries.

1937:  Pastor Martin Niemöller, one of the foremost leaders of the German opposition forces to Hitler, preached that it is unfortunate that God permitted Jesus to be born a Jew.

1938: In Vienna, Marrianne and Hubert Joachim Adler gave birth to San Diego, CA “civil rights and criminal defense attorney” Tom Adler.


1938: In one of those uniquely American cross-cultural events, the orchestra led by African-American Duke Ellington recorded “a live performance” “On the Sunny Side of the Street” with lyrics by Dorothy Fields at Harlem’s iconic Cotton Club.

1938: All sessions of the religious school resumed at Temple Emanu-El following the Passover recess.

1938: At the Free Synagogue meeting in Carnegie Hall, Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “My Unwritten Books: A Preview.”

1938: At Temple Rodeph Sholom, Dudley Digges and Rabbi Louis I. Newman are scheduled to deliver an address on “The Ethical Message of Paul Osborn’s play ‘On Borrowed Time.’”

1939: Birthdate of Ernst Zündel, the German-born Canadian Holocaust denier who also published neo-Nazi pamphlets such as “The Hitler We Loved and Why.”


1939: In apparent response to pressure from the British government the Greek government announced that a law prohibiting Greek vessels from carrying any more Jewish refugees unless their papers are strictly in order would be enforced.  The move will strike a blow against the Greek economy since Greek ship owners and “brokers” had been able to make “exorbitant profits” from trafficking in Jewish misery.

1940(16thof Nisan, 5700): Second Day of Pesach

1940(16thof Nisan, 5700): Forty-three year old Joe “Yussel the Muscle” Jacobs fight manager passed away today.


1941: Birthdate of Richard Charles Albert Holbrooke “a top-ranking American diplomat, magazine editor, author, professor, Peace Corps official, and investment banker. He was the only person to have held the position of Assistant Secretary of State position for two different regions of the world (Asia from 1977 to 1981 and Europe from 1994 to 1996). Later, was the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan under the Obama administration. Holbrooke was born in New York City, to Dan Holbrooke and Trudi Moos (née Kearl). Holbrooke’s mother, whose Jewish family fled Hamburg in 1933 for Buenos Aires before coming to New York, took him to Quaker meetings on Sundays. “I was an atheist, his father was an atheist,” says his mother, a potter now married to a sculptor. “We never thought of giving Richard a Jewish upbringing. The Quaker meetings seemed interesting.” Holbrooke’s father, a doctor born of Russian Jewish parents in Warsaw, died of cancer. His father changed his name to Holbrooke when he arrived in the United States in the 1930s. Such, however, is the family’s loss of contact with its roots that his original name is unknown. After Scarsdale High School Holbrooke received his A.B. from Brown University in 1962 and completed a post-graduate fellowship at Princeton University in 1970. He married Kati Marton in 1995. His marriage to Marton has led him to look more closely at his past. She was born into a family of Hungarian Jews but raised a Roman Catholic. In researching a book about Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat in Budapest who saved Jews during World War II, Marton traveled to her native Hungary whence she and her parents had fled the Communists in the 1950s. It was there that an old friend of her mother’s told her that Wallenberg had come too late for Marton’s grandparents. It was the first she had heard about her Jewish roots. Like Madeleine Albright’s parents, Marton’s family hid their Jewish identity when they came to the United States. She learned that one of her maternal grandparents had died in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He passed away in 2010.

1941:  The Nazis “closed” the Lublin Ghetto.  The Lublin (Poland) Ghetto was established in March, 1941 and contained about 34,000 Jews.  As of this date Jews could only leave if they had a special permit or were part of a labor group. The Lublin Ghetto was the first ghetto in the General Government to be liquidated, and the Nazis gained much experience, for future deportation actions. Jews from Lublin were the first victims of the newly constructed death camp at Belzec. Only 200-300 of formerly 40,000 Lublin Jews survived in hiding or were finally liberated in several concentration camps. About 1000 Jews survived the war in Soviet areas.

1942: The liquidation of the WloclawekGhetto began today.

1942:  Jews throughout Greater Germany were prohibited from taking public transport.

1942: Eight days after turning nine, Ruth Bachrachova was transported from Prague to Terezin, the first leg of a trip that would lead to the death camps.

1942:  Birthdate of singer and film star Barbra Streisand.

1943: Oliver Harvey, Anthony Eden’s Private Secretary described the British Foreign Minister’s attitude toward the Jews with an entry in his diary stating “Unfortunately AE is immovable on the subject of Palestine.  He loves Arabs and hates Jews.”  This entry explains why the British Foreign office did nothing to save the Jews of Europe from the Holocaust and gives some example of the type of society in which Churchill was forced to make his decisions.

1943: A twelve day joint Anglo-American conference designed to deal with the issue of refugees (and in reality Jewish refugees) comes to an end without taking any action to save the Jews of Europe including the opening of Palestine to settlement by Jewish refugees.

1943(19th of Nissan 5703):Rabbi Menachem Ziemba a distinguished pre-World War II Rabbi who had been born in 1883, known as a Talmudic genius and prodigy was gunned down by the Nazis during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. “Rabbi Menachem Zemba was born in a suburb of Warsaw, Poland in 1883. A follower of the Gerrer chassidic dynasty, he was a great genius and Torah scholar. He joined the Warsaw rabbinate in 1935, and was recognized as a leading rabbinic figure in pre-war Eastern Europe.

Rabbi Zemba was a moral force in the Warsaw Ghetto, always striving to infuse the community with optimism and hope. He arranged clandestine locations in cellars and bomb shelters where girls and boys would study Torah. Although afforded opportunities to escape the ghetto, he refused to do so, insisting that his presence was needed by the Jews in the ghetto. Rabbi Zemba was a strong supporter of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, donating personal funds for ammunition and giving his whole-hearted blessing for the endeavor (see Jewish History for the 27th of Nissan). Five days after the fighting begun, on Shabbat the 19th of Nissan, the house were Rabbi Zemba was hiding was set afire by the SS. When attempting to escape, Rabbi Zemba was shot dead by the Nazis. May G-d avenge his blood. The rabbi was buried in the Ghetto, and in 1958 his body was flown to Israel where he was buried in Jerusalem amid a great funeral procession. Rabbi Zemba was a prolific writer. Unfortunately, most of his scholarly manuscripts were burnt in the Warsaw Ghetto. His few works which were authored before the war are still studied by Torah scholars world-wide. (As reported by Chabad)

1944: Two escapees from Auschwitz, Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler reached Zilina, in northern Slovakia, where they worked with Jewish leaders on their report. The two men provided separate but consistent accounts. Factual assertions were checked against records whenever possible. The 32-page report was sent to the British and United States governments, the Vatican and the International Red Cross. Most important, it went to the leadership of Hungary's Jews, next on Hitler's list.

1945: When Soviet troops entered the German capital, they found 800 Jews alive at Berlin’s Jewish Hospital.

1945: Forty-three year old Karl Ludwig von Guttenberg who had been arrested after the failure of the plot to assassinate Hitler in July, 1944 and who refused to name names despite being tortured by was murdered in the early hours of this morning by order of “Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller.”


1945: Holocaust survivor Dr. Hadassah Bimko Rosensaft, gave one of the first eyewitness accounts of the horrors of the Holocaust on a Movietone News newsreel that was filmed at the recently liberated Nazi concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen."It is difficult for me to describe," she said, "all that we inmates experienced here in the camps. As a small, very small example I can relate that we inmates were thrown onto the earth of a filthy, lice-filled camp, without blankets, without bags of hay, without beds. We were given a 12th of a piece of bread daily and one liter of turnip soup so that almost 75 percent of the inmates were swollen from hunger. A severe typhus epidemic broke out, and the hunger and the typhus devoured us." Through the camera she told the world how the Germans had refused to give starving inmates food shipments sent by the Red Cross until shortly before the arrival of British troops, and how the camp's SS commandant had stolen large quantities of chocolate intended for Jewish children to enrich himself on the black market.

1946:  Five thousand Jews attending a funeral for five Jews murdered by Poles at Nowy Targ, Poland, three days earlier were abused from rooftops and windows by anti-Semitic taunts.

1947: Birthdate of Roger David Kornberg an American biochemist and professor of structural biology at Stanford University School of Medicine who “was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2006 for his studies of the process by which genetic information from DNA is copied to RNA, "the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription."

1947: The trial of Hans Biebow “the chief of German Nazi administration of the Łódź Ghetto in occupied Poland” continued for a second day.

1948(15th of Nisan, 5708): Pesach

1948: During the siege of Jerusalem, on the first day of Pesach, Zipporah Porath “feasted on an omelet made from our special Pesach ration, which included Matzah and one egg each.”

1949: Birthdate of Peter Friedman, the New York native who “played the role of Jewish immigrant ‘Tateh’ in Ragtime” for which he “was nominated for the 1998 Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical and the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Musical.”

 1950: King Abdullah of Jordan annexed all of the land west of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea seized by his troop.  The state of Jordan was formed by the union of Jordanian-occupied Palestine and the Kingdom of Transjordan. In the view of some, the creation of the original state of Trans-Jordan by the British after World War I was an illegal act since amounted to a partition of the Palestine Mandate.  That is why there are those that contend that if the Arabs want a state in Palestine, they already have it.  It is called Jordan.  The creation of Jordan in 1950 was another act of illegality.  The land west of the Jordan River including the eastern part of Jerusalem had been seized by the Jordanian Army during the Israeli War for Independence.  Since the Arabs held what is now called the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza in 1950, you would have expected that the Arab State of Palestine would have been created.  The demand for an Arab state of Palestine in these areas only began after June, 1967.

1950: The government of Israel announced that it would not accept the annexation of eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank by Jordan.  Israel said that it had accepted the occupation as part of the truce agreement subject to final peace negotiations.  Israel expressed its displeasure at the possibility of British military installations being installed on her frontiers. 

1951(18thof 5711): Fourth Day of Pesach

1953: Drummer Buddy Rich, the son of Jewish-American vaudevillians, married “dance and showgirl” Marie Allison today with whom he had one child – Cathy – and to whom he remained married “until his death in 1987.”

1955: The Bandung Conference came to an end. At the height of the Cold War, twenty-nine self-described non-aligned nations of Asia and Africa finish a meeting that condemned colonialism, racism, and the Cold War. One of the prime movers behind the conference was Prime Minister Nehru of India.  The Israelis had wanted to attend.  They saw themselves as a socialist country who had thrown the British out and was not officially aligned with either the Eastern or Western Blocs.  However, Nehru did not want the Israelis there because it would upset the Arabs and the Moslems. 

1958(4th of Iyar, 5718): Yom HaAtzma'ut

1958: Thirteen months after being released in the United Kingdom, “Ill Met by Moonlight” on which Emeric Pressburger served as co-writer, co-director and co-producer was released today in New York City.

1958: Chaim Laskov, the recently appointed Chief of General Staff, “presided over a huge military parade in Jerusalem to mark the tenth anniversary of Israel's independence. This took place despite warnings by Jordan that such a parade would be considered an act of aggression. During the parade, Laskov displayed Israel's latest military hardware, including weapons captured from Egypt in the Sinai and from Syria during clashes in the Hula Valley.”

1958: Brooks Atkinson reviewed the first production of JB, a play based on the Book of Job for the New York Times.

1959(16thof Nisan, 5719): Second Day of Pesach

1959(16thof Nisan, 5719): Ninety-three year old violinist and conductor David Mannes, the husband of Clara Mannes and son-in-law of Leopold Damrosch, who helped to “found the Colored Music Settlement School” and the Mannes Music School


1960(27thof Nisan, 5720): Sixty-five year old Ukraine native, Sophie Udin, the feminist and Zionist who married Pinhas Ginguld with whom she had two children – Yehuda and Marcia passed away today.



1961, Professor Salo Baron testified at the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Baron explained the historical context of the Nazi genocide against the Jews. He further explained that in his birthplace, Tarnow, there had been 20,000 Jews before the war but, after Hitler, there were no more than 20. His parents and a sister were killed there1961, Professor Baron testified at the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Baron explained the historical context of the Nazi genocide against the Jews. He further explained that in his birthplace, Tarnow, there had been 20,000 Jews before the war but, after Hitler, there were no more than 20. His parents and a sister were killed there

1962:  Dodger Legend Sandy Koufax pitched his second 18-strikeout game.

1963: The will of Samuel Paley, the father of William S. Paley, the Chairman of the Board of the Columbia Broadcasting System, was filed for probate today showing that that his estate “was valued at $27,000,000.

1963: Oskar Schindler wrote a letter from Frankfurt am Main today “to his close friend confidante Itzhak Stern” in which he “discusses his financial hardship,” speaks of the “optimism towards the future” he felt a year ago” and expresses his despair by asking himself “if it’s even worth lving.

1965(22nd of Nisan, 5725): 8th day of Pesach

1966(8thof Iyar, 5726): Yom HaZikaron

1967(14th of Nisan, 5727): Fast of the First Born; erev Pesach

1968: The original West End London production of Man of La Mancha with music by Mitch Leigh opened at the Piccadilly Theatre.

1968: Mauritius becomes a member state of the United Nations. During World War II, the British used Mauritius as detention camp for Jews fleeing Hitler’s Europe who were trying to enter Palestine despite the White Paper. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vjw/Mauritius.html1969(6th of 5729): Seventy-seven year old Yonkers NY, native and Dickinson College trained attorney, Joseph Altman a powerful figure in New Jersey politics which led to his serving six terms as the Mayor of Atlantic City while raising his son Michael with his wife Lillian passed away today


1969: “If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium” a comedy directed by Mel Stuart, produced by Stan Margulies and David Wolper, with music by Walter Scharf and featuring Sandy Baron, Normal Fell and Marty Ingels was released today in the United States.

1969(6thof Iyar, 5729): Sixty-three year old Cincinnati native Henry Tavel, the HUC trained rabbi who served as chaplain during WW II winning the Bronze Star and entered civilian life in 1960 as congregational rabbi in Houston while raising a daughter Barbara with his wife Charlotte passed away today.



1969(6thof Iyar, 5729): Fifty-four year old CCNY and NYU alum, Robert F. Greenberg, the New York math teacher and principal at the Walter J. Damrosch Jr. H.S. who raised two daughters – Mary and Amy – with his wife “the former Lucy Wachtell” passed away today.


1970: Myrna Lamb’s musical “Mod Donna” opened the Joseph Papp Public Theatre in New York today.

1974(2ndof Iyar, 5734): Yom HaZikaron

1974: “Refusenik and war hero Yefim Davidovich suffered a heart attack”

1976: Birthdate of Nathan Rabin, an American film and music critic

1976: At The Town Hall in New York City, world premiere of Steve Reich’s “Music for 18 Musicians.

1977: A terrorist bus bombing injured 28 people at Hebron today.

1977: NBC broadcast the fourth and final episode “Lanigan’s Rabbi” which was based on a series of novels by Harry Kemelman co-starring Bruce Solomon in the role of “Rabbi David Small.”

1979(27thof Nisan, 5739) Yom HaShoah

1979(27thof Nisan, 5739): Seventy-six year old British Labour Party leader Maurice Orbach, the father of author Susie Orbach and Laurence Obach, the former history teacher and CEO of the Quarto Publishing Group passed away today.


1980: A seminar on Soviet Jewry sponsored by The European Union of Jewish Students opened today in Amsterdam.

1980: Barbara Tuchman delivers the Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities. The announcement contains the following:


Barbara Tuchman, who was born in 1912, never earned a graduate degree in history, but her best-selling books made history come alive for millions of readers and earned two Pulitzer Prizes for their author. Raised in a privileged New York family, Tuchman traveled extensively with her parents before attending Radcliffe College, where she studied history and literature. After her graduation, she wrote about the Spanish Civil War for The Nation, and then worked at the Office of War Information during World War II, traveling in Asia. These reporting stints sparked Tuchman's interest in the history of war. Tuchman’s first book, Bible and Sword: England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour(1956), expressed strong sympathy for Zionism. She is best known, however, for two books that won Pulitzer Prizes: The Guns of August(1962), about the First World War, and Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-1945 (1972). The Guns of Augustwas later made into a movie of the same name. Although her relationships with professional historians were sometimes strained, Tuchman did garner recognition, serving as the president of the Society of American Historians (1970-1973), and as president of the American Academy of Arts and Letters (1979).Tuchman was the first woman invited to deliver the Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities under the auspices of the National Endowment for the Humanities. An invitation to give the Jefferson Lecture is the highest honor the federal government confers for distinguished intellectual achievement in the humanities. In her lecture, presented on April 24, 1980, Tuchman took "Mankind's Better Moments" as her title and theme, reflecting her general optimism about the human condition. Tuchman repeated the lecture in London a week later, the first time that a Jefferson Lecture had been repeated abroad, marking her international renown as a writer. Tuchman published her last book, The First Salute, just a year before her death in 1989.


1982: “A 5,000 word article in the newspaper Sovetskaya Moldaviya condemned the practice of sending parcels to Soviet Jews by people living in London, Copenhagen, Basel as part of the “Zionist conspiracy”

1983: In article entitled “Discovering Herod’s Israel,” Nitza Rosovsky describes the various building projects of the cruel king including those at Caeseria, Massada and Jerusalem remnants of which can be seen today as well as the opportunities for students to take part in archaeological digs during the summer.

1984(22ndof Nisan, 5744): Eighth Day of Pesach

1984: David Shipler, the New York Timescorrespondent in Israel “was summoned to the office of the director of the Government press office, Mordechai Dolinsky, and was ‘severely reprimanded’” for his reporting on the so called “Bus 300 Affair.”

1985: According to Israeli businessman Yaacov Nimrodi, today he canceled the sailing of the merchant ship, the Westline which had been scheduled to leave Eilat filled with weaponry for Iran as part of a deal that Americans would come to know as Iran-Contra.

1986(15thof Nisan, 5746): Pesach

1987:  Howard Stern held a free speech rally at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza New York City.

1990: In an example of meaningless political posturing, the House of Representatives adopted H.R. 290 “expressing support for Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”




1990:  Securities law violator Michael Milken pled guilty to 6 felonies.

1991(10th of Iyar, 5751): Eighty-five year old English and Yiddish Poet Menke Katz who “won two Stephen Vincent Benet Narrative Poetry Awards, in 1970 and 1974”  whose English version of his two-volume Yiddish epic poem, "Burning Village," had been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize” passed away today.


1992: Catcher Jesse Levis appeared in his first major league baseball game wearing the uniform of the Cleveland Indians.

1992:  George Steinbrenner dropped his lawsuits against major league baseball.

1992: U.S. premiere of “White Sands” produced by Scott Rudin

1992: “Passed Away” a comedy produced by Larry Brezner and co-starring Peter Riegert was released today in the United States.

1992: U.S. premiere of “A Midnight Clear” a WW II movie starring Peter Berg.

1993:  ABC news analyst Jeff Greenfield married Karen Gannett.

1994: After having made it world premiere at the Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven, Arthur Miller’s Broken Glass opened at the Booth Theater.

1994: “Acting Against Type: The Self-Hating Jew” published today provides an interview with actor Ron Rifkin who plays the role of Phillip Glellburg in Arthur Miller’s “Broken Glass.”


1996(5thof Iyar, 5756): Yom HaAtzma’ut – Israel Independence Day

1996(5thof Iyar, 5756): Seventy five year old Los Angeles native Melvin Wallace “Mel” Bleeker the USC quarterback who played for four years in the NFL – first with the Eagles and then with the Giants.


1997(17thof Nisan 5757): Third Day of Pesach

1997:A special Seder was held in Washington D.C. today and attended by the Dalai Lama, as well as by numerous U.S. dignitaries and celebrities, including Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys

1998: “Sliding Doors” a comedy starring Gwnyeth Paltrow and produced by Sydney Pollack was released today in the United States.

1998: “In God’s Hands” a surfing film directed by Zalman King who co-authored the screenplay was released in the United States today.

1999(8thof Iyar, 5759): Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim

1999(8thof Iyar, 5759): Sixty-three year old Alexandria born French psychiatrist Jacques Hassoun who became an amateur expert on the history of the Egyptian Jewish community.


1999: “Woman Wins 600G From Face-Lift Doc” published today described the outcome of a suit brought against Dr. Pamela Lipkin.

2000(19thof Nisan, 5760): Pearl Padamsee, the Indian stage actress, director and producer whose mother was Jewish passed away today.


2001: The Criterion Collection released a DVD version of Jules Dassin’s “Rififi.”

2002: Erich Bloch has named Erich Bloch as the recipient of the Vannevar Bush Award, “it highest award for scientific achievement and statesmanship.”


2003(22ndof Nisan, 5763): 8th Day of Pesach

2003(22ndof Nisan, 5763): Outside the train station in Kfar Saba which had only been open for eleven days, security guard Alexander Kostyuk was murdered and 13 were wounded in a suicide bombing for which groups  related to the Fatah Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility.

2004(3rd of Iyar, 5764):  Estée Lauder, found of a cosmetics company bearing her name passed away.  Lauder was born Josephine Esther Mentzer in Queens, New York in 1906.  She was the daughter of Hungarian Jewish immigrants. She married Joseph Lauter in 1930, divorced him in 1939, and re-married him in 1942. The Lauter family changed their surname to "Lauder" in the late 1930s.They remained married until his death in 1982. Lauder died in her Manhattan home of cardiopulmonary failure at the age of 97. She was the only woman on Timemagazine's 1998 list of the 20 most influential business geniuses of the 20th century. She was also the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


2004(3rdof Iyar, 5764): Twenty-four year oldNathan Bruckenthal was killed today in a suicide attack in the Northern Persian Gulf. “Nathan Bruckenthal was a fun-loving child. “He was all good things, everything every father would love,” recalled his father, Eric Bruckenthal. His parents separated when Bruckenthal was 6 years old and then respectively remarried, but the two families remained close. Bruckenthal grew up in Stony Brook, N.Y., in a home where a sense of purpose was drilled into him. His father has been on the police force for 35 years, and his stepfather was in the Army. So, when Bruckenthal approached his father about enlisting in the Coast Guard, Eric Bruckenthal was not surprised. Later, after joining the specialized Tactical Law Enforcement Team, Bruckenthal was deployed to Iraq.  He had just found out that his wife was three months pregnant with their first child when he was killed. That child, a daughter, recently turned 6 years old. As the only Coast Guard officer to be killed in action since the Vietnam War, Bruckenthal left a legacy that has been embraced by the Coast Guard, which has invited his father to speak at its events. “Though I lost a son, I gained 40,000 surrogate sons and daughters in the Coast Guard,” his father said. Though Bruckenthal did not have a bar mitzvah, he began identifying with Judaism toward the end of his life and decided that when he returned home, he would become a bar mitzvah. “He was laid in his coffin, draped in a tallis and the Star of David. For our family, he received his last rites as a Jewish man,” his father said.      

2005(15th of Nisan, 5765):  First day of Pesach.  In the evening, count the omer for the first time.

2005(15th of Nisan, 5765):  Ezer Weizmann passed away. If you did not know that such a person had really lived, you would have thought his life was the creation of Walter Scott style novelist.  


2005: The New York Times reviewed The End of Poverty by Jeffrey D. Sachs,in which the author argues that if the wealthy countries of the world were to increase their combined foreign aid budgets to between $135 billion and $195 billion for the next decade, and properly allocate that money, extreme global poverty -- defined by the World Bank as an income of less than a dollar a day -- could be eliminated by 2025.

2006(26thof Nisan, 5766): Ninety-one year old “Rabbi Moshe (Moses) Teitelbaum, the leader of the Satmar sect passed away today.


2006:This evening, the State of Israel will take time out to remember the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust, marking the start of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

2007: The New York Times reported that “David Halberstam, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and tireless author of books on topics as varied as America’s military failings in Vietnam, the deaths of firefighters at the World Trade Center and the high-pressure world of professional basketball, was killed yesterday in a car crash south of San Francisco. He was 73.” Strangely enough the prolific author who wrote on from Apartheid to the Red Sox-Yankee rivalry never wrote about Israel, the Middle East, or any topic related to Jews or Judaism.

2007:The military wing of Hamas fired a barrage of rockets and mortar shells from the Gaza Strip into Israel for the first time since Hamas committed to a cease-fire in November. A spokesman for the Hamas military wing in Gaza declared the truce there over.” The rockets fired by Hamas are not to be confused with rockets fired by other terrorists during this period. 

2007: The long awaited second novel by Nathan Englander, The Ministry of Special Cases, was released.

2007:Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and the Brooklyn Jewish Heritage Committee co-hosted Jewish Heritage Night. The annual event, which is open to the public, recognizes the myriad achievements of Jewish Brooklynites and celebrates Israeli independence.

2007 (6th of Iyar, 5767):Yom HaAtzma'ut

2007: Irwin Hansen, the creator of the comic strip Dondi suffered a stroke today.


2008: The Jerusalem Cinematheque features a screening of Adma \ אדמה. The film looks at the legendary Moshav Nahalal, an agricultural settlement, and focuses on the veteran farmers who are now forced to deal with the generation gap conflict: the continuation of the traditional family based farms, and difficult personal questions.

2008: The Washington Post reported that author Cynthia Ozick has won 2 Lifetime Achievement Awardsthis week - the $5,000 PEN/Malamud prize for short fiction, and the $20,000 PEN/Nabokov award for "enduring originality and consummate craftsmanship."

2008(19th of Nisan, 5768):Two Israeli security guards were shot dead in a night time attack at the Nitzanei Shalom industrial zone, near the West Bank city of Tul Karm. A third guard managed to flee after the gunman opened fire. The victims were named as Shimon Mizrahi, 53, of Beit Hefer, and Eli Wasserman, 50, of Alfei Menashe.

2009(30th of Nisan, 5769):Irving D. Chais, who in his 45 years as the owner and chief surgeon of the New York Doll Hospital in Manhattan reattached thousands of heads, arms and legs; reimplanted fake hair shorn by scissor-wielding toddlers; and soothed the feelings of countless doll lovers, young and old, passed away today at the age of 83.

2009: At Agudas Achim in Iowa City, annual Sisterhood Shabbat.

2009: Harvard Law School professor Cass Sunstein and Samantha Power gave birth to their first child Declain Power Sunstein

2009: In Columbus, Ohio, last day for nominations JCC's Jewish Sports Hall of Fame

 2009:  At the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., Amy Bloom, author of the novels “Come to Me” (a National Book Award finalist) and “Away,” joins novelist Susan Choi, author of “The Foreign Student and American Woman,” for a joint reading presented by PEN/Faulkner.

2009: Rosh Chodesh Iyar, 5769 (first day of two day Rosh Chodesh)

2010: “A Tiny Piece of Land” is scheduled to have its final performance at the Pico Playhouse in Los Angeles California.

2010:Father’s Footsteps,” a movie about a Tunisian-Israeli family that settles in Paris and  “For My Father,” a movie about a Palestinian terrorist who comes to know Israelis first-hand when forced to spend a weekend in Tel Aviv are scheduled to be shown at the 2010 NoVA International Jewish Film Festival.

2011: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to present “Russian Piano School: A Conversation with Vladimir Feltsman” the Russian born Jewish classical pianist.

2011: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish president and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Scribble, Scribble, Scribble: Writing on Politics, Ice Cream, Churchill, and My Mother” by Simon Schama, “Come On All You Ghosts” by Matthew Zapruder and “Silver Roses” by Rachel Wetzsteon.

2011: The Los Angeles Times features reviews of books by Jewish president and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Trillin on Texas” by Calvin Trillin.

2011(20thof Nisan, 5771): A group of 15 Jewish worshipers were hit by gunfire from Palestinian security forces as they prayed at Joseph’s Tomb. A 30-year-old male was pronounced dead at the scene. A 20-year-old man was injured in serious condition, suffering of an abdominal wound. He was airlifted to Bellinson Hospital in Petah Tikva where he underwent surgery. A 17-year-old youth was evacuated by a Magen David Adom Yarkon crew in moderate condition, suffering a wound to his shoulder. Another youth was injured and evacuated for medical treatment after he was questioned by authorities. Another two were in light condition and were treated on scene.

2011(20thof Nisan, 5771):Ben Yosef Livnat, 25, was killed this morning after praying at Joseph's Tomb where his father, Noam once sat and learned more than a decade ago.

2011(20thof Nisan, 5771):One hundred year old Hudesa Gora, a Holocaust survivor who ran a fur business in the Cleveland area for many years passed away today. According to published reports, “She belonged to Kol Israel Foundation, a Cleveland-area group of Holocaust survivors, and to ORT.Gora was born in Krasnik, Poland, a town of 5,000 at the time, half of which was Jewish. After the Nazi occupation at the beginning of World War II, Gora obtained false gentile identity papers so she could work outside the ghetto. According to a story in the Cleveland Jewish News, Gora raised the suspicions of the Catholic family for whom she worked when she “baked a loaf of bread and did not put a cross on the bottom of it per their custom. She left that job quickly.” The Gestapo once rounded up a group that included Gora, her sister and her sister’s two children, almost all of whom had false identity papers. She was not able to get them for her nephew. “When an officer discovered this and asked who the boy belonged to, Mrs. Gora prevented her sister from claiming him because she realized the Nazis would know she was Jewish and kill her. The boy was taken away and killed,” the Cleveland paper reported. Gora lost the majority of her family in the Holocaust. She met her husband, Charles, and married him in Germany, came to the United States in 1949 and settled in Cleveland the next year.”

2011:Tamir Cohen, of the Bolton Wanderers, and the son Avi Cohen paid a tribute to his late father after scoring the winner against Arsenal and celebrating with a printed T-shirt with his father's face on it.

2012: “Looking for Lenny,” a film about the late Lenny Bruce, is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Film Festival.

2012: The Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival, a project initiated by pianist Elena Bashkirova, is scheduled to begin today in the Glass Courtyard.

2013: “Kinderblock 66” and “Hitler’s Children” are scheduled to be shown at the Northern Virginia Jewish Film Festival.

2013: Wa'al al-Arjeh “was convicted of intentional murder and sentenced to two life terms and an additional 58 years” for his role in the deaths of Asher and Yonatan Palmer.”

2013: Representatives from the Virginia Jewish Community are scheduled to participate in “Mission to Washington” which include briefings from State Department Officials about the Arab Spring and meetings with Senators Warner and Kaine.

2013: “Pictures of Resistance: The Wartime Photographs of Jewish Partisan Faye Schulman” is scheduled to close at the Oregon Jewish Museum in Portland.


2013:Deputy Finance Minister Mickey Levy (Yesh Atid) denounced the haredim as "parasites" during an interview on haredi radio this morning. He almost immediately retracted the comment, explaining that it was said "in a moment of anger."

2013: Histadrut Labor Federation Chairman Ofer Eini threatened Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Finance Minister Yair Lapid with a general strike over expected budget cuts that could cut workers’ pay.

2014: Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is scheduled to host “Rwanda in the Aftermath of Genocide: A Twenty Year Perspective.”

2014: In Washington, D.C., Georgetown University is hosting “a full-day centenary tribute” in honor of Jan Karski.

2014(24thof Nisan, 5774): Supercentenarian Arturo Licata passed away today leaving Alexander Imich “who escaped Nazi persecution and the Soviet gulag” “as the world’s oldest living man.” (As reported by Yifa Yaakov)

2014: “The Jewish Cardinal” is scheduled to be shown at the JCC Rockland International Jewish Film Festival

2014: In New York, Temple Shaaray Tefila is scheduled to host a “Klezmer Jam” where attendees are encouraged to bring their own instruments and join in the dancing.

2015: In Cedar Rapids, IA, Temple Judah is scheduled to host “Retro Reform” Shabbat services using Gates of Prayer.

2015: Lewis Black is scheduled to appear at the DeVos Performance Hall in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

2015: “The Go-Go Boys” and “While We’re Young” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: Thanks to the efforts of Ben Jaffe, the son of Allan Jaffe of blessed memory and Alan Samson “the Preservation Hall Jazz Band headlined this year’s 24th annual Touro Synagogue Jazz Fest Shabbat held as part of the Friday night service. (The event took place on the 80th anniversary of Allan Jaffe’s birth)

2015: Shoah survivor Louise Lawrence Israels is scheduled to speak the US Holocaust Memorial Museum today.

2015: The main, Midtown Manhattan branch of Carnegie Deli was closed temporarily due to the discovery of an illegal gas line in the restaurant.

2015: Ninety-three year old Auschwitz survivor Wladyslaw Bartoszewski passed away today.


2015: The meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition is scheduled to open today in Las Vegas.

2016(16thof Nisan, 6776): Second Day of Pesach

2016: “Two Indian-born Jewish brothers” David and Simon Reuben” were named today as the
richest people in Britain according to the UK Sunday Times.
2016: The New York Times featured books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Old Age: A Beginner’s Guide by Michael Kinsley, Disraeli: The Novel Politician by David Cesarani and The Houseguest by Kim Brooks.

2017: Seventy-seven year old Benjamin Reynolds Barber, the New York born son of Philip Barber and the daughter of Doris Frankel best known for his writings about Jihad passed away today.


2017(28thof Nisan, 5777): Yom Ha’Shoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day

2017: Holocaust Survivor Jacob Eisenbach is scheduled to speak this afternoon at the Sinclair Auditorium at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, IA thanks to the efforts of the David and Joan Thaler Holocaust Remembrance Committee chaired by Dr. Robert Silber.

2017: The Leo Baeck Institute is scheduled to present “When We Remembered Zion” during which “the Grammy-nominated New Budapest Orpheum Society, under the direction of Philip V. Bohlman and Ilya Levinson, bears witness to those murdered, those who resisted, and those who must not be forgotten. 2017: The Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present Liel Leibovitz lecturing on “Inbound Exile: Jerusalem As Viewed From Tel Aviv.”

2017: The Center for Jewish History and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to host a poetry reading and discussion led by Lee Sharkey who “will read from her new poetry collection Walking Backwards.”

2017: With “Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day” coming just a week after the end of Passover, “Yad Vashem created an online photo exhibit commemorating the celebration of the significant spring holiday before, during and after the Holocaust.”


2017: The Seder Plates belonging to the late Joan Rivers, “made in the 1980s by Spode Judaica in the United Kingdom” is scheduled to be auctioned today J. Greenstein and Co. in Cedarhurst, NY.

2018: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, an event discussed in Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story by Henry Morgenthau, Sr. and was an event that helped Polish Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin to “coin the concept of Genocide as a crime against humanity.”

2018: Today, “it was announced that the Canadian division would be sold to Fairfax Financial for approximately $234 million and would continue to operate the locations under the Toys "R" Us name, a name made famous by the chain’s founder Charles Lazarus.

2018:”The head of Germany’s Central Council of Jews, Josef Schuster, warned against wearing religious symbols on city streets for fear of attacks” and urging “Jews to wear baseball caps instead of kipot.”

2018: The Steicker Center is scheduled to hold a reception prior to tomorrow’s opening to the general public of the exhibit “Home: Lens on Israel” which is “a photographic tour celebrating Israel’s 70th birthday, explore the multitude of communities—and worlds—that dwell side by side within Israel’s meager 8,000 square miles, just the size of New Jersey.”

2018: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a new version of “Dine and Discuss” where attendees will watch and discuss an episode of “Shitsel.”

2019: The Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to host an art workshop where attendees can “create a Mizrach, a family name plate or a decorative plaque” which will be “a personally meaningful work of art for the Passover holiday.”

2019: At the same time that Jews stop praying for the winds to blow and the rain to fall, Israelis are spending Pesach enjoying a “rare Spring-time snow” that has fallen on Mount Hermon.

2019(19thof Nissan, 5779): Fifth Day of Pesach; Fourth Day of the Omer.

2020: In Boston, the Combined Jewish Philanthropies is scheduled to host “Friday Night Lights: Welcoming Shabbat Together online.

2020: Through Zoom or Facebook Life, the Riverway Project is scheduled to host “Shabbat Recharge” during which “we will light candles, offer a blessing over the wine and challah, sing blessings for healing and hear a kavannah (intention) from a member of our community.”

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host on line Spices 101 with LIor Lev Sercarz talking about “How to Build the Perfect Spice Pantry at Home.”

2020: Observance of Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, marking the 105thanniversary of Ottoman assault on its Armenian citizens which was an event that Hitler reputedly cited when he would take about the need not to fear any worldwide backlash during the Holocaust.

2020(30th of Nisan): Rosh Chodesh Iyar.

2021(12thof Iyar, 5781):Acharary Mot and Kedoshim; Pirkei Avot Chapter Three; for more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2021: The Jewish Federation of Des Moines, IA is scheduled to present “"The Spirituality of Laughter: A Jewish Look at the Holiness of Humor" with Rabbi and Comedian Bob Alper.”

2021: In Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Temple Judea is scheduled to present Torah Study with Rabbi Feivel Strauss.

2021: This afternoon “streaming live from the Vancouver Symphony with Maestro Ken Selden, pianist Orli Shaham is scheduled to perform Beethoven's bright and lyrical Piano Concerto No.2 in honor of the composer’s 250th anniversary.

2021: The JCC of Boston is scheduled to present online “Rock Steady Boxing Class” during which participants “learn how to fight Parkinson’s disease in this non-contacts boxing style fitness class.

2021: Rabbi Mychal Copeland, author of “I Am the Tree of Life: My Jewish Yoga Book,” is scheduled to lead Earth Day yoga with tree and mountain poses.  

2021: Tamar Eden Music Center is scheduled present “The Glorious Sound of the Piano,” a piano recital dedicated to the memory of pianist Dmitry Bashkirov.



This Day, April 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 25

 693: Opening session of the Sixteenth Council of Toledo which, before its close, would add more regulations that would prove oppressive to the Jews living under the Visigoths.  This Visigoth anti-Semitism would provide a major impetus for Jewish support of the Moors when they invaded Spain in the early decades of the next century.

1211: Birthdate of Duke Frederick II the Quarrelsome who granted a privilegium to the Austrian Jews in 1244.

1214: Birthdate of King Louis IX of France. According to one historian Louis “hated the Jews so thoroughly that he would not look at them.”  Considering the fact that Louis that Louis financed his Crusade from the wealth he stole from his Jewish subjects, the fact that he expelled them from his domain and that he burned 12,000 copies of the Talmud and other Jewish texts, one would have to say that there is more than just a little credence to this evaluation.

1221(2ndof Iyar): Baruch ben Samuel, a leading Talmudist and author of religious poems  “who was one of the leading signatories of the Takkanot Shum, a set of decrees designed to deal with the problems facing Rhineland Jews in the wake of the Crusades passed away today. 1284: Sancho IV of Castile, who treated the story of the affair between Rahel la Fermosa, a Jewish woman from Toledo, and King Alfonso VIII as fact and not fable, began his reign today.

1284: Birthdate of King Edward II of England Edward would be the first King of England since the Norman Conquest, to reign over a Kingdom that had no Jewish subjects.

1295: King Sancho IV of Castile who treated the story of the affair between Rahel la Fermosa, a Jewish woman from Toledo, and King Alfonso VIII as fact and not fable, began passed away. Among the Jews who served Sancho were the Kabbalist Todros Abulafia and the physicians of the Ibn Waqar family who were close enough to the king that they served as witnesses to his last will and testament.

1333: Coronation of King Casimir III of Poland. From the Jewish point of Casimir III was seen as a cut above the average ruler. He was favorably disposed toward Jews. On October 9, 1344 he confirmed the privileges granted to Jewish Poles in 1264 by Boleslaus V. Under penalty of death, he prohibited the kidnapping of Jewish children for the purpose of forcible Christian baptism. He inflicted heavy punishment for the desecration of Jewish cemeteries. Although Jews were living in Poland earlier, Casimir allowed them to settle in Poland in great numbers and protected them as king's people.

1342: Pope Benedict XII during whose Papacy a large number of Jewish communities were attacked in Bavaria, Austria and Poland and Isaac ben Jacob of Lattes of Provence wrote “Toledot Yitzhak” which provided a history of his community passed away today.

1367:  Poland's Casimir III "The Great" expanded the "privileges" of 1334 to include the Jews in Lesser Poland and Ukraine.

1599:  Birthdate of Oliver Cromwell.  Most people remember Cromwell as one of the leaders in the revolt against Charles I that left the latter a beheaded monarch and the former Lord Protector.  To the Jews, he is the English leader who enabled the Jews to return to England after three and half centuries of exile.  Despite a great deal of opposition, Cromwell held fast to his commitment to the return of the Jews.  Although they came in secret at first, by 1657, one year before the death of Cromwell, the Jews of London felt confident enough in their position to purchase a building to be used as a Synagogue. Cromwell passed away in September, 1658.

1607: During the Eighty Years' War, the Dutch fleet destroys the anchored Spanish fleet at Gibraltar.The Eighty Years' War, or Dutch Revolt, was the war of secession between the Netherlands and the Spanish king that lasted from 1568 to 1648. The war resulted in the Seven United Provinces being recognized as an independent state. The United Provinces of the Netherlands, or the Dutch Republic, became a world power for a time through its merchant shipping and experienced a period of economic, scientific and cultural growth.The region now known as Belgium and Luxembourg also became established as the Southern Netherlands, part of the Seventeen Provinces that remained under royal Habsburg rule.  The Spanish were Catholics.  The Dutch were Protestants.  More importantly, the Protestant Dutch were willing to provide a safe haven for the Jews.  In fact, the early Jewish community in the Netherlands was dominated by Sephardic Jews whose families had been driven out of Catholic Spain.  It was this Dutch victory over the Spanish that would mean that New Amsterdam would be Protestant and would be a haven for the first Jewish community in what would become the United States. 

1621 Birthdate of Roger Boyle, the 1st Early of Orrery, the Anglo-Irish dramistis who works included “Herod The Great” and “Tryphon” which “enacted the story of the pretender to the throne of Syria in the 2nd century BC as related by Josephus in History of the Jews and in the First Book of Maccabees passed away today.

1744: Birthdate of German native Juettle Kahn the daughter of David Kahn, and husband of Aron Loeb Regensburger and the mother of Sara, Monathan, Esther and Madel Regegensburger all of whom passed away in Jebenhausen, Germany.

1770: Birthdate of Georg Sverdrup the Norwegian who favored a constitutional ban on Jews living in his country because he “felt that it would be incompatible with Judaism to deal honestly with Christians, writing that ‘no person of the Jewish faith may come within Norway's borders, far less reside there.’”

1774(14thof Iyar, 5534): As the Jews living in the 13 colonies observed Pesach Sheni as loyal subjects of King George III, British forces which had orders to close the port of Boston were making their way acorss the Atlantic.

1779(9th of Iyar, 5539): Isaac Lazarus passed away today in New York.

1780: In Buchau, Johanna Ullman and Jacob Dreifus gave birth to Moses Jakob Dreifus, the husband of Regina Maendle with whom he had six children.

1785: in Newport, RI, Judith Rachel Mears and Moses Isaacks who were married in Philadelphia in 1764 gave birth to Jacob Isaacks.

1795: After nineteen days of imprisonment, German-Jewish author Saul Ascher was released by authorities in Berlin.

1785: Birthdate of Meyer Israel Bresselau, a notary by trade who “was a founding member and chairman of the Hamburg Temple, one of the first Jewish reform congregations in Germany>

1791: Birthdate of Abraham Lazarus, the husband of Mary Wilks whom he married in 1809 at London’s Great Synagogue.

1792:Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle composed La Marseillaise (French national anthem). One hundred and eighty-one years La Marseillaise would become part of Jewish liturgy. On Shemini Atzeres, 5734/1973, before the fourth hakafa, the Rebbe stood on the edge of the bima and began to sing “Ha’aderes vehaemuna” to the tune of the French national anthem, “La Marseillaise.”Rebbe’s rendition of “Ha’aderes vehaemuna” to “La Marseillaise,” was related to the concept of “Napoleon’s March,” when the Alter Rebbe took the theme of victory from the March.

1794: Two days after the Vilna Gaon’s 74th birthday, the Great Hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Szymon Marcin Kossakowski was hanged as a traitor of the Commonwealth during the Vilnius Uprising of 1974.

1803: Wolf Breidenbach, a self-made man who used his wealth and influence in the cause of Jewish emancipation in Germany, succeeded today in having the Jewish "Leibzoll" abolished in Isenburg.  The "Leibzoll" was a tax levied on Jews when they entered a town in which they did not leave or in which the Jews had not been granted special priviliges.

1808: Birthdate of Gustav Weil, the native of Sulzburg who eschewed a career as a rabbi and instead became one of the leading Orientalists of his time which, in those days meant a study of what today we call the Middle East including studies of the world of Islam and their leading prophet.

1810: Nineteen days after having been arrested, 33 year old Berlin native Saul Ascher was released by authorities.

1819: Two days after he had passed away, 56 year old Henry Alexander was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1823: Birthdate of “German orientalist and biblical scholar” whose works included commentaries on Genesis published in 1875, Exodus and Leviticus published in 1880 and the “Ascension of Isaiah” published in 1877.

1823: Birthdate of Abdülmecid I, the Ottoman Sultan under whom Yakir Gueron served as chief rabbi of Constantinople

1824: Birthdate of Samuel Mohilwer, the native of Hluboka who became a rabbi and a supporter of Jewish settlement in Palestine.

1825: Yenchiel Michael ben Samuel married Hindela bat Eliezer today at the Western Synagogue.

1829(22ndof Nisan, 5589): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat; Yizkor is recited for the first time during the Presidency of Andrew Jackson.

1830: In London, Rebeca Raphael Medola and Rabbi David Aaron De Sola gave birth to Elizabeth David De Sola.

1838: In Germany, Deborah Cohen and Solomon Stix gave birth to William Stix, the husband of Dinah Riche with whom he had nine children.

1845: Today, the Herald of Freedom published an article entitled "The Jews and the Holy Land" in which Nathanial Peabody Rogers, a leading abolitionist from New Hampshire "expressed his views of Mordecai Noah's efforts at Jewish restoration in Palestine." Showing a complete lack of understanding of Jewish feeling for Palestine, Rogers expressed his opposition to "any American Jewish effort to rebuild a Jewish Palestine as a weakening of the struggle for justice and equal rights in the United States."

1845(18th of Nisan, 5605): Fourth Day of Pesach

1845(18th of Nisan, 5605): Thirty-one-year-old Rinah J. Otteolengui, the daughter of Sarah Jacobs and Abraham Ottolengui and wife of Jacob I. Moses with whom he had two children, Montefiore and William passed away today in Charleston, SC.

1846(29th of Nisan): Rabbi Judah ben Joshua Heskiel Bacharach, author of “Nimukei Hagriv and a lineal descendent of Tobias Bacharach, passed away today

1846:The United Order of True Sisters, the first independent national women's organization in America, held its first meeting. Organized at Temple Emanu-El in New York City, the United Order of True Sisters (UOTS) was conceived as a female counterpart to the male Jewish B'nai B'rith organization (founded in 1843), but functioning separately, UOTS claims to be the first independent national women's organization in the United States

1846: “Charles VI” a French grand opera with music composed by Fromental Halevy was performed at The Hague for the first time.

1847: In New York, the “Orthodox congregation…composed exclusively of natives of Holland” which was found on April 14, 1847 and was led by Rabbi Simon C. Noot today “adopted the name B’nai Israel today.

1848(22ndof Nisan, 5608): Eighth and final day of Pesach

1848:  The new Austrian constitution guaranteed freedom of the Jewish religion.

1849:General Joseph von Radowitz began serving as the chief minister for Frederick William IV “who declared in the beginning of his reign that he desired to exclude the Jews from military service, believed strongly in a "Christian" state.”

1850: Paul Julius Reuter used 40 pigeons to carry stock market prices.  Born Israel Beer Josaphat, Reuter had left his uncle's bank just two years before to establish what would become one of the world's greatest news gathering organizations.

1851: In Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, Nathaniel de Rothschild and Charlotte de Rothschild (née de Rothschild) gave birth to Baron Arthur de Rothschild yachtsman and philatelist.

1852: Plymouth, England native Esther Braham and Russian born Joseph Benjamin gave birth to David Ezekiel Benjamin.

1852: Twenty-one Reform Jews formed Washington Hebrew Congregation in Washington D.C.

1853: Two days after she had passed away, 77 year old Ann (Levy) Lazarus, the wife of Aaron Lazarus was buried today at the “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.”

1854: In London, Rosetta Abrahams and Moses Joseph Martin gave birth to Judith Martin.

1859: Construction of the Suez Canal begins. The construction and operation of the canal became entangled in the European power politics and imperial conflicts between the French, who built the canal and the British who wanted to control it.  While serving as Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli bought a controlling interest in the company that owned the canal.  This “extra-legal” purchase was made possible by money from the House of Rothschild.

1860: In Dayton, OH, Jacob Ach and the former Jeanette Guttman gave birth to Samuel Ach, the husband of the former Esther Ruth Kahn who was the head of The Samuel Ach Company of Cincinnati, OH, which included a Tailor Made Hat Department.


1861: In New York City Joseph and Babette Steinhart gave birth to influential political economist Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman, the husband of Caroline Beer who earned a B.A. Ph.D. and LL.B from Columbia University and who became the head of the faculty of economics and sociology at his alma mater while authoring numerous works that works were “translated into French, Italian and Japanese” including The Economic Interpretation of History.

1861: At the outbreak of the Civil War, Philadelphian William Moss, the son of Joseph and Julia Moss enlisted for a three month hitch with Company A of the Seventeenth Regiment. (Lincoln’s initial call had been for ninety-volunteers)

1862: In London, Colonel George Henry Grey and Harriet Jane Pearson gave birth to Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Minister who expressed his support for “a homeland for the Jewish people” and after the outbreak of WW I, for the “emancipation of the Russian Jews.

1864(19thof Nisan, 5624): Fifth Day of Pesach

1864: As Jews munched on their matzah, in Arkansas, the Rebs and the Union clashed at the Battle of Marks’ Mills.

1865: In, Girait Hungary, Morris and Rosa (Friedlander) Moschcowitz gave birth to Columbia trained surgeon, Alexis Victor Moschcowitz. the husband of Milly Lowei who served as Lt. Col. In the Medical Corps of the U.S. Army and a Professor of Clinical Surgery at Columbia.


1865 Birthdate of Frannie Bernstine who was buried at the Temple Beth-El Cemetery in Pensacola when she passed away

1867(20th of Nisan, 5627): Sixth Day of Pesach

1867: As Jews munched on their matzah, “Tokyo was opened for foreign trade” today.

1880(14th of Iyar, 5640): Pesach Sheni

1869(14th of Iyar, 5629): Pesach Sheni

1880(14th of Iyar, 5640): Joseph Seligman, founder of Seligman Brothers passed away today in New Orleans.




1880: In Ostrina, Russia, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Krensky gave birth to Harry Krensky who came to the United States at age 13 and who would return to Russia to facilitate his parents coming to America.  Krensky eventually settled in Waterloo, Iowa where he became a successful merchant.

1880: “The Falashas –Remnants of Jews in Abyssinia” published today provides a brief history of the Jews of Ethiopia beginning with the generals who divided the empire created by Alexander the Great.

1880:  It was reported today that a correspondent for the Jewish Messenger in Jerusalem has described the attempt to develop a Jewish agricultural movement near Safed has failed.  The farms have been abandoned and the would be-farmers have returned to live in Safed.

1881: “Journeys in Asia Minor” published today includes a review of “The Land of Gilead with Excursions in the Lebanon” by Laurence Oliphant.”  According to the review the book describes Oliphant’s mission to the land ruled by the Ottomans which included what some saw as “nothing less than” an attempt to begin “a restoration of the Jews” in Palestine.

1881:  A petition signed by 250,000 Germans was presented to the government requesting the barring of foreign Jews from admission into Germany. The petition bore no less than two hundred and fifty-five thousand signatures. This petition marked the opening of modern German anti-Semitism.

1881: In what some say marks the start of “modern anti-Semitism” in Germany, “a petition signed by 250,000 Germans was presented to the government requesting the barring of foreign Jews from admission to the country

1882 “The Persecuted Russian Jews” published today described a meeting that was held in Berlin attended by Sir Julian Goldsmid and Dr. Herman Adler from London, Mortiz Ellinger from the United States and several leading German Jews to decide the roles that various Jewish communities should play in aiding their c0-religiionists trying to escape the Czar’s oppression.  The Jews of London and Berlin will take care of raising funds for the efforts.  The Jews in the United States will be in charge of procuring employment for the immigrants as they arrive in America.

1882: Tonight, in the Russian town of Kamentz, shops and houses belonging to the Jews were destroyed by a fire.  Losses are reported to total 500,000 rubles.

1882: It was reported today that four hundred “Jewish mechanics” who had left Warsaw for the United Sates were stopped at the border between Russia and Germany because they did not have passports. Several of them escaped but most of them are being held by authorities and are waiting for a disposition of their cases. (The Russians did not want to keep the Jews but they did not want to let them leave either.)

1883: In Brooklyn Ceclia and Joseph Bacharach gave birth to Harvard graduate Clarence Grove Bachrach the Brooklyn Law School trained attorney and partner in the firm of Bachrach and Bisgyer who was the husband of Grace Baer.


1883: In Duluth, MN, Henry F. and Caroline NIrdlinger Leopold gave birth to University of Pennsylvania graduate Morton F. Leopold, author of “Lining Up Our Silent Salesman.”


1884(30th of Nisan, 5644): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1885: In Kishineff, Samuel and Sarah Blanck gave birth to Phillip G. Blank who in 1903 came to the United States where he eventually settled in Miami, FL and opened Blank’s Department Store while raising three children – Minnie, Bernard and Saul – with his wife, the former Jenny G. Ripper.

1886: Sigmund Freud opened his practice at Rathausstrasse 7, Vienna.

1887(1st of Iyar, 5647): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1888(14thof Iyar, 5648): Pesach Sheni observed for the last time during the Presidency of Grover Cleveland.

1889: The coroner began an investigation into the death of a Jewish youngster named Tobias Hipper who had reportedly been killed by some other boys in his neighborhood.

1890: It was reported today that Jews in Oregon are expected to support the Democrats because the Republican candidate had worked to unseat Joseph Simon as Chairman of the State Central Committee.  Simon was the law partner of Solomon Hirsch who was appointed as U.S. Minister to Turkey by President Harrison.

1890: The first meeting of the working girls’ section of the Beth-El Society of Personal Service which would be known as the Pansy Club was held today.

1891: Today, Fannie Ingber, the mother of cartoonist William Erwin “Will” Eisner, was born on a ship born bound for the United States.

1892: It was reported today that D. Appleton & Co will be publishing The Jew at Home by Joseph Pennell based on the author’s firsthand observations of life the Jews living in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

1893: It was reported today that gentiles in Dennisville, NJ are organizing “a law and order society for the purpose of making the Jews from Woodbine, the Baron Hirsch colony, show proper respect for Sunday.” The people of Woodbine “trail their carts and wagons through Dennisville” which reportedly upset the villagers who are all “interested in church and temperance work.”

1894(19thof Nisan, 5654): Fifth Day of Pesach1894: In St. Louis, MO, Julius and Rose (Schucat Baron gave birth St. Louis University and Washington University trained attorney David Baron, the Vice President of the Y.M. and Y.H. and member of the Jewish Orphan Home Men’s Club who was the husband of Mollie Marshak.

1894: “The Samaritan Pentateuch” published today described the text from 1232 which is in the possession of the Lenox Library.  It contains thirty chapters of the Book of Genesis which are not found in the copies of the Samaritan Pentateuch in the possession of the British Library or the Vatican Library. The text is written in Hebrew and contains the Samaritan version of the Five Books of Moses.

1895: “Boston's German-Jewish population establishes the Federation of Jewish Charities of Boston to help the Russian-Jewish immigrants adjust to life in America. Member organizations include the United Hebrew Benevolent Society, the Hebrew Ladies Sewing Society, the Leopold Morse Home for the Aged and Infirm Hebrews and Orphanage, the Free Employment Bureau, and the Charitable Burial Association. Boston's Jewish population is estimated at 20,000, including 14,000 new immigrants.”

1895: Three days after she passed away, 34 year old Constance Marion Salamon, “the second daughter of Nahum Salamon and Amelia Bertram was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1896:The Reverend William H. Hechler brought a very nervous Theodor Herzl to a private audience with the Grand Duke, Friedrich I of Baden, the uncle of Kaiser Wilhelm II, It was the first time that Herzl was able to share his vision of Political Zionism and his solution to the “Jewish Problem” with German royalty. The Grand Duke was very taken with Hechler’s eschatological predictions and with Herzl’s pragmatic solution to the Jewish problem through restoration of the Jews to Palestine. The Grand Duke became a lifelong advocate of Herzl and the Zionist cause. He used his office and his relationship with his nephew…to support Herzl and Zionism. Hechler was an English clergyman who fought against anti-Semitism and was an early and ardent supporter of Zionism in general and Herzl in particular.


1896: Gustave May, a French born Jew who had taken refuge in the United States after the Franco-Prussian War was buried today.  May considered himself a “freethinker” and did not want a religious funeral.  His friend Columbia Professor Adolph Cohn delivered a eulogy in French.

1896: Yesterday’s planned dedication of a new synagogue in Lancaster, PA did not take place because of an explosion caused by a gas leak.  Isaac Grootfield, the “shamas” was injured when struck by flying timbers.

1897: Rabbi Silverman of Temple Emanu-El will officiate at the funeral of Simon Alexander Wolf the long-time writer for The Hebrew Journal.

1897: Professor Felix Adler delivered an address on “The Debt of the American People to Ulysses S. Grant” at Carnegie Hall today.

1897: It is estimated that the world’s Jewish population totals 7 million souls.

1897: In Boston, the founding of the Utopian Club whose members included Isaac H. Peyser, Lew E. Goldman and Arnold Hartman.

1897: The annual meeting of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum took placed at the asylum’s building at 136th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.  Emanuel Lehman who had recently donated $100,000 to the asylum was re-elected as President.

1898: The newly elected officers of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society are: Emmanuel Lehman, President; Henry Rice, Vice President; Abraham Wolff, Treasurer and Meyer Stern, Secretary.  Dr. Herman Baar continues to serve as the superintendent.

1898(3rd of Iyar, 5658): Michael Wromser, the son of a poor butcher from Lorraine, passed away in Phoenix, Arizona, where he was the sole possessor of an agricultural empire worth a quarter of a million dollars. 

1899: The annual meeting of the Society for the Aid of Jewish Prisoners was held tonight at Temple Emanu-El

1900: Birthdate of Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, the Austrian born physicist won the Nobel Prize in 1945.  Pauli shows up on lists of Jewish scientists.  In reality, his father was born Jewish and his maternal grandfather was Jewish.  But like so many German and Jewish intellectuals of the time, conversion had taken him out of the House of Israel and only the blood laws of Hitler could have “brought him back.”

 1900: The 27thConvention of the District Grand Lodge No. 7 of B’nai Birth ended today in New Orleans.

1900: A two day crisis began in the Jewish Colonial Bank. Herzl called a meeting of the directors, and had the bank affairs reviewed by an accountant and a bank expert.

1901: Today, “Marcus W. Marks, a member of the National Clothiers’ Association proposed a plan involving the formation of an organization who members would not represent a particular branch of merchant trade, but all branches.”

1902: The New York Times reported that Rabbi Morris Schreiber died while being taken to Bellevue Hospital after suffering an apparent heart attack when he was leaving the East Tenth Street Ferry House. Rabbi Schreiber whose congregation was located on Bushwick Avenue was on his way to eat a Passover meal with relatives living in Manhattan.

1902: The first step toward the creation of a permanent endowment fund for the United Hebrew Charities was taken today by William Guggenheim, a member of the Board of Directors, when he sent to the President of the organization. Henry Rice, a check for $50,000 for that purpose and a promise of $50,000 more upon the fulfillment of certain specified conditions.

1903: Herzl returns to Paris as he continues to search for support for a Jewish home with the leaders of European government and business.  His approach would stand in stark contrast with the methods of the leaders of the Second Aliyah.

1903: A report from St. Petersburg, that was published in spite of the censor, said that “the anti-Jewish riots in Kishinev” were the product of “a well-laid out plan for the general massacre on the Jews on the day following the Russian Easter” where “a mob led by the priests” crying “kill the Jews” – something they did so well that 120 were murdered and 500 injured including “babes who were literally torn to pieces by the frenzied, blood-thirsty mob.

1904: A mass meeting at Carnegie Hall the attendees who were “concerned with the plight of working children overwhelmingly supported the formation of the National Child Labor Committee one of the founding members of which was Felix Adler.

1904: Birthdate of Polish born labor Zionist and Yiddish author Shmuel Perlmuter who settled at Bat Yam.


1905: In Providence, Rhode Island, James Edward Ingham and Elizabeth Whelan gave birth to Martha Ingham Dickie who as Martha Sharp acted to save those at risk from Hitler and the Nazis for which she was honored by Israel as one of the righteous among the nations.


1905: In New York, Alfred Wolf Mack, the Cincinnati born son of Max and Eleanor Mack, and his wife Frieda Theresa Mack gave birth to Frederick M. Mack, the brother of Harry Ranger Mack.

1906(20thof Nisan, 5667): Sixth Day of Pesach.

1906: Birthdate of Joel Brand who gained fame for his role in negotiations with Adolf Eichmann in an attempt to save the Jews of Hungary. 

1907: Birthdate of Helen Misener the Greenwich (UK) daughter of a Polish born Jew whose acting career included appearing in “A Night to Remember” and starring in a 1939 staging of “Night Must Fall” which produced “for the benefit of deportees on the German-Polish border” passed away today.

1907: Birthdate of Estonia native Israel Shapiro who gained fame as Samuel H. Shapiro, the Lt. Gov. of Illinois who became the second Jewish governor of “the Land of Lincoln” when the incumbent resigned to become a federal judge.


1908(24thof Nisan, 5668): Parashat Achrei Mot

1908: It was reported today that the concert to be given tomorrow night at the Metropolitan Opera is a benefit designed to help raise $25,000 for the United Hebrew Charities.

1908: Birthdate of Edward R. Murrow.  Most of the world remembers him as Ed Murrow, the voice of CBS News. But before joining CBS, Murrow served as Assistant Secretary of the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars, which helped prominent German scholars most of whom were Jews deal with the effects of the Nazi rise to power.  When the committee issued its first report in 1934, Murrow compared the conditions with those reminiscent of “the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492.”

1908: Joseph Dulberg, a leader of the Manchester Jewish Community, writes to Winston Churchill expressing sympathy for Churchill’s failure to win re-election and reiterating the strong support that Jews showed for him during the election.

1909: “Abraham Abraham, a trustee of the Baron de Hirsch Fund, was the principal speaker” this “afternoon at the dedication serves of the new gymnasium of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association in Brooklyn.”

1910: “Rabbi in Christian Pulpit” published today described “arrangements for the annual Jewish-Chrisitian Union Services in Pittsburgh” which will include Rabbi J. Leonard Levy of Levy of Rodeph Shalom Congregation preaching at St. Mark’s on the topic of “A New Gospel.”

1911: Cornerstones were laid for new buildings at Hebrew Union College.

1911:  Birthdate of Jack Ruby, the man who killed presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. Ruby was Jewish.  Oswald was not.

1911: As part of “The Case of Mendel Bellis,” two medical professors from Kiev University issued a second autopsy of the thirteen year old boy who had been killed in March of 1911.  The report “stated the victim had been almost been completely drained of blood…” and intimated that a ritual murder had been committed.  The autopsy was a fraud.  The two medical men had received a 4,000 ruble bribe from the Russian Ministry of Justice.

1913(18thof Nisan, 5673): Fourth Day of Pesach

1913: J. Rosenberg, the President of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Jacksonville, FL, wrote to the Editor of the Reform Advocate in Chicago, asking him to inform the Jews of that city his organization which was founded three years ago has purchased a lot and raised $8,000 on which they will build “a substantial and creditable building” to use in their cause of perpetuating “the cause of Judaism.”

1914: In the UK, Isidore Abrahams, who would acquire Aquascutum, “the raincoat manufacturer and retailer” and his wife gave birth to Sir Charles Myer Abrahams who served as Vice President of Nightingale House of the Home for the Jewish Aged and Vice President of the British Paraplegic Sports Federation.

1914: The Second Annual Convention of the Jewish National Workers Alliance of America continued to meet for a fourth day in Philadelphia, PA

1914: Birthdate of screenwriter Arnold Manoff whose career was ruined by the infamous “blacklist.”



1915: The Second Annual Convention of the Mizrahi of America continued for a fourth day in New York City.

1915: Birthdate of Mortimer Weisinger, the American magazine and comic book editor who edited the Superman series and helped create such action heroes as Aquaman and Green Arrow

1915: The seventh semi-annual Assembly of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis opened today in New York City.

1915: The Anglo-French invasion of the Gallipoli peninsula began.  Almost 30,000 men landed on the beach to fight the Turks for this strategic position.  Fighting with the British was a Jewish force known as the Zionist Mule Corp. The Zion Mule Corps was a supply unit that carried material from the beach up to the front lines.  The work was not glorious.  The founders of the corps had hoped to have a Jewish fighting force.  That would come later.  In the meantime, this was the first military unit composed of Jews who fought as Jews since the second century of the common ear.  Unbeknownst to the Jews serving with the Allies, the Turkish army had Jews fighting in Gallipoli at the same time.

1916(22ndof Nisan, 5676): Eighth Day of Pesach

1916: On the day after the end of Pesach for Reform Jews the Sinai Social center offered a much demanded course in “First Aide to the Injured.”

1917: “A cablegram was received in New York” today “from the Central Committee of the Bund at Petrograd, one of the influential revolutionary bodies composed of Jews, stating unqualified that the bund was opposed to a separate peace with Germany.”

1917: At Minsk, Russia, during the great-army congress attended by representatives of the Council of

Workmen and Soldier Deputies and the Duma Executive Committee, one of the leaders so of the Jewish question, “It is the shame of the twentieth century to have to raise this subject.  I as a Russian am insulted when I hear it said, ‘Shut out the Jews from the universities or they will take all the first places in science.’ The Jews question was one of the chief tools of the autocracy.  Russia must be rid of this nightmare.

1918: Lieutenant General Sir John Monash, the son of Jewish immigrants and the ranking member of the Australian Army serving on the Western Front, described today’s recapture of the town of Villers-Bretonneux as the turning point of the Great War.

1918: Three days after she had passed away, 59 year old Constance (Jessel) Stern, the daughter of Sir George Jessel and Amelia Moses and the wife of Sir Edward David Stern was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1918: “With the première of his opera Die Gezeichneten, in Frankfurt today, Franz Schreker moved to the front ranks of contemporary opera composers.

1919: Formation of Ha-Shomer ha-Za’ir

1919: The funeral of Bertha M. Kahn, the wife of Max R. Kahn and the mother of Ludwig and Mrs. Anna Schiller is scheduled to take place today in Chicago.

1919: Thirty-one year old Cornell University educated biochemist Dr. Aaron Bodansky, the Ukrainian born son of Pinchus and Chava (Geiro) Bodansky” who worked at the Research Laboratories of Upjohn in Kalamazoo while writing “numerous scientific papers on enzymes and hormones” before going on to “enzymes and hormones, today married Marie Syrkin at Ithaca, NY.

1919: The funeral of Maier Neumann, the 74 year old husband of Sera Neuman and the father of Fannie M. Neuman is scheduled to take place today followed by “interment at Mount Maariv.”

1920: At the San Remo Conference, the Supreme Allied Council assigns mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine to Britain, and Syria and Lebanon to France. The Zionists scored a triumph since, when awarding the mandate to the British it was stated that “the mandatory would be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on the 8th November 1917 by the British government.”  In other words, “the Blafour Declaration was affirmed in an international treaty. 

1920: As the San Remo Conference comes to an end, “Jewish and Arab delegations dined together in the Hotel Royal, toasting each other as the British looked on benevolently at the next table.”  Enmity between Zionists and Arabs was neither inevitable nor “present at the creation.”

1920: “The Paris Peace conference formally confirmed the allocation of the Middle East’s Arab rectangle to Britain and France. The Allies’ final boundaries for their respective mandates in Palestine and Syria did not produce the viable frontiers the Zionists had anticipated for their National Home.” 

1921(17thof Nisan, 5681): Third Day of Pesach

1922(27thof Nisan 5684): Less than a month from his 66th birthday, Austrian born American rabbi Leopold Zinsler who had led the “Bohemian Congregation in Newark” and Share Zedek (the Old Henry Street Congregation) before moving to “Congregation Mr. Sinai Anshe Emeth” passed away today.


1923(9thof Iyar, 5683): Seventy-four year old Elise Lehmann passed away today after which she was interred at the Jewish Cemetery in Morgan City, LA.

1923: In Toronto Jacob Herman and Kate Weinberg gave birth to Mildred Hayden who gained fame as ballerina Melissa Hayden.

1924(21stof Nisan, 5684): Seventh Day of Pesach

1926: The first regular meeting of the recently created Department of Industrial Economics of the National Civic Federation was held at the Park Avenue Hotel.  Speakers for the evening included Louis D. Brandeis of the National Civic Federation and Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor.  As the last speaker of the evening, Gompers “reviewed the blessings which had come to the individual through organized labor and expressed the opinion that the beneficiaries would hardly agree to the proposition that association curtailed their liberty.  He said that labor could not depend upon the courts for protection citing the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in holding the ten-hour day for bakers unconstitutional.  ‘I suppose bakers will have to go back to the eleven and twelve hour and even longer day.  If they do I will urge them to strike.’”

1926: A campaign to raise six million dollar led by the Mrs. Jacob H. Schiff, the Honorary Chairman of the Women’s Division of the United Jewish Campaign of New York was scheduled to begin today.

1927: Seventeen year old Eddie Wolfe, the Memphis born welterweight fought his first professional bought today.

1927: Members of Temple Emanu-El are scheduled to meet today discuss the possible merger with Temple Beth-El in New York.

1929(15thof Nisan, 5689): Last Pesach of the Roaring Twenties.

1929: “An appeal to the Jews of New York to celebrate Passover by increasing their cooperation in the rebuilding of Palestine as the Jewish national homeland…issued by Morris Rothenberg” was read today in several synagogues.

1930: The Soviet Union establishes the Gulag administration to coordinate the network of penal labor camps for criminals and political prisoners many of whom were Zionists or Jews who fell afoul of the Stalinist regime such as the members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.

1930:  In New York, Jean (née Gerson), a piano player for dance classes, and David Mazursky, a laborer gave birth to Irwin Mazursky who gained fame as Paul Mazursky, director of “Down and Out in Beverly Hills.”

1932: Rose Franken's "Another Language", premiered in New York City.

1933(29th of Nisan, 5693): Forty-one year old Pauline S. Horkeimer Lazaron, the daughter of Louis and Clementina Rosenberg Horkheimer, the wife of Rabbi Morris Samuel Lazaron and the mother of Morris, Harold and Clementine Lazaron passed away today after which she was buried in the Baltimore Hebrew Cemetery in Baltimore, MD

1933:  The Law against the Overcrowding of German Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning set a Jewish quota of 1.5 percent of high-school and university enrollment, and stipulated a limit of 5-percent Jewish enrollment in any single school. Because a compulsory education law was in effect, Jewish enrollment in primary schools was not limited for the time being. However, growing numbers of Jews voluntarily moved to purely Jewish settings by 1938, when they were totally barred from general institutions. In autumn 1941, the Jewish schools were closed by administrative order. Ironically, extra-legal discrimination against Jews seeking admission to colleges and universities existed in the United States at this time.  These quotas would hang on until the later 1960’s.

1933: Birthdate of songwriter Jerry Leiber who teamed with Mike Stoeller, “another Jewish white boy” who also loved Jazz and Boogie Woogie to create some of the greatest songs of the early days of Rock and Roll including Hound Dog, Love Potion #9, On Broadway and most of the hits recorded by the Coasters.  If you recognize these classics, you are almost as old as the author and if you are scratching your because you never heard them, then you are young, very young and should be home practicing the Four Questions.

1934: “Princess Charming” a comedy produced by Michael Balcon and filmed by cinematographer Mutz Greenbaum was released today in the United Kingdom.

1934: Sixty-six year old Prussian Army officer and American and German journalist Eduard Golbeck, the husband of Lina Abarbanell, the German soprano who was a descendent of Sephardic Jews from Bulgaria passed away today.

1935: Birthdate of Edna Shavit the, “Emeritus Professor in the Drama department in the University of Tel Aviv, and Ha'Levi theatre prize winner for the year 2006.”

1936: As Arab violence in Palestine continued a British policeman was injured when Arab demonstrators stoned government officers at Tulkarem.

1936: The policed arrested three Arabs after “a fire in the Jewish quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem tonight destroyed one of the largest wholesale groceries in the city” causing damaged “estimated at $50,000.”

1936: The Supreme Arab Executive Committee led by the President, Mufti Haj Amin el Husseini “decided that all Arabs in Palestine would continue their strikes until Jewish immigration had been prohibited and the sale of land to Jews had been stopped.”

