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This Day, June 21, In Jewish History by Mitchel A. Levin



356 B.C.E.: Birthdate of Alexander the Great. Alexander traveled back forth across Judea; first when he went down to conquer Egyptand then when he came back from his Egyptian conquest and moved east to conquer more of the Persian Empire. There is a tale about him coming to Jerusalem, but it is a myth that illustrates the positive attitude the Jews of that time had towards Alexander. He is treatment of the Jews was tolerant since he left them to practice their religion in peace and Jews found it easy to settle throughout his newly conquered domains.

120 (18th of Sivan 3881): This date marked the passing of Rabbi Gamliel II. Rabbi Gamliel was the successor to Rabbi Johanan Ben-Zakkai who had set up the Talmudic Academy in Yavneh after the war against Rome. Gamliel helped establish a new spiritual leadership and designed the foundation for survival in the Diaspora. He played a key role in keeping the peace between the Jewish community and Rome.

1305: King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia died. During the Rindfleisch massacres in 1298, King Wenceslaus II had extorted large sums from Bohemian Jewry for protection.

1498: Citizens of Nuremberg, Bavaria received permission to expel its Jews from Emperor Maximillian

1527: NIccolo dei Machiavelli, the author of The Prince, passed away today.

1630: Birthdate of Samuel Oppenheimer “Jewish banker, imperial court diplomat, factor, and military supplier for the Holy Roman Emperor” who was the father of Simon Wolf Oppenheimer who established his own banking house in Hanover and Jakob Wolf Oppenheimer under who Mayer Amschel Rothschild served his apprenticeship.

1639: Birthdate of Increase Mather, a member of the famous family of New England ministers who wrote “Dissertation Concerning the Future Conversion of the Jewish Nation” and who “thought the future conversion of the Jews to be both possible and not far distant in time.  He opposed John Lightfoot’s argument that a general conversion of the Jews was impossible, and he also attacked Baxter’s thesis that the Jews were converted once and for all after Christ, and that those who did not convert at the time were condemned to remain in the Jewish faith for all time. According to Mather, the “national conversion” of the Jews was a “glorious truth.”

1689: The Maisel Synagogue burned today when fire swept through the ghetto in Prague.  Built in the early 1590’s it takes its name from Mordechai and Frumel  Maisel,  who financed its construction.  Today a rebuilt version of the synagogue services a Jewish Museum in Prague.

1727(2nd of Tammuz, 5487): Birthdate of Joseph Jacob van Geldern the banker who was the “Court Jew” for Elector Johann Whilhelm.

1749: Twenty-eight year old Simon von Geldern returned to Vienna from a journey which he claimed took him to North Africa, Jerusalem and other lands inhabited by Bedouins.  The son of Joseph von Geldern, a wealthy German physician with whom he had a falling out, Simon was the great-uncle of Heinrich Heine who kindly referred to him as “an adventurer and Utopian dreamer.”  

1749: Founding Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Within a year, Jews were living in Halifaxand by 1752 there were approximately 30 Jews living in the newly founded city.  The Jewish population would grow slowly and sporadically.  A congregation would not be formed until the end of the 19th century.

1787;  New Hampshire becomes the 9th state to ratify the United States Constitution which means the Constitution has been ratified by enough states to make it the law of the land. New Hampshire was one of the last states to change its laws so that Jews could hold office.  The final change took place in 1877. As can be seen from the attached article about the Jewish community in Bethlehem, NH, life has changed for the better for Jews living in the Granite State.

1798: The proclamation issued by the French governor of Cologne which stated in part "Whatever smacks of slavery is abolished. Only before God will you have to give an accounting of your religious beliefs. Your civic rights will no longer depend upon your creeds. Whatever these are, they will be tolerated without distinctions and enjoy equal protection” was an example of the newly found rights of citizenship that the Jews were to enjoy in a city from which they had been barred until 1794.

1812:  Birthdate of Moses Hess.  Moses Hess was an early advocate of a league of nations and a Jewish state in Palestine.  His most famous work was entitled Romeand Jerusalempublished in 1862.  He died in 1875

1819(28th of Sivan, 5579): Forty-six year old Hirschel Eliazer Kann, the founder of Lisa & Kann passed away at Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Nederland

1821: Isaac da Costa earned his Doctor of Philosophy today.

1841: In Philadelphia, Fannie and Abraham Dessau gave birth to future communal leader Minnie Dessau Louis. (As reported by Seth Korelitz)

1845: Ralph Bernal Osborne, the eldest son of London Sephardic Spanish Jewish Parliamentarian Ralph Bernal, was the first person listed in the Railway Times as a member of “the provisional committee for the Leicester, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Burton-upon-Trent and Stafford Junction Railway” a railway that was never built.

1854: An article entitled "Gleanings from the Mail" published today cites a report appearing in the Boston Advertiser that "the Jews of the Holy Land are suffering great distress from destitution."

1861: In Chicago, the Sinai Congregation dedicated its first temple on Monroe Street between Clark and La Salle in which the “Einhorn ritual” was used for the first time in “a Western congregation.”

1863(4th of Tammuz, 5623): Sixty-nine year old Benjamin Golding, the British doctor who founded Charing Cross Hospital passed away today.

1873: The committee in charge of the excursions to be taken by the children who are the responsibility of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and Free Schools, most of whom are from poor homes, announced their plans for the first outing which is scheduled to take place in two days.

1877: Following publication of Judge Hilton’s explanation of his decision to ban Mr. Seligman from the Grand Union Hotel, the New York Times published a series of letters grouped under the headings of  “The Jewish Side of the Question” and the “The Other Side”.  The letters under “The Other Side” described the undesirability of Jews as a class and as hotel guests which made Hilton’s decision not only understandable but correct.  The letters under “The Jewish Side of the Question” included derisive comments on Hilton’s attempt to differentiate between a “Hebrew” and a “Jew” as well as refutation of his claim that he was willing to admit certain acceptable Hebrews since the daughter of one of those mentioned had, in fact, been turned away from the Grand Union.

1878: Today six speakers took part in an oratorical contest at Yale University in which the contestants were competing for De Forest Medal. The third speaker was H.C. Coe, a Jew who spoke on “The Ancient and Modern Jew.”  The sixth and final speaker was Louis Hood of Newark who also spoke on “The Ancient and Modern Jew.” While all of the speakers were impressive, Hood walked off with the prize

1880: “Politics of Europe and Asia” published today brought news about the conference being held in Madrid called to deal with the situation in Morocco. Senor Ludolf is schedule to introduce a resolution supported by the United State, Portugal and Germany that calls for religious liberty and better treatment of the Jews.

1880: It was reported today that of the five and half million people living in Belgium only 15,000 are Protestants and 3,000 are Jews while all the rest are Catholics.

 1881: Birthdate of Dov Ber Borochov,a Marxist Zionist and one of the founders of the Labor Zionist movement as well as a pioneer in the study of Yiddish as a language.  He passed away in 1917.

1882: A summary of Dr. Goodman’s report on the feasibility of settling large number of Jewish refugees from Russia on agricultural communities which has been presented to the Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society of the United States was published today. According to Goodman it would cost $500, not counting the cost of the land, to provide each colonist with the necessities for survival.  “To start 2,000 heads of families on farms would require a cash advance of $1,000,000 for materials, implements, stock, seed, food etc. before they could become self-maintaing.”  Add in the cost of the land, and, according to Dr. Goodman, “the Jewish people in the United States looking to colonization of their destitute co-religionists must collect and invest…from two to four million dollars” over an extended period of time with no hope of a return on investment. 

1884: In the case of Dumas v. Jacquet, the First Chamber of the Civil Tribunal of Paris delivered a judgment today that “enjoined the public exhibition of a picture in which the artist had represented Alexandre Duma, the novelist as “Marchand Juif.”

1887: The Jews of London celebrated the first day of the 51st year of the reign of Queen Victoria over Great Britain at the Synagogue on St. James Place in Aldgate.  The crowded sanctuary was decorated for the occasion and the attendees were treated to a choral service.
1888: “Barge Office Prizes” published today described the commercial activities that surrounded the sale and purchase of the “unclaimed, abandoned, and seized goods.” Before Ellis Island, the Barge Office was the point of entry for immigrants arriving in New York.  The majority of the those involved in the examination and purchase of the goods were reportedly Jews.

1888: It was reported today that a rescript has been published ordering that a eulogy be read in all churches at upcoming Sunday services.  The offering of a eulogy by the Jews appears to have been optional. [Given the response of Rabbis in New York, it is safe to assume that many Jews mourned the passing of the first modern Kaiser.]

1890: Mr. Comstock of the Society for the Suppression of Vice recognized a man named Marcus Goldstein who had been arrested for trying to obtain plates with which to make counterfeit lottery tickets as Mordecai S. Blaustein “whom he had arrested just four years ago in Orchard Street for swindling poor people” by selling them “bogus lottery tickets.” After having been convicted in 1886, this Polish Jew had been sentenced to 6 months at Blackwell/s Island. According to Comstock, Blaustein or Goldstein was first found to be swindling people on the lower east side in 1881 but he jumped bail and hid out in Chicago. 