1936: Joseph C. Hyman, the secretary of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee said today that “the salvage of the Jewish community in Germany depends increasingly on American aid” which will come to a total of two million dollars if the committee is able to reach its goal of raising $3,500,000.

1936: In New Haven, CT, Felix M. Warburg told a meeting of the New England Conference of Jewish Communal Agencies meeting at Temple Mishkan Israel, that I “improved business conditions in the United States” should help Jews to give generously to the relief program designed to aid the suffering Jews in Germany, Russia and Poland.

1936: Following a mass meeting this morning at Columbus Circle in New York, “a resolution protesting treatment of Jewish people and ‘bloody pogroms’ in Poland was presented’ this afternoon “ to an attaché of the Polish Consulate by the a delegation representing the Peoples Committee Against Polish Pogroms.”

1936: “The Spokesman, a Louisville, KY, Jewish newspaper today quoted Alfred P. Sloan Jr., president of

General Motors as saying ‘under no circumstances will I further, knowingly, support The Sentinels of the Republic’” an organization recently identified by a Senate investigating committee as being anti-Semitic.

1937: Benjamin Winter announced today that “Jeremiah T. Mahoney, New York Supreme Court Justice, president of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States and leader of the forces which opposed American participation in the 1936 Olympic Games in Germany has accepted the chairmanship of the current one million campaign of the American Committee Appeal for the Jews in Poland” of which Professor Albert Einstein is the honorary chairman.  (Editor’s note – for the revisionist in Poland, this entry serves as a graphic reminder of the anti-Semitism that had swept Poland during the 1930’s.)

1938: Associate Justice Louis Brandeis writes the majority opinion in the landmark case Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins.  Associate Justice Benjamin Cardozo joins the majority in the 7 to 2 decision.

1938: “An exhibition and sale of paintings by contemporary American artists…for the benefit of the Joint Distribution Committee to aid needy Jews overseas” is scheduled to open today at the Studio Gallery at 730 Fifth Avenue.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that Arab terrorist gangs murdered two Arabs who refused to hand over money and valuables in a village near Tulkarm.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that there were isolated shooting incidents in Jerusalem and Haifa.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that Arturo Toscanini, the famous conductor who had just given a series of concerts all over the country, and Bronislav Huberman, the great violinist and the founder of the Palestine Symphonic Orchestra, were granted the freedom of Tel Aviv.

1939: Birthdate of Dr Yaacov Maor, the native of Lithuania and son Ella and Yehezckiel who at the age of the 29 passed away when the Dakar was lost on January 25, 1968.

1939: In Harbin, China, Boris Skidelsky, a Russian Jewish British subject and his Christian wife gave birth to award winning economic historian and lecturer, Robert Jacob Skidelsky, the future Baron Skidelksy and author of the definitive work on British economist John Maynard Kenyes.

1939: In Chicago Shirley Mazur Garrison and Henry Garrison gave birth to cartoonist Niocle Hollander.


1940(17thof Nisan, 5700): Third Day of Pesach

1940: It was reported today that in his Passover address “Governor Herbert H. Lehman…expressed the conviction that the ideals of democracy and of religious freedom would triumph over the Forces of dictatorship.”

1940: “Budapest Hampers Jews” published today described the announcement by the municipality of Budapest “that henceforth Jews would be able to obtain the licenses granted by city authorities” which includes the permits for opening shops and markets as well as working as taxi drivers and filling-station operators.

1941: “Ziegfeld Girl,” a musical produced by Pandro S. Berman and filmed by cinematographer Joseph Ruttenberg was released today in the United States.

1941: “During a White House press conference” President Roosevelt criticized Charles Lindbergh, the popular American hero and a leader of the Isolationists for his opposition to the Lend-Lease Bill calling him “a defeatist and appeaser.”

1941: “The Invisible Ghost,” a horror film directed by Joseph H. Lewis and produced by Sam Katzman was released today in the United States.

1942:Today “Berlin radio announced that French general Henri Giraud” who was supposedly pro-Ally” but who, unbeknownst to most, sought to limit the civil rights of Jews in Algeria and post-war France, had escaped from Königstein Fortress

1943: As the Warsaw Uprising raged on, Germans continued their invasion of the ghetto by lighting fires to buildings. Escaping women and children were shot to death and burned.  Thus, the ancient Polish Jewish Community began its final descent from greatness into oblivion.

As fires set by Germans consume the Warsaw Ghetto, a German Jew named Hoch desperately leaps from a fourth-floor window, breaking both arms and his spine.

1943: Birthdate of New York City native and Hunter and Columbia educated billionaire and CEO of Omega Advisors Leon “Lee” Cooperman the father of Wayne and Michael Cooperman and the husband of Toby Cooperman with whom he signed the “Giving Pledge” in 2010 which is just of the many philanthropic activities in which he and the Leon and Toby Cooperman Family Foundation participate.


1943:  Composer Ezra Laderman was inducted into the U.S. Army where he served as a radio operator with the 69th Infantry Division during World War II. In describing his wartime experiences Laderman wrote "we were in Caversham, England poised to enter the war. It was here that I learned that my brother Jack had been shot down and killed in Germany. The Battle of the Bulge, crossing the Rhine at Remagen, liberating Leipzig, meeting the Russians at Torgau on the bank of the Elbe were the points in this constellation that was filled with tension and waiting, victory and grief. We became aware of the horror, and what we now call the 'holocaust,' while freeing Leipzig." During the weeks after the war was over, Laderman composed his Leipzig Symphony. This work brought him recognition within the army, and subsequently he was assigned as orchestrator of the GI Symphony Orchestra.

1944: At tonight’s “dinner of the food division of the United Jewish Appeal of Greater of New York, Dr. Israel Goldstein, the president of the ZOA who had just returned from England, said that “Great Britain will meet its obligations to the Jewish people” and “that British statesmen under the guidance of Prime Minister Churchill will be mindful of its internationally covenanted obligations to the Jewish people embodied in the Balfour Decelaration.”

1944: “Religious pioneers from Germany members of the Ezra youth movement and Agudat Israel founded a new kibbutz which was called Chafet Chaim.

1944: Birthdate of Nili Priel, the wife of Ehud Barak.


1944:  Joel Brand, a member of the Relief and Rescue Committee of Budapest, was summoned to a meeting with Adolf Eichmann, who presented him with an offer that would be known as "Blood for Trucks." Eichmann told Brand that the highest SS authorities had approved the terms, in which Eichmann would barter "a million Jews" for goods obtained outside of Hungary, including 10,000 trucks for civilian use, or, as an alternative, for use on the eastern front. The 1 million Jews would have to leave the country-since Eichmann had promised that Hungary would be Judenrein-and might head for any destination other than Palestine, since he had promised the Mufti of Jerusalem that no Jews would be allowed to emigrate there. To negotiate the effectuation of the deal, Eichmann let Brand leave Hungary. Although Brand was unaware of it at the time, the offer was evidently connected with an attempt by Himmler to drive a wedge between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union, and to conclude a separate peace with the former. Brand did go to Ankara, Jerusalem, and Cairo, and he negotiated with American officials and leaders of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. However, he was arrested and imprisoned in Cairo, and the rescue scheme was never implemented.

1945: Ten months after the Americans landed at Normandy they successfully completed their drive across Europe when they linked up today with Soviet troops on the Elbe River.

1945: In Italy, a partisan uprising began that ended with the execution of Fascist Party dictator Benito Mussolini. Members of the Jewish Infantry Brigade Group, an all Jewish fighting force in the British Army, was part of the Allied forced that helped liberate Italy.

1945: Forty-three year old Karl Ludwig von Guttenberg who had been arrested after the failure of the plot to assassinate Hitler in July, 1944 and who refused to name names despite being tortured by was murdered in the early hours of this morning by order of “Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller.”

1946: The French ship Champollion brought 880 Jewish refuges with Palestine immigration certificates to Haifa today from Marseille.  Of the group, 500 were children, mostly orphans.”  Many of the immigrants were concentration camp survivors.

1946: A force of Jewish fighters attacked a police station in northern Tel Aviv killing seven British soldiers and policemen while wounding two other Britons and nine Jewish civilians.  The Jewish fighters got away without suffering any casualties and have apparently escaped the security cordon created by the British.

1946: Several thousand Jewish youth marched through the streets of Tel Aviv mourning the death of Braha Fuld who was killed during the attack on the Sarona police mobile force headquarters.  She was referred to as ‘a fighter for immigration’

1947: “Haven For Homeless Is Offered By Dutch” published today described an offer from the Government of Surinam, Dutch Guiana, “to open territory there for the colonization of 30,000 homeless European Jews.”

1947: It was announced today that “the American Council for Judaism will ask the United States to oppose any move by the Jewish Agency for Palestine to become a non-voting representative at the United Nations General Assembly session on Palestine.”

1948(16th of Pesach, 5708): Second Day of Pesach

1948:  A reporter for The Times of London (the voice of the British establishment) described the efforts of the Jewish leaders in Haifa to convince the Arab residents to remain.  “The Jews wish the Arabs to settle down again to normal routine, but evacuation continues.”  While the Haganah was distributing leaflets urging the Arabs to stay, the Arab High Command based in Damascus was urging them to leave supposedly to avoid Arab casualties when Arab planes would bomb Haifa.  The planes never came, but the Arabs took flight and the “refugee problem” was born.

1948:A comedic bit featuring funny man Don Wilson and opera singer Dorothy Kirsten generates what would become the longest laughter pause in the history of the Jack Benny Program.

1949(26thof Nisan, 5709): Fifty-three year old Lodz native and Polish Army veteran, Jankel Adler, the painter and printmaker who lost all nine siblings in the Holocaust passed away today.



1949: Birthdate of Dominique Gaston André Strauss-Kahn, a French economist, lawyer, politician, and member of the French Socialist Party who became the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).,

1949(26thof Nisan, 5709): Eighty-seven year old Bernard Horwich, the Lithuanian born son of “Keize and Yakov Yankel Horwich, “the husband of Mamie Horwich with whom he had five children and the successful banker and businessman who was “the first President of the Federated Jewish Charities of Chicago” and an early, ardent who “worked closely with Chaim Weizmann, Nahum Sokolow and Shmarya Levin” passed away today in Chicago.

1950: Following the collapse of a building in Jaffa that killed nineteen and injured thirty mostly recent Jewish immigrants, Mayor Israel Rokah “called for the immediate evacuation of 1,700 people from unsafe houses in Jaffa”

1950: Mohammed Pasha Shureiki “formally notified the United Nations today that Jordan had annexed eastern Palestine and the old walled city of Jerusalem.”  This action is in complete violation of the United Nations partition resolution which called for Jerusalem and Bethlehem to be administered by the UN Trusteeship Council.  There was no motion of condemnation of the Jordanian action which was really the “ratification of facts on the ground” created by the invasion of Jerusalem in the winter of 1947/1948. 

1950: Prime Minister David Ben Gurion addressed the Zionist General Council on the sixth day of its meeting in Jerusalem.  Ben Gurion told the leaders from around the world that “their financial and other aid to Israel did not entitle them to a voice in the affairs of Israel.”  While acknowledging the importance of aid and support from the Jewish communities in the Diaspora, Ben Gurion took the classical Zionist line that “only Zionists who came to Israel and assumed the responsibilities of citizenship were entitled to a voice in determining policy.

1951(19thof Nisan, 5711): Fifth day of Pesach

1951(19thof Nisan, 5711): Sixty-seven year old Soviet composer Alexander Krein part of a long line of Russian/Lithuanian musicians passed away today in Moscow.

1951: During the Korean War, while serving with “UN Partisan forces behind enemy lines,” David Sharp, a major in the British Army was captured today at the Imjin River after being wounded three times by enemy fire.

1954: It was reported today that Frederick Marcus Warburg, a graduate of Harvard “and a partner of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. since 1931 has been elected to” served a year term as a member of the Board of Trustees of Smith College.

1954(22ndof Nisan, 5714): 8th Day of Pesach

1957: Birthdate of Bernard Rajzman, the native or Rio de Janeiro who became one of Brazil’s leading volleyball players

1957: In the U.K., premiere “Funny Face” directed Stanley Donen that included music by George and Ira Gershwin.

1958(5th of Iyar, 5718): Sixty year old Adele Meltsner, the daughter of Sarah Bach and Joseph Meltsner and the wife of Charles Pores passed away today.

1960(28th of Nisan, 5720): Yom HaShoah observed for the last time during the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

1964:  Birthdate of actor Hank Azaria, voice of Moe and Comic Book Guy on “The Simpsons.”

1965: “Half A Sixpence” a musical directed by Gene Sakes opened at the Broadhurst Theatre in New York.

1966(5thof Iyar, 5726): Yom HaAtma’ut

1966(5thof Iyar, 5725): Seventy-five year Yiddish author and Jewish labor leader Jacob Pat passed away today.


1967(15thof Nisan 5727): Pesach

1967(15thof Nisan, 5727): Sixty-two year old Ben Weissman, the St. Louis born son of Charles and Rose Weissman, the husband of Esther Polinksy Weissman and the father of Sandra and Harry Weissman passed away today after which he was buried at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery in suburban Ladue, MO.


1967:  Jules Feiffer's "Little Murders", premiered in New York City.

1969(7thIyar, 5729):

1969: Birthdate of Israeli yachtsman Nir Shental. Shenatal and his brother Ran won a bronze medal in the 1995 the World 470 Sailing Class Championships.  Nir and Ran also represented Israel in the 1996 Olympics.

1972(11th of Iyar, 5732): Seventy-five year old Israel Mandelkern a member of the Yiddish Theatrical Alliance passed away today after which he was interred at Mount Hebron Cemetery in Queens County, NY.

1974(3rd of Iyar, 5734): Yom HaAtama’ut

1974: Senator Ted Kennedy met with “leading Jewish activists in the apartment of Professor Alexander Lerner.”

1974: “Jews all over the Soviet Union commemorated Israel’s 26th Independence Day and sent messages to President Katzir and the Israeli people.”

1975(14th of Iyar, 5735): Pesach Sheni

1975(14th of Iyar, 5735): Twenty-eight year old Israeli singer Mike Brant, the son of two Holocaust survivors passed away today.


1975: ABC broadcast the final episode of “Hot I Baltimore” a sitcom featuring Charlotte Ray and Richard Masur with music by Marvin Hamlisch.

1976(25th of Nisan, 5736):Markus Reiner“an Israeli scientist and a major figure in rheology” passed away. Reiner was born in 1886 in Czernowitz, Bukovina, then part of Austria-Hungary, and obtained a degree in Civil Engineering at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna (Vienna University of Technology). After the First World War, he emigrated to Palestine, where he worked as a civil engineer under the British mandate. After the founding of the state of Israel, he became a professor at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) in Haifa. In his honour the Technion later instituted the Markus Reiner Chair in Mechanics and Rheology. Reiner was not only a major figure in rheology, (the study of the flow of matter: primarily in the liquid state, but also as 'soft solids' or solids under conditions in which they respond with plastic flow rather than deforming elastically in response to an applied force) he along with Eugene C. Bingham coined the term] and founded a society for its study. As well as the term rheology, and his publications, he is known for the Buckingham-Reiner Equation, the Reiner-Riwlin Equation, (now usually spelled Reiner-Rivlin), the Deborah number and the Teapot effect - an explanation of why tea runs down the outside of the spout of a teapot instead of into the cup

1978:The Jerusalem Post reported that Myron Marcus, an Israeli prisoner in Mozambique, was released in a three-way prisoners exchange swap.

1978:The Jerusalem Post reported that in Washington the White House officials declared that the U.S. President Jimmy Carter, will not consider any compromise with Congress on the all-or-nothing aircraft package sale to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel that would change the number of planes involved. A group of outspoken critics of the Carter Administration published a full-page advertisement in the "New York Times" warning that any weakening of Israel was in effect, a weakening of U.S. in the Middle East. 1979: Woody Allen’s “Manhattan” with music by George Gershwin that included Helen Haft in “a cameo role” was released today in the United States

1979:  Peace treaty between Israel and Egypt went into effect.

1979: In an article entitled “Camp David: Farseeing Diplomacy or Neocolonialism?”Daniel Pipes expresses his concerns about the newly signed peace agreement.

1980(9thof Iyar, 5740): Ninety-six year old Katia Mann, the wife of Thomas Mann, the famous author who left Germany because his wife had been born Jewish.

1980(9thof Iyar, 5740): Ninety-four year old Austrian born American conductor Richard Lerft, the brother of  director Ernst Lert passed away today in California.

1982:  The Sinai Peninsula was returned by Israel to Egypt, as part of the 1979 Camp David Accord.

1984: “The weekly HaOlam HaZeh (This World), which had appeared with blank spaces the week before, published on its front page a blurred picture of a man being led away.”

1984: “Dangerous Moves” the winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film produced by Arthur Cohn was released in Switzerland and France today.

1985: Felipe Gonzalez sent a personal letter to the secretary general of the Arab League informing him of Spain’s plans recognize Israel.

1986: Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for composer Harold Arlen at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home in Manhattan

1988:  The popular ABC news program "Nightline" went on location to Jerusalem Israel.

1988: In Israel, John Demjanuk is sentenced to death for war crimes committed in World War II.

1991: U.S. premiere of “The Punisher” an action film directed by Mark Goldblatt with a script Boaz Yakin

1992(22ndof Nisan, 5752):  Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat; Yizkor

1993(4th of Iyar, 5753): Yom HaZikaron

1993(4thof Iyar, 5753): Sixty-two year old Canadian Doris Giller who went from being “a secretary with a supermarket chain” to a career in journalism passed away today.



1995(25th of Nisan, 5755): Ninety-five-year-old Polish born French director an actress Marie Epstein passed away today.


1996(6thof Iyar, 5767): Seventy-five year old movie designer and corporate logo creator Saul Bass passed away today.


1996: In “Germans, Jews and Blame: New Book, New Pain” published today Alan Cowell described the German reaction to the recently published"Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust" by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen.  “The book's message is that the Holocaust was a result of a deep strain of specifically German anti-Semitism, growing from the 19th century onward that sought the elimination of Europe's Jews and drew enthusiastic, willing support from possibly hundreds of thousands of ordinary Germans who physically took part in Hitler's deadly campaign against the Jews. The Holocaust, the book says, was a ‘national project.’ The German response, in a flurry of published articles, has been to condemn the book as lacking in scholarship, one-sided, derivative, downright wrong and willfully provocative.”

1997: Launch of the INS Leviathan, a Dolphin class submarine.

1997(18thof Nisan, 5757): Fourth Day of Pesach

1997(18thof Nisan, 5757):Hagit Zavitzky, 23, of Kfar Adumim and Liat Kastiel, 23, of Holon were found stabbed to death in Wadi Kelt.

1997: “Romy and Michele's High School Reunion” a comedy starring Lisa Kudrow was released in the United States today.

1997: “In concert with the publication of Lauren Greenfields’s debut monograph, Fast Forward: Growing Up in the Shadow of Hollywood (Knopf 1997) her first major show, "Fast Forward" had its US debut at the International Center for Photography (ICP) today.

1999: PGA golfer Bruce Fleisher won the Home Depot Invitational

1999: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or special interest to Jewish readers including The Lexus and The Oliver Tree by Thomas L. Friedman

2000(20th of Nisan, 5760): Producer David Merrick passed away. Born in 1912 in St. Louis, Merrick's name was originally Margoulis.  He lived in what he described as a mid-western Jewish ghetto.  He had an extremely unhappy childhood.  He found solace and success working in stage production at The Young Means Hebrew Association where his uncle was the director.  Merrick married well, moved to New York where he disassociated himself from his Jewish origins and carved a successful career on Broadway.  Some of his more notable hits were Beckett and Hello Dolly.

2000: In initial DVD release of “Little Women” starring Winona Ryder who won the Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal of “Jo March.”

20012(2ndof Iyar, 5761): Yom HaZikaron

2001: In “Making a Case for Healing, Even of Holocaust Wounds” published today, Bruce Weber provided a review of ''The Gathering'' by Arje Shaw.


2002: “Negotiations over a possible guilty plea by Lemrick Nelson Jr.” who was a participant in the killing of Yankel Rosenbaum in the Crown Heights riot have broken down, a lawyer for Mr. Nelson said” today .

2003: “It Runs In the Family” starring three generations of the Douglas family – Kirk, Michael and Cameron – was released in the United States today.

2003: On the day after Pesach had come to an end it is reported that In a unique partnership between Chabad and the New York-based Manischewitz company, ten tons of Matzah reached Lithuania’s 6,000 Jews in time for Passover. Donated by The donation by Manischewitz was particularly meaningful in a country long part of the Soviet Union, where Matzot were baked clandestinely.


“The largest amount of Matzah received since the independence of Lithuania, this donation literally assured Jews countrywide the ability to have a kosher Pesach,” says Rabbi Sholom Ber Krinsky, Chabad representative to Lithuania.The donation came through a business associate of Manischewitz and an acquaintance of Rabbi Krinsky’s, Mr. Armand Lindenbaum, whose grandfather Rabbi Moshe Avigdor Amiel lived near Vilna in the early 20th century. When Krinsky approached him several months back about the possibility of making a donation to the Jewish community of Lithuania, Lindenbaum, who visited Vilna and was surprised to find a thriving Jewish community there, facilitated the initial contact between Chabad and The B. Manischewitz Company. From its perspective, Manischewitz, the leading manufacturer of kosher processed food products in the U.S., and the top provider of Matzah worldwide, feels the need and is honored to “give back to the Jewish community,” says executive vice president Steven M. Grossman.One thousand people participating at Chabad’s thirteen public Seders in Lithuania, partook of the Matzah, which was distributed in Lithuania’s major cities and remote towns. Even the five lone Jews living in Svencionys—a city whose pre-Holocaust Jewish population numbered 4,000—were not forgotten. “I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help in enabling us to conduct the Seders in Svencionys according to Jewish tradition and with kosher Matzah,” said one. According to Grossman, this was Manischewitz's first joint venture with Chabad, and Grossman sees the company’s relationship with Chabad as an “opportunity to make other contributions in the future.” The concerns of the general Jewish community, he says, are concerns of Manischewitz as well, and the company is pleased to contribute wherever it can.


2004: The New York Times reviewed books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Alexander Hamiltonby Ron Chernow and A Chance Meeting: Intertwined Lives of American Writers and Artists, 1854-1967by Rachel Cohen

2004:The Hadassah-Brandeis Institute and the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University sponsor a program entitled “Double or Nothing: Jewish Families and Mixed Marriage in the United States.

2004: Starting today “the Lancaster City Museum and Art Gallery hosted the first show of the successful touring exhibition: Hannah Frank: A Glasgow Artist.’

2005:For the first time since the Expulsion in 1492, a public, rabbi led Passover Seder was celebrated in Piano Battaglia, Palermo by Rabbi Barbara Aiello.

2005(16thof Nisan, 5765): Second Day of Pesach; 1st day of the Omer

2005(16thof Nisan, 5756): Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe passed away in Jerusalem.  Born in Berlin in 1914, he made Aliyah in 1946 and is remembered as the author of  Alie Shur

2006: In “Grits and Gefilte: How did a southern Methodist college become a destination for America's Jews?” author Steve Stein explains the phenomenal growth in the number of Jews attending Atlanta’s Emory University.  Jewish students now compromise almost one third of the student body at a school once known primarily for its connection with Coca Cola.

2006(27th of Nisan, 5766): Observance of Yom Hashoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day. 2007:“Makor Rishon started publishing daily. At the same time, HaTzofe (also owned by Hirsch Media) stopped publishing its daily edition, becoming instead a weekly religious insert in Makor Rishon” Shlomo Ben-Tzvi's Hirsch Media had purchased the newspaper in 2003. His wife is the editor of Segula, a magazine about Jewish history and culture that began publishing in 2012.

2007: At the Leo Baeck InstituteBarbara Hahn, Distinguished Professor of German at Vanderbilt University, previously Professor of German at Princeton University, delivers a lecture entitled, “Kafka´s Wife - the Children of Bruno Schulz - On broken Traditions.”

2007:Yiddish Theater: A Love Story" is scheduled to be shown at American Jewish University (formerly the University of Judaism), as part of the Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival

2008(20thof Nisan, 5768): Sixth Day of Pesach

2008(20thof Nisan, 5678): Ninety-nine year “painter and sculptor” Enrico Donati succumbed to injuries “sustained in taxi accident” and passed away today.


2008: The Jerusalem Cinematheque features a screening of “The Decalogue” \ עשרת הדיברות.

2008: “Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay” a comedy directed by Jon Hurwitz who also co-authored the script was released today in the United States.

2008: In what would be the start of a minor tempest, Entertainment Tonight reported that Annie Leibovitz had taken topless pictures of a 15 year old actress for a layout in Vanity Fair.

2009(1st of Iyar, 5769Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2009(1st of Iyar, 5769): Beloved television and theater star Bea Arthur passed away today at her home in Los Angeles after a battle with cancer. The 86-year-old was born Beatrice Frankel to a Jewish family in New York City and became a household name on such TV shows as "Golden Girls" and "Maude". Arthur began her career in the theater, where she won a Tony Award for the musical "Mame" and played "Yente the Matchmaker" in the Broadway premiere of Fiddler on the Roof. Arthur was perhaps most well known for her role as Dorothy Zbornak on the hit series Golden Girls. The show, which centered on the lives of four retired women living together in a house in Miami, Florida, was a hit for six seasons and won 10 Emmys, including one for Arthur in 1988. After Golden Girls ended its run, Arthur appeared in guest spots on TV, including a part as Larry David's mother on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Arthur was inducted into the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame in 2008.

2009:The David Bromberg Quartet at MerleFest

2010: Agudas Achim in Iowa City is scheduled to host its annual “Mitzvah Day.”

2010: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to offer “A Walking Tour of Downtown Jewish Washington” that will enable participants to visit the sites of four former synagogues while learning what it was like to live and worship as a Jew from 1850-1950 in the historic Seventh Street neighborhood, now known as Chinatown. 2010: A revival production of “Promises, Promises” with music by Burt Bacharach, lyrics by Hal David, and book by Neil Simon opened at The Broadway Theatre.

2010:Wrestler Bill Goldberg and Olympic swimmer Jason Lezak were among seven inductees into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. The five others inducted at the Hall of Fame in Commack, N.Y., were Virginia Tech men’s basketball coach Seth Greenberg; female judo champion Rusty Kanokogi; Penn State women’s volleyball coach Russ Rose; Achilles Track Club founder Dick Traum; and former NFL offensive lineman Alan Veingrad. Goldberg, an all-American defensive end at the University of Georgia, was taken in the 11th round of the 1990 NFL draft by the Los Angeles Rams, but he turned to wrestling and martial arts three years after an injury ended his football career in 1994. During his seven-year career on the World Champion Wrestling circuit, World Wrestling Entertainment twice recognized Goldberg as the world heavyweight champion.In an often humorous and casually self-effacing speech at the Hall of Fame ceremony, Goldberg sought to tie his unconventional career choice in professional wrestling to Judaism."I wanted to try my best to give the Jewish youth something to look up to, someone who's persevered and somehow made a difference," Goldberg said. "What better way to help Jewish youth in dealing with adversity than to parade around the ring on national television in my underwear, demolishing every single person in my path?"Goldberg did not address recent rumors of a return to professional wrestling, instead saying that he wanted to focus on remaining on this season of NBC's reality television show "Celebrity Apprentice."  Lezak, a professional swimmer, came to national prominence as the unassuming hero of the U.S. 4-by-100-meter freestyle relay team that won the gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and set a world record. His dramatic final lap of the race made international headlines and helped teammate Michael Phelps notch a crucial victory on his way to a record eight gold medals at the Games. Lezak has won numerous Olympic medals, including an individual bronze at the '08 Games, and earned four gold medals at the Maccabiah Games in Israel last summer

2011: “Twilight Becomes Night” is one of two documentary shorts scheduled to be shown at Film Form in New York. The documentary examines the widespread closing of independently-owned businesses in New York City, and the significant impact this transformation has on the people who live here. Russ & Daughters, a multi-generational Jewish owned family business known for its quality and genial atmosphere, “is presented in the film along with interview clips with Niki Russ Federman and Russ & Daughters' longtime manager, Herman Vargas.”

2011:Yael Hedaya, “an Israeli novelist, one of the head writers for In Treatment, the acclaimed Israeli TV series adapted for HBO” is one of the writers scheduled to appear at “PEN Speakeasy: Sex; Erotic Readings” on the opening day of the PEN World Voices Festival.

2011(21 Nisan, 5771): Seventh Day of Pesach – holiday ends for Israelis and Reform Jews.

2011:Politicians from left, right and center put aside their political differences this evening to join in the traditional Moroccan celebration of Mimouna marking the end of Pesach and the beginning of spring. 2011: In New York, Russ & Daughters is co-sponsoring a screening of The Vanishing City & Twilight Becomes Night, two documentaries that trace the changing face of the city and the reasons behind the morphing of Manhattan.

2012: “Common Sense Media honored John David Leibowitz, the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission as a Champion for Kids

2012: Israeli newspapers reported today that Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz has said economic and diplomatic pressures against Iran were beginning to succeed

2012:  Filmmakers Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman are scheduled to participate in a Q&A following a screening of “Between Two Worlds” at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012:The Embassy of Israel, the Washington Jewish Film Festival and The Avalon Theatre are scheduled to sponsor a screening of the Israeli film "Ha'lahaka"

2012:  Ninety-six-year-old Inge Elsas who gave an untold number of youngsters their first taste of Jewish education as the Kindergarten Teacher at Temple Sinai, passed away today.


2012(3rd of Iyar, 5772): Yom Hazikaron –Israel Remembrance Day

2013(15th of Iyar, 5773): Ninety-six year old “inventor and philanthropist” Stanley Dashew passed a way today


2013: In Columbus, Ohio, Congregation Tifereth Israel is scheduled to host a concert where the winners of the 2012 Justine Hackman Memorial Young Artist Competition will perform.

2013: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to a lunchtime event commemorating the 70thanniversary of the performance of “We Will Never Die” at Constitution Hall.

2013: In London, the Wiener Library is scheduled to present “The Human and the Inhuman: Writing in the Wake of the Holocaust”

2013:Police today finished a probe of Rabbi Avraham Chaim Sherman, a judge on the Great Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem. Officers from the National Fraud Investigative Unit suspect Sherman of breach of trust, obstruction of justice and abuse of power in his ruling in a divorce proceeding. Today Police handed over the case to state prosecutors who will decide whether to pursue an indictment.

2013: A court handed the Women of the Wall a significant legal victory in a decision released today, ruling that the state cannot arrest the women for their activities at the holy site.

2014: In New York, the Centro Primo Levi is scheduled to host a presentation by David Meghnagi and Barbara Spadaro on “The Jews of Libya Between the 19th Century and the Colonial Era.” 

2014: Funeral services for Canadian political leader Herb Gray ware scheduled to held at Congregation Machzikel Hadas in Ottawa followed by interment at the Jewish Memorial Gardens.

2015(6th of Iyar, 5775): Parashat Tazria-Metzora

2015(6th of Iyar, 5775): Ninety-three-year-old German born screenwriter and novelist Don Mankiewicz passed away today.


2015: Today Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid received his award for best director at the Buenos Aires Film Festival for the “Kindergarten Teacher.” (JTA)

2015: “Assaf Evron’s one person show “The sea was smooth, perfectly mirroring the sky” is scheduled to close at the Andrea Meislin Gallery.

2015: “Theodore Bikel: In the Shoes of Sholom Aleichem” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: “The Arrest” directed by Yair Agmon is scheduled to be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival.

2015: An Evening of Songs and Stories In Tribute to Israel’s Greatest Music Legend Arik Einstein

 In Celebration of Israel Independence Day is scheduled to take place this evening at The Axelrod Performing Arts Center.

2016(17thof Nisan, 5776): Third Day of Pesach

2016: The Halelu Choir is scheduled to present a Pesach Concert at the Waldorf Astoria in Jerusalem.

2017(29thof Nisan, 5777): One-hundred-eight year old Holocaust survivor Shobha Magdolna Friedman Nehru passed away today at her home India.


2017: In Cedar Rapids, IA, Holocaust survivor Jacob Eisenbach is scheduled to speak at Kirkwood Community College, a Holocaust Memorial Event co-sponsored by David and Joan Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund

2017: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a “3 course meals and a group discussion focusing on ‘The countdown: Sefirat Ha’omer in halacha, thought, history and memory.’”

2017: In Mt. Vernon, IA, Holocaust survivor Jacob Eisenbach is scheduled to speak at Cornell College, a Holocaust Memorial Event co-sponsored by David and Joan Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund

2017: Matti Friedman and Hair Watzman are scheduled to discuss their new books – Pumpkinflowers; A Soldier’s Story and Necessary Stories– at the Crusaders Hall at the Tower of David at event sponsored by the Times of Israel.

2018: Dr. Frederick Roden is scheduled to begin lecturing on “Reform Spirituality” this evening at The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center this evening.

2018: In Memphis, TN, Temple Israel congregants are scheduled to participate in a community-wide social action panel discussing “Food Insecurity.”

2018: A photo exhibition showing “Elderly Jews and Holocaust Survivors” opened at the Streicker Center.

2018: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host the book talk and the launch of Broadway: A History of New York City in Thirteen Miles, where the author Fran Leadon will talk about the extraordinary ways in which American Jews contributed to making Broadway the iconic street that it is today.

2018: People took part in the ‘Berlin Wears Kippa’ event, with more than 2,000 Jews and non-Jews wearing the traditional skullcap to show solidarity with Jews today, in Berlin, after Germany has been rocked by a series of anti-Semitic incidents. (As reported by Tobias Schwarz)



2019: As part of First Person series, featuring “conversations with Holocaust Survivors, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host an hour long session with Manny Mandel

2019(20thof Nissan, 5779): Sixth Day of Pesach; Fifth Day of the Omer

2020: Anzac Day which was originally devised to honor the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served in the Gallipoli Campaign, their first engagement in the First World War  which made them comrades of the Zion Mule Corps, and which is now “a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations" and "the contribution and suffering of all those who have served" is scheduled to be observed today.

2020(1stof Iyar, 5780): Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Nathan Shapiro of Horadno

2020(1stof Iyar, 5780): Parashat Tazria/Metsora; Rosh Chodesh Iyar;

2021: This afternoon for a second time, “streaming live from the Vancouver Symphony with Maestro Ken Selden, pianist Orli Shaham is scheduled to perform Beethoven's bright and lyrical Piano Concerto No.2 in honor of the composer’s 250th anniversary.

2021: The Jewish Community Library is scheduled to present “facilitated discussion of Anna Solomon’s 2020 novel, The Book of V, which is rooted in the Book of Esther but involves modern narratives, and is this year’s One Bay One Book selection.

2021: Two Stony Brook U. professors who are authors/editors of two books on Jewish Spain are scheduled to address the 2015 Spanish law granting nationality to descendants of Jews expelled in 1492 and its implications.

2021: The Oshman Family JCC’s Israeli Cultural Connection is scheduled to present an in-person treasure hunt/escape room with bands Plaster Band and The Peatot, in honor of Israel’s 73rd birthday

2021; Congregation Etz Chayim of Palo Alto is scheduled to present “Portland State professor Loren Spielman who offers insight into daily Jewish life in ancient times and what the rabbis thought about chariot races, theater, athletics and gladiator shows in the Greco-Roman world.

2021: IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi, is scheduled to travel to Washington today  to meet with a number of top US defense officials, in his first trip to the US since entering his position.

2021: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty by Patrick Radden Keefe and Houdini and Me by Dan Gutman



This Day, April 26, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 26

121: Birthdate of Marcus Aurelius the Roman Emperor who described the Jews as being “stinking and tumultuous.”

1478: The Pazzi attack Lorenzo de' Medici and killed his brother Giuliano during High Mass in the Duomo of Florence. The Pazzi were rivals of the Medici family. Lorenzo’s death was a setback for the Jewish community of Florence.  The Pazzi’s big claim to fame was their participation in the First Crusade. On the other hand Lorenzo de’ Medici had defended the Jewish community from expulsions and from the aftermath of the anti-Semitic sermons given by Bernardino da Feltre in which he whipped up the masses into a violent frenzy by demonizing the Jews as the Christ Killers.

1575: Francesco I de’Medici, the 2nd grand duck of Tuscany who “invited Jewish merchants to settle in Livorno, granting them free residence, unlimited access to trade and extensive self-government in this new Medicean free-port on the Mediterranean” and Johanna Erzherzogin von Osterriech gave birth to Marie de’Medici, queen consort of  Henry IV of France and the mother of King Louis XIII who “signed letters patent renewing the expulsion order "against not only Jews but also those who profess and practice Judaism."

1624: Birthdate of Johannes Leusden, the native of Utrecht and a Professor Hebrew who authored numerous text on the Hebrew language and  “in 1660, together with the Amsterdam rabbi and book printer Joseph Athias, published his Biblia Hebraica, the first edition of the Hebrew Bible with numbered verses.
1654: The Jews were expelled from Brazil.  The city of Recife had been taken from the Dutch by the Portuguese.  As a Dutch city, Recife had been hospitable to the Jews. But Portugal meant the Inquisition, forced conversion or exile.  It was the Jews fleeing from Recife who ended up in New Amsterdam later in 1654 and thus began what would become the American Jewish Community.Professor Arnold Witzner, author of “Jews In Colonial Brazil” the Jews could have remained in Brazil if they had converted.  They chose not to which meant that “all openly professing Jews left Brazil” prior to this date. “A total of 16 ships transported the Jewish and Dutch colonists from Recife. Some claim as many as 5,000 Jews left Recife at this time. Most of these Jews returned to Holland; some relocated to colonies in the Caribbean. Twenty-three of the Jews aboard one of these ships eventually arrived in New Amsterdam (New Netherland/New York) on September 7, 1654. There are at least two versions of the story of how these Jews came to settle in New Amsterdam. One version is that the original ship was captured by pirates at one point. The Jews were subsequently taken aboard the French ship the St. Charles, and this ship brought them to New Amsterdam. According to Wiznitzer, there was no capture by pirates. Instead, the Jews were driven by adverse winds to Spanish-held Jamaica. From there they boarded the small French frigate, Sainte Catherine, which took them to New Amsterdam.”

1655:  The directors of the Dutch West India Co. refused to grant permission to Governor Peter Stuyvesant to exclude Jews from New Amsterdam. This put an end to official efforts to bar Jews from North America. The Dutch West India Co. also specified that no restriction of trade be imposed upon the Jewish settlers. Thus it guaranteed not only the physical inviolability of the Jews but also their orderly economic development and progress. The only condition contained in the directive provided that "the poor among them shall be supported by their own nation." This gave further impetus to the growth of Jewish philanthropy in the New World.

1695: Isaac Levy, the husband of Bella Levy with whom he had three children passed away today.

1706: In Barbados, Abraham Burrows wrote his will today.

1721: A massive earthquake devastates Tabriz. There are records of a Jewish community in Tabriz dating back to the 12th century. The community must have been large and culturally diverse since it included bath Rabbanites and Karaites. In 1830, the Jews of Tabriz were massacred during a rise of Islamic fervor that also included the forced conversions of the Jews in Shiraz and Mashhad.

1737: Without any warning, the King of Prussia ordered that the decree limiting the number of Jewish families allowed to live in Berlin be enforced. According to a document entitled “General privilege and regulations to be observed concerning the Jews in his Majesty's dominions,” issued in 1730, the King had granted the Jews the right to settle 120 families in the capital city. By 1737, the number of Jewish families had risen to 180 and the king wanted these additional sixty families to depart even if it meant a loss of tax revenue.

1742: Today, Charlotte Farieres “was naturalized in New York City.”

1743: In London, Sarah Nunes Navaro and Aaron Nunez Cardozo who were married in 1739, gave birth to Rachel Nunez Cardozo

1753(22ndof Nisan, 5513): Eighth Day of Pesach

1753: As Jew munched on their matzah Justice of the Peace Thomas Winslow presided over the marriage ceremony of Mayflower descendants Benjamin Small and Bridget Eldredge.

1774(15th of Iyar, 5534): Moses Lindo passed away. Born in England he moved to South Carolina where he became a leading planter and merchant. “He did more than any other individual to encourage and advance the indigo industry of the colony, among the most important industries in South Carolina in prerevolutionary times. His transactions were enormous, and in 1762 he was appointed "Surveyor and Inspector-General of Indigo, Drugs, and Dyes," an office he resigned in 1772.

1776: In Norwalk, Ct. Joyce and Myer Myers who were married in 1767 gave birth to Rebecca Mears-Myers, the wife of Philadelphia native Jacob Mordecai whom she married in 1798 and with whom she had seven children.

1795: In Savannah, GA, Shankey Hart and Abraham Jacobs gave birth to Maria Jacobs.

1796: The Jews of Fossano escaped from a massacre which they commemorated by celebrating the Purim of the Bomb

1792(14th of Iyar, 5724: Joseph ben Meir Teomim, the native of Galicia who served as a rabbi in Lemberg and Frankfurt an der Order and whose works include “Pri Megadim (פרי מגדים), a supercommentary on some of the major commentators on the Shulkhan Aruch passed away today.”

1808: Birthdate of Jonathan-Raphaël Bischoffsheim, the native of Mainz, who was part of the Bischoffsheim family and co-founder of the bank of Bischoffsheim & Goldschmidt which played an important role in the financial world during “the early years of Belgian independence.”

1810(22ndof Nisan, 5570): Eighth Day of Pesach, Yizkor is recited on the day before Beethoven competed composing “Fur Elise” a piece that Judy Levin Rosenstein mastered in her youthful piano player years.

1812(14thof Iyar, 5572): Pesach Sheni

1812: “The ten members of the Committee of Separation signed a handwritten document. It would be immediately designated simply as the “Act of Separation.”


1815:Birthdate ofFredericia, Denmark native Henriette Nathansen, the husband of Meyer Hartvig Meyer.

1817: Joseph Freiherr von Sonnenfels the son of Perlin Lipman “who was baptized in his early youth” and went on to become a leading “Austrian and German jurist and novelist.”

1826(19th of Nisan): Chaim (Hermann) Bloch, author of “Mavo ha-Talmud” passed away today

1826: Birthdate of Edel Nathansen, the wife of Joel Isaac Cohn.

1826: Birthdate of Civil War Veteran and early homesteader Daniel Freeman.  Freeman was not Jewish.  He was the successful plaintiff in one of the first landmark cases that declared Bible reading and praying in public schools were unconstitutional.  Most of the landmark cases involving separation of church and state were brought by non-Jews.

1827: One day after he had passed away “Tanhum bar Jacob Abraham” Was buried today at the Canterbury Jewish Cemetery.”

1829: French jurist and parliamentarian Pierre-Stanislas Bédard who opposed Ezekiel Hart taking his seat in Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada because he did not think Jew should sit in the legislature, passed away today.

1829: Birthdate of Prussian-born Austrian surgeon Christian Albert Theodor Billroth who in 1876 trigger a storm with his “criticism of what he considered the disproportionately large share of Jewish medical students from Hungary and Galicia. Billroth questioned the success of assimilation, arguing "that the Jews are a sharply defined nation, and that no Jew, just like no Iranian, Frenchman, or New Zealander, or an African can ever become a German; what they call Jewish-Germans are simply nothing but Jews who happen to speak German and happened to receive their education in Germany, even if they write literature and think in the German language more beautifully and better than many a genuine Germanic native. "Therefore [we should] neither expect nor want the Jews ever to become true Germans in the sense that during national battles they feel the way we Germans do."

1837(21stof Nissan, 5597): Seventh Day of Pesach

1837(21stof Nissan, 5597): Thirty-seven-year-old Kitty Etting  the daughter of Rachel Gratz and Solomon Etting, the wife of Benjamin I. Cohen with whom she had 11 children passed away today.

1843: One day after he had passed away “Itzhak bar Meir” was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1843: Philip Marcus Leuw married Hannah Van Gelder today in Holland.

1845(19th of Nisan, 5605): Fifth Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1850(14thof Iyar, 5610): Pesach Sheni

1850(14thof Iyar, 5610): Sixty-nine year old, Leo Wolf, who was one of the founders of the “Temple’ (reform) in Hamburg passed away today.

1853: Following a recent vote by the First Prussian Chamber to exclude Jews from public employment, today, thousands of Prussian citizens including  Alexander Von Humboldt, presented petitions to the Second Chamber urging it to reject the action of the First Chamber and adopt legislation allowing Jews to hold “civil offices” and allowing everybody full freedom of religious opinion.

1854: Albert E. Hertz and Maria S. Solana, daughter of Mathew Solana were married today in St. Augustine, FL.

1856: In Mannheim, Germany, Lazarus and Babette Morgenthau gave birth to Henry Morgenthau, Sr. the American lawyer and businessman who was best known as America’s Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire.



1856: In Philadelphia, sixteen German boys have been charged with savagely beating a boy named Bernadotte Glischman.  After attacking him a barroom, they took the boy to his room where they stuck him with pins and covered his face with a pillow so he could not cry out.  According to the boy,  he was attacked because he was Jewish and the other boys were Catholics who wanted to punish him because the Jews crucified Christ.  The boys were being held with bail being set at $250 for 15 of them and $800 for the remaining defendant.

1857: “The original Broadway Tabernacle” which was replaced by a new building designed by Leopold Eidlitz “was opened for the last time for “Divine Service” today.

1857: Birthdate of Dayton, Ohio native Louis D. Beaumont who with “his two brothers joined with David May, their brother-in-law, in the 1880s to form the May Shoe and Clothing Company, which became the predecessor to May Department Stores.”

1859: Odo William Leopold Russell, 1st Baron Ampthill, a British diplomat serving in Italy, wrote to Sir Moses Montefiore describing the progress he has made in attempt to present a petition to the Pope concerning the kidnapping of Edgaro Martoro 

1860: Seventy-year old Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Umbreit the “Protestant theologian and Hebrew Bible scholar” whose works included translations and commentaries on Job and Proverbs and “a four-volume exegetical work on the prophets of the Old Testament” passed away.

1860: The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada (originally named 2nd Battalion, Volunteer Militia Rifles of Canada) whose most famous Jewish member may have Benjamin “Ben” Dunkelman who led them ashore at Normandy and later turned down the opportunity to command the unit, was formed today.

1860: As of 6 o’clock this evening the body of the unknown man, who was supposed to have committed suicide by shooting himself at Weehawken, NJ, had not been identified. For reasons that have not been disclosed, authorities believe him to be a German Jew from New York.

1861:  The Jewish Messenger publishes the following editorial entitled “Stand by the Flag” which demonstrates the patriotic, pro-Union beliefs held by a majority of Jews living in the United States.


“It is almost a work of supererogation for us to call upon our readers to be loyal to the Union, which protects them. It is needless for us to say anything to induce them to proclaim their devotion to the land in which they live. But we desire our voice, too, to be heard at this time, joining in the hearty and spontaneous shout ascending from the whole American people, to stand by the stars and stripes!

“Already we hear of many of our young friends taking up arms in defense of their country, pledging themselves to assist in maintaining inviolate its integrity, and ready to respond, if need be, with their lives, to the call of the constituted authorities, in the cause of law and order.

The time is past for forbearance and temporizing. We are now to act, and sure we are, that those whom these words may reach, will not be backward in realizing the duty that is incumbent upon them—to rally as one man for the Union and the Constitution. The Union—which binds together, by so many sacred ties, millions of free men—which extends its hearty invitation to the oppressed of all nations, to come and be sheltered beneath its protecting wings—shall it be severed, destroyed, or even impaired? Shall those, whom we once called our brethren, be permitted to overthrow the fabric reared by the noble patriots of the revolution, and cemented with their blood?

And the Constitution—guaranteeing to all, the free exercise of their religious opinions—extending to all, liberty, justice, and equality—the pride of Americans, the admiration of the world—shall that Constitution be subverted, and anarchy usurp the place of a sound, safe and stable government, deriving its authority from the consent of the American People?

“The voice of millions yet unborn, cried out, 'Forbid it, Heaven!' The voice of the American people declares in tones not to be misunderstood: `It shall not be!'

“Then stand by the Flag! What death can be as glorious as that of the patriot, surrendering his life in defense of his country—pouring forth his blood on the battlefield—to live forever in the hearts of a grateful people. Whether native or foreign born, Gentile or Israelite, stand by it, and you are doing your duty, and acting well your part on the side of liberty and justice!

“We know full well that our young men, who have left their homes to respond to the call of their country, will, on their return, render a good account of themselves. We have no fears for their bravery and patriotism. Our prayers are with them. G-d speed them on the work which they have volunteered to perform!

“And if they fall—if, fighting in defense of that flag, they meet a glorious and honorable death, their last moments will be cheered by the consciousness that they have done their duty, and grateful America will not forget her sons, who have yielded up their spirit in her behalf.

And as for us, who do not accompany them on their noble journey, our duty too, is plain. We are to pray to Heaven that He may restore them soon again to our midst, after having assisted in vindicating the honor and integrity of the flag they have sworn to defend; and we are to pledge ourselves to assume for them, should they fall in their country's cause, the obligation of supporting those whom their departure leaves unprotected. Such is our duty. Let them, and all of us, renew our solemn oath that, whatever may betide, we will be true to the Union and the Constitution, and STAND BY THE FLAG.”

1862: Colonel George Henry Grey and Harriet Jane Pearson gave birth to the long serving Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Sir Edward Grey who in 1914 when asked by MP Herbert Samuel “about a homeland for the Jewish people” replied “that the idea had always had a strong sentimental appeal to him and he would be prepared to work for if the opportunity arose”

1864(20th of Nisan, 5624): Sixth Day of Pesach

1864: As the Jews munched on their matzah today Admiral David Porter’s fleet which had been trapped by in the low level of the river” was badly damaged by Confederate guns after it had rescued the forces of the incompetent General Banks during the ill-fated Red River Campaign.

1865(30th of Nisan, 5625): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1865: Seventeen year old Henry Schneeberger, a student at Columbia was invited to deliver his first sermon at Rodeph Shalom in New York.  His discourse provoked a resounding round of approval from the congregants. (This may be an incorrect date since a source claims that this sermon was delivered on the second day of Pesach which fell on April 12)

1865: Reuters, the news service created by Paul Julius Reuter, brought news of President Abraham Lincoln's assassination in the United States to the European public, making it the first news service to provide the information to those on the eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean.

1865: Edward Storm, a resident of Greenville, MS, was discharged from the Confederate Army having served in Company D of the 28th Mississippi Cavalry.

1868: Today’s European Affairs column reported that “Thirty-one radical members of the Rumanian House have proposed the most Draconic laws against theJews, which, if put into effect, would result in an absolute expulsion of the unfortunate Hebrews.  England, Prussia and other Governments havemade the most energetic protests agains such foolish measures, and the cry of indignation thoughout Europe has already had so much effect as to cause of the signers of the bill to withdraw their signatures from it.”

1869: Public school teachers and “scholars” living in and around New York City have reportedly been swindled by “an individual calling himself a converted Jew” and “a long-time resident of Palestine. He promises to take their photographs, asks that he be paid in advance and promises to return with the pictures “in a day or two”  Needless to say, he has not been returning with the pictures


1867(21stof Nisan, 5627) Seventh Day of Pesach

1867: As Jews munched on their Matzah, visitors continue to attend the second World’s Fair which had opened on the first of the month.

1871: It was reported today that Jacob Cohen is the publisher of a new Jewish newspaper, The Hebrew News.  The paper will be published weekly in Hebrew and English.

1875(21stof Nisan, 5635) Seventh Day of Pesach

1875(21stof Nisan, 5635): Seventy two year old Jamaica native Asher Isaacs, the fifth born son of Solomon Isaacs and husband Marylebone, England native Charlotte Jane Thornthwaite

Passed away today in England.

1876: Judge McAdams officiated at the wedding of Marion W. Dibble and Eliza Emma Ottolengui both of whom live in Charleston, SC.

1878(23rd of Nisan): Orthodox Rabbi David Duetsch of Budapest, author of “Goren David” passed away today

1880: Birthdate of Vinnytsia native and composer Oscar Potoker who after coming to the United States created several movie scores and became a close friend of fellow composer Josiah Zuro with whom he was riding when the latter died in a fatal automobile accident.

1880: A letter from St. Petersburg that was first published in the London Times takes issue with the contention that the Jews dominate the Nihilist and revolutionary movements in Russia.

1881: Pogroms spreading across the Ukraine, reached Kiev.

1882: Rabbi David Levy officiated at the wedding of Louis L. Cohen of Atlanta, GA and Hortense Solomons which took place at the residence of her father, S.S. Solomons.

1882: It was reported that the “poorer Jews” in Odessa, Russia, are marrying at the rate of 150 couples per day.  There is a belief that if they are married, they will be given free land in either the United States or Palestine.

1883(19thof Nisan, 5643): Sixty year old author and philosopher Samuel Alexander Byk passed away today in Leipzig.

1883: The Brooklyn Eagle reported today that after two previous failures Baith Israel, Beth Elohim, and Temple Israel, Brooklyn's three leading synagogues, tried to merge for a third time.

1883(19th of Nisan, 5643): Rabbi Solomon Reimann was crushed to death tonight when he attempted to jump from a ferry on to the dock.  The distance was only three feet, but no reason was given as to why he attempted the jump in the first place. He leaves behind a widow and four adult children


1884(1st of Iyar, 5644): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1884: A motion to grant convicted killer Edward Brice was denied today in Washington, DC.  The motion was based on the grounds “that one of the jurors” who was Jewish took the oath on a Christian Bible instead of on the Five Books of Moses.  The judge said that the objection should have been raised at the time of the swearing in and refused to consider it.

1885: Phoenix, AZ suffers one of its worst fires during Emil Ganz’s first term as the city’s mayor.  Among the buildings burnt was the Bank Exchange Hotel which was owned by native of Germany who come to Phoenix by way of Georgia.

1885: The new facility of the Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum “which had cost about $20,000 was occupied and in operation when the seventh annual meeting took place” today where it was reported the facility was not caring for 29 boys and 17 girls.

1885: “Archaelogical Frauds In Palestine,” published today recounts the various sales of an inscription written in Greek that had supposedly been found in “an old Arab house near the Mosque of Omar.”  The inscription that read “Let no foreigner pass within the precincts of the temple.  Anyone found so doing will be guilty of his own death.”  Those who sold the relic claimed that it was a sign posted in the precincts of Herod’s Temple.

1887: “Eliot and Beatrice de Pass of Kensington, London,” gave birth to Frank Alexander de Pass who as “a Lieutenant in the 34th Prince Albert Victor's Own Poona Horse” became the first Jew and the first officer of the Indian Army to receive the Victoria Cross which was awarded posthumously for his bravery in the trenches in France on November 24, 1914.


1888: In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, five Jews from two different synagogues faced a preliminary hearing on charges that they were leading a boycott of a Jewish butcher named Jacob Weisfeld.  Weisfeld claimed that the two congregations were boycotting his business because he refused to pay a tax of one half a cent per pound of meat sold to the rabbis. Weisfeld claimed that his refusal led to a whispering campaign that claimed his meat was not kosher. The defense tried to prove that Weisfeld, was in fact, guilty of not slaughtering his meat in a kosher fashion.

1889: Birthdate of Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein, an Austrian born professor of philosophy at Cambridge University.  Wittgenstein was not Jewish but his family was up until the beginning of the 19th Century when the road to wealth and social acceptability was opened to those who would trade the Magen David for the Sign of the Cross.

1889: The Coroner’s Inquest that is trying to determine the cause of death a young Jewish boy named Tobias Hipper entered into its second day.  Dr. Stern and Deputy Coroner Jenkins have already testified as to the manner of death and two other witnesses have identified a couple of neighborhood boys as the culprits.

1890: Henry Rice, President of the United Hebrew Charities, testified before the sub-committee of the Joint Congressional Committee on Immigration.

1891: In NYC, “David and Netta (Donner) Bloch” gave birth to Maurice Bloch the NYU trained attorney and New York State Assemblyman who voted against ousting the Socialist members who had been elected in 1920, served as a trustee of Park Avenue Synagogue and who was the husband of the former Madeline Neuberger.

1891: “Sir Pertinax Macpsycophant” published today provides a review of Charles Macklin by Edward Abbott Parry, a biography of the 18th century actor whose signature role was his portrayal of Shylock done in such a unique manner that when “King George II saw the production” he “was so moved he could not fall asleep that night.

1892: Manchester native Nellie Joel and London native Solomon Barnatro Joel gave birth to Lt. Woolf Joel.

1893: Abraham E. Pumpiansky, the rabbi at Riga, passed away today.

1893: Birthdate of New York native Hyman Kaplan “executive director, Federation of Jewish Charities, San Francisco” who in May of 1934 attended “the 13thannual conference of the California Committee of Personal…at Temple Beth Israel.

1893: It was reported today the Prussian Supreme Court has declared “that to exclude Jews, qua Jews, from a Freemasons’ Lodge would be a violation of the Prussian Constitution. The case stemmed from the decision of a newly formed lodge of Freemasons to admit Jews which had been objected to other lodges that did not admit Jews because the “anti-Semitic members” did not want “to fraternize with Jews.”

1893: Birthdate of economist and author Abraham David Hannath Kaplan, the holder of Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins who was a department  head at the University of Denver before joining the Brookings Institute  while raising two children – Stephen and Nancy – with his wife Bella.


1894(20thof Nisan, 5654): Sixth Day of Pesach

1894: In Russia, “Nicholas and Fannie (Silver) Ehrlich” gave birth to Columbia educated physician David Ernest Ehrlich, the roentgenologist who raised his daughter Frances with his wife “Emma Grace Smith.”

1894: Rockford, Illinois native and Sears, Roebuck executive Albert Henry Loeb married Anna Bohnen today

1895: Mayor Strong held hearings on the Hebrew Benevolent Home Bill which has already been passed by both branches of the Legislature.

1895: In Hungary, “Kaufmanny Joseph Lengyel and his wife, the former Johanna Adam” gave birth to Hungarian-American journalist, author and college professor Emil Lengyel, who, in the 1930’s was one of the first to trace Hitler’s rise to power and to write the Civil War in Siberia while a raising a son Peter with his wife, “the former Livia Delej.”



1896: In South Bend, Indiana, “Louis Stein, a dry goods store owner, and Rosa Cohen (née Kahanaski) gave birth to Jules Stein, an ophthalmologist by training who was also the founder of MCA which became the leading talent agency in the United States.  Stein joined forces with another Jew name Lou Wasserman to create the Universal entertainment empire.  Stein used his fortune for humanitarian purposes primarily in the field of research and treatment related to the eye.  He passed away in 1981 leaving behind such legacies as the National Eye Institute and the Jules Stein Eye Institute at UCLA.


1896: It was reported today that Great Britain has “a national concern” as a result of the death of Baron de Hirsch’s death. The Baron had large investments in England and the death duties owed on these properties would “yield enough revenue to build three or four new” battleships which would help the UK in its naval race with Germany.  However, the Baron is an Austrian and the will be probated in Vienna. The fear is that this will make it difficult if not impossible for the British to collect any taxes on the estate.

1896: A betrothal reception for Lucien L. Bonheur and Amelia Simon was held today the home of Miss Simon’s parents on East 56th Street.

1896: David Wolffsohn visited Herzl and offers his cooperation. Wolffsohn had been a supporter of groups seeking to establish a Jewish homeland in Eretz Israel.  Wolfffsohn provided Herzl with an entree into the German Hovevei Zion, Lover’s of Zion, organizations.

1896: In the report of the Committee on the Hebrew Technical Institute which was presented at the meeting of Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society the necessity of creating a fund to provide assistance for the boys who were graduating but who had not started working was called to the trustees’ attention.

1897: According to a report by Superintendent Herman Baar published today, the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum is caring for 823 children.  Of these, 350 children attend Grammar School No. 43 while the balance attended classes at the asylum.

1897: “Felix Adler on Gen. Grant” published today provided a summary of the


1898: In Romania, Sara and Israel Freedman gave birth to radio gag writer David Freedman and author whose bestselling biography of Eddie Cantor was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.

1898: Richmond, VA native and West Point graduate Otho B. Rosenbaum was promoted from the rank of 2nd Lt. in the Seventh Infantry to the rank of 1stLt.

1898: Max Nordeau delivered a speech on "Die Gegner des Zionismus" in Berlin today.

1899: In New York City, Philip and Kate (Weiss) Fuchs gave birth to violinist Josef Fuch, who served as “concert-master of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra and lead of the Cleveland String Quartet.”

1899: The list of the Board of Directors for the Society of Aid of Jewish Prisoners published today included “Jacob H. Schiff, William N. Cohen, Jacob A. Cantor, Samuel B. Hamburger, Dr. Joseph Wiener, A.S. Solomons, E. W. Bloomingdale and the Reverends Davidson and Harris. 

1900: “Charles Frohman’s London comedians” continued their engagement at the Lyceum Theatre in New York.

1901: The Boston Globe reported today that Massachusetts State Legislature had rejected Samuel Hyman Borfosky bill exempting “persons observing the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath from any penalty for keeping shops open or for performing secular business and labor on the first day of the week” which in the days of Sunday Closing Laws would have meant that Jews could close on their Shabbat and not lose a day’s business since they would be open on Sunday.

1902: Birthdate of painter Isaac Soyer, the native of New York whose older twin brothers Moses and Raphael Soyer were also painters.


1903: Herzl has a meeting with representatives of the I.A.C. in Paris who had read the report about the expedition to the Sinai Peninsula. The I.A.C. is the Jewish Colonization Association which was funded by Baron de Hirsch. The I.A.C. was established to set up agricultural settlements in places like Argentina, Brazil, Canada and the United States.  The settlements were supposed to provide places of refuge for Romanian and Russian Jews. Herzl sought enlist I.A.C. support for the establishment of agricultural colonies in the Sinai which would be a stepping stone to a Jewish home in Eretz Israel.

1903: The building of the Jewish Theological Seminary at West 123rd Street which had been funded by Jacob Schiff “was erected” today.

1903: According to an article in today’s edition of the New York Daily Tribune, “the gang that would become the Eastman Gang (named for Monk Eastman, the turn-of the-century gangster who was its leader) “first came on the scene in the early 1890s. They started out in the notorious Corlear's Hook section of the lower east side on Rivington Street in the vicinity of Mangin and Goerck streets. Another gang of the era, the Short-Tail Gang, had its headquarters in this same area, making it entirely possible that the Eastmans grew out of the Short-Tails. Originally composed of gentiles from the local slums, the gang quickly became almost exclusively Jewish with the influx of Jewish immigrants into lower Manhattan and nearby Brooklyn. When Monk Eastman himself entered the gang is unknown, but the fact that several newspaper articles refer to him as hailing from Corlear's Hook indicates that it was probably during this early era”.

1904: Birthdate of Marion Elkus Kohlman who would be buried at the Springhill Avenue Temple Cemetery in Mobile, Alabama when she passed away at the age of fifty.

1904: Solomon Barnato Joel and his wife the former Ellen “Nellie” Ridle gave birth to Conservative Party MP and horse racing aficionado Dudley Jack Barnato Joel, the husband of Esme Oldham who “was killed in action 1941” while serving as a member of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve aboard the steam merchant ship Registan.

1904: In Little Rock, AR, “Ephraim and Sadie Cohn Eichenbaum” gave birth to Washington University trained architect, the partner of Frank Erhart and husband of Helen Marion Levin who was a member of Congregation B’nai Israel, the Little Rock Reform congregation that traces its origins to the years before the Civil War.


1905(21stof Nisan, 5665): Seventh of Pesach

1905: Birthdate of Charles Kenneth Gould who gained famed as talent agent and producer Charles K. Feldman.

1906(1stof Iyar, 5666): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1906: Mayer Sulzberger, Oscar S. Straus, Cyrus L. Sulzberger, Adolphus Solomons Herman Rosenthal, Dr. Herbert Friedenwald, Rabbi Goodman Lipkind and Bernard G. Richards attended a meeting tonight that launched “The Jewish Territorialist movement for the establishment of an autonomous Jewish settlement under a free government’ either in Palestine or some other location, in the United States that supports the work of English Zionist, Israel Zangwill.

1907: The funeral for Bavarian born, New York Businessman Nathan Necarsulmer who for “twenty years was a Trustee of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and was a member of the School Committee of Temple Beth El is scheduled to take place this morning.

1907: Birthdate of New York native and decorated NYPD Davis Wahl, the winner of the Medal of Valor and father of two daughters – Patricia and Sandra – whom he raised with his wife Kathryn.


1907: Klauber, Horn and Company, of which Samuel David Klauber was partner was dissolved today.

1908: “400 Boys Drill Like Veterans” published today described how “four hundred boys between the ages of 10 and 13 from the Hebrew Orphan Asylum proved themselves able to compete with regular soldiers in parade maneuvers…at the Seventh Regiment Armory” thanks to the efforts of Lionel J. Simmons, the Assistant Superintendent at the orphanage who had served as their drillmaster.

1908: Tonight’s concert for the benefit of the United Hebrew Charities held at the Metropolitan Opera

House actually produced a deficit of $1,400 despite the appearance of several “prominent artists.

1909: Prominent Chicago Jews have endorsed the stand taken by Senator Guggenheim of Colorado who demands that the Immigration Commission cease to classify Jews as a race” because as Lessing Rosenthal said, “The Jew is a native of the country in which he is born” and “each has the well-known characteristics of the country from which hails” which “are so different that there not anything left which might be called a Jewish race.”

1909: “Million No Forfeit Yet” reported that the one million dollars which Louis Heinsheimer, a member of Kuhn, Loeb had “left to certain Herbrw charities on condition that they should federate had reverted to his brother Alfred Heinsheimer, in consequence of the failure of these societies to reach an agreement.

1910: It was reported today that with the building of the Lexington Avenue Subway line congregants will have “easy access” to several houses of worship including Temple Beth El and Congregation Rodolph Sholom.

1911: Birthdate of New York native Leonard Pines creator of Hebrew National, the brand that changed the face of cold cuts for American Jewry.

1912: Anglo-Jewish boxer Mathew “Matt” Wells lost a bout to Packey McFarland at Madison Square Garden.

1912: In New Zealand, Arthur Myers received “the portfolios of Finance, Defense and Railways.”

1913(19thof Nisan, 5673): Fifth Day of Pesach; Shabbat

1913(19thof Nisan, 5673): Eighty-one year old Rabbi Moses Trager passed away in London.

1913: It was reported today that “Benjamin Alexander has been elected Secretary of the Jewish Publication Society of America succeeding the late Dr. Lewis W. Steinbach who held this office for many years.

1913: Mary Phagan comes to the pencil factory where she is given her pay for the week by Leo Frank.  According to the testimony in the trial, Leo Frank was the last person to see Mary Phagan alive.

1913: It was reported today that in Cleveland the Hebrew Orthodox Hospital Alliance now has 2,000 members and has already raised $10,000 which will be used to build a “strictly Jewish hospital in the only diet will be kosher.”

1914: “Liberal Judaism here and abroad is gaining ground, according to Dr. Maurice H. Harris, President of the Eastern Council of Reformed Rabbis, which opened its Fifth Assembly tonight at Temple Emanu-El, Fifth Avenue and Forty-Third Street. He said that an international propaganda for Liberal Judaism had been started and that a conference on the plan and scope of the movement probably would be arranged in Europe in 1916.”

1914: Rabbi Samuel L. Levinson officiated at the dedication of the new synagogue of Temple Beth Emeth, the second such building to be built in Brooklyn.  Dr. Stephen Wise, the rabbi of the Free Synagogue addressed the crowd who had come to the building which cost $40,000.

1914: Birthdate of Lillian Rolfe, a courageous member of the Marquis who was murdered by the Nazis at Ravensburck concentration camp.

1914:  Birthdate of author and Pulitzer Prize winner, Bernard Malamud.  While many think of him as a Jewish writer, one of his biggest hits, which Robert Redford later turned into a hit movie was The Natural - a book about baseball that has no Jewish characters.  Malamud passed away in 1986.

1915: The Zion Mule Corps prepared for its landing at Cape Hellas which was scheduled to begin tomorrow.

1915:  As a corporal in the 1st Battalion, The Manchester Regiment, Issy Smith was engaged in the Second Battle of Ypres. Today, Smith, on his own initiative, recovered wounded soldiers while exposed to sustained fire and attended to them "with the greatest devotion to duty regardless of personal risk".  In August, 1915, Smith was awarded the Victoria Cross for his brave behavior.

1916: The annual convention of the Order of B’nai Zion is scheduled to meet for the second and final day of its annual convention in Baltimore, MD.

1916(23rdof Nisan, 5676): On the day after Pesach, seventy year old Elchanan (Henry) Harkavy, the Russian born “son  of R' Yosef-Moshe Moses Harkavy and Tzirl Epshtein who married Dvora Vishnevski after his first wife Feiga Yalonsky had passed away died today in New York Cityhttps://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1916/04/29/100205509.pdf?pdf_redirect=true&ip=0

1916: On behalf of the “Kehillah of New York City” Dr. J.L Magnes wrote to Dr. Nachman Heller expressing regarded that “there is no position for him in the Bureau of Education” but that he was still enclosing “a check for $5 as a contribution toward the printing fund of your new book.”

1916: Dr. Stephen Wise of the Free Synagogue wrote to Rabbi Nachman Heller expressing his regret that he could not grant him a loan “from our Social Service Department” towards the printing of his brook for which he was enclosing a check for five dollars as personal loan to help with the project

1917: It was reported that as of today “no Jew has had the right to officer’s rank” but that “in June over 2,000 Jews will be promoted to Lieutenants.”

1917:The text of a telegram from  Louis Marshall, Henry Morgenthau, Jacob H. Schiff, Oscar Straus and Julius Rosenwald of the American Jewish Committee to the new Russian government which was “made public by the State Department today expresses the alarm felt by American Jews over reports that Russia might make a separate peace.”

1917: Dr. Schmarya Levin, formerly a member of the Russian Duma, told “an enthusiastic gathering of Zionists” tonight at Cooper Union who were meeting under the auspices of the Poale-Zion that “a Jewish homeland in Palestine was inevitable in view of recent world developments.”

1917: At this afternoon’s meeting “of the Women’s Proclamation Committee, the national Jewish women’s organization for war relief” Rabbi Stephen S. Wise “told of the sufferings of Jews on the eastern front” and Mrs. Samuel Elkeles, the Chairman of the Committee said that in the last year the group “had contributed $10,000 to the Joint Distribution Committee.

1917: In response to “President Wilson’s reported intention to aid the aid project for a Jewish republic in Palestine” in Berlin the Zeitung am Mittag  that while “this scheme is intended to impress pious American Jews” “it only proves that that certain insidious imperialistic British purposes are to covered with Wilson’s noble ideals of the independence of nations.”

1917(4thof Iyar, 5677): Thirty-nine year Herman Shaw, the Camden Town born son of Michel and Fredericka Schwabacher of German, a Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers “die of his wounds in France” today, eight months and two days short of his 40thbirthday.

1917: “Dispatches from Petrograd received” today “by the Jewish Daily Forward” in New York City “tell of the proposal of the new Russian government to bring to trial Minister of Justice Shtcheglovitoff  who was instrumental in prosecuting Mendel Bellis, the shoemaker of Kiev, whose trial on the charge that he participated in a ritual murder horrified the world.”

1917: As thousands of Jews fight for the Kaiser, “The Deutschvölkische Blätter, official publication of the anti-Semitic Deutschvölkische Partei (DVP), announced that it's time to declare war on Jews openly because of the Jewish opposition to World War I. Ferdinand Werner, chairman of the Deutschvölkische Partei spoke to the Reichstag and demanded that the government pass laws "against the Jewish race, which agitates for strikes and raises the price of food." (Yes, this 26 years before Hitler came to power)

1918: Three Jews were elected as members of the fifty-two member State Council in Warsaw.

1918: Leone Ravenna was appointed grand officer of the Crown of Italy.

1918: It was reported today that the London Jewish Chronicle has learned “that the Union of Polish Rabbis has decided to send three delegates to the conference of the Agudath Yisrael branch at Frankfort” where they will make a case for complete emancipation of the Jews in Poland.

1918: Birthdate of Miriam Shinezon, the native of Vitebsk, Russia who gained fame as “Miriam Ben-Porat, the first woman to serve as a Justice on Israel’s Supreme Court…” (As reported by Isabel Kershner)

1918: In Sofia, Bulgaria the premiere praised “the patriotism of Jews and pledged his government as an ally of the Jewish cause in the negotiations with Roumania.”

1919: It was reported today that “the Jewish Welfar Board has received a letter from Action Secretary of the Naty Franklin D. Roosevelt expsssing the government’s thanks for welfar servce rendered to soldiers during the war.”

1920: Birthdate of Oga Zatorsky, the thrid and last wife of Joseoph H. Hirshorn with whom she played a roled as a patron of the arts and art museums.

1920: The San Remo Conference, where delegates had reaffirmed the Balfour Declaration and incorporated it in to the terms of the Mandate over Palestine and where Arabs and Zionists held cordial meetins came to an end today.

1920: Julus J. Dukac, the Acting Chariman of the Central Committee sent a letter to the Directors of the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering Through the War asking them to attend a dinner meeeting at the Broadway Central Hotel, where among other things, they will a report from Rabbi Ephraim on the conditions of the Jews in Poland.

1921(18th of Pesach, 5681): Fourth Day of Pesach

1922: In Hartford, CT, Russian Jewish immigrants Sophia and Samuel Kellin gave birth to Myron Kellin who gained fame as actor Mike Kellin who “made his Broadway debut in 1949 in ‘At War with the Army.’”

1922: Di Tsayt, a Yiddish language daily founded in 1920  that was the “house paper” for the “Labor Zioinist Paole Zion” movement which employed David Pinski as editor “was closed down today” signaling a loss of power and prestige for its parent organization.

1924(22nd of Nisan, 5684): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1924(22nd of Nisan, 5684): Eighty-one year old Moritz Walter the native of Bavaria who was the son of Nathan and Rosa Walter passed away in San Francisco.


1925: The New York Times featured a review of “My Portion: An Autobiography” by Rebekah Kohut with an Introduction written by Henrietta Szold. According to the review, the book describes “Kohut's Life Story of Social Service” and should appeal to both Jewish and non-Jewish readers alike.

1925: The Pulitzer Prize was awarded to Edna Ferber for So Big.  This Jewish author became famous for her sweeping novels that portrayed American history.  Showboat and Giantare two of her literary hits that went on to become cinematic successes.

1926: In New York, Esther Garfunkel and Benjamin Gottesman gave birth to businessman and billionaire David Sanford “Sandy” Gottesman, the brother of Milton and Alice Gottesman and the nephew of Samuel Gottesman who has been married to his wife for over sixty years.



1927: Birthdate of Avi Livney, the New York native and WW II U.S. Navy veteran who served aboard the President Warfield, which sailed under the name of the Exodus carrying Jewish refugees to Palestine.


1928: “Present Arms” a Rodgers and Hart musical opened at the Mansfield Theatre.

1929: In Jerusalem, there was a cornerstone laying ceremony to mark the construction of the building designed to house the Jewish National Fund.  The building was part of a construction project designed to provide space for several national institutions.

1931: In Manhattan Moe and Tillie Brillstein gave birth to Bernard Jules Brillstein, the nephew of vaudeville performer Jack Pearl who gained fame as producer and high-powered talent agent Bernie Brillstein.

1931(9thof Iyar, 5691): Eighty-seven year old Vienna born “inventor and chemist Isidore Kitsee  “who is credited with more than 2,000 inventions” including “a wireless set using a tube” the patent rights for which he sold to Marconi” and who claimed to be a descendant of Moses Maimonides passed away today in Philadelphia,

1931: More than 1,000 people, including Gustave Hartman, the President of the Israel Orphan Asylum, attended a testimonial dinner for Herbert D. Perlman, the grand master of the Independent Order of B’rith Abraham, who will be retiring this year

1931: Eighty-five year old Dr. Otis Glazebrook the American Consul in Jerusalem during World War One who was honored by Jewish leaders for the effective way he “distributed relief funds in Jerusalem passed away while aboard the SS Belgenland..

1932: Birthdate of Anthony Ray Gubbay, “the former Chief Justice of the Supreme court of Zimbabwe.

1933: In Munich Justine and Karl Penzias gave birth to Arno Allan Penzias, a “kindertransport kid” who won the Nobel Prize for Physics.


1933: Hermann Göring established the Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei; Secret State Police).


1933: Hitler met with Bishop Wilhelm Berning of Osnabrück and Monsignor Steinmann, prelates representing the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. Hitler claimed that he is only doing to the Jews what the Catholic Church has already done to them for 1600 years. He reminded the prelates that the Church has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos. Hitler suggested that his anti-Jewish actions are "doing Christianity a great service." Bishop Berning and Monsignor Steinmann later described the talks as "cordial and to the point."

1933: Jewish students were barred from schools in Germany

1934: U.S. premiere of “We’re Not Dressing” a musical comedy directed by Norman Taurog with a story co-authored by Benjamin Glazer who also produced the film and co-starring George Burns as “George Martin.”

1934(11th of Iyar, 5694): Seventy-one-year old Rabbi Francis Lyon Cohen the English born son merchant Woolf Henry Cohen and the former Harriet Phillips who “was the first and, for most of his ministry, the only spiritual leader in Sydney, Australia  with rabbinical qualifications” passed away today.

Biography - Francis Lyon Cohen - Australian Dictionary of Biography (anu.edu.au)
1934:  Birthdate of actor Alan Arkin.

1934: The third biennial Levant Fair opens in Tel Aviv.  According to Israel B. Brodie, “the fair is designed to attract trade to Palestine and also to draw attention to the importance of Palestine in reaching many of the Near Eastern markets.”

1935: “Mark of the Vampire” co-authored by Guy Endore (born Samuel Goldstein) was released in the United States today.

1936: “As sporadic acts of violence by Arabs continued…a young Jew walking near the Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem was severly beaten by an Arab who escaped.  Buses in Jewish districts are stone by Arabs and attempts by Arabs to set fire to Jewish owned fields have been thwarted. 

1936: In France, the first of two rounds of elections take place that will bring a Popular Front Government to power with Leon Blum serving as “the first authentically Socialist prime minister in French history.”

1936: “A few hours after Chaim Wiezmann…had sent a cable telling of the recent outbreak of violence in Palestine and asking for a special $150,000 fund to meet urgent needs” a meeting was held tonight at the Hotel Astor that included representatives from the ZOA, World Zionist Organization of America, the World Zionist Executive, the Jewish National Fund, the Labor Zionists, Mizrachi, the Order of the Sons of Zion and Hadassah.

1937: Banker Felix M. Warburg and his wife returned today from Europe today where “he had attended executive committee meetings of various Jewish charities” and “said the hope for alleviation of Jewish distress in Europe lay in a possible change of attitude by certain governments, not for ‘love of human’ but for economic reasons.”  (Editor’s note – when criticizing the American response to the treatment of the Jews in Europe, one should look to the words of leading Jews who provided input for the general society.)

1938: Austrian Jews were required to register property above 5,000 Reichsmarks.  This came as part of the Nazification of Austria after the Germans annexed Hitler's homeland.  After the war, the Austrians sought to portray themselves as the first victims of Nazi aggression.  The cheering throngs that greeted Hitler told a different story.

1938: Nazi Germany adopted a statute requiring government authorization for the sale or rental of a company.

1938: “Austrian composer and cabaret star” Hermann Leopoldi was kept from making his planned trip to the United States today when he was arrested and transported to Dachau.

1939: “The decision to unify” Kibbutz BaMa’ale and Kibbutz BaMifne in Karkur “was made in the secretariat of Hashomer Hatzair” today.

1939: Two days after he had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held this afternoon at Temple Rodelph Sholom for 77 year old Isaac Goldberg, the head of “trucking business” that had been founded by his father Jacob Goldberg and Democratic political leader who raised two sons – Bertram and Edwin – with his wife “the former Mae E. Perlberg.”


1940(18thof Nisan, 5700): Fourth Day of Pesach

1940: It was announced today that Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, the secretary of the American Jewish Joint Distribution has been appointed vice chairman of the charity’s European Council and that Moses Leavitt will succeed Dr. Schwartz as secretary.

1940: “Turks and Anzacs Joined on Gallipoli Anniversary” published today described the events held throughout the Middle East marking the 25thanniversary of the Anzacs storming ashore on that Ottoman peninsula including the new generation of Aussie and Kiwis who are serving in Palestine.

1941: The “Rats of Tobruk” continue their battle with Afrika Corps marking the first time that the Germans had actually been stopped dead in their tracks which had to be a bit of moral boost since the Yugoslavians had just surrendered to the Germans giving them a free hand in the Balkans, and unbeknownst to anybody clearing the way for the invasion of the Soviet Union which would be devastating for the Jews of Eastern Europe

1942: Leopold Müller and his wife Irene were marched on a roundabout route from a Gestapo gathering point in a small park in Würzburg through the city's streets to a train depot. There they left their luggage on the platform and boarded a train to the East and to their deaths.

1943: Day seven of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprisngn

1944: Release date for “The Hitler Gang,” “a pseudo-documentary…which traces the political rise” of the German dictator.

1945: Prisoner Karl Riemer fled the Dachau concentration camp to get help from American troops

1945: “As the Americans approached Dachau about 7,000 prisoners, most of them Jews, were sent on a death march to Tegernsee.”

1946: U.S. premiere of “The Glass Alibi” directed and produced by W. Lee Wilder with music by Alexander Laszlo.

1946: “Thousands of British paratroopers made a house by house search through north Tel Aviv today rounding up and question 1,200 suspected terrorists” following the attack on a British police station.  Tel Aviv is placed under a strict curfew.

1947: IN Russia, Bluma and Yechezkel Yadlovker gave birth to David Ben-Shalom Yadlovker who made Aliyah 1960 and passed away when the INS Dakar sank in 1968.

1948(17thof Nisan, 5708): Third Day of Pesach is observed as Arab armies besiege Jerusalem seeking to strangle the Jewish state before it is even born.

1949: “While hundreds of ex-servicemen and newly arrived immigrants demonstrated against unemployment outside, the Knesset heard plans today for a comprehensive building program over the next four years coupled with an austerity campaign that will make the Israelis tighten their belts in British style.”

1949: Following the occupation of east Jerusalem and territory on the west bank of the Jordan River, “foreign correspondents in Amman, “have been informed officially ha Transjordan is incorrect as he name of this country and therefore will not be passed by the censors” and that the name of the country is the “Hashemite Jordan Kingdom.”

1949: As of today, the prospects of getting 2,000 thousand Jews out Hungary, who had been promised safe passage by the new regime “are not bright and right now the only Jews arriving in Vienna appeared to be “younger men who had made their way across the border without the consent of the Hungarian government.

1950: Seventy-nine year old Irish archaeologist Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister who “was responsible for the excavations at Gezer” from 1902 to 1909 where the “Gezer calendar” was found passed away today.

1951(20thof Nisan, 5711): Sixth Day of Pesach; 5th day of the Omer

1951: Day of the Fight” a documentary directed, produced, filmed and written by Stanley Kubrick and with music by Gerald Fried was released in the United States today.

1951: Birthdate of Erin Stoff, the native of Romania who gained fame as the American film producer who formed 3 Arts Entertainment, Inc.

1951: “Joseph Goldman, 76 Missouri Ex-Editor” published today described the life Spanish American War veteran and Jefferson City, MO native Joseph Goldman the journalist who had the courage to faced down the Ku Klux Klan at a time when they were busy lynching and burning out Negroes, Jews and anybody who challenged them


1953: “Printer's Measure” an episode of the TV anthology series The Philco-Goodyear Television Playhouse written by Paddy Chayefsky aired for the first time tonight.

1954: Field trials of the Polio Vaccine developed by Jonas Salk began today “at the Franklin Sherman Elementary School in McLean, VA, a suburb of Washington, DC.

1954: For the first time, NBC broadcast “The Tony Martin Show” which showcased the talent of the San Francisco born singer who was the son of Eastern European Jews.

1959: In “Ambassador at Large for a Nation in the Making” published today Walter Laquer reviewed Chaim Weizmann by Isaiah Berlin.


1960: West German release date for “ I Married a Woman” directed by Hal Kanter with a script by Goodman Ace.

1964(14thof Iyar, 5724) Pesach Sheni

1964(14thof Iyar, 5724): Seventy-three-year-old Polish born New York realtor Alexander S. Haberman the husband of Esther Lebowitz Haberman and the father of Simon V. and Rabbi Jacob Haberman who “was president of the Beth Israel Center and president of the Belzer Rabbinical Seminary in Jerusalem passed away today.


1965: The World Zionist Congress tonight closed a two-day debate on Israel's security crisis after having heard new attacks on United States and Soviet policies

1965: Composer Aaron Avshalomov passed away. Born into a Jewish family in Nikolayevsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Krai, then Russian Empire) in 1894, “he was one of highly qualified Jewish musicians (i.e., Alfred Wittenberg, Walter Joachim, Arrigo Foa, etc.), who fled pogroms and revolutions in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century, went to China (first arrived in Harbin, later moved to Shanghai). They entered the world of Shanghai's academia and trained a number of young Chinese musicians in classical music, who in turn became leading musicians in contemporary China. Aaron fled China in when the Japanese invaded in 1931 and moved to live in Portland, Oregon, USA. He was the father of composer Jacob Avshalomov, conductor of the Portland Junior Symphony (now called the Portland Youth Philharmonic Orchestra) from 1953-1994.

1966: Arnold "Red" Auerbach retired as Boston Celtic's coach

1967(16th of Nisan, 5727): Second Day of Pesach
1967:  In what would turn out to be part of a diplomatic offensive leading to the Six Day War, the Soviet Ambassador to Israel protested to Prime Minister Levi Eshkol that Israel was planning on starting a war with Syria.  Ehskol denied the claim and offered to take the Soviet diplomat to the border so that he could see that troops were not being massed for attack.  The Russian declined to go, but the Syrians believed the Russian report increasing tension in the area.

1967: Hallelujah, Baby! a musical with music by Jule Styne, lyrics by Adolph Green and Betty Comden, opened on Broadway at the Martin Beck Theatre

1968(28thof Nisan, 5728): Seventy-eight year old Silesian born and decorated member of Austria’s World War I Army, Benno Landsberger, a leading Assyriologist who like so many of his generation had his career “interrupted by the rise of the Nazis passed away today.





1969: In Canada, the Bulletin published a list of the demands and goals made by a group of students at Shaar Hashomayim that were designed to show their respect for the synagogue while at the same time calling for “practices necessary for a renaissance in Canadian Jewish life.”

1969: "Suzanne," “a song written by Canadian poet and musician Leonard Cohen”  “entered the Dutch Top 40 List today at number 39.”

1969: After 161 performances, the curtain came down “Jimmy Shine” written by Murray Schisgal at the Atkinson Theatre.

1969: After 433 performances the curtain came down on the first Broadway production of “George M!” a musical with a book by Michael Stewart and Francine Pascal, produced by Emanuel Azenberg and starring Joel Grey.

1970(20th of Nisan, 5730): As part of a campaign to gain rights for Russian Jews, tens of thousands of Jews shared in a Passover “Exodus March” that began at the Soviet mission to the United Nations

1970(20th of Nisan, 5730): Stripper Gypsy Rose Lee, born Louise Hovick passed away at the age of 56.

1973: A West End production of “Two Gentlemen of Verona” a rock musical based on Shakespeare’s play of the same with a book by Mel Shapiro opened at the Phoenix Theatre with Shapiro as the director.

1974: “Jewish cameraman Mikhail Suslov and scriptwriter Felix Kamov-Kandel had their names removed from film credits.”

1976: For a second time, Pierre Goldman went on trial for his role in a robbery in which two pharmacists were killed.  This time he was acquitted.

1976(26thof Nisan, 5736): Sixty-two year old South African born British actor Sid James suffered a fatal heart attack “while performing on stage at the Sunderland Empire Theatre.


1977: Samuel Lewis was appointed U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

1978:In a New York Times profile Lillian Vernon was described as "the first lady of mail order catalogues," a designation she had earned through more than two decades of entrepreneurship and steady growth of her eponymous business.Born Lilly Menasche in Leipzig, Germany, in 1927, Lillian Vernon fled with her family first to Amsterdam and then to New York to escape Hitler. In the U.S., her father manufactured leather goods, which would become the base of Vernon's first foray into mail-order.Married and pregnant, Vernon began the business that would become Lillian Vernon, Inc., in 1951. She took $495 of her wedding gift money to place an advertisement for personalized belts and handbags in Seventeen. Her father's company manufactured the belts and bags, and Vernon embossed, packaged, and shipped them. The ad brought in over $32,000 worth of sales, and Vernon's company was born. She mailed her first catalogue two years later.Taking monogramming as its trademark, and catering mainly to women, Lillian Vernon mail-order grew rapidly, generating $200,000 in sales in 1956, the year Vernon opened her first manufacturing plant. By 1990, sales had risen to $238 million, and the mailing list had grown to 17 million names.After pioneering her successful mail-order business, Vernon continued to keep the company at the forefront of commercial changes. She began opening retail outlets in 1985, and went online a decade later. Hers was also the first woman-owned business to be listed on the American Stock Exchange. The company continues to introduce new catalogs regularly, and now produces special lines of items for children, teens, and gardening, as well as its traditional products for the home.Vernon has used her wealth to support over 500 charities, and has been recognized by, among others, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, which awarded her its National Hero Award. She has also received the NAACP Medal of Honor, and has been inducted into the Direct Marketing Association Hall of Fame and the National Women's Hall of Fame. In 1997, she was named one of 50 leading women entrepreneurs by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners. Though she no longer embossed items herself, Vernon was active as the CEO of her company and as its main spokesperson until 2006

1981(22ndof Nisan, 5741): Eighth Day of Pesach marks the close of the celebration for the first time during the Presidency of Ronald Reagan.

1985(5thof Iyar, 5745): Seventy-six year old American screenwriter Albert Maltz a member of the Hollywood Ten who were jailed for their refusal to testify before Congress passed away today. (As reported by C. Gerald Fraser and Jerry Belcher)



1987:At Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York Margaret Howell Hudesman, an interior designer, was married to Gabriel Levinson, an architect with Nadler, Philopena & Associates in Mount Kisco, N.Y. Rabbi Gunter Hirschberg performed the ceremony.

1987(27th of Nisan, 5747): Yom Hashoah,

1987: Israeli radio quoted sources in Prime Minister Shamir's office as saying Mr. Moshe Arens had succeeded in persuading Secretary of State Shultz to give up the idea of an international conference, a report that was promptly denied by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres's office. Foreign Minister Peres favors such a conference.  Shamir opposes it.

1989: NBC broadcast the last episode of “Tattingers” a comedy-drama created by Bruce Paltrow and starring Jerry Stiller and Rob Morrow and with them music composed by Jonathan Tunick.

1990: Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, leader of the right-wing Likud bloc, was chosen to form a new government after Labor Party leader Shimon Peres failed in his attempt to form a coalition.

1990(1stof Iyar, 5750): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1990(1stof Iyar, 5750): Ninety-five year old Irma (Seeman) Goldberg, the widow of Rube Goldberg passed away today.


1991: “Oscar,” a comedy directed by John Landis and with music by Elmer Bernstein was released in the United States today.

1991(12thof Iyar, 5751): Eighty-one year old Henry Lipson who served as Professor of Physics at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology from 1954 to 1977 and then became Professor Emeritus passed away today.

1992(27th of Nisan, 5747): Yom Hashoah

1992: Appearing before 5,000 men, women and children gathered to mourn the Jews killed by the Nazis, Vice President Dan Quayle pledged the commitment of the Bush Administration to the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust and to Israel, which he said "was built upon the ashes of the Holocaust."

1992: “Lou Bernstein: Five Decades of Photographs” an exhibition that includes “images of life the 1940s to the 1960s” came to an end today.


1993(5thof Iyar, 5753): Yom HaAtzma’ut

1994: Seventy-one year old Rostam Bastuni, a journalist and politician who was the first Arab citizen to represent a Zionist Party (Mapam) in the Knesset.

1995(26thof Nisan, 5755): Ninety year old Dutch born cellist Frieda Belinfante a member of the Portuguese -Sephardic Belinfante family that settled in Holland in the 17th century passed away today.


1996: According to a report published in the Bulletin, two days before Passover, the leaders of Shaar Hashomayim in Montreal found out the nature of the upcoming student demonstration that would confront the congregation.

1997: In “Adding a Contemporary Ring to an Ancient Story,” Gustav Neibuhr described a Seder the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism hosted for the Dalai Lama.


1998(30thof Nisan, 5758): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1998(30thof Nisan, 5758): Two days before her 80th birthday, Matilda Meltsner, the daughter of Morris Meltsner, whose older brother Joseph Meltsner had been killed during the battle for Iwo Jima, passed away today in Valley Stream, NY.

1998: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of interest to Jewish readers including Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi Germany by Marion A. Kaplan, Killing the Dream: James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Gerald Posner and Heading South, Looking North: A Bilingual Journey by Ariel Dorfman.


1998: An exhibit styled “An Expressionist in Paris: The Paintings of Chaim Soutine” opened at the Jewish Museum in New York City.

1999: Israel charged Avisahi Raviv, “a former undercover agent and right-wing radical today with failing to prevent the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a Jewish hard-liner.”


2000(21stof Nisan, 5760) Seventh Day of Pesach

2000: In what is a growing trend Fred and Ruth Goldschmidt and “their children and grandchildren have joined a growing number of observant Jews who leave their homes to make the Passover exodus to resort hotels for the holiday,”including the Wyndham Resort and Spa” where Lasko Family Kosher Tours is responsible for the KP getaway.

2001(3rdof Iyar, 5761): Yom HaAtzma’ut

2002: “About a Boy” a comedy directed by Christ Weitz and Paul Weitz who also wrote the screenplay and co-starring Rachel Weisz was released today.

2003: Thirteen people were injured during a bombing at the Kfar Saba train station for which the PFLP and Al-Aqsa claimed joint responsibility.

2003(24thof Nisan, 5763): Seventy-three year old Peter Stone who scripts included everything from lighthearted comedy like Father Goose to the Broadway hit “1776” who won the trifecta – Emmy, Tony and Oscar – passed away today.



2004(5thof Iyar, 5764): Yom HaZikaron

2004: Two Palestinians were killed when suicide bomber coming from Gaza detonated himself “on the way to carry out an attack in Israel.”

2005(17thof Nisan, 5765): Third Day of Pesach

2005(17thof Nisan, 5765): Eighty-six year old Mason Adams who may be best remembered as the voice of Smuckers – “With a name like Smucker’s, it has to be good” – past away tday.



2005: Dr. Raul Hilberg, author of the three-volume, 1,273-page The Destruction of the European Jews regarded as the seminal study of the Nazi Final Solution was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

2005: ‘One of Isaac Lazarus Israëls Donkey riding on the Beach series realized €482,400 at Christie's, Amsterdam.”


2006(28thof Nisan, 5766):  Yuval Ne’eman, founder of Israel’s space program and a key figure in Israel’s nuclear program passed away.

2006: The family of real estate magnate and book lover Sami Rohr created the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature, an annual $100,000 prize for an "emerging writer whose work has demonstrated a fresh vision and evidence of future potential."

2006:  Haaretzreviewed Betabat Hahenek or In a Stranglehold by Uri Ben-Ari. 

2006(28th of Nisan, 5766): Yuval Ne’eman founder of Israel’s space program and a key figure in Israel’s nuclear program passed away.

2006: While delivering the James Fox Memorial Lecture today Robert S. Mueller, III, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation described a terrorist plot which included plans to blow up a synagogue in Los Angeles on Yom Kippur in 2005. When the would-be terrorists were caught, they also had lists of the addresses of the Jewish houses of worship in Los Angeles and the address of the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles

2006: “The Hebrew Manuscripts of the Cairo Genizah” published today.


2007: Harman International Industries announced today that It entered an agreement to be acquired by Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts (KKR) and Goldman Sachs.

2007: Today, the building that had been home to Temple B’nai Abraham while it was located in Elizabeth New Jersey and was designed by the Nathan Meyers was placed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.

2008(21st of Nisan, 5768): Seventh Day of Pesach – Reform Jews recite Yizkor

2008(21st of Nisan, 5768): Yossi Harel, who commanded four ships bringing Jews to Israel illegally, died at the age of 90 in Tel Aviv.Harel assisted 24,000 Jews in reaching Israel aboard four ships, including the famed SS Exodus, between 1945 and 1948. Great Britain, which controlled the region at the time, banned Jewish immigration due to Arab pressure. The other three ships were called Knesset Yisrael (Gathering of Israel), Atzma'ut (Independence) and Kibbutz Galuyot (Ingathering of the Exiles).The Exodus was made famous by a film of the same name. Born in 1919, Harel was the sixth generation in his family born in Jerusalem. At the age of 15 he joined the pre-state Haganah defense force. By the age of 28 he oversaw the clandestine immigration operations bringing Jews, many of them survivors of the Holocaust, to the Holy Land. Later on, Harel oversaw the IDF’s Unit 131, an intelligence unit that ran a spy ring in Egypt until the so-called Lavon Affair of 1954.Harel will be buried at the Caesarea-area kibbutz, Sdot Yam.

2009: Final performance of “The Accomplices” at the Center Stage Theatre in Jerusalem.

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Vincente Minnelli: Hollywood’s Dark Dreamer by Emanuel Levy and the recently released paperback edition of The Mayor’s Tongue a novel written by Nathaniel Rich.

2009: First annual Mitzvah Day in Iowa City sponsored by Agudas Achim

2009: Authorities fear a case of swine flu may have made it to Israel after a 26-year-old Israeli who just returned from a trip to Mexico today checked himself into the hospital reporting flu-like symptoms.

2009: Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids hosts its annual Big Dinner, one of the congregations oldest and most important fund-raisers.

2009(2nd of Iyar, 5769): Eighty-two year old Meir Benayahu, the son of Rabbi Yitzhak Nissim and the brother of Moshe Nissim, whose areas of research including the Sephardi Diaspora, Kabbalah and Sabbataism passed away today.

2009(2nd of Iyar, 5769): Eighty-two year old award winning historian Emanuel Tov whose disitinguished career included cofounding the “Institute for Research on Israeli Communities in the Middle East.”2009(2ndof Iyar, 5769): Eighty­-sixty ear old Salamo Arouch, a Greek-born Jewish boxer who survived the Auschwitz death camp in World War II by winning fight after fight against fellow prisoners, to the delight of Nazi guards who had placed their bets on him, died in Israel today.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/04/world/europe/04arouch.html

2010: “The Wedding Song,” film about a Jewish girl and a Moslem girl, living in war torn Tunisia, is scheduled to be shown at the 2010 NoVA International Jewish Film Festival

2010: “Iron Man 2” a superhero movie directed by Jon Favreau was released today in the United States.

2010:Professor Gil Troy is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled "The 1975 Zionism is Racism Resolution: American Anger and British Appeasement" in Jerusalem sponsored by the Israel Branch of The Jewish Historical Society of England.

2010: The New York Timesfeatured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Get Capone:The Secret Plot That Captured America’s Most Wanted Gangster” by Jonathan Eig and “Ill Fares the Land” by Tony Judt.

2010: The Los Angeles Times included a review of “Three Chords For Beauty’s Sake: The Life of Artie Shaw by Tom Nolan that traces the transformation of Avraham Ben-Yitzhak Arshawsky from the son of immigrant Jews to one of the main players in the world of Swing and the Big Band sound.

2011:“The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust” by Diana B. Henriques, a book that “analyzes Mr. Madoff’s rise and fall” is scheduled to be published today.

2011(22nd of Nisan, 5771): Eighth day of Pesach – Yizkor

2011: The New York Times published a review of “A Book of Recipes Gathered From Holocaust Survivors” by June Feiss Hersh. Recipe books based on the memories of Holocaust survivors might seem to trivialize the horror. But Dr. Ruth Westheimer, one of the survivors featured in “Recipes Remembered: A Celebration of Survival,” said that food represents identity for these people who did not have a real homeland. June Feiss Hersh interviewed more than 100 survivors and their relatives for the book, and recorded their stories, food memories and recipes, which she also tested. When the dish called for ketchup or canned tomato soup, that’s what the recipe included. This lavishly illustrated book is divided by geographic areas, including Greece, where there was a Jewish community on the island of Rhodes. Though the recipes from Polish survivors tend to represent traditional Jewish cooking (kugel, gefilte fish), there are plenty of new ideas to explore, including an Italian Sunday sauce, potato soup made with a browned roux, a cabbage pie wrapped in puff pastry and a feather-light chocolate roll of exquisite simplicity. The personal stories recount amazing coincidences and moments of luck that led to survival, often after internment at Auschwitz. The immigrant experiences in places like Cuba as well as the United States are also described, and indeed influence the food. Ms. Hersh added recipes from 26 chefs and professional cooks, but these are unnecessary and often irrelevant. The rich collection from the survivors needed no help, especially when you even have people like George Lang among the bona fide contributors.

2011: Peter Shumlin appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show via telephone where he discussed health care reform in his state, his belief in health care for all and that "health care is a right, not a privilege".

2012: “Lea and Darija” about the “Croatian Shirley Temple,” Lea Deutsch ,the Jewish star of a Zagreb song-and-dance troupe, and her gentile dancing partner Darija Gasteiger is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival

2012: Defense Minister Ehud Barak, said today that the chances “appear low” that the Iranian government would bow to international pressure and halt its nuclear program.

2012: “In Darkness,” a film set in Nazi occupied Lvov, is scheduled to be shown for the final time as part of the Yom HaShoah commemoration in Iowa City, Iowa..

2012(4thof Iyar, 5772):  Yom Ha’Atzmaut – Israel Independence Day


2013: “Family, ‘Not Willing to Forget,’ Pursues Art It Lost to Nazis” published today described the fight of

3 generations of the Rosenberg family to recover art stolen during WW II.


2013: “No Place Earth” is scheduled to open in several cities across the United States including Beverly

Hills, Philadelphia and Washington, DC

2013: In New Orleans, Touro Synagogue is scheduled to host its 22nd annual Jazz Fest Shabbat

2013: One hundredth anniversary of the start of events that would become known as “The Leo Frank Case,” the worst single outbreak of anti-Semitism in the United States.

2013: Today, Bulgarian investigators staged a re-enactment of the bus bombing that killed five Israeli tourists, the bus driver and the alleged perpetrator at the Burgas airport in July. The Europol-sponsored experiment, aimed to provide more details about the attack, was done at a police compound near the city of Ihtiman, 40 kilometers (25 miles) east of Sofia. Officials said the results confirmed the facts they had previously established. (As reported by AP & Times of Israel)

2013: Lebanese media outlets reported this afternoon that the Israeli Air Force was conducting mock raids over southern parts of the country, one day after an unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down by the IAF off the coast of Haifa

2014: “The Zig Zag Kid” is scheduled to be shown at the JCC Rockland International Film Festival.

2014: Dominican priest Giuseppe Girotti “an opponent of Benito Mussolini and a protector of Jews from the Nazi Holocaust who died at Dachau Concentration Camp which earned him the designation of declared Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem” was beatified today by Cardinal Angelo Amato on behalf of Pope Francis

2014: “Haunted Screen” an exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art that described the role of German Jews in the film industry when the Nazis came to power and the changes that came afterwards came to a close today.

2015: “Watchers of the Sky” a documentary that includes a look at “the forgotten life of Raphael Lemkin, the man who created the world genocide” is scheduled to be shown at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center

2015: Music scholar Walter Frisch and Jewish historian Jonathan Karp are scheduled to discuss the life and legacy of Harold Arlen in a program entitled That Old Jewish Magic? Harold Arlen and American Popular Song presented by American Society for Jewish Music

2015: “Dior and I” and “While We’re Young” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.


2015: “The Republican Jewish Coalition leadership conference is scheduled to come to an end in Las Vegas, Nevada.

2015: 4th Annual ReelAbilities: Greater DC Disabilities Film Festival is scheduled to open today.

2015: Israeli choreographer and his company are scheduled to perform “Dabke” at the JCC Manhattan.

2015: “‘Martyrs Street,’ Misha Shulman’s new play about the Israel-Palestinian conflict that explores the power and seduction of extremism” is scheduled to complete its run “at New York’s off-off-Broadway Theatre for the New City” today. (As reported by Cathryn J. Prince)

2015: The Maccabeats are scheduled to perform at Beth Shalom Congregation in Columbia, MD.

2015: The New York Times featured reviews of books written by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Do-Over: Poems by Kathleen Ossip, Infamy: The Shocking Story of the Japanese American Internment in World War II by Richard Reeves and The Train To Crystal City: FDR’s Secret Prisoner Exchange Program and America’s Only Family Internment Camp During World War II by Jan Jarboe Russell

2016: In the United Kingdom, the Oxford Jewish Chaplains are scheduled to provide “a Kosher for Passover version of their popular Radcam Picnics.

2016: Publication date for Disraeli: The Novel Politician by David Desarani and Barbara Streisand: Redefining Beauty, Femininity and Power by Neal Gabler.

2017: “Bribe Cases, a Jared Kushner Partner and Potential Conflicts” published today described the interaction between the President’s son-in-law and Israel’s Steinmetz family.


2017: In Vienna, Im Kinksy is scheduled to auction Portrait of a Man, a painting by a 17th century Dutch Master that had been part of a collection amassed by Adolphe Schloss which was looted by the Nazis in 1943 and which is heirs are attempting to get back to the rightful owners.

2017: Dr. Norman Cohen is scheduled to lecture on “Abraham’s Journey from Ur to Moriah” at the Streicker Center in NYC.

2017: Rod Rosenstein completed almost twelve years of service as the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland began serving as the 37thUnited States Deputy Attorney General today.

2017: Lynn Downey is scheduled to speak to the Nevada Historical Society about her book Levi Strauss” The Man Who Gave Blue Jeans to the World.

2017: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host the launch of “the third edition of Remember the Women Institute’s Women, Theatre, and the Holocaust Resource Handbook.”

2018: In Atlanta, the Bremen is scheduled to host am evening “Oud Musician and Teacher James Schneider” as he serenades the audience while sharing “the history of the Oud and Iraqi and Middle Eastern music amid tables filled with “delectable Iraqi desserts.”

2018: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present Ruth Wisse speaking “about how her scholarship on the complex relationship between Jews and power in history informs contemporary debates.”

2018: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host “the book talk and launch of Broadway: A History of New York City in Thirteen Miles, and hear from author Fran Leadon about the extraordinary ways in which American Jews contributed to making Broadway the iconic street that it is today.”

2018: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Educational Center is scheduled to host “Meet the Author: Fritz Bauer 1903-1968: The Man Who Found Eichmann and Put Auschwitz on Trial.”

2018: The President withdrew the nomination of Ronny Jackson who had been named to replace David Jonathan Shulkin as the United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the first member of the Jewish member of the Trump administration to speak out against the white supremacists in Charlottesville.


2019: The Arizona Cardinals traded their starting  quarterback Josh Rosen to the Miami Dolphins.

2019: As Jews celebrated the Seventh Day of Pesach, hopefully they will pause and realize that seventy-six years ago today, the fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto were marking the day not with light of candles but with the burning wicks of Molotov Cocktails. (Due to a calendar coincidence, the secular and Jewish calendars of 1943 and 2019 are in perfect sync)

2019(21st of Nissan, 5779): Seventh Day of Pesach; Sixth Day of the Omer

2019: It was reported today that “The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, attacked the Obama administration, former law enforcement officials, the press and his own critics in a fiery last night that he used to defend his handling of the Russia investigation.”

2020: Congregation Mishkan Tefil is scheduled to host the second annual Mussar and Mindful Living Conference, with sessions by Alan Morinis, author of “Everyday Holiness” and founder of The Mussar Institute and Dr. Ronit Zev-Kreger, Momentum, Director of Education and Leadership Development, a virtual event facilitated by Rabbi Marcia Plumb

2020: As part of its Virtual Program Series, the American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host “Soapbox Yoga.”

2020: Health Minister Ya'acov Litzman will reportedly leave his post for a new cabinet position following weeks of criticism of his handling of the coronavirus crisis.”

2020: “Growing Up with Ruth and Marty” scheduled for today has been canceled by the Illinois Holocaust Museum in accordance with the recommendations of Governor Pritzker.

2020(2ndof Iyar, 5780): Based on figures already released Israelis begin the week mourning the loss of 199 of the countryman to the coronavirus.

2020: In Atlanta, “In the House of Cohen” part of the 2020 Molly Blank Concert scheduled for today has been postponed because of concern for “health and well-being” during the Pandemic.

2020: As part of the “remote Concert Series” the Jewish Children’s Regional Service is scheduled to present a concert by violinist Basil Alter.


2021: Dayan Ofer Livnat is scheduled to address some of the dilemmas dayanim are faced with, and in particular how they relate to issues of Jewish identity, conversions and monetary disputes.

2021: Exhibition Launch and Artist Talk with Prof. Dana Arieli and Dr. Rotem Rozental during which attendees are scheduled to meet the artist curator behind “The Zionist Phantom,” a virtual art exhibition.

2021: The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center’s collaboration with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s is scheduled to continue with a celebration of both mainstays of the chamber repertoire and significant works by living composers, with a focus on those championed in OSL’s Music in Color programming initiative.

2021: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to host a conversation with Michael Shnayerson, the author of Bugsy Siegel: The Dark Side of the American Dream.





This Day, April 27, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 27

399 BCE: Socrates drank hemlock as he carried out the death penalty that had been imposed on him by the government. For centuries to come some Jews would study Socrates and other Greeks, in many cases trying to find a harmony between Judaism and Greek philosophy.  Other Jews would view Socrates and the other Greeks as the mortal enemies of Judaism and go so far as to attempt to officially ban the study of their works.

711: Tarik, a Moslem general attacked southern Spain from a place known as Jebel Tarik or Gibraltar. He soon defeated Roderic, last of the Visigoth kings, at the Battle of Xeres. Tarik was helped by both the Jews and the rebel Prince Witiza. After each city was conquered - Cordova, Granada, and Malaga - the Jews were often given positions of safeguarding Moslem interests.

1220(4thof Iyar): Today after having responded “negatively” to “an ultimatum by the provincial council, held at Osney Abbey, charged with applying the Lateran decrees in England, that he must abandon his faith, Haggai of Oxford, formerly Robert of Reading, who had converted to Judaism from Christianity and married a Jewish wife in the Oxford Jewry “was burnt alive at the stake at the entrance to Osney Abbey.” (As reported by the Oxford Chabad Society)

1296: During the First War of Scottish Independence, King Edward I defeated the Scots at the Battle of Dunbar. The first written evidence of their presence dates from the last decade of the 12th century. However, nobody is sure when Jews first arrived in the land of Kilts and Pipes.  King Edward had already issued his edict of expulsion six years before the battle and it is thought that some of the Jews fleeing his realm went north to Scotland.

1495: Birthdate Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire one of the most philo-Semitic rulers in history.  He built the walls around Jerusalem that impress tourists to this day.  He intervened with Pope to protect the Jews of Ancona.  He provided a haven for the Sephardim and Marranos fleeing the Inquisition.  He intervened on behalf of Dona Garcia and her nephew Joseph Nassi, bringing them to his capital from a Venetian captivity.  Nassi became a close advisor to the Sultan.  In 1564, the aging Ottoman leader gave Nassi the city of Tiberias so that Jewish refugees from Europe would have a place to settle. And that is just the tip of the iceberg!

1509: As part of what was really a temporal and not a religious dispute with the Doge, Pope Julius II places the Italian state of Venice under interdict. Fortunately for the Jews of his days, Julius was more concerned about art (he was the one who Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel) and power politics as can be seen with his on-going political and military confrontation with the Doge of Venice, among others. His lack of theology concerns meant that the Jews enjoyed a period of benign Papal neglect.  Furthermore, Julius II employed a Jew named Samuel Sarfatti as his personal physician. Life for the Jews living in Venice at this time was becoming increasingly precarious. Three years before this, several Jews died in violence brought on by a “blood libel” and seven years at this, the Jews would be confined to Ghetto Nuova an island containing a foundry (geto in Italian) which made it the original Ghetto.

1584: Sir Walter Raleigh dispatched an expedition to explore the area of the Atlanta Coast around Roanoke Island that probably included Joachim Gans, which made “Gans the first recorded Jew in Colonial America.”

1607: As the Inquisition took action against “Jorge de Almedia, a Portuguese residing in Mexico, the prosecuting attorney renewed the motion that he be adjudged in contumaciam (in contempt)

1667: The blind and impoverished John Milton sells the copyright of “Paradise Lost” for £10. According to Elliot Rosenberg, “Milton wrote as Puritan in the England of Cromwell’s heritage, and from a Jewish perspective he was a good man.  He respected the Hebrew Bible, read it each morning until his vision failed, and as he aged, turned more and more to the precepts of Mosaic law.  In his more worldly capacity as Cromwell’s’ Latin secretary, he may had had a hand in the negations that led to the return of Jews to England.”

1678: Spanish born Dutch-Jewish printer Joseph b. Abraham Athias “succeeded, through a Jewish agent of the Polish crown in Holland, Simon by name, in gaining still more favorable protection from the Council of the Four Lands at their meeting today in Lublin,

1694: August II, the ruler whom Naphtali Cohen would go to in an attempt “to secure reinstatement in his former rabbinate at Posen” began his reign as Elector of Saxony. His rise to power was facilitated by his “court Jew” and financier Issachar Berend Lehmann. August II was a contemporary of the Besht who was making his public personna known at about the same time as the Polish King passed away.

1701(19thof Nisan, 5461): Moses Germanus passed away.http://books.google.com/books?id=mjxJAFawRasC&pg=PA119&lpg=PA119&dq=moses+germanus&source=bl&ots=wB57jaErpX&sig=pyRV6BwVJGb14_qWHlHyI1DZaY8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=QK6YT_bcB4b28wTervSkBg&sqi=2&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=moses%20germanus&f=false


1727: Empress Catherine I ordered the expulsion of all Jews from the Ukraine.

1737:  Birthdate of English historian Edward Gibbon, author of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.  In an attempt to blame Jews for anti-Semitism at least one writer has claimed that  Gibbon wrote “ that, while Jews were populous in Rome and suspected and resented by the Romans, Nero’s Jewish wife, the beautiful Poppaea Sabina, probably incited him, as a convert to her Judaism, against a relatively obscure sect, the Christians. Nero’s accusation that they had set the fires that ravaged Rome began centuries of Roman persecution of Christians.”  However, in Chapter XV: Progress Of The Christian Religion. -- Part IIof Gibbon’s classic, the historian seems to paint a picture of a Christianity’s efforts to distance itself from “Mosaic” doctrine when convenient and adopting its own version when it felt it would advance its cause.

1773: In an attempt to save the British East India Company whose first and only Jewish director was Joseph Salvador and whose records showed “that Jewish traders controlled virtually the entire World diamond traffic by the end of the 18thcentury,” today Parliament passed the “Tea Act” which gave it a monopoly on the sale of the brown liquid in North America.  

1764: In Amsterdam, Haham Moses Cohen d’Azevedo, the Amsterdam born son  of Daniel David Cohen d'Azevedo and Sara Cohen d'Azevedo and his wife  and Sara de Haham Moses Cohen D'Azevedo gave birth to Benjamin Cohen D’Azevedo

1781: Charleston merchant and Revolutionary War veteran Marks Lazarus and Rachel De Torres gave birth to Rachel Lazarus.

1783: In Rheinpalz, Germany Johanna and Abraham Rubel gave birth to Mayer Rubel the husband of Regina Ehrma and father of Sabina, Reuben, Esther Abraham and Joseph Rubel.

1796: In London, Hanna Montefiore and Judah Moses Ancona gave birth to Sarah Ancona.

1796(19th of Nisan 5556): The Jewish community of Fossano, Italy was miraculously saved from the hands of a murderous mob by a French bomb which landed just in time to scare away the attackers. This day was established as "Purim Fossano" in commemoration of the miraculous salvation.

For the complete story, see Purim Fossano

1798: In the Netherlands, Abraham Benjamin Cohen, the son “of Benjamin Jonas Cohen-Amesfoort and Eva Jacob Cohen” and Eva Gompertz gave birth to Henri Theodor Cohen.

1799(22ndof Nisan, 5559): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1799: As Jews munched on their Matzah for the last time in the 18thcentury, during the “War of the Second Coalition, Austrian and Russian forces under the command of Alexander Suvorov defeated the French army lead by Jean Moreau at the Battle of Cassano d’Adda in Lombardy which is now part of modern day of Italy.

1801: In Warrenton, NC, Norwalk, CT native Rebecca Mears Myers and Philadelphia native Jacob Mordecai who were married in 1798 gave birth to George Washington Mordecai who married Margaret Cameron in 1853.

1802: Birthdate of London native and Amsterdam attorney Samuel Philippus Lipman who converted to Roman Catholicism in 1852.

1803(5thof Iyar, 5563):  London born jeweler’s apprentice Abraham Wagg, the hold of “a seat in the Great Synagogue who because a successful grocer and chocolate manufacturer in New York where he married Rachel Gomez, a member of the wealthy, prominent Sephardi family with whom he had ten children passed away today in the United Kingdom to which he had returned because he was a Loyalist during the American Revolution



1815: In Charleston, SC, David Nunes Carvalho and Judith Henriques Carvalho gave birth to Emanuel Nunes Carvalho.

1819: Isaac Harby’s “third and last play, ‘Alberti’” opened today at Charleston Theater in Charleston, SC.

1820: Birthdate of Herbert Spencer, the English biologist who coined the term “Survival of the Fittest” which he took from the world of biology and applied it to world of human social development.  This concept stands in stark contrast with the Jewish concept of creating a society that calls for us to protect “the widow, the orphan and the stranger in our midst” i.e. the weakest
1821: Sarah Mocatta and David Abarbanel Lindo gave birth to Leah David Lindon.

1821: Today, when the Greek Patriarch Gregory, head of the Greek Orthodox Church had been publicly executed, the Turkish Grand Vizier Benderli Ali Pasha was reportedly to have said to the Jews present, "Here hangs your enemy and ours."

1821(25thof Nisan, 5581): Hungarian historian and poet Solomon Löwisohn passed away today.

1822:  Birthdate of U.S. Grant, “savior of the Union” and President of the United States.  Grant did issue the infamous Order #10.  But at the same time, he had Jewish political allies, was a voluntary contributor to the building for Adas Israel, the famous congregation in Washington, D.C. the dedication of which he attended. A majority of Jews supported Grant’s election as President and this eulogy by Felix Adler adds additional proof to the fact that Grant’s Jewish contemporaries did not view him as an anti-S

1824: At “York Place Queens Elm, Sophia and Nathaniel Levy gave birth to Elizabeth Levy.

1826(20thof Nisan, 5586): Sixth Day of Pesach

1826(20thof Nisan, 5586): Seventy-one year old Austrian rabbi and author Eleazar ben David Fleckeles, author of “Olat Hodesh” passed away today in his hometown of Prague.

1827: This evening in Charleston, SC, Rabbi S.C. Peixotto officiated at the wedding of Rosina Florance, the daughter of Dr. Florance to Dr. Audler of Augusta, GA.

1829: In Bavaria, Zidone Wald and Joseph Hackes gave birth to Yetta Hackes, the wife of Louis Stix whom she married at Cincinnati in 1852 and with whom she had ten children.

1829: In Baden, Germany, Max Oppenheimer and his second wife Sarah gave birth to Zacharias Oppenheimer who was named in honor of Max’s father.

1832: One day after he had passed away “Feivel bar Abraham” was buried today at the “Brady Street Jewish Cemetery.”

1832: Benjamin Disraeli met his future wife “Mary Anne Wyndham Lewis at a soiree at Bulwer Lytton’s house today;” a meeting which he described : 'I was introduced by particular desire to Mrs Wyndham Lewis, a pretty little woman, a flirt and a rattle, indeed gifted with volubility I should think unequalled and of which I can convey no idea. She told me she liked silent, melancholy men. I answered that I had no doubt of it.'

1835: Founding of the 11th Regiment of the New York State Militia which was commanded by Colonel Joachim Maidhof when it went off to fight in the Civil War
1837(22nd of Nisan, 5597): Eighth Day and final day of Pesach observed for the first time in the Presidency of Martin Van Buren.

1838: A huge fire destroyed the synagogue in Charleston, S.C. Moses C. Levy, who had been worshipping there for forty years, rushed to synagogue in an attempt to save the Torah scrolls. According to an eyewitness account, he was overcome by inconsolable grief at the sight of the conflagration.

1842: In Sydney, Australia, “Samuel and Rachel (Nathan) Cohen gave birth to London educated, Australian businessman George Judah Cohen who after inheriting a portion of the fortune of his uncle David Lewis pursued a series of philanthropies while serving as Vice President of Sydney’s Great Synagogue and raised a family with his wife Rebecca Levy.



1843: In Bratislava, David and Karoline Wottitz gave birth to Moritz Wottitz.

1845(20thof Nisan, 5605): Sixth Day of Pesach

1845(20th of Nisan): Rabbi Ezekiel Panet, author of “Mareh Yehezkel” passed away today

1846: Birthdate of Baltimore native Martin Emrich who in 1887 moved to Chicago where he was a successful businessman and Democrat Party activist who was elected to the House of Representatives for one term.



1856(22ndof Nisan, 5616): Eighth Day and final day of Pesach observed on the birth day of the Tongzhi Emperor, “the tenth emperor of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty.

1857:  Establishment of Jewish congregations in Lower Austria prohibited.

1857: It was reported today that Baron Rothschild attended an auction on Rue Druot where he expressed a dismissive view of the items being offered.

1859(23rd of Nisan, 5619): Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, English financier and the first Jewish baronet passed away. “Born in London on Jan. 13, 1778 “he was the son of Asher Goldsmid, and nephew of Benjamin and Abraham Goldsmid, the financiers. Educated at an English school in Finsbury square, he received a sound financial training in the technicalities of his father's business of bullion-broking. At a later period his association with Ricardo made him familiar with the leading questions of political science. He became in due course a partner in the firm of Mocatta & Goldsmid, bullion-brokers to the Bank of England and to the East India Company. His early ventures on the Stock Exchange were unfortunate, and, after losing on one occasion £16,000, he abandoned speculation and contented himself with steady business as a jobber. Goldsmid gradually rose to eminence as a financier, and ultimately amassed a large fortune. His most extensive financial operations were connected with Portugal, Brazil, and Turkey; and for his services in settling an intricate monetary dispute between Portugal and Brazil he was, in 1846, created Baron de Palmeira by the Portuguese government. Goldsmid was one of the founders of the London Docks. The main effort of his life was made in the cause of Jewish emancipation. He was the first English Jew who took up the question, and he enlisted in its advocacy the leading Whig statesmen of the time. Soon after the passing of the Act of 1829, which removed the civil disabilities of the Roman Catholics, he secured the powerful aid of Lord Holland, the Marquis of Lansdowne, the Duke of Sussex, and other eminent members of the Liberal party, and then induced Robert Grant to introduce in the House of Commons a similar measure for the Jews. During more than two years from the time when Jewish emancipation was first debated in Parliament, Goldsmid gave little heed to his ordinary business, devoting himself almost exclusively to the advancement of the cause. He was one of the chief agents in the establishment of University College, London, purchasing at his own risk the site of the university. Goldsmid was a liberal supporter of the Reform synagogue and of all Jewish institutions (As reported by the Jewish Encyclopedia)

1860: In Vilna, Lithuania, Aaron Hourwich, a well-educated bank employee and his wife Rebecca Shevelevich gave birth to Isaac Aaronvich Hourwich the lawyer, economist and statistician who fought for social reform in both the United States in Russia and who was the husband of Louise Joffe.

1862: Birthdate of Rudolph Schildkraut, the son of Constantinople hotel owners who grew up on Romania before moving to Austria where he pursued a career as an actor before moving to United States in the 1920’s.

1864(21stof Nisan, 5624): Seventh Day of Pesach

1864: As Jews munched their Matzahs, Union Armies under Meade and Sherman broke camp and headed South to start General Grant’s national campaign designed to crush the Confederate Armies under General Lee and General Johnston which he knew was the key to ending the Civil War.

1865(1stof Iyar, 5625): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1865: In San Bernardino, CA, Isaac H. Levy and Johanna Gans gave birth to Meyer H. Levy, a member of numerous Jewish communal organizations including the Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum and Home Society, the husband of Rose Anita Harris and the author of “numerous reports and articles pertaining to the Jewish charities of San Francisco.”

1865: The New York State Senate creates Cornell University as the state’s land grant university. According to recent figures, Cornell has 13,800 undergrads, 5000 of whom are a Jewish.  It has 3000 graduate students of whom approximately 500 are Jewish.  The school offers sixteen courses in Jewish Studies.  Students may major or minor in the subject.

1865: “April 27, 1865” by Emma Lazarus


1866: As another sign of how it has changed from a medical facility for indigent Jews to a community hospital, Officer Milcahy sent Herman Deutch to the Jews' Hospital after he had been stabbed with a carpenter’s chisel during a drunken brawl with Rudolph Schriever.

 1866: In New York City, Levi Morris was arrested today on charges that he had attempted to leave the store of David Valentine &Co with three pieces of silk, valued at more than sixty dollars, for which he had not paid.

1866: Fromental Halevy’s grand opera, “Charles VI” was performed for the first time in Batavia, Indonesia.

1867(22ndof Nisan, 5627): Eighth Day of Pesach

1867: At the Crystal Palace in London, first performance of Piano Concerto [No.2] in E flat, Op.89 composed Julius Benedict, the Stuttgart, Germany born “son of a Jewish Banker.


1868: Mlle. Janauschek gave a performance of "Deborah" tonight at the Academy in New York City where "she presented her enthusiastic conception of the ideal Hebrew maiden."

1869: In New York, Jacob Harris and his wife gave birth to composer and conductor Victor Harris, the husband of the former Catherine L. Richardson and the father of Cecilia, Victor, David and Mary Harris.


1870: In Prasnysz, Poland, Amalie Grinberg, the daughter of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer and Henrietta (Gütel) Kalischer  and her husband of Moritz Grünberg gave birth to  Nataly Grünberg

1875: Birthdate of Louisville, KY, native and architect William G. Tachau who as partner in the firm of Pilcher and Tachau designed Mikveh Israel, Gratz College and Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning all of which were located in Philadelphia.



1880: Obituary of Joseph Seligman expressed surprise at his sudden death and recounted his distinguished career.


1880 Birthdate of Russian born Rabbi Leon Album, the University of Chicago and Stanford University alum who was the husband of Amelia Album with whom he raised two children – Selma and Manuel Album, the “dentist who was a pioneer in the care of children and the handicapped.”


1881: Benjamin J and Eliza (Cohn) Goldsmith gave birth to Cornell undergrad and Columbia trained attorney Irving Islington Goldsmith who rose to the rank of 1stLt. while serving with the U.S. Army in WW I and who was a partner in the Saratoga Springs, NY law firm of Schwartz, Slade, Harrington and Goldsmith

1881: A Pogrom began in Elisabethgrad

1881: Yesterday and todays attacks on the Jews of Kiev “were encouraged by the authorities” and “the promoters of the persecution of the Jews” acted with “impunity.” (As described by the Vienna correspondent for the London Telegraph)

1882: “More Room for Patients” published today described the remodeling project at Mount Sinai Hospital.

1882: Samuel Ellis, the husband of Esther Aarons, was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1884: Jesse Seligman, the President of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, gave his report at today’s annual meeting.  According to Seligman, the asylum served 361 boys and that the institution had total assets of almost three hundred thousand dollars.

1885(12thof Iyar, 5645): Seventy-one-year-old English “engineer and politician” Jacob d’Aguilar Samuda, the “younger son of Abraham Samuda” and brother of Jacob Samuda with whom he formed Samuda Brothers and who was both an MP and the husband Louisa Samuda with whom he had one daughter, Ada, passed away today.

1885: In New York, a jury was chosen to hear the case in which Ferdinand Mayer, a Jewish businessman is charged with having committed perjury and is represented by Albert Cardozo.

1886(22nd of Nisan, 5646): 8th day of Pesach

1886: In St. Louis Yetta and Samuel Goldman gave birth to Leo Goldman, the father of Celia, Benjamin, Freda, Helen and Morris Goldman.

1887: Certificates of incorporation for a Talmud Torah in Brooklyn were filed in the County Clerk’s office.

1889: In the Ukraine “Joseph Yussel Handelman and Dobrish (Dora) Handelman”  gave birth to Abraham Handlelman,  the husband of Anna (Boorstein( Handelman with whom he had two children – Lillian and Arnold

1890: “Mr. Delaney’s Little Scheme” published today described efforts by of one of the incumbent Tax Commissioners to thwart the plans of Mayor Nathan Barnett, the city’s first Jewish mayor, to appoint a new person to the position.

1890: Based on testimony given to the sub-committee of the Joint Congressional Committee on Immigration it was reported today of the 25,000 Jewish immigrants who have come to the United States, 17,000 were Russians and Poles.  There are approximately 500,000 Jews living in the United States of whom 130,000 reside in New York City.

1890: In New York City, Israel Bella Epstein Unterberg gave birth to Mabel Unterberg who became Mabel Unterberg Nathan when she married Edgard Joshua Nathan

1890: The Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society held its annual meeting today.

1890: Henry Seligman was re-elected President at today’s annual meeting of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society.  Seligman delivered the society’s 67th annual report which included the information that the Asylum had cared for 559 youngsters in the past year.

1891(19thof Nisan, 5651): Fifty-eight year old Rabbi Joachim Oppenheim, the husband of Helen Pund and the father of Berthold Oppenheim passed away today in Berlin.

1894(21stof Nisan, 5654): Seventh Day of Pesach

1894: A circular describing the dangers of consumption and providing about ways to avoid contracting is being printed in several different languages, including Hebrew, in an attempt to reach New York’s large immigrant population

1896(14thof Iyar, 5656): Pesach Sheni

1896: “A Large Betrothal Reception” published today described the engagement party held for Lucien Bonehur and Ameila Simon.  Bonehour is the President of the Young Ladies and Gentlemen’s League of the Montefiore Home, Vice President of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association and Manager of the Educational Fair.  He is also the nephew of Rosa Bonheur, the famous painter. Miss Simon is the Secretary of the Young Ladies and Gentlemen’s League of the Montefiore Home.

1897: Birthdate of New York native Noel Nathaniel Moscovitch who gained fame as movie actor Noel Madison.

1897: “Jews Barred from Romania” published today described a reported given to the U.S. State Department “that the government of Romania has prohibited the entry of Jews into that country.”

1898: B. Albert Lieberman was commissioned as 2nd Lt. in the 3rdMissouri Infantry.

1899: Eleven months after being mustered into U.S. Service, the 4thVirginia Volunteer Infantry whose members included Corporal William D Kahn from Phoebus, Private Julius T. Lansberg from Norfolk and Captain Bernard W Solomonsky from Norfolk was mustered out of U.S. Service.

1899: Reverend Madison C. Peters, the author of Justice to the Jews, The Wit and Wisdom of the Talmud and The Jew as a Patriot defended himself against the accusations leveled against him by Lionel de R. Cohen of London

1899: In “Dr. Peters Advised to Study” published today Frances Freda praises Lionel de R. Cohen’s negative comments about the views of Reverend Madison Peters

1900 Dr. Maurice H. Harris, the Rabbi at Temple Israel in Harlem released a letter today “to the Jewish press of America” in which he calls attention to the fifty million people starving in India during its latest famine using words that paraphrases Pirke Avot --“The time is short, the work is great, the necessity is urgent; we ae not expect to finsh the work but we are not exempt from doing our share” – and then ends by asking for each person to contribute “two dollars which will save a life until harvest.”

1901: On Shabbat, Rabbi Henry Pereira Mendes delivered a sermon at Shearith Israel in which he described the work of the Alliance Israelite Universelle.

1902: Henry Rice and other officers of the United Hebrew Charities expressed their confidence that members of the Jewish community would raise the $50,000 necessary to match the $50,000 gift from William Guggenheim.  Guggenheim’s contribution is contingent on the UHC raising a similar amount.

1902: The New York Times reports that macaroons, an Italian delicacy, have become quite popular during the Passover holiday with Jews living on the Lower East Side

1903(1st of Iyar, 5663): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1903: Samuel Dort, Grand Master of the Order of Brith Abraham presided over a mass held this evening in the synagogue at 316 East Fourth Street in New York “to protest against the massacre of the Jews in Kishinev Russia last week.”

1904: Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Pinner gave birth to Karl Pinner

1905(22nd of Nisan, 5665): Eighth and final day of Pesach

1905: Birthdate of Aiken, SC native Anna G. Efron

1906: As Russia prepares to live under a new “Fundamental Law” or Constitution, it was reported today that a coalition of Russians, Letts, Estonians and Jews had combined to defeat the German landowners seeking to become electors from the Baltic Provinces proving that politics does indeed make for strange bedfellows.

1907: On the day after the dissolution of Klauber, Horn and Company, Samuel David Klauber formed Klauber Brothers and Company which made no profits in its first six months of operation at which time Kaluber passed away.

1908(26th of Nisan, 5668): Fifty-five year old Jacob Voorsanger, the native of the Netherlands who has been serving as the rabbi at San Francisco’s Congregation Emanu-El since 1889 passed away today.

1908: Freud's early followers met together formally for the first time at the Hotel Bristol, Salzburg

1909: Sultan of Turkey Abdul Hamid II is overthrown and is succeeded by his brother - Mehemed V. Sultan Abdul Hamid II is famous for his refusal to allow Dr. Theodore Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism, to settle Palestine with Jewish colonists.  But this does not mean that he was unsympathetic to his Jewish subjects or that Jews were kept from settling in other parts of Turkey. Abdul Hamid IIwas born in 1842 and died in 1918. During his reign, Turkey was defeated in a war with the Russians.  As a result of the Treaty of Berlin, the Turks lost a substantial amount of their holdings in the Balkans.  This triggered a migration of Turks and Jews into the remaining lands of the Ottoman Empire. Abdul Hamid made plans for an influx 200,000 Jewish immigrants from Russia. Jews played an ever more active role in Turkish affairs.  Several Jewish leaders played prominent roles in the Parliament. Turkish Jews participated in special festivities celebrating the 400th anniversary of their arrival from Spain. After the Alfred Dreyfus case, Herzl made three visits to Turkey (1898, 1901 and 1903) in attempt to see the Sultan.  It was on his third voyage that he was finally granted one through the intervention of the Chief Rabbi, Moshe Levy. The Sultan received him and Herzl tried to obtain a Jewish homeland under the protection of the Sultan under the same statutes as the Island of Crete.

1909(6th of Iyar, 5669): Heinrich Conried, the Austrian born theatrical manager who became director of the Metropolitan Opera passed away today.


1909: It was reported today that “The executors of the estate of the late Louis A. Heinsheimer of the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb Co., 52 William Street, will hold a conference in the near future to discuss whether it is possible to make available the $1,000,000 that Mr. Heinsheimer willed to six Jewish benevolent institutions on the condition that those institutions shall form a confederation.”

1910: “Supreme Court Justice Greenbaum, Jacob H. Schiff, the banker; Cyrus L. Sulzberger, President of the United Hebrew Charities; Dr. L. Rosenberg, Superintendent of the Bedford Sanitarium, and Dr. Maurice Fishberg united tonight at the Educational Alliance in East Broadway in urging the people of the lower east side to move out of that section if they wished to escape the menace of tuberculosis.:

1911: Today, The Jewish Chronicle stated that it is rumored that Sir Mathew Nathan, the former Governor of Natal will become the next “British Resident in Egypt” which would make him the first Jew since Joseph to “have taken the most prominent place in the government of Egypt.”

1912(10th of Iyar, 5672): Parashat Kedoshim

1912: Dr. Judah Magnes presided over the third annual convention of the Kehillah or Jewish Community which opened tonight with “Jacob Schiff offering memorial resolution for the Jews who had lost their lives on the Titanic including, Benjamin Guggenheim, Henry B. Harris, Edgar J. Mayer, George Rosenchein, Benjamin L Foreman and Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Strauss” after which “the whole gathering a rose in silence as the resolution was put to a vote.”

1913(20th of Nisan, 5673): Sixth of Pesach        

1913: At 3:00 a.m. the police received a call from the factory's night watchman, Newt Lee, reporting the discovery of a dead girl who was in fact Mary Phagan

1913: In Chicago, at Sinai Temple Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch will oversee Pesach and Confirmation Services which will be led by the students.

1913: In Manhattan, Marcus and Celia Adler, two Jewish immigrants from Poland, gave birth to “Irving Adler, a former New York City teacher who became a prolific writer of books on math and science for young people after being forced from the classroom during the Red Scare of the early 1950s…” (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1913: Dr. Samuel Schulman delivered his last lecture for the season today at the Temple Beth-El in New York. It was on the “Song of Songs.” He talked combined the themes of Passover and the ideal woman as presented in this book of the Bible.  “The love of nature, the love of woman, the love country and the love of god – that is what the book, the Songs of songs teach us.  That is every Passover the book Song of Songs is read.”

1913: Rabbi Joseph Stolz is scheduled to deliver a sermon “An Old Love Song” at the Isaiah Temple in Chicago.

1914: During the second day of the Fifth Assembly of the Eastern Council of Reformed Rabbis a luncheon was given in honor of Adolph Lewisohn, the founder of the Lewisohn Lectureship.

1914(1stof Iyar, 5674): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1914(1stof Iyar, 5674): Fifty-six year old James Doppelmayer, the Marshall, TX born son of Meyer and Rosalie Doppelmayer, the husband of Bella Davis Doppelmayer and the father of Marguerite, Walter and Rose Marie Doppelmayer who worked in the family dry goods store with his brother Moses passed away today in Marshall where his father Meyer and his Uncle Daniel and his Uncle Isaac Woolf had arrived in the 1850’s which later led to his cousin Joe Weisman settling there, passed away today.

1915: During the Gallipoli Campaign, the 300 men serving under Colonel John H .Patterson in the Zion Mule Corps landed off the Dundernoon.  Despite having had only three weeks of training, the Mule Corps served with distinction.

1915: Birthdate of Abraham Judah Klausner the native of Memphis, TN who was one of five children of Rabbi Joseph Klausner and Tillie Binstalk Klausner. After graduating from Hebrew Union College in 1941 he served as “a Jewish chaplain in the United States Army who arrived at the Dachau concentration camp a few days after its liberation in 1945 and a strong voice for thousands of Holocaust survivors who remained in displaced persons camps for years after the war…(As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1916: One day after he had passed away, 68 year old Israel Miller, the husband of the former Liba Nachama, with whom he had had five children was buried at the “Belfast Jewish Cemetery” in Northern Ireland.

1916: “Joseph Barondess, Chairman of the Jewish Congress Organization Committee sent word to the newspapers tonight that news had been received by the committee that a massacre of Jews had been arranged by reactionaries in Russia, to begin with the Easter holiday, which under the Greek calendar will be in about two weeks.”

1916: In an example of Jews versus Jews, the efforts of the Mayor of New “to avert a lockout of more than 60,000 workers in the cloak and suit industry by offering their services as mediator came to naught” tonight “when the Executive committee of the Cloak and Suit Manufacturers’ Protective Association decided the that they close shop immediately” in what is called a lockout” and “fight the union.” (A number of the clothing manufacturers were Jewish and a large number of the workers in the garment industry were also Jewish.)

1916: As a threat of a work stoppage in New York’s garment industry seem to become a reality, Dr. Felix Adler, a member of the Council Conciliation could not be reached.

1916: “Benjamin Schlesinger, President of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union said that if the manufacturers carried out their threat of a lockout the entire (garment) industry would be tied up next week.”

1917: U.S. Ambassador Francis sent a cable today from Petrograd to the United States Department in response to a message “sent by Louis Marshall, Henry Morgenthau, Jacob H. Schiff, Oscar Straus and Julius Rosenwald of the American Jewish Committee to the Russian Foreign Minister” which said that “the Russian Provisional Government is very appreciative of the sympathy of American Jews,” realizes the threat posed by German militarism and will not make a separate peace with Germany.

1917: “A.B. Leah & Co., investment bankers, who had made a specialty of Russian securities received today from A. Oppenheim, their Petrograd representative, a cable message which said that conditions in Russia were ‘very satisfactory’ and announcing that the new Government loan was a ‘complete success’ with Jews participating largely in the purchase of the bonds.”

1917: “It was announced today that a Poale-Zion ‘tag day’ would be held in May to raise funds for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

1917: Dr. M.H. Harris is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Our Duty to America” at Tempe Israel of Harlem.

1917: Adolph Lewisohn who has previously not been a supporter of the Zionist movement “authoritzed the Provision Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs to issue a statement tonight beginning “I think favorably of the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine and hope that the League to Enforce Peace will include the Jewish nation among those small nationalities which ought to be liberated and protected.”

1917: Albert Lucas, the Executive Secretary of the Joint Distribution Committee, was quoted today as having said that “in Constantinople there a 60,000 destitute Jews” of whom thanks to “the efforts of the American Jewry” 20,000 “are enabled to get one meal – only a bowl of soup of some kind – every other day.”

1918: A cable was received today by the Provisional Zionist Committee of New York City describing “the reception accorded to the Jewish Administrative Commission when it arrived at Jerusalem where it was greeted by several dignitaries including the Orthodox rabbis representing the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews and the Colonel Storrs, the British Military Governor.

1919: Else Lasker-Schüler’s her first and most important play, Die Wupper, was performed for the first time at the Deutsche Theatre in Berlin.

1920: In Vienna, violence aimed at Jews continued with German students attacking Jewish students with swords and canes and a riot broke out when Monarchist students barred Jews, socialists and several eminent professors from entering.

1921(19thof Nisan, 5681): Fifth Day of Pesach

1921: As part of the peace settlement ending World War I, Germany is ordered to pay 132 billion gold marks in reparations.  The economic dislocations that would be caused by these reparation payments are given as one of the underlying causes for the disintegration of the inter-war German economy and society and the rise of Hitler.

1921: In Chicago, Robert Tandler Mack, the son of Rebecca and William Jacob Mack and Jeanette Mack gave birth Robert Tandler Mack, Jr, the author of Raising the World’s Standard of Living who was the husband of Doris Mack and the father of Robert Tandler Mack III


1921: In the Bronx, Alfred C. Nietzel and Ruth Laence gave birth Alfred B. Nietzel who was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor during the Battle of the Hurtgen Forest in November, 1944.  The citation for the award read in part “"That afternoon, Sergeant Nietzel fought tenaciously to repel a vicious enemy attack against his unit. Sergeant Nietzel employed accurate, intense fire from his machine gun and successfully slowed the hostile advance. However, the overwhelming enemy force continued to press forward. Realizing he desperately needed reinforcements, Sergeant Nietzel ordered the three remaining members of his squad to return to the company command post and secure aid. He immediately turned his attention to covering their movement with his fire. After expending all his machine gun ammunition, Sergeant Nietzel began firing his rifle into the attacking ranks until he was killed by the explosion of an enemy grenade.”

1922(29thof Nisan, 5682): Seventy-four year old Russian born “Jewish scholar” and Rabbi Simon Zaretsky, the founder of “Congregation Anshe Oshmane and the husband of Dora Zaretsky with whom he had five children passed away today.

1922: Birthdate of Warren, Ohio Sol Berkowitz, the Queens College and Columbia trained composer and music educator who “was a professor at the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College.”1922: Birthdate of Manfred Gans. When he was 16 when his parents sent him to England, fearing for his life as a Jew in Nazi Germany, and when war broke out he clamored to join the British armed forces. Finally he was accepted, his fluency in German earning him a spot with a secret commando unit.”  As a Captain in the British Army, he helped free his hometown, the ancient walled city of Borken His house, on the outskirts of town, had been used as a Nazi headquarters; the wine cellar was a torture chamber. His parents, Moritz and Else Fraenkel Gans, had been taken away. Eventually Ganz was able to trace them Theresienstadt where they were re-united.

1922:  Birthdate of Jack Klugman.  Born in Philadelphia, Klugman had a very successful career on the stage, film and television.  Like all good Jewish boys, he was a doctor - in this case Quincy, the Medical Examiner.  Many of you remember him as Oscar Madison in the Odd Couple.  The oddest thing about this television version The Odd Couple is that Tony Randall (born Leonard Rosenberg) was Jewish giving a whole new dimension to the term popularized by the Jewish playwright Neil Simon.

1927: Austrian born American composer Maximilian Raoul "Max" Steiner married Audree van Lieu today.

1928: In the Bronx, “Meier Weintraub, who owned a toy and baby-carriage business, and the former Anna Bogatz” gave birth to Fred Robert Tucker, the Bar Mitzvah student of Metropolitan Opera star Richard Tucker, the driving force behind the Bitter End, a cultural force that reached far beyond Greenwich Village.


1931: “The Budapest Rabbinate has proclaimed” today a “fast day in commemoration “ of the shooting earlier this month at the Great Synagogue in the Tabek Gasse during Emil Zatloka shot four Jews -- Tauglich, Ignatz Pinter, Leo Kera, and Eugen Roth (As reported by JTA)


1931: It was reported today that the speakers at the testimonial dinner for Herbert D. Perlman included Solomon Schelinsky, Leon Sanders, Mrs. David de Sola Pool, Max Silverstein, Samuel Koenig, Albert Ottinger and Magistrate Adolph Stern.