1891: “Jew Baiting” published today included a detailed review of Les Juifs De Russie Recueil D’Articles Et D’Etudes Sur Leur Situation Legale Sociale Et Economique (The Russian Jews: Collection of Articles and Studies on Their Legal, Social and Economic Situation) by Leopold Cerf.

1892: Birthdate of American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr His views on Jews evolved over time from his early days as a minister in Detroit.  He warned against the rise of anti-Semitism in Hitler’s Germany and came to the conclusion that it was wrong to try and convert Jews. He expressed his strong pro-Zionist sentiments in “Our Stake in the State of Israel”

1894: Edward Lauterbach, the Republican Jewish political leader was among those participating in the hearings being held at the Constitutional Convention in Albany.

1896: The St. Louis Republic described the decision to choose Rabbi Samuel Sale to deliver the opening prayer at the Republican Convention. According to the Republic, Sale had not been chosen as a compromise to avoid offending the APA and the Catholics but had been chosen because Baron Rothschild of London had sent a telegram requesting that this be done.  However, the reporter for the Republic had not seen the telegram and could not find anybody else who had.

1896: Members of the Young Folk’s League of the Hebrew Infant Asylum are scheduled to enjoy an outing today aboard the SS Bay Queen

1897: “Family Left Destitute” published today described the plight of the Cohen family of New Haven.  Mrs. Cohen’s husband disappeared without explanation and she thought he had deserted her.  Actually, he had been killed in railway accident in New York City.  Authorities shipped the widow and her four children to New York where they are now in the care of the Hebrew Sheltering House Association.

1897: “Hebrew School In Chicago” published today described a soon to be opened educational institution in the Windy City where all instruction and conversation will be in Hebrew.  While classes will be offered in “the primary scholastic branches,” “the Hebrew Bible will be the principle subject of study.

1897: Herman Warszawiak, the converted Jewish missionary, who had been expelled by the Presbyterians after having been found guilty of performing immoral acts including gambling was not available for public comment even though he had earlier said the conviction had come because some did not want a converted Jew to be a minister in the Presbyterian Church.

1898: At Orange, NJ, 58 year old Getta Scholle, the vice president of the Home For Aged and Infirm Hebrews who was the widow of Jacob Scholle, passed away today.

1899: “Boys in Religious War” published today described events leading up to a public brawl between over one Jewish and Christian boys in Chicago.  The Christians, who attend several local parochial schools, have been taunting and attacking the Jewish boys who finally fought back.  At first the Christians had the better of the battle, but the Jews found reinforcements and surrounded their attackers.  At this point, the police intervened and arrested some of the battlers.

1899: The Jews of Chicago are planning on presenting Captain Dreyfus “with a gold-mounted, diamond-set and richly engraved sword.” They are planning on presenting Emile Zola with an engraved gold pen as token of appreciation for his defense of Dreyfus.  They are planning on present Colonel Picquart, the War Minister who befriended Dreyfus and helped to prove his innocence with a gold loving cup..

1903: Birthdate of Al Hirschfeld, Tony Award winning cartoonist

1903(26th of Sivan, 5663): New York Banker Isidor Wormser passed away tonight in his home on Fifth Avenue.  Born in Germany he came to the U.S. in at the age of 18 with his brother Simon with whom he sailed around Cape Horn to California where they prospered selling merchandize in the Gold Fields and later at their store in Sacramento. Isidor and Simon came to New York in 1870 where they established the banking firm of I & S Wormser which prospered for over 30 years thanks in part, to the conservative fiscal practices of brothers and to the probity of their business dealings. A member of the New York Stock Exchange and a Democratic Presidential elector in 1892, Wormser’s interest in civic affairs could be seen by his membership in the Metropolitan Museum and his service as a trustee of the Brooklyn Bridge.