1931: Birthdate of refusenik and Israeli economist Ida Nuel.

1932: The New Republic published “The Supreme Court and a Balanced Budget” by Felix Frankfurter.


1932(21stof Nisan, 5692): Seventh Day of Pesach

1932(21stof Nisan, 5692): Forty-two year old Sutter, CA native Otto Oscar Dannenberg, “the youngest child of Charles and Mary Amanda Dannenberg and husband Iceophine Elsie Zimmerman passed away today after which he was buried in Dixon, CA.

1933: The American Jewish Congress and other organizations continued preparations for a march to be held on May 10 in New York to protest Germany’s treatment of her Jewish population. At the same, the American Jewish Committee and its allies issued a statement opposing the upcoming event as “futile.”  “They serve only as an ineffectual channel for the release of emotion.”

1933:  The German government prohibited the practice of ritual Jewish slaughter of animals for meat.

1933: Denouncing the persecutions and discriminations practiced against Jews in Germany by the Hitler government, the American Jewish committee, acting in conjunction with the B'nai B'rith, Jewish fraternal organization, issued a statement today disapproving boycotts, parades and mass meetings as measures for bringing relief to the sufferers.

1933: Otto Blumenthal, a German mathematician who converted to Christianity as young student, “was arrested and detained. He had been denounced as a communist by the Aachen Student Association, certainly a false accusation, and after two weeks he was released but he was suspended from his teaching duties at the university. The official reasons were not racial, but rather cited his involvement with the German League for Human Rights and the Society of Friends of the New Russia.”  In other words he was not arrested because under German racial laws, he was a Jew because his parents were Jews.  

1934: Premiere of “Liliom,” a “French fantasy film” directed by Fritz Lang whose Jewish converted to Catholicism with music by Franz Waxman.

1934:  George Gershwin and George S. Kaufman are among those sponsoring t “The Film and Photo League” motion picture costume ball scheduled to take place this evening which also include a photo exhibit of the works of Ralph Steiner.

1935: In Brooklyn, Dorothy Alter, a housewife and her husband Morris, the owner of “lamp repair shop” gave birth to Lean Rose Napolin the Alfred University graduate who gained fame as the playwright who created the Broadway hit “Yentl.” (As reported by Neil Genzlinger)


1935: In Syria, Beirut banker Jacob Sifra who founded Banco Safra in São Paulo and his wife gave birth Moise Y. Safra who followed in his father’s Brazilian Banking footsteps.


1936: It was reported that Rabbi Stephen S. Wise told a meeting of 1,500 at the Hotel Astor that an additional $150,000 was being raised in addition to the $3,500,000 already being raised by the United Palestine Appeal Campaign in response to the recent outbreak of violence in Palestine.

1936: In Berlin, “the Official Gazette announced today that two scholarships of the Felix Mendelsohnn-Bartholdi Foundation would be awarded in October this year to talented and diligent music students” who can present data proving that they are not Jews” which based on Nazi race laws Mendelssohn was and his music has been officially banned for that reason.

1937: “Officials of B’nai B’rith said today they had been given to understand that Secretary of State Cordell Hull, in a letter to be sent soon to Alfred M. Cohen of Cincinnati, the president of the organization, would set forth his views concerning the recent dissolution of B’nai B’rith in Germany.

1938:  The Palestine Post reported from Warsaw that the Polish Vice-Prime Minister, Professor Kwiatkowski, declared that his Government intends to pursue a vigorous policy of Polonization of cities and trade and will further the emigration of all non-Polish elements. This statement was seen as a call for a further intensification of the economic boycott and a direct threat to the existence of the three-and-a half million strong Jewish Polish community.


1938: Lev Landau, the head of the Theoretical Division at the Institute for Physical Problems, was arrested by the NKVD and sent to Lubyanka prison for comparing “the Stalinist dictatorship to Hitler.”

1939: There is hope in Hungary that both house of parliament will pass the “compromised Jewish bill” “which provides that all persons whose ancestors live in Hungary prior to 1848 and who were them sleves baptized for August 1, 1919 shall be recognized as non-Jews apart from certain disqualifications to which are also subject.” (Editor’s note – in the end the tap-dance would not matter to the mass of Jews sent to Auschwitz in 1944.)

1939: Today, “American authorities are investigating the case of Leib Schenker a Galician born Jew and American citizen now imprisoned at Reichenberg having been charged with complicity in plot to kill Hiterl

1940:  British Foreign Office official H. F. Downie argued that the Jews are "enemies just as the Germans are, but in a more insidious way," and that "our two sets of enemies [Nazis and Jews] are linked together by secret and evil bonds."

1940:  Himmler ordered the establishment of Auschwitz Concentration Camp


1941: In “Franz Boas and the Aims of the Science of Man,” published today Ernest Harms provides a detailed review of Race, Language and Culture by Franz Boas.


1941:  German troops occupied Athens Greece.  This would be the opening act in a tragic drama that would lead to the demise of the very old, Greek Jewish Community, including the Jews of Salonika.

1942:  Jews living in Belgium were forced to wear stars.

1942:  Jews throughout Greater Germany were prohibited from taking public transport.

1942:  One thousand Jews were deported from the Theresienstadt Ghetto to Izbica Lubelska, Poland; only one person survived - a woman who escaped after arrival. Other Theresienstadt deportees were sent to their deaths at the Sobibór and Belzec extermination camps.

1942(10thof Iyar, 5702): Eleven year old Ruth Bachrachova was murdered today at Isbica.

1942(10th of Iyar, 5702): The Nazis executed 60 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. Among the victims were people suspected of being involved with the ghetto's underground newspaper.

1942: The deportations continued as a thousand Jews were sent from so called show case ghetto of Theresienstadt to Izbica. Eventually these unfortunate souls would up Sobibor or Belzec.

1942: After three days, the liquidation of the Wloclawek Ghetto was completed when the remaining Jews were sent to Chelmno.

1943(22nd of Nisan, 5703): Cantor Gershon Yitzchak Sirota “was murdered with his entire family during the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto on the last day of Passover.” Gershon Sirota was born in Podolia Guberne in 1874. When just a young child, he was already helping his father, a noted cantor, to conduct services in the local synagogue. Soon his parents moved to Odessa and Gershon's wonderful voice began to become well known. Yakovkin, cantor Yankel Seroka's choir director at the Shalashner Shul immediately offered the young Sirota a position in his choir. Shortly afterwards, Sirota was introduced to Baron Kalbos, the director of a Music Conservatory, and admitted on a scholarship. Gershon quickly made great strides in his musical education and, as a result, was assigned larger solos in Yakovkin's choir. One Shabbat morning Sirota was asked to sing in the Shalashner Shul. After his magnificent performance he was appointed Assistant Cantor, with the salary of 100 rubels a month. It was not long before Yankel Seroka came complaining to Gershon's father that his young son ws trying to take away his position. Sirota resigned and accepted the Cantorial post at the Prikashtchikes Shul in Odessa.

In 1896 Sirota became Cantor of the famous Vilna Shtat Synagogue, where he remained for nine years. There is choir directors were Yitzchak Schlossberg, Nathan Abramson and later Leo Loew. When Leo Loew became choir director, he arranged for a special concert, in which Cantor Sirota sang with the accompaniment of a large, newly founded choir. This concert was a tremendous success and the newspapers wrote enthusiastic reviews. He and Leo Loew began to receive invitations from Bialystok, Grodno, Minsk and other Russian cities to make new concerts. Sirota's appearances were so well received and praised that Svatopolk-Mirsky, the Russian Gubernator General decided to visit the Vilna Shtat Synagogue to hear Sirota. A few days later, the General sent a letter to the Czar's wife, Maria Feodorovna, highly praising the young cantor's talent. She requested that he perform at a concert sponsored for the benefit for the Vilna Institution for the Blind. Shortly arfterwards, Gershon Sirota was called to St. Petersburg to give a series of concerts before Czar Nicholas II. He was then asked to give yearly concerts in St. Petersburg, and Moscow by Imperial Command. The publicity of Sirota's name soon came to the attention of the major recording companies in Europe. In 1903, twelve records of Sirota's liturgical selections were released. This event achieved for him the great honor of being the first Cantor to record his voice of phonograph records. His recordings were distributed throughout Europe and later appeared in America. The medium of these records soon made Sirota's name world famous, even though he had not yet appeared in many of the countries which his records had already reached. Meanwhile, in Warsaw, the directors of the Tlomackie Synagogue were looking for a new Cantor. Gretzhandler, who had held the Cantorial post, was now old and the Synagogue needed a fitting successor to take his place. They offered Sirota the position because of his great popularity and Cantorial ability. He was thirty-one years old when he accepted the position, which he held for nineteen years. In February 1912, Cantor Sirota made the first of what was to be many concert tours of America. He appeared at Carnegie Hall, The Hippodrome, and the Academy of Music in New York before making tours to the other large cities.

During 1913 he returned again on another concert tour, appearing at Kessler's Theatre, The New Star Casino, The Palace Garden, and Carnegie Hall.  His third American visit in 1921 began with an appearance at the Metropolitan Opera House, accompanied by Meyer Machtenberg's hundred voice choir. Arturo Toscanini and the famous Opera Star Joseph Schwartz were among the prominent celebrities who attended the concert. He then conducted services in many famous Synagogues, singing for the High Holy Days at the Kalvariah Shul in Harlem. During the seasons of 1924, 1925, and 1927, he also officiated in New York for the Yamim Noraim. When he returned to Europe (after conducting services at the Bronx Winter Garden for the Benefit of the Beit HaMidrash HaGadol of Harlem in 1927), the Tlomackie Synagogue had already chosen a Cantor to replace him. They took this action, because they were very disturbed about his constantly leaving them to daven elsewhere in America for the High Holy Days.In 1935, Sirota became Cantor of the Norzick Shul. That year, a concert was held in his honor at the Warsaw Coliseum and he also made a trip to Israel. There he conducted services for the High Holy Days at Magrabi Theatre.His last trip to America was made in 1938, when he davened for the Yamim Noraim in Chicago and during Succot in Milwaukee. He then returned to Europe, after receiving a telegram that his wife was critically ill in Warsaw. With the outbreak of the war, Sirota was imprisoned in the Warsaw Ghetto with his family and the other Jews of the city. He conducted High Holy Day Services in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1941

1943: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising continued into its third week.  This is amazing when you consider that France with a modern Army surrendered to the Nazis after six weeks. By now thousands of Jews were being rounded up and marched away. But the Jews continued their counter attacks from rooftops above, doorways and windows. Jewish women and children huddled in buildings, staying with their armed protectors fleeing only when those structures were set on fire by the advancing Nazis.

1943: Eminent American poet Ezra Pound continued his anti-Semitic broadcasts from Italy. He called the Jews "rats,""bedbugs,""vermin,""worms,""bacilli," and "parasites" who constitute an overwhelming "power of putrefaction."

1943: During WW II, G.I. (and future New York Mayor) Ed Koch wrote “I’m tired but not dismayed. The chow (chili con carne) was terrible but I scraped the plate. It will be a long time before I’ll get used to the open latrine. The fellows in the bunk are pretty good. Mother acted fine in the station. I think that I’ll get along fine. . . . The beer stinks, it leaves a taste in my mouth.

1943: "The United States Vice Counsel in Casablanca reported that 'it seems indubitable that there is a systematic persecution of the Jews by the Pasha of Beni-Mella.'  Jews had been expelled from their homes and shops for up to a week and 'arbitrary economic measures had been directed against them, including a ban on any Jewish trade in vegetables or poultry.  There had also been random arrests and beatings...David Cohen, who half-blind, was sentenced to six weeks in prison for not saluting a Muslim official." [For more on this see Gilbert's "In Ishmael's House" and Statloff's "Among the Righteous"]

1944: Psychoanalyst Helene Deutsch published the first of two volumes of The Psychology of Women. http://jwa.org/thisweek/apr/27/1944/helene-deutsch

1945:  Mussolini and his mistress were caught while trying to escape outside of Lake Como. They were executed and their bodies were brought to Milan where the next day they were hung up by their heels from lampposts, then cut down, and mutilated.  When Hitler heard of this, supposedly, he made his decision to take his own life and have his body burned.  He was afraid of being captured by the Russians and/or having his corpse savaged by those upon whom he had unleashed so much misery.

1945: The British Parliamentary Delegation organized at the request of Churchill in order that they would have firsthand, visual proof German atrocities reached Buchenwald where they saw a “half-naked skeleton tottering painfully along the passage as though on stilts” who “drew himself …smiled and saluted” as the delegates approached.

1945: An original typescript of the Nuremberg Laws signed by Hitler was found today by the 203rd Detachment of the U.S. Army's Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC), commanded by Martin Dannenberg, in Eichstätt, Bavaria.

1945: 2nd Lt. William Robertson (U.S. Army) and Lt. Alexander Silvashko (Red Army) pose for a formal picture signifying the final link up of the two armies at the Elbe River.


1946(26thof Nisan, 5706): Parashat Achrei Mot

1946(26thof Nisan, 5706): Fifty-nine year old Russian born, NYU graduate Boris Fingerhood, “one of the founders of Israel Zion Hospital” who had married Mrs. Sylvia Golden after his first wife Nadezhda Finerghood had passed away died today at his home.


1946: In separate speeches the Premier of Iraq and Ahmed bey Shukairy head of the Arab Office in Palestine threatened unspecified action that “will not be word” should the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry recommend the admission of any additional Jewish immigrants to Palestine. The Iraqi premier promised action, not just on the part of his country, but on the part of the Arab League as well.

1946: After 657 performances the curtain came down on the original Broadway production of “Bloomer Girl,” a musical with lyrics by E.Y. Harburg and a score by Harold Arlen

1946: U.S. premiere of “The Glass Alibi” directed and produced by W. Lee Wilder.

1947: “Representatives of member states of the Arab League met for four hours” tonight “to pan strategy to force inclusion of their demands for the immediate independence of Palestine on the agenda of the special session of the United Nations General Assembly.”

1948(18thof Nisan, 5708): Fourth Day of Pesach

1948: During the Israeli War for Independence, the British landed a tank battalion and an artillery regiment at Jaffa.  Ernest Bevin, the British Foreign Minister, informed the British commanders that they must prevent the capture of Jaffa by the Jews ‘at all costs’.”  The British artillery shelled Haganah units and British aircraft attacked Jewish settlements in the area.  This is an example of the “even handed” policy pursued by the British during this perio

1948:  The Arab Legion crossed the Jordan River on the “road bridge” near the town of Gesher, a Jewish settlement.  The Arab Legion was the name given to the army of what is now the Kingdom of Jordan.  It was trained, equipped and officered by the British.  It was the most effective fighting force in the Middle East.  The Jordanians crossed the river with intention of seizing a police fort and the town of Gesher.  The Jewish settlers were told evacuate within an hour and to turn the fort over to the Arab Legion.  The Jews refused to leave and the Legion attacked.  So confident were they of success that the heir to the Jordanian throne had come to watch what was sure to be a victorious battle.  However, when the smoke cleared, the Jews had held on and the Legion retreated back from whence they had come.

1949: :Dr. Isaac Halevi Herzog, Israel's chief rabbi, arriving this afternoon at the New York International Airport, Idlewild, Queens, said that unless Israel's housing situation was remedied immediately "a condition may arise that may cause us to consider a curtailment of immigration."

1949: “United States Major General John H. Hilldring” who had sympathized with Jewish statehood project” and who had helped stimulate the United States delegation to secure the needed two-thirds majority vote in the General Assembly favoring partition, arrived at Haifa today “aboard an Israeli ship that had sailed from Marseille” for what he described as a private visit.

1950: The modern state of Israel was officially recognized by the British government.

1950: Britain recognized the annexation by King Abdullah of Jordan of all land west of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea seized by his troops during the fighting that followed the partition vote of November, 1947.

1952:  The Jerusalem Post reported that Jerusalem suffered a severe shortage of water because the Jerusalem Electric Corporation had withdrawn power from the water pumping stations until the municipality settles a debt of IL60,000.

1952:  The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel expressed regret at the resignation of General William D. Riley, as the Chief of Staff of the U.N. Truce Supervisory Organization. A further deterioration of the border situation was expected, as the appointment of General Riley's expected successor, General de Ridder, known for his one-sided decisions, was completely unacceptable.

1953: Maud Gonne, the Irish born actress and revolutionary who was on “good terms with Marcel Habert” a known French anti-Semite, passed away today.


1954(24th of Nisan): Underground fighter and Yiddish poet Shmerke Katcherginsky died in a plane crash today

1955(5thof Iyar, 5715): Yom HaAtzma’ut

1956: U.S. premiere of “Godzilla, King of the Monsters!” produced by Joseph Levine.

1958: During an interview with Mike Wallach. Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr discussed several topics including anti-Semitism.


1960(30thof Nisan, 5720): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1960(30thof Nisan, 5720): Sixty-seven year old Boston born Abraham Benjamin Cohen, the President of the United States Shoe Corporation and Jewish leader who was “a member of the board of governors of HUC and the board of trustees of the Jewish Hospital” known as A.B. Cohen, the husband of Dolly Lurie Cohen and the father of Ralph I. Cohen passed away today.

1962: Connie Francis recorded “Button and Bows” a popular song created by the Jewish team of Jay Livingston and Ray Evans.

1962: “Chips With Everything” by Sir Arnold Wesker opened “in the West End at the Royal Court Theatre” today.

1963: Rabbis used the upcoming 15th anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel as a theme for their sermons. At New York’s Temple Emanu-El, Rabbi Julius Mark said that “for a small nation to have achieved and maintained its independence for a decade and a half in these turbulent times is in itself no mean accomplishment…Of one thing we may be certain, Israel is here to stay.  While her constant plea is for peace, she will not shrink from war – may God forefend it – if her sovereignty is threatened.  Her citizens are determined not to be exterminated as were their fellow Jews in Hitler’s hell holes.  If Israel goes down, she will go down fighting.” At Congregation Tifereth Israel, Rabbi Kurt Klappholz said that “The successful experiment of the state of Israel will, in the words of Isaiah, be a ‘light unto the nations.’” He went on to praise Israel for her willingness “to share her scientific and technical edge as her educational know-how with the new emerging republics of the African continents.” 

1963: Ambassador Katriel Katz, Consul General of Israel, spoke at Congregation B’nai Jershurun where he paid tribute to the late Izkhak Ben-Zvi, Israel’s second President and reviewed the accomplishments of the state of Israel over the past fifteen ye

1964: German born Jacob (Yaakov) Birnbaum whose family had escaped the Holocaust convened a meeting today at Columbia University that planned what would become the first public demonstration demanding freedom for the Jews of the Soviet Union.


1965:  Famed Broadcast Journalist Edward R Murrow passed away at the age of 57 after fighting a losing battle with lung cancer. Murrow gained fame for his coverage of World War II.  One of his most famous broadcasts came on April 15, 1945 when he described the Liberation of Buchenwald to the American listening public. Murrow was a staunch supporter of Israel.  When Teddy Kollek visited him in 1964, Murrow told him that once he had licked cancer he wanted to be the United States Ambassador to Israel.

1966: After having served as head of the Air Department in the General Staff since 1961, Mordechai "Mottie" Hod became Commander of the IAF.  Hod led the Israeli Air Force through its most brilliant moment, the strikes that opened the Six Day. Hod served as the air commander until 1973, leaving office six months before the Yom Kippur War.

1967(17thof Nisan, 5727): Third Day of Pesach

1967: The 20th Cannes Film Festival where “Three Days and a Child” was nominated for Best Film opened today.

1967: Birthdate of Rhehovot, Israel Yitzhak Avni, the “actor entertainer and television” known as Aki Avni whom American audiences saw in “Free Zone” starring Natalie Portman.

1968(29thof Nisan, 5728): Parashat Shimini

1968: Birthdate of Todd Thalblum who would become the Rabbi of Temple Judah in 2010.

1969: Three days after he had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held at Roth Memorial Chapel this afternoon for seventy-seven year old Yonkers NY, native and Dickinson College trained attorney, Joseph Altman a powerful figure in New Jersey politics which led to his serving six terms as the Mayor of Atlantic City while raising his son Michael with his wife Lillian.

1973: An Italian clerk was killed when Palestinian terrorists attacked the El Al office in Rome.

1973: A terrorist plot was foiled today when 3 Arabs carrying explosive were arrested before they could board a plane bounced for Nice, France. (As reported by Jewish Virtual Library)

1976(27thof Nisan, 5736): Yom HaShoah

1976: “So Long, 174th Street,” “a musical with a book by Joseph Stein and lyrics and music by Stan Daniels” opened on Broadway today at the Harkness Theatre.

1976: Sophie Masloff began serviing as a member of the Pittsburgh City Council

1978:  The Jerusalem Post reported that two German volunteers were killed when Arab terrorists threw a bomb into a tourist bus parked in the center of Nablus.

1978:  The Jerusalem Post reported that in Washington, the Israeli Foreign Minister, Moshe Dayan, and the U.S. Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance, were reported to be unable to reach an agreement in their quest for peace in the Middle East, and awaited the arrival of the Prime Minister, Menachem Begin.

1979:Soviet dissidents and Jewish activists, including Mark Dymshitz and Edward Kuznetsov who were exchanged by America for two Soviet spies, arrived in New York City today.

1980: One hundred thousand “people attended the ninth annual Solidarity Day rally of the Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry.”

1980: This afternoon Rabbi Charles Lippman of Temple Beth Am in Pearl River, NY officiated at the wedding of “Marcia Robinson Lowry, director of the children’s rights project of the ACLU and Frederic Adams Mosher, a program officer at the Carnegie Corporation” which was held at the home of the birde’s aunt and uncle, “Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Finkelstein of Manhattan.”

1981: Actress Barbara Bach (born Barbara Goldbach) married Ringo Starr

1981: “The Floating Light Bulb” written by Woody Allen and directed by Ulu Grosbard and starring Beatrice Arthur as “Enid” “opened at the Vivian Beaumont Theatre in Lincoln Center today.”

1982(4th of Iyar, 5742) Yom HaZikaron

1983(14th of Iyar, 5743): Pesach Sheni

1983: Today, Southpaw Bob Tufts pitched his “first and only game in Yankee Stadium.”


1983: In Boston, Jewish parenting expert Joani Geltman and her non-Jewish husband Greg Graynor gave birth to actress Ariel Geltman “Ari” Grayenor

1984(25th of Nisan, 5744): Sixty-one year old Hans Arthur Aalsmeer, the son of Charles Aalsmeer and Margaretha Schwarz [ass away today.

1984: A revival of “Hello Dolly” starring female impersonator Danny La Rue as Dolly came to a close at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London.

1984: The daily Israeli newspaper Hadeshot “was ordered to stop publishing for four days” for having reported that Minister of Defence Arens had set up a committee of inquiry, headed by Reserve General Meir Zorea to investigate facts surrounding what became known as the Bus 300 Affiar.

1987:  The Justice Department barred Austrian President Kurt Waldheim from entering the United States, saying he aided in the deportation and execution of thousands of Jews and others as a German Army officer during World War II.  Yes, Secretary General of the United Nations was soldier an officer in Hitler's army. 

1989(22ndof Nisan, 5749): Eighth Day of Pesach

1989: “Ghetto” a play set in the Vilna Ghetto written by Joshua Sobol opened in the Olivier Theatre today under the direction of Sir Nicholas Hytner.

1990: After having premiered in Italy in December, “Black Orchid” directed by Zalman King was released today in the United States.

1991(13thof Iyar, 5751): Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim

1991(13thof Iyar, 5751): Eighty-six year old Samuel Zetzer, the “son of Cala and Jacob Zetzer” passed away today in Palm Beach, FL.

1993: In a story entitled “Museum Opens With Firm Grip On the Emotions,” Diana Jean Schemo described the opening of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.




 “Skip Krenke walked slowly through the dark cattle car and ran a hand over its wooden slats, feeling the scratches made by people as they were transported to their deaths a half century ago.

He looked around and whispered, half to himself, "a hundred people in here." Stepping out, he held a friend by the shoulder, as if he might fall. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which opened to the public today, seemed to impose its own language on visitors. Barraged with images from Nazi Germany's drive for racial purity, the first day's visitors -- many of whom said they had come to Washington for Sunday's gay rights march -- did not merely look. They cringed, touched, put their hands to their heads and wept. Hitting Close to Home "I'm impressed by how quiet it is in here," said Marion J. Valle, a Chicago real estate executive as, seemingly entranced, he watched a video of the Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1943. "It seems like everybody is taken aback by this whole thing." If last week's dedication and other events were the museum's chance to thank the lawmakers, government officials and donors who created it, today was its inauguration as a museum for all Americans. Only 1,125 tickets will be available for the museum each day, and some people waited in line through Sunday night to get one. Throughout today, a line snaked around the limestone and brick building, even during a noon downpour. Mr. Krenke, a 28-year-old homosexual of German ancestry, was one of the first to get inside this morning. The Washington resident said he empathized with the victims of the Nazis and was angered by the intolerance and bigotry revealed in the exhibits. "My grandfather is still like that," Mr. Krenke said."He hates Jews, blacks, homosexuals. He can't understand that my best friend is Jewish."

Like all of the others who enter the museum, Mr. Krenke first got an identification card matching his sex and age with a victim of the Holocaust. In Mr. Krenke's case, the computer-generated card was eerily correct: he became Karl Lange, a German who was arrested and sent to a concentration camp because he was homosexual. As Mr. Krenke walked through the railroad cattle car, he tried to imagine being Karl Lange, packed with 100 other people rolling toward a concentration camp with no food, water or toilets. "I wouldn't want to survive it," he said.

For many visitors, the identification cards undid the cynical dictum attributed to Stalin that "one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is but a statistic.""It puts a face on things," said JacklinaSucu, 23, who drew the card of a Jewish girl named Isabella Katz. "You kind of have this anticipation about what's going to happen to her." Ms. Sucu, whose parents came to the United States from a town near Zagreb, Croatia, said she was most surprised by a chart showing that Jews in the former Yugoslavia were less than one-half of 1 percent of the total population before the Holocaust. In Germany, as well, Jews made up less than 1 percent of the pre-World War II population. "Listening to my grandfather when we used to visit there, I always thought there were more Jews in Yugoslavia," said Ms. Sucu, who lives in Miami. Paradoxically, the museum seems most devastating when it details the lives and the fabric of the small worlds destroyed in the Holocaust, for it is there that the loss represented elsewhere by canisters of the deadly Zyklon B crystals and a crematorium door becomes starkest. Standing in a sepia-toned tower of photographs from Eishishok, a Jewish village on the Lithuania-Poland border that was obliterated by Nazi mobile killing squads on two days in September 1941, a woman reached over and touched the edge of one of the pictures. It showed a dark-haired girl strumming a mandolin. In the same room, Hannah Hoch, a 24-year-old history student at the University of Nebraska, leaned against the banister and gaped at the photographs, 1,032 of them, which were presented as families would have kept them for their albums: the group of woodsmen, the rabbis in gabardines and puffed hats, the small sad-eyed boy whose chin rests on his hand above a manuscript, the girl standing by her bicycle, the family clowning in the snow, the toddler in a sailor suit standing on a chair. "I think it was the idea that it was an entire village that was there for 900 years, and that it was completely destroyed in two days," Ms. Hoch said, explaining her absorption. Others were taken aback not so much by a specific piece of information, but by the amount of material packed into the tightening three-story coil of permanent exhibits. "This is overwhelming," Patricia Bradford, 49, of Fort Washington, Md., said as she walked across the museum's glass-enclosed skybridge inscribed with the names of European towns and villages emptied of their Jews. As an African-American, Ms. Bradford said, she could identify with the suffering she saw before her. "Look at all the shoes here," she said, looking around at a roomful of 4,000 shoes of all sorts taken from the millions of Nazi victims. The video screens seemed to draw the most interest. They are used to present all phases of the Holocaust, from Nazi propaganda to the roundup of Jews and others to the liberation of the death camps. Most jarring for 39-year-old Andrew Axelrod of Phoenix, Ariz., were the color movies taken by Allied armies as they liberated the camps. "It makes you see that it wasn't all that long ago," he said. Mr. Axelrod, who is gay and Jewish, wore on his lapel a pink triangle, the emblem the Nazis forced homosexuals to wear. The exhibition ends with the testimony of survivors in a film that seemed deeply wrenching for many viewers. Men and women sat on the steps and leaned against the wall, weeping openly as they glimpsed the scars that made survival a mixed reward. "When people come to this museum and they see our things," a survivor was saying in the film, "whether it's a little shoe, or a letter or a torn prayer book, remember that these were our precious, precious valuables." Robin Levine of Boston thought her visits to the Dachau concentration camp and the holocaust museum in Jerusalem had given her a kind of armor, but she broke down today. "I guess I sort of expected it to be routine," she said, dabbing her eyes with a napkin. "I didn't expect it to be this way."


1995(27thof Nisan, 5755): Yom HaShoah

1996:  Operations Grapes of Wrath, the Israeli military incursion into Lebanon brought on by terrorist attacks and the inability of the Lebanese government to control its own borders, came to an end.

1997(20thof Nisan, 5757): Sixth Day of Pesach

1997: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Irving Berlin: Songs From the Melting Pot: The Formative Years, 1907-1914 by Charles Hamm, Streisand: A Biography by Anne Edwards and Locked in the Cabinet by Robert B. Reich.

1997: Memorial services are scheduled to be held this afternoon at the UCLA Faculty Center for Judge Jerry Pacht.

1998(1st of Iyar, 5758): Rosh Chodesh Iyar.

1998: “Hacker Case Taps Into Fame, Fury” provides a description of the activities of 18 year old computer hacker Ehud Tenenbaum whose skills were praised by Prime Minister Netanyahu admiringly as “damn good.”


2000(22ndof Nisan, 5760): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

2000(22ndof Nisan, 5760): Ninety-three year old University of Chicago trained attorney Elmer Gert whose clients included Nathan Leopold, Arthur Miller and Jack Ruby and who married Mami Laitchin Friedman after his first wife Ceretta Samuels had passed away died today. (As reported by Eric Pace)


2000: Today, Steve “Wynn purchased the Desert Inn for $270 million.

2000: Jack Lang completed his second terms as a member of the French National Assembly for Loir-et-Cher.

2001: A Central Intelligence Agency file on Adolf Hitler was made public today, including a report that described the Nazi leader as a "border case between genius and insanity" and predicted that Hitler could become the "craziest criminal the world ever knew."

2001: The C.I.A. files on 19 other wartime figures, like Josef Mengele, the sadistic doctor at the Auschwitz death camp; Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi architect of the extermination of Europe's Jews, and Heinrich Mueller, the feared Gestapo chief were released today.

2002(15thof Iyar, 5762): Seventy-seven year old Jakub Goldberg the Polish film maker who “was co-writer and assistant director of Polanski's feature debut Knife in the Water” passed away today in Denmar,

 2002(15th of Iyar, 5762): Ruth Handler passed away at the age of 85, having provided America with a revered icon and piece of popular culture. Born in 1916, Handler was the youngest of 10 children in a Polish-Jewish immigrant family that settled in Denver.  In 1945, Handler's husband and a partner started what would become the Mattel Toy Company.  During the 1950's Handler invented the "Barbie Doll" which took its name if not its anatomy from her daughter, Barbara.  Barbie was joined by the "Ken Doll" named for Handler's son, Kenneth.  


2002(15thof Iyar, 5762): Danielle Shefi, 5; Arik Becker, 22; Katrina (Katya) Greenberg, 45; and Ya'acov Katz, 51, all of Adora, were killed when terrorists dressed in IDF uniforms and combat gear cut through the settlement's defensive perimeter fence and entered Adora, west of Hebron. Seven other people were injured, one seriously. The terrorists entered several homes, firing on people in their bedrooms. Both Hamas and the PFLP claimed responsibility for the attack. (As described by theJewish Virtual Library)


2003: The New York Times included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including recently released paperback versions of Elvis In Jerusalem: Post-Zionism and the Americanization of Israel by Tom Segev in which “the author maintains that Israel's connection to the United States is driving a transformation in the nation's cultural life, weakening social solidarity while boosting the role of the individual.”

2003: In Champaign-Urbana, The fifth annual Roger Ebert’s Overlooked Film Festival closes.

2004(6thof Iyar, 5764): Yom HaAtzma’ut

2005(18thof Nisan, 5765): Fourth Day of Pesach

2006: “Rabbi Yona Metzger filed a petition with the Supreme Court of Israel to protest Mazuz's public declaration alleging that his image had been destroyed without a chance to tell his side of the story, and accusing Menachem Mazuz of engaging in "child-like" tactics

2007: Dr. Jonathan Karp and Dr. Jonathan Schorsch present "Blacks and Jews in American Popular Music-The Business of Cultural Mediation" at the Center for Jewish History in New York City.

2007:New York Mets star Shawn Green (currently sixth in National League hitting), along with teammates David Newhan, Scott Schoeneweis and Aaron Sele, reportedly paid a visit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.

2008: Eighth Day of Pesach, 5768 – Traditional (Orthodox, Conservative, et al) Jews recite Yizkor

(Here is a suggestion for what do with the all the leftover Matzoth Butterfinger Comedy Network on Yahoo! Video.

2008: The Ramle Conference 'Between Israel and the Nations' takes place. The Ramle Conference which deals with the relationship between the Jewish people and the non-Jewish minorities living in Israel is the first of its kind.

2008: Annie Leibovitz’s topless photo of a 15 year old entertainer “was published with an accompanying story on The New York Times' website” today.

2009(3rd of Iyar, 5769): Phillip Stein, the musician who created the mural on the back wall of the Village Vanguard, passed away today at the age of 90.

2009: At the JCC in Columbus, Ohio, Israel Memorial Commemoration features a remembrance ceremony with former IDF soldiers and screen the documentary film "A Hero in Heaven" about the life of Michael Levin (Z"L)

2009:The Leo Baeck Institute presents multi-media event featuring a book and film both which are entitled “The Kissinger Saga, Two Brothers from Fürth.”

2009:Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, the former (now emeritus) president of George Washington University, discusses and signs Big Man on Campus: A University President Speaks Out on Higher Education at Reiter's Scientific & Professional Books in Washington, D.C.

2009(3rd of Iyar, 5769): Yom Hazikaron events begin this afternoon with a ceremony at the Ammunition Hill battlefield in Jerusalem in the presence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

2009: “The Confession of Eliot Spitzer” is the cover story for Newsweek magazine.

2009: Florida’s Governor Charlie Crist “signed legislation removing the word ‘shylock’ from Florida’s criminal money-lending laws.”

2010:"My Father's Microcosm, Tel Aviv", a photographic installation by Israeli photographer Yossi Guttmann is scheduled to have its final showing at the Williams Club of New York.

2010:Dr. Ori Z. Soltes, Goldman Lecturer in Theology at Georgetown University, is scheduled to discuss “Famous Jewish Trials: From Jesus to Eichmann” at Northern Virginia focusing on the cases of Jesus of Nazareth, the “Blood Libel" cases during the Spanish Inquisition, the early twentieth century trials of Jews in Czarist Russian, the U.S. trial in the 1920's of Leo Frank, the Rosenberg trial in the 1950's, and the1961 Israeli trial of Adolf Eichmann.

2010(13th of Iyar, 5770):Doctor Stanley I. Greenspan, a psychiatrist who invented an influential approach to teaching children with autism and other developmental problems by folding his lanky six-foot frame onto the floor and following their lead in vigorous play, died today at a hospital in Bethesda, MD at the age of 68.

2010: The Jewish Federation communities of the Commonwealth of Virginia “have written a letter to Governor Bob McDonnell asking him to reconsider this decision that lifted a ban on Virginia State Police troopers referring to Jesus Christ in public prayers.

2011: Kinky “Friedman launched his Springtime For Kinky Tour (cf. "Springtime For Hitler") in Kansas City, Missouri at Knuckleheads Saloon] which includes dates in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kentucky before heading towards the east coast.

2011:In preparation of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Detroit’s Congregation Beth Ahm is scheduled to screen “Hidden Poland”, a one-hour documentary film recounting the experiences of four people who were hidden children in Poland during the Shoah.

2011: Three days after she had passed away, funeral services were scheduled to be held today for Joan Peyser, “the master storyteller who was a biographer of seminal figures in 20th-century music, as well as an editor and a winner of six ASCAP/Deems Taylor Awards.”

2011: Today on the 189th anniversary of U.S. Grant’s birth it was announced “Ron Chernow has signed a deal to write a ‘comprehensive biography’ of Ulysses S. Grant” just days after he Chernow had won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography for his book Washington: A Life.

2011:Fatah and Hamas, the rival Palestinian movements, announced an agreement in principle today to end a years-long internal Palestinian schism.

2011:Moroccan Jews who suffered under the Nazis and their allies during World War II will for the first time ever receive compensation from Germany, a Jewish group announced today.

2011(23rd of Nisan, 5771): Sixty-year-old Dr Stanley I. Greenspan, a psychiatrist who documented the developmental milestones of early childhood and developed the widely used "Floor Time" method for teaching children with autism and other developmental disorders, passed away today.

2011: In Mitzvah Tanks Roll Again,” Gabe Johnson and Tamir Elterman describe the reappearance of this unique Chabad invention.


2012: “Love During Wartime,” a film about an Israeli Jewish woman in love with a Palestinian Moslem man, is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012: “Safe” directed and written by Boaz Yakin was released in the United States today.

2012:Shabbaton Shira v’Kehilah, a Shabbat of Song and Community is scheduled to begin at the Kane Street Synagogue.

2012: David Samson, the owner of the Miami Marlins baseball team “completed a 52.4 mile run to honor the workers who built the new ballpark and which raised over $550,000 to be split among 10 charities

2013: The recently retired chief of Israel’s internal security agency said tonight that he had “no faith” in the ability of the current leadership to handle the Iranian nuclear threat, ratcheting up the criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak from the defense and intelligence communities. (As reported by Jodi Rudoren)

2013: “Dancing In Jaffa” is scheduled to be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival.

2013: In Livonia, Michigan, “Bookstock,” co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council is scheduled to come to an end

2013: The National Park Service and the United States Military Academy are scheduled to host the official government ceremony commemorating the 191st anniversary of President Grant’s birth. While there are those who would paint Grant as an anti-Semite his Jewish contemporaries did not view him as can be seen by the fact that Jews overwhelming supported him when he ran for President and by this eulogy by Professor Felix Adler

2013: A heat wave hit Israel today and caused several fires across Israel, ahead of Jewish holiday Lag Ba'Omer (bonfire night). Army Radio reported that one man was lightly injured today in a fire started from burning embers left by hikers.

2014: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including I Pity the Poor Immigrant, Zachary Lazar’s “novel of spiritual discovery featuring Meyer Lansky, an American journalist and the murder of an Israeli poet,” Mount Terminus, David Grand’s novel about the early days of the movie industry featuring half-brothers Simon Reuben and Bloom Rosenbloom and In Paradise, “Peter Matthiessen’s novel about a Zen retreat at Auschwitz.”

2014: The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host “Downtown Washington,” a “tour of the historic 7th Street, NW neighborhood” that “includes four former synagogues.

2014(27thof Nisan, 5774)): In the evening start of Yom Hashoah.  While the 27th of Iyar is the official date for Yom Hashoah, when the 27th of Nisan falls on a Sunday, the observance takes place on the 28th of Nisan (Monday) “to avoid adjacency with Shabbat.”

2014: Three days after he had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held for Dr. Charles A. Schwartz, the husband of Dr.Sheila Schwartz, the father of Pamela Fay Cohen, Julia Molly Healy, David Ansin Schwartz and Columbia and Boston University graduate and award winning television journalist Elizabeth Cohen (Elizabeth Sondra Schwartz) and wife of Israeli-born Entrepreneur Tal Cohen.

2014: “Light and Shadows: The Story of the Iranian Jews” an “exhibition that tell the rich and complex history of one of the world’s oldest Jewish communities” is scheduled to come to an end at Yeshiva University Museum.

2014: “The March of Life” under the title “Remembering, Reconciling and Shaping the Future in Friendship” is scheduled to come to an end in Hungary.

2014: Popes John XXIII and John Paul II are being declared saints of the Roman Catholic Church today, the day that is also the eve of Yom Hashoah

2014: In New Orleans, the keynote speaker at the Holocaust Memorial Program is scheduled to be eighty-eight year old Philip Bialowitz, one of only seven survivors of the Sobribor revolt at the Nazi death camp who was 17 at the time of the revolt, joined with his brother and others to overwhelm the guards and helped free 200 of the 600 prisoners housed there” whose memoir is A Promise at Sobribor: A Jewish Boy’s Story of Revolt and Survival in Nazi-Occupied Poland. (As reported by the Crescent City Jewish News)

2014: “Golda’s Balcony” a one-woman show starring Tova Feldshuh as the Israeli Prime Minister is scheduled to be performed for the last time this evening at the D.C. Jewish Community Center.

2014: In Coralville, Iowa, Rabbi Jeff Portman has organized a memorable and meaningful series of Yom HaShoah events that are scheduled to include the Fourth Annual Music of Commemoration at Agudas Achim and a reading by Professor Lud Gutmann, MD from his book Richard Road: Fleeing the Holocaust and Growing Up In Rural America.

2014: Holocaust Remembrance Week is scheduled to begin today.


2015: “The Last Sentence” and “Let’s Go” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015(8thof Iyar, 5776): Ninety year old Dr. Alexander Rich who provided the visual proof of the DNA’s Double Helix passed away today.  (As reported by Denise Gellene)


2015: Dana Kalishov is scheduled to discuss the important role of the IDF in providing invaluable educational and leadership opportunities, fostering the growth of pluralism, encouraging respect and equal rights for women, members of the LGBT community, and other minorities at the Northern Virginia Jewish Community Center.

2015: “In the Community: Touchdown Israel” is scheduled to be shown at the Gershman Y as part of the Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival.

2015: Michele Gold author of Memories that Won't Go Away:A Tribute to the Children of the Kindertransport is scheduled to speak at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.

2015: Mark Gelber and Birger VanwesenbeckMark GelberandBirger VanwesenbeckMark Gelber and Birger Vanwesenbeck are scheduled to discuss “Stefan Zweig and World Literature: 21st Century Perspectives” at the Center for Jewish History.

2015: In Baltimore looters carried away over a million dollars in merchandize as they vandalized the Sports Mart a business started in 1980 by 89 year old Leon Levy and his sons Harvey, Marc and Brian.

2015: Congregants Challenge Sale of Bulwark of Judaism on Lower East Side published today described the dispute surrounding the sale of the Home of Sages “a Manhattan nursing home in the shadow of the Williamsburg Bridge.”

2016(19thof Nisan, 5776): Fifth Day of Pesach

2016(19thof Nisan, 5776): Eighty-seven year old abstract artist Harold Cohen passed away today in California.


2016: “Common Ground” written by Israel Yael Ronen is scheduled to be performed at the Segal Theatre tonight.

2016; “The first Jewish film festival of Casablanca, which was organized in the Moroccan city by a Sephardic Jewish woman from Atlanta” and which was attended by nearly 300 people came to an end today.

2016: “Two Palestinian terrorists this morning attempted to stab Border Policemen at Qalandiya checkpost north of Jerusalem before being shot and killed by security forces.”

2017(1stof Iyar, 5777): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2017(1stof Iyar, 5777): Ninety-six year old Julius Young “the last surviving member of Jonas Salk’s original research team” passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)



2017(1stof Iyar, 5777: Eighty-nine year old Holocaust survivor and “award winning author and illustrator Peter Spier” passed away today. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)


2017: Dan Margulies is scheduled to lead an early Talmud study session on Tractate Sukkah at the Streicker Center

2017: The National Museum of American Jewish Military History and the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington are scheduled to host a tour of the exhibition “Jews in the American Military” followed by a presentation by JHS curator Christiane Bauer, who will share treasures from our collection related to the involvement of Jewish Washingtonians in "The Great War."

2017: The UKJF is scheduled to host a screening of “Photo Farag” which tells “the story of the photography studio in Israel” as the Phoenix Cinema.

2017: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present “A Vanished People: Jewish Heritage in the Greater Middle East.”

2017: 195thAnniversary of the birth of U.S. Grant, the underrated general who understood modern warfare which led to the Union victory and who offered the position of Secretary of the Treasury to his friend Jesse Seligman who declined the offer which would have made him the first Jewish member of the Cabinet.

2018: Today, “flanked by the Nassau County Democratic Chairman and the Governor of New York, Anna Kaplan, the native of Tabriz and Cardozo School of Law trained attorney, who had fled her homeland after the Islamic Revolution, “announced her candidacy for the New York State Senate's 7th District to a large gathering of supporters and state and local Democratic elected officials at the "Yes We Can Community Center" in Westbury, New York.”

2018: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host Friday night services followed by a Shabbat dinner.

2018: “The Love Letter “directed by Atara Frish is scheduled to be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival.

2018: “The National Park Service and the United States Military Academy at West Points” are scheduled to “host the official government commemorating the 196thanniversary of the birth of President U.S. Grant, the first sitting President to contribute to a synagogue building fun and to attend synagogue services – in this case Adas Israel in Washington, D.C.

2019: Israeli Culture in North America, which presents and discusses “the works of young emergin and established Israeli artists in the performing, visual, literary and cinematic arts recommends attendance at the “Debut concert of so&so” that is scheduled to take place this evening at the Brooklyn Armory Terminal.

2019: On the secular clanedar, six month anniversary of the Pittsburgh Synagogue Slaughter, the deadliest one day killing of Jews in the United States.

2019(22ndof Nisan, 5779): As Jews attended services at Chabad of Poway Synagogue in Poway, CA, a gunman shot four including the rabbi, murdering one woman.


2019: This evening award winning biographer Ron Chernow is scheduled to be the featured speaker at the 2019 White House Correspondents Dinner

2019(22nd of Nissan, 5779): Eighth Day of Pesach; 7thDay of the Omer;

2020: ASF IJE Travels in Jewish History... from Home is scheduled to present Expedition to Iraq, a journey in time and space, that features Babylonian Jewish shrines, schools, cemeteries throughout the country with stops in Baghdad, Basra, Mosul, al-Kifl, and Amediye, powered by Diarna Geo-Museum Tours

2020: The Israeli American Council – Boston is scheduled to host the Yom Hazilkaron Online Commemoration Ceremony.

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “Jewish Resilience Through Chocolate” a virtual “sweet” presentation by Rabbi Debbie Prinz.

2020: The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Salem State University is scheduled to host a livestream of a Holocaust remembrance ceremony.

2020: As part of a special Israel Independence Day “Tikvah Life” presentation, Dr. Ran Baratz is scheduled to speak live from Jerusalem on “The Strengths of Israel: A Civilizational Assessment.”

2020: In Coralville, IA, Agudas Achim is scheduled to host its first Yiddish study group via Zoom.

2021: The Combined Jewish Philanthropies are scheduled to present, online “Redemption and the Unquiet Mind in the Exodus Narrative” during which “world-renowned author and Torah scholar Dr. Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg discuss mental unease as a factor in the Exodus epic” as part of the

Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project (RSIP)

2021: The Schusterman Center for Israel Studies is scheduled to present online an “Artist Workshop with Dana Arieli: “The Zionist Phantom.”

2021: In New Orleans, LCMC and the Schoenbaum Family Foundation are scheduled to sponsor"Hello Gorgeous," a virtual tour of the life of Barbra Steisand, located at the Bernard Museum of Judaica in New York which is open to Lions of Judah (women who give a minimum household gift of $5,000 to the Federation's 2021 Annual Campaign) and the members of their households.

2021: YIVO is scheduled to present “The Jewish Experience in Opera” a panel discussion which “will include four prominent composers of such operas of Jewish experience: Ofer Ben-Amots, composer of one opera in Hebrew based on The Dybbuk and another in Yiddish on Isaac Bashevis Singer's story, "A Fool's Paradise"; David Schiff, whose opera, Gimpel the Fool is also to a Singer story; Bruce Adolphe, whose operas include Mikhoyels The Wise—about the legendary Soviet Yiddish actor—and Shabbtai Zvi, about the 17th-century so-called "false messiah" naively followed by many thousands of Jews; and Alex Weiser, who wrote an opera about Theodor Herzl, State of the Jews, with librettist Ben Kaplan who will also join the panel.”

2021: As part of The Sir Martin Gilbert Churchill Conversation Series Allen Packwood and Lord (Michael) Dobbs are scheduled to “discuss Churchill’s legacy on stage and screen.”

2021: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host Malcolm Gladwell as “he discusses the launch of his new book The Bomber Mafia.”

2021: The ADL is scheduled to host the webinar “A Special Briefing on the State of Antisemitism in the U.S.”

2021: Following a weekend where “at least 36 rockets were launched on Israeli communities in the south” and yesterday’s meeting of the Security Cabinet, as of today Israel is prepared to launch a “substantial air force attack on the Gaza Strip if the launch rocket fire into Israeli territory persists.” (As reported by Itamar Eichner and Yoav Zitun).




This Day, April 28, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 28

66: After stealing money from the Temple Treasury, the Roman Procurator Gessius Florus allowed his troops to “loot the Upper Market” of Jerusalem. He also unleashed his Cohorts on the crowds of Jews who gathered to protest the theft.  This would prove to be the precipitating event that would start the Great Revolt which would end in disaster for the Jewish people.

70: Following an early repulse of his forces, the Roman Legions commanded by Titus retake and destroy Jerusalem’s middle wall. The Romans followed this victory by quickly building a wall that will surround the city, cutting off all shipments of food and causing increased starvation among the Jewish defenders.

1192: Conrad I, newly crowned King of Jerusalem was assassinated in Tyre only days after ascending the throne.  According to one source, the assassins were Moslems who may have been in the pay of Conrad’s Christian enemies.  The whole affair of Conrad’s selection during the time of the Third Crusade points to the fact that these were not noble religious adventures at all.  This makes the treatment of the Jews during this period all the more despicable.

1560(2nd of Iyar): Rabbi Kalman of Worms passed away.

1694(3rdof Iyar, 5454):Judah ben Samuel ha-Kohen Cantarini the Talmudist and physician who had a large number of Christian and Jewish patients passed away in Padua.

1758: Birthdate of James Monroe, leader of the American Revolution and fifth President of the United States.  During the Revolutionary War, Monroe was one of the many patriots who accepted “loans” from Haym Salomon.  This money enabled Monroe and the others to live in Philadelphia and carry on the war against the English.

1775: Birthdate of Judah Touro. Born in Newport, Rhode Island Touro, who never married, was a famous merchant and philanthropist who supported many Christian and Jewish charities. He started as a merchant selling soap, candles and codfish, and would eventually become one of the wealthiest men in all of America. Touro's father was of Portuguese Jewish extraction, by way of Jamaica.

1778(1st of Iyar, 5538): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1778(1st of Iyar, 5538): The eldest son of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Horowitz of Chortkiv,  Shmelke of Nikolsburg who was one of the earliest great Chasidic Rebbes from both the The Nikolsburg Hasidic dynasty and the Boston Hasidic dynasty passed away to in Nikolsburg.

1788: Maryland becomes the seventh state to ratify the Constitution of the United States. By the time of the ratification, there are enough Jews living in Baltimore that the community can maintain its own burial site.  Among the families living in Baltimore are the Ettings, headed by the widowed mother Shina and her five children including two sons, Reuben and Solomon. Jews do not enjoy full civil rights at this point in time.  Under the spirit of the “Toleration Act” those are reserved for people who believe in Jesus Christ.  In 1797, Jews and their Gentile supporters make their first attempt to remove the religious test.  It failed along with all subsequent efforts until 1825 when the so-called Jew Bill passed in the Lower House by one vote.  It would not be until 1826 that the religious test for office would modified so that anybody declaring “his belief in a future state of rewards and punishment” could hold a position of public trust.

1794: One day after he had passed away, 34 year old Joseph Levy was buried today at the “Alderney Road (Globe Rd) Jewish Cemetery.”

1801: Birthdate of Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury who was an early supporter of plans to populate “Greater Syria” (the name for the territory part of which became Palestine and finally the state of Israel).  In 1853, when he was President of the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews wrote to Prime Minister Aberdeen that Greater Syria was "a country without a nation" in need of "a nation without a country... Is there such a thing? To be sure there is, the ancient and rightful lords of the soil, the Jews!"

1818(22nd of Nisan, 5578): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1824: Mark Friedberg married Buena Pass at the Great Synagogue today.

1824: Maurice Solomon married Louisa Raphael at the Western Synagogue today.

1824: Henry Weiler married Bloomy Hart at the Great Synagogue today.

1834(19th of Nisan): In Mantua, philanthropist Samuel Trabotti passed away today.

1835(29th of Nisan, 5595): A. Löwy, the chief rabbi of Dresden passed away today

1838:  Birthdate of Tobias Michael Carel Asser a Dutch jurist, co-winner (with Alfred Fried) of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1911 for his role in the formation of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the first Hague peace conference (1899). He also advocated for the creation of an international academy of law, which led to the creation of The Hague Academy of International Law. He passed away in 1913.

1840: In Maine, Henry Benjamin Nones the Philadelphia born son of Abraham Benjamin Nones and Miriam Marks de Nones and his wife Anna M. Nones gave birth to Albert Smith Nones

1842: In Amsterdam. Sara Rimini, the Dutch born daughter of Alexander (Elkan) Rimini and Juedith Abraham Messias and her husband Abraham Delmonte gave birth to Rebecca Delmonte

1845(21st of Nisan, 5605): Seventh Day of Pesach observed for the first time during the Presidency of James K. Polk.

1847: Birthdate of Arthur Strauss who was first elected the House of Common in 1895, serving into the 1970’s when he earned the unofficial designation of “Father of the House” and who like so many of his generation paid the price of patriotism when his son Victor, a Lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps “was killed in action in 1916.”

1854(30th of Nisan, 5614): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1854: Rabbi Solomon Jacobs officiated at the wedding of Henry Davis of Charleston, SC and Dinah Joel, the daughter of the late David and Catherine Joel of London, England.

1859: In Great Britain, start of the General Elections which saw David Salomons re-elected as the MP for Greenwich.

1859: Accompanied by Odo Russell, a British diplomat, Sir Moses Montefiore went to the Vatican where he met with Cardinal Antonelli with whom he discussed the Mortara Case and reasons for returning the boy to his Jewish parents.  The meeting proved to be a fruitless waste of time.

1860(6th of Iyar, 5620): Sixty year old Amsterdam born poet Isaac De Costa whose prose works included Israel en de Volken, a multi-volume survey history of the Jewish people that was translated into English under the title Israel and the Gentiles passed away today. In 1822, De Costa converted to Christianity.

1861(18th Iyar, 5621): Lag B’Omer observed for the first time during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

1862: In the UK, Sir Saul Samuel and Henrietta Matilad Levien gave birth to Sir Edward Levien Samuel, the husband of Ray Cowan, the son-in-law of Abraham Cowan and the father of Sir Edward Louis Samuel and Vera Leah Henrietta Samuel

1864(22nd of Nisan, 5624): As Jewish soldiers in the Union Army participate in the Wilderness Campaign in Virginia and follow Sherman on his march to Atlanta, they celebrate the 8th day of Pesach.

1865: Birthdate of Adolph Bluthenthal, the native of Bavaria who settled in Pine Bluff, AR where his daughter Adele was born.

1865: L'Africaine premiered today almost a year after Giacomo Meyerbeer's death at the Salle Le Peletier

1867: Today’s “Current Literature” column contained a lengthy expert from The Jew’s Revenge.


1869: In Berg, Hungary, Joseph and Victoria Cukor gave birth to Morris Cukor, the husband of Cora Cukor and the brother of Victor Cukor.

1872: In Camden, SC, Isabelle ("Belle") Wolfe and Dr. Simon Baruch gave birth to Herman B. Baruch the physician turned diplomat “who served as U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands and Portugal.1872: In “New Malden, Kingston-upon-Thames, England,” public accountant Victor Bauer and piano teacher Mary Taylor Lloyd gave birth to internationally acclaimed concert pianist Harold Bauer who performed for the first time in the United States in 1900 and “gave his last formal concert in 1939” passed away today having been pre-deceased by his wife Marie Knapp who had passed away in 1940.


1874:  Jacob Kraus, a papermaker, and his wife Ernestine, née KantorJacob Kraus, a papermaker, and his wife Ernestine, née Kantor gave birth to Karl Straus, Austrian writer and journalist.  Kraus converted to Catholicism in 1906 but left the church in 1923.  Freud found him so irritating that he referred to him as a “mad, half-wit.” He passed away in 1936.


1875: Nathan Strauss married Lina Gutherz with whom he had six children, among them Sissie Strauss who would become the wife of Chief Judge Irving Lehman.

1878: Birthdate of Adolf Openheimer who was only eighteen years old when he passed away and was buried in London’s Plashet Jewish Cemetery.

1880: Birthdate of Frank Boyd Merriman, 1st Baron Merriman who in 1929 was the counsel who presented the Jewish case before the British Commission of Inquiry” meeting in Jerusalem.

1881(29thof Nisan, 5641): Sixty-three year old French sculptor and photographer Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon passed away in Paris.



1881: University of Michigan trained astronomer Edward Israel, the Kalamazoo born son of Manne and Tillie Israel, the first Jews to settle in that Michigan town, left for Washington D.C. today “to join the Lady Franklin Bay Polar Bay Expedition.

1881:  In Kherson, Elizabethgrad, a tavern dispute over blood libels spawned massive outbreaks against the Jews (often joined by the soldiers) in Odessa and Kiev. In all, over a hundred and sixty riots occurred in southern Russia. Ignatiev, the Minister of the Interior, insisted that the Jews caused the pogroms. General Drenbien refused to endanger his troops "for a few Jews."

1881: Czar Alexander III suggested to his ministers that outside agitators must have incited the mobs against the Jews, and that reports of policy and military laxity in quashing the pogroms were a disgrace. 

1882: It was reported today that Jewish leaders in Berlin have received word from their co-religionists in Russia that “they will quit the country en masse if” their persecution continues. (This would be a triumph of at least part of the Russian one third policy.  The government planned on solving its Jewish problem by having one third convert, one third immigrate and one third die.)

1886: Bernhard Liebentahl, a young Jew from Schafenburg, Germany was among the passengers who arrived in New York today aboard the SS Main.

1886:  Birthdate of photographer Erich Salomon the native of Berlin who worked as a carpenter and studied to be a lawyer before he found his true calling. He was a genius in the use of the then newly developed 35 mm camera.  He is considered one of the founders of photojournalism.  His fame as a photographer of the European leaders and celebrities spread beyond Germany.  One French politician joked that no conference could be considered important if Salomon were not there to take pictures.  His artistic skills did not save him and he died at Auschwitz at the age of 58 on July 7, 1944.  In one of those great ironies, the daily blurbs on many websites list him as "a German photographer" and simply give the date of his passing with no mention as to the place or its significance.

1887(4th of Iyar, 5647): Fifty-six year old Isaac Hendricks passed away today at the home of his brother-in-law, H.S. Henry.  A retired businessman and part of a prominent Jewish family, Hendricks was a member of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society.

1889: As churches and synagogues in New York held services observing the centennial of George Washington’s first inaugural (April 30, 1789) Rabbi Henry S. Jacobs spoke at an assembly of youngsters at B’nai Jershrun.  The students had been greeted by a larger banner framing a portrait of General Washington that hung across the center door of the synagogue. The program included a program of patriotic music and recitations by the children.

1890: It was reported today that the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society has a rejected a proposal from the Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum that the two organizations consolidate.  The Brooklyn organization is caring for one hundred children while the New York organization is caring for 559 children. 

1891(20th of Nisan, 5651): Sixth Day of Pesach

1891(20th of Nisan, 5651): Eighty-one-year-old Rebecca Marks, the Haverstraw, NY born daughter Joachabed Isaacks and Michael Marks who were married at Newport in 1786 and the wife of Goodman Davis whom she married in 1830 passed away today in New York City.

1891: In Great Britain, The Pall Mall Gazette describes a plan to settle Jews living in Poland and parts of southeast Europe in uninhabited areas in Brazil and Australia.  Baron Hirsch is so supportive of the plan that he has pledged 15 million dollars to set the resettlement project in motion.  The plan could not come at a better time since the United States, which has been a haven for these Jews, is adopting laws designed to limit immigration.  According to the Gazette,“This decision comes at an opportune moment for England, for the new United Sates legislation against the immigration of destitute aliens might result in converting the United Kingdom into a dumping ground for all the Hebrew refugees of Europe.  They arrive here already at the rate of 18,000 annually.”

1892(1st of Iyar, 5652): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1892: One hundred heads of Jewish families from Russia left Montreal for Oxlow in the Canadian Northwest where they plan to start an agriculture colony.  As soon as they have built houses, these farmers will be sending for their family members.  The colonization is part of the efforts of Baron Hirsch, the Baron Hirsch Colonization Alliance and the Young Men's Hebrew Benevolent Society of Montreal.  If this initial settlement is successful, the Jews in Montreal plant to settle as many as 10,000 Russian Jews as farmers in Manitoba.

1893: In Dublin, William Nurock and his wife gave birth Max Mordechai Nurock, Israel’s first Ambassador to Australia who passed away at the age of 85 in Jerusalem.

1893: Dr. H. M. Harris delivered a lecture at Temple Israel in Harlem entitled “The Religious Rights of the Minority, Apropos of the Movement to Convert the Jews.”

1894(22nd of Nisan, 5654): 8th day of Pesach

1894: “Ex-rector Hermann Ahlwardt, the Jewbaiter who has been imprisoned several times for criminal libel” declared in a meeting this evening “his intention of publishing next week some revelations” concerning the formation of “annuity estates in Prussia” that would expose the “corruptness of the Jews and the criminal complicity of those in authority.”

1894: This evening 30 young Jewish girls will be featured performers at a benefit hosted by the Young Ladies’ Charitable Society at the Lexington Avenue Opera House.

1895: “A Free Art Exhibition” published today described an upcoming fundraiser to be held for the benefit of the University Settlement Society and the Hebrew Educational Alliance as well as providing a brief history of these organizations.

1895: In Cincinnati, Professor William Herzberg from Jerusalem addressed the opening session of the B’nai B’rith Convention which was attended by at least “one hundred Hebrews from all parts of the world.

1896: German Historian and Reichstag Deputy Heinrich von Treitschke who became a leading anti-Semite starting in 1878 when he began attacking the Jews for failing to assimilate  as well as no longer being useful because the Aryans had learned the money management skills that had been the sole reason for allowing Jews to play a role in the German Empire.

1897: Two days after he had passed away, 26 year old Nathan Woolf Jacobson, the son of Rebecca Levy and grandson of “Joseph and Rose Levy” was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1897: Mr. Goldstein and Mr. Meyer were among those arrested in Brooklyn today for operating an illegal still.

1897(26thof Nisan, 5657): Seventy-six-year-old Sarah Ochs, the Bavarian born daughter of Nanette Wexler and Leser Lazarus Ochsenhorn and the wife of Samuel Bissinger whom she had married in 1848 and with whom she had five children – Benjamin, Mathilda, Nannie, Elizabeth and Francis – passed away today in Brooklyn, NY.

1897: Dr. Robert Ward, “a Harvard professor who founded the Immigration Restriction League” and falsely “apprised Congress” of plans for “a well-organized Jewish mass immigration” to the United States, married Emma Lane today.

1898: In Galveston, TX, Arthur Fischel Samson and Babette Levy gave birth to Dr. John Jacob Sampson

1899(18thof Iyar, 5659): Lag B’Omer

1899: Birthdate of Herman Shinbang,  the University of Manitoba School of Medicine who served in Palestine during WWI the 40 Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers, retired from the practice of medicine “due to permanent disabilities, and served a Major in the U.S. Army Medical Corps during WW II.

1900: Charles Frohman's London comedians are scheduled conclude their engagement at the Lyceum Theatre tonight.

1901: Birthdate of Lena Shimshak, the wife of Morris J. Clurman and the mother of Bernice and Herman Clurman.

1901: It was reported today that “The work of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, which was the subject discussed at the meeting before which Bishop Potter spoke in the Temple Emanu-El last week, was again outlined in the most recent sermon given by . Dr. H. Pereira Mendes at the Shearith Israel Synagogue,

1902(21stof Nisan, 5662): Seventh Day of Pesach

1902: “East Side Sunday Fair Undisturbed” published today described the failure to enforce the “Sabbath Laws” yesterday, just as they had done on the previous Sunday when “the Jewish inhabitants…were layin stores of food and clothing for the feast of Passover” and how “Magistrate Pool in the West Side court, criticized the Mayor and the Police Commissioner for suspending the Sunday closing law in favor of the Jewish vendors of food during Passover.”

1903: Birthdate of Trenton, NJ, Saul Habas, the Rutgers University graduate and husband of Ruth Janette Zerkowsky who served as a rabbi and was buried in Natchez, Mississippi after his death in 1983

1903: In “The Jewish Massacre Denounced,” The New York Times reported that “The anti-Jewish riots in Kishinev, Bessarabia, are worse than the censor will permit to publish. There was a well laid-out plain for the general massacre of Jews on the day following the Russian Easter. The mob was led by priests, and the general cry, "Kill the Jews," was taken up all over the city. The Jews were taken wholly unaware and were slaughtered like sheep. The dead number 120 and the injured numbered about 500. The scenes of horror attending this massacre are beyond description. Babes were literally torn to pieces by the frenzied and bloodthirsty mob. The local police made no attempt to check the reign of terror. At sunset the streets were piled with corpses and wounded. Those who could make their escape fled in terror, and the city is now practically deserted of Jews."

1904: The arbitration resolutions which were offered by Oscar S. Straus were adopted unanimously at the trade meetings with Canada.

1905: It was announced in Cleveland today that “a conference of all the rabbis in American will be held in Cleveland” beginning on July 2 where the issue of inter-marriage between Jews and Christians will be a prime matter for discussion.

1906: Birthdate of Richard Rado the “German-born British mathematician” who fled Germany following the rise of the Nazis.

1907: Today, Rabbi Schulman of Temple Bethel, criticized the first sermon preached by Dr. Aked, the English minster who is the new pastor at the Fifth Avenue Church as being a slur on the Jewish people, when in speaking about immigrants to America that “The deepest truth of all is this that the best Christian citizen is the best citizen and the surest way, the quickest way and the most economical way of making these people good Americans and good patriots is to make them good Christians.”

1908:  Birthdate of Oskar Schindler, the Schindler of “Schindler’s List” fame.  He passed away in 1974.  While much has been written about how authentic the tale told in the film and book was, the reality is that he saved over 1,200 Jews, which is more than most people can say.


1908(27th of Nisan, 5668): Jacob Voorsanger passed away today.

1909: “Immigrants’ Friends Quits” published today described how upset people on the east side were with the resignation of Alexander Harkavy as head of the Hebrew Aid Society of Ellis Island.

1909: At three o’clock this morning “Abdul Hamid, the deposed Sultan of Turkey was sent to Salonica where he will be staying “in a small country house belong to a Jewish banker… which is near a flour mill that is also the property of the Jewish banker.

1910: Eighteen year old Edith Altscul, the San Francisco born daughter of Charles and Camilla (Mandelebaum) Altschul  became Edith Altschul Lehman today when  Herbert Lehman, the “member of a very influential New York family and a partner in the Lehman Brothers investment firm” with whom she had three children – Peter, John and Hilda.

1911: In St. Louis “Eleanor Alina” and “Benjamin Gross” gave birth to Leon Harrison Gross, who gained fame as Lee Falk creator of “The Phantom” and “Mandrake the Magician.”


1911: Council of Rabbis of Constantinople decides to establish a yeshiva for the training of rabbis for Sephardic Jewry.

1911: Bedouins set fire to the synagogue at Tschebel (Tripoli, Barbary), entirely destroying the building which contained old and valuable manuscripts and books.

1912: “How A Russian Girl’s Failure Was Turned To Success,” published today described the successful, important work of the Young Women’s Hebrew Association and its fund raising drive that will enable it to enlarge its facilities.

1913(21st of Nisan, 5673): Seventh Day of Pesach

1913: In Atlanta, Leo Frank, a director with the National Pencil Company told the police that Newt Lee, the night watchman who had found the body of Mary Phagan had not punch his time card which “was supposed to be punched every half hour during his security rounds” at “three or four intervals.”

1913: In Chicago, at Isaiah Temple, a Reform congregation, Rabbi Joseph Stolz is scheduled to lead services on the final day of Passover celebrated by Reform Jews.

1914: It was reported today that Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis has chosen for its officers: Rabbi Maruice Harris, New York, President; Rabbi Joseph Silverman, New York, Vice President; Rabbi Isaac Moses, Treasurer; and Rabbi Harry Levy, Secretary.

1915: The International Congress of Women, where Rosika Schwimmer offered a proposal for a Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation between the governments of the belligerents fighting the World War began today in The Hague.

1915: The Zion Mule Corps completed its landings at Cape Helles, four weeks after the unit had been formed.

1915: As the British Empire was fighting for its survival in WW I, the soap opera triangle involving Prime Minister H.H. Asquith, Venetia Stanley, the Jewish Liberal M.P.Edwin Samuel Montagu reached a climax when Venetia, who would convert to Judaism, “finally accepted Montagu’s proposal” of marriage.

1915: Birthdate of Bernard Phillips, the native of Minneapolis who earned a Ph.D. at Yale and became a professor of philosophy and religion.

1916: “Predicts a Massacre” published today described reports for a planned massacre of Jews that was being “arranged by reaction in Russia to being with the Easter holidays” as celebrated on the Greek calendar.

1916: “A sharp debate in an open session of the Senate today revealed the fact that a vote at the present time in the Judiciary Committee on the nomination of Louis D. Brandeis…for the Supreme Court of the United States would result in an adverse” because the Democratic members of the committee were not united behind Wilson’s nominee and the supporters of Brandeis were looking to line up support among Republican legislators.

1916: It was reported today that “Benjamin Schlessinger, President of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union …said that if the manufacturers carried out their threat of a lockout, the entire industry would be tied up next week” – a sentiment echoed by Morris Hillquit, the counsel for the union who “also predicted a long fight.

1917(6th of Iyar, 5677): (Parashat Tazria-Metzora

1917: Jacob H. Schiff donated “$10,000 to the American Red Cross” to purchase equipment for three United States military hospitals.

1917: In Columbus, OH, the former Selma Dallet and Samuel Ungerleider gave birth to Brown graduate and WW II Army veteran Samuel Ungerleider, Jr., the vice president of “the Central National Corporation Gottesman and Company and starting in 1969 President of the 92ndStreet Young Men’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Association who was the husband of “the former Joy Gottesman,” with whom he had four children – Peter, Steven, Andrew and Jean.

1917: At Temple Israel of Harlem, Rabbi M.H. is scheduled to deliver a Shabbat morning sermon on “Master and Servant.

1917: At Temple Emanu-El, Rabbi Silverman is scheduled to deliver a Shabbat morning sermon on “The Liberalism of the Jews.”

1917: “There were three names that called forth cheers each time they were mentioned at the opening of the eighth annual convention of the Kehillah of New York City in the Hebrew Technical School for Girls” tonight, three words that sum up the immediate heart interests of the delegates on the floor and crowds in the gallery – America, Russia, and Palestine.”

1917: “Rabbi J.L. Magnes, Chairman of the Executive announced tonight “that it had been decided to sever from the Kehillah its two important Bureaus of Education and Industry” so “that the bureaus might develop unhampered and at the same the Kehillah might work out the democratic experience without hindrance.”

1918(14th of Iyar, 5675): Pesach Sheni

1918: In New York, Morris Meltsner and Rose Klarman gave birth to Matilda Meltsner, the fourth of their five children.

1918: During World War I, The Jewish Board of Welfare Work and the Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Camden (NJ), is scheduled to host a dinner this evening for all of the Jewish young men who are about to begin their training at Fort Dix, NJ.

1918: The Hisradruth Ibrith, which had been formed in 1916 for the purpose of promoting Hebrew culture and reviving the Hebrew language held its second annual convention today in New York.

1918: The “Twelfth Semi-Annual Assembly” of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis began at New York today.

1918: Louis Marshall presided over a special meeting of the American Jewish Committee where the attendees who until had not “taken any active part in the Zionist movement adopted a resolution supporting the project based upon the declaration of the British government” which has also been approved by the French government” saying that the organization favors “the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine.

1919: The funeral for 26 year old Harry Zuckerman, the “son of Henry and the late Sarah Zuckerman” is scheduled to take place in Chicago today.

1919: It was reported today that “the Federation of Galician and Bukowinian Jews” has joined in the protests against a proposed ordinance being considered by the Board of Alderman in New York City “forbidding meetings of non-citizens and prohibiting the use of foreign tongues” at all meetings.

1919: It was reported today “The Jewish Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Legion is about to be organized under the auspices of a new society calling itself the American Jewish Seventy Elders.”