1905: Birthdate of philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre.  Towards the end of his life Sartre suffered what a critic called a “loss of historical hope.” Ironically, he turned to Judaism and Jewish history to find a source of hope and final philosophic underpinning.  “Sartre dealt with his loss of historical hope by painfully acquiring another kind of hope. He replaced both existential dread and Marxist utopianism with a Jewish messianic patience. In the final interview with his friend and associate, the unlikely baal t'shuva, (returnee to Judaism), Benny Levy (formerly Pierre Victor), he reports his discovery that "the messianic idea is the base of the revolutionary idea." For many months before he died, Sartre studied Salo Baron's voluminous, magisterial work on Jewish history and, with Levy, came to a new-old view of the human prospect. As if he had invented Buber and the Bible, Sartre now proclaims, "We belong to a single family." Of course, "the unity of the human enterprise is yet to be created…what I have is yours and what you have is mine. If I need, you give to me. If you need, I give to you. That is the future of morality.” In the end, Sartre became a kind of "Jew." Already in the resistance of 1940-45, he had risked his life against Fascism. In Les Temps Modernes, at the very time of the Six Day War, he published what remains the most balanced and useful collection of essays on Arab Jewish peace and declared his solidarity with Israel. He did not accept the Nobel Prize of literature. But he did accept an honorary degree from the Hebrew University in 1976, reminding the Israelis how deeply he shared their dreams, and telling them that the more he cared about them, the more he cared also about the Palestinian people. "In order to understand the Jew from the interior, I would have to be a Jew," Sartre told Benny Levy and he tried hard enough to achieve that very goal. Studying Jewish history, like many thinkers before him, he caught a vision of the messianic hope: survival, obedience and loyalty to humanity itself. "The Jew lives. He has a destiny. The finality toward which every Jew moves is to reunite humanity....It is the end that only the Jewish people (knows)….It is the beginning of the existence of men for each other." In the last days and in the last words of Jean-Paul Sartre, we find a brother and a teacher in Israel.”

1907(10th of Av, 5667): Tish’a B’Av observed because the 9th of Av fell on Shabbat

1907(10th of Av, 5667): Isidior Wormser, the successful New York Banker who is the father-in-law of Jefferson Seligman, passed away today.

1915: Five day before his term in office was scheduled to end, John M. Slaton, Governor of Georgia commuted the sentence of Leo Frank from death to life in prison.  The commutation came a day before Frank was scheduled to be hung.  Slaton, who had been a popular governor, left Georgia with the mob and threat of violence baying at his heels.  Tom Watson wrote an article calling for the lynching of Frank.

1921: In New York City Abe and Helen (Gollomb) Tuvim gave birth to Judith Tuvim who gained fame as award winning actress Judy Holiday.

1922:  During a debate in Parliament, Lord Sydenham contends that the Arabs would not object to immigration if it were done by “well selected Jews” instead of by what  describes as Zionist settlers who are” Bolsheviks,” “sinister and “promiscuous people.” 

1922: Following a debate in the House of Lords on the questions of continued British commitment to honor the Balfour Declaration, 60 Lords voted against the declaration and only 29 voted for it.

1922:  Major Herbert Young, “a senior official” in the Colonial Office writes Churchill that the vote against the Balfour Declaration in the House of Lords will lead to greater Arab obstinacy and imperil Britain’s previous promises to the Jews

1922: While meeting in London, the Prime Ministers of Canada, Newfoundland, Australia and New Zealand stated that they shared “Arab suspicions” of plans to ultimately create a Jewish majority in Palestine.

1922:  In an address to the Dominion Prime Ministers Churchill described “The Zionist ideal as a very great idea” with which he had great personal sympathy.  He further reminded them that the Balfour Declaration was more than an ideal.  “It was an obligation made in wartime to enlist the aid of Jews all over the world and Britain must be very careful and punctilious to discharge its obligations.”

1922(25th of Sivan, 5682): Seventy-five year old Louis Stern, the President of Stern Brothers, the New York department store, passed away unexpectedly in Paris. A native of Germany, Stern “learned the rudiments of merchandizing” in a small store owned by his uncle in Petersburg, West Virginia. In 1867 he and his brother Isaac opened a small dry goods and novelty store which was so successful that they opened a larger emporium on West 23rdStreet in 1878.  After his brother’s retirement, Stern opened an even larger store on 42nd Street. Stern was active in numerous civic and communal organizations including serving as Chairman of the New York Commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and President of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum.

1926: Abbot Lawrence Lowell, the President of Harvard University was featured on the cover of Time magazine. Although the cover story did not mention it, 1926 was a year of triumph for Lowell because he convinced the Harvard Board of Overseers to adopt new admission requirements that accomplished his goal of reducing the number of Jews at Harvard.  The year before these “non-academic” standards were added, 27% of the freshman class was Jewish.  By the time Lowell in 7 years after the standards had been put in place Jews made up 10% of the underclassmen

1927: In New York, three Jewish interns at Kings County Hospital were attacked and tied up.

1928: Birthdate of Judith Raskin, one of America's greatest lyric sopranos of the twentieth century. She was not only famous for her voice but also for her acting. Judith Raskin died on December 21, 1984, after a long struggle with cancer. Services were held at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York Citywhere she was eulogized as being one of the finest artists of our time who could be emulated by other future Jewish aspirants of the concert and opera stage.

1931: Birthdate of LawrenceK. Grossman, President of NBC-TV News.

1932: In Paris, FranceDolores Porges (née Neubauer) and Pierre Louis-Dreyfus who headed the Louis Dreyfus Group and French Resistance leader gave birth to Gérard Louis-Dreyfus who as William Louis-Dreyfus became Chairman of the Louis Dreyfus Energy Service the multi-billionaire who is the great grandson of Léopold Louis-Dreyfus, founder of Louis Dreyfus Group and the father of award winning actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

1933: Birthdate of actor Bernie Kopell who played Doc on the ABC hit television show, The Love Boat

1933: A memorial meeting was held this evening at Beethoven Hall in New York City honoring Dr.Chaim Arlosoroff who had been murdered last Friday. It was attended by approximately 1,000 Jews and the leaders of various branches of the Zionist movement.  In his speech, Morris Rothenberg, President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) made reference to reports that Revisionists had been connected with the murder and warned against any “rush to judgment” in determining who was responsible for the crime.

1934:Dr. Frederick B. Robinson, president of City College, and Dr. Bernard Revel, president of Yeshiva College, spoke at the third annual commencement exercises of Yeshiva College, to be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the college auditorium, 186th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.

1936(1st of Tamuz, 5696): Rosh Chodesh Tamuz

1936: The Palestine Post reported from London that the House of Commons held a full-dress debate on the Palestinecrisis. There had been unanimity of views that stern measures should be taken to restore law and order in the country. Mr. Ormsby-Gore, the colonial secretary, expressed confidence in the High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Wauchope, but was conciliatory towards the Arabs.

1936: The New York Times published a review of Judaism in Transition by Mordecai M. Kaplan.

1936: An armed band of approximately 60 Arabs attacked a convoy of Jewish owned buses on route to Tel Aviv from Haifa.A British sergeant, Henry Sills, of the Seaforth Highlanders, was killed and three privates of the Royal Scottish Fusiliers were wounded in subsequent fights between the Arab terrorists and the British troops assigned to provide protection.

1938:In the first act of terrorism to take place in Tel Aviv, a bomb was thrown near a movie theatre seriously injuring a child.

1939: At the World’s Fair in New York,  New Jersey Hadassah Day is celebrated with luncheons at the Café Tel Aviv and Toffenettti’s Restaurant while Dr. Albert Einstein and Rabbi Stephen Wise are the scheduled speakers at a luncheon for Rho Pi Phi Fraternity at the Café Tel Aviv.

1940: Francesurrendered to Germany, a move that would doom the Jews of France as well as Jews from across Europe who had sought refuge in France before the start of World War II.

1940: Prime Minister Winston Churchill “received a telegram from Lord Lothian, the British Ambassador in Washington, stating that the Jews in the United States ‘want Jews in Palestine to be organized under British command to defend Palestine from outside attack and to help the Allies.’  If Palestine were overrun (by the Nazis) and Jews had not been put in a position to defend their country, there would certainly be a most deplorable effect on American Jews’ opinion.’”

1942: At Tirzt Zevi, Israel, the temperature reached 129 degrees F (54 degrees C)

1943: Himmler ordered the destruction of all ghettos in Russia. .

1943(18th of Sivan, 5703): In Lvov, The Germans murdered most of the remaining ghetto population.

1943(18th of Sivan, 5703): All Jewish workers at municipal factories in Drogobych, Ukraine, are killed.

1943: Raymond Aubrac was one of eight senior Resistance leaders secretly meeting in a doctor's surgery in the Lyon suburb of Caluire when Gestapo officers, under the orders of Klaus Barbie, stormed the place and arrested all the eight leaders after having been tipped off by a turncoat member of the Resistance whose identity remains a mystery to this date.

1943: German Professor August Hirt chooses 103 Jewish men and women at Auschwitzto be transported to the Natzweiler-Struthof camp near Strasbourg, France. There they are gassed. The soft tissues of their bodies are removed, and their skeletons are strung up as exhibits in the Reich Anatomical Institute of Strasbourg for the study of the Jewish race

1944: The British Foreign Office informs Prime Minister Churchill that ‘Marshall Tito (the Yugoslav Communist leading the partisans) has consented to facilitate the escape of Jewish refugees through his lines from Hungary with the idea that they should reach southern Italy, via Dalmatia.