1920: The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic came to an end today when it was replaced by the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic a product of the Red Army’s invasion under the direction of Lenin. The creation of the Soviet puppet state brought an end to Zionist activities in the region and the banning of Jewish and Hebrew cultural activities. A few hundred Jews were able to leave for Palestine but the rest would remain trapped and would not have the opportunity for Aliyah until the 1970’s

1920: Rabbi Ephraim Epstein, who has just returned from Poland, is scheduled to address a dinner meeting of the Directors of the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering Through The War on the conditions under which the Jews of Poland are living.

1921(20th of Nisan, 5681) Sixth Day of Pesach

1921: Lightweight Leach Cross (Louis Charles Wallach) fought his 141st bout.

1922: The first edition of The American Hebrew appeared.

1922: Funeral services were held today for seventy-four year old Russian born “Jewish scholar” and Rabbi, Simon Zaretsky, the founder of “Congregation Anshe Oshmane and the husband of Dora Zaretsky with whom he had five children, after which he was interred at Mount Sinai Cemetery.

1926: In Detroit, the former Rhoda Katzin and Theodore Levin who become chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan gave birth to University of Michigan trained attorney Charles Leonard Levin who “served as a Michigan Court of Appeals judge from 1966 to 1972 and as a justice of the Michigan Supreme Court from 1973 to 1996.”

1926: Three days after she had passed way, 72 year old Alice Rachel Henriques, “the eldest daughter” of Jacob Quixano and Elizabeth Waley was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1928:  Birthdate of Yves Klein, French artist, who, among other things, was a major figure in school of art known as neo-Dadaism.

1928: Middleweight Seymour “Cy” Schindell fought his 21stbout today, which he lost.

1929: Birthdate of Avigdor Arikha, the Israeli artist who learned the power of art as a boy during the Holocaust when he sketched scenes from a concentration camp onto salvaged scraps of paper. Arikha, a painter, draftsman and printmaker, became one of Israel's most important contemporary artists, imbuing his portraits and scenes of daily life — a red umbrella against a wall, an overflowing bookshelf, a jumble of bottles in a cabinet — with enigmatic, disconcerting beauty.The artist, who abandoned abstract art for figurative work in the 1960s, was well-known for portraits of subjects including Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother and his close friend, writer Samuel Beckett. He also produced many probing portraits of himself and his wife, poet Anne Atik. "I paint not to get a copy of nature but to get with the brush what I see while I see it," he told The Times in 1987. "It's an act of observation by means of the brush. The instant cannot be repeated, and the brushwork is organic. When you retouch it, you disorganize it. I can't bear to go back." Born in Romania, Arikha turned to drawing to cope when he was sent to a Ukrainian labor camp at age 12. Seventeen sketches survived the war: One showed a pile of corpses in a wagon and a woman's naked body being tossed into a grave. Arikha and his sister were rescued when his drawings came to the attention of the International Red Cross during a camp inspection. Arikha's father died in the Holocaust, and his mother learned that her children were alive in Palestine only after the war. Arikha lived on a kibbutz, studied at the Bezalel School and fought in the war over Israel's creation, during which he was wounded in 1948. Recognizing his talent, supporters in Israel insisted he go to Paris to study and financed him. He arrived in Paris in 1949 and built on the foundations of his Israeli studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Arikha's works are in collections around the world, including the National Portrait Gallery in London, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. He also wrote extensively about art and was named a knight in France's Legion of Honor in 2005. Arikha died at the age of 81 from complications of cancer at his home in Paris, where he spent most of his adult life.

1929:  Birthdate of Carolyn Jones.  Born in Amarillo, Texas, Jones carved out a career on the stage, in films and television.  Her most famous role was as Mortica Addams, in the TV. hit, “The Addams Family.”  A convert to Judaism, Jones died tragically in 1983 at the age of 54, a victim of cancer.

1929: Aaron Rabinowitz and Lieutenant Governor Herbert Lehman take title to the building that had housed the Hoe & Co print plant so that they could convert the property into a cooperative housing project similar to one already created under the aegis of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America on Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx.

1930: Herman Bernstein, the U.S. Ambassador to Albania, presented his credentials today.

1932(22nd of Nisan, 5692): Eighth and Final Day of Pesach observed for the last time during the Presidency of Herbert Hoover.

1933: Birthdate of Warsaw native and Holocaust survivor Israel Himmelstaub who gained fame as Israel Shank, the Hebrew University Organic Professor and head of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights.


1933: Birthdate of Dr. Allan Rosenfield, who as dean of the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University will become a leading advocate for women’s health during the global H.I.V./AIDS epidemic.

1934(13th of Iyar, 5694): Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim

1934(13th of Iyar, 5694: Sixty-eight-year-old “German political writer Eduard Goldbeck” who had married famed soprano Lina Abarbanell in 1900 and who was the father of “writer Eva Goldbeck and the father-in-law of composer Marc Blitzstein passed away today.


1935: “The United Jewish Appeal, which seeks to raise $3,250,000 nationally on behalf of Jews in Germany, Eastern Europe and refugee settlements in Palestine” is scheduled to begin it drive today a dinner at the Commodore.

1936: Sixty-eight year old Faud I, the King of Egypt who continued the “friendly” attitude towards the Jews living in Egypt regardless of their citizen which had been followed during British rule passed away today.

1936: It was reported today that the Nazis “have waged a valiant battle to seize” the funds of the Felix Mendelsohn-Bartholdi Foundation to “assure that nobody of Mendelssohn’s own race shall become a beneficiary of his generosity.”

1936: In Nazareth, four British constables were injured by Arab demonstrators who stoned the police.

1936: A fire at a Jewish tannery in the Moledeth quarter near the village of Yazur ‘was discovered in time to prevent” it from spreading.

1936: In Jerusalem, this evening a Jew was sent to the hospital after having been “stabbed twice in the back by Arab.”

1936: Because of the Arab strike at the port of Jaffa, Tel Aviv merchants have stopped using the port and today “Jewish importers have cabled manufacturers abroad to send all goods to Haifa.”

1937: When the seven day sale of the art collection of the House of Lionel Rothschild ended tonight at Sotheby’s Galleries the items auctioned brought in a total of 125,262 pounds.1938:  The Palestine Post reported on the arrival in Jerusalem of the four members of the new Palestine Commission, which was expected to study the situation and recommend to the British Government how to implement the country's partition. The Palestine Government welcomed the Commission and set it up at the Jerusalem's Government House. The Palestine Arab leadership objected to the Commission's presence and announced a total business strike. But only a fraction of the Arab-owned shops and businesses remained closed for a day.

1938: “Today was the last day that the United States was taking requests for emigration from Germany to the United States” at the consulate in Stuttgart.

1938: “Max and Suse Ettlinger” the parents of future Monuments Man Harry Ettlinger who “had been applying for years to Switzerland, Great Britain, France and the United States for permission to emigrate” without success “rode the train fifty miles to the U.S. Consulate in Stuttgart in search of answers to a few a question but instead were given more papers to fill out which for some unknown led to their getting permission to leave for America a few days later.

1939: Two days after he had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held this afternoon at Temple Rodelph Sholom for 77 year old Isaac Goldberg, the head of “trucking business” that had been founded by his father Jacob Goldberg and Democratic political leader who raised two sons – Bertram and Edwin – with his wife “the former Mae E. Perlberg.”

1940(20th of Nisan, 5700) Sixth Day of Pesach

1940: “Mr. Asch Returns From the Past” described Sholem Asch’s plans for writing a new novel which “will deal with Jewish life in America, more specifically in America.” 

1941(1st of Iyar, 5701): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1941: Today, Federal Judge Charles C. Simons of Detroit was elected president of the biennial Council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

1942: “Criticism of the British Government's policy in Palestine for its "appeasement" of the Arabs and refusal to permit creation of a Jewish army, and belief that victory by the United Nations would mean a "new day" for Jews throughout the world, were voiced today by speakers at the annual donor luncheon of the women's division of the American Jewish Congress.”

1943: Thomas "Toivi" Blatt and his family, with about 400 other Jewish people from Izbica, was transported by the Germans to Sobibor, where “all of Blatt's family were killed there, along with most of the people from his village.”

1943: During World War II, as British forces confronted the Axis Lance-Corporal John Patrick Kenneally single-handedly thwarted a planned attack by the Fascists when he charged down a slope at at Dj Arba, Tunisia, firing his Bren gun into the enemy formations. The enemy was so surprised that they broke and ran. Kenneally was awarded the Victoria Cross (VC).John Patrick Kenneally was an assumed name. He was the illegitimate son of a wealthy Jewish textile manufacturer in Manchester. His mother was an 18-year-old un-married daughter of a Birmingham pharmacist, who was disowned by her family.

1943: In the Warsaw Ghetto, the uprising enters its tenth day.

1944: Mohammed Alim Khan “the last emir representative of the Uzbek dynasty” whom Levi Babakham, the father of Moshe Babakhanov and grandfather of Ari Babakhanov, served as “court vocalist” passed away today,

1944: “1,500 people suitable for labor were taken from the Kistarcsa internment camp to Osweicim” where “they were compelled to write encouraging notes to their relatives with datelines from “Waldsee” which “were brought by an SS-Courier to Budapest and were distributed by the Jewish Council.

1945: Benito Mussolini and his mistress were executed by Italian partisans and then hung by their heels from a sign at a local gas station.  

1945: Polish born French trade unionist Henri Krasucki returned to France after having survived Drancy, Auschwitz and Buchenwald.

1945: The Big Red One, including the 16th division whose member had included Samuel Fuller, “arrived near Selb and began advancing further east through Czechoslovakia.”

1945(15thof Iyar, 5705): Anna Kann, the wife of Jacob Kann and the mother of three children – Maurits, Johan and Jap – who died during the Shoah passed away today at Theresienstadt

1945: Tonight, “a secretly formed International Prisoners Committee took control of the main camp at Dachau after “Victor Maurer, a representative of the International Red Cross negotiated an agreement to surrender the camp to U.S. troops.”

1945: Martin Dannenberg, “a counterintelligence officer” serving with Patton’s Third Army and Frank Perls, both of whom were Jewish, “found a manila folder sealed with red wax embossed with swastikas inside of which was an original four-page copy of the Nuremberg Laws signed by Adolf Hitler in September 1935, which stripped German Jews of their citizenship and prohibited Jews from marrying "Aryans".

1945: Film crews captured the arrival of several ferries carrying thousands of concentration survivors at Malmo, Sweden where “the undernourished victims took their first steps in freedom.”

1945: An armed revolt took place in the town of Dachau. Both former and escaped concentration camp prisoners, and a renegade Volkssturm (civilian militia) company took part. At about 8:30 AM the rebels occupied the Town Hall. The advanced forces of the SS gruesomely suppressed the revolt within a few hours.

1945: Lieutenant Colonel Arkadi Timor entered the heart of Berlin at the head of the Fourteenth Soviet Armored Battalion.  At twenty-four he was one of the youngest officers to hold this rank in the Soviet Army. Despite the fact the Timor already knew that the Nazis had wiped out his entire family from his 2 year old sister to his 96 year old grandfather he refused to take revenge on the Berliners.  Instead, “he ordered his soldiers to hand out soup to the starving civilians” and he established the first kindergarten for German orphans.  After rising to the rank of Colonel, Timor whose interest in Judaism had been re-kindled was imprisoned in 1956.  His wife was told that he would never return from the Gulag.  But in 1960, thanks to secret negotiations, he was allowed to move to Israel where he provided invaluable assistance to the Israeli Ordinance forces as well as serving with valor in combat.

1946: “Representative Emanuel Celler of New York declared that” the British “decision to hold all of the 180,000 Jews of Tel Aviv responsible for the killing of seven British soldiers…was ‘Hitler technique.’” “Mr. Celler said that he as well as other responsible and God-fearing Jews deplored the terrorist activities, but to hold the entire city responsible ‘is exactly the same kind of perverted law that the German military brought with when it occupied Europe.’”  Representative Celler assailed the British for taking “a page out of Himmler’s book.”

1947: Birthdate of Robert Magnus who would serve as the 30th Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps.

1948(19th of Nisan, 5708): Fifth Day of Pesach

1948: Release date for “Letter from an Unknown Woman” based on story by Stefan Zweig and directed by Max Ophüls who also co-authored the script.

1948: Pitcher Saul Rogovin appeared in his first major league baseball game as a member of the Detroit Tigers.

1948: British troops pulled out of the last police fortress in their control in Upper Galilee, at Rosh Pinah in the valley immediately below Mount Canaan.  The fort was then occupied by the Haganah.

1948: Today, Secretary of State George C. Marshall appointed retired U.S. Army Major General and former assistant secretary John H. Hilldring to serve as “a special assistant to the Secretary of State in charge of Palestine Affairs.

1948: Approximately 50 children were evacuated from Kibbutz Gesher in the Jordan Valley.  The Jordanian Legion had attacked the kibbutz which was on the banks of the Jordan River in an attempt to seize the kibbutz’s bridge and an adjacent British police fortress.  Afer a lengthy and bloody battle the kibbutz members decided to transfer the children in the dead of the night to a safe haven.  The children were taken on a dangerous nighttime trek from the Kibbutz to Haifa and housed in an abandoned German monastery in the Bat Galim neighborhood adjacent to what is now the Rambam Medical Center.

1949: Birthdate of Dorothea Miriam Bratu, who as Miriam Hansen, “introduced a new level of sophistication to film studies with her groundbreaking study of American silent film and research on cinema and the human senses.” (As reported by Margalit Fox)

1949:  Birthdate of Springfield, MA native Jerome “Jay” Apt, Ph.D. the Harvard and MIT trained “American physicist and astronaut who was a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University.



1952: Alfred W. Stern, a resident of Chicago who is a collector of Lincoln memorabilia presented the United States Library of Congress with “a scrapbook in which Lincoln” had “pasted newspaper account of his historic diabetes with Stephen A. Douglas.  The scrapbook was used as a printer’s copy for a book edited by Lincoln” entitled Debates which became a bestseller in 1860 when it reportedly sold 50,000. Thanks to the generosity of the Jewish American, the library, and therefore the American people, own the only book ever written or edited by The Great Emancipator.

1952:  The Jerusalem Post reported that for the second consecutive day the Jerusalem Labor Exchange closed after only 120 of Jerusalem's 2,000 jobless were willing to accept the offered forestation work. More than 450 were needed for this work daily, but the unemployed were reluctant to accept such jobs since the payment was set up according to production norms.

1952:  The Jerusalem Post reported that Jerusalem was still short of water since the Municipality could not manage to settle the debt of IL60,000 owed to the Jerusalem Electric Corporation.

1953(13th of Iyar, 5713): Ninety-five year old Odessa born, Yiddish acting star Sarah Levitzka Adler, the widow of famous Yiddish actor Jacob P. Adler with whom she raised five children including actors Luther and Jack Adler and actresses Sarah, Frances and Julia Adler passed away today.


1953: “Jewish Chaplain, Wounded in Korea, Awarded Purple Heart” published today described the how Chaplain Samuel Sobel earned this commendations while serving with the First Division in Korea.

1956: The recording of “The Greatest!! Count Basie Plays, Joe Williams Sings Standards” featuring “Tho Swell” and “This Can’t Be Love” both by Lorenz Hart and Richard Rodgers, “Love is Here to Stay” and “S Wonderful” both by George and Ira Gershwin and “Fine Romance” by Dorothy Fields and Jerome Kern began today.

1957(27th of Nisan, 5717): Yom HaShoah

1957(27th of Nisan, 5717): Sixty year old “Jewish torch singer Belle Baker” passed away today.



1959(20th of Nisan, 5719): Sixth Day of Pesach

1959(20th of Nisan, 5719): Abraham Abelson, the Russian born American husband of Bessie Abelson passed away today after which he was buried in the Home of Peach Memorial Park in East Los Angeles.

1963(4th of Iyar, 5723) יום הזכרוןYom HaZikaron Israel Remembrance Day

1964(16thof Iyar, 5724): Seventy-one year old Alexandre Koyré the Russian born French academic whose field of interest was the philosophy and history of science passed away today in Paris.



1965: “My Name is Barbra” was broadcast this evening.


1966: Simon Gerson sponsored the Herbert Aptheker Testimonial Dinner at the Sutton Ballroom of the New York Hilton. (Pretty spiffy for an event hosted by members of the Communist Party USA)

1967(18thof Nisan, 5727): Fourth Day of Pesach observed for the last time during the Presidency of Lyndon Johnson.

1968(30th of Nisan, 5728); Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1968: Today British business tycoon and political powerhouse Lord Alan Michael Sugar, the Jewish born son of Nathan Sugar, “a tailor in the garment industry of the East End” who now claims to be an “atheist” married Ann Simos “a former hairdresser.

1968:  Birthdate of Daisy Berkowitz, original guitarist with Marilyn Manson.

1969: Dr. Farouk Shabtai and his two brothers were released after almost two years of imprisonment by Egyptian authorities.  Over four hundred adult Jewish males were seized by the Egyptians at the start of the Six Days War and held in what they claimed was a form of “protective custody.”

1970(22ndof Nisan, 5730): Eighth and final day of Pesach

1971(3rdof Iyar, 5731): Yom HaZikaron

1971(3rdof Iyar, 5731): Eighty-five year old Polish born American textile manufacturer and philanthropist Israel Rogosin, the husband of Evelyn Rogosin and father of movie producer Lionel Rogosin passed away today.


1971: Release date of Woody Allen’s “Bananas” co-starring Louise Lasser with music by Marvin Malisch.

1972(14thof Iyar, 5732): Pesach Sheni

1974: First baseman Mike Epstein, nicknamed “Super Jew” played his last big league game today with the American League California Angles.

1977: Birthdate of award winning author Dara Horn


1978: NBC broadcast the last episode of “C.P.O. Sharkey” a sitcom created by Aaron Ruben and starring Don Rickles.

1978:A Treasury of modern drawing: the Joan and Lester Avnet Collection went on exhbit

in the Museum of Modern Art today.

1979: ABC broadcast the last episode of  “What’s Happening!!” a ground breaking urban themed sit com produced by Bud Yorkin, Saul Turtletaub and Bernie Orenstein.

1980: Moisei Tonkonogy, from Odessa, who was an exit visa when “his parents and sister went to Israel in 1973” was sentenced to a year in custody “for parasitism”.

1981: Today “the IAF (F-16A fighters from 117 squadron in Ramat David air base) shot down two Syrian helicopters over Lebanon.”

1982(5thof Iyar, 5742): Yom HaAtzma’ut

1983(15thof Iyar, 5743): Eighty year old Hebraist Dr. Harry Blumberg passed away today.


 1984: In promoting his contention that "One of the principal elements in the study of Rambam is the unification of Jewry," the Rebbe explained that when everyone studies the same thing on the same day, their learning is united across continents. The Rebbe added that when different people study the same topic, they will come to discuss and debate it. This friendly and scholarly debate, the Rebbe said, will bring people closer to each other, contributing to unity among Jews.”

1985:  Several thousand people attended a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp Dachau, near Munich.

1987: Rabbi Arnold Resincoff deliver his prayer, “To Keep the Dream Alive,” at the National Civic Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony in the Capitol rotunda.

1987:Today, Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir went to Paris in order, as he put it, to ''undermine European support for an international conference.'' This puts him at loggerheads with Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and threatens to end the Likud-Labor coalition currently governing Israel.

1988: The final episode of Season 4 of the Cosby Show which was co-created by Ed Weinberger who also scripts for the show, was broadcast this evening.

1990: After 6,137 performances at the Shubert Theatre the curtain came down on the original production of “A Chorus Line” with lyrics by Edward Kleban and music by Marvin Hamlisch.

1991(14th of Iyar, 5751): Pesach Sheni

1991: The New York Timesreports that Israeli commemorative coins “appeal more to the heartstrings than to the purse strings.” Some examples of this are “the coins struck for Israel's 1991 Independence Day to commemorate the immigration of Jews from around the world, a process that is continuing with the arrival of Jews from Ethiopia and the Soviet Union. In 1950, the Israeli Parliament passed the Law of Return, which guarantees citizenship to any Jewish immigrant. Since then, millions of Jews have immigrated. Previous surges of such immigration have strained the Israeli Government's resources, and the new surge's proportions are nearly overwhelming. To raise money for the new immigrants, Israel has been selling bonds and seeking donations. The Government Coins and Medals Corporation has minted three new commemoratives. The three coins are similar in design. Each shows immigrants alighting from a Boeing 747. Around the outside of the coin, in English and Hebrew, appears a phrase from the Book of Jeremiah: "I will gather them out of all countries." On the other side is a wide band running through the center of the coin with a large numeral -- the coin's value. The coins are available in one-shekel and two- and 10-sheqalim pieces. The smaller denominations are 92.5 percent silver, while the 10-sheqalim piece is 90 percent gold. The coins will have a limited mintage -- 15,000 of each silver coin and 6,000 gold 10-sheqalim coins. The silver shekel and the gold 10-sheqalim coin both weigh close to half a troy ounce, while the two-Shekalim coin is nearly a troy ounce of silver. The prices are $32 for the large proof silver two-Shekalim coin and $52 for both the brilliant uncirculated one-shekel and the proof two-Shekalim coins. The gold proof 10-sheqalim coin is $399. All are packaged in a presentation case. The coins may be ordered from the American Israel Numismatic Association.”

1995: “Destiny Turns On The Radio” a comedy featuring Allen Garfield was released today in the United States.

1996: “Big the musical” with tunes by David Shire and a book by John Weidman, the son of Jerome Weidman opened on Broadway at the Schubert Theatre.

1996(9th of Iyar, 5756): Dora “Dutch” Sudarsky, who had been married to sportscaster Bill Mazer for fifty years, passed away today.

1997(21st of Nisan, 5757): Seventh Day of Pesach; Yizkor for Reform

1999(12th of Iyyar, 5759): Arthur Leonard Schawlow, American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate passed away.

2000: “Rabbi at end of 1800’s wasn’t really a rabbi” published today declared that Jacob Voorsanger, a leading 19th century rabbi who led Congregation Emanu-El  in San Francisco  was never ordained according to Visions of Reform: Congregation Emanu-El and the Jews of San Francisco 1849-1999 by Fred Rosenbaum.


2000:  Birthdate of Jacob Levin.  A native of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Mr. Levin is the most wonderful grandson in the world.

2001(5th of Iyar, 5761): Seventy-six year old Yaakov, the sabra who the Israel Prize Winner whose architectural work included the Charles Bronfman Auditorium and the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, both in Tel Aviv, passed away today.

2001(5th of Iyar, 5762): Ninety four year old Vienna born Professor Marie Jahoda, the foremost social psychologist who “worked as a researcher for the American Jewish Committee” passed away today. (As reported by Wolfgang Saxon)


2002: An exhibition entitled “New York: Capital of Photography” opens at The Jewish Museum in New York City.

2002: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Master of the Senate by Robert Caro

2003(26thof Nisan, 5763): Fifty-six year old Ira Herskowitz, the Brooklyn born American geneticist passed away in San Francisco.


2004: Omer Golan made his international debut for the Israel national football team when he came on as a 74th minute substitute for Eyal Berkovich in a friendly against the Moldova national football team” today.

2005(19thof Nisan, 5765): Fifth Day of Pesach

2005: Today, “after several years of construction,” Steve Wynn opened the Wynn Las Vegas, which at that time “was his most expensive resort.

2005: In Waterloo, IA, three year old twins Ben and Noah Susskind along with their parents Robin Gurien and Josh Susskind rise to the challenge of celebrating Pesach in a semi-rural Eastern Iowa.


2006(1stof Iyar, 5766): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2006(1stof Iyar, 5766): Israeli composer Ben-Zion Orgad, the native of Gelsenkirchen, Germany who made Aliyah in 1933, passed away today in Tel Aviv.

2006: Ninety-seven year old Noble prize winner Rita Levi-Montalcini attended the first meeting of the Senate in Italy.2006: “The TV Set,” a comedy directed and written by Jake Kasdan who co-produced the film with Judd Apatow premiered at Tribeca today.

2007: The Cedar Rapids Gazette featured an article entitled “Temple Judah Plans for big crowd at Big Dinner.”  The article describes the preparations and purpose for this major event in the Jewish community that is scheduled for Sunday, May 6.  The article includes a large picture of Rugalach “a sweet pastry prepared by members of Temple Judah.”

2008: Seven months after a “limited theatrical release, the DVD of “I Want Someone to Eat Cheese with” a comedy directed, produced and written by Jeff Garlin who also starred in the film with Sarah Silverman was made today.

2008(23rd of Nisan, 5768): Ninety year old air pioneer Diana Barnato Walker passed away today.



2008: The Jerusalem Cinematheque presents a screening of: “We Who Remained Among the Living” and “Pizza At Auschwitz.”

2008:The New York Timesreports thatSchindler’s 100th Birthday Is Private Affair for Survivors.”As he does every year on the birthday of Oskar Schindler, Nahum Manor will make a pilgrimage to the famed factory owner’s grave on Mount Zion. Manor, 85, met his wife while working in Schindler’s factory. “My life changed very dramatically when I started working at Schindler’s factory,” he said. “We moved from hell to a kind of paradise.” April 28 would have been Schindler’s 100th birthday, and around the world there will be scattered, locally inspired memorials to the factory owner who saved 1,100 lives during the Holocaust and was immortalized in Steven Spielberg’s 1993 film “Schindler’s List.” In New Jersey, Sol Urbach, a Schindler survivor, will be at a small ceremony at the Kaplen Jewish Community Center in New Jersey that his daughter helps organize every year. In Krakow, Poland, last month, 30 Schindler survivors joined a march to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the liquidation of the city’s ghetto, winding from the ghetto to the concentration camp to remember the liquidation and honor Schindler. The march ended at the Palace of Art, where more than 500 photos of Schindler and his factory were on display. Many elements of Holocaust memorialization have become ritualized to intense levels of detail and organization. But Schindler has not yet earned any regular form of commemoration. The homegrown ceremonies that have sprung up around his birthday suggest the personal ways in which many Holocaust survivors are still dealing with their experiences of horror and heroism. “What we have seen recently is the routinization of Holocaust commemoration,” said Michal Bodemann, a professor at the University of Toronto who has written about Holocaust remembrance. Bodemann said the individualized commemorations of Schindler hark back to an earlier era. “From 1945 up to 1978, all commemoration was personal, out of the public eye,” Bodemann said. “It is important to see,” Bodemann added, “that the Schindler Jews have their own private way of celebrating Schindler that is very different from what is happening in public.” Schindler was born in 1908 in Svitavy, Austria-Hungary, which is now a part of the Czech Republic. Under his watch, his family’s business dissolved into near bankruptcy. But when the war started, he saw a business opportunity in following the German army into Poland. There, he used his connections to secure a factory in Krakow that made pots and pans and defective munitions for the German forces.Driven by profits, he used the cheapest labor around: Jews. But on March 12, 1943, Schindler changed his life, the life of his workers and history. Addressing his workers, he told them not to go home that night. The Krakow ghetto, he said, would be liquidated the next day. Schindler had witnessed the killings and decided he must protect his laborers. He built his own concentration camp as a satellite to Kraków-Plaszów, and his staff compiled the now famous list of workers he wanted transferred to his camp.Schindler’s dramatic change in character - from a self-absorbed playboy to a caring hero willing to risk his life to save others - attracted Thomas Keneally, the Australian author who wrote “Schindler’s Ark.” The book was later renamed “Schindler’s List,” and used in Spielberg’s movie. “You’d expect Oskar to be a perfect Nazi,” Keneally said from his home in Melbourne, Australia. “He was a good German lad. You’d think he’d be a pushover for the dominant propaganda about race, but he wasn’t. It is a remarkable legacy in that way.” Schindler’s story has become the core of many of the personalized efforts to commemorate the man. Lili Haber, whose father was on Schindler’s list, organized a symposium that will coincide with Schindler’s birthday, to take place in Ariel, Israel, on behalf of the Association of Krakovians in Israel. Haber hopes to fill the 400-seat auditorium with students. The symposium will include a panel discussion featuring a Holocaust scholar and 10 to 20 survivors. “It is important for young people to learn Schindler’s legacy,” Haber, said. “This way, we show young people Schindler’s great accomplishments and what he risked.” In New Jersey, rather than focusing on history, the Schindler admirers have designed a ceremony that will have more of a personal, religious bent. Families and members of the community will gather in the Kaplen JCC. The ceremony will begin with a playing of Itzhak Perlman’s music from “Schindler’s List.” The Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the deceased, will be recited, as will the “El Maleh Rachamim,” the prayer for the souls of the deceased. A candle lighting will take place, too, and a survivor will address the audience. “Schindler was a very personal hero,” said Barbara Urbach Lissner, Urbach’s 53-year-old daughter. “That is always acknowledged on a personal level, but as a community the focus is on the tremendous loss and the tremendous sadness.” For many survivors, the personal nature of the connection to Schindler means that remembering the man does not require his birthday or a ceremony. “I think of Schindler most of the time. I don’t have to wait for his birthday,” said the youngest member of Schindler’s list, Leon Leyson, who is 78 and lives in Los Angeles. “I could be spreading margarine on my toast,” Leyson said, “and I’ll remember having that little piece of margarine as part of the ration and remember that Schindler had given me bread and, at that time, that was as precious as you can imagine.” In Jerusalem, where Schindler is buried, there are always a number of people who congregate at his grave for his birthday, though not in any organized fashion. Manor said he was considering going to Krakow this year, but he did not need to return to remember. “It wouldn’t be right to say we are going back, because we are always back,” he said. “We never leave Krakow, nor Schindler, nor the war.”

2008:Yossi Harel was scheduled to be buried at the Caesarea-area kibbutz, Sdot Yam today. Harel, who commanded four ships bringing Jews to Israel illegally, died at the age of 90 in Tel Aviv. Harel assisted 24,000 Jews in reaching Israel aboard four ships, including the famed SS Exodus, between 1945 and 1948. Great Britain, which controlled the region at the time, banned Jewish immigration due to Arab pressure. The other three ships were called Knesset Yisrael (Gathering of Israel), Atzma'ut (Independence) and Kibbutz Galuyot (Ingathering of the Exiles). The Exodus was made famous by a film of the same name. Born in 1919, Harel was the sixth generation in his family born in Jerusalem. At the age of 15 he joined the pre-state Haganah defense force. By the age of 28 he oversaw the clandestine immigration operations bringing Jews, many of them survivors of the Holocaust, to the Holy Land. Later on, Harel oversaw the IDF’s Unit 131, an intelligence unit that ran a spy ring in Egypt until the so-called Lavon Affair of 1954.

2009: “Picturing the Shoah,” a film festival sponsored by YIVO that explores how movies have represented the Holocaust from radical, provocative, and unexpected angles continues with an exhibition of “Lili Marleen.”

2009 (4 Iyar): Yom Hazikaron – Israel Remembrance Day - Israel's National Memorial Day for the Fallen and the Victims of Terror

2009(4 Iyar, 5769) Richard J. Pratt passed away. Born Ryszard Przecicki, in 1934 he “was a prominent Australian businessman, chairman of the privately owned company Visy Industries, and a leading figure of Melbourne society. In the year before his death Pratt was Australia's fourth richest person, with a personal fortune was valued at A$5.48 billion dollars. Pratt was appointed an Officer, of the Order of Australia; however, he returned his awards in February 2008 after he was fined $36 million for price fixing.”

2009:Journalist and motivational speaker Jean Chatzky discusses her new book, “The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper in Even The Toughest Times,” at the U.S. Department of the Interior.

2009:The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) welcomes Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter to the Democratic Party following the longtime Republican Senator’s announcement today that he is “crossing the aisle.”  Specter becomes the 12 Jewish Democratic Senator.  The number will rise to 13 with the seating of Al Frankin from Minnesota

2010: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to sponsor “Daughters of Sara, Mothers of Israel: Jewish Women of Medieval Gerona,” the first of two lectures on the Jews of Catalonia. 

2010:Israeli singer songwriter Danny Robas, one of Israel's most unique musicians in the last 20 years is scheduled to perform at Le Poisson Rouge in New York City.

2010: “The Duel,” a film based on the novel of the same name directed by Israeli Dover Kosashvili was released in the United States today.

2011: Rabbi Joseph Krakoff is scheduled to lead the discussion at Congregation Shaarey Tzedek’s “Tequila and Talmud” in West Bloomfield, Michigan.

2011: Graveside services will be held today at Zion Memorial Park for Holocaust surivior Gora Hudesa Gora

2011:A bomb killed 15 people including two Jews who were among 10 foreigners in Morocco's bustling tourist destination of Marrakesh, state television said today in an attack that bore the hallmark of Islamist militants. The Jewish woman was reportedly an Israeli citizen and pregnant. The blast ripped through a cafe overlooking Marrakesh's Jamaa el-Fnaa square, a spot that is often packed with foreign tourists. A Reuter’s photographer said he saw rescuers pulling dismembered bodies from the wreckage.

2011: Wisconsin offensive guard Gabe Carimi was drafted in the first round of the 2011 NFL Draft by the Chicago Bears.

2012: Jacob Wertheimer, the son of former Heavyweight Boxing Champion Muhammad Ali's daughter Khaliah Ali Wertheimer and her husband Spencer Wertheimer had his Bar Mitzvah ceremony in the congregation Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia

2012: Bonnie Franklin “was among several stars who appeared at the 28th annual Southland Theatre Artists Goodwill Event (STAGE) benefit, titled Original Cast 3, at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills to benefit AIDS Project Los Angeles” which “raised more than $200,000 for APLA's work with clients living with HIV and AIDS in Los Angeles County.”

2012: “Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life,” a film that tells “the story of a boy born to Russian-Jewish parents in Nazi-occupied Paris rising to international fame” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2013(18th of Iyar, 5773):  33rd day of the Omer – Lag B’Omer

2013(18th of Iyar, 5773): Eighty-eight year old world renowned cellist Janos Starker passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)



2013: Rabbi Alfredo Borodowski is scheduled to lead “Finding God: A Workshop” at the Skirball Center

2013: Lubavitch of Iowa City is scheduled to host its annual Lab B’Omer BBQ this afternoon

2013: The Jewish Food Festival is scheduled to be held at the River Market Pavilion in Little Rock, AR.


2013: The New York Timesfeatures reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner and Al Capp: A Life to the Contrary by Michael Schumacher and Denis Kitchen

2013: The Maccabeats are scheduled to perform at the Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration sponsored by the Jewish Community Association of Greater Phoenix.

2013: “Steal a Pencil for Me,” the opera composed by Gerald Cohen with a libretto by Deborah Brevoorst will debut at Congregation Shaarei Tikvah in Scarsdale, NY.

2013: Friends and family gather to celebrate the birthday of Jacob Levin

2013: Phil Hochberg was honored before today’s game between the Washington Nationals and Cincinnati Reds.

2013: The Israel Air Force bombed two sites in the Gaza Strip early this morning in response to a Qassam rocket that was fired from Gaza into southern Israel last night.

2013:While some in Israel are enjoying the first flush of summer of recent days, hitting the beach and packing out the cafes and boulevards, the unseasonably hot weather has brought the usual spate of wildfires and heatstroke cases as people celebrate Lag B’Omer


2013: Israel will not tolerate a "drizzle" of rockets on its territory, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the cabinet today, explaining an IAF strike in Gaza hours earlier against a terror facility and weapons storage site in southern Gaza.

2014(28thof Nisan, 5774): Yom HaShoah

2014: In New Orleans, the keynote speaker at the Holocaust Memorial Program is scheduled to be eighty-eight year old Philip Bialowitz, one of only seven survivors of the Sobribor revolt at the Nazi death camp who was 17 at the time of the revolt, joined with his brother and others to overwhelm the guards and helped free 200 of the 600 prisoners housed there” whose memoir is A Promise at Sobribor: A Jewish Boy’s Story of Revolt and Survival in Nazi-Occupied Poland. (As reported by the Crescent City Jewish News)

2014: Rabbi Sara Luria is scheduled to present the first in a three part lecture series “Jewish Spirituality Through Water: Reclaiming an Ancient Tradition” at the Skirball Center.

2014: Rob Reiner is scheduled to be honored tonight at the 41st Chaplin Award Gala by several notables including James Caan and Billy Crystal.

2014: As part of The William Rosenwald and Ruth Israels Roswenwald Course in Contemporary Jewish History Yitschak Schwartz is scheduled to lecture on “How We Here: Judaism in America, 1654-2014

2014: Lena Gilbert, is scheduled to deliver a lecture tonight at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon on her life as the daughter of Holocaust Survivors.

2014: Friends and family prepare to celebrate the natal of Jacob Levin, whose academic, musical and Hebraic skills mark him as a budding “Renaissance Man” adding to the fact that he has already proven himself to be a Mensch par excellence

2015: “The Dove Flyer” and “Almost Friends” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015: The Washing Society of Jewish Deaf is scheduled to present a screening of “Lost and Sound.”

2015: Dr. Michael Hornum Archaeologist and Smithsonian Scholar is scheduled to deliver his final lecture on the “Archaeology of Israel – From Canaanite to Israelite” The Transformation from Bronze Age City States to the Iron Age National State” at Beth Shalom in Howard County, MD.

2015: The Jewish Historical Society of England is scheduled to sponsor a presentation by Shirli Gilbert author of Music in the Holocaust in which she “examines the role of music in the Nazi ghettos and camps and the insight it offers into victims' responses”   For more see http://holocaustmusic.ort.org/ and


2016(20thof Nisan, 5776): Sixth Day of Pesach

2016: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host an evening with Paul Krugman of the New York Times discussing the condition and future of the economy.

2016: Despite Prime Minister Netanyahu’s public support of the Republican position on the Iran nuclear agreement, “President has proposed granting Israel the largest package of military aid ever provided by the United States to another nation” – a proposal that the Israeli Prime Minister is challenging based, some say” on his “calculation that he can reach a more advantageous deal with a future president.”

2016: Hainan Airlines, the largest private carrier in China, is scheduled to begin flights between Ben Gurion Airport and China today.

2016: The exhibition “Dorothy Bohm: Sixties London” opened at the Jewish Museum in London.

2016: “Paul Rudd Set To Star As Moe Berg In Fact-Based WWII Tale The Catcher Was A Spy” published today described plans for Paul Rudd to start in “The Catcher Was a Spy” directed by Ben Lewin and based on the biography about Moe Berg by Nicholas Dawidoff.

2016: Friends and family celebrate the all-important 16th birthday of Jacob Levin!

2017: Today “it was announced that an eight-episode revival of ‘Roseanne’” starring Roseanne Barr, “was in the works.”

2017: Today “President Trump proclaimed May 2017 Jewish American Heritage Month, marked annually since 2006 across the United States and preceded each year with an announcement by the sitting President.

2017: MJE is scheduled to host “Spring Season – Opening Day” – a baseball themed Shabbat dinner held in conjunction with B’nai B’rith

2017: The Iowa Community Theatre performed “The Diary of Anne Franke,” a played based on The Diary of Young Girl, newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman

2017: The Oxford University Jewish Society the first Friday night service and Shabbat dinner for this term.

2017: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Holocaust Survivor Dr. Jacob Eisenbach is scheduled to speak at Temple Judah, the congregation he once served as President.

2017: In addition to Kindling the lights of Shabbat, the friends and family of Jacob will be lighting the lights for his 17th birthday.

2018(13thof Iyar, 5778): Parashat Acharay-Kedoshim;

2018(13thof Iyar, 5778): Ninety-six Bronx born photographer Art Shay, “another Jew with a camera” passed away today (As reported by James Estrin)




2018: Double mitzvah – Shabbat and celebration of Jacob Levin’s 18thbirthday which fittingly enough falls when Jews start reading “The Holiness Code.”

2018: Atara Frish’s “The Love Letter” is scheduled to be shown for the last time at the Tribeca Film Festival.

2018: Zoe Pelts is scheduled to become a Bat Mitzvah at Temple Israel, Memphis, TN’s largest congregation.

2019: The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host “Together We Remember,” a commemoration of Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month.

2019: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Losing Earth: A Climate History by Nathaniel Rich, the son of Frank Rich and Uncertain Manifesto, “a recently translated book from Swiss-born French writer and artist Frédéric Pajak” that highlights the “recurring motif is the story of Walter Benjamin, the German Jewish philosopher and cultural critic who witnessed Europe being consumed by fascism.”

2019: While Jews and all decent human beings mourn for the murdered victim at the Chabad of Poway and pray for the “perfect healing” of the wounded investigators have said that the perpetrator was a nineteen year old white male who had tried to burn down a mosque and was enamored with white supremacist who had murdered a record number of Jews six months ago.

2019: Pesach ended yesterday, but the big holiday is today as the friends and family of Jacob Levin who is spending a year studying in Israel honor his natal day.

2020(4thof Iyar, 5780): Yom Hazzikaron



2020: On the same day that we remember with sadness all of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice be it as fighters or victims of terror for the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel, friends and family of Jacob Levin remember that today is the natal day of this mensch and grandson par excellence.

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host John Kenrick as he takes a virtual “Look at ‘Funny Girl.’”

2020: The Jewish Alliance for Law and Social is scheduled to host, virtually, “Schmoozefest: Social Justice Conversation, Music and Comedy.”

2020: HaMaqom|The Place educator Tamar Zaken is scheduled to virtually lead “a class about the experiences of Sephardic, Middle Eastern and North African Jews in Israel.”

2020: Rina Neiman is scheduled to participate in three 30 minute webinars in which she discusses Born Under Fire,“her historical novel based on her mother’s life in pre-state Israel.”

2021: The Contra Costa JCC is scheduled to host virtually “A Brief History of Jerusalem” during which UC Berkeley professor Ron Hassner is scheduled to address the city’s significance to Jews, Christians and Muslims, its religious and political tensions and possible resolutions.

2021: Chabad of Downtown Boston, Back Bay, Beacon Hill and South End is scheduled to present online “Rarely Explored Jewish Tenet Course” during which participants learn “to demystify the Jewish idea of a perfect world and discover a practical path for reaching it in our lifetime.”

2021: The Jewish Community Library is scheduled to present “Jim Van Buskirk as he leads a discussion of real family secrets and those in James McBride’s “The Color of Water,” Dani Shapiro’s “Inheritance” and Evan Imber-Black’s “The Secret Life of Families.”

2021: Stanford’s Taube Center for Jewish Studies is scheduled to present author Moriel Rothman-Zecher as he discusses his book about an American Jew poised to enter the Israeli army, in conversation with Stanford professors Vered Shemtov and Steven J. Zipperstein.

2021: The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present Joshua de Sola Mendes  

lecturing on “Chocolate Around the World.”

2021:The High Court of Justice is scheduled to issue a ruling at 3.30 pm today on Likud minister Ofir Akunis’ appointment as justice minister after a contentious cabinet vote on his nomination was disqualified by Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit.

2021: Jacob Levin, a mensch of the first order, a fine student, Hebraist, and the world’s greatest grandson turns 21 today. 

This Day, April 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


 April 29

 711: According to some sources the date on which an army led by Tariq ibn Ziyad landed at Gibraltar marking the start of the Moslem conquest of the Iberian Peninsula with all that would come to mean for the Jewish population during the next seven centuries.  

1221: Honorius III issued “Ad nostram Noveritis audientiam” a Papal Bull obligating Jews to carry a distinctive badge and forbidding them to hold public office.

1280(21st of Iyar, 5040): French rabbi Issac ben Joseph of Corbeil, the son-in-law of Jeheil ben Joseph of Paris, passed away today.

1464: Coronation of Matthias Covinus as King of Hungary and Croatia which marked an improvement in the conditions of the Jews as can be seen by his creation of “the office of Jewish prefect in Hungary.”

1520: A Sephardic Jew known as “Shealtiel” to whom Elijah Miztahi, the Chief Rabbi of the Ottoman had transferred the power of tax collection was returned to the office after having lost the job in 1518 in what may have been a power struggle between the Romaniot and Sephardic Jewish communities.

1614(20th of Iyar, 5374): Polish Halakhist and Talmudist Joshua ben Alexander HaCohen Falk, author of commentaries on Arba’ah Turim and Shulkhan Arukh passed away today.

1624:  In France, Richelieu assumes as Prime Minister of Louis XIII. Although Louis had reaffirmed the expulsion of the Jews in a declaration issued in 1615, Richelieu would write a letter (which Louis would sign) in 1632 allowing the Jews of Metz to remain in that city.  There is no evidence that Richelieu was philo-Semitic.  Rather he realized that having just captured Metz, the city would lose some of its commercial value if the Jews were expelled.

1659: In a dispute arising out of the business of trapping and shipping beaver pelts,  Asser Levy as attorney in fact for Abraham Cohen, "Jew at Amsterdam," appeared in the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens (Municipal Court) of New Amsterdam to demand from Cornelis Janss Plavier  the money he had received from Cohen. Plavier admitted the loan. Levy refused to accept a 460 guilder payment, and demanded imprisonment or public sale of Plavier's goods. The Court ordered the defendant to pay any balance due on the loan

1679(17thof Iyar, 5439): Joshua da Silva, the Hakham of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in London who was followed in office by Jacob Abendana passed away today.

1688: Frederick, the future King of Prussia who would appoint Aaron ben Benjamin Wolf as Chief Rabbi of Berlin, became Duke of Prussia.

1697: Beila Levy, the wife of Isaac Levy with whom she had three children, passed away today, almost exactly two years after the death of her husband.

1699: In Paris the French Academy of Science holds its first public meeting at the Louvre.  While the Academy includes many Jewish members today, including David Baltimore and Israel Gelfand, this was not always the case.  For example, Madame Curie was denied admittance because she reportedly had at least one Jewish parent.  Poor Madame Curie – she was Polish and not Jewish but then facts never get in the way of bigotry.

1769(22nd of Nisan, 5529): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1769: According to some, the birthdate of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. Others use the date of May 1, 1769.  Regardless of which date is used, Wellington comes up short of the mark as far as Jews are concerned because of his opposition to their emancipation when he was Prime Minister. 

1770: Birthdate of Lazarus Gumpel the native of Hildesheim, who became a successful businessman in Hamburg where he helped to found a Reform Temple in 1817.

1774(18th of Iyar, 5534): Jews living in Colonial America celebrate their last Lag B’Omer as subjects of King George III.

1783: Birthdate of German native “Fanni Fradele Hajim,” the husband of Immanuel Einstein with whom she had five children.

1793(17th of Iyar, 5553: Rabbi Yechezkel ben Yehuda Landau passed away.He was an influential authority in halachah (Jewish law). He is best known for the work Nodah bi-Yehudah,”by which title he is also known. Landau was born in Opatow, Poland, and attended yeshiva at Vladimir and Brody. In Brody, he was appointed Dayan (rabbinical judge) in 1734, and in 1745 he became rabbi of Jampol. While in Jampol, he attempted to mediate between Jacob Emden and Jonathan Eybeschütz in a debate - "The Emden-Eybeschütz Controversy" - that "had disrupted Jewish communal life for many years". His role in the controversy is described as "tactful" and brought him to the attention of the Prague community where he asappointed rabbi in 1755. He also established a Yeshiva there; Avraham Danzig, author of Chayei Adam,” is amongst his best known students. Landau was highly esteemed not only by the community, but also by others; and he stood high in favor in government circles. Thus, in addition to his rabbinical tasks, he was able to intercede with the government on various occasions when anti-Semitic measures had been introduced. Though not opposed to secular knowledge, he objected to "that culture which came from ", in particular Moses Mendelssohn’s translation of the Pentateuch. His main work entitled “Nodah bi-Yehudah("Known in Judah"), is one of the principal sources of Jewish law of his age. This collection was esteemed by rabbis and scholars, both for its logical discussion and for its independence with regard to the rulings of other Acharonim as well as its simultaneous adherence to the writings of the Rishonim. Other works include Dagul Mervavah on the Shulkhan Arukh and Tziyun le-Nefesh Chayah(abbreviated as Tzelach, named in reference to his mother, whose name was Chayah) on the Talmud.”

1796(21stof Nisan, 5556): Seventh Day of Pesach

1796: Sarah Mocatta and David Abarbanel Lindo gave birth to Elia David Abarbanel Lindo, the husband of Susan Lyon.

1797: Sara Mocatta and David Abarbanel Lindo gave birth to Abraham David Lindo.

1801: In Darmstdat, Germany, Alexander Wollf, “a merchant well versed in the Talmud” and his wife gave birth to Rabbi Abraham Alexander Wolff, the future leader of the Copenhagen Jewish community.

1805: Eliza Aarons married Simon Levy, a merchant, in Charleston, SC.

1805: Joseph Moses married Lydia Levy at the Great Synagogue today.

1811: In Prague, Markus Löw Popper and Esther Popper gave birth to Isaias Popper.

1819: Birthdate of Moses Angel who succeeded H.A. as Mast of the Talmud Torah Department at Jews’ Free School in 1840 before becoming Headmaster of JFS.

1823: Moss Lyons married Catherine Polack at the New Synagogue today.

1826(22nd of Nisan, 5586): Eighth Day of Pesach; Yizkor

1826: As Jews munch on their Matzah, the Greeks fear the aftermath of the victory of the Ottoman victory at MIssolonghi during the Greek revolt against the Turks.

1827: Sara Levy and Abraham Slowman gave birth to solicitor Louis Charles Lumley, the husband of Charlotte Joseph and father of Amy, Aubrey, Gerald and Claude Lumley.

1829: Bernard Cowvan married Henrietta Poole at the Great Synagogue today.

1830: Birthdate Adolph Sutro the native of Aachen, Germany, the brother of Otto Sutro, the 24th mayor of San Francisco who was also the city’s first Jewish chief executive.



1832: In High Holborn, Middlesex, Phoebe and Ephraim Benjamin gave birth to Mary Benjamin.

1833: Birthdate of Michael Friedländer, a native of Posen who became principle of Jews’ College In London created one of the most popular English translate of Guide to the Perplexed by Maimonides.

1833: Rosetta Isaacs and Henry Magnus gave birth to Edward Magnus.

1835: Leman Zox married Maria Myers at the Great Synagogue today.

1835: In Charleston, SC Charlotte Lazarus, the youngest daughter of Marks Lazarus married Dr. De La Motta.

1840: Birthdate of Leopold Jacoby, the son of a cantor who “received his doctorate” in 1867 and became and M.D. in 1870.

1844: “Members of Boston's first Jewish congregation petitioned city officials to set aside a corner of an East Boston cemetery for their use” and when the city rejected the request congregants of Ohabei Shalom “pooled their resources to buy a 10,000-square-foot lot at the corner of Byron and Homer Streets in East Boston.”

1845:(22nd of Nisan, 5605): Eighth of Pesach observed for the first time during the Presidency of James K. Polk

1847: In Mainz, Samuel Strauss and Rosalia Drucker gave birth to Arthur Strauss, the Conservative MP and husband of Mina Cohen.

1849: A group of Jews in Wheeling, which was still a part of Virginia, who starting this year held “Holy Days” services in the third floor of a house at 14thand Main Streets until 1856, purchased the Mount Wood Cemetery today.

1853: In the House of Lords, the Earl of Aberdeen moved the second reading of the Bill for removal of Jewish Disabilities and strongly urged the removal of this most irritating restriction on the civil liberties of a section of British subjects.  The Earl of Shaftesbury opposed the bill and moved it bread that six months.  He trembled at the consequences to Christianity if Jews were admitted on a civil equality with Christians.  Such measures would expel Christianity from the ear but they might destroy it in Great Britain.  The Earl of Albemarle, the Archbishop of Dublin and the Bishop of St. David’s supported the bill while the Bishop of Salisbury, Early of Darnley, Earl of Harrowby and others, opposed it on religious grounds.  The bill was defeated with 115 voting for it and 164 voting against it. The Earl of Aberdeen has addressed the House of Lords telling them that he had changed his mind about the Jewish Disabilities Bill.  Two years ago he had voted against the bill.  Now he was prepared to vote for it because “he regarded the exclusion of the Jews from civil privileges as a remnant of the spirit of persecution which prevailed in former times throughout Christendom.”

1852: In New York City, Asher and Abigail Kursheedt gave birth to Israel Baer Kursheedt

1861: Major Alfred Mordecai's letter repeating his request for a transfer reached Washington, DC where it is read by his new commanding officer, Lt. Col. Ripley.  Ripley refused the request on two counts.  First, he needed Mordecai, whom he considered one of his ablest subordinates to remain at the arsenal in New York so that he could produce the munitions desperately needed to fight the war.  Second, the army could not maintain the discipline it needed to fight a war if officers were allowed to dictate their term of services based on personal desires.  The U.S. Army's most prominent Jewish officer would have to choose between serving or resigning.

1861:Maryland's House of Delegates votes not to secede from the Union. As was the case with their fellow citizens, Jews in Maryland were divided over the issues of slavery and secession.  It would seem that more of the Jews favored Union and opposed slavery than did not.  For example, the Lloyd Street Synagogue was a stop on the Underground Railway. Har Sinai’s Rabbi David Eihnorn was published Sinai, an abolitionist newspaper and Einhorn was forced to leave town by a mob that was threatening to tar and feather him.

1861: Birthdate of Lajos Blau, a Hungarian scholar, educated at three different yeshivot, who became a teacher of the Talmud at the Landesrabbinerschule and later a professor of the Bible, the Hebrew and Aramaic languages, and the Talmud. He died in 1936.

1861: Newly inaugurated President Abraham Lincoln appointed Abraham Jonas to serve as Postmaster of Quincy, Illinois.

1862: In Cincinnati, Ohio, Salomon Eichholz and Hannah Neustadt gave birth to Adolph Eichholz the University of Pennsylvania trained lawyer and husband of Leah Block who was one of the driving forces behind the creation of the Jewish Publication Society of America and Vice President of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.

1863: In Vienna, Josef Pick, the “son of Elisabeth and Markus Pick” and his wife Eleanor Pick gave birth to Arthur Pick

1864(23rd of Nisan, 5624): Author and translator of poetry David Samosch passed away.

1865: It was reported today that a Jewish shoemaker named Godfrey J. Hyams was the first witness called to testify against William J. McDonald who is on trial in Canada on charges of “ making torpedoes, hand-shells, Greek fire, and other explosive missiles” to be used by Confederate agents against the United States.

1865: P. J. Joachimsen delivered a eulogy honoring the late President Lincoln at the Jewish place of worship in New Orleans, LA.


1869(18th of Iyar, 5629): Lag B’Omer

1870: The Baltimore Sun reports that the late Dr. George Frick, a resident of Baltimore, bequeathed $100.00 to the Hebrew Society of Baltimore.

1870: In London, Sarah Kraijsman and David Colski gave birth to Henry Colski and Nancy Colski.

1870: In Baden, Marum and Malchen Bottigheimer) Weil “manufacturer” Maurice Weil who in 1884 came to the United States where founded Weil Kalter Manufacturing company, married Paula Kalter and became an active leader in the St. Louis, MO Jewish community as can be seen by his founding of the Jewish Loan Association of St. Louis, and serving as a director of the Jewish Community Center and the Jewish Federation of Charities,

1871: Fromenthal Halevy’s “Charles VI,” a grand opera in five acts was performed for the first time in Barcelona.

1871: In Berlin, William Louis Stern and Clara Joseephy gave birth to William Louis Stern who fled the Nazis and continued his work in the field of psychology at Duke University.


1875: Publication today of Transatlantic Sketchesby Henry James, who “employed a number of anti-Semitic stereotypes to describe the skin color and nose shape of the Jewish residents” and who “invariably fixes upon the Jew the full force of a carefully regulated disdain.”


1875: In Kensington, London German-born Jewish stockbroker, Victor Rubens, and Jenny Rubens, née Wallach Paul Alfred Rubens “an English songwriter and librettist for some of the most popular Edwardian musical comedies” who “suffered from consumptive disease for nearly his entire adult life” which did not keep his from contributing to the success of dozens of musicals.

1878: Birthdate of Friedrich Adler the native of Laupheim who would be murdered during the Shoah in 1942.


1880(18th of Iyar, 5640): Lag B’Omer

1881(30th of Nisan, 5641): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1881: Ellen Cuffe, Countess of Desart, the daughter of Jewish banker Henri Louis Bischoffsheim married the Fourth Earl of Desart.

1881(30th of Nisan, 5641):  Sixty three year old French sculptor and photographer Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon passed away.


1882: Pogroms returned to Ukraine with an outbreak of anti-Semitic violence at Balta in Podolia Province.

1883(22nd of Nisan, 5643): 8th day of Pesach

1883: Birthdate of Russian native Samuel Prosterman  who in 1906 came to Chicago where he was a clothing manufacturer and Vice President of Temple Beth Israel.

1883: The New York Times featured a review of Travels in Palestine: Egypt, Palestine and Phoenicia – A Visit to Sacred Lands by Philip Bovet.


1885:  Birthdate of Czechoslovakian writer and journalist, Egon Erwin Kisch who was born into a German-speaking Jewish family in Prague, which at that time was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  During World War I, he traded in his pen for a rifle in the Austrian Army.  He continued his writing career after the war including a stint in Berlin.  He was forced to flee the Nazis, first to Republican Spain and finally to Mexico where he spent the war.  He returned to Czechoslovakia after the war where he died in 1948 as the Communists were coming to power.  When the German magazine “Stern” founded a prestigious award for German journalism in 1977, it was named the Egon Erwin Kisch Prize in honor of Egon Kisch.


1885: “At the Trinity Chapel Complex,” Edward (Teddy) Wharton married Edith Newbold Jones who gained fame as Pulitzer Prize winning author Edith Wharton whose display of anti-Semitism in The House of Mirth which included the depiction Jewish financier name Simon Rosedale has proved to a problem for her at least some of her Jewish fans.”


1887: Horace J. Young was arrested on charges of having abandoning his wife Clara, the eldest daughter of Julius Praeger, a prominent New York Jewish businessman

1887: In New York, Ida (Kuhn) Cohen and Eduard Cohen gave birth to Edwin Cohen

1888(18thof Iyar, 5648): Lag B’Omer

1888: In New York, “traveling salesman” David Heidelberger and his wife Fannie Campe Heidelberg gave birth to Columbia trained “award winning pathologist” Michael Heidelberger “known as the father of modern immunology”


1889: The Young Women’s Hebrew Association is scheduled to host a celebratory event this evening as part of the events marking the centennial of George Washington taking the oath of office as the first President of the United States.

1891(21stof Nisan, 5651): Seventh Day of Pesach

1890: Rabbi David Levy officiated at the wedding of Hannah D. Moses, daughter of J.L. Moses and Thomas Moultrie Mordecai at the Hasell Street Synagogue in Charleston, SC

1891: “Greeks Persecutes Jews” published today describes attacks by Greeks at Corfu on the Jewish population.  The body of a dead child had been found in the Jewish Quarters and the Greeks spread a report that that it was a Christian girl who had been murdered by the Jews for their Passover celebration. The dead child was the daughter of Jewish leader whom the Jews claimed was murdered by the Greeks to provide an excuse for their rioting and plundering.  The threat became so severe that the 6,000 Jews had to close their shops and take refuge behind a military cordon surrounding the Jewish Quarter.

1891: In Philadelphia, PA, The Society Hachnasath Orechim, or Wayfarers' Lodge which was organized in 1890 was chartered today.

1892: As attempts are made to limit immigration, especially the immigration of Jews from eastern Europe, the joint committee of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States on Immigration and Naturalization resumed its investigation at the Post Office Building.

1892: As the first group of Russian Jews left Montreal to begin establishing farms in the Canadian Northwest, it was reported that if this group is successful Canadian Jews expect another 10,000 to eventually follow in their footsteps.

1892: Among the bequests made by the late Hannah O. Beebe of Yonkers was one of $50 to Jacob Freshman to be used by him for “the relief of Jews as he deems best.”

1893: “Bismarck on Anti-Semitism” published today provided a summary of an interview the German leader gave on his views toward the Jews.  Based on his education, he said he “was never a friend of the Jews” which helps to explain why he opposed emancipation in 1847.  His views changed in 1869 when Jewish leaders supported his programs for national development.  The current reappearance of anti-Semitism following the losses suffered during a period of speculation “is natural” because the people confuse “capitalism with Judaism.”

1893: “Ahlwardt’s Baseless Charges” published today describe the conclusions of the Reichstag subcommittee that had examined the documents submitted by Hermann Ahlwardt, the leading anti-Semite, which he claimed proved that current and former officials were guilty of corruption. The committee said there was nothing in the documents to prove the accusation.  Ahlwardt’s real contention was that the Jews had corrupted the German political leaders.

1894: It was reported today that “ex-Rector Ahlwardt, the Jewbaiter who has imprisoned several times for criminal libel” said “he would give the public startling information…concerning…the corruptness of Jews and the criminal complicity of those in high authority…” (Editor’s note: This a reference to Christian Ahlwardt, the German clergyman who, when he came to New York was given a police escort made up entirely of Jewish officers courtesy of Police Commissioner Teddy Roosevelt.)

1894: In Quincy, Illinois, Council No 2 of the National Council of Jewish Women was formed with Mrs. J.H. Lesem as President and Mrs. Jeanie Nelke as Secretary

1894(23rd of Nisan, 5654): Eighty-one year old Danish portrait and genre painter David Monies passed away today in Copenhagen.

1894: The Board of Directors of Mount Sinai Hospital held a special meeting today adopted a special resolution expressing their sense of loss caused by the recent death of Jesse Seligman.

1894: Birthdate of Gomel native Nathan Daimont who in the 1911 came to the United States where he attended Cooper Union and Kansas State University, served with American forces on the Mexican Border and during WW I and lived in Newport, N.H.

1894: The Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum adopted a “Tribute to the Memory of its deceased President, Mr. Jesse Seligman” co-authored by Edward Lauterbach, Oscar S. Straus and Sigmund Bach.

1895: Plans were published today about an upcoming meeting at Temple Emanu-El where the ladies of the congregation will discuss the upcoming benefit for the Hebrew Technical Institute and Educational Alliance.

1895: Samuel Untermyer of Guggenheim, Untermyer and Marshal represented the Wall Paper Company before Justice Lawrence in the Supreme Court who was hearing a case involving injunctive relief by National Wall Paper Company.

1896: In Berlin “translator and writer Sigmar Mehring” and his wife gave birth to German satirist Walter Mehring whose books were burned by the Nazis and found refuge in the U.S. where he worked for MGM before returning to post-war Europe.


1906: Birthdate of Odessa born, Irish surgeon and cardiologist Leonard “Abe” Abrahamson, the President of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and husband of Nellie Nurock who were the parents of attorney Max Abrahamson and the grandparents of movie director Leonard Abrahamson.

1897: “New Publications” provided a detailed review of the New American Supplement to the Latest Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica which includes a section on “the story of Judaism and the history of the Jews” written by Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch.

1898: Birthdate of Philip Palew, the native of Brooklyn, a WW I veteran who worked as an orthopedic surgeon and served on the faculty of New York University.


1898: Two days after she had passed away, Annie Simmons, the wife of Joseph Simmons, was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery” in London.

1898: Ali Ferruh Bey, the Ottoman Ambassador in Washington, "wrote to Istanbul in order to alert the Sultan that the aim of the Zionists was 'to establish an independent government in Palestine.' In his letter, he urged Sultan Abdul Hamid to 'take certain measures to rectify the error committed by his forefathers in allowing non-Muslim communities to settle in Palestine.' The Sultan took heed; measures were instituted to restrict the sale of land in Palestine to foreign Jews, and to oblige all Jewish visitors to leave cash deposits to ensure that they would leave the country after the visit."  [For more on this see Martin Gilbert's interesting work, "In Ishmael's House;"]

1899: In “Dr. Peters On the Jews” published today Madison C. Peters defended himself against accusations by Lionel de R. Cohen that he had “put forth falsehoods” about the Jews when he asserted that Castalian Jews had supplied Columbus the money to fit out his caravels” citing the Jewish historian Dr. Moses Kayserling as his source for this statement.

1900(30thof Nisan, 5660): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1900: A public service in memory of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise arranged by the New York Board of Jewish Ministers “which is intended to an expression of the sentiments of the community upon his life work” is scheduled to be held this morning at Temple Emanu-El with Louis Marshal and Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler giving the two principle addresses.

1900(30thof Nisan, 5660): Eighty-seven year old Baron Mortiz von Cohn, the Dessau banker “who administered the private fortune Wilhelm I, who did not conceal his anti-Semitism during World War I, passed away today.

1900: The Quinquennial Convention of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith met today in Chicago under the chairmanship of Victor Abraham.

1901: An anti-Semitic riot broke out in Budapest.

1902(22ndof Nisan, 5662): Eight Day of Pesach

1902: Today’s passage of the Omnibus Public Bill by the House of Representatives drew the scorn of Congressmen from New York including Representative Henry Goldfogle because it did not provided funds for building a New York Post which Goldfogle blamed on the “personal spite” of the committee chairman responsible for the legislation.

1903: In Philadelphia, PA, Julia and Meir Bayuk gave birth to tobacco dealer and broker Ford Meyer Bayuk

1904(14thof Iyar, 5664): Pesach Sheni

1904: In Berlin, “The Tageblatt today announced from an excellent Russian source that the Russian Government is about to moderate the anti-Jewish legislation.”

1905(24thof Nisan, 5665): Parashet Achrei Mot

1905: “The Triumph of Judea” published today provides a reviews Judith Triumphantby Thompson Buchanan which is his second romance novel and set during “the siege of the Assyrians under the wick brutal Holofernes against the Jews of Bethulia.”


1906: “Jewish Anniversary Medal” published described the presentation to President Theodore Roosevelt by Dr. Cyrus Adler of “a commemorative medal designed by Isidor Konti” to mark the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of the Jews in the United States.

1907: In Rzeszów, Austria-Hungary, Dr. Oskar Zinnemann and his wife Anna (Feiwel) Zinnemann gave birth to Academy Award winning director Alfred “Fred” Zinnemann.

1908: In Brooklyn, Gertrude Kaplan, the daughter of Anna and Abraham Shemerinsky and her husband Jacob Kaplan gave birth to Marcia Martha Kaplan.

1909: It was reported today that Abdul Hamid, the deposed Sultan has been exiled to Salonica where he will live in a small house owned by a local Jewish banker.

1910: The Jewish bank in Salonika authorized the creation of a loan fund for relief of families of Jewish soldiers.

1910: Rebecca and Meyer Wagenheim gave birth to Samuel Wagenheim, the brother of Herman, Charles and Harry Wagenheim.

1911(1stof Iyar, 5671): Parashat Tazria and Metzora; Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1911: “Russia Grants Privilege to Jews” published today reported that “imperial sanction has been granted to the Governor of Yenisel in Asiatic Russia, East Siberia to all the Jewish inhabitants of Siberia to use the curative waters near Minusinsk for a term of two months upon the condition that they are provided with medical certificates and forbidden to engage in trade while taking the cure.”

1912 In Danzig, Dr. Isaac Landau and Betty née Eisenstädt gave birth to Moshe Landau the fifth President of the Supreme Court of Israel.

1912: A codicil was added to the will of Dr. Arthur Schnitzler required that his funeral be a simple affair without obituaries, guard of honor, funeral orations or the wearing of mourning attire.  The codicil also requires “that a needle be thrust through his heart to remove any doubt of his death.”

1913(22ndof Nisan, 5673): Eighth Day of Pesach

1913(22ndof Nisan, 5673): Fifty-nine year old Russia born Republican political leader Samuel Affelder a Baltimore City Councilman passed away today after which he was buried at the Har Sinai Cemetery in Baltimore, MD.


1913: Max Shulman is scheduled to be one of the speakers at today at the Passover service at the Chicago Hebrew Insitute.

1913: A strike by 4,000 kosher bakers, members of the Journeymen Bakers’ International Union was scheduled to begin today in New York.

1914: A mass meeting is scheduled to be held at Cooper Union tonight “under the auspices of the Palestine Hebrew Schools Fund Committee which is dealing with the problem of establishing Hebrew as the language of instruction in schools in Palestine.”1915: Today, Princeton graduate and R.H. Macy partner Nathan Straus, Jr. who served as an Ensign in the U.S. Navy during WW I and a New York State Senator while serving as a director of the Palestine Economic Corporation and the Palestine Development Council as being an active member of the Free Synagogue and the “Temple Beth-El Clubs. married Helen E. Sachs

1915: It was reported today that Evangelist Billy Sunday asserted his support for a Jewish return to Palestine when he asked “How do I know that God isn’t using the Allied fleets…to drive the Turks out of the Holy Land that Palestine may be restored to the Jews?!

1916: In Ireland, “the Easter Rising”, to an end today.

1916: Oscar Hammerstein went to the Rialto Theatre building which he found had been padlocked keeping him using rooms that were supposed to have been set aside for his use.

1916: Simon Wolf wrote to U.S. Secretary of State Robert Lansing expressing his concern over reports “that there is to be an outbreak against the Jews of Russia at the coming Russian Easter” and asking him to check with the embassy in St. Petersburg to see how reliable this report is.

1916: “In the course of his sermon on ‘The Attitude of the Papacy to the Jews’ at the New Synagogue” today “Rabbi Ephraim Frisch paid a warm tribute to Pope Benedict for the broad-minded and sympathetic letter he has just issued pledging his moral and spiritual influence among Catholics for the abolition of discrimination and prejudice again the Jews these still obtain.”

1917: Morgenthau resigns his as Ambassador to Turkey.

1917: In Cleveland, Ohio, it was decided tonight at the 67th annual meeting of Temple Tifereth Israel that in accordance with the recommendation of President Benjamin Lowenstein, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, the 26 year old unmarried leader of the Reform Congregation in Wheeling, West Virginia will succeed Rabbi Moses J. Gries “as the spiritual leader of the congregation.

1917: In Newark, NJ, at Temple B’nai Jeshurun, Jacob Schiff, Judge Julian Mack and Dr. Lee Frankel spoke at a meeting of the American Jewish Relief Committee at the end of which $40,000 was pledged to the Jewish War Relief Fund.”

1917: The 1916-1917 season of activities sponsored by the Young Men’s Hebrew Association of Williamsburg that began in October and included monthly meeting of a Jewish Congress, dances, lectures and athletic exhibitions is scheduled to come to an end today.


1917: Less than a month after the entry of the United States into the World War, “Zeta Beta Tau, a Jewish fraternity, has sent to its members a proclamation which recites the circumstances of the national emergency and urges members of the organization to do their part toward making the contribution of the Jews to national service reach its utmost possibilities.”

1917: “More than 300 delegates, representing a million and half Jews, cheered and sang for the establishment of a Jewish republic in the Holy Land” at the eighth annual convention of the Kehillah of New York City.

1917: “The Reverend Edward A. Keigwin” delivered a sermon tonight at the West End Presbyterian Church in which he “hailed the fulfillment of Abraham’s prophecy that the Jews would return to Palestine” as could be seen by the advance of British troops in Palestine which would lead to “downfall of Mohammedan power and the restoration of the Holy Land to the Jews.”

1917: During World War I, British forces under General Murray suffer a second defeat at Gaza. This defeat cost Murray his job and led to his replacement by General Allenby who would successfully prosecute the war against the Ottomans.

1918: “Jewish Draftees Given Send-Off At Camden” published today described a dinner given for Jews boys who are about to join the Army which included an address by State Treasurer William T. Read who was representing Governor Edge and an address by Camden Mayor Charles E. Ellis who “lauded the patriotism of the Camden boys.”

1918: The “Twelfth Semi-Annual Assembly” of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis whose members included Joseph Silverman, Rudolph Grossman, Joseph Garfinkel and Benjamin Tinter, met for a second and final day today.

1919: The six-man German delegation headed by Foreign Minister Ulrich Graf von Brockdorff-Rantzau arrived at Versailles to take part in the negotiations that would mark the formal end of World War I.  The treaty would be attacked by the Nazis and tied to the Jews.  None of the negotiators were Jews but the facts never get in the way of anti-Semitism.

1919: During the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic, the Red Guards who had been “rounding up people they considered to be hostile to the new regime” as ordered by Eugen Leviné executed eight hostages today.

1920: Birthdate of composer Harold Samuel Shapero.  Born in Lynn, Mass., one of Shapero's most famous works was the 9 Minute Opera. Shapero was an educator as well as composer. In 1951 Brandeis University hired Shapero to start its Music Department, and he was later chairman of the department and founder of its electronic music studio with the day's most advanced synthesizers. He taught at Brandeis until 1988 when he retired

1921(21stof Nisan, 5681): Seventh Day of Pesach – finally day for Reform Jews

1922(1stof Iyar, 5682): Rosh Chodesh

1922(1stof Iyar, 5682): Seventy-nine year old David Lindo Alexander, English barrister and a prominent member of the Anglo-Jewish community passed away. He was one of those who expressed “grave reservations” about what would become the Balfour Declaration and later joined “the anti-Zionist League of British Jews.”