1945: Guy Liddell, head of counter-espionage at MI5, kept during the 1940s and 50s dictated a diary entry to his secretary about a visit to his office by a British War Crimes Executive official, and representatives of MI6 and the Special Operations Executive, looking for evidence to support a war crimes prosecution in which he expressed his opinion that instead of formal war crime trials, any people found to have committed crimes should be arrested by the military and punished accordingly.

1946: Birthdate of Conservative Party MP Sir Malcolm Leslie Rifkind

1947: Birthdate of Dr. Rachel Adato, the native of Haifa who held several public health positions including vice president of Sha’arei Tzedek Medical Center before serving two terms as an MK.

1948: The Rhodes Conference on the Israeli-Arab war opened. Rhodes is an island in the Mediterraneanoff the coast of Greecewhere the meetings were held. The negotiations were master-minded by Ralph Bunche. Bunche was an African-American diplomat who was a leader of the newly formed United Nations. The negotiations led to armistice agreements between the different Arab states and the state of Israel. Bunche earned the Nobel Prize for Peace as a reward for his efforts.

1950: “Rabbi Judah L. Maimon, Minister for Religious Affairs” stormed out of a cabinet meeting today, claiming that he was resigning from Ben Gurion’s government.  Maimon was protesting the cuts to his department’s budget, the purchase of surplus meat from the United States that “does not conform to religious dietary laws” and what he claims are the failure of the government to enforce the strict observance of the laws of Kashrut in Israeli army kitchens.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that Iraq charged that Jews had stored arms and ammunition in Baghdad and put a stop to Jewish emigration, pending an investigation. But planes carrying enforce the strict observance of the laws of Kashrut in Israeli army kitchens.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Post Office planned to establish its own bank, under the new Postal Bank Law.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that at least 35 political parties put up candidates for the forthcoming Second Knesset elections. (This number was later reduced to 20.)

1956:  Playwright Arthur Miller appeared before H.U.A.C. and refused to implicate anybody as having taken part in Communists activities

1964(11th of Tammuz, 5724): Three Civil Rights workers, Andrew Goodman, James Cheney and Mickey Schwermer were brutally murdered in Neshoba County, Mississippi by members of the Ku Klux Klan. Goodman and Schwermer were both Jewish. Cheney was an Afro-American. Goodman and Schwermer had come South as part of group who were determined to help Blacks register to vote. An all-white jury acquitted their killers, who included local law enforcement officials, of murder charges. They were later prosecuted in federal court and found guilty of having deprived the young trio of their civil rights. Goodman and Schwermer were part of a whole cadre of Jews who participated in the fight for equality for Blacks. This reality makes a sad counter-point to the anti-Semitic speeches of people like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan.

1969:  In response to Egyptian artillery attacks and other hostile acts, Israeli naval commandos attack and destroy the Egyptian radar facility at Ras El-Adabiya. The destruction of the radar complex left the Egyptians “blind” when Israeli jets attacked the artillery bases that had been firing on the Israelis.

1975(12th of Tammuz, 5735): Seventy-four year old Ukrainian born American composer David Tamkin passed away today.

1976:The Jerusalem Post reported that the American navy evacuated 300 foreigners from Beirut.

1976:The Jerusalem Post reported that a $15m. annual propaganda program, designed to swing the American public opinion away from Israeland toward the Arabs was reported in the US.

1977:  Menachem Begin became the sixth Prime Minister of Israel.  This marked a major shift in Israeli politics.  The Labor-Zionists who had dominated the government since the start of the state were out and the Revisionists had gained power.  This reversal in fortune had many causes including corruption in the Labor Party and shifting demographics in Israel.

1980: On the 41st anniversary of the creation of Camp Gurs, a reunion of hundred former detainees, members of the French resistance and “survivors of the Nazi death camps came to an end.  This was the second of what has become annual event thanks, in part, to the efforts of L'Amicale de Gurs, which was formed at this second reunion.

1981(19th of Sivan, 5741):Isadore Blumenfeld a Jewish-American organized crime figure based in Minneapolis, Minnesota known as Kid Cann, passed away.

1985:  Scientists reported that skeletal remains exhumed in Brazil were Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death at Auschwitz.  Mengele escaped punishment after the war, thanks in no small part to support from his family in Germany.

1987(24th of Sivan, 5747):Abram Chasins “an American composer, pianist, piano teacher, lecturer, musicologist, music broadcaster, radio executive and author” passed away.

1996: Good Morning America film critic Joel Siegel married artist Ena Swansea.

1998: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Cardozo by Andrew L. Kaufman

2003: The Martin Beck Theatre in New York was renamed the Al Hirschfeld Theatre.

2003(21st of Sivan, 5763):  Novelist Leon Uris passed away.  Uris first reached popular and critical acclaim with Battle Cry a novel about Marines fighting World War II.  Coincidentally, Uris had served with the Marines.  He hit the literary and financial jackpot with Exodus, a novel that depicted the birth of the state of Israel.  He followed with other books with Jewish themes including Mila 18, QBVII,  The Haj  and Mitla Pass.

2003(21st of Sivan, 5763):  Eighty-one year old screenwriter, playwright, producer and director George Axelrod, the  son of non-Jewish screen star and a Russian Jew, passed away today. (As reported by Rick Lyman)

2004: Wrestler Matt Bloom tore a rotator cuff.

2004:Human rights activist Felice Gaer addressed the United Nations Conference on Anti-Semitism

2004: A foreign worker, Weerachai Wongput, 37, from the Nong Han District of the northeastern province of Udon Thani in Thailand, died after being hit by shrapnel from a mortar fired into greenhouses in Kfar Darom in the Gaza Strip. The mortar was fired by Palestinians trying to divert attention from an attempt to infiltrate the settlement. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack

2007(5th of Tammuz, 5767): Twenty-five year old Private First Class Daniel J. Agami, was killed by an improvised explosive device in Adhamiya, Iraq today. A native of Cleveland who grew up in Coral Springs, Florida, Agami came from a proud military and Jewish tradition.  His grandfather served in the Korean War and his father had served with the Israeli Army.  He enlisted four years after 9/11. “Agami flew an Israeli flag over his bunk in Schweinfurt, Germany, his home base, and then in Iraq. His rifle had “Hebrew Hammer” written across it, and his friends called him the GI Jew.

2007:In Los Angeles, Mäni’s Bakery of Los Angeles teams up with Camp Max Straus on in a chocolate cake tasting, with 100% of the proceeds benefiting Camp Max Straus. Camp Max Straus provides year-round residential and weekend mentoring programs for under-served children between the ages of 7-12 who primarily come from single (or substitute) parent homes, regardless of their ability to pay. The camp is non-denominational and is owned and operated by Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles. It serves approximately 2,000 children each year. Founded in 1915, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles specializes in mentoring children through its core matching program, school-based mentoring program and Camp Max Straus residential, Sports Buddies and Arts Buddies programs. 

2008: In Washington, D.C. former New York Times reporter Jane Fletcher Geniesse discusses and signs her new book, American Priestess: The Extraordinary Story of Anna Spafford and the American Colony in Jerusalem at Politics and Prose Bookstore.

2009: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Digital Barbarism: A Writer’s Manifesto by Mark Helprin

2009: The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including In Her Own Sweet Time by Rachel Lehmann-Haupt

2009:The Sixth Australian Israel Film Festival, sponsored by AICE, the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange, opens at the Jerusalem Cinematheque with a screening of “Tackling Peace,” a documentary  about a joint Israeli/Palestinian team that was established to enter the 2008 AFL (Australian Rules) International Cup soccer competition, which was held in Victoria, Australia, last August.

2009:The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Consulate General of Israel in New York, the Israel Ministry of Tourism, the Israel Government Tourist Office in New York, and the Tel Aviv-Yafo Centennial Administration join together to sponsor The Tel Aviv Beach Party, part of the celebration of Tel Aviv’s 100th Anniversary. The Tel Aviv Beach Party will feature free beach games, tanning spots, giveaways, and a rock concert as the Naumberg Bandshell area in Central Park is transformed into an authentic Mediterranean beach front complete with, a 1,300 square foot sand section featuring chairs and parasols will allow sunbathing fans the perfect tanning experience.

2010:The Sixth Republic Bank Golf Challenge benefiting Jewish Family & Career Services and the Jewish Community of Louisville's Jewish Community Center of Louisville is scheduled to be held today at Chariot Run, a Harrah's Golf Course.

2010:The Jewish Agency’s new strategic plan will place the state and land of Israel squarely at the center of Diaspora consciousness, according to a statement Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky made to the Jerusalem Post today.