1923: Birthdate of movie director Irvin Kershner the native of Philadelphia and a graduate of USC's film school who began his career producing documentaries for the USIA about the Middle East.  Two of his most famous film credits were "Raid on Entebbe" and "Star Wars V - The Empire Strikes Back."


1924: Charlie Rosenberg, the Jewish boxer who became World Bantamweight Champion in 1925 fought his third and final bout with Cannonball Eddie Martin which ended in a ten round draw.

1924: Harry Landes and his wife gave birth to David S. Landes, who would become “a distinguished Harvard scholar of economic history” “on the kitchen table of his parents’ home in the Seagate neighborhood of Coney Island in Brooklyn.” (As reported by Douglas Marin)


1925: Dr. Florence Rena Sabin the first woman president of the American Association of Anatomists is elected the first woman member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

1926: “The Woman in Gold” with a script co-authored by Walter Wassermann was released in Germany and France today.

1926: Birthdate of Paul Baran, the Polish born American Jewish “engineer who outlined one of the core principles of the Internet in the early 1960s and went on to become an entrepreneurial businessman.

1926: Birthdate of Bob Tisch, CEO of Loews and owner of the NY (football) Giants

1927: Birthdate of Abraham Jacob Nathan who would gain fame as Abie Nathan a pilot, entrepreneur, peace activist and founder of the groundbreaking "Voice of Peace" radio station, died Wednesday at Tel Aviv's Ichilov hospital, the hospital said in a statement.

1927: Birthdate of Gertrude Neumark Rothschild “whose research helped improve light-emitting and laser diodes now used in many cellphones, flat-screen televisions and Blu-ray disc players, and who waged a successful copyright-infringement battle against some of the world’s biggest electronics companies that yielded tens of millions of dollars in settlements and licensing fees…”

1927(27thof Nisan, 5687): Mrs. Leopold Stern, the former Eva Sterne who married Leopold Stern “known as the dean of diamond importers in America,” a Republican political leader and philanthropist at Jefferson, TX in 1880 passed away today.

1927(27th of Nisan, 5687): Rachel Sassoon Beer passed away.She was the granddaughter of David Sassoon, editor of The Observer (1891–1904) and owner-editor of The Sunday Times (1893–1904). Rachel was born in Bombay to Sassoon David Sassoon, to the Sassoon family, who made their fortune in trade with the Far East. As a young woman, she volunteered as a nurse in a hospital before marrying Frederick Arthur Beer in 1887. Frederick soon suffered from an illness that changed his personality and led to his early death. Soon after her marriage to Frederick, Rachel began contributing articles to The Observer, which was then owned by the Beer family. In 1891, she took over as editor, becoming the first female editor of a national newspaper in the process.[1] Two years later, she purchased the Sunday Times and became the editor of that newspaper as well. Though "not . . . a brilliant editor], she was known for her "occasional flair and business-like decisions". It was during her time as editor that The Observer achieved one of its greatest exclusives: the admission by Count Esterhazy that he had forged the letters that condemned innocent Jewish officer Captain Dreyfus to Devil's Island. The story provoked an international outcry and led to the release and pardon of Dreyfus and court martial of Esterhazy. Frederick's death in 1903 triggered a breakdown in Rachel, with her erratic behavior culminating in a collapse. The following year she was committed and both newspapers were sold by her trustees. While Rachel subsequently recovered, she required nursing care for the remainder of her life. Rachel spent her final years at Chancellor House in Tunbridge Wells, where she died.She was interred in the Sassoon family mausoleum in Brighton. Among her relatives was the poet Siegfried Sassoon, who was her nephew. In her will she left a generous legacy to Siegfried, enabling him to purchase Heytesbury House in Wiltshire, where he spent the rest of his life. In honour of her request, Siegfried hung an oil portrait of his aunt over the fireplace.

1928: The New York Times published a report of a speech by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the Zionist leader who had just returned to the United States from Palestine, in which he asserted that the effects of the economic depression of the last two years are about to be overcome and that Eretz Israel is about to enjoy “growth and prosperity such as it has not known” before.

1929(19th of Nisan, 5689): Otto Jaffe, “a German-born British Jewish businessman who was twice elected Lord Mayor of Belfast passed away.

1929: Premiere of “The Woman One Longs For,” a German silent film directed by Curtis Bernhardt, with a script co-authored by Max Brod

1929: In Liverpool, Borach and Leah Moonman gave birth to Eric Moonman who served as a Laborite MP and President of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.”

1930: Birthdate of Solomon Wachtler, the New York Republican political leader, lawyer and Judge whose career ended in disgrace and imprisonment.

1930: Irene Mayer married David O. Selznick with whom she had two sons Lewis Jeffrey and Daniel Selznick both of whom became movie producers.

1931: Birthdate of editor and publisher Robert Gottlieb.


1931: In Berlin,Max Auerbach, a patent lawyer, and Charlotte Nora Burchardt, who had trained as an artist gave birth the painter Frank Helmut Auerbach.  In 1939, Auerbach’s parents made arrangements for him to go to Great Britain as part of the Kindertransport.  They died in a concentration camp in 1942.  Their son became a British citizen in 1947.

1933: “Diplomaniacs,” a political satire produced by Sam Jaffe and written by Joseph L. Mankiewicz was released in the United States today.

1933: “Eleven boys and girls” from Detroit, members of “the Chalutzim” are scheduled to set sail for Palestine today.

1934(14th of Iyar, 5694): Pesach Sheni

1934: “The president of the court that is trying three youths in the murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, Jewish labor leader, visited the scene of the murder at Tel-Aviv accompanied by three associate judges and the prosecution and defense counsel.  The party then went to the vine-yard to which the murderers are supposed to have fled after the crime…The party also visited the grounds of the Jaffa prison and inspected the cell of Abdel Megid whose confession of the murder was produced by the defense in the preliminary investigation and then retracted by Abdel Megid.  The judges sought to ascertain how he could have had lengthy conversations with Abraham Stavsky, one of the three accused.  The prosecution alleges that Stavsky tried to arrange to have Megid take upon himself the guilt for the murder, whereas the defense counsel contends Megid was the murderer and that his confession was retracted under pressure by police.”  [Ed. Note, The murder of Chaim Arosoroff is one of the “stains” on the Zionist movement.  Unknown to many, the episode resurfaced when Prime Minister Rabin was murdered.]

1935: In Berne, Switzerland, “the hearing of the libel suit brought by the Jewish leaders against the publishers of the so-called ‘Protocols of Zion’ is scheduled to resume today.”

1935: “Advancement of the cause of peace through meetings, classes and affiliation with peace groups was urged upon the New York State Federation of Temple Sisterhoods today at its annual meeting in the Community House of the Central Synagogue, 35 East Sixty-Second Street.”

1936:  As the Arab violence continues, in Jerusalem, “revolver shots were fired from an Arab café and stones were hurled at the police from the balcony of hotel.

1936: “The Sheikhs of the Bedouin tribes” living near Migdal, a town founded by Jewish settlers in 1910, “accompanied by Arab notables” visited to the town today “to apologize for yesterday’s attack on Jews by Bedouins who alleged that the Jews had killed two Arab boys” – a charge that proved to be false.

1936: As the Arab attacks on Jews continued throughout Palestine, officials from the municipality of Jaffa “visited the Arab and Jewish quarters and estimated the damage caused by fires there at $150,000, with more than a hundred homes burned.”

1936: Major Tulloch, a former army friend of Churchill’s living in Jericho wrote to the British political leader stressing that ‘the vast majority’ of the poorer Arabs were only too willing to live with the Jews ‘were it not for the way they are terrorized by their ‘leaders’ and told not to in the Arab papers.’”

1936: Birthdate of Zubin Mehta.  Born in Bombay India Mehta became a world famous conductor including serving as director of the New York Philharmonic. He has conducted the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra since around 1970 and was named its music director for life in 1981.

1936: Birthdate of Jacob Rothschild.  The official name of this member of the English branch of the House of Rothschild is Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild.

1936: Birthdate of Joan Sydney Friedman, the native of Chicago, who gained fame as “Joan Peters, a journalist whose 1984 book, From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine, drew accolades and outrage by arguing that claims of a historical Palestinian homeland in Israel were invented.”


1937: Sixty-nine year old Norman Hapgood, the author of The Inside Story of Henry Ford’s Jew-Mania passed away today.


1938: The Palestine Post reported that the newly-arrived Palestine Partition Study Commission embarked on an extensive two-weeks-long tour of the country. The Commission had announced that it was offered the good offices of the High Commissioner to reside at the Jerusalem's Government House and that it was ready to receive, at any time, written statements from all persons who desired to place their views before them. Any persons wishing to appear before the Commission were asked to contact the Secretary at the High Commissioner's address.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that a unit of Royal Ulster Riflemen found a huge arms store and arrested 31 Arab suspected terrorists at the Gilat ed Bahr village near Nablus. A curfew was imposed on the whole neighborhood.

1938: “College Swing” a musical featuring the lyrics of Frank Loesser and co-starring George Burns was released today in the United States.

1938: Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Vilna, Poland. The modern state of Poland was created at the end of World War I.  Unfortunately, during the period between the two World Wars, anti-Semitism was part of the Polish political and social landscape.  Apparently anti-Semitism was endemic to the Polish culture since there was a "min-pogrom" there after the Holocaust in 1946.

1939: After a year’s imprisonment physicist Lev Landau was released from the dreaded Lubyanka prison because fellow physicist Pyotr Kapista was brave enough to vouch for him.  (It is important to remember those who work to protect Jews.)

.1940: Rudolf Hoess arrived at Auschwitz to set up camp.

1940(21stof Nisan, 5700): Seventh Day of Pesach

1940(21stof Nisan, 5700): Sixty-nine year old New York native Rudolph Block, the “editor of the comic supplements of the Hearst newspapers” who under the pen name Bruno Lessings helped to create “The Katzenjammer Kids” and raised two sons Rudolph Jr and Arthur with his wife Verda passed away today.


1940: In New York, Samuel Multer and Estelle Strossman gave birth University of Rhode Island basketball star Barry D. Multer, Class of ’61.

1940(21stof Nisan, 5700): Fifty-eight year old Polish born conductor and composer Joseph A. Pasternack who came to the United States in the 1890’s passed away today in New York.


1940: Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. had lunch with FDR at the White House.

1941: “Rabbi George Zepin of Cincinnati, secretary of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, which is holding its biennial council, was eulogized at an executive session today following the announcement of his retirement after thirty-five years with the union.”

1942: A German truck that refueled near the Lódz (Poland) Ghetto carried luggage belonging to "resettled" Jews who had already been murdered at the Chelmno death camp.

1942: Jews were forced to wear a Jewish Star in Netherlands and Vichy-France.

1943(24th of Nisan, 5703): Near Kraków, Poland, Jewish women attacked their male SS guards while being transferred from one prison to another. Two women escaped but most of the others are killed.

1943(24th of Nisan, 5703): In Kraków Jewish Resistance fighters incarcerated since December 1942 were trucked to the concentration camp at Plaszów, Poland,.Most are killed after breaking out of the truck.

1943(24thof Nisan, 5703): Fifty-six year old Russian born composer and violinist Joseph Achron, the brother of Isidor Achron passed away today.


1943:Rabbi Israel Goldstein, a leader of the Synagogue Council of America was quoted in the New York Times today saying of the recently concluded conference that was supposed to provide aid for Jewish refugees and victims of the Holocuast, "The job of the Bermuda Conference was apparently not to rescue victims of Nazi terror but to rescue our State Department and the British Foreign Office. Victims are not being rescued because the democracies don't want them."

1944:Rose Warfman (née Gluck) was shipped to Auschwitz as part of Convoy 72. The transport consisted of 1004 Jews - 398 men and 606 women – as well as 174 children under the age of 18.  Among the Jews shipped to the death cap was Itzak Katznelson, the Polish born dramatist and author.

1944: Kistarcsa, Hungary, was the site of the first deportation of Jews from Hungary to Birkenau Concentration Camp.  

1945:  U.S. Troops entered Dachau, the first of the S.S.-organized camps. It was founded in March 1933. Dachau was infamous for its pseudo-scientific experiments by German doctors and scientists. The liberating troops from Seventh U.S. Army fond fifty train wagons filled with emaciated bodies. Near the crematorium another huge pile of bodies were found. Of the 33,000 survivors found at Dachau, only 2,439 were Jews. Very few Jews were left alive to liberate. In the next few weeks another 27,000 Jews from the hundreds of camps and sub- camps would still die due to illness, exhaustion and the irreversible effects of starvation. The Americans later used it as a prison camp for Nazi war criminals. Rabbi Abraham Klausner was “the father figure” for the more than 30,000 emaciated survivors found at Dachau, 10 miles northwest of Munich, after it was and later for thousands more left in camps as the Allies tried to determine where they should go.


1945: A few after his liberation by U.S. troops at Dachau, “Edgar Kupfer, a 39 year-old German political prisoner noted in his diary: ‘I shall celebrate this all my life as a second birthday, as the day when I received the gift of a life anew.’”

1945: Jan Komski was among those who liberated today at Dachau. According to Mr. Komski, “the prisoners were told to remain indoors. It was strangely quiet. Then there was the sound of gunfire. Peering outside, he saw prisoners running through the barbed wire, which had been torn to pieces. ‘Then I see first one American, and then a second and a third. Within half an hour, the whole camp was decorated with flags of all nations, probably sewn together and hidden for a long time…’”

1945: Eli A. Bohnen, a chaplain with the 42 Infantry Division entered Dachau today, giving him the dubious distinction of being the first rabbi to enter the German hell-hole.


1945: Brigadier General Henning Linden led a group of reporters including Marguerite Higgins and a detachment of the 42nd (Rainbow) Infantry Division as the soldiers received the surrender of the camp commander, generating international headlines by freeing more than 30,000 Jews and political prisoners

1945: “The advance scouts of the US Army's 522nd Field Artillery Battalion, a Nisei-manned segregated Japanese-American Allied military unit, liberated the 3,000 prisoners of the "Kaufering IV Hurlach"[54] slave labor camp.”

1945: “An Office of Strategic Services (OSS) team (code name LUXE) led Army Intelligence to a "Camp IV" today where "they found the camp afire and a stack of some four hundred bodies burning... American soldiers then went into Landsberg and rounded up all the male civilians they could find and marched them out to the camp. The former commandant was forced to lie amidst a pile of corpses. The male population of Landsberg was then ordered to walk by, and ordered to spit on the commandant as they passed. The commandant was then turned over to a group of liberated camp survivors." (As described by Joseph Perisco)

1945: Corporal Henry Senger of the 292nd Field Artillery Observation Battalion captured the commandant of Dachau today.

1945: Joshua Kaufman, a Hungarian Jew, was the first “human being” that American G.I. Daniel Gillepsie saw when he entered Dachau today.


1945: Fritz Ascher was among the prisoners liberated by the Allies when they entered Berlin-Grunewald.

1946: Forty year old Lt. Col. Martin Gottfried Weiss, the commandant at Dachau was hung today following his conviction during the “Dachau Trials.”

1947: It was announced tonight “at a rally of the Millinery Workers Union, AFL, in Manhattan Center” that “the International Ladies Garment Workers Union has contributed a check for $225,000 to the United Jewish Appeal Campaign chaired by Henry Morgenthau, Jr.

1948(20thof Nisan, 5708): Sixth Day of Pesach

1948: The Haganah captured the two Arab villages just east of Bat Yam, from which attacks on Jewish road traffic into Tel Aviv had frequently been launched.

1948: Following the evacuation by British forces, the Haganah secured the police station at Zemach – a small town at the southern end of the Sea of Galilee, on the Haifa-Damascus road.

1948: Haganah troops occupied the policed fortress at Gesher at the Jordan River crossing of the Haifa-Damascus road.  The Arab Legion attacked the fort and the nearby Jewish settlement at Gesher.  They were so confident of victory that Transjordan Crown Prince Talal came to witness the attack.  The Arab Legion failed to dislodge the under-strength, outgunned Jewish defenders and retreated across the Jordan River.

1949(30th of Nisan, 5709): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1949: “The Steering Committee of the United Nations General Assembly recommended today quick consideration of Israel's bid for membership in the world organization by voting to shift the item from the overloaded Political Committee to the idle Ad Hoc Committee.”

1949: “The Rev. Andrew Scott-Morrison, Moderator of the Jerusalem Presbytery of the Church of Scotland, is now on a mission to Israel, arranging for the release of some of the church properties used by the Israeli Army” as part of the Presbyterian Church’s plans to resume “it educational and health activities in the Holy Land.”

1950: In the only protest to Jordan’s annexation of what became known as the West Bank, Menachem Begin and two of his former aides called upon Israelis to resist this occupation of Eretz Israel by the Arab army.  [Ed Note: You will not find any mention of a Palestinian State, etc in any of the response at this time.]

1950: In Cleveland, Alan Toffler, the author of Future Shock was married today to Adelaide Elizabeth Farrell

1951:Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein, an Austrian-British philosopher, passed away.  Although he was raised as a Christian, when “Germany annexed Austria in the Anschluss; Wittgenstein” became “a citizen of the enlarged Germany and a Jew under the 1935 Nuremberg racial laws, because three of his grandparents had been born as Jews. The Nuremberg Laws classified people as Jews (Volljuden) if they had three or four Jewish grandparents and as mixed blood (Mischling) if they had one or two. It meant inter alia that the Wittgensteins were restricted in whom they could marry or have sex with, and where they could work.” The irony of all of this is at Wittgenstein had gone to the Realschule with Adolf Hitler. 

1952: At Carnegie Hall in New York, Sarah Churchill, daughter of Winston Churchill, read a message of support from her father at an event celebrating the fourth anniversary of Israeli independence and the first meeting of the American Zionist Council, an amalgamation of eith leading Zionist organizations in the United States.  

1952(4th of Iyar, 5712): Yom HaZikaron

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported that according to the planned new legislation, just placed before the Knesset, the exclusive jurisdiction of the Rabbinical Courts was to be limited to marriage, divorce and alimony. A new Tenants' Protection Bill, altered in several fundamental respects, was also in preparation.

1953: The Jerusalem Postreported that Jerusalem's acute water shortage continued after the Municipality failed to pay to the Jerusalem Electric Corporation the agreed upon immediate payment of IL27,000, on account of an IL80,000 debt.

1953(14th of Iyar, 5713): Pesach Sheni

1955: Birthdate of comedian Jerry Seinfeld who gained fame and fortune as the lead in the television series "Seinfeld."

1956: Birthdate of New York native Elisabeth Rosenthal the non-practicing physician and journalist Elisabeth Rosenthal author of An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back.


1956(18thof Iyar, 5716): Seventy-eight year old Cincinnati native and University of Cincinnati trained “physician, bacteriologist and philatelist Leo Greenfield Tedesche passed away today “at his winter home in Miami, FL.”)

1956(18thof Iyar, 5716): During a prepared ambush whose perpetrators included “an Egyptian policeman and a Palestinian farmer”,  Roi Rotberg, the kibbutz security office at Nahal Oz was shot off his horse, beaten and shot again after which then his body was dragged into Gaza where the post- mortem mutilation included having his eyes gouged out.

1957(28thof Nisan, 5717): Yom HaShoah

1957(28thof Nisan, 5717): Seventy-nine year old Solomon Baruch Komaiko the Lithuanian born American author and Zionist who was a cousin of producer David O. Selznick, the father of WW II fighter pilot William Komaiko, “the grandfather of the author Leah Komaiko, composer William Komaiko, flamenco dancer Libby Komaiko, painter Sarah Belchetz-Swenson, Playwrights Project Founder Deborah Salzer and poet Ruth Belchetz” and “great grandfather of journalist Richard Komaiko” passed away today.

1957: Birthdate of English actor Daniel Day-Lewis the son of actress Jill Balcon and the grandson of film producer Sir Michael Elias Bacon who has won three Oscars for Best Actor

1957: Jane Evans, executive director of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, spoke about the need to ordain women rabbis in the Reform movement. , at a biennial general assembly meeting of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC), the synagogue federation arm of the Reform movement, and of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods (NFTS), Jane Evans spoke to 1,000 delegates in favor of ordaining women rabbis.


1958(9thof Iyar, 5718):Alfred Salmony, “an internationally recognizes authority on Asian art” and Professor of Fine Arts at New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts” passed away today after suffering a heart attack while on board the Ile de France.


1963 (5th of Iyar, 5723): Yom Ha’Atzmaut, יום העצמאות15th Anniversary of Israel

1965(27th of Nisan, 5725): Yom HaShoah

1965(27th of Nisan, 5725): Freda Resnikoff, founder of the Mizrachi Women's Organization (now AMIT) passed away.

1965: In Chicago “Paul Krouse and the former Ann Wolk” both of whom were publishers gave birth to filmmaker and author Amy Krouse Rosenthal.


1966: Sixty-nine year old Terrence MacDermot who served as Canadian Ambassador to Israel from 1954 to 1957 passed away today.

1966(9thof Iyar, 5726): Eighty-three year old Prague born University of Chicago track star, husband of Sadie Cohn and Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook Country who “presided over the Black Sox trial,” baseball’s greatest moment of shame until the steroid scandals passed away today in Chicago.

1967(19thof Nisan, 5727): Fifth Day of Pesach and Shabbated

1967: Fearless of Frank directed, produced and written by Philip Kaufman with music by Meyer Kupferman was released in the United States today.

1968(1stof Iyar, 5728): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1968(1stof Iyar, 5728): Seventy-nine year old newspaper women Sarah Brandstein Smith passed away today.


1969(11thof Iyar, 5729): NYU trained attorney Irving Berkelhammer, the husband of Phyllis Berkelhammer, who was involved in various Jewish organizations including the UJA and the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies passed away today..

1971(4thof Iyar, 5731): Yom HaAtzma’ut

 1974: Tonight, ABC began broadcasting “QB VII” a mini-series based on a novel of the same name by Leon Uris

1975(18th of Iyar, 5735): Lag B’Omer

1975: The American Sephardic Federation and United Jewish Appeal sponsored a two-week visit for Chief Sephardic Rabbi Ovadia Yossef to visit the United States who came and met with both governmental and Jewish community leaders.

1978(22ndof Nisan, 5738): Eighth day of Pesach; Yizkor

1978(22ndof Nisan, 5738): Eighty-one year old Hungarian author Illona Duczynska Polanyi, the widow of Vienna born economist and WW I veteran of the Austrian Army Karly Polanyi, the author of the Great Transformation and mother of Canadian economist Kari Polanyi Levitt, passed away today in Ontario.


1978(22ndof Nisan, 5738): Ninety-five year old French pediatrician Robert Debré the father of Michel and Jean Louis Debré and the grandfather of Vincent, Francois, Bernard and Guillaume Debré passed away today.

1981: Yaacov Scherft successfully ejected from his F-4E Phantom II

1981(25th of Nisan, 5741): Eighty-five year old ophthalmologist turned entertainment mogul Jules C. Stein founder of the Music Corporation of America passed away today in Los Angeles.


1983(16thof Iyar, 5743): Eighty-six year old author and Zionist Johan J. Smertenko passed away.


1984: Hadashot, a Hebrew language daily newspaper was closed by the Israeli Military Censor for three days starting today because it had published an article about “the Ktav 300 Affair” without showing it to the authorities prior to publication.

1984:The lights in Temple Emanu-El were dimmed as 31 survivors of the Holocaust, all women dressed in black, slowly walked to 6 stands and lighted 216 candles in memory of the 6 million Jews who perished at the hands of the Nazis during World War II.

1985: “A Gigantic Death Camp” published today described the conditions at Bergen Belsen on the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the camp by Allied troops.


1990(4thof Iyar, 5750): Yom HaZikaron

1990: Release date for “Voyage of Terror: The Achille Lauro Affair” a made for television movie based on the hijacking of the Achille Lauro and the murder Leon Klinghoffer featuring Rebecca Schaeffer, of  blessed memory, in the role of “Cheryl.”

1992: “Falsettos,” a musical with a book co-authored by William Finn who also wrote the music and lyrics opened on Broadway at the John Golden Theatre.

1993(8th of Iyar, 5753): Eighty-three year old director Michael Gordon passed away today.


1995: Final broadcast of NBC sitcom “Empty Nest” directed by Dinah Beth Manoff.

1996: The musical hit “Rent” premiered at the Nederlander Theatre. The original concept for Rent came from Billy Aronson a Jewish-American playwright and writer.

1997)22ndof Nisan, 5757): Eighth and final day of Pesach

1998(3rd of Iyar, 5758):Yom Hazikaron

1998: In the evening, Israelis began celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of their country (although, according to the Western calendar, the anniversary fell on May 14th).

2000(24thof Nisan, 5760): Parashat Achrei Mot

2000(24thof Nisan, 5760): Ninety-five year old Abraham “Goldie” Goldberg, the husband Rose Goldberg, the father of Muriel Ginsberg and the founder of the “Fraser-Gold Carpet Corporation in Manhattan.”

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Was This Man A Genius? Talks With Andy Kaufman
by Julie Hecht, Dazzler
The Life and Times of Moss Hart by Steven Bach and Washington by Meg Greenfield.

2001: An exhibition entitled “Marc Chagall: Early Works from Russian Collections” opens at the Jewish Museum in New York City. These early years in Russia provide the key to Chagall’s long and prolific career. They also show how Yehuda Pen, the artist who was Chagall’s earliest teacher and mentor, influenced his art.

2001: Hamas claimed responsibility for today’s school bus bombing at Nablus.

2002: Cairo columnist Fatma Abduall Mahmoud declared, “With regard to this Holocaust swindle, many French studies have shown that this is nothing more than a fabrication, a lie and a fraud.  But, I personally complain to Hitler, even saying to him from the bottom of my heart, ‘If only you had done it, brother, if only it had really happened, so that the world could sign in relief without their evil and sin.’”

2003(27th of Nisan, 5763): Yom Hashoah

2003: “Responding to a Syrian call to revive peace talks, Israel said today that it was skeptical of the offer but would be willing to meet as long as Israel was not required to make concessions in advance.”

2004: “Chrissie Watts, a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, played by Tracy-Ann Oberman appeared for the first time today” in what would be an 18 month run.

2004: Just months before his death Tzvi Tzur, the IDF’s 6th Chief of Staff,signed a letter of support in Ariel Sharon's plan to leave Gaza.

2005(20thof Nisan, 5675): Sixth Day of Pesach

2005: Today, CBS broadcast the last episode of “JAG” a Naval legal series featuring Jordana Spiro as “Lt. Tali Mayfield

2006(1st of Iyar, 5766): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2006: Katha Pollit married “political theorist Steven Lukes.

2006: Ninety-seven year old Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi-Montalcini attended the session of the Senate in Rome where the candidate she supported was elected President.

2007: Maccabi USA sponsors a Tribute Brunch Honoring Richard Reff atWoodmont Country Club, Rockville, MD. Dr. Reff is a Washington, D.C. area orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine who supports the Richard B. Reff, M.D. Maccabi Youth Games Endowment Fund.

2007: An exhibit styled “Ben’s Lens” comes to a close at the Sydney Jewish Museum in Sydney, Australia.  This “Photographic Retrospective by Ben Apfelbaum” follows the Jewish calendar of religious festivals, life-cycle ceremonies, carnivals, demonstrations and commemorations, documenting secular and religious Jewish life and culture in Sydney.

2007: The Sunday New York Times book section featured a review of The Worlds of Lincoln Kirstein by Martin Duberman.  According to the review, Martin Duberman shows how Lincoln Kirstein, a "queer Jewish intellectual," became a cultural power.

2007: Israeli author David Grossman delivers the Arthur Miller Freed to Write Lecture at PEN’s World Voices Festival.

2007(11thof Iyar, 5767): Fifty-eight year Israeli Paralympic champion Eliezer Kalina who a leg while fighting in the Yom Kippur War passed away today.


2008: The Jerusalem Cinematheque presents a screening of “The Cellar” \ המרתף.

2008:The 92nd Street Y presentsFrom Architecture to Infrastructure: Creating a Palestinian State” with C. Ross Anthony and Doug Suisman

2008(24th of Nisan, 5768): Twenty-four year old Senior Airman Jonathan A.V. Yelner “was killed in Afghanistan when his vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device.” As reported by Maia Efrem
The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research presents a lecture by Indiana University’s Jolanta Mickute entitled “Emancipation and Its Discontents: Jewish Women in Interwar Poland” that addresses the debate surrounding the emancipation of Jewish women in interwar Poland, and examines how the limits established by Jewish tradition, ethnicity, class, locale and gender shaped the Jewish women’s identities in the Polish host culture.

2009:  As part of the ASF Books and Authors Series, The American Sephardi Federation features a presentation by Pearl Sofar author of “Baghdad to Bombay: In the Kitchens of My Cousins.”

2009 (5 Iyar, 5769): Yom Ha’Azma’ut – Israel Independence Day

2009: As part of the Independence Day Celebration, Israel Prize winners are formally honored including Israeli sculptor Micha Ullman, Professor Emanuel Tov of the Hebrew University, archaeologist Amihai Mazar, medical researcher Professor Zvi Laron, Itamar Procaccia, Reuven Tsur, Israel Levin and the Israel Democracy Institute

2009: In the United States, Yom Ha’Azma’ut Celebrations include a concert by Israeli Hip Hop/Funk/Drum & Bass group Coolooloosh at Yale University, a Yom Ha'atzmaut Shukat NYUand a community-wide celebration at Ithaca College complete with live music, food, arts & crafts, games, a hookah circle, and much more.

2009:This month's poetry reading evening at the Kensington Row Bookshop includes Michael S. Glaser, the current Maryland Poet Laureate and author of “Being a Father.”

2009: Italian officials released Youssef Majed al-Molqi, the convicted of killing Leon Klinghoffer who was sentenced to 30 years for murdering Leon Klinghoffer was released from prison today “for good behavior.”

2010: Dutch documentary filmmaker Wolf “Willy” Lindwer “was bestowed with the Dutch order Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau by Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands in recognition of his work for the Netherlands.”

2010: Two days after she had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held at Temple Israel of Hollywood for Ruth Nusbauam, “the matriarch of Temple Israel,” Zionist leader, and widow of Rabbi of Max Nussbaum with whom she raised two children – Hannah and Jeremy.


2010: David Adelman began serving as the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore.

2010: The New York Times reviewed books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Innocent” by Scott Turow.

2010:The PEN World Voices Festival, Center for Jewish History and the Consulate General of Israel are scheduled to present Eshkol Nevo, one of Israel's most exciting new voices in a program entitled “Homesick: Eshkol Nevo in Conversation with Michael Orthofer.”

2010(15th of Iyar, 5770):Devra G. Kleiman, “a conservation biologist who reintroduced into the wild the tiny, endangered monkey known as the golden lion tamarin, and who learned so much about the lives of giant pandas that scientists could later help them reproduce in captivity, died in Washington” at the age of 67. At her death, Dr. Kleiman was a senior scientist emeritus at the National Zoo in Washington, with which she had been associated for nearly four decades. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2010(15th of Iyar, 5770): Avigdor Arikha passed away the after his 81st birthday

2010: Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Knesset said that he "would rather accept Palestinians as Israeli citizens than divide Israel and the West Bank in a future two-state peace solution"..

2011:Bloomberg L.P. announced that Michael Kinsley had joined the Bloomberg View editorial board.”

2011:Peggy and Murray Schwartz are scheduled to launch their new book, “The Dance Claimed Me: A biography of Pearl Primus” at the 92nd St Y

2011: Westwood One sold Metro Networks, which had been founded by Baltimore native David I. Saperstein in 1978, to Clear Channel Communications.


2012: Filmmaker Dani Menkin is scheduled to participate in a Q&A following a screening of “Dolphin Boy” at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012: At Kibbutz Yehudah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Dr. Steve Feller, renowned professor of physics and published author on the subject of coins and money is scheduled to deliver a talk on ancient Jewish coins.

2012: Four members of Adat Reyim are scheduled to lay a wreath “at the Tomb of Unknowns in Arlington Cemetery to honor Jewish service members who gave their lives supporting the war on terrorism.”

2012:Performance Iowa is scheduled to present “Music to Commemorate the Passover Season & The Holocaust,” a live 2 p.m. broadcast from the Caspe Terrace in Waukee, IA.

2012:The Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival is scheduled to come to an end.

2012: The Sunday Edition on CBC Radio One broadcast David Gutnick’s documentary “It wasn’t teatime: Ethel Stark and the Montreal Women’s Symphony Orchestra “ which tells the story of how in 1940 Ethel Stark helped establish the Montreal Women’s Symphony Orchestra, the first all-female Canadian symphony orchestra and one of only a couple in North America. At the time, women were not allowed to play in most symphony orchestras.

2013: Theilluminated manuscript, known as the Frankfurt Mishneh Torah is scheduled to be auctioned today at Sotheby’s in New York City(As reported by Ula Ilnytzky)



2013: The 15th annual Felicja Blumental Chamber Music Festival is scheduled to open at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art

2013: The Dolphin-class submarine INS Rahav was delivered today to the Israeli Navy

2013: The Alexandria Kleztet is scheduled to perform at the United States Holocaust Museum.

2013: Danny Kaye, Frank Loesser and Jule Styne are scheduled to be honored at a New York Pops Concert at Carnegie Hall.

2013: Elderly survivors of the Holocaust and the veterans who helped liberate them joined President Bill Clinton and Elie Wiesel to mark the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the U.S. Holocuast Memorial Museum.

2013: The IDF and the Defense ministry unveiled Israel’s Dolphin-class submarine in a ceremony in Kiel, Germany.


2014: Stuart S. Kurlander is scheduled to receive the Lee G. Rubenstein Outstanding Leadership award this evening at the Washington DCJC Spring Showcase.

2014: “My German Friend” is scheduled to be shown at the JCC Rockland International Jewish Film Festival.

2014(29th of Nisan, 5774): Ninety-two year old Reuven Feuerstein “an Israeli clinical, developmental, and cognitive psychologist, known for his theory of intelligence which states “it is not ‘fixed’, but rather modifiable” passed away today.



2014(29th of Nisan, 5774): Eighty-eight year old Al Feldstein, “the soul of Mad Magazine” passed away today. (As reported by Bruce Weber)


2014: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present “Reinventing Jewishness in Post-Communist Hungary: Antisemitism and Jewish Renaissance.”

2014: In response to the release of an “audio recording in which a man identified as Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling tells his girlfriend not to bring black people to games, the National Action Newtwork planned a protest out of tonight’s NBA playoff game in Los Angeles.”

2015:NMAJH Chief Historian and acclaimed scholar of American Jewish history, Jonathan D. Sarna, is scheduled to discuss the importance of Lincoln's legacy for Jews and for all Americans at the National Museum of American Jewish History.

2015: Hillary Swank is “set to star as Deborah Lipstadt in the screen adaptation of her book, “History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier.” (As reported by Anne Cohen)

2015: “Farewell Herr Schwarz” and “Transit” are scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2015(10th of Iyar, 5775): Eighty-nine year old composer Ronald Senator “and his wife Miriam Brickman died in a house fire at their home in Yonkers, New York.”



2015(10th of Iyar, 5775): Ninety one year old Jean Nidetch the founder of Weight Watchers passed away today.



2015: Shoah survivor Morris Rosen is scheduled to speak at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.

2015: “A Life with Asperger’s is scheduled to be show at Temple Rodef Shalom in Falls Church, VA.

2015: The Leo Baeck Institute and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research are scheduled to present a lecture by Jack Jacobs based on his latest book The Frankfurt School, Jewish Lives and Antisemitism

2016: The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host “The LexList Spring Bashing.

2016: Dalia Betolin-Sherman, who has master’s degree in Hebrew Literature and won the Ramat Gan debut fiction award is scheduled to appear at the Frederick P. Rose Auditorium as part of the PEN World Voices Festival.

2016: “The Professor Has a Daring Past” published today tells the story of Julius Rosenberg, the last surviving member of the group assembled by Varian Fry that showed unbelievable bravery and creativity to save over two thousand people including March Chagall from being trapped in Vichy France, whose leaders played an activity role in shipping Jews to Auschwitz.


2016: “Dough” a British film that tells “the unlikely story of an alliance between an elderly, widowed Jewish kosher bakery owner and a teenage Muslim Darfuri refugee” debuted across the United States today.

2016: At Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, the Holocaust becomes “human” when Lena Gilbert is scheduled to host at Oneg in memory of her parents who were liberated on this date, April 29, in 1945.

2016(21st Nisan, 5776): Seventh Day of Pesach

2017(3rd of Iyar, 5777): Parashat Tzaria and Metsora;

2017: “Cupcakes” is scheduled to be shown at The Annual East Bay Jewish Film Festival.

2017: “The Dreyfus Affair” is scheduled to be shown at BAM Fisher in Brooklyn, NY

2017(21s of Nisan, 5776): Seventy-eight year old playwright William Hoffman passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)


2018: The New York Times published reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Promise and the Dream: The Untold Story of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy by David Margolick and the recently issued paperback editions of The First Love Story: Adam, Eve and Us by Bruce Feiler and The Best Minds of My Generation: A Literary History of the Beatsby Allen Ginsberg,

2018: Following a spate of anti-Semitic incidents in Germany, and widespread displays of solidarity with Berlin’s Jewish community, activists in the city are scheduled to distribute 10,000 kippas to passersby in the city’s public places in another kind of demonstration” today in what organizers describe as “a personal rally against anti-Semitism.” (As reported by Luke Tress)

2018: Television star Roseanne Barr and Anthony Scaramucci who gained “fame” as President Trump’s short-lived Communications Director are among those scheduled to speak at The Jerusalem Post Annual Conference today.


2018: In Grand Rapids, MI, “Mary Edmond, a Rosenwald school alumnus” is scheduled to speak prior the screening of “Rosenwald.”

2018: The Center for Jewish History, Leo Baeck Institute and CUNY Graduate Center are scheduled to host Elliot R. Wolfson, Marsha and Jay Glazer Endowed Chair in Jewish Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as they speak about the  highly anticipated new book, The Duplicity of Philosophy’s Shadow: Heidegger, Nazism, and the Jewish Other.

2018(14th of Iyar, 5778): Pesach Sheni



2019: “The City of Joel” is scheduled to be shown at the 16th annual International Jewish Festival in Rockland, NY.

2019: As part of the exhibition “Inescapable: The Life and Legacy of Harry Houdini” the Breman Museum is scheduled to host a “Magical Monday.”

2019: Darren Aronofsky whose “feature debut Pi (1998) was selected for the 27th New Directors/New Films, and The Wrestler (2008) was Closing Night of the 46th New York Film Festival” is scheduled to be one of the “special guest speakers for the 50th Anniversary Gala” this evening which is a celebration “of fifty years of film at Lincoln Center.”

2019: It was reported today that over the weekend, State Comptroller had released a report “exposing a series of irregularities with regards to how the Culture Ministry handled “last year’s Independence Day Celebration.”

2019: The Oxford University Jewish is scheduled to host the Zoom version of “Quiz Night.”

2020: The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host Lynn Melnick, the poetry teacher at Columbia and the 92ndStreet Y as she leads a virtual poetry writing workshop “inspired by ‘The New Colossus.’”

2020: The Jewish Federations of North America is scheduled to host an online celebration of Israel's Independence Day on Facebook Live or On YouTube at https://youtu.be/LrNU5GhJkFY.

2020: “Saving Free Speech…from itself” scheduled to take place today has been canceled by the Illinois Holocaust Museum due to the Pandemic

2020: The Striecker Center is scheduled to host a virtual presentation by Professor Fred Lazin as he lectures on “How Shanghai Saved Twenty Thousand Jews.”

2020: This morning at 9 a.m. PST Friends of the IDF is scheduled to host a virtual celebration Yom HaAtzmaut with a program that includes Israel’s Eurovision representative, IDF soldier Corp. Eden Alene, who will perform with the IDF Ensemble.

2020: Musician Kami Maltz is scheduled to perform Israeli classics in a Yom HaAtzmaut concert presented by the Jewish Federations of North America.

2020: The S.F.-based Jewish Community Federation is scheduled to host a virtual concert of Ethiopian funk by the Anbessa Orchestra,

2020: Seventy-fifth anniversary of the liberation of the parents of Lena Gilbert from Dachau.

2020(5th of Iyar, 5780):Yom Ha'atzmaut;

2020(5th of Iyar, 5780): Ninety-three-year-old Matin Gerald Simmons, the Brooklyn born son sign painter Irving Simmons and the former Kate Shapiro who gained fame as Matty Simmons, the man “who helped launch National Lampoon magazine and was instrumental in bringing into being its most famous side project, the 1978 movie “National Lampoon’s Animal House,” passed away today.


2021: The Jewish Museum and Tablet Magazine are scheduled to present “a Virtual Unpacking the Book with Rachel Bloom and Tovah Feldshuh—A Conversation Between a (Television) Daughter and Mother!

2021: Today’s book talk, supported by JWA is scheduled to feature Brandy Colbert “author of Little and Lion, on a Black Jewish teen’s exploration of Identity.

2021: This evening’s SF Hillel fundraiser is scheduled to “feature National Council of Jewish Women CEO Sheila Katz, Springboard Fellowship at Hillel International director Danielle Natelson and Manny’s founder Manny Yekutiel.”

2021: The Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies at UC Berkeley is scheduled to co-present Ayelet Tsabari as the ‘Israeli author talks about her 2019 memoir “The Art of Leaving,” about her Yemeni upbringing in Israel, her army service and her world travels searching for belonging.’

2021: Chabad of Contra Costa is scheduled to present an in-person family event for Lag Ba’Omer with barbecue foods, music, cotton candy and snow cones

2021 In Israel, the government’s decision to lift all restrictions on public transportation, including scrapping a 75% passenger capacity limit on buses and trains and a requirement to acquire in advance an extra entry pass for the train is scheduled to go into effect today.

2021: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to host historian David Nasaw, Arthur M. Schlessinger, Jr. Professor of History Emeritus at the CUNY Graduate School and Pulitzer Prize Finalist, as he talks about his latest work, The Last Million, which tells the gripping yet largely hidden story of post-WWII displacement and statelessness.”

2021: With the approach of Lag B’Omer, “substantial disruptions to public transportation services throughout Israel are expected” due to the demands of those making the pilgrimage to Mount Meron.





This Day, April 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


April 30

313: Licinius defeated Maximinus at the Battle of Tzirallum, thus making him the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.  The Emperor of the Western Roman Empire was his brother-in-law, Constantine. The two in laws would clash repeatedly until Constantine defeated Licinius and eventually killed him despite the pleas of his sister to spare her husband’s life. We know that Constantine made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire with all that that would mean for the Jews of Europe.  Would it have been any different if Licinius had triumphed?  Who knows?  Lucinius did subscribe to the policy of tolerance towards Christians but those who were writing history in the fourth and fifth century tended to create an idyllic vision of Constantine which meant painting a less than flattering portrait of Licinius.  Gibbon follows the same path in his history of the Roman Empire.

711: Moorish troops led by Tariq ibn-Ziyad land at Gibraltar to begin their invasion of the Iberian Peninsula (Al-Andalus).  For the Jews living under the Visigoth rulers of Spain, this is good news.  The victory of the Moors will mark the start of what is called the Golden Age.  Ironically, the Golden Age will begin to tarnish not because of Christians, but because of an invasion by another, more religiouslyconservative group of Moslems. (Some sources say this actually happened on April 29) 

1002: Margrave Eckard I whose brother was deposed by “Emperor Henry II because he was accused of having sold Christian serfs to the Jews” passed away today.

1245: Birthdate King Philip III of France, the son Louis IX (St. Louis).  During Phillip’s reign, the Pope turned the attention of the Inquisition from suppressing the heresy of the Albigenses to the Jews of southern France who had converted to Christianity. The popes complained that not only were baptized Jews returning to their former faith, but that Christians also were being converted to Judaism. Pope Gregory X ruled that Jewish converts who had returned to Judaism, as well as Christians who converted to Judaism were to be treated by the Inquisitors as heretics. The instigators of such apostasies, as those who received or defended the guilty ones, were to be punished in the same way as the delinquents. When the Jews of Toulouse buried a Christian convert in their cemetery, they were brought before the Inquisition in for trial, with their rabbi, Isaac Males and having been found guilty were burned at the stake. Needless to say, Phillip did nothing to protect his subjects. 

1349: The Jewish community at Radolszell, Germany, was exterminated.  This appears to have been part of a wave of attacks on Jewish communities that took place during 1348 and 1349.  They were in response to fears about the Black Death and a convenient way for non-Jewish nobles and others to avoid having to re-pay their Jewish creditors. 

1425: Birthdate of William III of Luxembourg who” minted a silver groschen known as the Judenkopf Groschen. Its obverse portrait shows a man with a pointed beard wearing a Jewish hat, which the populace took as depicting a typical Jew.”

1492: The Edict of Expulsion for all the Jews of Spain was passed. Since professing that Jews were not under the jurisdiction of the Inquisition, the Church decided to level a ritual murder accusation against them in Granada and was thus able to call for the expulsion of both Jews and Marranos from Spain. The Marranos themselves were accused of complicity in the case, and both were ordered to leave within four months. Torquemada, the director of the Inquisition (and incidentally of Jewish descent), defended this against Don Isaac Abarbanel. The edict was passed, and over fifteen thousand Jews had to flee, some to the Province of Aragon and others, like Abarbanel, to Naples. Still others found temporary sanctuary in Portugal.

1556: A community of Marranos at Ancona (Italy) was devastated when Pope Paul IV retracted letters of protection issued by previous Popes' for protection of the Jews, and ordered immediate proceedings to be taken by the Holy Office. The result of the findings came in the spring and early summer, when 24 men and 1 woman were burned alive in successive proceedings. Their deaths are memorialized in that city every Tisha B'av.

1563: The Jews were expelled from France by order of Charles VI

1637(6thof Iyar, 5397): Abraham Joseph Jacob Katzenellenbogen a Polish rabbi born in 1549 who “was the grandfather of Ezekiel Katzenellenbogen, author of Keneset Yehezkel” passed away today in Lemberg.

1659: In New Amsterdam, Cornelius Plavier mortgaged his house on Heere Street (later Broadway) at the city wall (Wall Street) the day after judgment was rendered against him in a case brought by Abraham Cohen. It is assumed that the money obtained from the mortgage was intended to satisfy the judgment.  But no documents actually exist to prove that Cohen got either the money or the beaver pelts which were owed to him.

1693(24th of Nisan): Rabbi David Ha-Kohen of Jerusalem, author of “Da’at Kadoshim” passed away.

1722: “The officers of Harvard Corporation vote that Judah Monis be approved as an instructor of the Hebrew language at the College, under the condition that he convert to Christianity. One month before assuming his post at Harvard, Monis converts before a large assembly in College Hall.”

1796(22ndof Nisan, 5556): Eight Day of Pesach and Yizkor observed for the last time during the Presidency of George Washington.

1788: In Philadelphia, the members of Congregation Mikveh Israel appealed to the non-Jews of the City of Brotherly Love.  Founded in the 1740’s the congregation was dealing with unforeseen debt brought on by the economic downturn that followed the American Revolution.  Such prominent citizens as Benjamin Franklin, State Attorney General William Bradford and Thomas McKean one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence helped to provide the congregation with financial assistance

1789: George Washington took the oath of office making him the first elected President of the United States.  As can be seen from his correspondence with various Jewish congregations Washington had a positive view of Jews.  More to the point, his welcoming attitude expressed in that correspondence set the tone for the American Jewish experience and his election helped solidify the creation of the new republic which has been a haven for Jews for the last two centuries.

1789: Colonel David S. Franks was “one of the marshals in charge of the procession” at George Washington inaugural.

1789: G. M. Seixas was one of the fourteen ministers who participated in the inaugural exercises of Washington’s administration in New York” today.

1793 (18th of Iyar, 5553): Lag B’Omer

1796: Birthdate of Adolphe Crémieux “a French-Jewish lawyer and statesman, and a staunch defender of the human rights of the Jews of France.”

1800 The government of Czar Paul I enacted a decree forbidding Jews from importing books in any language. This was part of series of schemes to help the Russian government control their newly acquired mass of Jews.  This large population had become part of the anti-Semitic Russian Empire as a result of the three-way partition of Poland.

1803: The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from the French in what is known as the Louisiana Territory.  French law had banned Jews from settling in these lands which means the purchase opened a swath of land stretching from the banks of the Mississippi west to the Rocky Mountains to Jewish settlement including such cities as St. Louis and New Orleans.

1805: Nathan Davis married Sarah Jacobs at the Great Synagogue today.

1806: The question of the treatment of the Alsace Jews and their debtors raised in the Imperial Council today.

1812(18thof Iyar): Lag B’Omer

1812: Fifty-six year old “English author and bookseller” Henry Lemoine who was a supporter of David Levi, the author refuted Joseph Priestly’s written demand that the Jews convert to Christianity and published his obituary in which he described Levi “as a great explainer and defender of Judaism against both Christians and sceptics” passed away today.1812: The Territory of Orleans became the 18th U.S. state under the name Louisiana. The first Jews, who were Sephardim, came to Louisiana at the start of the 18th century.  “In New Orleans community life began in the 1820’s with the purchase of a burial plot by a society that called itself Gates of Loving Kindness.  A house of prayer, now known as the Touro Synagogue soon followed and by 1850 still another congregation existed in the city.”  For more about the history of the Jews of Louisiana see “Gefilte Fish in the Land of the Kingfish: Jewish Life in Louisianaat http://www.louisianafolklife.org/LT/Articles_Essays/jewsinla.html

1812: Asher Isaacs married Judith Cohen at the Great Synagogue today.

1817(14th of Iyar, 5577): Pesach Sheni observed for the first time during the Presidency of James Monroe.

1819: While visiting Charleston, SC, President James Monroe attended a performance of Isaac Harby’s “third and last play, ‘Alberti’” “three years after Harby had written Secretary of State James Monore his ‘portion of the people’ protest.”

1820: In the Hague, Mozes Abraham Verveer, the Amsterdam born “son of Abraham Salomon / Shabtay Cohen Kloot and Marretje / Mata Mozes Tokiegave” and his wife Saartje Isaac van der Velden birth to Heijman Moses Verveer

1825: Birthdate of Iganz “Ignatz” Grossman, the husband of Anna “Nettie” Rosenbaum and Hungarian Rabbi who came to Brooklyn in 1873 to lead Congregation Beth Elohim and whose three sons – Louis, Rudolph and Julius – all became Rabbis.

1830: In Klweinsteinach, Bavaria, Abraham Schloss and Miriam Strauss gave birth to Seligman Schlosss, who served as “vice president and director of Fort Wayne and Belle Island Railroad Company for over twenty years” and director of the Cleveland Jewish Orphan Asylum for eight years.

1833: Prussian educator and philanthropist Baruch Auerbach took four orphans into his own house which was the start of the Baruch Auerbach Orphan Asylum that cared for 300 children during his lifetime and which was home to seventy orphans when he passed away.

1836: Samuel and Theresia Bloch gave birth to Leopold Bloch, the husband of Rosa Bloch.

1837: Birthdate of Dr. Alfred R. Gaul, the English composer and conductor who created the cantata “Israel in the Wilderness.”

1847(14thof Iyar, 5607): Pesach Sheni

1859: Tuscany was incorporated in the kingdom of Sardinia (later the kingdom of Italy) and to the position of the Jewish people improved because “the principle of equal rights without discrimination on religious grounds was introduced there also.” (As described by Virtual Jewish Library)

1862: Philadelphian Major Joseph L. Moss resigned from the Union Army today only to resume his service in October of 1862.

1862: Bennett Cassell married Dinah Nathan today at the Great Synagogue today.

1863: During the Civil War, today was a day that President Lincoln had designated “as a day of national humiliation, fasting and prayer.”  He requested “all the people to abstain…from their ordinary secular pursuits, and to unite, at their several places of public worship and their respective homes, in keeping the day holy to the Lord, and devoted to the humble discharge of the religious duties proper to that solemn occasion.” The Jews joined their fellow Americans in honoring the proclamation with most synagogues being described as “opened” with the Psalms normally read on religious penitential days being invoked on this national day of penitence. According to published reports, very eloquent address was delivered by Rabbi Raphall, at the Greene-street Synagogue. “He remarked that it was a curious coincidence that on this, a fast day appointed by their own religious observances, they met in compliance with the Proclamation of the President of the United States, to fast and pray. He had been in this country fourteen years. During the first ten years no public proclamation had ever directed their thoughts and feelings to humiliation and fasting. Once in every year the highest functionary in every State proclaimed a day of general thanksgiving, and with that the debt of national gratitude was supposed to be paid. But now the rulers of the nation come year after year and call upon the people to weary Heaven with fruitless professions of a penitence they did not feel, and of a humility they did not practice. These proclamations fast days, on which no one fasts, are but the repetition of those so strongly reproved by the prophet Isaiah; and, though the people dare not put his questions, "Wherefore do we fast and Thou seest it not? Afflict our souls and Thou will not notice it!" -- since in reality the people do neither -- still the answer would stand good. "Because while you profess humiliation, you persist in your arrogance and your extortions do not cease." If ever a people needed to humble itself before God -- if ever fasting and prayer, sack cloth and ashes were to be worn -- it was by the people of these United States. Like our fathers, the Israelites of old, for whom pious Nekeiniah made such fervent supplication, the people of this country are justly amenable to his confession made for Israel: "In their dominions, in all the great prosperity Thou didst bestow upon them, and throughout the large and rich land which Thou gavest unto them, they did not serve Thee, neither turned they from their evil deeds." The preacher then drew a parallel between the sins of the Israelites, which called forth the reproof of the preacher, and the past conduct of this nation, which was equally amenable to the words of the inspired prophet. What were they to say for the citizens of the United States who already and so long possess the two greatest earthly blessings, Education and Freedom, and yet make so bad a use of both? Education should be the guardian of freedom and of virtue, it was the birthright of every American, bestowed on all and withheld from none. But what principles did it actually inculcate -what virtues did it really teach? Did it inculcate respect for free institutions? Answer, ye place-hunters, ye ballot-box stuffers, ye shoulder-hitters, who reduce self-government to a disgusting farce. Did it teach patriotism? Answer, ye spoils-men, ye office-seekers and holders, who cement party lines with the cohesive force of public plunder. Did it teach common honesty? Answer, ye peculators and speculators, who fatten on the blood of the hard-worked masses, and who dignify roguery by the name of smartness. His heart ached as he spoke to them of the effects of perverted education; it would ache still more were he to direct attention to the bitter fruits of abused freedom. He need not remind them that while the best men North and South had long been driven aloof from the affairs of the country, demagogues, fanatics and a party Press had so managed matters that they found themselves in the third year of a destructive but needless sectional war, which has armed brother against brother, consigned hundreds of thousands to an untimely grave, and to ruin and devastation tens of thousands of square miles of flourishing and happy land; and what was worse than all this, while humanity weeps we must suppress our sympathy. However, our hearts may yearn for peace and brotherly love, our reason convinces us that the present is not the time to expect, or even to hope for the cessation of blood. On the contrary, though we may detest the cause and course of events, it is our duty loyally to stand by our section of the country, to maintain her quarrel and defend her rights, while we have the consolation to know that our side did not begin the fray, and that the cause of Union was the worthiest in the field.”  

1863: In “The Rothschilds and the Union” published today, W.W. Murphy takes issue with Harper’s Weekly depiction of the famous banking family and ask that corrections be made.

“In your paper (Harper's Weekly) of Feb. 28, you do a great injustice to the eminent firm of ROTHSCHILDS here, when you hint that they are like a certain Rabbi who held opinions that some men were born to be slaves. I know not what the other firms -- and there are many of the ROTHSCHILDS, all related -- in Europe think of Slavery, but here the firm of M.A. VON ROTHSCHILD& amp; SON are opposed to Slavery and in favor of Union. A converted Jew, ERLANGER, has taken the rebel loan of £3,000,000, and lives in this city; and Baron ROTHSCHILD informed me that all Germany condemned this act of lending money to establish a slaveholding Government, and that so great was public opinion against it that ERLANGER &amp; CO. dare not offer it on the Frankfort Bourse. I further know that the Jews rejoice to think that none of their sect would be guilty of lending money for the purpose above named; but it was left, they say, for apostate Jews to do it”.

1863: The Army of the Potomac (Union) which included Jacob Ezekiel Hyneman and Captain Joseph Greenhut made the openings in a clash with the Army of Northern Virginia (Rebel) under the command of Robert E. Lee which would be known as the Battle of Chancellorsville.

1864: Abraham Aba and Dina Feiga Wilensky gave birth to Max (Arron Mordecai) Wilensky who in 1880 came to the United States in 1880 where he was a member of the Rosenthal Colony in South Dakota and manufacturer of shoes in New York before coming to Savannah, GA where founded the successful business M. Wilensky and Son, served as “President of the Savannah Kehilla, a director of Congregation B.B. Jacob and Treasurer of the Order of B’nai Zion while raising six children with his wife Rachel Kourshan.

1864: During the Red River Campaign, Union forces including Frederick C. Salomon, scored a tactical victory in the bloody Battle of Jenkin’s Ferry

1866: Birthdate of Leon Levi Bandes, the native of Vilna who as Louis Miller played a pioneering role inthe development of a Yiddish language press in the United States capped by the founding of The Forward


1869: Birthdate of Hungarian painter Philip de Laszlo.

1870: Leopold Karpeles who served as a Sergeant with Company E, Massachusetts Infantry was issued his Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery displayed during the Wilderness Campaign in 1864.

1870: The New York Times published a review of a unique book entitled "The Bible In India: Hindoo Origin of Hebrew and Christian Revelation" in which the author, Louis Jacolliot, attempts to prove that "the Hebrew and Christian revelations have a common origin in India among the Hindoo mythologies."

1871: The New York Times reported that a magistrate in London found a group of Jews guilty of gambling in a “public house” when they were caught playing chicken hazard and fined them accordingly.  In their defense the Jews had claimed that although they had been caught playing chicken hazard they had really had gathered together to observe Passover.  According to the Jewish defendants, the police must have missed seeing the blood on the doorposts or else they would have passed by and left them undisturbed.  Apparently the Judge and the rest of Christian London are not aware of the custom of playing chicken hazard as part of the Passover celebration.  [Editors note: If you have ever played chicken hazard or can shed some light on this please let me know.  Who knows, maybe a great miscarriage of justice needs to be undone.]

1872(22ndof Nisan, 5632): 8th Day of Pesach

1872: The New York Times reported that over 3,000 barrels of Matzoths...were consumed:” in New York “during the past week and 1,000 barrels were sent throughout the country some going to Canada and” to South America.

1876: In Denver, CO, “German-Jewish parents” gave birth to Galveston, TX raised Milton Mincha Schayer who in 1900 returned to his hometown, where he “founded the Bankers Building and Loan Association,” served as president of the Central Jewish Aid Society and married Jane S. Bear after the death of his first wife Elsie Reinach while raising “two children Helen Elsie and Charles Milton.”



1877:  Birthdate of Alice B. Tolkas. Born into a middle class Jewish family in San Francisco, Tolkas was a writer whose claim to fame was her relationship with another Jewish literary light, Gertrude Stein.

1880: It was reported from Vienna that after a fried broke out in Grusbach, Moravia, “some malicious persons incited the mob to attack the Jews. At least one Jew has died of his wounds and another had a hand cut off.

1881: It was reported today that a mob led by a school teacher has been responsible for some of the violence aimed at the Jews living in Argenua, West Prussia.

1881: It was reported today that mobs of peasants have attacked the Jews of Elizabethgrad (Russia).  The mob, which destroyed the local synagogue, was driven by its superstitious beliefs about Jewish Passover practices.

1881(1st of Iyar, 5641): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1881: “Anti-Jewish Riots In Europe” published today describes attacks on Jews in Germany and Russia.  A wave of violence aimed at the Jews in Argenau, West Prussia included a mob led by a school teacher wrecking the home of the Jews.  In Russia, the violence has been fueled by Christian superstitions surrounding the observance of Passover and was highlighted by the destruction of synagogue in Elizabethgrad.

1882: It was reported today that Rabbi Hirsch of Sinai Congregation in Chicago had offered prayers on behalf of Kaiser Frederick William of Germany, “asking that his life…be spared.”  The only problem with this entry is that the Kaiser had died in March.

1882: President Jesse Seligman presided over today’s annual meeting of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum. Currently the organization is providing service to 327 orphans, 245 of whom were born in New York City.

1882: Based on information supplied by the Times of London, it was reported today that when the American Legation at St. Petersburg intervenes on behalf of the Jews, it will be speaking for several European governments as well as the administration in Washington.

1882: It was reported today that according to The Free Press the Jews of Podolsk and Walkwoich have been subjected to renewed attacks.  Additionally, some of the most notorious leaders have been released from custody despite orders from St. Petersburg calling for their prompt punishment.

1883: It was reported today that the will of the late Dr. Edward Bouverie Pusey prohibited the publication of his English translations of the “Hebrew scriptures” since he no longer felt that the corrections may not have been valid.

1883: Mark Gradginsky and his wife Adelaide were among those being held at police headquarters on charges of receiving and selling stolen goods – specifically $23,000 of lace goods taken from Muser Brothers by one of their employees. The Gradginskys who are well-known members of the Jewish community, denied knowing that the goods were stolen.

1883: It was reported today that “The Jews in Philadelphia Prior to 1800” by H. Polock Rosenbach will be published by Edward Sterne &amp; Co.  It is thought to be the first book published on the subject, but the publisher is planning on printing only 250 copies.

1885: The will of Isaac Vogel, a Jewish clothier, was filed in the Surrogate’s Court today.

1887: This afternoon in Chicago, Leopold Bloom socked William B. Andrews in the cheek causing the latter to fall to the sidewalk in front building housing the Board of Trade where the two were traders.  Bystanders were not sure what caused the altercation except they heard somebody use the word “liar” and somebody use the word “Jew” before the blow was struck.

1888: “A Prayer for the Emperor” published today described the prayers offered by Rabbis in the United States including Rabbi Hirsh of Sinai Congregation of Chicago for the well-being of Emperor Frederick William of German “because of the interest he has shown in the Jews.” (The only problem with this entry is that the Kaiser had died on March 9, 1888)

1889: Rabbi Gustave Gottheil of Temple Emanu-El and Rabbi Henry S. Jacobs were among the clergyman who helped plan today’s service that was part of the centennial commemoration of the inauguration of George Washington.

1889: In Giessen, Germany, shop owners “Ignatz Pfeffer and Jeannette Hirsch-Pfeffer” gave birth to WW I German Army veteran and dentist Fritz Feifer, who was in hiding with Anne Frank.


1889: Churches and synagogues in New York held services observing the centennial of George Washington’s first inaugural on April 30, 1789.

1890: It was reported today that a four member commission acting on behalf of the Imperial Council is “framing a bill to regulate the position of the Jews in Russia” which will be detrimental to their interest.

1890: The Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorized the School Board to lease the old Hebrew Orphan Asylum building on 77th Street.

1891(22ndof Nisan, 5651): Eighth Day of Pesach

1891: Pianist and composer Leopold Godowsky married Frieda Sax.

1891: The wife and daughter of Abraham L. Grabfelder, a director of the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children arrived in New York having cut short their trip to Europe when they told that Grabfelder had become seriously ill.

1891: Birthdate of NYC native and Cornell University trained neuropsychiatrist Dr. Louis Hausman, the husband of “the former of Esther May” who spent much of his career teaching at his alma mater.


1892(3rdof Iyar, 5652): Parashat Tazria-Metzora

1892(3rdof Iyar, 5652): Solomon Sebag, the son of Rabbi Isaac Sebag and the “mast of the Sha’are Tikwah School” who served “temporarily as reader in the Bevis Marks synagogue” and the author of “a Hebrew primer” which was a standard text for Anglo-Jewish children passed away today in London.

1892: The Young Men’s Hebrew Association hosted the first annual gymnastic program featuring members of the organization.

1892: Colonel Carl Weber testified before the joint committee of the Senate and House of Representatives on Immigration and Naturalization on the condition of those arriving at Ellis Island.  Included in this was a description of those who arrived aboard the SS Masillia and were later found to be contaminated with typhus. Contrary to earlier reports the immigrants were Turkish Jews and not Russian Jews.  He said that their religion had nothing to do with the illness which was cause by their extended sea voyage which took them to numerous ports before arriving in New York.

1893(14th of Iyar, 5653): Pesach Sheni observed for the first time during the “second term” of Grover Cleveland, the only two-term President who did not serve his terms consecutively and supported American efforts to improve the conditions of Russian Jews.

1894: Mrs. Jesse Seligman and Misses Alice and Madeline Seligman were aboard the train which arrived at Grand Central Station from California carrying the body of Jesse Seligman who had died suddenly on April 23 at San Diego, CA.

1894: The widow of Jesse Seligman and his two daughters were driven to their home at 2 East 46th Street while the body of the late banker was taken to the undertaker and then to Temple Emanu-El where “a plaster cast of the dead banker’s head was taken by a sculptor who will make a statue for the grounds of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Society.

1895: Gustav Freytag, author of the immensely popular Soll und Haben (Debit and Credit) “a novel in which a Jewish merchant is presented as a villain and threat to Germany” while proclaiming the virtues of the German people, especially the middle class, passed away today. (Editor’s note – for those who wonder how Hitler could have happened, a look into the history of German anti-Semitism might provide some of the answers.)

1897: In New York City, Russian born actor Maurice Moscovitch and “his wife Ruth” gave birth Noel Nathaniel Moscovitch who gained fame as actor Noel Madison “the husband of the former Joyce with whom he had one son – Toby.”



1898: It was reported today that “ Tract Pesachim (Passover) the fifth volume of Dr. M.L. Rodkinson’s new English edition of the Babylonian Talmud has just been published…This tract has, so far as is known, never been translated into any modern language, although it is one of the volumes most frequently perused by students of the Talmud.  There are still fifteen more volumes of the Talmu to follow; the next of which is promised with the next three months.

1898: Following the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, Dr. A.P. Madison said that the Russian Jews of Chicago who number about 25,000 people “will organize a regiment of infantry and offer their services to the President to fight Spain and to free Cuba.”

1898: As patriotic fervor sweeps the United States, in New York “special services were held today at Temple Rodolph Sholom at which national hymns were sung and prayers were offered for the President and the army and navy.

1898: The attorney representing Horace J. Young, who is accused of deserting his wife Clara, the daughter of Jewish businessman Julius Praeger will be allowed to examine the witnesses who claim that the couple was never legally married but that Young left her when he found out she was pregnant.

1899: In London, the Times published a letter from Joseph H. Hertz, the Chief Rabbi expressing his opposition the Slaughtering of Animals Bill presented to the House by Sir A. Shirley-Benn, MP which would effectively band Shechita which “would therefore inflict cruel hardship on hundreds of thousands of law-abiding citizens and would in effect constitute a grievous religious persecution.”

1899: Birthdate of actress Lucie Mannheim, the native of Berlin who returned to her native land in 1948 after having been forced to leave during the Nazi era.


1899: Today, President Emanuel Lehman presided over the Seventy-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum of the City of New York.

1899: A committee made up of a cross-section of representatives of Jewish charitable organizations in New York City met today to make arrangement for memorial services to be held in honor of the late Baroness Hirsch.

1899:  At Nicoleaieff, Russia a town of 100,000 that includes 30,000 Jews, approximately 5,000 rioters “wrecked hundreds of Jewish houses and shops, desecrated Jewish graves and killed and injured a large number” of Jews in connection the Easter Festivities of the Greek Church which came to an end today on Greek Orthodox Easter.

1900(1stof Iyar, 5660): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1900: Herzl has a “coincidental meeting” with Bernard Lazare in Paris. Lazare intends to go to Constantinople. Herzl asked him if he would try to win Ambassador Constans over to the Zionist cause

1901: In Manhattan, twenty-three year old Mortimer L. Schiff married Adele Schiff.

1901: By the end of April, Herzl had read Moses Hess’ Rome and Jerusalem.

1902: Herzl completes his Palestine Novel Altneuland (Old New Land) which portrays his vision for life in the new Jewish Homeland.

1903: “The Directors of the Hebrew Loan Association reported that during January, February and March to association had loans of $77,915 to 3,238 borrowers and that the returns from its named creditors amounted to $74,758.”

1903: The will of silk merchant Adolphe Openhyn “was filed” today “with the Surrogate for probate by Morris J. Hirsch” which included “three bequests of $5,000 each to the Mount Sinai Hospital, the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society and the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids.”

1904(15thof Iyar, 5664): Parahsat Emor

1904: At Bender, Bessarabia, on Shabbat, "while the greater part of the Jewish community was assembled in the synagogue a mob of ruffians attacked the Jewish quarter killing three men and two women and wounding several other persons. A number of Jewish shops were plundered and the windows of Jewish houses were broken.  The mob which was incited to violence by the cry that the Jews and England and America brought on the the Russo-Japanese war in revenge for the Kishinev massacre, was too numerous to be dispersed by the police force and it was not until a company of Cossacks had been called out and ordered to used fire arms that the riot was quelled.

1904: By the end of April Herzl made preparations to proceed to Paris and London in early May in order to arrange the financing of the Uganda expedition. He made contact with the New York financier, Jacob Schiff. Schiff declared himself ready to negotiate a loan for Russia if it proved ready to do something for the Jews.

1904: Herzl had an interview with Austrian Foreign Minister Agenor Goluchowsky, who gave evidence of an earnest interest in Zionism and advised Herzl to work in England for a Parliamentary expression of opinion in favor of Palestine. Immediately after this audience, a consultation of his doctors establishes an alarming change in the condition of his heart muscles. Herzl is ordered to Franzensbad for six weeks.

1904: The St. Louis World’s Fair where nine of the works of Moshe Maimon “were shown at the Russian exhibition” opened today.

1904: Birthdate of Newark, NJ violinist and composer Max Pollikoff, the creator of the 92nd St Y’s “Music in Our Time” series.



1905: Over the last 12 months, the Young Men’s Hebrew Association provided services to 166,289 through its various programs including lectures, religious services, and physical education activities. The association had an income of $39,423.21and spent $38,673.32 under the Presidency of Percival S. Menken.

1906: As of today, “subscription to the Building Fund for the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children now amount to $30,795” but according to Dr. Samuel Kohn, another $5,000 needs to be raised “to complete the building.”

1907: Fifty-six year old historian and philosopher Julius Langbehn who attackedJews “as corrupters of German culture” and advocated beliefs later adopted by Adolf Hitler which have led him to be labeled as a “proto-Nazi.”

1908: H.H. Asquith, the British MP who got caught up in a love triangle with Edwin Montague and Venetia Stanley, became leader of the Liberal Party.

1908: The first issue of Der Spiegel “a culture magazine” founded Lion Feuchtwanger, the future husband of Marta Loeffler, “appeared today.”

1909: “The newly organized Young Men's Hebrew Association of the Bronx concluded negotiations for a lease of the former Union Republican Club property, at the southeast corner of Boston Road and 165th Street.”

1909: As of today, the Bronx Branch of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association “has a membership of about 400” led by John D. Tobias, President and Bernhard D. Saxe, Secretary.

1910: Birthdate of actor Al Lewis who played Grandpa on “The Munsters.”

1910: Dr. Emil Schürer, the German professor of theology who wrote A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ passed away today.

1911: Approximately 300 people attended the annual meeting of the society supporting the Hebrew Asylum on Amsterdam Avenue where they re-elected Louis Stern to serve as President.

1912: Dr. Falk Vidaver who had succeeded his brother Dr. Henry Vidaver as Rabbi of Congregation Sherith Israel when the latter passed away, resigned today and was replaced by Dr. Jacob Nieto.

1912: Carl Laemmle of IMP (Independent Moving Pictures Company) joined with several others to form the Universal Motion Picture Manufacturing Company whose Ft. Lee, NJ studios produced many of the early films that helped build the American cinema industry.

1913: Charles Edward Sebag-Montefiore married Muriel Alice Ruth de Pass, daughter of Charles de Pass and Mabel Kate Benjamin, today at Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Lauderdale Road, London, England.

1913: Birthdate of New York City native and Fordham trained attorney Leonard Kaufman the WW II veteran who was appointed as general counsel of the Paramount Pictures Corporation by Barnay Balaban in 1964.

1913: Rabbi Tobias Schanfarber of the Chicago Hebrew Institute is scheduled to “deliver the Twentieth Anniversary address for the Home for Aged Jews.”

1914: Otto Henne am Rhyn, the author of Mysteria, a work on the doctrines and mystic rites of ancient religions in which Part Four “Son of Man, Son God” deals with Judaism and the impact of Hellenism, passed away today.

1915: “In the Tuscan port city of Livorno” Alfred Sabato, the chief rabbi and his was gave birth to Elio Toaff who served as a rabbi Venice from 1947 to 1951 when he became Chief Rabbi of Rome. (As reported by Bruce Weber)

1915: Turkish authorities prevented the Jews of Smyrna from leaving the country.

1916: At a meeting tonight of the Public Interest League Professor William M. Sloane of Columbia said, “As much as I love and respect the Jews, I am forced to admit that they constitute the largest” of Socialists and that since “the Jew has no country…he has been accustomed to cry out against Governments because he has been treated with injustice.”

1916: In Philadelphia, PA, the People’s Relief Committee held a concert which raised money for the Fund for Jewish War Sufferers and “served as a memorial for poet for Jewish poet I.L. Peretz.”

1916: Among those listed today as contributors to The American Jewish Relief Committee were the Jewish Conference of Minneapolis ($350) and the Mendelsohn Benevolent Society ($50).

1916: Dr. Stephen S Wise delivered an address on “The Liberation of Reform Judaism” and Nathan Straus spoke on “The Jew in Philanthropy” at the opening session of the Ninth Semi-Annual Assembly of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis being held at Temple Emanu-El.

1917(8th of Iyar, 5677): Second Lieutenant Nathan Andre died today at Dieppe.

1917: It was reported today Felix Fuld, a vice president of “the department store of L. Bamberger” which he co-founded has pledged to give ten per cent of whatever is raised in Newark, NJ Jewish Community by the American Jewish Relief Committee

1917: In the Bronx, near Crotona Park, the former Sara Levin and Morris Wain, “a men’s custom tailor” gave birth to Beatrice Ruth Wain who gained fame as big band singer Bea Wain who later joined her husband Andre Baruch to become a “disc jockey team in New York.” (As reported by Sam Roberts)


1917: As the American Jewish community begins to take play its role in support the country’s war effort and Allied leaders seek to support what will be the mutually exclusive goals of keeping Russia in the war and protecting that country’s fragile democracy, “a committee consisting of Chairman Boris Kamenka, Baron Alexander Gunzburg and Henry Sliesberg representing the Jewish of Russia sent a telegram to Jacob H. Schiff, Justice Louis D. Brandies, Professor Richard James Horatio Gottheil, Oscar S. Straus, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Louis Marshall and Henry Morgenthau saying “that the Jews of Russia are confidently supporting the Russian Government.”

1918(18th of Iyar, 5678): Lag B'Omer

1918: “Rabbi J.L. Magnes…announced” today “the formation of a committee to advise the Federal Food Board on the dietary problems of Orthodox Jews, as they may be affected by the regulation of the of the Food Administration.”

1919(30thof Nisan, 5679): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1920: In Vienna, Ilona Neumann and Robert Kronstein gave birth to Gerda Hedwig Kronstein who gained fame as Gerda Lerna, the historian who “spearheaded the creation of the first graduate program in women’s history in the United States…” (As reported by William Grimes)

1921(22ndof Nisan, 5681): Eighth Day of Pesach for the first time during the Presidency of Warren Harding

1923(14th of Iyar, 5683): Pesach Sheni

1923: Birthdate of Brooklyn native Albert Meister, who gained fame as actor Al Lewis, best known for his role as “Grandpa” in the television sitcom “The Munsters.”



1924(26th of Nisan): Rabbi Joseph Lowenstein, author of “Dor, Dor ve-Dorshav” passed away

1924: In Brooklyn, “Oscar Lifschutz, who ran a grocery in the Williamsburg neighborhood, and the former Miriam Schor” gave birth to Joseph Emanuel Lifschutz, the psychiatrist who went to jail to protect patient confidentiality. (As reported by Sam Roberts)


1924: Birthdate of Sheldon Harnick “an American lyricist best known for his collaborations with composer Jerry Bock on hit musicals such as Fiddler on the Roof. Harnick began his career writing words and music to comic songs in musical revues. One of these, "The Merry Minuet", was popularized by the Kingston Trio. It is in the caustic style usually associated with Tom Lehrer and is sometimes incorrectly attributed to him.”


1924: On the Lower East Side, Max Printz and Tillie Leiter gave birth to Ruth Leah Printz who gained fame as Ruth Greenglass the wife of David Greenglass, her fellow “atomic spy.”

1925(6th of Iyar, 5685): Kurenitz native Morris L. Kramer, the husband of the former Rachel Elka Stikan Rivkin and father of Beckie and Hyman Kramer passed away today in Brooklyn

1925: The Revisionist party (Brith HaTzionim HaRevisionistim) was founded by Zev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky.in Paris, France. Jabotinsky was an ardent Zionist.  He had already made Aliyah. In 1921 he took up arms to help defend the Jewish community from attacks by armed, Arab mobs.  The British arrested Jabotinsky and imprisoned him.  This experience was one of the factors that led him to demand a more aggressive policy toward the British believing that only worldwide pressure would force the British to abide by the mandate. The revisionist believed that the highest priority of the Zionist movement should be in bringing greatest number of Jews to Eretz –Israel in the shortest possible time.  Jabotinsky would die of a heart attack in 1940.  Menachem Begin would inherit his political and spiritual mantle.  As head of the Irgun, Begin waged war against the British after 1945 when it became obvious that the British were going to continue their pro-Arab, anti-Jewish policies.

1926: Birthdate of Cloris Leachman.  Born in Des Moines, Iowa, Leachman has enjoyed a long and distinguished film and television career.  Two of her most famous films were "The Last Picture Show" and "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." 

1928: In Camden, NJ, after two years, Harry Greenberg resigned this evening as the Executive Director of the YMHA and YWHA.

1929: In Tel Aviv, the fourth Palestine and Near East Exhibition comes to a close.

1929: Nathan Straus presided over the opening of the Nathan and Lena Straus Health Care Center in Tel Aviv.   Straus presented this modern health facility to Hadassah which will administer for the benefit of all the inhabitants – Jew, Christian and Moslem – with the only goal being to improve the quality and length of life of all citizenry.

1929: “The Little Show,” a musical revue with lyrics by Howard Dietz and music by Arthur Schwartz which” was the first of 11 musicals that featured the songs of Dietz and Schwartz” opened at the Music Box Theatre on Broadway today.

1930: “The Divorcee,” starring Norma Shearer, the wife of Irving Thalberg, in a role for which won an Academy Award for Best Actress and with music by Jack Yellen and Milton Ager was released today in the United States.

1931: Today, “General Ludendorff, who attributed his defeat in the war to the intervention of Jewry” and who wants “to have a Germany racially purely Germanic, free from Jewish-Marxist-Catholic domination” has now declared war on his old colleague” Adolph Hitler with whom he stood trial for the 1923 Munich Putsch at which time he declared “himself a violent anti-Semite.”

1932(24thof Nisan, 5692): Parashat Achrei Mot

1932(24thof Nisan, 5692): Seventy-three year old Philadelphia born New York businessman Cyrus L. Sulzberger passed away today.


1932: In Vienna, thousands of police were on duty to keep watch over a march by 70,000 followers of Hitler who were celebrating his recent victories in German elections. (JTA)

1933: Gian Clemente Bayard, the son Iris Origo who stayed in Italy during WW II where she saved the lives of children and Allied airmen, passed away tragically today at the age of 8.

1934: In Milwaukee, WI, Jewish-Russian immigrants Ben and Anna Goodman Raskin, the owners of a plumbing store gave birth to old musical prodigy turned law school graduate Marcus Raskin, anti-Vietnam Kennedyite who founded the Institute for Policy Studies. (As reported by Richard Sandomir)


1935: Jews were no longer allowed to display the German flag. This was quite disturbing to the thousands of Jews who had fought for the Kaiser in World War I

1935: “The Scoundrel” co-directed by Ben Hecht who also co-authored the script and co-starring Lionel Stander was released today in the United States.

1936: The Flying Camel spreads its wings on the shores of the Mediterranean as the emblem of the Levant Fair opening today in Tel Aviv.

1936: “The University of Michigan confirmed a previous announcement that two university delegates would attend the celebration of the 550thanniversary of Heidelberg University in June…despite the fact that the Nazi political machine would assume an important role in the celebration.”

1936: “Pre-Honeymoon” which was co-authored by Anne Nichols, the creator of the 1922 hit “Abie’s Irish Rose” opened tonight on Broadway.

1936: Despite Arab violence in Palestine, the High Commissioner opened the Levant Fair at Tel Aviv today where “more than 5,000” people heard “Mayor Dizengoff stress the importance of this biennial exhibition in the development of trade in the Near and Middle East with Western manufacturers.”

1936: At Beersheba, the Bedouin chieftains “met the chief secretary of the government and submitted a memorandum demanding a ban on Jewish immigration and the sale of land to Jews.”

1936(7th of Iyar, 5696): August Lederer, an Austrian industrialist and patron of the arts who was best known for his connection with Gustav Klimt passed away.

1937: “That I May Live” produced by Sol M. Wurtzel was released today in the United States today.

1938: “Porky’s Hare Hunt” a cartoon produced by Leon Schlesinger and featuring an unnamed rabbit that would become Bugs Bunny with the voice of Mel Blanc was released in the United States today.

1939: In Germany, the remaining Jews “lost their rights as tenants and were relocated into Jewish Houses.”

1939: Birthdate of broadly educated Saul J. Berman, the rabbi ordained at Yeshiva University, the holder of J.D. from NYU and an M.A. in Political Science from U.C., Berkley.


1939: In the Bronx, Julian Kleban and his wife gave birth to Edward “Ed” Kleban the composer and lyricist best known for his on “A Chorus” for which he shared the 1976 Tony Award for the Best Original Score with Marvin Hamlisch.


1940(22ndof Nisan, 5700): Eighth Day of Pesach

1940: The Lodz Ghetto was officially sealed. The Jews were resettled in the Lodz Ghetto in an action replete with brutality, looting, abuse, and murder. As they were led to the ghetto, snipers on rooftops opened fire on them to frighten them and expedite their departure. They fled to the ghetto in panic. When The Lodz Ghetto approximately 164,000 Jews from Lodz were packed into its four square kilometers, of which only two and a half square kilometers were built. The congestion in the area that comprised the ghetto was seven times greater than it had been before the war. The ghetto area was carved into three sectors by two main streets that linked neighborhoods outside the ghetto. Wretched conditions including congestion, hunger, cold, and poor sanitation led immediately to mass mortality.

1941:  Having installed the Ustasha movement as the government of occupied Croatia, the Nazis watched as on this date their willing puppet enacted a new definition of the term "Jew."  This enabled the Croat government to enact the Nazi inspired plan for the treatment of the Jews.  At the same, this definition caused some dissension in the ranks of the anti-Semites since it created a loophole designed to protect the Jewish wives of some of the non-Jewish Ustasha leaders.

1942: Today the Germans ordered the Jews of Pinsk to move into the ghetto by 4:00 p.m. on May 1. More than 20,000 persons were packed into the ghetto, a cramped area in a slum quarter

1942(13th of Iyar, 5702):  Twelve hundred Jews were killed in Diatlovo, Belorussia. The Jews offered armed resistance, but it was futile.

1943: During a trip to Palestine, Archbishop Spellman visits Haifa and Tel Aviv where he has lunch with Brig. Gen. R.W. Crawford, head of the United States Service Command.

1943: By the end of the month of April Jewish resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto began to falter as bunkers were broached by German troops. Artillery bombardment of the ghetto had foiled Jewish strategy of engaging Germans in costly hand-to-hand combat.

1943: The German government established Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp for Jews. The camp was located in northwest Germany.  Approximately 40,000 perished there from a variety of forms of inhumane treatment.  Anne Frank died there in March, 1945, a month before the camp was liberated by the allies.

1943: At Dj. Arada, Tunisia, Lance-Corporal John Patrick Kenneally accompanied by a sergeant, charged the enemy forming up for assault, inflicting many casualties. Even when wounded he refused to give up, but hopped from one fire position to another, carrying his gun in one hand and supporting himself on a comrade with the other. He was awarded the VC for bravery for this action. This was a repeat performance for Kenneally who showed similar bravery on April 28.

1943: Birthdate of Ze'ev Boim, a native of Jerusalem who moved from teaching to a career in politics that including servings as the Mayor of Kiryat Gat for 13 years and a member of the Knesset. (As reported by Jonathan Lis)

1943(25th of Nisan, 5703): According to reports, 2,000 Jews being deported to Sobibor attacked their guards.  All of the deportees fell victim to hand grenades and machine gun fire.

1943: “Tonight We Raid Calais” a WW II movie featuring Lee J. Cobb and Howard Da Silva and with music by Emil Newman was released in the United States today.

1943: "Hopeful Hint Ends Bermuda Sessions" published today stated that recommendations which were not capable of being accomplished under war conditions and which would most likely delay the war effort of the United Nations were rejected. [Editor’s Note: The title is a strange one since the conference offered no hope whatsoever to the Jews of Europe.]

1943: “Air Wardens,” a comedy with music by Nathaniel Shilkret was released today in the United States today.

1944: SOE agent Violette Szabo, codenamed Louise, returned to England from France aboard a Lysander, after completing her first mission.

1944: Two thousand Jews were deported from Topolya, Hungry to Birkenaus.  This is the second deportation from Hungry to Birkenau.  Once again the Nazis have the Jews write postcards to their family back home telling them not to worry.

1944: Sixty-five year old Esther Raphiel passed away today after which she was buried at the Natchitoches, LA, Jewish Cemetery.

1944: Birthdate of Lydia Shtimerman, the Russian born English violinist who gained fame as Lydia Mordkovitch


1944: In New York, Albert Henry “Bill” Clayburgh, a Jewish manufacturing executive and his Protestant wife, the former Julia Louis Dorr gave birth to Academy ward nominated actress Jill Clayburgh.

1945: In Berlin, Hitler murdered Eva Braun and then committed suicide in his bunker. The bodies are then carried outside and cremated.  Years later, the Soviet government released a report stating that their troops had recovered the charred remains and brought them back for verification.  What finally happened to the bodies is still in dispute although they no longer exist.

1945: Günther Schwägermann, a Goebbels aide, told the staff, including Brunhilde Pomsel, Goebbels’s Secretary, that Hitler and Eva Braun, after a marriage ceremony, had committed suicide.
1945: The Red Army liberated 23,000 Jews and non-Jews from Ravensbruck. One of the oldest of the camps, it was opened in 1939 just north of Berlin.  It was primarily a camp for women.  In the last two years of its existence 90,000 were killed there.  The camp was noted for its medical experiments in which the inmates were used for experimental purposes.  As the retreating Nazis were forced to shut down the gas chambers in Poland, they built one at Ravenbruck that opened in early 1945.  This puts the lie to the idea that the Final Solution was not an integral part of the Nazi program from start to finish.

1945: Concentration camp München-Allag was liberated.

1945: Today “fashion model turned war correspondent Lee Miller”

 was photographed using the bath tub in Hitler’s abandoned Munich apartment.


1945: Soldiers of the 63rd Division (U.S. Army) which was recognized as a liberating unit by the U.S. Army’s Center of Military History and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2000 completed the liberation of seven the eleven Kaufering subcamps.

1946(29th of Nisan, 5706):Seven Jews were murdered by anti-Semitic Poles at Nowy Targ, Poland, very near to where five Jews were killed on April 21

1947: “Itzhak Zuckerman, deputy commander of Warsaw’s ghetto arrived in Palestine” today to settle permanently at the village of Yagour “where his wife Zivia Lubotkin, another leader of the Polish ghetto rising is a member.”

1948(21stof Nisan, 5708): Seventh Day of Pesach

1948: “The battle for Jerusalem began today as the Haganah swooped into the Christian Arab Katamon quarter and infiltrated deep into the Moslem Mamilla cemetery, and Jewish postal employes seized the general post office.”

1948: It was reported today that “Regen Abdul Illah of Iraq has said that Iraqi troops “had started to move from Baghdad toward Palestine.”

1949(1st of Iyar, 5709): Parashat Tazria-Metzora; Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1949: “Eliahu Elath, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States” is scheduled to “be the principal speaker tonight at the New School for Social Research at the opening of the first American conference for Hebrew language and culture.”

1949: “Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Israel's first president, in a message that opened the first American Conference for Hebrew Language and Culture, asserted tonight that the "day is not far when the spiritual life of American Jewry will be strongly inter-related with the cultural values of Israel."

1950: A compromise was reached today among competing factions of the trade union movement in Israel that will allow tomorrow’s May Day celebrations to go on as planned.  Histadrut had threatened to cancel the festivities unless the “pro-Soviet minority” agreed to march without banners carrying proclamations that would be offensive to “the western democracies.” 

1952(5th of Iyar, 5712): Yom HaAtzma'ut

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that in its First of May Day proclamation, the Histadrut Executive will announce that all Palestine Arab workers wishing to do so, will henceforth be admitted to the Histadrut's Trade Unions, as of May 1, 1953.

1953: The Jerusalem Post reported that a gang of Bedouin terrorists mined a bridge on the Nitzana-Beersheba road and opened fire when an army truck was passing by. Nobody was hurt, but the bridge was damaged.

1955(8th of Iyar, 5715): Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim

1955(8th of Iyar, 5715): Eighty-seven year old Naphtali Taylor Phillips, the son of Isaac Phillips and his second wife Miriam Trimble Phillips who “was considered the Phillips family’s unofficial historian and published many articles about the history of the Jews of New York during the 17th and 18th centuries” passed away today. “As a lawyer he held various political offices, e.g.: he was member of the New York state legislature, served on the judiciary and other committees and as a member of the Joint Statutory Revision Commission of that body (1900); and deputy comptroller of the city of New York (from 1902). He also was a trustee of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society, and a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and of the New York Historical Society. He served as treasurer of the Jewish Historical Society and has contributed several papers to its publications. For fifteen years he was clerk of Congregation Shearith Israel. In 1892 Phillips married Rosalie Solomons, daughter of Adolphus S. Solomons. Mrs. Phillips was an active member of the Daughters of the American Revolution


a lawyer he held various political offices, e.g.: he was member of the New York state legislature, served on the judiciary and other committees and as a member of the Joint Statutory Revision Commission of that body (1900); and deputy comptroller of the city of New York (from 1902). He also was a trustee of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society, and a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and of the New York Historical Society. He served as treasurer of the Jewish Historical Society and has contributed several papers to its publications. For fifteen years he was clerk of Congregation Shearith Israel. In 1892 Phillips married Rosalie Solomons, daughter of Adolphus S. Solomons. Mrs. Phillips was an active member of the Daughters of the American Revolution

1955: Birthdate of Menachem Mazuz who served as Israeli Attorney General from 2004 to 2010.

1956: “The Last Hunt” the movie version of a novel by the same name directed and written by Richard Brooks and produced by Dore Schary was released today in the United States.

1956: Israeli Chief of State Moshe Dayan delivered the eulogy at Nahal Oz for Roi Toberg, the kibbutz security officer who had been murdered in an ambush yesterday after which his body was mutilated by the terrorists.

1959: “Imitation of Life” the cinema version of the novel by Fannie Hurst produced by Ross Hunter, co-starring Susan Kohner and with music by Sammy Fain was released in the United States today.

1960(3rd of Iyar, 5720): Parashat Tazria-Metzora

1960(3rd of Iyar, 5720): Eighty-five year old Italian born Giorgio Polacco, the conductor at the Met from 1915 to 1917, the Chicago Civic Opera from 1921 to 1930 and the husband of Edith Mason passed away today in Manhattan.


1961(14th of Iyar, 5721): Pesach Sheni

1961(14th of Iyar, 5721): Seventy-three year old Israeli political leader Peretz Naftali passed away today.

1962(26th of Nisan, 5722): Seventy-seven year old physician turned political leader Lester David Volk, the WW I Army veteran who raised his son Alan with his wife Florence S. Volk passed away today after which he was buried at Bayside Cemetery in Queens.


1963: Founding of Haifa University

1964(18th of Iyar, 5724): Lag B’Omer

1965(28th of Nisan, 5725): Seventy-three year old Columbia Law School trained attorney and Manhattan Borough President Edgar Joshua Nathan, Jr, a cousin of Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardoza and poet Emma Lazarus who was a descendant of the first Jews to arrive in America passed away today after which “he was buried in Congregation Shearith Israel's Beth Olam Cemetery in Ridgewood, Queens.”



1967(20th of Nisan, 5727): Sixth Day of Pesach

1968(2nd of Iyar, 5728): Seventy-six year old Dubno native and Massachusetts bookstore owner Samuel Joseph Bernstein, the son of Yehuda and Dina Bernstein and the father of famed musical showman Leonard Bernstein passed away today.

1968(2nd of Iyar, 5728): Sixty-one-year-old Washington University and University of Chicago trained research chemist Myer Agruss, the son of Rose and Benjamin Agruss and the husband of Frances Agruss passed away today in Chicago.

1969: In Chicago Adele and Marshal Levine gave birth to Haveford trained physicist and Harvard trained expert in Public Policy Mark D. Levine, the bi-lineal member of the New York City Council and husband of Ivelisse Suarez with whom he has had two children.


1970(24th of Nisan, 5730):Jacques (Jacob) Presser passed away. Born in 1899, he was a Dutch historian, writer and poet best known for his book Ashes in the wind: The destruction of the Dutch Jewsa seminal work on the history of the persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands during World War II. Yet he also made a significant contribution to Dutch historical scholarship, as well as to European historical scholarship.

1971:Belorussian Station” a Soviet film with music by Alfred Schnittke” was released today.

1971: On day after he had passed away, funeral services were scheduled to be held for eighty-five year old Polish born American textile manufacturer and philanthropist Israel Rogosin, the husband of Evelyn Rogosin and father of movie producer Lionel Rogosin.


1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that despite Israeli protests and the U.S. Congress pressure, the U.S. President Jimmy Carter reiterated that the joint sale of U.S. jets to Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia was in Israel's best interests. He refused, however, to say what his Administration will do if the Congress vetoes any part of this three-country package.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, left for Washington on his second successive visit to U.S. and President Carter, in an apparent attempt to resolve the problem of the stalled Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations.

1978: The Jerusalem Post reported that there were mixed feelings in Israel about the prospects of the third pullback in South Lebanon, moving to the line west, from about six to ten kilometers, from the Israeli border. There was a growing uncertainty whether the UNIFIL, which was filling the gap, would protect Israel from further terrorist activities.

1979: Paul Massing, author of Rehearsal for Destruction: A Study Of Political Anti-Semitism in Imperial Germany passed away today

1980(14th of Iyar, 5740): Pesach Sheni

1980(14th of Iyar, 5740): Seventy-five year old editor and drama critic Louis Kronenberger, the husband of Emily L. Plaut passed away today.


1981(26th of Nisan, 5741): Yom HaShoah

1981(26th of Nisan, 5741) Eighty-year old Jeanne Levy, the daughter of Alfred Dreyfus, the most famous Jewish officer to serve in the French Army and Lucie Hadamard and the wife of Pierre-Paul Louis Lévy with whom she had had five children – Madeleine, Simone, Jean-Louis, Etiene and Pierre-Paul – passed away today in Paris today.

1982:An Israeli Cabinet official who received a suspended prison sentence last week for larceny and breach of trust resigned from the Cabinet today. The official, Aharon Abuhazira, Minister of Labor, Welfare and Immigrants Absorption, submitted his letter of resignation to the Prime Minister's office after the Central Committee of his party, Tami, authorized it

1982: “The Chosen” a movie version of the Chaim Potok novel directed by Jeremy Kagan starring Robby Benson and featuring Barry L. Miller, Ron Rifkin, Evan Handler with music by Elmer Bernstein was released today.

1983: “King Hussein of Jordan said today that the United States was partly responsible for the collapse of his talks with the Palestine Liberation Organization on President Reagan's peace plan.”

1984(28thof Nisan, 5744): Yom HaShoah

1984(28thof Nisan, 5744): Eighty-one-year-old “businessman and philanthropist” Harry J. Denberg, “founder and president of Spotless Stores” and “the sponsor of a Hebrew free loan society and a school for orphaned girls, both in Jerusalem” who was the husband of Riva Denberg with whom he raised two daughters, Marilyn and Edythe, passed away today.


1984: During a high profile divorce case involving billionaire realtor Sol Goldman and his wife Lillian, Mrs. Goldman discovered a letter that appeared to confirm that his proposal of a reconciliation was merely a way to protect his assets leading her to resume litigation to dissolve the marriage.

1985(9th of Iyar, 5745): Seventy-five year old Mickey Katz passed away today.  Born in 1909, Katz was comedian and musician who specialized in Yiddish humor. In his day he was known as what they called "a novelty band leader" i.e. a Jewish Spike Jones.  Katz is also known for being the father of Joel Grey and the grandfather of Jennifer Gray.

1985(9thof Iyar, 5745): Eighty-four year old director Hungarian born American director and producer Julius White “who was best known for his films of The Three Stooges” passed away today in California.

1985(9thof Iyar, 5745): Seventy-five year old Meyer Myron Katz, the Cleveland, OH, born son of  “Menachem and Johanna (Herzberg) Katz and the husband of Goldie “Grace Epstein, who gained fame as “novelty band leader” Mickey Katz, a comedian and musician specializing in Yiddish humor also known for being the father of Joel Grey and the grandfather of Jennifer Grey, famous for her role in “Dirty Dancing” passed away today.



1985: Birthdate of Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot who represented Israel in the 2004 Miss Universe Pageant.

1985: In Petah Tikva, Israel, “Irit (née Weiss), a teacher, and Michael Gadot, an engineer” who is “a sixth generation Israeli” gave birth to actress Gal Gadot, the IDF veteran best known for her portrayal of “Wonder Woman.”

1985: One person was injured today during a grenade attack on a bus in Israel.

1985: One person was injured today during a “grenade attack on Israeli intelligence center in Bat Pam, south of Tel Aviv.”

1985: A London production of “Follies,” a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and a book by James Goldman opened at the Forum theatre

1986: The city of Houston declared today Albert Moses Levy Memorial Day, in honor of Jews who participated in the fight for Texas

1986: In Savannah, Georgia, Mary and Ronald S. Agron gave birth to actress Dianna Elise Agron who went to Hebrew School and celebrated her Bat Mitzvah before pursuing her show biz career.

1987: Thomas Friedman reports that an Islamic revival is quickly gaining ground in the most unlikely of places – Israel. “From Israeli Arab villages in the northern Galilee, to the turbulent Palestinian universities in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, to the teeming refugee districts of the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip, an Islamic revival is taking place among Moslems living under Israeli control. The revival was inspired in part by the Iranian revolution led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. But it is also a home-grown movement of Palestinian Moslems seeking strength to confront Israel by returning to their classic Islamic identities that once brought them grandeur… What this means for the already intractable Arab-Israeli conflict, said Eli Rekhess, a Tel Aviv University expert on Israeli Arabs, is that future 'coexistence will be that much more difficult and the lines of differences between the two communities that much sharper.’''

1989: Several thousand people, many of them Holocaust survivors and their families, gathered in midtown Manhattan to honor the victims of the Holocaust and to commemorate the anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising in which Polish Jews fought the Nazis in 1943.

1990(5thof Iyar, 5750): Yom HaAtzma’ut

1992: NBC broadcast the final episode of season 8 of the “Cosby Show” a sitcom co-created by Ed Weinberger.

1992(27thof Nisan, 5752): Yom HaShoah

1992(27thof Nisan, 5752): Sixty-seven year old American economist Harvey Joshua Levin passed away today.


1993: U.S. premiere of “Three Hearts” with a script by Adam Greenman.

1993(9thof Iyar, 5753): Eighty-five year old Frija Zoaretz, the native of Libya who made Aliyah in 1949 and served as MK for the National Religious Party passed away today.

1995: Following the merger of Abraham &amp; Straus with the Macys, Bloomingdales and Sterns chains earlier in the year, “the name of Abraham &amp; Straus passed into mercantile history” today marking “the end of a journey” that began in 1865&gt;

1996(11th of Iyar, 5756): David Opatoshu passed away. Born in 1918, David Opatoshu began his stage career in New York's Yiddish theatre in the late 1930s. Though he worked extensively in English-language plays, films and TV programs, the scholarly looking Opatoshu never completely severed his ties with his roots. His first film was the all-Yiddish "The Light Ahead” (1939) from 1941 through 1945, he delivered the news in Yiddish on New York radio station WEVD; in the 1970s, he was directing and starring in ethnic stage productions; and in 1985, he narrated a documentary film on the Yiddish theatre in America, "Almonds and Raisins".  Opatoshu appeared in numerous films and television productions frequently playing the part of the Communist or some other vaguely eastern European intellectual villain.  Two of his more memorable performances were in the film Exodus in 1960 and Masada in 1981. 

1996(11th of Iyar, 5756):  President Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres signed an accord in Washington extending U.S. help to Israel in countering terrorism

1998(4th of Iyar, 5758): Yom HaAtzma'ut – Fiftieth Anniversary of Israeli Independence. The fifth of Iyyar fell on a Friday in 5758 which precluded celebrating the holiday on the technically correct date.

2000: The New York Times included reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Collaborator: The Trial and Execution of Robert Brasillach by Alice Kaplan and the recently released paperback edition of The Last Kabbalist of Lisbonby Richard Zimler a novel in which a young follower of the mystical Jewish tradition tries to track down his uncle's killer in 16th-century Lisbon.

2001: Cookbook author Joan Nathan received the Who's Who of Food and Beverage in America award for lifetime achievement from the James Beard Foundation.


2002: Beginning today, the Batsheva Dance Company from Israel is scheduled to perform the American premiere of ''Naharin's Virus,'' an adaptation of a 1996 play by the German writer Peter Handke. The music for the dance, which had its premiere in Tel Aviv last year, is adapted from traditional Arabic folk music by Habib Alla Jamal, Shama Khader and Karni Postel

2003(28thof Nisan, 5763): Ran Baron, 24; Dominque Caroline Hass, 29 and Yanai Weiss, 46 were murdered and dozens more wounded including Keith Trowbridge, 37 and Avi Tabib, the security guard, when a terrorist working for Fatah Tanzim and Hamas blew himself up at Mike’s Place a popular Tel Aviv Restaurant. The murderer was part of a group of three British Muslims who came to Israel to kill Jews.

2003(28thof Nisan, 5763): Seventy-two year old Arnold Horween, the successful Chicago businessman “company supplies the leather used to manufacture the National Football League's Wilson footballs” passed away today. (As reported by Ana Beatriz Cholo)


2003: The Israeli president, Moshe Katzav and his Polish counterpart, Aleksander Kwasniewski, led 3,000 people from around the world in a ''March of the Living'' through the gate to Auschwitz -- the words ''Arbeit macht frei'' mean ''Work makes you free'' -- and to the nearby twin camp at Birkenau. The march was to mourn Jews killed at the death camp in World War II and commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Among the marchers was Norman Frejman, 72, of Florida, who as a child survived the Warsaw Ghetto, deportation to the Majdanek death camp and slave labor in Germany. ''I am getting old,'' he said, ''so I had to come here to see it once again. This is hallowed ground.''

2004(9thof Iyar, 5764): Ninety-two year old tobacco executive Joseph Frederick Cullman III, the husband of women from two prominent Jewish families, Susan Lehman and Joan Paley Straus, passed away today. (As reported by Michael T. Kaufman)


2004: “Godsend” a horror movie filmed by cinematographer Kramer Morgenthau was released today in the United States and Canada.

2004: “Envy” a comedy directed by Barry Levinson who produced the film with Paula Weinstein and starring Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Rachel Weisz was released in the United States today.

2005(21stof Nisan, 5765): Seventh Day of Pesach and Shabbat

2006: Herbert “Herb” Brown, the former coach of the Detroit Pistons and the “head coach of the U.S. basketball team that won the gold medal at the 2001 Maccabiah Games,” today, joined his younger brother Larry Brown as a member of the United States Jewish Sports Hall of Fame.

2006: The New York Times featured books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including High Lonesome: New &amp; Selected Stories 1966-2006 by Joyce Carol Oates, Politics Lost: How American Democracy Was Trivialized by People Who Think You're Stupid by Joe Klein and Family and Other Accidents by Shari Goldhagen.

2006(2nd of Iyar, 5766): Paul Spiegel leader of the Central Council of Jews, Germany’s main Jewish organization, passed away.

2007: In today’s  “unpublished opinion, the California Court of Appeal held that Robert Shapiro's law firm, Christensen, Miller, Fink, Jacobs, Glaser, Weil &amp; Shapiro, LLP, could be held liable for his alleged misconduct, even though Shapiro holds no equity interest in the firm and is not a true partner

2007: Aubrey Drake Graham, known as “Drake” became the first unsigned Canadian rapper to have his music video featured on BET when his first single, "Replacement Girl" was featured as the "New Joint of the Day"

2007: At the Jewish Museum of Florida an exhibit styled “Bonim: Jewish Developers Building Florida and; Building Community”comes to end. “From swampland to cities, this exhibit highlights the enormous impact of Florida’s Jews on one of the state’s leading industries.” The exhibit demonstrates that starting in 1820 when Moses Levy began purchasing 100,000 acres in north central Florida, Jews have played a major role in transforming Florida from the region’s least populated state into one of the nation’s largest states.  

2007: The Jewish Heritage Center of Western Canada presents a lecture by Dr. Deborah Lipstadt which is based on her experiences during the David Irving Libel Trial.  Her book History on Tiral: My Day In Court with David Irving is the story of her libel trial in London against David Irving who sued her for calling him a Holocaust denier and right wing extremist.

2008: Famed Yiddish actress Esta Saltzman who lived in Manhattan for over 40 years before passing away, will be buried today in a family plot at the Knollwood Park Cemetery.

2008: An exhibition style “Zap, Pow, Bam – Super Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics at the Jewish Museum of Florida comes to a close.

2008: Today, Steve “Tisch along with the rest of the Giants team and administration were invited by President Bush to the White House to honor the Giants Super Bowl victory.”


2008: The Jerusalem Cinematheque presents a screening of “The House on August Street” which depicts the untold story of Beate Berger who founded the “Beith Ahawah Kinderheim” in Berlin in 1922 for needy Jewish children and then saved “her” children from Nazi Germany through a unique rescue operation that ended with her bringing the children to the new “Ahawah” home she built in the Haifa Bay.

2008:As part of the annual Yom Hashoah observance in Iowa City, the University of Iowa Hillel Chapter presentsProfessor Ronald Berger who will speak about "Surviving the Holocaust: One Family's Story"..

2008:“Reparations Ethics: The War Continues,” aired on Israeli. The film criticized the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany for misspending funds and for being unresponsive and insensitive to the suffering of aging Holocaust survivors.

2009: Goldwin Smith’s Anti-Semitism Fuels Anger by Danielle Davis, exposing the professor’s views on Jews was published today.


2009(6th of Iyar, 5769): Mark I. Levy, a fifty-nine year-old lawyer with an Atlanta-based firm who was about to lose his job because of the economy was found dead in his Washington office. Police speculated that the cause was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.  The fate of the Yale law school graduate should serve as warning to all of us in these perils of these uncertain economic times.

2009: The 92nd Street Y presents “The Borowitz Report: Obama’s First 100 Days” in which Award-winning comedian and satirist Andy Borowitz, and a panel including Hendrick Hertzberg, Jonathan Alter  and Judy Gold take an irreverent look at President Obama's first 100 days in office
2009: Brooklyn College Hillel sponsors an Israel Street Fair celebrating Israel Independence Day.

2009: In Washington, D.C., Pulitzer Prize-winning illustrator Jules Feifferreads and discusses Which Puppy a children’s picture book he recently co-authored with his daughter Kate.

2009: In Texas, Heroes and Legacies sponsors “The Kinky Friedman Cigar Event” featuring five Kinky Friedman Cigars including The Governor, Kinkycristo, The Willie, Texas Jewboy and the Utopian

2010 President Barack Obama proclaimed the month of May as Jewish American Heritage Month. Below is the full text of his proclamation.

 In 1883, the Jewish American poet Emma Lazarus composed a sonnet, entitled “The New Colossus,” to help raise funds for erecting the Statue of Liberty.  Twenty years later, a plaque was affixed to the completed statue, inscribed with her words:  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….”  These poignant words still speak to us today, reminding us of our Nation’s promise as a beacon to all who are denied freedom and opportunity in their native lands. Our Nation has always been both a haven and a home for Jewish Americans.  Countless Jewish immigrants have come to our shores seeking better lives and opportunities, from those who arrived in New Amsterdam long before America’s birth, to those of the past century who sought refuge from the horrors of pogroms and the Holocaust.  As they have immeasurably enriched our national culture, Jewish Americans have also maintained their own unique identity.  During Jewish American Heritage Month we celebrate this proud history and honor the invaluable contributions Jewish Americans have made to our Nation.

The Jewish American story is an essential chapter of the American narrative.  It is one of refuge from persecution; of commitment to service, faith, democracy, and peace; and of tireless work to achieve success.  As leaders in every facet of American life—from athletics, entertainment, and the arts to academia, business, government, and our Armed Forces—Jewish Americans have shaped our Nation and helped steer the course of our history.  We are a stronger and more hopeful country because so many Jews from around the world have made America their home.

Today, Jewish Americans carry on their culture’s tradition of “tikkun olam”—or “to repair the world”—through good deeds and service.  As they honor and maintain their ancient heritage, they set a positive example for all Americans and continue to strengthen our Nation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2010 as Jewish American Heritage Month.  I call upon all Americans to observe this month with appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies to celebrate the heritage and contributions of Jewish Americans.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of April, in the year two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.


                                                      The Twist


 … President Obama has made a subtle, symbolic gesture that some would say demonstrates uncommon sensitivity to the Jewish community. Thanks to the New Jersey Jewish News for this story, which reports that President Obama removed the standard phrase “in the year of our Lord” from a proclamation welcoming May as Jewish Heritage Month. As the newspaper reports, previous similar proclamations — by Obama, George Bush, and Bill Clinton — all included the standard line affixed at the end, pegging the missive’s date to the birth of Jesus Christ … Obama, in praising Jews for their unique contributions to American culture, took the extra step of taking it out this time. This may not sit well with “the our-country-is-a-Christian-nation crowd” and it may seem like a small thing, but it shows a certain level of sensitivity if not outright political courage. There are those who think that Jewish community should be more outspoken in acknowledging this, and in voicing appreciation.”

2010: The Los Angeles Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “If You Knew Suzy: ‘A Mother, A Daughter, A Reporter’s Notebook’” by Katherine Rosman.

2010: An exhibit sponsored by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research styled “One Foot in America: The Jewish Emigrants of the Red Star Line and Eugeen Van Mieghem,” is scheduled to come to a close today. The exhibit tells the story of the Red Star shipping line, focusing on the lives of emigrants--the reasons they fled, their arrival in Antwerp and their experience with the city's Jewish community, their living conditions onboard the ships, and their hopes and dreams, is scheduled to close at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

2011: Today is reported to be the deadline for the Lincoln Square Synagogue to raise an additional $3 million in pledges so that can receive $20 million from an anonymous donor who has offered to give the money to this leading New York Orthodox synagogue so that it can continue construction of its new building which had been halted to due financial problems.

2011: Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation is scheduled to present a Yom Ha'Shoah Music Program featuring Brian Nedvin, tenor and Assistant Professor at Old Dominion University who “will present a combination of lecture, images, and songs to educate and remind us of our obligation to never forget those lost during the Holocaust.”

2011: Naomi Shilyansky is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at Agudas Achim in Iowa City, IA.

2011(26thof Nisan, 5771): Ben Masel, who campaigned for decades for the legalization of marijuana, among other causes, died today in his hometown of Madison, Wisconsin (As reported by the Eulogizer)

2012: Deidre Berger is scheduled to take part in a Q&amp;A following a screening of “Jealous of the Birds,” a documentary about the 15,000 Holocaust survivors who stayed in Germany, at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012: It was announced that Raviv Ullman had joined the cast of Alena Smith's new Off-Broadway play “The Bad Guys.”

2012: International Workshop on Holocaust Testimonies: Truth and Witness is scheduled to begin at the Wiener Library in UK.

2012: In Hawaii, "From Zion A Voice to the Nations” is scheduled to host a coffee hour with former Governor Linda Lingle who is running for the U.S. Senate.

2012(8thof Iyar, 5772): Historian Benzion Netanyahu passed away today at the age of 102.


2013: “Steal a Pencil for Me” an opera that chronicles Jack and Ina Polak’s romance as well as life in Westerbork and Begen-Belsen is scheduled to be performed at the Jewish Theological Seminary.

2013: The Historic Sixth &amp; I Synagogue is scheduled to host its noon-time “Food for Thought” with Rabbi Yosef Edelstein helping attendees “to digest” Jewish ethics, Jewish mysticism and Jewish philosophy

2013(20thof Iyar, 5773): Friends and family remembered Evyatar Borowsky as a joker, a hardy settler, and a devoted husband and father Tuesday evening as they gathered to bury the 31-year-old victim of a terror attack at a West Bank junction earlier in the day.

2013: An IAF aircraft on Gaza this morning assassinated a senior Salafist terror activist who was reportedly behind an April 17 rocket attack on Eilat from the Sinai

2013(20thof Iyar, 5773): Eighty-seven year old French author Viviane Forrester passed away today.


2013: Three fires broke out in the Lachish region today, destroying an estimated 20,000 dunams.

2013: Newly installed Pope Francis accepted an invitation from President Shimon Peres to visit Israel, as the two leaders held their first meeting today.


2014(30thof Nisan, 5774): Rosh Chodesh Nisan

2014: “Cardinal O’Connor’s Mother Was Convert From Judaism, Family Research Reveals” published today.


2014: The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations voted today to deny membership to “J Street.”


2014: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to a panel discussion entitled “New Perspectives on Jewish Refuges and Migrants after World War II.”

2014: Shaaray Tefila and J Street are scheduled to host an evening with IDF veterans Oded Na’aman and Yoav Litvin.

2014: “Disobedience: The Sousa” is scheduled to be shown at the JCC Rockland International Jewish Film Festival.

2015(11thof Iyar, 5775): Eighty-nine year old Anglo-Jewish composer Ronald Senator and his 81 year old wife Miriam Brickman “died tonight from injuries sustained in a three alarm house fire” in Yonkers, NY.


2015: “An Israeli-led rescue team pulled a Nepalese woman out of the rubble in the capital Kathmandu today, five days after a massive earthquake leveled much of the city, killing some 6,000 people.”

2015: Seventy-three year old Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is scheduled to announce that he will seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States.

2015: “Dora,” a film about a young lady named Dora with Down syndrome is scheduled to be shown at the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia.

2015: Mike Hale described “Revolution of the Eye, a new exhibition opening at the Jewish Museum.


2015: The Illinois Holocaust Museum &amp; Education Center is scheduled to host a production of “The Last Cyclist” Karel Svenk’s play “written and rehearsed in the Terezin Concentration Camp.”

2015: In Atlanta, GA, the Breman Museum is scheduled to host “The Wildest Party of the Year.”

2015: The National Football League held its 2015 NFL Draft in the Auditorium Theatre which had been designed by architect Dankmar Adler.

2015: Yeshiva University Museum and the Center for Jewish History in cooperation with the American Sephardi Federation are scheduled to sponsor “A Musical Journey through Space” “hosted cellist Elad Kabilio and accompanied by clarinetist, Avigail Malachi-Baev and vocalist, Inbal Sharret-Singer.

2016: Israeli saxophonist and composer Eli Degibri is scheduled to perform at the White House as a part of International Jazz Day, which will take place today.

2016: “Israel’s opposition leader Isaac Herzog responded furiously today to the ongoing row over anti-Semitism in Britain’s Labour Party, inviting its senior officials to visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem for a reminder of the results of anti-Semitism.”

2016(22ndof Nisan, 5776): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat

2016(22ndof Nisan, 5776): One hundred and three year old historian Danial Aaron passed a way today.



2016: In Iowa City, Lubavitcher Rabbi Avrohom Blesofsky is scheduled to host Sedudat Moshiach this evening.

2017: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including My Jewish Year: 18 Holidays, One Wondering Jew by Abigail Pogrebin and “The Man to Blame for Our Culture of Fame” a retrospective on the role of Walter Winchell, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants in creating the social and intellectual world in which we live.


2017: Samuel Kassow, Miriam Udel, Naomi Seidman and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett are scheduled to discuss “Growing Up Jewish.”

2017: The Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines is scheduled to host a celebration of Israel’s birthday “at Caspe Terrace with Israeli musical performers, the Dayans.”

2017: In Atlanta, the Breman Museum is scheduled to host the “retirement in honor of Dr. Liliane Kshensky Baxter, the Director of the Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education.”

2017: The YIVO Institute is scheduled to host “Children’s Day.”


 2018: Two hundred twenty-ninth anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington who in a letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island. proclaimed, "May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants – while everyone shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid” making the Jewish experience in America different from that in other western realms from the outset.

2018(15th of Iyar, 5778): Eighty-one year old Dr. Joel Kovel, the psychiatrist turned social activist passed away.  (As reported by Sam Roberts)


2018: The Yeshiva University Museum and American Sephardi Federation are scheduled to present “Hey, Wow! The Art of Oded Halahmy” whose “work reflects the rich, complex history of the Jewish heritage in Babylonia” featuring a “musical performance by Victoria Hanna.”

2018: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “Sisterhood of Pain, Sisterhood of Hope” featuring “four bereaved Israeli and Palestinian mothers” each of whom has lost a child

2019: German photographer Luigi Toscano, creator of “Lest We Forget” is scheduled to attend a screening of a documentary about his project at the Goeth-Instituit in San Francisco this evening.

2019: “Golda’s Balcony, The Film” and “Promise At Dawn” are scheduled to be shown on the last evening of the 16thAnnual International Jewish Film Festival in Rockland, NY

2019: The Knesset is scheduled to open a new session today “with 49 new members.”

2019(25th of Nisan, 5779): Ninety-one year old Sociliast Arthur “Art” Glik Kunkin, the Bronx born son of Irving and Bea Kunkin and founder of the counterculture publication The Los Angeles Free Press passed away today. (As reported by Neil Genzlinger)


2019: As Jews bury their dead after the second synagogue shooting in six months, all Americans mark the two hundred thirtieth anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington who in a letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island. proclaimed, "May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants – while everyone shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid” making the Jewish experience in America different from that in other western realms from the outset.

2020:“Famed scholars Deborah Lipstadt, the best-selling author of “Antisemitism: Then and Now” whose success in taking Holocaust deniers to court was depicted in the major motion picture “Denial” and Jonathan Sarna, award-winning author of the seminal book “American Judaism,” are scheduled to take part in an important ADL webinar on “Viruses and Violence: Addressing Antisemitism in the Shadow of COVID-19.”

2020: The Combined Jewish Philanthropies is scheduled to host a virtual pickling event from the comfort of your kitchen during which “Jeff Yoskowitz, co-owner of Brooklyn-based The Gefilteria, will lead us through a fun and interactive demonstration” where “we’ll learn how to make sauerkraut and pickle a variety of vegetables using basic ingredients and supplies” and hear Jeff discuss the art of pickling and its importance in Jewish cuisine, history, and culture.”

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host Rabbi Artson and his virtual presentation on “Bad Stuff Happens – A Talmudic Exploration.”

2020: Via Zoom, the Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to “mark the start of virtual Trinity,” giving everybody a chance to “catch up with their JSoc Friends.

2020: Live on Zoom, Donald Albrecht is scheduled to host “Designing Home: Jews and Midcentury Modernism,” an illustrated talk about Jewish contributions to America’s 20th-century domestic landscape

2020: As of yesterday evening, Israel’s death toll from COVID-19 had reached at least 215.

2021(18th of Iyar, 5781): Lag B’Omer

2021: In Columbus, OH, Congregation Tifereth Israel is scheduled to host Lag B’Omer picnic in its Parking Lot followed by Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat

2021: Artist Julie Weitz is scheduled to discuss her avatar “My Golem,” a social justice/environmental activist drawn from Jewish folklore, and her three-part digital exhibit that intersects Jewish mythology, social justice and ecology which is an in-person exhibit that runs through Dec. 5.

2021: The Jewish Arts Collaborative is scheduled to present online “a special celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut with Nir Caspi of Cafe Landwer!”

2021: “A spring semester version of the L.E.V. Campus Fellowship for Jewish college-age students living in the greater Cleveland area while studying remotely or affiliated with Cleveland Hillel or Hillel at Kent State campuses” is scheduled to begin today.

2021: Fisherman in Gaza should be able to begin plying their trade again today following yesterday’s announcement of the re-opening of the Gaza Strip’s fishing zone which had been closed ‘”in response to rockets being fired from Gaza earlier in the week.

2021: Kan Kol Hamusika is scheduled to broadcast “Excellence,” Young Artists in Concerts, featuring Maayan Gabel, on viola and Tail Haim Samnon and Noam Babany on piano.



This Day, May 1, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L


May 1

305:  Due to age and ill health and a desire to provide stability for the Roman Empire Diocletian resigned as Emperor of Rome.  Relatively speaking, Diocletian’s reign was a positive period for the Jews.  Diocletian was not overly concerned with his Jewish subjects since he was much concerned about controlling the Christians whom he regarded as a source of major instability in the Empire. From his point of view their contempt for Roman state religion and zealous proselytizing made them enemies of the empire. The Jews posed no such threat.  Therefore, he exempted them from the requirement to include national sacrifices in their services. The decrees of Diocletian are actually recorded in the Talmud.  According to some Diocletian lived in Palestine as a youth and was a swineherd.  As Emperor he visited Palestine at which time enemies of the Jews told him that he was mocked by the Jews for working with pigs.  When confronted with this, the Jewish leaders allegedly told him that while they may have made jokes about swineherds (something they regretted) they never made jokes about an Emperor.  This must have assuaged Diocletian’s anger because no reprisals were taken against the Jews.  It should be noted that Palestine suffered economically during this time, but that was as a result of the general impoverishment of the region and not as a result of anti-Jewish policies.  Diocletian looks especially good when you remember that the reign of Constantine is just over the horizon.

408: Theodosius II or Theodosius the Younger under whom Jews were from barred the civil service, the military and the holding of public office, began his reign as Emperor of the Byzantine Empire.

680: Muawiyah the founder of the Umayyad Dynasty,who “was crowned as caliph at a ceremony in Jerusalem in 661” was reported to treated Jews and other minorities “well” “passed away today.

1160: Bishop William of Beziers, France, who was appalled by the custom of beating of Jews during Palm Sunday, issued an order excommunicating Priests who did so. Beziers was the home to many Albigensians and was one of the more liberal, open cities in France. The Albigensians would be labeled heretics by the Roman Catholic Church.  Some times during the Middle Ages, areas that were hospitable to those quarreling with Rome provided some sort of comfort for Jews who might have otherwise been subject to persecution.

1218: Birthdate of King Rudolf I whose subjects included Meir of Rothenburg who was born three years before the monarch and who bring additional persecution to the Jews of his realm.

1338: Louis the Bavarian “informed the council of Worms that the Jews of that city were bound by agreement to pay the sum of 2,000 gulden toward the king's contemplated expedition against France, and that, if necessary, force might be employed in collecting this sum.”

1339: A party that included John of Marignola, who would report on his conversations with Jews in China, stopped in Constantinople before going on to The Middle Kingdom.”

1591: Thomas Lorkin, the father-in-law of Edward Lively, the Regius Professor of Hebrew at Cambridge and considered “the greatest of Hebraist passed away today.

1576: Coronation of Stephen Bathory, “who proved to be both a tolerant rule and friend of the Jews” as King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania.

1572: Pius V, the Pope who expelled Talmudist Gedaliah ibn Yahya ben Joseph and the rest of the Jews from Imola, Italy passed away.  The expulsion cost him 10,000 gold pieces but he overcame the hardship to write the Sefer Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah before dying in Alexandria in 1587.

1672: Pius V, the Pope who expelled Talmudist Gedaliah ibn Yahya ben Joseph and the rest of the Jews from Imola, Italy passed away was beatified today.

1707: The Act of Union joins the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain. While Jews had been expelled from England in 1290 and readmitted under Cromwell in the middle of the 17th century, Jews had been living in Scotland without interruption, possibly since Roman Times, but certainly since the 12th century. According Jewish-Scottish scholar David Daiches ,“there are grounds for saying that Scotland is the only European country which has no history of state persecution of Jews.”  By the time that the Act of Union became law, Jews were attending and teaching at Edinburg University.  Within a decade and a half after the Act of Union, there were 20,000 Jews living in Glassgow.

1718(11th of Iyar, 5478): Birthdate of Hirsh Ashkenazi

1720(6th of Iyar, 5780): Hewle Meise, the wife of Salomon Nathan Maas and mother of Nathan Salomon Maas and Meir Salomon Maas passed away today.

1769: Birthdate of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington.  Wellington’s claim to fame is his victory over the French. It was in this role that he found the Jews most helpful since Nathan Rothschild had provided the financial backing for the Iron Duke’s campaign against the French in Spain at a time when nobody else would risk the funds. Few people remember that the Duke, like other war heroes entered politics, serving as Prime Minister in the 1820’s and 1830’s.  It was here that betrayed those Jews who had supported him by defeating the attempts at Jewish emancipation first when he served in the House of Commons and then, even more viciously when he served in the House of Lords. The Duke had been able to support a bill emancipating seven million English Roman Catholics, but he could not bring himself to do the same for thirty thousand English Jews.

1732:George Frideric Handel’s “Esther” which was based on the Biblical heroine and was the first English oratorio premiered at King’s Theatre in London.  Handel drew on Biblical tales for many of his oratorios.

1762: Birthdate of Isaac Lopez, the son of Moses Lopez, who would die in infancy at the age of six months.

1775(1st of Iyar, 5535): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1775(1st of Iyar, 5535): Thirty-six year old mathematician and botanist Israel Lyons the Younger, the Cambridge born son of Israel Lyons, the elder and husband of Phoebe Person passed away from measles today “while preparing a complete edition of Edmond Halley's works sponsored by the Royal Society.”

1790: The citizens of Pesth had set today as the day to expel all of the Jews from the town – a decision which was overturned by the Diet but did not prevent the citizens from making life as unpleasant for the Jews as possible.

1799: In Prussia, Alexander Wolff and his wife gave birth to their second son, Michael, who would become Michael Solomon Alexander, the convert who became the first Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem.

1805: Königsberg merchant, Gerson Jacoby, and his wife, Lea Jonas gave birth to Prussian socialist leader Johann Jacoby.

1808: Birthdate of Sir Henry Francis Goldsmid, who "after receiving careful instruction, was called to the Bar in Hilary term, 1833 making him the first Jew who ever obtained that distinction in Great Britain.”

1808(4thof Iyar, 5568): Two-year-old Washington Hendricks, the son of Frances Isaacs, the Lancaster, PA born daughter of Joshua Isaacs and Harmon Hendricks the “prominent manufacturer of copper and grandson of Uriah Hendricks one of the founders of Congregation Shearith Israel, passed away today.

1810(27thof Nisan, 5570):  Buchau born Jacob Raphael Kaulla, the “German court banker” upon whom King Frederick of Wurttemberg confirmed full citizenship, a grant of rights which extended to “a number of his immediate relatives,” including his sister Madame Kaulla, passed a way today.

1812: Birthdate of Ignaz Kuranda, the Prague born son and grandson of “second-hand book dealers” who became an author, newspaper published and member of the Reichsrate.

1814: In Strasbourg, Alsace, “Auguste Ratisbonne and his wife, Adelaide Cerfbeer,[ members of the famed family of Jewish bankers” gave birth to Marie-Alphonse Raisbone a convert to Catholicism who became a Jesuit priest and “a co-founder of the Congregation of Our Lady of Sion, a religious congregation dedicated to the conversion of Jews to the Catholic faith.”

1817: Birthdate of Karl Isidor Beck the native of Baja, Hungary, the son of Jewish parents raised as Protestant who became a noted Austrian poet.

1812: Birthdate of Ignaz Kuranda, the native of Prague who ended his career in journalism to concentrate on a political career that included serving in the Reichsrate for 20 years.

1822: Friedrich von Gentz, the German diplomat, wrote in his diary, “Rothschild and Baruch excite me with an account of the deplorable Frankfort Jewish matter.”

1823: Birthdate of German native Julius Freiberg who lived in Cincinnati, Ohio where he established a distillery and was the husband of Duffie Freiberg.

1833: In Mathews, VA, Henry Benjamin Nones, the Philadelphia born son “of Abraham Benjamin Nones and Miriam Marks de Nones” and his wife Anna M. Nones gave birth Anna Virginia Nones who tragically passed away two weeks after her birth.

1835: In Bavaria, Kela Bamberger and Seligman Baer (Dov) Bamberger gave birth to Salomon Shlomo Zalman Bamberger

1838: In Prague, Simon and Rachel Ausch gave birth to Pauline Ausch who became Pauline Hirschfeld when she married Dr. Jacob Jacques Heinrich Hirschfeld.

1849(9th of Iyar, 5609): Isaac Bernays, Chief Rabbi in Hambrug, passed away. Born in 1792 at Mayence he completed his studies at the University of Würzburg, where he had been also a disciple of the well-known Talmudist R. Abraham Bing. Then he went to Munich as private tutor in the house of Herr von Hirsch, and afterward lived at Mayence as a private scholar. In 1821 he was elected chief rabbi of the German-Jewish community in Hamburg, to fill a position where a man of strictly Orthodox views but of modern education was wanted as head of the congregation. After personal negotiations with Lazarus Riesser (father of Gabriel Riesser), who went to see him in Mayence, Bernays accepted the office on characteristic terms; namely, that all the religious and educational institutions of the community were to be placed under his personal direction; he wanted to be responsible to the government only. Besides this he required a fixed salary, independent of incidental revenues, and wished to be called "clerical functionary" or "ḥakam," as the usual titles, "moreh ẓedeḳ" or "rabbi" did not seem to him highly esteemed at that time. (Based on an article in the Jewish Encyclopedia)

1851: During the reign of Queen Victoria, whose friendship with members of the Jewish community began when “Sir Moses Montefiore, lent the Queen a key to his estates in Ramsgate Kent, The Great Exhibition opened in Crystal Palace which was conceived by Prince Albert in London today.

1852: In Great Britain, the Court Exchequer fined Mr. Salomons, the elected Member of Parliament from Greenwich, was fined for voting against the law that excluded the Jews from sitting in the House of Commons.  Apparently, he was found guilty of three separate violations since the court imposed three separate fines, of 500 pounds each.

1853: Birthdate of Jacob Michailovitch Gordin “a Russian-born American playwright active in the early years of Yiddish theater” who was “known for introducing realism and naturalism into Yiddish theater.”

1854(3rd of Iyar, 5614): Seventy-year-old Frances Isaacs, the Lancaster, PA born daughter of Joshua Isaacs and the wife of Harmon Hendricks the “prominent manufacturer of copper whose father was one of the founders of Congregation Shearith Israel, whom she had married in 1800, passed away today in New York.

1855: The New York Times reported that the American Hebrew Christian Association had issued a public invitation to all converted Jews to attend a meeting at the Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church in Manhattan on the evening of May 10th.

1855: Students at the Union Theological Seminary began taking their final exams today.  One of the subjects in which they will be tested during the next week is the Hebrew Language.

1858: According to reports published today the Jews of Philadelphia have established a Permanent Hebrew Relief Association.

1860: Today’s “City Intelligence” column reported that Giacomo Meyerbeer is a favorite of New York opera goers.  His principal works have been received with enthusiasm, and although inordinately expensive to produce -- when compared with others of the Italian repertoire equally celebrated -- have never failed to pay a handsome dividend to the enterprising manager who produced them.” Meyerbeer was German-Jewish opera composer.

1860: Today’s “City Intelligence” column described the performance of Fromental Halévy’s “La Juive” (The Jewess) at the Winter Garden Theatre. After providing a detailed description of each act the reviewer concluded “It is seldom that a work of such pretension receives fair treatment on a first night, and we do not assert unqualifiedly that even in this instance it did so, but there cannot be a doubt that in all the essentials of good management and liberal desire to praise, there was successful effort, and a most cordial response. If incessant applause means anything, it surely guarantees a long run for the "Jewess." A triumph more complete, in all that makes a triumph pleasing, has never been put on record.”

1861: Caesar Hartog Gerson married Julia Jonassohn at the Synagogue on Margaret Street.

1863: The Battle of Chancellorsville, during which Henry Heller earned the Medal of honor began today.

1863(12thof Iyar, 5623): Ninety-year-old /rachel Judah, the New York born daughter of Hillel Judah who married Zalma Rehine, the Prussian born merchant who settled in Richmond before moving on to Baltimore where he helped to lead what may have been the city’s first high holiday services, passed away today.

1863: In common with the rest of their fellow-citizens, the Israelites assembled in their respective places of worship and carried out the precepts of the President's Proclamation. Most of the Synagogues were opened and he Psalms appointed to be read on penitential days, read on the occasion.

A very eloquent address was delivered by Rabbi Morris J. Raphal, at the Greene-street Synagogue. He remarked that it was a curious coincidence that on this, a fast day appointed by their own religious observances, they met in compliance with the Proclamation of the President of the United States, to fast and pray. He had been in this country fourteen years. During the first ten years no public proclamation had ever directed their thoughts and feelings to humiliation and fasting. Once in every year the highest functionary in every State proclaimed a day of general thanksgiving, and with that the debt of national gratitude was supposed to be paid. But now the rulers of the nation come year after year and call upon the people to weary Heaven with fruitless professions of a penitence they did not feel, and of a humility they did not practice. These proclamations fast days, on which no one fasts, are but the repetition of those so strongly reproved by the prophet Isaiah; and, though the people dare not put his questions, "Wherefore do we fast and Thou seest it not? Afflict our souls and Thou will not notice it!" -- since in reality the people do neither -- still the answer would stand good. "Because while you profess humiliation, you persist in your arrogance and your extortions do not cease." If ever a people needed to humble itself before God -- if ever fasting and prayer, sack cloth and ashes were to be worn -- it was by the people of these United States. Like our fathers, the Israelites of old, for whom pious Nekeiniah made such fervent supplication, the people of this country are justly amenable to his confession made for Israel: "In their dominions, in all the great prosperity Thou didst bestow upon them, and throughout the large and rich land which Thou gavest unto them, they did not serve Thee, neither turned they from their evil deeds." The preacher then drew a parallel between the sins of the Israelites, which called forth the reproof of the preacher, and the past conduct of this nation, which was equally amenable to the words of the inspired prophet.

What were they to say for the citizens of the United States who already and so long possess the two greatest earthly blessings, Education and Freedom, and yet make so bad a use of both. Education should be the guardian of freedom and of virtue, it was the birthright of every American, bestowed on all and withheld from none. But what principles did it actually inculcate -what virtues did it really teach? Did it inculcate respect for free institutions? Answer, ye place-hunters, ye ballot-box stuffers, ye shoulder-hitters, who reduce self-government to a disgusting farce. Did it teach patriotism? Answer, ye spoils-men, ye office-teekers and holders, who cement party lines with the cohesive force of public plunder. Did it teach common honesty? Answer, ye peculators and speculators, who fatten on the blood of the hard-worked masses, and who dignify roguery by the name of smartness. His heart ached as he spoke to them of the effects of perverted education; it would ache still more were he to direct attention to the bitter fruits of abused freedom. He need not remind them that while the best men North and South had long been driven aloof from the affairs of the country, demagogues, fanatics and a party Press had so managed matters that they found themselves in the third year of a destructive but needless sectional war, which has armed brother against brother, consigned hundreds of thousands to an untimely grave, and to ruin and devastation tens of thousands of square miles of flourishing and happy land; and what was worse than all this, while humanity weeps we must suppress our sympathy. However, our hearts may yearn for peace and brotherly love, our reason convinces us that the present is not the time to expect, or even to hope for the cessation of blood. On the contrary, though we may detest the cause and course of events, it is our duty loyally to stand by our section of the country, to maintain her quarrel and defend her rights, while we have the consolation to know that our side did not begin the fray, and that the cause of Union was the worthiest in the field.

"The preacher concluded his address with a fervent prayer.

1864: Joseph Seligman and his brothers founded J & W Seligman & Co.

1864: In, “The City Cars and General Goods Delivery,” published today the author complains about the crowded, smelly conditions on the city’s public include the statement that “immediate contact with a huge pile of superannuated Hebrew clothing stock is not desirable at any time: it is most undesirable in overheated and overcrowded cars.”  The author then goes on to compare the aroma with that found in packages of partially dried codfish and, strangely enough, joints of half cured pork.

1866: “The Galveston Hebrew Benevolent Society was established” today.

1867: In Poughkeepsie, NY, Jacob and Rachel Harris gave birth to composer and music publisher Charles Kissel Harris, the husband of Cora Lehrberg, whose many works include the ever popular “After the Ball.”


1868: In Santa Fe, N.M., Jacob and Minna (Loewenbein) Amberg gave birth to German trained physician and “otologist”, Jacob Amberg, the husband of Cecile Siegel with whom he raised two children – Robert and Adele while practicing in Detroit where he was a member of Temple Beth-El.

1868: In Minsk, Isaiah and Deborah (Leibowich Sissman, gave birth to Lake Forest University College of Law trained attorney Peter Sissman who in 1886 came to the United States where he married the former Rose I. Goldberg, served as Secretary of the Chicago Clockmaker’s” Union and was a law partner of the famous Clarence Darrow while being a member of B’nai B’rith in Chicago, Il.

1869: Today’s issue of the French Jewish review “Archives Israélites,” published by Isidore Cahen, announced the marriage of Alphonse Hirsch, the painter of chief rabbi Lazar Isidor, to Henriette Perugia. The notice adds that Perugia’s sister was married to Arthur Sassoon of the wealthy Sassoon family. (Based on reports from the Forward)

1869: In Kalvaria, Poland, “Fischel and Feiga (Edelstein) Eron gave birth to Joseph E. Eron who in 1882 came to the United States where he earned a BA and MA from Columbia, married Frances Haas, worked with Abraham Cahan and spent more than 25 in various projects aimed at educating and “Americanizing” immigrants including the founding of the Workmen’s School and the Educational League with Jacob Gordin.

1869: In a classic American success story, J & W Seligman & Co was admitted to the New York Stock Exchange. Joseph Seligman, the founder of the firm had arrived from Bavaria in 1837 “with $100 dollars in the lining of his trousers. By 1860, he and his brothers, who started as itinerant peddlers” had entered the investment banking business.  During the Civil War, they played a leading role in selling United States Government securities to Europeans which helped to finance the Union victory.  By the end of the decade, the Seligman’s had branches in London, Paris, Frankfort, New Orleans and San Francisco.  The brothers would take a leading role in financing the boom in railroads and in supporting Jewish charitable endeavors.

1870: It was reported today that the late Dr. George Frick, a resident of Baltimore, bequeathed $1,000.00 to the Hebrew Society of Baltimore

1870: According to a report published today, Michael Isaacs and Isaac Goldstein, two Jewish packpeddlers who had been indicted on charges of rape were found guilty and sentenced to ten years in prison by the Suffolk County court in New York.

1872: Adolph Marx Oppenheimer, the son of Sarah and Marx Oppenheimer and his wife Julie Oppenheimer gave birth to Laura Oppenheimer

1873: In Vienna, opening of the World’s Fair where the Illés Relief is a 1:500 scale model of Jerusalem by Stephen Illés “two wooden models of the Temple Mount” built by Conrad Schick were displayed.

1874: Ludwig Chronegk began his 26 year career as stage-manager with the Meininger troupe “when they first appeared at the Friedrich-Wilhelm Theatre in Berlin.

1874: In Ukraine, Isaac Cutler, who “was murdered during the 1882 pogrom in Elizabethgad” and Mrs. Ethel “Etta” Yaroshev Cutler gave birth to Colonel Harry Cutler, the resident of Providence, Rhodes Island who was the chairman of the Jewish Welfare Board of the United States.


1874: Birthdate of Samuel Aaron Tannenbaum the native of Hungary who came to the U.S. in 1886 where in 1898 “he began practicing psychotherapy in New York City” and became a “widely recognized scholar of Shakespeare and his times.


1876: Establishment of Children of Israel Synagogue in the eastern part of Des Moines, Iowa.

1876: During the fiscal year that ended today the United Hebrew Charities “gave away 754 tons of coal, 716 pairs of shoes and 1,625 women’s and children’s garments”

1877(18thof Iyar, 5637): Lag B’Omer

1877(18thof Iyar, 5637): Just weeks before her 81st birthday, eighty-year-old Miriam Marks, the Osining, NY born daughter of Jochabed Isaacks and Michael Marks who were married in 1786 and the wife of Andrew Abner Jones whom she married in 1821 after the death of her first husband Jonas Barnett passed away today in Philadelphia, PA.

1879: Julius and Sarah Rothenberg Bressler, gave birth to David M. Bressler, who attended City College, JTS and the New York Law School, was widely known for his activities in Jewish, State and municipal relief and in charity organizations and for his work with the Removal Office which was aimed at diverting the flow of Jewish immigrants from eastern cities to areas in the South and the Mid-West and providing them funds and training to acclimate them to their new homes

1879: In Bartfa, Hungary, Benjamin and Esther (Schoenfeld) Waldman gave birth to Morris David Waldman the graduate of NYU, JTS and Columbia University who went from the rabbinate to “the field of social and welfare work.”


1880(20thof Iyar, 5640): Sixty-three year old French composer Samuel Naumbourg who was the chazzan and reader at Besançon and directed the choir at the synagogue Strasburg before moving to Paris in 1845 where he officiated at the synagogue of the Rue Notre-Dame de Nazareth at Paris and became professor of liturgical music at the Séminaire Israélite passed away today.


1880: During the fiscal year ending today, the United Hebrew Charities had raised over $58, 00 of which almost $47,000 was spent in meeting the needs of 27,915 applicants for service.

1880: While visiting Freiburg, Germany, Texas banker Morris Lasker and Nettie Davis Lasker gave birth to Albert Davis Lasker who would leave his mark on the world of advertising as a partner of Lord & Thomas.



1880: According to a report from a Berlin correspondent, “all the Jews of foreign birth” have been given six hours to leave St. Petersburg, the Russian capital.

1881: It was reported today that the “Alliance Israelite Universelle” is extending its work among the Jews of the Orient.  In the past six months, Alliance has opened 9 schools in the Ottoman Empire.  All told the Alliance is supporting 33 schools serving a total of 6,300 pupils.  Sixty-eight thousand francs have been raised towards the establishment of primary and professional schools in Palestine.

1881: In Odessa, Michael Pofcher and Rose Nizel Pofcher gave proof to Dr. Elias Harrry Pofcher, the husband of Fanny G. Pofcher.

1881: The funeral of Isaac Hendricks, a member of the prominent Hendricks family, is scheduled to take place today at the New York home of his brother-in-law, H.S. Henry.

1882: “Beaconsfield’s Birthday” published today described British reaction to the anniversary of the birth of Lord Beaconsfield who passed away last year.  Admirers wore the primrose, the favorite flower of the late Benjamin Disraeli.

1882: It was reported today that General Nicholai Ignatief has issued a denial of claims that the anti-Jewish violence is the result of a lack of action by the government.  Furthermore, the violence has been limited to Balta and was started by the Jews who were seeking “revenge for an insult to a Jew by a Christian child.”

1882: Amid reports that Jews are living Vilna en mass, two hundred families are to leave for America today.

1882(12thof Iyar, 5642): Samuel Mocatta, the son Abigail Lindo and Moses Mocatta,, membesr of large, distinguished Anglo-Jewish Sephardi family, the husband of Miriam Mocatta and the father of Horace Rebecca, Ada, George, Laura and Frederick Mocatta, the philanthropist and Bullion broker, who designed the Montefiore Synagogue, the Brighton Regency Synagogue and the stations for the London and Brighton Railway passed away today.

1883: Israel Lewy who had succeeded David Joël as "Seminarrabbiner" began serving as chair of Talmudic Literature at Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau

1884: The Hebrew Technical Institute moved from 206 East Broadway to 129 Crosby Street.  The Institute had occupied the Broadway facility since January of 1884 when it opened with 24 pupils.

1885: It was reported today that the late Isaac Vogel had made bequests of $1,000 each to the Young Men’s Hebrew Association, the United Hebrew Charities, the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, Mount Sinai Hospital, the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Hebrew Free School Association.

1885: Birthdate of Israel George “Izzy” Levene “the All-American end at the University of Pennsylvania who went on to coach at the University of Tennessee and Wake Forest.

1885: Birthdate of Jacob Paley, the native of Kiev who came to the United States and with his brother Samuel Paley Congress Cigar Company which would provide the funds for his nephew William to buy the radio station that because the Columbia Broadcasting System.

1886:  The Moses Montefiore Congregation bought property at 160 East One Hundred and Sixteenth Street which was the site of a Baptist Church.  Plans to use the structure for a synagogue came to naught when it was determined that the building was unsuitable for that purpose and that it would be too small for the number of congregants who would be using the synagogue.

1886: “In Lozdzieje, Russian Empire (now Lazdijai, Lithuania),” Bertha and Julian Achron, “an amateur violinist gave birth violinist and composer “Joseph Yulyevich Achron” who emigrated to the United States in 1925 where he spent the rest of her life and who was the brother of Isidor Achron, “Jascha Heifetz’s accompanist.”