2011: Family in Captivity, a film that “is an intimate story that follows the day to day efforts of the Shalit family to cope and bring Gilad home” is scheduled to be shown at The JCC in Manhattan.
2011: The Kaye Innovation Awards are scheduled to be presented today during the Board Of Governors Meeting of the Hebrew University. The prizes were established in 1994 by Isaac Kaye – a prominent industrialist in the British pharmaceutical industry – to encourage HU faculty, staff and students to develop innovative methods and inventions with good commercial potential that will benefit the university and society. The winners are Prof. Haim Rabinowitch, Prof. Dan Gazit, Dr. Raanan Fattal, Katy Margulis- Goshen and Yftah Tal-Gan, Prof. Haim Rabinowitch of the university’s Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment has been named winner of the first prize.
2011:Israel runs the risk of losing the battle for public opinion in Latin America if it doesn’t devote more resources to its advocacy efforts there, Jewish officials from that part of the world warned at the World Jewish Congress, which drew to a close today.

2011:Richard Stone, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and conference executive vice president Malcolm Hoenlein expressed dismay and regret today that Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard was not allowed to attend the funeral of his father Morris in Indiana the day before.
2011:Lithuania's parliament passed a long-awaited bill to compensate the Jewish community for communal property taken during the Nazi and Soviet occupations of the country. More than 90 percent of Lithuania's 220,000-strong Jewish community were wiped out during the Holocaust

2011(19th of Sivan, 5771): Eighty-three year old Jewish feminist author E.M. Broner passed away today in New York. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2012: JSSA (Jewish Social Service Agency) is scheduled to host an open house at the Ina Kay Building in Rockville, MD

2012: The Weiner Library is scheduled to host a special tour as part of Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month, which will include a viewing exhibitions, archives and special collections relating to the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the Gypsy Roma Traveller experience during the Holocaust.
2012: “Going Up: Jerusalem,” part of the Jerusalem Season of Culture is scheduled to open today.
2012: Marianne Lubar is scheduled to receive the Spirit Community Award at a community luncheon at the Jewish Museum of Milwaukee.
2012: Sabra Alon Yavnai and his Big Band are scheduled to perform at Bryant Park.
2012:At least five rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip at the southern city of Ashkelon this evening as cross-border violence restarted after a day-long lull.
2012: Professor Peter Beinart and Abe Foxman were among those who spoke at the “What does World Jewry Expect from Israel?” conference.
2012(1st of Tammuz, 5772): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz
2012: Police detained a female activist at the Western Wall for over three hours today because she was wearing a “male-style” tallit. The incident took place after 65 women from the Women of the Wall organization concluded their Rosh Chodesh prayer service.(As reported by Jeremy Sharon and Melanie Lidman)
2012(1st of Tammuz, 5772): Ninety year old, the composer and lyricist who created “The Pajama Game” and “Damn Yankees” two Broadway musicals that were cinema successes passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/23/arts/music/richard-adler-collaborator-on-pajama-game-and-damn-yankees-dies-at-90.html
2012: Indian security forces arrested Sayed Zabiuddin Ansari alias Abu Hamza, alleged member of Lashker-e-Taiba (Army of the Righteous) and the Hindi instructor of 10 terrorists who executed the murderous attack in Mumbai in 2008.
2012(1st of Tammuz, 5772): Ninety-Six year old Anna Schwartz, the research economists who collaborated with Milton Friedman, passed away today, (As reported by Robert D. Hershey)
2013: The International Consortium for Research on Antisemitism and Racism, hosted by the Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism is scheduled to come to an end at the University of London
2013: Steve Schutzman’s “A Question of Water” under the direction of Tzipora Kaplan is scheduled to be performed as part of the Jewish Plays Projec
2013(13thof Tammuz, 5773): AJewish man was killed this morning at the Western Wall plaza in Jerusalem after being shot multiple times by a security guard.  The guard told police that 46-year-old Doron Ben Shlush was in a public bathroom onsite, and that he shouted “Allahu Akbar,” an Arabic phrase meaning “God is greater.” The phrase, though common in Muslim parlance, has historically been shouted by terrorists ahead of perpetrating attacks in Israel
2013:The US will cut five percent, or $175 million, from its annual military aid package to Israel as part of across-the-board budgetary spending cuts Maarivreported today.  
2014: Israeli accordion virtuoso Uri Sharlin and his quartet are scheduled to “play original compositions that blend jazz and classical influences with Balkan rhythms, Arabic modes, and Brazilian harmonies” at Harold Square.
2014: National Hebrew Book Week is scheduled to come to an end.


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