1886: The American Federation of Labor, led by it’s newly elected President, Samuel Gompers, strikes on a nationwide basis in an attempt to secure an eight hour day.

1886: Birthdate of Leipzig native businessman Walter Cramer who “took part in the civilian resistance against the Nazis” and was hanged for his part in the attempt to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944.

1887: Birthdate of Felix Rosenblüth, who as Pinchas Rosen was Israel’s first Minister of Justice.

1887: Birthdate of NYU Law School graduate Isaac Allen who in 1891 came to the United States where he “was a founder of the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress” and wrote regularly for the Yiddish Tageblatt.”


1889(30th of Nisan, 5649): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1889: In Galveston, TX, at 5:00 pm “more than fifty children assembled” at the home of Morris and Nettie Lasker to celebrate the 9th birthday of future advertising great Albert Lasker starting with an hour of “supervised games” followed by a May Pole dance.

1890: The United Hebrew Trades Union is one of several organizations taking part in today’s march sponsored by the American Federation of Labor in support of an 8 hour workday.

1890: Following a fortnight of attacks on Jewish shops in outlying provinces, Austrian authorities fear that there will be a May Day attacks on Jews throughout the empire including Vienna.

1890: An unnamed anarchist has called for May Day attacks in Paris including the assassination of the Rothschilds.

1890: The old Hebrew Orphan Asylum building on 77th street is going to converted into a public school that should accommodate 1,200 children.

1890: Members of the American Federation of Labor, the union organization headed by Samuel Gompers will be taking part in a large demonstration this evening in support of the eight workday.

1891: As of today, 142 people were residing at the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews.

1891: The International Cloak Makers Union of America was founded today.  Among the delegates attending the meeting was Benjamin Schlesinger, a delegate from Chicago who would become the business manager of Local 5 in Chicago.

1891: Oscar Hammerstein held a reception for newspaper men in which he discussed his plans to build a new opera house in New York.

1891: Approximately 4,000 Jewish who work in the clothing trades held a pro-union parade on the east side of New York.

1891: Alexander Becce, a Russian Jew “a native of the town of Byzlik received a notice from the government that he must either leave the country within thirty days or be exiled together with his family to Siberia for life on his account of his religion.”

1892(4thof Iyar, 5652): Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveichik passed away

1892(4thof Iyar, 5652): Abraham L. Grabfelder who was born in Bavaria 53 years ago and was the General Southern Agent of the Manhattan Life Insurance Company for twenty wand who was a Director of the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children passed away today.

1892: “Young Hebrew Gymnasts” published today described a demonstration of physical skills by members of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association and the Young Woman’s Hebrew Association, the latter of whom showed their skills with dumbbells.  The youngsters were coached by Professor Herman Weber.

1892 When the fiscal year of the Home for Aged and Infirm Homes ended today the charity had receipts of $66,113.01 while having made expenditures of $37, 783.80 leaving a balance of $28,329.21.

1892: “Art and Literature Abroad” published today included the note that “the result of Mr. Joseph Pennell’s visit to Russia will be published under the title The Jew At Home: Impression of a Summer and Winter Spent With Him.

1892: “For A New Clubhouse” published today described the plans of the Columbia Club, the lead Jewish social organization in Harlem to build a new facility on 127thStreet and 5th Avenue. The club paid $50,000 for this new location.

1893: “As A German Knows Bismarck” published today verified “Prince Bismarck’s statement that he was never a friend of the Jews” and that as Junker, he was “an enemy of everything that was liberal” which meant that he “disliked Catholics and workmen.”

1893: Among the books that will be published Putnam and Sons is The Jews of Angevin England by Joseph Jacobs

1893: According to “Literary Notes” published today A Study of the Jews in Medieval England compiles by Joseph Jacobs is “among the book on the announcement list of the Putnams.

1893: “A New Rabbi for Baith Israel” published today described the changes at the synagogue at Street and Boerum Place where Rabbi Marcus Friedlander who moved to Oakland to take the pulpit at Temple Sinai has been replaced by Rabbi Joseph Taubenhaus who is the brother of chess champion of Jacob Taubenhaus and the brother of the rabbi at Congregation Beth Elhoim

1894: Council No. 3 of the Council of Jewish Women was formed in Baltimore, MD with a membership of 115 led by Mrs. Bertha Rayner Frank as President and Miss Rose Summerfield as Secretary.

1894: It was announced today that Baron Arthur de Rothschild is one of the six member of the Sailing Committee which will oversee the Nice Regatta to be held in April of 1895 and that Rothschild has also donated a cup valued at 200 English pounds for the second place finisher in the competition for sailing yachts weighing over twenty tons.

1894: The funeral of Jesse Seligman who passed away in San Diego, CA, on April 23 is scheduled to take place at Temple Emanu-El starting at 10 o’clock.

1894: At today’s May Day Parade the contingent of United Hebrew Trades that included “400 young women” led by Dora Levine” were greeted by cheers

1895:  A lease was signed for a building at Mott Avenue and 149th Street which was to the home for the Hebrew Infant Asylum.

1895: In Watertown, NY founding of the Congregation of the Standard Of Israel.

1895: A letter was dropped in the mailbox of Samuel Zuckerman today in which their son twenty year old Bernard Zuckerman acknowledged “that he had robbed their flat” and in which he enclosed a pawn ticket representing the candlesticks which he had pledged with a pawnbroker for $15

1895: The contingent from the United Hebrew Trades marching in today’s Labor Day Parade were life “by fifty members of the Mineral and Soda Water Makers’ Union on horseback wearing white jackets and red sashes.”  (For “2 cents-plain made by Jewish union workers?)

1895: This evening Isidor Bader of 208 Madison Street in New York City received “a letter written Hebrew” saying that the mother of the little mute boy whom an unknown couple had left with Bader earlier in the day, was dead and that his father was unable to provide for him.

1895: “Nathaniel S. Rosnau, Superintendent of the United Hebrew Charities gave a talk on practical philanthropy to the Council of Jewish Women at Temple Emanu-El.”

1896: Sixty four year old Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar during whose reign Dr. Jacob Eduard Polak was brought to Persia to teach medicine and surgery to a whole generation of Persian physicians as part of an attempt to modernize the kingdom, was assassinated today.

1896: In Bellaire, Ohio, founding of the Congregation Sons of Israel whose members included Julius Weill, Joseph Sonneborn, Max L. Herzberg and Simon Behr which held Friday night and Saturday morning services and was supported by a Ladies’ Auxiliary Society.

1897: “Turks Still Advancing” published today described the Ottoman capture of Larissa from the Greeks.  The Jews had remained at Larissa since they expected to be protected by the Turks.

1897: “Home For Working Girls” published today described the establishment of the Clara de Hirsch Home for Working Girls.  The home is the first manifestation of aid for Russian Jews in America by possible by the $2,000,000 bequest from the Hirsch family.

1898: “Rabbi Grossman Approves the War” published described the views on the Spanish-American War of the leader of Temple Rudolph Sholom who “said that if a war was waged for a holy cause it was this one.”

1898: Birthdate of Dave “Pep” Tobey, “the first Jew to be elected into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame.


1898: Joseph Baroness, the socialist leader and the Grand Marshall of last night’s proposed parade surprised authorities by agreeing to call of the parade to avoid the threat of violence.  He also said that he never intended to criticize the United States for the war with Spain.  He said that it was “a just war and if there is anyone who sympathizes with Spain we don’t want him in our parade.

1898: “Russian Jews Will Enlist” published today described the Jewish response to the Spanish-American War including seventy Jewish Russian from the east side of New York who have signed enlistment, the papers, the carpentry class from the Jewish trade school that has volunteered and the Jewish farmers from the Hirsch Colony of Woodbine, NJ, many of whom served in the Russian Army, who have enlisted.

1898: The first battle of the Spanish American War took placed at Manila Bay where Commodore George Dewey, commanding the U.S. Navy's Asiatic Squadron aboard USS Olympia, in a matter of hours defeated a Spanish squadron, an event later described by Dr. Joseph M. Heller who arrived in the Philippines in 1899.

1899: Myer S. Isaacs, President of the Hirsch Fund has read about the bequest of the late Baroness Hirsch in the newspapers but has received no official communication on this matter.

1899: Dr. Lee K. Frankel of Philadelphia, PA, is scheduled to officially assume his duties as the manager of the United Hebrew Charities in New York. A native of Philadelphia who holds both a B.S. and a Ph. D. from the University of Pennsylvania, Frankel is secretary of Rodef Shalom, Vice President of the Baron de Hirsch Committee and Director of the Jewish Chautauqua Society.

1899: After twenty-three years of service, Dr. Herman Baar will be stepping down as superintendent of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum effective June, 1.

1899: “Hirsch Memorial Services” published today described plans the several New York Jewish charitable institutions are making to honor the memory of the late Baroness Hirsch.

1899(21stof Iyar, 5659): Joel Deutsch who had been principal of school for deaf-mutes established in Nikolsburg and moved to Vienna in 1852 passed away today.

1900: In Konitz, a county in the province of Prussia, Germany, a blood accusation occurred after the death of a local student. Wolf Israelski was accused and arrested, while Count Plucker promoted riots against the Jews. After Israelski was proven innocent, two others, Adolf Levy and Rosenthal, were arrested on the same charge. Rosenthal was acquitted and Lewy sentenced on a perjury charge to four years.

1900: Dutch Zionist leader Jacobus Kann resigned as director of the Bank designed to finance the purchase of land in Eretz Israel and help settlers make Aliyah.

1901: In what was then a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, “Avrum Kletter, a carpenter and cabinet maker and his wife gave birth to Max Keletter, musician, composer of operettas, and actor on the Yiddish stage in the United States who was the husband of Sylvia Feder.


1901: Birthdate of Endre Bohem, the native of Arad who became a successful American screenwriter and producer.


1901: In Mayesville, SC, Emanuel and Bertha Strauss Sternberger gave birth to Blanche Sternberger who became Blanche Sternberger Benjamin when she married New Orleans native and Harvard graudate Edward Bernard Benjamin, the father of Edward Bernard Benjamin, Jr.

1902: It was reported today that House of Representatives has adopted “the Goldfogle Resolution which calls on the Secretary for information as o whether the Russian Government had barred or excluded American citizens of the Jewish faith who desired to visit Russia.”

1903: In his poem "Tale of the Slaughter," the famous Jewish poet Chiam Nachman Bialik chastised the Jews for not defending themselves in the Pogrom at Kishinev that had taken place in April, 1903. Herzl was also affected by the massacre and he decided to visit Russia and give consideration to the Uganda Plan. The Uganda plan would be rejected but it would cause a painful split in the infant Zionist movement. The massacre also provided the impetus in America to lay the groundwork for the American Jewish Committee, casting American Jewry into international prominence. There would be another pogrom in Kishinev in 1905 with more loss of life.

1904: It was reported today that a car belonging to Jefferson Seligman had taken place in recent  parade “held under the auspices of the American Automobile Club of America” whose clubhouse is located at 5thAvenue and 58th Street.

1905: Bernard “Zuckerman was elected a delegate to the founding convention of Poale Zionof America that took place” today.

1905: Birthdate of Hermann Kosterlitz, the native of Berlin who gained fame as movie director Henry Koster, a refugee from Nazi Germany, who is best remembered as the man who discovered Abbott & Costello.  He saw their comedy act and convinced Universal Studios to sign them to a contract.  He directed their first film in which all of America heard the “Who’s On First” routine for the first time.

1906: “For the Hebrew Children’s Sanitarium” published today described the progress made in raising funds for the Jewish institution to which Jacob H. Schiff has contributed $10,000 and Mortimer L. Schiff and Adolph Lewisohn have each contributed $2,500.1907: Today, twenty –three year old Saul Dushman, the Rostov born son of Samuel and Olga Dushman, holder of Ph.D. from the University of Toronto and one of the “most valuable researchers” at the General Electric Labs in Schenectady, NY., married his first wife Amelia Gurofksy who pre-deceased him leading to his marriage to Anna Leff in 1914

1908: In Warsaw Poland, Count Jerzy Skarbek, a Catholic, and Stefania née Goldfeder, the daughter of a wealthy assimilated Jewish family gave birth to their second child and first daughter Krystna who served with bravery and distinction as an agent who operated in occupied Europe for the British Special Operations Executive (SOE)

1908: Heinrich Conried “retired from the Metropolitan Opera House due to his poor health.”

1909: “During a worker’s demonstration in Buenos Aires, a Jewish anarchist murdered a local police chief.  Rioters responded by attacking and sacking the city’s predominately Jewish small retail business quarter.”

1909: Birthdate of Philadelphia, PA, native David “Cy” Kaselman the outstanding player for the Philadelphia Sphas from 1928 to 1940.

1909: The Jewish anarchist, Simon Radowitzki, attempted to assassinate Ramon Falcon, the Argentinean chief of police.

1909 A Workers’ Day rally in Buenos Aires, led in part by Simon Radowitzky, turns violent

Ukrainian-Jewish anarchist Simon Radowitzky emigrated to Argentina when he was 17-years-old. In 1909, he[More] participated in the Labor Day demonstration in Plaza Lorea that was suppressed by the police — between eight and 12 individuals 8 died and dozens were wounded. Out of revenge, Radowitzky allegedly threw a bomb at chief of police Ramon Falcon. In the following week, Falcon pursued the workers. The police began to fan an anti-Semitic campaign against Russian Jewish instigators. Radowitzky was sentenced to death, but it was commuted to life imprisonment because he was barely 18, and he was ultimately released in 1930. He then took part in the Spanish Civil War and ultimately managed to escape from a French internment camp to Mexico. [Less]

1910(22nd of Nisan, 5670): Eighth Day of Pesach
1910: Birthdate of Henryk Ross “who was employed as a photographer by the Department of Statistics for the Jewish Council within the Łódź Ghetto,” survived the Holocaust and testified at the Eichmann trial before passing away 1991.



1910: The Sunday New York Times published “‘Icy Italy As Seen: by Israel Zangwill’ the fourth in a series of ‘Italian Fantasies’ written by this well-known author.”

1910: As part of the “Annual Jewish-Christian Union Services in Pittsburg,” “Rabbi J. Leonard Levy of the Rodeph Shalom Congregation” is scheduled to “again preach in St. Mark’s Reformed Church” today where “his topic will be ‘A New Gospel.’”

1911: “Here in Behalf of Abyssinian Jews” published today described the arrival of Dr. Jacques Faitlovich in New York where he plans on establishing a branch of a society designed to unite the black Jews of Abyssinia with the rest of the Jews’ of the world.


1912(14thof Iyar, 5672): Pesach Sheni combines with celebration of May Day

1912: Five days after he had passed away, 38 year old Henry Baumann, the Glasgow born son of German immigrants William and Rosalie Baumann was buried today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1913: In Hartford, CT, Joseph Neistat and Jennie Sherman gave birth to Louis Neistat who gained fame Louis Nye one of a stable of comedians who first gained national notice on the “Steve Allen Show.”

1913: Birthdate of Czech born British conductor Jay Walter Susskind.

1913: As the investigation into the death of Mary Phagan continues, E.F. Holloway, the pencil factory’s day watchman saw Jim Conley, the pencil factory’s janitor washing a dirty shirt which led to Conley’s arrest that day.  At first Conley tried to hide the shirt and then claimed the stains were rust from the overhead pipe on which he had hung the shirt. Detectives examined it for blood, found none and returned it. [Conley would later testify against Leo Frank. Decades later, Conley would be exposed as the person who had murder Mary Phagan.]

1914: Nissim Mazliach is appointed to the Turkish Chamber for Smyrna.

1914: In Cincinnati, Ohio, founding of the Mizrachi Organization of America

1915: Four days after the Zion Mule Corps had landed at Helelles the 29thIndian Infantry landed at Sari Bair securing the area beyond the landing beaches.

1915: Schiff Has Fears For British Jews” published today contains the expression of the concerns by Jacob H. Schiff  “that England has become ‘contaminated’ by her alliance with Russia in so far as the Jewish question is concerned and that conditions will be harder for Jews in England after the war, while they will be better in Germany.”’

1915: Abraham Shiplikeff of the United Hebrew Trades is scheduled to preside over an assemblage those delivering speeches demanding equal rights for Jews the world over…in a dozen different languages.”

1915: “A May Day demonstration in favor of peace in Europe, equal rights for Jews after the war, socialism and women suffragists  brought 25,000 labor unionists and Socialist to Union Square” in New York today.

1915: The Federation of Rumanian Jews of America’s home “at Grand View-on-the Hudson” which has accommodations for 180 patients is scheduled to open today thanks in no small measure to the work of Dr. Julius Weiss and Morris D. Reiss.

1915: Abraham Cahan, edtor of The Jewish Dail Forward, was the speaker at a meeting a Carnegie Hall” tonight “given in his honor by the United Hebrew Trades and the East Side branches of the Socialist party in order to get the story of his investigation in the war zone from which he had returned last week.”

1915: In the U.K. poet Jon Rodker and dancer Sonia Cohen gave birth to “political activist and television producer” Joan Rodker.


1916: Labor activist Bessie Abramowitz and Amalgamated president Sidney Hillman announced their engagement while marching at the head of the clothing workers' contingent of the Chicago May Day Parade.

1916: An anti-war demonstration which had a formative effect on 12 year old Hans Achim Litten took place in Berlin today.

1916: The Ninth Semi-Annual Assembly of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis which had been meeting at Temple Emanuel during which Rabbi Stephen S. Wise said “Louis D. Brandeis, whom power and privilege seek to prevent from ascending the Supreme Court bench of the United States, is the single Jew in America who is standing our as the prophet of social justice and Jewish righteousness” came to an end.

1916: It was announced today that Jacob Schiff will deliver a major address at the meeting of the Jewish Publication Society of America later this month in Philadelphia, PA.

1916: It was reported today that the first volume of Simon Dubnow’s History of the Jews of Russia and Poland will be sent to JPS members later this month.

1917: Preacher Billie Sunday said today that “many prophecies are coming true” as can be seen by the fact that “the Jews are going back to Palestine and are to have nation of their own for the first times since the days of the sweet singer of Israel.”

1917: It was announced at the headquarters of the Young Judea Club in Manhattan, “that 5,000 young Jews have enlisted to work on garden farm in” New York state” and are “ready to serve under the Mayor’s committee.

1917: U.S. Secretary of State Lansing “received a cablegram from the Joodsch Correspondentie Bureau at the Hague asserting that it has been established by Jewish intellectuals for the purpose of keeping the press of the world informed regarding the Jewish situation and asking the attitude of the United States Government toward the national renaissance of the Jewish people.”

1917: Jacob Schiff and Louis Marshall held “an informal consultation today” and decided that as soon as they had had received a text of a telegram from the State Department that had been sent from leaders of the Jews of Russia saying that they were supporting “a new public loan for freedom issued by the Provisional Government” they would begin soliciting public support for the measure.

1917: The first national meeting of the American Jewish Congress did not take place today as scheduled due to differences among several Jewish organizations as to the power of the Executive Committee and the allocation of delegates.

1917: Abraham Elkus, the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey who had contracted spotted typhus in April which made it impossible for him to leave Constantinople after the U.S declared war on Germany “was pronounced out of danger today” but still was not well enough to travel.

1918: Today, a special nurse was added “to the regular staff of nurse maintained by” The Irene Kaufmann Settlement in Pittsburgh who will deal with “prenatal and post-natal nursing” which marked the inauguration of “this kind of district nursing service in Pittsburgh.

1918: Sixteen year old Yitzak Jacov Liss, the father of Victoria Shalvah Liss Herzberg, an art teacher in Vermont, and Houston physician, Dr. Shelly E. Liss, began serving as enlisted man today “in the British Jewish Legion 38th Battalion Royal Fusiliers.”

1918: Nineteen year old Toronto, Canada, native Alexander Solomon enlisted in the Jewish Legion which led to his serving in Palestine during World War after which he returned home to practice law for 27 yers and serve as the National Director of the Canadian March of Dimes from 1950 to 1963.

1918: It was reported today “Palestine has lost a large proportion of its Jewish people since the war began, with some in Egypt, some in Turkish prisons and some in exile” while “Jerusalem has lost two-third of its Jewish population because of exile, typhus and starvation.”

1919: Today’s May issue of Jewish Charities will be the last since it will start appearing under the masthead of “Jewish Social Service” in June.

1919: The rabbis of Palestine hold a first conference. Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook is asked to serve as chief rabbi.

1919: In Chicago, Professor George L. Scherger is scheduled to lead a discussion of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace at the Literary Study Circle.

1920: Young anarchist Mollie Steimer began a 15-year prison term for distributing leaflets opposing American intervention in the Russian Revolution. She was later deported.

1919: Two days after she had passed away, 28 year old Rachel Manning, the daughter of Ada and Lewis Freedman and the wife of Richard Manning was buried today at the “East Ham Jewish Cemetery.”

1921: Not for the first or last time, Arabs resort to violence to try and stop the growth of the Jewish community.  In this case riots began in Jaffe resulting in the death of forty Jews and the wounding two hundred others. The riots soon spread to Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva, Kfar Saba, Hadera and Rehovot. Though casualties were relatively light, the British decided to appease the Arabs and "redefined" the borders of the Balfour Declaration.   This was neither the first time nor the last time that the British would violation the terms of the Mandate.  It was also one of the many examples in which the British sought to curry favor with the Arabs, even if it meant betraying the Jews.

1923: On Coney Island in Brooklyn, Russian immigrants Lena and Isaac Donald Heller gave birth to

author Joseph Heller who created Catch-22, the literary masterpiece that gained additional fame as a film.


1923: “British Chief Rabbi Defends Schechita In The Times” published today by the Jewish Correspondence Bureau described the strongly expressed opposition of Joseph Hertz, the Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom proposed legislation that would end “the Jewish method of slaughtering animals for food” which he says “according to the testimony of competent experts including Lord Lister, Sir Michael Foster, Dr. Leonard Hill and Dr. T.H. Openshaw” is “the most human method” for doing this.

1924: In Baltimore, MD, Abraham Benjamine Cohn, native of Pottsville, PA and his wife Hattie Rose Cohn gave birth to Malcolm Randolph Cone

1925: In the UK, Marie Bader and Louis Balmuth gave birth to Helen Balmuth who gained fame as Helen Rae Bamber who among other things “worked with Holocaust survivors after the liberation of the concentration camps


1926: “The all-Jewish football (soccer) club, SC Hakoah Wien, led by Béla Guttmann played before a crowd of 46,000 people at the Polo Grounds in New York City.

1928: A large number of workers in Palestine heeded the call of the Worker’s Councils for a general strike.  In other May Day activities, Arab and Jewish workers held mass meetings in several towns including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, where police dispersed the gatherings after arresting several demonstrators some of whom would later be labeled as “communists.”

1928(11thof Iyar, 5688): Fifty-eight year old Joseph Solomon Wallenstein, the son of Solomon and Esther Wallenstein, passed away today.

1928: In London, variety store proprietors Victor and Leah Cohen gave birth to art pioneer Harold Cohen.



1929: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Lebach of Park Central announced the engagement of their daughter Lenore Block Lebach, the Columbia University student and granddaughter of Leo Bloch to Edmond Nathaniel Cahn the graduate of Tulane University, member of ZBT and Phi Beta Kappa and son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Cahn of New Orleans, LA.

1929: For the first time since their inception in 1889, the annul May Day rally in Berlin turned violent and when “the workers were charged with severe breach of the peace and sedition” Hans Litten stepped in to defend them.

1930: In Siófok, Hungary, József and Ilona Hirsch, both of whom perished in The Holocaust, gave birth to theatre director John Hirsch was brought to Canada “in 1947 through the War Orphans Project of the Canadian Jewish Congress.

1932: Birthdate of Lithuanian native and American educated historian Donald Kagan, the husband of Myrna Kagan and father of authors Robert and Frederick Kagan.  (This blog cannot do justice to his career or his works.)



1932: According to reports by John Martin published today, famed ballerina Belle Didjah has set sail from New York to begin her European Tour which will include performances in Tel Aviv and other communities in Palestine.  The performances are being sponsored by the Cultural Committee of Histadruth.

1933: “Crowd Assaults Fascist Who Insult London Jews” published today described how “an after theatre crowd of about 7,000 persons surrounded and assaulted a band of young Fascists who had hurled insults at groups of Jews in Piccadilly Circus.”


1934: Julius Streicher's Nazi periodical, Der Stürmer--one of Germany's most popular periodicals and a favorite of Hitler--reminded its readers that during the Middle Ages, the Jews were accused of committing ritual murder of Christian children and of using their blood for religious ritual purposes

1934(16thof Iyar, 5694): Seventy year old Polish born manufacturer and Jewish philanthropist Israel Unterberg who came to the United States in 1873 at approximately ten years of age passed away today.



1934: The Rassenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP(Racial Policy Office of the National Socialist German Workers Party) was established by Hitler's friend and secretary, Rudolph Hess.

1935: It was reported today that a riot at a lecture in Munich celebrating the 10thanniversary of the founding of Hebrew University in Jerusalem was averted by Jewish restraint in the face of threats from Nazi students some of whom were dress in the Brown Shirt uniform.

1935: In Manhattan, German born tent manufacturer Walter Stern and bookkeeper Jean (Friedlander) Stern gave birth CCNY and Harvard Law School graduate Henry Jordan Stern, the long-time and forceful commissioner of parks and recreation in New York City who was the husband of Dr. Margaret Ewing, father of Jaren and Kenan Stern and the brother of Susanne Kenneth and Jerome Stern. (As reported Robert D. McFadden)


1936: Despite have arrested 106 Communists, British authorities braced for more violence today which is both the Muslim Sabbat and May Day.

1936: During his May Day speech today, when Hitler asked who was spreading the lies that “Germany will invade Austria or Czechoslovakia” the crowd responded with “cries of the Jews” which was the same response he got when he asked “who are the elements which want no peace?”

1936: “Several Jewish-owned shops were destroyed by a bomb explosion at Ovwock, Poland.”

1936: In explaining the University of Michigan’s decision to send representatives to an anniversary at the Heidelberg University despite Nazi involvement, President Alexander G. Ruthven was quoted today as saying “he believed that Germany’s persecuting of the Jews and Catholics had been no worse than Italy’s treatment of the Ethopians.”

1937(20thof Iyar, 5697): Parashat Emor

1937: A five year old Jewish boy was killed today while being by his mother and six Jews men wounded today in Warsaw when “fascists threw bombs and fired shots at the tail-end of a May Parade sponsored by the Jewish Socialist party.”

1938: Big band singer Beatrice Ruth Wain married French born American radio personality Andre Baruch.

1938: Following the Anschluss, Austrians forced Jewish men and women to scrub the streets with small brushes and with the women's fur coats.

1939: “An Associated Press photograph shows some of over 132,000 members of the Hitler youth assumed at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin” today


1939: In Hungary, discriminatory laws were passed against Jews engaged in law and medicine. Jewish participation in the economy was restricted to six percent.

1939: Following a decision “made in the secretariat of Hashomer Hatzair, Kibbutz BaMa'ale and  Kibbutz BaMifne “were settled in Menashe Heights” and eventually be called Kibbutz Dalia.

1940: In France, premiere of “Sarajevo,” directed by Max Ophüls and filmed by cinematographer Otto Heller.

1940: Birthdate of Colette Avital, the Bucharest native who made Aliyah in 1950 and developed a career as a diplomat and political leader.

1940: Polish and Baltic-area Jews began to escape across the Soviet Union to Japan, the Dutch East Indies, Australia, Canada, the United States and, in a few instances to Eretz Israel. In all, only a few thousand Jews from the region manage to escape.

1940: The Lodz Ghetto is closed.  At the outbreak of the war, Lodz was the second largest Jewish community in Europe, Warsaw being the largest.  When the Ghetto was sealed, it imprisoned over 230,000.  Those who did not die of starvation, pestilence, etc. ended up being transported to the Chelmno death camp.  There were less than 900 Jews left alive when the Soviets liberated the ghetto in January, 1945.

1940(23rd of Nisan, 5700): One hundred forty Palestinian Jews died as German planes bombed their ship

1940: Rudolf Höss, adjutant at the Sachsenhausen, Germany, concentration camp, was ordered to turn the former Polish army barracks at Auschwitz, Poland, into an extermination camp.

1940: From today through December 1940 thousands of Polish Jews are sent eastward as forced laborers to construct fortifications along the new Soviet frontier.

1941: New York City premiere of “Citizen Kane” with a screenplay co-authored by Herman J. Mankiewicz and a score by Bernard Hermann.

1941: Thousands of Jews who had fought in the French Foreign Legion against Germany in 1940 are deported to slave-labor camps in the Sahara to build railroads.

1941(4th of Iyar, 5701): In Bucharest, Romania 120 Jews are slain in the streets during anti-Semitic violence

1941: Jewish cemeteries, synagogues, and businesses in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, are destroyed

1941: A concentration camp is established at Natzweiler, Alsace, Germany.

1941: Gross-Rosen, formerly a satellite camp of Sachsenhausen, Germany, becomes an independent camp.

1942(14thof Iyar, 5702): Pesach Sheni

1942: From today through the 31st of the month, more than 3600 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto die of starvation. Nazis force their way into Jewish apartments in Warsaw, shoot and club the residents, and throw the bodies from windows.

 1942: During May a slave-labor camp opens near Minsk, Belorussia.

1942: During May small groups of Jewish youths manage to escape into the woods outside Lida and Stolpce, towns in Belorussia.

1942: During May, in the Eastern Galicia region of Poland, Jews aged 14 to 60 are driven to isolated spots and killed by hand grenades and machine guns after being forced to dig their own graves. Other victims of this Aktion include orphans, residents of old-age homes, and women in the streets.

1942: During May, inmates at Auschwitz-Birkenau are put to work as slave laborers at the camp itself and at a synthetic-oil and rubber plant at nearby Monowitz.

1942: During May, Jewish women at Auschwitz-Birkenau are selected for medical experiments. A Jewish inmate at a labor camp at Schwenningen, Germany, is buried in earth up to his shoulders as punishment for having an attack of diarrhea outside a barracks; after more than ten hours in the ground, the man dies.

1942: During May, a slave-labor camp opens at Maly Trostinets, Byelorussia

1942: During May in Holland, a collaborationist auxiliary police unit, Vrijwillige Hulp-Politie (Volunteer Auxiliary Police), is established. It is charged with the roundup of Dutch Jews for deportation to the East.

1942: During May, Communist Jews in Paris initiate organized armed resistance to the Nazi occupiers.

1942: During May, The Bund (Jewish Labor Organization of Poland) appeals to the Polish government-in-exile in London to persuade the Allied governments to warn the German government about the consequences of the murder of the Polish Jews. The Bund's appeal contains detailed information concerning the systematic mass murder of Jews. It reports that 700,000 Polish Jews have already been executed.

1942: In early May, 260 Luxembourg Jews, some of whom who had converted to Christianity, are sent to Chelmno.

1942: In early May, Jewish Council members at Bilgoraj, Poland, are executed after refusing to compile a list of candidates for deportation.

1942:  More than 1750 Jews are deported from Tripoli, Libya, to forced-labor sites at the Libyan cities of Benghazi, Homs, and Derna. Hundreds perish from heat and hunger, and others die during Allied bombings after being forbidden to use air-raid shelters

1942: In that part of North Africa occupied by the Axis Powers (Germany and Italy), 2600 Libyan Jews are deported to a forced-labor camp at Giado, Libya, to build roads for the military.

1942(14th of Iyyar, 5702): Approximately 1000 Jews are murdered at Dvinsk, Latvia. Only about 450 Jews are left in Dvinsk, down from 16,000 from the previous year.

1942: In its daily broadcast, Radio Orange issued a call to defy the order to wear the "Jewish star." During World War II, Radio Orange was the name given to the broadcasts by the Dutch government-in- exile which were carried by the B.B.C.

1942: Trucks began transporting the Jews out of the Dvinsk ghetto. Dvinsk was a town in the Baltic state of Latvia.  Before the war, there were 16,000 Jews living in Dvinks.  At the end of the war, only 500 had survived.

1943: “Lady of Burlesque” featuring J. Edward Bromberg and Pinky Lee was released today in the United States.

1943: SS-Gruppenführer Jürgen Stroop completes his official written chronicle of the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto which is entitled “The Stroop Report.”

1943: The first of four trains carrying nearly 11,000 Jews arrive at Auschwitz from Salonika, Greece. This would mark the next step in the end of this ancient Jewish community that lives on in their unique music including that which is used in chanting Psalm 118.

1943: The Axis send the first of what would total 5000 Sephardic Jews from Occupied Tunisia to labor camps near North African battle zones.

1943: The Warsaw Ghetto uprising had lasted eleven days.  By now, the Jews knew that the Polish Underground would not come to their aid.  The Jews fought on even as they awaited the inevitable. Among the those who died at this time were Abrasha Blum, an organizer of armed resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto and a member of the Coordinating Committee of Jewish Organizations> He was  shot by Germans after enduring confinement and torture

1943:  German Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, reacting to the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto revolt, notes in his diary: "Heavy engagements are being fought there which led even to the Jewish Supreme Command's issuing daily communiqués. Of course, this fun won't last very long. But it shows what is to be expected of the Jews when they are in possession of arms."

1943: Jewish writers and artists, inspired by the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, gather in the Vilna (Lithuania) Ghetto for an evening of poetry, with the hopeful theme "Spring in Yiddish Literature."

1943(26th of Nisan, 5703): Many members of the Jewish community in Brody, Ukraine, are killed at the Majdanek death camp.

1944: An internal memo from the United States Government War Refugee Board states that as of late March:  "All registered Jews in Athens are said to have been placed in a concentration camp; registered Jews from the provinces were subsequently added."

1944: An internal memo of this week from the United States Government War Refugee Board states that a small group of Jews in Greece claimed to be Portuguese nationals.

1944: Christian Wirth, SS-Sturmbannführer and commandant of the Belzec, Poland, death camp, is assassinated by partisans in Fiume, Yugoslavia.

1944: Starting today the Nazis begin the liquidation of the Lodz (Poland) Ghetto. 

1944(8thof Iyar, 5704): Itzhak Katzenelson and his son Zvi were murdered at Auschwitz. Born in 1886, he was a teacher, poet and dramatist.  His wife and two of his other sons had already been murdered at Treblinka.  Katznelson participated in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and was one of the few survivors.  While being held at a detention in Vittel, France, he wrote the Yiddish epic poem “Song of the Murdered Jewish People” which he buried in bottles before being shipped to the death camp.  The Ghetto Fighters' House Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Heritage Museum in Israel, is named in his memory. For more about his epic work see http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/site/pp.asp?c=ivKVLcMVIsG&b=476157

1944(8th of Iyar, 5704): As mass deportations of Jews from Hungary to death camps begin, hundreds of Hungarian Jews at Sátoraljaújhely and Miskolc are shot after refusing to board trains destined for Auschwitz.

1944: Birthdate of Bronx native Robert “Bob” Mankoff the cartoon editor of The New Yorker magazine.



1944: Between today and the 31st of May, 33,000 Jews from Munkács, Hungary, are killed at Auschwitz.

1945:  After 68 months of war, just one of every ten of Poland's prewar Jewish population of 3.3 million is alive

1945(18th of Iyar, 5705): Lag B’Omer 

1945(18th of Iyar, 5705):  When a Jew in a group of laborers from the camp at Sonneberg, Germany, chanted and danced with joy upon word of Hitler's death, a “German guard calmly shot the man dead.”

1945: The concentration camp at Stutthof, Poland, is liberated by the Red Army. Just 120 inmates remain alive.

1945: Henry Krasucki, a survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald “celebrates” his May Day in Paris.

1945: The Death Marches to Mauthausen continued even as the U.S. Army approached, and even though Hitler committed suicide the prior day. The Jews were being marched to Mauthasan in Austria from the various death camps and concentration camps that had fallen in the wake of Allied and Soviet advances.  Hundred more Jews would die during the marches from exhaustion. Approximately 200,000 people were imprisoned at Mauthausen.  Not until May 3, would the Nazi guards give up and slip away trying to hide among the general mass of refugees.

1946(30th of Nisan, 5706: Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1946(30th of Nisan, 5706): Former Jewish partisan leader and Red Army officer Eliyahu Lipszowicz is murdered by an anti-Semitic Pole at Legnica, Poland.

1946: In a draft of a letter to British Prime Minster Clement Atlee, Winston Churchill reiterated his belief in Partition as the only realistic was for settling the conflict in Palestine.

1946: The English-American Commission on the Jewish Refugee Problem in Europe recommended the immediate entry of 100,000 Jews into Eretz Israel. The British continued to maintain the blockade keeping the Jews out of Palestine.  It was at this time that Golda "proposed a hunger strike by fifteen Zionist leaders" as means of forcing the British to change their policy.  When the Mrs. Meir asked the head of the British government in Palestine if the hunger strike would make a difference he ask asked her,"...do you think for a moment that His Majesty's government will change its policy because you are not going to.  She replied, "No, I have no such illusions.  If the death of six million didn't change government policy, I don't expect that my not eating will do so.  But it at least it will be a mark of solidarity" with those Jews being turned away by the British military. 

1947: In Mexico City, Joseph Bekenstein, a carpenter, and the former Esther Vladaslavotsky, a homemaker, two Jewish immigrants from Poland who had met in Mexico during World War II gave birth to Jacob David Beckstein, the Michael Polak professor emeritus of theoretical physics at Hebrew University who “revolutionized the theory of Black Holes.”

1947: Leonard Bernstein introduces his "Jeremiah" symphony in the Edison Cinema in Jerusalem.

1948(22ndof Nisan, 5708): Eighth Day of Pesach and Shabbat

1948: “The Arabs opened a large scale attack on Ramot Naphtali in the northern hills near Lebanon.”  The settlement was the key to a Jewish victory in the Galilee.  If the Arabs could take the settlement, they would be able to keep the Palmach from sending reinforcements Safed.  In the end, the settlers held and Jewish forces were able to take control of Safed after an extremely difficult battle later in the month.

1948: Abba Eban makes his maiden speech in the U.N. General Assembly.

1948 (22 Nissan 5708): Israeli forces liberate the Qatamon neighborhood of Jerusalem.

1949:An article published in “Harefuah”, a medical journal published by the Israel Medical Association, described how Aaron Valero first observed the outbreak of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Palestine.

1950(14th of Iyar, 5710): Pesach Sheni

1950: In Tel Aviv, Israel Eldad and his wife gave birth to Professor Aryeh Eldad who combined medicine with a career in politics.

1950: Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion’s attempts to form a new government suffered a setback tonight when the executive committee of the General Zionist Party decided not to join the coalition.  The party, which is more conservative than those represented by the labor movement, had been offered the Commerce and Industry ministries as an enticement to join the new government but the leadership felt that Ben Gurion had not made a strong enough commitment to adopt some of their economic and educational reform policies.

1950: “South Pacific,” the famous musical by Rogers and Hammerstein wins the Pulitzer Prize as the best original American Play.

1950: “Double Confession” a crime film co-starring Peter Lorre and with music by Benjamin Frankel was released today in the United Kingdom.

1951: In “Hungary’s and Rumania’s Nazis-in-Red” Hitler’s Graduates Staff Stalin’s New Order” published today Bela Fabian described the emergence in Eastern Europe of former Nazis now enforcing the teachings of Karl Marx.


1953: Today, “£650 of the "Hungarian crown jewels collection" was stolen from” the antique shop belong to Esta or Esther Henry, who had been born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1883 and passed away at Edinburgh in 1963

1954: U.S. premiere of “Flame and Flesh” directed by Richard Brooks, produced by Jose Pasternak with a screenplay by Helen Deutsch and with music by Nicholas Brodszky.

1954: J & W Seligman & Company celebrated two anniversaries today – the 90thanniversary of its founding and the 85th anniversary of its being listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

1955: Birthdate of Julien Mark Wiener “a former Australian cricketer who played in six Tests and seven one-day internationals from 1979 to 1980. A right-handed opening batsman and a very occasional off spin bowler, he is the only known Jewish Australian to represent his country at cricket…Wiener's mother and father, Vella and Sasha, were Polish and Austrian Jews respectively, and both escaped the concentration camps of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. The surname Wiener came from Vienna, the home of Sasha. His parents married in 1947 in Paris, before coming to Australia as refugees on the famous Dunera ship in 1947. Wiener's father ran a successful textile business, which allowed him to send Wiener to the private Brighton Grammar School. Wiener's father had early sporting success in table tennis, which Wiener applied to his cricket, playing for Prahran in Melbourne grade cricket. He subsequently completed his university education at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in business management, before moving to England to pursue his cricket career.”

1955: A revival of “Guys and Dolls” starring Walter Matthau as “Nathan Detroit” came to an end at the New York City Center.

1956: The polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk is made available to the public.  For all those who like to talk about greedy Jews, considering the following.  Salk refused to take out a patent on his vaccine.  Some things, he said, were more important than making money.

1956: “Bhowani Junction” a film version of the novel by the same name directed by George Cukor, produced by Pandro S. Berman, with a script co-authored by Sonya Levien and featuring Abraham Sofaer was released in the United States.

1956: Moshe Dayan, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, made a speech at the funeral of a young settler, Ro'i Roitberg, killed in a clash with Palestinian infiltrators from the Gaza Strip

1957: “Desk Set” a comedic look at the installation of a computer in a major corporation produced by Henry Ephron who co-authored the script with Phoebe Ephron was released in the United States.

1958: “Fort Massacre” an “oater” produced by Walter Mirisch was released in the United States today.

1958: Birthdate of Ronen Shilo, the native of Nes Ziona, IDF veteran and Technion graduated who became the CEO of Conduit which in 2013 was Israel’s largest Internet company.


1959: Birthdate of Lawrence Seeff the Johannesburg native who was a South African First-class cricketer. “He played with Western Province and Transvaal and was one of the South African Cricket Annual's Cricketers of the Year in 1981. He opened the batting for Western Province with his brother Jonathan Seeff.”

1959: “The Young Land” with music by Dimitri Tiomkin who earned a nomination for Academy Award for Best Original Song for "Strange Are the Ways of Love"– the picture’s theme song – was released today.

1960(4thof Iyar, 5720): Yom HaZikaron

1961: In the U.K., premiere of “The Curse of the Werewolf” with music by Benjamin Frankel

1962:  Birthdate of actress Maia Morgenstern. A native of Bucharest, Morgenstern played the Virgin Mary in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of Christ.

1963(7thof Iyar, 5723): Seventy-four year old Elkan Cohn Voorsagner the Reform Rabbi who during WW I served in France with the American Expeditionary Force as the Senior Chaplain for the 77th Division earning a Purple Heart and the Distinguished Service Cross during the Battles of the Agonne, the Marne and Chateau Thierry passed away today

1964: The Center for Jewish History marked today as the beginning of the public movement for freeing Soviet Jewry.

1964(19thof Iyar, 5724): Sixty-six year old Aaron Nissenson, who came to United States from his native Russia in 1911, earned “a degree in pharmacy from Fordham” which he did not use turning instead to a life as “a poet, essayist, novelist and journalist working for The Jewish Morning Journal while being married “the former Kate Heller” with whom he had “a son, Herschel” passed away today.



1966(11thof Iyar, 5726): Eighty-eight-year-old Hyman Pearlston, the Buffalo, TX born son of Barney and Lena Catosk Pearlston, and the husband of Claire and Mable Roxanne Pearlstone who was a businessman in Waco, Palestine, and Dallas passed away today In Dallas, TX where he was buried.

1967:  Birthdate of Yael Arad Israel, an Israeli judoka who won a silver medal at the Barcelona Olympics in 1992.

1967:” Welcome to Hard Times,” a film based on a novel by E. L. Doctorow” produced by Max E. Youngstein was released today in the United States.

1967(21stof Nisan, 5727): Seventh Day of Pesach

1967: The Pulitzer Prize was awarded to Bernard Malamud for his novel, The Fixer.  Born in 1914, Malamud wanted to be thought of as great writer, not just a great Jewish writer.  In other words, even though he often used Jewish themes and motifs, he was writing about the human condition.  The success of The Natural, a book about a baseball player was an example of that desire. "Malamud explicated the tragic role of the Jew in many of his stories, including The Fixer (1966), which won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize, and later was adapted into a motion picture. That novel was based on the true story of Mendel Beilis, victim of the Kiev Blood Libel of 1913."  He passed away in 1986.

1968(3rd of Iyar, 5728): Yom HaZikaron

1968: “The Vengeance of She” filmed by cinematographer Wolf Suschitzky was released in the United States today.

1969: Nasser repudiated the cease fire agreement with Israel

1969: Fifty seven year old theatrical lighting Jean Rosenthal who was responsible for “lighting up” such hits as Cabaret and Fiddler on the Roof passed away today.



1970(25thof Nisan, 5730): Seventy-nine year old Maurice Sanditen,
the founder and board chairman of OTASCO passed away today in Tulsa, OK.


1971(6thof Iyar, 5731): Parashat Metzora

1971(6thof Iyar, 5731): Sixty-eight year old Dr. Maurice Levine, the Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at his undergraduate alma mater the University of Cincinnati passed away today.



1972: Julie and Adolph Marx Oppenheimer gave birth Laura Oppenheimer

1973(29thof Nisan, 5733): Ninety-four year old Goodman Lipkind, the London rabbi who served several American congregations in Milwaukee, St. Louis and Schenectady, NY passed away today at Long Beach, NY.

1974(9thof Iyar, 5734): George Backer, the former editor of the New York Post and Democrat Party leader passed away today.


1975(20th of Iyar, 5735): Sixty-nine year old Philadelphia born attorney turned bridge who with his wife Margery Golder formed “The Top Married Bridge Team” passed away today.


1978(24th of Nisan, 5738): Seventy-five year old New York City born and St. Lawrence College trained labor lawyer Robert Abelow, a partner in the firm of Weil, Gosthael and Magnes and the editor of “The Employee Relations Law Journal” who was the husband of “the former Miriam Steinbrink” and a son-in-law of New York State Supreme Court Justice Meyer Steinbrink” passed away today.


1979(4thof Iyar, 5739): Yom HaZikaron

1979: Elton John became the first pop star to perform in Israel.

1981(27th of Nisan, 5741): Yom HaShoah

1981: President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation today declaring the week starting on May 3, 1981 as Jewish Heritage Week. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43771#axzz1Kxu92zHU

1983: “Past That Stay Present” includes a review of Points of Departure by Israeli Poet and Holocaust Survivor Dan Pagis.


1983: George and Ira Gershwin’s “My One and Only” opened on Broadway at the St. James Theatre” today.

1983(18thof Iyar, 5743): Lag B’Omer

1983(18thof Iyar, 5743): Eighty-two year old Manhattan native and NYU trained historian, Dr. Minna R. Falk, the first woman to become a full professor of history at New York University, passed away today at Mount Sinai Hospital.



1985: Today, the American Jewish World Service (AJWS) was established in Boston when Larry Phillips and Larry Simon, together with a group of rabbis, Jewish communal leaders, activists, businesspeople, scholars and others came together to create the first American Jewish organization dedicated to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease among people across the globe.

1985: Showtune which was originally titled Tune the Grand Up, and premiered today as a cabaret production at The 1177 Club in the Gramercy Towers on Nob Hill in San Francisco. “Showtune is an internationally popular Off Broadway musical revue celebrating the words and music of Broadway composer Jerry Herman. Its title was inspired by Herman's autobiography of the same name.”

1987: Birthdate of Shahar Pe'er, Israeli female professional tennis player.

1987: Pope John Paul II beatified Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.  Born Edith Stein, she became a Carmelite nun.  She was arrested by the Nazis in Holland when the Germans were rounding up Jews who converted to Catholicism.  She was gassed at Auschwitz.  For those who question the role of the Pope during the Holocaust, the fate of Edith Stein, and others who had converted to Catholicism before World War II, raises an interesting dilemma.  There are those who can understand why the Pope did not move to save the Jews but wonder why he did not move to save Jews who had become Catholics.  In the end, did he not consider them real Catholics?  This is something for use to ponder at this season of the year which often coincides with Yom Hashoah.

1987: It was reported today that Israel’s governing coalition “was under strain” as deal with proposals for an international peace conference and “the Israeli investigation in the Jonathan Jay Pollard spy case.”

1988: Final broadcast of season six Family Ties the sitcom created by Gary David Goldberg.

1989(26thof Nisan, 5749): Eighty-nine-year-old New York native and CCNY graduate Max Gewirtz, the holder of a Masters from Teachers College at Columbia and Doctorate from NYU who retired as an assistant superintended “of a district in Queens in 1961 and became “head of a religious school at Temple Israel in Lawrence, L.I. passed away today.


1990: At an Arab summit meeting held in Baghdad, President Saddam Hussein of Iraq threatens to use "weapons of total destruction" in response to an Israeli attack against Arabs. The main item on the summit agenda is immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel, which is denounced as a grave threat to Arab security. Syria and four other Arab states do not attend the meeting.

1990: Greece establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel.

1990: Opening night of the Israel Film Festival attended by two of the most famous mayors in Jewish history - Teddy Kollek and Ed Koch

1991: A production of “King Lear” directed by Nicholas Hytner opened at the Barbican Theatre.

1994: Israeli and PLO delegates opened a final round of talks in Cairo leading to an agreement on PLO self-rule.  The resulting entity, the Palestine Authority would sink under the weight of Arafat’s corruption and unwillingness to do the things necessary to create a viable, responsible government. 

1996(12th of Iyar, 5756): Asher Wallfish journalist for the Jerusalem Post passed away at the age of 67

1996: In “Moises Ville Journal: Sun Has Set on Jewish Gauchos, but Legacy Lives,” Calvin Sims describes the fate of Argentina’s rural Jews.


1996: During today’s playoff game, The New York Knicks “observed a moment of silence” in memory of Dora Sudarsky, broadcaster Bill Mazer’s  wife of 50 years who had passed away on April 28.

1997:The Jerusalem Post reported that the sentenced American spy, Jonathan Pollard, petitioned the Israeli High Court of Justice to order the Prime Minister to declare that he had been an agent of Israel. Pollard also requested a temporary injunction ordering the Government of Israel to reveal who had been in charge of his case and what steps had been taken to secure his release from the American prison. The petition queried the official Israeli position, according to which Pollard had been part of a rogue operation. It called for a temporary injunction outlining what he was paid for his services. The High Court issued a temporary injunction, apparently at the request of the security services, forbidding the publication of Pollard's petition. This ban was lifted following an appeal by the "Yediot Aharonot" newspaper.

1997:The Jerusalem Post reported that Mr. Norman Spector assumed the post of the President and Publisher of The Jerusalem Post.

1997: The transfer of the ownership of The Chattanooga Times from the four grandchildren of Adolph S. Ochs, who bought the paper in 1878 and remained its publisher until 1935, to his 13 great-grandchildren is scheduled to be completed today.

1997: “The Return of Tobias” oil on canvas by Benjamin Ulmann was sold today. A French Alsatian Jew born in 1829 he was a pupil of Michel Martin Drolling and of François-Édouard Picot.  He passed away in 1884.

1997: Laborite Greville Wan Janner completed his service as a Member of Parliament for Leicester West.

1998: In the U.K., premiere of “Sliding Doors” produced by Sydney Pollack and starring Gwyneth Paltrow.

1999: Three Ring, a filly owned by Barry K. Schwartz, finished ran out of the money in today’s Kentucky Derby.

2000: Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli jails begin a hunger strike to draw attention to their poor conditions.

2000: In Los Angeles, premiere of “Gladiator” a film about the decline of the Roman Empire with music by Hans Zimmer

2000: Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for ninety-five year old Abraham “Goldie” Goldberg, the husband Rose Goldberg, the father of Muriel Ginsberg and the founder of the “Fraser-Gold Carpet Corporation in Manhattan.”

2000:After almost seventeen months in prison, the trial of the 13 Jews opened in the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz. Hearings were held every Monday and Wednesday until May 29. The thirteen defendants were brought to the courtroom in shifts over the five-week trial.

2001(8thof Iyar, 5671): Eighty-six year old Theodore Wilentz, the co-founder with his brother of iconic Eighth Street Bookshop passed away today.


2001: The annual meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee opened today in New York.

2001: Former government intern Chandra Levy disappears.

2002: Doubleday published Man Walks Into a Room, “the first novel by American author Nicole Krauss.”

2002: Yasser Arafat's five-month imprisonment in his Ramallah headquarters draws to an end as the Palestinians hand over six high-profile prisoners to Anglo-American custody.

2003: “Schools closed, airports shut down, and practically all public services ground to a halt today as 700,000 workers began an open-ended strike to protest spending cuts and mass firings proposed by Israel's finance minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.” (As reported by Greg Myre)

2004: Noa (Achinoam Nini) and Gil Dor, together with the noted Israeli rhythm and dance troupe Mayumana, gave a joint performance between the two final games of the Euroleague basketball championship, broadcast to thousands of television viewers around the world.

2004: Maccabi Tel Aviv crushes Italy's Skipper Bologna 118-74 to become European champions for the fourth time in the club’s history.

2004: Rabbi Sir Jonathan Henry Sacks begins serving as Rabbi and Spiritual Leader, Western Marble Arch Synagogue London.

2005 22nd of Nisan, 5765): 8th day of Pesach

2005: Stanley Fisher began serving as Governor of the Bank of Israel.

2005: A Broadway revival of David Mamet’s Pulitzer Prize winning drama “Glengarry Glen Ross” opened today at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre with Liev Schreiber in the role of “Roma.”

2005 22nd of Nisan, 5765): Rene Rivkin an Australian entrepreneur, investor, investment adviser, and stockbroker passed away. He was a well-known stockbroker in Australia for many years until his conviction for insider trading.

2005: The New York Observer features a review of “The Treehouse: Eccentric Wisdom From My Father on How to Live, Love, and See” by Naomi Wolfe

2005: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or special interest to Jewish readers including Soldiers and Slaves: American POWs Trapped by the Nazis' Final Gamble by Roger Cohen, Given Up For Dead: American GI's in the Nazi Concentration Camp at Berga by Flint Whitlock and the recently released paperback editions of Conspiratorby Michael Andre Bernstein and Madame Secretary by Madeline Albright with Bill Woodward, an “insightful memoir that focuses as much on Albright’s voyage of personal discovery (she belatedly learned of her Jewish heritage) as on her years as President Clinton's secretary of state.”

2006: First episode of “The Perfect Home” a television series based on The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton, the scion of a prominent Egyptian Jewish family that was forced to flee to Switzerland.

2007: Hilary Koprowski was awarded the Albert Sabin Gold Medal by the Sabin Vaccine Institute in Baltimore.  Koprowski was one of three Jews (the others being Salk and Sabin) who played a key role in developing a vaccine against polio.)

2007(13thof Iyar, 5767): Eighty-eight year old Dr. Clemens E. Prokesch passed away today.


2007: “Secretary-General of Labor Party, Minister Eitan Cabel announced today that he was resigning from the government, following the conclusions of the Winograd Commissions.”
2007:  May is celebrated as Jewish Heritage Month by proclamation of the President of the United States.

2008: Judge Robert D. Sack “was awarded the Federal Bar Council's Learned Hand Medal for excellence in federal jurisprudence” oday.

2008: “Brothers: Rahm Emanuel and His Family” published today looks at the lives and accomplishments of Rahm, Zeke and Ari.


2008: In New York City, PEN World Voices, a festival of international literature presentsConversations Between A. B. Yehoshua and Leon Wieseltier”an event during which “Yehoshua discusses a lifetime in literature, fact in fiction, writing politics and atonement with Leon Wieseltier, Literary Editor of The New Republic and author of Kaddish.”

2008 (26th of Nisan): Yom Hashoah – Eastern Iowa observes Holocaust Remembrance Day. In Cedar Rapids The Holocaust Memorial Fund (created and endowed by Dr. David and Joan Thaler) and the Jewish-Christian Dialogue are sponsoring Yom Hashoah Service at Westminster Presbyterian Church at 7:00 pm.Rabbi Stephanie Alexander will be the speaker. In Iowa City, in recognition of Holocaust Remembrance Day, theTimofeyev Ensemble will be celebrating the achievements of Eastern European Jewry by putting on a free Klezmer concert at the Art Building West. Nearly lost, the music was rediscovered in the seventies and is now thriving in Europe and America. The UI student band,Kosher Tom, will also be performing.

2009: In Alexandria, Va., Pulitzer Prize-winning illustrator Jules Feiffer reads and discusses “Which Puppy” a children’s picture book he recently co-authored with his daughter Kate.

2009:The American Society for Jewish Music and the American Jewish Historical Society present a lecture by Rabbi Jeffrey A. Summit of Tufts University entitled “The Participating Observer: Fieldwork in Jewish Settings.”

2009: After having first been released in Sydney, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” with a screenplay co-authored y David Benioff and co-starring Liev Schreiber was released today in the United States.

2009: Mike Brown, one of the few Jews in the NHL “was ejected from Game 1 of the Western Conference Semi-finals after a questionable hit on then-Detroit Red Wings forward Jiří Hudler, who was left dazed and bloodied on the ice.”

2009: In “Roosevelt and the Jews: A Debate Rekindled,” published today, Patricia Cohen reviewed Refugees and Rescue: The Diaries’ and papers of James G. McDonald, 1935-1945.

2009(12thof Iyar, 5769): Sam Cohn, whose nearly endless client roster of top actors, writers and directors and imaginative engineering of deals for them made him the most powerful talent broker in theater and film during the 1970s and 1980s and a progenitor of the Hollywood superagent passed away today at the age of 79. (As reported by Bruce Weber)


2010: Jewish American Heritage began today as proclaimed by President Barak Obama. The proclamation read as follows:

In 1883, the Jewish American poet Emma Lazarus composed a sonnet, entitled “The New Colossus,” to help raise funds for erecting the Statue of Liberty.  Twenty years later, a plaque was affixed to the completed statue, inscribed with her words:  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….”  These poignant words still speak to us today, reminding us of our Nation’s promise as a beacon to all who are denied freedom and opportunity in their native lands. Our Nation has always been both a haven and a home for Jewish Americans.  Countless Jewish immigrants have come to our shores seeking better lives and opportunities, from those who arrived in New Amsterdam long before America’s birth, to those of the past century who sought refuge from the horrors of pogroms and the Holocaust.  As they have immeasurably enriched our national culture, Jewish Americans have also maintained their own unique identity.  During Jewish American Heritage Month we celebrate this proud history and honor the invaluable contributions Jewish Americans have made to our Nation. The Jewish American story is an essential chapter of the American narrative.  It is one of refuge from persecution; of commitment to service, faith, democracy, and peace; and of tireless work to achieve success.  As leaders in every facet of American life—from athletics, entertainment, and the arts to academia, business, government, and our Armed Forces—Jewish Americans have shaped our Nation and helped steer the course of our history.  We are a stronger and more hopeful country because so many Jews from around the world have made America their home. Today, Jewish Americans carry on their culture’s tradition of “tikkun olam”—or “to repair the world”—through good deeds and service.  As they honor and maintain their ancient heritage, they set a positive example for all Americans and continue to strengthen our Nation. NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2010 as Jewish American Heritage Month.  I call upon all Americans to observe this month with appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies to celebrate the heritage and contributions of Jewish Americans. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of April, in the year two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.

[Editor’s Note: … President Obama has made a subtle, symbolic gesture that some would say demonstrates uncommon sensitivity to the Jewish community. Thanks to the New Jersey Jewish News for this story, which reports that President Obama removed the standard phrase “in the year of our Lord” from a proclamation welcoming May as Jewish Heritage Month. As the newspaper reports, previous similar proclamations — by Obama, George Bush, and Bill Clinton — all included the standard line affixed at the end, pegging the missive’s date to the birth of Jesus Christ … Obama, in praising Jews for their unique contributions to American culture, took the extra step of taking it out this time. This may not sit well with “the our-country-is-a-Christian-nation crowd” and it may seem like a small thing, but it shows a certain level of sensitivity if not outright political courage. There are those who think that Jewish community should be more outspoken in acknowledging this, and in voicing appreciation.”]

2010: At The Library of Congress an exhibition entitled “Herblock!" highlighting the life and works of the great political cartoonist is scheduled to come to a close.

2010 A Secret, a film adapted from the award-winning autobiographical novel by Philippe Grimbert, is scheduled to be shown tonight at the Northern Virginia International Jewish Film Festival.

2010: In “Death on the Baltic” published today, Jeremy Elias described an eyewitness account of the sinking of the Cape Arcona.


2010: Achinoam Nini, the world famous Israeli performer known as Noa, is scheduled to appear in concert tonight at East Brunswick (NJ) Performing Arts Center.

2011: The Cedar Rapids community is scheduled to mark Yom Hashoah with “”Lest We Forget,” A Service in Memory of the Victims of the Shoah sponsored by  The Jewish Christian Dialogue Group and The Thaler Holocaust Memorial Foundation. (See The Story of History which provides background information on the Thaler Holocaust Memorial Fund which was co-founded by David and Joan Tahler)

2011: Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to present “Growing Up Jewish in Montreal” a panel discussion during which “four distinguished scholars reflect on their formative years in one of North America's most vibrant Jewish communities.”

2011: “Recipes Remembered: A Celebration of Survival” by June Feiss Hersh  is scheduled to go on sale today at the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

2011: A memorial service for Maj. Gen. Orde Wingate, who trained members of the Haganah, is scheduled to take place today at the Arlington National Cemetery.  The ceremony is being held under the auspices of the Jewish War Veterans Association of the United States of America.

2011: Reform Judaism’s flagship social justice conference, the Religious Action Center’s Consultation on Conscience is scheduled to open in Washington, DC.

2011: Start of Jewish American Heritage Month

2011: The New York Times featured reviews of book by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including “Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World”  by William D. Cohan, “Iphigenia in Forest Hills: Anatomy of a Murder Trial” by Janet Malcolm that is set against a backdrop of the “Bukharin Jewish immigrant community in Queens” and  the recently released paperback edition of  “Crossing Mandelbaum Gate Coming of Age Between the Arabs and Israelis, 1956-1978” by Kai Bird

2011: The March of the Living participants are scheduled to visit Auschwitz on Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, on May 1, to commemorate the Nazi murder of 6 million Jews and to pledge to fight intolerance and prejudice in the future.

2011(27thof Nisan): Yom Hashoah – observance of the holiday will take place in many places tomorrow “to avoid adjacency with Shabbat).

2011(27thof Nisan, 5771): Moshe Landau, the fifth president of the Supreme Court and an Israel Prize laureate, died on today, only two days after his 99th birthday, and 50 years after presiding at the trial of Adolf Eichmann.



2011: The 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust will be honored at ceremonies held across Israel this evening, the start of Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day. President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz and other dignitaries will attend the official state ceremony at Yad Vashem. This year, the central theme of the ceremony will be Fragments of Memory:

2011: After 443 performances a revival of Jerry Herman’s “La Cage aux Folles” came to a close.


2011: Israel's new Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino was sworn in today, replacing David Cohen, who served in the post for four years.  Danino was formerly the head of the Israel Police investigations and intelligence branch and comes to the commissioner's chair from his last posting as the commander of the Southern District Police.

2011: Distinguished composer Gilbert Levine, whose grandparents emigrated from Poland and whose mother-in-law was a survivor of Auschwitz, will be among the hundreds of thousands of people converging on the Vatican for the beatification of Pope John Paul II. (As reported by Ruth Ellen Gerber)

2011: Osama Bin Laden was killed by U.S. Navy Seals a compound in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.

2011: As part of its Yom HaShoah observance, in Hollywood, Temple Israel’s newly established arts council invited community members to join the jury at a mock trial of Rudolph Kastner (As reported by Johan Lowenfeld.

2012: Israeli photographer Gil Cohen-Magen is scheduled to deliver a lecture entitled “Hassidic Courtyards: A Photographic Study of the Ultra-Orthodox Community in Israel” at the JCC of Northern Virginia.

2012: Robert Caro’s The Passage of Power, the award winning fourth volume in his multi-volume biography about Lyndon Johnson was released today.

2012: “Kafka’s Last Story” is scheduled to be shown at the Westchester Jewish Film Festival.

2012:  Rabbi Ed Cohn and Canto Joel Colman officiated at the graveside services for Inge Elsas, holocaust survivor, Temple Sinai Sunday School teacher and pillar of the New Orleans Jewish community.

2012: Start of Jewish American Heritage Month

2012: Thirty-one year old Daniel Timerman, the son of Jacobo Timerman “was sentenced today to 35 days in jail for refusing to serve with the Israeli Army in Lebanon.”

2013: The 36th International Convention of the World Union for Progressive Judaism is scheduled to open in Jerusalem.

2013: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to presents “The Quest for Justice in the Postwar Jewish Community - Function and Role of Honor Courts in the Displaced Persons Camps.”

2013: The Center for Jewish History is scheduled to co-host “Guernica – Bravery and Gender in Confessional Writing.

2013: Today “Scholastic published Gorgeous, Paul Rudnick's first young adult novel” which “Publishers Weekly, in a starred review, said that the book included "writing that's hilarious, profane and profound (often within a single sentence.)"

2013: In a case of “the East” meets the Jews, Iron Man 3, based on a creation of Stan Lee, Don Heck, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby and co-starring Gwyneth Paltrow opened in China today.

2013: Gravestones and bones from an ancient Turkish Jewish cemetery were unearthed during construction work.The remains in the Turkish city of Izmir were found more than 20 feet below the ground, during construction work on an underground tunnel, the Hurriyet Daily News reported today.

2013: Israel needs to reach peace with the Palestinians to prevent becoming a bi-national state, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said today, stressing – however – that the core of Israel's conflict with the Palestinians is not territory, but a Palestinian unwillingness to recognize Israel's legitimacy within any boundaries.

2013: Start of Jewish American Heritage Month


2014(1stof Iyar, 5774): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

2014: “The White Rose Exhibit” which commemorates the work of one of the few genuine resistance movements in Nazi Germany is scheduled to open at the College of Public of Health of the University of Iowa.

2014: Washington Hebrew Congregation is scheduled to host Adam Mendelsohn of the College of Charleston, whose book Jews and the Civil War: A Reader (co-edited with Jonathan D. Sarna) was published in 2010 speaking on “Beyond the Battlefield: The Legacy of the Civil War for America’s Jews.”

2014: “The Prime Minister: The Pioneers” is scheduled to be shown at the Lenore Marwil Jewish Film Festival in West Bloomfield, Michigan.

2014: American Jewish Heritage Month opens with a special tribute to the American Joint Distribution Committee that is celebrating its centennial anniversary.

2014: “According to figures released today by the Central Bureau of Statistics” the population of Israel now “stands at 8.18 million people.”


2014: “The news website actualitte.com reported today a 15th century printed book of the Torah fetched a record 3.87 million dollars at an auction in Paris.”


2014(1stof Iyar, 5774): Assi Dayan passed away today.


2015: Fred Spiegel author of Once the Acacias Bloomed: Memories of a Childhood Lost is scheduled to speak at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.

2015: Following riots in Maryland’s largest city, “fourteen rabbis in the Baltimore region joined a rally and march for ‘police reform and justice for Freddie Gray.’”

2015: The second performance of the Israel Story is scheduled to place UnionDocs in Brooklyn.

2015: Lewis Black is scheduled to perform in Atlanta, GA.

2015: “Amy Winehouse: A Family Portrait,” is scheduled to come to a close at Beit Hatfutsot.

2015: In an attempt to placate its Arab allies, it was reported today that the United States was considering selling F-35 to the United Arab Emirates which would threaten Israel’s qualitative edge in any future war with Arab states.

2015: Opening of Jewish American Heritage Month


2016(23rd of Nisan, 5776): Eighty-three year old Johns Hopkins and Harvard mathematician Solomon W. Golomb whose wide ranging intellect led to create new games while helping to usher in “the digital age” passed away today in Los Angeles. (I will not even pretend to understand what he accomplished so I offer the following.)



2016: The New York Times features books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Continental Divide: A History of American Mountaineering by Maurice Isserman and A Rage for Order: The Middle East In Turmoil From Tahrir Square to ISIS by Robert F. Worth.

2016: In Coralville, Iowa, Agudas Achim is scheduled to host the 6th annual Concert of Commemoration featuring the Lysander Piano Trio whose members are Itamar Zorman, Michael Katz and Liza Stepanova.

2016: Today marks the start of Jewish American Month which was created by a Congressional resolution and Presidential proclamation making May Jewish American Heritage Month.

2016: The Jewish Historical Society of Delaware is scheduled to hold its annual meeting in Wilmington where it “will special tribute to Toni Young, the woman ‘who wrote the book’ on Delaware Jewish History.”

2016: “Saving a Legacy: Jewish Cultural Reconstruction in Buffalo, NY,” an exhibit about Holocaust Ceremonial Objects that came to Buffalo in the 1950s created by the Jewish Buffalo Archives Project is scheduled to open this afternoon at Temple Beth Zion

2017: Opening of Jewish American Heritage Month as proclaimed by President Trump.



2017(5thof Iyar, 5777): Yom HaZikaron – Remembering the “23,544 members of Israel’s security forces who died while in active service”


2017(5th of Iyar, 5777): Eighty-four Stan Weston “the Godfather of G.I. Joe” passed away today (As reported by Richard Sandomir)


2017: Ninety year old defense lawyer Gustave Newman passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)


2017: At Touro College in Brooklyn Henry Abramson is scheduled to lecture on “Nahmanides: The Ramban.”

2017: As part of its celebration of Israeli Independence Day, Rabbi Shalom Hammer, who served in the Chaplaincy of the IDF is scheduled to lecture on “What are we Fighting For” at the Greenpoint Shul.

2017: FFI-LEHI is scheduled to hold its annual Memorial Day ceremonies today.


2018: The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host “a discussion based Jewish Women’s Aid’s new ‘Safer Dating’ initiative.”

2018; The Temple Emanu-El Steicker Center is scheduled to host “Making Peace in the Kitchen.”

2018: In the United States, May is officially Jewish Heritage Month

2018: “Previously unseen Dead Sea Scroll fragments, which had been stored in cigar boxes since archaeologists unearthed them in the 1950s, were identified and unveiled at an international conference today in honor of the 70th anniversary of the scrolls’ discovery in Jerusalem. (As reported by Amanda Borschel-Dan


2019: Following yesterday’s swearing in ceremony that marked the start of the new session of the Knesset, MK’s will get down to business and see how much power smaller parties have “to impose their will, even if it means going against the popular opinion on certain issues.”

2019: Just two days after the funeral of Lori Gilbert Kaye, Jewish American Heritage Month is scheduled to begin today.


2019: In Iowa, this evening Rabbis Barton, Jacobson and Kaufman are scheduled to officiate at the Community Yom Hashoah event sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines,

2019: In the evening, start of observance of Yom Hashoah


2019: Rabbi Deborah Silver is scheduled to officiate at the funeral of 84 year old Rosalyn Nina Allison, the New Yorker who made New Orleans her adopted home where she was a member of Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation.

2020: Temple Emanu-El and Temple Israel of the City of New York are scheduled to host “A special virtual Shabbat service celebrating Israel’s 72nd Independence Day” including greetings by Ambassador Dani Dayan, “renowned singer Shulamit “Shuli” Natan performing Jerusalem of Gold, Aibi Levi, a paratrooper who helped liberate the Western Wall in 1967 and Fanny Kirsch, the first Jew born in the Old City after its liberation from Jordan.”

2020: The Vilna Shul, “Boston’s Center for Jewish Culture” is scheduled to host “The Sarajevo Haggadah and People of the Book” an interactive discussion of Geraldine Brooks’ 2008 historical novel led by “author and historian Carol Cohen.”

2020: Jewish American Heritage Month is scheduled to begin today.


2020: Low-cost European carrier Wizz Air is scheduled to resume some flights from Luton Airport today including those to Tel Aviv, Israel.

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to host “You Don’t Look Your Age and Other Fairy Tales” a virtual presentation by Sheila Nevins.

2021: The Eden Tamar Music Center in Jerusalem is scheduled to host the Israel String Quarter with Tali Kravitz.

2021: “In the face of the worst civilian tragedy in Israeli history, citizens from all sectors – Jews and Arabs, religious and secular – continue to rally to support the victims of the stampede that claimed 45 lives at a Lag BaOmer celebration on Mount Meron attended mainly by the ultra-Orthodox community.”

2021: Michael Kransy, The recently retired host of KQED radio’s “Forum,” and Sherith Israel congregant, is scheduled to be interviewed by Sherith Israel Rabbi Emeritus Martin Weiner.

2021(19th of Iyar, 5781): Parashat Emor; Pirkei Avot- Chapter Four; For more see https://downhomedavartorah.blogspot.com/

2021: Jewish American Heritage is scheduled to begin today in the United States.






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